#it’s…. related to his recent vlog
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koqabear · 2 years ago
pausing my progress on mma tyun bc i just had the most horrendous down bad gyu thought 😭😭
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lwh-writing · 4 months ago
Skulker's Boring Hunt
“And now that we have located the proper biome, we are able to safely release the beast back into the wild.”
Skulker opens the cage door and turns the camera so that the virtual audience can watch as the peryton returns to the wilderness of the Ghost Zone, all the while silently bemoaning how he got here.
Ever since the existence of ghosts had become public knowledge, the Whelp had been determined to improve relations with humans. Part of that outreach effort included a handful of ghosts selected to begin ‘virtual relations’ through a process called ‘streaming’ and ‘vlogging’ so that they could ‘show the world that they weren't that different from everybody else.’
Skulker, honestly, couldn't give less of a damn about humans and what they thought of his kind. The only reason (and he very much means only reason) he had put his name on the volunteer list was for the easy access to the Living Realm and the new variety of hunts.
The Whelp, though, had put stipulations on Skulker’s ticket out of the Ghost Zone. Firstly, if he ever hunted in the Infinite Realms, he had to document and explain the animals he hunted so as to provide ‘educational value to his viewers’ or other such nonsense. Secondly, if any dangerous (non-sapient) ecto-animal was loose in the Living Realm, Skulker had to drop everything and stop its rampage. And last, and certainly least, Skulker couldn't kill anything.
Skulker had tried to reason his way out of that one, claiming that it contradicted his Obsession. The Whelp had tried to reason right back, claiming that he could still feed his Thrill of the Hunt without slaughtering something on live air. They had settled on a compromise: Skulker would run a poll with his viewers, and they would decide whether he gained a new pelt or not.
The fickle humans had, to date, always voted for catch and release.
“As this week's hunt has now concluded, it is time to decide what or who I will be hunting next week. The polls are now open.”
Skulker scrolled through his Fenton-Foley-Phone as he let his puny audience make their decisions. Ember had posted a recent picture of a restaurant in Barcelona, the latest city on her grand tour. Skulker gave it a like and looked back at the now concluding poll, a little surprised at the results.
Of the ten options given by his chat and selected by his moderators, there were a few picks that were always nominated but never won. It seemed his viewers desperately wanted to see him take on a dragon, a gorgon, a vampire, and some human named Lex Luthor. This week was no different, as all four of those options were just barely beaten by a new entry to the lineup.
“It appears that next week I will be hunting the Joker.”
Immediately, the chat exploded into chaos.
wonder_womanSIMP: pog
StardustSinger: skulker vigilante arc?? 👀
Penglow: RIP watch out for the Batman!
rock-mayo: RIGGED
golfAceVendetta: pog
OpperantParrot: LETS FUCKING GO!!!!
the_general_plum: :D
carbon-ham: D:
LizardSquid: E
egg_composition: gotham is going to chew you up and spit you out lmao
OtterCat: D:
“And once again, it’s time to decide my prey’s fate. Type one to vote kill, type two to vote spare. Voting is now open.”
That prompted another flood of responses, and Skulker returned to his phone, scowling a bit at his girlfriend’s posts. He was happy for Ember, of course he was. She was fulfilling her dream and chasing her Obsession, how could he be anything but ecstatic and proud of her success? He just missed her, though he would never admit it aloud.
Hm. Perhaps he could do a little solo hunting and send her a new pelt. Something to remind her of the Ghost Zone while she was away.
The timer went off, and Skulker dejectedly checked the results of the poll, only to do a quick double-take before smiling sharply at the results.
“Results are in. It seems this week I will be hunting, and killing, the Joker.”
The chat exploded with excitement right before Skulker started saying his outro and mentally mapping out his hunt in the coming week, unaware that at that very moment, a complication had arisen in his plan.
TheBloodSon: It appears that this may be a problem.
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cheriladycl01 · 1 year ago
I'm not scared! Colby Brock x MotoGPDriver! Reader Part 1
Plot: You made a tweet about Sam and Colby and were in a podcast and they brought up Sam and Colby where you talked about the paranormal and how it doesn't really scare you because you drive motorcycles at over 200mph.
A/N: This has been sat in my drafts for a while coz i was kinda scared to post it, coz its a new reach of people I'm looking for.
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It started off with a silly little tweet you'd made in the summer break when you werent racing. You didn't feel like watching old F1 or MotoGP races and there was no movie that immedielty came to mind.
So you scrolled through youtube. At first it was a documentary about the ocean, and you had to switch it out. Which is how you came across a channel called Sam and Colby, two American boys who... well you didn't actually think they had a 'thing:
Your YouTube consisted solely of vlogs and car/bike videos that you did. That was your niche. However these two didn't seem to have a specific niche, you perused them seeing that they vlogged and did challenges and prank video and even back in the day were part of vine.
The most recent things they'd been sticking too by the looks of things were these paranormal investigations. They went to these haunted places with cool gear and filmed the experience. You were very intruiged as the paranormal was something you'd believed in just never interacted with.
After watching them bring people on, and be scared shitless you knew you'd boss something like this.
You were alone in your house, drinking which is where the tweet actually came from.
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There was a lot of action from both fans of motorsport and YouTube fans. You of course got some hate from the tweet from the YouTube side and hence started the fued between your fans and Colby and Sam fans.
It wasn't until the podcast you went on that the duo took notice of you.
"So today I'm here in the studio with Y/N, now this I think is an intertsing podcast for both of us, because you've only been on Motorsport related ones so far correct?"
"Yes" you smile nodding. You'd actually been on a few podcasts as you really enjoyed talking to people and hearing their stories and being able to talk about your own experiences and hardships.
You started of with the generic motorsport questions, that were all angled at you being a woman in motorsport. Which you enjoyed as you knew getting to the position you had now was a hard hard feat you managed to overcome.
He then got onto more general questions about you life, which again you were happy to answer.
"I do have something that people asked me to ask when we first annouced you here and that was about the tweet with Sam and Colby?" he says looking to his notepad making sure he was keeping in his order.
"Mmmm, what about it?" you smile knowing this was going to be a thing.
"So you basically said along the lines of, if you were in a Sam and Colby video that you wouldn't be scared, why is that?" he asks tilting his head to the side.
"Well, not much scares me when i drive motorbikes at roughly 250 kmph. You know, I've come off those bikes and had my life flash before my eyes as I go into the barrier. One of my worst crashes nearly killed me, but I got back on the bike, one I healed and I won my first race back in Lusial. As part of the Red Bull family I've helped them with some crazy challanges, beat Max Verstappen in an F1 car and lots more. So i think it would genuinely take a lot to scare me!" you smile explaining your thought process behind your tweet and how you think you'd genuinely react.
"So I'm guessing you'd be like down to collab with them at some point!" he asks.
"Yeah of course, I know these things take time to plan so obviously you know with both our busy schedules it probably wouldn't be anytime soon, but you never know!" you grin and after a few more questions before the podcast ends.
It was around a week later, you were in your home gym getting some weight training in when a message dings up. You stop the current exercise your doing to check it.
It was an instagram DM from the Sam and Colby official account. You click on the notification to go onto the chat to look at what they'd messaged you.
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Of course you immedielty replied. You exchanged numbers with both the boy's before Colby made a group chat asking when you were free.
It was harder to find times than you expected, the next time you all would be free was during your winter break from racing. Which was risky to confirm anything, especially to their fans as anything could happen to you in that time.
You agreed on a date and time to tell your fans.
The next step was you inviting them to a race weekend, you wanted to meet them but obviously didn't have much time between races. So you invited them to your home race at Silverstone in the United Kingdom.
They decided to make it a whole thing, where they explored some haunted places across England after coming to see you at your race.
