#it’s probably because of my introverted nature that makes me scared of people. also the fact I’m an inconsiderate asshole
testimonypops · 2 years
I am incredibly lonely
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ruthytwoshakes · 1 year
Howdy everyone!! I got super inspired by @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense class swap au and wanted to try my hand at it!
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I really love these designs!! If people like them too I’ll make some full refs and make some more content with them. I probably will anyway because I have so many ideas.
Under the keep reading I added wayyy too much description if you’re interested. You are interested you will read I’m using my evil mind magic to make you want to read
(I’ll address them by their names to make it less confusing btw. Pyro and Spy are called Demonan and Soldier though. I’ll name them one day probably)
For Medic and Heavy I kinda swapped their backstories and personalities. Misha is an only child who comes from a family of, fucked up to say the least, doctors. He lost his medical license for stealing the entirety of a patient’s skin. Misha is much more of a hardass with a superiority complex. Cold and callous. He takes himself and his work very seriously,, thinks he is very scary. The other mercs don’t really give a shit, which infuriates him to no end. He cares about his teammates! somewhere deep down inside ,, like really far down. Probably. Really attached to his tools, names them like how the original Heavy names his guns. He’s pretty fluent with English.
Ludwig is much more silly and caring. He’s the youngest sibling out of his 3 sisters, and took this job because he feels obligated to pay back his family for protecting him and helping him go through college. He’s not sadistic per se, more just, really loves the blood, guts, and carnage of war, and has a very morbid curiosity. He often accompanies the Medic when he's doing operations, if he's not already the patient himself. Misha adores how fascinated he is by all of it, and gladly answers and questions he may have. Very loud and extroverted,, his laughs can be heard from miles away. He kinda scares the other mercs, but he’s trying his best to tone it down. He has a horde of pigeons that just ,, follow him around. He doesn’t really know where they came from. His favorite is named Euripides. He’s intermediate at English.
For Sniper and Scout I kinda kept their backstories the same, they just had different personalities and life circumstances that led to them taking their respective jobs. Jeremy is the older brother of 7 little sisters. His mother had him when she was 16 and going through college, leading Jeremy to have to grow up fast. He and his mom have always had to pick up odd jobs to help pay the bills. One of Jeremy’s bosses took him out onto a shooting range one day and noticed he was a natural. He encouraged him to take up predator/invasive species control to help pay the bills and helped him get started, Jeremy eventually saved up enough to move to the northwest. As he got more skilled, some shady people took note and offered him some more,,, lucrative opportunities. He’s a hick with a slight Boston accent, making him all the more awkward. Pretty introverted, the only friends he's ever had is his little siblings. He’s quick-witted when he wants to be, but usually stays quiet. He seems pretty cold tough, but will change really quickly around little kids. Drinks way too many energy drinks to compensate for his insomnia.
Mick is an only child and basically the Australian version of Scout. Which is a terrifying concept!! he scares me. He’s a pretty extroverted guy, but was still bullied for his scrawny appearance and a lack of mustache hairs when he was little, so he devoted himself to becoming the best track runner in Australia. Also he couldn’t win a fight against anyone and he tended to piss off a lot of people, so running was a necessity. He doesn’t have any siblings, but he has a lot of older friends who treat him like a little brother. He likes to paint in his free time. Took the job to help support his parents and to explore the world, or just New Mexico. Annoying jock bastard. He wears those tank tops with the holes at the sides that just go all the way down,, not even a shirt at that point. Still throws piss at people because I think its really fucking funny.
Nobody quite knows where Soldier came from, not even herself. All she knows is that she’s a General, and a damn good one at that. Although his team would like to suggest otherwise. She’s loud and erratic, missing quite a few cogs in her brain. Not lead poisoned like the original soldier, I’m leaning towards a lobotomy that really melted his brain, soupe de cerveau or somethinf. Even though she lost her mind, she kept her great commanding skills and leads the team in attacks. He can be found planning and strategizing for the next round, or hanging out with the other team’s Demo. A bit silly, a bit goofy. Comically patriotic like the original Soldier. Parleys-tu Français, DO YOU SPEAK FRRRENCH ??? Non tu ne le fais pas, you don’t? FUCK YOU
Tavish and pyros personalities are a kinda combined? I just took little bits from both of them and squashed them together. Tavish is a pyromaniac hailing from Scotland. There’s rumors that he was the cause of the fire storm that rained down on Scotland for about a week, but he’s never confirmed or denied this. His voice isn’t all that muffled, his Scottish dialect is just so thick that nobody can understand him, except for Ms Pauling and Engineer like usual. Tavish can be pretty unstable and hyperactive, but an overall happy-go-lucky guy. Drinks responsibly most of the time! Still depressed! Lots of Molotov cocktails. His favorite animal is the Pegasus, and his life's goal is to find and tame one some day.
Dell is the same personality wise, just more like spy. So a bit more stuck up lol. He also shares the same care that the original spy shows for his team, as long as it benefits him along the way. Dell comes from a long family line of Spy’s that all worked for the Mann brothers, they stole Australium for them and kept them safe from other entity's that wanted to have control over the Australium too. His goggles have all that super cool spy stuff in them, night vision, cameras, a radio. Jane helped him add some new features as of late, . I'm not sure how to incorporate Dell's fascination with trans-humanism into this Dell quite yet. Maybe something to do with his senses? Name’s Spy. Spy Gaming.
Jane is pretty much the same silly little guy,, but now with 11 phds! And he’s not lead poisoned anymore! Nobody’s quite sure where Jane comes from, every time he’s asked he always changes up his backstory. He tends to slack off more than the original soldier, "A good hard-working American always knows when to take breaks!" He's also built a variety of raccoon-themed machines that get into mischief around the base. He and the Pyro are good buddies! He likes reading their stories, and gently encouraging them to write more. He's pretty strict when it comes to safety, and will come down hard on his teammates for messing around. THAT IS NOT OSHA APPROVED HEAD-WEAR MAGGOT!
Demoman is more like Tavish backstory-wise in this. They’re a midwesterner with way too much free time who blew up their family’s corn field by accident when they were little, oh and their parents. Their bio family crawled out from the remains of the farm and took them in after they proved themselves, even with their lack of tentacles and wings. (yeah their parents are the Great Old Ones, cthulhu guys, for sillies :3 ) They still like to do creative stuff (but adult-ified because adults are insecure about having fun for some reason.) like adult coloring books, or oil painting, or having adult tea parties. Demoland is a book that they're writing, and will TOTALLY 100% work on this weekend. They hate eye contact and have never been seen without their bombsuit on, except for Scout, but he can comprehend these otherworldy horrors perfectly fine so idk maybe you have a skill issue or something.
Heavy is Medic
Medic is Heavy
Sniper is Scout
Scout is Sniper
Spy is Soldier
Demoman is Pyro
Engineer is Spy
Soldier is Engineer
Pyro is Demoman
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notes: I was thinking of making Dell Jeremy's father, but I didn't want to change up Jeremy's facial features too much, so Spy remains. Mick has that neck-mic thingy that soap from COD has because I was scrolling through soapghost on pintrest help. Soldier wasn't actually a general, I was thinking he was just somebody who knew too much. But after she got the lobotomy, I'm thinking she did something similar to soldier and tried to get into the military, and failed. Ludwig is the biggest on the team, with Misha having a more agile body type. Still a bear!! Just a bit smaller. This art is a bit old because I've been working on this since MAY?!?!??? ough. Maybe I'll swap some side characters as well! Pauling with Bidwell, Saxton with Helen, if ya want you could give me some suggestions 👁 👁 This is all Merasmus's fault some how, babygirl messes up the timeline for the sillies, the funny haha even. I love her <3333 Also sorry if the info for Jeremy is incorrect, I just thought it would be neat idk a whole lot about hunting.
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evillemons · 2 months
heyy! i hope you’re doing well :) i was wondering what do you think bts would be like courting someone? e.g making CDs, or writing love letters or giving just cute simple dates. more romantic gestures or more simpler / practical ones?
and how long do you think they would court someone until they give up💀(if they do lmao). also i love ur writing :)) 🧡💜
Hello! I am doing excellent, thank you. And I'm glad to hear you enjoy my writing! I often get demotivated, but knowing that there are people out there who actually read my content makes me want to keep going :) Here is my take on this prompt:
How BTS would court someone
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V - It would take Tae quite a while to develop feelings for someone that are beyond surface level (and I don't think he would approach someone unless he feels a strong emotional pull towards them). However, the hopeless romantic that he is, he would be relentless when it comes to winning over his crush's affection. He would definitely be the type to deliver flowers to her work or home on the regular (by hand), or show up at her house spontaneously to ask for an impromptu date. He might also try to impress her with his creative side by taking her to a pottery/painting class or playing his beloved saxophone for her. While I think he would be relatively persistent and not be quick to give up, he might lose interest or motivation if she does not reciprocate after a while.
