#linked universe theater au
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wintertimestoryteller · 2 years ago
Apologies I haven't posted the next scene, life's been busy but it should be coming soon, but for now I'll leave a preview of it for y'all, though things might change depending on Tumblr's word count limit and wether or not I decide to also post this on AO3.
@luimagines . It's not complete at all yet but once again, thank you for all your work in the fandom and go check them out for the original prompt.
Preview to Opening Act, Scene IIII
The hooded and masked figure twitched, head listing lazily to the side, unhurried, as if bored or maybe dissapointed as they sighed apathetically, it gave you gooseflesh, but you dared not move an inch, struggling against your own limbs and with the Shadow at your back, "You know I wouldn't have taken the heroes of Hyrule for liars and oath breakers, and also against the laws of hospitality. Shooting arrows and magic at your host within their own home? For shame! Didn't your parents teach you better?"
You could see how each of the heroes bristled, but seeing crimson beading against your unwilling, trapped skin stayed their blade, though that did not stop Legend from snarling up at the hidden figure, sipping tea as if it was watching an incredibly entertaining play, "Oath breakers? That's rich coming from you! You said we could stay here safely and then leave once the storm was over!"
"And you attacked one of our first." Added Warriors, his tone as glacial as the winter winds, enough to freeze anyone down to the marrow.
They incline their head, voice distorted, the screaming echo of scavengers like nails on chalkboard and as refined as a well curated blade, "True, though I never said you'd all leave unharmed, did I? And you didn't keep your end of the deal either." Their tone goes dryer, as they throw the tea cup away without a care in favor of throwing their hands up, as if it was the Chain being unreasonable and not the person who presumably did something to Shadow and Hyrule's own Shade, you can see Sky barely keeping his grip on an enraged Four, "Besides! I didn't attack them, they kindly volunteered to go up stage on their own. You're all so up in arms for something that's part of the performance, a little injury is a small price to pay for the bit."
"A 'little injury'?! I doubt they'd try cutting off their own hands for a BIT." Stressed Hyrule, in response to that, the cloaked person shrugged.
"I mean a little disarment never killed anyone."
Wild looked seconds from firing another arrow, teeth gritted and bared as Twilight sent a furious glare to the one perched atop the stage, just above the lights, ready to knock them down and crush you if needed be, "I'm pretty sure it has, actually."
"Anyway! You're all so caught up on semantics, by the Three, so uptight. Does having the splinters so far up there not sting?" they glanced at the Shadow, the obsidian and granite lizalfos glancing back at them before hissing at Time, ready to lunge, teeth stained with Director Raven's blood, "This the kind of tough crowd you have to deal with? Yeesh, no wonder you yap more than a kicked dog at times." They turn back to the Chain, clapping their hands, "In any case, let's make another deal, shall we? I'm a playwright of my word, you could leave your little friend here to become one of my actors and go on your merry way."
You swore you felt your heart stop, blood rushing in your ears, you barely caught the sharp glint of a hollow smile beneath the crow shaped mask and their next words, "Or! If you're really that attached-", they send you a bemused look, "Can't see why but hey," shrugging, they continue on, unrelenting like a hunting wolf, "You can act instead. I'll send you all into different tales and should you finish them in accordance to the script, I may let you just leave without too much of a fuss. No catches." They point to the Shadow, "Can't make any promises for that one though, it's a solo act you see, if anything I'm just lending the venue."
"And if we refuse?" Probed Time, you could see the gears turning in his head like clockwork, trying to find a way to swing this in everyone's favor so you all can get out alive.
The vulture in crow skin only smiled wider, "Then none of us gets them and you die here, I'll let the Shadow tear you apart to it's void soul's delight, and kill them on the spot." The blades press against your arms against your will, and you twitch, trying to wrestle control back and only getting pain for you troubles, muffling a yell, "Maybe put them in a soup and make jewelry out of the bones that I don't reuse in a broth, I'd look pretty dashing in a crown." They giggle, unhinged cruelty into every word as they clap their hands, voice rising to a screeching crescendo, "Oh oh! Or just roll them down a barrel filled with spikes on a hill, or make them dance and dance and dance on hot iron shoes until they drop dead! Haven't decided yet, so many choices, so little time. It's almost enough to leave me hot and bothered."
The true owner of the theater sighed, longingly hugging themselves before turning a cold, hard tone to the heroes, "You sure you want to risk that?"
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plant-acts · 9 months ago
More LU College Theater AU as Things My Friends Have Said
(Also, this AU now has a name! It is "The Biggest Little Theatre" AU)
Hyrule: The cast meeting today is an intervention for Legend to stop eating Tic Tacs.
Legend (shoving a handful of Tic Tacs into his mouth): Huh?
Wind (Telling a story): So, as you can imagine, shit hits the fan like a dozen different times... simultaneously.
Twilight: How many sugar plates did you break!?!?
Wild (surrounded by broken sugar glass): ...a number between one and all of them.
Spirit: Autism is a hell of a drug.
Time: What is a waifu?
Warriors (chokes on his drink): WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT!?
Sky (Talking to a fly): I'm going to turn you into a Walk if you don't stop buzzing around.
Red: Can I taste the fog juice?
Blue: Please don't.
Red: (Tastes the fog juice anyway): It's sickly sweet. I kinda like it.
(P.S, It's been a while but my ask box is open if you want to know more about this AU! I also take writing requests!)
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bokettochild · 2 years ago
LU Opera AU
Links, Zeldas and other major characters run a moderately successful opera house/musical theater. Some are onstage, others are in the orchestra pit or are working Behind The Scenes (special effects, costuming, etc)
Wars is the headlining diva singer
I love it
I can see Four and Flora as like, the special effects crew, they handle anything and everything that isn't the actors and they're fantastic at it.
Lullaby is their director/the owner of the opera house, and Time is her trusty right hand who also acts as the choreography director and main stunt writer. He doesn't preform, but he runs the actors through their hoops before they can even think of stepping out onto the stage.
I see Wind less as a performer and more like the gopher, and Legend is less an actor and more a jack-of-all-trades. Costume department had a flummox? Call Legend, he'll fix it. One of the props is missing? Legend will find something you can use until that one shows up again. Someone's sick? Get a wig and a dress, Legend will fill in tonight. Just, dude does everything, but never consistently, and never without complaining at least a little.
Warriors would totally be a diva 100%, but he also works hard for it and puts his all into every role. Blood, sweat, and tears, baby, literally. He loves his work and will do whatever it takes to keep his role and status (short of harming someone else of course)
I see Twilight as playing one of two roles, or potentially both. He's the top stunt guy, but he also does the heavy lifting backstage and helps craft the sets with Four. Both are decent actors to boot, so if they need a large cast, both will fill in roles that suit them (Four ends up playing the villain a lot for some reason) as long as someone else can cover their asses in other departments (Flora had lights/sounds covered, no worries)
Wild is that one actor who plays random roles whenever is needed, and he's a comedy genius. My current manager's husband and I were in theater club together and he was brilliant with turning boring moments into comedy gold, and Wild does this 100%. He's best when paired with Fable (they make a good team in SMASH I hear) and they're a brilliant duo, although Legend threatens Wild about his sister a LOT.
Dusk and Artemis are both Warriors' most common co-stars (besides Twilight, Lullaby likes playing up their contrast with each other on stage) and Dusk takes an almost mentorly role with the younger woman. They and Warriors make up the Diva Trio of the group and are the ones who's names pull in teh most money. The only downside is that while Artemis and Wars can both sing, Dusk cannot and it's kinda acting as a road-block in her career.
For this reason, I can see Malon as a music coach Time hired (and is totally not falling in love with, what are you talking about) who kinda just works beside Ravio (their in house prop maker)to get this group of dedicated idiots to take care of themselves. not that Time's sisters and brothers (Saria and the others) don't try, but they don't work there.
Honestly, i'm running out of ideas. But to finish off Sky would be Time's best student. I mean, his sword-fighting and stunts are through the roof (sometimes literally) and he enjoys most of his work. maybe because he has a sword-fighting instructor outside of work (Fi) but that's beside the point.
Hyrule is the new kid who signed on to help Legend and Ravio with props and costumes and stuff, but he's like, really talented and crap and all the teams are trying to poach him from Leg and Rav, despite how fiercely protective of him they are. He's not exactly comfortable with the idea of performing yet, but everyone is trying to have him at least try (were this a story, warriors would try and coach him, end up mysteriously and plot-relevantly sick/injured and Hyrule would have to heroically step up and fill his role because Legend can't for some reason)
Okay that's all I got, sorry for the dump, but inspiration hit me like a lightning bolt to Legend's boat
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plant-acts · 11 months ago
Ironically, I'm at dress rehearsal and I just saw this, but-
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Legend and Warriors from @plant-acts 's LU theatre au !!! I love this au so much and as a theatre kid, the whole thing is just amazing-
Please go support them !!!!
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ahllohehn · 8 months ago
Hermits and The Olympians/Emperors of Olympus is a Hermitcraft/Empires SMP based Percy Jackson AU based off my art and headcanons!
(Please do not use the tags for other PJO AUs as I use them to specifically label what's based off mine.)
Seperated by art/doodles, headcanons/discussion, fanfics:
OTHER HaTO Related Links:
HaTO Roleplay Blogs Masterpost by gem-the-oracle HaTO Archive of Our Own Series HaTO Discord Server
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heartsandsparksshipweek · 2 months ago
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It's time to make some new memories with another installment of Hearts and Sparks ship week!
Day 1: Promise/ Laughter
Day 2: Illness/ Treat
Day3: Game/ Fantasy AU
Day 4: Cooking/ Gift
Day 5: Bold/ Bashful
Day 6: Theater/ Light
Day 7: Court/ Alternate Universe
Snap some photos of your favorite Cybertronian/non-Cybertronian ships! Link to the Q and A.
Panels from Marvel Transformers #20 "Showdown!"
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gryphonlover · 9 months ago
Linked Universe AU Directory
Anyway, I didn't put every single AU on this thing. I do not have the time and energy for that because there's over 600 LU works tagged as alternate universes on Ao3. I did follow some general guidelines when I was deciding which works to add, the most important one being that the AU had to be more than just canon divergence and had to affect all the characters equally. Feel free to add onto this post, if you think something is missing.
