#Tayen Quick
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boldtenaciity · 4 months ago
when: 3 october with: @snowkisses, mark
Word travels fast when you work in emergency services and so closely with law enforcement; Naji wasn't on the engine that was dispatched to Winterwood, but he quickly found out the situation: a body found in the opulent bathtub of a millionaire. He'd heard of cases like that before, and rich people thinking they could get away with anything as long as they paid off the right people. From what he heard, the homeowner had come home after a night out and claimed to have just found the decedent there in the tub, which was patently insane in Naji's eyes. Who was supposed to believe that?
The curiosity about the case morphed into a lump in his throat when he heard who the body had been identified as, his best friend's former partner and the birthgiver of their child. From the moment he heard Adisorn Tayen's name in connection with the death, he knew Mark wouldn't be doing well; quick communication with other members of the Bae family confirmed that he was catatonic.
Fuck this overwhelming sense of duty Naji felt, fuck the feeling of obligation to take off work and go care for his friend.
He couldn't quite leave early, but he did manage to secure a few days off longer than the usual three days; and in the morning after completing a 24-hour shift, he was still dressed in his casual uniform as he drove to Mark's parents' house, not feeling fully rested after having to force himself into shut-eye on the uncomfortable bunks at the firehouse. He was so tired, so he had a plan in mind, and he hoped Mark would be willing enough to go along with it.
"We're gonna hit up your place first so you can pack some clothes," Naji started once he had Mark loaded into the passenger's seat. "I'd let you wear mine but they'd be too big. We're gonna go to my house—you can use my stuff to shower, wash your laundry, whatever you need—and I'm gonna get out of these fuck ass clothes 'cause I just finished a shift. I'll probably take a shower, but you're gonna lay down in my bed. And then we're gonna go to sleep for a little while. Sound good?" He'd already taken off towards the trailer park, brain on autopilot as he drove. "We can talk later if you want; but right now, habibi, we both gotta get some actual rest." He reached over and patted Mark on the thigh, completely at odds with what to say, especially when he was this tired.
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bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 2 years ago
Aila carefully maneuvered the miniature blood pressure cuff onto Tayen's arm, quickly moving to attach the heart rate monitor to the fairy's tiny finger while the cuff filled with air. The nurse looked over at the monitor behind Wybie, watching it, nodding to herself. "Blood pressure one-thirty-nine over ninety-three, heart rate one-fifteen, oxygen saturation steady at ninety-seven percent."
Campbell stepped back a little from the gurney, giving the nurses room to work. She ran her hands through her hair before she grabbed her phone from her pocket, sending Kai, Melinda, Elaine, and Delaney quick texts to let them know where she was. That way, at least, they'd know she wasn't missing.
"Thank you, Hadley," Janeway sighed, putting her arm around Perry. She stared at the doors to triage for a moment. "On the bright side... we've more than earned family movie night when we get home. With ice cream. And maybe popcorn." She looked to her sister. "What do you say?"
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Kenna Campbell froze at the sight of the rubble. Holy...
Half of the small cottage had collapsed, the other half appearing to be hanging on by a thread. Tayen had just gotten finished moving in, too, after everything that had happened. Campbell had helped get her last few boxes off the moving van.
"Please be alive in there," she whispered, rushing towards the debris.
Kenna Janeway glanced at her sister before running after the other Kenna, trying to look under a fallen rafter to see if she could see anything. "This looks really bad, Per."
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hunnybadgerv · 3 years ago
“Want me to model these for you?” for Sharky and Tayen? 🖤😘
Summary: Sharky has a soft spot for making the deputy grin, even when that’s all there is time for.
a/n: Prompted by NightWingsHero: “Want me to model these for you?” for Sharky and Tayen. Just so you know the moment I saw this, it practically wrote itself. From this list.
Floor Model
Even in the low light they looked perfect. Deputy Tayen Quick’s fingertips traced the outline, the delicate edges tickling her skin.
Warm breath caressed her ear, accompanied with that voice laced with a hint of smoke. “Want me to model these for you?”
Tayen tilted her head as the tip of his nose nudged at her ear lobe. His lips were warm, his stubble rough against the thin skin of her neck. As long as he was content to tease her neck, Tayen remained silent in response to his question. When his teeth scraped over her jugular, she hissed softly and her hand detoured to into his hair.
