#it’s on my to do list thk
did those earbud things you were talking about a while back arrive?
YES omg
i’m gonna answer this publicly in case anyone else cares
but so a while back i ordered the Loop Engage earplugs, to try and help w over stimulation issues i get with crowds/parties
and let me tell you they WORK!!!!!
they are not perfect. they are still earplugs, and as such, they have drawbacks - namely that they amplify your own voice and sounds a LOT, so eating with them in is Bad and it’s hard to moderate my own speaking volume when they’re in. and they’re not a magical fix all for overstimulation.
that said - i fucking love them. they’re seriously SO helpful to me. i wear them usually in group settings - family parties, restaurants, etc - when i want to participate but the amount of noise and chatter happening grates on me and makes it difficult for me to both concentrate on any one thing and to maintain my composure when it feels like i’m being inundated with sound.
i got mine right before the winter holidays, so i’ve been able to use them a LOT since. i’ve learned that, for me personally, they don’t entirely /stop/ me from becoming overstimulated or reaching my quota for how much of a party/noisy gathering i can handle, but they DO greatly extend the amount of time i’m able stay at a function before it becomes an issue. i’ve also found that sometimes if i start a function without them, and later find myself getting overstimulated and remember to put them in, i’m able to last at least a couple more hours without full stop hitting my wall.
my family are party people, who love to get together in one house and yell across tables at one another. usually, i’m able to handle this for anywhere from 1-3 hours before it becomes unbearable to me and i need to escape. when i wear my loop engages, i’ve found that time is extended to an average of 2-3 hours longer on either end of the spectrum: i can last for 3-6 hours with them in, which is a huge improvement for me. it’s doesn’t get me through the entire party (my family notoriously spends 8-12 hours doing this stuff 😅) but i can go a LOT longer than i used to without needing to tap out to recharge.
i also order their basic earplugs (the loop quiet) and their concert ones (the loop experience). the quiets are cute but nothing super special - they get the job done, about as well as any other earplugs. i bring them with me around as well and when i need to tap out or take a break from a gathering, usually i’ll switch out my engages for quiets for 10-15 minutes to try and be mainly sound-free and get myself back to more of a level. i’ve only had one opportunity to use the experiences - they worked great in that i wasn’t overstimulated or overwhelmed by the noise of the concert i was at, but i struggled to hear things my companions were saying when i had them in, which could be isolating if you go to concerts as a social experience.
anyways i’m not a brand ambassador for these things but i really do love my loop engages.
i will say that they’re advertised as also helping with noise from kids and personally i’ve found that they’re not super useful in that regard - i tend to have a harder time hearing children and toddlers when i’m wearing them than adults, i think because their voices tend to be softer and higher pitched and maybe they’re on a wavelength that’s being dampened? idk. i don’t wear them at work because i wouldn’t want to miss something one of my kids is saying, and if im talking to baby cousins at a party, i need to pop them out in order to hear them.
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gynnnicsworld · 7 months
Hellooo! i was wondering what your all-time favorite hurt/comfort fics are? also I love your account, I scrolled through not too long ago and immediately was like yes, I've found my people
*screams internally* oOH GOD, thank you for asking that, I've been waiting for someone to ask that and I'm so glad this is happening! OK.
From what I can see in your profile picture, do u like spn too? Do u have any favorite couples there? cause I have a long list of fics in that fandom too *wink wink*....
Please ask me questions to recommend fics, because I have been trying for weeks to organize a part 2 of rec list but I haven't been able to, I have too many fics and I have no idea how to start organizing them. So by asking questions like these you help me recommend some fics and get organized. thks u <3ily
Life's (Kate's) a bitch and then you (she) dies
by: Littleredridinghunter
While everyone is busy saving Jackson, Stiles is taking a beating in the Argent's basement. When his dad gets hurt, he leaves a note for Scott that he is getting away from everything and to never contact him again.
Too bad Scott and the pack take him at his word....
One year later and they finally see Stiles again but it isn't a happy reunion. Can they repair all the damage that has been caused in their time apart?
(This is one of the most recent fics I've read and it left me completely destroyed and in love at the same time, the author of this fic is the same author of most of my favorite fics. Anyway, all the fics I've read by this author will appear here. (oh by the way you would like to know that spn characters appear here.))
by: TheTypewriterGirl
God, this fic is BEAUTIFUL, it's glorious, this fic can basically be described with any adjective that refers to beauty and perfection. But there is pain, a lot of pain, this fic must be praised.
There are illustrations that complete the beauty of this fic. Like this↓
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Yes, you guys definitely have to read this fanfic.
You haven't read it??? WHAT ARE YOU EXPECTING?? RUN TO READ IT.
I downloaded the fic because I don't want to lose it, I would cry if one day this fic is deleted.
It's all part of the master plan - Sterek version
by: Littleredridinghunter
every fic that I put here you must read it, truly and seriously, you HAVE to read it, you can't not do it.
Sense of Home
by: siny
Home can be a place, but it can also be a person.
After the events with the Nemeton, Stiles starts suffering the consequences of their sacrifice. A journey he attempts to make on his own, but only becomes worse with every step he takes. In the process he seeks comfort in an unexpected place and it draws him toward an unexpected person.