Link to the Ao3 Collection
Age Swap | Age Shuffle AU
Apocalypse - Unspecified | Brothers In Arms
Apocalypse - Zombies | Autolysis
Apocalypse - Zombies | LU Zombie AU
Fae | Across the River
Fae | Flower Garden
Fae | From Open Seas, to Dark Tangled Depths
Folklore | If You Thought This Was Gonna Have a Cool Title, You Obviously Don't Know Me
Fusion - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland | Hyrule's Adventures in Wonderland
Fusion - Among Us | Good Riddance
Fusion - Atlantis: The Lost Empire | The Sage's Journal
Fusion - Big Hero 6 | Fierce Hero 9
Fusion - Captain America: Civil War | United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Fusion - Dungeons & Dragons | LU x DnD Crossover
Fusion - Full House | Full House AU
Fusion - Lethal Company | Linked Company AU
Fusion - Lethal Company | Linked Universe AU: Lethal Company
Fusion - Mad Max | And the World Ends Again
Fusion - Monstrous Regiment | Linked Regiment
Fusion - Nailed It! | You Really Nailed it Right There, Buddy!
Fusion - Pokémon | LU Pokémon AU
Fusion - Pride and Prejudice | Pride and Prejudice but it's a Fair-Play Whodunnit
Fusion - Tangled | LU Tangled AU
Fusion - The Hunger Games | LU Hunger Games AU
Fusion - The Incredibles | Linked Universe Incredibles AU
Fusion - The Secret World of Arrietty | The Secret World of Wild and Twilight
Fusion - Spirited Away | One Summer's Day
Fusion - Star Wars | Tales of Courage from Across the Galaxy
Fusion - Warrior Cats | Faronclan AU
Gods & Goddesses | And the Universe Said "I Love You"
Heist | Heist AU
Historical - 1800s | City of Light and Dark
Historical - Supernatural | 1931
Science Fiction - Space Crew | Linked Nexus
Mermaids | Flared Fins
Miscellaneous - Disability | Shatterproof
Miscellaneous - Intrigue | Castle Intrigue
Miscellaneous - Magic | We Could be Immortals
Miscellaneous - Unspecified | Eyes Wide Open
Miscellaneous - Unspecified | Manus Lupus
Modern | Adoption AU
Modern | Good Enough
Modern | In the Heart of Hyrule
Modern | LU Modern AU
Modern | Modern Zeldas AU
Modern | Ranch House AU
Modern | The Many Realities of the Hero Spirit and Modern Living
Modern | The Roadtrip AU
Modern | The Weather Outside is Frightful
Modern - Actors | Linked Universe Actor AU
Modern - Coffeeshop/Café | Looking for Group
Modern - College/University | All You Need to Know
Modern - College/University | Linked University
Modern - College/University | Oh No, They're Theater Kids Now
Modern - College/University | RIP
Modern - Emergency Services | Of Officers and Stuffed Elephants
Modern - Farm | Fresh from the Farm
Modern - Ghost Hunters | A Haunting in Hyrule
Modern - Healthcare | How to Save a Life
Modern - Healthcare | LU in Healthcare
Modern - Magic | Everything but Blood
Modern - Magic | Family is Made of...
Modern - Magic | Maybe Human 
Modern - Magic | Summer Camp Lon!
Modern - Magic | The Chain that Binds Us
Modern - Magic | Wild's Magic Shop AU
Modern - Monsters | Here There Be Monsters
Modern - Movie Theater | There's a Remlit... Loose in the Theater!
Modern - Music Camp | Linked Repertoire
Modern - Newsroom | BSX: Hyrule SatellaNews
Modern - Newsroom | Professions and Professionals
Modern - Office | Linked Corporations
Modern - Opera | Opera House AU
Modern - Retail | The Hot Topic Debate
Modern - Retail | What Goes Down at Festival Foods
Monsters | Seelies and Selkies
Murder Mystery | How to Kill a God
Post-Nuclear War | Chain Reaction
Royalty | Every Other Star
Royalty | I'll Be There
Royalty | Royal Links AU
Royalty | Lost Prince AU Part 1 & Lost Prince AU Part 2
Soulmates - Platonic | Marks on Your Body, Marks on Your Soul
Soulmates - Romantic | Castle Town Coffee Shop
Vigilantes | Empty Streets Full of Life
Vigilantes | We Will Find You, Wherever You Are
Wings | Four's a Dad!?
Wings | Wings AU
Wings | Wing Bois
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wannab-urs · 3 months ago
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Pedro Pascal Character Fic Recs | Vol 42
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Howdy Folks,
guess who's back! I don't know if I'm back to doing these consistently, but I have a hell of a list for y'all. Tags and summaries provided by the author, commentary provided by yours truly.
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Mindfuck - Dave one shot by @whatsnewalycat
He said he could rattle the bees from your buzzing honeycomb brain. All you had to do was trust him with this power. So you did. And you do. Your valiant beekeeper meets you at this hotel every other Tuesday night, except on holidays.
Hypnotism, hypnosis-kink, Imperfect Praxis of Hypnosis, Humiliation, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Praise Kink, Smut, unprotected piv, D/s dynamic, Dom Dave, Mindfuck
One of the weirdest things I've ever read, but also one of the best. I was super into this. Mindfucking is WILD.... I'd read more of this universe in a heartbeat
Bittersweet Love - Dieter one shot by @ozarkthedog
Dieter is in recovery from drug addiction, the disease that cost him you. This is his first premiere after getting clean and his first one without you.
angst but with a happy ending! mentions of drug use and alcohol but nothing graphic.
This is such a sweet fic? That might be a weird way to describe it. I just love Dieter getting his shit together and all the good coming his way because of it.
Starlet - Dieter one shot by @whocaresstillthelouvre
Your husband has a big movie premiere, sure he looks great, but his co-star looks even better.
PWP, threesome, smut, fingering, oral (f receiving), lesbian fun, unprotected p in v sex, cum eating, addiction talk, sober Dieter, Kit Kats, I wrote this for the bi girls.
This fic is a dream, seriously. I want a hot movie star husband to bring pretty movie star women into my bed please and thank you.
Pas de Deux - Din series by @burntheedges
When Din Djarin – principal dancer at Concordia Ballet Company and generational talent in the classical style – suddenly left CBC and joined the Nevarro Ballet Theater mid-season, it shocked the ballet world. You never would have guessed that he would change your life, too.
modern AU, ballet AU, fluff, angst, flirting, dancing, lots of ballet terms (I’ll define things/link videos/etc. -- see below), misunderstandings, character study, romance, pet names (sweetheart, beautiful), lots of tension, later: smut, kissing, grinding, fingering, p-in-v sex, creampie, each chapter will have its own tags, Din lifts reader (see note below about reader)
This is one of the few modern Din AUs I've read, as I tend not to like them, but I can't recommend this enough. I was drawn in by the summary and hooked by the first chapter!
Never Let Me Go - Ezra one shot by @yopossum
Loving, reverent domestic smut with sweet, submissive Ezra.
SMUT; no plot that’s it just porn but with FEELINGS; sub!Ezra; established relationship; super duper in love; domestic fluff; comfort; gratuitous pet names; praise kink; body worship; body hair; grinding; breast and nipple play; teasing/edging if you squint; light bondage; riding; PIV; no condom (there’s come y’all); religious language and imagery as literary device; Ezra the human thesaurus; prose gettin purple; making grown men whine and cry; reader is not gendered, has breasts and a vulva/vagina, is described as having puffed nipples and dimpled thighs, can straddle Ezra, but no coloring, size, appearance, age, or ability is otherwise noted; Ezra is an amputee and healed and we love it (no gore or trauma or background re: his arm); but I did write this because I was watching Prospect without actually watching and was inspired by *~*those sounds*~* out of context tho; Beatrice is not reader’s name, just a nerdy Dante reference; I stole this title from Florence Welch; old person on tumblr; is this spacing wack?; not a beta in sight; 18+ only no minors
SUBMISSIVE EZRA!!! I loved this. Such a gorgeous fic.
Stick Buddies - Frankie series by @auteurdelabre
You and Frankie find yourselves in a complicated situation when invited to Benny's wedding for a week in Mexico. Despite your strained friendship, you both pretend to be a couple to save Frankie embarrassment when seeing his recently engaged ex wife. However as you navigate through this charade, old feelings and unresolved issues resurface.
friends to enemies, angst, fake relationship, bickering, there's only one bed, destination weddings, enemies to lovers, jealousy, idiots in love, revealed secrets, mutual pining, smut, HEA, so many fucking tropes.
friends to enemies to lovers??? Sign me the fuck up.
Where You Left Me - Frankie one shot by @chaotic-mystery
You meet Frankie for a date and reminisce about your relationship.
MAJOR character death. No movie AU but fuck Tom. This is overall angst heavy and please take care of yourself. Grief & loss, sadness, memories, I think that’s it? It’s just overall a bittersweet and tragically lovesick story. There’s no physical descriptions of reader other than wearing a black dress at one point and having hair that tickles Frankie’s nose. no y/n used
This shit made me cry in the best way. Please read this.
One of Your Girls - Frankie one shot by @pedropeach
unpacking some of frankie's old things leads to a revelation about his past. (OR to put it simply: frankie morales x triple frontier boys circle jerk)
Circle Jerk, Sub!Frankie, Bukkake, Facials, Cumplay, Cum Swallowing, frankie is literally a cum dumpster (and loves it), Praise Kink, Pet Names, Dirty Talk, oral (m receiving), Deepthroating, Cock Worship, Use of restraints, Sexy Photographs, Sharing, brief mentions of anal sex (m/m), for story purposes you are frankie's current gf, frankie x all the guys individually, this includes tom but he's not part of the circle jerk, sry tom
Really was not expecting this to be as tender and soft and sweet as it is considering it's one of the more filthy things I've ever read. Absolutely love it.
I'll Carry You - Javi P series by @almostfoxglove
You reunite with your childhood best friend when he arrives home from Colombia. Javier's sudden return to your life exhumes buried heartbreak, but he longs to set things right.
Eventual smut. Reference to canon-typical violence, injury, and the death of a parent. Plenty of alcohol consumption, yearning, and angst. YEARNING!!!