You decided to meet them at the airport first and you couldn't hold in your nerves to meet them, you never had the best people skills which is probably why you went into the career path that you did.
You waited for them in the arrivals area, it wasn't too busy due to the time of the day, just a few business men in suits. You looked around for a board to see when their plane had landed, but could find one.
"Y/N?" you hear from behind you.
A/N: I don't know what the fandom's like on here, but I just like writing about cool situations that help with writers block for writing my book! If you follow me for F1 and General Motorsports this is me branching out my writing into another hyper fixation of mine that’s been around for a while!
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thearchercore · 1 year ago
charles is a PR genius. and here's how he's trying to slowly rebrand his persona to strenghten his personal brand:
recently, especially after the triple header, you could notice charles had a period of time when he distanced himself from ferrari and clearly changed his public statements about his goals. he went from saying he wants to win with ferrari to saying that at his core, he just wants to win. and that he would leave ferrari if he didn't believe the project.
he also changed the way he communicated with fans, through social media. you can notice the change of wording in his post descriptions:
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both posts are from the same year, but the wording is now different. he refused to use the ferrari branding and stopped using the typical ferrari-PR wording he was conditioned to use.
fast forward, he started interracting with ferrari by abu dhabi and seemed to be finally happy with the direction the team was taking. however, he still managed to build something from this anti-ferrari period -- the slow rebrand from being "charles, the ferrari driver" to "charles, the f1 driver".
charles is slowly, but surely working to increase the value of his personal brand to possibly gain more negotiating power, and other bonuses that come with having a strong personal brand not tied to any team in particular.
in general, the goal would be to outgrow the team so you are known as an individual athlete, not just someone who drives for the particular team and has their identity tied to the team only.
he also signed with WME for advertisement purposes, he started wearing his personal clothing brand CLACE again after ferrari banned him to do so. he clearly regained more confidence in what he can do as an athlete within the contract (that's usually very limiting from ferrari's pov).
how does he otherwise work on his personal brand? relatability. charles is a gen z child first and foremost, he knows parasocial relationships play a huge role on social media. he works on side personal projects like the LA vlog -- the vlog that had little to do with racing but still showed charles completely SUCK at basketball.
why would you include it, you may ask? it makes him relatable, it makes his personality more interersting. more fun.
his first public post from winter training then was him falling
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why did he post that? well, a) he's a silly guy. but more importantly, b) he's not crafting up a perfect PR image, he's aiming for being relatable, showcasing more of his personality. he wants to stand out as an individual in the sea of other f1 drivers who posted more pre-planned content during their winter training.
in the LA vlog he also left in a little dig at carlos. why? because he can. he also used his twitter likes to like controversial things that ferrari wouldn't let him say. he very much knows how to navigate online spaces and how to create more boundaries between his personal brand and the ferrari brand.
additionally, he also now hangs out with people like max publicly even if they don't benefit the ferrari brand. max, in general, isn't liked by the tifosi or ferrari in general. but charles still makes sure to hang out with him on track and outside of it, once again, securing his personal brand and not pushing something that ferrari would prefer.
it's all very interesting to watch, seeing how carefully he's rebuilding his public image and how he communicates on social media with the world.
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clarkeyhill · 3 months ago
☁️Invisible| George Clarke
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Summary: you have a crush on George, but you don't believe you're good enough for him, little do you know you're just his type.
It wasn't unusual that you were the last person someone picked, whether it be for a teams in games or dates; you were the black sheep. You were outgoing, a bubbly person but was shy at the same time. You'd recently joined content creating and started on TikTok, expanding your taste palette for new ideas you came across a guy name George, he posted funny skits and impression videos, although you weren't the type to do those things, his content inspired you to create something new. You decide to follow him.
You post a haul of your shopping trip to b&m, showing your followers the new things and dupes along the way, you were an eye for bargains and anything similar to the expensive price tags. Racking just over 70,000 followers in just a short few months you were invited to a pr event with White Fox. A brand that you'd never personally purchased from but you did love their products, you accepted through your management and agreed to vlog/promote the brand at the event.
You were so excited, your first Pr opportunity. Tears form in your eyes from joy as you make a video "hey guys i have some exciting news! I've just been invited to my first pr event with White Fox, I'm going to vlog my whole experience and break it down for you guys along the way, I'm so grateful to be able to have these opportunities thanks to you guys watching!" You say with beams of happiness as you sign off the video and upload it.The event was 3 days away so you had time to prepare. You placed your phone on charge whilst you did the laundry, a time you like to take off social media and block out the outside world, although it's your job.
After your small detox you open up your phone, lots of TikTok notifications flooding through with congratulations when two stood out to you.
@georgeclarkeey liked your video
@georgeclarkeey started following you
Your eyes widened in shock, a creator you took inspiration from had followed you, you wasn't sure why all your content being girly related but non the less you were buzzing. You responded to a few comments on your video for a while as you sipped on an iced coffee, when a message popped on your phone.
@georgeclarkeey: "hey sorry for the random message, I saw your video about your pr event and I just wanted to firstly congratulate you on it, you're doing really well! Also I am aswell invited to the event, wonder if you'd like to meet there? Don't want it to come across weird haha"
Your mouth ran dry, a sense of shock and excitement overboard your body, how could someone like George Clarke want to meet me you thought, you were never people like George's cup of tea, the lonely kid in school who'd eat alone and now a big creator asks to meet you. You hesitate to reply incase you make a fool of yourself, strumming the confidence to reply.
You: hi! aw thanks for that, I appreciate it! It's been a shock to the system to say the least haha, I'd love to meet up, I'd know nobody there apart from my management so you'd do me a solid!"
You smile into your phone like a schoolgirl with her first crush, George was undeniable attractive he had a big girl following and everyone went crazy for him. You were quite fond of him yourself to say the least. @georgeclarkeey: "no problem at all, it's always a shock when you get your first but honestly the only way from here is up, would you like to meet at the event or beforehand? A coffee or something?"
You: "a coffee sounds great, let me know where and I'll be there, thanks for being so kind"
@georgeclarkeey: "perfect! I'll text you a coffee shop closer to the event so we won't have far to walk afterwards also it's my pleasure! Nice to see some other varieties of content surfacing, your contents lovely to watch"
Shut the front door. THE George Clarke telling you your contents lovely to watch? You're kidding. The world seems fake right now, so many emotions rushing through you.
You: "Thankyou George, it means a lot, I've took a lot of inspiration from your videos to try and open my confidence up a little, so you could say your contents helped me in ways to boost my career"
You continue to chat, getting to know eachother.
Day of the White fox Event
Your nerves were setting in, your first event meeting new people and also meeting up with George. You opted for a some casual clothes, baggy mom jeans and a white crop top with a flannel shirt over the top. Your makeup as basic as normal, a touch of brow gel, a pop of mascara and some skin tint. Nothing major. You make your way into London to meet George, he'd text you the address beforehand, a 2 second walk from the venue. Your hair cascaded over your shoulders as the London breeze hit your skin, a mix of crisp and warm air. Just as you get to the coffee shop your stomach sinks, what if he doesn't like me? Thinks I'm weird? The battles of your overthinking brain looms and looms as you step in, there he was, blue eyed and handsome.
His eyes shoot up as you walk through the door, a warm smile makes it way over his face "hey, glad you could make it" he says arising from his seat to hug you, a mixture of mint and aftershave flooded your nostrils as you embraced him for a hug "I wouldn't have missed it for the world, how are you?" You reply sitting down "ah I'm good, busy but good, yourself?" He replies "same really, not so much as busy as you probably but yeah, I'm excited" you smile, his gaze wandering down to your lips as you spoke as shivers tingle down your spine. You talk over coffee for a while before heading to the venue.
