#it’s her fault I’m obsessed after all 💕
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shzmluvrs · 2 years ago
Hey girlypopd luv ur fics im from ur Wattpad account so mby I get favoritism jk but I rly rly luv ur Freddyxchubby reader bc I’m self obsessed an I think everything is about me but anyway I rly need more serotonin in life an hope this isn’t too much but can I get angst like a lot mby a little tiny bit of the self harmy stuff pls sry I hav problems an if ur uncomfortable writing that i totally get that Luv u <3
Girlll, don't you talk to ME about angst, you are looking at the QUEEN of thinking of overly angsty scenarios😙🤞🏽♡. Also, ty for the compliments on my previous work, ilyily it literally throws me over the moon (no, not you, Moon🥴💀💕). I really hope you enjoy thissss✨️!! Also, this totally doubles as a thank you for the artwork you did for us, I just *sobs♡*.
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~ Star✨️
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Not Your Fault
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Prompt: Maybe it came from your own self-doubt. Or, maybe it stemmed from your parents and their need to overdo it with the scolding. Hell, maybe it was just something often reiterated to you by strangers. But, for as long as you could remember, things never seemed to go your way. More accurately, things never seemed to go right because of you. And it was only natural that you suffered the consequences of your own actions...
Even if it had to be by your own hand...
Timeline: Post S!: FOTG
TW/Content: Self harm (if that wasn't already heavily implied/said)⚡️AngstAngstAngstttt⚡️But then lots and lots of comfort⚡️Reader being cynical⚡️(very smol, dw) Thoughts/Talk/Mention of unaliveness, I think, but probably not⚡️Freddy being an absolute 😇💙saint💙😇 (most of the time)⚡️Readers parent(s)/sibling(s) being annoying
Reader: Fem! Reader She/Her/Hers Pronouns
Requested By: @lukkdukkyleak
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. . .
You were stuck. This was the third time this had happened to you this week. On your conclusion, no less; the very last paragraph of your essay. You'd sit down, open up your Google document, read over your own writing for the zillionth time until you got to where you had left off...
And then, with intention to finish it up, write the last few sentences or so, you'd urge yourself to get right to work. Just start writing. Get it done. Do it.
And yet, you just... couldn't. Writers' block had now become your mortal enemy, and you'd do anything to get rid of it. Because if you didn't, it'd leave you with nothing to turn in. If you didn't have a final paper to turn in, you'd automatically fail this English class.
If you failed this English class, you wouldn't graduate in the Spring. If you didn't graduate, you wouldn't be allowed to cross that stage and get your diploma. If you didn't get your diploma, your parents would surely be more than disappointed. In you, in themselves for actually thinking you could do it...
You'd have to repeat the school year, do it all over again, just to circle right back to this final English paper. And again, you'd get stuck in your own head, fighting a mental block you couldn't even defeat right now. The cycle would go on, and natrually, it'd be your own doing. Or rather, you own undoing.
Your own fault. All because you can't write a conclusion.
"Did you hear me?"
Your head whipped up in a flurry, letting go of the hair tie pulling against your wrist to create one final 'Snap'. An accidental one, which gained a short wince out of you at its unexpected sting before you could even speak.
The boy in front of you took this as a sign that you were distracted, happy to repeat himself while he closed his laptop in order to see you better.
"I said, 'Do you wanna go to (Favorite Fast-Food) after school?'."
"Oh." You hummed, your eyes shifting away from his chocolate brown ones and back to your screen. At its mention, you were suddenly craving (F/FF). But you also knew better than to let yourself get distracted when you didn't have to. What was most important was this essay, and if you procrastinated any longer, you'd surely miss the due date, and-
"I'll pay." Freddy quickly added, sensing your hesitancy from his own seat before lighting up even further at your scoff. A dismissive one, sure, but it came with a smile he found hard to hate; elated that he had been the cause.
"Please, you can barely afford to get your lunch every day."
"See, m'kay, that's where you're wrong, right?" Freddy began, speed-talking as per usual, which always caused your smile to grow. "(Y/N), I saved up for a whole week so I can literally get us whatever. Those silly little drinks you like? Done. Or-or fries, or whatever? Done. I will buy you the whole menu, try me."
"Okay, okay, I get it." You laughed, knowing he had already convinced you. Persuaded, sure...
...And yet...
"I would, Freds, really. But, I don't think I should."
His head tipped to the side in confusion, curls falling with which almost caused an 'aww' to leave your lips. He stared, doe-eyed, expecting his answer because you denying (F/FF) was a first. It was a bit surprising, but your reasoning, once given, was valid.
"I need to get this paper done. Tonight. If I don't, I'll just...worry about it forever, and I won't be able to focus. Another time?"
He smiled at your compromise, the heel of his foot bouncing up and down in his seat as if he just couldn't wait for whenever "another time" would be. Hopefully soon, sending about a thousand nods your way before speaking.
"Yeah, sure, no problem!"
The bell rung, students around you rushing to pack their things away now that they were no longer confined to the hell that was Fawcett Central. You did the same, not that you were exactly excited to return to your own home. Your hopes lied in the assumption that you'd be able to rush quickly to your room. Not to be bothered for the rest of the night as you finished up your work.
"But like, are you sure, though?"
You tossed your head back, a joking groan escaping your lips as the two of you squoze yourselves between people in the hallways. And still, he went on in hopes to further convince you because, as it turned out, the boy had very little patience to wait until "another time." Something that he wasn't even sure would come.
Plus, as one would expect, he was only following his brother's advice...
"If you really wanna spend time with her, just go for it. And don't let her flake out or play hard to get. It'll show her you're persistent, and girls usually like that type of stuff. Let's them know you care."
And of course Freddy cared about you! So...
"I'm just sayin'! It'd be fun, and y'know, maybe you need a break."
"Plus...!" He interjected before you could go on. "When have I ever steered you wrong?"
"And don't say gym class, or the Winter Carnival, or that one time with the Breyers, or that other time with the Breyers, or the glitter bomb, or...The Incident™..." He listed off with haste, all different scenarios/times where he had most definitely steered you wrong.
"Those were all just horribly timed coincidences that have nothing to do with how I operate."
"Oh, is that so?" You challenged with an amused giggle, Freddy sending you an assertive smirk right back.
"Very much so."
"And how are you so sure of that?"
"Come with me," he taunted lightly, effortlessly cycling the conversation right back to his initial goal. "Let me whisk you away, (N/N)... and you'll find out."
You couldn't help but shake your head at the dork in front of you, trying your very hardest to hold in a flattered smile at his antics. Walking backward down the stone steps as if he wasn't one off-balanced wobble away from tipping over. Sending you pleading eyes and a goofy grin along with the use of a nickname.
With the break of your own toothy smile, he knew he had won you over before you even had to say anything.
"Fine, fine...I'll go."
"Yes, yes, yes-yes-yes, I love it when you agree with me!"
"But just tonight!" You reminded, pointing an index finger that he simply grabbed, interlocking his own with it. "I'm off limits tomorrow. And Sunday!"
"Yeah, sure, you got it. You have the rest of the weekend left to do..." He waved his free hand around wildly, looking for the words he never found before finishing.
"I dunno, whatever it is you do."
"Thank god." You sighed half-jokingly, earning you a laugh you never got tired of.
���─────────── •⚡️• ────────────
You were lucky to hear more of it, even if it wasn't in person. You reminded yourself of that over and over again as you walked home. Freddy insistent on the fact that even though he couldn't be there to walk you home himself, he'd at least stay on the phone with you until he knew you were safe.
But anyhow, you were repetitive on the fact that you had a good time, that you were lucky to listen to Freddy ramble on and on about tonight's prior festivities because of the simple fact that it had been keeping you distracted. Away from the troubling thoughts of guilt for not listening to your past self. Sure, you had a great time, but at what cost?
A waste of time to get your work done? No. No, no matter. It didn't matter now. You had done it, you had gone out and had a great time with your best friend. Now it was time to wind down and focus, return home and get your work done. You could still rely on yourself.
"Hey, it's late, I gotta go, Freds." You excused once your place had come into view.
"You make it home safe?" He double-checked, and you almost nodded, forgetting he wasn't physically there with you.
"Yeah, which is why I gotta go, dude."
"Alright, right, you're super duper busy, so I can't bother ya' anymore." He sighed through his words, smiling once he heard your quiet giggle on the other side of the line along with the jingle of your keys.
"I'll check on you Sunday."
"Wha-? Freddy, n-"
And the line went dead, leaving you to purse your lips and scoff. It was a wonder you liked him, let alone had a whole crush on him, when he often times pushed at your boundaries. But, nonetheless, you were simply happy to know him at all, and-
No. No, focus. You were swift to set yourself straight, not wanting to get lost in your daydream-esque thoughts on the boy you'd been pining over for a couple of years now. That'd be your lamest reason yet on why you had deterred from your essay.
"(Y/N)...!!" The call of your name made you jump, erasing any thoughts you had about anything at all while attempting to pull yourself together at a reasonable speed. It ended with you anxiously tugging at the familiar blue hairtie around your wrist, not yet pulling it far enough back to release, but just enough to provide some odd comfort while your parent came tearing around the corner to your position in front of the door.
"Where have you been?" They asked, their tone laced with demand rather than actual worry as you stumbled to push out a viable excuse.
