#it’s not AS bad for them as it would be for a human but they could certainly use more variety
acid-ixx · 24 hours
lovefool by the cardigans
— series concept ft. soft yandere dc! x bimbo/himbo reader
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soft yandere! dc characters x himbo/bimbo/careless reader... who's just a bundle of joy to be with... where all the villains have an agreement to never mess with you, hell even kidnap you occasionally from the arms of the heroes just to hear you rant endlessly about your 'mundane' life as if you weren't just abducted... where the heroes would quite frankly sometimes have to put you in some sort of human leash because you wouldn't literally panic if there's a gun pointed against you...
the urge to make a shitpost/romcom series just because i listened to lovefool by the cardigans... no idea of platonic/romantic but i'm just moving on with the flow... a bit more on the romantic side ig...
i'm going feral at the thought of a wild goose chase with you, because one second you're bundled up in the arms of the justice league, each one of them scheduled to strictly watch over you, another is stationed near the door as they'd be the one to get you anything you want or need— then suddenly you're at a villain's lair that houses all the bad guys and then oops! you accidentally inhaled the scarecrow's fear gas but you're not reacting?! is your mind filled with air...? all your response was a quirk of your eyebrows and a question that's just "is there any signal here? the league told me to call me if i'm in any trouble...?" which then you would quickly take back and instead would smile at them like some goons didn't just threaten you with a knife to your neck just because you screamed, calling the scarecrow's mask a sack of moving, possessed potatoes.
originally, most villains would whisk you away from the arms of your vigilante babysitters but then they discover you're just a bundle of joy who laughs at the shittiest joke anyone could make, who snorts at their 'funny' antics and words, who grins when they take pictures of you to use as bait that you're being held hostage. it kind of goes to the point that their original plans all go to waste and they decide to just, take you all for themselves. they don't even know how you were able to survive being thrown around carelessly by the shoulders of big, muscular men, but they're more jealous at the image of you giggling and running your hands through muscles arms and toned abs; so they took it in themself to be the ones to guide you through your now makeshift room, hoping you would fawn over them with those cute stars in your eyes...
and if you were taken back into the arms of the vigilantes? oh god, the heroes can't even scold you because you'd be already hugging the next person in the room, babbling endlessly about your adventures with the villains and ignoring their seething envy with just how much you brag about how some are "too hot to be evil! i think i can change them!" because why are you talking about some randoms who just kidnapped you for their own gain when you have them right there? no way are you now getting out of their sights, them trying so hard to even distract you from going outside because "it's just too dangerous to be out there, boo! you're safe with us."
and you just nod your head with that toothy grin of your! are you seriously unaware of how much the richest of the rich are willing to pay for just an hour of your already shining presence? hell, you're just too... out of it, to the point you'll be the one who discovers their secret identities just by accidentally noticing details that nobody with functioning thoughts would even think about.
"batman! you must be bruce wayne, right?" you randomly approach him one day, with a foot tapping the floor impatiently. you stare at him like you had made a scientific discovery.
"... how do you know...?"
"'cause you're both hot and rich and whenever i get a feel of mr. wayne's abs, they're the same size as yours—!" and you continue to guess his children's identities all correctly with a quip of how hot they are or how you wish one you were fit and toned enough to have honkers as big as them...
... that night, you're spending it in the batcave with bruce and his children trying their damn best to brainwash you into keeping their identities a secret, to which you reply with a nod and an airheaded smile. but then the moment they remove you from the straps constricting you in a comfy bed, you'll be running off to alfred, ranting about how you can't believe that you guessed their personas right and if he knew it all along too...
huh, guess that's what makes you all the more charming.
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a/n: please do comment or send in asks if you're interested in this as much as i am... i wrote this in quick succession and altho i am planning to make this series a shitpost one or a lighthearted romcom one, i rlly want to amp the yandere-ness hehe. it was fun writing this albeit it being written in about 10 minutes or less. ignore the header ill change it soon 🫦
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bluewolfangel01 · 1 day
How the brothers make sure you're safe in the Devildom: Older Bros edition
Papa Luci mode activated
He has to know where you are or where you're going if you want to go out
It doesn't matter to him that you have 7 of the most powerful demons under your command or that you're training under humanity's most power sorcerer
You are required to have someone with you when traveling anywhere in the Devildom
If he doesn't know where you are, for some reason, he while be doing everything he can just to figure out your location
Of course he isn't going to panic just yet mind you, he'll first ask his brothers if they know where you are
Ex. he makes Levi track your phone or asks Mammon to locate you via crow familiar
If none of them know, then he's going to ask the dateables and side characters
And if they don't know?
He (and the everybody else of course) are going to tear the Devildom apart to make sure that you're okay
And if you are not? May Father have mercy on whoever dared to lay a finger on you cause Lucifer won't
If he starts getting on your nerves about always having to know a general area of where you are, don't hold it against him to much
He just doesn't want you to get hurt, cause if you were you'd have a very said and pissed off Luci on your hands
Two words: Crow familiar
Around when you made a pact with him, he gave you a crow familiar
He claimed that it was to make sure he didn't have to deal with Lucifer's punishment if you ever died or even got hurt
Don't let him fool you, that man just wants to make sure you're safe cause he cares about you so much
He has so many crows he sadly can't keep track of ALL their names, so he let's you name yours
The crow will of course love you to bits and do things for you because of his connection to Mammon and cause you treat them so nice
Pls have some seeds on you, the crow will adore you even more if you do
Whenever your out the crow will follow and watch you from a distance or maybe even close by depending on how big the crowds are
If you're ever in trouble and can't handle it (or even if you can) the crow network is put into use to alert Mammon
The second he is told he drops whatever it is that he's doing and he's rushing to get to you no matter what
He'd take out the threat so fast, you blink and it's gone and in its place is Mammon
He's smiling at you and saying how he just so happened to be in the neighborhood
Whatever the threat was seems to have disappeared and Mammon leads you away saying how he wants to show you something he wants to buy nearby
But if you listen closely, you can hear a series of loud caws coming around the area you were just at
Although he doesn't go out of his room much, that doesn't mean that he can't protect you from the outside
Like previously mentioned, there's a tracker on your phone (all the brothers have the same on theirs, don't feel bad)
The only reason he checks it is either because Lucifer asked him or it's been a bit since he's seen or talked to you and wants to know that you're okay
The other way he protects you is checking online and keeping a lookout for any potential threats or nefarious plans against you
He won't intervene unless said people seem to be very serious or actually putting their plan into motion
If such a plan is in motion, he warns the rest of his brothers
No matter what arises if he either ends up stopping or warning the others about there's always the same result
Anything they want online, somehow they can't find it anywhere
They want to simply look about the internet? They best be prepared for all the pop up adds and bugs imaginable
Levi is making sure they never even think about hurting you ever again
This turned out longer then I originally thought it would be.... I promise to write about the other brothers!
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Vendetta [Magical Boy Yan] with a magical Scientist Reader who experiments on the monsters they fight and is generally just one of the worst magical people to stumble across. It's a mystery as to why Reader does what they do - they hardly have any compassion for their fellow humans and laughs at the ridiculous idea they're performing these experiments to turn these creatures back into humans. The ones that used to be humans that is. They've crafted weapons and armor from the skin and meat of their enemies, but they grown old of their toys before long. Many have asked. The answer remains the same.
"Why do I do this?.... Because it's fun I don't know what else you want me to tell you."
Vendetta swears he hears wedding bells- A ruthless, coal hearted scientist with zero regard for how the public views them who also happens to have a sadistic streak? Where has Reader been all his life? Drags monsters and crooks alike to Reader's doorstep in exchange for a reward - Money doesn't mean shit to Vendetta when he could have front row tickets to Reader's next surgery. I see Scientist Reader being a med student outside of their magical persona which Vendetta would tease them about, but totally sees as a bonus because nerds are hot.
Weakens the locks on Reader's cages so their pets can escape and he can live vicariously through them when Reader comes to collect them.
Reader tries to kill Vendetta when they first met, but upon realizing he likes getting the shit kicked out of him they bail because he's a freak.
Reader is stronger than Vendetta in their magical form, but weaker in their normal because I like the idea of that.
[Scientist Reader presses the heel of their boot against Vendetta's neck as they stand over him, sneering down at the man as he gasps for air]
Reader: You disgust me. Any last words before I remove your vocal cords?
Vendetta: You should spit in my mouth. I'd reallllly hate that- Here, I'll show you how to do it.
[Vendetta sucks blood from the split in his lip - spitting upwards directly into Scientist Reader's mouth.]
Scientist Reader: Mother-FUCKER- That went into my mouth! Why does your blood taste like battery acid?!
Vendetta: I'm waiting~
Scientist Reader: Give it back.
Vendetta, holding Reader's id card out of reach: Aw, this what you normally look like? You're pretty cute for a dork. I could totally take you.
Scientist Reader: Oh, please- I've beaten your ass more times than I care to remember.
Vendetta: Who said anything about a fight.
Vendetta: Got photos of you leaving that old abandoned library. Must've nicked yourself pretty bad down there- All that blood on your clothes...
Scientist Reader: And what do you plan to do with those photos?
Vendetta: Jerk off?- Tf else do you want me to do with them?
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bluedew · 3 days
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career/work themed pac!
there's gonna be a bullet about your work attitude and what career suits you, and another bullet about what your coworkers think of you.
the career that suits you best is probably something more analytical. even though you may like to pursue artistic things in your free time, you'd be most successful as someone who's using their left-brain more. i think you'd make a great boss, because you have the right attitude for it. however, i wouldn't advise you to get to a career where your control issues would be an irritation for you.
as for your coworkers, i see that most of them appreciate you because you help them often, even though you might be younger than some of them you're still quite helpful. you might take your job too seriously, and a lot of them feel like they dunno what to make of you.
you, my friend, are probably having a chaotic life right now LOL. don't focus too heavily on your career and focus on your own life. your work attitude is pretty good; you don't take it too seriously as pile 1 does, but you still put effort into it. probably customer service/retail worker, or you have worked it in the past. your customers like you and adore you, if they see you working they might have returned to you LOL. the career that would suit you the best is the one your heart is telling you to follow. not what anyone else says.
your coworkers like you because you often treat them as actual human beings and not as just work buddies, and you have a big heart. you understand people very well, and you treat everyone with respect no matter who they are. this can be a good or bad thing.
i think you'd be better off working where there aren't much people. maybe from home, or in a place that's not very busy. i think you like the quiet atmosphere, not the busy and bustling stores that exist a lot. if not, then you prefer to keep chit chat to a minimum. you might get easily overstimulated. you'd be good at writing or creating something from yourself, maybe a small business or store.
if you have coworkers, then they would think you're always rushing around to help and they probably don't have a chance to know you too well. you might be in a frenzy often, and there's always chaos. but you manage to clean it up very well and they're grateful. i'd advise you to befriend some of them :) i think it would be useful for you.
i hope you all enjoyed this reading!! make sure you rest and carve some time for yourself in your schedule. drink water lovelies <3
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rosy-crow · 1 day
Sephiroth is such a fucking wild character when I really think about it sometimes.
