#ik his ass does not wear chucks <3
deeeens · 3 months
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Scout morning jog. ☀️🌵
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appleschloss · 8 years
My friend, @princesscas just hit 10k followers recently and I’m soooo proud of her and I wanted to make something but I didn’t even know what to make.
And then this came to mind. SO.
Just for you, to celebrate, here are some random and semi-crack headcanon/AUs!
(all Destiel mind you)
(this is kinda long so under the cut)
-Furry AU! 
Where Cas is a fuckin adorable ass, famous Fursona who goes to tons of cons and no one knows who he is and Dean went to like a Comic Con deal with Sam (this is like normal verse so no demons) and Cas is there and he’s like, intrigued, never seen a furry before. For some reason (insert reason here) Sam knows of him, cause maybe Sam’s gone to like anime cons and gaming cons with Jess and Dean ends up like idk. END GOAL = they date and Dean is Cas’s handler and Cas always acts hella cute around dean.
They’re cats. All of them. Nothing changes beside that everyone is cats.
-Check, Please!AU 
   **Dean = Jack
   **Sam = Shitty (they are separated at birth - JUST DONT QUESTION IT)
   **Bobby = Coach Murray (or other Coach)
   **John = Bad Bob (badass best hockey player ever)
   **Mary - Alicia (obvi - probs played women’s hockey before. Badass actress/model)
   **Cas - Bitty (how fuckin cute am i right)
   **Jess/Jody - Lardo (either go with Shardo ship or like more personality based????)
   **Kevin - Ransom
   **Charlier - Holster (we’re ignoring genders here. Also bros for life)
   **Crowley - Dex (cause he’s usually kinda high strung)
   **Gabe - Nursey (cause he’s chill) (also he and Crowley would totes fight)
   **Chuck - John Johnson
   **Garth - Chowder
   **Benny - Tater
   **Michael - Kent Parson
   **Luci - Fry Guy
((I warned you that some of these were crack. I ACTUALLY LIKE HAD TO REARRANGE THAT THO))
-Transformers AU
Dean and Sam are like Sam Witwicky (maybe they’re twins. Or they just, alter the plot of the 2007 movie to two people) and Cas is Bumblebee and Bobby is Optimus Prime aaand Crowley is Megatron and Gabe is Jazz (cause Jazz dies xD) Chuck is the AllSpark ummmm Ruby is Bone Crusher and Lillith is Star Scream aaand Garth is Ratchet and ummm Samuel Campbell is Iron Hide
(is it bad that I didn’t have to look up any of those? like the Transformer characters)
   Cas is Bella. Dean is Edward. Idek about the rest. Bobby is probably Carlisle. Who would Jacob be? Maybe Crowley?
-Craigslist!Modelling Job AU
Dean is at a party with Charlie and Benny and a few other friends and they play Truth or Dare (”Guys, this is college. Why are we playing this?” - Kevin “Because it’s fun! Or are you just chicken?” -Charlie)
Dean gets dared to accept one random ad on craigslist. Charlie takes him to a random page.
This is the ad that catches his eye.
“Need a model. class project. i can’t pay much but i can get you pizza and drinks.”
Cas is the photographer. It actually is for a class project. Cas doesnt act flustered but he’s totally blushing during the shoot. Dean gives him his number. You know what happens next.
   Cas goes to Gabe’s bachelor party and Dean is a stripper and gives Cas a lap dance and Cas was like so against coming to here cause he’s a Good Boy™ but he gets so like turned on and hot damn Dean is sexy.
Dean slips Cas his number and they go on a cute coffee date and Cas just like isn’t sure how to act because “I’ve seen you naked already?? And you totally knew I had a boner?? What are we??”
Cas is Michael. Dean is Trevor.
Bam. Best AU.
Cas is a cute ass blogger who does random collabs and travelling videos and occasionally does silly cooking stuff. His fans love him because of how genuine and like happy and smiley and just a really sweet guy. Does lots of charity work. His best friend Charlie is on sometimes, and his brother Gabe is in sometimes too when he comes for visits he loves to hop into the background and be like “YOU BETTER KEEP THIS IN THE FINAL CUT.”
