#it’s just that last 10% I can’t seem to fix and that’s why I’m so ashamed of myself
logansargeantsbabymom · 15 hours
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Oscar Piastri x Fem!Reader , Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warning: cursing, douchebag Oscar, cheating
A/N: I definitely did lie to you guys, I promise you that I am working on TGTSG pt 8, it's just taking more time than I'd like to admit! Sorry and I hope this makes this situation better <3
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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Was any of it true? Gazing at me starry-eyed. 
“Oscar, c’mon we’re going to be late!!!” I said ushering my boyfriend out of our bedroom closet. 
A light chuckle left his lips as he emerged from the magical sliding mirror doors “Babe, it’s only the car reveal. It’s okay if we’re a tiny bit late” Oscar said as he walked over to me, rubbing a hand up and down my shoulders
An unamused look became present on my face “Baby, you know how much I can’t stand being just a millisecond off schedule, right now you have us 10 minutes behind! You’re killing me here!!” I added a bit of an exaggerated sigh as I dragged out that last sentence. 
I wouldn’t say I had OCD or whatever but if anything and I mean ANYTHING was just the slightest bit off, I wouldn’t be able to focus on whatever task was at hand before it was fixed. 
“Okay, okay. Let’s go. Thank god you’re dating a Formula 1 driver who knows a thing or two about driving fast. I promise we’re going to be there on time.” A small smile made its way on the corners of Oscars mouth as he grabbed my hand and guided me out of the house and to his McLaren.
And your Jehovah’s Witness suit. Who the fuck was that guy?
We’d arrived at the headquarters just under 2 minutes till Zak had to go up and make his big speech before revealing the 2024 season’s car.
Oscar and I tried to make our quiet entrance as to not draw attention to us being technically 30 minutes late. 
See the drivers and the workers that didn’t help set everything up had to be there at 8:00pm whereas everyone else who had a special invitation had to be there at 8:20pm and then Zak’s speech would take place at 8:30pm but thanks to Oscar just NEEDING to find the perfect outfit himself instead of just putting on the one that his assistant brought him, he made us super late. 
Lando was the first to notice our not so subtle attempt at being sneaky “Mate, if you wanted to shag your girlfriend you couldn’t given me a heads up so I could’ve made up an excuse as to why you weren’t here when you were supposed to.” 
Embarrassment flooded my cheeks at the thought of more than half the people in our vicinity thought that t and I were late because we wanted to have a quick fuck before we left 
“No Lando!! We’re not late because we fucked! We’re late because Oscar here,” I started, gesturing at the handsome man next to me “decided he didn’t like the outfit that his assistant brought for him so he had to spend an hour picking and changing his clothes until he found what he thought was best for him.” 
My answer seemed to satisfy Lando enough because he wiggled his eyebrows at us before nodding, taking a sip of his very much alcoholic drink before walking away from us. 
“Oh my gosh Oscar, never again am I being late with you. I can’t have people thinking we fuck like rabbits all the time!!!” I groaned, rubbing a hand over my face.
You tried to buy some pills. From a friend of friends of mine, they just ghosted you. Now you know what it feels like. 
Oscar left to go get both of us a drink before the lights dimmed and a spotlight was shone on Zak, who was standing at the top of the steps.
Zak looked around to get a good feel of the crowd’s energy tonight “Hey guys, I’m the McLaren CEO, Zak Brown. I’m sure you all know why you’re here tonight but in case you don’t, let me tell you why. You’re all here because you either work here or was invited. Either way, tonight, we’re all going to witness the unveiling of our 2024 seasons formula 1 car! But before we get to that part, I want to call up my two Formula 1 drivers to say a few words. Lando, Oscar, please come up here.” 
And I don’t even want you back, I just want to know if rusting my sparking summer was the goal. 
I clapped and watched as my boyfriend and our best friend walked up to make their speech, Lando being the first to take the mic.
“First I just want to say: Thank you everyone for being here with us today to do this reveal, none of this would be possible without any of you guys and that each and every single one of us here at McLaren are extremely grateful to you guys. Thank you to Zak for believing in me enough to resign me for the next 2 years and uh yeah, I’ll pass it on to Oscar now.” That last part came out with a little awkward chuckle as Lando scanned the room before passing the mic to Oscar 
“Hello, Uh Lando said the majority of what I was going to say but I also want to thank my beautiful, wonderful, loving, thoughtful, talent girlfriend for sticking by my side” Oscar started as he looked deep in my eyes as the crowd around us ‘Aww’ed us “oh and thank you to Y/N for being there too.” he added with a laugh that caused the crowd to also erupt in fits of laughter.
My face turned red and my blood began to boil. Did he really just say that? I mean I could be making this a bigger deal than it is but to me, Oscar just embarrassed me in front of maybe 250+ people, who mind you might do a little ‘story time’ on their experience there and would add that part which means hundreds of thousands of people are going to hear about how Oscar embarrassed me. 
The rest of Oscar’s speech was a blur and I hadn’t even notice that him and Lando had left the top steps until I felt his arms around my waist and my body tensed at the feeling. Oscar’s touch right now made me feel sick, who did he think he was embarrassing me like that in front of hundreds of strangers and then acting like nothing happened? 
And I don’t miss what we had but could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived?
I shrugged Oscar’s arms off of me which earned me a confused glare from him which I quickly shut down
“I’m going to grab another drink. Do you want anything?” It was the best I could come up with. 
It got Oscar’s touch off of me and it gave me some space away from him, which I so desperately needed right now.
“No thank you, just hurry back” Oscar said sweetly as he attempted to place a kiss on my lips that I quickly dodged. 
I saw another look of confused flash across his face but I was too busy getting far away from him as possible to notice how long his face had stayed like that. 
Over at the makeshift bar they had, I poured myself a half cup of punch before making my way to the other end of the bar to fill the rest of my cup up with tequila. I closed my eyes as I took a sip of my alcoholic punch before letting out a satisfied sigh while feeling the drink burn its way down my throat, my solo bliss didn’t last long before I felt the presence of someone near me. Opening my eyes, I was met with one of my dearest best friends: Lando. 
“Having fun?” Lando said as he grabbed himself a cupful of punch awaiting my response 
“So much fun, I totally don’t want to be at home with a (favorite/drink) eating (favorite/food) while watching (favorite/ show) right now.” I said as I let out a sarcastic laugh which earned me a glare “I’m kidding Lando. I’m having a good time, what about you?” 
“Just a good time? Why not an amazing time?” Typical Lando to only catch the first half of my sentence 
“I have a mild headache right now, that’s why it’s just a good time I’m having right now. I didn’t have time to grab or take any medicine so I’m suffering right now.” that was the best lie I could come up with, let’s just hope that he believes it. 
By the look on his face right now, he was starting to believe the lie I just spewed to him. “I think Zak has Ibuprofen in his office, let me ask him to grab you some” before I could protest, he was gone. 
You hung me your wall, stabbed me with your pushpins. 
I realized that I was spending too much time at the bar and that Oscar was going to come looking for me soon so to save him the hassle, I made my way back over to him. 
Turns out he wasn’t going to be looking for me soon because he’s too busy having some blondie all over him. She’s running one of her hands through his hair while the other is resting against his forearm. The sight made bile rise in my throat as my stomach churned, I can’t be seeing this clearly right? Maybe I actually was suffering from a massive headache and that’s causing me to see all these things, right? This wouldn’t be the first time something like this happened, granted I’ve only ever heard of a ‘headache so bad you’re seeing things’ in movies before so I can’t really rely on it being a real thing. 
Once Oscar’s gaze quickly fell on me, he pushed the blonde off of him and quickly made his way over to me. 
“Hey beautiful, you were gone for a while.” He tries to plant a kiss on my lips but I placed a firm hand against his chest to leave a gap. 
Apparently me dodging his kiss for the second time tonight really upset Oscar because he rolled his eyes before bringing his concerns to my attention 
“What is wrong with you? This is the second time you dodged my kiss, what’s going on?” I could tell there was hints of an attitude lacing his words.
“Oh geez Oscar I don’t know, maybe it’s because I come back over from getting punch and I see a blonde girl all over you and you’re letting it happen?” I can’t believe he really has the audacity to question why I’m dodging his kiss when he quite literally was probably cheating on me in public less than 2 minutes ago. 
A scoff left Oscar’s mouth as he rolled his eyes at my comment “You’re kidding right? That’s what this” he gestured in between us, “is about? C’mon Y/N, she literally is my race engineer trainee, we were literally talking about work”
“Oh yeah because talking about work requires her to be handsy with you in public in front of your girlfriend?” I can’t believe Oscar was trying to downplay this right now. 
I watched as Oscar shifted on his feet before crossing his arms “First of all, you weren’t in front of us and second of all, she wasn’t being handsy. Sarah just asked what shampoo and conditioner I used because her brother needed recommendations and I told her the ones you buy me.” 
“That doesn’t give her the right to run her hands through your hair while holding your forearm, are you kidding me?” Everyone around us could feel the tension thickening. It was so thick that you could break 2 machetes trying to cut through it. 
“Go be insecure about our relationship elsewhere, I don’t have time to deal with this right now.” I didn’t even have a chance to get a word in before Oscar stormed away from me, leaving me alone in a crowd full of his co-workers and fans with nothing but my hurt feelings and confused thoughts about what the fuck happened in the last five minutes. There was only one thing in my head right now that was clear: I need to get the fuck out of here now before I make this a bigger deal than it is.
In public, showed me off. Then sank in stoned oblivion cause once your queen had come, you’d treat her like an also-ran. 
I don’t know when I got home nor do I know how I got home, all I know is that I’m home and home is where I’m free to drown my sorrows with a nice bottle of Brothers Bond bourbon in peace. Only, I wasn’t able to have a second of peace because a rapid set of knocks were being banged against my front door which caused me to jump at the sudden sound and tighten my grip on my drink. Walking to the door with an annoyed expression on my face I was met with Lando’s somber expression. 
“Lando, I’m sure you heard about the fight and I just really want to be alone right now.” I said as I attempted to slam the door in his face but was blocked by his foot.
“Ow, I didn’t expect that to hurt that bad.” Lando started as he tried to shake the pain out of his foot “Everyone knows about the fight-” 
“Ugh, great” I scoffed
“That’s not why I’m here though-” Lando didn’t get to finish before I cut him off again
“So why are you here? I mean no offense but I want to be alone right now”
“Stop cutting me off then. I’m here because, gosh I don’t know how to say this to you” He took in a deep breath before letting it out in one long exhale “I’m just gonna show you” I didn’t get to process the words that came out of his mouth before he flipped his phone showing me a video of Oscar and Sarah making out in the corner of the room before Sarah dragged him out of the frame. 
It doesn’t take a genius to know that they we’re going to find somewhere there to have sex. The video was a total of about 10 seconds and by the end of it, tears had already fallen. It’s funny how in a span of ten seconds your whole life could change, one minute I was upset over an argument I had with my boyfriend and the next I’m watching a video of him cheating on me. The sight before me made bile rise in my throat as I felt my heart shatter into a million tiny pieces.  I never knew that loving someone could cause so much hurt, that if they did wrong by you it would feel like you were dying. I couldn’t breathe, it felt like my whole world was caving in on me and I couldn’t do anything to stop it, that I was just there to watch this tragedy unfold. I never knew that someone who claimed to love you until the end of time could do something so terrible to the one person they promised to never hurt, that even after you watched video proof of him cheating on you that you didn’t want to believe it. I shared a lot of firsts with Oscar, the most important being that he was my first love, he took my virginity from me and that’s one that’s one thing I could never get back from him. Despite everything I’m feeling now, I wish there was someone who could tell me why my heart wants to go back to him. My heart yearns for Oscar’s touch, his love, his time, my heart just wants it all, everything Oscar is willing to give it. 
You didn’t measure up in any measure of a man. And I don’t even want you back, I just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal. 
It’d been 15 minutes since I found out about Oscar cheating on me and the whole time Lando’s been holding me as I sobbed into his chest, I was so hurt by Oscar that I couldn’t find any sense of comfort in Lando’s touch. I feared that I wouldn’t be able to find comfort in anyone’s touch because of how bad Oscar hurt me and that’s not how I wanted to live my life. That’s not how anyone should have to live their life, surrounded by so much hurt that you can’t find joy in anything. The pain was consuming me so much that I felt like the only way to make it go away was to drown it in alcohol and that’s what I intend on doing. 
Pulling myself out of Lando’s grasp, I leaned forward and grabbed the bourbon bottle on mu coffee table and brought it up to my lips. I took one big gulp, enjoying the burning sensation I was feeling as the liquid ran down my throat. I took another long sip before the bottle was yanked from my hands. 
“Lando please, give it back I don’t want to feel this. I don’t want to feel anything, I cant live like this.” I started to sob again, hoping he would feel bad enough to just let me drink the whole bottle. ‘
Unfortunately Lando didn’t cave into me “I know it hurts but you have to feel the pain. You have to feel all your emotions in order to get past this, I know Oscar hurt you but I’m here to help you. I’m your best friend and I want everything for you but you can’t drown your feelings in liquor, I love you too much allow that.” I almost wanted to believe the words coming out of Lando’s mouth because I know he’s not Oscar and that I can trust him but a part of me doesn’t want to trust him and Lando could sense that
“Y/N/N, I need you to believe me. I want the best for you and you know that, you know that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you but right now I need you to trust me. Alcohol isn’t the solution.” The look in his eyes were sincere and I knew I could trust him.
I buried my face in my hands as I reluctantly let the bottle go and allowed Lando to take it from my hands to lock it away in Oscar’s liquor cabinet. By the time Lando had returned to the living room   and saw my state he could obviously tell that at any given moment, I would start spiraling again and that was the last thing either of us wanted right now. I felt the sofa dip next to me before abruptly being pulled against a body.
“I’m going to hold you like this and you can talk about any and everything or we could just sit in silence but I can see it in your eyes that you want to be held.” Lando said as he rested his chin against the top of my head which I moved to look at him in his eyes.
