#it’s not sure but they’ll keep making test on him and im so scared
hyunpic · 1 year
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stranger-rants · 1 year
my apologies for the incoming essay, I just think Billy needs more love 🥹
rn im just thinking about Billy sleeping in the Camaro for a few nights after a really bad fight with Neil, except he doesn’t wanna be in the driveway in case Neil decides it’s baseball bat window smashing time, so he parks in the nearest convenience store parking lot and sets up camp for the rainy night with a microwave burrito and a pack of cigarettes. Then he gets thirsty, so he goes to get himself some water, jogging through the rain, but he hears a little squeak, eerily alive, and slips around the back of the store to check it out. It’s a box of puppies, he’s not sure what kind, but they’re all wriggly and crammed inside and crying because they’re alone and cold and sad :( and Billy does NOT want to think about the parallel between them, abandoned by their families and left to cry in the rain, but he can’t just leave the puppies there, either, the rain is starting to soak through their box and they’ll be shivering all night.
So what does Billy ‘I Break Things’ Hargrove do? He picks up the box, hoists it up and lugs it through the rain, right to his car. He’s incredibly lucky to find an old painting tarp shoved under the seat, something he uses to cover it up whenever he parks in the garage because someone has a habit of ‘accidentally’ scratching it. He wraps the soggy box up in the tarp and plops right down into the drivers’ seat with the puppies in his lap, water long forgotten. He cranks up the heat, peering nervously into the box because as little hesitation as he’d had for helping the little things, he’s not very experienced with animals. Neil has definitely never let anything with paws into that house and he was scared of the neighbor’s dog growing up, probably bc it was a big muscly breed and he was just a little kid. He doesn’t really know how to act around animals or interact with them so he just sort of pokes at one of the puppies, one on top of the dog pile that’s looking at him with big shiny eyes. He aims for a head scratch but the puppy’s squirmy, and chomps right down on Billy’s finger. He’s scared for a millisecond, but he realizes the bite doesn’t hurt, and the puppy’s just playing with him. He breaks away with a little breathy chuckle and scratches the puppy behind the ears and the poor little thing just melts, so touch deprived and sad :( maybe he picks the puppy up, testing its weight in his palms, and just marveling at how teeny tiny the little guy is.
He probably is too busy Experiencing his first puppy cuddle to realize the pup is leaning towards his face, and he’s pretty sure his brain rewires when the sweet little puppy licks his nose. He just.. doesn’t get love from anyone. Anyone, people, animals, fuck, the plant he’d tried desperately to keep alive for a few days died miserably like it was taunting him. His first instinct is probably ew, like omg gross there’s spit on my face lol but he looks down at the puppy in mild disgust and sees those big shiny eyes again and he just.. can’t be mad. He’s so entranced with the pup he’s holding that he’s not really paying attention to all the other little ones jumping at the side of the box but a nip to his hand makes him look down, and he’s greeted with a big bunch of other squirmy, yappy puppies, all as sweet as the one he’s cradling. He definitely hand feeds them little chunks of his food, and he tries very hard not to freak out and yell at them when they gnaw all over him like a chew toy and almost rip his jacket. They’re very eager to climb out of the box but he is not ready for wriggly little puppies loose in his car so he manages to contain them until they’re all snoozing, one of them fell asleep with it’s little puppy paws braced against his chest, standing up against the side of the box. He falls asleep right there, sitting up in his driver’s seat with this box of puppies sitting in his lap. He probably wakes up the next morning to a lot of sweet puppy kisses, and he drives around town and the other surrounding areas specifically hunting for a safe, no-kill shelter bc he knows he can’t keep any of them. And if he starts disappearing more, taking more and more frequent trips outside of town? It’s to visit the little puppies, volunteer at the shelter just to hang out with them and make sure they’re doing okay 🥹
Aww 💜
Billy deserves all the puppy cuddles.
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5eraphim · 2 years
i haven’t kept up w MHA in a hot minute, so forgive me if my characterization isn’t quite right, but im in a spiral thinking about yandere villain tenya iida
The boy who was brought up to follow all the rules, to be disciplined and unscrupulous, who wanted to become a prohero more than anything. Think of him as a jaded adult, broken down by years of cynicism, feeling as though they'll always come back no matter how hard he works to fight villains. He feels like he just can't make it as a hero, and everything he's strived for and his plans are falling apart.
You, on the other hand, were trying your best to snap him out of his despair. You studied with him and knew how hard he worked for his hero license. You wanted to think this would pass. Surely every hero felt this way when they learned how grueling the job can be. But all your encouragements and efforts to cheer him up came to no avail.
Tenya can't help but see you as the living embodiment of everything he'd grown to despise. The way you promised a brighter tomorrow was right around the corner. How you would always watch out for him. all these sweet words were seriously starting to get under his skin. Until he realized if you promised you would always stay with him no matter what,  then he was well within his right to test this.
Imagine Tenya inviting you to join the league of villains with him, to forget about the hero's life, and finally feel truly liberated. Life felt empty, shallow, and pointless for so long, but now he finally found something to work towards! He finally found a cure for his melancholy and was ready to bring you along with him.
It made sense you were scared to join the league at first. You were so blinded by the fantasy of making a difference as a hero he saw it as his personal mission to liberate you. Or rather, to keep you locked up as a hostage, locked away indoors, unable to socialize with anyone but Tenya. No matter how hard you beg or try to reason with him, once he has his heart set on something, there's no stopping him, and he knew it wouldn't be long until you felt the same way.
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monaisdark · 4 years
AHHHH! I loved your virgin shiggy post, I was wondering if you could make a part two with reader giving shigaraki a tit-fuck in an empty classroom, with degradation kink, and exhibition kink! I'm sorry if this too horny - Anon ♥♥
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haha.. im back i guess. Its been a couple weeks but i have some time to start writing again :)) checking my inbox, i did NOT expect this many people wanting a pt2 to my virgin shiggy post. prolly my fault for holding it off for so long :/ so i made it longer than i planned but count this a thanks for 200+ followers!! <3 anyways i really need to catch up on my inbox but expect more from me !!
➨ paring — Virgin! (not anymore) Tomura Shigaraki x Fem! Bully! Reader
➨ warnings — Sub! Shigaraki, Dom! Reader, mommy kink, slight masturbation, humiliation, degradation, begging, exhibition, tit-fucking, hand-job, cum denial
Shigaraki messed up. It’s been a week. A week since you cornered him in a room and took his virginity.
He still remembers what you told him when you left— “Take a shower tomorrow. Also wear a different top for god’s sake. If you do... I might let you touch me.” 
Shigaraki beat himself over for agreeing to it as soon as he got home. You were his bully. One of the people making his school experience even more unbearable than it already was.
Yet he completely was undone as soon as you placed your hands on him, and you knew it. He just didn’t know what you wanted.
Dick? No, you were pretty and popular— you could probably get some from more desirable guys. To bully him? Sure, you said mean things to him during the encounter but the bullying was always around your friends.
For a whole school week, he stayed home. Making up some bullshit to the school that he had the flu. Frankly, he was scared to go. How was he supposed to face you?
Did you tell anyone? Secretly record it? Was he currently the laughing stock of the entire school for begging to continue to fuck you?
But even away from school, you had an effect on him. He’s still a horny guy. Now, jerking off wasn’t the same anymore, not when he had some taste of pussy thanks to you.
Shigaraki would always end up thinking back to you, even with porn he couldn’t get you out of his head. His hands clamping around his cock weren’t the same as your pussy, same with the bodies of other women.
He found himself indulging into mommy kink porn, something he didn’t really get off from before you. Shigaraki pretend it was you talking to him, bouncing onto his lap and letting him touch you.
But after a bit— Shigaraki found it going no where, they weren’t you.
Cursing, he would always finish early. And not in a good way. In a way where he was left unsatisfied. Putting his painfully hard cock back into his sweats and trying to sleep his horny-ness away.
Shigaraki realized he needed you, you talking to him, you around his cock. Now, he regretted not sticking to his word. But he’ll make it up for you.
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You were quite mad. Shigaraki hasn’t been to school since that day. How ungrateful, you literally let him put his dick in you and now he ghosts you in real life.
You fully expected him to be at school the next day with the way he begged you to stay, clean and ready for you. So imagine your annoyance in seeing him not show up for several days.
But today was different, the newly ex-virgin actually showed up. To your surprise, he still did more than you expected him to do despite being a week late.
Shigaraki had changed his hoodie to a whole new one, it looked recently bought. As well as his hair, looking more soft than greasy like it typically was. Though he didn’t style it, it still overhanging on his face.
Still, he definitely looked a lot better, not enough for others to notice but enough for you to smirk at your work.
Both of you didn’t interact with each other besides a few glances until lunch. You guys sat on completely different ends of the cafeteria, him sitting in a small corner table while you sat in a large one.
Shigaraki looked fidgety, meekly looking up every few minutes to watch you interact with your friends. He was waiting for school to end, planning to catch you at the same empty classroom you took his virginity in.
Though you had completely other plans.
“Hey, I’ll be right back.” You got up from your table, grabbing your bag from off the floor. “To?” One of your friends asked, not looking up from their phone.
“Some nerd, he’s gonna do my homework we got last period. Apparently, his parents found out he’s been doing our homework and now he's gotta do them during lunch. Gotta make sure they do it right.” You lied through your teeth, hoping they would just back off.
They didn’t look up, instead pulling their homework worksheet out of their binder with one hand, putting it in yours, “Get him to do mine.”
You rolled your eyes, grabbing the paper, “Yeah.” You walked away, crumbling the paper to throw it in the trash. You’ll just say you lost it. Not like they’ll do anything about it.
Narrowed eyes landed on Shigaraki, his eyes currently focused on his phone. You strudded your way to him, smirking to yourself.
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Shigaraki almost jumped when he felt something brush against his leg. Looking up, he was met with you sitting down next to him.
“Hey.” You said, placing your bag on the table and putting your last period’s homework on the table.
“You’re good at chemistry, right?” You questioned, shifting through your bag for something to write with.
“...Well— I... um...—“ Shigaraki stuttered, unsure of what was currently going on.
“Great.” You pulled the phone out of his clammy hands, replacing it with a pencil. “...What?” He tilted his head, was this a joke? Did you completely forget about a week ago?
“Hm...? Well, get onto it.” You uttered him on, putting your chin in your hands, eyeing him. Reluctantly, he looked back to paper, beginning to work on it.
After around 5 minutes, you brushed against him even more, getting close to his side. “What does that say?” You pushed yourself further into his side, your chest touching his arms.
Shigaraki cursed himself for already becoming red, he pants tightening around his crotch as last week flashed into his head again.
“Um... m-mole is a unit of measur— Hmph!“ He held back a loud whine when your right hand traveled to his crotch.
“What— what are you doing?” He asked under his breath, holding back small whimpers as you palmed him, “Where have you been?” You questioned sternly, upset he kept you waiting.
“I’m sorry... I got sick.” He bluffed, it was too embarrassing to admit he was scared. With how he left you hanging, he expected people to be laughing at him the moment he stepped onto school grounds.
“Sick? A whole week?” You hummed, you could already tell he was lying. Still, you were proud that he even bothered to make it up to you by fixing himself up.
“With your diet of energy drinks and chips, I’m surprised you’re not dead.” You decided to let it go, he was just nervous to show up.
Yet you think he deserves a bit of punishment.
Shigaraki felt heavy as you teased the zipper of his jeans. He immediately tensed, “Wait— now..?” He saw you narrow your eyes, “Something wrong?”
“There’s people here!” He whispered yelled, flinching as he felt you unzip his jeans ever so slowly, trailing your finger along his exposed boxers.
“So? You’re just some loser in the corner, nobody will notice if you aren’t obvious.”
Shigaraki could already feel pre-cum form at his tip, staining his boxers a bit. You giggled a bit, feeling the dampness of his boxers. “Already?” Shigaraki shook his head, “I... I haven’t came since... that day.”
You laughed a bit louder than you expected to, good thing the cafeteria was already loud. “How sweet of you. Couldn’t get it on?”
Shigaraki focused his eyes on your paper, muffled moans caught at the back of his throat as you freed his cock from his boxers.
Now slowly pumping him, Shigaraki dropped the pen of the table. He wanted to do something with his hands, to touch you.
He moved his hand to your thigh, but of course, you didn’t allow him, “You’re too eager. Get back to work.” You ordered. Shigaraki was about to question you but you stopped him with stroking his cock faster.
Both of you continued this way for a bit, him answering questions with his shaky hands while you jerked him off.
Shigaraki could’ve sworn he felt eyes on him a couple of times, yet every time he looked up, nobody was even batting an eye in his direction.
He could feel his cock twitch at the excitement of being caught. How would they explain one of the most popular girls giving an outcast a hand-job under the table?
As he got to the last question— he was already drooling on the paper, mouth clenched shut to avoid moaning and panting to be let out.
You could tell he was about to cum, the writing on the paper progressively getting sloppier as time went on. “M-mommy...” Shigaraki whispered just enough for you to hear, “Hmm, you want to cum?”
He nodded furiously, he was extremely pent up and needed release. And just as he thought, you were the only one who can give it to him.
Shigaraki whimpered when you pulled away, looking up at the clock and collecting your stuff. “Then after school, room 204. Actually listen and show up when I tell you this time.”
You walked away just in time for the bell to go off, signifying that lunch was over. Leaving Shigaraki, once again, a mess.
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Here he was again, feeling nostalgic as you walked into the empty classroom. Shigaraki easily grew again while anticipating this, the tent prominent in his jeans.
“Y’know, good job for showering and changing.” You gave him praise, Shigaraki turning red from your words. “This... this means I can touch you, right?”
You nodded, “Yeah. I actually keep promises.” He ignored the jab at him, it didn’t matter how mean you were— he was going to touch you finally.
Shigaraki awkwardly shuffled towards you, raising his hands up to look at you with wide eyes. He slowly paced a hand on your boobs, trying to see if this was just some test and you’ll get mad at him.
When he didn’t get anything back, he immediately started to dough on your clothed breast, cupping them. Then, he moved to unbutton your shirt, already seeing you thought ahead and took off your bra before coming here.
He fully took off your shirt, not wasting time on latching his mouth onto one of your nipples, both hands playing with your breasts. Shigaraki was basically humping your leg, sucking your nipples like a baby.
You giggled a bit, patting his head. He looked up at you with a clouded look, pure joy in his eyes as he finally got to touch you.
Looking back down at him, another idea popped up— you already took his virginity and gave him his first hand-job, whats another one of his firsts? “Shigaraki, do you want to feel really good?” He unlatched from your nipple, “I can be inside you?”
“No.” He frowned a bit, but perked up when you trailed your fingers on his boxers. “What if I put this,” You pointed at your boobs, “In between these?”
Shigaraki was already down, eagerly sitting on a desk while you got on your knees. He freed his cock, putting it in between your slick pushed together breasts, thanks to his sucking earlier.
You wasted no time on stroking it up and down with your breasts. He moaned feeling the softness of the valley between your chest, your breasts around his cock giving him warmth as you stimulated him.
Shigaraki was definitely feeling great, you even let him bend down and grab your breasts to control the speed of the tit-job.
Though, Shigaraki wanted more. You were giving him all these things, a hand-job, a tit-fuck. He’s been inside you once and he didn’t get to do what he wanted in the first place. To cum inside his mommy.
He feels a knot grow in his lower abdomen, but he doesn’t wanna cum yet. Instead, he pulled himself away from you, much to your confusion.
“What? You literally were about to cum and I was gonna let you!” You groaned, getting up as Shigaraki faced you.
“...Mommy, can I fuck you?”
“No, you didn’t come to school for a whole week. If you really wanted to you would have showed up.”
Shigaraki turned red, sputtering as he held onto your arm, “Please! I just want you cum inside you.” He whined, tears pricking at the chance of not getting to have sex with you after all this time.
You looked at him stoned faced as he begged, even falling to his knees dramatically to add to his desperation. “Fucking virgins, man.”
Shigaraki felt himself be pushed down, your skirt and panties on the floor. You straddled onto his length, moans filling the room quickly.
“Yes! Thank you, thank you, mommy!” Shigaraki thrusted his hips into yours, feeling even more over-joyed when he was allowed to touch your chest while you were on top of him this time.
Shigaraki desperately missed this, now he remembers why his hand didn’t compare to your tight pussy after trying to jerk off. He found his own rhythm quickly, muffled ‘mommy’s due to his mouth on your breasts.
“I’m doing this because you cleaned up, if you didn’t I would’ve left you to your own sad-ass devices already.” You lied, honestly, you hated the idea what he possibly was ignoring you by not showing up to school.
Even then, you’ve grown a bit found of him. His body, his expressions, his voice, everything really. It didn’t bother you as much when you saw his still messy hair, you were just glad to see him.
Though, you’d never admit it. Instead, it showed through the way you were tightening around his cock, panting as he moaned into and out your body. Shigaraki very quickly wrapped his arms around you, both of you on the edge.
“Fuck— Shigaraki. Cum, cum for mommy, okay?” You ordered, Shigaraki more than ready to fulfill it.
“Ah, thank you! Thank you, mommy! I’m gonna cum inside you!” Both of you rided out your highs, Shigaraki filling you so much it started to drip outside your full cunt.
He fell on top of you despite you initially being on top, you wanted to scold him but honestly couldn’t bring yourself to right now.