Dean wanted to record him rebuilding Baby from the ground up one time and Sam edited it and made it more like a timelapse and told him he should put it on YouTube, so he did, for shits and giggles, and people really liked it. So now he does timelapses of him deconstructing and cleaning/reconstructing guns. As well as cars and other mechanical work. He’s done a few tutorials and Q&A’s. He also has a second channel, that he didn’t tell him main channel about, where he posts videos of him playing the guitar and singing covers of his favorite songs. (He keeps his face out of them).
Cas and Dean probably meet at a VidCon and become good friends.
They start dating and don’t ever announce it, but the fandom ships it so hard because of how cute/flirty they were at the con. They start noticing that Cas is wearing what appear to be Dean’s shirts, and some fans are in denial, and they ask both questions but they always just shrug it off.
Until one time, Dean wanders into one of Cas’s vlogs in only flannel pajama pants, holding two mugs of coffee, and hands one to Cas, gives him a kiss on the cheek with a husky. “Morning sunshine.” 
They start posting cute ass couple pictures after it and its just so cute.
Dean is either a marksmen or a martial artist. I can’t decide. Gabe is a sports photographer and Cas is a professional ice skater and he follows Gabe to one of Dean’s things and they end up talking after cause Gabe is at his interview after (he won gold obvi) and Dean was like “I liked your routine.” and Cas is like “You know me???” and Dean says Sam always loved the ice sports and because of Sam he took a liking to ice skating and he skates sometimes but he thinks its really cool. (Sam is olympic volleyball player as a side note.) but they exchange numbers and hang out more and watch Sam play and its hella cute and they kiss.
Cas is a famous singer and Gabe is his quirky brother. Anna is his manager. Dean and Sam get hired as bodyguards. Dean and Cas hit it off and try *not* to date but they totally do.
Also Sabriel. 
They have to hire new bodyguards. Anna hates them. (not really, but she’s like “For real guys??”)
Jody gets hired. She’s badass. Charlie is Dean’s best friend and dying cause he is dating Cas, who she loves. Also Kevin is Sam’s and like is also jealous.
Bobby’s their adopted Dad.
(long ass name ik but this is a random fuckin idea i thought of years ago and will never do anything with so i’m going to do my best to explain it here and share it with you)
SO. Heaven and Hell went to war, the world got *wasted*. A lot of angels fell and so did demons and their powers have been like diminished. The world is a wasteland and divided into segments and the demons kind of run the place and segments. The angels hide.
Dean and Sam are reincarnated. There is minimal food in this world and because of things and whatever, everyone drinks blood of various degrees to stay alive. Like they dont need much, but they need it. (If you’re rich, you have a lot of blood. It does make you stronger, but you can be fine with minimal).
Blood is also a currency. Animal blood is included in this, but its worth less than human blood.
So. Dean and Sam lost their parents early on, and Dean has always been caring for/fending for Sam. He gets caught stealing books, which are like rare as fuck but he hated that no one was reading them and he felt they were being wasted. (He was going to return them. He was a quick reader. He didn’t think they’d even miss them)
Anyways. Sam goes to jail. The price to free him (cause either he’s a repeat offender or the demon is like Alistair/another demon who recognizes their souls and ups the price cause they can) is like 4/5 liters of blood. Human blood. Sam tells Dean not to pay for it, he’ll be fine, but Dean pays with his own blood of course (cause thats how the whole human blood thing works. Rich people can pay in other people that they own but like you pay in your own blood normally).
Dean is like hella weak after this and tells Sam he’s fine. He takes a day off of work but his arm (where he cut himself) gets infected and like he gets really pale and collapses a few days later. 
Sam packs up all of their stuff and takes them to a miracle healer he’d heard about through the rumor mill.
Surprise. It’s Cas. And Gabe is with him.
Cas freaks out, cause they thought Sam and Dean were dead. Gabe stops Cas from telling him, tho, and like they heal Dean and Dean gets like a frickin flashback while he’s unconscious and being healed of like his previous life.
Also they have a horse named Impala. It was their fathers and its like the only thing they really own besides their tiny shack.
At some point, they get their memories back. They become friends with Gabe and Cas and like, maybe find some of the other fallen angels, and potentially even Crowley and like, do something? That’s all though.
That was more than I thought it’d be. And some of them actually got serious lol.
I know it’s not a lot but I hope they made you smile and just, congrats Mandy! Happy 10k!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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