(This fic explains one of the theories quite well, maybe you know this theory x if that theory caught your attention, you will love this fic).
hold me tight (you'll be alright)
by: orphan_account
Stiles is captured by the alpha pack for over a month before escaping. Derek finds him in the woods and takes him home.
"And if you bleed for Beacon Hills once, you can be sure you'll bleed for it again."
(Tthis is a fix fic, but it's really good. I actually have many VERY good ones of this type.
God, I actually have a colossal mountain of fics to recommend and I have no idea how to start organizing them.)
It's where my demons hide
by: Littleredridinghunter
Stiles was used to his life going to hell. He'd just never expected it to be quite so literal.
When Rafael McCall returns to Beacon Hills after a five year absence it brings back lots of unhappy memories for Stiles, he'll do whatever he can to keep his secrets buried in order to protect those closest to him.
With Rafael's return Stiles discovers that secrets are always revealed, even if this particular time it's because of supernatural interference.
(By the way, I don't have an order, because all the fics that I'm putting here are really good and all of them are my favorites. BUT this fic right here is probably my favorite among favorites, this fic has a way of destroying your soul and putting it back together that you will love and hate at the same time and leave you wanting to read more.)
A Melody That Climbs And Then Falls
BY: siny
They won the fight against the alpha pack; the nightmare was apparently over.
That was until Stiles fell on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth when Derek reached him.
Or the fic where Stiles gets an internal bleeding for saving Derek, only a tragedy like this would make Derek realize his true feelings.
Peter betrayed them all and is currently missing. Allison and Stiles are buddies, as much as Derek and Erica.
Can't rely on me
By; Littleredridinghunter
Set at the end of season 2, Gerard beats Stiles up, but it's a lot worse than anyone knows.
The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
by: jjmash
Stiles' magic accidentally creates a lifelike echo of Derek's baby sister who died in the Hale fire. Between games of tag and trips to the zoo, Derek helps Stiles pick up the pieces of himself post-Nogitsune possession.
(This one is short but sweet and sad.)
Finding His Home
by: OKDeanna
Derek Hale was a lot of things, and none of them very good. Yet, the one thing he couldn't shake was the one thing he knew he shouldn't want. But when an unexpected late night call reveals Stiles Stilinski has been injured, he will stop at nothing to get to him. Even if it means opening himself up in ways he never has before...
(I love that in the sterek fandom we have these unspoken truths, like the fact that we all know that no matter what, Derek is always going to believe and care about Stiles whether he's in Mexico or on the other side of the world, if Stiles calls, he'll go to Stiles.)
Wait For Me
by: Hedwig221b
“Stiles, we know about your Spark,” Scott looked at Stiles with desperate eyes, trying to convey something. “He is the Werewolf who's been chasing you. You must run. We’ll help you…”
Stiles stared at his friend, genuinely concerned for his sanity, because the nonsense he was sputtering was really fucking confusing.
This one is really good but fucking confusing or something, it really made me hate certain characters here and scream in frustration but I always trusted stiles/derek.
The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home
Derek doesn’t want to call the window repair guy. He doesn’t want to sweep up the glass. He’ll inevitably miss a few shards and pull them out of the bottom of his bare feet for weeks.
He doesn’t want to try to make this place feel like home when it isn’t.
Derek stayed in Beacon Hills and tried to make it work because he wanted pack, wanted purpose. He gave his best effort and found himself back where he started: alone, with a few begrudging allies. He’s tired, and even though his werewolf body heals quickly, he feels the weary ache down to his center.
He packs his car with the few things he cares about enough to drag them from place to place. He locks the loft and calls a realtor about listing the building he’d bought in a misguided attempt to secure a future.
And then he leaves.
(This fic will always be in my favorite fic recommendations, because I read it at a difficult time for me and it helped me a lot emotionally to move forward, so yes, this fic is one of my favorites among favorites, and I will always mention it at every opportunity. Plus we have Derek healing and that's beautiful because Derek deserves nice things just like Stiles.)
okay, I'm going to stop here because I have some things to do, but actually I have more favorite hurt/comfort fics. But I won't be able to put them all here right now, apologies for that, but please send me another question for a second part, but I think at the moment you have several fics to read.
I hope you like them, and please do not hesitate to send me messages to talk about all these incredible fanfics, I will be waiting for your comments. (and thanks again for the question)
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Okay you know what?
I'm going to do the unusual and actually make it my ultimate goal to own a THK fangamer plush some day. For real.
I am done just yearning for the things I genuinely would like to own but have to prioritize anything else all the time unless it's very cheap. The last time I treated myself to something as pricey as 50$ dollars for something I REALLY wanted to have is when fireb0rn printed one of my works on his merch. And that was years ago!! And I also can't even wear that hoodie any more because climate change! (it barely gets cold enough it always makes me sad I missed two winters I couldn't even put it on without overheating! It's a nice and warm hoodie!)
So once all the current worries and mess are done I'm going to look into getting one from Fangamer US (because EU one doesn't ship here and the price is like... more expensive for some reason?? I assume shipping reasons). Supposedly the US shop ships world wide so I'll give it a shot. I'll find ways!