Jungkook - It wouldn't take much to fall for Jungkook for most people (because look at him) but I have a feeling he will end up falling for a girl one day that is completely uninterested in him and his fame. In this case, he would become completely tunnel-visioned towards winning her over. All the romantic gestures - offering to take her on fancy dinner dates, inviting her to watch rehearsals/shows backstage, driving around the city in his Mercedes, buying her a pair of luxury shoes - anything flashy to impress her. I think he would be so blinded by the fact that that he likes someone so much and be inclined to skip the "get to know you phase" completely. I don't think he would be unreceptive to feedback, though; if he senses that she's uncomfortable, he'd probably back off a little and take things slower.
RM - Namjoon wouldn't be very likely to court someone "officially", as he would prefer to observe and learn first. He would start by getting to know her very slowly and gradually, maybe slipping out a witty compliment or two to peak her interest. When he's ready to pursue a relationship, he might gift her something small but thoughtful like a plushie that she admired in a store alongside a handwritten note, or a delicately selected music playlist based on her tastes (I truly see gift giving being his love language). If she's an intellectual, he would want to impress her by reading up on a topic she's interested in or by having a deep conversation. He definitely would not go overboard in fear of scaring her away or making her uncomfortable. He also would disengage immediately if she gave him the slightest hint that she wasn't interested, not because he gave up, but because he's a gentleman who respects people's boundaries.
Yoongi - Not much of a courter at all. It's much more likely that someone would approach him first, or that a long-term friendship would evolve into a relationship gradually. His version of courting someone, however, would be getting to know all the little things about them, discovering their interests (especially their music taste), and figuring out what makes them happy. This would be all be done quietly, and then shown in subtle ways like making a playlist he thought she would like or joining her in an activity she enjoys (that he may not necessarily care for otherwise). It would be an organic process with someone he has a natural connection with, so there wouldn't really be an opportunity for "giving up"; it would just naturally fizzle out if it didn't work.
Jin - As I've mentioned many times, Jin is a major introvert and doesn't like to expend too much of his energy on other people. However, I don't think he would be lazy when it comes to someone he likes. Like many of the other boys, flowers would be a go to, but likely shipped to her rather than hand delivered because he would get too shy to do it himself. Courting would be a rather slow process, with interactions being more "formal" in the early days, and there would be absolutely no physical touch until the relationship is official. Outings would be traditional and romantic - dinner dates, walks along the river, a drive-in movie theater. If he's really brave he might hold her hand. I actually do think Jin would be very determined when courting someone because he does like to hold that traditional "masculine" role.
j-hope - Hobi would hardly need to go out of his way to peak someone's interest, as his naturally vibrant and positive energy would make anyone fall for him. He's also quite attentive and considerate towards the people he cares about, so I think this would be magnified x10 when he's interested in someone romantically. He might bring her flowers if he's feeling extra romantic, but his displays of affection would mostly be via acts of service like bringing her lunch at work or offering to run errands with her. Although Hoseok is the bougie king himself, he would offer more casual dates like a picnic at the park or a local fair or couples class. I actually do see him being relatively determined in courting her - he would be consistent in trying to talk to her on the daily/asking her on weekly dates. And it's not because he's trying too hard, that's just how he is.
Jimin - Jimin would be the sweetest man alive when he's smitten. He is visibly loving and affectionate, so it wouldn't be difficult to tell when he's interested in someone. He would use a combination of light physical touch, teasing, compliments, lighthearted dates, and maybe small gifts, to woo her. I see Jimin being the type to want to go above and beyond and put maximum effort into showing someone that he likes them, but I also think he would be aware that it might come across as overbearing. He would start with something small, like giving her a bouquet of flowers with a note asking her on a date, and then following her lead based on what she likes from there (by possibly straight up asking what she would like him to do). Jimin is persistent in the sense that he would not give up easily even if one of his plans doesn't go well, but only up to a point where she is comfortable and receptive.
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ask-spooky-manor · 10 months
Toby Character Headcanons
So I was tagged with a list of questions for me to answer that I reblogged, and while none of them were sent in my inbox, I still wanted to answer some cause they were really interesting.
Trigger Warning: I do talk about how abuse has affected Toby and how it has left some long lasting scars mentally and emotionally speaking. Not all of the headcanons are like that though, just be cautious. Nothing too in detail but can be uncomfortable
Clothing style
Toby’s style is like mixing grunge with cottagecore (goblincore is what it’s usually called). He likes his knitted sweaters and earthy tones, but at the same time he enjoyes ripped jeans and chunky black boots that can basically double as a weapon.
Eating Habits
Toby has a massive appetite. You will always catch him with a snack in his hands or complaining that he’s hungry despite having eaten a full meal not ten minutes ago. He just really likes food, and people in the house know to give him an extra serving for dinner
Music is more of a passion so tinkering around and making little gadgets is probably his number one hobby. He mainly likes to make things that blow up. Other general hobbies he has are cooking, hiking, uhhhh arson, and drawing
Fighting Style
He’s fully aware that he’s not the strongest or fastest or even has the most endurance, but Toby is extremely clever and crafty. He thinks way outside of the box and relies heavily on all of his odd little gadgets and inventions to surprise an enemy like smoke bombs, traps, loud fire crackers, you name it. He is an unpredictable fighter because you’ll never know what he has up his sleeves, and the surprise is something he will very much use against you. Not to mention that when he’s stuck in a sticky situation, he’s really good at coming up with on the spot plans that will get him out of trouble.
Ways he says I love you
Well, he will just say it. Toby won’t shy away from using the L word on anyone he even mildly likes. Though another way he shows it is through encouraging his loved ones to take care of themselves. He will make sure you eat properly, sleep well, take your meds, etc. Also hugs, Toby is a hugger.
Introvert or Extrovert
Extrovert, which surprised him when he realized it. Toby thought he was introverted for the longest time when in reality he was just dealing with a lot of nasty people who made him feel unsafe. Being alone felt safer, but at the same time it made him miserable because he naturally gains more energy with good people around. Ending up in the manor was the best thing to happen to him because now he has buddies he can spend time with like all the time.
Religious or Non-religious?
Complicated as fuck. He was raised Christian only to kind of despise organized religions as a whole. He would say he’s an atheist if he didn’t live with a literal moon god (Ben), so now he just has a beef with gods in general (Except Ben, they’re chill). Basically he thinks about how if these beings really are all powerful, all kind, all forgiving and omniscient and good then why the fuck did none of them help him? Why did it reach a point where he killed his own father? Why was he never saved? Basically, the idea of there being a higher power gets him in a bitter mood. Best to avoid the subject altogether.
Something he could never forgive.
Toby is generally a forgiving person but the one thing he could never forgive is when someone takes advantage of the kindness he is willing to give. Classmates did it in school as a way to bully him, and his dad would sometimes guilt trip favors out of him (usually to sneak him more beer, which will end up biting Toby in the ass when facing his drunk dad later on). Just the general act of trying to manipulate Toby, knowing they can toy with the heart he wears on his sleeve, is enough for him to want that person dead.
Something that scares him.
For the small, irrational fear; Toby is afraid of the dark. It’s just a childhood fear that he never really got over. It’s fine if he’s with someone but being alone in the dark will put him in fight or flight mode. For the bigger existential shit: dreads the idea of everyone secretly hating him. His own father and peers have created this idea in Toby’s mind that there is nothing good about him. That his own existence is nothing but a burden on others, so there’s always this fear that his friends and even his own boyfriend don’t actually like him and that it’s all a front. He knows that realistically that’s not true, but it’s hard fighting against a toxic mindset that was pushed into his brain at such a young age.
Did he grow up too fast?
No, thankfully. It was Lyra who had to grow up too fast. Connie did her best, she really did, but there have been a lot of times where it was Lyra who had to care for Toby. Especially after really bad nights where their dad thought having one more bottle wouldn’t be a problem. Toby was unlucky enough to have been surrounded by people that were cruel to him, but thanks to Lyra and his mom he at least was able to be a kid from time to time.