He was injected with alien cells in his mom’s womb as part of an extremely dubious science experiment, transformed into “part alien” because of it, was marked a successful specimen shortly after he was born, and then raised by a company as a product and weapon.
He got sent to war (ACTUAL WAR THAT ALSO INVOLVED GENOCIDE) at age 14 by Shinra as the first of his specific type of super-soldier, LITERALLY BY HIMSELF with no guide or mentor, but just the knowledge of his past training, a nameless sword, a few materia, and a picture of his missing mom.
He took command of a team of veteran mercenaries, got overly attached to them after just over a week had passed because they were apparently the first kind adults he had ever met + he had never known any semblance of a normal family, home or life, and then they all killed a bunch of people together on an island.
Halfway through Sephiroth fucking lost the photo of his mom like a classic little kid would except he was a child soldier, so he had to dig through literal corpses to look for it.
Meanwhile, his adult team started realizing the company they were working for was pretty corrupt and hmm, genocide bad. So they DESERTED to go save a kid that was the sole survivor of the people they had battled to extinction.
And Sephiroth COMMITTED TREASON ON HIS FIRST MISSION for them and to go help save the kid. But then he killed that same kid to save his team from a sinking island instead, who got really upset about that and left him to go desert their posts as soldiers hired by Shinra. Also, he somehow regained his mom’s photo during this whole fiasco but then one of his adult squad-mates kicked it into the sea in a fit of rage. Most pointless photo ever.
But that’s fine because then he just went BACK TO WAR and grew up through his teen years fighting in it, made two new friends with his fellow super-soldiers, nearly finished the war with them, and then they deserted too. One basically committed assisted suicide. One vanished completely and went ballistic.
Then Sephiroth ended up in his hometown on a mission, but he didn’t know it was his hometown because had no idea who he was.
He instead found a creepy weird room inside a reactor full of his dad’s unethical human experimentation, had a mental breakdown and a bad falling out with one of his former super-soldier friends who was dying and deranged, went to a basement library in an old haunted mansion, read a bunch of data on his own experimental creation and the project that led to his conception, believed a lie that he was the last of an ancient species, and lost his mind.
So he went and burned down his own hometown, killed a bunch of people, cut off the head of an eldritch alien that he thought was his mom and stole it to keep, got nearly cleaved in half by some farm boy, fell into the depths of a mako reactor (with the aforementioned alien head), and died for five years before coming back to destroy the world with a meteor. He briefly became a god around this time too.
He didn’t successfully carry out the meteor plan and basically died AGAIN, but this time he came back by using the forms of three random kids to rediscover his own personality because his memories of his past self were erased. He was resurrected, fought his mortal nemesis for revenge, lost again, and seemingly died for the last time but with a final statement about not really ever vanishing in full? Sure?
Also, his real mom is locked away in a crystal because she couldn’t kill herself thanks to being stuffed with alien cells. His dad never admitted to even being his father until his last moments and was just a devoutly cruel, horribly abusive scientist, that let Sephiroth go through all the previous shit just to see what would happen.
For some reason, Sephiroth can also traverse multiple worlds now too.
Oh and he has hair almost to his knees, cat eyes, goth leather club gear, and a sword taller than he is. He is 6’7/200 cm.
Oh and the wing! He has one random wing too. Sure.
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Absolutely bizarre character. There is so much wrong with him. It’s perfect.
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aliesbienish · 2 days
Could you do Benedict Bridgerton with wife pregnant!reader? She was panicking about something and didn't stop rambling the moment she saw him. He surprises her by kissing her, effectively silencing her and she melts against him. She knew even if the world would end, hw was the only one who could calm her down. Just something fluff and maybe a little suggestive 👀 Thanks!! :))
Oh baby
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Hi anon, hope you enjoy. Probably went a little hard on the angst and a little lacking in the suggestiveness... it got away from me. xx ---------
The doubts kept creeping in today, nothing was able to distract you from your thoughts. Your book laid face down on the window seat, your journal stayed blank. Instead of being productive, here you were just staring out the window bringing yourself to a panic. Everyone said the reservations were normal, and logically you knew that they were unfounded. But the rumination going on seemed to have kicked logic out the window.
Becoming a mother suddenly seemed like an occasion you couldn't rise to. All the ways you could screw up your poor child, which your brain was unhelpfully bringing up in spades, seemed daunting. Suddenly being trusted to keep a little human alive without any proof of competence was ludicrous. So you had spent the day stuck in your thoughts staring out your bedroom window.
And now you need to get them out before you exploded. Ready to share you headed to your husbands studio down the hall, not bothering to knock. He was engrossed in a painting, streaks of colour covering what was once a white shirt.
"Hi Honey. How are---" Benedict began before you interrupted with word vomit.
"I don't think I can do this Ben. Maybe I am not fit to be a mother, I'm too selfish. I have never had to look after anyone but myself, no poor child deserves a mother like that."
"Babe, what --"
"I have absolutely no clue what I am doing. What if I hurt them? Or am inpatient with them?"
"Sweetie plea-"
"I'm so scared I will be a bad mum." You sighed, ready to spell out exactly all the ways you thought that might be the case. Instead you were updated by a soft peck on your lips and a gentle hand stroking you cheek. Benedicts soft lips pulled back and he rested his forehead against your own.
"Honey, you are the most loving, kind person I know. You were made for this role, I just know it. You will meet our baby and the love will overflow and I will be in awe with you. Our baby will be soo very lucky to have you as their mum,"
"But what if I don't know what to do?"
"Then we find out, we are surrounded by loving, strong mothers. We can reach out to my mum, or Daphne, or Kate. You are not alone." Another stroke to your cheek from Benedict and you could finally felt like you could breathe again.
You nodded gently against Benedict's forehead before grabbing his hand from your check, taking it in your own and moving it down to your swollen belly.
"I love you Ben. You will be an amazing father."
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helenazbmrskai · 21 hours
Mating Act (m)
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Title [Mating Act]
Pairing [Alien! Yoongi x Human Slave! Reader]
Genre [Alien AU, Sci-fi, Smut, Angst, Fluff]
Summary [You make two choices that change your life entirely. First, you make a choice when you decide to save a family and get kidnapped instead of them, the second you make is when you force imprinting on an alien that takes one wife in his life which you decide will be only you.]
Words [5,2k]
Warnings [General warnings: slavery, bad treatment, dystopia setting, human trafficking, Sexual content: playful neck grabbing, teasing, sexual tension, first-time sex, dirty talk, manhandling, mention of human and wife a lot, alien anatomy (black ink, coldness and a very hard, big and cold dick also magic saliva), fingering, oral (f and m), unprotected sex, belly bulge, size kink, positions (cock riding, doggy, missionary), y/n cries that is how good she feels, overstimulation, buckets of cum, creampie(s), begging, blow job, possessive alien yoongi]
Rating [+18]
A/N: I’m very excited to share this with you guys since I think this would be a great successor to my previous work that many of you liked called “Mating Season” It’s kind of the same but entirely different. This story is in the same universe but it takes place before mating season!
Masterlist //
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Your scrunched eyes open slowly, first, you only see a blinding light your ears focus on the cracking sound of neon. It’s cold and you’re not wearing enough clothes for the cool temperature. It takes a few seconds for your senses to return to you and then you can fixate on your surroundings, it’s outdoors and midday as you see the sun going up high in the purplish blue sky.
It seemed that by the time you were unconscious, you arrived at the slave trading planet. The light grey iron bars are cold to the touch and it’s extremely noisy out there. Different species roam the cells it might be hundreds if not thousands of cells lined up for sale, and you’re one of them: a rare find, a human.
Your introduction is displayed for the buyers in numerous languages. There are a few that you speak so you can read it with ease: female human, breedable, young. You hate how the aliens size you up some even get threateningly close until you back up. They openly talk about you thinking that you can’t understand a single thing. Humans are stupid and weak. You’re a race that is almost at extinction. Only a few of you are left and your life expectancy is around eighty years old, it’s short compared to others but all too long for you humans. You managed to survive this long which is a miracle on its own. How pathetic of you to get caught in international body trafficking because you decided to save someone. At least you hope that the family you tried to protect is safe somewhere else you don’t have anything left to protect so you accept your faith.
Deep in your thoughts, you thought you lost all faith in survival. You don’t have anything to go back to but you’re still unable to give up.
You still don’t want to die.
Your defiant gaze meets with a young male. Shorter than his friends he has bland black hair with the same eyes that almost look human. You know that he’s not one of your own though he speaks a different language with his friends and has weird marking on his skin that looks exotic in your eyes.
“Do you like her?” A man next to him stops to read your description. They almost look sorry for you as they see you behind the cell.
“No.” Black hair says without giving it a second. His eyes bore into yours and when he decides to stop looking at you you make a second split decision. You’re going to choose him. Your hands grip the bars as you get as close to him as you can. It’s been a long time since you used that language but you have to try.
“Take me.” They can clearly understand your words, you speak their language. You point at the black-haired man.
“Oh, it seems to like you Yoongi.” A friendly voice slaps him on the shoulders. They talk animatedly among each other finding you intriguing. Books say that the human race is stupid and weak but you look none of those things. His friends encourage Yoongi to get closer to you and for once you don’t step back as he approaches after a little push in your direction. His hands grab onto the bars before he can regain his posture and you use that opportunity to put your hands on his. His hand is cold to the touch the cold blue veins on his hands are in contrast to his pale white skin.
“Yoongi.” You call out the word you heard them say that you think might be his name.
“We’re running out of time. Let’s take her and leave.” A man speaks up his eyes fixated on the holo panel that shows the time and some kind of message. He has some weird-looking glass in his eyes, you think he might be the captain of the ship. You’ve seen that type of accessory somewhere before.
“I didn’t say I will buy it.” Yoongi pulls his hand away like you dirtied him. You rack your brain on how to make him take you with him. Black hair and black eyes, cool skin and vine-like black ink make you think of a race. You loved to read books this is how you taught yourself a few of those languages and you remember reading about his species once. This decision might take you closer to your end but it will be better than rotting in this place so you grab his clothes and smash your lips on his through the tiny gap between the bars.