I was able to whisper a faint “okay” as I looked in his aquamarine eyes, I never realized hoe beautiful they were until right now. Now that I think about it, everything I’m noticing on his face right now, I never had noticed before. I never realized all these little features in his face that made him beautiful, actually, I never realized how beautiful Lando was until right now. How plump his lips looked, how soft and fluffy his hair must feel against the palm of my skin, how the gap between us seemed to slowly disappear as I looked at him looking down at my lips and how soon the gap between us closed as our lips met. This kiss I was sharing with Lando felt different from all the kisses I’ve ever shared with Oscar, this one kiss alone had butterflies lighting fireworks in my stomach as I felt my broken heart mend. It sounds crazy, I know but something about this moment with Lando felt raw and real, it felt like everything I was missing in my relationship with Oscar was just found. 
The kiss consumed my whole being, I never want this moment to end. Everything felt right and nothing could ruin this moment. 
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan
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insanechayne · 10 months
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#why do I still feel like I need you so much?#I know nostalgia is a liar sometimes and all that but God it’s still killing me when it hits so hard like this#all I want to do is talk to you all day and have a really long conversation like we used to#I’d be willing to bet that even though today is a ‘lazy day’ for you I still won’t get more than 1-2 messages from you all day#I just don’t know what changed or why#and if I bring it up it’ll just start a fight again like last time so I’m basically never allowed to be bothered by this ever again#I still want what we had back and I hate that I want that so badly even though I know we can never have that again#I shouldn’t care this much and should be able to move on with my life but I can’t get my feet under me#I feel like I’ll always be begging you or someone else for attention and affection and whatever else for the rest of my life#I feel like I’ll never truly get what I want or get to be fully and completely happy/satisfied all the way around#my thoughts are a jumble and are all over the place and I’m just babbling at this point#but my chest feels tight and I’m holding back tears and this shit always hits me out of nowhere and I don’t know why it keeps happening#I don’t know how to stop feeling this way or distract myself or process it or move on#I can’t predict when it’s going to hit or what triggers it completely so I can never make it stop it seems#and it just makes me want you back even more which makes it all hurt worse again#I think of my girlfriend and how she doesn’t deserve a partner who’s still dealing with this shit and thinking about someone else#I feel so guilty all the time because I’m still thinking about you so much and I can’t get you out of my head#she’s the one I should be thinking about and feeling everything for#and we’re about 90% there overall so it’s not like I’m not trying to put all of myself into our relationship#it’s just that last 10% I can’t seem to fix and that’s why I’m so ashamed of myself#yet I still can’t move on from you and I don’t know why#you carved yourself out a piece of my soul and how do I get that back? I don’t know#personal
0 notes
morganski-19 · 1 month
Chills Right to the Marrow Part 10
part 1, prev part
The next day, the Chief is back looking like a man on a mission. Catching Wayne’s eye while he’s on his way in, but interrupted when the Harrington kid steps in his path. Talking to him in hushed whispers, but tense as hell.
The chief sighs, cocking his head to the side and bringing the kid to talk outside. Wayne isn’t the person to eavesdrop, but after yesterday, after the endless questions with no answers, he is desperate for an explanation.
An explanation why his kid is stuck on a hospital bed while Steve is walking around like he has every right to. Like he isn’t part of the reason his boy was halfway to dead for the past week.
What made his boy protect a person that he seemed to hate? A person who’s had everything handed to him, never had to experience real hardships. Stood on the sidelines while his boy was mocked and taunted. Ostracized for being who he was. Molded into this villain.
Kings look down on villains, seeing them as threats to their status. Their reputation. And the Harrington’s are part of the rulers of this town. Funding the high school extracurriculars, the hospital, the candidates on the ballots. Money that, in the grand scheme of reality, Wayne couldn’t give a shit where it goes.
Until it comes between him, his kid, and their lives. Eddie could’ve died, and for what? So the rich can keep being that? So they can keep coming out on top.
Wayne understands why Eddie would throw himself into danger for Dustin. Hell, he probably would have done the same thing. But Steve Harrington. Wayne’s not so sure that’s the path he would choose.
Taking the last cigarette from the pack, Wayne positions himself near the corner of the hospital. Hearing the Chief and Harrington talking right around the bend. Taking a long drag, he tilts his ear up to listen.
Living in a trailer park made everyone a secret gossip. Wayne just never thought he was going to do it like this.
“What about Owens?” Steve’s not so hushed voice carries around the corner. “He seems to be the one to fix all your problems.”
Wayne can hear the annoyance in the Chief’s voice. “Either still in hiding or avoiding my calls. I’ve had to go through his partner for all of this.”
“We need to fix this, Hop, and fast. Eddie can’t be pinned for this shit.”
“I know.” The Chief takes a deep breath. “But the town needs a fall guy. I can’t take the cuffs off just yet.”
Steve hisses a breath. “He’s been getting better. Doesn’t have the ventilator anymore, could wake up any day now. He doesn’t deserve to wake up thinking the town still hates him for something he was a victim of.”
“Kid, I know but I can’t-.”
Steve cuts him off. “I saw how effected his was by all this, Hop. I saw how upset he was thinking the town thought he could do that to her. To all of them. All of them willing to pick up their pitchforks to hunt the freak. He was terrified.”
Wayne feels the anger start to simmer up again. Hearing this kid put words in his boy’s mouth. Saying that he knows everything.
Maybe he does. Maybe Wayne’s blowing this all out of proportion. But he can’t help it. He’s tired, his hope is running dry. One wrong move and he’ll snap. Harrington’s just an easy target.
“I hear you,” the Chief’s voice raises. “But I really can’t-.”
Steve cuts his off again. “Yes, you can and that is the whole problem.”
“No, I can’t.” The hushed screams turn to louder reprimands. “Until the Feds get what they want, I’m powerless here.”
“But if it was El, that would be a completely different story, wouldn’t it?”
Even though Wayne can’t see them, the silence is so thick not even the sharpest blade could cut through it. Steve pushed the wrong button.
“Don’t go there, Steve.” The quiet anger in the Chief’s voice is enough to make anyone step down.
Steve doesn’t. “I am going there.” Steve’s voice has almost reached a yell. Full of anger of his own. “You do everything when it’s affecting you, and the people you care about. But as soon as it’s someone else that might get the fall, you step back and say you can’t do a damn thing.”
“I can’t do a damn thing,” the Chief booms.
“Yes. You. Can,” Steve yells right back. “If it were El, or Joyce, or Will, hell even Mike there strapped to that table right now, the cuffs would have been off the second you came back. No matter what. You would have taken the fall of that. You would have taken the Fed’s anger about it. You would have fucking done something about it. Why not now?”
Before the Chief can even answer the question, Steve is walking away with a huff. Not even noticing Wayne as he walks right back to the parking lot and slams the door of his fancy car. Driving away faster than he should.
Wayne might be directing the anger that sits in his chest at the wrong person.
But all of that doesn't seem to matter anymore. Almost immediately as his sits back in the hospital room, ready for nothing to happen. Eddie opens his eyes.
next part
tag list, let me know if you want to be added or removed: @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar,
@tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda,
@fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77,
@here4thetrama, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @jaytriesstuff, @cryptid-system, @manda-panda-monium,
@resident-gay-bitch, @anaibis, @xxsutherlandxx, @forevermineliv, @mugloversonly,
@gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight,
@devondepresso, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @cheertain, @anti-ozzie, @autumncrocusandladybug,
@greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake,
@morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs, @maskofmirrors, @me-and-my-sloth,
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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yoongi: hey
sent 6 hours ago
yoongi: bro
sent 1 hour ago
yoongi: *babe
yoongi: hello?
y/n: yes
yoongi: oh
y/n: ???
yoongi: are we fighting?
y/n: no?
yoongi: so just fuck me then?
y/n: pretty much
yoongi: no one loves you
sent 30mins ago
yoongi: ur annoying me
y/n: hiii babe
yoongi: what is ur problem?
y/n: what?
yoongi: i have a gun to my head
y/n: don’t shoot?
yoongi: why is that a question?
y/n: cuz i’m not sure
yoongi: not sure about what?
y/n: if i want you to shoot or not
yoongi: why have you been taking so long to respond?
y/n: omgee do you miss me???
yoongi: not anymore
y/n: YOU DO?????
ur so cute
yoongi: whatever
sent 10 mins ago
yoongi: okay now ur doing it on purpose
could literally be bleeding out rn and ur ignoring me
sent 20 mins ago
yoongi: all together you’ve ignored me for 8 hours
y/n: i don’t like math
yoongi: i don’t like being ignored
y/n: was busy
yoongi: liar
y/n: i’m being honest you big baby omg!
yoongi: i am not a baby that’s gross
you would literally be in prison rn if i was
y/n: you don’t need to take everything i say literally
yoongi: you didn’t need to ignore me
y/n: i’m here now
what do you want?
yoongi: what do i want????
are you trying to break up with me rn?
y/n: and if i was??
yoongi: i’m not speaking to you rn
y/n: ok
yoongi: this is the part where you beg for my forgiveness
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hobi: you can’t tell anyone but you know that argument jin and jimin had last week?
sent 5 mins ago
hobi: the one where jin threw his shoe at jimin?
sent 5 mins ago
hobi: anyways it was actually my fault
it wasn’t jimin who ate those strawberry tart things it was me
jin asked me who ate them and i said jimin
just for funzies
and i knew he would believe it
i was gonna say ur name but jin would of let you off to easy
don’t tell ANYONE
i’m fr
tarts were good as hell tho
hope he gets some more
idk where their from so i fr pray he buys more
sent 3 hours ago
why are you ignoring me 😓?
y/n: bored as hell
hobi: ???
y/n: was bored as hell?
hobi: so you ignored me??
y/n: yeah??
hobi: are you mentally ill?
y/n: possibly?
hobi: gws?
y/n: thanks?
hobi: why do you hate me?
y/n: are you truma dumping rn?
hobi: you are my truma
y/n: truma by seventeen
hobi: i love seventeen
y/n: so do i
hobi: let’s hang out with seventeen
y/n: i agree
hobi: aju nice
y/n: clap clap clap clap
hobi: why do you hate me?
y/n: thought we were moving on from this tbh
hobi: bored as hell is not an good excuse for ignoring me
y/n: it’s like we take 2 steps forward then 13 steps back
hobi: 13 just seventeen
y/n: did that just for them
hobi: ur kinda funny
y/n: thx
hobi: stop distracting me omg?
y/n: sorry
won’t do it again
hobi: why do you hate me?
y/n: if we think about it you’re the mentality ill one in this relationship
hobi: ok that’s a lie
ur a sociopath
y/n: you don’t even know what that means
hobi: i so do
y/n: what does it mean then
hobi: ur abnormal
y/n: fuck you
hobi: it’s okay love my little sociopath 🥰
y/n: …
hobi: the next time you ignore me i’m leaving you
sent 4 hours ago
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jimin: hello there something seems to be wrong with the hand break of my car
can you send anyone out to fix it
📎 3 imagines attached
sent 5 mins ago
jimin: pls i need some to fix it asap
📎 1 video attached
sent 3 mins ago
jimin: this is REALLY REALLY important pls i need to be somewhere in the next two hours
sent 1 hour ago
y/n: ew
that is your dick
jimin: when can you send someone out 😖
y/n: get lost
jimin: :((((
sent 1 hour ago
jimin: um okay….
sent 2 hours ago
jimin: yoongi just said i’m “so desperate” in the gc and if he’s talking about what i think he is i will NEVER talk to you again
sent 5 mins ago
jimin: ur lucky
he wasn’t talking about that
sent 4 mins ago
jimin: HEY
4 missed calls from jimin
jimin: fine be like that…
sent 20 mins ago
jimin: thought about it and
idc if the boys see my dick!!
sent 10 mins ago
2 missed calls from jimin
jimin: i am an example to men fuck you die
y/n: joon laughed and called you a slut
jimin: #slut4myqueen
wait he laughed?????
tf is he laughing for???
4 missed calls from jimin
incoming call from jimin…
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jungkook: PLS PLS PLS
sent 10 mins ago
sent 10 mins ago
20 missed calls from jungkook
sent 14 hours ago
jungkook: it’s a new day and i have a knife to my neck
sent 2 hours ago
jungkook: i know you are awake
where are my pictures
send 30 mins ago
jungkook: ok
sent 2 hours ago
sent 10 mins ago
jungkook: plsplsolslplslpls
y/n: hi
jungkook: dress?
y/n: ??
jungkook: show me the dress
y/n: …
jungkook: pls
i’m like a dog waiting to be fed
y/n: never compare yourself to a dog again are you sick in the head
jungkook: me and bam are identical twins rn
y/n: i’m gonna throw up
jungkook: show me the dress 😖
y/n: no
jungkook: ok fine im just gonna go do a line of coke then
y/n: ur being extra
like extremely extra
jungkook: coke is on the table
my lines are ready
im about to sniff
y/n: just come over and see ur for yourself?
jungkook: OH???
fuck the lines
i’m omw
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namjoon: when you get home text me ok?
sorry i could say bye properly they wanted me to record something
staff are being slow today
i’m kinda getting annoyed
yk i would of walked out with you otherwise
or you can call me
actually just call me
sent 3 hours ago
namjoon: i said call me i mean it
sent 2 hours ago
namjoon: so are you fucking home now??
sent 1 hour ago
namjoon: hello??????
y/n: kim namjoon???????????
namjoon: sorry
i didn’t mean to be mean
y/n: i think you did
namjoon: you didn’t call
y/n: sorry
namjoon: i worry yk??
y/n: i said i was sorry
namjoon: idc
for 6 hours i was on the edge of my seat
what if you died or something?
did you just ignore me for fun or did something actually happen
y/n: i’m home
namjoon: it’s too late to tell me that now
y/n: i didn’t watch our show btw
i’m waiting for you
namjoon: …
y/n: ^^
namjoon: answer my question
y/n: stop being mean
namjoon: you were mean first
y/n: wasn’t
namjoon: you didn’t call babe
y/n: i’ll watch the new episode rn
namjoon: …
y/n: that’s what i thought bitch
namjoon: i’m not coming home
y/n: oh no!!
my hand it’s just itching to press play rn
namjoon: whatever be there in 10
y/n: once again i prove i wear the pants in this relationship
sent 10 mins ago
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y/n: bff can you pick me up
jin: i am NOT ur bff
i am ur BF thank you very much
but ig i could
where are you?
and what the hell are you dumb out so late it’s like 2 am
sent 4 mins ago
jin: how the hell can i pick you up if idk where ur at
ur lucky i’m still awake and willing to come get you
sent 5 mins ago
4 miss calls from jin
jin: what if i kill you
sent 2 mins ago
jin: went to look for my car keys and you still haven’t replied
do you want me to break up with you rn?
