#it’s embarrassing it’s weird but hey it’s a coping mechanism
artistcheez · 1 year
It’s not even 7am yet and I’ve been peed on already
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Caregiver Katsuki Bakugo Headcanons
A/N: Hey!!! This is my first like. Writing related post. In a WHILE. Sorry about that!! But please feel free to request anything, I’m kinda bored. :P
Warnings: Minor swearing but I think that’s it ???
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Bakugo is very aggressive. We all know this. Pretty much all the time, he’s aggressive and seemingly angry. And this does not waver or change, even when you’re regressed. So if you’re super sensitive, he probably wouldn’t be the best for you.
However, that’s not to say he doesn’t care. Quite the opposite, actually. He would die for you and actively goes out of his way to protect you.
Oh, he would get SO mad if anyone ever said anything remotely negative to you about your age regression. He wouldn’t even try to reason with them or have a debate he would straight up just tell them to kys 💀 (me core)
He does better with toddler or kid regressors, but baby regressors are fine as long as they can tolerate his naturally rough and callous behavior.
He did not know what the hell age regression was before he met you. Honestly, I feel like he’d come off as judgey at first. He doesn’t mean to, it’s just how he is. But then he’d go and research it a bit and realize that it’s not anything weird or fetishy and is instead a healthy coping mechanism.
He’s a little hesitant to be your caregiver at first. He says it’s because he isn’t sure if he wants to focus on anything other than training right now and being a caregiver is a lot of responsibility. That’s partially true. But it’s mainly really because he’s afraid he won’t be good at it and will just end up hurting you and potentially ruining one of your only healthy coping mechanisms.
It takes a lot for him to be able to open up to someone and take care of someone like that, but eventually, he does it. And he finds he enjoys it. He finds your little antics and your dependency on him really adorable.
He’s not embarrassed or ashamed that you age regress. I feel like nearly half of class 1-A regresses so it’s not unusual at all for you two to be in the common room, you sitting on his lap with a sippy cup in hand.
Sets you up on play dates with Kaminari and Mina all the time. He wants you to have fun and interact with other littles. Plus, they’re his friends and their caregivers are his friends too.
Takes a little bit to get used to nicknames as well. But finds he likes parental nicknames a lot more than he thought he would.
The first time you called him dada was something he will never forget. You were half asleep, snuggling in his chest, when you realized you were thirsty. You lazily grabbed his shirt and gently tugged on it and went, “Dada…juice…?”. He immediately knew what you wanted and he gave you the juice. He didn’t even register the nickname until a few seconds later and was really shocked. He didn’t say anything about it in the moment, though. He talked to you about it when you were big again and he clarified that he was okay with it and it didn’t make him uncomfortable.
Midoriya and Kirishima are his go-to babysitters. Mainly Midoriya because he’s more responsible than Kirishima. But Midoriya can get busy quite a lot. And Bakugo’s also a little anxious about you possibly liking Midoriya more than him, although he would rather die than admit that out loud lol.
He can cook. This is canon. This mf can cook like a 1950s housewife it is INSANE. He makes all your food for you, especially when you’re little. He likes taking care of you, even if he won’t really say it.
If you’re like me, and you tend to have really bad rage episodes and outbursts when you’re overstimulated or upset, he’s got you. He knows how to deal with that. He’s got a punching bag in his room that he lets you beat the shit out of if needed. He can make you laugh too. You’ll be beating the fuck out the punching bag and he’ll pretend like it’s a real person and say shit like “YEAH‼️‼️‼️ BEAT HIS ASS‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️” and it makes you giggle.
Surprisingly okay with physical affection. You wanna cling to him? That’s fine. Just listen to him if he tells you to get off of him. Respect his boundaries and don’t get in the way when he’s doing something important and it’s cool. 🙏
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jacksdinonuggets · 7 months
~First Time Babysitter~
Summary: Its Lucifer's first time babysitting for both Charlie and Vaggie. he's a bit confused but does his best to help out.
Feel free to request any little Charlie or Little Vaggie idea's. I always appreciate getting asks and am overjoyed every time i get a notification in my inbox
Charlie and Vaggie were both having a rough day and decided to regress together. Husk was the only available to watch them so he had to babysit them. It was tough, especially because Charlie was being this hyperactive child. She kept trying to draw on the walls and run around. Husk knew he needed a drink. His raging alcoholism was a coping mechanism for him.
Vaggie was more on the shy side. She didn’t really trust him and was clingy to her demon plushy the whole time. He must’ve scared her. She needed a more kind, fatherly babysitter. Not him. So he defeatedly pulled out his phone and called Lucifer. Hwo did he get his number? Lucifer literally gave it out the last time her was there.