All in not so close future BUT I AM PUTTING IT ON MY BUCKET LIST. Legit don't own a single plushy of a favorite character. It's time to change that
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
THK isn't even in my fav HK characters list (I love Holly in the AU but they're basically almost a different character in my eyes lol) but damn do I often get inspired to draw them. The body horror aspect is just really fun to draw I feel. Sorry THK 😭
Anyway, any Shin Godzilla fans here? 👀 😉
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trollprincess · 1 year
Okay, so about the hateful bigot on my town’s council.
[Quick summary: Trumpy homophobic Karen is on the town council. Last year THK was charged with defrauding $63000 from SNAP and medical assistance. THK also responded to me speaking about being a member of the queer community in town at a meeting a couple of months ago by sneering to my mom, who’s also on council, “I didn’t know your daughter was ✨ like THAT ✨.” You’re goddamn right I am. *flips nonexistent ponytail, nearly falls out of chair I’m sitting weirdly in*]
The majority of the council has done approximately jack shit in response to THK’s charges and upcoming trial. No job restrictions, no asking her to resign, nothing. They keep saying she’s innocent until proven guilty, which … okay, true, but also you miiiiiiight want to set up precautions just in case she IS found guilty. Just saying.
Anyway, her trial is next month. My mom is frustrated with the rest of the council essentially wrapping THK in bubble wrap, and they’re frustrated with my mom because my mom isn’t going to stand for this bullshit much longer. Now, I’ve got my mom AND the mayor asking if I’d say a few words at the council meeting tomorrow night. (Our mayor is openly gay and sick of her shit, too.)
So I am. Even though I hate public speaking. But I hate bullshit more (I am my mom’s kid), and at this point I’m literally WAY less mad at THK than I am at the town council. If she’s found guilty next month, they knowingly allowed someone they knew allegedly defrauded state welfare services of tens of thousands of dollars continue to do her job exactly as she had been doing and they did NOTHING. Not one damn thing.
Anyway, I wrote a speech calling them out and almost being *nice* to THK. Also, my mom just sent me a copy of tomorrow’s agenda and it lists THK having a statement to make at the end of the meeting labeled as “Exposure.” I would be speaking toward the beginning of the meeting during public comments. So either she’s going to complain she’s being picked on, or she’s going to resign.
I wonder if it’s too much to hope for that the tooth that just broke tonight while I’m at work either gets pulled tomorrow and requires painkillers or is in excruciating pain by the time of the meeting so I can just speak and leave.
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dropout-ninja · 1 year
The Hollow Knight, Bretta, Nightmare King Grimm
One of these is solely because I want to see you admit your favorite ship on main, I cannot stop myself
I think I need to not attempt ask games because I am too talkative and make long ass posts help
The Hollow Knight: What was the saddest part of the game for you? Which ending is the most sad to you?
All of it
But seriously, so many moments. I’ll throw the Nosk Den out as one, alongside the Abyss. A lot of the settings give feels, like the empty basin. The White Palace’s everything always makes me feel Emotions. A lot of the ghosts make me sad. MARMU. Agh. 
Which ending isn’t sad? That said, I am going to go with Sealed Siblings as the worst feeling ending. It feels like the one that has the most damage caused and the least hope. Dream No More is a ‘good’ ending, though, but it gives many sad feelings (just of a different nature than the long scream of SS/THK ending)
Bretta: Favorite Hollow Knight ship? Favorite fanfic?
Why you do this
I have so many ships, because I’m the type of person to read what looks like a crackship and if it’s written with crunch then now I’m shipping it (hi grimmnet). It doesn’t take much and I don’t tend to have notps, my personality is a continuous shrug (me out here sometimes reading pale nightmare and causing you unknowing psychic indigestion) 
Grollow was my first HK ship and I’d probably call it my favorite. I also really like Pale King/White Lady. Some of the more cursed ships I favor are Pale King/Radiance (or PK/Radi/WL) and Radiance/The Hollow Knight, exceptionally messy and toxic. There you go, Ashe, get me on main saying it all. 
All of yours are the answer XD (I mean it). From Eyes to W&G/Red Sky to Butterfly, sorry not sorry. Other favorites are Soul of God, Form of Moth by @basilbellona, which has been my favorite HK fic since April 2022, and In Defiance of Time (and associated oneshots) by @ganondorf--apologist. 
Now for a list of absolutely random things I’ve got in my bookmarks, which are excluding the multiple HK fics I have open but am still reading. I’m going to make too long a post just because I always want fics to get more love. Some of my other non-Ashyr favorites from bookmarks (no specific order and genre) are: Captivated, Until Dawn Shall Break, Not Too Late for Second Chances, Hold The Future With Silver Hands, Camouflage of Great Renown, It’s All Well Above Wonder Anyway, The Clock Stopped Ticking Forever Ago, Pale Revival, A Tribe Betrayed, Void Given Focus, Workshop Safety, To Reclaim A Dream, To Love A Lamprey, Moving Onward, Will Terribly, If You Will At All, I Swore I’d Have No More Knights In Shining Armor, We’re So Close But So Distant
Someday I’ll have even more to recommend when I finish reading the fics open in my tags (hi Tori fics, hello)
Nightmare King Grimm: Which boss battle was the most intense for you? The most satisfying to defeat?