"I...was out with my friend, I just lost track of time."
"Mm." They hummed, never really truly satisfied with any answer you might've given as they looked you up and down. "I don't like you staying out so late, you know better. You didn't even call. You knew you had chores to do today."
"Sorry..." You mumbled, subjected back to the looming silence before they gave a roll of their eyes and sighed.
"Well, did you eat?"
"Yeah, I had (F/FF)."
And that was that, your parent leaving you to yourself once again as you gratefully made the choice to head straight for your room. It was just as you left it when you had left for school early this Friday morning, which meant you had a bit of cleaning to do.
But surely, you could push that task back until later. It could always be done the moment you typed up the rest of your final paper. Without second thought, you sat on your bed and pulled open your laptop, as well as gathering any notes you might've needed together before reading over what's been typed so far.
. . .
You rubbed at your eyes until you were satisfied, your hands moving to slide above and push back your hair. As if you were ridding yourself of the exhaustion.
"Foucs, focus, focus..." You commanded yourself, repeating the word over and over again in your mind. Your fingers wandering back down to your wrist.
'Focus, focus, focus, focus...'
'Just focus...just write something. Just write a sentence. A word...'
"Ohh my goshhh..." You groaned under your breath.
Your (E/C) eyes wandered towards the bottom right corner of your screen, grazing over the time as if you were wasting it. Well, technically, you were. But you weren't at the same time, seeing as only a few minutes had passed since you've sat.
"Whatever, just...write." You commanded yourself further.
. . .
When your eyes wandered back to the time once more, you were left to fight the lump forming in the back of your throat.
So much time had passed, and not a single thing had been typed. You wanted to be mad at yourself but couldn't. You kept checking your phone, you kept talking to yourself, you just had to turn on the TV for "background noise"...
It looked like you'd be pulling an all-nighter this evening.
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You woke up feeling disoriented. Peaceful, sure, but only because your mind was still clouded with sleep, which left you to struggle at taking in your surroundings and the reason why your body ached.
In about another five seconds, all your memories had returned to you, and you now had the answers to all of your questions. You had fallen asleep, even after you had convinced yourself that you were going to pull an all-nighter. Even more disappointing, having fallen asleep at such an awkward angle left you with a crick in your neck that you couldn't sooth with a simple massage right away.
And to your dismay, your laptop displayed the essay that you very clearly hadn't touched. That you had fallen asleep on. You wanted nothing more than for it to finish itself at this point, but you knew better than to actually believe that would happen. Wishful thinking on top of all of the other worries you had swarming your mind. Just to set yourself straight, hastily reminding yourself you now had only the rest of today and tomorrow to finish it, you allowed yourself to stretch and shake away the rest of your drowsyness.
"What...?" You murmured the moment your finger had grazed over the touchpad, reading over the pop-up window in the middle of the screen.
You read it again in disbelief.
And then again, your anger rising at the key words; 'Remaining batter life' 'charging cable' '7%' '10 minutes of power'.
"No, no, no..." You whined, practically throwing yourself out of the bed. Your notes scattered everywhere, but you couldn't bring yourself to care as you desperately searched for the charger to your laptop. When you realized, after dumping out all of your backpack's contents onto the floor, that it wasn't even in there, you grew even more panicked, if possible. If not there, where?
Scouring your room for any sign of the black cord began to accumulate a bigger mess than had already been evident, but you found it worth it when you had finally spotted it under your desk, tangled with a bunch if other loose wires and cords which left you with the tedious work of untangling them.
By the time you had finished, your room an even bigger mess and your mind swarming with curses and exasperation, you had returned to your laptop a second too late. The screen was black and the power button on the top left corner refused to light back up, no matter how many times you pressed it until you finally had to accept the fact that it had officially died. It was only when you were mid-way through putting it on the charger and plugging it into the outlet when you also realized this meant your paper may have not been saved.
You couldn't even fathom the words to bring out of your throat in this instant, angry and inaduble grumbles leaving in their place as you fought the lump in your throat. It seemed you had just woken up and already couldn't catch a break, not that you really had anyone else to blame but yourself.
If you had just stayed up and done your work like you were supposed to instead of sitting there looking at the screen until you fell asleep, this wouldn't be happening to you right now.
"Ughh, stupid, stupid..." You berated yourself, tugging at the blue hair tie and letting it snap back consecutively. It didn't bring you any comfort, but you were convinced it was an act that helped you think better, or faster. And, like usual, it seemed to work as your (E/C) eyes glanced over to your phone.
It sat on the edge of your desk, certainly not dead when the charger was connected into it. You could quickly download Google docs and pray that it had auto-saved before your computer died, and if so, you could continue writing on your phone. You-
Your head whipped around at the sound of your parent entering your room, now wanting nothing more than to roll your eyes the moment they gave a look of disgust at not just the state of your room, but your person as well.
Your clothes from last night were still disheveled, your hair more than likely a mess, and surely, the bags under your eyes weren't any more flattering.
"...You need to clean this room up, it's always such a mess in here. And you still didn't do your chores from last night, so when you're done, you need to get on that."
"Yeah, I know, I-"
"Don't tell me you know. Otherwise, it'd be done. Now get started so that we can leave."
Your sigh halted, words you couldn't quite shuffle in the right order escaping your lips in distressed stammers upon hearing the last sentence.
Leave? Leave where? You couldn't leave!
"I can't- Where are-? I have to write this essay, it's due Monday, I don't-..."
"(Y/N)..." They spoke your name through a groan, already brushing off what, to them, was just excuses. "I don't have the time to argue with you about this right now. We have errands to run, and it's bad enough that now we have to wait on you."
You wanted to apologize or... at least explain how the circumstances weren't exactly your fault. Not entirely...
Weren't they?
But it didn't matter. The words got stuck once again and your parent had left, meaning that your only hope of not letting this Saturday go to waste was to try and clean as fast as possible and do your work in the car considering you were stuck using your phone.
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'Well, that was a bust...' You thought, a scowl etched onto your face as though the expression were permanent. To say you were irriated would be the understatement of the century. Even more so when you couldn't place that agitation and blame onto anyone else but yourself.
If you hadn't procrastinated for so long, you wouldn't have an essay that decided your future to work on. If you didn't have an essay to work on, you wouldn't have felt so sullen about accepting Freddy's request to basically blow it off. If you hadn't accepted his request, you would've gotten home sooner to clean and do your chores. If you had done them sooner, you would've had more time to write, and maybe, just maybe, you wouldn't have fallen asleep so easily.
And then these errands would mean nothing to you other than a family outing because your work would be done, and you'd have nothing to worry about. But instead, and because of your incompetence, here you were trying your best to dodge and weave through crowds of other people doing their shopping. Trying your very hardest to type and walk in order to keep up with your family.
"I don't understand why you're moving so slow..." Your parent scolded lightly, urging you to do what you were already trying to do. Only your eyes lifted from the screen, just for a moment to shoot off a glare before returning to your screen and typing furiously.
Sure, your writers' block had finally cleared. But you could only ever get in a few words every couple of minutes before you had to look up to dodge. Or, be interrupted by your family, a sibling. An annoying one, at that...
"Yeah, weren't you just here yesterday with your boyyyyfrieeeend~?" They teased, leaving you to grumble.
"He's not my boyfriend. And yeah, but we went straight to (F/R) and ate at the food court, we weren't shopping."
Your sibling rolled their eyes.
"Whatever, just saying...it should be easier for you to keep up."
Speak of the devil, you and your entire immediate family's heads whipping up at the obnoxiously loud call of your name. Your eyes searched high and low, all around until they landed on that familiar head of curls and the silver of a crutch.
"Oh, hi..." You awkwardly greeted, not even loud enough for him to hear it as he approached gleefully. Normally, at the presence of your family, you'd try and usher him away. Give him the hint not to intervene and make it awkward for everyone, but mostly you. But, seeing as your family hadn't even bothered to slow down, you figured a brief conversation wouldn't hurt.
Plus, upon noticing a couple of his siblings and Rosa behind him, you didn't want to come off as brash or rude.
"I thought you said you were gonna be busy?"
The question almost took you by surprise, but upon recalling last Friday, you realized that was pretty much what you had told him.
"I am! I just...I got caught up, it's weird..."
Sensing this wasn't enough of an answer or anything excusable, you spoke further. It had inevitably dug yourself a deeper hole, his brow raising in question.
"My parents, they're just...they wanted me to go shopping with them."
Oh, right...they walked off....
"Ye-Yeah, they are- They were here, but I lost track of them, so..."
You were aware of how unconvincing you sounded, letting a quiet sigh escape you before checking your phone. Your essay was still intact, and- Oh! That's a good word, 'intact'... You could do something with that, let's just...add it to the conclusion...and...
What you couldn't sense was how disinterested you looked to Freddy, the boy looking back to Billy for any type of further advice. All the brunette could do was shrug from afar, attempting to entertain Rosa, who wasn't at all paying attention to the events.
Hey, mother's got to shop🤷🏽‍♀️.
Either way, to him, it looked as though you were trying your hardest to avoid him. Freddy could feel his chest tighten at just the thought, wondering why that could possibly ever be the case. Why you had become so distant suddenly. And now, you'd barely even look at him?