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nickeverdeen · 12 days
hi! can i request romantic matchups for arcane and tlou2? i’m lesbian so only women please :)
my pronouns are she/her. i have long black hair, dark brown eyes and warm olive skin, average height. i’m on the curvier side but still look quite lean, probably because i did dancing in the past. i don’t have any muscles tho lmaooo but at least my posture is good and i’m flexible. i have very feminine style but i prefer dark colours and more intense then cute looks. lovee jewellery
i’m an introvert and very protective about my personal space. i was told i look intimidating and give off cold first impression which i can see but honestly i just need time to warm up to people. was also told i have a black cat personality.
from how i see it i’m confident and have good leadership qualities but prefer work alone most of the time. bold and flirty especially when i like someone. i’m usually chill but at times can get annoyed easily, i’m also opinionated and stubborn. call people out on their bs very quickly, can be quiet straightforward, sometimes even bossy lol. my mbti is intj
for my interests, i’m really into social sciences, history and astronomy! love studying languages, arts, books and cinema, i’m a big horror fan. and listening to music of course, mostly rnb, punk, indie and hip hop
for my partners i prefer strong personalities so they can keep up and tone me down at times lmao. really appreciate initiative and protective traits in people, i like to be the one approached
thank you!!
Your Arcane match is…
Caitlyn Kiramman
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Caitlyn would absolutely adore your dark, intense, yet feminine style
She’d appreciate your fashion sense, and you two would often share little accessories or jewelry pieces
She’d love buying you gifts, perhaps a vintage ring or an elegant necklace she found at some obscure shop
Caitlyn is sharp and well-educated, making her the perfect match for someone with a passion for social sciences, history, and astronomy
Your conversations would be deep and thought-provoking, often lasting late into the night as you explore each other’s minds
Caitlyn understands your need for personal space and would never pressure you to open up before you’re ready
She would admire your independence and give you the freedom you need, knowing that you’d come to her when you felt comfortable
With her background in law enforcement, Caitlyn is naturally protective
She would always be looking out for you, whether it’s making sure you’re safe on the streets of Piltover or emotionally supporting you when you’re feeling overwhelmed
Caitlyn is a take-charge kind of woman
She’d love surprising you with well-thought-out dates, like a private stargazing session or a visit to a historical site in Piltover, appealing to your love for astronomy and history
Caitlyn would never be put off by your cold or intimidating first impression
She’s seen plenty of people try to keep her at arm’s length, but she knows how to slowly break down those walls with kindness and understanding
Caitlyn would be thoroughly entertained by your bold and flirty nature. She might blush at your forwardness but would secretly enjoy every moment of it, finding your confidence refreshing
Your straightforwardness and Caitlyn’s strong sense of justice could lead to some intense debates
But these would only strengthen your relationship, as both of you would respect each other’s opinions and resolve any conflicts maturely
Despite her composed exterior, Caitlyn has a secret love for horror films
You’d have regular horror movie nights, where you’d get to cuddle up close, sharing reactions to every twist and scare
You both value your personal space, so you’d have no problem spending time together without the need to fill the silence
Whether you’re reading in the same room or simply sitting quietly, the presence of the other would be enough
Caitlyn’s strong and steady personality would be the perfect counterbalance to your sometimes stubborn and opinionated nature
She’d be the calm to your storm, helping you see different perspectives when you’re too set in your ways
Caitlyn would match your enthusiasm for learning new things, especially languages
You two might even take up a new language together, exchanging notes and practicing with each other
You both have strong leadership qualities, which would create an interesting dynamic
You’d challenge each other in different areas, always pushing one another to grow and improve
While you might be protective of your space initially, Caitlyn would gradually become the person you feel most comfortable being physically close to
She’d always make sure you felt safe and respected in her arms
You’d share your music tastes with each other, with Caitlyn introducing you to classical or jazz, and you showing her the best of RnB, punk, indie, and hip hop
These exchanges would often lead to impromptu dance sessions or relaxed listening evenings
Your The Last of Us Part II match is…
Abby Anderson
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Abby’s strong, muscular build would contrast with your curvier, lean frame, making her a protective force in your life
She’d love pulling you close, her strength a comforting reminder that you’re safe with her
Abby is tough, resilient, and assertive—traits that would match your strong personality perfectly
She wouldn’t shy away from your confidence and would enjoy the challenge of keeping up with you
Even though you don’t have muscles, Abby would encourage you to work out with her, finding ways to make it fun and tailored to your interests, maybe incorporating dance moves or flexibility exercises into your routine
Despite her tough exterior, Abby has a soft side when it comes to those she cares about
She’d be subtly flirty with you, enjoying the way you tease her back, especially as she sees through your “black cat” personality
Abby’s protective nature would be a cornerstone of your relationship
Whether you’re out on a dangerous mission or just navigating life in a post-apocalyptic world, Abby would always be by your side, ready to defend you
Abby would be highly respectful of your need for personal space
She’d never push you to open up too quickly, understanding the importance of letting you come to her in your own time
Abby would show her affection through acts of service, like ensuring you have everything you need for a comfortable life or finding little things that remind her of you during her trips outside the compound
Abby’s seen enough horror in real life that fictional scares wouldn’t faze her
She’d indulge your love of horror movies, holding you close when the tension rises on screen, even though she’s barely flinching
Abby would love exploring with you, whether it’s finding old, abandoned places that speak to your love of history or discovering new areas that fuel your passion for astronomy
While Abby might not be as into music as you, she’d enjoy the playlists you make for her
She’d develop a fondness for the punk and indie tracks you love, especially when they remind her of you
Abby wouldn’t back down from your opinionated discussions, often matching your stubbornness with her own
These exchanges would be intense but ultimately strengthen your bond as you navigate conflicts together
Abby’s not the type to force conversation, so you’d have no problem sitting in silence together, enjoying each other’s company without the need for constant chatter
Abby would admire your leadership qualities, often turning to you for advice or relying on your decision-making skills when situations get tough
She respects your confidence and your ability to take charge
Despite her rough exterior, Abby would be incredibly gentle with you in private, showing you a softer side that few others get to see
She’d love running her hands through your long black hair, finding comfort in these small, intimate moments
Living in close quarters wouldn’t be easy for an introvert, but Abby would be attuned to your needs
She’d create a shared space that felt like a sanctuary, allowing you to recharge while still feeling connected to her
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trollsedits · 4 months
Get to know me…. 2.0
I know my introduction was lacking a lot of things such as stuff that I like to do and stuff so yeah get to know me 2.0
-As I mentioned I’m Vietnamese American I was also born in the Philippines
-My pronouns are She/Her :^)
-I personally would say My favorite youtuber are ItsFunneh and Krew (I don’t watch them as much as I use too b/c of school)
-My favorite Troll is Floyd and Branch
-I love Ube flavor anything like ice cream, Cake, brownies etc
-My favorite cake flavor is Red Velvet and Ube
-I like to cook and bake in my spare time so I sometimes would cook and bake and bring it to my friends and family I recently made red velvet cupcakes w sweet cream cheese frosting and I added Oreos on top and a pitch of sea salt :^)
-I love listening to Lana Del Rey, Troye Sivan, The Weeknd, Charli xcx etc…
-I love dressing up to the point where is considered Cosplay (Is so expensive to cosplay characters)
-I love shopping especially online shopping haha
-My favorite fast food place is Jollibee (The best fried chicken ever and the gravy is sooo good if you never had jollibee I suggest you try it I love it!!! my childhood food )
-I can speak English and Vietnamese I only know basic words in Tagalog,korean and Spanish not too much of it doe but I can speak perfect Vietnamese
-I love cats and dogs but prefer cats more haha
-I love dark chocolate you can hate me all you want but dark chocolate is my guilty pleasure
-My favorite fruits is Strawberries and bananas
-I also love Steven universe <3 my favorite character from SU would depends but I personally love lapis lazuli and peridot haha
-I love ramen I eat them almost everyday if I could but I had to cut back cuz too much sodium
-I’m Obsessed with collecting false lashes I have a ton of them from big huge one to natural small looking one I currently use the semi small looking one that will make my eye stand out
-I did cheer in high school and competitive cheer
-I’m a introvert
-Still childish af can’t even grow the F up but that’s okay :^)
-Favorite kind of pasta dishes would be Alfredo & Carbonara
-I’m a Pisces ♓️
-My Birthday is on Feb 22
-I absolutely hate Valentine’s Day (Not because I’m single even if I was taken I still hate it anyways no matter what sorry)
-My favorite holiday is Halloween & Lunar new year I always look forward to those holidays
-My favorite quotes would be….. (I have multiples)
“Singing Killed my grandma!” -Branch Trolls
“Waffles are just pancakes w abs.” - ItsDraconiteDragon Krew
“Friends don’t lie.” - Elven Strangers Things
“You clod.” - peridot Steven universe
“Jojo, have you learned nothing!” - Abby Lee Miller Dance moms
“Don’t be stupid, be Stoopy.” -Itsfunneh krew
“I dump your ass.” - Elven Strangers Things
“S.U.E.” - Gold3nglare Krew
“Family.” -Lunar3clispe krew
That’s all I could think off in the back of my head I have more but it hasn’t spark me up yet haha
-I Play Roblox & Minecraft sometimes (Plz don’t ask for my user is personal and I don’t play that often sorry)
-I sometimes fainted when I get my blood drawn so I would usually close my eyes and look away and my mom would have some sweet Candy to help me afterwards
-If I would describe myself in three words it would be Kind,super shy, and independent
-if I could live anywhere in the world I would probably live in Canada because Of ItsFunneh and krew haha
-I have many phobias I can’t name them all but My most well known fear is Acrophobia Fear of heights I can’t even go in roller coaster or anything and I’m also afraid of numbers or anything that has to do with math I get dizzy when I look down from very high places so yeah definitely scared of heights
-I prefer to sometimes keep my hair long as-long my mom let me get Korean bangs cuz is more of my style I sometimes cut it short I once cut it super short people made fun of me and misgender me and spread lies about me so I stop having my hair short for a while if I do it would be like after a break up
-Favorite school subject would be history (Currently majoring in that field) least favorite subject is math obviously
-the color of my hair light brown to semi blonde because I been bleaching it but I will bleach it again hopefully to go blonde been wanting to be blonde for a while but hate having to damage my hair 🤧
-do I like my age? Hell yeah I do I have privilege to do things that I wasn’t able to do ;D (My parents always think I take advantage of it)
-Favorite dessert is Ice cream and cheese cake
-I’m not allergic to anything in general if it is it would be pollen or like fish skin like those salmon fish skin crackers is only minor nothing serious but I do avoid it also I’m highly allergic to people Bullshit so please don’t give me your Bullshit I ain’t dealing with that
Anyways, I’m pretty sure I did cover everything but if I miss any you can always DM me and asked me some questions (Please no personal question like name etc…)
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garoumylove · 1 year
Ok. I want to talk about Garou and the idea of monsters some more. I got myself started now haha! Been thinking about it for years but only now feel like writing it out. (TW: discussion of parental abuse)
I want to go back to Garou's 'shitty memories'. In his flashback, he calls himself a 'gloomy' kid and describes himself as a loner. Now, when he refers to him as such, it is implied that he has already been like this for a while, even before he became Tacchan(little shit)'s target.