A race that takes one wife in his lifetime. You’re going to bet on that.
Your tongue forcefully enters his mouth using his surprise against him to successfully imprint your taste on him. After his mind catches up he pushes you away so hard that you land on your butt. His eyes almost look feral as he watches you, he’s very angry but closes his eyes to push the feeling down.
“Get up.” You haul yourself up from the floor getting close to him despite his hard gaze on you. You don’t flinch when he grabs your hair and pulls you close so that your faces are inches away from each other.
“You want to come, then come.” It’s not a calm and collected sentence that he whispers so close to you. It sounds like a threat but you smile and nod. Even if he hates you he has an obligation to you. With that kiss you sealed your fate with his, you’re his. His one and only human wife for all eternity.
Your back collides with the wall behind you as soon as you see your kidnapper his torture that you had to endure is replaying in the forefront of your mind as he fiddles with the cell keys your hostility is not lost on the young men that wait for your release. Yoongi paid for you in digital cash don’t have more time to waste.
He intends to take you with him so he asks for the ownership process to be sped up.
The kidnapper yanks you out of the cell not caring about how you almost land on your face through the force he uses. Yoongi catches you easily lifting you in his arms. You forced him into accepting you but he still does his job of protecting you. His glare is not meant for you this time as he looks displeased by your idle treatment right in front of him. His big hands are curled around you in pretence protection. You must be crazy because you actually relax in his secure hold.
“Hi.” One of his friends gets your attention as he waves. He looks at you with curious eyes he seems like he has a lot of questions for you.
“Hello.” You reply in a hoarse voice. You don’t remember the last time you ate or drank something.
“What’s your name? I’m Hoseok.” He points at you and then at himself. It’s nice of him to talk slowly so you have time to interpret his words. No one else speaks to you as you go. Probably on their way to their ship since one of them implied some important business. Yoongi doesn’t look at you but his hands are firm around you.
“Your name is weird.” Hoseok slaps his friend but you don’t take it in the wrong way. Of course, for them, a human name will sound weird.
“You’re being rude Taehyung.” Hoseok scolds the other guy before he turns back to you swaying in Yoongi’s arms. “I think your name is pretty and you speak our language pretty well. How did you learn it? On Earth?”
You shake your head. If you think about your home planet your heart starts aching. “No. I taught myself reading books.”
Now his other friend looks interested in the conversation. The one who has that weird-looking glass.
“Fascinating, to find a smart human like you. I want to run some tests.” Hearing that crazy scientist talk again brings back bad memories as your face becomes uncomfortable and your relaxed figure goes rigid inside Yoongi’s arms. He could feel you tense up in fear and he reacted by holding you more firmly to his chest.
“You’re scaring her. Stop it.” This is the first thing he says after he bought you. Namjoon looks sheepish and apologises and even Hoseok reassures you that he’s just not good with words and you won’t be a lab rat at all.
You accept their apology. You think they mean well and are quite friendly to your utter surprise. They seem like good guys. You feel like it’s a good time to reveal some of your thoughts.
“Just because you read my description doesn’t mean you know anything about me. I wouldn’t reveal anything that would put me at a disadvantage. This is how I could survive until now.” The words taste sour in your mind and you think about all the things you had to do and endure just to be here. Was it worth it? This life. You have thought about it more times than you would have liked to admit.
“It must have been hard for you.” Hoseok shows you empathy and you give him a smile back in silent thanks.
“Why did you choose Yoongi?” A younger male looks at you with curious eyes. They don’t show it but this is the question they all were curious about all along. Even Yoongi perks up when he thinks you’re not looking.
“My instinct told me to trust him.” As for why, you don’t know either. You saw countless men and women walk in front of your cage but you only wanted him to buy you. The moment his eyes unknowingly lingered on you you decided to go with him. He must have felt something too. You saw him before he saw you. He never looked at anyone else but you. If you ask him he will probably deny it but you’re sure of it.
You probably looked desperate. Now that you replay your impulsive behaviour in your mind colour blooms on your cheeks in embarrassment. You learned how to kiss from a book it didn’t occur to you before but what if you were a bad kisser? You started spiralling until your surroundings faded and you locked yourself inside your head. You didn’t register when you arrived on board or when he carried you to his room.
You shiver when he puts you down on his bed. The temperature of his room is colder than you’re used to.
You panic when he tugs your clothes without a word. You grab his cold hands and look into his eyes with widened ones. He looks back at you with predatory. You once read that humans had a ceremony to be pronounced wife and husband. You never experienced it as a human but it sounded romantic.
Thinking back on what you read.
Yoongi is an alien. His species only takes one wife and their ritual is different from yours. The road to becoming his wife is simple enough.
“Look at you being surprised. As if you didn’t know what you did when you kissed me first.” You didn’t know, you just acted impulsively without thinking. You wanted to say that to him but only a gasp left your lips as he pushed you down on his large bed. He won’t listen to any of your pathetic excuses now.
“You forced my hands. Even if you don’t want it anymore you have no other choice but to be mine.” You gulp down the saliva that accumulated in your mouth, his fierce eyes pin you to the spot lying helplessly under him. His hand is so cold as he wraps it around your neck gently he can feel your heartbeat accelerate under his palm. He studies your features taking in every inch of you from head to toe. Committing everything about you to memory. Yoongi curls a few locks of your long hair around his fingers inhaling your scent his nose rubs against your pulse point. Your hands hold onto his waist digging your fingers onto his side but he doesn’t care about it as he kisses the skin on your neck.
You’re dirty and dishevelled in appearance your captor was not kind to his prisoners and you look like a shell of yourself after everything that you’ve been through. Your average beauty doesn’t matter to Yoongi. He’s going to take you regardless of how beautiful you look in other's eyes or not. The kiss already sealed your fate as his bride. Imprinting your taste on him means that he can’t escape you. While Yoongi wants to take you right then and there he realises that you need to be in a better shape to undertake the ritual. He did get a reaction rise out of you. So amusingly innocent.
“Take a shower, you reak.” You awkwardly look to the side unable to meet with his confident smirk. He likes to watch your face turn red. He pulls away from you and you take in a long-needed breath of fresh air. The coldness seeping back into your body makes you sober up and you scurry to his joined bathroom. Yoongi laughs as he sees you hide behind the door he makes sure you can operate the shower before he goes out to get some food for you. You don’t have any clothes to wear but you’re at least clean.
You find a clean cloth to wrap around your body in makeshift clothes it’s better than nothing as you need something to shield you from the cold.
Yoongi comes back before you can organize your thoughts. You could barely calm your heart as your mind kept replaying his soft lips on your neck and his body weight on you not to talk about those alluring black eyes. You could still see your reflection in them as you lock gazes. You look away when he puts the tray down in front of you full of food that you don’t know the name of. It’s not too bad once you take a bite but it’s bland the more you consume. It meets the purpose of filling you up as you no longer feel that gnawing hunger in the pit of your stomach.
You jolt up when you feel his hand pull your wet hair to the other side making his way to your neck. He takes a long whiff of air finally smelling your natural scent that was previously masked by the dirt and sweat. He takes the opportunity to cover you in his scent rubbing his nose up and down your throat.
You can’t concentrate on eating anymore.
“Eat. You will need it.” As if he could read your mind he halts all movements simply deciding on laying his head on your shoulder. You pick up more food and try to ignore how his possessive touch engulfs your body in a backhug. You remember how angry he became once you forcibly kissed him he even pushed you hard enough to lose your footing. The way he accepted you is too sudden.
“Are you going to …” Unable to say the words you stop in the middle.
“Am I going to fuck you? Yes, I will.” You gulp.
“Don’t you hate me for kissing you?” You close your eyes when Yoongi wraps his fingers around your neck again this time with more force but gentle enough that you’re not choking on air he just pulls you against his chest holding you by the neck as his nose rubs against your left cheek.
“I am angry. You selfishly decided this on your own. I bet you don’t realise half of the mess you got yourself into. I don’t hate you though. There’s something about you that caught my eye.”
It’s only a small peck on your cheek but your hands tighten around the tray. You take in a much-needed breath when you realise he doesn’t hate you. It makes you feel better knowing that it’s not entirely your imagination. He did look at you.
“I admit I don’t know much.” You sheepishly reply confirming his words. You read some things about his species but there’s no proof that everything is accurate.
“It doesn’t matter as you will be mine anyway.” His hand pulls you close his fingers splayed over your stomach. You only have a thin cloth over your naked body while Yoongi is fully clothed.
“Put down the tray.” You follow his order bending down slightly to put the tray down onto the floor. You let out a surprised yelp when his hands find your ass under the thin material, your backside is on full display for his hungry eyes. Your fingers have a deadly grip on the edge of the bed as he kneads the soft flesh.
“Your smell comes strongly from here.” His thumb parts your folds some wetness is gathered there that sticks to his finger when he pulls back. “I read a few books about you too, enough to know that this means you like the idea of me fucking you.”
Yoongi hates how he can’t see you acting coy biting your lip so he forcibly pulls you back against his chest and pulls your face to the side. You land on his lap your legs dangling on either side of his thighs. He runs his finger up and down your wetness watching your expression turn hazy and your mouth open to let out a silent moan.
“You like this don’t you? Having your human pussy touched by me.” Yoongi finds your clit quickly finding out how your moans increase in volume when he rubs circles over it. You’re gushing over his fingers.
The black ink on his arms moves to stain your body with blackness until it circles over your thigh in two pretty hoops. Your body is getting overheated as his touches devour your body. Fingers dance around your folds, your hips. The black hoops around your ankles and thighs are a reminder of what you started. You’re going to become Yoongi’s and no one can stop that from happening.
Feeling overwhelmed you reach up to kiss him and he does with a growl. He doesn’t push you away like when you stole his first kiss. No. He pulls you closer turning you around until you’re chest to chest.
Your hand rests against his shoulders your fingernails digging into his skin as you feel one of his fingers enter you without warning. Yoongi swallows your sounds with his mouth pushing his finger in and out of your pussy until your essence is running down his wrist. He adds another one and another one stretching your walls as he devours your mouth your hips moving along without you noticing. Getting into the rhythm of riding his fingers. You need to pull back to get some air in between the kisses. His hungry expression manages to steal your last remaining string of sanity. The cloth around you barely covers you anymore and Yoongi goes to remove it and leave you entirely naked before him.