The room quieted down, the only words being exchanged were by Shigaraki softly muttering “Thank you, mommy.” into your neck
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slasherhaven · 4 years
I dont think ive see smth like this in your blog and im really sorry if im crossing a line, you dont have to do this but if you could, could you do vincent and any other slashers youd like with a unplanned pregnant s/o? Like they werent expecting it, how would they react? Im sorry again if this is too specific and out of your comfort zone!
The Slashers’ and their S/O reacting to an unplanned pregnancy:
Thomas Hewitt
A pregnancy can only be good news to Thomas (unless you know it’s going to put your health at risk).
He noticed that something wasn’t right but you both just thought you were sick. It was Luda May that pulled you to the side, telling you that you might be pregnant.
But you both agreed to not tell Thomas until you had taken a test and were positive, you didn’t want him to freak out over nothing.
When you tell him, you are nervous about his reaction since neither of you had talked about it. Even if Luda May had been hinting about grandchildren.
But as soon as you tell Thomas that you’re having his child, he is overjoyed!
He wants to be a father, to have a little family of his own. So what if it wasn’t planned? That doesn’t matter, he still wants this.
He’s smiling, placing a large hand on your stomach (even though you aren’t showing yet).
If you’re still worried about this unexpected turn of events, he would be there to comfort you and reassure you. Don’t worry, Y/n. He’s going to take good care of you and your child.
Michael Myers
You had every reason to be nervous about telling Michael about your pregnancy. You loved him, you really did, and you knew that he loved you but he wasn’t the most...nurturing person.
You really didn’t know what he would think or how he would react. 
Even if you don’t think he’s the monster people think he is, a part of you worries that he’d just leave if he decided this wasn’t what he wanted.
But you had to tell him, he was going to find out eventually anyway.
Just as usual, your announcement is met with stoicism. The emotionless mask doesn’t help either. But this is one of the main reasons he wears the mask, so nobody can guess what he is thinking.
He wonders if you’re scared that they’ll turn out like him. Would you love them anyway, just like you love him?
He decides that he’s not going to be a good father (whether that’s true or not is a possibly debatable) but he also decides that he is staying put.
You’re going to be caring for this child, right? 
You do notice that he’s much more gentle with you at all times. Maybe he cares more than he likes to show...
Jason Voorhees
You weren’t all that nervous about telling Jason about the pregnancy, you knew he would be there for you both and you knew he would be a good father.
When you told him, Jason definitely had to sit down. You’re pregnant? You’re both having a child. 
This is big news! His mother would be so proud!
After wrapping his head around it, Jason will pull you into an embrace. He’s going to be good for you, Y/n!
He hadn’t thought about starting a family with you until now but he quickly decides that he likes the idea lot. He likes the idea of raising a child with you, of being a father. 
And he’s going to do his absolute best to be the best father for his child. He’s excited to be taking this step with you.
Time to babyproof the cabin!
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms had noticed that something was right, he thought that you were sick. You did at first but eventually you realised what might actually be happening. So, you got a pregnancy test in the next delivery.
You didn’t want to say anything to Brahms until you were completely sure.
Turns out, you were pregnant and now you had to tell Brahms.
He’s not too pleased at first...neither of you had talked about this, he hadn’t even thought about having children. He doesn’t like surprises and he doesn’t like that he’s going to have to compete for your attention.
He might even sulk about it but he’ll slowly come around to it.
You’re having his child...you’re going to be parents...together...maybe this isn’t so bad.
He definitely needs some time to warm up to the idea but he will eventually, probably reluctantly apologising for how he acted.
Bo Sinclair
Haha, good joke...
...you are joking right? Right, Y/n?!
Well...okay, he guesses. It’s not like he could do anything about it now.
He’s going to pull away from you slightly at first, because he’s doubting his own capabilities as a father. He isn’t meant to have a partner, he isn’t meant to have a kids, a family, any of this...and yet here you were.
He stop pulling away eventually and make up for it. However, he becomes more attentive, more protective. Is pretty much going to try to turn you into a housewife type of partner. 
But it’s not like he’s going to be doing all the chores just because you’re pregnant.
If you’re down for that, great! If not, just tell him to relax. You’re pregnant, not dying. 
He’ll ‘deal with it’ but warms up to the idea more and more as the pregnancy progresses.
Vincent Sinclair
Is he surprised and worried about his abilities as a father? Completely. 
Is he going to let that get in the way of doing the best he can? Definitely not.
He’s in awe of you. He loves you so much and you love him, you’re going to have his child...
Just places his hands on your stomach even though you’re not showing yet, there is a baby in there, his baby. God, he loves you so much.
He hadn’t thought about children, this definitely wasn’t planned but if he was given the choice to change it, he wouldn’t even consider it.
He going to be pretty anxious about it though. Both for the future and wondering if his child will like him, but also for the present. He’s so worried about you getting hurt, he fusses over you all the time, but it’s sweet.
Lester Sinclair
You told him just after you found out, when he had come home and didn’t have anything else to distract him. You could just sit down and tell him and the two of you could talk about it for as long as you needed too.
Gets a little frantic when you tell him.
First he’s pulling you into a kiss because: this is great news! He’s going to be a dad! And you’re the one having his baby! He couldn’t be more thrilled!
But then he’s holding you at arms length, eyes wide as he asks you if he can do this.
He goes through every emotion in the book in under a minute. Just let him go through it and once he’s calmed down, assure him that he’s going to be a great dad.
Because he will be!!!
Bubba Sawyer
Raising a child in the Sawyer household would be chaotic to say the least and that was probably the main cause of your anxiety, since you knew Bubba would try his absolute best to be an amazing father and to be there for you.
You need to collect yourself before you tell him, because you’re going to need to calm him down and reassure him.
When you tell him, he is going to freak out a little. He’s just worried about what this means, are you going to be okay, is he going to be a good father, this house isn’t safe for a child!
Once you’ve calmed him down, he’ll actually be pretty excited about the idea of having a child.
The two of you will have your own little family! 
He’s going to give you lots of hugs and kisses while babbling happily, he loves you so much and can’t wait to have this baby now!
Billy Lenz
You knew this was going to be messy. Billy hadn’t exactly shown many signs of responsibility at all and he doesn’t really seem like the fatherly type. Not that he doesn’t have the love to give, you know he does. Just the idea of him raising a child...it’s not something that either of you considered.
But you were definitely pregnant, it was definitely Billy’s baby, and you were definitely going to have to tell him.
When you do tell him, he panics.
He can’t be a father! What?!
Yeah, he’s really freaking out. You’re going to have to comfort him and calm him down, assuring him that everything is going to be okay.
Billy’s just kind of rolling with punches. He really doesn’t know how he’s going to be a father but he loves you so much, so this is just something you’re going to do together. 
He figures that as long as you’re there, he’ll be okay, you’ll make sure that everything is okay. 
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Yes, you were nervous to tell him about the pregnancy. You had no idea how he would feel or what he would think.
But, of course you had to tell him before he found out some other way.
You weren’t even surprised when he barely reacted. He was thinking, you knew that, so you gave him a moment. This whole thing was a surprise for both of you.
“I had my suspicions” well, that wasn’t the response you were expecting. 
But of course he noticed the little changes in you. Your fatigue, any sickness you had been feeling. He knew the signs, he already suspected that you were pregnant. So, thankfully, it wasn’t a complete surprise to him.
You’ll never know exactly how he felt when he first started suspecting pregnancy but by the time you tell him about it, he’s already come to terms with it.
(He’s also aware that this would be good for keeping up appearances. He loves you, he does, but he can’t help that his mind often wanders to more logical pros and cons of things)
He gets a little...overbearing, but it’s honestly nice to get all that extra attention from him.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
You’re understandably nervous about telling Jesse, unsure of how he would react and already knowing about his past.
And when you do tell him...yeah, it brings back some less than happy memories. The last time he was going to have a child...well, it didn’t end well.
But you’re different. You know about what he does and you love him despite it. If you want to bring this child into the world, you know completely who they’re father would be and you’d love them anyway.
(Like with Asa, it would be undeniably good for his image, having a spouse and a child, but that’s not something that he’s making decisions based on when it comes to you)
It’s not always easy to throw off Jesse but this did it, and you’re just waiting for his reaction nervously.
Of course, he doesn’t say anything, but he guides you towards him. A hand resting on your stomach as he presses a kiss to your forehead. He’s telling you that he’s okay with this if you are.
Otis Driftwood
You’re not wrong for being a little nervous to tell him or have a child in the Firefly household at all.
I can completely see why you think he might react badly.
However, when you do tell him, he’s actually pretty calm. Sure, he’s surprised, but he takes it well.
Admittedly, he never thought about having kids, and if he did he might have even decided that he wasn’t interested in having them.
But you’re pregnant, you’re both having this child, and that’s okay.
He’ll pull you into him, smirking as he says something along the lines of “so we’re going to be parents, huh?” he’s a little surprised when you just pull him into a relieved hug, but returns it.
He’ll raise them ‘right’, whatever he considers to be right.
All he promises you is that he is going to be a much better parent than his were. That’s it, that’s all he wants to be and he will be.
Yautja (Predator) 
You find out at the exact same time. As soon as you start throwing up or just not feeling right, he’s taking you to get some medical attention.
And the medic tells you that you’re pregnant, as blunt as Yautja’s are.
Your mate is overjoyed. This is great news! 
Even if the two of you weren’t planning this, he still loves the thought of you carrying his child, of you having his child. Yeah, this definitely isn’t bad news to him.
But he understands if you’re kinda freaking out about this, it was a surprise to you both.
Still, he’s going to be right there for you. Super involved and supportive, assuring you that you’re going to have the best medical care (better than anything you could get on earth). It’s all going to be fine.
Gets ten times more protective, clingy, and affectionate.
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spacedikut · 4 years
the blessing of a blizzard ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
summary: a blizzard leaves the team holed up in the bau office. spencer can’t stop thinking about your elusive boyfriend, mike, who might not be your boyfriend after all. 4.3k
a/n: festive fic! kind of! im too scared to do a final check so if there’s errors or i misuse pronouns just lemme know ily happy holidays ! thank you to the incredible @homoose for helping with dialogue :D
Mike. His name is Mike, and Spencer hates him.
Full name Michael, Spencer presumes, which comes from Hebrew meaning “who is like God?” A rhetorical question, implying there is no person like God, Michael was one of the archangels in Hebrew tradition and the only one identified as an archangel in the Bible.
What Michael should mean, however, is the guy that stole your heart and left Spencer thinking things very unlike him – that Mike, a man Spencer has never met and that clearly makes you very happy, has a really stupid name, for example.
There are three things Spencer knows about him:
1. Ever since you started deciding on his wardrobe, ladies love him. It makes you a little jealous, apparently.
2. You love baking him homemade treats whenever you can. Like a movie playing in his head, Spencer can perfectly remember you excitedly chatting with Garcia and Emily, animatedly explaining how excited Mike gets when he sees you’ve made something just for him.
3. Mike can be a bit of a dick, actually. There have been several mornings you’ve come in with a long face, leaning back in your desk chair far enough to view the world upside down and whining about how grumpy Mike was that morning, how you had to tip-toe around your apartment lest he get mad.
You’d called him your soulmate, added that he’s a light in your life you didn’t know you needed until you had him. You’re a person who chooses their words carefully, so when you’re walking around putting Mike and soulmate in the same sentence, you mean business.
That business is ripping Spencer’s heart out of his chest, apparently. Because you’re busy showing JJ pictures of him on your phone right now, blissfully unaware of the subconscious glare Spencer is lasering into your phone as he leans against the jet counter.
Spencer’s never had the honour of seeing Mike (a genuine word you used – honour) and you know what? Spencer doesn’t want to know what Mike looks like. Spencer doesn’t care. Mike’s probably ugly, anyway, and Spencer’s confidence within himself grows day by day and if there’s one thing he’s learnt recently it’s that comparison is the thief of joy and-
“Oh!” JJ exclaims, “He’s gorgeous!”
Fuck Mike. Really, fuck him.
The floor is slippery beneath everyone’s feet, the surrounding area slowly losing its mixture of colours to blend into one coat of white.
It’s snowing.
Garcia greets the team, a steaming cup of tea in her bejewelled hands, and everyone gets to work right away. There’s whispers of the snow getting heavier and sticking and covering more and more ground with more and more depth; people are rushing against the proverbial clock to get done and get home before they’re all stuck.
But that won’t happen, right? If people were genuinely concerned about getting snowed in, surely everyone would’ve been sent home early as a precaution. Right? Right?
Rossi’s the one to notice it, calling out, “Check it out. Snow’s pretty bad.”
He says it like it’s nothing, like they’ll race to the windows then deflate with disappointment because you couldn’t even create a single snowball with that light coat, but holy hell people are walking around with snow up to their ankles and it’s still coming down thick. And then the lights are flickering and JJ is making frantic calls home to Will and Hotch is exiting his office, phone pressed to his ear, calling everyone to attention:
“There’s a blizzard incoming. It’s too dangerous for anyone to be on the roads, so we’re being told to sit tight. You should all try to call home, just in case; we don’t know how long we’ll be here.”
Some people still brave it, still try to head on home, and whether they make it or not is up to the Gods. The team glance around, varying expressions – Emily and Derek look pissed, JJ is worried, and you and Rossi are straight-faced. Penelope is bouncing in excitement.
“It’s like a sleepover!”
All Spencer can think about is how Mike will have to suffer another day without you. He bites back a smile.
Spencer’s straining his neck, butt barely on his desk chair, in attempt to see around all the bustling people that stand between you and him. Through the glass BAU doors, on the phone, your shoulders are slumped and you kick your boot against the floor a few times to channel your multitude of emotions into something. He hopes Mike isn’t giving you a hard time for something that isn’t within your control.
Emily looks up from her monitor, where she’s doing Christmas shopping even though it’s Christmas Eve, and looks thoroughly amused by Spencer’s internal battle of wanting to watch you but not wanting it to be obvious.
“You good, Reid?”
Spencer flinches like Emily pinched him. “Yeah, good. Fine. Are you good?”
Emily makes a show of slowly turning to look at you, still on the phone, then slowly turning back to Spencer’s wide-eyed gaze. She smirks. “You think they’re talking to Mike?”
Yes, Spencer does think that, but he’d made a point to not fully acknowledge it. And there’s something about Emily’s smugness that tells Spencer she’s teasing him – she knows something he doesn’t and it makes his eyes narrow. “Probably. Why?”
Whatever the response is, Emily’s barely opened her mouth before she’s interrupted by Penelope Garcia gracefully clapping her hands, getting the attention of every BAU member. The team quiets and all eyes are on Penelope. Except Spencer, who watches with concern as you sneak back to your desk, a furrow to your brow and downward dips either side of your mouth.
“I know these are less-than-great circumstances, and we’re stuck in work of all places, but that shouldn’t mean we can’t have a little fun! So…”
She wildly gestures for Hotch to step forward, a cheesy grin on her face and a gleam in Hotch’s eye that tells everyone he’s also smiling but internally, and she takes the three large boxes he was carrying like the good sidekick he is.
“We’re building gingerbread houses!”
There’s exclamations of surprise and joy; Emily lights up at the idea of doing anything other than work or sitting at her desk, and JJ takes a box to look it over before asking, “Where did you get these?”
Hotch answers. “They were supposed to be for the kids,” He shrugs, holding back a smile, “However, I guess we can use them now.”
“Yes,” Penelope nods, “Yes, we can use them now. Get your game faces on, because this is a competition. Hotch and Rossi are the judges, because they’re grumpy old men, and the rest of us will be in teams of two fighting to build the best gingerbread house the BAU has ever seen.”
Derek speaks up for the first time, just to insult Spencer. “I refuse to be on a team with Reid. He has no creative skills.”
Members of the team laugh and Spencer reacts indignantly. He wants to reply, but you’re already speaking.
“Hey! I’ll take him! Spencer’s great.”
Many heads snap to you when you speak, Spencer’s surely got whiplash, but you’re looking at him and smiling at him and him alone. He’s breathless at the sight, how you chose him and have literal stars in your eyes, yet all he can think is how undeserving he is of such a beauty. How undeserving anyone is, mostly Mike, to exist in the same reality as someone who puts the definition of beautiful to shame.
Spencer’s about to make the best damn gingerbread house the world has ever seen.
So, building a gingerbread house? A little more difficult than originally thought.
Maybe it’s the sticky icing, or the temptation to simply eat all the sweet decorative candy rather than use it for its intended purpose, or…
Maybe it’s the pretty teammate Spencer has that keeps brushing against him, keeps brushing against his hands, and like a virus to a computer you completely wipe Spencer of all thoughts other than: Y/N.
Spencer caught you watching him while he was rolling up his shirt sleeves, caught you staring at his hands and trailing your eyes up his forearms, following the sleeves as they moved inch by inch up to his elbows.
Then, when Spencer was holding two pieces of gingerbread together, you were too lost in thought to put the icing between the cracks and cement them together. Your eyes were trained on the fingers pressing the pieces together. Spencer had to call your name three times to wake you up.
Then, something weird happened (if the previous instances weren’t weird enough). You two had been in your own bubble of hushed tones and accidental touching, surrounded by bickering and collapsing houses and at one point Emily offered Rossi twenty bucks if he just votes for her and JJ without them making a house, and suddenly it’s silent. All he can hear is his heartbeat, his blood pumping in his ears, and all he can feel is the warmth of your breath on his ear because you’re right there, over his shoulder, joining him in hunching over your creation to decorate it with all kinds of shapes and colours.
The close proximity is too much. It’s too much.
You lean even closer, shoulder and arm pressed directly against Spencer’s, and lift another hand to place a miniature candy cane next to the gingerbread door. The action causes your hand to brush Spencer’s, and for the first time ever he’s not jolting away like he’s been electrocuted, no, his hand stays there, hovering, waiting and hoping for more.