The yearning is exquisite. The fic is exquisite. I'm in love with this fic
Remorse for Remedy - Joel series by @pedgito
Alone, the Miller's brothers seem like your only hope. The outbreak is still fresh, weeks after the fall and all that matters is survival and the unlikely comfort that comes along with a man who wants nothing to do with you.
early outbreak, canon typical violence, morally grey!joel, smut (warnings given with each chapters), exploration of kinks, enemies to lovers, age gap (early 20s/mid 30s), unhealthy coping mechanisms, detailed warning with each chapter
I haven't ever read a series about Joel immediately post outbreak, which is wild. It's always raider!joel or qz!joel or jackson!joel. I love this new perspective and I'm so excited to read more.
Biology - Joel one shot by @endlessthxxghts
Joel hurt his back at work, so you've been helping him around the house until he heals.
able-bodied, female sex anatomy, and inherently fem!reader. No description of reader, everything is neutral (ex. “your bottoms,” “the curve of you” — nothing is specific in the way “you” are described). Age gap (reader early 20s, Joel in 50s). EXPLICIT MATERIAL PRESENT. HEED THE WARNINGS. WEIRD boundaries are crossed…you're not blood-related to Joel, but you were raised like you were. You call him “uncle.” Pet names (baby, darlin’, sweetheart, etc.). Pussy pronouns (she). Innocent touches until it isn't. Sexual tension galore. Slight dub-con. Icky Joel. Icky reader. Pussy grinding. Dirty talk. Slight degradation (“bitch” is used only once). Multiple orgasms. P in V unprotected. Reader is on top. Lots of teasing about the nature of yours and Joel’s relationship.
Well slap me silly and call me an uncle fucker because this fic was amazing. (they're not really related don't. look. at. ME.)
The Savage and the Sanctuary - Joel series by @justagalwhowrites
After the death of his daughter, Joel Miller fell apart. But when searching for answers at the bottom of a bottle and within his own rage doesn't fix it, he resigns himself to working for his brother in private security. It's a job that starts him down the path to stability and a semblance of a life, even if it's not one he particularly wants. At least it does until you show up. The biggest movie star in the world with your newly adopted niece in tow, you throw everything about Joel's life into flux. Is he capable of letting himself feel something again while protecting the only things left in the world that matter?
Protective Joel, Ellie & Joel Bonding, Joel is Bad at Feelings, POV Joel, Joel Needs a Hug, Alternate Universe - No Cordyceps Outbreak, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn
So pumped for a new Kit fic. Super into bodyguard Joel. The angst right out the gate is so beautifully painful, I just know I'm gonna cry once a chapter at least. (i've only read one chapter, so I have some catching up to do!)
Professor's Pet - Joel one shot by @chaotic-mystery
Professor Miller wants you to teach the class tomorrow morning & you need help being less nervous. What if he’s the reason you’re nervous, though?
Age gap but not specified, power imbalance (professor x TA, reader stutters when nervous, academic weapon, teasing, fingering, one (1) pair of panties ripped to shreds, oral (f receiving), spitting, pussy slaps, praise kink, name calling (good girl, sweetheart, baby, smart girl), dirty talk, talking you through it, spanking, condescending a little bit, cum eating, face riding, nasty freaky kisses to share your cum, no use of y/n
I cannot begin to explain how hot him helping her practice is. And then the smut.... I need a shower
Call It What It Is - Joel one shot by @joelsgreys
A disagreement over patrol duty leads to declarations that have been long overdue.
JACKSON ERA JOEL. established relationship. HEFTY AGE GAP (reader is in her 20’s and joel is 56). ellie and joel are fine bc i said so and they deserve nothing less. reader handles a rifle, joel’s a little too overprotective and almost seems controlling, but i promise he is not. well, maybe just a smidge. arguing, admission of feelings, joel miller says i love you (yes this is ooc, no i do not care bc i need this old man to tell me he loves me). angst, fluff. quite a bit of side character interaction before we get to joel and reader in the second half. the only physical description of reader is that she is shorter than joel.
We love overprotective Joel in this house
The Guard Dog - Pero Tovar one shot by @avastrasposts
Sent to your uncle's bleak castle in the north of England, you expect only a dreary existence until you meet his groundskeeper, a scarred, frightening Spaniard. But love in the Victorian era is not easy and life doesn't follow straight paths.
this is mainly all fluff with a bit of angst. Some of that casual racism and predjudice of the period rears its ugly head though. I've tried to keep the reader as blank as possible, but it's Victorian England and she's a lady so I have to presume she doesn't speak Spanish and has fair skin. No use of y/n.
This was so beautiful. I love the setting, I love the characterization, I love the story
Bloody Kisses - Tim Rockford/Dio series by @perotovar
shane has been in denial about himself for a while. newly single and with the help of one of his favorite singers, he opens his eyes to a new venture he could possibly take: the cop he sees on a semi-regular basis, detective tim rockford.
takes place in the early 00s, age gap (shane is 23, tim is 40), internalized homophobia, hurtful names (fairy boy, faggot, queer as a slur, etc), a gay porn magazine, lots of references to peter steele of type o negative (and his playgirl issue), male masturbation, acab, angst, protected p in a, fingering, excessive amounts of lube
I started reading this a while ago, but I never added it to the spreadsheet. I'm in love with how soft Tim is with Dio UgH
In the shadows of others, we grow - Tim Rockford/Dave York series by @sin-djarin
What happens when you put two different areas of law enforcement in the same room a few times a year to atone for their 'sins'? You find common ground and figure it out. Together.
M/M, Established D/s dynamics, each chapter contains individual warnings.
This pairing?? Obsessed. The feelings?!?!? Give me 14 more fics in this universe PLEASE
An End to Drought - Javi P one shot by @almostfoxglove
The future of your family's homestead hangs in the balance as Javier Peña comes home in the middle of a drought.
Javier Peña Smut, Soft Javier Peña, Sweet Javier Peña, Javier Peña Has a Big Dick, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Fluff, Neighbors,Javier might be a god? who knows!, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Penis In Vagina Sex, Oral Sex, Creampie, Sex, Vaginal Sex, unprotected piv, Freyr, References to Norse Religion & Lore, Post Season 3
I'm obsessed with the way the challenge was interpreted. Is Javi a god? We don't know... but he sure fucks like one.
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Some shit I wrote:
Make it Hurt - Logan Howlett x f!mutant!reader - sparring + pain kink
Morning Ride - Logan Howlett x f!reader - soft morning sex
You're So Dark - Dave York x f!reader - prof!Dave x student!Reader
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birbmotherpigeon · 2 days ago
University au ~~♡
these are the ships I'm aiming for:
Flower Husbands
Shiny duo
~~This is just the mother post~~
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He's studying to be a computer engineer. He's on his second year. He's on the robot boxing team.
Tango, Impulse, Etho, Doc, Zedaph, Gem, Cleo, Skizz, Bdubs
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An architect major. It's his first year he joined with most of his friends at the same time. Chronically online
Joel, Jimmy, Big B, Martyn, Gem, Pearl, Oli
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scar doesn't have a priv twitter because "I have nothing to hide" He's also an architectural major and in the theater club.
Cub, Ren, Martyn, Cleo, Lizzie
Other Computer Engineer majors
All but cub are also in the robot boxing club. (Cubs in theater bcs of Scar)
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All other Architect majors
Joel and Gem know of eachother they're both in their first semester. Bdubs is in his second year
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Theater Majors
Big B is new for the semester, the others know eachother and are in Theater club too
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English lit
Pearl and Grian are siblings cause I say so. Cleo is on her 4th year
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Chem majors (+ the uni)
Doc has already finished uni he's going for his doctorate.
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Later here will the links for parts be:
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au-roulette · 9 months ago
Happy June!
To celebrate the fact that we are now officially one month away from the start of AU Roulette, have a post detailing the 36 AUs included in this year's challenge -- or don't, if you'd rather be surprised.
This year's AUs have been curated to be intentionally broad, in the hopes that they will encourage unique takes on each prompt and the creativity of the authors participating. You are welcome to write anything that falls under the umbrella of your assigned AUs, whether it's an original universe, a fusion inspired by another fandom, or something else entirely.
(What's AU Roulette, some of you might be asking? An explanation can be found here, along with the link to sign-up!)
Without further ado -- the AU list, under a cut:
Roleswap - Maybe you want to switch two characters' places, do a class-swap for a D&D fandom, try your hand at an age-swap fic, or you have another idea.
Superhero -- Invent an original universe or do a fusion with one of the many popular big-screen superhero stories. Play it straight and give your favorite characters cool powers, or try a deconstruction of the genre. With great AUs comes great responsibility
Gothic Horror -- Castles. Ghosts. Vampires. Drama. Love that conquers Death. Take your inspiration from classic literature or a newer entry in the genre, like The Locked Tomb books. But be sure to make things spooky.
Post-Apocalypse -- Will the world end in fire or in ice? Or maybe economic collapse, war, zombies, or one of many other options? You write what happens next!
Fairy-Tale -- Pick a classic tale from the Grimms, Hans Christian Andersen, Asbjørnsen & Moe, Charles Perrault, or another favorite author to inspire your AU, try out a more modern re-telling, or use fairy-tale elements to craft your own story.
High Seas -- Including but not limited to Pirate AUs and other Age of Sail adventures. Try out something more historical, or throw in as many fantasy elements as you'd like -- or a bit of both.
Time Travel -- For fixing mistakes, making things worse, or time loops. Or maybe you want to write a fusion inspired by a piece of popular time travel media, like Doctor Who.
Western -- Another AU where writers are free to do their history research or to lean into more outlandish genre conventions. Cowboys, cowgirls, and cowpokes all welcome, of course.
Mythology -- Write a story inspired by your favorite myths and legends, from a whole host of different cultures. Or maybe you'd like to try your hand at writing some epic poetry?
Coffee Shop -- A classic everyone knows and has strong feelings about. Play it straight or add a twist, whichever suits your fancy! After all, no one said where the coffee shop has to be...
College/Academia -- Are the characters in your AU students? Professors? Weary adjuncts? Throwing hands at a conference? Some mix of the above?
Theater -- Put those characters on Broadway or cast them in a disaster of a community theater production. Or a school play! All that really matters is the show must go on.
Ghost/Cryptid Hunters -- Maybe you want to write a story starring the next Scooby-Doo crew, or maybe there really is something strange in the neighborhood. Or maybe it'll never be clear what really happened -- it's your choice!