His attention goes to your perky nipples both hands grabbing a handful and pepper kisses around the mound.
So far he doesn’t look strange. Not that you have any experience of what you should see in a situation like this. You conclude that your newly formed tattoos are one of the few things that are specific to his race.
His tongue is cold it makes you shiver when he sucks on one of your nipples. He’s so cold but his coolness is welcomed by your feverish body.
“Lay down.” You do as he tells you. Eagerly and shamelessly open your legs and welcome him between them. This is really happening you realise when he takes off his clothes. His pale skin is pretty and cool against you. Even his cock lined with cold blue veins is pretty and cold when he rubs it between your folds. It’s big and hard like a rock against you. Yoongi can see how you tense up after seeing his size.
“It won’t hurt if you do as I tell you.” He caresses your cheek with his thumb kissing you surprisingly sweetly.
“O-okay.” You nod. You wanted this. You can’t back down now. This is your only chance to live a life without hardships. You’re going to take everything that he gives you.
“This will make it feel better.” Yoongi licks his finger and when it comes into contact with your clit you feel an overwhelming pleasure bloom inside you. His saliva is heightening your pleasure having some kind of chemical in it that helps you feel kind of high. It blocks the pain when his veiny head pushes through the tight rim of your muscle. You and Yoongi watch how his long cock disappears in you inch by inch. It doesn’t hurt at all as he keeps his thumb on your clit, only making you feel full.
“Too much.” You put your hand on your stomach and feel him sitting inside. He makes way no matter how much your body tries to constrict around the intrusion. He reaches your deepest part shaping you into his size.
“There. All in.” Yoongi chuckles when he sees you struggle. You want to stay still and move at the same time. It feels good and strange but too good. You want him to move but on the other hand, you need time to get accustomed to this fullness. Yoongi can see the outline of his cock bulge out of your tummy and he experimentally pushes against your skin. Your pussy pulse around him and get tighter as he massages your lower belly. “How does it feel my little human? Do you feel good?”
You nod kissing him back with passion as your tongues rub together. He continues his descent down your body kissing your neck and breasts. Filling your body with pretty black ink. You pulse and throb around him as he remains unmoving inside you. Not enough you roll your hips trying to show him you want him to move.
“Answer me. Does my cock make you feel good?” At first, he only pulls out a little before he thrusts back testing the waters before he pulls out more as he uses a steady pace to rock into you.
“Yes. Yes. So good please don’t stop. Fuck me harder.” Yoongi wonders how his wife learned how to say such dirty words in his language but he’s thankful for it as his cock appreciates the compliments. Just like you asked he fucks you harder hitting that spot inside you with more deep thrusts.
“Yoongi. Yoongi.” The way you moan his name spurs him on, grabbing your ankles he sinks the remaining inch inside you.
“Ah. Y/N.” He responds with your own name. Grabbing your hips he pumps his cock in and out of you at a fast pace until you can remember his shape. This is the first time he says your name and your walls constrict around him hearing him moaning it. He’s growing addicted to the feel of you. He can hear and smell and see you. The way your pussy swallows him in your tight and wet heat ruined every expectation he had before.
You feel way better than he imagined.
Your tits bounce with each thrust and your moans never cease to slip from your dry throat as he buries his shaft to the hilt.
“Yoongi, I feel weird.” You grab his hand need something to hold onto as you feel this weird tightness in your belly. Yoongi could sense you were almost there tripping over the edge of bliss you became tighter around him. You’re growing sensitive.
“I know. Hold onto me, my sweet wife.” You hold his hand as he twists it behind your back the position is uncomfortable but the minute his cock slips back inside your heat you forget about it as it reaches new places inside you. Your back is arched one hand is firmly holding you and the other is placed on your hips.
This position allows him to hit even deeper the tip of his cock curves around a spot that has you see stars. You’re panting with your face nearly suffocating against the bed. Unable to move or hold yourself up you’re entirely kept in place by the help of Yoongi. The tightness in your chest explodes as you cream around Yoongi’s cock. He doesn’t stop there he fucks you through overstimulation keeping up with his ruthless pace you tear through the bedsheets. His long fat cock claims your pussy as his with a heavy load of cum. The tattoos on your body all settle down as he finishes with a few sloppy thrusts into your buttered hole.
Once he pulls out you can feel his thick cum pour out and his fingers trace your tattoos painting your body with his whiteness until everything about you is covered in him. He doesn’t stop there, he pries your shaking legs open and latches onto your sensitive bud. Yoongi pushes his cum back with two of his fingers as his tongue flicks over your clit. It’s too much and you try to push his face away but he doesn’t budge. He holds both of your hands in his tight grip on your stomach as he continues to feast on your pussy.
“Yoongi. Oh, uh.” You squirm but you can’t escape his hold. “Please. Stop, i-it’s too much.” Tears start to roll down your cheeks the next orgasm you experience hurts so bad but you can’t deny how it feels incredible at the same time. More intense than the previous one you had you let go with a cry of his name and cum around his fingers.
“No. More.” Yoongi looks up after registering your hiccup and goes up to soothe you. His tongue licks your tears away showering your neck and face with kisses until your crying subsides.
Yoongi looks you over and while he finds you utterly appealing covered in his cum he has a concerned look in his eyes. “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” He pulls you close to his chest but after your senses come back one by one you start to feel his sticky cum all over you. Some still gush out of your hole as he hugs you to his body.
“No.” You shake your head reassuring him with a kiss. You don’t want to admit you cried because he felt so good.
This is the first time you experienced something like this. You’re in no way an expert but you know that his dick is not like any human males you’ve encountered in your books. They shouldn’t be so cold and big and the small ridges that kept rubbing your insides felt weird but incredibly good at the same time.
Even when he’s not aroused he’s so big. You want to touch it. “Can I?” Asking for permission you reach for his cock that rests against your leg but you don’t touch it until you get the green light for it.
“Sure.” Yoongi chuckles at your curiosity. It hasn’t been a hot minute that his dick was inside you but you want to touch it.
“It’s cold.” You muse, it’s slick with both of your cum so you could drag it up and down easily. Yoongi’s gasp catches in his throat it’s still sensitive but he lets you pump it until it’s hard again. You grow curious about how it tastes so you lick around the head as your hand moves up and down in slow motion. It doesn’t really taste like anything to you. Easy to swallow. You take your place in between his legs to get comfortable. Yoongi shivers when he feels your hot mouth around his most sensitive cockhead. You dip your tongue into the slit earning a loud groan from Yoongi his hand rests on top of your head only moving to get the hair out of his view of you sucking his cock.
“Do you like it?” You wonder if it feels good for him. This is the first time you’re doing this.
“Y-Yes, keep going.” You take more of him into your mouth encouraged by his hooded eyes that watch you. “Your mouth is very warm. It feels incredible.” You hum around a mouthful of cock he’s too big for you to get even half of him into your mouth. You stroke the skin that you can’t lick and you focus on his head instead of trying to choke on his cock. Even though you don’t think he wouldn’t like to see you choke on his length trying to fit everything. He reassures you that he likes everything you do to him. He doesn’t try to push your head down and you appreciate his thoughtfulness with an enthusiastic bob of your head up and down his length. He fills your mouth so much that it’s hard for you to swallow around it.
He's throbbing between your lips as you kiss the tip. He shows you how much he’s enjoying it with his lewd moans and sweet touches on your face and the back of your head. Contemplating what you should do with yourself you decide to give in to the desire once more. You want to have him again that it outweighs your concern to be able to take him after such a short time but it doesn’t deter you as you climb on his lap.
“Help me?” You ask shyly rubbing on his fully hard cock.
“Of course,” Yoongi replies with a smirk he can see how needy you are and he won’t deny his pretty wife anything. He kisses your lips sucking on your tongue as he guides your hips to hover over his cockhead.
He touches and kisses every mark and tattoo that appears on your skin.
You sink slowly at your own pace feeling full but you overcome the stretch of your body remembering his shape makes it easier for you to bury it fully into you. He’s big and hard as a rock inside you.
You need him to help you move but he’s more than eager to lift you and have you bounce on his cock. He’s wound up from your previous actions he had no idea he would be this turned on by seeing your small hands and mouth wrapped around his dick. You smell delicious he can’t help but kiss every inch he can reach as he guides you through the motions. You bounce on his cock your expression entirely clouded by pleasure as he hits the best spots inside your spongy walls. Yoongi kneads your ass pulling them apart to watch his cock disappear inside your small pussy. Your body might be coated in his cum but his cock is entirely coated in your arousal and cum until he shoots a fresh load inside your spent hole.
The others don’t see you the next couple of days only catch the back of Yoongi as he carries fresh food for you.
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koolades-world · 15 hours
Hello hello I’ve had another idea!! For the bros
Ok so. This MC is a real solemn person. Hardly ever smiles. Loves their demons a lot, doesn’t hide that, but is always so serious about it. Doesn’t really laugh or goof off or play with them or anything…
Except! One day, one of the demons impulsively kisses MC on the forehead/cheek/tip of their nose/on top of their head. Something real quick and innocent like that. A small gesture of affection.
Turns out that has a hell of an effect on their solemn human! It makes them light up like the dawn! They’re all smiley and bouncy and giggly for the rest of the day! They’re all like :D :D :D about it
(Seeing them smile for real like this for once, the demons notice that MC has dimples. They didn’t know that before!)
Write it if you want, no pressure as always, have fun :) also, if all 7 is too many, you could make it Asmo, Beel, and/or Satan. I think they’d work well for this. Do what you like though, your writing is always good! :)
hello!!!! i can already imagine mc's face going from :| to :D. and the brothers reactions. so cute!
enjoy <3
Serious Mc who lights up after receiving affection
he's not one to impulsively give out kisses, since they're usually planned and deliberate
but he's very glad that he did
he wouldn't trade that smile, or anything about you for the world
you demeanor for the rest of the day determines his too, since he also finds himself more happy and smiley than usual
he cannot stop thinking about your dimples
i love the idea that he has them too, and obsess over the fact that you're matching
the first chance he gets he snaps a candid photo of you with that gorgeous smile
anytime he feels down, he just looks at it and thinks of you <3
it took him a while to work up the courage to give you that kiss
and he's sure glad he did
he was initially embarrassed at first, but he warmed up to this bubbly version of you
he will start to blush and try to brush off the subject if anyone asks why you were like that though haha
he didn't think such a switch up in demeanor was possible, until he met you
he equally loves the usual you and this new side of you
it makes you human, and while he would not know what that's like, that's what he adores about you
although he won't lie, he loves your dimples since they remind him of one of his favorite book characters
and he thought he was the most beautiful thing in all the realms!
seeing you absolutely light up at something he gave you made his day
it's like you're a different person
since it's asmo, he'll be making a routine out of this to see that lovely smile more often
he didn't think it was possible to like you more than he already did
spoiler alert: he was wrong
when he looks at that smile, it's like there's nothing bad in the world and he can forget about what plagues him
he'd do anything for you and that precious grin <33
he finds it a little eerie at first
he didn't even know you were capable of smiling
but he quickly grows used to it once he learns how infectious it is
he's got a cheeky little habit of tickling you while the both of you are relaxing as a way to make you laugh and smile at the same time
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cowboyjen68 · 2 days
I’m at an Environmental Science pre-college program right now, and it’s making me so happy that our class is not only about 80% women and nonbinary people, but half of us are LGBTQ+. There are four men in this class of like 17 people and they’re all genuinely nice people who have no problems with us lesbians.