"So, uh...what's the deal? Did I say something you didn't like?"
You hadn't looked up, leaving him to reluctantly fill in the blank for you.
"...The other night. When we went out. On that date..."
Now, this caught your attention. Your head cocked back, and your brows knitted incredulously.
"Date? That wasn't a date, I thought we were just hanging out."
'...Was...that a date?' You thought swiftly when you heard the words leave you own mouth, having not entertained such an idea before. But, now that Freddy had said something-
"(Y/N), I literally took you to your favorite place and paid for everything. And then we went to the arcade, and got milkshakes, and...well, I was gonna walk you home, but that didn't work out, as you know, since...you were there..."
You hadn't a clue of what to say, and the longer the silence hung over you two, the more worried you grew. Was that really a date? He didn't technically ask you out to date. He said he wanted to hang out. Maybe it was implied in his tone, and you missed it because you had been so focused on your essay.
But certainly, wasn't your essay tons more important than any date or whatever? If you hadn't gone, you would've had the whole weekend to go out on a date. Right?
Also, where the hell had your family gone? Did they even stop to think that you could really use an out right now? You had no idea what to say!
"Well, to be honest, I really shouldn't have gone at all if you think about it..."
So, you spoke without thinking. And immediately, you could tell that was the wrong answer, the words even stinging your own self the second they came out. Freddy's hurt expressions stinging even more as you lowered your phone.
"But you have time to be out and about with your 'parents'?" Why did he say parents like that? Did he not believe you? "Okay, cool. Awesome."
"I am! Was! They're here, I didn't have a choice, they made me come." You explained hastily. "Plus, I am busy. This paper is super important for me to get done, you know that."
"Yeah, I do. I also know that it was assigned months ago... why would you be doing it now, last minute?"
Holy shit... he really didn't believe you...
But it's not like you wanted to admit you had stupidly put it off for so long, either...
"Freddy..." You sighed, tossing your arms in uncertainty of what to say next. All you had was excuses. "...I didn't mean it. What I said. I'm just-"
"-Busy, yeah, I know."
More tense silence filled with the idea that you were losing him. Not only as a crush, but as your established friend as well. And god, were you trying desperately to mend it before it broke. You clicked your phone off, shoving it into your pocket completely out of sight.
"We can walk around right now if you want. Just until I have to leave?"
"I... don't want to walk on my leg more than I have to. See you around, (Y/N)."
. . .
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... 'Snap'!
"Stop doing that, it's annoying."
And you did, for a mere moment just to give a side eye towards your sibling before continuing.
Pull... 'Snap'!
Pull... 'Snap!
P u l l. . . 'SNAP'!
"Ow..." you winced.
"Would you stop it?"
"Shut up...!"
"Hey...!" The warning yell of one of your parents stopped the bickering and the rubber band pulling, but it didn't make you want to cry any less.
"Cool it back there. This is supposed to be a nice family outing..."
If anything, it made you want to cry more.
"Well, I didn't want to even be here, so..." You mumbled.
And it was true, you didn't, having wished you had protested more earlier. Then maybe your essay would be done by now. And maybe Freddy would still be your friend...
You cried.
Well, not in the car. But you did the second you finally arrived back home, to the haven and privacy of your room to let it all out. Frustrated and defeated, your wrist still stinging and itching with welts you knew the hair tie snapping would create. But you didn't care, at least, not about the last bit. It was stress relieving, so at least it counted for something good. It was done with good intent, and wasn't that all that mattered? Wasn't that enough?
Shouldn't that be enough for Freddy? He was- No, he is your best friend. And sure, you might've unintentionally pushed him away, but it was for a greater good. You were sure. Blocked him out with a good intention, if... that even existed. So, with such logic, apologizing and molding things back to normal should be a simple task, yes?
Yes, good. Perfect. That made it easy to set aside for a later moment, hastily wiping your tears and taking in small breaths before setting yourself at your desk. Not the bed, because you would not be falling asleep this time. You would write, write wrute, type, type, type until you were done. And that's final.
. . .
There it was again. That blocking feeling. But it came back different this time, unusual and almost unfamiliar to the normal writers' block.
Freddy. Freddy. Freddy.
That's what it was. That's all it was. The words you had said, his face twisted in disappointment and sadness running through your mind over and over again. How you had hurt him.
Ugh, you couldn't do this.
You couldn't bear it. And, pathetic enough, you couldn't even bring yourself to text him. To let him know it was all your fault. To even just apologize.
You went to bed.
You'd cram all of your needed tasks in tomorrow with a fresh, clear mind...
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This time, you had awoken to complete silence. And way later than last time, which you supposed was needed due to the fatigue of Friday through Saturday's events...
Upon doing some further snooping around the house, you had gathered the fact your family had gone out without you this time. And albeit you couldn't help but feel a little hurt, nobody having even attempted to wake you let alone invite you, you knew it was overall in your best interest.
You had a conclusion to write. After an afternoon breakfast and a fresh pair of comfy clothing, you situated yourself right back at your desk. Your laptop fully charged. Any and all disturbances out of sight, therefore out of mind. And eventually, after a good stare at the words already there, at the florescent blue light of the screen, the creative juices began to flow. You were off...
The blessing of finally being able to write lasted for only a few more hours, the sun setting and the noise of the city outside becoming evident as you leaned back in your seat for a break. A good stretch and rub of the eyes, a well-deserved swallow or two of water...
Your brows knitted, lips unconsciously forming a pout at the consistent sound against your window. It confused you, the noise something you hadn't heard in a while. Something you only ever heard when expecting-
"Oh my god, Freddy...!" You gasped, having walked over and cautiously slid open your window. The sight of him scared you enough to practically jump back as he came tumbling onto your floor. A fall that worried you, of course, but neither of you could focus on that given a mere, lazy collapse to the ground seemed like nothing compared to the rest of his injuries.
"Oh my god, Freddy..." You repeated in utter dismay, covering your mouth with your palm for maybe a split second before you were immediately stooped by his side in order to help him sit up.
"What happened, why are-? Oh my god, there's so much bl-"
"-I'm okay, I'm okay..." He reassured quietly, moving his hand up and down as if to say, "Calm down." Not that it did any good, your eyes scanning over each and every cut and/or bruise you could find before delivering your final questions.
"What are you doing here? You...need a doctor or-or something, how did this even happen?"
He laughed, almost as if there were something funny that you didn't get. Some twisted inside joke. Twisted, because it left him...well... like this.
"Being a superhero is harder than it looks, (N/N)..."
A pause.
"Are you delirious or something? I- Y'know what? Okay, I-... Stay there, don't move."
As if he'd even try. He watched as you jogged out of your room, able to hear you rummaging around in your bathroom for medical aid while his brown eyes scanned your room. It seemed to have remained in the same state as when he last saw it; neat and tidy, minus a few distraught blankets and cords. He traced a thick, gray one up to your desk, noticing it was plugged into your still on and running laptop.
His brows furrowed. He could see the small words, even from his place on the floor by your window and almost wanted to slap himself.
You really were finishing up an essay. The easy, if anything. Instead, he chuckled. Of course you waited until the last second to do it. How (Y/N) of you.
He had to fight off his blush (and a startled jump) when you came rushing back into the room, arms filled with supplies and a worried expression etched onto your face.
"We didn't have a lot, but I really don't want your cuts to get infected..." He heard you mumble, shakily pouring bits of alcohol onto a cleaning pad.
"It's gonna sting..." You warned, Freddy nodding as fast as he could and sending you the wave of a hand, already knowing and preparing himself for the sensation. And when it came, he bit his lip to hold back what would've been squeak coming from his throat.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry..." You soothed through whispers, wrapping and/or bandaging as quickly yet accurately as you could. "You really should've gone to the E.R., Freddy, I can't-...I feel-...I can only do so much."
"Geez, you really don't want me around much, huh?" He joked, but even you could see the way it held some truth as your actions slowed, looking into his eyes in hopes he saw the truth in yours.
And if not, you'd damn sure say it.
"Freddy, please..." It was almost a scoff, but your tone had dwindled into something much more sincere. "Of course I want you around. I always want you around, you-. . . You make me happy, especially when a lot of things don't. Okay?"
He seemed to be mulling your words over, the boy shuffling every now and again at any certain pain that felt a little too sharp, or when you squoze a bruise a bit too hard.
"I-... It just doesn't feel that way, I guess. Sometimes, I wonder if you even like me." Again, he laughed as though he had spewed a funny joke. You couldn't return it, simply shocked at such a theory before quickly debunking it.
"I like you a lot!!"
. . .
"Sorry, that was...loud." You apologized, earning you another laugh at such sudden passion. "But I do like you, why wouldn't I? I just...had a lot on my plate recently, and I didn't know how to handle it. Especially telling you, so I just...I dunno, I guess I pushed you out, hoping you'd just... know."
Freddy smiled, one that exuded comfort and understanding before pushing your hand to the side so he was able to look at you properly. To hold your cheek in the palm of his hand and admire your face, watching at how you didn't even fight to melt into his touch.
"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I'm sorry that I didn't understand. I'm your friend, so, it's kind of the one job I had and I failed... but, I don't want you to ever feel like you can't talk to me. Or that I won't help you when things get difficult."