Hoping for more of you.
And you seem to realise, too, that Spencer’s reaction is abnormal. He can’t decide if you’re testing the waters, or if it was a mere accident. But what are you testing the waters for? Why are you trying to touch him? Why do you want to touch him?
He takes a sharp intake of breath. From the corner of his eye, he sees you turn to look at him, and he almost doesn’t reciprocate. Almost.
You’re so close, face so close to his own. You take the softest breaths, in and out, sending the gentlest puffs of air onto Spencer’s lips.
He has no idea what the fuck is happening. He doesn’t want it to stop.
Your eyes, always shining and full of an emotion Spencer can’t decipher, dance around his face – his eyes, to his nose, stopping on each cheek, back and forth and up and down. Spencer’s captured by them, unable to tear himself away, which has become quite the habit since he’s known you.
Then you’re looking at his lips.
Spencer blinks, hoping to clear away the obvious hallucination he’s having, but no. Nothing changes. Your gaze remains, unwavered, making Spencer subconsciously open his mouth. The softest gasp leaves it when your pupils dilate.
This is the perfect moment to kiss, right? Right here, in front of the gingerbread house you made together, decorated together, and now begin the start of something else together. It makes sense, it’s almost poetic, and Spencer’s thought about you and him in a relationship enough times to consider this opportunity good and sweet enough to regale everyone with in the future.
Can you imagine it? “We had our first kiss in front of the gingerbread house we slaved over together. We won the competition, too.”
There’s a loud clang – Penelope found an actual gong from somewhere – and Rossi announces that the timer has gone off and it’s time for the judges to vote for the winner.
When you gently pick up yours and Spencer’s creation and take it to a cloth-covered table, where Rossi and Hotch ominously stand with their arms crossed, Spencer is frozen in place.
Oh my god. Oh my god.
There’s no way you wanted to kiss him. It isn’t possible. You’ve never looked at him like that before. It must’ve been a mistake.
But you were so close…
No. If Spencer made that move, it would’ve ruined everything – your friendship, the festive fun, the atmosphere of the entire evening. Everyone’s expected to be stuck here for at least another six hours, and making it tense and awkward was not something Spencer is willing to do.
But your eyes…
Spencer can’t think about that fact too much. That could mean anything – dilated pupils don’t necessarily mean you’re in love. You could’ve gotten a good whiff of the gingerbread and felt hungry, or a song you really liked started playing from the playlist Penelope created. Or, most likely, Spencer thinks, you were thinking about someone else.
Your boyfriend, for example.
You have a boyfriend. Mike.
Of course, you were probably thinking of Mike. Your boyfriend.
Spencer almost kissed someone in a relationship, and he’s pretty sure you almost kissed him too.
Much to Derek’s chagrin, you and Spencer win the gingerbread house contest.
Penelope was baffled, frantically gesturing to the Jacuzzi she made with icing and- Derek made miniature weights? Somehow? It looked chaotic.
“Practicality, my dear,” Rossi told her. “Who, living in a gingerbread house, is worried about working out?”
Even though you and Spencer were the winners, Derek and Penelope and their pouting (and calls for a rematch) took the attention away from the obvious awkward tension between the winners. Spencer stayed at the desk you worked at while you took your house to the judges, stayed at the desk when you were crowned and stayed at the desk when you cheered.
You looked at him, wide grin and happy eyes, and all he could do was tightly smile back. Give a thumbs up.
He gave you a thumbs up. You nearly kissed less than ten minutes prior. And all he could do was give you a thumbs up.
The light in your eyes dimmed, but you seemed to understand.
Understand what, exactly? Spencer’s not so sure either. But something clicked in your head – you nodded to yourself as if confirming whatever you’ve concluded, and turned your back to him.
That was an hour ago. Now, the team has spread across everyone’s desks. Turns out, Hotch is a big fan of gingerbread - he’s consumed most of Derek and Penelope’s creation, icing and all, while Rossi has decided now is a good time to open one of the many bottles of whiskey he has in his office.
Spencer believes having that much alcohol in your work environment is breaking some kind of rule, but the snow isn’t letting up and it looks like a sleepover in the BAU office is likely. He deserves a little whiskey.
And where are you in all of this?
Spencer won’t lie and pretend he hasn’t had you in his line of sight the entire time, so he’ll recap what you’ve been doing: laughing at Derek’s jokes, plaiting Penelope’s hair, eating the candy Emily and JJ didn’t use on their house.
You’d left the room to call home and check up on things (check up on Mike, Spencer thinks bitterly) and now you stand in front of the large window by the BAU elevators, watching the snow fall.
Spencer has the perfect view of you through the glass doors. When the call ends and you stay there, he grabs a paper plate, grabs one of the walls from yours and his masterpiece and makes his way towards you.
He doesn’t know what he’ll say, or how he’ll even act, but he wants to talk to you. Things feel weird after the almost-kiss, and Spencer never wants things to be weird with you. He can’t have things weird with you. You hadn’t talked to him once since the competition, and he has a feeling you’re waiting for him to make the first move.
So he does. If that’s what you need, he’ll do it.
(He’s making this more dramatic than it needs to be, really, but he feels everything so deeply when it comes to you)
Spencer’s voice perfectly matches the snowy atmosphere. It makes you feel warm inside, like you’ve just taken a sip of hot cocoa, and so often he’s left goosebumps on your skin just from speaking.
Seeing the outstretched paper plate in his hand, you take it gratefully. “Hi there. Thanks.” You nod to the gingerbread that you begin breaking up.
You hand him the first piece even though he brought it for you, and it’s silent while you both chew thoughtfully and watch the pure white outside. It doesn’t feel weird, necessarily, standing here, shoulder-to-shoulder with you, but you’re certainly more in your head than usual. You’re thinking a lot and, as much as it hurts him, Spencer knows you’re likely preoccupied by your boyfriend and not what transpired between you earlier.
It’s that thought, that disappointment settling into his chest, that opens his mouth unconsciously: “How’s Mike? Does he know you’re not making it home tonight?”
He regrets it immediately, worsened by the way you stop mid-chew, eyes dimming like Spencer’s taken a baseball bat and shattered the lights inside.
This is unchartered territory – talking about Mike with you – and you know it. Who, in their right mind, willingly asks the person they have feelings for how their relationship with someone that isn’t you is going? Does Spencer enjoy pain?
Although this is the first time Spencer’s mentioned Mike to your face (he’s mentioned Mike plenty to a laughing Derek), he’s been so close to presenting the topic many times. He wants to know so badly – wants to know how well Mike treats you, really treats you (he will profile you), if you see a long-term future with him and if not, on average how long does it take you to get over your exes? Just an estimate?
You swallow the gingerbread you’re eating. “He’s okay. My roommate has to take care of him, but at least he’s got someone.”
Since when do you have a roommate?
And why is your roommate taking care of your boyfriend?
Oh. Guilt blooms in Spencer when it registers that he’s been thinking ill of a person that might be sick. No wonder you dote on him so much and seemed devastated to make that phone call home earlier - Mike needs you, you can’t be there for him, and you feel horrible for it.
Spencer feels horrible for having the subject of his anger be someone you so clearly cherish, so deeply love. He’s embarrassed that if he was asked to explain why he hates Mike so much, he’d have to tell them it’s because Mike has you, and you’re what Spencer wants. What about what you want?
“Take care of him?” Spencer asks. The concern is genuine, which is an emotion he never thought he’d have in regards to Mike. “Is something wrong?”
“Oh,” You shrug. “He needs someone watching over him at all times, that’s all.”
That’s all?
You continue. “Make sure he eats – and only eats what he’s supposed to. Give him his meds. Make sure he poops. Those kinda things.”
“Your… roommate makes sure your boyfriend poops?”
Now, Spencer knows what you look like when you’re confused. Honestly, he has every facial expression you’ve graced him with tucked away in a proverbial box he spends too much time thinking about. He knows that when you’re trying not to laugh, you bite the inside of your left cheek. When you’re frustrated but need to present a professional front, you bite the inside of your right cheek. Happiness fills your entire face, like every inch is consumed by it, and you’ve trained yourself to transport anger to your hands, where they twist into tight fists and leave fingernail marks in your palms.
Confusion is one of his favourites (second only to joy – for obvious reasons. Have you seen your smile?) because it takes many forms. You’ve pursed your lips, narrowed your eyes, tapped your foot on the floor. When you do them all, Spencer considers it a jackpot. There’s something about the way you look when you’re presented with something you can’t quite figure out yet, when you’re perplexed, that just-
You make it hard for him to concentrate. He can’t be a genius when you’re around because you’re so pretty. You’re a vision and he can never rattle off information to you specifically because he will trip up and divert to talking about the beauty that is you and that would be embarrassing for many reasons.
But this type of confusion? The way you’re looking at him right now? He’s never seen this before. Your jaw has dropped, your brows are furrowed so deeply they might fall off, and you look… horrified.
“My… my boyfriend?”
Spencer mirrors your expression. “Yeah, your boyfriend. Mike?” He looks around, waiting for cameramen to jump out and tell him he’s being pranked, because why don’t you know who your own boyfriend is?
You move slowly, placing the half-eaten plate on the windowsill before turning to face Spencer fully. You take a second to compose yourself.
“Mike is my cat.”
Mike is…
“And he’s having digestive issues, so he needs to be watched pretty much full-time.”
Silence. Tense, weird silence.
“…You thought Mike was my boyfriend?”
Spencer sputters, then, because of course he did! “Yes! The way you talk about him was… it was… it seemed…”
He flustered, oh so flustered, hands flailing and face enflamed and burning from the inside out. How had he not known?! How had… how had your wires gotten so convoluted, so mixed?
Does everyone know that Mike is a cat? Is Spencer the only one out of the loop? The look Emily gave him earlier, that knowing too-smug look, was that…
She was making fun of him. She knew he thought Mike was a person, not a pet, and was teasing him because of it.
All at once, the world seems lighter and dimmer – a contradiction that leaves Spencer’s chest heaving – because the past year feels like a lie. He’s spent so long seeing the way you come to life when talking about Mike, sitting opposite you on the jet as you awaken like a dying flower watered when home got closer and closer, and it was all for… a cat?
There’s a mist over Spencer’s eyes as he recalls every overheard declaration of love and coos of how handsome Mike is, and you’re laughing. Spencer’s having a crisis in front of your very eyes and you’re laughing. Hunched over, a single tear falling from your eye, clutching your stomach because it hurts from the ferocity of your giggles.
By the time you quieten, your hand is over your mouth to cover the big grin that grounds him, gives him something other than this revelation to focus on. Spencer’s still baffled, frazzled, but there’s the tiniest of smiles on his face because of how overjoyed you look. And he did that. Albeit his stupidity did it, but Spencer’s stupidity nonetheless.
You’re out of breath. “God I… I don’t even know what to say. You really thought my cat was my boyfriend?”
Spencer’s fighting a smile, lips wiggling. The way you’re looking at him now, all blinding smile and crinkled eyes, alleviates him of any anxiety he earlier had. Like you’ve wiped away his plate-full of worries, all the times it felt like he took an arrow to the heart, all the times he caught you smiling at your phone because you were looking at pictures of Mike, it’s all worth it. Because you’ve never looked like this while talking about Mike, and Mike is a cat. He isn’t a person, isn’t your boyfriend. Mike is a cat and Spencer has a chance.
Spencer has a chance.
“Does this… this means you’re single, right?”
A somewhat terrified look overtakes his face.
“Oh, shoot, you are single, right?”
You bite your lower lip and nod. “Yes, Spencer. I’m single.”
He lets out a breath. “Good. That’s good. I’m glad.” He repeats your nod, realises what he said could imply, and starts shaking his head. “Not-not good good. You’re incredible and need to be appreciated, but… good, because that means we could, you know…” He gestures vaguely. God, why can’t he get coherent words out? “If you wanted to, we could-“
“Are you trying to ask me out, Spencer?”
Just to cause immense emotional distress, you raise an eyebrow, mischief clear on your face, and wait for him to continue.
“You want me to actually ask?” He winces.
“I’ve spent the last year convinced you didn’t like me, so, yes, I want you to actually ask.”
The new information sends ice down Spencer’s back because what? Since when? “You- what?“
“I’ve liked you for a while, Spencer,” You cross your arms over your body, slightly embarrassed. “But you always kept your distance so I did too, I guess.”
“I thought you were taken!” Spencer exclaims. “If I’d known I would’ve-we could’ve- I would-“
“You’d what, Reid?” There’s a teasing lilt to your tone, but there’s no denying you’re incandescently happy.
He takes a deep breath and asks what he’s wanted to for far too long. “When this is all over, would you like to go on a date with me, Y/N?”
Relief flashes in your eyes, like you didn’t fully believe what was happening until he finally asked, and words have never sounded as pretty as when you say: “Yes. Yes I would.”
Like lovesick idiots, you stand in front of the window with the snowfall as a backdrop, grinning at each other. You can’t help it – you lean up, press a kiss to his cheek that immediately sets his skin ablaze, and fall back onto your feet with a smile sweeter than all the sugar you’d consumed today.
“Merry Christmas, Spencer.”
Somehow, despite the nerves and the way his heart is trying to leap into your hands, he manages to tell you, “Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
(Three weeks later, Spencer meets the Mike. Turns out he’s a nice guy. Spencer takes the first opportunity he can to apologise for all the bad things he said about him behind his back. The purring tells Spencer he’s forgiven)
tags: @pinkdiamond1016 @bluerose512 @andreasworlsboring101 @bitchyreids @roses-and-grasses @ta-ka-shi-ma @rexorangecouny @unmistakablyunknown @goofygubler14 @gublertoon @averyhotchner @prettyboy-reid @shadyladyperfection
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
Hi I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for Todoroki, Bakugo, Shoji and Tokoyami where maybe their s/o is injured after protecting some classmates for example how would they react after hearing about it and act towards the ones they were protecting and how they are really soft to their s/o. Does that make sense? Ooh and maybe how their class is shocked at them being soft towards their s/o. Sorry the request is so long
hi! this made me so soft, and i love every character so 🥺 thanks for requesting, bb! this is gonna be long lmao, so it's under the cut.
(also, im sorry for todoroki's one being so angsty and this taking so long, i had a couple of... rough days)
— 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐬/𝐨 + 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮, 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢, 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐢.
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bakugou katsuki.
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-> bakugou loves to see you work hard and push your own limits.
-> often, he just let's you train however you think it's best.
-> so when you say you're going to have some extra training with kirishima, he wishes you luck.
-> "don't be late for dinner, dumbass, or i'll kick shitty hair's ass" ofc he won't kick you, you're his precious s/o.
-> when you arrived to the gym kirishima had requested, there he was, accompanied by deku.
-> "i hope you don't mind midoriya tagging along", you didn't, actually.
-> everything went as usual, a few punches here and there, some laughs.
-> but, somehow, while both you and deku were testing red riot's resistance, izuku got way too into it and didn't realize only kirishima's arms were hardened.
-> you saw a kick flying to the red hair's torso, and your body moved by itself.
-> the impact had you thrown to the other side of the gym, barely staying conscious.
-> to you, everything was so fast.
-> to bakugou it was the other way around.
-> a sweaty kirishima appeared, looking desperately for him, without making one coherent sentence.
-> "y/n... infirmary... bad"
-> katsuki had NEVER blast out so fast. like, NEVER.
-> when he got to recover girl's office, you were sleeping. she explained to him that there wasn't anything major, but you were extremely tired, therefore, sleeping. recommended a few days of rest, and then you'd be good as new.
-> of course he heard you were never recovering almost dying.
-> deku was a crying mess, poor him was so scared, kirishima was trying to calm him down but it was impossible.
-> when bakugou knew HE had hurt YOU?
-> "what the fuck were you even doing there, huh? a damn quirk stealer like you shouldn't be fucking allowed near people who earned they own place here. what? were you jealous of them? stop fucking crying and ow–"
-> "katsuki. stop." nobody saw you woke up, you'd had to thank your boyfriend for that.
-> you asked everyone to leave and explained bakugou it wasn't midoriya's fault, so he shouldn't bully him.
-> he said yes to you but had now intention of stopping lmao.
-> they took you to your dorm room, where bakugou had already set a bed under yours so he could watch over you at nights.
-> nobody dared to stop him.
-> until you were allowed to go back to classes, he was to your demand. everyone was so surprised to see bakugou katsuki doing what he was asked willingly.
-> poor broccoli boy wasn't allowed to even look at you without gaining a whole menu of insults.
-> he apologized writing a note he gave to todoroki who gave it to you.
-> katsuki is really worried, like, reaaaally worried, so he makes you healthy meals, takes it to your room so you don't move too much and then washes the dishes.
-> "geez maybe i have to ask midoriya to kick me more often" HE WOULD LOOK YOU DEAD IN THE EYE AND CALL YOU THE BIGGEST IDIOT WITH NO HINT OF LOVE 😭
-> at school, he doesn't leave your side. if you complain on anything, even if it has NOTHING to do with your injury, won't stop until he fixes it.
-> kaminari, mina and sero tease him so. fucking. bad.
-> kirishima is kinda scared bc he thought you were dead for a second so prefers to let bakugou take good care of you.
-> whenever you feel a little pain at the place of the hit, he will warm his hands and put them on your torso.
-> the warm feeling helps to ease the pain, and he has an excuse to touch you. win win.
-> he's not angry at kirishima at all, even, if he has to leave you, kirishima is in charge of taking care of you.