"You ready?" He says with a warm smile opening the door for you "I think so" you chuckle nervously "you'll be fine, don't worry I'm here if you need anything" he says with a reassuring tone which wrapped around you like a warm blanket of safety. You give your names to the people at the desk and collect your lanyards, you pull out your phone to introduce your video.
"Hi guys, I've just arrived and the nerves are kicking in, I'll try to film as much as I can for you all, trying to sink into the reality of it all along the way and make new friends which I seem to have-" you were interrupted by George poking his head in "she's already made one friend, well should I say I practically befriended her" he chuckles placing a hand on your shoulder as he walks to grab a drink. You put your phone away, saving the footage, George Clarke in your video would be a big shock to your fanbase for sure.
The night goes on and you meet new creators, have interviews with some labels and tell everyone on how you got into influencing, the night couldn't have gone much better; George was there to reassure you when you felt nervous and just guide you through the whole experience which you were thankful for. There was an after party, but you opted not to go.
"Leaving so soon?" George asking raising a brow, "yeah sorry, parties aren't really my thing, Thankyou for tonight George I appreciate it a lot" you say smiling "we could go grab a drink elsewhere if you wanted, just me and you?" He says, you were taken a back by his response that he wanted to leave the event, to be with you, in a strange turn of events you'd never imagine something like this would happen, you weren't up to beauty standards nor were you a model, why did he want to go for a drink with you? "You don't have to, I wouldn't pull you away from your friends" you reply "you're not, you're my friend and I want to have a drink with you" his sweet smile returns, a gaze of sincerity plastered over him like a genuine interest in you loomed inside him "okay, maybe just a quiet one" you say as he nodded, you said bye to everyone and left, scoping out a bar to indulge in.
You chatted for a while at the bar, like you'd known eachother a life time and not just a few days, you got on like a house on fire, taking in eachothers interests. It's like no matter what you said, did or how you acted George would always match your energy and it comforted you. After a while you call it a night, it was getting late. You walk out the bar as you book an Uber home
"I've really enjoyed today, Thankyou" you say with a soft smile "me too, normally I hate pr just because of the social interaction, but you've made it easy to bare" he says laughing "well atleast I could be of some use" you retort, silence looms over you as George stares at you for a little longer than normal "can I kiss you?" He says nervously, your eyes widen "really?" You say shocked "is that okay?" He says "yeah-just nobody's ever wanted to kiss me" you say nervously "why not, you're really pretty, funny and easy to get a long with" he says brushing his hand against yours, with a soft smile as he cups your chin and places a soft kiss onto your lips, a magnetic shock goes through you like it was something you had longed for a while, a connection that felt so right. You pulled away and stared at eachother for a minute as you sink in the reality of what had just happened. You exchange numbers and arrange to meet up again, turns out your worrying was for nothing, you were just his type.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year ago
another interesting angle about wyb’s hat during the GQ event. i looked up both cpf and so/o wardrobe accounts and i didn’t see them identify where the hat came from. everything else tho was chanel, and the suit was dunhill which the brand themselves posted about. we didn’t think too much about it at the time cause we were too busy connecting it to luffy and other things.
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now a post from fans & a little bit of detective work tells us where it could possibly come from. a fan posted about a hat store (hat of cain) in raffles hotel where xz stayed and took photos for his ralph’s club event. they look v close to what wyb wore.
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if you go back to xzs vlog, there is a cut (p3) where you see downstairs from XZ is. people are saying that it is close to where the shop is. so that was a little clue from them. we have talked about how it appeared out of character for xzs to post a vlog in the midst of all the GQ event noise. they could easily post it the next day or even the weekend so it will go on hot search or better yet, so he won’t be accused of trying to steal the spotlight from other celebrities. no we think we know why. and why he was trying to match ybo’s caption. it’s him ( allegedly ) trying to say that he was responsible for WYB’s fashion accessory of the day. in his own way, showing off the same way that wyb was. 🤍
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I’M SORRY XZ & XZS, we didn’t catch up on that hint sooner. We could only do so much investigative work. Lol. We will be better next time 😌😌😌😌
You can visit their IG to compare and see for yourself how similar it is to what WYB wore. I also looked up their website and Raffles Hotel was listed as one of the locations that have their store. You can even see one of their ig posts that talks about their product and a detail inside the hat ( p3 is yibo and p4 is the ig post ) is the same as yibo’s. I’m not an expert so i don’t know if this is a standard when making all hats with the same material but i have to say that the similarity is v interesting.
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I mean, what are the chances really???
You have XZ who was recently in Singapore. Very publicly at that and it was not a secret that he stayed at Raffles Hotel. At this time, the theme of GQ MOTY was already set and they have already given the theme of the guest having to walk on land & water and not just your usual red carpet. Maybe XZ picked it cause he knew how much WYB loves hats. It could also be to match what he would be doing for his public event where he is the Guest of Honor.
Then WYB comes in and showed off this hat. We were all thinking it’s One Piece & Luffy coded, which it could be, but we’re now only realizing the deeper meaning. Why he was so attached to it too. YBO released a bts video earlier 12/9 and WYB was joking that he had a hat too like the one rowing, so that means he can also row the boat. Turns out, the style he was wearing is called a boater hat. So it fits. XZ bought it for him as a souvenir that he knew WYB would like, with the thought of the GQ event’s theme.
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Maybe XZ wasn’t even implying that WYB wear it that prominently. He just thought of WYB when he saw it and being the person that he is thought that it would be a good accessory for a photoshoot related to WYB’s public event. Maybe he can explore parts of the old town venue and get some shots of him with it. However, much like WYB loves to show off things that XZ gave him, it became his main accessory for the day ( not my words, YBO said that in their caption lol ).
Lastly, I remember one of XZ’s staff was holding a raffles paper bag when they were going home. What’s on it that he had to hold it for safekeeping? If the shop was in the Raffles Boutique, wouldn’t a thing bought from there use the hotel’s paper bag? Wouldn’t you want to hand carry a hat like that in case it gets deformed when shoved in a suitcase?
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Anyway, this is all a coincidence 👀👀👀
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chqolan · 11 months ago
Rashid boyfriend headcanons
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A/N: rashid aka the boyfriend of all time , i can't stop thinking about him
TW: no warnings, just fluff !
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rashid is the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for, but he’s always embarrassed whenever you tell him that he’s perfect.
he is the most affectionate person you know. rashid isn’t afraid to show off how much he loves you— wether it’s in public or private, he’s bombarding you with hugs and kisses.
he also gives great bear hugs!!! he’ll rock you side to side during hugs too.
with his whole streaming career, there have been many instances where you’re in his videos and live streams. his followers are familiar with you and seem to enjoy whenever you’re on camera with him!
if you’re ever camera shy, rashid won’t mind and will make sure not to film you. but chances are,, his bubbly personality will help you ease in to being on camera quite easily.
i’ve also mentioned this here, but rashid would vlog majority of your dates together. not for any uploads or for the public eye… just for you two to enjoy and keep as a sort of memory for when you “grow all old and sappy together”, in rashid’s words.
the point of him vlogging your dates also has to do with the amount of time he gets to spend with you. sometimes it could be important business trips with azam or just trips for his next videos ,, but there are moments he’s not able to be with you.
times like that make him feel extra homesick sometimes, so best believe he’ll be texting you a lot. rashid loves to hear about your day and ramble on about whatever crazy things he encountered recently! it’s always lovely to hear from him.
it goes without saying that rashid was born into a rich family and had the privilege of being wealthy all his life, so he can tend to unintentionally spoil you sometimes.
if he’s ever out on his own time, he’s always thinking of you somehow. any sort of item/piece of clothing will get bought in an instant if it reminds him of you !
due to all the money he has access to, the two of you often go on shopping dates together whenever there's time for it. luckily for you, rashid is easy to interest, so he'll be paying full attention into whatever you're planning to want.
rashid's shopping list is usually related to some sort of equipment used for his streaming. he's always been a total tech geek and never stops rambling on about different sort of cameras... you can't quite keep up sometimes, but it's cute watching him talk about something he loves.
it's worth mentioning that you two always take pictures together and have a gallery combined of cute, romantic and silly pictures !
like mentioned before, some photos were taken on dates, but some others were just random pics you two would take with/of each other
sometimes you'd both snuggle up together somewhere cozy and look back at certain photos and videos, just reminiscing and laughing at certain memories.
every moment you spend with him is full of laughter and smiles. he's like the best bf in the world <3
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tommyssupercoolblog · 5 months ago
lmao bc u keep putting it on my dash (/aff) can u pls explain the d&p stuff to me?
