#it’s like two dogs sniffing each others butts while walking in circles
obsessedwithstarwars · 2 months
Jazz makes a deal with Desiree after finding her brother in their parent’s basement. And it’s not a pretty sight.
Her deal: Desiree gets a slightly longer leash (in a matter of speaking) as long as Danny and Jazz are safe. (Or something like that. Point is, she made a deal)
I wish this never happened and that Danny and I were safe somewhere else!
There’s a snap of fingers, a bright flash, then she’s outside in an unfamiliar city with sirens blaring and people wailing as a scarecrow runs by with some sort of gas, chased by someone dressed like Vlad adjacent except all black with a weird looking bat symbol on his chest.
Not normal, but also not the weirdest thing she’s seen.
But there’s no sign of Danny.
Desiree looks at Jazz and smiles bitterly, “I never said you’d be safe together.” And disappears.
Meanwhile, Danny wakes up screaming in an alley until he realizes he is not in pain and somehow has no wounds from their parents. His screams attract the attention of a man walking by, who comes to investigate, Danny decides to go invisible right in front of him which was dumb but he was injured just a couple seconds ago so cut him some slack. It really should have freaked the guy out, but he just has an astonished look on his face before also turning invisible.
Or: Jazz is sent to Gotham and Danny is sent to Coast City. Jazz becomes an unwilling part of scarecrow’s scheme (could be any villain) and is saved by a bat (any bat, although I prefer Red Hood or Robin) and Danny accidentally showed Martian Manhunter his powers.
Could work with Superman too in Metropolis. He could pick up a dumpster and throw it at Clark and Clark would calmly catch it while Danny is babbling/apologizing for getting scared and throwing something that could have killed the man, then slowly everything clicks and he disappears, leaving Clark Kent to investigate.
(Also background: Danny has just been told he will be the future Ghost King in this and Jazz was told by Clockwork that she would have a difficult decision and a difficult future in store but that it will be good for them and for the realms. Jazz doesn’t believe in fortune tellers, especially vague ones and says so to Clockwork’s face which cracks a smile. I’d personally write it as a Hardcover ship, but honestly if anyone wants to yoink this and do something else with it, I’d be okay with that too!)
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hunnybadgerv · 3 years
Cutie Pie | Far Cry 5 | Tayen Quick
Summary: Despite the strangeness of the situation, Tayen finds herself charmed by the warm brown eyes of someone unexpected.
a/n: Written to fill a prompt that I can’t find anymore. Sorry to the prompter. But I remember it being a dialogue prompt for this line: “No, you’re cute. End of Story.” I could be kind of wrong. I’m sorry, I’m really missing my own dogs right now (though my last precious died about 15 years ago, and lately I’ve been wishing we could have a pet here).
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Cutie Pie
The truck ran out of gas about two miles back, but Deputy Tayen Quick wasn’t worried about it and to be fair Boomer didn’t seem too concerned either. He was far more well-behaved than she expected dogs could be and was taking the chance to enjoy the wilderness it seemed. He’d dart from one tree to the next, sniffing everything in turn. Every now and then his nose would take him over a rise or a hill.
“Boomer,” Tayen would say rather conversationally. He’d reply with a bark and head back toward her. Usually circling around her stride once or twice. With a scratch behind the ears, he’d be off again.
When she got back to the states, her counselor suggested she get a dog. Tayen had thought the guy was out of his mind, which was still a possibility, but after a few hours with Boomer she realized he might have been on to something.
Stopping, she fished her canteen out of her pack. From beneath a copse of pine boughs, Tayen crouched and looked around, studying the landscape, then finally looking for trace of her companion.
“Boomer,” she said again, not yelling or talking louder than her normal conversational volume. She wasn’t about to start yelling for no damn good reason. There was no immediate response, and she opted to give him a little time to realize that the human had stopped following him. She slipped her pack off and dug out the frisbee that had been in the bed of the truck they’d abandoned. This time she whistled, it was quite a bit louder than her previous call.
She heard the movement before the responding bark. Boomer hugged tight around a large bramble bush and sped toward her with purpose. He looked like a dog on a mission, and he was. He leapt and licked at her face, jabbing her cheek with his wet nose.
“Thanks,” she laughed rubbing her cheek against her shoulder. “You need some water?” Boomer sat down and let his tongue loll out of his mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes. I could use a little breather myself,” she admitted.
As she poured a little puddle of water in the frisbee for Boomer, he started lapping at it immediately.
“Maybe I should take a water break more often,” she mused, scratching the dog between the shoulders as he drank the water fast. Tayen stole a quick drink from the canteen and poured more out for her companion.
“Gonna need to carry more water,” she mused taking a deep drink from the canteen. “Not as bad as the desert, but with two of us going at it. Need to be prepared, huh?”
Taking another drink she waited as if he might just suddenly become capable of speech and answer her. Instead, he merely kept lapping at the water with loud splashes. It only took a moment for her to realize Boomer needed more of a splash zone when refreshing himself.
She capped off the water and peeked into the pack she’d confiscated from Rae-Rae’s along with some supplies that would serve them both. She pulled a handful of the dry kernels of dog food from the ziploc bag in her pack. She’d only taken a little, a pound at best. Once it was gone he’d be eating whatever the two of them could scrounge up. She wasn’t sure how good that was for dogs, but they were omnivores, she thought.
“Don’t eat too fast,” she warned repeating the warning she’d gotten at some point in childhood that she couldn’t quite remember anymore.
He ignored the pieces for the moment, though she wasn’t sure if he was really drinking any of the water or just getting it … everywhere. Going back to her thoughts, she figured that if it came from the forest and she could eat it; he should probably be fine. She hoped. Dusting her hands off on her pants, she grabbed the apple off the top of her pack. There had been some jerky, dried fruit, and nuts at the pumpkin farm, but Quick knew to save that stuff. The fresh things wouldn’t keep. So, those she ate first.
After polishing the green apple with a clean bandana, she bit into it. Boomer crunched some of the dry food, and let a few of the other pieces just soak up the water, which was part of Tayen’s plan. She thought it might keep the waste to a minimum. They sat there in the shade amongst the leaf litter and pine needles, listening to the forest as they rested.
From that vantage point, Tayen thought, you almost couldn’t tell that hell was breaking loose in the county. It was not a comforting thought. Quick wondered how many people like Rae-Rae were being caught unawares at that very moment while she lounged under the tree cover. It was a thought that didn’t sit well in her head, or her gut. With a sigh, she picked up the empty frisbee and closed her pack. Despite her movement, Boomer still laid there next to her leg, though he had turned his head to watch her. One eyebrow shifted and the corresponding ear flicked.
“You trying to be extra cute?” she asked.
His little eyebrows with their long whiskers shifted as he tipped his head and looked at her upside down.
“This how you won that title, huh? Gave the judges the eyes?”
He offered a little rumbling growl that made her smirk.
“Too cute.”
He barked at her and shifted onto his tummy, looking back at her over his shoulder.
“I don’t draw, so your French dog pose is lost on me, Cutie Pie.” She said the term of endearment like a tease.
He barked and put his paw on her leg.
Tayen grinned and leaned closer. “No, you’re cute. End of Story,” she pronounced with finality.
Boomer’s tongue darted out before she could escape and he managed to get her on the mouth and somehow licked inside the her nostril.
“Damnit,” she giggled wildly. She brushed her mouth across the back of her sleeve. “You got your tongue up my nose, man. Not cool.” All the while Boomer wallowed into her lap and she rubbed and petted him. “We’re going to have talk about the mouth kisses. And up the nose is a hard pass. I’m cool with cheeks. But I’m not sure we’ve known each other long enough for you to be getting so fresh.”
Boomer leaned up like he’d lick her again and she lifted her head in time to only end up with a tongue across the underside of her chin. She rubbed him like she was trying to tickle a child and the dog wriggled in her lap trying to sneak in well placed laps here and there.
“Crazy dog,” she told him when he finally tumbled out of her lap and pressed his chest to the ground. His butt was still in the air, tail wagging with abandon. Tayen playfully swiped toward his head to pet him and he jumped at her hand. She got to her feet and when she pulled her pack back on Boomer leaped again, almost high enough to reach her shoulder.
“Let’s go, boy. We got some ground left to cover before the sun gives out on us.”
He circled her legs once then took off in the correct direction. “Too fucking smart,” she mused as she set out in his wake. Boomer hopped over logs and clumps of weeds with surprising grace while she just trudged along in his wake, wishing she could muster have his enthusiasm for the walk. She wanted to reach that lumber yard before sun down and a trek through some rough country stood between the two of them and that goal.
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mrslittletall · 5 years
Title: Beast Exploration Fandom: Bloodborne Characters: Laurence the first Vicar/Ludwig the Holy Blade Word Count: 2.138 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18350912
Summary: After Laurence and Ludwig have found each other again, they explore what their bodies have become.
(Author's note: Oh look, it's my first lemon fic. It was the most difficult thing I have ever written and I felt like sweating, throwing up and cringing at the same time while I did it, but in the end, I managed. So, uh, I hope you enjoy and I can't believe that my first lemon is actually beast x beast! My innocence!)
“So, why do you look like a horse?”
Laurence circled Ludwig with this distinct walking of his beast form, hunched over, but still only on the hind legs, face turned to inspect Ludwig's new body and occasionally sniffing on him.
“...Unfortunately I don't remember how I became a beast.”, Ludwig replied. “I can only assume that when it happened, I was on my horse and we fused.”
“Understood, that probably made you more into some kind of centaur beast unless the more dog like beast I have become.”, Laurence crossed his arms and nodded at his words. “And a bit too much insight you had too, or how do you explain your eye neck?” Laurence squinted at the horrible neck which was aligned with eyes and had the feeling, Master Willem would had liked that.
“I know I am not the most pleasant sight nowadays.”, Ludwig said, head hanging low and Laurence felt awful for teasing him like this immediately.
“Oh, come on, look at me, I am in flames.”, he said and grinned or what felt like a grin, he was sure for any outsider seeing this his snout must have looked like he bared his teeth and would devour them immediately.
“And I don't think everything is bad.”, Laurence continued to circle Ludwig, observing his lower parts. “These legs look strong, you probably can run 50 miles in an hour like this.” Laurence stopped his pacing in front of Ludwig and took Ludwig's hands with both of his ones. “And look at these arms, feeling even more muscular as before. You surely can easily lift me up with those.”
Laurence could see how Ludwig's face twisted into a smile, as good as possible with the horse snout he now possessed. “Your arms are looking nice and strong too.”, he said. “Although I wonder, why is your left arm so much bigger?”
“I don't know, maybe because that was the arm I usually used for handiwork.”, Laurence answered with a straight face.
For a second they could feel the atmosphere drop at Laurence completely spontaneous joke, then they both were on their backs on the floor, wheezing from laughter. Laurence couldn't help but notice some beastly screeches in his and he could sworn he heard some whickering in Ludwig's.
Once they calmed down, Laurence turned himself over and got up, laying on his stomach, arms crossed. “But seriously, is my dick still there?”, he wondered. “Have you checked? I bet it is the size of a horse! It almost was like this earlier anyway.”
“Laurence, we have regained our consciousness only a few hours ago! Do you really think checking our genitals is important right now?”, Ludwig scolded. Laurence knew this tone. Ludwig had always been the righteous one. Despite him being able to destroy Laurence in the bed room. Laurence couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to take Ludwig into him right now.
“Aren't you curious?”, Laurence asked and got up on his feet, bending down to take a look at his crotch. He couldn't see anything so he twisted himself even more and used his beastly claws to comb through his fur.
“Laurence, please, you have regained consciousness two hours ago and you are already looking at your own crotch!”, Laurence could hear Ludwig say, but he didn't pay attention. He continued combing the fur to the side until he managed to find his member buried into it.
“Oh hey, it actually is still there.”, Laurence said. Satisfied with his discovery he relaxed and laid back down on the ground, but stared at Ludwig.
“What about yours?”, he said and grinned, being aware that he showed far too much teeth and got up, slowly approaching Ludwig.
“Laurence, what are you planning?”, Ludwig said and backed away, the sound of clawed hooves echoed on the ground. But Laurence already had jumped and knocked Ludwig over, eager to take a look at his private parts. Although, it seemed Ludwig wanted to have a say in this and so Laurence was pinned down by not only Ludwig's arm but also the two horse front legs, now his extra limps seemed to come in handy.
“Reee...”, Laurence complained when an idea stroke. He concentrated on his flames and managed to ignite them, make them burn hotter and Ludwig quickly let go of him, muttering: “Laurence, that was cheap.”, under his breath, rubbing his arms. This moment of distraction Laurence used to slip sideways at him and lift the horse tail that covered Ludwig's private parts and what he saw made his jaw drop and he forgot to close it for a good while.
“It really is the size of a horse now.”, he said after he had regained his composure.
“Well, are you happy now?”, Ludwig said, trotting away from Laurence in an offended stance.
“Yes.”, Laurence grinned. “Come on, that wasn't that bad.” Laurence laid down back on the cathedral floor again, arms and legs crossed, staring into nothingness, when he felt some long, slender fingers caressing his butt. “Reee...?”, escaped his throat in confusion.
“You have been a bad boy, Laurence.”, Ludwig said and Laurence could feel sweat form on his forehead, only that he was pretty sure that sweat was actually scalding hot lava. “Wouldn't it be a shame when something happened to your nice, firm butt?”
Laurence could feel how the long, slender fingers of Ludwig trailed down his rear and then one of them carefully entered his hole, probing around a bit. Laurence shivered and his first instinct was to ignite his flames but when he was about to turn up his body heat, Ludwig said: “Don't you dare flaming up, Laurence, you are at my mercy now.” Laurence could feel how a second finger got added, but actually, he didn't mind anymore. He felt turned on. How long had he stayed abstinent in this form, only searching for a thing that probably didn't even exist? He could allow himself to have some fun.
“Oh Ludwig, why do you think I would mind you fingering me?”, Laurence said, a moan escaping him from Ludwig's constant probing, even after all this time, after all the changes their body did go through, Ludwig still knew exactly where his sweet spot was. Laurence could feel how this tiny bit of fingering already prompted him to get an erection.
“Oh my, Laurence, have you been that starved?”, Ludwig apparently had noticed it too. And he didn't intend to stop cause Laurence could feel how a third finger entered and before he knew it, he already had came.
“Oh fuck, Ludwig...”, Laurence just said, his arms and knees on the ground, rear still up in the air, being painfully aware that he just was sitting in his own cum. And when he managed to turn his head to take a look, he...
“Laurence, did you just jizz out lava?”, Ludwig said in a flabbergasted voice. Laurence didn't answer, he had to process this for himself first. “That's it, I will never let you top.”, Ludwig continued and Laurence could feel like the horse man raised his two front legs to find a position to sit comfortably on him.
“As if you have ever let me top.”, Laurence whispered and concentrated on turning his body heat down, which turned out to be very difficult, because he was feeling so aroused that his flames wanted to blaze brighter on their own.
With his back still turned to Ludwig, Laurence only was able to feel what he did and the next step was Ludwig putting both of his hands on Laurence shoulders and Laurence prepared himself for what to come, closing his eyes but when he felt it actually enter, Laurence couldn't help but scream the loudest “Reeee” he ever produced. Or at least it had been the loudest since he had regained his sanity. He was aware that Ludwig's member had been huge already in flaccid form, but now that it was in erected form, it felt like someone had plugged a cork in his hole.
Squirming on the ground from the sheer pain and arousal, Laurence could hear Ludwig asking in a very concerned voice: “Laurence, are you still there? Was it too much?”
Laurence gasped for air and answered: “I am still there, I am just astounded because of your... size.”
“Well, then I will continue entering you now, alright?”
Laurence, gasping on the ground, supporting his whole weight with his arms, cocked his ears at this.
“What do you mean, it isn't in completely yet?!”, he screeched and finished with another “Reeee” once Ludwig had managed to completely enter his entrance. It felt like the most painful and simultaneously the most arousing thing he ever had witnessed.
“Are you sure you are feeling alright, Laurence?”, Ludwig asked.
Laurence, with his front lying on the ground, tongue hanging out of his snout, hind legs up in the air, just answered: “Never felt better.”
Laurence felt how the thrusting began. Each thrust was a painful delight for him and he could feel himself getting an erection again, such aroused was he at his boyfriend taking him, that they were both beasts didn't even bother Laurence anymore. He tried to get his front up, supported his weight one the large, left hand and with his right, smaller ones, his fingers searched for his cock. He found it, what wasn't an easy feat with his body being shaken by each thrust and closed his fingers around it, gently paying attention that his claws didn't touch it and started to stroke with quick, tight rubs.