-> but your favorite time is when you're alone with him, after school.
-> he'll get so soft towards you, stroking your hair, kissing your head.
-> the day after the accident, it was mainly because he was genuinely scared of something happening to you.
-> "you're so fucking dumb, shitty hair can take hits better than you do, what on earth was i supposed to do if you were actually hurt? don't do that, ever again, got it?"
-> you got a huge bruise from the impact though, and he kisses it before going to sleep to make sure it doesn't hurt 🥺
that was completely out of character but idcccc
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todoroki shoto.
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-> he's... intense, to say the least.
-> but it's just with you, like, he doesn't show it to everybody.
-> both of you are doing your internship, so you haven't spoke as much as usual.
-> he misses you, but knows you're fulfilling your dreams, so he'll wait.
-> you went to uwabami agency, along with yaoyorozu and kendou.
-> even though mostly it was just being her assistant, this one time you were called to a collapsed zone just outside of tokyo.
-> supposedly, the area was already secure when you arrived, you, momo and kendo used your quirks to help rescue trapped people wherever uwabami told you.
-> momo was trying to help a civilian, and didn't notice the big rock falling from above.
-> you launched yourself towards them, trying to push them out of the way.
-> the rock hit you instead.
-> you didn't remember a thing after that.
-> todoroki was at his father's agency when he got the call.
-> "please, get to the hospital quickly, i– y/n's in really bad shape, please, i'm so sorry"
-> to hear yaoyorozu crying, saying you were in the hospital?? he couldn't move at first. like, frozen.
-> but after understanding what was going on, he got to the hospital even before the ambulance.
-> he heard a commotion in the e.r., and run there.
-> you were on a gurney, covered in dirt and blood, carried by a bunch of paramedics screaming things to each others.
-> todoroki couldn't hear a thing, all he could focus on, was on your unconscious body.
-> he felt a hand placing on his shoulder, yaoyorozu was still crying and trying to explain him what had happened.
-> but he wanted to touch you, seeing you like that, like you were dead right in front of his eyes, he needed to feel your warm.
-> three nurses were needed to hold him from getting near you.
-> he was losing his little composure, and his left arm began to feel hotter and hotter.
-> you were taken to the operation room, leaving him on the edge of combusting in tears of impotence.
-> even though momo tried again and again to explain him, he shut down everything except you.
-> all he could think about was you, lying in a operation table, fighting for your life.
-> the rest of the u.a. arrived with time, the procedure didn't end.
-> everyone was more than shocked to see todoroki so feral, a single word or touch from someone could develop in a big fire, from the guy.
-> when the doctor finally came, shoto almost tackled him.
-> "they're going to be fine, there were a couple complications during the procedure, but everything turned out okay. we'll keep them in here for two weeks, in observation, but we're confident that they'll be leaving in less than a month".
-> for the first time in hours, todoroki actually breath.
-> the doctors allowed him into your room, and he decided to stay there until you could leave.
-> NOBODY was allowed there, besides your family and doctors.
-> he really felt like anyone else would hurt you.
-> when you woke up, he was sleeping besides you.
-> "oh, you're awake, baby, you're awake" as soon as he saw you, he took you into his arms.
-> after the doctors gave you permission to leave, he was right by to your side the whole time.
-> at the dorms, todoroki woke up before you to help you get ready, and went to sleep after so he made sure you were okay.
-> izuku understood your boyfriend worried, but highkey worried about his health.
-> for a while, todoroki ignored yaoyorozu existence, even if he knew it wasn't actually her fault, he hated that you put yourself in danger for someone else.
-> with time, you recovered and todoroki started to go back to his usual self.
-> but everyone remembered how hard can be to todoroki when his loved ones are in danger.
-> im sorry this doesn't have so much fluff
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shoji mezou.
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-> with shoji, we're going to skip right after you get injured.
-> because i'm sure he wouldn't be upset at whoever you were protecting.
-> he's a very logical dude, and understand you were doing your job as a hero.
-> and he loves you for it.
-> when they told him you got wounded, he tried real hard to hide how worried he was.
-> you are pretty strong, and lowkey stubborn so you accept getting treated instead of saying "it was nothing"?
-> it has to be at least a little serious.
-> but he's shoji, he's cool headed, he doesn't let his feelings cloud his judgement.
-> turns out, that rule didn't apply to you.
-> don't get me wrong, he didn't get violent like bakugou or todoroki.
-> he did freaked, asked recovery girl about your condition every five minutes.
-> "can i see them now? oh, right, sorry... are they alright? when will they be able to leave? can i go in now?"
-> no one had ever seen him so openly worried.
-> it's really observant, if you go back to school right after the incident, will notice immediately if something is wrong.
-> like you're in pain, or even uncomfortable because of your injury.
-> ask for permission to take you back to the dorms, you need to get rest and won't even argue about it.
-> if you have to stay in bed for a couple of days, be sure he will spend his day there.
-> tries everything to take your mind off your boring room.
-> tells you stories, lame jokes, keeps you updated on the class gossip, even if he usually doesn't like that kind of stuff.
-> "huh, yeah, midoriya and uraraka? right, they like each other, hm, i saw them having lunch together"
-> he might be a human radar but it's pretty much clueless when it comes to this things.
-> "they always have lunch together, mezou!" be nice to him, he's trying his best ):
-> i think everyone expects shoji to be soft when it comes to you, but not that soft.
-> once they saw him carrying you in his arms down the stairs, because "your wound hurt".
-> tokoyami was certainly shocked to see his friend like that.
-> is always hugging you with one or two of his arms.
-> will try to cook healthy meals, but fails.
-> he wants you to have enough nutrients and heal properly, okay?
-> buys you your favorite snacks and candies before going to the dorms.
-> shoji doesn't want his beloved s/o to get depressed for being locked up too long, and gives his best to make you feel happy.
-> is insanely shy about it though, and will try to hide his excellent-boyfriend side.
-> lots!! of!! cuddles!!
-> if you're okay with it, will take advantage of the situation and cuddle you like crazy.
-> i mean, you can't get out of bed and he just happens to have six arms willing to keep you warm and cozy.
-> is your number one caretaker and will continue being it until you feel better bc he's best boi 🥰
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tokoyami fumikage.
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-> just as todoroki, he's intense af.
-> if you're apart, he would text you everyday, you know, just checking.
-> even when he went away to work with hawks, still managed to find the time to talk to you.
-> benefits of being his s/o.
-> and it was at that time you got into an accident.
-> he instantly got worried when you didn't reply to his text after an hour, two hours, three hours.
-> you usually let him know if you're busy, but you just said you were going on a walk with kaminari.
-> hawks saw him getting upset, and gave him permission to go see you.
-> just when he was going out, midoriya called him.
-> "hi, tokoyami, i'm sorry i didn't call you before, um, please don't freak out, y/n got... y/n got hit by a car, but she's okay! it was not as bad as it sounds! we're at recovery–"
-> it wasn't tokoyami who got out of control, it was dark shadow.
-> poor thing got so scared something happening to you, he took tokoyami and flew towards you.
-> when he arrived, kaminari, midoriya, and a couple of your friends were outside u.a.'s infirmary.
-> turns out, while walking with kaminari, messing around, he got distracted and cross the street without looking.
-> the car managed to stop a little but you pushed him out the way and got hit anyways.
-> since there wasn't anything too damaged, recovery girl had already cured you when tokoyami arrived.
-> "are you alright, my love?" he wasn't that good with words, but you felt his worry through his eyes.
-> he couldn't avoid touching your face and arms while you were in the gurney.
-> i think he's those kind of guy who moves frenetically his hands when he's nervous.
-> you had to grab both his hands bc he was getting you nervous lol.
-> "they're fine, but i recommend having a few days off, in case your leg hurts more than normal, let me know, okay?" and with that, dark shadow took you to your room.
-> as worried as he was, he tried to keep his temper.
-> "are you sure you don't need anything? dark shadow can help you down stairs, i can do it too, something to eat, maybe? or s–"
-> you'd have to tell him ten times you're alright, and repeat it another twenty times.
-> and he would still ask you spontaneously.
-> while you're at the dorms and he's at class, people keep asking him how are you.
-> he says you're okay and he isn't worried, but dark shadow practically cries saying how much he misses you.
-> "fumikage misses them too, all he does is thinking about them"
-> tokoyami blushes hard if he can.
-> takes notes in class and gives you your late homework.
-> also helps you do it but do NOT give you the answers, you're smart enough to do it by yourself.
-> "see? i knew you could do it, my love"
-> leave me alone he only calls you my love.
-> he isn't a fan of cuddles, but seeing you in that condition?
-> is one of the few times he ASKS YOU to cuddle.
-> strokes your hair, gives you head kisses.
-> i strongly believe he sings to make you feel better.
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nagitolovebug · 3 years
TW- Pregnancy and birth ask :)
How did kamukoma deal with the pregnancy? Was Bebi planned? How did they deal with the birth? I bet it wasnt easy with no professional equipment on hand (unless it was who knows with their luck)
bebi was very much not planned. let's just say that they were both infatuated and very attracted to each other, as well as having...voracious appetites and that manifested into many long nights of physicality...which clearly had their consequences.
at first, nagito was completely unaware of what was going on, only noticing his health worsening (i.e. increased nausea and vomiting (morning sickness), dizzy, fatigued, cramping) and begins to despair that his body is finally giving up on him and thinks he's dying..meanwhile izuru absolutely noticed the signs but was purposefully ignoring them in disbelief, only conceding that he couldn't ignore this when nagito breaks down in his arms lamenting that he's going to leave izuru behind :,) he pulls on his luck to find a functioning pregnancy test and has nagito take it bc 1). he doesn't wanna break the news to nagito 2). he's still half in disbelief himself. by all accounts, both with nagito's abysmal health and the testosterone, it should have been in possible but...with two ultimate lucks, nothing is impossible
izuru is interested in the prospect of new life,,something new to quell his boredom, and nagito fluctuates between extreme euphoria and coming out of despair from the joy of having a child to intense melancholy and despair and worry at the prospect of passing on his illnesses/luck/losing the baby and his general self-loathing, not thinking he deserves to be this happy. but ultimately, neither of them don't want a child.
the further along they get, the more nagito feels assured that it's going to be ok, and begins to slowly come out of despair more and more because he loves his child so much,,spending his days in whatever safe house they're staying in, rubbing his belly and talking to them softly. izuru, too, becomes more affectionate, curling around nagito and holding him throughout the day, being gentler and fretting over him,,,,,very protective and possessive.
when nagito's water breaks his legs shake a little and he says in such a quiet voice , "izuru?" and then falls forward and izuru runs forward to catch him. when nagito looks up at him, he'd swear for a moment izuru looked scared.
nagito holds izurus arms. "i-it hurts..im scared.." and izuru kisses his head and nagito feels him shiver. "im ...sorry..you're going to be ok. im here, pet. we will bring bebi into this world. safely. together." izuru holds him from behind, administers the few drugs he's been able to found, all of various dosages and that are questionably consumable,,just holds his hand and whispers affirmations and takes care of him.
when they're born, they do not cry. nagito nearly has a heart attack, thinking they were still-born or that their airways are blocked, or something else is wrong with them, but they're silent, blinking back at him with huge, wet grey eyes. once he's sure they're ok, can feel their steady heartbeat and breathing, he promptly passes out with bebi laying on his chest.
izuru doesn't dare touch them at first, content to watch them breathe completely fascinated..those are His genetics....those are his cells and dna and it grew inside his (lover?) servant . and became this Thing. and it makes him feel funny and hes not sure if he likes this feeling. its so small and fragile and unlike him and he has to protect it smn in him Screams that he has to keep it safe from Everything and its so surreal...and he loves his baby so much. his eyes sting and he reaches up to touch them and his fingers come away wet,,,,,,he's so overjoyed.
when nagito wakes up, he's both very loopy and very happy. he's all smiles and kissing bebi over and over and crying and then he turns to izuru with wet eyes. "have you held them yet?" and it's the happiest izuru has ever seen him and zuzus brain just..stalls for a moment. nagito just giggles and pulls him in to press lazy kisses all over his face, "I love you...thank you...I never could have done that alone.."
"you would have died, yes."
"you're so.....pretty, izuru, did you know? Up this close I can see your freckles...ah, I hope Bebi has your
and izuru just holds his face far gentler than he should have been able to.
"you were very brave, pet. it was remarkable; your body is so weak, but you still managed to bring bebi into the world. I...thought I would lose you. But here you are. Your resilience is beautiful, my servant."
they're both very, very happy and they know they'll be ok.
until the future foundation comes.
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xsarcasticwriterx · 4 years
Wonderwall-part 2
Summary: Y/n find out something that changes the course of her relationship and life forever.
Pairing: tony stark x reader x bucky barnes
Warnings: angst and angst and angst, panic attack, swearing, some bitter sweet fluff,
note: I know its a weird change cause i went from she/her to you and stuff but i like writing you more than her so here we are pfft also i mention civil war but this story doesn't fit in the timeline it just fit for the scenario.
Wonderwall masterlist
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You and tony sat on the ship with IVs being stuck into you. bucky sat next to you “hey... wanna talk about it? he ask softly. you shake your head. “not now not yet” you say with tears falling down your face. you had cheated on him. you cheated on the love of your life the person you'd been with for 3 years. Not only that but with someone who has tried to kill bucky on multiple occasions. Tony moved next to you. “Hey...” he said with a sigh. “Promise me we will never ever tell them about this” you say with a panic. he nods frantically. “that's exactly what i was going to say.” and with that you two spent the rest of the time in silence.
You sat in your room. It was 4 days after you got back. you felt weird and had been getting sick for the past few days. The others assumed it was due to your body still adjusting to being on land with consistent water and food. but you had other ideas as to why this could be happening.
Your hands shook as you paced the room. “fuck fuck fuck ok it'll be ok” you said to yourself. you walked into the bathroom and opened the pregnancy test box. panic was all you felt as you took it. you set a timer and walked back to your room. you continued to pace. what would you do if you were pregnant. what would you tell buck? what would you tell tony?! you two promised not to tell anyone. the timer went off. you put your head into your hands. “ok its probably negative i mean what are the chances” you say walking back to the bathroom. you heart was going at a pace that was scary. your whole body was shaking. you grab the test and flip it over.
you stared at the 2 lines. you felt tears fall down your face and your breathing become rapid. a panic attack that's what this was. you fell to the ground as your breathing became uneven. “no no no no no” you say getting louder. you curl up and feel your whole body shake. you try desperately to grab for every breath but its like inhaling nothing. you start to cough from lack of oxygen and tears. snot ran down your face. you grab onto your hair and scream into your legs. the door immediately opens and bucky rushes to your side. 
“hey its ok im here” he says putting his hand on your shoulder. “count with me ok” he says. you barely hear him it's like being underwater but you nod with what strength you have. “ now 1″ he says. “1″ you reply dryly your throat is dry and your lungs feel empty.
you two count to 10 slowly. you gradually catch your breath. the shaking stops and you feel more exhausted than ever. he pulls you close. “wanna talk about it?” he ask kindly. you look down seeing the pregnancy test and bucky sees it too. he grabs it and turns it over. his breathing gets deeper and he stands up. he walks back and forth and nods. “tony?” he ask with an angered tone. you nod. his nodding and pacing gets faster. 
he walks out the room. you stand up quickly and chase after him. “buck bucky don't” you say quickly seeing him walk towards the one door that would fuck up everything. he nods hard and fast. You feel the tears fall faster and faster. “bucky stop it!” you yell at him. Tony opens the door and immediately is met with a metal fist. “fuck!” tony says holding his nose. Bucky pushes him again which shoves tony down. bucky get on top and keeps hitting him. “bucky! stop!” you say going towards him you try to just pull him but that does nothing.ok next plan. you grab his shoulders “Stop!” you say using your powers. 
you keep pulling him and he does stop. he falls back into your lap. “you promised me you'd never use your powers on me” he says looking up at you. “i'm sorry buck” you say tears falling still. his head falls back onto your stomach. tony looks up at you his face bloody and beat. the metal fist definitely did not help. he looks at you confused. “im pregnant” you say to him. you see his eyes widen. “wha-what” he says shaking his head. 
“shes fucking pregnant with your damn child” bucky says trying to pull out of your arms. you panic and hold him with all your strength. “sleep” you say feeling him go limp in your arms. tony just blinks looking down at the floor. “your....” he says trailing off. his breathing gets deeper.
Doors open in the hall. natasha is the first to come out then steve. Bruce slowly emerges. Wanda and vision come out in a worry. Clint is the last to come out hes geared up ready for a fight. “what's going on?” nat asks. they see tony and bucky's bloody fist. “I thought we were past this?” steve ask in a panic. you look up at wanda and natasha. 
Steve takes bucky away from your lap and takes him to the main room and lays him on the couch. You stand up with natasha and wanda's help. vision,clint, and bruce still look concerned but less worried. “anyone gonna tell us what happened?” clint ask.  
Bruce hands tony a rag to put on his possibly broken nose. “uh let's go sit on the couch.”  wanda says leading you to the main room. bruce helps tony to the couch. “I should...” you say nodding to bucky. They nod as you slowly go to him. you put your hands softly on his head. “wake” you say and immediately bucky shoots up angry and tears edging his eyes.
“buck buck hey calm” steve says grabbing bucky's shoulders. Buck stares at steve angrily. “sooo?” clint ask sitting on the couch. nat and wanda sat down too. you were in front of all of them. “tony and I spent a month and a half up there.” you start off. everyone sits up more. neither you or tony had spoken of your time up there sense yalls return. 