I’m so glad I’m not the only lesbian and that I’m not one of like three women like I was fearing before I got here. It gives me hope that I’ll find other lesbians and plenty of women in my classes when I actually study geology in college
And of course I’m having a great time out in the forests taking sediment core samples and digging in the dirt to look at soil horizons. We’ve also got a farm at this college and BOY do I have respect for farmers now, we had to pass a manure pile on our way into the forest and I just about passed out at the smell.
Smelling bad and getting used to it is just part of farm life. I would rather a hundred times over deal with manure and not be stuck in an office all day HAHA
I am glad you are not only loving your career but finding yourself surrounded by like minded or at least nice people no matter their background. That is wonderful to hear.
I think more and more lesbians are pursuing fields outside of the traditions of teaching, social work and other human services industries that were so common for women from the 70's until recently. Lesbians are often the ones dipping their toes into "man-dominated" fields because they already are outcasts (or feel like it) so they can handle semi hostile work environments (or those perceived to be such).
Just in general women are more and more going into the careers that interest them rather than tradition or society dictates. AND I love to see it.
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sleepyjuice · 2 days
30 maybe with sone angst and hurt/comfort??
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warnings: description of a panic attack, mention of abuse, mentions of l*ke maybank
note: i combined these two asks together, hope that’s okay!
“JJ, just talk to me, please, baby.” You pleaded with your boyfriend.
He was a mess, pacing around your bedroom relentlessly, breathing heavy and ragged as he ran his fingers roughly through his hair, then put his hat back on, then took it off again and so on and so forth.
You and JJ had spent the majority of the day together until he had to run home to “handle some business” according to him.
There was nothing you hated more than knowing JJ was in the same room as his father. It made you sick, but you had to respect his decisions when it came to that.
He had only been home for a total of about twenty minutes before he was calling you, the sound of thick wind and the grumble of his dirt bike filling the speaker as he asked, “can I come over?”
Your answer went without saying.
You quickly ushered him to your bedroom once he arrived at your house, sitting him down on the foot of your bed as you sat behind him. But he was restless, immediately standing up and pacing.
That led you to now. You never wanted to push him to talk about his dad unless he brought it up first. It was something he buried so deep inside of him and it was rare that his emotions regarding the matter ever truly rose to the surface.
“God, I just— fuck!” He kicked a shoe that was laying on the floor, quickly looking in your direction to see if he had startled you. He didn’t.
You would let him vent if he decided that’s what he wanted to do, and if he didn’t, that was also okay. After being with JJ as long as you have been, you quickly learned that what he truly needs is just the comfort of his loved ones.
“I know, Jay, I know.” You spoke softly from your spot on the bed, sitting criss cross as you watched him helplessly.
The only semi good thing about this encounter with his dad was that you didn’t notice any new marks or bruises on his skin. It must have just been a conversation that went sour. You were just glad he wasn’t physically hurt again.
“I don’t… Baby, I don’t know what to do when I feel this way. I’m scared.” He panted, kneeling down in front of you now, his hands resting on your thighs, gripping onto them for dear life as if you could slip away at any moment.
“And that’s okay, you’re here and you’re safe, yeah? I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere. I just need you to breathe for me.” You placed your hands on top of his, giving them a gentle squeeze as you began to breathe deeply, hoping he would follow.
His glossy eyes studied yours for a few moments, swallowing hard before clearing his throat and inhaling shakily, trying to match his breathing with yours.
You nodded in encouragement, his tight grip on your thighs loosening ever so slightly as his breathing slowed somewhat, his heart rate slowly falling back to a semi normal rhythm.
“I just can’t— Can’t find the right…words.” He spoke slowly, squeezing his eyes shut as he racked his brain for the words to describe the way he felt. It was as if his heart struggled to communicate with his brain and his brain wouldn’t communicate with his voice. It frustrated him beyond belief and that was a part of why he worked himself up so badly.
“And that’s okay. I know you’re hurting, you don’t need to try and explain if it’s too difficult. It’s just us now, I’m here however you need me to be.” You told him, watching as he took in your words and nodded, slowly standing up before crawling onto your bed and laying his head onto your lap, his arms wrapping around your lower waist.
You could see his shoulders drop, his guard dropping more and more as he allowed himself to feel safe in your presence.
“It’s never been this bad before.” He sighed, his eyes darting up to meet yours.
“What do you mean?”
“The way I feel. My chest hurting and my mind spinning so hard that I don’t feel human, can’t even figure out how to properly speak and tell you how I feel.” He responded, his fingers playing gently with the bottom of your shirt.
“You just did.” You pointed out, wanting him to credit the fact that he was currently doing exactly what he said he couldn’t, explaining why he couldn’t talk about it.
“I guess, yeah.” He breathed, scooting up on the bed and pulling you down so you were laying with him now, his strong arms pulling you into his chest as he held you, keeping you as close as he possibly could.
“Thanks for, y’know.” He whispered quietly, knowing that if you could understand him when he was in the state he was in, you would understand exactly what he was thanking you for.
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starry-bi-sky · 3 days
thinking about Dan in CFAU and just how different he needs to be (in my opinion) in order for Danny's whole thing to work. Canon Danny with Dan's influence, would never even consider thinking of killing anyone even after losing people close to him because he'd be scared of becoming like him. CFAU Danny however has been festering in this hurt and anger for years and wants the Joker dead and is plotting it. I don't think he'd do that with Dan's influence.
I explained how Rath came to be in this post here. Things happened in TUE as normal -- Danny's family dies, he lives with Vlad, Vlad rips out his ghost half. The difference here is that not only was Danny in a grieving state (something exclusive to banshees that the post goes into) but he also doesn't end up fusing with Vlad.
What happens instead is that Danny's ghost half, consumed already with grief and now enraged by being murdered and lied to by Vlad, destroys him completely and disappears into the ghost zone. He traps himself unintentionally in a negative feedback loop of grief, and as a human spirit banshee, cannot mentally handle the constant agony and sorrow he's experiencing. What happens is that he ends up driving himself insane with misery.
So the difference here, ultimately, between Dan and Rath, is that at the end of the day; Dan is fully aware of his actions. He knows what he's doing is wrong, and delights in it. He acknowledges his lack of humanity and feels no remorse in doing what he does.
Rath? He's... not. Not really. Dan is a hulking mass of muscle; tall, towering, terrifying. He loves what he does and does what he loves. Rath, however, appears as a scrawny young boy in raggedy clothes far too big for him, hunched in on himself while dirty, unkempt hair curtains his face and hides whatever he doesn't have ducked down in his curled-in form.
Rath is locked in a constant, unending state of sorrow and misery. He, for lack of better words, is unable to perceive the world around him properly and lashes out terribly and violently at anyone or anything that catches his attention. The only thing that he knows is that his family is gone, his other half is gone, that everyone he loves is gone, gone, gone.
He is a zombie apocalypse wrapped up in the form of a malnourished child, wandering the world in search of people who are not there, and becomes furious if you're not them. He is constantly crying, but he's been crying for so long that he's all but lost his voice. Meaning anyone trying to keep an ear out for him has to listen for soft, pained gasps and quiet whimpering, and wonder if the sound they're hearing are hurt survivors, or the very thing they're running from.
As a result, Rath's influence on Danny isn't that he's scared of doing something bad and becoming like him. He's scared of losing control of himself and dooming himself and others to eternal misery. As a result, he's adamant that things that he's done were not done out of pure emotion, but were active choices he made.
Up to and including killing the Joker. There's enough grief and rage behind his views on him that anyone could argue, especially knowing that Danny's a ghost, that he was not in the right mind when he did it. He was blinded by his emotions and was not in the right mental capacity, he had no control over himself. It'd work as a convincing argument.
If it weren't for Danny himself arguing against it. Killing the Joker was a choice he made, fully and willingly. It was autonomous, premeditated murder and he won't accept anything else -- it was not a fit of passion, it was not act of insanity, it was a decision. He won't accept it being anything else but revenge either, and if anyone tries to claim that it was a necessary evil he will yell at them. He didn't do this for the betterment of the public, that was just a fortunate side effect. He did it for himself and Jason. If you wanted it to be a necessary evil, then you should've killed him yourself. It was a selfish evil and he knows it.
In the end, Dan’s existence would prevent Joker’s death. Rath’s existence only solidifies it.
Rath's complete difference from Dan is one of my favorite parts about this au even if he never makes a direct appearance.
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Can I request "Please tell me you have a plan" in Hic Sunt Dracones verse pretty please ? <3
You certainly can! This is something I've been wanting to write for a while: a little bonus scene from Eddie’s pov, some time before the spring festival.
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Come what may
Rated: T
Words: 998
Tags: Fantasy AU; Dragon Eddie; Prince Steve; Platonic Stobin; Hurt/Comfort; Mates; Soul Bond; That dragon is down bad
Notes: Bonus scene to Hic sunt dracones
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Fate has a funny sense of humor.
You spend your entire life thinking that you don’t care for small things. Delicate things like dewdrops glistening in the morning light. Pretty things like smooth skin and chestnut hair, glowing gold in the sun. Soft things like the silky touch of flower petals. And then, one day, your world comes crashing down in a cloud of splintered wood and shattered stone and blood and pain, so much fucking pain- … only to reshape itself into something new, with the prettiest, softest, most delicate creature you’ve ever laid eyes on at its centre.
He never thought such a thing was possible. Then again, he only ever heard vague stories about what it felt like, finding your mate.
“Sweetheart? Everything alright?”
He never thought of himself as sweet, but here he is. He would be anything for this boy.