They’d figured out the little signs. He knew her weakness—that nibbling, kissing, and sucking on her neck. And he knew that when she reached up for him, she wanted his mouth on hers. He responded just as she wished. Soft at first, then, when her lips parted, his tongue dove past. Tayen shifted, turning in his arms. His hands pulled at her hips the whole time. He wanted her close, as close as she did.
Breathless, their foreheads met first, then their eyes.
“So?” he said, between deep, fast breaths.
“How could I ever say no to the sexiest floor model in Hope County?” she replied with a wide grin, repeating what he’d said to her once when she was trying to find something dry to change into after an impromptu swim. Their current situation was far less dire. And she was incredibly curious.
“You trying to sweet talk me, Dep?”
“Hell, yes.”
“Good, because it’s working.” He kissed her mouth hard. Then that comforting warmth he emanated disappeared. Being next to Sharky was like standing next to an open flame—bright, warm, inviting, with a hint of danger.
He hopped over the counter and faced her. His cocksure grin sparked her own crooked smile, then his sweatshirt came off, pulling his undershirt off with it. Both fell on the floor at his feet.
Tayen nodded with unmasked approval and appreciation, waiting.
“Fwoosh!” he sang, guiding the arrow toward his chest and tucking it beneath his arm. He swirled on the spot then fell to the side. He grabbed for the counter on his way down. All the time, offering a vivid soundtrack for his death.
She grabbed the edge of the counter and looked over it.
Sharky lay there, legs akimbo, part on his side and his back. One arm reaching outward for nothing in particular.
“It really brings out your eyes,” she told him with a laugh.
His head turned and he batted his eyelashes at her. “Really?” He pulled the arrow from beneath him and held the fletching near his cheek.
The deputy hopped over the counter and crouched beside him, plucking the arrow out of his hand and twirling it between her fingers. She brushed the soft feathery material over his cheek, then down his sternum before she leaned over and kissed him. “Definitely, but I’m heavily biased.”
“Just can’t resist the baby blues,” he crooned, slipping his hand along her cheek to pull her closer.
She kissed him. It was languid, sweet, unhurried. And she wished that kissing him were the only thing she had to contemplate for the next few hours. “Like I’d ever try,” she told him, finally pulling away and breaking the kiss.
His fingers lingered in her hair a moment, before she leaned back on her haunches. Once she stood, she held her hand out to him.
“And here I was hoping you wouldn’t be able to resist rescuing me.”
Tayen leaned against his bare chest, letting her fingers trace over his ribs as her lips brush against his. She looked up into his eyes, licking her lips. “Let me get through with this thing,” she whispered. Each time he tried to seal his lips to hers, she eased back until he relented. “Then I can rescue you all day long.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” he said, pulling her body more firmly against his.
“Good.” This time when he bent his lips to hers, she welcomed his kiss.
The bell on the front door jangled in the dimness. “I swear to God! If you two are fucking in here, I’ll shoot you both,” Jess’ voice carried through the small building.
Tayen smiled against his lips.
“What’d’ya take me for, chica?” Sharky called over his shoulder. “Charlemagne Victor Boshaw the fourth is not a minute man. And besides, if we were, you would’ve known.”
Patting him on the chest, Tayen laughed softly. She grabbed all the arrows in the bin on the counter, then kissed him one more time. “Meet you out front.”
“Right behind you.” Sharky planted a kiss on her temple before he bent to grab his clothes.
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rdrthingies · 4 years ago
new tayen lore dropped (though it’s more focused on Charles)
Tayen and Charles had been officially part of the gang for two weeks now, doing a stage coach job with Arthur so he could get an idea of how they work. And they work well, very well. Charles normally taking the muscle role, doing the talking and the intimidating, with Tayen the one who chases and shoots.
But after that they’ve been in camp, settling in and doing what they could to help out. Tayen was quick to make friends with the younger gang members like Tilly and Sean and Lenny, she’s often seen around the campfire with them as they share stories and jokes, her laughter filling the air that brings a smile to Charles’ lips. But Charles has remained silent, well mostly silent. He’s talked sometimes, greetings and questions and answers, but for the most part, he’s kept to himself.
However, Sean MacGuire has yet to hear the large man talk, and thus has made the assumption that said man is a mute who does not talk. He knows better than to bring it up (barely), but he can’t help but wonder what happened to make him a mute. Was it an injury? Was his tongue cut out? Was he simply born not talking? What?