Secret Agent -- Code words, code names, you name it. Write a story about spies, cryptographers, or any other clandestine operators. Take inspiration from history or from James Bond. Just don't spill your secrets too soon.
Detective -- Whether you're writing the world's greatest detective or someone who just can't get a clue, play up the mystery! Use a classic locale like 221B Baker Street or invent your own.
Cyberpunk -- Time to write cyborg identity crises and fight the machine (literally)! Take inspiration from classic media like Neuromancer or Blade Runner or make a totally new cyberpunk universe of your own creation.
High Fantasy -- Elves and dwarves and gnomes, oh my! This AU could encompass everything from Middle Earth to D&D AUs to your favorite high fantasy books you read over and over as a kid. Or maybe you have your own spell to weave.
Band/Musicians -- Whether you decide to make the characters in your AU famous pop stars, part of an orchestra, students at a conservatory, jamming together in their garage, or otherwise musically-inclined, have fun with it!
Reporter/Journalist -- For everything from local anchors and newspaper staff to big-league investigative reporters. Write characters who'll do anything to get a scoop or with a strong sense of justice -- it's your call!
Cosmic Horror -- You don't have to love Lovecraft to get creative with this AU. Make characters comprehend the incomprehensible, send them messages from beyond the stars, and get a little creepy.
Heist -- Will you write a story about master thieves? Vigilantes righting some wrong? What's being stolen and why? Try a Leverage AU or a caper of your own making.
Space Opera -- The genre encompassing works like The Expanse, Imperial Radch, Mass Effect, and Star Wars, brimming with galactic empires, alien species, and chivalric adventures. Write a fusion set in the universe of your favorite work in the genre, or invent a new one!
Sports/Athletics -- Pick a sport, any sport -- whether a team game like hockey, an individual one like archery, a paired one like figure skating, or something a little unconventional, like roller derby or HEMA. Then it's ready, set, write!
Historical Era -- An AU type absolutely bursting with potential, from medieval romances to 1920s Prohibition AUs, to ones inspired by historical fiction like Les Miserables. Whatever era of history strikes your fancy, you can write it.
Road Trip -- Pack your favorite characters in a car and don't forget the snacks. Or maybe the spaceship, or something else if you're feeling adventurous. Where are they headed and why? Only you know the answer!
Space Exploration -- Whether you want to write modern-day astronauts, a futuristic Star Trek AU, or something inspired by the space race, the sky isn't even the limit with this AU.
Urban Fantasy -- For all your modern-with-magic settings. Write an AU inspired by something like Teen Wolf, Artemis Fowl, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or much of Neil Gaiman's oeuvre, or invent your own world where witches and websites coexist.
Museum/Archives -- Have the characters in your AU working in the exhibits or behind the scenes, down in the collections or even as archaeologists or paleontologists. What secrets are waiting to be unearthed there?
Hospital -- A surprisingly flexible AU option -- are the characters working there, or the victims of some unfortunate accident? Or maybe it's a bit of both. Take it wherever you feel like.
Camping/Wilderness Survival -- Could be anything from a fun summer camp or camping trip to a nightmare survival scenario. Write everyone having s'mores around the campfire or something inspired by media like Yellowjackets, where they might be having... something else.
Steampunk -- A fantastic opportunity to get creative with your worldbuilding. Try your hand at some alternate history, or invent a world of airships and other flying machines of your very own.
Shapeshifter -- Can the characters in this AU turn into anything they want? Or maybe they're more limited, like selkies -- even unable to control their shapeshifting at all (can I get an "awoo" from the werewolf fans?)
Classic Literature -- An AU somewhat more dependent on fusion ideas, but still very flexible! Pick a favorite classic book or play and let it inspire your writing!
Dystopian -- Create your own awful society or let a favorite piece of media guide you, like writing a Hunger Games AU. Will the characters break the cycle, or end up trapped in it?
Renaissance Faire -- A recipe for chaos. Write a bunch or faire-goers or have the characters in your AU working at the faire! Adventures await.
Scientist/Mad Science -- Write characters as normal biologists, physicists, and chemists, the next Frankenstein, or as hapless experiments themselves!
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codywanweekspotlight · 3 months ago
Weekly Spotlight
@jinkouuart // Art // fantasy // 2020
Link: Tumblr
@zyphnn // Art // battle couple // 2022
Link: Tumblr
@wrennette // Art // flimsiwork and tea // 2023
Links: Tumblr and AO3
@treescantjump // Art // firsts // 2021
Link: Tumblr
@yellowishart // Art // stars/sun // 2023
Link: Tumblr
@cillyscribbles // Art // beskar’gam/armor // 2021
Link: Tumblr
@cillyscribbles // Art // keldabe kiss // 2021
Link: Tumblr
@zyphnn // Art // dancer/musician/theater au // 2023
Link: Tumblr
@enjxlrass // Art // forehead touch/keldabe kiss // 2023
Link: Tumblr
@wrennette // Art // cody with a lightsaber // 2024
Links: Tumblr and AO3
@unole_fawn1010 // Fic // lightsabers/lightsaber training // 2024
Link: AO3
@viablemess // Fic // jedi/sith artifact/temple // 2023
Links: Tumblr and AO3
@ouzoa11-writes // Fic // soulmates // 2022
Links: Tumblr and AO3
@lbibliophile-sw // Fic // timeline shenanigans // 2023
Links: Tumblr and AO3
@just_another_sobriquet // Fic // take me instead/ saving each other // 2024
Link: AO3
@reallygoodguacamole // Fic // lightsaber // 2021
Links: Tumblr and AO3
@holdingonforheaven // Fic // truth spell/serum // 2024
Links: Tumblr and AO3
@yellowisharo // Fic // the sun // 2022
Links: Tumblr and AO3
@foreverchangingfandomsao3 // Fic // modern au:* teacher/university/ academia au // 2024
Links: Tumblr and AO3
@galecry // Fic // armor // 2021
Link: Tumblr
✨Please give our creators a reblog and a comment!
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wintertimestoryteller · 2 years ago
Linked Universe x Reader Fairy Tale Collection
@luimagines It is finally here! XD Apologies for the huge delay, suddenly became a dog mom again and life has been difficult, apologies to all who waited. Hopefully it's at least half decent, this did not want to write itself at all X_X
Warning for dark themes of the fairy tale kind and violence. I recommend researching Penta by Basille if some of you are curious about the interrupted story, though I did leave a lot out for obvious reasons, the first story is actually a reference and I thought it would be fun to see how many catch it and who would notice the reversal of roles here. No Shadow Links were (seriously) harmed in the making of this chapter, just Reader and their poor mind who can't catch a break.
Technically this is the final act before the Masterlist for each Link, though there is technically a bonus act and an intermission I doubt anyone would be interested in that, y'all came here for the Links and the fairy tales not the lore and behind the scenes stuff done to get here because I decided to pull a Hans Christian Andersen even while trying to keep this as short as an opening act should technically be, might write them down if there's enough interest but for now I'm leaving it up to interpretation xP
Opening Act, Scene IIII
It's almost strange, how peaceful your first few days and nights in the theater were.
It was hardly unwelcome, of course it was a pleasant surprise. Even with it's darkened, solemn corners and the way the shadows played eerily across the walls, dancing and laughing mockingly as they put on a show only they knew, it hardly felt truly unsettling for long, maybe it was just your long time on the road which made you jaded to the concept of old buildings that felt like echoes of their former selves, ever lonely, ever grieving like a widow, knowing their lover would not return from the war but waiting for as long possible before considering taking poison. The building was much the same, threading the fragile, dreamlike barrier of a long, wistful forgotten dream and a feather soft, fondness warmed memory.
It felt just about on the edge of death, but not quite ready to cross the border, it felt alive, like watching a barren wasteland attempt to host life again, even if it wouldn't last long or ever recover.
You believe it's in large part due to it's residents.
It was impressive, really, though you're all clearly wary towards one another, the troupe was seemingly more delighted by the fact they had new people to tell new tales to than bothered by the fact the Chain was clearly high strung from a long journey with the carmine and jade weariness of hunters unable to continue searching for their quarry. Director Raven had given you all full permission to explore and was only ever truly strict with corralling the crew to perform, the obsidian speckled mist of their excitement reflected in the way their coat sleeves flapped while directing each member to their roles and how their steps practically glided across the floor and the stage, their feline companion ever present on their shoulders as they truly gave their name sake justice as they crowed and crooned new characters into Byron's ears, sparkling ruby glee as the bloody feather on their hair and gem collar at the gentleman's smile with the flame bright elation of a mad man as he worked on costumes, scenery and props like a man possessed occasionally hissing like an offended cat at Edgar, who was quick to bark and judge even the slightest imperfection as he marked cues for Anabella's scripts, the woman, once having heard of the Links musical prowess, having lit up like the chandelier serving as spotlight at the stage, gently having coaxed the boys towards Amelia, the petal soft smiling dark haired young woman you've met earlier whom Raven just couldn't help but squawk amusedly at Anabella having a very clear soft spot for, who wasted no time in convincing a few of the heroes to follow sheet music the young woman had written but never quite had enough people to help perform.
It was honestly amusing, seeing the young woman and Warriors practically team up to bully Legend into playing the violin again, the veteran protesting for a good while, until a small, well placed tease from Sky made him cave, you and Wind both pretending to hide bright laughs at seeing him pretend not to smile, the jewel bright sight of her delight making you feel warm as she suggested to the exccentric playwright to share your own stories with the troupe and the boys once again as the sweet notes of musical and Raven's narration rolled up and across the aisles, the ruby cheer of the chattering of their cheek with the sweet aquamarine of your gentleness making even the likes of ever serious steel serious Cal or solemn First smile.
The only incident any of you all had really was when you've met Priscilla properly, or to be more accurate, when Priscilla found you all, the youngest of the troupe popping from the ceiling like a bat in front of you from the theater's costume attic like a reverse phantom of the opera, giving you a small fright with her cat smug smile as she finished fixing the lights and eagerly jumped into Twilight's back the second she heard Epona being mentioned, asking all sorts of questions about horses and their proper care until Edgar came knocking to pry her off.