sent 4 mins ago
12 missed calls from jin
jin: the amount of times i have called your phone is embarrassing
like i’m some obsessed sick freak
i really don’t want to have to drive around seoul looking for you
am i a stalker????
sent 10 mins ago
5 missed calls from jin
okay i take that back
i’m a LITTLE freaked out rn
just a little
don’t let it get to ur head
sent 20 mins ago
also why the hell are they still open fr that’s not right
7 missed called from jin
y/n: LMAO fell asleep in seungcheol’s car
and my phone died
jin: seungcheol???
y/n: seventeen man
jin: where are you rn???
y/n: at seungcheol’s
vernon said hi
y/n: um rude?
i said you said hi back
anyways will come home later might as well stay here for the night
jin: send me the address
y/n: miss me that much??
jin: send it
y/n: are you mad at me???
you started sharing your location with jin
jin: put my reputation on the line for you today
i will never forget this
y/n: why am i scared rn…
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why is this us
*whimpers in your ear*
sent 14 hours ago
tae: okay that wasn’t that bad
sent 1 hour go
tae: i’ve definitely said worse
sent 2 hours ago
tae: yare yare
sent 1 hour ago
tae: do you think army would call me tae-chan if i asked
or should i be v-chan
but thinking about it tae-chan just connects with me on a different level
it’s so personal
intimate almost
sent 2 hours ago
tae: baka why are you ignoring me
yare yare
sent 3 hours ago
pls 🥺pls 🥺pls 🥺pls🥺
sent 2 hours ago
tae: ヾ(  ̄O ̄)ツ
me asf
sent 1 hour ago
tae: oh
heyyyyyy lolz
i now see how smoking negatively effects the brain
i would like to formally apologise for the man i was in the last hours
y/n: kys
tae: i was high and watching naruto
forgive me 🥺
y/n: you are out of ur mind
tae: *was
i was out of my mind
never smoking again i swear
y/n: we need to go on a break or something
i need time to fully process the bullshit you just came to me with
tae: live in the moment
don’t dwell on the past
sent 10 mins ago
ghosting me will NOT solve our issues
can you tell i was listening to svt when writing this low-key can’t see straight rn how the hell it 1:42 am rn not on tbh
392 notes · View notes
malarign · 1 year
fake friends
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(when you get ditched up by your friends)
contains: idolbf!Jay x fem!reader | genre: angst with hint of fluff | tw! reader has really bad friends, mention of food, kissing, jay is a sweetheart as always :(( | wc: 1,1k
reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated!!!
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“Mr. Fashionista! Get your ass over here!” you called your lovely yet a little bit grumpy boyfriend over to your shared bedroom to help you complete your outfit. You heard soft stumping coming your way, and soon the door revealed Jay in his gray sweatpants and a black T-shirt.
“So first you’re leaving me on this cold winter day, and now you’re calling me names? Not nice Y/n,” he said sarcastically shaking his head.
“Don’t be dramatic. It’s not the first time after all,” you said. Before he could argue with that he received a sweet kiss on his cheek that left a faint pink mark caused by your lipgloss. “And it’s not like I’m gonna leave you for a long time. I don’t see them very often,” you said referring to your two and only friends here in Korea. Even though your Korean level was really good you had a big problem finding real friends with whom you could gossip, share secrets, and spend some sleepovers like other groups of friends. “I have only them,” you said turning to the mirror to fix your lipgloss that was slightly ruined.
“That’s not true,” Jay argued. “You have me, the guys.”
“Well, I’m not gonna have girly talks with you guys, am I?” You raised your eyebrow looking at him through a mirror reflection.
“Why not? You can talk to me about anything you want,” he answered pulling you closer by your waist.
You turned around smiling softly and wrapped your hands behind his neck, his hands still firmly placed on your waist. “I know. But I also know you would have enough of it after approximately 10 minutes.”
Not having the energy to fight back he sighed. “What do you need help with?”
After brainstorming on which jewelry would match the rest of your outfit Jay asked for the last time, hoping he could spend his day off with you. “What would have to happen in order for you to stay with me and finish that last season of The Crown?” he asked sitting behind you on the edge of a bed.
“Oh no! You’re not gonna bribe me with The Crown!” you said pointing at his chest pretending to be mad. “You know I don’t see them that often.”
“Yeah, maybe 'cause they keep on ditching you?”
Your expression dropped not believing what you just heard. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me! Love, please can’t you see? They’re leading you!” he argued raising his hands vaguely.
“They’re not! You don’t know them, do you?”
“I don’t need to know them to see how they treat you, Y/n.”
You scoffed at his words, not hearing how rational he sounded. Anytime you had plans with each other they either canceled them last minute, or talked mostly to each other almost completely ignoring your existence, yet you didn’t seem to acknowledge that.
“You know what. I don’t care. Let me decide if my friends treat me right or not,” you snapped and abruptly turned around to face yourself in the mirror, this time fixing your earrings.
Seeing how defensive you were, Jay sighed raising his hands in a surrendering manner, walked up to you, and kissed your temple, before leaving to make both of you some light lunch before you leave.
After calming yourself down from your small quarrel, you decided to check how to get to the coffee shop where you planned your meeting. You opened your messages to see that both of your friends texted you a while ago.
“Hi Y/nie sorry but I don’t think I’ll be able to come today :((“
“Me too :((“
Your heart dropped. You looked at your reflection. All those hours of you excitedly picking your clothes, thinking of the time you’ll spend with your friends came to waste.
“Sweetheart, do you prefer kimbap with some pork or tuna?” Jay’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. Thanks to that you realised you started crying, your precisely done makeup completely ruined.
Thinking your silence meant you were still angry at him, Jay decided to pack you both. After cleaning up from preparing your meal he noticed your figure not in an outfit he’d seen you in before, but in a pair of shorts and his old sweater. Seeing your bare face and slightly puffed eyes, he decided not to say anything.
“Does your offer still stands?” you asked in a whisper, voice threatening to crack any moment.
“Of course, sweetheart.” Jay smiled gently. Hearing that, you nodded and sat on the couch pulling blanket over your legs. Soon Jay joined you placing freshly made kimbap on a coffee table in front of you. “Didn’t know which filling you wanted today so I made both with pork and tuna,” he spoke side-hugging you, making you nestle up to him.
“Thanks,” you answered simply, knowing if you said more you’ll end up crying right here and there. And you didn’t want to let him have this satisfaction.
While Jay was searching for the Netflix app on the TV you pulled your phone out of your pocket. Opening your Instagram your heart dropped once again, seeing the newest story from one of your friends. You stared at the picture of two girls smiling widely, drinking beverages from the cafe you were supposed to meet at. Not controlling your emotions anymore you let the tears flow down your cheeks, sobbing loudly.
Jay looked at you concerned. Then his eyes landed on your unlocked phone, the story still present on the screen. He snatched it away from you, placing it next to his other side. Cupping your face he spoke: “Sweetheart, please don’t…”
“You were right,” you interrupted him between your sobs. “You were right and I should have listened to you.” You hugged him tightly hiding your face in his chest. You felt his one hand softly patting your head and the other one tracing small circles on your back.
“Y/n please look at me,” he said softly lifting her chin with his pointer finger. “You deserve the best friends out there. And those two… They don’t deserve you at all. Who’s the girl boss after all?” You couldn’t help but smile at his words, soon airy giggle leaving your mouth. “I love you, Y/n,” he whispered above your ear, words of confession you hear every day leaving you with goosebumps all over your skin.
“I love you more, Jay,” you replied tears still visible in the corners of your eyes, that this time contained nothing more but happiness and adoration for the boy in front of you.
“That’s impossible, sweetheart.”
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Last Twilight Episode 10
Okay…okay. I have had some concerns about this show on a low simmer for weeks and unfortunately, the direction this episode took has brought them all roaring to the surface.
First let me just say there was a lot about this episode I really loved (anything to do with Night especially). But there are also a few things that did not work for me so well, so let’s take them one at a time.
Mhok’s Story
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Mhok’s financial struggles, the prejudice he faces as a formerly incarcerated person, and his deep grief for his sister have been back-burnered for weeks while he and the story focused on Day. I chatted with @my-rose-tinted-glasses about this last week and said that I was reserving judgment and hoped this was an intentional part of the narrative that would come to the fore—Mhok was subsuming his own problems by making Day his entire life, and when he inevitably left the caretaker job he would have to face them again.
Welp, this episode was the moment for that to happen, if it was ever going to, and the show didn’t do it. Instead, they quickly glossed over Mhok’s struggles with two short scenes and a couple lines of dialogue, stuck him in a new job, and went right back to focusing on Day. Will I ever get a Thai bl that sets up class conflict and financial struggles and then actually takes it seriously?? Apparently not today.
This choice to gloss over Mhok’s money problems is also making the romance feel pretty imbalanced, and I’m really mourning the opportunity to see Day be a supportive partner to Mhok like he has been for him. I want Mhok to be a whole person, not an improbably perfect love interest. The lack of reciprocity in their dynamic is not great and it’s holding this romance back from reaching its full potential.
Day’s Mom
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Let’s be very clear: Day’s mom’s behavior in this episode was abusive. She was within her rights to fire Mhok, which he knew and that’s why he resigned before she took action. But her choice to intentionally isolate Day and lock him up in his room with no access to the outside world was cruel and selfish. And it doesn’t seem like the show really gets that, given how they presented her and Day through the rest of the episode.
That family holiday scene was really missing the underlying edge it should have had given she was playing the loving mom while doing these things to Day, and other than one brief line from Night that got interrupted, we didn’t see any acknowledgement in the story of how wrong she was, or even get a good sense of how much she was harming Day.
I would have liked to see Day actually seem affected by his isolation rather than focusing on more cute date moments. Bad Buddy was really adept at delivering excellent couple moments while never letting you forget about the underlying trauma and melancholy of the story, but this show is not quite managing to do the same. Moonlight Chicken also has some glorious moments where bad and abusive parenting was called out very directly, so the lack of it here is really jarring. It all feels curiously light for the subject matter and I expected more from Aof.
Day’s Vision
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Obviously after the end of the episode this will be the worry on everyone’s mind heading into next week. We know Aof previews can’t be trusted, but it seems clear the surgery is going to happen. Thematically, I do not think it makes any sense for the show to restore Day’s vision. I wish they weren’t going here with the eye donation surgery at all, but if they’re going to do it I hope its purpose is for the procedure to fail as a mechanism to force Day and his family to finally accept that his disability will not be fixed. But given the above noted poor execution on some of the story’s other themes, I am not currently feeling super confident that the show won’t do something very silly here. Fingers crossed!
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earthtoharlow · 8 months
Flashing Lights
10) I Miss You, Don’t Call Me
Jack Harlow x Singer!OC
TW: slight mention of violence, and mentions of alcohol abuse
Series Masterlist
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Jack sighed as Maryse declined his call again. It’s been a month since that incident with Nate happened. The next morning Maryse didn’t want to talk about it, stating she was fine. Jack knew she was lying, but didn’t want to push her.
Things seemed to be okay for a few weeks but recently Maryse has been avoiding him. She would decline his calls and if the off chance she did answer she would rush him off the phone saying she had to get back to rehearsals for her shows she had coming up at the Apollo Theater.
Jack was afraid that if she continued on this path of keeping things herself that she was going to blow up one day. He hated seeing her like this. It doesn’t help that he’s in LA right now while she’s home in NY.
“Jack, why are you rushing back to New York, we literally need you in Boston for New Balance by tomorrow afternoon!” Neelam said as she interrupted his thoughts. Jack needed to see Maryse now, he couldn’t let this go on any longer.
“I’m going to see Maryse, I’ll go straight to Boston as soon as I’m done. I promise.” He responded as he continued to pack his backpack, deciding to only take essentials.
He ignored Neelam's sigh at the mention of his girlfriend. “Jack…” she started but he immediately interrupted her. “Don’t wanna hear it.”
“Jack, just hear me out! I love Maryse but your career is very important. This is a huge year for you, you can’t just drop everything for some girl, you’ve only been dating for 3 months! And don’t think I haven’t noticed her ignoring your calls…”
Jack pulled his hoodie over his head, and took a deep breath before replying. “It’s been five months.” Neelam rolled her eyes.
“I’m not dropping everything for some girl, she’s my girlfriend and a Grammy award winner, might I add.”
He continued as Neelam folded her arms in front of him. “She’s going through something right now and needs me. I’ve been running around nonstop, and haven’t missed an appearance. Boston is hardly an hour flight away from NY. I will be back in time for the NB event.”
Only thing Neelam could do was sigh, knowing she wasn’t going to change his mind. “Ok. Fine. You better be back in time.”
He gave a simple nod as he slung his backpack over his shoulders and headed towards the door. “Gotcha.”
As he walked out the door he turned around to say one last thing. “Oh, and Neelam?”
“Yeah?” She questioned.
“You’re going to respect my girlfriend, she’s here to stay. This weird energy you have towards her is going to stop.” He closed the door behind him, not giving Neelam time to react as she stood there with her mouth open.
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“That sounded great guys, let's take a 30!” Maryse told her band with a smile. She was currently rehearsing for her shows the following weekend at the iconic Apollo Theater to celebrate her debut album.
Once everyone left the room she sat at the piano and she began playing around with some chords that had been in her head for a couple days.
She silently sighed as her fingers moved across the keys, the more she played the more she started thinking about Jack. He didn’t deserve how she was treating him and made a silent vow to call him when he left rehearsals.
“I haven't slept since Sunday…” she began singing the first thing that came to mind. She wished Jack was with her right now.
“Midnight for me is 3:00 a.m. for you. But my sleepless nights are better with you than nights could ever be alone.” Maryse hadn’t slept properly since the night of her release party, having dreams about Nate, she knew the only thing that would fix this would be opening up about with Jack.
“I was good at feeling nothing, now I'm hopeless. What a drag to love you like I do”
Fuck it. She thought as she pulled her phone out, dialing Jack’s number. He of course answered on the first ring, she spoke before he could even speak. “I love you so much, I’m sorry for ignoring your calls, we can talk about everything when I get home, okay?” She bit her lip as it was silent on the other line.
“I love you too.” Maryse gasped as she heard his voice from behind her. Turning around, Jack was leaning against the doorway, phone pressed against his ear.