“Wassup, Husker Fuck,” Lucifer tried to sound like a fun dad with his very chill cool kid slang.
“Don’t call me that. Just- Come over to the hotel into Charlie and Vaggie’s room, It’ll be easier to just explain in person,” He pinched the bridge of his nose. Vaggie had started crying and he had no idea how to deal with it. He didn’t know what she needed, especially since she was mostly non-verbal. Sometimes she would speak a couple of words but that was it. it wasn't too loud but it was noticeable.
“Is- Is that vaggie crying-”
“Yes! Just come over, please,” Husk hung up the phone. Not even a minute passed before a puff of sparkly smoke formed and Lucifer appeared.
“Alright, Husker, what-” He cut himself off, staring at the situation in front of him. Everyone was in baby get-up. Vaggie was already crying but now she was wailing, clearly embarrassed. She hugged her demon plushy tightly and tried to hide behind it. Charlie was just happy to see her dad because she hugged his leg.
Husk caught Lucifer staring in confusion and realized that he didn’t know about his daughter’s coping mechanism.
“Okay, so, Vaggie and Charlie are both age regressors. Basically it just means they revert back to a mentally younger state. They had a rough day today so now they’re having a playdate. Can you please watch them? I aint cut out for this,” He told Lucifer. The king of hell nodded in understanding. He could see how this could help someone.
“Alright, I think I understand. They’re basically just babies right now?”
“Vaggie is feeling 2, but Charlie is feeling 3. I’m gonna go grab a drink, good luck,” He gave his warning before leaving the room.
Lucifer didn’t understand fully what this was and thought it looked a little weird at first but he really needed vaggie to stop wailing. He tried walking over to her but Charlie was attached to his leg. He dragged her over to vaggie and kneeled down in front of her. He just needed to treat her like the age she was feeling.
“Hey, M-Vaggie, its okay, you don’t gotta be embarrassed.” he sat down and put her in his lap. Charlie wanted attention but she was patient and silently waited for her turn.
Vaggie actually managed to calm down quickly with him. She didn’t know what it was or if it was just his personality, but she felt safer, and more comfortable with him. The meltdown she had earlier was due to anxiety about regressing around Husk but now she felt content.
“There you go, it’ll be alright,” he pet her hair.
Charlie was now started to get impatient because she threw her moth plushy at him, trying to get him to pay attention to her.
“Hey!” Lucifer warned.
“Wan attention too!” Charlie pouted angrily. Lucifer sighed.
“Alright, Come here, Duckling,” He told her. She scooted up to him and leaned against his chest from the side, just like Vaggie. 
The two were cuddling him and did not want to get off of him. After a while, Lucifer’s legs were starting to fall asleep and he needed a break from cuddles for a sec.
“Alright, why don’t you two play with your toys?” he suggested. 
“No, more cuddles,” Charlie mumbled.
“Come on, guys, my legs fell asleep,” He whined, hoping they would understand.
“Deal wif it, dada,” She told him. She always had sass when she was younger so it made sense that she had it when she was feeling younger
Finally, after what felt like forever, they both got uncomfortable with the leaning position they were in and went to go play with their toys. He was surprised they didn’t get bored faster. 
Charlie and Vaggie were playing with their stuffed animals while Lucifer watched over them. With this new information, he had a lot to think on. Maybe he could finally be there for his daughter. He could take care of her again and be a better father than he was when she was physically younger. He smiled to himself, happily knowing he got his little girl back.
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chocotonez · 2 years
skz reaction to artist! s/o gifting them an art piece
a/n: okay to clarify y/n is insecure but i feel like the title would just sound a bit silly if i included everything, anyways!!! people who can express themselves through visual art amaze me, artists never fail to impress me <3
warnings/genre: reader has different reactions when they're nervous, fluff, tiny bit of angst because you tear up at some point but you'll be fine
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-“for me?? thank you baby!!”
-doesn’t really make it a big deal, he knows that you can sort of shy away from your talent but honestly he just hangs it up and stares at it everyday because it’s so <33
-not only r u an amazing artist to him but it means so much that u were willing to let him see your heart, and even GIVE it to him
-giggles and kicks his legs and kisses ur face all over but he really doesn’t want you to feel pressured, he just is so happy that you feel comfortable enough to show him
-he understands how personal art can be, so it means the world and more to him that you can let them in on this
lee know
-tries not to tease you but like that’s his coping mechanism because he’s so madly in love w u and he’s probably gonna cry if he doesn’t make a joke about this
-“you’re blushing” “yea no shit do u want it or not”
-very proud
-Asian mom vibes in which he doesn’t outwardly express his love for the piece but he keeps it in his room in a very viewable spot and he smiles at it whenever he sees it
-he knows you’ve always shied away from expressing your art work and showing it to others, and he doesn’t want you to go back in your shell so he wants to encourage u to idk!! post a little sketch on ur social media story!!