Dan and Phil are vlog YouTubers (although they did start a gaming channel) who were REALLY famous in the 2010s and then started popping off again recently.
They became online friends first, ✨ through the magic of the internet ✨ and then at some point in 2009 Dan boarded a train to come see Phil, and then just kind of...never left? He went to college but it was near Phil's house and he spent more time at Phil's house than his dorm, with most of his stuff there. It started as him coming by regularly to "do his laundry" in Phil's washing machine but then he just kinda. Latched onto him like moss
According to a more recent video when Dan went on his we're all doomed tour, the longest that had been apart before then, SONCE 2009, was like a week. Girl.
Anyways they started doing videos together and eventually became one of the BIG YouTube channels , and also started getting shipped under the shipname "Phan". Far from being repulsed by this, they went out of their way to stalk Tumblr tags and read fanfiction in their videos, even featuring well done fanart. Even outside of Phan, like, they had a thing where for a bit every video would feature a drawing where someone drew Phil naked and they called it "today's draw Phil naked". That being said they regularly claimed to like women and be straight.
There was also some truthing and harassment with some of the more disrespectful Phan shippers who didn't follow the rules of RPF, because a lot of people didn't really know how to go about it back then and also there were some genuine assholes. So that was less fun then the normal shipping.
They launched a gaming channel at some point in I think 2016? And also released a book and a tour, which is available on DVD also.
Then they went on hiatus, and it was radio silence for YEARS .....UNTIL ......
Dan also talked about how it was "obvious that we're more than just friends" and everyone knew it, because. Yeah. And says that they're also more than romantic- SOULMATES, destined to be together, put on this earth so they could meet online and become Dan and Phil. Okay girl
They regularly make references to loving each other but refuse to specifically, in plain terms, tell the press they are dating, because of privacy reasons. Some people think it's a "we only want the people who get it to get it" situation, some people think their relationship is actually queerplatonic or something, but regardless there's something queer going on and they aren't hiding that anymore, nor the fact that they are life partners, but wether or not they apply a traditional "boyfriend" label to it is something they refuse to answer. Which is honestly ICONIC???
They designed a house together, had it built, and now live there together in their lovely phouse, and have also started adding the prefix "ph" to things to denote that they're Dan and Phil or Phandom related, something the Phans have also picked up. The regularly make jokes about Phan and also about not just having sex, but even their specific dynamic? Phil is apparently a pillow princess who Dan doms. Like. Okay.
They're notoriously co-dependent, they go everywhere together, if one person opens their phone the other will also look because everything they own is shared and they just use apps together like that? Like. Phil will get a text or vice versa and they'll BOTH LOOK and respond. They also tag all their posts on Instagram as shared like, basically ever since that's been a feature.
They bicker a lot and it's so silly,,, poggers
They ALSO are well known for dropping massive bombshells on their fanbase or being chaotic to them for fun. Tormenting them back for the phanfiction, as it were.
Anyway. In 2015 there was a famous Tumblr heritage post called "but seriously imagine it" where someone said this
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Today marks the 15th anniversary of Dan and Phil's first meetup, that fateful day when Dan got off that train and first saw Phil in person....but it ALSO is, wildly, a day where later tonight in American Time (so most people farther up will be asleep), all of the bands in this post are performing on the same stage.
Dan and Phil have REFERENCED THIS POST recently in the leadup to this and even brought a cardboard cutout of Gerard Way out at one of their shows, so the phandom is BUZZING because of the possibility of some stunt related to the post, AND the fact it's also ON THEIR PHANIVERSARY.
this has kicked off the Phantoberfest/Pharmageddon where everyone has the same profile picture, and also lots of edits celebrating 15 years, lots of memes, and general shit posting and panic as everyone anticipates whatever shit these guys are about to get up to next.
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hic-incipit · 1 year ago
𝙽𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙸𝙶 𝙼𝙰𝙳 → 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗; 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗
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So, for those of you whom aren't subscribed to Christopher's Bubble OR whom haven't either heard and/or seen about the most recent Bubble antics recently on other forms of social media, the man decided to live out his K-Drama Fantasies on behalf of Chan Stans and Stay everywhere.
What exactly did he do, you ask? Well, to put it simply (and trust me, this is difficult because Chan is my bias) he broke up with us, tried to accuse us of cheating, but then admitted it was him who had been cheating to then admitting he was playing a simple joke on us and reassured us that he'd never want to do anything to hurt us (bless him, I swear). Who was it? It was Berry. Yes. His dog, Berry. 😒😂
I'm pretty sure non-Chan stans were convinced there was something actually wrong with him due to the number of Tiktoks and Fans posts I personally saw, however, us Chan-biased knew the man was full of shit and was most assuredly pulling some of his usual Chan-coded shenanigans.
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It didn't matter what Chris did, how he said it, or why he did it. The simple fact still remained the same: you could never get mad at him.
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→ Chris is the type of man that if asked, he'd likely do some crazy shit for the person he loves. Walk over hot coals? Sure. Dodge a few bullets? Yeah, no problem. Clean your shared living space, wash and fold laundry, put away dishes and cook dinner last minute? Of course.
→ But ask him to do something like, take out the trash? Well, fuck all of that.
→ And, truthfully, its not because he's incapable. He's exceedingly able to do said task. Its just...well...well he gets really hyper-focused on a task, especially a task he wants to do, it kind of--sort of--slips his mind.
→ And sure, the first few times he tells you this and flashes that thought-paralyzing smile, its suddenly not a big deal and you have no problem taking it out yourself.
→ However, the moment it goes from "a few times" to "too many times", you're suddenly finding yourself overcome with a rather new emotion. At least, when it comes to anything related to Chris.
→ You're big mad. Furious even. And its justifiable! Even Chris would agree with you. He's a grown ass man; he knows better.
→ However, the stars align and the universe conspires against you the morning you do ask him to take it out.
→ You're running late. You have an entirely packed work schedule. You slept for literal shit the night before. Your favorite pair of work pants weren't clean. You didn't have your favorite breakfast yogurt and you had to do mandatory overtime to top it all off.
→ So you ask Chris last minute as you're hastily packing up your work bag to take out the trash before you get home from work later that evening.
→ "Yeah, yeah, of course, beautiful! I'll take care of it." He promises and you believe him. Because in that moment, you don't have the time nor bandwidth to remember to question him about the other times he forgot. So, in your haste, you thank him and plant a kiss on his forehead before dashing out the door for work.
→ Well, see, Chris really did intend to do it. And he even wrote it down on a post-it note that he stuck to the monitor of his computer to remind him. But then he got distracted, watching Stay vlogs on Youtube. And then he got inspired by a mashup of Case 143 and God's Menu that a Stay had made, so he had to mess around in his studio.
→ Then suddenly it was 6:30pm. Chris is the literal physical embodiment of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.
→ Chris hears the door open when you arrive home. And then the subsequent shout of his name. Okay, you're definitely not happy. He's also pretty sure he hears some slamming of somekind, maybe.
→ But it isn't until he hears your little feet stomping down the hall towards his studio door that he cannot help but find you the absolute cutest thing he's ever seen and heard than in this moment.