While Laurence was taking care of his own member he felt the thrusting from Ludwig increasing and the pace go faster. And his body temperature rose. Shit, he was so aroused, he probably wouldn't be able to hold his flames cool any longer. He could feel more sweat forming, see the lava droplets sizzle on the ground, increased his own pace around his cock, intending to finish quickly before Ludwig made him double over, by the great ones, he was so huge. Even though Laurence was at the point where the pain completely vanished in favour of pleasure, he wanted to squirm and cry on the ground and so he was relieved when he felt the familiar throbbing of his cock and it spurted another pool of lava beneath him and Laurence just let himself fall, arms outstretched on the ground, head on it, moaning from the arousal that still was within his body, trying to keep his body heat low, but he felt like he would fail.
And finally, after what felt hours but surely had only lasted a few minutes he could feel the throbbing from Ludwig's dick in his butt and the wetness of his load. To his surprise, Ludwig withdrew immediately and Laurence whined at the sudden emptiness.
“Oh dear, sorry Laurence, you were too hot inside, I had to finish this early.”, he said.
Laurence, just flopped on the ground, too exhausted to move a single muscle, panting, just whimpered: “What do you mean, you had to finish this early? I am utterly destroyed!”
Now that the arousal had completely left him, only pain and exhaustion was left. He saw Ludwig laying down next to him, he had buckled his legs like a horse.
“Look around you, Laurence, you are literally lying in lava.”, Ludwig said. “You were becoming burning inside, actually, I think there is some lava trickling down your hole.”
“Well, after this it doesn't surprise me that I am bleeding.”, Laurence growled. “You have already noticed that my fluids turned into lava.”
Laurence was expecting a lot, but not Ludwig suddenly hugging him tight, he didn't even seem to be bothered by the still hot flames singing him a bit. “I missed you.”, he said. “I missed you so much.”
Laurence couldn't help but smile, inside the atrocious horse body was still the sweet Ludwig, the man he had fallen in love with so many years ago.
“How about we celebrate with some blood?”, Laurence suggested. “When I know anything about me, than that I have hoarded it even while being a mindless beast.”
“That is so you and that is what I love you for.”, Ludwig said, hugging Laurence even tighter.
“Even though it brought us into this mess?”, Laurence asked.
“We can talk about this later. For now, let's stay like this a little bit longer.”
Laurence couldn't complain about that. And while they stayed like that, he felt his flames cooling down, feeling like maybe, maybe they had deserved this second chance. (Author's note: So, when I fought Laurence, I was totally fascinated by his beast butt and also so pissed at his cheap one-shots that I wanted to have a fic where his butt got utterly destroyed. Surprise surprise, I didn't find anything like this! So yeah, I had to write it myself... I hope you enjoyed... Playing around with Laurence body temperature is loads of fun btw.)
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nevereacheaven · 6 years
a fic for @bastardyuu for the trc exchange, they wanted some blue and noah friendship
The first time that Blue Sargent meant Noah Czerny was, in the simplest terms, a disaster. Of course there was nothing about the resulting friendship that echoed such a horrible meeting, but both still recalled it from time to time.
It started on Blue’s most troublesome day, large dog Tuesday. A surprisingly small collection of massive dogs that she had to walk twice as far to tire out.
The biggest problem this caused, of course, was that she had to walk near the houses that were usually only grand enough to be owned by Aglionby boys.
She avoided the worst areas, of course. The houses that could fit Fox Way five times over. The ones with three garages, each one full. The ones that made her stomach turn over just to walk by.
The dogs didn’t care. They just needed to be tired out before Blue returned them to their owners. And they loved to do their business all over the elegant green Aglionby lawns.
Those were only the precursors for her run in with Noah Czerny.
It was less of a run in and more of a run over, though.
Lacy, an absolutely massive Great Dane, has been pulling the entire group that day. Usually Blue could keep them all in check, but she’d been up late helping her mother and truly didn’t have the energy to tame them.
Unfortunately, the path the dogs were rapidly overtaking was also the path that Noah was trying to cross. Noah, with a stack of five boxes balanced precariously in his arms.
Blue didn’t have time to react before Lacy barreled into him, knocking each box to the ground and almost ripping all of the leashes from Blues grasp.
Blue said a word her mother had taught her never to say, and Noah, on the ground, echoed it. “I’m so sorry!” Blue gasped, completely throwing her Aglionby boy rules out the window.
She pulled the leashes all in tighter, forcing the dogs to pull away from him. Lacy sat by Blue’s feet, seemingly done with her moment of rebellion.
“Lots of force there,” Noah said, dazed. He managed to stand, fixing Blue with a lopsided smile. “Too excited?” He asked Lacy, petting her softly.
“Are you okay?” Blue asked, trying to discreetly keep the dogs from swarming him.  It wasn’t working. She watched in horror as one of the mastiff’s nose moved closer and closer to his butt.
“Oh, I’m alright. The boxes, though, not sure.” He started as the mastiff finally made contact. “Hey, you,” he said affectionately.
Blue was a mix between curious and mortified. “Stop it,” she scolded the dog, mostly begging. She stepped around Lacy, who was trying to hide in her leg, and bent down for a box.
“Oh no, don’t worry about it.” He said hurriedly.
“I just ran you down with a pack of dogs,” Blue said bluntly.
He shrugged. “They’re cool dogs.” He stuck his hand out over them. “I’m Noah.”
“Blue,” she said, shaking his hand the best she could. “Are you moving in?”
Noah smiled that smile again, this time matching it with an equally lopsided shrug. “Sure.”
Blue managed to pick up one of the boxes finally, carefully depositing it in Noah’s arms. “Sorry about that,” she said again.
“Bring the dogs by again and I’ll forget all about it,” Noah said with a wink.
Blue had no idea how to respond, but she felt her mouth tug into a grin regardless. “Good luck moving in.” She said, and coaxed the dogs around Noah to continue.
A few of them tried to linger, sniffing at him as he picked up his boxes. He gently turned them away, smiling at Blue one more time before resuming his path up to the house.
Blue didn’t see Noah again for a week, which made sense. She passed by his house with her other dogs twice, but it hardly seemed like anyone was home.
Come Tuesday, though, Noah was sitting on the porch, apparently waiting for her.
“Hey Blue!” He called as she passed.
Blue stopped, reigning in the dogs before Noah reached her. She wasn’t a hundred percent sure why she’d stopped, but Noah’s easy smile and affectionate greeting to each dog didn’t make it a bad choice.
“How is moving in going?” She asked because it seemed like a good way to make conversation.
“It’s going well,” he said, scratching Lacy’s face like he’d already forgotten the trouble she’d caused him. “It’s pretty fun living out of boxes.”
Blue wanted to ask why he didn’t just unpack them, but he didn’t seem like the type of boy to immediately finish a job. Not like she was one to judge. “Cool,” she said instead.
“You could say that,” Noah dropped to the ground to get closer to the dogs. “How are these beauties?”
Blue scratched one of the dogs as she answered, pleased at how his tail wagged furiously. “They’re doing well. I only take them out once a week,” she shrugged.
“What do you do the rest of the week?” Noah asked, peering up at her from his somewhat permanent residence on the sidewalk.
“Well, I work at Nino’s most nights, and then on Wednesday and Thursday I walk the other dogs. I also help my mom out sometimes.”
“Oh, you have other dogs? What does your mom do?” Noah asked excitedly.
“Yeah I do have a whole small and medium group. And my mom is a psychic,” Blue said bluntly.
Noah jumped up, startling two dogs in the process. “More dogs! A psychic! That’s awesome!” He started to reach for Blue then stopped. “Can you read my future?”
Blue blinked at him. “I don’t have any sort of cards with me,” Blue faltered.
“That’s fine, do the other dogs come by, too?” Noah’s eyes were wide and joyous.
“Yeah, sure,” Blue said. She didn’t know what it was, but she was really warming up to Noah. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Until tomorrow,” Noah said with a mock salute. He gave each dog a pat goodbye before letting Blue go.
“Don’t get jealous,” Blue told the dogs. “He’s not going to like the other ones as much as you.”
Noah, as it turned out, didn’t have size preferences when it came to dogs.
“Oh my god!” He said, already running down his driveway to catch up with Blue. “They’re amazing!”
Blue grinned, watching as the much smaller dogs swarmed him. “Glad to see they liked you back.”
“Blue, I think I officially owe you my life now,” Noah said, laughing as the dogs jumped up on his legs.
He reached over, smoothing down a chunk of her hair that was escaping its clips. Blue let him, mildly pleased.
“I’m sure it’s exciting,” she commented, vaguely gestering to the hugeass house behind them.
“It is, but not as exciting as your dress,” Noah said, his hand grazing some of the tulle.
Blue had made this one by meticulously shredding and braiding an old sundress, adding in tulle until the skirt seemed to float around her like a stubborn cloud.
“Thanks,” she said. She reached into one of the pockets she’d hidden in the skirt, lifting her spoils to show Noah. “Did you want to try this?”
“Holy mother are those actual tarot cards?”
Blue didn’t bother explaining to him the intricacies of what made a deck ‘real’. “Yep. Did you want to try it?”
“Uh, fuck yeah,” Noah said, already teaching for them.
“Wait,” Blue said, moving the cards out of reach. “You need some intention.”
“Ask it a question,” she offered.
Noah’s face scrunched up in concentration for a moment. “Got one.”
Blue carefully shuffled the cards for him, mourning the loss of a flat surface she could spread them out on. She did the best she could between her two hands. “Go ahead.”
Noah’s nimble fingers touched each card, separating them so he could reach one that was stuck under another. “This one,” he announced, brandishing it at Blue.
Blue collapsed the deck and took Noah’s card. “Ace of cups. What did you ask it?”
“Doesn’t that sort of ruin it?” Noah asked.
Blue, who was knowledgeable but not psychic, frowned. “Well, this is sort of a love card,” she started, because that was usually what people were looking for.
Noah perked up. “Oh?” He said, like he didn’t care when he did care very much.
“Yeah,” Blue said, now gaining traction. “It’s about finding new love.”
“Fuck yes,” Noah exhaled, looking at Blue. For one terrifying moment Blue thought he was going to confess his love. There was no way she could escape with all the dogs in time. “There’s this guy in my Latin class and he’s probably like, the hottest person in the world.”
Blue’s panic vanished. “Oh?” She said like Noah had.
“The hottest,” he repeated for emphasis. He took off down the sidewalk, obviously expecting Blue to follow.
Blue gathered the dogs up and followed him. He was already rambling.
“His name is Ronan, which is already a good sign. And he has the bluest eyes, and he’s such a dick but I know,” he looked at Blue. “I know he’s got a soft side. He just hates the teachers which, I mean, stick it to the man.” Noah sighed.
“Sounds like a real catch,” Blue commented, maneuvering the dogs so they didn’t go under Noah.
“Yeah, I think I’m going to try talking to him soon.”
“You haven’t yet?”
“No! I told you he’s scary. Scary hot.”
Blue didn’t understand raven boys.
“Cool,” she said. “I hope that works out.”
Noah sighed. “I hope so too.” He bent down to pet one of the yorkies. “These guys gotta get home I’m guessing.”
Blue nodded. “Yeah, I’ve already sort of exceeded their usual walk limit.”
Noah hugged Blue with one arm. “Thanks for bringing them.”
Blue, who was quickly realizing that Noah was a physical person, returned the hug. “Good luck with Ronan,” she said.
“Thanks, Blue.” Noah pet the dogs goodbye. He took off towards his house while Blue circled the block to bring the dogs home. She’d see Noah again soon enough.
The next time that Blue went to Noah’s house she went without the dogs.
Blue went right up onto the porch in her too heavy shoes that sounded like they were about to break through the wood. She knocked three times once she reached the door.
A blonde girl, Noah’s sister probably.
“I’m here to see Noah,” Blue told her.
“Noah!” she yelled back into the house. She looked back at Blue. “He’ll be right out.”
Blue nodded, rocking back and forth on her boots.
Noah emerged with a plate of cookies and a smile. He let his sister close his door behind him and spread his arms wide. “Blue last name pending you will not believe it.”
“It’s Sargent,” she said.
“Oh, is the Russian?” she asked.
“Austrian actually. I think.”
“Cool, cool. So what was the news?”
Noah sunk down onto his porch steps, letting Blue sit next to him. “Ronan asked me out.”
“Noah! That’s great.”
Noah nodded. “Yeah, I know. We’re going out with his friends sometime. You should come, you’re my friend.”
Blue smiled and took Noah’s hand, because he really was her friend. They sat on the porch and talked about everything. Later Noah would visit her house and meet her whole convoluted family. Eventually Blue would meet all his raven boys. But for now it was just Noah and Blue. And that was all they needed.
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fetchingtears · 3 years
A Bouquet of Holly and Oleander - Chapter Four
It was just dark by the time they got there. The road that got them there was winding and had several offshoots. It wasn't the kind of place you could wander in on.
"I apologize for the state of the place. It's been awhile."
The cabin was fairly small and looked abandoned from the outside, and the windows were coated in a thick layer of yellowed dust.
The first room was wide. In one corner was a loveseat, a rocking chair and a small tea table. A wooden chest and floor-to-ceiling bookshelf took up most of the space on that side.
The other side had a fireplace, a dining set and a compact kitchen. Aside from that, there were three other rooms: a bathroom and two bedrooms.
The bedrooms were barebones, with a bed, desk and a wooden chest at the foot of both beds.
"I feel I must apologize again for the state of it. I never expected to need this place."
"I like it." Abigail said tentatively.
Will walked over to the bookshelf and sat his bag down on the chest. The top shelf was medical journals, most of the titles in Latin or abbreviated. The second shelf had stories, like Frankenstein, Dante's Inferno and a few other classics. Third and fourth shelves were cookbooks. Six or so of them were in English but the rest were in languages he didn't understand. Although he did recognize Japanese characters.
"What now?" Abigail asked.
"Now we rest."
Huh. Rest. Now that the notion was plausible, he felt like a hummingbird on a sugar crash.
They'd hit the ground running five days ago and even in the quiet moments, his head was still on the run. He was worried about Jack finding them.
Less than a week. He'd still be considered missing.
Had they found evidence of Abigail? They would have had to.
"I wonder what they really think," Will said, thinking out loud.
Abigail looked like she'd been deep in thought too. "Who?"
"Jack and Alana. I know what they said on the news, but that doesn't always reflect what they're thinking."
"You think Jack and Dr. Bloom know you weren't taken against your will?"
He looked to Hannibal. "Yes, I do."
There was a pause before Hannibal spoke. "What's to be done about that?"
"Nothing, I suppose."
The room went deafeningly quiet. Abigail picked at the sleeve of her sweater, looking far away.
"You look like death made over, Hannibal."
"Are you being poetic or telling me a fact, Will?"
It didn't feel poetic. He looked worse now than he had before. His eyes were glazed over. It seemed like his fever wasn't any better, though thankfully he still acted lucid.
Outside, a twig snapped.
Their heads whipped in the direction of the door. Will stood slowly, taking wary steps. He pulled the curtain back just enough to see, scanning the clearing.
It was a grizzly bear, a female judging by the size of it. She stood up, sniffing at the air.
"Is it gonna attack?" Abigail was peering out the window from behind Will.
He shook his head. "Probably not. They don't usually attack unless they're surprised or provoked." Saying that, he felt tempted to shut the curtain.
"Slavic hunters would use spears to kill bears. They'd wait until the bear stood, then push the spear into its chest and plant the end of the spear into the ground."
"If the bear lunges at you, it'll only impale itself further," Will said, filling in the rest.
"I've always been interested in trying it."
Will was incredulous. "You're not planning on doing it now?"
"It would have to be soon. Once winter is here, we won't see it again until spring." Hannibal turned, facing him. "I'm not dying, Will."
"I know that, but you don't need to accentuate your broken ribs by getting mauled by a bear."
"We'll table the matter for now," He said, stepping away from the window.
The bear fell back down to all fours and wandered away, disinterested
Will volunteered to sleep on the loveseat. What an odd word. Loveseat. He knew why it was called that, seeing as it was essentially a couch that could only fit two people. But still, loveseat sounded indecent.
Another night of pitiful sleep. The sounds of the forest kept waking him up. He always thought that the bear had come back or Jack had found them. He was more worried about it being Jack.
When he finally fell asleep, he dreamt about Hannibal killing the bear. Snow fell hard, catching in their hair and melting into their clothes. He felt the cold in his bones.
They stood opposite each other and the bear laid between them, its blood pooling at their feet.
Hannibal was covered, his hands red up to his elbows. He kept asking, "Why did you do it?" Over and over again.
It was still dark when Abigail woke up. She stayed in bed, staring up at the ceiling. It didn't sound like anyone was awake, so she slipped out of bed.
Tiptoeing across the hall, she found Hannibal's door open. She wasn't sure if he started doing that when she lived with him, or if he always left his bedroom door open while he slept, but she appreciated it nonetheless.