A few minor incidents were had, what with your boys' usual brand of chaos and only so much you, Time and First could do while Raven rounded up the brand of madness found in their own little troupe (like how Anabella, much like Hyrule, should not be allowed near any form of food supply lest they both commit crimes agaisnt nature and the last leg of Wild's morals and sanity, how Byron, Warriors and Legend could almost snarl at each other like feral dogs when it came to fashion sensibilities, or Priscilla attempting to coax Wind and Spirit onto the attic and catwalks with her to play pranks onto the unsuspecting audience and performers below just to see Four and Edgar twitch), but overall, the first three days of constant strong storms and two of the stories told passed quickly, like the heartbeat of a humming bird.
... Which made your own feelings for a certain hero grown ever more transparent like the polished crystal which made up the spotlight.
How could you not contemplate these feelings? How could you even begin denying something that has been sinking it's teeth into your soul for months now? Ever since the Chain found you, injured and with nowhere to go, it was always moving, ever forward, ever running, ever hunting, for if you all didn't hunt the shadow, it would stop at nothing to tear everything and everyone so much as grazed by the bright, ever burning diamond flame of the Hero's Spirit, with the burning fury of a maddened beast with nothing left to lose, with enough hunger it could render divinity to pieces. So, so so wrong to the very fabric that made up the curtain of Hyrule's stage it made one's flesh crawl before it even set it's bloody, hungry, vile gaze upon you.
(You didn't have a choice, when they'd left you behind, the portal simply opened to place you in harm's way again and again and again and again, you only survived through pure luck most of the time, the other half being due to run ins with different members of the Chain. Eventually, finally, after you'd met again and dragged First's abandoned, bleeding, almost dead but oh so stubborn he wouldn't die quite yet, carcass to camp, they'd decided to teach you how to wield a blade and take you along.
After all, it's not like you could go home.
... No, no, you couldn't go home, ever again.)
Being in the theater was a welcome breath of fresh air, even with the oddities of it's residents. But it also gave you nothing but time to think. About home, about the people who are likely to be looking for you, and kind gem bright eyes, leaves on the wind gentle touches, and smiles that could put the sun and the moon and stars to shame with their radiance and the unshakable, beautiful, lonsdaleite and steel of the will to protect and courage to follow through so, so warm it left you scorched, stealing the breath from your lungs and replacing it with lava and frost, pinning you into place better than any arrow or trick the shadow could pull. Left you aching more than any moment in the battle field, shaking you to the very marrow of your bones as the laughing dove that was affection stole into your heart like a thief, and gave half of it to the beast called love.
How could you not fall for that?
How could you not think about it?
So instead of getting even more flustered by possibly slipping up and making a fool out of yourself, giving yourself away and wanting to just wander into the Lost Woods without a guide and let yourself go mad from mortification and become a Poe (because at least then it would be a more manageable form of insanity), you'd instead taken to haunting the back wings and auditorium of the theater like a ghost. The theater was hardly all that big, but it wasn't small by any means, the size of a noble's summer home at best, so there was plenty of empty supply rooms and forgotten lounges to think, contemplate, and to keep a tenous hold on your sanity as you avoided dwelving deeply into your feelings.
After all, why would he want little old you? Unimpressive, ordinary little you, who lived a most relatively peaceful life before falling into Hyrule, who couldn't protect them properly, who most importantly of all would hurt the one you adored because you couldn't stay?
... It would be agony, you couldn't do that to him. It wouldn't be any difference than the Shadow taking your face and torturing your hero, so you'd stay silent, and hope these feelings died a quiet, peaceful death. At least in this abandoned lounge room you could refrain from making your hopeless longing obvious until you'd need to return.
"Oh me oh my, what are you doing here all alone?" Came a cawed, lilting honey coated rasp, padparascha curiosity in the the flap of nightlock coat sleeves, "I thought you'd want to join your companions! This place is still too dusty for back tours I'm afraid."
... Well, not quite so abandoned now. Is it?
Then again, you're not even too surprised, you'd be lying if you'd say you were. If there was anyone who could navigate these darkned, old halls with ease to find someone allegedly missing, it would likely be it's master.
Director Raven swoops into the room with quick, almost silent steps, a specter with the grace of a Gerudo dancer, sending you a smile, their feline companion is gone, but their ever present bloodstone feather chimes like a bell as they brush dust off an old couch, you laugh sheepishly, hoping that the tempest winds outside took your thoughts away so you could focus, "I'm sorry, you said we could go just about everywhere and I needed some time alone. Hopefully it's not any trouble?"
They cluck at you, taking a new accessory from their coat and placing it behind your ears with a cheeky poke to the nose, you blink as you touch it, a red, red rose, "Oh please, not at all! I'm a professional of my word you know? I was just worried is all, you're basically part of the troupe at this point and your lover boy has been staring at you with such concern, you know? So I thought I'd check on you."
Their concern makes you blink, with a small bite of confusion to their wording, "I've only helped you folks perform for three days now?"
They chuckle with amusement, the tone raspy and crowing as they perch themselves upon the couch, "Doesn't matter! We've had folks who stayed and helped for less time, we still consider them troupe members. Once taken in by the Astoria, you're part of it for all time, can't I have some empathy for someone so clearly pining?", You jolt, the director gives you a knowing smile, mercury amusement and gallium understanding, how did...? "Broken hearts are as dangerous as broken minds and wills to a person, take it from me. I've told and been part of one too many stories to know that all too well, now, why don't you tell good old uncle Raven what ails you?"
That makes you snort, rose quartz embarrassment mixed with xanthic amusement, "Uncle, really? Weren't you the one who said you'd actually take someone to court for emotional damages if someone tried utilizing gendered terms for you?"
They squawk, ruffling your hair with a click and hiss, as they jump up with ruffled feathers and a raised chin, mock offended, "Oh kiss my grits! This ain't about me here. This is about your longing making me sad and me being willing to hear you out from the goodness of my heart, and there you go! Spitting on my good will! As I was about to offer to make you tea, no less."
You laugh and you catch a grin on the director's lips from the reflection of a mirror, you wave them on, "Alright, alright. I'll humor you, will you want some help deciding the next story to tell while at it?"
They wink, prancing around the room for the kettle in the corner, "You know me too well! You're a wealth of new stories, I can listen to you pour your little heart out and grill you for inspiration at the same time. That way your heart will be lighter than a leaf on the wind when you next see your lover boy"
Settling in, you wait until Raven has made you both tea, getting comfortable and taking a sip.
Mhm, coming to the theater was a welcome change of pace. And talking to someone who wasn't Link about this would likely do you good.
(So preoccupied you are with your thoughts and the vaguely floral tea the director had broken out of storage and brewed, you don't notice the way another figure shows up on the reflection of the mirror just as the thunder booms, and how Raven's gloved fingers tighten a fraction as the shadows flicker oddly once you drink the tea. The cinnabar of their smile turning iron speckled with guilt and tense as they spot bloodstone tiger eyes on the doorway. Before turning fireplace warm once the Hero of Skies popped his head onto the doorway after a few hours of listening to you want, they offer him a spot of tea.)
The storm still raged on relentlessly outside, it's screams and howls those of lost souls and old forgotten or yet to be remembered deities rending the air with water and thunder, it's been almost a week since you all had started staying in the theater, everyone had settled into a small sort of routine, as it didn't seem like the storm would cease to rage anytime soon. You'd all wake up (checking your weapons as you go, just in case, your dagger on your sleeve a common secret among the Chain members ever since a bad run in with the Yiga, Artemis had taught you and Warriors well and if any of the troupe members notice, they didn't press), go through the usual daily routine you all had while under an actual roof, Wild, you and Twilight would cook with occasional aid from either Raven themselves who twitched and squawked about the injustice of allowing guests to cook before Edgar would cuff them over the head and take over or a very chipper Amelia whose early morning energy could only be likened to a ray of sunshine Anabella would trip over her feet and possibly kill a grown man for, and in turn you'd all take your turns occupying themselves for the day, the troupe making sure to give everyone their due space until the early evening, which is when you'd all take to storytelling.
You couldn't help your small grin as you let yourself be led by the hand by Twilight, blindfold coming off as he twirled you around as you deliberately sang an incredibly off key note, laughter and chuckles being draw from your boys as you were set down onto the stage and raised your tune, his pelt slipping off your head like the heavy, but comforting cape it was, his smile campfire warm and oak steady, Raven's crowing laughter being hidden by a coughing fit before they seemed to compose themselves enough to continue on with a straight face, "And so the wolf, once a princess, remembered the prince. And thought she'd never sing again, and it wasn't very good-" they choked as you deliberately hit a note that sounded like a dying cucco, you can vaguely see Cal coughing into his fist, First shaking his head in amusement in contrast to Sky's summer breeze laughter while Time's lips barely twitched with honey sweet amusement and Wind wheezing agaisnt a laughing Spirit's side, mission accomplished! The director sent you a look, mockingly ruffling his feathers, "Commit less to the bit darn it! I won't be able to finish if I'm rolling around on the floor!"
Your smile widens with cheek, topaz bright with delight, "No such thing as overcommiting to the bit!"
"For what it's worth they don't sound too bad when not trying to sound like a goat going into labor." Cut in Twilight, using your head as an arm rest, you playfully shove him off, you briefly catch a smirk on Warriors face, Four chuckling while Legend leant agaisnt his side for support, good. Him and Hyrule looked off kilter recently, if you could make them smile by playing the fool this once, you'd be glad.
"Oh by the Goddesses- I'm almost regretting allowing you to volunteer on stage. I'm never listening to Priscilla ever again, anyway!" They clap their hands, clearing their throat, "The prince couldn't care less, for he had a dear friend back to him. And so they stayed on that cliff's edge, enjoying each other's company and lived happily ever after!"
"That was a shockingly sweet story," Smiled Hyrule, "Short and simple but just sweet enough."
"Can't believe the rancher actually made half decent royalty though." Jabbed Warriors, though you can feel the amusement in his tone like drinking songs after a long time of conflict. "And that the final conflict was basically triggered if someone ever messed with the vet's raccon pile of stuff."
"Excuse me?!"
"You're excused."
Twilight gave him a side glare then nodded at Hyrule, seemingly deciding that Legend could deal with Warriors well enough and after you playfully darted around him like a prancing doe, snagged his pelt back, you sighed at the loss of warmth and the feeling of security, but ushered him off the stage, "Never been on stage before and have no wish to do so on an official capacity, thank you. But Dusk would have my hide if I didn't pick a thing or two to add to entertaining the village children if nothing else. Have to say that last twist was a shock though." He sent you a glance and smile, "You're awfully good at playing the amnesiac, I'll say. Almost had me panicking."