And for an extra touch, he gave your hand a squeeze of reassurance. The same hand which held the pad of alcohol in it. You hadn't noticed it when droplets went rushing down your hand and to your wrist, too caught up in the moment. All too ready to express your gratitude and mutual appreciation for him.
But you sure as hell noticed it when it stung you. Burned you, felt more like it, leaving you to let out more winces and whimpers than Freddy had during the cleaning off all of his injuries combined.
"Woah, hey, what's up? You okay?"
"Yeah, just-"
You were fast to yank your hand away, squeezing the sleeve of your sweater around your wrist in an attempt to aid the stinging feeling you were experiencing. This confused Freddy. Enough so to where he forced himself to fully sit up so he could properly inspect whatever was causing you any pain. It was bad enough that he had left you emotionally distraught and that he now needed you to take time off from your work just to help him heal from his recklessness...
The least he could do was return the favor of medical help.
"Here, lemme' see."
You didn't even get to go, "No!" yanking your wrist away from his gentle hold once again in a flurry of panic and unexpectedness.
"What is it? Are you okay?"
You eyes were wide and you didn't understand why you felt such dread. A fear of him seeing what you had never shown anyone, even though it had never occurred to you to be upset about someone finding out before.
Er...not that you were hiding it. Were you?
"It's...nothing, I'm fine. Just let me finish cleaning you up so I can-"
"Hey..." Freddy stopped your swift movements, his heart pounding at just the mere thought of you hiding anymore pain from him. Had someone done something to you? If so, he should've been the one protecting you. It was now his turn to experience the feeling of anxiety swelling in his chest.
"You can tell me, it's alright. I won't be upset, just... talk to me. Okay? Trust me."
And you did. You didn't know if it was his words or the tone laced within them. Whether you were just tired of fighting it or being upset with him. Or him being upset with you. Tired of pushing him away and... who knows? Maybe if he knew, then you could stop...
You slowly inched your arm in his direction, visibly shaking from both the sting of the remaining alcohol and the piling nerves as he steadily bunched up your sleeve.
At first, there was no expression. No words, no nothing. Was he even processing what he was seeing? The red, fine-lined welts up and down your wrist and forearm, some older and healing, some... very fresh. It made you so jarringly aware of how hard you had actually been snapping the hair tie all of this time.
"It was supposed to help." You interjected, fighting back tears you hadn't even noticed arrived. "I read this thing on this website somewhere, and I just- I- I read it, and..."
Tripping and stumbling over your words made you want to just give up all over again. And yet, even though you refused to look up to see the expression of disappointment on Freddy's face, you could feel it. And that was just enough for you to keep desperately grabbing at straws to defend your wayward actions.
"I... I used to...do worse, I was messed up. Really messed up, and it was the only thing that made me feel better. Relief, I mean, maybe not better, but-..."
You choked back a cry.
"I read this thing, and it said that a good alternative as a way to stop would be to snap a hair tie instead. It-It's less than... y'know... and it...I-...I'm sorry."
"(Y/N). . ." Freddy started his sentence with nothing more to say after the whisper of your name, watching as you couldn't help but finally burst into tears right there on the floor in front of him. It was a moment in time when he realized there was nothing much he could say or do, only wanting nothing more than for you to be okay.
"Please don't cry, it's not... it isn't your fault, (N/N)."
You couldn't pull yourself together enough to elicit proper words, wishing you could just express everything you were feeling in one go. Or at least console Freddy because that's what he came over for, after all. He needed you to be there for him, patch him up, and you couldn't even do that. Instead, things have come down to being all about you again.
Little did you know, it's not like Freddy much cared. He'd rather things be all about you and you be okay rather than no one giving you the time of day and you're suffering.
"Here, c'mere..." The boy urged, pulling you closer on his own accord when you didn't budge. "I'll clean them for you this time."
You nodded in thanks as you leaned against his chest, watching carefully through your tears as he slipped the pad of alcohol from your grip gently and began to pour some more onto it.
"And when I'm done," he continued. "There won't be a next time where I'll need to do this, 'cause we're gonna find some even better alternatives together, 'kay? Better than a hair tie."
A silence lingered in the air as you sniffled, only speaking up just before he could press the pad to your welts.
"...You mean like... like a scrunchie?"
. . .
Freddy attempted to shield his laugh away from you, but quickly didn't bother anymore as your broken laugh joined in at your own distasteful joke.
"That's- No, you're- Oh my gosh, that's awful..." He spoke through giggles he fought to contain, even though the comment seemed to lift the both of your spirits instantly. Well, until he had to clean up your wrist...
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
Freddy's brows furrowed when he realized the sounds of your winces and hisses were no longer to be heard, even when he'd press the damp pad to your wrist or forearm. He was about done, anyways, but he stopped to check on you and became flattered to see that you had fallen into a peaceful sleep against him.
He smiled down at you, admiring you for as long as he could while finally wrapping up your arm the same way you had his cuts and bruises. And, though he would've been more than happy to hold you like this for as long as he could (yes, even if it was on your floor), he looked around the room and was swift to realize there were still a few more tasks that needed completing.
But, most important, your essay. Considering the amount of emotional turmoil it seemed to have caused you over the weekend, he figured it should be something you no longer had to worry about. As carefully as he could without waking you, and scooted and withered his way out from under you, allowing you room to stretch out against the floor. It couldn't have been the best of comfort, but he'd address it later, making his way over to your desk and in front of your open laptop.
. . .
When you woke back up, you were alarmed to no longer feel the weight of Freddy's arms around you. It made you pop straight up, your head and eyes looking around the room like a baby bird who had just hatched until finally, they landed on the body sprawled across your bed.
You almost wish it were you, your mattress much comfier than the ground beneath you. He really just left you there on the floor and took up all of the space, pillows, and blankets, huh?
You eventually urged yourself to stand, knowing you'd have to clean up a little bit at some point and finish your paper before you could join him, but stopped right in your tracks when you noticed the change in screen.
Assignment Due: Monday, 9:30a.m.
Status: Turned In/Completed
"...What, bro...?" You muttered through a rasp of drowsiness, changing directions to head for your desk rather than the clothes and lose trinkets on your floor.
Once you were able to scroll through and read your submitted essay, which you at first thought you might've accidently turned in unfinished on accident, you skimmed over the end and were more than elated to see it had magically finished itself.
Well, okay, maybe not magically...
You looked back to Freddy's sleeping figure, grinning ear to ear at what you knew was his kind gesture. Finishing your paper for you. You'd have to thank him a thousand times in a thousand ways, as many as you could think of. Words couldn't express how grateful you were, not only for him doing your essay but for him in general. You stared at your wrapped up arm, finding yourself smiling harder than you thought possible.
"I love you." You spoke aloud, flopping onto the bed without much care, simply full of giddy for how much you adored having Freddy in your life.
"You're so-"
"...I love you, too..."
You perked up when his sleep murmurs interrupted the start of more praises, smiling down at him in both fondess and amusement as he wrapped an arm around you. Unconsciously...
He had responded to you in his sleep.
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Was that a lame ending, or was that the 'Boom, super profound mega happy ending' I saw it to be in my head...?
Idk yall, you tell me 'causeeee....💀✋🏽. But seriously, I really hope you liked this, I finished it up right when my sickness finally went away so, yeah💕🥴.
~ Star✨️
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years ago
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The new Halloween themeeeeeee 🤩
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lovelyspring7 · 3 years ago
A Piece Of Cake | KTH x Reader
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Summary: It’s your little sister’s birthday and you’ve been asked to pick up the cake at the local bakery, not knowing that the little interaction with the cute baker would have such a huge impact on your life forever.
Work count: 2k
Genre: Yandere, angst
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: Yandere, stalking, jealousy, obsession, poison, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, abusive & neglectful parents, family issues, non consensual touching.
Disclaimer: This type of content is not suitable for all audiences and I do not condone any of the presented behaviours. This is purely for entertainment and fictional purposes and I don’t think any BTS member would act like this.
Authors note: it’s my first fanfic and I literally wrote it while I was sleep deprived. But I’d love some feedback so that I can improve! That being said, enjoy!💕😊
Read part 2 here
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I crouched down to pick up one of the many gifts my parents had gotten for my little sister Jia. It was her birthday this weekend and she wanted to celebrate it with all our cousins. Our parents think it’s sweet that she wants to celebrate her 7th birthday with the rest of the family. Truth is, she just wanted more gifts and attention.
“Hey, be careful with those!” My mother yelled as she got out of the car.
“Sorry…” I mumbled, carrying the gifts into the house. That’s where the party will be held, my father and Jia will be here in a few hours. I don’t know how it’ll be a surprise since she’s the one that suggested it. But my parents didn’t ask twice and arranged it the same week.
“Okay so we got all the gifts she wanted, the princess decorations… and everyone will be here by six,” She said, reading the list on her phone. “Oh, and I need you to pick up the cake for Jia.”
“The cake? I told you that I have to finish my essay after helping with the decorations.” I reminded her.
“Sweetheart, are you jealous?”
“What? No, I just really need to-“
“Sweetie, it's your sister's birthday, so can you stop being selfish for once in your life?” She scolded.
“Now now, stop being difficult and be here before six. I need to make sure none of the staff steals anything like last time” she said, harshly whispering in the last part.