She immediately jumped up from her place at the piano and skipped towards him. “What are you doing here?” Maryse questioned as she pulled him closer to her, pressing her face into his chest and smelling his cologne.
Jack just shook his head, and kissed the top of her head. “We can talk about it later. I just needed to see you.”
It was 10 pm when she got back home from rehearsals, she stripped as soon as she walked into the house. Walking into her room, Jack was spread across her bed, soft snoring leaving his mouth. She felt bad that he came all this way for her. Changing into one of his many shirts he’s left at her place, she climbed into bed next to him, pressing a kiss to his face.
Jack, being a light sleeper, woke up from the light kiss. “Hey” he said softly.
Maryse smiled at him, running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry for ignoring your calls.”
Jack pulled her in closer next to him in bed. Maryse wrapping her legs around his own. “I guess I should explain myself.”
He nodded. “But only if you’re ready, I never wanna pressure you. I’m just worried about you.”
Maryse nodded and was silent as she continued playing with his hair. “I had been dating Nate since he was a senior in college. So I’ve known him for a really long time. You could say he was my first real relationship. Everything was really good for a long time, until we weren’t. But everything changed when he tore his pec during a playoff game.”
Jack stayed quiet, letting Maryse get her thoughts out.
“He was really upset and angry with himself for getting hurt. So he started drinking to cope, I would come home from the studio and he would be passed out drunk in the living room.”
Maryse took a pause before continuing, she hasn’t spoken about this to anyone in almost two years. “I watched alcohol turn the man I loved into a monster. We would argue all the time, every problem we faced steamed from his drinking.”
She didn’t realize it in the moment that she had closed her eyes as she spoke, thinking about the things he would say out of anger. “You’ll never make it in the industry.” “No one will listen to your music.” “No one will ever love you like I do”
“He would say the curliest things to me during arguments but he never once put his hands on me. That night at the release party was the first.” Maryse could feel herself getting overwhelmed and tears started forming in her eyes.
Jack immediately pulled her into his chest, bringing her closer than she already was. “I’m sorry.” Maryse said, pulling back and wiping her eyes. She grimaced seeing the tear stain on his shirt.
He shook his head, “This isn’t my favorite shirt.” Maryse couldn’t help but giggle and pinched his side.
“Not about that you idiot! Sorry, for putting you, and Urban for that matter in that position. You both could’ve gotten extremely hurt that night! Especially with how angry Nate was. That’s why I was ignoring your calls because I was really embarrassed after that night.” Maryse ended with a frown.
It was Jack’s turn to frown. “I’m going to stop you right there. One, you didn’t deserve any of that shit he put you through. I’m sorry that you had to deal with that, loving an addict is a hard and taxing job. Two, you’re worth defending. I’ll throw my last punch defending you. You’re my person, my peace. I’ll do anything to protect you.”
Hearing Jack reassure her made Maryse relax for the first time in weeks. She also couldn’t help the flutters she felt in her stomach at Jack calling her his person.
“I love you, Jack.”
Jack leaned forward and kissed her head, nose and finally a sweet kiss on her lips.
“I love you more. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
Maryse pressed her lips against his lips one more time, happy he was here in her arms.
Jack let out a yawn. “Now, wrap your legs around me so I can go back to sleep. I have a flight to catch in 3 hours.”
She did just that, getting a full nights rest for the first time in weeks.
AN: hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Let me know you’re thoughtssss!
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paddockbunny · 1 year
“This has to stop!”
Summary: You didn’t deal with the “fame” side of dating Daniel very well and repeated the same mistake of looking and reading the hate. What will Daniel do and say when he finds out how it makes you feel? Rating: 18+. Pairing : Daniel Ricciardo x Reader Word Count : 3,070 (One Shot) Trigger Warnings : 18+, this is a tough one, sad, depressed thoughts, self confidence issues, language warning, fan criticism, seriously it really is pretty sad with a nice twist at the end 💞Authors Note : please stick with this one because the end is everything! I’m sorry it’s so sad
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You promised him you wouldn’t look. You swore you’d ignore it. But how could you? It was like some evil, nasty drug that you were addicted too. After slinking away from the garage you had gone back to Daniel’s drivers room and opened the Instagram app on your phone. The gossip pages popped up as soon as you tapped on the search bar and you paused, your finger hovering over the first one, unsure if you could do it but your subconscious took over. You were the third picture on the grid and before tapping on it you inhaled deeply. You ignored the several pictures of you walking through the paddock hand in hand with your smiling boyfriend and went straight to the comment section.
As you began to read your eyes scanned over the comments. Ignoring the ones that said nice your outfit was, how happy you both looked and how lucky both of you were to find each other, instead going straight for the other ones. The ones that cut you down, tore you apart, mentally destroyed you.
You sought them out like an alcoholic seeking alcohol. A sex addict seeking sex. You read and re-read and re-read again.
How can you all not see through her? She’s only with him for the fame and the money.
She looks awful in that dress. Those boots make her legs look fat. Terrible choice.
Why is he doing this?! Look at him. He’s a 10. She’s a three at best.
She needs to do something with her hair. It just hangs there
God, I thought it the last time she was in the paddock but Jesus, he could do so much better.
See she made her insta private, probably doesn’t like the home truths.
Can’t wait till he cheats on her. She’s too smug and needs brought down to size
You had gone past the stages of crying when you read them. You chew the skin on the side of your thumb instead, the stinging giving you more release than crying would. You returned to the search page and found the next Instagram. Taking another deep breath and on an exhale tapping on your picture.
What a dumb bitch
I absolutely hate this girl. Daniel’s clearly only with her for the sex, she seems so boring.
Fuck offfffff. She’s such a buzz kill.
Bringing her along again Daniel? REALLY?
I didn’t notice before but I thought her lips were bigger? Does she get filler? Fuck, she needs it.
Filler? How about Botox too? But then again, none of that can fix her drab personality.
This time your lip trembled and a slight sting filled your eyes as a crushing feeling descended upon your chest . You went back to the search page, clicked on the next one and found yourself vacant, thankfully, but then there was a text post you scrolled too which said they wouldn’t post you on the grid because your relationship with Daniel wouldn’t last very long so there was no point. You closed your eyes for a second before switching apps, heading to Twitter instead. You typed your name into the search bar and again, found what you were looking for without much of a hunt. More and more words of criticism followed by questions of why Daniel was with you and when he was going to dump you. Fake rumours (you hoped) of him cheating being shared by multiple accounts.
You sat for a moment after closing your phone. Just sat on the floor of his drivers room and stared at his hoody on the back of the chair in front of you. You wanted to reach out and touch it, hold it, bury your nose it to inhale his scent. You wanted to feel him, be near him while he was out on track driving at 180 miles per hour. But you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Couldn’t muster the strength to crawl over and cling on to his hoody as if you life depended on it. The words you had read swirled around in your brain and something blocked you from being able to do anything apart from sit there on the floor staring at the teal coloured garment like you had officially lost your marbles.
You let your head fall backward as you tried to take a few deep, grounding breaths as you mentally tried to banish the tears threatening to spill any moment.
“Y/n?” a man’s voice came and a sudden rush of pure embarrassment rolled throughout your body. You didn’t think anyone would come in here during the race, you thought you’d be safe. But as you opened your eyes you saw Michael hovering by the door. “Is everything ok?” He asked and you felt your throat get tight at even the thought of responding to him. So you nodded. You took a deep breath and nodded before scrambling to get to your feet. “Y/n” you couldn’t stay in the room that now felt it was getting smaller and smaller by the second. You couldn’t have Michael looking at you like how he was looking at you. His face full of concern. When he finally came further into the room you used it as an excuse to make your escape. Your legs carrying you over to hospitality to get a bottle of water, something to distract you at least.
“Well done.” You state without enthusiasm. Daniel finished in P9. In the points at least. You felt his disappointment radiating off of him and you didn’t know what to do to quell it. He handed his things to Michael who was in fact looking at you instead of his employer and it set you on edge. Normally you would have given Daniel a quick, soft kiss but you had been criticised for that the last race so decided not too this time, even if he was looking for it. Your heart shuddered in your chest at denying him but you couldn’t. You simply couldn’t let yourself in for the barrage of comments about it once his fans got a hold of the pictures.
As you left to go wait for him in hospitality. Michael followed him to his drivers room. In the safety and confines of the small space Michael handed over your phone. You had left it behind on the carpet when you absconded earlier during the race. Daniel seemed puzzled until Michael sighed;
“I think she was looking at the comments again. The bad ones.” Daniel stared down at your phone in his hand as an easy feeling took over his body. He glanced down, taking in the baby pink phone case that by now became a colour he associated with you. His thumb pressing the side button and seeing the photo you set as your Lock Screen, the pair of you at dinner in NYC, smiling happily at Scotty behind the camera. And with that he felt like someone had punched him in the gut. The thought of you reading hateful comments made his stomach turn and he felt sick. He had told you numerous times not to do it, not to listen to them, take anything to heart, but you didn’t have such a thick skin like he did. You were gentle, pure, fragile even. And he knew what these comments were doing to you. He felt it when he touched you. When he watched you take even longer doing your make-up (that you didn’t even need) or do your hair. How you grew more and more indecisive about what to wear and changed several times in a panic thinking you didn’t look “right”. When you brought up getting fillers, a nose job, a brow lift or signed up for three more spin classes to “get rid of an inch or two” on your already perfect thighs. The carefree, free spirited, fun loving girl he fell in love with was still in there but you had begun to lock her away after letting the nasty, jealousy driven comments get underneath your skin. And it destroyed him. And Daniel couldn’t help but feel like he had done this. It was his fault you were getting all this abuse. He went public with you too fast. He didn’t think about the repercussions about falling in love and being out and happy about it.
You had been sitting waiting on Daniel in a quiet corner of the hospitality suite, reading. You were practically curled in on yourself at the table. Head down masked by your hair and tilted head. To anyone passing you probably were in protection mode, which was probably exactly what your sub conscious was doing. You had been trying to take in the words on the page before you. Something about the narrator being suspicious of Mrs Danvers and thinking she was in love with Maxim De Winters seemed about right. But all you kept thinking about was the words you had read earlier. Only with him for the fame and the money. He could do better. Those boots make her legs look fat. Dumb bitch. Buzz kill. Drab personality.
They swirled round and round your head so fast you probably could get whiplash. It felt like you were on a fairground ride, a waltzer, without being able to get off. And then a hand went down the back of your head and you flinched. It was only Daniel but it gave you such a fright. You were utterly lost in your mind that his tender action scared you. “Ready to go?” He asked quietly and you nodded. You had been ready to go since you got here this morning and saw the photographers at the gate.
Arriving back to the hotel was always problematic. Fans who hadn’t had tickets or couldn’t attend the race always seemed to collude with each other to gather outside of the hotels teams were staying at. And tonight was no different. Daniel swore under his breath and told you to run inside with Michael. He could have said no to them but he was too nice, too gracious to refuse people who had waited hours, possibly all day, for their five seconds with him. Initially you paused and looked back when you got inside, dutifully escorted and under the arm of Michael but decided to go straight upstairs. You had enough of today. You couldn’t help but think that of all these people that claimed they were fans they still spouted the most hurtful things online. After-all, some of the people who wrote the comments that still buzzed around your mind could have been standing right there, 30 feet away from you. “Im going straight up.” You whispered to Michael and found the key card in your bag. You looked a little more for your phone but figured you could empty it and have a better look whilst in the safety of the hotel suite.
And that was the first thing you did as you got in. You tipped your bag out on to the plush white bedding. Your book, some change, gum, a tampon, AirPods, wallet, a condom, lip balm and your sunglasses fell out but no phone. You wondered if you had left it in the chauffeur driven car or perhaps in hospitality as you waited but then you realised you hadn’t actually had it since you were in Daniel’s drivers room and then you did begin to worry. Your life was on there. Your calendar app, your contacts, your cycle tracker, photos of your friends, your family, ones of you and Daniel that time you were larking around in bed one morning that you didn’t ever want getting out. And you sighed deeply. You could buy a new one. That wasn’t what was worrying you. It was the thought of anyone being able to guess your code or jail break your phone and read your messages, see the photos, the videos, all of the content you had and using it against you. You were so lost in the moment you hadn’t even realised Daniel was now stood in the room.
“Y/n” he said your name gently. “I’ve lost my phone….” The words followed teetered on the tip of your tongue while you tried not to let your voice give away that you felt a little scared. “Im sorry…” “You haven’t.” He said and went to his backpack. Your eyes watched intently as he pulled your phone from a pocket hold it up in the air like it was some lost golden treasure.
Daniel didn’t just hold your phone out to you, give it back to you, and then head off for a shower or order room service or anyone the other multitude of things he usually did after a race day. He held on to it as he placed it in your hand - he was only a foot or so away from your body - and waited till you looked into his eyes. You knew he knew. “Talk to me, y/n” he whispered “please.” “There’s nothing to talk about.” You faked it, pretended the words leaving you were true. Your voice let you down. It was nervous. Unsteady. Unable to do what you wanted it too. Daniel’s grip on your phone didn’t loosen and you swallowed, fearing all of the emotions from earlier would now bubble up to the surface. “What do you want me to say?” Your words came out practically in audible. You were struggling for dominance over the tears that were building in your eyes. “Have you been reading the comments again?” You were scared what he would think of you if you said yes but you also knew he wouldn’t believe you if you said no. And then the words left you as the tears did too.
“I’m not good enough for you.”
Your bottom lip shook, tears flowed freely down your cheeks and you couldn’t bare to look at him. You needed to put distance between the pair of you because you didn’t want him to see you fall apart. You bolted straight for the bathroom and instantly slid the lock. Shaky breaths took over as more and more tears fell from your eyes. You tried with all your might to stay in control of it but eventually a sob escaped your mouth and you couldn’t stop. All those comments pummelled you into the ground, crush you completely. Each and every time you saw them they chipped away a little more and a little more and you were slowly realising how they were stealing your soul. They were stealing your happiness. They were stealing you away from Daniel.