-he’s ur number one fan, and he’ll do his best to support and encourage you because!! ur so talented!! how could u not show it off?
-whatever you’re comfortable with though, he’ll always support <3
-idk cries probably
-“ARE YOU REALLY GIVING ME?? SOMETHING U DREW??” “yea it’s okay if u don’t like it I just wanted to-“
-and then he’s cradling you like a baby and squeezing you all tight and is like !!! You’re so talented ilysm omg omg omg thank you !!!
-has never pushed you to show your artwork, he acknowledges your talents but he gets just wanting to have a personal hobby, and art is pretty personal
-so it means so much that you’re willing to show your art to him
-kisses your cheek, he probably makes it his wallpaper for a bit and hangs it up on his wall or keeps it on his desk in the studio so he can always take a look when he’s working!!
-he’s so giggly he’s like “ur my little picassoooo” but he’ll never push you, it’s just fun to be able to see ur talent :>
-“hey it’s not the best jinnie but I made this for you, it’s not much and-“ and then he’s just holding the piece with the most loving care and looking up at you with starry eyes
-“you’re so talented” and that’s all he can get out because his heart is POUNDING
-for him!! he understands the fear of showing off your art, and just seeing you willing to be able to show this to him and GIVE IT to HIM!! Meant so much to me!!
-“I don’t know why you’re so insecure baby, this is wonderful!”
-gives you genuine, well built praise and compliments and makes u feel like a pro
-he begs you to let him post it and if you let him he’s like a proud mom and he’s like “omg look what my baby drew for me!! aren’t they so talented?? I’m in love <3”
-he makes you feel so confident it’s insane, but not only that, he makes you feel safe enough to express yourself and show it with art around him
-probably cries pt2 but he’s bawling his eyes out
-gets into a really weird rant where he just talks about how much he loves you and he knows how personal art is and he’s just so happy that you feel safe and comfortable around him and he loves u sm and ur so cute and-
-it’s honestly a little embarrassing and overwhelming but he can’t help it, seeing you gain the confidence with him to show ur art makes his heart RUN
-gives you a kiss on your cheek and is just smiling like :]
-if you get seriously overwhelmed by his reaction he apologizes and collects himself and just :) “thank you so much love!! I’ll treasure this forever”
-reassures you about your talents and is light hearted about it so you don’t feel pressured or anything
-“once u become a famous tortured art figure this piece is gonna show up on one of those tik tok slide shows that’s like, art that makes me feel-“
-that’s his way of saying he really likes it!!
-calm about it so you don’t feel pressured or overwhelmed
-he’s very smiley and he’s like :3, “thank you so much, you’re so talented lovie!!”
-hugs u super tight and he wants to say he’s proud of u but he knows if he makes it a big deal it can kinda ruin your confidence
-u catch him staring at the piece w a sappy smile on his face and he’s just like sigh…he’s so whipped for you and just knowing you felt comfortable enough to show ur art…his heart is pounding so fast
-you probably tear up a little bit because he’s just so madly in love with you and he can’t express it but he’s so proud and happy and gifting him an artwork means so much to him because he understands your insecurities wholeheartedly-
-he just gives you a big old kiss and is like “thank you so much, you’re so talented”
-pokes ur blushing cheek and is like “teehee ur shy”
-he wants to lighten the air, he doesn’t want you to feel like this is a big deal because while he sees your amazing talent he knows that making it a massive thing can be more overwhelming than just a simple thank you
-“this is so pretty babe, thanks so much!” And then he’s pinching your cheeks and laughing at u because u look cute
-he wants you to feel comfortable, especially if you’re the type to avoid being the center of attention, he just kisses your forehead and giggles while looking at the piece again
-he really just wants you to feel comfortable around him to show him your art more, and giving him some!! it meant so much to him and he just can’t help smiling knowing that you gave him practically a piece of you
-it means so much to him, and I feel like I’ve said that about everyone but for him it’s a whole different level
-it’s almost intimate in a way?? he understands keeping your private hobbies and being insecure about it, he’s very emotionally intelligent so he just understands the way you feel
-it’s honestly just a quiet sort of praise, because he’s also just really shy and doesn’t know how to express his gratitude without making you feel overwhelmed or nervous
-“do you like it?” “of course I like it, I like it so much that I don’t know what to say…Thank you.”