→ And lets be clear...Chris never invalidates you or dismisses you when you're upset. He just can't help but find it really fucking precious.
→ But you? Well, you're pissed. And you're determined to let his ass know. Because every other time you have been upset with him, he somehow disarms you completely and you immediately forget why you were mad in the first place.
→ Its damn near impossible to be mad at him. I mean, look at him. How can you get mad at that face? You can't, that's why.
→ Anticipating you, Chris is on the other side of his studio door just waiting. And as expected, he hears the all too familiar bang, bang, bang of your fist making contact with the door.
→ You do your best to strengthen your resolve. This time you're gonna give him the people's elbow and really let him have it. He just couldn't keep getting away with this. You know it. He knows it.
→ But that was before he'd opened his door. Well, after your little fists pounded his door, he promptly opened it and looked down at you. His head cocked to the side, one brow lifted as if he has absolutely no clue why you're standing there with your arms crossed, tapping your foot against the hardwood floor while wearing a really pathetic attempt at pure ire.
→ And you were so determined to proverbially throat punch the man, especially after the day you'd had (and to be fair, Chris probably would've let you literally throat punch him if he knew it would make you feel better). But once he opens the door and the scent of his studio and him bum rushes your nostrils, your eyes dart up to his and...and...
→ Well, god fucking damnit.
→ What were you even mad at him for? Why is he looking at you like you're some sort of damsel in distress? Why is he smiling? What's so funny?
→ "CHRISTOPHER!" Is all you can manage, your voice coming out in more of an exasperated whine and definitely not sounding any bit angry.
→ Chris stands there and mirrors you, crossing his arms and leans into the door jam with his head still cocked to the side. One of his dimples is showing and you just know he fucking knows. He knows why you're standing there. And he knows why you're upset. Or, well, you think he knows just based on the way he's looking at you like the cutest little creature he's ever seen.
→ You release your crossed arms, letting out a very audible huff through your nose as you do and you just stare at him. Blinking wildly, trying to find the resolve you knew you had about 60 seconds ago. But where it went, you haven't a fucking clue. Because he's standing there...just looking at you like you are the cutest little creature he's ever seen.
→ "Baby?" He finally responds. His voice is calm, suddenly soothing your rattled nerves. You let out yet another huff, but this time its a little less intense and you drop your shoulders.
→ "I hate you. You know that? I'm mad. I'm mad at...you!" You press your finger gently into his chest as you speak, "But...but I can't fucking remember why now because you're looking at me like that and...and...UGH!"
→ Chris knows you had a rough day. He doesn't even need to ask you to know it. He just feels it radiating off of you. So, he cocks his head to the opposite side as you stand there, trying to be mad about something and looking less and less like the raging bull you thought you did and more like a shrieking squirrel.
→ And Chris lets a beat of silence go between the both of you before he simply places each of his hands on either side of your arms and brings you close to him. You hear a soft sigh breach his lips before he leans in and presses a firm, but gentle kiss to your forehead.
→ Yeah, this fucker disarmed you with the forehead kiss this time. Damnit, damnit, damnit.
→ He leans back up, straightening himself upright before giving your arms a gentle squeeze. And he doesn't say anything. His arms fall back to his sides as he resumes his previous stance against the door jam. He's still smiling at you like you are the cutest little creature he's ever seen.
→ You let out one last sigh. Well, the man did it again. And you can't even be mad. Because I mean, look at him. Try being mad at him. Its impossible.
→ You give a shake of your head before spinning on your heels, heading back down the hall towards the kitchen. But you feel Chris' eyes are still on you. And you look back over your shoulder and yep, there those brown little boba eyes are, locked on you.
→ "I'm mad at you. So don't you dare stare at my ass as I walk away from you." You look forward again, but not before you place a hand on each butt cheek in a feeble attempt to block Chris' gaze.
→ And all you hear are his muffled giggles. His absolutely adorable, precious and cute giggles. Fucking shitbird.
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jabberwocky-warrior · 1 year ago
10 Random Vil Headcanons
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10 random Headcanons for Vil Schoenheit
TW / CW: none that i know of
Characters: Vil Schoenheit, Mentioned Vil's dad, Rook, epel, Crewel
Not proofread | 267words | None of these are canon [obviously]
Vil is super close with his dad. They talk as often as they can making time. They make sure they have at least 1 call a month, no exceptions.
When he was little he had very sensitive skin. He still uses specific laundry detergents to avoid irritation.
Even though Vil knows self-defense [and is good at it], Rook still wants to teach him archery and hunting.
Vil taking in Epel as his protege was partly (not fully) because he saw himself in how people assume things about both of them based on appearance. Vil uses people’s assumptions to his advantage and I do truly believe he wants Epel to do the same.
Vil had debated joining the science or photography clubs before ultimately joining film appreciation.
Vil only ever does “normal” makeup but he does have an appreciation and half-of-a-want to experiment with more artistic makeup. [[include examples in bottom of post]]
Vil had no trouble contacting teachers for extra help or for self-study. He routinely gets book recommendations from Professor Crewel for new potions and experiments to try.
Vil posted GRWM and vlogs every month or two before entering NRC. Instead, now he sticks to work-related posts and the occasional random photo.
Vil can speak a few languages. Most are survival level but a lot are conversational. German and Swedish are two, with French being one he’s gotten better at more recently because of Rook.
Vil has thought about writing his own play productions but worries it will only get support for his name, not for the work he put into it.
This is what I mean by artistic makeup.
left: Aztinayy on insta Middle: Evelynnnxo_ on twitter Right: Tania Kwok
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let me know if you find mistakes. Feel free to send request. I hope you enjoy this. i know its not much but I'm trying to get back into writing.
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beeblebub · 1 month ago
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Everyone meet BETSY STATEN - My Bob’s Burgers OC/Self-insert!!!
Backstory under the cut:
Betsy Staten is a 27-year-old recent-divorcee who is trying out a new start.
She got her big break as one-half of a popular “couple channel” on ViewTube (YouTube): Betsy and Mack. They got pretty big, doing Vlogs, gaming videos, challenge videos and more. Until one day, while she was coming home from visiting her sick father, Betsy walked in on Mack with another woman and just left without another word, without even packing up most of her belongings. In a hurry to get away, she reached out to a realtor to find a new place to live, with only 2 requirements: by the water, and with easily accessible entertainment. When Betsy sat down to look at her options, a crumpled up Wonder Wharf flier fell out of the bottom of the pile, and she made her decision right away. This place will work. It’s quiet, but not quiet enough to be boring. It’s far enough away from people that she can be on her own, and most of all… It’s a shithole. And Mack hates shithole towns. She moves into a nice house on the coast.
After settling into her big empty new home she has a bit of a breakdown—cutting and dying her hair and everything. But once she settles down, she realizes she’s hungry and goes into town to find someplace to eat. She isn’t feeling seafood or pizza, so she decides on this “little green burger shop” by the Wharf. Right as she sits down, the friendly lady that works there (Linda) sparks up a conversation with her. Betsy likes the food and service so much that she keeps coming back every day for lunch, eventually getting to know Bob and Linda and getting along with them. All of a sudden, she stops showing up. During this break, a sudden influx of customers begins to pour in for the restaurant. They keep talking about “is this the place? It seems like the place she was talking about.” As if they had narrowed down the location themselves, with internet detective skills. And there’s so many. The restaurant was never this busy, and they’re finally making a good amount, they even made rent on time!