You cried and cried. Thankful you could finally let it all out when you heard Daniel’s voice from the other side of the door. “I’m right here, baby.” And it hurt. It just hurt. “I’m not going anywhere.” He didn’t force you to open the door. He knew you needed space. He knew that you had to let it out, let out what you been holding in all day. You wanted nothing more than to open the door and cling on to him as if he was your oxygen but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Because as soon as you did it became his problem too. He would take it on and feel burdened by it and you didn’t want that. You remembered the first time the comments got nasty, the very first time you went to a race with him confirming the pair of you were together, how Daniel tried to block each and every one of the users who had left such terrible words aimed at you. He would take this on feel your pain. Because that’s exactly what it felt like, pain. All you had done was fall in love with someone who happened to be in the public eye.
Slowly, as the sobs subsided and you could control the tears you saw Daniel trying to wedge your phone under the bathroom door. He said nothing but you got to your knees and picked it up. It was on his Instagram and he just said “look at the story” and you did. It was words and you wiped your eyes clear of fogged up tears to be able to read it.
I met and fell in love with an incredible, beautiful, talented girl who makes me happy every second of the day and I have chosen to share my life with her.
My private life is of no concern to any so called “fans”. Especially ones who post abusive, hurtful, downright vile comments about her (even tagging her so she can’t ignore them).
Treat others as you would want to be treated and be god damn respectful or I will no longer share any of my life with you, sign autographs, take photos or anything else if this abuse of my girlfriend doesn’t come to a stop.
He had posted it several minutes ago. Posted while you were sobbing your heart out. You read over the words multiple times. Each time stopping on something different. A stillness washed over you that he had done something like that for you. It was so public and hard to ignore now and he had lay real, boundaries for fans. You reached up and unbolted the door. Daniel sat just in front of it watching as it slowly crept open.
“I can’t promise it will it better, or make it stop completely, but I’m going to try.” And suddenly you felt a calm settle inside of you. It wouldn’t make the things you read about yourself or your relationship go away but hopefully you wouldn’t see them. You could mend the pieces they had chipped from you and you could just get back to being happy like you were before you had gone public. “The team just reposted it too…” Daniel said glancing down at his own phone in his hands.
“Thank you….” You could barely get the words out because you practically launched yourself across the space and got straight into his lap, your arms around his neck clinging on to him tightly. You felt safe there, in his arms. And as he held you equally as tightly you let the tension from the day begin to dissipate out of your body.
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winxwannabe · 1 year
Thoughts on/Rating the S9 images that will probably be wrong in 3 months LETS GO -
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Tecna is the best. Hands down, 10/10. I don’t care if they threw it together at the last minute to avoid backlash, give whoever designed her a goddamn raise. The bob with purple streaks, the vinyl skirt, it’s so perfect I can’t handle it. Me to Reboot Tecna:
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Please let that be real. Please let the metal arm stay, Straffi.
My girl Musa is an official SHORT QUEEN, a popular headcannon that’s been going for years. I’m thrilled someone finally listened. Her iconic pigtails are also back, which is a bonus is my book (do they kinda look like Marinette’s from Miraculous? Yes, because Rainbow’s gotta steal one thing per season for Winx). The outfit isn’t my favorite, but better than others I’ve seen her in. A very respectable 8.5/10.
Rainbow’s art department raised enough money for brown paint, which is great news for Aisha! No more whitewashing! Her braids are stellar, her look is sporty, just very cute in general. The color scheme is very different from her original look, but I like it. Give Aisha bright colors. Let her be happy. And now tallest girl? 9/10
Flora’s look is the most similar to the OG series. Really the only difference is that weird ass green jacket - thing looks like it came off a one-day Project Runway challenge. It seems waaaay too structured compared to the rest of the outfit. That’s legit my only note. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, I guess. 7.5/10
Bloom’s look says 2 things; “I’m Bella Thorne from Shake It Up!,” and Certified Horse Girl™️. I do not vibe with either. Bloom is not either. Why is she in pink again? Why is her belt so big - Bloom is so impatient and always in a rush, do you think she has time to put a belt on every day? I get the skirt is paying homage to the S3 one, but the rest is…a choice. This would be lower if Bloom wasn’t my favorite character. But she is, and it’s not the worst look. 6/10.
No, no, the worst look here is your favorite Solarian princess and mine, Stella. I get Rainbow was trying for a new look, but it doesn’t land for me. I don’t like the sunglasses, I don’t like that her dress is pink because that’s never really been Stella’s primary color - it’s more Flora and Tecna’s (and now Bloom’s I guess because UGH). She’s also wearing sleeves, which Stella rarely wore in the series because she is the fairy of the sun and I always thought that was a cool wardrobe detail. The only times she’s worn long sleeves (as a primary outfit in the season) were in S6 with her Alfea uniform, and Season 8, which barely counts. Just…make it orange. Or yellow, or even blue. It would fix so much. 5/10 for doing this ray of sunshine so dirty.
Also, if we can afford new civilian and transformation outfits for the girls, we can do the same for Ogron and the Black Circle. C’mon guys. Also! Why does Ogron have a dark dragon? What the fuck does that mean? Please do not pull a S8 Valtor on the Wizards. They don’t deserve it. And probably get Duman in there before the fans come after you.
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starman-jpg · 1 year
You Gotta Let It Out Soon
slight tw: verbal abuse and attempted assault. Overall, it's just Steve's dad being a terrible father.
Please be kind to yourself if you choose to read this.
Title from "Daddy Issues" by the Neighborhood (Seemed fitting)
Steve was late.
Dustin is going to give him so much shit.
He didn’t mean to take a nap, honest.
He had to lay down because he felt a headache coming on, and he really didn’t want to deal with it.
Were his eyes closed? Yes.
Did he feel himself nodding off? Well… yeah.
But that’s not the point! He didn’t mean to.
He rushes down the stairs, his keys in his mouth as he awkwardly hops on one foot getting on one shoe before doing the same with the other one. It wasn’t until he looked up that he found he was being watched.
He stands up straight, taking his keys and shoving them in his pocket, keeping a tight grip on them.
“W-what are — When did-”
“For God’s sake Steven, stop being an idiot and finish your sentence.” His dad was already done with him.
“What are you doing here?” That’s a safe question.
“It’s my house, Steven. Why wouldn’t I be here?”
Steve shrugs, “You haven’t been here for months. Haven’t seen you since February, it's November now. ”
His dad scoffs, rolling his eyes, “I’m a very-”
“Very busy man, yeah.” Steve finishes that same lame excuse his dad gives him every time, “You mentioned that once or twice.”
“Don’t talk back to me Steven.” His voice went stern, “You have the nerve to act out when the house isn’t even cleaned and the fridge is empty. How are you living Steve, like a goddamn barn animal?” His dad may have a point, the house could use some cleaning, and he definitely needed to go to the store, but honestly, he wasn’t expecting him to be home.
“My bad, I’ve been busy.”
“Do not make excuses Steven-”
“I’m not making excuses!” He talks over his dad, “I work 10-hour shifts and when I’m not working, I’m helping some of the kids I look after.”
“Like a babysitter?” The tone of his dad’s voice is condescending.
“Yeah, like a babysitter, sure.”
“You’re a grown man, Steven. You can’t even take care of yourself.”
“Well, I did though, didn’t I?” Steve crosses his arms, shrugging, “You and Mom weren’t around. Took good care of myself then.”
“Your Mother and I were around enough.”
Steve can’t help but laugh, “Seriously? You’re serious right now?”
“Stop laughing Steven! We are your parents. We raised you to be better.”
Now that caught his attention. “You raised me? Seriously?”
“Of course we did. We gave you a roof over your head and kept you fed-” His dad kept listing things, but Steve just heard white noise.
“You didn’t raise me.” Steve mutters, keeping his eyes down. His father stopped, clearly hearing him.
“Say that again?” He was clearly taunting Steve, and Steve fell for it.
“You didn’t raise me.”
“Steven Richard Harrington, do not talk to your father like that.” Steve cringes at his full name. Especially his middle name. A reminder he’ll always be connected to his father, even without his last name.
“I did though you left when-”
“I did not ‘leave’ Steven. I had work to do, and it was important.” “More important than your son?”
“You were old enough to take care of yourself.”
“I was NINE!” He screams, a tear falling down his cheek as he points his finger at his father, “You left me to fend for myself when I was nine!”  
“Oh boo-hoo, grow up Steven-”
“I have!” He screams again, finally letting out all his pent-up anger, “And you would have noticed if you were around. But you weren’t.”
He gets into his father’s face, “While you were off screwing every woman you laid eyes on and mom was drowning her sorrows at the hotel bar about her pathetic excuse of a husband, I was here. Growing up. I taught myself how to use the stove and how to buy groceries. I taught myself how to fix things around the house. I even taught myself how to drive. You did none of that.”
“I have paid for this life you are living. This house! That car! Those tutors, even though they were useless.” His dad runs a frustrated hand through his hair. It physically makes Steve ill. “God, I raised an insolent, unappreciative son.”
“You didn’t fucking raise me!” He yells, his throat already getting raw from the explosion of emotions.
His father stopped, staring daggers at Steve.
He senses it before it happens. He sees the anger on his father’s face and just knows. As his father’s hand flies up to slap him, he catches it. His nails digging into his father’s wrist, his knuckles turning white. The shock on his father’s face makes him smile.
He leans in close, taunting him, “You can’t fucking hurt me, I have fought worse things than you, and I have always won.”
Steve knows he has to look crazy, he can see it in his dad’s eyes. He’s scared of Steve. Good.
He shoves his father’s arm down to his side and walks by, heading up the stairs. He’s done and he means it. He grabs his duffle bag and shoves a bunch of his clothes and toiletries into it. He grabs his unused backpack and takes down all the pictures everyone hung up, carefully putting them in his bag. He grabs some other miscellaneous items that mean the world to him: like the rock Eddie gave him because it was pretty, the walkie Dustin gave him so he would always know everyone was safe, the little notes Robin would write on post-it notes and slap onto his wall. He took all of it.
With his backpack on and his duffle thrown over his shoulder he grabs his keys from his pocket and goes back downstairs. He sees that his father moved to the living room, so he tries to sneak out quietly.
Of course the Gods didn’t think he deserved a break.
“Where do you think you are going, Steven.”
Steve’s shoulders drop, and he turns to his dad.
“I’m leaving.”
“If you leave this house, I’ll-”
“You’ll what?” He challenges. “No, seriously. What will you do?”
His dad looks him straight in the eyes, “I’ll sell this house, and you’ll be on the street. Your mother and I will never come back to Hawkins.”
“Good fucking riddance.”
Steve opens the door and walks out, he knows his dad is yelling at him. Probably calling him all sorts of names, but he was done.
He throws his bags into the passenger seat, gets in his Beemer and drives off. His shoulders relax as he watches the Harrington house get small in his rearview mirror.
Steve didn’t have a plan when he left. Just knew he had to leave.
He continued to drive aimlessly around Hawkins before pulling into a familiar trailer park. He parks next to the van and gets out, jumping the stairs and knocking, rather impatiently, at the door.
He hears Eddie mumbling to himself, most likely annoyed he had to get out of bed, before the door swings open.
“Stevie!” Eddie’s once annoyed face instantly lit up, but slowly it fell, “What happened?”
“Huh?” Steve can feel the lump in his throat, and he feels the tears on his cheeks. Shit, how long had he been crying. “Shit.” He furiously wipes away his tears.
Eddie ushers him inside and moves him to the couch. He envelops Steve in his arms, letting him rest his head on his chest, hearing the rhythmic beating of his heart.
“Sweetheart, what happened?” Eddie coos.
Steve cries again as he explains what went down with his dad. Eddie comforts him the whole time, letting Steve take his time. When he was done, Eddie was furious.
“He kicked you out!” He softly yells.
“Technically no, I left.”
“But he just allowed you! And he almost hit you!”
“But he didn’t. I just was… overreacting or something.” He shrugs it off, but he knows Eddie won’t.
“Stevie, look at me.” Steve does what he is told and was a little shocked as Eddie gently took his face in his hands. “No parent should ever, ever hit you or even attempt to hit you.”
Steve slowly nods, “Yeah, but-”
“No buts. Steve, you can’t keep sticking up for your dad. He’s an asshole. You know it. I know it. Most of fucking Hawkins knows it. Why do you still protect him?”
“He’s my dad, Eds.” He says like that's an explanation. And it is, in some ways, but not the way Eddie is looking for. “We had good times, before the bad. Before he left. And I know he’s capable of that good. He has to be.” He feels himself choking up again, “He was a good dad.”
Eddie pulls him into his chest, letting Steve cry it out.
Steve sometimes forgets that there was good within his dad. That he actually had good memories with him. But that was before the Harrington business picked up.
His dad would take him to play catch in the yard. And shoot hoops with him. As a family they would go on drives and on picnics. They’d watch movies and listen to music and dance around. When Steve had a nightmare his dad would come in and read him stories as he fell asleep. They would get up early and make breakfast for his mom in bed on Mother’s Day, softly laughing as they brought up waffles and coffee for her. There was a time his dad would go to his little league games and cheer him on as loud as possible.
But then his business picked up, and it was like all those good times disappeared.
“Stevie, I’m sorry. I know he’s your dad-”
“You’re right though,” He croaks, “He’s a terrible father now. He’s a completely different man now than he was then. It’s- it’s just… hard to let go.”
Eddie nods, running his fingers through Steve’s hair. “I know, baby. I know.”
They stay on the couch, Eddie comforting him until Wayne gets home. Eddie briefly explains what happened with Steve’s dad.
“You stay here as long as you need to, boy. You got that? This is your home now. And you're safe here.”
Steve nods, another round of tears falling down his face as Wayne hugs him tightly.
Steve slowly puts his stuff around the trailer, not too much though. Just hangs his clothes with Eddie’s and puts his toothbrush in the holder.
He finally feels like he’s in a home.
