#it’s never mutilation.
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area51-escapee · 8 months ago
Generally I think that if you call yourself a trans ally but then go and express disappointment at somebody transitioning and altering their body to make them the most comfortable with themself, you should probably go sit on a chair made out of rusty nails.
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sassydefendorflower · 3 months ago
Nothing makes me as feral as the realization that one of Roy's worst moments was burning the tattoo off Riza's back (considering he didn't even manage to burn all of it off), while Riza probably considers that to be the kindest thing Roy has ever done for her.
Her screams of pain and despair and agony haunting Roy just as much as the screams of those he killed, while Riza remembers her own tears fondly because they meant she was finally free of the physical burden of carrying that secret.
Riza asking to be mutilated and Roy doing it TO HER being the biggest gift he could have given her - and yet he will never forgive himself for marring her skin.
He has only ever burned, killed innocents, and learned to torture. He cannot understand that him doing the same to Riza - to his Lieutenant - was a blessing. Mercy. A show of goodwill.
But I think Riza understands. And I think, just as she considered putting an end to him out on the battlefield in Ishval, she takes comfort in him feeling guilty for something she asked him to do. Because it is a sign that he can feel guilty for what he has done - and it is payback for the guilt she suffered after giving him the secret to flame alchemy and him then using it for the slaughter of hundreds.
She can only ever remember that pain fondly - and he can only ever swallow down his guilt.
And I think a small, dark part of Riza likes that.
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martyr-inthedark · 11 months ago
Whumpees who won't open their eyes
Whumpees who can't open their eyes
Whumpees whose eyes have been glued or sewn shut
Whumpees who are so used to being in the dark or in a blindfold that hospital lights, let alone sunlight, are too painful
Whumpees who close their eyes during a flash back
Whumpees who have missing or mutilated eyes
Whumpees who are blind or who have been blinded, and having to navigate freedom without being able to ground themselves visually
Whumpees who can no longer engage in their favorite hobbies because they required sight
Whumpees with night vision who can't see in broad daylight
Monster Whumpees with several eyes that are slowly being picked off by Whumper as if they were treating themselves to dessert
Whumpees with infected or swollen eyes or cataracts
Whumpees with chemical burns and scars over their eyes
Whumpees who have lost the ability to see.
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valtsv · 11 months ago
underrated funniest bit of political satire in the new silt verses ep was when shrue was like "but why did you try to politically assassinate me when i've been so well behaved? :(" as if they weren't the most controversial guest at the summit by virtue of being the only liberal in a room full of conservatives
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solibrie · 9 months ago
something has been bothering me ever since the discourse regarding marcille being conservative ir2 gender started rolling around. it doesn't bother me that it was said; it's obviously true based on the shapeshifters chapters. but people trace it back to her elvish background, and i think this is a sort of misunderstanding of elvish gender?
elves see themselves as androgynous and are interpreted as feminine by Everyone Else. there doesn't seem to be a very strict "feminine" or "masculine" presentation that elves must adhere to- mithrun is a manly ass elf. otta is a masc elf lady. lycion is a fem elf dude. the only thing i can imagine would possibly gender their presentation is their hair length (and boobs i guess? notably cithis and marcille are the only elves i can remember that really have a rack. anyways). this is a gender role in it of itself- androgyny without flexibility can and will be its own shackle. BUT this isn't the gender conformity that marcille reinforces!
marcille's childhood was incredibly lonely, and her closest friends for like 30 years were her parents. her parents, of whom were her tallman father and her elvish mother. her elvish mother who left elvish society to be a court mage for a tallman. her elvish mother who in ALL of her appearances is doing Housewife Things.
as an aside, don't you think it's interesting that falin considered accepting a proposal from someone she didn't even love because she feared it would be the only shot she had at getting married, implying that being married would make her more desirable? don't you think it's interesting how in laios' nightmare, his mother is pressuring him to have children? don't you think it's interesting how it's gender roles that are familiar to us are the gender roles that marcille seems to be trapped between?
marcille's problem is that she's applying that good ol' fashioned elvish superiority to tall-men gender roles.
