#it’s only 11am
mistyhollowcottage · 5 months
It’s been a very serious toddler day so I’m hiding upstairs in the name of getting changed but really I’m laying in bed scrolling on tumblr for some semblance of quiet because all I’ve heard all day day is “mama mama mama” and a LOT of yelling
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selfconsumerofmywoes · 3 months
taking allergy tablets that double as insomnia assistance at 7:45 am definitely not a smart idea
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kissmefriendly · 2 years
Holy shit
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xoxoemynn · 11 months
The first kiss was a declaration rolled into a question: I have romantic feelings for you. Do you feel the same way?
The second was a fresh start: I love you still. Let's try again.
The third was desperation: My head's all fucked up and you're the one thing that makes me feel okay.
And the fourth and fifth were an affirmation: We've been through all this. I love you just as you are. My arms will always be open for you.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
Someone asked why my cat guy was in a bikini, and the answer is: Men and them can wear bikini’s too!
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To demonstrate, here’s Lan Wangji and his brunch friend Elle Woods at their weekly summer hangout.
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sunflowerarrtt · 1 year
i may be a little late but surely it’s still @jonsimsandcats day somewhere in the world!!
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cali · 1 year
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lovereadandwrite · 2 days
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IT WASN’T FYOVER (it’s still kinda Gojover)🙃❤️‍🩹 happy one year !!!✨
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mychlapci · 10 months
concept. instead of spikes having knots that seal them inside a valve, it's the valve itself that has a locking mechanism, which is able to completely trap a spike inside for an indefinite period of time. basically, im thinking spikewarming where the roles are a little reversed. just imagine some poor bot who is completely trapped inside a warm, wet valve, unable to pull out, and even a slight tug hurts, yet their spike is so overstimulated they try anyways. they can only move when their partner moves, so when their partner decides to roll onto their back, or onto their side, or perhaps sit up, they're forced to follow, tossed around like a toy, forced to pump their valve full of transfluid until the latch releases after primus knows how long...
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reiinraus · 8 months
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LIFAD admiration post
pretty blonde + collar enjoyer
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beaft · 11 months
what a year this day has been
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masochistikitty · 2 months
rough draft
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officerdougeiffel · 11 months
Heyyy tell us how was käärijä
hi hello it was so insanely good. like my first proper concert experience in this stereotypical way of travelling and queueing and such but it was so so good
got first row centre it was such a wonderful view like genuinely mesmerising. it felt so surreal. but so wonderful. I have lots of footage I need to clean up but I can post some some day soon. picture for view reference
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after the show I also got to meet haarija and jukka and later jere too and they were all so sweet and so lovely to talk to and just gave incredible hugs like jukka hugs I think are. the best thinf in this universe nothing beats that.
I also asked haarija and jukka to sign my mixtape too and jukka was so so surprised at it. "MY signature? really? okay! :D" like. he's so sweet. I have ewe a bracelet for him before he had come out so I hope he gets that too :D
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I got pictures with haarija and jukka too but not with jere because he was super tired and we only caught him for a sec as they were leaving to the bus. but he was so lovely and sweet and chatty and said he loves that his shows bring joy and that its worth being exhausted for that. I hope he rests well when he can but god this man <3
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solarpawbs · 4 months
Autism meltdown this morning, please send bugs/birds/pokemon :"/
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xoxoemynn · 3 months
Anyway I was very stressy today because Daphne had to have an MRI because they can't figure out what's wrong with her leg. Because we love layers of anxiety, I was freaking out both about the test itself (because they had to put her under anesthesia and told us it would be about 2 hours and it ended up being about 3.5 and she also has a heart condition so alskjdakldja) and about what they might find (which we won't know until probably Monday).
But she was a brave lil munchkin and at least one of the stressies is over with so I can breathe a bit more, but if you would like to send good vibes her way we would both very much appreciate it. 💕
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pathologising · 2 months
the world and God are so.merciless for no reason. I need a gun so bad
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