“There you are,” his beloved smiles when he turns his attention back on him, and pats the fresh bandage at the base of his tail with gentle hands - always so gentle. “Had me worried for a moment there. Thought I'd hurt you.”
“As if you'd ever hurt me, my love,” he wants to say, but all that'll leave his throat is a low, amused rumble. He goes for nudging his snout into his little mate's chest instead, and the boy yelps and nearly topples over.
He has never missed his other form before, content to stay this way for days and weeks on end, but now he finds himself longing for hands to return the boy’s touch, for lips to shower him in kisses, to press sweet words and playful bites into that soft skin.
“Hey, careful, you big brute,” his beloved scolds, but his smile is bright and happy, his voice brimming with pride. “You're getting stronger every day.”
“Uh-huh. Fantastic,” says another voice, and they both whip around. Oh yes, that's right, his prince brought his little friend today. She's perched on a rock a little way off and watching them with an unhappy quirk to her mouth. “What are you gonna do once he's back to full health? Have you thought of that at all?”
That smile dims. He bares his fangs at the girl and snarls, but his prince puts a hand to his snout and he quietens reluctantly. The girl sighs.
“Listen, you know I'm on your side, but you can't hide a fully grown dragon forever. Just- … Please tell me you have a plan?”
His mate sucks his bottom lip between his teeth.
“Not much to plan, is there?” The words come out clipped, all fake resolution. “He recovers, and then he leaves.”
The girl takes one look at his mate's face and her expression softens. “Listen, dingus, I know you two have gotten … attached. I wish there was another way-”
“-but there isn't,” his prince interrupts, suddenly intensely focused on searching for something in his bag of medical supplies. “I know that, you don't have to remind me. Now, don't you have somewhere else to be?”
She doesn't look insulted at being dismissed like that. In fact, the only thing swimming in her eyes as she stands is sympathy.
“Take care,” she mutters, patting his mate's shoulder. He doesn’t look up. “You too, big guy.”
He waits until her footsteps die down, and then he nudges his mate's shoulder with his tail, whining softly under his breath.
You don't seriously think I'd ever leave you, do you, my little love?
His prince finally drops the bag, sitting down in the grass and curling up against his side, soft and small and warm.
“Yeah, I'm alright. Don't worry about me.”
He grumbles in annoyance, once again wishing for a set of human lips. His little mate still misunderstands him, sometimes. He has no doubt that this will change in time, once their bond grows stronger. Here and now, though, there's no comforting words he can offer, and the thought fills him with helpless rage.
There's a patch of wildflowers growing just next to their spot, bright and colorful and pretty. Following a sudden impulse, he snaps them off with his teeth. He needs to be careful with them, because they're so tiny and delicate, but he's starting to learn more and more about delicate things.
“I'm pathetic, huh?” his prince mutters, pressing his face into his side, fingers absentmindedly tracing the pattern of scales there. “I mean, I know you can't stay forever, it's just … I wish you could. It's stupid, I- ugh, what are you doing?”
His little love yelps as he drops the flowers on his head, reflexively trying to brush them off. Then, he realizes what they are and pauses. His pretty eyes are large as he looks up.
“Sweetheart? Are those for me?”
He rumbles his confirmation, basking in the picture that is his mate. Flowers in his lap, on his shoulders, in his hair. They suit him so well. He's going to crown him in flowers one day, whole wreaths of them so he'll never need to wear the ugly, heavy things made of metal and gemstones that humans insist on putting on their kings.
His prince smiles, warm and bright like the rising sun, and he purrs in reply, leaning their foreheads together. He cannot convey his love in words yet, but he can show it with touch. He cannot return those caresses and kisses yet, but he will. He'll return them a thousandfold, once he's strong enough to shift again, and he won't ever stop, for as long as they both live. He belongs to this boy, just like this boy is his. His beloved may not fully understand it yet, but he does. Their very souls started to entwine on the day they met - a bond that will only grow stronger for as long as they both live.
They won't ever part, come what may.
And when they leave this place, it will be together.
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More celebration ficlets
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sun4ki · 2 days
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“So young and pretty, it’s too bad they passed”
- In my room _ By insane clown posse
Aeon of light!Gn Reader X various Hsr women hcs
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Characters (Ruan Mei, Kafka, Robin, Himeko, Black Swan, Natasha)
Gn Reader being forgotten Aeon of Light, keeping their distance around any human life as they wandering peacefully around the universe. Having great and powerful strength, only to be degraded by other, stronger Aeons. They hid their identity but that would soon change as these women found Gn reader and took them in...
Warnings: slight ooc? MEN OR HOMOPHOBIC DNI
Author's note: first fic post like actually :p hope you like this! I'm open to criticism and improvement! Sorry for bad English, its not my first language and im dyslexic :(
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Ruan mei
The scientist who found you wandering all alone in the secluded zone, the poor Aeon got lost and ended up in the Herta space Station..
Lucky for you, That was the day Ruan Mei visited. You explored the Secluded area, seeing a lot of these critters around.
feeling curious you picked up one of them, only to hear mechanical noises of a door being opened behind you. You turned around seeing the Scientist who created these critters herself. . .
“How interesting . . “ the scientist spoke to herself in a monotone manner
Eventually Ruan Mei soon took you in, doing some simple experiments for her study.
“Hold still , this would be less painful if you stop with the unnecessary movement .”
You could only sit and watch idly as the scientist takes some blood sample from you for her research on an extraordinary being like you
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Kafka found you during one of her missions, She took you in, saying how it was “destiny’s plan”, how both of you were destined to meet eventually. . .
Elio had already told her it was part of her “script” meeting with you and bringing you with. . .
The stellaron hunter knew you could be a great addition to their team— I mean just imagine a powerful yet forgotten Aeon of Light in the stellaron hunters team ?! Not to mention you would also be a great sparring partner
“You’re pretty strong Y’know ?
Great for me to test my skills on without you dying ~ “
Jokes aside Kafka is actually very gentle and caring about you, aware of the fact you don’t know a lot about how humanity lived (considering you kept your distance around them), she would teach you how to blend in and live a life like the rest . . .
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By the time you got to Penacony, you were immediately drawn to this ethereal singing . . .
When you saw Robin for the first time, you were mesmerized by her beauty as she sang. . . Her looks reminded you one of an Angel, a beautiful one, you couldn’t take your eyes off her
The two of you became fast friends, Robin would guide you around Penacony, she was like your tour guide, showing you around the dreamscape.
Robin was actually very supportive about your whole Aeon of Light thing, and just like Kafka, she would often accompany you and teach the ways to live like the rest
her brother Sunday doesn’t actually approve of you though , he’s suspicious of you and Robin’s relationship but ether way Robin would ensure you he means good
“Don’t mind my brother . .
He’s just concerned about me . .”
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Himeko found you in one of express’s trailblazer missions right after they left penacony, Himeko took it upon herself to take care of you, aware of the fact you still felt unsure about the rest of the members
The navigator would often let you sleep in her cabin, accompanying you as you would always feel comfortable in her embrace . .
It’s not a surprise you would avoid any contact with the other members of the train. . Either way, when the others set out for another expedition, you would stay behind with Himeko, making sure Himeko is protected and safe at all costs . . .
Maybe because you’re close or maybe because she reminds you of a certain someone in The past you can’t quite identify. . (Doing this cuz i miss murata himeko)
“You’re clingy sometimes you know..?
Who knew the Aeon of Light could act like a clingy love sick puppy at times ?”
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Black swan
When you enter penacony, you haven’t seen black swan just yet. . She would be keeping an eye on you from a distance before actually revealing who she is . . (She gives me stalker vibes idk)
She finds you intriguing . . She would observe how you behave for a few days or so and by the looks at it- you clearly don’t know how to act properly around others let alone socialize . .
That’s when the Memokeeper decided to step out of her “bird hide” enough with watching you like a delicate bird unaware of her keen eyes
“What’s an interesting being like you wandering all alone in this dreamscape ?”
Black swan would look into your memories aswell . . Witnessing your past . . Aswell as the memories of being degraded by other Aeons and being forced to live in the shadows of the universe to be left and forgotten. .
“What a poor birdie you are . .” The woman would whisper
“Don’t worry dear ~ I’ll make sure to take care of you ”
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As soon as you got to Belobog, you were immediately sent to the underground. . .
Let’s just say the guards gave you a not so “friendly” Welcome, which lead to fighting- a lot of fighting-
The fight eventually forced you to be sent to the underground
Natasha was the first to find you, you met her while she was doing some errands . . . Seeing that Natasha was actually kind and gentle with you, you stayed by her side, helping her in the clinic and with the kids
Eventually, Natasha introduced you to the other wildfire members, you started helping in the underground, being a big help in taking care of the people there, like the underground’s guardian.
you would help with the wildfire’s fights, often getting all bruised up since you force yourself to not use your full power.. but whenever you do, atleast you have your trusty doctor to patch you back up
“Just be careful next time okay sweetie?” She would often tell you
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Little side note: i was actually supposed to add acheron and stelle lmfao but i got busy and keep forgetting to write their part haha, i will add them though if any of you want a part two. You can also recommend other characters to add ^^
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ledder4 · 1 day
simon ´ghost´ riley hates you so mutch yet cant keep his hands to himself...~
wordcount: 2695
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God, he hated y/n
Her annoying, overly high-pitched voice, her bitchy attitude, the idea that she is better than everyone, and her absolutely fucking awful ideas. Once he almost got killed over her stupid fucking attitude.
And of course, he let her know that. "You look like a slut." He'd say, so low no one heard, and he'd grin at how pissed off little missy wissy would complain and whine, only for Price to throw him a glare and nothing else. She really thinks she's all that? Price would never believe her.
Being around her was like being in a storm. But unlike the peaceful type where it soothes children to sleep and holds couples dancing within the raindrops, she was more like a tornado or something. Only brought chaos and disturbance wherever she went. Apparently only for him, though. Soap fucking loved her ass, and so did Gaz. The three would always have something to gossip about. And he seriously wishes he had invested in noise-cancelling headphones, because her voice annoyed the living fuck out of him.
And he swears he tried liking her. When she first joined the Task Force, he treated her like any other human being. But her eye rolls and, what Soap called, side eyes, got on his nerves. Normally, he doesn't specifically hate anyone.
But her smart mouth always had a fucking comeback for everything, didn't it? Whether it be her snicker when he got one wrong shot or a nasty comment about his dead eyes. That dumb fucking mouth would get her in trouble one of these days. And they'd bicker. Like teenagers, at times, and sometimes, like drunk men at pub fights.