He ponders these as he sits at the fire, the siblings there as well, tending to their weapons.
“Careful there, Sean. You look like you’re thinking,” Tayen teases, smiling crookedly and widely.
Sean only rolls his eyes, “Very funny... But, I do ‘ave a question for ya, if ye don’t mind answering.”
Tayen shrugs, putting away her knife. “Depends on the question... what is it?”
Sean opens his mouth to answer but Lenny stops him from asking, butting in with his typical bright attitude. “Hey, Charles! You know where I can find some berries? Maggie loves those blackberries an’ I figured I could just find them in the wild instead of buying them at the store.”
“What ya askin ‘im for?” Sean scrunches his nose in confusion, waving his hand around. “Unless yer wantin’ him to show you on a map or... or take you there himself there’s no way he’ll be able to-”
“There are some bushes just by Manzanita Post, just before the cliff, can’t miss ‘em.” A deep voice spoke, a voice Sean has not heard before, a voice that caused him to shout and leap back, falling off the log he was sitting on.
“JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH WHAT THE FUCK!” He cries out, spindly limbs flying as he rights himself, staring at Charles like he was a ghost. “You can talk?!” There was silence, everyone staring at Sean like he’d grown a second head. 
Finally, Tayen spoke up. “Y-yeah... of course he can talk... Why did you think he couldn-”
“‘Cause I haven’t heard the bastard say a word for the whole two weeks you’ve been here! I thought he was a bloody mute!” Sean is standing now, pointing to Charles whose face has not changed this entire time. 
Lenny laughed to Sean’s left, laughed loudly and strongly. He was clutching his stomach, tears were in his eyes, and soon Tayen was laughing as well. Then the entire camp was laughing as they heard what had happened, that Sean thought Charles was mute and was scared shitless when he heard him speak. Sean would be pissed at Charles too, if he wasn’t a mountain of a man capable of breaking him in half. Also helps that he cleaned Ennis’ coat and put Sugarcubes in his saddlebag. 
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welcxmetxtheshxw · 5 years ago
Flashback Solo Para: You Can’t Keep Me Quiet
Trigger warnings: Death, gore, violence, Tayen/Celena
Victoria points to an actor onstage when daddy asks her who forgot their blocking, making him chuckle a bit at her antics. But then she crosses her arms. “No, daddy, look!”
She opens his script and points to what he’d written himself. Reading it, he pauses before chuckling. “Well, I’ll be. She’s right. You were supposed to cross after your line, not during it. Good job, Tori.”
Victoria beams as he ruffles her hair and then the scene resumes. She continues sitting in her dad’s lap, watching the actors onstage in awe.
“Bye, mom!” The fourteen-year-old waves to her mother before flitting out the door. Dad’s sick, so she’s covering for him with the troupe today. She’s a little anxious-- she’s been her dad’s assistant director for so long, stepping into his shoes was a huge step.
Luckily it was only a table reading of their new production set for the winter. She notes the immediate confusion from the actors when she flies in alone. “Daddy’s sick today. He left me in charge.”
With that, she passes out the scripts he’d given her for the actors and stage crew and settles in to lead a proper table reading. This was going to be good, she thinks, hearing the characters come to life before they’re even blocking.
She can’t wait for this show.
Except, it doesn’t happen, because that night the world turns upside down. Victoria leaves their rehearsal space late but she notices immediately that there’s a chill in the air... like something horrible has happened. And she’s not sure what until she looks at the moon... and that can’t be right.
She’s flies home as fast as she can carry herself, which may not be anything compared to her mother but it’s still pretty good. Vidia meets her at the door, having been about to go out looking for her. “Mom, what’s going on?”
“I’m not sure yet. Get inside.” Vidia is quick to pull her inside before anything else can happen, and Victoria shivers a bit.
Whatever was happening out there, she had a bad feeling it was only going to get worse from here.
And she’d been right, of course. An old friend had gone off the deep end, Pixie Hollow was suffering so badly, and...
She couldn’t sit idly by as people suffered and died. So she’d forged a trail, even if it was outside her talent, one that could take others to the mainland. And she began running people, usually children, along her newfound escape trail, out of Pixie Hollow.
Using an alias, Blackbird, she spread the word through rumors and whispers. Only to people she didn’t know, so they’d never identify her by name. It was through this she met Raine and Silva. They wanted to help, after another run had been forced to disband after getting caught.