At the time when this first came out, it made me wonder why he is like this? Is this just his personality? Maybe he's just naturally shy and an introvert? Or did something happen to make him reticent to interact with others. It was up in the air because we knew almost nothing about his family except that at least his father exists or existed at some point.
After the comments about Garou's parents and mother in the last MA chapter, it now gives a much more complete picture of Garou's past and the way his psyche developed.
So, let me paint a picture. We have a small boy (8-10 or there abouts) who is being abused at home in some way: physically, emotionally, verbally etc. We can let our imagination run wild here. But with knowing his mother is not kind, we can imagine there would be verbal and emotional abuse as well.
When Garou describes himself as a gloomy loner kid it's now a lot more heart-wrenching looking back because the cause for his gloominess and standoffishness is most likely from trauma. This is a bit difficult for me to unpack personally because I went through much the same all through my childhood and adolescence but also why Garou fascinates me and why I relate to him so much.
So, we have a small child who is being attacked at home, possibly being told he's a shitty brat, useless, stupid, unlovable and whatever else abusive parents can throw at you. His self-esteem has already tanked way before Tacchan(little shit) came on the scene.
He is gloomy and alone because he probably is too scared to approach anyone because he thinks a) they may attack him like his parents do, b) he's stupid/not good enough/embarassing and no one would want to engage with him anyway. Instead, he spends his time alone buried in books which he uses as an escape.
But here's the thing, even though when you're in that situation, you feel like absolute garbage and not worthy of love or even being alive, there's a part of you that knows that this is wrong. That the way you are treated is wrong and becomes angry. But because you feel too scared to express that anger, it just sort of simmers there and goes nowhere, growing and growing.
Another important thing to remember about humans is that being labeled as a 'bad person' is an immense fear for the vast majority of people. I think of it as an evolutionary fear. Because if your community labels you as a bad person, you will be cast out, and evolutionarily speaking, that means death. So I think almost every person has this fear subconsciously kicking around. Yes. Even abusers. Abusers do not want to be known as evil, bad people and that's why they go to such lengths to present a 'good' image to the world.
Garou is already feeling like shit but probably can't untangle the mess of negative feelings caused by his parents' abuse due to being too young. Now, you have Tacchan(little shit) come in and label Garou as a 'monster'.
Now, not only Garou is feeling stupid, unlovable, like a burden or however his parents make him feel, he is now told he is downright evil. Because remember, monsters are de facto evil. If they are not evil, they are no longer monsters but just strange, fantastical creatures. Monsters in appearance only. A monster, is by definition something dangerous and destructive.
And, it is correct to defeat evil. No one wants monstrous people such as murderers, rapists, war criminals roaming around free. It is right to kill and destroy monsters.
So now, imagine how confusing this must all be for small Garou. He is being labeled a monster. As something evil and befitting execution. However, as far as he knows, he hasn't done anything that is evil. So now he has to figure out an answer as to why he's being relegated to the status of monster. And all he can think of is that same thing: because I am a gloomy, loser kid.
And so his anger and sense of injustice grows. His anger at being perceived as 'evil' when he hasn't actually done anything of the sort. Of people then using this 'monster' label to justify their cruel treatment of him.
He has been labeled as a monster (a bad/evil person) just because.
And this really makes me angry all over again because this happened to me exactly. I was called all sorts of things and labeled as a terrible person by people in my family because I didn't greet them in the morning, because I used the 'wrong' tone of voice, because I didn't show enough gratitude or whatever asinine reason they could come up with. Now, it sounds fucking ridiculous, which it is. But at the time, as a kid, as a growing adolescent it was bewildering and left me with extremely low self-esteem and belief that I deserved to be treated like garbage since I was so 'evil'. And so I became angry. I was angry all the time which just caused my family to confirm my badness.
And this is exactly what happens to Garou. His anger grows, and this righteous anger is then weaponised and used as evidence that he is indeed a bad person.
Garou grows up thinking he is a monster not because he actually did anything wrong, but through this continuous process of others undermining his self-esteem, gaslighting him and making him completely lose confidence in himself.
But what I admire about him is that through all that bullshit he still had a vision of what the world should be like. How people like his kid self, like Tareo, must not be labeled as evil or monsters or treated cruelly just because they're a bit different. How disgusting that is. How horrifying that anyone with an ounce of popularity can label you as 'bad' on a whim and watch that word be used to justify cruelty after cruelty after cruelty.
But there was also a sense of defeat in his big plan. Instead of trying to rid himself of the monster/evil/bad label, he kind of said 'Fine. I am a monster then. You're all saying it, so that's what I must be' and decided to become a nightmarish self-fulfilling prophecy.
It started with abusive parents and continued on the playground, in the classroom where all he heard was that he was bad. Always bad and could be nothing but bad despite not actually having done anything bad. It was meant to break him, and in a way it did since he came to believe it and act like it.
But in the end, he was never able to lose his humanity. I think his heart is too kind and too empathetic. He wanted to save others by sacrificing his human self. And it makes me so unbelievably sad that if it wasn't for Saitama, the world would have lost such a kind and selfless young man because he really came to believe the bullshit that was ingrained in him at such a young age.
Now, at the end of the MA arc (both versions) I think what Garou's journey is going to be, is to shed all that dark baggage of thinking badly of himself and realise he was never a bad person to start with. That everyone had failed him. Now, it's time to build his confidence and embrace his kindness and empathy as the strengths that they always were.