Sparring which turned a bit too real, blood and spit mixing into one as she landed nasty fucking punches, and he did the same. He, despite his bleeding nose and his bruised jaw, would always smile when she winced with a breath too deep. He knew her ribs had been at least matching his jaw, and maybe, if he was lucky, he'd get to check if her back hurt too. Her whines about it instantly got a smile to light up his face underneath the balaclava.
And, when the guys were out either on missions or just hangouts, the two of them raged war at each other. Like that time the little shit hid his towel. Little fucker had also once hid his underwear. Not fun. It was hard to find more.
Besides dumb pranks, they also got physical. When they'd talk back a bit too loud, how he'd shove them into the wall and get a punch in return. And sometimes, just sometimes, he'd be sitting, muttering something snarky, and before he knew it, a hand was on his face. A slap. A sharp one. That instead of sending a jolt of anger, sent lust rushing through his veins, redirecting the blood flow straight to his cock. And how she'd choke him, too? Fuck, it got him dizzy. Had him smiling like a stoner underneath the mask as she shook his head back and forth by the neck, yelling about something he couldn't even remember about in his face, and all he could think of was her trying to be this bitchy when he's balls deep in her cunt.
And when the rest of the task came back, they'd always be scolding the two for beating the fuck out of them. Too bad they didn't believe his cheap excuse of her 'falling' and that's how she got a bloody nose and a cut eyebrow. And the blood staining his balaclava? Ah... what a coincidence, eh?
It didn't take a genius to realize that she hated him, and he hated her. It was like saying the sky is blue, or the water is clear. And sometimes, Price came all father-like, trying to get them to make up, but it just wouldn't happen. In fact, it only brought more snickers and snappy attitudes for both of them. Soap, that little fucker, would always say: 'The line between love and hate is thin!', which is unlikely considering that, for them, the line between love and hate is about five miles long.
Call it hatred, call it anger, call it grudges or jealousy, the pair would never get along. No matter how many times they were forced to go on missions together, or how often the two would spar together, no one could make them bond. The only thing that truly made them be together was the anger. The constant fire when his eyes met hers. The eye-rolls. The pure, unfiltered hatred when she would try to pin him down.
Her hands wrapped tightly around his neck and, despite his size, he just couldn't get out of the damn chokehold she had on him. He thrashes and finally ends up giving the side of her skull a blow, blood running down his nose, making her drop to her side as a nasty cut spews out blood. It makes him smile and burst into laughter when her not-so-weak hands try to get him. Disorientated, that's where he's got her. Weak punches and weaker reflexes. Easy as that, he had her pinned underneath him. Blood dripping slowly, mixed with sweat, as he stares down at her. He tugs his balaclava off, and the red liquid now pours on her cheeks while his hair, damp with sweat, sticks to his forehead, and he can only grin, a mouthful of blood when her eyes blow wide and her cheeks taint pink. "Little missy forgot how to speak?" He teases.
"Fuck you" she mutters.
"You wish" he whispers back.
Simon only narrows his eyes before his thumb swipes at the blood running down from her temple. The harsh leather picking up the blood with ease, and his eyes glint when she winces and whimpers, a noise that sends a jolt straight to his cock. Without speaking, he makes sure his thumb is coated with blood before writing a big "R" across her forehead. Riley was here. And when he's about to wipe his thumb off on his jeans, her annoying voice booms, insulting him for all he's worth. So, naturally, he gathers more of her blood and some of his, stares down at her, and pushes his thumb in her mouth.
Her protests dying on the stip of her toungue, lips that not-so-eagerly wrap around his thumb, and a tongue that licks his glove clean make him groan. Her eyes, now fluttering shut, snap open when he pushes his thumb further in. Inspecting her mouth. Feeling her tongue, and testing her gag reflex. "Hm. Now you're quiet. Can't be loud when you're sucking my thumb like a cheap whore, can you?", and her widened eyes tell him everything. Only when she chokes does he pull his thumb out and, with his gloved hand now dripping with her spit, he gives her two easy slaps on her cheek and stands.
She was frozen on the spot, staring up at him with a sort of desperation and hatred he had only seen in movies. Kind of turned him on, if he were to be honest. How her eyes were so big, lips lightly parted as if begging to be pressed against his. But no, what he does instead? His eyes flicker over her body in disgust and he wipes the tip of his boot on her crotch, watching her shiver and buck as he walks away, chuckling to himself.
"Fuck you!" was all he heard before the door slammed shut, and grunts of anger were heard. With the mugest expression and the proudest bleeing nose, he walks away. Price, who stared at him confused, was surprised when all Simon did was smile at him, rather than offer an explanation.
Later that night, in the shower, he watches as blood from the fight runs down his nose and down the drain. Pride swells in his chest, and a wave of lust hits him. How she sounded. How she had whimpered. How she sucked his finger like such a good slut. And before he knew it, he was hard as a rock. Biting down on his bottom lip, he curses himself before fisting his cock. His knees buck underneath him, and his free hand slaps the wall, trying to grasp at it when he pumps his cock once.
His eyes flutter down, and he strokes himself yet again, beads of precum already running down to his fingers. His eyelids set shut when his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he could all but replay her whimpers and ttry to recall the sensation of her hands around his neck. The filthy noise of him pumping his cock filled the air, along with his heavy breathing and the occasional moans leaving his lips.
Her hands around his neck, until he couldn't breathe. His hands on her hips, pulling her down on his cock as she whimpered and begged for more. Her lips messily meeting his as his cock spurted cum inside of her warm, wet, cunt. Her lips parting for him to spit in her mouth. Him smearing his cum all overher face using his cock. Her gargled moans when he fucks her throat like a slut. Her teary eyes when he nibbles at her clit. The sensation of her thighs around his head as he rut himself against the bed, and-
The white-hot sensation of an orgasm crashing through him pulls a loud groan from him, cum spilling from his cock down his abs, and all he could do was watch as water cleans away the filthy images his mind has conjured. Shame filling each corner of his soul, and he washed his hair before forcing himself to sleep despite the images swarming his mind.
And of course he had the luck to land a mission with her not even a week after whatever that had been. As much as he hatesher, he can't lie: he admires her abilities. How, for even just five or six hours where they need to get along, they manage to. Running shoulder by shoulder, ducking shots and him having to drag her along while her leg had been injured. All examples of when they managed to get together and set aside their mutual hatred.
He had been waiting in position as she scurried off to clear the building, and he hated to admit the pit in his gut whenever he heard gunshots, it only letting loose when he heard her high-pitched tone come across the speaker. Clutching his gun to his chest, the task force run to where they should find their main goal: a shit ton of civilians and some assholes who has decided to terrorise them. Soap, who slapped him on the back and flashed him a smile, and Gaz, who bumped his shoulder against his when he had stood still for a bit too long. A bit dissociated, maybe? Who knew.
And after some hours of careful analysis, they had managed: only a couple injured, maybe one or two deaths, and a sucessful mission. His heart felt light, and he let out a shruddery breath when they got to base. Price, who skipped formalties and gave each of the soldiers a tight hug, had also announced: "We're going drinking, people. Let's fucking celebrate, because all of you, and I mean all of you-", he had noticed Price's eyes were on him, "-did a hell of a job. In two hours, does that sound good?"
He didn't want to go. Not only was he tired, but he was pissed off. y/n's snarky comment hadn't missed him: "He even needs validation. Ugh. Reeks daddy issues." She had muttered, and his fists clenched, eyes flickering to hers. She had a glint in them, a sort of defiance he wanted to punch out of her, or fuck, maybe both.
And asthe night progressed, he could only take so much. The alcohol was rising in his head, and so was in hers. Her snarky comments getting louder, and his comebacks matching hers. Her shoves harsher, and his slaps more real. Thank God, he was still sober enough to drag the pair outside to at least leave the rest of the task force alone.
"Won't you shut the fuck up?" He snaps, and her pushing him away was his last straw. "You fucking bitch-" he murmurs, pushing her against the wall. She somehow didn't stop snapping at her, and her mouth was running a bit too fast and too drunk, and before they both knew it, he had his lips on hers. "Won't you shut the fuck up already?" he says against her lips, and her teeth sinking into his lip made his breath stutter, before a deep inhale through his teeth and his hand went around her throat.
"Little bitch. That's all you wanted, eh? To be-" cut off by her tongue shoving into her mouth "to be treated like a whore? Yeah? Wanna be fucked against the wall?"
Somehow, that didn't shut her up, either. Instead, her hands had gone to the back of his neck and tugged at the strings there. He hisses at the pain, andhis his knee shoves itself between her thighs, rubbing at her clit through her clothes. Her mewls make a fire be lit in his eyes, his cock twitching to life. "Hmm. That's what you want, isn't it? Ooh, look at how needy that cunt is... I can feel it through our clothes, you know? This desperate cunt begging to be stuffed?"
That's how they ended up here, her splayed across her lap as his hand came down on her ass, again, and again, and again- "That's it... Hmm.. Count." When she got off track and started babbling, he had to stiffle a moan. "No. Bad whore. Bad." An idea struck his mind, and he pushes her panties aside. "Oh fuck, that pussy is fucking drooling" his voice sweet as honey, fingers plunging deep into her warmth. "Holy shit, you're so fucking tight." He mutters, landing a slap to her clit.
Pushing the whimpering woman down on the bed, his hands push her thighs back as he watches her squirm and try to get away from his hungered gaze. A line of spit dripping from his lips and onto her puffy folds, before he laps at her cunt. His eyes roll back and a moan leaves his lips when she lets out a moan that really didn't match her voice. Her thighs trying to snap shut, calves shivering on either side of his head as her back arches and her hips buck into his face. His forearms go around her waist, and pushes her down, forcing her to stay still and take it. One of his arms go up, and he shoves two fingers in her mouth, smiling against her cunt as she whimpers and her hole clenches. "Shut the fuck up, y/n, can't a man eat?"
As she moans around his fingers, her cunt gushes out against his tongue. He lets her ride out the orgasm against his mouth, and once he's done, he sits up on his knees, tugging her by her calves as she whimpers and complains. "Even after being fucked silly ya can't shut up, eh?" He smiles down at her, and groans when he feels her slick against his cock. He teases it up and down her slit, bumping it into her clit over and over. "Fuck, y/n, you're fucking dripping for me." When she shook her head, he dipped his cock into her folds, only to pull out. He does it over and over, until he's satisfied with her pleas.
Slowly sliding into her, stars grow behind his eyes as he feels her warmth around him. His head tips back, and his hand wraps around her neck, in a grip. Her bulged eyes and throaty moans made him smile. When her mouth opens to try and breathe, he leans down and spits.