At fifteen years old, Victoria was way out of her depth. So she couldn’t argue with the idea of getting help from the two, and before she knew it she had an entire operation, with others joining the three of them and allowing people to alternate nights. Never once telling her parents, as badly as she wanted them to leave Pixie Hollow.
They wouldn’t leave her. And she couldn’t leave, not now. People needed her.
But that changes one night. Raine dies in her arms, making her promise to escape with this run. This was her operation... but she passes it along to Silva. Because she promised, and if things hadn’t been this way in Pixie Hollow... it’s possible that she and Raine-- no, River, she corrects herself-- would have, could have, had something more.
But they didn’t, and wouldn’t, and now Victoria was without her parents, alone in this strange new world, and terrified for her life.
She wishes things were different. She wishes she didn’t hurt this much. But they weren’t and she does and there’s nothing she can do about it.
But now there’s Dean, and she doesn’t know what she thinks of him. But she does know what she thinks of her.
She’ll never be the girl someone can love. Her past is too dark, her life is too much for someone to handle her. She’s suffered so much, and her mind keeps her trapped in that suffering... nobody could help her.
Nobody could handle her.
Nobody will want her.
But Victoria is a performance talent fairy. She can put on a show, hide how broken she is, hide how hurt and terrified she is, and hide how much she cares for the charming boy.
It’s a piece of cake.
When her parents arrive, Victoria feels something stir in her gut. A fire she thought she’d lost after she ran away.
Because Tayen is here. She’s in Auradon and Victoria won’t let her take this place the way she took Pixie Hollow. Victoria can’t let her parents be in danger ever again.
As she holds onto them, hugging her father tightly, she begins to make a plan. Auradon will see Tayen for what she really is, a monster, a killer, a dictator, and they won’t let it happen here.
And they’ll save Pixie Hollow.
She doesn’t care what it takes.
Victoria Adlon is going to go home again. And she’s going to save her people. Somehow. Some way.
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incorrectatdhqquotes · 5 years ago
Taylor: What would you say is the height of stupidity?
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years ago
Tayen shook her head a bit, silently grabbing her tricorder and going over to Nick to give him a quick scan.
Wil frowned slightly. Not elf hunters. Human… field medic? He bit his lip, clearing his throat. “Uh… 2052. Some… other universe, apparently. I don’t really know how this all works. But, uh…” He gestured to his own ears. “Half-elf. Thought maybe elf hunters got your ear. They tried to get mine.” He pointed to a long, jagged white scar near his right ear.
Hannah frowns at that. "What now?"
Nick shakes his head. "That narrows it down. I mean..."
Pausing, he points to Audrey, Eve, Wil, Claire returning from her lunch, and himself. "...all of us are from very different universes. If I remembered that correctly. I don't like to spend--" He coughs hard for a minute, shaking his head and clearing his throat. "...much time here."
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bxrn-thc-pxgcs · 4 years ago
Why would you even bother with him, anyways? James is a lost cause, always has been. Good for nothing sailor who abandons everyone who's ever entered his life. What makes you think you're any different to him?
Tayen slowly leaned back, looking over at the others. Eretria cracked her knuckles. Mackenzie snorted, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. Cass and Liam looked at each other and nodded. Then the whole group lifted their hands, playing a quick round of rock, paper, scissors.
"You always win!" Cass whined at Liam and Tayen. Liam smirked, gesturing to Tayen first.
Tayen cleared her throat. "Now, maybe, just maybe, it's the fact that uh, one, all of us know to accept that people leave sometimes. Two, he knows too much, therefore we're never letting him leave even if he tries. And three," she held up her hands, "hi, he saved my life, he's not allowed to go anywhere after that, because he knows I'd just follow his stupid ass."
"He also can't leave me for very long," Liam said, holding up his hand. "Hi, wolfblood. I imprinted, mate, which means he's stuck with me whether he likes it or not. Which also means that he's my brother now."
"Which all boils down to you seriously screwing up," the group said in unison.
"He's not a lost cause," Cass said.
"And he's not good for nothing," Mackenzie added.
"Because he's our friend," Eretria nodded.
"We've all helped him through shit," Liam continued.
"And he's helped us through shit," Tayen finished.
"Which means that he's not going anywhere, and neither are any of us," they said, once more in complete, perfect unison.