And when he and Eddie drive past the Harrington house and see a “For Sale” sign in front, it feels like weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
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lcvejoy · 1 year
perhaps a very sleepy and chronically ill reader dealing with a bad fatigue few days and Wil's out gone every day until the last day where he notices how bad it is and like maybe a lil bit of caretaking??
but also I see an argument somehow- you do with this how you will!
as always you're a wonderful writer<33
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wilbur soot x gn!reader
word count: 1,337
tw!: arguments, swearing, chronic illness - hurt/comfort tho - not proofread (are y’all noticing a pattern?)
a/n: listen, i tried my best. i don’t have a chronic illness but i tried to be *kinda* broad so if i got it so incredibly wrong, i’m so incredibly sorry. but anything for connor!! whatever connor says, i will do!!
if it were possible to be physically engulfed by your mattress, you think by now you would’ve sunk down to the middle.
rotting away in the same spot you’ve been in for 2 days. your blanket feels heavy, like it’s pinning you down. your limbs feel achy and wobbly, your head has been pounding for hours, and you are so fucking tired.
everytime you move, you feel as if you have to sleep for hours in order to recover from the 10 steps you took.
although this feeling is nothing new, this feeling is still something you’ll never get used to.
wilbur and you have been dating for 6 months. he knows of your chronic illness, but he’s never witnessed your symptoms during bad days. you don’t allow him to see you like this - you’re worried he’ll feel obligated to take care of you.
today wilbur is preforming in a small venue in your town. he’s been talking about it for weeks, excitement and nervousness in his voice each time he tells you about it. he’s been rehearsing everyday for a week for this show, so hiding your flare up from him has been easy. he hasn’t visited you this week, too busy with making sure his show runs perfectly.
you promised him you’d go. you’re determined to show up for him. you want to show him just how much you support his dreams.
so, you decide to take a small nap hoping it’ll give you the energy to get out of bed in time to see his performance.
however, when you wake up, the light outside has faded. you can see the bright streetlights. you check your phone to see if you have time to get yourself together, only to find 6 missed calls and dozens of texts from wil.
you missed the show.
how could you miss the show.
you’re beating yourself up as you lay back down, still so exhausted despite your 5 hour nap.
until you hear keys jingle at your front door. you hold your breath, nervous, knowing it’s an upset, disappointed wil who’s about to step into the door. you try to rehearse what you’re going to say to him, how you’re going to explain your absence, but the words get jumbled and it only exhausts you more.
you hear his footsteps walking towards your bedroom door. he’s dragging his feet and his pace is slow. the door creaks open. you don’t face him, you can’t. how could you look at him right now knowing you’ve broken your promise? you don’t think you’ll ever be able to look at him again without feeling guilty.
“this is what you were doing?” he asks, his voice is laced with anger and disappointment, “sleeping? you were sleeping while i was waiting for you to show up?”
he pauses. you don’t move or speak. he scoffs before continuing; “why does everything i say to you seem to just go through your thick fucking skull, y/n?” his voice is louder now, laced with venom. your eyes well up with tears, your head still pounding, you limbs still aching. “i’m sorry” you whisper, you’re not sure how to fix this.
“you’re sorry?” he scoffs as he speaks, “that’s it? you’re fucking sorry? i’ve been talking about this for weeks, i was so excited for you to see this and all you have to say is you’re fucking sorry?” his voice echoes through your room as he speaks, each word he says bouncing off the walls and hitting your head like a boulder causing a sharp pain. you’re exhausted, and the emotions and words are only making you more tired.
“i’m sick. i should’ve texted you but i fell asleep. i didn’t mean to, i had every intention on waking up on time to come but…i’m just exhausted” your face is half squished into your pillow, causing your words to come out muffled.
“this isn’t fucking about you” he yells now, his voice coming out like a boom, you sink further into your bed, “why are you making this about you? i- i trusted you”
exhaustion is hitting you fast. despite the volume of his voice, the pain in his words, the emotions in your body - you’re finding it hard to keep your eyes open.
“c-can we talk about this when i’m better? please? i-i’m so tired, wil.” your voice is slurred as you speak. there’s silence as your eyes blink slowly. you’re forcing your body to stay awake until you gain his permission.
you hear footsteps approach you, and a body slowly steps into view. wilbur crouches down so he’s within your line of sight. his face is etched with worry now, a much different sight to the one you were expecting.
he searches your face, looking you up and down. you imagine you look terrible. you haven’t had the energy to shower, you ran out of water in your water bottle and you’ve only eaten the emergency snacks in your bedside drawer.
“is this a flare up?” he asks, his voice gentle and soft. you nod your head against the pillow.
“i should’ve told you” you whisper, “but i really did intend on coming. i promise. i would never miss a show on purpose.”
“i know” he whispers back.
“i know you wouldn’t. i’m sorry” he reaches the back of his cold hand to touch your warm forehead. the touch is soothing, causing you to lean further into it.
“what hurts, baby?” he whispers gently.
“i’m okay” you respond quickly. you don’t want him to feel responsible for taking care of you, especially after breaking your promise and hurting him.
“let me take care of you.” his eyes are filled with worry as he speaks. “i’m sorry i yelled. i shouldn’t have yelled at you. i wish you would’ve told me this was happening.”
“didn’t want you to worry” your voice is slurred and slow, the exhaustion is obvious.
“i always worry” he laughs, before immediately switching back into caretaking mode - “let me take care of you. please. tell me what’s hurting you, precious” he says it so gently, so full of love and worry. he’s petting your hair, waiting for you to give him instructions on what to do next. he’s never seen you like this before and it breaks his heart to see you in pain and so exhausted you can barely speak. it hurts him even more when he realizes he yelled at you while you laid alone in this state.
“m’head” you mumble.
he nods, getting up and taking your empty water bottle in his hands. “i’m gonna get you some water and medicine, okay? you can sleep after you take some pain meds” he explains, still whispering, before softly walking out the door to grab what you need.
when he returns, you gratefully take the two pills laid out in his palm and drink the cold water before laying back down.
“can you hold me?” you ask. though it’s muffled and slurred, he understands.
“‘course i can” he responds. he crawls into the opposite side of your bed, inching towards you but trying to keep his movements slow and soft as to not further agitate your pain.
“i’m sorry for missing the show” you say, as he pulls your back into his chest and lays his head behind yours. he kisses your shoulder softly, tracing his thumb over your stomach as he holds you.
“that’s okay, darling” he whispers, kissing the back of your head, “just rest. i’ll be here when you wake up.”
you shut your eyes, and sleep quickly takes you away.
wilbur stays awake, holding you as you sleep and watching as your chest rises and falls. he feels guilty for yelling, for assuming your absence was intentional. he should’ve known you would never do anything to hurt him - at least, not if you could help it.
we’ll talk about it in the morning, he thinks, before he joins you in a deep sleep.
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xiaq · 6 months
Steddie Time Travel Fix-it Pt. 11
Ao3 Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8 Pt. 9 Pt. 10
Eddie wakes up the following morning to Steve Harrington sitting cross-legged beside him, loading the magazine of a handgun.
“Whu?” Eddie manages.
When they’d all gone to sleep––Eddie checks the clock, five hours ago, why are they even awake?––Robin, Chrissy, and Nancy had taken the guest bed while Steve and Eddie made due with sleeping bags and camping cots on the floor. The kids were split between Dustin’s room and the living room. 
And now, instead of sleeping in like most sane people would do after the apocalypse was avoided, Steve is loading a gun. He’s also still wearing Eddie’s shirt and boxers. While loading a gun. 
Eddie should not have to deal with this so early in the morning.
“Hey,” Steve says.“You can keep sleeping. A couple of us are going to do a quick check at the last open gate. Make sure it still looks like he’s really gone this time.”
The he is weighty.
Eddie shoves himself into a sit, scrubbing at the crust in his eyes.
“Okay. What time are we leaving?”
“We aren’t going anywhere,” Steve murmurs absently, sliding in the now-full magazine, checking the safety is on before standing. “You’re sleeping. I’m going.”
“Okay, but who’s going with you?”
Steve tucks the gun into the duffle bag that Eddie recognizes from the night before, then stoops to pick up the ammo box. His movements are awkward around his still-bandaged hand, around the clear pain from his ribs.
“Hopper, Nance, Jonathan, Robin, El, and I,” he says. “One of the scientists from the lab and two of the suits. Not that they’ve ever been useful. Kids are staying here with Joyce and Murray.”
“You’re injured,” Eddie points out, standing.
“I’m fine.”
“I’m uninjured,” he presses. “And I’m a pretty good shot, thanks to Wayne. Especially if you give me one of those shotguns.”
Steve’s movements become even more jerky as he shoves another box into the bag. “No, Eddie. Just hang out here. We’ll be back soon.”
“Okay, fuck no. You’re not leaving me behind with the literal children again.”
“It’s not a debate,” Steve says, every ounce the infuriating my-word-is-law asshole that stalks the halls of Hawkins high. “You’re not coming, deal with it.”
“I am coming, and you can deal with it. I don’t know why you seem to think I’m useless and I don’t care, but you’ve got plenty of guns to go around and I know how to shoot one. I’m coming.”
Steve stops packing shit into his bag. “No,” he says, low and dangerous. “You’re not.”
Eddie steps into his space, tips his head, and practically snarls into Steve’s mouth: “Oh, Harrington. I am begging you to try and stop me and see what happens.”
“Would you just fucking—no,” Steve shouts, voice breaking. “No, okay? I can’t. I can’t take you down there.”
“Why not?!” Eddie shouts back.
“Because even when we thought it was safe, even when we planned for you not to––we took so many fucking precautions, but it always happened. Every time. And even if it seems okay now, I can’t do that again, especially not when we’ve come so far this time. I can’t even see you down there, okay? I will lose whatever’s left of my goddamn mind. So no. Please, no. Eddie.”
And that. Well. Eddie was not expecting that.
He takes a step back. He considers Steve’s face—the tight, stricken, set of his mouth and the sheen to his eyes. And something occurs to him.
“You said that when you first went back in time it wasn’t enough,” Eddie murmurs. “That you made several attempts but you still lost.”
“Was I there? For all of them?”
“How many times did you watch me die?” Eddie asks quietly.
“Too many,” Steve says, and his voice cracks between the words. “Please don’t make me do it again.”
The way he says it, the way he looks when he says it, makes Eddie take another step back.
“Okay,” Eddie says. “Okay, I’ll stay here.”
They’re only gone for two hours but Eddie has worked himself up into something of a frenzy by then.
The kids keep trying to talk to him about the Eddie they knew before, about D&D and their former lives and hey if we’re going to be stuck in the past do you think we can skip a few grades? 
Eddie does his best to follow along but he’s caught thinking about the panic in Steve’s eyes, the supplication, when he’d begged Eddie not to come. He can’t stop wondering how many times they went back. How many times they failed. How many times Steve probably blamed himself for the failure.
 Eddie has been––not jealous, exactly, but a little frustrated by the fact that everyone except for him and Chrissy, and Barb before she left, had a strange and slightly overwhelming camaraderie. They had all these experiences in common––they’d shared life-changing moments, and Eddie constantly felt like the odd man out. Like he was trying to play catchup with only the barest of plot outlines. It didn’t seem fair, that he was expected to adapt so quickly to the knowledge that alternate dimensions and time travel and monsters existed while simultaneously trying to fill the shoes of his former––future?––self.
Now, though, he thinks about the shadows that seem to permanently live in Steve’s eyes and he wonders if maybe the opposite is worse. Steve had adapted to the horrors over time. Too much time. Time pressed between layers of time where the only memories created were negative. Were painful.
He thinks he should probably give Steve a hug when he gets back.
Wayne had called when he got off work––the suits had contacted him earlier that morning and put him up in the motel in town. They’ed told him there was seismic activity and the trailer had been damaged and the government would be taking care of a replacement, which Wayne had reported to Eddie with a bemused yet hopeful tone. “Guess I won’t have to save to fix the roof anymore, huh?”
Eddie probably hadn’t shown the proper enthusiasm for the unexpected windfall, because he was too busy twisting the phone cord around his fingers and staring out the kitchen window at the empty cul-de-sac, hoping that maybe, if he stared hard enough, Hopper’s truck might appear.
When it finally does appear, Dustin is trying to cajole him into eating a pancake while Chrissy is asking, for the third time, how, exactly, she died, which the kids are being very shady about––apparently she and Barb and Eddie had all been killed by this Vecna dude. Barb very explicitly did not want to know how she died. Crissy vehemently does. Eddie…isn’t certain. He’s afraid he was a coward, at the end. He doesn’t want that assumption confirmed.
When the truck pulls up in front of the house, the kids pile onto Steve and the others first, with hugs and questions and requests to go with them next time.
 Eddie and Chrissy watch from the doorway.
“So,” Eddie says. “Is this super weird for you too, or––?”
“Yeah,” she says, not sounding very upset about it. “It’s nice, though, at the same time.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow at her. “Finding out the monster from the hell-version of Hawkins killed you in a different reality is ‘nice’?”
She leans into him so she can poke her elbow into his ribs. “Well not that part, obviously. But the part where––I’ve never had close friends before. I’ve had, like, cheerleading friends. Or friends I spend time with because their parents are friends with my parents. But never people of my own. Who like…genuinely care about me.” She nods to the group in the driveway, laughing as Robin pantomimes something. “They all love each other so much. And they thought I was worth saving. That’s pretty cool. To have a group like this care about you.”
Eddie can’t argue with that.
Hopper shepherds everyone back inside and they cheerfully lay into the food that Joyce and Claudia had made in their absence. The kids are talking about the upcoming science fair and maybe they can win it this time with a little extra knowledge on their side. Joyce is wondering if that’s cheating since technically they’re all freshmen in highschool now competing on a seventh-grade level. Dustin says it doesn’t matter because somebody needs to put Justin Malcovich in his place—it’d be an act of public service to knock him off his science fair throne––
Eddie agrees with Chrissy. He does feel honored and flattered and a little uncomfortable, honestly, with the affection the kids and Steve obviously have for him. But he doesn’t understand how he fits here. Or at least how this version of him fits. Maybe he’s not ready to be a part of whatever this is. Maybe there’s a reason they didn’t meet for several years.
“Well that’s not a good expression,” Steve murmurs, coming to stand beside him.
He’s still wearing Eddie’s shirt. And he smells. So fucking good. 
“This is just a lot.” Eddie admits.
“Fair,” Steve agrees. “You want to go sit on the roof?”
“...is that an option?”
Steve snags two pancakes from the table, grabs Eddie’s hand—his hand, not his wrist. His hand. And pulls him up the stairs.
They sit on the roof.
It’s not terribly steep, but it’s steep enough that they crab-walk past the window so they can put their backs against the sun-warmed siding for a little extra confidence.
“You mind?” Eddie asks, pulling a joint from his pocket.
“Only if you’re not planning to share.”
Eddie is planning to share.
They sit in companionable silence for several minutes, fingertips brushing, probably more fraught than it needs to be, as they pass the joint back and forth. 