And that's why I absolutely love him. He's a cheeky 'bad boy' with a heart of absolute gold :)
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Third Place, round 7; Plastic/fake strawberry flowers Vs A bouquet of sunflowers, dandelions, ferns, foxglove, hollyhock, lotus, balsamine, green carnation, fennel, black eyed susan and queen of night
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First, let's talk about the Plastic/fake strawberry flowers
Why this flower was chosen: Because he is very germaphobic and also phobic of the things that are in flowers and thus hates nature because it’s dirty (his friends even said that he would be would be a plastic flower if he were one) and strawberry because that’s the smell of the shampoo his wife used and that he can still smell on the pillow she slept on that he keeps (in a plastic case) and hugs when he’s sad Description: He’s a detective. His wife was murdered and for three years after that he didn’t leave the house because his phobias that he had before got exponentially worse. He slowly did start coming out of his house and getting better trying to figure out why his wife was murdered while solving other crimes. He has 312 phobias with the top being in order: germs, needles, dentists, milk, death, snakes, lightning, mushrooms, heights, crowds, elevators. He has impeccable memory, doesn’t like people and will 100% put his phobias and needs over manners. He can clean his house in his sleep, literally. At the end of the day he is a very nice friend but annoys the crap outa his friends and often doesn’t realise that they even care for him as much as they do/ doesn’t realise they consider him a friend. He always says “here’s the thing” before saying he can’t do something very particular. He also says “Unless I’m wrong, which you know, I’m not”. He always has his assistant carry wipes around and wipes his hands every time he shakes someone’s hand. He is very tight (as in with money) which is very relatable for me and probably other people and its hilarious when he hasn’t paid his assistant because he doesn’t have money (while still buying copious amounts of cleaning supplies) and because he’s so non confrontational he doesn’t want to ask for a raise even tho it’s a totally legit ask (which is also hilarious in and of itself) he ends up just avoiding the subject in any way possible. He once was forced to decorate for Christmas (which he doesn’t do since his wife died) and he used not a fake tree but a paper cut out of a tree. He doesn’t at all know what would insult someone and rarely knows how to make someone feel better (often failing miserably but occasionally actually helping and being super wholesome). He hates/is scared of nakedness (and doesn’t even “look” when he wees) and there was a whole thing where he had to investigate a nudist and was just finding every possible way to find him guilty and it was hilarious (he was in the end more accepting of it but still freaked out) He also wears the same clothes every day and buys shirts checked by a specific checker in a factory that he actually sent a fan letter to (and helped prove her son not guilty). Anyway he is very relatable for just introverted people or awkward people in general because he expresses the way we feel and does things we wish we could do or want to do and says thing we just think in the most hilarious ways, and if that doesn’t make any sense then he just acts and says things that we all kinda do on the inside. Apart from just mostly normal people, he is relatable for the people who share his mental conditions like my dad who is a germaphobe and even tho people still don’t understand germaphobia really, he knows that he gets it and he relates to him a lot. And he has a lot of other things like anxiety, and little things like not being able to deal with change and other stuff that just make him super relatable to neurodevergent people like me. When people first look at people with mental problems they say they are weak that so little sets them off but in reality, they are dealing with so so much that you can’t see and you don’t need to deal with and they- and he is (are) so incredibly strong. I love him so much and I would say more but I don’t want to reveal who he is.
Check his post here
A bouquet of sunflowers, dandelions, ferns, foxglove, hollyhock, lotus, balsamine, green carnation, fennel, black eyed susan and queen of night
Why and meaning: Sunflowers- very literal in their relation to the sun. Dandelions- overcoming hardship Ferns- magic or enchantment Foxglove- insecurity Hollyhock- ambition Lotus- rebirth Balsamine- impatience Green Carnation- he is homosexual Fennel- strength Black eyed Susan- justice Queen of the Night- enjoy small moments because they do not last Description: Hes sooooo silly your honor. Hes my skrunkly blorbo oongly. THE babygirl. Hes 35 years old, hes the chosen one, he has a sickass sword. He keeps adopting stray children like pokemon cards, hes broke as a goddamn joke. He managed to score a major fucking hottie by being peculiar and having sopping wet cat energy. He’s gay, he's gray-ace, he has a layered, complex queer platonic relationship with his best friend and every single woman he knows could throttle him. He's my special little boy please
Check his post here
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missielynne · 3 months
I'd love to know what you see as the similarities and differences between 1. Sam and Melinda and 2. Jay and Jim. I think a lot of the characters' differences stem from the genres they're in, like of course Jay is more goofy than Jim because Jim is in the more serious show. Jim is more of a "guy's guy" but I'd live for him having a secretly nerdy side that wants to play games with Jay and Pete :) I love the way Jim and Jay both accept and support their wives completely yet still express their own differing views. As for Sam and Melinda...obviously they're both caring and brave and determined, but (to me) Sam is more extroverted and chipper while Melinda is more introverted, sensitive and cerebral. Sam is more achievement oriented and eager to please and impress while Melinda is used to people viewing her as a weirdo from the time she was a kid so more or less ignores other people's views of her lol. And Sam is definitely more oriented towards the future, a 'can do' type who's into lists, plans, goals, milestones etc, while Melinda's antique shop, sentimental attachment to old items and need to help ghosts resolve prior conflicts shoe her as someone who's strongly attached to the past. This is why Jim is the perfect partner for her --Jim is very attuned to his surroundings and lives in the present, so he pulls Melinda out of her head and helps her appreciate the present moment too! I plan to cover all this in the fic I'll probably end up too lazy to write :) Anyway, I love all four of these characters and would love to hear your thoughts on them!
Melinda: I definitely agree with you, especially re the extraversion introversion thing. A big difference though is that we mostly see Mel deal with ghosts who are way angrier and at least creepier in appearance first off compared to Sam. Like, since Mel's ghosts by and large have to have their whole stories solved in an episode (with a few exceptions such as Kate Payne), she doesn't have time to be as easy and chummy with her ghosts the way Sam is (because we know that being sucked off is a goal on CBS Ghosts but it's not as easy to figure out how to make that happen as it seems to be on Ghost Whisperer.)
One thing I wonder is that IF we saw Sam have to deal with ghosts who were naturally harsher and not as immediately friendly (like send her to deal with the dealmart after dark peeps or the ghosts from the asylum for the criminally insane or whatever the heck was on the same ground as that one coffee shop), WOULD Sam become more guarded and serious like Mel? Would she see helping ghosts more as a job or transaction instead of her thinking now, which is "here are these ghosts who are my friends, or at least not people who are going to treat me harshly. Let's work together to get them where they need to go!"
Also I think Sam has it a wee bit easier than Mel when it comes to being able to tell others about what she can do. Sure, Bela had the "Delia" reaction to finding out Sam could see ghosts initially (i.e., you're crazy, sick, need help, etc.) But because Alberta, Isaac, etc. have powers that can engage the senses of livings, it didn't take long to convince Bela that Sam and Jay were telling the truth and there wasn't any time where you looked at Sam and went "Oh, you poor baby, let me wrap you up in a blanket". (Like I sometimes feel when Mel has to reveal her abilities to ghosts' family members so they can do what they need to do.)
Jay: Totally agree with your assessment of Jay as well, especially him being allowed to be goofier than Jim, but I love that both guys support their wives' ghost seeing endeavors so wholeheartedly and love them so much. (And I know that if there was ever a time Sam was in genuine harm from the ghosts, Jay would just save her like immediately, like when that one ghost made Mel's hair get stuck in the garbage disposal and she was so scared she was crying. I can't remember what episode it's in at the moment though.)
I loved the episode of GW where that super model that Jim had known before reached out to him to help her. It was so interesting to see and I think it would be nice if Jay got to have the same opportunity in an episode.
(I think that if GW had been structured in a way to allow Jim to interact with the ghosts the way Jay does, he totally would have been cool with it. And I think he does have like a gamer side and would be up for playing games with Jay and Pete totally.)
I love them all too...so much.
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torialefay · 8 months
Your reading about Chan is something extraordinary! Even knowing that the birth time is still missing, it all makes so much sense that it's incredible. But honestly, the sequel about his first time with a girlfriend left me a little suffocated - he's so intense that I felt breathless and, I guess, a little scared, afraid. I don't know much about the zodiac, but the little I do know, should I blame this feeling on my Venus in Aquarius? I was very curious about how our compatibility would be, especially because he is my bias... Which leads me to ask you:
Could you check the compatibility of our charts? I have a Pisces sun, Leo rising and Sagittarius moon. As I said before, my Venus is in Aquarius and if I'm not mistaken, my Mars is in Aries (when I read about his Mars being a fire sign I already realized that a fight between us would be very ugly). I share my birthday with Hyunjin, actually (3/20/98... a little old, I know).
Anyway, I would like to thank you very much for sharing your knowledge on the subject.