“We saw no end and I was about to have a meet and greet with death himself. Tony was giving up his food and water to keep me going” you say looking down messing with your hands. “I don't understand why this led to bucky beating she shit out of tony.” Clint ask. “let her finish” steve said. “We got closer than ever and had agreed that there was no chance at us returning. We were desperate to stop the pain to just be with someone be cared for before the end. We slept together.” you state. bucky's breathing gets more rapid and his hands form fist. everyone starts to yell at tony natasha tried to silence it which only made her a target.
“Shut up!” you say yelling at them. They look at you surprised. “shut up before we end up with another battle and let me fucking finish what the hell i'm saying before attacking tony which by the way it takes two to tango so shut up please.” you say looking at the floor hands making fist. everyone turns to you and shuts up even bucky and tony.
“Now I am pregnant with tony child. Now before you all start yelling and attacking tony just try to understand the situation.” you say. “Understand the situation?!” bucky yells. steve tries to calm him. “no no just no ok. He mmm he saw her vulnerability and used it!” bucky says standing up and pointing at tony.
“Buck no that's not it he didn't do that. I saw a world without you with no one except me and tony on that stupid ship dying slowly and mercilessly.” you say feeling tears falling again. natasha stood up and walked to you. “I know your pissed as hell at tony and at y/n but right now” she points at tony “you are going to be a father” and she points at bucky “and if you stay, which i think you should, are going to be a step father so let's just try to deal with that right now.”
Natasha held you by her side. Bruce stood up “I’ll help it whatever way I can.” he said. “me too” clint said standing. “I will too” vision said standing. Wanda stood “You always got me.” she said with a small smile. steve looked at bucky then tony and then you. He sighed and stood up “you got me too” he said with a nod. 
you swallow “thank you all of you” you say softly then look to tony and bucky. “You definitely have me i'm not going to bail on my child just because its a complicated situation.” tony said standing up. bucky let a soft growl out. “buck?” you ask hesitantly. He looks up at you and shakes his head. He walks off and soon yall hear a door slam.
You dropped your head. “Give him time” nat whispered to you. you nod. she nods to steve and steve nods and walks after bucky. natasha takes you to your room nodding to tony who nods back and walks to the kitchen. sittin on your bed you look down at your stomach. there's a person in there well soon they'll be. nat sat next to you “how're you feeling?” she ask. “I don't know...Im going to have a child and it's not the child of who i always pictured it as. I broke the love of my life's heart and broke tony and I’s promise.”
“bucky just needs time is all steve is talking to him and i'm sure tony understands that you couldn't keep it a secret you two made that promise when you didn't know you were pregnant and don't worry you have all of us here to help and protect you.” nat said. “I’m an avenger...I had a father who used me as a testing subject and gave me powers i couldn't control till i was 17 how am i supposed to be a parent? Their father is a billionaire who is ready to die at any shot and their possible step father was born in 1917 and was brainwashed to be a murderer.” you spew out.
“you'll be ok we are all broken and a mess but together we can raise this child. I promise. We will figure it out” she says rubbing your arm. The door opens and in comes tony with a glass of water. “figured you could use this” he says walking towards you. nat looks at you and you nod. she stands up and walks out. 
Tony sits next to you. “i'm sorry” you say immediately scared of tony being angry. “no no don't apologize you had to say something its not like you could just avoid questions when your stomach grows.” he says with a chuckle. “y/n i want you to know i am going to be the best damn father i can be and if you and bucky stay together...because you and bucky will stay together i know he will have a huge role in that child's life and i'm so glad they get 3 parents who love them more than anything in this world. I will protect the with my life I will not die for them. I will live for them.” 
“Tony...” is all you can get out through choked sobs. you hug him holding him close. “thank you” you say pulling away “what about pepper?” you ask concerned. “I’ll tell her just need to let this” he moves his hand to the room “settle before any more people get mad” he says. the door slowly opens and an exhausted, messy haired, red eyed, wrapped hand, bucky opens the door. upon seeing tony he sighs.
“can I speak to her alone?” he says with no emotion. tony nods and walks past bucky out of the room. tony closes the door behind him and walks towards the bed.
he sits next to you and sighs. “buck-” you starts but he cuts you off “don't....let me speak” he says. “I am pissed as hell at you dont get me wrong...but i understand...you didn't see a possibility as being back here all you saw was death. I will be the best step father i can and the best boyfriend i can be. I am far from forgiving you but I still love you and I don't want us to end and this child is amazing news even if they aren't mine. I will be as much of a father to this kid as I can be and I will raise them as my own. I'm here for the long run.” he says looking at you. you smile and hug him. “I love you too bucky...thank you” you say. 
This journey was far from over but for now the world felt damn good. This kid would have 3 parents who love them more than anything or anyone in this world.
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foryouthegays · 4 years
First Meeting [Dream SMP] liveblog and summary w/ timestamps lets gooo
(Time taken: 1:58:56)
(Words: 1,235)
Techno starts the stream in his house. He talks to chat and about the stream, and eventually starts talking to Phil. They go over the Syndicate book and make some copies. While finding chickens, Niki asks Techno where he is, and says she wants to meet with him. Techno tells her to “follow the suspicious compass.” After a few minutes, she finds their house, and is invited inside. She reads the book and agrees to join the Syndicate.
While talking, Techno spots Ranboo spying on them, and goes outside to ask what he’s doing. Techno asks how much Ranboo heard, and Niki asks if he’s not allowed to know.
Ranboo questions her logic and says that if you want to keep a secret, you really shouldn’t be going around asking if someone’s allowed to know something. Techno agrees, and decides to ask Ranboo if he wants to join the Syndicate. He agrees.
After a few minutes of talking, and a quick sellout timer, they bring Ranboo and Niki to the lava pool, and Phil jumps in. It’s the new way to the meeting room, and a trust test. They go the the meeting room, which looks amazing, and start their first meeting with discussion about The Egg.
Techno says that he’ll talk to people and learn more about the Egg. He starts talking about a new government forming to the West of L’Manburg. They agree to investigate the rumors.
Before they leave, Ranboo reveals that Tommy died, to mixed reactions. Techno’s indifferent at worst, excited at best, and the others are in denial, and need to see a body to believe it.
They leave to go to Snowchester, and start talking to Tubbo. After some conversation, they agree that Snowchester isn’t a government, and Tubbo invites them to see his crater. They’re impressed, and say that they’ll call him if they ever need to kill a god. They go back to Snowchester and the prison, and Techno breaks part of the roof for fun.
Eventually, they make it back home. They tear down the dirt fortress in front of their yard, and then Techno ends the stream.
Times of Note (loreish):
3:45 Phil joins the call
7:00 he shows the updated Syndicate book, which reads:
This Syndicate is formed to serve as a network for fellow Anarchists to meet, exchange information, and cooperate in the mutual pursuit of Anarchy and the fight against Tyranny.
We shall have no Leader; no Member shall be compelled to act against their will. No Member shall reveal information about the Syndicate to outsiders.
Technoblade shall serve as the Recruiter to induce new Members into the Syndicate with Approval from a majority of Members.
14:20 Niki asks where Techno is.
16:20 Niki shows up at their door and joins the call.
20:40 Ranboo is spotted spying on them.
34:20 they start bringing Ranboo and Niki to the meeting room.
36:50 syndicate room reveal
37:40 he shows their code names, which are
Technoblade - Protesilalus
Phil - Zephyrus
??? - Harpocrates
48:15 Ranboo reveals that Tommy is dead.
Times of Note (just bc fun lmao):
1:30, 2:02, 2:07 he clap :]
22:09 a deep friendship :) aww thank you! That was adorable
26:45 ‘reblog’ techno r. R u on tumblr technoblade
30:50, 1:00:50, 1:33:30 Sellout timer my beloved
Tubbo dies 6 times before he manages to say that someone trapped him im gonna cry this is amazing
1:03:53 Du du duuu
1:23:55 2 4 6. 8 who do we appreciate not the government yeahh
1:33:40 technosneeze?
Startinggg the streammm my beloved
1:15 ‘well at least im gonna get valuable feedback from my chat, lets see what theyre saying. Late, late, late late late, late’ GOD ive missed his humor
3:45 philza minecraft philza minecraft philza minecraft
Techno has 6 mil subscribers and still doesnt know how to stream. I love him <3
6:00 ah yes, fences, the best way to stop snow
7:00 syndicate book my beloved
7:35 ‘when you have to do a group project in school, do you form a temporary government to get it done?’ S;ALKSDJFALKSDFJA technoblade my beloved
8:20 ‘listen, my high school understandin’ of philosophy will easily defeat the average viewers middle school understandin’’ FGHSKJDLA love he
Techno n philzas interactions r just. So good
16:20 NIKI!!!!!!! Oh my gosh he just closes the door in her face im gkjfhsdla
17:05 ‘im not a fool, im not a foolish fool who doesnt test things before he does them on stream’ love he
17:35 was v sir billiam voice
God technos humor is just. 10/10
Currently obsessed w how in canon niki is like, probably a bit scared of techno n then she goes over there and hes like. Do u think i can bring steve to the syndicate like his image is SO different from how he acts in the arctic i love it
22:55 ‘i would NEVER hurt another human being’ mhm sure techno
Mmmm technos voice when he starts asking people bout anarchy my beloved
Techno rlly does just say things doesnt he. Like i say that abt tommy a lot but techno just. Does he think? Yes. Does he just ramble abt whatever he wants? Also yes
13:10 Obsessed w how fast he ran when the sellout timer went off
32:05 BIG fan of this dono, it’s from J.J.M. Nobody for 50$ and it says ‘You know a hero once associated with pigs lead an army against tyranny.In fact he was supposed to be immortal, if he didnt commit a grevious sin. It made the voice in his head leave him to die. You wouldnt know anything about that?right Tydeus?’
Also i love how technos horrible upload/stream schedule is just him hibernating in canon
39:28 guys what if i stole phils code name and made it zephyris instead of zephyrus /hj (also who do yall think Harpocrates is?)
Obsessed w how obvious technos trying to make it that theyre not the good guys like the symbol being a wither? The room being all dark n stuff? They have to get in through l a v a? Love it. 10/10 would join
41:15 ‘its a meetin’ room, lets have our first meeting. So, uh, what the fuck is up with the egg, dude?’ GJKHDFSL phil is so good
42:05 OBSESSED with how, canonically, the egg wasnt able to take hold of techno or ranboo bc their heads r already so full of voices
44:10 the TIMING of tubbo dying when theyre talkin bout his place is hilarious
48:25 ‘dream..beat him to death’ ‘yoooo thats a pog’ GDHJKFL TECHNOBLADE
1:07:05 HE LAUGH!!!!!! HE LAUGH!! ! ! !
Techno making fun of tubbos tunnel is so good im gonna cry ‘if i were to give any constructive criticism id say that your tunnel SUCKS’ (1:07:50)
1:21:20 why is ther ejust. A random piston ;akdjlafja
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 26 - German virus transmission experiment.
K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, with this episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome.
T: Kaoru san?
K: Hm?
T: I thought we could invite a guest today.
K: Ahhh?
T: So, should we call him?
J: Who is it?
T: Who do you think it is? Someone with a connection to this show.
K: One of those two..
J: Yeh, one of them.
T: Here you are..*hands phone over*
Caller: Hello
J: Hello.Who is it?
Caller: Its Dobashi.
K: Is it Bishbash san?
J: Bishbash Dobashi san.
Caller/Dobashi: The people watching this on Youtube will be a bit afraid, thinking 'Who is this guy??'
J: No, the core fans will know you.
D: Will they? Am I ok?
J: We've heard from Tasai san that you've moved up in the world at Tokyo Sports?
D: No way, Im just in the middle management.
K: No, no, no, only someone important could say that.
J: He's superior, thats right. Its always that pattern, right?
D: I can't really come to see you anymore, Im sorry about that.
J: Where are you going out for entertainment?
K, D: Haha
J: You're pretending to be busy, according to Tasai san, you are making full use of company funds to have fun.
D: What are you talking about?? During the corona crisis I've been stuck at home all the time.
K: Even though the Olympics won't happen, you've been using the Olympics as an excuse to run around all over Japan.
J: Yeh yeh yeh yeh.
D: Well, because its been postponed, right?
J: You don't need to hurry if its been postponed though, do you? As the Olympics reporter?
K: He's pretty stuck now.
D: Since the Olympics have been postponed, I've kinda been distanced from that role though.
J: Oh really?
T: Oh, I see.
J: Eh? Whats your job now? What are you covering now?
D: What am I covering?
J: You don't know? haha.
K: Well, no, he's become more senior...
J: Oh, yeah.
K: So maybe he won't be sent out places and stuff.
D: If I'm forced to say it, I'm probably the spiritual reporter.
K: Ehh?
T: Oh, yeah.
D: From psychics to fortunes, haha.
T: The whole of Tokyo Sports' spiritual corner is done by one person.
K: Like..give us some stories! haha.
D: I'll bring the fortune teller and psychic who Tokyo Sports recommends to see you some time.
J: Really?
D: We'll get Kaoru's fortune read.
J: Oh, lets do it!
K: Sounds good, haha.
D:  And Joe san's.
J: Oh yes, yes please!
T: I bet Joe is probably possessed by lots of girl's spirits.
J: No, I wanna know my fortune, about whether or not I'll be able to get re-married by age 55.
T: Ahh.
D: Really?
Kami: Thats impossible.
J: Impossible? Kami!
K: He appeared all of a sudden.
D: Ohh, yeah. I see.
J: Couldn't you hear Kami's voice? No?
D: Ah, Kami?
Kami: Kami heeere!
K: Kami's voice..
T: He's here.
Kami: Its Kami heere!
T: He's saying, 'Kami's heere'
Kami: Kami heeere.
K: I don't think he can hear.
J: Yeah, he can't hear. One system can't hear the other.
D: I can't hear.
T: Kami was saying in a very affable voice, 'Kami heere!'
D: Hahaha. Well, hi.
K: Hahaha
Kami: Hello.
K: Its been a while since back then, right?
J: Yep.
T: *To Dobashi* Thank you very much.
D: Yes, thank you so much!
T, J: Sorry to disturb you. *End phone call*
J: Ahh, its been a while since we spoke to Bishbash Dobashi san.
K: He seemed a bit troubled, right?
J: He did. It might be because it was difficult to communicate. But if he brings that fortune teller sometime on this show, that will be fun.
T: Will that be ok?
J: Yeah, I really wanna see it! How about you, Kaoru? Do you?
K: Yes
J: Lets do it together.
T: It is incredible. That guy seems to get it right. Its kinda scary. Dobashi saw him once, and he said he purified him.
K: Oh really?
J: Was Dobashi possessed by something?
T: Well, at that time, he was going through a lot of trouble in his life, but after that..
J: Everything got better? He improved?
T: Yes, eventually.
J: Oh, lets get this guy to do us.
T: Hiranabe was also seen by him.
J: Ehh?
T: After that Hiranabe got promoted to Director.
J: Director, right?
K: Let's have today's news please Joe.
J: Yes, I'll get it started. Well, for us who are looking forward to live shows, this is some big news towards possibly re-starting them. 'Looking for 4200 test volunteers' - An experiment in virus transmission in Germany.
A group of German scientists are currently planning the project 'Re-Start 19' to find out how Covid-19 spreads in stadium environments. They aim to gather quantitative data to find out how best to restart concerts, as the current outlook for the music word doesn't look favourable. As for the project, they plan to carry it out in Leipzig Stadium, and are looking for 4200 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 50. After getting all 4200 volunteers into the statdium, a singer will perform, and they will test things like how far saliva sprays out etc. All participants must test negative for the virus two days before the experiment, and once in the venue, they must wear masks and use hand alcohol. The alcohol will contain a fluorescent substance to make it possible to see the areas where people often touch, and a smoke machine will be used to specify the spread of the virus through the air.  So, this will take place on the 22nd of August, and the researchers will announce the results before October. While some reduced scale contcerts are beginning to restart, there are high hopes that this study will produce effective data.There arent any big experiments happening like this in Japan, are they?
K: Well, yeh, because you have to use actual people in the experiment
J: Yeh
K: They'd want them to catch the disease, right?
J: Well, they are trying to see where people touch, or how far saliva sprays and stuff, so they are trying to create a simulation, using these nearly 5000 people.
T: It does come with a risk.
J: If there is an infected person there, it is possible that an outbreak might occur, but if you just make armchair guesses like, 'Oh maybe its this, maybe its that', and put on live shows with incomplete counter-measures....But if you do it properly like this, and find out how exactly an outbreak spreads in this kind if group situation, you can use that data and take appropriate counter-measures. Not emotional counter-measures, but doing it properly and  thoroughly. You could say its a very German approach. What do you think, Kaoru?
K: Hmm, yeah. Well, they are looking for people to take part, right?
J: Yeah, I wonder how that will go. It says they are currently appealing for people.
T: Volunteers, right?
J: Yeah.
K: And they must test negative two days before the experiment, but that means on the day of the experiment, there could be people who've caught it within two days.
J: Yeah, there could be. It is certainly not a zero risk situation.
K: They are recruiting people with the warning that there is a risk of becoming infected, right?
J: Well, probably, yeah.
K: If 4200 people gather in one place?
J: Yeh. They are tested two days previously, but on the day, there must be...Well, they will probable test peoples' temperatures as they arrive. But there is the possibility it gets missed. I mean, to the German people, it might be less of a case of whether thats good or bad, and more of a conclusion that its more dangerous to go ahead without gathering the proper data first. If they tried to do this experiment in Japan, it would get quite a lot of criticism, I think.