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hunnybadgerv · 3 years ago
Far Cry 5 | Kiss #32 | Tayen Quick
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untxld-stxries · 4 years ago
Prue blinked, looking between the girl and James. Oh boy. Great, she'd found herself caught in the middle of something bigger than what she'd expected.
Oh what joy was hers.
"Prue. Hi. All I've got to do with anything is breaking this idiot out of the spell." She turned to James, putting her hands on her hips. "So you're seriously telling us that there's another fairy trapped inside your friend's brain, and she's the actual Shadow of Pixie Hollow? Not Tayen?" She rubbed her face. "This is wonderful. I don't like being caught in the middle, so just- make this quick. I've got people I need to fix."
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As soon as Charissa saw the eclipse, she knew something sinister was up. She’d only seen that kind of thing once before, when Tayen took over her realm and her life changed forever. 
She walked around the school, trying to assess the situation, only to notice that all of her classmates were asleep in the middle of the day. After several failed attempts to wake up some of them, it was clear to see that this had been the hand of a powerful curse. The kind that a moon fairy would be capable of casting. Charissa guessed she
Her heart was pounding- she needed a plan and to find Tayen, fast. Before she’d be forced to see history repeat in front of her eyes. 
The sounds of two people talking caught her by surprise and she advanced in their direction, fingers engulfed in the golden glow of her magic. Better safe than sorry. 
Okay, this didn’t make any sense. A guy who was awake and a creature of sorts..that reminded her of Tayen’s shadows in an uncomfortable way. Even worse, the guy was rambling conspiracy theories about her mother and Tayen as if he’s ever been there…
“Who are you and what do you have to do with this?” Charissa demanded, stepping in front of them. 
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James whips around, tensing up. “I don’t like your tone or your implication. My name is James, I’m… close, with Tayen, and because of that fiasco last year that caused everyone to switch lives, I can say with full confidence that the person responsible is known as Celena. I’ve lived with having her in my head. She’s angry, she’s bitter, she’s completely crazy because she’s trapped where no one can see her and no one knows about her, so this–” he motions around them, “Is just damn typical. I’ve done research into this, I might know of some magic that can quiet or even split Celena away from Tayen… maybe. I don’t know, I’m from another planet, I’m not used to magic.”
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Look, I get that I sound crazy, but I’ve interacted with Celena, both in my own mind, and through Tayen. She’ll take control of the body the SECOND Tayen stops paying attention if she’s given enough room, and keeps Tayen trapped in their head. That’s what happened to her in Pixie Hollow.”
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picturethisshow · 5 years ago
Starting your week with a little reminder from Comedy Cake, Discover Los Angeles & The Eastsider LA about this Saturday's show!! Remember pre-sale tix holders get first shot at seating so get your tix now!! http://picturethisshow.nightout.com
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#LosAngeles: Picture This!, the ONLY “Live Animated Comedy Show” is BACK to continue our 7 years and counting legacy of having the best lineup of comedians & animators in town for another one night only lineup! Next Show: SATURDAY 11/9 Doors at 7:30pm, Show at 8pm COMEDY BY: Hampton Yount, Dave Ross, Ryan Singer, Virginia Jones, Tamra Brown & Tevin Williams aka MANDAL! ANIMATION BY: Mike L. Mayfield, Mike Hollingsworth, Craig Bartlett, Natasha Kline, Tayen Kim, Will Finn & Christopher Nance! HOSTED BY: Brandie Posey!! 21+ 🎫 Tix: $8 ONLINE at PictureThisShow.nightout.com $10 at the door at The Virgil 4519 Santa Monica Blvd LA, CA 90029 This month’s flier by Chris Nance!
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incorrectaskstorykidshq · 5 years ago
Eva: What would you say is the height of stupidity?
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unscrxpted · 5 years ago
Tayen whimpered, but followed his breathing, calming herself as much as she could. She didn't need to be thinking about it. Not her trouble. Not the chance she could turn into her father.
Nathan watched her. He gave a quick look to Audrey.
Tayen smiled at James. "Thanks... dick..." She took a shaky breath. "So I... my trouble... it... was activated?"
"The man who saved you died this morning," Deema said, trying not to panic her again. "He claimed to be chased by dogs."
Tayen nodded. "I didn't... I didn't mean... I would never..."
“I…” Tayen took a shaky breath. “I talked about how… how scared I was under the water… how I didn’t know if I’d ever see anyone I cared about again…”
Nathan closed his eyes. “Right. I forgot.”
Deema tilted her head. “Forgot what?”