What if I said Nightmare King Grimm
Each one I came across the first time I played faskfsdaf. I’m going to go with Absolute Radiance just because I remember the noises I was making on stream when I accidentally beat her in P5 the first time. But in terms of my favorite boss fight/the one I’m most satisfied about my skills in, I’ll go with the cliche of the NKG fight XD My one skill in this game is being able to absolutely bully the man and kill him hitless before the best part of his song plays. I put all my irl XP points into getting good at him. Other favorite fights are Sisters of Battle, and probably Pure Vessel even though they are gatekeeping me so hard in my all bindings P4 run and so I cry.
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ffelii · 11 months
whos your fav bug from bug game and why?
!!! My first ever ask :D
It's rlly hard to pick a favorite because unfortunately I really do love all of em, but maybe I could list a few?
First bug I fell in love with was Elderbug!! I remember trying to learn how to speedrun the game and in the video I was watching, the dude ran past Elderbug; I always talked to him so I never saw what happened if you walked past without saying anything and it made me so sad lol
He's a sweet old guy, first guy you meet and I love him lots. I look forward to one day being able to give him the delicate flower myself because his dialogue from it is rlly sweet :')
Another early favorite (of course) was Quirrel!! I still love him w all my heart, mainly because he's the one NPC friend you see frequently throughout most of a playthrough. Some of the hk fics I've read made me love him a little more, and through him I was able to learn more about Monomon and The Archives!
Monomon is probably my favorite dreamer, although I think Herrah is p cool too. I love seeing fan designs of Herrah especially.
At the moment I obsess the most over THK because I'm able to project a lot on that poor broken vessel (sorry not sorry) but also because I love seeing fan works of it being alive n happy.
Honorable mentions include: Cloth, Dung Defender, Hornet, Cornifer, Lemm, Hive Knight, Iselda, Sly, Mask Maker, and Bardoon!! (I really meant it when I said I love pretty much all of them LMAO)
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seasy33 · 2 years
WIP tag game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
thks for the tag @mostlymaudlin @sillyunicorn!! I have soooo many wips and no friends LMAO but i'm gonna do this anyway cause i wanna :)
these are all for AFTG, i'll list them in order of likely to finish/currently working on to probably never gonna look at again lol:
flash drive, one more weekend, up from a dream, don't have the words, brainrot, wish on an eyelash, be afraid, late-night drive, it's the little things, good boy, my boyfriend the vampire, should have known better (illumination), falling in the snow, slaughterhouse-live, i have no shame, this is actually pathetic, hell is other people, nevermore
that's most of them! I actually intend on finishing at least half of these i promise hahaha the others belong in the trash but i just can't let go (also, a couple of these titles are song lyrics)
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finnlongman · 2 years
Realised yesterday that the Blodeuwedd book is the fifth adult book I've drafted. This surprised me, as I would have expected the number to be a lot higher. Did some maths, and that means I've drafted eighteen YA books (and one project that doesn't fit neatly into either category).
I mean, I guess it makes sense. I started writing novels at 13, and the bulk of my 24 books were written in the first five years (and were terrible), with my pace slowing considerably once I started writing projects I cared enough about to edit repeatedly. Naturally, I wrote YA, because I was 13-18 and that was most of what I was reading, and those themes were what interested me because they were relevant to my life.
Still surprised me, though, because it feels like nearly all my ideas now are adult. (Again, I guess that's natural: I'm 27, I read a lot of adult books, those are the stories feeding my creative and intellectual wells.) Just the other week I put together a proposal document that technically had 15 different books in it. It's useful to have a sense of exactly what it is I've shelved -- mostly, a lot of truly terrible YA.
That's the real difference -- I've written five adult books, and they're all readable (even if some need more editing than others) and potentially viable for a future in publishing. But of the YA books... I'd be surprised if five of those can say the same 😅 (TBA, THK, TBA3, sure. There are a couple of others that might have potential, but they're not there yet.) Mostly because a lot of them were written between the ages of 13 and 18 and... I'm not saying teenagers can't write good books. But I could not write good books as a teenager, and writing bad ones is how I learned. TBA was originally written when I was 18, it was the first book I wrote that was decent, and it still bears absolutely no resemblance to the first draft now because I had to rework it so much to make it good.
Of course, this list only shows completed first drafts, and I have many many incomplete drafts in my past... I've started and abandoned several other YA books that I'd like to come back to and which are probably miles better than the existing ones, including a couple of contemporaries. I don't know what my next YA book will be after TBA3, because I'd like it to be one of those contemporaries if I can bring myself to actually write it, but also that would be a massive shift in mood and maybe I should keep things stabby for a while since it's what people are expecting of me...
Eventually I'll do a more detailed genre breakdown and look at how my focus as a writer has shifted over the years -- I think that would be really interesting. To me. Possibly not to anyone else, lol.
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gabichive · 2 years
top 5 baejin looks also top 5 kpop music videos and also top 5 songs vocally from any of your groups, your choice and uhhhh top 5 horror movies
omg so many thank u thank u ily 💕💓💘💖💕💞
Baejin looks:
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2. I'm a sucker for denim on denim and even more of it's on baejin
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3. This look! Honestly the makeup the hair the outfit everything about this look was so good i screamed when i first saw it
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4. This one is iconic i don't have much to say just look at it u will get it
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5. He's my babygirl he's wearing a beret what more can i see (also the cunt he's serving on the first one)
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Especial mention to this one just bc i like it and I'm obsessed w this video.