"Swallow. Like a good fucking whore, you're going to swallow my spit, won't you?" He murmurs, bottoming out inside her. "Won't you?"
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yanderes-galore · 3 days
rose quartz (SU) with human darling (Platonic/Romantic) Hcs 🪲 [Shiny Bug Anon]
Oh cool :0 This could be fun, lol. I haven written for Rose before...!
Yandere! Rose Quartz with Human! Darling
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Condescending behavior, Clingy behavior, Fear of loss, Isolation, Blood mention, Dark themes, Jealousy, Forced companionship/relationship.
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Rose has been known to have a fascination with humans.
This is evident in the show where she's curious about them, often learning about them through Greg.
She sees humans as cute and funny... they're adorable little creatures to her.
I imagine she gets with Greg at some point for the sake of Steven, but imagine if she was fond of another human first?
Before she and Greg got together officially, she found you.
You're younger than Greg and might even be curious of her like she is of you.
Rose is described as caring and loving of those she's close to.
She's curious and sees beauty in all life.
Yet humans seem to be her favorite.
When she looks at you, she thinks you have a natural attractive beauty to you.
She wants to know you more.
In fact, it's canon that Rose isn't quite sure how human love works compared to Gems.
Be that platonic or romantic love... she isn't quite sure how either works.
Which makes her unsure how exactly to act upon her feelings towards you.
I can see Rose accidentally being condescending towards you.
She tries her best to see everyone as equal... but she can't help but coo over you like a pet.
She just thinks her human is so darn cute.
Although... she does worry about getting attached at first-
After all, you're human.
Your lifespan is so short compared to her.
But we'll get into that later....
Eventually she can't help herself.
You're too interesting for her and she can't help but be drawn to you.
Due to her curious nature, Rose may also be a bit... invasive.
She struggles with boundaries, often curiously prodding at you and asking invasive questions.
You try your best to keep up with it... she is an alien, after all.
Rose listens to every word you say with sparkles in her eyes.
She likes to learn more about you and humans in general.
She's adventurous and may even want to take you along on exploration.
Well... on anything that won't get you hurt.
Rose doesn't seem that bad, she's actually caring and adores you...
Unfortunately, things do take a darker tone eventually... this is still Pink, of course.
Rose is deceptive and a bit selfish.
She worries she'll lose you due to how fragile humans are.
She know doubt learns of your fragility by an accident.
Imagine Rose took you out to explore an area, only for you to get hurt.
The Gem freezes when she looks you over, seeing blood seep out of a few cuts you have.
The good news is she can heal... but seeing you with anything from bruises to a broken bone freaks her out.
It reminds her that humans aren't like Gems.
Your life can end much easier than hers can.
Rose's obsession is not just driven by curiosity... It's also her fear.
This was the reason she didn't want to be attached in the first place.
But... she can't help it.
You look so cute in her arms... your curiosity reminds her of herself.
Rose would do anything to protect those close to her.
Such a trait sounds selfless... yet towards you it's selfish.
Well, Rose refuses to acknowledge that all life... including yours... has an end.
A known power of Rose, other than healing, is resurrection.
If she doesn't want something to die... she'll change it.
Imagine if Rose is so scared of you dying... She makes you immortal.
She's too fond of you to just let you die.
Which means she'd use her powers to make you live longer.
Sure, you'll be a pink color now...
But you'll still be hers, in fact, the color you have now only proves it.
Yeah, this is what makes her behavior selfish.
She curses you with a longer lifespan to keep you as hers longer.
Not only that, but she probably begins to isolate you.
She is definitely one to tell you that all of what she does is for your benefit.
In reality... she doesn't want to let her human go.
It only works in her favor when people distance themselves from you due to your changed appearance.
It's true... that pink tint you have now is like some sort of brand.
Soon you're not hanging out with many other humans other than Greg.
Rose is always around you, when she can't be, the Crystal Gems are around you.
Rose is selfish about her human.
She purposefully takes your attention away, often feeling jealousy towards you interacting with other humans.
It's a... toxic emotion.
She knows she should allow you to thrive with your kind.
Yet in the end she claims you as hers, again, oddly like a pet or toy.
Perhaps she keeps you at the temple/beach house?
She is still very affectionate and curious as ever... even if you feel dejected due to what she's done to you.
She doesn't let you leave her home.
Maybe she even keeps you in her room?
She can create whatever you want there.
Rose just wants you to be happy.
Although... it often seems like she prioritizes her own happiness most of the time
When you're alone she holds you close, her touch delicate and soft as though you'll break.
When you ask to go outside, she turns it down.
The only time you're free from captivity again is when she makes Steven.
Imagine if you were still affected by her obsession even after she creates Steven.
She does imply in the show that she influences Steven's emotions (iirc-).
So... what happens if her obsession develops in Steven?
I'm talking Steven feels drawn to you but isn't sure why.
Of course it's platonic for most of the events of the show.
But it could change in Future when he's older.
You're cursed with being forever young... all because you got too close to an alien.
Now you have a Gem/Human hybrid who won't leave you alone.
But that's just a thought!
Overall, Rose may seem very interested and kind with her human obsession.
Yet catching her attention isn't really a good thing...
Especially if it means you'll never leave her... even when she's gone.
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swifty-fox · 2 days
hi! i love your writing, could i perhaps have a lil drabble about bucky n buck for my birthday? 🫶
yeah why not!
Bucky Egan was known for a lot of things around base. He was known for his loud laugh and tall stature, his habit of singing when he drank gin and was known for how if one were within arms reach they were liable to be velcroed in at some point with a large hand around a shoulder or a rousing clap to the chest. He was known for his rabid passion in the heat of battle and his level-headed orders. He flew like a devil and laughed at the flames. His boys knew him for his kindness. His optimism, his peerless dedication to being the best.
If he was bragging he would agree, if one caught him in a moment of somberness he would steadfastly claim best only second to Gale.
Most of all, Major John Egan was known for always finding some amount of fun. So when he shakes Gale awake at the crack of dawn, face lined with glee and bundled up in cold weather gear, it takes little convincing to tumble Gale from bed, grumbling and tired.
They'd lost two crews three days ago, more to bad weather conditions than enemy numbers and there was still an anxious hope lingering about the base that maybe they'd return. It was late September and a cold seemed to have settled over the countryside with uncharacteristic vengeance, bringing with it frequent icy rain weather.
"The hell are we doing Bucky?" Gale asks roughly, accepting the black-coffee-two-sugars shoved into his hands and gulping from it until he feels a little more human. He stops upon exiting the barracks and seeing several round sleds piled on the ground. A few of the boys were mingling around; DeMarco, Brady, Everett, Hambone, Douglass, Crank and the two little ones Murphy and Bosser. Even Jack was there, sullen and glaring but there all the same so nobody much held it against him.
"Sledding!" John says cheerfully.
Gale stares at him, then the ground void of any snow, then at Jack, as if he had any better understanding of this scheme. Jack glares right back, but he was here so that meant there was some reason to John's madness.
"It's October, Buck," John insists, grinning in obvious delight at Gale's confusion, "Would be prime sledding conditions back home by now."
"We are not," Gale says slowly, as if John had forgotten, "Back home. We are in England and there is no snow."
John wobbles his head in begrudging agreement, as if Gale has argued something complex rather than simple facts of geography "No," he says slowly, as if explaining a concept to the exceptionally dimwitted.
Gale wants to hit him, or perhaps kiss him if he felt brave enough to imagine. John stomps his foot on the saturated ground, splattering mud across the boots of several guys around them who all make various faces of disgust. "But we got mud."
"How'd you rope Kidd into this?" He asks because he might cup John's face in adoration or something equally mad instead.
"Fuck you, Gale." Jack says.
"Jack's smart enough to know a good idea when he hears one. That's why they went and promoted him to Air Exec." His eyes twinkle in the morning gloom, breath smelling like whiskey and coffee.
"Fuck you, Egan." Jack says.
"Your spare uniform is still at the laundress," Gale argues, back straight and stiff enough to ignore how he sounds like a scolding wife.
John simply smiles wider, tilting his head, "C'mon, Buck, live a little. have a little fun."
They need a little fun, Buck, they're breaking, his eyes say. We need a little fun.
And Buck, because they had agreed when they started this whole affair of being gods and leaders that they would always be able to check each other's limits, sighs the sigh of those long-suffering and nods his head towards the distant hills, "After you, Major."
Their boys cheer, clapping each other and then the Buckies on their backs and John takes point while Gale heads up the rear, sled rope clasped in hand. He feels silly and childish, rope too thin in his adult hands, the width made for smaller fingers and chubbier palms. But around him their boys are also being silly and childish, bumping and jostling each other like puppies; stomping in mud puddles to soil each other's clothes and hollering jabs and jives and teasings at too high volume. Gale loves them tremendously, shakes with fear for them. They slip and slide up the hill, helping each other up or shoving each other down depending on the mood.
John goes first, whooping loud enough it carries over the base, too big for the child-sized sled but making it work all the same. He comes back to the top, mud-splattered and grinning. As if that were the cue the rest of their boys follow, whooping and cheering and fighting to take turns. When Gale goes he keeps his cry of joy bitten behind his teeth but when he stands at the bottom of the hill, soaked and shivering, he's grinning so hard it stinks his cheeks. It's not anywhere close to flying but that also means its nowhere near dying and that more than makes up for it.
They trudge up and down the hill all morning, until the last stubborn grass patches had also been reduced to great furrows of foot-sucking mud that made ever step back up the hill a battle, until they were more muck than skin and their clothes were the same color as their limbs. Until their teeth were chattering and their lips turned blue. In the distance Gale could see Colonel Harding watching, identifiable by his straight shoulders and puffing cigar.
Briefly, he worries theyre all about to be reamed out, but Harding merely nods and disappears back into the control tower. Good to his boys, that one.
They go until Hambone, rangier than the rest of them, can't string two words together for how he shakes and Gale orders them all hot showers and hotter chow.
"That means you too, Major," He tells Bucky, who looked like a wildman, only his blue eyes and a few pink patches of cheek visible through the grime.
John wraps an arm around Gale's equally filthy shoulder, twists his wrist to shake Gale gently by the chin and presses their temples together as they stumble down the hill.
Gale is infinitely grateful he's become too used to John's particular brand of affection, else this might just stop his heart.
"Told you, Buck. Told you. Prime sledding conditions."
-this sledding trip is the one referenced in Kingdom for a Kiss chapter 6
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