“In junior year… I watched my mom drown,” Tayen said slowly. She shook her head. “I was at the beach with her, and… I couldn’t save her. Almost… almost dying… it brought it all back…”
“And that’s what triggered your trouble,” Nathan said.
Tayen sat up. She shook her head wildly. “No. No. No, there’s no way. There’s- It can’t-”
James sits up as Tayen breaks down, reaching out and clasping her hands. “Hey, hey, hey. Breathe with me. Come on. You’re okay.”
He takes slow deep breaths, following a Vulcan relaxation technique as subtly as he can. He keeps their hands clasped, trying to push out a subtle calming emotional wave, something that doesn’t alert her attention but helps her settle.
Hannah glances up at the rest of them anxiously, worried of how this could go. Audrey glances to Nathan, holding her breath.
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ao3feed-farcry · 5 years ago
by GuileandGall
Deputy Tayen Quick finds herself thrust into the middle of a cult uprising and at a crossroads of conscience and self-preservation. It turns out to be a defining moment for her and the citizens of this picturesque part of Montana.
Words: 2229, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of An Arrow for Directness
Fandoms: Far Cry 5, Far Cry (Video Games)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Female Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), Dutch Roosevelt, Project at Eden's Gate | Peggies, Various Far Cry Characters
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical
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hunnybadgerv · 3 years ago
Flufftober 2021 | Far Cry 5 | Tayen Quick/Sharky Bosahw
A ridiculous little fill for Flufftober 2021: "Sneaking Out Together"
Figured since it was his birthday, maybe I should try to celebrate Hope County's most infamous fire bug in a proper fashion. Sorry it is kind of silly and trite. Hopefully with more practice I'll find my groove again. But I do hope you enjoy this little scribble.
Sharky leaned back on his hands and let his body stretch out on the flannel blanket they had set out earlier in the afternoon. A sated smile curled beneath his moustache as he watched Tayen packing away the leftover food. She didn’t want the scent to announce their presence to anything feral or Peggie; he just studied her profile and how her hair fluttered around the soft curves of her face. When her dark eyes flitted in his direction, his smile widened.
“You look like the cat who ate the canary,” she teased.
He hummed. “Not yet,” he taunted, leaning forward and reaching out for her wrist. “But don’t worry, I saved room.”
She chuckled at him, but let him pull her toward him until his lips brushed over hers. “Yeah well, you’ll have to wait for the sun to set.”
The tip of his nose nuzzled hers between soft lingering kisses. “Since when are you so shy?”
Tayen leaned against him more fully, savoring the detour from more practical matters. “Not shy,” she assured him before his tongue slipped into her mouth again. Her hand tightened just above his chest, clenching at his trademark green sweatshirt. “Just—” she gasped. “Just don’t want to miss the show.”
“Show?” His curiosity got the better of him and he pulled away slightly, wanting to know more.
“Mmhmm.” It was all the answer she offered. Her other hand grazed his cheek as she kissed him hard.
The flick of her tongue against his upper lip redirected his interest keenly. Again he pulled her closer, his hands tugging at denim and flannel until her body covered his like the hottest blanket ever. The weight of her against him offered welcome comfort.
With a flick of his wrist, Sharky untucked her tank top and sneaked his hand beneath it. He pressed his palm against her ribs, squeezing and holding her tight against him. Their fervor went straight to his head. His free hand nestled in her hair and gave a gentle tug. When their kiss broke and her chin lifted, he dove right for her neck, nipping sharply before sucking a kiss over her pulse point. His lips skimmed lower as his hand crept higher.
Fingers and tongue converged at the low neckline of Tayen’s tanktop, as he plucked the cup of her bra down. Sharky nudged past the white fabric to suck her nipple into his mouth. Her hands cradled his head to her skin; her soft moans were music to his ears and spurred his brazenness.
“Best birthday ever,” he mumbled, pulling her into another kiss. Sharky, thinking he had taken the lead, tried to roll them over, but Tayen braced against the motion and quickly sat atop his hips. He held onto the hem of her shirt.
“It’s your birthday?” she asked.
He wrapped his fingers in the cotton of her tank top, giving her a little tug in an effort to get her close once more. “Yeah,” he said. He sat up and pressed against her neck. “That’s what this whole thing was. Right?”
Tayen just blinked at him like she was trying to decide what to say.
“Seriously?” Sharky asked, surprise overtaking his features.