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Top 5 music videos: these are recent ones i can't really keep a big list
1. Cix - jungle
2. Maverick - tbz (it was perfect no one can deny)
3. Yoojung - begin
4. B.i - cosmos
5. Issu du feu - giriboy
Top 5 vocals - I'll do tbz so it's easier (also not necessarily songs w crazy vocals just the ones i think have nice vocals overall)
1. Stupid sorry
2. Survive the night
3. Insanity
4. Goodbye
5. Merry bad ending
Top 5 horror movies
1. Get out (2017)
2. The curse of Chucky (2013)
3. Hellraiser 3 (1992)
4. Freaky (2020)
5. Scream (1996)
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bugging-robot · 3 years
This is a short story that I never picked back up to write on, and that was months ago, so I’m assuming it’s finished. It’s an exploration on what THK might be like in the Everyone Lives AU, as well as the relationship Hornet has with them. 
Hornet never spent much time observing the Hollow Knight. By the time she could leave the cocooned labyrinth of Deepnest, the Hollow Knight was nearly ready to go into the Black Egg Temple. At the time, she held much resentment for the Hollow Knight—it was hurrying upon her the responsibility of a kingdom, and the loss of a mother. (Not that it would be able to empathize with those things, she thought at the time.) Those feelings would later move on, and she would think of the Hollow Knight as nothing but an unpleasant and out-of-sight reminder of her role to protect the kingdom.
Until it wasn’t out of sight. Or, rather, they weren’t out of sight.
Hornet had to deal with several new things all at once: the kingdom of Hallownest was going to change, the omnipresent infection was no longer a threat, and the Hollow Knight was, in fact, not quite as hollow as she’d been taught. The latter presented a whole new set of issues to deal with, which Hornet would find she could create a whole separate list for.
Which brings us to the present.
Hornet stands in front of a tapestry hung on the wall. It’s simple, obviously done by someone new to the craft, but it’s recognizably of the late king with a few words of praise written around him. The craftsbug is likely dead by now. What a waste of the time they had.
A few paces away from her stands the Knight, as tall and regal as they can manage. Hornet steps aside from the tapestry to give them a better view.
“This is the best I can do with the materials I have on hand,” she says. “The purpose of this whole arrangement is for you to release any frustrations you have in regards to the Wyrm. He may no longer be present, but the feelings that linger can affect your judgement and impede your growth. It was effective for me when I was much younger, perhaps it will work for you, as well.”
She receives a blank stare in reply (as though they could stare any other way).
“You may begin at your discretion.” Hopefully, they understand everything she’s telling them. She doubts this is a situation that often came up in the palace.
The Knight takes a step forward with one leg, and then half-collapses into a kneeling position. They extend their arm toward the tapestry and slowly, carefully, touch the space just to the left of the Pale King’s image. Hornet gets the sense that the Knight is doing this with tenderness.
“I believe there was a misunderstanding,” she says. The Knight turns their head to her. “You are allowed to do anything you want to this tapestry. It is hardly unique and will not be missed; your gentleness is not needed.”
The Knight looks again at the image. Though it is the barest change, the sharp ends of their fingers dig into the threads ever so slightly.
Hornet sighs. “Perhaps I was the one who misunderstood. You do not see the Wyrm as the cause of your suffering, do you?”
The Knight retracts their hand with much consideration, and with the slowness of someone who isn’t used to using their hands for delicate motions, signs, “My King.”
Fear of being a traitor, then? “Your loyalty means nothing to a ruler who has long since passed. You may act without consequence.”
A little more assertively, they repeat their statement. “My King.”
“I should have seen this coming,” Hornet says, more to herself than anyone. “You were raised as a tool with no allowance for opinion or expression, of course you wouldn’t go against everything you knew.” She looks up at the Knight again. “It was foolish of me to decide on this activity with such little insight. I will leave this here with you, since you seem to be fond of it.”
She leaves the Knight alone. They have enough independence to decide whether to follow her or not. The Knight watches her leave, and then turns their attention back to the tapestry. They stare for a long time before reaching up and carefully pulling it off the wall. They set it on the ground in a small pile, folding it in on top of itself.
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vellichorom · 2 years
Do you have anyone you headcanon as AroAce?
like, out of anyone from anything? SORRY THIS IS DAYS LATE BY THE BY, I was trying to collect a decent amount of headcanons for the occasion - as i do have a good handful! & then I just kept forgetting what they were, BUT TODAY YOU WILL BEAR WITNESS
I thought since you didn’t ask for any franchise in particular, I’d give you a decent mele of characters from the things I’m into! feel free to inquire about a particular other one if you want, I have a lot more headcanons than this!