He was sound asleep, barely breathing. So she made her way into the living room.
Will was seemingly still asleep, although all she could see was the top of his head poking out from the blankets; a wild mess of brown curls.
She picked up a book but couldn't focus on the words. It was as if she was too distracted by her thoughts. In fact, it was the opposite. Her head felt empty, like there had been so many thoughts bouncing around and now it had suddenly stopped. It left her exhausted.
"What are you reading?"
Guess Will was awake.
She turned the book over and read the cover. "Fall of the House of Usher."
"Not exactly light reading, is it?"
"I've read it before. For school."
He nodded before his eyes drifted away. He looked like he'd stepped away.
She wondered where he went when he was gone. Home with the dogs, probably.
"What do you think is in there?" She gestured towards the wooden chest.
"You wanna look?"
"Wouldn't that be like snooping?"
He considered it for a moment before shrugging and making his way over to it. He tried opening it, but found it stuck shut.
She sat next to him and tried to help open it, but it was stubborn.
"The varnish probably got messed up because of the weather, maybe it didn't dry correctly," Will sighed.
"So what now?"
"Let's find something to pry it open with."
He went to the kitchen, going through the drawers until he found a butter knife. He put the point of the knife between the lid and the chest, and hit the butt of the blade.
Nothing. He hit it three more times before it gave, almost expecting it to pop like a soda can.
Inside, they found more blankets.
"Well, that's disappointing," Will puffed.
Abigail picked up the blankets and set them aside. Underneath was a photo album, filled with black and white photos.
It was large, bound in brown leather, the title embossed in gold. Fleur-de-lys details decorated the corners. He didn't understand the title, although he did recognize the name Lecter.
He turned to the first page. There was a picture of a castle, tall and ominous looking. Then, a picture of a family.
The mother was beautiful, with long dark hair and sharp eyes. The father, who stood with his arm locked with hers, had lighter hair and similarly sharp eyes.
In front of them stood two young children, a boy and a girl. The boy, who Will assumed was Hannibal, stood with his mother, her free arm draped over his shoulder. The girl looked like her mother. She had the same long, dark hair but her expression was soft, a smile that seemed out of place compared to the other three. She looked to be a few years younger than her brother.
He set the book down.
"What's that?" Will asked, pointing to something Abigail had in her hands.
"Those are knitting needles," Hannibal replied. He sat down between them, picking up the photo album.
"Do you knit?" Abigail asked.
He flipped the book open, stopping on a picture of the kids from the family photo.
"No." He pointed to the girl in the picture. "This is my sister, Mischa. Those needles were promised to her, when she was old enough to use them."
It went quiet, save for the sound of the pages turning.
"You may keep them, if you'd like. I believe there's yarn in there."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. There's no reason for it to go to waste."
"Thank you."
He kept flipping through the pages, scanning each one for several seconds before going on to the next one.
"How old was she?" Will asked, his voice barely there.
"Two. She was two."
The pictures stopped a little over halfway through. He shut the book and put it back in the chest, piling the blankets back on top.
"I'm sorry," Abigail murmured, backing away.
They sat in a circle, existing in a nebulous. Nobody said anything for several minutes. It felt wrong to break the silence.
Finally, Will stood, leaving to get dressed. When he went for the front door, Abigail stopped him. "Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna go get firewood. We need some before it gets cold."
He went out, shutting the door behind him.
0 notes
Pilot: Part three
Blaire’s outfits  1 | 2
Warning(s): Angst, Typical Supernatural Violence, Mild Profanity
A/N: There is an error some where. It should say ‘of three years’ Not six years. My math was off by so much. It’s somewhere in there so ya.
Word Count: 4,897
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NOV 2ND, 2005
Blaire stood at the motel check-in desk, still filthy, with Dean by her side and Sam standing behind her. She possessed a small pout on her lips, upset at the fact that she will have to shampoo her hair again. 
"A room, please." Dean asserted while dropping a credit card on the handwritten guest ledger. 
They all watched as the clerk picked up the card and read it, but just glanced up at Dean then at the card again. "You guys having a reunion or something?"
Blaire stared at the clerk with dead eyes. She was ready to shower, and the dried mud did not feel well on her skin. "What do you mean?" She asked flatly.
"That other guy, Burt Aframian. 'Came in and bought out a room for the whole month." The clerk answered. 
The boys looked at each other in unison then back at the clerk. "Yeah, Mind telling us the room number?" Sam slipped his hands in his pockets; for some reason, he always had his trusty lock pick with him, even at Stanford. He thumbed the pointed end. 
The elderly clerk nodded. "Yeah, He should be in room 10, do you still want your room?" 
"Yes." Dean decided and waited for the clerk to check them in.
 Once everything was handled and they had a key, they all walked across the lot. 
"Guess John planned on coming back," Blaire commented. 
"That's even if he's alive." Sam mumbled, mostly to himself, but Bee heard it.
When they arrived at the door, Sam knelt to the ground while Bee and Dean stood watchmen. The tall male picked at the lock, eventually succeeding.  Sam rose to his feet and slipped the pick back where it belonged. 
Bee realized that he was done and walked inside, leaving Dean standing obliviously outside. "C'mon, Big boy." She quipped while yanking him inside but his jacket collar. A cloud of dirt particles filled the air.
 The disheveled woman shut the door behind them and gazed intently at every surface. It was littered in salt circles and other things that ward off monsters. There are news clippings, maps, pictures, and notes pinned to the wall, as well as several books on the bedside table.
"Whoa," Sam gawked.
Dean glanced at the floor and intuitively stepped over the salt line. He reached over to the desk lamp and switched on the light. On top of a stack of books, was a half-eaten cheeseburger. He picked it up to examine, sniffing it but recoiling from the pungent odor. 
"I don't think he's been here for a couple days at least." Dean tossed the burger in the trash.
Sam squatted over the salt line, the dried dirt on her jeans, cracking. He ran his fingers through the salt but didn't break the line. "Salt, cats-eye shells...he was worried. Trying to keep something from coming in." 
Blaire wandered over to the wall decorated in news clippings and notes. She turned when Dean's voice came from behind her. 
"What have you got here?" Dean asked. 
The 22-year-old woman brought up her hand and fingered the edge of the papers. "Centennial Highway victims." Bee drawled. 
Dean pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, biting on the skin. "I don't get it. I mean, different men, different jobs- ages, ethnicities. There's always a connection, right? What do these guys have in common?"
While Dean talked, Sam examined the other wall, a specific note catching his eyes. 'Woman in White' was pinned above a printout of the Jericho Herald article on Constance's suicide. Sam turned on the closest lamp to the wall. "Dad figured it out." 
Dean and Blaire turned in unison, "What do you mean?" asked Dean. 
"She's a woman in white..." Blaire murmured in deep thought. "It all makes sense now-"
"-those little fuckers." "You sly dogs." The two friends spoke at the same time, Bee had a look of disgust, and Dean had a sheepish smile.
"So, if we're dealing with a woman in white, Dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it." Dean clarified. 
Blaire tore off her crusty flannel and tossed it in the trash. "She might have another weakness." 
"Well, Dad would wanna make sure." Dean paused. "He'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?" He asked while crossing over to Sam. 
"No, not that I can tell. If I were Dad, though, I'd go ask her husband." As Sam spoke, he tapped at the picture of Joseph Welch on the wall. The caption in the photo said he was thirty in 1981, so by this time, he should be sixty-four.
"If he's still alive." He added.
Blaire stepped over to the bathroom with her clothes and grinned. "Alright. Sam, you find the address and Dean, I call dibs on the shower first!" She hurried into the bathroom before Dean could stop her from closing the bathroom door.
Dean groaned and started for the door. It looks like he will have to shower in the other room. 
"Hey, Dean?" Sam murmured. 
The 26-year-old halted and glanced over his shoulder.
Sam stared at the floor, "What I said earlier, about Blaire...Mom and Dad, I'm sorry." 
Dean held up his hand and put on his mask. "No chick flick moments." Even though he said that he felt like he really needed a hug and a shower.
"Alright, Jerk." Sam smiled.
"Bitch." Dean smiled and left the room. 
Sam just laughed to himself and looked at all the things strewn about the room. He came across two particular photos that were stuck into the mirror frame.
 The first photo was of John sitting on the hood of the impala next to a preteen in a baseball cap and a younger boy sitting on John's lap. The two children were presumably Sam and Dean. 
Sam removed the photo from the mirror and held it, smiling sadly. 
The second photo was of a preteen and a teen holding a huge bass fish, likely, Blaire and  Dean; they went fishing together when he went to Bobby's. Bee laughed in the photo, looking straight ahead at the camera, but preteen Dean was gazing at the preteen with a proud smile.
The photo made him laugh. They looked so happy then- his smile faltered when he realized that they weren't smiling like that anymore. 
Sam let out a heavy sigh while flopping down on the bed. From the shower, he could hear the water and a faint sob. It wasn't loud enough to where it may have been noticeable to anyone else, but he was a hunter. He assumed it was Blaire. 
And he was right.
It had been so long since she spoke to Sammy or even looked at pictures of him. And when she saw anything of his, she shut down. How could someone move on so quickly? Maybe she needed more time, but clearly, he didn't. 
It ate at her soul, crushing her under the weight of all the sadness to where if she stared too long into her reflection, she could see the pool of darkness expanding. 
Even if she was beautiful, she hated herself. She blamed herself for her father's death, and she always pushed people away. She didn't mean to say those words to Sam that night, but they just came out, and by then, he was already walking away. 
Blaire never bothered to message him or call, cause if he truly knew her, he would've known that what she said, she didn't mean it. 
About 30 minutes later, Blaire finished in the shower.
Sam held his cell in his hand and dialed his voicemail and listened. 
JESS: Hey, it's me, it's about 10:20 Saturday night...
Blaire emerged from the bathroom in her clean outfit. She wore a Guns 'n Roses cropped tank top with an oversized flannel (stolen from Dean), paired with butterfly embroidered bell-bottoms and black leather boots. Her hair was damp, the curls more prominent. The girl sported red gloss and bumblebee earrings that John had given her when she was 14. 
"Hey." She murmured, tucking strands of hair behind her ear as she leaned against the wall.
Sam opened his mouth to respond, but Dean came in for his jacket.
"Hey, man. I'm starving. I'm gonna grab a little something to eat in that diner down the street. You want anything?" Dean mainly spoke to Sam; he knew Blaire was always looking for an excuse to eat.  The hunter slipped one arm into the leather jacket.
"No," Sam replied. 
Blaire smirked, "I'm definitely coming. I need more of their bacon!" She hopped over to the door and opened it slightly. 
"Alright, Aframian's buying." Dean laughed, and the two disappeared out into the parking lot. 
As Dean closed the door, he shrugged the rest of his leather jacket on and glanced over at Bee. He noticed her earrings. "I didn't know you still had those- Y'know I helped Dad pick those out."
"You tell me every time, fashionista." Blaire quipped and gave Dean a little pat on the butt. 
"Frisky, I like it." Dean teased and draped his arm over his best friend's shoulder. He pulled her into his side.
They started to cross the lot when Dean noticed a police car, with the motel clerk chatting it up with Deputy Jaffe and Deputy Hein. It was almost as if on cue, the clerk pointed at the two of them. 
Dean, being the faster one, turned away and speed-dialed Sam and warned him to take off. 
"Dude, 5-0, take off."
SAM: What about you and Bee?
"They spotted us, Go find dad."
Blaire stood cover for Dean as he made the call, "There a problem, sir?" She drawled with her sweet southern belle charm.
Jaffe narrowed his eyes at her, "Where's your other partner?" He folded his arms over his chest.
"Other partner? Just me 'n him. Bonnie and Clyding it through the country."  The African American woman stepped to the deputy, subtly challenging him. 
(Reference to infamous outlaw couple Bonnie & Clyde)
Jaffe jerked his thumb toward the motel door labeled 10; Deputy Hein went in that direction. Dean fidgeted, but Blaire just stared daggers into the officer's eyes. 
"So. Fake US Marshals, fake credit cards. Got anything that's real?" Jaffe questioned.
Dean shifted on his feet and wore a dorky grin. "My boobs." He sassed. 
Several minutes later, Hein came back with no Sam but the order to arrest Dean. Jaffe slammed Blaire over the hood of the cop car just as Hein did the same to Dean. 
"Fuck!" Blaire groaned while she gazed at Dean, who was also watching her, surprisingly.
"Bonnie & Clyde, huh?" Dean whispered to Blaire.
The officers read them their Miranda rights and shoved them into the back of the cop car.     
Sheriff Pierce entered the interrogation room with a box of evidence from the motel. "So, You wanna give us your real names?" He asked while walking around to the opposite end of the table where Dean sat. 
The Sheriff sat the box down.
"I told you, Ted Nugent and Shemane Deziel" Dean motioned to Blaire when he said Shemane. The reference caught the woman's attention. She didn't mind it- it would have been more believable for her to be his spouse than a sibling; people wouldn't question it. 
(Reference to Rockstar Ted Nugent and his wife)
Blaire remained silent; she knew that she had a short fuse, and it was already lit. She had her eyes down on her anti-possession charm bracelet that Bobby gifted her for her 22nd birthday. 
Pierce planted both hands on the evidence box and turned up his nose, "I'm not sure you realize just how much trouble you're in here." He turned his head to the woman of color and smiled. "Look, I don't know what he's got on you, but you seem like a smart girl- Don't lose your future because of a dumb nobody."
Dean furrowed his brows. "Hey- A sexy, dumb nobody."  He simpered. 
Blaire's eyes now met with the Sheriff's. "And you seem like a nice Sheriff, really, but it don't matter what kind of trouble he's in, I'll be right there with him." The huntress smirked. 
"We'll be sexy 'n dumb nobodies together." She drawled with a genial expression. 
"And you thought I was holding her against her will-" The 26-year-old hunter gazed at Bee with a tender smile. "But she just loves me that much- So are we talkin', like, misdemeanor kind of trouble, or, uh, squeal like a pig trouble? "
Sheriff Pierce sighed. "Y'all got the faces of ten missing persons taped to your wall- Along with a whole lot of Satanic mumbo-jumbo. Boy, y'all are officially suspects."
Blaire directed her attention to Dean, who was having the time of his life rebelling. "Yeah, that makes total sense 'cause when the first one went missing in '82 I was three, and she wasn't even born yet," Dean replied.
"I know you've got partners. One of 'em's an older guy. Maybe he started the whole thing." Pierce dug into the box and lifted a brown leather-covered journal. "So tell me, Dean & Blaire." He tossed the journal onto the table. "This his?"
Dean and Blaire gawked at the journal with an inflexible expression. On the outside, they were calm and collected, but on the inside, they panicked. John never left anywhere without his journal, and so if he left it- he was either dead, or it was on purpose. 
Bee subtly placed her hand on Dean's knee and squeezed it. The male hunter kept his gaze on the journal as his fingers just grazed hers; Dean thumbed her fingertips. 
Blaire knew how much John meant to Dean, finding him meant everything. 
The Sheriff sat on the edge of the table and began flipping through the journal. It is filled with many newspaper clippings, notes, and pictures. "I thought those might be your names. See, I leafed through this. What little I could make out- I mean, it's nine kinds of crazy. "
Dean leaned forward to take a closer look at the journal.
"But, I found this too." Pierce added and delved through almost all the pages until he neared the end. There it was 'DEAN & BLAIRE 35-111' in black sharpie, and circled. "Now. Y'all are stayin' right here till you tell me exactly what the hell that means."
They weren't sure how much time had passed, but now the sun was setting, and Blaire grew worried. 
The huntress lastly leaned forward and stared down at the page, then looked up at the white older man. "That's our shared locker combo, from highschool- Y'know how high schoolers are." She murmured. 
Although it wasn't their actual locker combination, Blaire and Dean did share lockers in high school but only once. 
"Yeah, right, why would he write down your combination?" Sheriff queried. 
Dean drew his hand away from Bee's and rested both elbows on the table. "You'd have to ask him that." 
"Are you seriously gonna keep askin'? It's obvious we're not gonna break- so handcuff us and go away."Blaire snapped, rising from her seat. 
Dean also rose, placing a light hand on the dark-skinned woman's waist. "Simmer down, Mathilda." He pulled her back and chose to switch seats before Blaire tore the sheriff's head, figuratively and literally. 
(Reference to Leon: The Professional)
Before Pierce could get out a response, a deputy came barging into the room. "We just got a 911. Shots fired over at Whiteford Road."
"You have to use the bathroom?" Pierce asked.
Dean pushed his best friend down in the chair he was sitting in, and then took her seat. "No, we don't." 