I hope you have a great day! 🤍🤎✨
hello there little pisces baby (me too hehe): first of all, you are not old 😭 literally not even a year older than me. also you are literally the cutest
i used this first inbox instead of the second one you sent me bc i think your name was in the other one! didn’t want to put it out there just in case <3
alright, let’s do this thang :)
Leo Ascendant (1st house):
Your Leo ascendant is a great match for Chan! Having a Leo ascendant, it is likely that living in authenticity is important to you. You are good at making other people feel special. Even if you can’t see it yourself, you have a natural talent for making others like you. This can either manifest in a way of being extroverted or introverted. If extroverted, people are usually naturally drawn to you. If introverted, people are still more than likely drawn to you in a way that they are more curious of you than anything. Sometimes Leo ascendants can get a bad rep for valuing attention, but I don’t necessarily think that way. Leo risings like the feeling of being valued and understood more than anything- this usually just manifests as receiving attention in who they are as a person. This is almost always reciprocated by the Leo Ascendant, always looking for the things that make individuals unique and playing that up to make them feel loved. Leo Ascendants usually believe that each person has a special calling in life, and their goal is always to find their own and let that shine.
With Chan’s Gemini ascendant, this is a great combo! It’s a combo that initially draws a lot of attention to one another. You can both play off of each other’s interests in people and quickly get to know a lot about one another. The way I see this manifesting in your relationship is coming off as the couple who is friends with literally everyone. Even if you didn’t have a picture perfect relationship, this is how it would seem on the outside.
Sun in Pisces in 8th house:
Your Sun in Pisces in the 8th house is such a powerful placement!
With your Sun in Pisces, it is likely that your friends would describe you as someone who is truly caring of others, is a peacemaker, and someone who can get lost in their own world from time to time. This can sometimes manifest in negative ways though, forgetting to reply to messages or emails, or even having trouble with procrastination. HOWEVER, being in the 8th house is an awesome combo with Pisces! The 8th house rules rebirth and transformation. Bringing a Piscean, watery, dreamy energy into that is super motivational for change. It is likely that you have a lot of big ideas and are deeply aware of who you are at your core. You are deeeeply empathetic. You could be focused on things such as self-improvement, the arts, music as an emotional outlet, and more alternative mediums like astrology, tarot, wicca, etc. You probably have some form of femininity about you, which can manifest in either dreamy-ish elements OR alternative/quirky elements. You love different forms of self expression.
This is a good match with Chan’s Sun in Libra. You would encourage him to find himself for who he truly is and he would support you in all of your big ideas. He could also help some of these ideas come to life. You would most definitely bring out a softer side to him that would make him feel well-rounded and loved. There would definitely be a subtle sweetness as an overtone to your relationship.
Moon in Sagittarius in 5th house:
I think this matches the rest of your chart well. Moon in Sag in 5th house means you have a DEEP need on an emotional level to experience self-expression and creativity with complete freedom. You value that for others as well. You probably dream of traveling or going on large scale adventures. You feel best when you have freedom to explore all of your interests. You value hearing others’ opinions and are super open-minded, liking to be challenged to think about things in other perspectives.
I think this is a pretty good match for Chan’s Moon in Libra. You would be very encouraging, yet again, of him to find himself and what HE truly wants. Not what he thinks other people want for him. You are able to give him freedom to develop who he needs to be. I could see this as a very spiritually-healing relationship for him. He would help you feel valued in everyday life and always support your dreams.
Mercury and Mars in Aries in the 9th house:
Although you have a Pisces Sun, your Mercury and Mars indicate to me that you can be very honest in what you want or what you want to say. However, with the Piscean personality trait, I feel like you’ve found a way to channel honesty into a way that it won’t really hurt other people. Again, there IS a gentle nature to you, so I see it very unlikely that you would just explode on someone right off the bat. It is a lot more likely that when in an argument, it would take a lot of repetition or a large buildup of things that go against your values to make you boil over. When you get mad, you can definitely get mad. With that Mercury in Aries as well, it’s likely that you could also say some harsh things that you’ve been thinking (now without a filter) when in a fight. I’m not gonna lie, fights with Chan would get way way explosive. May even end up in needing time apart if you’re not careful. These fights would typically stem from differences in beliefs or philosophy… I DO think though that since both of your sun signs are passive, you could eventually be able to understand the other person and need to reconcile deeply with each other to feel comfortable to return back to the relationship. It would take time though.
Aquarius in Venus in the 7th house:
The 7th house is the ruler of romantic and platonic relationships. Venus is also the ruler of the 7th house, so this will be a prominent part of your life! Aquarius in Venus tends to act on love from a level that is more cerebral- they need to know that the relationship they would be entering makes sense. This manifests in the fact that many Aq in Venus will want to be FRIENDS first, before considering a romantic relationship. They need to know that their partner will be intelligent and funny, someone who can mentally stimulate them and be unique. So Aquarius relationships can definitely be a slowww burn. They can also be nontraditional a lot of times in the sense of maybe not necessarily feeling the need to get married or other social “taboos” (which are changing tho so that’s good). In the bedroom, Aqs HAVE TO find someone who they feel is truly their match to feel comfortable with sexually. Like I’ve said, Aquarians are unique- they like what they like. This isn’t to say that they aren’t adventurous in the bedroom, but rather that they have certain interests that they just do or do not want to try. One big problem that could happen with Chan’s Venus in Scorpio is how possessive/obsessive he could tend to feel over you. Many Aqs in Venus do not want to feel like they are being told what to do or that they don’t have the freedom to do as they please. It can feel almost suffocating in a way. It can honestly cause them to shut down sometimes, getting too overwhelmed with something they never asked for. If there was a relationship with Chan, sexual boundaries would need to be established early on. If not, you could each find yourself in a relationship where you were super into each other in all other aspects than this one. You would definitely have to reach a level of compromise. I could see you having slightly the upper hand in this, Aq being a cardinal sign. Chan would still need the super deep, emotional aspects involved in your love life, but I do think there are ways around how he could obtain it and how often it would be integrated into the bedroom.
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Hey I saw your matchups and I wanted to give it a try. Interested in getting a male from ACOTAR.
I'm 17, 5'7, brown hair and brown eyes. I'm (ISTJ) introvert, pretty observant and reserved especially around new people. Pretty selective of my surroundings. I come off as mean and upfront. Also sarcastic.
I'm very organized and self-conscious. Chasing my goals,' I am success-driven and a perfectionist. Also I'm very self confident.
However I'm very impatient and I lose my temper fast. (impulsive and aggressive)
I'm insensitive. I often hurt more sensitive types' feelings. It's hard for me to open up, tend to bottle up my emotions and ignore them. Major trust and commitment issues. Find it hard to maintain relationships. On top of that I'm the very tubborn and proud. I would rather lose the person rather than hurt my ego. Pro at ghosting.
Nevertheless I'm loyal, protective and caring. But expressing emotional affection isn't one of my strong skills. My love language is definitely physical touch and quality time. (cannot say ily)
My hobbies are reading, watching movies and listening to music. Im also the sporty type. I love nature. Prefer mountains though.
Thank you 😊
Hi, anon!
Wow, I could kind of relate to a lot of this! 😅
I have two potential matches for you:
He definitely would have the patience for your impatience, and although he comes off as rough-and-tough, he can be a very loving, respectable male. 
While he may be tough, and a literal GENERAL, maybe don’t purposely hurt his feelings just because that can be upsetting for anybody and he’s had a kinda rough past. 
He’d take you on a hike through the mountains until you crack and you are able to let out all of those emotions. Would sympathize with you, would be willing to fight for you, would be willing to prove that you are worthy of love. 
He would admire your loyalty and protectiveness
He loves, loves, LOVES that quality time. (Couple hours in the training ring, anon?) 
BUT I could also see this personality going along with…
(Pls keep in mind I hc that he’s not actually evil; he puts up a front, just like Rhysand did in the beginning of the book. He’s got an abusive father, and he’s shown to be protective of his mother. I need him in a way that is concerning to feminism.)
He would really vibe with the sarcasm. He likes a little bit of a challenge, FOR SURE. 
If you come off as mean and upfront, you would probably definitely be able to stand your ground against his brothers when they try to mess with you. He appreciates that, he needs someone that can fight for herself if needed.
This male has FIRE IN HIS BLOOD. He can relate to you being impatient and losing your temper, and he could probably show you some techniques he’s learned through his years to help you calm down, but if shit ever were to hit the fan, he would tell you to use that temper to your advantage. (Ex., another war, his brothers pick a fight with you, monster in the woods…)
If you were this man’s mate, YOU WOULD NOT SHAKE HIM. He wouldn’t be scared of you if you were to try and push him away. Sure, he’d probably give you space. But once he’s thought you’ve cooled down, he’d gently go back into the fire to try and make things work. He’d show he’s worthy of your trust. 
He’d probably love the physical touch. Let’s be honest, the man’s probably touch starved. Run your hands through his hair ONCE and he’s melted. 
