#it’s my downfall guys
agentplutonium · 1 year
Pluto appears to give y’all another small scene that they imagined while they wait for their fucking food to get here for the love of god i’m so hungry-:
(cutting it here so it’s not a very long post on your dash, continued below <3 <3)
Sweetheart was never one to accept gifts, usually. Not really. They would only be okay with it if it was for an occasion of some sort, but gifts out of the blue freaked them out. Made them feel like they now owed something to the gifter and they don’t like owing people things.
Milo, on the other hand, loved giving and receiving gifts. In his head, it was like saying “I’m thinking of you” which he found really sweet. He would see something that would make him think of someone, and the next thing he knew he was getting it. He loved putting a smile on people’s faces like that.
As you can imagine this posed a few hiccups in his and Sweetheart’s relationship. There was never any serious fights over it, but there were times where Milo had to persuade his mate to accept something he got them without thinking. It was something that they continued to work on together. Milo learned to cut back on the habit of getting his mate gifts randomly, and Sweetheart was learning that they don’t owe him anything, no matter what situation they were in. They got along like that, working with each other, learning from each other.
However, every once in a while, Milo does get a spontaneous gift for Sweetheart. This was one of those times.
He had come across this brooch while on break during a gig one day. It had caught his eye more than he would imagine, and, for some reason, he couldn't stop thinking of it on Sweetheart. Sure it wasn't anything like an extravagant outfit, but he'd still be overjoyed to see them wear it.
So, without much of a second thought, he went back for it not long after.
He wanted to give it to them right away, but the opportunity didn't present itself until the next morning. Sweetheart was moving around the room, like they normally do while they get ready for work, and they were half-heartedly complaining about the meetings that they had that day. Milo had picked up the box that the brooch resided in and walked over to them slowly. They caught his eye in the reflection of the mirror, and immediately was onto him.
"What are you doing," they said, eyes narrowing ever so slightly
"What, I can't be close to my mate?" Milo questioned, feigning innocence.
"You can, but I know that look, Greer," Sweetheart said. "You're up to something.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Milo said, finally close enough to reach out and gently tug Sweetheart toward him. He rested his chin on their shoulder, giving them a curious look in the mirror.
“Spill,” Sweetheart said in that mock stern voice of theirs. Milo grinned at them.
“I may have gotten you something.”
“Gotten me something?” Sweetheart repeated. They checked their watch after a moment, eyebrows pulling together, “I didn’t miss an anniversary of ours or something, did I?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” Milo assured. “I don’t think you ever could miss something like that, anyway.”
“Mm. You’re probably right,” Sweetheart sighed, “but if it’s not our anniversary or any kind of holiday, why did you get me something?”
Milo shrugged. “Wanted to.”
Sweetheart didn’t seem impressed. “‘Wanted to’, huh?”
"C'mon, you know me," Milo said, grin stretching wider. "Plus, this wasn't an impulsive buy like usual." He paused for a moment, thinking that last statement over. "Technically. Either way, I thought it would look good on you." Before Sweetheart could make any assumptions about what that meant, Milo pulled out the velvety box and held it out in front of them. Sweetheart gave him another confused look in the mirror before they took it in their hand. Milo watched as they turned it around in their hand for a moment before opening the box.
They went completely still in his arms as they took in the piece of jewelry. Their eyes had blown wide, and there was the smallest of smiles on their face.
“How much did this cost you?” They asked after a moment, fingers delicately tracing over the metal and jewels.
“Not enough if it earns me that cute look you got,” Milo said, grinning. He never told them the price outright. Nothing was too much when it came to them.
Sweetheart rolled their eyes, but they still didn’t look up. Milo was thrilled at this reaction. He could tell they really did appreciate it.
“Do you like it?” Milo whispered. He knew the answer, but there was something about hearing them say it that he loved.
“Very much so, yes,” Sweetheart said, smile growing wider. They grabbed for his hand again, placing the box in his palm. “Put it on for me?”
Milo couldn’t say no to them even if he wanted to. And he definitely didn’t want to.
Milo moved in front of them as he gently took the pin out of its box and then placed said box into his pocket. Sweetheart gazed at him lovingly while he chose a spot to put the brooch, and it almost made him nervous having their attention on him like that.
“What are you looking at,” he teased as he finally started clipping the brooch onto their jacket.
“You,” Sweetheart replied smartly, but their tone made his heart flutter. It was so soft, and he could almost hear the adoration dripping off of their tongue.
Fuck, were they ever going to be the death of him.
Milo finished with the pin, thumb smoothing over it once. It wasn’t a large piece of jewelry, but he felt that it suited his mate. Something that was visible and beautiful, but you had to pay attention to see it. He looked at them finally, smiling tugging at his lips. “Why don’t you look at this pin instead and tell me if the placement is good instead?”
“Only if I have to,” Sweetheart joked, leaning up quickly to kiss him.
Milo moved back to his original spot, once again watching as Sweetheart admired the gift. He ran soothing hands along their arms while he waited for a response.
“You know I don’t like getting gifts,” Sweetheart said, and Milo opened his mouth to protest before they continued, “but, this was really sweet of you, Mi. And I really do like it a lot.”
Once again his heart gave a flutter at the words. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Sweetheart confirmed, giggling. “It’s really nice.”
“Beautiful, like you, even,” Milo agreed.
That earned him a small groan. “You got away with that shit the first time, but now you’re really pushing your luck,” they threatened playfully.
“You like it,” Milo said, pressing a kiss to their cheek.
Sweetheart didn’t say anything, just turned around in his arms to give him a proper kiss. Milo grinned, knowing full well this was them admitting to it, but he didn’t bring it up. All he did was pull them closer.