One night, after the days-long rush has started to settle down, an exhausted Linda brings up that she thinks “that Betsy girl” probably had something to do with this, and she takes to the internet to get to the bottom of things. She soon discovers the popular couple channel—Betsy and Mack. The most recent video on the page, after so many thumbnails of a happy couple, is a video of a sad-looking Mack, all by himself, titled “She’s Gone.” When Linda hits play, she and Bob watch an overly-tearful man onscreen describe how his wife just left without a word, how heartbroken and worried he is, how he doesn’t understand why she would run off like this, etc. Linda starts to rant about how she can’t believe someone would do that, and how irresponsible that is. But Bob points out a related video that pops up, from a separate channel “Betsy Staten” titled “The Truth” with a thumbnail that just shows Betsy’s solemn face in an empty room.
They open up the video and let it play. Betsy sits down in front of the camera and very calmly explains what actually happened. She talks about how she was away for a while, taking care of her sick father. She talks about how his health was rapidly declining, and how Mack refused to join her when she left to help. And she explains what she saw when she did briefly come home—Mack in bed with another woman. So she left, without saying a word. She takes a pause to gather herself before continuing, letting the viewer know that just a few days ago, her father passed away. On the same day that Mack posted that fake-crying video. She starts to cry. (Real tears this time.) Linda cries with her, on the other side of the screen.
Video-Betsy goes on to tell the full truth, that Mack was horrible to her. He treated her like a dog, ever since she was a teenager. He was verbally and mentally abusive the whole time—A perfectionist who would take his frustrations out on her. She follows these claims up with clips and everything, that she had secretly recorded herself—fully exposing Mack and his lies.
After outing her now ex-husband as the abuser that he is, she goes on to talk about how things are looking up. She talks about her new big empty house that she’s so excited about, and how much she looks forward to finally finding herself. And then she goes into talking about her new favorite place: A local burger place! She talks about how much she feels like home there, how good the food is, and even takes a bite of her takeout burger in the video. She uses this to wrap things up, wishing her viewers well, letting them know she misses them and that she’ll be back to making her own videos soon.
A couple days later, after the initial traffic boom had settled down a bit, Betsy comes back to the restaurant. She’s immediately greeted by an unexpected bear hug from Linda, who now knows her whole tragic backstory and has decided to be Betsy’s new “mom.” After all the crap that Betsy went through she happily welcomes this. After Bob thanks Betsy for the subtle publicity and explains that it helped them out a lot, Betsy gets an idea. She decides to invest in the restaurant—and it’s revealed that she has CRAZY YouTube money that she now wants to get rid of. She says it’s “Mack’s money, and it stinks, but it still spends the same.” But it comes with a catch—Betsy wants to work for him. She was an accountant before going viral online, and she loves math and numbers, and even balances the restaurant’s finances in a flash. So she wants to be the “manager” of the restaurant. Bob is hesitant, not wanting to repeat the whole Warren Tiki Bar scenario, but Betsy explains she is against that entirely. She is “tired of making decisions for men.” All of the decision making power rests on Bob as the owner, she’ll just handle the boring money parts. And at first, she doesn’t want to be paid, and when Bob says he legally has to, she agrees on the lowest possible wage. She just loves this place and wants to help it in any way she can.
This also includes being the kids’ free babysitter! The family is visited by Jen, who announces that she’ll be moving away to a different state with her Notary boyfriend. (Yes the monotone guy from that Valentine’s Day episode.) Linda is distressed that they won’t get able to find a long-term sitter at her rate, but then Betsy interjects and offers to do it for free. She has a special bond with each kid.
Tina: Betsy sees Tina as a younger version of herself, finding so many similarities in how she was at 13. She is protective of Tina and will often go out of her way to make sure her “little sister” is happy. After getting over the initial frustration of getting demoted to “part-time babysitter” AGAIN, Tina quickly warms up. To her, Betsy is so cool. She looks up to her and sees her as a “big sister” and best friend. They are often found pairing up for shenanigans, and call themselves “Team BS” (Team Big Sister) and Tina quickly becomes a huge fan of Betsy’s content.
Gene: A slightly-younger curvier version of his mom?? Sign him UP. Gene is vocal about his crush on Betsy, no matter how uncomfortable it makes the people around him (including Betsy herself.) It’s a typical “I have a crush on the babysitter” type of relationship. He gets jealous of the guys Betsy ends up dating, but never takes it out on anyone, other than giving these guys a proper roasting once in a while. Betsy doesn’t mind and thinks he’s sweet, though she tries to steer his affection in a different direction most times.
Louise: Out loud, Louise will tell you Betsy is a huge nerd who she doesn’t care about AT ALL… But she’ll steal the laptop or the emergency phone after dark to watch the same 10 Betsy videos on repeat until she’s caught. She is enamored with Betsy’s version of fame, and tries to get in on if all the time—thinking up video ideas, offering to be in a video or “help” with one, etc. But she’d never let you know that she’s actually a huge fan. (Everyone can tell.)
And that’s pretty much the breakdown! I have lots of side-stories and “episodes” I’ve written out so I’m hoping to put those in a comic form at some point, titled “Heavens to Betsy” but this is just the overview. I’ve been working on her as a character for years now, so I’m ready to show her off. Keep an eye out for more 😤
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aimwigs · 1 year ago
hey I've been listening to the yard for about a year and a half and I want to get more into it ifywim do I just start watching old vods to catch up or is there any content u can recommend as a baseline must-watch
this is by no means a comprehensive list because i've only really been watching the yard since dec 2022 and my 2021 stint in lud viewing was brief and casual (didn't know what i had) but it is a fucking long list so i'll keep it under the cut. included stuff that maybe i wouldn't classify as a must watch but i wanted to include it so you can pick and choose what interests you
PODCASTS - I know for a fact there are other podcast appearances out there that I don't know of but here are a few:
the yard x wine about it - it's just the four of them and qt which means good times! this is an essential imo
there are a few eps of fear& that they appear on! specifically rec the ep with nick and aiden and the ep with ludwig and aiden. there are also a few eps with ludwig and slime (not at the same time) if you're interested in those
i've watched aiden on three different interview podcasts all are worth a watch to me: karat interview, across the bar, and good griefed (audio a little scuffed on this one but it's cute)
fucking loved nick's ep of across the bar because his outlook on creativity is super relatable to me. he also did something with safety third that i've been meaning to watch but haven't yet!
VIDEOS AND STREAMS - there's a lot here but i'll try to describe what's what
mogul money ft the yard - this is the full vod, there's also a cut down video. extremely fun watch
nick was also on mogul money live (first game specifically) and he and aiden appear in the bts video a little bit
qt posted vlogs from italy! they're all fun watches and there's some good moments. one, two, three, four
qt and aiden halloween gingerbread house video. ludwig and aiden kiss in this one. i think the full vod is in god's hands unfortunately
qt and aiden make shit in an ezbake oven and make the guys eat it. fun little video. idk if the vod is out there somewhere or not
there's a cut down version of this too but the full stream of qt having all the guys do a gingerbread house competition is very peak
lud did a shit load of taste test videos with the guys for a slim jim sponsor. this might not be all of them but here are the ones i cold find off rip (fruit, cheese, chocolate, water, steak)
ludwig has done a shitload of ylyl streams with slime that you can find and honestly i have a horrible mediashare allergy so i haven't watched a lot of them but i have watched the one they did with aiden and the one with everyone but idk where the full vod is for the latter
from ludwig's fortnite mondays, there was a week where slime and nick played with jerma and sapnap. idk if any of the others posted the vod but here's sapnap's
the subathon has a shitload of stuff that i can't even begin to link but if you want the experience of the dcom series without subbing to tier 2 they watched the truman show starting about an hour thirty into this vod, tho it takes a hot minute to get everything lined up with the time stamps
halloween po unboxing where them + qt dress up as characters from scooby doo. nick looks frankly obscene as velma this is a great vod
how many flashlights does it take to cook an egg is exactly what it sounds like. it's lud slime and nick ft a little bit of yingo
they play the family feud game together in these two vods: just them and against miz/otk (can't stand miz but it was still good)
RECENT STUFF - aka stuff you probably know about or have seen because you've been around a year and a half but i figured i'd include them anyway since they happened off the pod
two months ago they all played fortnite on lud's stream and it was awesome
both the show matches of the ludwig tarik invitationals are worth watching if you're into valo! the first one is team mogul v otv and they're split up in the second. if the timestamps are broken it's 2h30 in both vods
the rivals 2 tournament is fun! i don't understand shit about fighting games but i love to see the boys play
cdawgva ski vod with lud and aiden from the japan trip! there's also a cut down version of youtube but i found it a fun watch
recency bias alert: they all played in creator dodgeball
the qt and aiden winter cocktail tierlist stream was so good like genuinely a stream of all time to me. ludwig hangs around for parts of it
the yard doing the dougdoug fast food challenge is a MUST WATCH! they celebrate and they suffer what could be more beautiful
otv's fear pong video with them is so fucking good. SO GOOD!
and finally i guess i should mention beerio because it just happened LOL
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clover-the-awesomest · 1 year ago
I don’t know what to do.