WOAH I had a lot to say ab Eris 😂
I hope you liked it, anon! Thanks for your request!
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miladythewinter · 5 months
long & depressing personal vent post under the cut bc i've been thinking about this since last night and need to write it down
i literally haven't done anything in life and even like my knowledge of stuff is not as expansive as i imagine it to be. i'm continually faced with the fact i'm a loser. i am, really. it's okay
i'm 30 years old (soon 31) and i live with my parents and have always done so. i have no career and no prospects. sometimes i feel okay about this but other times it obviously scares me because precarity is bad and you can't make long-term plans and it's also the reason i can't move out.
even at this age, i really don't know what to do with my life. this is mostly because of my personality which is not conducive to success. not only am i an introvert but i'm an extremely resigned person. i resign myself to any situation and then have no motivation to change it. i fall into comforting habits and routines super easily. i never had friends outside of school and i've always done things alone so i've had a pretty small life. excepting work, i feel like i have the life experience of a 19 year old. and i don't feel like a person who lives, but as someone who merely exists, day by day, week by week, time passing me by. it somehow doesn't bother me to the point of hopelessness that i'm this old and never had a relationship or a good job. it's like its just my lot in life and i accept it.
(i think part of why this is is that i can relativize anything. yes, i live in a small, boring place but it's beautiful. yes, i live with my parents but they're fine and we get along. yes, i don't have a career or a steady job but i have savings. etc. so ultimately i come to the conclusion that i'm a privileged person despite it all so maybe things aren't that bad. whether that's a conclusion that just feeds into my resigned nature is a question for another day)
it's already april and for the past 6 months i've been unemployed and barely leave my neighborhood. in fact, 90% of my life has taken place here. days - a week - go by without me leaving the perimeter of the 3 streets i exist in. again, somehow this doesn't really bother me until i realize other people don't actually live like this.
my life is so empty and unfulfilled and yet i'm incapable of realizing that and doing something about it, even though i have the material conditions to do so. why? because it doesn't register as a problem to me. it's just my normal. the same as it always has been. this is the crux of my problem. i'm in too deep.
i live in my own world and have always done so since i was a kid. i won't go into details but the extent to which i'm withdrawn and insulated as a person is kind of impressive. i don't even register the fact i'm lonely, most of the time, even though i spend most of my time in my room, in my house and in those same 3 streets, always alone.
to me, this is already so ingrained that it doesn't even affect me emotionally in my day-to-day life; despite all this, i'm a very calm and relatively happy person. because this life makes me happy. because it's what i've always known and what is normal to me.
now, with all this in mind, 2 things scare me the most:
1) that i'll somehow be "forced" to care for my parents when the time comes so i'll effectively live the rest of my life in the same house i grew up in and in the same town (which, regardless of my parents, is a strong possibility) without being able to leave.
2) that i'll have a health condition - mental or physical - that will suddenly affect my life and prevent me from enjoying it or doing the things i can still do to change it.
then, i also avoid thinking about the fact i might never get to experience love or that i'll die alone and forgotten. but those aren't as prevalent in my thoughts probably because i subconsciously realize that things like love, relationships & real friends are for other people and not a part of my world. i could never have those things because my life as it is simply can't lead me to them - consequently, this is why i don't even feel their absence, it just doesn't register to me (which is why i always see them as something that could happen not to "me" as i am, but to "me" in an alternative universe where i'd be completely different).
i dream about them and i so wish it would happen but i simply Know it will never happen if everything remains the same. it's cause and effect and if the cause remains the same, then the effects will too.
anyway, i don't really want answers to this or solutions, i just needed to put it into words so i get it off my chest and mind. i know what i need to do and i know it takes years (things have already improved a bit since i started therapy in 2015 and age also helps with some things) but hopefully, once i start working in may, things will at least improve somewhat. they will
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whumpy-wyrms · 9 months
(Addition to my previous ask)
What are their personalities/dynamics with each other (Dew, Hayden, and Layla)?
Also does Sir Bonkles like the ball python (Hayden’s snake)?
yay i’ve been wanting to talk about these silly guys :D (also adding Sawyer in cuz he’s Dew’s best friend, just not his roomate)
also this got long so i’m putting it under the read more :3
i’ll start with personalities:
so Layla is just overall very silly but also extremely smart and a genuinely nice and caring person. she’s the embodiment of quirky weird girls but doesn’t let people’s negative opinions of her affect her life. she loves animals and nature, especially insects and plants (also frogs and cats). she also really likes astrology but idk what her star sign is cuz i haven’t figured out their birthdays yet. she likes watching cartoons and anime with Dew and Sir Bonkles. she’s also a programmer and video game developer i think, her and Hayden wanna make a game together :3
Layla’s pronouns are she/her, she’s 23, autistic (because i can’t write a neurotypical character for the life of me), shes trans, bi, and 5’4 (one inch taller than Dew HAHAHA)
Hayden is my blorbo i love him. he’s a super nice and playful person, often goofing around and trying to make his friends laugh and have fun. he’s very hyper a lot and def has golden retriever energy. he loves reptiles and will not stop talking about them to anyone who would listen (same) and spends lots of time with his snake Mars. he loves to play video games but also likes being active outside and plays some sports. he and layla are definitely the two extroverts of the group lols
Hayden’s pronouns are he/they, he’s 23, he’s also autistic and has a special interest in reptiles, he’s got ADHD, he’s asexual, pan, and he’s 5’6 (my height)
Sawyer’s a mystery. he’s very closed off and reserved, doesn’t like talking to people much and doesn’t have much friends. but he’s really really nice when you get to know him, it just takes him a while to open up to people because of his social anxiety. he loves to play video games (his special interest) and is overall very introverted. but he loves his dog Rufus more than anything and spends a lot of time taking him on walks outside. he’s also kinda punk rock and has some piercings and tattoos, and he likes playing guitar and making music with Dew :)
Sawyer’s pronouns are he/she and she’s bigender, he’s 22, autistic, has OCD, she’s pansexual, and is 6’1 (the youngest AND tallest of the group)
alright so now their dynamics with each other and Dew:
Sawyer is Dew’s childhood best friend, they’ve been through everything together. Sawyer also has a crush on Dew, but has been too scared to tell him for years. after Dew’s parents died and he moved in with Layla and Hayden, he and Sawyer kinda started drifting further apart. this is because Sawyer didn’t know the other two that well, and she’s just a really socially awkward person and is scared talking to new people. also some other secret spoiler stuff i can’t say, but yeah.
Dew also likes Sawyer but he also likes Hayden and Layla (who are in a relationship) and is scared to tell any of them. i should also probably mention that they’re all polyamorous because i’m on the aroace spectrum and don’t know ANYTHING about romantic relationships, and monogamy just seems boring to me (/lh). so yeah Dew has a crush on all his friends but is a literal CHICKEN (they also like him back but don’t mention it to him. it’s also super obvious i mean Dew is a terrible liar).
Hayden and Layla are the gayest straight couple ever LOLL they’re silly!! (also not straight cuz they’re both bi/pan) they love each other!! i’m happy for them :) don’t know much else to say about that haha. like i said, Sawyer isn’t super close to them or anything but they like to have video game nights together so that’s fun.
Rufus, Sir Bonkles, and Mars all get along with everyone. Hayden doesn’t really let Mars near the cat that much because he can get the zoomies sometimes and go crazy (talking about Sir Bonkles but Hayden is also like that), but yeah they’re chill :) they get along and don’t try to kill each other!! (also not a good idea to introduce a snake and a cat irl)
i thiiink that’s about it about them? there’s probably more but those are all the main things!! OH YEAH Hayden is a huge sci-fi nerd and he sometimes desperately wishes he could be abducted by aliens and go on fun space adventures (same bro). and i’m making an alien abduction au with him being a main part of it, so im excited about that :3
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forsty · 2 years
random Forest facts because I adore him so much
- his actual name is Ole Skog. When he came to Virginia City people had so much trouble pronouncing “Ole” that he earned the nickname Forest, which he ends up just going by. BUT... the norwegian word for Forest is.. Skog... so his name is just Forest Forest
- Couldn’t ride horses until he was... 19 maybe? He LOVES horses and isn’t scared of them, but learning to ride horses was just never a thing until Joe decides it’s time. 
- Has 2 horses... how does a guy who previously couldn’t ride suddenly end up with 2? WELL LET ME TELL YOU 
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- Cleopatra is an old appaloosa mare with a heart of gold and the softest and kindest personality you’d ever see on a horse (especially a mare??). After Forest learned to ride, the Cartwrights brought him to a horse auction where he was supposed to find himself a strong and young riding horse. Instead he picked Cleopatra. A retired circus horse who can’t really be ridden much anymore. Forest just decided that he wanted that sweet old lady to live out the rest of her years in comfort. He never rides her, he just takes her for walks and lets her graze and do her thing. 