awf hospital; - fern
( i think this is confirmed canon for her, actually? i don’t know if she’d use the label but - in any event, she’s given relationships a try & she’s had her fun in the past (( evident by her little meatflesh son huhu )) but neither are something she’s particularly interested in nowadays, especially not while she’s in the hospital )
hollow knight; - hornet - little ghost / the knight - the hollow knight
( prime aroace estate !!! they simply aren’t interested in any of it! & concerning the vessels, i’m not saying they’re aroace because they’re “ empty “ or  “ hollow, “ i just don’t think - for ghost or THK, they would care enough about that kind of thing; i think they just want to live )
danganronpa; - akane owari - kyoko kirigiri - mukuro ikusaba - maki harukawa - ryoma hoshi - yasuhiro hagakure - masaru daimon
( honestly ranges from ‘ finds romantic relationships awkward & frustrating so altogether does away w/ them & lives happier for it ‘ to ‘ does not / has never cared about romance in the slightest, they’re just here to have a good time ‘ & honestly good for them )
my little pony; - applejack
( which must look like a sharp left turn from the other media i’ve listed but hear me out; she likes women, LOVES women, but really puts the concentrated effort & value into her friendships & deeply cherishes what she has in that department, she really doesn’t need much more than that + maybe the occasional, rare tender smooch or hoof-hold, those are always nice )
& YEAH! again, this isn’t all of them by a mile but this is literally all I could remember for right now & I really REALLY wanted to get these out for you !!! I think a lot of them sit on vastly different plateaus of the spectrum & there’s even characters that are in the backrooms of that spectrum that I didn’t mention, but yup !!!!
tune back in when I give you straight-up ACE headcanons !!!!
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embrace-the-sibling · 3 years
Index and Blog Information
[Profile Picture description: A low effort mspaint doodle of the Hollow Knight and Hornet. Hollow is on the left side holding a nonbinary flag with their hand, while Hornet is holding up the other side. Hornet is on the right holding an aromantic flag, which is slightly covered by the other flag. In the background there is colorful confetti. /End description.]
[Blog banner description: The Hollow Knight sitting in the hot spring in the Forgotten Crossroads while Hornet stands outside of the water to watch them. Hollow is staring down into the water, splashing it with their hand to see what it does. Hornet is watching them like the tired sibling she is. She's just standing there, not moving to intervene their exploration of water. /End description.]
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a n?? ???? - Next Arc
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Special character tags/Pronouns:
Some characters have different versions of themselves, here's all the special tags that come with them (as well as particular pronouns if they fluctuate between versions)
Hornet (she/her)
Hornet (main tag), The Gendered Child (baby Hornet tag)
THK (main tag, they/them w/gendered terms okay), Pure Vessel (they/them, it/its), Child of the Void (young THK tag, it/its)
Ghost (it/its, they/them)
Ghost (main tag), The Shade Lord
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Good morning/night/afternoon/evening/day/time hello!
So after seeing how many friends mc have, like wait let me count-----
26! in the friendlist not including, the unofficial friend like Corey,...
With how many friends there are, are there any friends that you would delete in favor of flashing out the other characters or would you like to keep it that way?
I have some ideas on who to delete in favor of flashing out the more main characters, but i fear that this might be a bit... yikess.. I understand that people like this characters and me saying that they "should not exist" might get people mad, i hope this does not give you to much problem.
1. Tulip to Penny ( thks one is still debateable)
I know we have too much Penny especially at year 5/6, sidequest and all tht, but I feel like Tulip doesn't have to exist because her existance can be taken by Penny which flashes her character more.
Hear me out, Tulip is great. But after year 3 or maybe 4 her existence is uneeded anymore. In year 3 we can instead use Penny, Penny is a popular person with many friends. It wouldn't be out of character for her to try to understand Merula maybe try to befriend her ( i mean she did befriended Talbot, who isn't exactly the nicest or the most approachable ) but later, on something happend and now there is more substance in Penny hating on Merula rather than yeah, she such a bully or smth.
2. Barnaby to Ben
Ben is really untouched at the early years ( 1 to 3) I feel like the whole ark of Barnaby can be dealt with Ben. Like imagine Ben was Merulas lab dog, but because of Jacob's sibling kindness and all that, he finally have the courage to stand up to Merula proving his Gryffindor side. This could also explain Rowan sudden suspicions of Ben in Year 4, (its quite mean of Rowan tbh) I mean like after year 3 aside from the dating tlsq, Barnaby doesnt really do much does he? I mean you can argue that he have some influence on the last curse vaults but nah-
3. Badeea Ali to Rowan
Simple, we need more Rowan! I think the thing Badeea did in year 5 can easily be done with Rowan, i mean she just disappears later on anyways.
4. Instead of Bea, Rowan should be in the potrait.
5. Talbot as Ben? I'm not so sure about this one but yeah, they could put aside Talbot so we can flash out Ben. The flying solo quest can be switch into Ben losing his Bear again but we get more background to what the Bear meant to him ( maybe about his muggle life?? ) the tlsq could be at around year 5 or 6 to help Jacob's Sibling understand more about whats going through Ben's mind.
6. Diego = Ben
Ben is told to be good at charms we never really get to see it until around year 4 with the red cloak shenanigans. I would like to see JC explore more of his charms ability by teaching mc.
Anyways im not here to bash on your favorite characters im just saying that a lot of the characters are wasted pottential. To much characters can kill a story, rather than adding more characters jc should focus on the current one.