“So,” he says, shoving hair out of his face as the wind tries to push it directly into his mouth. “I’m assuming everything looked ok?”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees, “totally fine. Hopper said the kids can come next time, so that should tell you how safe he thinks it is.”
“But still not me?” Eddie asks.
Maybe he shouldn’t. But he feels like their conversation from that morning didn’t ever get to the point he wanted it to.
“Still not you,” Steve agrees, abruptly somber. “Never you.”
Eddie waits for Steve to continue, to explain, but he doesn’t. And Eddie isn’t feeling so cruel to push. Instead, he tries to french braid his hair back out of his face and is only partially successful. If he and the wind are keeping score, the wind is definitely winning.
“Oh, here,” Steve rocks to one side so he can pull something out of his back pocket. It’s Eddie’s bandana. “This was in with my laundry from last night,” Steve explains. “Come here, I’ll tie your hair back for you.”
Eddie doesn’t move for several seconds because the words don’t really make sense. He’s perfectly capable of tying back his own hair, he certainly doesn’t need Steve's help. He’s also not going to turn it down, though.
He moves closer. He shifts so his back is partially to Steve.
Steve’s fingers sink into his hair with a degree of familiarity that is a little winding. He combs it back as best as he’s able and then uses the bandana to gather it at the nape of his neck.
“There,” he says, using one hand on Eddie’s shoulder to turn him back around “better?”
It is better.
“Yeah,” Steve agrees, despite the fact that Eddie hasn’t said anything. He tucks a few flyaway strands behind Eddie’s ear. “Looks good.”
Eddie exhales the smoke he’s been holding in his chest: long and slow and contemplative.
He passes the joint. He decides to be brave.
“Can I ask you something? And if you’re pissed after, can you just…let me leave. And not punch me in the face. Please.”
“Punch you—Eddie, what?”
“Are you flirting with me? Because it feels like you’ve been flirting with me. Pretty blatantly, man. And it’s seriously doing my head in because there’s no way, except––I just need to know. If you are.”
“Fuck,” Steve says. “I’m not trying to. I mean, I guess I am, sometimes, but it’s not––”
“Cool. Cool ok so, we’ll just forget I said anything and––” he pushes himself up, careful to keep his sneakers parallel to the roofline so he doesn’t fall to his death. Though, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad at this juncture.
“No. Shit, I knew I’d fuck this up. Eddie, please.”
Steve pulls him back down. Eddie lets him.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know how to act around you because I know you aren’t the Eddie I knew, but you’re so similar and I’m selfish and I just…
“Typically I only had you for a few days. The same few days. Over and over. Danger and blood and death, so this is nice.”
“What, getting to leave the hellscape timeline? Getting to eat pancakes  and smoke and not worry about the end of the world?”
“Getting to keep you.” Steve whispers.
He closes his eyes after he says it, too slow to be a blink. Eddie thinks he probably didn’t mean to say it, judging by the grimace on his face. “Before it was just the same thing. A week of terror. Over and over again. And I only got stolen moments with you in between all of it. So this, and the last couple weeks, it’s just nice. That's all.”
“Oh,” Eddie says.
The silence between them is heavy.
“Were we…” Eddie isn’t sure how to ask.
“No,” Steve says, meeting his careful gaze. “Not really. But there was something. Or I think there could have been something, but it was mostly just looks and touches and I probably misinterpreted them anyway.”
Eddie breathes. “You probably didn’t.”
“Steve,” he says. “Come on.”
“Yeah?” Steve asks. 
“Can I kiss you?”
You can do anything you want to me, Eddie thinks. Instead, he says, “Yes. Please.”
Tag list:
@perfectlysensiblenonsense @stxrcrossed186 @mushie8123 @starlight-archer @estrellami-1 @snowstar2368 @superfanne @starlight-archer @child-of-cthulhu @djohawke @zerokrox-blog @alwayscertainwasteland @brie-luna @sharingisntkaren @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @deadfromtheneckdown @y4r3luv @manda-panda-monium @goodolefashionedloverboi @carlprocastinator1000
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palossssssand · 6 months
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A short comic about Denchu, the last of the squad members who stayed behind in the domes, and Kanu, who went to the surface in search of the ones who went missing.
Text below in case my handwriting isn’t very legible!
Denchu: Please please please go through…
D: …
Kanu: zzzt…Denchu?
D: Kanu…!! Oh thank cod-
K: Perfect timing! I have something good to show, er, tell you!
D: -sniff- Oh yeah? Tell me all about it…How have you been? What’s new?
K: I just finished putting up my storefront sign!
D: Really?! That’s so great!! So, money hasn’t been too tight?
K: Nah, the folks here have been helpin’ me out. It’s been pretty smooth sailing.
D: I see. Seems like you’ve been doing well.
K: Yup.
K: And also! My beard’s finally coming in!
D: Aaah what!!! I’ll bet it’s soo cute…What I’d give to see you right now…
K: So, how about you? Still hangin’ in there?
D: Mm. Well, it’s been okay…
D: You have no idea how many times I’ve had to fix this thing.
K: Like…10?
D: More like 20. The damn parts are so fiddly.
K: Yeesh!
D: I don’t get that much time to work on this, y’know. I’m surprised it even went through.
K: Well, you know me. I fix mine up every now and then. I think I know how.
D: How’s the search for Kinoga, Trito, and Agara?
K: …
D: …Kanu?
K: Well, I haven’t seen or heard anything. I promise I have been keeping my eyes out, but, y’know, I’ve been so busy with the shop stuff-and I’m still workin’ on the new arm…so…
D: …Kanu…
D: You can’t go forgetting why you’re up there. They’re important to you, to us. If we don’t find out what happened…then…then.
K: …I know. Sorry, Denchu.
K: I wish you could come see…It’s been so nice up here, I mean, I think you’d love it-
D: Kanu.
K: Maybe you should join me and we can look together-
D: Kanu. I can’t.
D: I have to be here in case they come back. Or else there won’t be anything for them to come back to, okay?
D: Even if they don’t…I have to hope that they might.
D: I don’t get it, Kanu. It’s unlike them to just. Leave. Something must have *happened*.
D: It’s so lonely…I miss everyone so much…I don’t know how much longer I can hold out…
K: Denchu…you’d better not be crying again…I’m gonna feel bad about not being there to comfort you.
D: Well, I am…I can’t help it…-sniff-
D: Nobody higher up wants to listen to me…or investigate…and I know something’s wrong and…and…
D: I can’t do anything about it…!!
D: I feel like it’a a miracle that I’m even talking to you right now.
D: …Sorry.
K: It’s okay, Denchu.
D: I just…I missed hearing your voice. I don’t know when I’ll get to hearing it again.
K: Though, if it’s in a few months, it might get deeper again.
D: Kanu!
K: What! It’s true!
D: Ha ha ha
K: Oop. I’ve just got a shipment of new parts. I gotta go
D: Aw…
D: Okay…Well…I’ll talk to you hopefully soon. I’ll miss you.
K: Okay. Love you.
D: Love you too.
D: And…if you feel like you don’t know what to do…you know where I’ll be.
D: …
D: How am I supposed to leave the only thing I’ve ever known?
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I’m Gonna Tell ‘Em (Don’t you Dare)
Tim just wanted coffee. That’s really all he desired in life. Coffee. His position as Red Robin. And Wayne Industries to get its shit together for one goddamn day. In that order.
“Are you shitting me? I was a fucking crime lord you little terror, I don’t give a fuck-”
He’d done an all-nighter in the Batcave. Again. Trying to crack a cold case he was sure had something to do with Riddler's vague warning a few nights ago. And he was so close, but his eyes had started to close for just a little too long.
So tell him why he walked into an argument that seemed to be based around the topic of murder, at 7 in the morning. Between Jason and Damian. Who both tried to kill him at least once. Respectively.
“And I am the Demon Prodigy of the League of Assassins. I could kill a man before I could speak.”
Tim stands in the doorway, contemplating if his need for coffee is higher than his potential rate of getting maimed in the dining room.
“Yeah, but you were fucking sheltered inside the bases like goddamn Rapunzel in her-”
“I was not sheltered. You of all people should know of Mother’s harshness for disobedience-“
“Oh and I’m sure you were so disobedient Mr. Goody Two Shoes-“
Ultimately, the urge for coffee wins. Tim crosses the kitchen as unnoticeably as he can, skirting the edges and keeping his footsteps as light as he can manage on 10 hours of sleep in the last week.
He’s busy, okay?
“I’ll admit I wasn’t raised to go against the orders of a higher-up but that did not mean-”
“Bull. Fucking. Shit.”
“Did my propensity for sneaking animals into the house escaped your notice? I thought you were better trained-“
“So what? You save every bird with a broken wing you come across, but you’d willingly slit the throat of a human?”
“Yes, Todd. That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
The coffee pot is half full. Tim counts this as the one redeeming factor of this morning. The threat of getting stabbed is nothing in the face of sweet, sweet caffeine.
“What’s your fucking number then?”
“I can’t possibly know the exact-“
“Oh no, you don’t get to pull that shit on me-“
Tim considers pouring himself a cup, but he’s gonna drink the whole thing anyway and he’s exhausted enough to zone out during Alfred’s inevitable lecture, so he takes the whole pot and tips it back.
“I was sent out for missions when I was barely more than a toddler. You can’t expect me to remember every-“
“Ra’s had files on every fucking mission I did while brain dead and high on Lazarus rage, there’s no fucking way he didn’t have an exact-“
Tim chugs his precious coffee. The temperature is surprisingly cool enough that he doesn't immediately burn his tongue. Not that a few scorched taste buds would stop Tim from inhaling the only thing between him and unconscious. But it’s the thought that counts.
“What’s yours then, Todd?”
“Nope. Not until you tell me yours first. I’m not about to have you raise the number because I told you mine.”
“That’s preposterous. I would do no such thing.”
Tim calculates his chances of making it back out of the kitchen with a quarter pot of coffee in his hands and decides his caffeine fix is safer off with a few counters between him and his homicidal brothers.
And yah know. His physical well-being. But that’s pretty low on his ‘fucks to give list’ at the moment.
“I don’t trust a fucking word coming out of your mouth-“
“There’s an easy way to settle this if you’d just-“
“What? Shut up? Drop the argument? No fucking-“
“We can write it down separately and then show it to each other at the same time."
Tim looks up in genuine fear when both of his siblings go quiet. That’s never a good sign. Not in this house.
There’s a window to his right that he could probably smash through if it came to it.
Neither of them are looking at him though, just regarding each other with much less animosity than a few seconds ago. Tim decides he’s probably fine and goes back to his coffee.
“I will go retrieve a piece of paper and two pens.”
Damian leaves the room and Tim freezes like if he stays still enough it’ll keep Jason from noticing him. Unfortunately, now that his older brother’s attention is directed to his surroundings and not just screaming at a 12-year-old, he makes direct eye contact with Tim.
“Oh hey, Timmers. How long have you been here?”
Tim stares at him blankly. He- doesn’t know what answer Jason wants from him and he’s not willing to face his older brother’s wrath if he’d been having what he thought was a private conversation.
“Sorry about the noise. I hope we didn’t wake you up.” Jason says after it’s clear that he isn't getting answers out of Tim.
As if the manor isn’t literally soundproofed. For this exact reason.
Tim’s 17 years of social etiquette training won’t let him just not answer the open-ended comment, but god does he wish that it did.
“No, I was already up.”
Jason nods as if he was expecting that answer. Which is fair. Tim’s sure he looks just as tired as he feels. His eye bags could hold all of his emotional trauma. They’re Guchi.
“And does Alfred know you’re drinking straight from the pot?” Jason motions to the carafe Tim’s clutching like a lifeline. Because it is.
Tim opens his mouth to lie through his teeth, but is saved by Damian’s re-entry. Wow, he’s never been so glad to see his stab-happy younger brother.
True to his word, the kid’s carrying a few pieces of paper and pens. Tim could leave now. He could casually walk right past them, out of the kitchen, and back to the cave to keep working on his case, but dammit, he’s invested now.
He’s still not sure what this argument is about exactly, but he’s willing to wait a few more minutes to satiate his curiosity now that he’s tentatively sure that the argument isn’t going to evolve into physical violence.
“I’ve acquired the tools to finish this once and for all, Todd.” Damian announces, sliding half of his spoils to Jason.
“Great. We’ll write our body count down and on 3 we’ll turn ‘em around. Got it?”
“Don’t tell me what to do” Damian grumbles, but writes dutifully anyway. The kid would be funny if he didn’t back his threats up with swords.
Tim is. Still lost, but he’s always secretly wondered how many people his brothers have killed. In a morbid way. Mostly because he wants to know if the murder attempts on him were a particularly special event or just a pattern. For his mental health's sake.
“Got it?” Jason asks, holding his paper close to his chest so no one can peek. Tim doesn’t know who would, considering he’s the only one in the kitchen that’s not a part of this squabble, but Damian copies the movement and Tim finds himself inching closer, taking the last swig of his coffee.
They flip the papers around and for a moment the kitchen is quiet.
“FUCK YEAH!” Jason pumps his fist in the air with a whoop. “Ha! Take that, Demon Brat! I’m the Robin with the highest kill count!”
Tim spits out his coffee and coughs violently. It’s partially because he got some in his lungs, but also to cover the incredulous laughter bursting uncontrollably out of him. It takes him a good few seconds to get his breathing under control, but when he looks up, his brothers are staring at him.
For a moment he’s tempted. So fucking tempted. Because he hasn’t told anyone anything more than bits and pieces about his time with the League. Hell, the only reason his family even knows about his little stint playing lap dog for Ra’s, is because he choked out a vague explanation about his missing spleen when he went into sepsis.
They don’t know about the missions he was sent on. The people he sold out. And most importantly, the multiple bases he blew up because he was crazier than the Joker after Bart and Kon’s death and then the near miss with Bruce.
The bases he absolutely didn’t evacuate. With hundreds of people inside. A few actually avalanched down mountainsides, and he’d eat his Batarang if any of them survived.
The only word he’d confidently use to describe his mental state then, is feral.
He didn’t have to blow them up. He really didn’t. A good few of the bases he’d never actually seen before he snuck in to level the place, but he’d been having a shitty year so naturally, he was going to make sure Ra’s got to have one too.
Not to mention that Tim was as depressed as he’d ever been and wasn’t particularly giving a lot of fucks about if he died during his warpath. He’d already lost a spleen, what were a few more organs?