"Good." The white man replied and retrieved two pairs of cuffs. He then cuffed Dean and Blaire to the table before he left.
Once they were left to their own devices, Bee's male counterpart spotted a paperclip in the journal. Dean plucked it from the page and held it in the light. "Idiots." He uttered while picking the lock on his cuffs. 
"Hurry- he put them too tight on my wrist." Blaire huffed as she wiggled her fingers on the cuffed hand. She looked to Dean, who was now standing and towering over her. 
Dean grinned, "I don't know- handcuffs are starting to look good on you."
"Yeah? How about I wrap them around your neck." Blaire sneered and yanked at the chain. 
Dean furrowed his brows and just went to pick the locks on her cuffs. Once they were open Blaire gave him two middle fingers to the face and then rummaged through the evidence box for her pocket knife and pistol. 
"Alright, They're gone." The male hunter whispered and opened the door. 
The two make their escape down the fire escape, Blaire carrying John's journal in her arms.
"Dean, We'll find Johnny- okay?" Blaire murmured from behind Dean. 
They were speed-walking down the street and came across a phone booth. Their phones were confiscated, and they didn't have enough time to steal the phones back but Blaire retrieved her pistol and silver pocket knife.
The sandy brown hair hunter jogged over to the phone booth, not ignoring Bee's comment but just thinking of what to say. 
"We better- 'cause I don't know what'll happen if we don't." Dean huffed. 
"Dean!" Bee shouted from a distance before jogging to the phone booth. She placed her hand on the frame of the door, panting hard.
It was hard enough for her to deal with the anniversary of her mom's death coming up, but now that John was missing and Sam going back to Stanford after the hunt- it wore Blaire down. She tried her best to keep it together for Dean, but also for herself. They were all together again and could have each other's back, but Sam didn't want this. 
The only family Blaire has left were Bobby and the boys, god forbid she loses them too.
Dean picked up the phone and slipped a quarter into the slot. He began dialing Sam's number. While the phone rang, he looked back at Blaire. He had a small tinge of sadness in his eyes. It was hard to distinguish, but she obviously knew it was bothering him. 
The 26-year old ran his tongue over his bottom lip and parted them, "Don't look at me like that." He huffed. 
"Look at you like what?" The dark skin woman forced herself into the booth; her eyes still focused on Dean's. She rested her head on the plexiglass window as she was still catching her breath. 
Dean clutched the phone in his hand but hadn't realized Sam picked up and was listening. "With those eyes- they're the- the sad puppy eyes. I can't resist those." He told them.
"It's just- We'll find him, okay? And when Sammy leaves... I'll still be here- you and I." Blaire whispered and put on her best, 'trying not to cry' smile. As much as she wanted to cry and hug, she couldn't afford it. 
The huntress nodded to the phone and raised a brow, silently asking if Sam had answered and was listening. 
Dean just tightened his grip on the telephone handle. He didn't know what to say in moments like these. It wasn't fair that Blaire could read him like that; he guessed it was only fair because he could also read her like a book. He opted not to make the moment sappy as he realized they were on a timed schedule. 
"Fake 911 phone call? Sammy, I don't know, that's pretty illegal." Dean said into the phone.
Blaire shuffled closer to the male in hopes of hearing what Sam had to say. She heard a faint 'You're welcome.'
The telephone booth's small structure didn't allow for much space, so their bodies were close. 
Dean leaned against the plexiglass and looked down at Bee as he talked to Sam. "Listen, we gotta talk."
SAM: Tell me about it. So the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a woman in white. And she's buried behind her old house, so that should have been Dad's next stop.
Blaire snatched the phone and scrunched up her nose at Dean, who had a surprised look on his face. "Sammy- would you shut up for a second?" She snapped.
SAM: I just can't figure out why Dad hasn't destroyed the corpse yet.
"That's what he was trying to tell you! He's gone. John left Jericho."  Blaire murmured. 
SAM: What? How do you know?
Dean swiped the phone away as well as the journal. "We've got his journal..." He glanced down at the hunter's diary.
SAM: He doesn't go anywhere without that thing...
"Yeah, well, he did this time." The black woman said loud enough for Sam to hear.
SAM: What's it say?
"Ah, the same old ex-Marine crap, when he wants to let us know where he's going," Dean replied.
SAM: Coordinates. Where to?
Blaire grabbed the phone and held it to her ear. "We're not sure yet, but we'll check it out."
SAM: I don't understand. I mean, what could be so important that Dad would just skip out in the middle of a job? Guys, what the hell is going on?
Blaire's face contorted as she heard the screech of the brakes and Sam's hard breathing. "Sammy? Sam!" She gripped the phone so tight that it could probably snap under the force. 
A faint 'Take me home' was heard. 
The line was dead. 
Dean stood straight, snatching the phone from his companion. " C'mon!" He shouted and slammed the phone back down on the receiver before seizing hold of Blaire's wrist. "We gotta go to Constance's house." 
While Blaire and Dean made their way to the abandoned house, Sam struggled with Constance.
Dean and Blaire arrived on the scene to find the impala parked in front of the house. The windows were frosted over, clueing them that Constance had Sam. Blaire, from a distance, could see the spirit straddling Sam. 
All she saw was red.
"She's on him!" Blaire roared as she fiercely marched toward the impala with her arm outstretched, her black Remington 1911 R1 9mm pistol in hand. She fired twice into the window, only startling Constance. 
Bee's eye twitched as she studied the position they were in, it prompted her to keep firing until Constance disappeared.  
Sam managed to sit up and gather himself before shifting gears, "I'm taking you home." He groaned as he slammed his foot on the gas, sending Baby crashing into the front of the house.
"SAM!" Dean shouted.
Blaire panicked internally. Her eyes darted between Dean and the giant fucking hole in the house. Once her mind caught up with what was happening, she ran to Sam's side, followed by Dean.
"Sammy! Baby- You okay?!" The huntress called out subconsciously. She didn't mean to call him baby; it just slipped out. The only person who seemed to have caught it was Dean. 
Sam groaned and shifted his body in the seat. "I think..."
Dean rushed over to the passenger window and leaned through the window. "Can you move?"
"Yeah- Help me?" The tall hunter grumbled and held out a hand for Dean to pull. Dean opened the car door, met him halfway then locked hands. He began tugging and heaving his brother from the wreckage.
In the background, Constance lifted a large framed photograph of Constance and her two children. 
"Promise me that you're okay?"  Blaire leaped onto Sam, pulling him into a tight, tender hug. Her arms wrapped around Sam's torso, squeezing him to death. Sam set his hands on her head and just gave her forehead a small kiss; his version of 'I am okay.' 
Bee let out a heavy sigh and removed herself from Sam just as Dean closed the car door. 
It caught Constance's attention. 
Blaire's breathing hitched when she saw the spirit toss the photo down and glare at Sam and Dean. All of a sudden, a bureau (dresser) was sent forward, pinning the brothers against the impala. 
Constance then appeared before Bee and dug her nails into the huntress's chest. A cry erupted from Blaire's throat as the pain was unbearable, her heart began pumping furiously.
"NO!" The brothers cried in chorus.
Dean wriggled underneath the dresser, trying to break free. He couldn't lose Blaire, not when he lost his mom on this day. It wasn't fair. "Leave her alone!" The green-eyed hunter growled as he saw Constance's fingers dig deeper into Blaire's chest.
The lights began flickering, which startled the vengeful spirit and ultimately saved Blaire's life. Bee fell to the floor, gasping for air once she was released. Water began rushing down the staircase, pouring over the sides; At the top were Constance's two children, holding hands.
"You've come home to us, Mommy." They spoke in unison. The woman in white looked at them, clearly distraught when they appeared behind her and embraced her tightly. Constance wailed, her image flickering just before she burst into flames and was dragged down into hell. 
Her spirit left a puddle of water on the floor. 
This released the hold over the bureau, allowing the boys to shove it out of their way. Immediately, Dean ran over to check on Bee, who was left on the floor, panting and bleeding only slightly. 
"Is she okay?" Sam murmured while gazing at the puddle, left on the floor. 
Blaire opened her eyes with a tired smile plastered on her lips. "Prince Charming..." She greeted Dean.
"Yeah, she's good." Sam answered for himself with a small laugh. He attempted to regain his posture as he watched Dean aid his former girlfriend. 
In that small moment, her doe brown eyes met his emerald orbs, and she could have sworn she felt a slight pang in her heart. She assumed it was just leftover adrenaline from almost getting her heart ripped out. Dean lifted from the dirty floor and set her on her feet. 
Bee dusted off her clothes."So this is where she drowned those poor kids..." The huntress breathed through the pain. 
"That's why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them." Sam breathed.
Dean smirked. "You found her weak spot. Nice work, Sammy." The older brother purposely slapped Sam on his injured chest and walked away to inspect the car.
Sam laughed through the pain, "Yeah, I wish I could say the same for Bee. What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?" He turned to Blare.
"Don't look at me like that- She was about to tear your heart out," Blaire replied while stepping over the debris to Baby.
"I'll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car?" Dean paused and whirled around to look at his brother. "I'll kill you."
Samuel burst into laughter and just shook his head. 
The triad of hunters climbed into the car with Dean driving, Sam shotgun, and Blaire in the back, listening to music. 
The impala tore down the road, the right headlight busted. Inside, Sam had a map spread over his lap, as well as his father's journal and a flashlight tucked between his chin and shoulder. Blaire was listening to music on her 5th Generation iPod, earbuds shoved into her ears. Dean, of course, was driving, focused hard on the road.
"Okay, here's where Dad went." Sam murmured as he traced his finger over the ruler. "It's called Blackwater Ridge, Colorado."
Dean glanced at Sam and nodded. "Sounds charming. How far?" 
"About 600 miles." Sam affirmed and held the flashlight in his right hand.
The older Winchester glanced at Blaire in the rearview mirror to see her licking her lips and singing along to whatever she was listening to at the moment. 
"Hey, if we shag ass, we could make it by morning." Dean already knew the error in that statement when it left his mouth. 
Blaire couldn't hear what was being said, but she could sense the atmosphere shifting. She secretly lowered her music and pretended to sing ‘Toxic’ by Britney Spears.
"Dean, I, um..."  Sam started but didn't finish. He looked to his brother then the map. 
Dean kept his eyes on the rearview mirror as he spoke, "You're not going..." He glanced at Sam with furrowed brows.
"The interview's in 10 hours. I gotta be there, Dean." Sam asserted.
Blaire shifted in the backseat and laid her head against the window. She watched the trees pass.  She almost forgot about his interview and would have been happy if he did too. Why did he have to care about being 'safe' when the hunting life taught him how to fight the monsters under his bed. 
It irked Blaire that he cared so little about finding John and about saving people. He was selfish. 
Tears pricked her eyes but did not fall. 
Dean nodded, a bit disappointed in his brother, but respected his wishes. He kept his attention on the road with a stoic expression. "Yeah. Yeah, whatever..." The jaded hunter glanced at Sam. "I'll take you home." Dean paused and peeked over his shoulder. 
"Look like it's just you and me, Sweetheart." The 26-year-old laughed through the hurt.
Sam turned off the flashlight and put away the items sprawled over his lap. 
Dean white-knuckled the steering wheel and put more pressure on the gas pedal. He just wanted to get on his way and out of Sam's hair. 
All he wanted was to have his whole family together because, to him, he was alone- even Bee had someone to go home to, but he did not. John was missing, and Sam wanted to get married and be a lawyer. 
Even if Blaire promised to stay with Dean forever, he didn't believe her; He couldn't afford that false hope. 
0 notes
Nerd Field Trip
"Come on, man. Are you really not gonna let me come?" Kazuichi pleaded.
"Of course I'm not allowing you to accompany us. Even after being reminded multiple times, you still did not get permission from either the school or a guardian. Besides," Tanaka grinned," wouldn't you rather accompany the princess if she recovered from her ailment early?"
Kazuichi sprinted toward the school before Tanaka could say another word.
"Let's hope he doesn't bother her too much. Are you two ready?" Tanaka turned toward Naegi and Fujisaki who were fighting each other with stick while making light-saber noises.
Naegi made a sharp thrust and then a horizontal slash. Unfortunately for him, Dark Fujisaki was too quick and dodged both attacks with a speed dash and appeared behind Dwayne 'The Egg' Makoto. Fujisaki's eyes narrowed as 'The Egg' froze in shock.
"Nothing personal, kid," Fujisaki said as the tapped Naegi on the neck. Naegi then fell to the ground, dead.
"Done?" Tanaka knelt down and held out a hand to Naegi.
"Done," Naegi said as he accepted Tanaka's hand.
The three piled into a car and a driver drove them to a train that was rented out by The Academy.
“I can’t believe they rented out a train for us,” Fujisaki said.
“Ha, do not underestimate the connections of an overlord,” Tanaka chuckled.
The ride seemed to last a long time. At some point, Naegi and Fujisaki pulled out their Game Girl™ Advances™™ and swapped Pokemon. Tanaka stared out the window in silence for the remainder of the trip. When the train arrived at the station, Tanaka seemed a little too excited. He stood up a little before the train stopped and almost fell over when it did.
“Uh, *ahem* we have arrived,” Tanaka spat nervously.
After they exited, a suited man greeted them and drove them to their destination, a carnival located on the edge of Tanaka’s hometown. To begin their trip, they headed to a concession stand for lunch. Naegi ordered a biker dog, Fujisaki got a funnel cake, and Tanaka chose a fried KitKat™©™.
“Tanaka, are you sure you don’t want more than that?” Naegi asked before taking a bite of his over sized corn dog.
Tanaka finished his treat and replied, “An overlord doesn’t require much nourishment, besides this is the first dish I dined upon in this establishment.”
“Hey Naegi, I’ll give you a bite of my funnel cake if you give me a bite of your corn puppy,” Fujisaki offered.
“Deal!” Naegi agreed without a second thought while Fujisaki held out a piece of funnel cake.
Naegi delighted in the taste of the powdered dessert. Then he held out his big, thick corn dog to Fujisaki’s face, who took a bite as Naegi almost died. Naegi stayed silent for the rest of the party’s lunch break.
“If you two don’t mind, I think we should start with some games,” Tanaka stated.
“Yeah!” the other two cried in unison.
Tanaka led the two down a route he seemed to know very well. He stopped in front of a shooting game named ‘Crossbow Shoot’.
“Ah, Tanaka, it’s you.You know the rules, my good man,” said the man behind the booth. He had smooth, slicked back, blonde hair and wild carnival attire.
“Of course,” Tanaka took the crossbow and placed the spare bolts in a line on the table. He made a quick pose reminiscent of some kind of vampire or werewolf hunter and pointed the crossbow with an aura of blood lust.
“Scorching Flame: Burst ☆ Shot!” Tanaka shouted as he fired the first bolt straight into the middle of the first target. Tanaka slid his hand across the table as he grabbed the next shot. It whipped to the side and he spun the bolt between his fingers before bringing it back and placing it firmly on the bow. He fired the next shot and pierced the second target in the center.Then, he grabbed the last two bolts and rapid fired at the last two targets, hitting them dead in the center.
“I figured you would at least be a little rusty,” sulked the man behind the counter.
“A true overlord never loses his touch, Sam,” smiled Tanaka triumphantly.
“Hehe, I’ll let you guys play for free if ya’ll want, any friend of Tanaka’s is a friend of mine. Just keep in mind I can’t give ya’ll prizes,” Sam said as he brought out another crossbow and bolts.
“Ah, it’s ,uh, heavier than it looks,” Naegi said as he almost dropped the crossbow.
Naegi was terrible with the crossbow and his first shot nearly hit Sam. His next few shots hit the target but nowhere near the middle. Fujisaki’s shots were a lot more precise even managing to land one next to the center.
“Hehe, you two aren’t so bad yourselves. A few weeks of training under Tanaka and you guys could be pros,” Sam said as he patted Tanaka on the shoulder.
“I hadn’t even thought of teaching my disciples to shoot. Perhaps I can persuade the school to arrange something,” Tanaka ejaculated while he turned to one side.
“Hey, can we play that one next?” Fujisaki pointed to a stand nearby.
Tanaka said his goodbyes and the group walked to the stand.
“Wait, are you sure you want to g-”
“Ah, Tanaka, it’s you. I can’t believe you came all this way to see me~,” a woman with long, wavy brown hair and an eloquent, black dress interrupted Tanaka.
“Amelia, you should never try sneaking up on an overlord. Had I not sensed your presence earlier you would have been diagnosed with dead,” Tanaka warned Amelia with one hand grasping the bandages on his arm.
“Come on, you know you can’t just ignore me if you visit,” Amelia flicked the tip of Tanaka’s hair, “Did you come to play?”
“Of course, a round for each of us,” Tanaka said as he paid Amelia.
She lead them to the stand with a neon light that said ‘Ring Toss’.