Sadly, they never did
Year0 Rowan
Year 1 Ben, Penny, Merula, (Chiara)
Year 2 Bill, (Chiara)
Year 3 Barnaby, Ismelda, Tulip, Andre Tonks, Talbott. Year 3 is definitely the worse case of it.
Year 4 Charlie
Year 5 Bea, Jae, Badeea, Liz, Diego
Year 6 Alanza
Year 7 Corey
The problem is, the more jc adds the characters the more they just stack up in the background, clogging the story. Imagine the characters as dept and the currency is good writing.
Anyways love your content, keep it up!
Personally, I couldn't begin to imagine doing this.
Not that I'm saying it's a heartless idea, mind you. I've worked with this line of thinking before. I work in children's theatre, and when we adapt scripts for different sized casts, we have to often cut characters or absorb them into others. So this isn't unheard of, and I get it. Still, having grown emotionally attached to each and every one of these little misfits, and feeling like they all have potential in different ways...cutting them is not what I would do at this stage. I believe the TLSQ system should be completely overhauled, and in doing so, used to give screen-time to characters that don't always get a lot. Imagine if each character had a TLSQ that starred them at maybe LV 5, and then a sequel quest at LV 10. Might seem excessive, like too many quests...but again, this goes back to the idea of a revamp. Allow players to hit pause, and put a TLSQ on a "waiting list" so to speak. Allow them to reroll so they can skip one if they want to for whatever reason. Stop having TLSQs disappear forever if they're failed twice.
As far as your first suggestion...I realize that my status as a Tulip fan might be affecting my reaction, but absolutely not. I have no issue with Penny, but if it comes down to omitting one of these two...well, Penny does come with Beatrice, and that whole emotional arc during Years 5 and 6. But I'm not sure if keeping that is worth losing Tulip. Because her storyline with Merula is quite compelling, and it adds to the backstory of one of the mainstay characters. Plus...Tulip is kind of way more interesting than Penny, if I'm being honest. Actually, if I was to have anyone be "absorbed" into anyone else...I feel like Tulip could have easily been the "detention" character in Year 5? And that would have been a way to keep her relevant? Again though, I love Jae so much that I couldn't imagine doing this. But it's one example of how this idea could be done give more focus to fewer characters. You know who could be absorbed into Penny, though? Andre. Just, so long as we're actually thinking about this.
Barnaby is a character who sadly has not done much since his arc ended in Year 3, you're right about that. However, I feel like Ben is just too complicated and too tied to the main story for him to be shuffled with anyone. We still have unanswered questions about the gaps in his memory from Year 2. Did he cross paths with R? With Merula? Then there is the question of his time as the Red Cloak in Year 4. His transformation into "New" Ben, after going into the Portrait Vault with MC. I suppose these things could be transferred over to Barnaby, but that would leave the Year 2 stuff up in the air. And as for transferring it the opposite way, cutting Barnaby to give Ben more prominence...I mean, it could be done, but Ben already has plenty, if you ask me. And I don't see him being able to take on the role of Merula's lapdog, given their history from Year 1.
I'll never say no to getting more of Rowan, and this is something I could actually see working. The idea of Badeea being absorbed into Rowan and that screen time being given to them. I love Badeea, but it's definitely tempting. By in large, the Year 5 characters did feel at least a little gimmicky. They're all wonderful, but the fact that there were four of them, one for each House, and they all had a specific interest that was central to their character? The fact that all things considered, they didn't really matter to the story apart from perhaps Jae? Yeah, I would never want to lose any of them, but I can see why that might work. As for Rowan taking the place of Beatrice...well, that's an idea. For sure. It could give MC the same kind of immediate emotional context. Allow Rowan to be heavily relevant without them actually needing to have any lines. But their entire character would have to shift after that point. If they're absorbing Beatrice' character arc...I mean, the Forbidden Forest comes to mind. Does that still happen? Does Rowan's personality change? What becomes of them after Year 5?
I still believe Ben is doing just fine in terms of his relevance, but I'll admit there's definitely something to the idea of Diego being absorbed into him. And I've grown to truly like Diego. Ben having talent at dueling could show how far he's come. If they depicted it prior to the end of Year 4, it could be foreshadowing of him being the Red Cloak. If he still helps MC prepare to challenge Rakepick in Year 5, it could play into his fear of her. And I like what you're doing with the idea of Talbott being absorbed into Ben....but no, I can't endorse that one. It's just not needed for Ben's story, and Talbott is already so fascinating on his own. I dig the Ravenclaw representation, I dig the Animagus representation.
Either way, it's an interesting topic to think about. Not to worry, I don't take offense at all. I get that people have different opinions and there are certainly valid critiques of this game's writing. I still enjoy it though, and I think the characters are the strongest suit. Their placement in the game, perhaps not quite so much. But it's because of this that I wish for all of them to be handled better, without having to lose any of them. Thank you for the kind words and I hope to hear from you again!