It took a minute maybe two, though it felt like ten, but eventually, Tayen smirked. It spread into a smile, when he poked at her ribs and tickled her.
She managed to wriggle away and get back to her feet, laughing the whole time.
“So, you did know?” He draped his arm atop his raised knee.
“Addie told me,” she admitted.
“Almost had me thinking you were psychic or something.”
“Who says I’m not.”
Sharky chuckled for a moment, but it settled in the seriousness of her dark gaze. At least until she smiled again, waggling her eyebrows at him. “You’re just looking for trouble.”
“Maybe.” Tayen took as step back.
Her hint at retreat pulled him to his feet. She took another step; he mirrored it. Then she turned and bolted. Sharky knew it to be a game, so he gave chase. She stopped a few feet from the edge of the cliff, and he swallowed her up in a tight hug. He pressed a soft kiss to the side of her neck.
“You’re extra playful tonight.”
“Thought I’d try to make it memorable.”
THe tip of his nose tickled against her cheek, before he pecked her. “Being with you is always memorable, Taye.”
“Yeah?” she asked, turning toward him.
Sharky nodded. “Yeah.” He brushed his thumb against her jawline as he stared into her deep dark eyes.
A chiming broke the solemnity of the moment. He knew it was her alarm, and hated the idea that his birthday picnic seemed to be at an end.
Tayen kissed him gently, then leaned against his shoulder while encouraging him to hold onto her more tightly. “Look,” she whispered, staring off over the edge of the cliff.
He hadn’t realized where they had picnicked that afternoon, at least not until he saw the little white building below them. Then he spotted a bright burning spark near the edge of the field brimming with white flowers. After a few seconds that spot of fire spread through the fields faster than seemed natural. When the flames neared the house, the gas tank nearby burst, exploding and taking half of the empty farmhouse with it.
“Happy birthday,” Tayen whispered against his cheek. “Do you like it?”
“It’s perfect,” he assured her, cupping her cheek and kissing her deeply. No one had ever blown anything up for him before. It touched the deepest reaches of his pyromaniac heart.
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hunnybadgerv · 4 years ago
73. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” For Tayen & Sharky, pls? 💖
Summary: Turns out Sharky is not a fan of flying, and he’s still not exactly sure why Tayen dragged him out on one of her sneaky type outings.
a/n: Yep, I’m retconning some shit in the quest lines because I can. Just for @shallow-gravy because she asked for: 73. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” And no this was not at all what I expected when I started playing with this.
Link to AO3
The sun crested the trees, kissing the sky in shades of pink and orange. The backdrop made the fluffy tufts of pines and firs look black by comparison. Shadows from the buildings lengthened and crept toward the spot along the fence where thick bushes provided a nice hide that kept the junior deputy deftly and the county’s most notorious pyromaniac hidden from the not so prying eyes of John Seed’s security forces, who seemed bored out of their skulls. Not that Shakry could blame them at all, walking around that big place in circles would get on his nerves as well.
“You sure we should be doing this, Dep?” Sharky asked for one more time for good measure.
Tayen Quick just glanced over her shoulder at him and lifted one brow. “Don’t worry. I’ll let you get your seatbelt on before I take off.”
“That’s not …” he huffed at her, adjusting his hat. She’d laid out her plan of sneaking onto the ranch without raising an alarm, but he wasn’t good with quiet and understated. It was outside of his wheelhouse.
She chuckled low and lifted the binoculars again. “There’s a patrol that’s so bored he’s even more predictable than the ones who can tell time,” she assured him before lowering the her hands and packing the binoculars away into her haggard pack—it looked like hell but she swore it was reliable and still waterproof. He knew better of course, she’d explained it one night when they were at the marina and someone suggested she grab a new one from the shop.
The deputy was a creature of habit he knew. She had a way for everything.
Well, he recalled with a grin as he studied the shadows creeping across the ranch, almost everything.
Once she adjusted the straps, Sharky handed her the long rifle she usually preferred in situations like this, but that night she slung it instead. That wasn’t a good sign, at least not for him.
She motioned for him to do the same. Crap. In a smooth motion, like a snake she slithered through the tall grass, leaving barely any trace that she’d been there a second before he stepped into her tracks. Each step felt like it took every muscle in his body to keep from giving away their position.
Meanwhile, even within feet of her, Taye could almost disappear in the brush. He felt like he stuck out like the burning bush Pastor Jerome mentioned a few weeks back.