“What a cursed game,” Tanaka said after all three of his rings missed the target.
“If you have no skill it ends up being a game of luck,” Amelia said as she tossed three rings at the same time and landed all three perfectly.
“Naegi, you can do this!” Fujisaki cheered as Naegi stepped forward.
“Of course,” Naegi said as he spread out his legs in the best disc thrower pose he could.
Naegi threw all three discs with the power of a Norse God. However, he didn’t make a single shot. Naegi fell, defeated, and groveled on the ground with Tanaka. Fujisaki was up next. They steeled themselves for victory. They knew there was no way the entire group with lose to one game. The first shot flew through the air, hitting the tip of the target. The second shot bounced off the target. As if some kind of God of mercy decided to intervene the third ring actually managed to land around the stick. Naegi and Tanaka lifted Fujisaki up in victory. The three were ecstatic in their ability to score a single time. Fujisaki claimed a lion key chain as their prize and the three continued on.
“Perhaps, we should move on to the next event. I’d like to introduce you two to a few friends of mine,” Tanaka said as he opened a nearby tent.
“Are you sure we can be in here?” Naegi asked worryingly.
“Of course, they would never keep Shooting Star Mikhail from his tamer,” Tanaka said while looking around suspiciously.
The three stood before a large cage with a blanket over it. Tanaka removed the blanket with a dramatic tug. Underneath, lie a big ol’ bear. The bear looked up but did not move an inch.
“A-are you sure this is okay?” Naegi asked as Tanaka unlocked the cage.
“Worrying will inhibit your abilities. Sometimes you must charge head first into what life has to offer,” Tanaka opened the cage and Mikhail ran out.
The bear skidded to a halt a few feet after and then rushed toward Tanaka. Tanaka stood his ground and looked Mikhail directly in the eyes. Mikhail tackled Tanaka and while looming over him, Mikhail sniffed his face. Tanaka clapped twice and Mikhail let him up and ran around the group in a circle. Tanaka stopped Mikhail and pet him to calm him down.
“Mikhail seems to be excited to see us. Perhaps, I should visit more often,” Tanaka said.
“I-I can pet him, right?” Fujisaki asked as they approached the bear.
“Of course, he’s trained to be around people,” Tanaka said as he lead Mikhail toward Fujisaki and Naegi.
Fujisaki held out one hand then Mikhail snorted and rubbed his face against Fujisaki’s. Fujisaki’s cheeks flushed while they returned Mikhail’s affection with pets and pats.
“It looks like he likes you. Naegi, would you like a turn?” Tanaka asked as Naegi stepped back.
“Nah, I’m good,” Naegi said as a giant, anime bead of sweat went down his face. Tanaka guided the bear back to his cage and returned the cage’s cover.
“Next we will visit Mettus. I’m sure he has sensed my presence by now,” Tanaka said as he led the group to another tent.
After they entered the tent, they stood before a desk and a black, office chair facing the opposite direction. The chair rapidly spun around and a man leapt over the group. He spread his arms in the air and spun at the same time. Before landing on the other side of the group, he held out one hand and pushed it against the ground causing him to do one last flip.
Mettus the Mysterious, at your service. Tanaka, I’m glad to see my brightest pupil doing his best. If I may ask, who have you brought to accompany our reunion,” Mettus said as he bowed.
“These are mu closest underclassmen, Naegi and Fujisaki,” Tanaka said as he patted them on the backs.
“I presume you two would also like to learn from me?” Mettus offed while rubbing his hands together causing sparks to fly.
“I’m no-”
“I’m love to!!!” Fujisaki interrupted Naegi and pushed aside his lame, not wanting magic butt.
“Haha, that passion for the dark arts reminds me of Tanaka when he was younger. Please accept this chalk I have imported every year from a secret friend of mine,” Mettus handed both Naegi and Fujisaki a stick of brightly glowing, white chalk.
“Are you sure they’re ready for such high level arts?” Tanaka stammered.
“That’s not for me to decide. They’re your student’s, after all,” Mettus said as he patted Tanaka on the shoulder.
“Ah, that’s right,” Mettus snapped, “Tanaka, I’d like for you to check on Zenon. He has been a bit sluggish recently.”
Tanaka headed deeper into the tent and Fujisaki and Naegi followed behind. They stood before another cage, much smaller than the last and with no cover. Tanaka reached inside and retrieved a bunny from underneath a log. He checked over Zenon closely, however he seemed troubled. He then stuck his head into the cage and sniffed a couple times. He placed the bunny back into the cage and grabbed one of Zenon’s pieces of food. Tanaka put the food in his mouth and chewed slowly. Naegi gagged and Fujisaki looked on in awe.
“I believe they have changed the ingredients in this feed. I will need to do some more tests. Naegi, Fujisaki, I trust you two will be fine on your own for a little bit,” Tanaka led both of them out of the tent and returned to his work.
Naegi and Fujisaki walked back to the games area. The two settled on a ball throw game where you knock down bottles. Fujisaki went first. They managed to hit two out of three of the stacks and chose a small stuffed giraffe as their prize. Naegi could feel it, it was his true time to shine. He threw down 5000 US Yen (the official currency of Amerijapan) and retrieved his first ball. He took a pose that was taught to him by Leon and threw the ball. The ball absolutely obliterated the first group of bottles.Then that one intense song from Naruto started playing in the background. Naegi struck another pose, ready to show off his skills. He threw the second ball and it grazed passed the bottles. Naegi was defeated, again. Fujisaki patted Naegi on the back and Naegi smiled. He grabbed the next ball and threw it with all his strength. The ball straight up wrecked the next group of bottles and then ricochet off the back of the tent and then decimated another group of bottles.
“You did it, Naegi! What are you going to pick?” Fujisaki asked.
“You can have my prize. I have enou- *ahem* I’m not interested in stuffed animals,” Naegi lied.
“Okay, I want that one!” Fujisaki pointed at a large Patamon plushie and after retrieving it they put it on their head.
The two decided to head back to Tanaka. Upon returning, they found Tanaka rubbing Zenon against his face.
“Ah, my companions, Zenon has made a full recovery thanks to some special feed I had. Of course, I will need to do a follow up but for now he’s fine,” Tanaka explained.
The group held a bunny cuddle session before they headed out again.
“Ah, it’s getting late, should we end by riding some rides?” Naegi asked as he pulled Tanaka’s sleeve.
“Of course,” Tanaka replied as he led them onward to a huge roller coaster.
“Our time is limited so you two should ride while I handle our belongings,” Tanaka said as he began collecting their stuff.
Naegi and Fujisaki boarded the roller coaster and had a great time. It was so great, it is indescribable with words and can only be expressed with this picture: [DLC Only CG]
“Wow, Naegi, that was a great ride, wasn’t it?” Fujisaki said as they exited.
“Yeah, it was. It was so good that I would have paid money just to see us on that ride,” Naegi plugged shamelessly.
Upon regrouping, the squad decided Tanaka should ride something. Tanaka chose to to ride the teacups and Naegi volunteered to watch the stuff this time. As Tanaka and Fujisaki were boarding, Naegi took the opportunity to squeeze the Patamon plush.
“So soft,” he said quietly so no one could hear him.
Tanaka and Fujisaki were enjoying their time for the most part however, halfway through, Tanaka’s face changed color and his demeanor changed slightly.
“Tanaka, are you okay?” Fujisaki asked as they joined Naegi.
“Apologies, this device seems to have cursed me with nausea,” Tanaka said as he regained his loose grip on reality.
The carnival was becoming increasingly filled with people so the three decided to leave.
1 note · View note
carasueachterberg · 6 years
The coming week will mean a big change for Daisy.
I am preparing to leave on the OPH Rescue Road Trip, a weeklong trip with seven other volunteers to visit six of our partner shelters in North and South Carolina to spend our days working in the shelters. Our hope is to not only offer physical help with the dogs and the work, but to learn more about the needs of our shelters and to raise awareness of those needs.
You can follow along on our Facebook group, OPH Rescue Road Trip, where we’ll be sharing pictures, stories, and live videos all week long.
This is an exciting adventure for me, but it means that Daisy will have to leave our home which has been her safe haven for nearly seven weeks. Nick and Ian cannot be left in charge of Daisy for an entire week.
It’s not their safety I’m worried about – Daisy has shown no aggression at all towards any people (although it’s more than clear that she has suffered at the aggressive hands of people). The problem is that she goes into a blind panic if Nick or Ian approach her and I worry for her safety and emotional health if we force the issue. We have made incremental progress, but sadly, there is still so far to go in convincing her to trust them.
She has three options. One would be to move to another foster home, but most of our foster homes are full and a new transport of dogs is arriving next week. Daisy needs to be kept separate from other dogs and most fosters have at least one, if not multiple, dogs.
Her second option and the one looking most likely is for her to go to a boarding facility. While I know this will be a scary experience for Daisy, it would be a safe one. She would be handled by professionals and kept separate from other dogs while her basic needs are met. It wouldn’t be her first ‘shelter’ experience, so hopefully, she will be familiar with the drill and aware that she won’t be there forever.
The best place for her to go would be her new home, but so far she has no applications and no potential adopters. While I know that initially, it will be challenging for an adopter to take Daisy home, I also know that once that bond is formed, she will be an easy, fun, devoted, love of a lifetime for some lucky person. What we really need here is a miracle – a person willing to look past Daisy’s fear to the beautiful dog underneath and have the patience and the kindness to welcome her into her life.
I’m pretty sure the rescue will offer an extended trial period for Daisy’s adopters. That may help alleviate the perceived risk, but as far as the real risk – there’s none, because I know the heart of this dog and it is so open and ready to share with the world, she just needs a willing guide.
If you or someone you know is interested in adopting Daisy, please feel free to reach out to me with questions and/or to find more information here.
If you’d like to follow Daisy’s diary in real time, visit Cara Sue Achterberg, writer. Here are this week’s entries in their entirety (although I did not post all 32 pictures from her photo shoot posted on Day 37).
Diary of a Rescue Day 36:
My friend Linda is visiting for a few days. Linda is my oldest friend (not by age but by years of friendship- I’ve known her fifty years!). She’s a soft soul who is an animal whisperer in many ways. She easily won over Daisy.
The two of us took Daisy for a walk this morning up the hollow. Daisy did great. We even encountered a man running who was friendly (and unfamiliar- I thought I knew everyone on this street!). Daisy was alarmed but instead of blindly pulling me away from him she kind of spun in place excitedly. It was a good encounter- he was chatty but kept moving so hopefully Daisy’s takeaway was ‘men can pass by me and I will survive.’
I think she’s getting sick of being alone in the puppy room, but hopefully with spring arriving we can get her out in the puppy yard soon. She’s definitely an outside girl.
The weather today made my heart happy too- sitting on my screened porch in short sleeves at this very moment (with the other dogs patrolling the porch watching the squirrels). Spring will be good for both of us!
#bringonspring #happydogs
Diary of a Rescue Day 37:
Not a whole lot to tell you today. Because both my college-age kids are home and I worry about someone either inadvertently leaving the gate open to the kitchen or Daisy getting out, I’ve restricted her to the puppy room again. It seems like regressing, but the most important thing is that she’s safe.
This morning she shredded a puppy pad, so I know she’s frustrated too. I took her for a long walk and other than a little panic when a big work van passed us, she did well. Happily trotting along in front of me.
She’s so happy for my company – racing around and circling and leaning on me and even jumping up repeatedly. Sadly, I had a busy day and couldn’t spend a lot of time with her. I’m hoping tomorrow she’ll get out of that little room – one college kid’s break ends and the other is off in Pittsburgh visiting friends.
These are the pictures from her photo shoot with Nancy Slattery. Nancy is so good at capturing expressions and moments. Enjoy!
Diary of a Rescue Day 38:
Every time I start to get discouraged about this dog she surprises me. All day long she only wanted me-me-me. She panicked at the sight of Nick or the boys, and could not bring herself to even take a treat from Allison when she stopped by (although she’s taken them from her before).
I’m leaving on the OPH Rescue Road Trip two weeks from today and Daisy has no applications, no interested adopters. What happens then? Do I have to count on friends to come to my house three times a day to walk her and feed her for a whole week while I’m gone?
And then! We had just finished dinner and Daisy was nudging me at my seat, wanting my attention, trying to get me to pet her and preferably scratch her back just in front of her tail in her favorite spot. She kept banging my leg like a shark (supposedly since I have no first-hand knowledge of this) does before attacking its victims.
Ian was sitting beside me and he held out his hand while continuing our conversation. Daisy gave it a sniff but instead of bolting away as she normally would, she turned her head back to me and offered her butt to him for a scratch. He reached out and itched her favorite spot …..and…..she let him!
It was the first time he has been able to touch her in the more six weeks that she’s been here. I know it seems like nothing, but it’s HUGE.
It renewed my hope for this dog. She wants to trust and she has so much love to share.
#wecandothis #hewillwinherover #togetherwerescue #anothergooddog
Diary of a Rescue Day 39:
Daisy is such a playful, silly, affectionate girl, but others rarely get to see this side of her. This is a video of her this morning before anyone but me was up. She’s playing with an old toy the other dogs gave up on ages ago when it lost its squeaker and it’s stuffing.
I can’t wait until the day when this isn’t a special moment because she feels safe and comfortable enough to do this all day long no matter whose around.
(Sorry that the video is sideways- hopefully you can still see it)
#gooddaysarecoming for #thisgooddog
Diary of a Rescue Day 40:
Today I took Daisy on an adventure. I loaded her up in the car – which meant that I literally had to load her into the car since she wasn’t inclined to go anywhere near it. Maybe it’s because her last few car rides have all been to/from the ER and the vet’s office.
She was pretty anxious for the ride and ready to get out when we got to a local park. I thought we’d go for a nice hike but Daisy was much more inclined to give the fields a thorough sniffing. If I had any doubts that there is some hound in her, they are gone.
I think she really enjoyed our amble over the fields- it was very stop/start with me dragging her away from smell after smell.
Once again, I loaded her up, since she wanted nothing to do with the car. The rest of her day has been quiet. I really wish I had more time to spend with her or that she would accept the other dogs so she could hang out with the rest of us. I hate that she spends so many lonely hours in the puppy room.
#bebraveDaisy #nobodyisgonnahurtyou
Diary of a Rescue Day 41:
Another adventurous day for Daisy. This time I loaded her up in the car and drove her to my friend Gina’s house for a walk in a neighborhood. I had warned Gina that it might be a disaster and it almost was.
When Daisy and I arrived at Gina’s (after an exciting pit stop at the gas station where I filled the tank and Daisy fretted about all the people walking in and out of Rutters), her neighbors a few houses down had a very noisy lawn crew working in their yard. The blowers were deafening and once I got Daisy out of the car, she was in all-out panic mode. We decided to cut through Gina’s backyard to another street and it looked like Daisy might be able to relax but then we came upon a work van with a worker in it. She almost twisted her way out of her harness but I grabbed her martingale collar (cannot tell you how many times that collar has saved the day!) and ushered her past.
The rest of the walk was much the same- she walked/sniffed along happily and then we encountered work trucks/strange people/generators/more lawn workers/packs of dogs (they were all tied in the same front yard and were the small fancy kind of dogs). Each time we coaxed her past and only a few times I had to resort to dragging her past by her collar.
Gina is a good and patient friend and a big help, but clearly busy neighborhoods will be challenging for Daisy. The one noticeable improvement was that for the first time I didn’t have to carry her to the car. When we got back to Gina’s she willingly headed for the car and I only had to give her a boost to get her in.
Lucky for Daisy she will have two quiet days coming up. Nick and I are headed for a quick trip to VA and Tanis will be checking in on her while we are gone.
The video is from later today when we were leaving for a walk around the pasture. She gets so excited when we leave for a walk.
#neighborhoodsarescary #gettingbravereveryday
Diary of a Rescue Day 42:
Raining, raining, raining today. I walked Daisy twice before we left at 11. She was goofy and kept dropping her football. Each time I picked it up she lunged for it- not trusting me to carry it. I gave her a snuggle goodbye and Nick and I left for our quick trip to VA.
Tanis visited with her tonight and messaged me that Daisy doesn’t like the rain. They had a little quality time though and hopefully, the rain will subside by tomorrow. So grateful for Tanis.
We will return tomorrow afternoon and start searching for the best place to board Daisy while I am away. Oh, this dog.
Nick said (jokingly) tonight, “we could probably just chain her up in the yard while you are gone and she’d feel right at home.” When I think about where Daisy was this time last year, that is probably accurate, but of course, I shot him a lethal look and resumed my worries over my trip and Daisy.
#ohthestoriesshecouldtell #lifeonlygetsbetterfromhere
Thanks for reading!