It’s very late at night and I have school in the morning but I can’t sleep without getting this off my chest. I’m so sorry for the vent post, I might delete it later or maybe I’ll forget about it in a few days.
I just found out about what Wilbur Soot did to Shelby. I have never watched any of Wil’s streams, neither have I known very much about Shelby. The streaming community just kinda breezes past me. Don’t have the attention span for it. But I did used to watch nearly all of Wilbur’s YouTube videos when they came out, and the Tom Simon’s vlogs with him in them were/are my favorites of the bunch. I also like to listen to Lovejoy’s music when doing certain chores/tasks in the house.
Then I heard the news, and was promptly floored. And now, I just… I’m lost.
I fully support Shelby. I feel horrible about what happened to her and I do genuinely hope she gets the support and love that she truly deserves. None of this is on her. And when it comes to Wil’s behavior, it’s just not okay. At all. I don’t have any other words.
Right now, I feel sick about the whole situation. I’ve been looking up to Wilbur for 4 years straight, despite not watching any of his streams, and now all of that has just been hit by a brick of information in the direction of my head! Everything’s so messy and confusing right now concerning all this, and I genuinely don’t know what to do. I can’t talk to my family, they won’t understand and won’t sympathize at all. I can’t talk to my friends, they’ll call me cringe. I can’t talk to anyone, really. And I just really need to know how to go about this. I adore Lovejoy’s music, but despise Wilbur’s actions. I was happy for Tommy and Wilbur coming back together in a recent VOD, but now I just feel bad for Tommy.
A huge part of my world has just been shattered. That’s the best way to put it.
I am so sorry to everyone else who’s been affected by this. I’m terribly sorry to Shelby, to Wilbur’s friends, to those who looked up to him, to his band… Everyone.
I’m sorry for being so divided on this. I know it should be obvious, that I should just block everything related to Wilbur and move on, but I don’t see it that way. I’m sorry.
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freckliedan · 1 year ago
Hi!!! I just wanted to talk about how Dan and Phil as a brand is so relatable to neurodivergents in the way that they've been treated recently. So DnP built their careers off of being "weird" and "quirky" and socially awkward. That was Their Thing. Dan spoke for years about being violently bullied (quotes such as "being punched in the head by dickheads" stand out as a pre-BIG example of just how violent it got at times), Phil had the Why I Was a Weird Kid series, they both were frequently talked about as being "weird" and "awkward" by other YouTubers - they WERE the "weird" ones of the vlog group. The ones that awkward teens could relate to. Unfortunately, this got the attention of the #imsoquirky crowd who talks like they're experiencing all of these things while also being the same people who would mock me for my autism.
And that's the crowd now saying Dan is too old to be posting catboy photos or saying that the two of them "give the ick now, idk why." And I just can't help but notice how much I relate to that as an autistic and ADHD person. So many times over the years, I've made "friends" who were slightly into my interests, but then got weirded out by how hard I went into them. I think what we're seeing is the same thing happening to Dan and Phil. Drawing cat whiskers on your face to answer questions? Well that's "so cute and quirky"!! (/s). But actually playing as Catboys in JRPGs, dressing up in cat ears, making animal noises (which the two of them always did but ig this group overlooked), etc? Well that's "too far" and "so weird."
I think Dan especially got hit with this because he has more subscribers. When he talks about being bullied, most people can relate to that. But then when he goes and honks a horn in a game repeatedly (which tbh I've done before myself, very ADHD coded of him) or talks about hiding behind vending machines to avoid talking to people, that is suddenly "too annoying/weird" for some of the audience that got into him for his "relatably weird" content.
Sorry this is such a long ramble, but basically Dan and Phil have accidentally become the perfect examples of how kids with autism/ADHD/social pragmatic disorder/nvld/dyspraxia *insert other neurodivergencies that can cause atypical socialization* are treated. People might find your initial "quirkiness" relatable because everyone feels awkward or socially anxious at times, but it's when they see that you are Actually Just Like That and it's not to be #relatable that they turn on you and start saying that you're "too much" and "too weird."
Dan and Phil were the "weird" ones of the British vlog scene, and those of us who tuned into the younows or watched their older videos knew this, but someone who only subbed after watching a meme review or the two of them playing undertale might have assumed that they were the "right" kind of quirky/weird.
This is probably incoherent, but I hope you get what I mean.
this isn't incoherent! just such a well thought out ask i don't have anything to add. there's really specific ways i'm comfortable talking abour dnp + neurodivergence & neurodivergence in general so it's not something i've ever done super in depth posts abt!
i've actually gotten a few really lengthy asks like this over the last few weeks, so this is to you and to my other askers: i really appreciate that folks want to share their ideas with me but sometimes i genuinely don't have enough to contribute in response to add on to what's being said! and that makes it pretty impossible to answer asks like this.
so this is to everyone: feel free to @ me in the replies on your posts! (doing that leaves things cleaner than @ ing in the body of a post, which in my experience means folks are more likely to engage, if that's what you're looking for). especially loop me in about dnp + neurodivergene or dnp + gender!
this isn't a promise i'll rb or even see things, this website's functionality is shit, but like. it's actually way easier for me to see and support than if yall are sending me essay length anons, and this way i + others can find more people who share the same opinions as us! make ur own posts & ppl will follow u i prommy
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bizarrequazar · 10 months ago
GJ and ZZH Updates — May 5-11 :D
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
05-05 → Zhenguoli posted two photo ads [1] [2] featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted seven photos of "Zhang Zhehan" running a marathon.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted fifteen photos from the filming of Go Fighting! episode 3. Caption: "The face of an angel, the little devil's lot of clever ideas 😈 Tonight at 9 o'clock, @ Gong Jun Simon uses his strength to subvert the stereotype of 'silly male god' and reaches the peak of 'smart and handsome guy'!"
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a vlog from the filming of Go Fighting! episode 3. Caption: "Something bad is going to happen. Can the green plum extract here 'eat people'? Don’t worry, everything is under the control of the clear and clever @ Gong Jun Simon 😎"
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted nine gifs of him from Go Fighting! episode 3. Caption: "Oops! @ Gong Jun Simon was beaten by green plum extract while passing by! Didn't you agree you're not allowed to become elite?"
→ Go Fighting! episode 3 aired. [full ep with subs]
05-06 → Nothing of note.
05-07 → Gong Jun posted images of a shirt with a photo on it of him in a wig from Go Fighting! episode 3. Caption: "Next time you have a pajama party? Hurry up and print my handsome photos on your xiongdi’s clothes"
→ Tissot posted four photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ ELLE Men released a teaser photo from their May issue featuring Gong Jun. Caption: "He said that the most important thing for a person is to be self-consistent, and this has been his path to self-consistency in recent years. I hope that I can continue to move forward. It doesn’t mean who I will become, I just hope that I will slowly make progress."