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datastate · 4 years
im basic but like,, hk for the ask game please?
you’re fine! thank you :]
favorite character:
objectively? probably quirrel! i love how his story and ghost’s intertwine, and the scenes with him throughout the game on your first playthrough really do add a lot more. hollow knight does such a good job mixing both game and story elements; you can tell in his first interaction that he is going to be an important person simply based on his location, and it becomes so much clearer later on as well. the scene w monomon... literally made me go “hold on a second man. hold on a second.” because... pain <3 love it tho
second favorite character:
hornet!!! her whole deal makes me SO sad. herrah gave her life for hornet, thinking that even after she was gone that the most duty hornet would carry would be ruling deepnest, but instead hornet has to take on both of her parents’ mantles and she doesn’t take it lightly. herrah’s sacrifice was for nothing, but hornet still acknowledges that her intentions were good. the realization that hornet is herrah’s child is just. gd. it hurts me. you go into herrah’s dreamnail dialogue saying “for her,” and then hornet saying she doesn’t blame herrah for leaving her..... idk. i have a lot of thoughts between hornet’s situation + herrah’s intention and how they think of each other now, but i am not articulate rn ahbvsmdg it just hurts me
least favorite character:
willoh scares me
no but really moss prophet can go fuck themself boo i hate that clown you had it coming you’re like every christian preacher i’ve ever met. you’re literally soul master before he went on that killing spree
the character i’m most like:
laughs nervously in thk
favorite pairing:
ZE’MER AND THE TRAITORS’ DAUGHTER... i know we have almost nothing on them in-game that isn’t fucking depressing bc ze’mer’s been reduced to the grey mourner, but just. they’re a really big comfort for me. whenever i see art or writing of them, i just
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also sheo / the nailsmith... happy couple indeed. ik these r just the canon gay pairings but it’s still. it’s really nice having that rep and it’s done well!!!! considering that most of hallownest has gone to hell ahbvsmdgs
ALSO also. and ik i’m just listing all the canon couples at this point, but i love iselda/cornifer... the potential in their stories?? iselda’s wanting to travel w cornifer again. idk. ijust. <3 and i have ideas on how they met w cornifer being THE smartest dumbass and her being genuinely experienced. i love these two so much. they r my mom n dad
least favorite pairing (other than usual condemnable shit):
can we all agree grimm/pk is weird as hell. you literally got a “i only tend to dead / dying kingdoms, putting them to rest so something new will be able to grow in its place” while pk is like “if i don’t craft / unite a kingdom from nothing i WILL die. again.” i get they’re ‘opposites’ and they’ve both got the rebirth thing going on, but like... c’mon... their ideals directly contradict each other and neither one is gonna change anytime soon, it can’t even be enemies to lovers.
favorite moment:
seeing hornet after killing herrah.
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rating: 10/10!!! one of, if not THE, best games i’ve played in years
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I read your parent request with lj and I found it very good, it suited him well, I liked it a lot. So I was wandering if you could do lj and other pastas you'd like to write for, with a pregnant s/o ? I really like what you do, thks for brightening my day every time you post something.
I’m really glad you liked it! And I’m glad I can brighten your day a bit! Here are some of my previous pregnancy headcanons:
Laughing Jack: 
He has no idea what he should be doing the whole time but he's trying his best so you have to give him credit for it.
He insists on carrying you everywhere. No matter if you're just going to the bathroom or if you have to go downstairs for dinner, he will be carrying you. He doesn't wanna risk you getting injured. He isn't above teleporting you either but neither of you knows if that's bad for the baby. 
He finds some of your cravings to be so bizarre and doesn't understand why you'd want them. So he guesses he should just try them all too to see what the hubbub is all about. Normally he's still left more confused than anything.
Most of his time during your pregnancy is spent making stuffed animals for your future baby because according to him you can never have too many toys.
Eyeless Jack:
He will not stop checking up on you constantly to make sure that everything is okay with you and the baby. He gets extremely overprotective and territorial over you as well. If he thinks any of the creeps are getting too close to you he isn't afraid to let out a few warning growls before curling back up beside you.
Which, speaking of which, a lot of his free time not spent checking your health will be spent curled around you and your stomach contentedly purring the day away. 
He finds peace like that and will occasionally read his medical textbooks to the baby. You tell him the baby doesn't understand any of that, he says that it's just a doctor in the making inside your tummy and he's prepping the baby early.
He doesn't understand your cravings. He knows he can't really taste or get nourishment from human food anymore but the things you're eating just seem very strange and he doesn't know why it's good for you, but after enough complaining, he'll just sigh and give you the food you're begging for anyways.
Is probably the most unprepared for what's happening. You guys finally found a way for you to get artificial insemination and start a family. But now he has to face the facts- he's gonna be a father.
He knew he was ready to start a family but he isn't sure if he would really be a good family, and he stresses this concern to you quite often. After having a few heart-to-heart conversations he starts becoming more confident over time.
Absolutely panics if you end up hurt in any way. He thinks the slightest bump or scrape is especially dangerous for the baby, and since he's infertile and you guys had to go through other means to get you pregnant he really doesn't wanna fuck this up, so be prepared to have a mildly intimidating but also a mildly soft bodyguard for nine months.
He loves it when you have cravings just because it never ceases to amaze him what kind of stuff you come up with. He loves gauging your reactions to the different foods and it's so bizarre to him how you end up liking every single one. He's started keeping a list because once you pop out the baby he wants to make you eat it all again to see if you still like it.
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