You chuckle sheepishly, sitting at the edge of the stage, accepting a bit of warm tea cup Raven had brewed for everyone, "To be fair, there's a reason for that Wars, there's technically a companion story for the witch, but the actors need to go through a specific series of actions to be allowed to perform it side by side for consistency and that would be cruel on Twi. Could say the same to you, you make quite the dashing, kind prince. Thanks for coming up here."
Was that a tinge of crimson on his cheeks? You tilted your head and blinked, must have been a trick of the light, "No problem at all."
Edgar nodded, not even looking up from the script as Anabella and Amelia cuddled together to the side after a job well done, "You both together definitely made our job easier. Barely had to cue you both."
Raven nodded with a grin and wink, their voice carrying over the stage and to the audience, "You sure none of you boys want to quit this questing nonsense and join us here on the Astoria? I pay well and give benefits! Byron has lowered prices on potions on the village, plus free food and lodging."
Wild shook his head with a hum, "Tempting, but still no."
Raven clucked, their disappointment exaggerated but understanding as they leafed through the scripts you've both brainstormed together, "Ah well, worth a try. Come here then, I want your opinion on our next pick for today, I think we can squeeze a short one separated from the original deal as a bonus."
You nodded, getting up and handing Priscilla the empty tea cup back before walking over, pausing, did... Was there a hollow space beneath the stage? Experimentally, you let your steps weight a bit more onto the stage. That sounded like a trapdoor, huh. Why only use the attic? Maybe it was stuck? You catch Time's eye, he inclines his head questioningly, you mouth at him 'I'm fine, later', then bound over to Raven's side, looking at the scripts, "Any you had in mind? We're probably exhausting my mental stock at this rate if none of the noted ones do."
"Well I'm not about to go on the Hyrulean ones just yet, you have any idea how performing the same old legends over and over again can grow dull? No matter how many twists and turns one adds?" They deadpan back, you cover a wince as Four and Sky twitch, before picking one of the sheets at random.
Your voice sounds distant to your ears as you pinch the parchment between two fingers, analyzing it critically, then presenting it to the director, "How about this one? Should be short enough right?"
The Director peeks over your shoulder, head tilted from side to side, the feather on their hair seems more bloody than usual, as if the crystal would flow crimson and stain the hardwood floor. That cat is back on their shoulder again, looking at you with sharp, intelligent eyes.
(Too intelligent, hisses your mind, as mercury heats into burning iron at a forge, then cools, something is wrong wrongwrong
Come now, relax, it'll all be alright. Play along
Nothing is wrong, it's all in your head.)
"Penta the Beautiful huh? Are you sure?"
You nod firmly, "Yes. This one will do quite nicely."
(Raven's ever present smile dims, the embers of a warm fireplace and stories around the fire dying a quick death, Anabella holds onto Amelia a bit tighter as Priscilla pales, quickly leaving the room guided by Byron after ushering you back stage for a change of ensemble and to hand you the appropriate props while Edgar resolutely keeps an eye on the cues the director handed him.
The Chain notices, because of course they do, and trade a look, Spirit trades a look with Wind and slips away to the entrance with Warriors to try the heavy door.
It's locked, the shock of magic making the captain hiss. Though the air remains unnervingly sterile.)
The stage is set with no fanfare by Byron, and you walk back out with a fine white dress suit and boots to match, a mix of a suit and a dress, your head feels clouded, as if you're trying to traverse the deep fog of the Lost Woods with naught a single lantern or guide in sight to light your way, you vaguely hear Director Raven start to talk, echoing and crowing raspily with the first words that every good tale start with, "Once upon a time, there was an once prosperous kingdom. Home to a handsome king, a beautiful queen, and the king's sister, one day the queen fell ill and eventually passed for no cure could be found and no magic could heal her. I suppose some things are simply fated to happen, but the king, maddened in his grief, started lusting for none other..." The director paused, sneering with a disgusted shiver, you think that if they truly were a bird, their feathers would be ruffled, "His own sister."
You could see the exact second that each Link cringed back, those with siblings of their own (or who actively looked over others as siblings themselves) turning to ash white and to thistle green with revulsion and horror, the director nodding along with a hand over their head in a mock swoon, "I know! How could such vile thoughts manifest in a ruler's mind? It's preposterous! Outrageous! Horrifying! Though the words of a proposal did indeed leave his mouth, his sister princess was equally bewildered and disgusted, spitting venom from her spleen with rage."
That was your cue.
You growled, snarling with fury hot enough to rival a dragon's flame, allowing poison to sharpen your tongue, "You may have lost your mind, but I shall not lose my modesty or my shame! Why would you offer me rotten eggs when you need fresh ones?! How dare you!", somewhere in the audience you hear a choke, but you continue on. Committing to the role with a dedication you didn't know you possibly possessed, feeling vaguely disconnected from your body and actions, "I regret that you have a tongue to speak of such lecherous actions towards myself and that I unfortunately have the ears to hear such a suggestion. Am I your sister or cheese cooked in oil? Either way those and siblings not mix! Either way, go find a holy spring to bathe in so you may set your mind back on straight." You gesture towards yourself, baffled, "I am not a morsel that would make anyone lose their minds over, so what on Farore's good land about me could have made you grown so sick in the head?"
The director continued on, tone dry as they set their hand on a hip, "I'll spare you the monologue, my dear audience, because I'm sure it would make both you, me and our poor performer here retch and that would be a waste of Sir Wild's lovely cooking. It essentially boiled down to her hands. So, after acquiring her answer, she left in a flurry of rage and conviction, after all, if it was her hands that caused this..." The director trailed off, pausing, mouth clicking shut.
As if not willing to continue on.
(The pain in your head was getting worse.
"If it was his love for her hands which caused this, all she'd need to do is chop them off.")
Conflict passes through their slate gray gaze, before determined resolve settles into it, their tone quiet and tight, "... No. I can't go through with this anymore.", They swivel, running to you with quick strides, you feel the agony of your head splitting open, in between the haze you see more than react to the blade. Your blade held in your hands, twisted in such a way to sink into your flesh, blood beads onto your sleeve before Raven catches your arm in their hands, twisting towards the now alarmed heroes with panic on their face like a someone realizing they'd just went somewhere to die, "Listen! It's not safe here, specially NOT for them. I'm so sorry. Take them and get out through-"
That cat is there in a flash of darkness, it sinks it's claws into Raven's shoulder, the director crying out and letting go of your arm to try and get it off, leaving the dagger to slice deeply. You can see Time slam into a magically erected barrier around the stage as it's crimson eyes gleam with malice and satisfaction. The cat bites at the director's shoulder, tearing away the black ribbon holding the red gem they always wore. You hear Legend screaming and Hyrule casting a spell at the barrier, the shockwave palpable as it does not budge
You'll never know what they wanted to tell you all, though the flash of desperation, guilt and apologies will likely haunt your nightmares as their head fell off.
All of the lights go off.
And in a flash of thunder, you hear a sigh behind you. The barest tips of a clawed hand making your skin crawl with revulsion.
"Well... I'd like to say I'm surprised. But I'm really, really not that they didn't have the nerve to fully go through with it. Pity." That awful, awful voice is colored with disappointment while they pass you by, you think you feel the brush of a scaly tail around your legs and a blade at your throat. You try desperately to wrestle control back to your own body when you can't hear the Chain anymore. They stalk dance gently at your side, the rustle of cloth as someone bends down, the crystalline, padparascha crimson feather Raven always wore in their hair gleams in the dark with a melancholic light of their own, "Ah well, at least they did half the job I wanted them to and held onto what I needed. Still, just proves that if you want somebody gone that you just have to do it yourself."
You feel a feather light touch on your chin, tilting your head up, your heart freezes alongside your body as you lock gazes with the bloodstone empty gaze of a feathery mask, the figure in front of you wears a dark hood, caliginous and fleeting like the memories of a nightmare hanging onto your mind by it's very claw tips. It blends in perfectly with the darkness, liminal and just on the edge of the negative spaces of reality.
They smile with all of the sweetness of rotten things and arsenic and it makes you sick.
"Dear me... You are so, so pathetically helpless like this. I can take my time with you, can't I? To tear everything that makes you yourself piece.by.piece..." the touch tightens, nightlock claws sink into your skin and drawing blood, you feel like screaming but your mouth won't open, your body betrays you as you drown and drown and fall. It makes the thing behind you hiss out a laugh and you are certain you won't hear a more wretched sound in your life as they study you like a pinned butterfly, "How very precious, it fills me with joy, but really it's more disappointing and disgusting. It's almost enough to make me want to die!" The being in front of you snarls, all venom and the burning flames of a madman, before they calm, smiling a dagger sharp, hateful grin with a hum, "... Ah, whatever. Let's get this show on the road properly this time, shall we? You wait for your cue darling." They mockingly pat the snout of the Shadow in front of you, narrowingly dodging a snap of teeth with a cackle, before they disappear in a flurry of obsidian and ember feathers.
They clap, and the light returns to the theater. Their mismatched hands are spread, clawed and gloved and you see a cloak of black feathers laid over their entire body, the tip of dagger sharp, silver heels making them tower easily over the pool of blood from the director's severed neck.
"Good evening, blood red dogs of Hylia!-"
They barely finish their sentence before the boys move, arrows and magic set loose at the figure in a blur, the figure dances back, tsking as they appear on the chandelier now, lounging nonchantly and revealing your form at blade point from the Shadow, struggling to remove your dagger from your arm. You can almost feel their disapproving look as they cross their arms at the face of furious glares from the heroes of Hyrule, "Rude."
First does not look amused as he stays Sky's hand from unleashing a Skyward Strike, the other's eyes as frigid as the storm outside, "We are going to need you to let our companion go before any apologies are given I'm afraid."
"And I'll be needing you lot to stop snapping and growling like mutts before making any negotiations like that." The figure snaps back primly, a pot and tea cup appearing nearby, with a flick of their wrist two things appear on their hands as freshly brewed tea poured itself which makes a shiver fun down your side, alarm and panic gnawing at your skin and exposing your fragile heart with almost clinical curiosity as they toss it down.
A dark iris purple Minish Feather earring, and penumbra dark, torn fairy feathers, you think you still see the bits of wisps clinging to it like blood and the exact moment Four tenses, colors prismatic as they flash over his eyes and Hyrule freezes, Twilight sending them a concerned look, though his hand doesn't move from his sword.