So this argument? This competition? He finds it objectively fucking hilarious.
Damian and Jason are still staring at him in bewilderment, and for a moment -just a wild moment- he thinks about telling them.
Explaining how he was just. So done. And could only think of one way out, so he systematically hacked into every base he could get his hands on. Stole as many files as he could during his time constraint. And then blew all of them sky-high.
Thought about telling them how on one particularly bad night, gone through every log of the people in those bases. How he hadn’t been ‘sick’ as he claimed the week after he managed to crawl out of his safe house.
He was just too horrified to look anyone in the eye.
It would be funny to watch his family’s expressions go through the five stages of grief and add a few more just for funsies, if they even believed him at all. But no. Tim had his secrets and he was going to take them to the grave.
He grinned at his brothers, patted Jason on the shoulder with a quiet congratulations, and strolled out of the kitchen.
Tim had cases to solve and letting his family assume he wasn’t capable of murder was better for all of them in the long run.
No matter how wrong they were.
In my defense. Writing prompts make the brain noodle go brr. You can blame @coffinbirds and @batcavescolony for these posts.
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
I Forgive You
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Draco Malfoy x Male Reader (Part 2)
A/N: I haven't watched Harry Potter in a while, like I said in Part 1 of this, I’m not aware of everything in the HP universe so let me know if I’ve messed something up and I’ll try to fix it. I haven't written in first-person POV in a while so I hope it’s alright 😭
Part 1: I’m Sorry
Y/N’s POV:
The last couple of months felt like something out of a nightmare, never in a hundred years did I think Death-Eaters would storm into our school. Though I was in danger, I couldn’t help but watch as Draco stood on their side, I still think about it now. How he looked so terrified, so worried as Hagrid brought Harry’s limp body to the crowd. I shake my head. I can’t continue to overthink that evening, I’m in safe hands now, I just hope Draco is too.
I walk into the kitchen, deciding to finally grab something to eat. My eyes fall on the leftovers from last night’s dinner. As I grab the container, I hear a ‘swoosh’ as an envelope falls beside me on the counter. The food now left my mind as I reached for the envelope, something about it seemed familiar. I slowly pull the letter out, quickly scanning the writing, I feel my heart sink at the realization. Why would he be writing to me? I prepared myself before properly reading the words.
Y/N L/N,
I’m aware that I’m, no doubt, the last person you would’ve wished this letter was from, but I urgently need to speak to you.
I don’t wish for your forgiveness; just for you to let me explain everything to you. I feel terrible for leaving you with no reason.
I’ll be at The Three Broomsticks tomorrow evening, if you feel comfortable, please come and see me.
 Draco Malfoy.
I felt my heart skip a few beats, no matter the pain that boy had put me through, I still missed him dearly. Now I have a chance to see him again, to talk to him again. My mind wanders back to our previous year, I can’t help but smile at the bittersweet memories, flashes of sharing laughs in the halls to quiet cuddles in our dormitory.
I couldn’t help but toss and turn that night, thinking about talking to the blond boy after what felt like so long.
The day had surprisingly gone by fast, 5pm only an hour away now. I decided to start getting ready, I didn't want it to seem like I dressed up for him, but I still wanted to look presentable. I started with a pair of black dress pants, then slipped on a vest over a white button-up and completed the look with a (Colour) tie.
I walk over to the full-length mirror in the corner of my room, flattening the wrinkled pieces of cloth before taking a few minutes to fix my hair. I glance down at my wrist, only 10 minutes left, I let out a deep breath.
Draco’s POV:
This was a stupid idea, I doubt he’ll show up. My eyes look up at the darkening sky, if he were to show up, he’d be here very soon. I look back at the crowding tavern before taking a second to take a breath. I was ready to talk to him, I had to. I look at the (f/c) rose in my hand, it’s not much, but I hope he’ll like it.
Y/N’s POV:
I can’t help but stare at all the colorful lights and buildings, it had been a while since I walked the Hogsmeade streets. Often coming here with Draco for a butterbeer in the colder months. I sadly smile at that, it feels like a lifetime ago.
I take a longer route to The Three Broomsticks, wanting to soak in the views before seeing the blond boy. A wide grin found place on my lips as I looked at all the parts of Hogsmeade I used to hang out with friends in, small memories passing through my mind at the sights.
I stopped my ogling and checked my watch, I didn’t mean to take as long as I was, time seemed to just fly as I walked around. I shake my head, in the back of my head, I knew that I was just trying to prolong seeing him again, I couldn’t bear the thought of falling back in love with him just as I was starting to move on.
I rushed over to the tavern, not wanting him to wait any longer than he already had. I sigh as The Three Broomsticks make its way into my view, my eyes search around the entrance, stopping on a well-known head of blond hair. I take a second to look over him, his shaking hands holding a (f/c) rose. I feel my heart beat a little faster and my lips tugging up as I start to approach him, his pale eyes lighting up as they see me. Merlin, he was beautiful. 
Draco’s POV:
The sound of a familiar pair of footsteps starts to grow louder, I gaze up at the sound, my eyes locking with his. ‘Wow’ The grin on his face making my cheeks flush. He was somehow even more handsome than I remember him being. 
Y/N’s POV:
“Good evening, Draco'' I nodded my head towards him, his face reddening. He looks me up and down before opening his mouth, a mix of incomprehensible words tumbling out. “Pardon?” I quietly chuckled. “I-I’msosorrythatIleftyouthewayIdid-” “Woah, woah, slow down.” I smile at the nervous boy in front of me, taking his hand and rubbing my thumb over his fingers like I used to when we were together. “Take it slow, alright?” His body starts to loosen. “I’m here to listen.” 
The color on his cheeks starts to deepen as he nods, quickly looking away as he takes a few breaths. He turns back towards me and starts.
Draco’s POV:
I feel my stomach flutter and my knees weaken at his touch, Merlin, I can't focus on anything but his trailing fingers. My head shoots to the side. How am I supposed to talk to him when I can feel my heart beating in my throat? My lungs let out shaky breaths before I ready myself to talk to him.
“I know I should’ve told you back then, and it was foolish of me not to,” I start. “I just didn’t know how to tell you everything and how you would’ve reacted to hearing it. I trusted you dearly, but I was still afraid you’d hate me and see me as a monster for what I had been forced into.” I feel my voice waver and pause for a second, continuing after I collect myself. My eyes quickly glanced into his own, watching as they pinched in understanding.
“I knew that if we were close, you wouldn’t be safe. Not with everything going on, not with all the eyes on me. I meant it when I said I did it for your safety, I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you forever because I was too selfish to let you go first.” A long sigh leaves my lungs. “I- I just wanted to keep you out of everything, avoid putting you through the terrors I had seen.”
“I’m so sorry I hadn’t told you back then, I truly wanted to, I hope you can forgive me.”
I stop, a deep breath bringing my speech to an end. I yelped as I was pulled into an embrace, Y/N’s coarse hands rubbing circles against my back. My eyes start to water ‘Merlin, how I missed this, him.’ I dug my head into his shoulder, the cloth soaking up my tears as his cologne filled my mind.
Y/N’s POV:
I couldn’t stand to see him like that, so conflicted, like he was last year. His eyes started to well with tears, and I just couldn’t resist pulling him into me, holding him like I always used to. My hands rubbed along his back as his face fell onto my shoulder, I loved holding him like this. My hand reaches for his cheek, pulling it up to see his face, his eyes hazily glancing back up at me.
“Of course I forgive you, Draco; there’s nothing you could ever do to make me feel even the slightest bit of hatred for you.”
“I- Really? You forgive me after all that happened.”
“Yes, if I’m being honest, there is not a waking moment when you are not on my mind; you haunt my every thought and dream. I couldn’t stand the idea of losing you now that I have you again.”
“Yes, Draco?”
“Do you think we could try this again? Us? I won’t let anything come between us now.”
“I’d love to, Dear.”
Draco’s POV:
I can’t help but swoon at the name, I’m so lucky to have him back. All those months of planning and fear were worth it in the end; I was in his arms, and he had no intent on letting go. As I now become more aware of my surroundings, I feel the rose I had paid so little attention to in my hands, the couple stray thorns pricking me.
I carefully back away from his chest, instead standing half-an-arm's length apart from him. His hands now resting on my lower as I bring the rose up to his view. His smile widens impossibly larger at the flower, freeing his hand and grabbing the (f/c) rose before placing a small kiss against my forehead “You remembered” I meekly nod “You haven't left my mind either.” 
“Since we’re already here, what do you say we make the most of it and hang out like we used to?” My eyes light up as I look up at that. “You asking me out on a date?” I giggle. “You said it, not me.” I accept the offer, and he takes my hand and brings me into the tavern we were standing in front of. “Butterbeers on me.” He grins before opening the doors.
Y/N’s POV:
It had been a couple hours, but it felt so much longer. Being able to talk to him like this again, treat him like my lover again, I couldn’t stop the smile that forced its way onto my face. My eyes wandered his frame, I took in everything I had been missing for the past few months. His silky blond locks to his inviting grey eyes, to the dust of red on his pale cheeks, to the unique marks littered amongst his skin, and finally landing on his plump lips. He was truly gorgeous.
He must’ve noticed me staring, because his ears also start to blush, I place a hand on his thigh, moving my face towards his. His eyes flutter closed as we share a long awaited kiss. 
Draco’s POV:
My heart nearly beats out of my chest at the connection; it was everything I hoped for, the kiss just as loving as it used to be. I snaked my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. His hands grabbed my waist before breaking away. “It’s getting late; would you like to come home with me?” His hand reaches for my own, fingers dancing upon my palms. 
“I’d love to.”
A/N: This somehow ended up being 3x the length of Part 1, idk how I did it. I hope it’s comprehensible, I haven't proof-read it. Thank you to  @sotvs-luv for requesting the part 2 to this. (I’m unsure if you wanted to be tagged so if not, let me know and I’ll take it out!)
- Written by Owner 1
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writing0305 · 7 months
“If you tell me what happened I can fix it. Whatever it is.”
2. "This cake reeks of resentment and bitterness." - "When we get to the party I'm going to need you to stop talking like that."
3. "Nothing could ever change how I feel for you."
4."I think I might love you."
5. "I can hear your heart beating, relax."
6. “Can… can I have a hug? Please?”
7. “Your mouth says you don’t like me but the way you stare at me tells me everything I need to know.” 
8. "I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me"
9. "You know, ever since I saw you that day, I haven't stop thinking about you."
10. "Everything would be a lot easier if you fucking sat still."
11. "Glad to see that you decided to show up." - "I knew you'd be bored without me here."
12. "This may not mean much to you, but I have your back."
13. "There isn't anything that I wouldn't do for you."
14. "You need to know that I have grown to care for you. Deeply."
15. "Your jacket smells like you." - "Is that a good thing?" - "It’s… It’s comforting."
16. "I trust you. More than anyone else."
17. "I would do anything to keep her safe."
18. "You put a blanket over me when I was sleeping? What are we, an old married couple?"
"The only thing about you that never disappoints, is your ability to disappoint."
2. "You couldn't live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Yeah, right back to me."
3. “Holy shit… that’s a lot of blood...”
4. “Are you okay? does anything hurt? who did this to you?!”
5. "I don't want to see you!" "You can't be serious."
6. "You don't answer my texts or calls, how could I not be suspicious?" "No, you just don't trust me enough!"
7. “Who was that?”
8. “Just a friend, huh?”
9. “You two are so close, it’s adorable.”
10. "You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down"
11. “Please, tell me this isn't your blood.”
12. “You were never going to tell me, were you?”
13. "I get everything I want"
14. "Get the fuck away from me."
15. "I don't know why I am upset about this so much. I never even liked him!"
16. "You know what's the saddest part? There was a time that I would've forgiven you if you just showed a little remorse. No more, though. I'm no longer a fool."
17. “Don’t you dare touch me.”
18. "... who did this to you?"
19. "...who's this?"
20. "What. the. fuck. is going on in here?"
21. "I need answers and I need them now."
22. "So, what's going on between you and [name] recently? You guys seem to have gotten close all of a sudden."
23. "Why are you so worked up?" "Because they wouldn't stop fucking staring at you like they wanted to eat you."
24. “I can’t leave you alone for one second without you hurting yourself, can I?” - “I mean, I’m fine so it’s okay—” - “No, it’s not okay. Not when I feel like I’m going to go batshit fucking crazy, thinking you’ve hurt yourself.“
25. "You lied to me. was i just a pawn in your game? the easiest one you can sacrifice ?"
26. “Why are you mad?” “I’m not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.” 
27. “You know I’d do anything to have you stay by my side, right? Anything.”
28. “I’m not even gonna lie, I’m just so fucking obsessed with you.” 
29. "You have no idea what I'm capable of. "
30. "I wouldn't do that if i were you. "
31. “They would be so mad if they found out.” “fuck ‘em”
32. "You have no morals, you know that?" - "Morals will get you killed someday, dear.”
33. “Have you ever cared about anyone other than yourself?”
34. “How did you do that?”
35. ”Where were you last night?”
36. “He deserves to die after what he did to you. And I’ll bring it to him.”
37. “She's my date. Fuck off.”
38. “Why was he talking to you?”
39. “You won't go anywhere with him.”
40. “He touches you again and I won't guarantee you I won't kill him immediately.”
41. “You go near him ever again and I'll kill him.”
42. “Whether you like it or not, you're safest with me.”
43. “Yeah, I killed him! He used to hit you! What did you expect me to do?! Leave him alone?”
44. "I didn’t know where else to go. "
45. "Clean yourself up. You're getting blood all over the place."
46. "Why are you avoiding me?"
“Our babies would be so cute.” - “Oh, yeah?”
2. “Wait- we’re having a baby?”
3. “Heartbeats? Plural? There’s more than one?!”
4. “That baby is lucky to have you as a mother.”
5. “Your child has been kicking me all day.”
6. “You’re doing so well sweetheart. Just a few more weeks. My superwoman.”
7. “Go easy. You are carrying my child.”
8. "Of course I'm pregnant! Can't you see that?" - "Well, I didn't want to assume and be rude."
9. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
10. "Well, we both made that baby." - "Don't remind me."
11. “I have a kid?”
12. “He/she’s mine too.”
13. “Anyone fucking hurts my kid again, I’ll kill them.”
14. “I have a right to be in my kids life.”
15. “How could you hide this from me?”
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