“Yes, mother.” I simply said.
“Good, now hurry up and remember- hey! no no no, the flowers are supposed to be all red roses!” She yelled, walking towards the staff, creating once again chaos.
It wasn't a secret my parents favorited Jia more than me. I wasn’t supposed to be born and before they could get an abortion, my grandparents insisted that they got married and started a life together. Things weren’t easy since I’ve always felt like my parents neglected me, they say it’s because they were too busy. Apparently so busy that they forget to even say “Happy birthday” on my birthdays.
With Jia, they got to start all over again. They got a second chance to actually be a parent. And as much as I dislike my parents, I don’t hate Jia. It’s not her fault we got shitty parents, well, I got shitty parents.
I stopped to look at the sign that said “Cakey Bakey”, cringing at the very generic name I walked in, the old bell clock made a tingling sound and the fresh, sweet, warm smell of different varieties of pastries hit my face.
“Hey, how can I help you, pretty?” A guy in his twenties asked with the warmest smile I’ve ever seen. His hands rested at the counter, leaning forward as he wore a blue and white striped apron.
Ignoring the nickname, “Oh um, I’m here to pick up a cake.” I nervously said, staring at his name tag, “Taehyung” I thought to myself, I almost said it out loud.
“Aren’t you a bit too old for princesses?” He smiled, turning to the silver fringe behind him. I'm assuming the cake is in there. “It’s for my sister Jia,” you slowly said, looking down at your shoes.
“I know, I was just trying to make you laugh. I can’t let you go out of this bakery with a frown on your face, what would people think.” He said grinning as he packages the cake in a white box.
“I’m sorry for cringing at the name of this place, but Cakey Bakey?” I said anxiously, “the name is just so-”
“Ridiculous, cheesy, silly?“ he laughed, “I know, I mean I get Cake House or Bake Love. But Cakey Bakey?” He laughed once again loudly.
Not being able to control myself, I burst out laughing. I agree it is a stupid name. I haven’t been able to laugh for a long time now, but soon enough I feel hot tears stream down my face. I quickly squeezed my eyelids shut, hoping that the tears would stop.
“Hey hey, are you okay sweetheart?” He worried, trying to meet your eyes.
“I’m fine, just don’t call me that please.” I sobbed, avoiding his gaze as I rapidly took the cake and ran out humiliated.
Just great, I lost control of my emotions and embarrassed myself. I’ve never been out of control before and almost always kept my emotions in check.
“Here’s the cake mother,” I said placing the cake on the counter, tired and worn out from the incident before. 
“What took you so long?! Seriously, do you hate your sister that much and want to ruin her party too?” She said snatching the cake from the counter and placing it on a cake stand.
I couldn’t care anymore, I didn’t care that the staff was near the kitchen, I didn’t care that the guests would be here in a few hours. I tried to bite my tongue but the taste of blood only made me see red.
“No mother, I don't hate Jia.” I started, “I hate you and my father. All you guys ever do is mistreat me, criticize me, and shame me. I don’t ask for much, heck I never do. I know you love Jia more than me but you don’t have to rub it in my face and purposely mistreat me!” I yelled, angry tears forming in my eyes. Wow, I’ve been holding that one for a while.
“Gosh I knew we shouldn’t have adopted you” she blankly said, letting out a sigh.
“You heard me. Your so-called father and I couldn’t have children. We suffered multiple miscarriages so we decided to adopt you. Everyone was disgusted that we had adopted an orphan, so really Jia, your father, and I suffered the most.” She stated, believing every word she said.
“I… excuse me” I rushed out dumbfounded. It all made sense now, why she was so determined to make Jias birthday party the best party ever. It was so she could show off their biological daughter and win back the respect of family and friends. Showing off their perfect biological daughter that they were always supposed to have from the start.
I got into my car that I had managed to buy with the money from multiple part-time jobs throughout high school. I wanted to drive somewhere, anywhere, but I didn’t know where. Parking in an abandoned parking lot, all I could do was sit in my car and cry out all the tears that I’d kept for years. I just felt so lonely.
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Taehyung’s POV
I couldn’t believe what just had happened, this poor girl that was in front of me a second ago just couldn’t stop crying. I just had to make sure she was okay. I quickly close the bakery, knowing that I wouldn’t be fired because I’m the best baker they could ask for.
I followed her car and parked a few blocks away so that she wouldn’t see me. Standing outside her house I see staff stressing about some decorations. I easily walked into the house without being noticed as someone who doesn’t belong there. As I roam around looking for her, I hear a loud voice.
I walked closer to the sound that was coming from what appeared to be the kitchen.
“I know you love Jia more than me but you don’t have to rub it in my face and purposely mistreat me!” I heard her yell, the built-up pain in her voice. My poor girl. I had this urge to come out of hiding and hold her, making sure that everything was gonna be okay as I comfortly kiss her.
By the end of it, listening to that damn woman made my blood boil, how can she be so self-centered and negligent, disgusting.
My sweet girl must’ve felt so lonely, no one to care for her, no one to love her. My heart began racing as my breathing got deeper, I stood there against the wall, with my fists clenched by my sides. I couldn’t help but to feel sorry for her. I barley knew her, but seeing her like this would be the very last time.
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Hours had passed, and I had cried so much that I just felt so numb. I had been staring at the scented car refresher dangling from the front view mirror for half an hour now. I was too tired to notice who was standing behind the car refresher until they knocked on the window, holding groceries. Damnit, if I saw him earlier I would’ve ducked. Saved the embarrassment from earlier you know.
Rolling down the front door glass. “You stalk people now?” I joked trying not to show that I was upset, but my puffy face said otherwise.
“Funny,” he smiled. “I came by to make sure that you’re okay.” He continued.
That being said, I opened the car door for him. He got in, sat down and observed me. Looking at me weirdly. The same way my- Jia's parents look at her.
“I’m fine thanks for asking,” I said looking down at my hands, almost whispering.
“Earlier when you ran out I had followed you- to make sure no harm was done to you!” He quickly corrected himself.
Already feeling uncomfortable, I slowly try to stay calm. Trying to not show him signs of me being unsettled. No one has ever cared enough to check up on me, even friends in high school. The only times they had reached out was when they needed help with assignments, tests or to rant about their lives.
“Yeah no I’m fine” I smiled to reassure him.
“Mhm, listen I heard everything between you and that woman,” what he said caught my breath.
“It’s none of your business,” I said rapidly. There was a long pause before he spoke up, instead, he just took out a piece of cake with a single candle on it. Seeing my confused expression, he lights the candle “I assumed you never celebrated your birthday?“ Feeling embarrassed that he was right, I could only nod.
“There you go, care to blow it out?” He asked, raising his eyebrows and excitedly waiting for me. Getting closer to the cake, I softly blow. Happy birthday to me I think. I watch him take a fork out from the bag, picking cake and bringing the fork closer to my mouth. Not eating for almost a whole day, I gladly ate the slice of cake as he fed me the whole time.
“Thank you, Taehyung. For, for not judging me, and for not making me feel worse than I already feel.” I smiled, genuinely.
“Of course, I will always be there for you. Matter of fact, from now on I’ll be the only one for you.” He assured me, reaching his hand out to caress my face as he stared into my eyes.
“What? What’s that supposed to mean?” I panicked trying to get away from his touch but feeling too weak to be able to move at all. The look in his eyes made my heart race, my breathing started getting shorter and shorter.
“I baked a cake for them, actually, similar to the one you ate, the only difference was that yours was baked with love and theirs with aconite,” Taehyung explained, smirking at the thought of what that lethal drug could do to your family.
I wanted to scream, I wanted to help them, I needed to do something. Sure they weren’t the best people but they don’t deserve to die.
“What they had done to my pretty girl” he whispered, tucking my hair behind my hair. “No one will ever hurt you again, I’ll make sure of that. I’ll take care of you, love you and I’ll- princess are you crying? Shh, don’t cry over those people. It’s okay baby” He cooed, wiping my tears away with his thumb.
“Now, I need you to be a good girl and take a nap, can you do that for me, mhm?” He said, softly kissing my torn stained cheek.
I didn’t know what he’d do if I didn’t stop crying, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, and my vision was getting blurry. All I could do for now was to close my eyes and let the darkness swallow me.
“Good girl.”
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tinydestinybear · 3 years ago
His To Keep
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Pairing: Prince!Harry Styles x (f.) Princess!Reader
Warning: Mentions of scars, Threats, Abuses
Word Count: 1294 words
A/N: i’m so excited for you guys to read this! if you missed it, this was inspired by a request here 💕 if you guys like this, please give feedback or come talk to me ☺️
You had been born to the very best of nobility, however that didn’t stop you from achieving your own goals from being a child till now where you’re pursuing your higher studies in the city and soon you were to graduate with your academic excellence and gain experience with the job offered to you. While everything in your life seemed much happening recently, what you were most delighted for was a celebration. 
Your upcoming grand wedding with the prince of the Styles dynasty, Harry Styles.
While rumours spread around of your marriage being one of connivence, you and Harry were perhaps correct to say, much in love. And so you were both preoccupied with the task of making this as memorable as it could be for the two of you. 
You had been involved in every single detail going behind the events. After all, this was one of your dreams come true - to marry the love of your life. You had grown up to reading about fairytales and to see your own fairytale take a start delighted you.