K, T: Definitely.
J: I don't know quite why that is. Maybe in Germany they have a different relationship with music, or maybe if they say, 'Lets get going!', they have to make sure they do this kind of thing first. Well, I don't know whether they'll actually be able to gather 4200 people, but they'll probably get close. They'll be forgiven for the experiment.
K: Who is funding this? The state?
J: Well, its a group of scientists, I don't know as far as whether the state will fund it, but it seems like the main focus is on these scientists. So if there was no scientific rationale for this type if live performance to go ahead..
K: Nothing will happen, right?
J: Right. Rather than having some emotionally  charged reason, like 'Now is the right time!' or , 'This is the best way!' or something, if you could set a kinda of standard using the results if this experiment, you could have some kind of criteria. Its gives a sense of security to both the performers, and the audience.
T: Tim Bendzko san
J: Bendzko san..what type of artist it he?
T: Well he's a pop singer. The conditions of the participants are, like you said Joe, testing the effects of socially distanced seating, or not.*1
Y: Yeh, yeh.
Kami: Umm...
J: Yes?
Kami: Even if they release the results to show how covid spreads or doesn't spread, in the end, if people are scared of covid they won't gather at these kind of places, but people who think covid is no big deal will gather, right?
J: Well, at first, yeah. Some people on the viewing side may be worried or scared, and end up not going.
Kami: For people who are worried about getting infected, even if there is just a small risk, they probably won't go, will they? They might go if you tell them, 'We know the transmission routes, and we have proof that you definitely won't be infected', but if you say, 'We mostly understand it, and you probably won't be infected', some people probably won't go, they will be afraid if getting sick. So even if you put a lot of effort in, and announce the results, will it be enough?
K: Well, I reckon this kind of thing will steadily keep improving.
J: Rather than happening all at once...
K: Yeah, not like that, they'll just have to keep trying to weaken peoples' fears bit by bit. But rather than doing nothing, I think this experiment will help towards moving forward a little.
J: Well, whatever you deal with, its never all or nothing. Within this process, if some people or scenes can be saved, it'll be one more thing to be relieved about. I think this problem relating to covid and live shows won't be quickly solved, even if we get a vaccine. But doing this one thing, Im repeating what you said Kaoru, but it will be important as a pointer in the direction of relief.
K: Yeah, but not only for live shows, I also want them to do it for daily life, like in the train and stuff. If we don't, then we won't be able to do anything.
T: If its made more visible, people would feel calmer about it. Like, if you know where the danger is, you won't go there, right? Avoid the pit holes.
J: Yes, thats right. Seeing those facts... well, isn't this experiment predicated to cost 100 million yen, right? I don't know if that will be funded by the government, or whether the researchers themselves will gather the money, but the very fact that there are scientists working to restart live shows, must be a source of hope for German artists. Well, so for the time being in Germany, they are appealing for healthy volunteers age 18 to 50 to take part in this experiment on transmission at live shows.
K: It will happen quite soon, right? On the 22nd? Just a little bit after this is broadcast? A few weeks after?
J: Yeah. And then the results will be announced in October, so around that time, we could talk about the results here.
T: Its data that a lot of people in the Japanese music business will want to know.
J: I think so.
K: Ok, well, let's end here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
*1 Couldn't clearly hear what Tasai said, but this is what the experiment conditions were.
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Pirate AU Masterpost
Different ships captained and crewed by different hermits, maybe some could be normal sailors too? Or maybe even some could be sirens? There could be a pirate ship, a pirate hunting ship/law-keeping ship, some random shipping vessels, some sirens or sea monsters, or whatever else! I envision Doc as a pirate captain and Xisuma as the law enforcement captain, but it's open to whatever changes! (@-shadeswiftdraws.)
Headcanons to start us off:
-Bdubs is a fruity sailor.
-Cub and Scar sell things to both pirates and the law enforcement. They only take the aide of profit.
-DocM threatened Bdubs into joining him. Whether it worked is up to the 'what gets popular' Gods. If not, he probably just holds Bdubs hostage or something.
-Hypnotizd's bandana has a skull and crossbones on it, as does Etho's headband.
-False is feared by Doc.
-Grian has a parrot that always sits on his shoulder. Doc keeps telling him to get rid of it but Grian refuses.
-Iskall wears an eyepatch.
-Hypnotizd has scurvy.
-iJevin makes maps and sells em to pirates to keep them off his back. Did he bury the treasure? I dunno.
-All of ZIT collectively own a boat. They like to pretend its a yacht and have fun. Sometimes they just use it to relax, sometimes they just go fishing. Sometimes they scare each other with stories of pirates and massive storms.
-Joe Hills is scared of the water because he nearly drowned as a child. But when he ends up accidentally stowing away on the ZIT boat, his worst fears happen.
-Keralis is Xisuma's second in command.
-TFC is a retired sailor that knows too much.
-VintageBeef and basically all of the NHO are with Doc.
-XbCrafted grew up by the beach and likes to collect shells. One time he found a fossil of a dinosaur. What will he do? I don't know. His childhood friend, Hypnotizd, left to be a pirate. Xb hasn't heard from him since (he promised he'd write letters,) and fears the worst.
-ZombieCleo is a dead zombie captain. Her and her crew (the gals, and maybe some co,) are out to get their revenge on Doc. Her second in command is Stress but her main muscle in False.
-Mumbo is usually the one who works maintenance on the ship. (He's with Xisuma.)
-Rendog got stuck on an island he's called 'Loser Island' and has been there for at least a year. He's found by Doc.
-Stressmonster makes people fear her through her name, but they usually laugh when they see her because she's really unintimidating.
-Welsknight hoardes cool swords.
-Everyone underestimates Stress when they see her but those who have faced her in battle have realized their mistake. She is slowly but surely gaining the reputation as one of the most feared pirates of the seven seas. She’s still very sweet if you get to know her tho - 🌙
-At some point while attempting to leave the ZIT crew's yacht, Joe somehow ends up with Cleo and the gals in the middle of the ocean, who take pity on him. Because they help him with his fear and take care of him on the way back to land, he decides to stick with them for good. The Navy and a lot of other pirates don't believe that Cleo can be the captain of such a feared vessel or that False can be that deadly and decide that Joe must be doing it all. He takes joy in deferring to Cleo whenever he can, and the whole crew gets a laugh out of his combat attempts. He mainly handles navigation and stuff, though he does record their adventures and anonymously submit them to newspapers and/or publish his accounts. (Don't want to skip the Joe+ZIT stuff, just love him and Cleo and need that dynamic :-) )
-Half siren/merman grian? - Frost Anon
-Different anon adding to the Merman Wels idea, he's a siren but instead of stealing your life he steals your swords and shinies. Some pirates may be on good terms with him and gives him swords occasionally and ask for directions or just hang out with him and be nice (I'd think Ren would sing with him and Jevin would hang out and steal shinies with him landing both their crews on good terms with him. He may even follow them around as it can be lonely in the ocean)
-Mumbo never meant to be a pirate. There was just a mutiny of the last captain he was under and everyone liked him enough to keep him around.
-Some loser thinks that joe is the muscle of the group and asks for a duel. cleo decides fuck it and just pushes joe into a fight with them because thats how she be sometimes. (False is on standby so joe doesn't get creamed)
- At some point, Cleo's ship begins picking up stray orphaned children. They are kept safe below deck during battle and are taught by the crew how to run a ship and fight, but Cleo also teaches them stuff like how to read and do math. The crew is very protective of the young'uns and the ship eventually becomes known for the fact that they take care of kids. Most other ships, upon learning this, respect that and don't attack them. If a ship does, they will find that the Rotten Corpse is viscous, and has many powerful friends who will back them up. If Doc or X come across Cleo's ship, they will give the kids gifts and stay close for a bit to provide protection. As the kids grow up some go back to shore and build legitimate/legal lives (including opening an orphanage) but a group of them go off and become their own pirate crew! Their ship's name? I don't know, I'm not clever.
-In a tavern someone's just like "im gonna sail to this island." Tfc, sitting nearby "you wont find anything" a little while later that ship goes missing. No one actually knows what tfc found in his sailing days. But my god does he know where to avoid
(All above in red are from our community's lovely Anons!)
-The ZIT boat is a bit of a disaster because each person always thinks it's the other people's turn to maintain it. Joe probably saw it on an evening beach walk and thought it was abandoned, decided to explore it, and accidentally fell asleep in the hold. He wakes up to the ZIT boys arguing about what to do with him.
-Xisuma has a reputation for being strict and disciplined and running a very tight ship, but if you're actually on his crew you'll know that's a front for intimidation purposes. In reality he is organised but extremely forgiving, and he will often sit down with crew who are new or going through something stressful and talk it out with them.
-Iskall is with Cleo's crew, he appears just as driven as the rest of them but he's mostly just there to make sure Cleo and co don't go too overboard with the revenge thing. He just doesn't want them to do something they'll regret....
-Wels can be a merman! He hoards cool swords as souvenirs of the surface world and dreams of two-legged adventurers and explorers.
-The "incident" that put Cleo on the path of undead revenge was partially accidental. Doc's goal was to raid the ship and get away with no casualties, but things escalated way too quickly. He is haunted by what happened, but Cleo doesn't know that and is determined to hunt him and his crew down.
-Pirate singalong nights! Doc's ship definitely has a singalong under the stars every night, where everyone can gather together and relax and let loose. It's fun to think about who would be good at it, and who would be bad at it but sing anyway ☺️
-Grian starts off on Doc's ship (with his parrot), but he gets washed overboard in a storm. Siren!Wels rescues him and gives him siren magic.
-I got tired of referring to "Xisuma's ship" and "Doc's ship", so: X's ship is called the Voidrunner, and Doc's vessel is the Black Goat. (Cleo's is The Rotting Corpse -Anon.)
-(I did a submission mentioning ConPost earlier, so look at that for context) The ConPost boys don't sail, but they're very knowledgable about sailing supplies and even ship repair. Cub does bookkeeping and negotiates big deals. Scar likes to wander the docks checking stock levels, with Jellie napping in piles of rope or following close behind.
-Xisuma is feared and respected by pirates because his ship is one of the first/only steam powered vessels at the time. Mumbo is his engineer; he maintains the mechanics and is constantly testing ways to make the ship faster and more efficient.
-If you ask Iskall why he wears an eye patch, you will get a wild tale of adventure and heroic battle that may take an hour to relate. However, the story is different every time. He actually lost his eye in a completely non-pirate related accident as a child. It just sounds cooler the way he tells it 😂
- About Joe moving from the ZIT crew to Cleo's ship: Joe really wants to be taken back to shore, and the ZIT lads understand his fear of water and try to take him back as soon as possible. However, they get caught in a storm, and the boat isn't in great shape to weather it. The boat is not quite wrecked, but badly damaged, and Joe is washed overboard. Cleo's crew finds him and pulls him aboard to save him (maybe siren!Wels helped bring him to her!)
-As a pirate Etho is known for his skill in boarding enemy ships. It doesn't matter how many ropes you cut, how many pirate grappling hooks you throw into the sea in an effort to keep them from your decks. Even if there's no possible way across, Etho will just sort of.. . End Up on your ship, and you will end up in Davy Jones' locker. (Based on the creepy teleport thing with Grian, and just Etho's general cryptid-ness)
-The sea spray and the general ocean humidity is horrible for Doc's arm. Ren helps him keep it as clean and rust-proof as possible, but it still probably squeaks a lot and stiffens up sometimes.
-ZombieCleo's gal (& co.) crew includes Iskall. [More info pending for when I finally get around to watching s6 and see the infamous Iskall & Stress duo in action] (-@basaltdragon.)
-Inspired by shade: Cub is an ex-sailor, and Scar grew up in a family of fishers. Cub was really good at ship maintainence (he just got sick of the politics), and Scar loved keeping stock of the fishing nets and what sort of fish were caught, how much they might sell for, though he's not as good at repairs.
-For the Pirate AU, Mumbo telling Siren/MerGrian stories of the surface world and (secretly?) making a way for Grian to see it for himself. (-@shiniestumbreon.)
-Pirate au: one day there is a really bad storm that destroys all of the hermits boats except for one of them. So now all the hermits are all on one boat that’s really far away from land. (Angst part) some of them went over board (I’m thinking the captains maybe) so the remaining hermits are either grieving them or looking desperately hoping that their crew mates are still alive and clinging to wreckage. Who they find, if they do find any of them is up to the reader for now. (-@lookitsspacekween.)
- Mumbo, being the spoon he is always forgets where he buries his treasure. (-@xxpzmistxx.)
-Mumbo, as the Voidrunner's engineer, has so much to work on that Xisuma will sometimes take over the maintenance so poor Mumbo can get some sleep. This leads to the hunt for a secondary engineer and maybe that's how Mumbo and Iskal end up meeting. (-@my-cat-is-a-bastard.)
-A cat scratched out Iskall's eye as a kid, and he's too embarrassed to tell anyone. He's still a bit afraid of cats, so you'll always see him keeping a close eye on Jellie when he's at the dock. (-@12u3ie.)
- i dont really know much about pirates but ima try!! ok so, cleo is human, but she gets the nickname "zombie cleo" because she faked her own death. people thought she drowned, and her old crew along with her. most of them went to live normal lives under different names, but cleo missed the sea and eventually returned to being a pirate, eventually becoming the capitain of a new ship. (i hope this makes sense lol) (-@bakubakunyanyaa.)
-Pirate headcanons! As someone said before Ren and Wels are friends and like to sign together. I can imagine Wels telling the Black Goat that there is a treasure burried in Loser Island to get Ren rescued. Also! People think Ren is halve siren/has siren magic as he is really good at singing and the melodies he hums are similar to the ones sirens are said to sing, turns out just a bit of siren magic and Wels singing style rubbed on Ren during all the time they spent together singing.
-More pirate hc cause i have no self control and they are not a lot of them: Doc gives shiny stuff to Wels in exchange of him warning them when X’s crew is on a port. Iskall is also a great engineer and is working to make the Rotten Corpse Steam powered too. He insist Cleo to let him take a peek on the Voidrunner to see if he can copy Mumbo’s work, the gals agree this is the most dangerous idea Iskall has.
-Ship AU! Hypno originally joined the ship's crew with his friend, Jessassin. They became a swashbuckling duo, and still sometimes work together, despite Jessassin's inactivity from pirate duties. (-@calmshejaguar.)
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midnightsnyx · 4 years
Matthew Tkachuk - In Your Dreams: part 2
Tumblr media
a/n: a couple people requested a part 2 and i couldn’t help myself!! thank you for all the love on part 1!! <3  also im bad at writing cheesy romance so i apologize in advance at how bad it will be lol
part 1 here
warnings: angst, fluff, insinuated smut (i may get there some day folks but today ain’t that day)
word count: 2967
tag list: @buckybarneshairpullingkink​
my masterlist
Matthew Tkachuk
“Are you sexting my brother?”
You yelp when Brady drops on the couch beside you and snatches your phone from your hand. Luckily, you were only scrolling through Instagram so he didn’t see the suggestive texts you and Matt had been exchanging all morning.
After the summer, you and Matt had been texting back and forth, trying to get used to the idea of talking without insulting each other. It was much easier than you were expecting and you discovered rather quickly that you enjoyed talking to him. He was sweeter than you’ve ever seen, thoughtful, good-humored and you were completely infatuated with him.
After a couple months of texting and Facetime, you flew to Calgary to spend the weekend with him. He wined and dined and took you to his bed and you hated having to leave.
You snatch your phone back. “No. Although I’m not sure why you would want to see them.”
“I don’t!”
“Keep your nose out of my business then.”
. . .
“Heck no.” Brady says when you meet him at the Canadian Tire Centre. “Oh, heck, no. You’re not wearing that!”
You look down at you Calgary Flames jersey and shrug. Matt sent it to you and asked if you would wear it for tonight’s game because the Sens were facing off against the Flames.
“I mean, technically, it still has your name on it.”
“You’ve betrayed me!”
You roll your eyes at him. “You’re being dramatic. Look,” you lift your jersey up to show a Sens t-shirt with number 7 on it. “See? Now c’mon, you have a game to play.”
He follows you like a sad puppy and sighs. “My own brother is stealing my best friend. You know, I think I liked it better when guys hated each other.”
You groan and shove his shoulder. “Grow up.”
 Along with buying your jersey, Matt also bought your ticket so that you’d be on the visitors side. Which means he spent most of warm up showing off to you as if you’ve never seen him play before which you have but you’ll never admit it to him.
It’s an intense game and you’re not sure who you’re cheering for half the time but they go into overtime so at least they’ll both get a point.
Matt ends up scoring the winning goal and when he points to you and mouths, that one was for you, you think your heart might burst out of your chest.
. . .
The two of you haven’t put a label on whatever you are and part of you is okay with it because it is fairly new but you’re also worried about what he does when the two of you aren’t together which is quite a lot. Sure, he sends you flowers and calls you after every game no matter how tired he is. He texts you every morning and calls you before you go to bed and it makes you feel special but sometimes you can’t help but wonder if he does this for other girls and if it makes them feel special too.
It’s something that’s on your mind on a weekend that Matt brings you to Calgary. He had practice in the morning so you’re hanging out at his apartment waiting for him to come home. You’re cooking lunch when you hear the front door open, and Matt calling out to you.
“Babe, I’m back!” He shouts and your heart swells at the term of endearment but it drops when you think about him calling other girls that when you’re not around.
His arms wrap around your waist and he presses a kiss on your neck.
“Something smells good.”