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littlelillycatsworld · 1 year ago
I don't know if I can do this I wasn't meant to make it this far
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vashtijoy · 8 months ago
I wonder if Akechi just kind of...appeared in Shibuya or if he just woke up in his room as if nothing happened after what Maruki did? Does Akechi only remember that one part of Shido's Palace because he doesnt seem to remember surviving and now instead of checking into the refuge place, Akechi is placed on Christmas Eve to just turn himself in and prevent The Protagonists arrest thereby no one needs to testify in the later part of the game which is what he was arriving to do in the true ending of the game, maybe? Sorry I was just checking if Im getting this correctly because its a bit complicated., Can you clarify just what exactly does Akechi remember if anything besides that one moment in the engine room moment?.
Hi! The answer is that it's hard to tell. I don't think he has memories missing from further back in his past at all—he never mentions anything like that, and it would have a massive impact on his functioning.
And as for "after I fought you", that could mean quite a bit. We know Akechi remembers making their deal at the end, because he refers back to it on 1/2. We know he doesn't remember dying, because per 2/2 he has to deduce that for himself; I think he only commits to that conclusion after seeing Wakaba.
"until I met Ren again" suggests to me that Akechi legit blinked, found himself in Station Square listening to Sae pressure Ren into going to juvie, and stepped forward. Which kind of accounts for how odd he seems—he's in perfect detective prince mode. Sure, that's likely because Sae is there—you can see him going Detective Prince here and there in the third semester still, because his unfriendly thirdsem face is only for those in on the act!
But it might also be because he's confused; because he doesn't know how he got there, or what's going on. He's left with only his instincts—the mask which is so much part of him, that has served him so well, and the last act of his life: to pay his debts, to face up to what he's done, and to save Ren.
As for those "unclear memories" we uncovered before? Perhaps he has glimpses of memory here and there, but they don't make sense. Perhaps he remembers things and they're gone the next second. Perhaps he sees the whole truth at times, maybe in his dreams, but the pieces fall apart in his hands. Memory loss is a horror, and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
And why is he in Shibuya? He's there IMO because Maruki has put him at Ren's side. Like, why wouldn't he? Ren desperately misses his dead friend! Maruki will bring him back and bring them together, and all will be well as they go into the sunset hand in hand. It's not his last miscalculation regarding Goro Akechi.
I don't think Akechi is returning to testify on 3/20. Ren has, after all, long ago been released from detention at this point—that came off in mid-February. Per Sae on 2/13, Ren has been cleared of all charges; even his original assault charge has been overturned. If Akechi was going to return to Tokyo and testify, I think he would have done that before Ren's release, somewhere around 2/10 to 2/12. This of course does not correspond to the dates in the event script, but then it is first draft, and likely written for a very different version of the third semester.
Or maybe Akechi's mysterious favour is something completely different. But what? Maybe he only tells Sae he intends to confess, and reports for a scheduled arrest on 3/20—but back in February, that wouldn't get Ren cleared of shit. The truth is that I really don't think Akechi's 3/20 appearance is linked to Ren's release. Those two guys he's with are just too similar to the ones stalking the PTs in their car. Akechi is part of that plot somehow, or I miss my guess.
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bizarrescribblez · 4 months ago
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Oh no, must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch
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Here’s a hallloween guestbun that was lovingly made for me in an art trade by @/kitsuragicel on twt!! 😭💓 it’s so so beautiful TYSM AGAIN WOJCI!!
And yes last night I did watch The Guest and yeah I DID MEET DAN 🥳 happy halloween to meee hehehehehe
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chaggiehearts · 5 months ago
Hear me out
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justsumtransdude2000 · 5 months ago
So tired of bitches with zero credentials trying to tell me if I'm trans or not. Like, my gender identity has been carefully observed and confirmed by multiple people with PHDs, and I'm not sure you passed middle school. Fuck off.
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fanficlerontheroof · 2 years ago
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lmaonade · 11 months ago
this kitten keeps climbing up my damn leg and it's fine usually but she is getting more and more aggressive Zoomies and im not gonna lie i have a lot of claw stabs on my leg 😭 and i like the attention but it also kinda hurts
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roboyomo · 1 month ago
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me when i sacrifice my life trade my humanity for the machine to keep the world from dying
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triglycercule · 3 months ago
i can feeeeeel diglycercule returning as i type this 😇😇😇 i barely talk about killer for a reason 😇😇😇 there's a reason why he's 3/3 out of the trio 😇😇😇 horror and dust are just sooo perfect for each other anyways haha,,,,,,,,,,
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fisheito · 1 year ago
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board game night with the catty punk rock band
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aerticent · 1 year ago
was reminded that Maven’s entire motivation primarily revolves around his need to be better than Cal at literally anything so much so that he basically kills himself when he loses it
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