“We might need to change the date of the ball. It clashes with my Theatre exam,” You said, letting out a sigh at the thought of doing all the changes now. 
You were rubbing your forehead with your hand in an attempt to distress when Harry spoke, “We can do that. You need not stress darling, I’ll make sure to send in the changes.” 
You looked towards him with a soft smile, “Thank you.” 
“Of course, it’s our wedding. Wouldn’t make sense for you to not be there!” 
You hugged your arms closer to yourself, the chilly air now making you shiver in the balcony you two stood in. “Come here, let me hold you,” His hand reached out, grabbing you by the waist and you were immediately swept closer to him. 
"Hey!" You said, clearly taken aback by his action. "Someone might see us. The queen made it clear to not show any public intimacy until we're married."
You struggled to get out of his hold while he kept his hold on you firm, "I think I’m allowed to hold my future wife,” He levelled his head down till yours, the heat evident in your cheeks. Seeing you like this comforted his heart, he wouldn’t ever like to share you with anyone else, “I love you.” He kissed your cheek before he opened his arms more and snuggled you closer to himself, covering the two of you in his overcoat. 
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What you didn’t expect was the storm to now reach earlier than ever. 
"This has to work, handle it carefully and we’ll get ride of her," Two low whispers were heard in the locked closet before the door was unlocked and they went separate ways. 
Meanwhile, Harry had earlier texted you, letting you know that he wished to take you for a visit to a place very dear to him. You had agreed before you let him know that you had been summoned into one of your professor’s office for help. 
You had been oblivious to what was about to happen so the sheer quietness down the hall didn’t seem to strike a hint. Just when you entered the room, you heard it instantly close scaring you. 
And you were surprised to meet with Cathy, a woman who is known to have to have despised you ever since Harry took an interest in you himself. 
"Hello Y/N S/N." She said, an eerie smile on her face as she walked closer towards you. You scoffed at her attempt of being polite towards you. "The next queen seems to have an attitude?” She tutted. “Or perhaps the future queen is nothing but a shameless lady leading on the prince?” 
"Cathy, you say I'm a petty woman then you should perhaps also know that I belong to the nobility. It isn't my fault that Harry doesn't return your feelings while you are so obsessed with him." You defended, you were tired of her constantly being after you when you had displayed not even a single ounce of hatred towards her. 
"How dare you slut!" She yelled before grabbing you by the hair, now whispering in your ears, “You think it’s gonna be all lovey-dovey? You think he isn’t gonna wish for someone else to be by his side when he sees those scars you hide so perfectly from the war? I wonder whether he’ll choose me to stay by his side while we see you rote.”
Humiliated. That’s what you felt like. You felt disgusted that Cathy had been able to voice each of your insecurity - the thought of Harry leaving you when he sees your scars scared you. 
Scoffing at your now teary face, Cathy gathered herself together before she set back towards her cart. 
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Had it been three weeks? Harry wonders just when he will hear any news of you. He has been increasingly worrying of your absence - no letters, no messages or visits from your end. What surprised him more was that you had moved back to your nobility state without letting him know as if you wanted to possibly break every bond with him. 
Your absence had left a void in his heart and he couldn’t help but want to see you more. So he travelled down to the estate of your nobility in an attempt to see you. 
He knocked before entering your room, spotting you standing near the mirror as you glanced at your scars on your back with a frown. 
"I'll confiscate that mirror soon if you don’t stop hurting yourself by seeing yourself in that way," He said boldly before he closed the door and walked towards you. 
"Harry W-what are you doing here?” Yo looked around in search for something to cover yourself, before Harry grabbed the shawl by your bed and covered you while turning you towards the mirror.  
“I’m here to take you back and to stop yourself from hurting this way. It truly breaks my heart, why are you hurting yourself by distancing from me darling?” He whispered. 
"Please, go away." You muttered, the confidence in your voice now lacking. Seeing him after this long and now requesting him to leave truly pained you like no other. 
"If you say that as you look me in the eye, I shall."
You turned sideways to look up at him, gathering all your confidence yet losing it as soon as you made contact with him, "I....I'm not worthy of your love nor to be your wife. You’re a prince, one handsome and brave prince who doesn’t deserve a woman full of scars like me.”
"And these are the same scars which prove your bravery.” His hand gently travels down your spine as he made you look at yourself in the mirror, “You may think otherwise but my love for you is for who you are. Not how you appear. My heart knows that it is you who I want."
He stepped back, walking out of the mirror, "I know who did this to you and I cannot change what has happened but I can reassure you a thousand times that it is because of you that I’ve learned how to love someone, to take care of someone and show them the world by solely looking at them and I would like to do just the same so I’ve come here to take you back to our home, where you truly belong.” 
It doesn’t take a split second for you to run into his arms as he sways you gently while you sob, cherishing each other’s warmth again, “Shh, I’m gonna take care of you. We’ll fight this together. Always."
"We will. I love you Harry."
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vic-chaos · 3 years ago
Where do I even start- this might sound weird coming from some stranger but thank you- for rambling about south park so much lol. I felt like I needed to say this, I have some intense feelings about the Post Covid special and just hearing and relating to your thoughts is kinda comforting as I´m trying not to put too much thought into the ending scene because it´s upsetting me what they did to Cartman. To be honest, I´m not a fan of Rabbi Cartman either (I try not to be vocal about it as it seems a lot of people liked him… oh well), but how he ended up was just… too cruel. I dunno, I just love seeing people rant about this, I feel less alone with my unreasonably strong opinions about things that weren’t meant to be taken this seriously. And I keep finding myself chuckling about “why did they have to ruin everything right in the last few seconds what´s their obsession with doing that” at the most random times throughout the day, lmao. I´m saying, please never stop typing your thoughts bc I love reading them,,
Oh it's not weird at all!!! And thank you for this actually 🥺💕 I feel like I ramble a lot for someone whose not even intending to be like a commentary/analysis blog or anything, I just have a lot of strong feelings lmao. But I totally know what you mean about it being kind of cathartic to hear someone else rant about something you yourself are angry about, its like second hand getting it off your chest haha. And yeah! I mean, this show is intentionally ridiculous and not intended to be taken too seriously (also a comedy above all else - even though as fandom we're more interested in the character drama aspects of it), but it's also really hard not to get in too deep when you're emotionally attached... even if that level of attachment is against your will dfjsd. But at least you're not the only one for sure, like we are all here in this together lmao 😭
Also that about their obsession with ruining everything in the last few seconds:
I keep just kind of hoping everyone knows what I mean by this because I assume it pisses everyone else off as much as it does me jsdgbsdfjsf. But if anyone doesn't know what I’m talking about or has been wondering, it's something like..... hmm... I think the most glaring examples I can think of are episodes like the underpants gnomes one where they spend the whole ep explaining why big corporate businesses overtaking small local ones is harmful, and then right at the last second they're like "nevermind lol!! 🤪 we love big corporations actually! its the fault of the small local ones for their product not being good enough". And in the goobacks episode we spend the entire time learning that the solution to preventing the future from becoming uninhabitable is to look after the earth in the present, and then in the last few seconds they're like "actually this is stupid, fuck the environment!!". Like....... !?!?
These are just two examples but they do it SO often, sometimes in slightly different or more subtle ways (like Stan's parents getting divorced - this one happened twice actually - which they desperately need to, and everyone was happy and better off... then they get back together at the last minute for like, no reason? Just to make Stan miserable again?) Speaking of Stan's parents another clear example of this is dead kids, where we spend the whole time sympathizing with Sharon being the only person who is as worried about the situation as everyone else should be. And then when her son gets shot you expect Randy at least to understand her now? But instead SHE'S the one whose like "actually you're right, who cares lol!!"
I think the reason they find it funny is because it's a last minute reversal of expectations, because you're expecting the kind of happy or logical ending any other show would give you and its like - oh wait!!! actually, *long fart noise* instead.
But like.... I wish they would fucking stop doing this 😭 LMAO..... or at least don't do it in a way that fucks up character development, that's already a mess on this show.....
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magenta-cat-drawingss · 4 years ago
Hey :D just saw your post about you taking requests for fanfics, and I had a really cute idea for Plance: Lance and Pidge have been childhood friends and now go to college together. Over the years, Lance has developed a crush on her, but never fully knew how he should ask her out. One day, homecoming is coming up, and Lance of course wants to ask Pidge out, but still doesn’t quiet now how. A day before homecoming, before Pidge is about to leave their usual sitting place in the cafeteria, Lance finally finds enough courage to ask her to be his date for the homecoming, and also tells her his true feelings towards her. Pidge first thinks that he’s not serious because she’s always thought the she wasn’t his type at all. But after him telling her how much he loves her in front of basically the whole school, already being really embarrassed about himself, she of course says yes and hugs him very closely. Yup, that idea was stuck in my head for so long, and I just saw the opportunity and thought it would be fun to see what people would do with it. If you need more details, text me anytime :D hope it helps ^^
The Promise That’s Between Us.
Plance Highschool/Childhood AU
Hi hi ^^ my first ever ship that I ever got obsessed with is plance so obviously I won’t let the opportunity slip😔💕💕💕
P.s I am a sucker for pinning and high-school/childhood aus👀❤
Enough rambling hope u enjoy😊💫
This story starts when Lance is 12 and Pidge is 10
They grew up together since they were neighbors.