If you’d like to know more about my blogs and books, visit CaraWrites.com or subscribe to my monthly e-newsletter (which is rarely monthly, but I’m working at it…everybody needs a goal).
If you’d like to know more about the book, Another Good Dog: One Family and Fifty Foster Dogs, visit AnotherGoodDog.org, where you can find more pictures of the dogs from the book (and some of their happily-ever-after stories), information on fostering, the schedule of signings, and what you can do right now to help shelter animals! You can also purchase a signed copy or several other items whose profits benefit shelter dogs!
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One last thing! I will be leading a group of eight volunteers on a week-long trip to volunteer in some of the shelters we work with in North and South Carolina. We will be posting stories, pictures and video of our adventure. You can see all of it by following our Facebook page, OPH Rescue Road Trip. We promise to share the dogs we meet, the heroes we help, and the reality of shelters in the rural south. It may not always be easy to see, but hopefully it will also inspire you to help the many, many dogs in need. And if you’re so inclined, you can support us with donations through our Road Trip Fundraiser.
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Released August 2018 from Pegasus Books and available now
    Diary of a Rescue Week Six: Change is Coming for this frightened pup #togetherwerescue #anothergooddog The coming week will mean a big change for Daisy. I am preparing to leave on the…
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i-heart-fantasy · 8 years
You’re No Longer Alone Volume 1
This is my LoveLive! fanfic Volume 1 in its entirety. It’s an AU story set in a fantasy setting featuring the u’s girls with some OCs. If OCs aren’t your thing, then that’s okay. I plan out my OCs like I do my original stories, so I do try to make them realistic. If you want to read it from my fanfiction account, my author name is “IHeartFantasy”. And I’d recommend you do that since there are some parts of the text that are italicized and on here it doesn’t carry that over. If you also want to leave a review, that would be very much appreciated!
You're No Longer Alone: Volume 1
Song I: A Prima Vista
A hundred years ago, there lived a man who was called Apollo. He was a famous composer, and his songs were performed across the land. There was a group of nine girls who traveled with him, calling themselves the "Muses," and they helped spread word of his talent.
One day, however, that all changed. The city of Olympus' orchestra council rejected one of his songs as one he couldn't perform at a concert he was giving. Feeling rejected and furious, Apollo swore revenge on Olympus and the world for refusing to listen to the song he composed. He fell prey to the growing darkness in his heart, and gave himself a new identity. Summoning demons to his cause, he set out to destroy the world.
The Muses who had traveled with him were heartbroken at this change, and decided to fight for the world's survival against their old friend. To show their refusal to let their world fall, they deemed themselves the "Nine Guardians." Using magic with their enchanted special artifacts, they made a stand in Olympus' concert coliseum, and sealed him away in the dimension from where his army came.
During these events, the leader of the Nine Guardians awakened to her true power. She was transformed into the Goddess of Creation, and sacrificed herself so that the seal would never be broken.
After the fight, the remaining Guardians sealed away their artifacts, which they now called the Muses' Artifacts, so that no could use their Artifacts' powers.
One of the Guardians had a vision of the future, foreseeing that history would repeat itself with the Nine Guardians reincarnated, and their old friend's seal undone.
And so time passed…
The blue sky was cloudless, sunlight beaming down onto the meadow. Various flowers of color were dotted around the area—a physical rainbow that could be picked up at one's leisure. It was quiet, except for the occasional bird calls that were sung out of the deciduous forest that was sprawled around the meadow. The peace was interrupted by the sound of a yip, and the flash of something bursting out of a bush. The birds flew up and out of area, startled by the sound.
A fox yipped about, running and jumping around the meadow. It rolled in the flowers, springing them up from the ground from wince they once were lingering. The fox's blue eyes are sparkling with happiness and amusement.
The sound of his name called caused the fox to pause in his movements and look up at his caller, tail wagging like a dog's. A sixteen-years-old girl came running up to him, she had short ginger hair that was tied into a side-ponytail with a light orange bow and bright blue eyes. She was wearing an orange dress that had a dark orange corset in the front and flowed down to her ankles, and plain socks and shoes.
"What're you doing?" the girl asked, leaning down to look at him.
Kanon pounced on her, causing the girl to cry out in surprise as she fell onto the ground. Laughing, she petted him and ran away from him. Kanon chased her as his owner's laughter filled the air.
The girl slammed into something and fell onto her butt. Groaning, she glanced up to see a fifteen-years-old girl staring at her in annoyance. She had short auburn hair and blue eyes, and was wearing a dress that was exactly the same except it was white and gray. The girl also had a basket and bucket on both her arms.
"Honoka, this isn't the time to be playing around!" she scolded, hands on her hips.
"Aw, but Yukiho, I wanna pick flowers for Mom and Dad!" Honoka whined, getting up and dusting off some grass that got stuck on her dress.
"You can do that after you collect water from the well," said Yukiho, shoving the bucket into Honoka's hands.
"…Why am I the one who always has to get the water?" Honoka muttered, puffing up her cheeks in annoyance.
"Because Kanon's always with you," answered Yukiho, turning around and walking away. "Oh, and Mom said she's going to make some cookies when we get back."
At this, Honoka gasped and stars light up in her eyes, drooling at the thought of their mother's cookies. Then she noticed her younger sister was walking down the path that leads in opposite direction.
"Where are you going?" she asked, tilting her head.
"I'm getting the wheat for the cookies," Yukiho said, waving her hand at Honoka.
Honoka sighed loudly, and noticed Kanon staring at her in puzzlement. She gave him a smile, and determinedly walked towards where the family's well was with the fox following on her side.
The well was a little ways off a path. It was constructed of rocks for foundation and of wood for the lever for buckets.
Honoka quickly did her task and proceeded to head home humming a tune. She stopped in her tracks when she saw someone standing on the edge of the path.
It was an old man, whose clothes were in tatters. He looked very feverish, as his face was all red. In his hands was a small cup that he waving around.
"Would anyone be so kind as to help this poor man get some water?" he moaned, his voice making a croaking sound from being so parched.
Honoka blinked at what was before her. She then walked up to the old man.
"I have some water," she told him. "I can fill it up for you, if you'd like me to."
"Oh, thank you so much, young lady," the old man said, handing her the cup.
"You're welcome," said Honoka, closing her eyes and smiling before turning around to put the bucket down and fill the cup. "I don't see many people out here, this is a surprise—"
Kanon growled and barked, interrupting Honoka.
"Kanon!" Honoka scolded, glaring at him. "There's no reason to—"
She turned around and narrowly escaped getting swiped at by something. She gasped as the old man before her transformed into a black humanoid creature with long, sharp claws on its hands and feet, red eyes, red horns, and red wings. Honoka took a step back and tripped over her bucket, dropping the cup while falling onto the ground as it got wet from the water.
The creature took a step forward with its arms raised; Kanon went in front of Honoka and jumped at the creature. The creature swiped at the air, and Kanon was blown away to the side.
"Kanon!" Honoka cried out, looking Kanon with worry as he skidded on the grass, lying on his side.
Honoka looked at the creature and turned around, getting up at her feet and began to run away. She felt the claws slash her back, making her cry out at the pain. She felt herself be turned and held by her neck; she struggled to escape its grasp.
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Kanon running towards the creature. In response to Kanon's coming approach, the creature slashed the air, making Kanon hit a tree and slump to the ground.
Honoka tried calling out Kanon's name, but choked instead. She stared at the creature, which was now holding her up high. With its other hand, it made to slash her neck. Honoka closed her eyes at her coming demise.
"Not on my watch, demon!"
Honoka opened her eyes to see someone kick the demon in its side from the air. She landed on the ground in awe of the person who had saved her.
A guy who looked to be eighteen-years-old was standing in front of her. He was wearing a red shirt that was sectioned off his body like paper that had a V-shape on the front and an X-cross on the end of the V made of string held by golden buttons. He had red pants that had the ends of sides of the pants cut into a triangle-shape. He was wearing simple red shoes. His hair was straight, black, and was about shoulder-length. Although she couldn't see it, he also had red eyes; they were glaring at the demon. On the top of his head were animal ears, and he had a black fox tail that ended with white fur that was swaying side-to-side.
Putting a hand up in the air, he summoned a large, red scythe and slashed the air, producing a burst of fire that flew at the demon. The demon dodged the attack, and jumped into the air aiming for the guy's head. The guy blocked the demon with is scythe, and pushed it off into the air. He jumped and slashed it, parrying off the demon's claws.
The two landed on the ground and circled each other. The demon swiped at the guy and he somersaulted out of the way. As he turned to look at the demon, he was slashed on the cheek by the demon's feet and was blown a few feet, letting go of his scythe and having it land a few feet from him.
He gritted his teeth as the demon approached him, only to stare in shock as Kanon grabbed it in his jaws and threw it into the air.
Landing on the ground, the demon turned to decapitate Kanon, but the guy dashed in front of the fox and took a slash to the chest.
Putting a hand on his chest, the guy gritted his teeth and pushed the demon away with fire with his other hand.
"Duratus!" he shouted, holding out the same hand.
The demon froze in place at the shout. Confused, it desperately tried to move but was unable to.
Sighing in relief, the guy fell to his knees and the scythe disappeared. Kanon sniffed his head, to which the guy stared at the fox uncomfortably.
The sound of running feet made him look up and he yelped when Honoka pounced on him, hugging him tightly. Kanon growled at Honoka's actions.
"Thank you so much for saving me!" she cried out, tears falling from her cheeks.
"I couldn't let the demon take your soul," the guy said, sitting up with Honoka holding onto his shirt.
"Why would it do that?" Honoka asked, looking at the guy curiously.
"Demons do that to strengthen their own power and how long they live," he said.
Honoka helped the guy stand up.
"I'm Honoka Kosaka," she said, smiling at him.
"…Basso Continuo," the guy said, blushing a bit.
"What you did earlier—was that magic?" Honoka asked, putting her hands together.
"Yes, materialization magic and fire magic," Basso answered. "Although I primarily use dark magic."
"Dark magic?" Honoka said, tilting her head. "Don't Dark Kitsunes normally use it?"
"Uh, yes…" Basso said, looking away from her. "But people can use it as well…"
Honoka stared at him and gasped.
"You're bleeding!" she said, touching his cheek.
"I—It's just a scratch!" Basso said quickly, blushing and pushing her hand away.
Honoka opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by some loud moaning. She looked and saw the demon was bleeding and seemed to be in pain. Basso followed her gaze and frowned slightly.
"Demons aren't meant to exist in our dimension," he explained. "Being exposed to magic has damaged its soul."
"I thought only light magic worked on demons," Honoka said.
"That's true, but technically any kind of magic is enough to damage a demon," explained Basso, approaching the demon.
The demon stared at Basso pleadingly.
"…I understand," Basso murmured, nodding and summoning his scythe.
Realizing what Basso was about to do, Honoka looked away, closing her eyes and plugging her ears. The sound of something sharp slicing flesh filled the air. Honoka opened her eyes while unplugging her ears and looked to see the demon dissipating into light.
"May you rest in peace now," murmured Basso, dispatching his scythe.
Honoka's eyes widened as she realized she could see a fox tail sticking out of Basso.
"Oooooo!" she squealed, petting the tail with hearts in her eyes.
"Stop that!" Basso cried out, looking at Honoka blushing.
"…Are you a Dark Kitsune?" Honoka asked, looking at him. "I've been taught Dark Kitsunes have dark colors and red eyes."
"…I am, yes," Basso said quietly, looking away from her.
"Your tail is so fluffy!" said Honoka, closing her eyes and smiling.
Basso stared at his chest, sighing and blushing. A sting of pain from his chest made him gasp and fall to his knees.
"Basso?!" Honoka cried out, worriedly putting a hand on his shoulder.
Her eyes widened as she saw the slash that had been down by the demon on his chest.
"You're injured!" she said, grabbing his shoulders.
"It's just a scratch," muttered Basso, hand on his chest and eyes closed.
"It's not!" Honoka shouted, eyes narrowed, startling Basso. "You need medical attention!"
Basso staggered to his feet and turned around.
"I'll be fine!" he said, waving her away with his other hand.
He wobbled a few feet away before tilting towards the ground.
"Oh shit," he muttered, eyes narrowed in exasperation.
The last thing Basso heard was Honoka's panicked voice.
Basso Continuo
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Kitsune
Age: 18
Date of Birth: September 27th
Astrological Sign: Libra
Blood Type: AB
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Height: 5'5"
Name Meaning: His name is a musical term that means continuous bass.
The name for the chapter means sight-read (lit. "at first sight".)
Song II: Affrettando
Opening his eyes, Basso found himself in a bed. Up on the ceiling was a lantern that was burning with fire magic. The walls of the room were made of wood, as was the floor. The room also had a wardrobe, but nothing else—it was probably an extra bedroom.
He could feel a bandage on his cheek and a ton of bandages on his chest. He didn't have his shirt on, but still had his pants.
Turning his head, he found himself staring into big, blue eyes.
"Yaaah!" he cried out, involuntarily sitting up in bed and leaning away from Honoka, then putting a hand on his chest as the action caused the area that was damaged to hurt.
Honoka had had her head on her hands with her fingers curled on the bed, but now she sprung up straight.
"You're awake!" she shouted, and then ran out of the room. "He's awaaake!"
Basso stared after Honoka in bewilderment, and realized that from the back he could see Honoka had bandages on her back. He then noticed a girl he didn't recognize sitting in a chair that was against the wall.
"I apologize for her reaction," she said, smiling at him sheepishly. "She was really worried about you."
Basso stared at her blankly.
"Oh, I'm Yukiho," she said. "I'm Honoka's little sister."
"Nice to meet you," said Basso, smiling slightly.
"Even though Kanon was there, I'm glad it was you who saved Honoka," said Yukiho, eyes closed and smiling while holding up one closed hand. "Although I've never seen Kanon cat so mean to someone before."
At this, Basso realized that Kanon had his paws up on the end of the bed and was glaring at him. When he noticed Basso staring, he growled. Basso felt some sweat drip down his face at the intensity of the fox's stare.
The sound of footsteps made Basso look up; Honoka entered the room with her parents behind her.
Both of them looked like they were forty-five-years-old. Her mother had straight brown hair that was about shoulder-length and blue eyes, and was wearing a white dress like her daughters with a green apron and black plain shoes. Her father had cropped black hair and blue eyes and was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with one of the buttons undone, blue jeans, and brown loafers.
Basso shivered as he saw Honoka's father look at him sternly, as the man had a commanding aura.
"Hello, Basso," her father said.
"H—hi," replied Basso, his voice high-pitched.
"I'm Hibiki, and this is Megumi," Hibiki said, indicating himself and his wife. "I'd like to sincerely thank you for saving Honoka."
"You're welcome," said Basso, still under pressure.
"Hibiki, you're scaring the poor boy," murmured Megumi, giggling.
"Ah, sorry," said Hibiki, rubbing his head sheepishly.
He stepped closer to the bed; Basso instinctively tried backing away but hit the head of the bed.
"Basso, why were you around this area?" Hibiki asked. "Our cottage isn't near a town."
"I was passing through, sir," answered Basso, looking at his cusped hands.
Hibiki raised an eyebrow at this.
"Dark Kitsunes have been banished from human civilization for a hundred years," he said. "Why are you outside your territory?"
"I was banished from home," Basso said sharply. "I've been tasked with getting permission for Dark Kitsunes to enter Dolcissimo once again, sir."
"I see…" murmured Hibiki.
"Um, why were you banished?" asked Honoka, tilting her head.
Megumi and Yukiho stared at her in shock, and Basso stiffened.
"Honoka!" Yukiho scolded, glaring at her sister.
"That's something very personal to ask! He might not want to say why!"
"Ah, I'm sorry!" Honoka said, holding her hands pleadingly. "I'm sorry for asking such a thing! I shouldn't have asked!"
"Geez, Honoka," muttered Yukiho, crossing her arms. "Think before you speak, will you?"
"…It's okay," said Basso softly. "But I really don't want to wanna talk about…"
He trailed off, staring at his hands. Basso pulled the covers to the side and got up from the bed.
"I should probably get going," he murmured, putting on his shoes that had been on the ground.
"You're still recovering," said Hibiki, and blocked Basso's way. "That demon did a number on you."
"Plus you can't leave without some good food and supplies," Megumi added.
"You don't have to help me," Basso said, shaking his head.
"Your body needs to heal!" Honoka cried out, grabbing Basso's shoulders, surprising him. "And our Mom's bread is the best!"
"…Is bread the only food you think about?" muttered Yukiho.
Basso stared at Honoka's face blankly, and laughed quietly at her expression. He looked at everyone.
"…Thanks for the help," he said, smiling softly.
Later, after putting his shirt back on, Basso explored the cottage. It was a wooden cottage, with the furniture also wooden.