→ ELLE Men released the cover for their issue featuring Gong Jun. Caption: "@ Gong Jun Simon stands in front of us with his usual enthusiasm and clarity. It is easy to read the key words on him, happiness, order, and 'volume'. As a person who likes order and planning, he is somewhere between a 'strong person' and a 'light person'. He understands the expectations he carries, establishes a unique sense of order in his own world, and then takes it step by step." Gong Jun's studio reposted this with the added caption, "Relax and have a degree of self-control. Enjoy the gentle breeze in @ Gong Jun Simon's world."
→ ELLE Men released their photoshoot with Gong Jun. Caption: "This boy who grew up in the urban fireworks of Chengdu has travelled to China's most dynamic cities as an adult and has quickly gained a distinct place among young actors. @ Gong Jun Simon has a lot of expectations from the outside world - as an actor, he can achieve the maturity of his acting skills and the versatility of his roles. This is also his expectation for himself. But he said, step by step, you can't reach a thousand miles without taking small steps. This is the background of diligence and order in his character."
→ Gong Jun posted nine photos from the ELLE Men photoshoot. Caption: "Whether it's strong or light, it's all mine. Thanks @ ELLEMEN" He also posted six of the photos to his Instagram, caption: "I don't really want to shave my head" and six to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: "Confirmed, yes Pleasant in both shades"
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→ ELLE Men posted a video from their shoot with Gong Jun. Caption: "The conversation with @ Gong Jun Simon seemed to be chatting about his career, tight schedule and relaxing vacation within an established framework, but the communication was more like waves. The lowest logic in his heart, the most cherished place in the world he was dragging with him, surged forward."
→ The Instagram posted five photos of "Zhang Zhehan" in a gothic Visual Kei-ish outfit to promote the scam's newest song. The song itself has only a single repeating line of lyrics. Truly a gargantuan amount of effort going into this.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video from the ELLE photoshoot. Caption: "Jumping inside and outside the frame, and he travels in the dreamy world. @ Gong Jun Simon is suitable for both 'strong' and 'light', every step of the way is pleasant." They posted another to their Douyin (minor flashing lights cw) shortly after. Caption: "Gong Jun unlocks multi-faceted looks and interprets ever-changing charm. Listen to @ Gong Jun Simon’s inner voice."
05-08 → Gong Jun's studio posted an additional nine photos from Gong Jun's ELLE photoshoot. Caption: "Highlights dropped! 📸️ Strong or light, @ Gong Jun Simon wants it all!"
05-09 → PRSR posted a behind the scenes video from Gong Jun's photoshoot for Zhenguoli, highlighting their glasses.
→ The jewelry brand Messika posted five of Gong Jun's photos from the day of his performance with Li Ronghao, highlighting their pieces.
05-10 → Za posted two photo ads [1] [2] featuring Gong Jun.
→ GXG posted a short commercial featuring Gong Jun.
→ Tissot posted four photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Messika posted a teaser video for their upcoming endorsement with Gong Jun, to be announced on 05-15.
→ The Instagram posted a video promoting the aforementioned song.
05-11 → Zhang Zhehan's 33rd birthday! 🎂 Below is a collection of fanworks done in celebration. This is of course limited to what I've come across personally, so if you made something and I've missed it please feel welcome to send me a link! Fanart: [1] [2] [3.1] [3.2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8.1] [8.2] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17.1] [17.2] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Public screens: [1] [2] [3] Offline events: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Videos: [1] [2] Twitter space reviewing old candy
→ 🍬 Gong Jun wore a hat with an H on it. [photo]
→ The Instagram posted five photos of "Zhang Zhehan" and five of some scenery. The scam also held a livestream on Instagram with one of the body doubles.
Additional Reading: → Blue's charity drive for Zhang Zhehan's birthday concluded with a total of $7747 CAD in donations, surpassing the goal of $5110! Thank you to everyone who took part 💙
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accio-victuuri · 2 years ago
Sugar Rush : July 2023 CPNs 🫶🏼
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and so I have decided to shift the candy recap into a monthly release cause it’s too heavy for me to do the 6 months like i’ve been doing for the past years. I also thought about enjoying the last days of the year instead of stressing over editing the post like before. It will also ( hopefully ) make the readers appreciate every month more and not be too overwhelmed by the information. tho i have to say, there were a lot that happened tor July too.
enjoy the candies or catch up! ^^
• XZS vlog candies and sharing same brands
• HK newspapers featured them attending the Bay Area Film Concert
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• WYB giving us a sign for Yuguyao airing with his pokemon shirt ( part one )
• Shiying and XZ said the same thing? & XZ hinted with ‘don’t say so much’ ( part two )
• Yuguyao ( the longest promise ) related CPNs part three
• YIBO and XZS posting so close to each other @ 7/4/2023 and the 18 hint
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• Ruxi interview clues with XZ ( part four )
• Another bottled joy CPN
• Yuguyao sweets part V ( double standards & similarities )
• Sending each other voice message / video during CQL filming 💕
• XZ prefers shi ying x baili?
• Most likely paying some entertainment accounts to post rational advice for fans
• the use of 🤷🏻‍♀️ gesture
• feeding the dumpling 🥟
• small candies from one and only universal studios resort event
• Clues from XZS 7/11 video bts from 2021 birthday photoshoot
• Another example of posting so close from each other
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• yuguyao sweets part 6 and other things
• XZ once again shows off his card phonecase
• XZ and his preference for a stable relationship
• Wang Chuanjun holds dandan doll
• Entertainment circle connections
• XZ said he does not know if he & WYB are good friends 😂😂😂😂
• Another Bottled Joy clue
• Shiying x Xieyun on HS
• Similarity between XZS and YBO - this is not anything new because we have always been thinking that these studios have a connection. But this comes after the alleged exit of LRLG in YBO team. So cpfs are happy to see this again. Tho it does not confirm anything.
• doge + puppy preference
• In some screening previews of One and Only in theaters, XZ’s tsingtao short film ad was shown
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• not CPN, but turtles taking over YH family concert and showing support 💛💛💛
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• WYB looking at light signs @ YH concert 🧡
• Bottled Joy continues to not give AF and show their cpf bias
• Givenchy jumpsuits
• Video of the on the last day of shoot and XZ telling WYB he lost his chance but Bobo said he still has it
• Yibo knows about zodiacs/horoscopes + Leo x Libra compatibility reading from 2021
• CPN mix : reading about themselves on the internet, GG spending time with sick yibo, KXZ cue One and Only (?) Da Peng and 10:05
• Influx of new BXGs in the BJYX ST and GG changing his schedule when WYB was out sick
• Chen Shuo’s room includes KXZ movie projector
• XZS and YBO back at it again with their similarities
• A new clue in the BAH rumor ( massage parlor )
• Da bao and Xiao bao in Douyin
• Drawing detail in Ultraman Chen Shuo drawing + the posting time is 22:30 ( ai ai zan ) and on his cheeks is W and a heart. Again, we don’t know if the “cpf” friendly people are back on YBO team but nonetheless, we are enjoying this.
• Adding this here from the recent fake rumor posted 7/31/23. The summary is buying a green bag and it will be used. So we’re just waiting for either one of them to be seen with that lol. WYB is know for his black or that camo palace bag plus chanel. ZZ is mostly Gucci and Tod’s so i think it will be easy to spot.
That is all for this month! As with all my other recaps, it is impossible for me to add every single one. Most ( if not all ) of these are ones heavily talked about in the cpf circle. Please do not ask me to add things, I won’t do it. If there is a CPN that spoke to you for the month of July, that’s not on here then feel free to reply or reblog with your thoughts. This not an avenue to nitpick this post and say i forgot this or that. Thank you.
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