They were born in the same neighborhood and ever since they got really close to each other.
Ah, her adorable voice would be the end of him.
That bubbly, energetic, beautiful voice ringing through his ear.
If anyone heard it people would assume it was just a normal child but to Lance…
It meant the world to him.
He saw Pidge running towards him with wide hands.
“Ahhhhh, there you are, kitten!” Lance said with a wide grin because he knows what he just triggered.
Pidge stopped in her tracks, crossed her arms, and pouted and said: “I thought you agreed that you would stop calling me that.”
The situation was too cute for Lance to tease her more.
“Awwww~ c'mon, Katie. It’s not my fault that you have a name like that, besides…” He started hopping towards her, and cupped her pouty cheeks, and gave it a gentle squeeze. “…you keep calling me ‘Lancelot’ when I told you not to.”
Pidge flushed and huffed, and snapped her head from Lance’s hold, added both her hands on her hip, and said with a bossy tone of voice: “Hmph, well don’t blame ME for you to look like this. It’s not MY fault that you look handsome.”
Lance stiffened, Pidge got confused about what got him his attention. Once she realized what she just said her face turned into 10 shades of red and covered her face afterward. “N-n-n-n-never mind what I just said!!”
But once Lance snapped out of it he grinned and got close to pidge and caught her eyes peeking through her fingers.“ Awwwww~ does the kitten think I'm handsome? I’m so flattered~” he cooed.
Pidge smashed his face with both of her hands.
Four years later
“Hm…ng…hello? Pidge?”
It was 1 am in the morning and final exams week is just around the corner.
Lance spent most of his studying at Pidge’s place along with Hunk and Keith, since her father won’t be home after two months, so they took the chance.
He was so exhausted from all the scolding he got from Pidge because “What do you mean science is so boring and a waste of mind storage???!!!” And that ended with a smack in his head with a notebook.
Hunk just sighed and Keith was dying from laughter along with the line “you deserve that, blockhead.”
So…why would she call suddenly? She wasn’t acting strange or making any fake expressions. It was rare for Pidge to call him in the middle of the night, especially since they needed all the energy they could to meet up in a cafe to exchange notes from their classes, also before her father left, he ordered her and her brother Matt to not stay up late.
But now…
“Oh..uh..hey Lance…" Pidge was kinda unsure. She was afraid that she might be bothering Lance…in a time like this.
"Pidge?” Lance caught up with Pidge’s tone of voice, and sat straight up on his bed "Is everything alright?“
"Huh? Oh yeah, everything is fine! it’s just…” she hesitated but continued “I-is it alright if you came over?” she said it as quickly as possible.
But Lance being…well Lance, heard her he was about to annoy her and tease her, but something in his mind said that he really shouldn’t.
“Not that I mind or anything, but why? I mean it's literally 1am and Mrs.Colleen and Matt would probably kill me if they found out I sneaked into their house”
“Ah don’t worry about it, you can enter from my window.”
“How romantic…”
“Oh c'mon…it’s not like it’s the first time you have ever done it” he could feel her smirk throughout the screen.
Lance huffed “Fine. But don’t you dare run away if I get in trouble got it?” Pidge giggled "mmm~…maybe we’ll see."
Lance sighed ’this girl…’ “Well then…I’m on my way” he hung up.
He got off from bed, stretched his numb limbs, and let out a satisfied sigh, ruffled and threaded his hair to make it neater, he was still in his pajamas, so he just wore a jacket, shoes, and he tiptoed out of his room, downstairs, going out, and straight to Pidge’s house.
The Holt House is a very tiny yet humble home that gives a really warm atmosphere, it only has two floors which’s why it was easy for Lance to climb up to Pidge’s room.
And she offered this idea because Lance would always come at midnight to play video games with her, which always ends up with Colleen’s scolding and Matt kicking his butt.
Lance shivered from the thought, and focused on going to the backyard of the Holt’s house, and straight to their small shed to bring a ladder.
He then carefully took it out, and gently closed the door behind him, and then after that, he placed the ladder very carefully on Pidge’s windowsill and glanced up.
And just like that, he saw the window getting open and then came the beautiful view that Lance desperately wanted to see…
The one and only Katie Holt.
She smiled at him, and leaned on to the window waiting for him. He smiled back, but he returned his focus onto climbing the ladder and making sure he didn't kiss death.
Especially not now.
Once he reached his destination he was 3 inches away from Pidge’s face. She was smiling, but there were huge eye bags, and red cheeks. She's probably exhausted from all the studying he thought or perhaps…
He rested his elbow on the window and then placed his chin on top of it and said:
“You come up here to rock out?”
Pidge blinked, and then covered her mouth to let out a mouthful of giggles. “Are you seriously saying this even though you are the one who is sneaking into my house? Shouldn’t I be the one saying it?” She placed both her hands on her hips and looked at him smirking.
Lance just huffed and pouted “No, because it’s my line, not yours.”
Pidge just shook her head and rolled her eyes “ Yeah sure whatever you say.”
He stretched out his arms so that she could hold both of his hands to pull him in, and he carefully entered one leg and then the other.
Once that was done, they were now right in front of each other, holding hands, and looking straight to each other’s eyes, the moon was shining brightly onto Pidge’s amber honey eyes that Lance just adored.
But, like he thought, something was wrong…
He cupped her cheeks, and rubbed his thumb underneath her eyes, she closed her eyes and leaned onto the touch, and held onto his wrists.
“Were you crying, Pidge?” He whispered. She stiffened and let out a chuckle, and said:
“I guess I’m really bad at hiding stuff huh?…” she slowly opened her eyes and looked straight into Lance’s eyes "…especially from you."
Lance’s heart squeezed from the view. He’s seen Pidge’s being sad before either bursting into tears or just spacing out a lot and sometimes being really grumpy and does not want to talk to anyone.
And the reasons were either she got bullied and kept quiet about it or had a fight with her parents and sometimes from her teacher because her bullies would always inform her with false information that Pidge never did or said.
Lance swept her bangs away from her forehead and said with a whisper as if not to scare her away from his touch "Wanna talk about it, perhaps?“
She averted her gaze "I-its useless…if I told you it’s not like the problem will go away…”
He frowned, he knew that Pidge was stubborn enough that she would do whatever she thinks is right, and Lance, as a good friend he is, would never force information out of her and make her uncomfortable.
He sighed “Well…I don’t want you to be in a bitter mood especially when I brought these with me…”
Pidge looked at him again with a questioning look but gasped and smiled cheerfully when she saw what Lance got out from his pocket.
“Peanut butter cookies!” She whispered happily. Lance smirked 'victory.’
They nestled beside each other on Pidge’s bed, munching down the cookies.
After they were finished, Lance felt a heavyweight on his shoulder he glanced down curiously and saw Pidge yawning and nuzzling onto his shoulder more to make herself comfy.
Then he heard a small but genuine… “Thank you Lance…for coming” he smiled softly and placed his head on top of hers “Anytime…Katie” and then they both dozed off to the world of dreams.
Of course, in the morning he was kicked out by Matt’s kicks and Colleen’s scolding, and obviously, Pidge ran off from saving him.
eight years later
“You are staring too much.”
It was break time at Altean University, and now it’s breaking for anyone who still has an afternoon class.
And one of the students was Lance and his friend rival(?) Keith was sitting together in a small Caffè where their friend Hunk had a part-time job, waiting for their shifts to start.
But Lance was focusing only on that one particular girl with a high ponytail with a green ribbon tied on her head and wearing jean shorts with navy blue leggings underneath it, and a dark green hoodie, who was currently standing on the cashier to order her drink.
“At Pidge, stink brain.”
Lance glared at him “I don’t know what you are talking about, mullet” and took a sip from his coffee.
Keith only rolled his eyes “Look, all I’m saying is that if you like her just confess to her, just don’t drag me and Hunk onto to your depressing love story.”
Lance just waved his words off and continued his drink "Like I said you are making no sense-“ "who is making no sense?”
Lance choked onto his coffee and started to cough aggressively and looked at a concerned Pidge “O-oh my god Lance! Are you okay?? Do you need water?”
“What? N-no Pidge! I’m fine really, no need to worry about me!” He waved one hand and the other rubbing behind his neck sheepishly.
“Well if you ask me he does look fine” Lance threw at Keith a death glare but Keith just smirked behind his cup.
He returned his attention to Pidge “So what’s up?”
“Hm? Oh! Uhhhh…I was just wondering if you would like to study with me after class? I kinda have trouble with Spanish classes” she asked shyly.
Lance’s heart burst into fireworks from the way she was asking kindly. “Sure why not. Since kitten came personally and asked sweetly I wouldn’t let the offer pass by~”
She flushed and flicked his forehead “Dork. Well then…see you later at our usual studying spot” and ran off.
Lance was only staring at her dumbly even though she was out of his sight.
“Yeah your totally not in love with her” Keith stated “Even though you are starting to drool.”
Lance snapped out of thoughts and blushed furiously and rubbed his mouth aggressively ���I’m not in love with her…she just looks different from what she was in the past” he said defensively.
They were just kids discovering the world, teenagers learning the possibilities, to college students looking straight to the future and hope.