- Askeladden (named after a Norwegian fairytale hero) is a norwegian fjord horse stallion who’s a good boy but also extremely mischievous. He was a gift from Joe to Forest. Somehow (with good connections I assume) Joe managed to find a fjord horse breeder/importer and bought one of the foals. Forest went BONKERS. Ask is a good horse, but has ALOT of personality. You never see his eyes, it’s always covered by his fringe/mane and he’s always munching on some grass. 
- The type of person who accidentally wanders into trouble... his head is often in the clouds daydreaming about stuff (mostly about kissing Joe HEHEHEH)
- Became good friends with Joe really early, they’ve been friends since they were 13 (Joe 14 since he’s one year older). Joe took one look at this introverted new norwegian kid (who could barely speak english) and decided HE’S MY FRIEND. Brought him home to the Ponderosa and showed his new friend to Ben like “CAN I KEEP HIM, PA? PLEASE?”
- He falls in love with Joe very gradually over time... probably realizes it himself when he’s around 17 and then 10 long years of pining for his bestfriend in secret begins...... Joe doesn’t fucking realize anything cause he’s oblivious AF, but he’s a bisexual roller coaster 
- Obsessed with fairy tales and folk lore and things like that. He loves telling and drawing things from norwegian folk lore. He once managed to convince Hoss that trolls existed and Hoss spent a few weeks thinking trolls were after him (Joe thought it was hilarious)
- Hopeless romantic and way too passionate for his own good... He’s the type of person to sit under a tree in the woods pulling petals off a flower and going “He loves me...... he loves me not...... he loves me......” 
- Obsessed with animals... he has a raccoon who shows up at his home that he sorta trained and named Francis (Francis being Joe’s middle name in case you didn’t know). He loves to venture into nature to sit down and sketch some animals and Joe often accompanies him (both to keep him company but also to make sure Forest doesn’t get eaten by a cougar or a bear because Forest WILL get so lost in the art sauce and forget that THOSE ANIMALS GO BITEY IF YOU COME TOO CLOSE)
- Was scared of Adam in the beginning, and sometimes still is. (He has tremendous respect for him)
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hi!! can i please get a matchup for haikyuu? i don’t really have a gender preference :)
my love languages are physical affection & gifts! both on giving and receiving hehe. my pet peeves are people that are overly rude, slow walkers (at least when i have somewhere to be), & spiders!! im scared of them. in a friend or partner, i first notice their mannerisms! i like to make note of how people act and if they’re introverted or extroverted and then i try to introduce myself! im fairly sensitive and extroverted most of the time because i love people but sometimes they don’t always love me back ajsjdjwjdk. my clothing style tends to be very soft and feminine, i also really like to dress fairly showy sometimes! my music taste varies a lot… but recently i’ve really liked some punk and metal songs! it’s funny because my friends say i don’t look anything like my music taste at all. my hobbies include baking, gardening, yoga, shopping, makeup, and reading! my beliefs or opinions on life tend to be very carefree and romantic, i love to keep an open mind and an open heart.
please and thank you!!
Hi, Thank you so much for Checking The Weather, Your forecast is...
Nishinoya Yu
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oh yeah, it's all coming together- 
forgive me but this would be such a wholesome relationship I'm honestly just fangirling writing this ngl. Noya fricken adores you. I believe noya is sorta underrated sometimes but honestly would be a really good partner, not only in a relationship, but as your very best friend. I headcanon he was caught off guard by you walking up to him at first cause he doesn't exactly have his energy in check. 
I'll be honest, your people-watching is probably what got his attention and your musical taste is what got him hooked. . He always thought you were extremely pretty, but found your friendship much more important than his feelings and really didn't wanna ruin it. He loved being around you, and if that meant he never confess, that was fine with him.
I don't think Noya would be rude at all! He loves you as a friend and partner. I think his love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. He'd totally be the kinda guy to get you an extra thing whenever he goes out. He loves your baked gifts and actually teared up when you made him a birthday cake your first year of friendship. He thinks it's adorable that you look so cute yet still listen to punk and metal with him. Ngl, if he saw a spider, he'd lift you bridal style and set you on a chair before lifting it by it's legs and yeeting it into the bushes.
I didn't even mention how much physical affection would be there, You'd be the one to have to set boundaries regarding it ngl. you know those hoodies with the pocket for a cat? yeah, that's what he wants except to be person sized for you. Also Your gonna have to teach this boy to bake cause... he can't... 
Second: You'd melt Kuroos heart gurl, it was honestly super cute, and I think you might feel like he doesn't like you sometimes, he does he just has trouble showing it. He loves you but I think he'd be too scared of hurting you to make a move
Third: Oikawa, this was my first thought honestly, but I think his constant mocking nature would wear away at you, and he's just as scared of spiders. I do think that you have chemistry, definitely, but I'm not sure if you could keep the balance of friendship without a lot of work.
I hope you liked it, please let me know if you did! And Thanks for checking your Weather Report
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narrators-journal · 2 years
Can I get a hunter x hunter match up!:)
I want a male character
Im a girl
So basically how I look physically , I wear bangs on my face and have a pony tail on the side with all my hair going down but sometimes I like having two buns or two pig tails cause I like looking cute. Im asian , 5,2. Black long hair , I like to wear scrunchies or hair bows and I like girly dresses , skirts and crop tops. Im have social anxiety , its very hard for me to make friends cause it scares me , Im artistic(I like to draw and sketch) and I like anime.
I like eatting candy and I like stuff toys so I guess you can say I am a bit childish.
Im a bit chubby cause I like eatting but its not noticable
Im introverted and Im not interested in talking to most people cause I find them boring but I have a close friend group , Im usually stand off-ish with people but if we are close I make a lot of dirty jokes and im very playful and light hearted but again half the time I will be introverted. I like deep conversations , talking about feelings and philosophical things and Im self conscious of how I look and im insecure but I dont tell anyone unless we are close. I like deep emotional connections , Im an INFP
I really like physical affection , I like PDA.
I'm idealistic and I day dream a lot about romance and etc but Im not a hopeless romantic.
I have an inner world in my mind.
I like helping my close friends out.
I don't like small talk.
I want to make friends but my anxiety is a lot
I get jealous of others a lot and I need to be nurtured
I want someone to focus on me than other people and don't forget im there when im around people cause in groups Im quiet.
I want someone to care about me and nurture my feelings a lot and I like feeling valued.
I make very lewd jokes and I make some other jokes others may laugh at or find me weird
I really like positive people because I look up to them and I think their cool but I want someone with emotional depth to talk about deep inner emotions
I can also tell when someones upset or sad simply because I can based off of body language.
I like being there for others even though sometimes I dont know what to do , im very emotionally nurturing , I like spending time with people I love a lot.
I also live in a fantasy world in my mind and I love music and I like making people see me as attractive or act playful and bubbly cause it boosts my self esteem and makes me feel hot
Sometimes I can be too quiet but it depends on my mood , I dislike most people cause I view them as "Normal"
I tend to procrastinate
(15 and I dont care who you ship me with cause I drool over guys like hisoka any day but dont ship me with gon or killua cuzz thats not gooood)
Oof, this came out longer than I originally planned. Oops lol.
So! This was dangerously close to being Hisoka since he'd very much like your childish habits and quieter side. However, Hisoka is a stray cat at best and he's an absolute manwhore. He likes powerful people and monogomy just does not fit that energy.
So, instead you get Leorio! Leorio is goofy and childish enough to match your dirty humor and not be put off by stuffed toys, PDA, or anything like that, but he's also got a ton of wisdom and compassion within him. He's seen some fucked up shit, and he's still fighting to be a doctor to help those in similar situations to him and his old friend, so he's got plenty to discuss.
One downside is he probably wouldn't stick to you in a crowd if he's having a lot of fun. He's a bit of an extrovert, he enjoys going out and chatting with people and making friends, so he can sometimes get caught up in that fun. However, he wouldn't completely forget you. So long as you stick near him, he'll give you openings to be included, and he'd probably help you to meet new people too.
He's also, naturally, very capable of being nurturing. He's got very much a big brother energy honed by his friendship with Gon and his desire to be a doctor, but on top of that he's just very good at helping you grow. Keeping you on task to stave off procrastination, helping with self-confidence, helping you make friends easier, all of that. He's a good match for you.
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