“I have to go to work,” Sweetheart said in a sigh, pulling away. “I promise to give you proper thanks when i get home, though.”
Milo raised an eyebrow. “What does ‘proper thanks’ mean, exactly?”
“You’ll see,” Sweetheart grinned, before giving him one last kiss and slipping out of his hold. “You should probably get going soon, too, you know David is going to give you an earful if you’re late again,” they called from the hallway.
Milo grinned, shaking his head.
Sweetheart would continue to wear that brooch. Every day that they left the house without fail, they would put it on. The fact made Milo feel some sense of pride that he was able to choose something that they liked so much. He loved seeing them wear it while out with them, or coming home from work. He loved that if people asked about it, they would be able to tell them it was from him. From their mate.
He loved that they loved it so much, at the end of the day. After all, that was the whole point.
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willowbirds · 3 months
One of the things I loved that Taliesin said in the cooldown about Asha is that the Wildmother isn’t inside Asha, Asha is inside the Wildmother.
That maternal figure who cares for her children of the world is not separate from the wild and violent elf that is always hungry.
They are the same, and the Wildmother is so angry that she is letting that wolf loose.
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apricatt-art · 3 months
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I am watching downfall and wishing him a very please be okay
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snakeoid · 8 months
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OMG no way i love when the mighty fall.........
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deeeens · 3 months
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Scout morning jog. ☀️🌵
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thequeenofmyownscreen · 2 months
"You're telling me this dungeon has a dragon in it ?"
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corviiids · 10 days
ok but . . . . . . . Could YOU be kira and win?!
based on how light formulated kira, it's impossible for kira to win. kira's 'new world' has no win condition - light never cleanly defines what criteria he would need to satisfy, so the new world is inherently aspirational, because deep down, light doesn't want to win at all, he just wants to play.
social reform via mass murder, especially in the way kira formulates it but really in any way, is also not only (obviously!!!) deeply, deeply unethical, it's also just fundamentally impossible for myriad reasons. again, kira can't win.
if you found the death note in real life, i would heavily advise against using it. i personally would not use it. aside from, again, the obvious ethical ramifications, it's just too fucking risky!!! the parameters of how the note functions, the potential consequences, the rules, the terms of the 'contract' you'd enter into by using it - all of these are unclear, even if you knew about death note the series. furthermore, even if you had access to the rules, which you don't, the rules explicitly state that the shinigami don't have to explain everything to you. not even the shinigami can access all the rules (only the shinigami king). and based on the a-kira short story, the rules can change and apply retroactively at any time. even if you didn't know all that, by choosing to use it, you would be submitting yourself to all sorts of unknown supernatural and non-supernatural risks. it's just not a smart thing to do. leave that shit Alone
kira is a hubris trap. the death note is designed to appeal to all the most unstable parts of a person's psyche. it's especially good at targeting one particular vulnerability in humanity, which is that people are generally much worse at considering how they would react in a hypothetical scenario than they think they are. anyone who thinks they could succeed in using the death note, even with a better formulated plan than light yagami, is falling victim to that trap.
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frogs-in3-hills · 7 months
rewatching hxh is crazy like the foreshadowing is so good. i’m just as emotionally engaged as i was the first time watching but in a COMPLETELY different way bc it’s almost hard to watch through the sheer sense of foreboding you feel as gon learns more and gains more power. his recklessness was always taken quite seriously by the narrative and that’s clear on a first watch, but knowing exactly what happens and where that self-abandoning recklessness, that thrill-seeking, that bullheaded perfectionism (not to do everything perfectly but to do everything with perfect accordance to his own terms), and that childish willingness to disregard everyone else in pursuit of his own impulsive goals (thereby reinforcing his own worldview for better or worse) goes… the show is SCREAMING at you that this is all going to go horribly wrong and it’s so sinister in this weird offhanded way, like it’s sticking to shounen tropes just close enough that you definitely notice something off but don’t suspect it’ll snowball the way it does.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Leave wildlife alone. He probably bites.
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luna-loveboop · 8 months
I know downfall duo has been posted about so much from this update but I've got another thought ok
Remember this? Last update before, here's them, questioning and wanting answers
Downfall duo wanting answers:
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Legend and Hyrule when trying to find answers:
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Downfall duo when they're being given the answers:
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Really guys? Agents of sheer chaos right there
Literally the last time we heard from you you were serious detective wanting answers and then you're just cackling like maniacs what happened do you just get high from being near each other after not being within five inches for a few days YOU SAID YOU WANTED ANSWERS YOU POSERS
Art, comic, and adorable unhinged characters from Jojo @linkeduniverse :D
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heartscrypt · 1 year
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jamil viper cringe compilation ft other people i guess
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xsilversugar · 3 months
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I just thought this ‘lil guy was a delight. He deserves to live forever the lil shit. I took more than my fair share of some liberties with the design description I’m sure.
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elialys · 5 months
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THE NEWSREADER | 1.01 | Helen x Dale - Dale's Update Part 2 [ 1 ]
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shellem15 · 3 months
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“Corellon made something beautiful! Come, see!”
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professorthaddeus · 2 months
soooo watching the cooldown and brennan's explaining cassida previn's perspective as "if you have the gifts that the gods gave to mortals, you expect me to not to try to understand?"
and hey. um hey. as someone who was raised christian and told a million times that i just had to trust in god, that some questions don't have answers, that some things just aren't for humans to understand, fuckin. ouch.
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spout1nk · 3 months
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I couldn't help drawing something else. He's just so silly.
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