But to Lance the one who was building themselves, the one who was looking forward, and the one who’s desperately looking for the purpose of life…was Pidge.
Lance smiled fondly at himself 'she really did grow up huh?’
“Earth to Lance, did you hear what I just said?” Keith kept snapping his fingers in front of his eyes.
Lance just waved him off again “Anything that comes out of the mullet’s mouth is nothing but a waste of oxygen.”
Keith just rolled his eyes and continued sipping through his coffee “Yeah sure whatever, all I said that if you really want a good chance to hook her up well you’re in luck since there is a dance event next week right before homecoming”
THAT got Lance’s attention “What did you just say?” “What? Didn’t you just say that my words are but a waste of oxygen?” Keith smirked.
Lance spreads himself across the table to reach Keith’s shoulders and shakes them aggressively “Keith buddy, ma man, good ol’ pal you know I didn’t mean any of that?”
Keith just stared at him and raised a brow. “One I’m not your buddy and two your puppy eyes don’t work on me and three…” he smacked Lance’s both hands “get off me.”
Lance pouted “oh come ooooon~” he whined “ "ugh…fine all I said that there’s a chance if you asked Pidge on the upcoming dance event next week.”
Lance’s face lightened up “That’s a great idea! I never thought the mullet would be useful for you” he smirked mischievously, and that ended with Keith kicking his shin.
That’s it Lance decided he would confess to her during a lunch break where all the students of Altean University would be. He kept spacing out a lot in classes. The only thing that was in his head was how on earth will he confess to her.
Lance would be lying if he says that his best man, the cinnamon roll his best friend Hunk was useless because Hunk was nothing but encouraging him and helping him out with the confession.
Keith on the other hand was just making things worse by making Lance panic and worry that Pidge wouldn’t accept his confession.
Lance was anxious that he thought his leg would turn into jelly and might pass out at any moment.
Hunk was rubbing his back soothingly to calm his nerves, and Keith was going over the plan one more time so things won’t end up with huge chaos.
“There she is…” Lance whispered.
Pidge was walking with the white-haired girl, Allura, to order their food. “…beautiful as ever”
Lance was staring at Pidge with so much love that he didn’t notice he was pushed aggressively towards her by Keith and Hunk and said: “What are you waiting for? Go!”
Lance stumbled awkwardly in front and started rubbing his neck sheepishly and waved “H-hey…pidge”
Pidge was just staring at him dumbly and said with so much shyness "Oh! Hey Lance…“
Allura just looked between them and smirked "Well would you look at that I think Hunk and Keith need me to see you later Pidge!” And left.
Pidge looked at her with a look of betrayal but looked at Lance again “So..what’s up?” She clapped both her hands behind her back and looked at Lance curiously.
Lance shook his head furiously “Oh! I-I was just wondering…I-if you would like to…” he glanced on the side and saw Hunk smiling widely with two thumbs up, Keith gave him a knowing smile, and Allura’s eyes were sparkling and nodding furiously.
He took a deep breath hold both of Pidge’s hands gently and said:
“…Would you be my date to the dance event next week?”
The cafeteria was silent.
All the attention was on them whispers and small talks between each person.
You can hear Matt coughing from a distance because he got choked from his drink and Shiro was calming him down.
But to the pair, they were only focusing on each other, Lance thought he was dreaming and wished that the ground would just swallow him already, but before he knew it Pidge started to speak.
“Haha…you’re joking…right?”
Lance’s eyes widened and panic rushed through his blood, his face started to heat up, and Pidge started to pull away “Of course you are joking, who am I kidding? Am not your taste at all. You can ask Allura or anyone…but please don’t play with my feel-”
Before she could finish Lance grabbed her hands again and squeezed them and slammed himself on his knees Pidge’s eyes widened from the current situation.
“I…Lance Mcclain…would never play with your feelings and break your heart Pidge. Especially you. I swear I’ll make you the happiest girl alive. I’ll make sure I’ll be the shoulder you could cry on. The arms that would comfort and protect you from all sadness. Even if you feel like it I’ll pick up your sorrow and your hurtful moments…so you…Katie Holt…”
He looked up and saw Pidge’s eyes started to tear up and warm tears streaming down her cheeks and started to hiccup.
Lance just looked at her with a gentle and soft look with so much love and affection "…would become my girlfriend for the rest of our lives?“
Lance was almost gonna bump his head on the hard cafeteria’s floor tile since Pidge tackled him with a bear hug but returned the hug.
He heard between Pidge’s hiccups it was small and one word only.
Yet it meant the whole world for him…
The whole cafeteria cheered and clapped loudly. Whistles and congrats from everywhere. Keith, Hunk, and Allura shared a knowing look between each other and back at the new couple and Matt was just glaring at Lance and Shiro was just patting his head.
Yup, today is a great day.
“You know…there was a better way for you to ask me out, right?”
At the end of the day, Pidge and Lance were walking together hand in hand back to Pidge’s dorm to study. A cold breeze was ruffling the trees and their hair.
Lance looked down at her and huffed “I’m offended that was the best way to get back your attention, but you gotta admit I did look handsome while doing.”
Pidge giggled and kissed him on the cheek which colored his cheeks with a light pink “You looked like you were about to propose rather than asking me out, also Matt was halfway to strangle you.”
Lance rubbed the spot where she kissed him, and let go of her hand, and slings an arm around her shoulder to kiss her head.
“Well can’t wait for the day we graduate so I can propose to you the same way am I right?” He wiggled with eyebrows.
Pidge huffed and nudged him lightly on his chest “No thank you that was already embarrassing.”
Lance hummed “Whatever you say, my kitten.”
Pidge would probably flip him for calling her that, but now she was so happy that it would ruin her mood if she did.
She just wrapped both of her arms around him and snuggled close.
“I love you, Lance.”
Lance smiled at her fondly.
Today was sure warm.
“Love you too…Katie.”
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jtargaryen18 · 5 years ago
I know this is totally random and out of topic but I wanted to discuss it with ya in 2 parts.I have seen many stories where Steve loves the reader but after Endgame returns back to Peggy to be with his first love.The reason being he never moved on from the idea of having a life with her.I know most of the writers get this idea because of the movie ending but you see in the movie Steve had no love interest so it was okay for him to go back to the woman he loved since he failed to find love here.
2/2  Part 2😅.But seeing him as they portrayed him in movies,if he loved someone I don't think he will go back in time and leave the reader to be with Peggy.He's not selfish and once Steve Rogers gave his heart to someone he willl not break it because it's he who decided to move on. It's out of his character trait.That's why I love your dark Steve stories. Although dark it matches his traits, doing absolutely anything to be with the reader and protect the reader at all costs.Thanks for your stories❤️
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Thank you and I’m sorry it took me so long on this one. I wanted to take some time to think about how I wanted to answer and I saw a similar question on another blog when you sent this (it wasn’t you) and a little bit of a controversy dusted up over that so... 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you for your patience. 💕
I’ve read a lot of stories about Steve leaving at the end of Endgame for Peggy as he does in the movies but he had someone here he was involved with/in love with. I’ve got a couple of requests like that. Steve comes back to find that 1) the entire team has turned on him on the reader/OC’s behalf for being a dick and leaving her and then crawling back when things with Peggy weren’t the same/didn’t work out. Or 2) a story where the team turned on her (because Steve did or whatever reason) and he has to find her or she’s gone dark and the story goes from there. I’ve enjoyed many of them even though - oh my heart, the angst lol Some of them had me up at 2 AM crying like a MF. lol
I adore reading those stories. I read a lot of stories about Chris/Steve/whichever character cheated on the reader/OC and they have to try and fix it now. Again, the angst kills me. It really does but I’ll read those every time. I will.
And I really, really, really appreciate the kind words on the darker stories I’ve done. That means so much to me. 💕💕💕 While I CAN write a story where he has to come back from doing something like cheating or leaving the reader/OC for another woman? You’ll notice I’ve never written one. I’ve written stories where our hero screwed up. Steve was creepy and too obsessive in AHIAR, Chris went through his girl’s phone out of jealousy, some of the darker stories started out non-con or dub-con, but I’ve yet to tackle the subject of cheating or leaving for someone else and crawling back. And I just realized that today revisiting your ask.
I need to give some thought as to why that is exactly...
I guess I just really like stories where the hero knows what he wants and his story goal is to get her, come hell or high water. Steve’s personality, you’re right, is perfect for this. Once he cares about someone, he’s loyal to a fault. When he makes up his mind, you’re not going to change it. And he’s also shown that he’ll go against the law, the accepted good solution, if he thinks he’s right. You won’t change his mind. So in my head, you’re right. If he gave his heart to someone here in this time, to me, he wouldn’t have thought about leaving her. Steve in AHAIR had a chance when they reversed the snap to go back to Peggy. His only thought was when that happened, his girl wouldn’t know him and he had to start over. And he couldn’t be with her and he was lost. 
Anyway, thank you for getting me to think about this. I really mean that. I think now I’ll have to try a story where there is cheating or leaving and a come back for redemption. I might not be able to pull it off. I think I first need to figure out why I haven’t written it. Yeah, I’ve been cheated on. But that’s most of us. I’ll figure it out.
Thank you! HUGS 💕💕💕
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