He didn’t realize she’d stopped until he bumped into her. She turned toward him and looked at him with that serious I’m working here look. He shrugged. For a hot second, he didn’t know what to think when she reached out and grabbed his collar. The next second his blood was pounding even louder in his ears as he moaned into her mouth.
“Shh,” she scolded, breaking the kiss. Her forehead pressed against his and her voice barely reached his ears, though he could feel every word sear against his skin. “You got this. Stop over thinking it, babe.”
The grip she had on his hoodie loosened; her fingers smoothed out the green knit as if just her touched could flatten out any wrinkles. Then she patted the sheath on his thigh, a signal. Sharky shifted his hat again, trying to cool down a notch before falling in behind her again. In a series of hand signals, she’d painstakingly tried to explain her plans to him, Sharky moved to where he thought she wanted him to wait for the two men making the rounds near and around the hanger. He’d be in the shadow of the barn, but Taye was better at this sneaky bastard kind of shit.
Scratching his crusty beard, a Peggie strode around the corner of the barn sighing. He’d slung his rifle. That was a plus, Sharky thought. Maybe he wouldn’t fuck this up.
He couldn’t see Tayen, but he didn’t need to. He just waited until the patrol shuffled past him. Biting his bottom lip, Sharky tried to move fast. He lunged at the guy, aiming to get a hand over his mouth to bury the knife in the man’s throat. It might have worked, but he stumbled and the guy got one hand up in time to keep the knife from hitting home. The local pyromaniac did keep the guy from screaming out, but it wasn’t easy.
“Sharky,” he heard over his own scuffling footsteps in the gravelly ground near the hanger. He turned, pulling his new friend off balance enough for them both to stumble.
His wriggling partner seemed to be calming unexpectedly, and Sharky looked down. The dude sprouted a thin silvery blade in the center of his chest. He looked up at Tayen, it’s the only place it could have come from. Unless Jess was hiding in the trees, too. He scanned in that direction just in case. Finally Sharky let the man go, lowering him to the ground.
“Come on,” she ordered and ducked around the backside. Her body pressed against the wall of the wooden structure. With a click, the door opened and she scooted through. He stepped into the hanger behind her.
“Get the front door.” She didn’t seem as concerned about noise now, but they’d reached their objective.
“I still think we shouldn’t be doing this.”
“It’s not his.”
“So, write him a ticket.”
“You’re just still mad because I said no to burning the hangar to the ground.”
He was a little sore about it. Even if the wood was treated with a fire retardant, he could probably still get it to go up. There had to be some fuel around her somewhere. Maybe even something fancy that would make the blaze that much more spectacular, more memorable.
“Get the door and get in!” There was something in her voice that made her glance over at her. “Please.”
His next step faltered. He knew that look. Without an ounce of hesitation, he punched the controls and then rushed back over to the bright yellow plane. She smacked him on the ass as he clamored into the backseat. He hummed, letting his brain turn all upside down reading all sorts of ideas into that touch. She took her seat and started the engine, which sputtered to life under the whine of the door. Either of those sounds would have woken anyone on the ranch, let alone both of them.
He yanked the little window open, and tried to work out the trigonometry needed to get the barrel through enough to properly aim.
“Don’t worry about it,” she yelled as plane started to move. “Won’t matter much in a sec, and you might damage her more than they could.”
“I’ll be careful.”
“Of course, you will.”
He might not be able to hear her chuckling, but he could see it in subtle shift of her shoulders. “I would,” he pouted. A round pinged off the metal. “Shit!”
“Stay down,” she shouted above the revving engine and the whistle of the wind.
Doing just that, Sharky slouched in the seat the few inches of clearance he had. The trimmed, graded stretch of land caused the plane to bump and rumble. A few times he felt that stomach twisting lift, only to bump against the ground once more. The trees raced past, the occasional ping of gunfire sounding over the engine.
“Hell, yes!” Tayen howled, and Sharky felt himself relax in the seat only to realize what that sound meant.
He peeked over the edge of the door and leaned his head back against the seat as a new kind of tension crept through his body. Sharky hated fucking flying. He groaned and tried to not notice any of the landscape racing beneath them as he stared at the ceiling. Trying to melt back into the seat he braced himself between the seat and the metal panel digging into his shin. The Rye’s place can’t be that damn far off. Not when it was a straight shot, right?
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