“Yeah, it’s fettuccine… I think I might’ve messed it up a-”
“I’m not talking about the pasta.” he mumbles, pressing more kisses down your neck.
“Oh?” you squeak and you really shouldn’t, because you’re still worrying about not being the only one, but you let him drag you to bed anyway.
Later that night, long after he’s asleep, you’re trying to ignore the taunting voice in your head reminding you that he might be holding other girls like this. Reminding you that someone else might also wake up to his sleepy smile and messy hair.
. . .
“So you’re her.”
You raise your eyebrows at Johnny Gaudreau, who Matt had introduced you to when the two of you first arrived at the bar. He introduced you as Brady’s friend and when you looked at him, he just shrugged.
You’re not sure what you were expecting - certainly not saying you were his girlfriend - but Brady’s friend? It was bothering you and you were doing you best to hide it but you knew you were failing because Matt had been sending you weird looks all night all while basically ignoring you. He’s barely touched you since you sat with his friends.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You reply, glancing at Matt who is deep in conversation with one of his teammates.
“He talks about you a lot.” Johnny shrugs. “I thought you two were dating.”
“Apparently not.” You mumble, standing up and giving Matt a quick look. “I’m going to get a refill.”
You leave before he can reply and push through all the sweaty bodies trying to get to the bar. While you’re flagging down a bartender, someone sits on the stool next to you. You look, expecting it to be Matthew but instead it’s a stranger. A handsome stranger so when he offers you to pay for your drink you almost say yes but a familiar arm wraps around your shoulder.
“Thanks, but no thanks.” Matt says, glaring at the man until he mutters an apology and leaves. When he’s out of sight, Matt turns so he’s facing you and now you’re the one on the opposite end of his dirty look.
“What the hell was that?” He snaps and you scoff, shrugging his arm off you.
“Excuse me?”
“You were going to let him buy you a drink!” He says loudly and you glance around but nobody seems to be paying attention to you thankfully.
“It was a drink, Matthew. I wasn’t inviting him home.”
“Well I wouldn’t be surprised if you did.” He says harshly and you flinch. His eyes widen immediately and he reaches out but you hop off the stool and run out of the bar, ignoring him calling your name.  
You run out of the bar and down the street until you come across a quiet diner. A bell dings when you open the door and a kind looking, older woman greets you and tells you to seat yourself.
You’ve been sitting in the diner nursing a glass of water for no more than fifteen minutes when the bell rings, signally a new customer.
You don’t have to look up to know who it is but you do anyway and you’re greeted with a very guilty looking Matt. He slowly walks over and seats himself across from you.
“How’d you find me?”
He shifts in his seat and stares at the table instead of you. “I tracked you on snapchat.”
You swear under your breath for not turning that option off. When you look at Matt again, his eyes are on you already. He opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off right away, wanting to speak your mind before he says anything.
“You introduced me as Brady’s friend.” you say quietly and he nods. “you barely spoke to me the entire night and then you got possessive when that guy spoke to me.” he nods again and you sigh. “look, Matt. I’m not asking you to say something you’re not comfortable saying or you’re not ready to say - I don’t think I’m ready for it - but you’re not allowed to act like I’m nothing to you when there are people around but get jealous if someone talks to me. And you’re not allowed to say what you said to me. That was unfair.”
“I know.” he replies. “and I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, I was out of line.” He looks back down at the table and you know he’s trying to think of what to say so you give him a moment. “I know it’s selfish… but I guess I just want you to myself a little while longer. I like the two of us in our bubble and that bubble is going to be popped when people find out about us. I’m in the spotlight, people are going to want to know our business and I don’t want it to freak you out.”
You nod in understanding. You were aware of how the media can be and it’s not something you look forward to.
“I’m scared.” He admits and you reach across the table, squeezing his hand.
“I’m scared too.” you tell him, lips turning up in a tiny smile. “but it’s better to be scared together than alone, right?”
He mirrors your smile and leans across the table and you meet him halfway.
. . .
You spend Christmas with the Tkachuk’s and Matthew proudly introduces you as his girlfriend and Chantal and Taryn squeal, Keith smiles and hugs you and Brady rolls his eyes and says “I knew this would happen all along. The two of you should really thank me.”
Matt blushes when his mom gushes about how glad she is that he found someone like you and that she had a feeling the two of you were meant for each other but later that night he tells you how happy he is that you gave him a chance.
The two of you debate over how it would be best to tell everyone you’re dating and you decide on a cliche but simple post to his Instagram.
It’s a picture of the two of you standing in front of the tree, his arms wrapped around you and lips pressed against your forehead. The caption reads, it wasn’t love at first sight, but we turned out okay.
It accurately sums up your relationship perfectly and you tease him about how long he’s had that one in his back pocket.
But it still makes your heart race and you want to shout I love you from the rooftops.
. . .
It’s not easy being 2877 kilometers apart and it becomes more obvious the longer the two of you are together. You fly to Calgary as often as you can but you still have school and Matt can’t visit Ottawa much because of his hockey schedule.
It’s a test for the two of you - and your relationship - and sometimes you feel frustrated and you wonder if you can do it but you think about when Matt Facetime’s you nearly every night that you’re apart from each other and you know that it would break your heart to live without seeing his curly brown hair and blue eyes and hearing his voice so you tell yourself it’s worth it.
And it is, until it isn’t.
. . .
“I don’t understand what the big deal is.” Matt says, obviously frustrated.
The two of you had been arguing for hours. You were graduating in less than two weeks so you’re job searching and when Matt brought up the idea of you moving to Calgary with him to get a job, you panicked.
You have been together for just about eight months now and you know that it’s normal at this stage to move in with someone but you were scared. There’s always been the fear in the back of your mind that one day Matt is going to wake up and decide that you’re not who he wants and if you uproot your entire life in Ottawa for him, you don’t know what you would do if something happened between the two of you.
But you couldn’t explain this to him so you kept making up lame excuses as to why you couldn't move in with him.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” You say quietly and he huffs.
“Can you please just think about it?” He pleads and you’re tired of arguing that you just agree even though your answer will still be no when he asks.
“I love you.” He says and you smile softly. One thing about Matt is that no matter how big an argument and even if it’s not solved right away, he tell you he loves you.
“I know. I love you too.” You say before he ends the call.
You flop back on your bed and even though it’s only seven o’clock, you feel ready for bed. Ten minutes later, you’re just dozing off when you hear your door open and slam shut. You would freak out but you hear Brady call out to you and you tell him you are in your room.
You expected him to come over because when you and Matt argue, he makes sure to check on you.
What you’re not expecting is to see him fuming with anger.
“You’re an idiot.” He says.
“Excuse me?” You snap and he huffs, putting his hands on his hips and glaring at you.
“You love my brother, right?” he asks and you nod. “and he loves you.” you nod again and he raises an eyebrow.
“So why won’t you move in with him?”
You roll your eyes and sit up. “It’s not that simple, Brady.”
“Why not?”
“It’s just not.” you say because you don’t actually have a valid explanation. You know most of your reasons are foolish but you can’t help it.
He sighs and sits on the bed next to you. “What’s going on in your head? We’re best friends, you can talk to me about anything.”
You look at him and can’t help but smile. Brady always had a way of making you feel better when you were kids.
“I guess I’m scared.” You admit quietly and he knocks his shoulder against yours more gentle than normal.
“’bout what?” he asks and you shrug.
“He wants me to move across the county.”
“What if it doesn’t work out?”
A small smile crosses his face. “But what if it does?”
. . .
Three weeks later you’re holding a one way ticket to Calgary in your hand and saying goodbye to Brady in the airport.
“You got everything?” He asks, passing you your carry-on. You’re pretty sure if you looked close enough, his eyes would be a bit watery but yours are too so you can’t poke fun.
“Everything I need.” You tell him, and hug him tightly. You hold on to him a little longer than usual but it’s hard leaving your best friend after being attached at the hip for so long.
When he pulls away, he grins. “I’m proud of you.”
“I know.” you say. “I’ll text you when I land. And don’t forget-”
“I won’t tell him.” he promises and you hug him once more before leaving.
You’ll miss Ottawa, but it’s time for the new chapter of your life to start and you can’t wait.
. . .
Matt’s not surprised when he opens his front door to find you standing in front of him. He just grins and leans against the door.
“Missed me, did you?”
“Yeah.” You tell him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him soundly. “I really did.”
260 notes · View notes
multibug · 4 years
i'm out of my head and i know that you're scared (because hearts get broken)
chapters: 19/? (chapter one is a prelude from my love square fluff series and is included) words: 51,441 relationships: adrien agreste/marinette dupain-cheng, alya cesaire/nino lahiffe   tags: Alternate Universe - No Kwamis, Chatting & Messaging, Long-Distance Friendship, Identity Reveal, Slow Burn, Influencers, Aged-Up Character(s), Human Kwamis, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Lila Shakes Things Up summary: ren from ren and stimpy: think its the opposite u furry lookin ass
right chat: Rena, nooo!!
ren from ren and stimpy: rena yes
or, Adrien is a streamer on top of his modeling job, with the help of his long-distance friends Ladybug, Carapace, and Rena Rouge. Shenanigans ensue, and the masks they’ve hidden behind for years begins to break.
“You’re telling me that some bitch—”
Nino sputters out a mildly horrified laugh. “Alya!”
A strand of hair is tucked behind her ear by said snapback-clad boy and she huffs loudly. “What, Nino? It’s not as if I’m wrong. As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, she stole my identity?!”
A strand of hair is tucked behind her ear by said snapback-clad boy and she huffs loudly. “What, Nino? It’s not as if I’m wrong. As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, she stole my identity?!”
“Yeah, we only realized she wasn’t you when the two of you returned from your trip and messaged us,” Adrien supplies helplessly, shifting to tuck a leg under him. 
Alya gives both him and Marinette the stink eye, though Adrien’s sure it’s just a test if he knows her well enough. “How could you ever think someone like that was me?” 
“To be fair, Als,” Marinette starts off, voice gentle as she scooches closer to Adrien to lean against his arm. “We didn’t really get to talk to her. I tried messaging her on Discord and on Twitch, but she kept claiming she was busy anytime I reached out. I figured you were just upset over the breakup originally and needed your space, you know? I didn’t want to push it.” 
The redhead’s harsh exterior fades, and they’re left with a sad one instead. “Yeah, it’s just bizarre that she’d even want my account? Is she that obsessed with sunshine over here?” 
“Hey! Don’t say that.” Adrien’s cheeks flush a deep shade of red, which has Marinette pinching them. He grabs her hands and huffs. “Hey to you too!” 
Marinette’s laughter is contagious. “Hey, what’s up?” 
Alya raises an eyebrow in Marinette’s direction and leans in to whisper into her ear. Whatever Alya says has Marinette’s cheeks burning a bright shade of pink that travels to her neck and parts of her shoulders. She quickly removes her hands from Adrien’s, yet stays tucked against his side.
Both of them blinking over in Adrien’s direction has him believing it had something to do with him. 
“Whatever the case may be,” Adrien begins, flicking his hair out of his eyes. He’s not thinking about those last few seconds. Nope. “We need to be smart about this, Ren—Alya. She has your account right now and has all of our subscribers like putty in her hands.” 
“Adrien’s right. If we go about this the wrong way, they might think we’re lying, and we do not want for that to happen,” Nino chimes in, resting a reassuring hand on Alya’s shoulder as she begins to close in on herself. 
“It’s weird seeing you be reasonable,” Marinette comments idly, her hair splaying out over Adrien’s arm and shoulder. 
Nino hums. “Only when it’s needed.” 
“That’s a good way to live.” 
“Yeah, I try.” Nino flips his non-existent long hair over his shoulder. 
“So what do we do?” Alya’s voice is soft, nowhere near as confident as the girl they know. 
Marinette sends her a reassuring smile. “Max is working on getting the account back as we speak. Going through the conventional means won’t work, but if anyone can do it, it’s Max.”
“He said he’d call once he has the account back, so instead of sitting around all day like plebs, I’ve planned us a little adventure.” Nino’s lips curve into a smirk that excites Adrien. “Get dressed, lads and ladettes. We’ve places to be, things to see!” 
“Do you have any idea what he’s got planned?” Marinette asks both Adrien and Alya as Nino disappears into the guest room to supposedly finish getting ready. 
A light breeze travels in through the screen door of the balcony. It’s chillier than it’s been the last few days, though not nearly as cold as Paris is during this time of year. Birds still flock regularly on Marinette’s balcony, a few residing today with the leftovers of what she’d given them earlier. 
Adrien loves it here. 
(Marinette definitely isn’t the main reason, no. He wouldn’t admit it to himself if he was paid to.) 
“No idea,” Alya replies with a shrug, a far-off look in her eye. “I’m going to go get dressed.” As soon as the look had appeared, it vanished, and she follows Nino to change. 
“We have to keep an eye on her,” Marinette whispers, a bit too close to constitute a reasonable amount of personal space, but Adrien isn’t complaining. “I don’t like seeing her like this.” 
His heart warms at how caring she is. “You’re too nice, Bug. She’ll be okay, but we’ll be there for her if she needs us, okay?” 
He hopes his reassurance is enough to quell her worries. 
It does seem to be enough, and a huge smile breaks out on her face. “Thanks, Adrien. You’re the best.” She leaves him with a quick, slightly wet kiss on the cheek and scurries out of the room with a giggle, much to Adrien’s amusement. 
He raises his eyebrows with a smirk, shaking his head fondly. If that’s how she wants to play, then so be it. 
Game on.
— — — 
PANINI: gamers im taking the ladies out today if you guys want to come, let me know and i’ll dm you the details
Banana head: NINO, YOU IDIOT. I’M NOT A LADY. Who changed my name? I will end you.
chlo: rmbr u rmbr right?
Banana head: Chlo, I swear to all that is holy. Don’t tell that story. 
chlo: how much?
RENegade: is sHE ASKING FOR SEX???
marimba: SEX???????? wheRE?????
Kagami: Lesbian, huh? ;) 
chlo: kagami stfu is2g
Kagami: ;)
chlo: ANYWAYS how much money, adri
Banana head: You want another Louis Vuitton bag, don’t you?
Banana head: Sigh. I’ll see what I can do. 
chlo: thanks bitch! you’re the bomb bomb dot com bomb diggity someone take away my phone
Alix: hey, @Carapace, what time are you guys going out? rose, juleka and i are about to see a movie but if it’s after that, we can meet up
PANINI: we were gonna head out before the rain hit so in like five minutes
Juls: drat we can just hang out another time then :( have fun guys!!!!
Banana head: Best meme. 10/10. 
luka: how can you say that when the chicken nuggets meme exists
marimba: I ONLY HAVE 69 CENTS!! GOOD MEME!!!!!! 
luka: see even marinette knows
marimba: haha it has 69 in it haha haha ha 
Banana head: You’re such a child!!!! 
Banana head: I’M KIDDING. I’M KIDDING!!!!
marimba: that’s what i thought :) 
PANIN(o)I: y’all better be ready we leaving now let’s GO 
marimba: wITHOUT ME????
Adrien’s been ready for a bit, but he doesn’t mind waiting. 
He decided on wearing a pair of black jeans instead of shorts, just in case it rains while they’re out, and a black sweater with a thick jean jacket. His hair is a dark brown shade, still lightening at a slow rate, though he doesn’t mind it much at this shade. 
He wouldn’t dye it again to match, but he’ll let it fade as he’s enjoying the brunet life.
Marinette’s bedroom door squeaks open and she appears through the door, dressed and ready to go. 
And wow. No one should look that good, and she pulls it off so easily. 
Her bangs frame her face like curtains, her hair just past shoulder length from being straightened. Her bright blue eyes blink amusedly at him, lips arching into a smile.
The only makeup he spots is on her lips, a lip gloss that makes her lips look super kissable. “Problem, Agreste?” 
Laughter bubbles out of his lips, and he averts his eyes. “None, Dupain-Cheng. Just admiring your beauty, is all.” Lying won’t help his cause, so he might as well be honest. 
She rolls her eyes, hard enough to hurt, yet her cheeks give her away. “Sure, whatever you say!” 
His eyes flash over her attire. While she’s not dressed up by any means, the outfit she chose suits her so well. 
Wait. Is she trying to kill him?
With the impending rain and whether they’ll end up caught in the crossfire, she’s chosen a black baggy sweater, denim jeans with large holes around the knees with fishnet stockings underneath, and black old-skool vans. 
And to top it off, she’s wearing his merch. His Chat Noir sweater that’s completely black, with white lettering in the center that says, “I’m the Chat’s meow”. He hadn’t noticed at first, been too preoccupied with, er, other things—her lips—and he’d lie if he said his face didn’t get slightly hot at seeing her in person in his merch. 
“I thought you only bought the sweatpants, Bug?” He asks offhandedly, eyes averting from her for a second time. 
(He has no idea the nickname brings another bout of red to her cheeks.)
“Shut up or I will take it off right now—” 
“Oh, please d—”
She’s in front of him in a second, her hand firmly covering his mouth with a menacing look in her eyes. “Adrien Agreste, if you continue with that sentence, I will murder you and I won’t tell anyone where I hid your body—”
Adrien bursts out laughing the best he can, and it sounds so bizarre with her hand muffling it. His own hand finds her wrist and wraps around it, gently prying it away from his face. “Bug, please, you’re going to kill me!”
“You’re not wrong about that,” she affirms with her eyes narrowed. She allows him to keep hold of her wrist.
“I was kidding,” he murmurs, eyes locking with hers as he brings her wrist to his lips and presses a light kiss to her skin. With how close she is, he can feel her breath hitch, so he sends her his best smile. “I would never want to make you uncomfortable.” 