The display is enough to keep your companions on guard, but not react, that thing atop the chandelier perfectly positioned to crush you without a second thought leisurely sipping tea. Before addressing the Chain below, "Now that I've successfully gotten your attention by indicating the extermination of vermin I've had to recently do, why don't we talk? I'm perfectly reasonable, I promise not to bite or anything, blood is quite the nuisance to clean off rhe stage after all."
"Very well," Time's voice cuts through the silence, composed even as his mind is running a mile per minute, "May we make some inquiries?"
Their lips curl in amusement, a slightly mocking edge to their relaxed lilt, "There we go, was being polite so hard? You may, one at a time though!" They look down at the Shadow, which hisses up at them, eyes focused on the heroes, the edges of it's existence flickering oddly, casting itself over walls and the now scorched wooden floor, "Don't want to agitate our friend here you know? Or else we'll have a sparrow singing very very soon." They sing song, you can feel Warriors cringe where he stands, but he's also the first one to jump to questioning at Time's slight nod.
"Why are you working with the Shadow?"
The figure shrugs, pouring themselves a second mug, "Why does anyone do anything? Complete and utter, sheer boredom is why. It had a good sales pitch won't lie, I haven't been bored since you lot decided to stay here."
You see the way Legend's eyes narrow, a scowl on his face and tone biting, itching to move, "What did you do to them?"
"You'll have to be more specific, if you mean your little friend here. Nothing really, they came up on the stage and used the knife themselves after all." The masked figured clucked, shrugging, "As for the rest, you can blame Raven. They lost their nerve when they shouldn't have and dragged the troupe down with them, when I gave them one job besides watching my theater, plus..." they sighed, placing Raven's feather by the thorns holding the mask grafted onro their face, clicking their clawed, bloody hand agaisnt the tea cup, uncaring when your blood mixes with the sugar cubes, "They also failed to do proper research, I mean doesn't help certain nasty little disgraces-" they growl pointedly at the Shadow at that, who snarls back, making a twisted duet of mutual, black loathing come to life, "Also made their job harder, but seriously. Even a braindead donkey could have done a bit more research."
"What do you mean? No need to insult Raven like that! They were nice." Blurted out Spirit, you can practically feel the poor dear itching to snap the whip to snatch you, Wind holding onto his an Cal's wrists like a vice so they wouldn't make any sudden moves, First tapping Calamity's back and looking at the hooded being's perch, making Calamity's eyes narrow and Sky slowly let go of the possible Skyward Strike, thankfully enough. Being crushed to death would not help your boys get out of here.
The hooded and masked figure twitched, head listing lazily to the side, unhurried, as if bored or maybe dissapointed as they sighed apathetically, it gave you gooseflesh, but you dared not move an inch, struggling against your own limbs and with the Shadow at your back, "I mean I was just taken by surprise. You know, I wouldn't have taken the heroes of Hyrule for liars and oath breakers, and also against the laws of hospitality. Shooting arrows and magic at your host within their own home? For shame! Didn't your parents teach you better?"
You could see how each of the heroes bristled, but seeing crimson beading against your unwilling, trapped skin stayed their blade, though that did not stop Legend from snarling up at the hidden figure, sipping tea as if it was watching an incredibly entertaining play, "Oath breakers? That's rich coming from you! Raven said we could stay here safely and then leave once the storm was over!"
"And you attacked one of our own first." Added Warriors, his tone as glacial as the winter winds, enough to freeze anyone down to the marrow.
They incline their head, voice distorted, the screaming echo of scavengers like nails on chalkboard and as refined as a well curated blade, "True, though neither they nor I never said you'd all leave unharmed, did we? And you didn't keep your end of the deal either." Their tone goes dryer, as they throw the tea cup away without a care in favor of throwing their hands up, as if it was the Chain being unreasonable and not the person who presumably did something to Shadow and Hyrule's own Shade, you can see Sky barely keeping his grip on an enraged Four, "Besides! I didn't attack them, they kindly volunteered to go up stage on their own. You're all so up in arms for something that's part of the performance, a little injury is a small price to pay for the bit."
"A 'little injury'?! I doubt they'd try cutting off their own hands for a BIT." Stressed Hyrule, snapping out of his shock, in response to that, the cloaked person shrugged.
"I mean a little disarment never killed anyone."
Wild looked seconds from firing another arrow, teeth gritted and bared as Twilight sent a furious glare to the one perched atop the stage, just above the lights, ready to knock them down and crush you if needed be, "I'm pretty sure it has, actually."
"Anyway! You're all so caught up on semantics, by the Three, so uptight. Does having the splinters so far up there not sting?" they glanced at the Shadow, the obsidian and granite lizalfos glancing back at them before hissing at Time, ready to lunge, teeth stained with Director Raven's blood, "This the kind of tough crowd you have to deal with? Yeesh, no wonder you yap more than a kicked dog at times." They turn back to the Chain, clapping their hands, "In any case, let's make another deal, shall we? I'm a playwright of my word after all. You could leave your little friend here to become one of my actors and go on your merry way." You swore you felt your heart stop, blood rushing in your ears, you barely caught the sharp glint of a hollow smile beneath the crow shaped mask and their next words, "Or! If you're really that attached-", they send you a bemused look, "Can't see why but hey," shrugging, they continue on, unrelenting like a hunting wolf, "You can act instead. I'll send you all into different tales and should you finish them in accordance to the script, I may let you just leave without too much of a fuss. No catches." They point to the Shadow, "Can't make any promises for that one though, it's a solo act you see, if anything I'm just lending the venue and he was lucky to rent first, the wretch."
"And if we refuse?" Probed Time, you could see the gears turning in his head like clockwork, trying to find a way to swing this in everyone's favor so you all can get out alive.
The vulture in crow skin only smiled wider, "Then none of us gets them and you die here, I'll let the Shadow tear you apart to it's void soul's delight, and kill them on the spot." The blades press against your arms against your will, and you twitch, trying to wrestle control back and only getting pain for you troubles, muffling a yell, "Maybe put them in a soup and make jewelry out of the bones that I don't reuse in a broth, I'd look pretty dashing in a crown." They giggle, unhinged cruelty into every word as they clap their hands, voice rising to a screeching crescendo, "Oh oh! Or just roll them down a barrel filled with spikes on a hill, or make them dance and dance and dance on hot iron shoes until they drop dead! Haven't decided yet, so many choices, so little time. It's almost enough to leave me hot and bothered." The true owner of the theater sighed, longingly hugging themselves before turning a cold, hard tone to the heroes, "You sure you want to risk that?"
Silence descends upon the theater like a widow's shroud, seems you're all at an impasse, you're unable to move and while you're certain your boys could overpower whatever that monstrosity is and deal with the Shadow, none of you could be sure they could do it before the Shadow slit your throat or that being (person? No, it felt too unnatural to be human.) Knocked the chandelier down or made good on their threat.
The masked unknown simply summoned themseles a second mug, pouring more tea, "Take your time to answer. I can wait. Though if you ask me the choice is extremely obvious, come on now, what's one more or one less for your little group? It's not like they're important to the narrative anyway-"
"No tricks?" Cut in First, you see the being twotch at the interruption.
"Rude. Seriously, does Hylia just likes to pick the feral ones and set them loose upon the world? Seems like bad business." They pause, then hum, "Then again, maybe not, I hear her incarnations can be quite unhinged. Quite the match made in hell, you lot then and those Demise decides to live rent free in huh? I almost feel bad now. Yikes, my condolences." They pluck a bouquet of camellias, roses and acacias from the inside of their cloak and throw it down to the Chain. You're not even surprised when Wild snags the fire rod from Legend and sets it aflame.
"Holding our friend hostage and talking about actively killing them doesn't inspire us to play nice." Gritted out Four. Grip tight onto his sword.
"If you feel bad then just let them go!" Gestured Wind from his side.
"Your criticism has been noted. I only don't concede because I can't see any reason why you'd want them around." The figure drawls back before answering First, "No tricks or catches or too much of a fuss, all you have to do is play along the script and play nice. Do that and in theory we shouldn't have much trouble. Maybe I'll even be nice and throw in one of those rewards like the places you all crawl through do on occasion, why not?" The Shadow roars at that, they snap down at it, "My theater, my rules! I'm bored okay? Let me spice things up!"
Time breathes, you can see the lonsdaleite persistence come back to the forefront, "Then we accept."
The figure stills, before shaking their head, they leap down from the chandelier, gliding across the stage with quick steps as the feeling of drowning recedes, the Shadow begrudgingly letting you go as you gasp, the figure snags your arm in one clawed hand, drags you to the edge of the stage, then kicks you off with a sigh, thankfully, Twilight and Warriors are there ro support you as they turn towards Time, tone blank as they extend that same clawed hand, "Way to pick the boring choice, but fine. I shouldn't expect much of a surprise I suppose." They shake hands, you feel the hum of magic settle into the air, twisted and wrong it almosy brings that drowning feeling back, water trying to pull you down as they grin and step back, opening a blank, black book, snagging the crystalline quill and using your blood as ink, they write, everything goes dark quickly as the Shadow snuffs out every light again as it dissolves, spreading ober every single nook and cranny of the open space.
You think they bare their teeth at you specifically before snapping the book shut, "Let me weave you a tale!"
Scene IIII End. Thus closes the Opening Act.
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plant-acts · 2 days ago
for the theatre au, can we get a bunch of fun facts about each of the quadruplets? :D
I have been waiting until I got the 4 swords manga so I could know the boys a little better
Blue tried performance theatre for a while, but he switched tracks when he realized how hard it was to portray emotion on stage.
Red was a technical theatre major at first, since he thought pushing buttons would be fun. Then he almost caused a set to fall on Twilight when he accidentally unscrewed something instead of tightening it.
Needless to say those two had the great idea of switching classes and telling no one they did, not even Time and Malon.
Time was pleasantly surprised when Four suddenly could be trusted with a hammer, and Malon couldn't be prouder of Four's stage presence almost bringing her to tears.
Only green is named Link. The others actually have different names, but either people would forget, or just call them Link since Green would stay at the college so much and be seen the most.
They picked their nicknames names after their favorite colors.
