#also sorry this may or may not be coherent i’m sleepy and cannot be bothered to proof read this for clarity’s sake
did those earbud things you were talking about a while back arrive?
YES omg
i’m gonna answer this publicly in case anyone else cares
but so a while back i ordered the Loop Engage earplugs, to try and help w over stimulation issues i get with crowds/parties
and let me tell you they WORK!!!!!
they are not perfect. they are still earplugs, and as such, they have drawbacks - namely that they amplify your own voice and sounds a LOT, so eating with them in is Bad and it’s hard to moderate my own speaking volume when they’re in. and they’re not a magical fix all for overstimulation.
that said - i fucking love them. they’re seriously SO helpful to me. i wear them usually in group settings - family parties, restaurants, etc - when i want to participate but the amount of noise and chatter happening grates on me and makes it difficult for me to both concentrate on any one thing and to maintain my composure when it feels like i’m being inundated with sound.
i got mine right before the winter holidays, so i’ve been able to use them a LOT since. i’ve learned that, for me personally, they don’t entirely /stop/ me from becoming overstimulated or reaching my quota for how much of a party/noisy gathering i can handle, but they DO greatly extend the amount of time i’m able stay at a function before it becomes an issue. i’ve also found that sometimes if i start a function without them, and later find myself getting overstimulated and remember to put them in, i’m able to last at least a couple more hours without full stop hitting my wall.
my family are party people, who love to get together in one house and yell across tables at one another. usually, i’m able to handle this for anywhere from 1-3 hours before it becomes unbearable to me and i need to escape. when i wear my loop engages, i’ve found that time is extended to an average of 2-3 hours longer on either end of the spectrum: i can last for 3-6 hours with them in, which is a huge improvement for me. it’s doesn’t get me through the entire party (my family notoriously spends 8-12 hours doing this stuff 😅) but i can go a LOT longer than i used to without needing to tap out to recharge.
i also order their basic earplugs (the loop quiet) and their concert ones (the loop experience). the quiets are cute but nothing super special - they get the job done, about as well as any other earplugs. i bring them with me around as well and when i need to tap out or take a break from a gathering, usually i’ll switch out my engages for quiets for 10-15 minutes to try and be mainly sound-free and get myself back to more of a level. i’ve only had one opportunity to use the experiences - they worked great in that i wasn’t overstimulated or overwhelmed by the noise of the concert i was at, but i struggled to hear things my companions were saying when i had them in, which could be isolating if you go to concerts as a social experience.
anyways i’m not a brand ambassador for these things but i really do love my loop engages.
i will say that they’re advertised as also helping with noise from kids and personally i’ve found that they’re not super useful in that regard - i tend to have a harder time hearing children and toddlers when i’m wearing them than adults, i think because their voices tend to be softer and higher pitched and maybe they’re on a wavelength that’s being dampened? idk. i don’t wear them at work because i wouldn’t want to miss something one of my kids is saying, and if im talking to baby cousins at a party, i need to pop them out in order to hear them.
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