"The candles and lanterns are lit with fire magic," explained Yukiho, appearing behind Basso startling him.
"Really?" he said. "So your parents can use magic?"
"Yes, but only for little things," she said. "Although apparently they used magic all the time when they were working."
"Working where?" asked Basso, looking at a painting of the family that had them ten years younger.
"Once I overheard them talking," murmured Yukiho, looking at another painting of the girls trying to bathe Kanon. "From what I heard, I guess they used to work in Olympus."
"Olympus?!" Basso cried out, staring at her in shock. "That's the capital of the country, and where the Olympus Council resides! What did they do in Olympus?"
"I don't know, since they caught me listening," Yukiho answered. "Honoka doesn't know about it."
"Why not?" asked Basso.
"That kind of thing doesn't seem like something she'd want to know," she said.
"If it'd been me I'd want to know!" said Basso, glaring at Yukiho. "Living in Olympus is a big deal! They could've been in the Olympus Council!"
"The Olympians are immortal—everyone knows that," said Yukiho, turning away from him. "There's no way our parents were on the Olympian Council."
Basso stared at her as she walked down the hall into the kitchen.
"…Upstairs to the right is Honoka's room," she told him. "You'll find her there."
Basso continued staring at her before looking the painting of the family ten years ago, and then back down the hall to the stairs.
Honoka's room was full of stuffed animals and books. Her bed was beside a window, which was open to see the setting sun. Honoka was looking outside with Kanon lying next to her. When he saw who had entered the room, he yipped and growled.
"Oh stop it, Kanon," said Honoka, turning to the fox. "He's not going to hurt me."
Basso slowly moved to sit on the other end of Honoka's bed. Upon doing so, he noticed that her ceiling was enchanted to show the starry night sky.
"Wow…" he whispered, in awe.
"I love looking at the stars, so I asked my parents to make my ceiling look like the nighttime," explained Honoka, rubbing Kanon behind the ears.
"Hmmm," hummed Basso, looking at her.
A few minutes passed as the two sat in silence.
The sound of movement made Basso look to see Honoka picking up a purple box that was on the floor beside her bed.
"…Yukiho and I aren't blood-related," she murmured softly, putting a hand on top of the box. "They found me ten years ago, all alone crying with Kanon."
Basso looked at her with a concerned expression.
"This tiara was with me," Honoka continued, taking out a golden tiara that had three points with the middle one the largest and had musical notes on the point pads. "I don't know where and how I got it, or what the musical notes mean.
"Apparently I had been dressed like a princess, and had been traumatized somehow," she said. "I have no memories from before being found—or to be more precise, I must have blocked the memories."
"…Do you want to remember?" asked Basso, turning his body around to fully face Honoka.
"…I don't know," Honoka said softly. "Maybe one day my memories will return. Until then I'll just live my life."
"Why are you telling me this?" asked Basso. "I'm a complete stranger."
"Because I want to help you," answered Honoka, staring him in the eye. "I want to help you achieve your goal. Plus, maybe my memories will return if I see more of the world."
"I thought you weren't sure if you wanted to remember," Basso said.
"I'm scared to learn why I was in such a state, but a part of me still wants to know why," Honoka murmured.
She rubbed Kanon behind the ears.
"Kanon has always been with me," she said. "He's like older brother to me, despite being a fox."
Basso moved closer to them, and Kanon growled at Basso's movement. Basso tentatively stuck out his hand to the fox, who sniffed before biting Basso's fingers.
"Kanon!" Honoka scolded, grabbing Kanon by the scruff of his neck. "Bad boy!"
"It's okay," grunted Basso. "He's just showing who's in charge."
Kanon stared at Basso for a minute before licking Basso's fingers and resting his head on Honoka's lap.
Honoka sighed sheepishly before letting go of Kanon and began petting his back. Basso tentatively did the same, but the fox made no move to stop him.
"I guess he approves of you now," said Honoka, giving Basso a small smile with her eyes closed.
"…Thanks," Basso murmured. "For offering to help me."
Honoka smiled at his words, reopening her eyes, and gave out a small gasp.
"Dad," she said, sitting up straight with Basso doing the same.
Hibiki stood at her door with his arms crossed.
"What's this nonsense about helping him?" he asked sternly. "Honoka, I forbid you from leaving this cottage!"
"Why?" asked Honoka, getting up and making Kanon whine from the action.
"The world's too dangerous for you," Hibiki explained. "You're safe here, out of sight from other people."
"Is it because I was a princess?" asked Honoka, moving to the center of her room.
"It's not that," said Hibiki, narrowing his eyes.
"Then why?!" Honoka cried out. "Why do you insist on keeping me here?"
"…The reason for that is something I can't tell you right now," murmured Hibiki, lowering his eyes and staring at the tiara in Honoka's hands.
"Why not?"
"I can't tell you yet because you're not ready!" Hibiki shouted, startling Honoka and Basso while causing Kanon to yip.
The room was silent as the occupants in the room despite Kanon looked at the floor for a few minutes.
"…I came up here to tell you that dinner's ready," Hibiki said.
Honoka put the tiara on the bed and walked out of the room with Kanon following.
As Basso walked past Hibiki, Hibiki grabbed him by the shoulder.
"After you've eaten, you're getting out of my cottage," he told Basso. "Dolcissimo is a mile north of here. You are to leave before Honoka can try to join you. Understand?"
Basso narrowed his eyes at Hibiki.
"Crystal," he said, nudging his shoulder out of Hibiki's grasp.
A few feet away, against the wall, Honoka stared at the floor with a neutral expression on her face. Kanon looked at her worriedly.
It was nighttime. The cottage was quiet, except for the sound of someone sneaking downstairs.
Honoka tiptoed on the steps with socks on her feet and her shoes and tiara in her hand. Her other hand was held upright, with a small flame burning above it. She was wearing her dress with a white cloak over her shoulders. Kanon followed behind her slowly.
She determinedly sneaked into the kitchen and opened the storage box. Taking out some large loafs of bread, cheese, and cartons of milk, she slowly made her way to the storage room where she put everything inside a large purse with the tiara first and then the food products. She then put on the purse under her cloak with it hanging across her body to the left. Walking to the area with lanterns, she transferred her small flame to one large, black one and took it in her hand. She put on her shoes quietly.
Honoka quietly opened the front door, and hesitated, looking back in the house before narrowing her eyes in determination and going outside with Kanon.
Kanon looked at her unsure.
"…I know this is a bad idea," Honoka said to his look. "But… I feel like I have to do this. You understand, right?"
Kanon stared at her and nodded slightly.
"Thanks, Kanon," said Honoka, petting Kanon's head. "Let's go find Basso."
Kanon sniffed the air and then the ground, walking around. He pawed the around at the left side of the clearing.
Honoka nodded and began running down the path, with Kanon by her side in the night.
According to Wikipedia, affretando means, "Hurrying, pressing onwards".
Hibiki means, "sound, echo".
Megumi means, "love, affection".
Song III: Bridge
A mansion was surrounded by darkness. It had a large a large garden maze in the courtyard, and the entire property was closed off by a forest.
Demons and Dark Kitsunes were scrambling around everywhere. One of them, a Dark Kitsune who looked to be thirty-nine-years-old, was walking purposely with the others moving out of the way as he walked. He had long, red hair that was tied up in a high ponytail and he was wearing a blue-and-red kimono with a holster that held a sword on the left side, with socks, and sandals. He had striking green eyes that observed his surroundings passively.
He made his way out into the garden maze, going into the center. A young man was standing in front of a pomegranate tree, shrouded in shadows.
Kazu stopped in his tracks, a few feet away from the young man.
"Where's Bellicoso?"
"Bellicoso is practicing his swordsmanship," answered Kazu.
The man shuffled his feet. He chuckled.
"It's odd to hear you talk about Bellicoso so casually," he said. "Since he's your king and all. You're just a general in his army."
Kazu narrowed his eyes.
"You forget I'm the highest general in the army and his bodyguard," Kazu said stiffly. "I'd watch what you say, Morendo."
"Ah, yes," said Morendo, smiling and not at fazed at all. "Kazu Hauptstime, the strongest magic user in the Kistune realm. Admired and feared by all of his peers!"
Kazu flinched at the mention of the Kitsune realm.
Morendo turned to face Kazu, his appearance still covered by shadows.
"May I inquire as to how the search is progressing?" he asked, tilting his head.
"…I believe we've found the location of your first target," Kazu said.
Morendo stared at him for a moment, and then began cackling. His cackling turned into maniacal laughter, with Morendo holding his sides.
"Finally!" he cried out, holding his hands up to the darkened sky. "After sixteen years, I've found the person who's the obstacle to my plans!"
Kazu watched Morendo continue laughing with a neutral expression.
Finally, Morendo stopped laughing.
"Get a group out there and capture her," he commanded. "I have to stop her at all costs, before she finds her."
Kazu nodded and bowed before walking away swiftly.
Morendo stared at the sky, and then held out his hands up to it.
"Soon, Calliope…" he murmured. "We'll be together again…!"
Suddenly, he gasped as pain struck his chest, and he put a hand on it.
He stood still for a few minutes.
"…Nuisance," he murmured softly. "No matter. Soon, you won't be even be able to awaken again…"
Moonlight lit up the night as Honoka and Kanon ran down the path. Honoka stopped for a moment and panted, trying to catch her breathe.
Kanon stared at her.
"I'm okay," said Honoka, petting his head. "I'm just not used to running for a long period of time."
She conjured up some water in her palm and drank from it.
Honoka then continued walking down the path. A couple yards later she paused, and looked into the trees.
There were a lot of loud noises that sounded like fighting coming from the forest.
Honoka took a step forward but was blocked by Kanon.
"But what if it's Basso?" she asked him. "Or someone in need of help?"
Kanon stared at her worriedly. Honoka huffed and pushed past him into the thicket of trees.
Honoka gazed down into a ravine from behind a tree. Kanon was beside her, an ear flicking irritated.
A girl who looked to be seventeen-years-old was surrounded by demons and Dark Kitsunes. She was dressed like a gypsy, with a violet bra and a long, dark purple skirt tied together leaving space for her legs to move freely, along with wooden sandals. She had a see-through violet cape over her head and that had short sleeves. She had a light blue bag that went over to her right side, and was holding a large, golden globe of the world. Her eyes were turquoise and she had long, purple hair tied into a braid on her shoulder with a gold ponytail holder.
The Dark Kitsunes were dressed in black and red army outfits. One of them, most likely the leader, took a step forward towards the girl.
"I suppose you know why we're here?" he asked.
The girl didn't answer him.
"It'll be easier if you come quietly," the Dark Kitsune continued.
"And let Morendo kill me?" the girl said, tilting her head. "I'm afraid I can let him take my globe, either."
"If you tell him where she is, I'm sure he'll spare you."
"I'm a hindrance to him," the girl answered. "Once he learns what he wants from me, I'm as good as dead."
The Dark Kitsune stared at the ground silently.
"Sorry, but I refuse to give Morendo what he wants!" the girl shouted, and threw down one of her hands.
A tornado of wind blasted the group, causing them to cry out in shock. The girl began running, causing some demons to go after her.
One large one jumped in front of her. The girl threw the globe into the air, and jumped at a tree, pushing off it. She pushed off of another tree, going higher into the air. She summoned up what looked to be large compasses with sharpened ends and swiped the air. The action caused the compasses to dive bomb the demons and Dark Kitsunes that were underneath.
The girl glided down to the ground, grabbing the globe as she glided. Suddenly, a Dark Kitsune hit her in the side with the blunt of their sword, causing her to crash into a tree while letting go of the globe.
Two Dark Kitsunes grabbed her arms and the leader picked up her globe.
"Well, I guess your luck runs out now," he told her.
A blast of fire struck him, causing the Dark Kitsune to scream in pain and fall to the ground, letting go of the globe. Another blast hit the ground at where the two Dark Kitsunes were standing, causing them to let go of the girl.
She looked up into the air to see Honoka falling through the air, landing on the leader's stomach.
"Leave her alone!" Honoka shouted, waving her arms in the air and causing bursts of fire to fly everywhere.
Kanon yipped and growled, biting and clawing at Dark Kitsunes. The ferocity of the fox's attacks made the other Dark Kitsunes run away from him.
"You little bitch!" the leader shouted, pinning Honoka's hands behind her and pushing her onto her stomach. "How dare you interfere—"
He was cut off when he felt something sharp impale itself in his shoulder, and looked to see a compass stuck there. He gave out a bloodcurdling scream and attempted to pry the object out of his shoulder.
The girl blasted the three Dark Kitsunes away with wind. She grabbed the globe and then Honoka, who was surprised at the action.
"What're you—"
The next thing Honoka knew, she felt a squirming sensation in her stomach and felt as if she was being lifted.
Honoka collapsed onto the ground, a bit dizzy. She looked around confused and saw she was in a different section of the forest.
She was startled when she felt something cold touch her and looked to see Kanon staring at her worried.
"I teleported us away with teleportation magic."
Honoka looked up to see the girl staring at her sternly.
"That was reckless of you," the girl continued. "You could've gotten hurt, or worse, killed."
Honoka stared at the ground guiltily.
"I couldn't stay still and let you get hurt," she answered.
"Why help a complete stranger?" asked the girl.
"It doesn't matter if you're a stranger or not," said Honoka, staring at her determinedly. "If someone's in need and needs help, it's the right thing to help them."
The girl stared at her, and then smiled.
"I see," she said, and rubbed the globe in her hand.
Honoka looked around them, holding up her lantern to see better.
"Where are we?" she asked.
"We're north from where that army is," the girl said.
"Why were they after you?" asked Honoka. "I mean, I heard the conversation, but I don't get it."
"That's something you don't have to worry about," the girl said.
Honoka stared at her worriedly and continued to look around.
"Nozomi Tojo."
"Eh?" said Honoka, looking back at her.
"That's my name."
"Oh," said Honoka. "I'm Honoka Kosaka."
"Nice to meet you, Honoka," said Nozomi, extending a hand out to her.
"You too," replied Honoka, shaking Nozomi's hand.
"Now, I'm sure you have a good reason to be traveling at night in the forest," Nozomi said, smiling with her eyes closed.
"I'm looking for someone," Honoka said tentatively. "He's got black hair and red eyes. He's wearing a red shirt. And, uh, has a black, fluffy tail."
Nozomi stared at her.
"Honoka, you just described a Dark Kitsune," she said, her face in a worried expression.
"I know… His name is Basso Continuo."
Nozomi tapped her chin with a hand, thinking.
"…I haven't met someone with that description," she said.
"Oh," Honoka said, looking at the ground sadly.
Kanon nudged her hand, and Honoka patted his head.
"But maybe we can find him with this."
Honoka looked up to see Nozomi brandishing the globe to her.
"We can find Basso with your globe?" Honoka asked, stepping closer to get a better look.
Nozomi grinned mischievously.
"My globe isn't any normal globe—it's magical," she explained. "It can show you were a city you want to go is, and even where someone you want to find is!"
"Wow!" Honoka cried out. "That's amazing!"
"This is a one of a kind magical object," continued Nozomi. "That's why I can't let it get into the wrong hands."
At this, Honoka stared at Nozomi shocked.
"Hold it and picture who you want to find," said Nozomi, handing Honoka the globe and taking her lantern.
Honoka almost dropped it since it was heavy.
"Don't worry about dropping it," Nozomi murmured. "It can't break."
Honoka took a deep breath and closed her eyes. A moment later, she opened her eyes in shock as the globe started glowing. She was hit by the sensation of feeling where Basso was.
She turned in the direction she felt where he was and began walking swiftly in that direction. Nozomi chuckled at her determined expression.
They arrived at what seemed to be a campsite. There was a tent next to a large fire. Sitting on a log that was in front of the fire was Basso.
"Basso…!" Honoka shouted, running and tackling him while letting go of the globe in the process, which had stopped glowing.
"Honoka?!" gasped Basso, struggling to get out of her grip. "How did you find me?!"
"Thanks to Nozomi!" said Honoka, rubbing her head against his chest.
Basso blushed at this, and once he saw Nozomi his face went even more red.
"Get off of me!" he cried out, pushing Honoka off him.
Nozomi laughed at his actions.
"So you're Basso," she said. "I'm Nozomi Tojo. Honoka found me and I helped her find you."
"I see…" said Basso, rubbing his head.
"Nozomi's globe is magical!" Honoka said, holding up the globe. "It can tell you where places and people are!"
"That's a pretty powerful enchantment there," said Basso, whistling as he gazed at the globe up closer.
Nozomi blinked.
"Ah, so you know about magic and spells?" she asked.
"…Eh, I know some stuff," muttered Basso, rubbing his head and looking away. "I had a really great teacher…"
Nozomi stared at him and smiled softly.
"I see…" she murmured.