Vio might be quiet, but he is the most sarcastic person you will ever meet. Malon wanted him to be a performance major desperately, but the guy has horrible stage fright and will forget all words once he is under the spotlight.
Just like any brothers, the boys fight quite a bit. This was especially a problem when people kept getting them confused. They want to be seen as their own people, not extensions of the same person.
This led to a pretty big outburst at other boys where they talked about their many differences. Just because they look the same doesn't mean they are. They all have different likes, dislikes, and personalities.
He's not technically one of the quadruplets in this AU, but I figured I would throw in a Shadow fact because why not. He shares an apartment with his little brothers, but they don't see each other much since he works nights at a local public theatre running lights, and has a different class schedule than them during the day.
They all find time to catch up in the tech booth during rehearsals though, and the others can only look up and feel unsettled while watching what looks like 5 silhouettes of the same person moving around behind murky glass.
Thanks for asking!
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bokettochild · 2 years ago
Opera House AU, your "Lullaby is Legend's aunty" kicked off this idea;
Keeping with your Prince Legend concept from "Feathered AU", Legend was raised by his Uncle Twilight. Uncle later befriends Sky and thus Sun, Legend pretty much bounces between the two households as circumstances warrant, gets attached, has the "mom and dad" slip with them
But one birthday, he's taken to the opera house to watch a play. And the leading actress, a really tall brunette with violet eyes, tickles a dormant memory in the back of Legend's brain
Okay, yes!
Like, going with a more modern theme here, Dusk is his mom, yes, but she was a teen mom and in no ways ready for a child. Her parents were very strict, very old fashioned, and the idea of their daughter being a teen mother was abhorrent to them (no hate on teen moms here, y'all are really strong). It was simply Not To Be Heard Of, so they made her give up her child. The father was willing to raise the little one (little ones? Is Fable counted here too?) but unfortunately he also couldn't do so.
A job opportunity opened itself to the Papa, but he had to travel a lot for it and it just... he couldn't bring his kiddos along. In a weird twist of events, he stumbled across his biological brother, who ended up in the foster system himself as a kid, and asked if he'd take on the kid. Cue Twilight discovering the birth family he never wanted to find and, well, when he hears his nephew is in danger of going into the same system he just escaped from, he agrees to help take care of the kiddo.
Time, as sort of a mentor figure to Twilight, as an adult who also survive foster care and is trying to help this kid fresh out of the system survive after the government kick-dropped him to the curb, ends up also stepping up with the kid as a sort of bonus-uncle, and also convinces Lullaby to hire Twilight into the Opera House despite the fact that the kid can't sing or act for the life of him (yet).
Twilight is actually the reason Malon is in the picture, Time hired her as a singing coach to try and help Twilight be able to take on better roles and maybe make more money (he really, really wants to give his nephew the best life he can, and a one room apartment isn't that) and it's just by chance that sparks fly (not that Twilight totally wasn't fanning them).
Legend basically grows up in the Opera house, and it's half the reason he knows how to do Everything. It's not his passion or anything though, and when he hit his teen years there was a time when he tried seeking out the birth family that left him behind. He spent a few years over-seas, theoretically with his father, but no one really knows what actually happened, only that the sunshine baby of the Opera House came back as a storm-cloud and he doesn't want to talk about it.
It's by pure chance that down-on-her-luck Dusk showed up trying to get a job at the Opera House. She was between jobs and needed a boost, and hey, lullaby and Time kinda just... help folks like that, as long as those folks help them back by working hard. Dusk loved the group a lot though, and prefroming there is like nothing else, so she ended up staying.
Legend comes back from over-seas after she's already settling in for a while, and no one pieces it together immediately or anything, but there is definitely something odd about how similar they look, even with Legend's pink hair.
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 1 year ago
intro post!!
hi there! my name’s emmy, welcome to my blog! i’ve been here for a good while now but since i’ve started to gain more attention, i figured it was time to make an intro post!
basic info:
name(s): em/emmy/emeline, angie/angel (no preference)
birthday: january 4 :D
orientation/sexuality: bisexual (femme/wlw leaning)
gender: cis girl
pronouns: she/her (they/them is ok but not preferred)
nationality: born and raised in the US of A (new york babyyyyyyy), but my parents are guyanese, so i’d say guyanese american
race: mixed, my mom has light skin (she gets mistaken as hispanic a lot) and my dad has medium brown skin so i’m somewhere in the middle (i too get mistaken for hispanic a lot)
other info: i’m neurodivergent, possibly autism or adhd (or both) but i was a “gifted” kid if that counts for anything, oh and i have anxiety
this a multifandom blog, so while i do have my phases/eras/hyperfixations, i will be posting about multiple fandoms at once, even if one’s taking up more posts than the others combined.
here are some of my mains!
roblox piggy
murder drones
hazbin hotel + helluva boss
gravity falls
ride the cyclone
welcome home
it’s easiest to tell what my current main hyperfixation is by just looking at my pfp/blog theme, as i’ll usually set it to something related to my current biggest hyperfix. i’ll update this list as needed, but i’m also active in the percy jackson, american girl, and stranger things fandoms. i’m also into a lot of cartoons, like she-ra and the princesses of power, steven universe, the owl house, carmen sandiego, mlp gen 4, etc. so feel free to ask about those! i’m also a major theater kid, some of my favorite shows are hamilton, dear evan hansen, wicked, mean girls, beetlejuice, and six, so you can ask about any of those too! (i’ve only seen wicked and hamilton 😭)
ok so all my links to other posts or blogs or accounts or anything really are here!!
youtube: here!!
hazbin hotel high school au masterpost: here!!
discord server bullshittery masterpost: here >:3
#em rambles - original post tag
#asks - any and all asks i get!!
#mutuals - any asks from/posts about my mutuals will be tagged with this, and it's like a guarantee that you'll get your own name tag too!!
#anon - if you send me an anon ask, just look here to find it :D
#emmy’s edits - all my original edits!! they’re up on my youtube too but you can find them here under that tag
#hazbin high school au - my own au!! i made this by myself with a few ideas from friends but this is like my own creation that i'm working on!!
edit: as of 07/16/2024 i have a girlfriend!! her name is hannie, aka the wonderful amazing absolutely adorable @furryrainbowscreature i love her so much <333
homophobes, transphobes
supporters of israel
queer exclusionists (anti "conflicting" labels, terfs, etc)
blogs with heavy amounts of nsfw content (i’m a teenager so. please.)
so yeah i think that’s about it!! thanks for reading y'all <3
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indelicateink · 7 months ago
dreams, perversions, and desires continue on the Interview with the Vampire kink meme.
so many thanks to @vampire-dove for maintaining this anon kink meme for us.
sharing some of the prompts going on over there. to play: click on the form link on the left side of the page. please go add more. please fill prompts. have you anonymously wrecked your fav today?
Prompts [7/?]:
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Gentle Sex, Tender Sex, Exploration, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Dominance, Bottoming
after over 70 years of topping and domming, louis is ready for someone else to take the reins when he starts over. finding his way back to being vulnerable doesn't come easy.
Armand/Daniel Molloy, Armand/Marius de Romanus, Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Intrigue, Courting Rituals, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Historical Fantasy, Power Imbalance, Sex Work, Fish out of Water
Courtesan Armand has broken with Duke Marius de Romanus over his recent infidelity (well. His recent marriage of convenience. Very inconvenient for Armand). He’s not taking him back this time. Definitely not.
Knowing Armand’s weakness for older men, Armand’s former patron and good friend Marquis Lestat de Lioncourt introduces him to a lowly but charming scholar, Daniel Molloy, for a summer diversion.
Lestat’s close gentleman friend Louis thinks this is a disaster: for all that he’s a courtesan, Armand is not great at casual.
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Accidental Stimulation, Accidental Sex, Oops, Love/Hate, Bad Decisions, Regret, Simultaneous Orgasm, Chemistry, Huddling For Warmth, Naked Cuddling, Tight Spaces, There Was Only One Bed
Strangers Louis and Lestat are each surprised and pissed to discover there’s another vampire on board their trans-pacific voyage, and spend most of their time avoiding each other. When the ship has an emergency and goes down mercifully close to a deserted coastline, luckily Lestat is able to bring one of his coffins to shore, though it’s worse for wear.
The sun is coming up fast on their freezing spit of land, but Lestat is gentleman enough to share his shelter. Louis really, really wishes Lestat had brought a bigger coffin. Or dry clothes.
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Consensual Non-Consent kink: biological imperative
someone casts a curse on the hated inhabitants of the rue royale townhome not knowing they're actually vampires, not some other kind of supernatural creatures. the spell misfires into a fuck-or-die delirium.
lestat and louis are two years into their post-claudia depression era when they suddenly have to set their grudges with each other aside when hit by a misguided curse
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Period-Typical Racism. Forbidden Love, Segregation, Racism, Power Imbalance, Breaking Up & Making Up, Secret Relationship, Fear of Discovery, Closeted, Internalized Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Homophobic Language
Human AU — In 1963 New Orleans, Lestat and Louis are teachers at a desegregated elementary school where, despite his excellence, Louis is fighting to hold onto his job when more and more of his fellow Black teachers are losing their jobs to white teachers. He can’t afford to hand them any ammunition, which is why the heady adrenaline of his affair with fellow teacher Lestat de Lioncourt is NOT worth the risk—on too many levels to count.
Three times Louis broke it off with Lestat—for real this time—and one time Louis admitted this insecure devoted histrionic fool might be it for him.
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Teasing, Pining
high school au. desperate for his attention, theater kid lestat grows increasingly obnoxious in his bids for pending valedictorian louis to notice him before they graduate.
he slept with louis's boyfriend (before they broke up), he backed his car into louis's, he embarrassed louis while he was giving a report in class to relieve the tension, he dedicated his performance of hamlet to him, he made sure louis received more flowers on valentine's than anyone else, and he had a very public whirlwind seduction of the salutatorian to make sure her grades were too derailed to compete with louis's. lestat honestly doesn't know what it's going to take.
Lestat de Lioncourt/Louis de Pointe du Lac Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Full Shift Werewolves, Werewolf Sex
lestat doesn’t reveal himself to louis as a vampire in the church—he reveals himself as a werewolf. he’s not looking to turn louis, but feeling freaked out about louis’s rejection of lestat and louis’s suicidal ideation, lestat has a strong need to claim louis in lestat’s werewolf form.
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