Marinette’s head tilts to the side, face softening. Her free hand finds his cheeks and she squeezes them gently. “You’ve never made me uncomfortable before, and you haven’t now. I was kidding as well.” 
His eyes brighten. “Oh, so that means you—”
“You’re absolutely hopeless!” Her forehead drops to his shoulder as she whines loudly. 
“There, there,” he says, hand wrapping around her to pat her back. “You’ll be okay, Bug, don’t worry. I’ve got you.” 
She’s warm, so warm against him that his jacket feels stifling, and he tugs her closer, enjoying—savoring this moment with her. He doesn’t have many days left in Nice, and he wants to cherish every second he can. 
There goes his heart again, pitter-pattering away, following hers like a lost puppy. 
If only she knew.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Tumblr media
Summary: Luke becomes a dad
A/N: So @cxddlyash​ and I made these like comic book character pictures. And I thought it was funny how the text we put for ourselves went together like we personally were having a conversation. And it’s good dialogue I didn’t want to waste. So here’s a sequel to Period Pains that no one asked for just so I can use 2 lines of dialogue that really have nothing to do with the actual “plot” of whatever cute shit this is. 
Content: Soft cuz you know no one does it better than your gal(cal) Bri
Word Count: 1.5k
And away, and away we go!
“Hey, Lu?” Caroline asked.
“Hmm?” Luke hummed in response over the rim of his coffee cup.
“Remember how back a few months ago, you joked there was a way to stop my periods?”
He set down his cup with a shaky rattle. “What about it?” he croaked. 
“I’m two weeks late…”
He gripped his hands tightly together to control the shaking, forcing himself to stay calm. “H-have you taken a test?”
“Yep. Took one just now, actually.”
“It’s on the bathroom counter.”
Caroline wasn’t sure she had ever seen the man move faster. In fact, she wasn’t sure someone like Luke could move that fast without tripping over his long limbs. When Luke’s scream shook the house, she slowly made her way to him. “Good yell or bad yell?”
When he turned, his blue eyes were glossy with held back tears, his curls disheveled from his hands passing through them so many times in the last minute. “Is this the only test you’ve taken?”
She shook her head. “I’ve been taking one every day for a week.”
“And they all say the same thing? They all say yes?”
“YES!” Luke’s voice cracked as it went high too fast. He rushed across to her, tears falling freely down their faces as excitement took over and they jumped up and down screaming. “Oh,” Luke spoke softly when he caught his breath, his fingers soft against her cheeks. “I love you so much, Care.”
She tilted her head in his touch, lips brushing against the palms of his hands. “We love you too, Lu. Can I ask you one thing?”
“Anything, baby.”
“I know we’re both excited, but can we keep this to ourselves for a bit?” Her question held all the fears she didn’t want to speak into existence. Fears about their loved ones getting too invested like they already were when she was too early along for anything to be certain.
Luke placed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Of course.”
It was hard on both of them to not shout their news from the rooftops with each passing doctor’s appointment that assured them their baby was developing right on schedule. Caroline and Luke passed the first three months combining her office with his music room, and then discussing how to decorate the newly freed up space.
“What do you think of this?” Caroline asked, sliding her laptop around so he could see the teal and grey nursery template.
Luke set his guitar aside and peered over at the screen. “You don’t want to go with something brighter? Something that will get their attention?”
“You know babies can’t really see color that well for the first few months, right?”
“They don’t?”
“Have you read any of the books?”
“Yeah!” he answered with fake indignation.
“Mhm, which ones?”
“The one with all the names…” he admitted with a sheepish grin.
Her eyes lit up. “Did you find one you like?”
“I found a lot of the ones you like,” he teased, referring to how the book was filled with blue-inked hearts next to yellow highlighted names.
“What do you think about Charlie Hemmings?”
“Oh, that one’s my favorite!”
“Ready to tell everybody about Charlie?”
“So ready.”
They told their parents first, swearing them to secrecy until it was publicly announced. Within a week, a giant care package was delivered on their doorstep, courtesy of both their moms conspiring together.
From there, the parents-to-be decided to tell the godparents. Luke had suggested Ashton for godfather, while Caroline suggested her childhood friend Britt for godmother.
“But they’re not together. Are you sure we shouldn’t go with Mike and Crystal?” Luke wondered.
“It’s Ash and Britt. They’ll get together.”
“Care, you’ve been saying that since they met.”
“Well if Ash would pull his head out of his ass…”
“If Britt could string more than two words together around him…”
Caroline laughed. Neither of them were wrong. Their two dearest friends were… rather stubborn when it came to each other. “We don’t have to decide this now. We can just tell all our friends, and figure out godparents later.”
“No,” Luke shook his head. “I trust Britt and Ash.”
“Care?” Britt’s voice called out as she pushed open the door to her friends’ home. “Luke?”
“You invited Britt?” Ashton asked, raising an eyebrow at the woman’s voice. “Is everyone else coming over, too? What’s going on here?”
“I know you’re home,” Britt continued to talk as she walked deeper into the house. “Your cars are in th- oh! Hey, Ash.” Her voice squeaked as she caught sight of the black haired man sitting comfortably on the couch.
“Hey, love,” he greeted with a two-fingered wave that caused the woman’s cheeks to turn pink. “Did Care tell you what these two idiots are up to?”
Britt shook her head as she sat down next to him. “N-no.” She turned her attention to Caroline, her friend’s ever steady and soft gaze stilling her nerves she felt whenever she was in Ashton’s presence. “Care, what’s going on?”
Caroline’s cheeks burned from holding back her smile as she looked over at Luke. “Tell ‘em, Care.”
“We’re pregnant!” She clapped her hands over her mouth as the words tumbled forth much less eloquently than she had planned in her excited state.
“Oh, that’s great!” Britt squealed with her.
“Congrats,” Ashton smiled, reaching forward to give Caroline’s leg a small squeeze. “But that could’ve been a text.”
“We want you to be the godparents,” Luke spoke up.
Ashton choked, his hazel eyes flying over to Luke. “What?”
“Uh, a word, Care?” Britt asked, rubbing her neck.
The women left Ashton staring slack-jawed at Luke. “What’s wrong?” Caroline asked, worrying her bottom lip.
“You can’t do this to me…” her friend whispered frantically, looking over her shoulder at where Ashton was still coming to terms with the news that had been dropped in his lap.
“Aw, are you jealous?” Caroline teased good-heartedly.
“Yes!” Britt hissed. “No! I’m happy for you and Luke. But making me godmother with Ash as godfather? What the hell do you think you’re doing, Care?”
“What you and Ash are too scared to do yourselves.”
“I can barely be in the same room with him without sounding like an idiot. Now I’m gonna share your kid with him?!”
“Oh, would you relax? Luke and I aren’t dropping dead. This is just a symbolic title.”
“One I share with Ash!”
“Would you rather share it with someone else?”
“No!” Britt answered far too quickly.
Caroline grinned. “That’s what I thought.”
“You okay?” Luke asked, concern lacing his tone as Caroline gasped.
She took a few deep, slow breaths, her face pinched in pain. “Another contraction,” she winced.
Luke gripped her hand in his, squeezing lightly. “You got this, baby. I’m right here.”
“Lu?” she panted, sweat coating her face, tears prickling in the corners of her eyes.
“This is so much worse than period pains…”
“I know, baby, I know,” he soothed, using his free hand to push back her hair and wipe away some of the sweat.
“No, you don’t!” she hissed through gritted teeth, her fingernails digging small crescent shapes into his hand. “You don’t have a uterus that throws a fit every month unless you’re growing a human inside of it. A human you then have to push out of you!”
“You doing so good, Care,” he smiled a smile that has rarely left his lips the last 39 and a half weeks. A smile that bore nothing but total admiration for the girl by his side and complete amazement for the life they were creating.
“Ow…” she whimpered, loosening her grip as the contraction passed.
“Where does it hurt the most?”
“My back…”
“Here, sit up, and scooch forward,” Luke told her, standing up from where he had been sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. Caroline did as he directed as he squeezed himself in behind her, stretching out his legs on the outside of hers. “Try to relax as much as you can,” his voice remained soft and low as he started to rub at her back. He stayed that way, with her back pressed against his chest, alternating between rubbing at her back and her arms, always whispering reassurances in Caroline’s ear until there was a small cry and a bundle was placed in her awaiting arms.
“Oh, hi there, Charlie.” Tears ran a path down both their cheeks as Caroline cradled the baby close to her, Luke’s hand reaching over her to gently run a thumb over Charlie’s soft cheek.
“There are so many people waiting to meet you,” she cooed.
“They can wait a little longer,” Luke said, holding his family close to him.
“At least get Britt and Ash in here.”
“Shouldn’t you get some rest first?”
“Oh, please, Lu?” Caroline pleaded, turning her head upwards to look at him. “I feel fine, I promise. I want them to meet him.”
“Alright,” he gave in. “Scoot forward so I can get out.”
Caroline lost herself in the dark grey eyes of her son, with his little pixie nose and soft curls, until Britt’s gasped “Aww!” filled her ears.
She looked up to see the other woman, hand in hand with Ashton, grinning so wide, Caroline’s own cheeks hurt just looking at her friends. “Well, come meet Charlie. We’ve been expecting you.”
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meanminyxrd · 4 years
believe but its ab a redheaded runaway
alright so today i’m tackling ‘believe’ by hollywood undead. i think the vibes can fit both andrew and neil, but moreso neil in this connotation. as always, book spoilers ahead. i’ve been forgetting to put that lately.
let’s start w the chorus and opening of the song:
I can't believe that when I breathe
There's something good inside of me, just one good thing inside
So close to me, that memory
Of that one good thing inside of me, just one good thing inside of me, yeah
neil is, inherently, a selfish person before he gets attached to the foxes. think ab it: he cares only for his survival and nothing more, nothing less. that takes a certain type of apathy towards other people, which was taught to him by his mother. stay disconnected, stay safe. care for no one but yourself. when he starts seeing that the foxes care for him, and he’s just... playing them, essentially—lying to them about who he is and where he’s come from—he acknowledges that they’re never going to forgive him for ditching them later on in the year; specifically andrew, because he promised andrew he would stay. he feels like a bad person but it’s what he has to do to live. he wants to stay and play exy and be able to focus on something other than survival for once, but he knows it’s all just a play in his head. in the end its about his survival.
If I ran out the backdoor, nobody would stop me, but where would I go?
'Cause I ain't ever had a real home, so what do I know?
So I could keep running, hide until they find me, but what would that do?
If they could only know what I knew, what would it prove?
I should've seen the writing on the wall, instead I'm left to fall
'Cause the longer I'm away, the more we stay the same
Looking back, would've thought I knew it all
Instead I'm left to fall, did I throw it all away?
neil is a runaway. it’s how he’s managed to survive this long; running away and keeping on the move to avoiding his father’s men tracking him down. never leaving a trail, never staying anywhere for too long and never making any connections. when he leaves, there’s no one there to stop him both physically and metaphorically. no connections means he isn’t held back emotionally or by someone forcing him to stay. he’s never really had a home, being on the run his whole life. its all about survival, but neil signs the contract to palmetto, right? he knows he could keep running to stay safe but really, what would that do? is that really living? he wants to open up to people im sure, but what would that prove to them? in his mind it would just show that he was a bad person—dangerous. keeping kevin around is one thing; kevin is an exy star. he’s worth it. but neil? neil is nothing. why would they risk their life for a nobody?
saying he should have seen the writing on the wall alludes to all the hints that his father’s men left that they were closing in on him, however he ignored it just to be able to stay a little longer—play a little longer. instead he ignored it and fell. looking back on it he thought he had a handle on it and would be able to get away or at the very least accept his death, but it actually hurts. he got attached without realizing. and now he’s wondering if any of it was worth it. is this worth losing his life for? or, did he do enough w his time with the foxes and with andrew? or did he throw away that time for nothing?
Don't you know, little boy, they'll lay you to waste, man?
Little do they know every song has a lifespan
Never taken one, but I'm taking my last chance
To hold all we know and let go with both hands
So don't you know the clouds are made from concrete?
Right through the stone, can you hear my heartbeat?
Beats through my bones like the memory left me
Not for a second or a minute when I dream
I wanna go home like the home that I keep
You can dig six or sixty-six feet
‘don’t you know, little boy, they’ll lay you to waste, man?’ his father’s men want him dead and he knows that. they’re who he’s been outrunning his entire life (and i suppose the yakuza but he didn’t know that.) he knows attention is being drawn towards him by being in the public eye, so this is like he’s mocking himself, because he knows he’s taking a very big unnecessary risk. he’s never taken a chance in his life before because its always been about survival. but this time he is taking a chance. he’s taking a chance by joining the palmetto state foxes. but by taking this chance it is metaphorically the last chance he’ll ever take, because at this point he’s 99% sure he’s gonna end up dead by the end of it all. ‘dont you know the clouds are made of concrete?’ referencing that the only way out for him is by death. whether by someone else’s hand or his own. the only way this whole catastrophe is going to end in him being ‘at peace’ or ‘in heaven’ ie the clouds, is if he’s killed. digging 6 or 66 feet down implies ‘6 feet under’, again a death metaphor.
We could live forever, still your misery missed me
Hold this song together with a bottle of whiskey
Look into the mirror at the lines that time drew
See them painted white and the eyes that shine through
My heart beats heavy in an open chest
And I wanna say goodbye, but there's nobody left
he could have gone to his dad and flipped everything on his mom instead, or run off to live with his uncle, but the anger that his father had missed neil. yes, neil had his father’s temper, but his father was tainted with misery that neil didn’t get and he didn’t want any part in the crime scene of things. ‘look into the mirror at the lines that time drew, see them painted white and teh eyes that shine through.’ this part to me is in the mirror after the nest, when neil is first really seeing his scars, ‘the lines that time drew’ would reference like old age lines stereotypically, but in neil’s case i see it a reference to his scars because that’s what marks time for him—his scars. the scars that his dad and his dad’s men left. the scars that riko left. the scars he has just from living. the ‘eyes that shine through’ is because neil no longer has his contacts. when wymack gets him from the airport he has nothing of his disguise left. and god, is he tired of running. his heart is so heavy. he wants to be able to say goodbye to someone when he dies, but there’s no one left. his mom is dead and he has no connections other than, now, the foxes. but being in this mindset of its him vs everyone, he’s alone. he cant say goodbye to anyone but himself.
I broke it all, and I put it to the test
Put your hand on mine, and feel this emptiness
There's no beat in my chest 'cause there's nothing left
No, it ain't goodbye, it's a last caress
What's another dream? You can hardly sleep
Can you believe bad things only happen to me?
God knows one day you will finally see
That scars will heal but were meant to bleed
neil, by making these decisions, broke every self imposed rule he had for himself to stay safe. he broke the rules his mother had set in place prior to her death, and he tested the limits. he chanced trusting, if just a little. he chanced making a connection. specifically, with andrew. so this part is really andreil heavy for me. let me explain why.
this part is almost like the locker room scene when his father’s men were being security guards and he knew he no longer stood any chance. he says goodbye to andrew in that moment, and this last part is a big goodbye message to me.
he’s empty. he’s out of fight. he cant fight or he would risk the foxes lives too. there’s nothing left inside of him. he says thank you to andrew as a goodbye, but it’s not a goodbye, no, it’s a last touch, one last joy to share even if it’s small. ‘whats another dream? you can hardly sleep.’ what’s the loss of something you lose all the time? what’s the loss of something that doesnt matter? neil doesnt think he matters to andrew, and so what will his loss mean, if anything? why would andrew care? the ‘can you believe bad things only happen to me?’ is a mocking quote if anything; bad things have followed neil around his whole life, and though statistically its not true only bad things happen to him, it sure feels like he’s got the worst of it. and even in the off chance that andrew does miss him, the emotional scars will heal, even if it does hurt. because neil doesnt think he matters as much to andrew as he really does.
Do you realize I would lie for you?
Please, have my last breath, I would die for you
I know I'm no good, but my heart beats true
You know I'm gonna fight, though I might be scared to lose
You took me in, and I fucked it up again
An empty promise? No, I won't pretend
'Cause in the end we need someone to solve 'em
Nobody can fix me if I'm part of the problem
he would give everything to protect the foxes. he cares about them more than he’d like to admit. he may seem distant, but do they realize how far he’s willing to go to ensure their safety? first he went to the nest to protect them, right? now he’s literally going off to his death to keep them safe. he would lie for them, he would die for them; he would throw away everything he could and couldn’t have for them. he doesnt believe hes a good person, for putting them all in this situation, but he’s trying his best. his heart has the best intentions for the foxes. in that ‘goodbye’ to andrew, he conveys so much, and andrew obviously catches on that it’s a goodbye. but neil conveys that he’s gonna fight, even if he’s scared he’s gonna lose, even if he knows he’s gonna lose. andrew took him in after everything; after being sus of neil and then neil telling him half truths, and yet he’s fucking everything up again by going off to die. and empty promise? there isnt an empty failed promise because he made andrew break off the deal beforehand. in the end, andrew was the one who was helping to fix him. the connection he formed with andrew made him feel like he had a shot; like maybe they could outwit his father and he would be safe. however, this whole situation including himself couldn’t be fixed because he is a part of the problem. he blames himself for the foxes being a target so to keep them safe he will go off w his father’s men and remove the issue. no one can fix him and keep him safe if he’s the dangerous one.
uhhh yeah i hope you liked my breakdown! here’s neil’s playlist if you’re curious for more! see ya next time.
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