Basso stared at her confused and felt something tug at his shirt. He looked to see Honoka staring at him excitedly.
"You can use this to get to Dolcissimo!" she said, pointing at the globe.
"…You're heading to Dolcissimo?" said Nozomi.
"Yeah," answered Basso.
Nozomi looked at the ground for a moment, and then at them smiling.
"Keep the globe," she said. "You'll find it useful for your journey."
"Journey?" repeated Honoka, tiling her head.
Nozomi bowed her head, and wind whipped around her. Then the space where she was standing was empty except for the lantern.
Basso and Honoka stared passively at where Nozomi was. Kanon sniffed the spot and sneezed.
"Looks like you're joining me, then," said Basso.
"…Yeah," said Honoka, staring at the spot.
The title of this chapter stands for bridge, which according to Wikipedia is a"transitional passage connecting two sections of a composition, also transition. Also the part of a stringed instrument that holds the strings in place and transmits their vibrations to the resonant body of the instrument".
Song IV: Accompagnato
Basso, Honoka, and Kanon walked along the path out of the thinning forest. It was noon as the sun was high in the sky.
Basso had a black cloak over his clothes and was wearing a backpack. Honoka was holding the globe, staring intently at it, which was glowing slightly as it performed its magic.
As the group rounded the corner, the forest came to an end. In front of them by twenty feet was an enormous golden gate that was made of bars, connected to an equally as tall white wall made of cement that went on for miles in both directions. There were two guards on other side of the gate.
Upon seeing them, Basso panicked and pulled back Honoka, who squeaked at the action.
"What's wrong?" she asked upon seeing his face.
"The guards," said Basso, peeking out to look at them. "While no one has seen a Dark Kitsune in a century, I'm sure some people know how to identify one—like you did when we first met. If they see me, they'll probably refuse to let me in the city."
"So what do we do?" Honoka asked, peeking as well.
"I'll camouflage myself so I appear human to them," said Basso, taking a step back.
He closed his eyes, and a symbol appeared beneath him, glowing blue. The energy permeating from the symbol made a wind blow up his hair and clothes. A small flash occurred, making Honoka shield her eyes by closing them and holding up her hand. When it disappeared, Honoka opened her eyes to find Basso looking like a human.
"Wow!" said Honoka, in awe. "You look just like a human!"
"It's just a physical change, though," said Basso. "If you touch me, you'll still feel my ears and tail. But I've made it so only you can feel them."
"How does that work, exactly?" Honoka asked, tilting her head.
"It's an advanced technique," explained Basso. "I learned it from my teacher."
"Your teacher sounds really powerful," said Honoka.
"He is," murmured Basso, his expression going a bit sad. "He's like a father to me."
He looked at the globe in Honoka's hands. It had stopped glowing, ever since they had seen the gate.
"We should probably hide the globe," he said, taking a step towards Honoka. "Don't want to be questioned, right?"
Honoka nodded, and gave it to him. Basso took off his backpack and carefully put the globe inside, to which the backpack swallowed it up like a piece of food.
"Is that backpack enchanted?" asked Honoka.
"Of course," said Basso, smirking at her. "How else do I carry around that tent?"
Honoka blinked, and then laughed. Kanon rolled his eyes at Basso's words.
"What, don't find what I said funny?" Basso asked, leaning down at Kanon.
Kanon snipped at Basso's fingers.
"Whoa!" Basso cried out, moving away from the fox. "Geez! You just don't like me, do you?!"
Kanon snorted in response.
"Jerk fox," Basso muttered, turning around and walking out of the forest.
"In his defense, I think he's just getting used to you!" said Honoka, following.
"Doesn't seem like it to me!"
The group walked up to the guards. The guards stared at them, and then one made a hand motion, which caused the gate to open for them.
"Nonverbal magic," Basso explained to Honoka as they walked into Dolcissimo. "Easier to use so enemies can't get in."
"Is it the same as me making a small fire to see in the dark?" asked Honoka.
"Sort of," said Basso. "In order to open up a large gate like that, you'd have to concentrate your mana on that specific gate."
"The magical—or spiritual, if you want to use that term—energy you need to be able to use magic?"
Honoka stared at Basso blankly.
"Not everyone possess mana," he explained. "However, I'd say that almost half of the population in Anima possess it. Mana can also be inherited through the bloodlines."
"Basso, look around us!" Honoka said suddenly, pulling on Basso's arm.
Basso looked at her confused, and then gasped as he saw what Dolcissimo was like.
Every building around them seemed to be built in golden hues, with them varying in height. The group seemed to be in the marketplace section of Dolcissimo, as there stands everywhere, with people hustling and bustling. There weren't just humans—there were also cat-people, elves, bird-people, and even some mer-people.
"I've never seen such a variety of people before," murmured Basso, looking around frantically. "I've read about them, but it's not the same as actually seeing them in person."
Honoka was looking around with a fazed expression on her face.
"…I feel as if I've been here before," she murmured.
"Really?" said Basso, looking at her surprised.
"Yes," she said, putting a hand on her head. "But I have no idea why I feel that way."
Honoka gasped as someone bumped into her.
"Ah, my apologies!"
She looked up see a guy who looked to be eighteen-years-old. He was dressed as if he was a composer, wearing a white coat that had its ends split apart, a black vest, black shirt, black shoes, black gloves, and a blue tie. He had red eyes and black hair that was tied in a long, low ponytail with a red ponytail-holder.
"Are you alright?" he asked, tilting his head and putting a hand on his hip. "I didn't see you there."
Honoka stared at him blankly, as still as a statue. She put up a hand, and then quickly put it back down.
"…Have we met before?" she asked tentatively.
"Honoka?" Basso whispered, extremely confused.
Kanon was tilting his head in confusion.
"I think I'd remember someone with such a pretty face," murmured the guy, scratching his chin.
Honoka blushed at his words. She looked at the ground, and smiled at the guy sheepishly.
"Sorry," she said, rubbing her head. "I don't know what came over me."
"It's alright," the guy said, waving his hand. "Actually, you look like someone I once knew."
"Really?" said Honoka.
The guy looked at the group curiously.
"Am I correct to assume this is your first time in Dolcissimo?" he asked. "If so, I know a great inn you could stay at. They even allow pets."
"Yeah, it is," said Basso, eyes narrowed slightly. "And who are you?"
"Ah, my apologies," said the guy, chuckling. "I haven't introduced myself yet, haven't I?"
He bowed before them with one arm behind him and the other across his stomach.
"My name is Lasciare Suonare," he said. "As you can see, I am a composer."
Honoka flinched at his name.
"That name…" she murmured, looking at the ground. "Why does it sound so familiar…?"
"Perhaps you know someone who once was called that," said Lasciare, and then waved them over. "C'mon, follow me."
Basso grabbed Honoka's arm and cautiously followed Lasciare. Kanon growled at the composer.
"Honoka, I'd be very careful around that guy," Basso whispered in her ear. "I can sense a dark aura around him. He's probably very dangerous."
Honoka looked at Basso surprised, and then back to Lasciare. She bit her lip nervously.
"He seems nice to me," she whispered.
"I know his type," whispered Basso, glaring at Lasciare. "He seems nice, but deep down there's evil lurking inside of him. Remember this, Honoka—every rose has its thorns, no matter how pretty they are."
"You speak as if from personal experience," said Honoka, looking at him worriedly.
Basso looked away from her.
"…My older brother," he spat out harshly. "Let's just leave it at that, okay?"
Honoka nodded and looked back at Lasciare.
The group followed the composer deeper into the city.
The street thinned out and there weren't as many people out and about. Honoka looked around at the buildings while Basso and Kanon continued to stare cautiously at Lasciare.
Lasciare turned his head to look at them.
"Hey, do you guys know the history of Dolcissimo from a hundred years ago?" he asked, looking at them curiously.
"You're speaking about how the Dark Kitsunes were expelled out of Dolcissimo because of their involvement with the Nine Guardians and their war with Morendo," answered Basso.
"Why, yes!" said Lasciare, turning around completely and clapping his hands. "Listen to you, a historian! And do you know why the Dark Kitsunes laid waste to Dolcissimo during that time?"
"…Resentment of how they were treated over the Light Kitsunes," Basso answered, eyes looking at the ground.
"Suppression and racism will do that, unfortunately," said Lasciare, holding his chin with one hand and his other arm underneath the other. "And since Light Kitsunes helped out with stopping the Dark Kitsunes, you'd think that there would be Light Kitsunes around today."
He smiled at Basso, eyes gleaming.
"Do you know the reason?"
Basso sweated and gulped before narrowing his eyes at him.
"…It's been said that due to fear of getting racism themselves, the Light Kitsunes decided to come together and form their own kingdom far away from other civilizations," he explained.
"Bingo!" said Lasciare, snapping his fingers.
He turned around and put his hands together behind his back as he began to walk again.
"I believe that the highest ranking Light Kitsune back then felt that it had been their fault that the Dark Kitsunes' rebellion occurred, and so tried to prevent it from happening again by moving all Light Kitsunes into their own territory," he said, looking up at the sky. "I also believe that the reason no one found them was because they sealed off their territory from other people's eyes."
He turned his head and smiled at them.
"Isn't history fascinating?"
"Why are you telling us this?" asked Basso, staring at Lasciare suspiciously. "And why do you know so much about Light and Dark Kitsunes? Most of the population has probably forgotten about them, except maybe for the royalty and the Olympian Council. So why do you know so much about them?"
"History is within everyone," said Lasciare. "We all carry on history, within our bloodlines. So history continues on forever, even if we're no longer here."
"That doesn't answer my question!" Basso snapped, sweat running down his face.
"Basso?" said Honoka, looking at him worriedly.
Lasciare stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Basso.
"I guess you could say I've done my research on the subject," he answered. "In any case, we've arrived at the inn."
He gestured to his left to a small, cozy-looking inn which had a sign that read "The Musical Inn".
Honoka looked at the sign curiously.
"That's an interesting name for an inn," she murmured.
"Yes, well, I assume that the owner is a fan of the Muses," said Lasciare, who walked back past them. "If you guys are in need of help, you can find me at Dawn's Bar, which is located east of the central area of the city—you can't miss it since its sign is huge."
He waved goodbye without looking at them and disappeared into the crowd of people walking about.
Basso sighed heavily and glared in the direction Lasciare went.
"I really don't like that guy," he said.
Honoka smiled at him cautiously, with a slightly worried expression on her face.
Lasciare Suonare
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 18
Date of Birth: May 7th
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Blood Type: AB
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Height: 5'10"
Name Meaning: Lasciare Suonare, according to Wikipedia, means "'let ring', meaning allow the sound to continue, do not damp, used frequently in harp or guitar music, occasionally in piano or percussion. Abbreviated 'lusc. suon.'"
The title for this chapter is a musical term for accompanied, which according to Wikipedia is "(i.e. with the accompaniment following the soloist, who may speed up or slow down at will)".
Dolcissimo is a musical term that means "very sweetly". It's also a reference to a certain character that the group will meet eventually while in Dolcissimo.
Anima is a musical term for "feeling". It's the name of the continent that the story takes place in.
Song V: Bird's Eye
Honoka walked into the lobby, with Kanon by side. She was wearing her regular outfit, without her cloak.
She looked around before spotting Basso standing near the door of the inn. She skipped over to him.
"Are we heading to the castle?" she asked. "Since we have to ask the royals for permission for your errand…"
"I wasn't given a deadline for it," said Basso, who was clutching a small, white bag. "So we can take our time."
"Oh," said Honoka, who frowned slightly.
Honoka gasped in surprise as Basso threw the bag at her, and turned to go outside.
"I wanna check out the market, since we never really got a chance yesterday to look around."
"Okay," said Honoka, pulling out a steaming sandwich of cheese and ham.
"Is this for me?" she asked, smiling, following him out onto the street.
"Well, yeah," said Basso, smirking. "You slept in so I had to go buy you something from a sandwich shop nearby."
Honoka took a bite, and her eyes flowed from the taste. She eagerly began eating more of the sandwich.
"I take it that it's good?" asked Basso, chuckling from her reaction.
Honoka hummed and nodded her head while smiling largely.
The group continued to walk as Honoka finished up the sandwich. She pulled out a small pastry that had red gel on the surface on it, and a cup that was covered up with a straw poking out of a small hole.
"You got me a pastry?" she asked, looking at Basso in surprise.
Kanon looked at Basso as well, intrigued.
"Y—Yeah, well…" said Basso, blushing slightly, looking at the ground. "I thought you'd like something like that, since you've never been in the city before."
"Thank you," said Honoka, smiling at him warmly. "But you should have gotten yourself something too."
"I'll do that later," said Basso, looking away from her warm gaze.
The marketplace was full of people as usual. Honoka was looking around drooling, her eyes shining at all the food around them.
"Hey, fix your face," chided Basso, his eyes narrowed. "No one will let you buy anything if you're walking around with that expression on your face."
"But everything smells so good!" Honoka cried out, pouting.
Kanon snorted, pawing the ground.
"Aw, not you too, Kanon!" Honoka said, staring at the fox in surprise.
She turned around and sniffed the air.
"I'm gonna find a sand that sells bread!" she declared, pumping out a fist, and then dashed off.
"Ah, hey!" Basso said, putting out a hand at her. "Don't just run off like that!"
He sighed and shared an exasperated look with Kanon. Then he ran off after her, Kanon beside him.
Honoka was following the smell of freshly baked bread, sniffing the air like a dog.
As she was looking around, she didn't notice someone behind her and ended up bumping into them.
"Ah, no! My loaves of bread!"
The person Honoka had bumped into was a girl who looked to be sixteen-years-old. She had straight, gray hair that was long and was pulled in in a bun with a green bow with a loose, long side-ponytail. Her eyes were yellow, and she was wearing a dress like Honoka's, except it didn't have a corset and had white trimming on the bottom. Her shoes matched her dress and she had high, white socks on her legs. She also had light gray bird wings on her back.
"I'll help you!" said Honoka, kneeling down next to her and helped put the bread back into a basket.
"Oh, thank you so much," said the girl, smiling with her eyes closed.
"You're welcome," replied Honoka. "I'm Honoka Kosaka."
"Kotori Minami," said the girl, standing up with her basket. "I wanna buy you something as a thank-you."
"I'd be fine with some bread," said Honoka.
"Here, then," said Kotori, handing her a large loaf.
"But, this is yours!" Honoka protested. "I can't take this!"
"Please, I insist," murmured Kotori, smiling.
"In that case, thank you," Honoka said.
"Not many people would do that for someone like me," Kotori said, giggling slightly. "Because I'm a bird-human. Or in my case, actually more half than most since my father was a human and my mother is a bird-human."
"How did bird-people come to exist?" asked Honoka, tilting her head and taking a bite of bread.
"It's been said that bird-people came to be when a couple of birds were hit with strong magic that enabled them to become human while keeping their wings," Kotori explained. "As more birds gathered from being hit with magic, their intelligence changed to match ours. And over time, they interacted with humans and began to live with them, as equals. Cat-people and mer-people started out like bird-people, just with cats and fish instead of birds."
"Wow," said Honoka, continuing to eat her bread. "So, um, does that mean you like bird seeds?"
"That's a stereotype that people give us," said Kotori.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Honoka quickly said.
"No, it's okay," said Kotori, smiling. "I can tell you don't mean it in a bad way."
Honoka smiled at her.
"There you are, Honoka!"
Honoka turned to find Basso and Kanon running up to them.
"Seriously, don't run off like that!" Basso scolded, poking her head. "I don't want you to get lost!"
"Okay, okay!" said Honoka, pushing his hand away. "Kotori was telling me the history of how bird-people came to be."
"Eh?" said Basso, and looked at Kotori.
"Nice to meet you," Kotori murmured, doing a small curtsy. "I'm Kotori Minami."
"Basso Continuo," Basso said. "It's nice to meet you too."
"And this is Kanon!" Honoka said, petting Kanon furiously to which the fox got annoyed at.
Kotori giggled at Kanon's expression, and then she looked between Honoka and Basso.
"So, is he your boyfriend?" she asked, tilting her head.
Both Basso and Honoka blushed at Kotori's words.
"I was just kidding," said Kotori, laughing a bit. "You two do look like you'd be cute as a couple, though."
"T—Thanks," said Basso, blushing and looking away.
Honoka squirmed and looked at the ground. Kotori giggled at their actions.
"Honoka Kosaka! I've found you at last!"
The group was startled from the sudden declaration. Honoka nervously turned around, as did Basso and Kanon confusedly.
Yukiho was standing a few feet from them, a gray cloak over her dress and her hands on her hips.
Honoka gulped deeply.
According to Wikipedia, bird's eye is "A slang term for fermata, which instructs the performer to hold a note or chord as long as they wish".
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