-he feels so connected with you now, just being able to see something like this, and more importantly being gifted such a personal thing means the world to him
-he just wants to express it but he can’t!!
-he hopes the comforting squeeze of your hand and the way he’s looking up at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world is enough to express his gratitude
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clouds-regression · 2 years
some more rottmnt headcanons, warnings are next to the numbers. if i missed any tws, tell me.
•when they were younger, splinter went into a severe depression, so raph had to raise his brothers.
•when he first met april, it was weird, since she took on the role of the oldest.
•it was the first time he could be a kid, and just play with his brothers as a brother rather than a parent.
2. (disordered eating & sleeping)
•when donnie gets invested in a project, he'll forget to eat, sleep, and drink water.
•the only thing he consumes is coffee in these periods, causing quite a bit of weight/muscle loss, depending on how long it lasts.
•leo's taken note of this, and has memorised how donnie acts before hyperfixating.
•if he recognises it, he'll go out and buy a case of water and some protein bars, along with vitamins to keep his twin as healthy as he can.
•leo has insomnia, and will often lay awake for hours.
•because of this, mikey picked up the habit of going to him after nightmares, since he was the only one awake, and mikey wasnt in the mood for donnie's infodumping.
•after a particularly hard mission, leo will have his room set up for a 'sleepover', knowing mikey will have a nightmare.
•mikey, in turn, will bring fluffy pajamas, a fairytale book, and melatonin for leo, in an attempt to help him fall asleep.
•raph doubts himself, a lot.
•all of the turtles do, really, but raph's self doubt haunts him.
•he constantly rethinks battles, reminiscing on what he could have done differently, how he couldve protected his brothers, etc etc
•this started the turtle pile tradition after a mission, because as much as leo trusted raph, he didnt want his 'big bro' to be alone in that mental state.
5. (suicide attempt)
•leo will often sacrifice himself, fully expecting to die, with the excuse of it being an impulsive decision.
•when donnie catches onto these patterns of depression and self sacrifice, he questions leo.
•leo ended up breaking down and telling donnie everything, and he wasnt allowed to be alone for a while after that.
6. (meltdown, harmful stim)
•raph is usually the first to notice when donnie is about to have a meltdown.
•having to raise them all, he sort of noted that donnie will start pacing, hitting his leg, and scrunching his eyes before a meltdown.
•it hurts raph so much when he cant do anything as his little brother throws himself against the wall and bruises his head because of another meltdown.
•however, he knows he can help afterwards, by just being there.
•after the krang, draxum had explained to leo that his spine and leg muscles would likely never fully heal, and he may need a cane or wheelchair.
•upon donnie finding out, he begun making a dozen different wheelchair and cane blueprints for his twin to choose from.
•leo was still a bit insecure about the ambulatory wheelchair thing, but hey, the blue chair with jetpacks and purple ribbons was pretty cool!
•casey still sometimes calls leo 'dad', and it breaks everyone every time he does.
•leo's response is never judgy, and he usually doesn't acknowledge it unless casey's talking about his future counterpart, which is when he'll say 'im proud of you, buddy', or something along those lines.
•although casey sr has taken the role of giving her son a childhood he missed out on, leo still has a big part in it, and he knows he'll always be 'dad' to casey jr.
•raph age regresses, and he tends to be pretty insecure about it.
•he was especially embarrassed when mikey had found out; he was supposed to be the 'big brother', the role model!
•but mikey loved the idea of being an older brother for a bit, and took.up the role of sitting raph when he was small.
•it made regressing easier for raph, and gave dr. feelings more coping mechanisms to suggest.
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Get to Know the Unknowable!!
14 DEC 2023 Lest I ever forget this momentous day
Hey so I found a list of weird unambiguous questions so we're doing a get-to-know-the-blogger thing for shits and giggles, which I guess I'll link in my masterlist or something.
Gonna include some blog-driven questions first and then just delve straight into what-the-actual-fuck territory.
Here we goooooooooooo
One Piece Live Action is the only one I'm actively writing right now, largely for my own sanity. Fandoms I also write for include One Piece anime/manga (of course, though I'm painfully behind), Death Note, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Seven Deadly Sins anime, Durarara!, Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross, and maybe some others I might remember and add later or something. Feel free to make a random ask request for literally anything listed, there's a chance I might end up responding to it. But OPLA is my hyperfixation at the moment, with a little spice added here and there from manga. I make my own canon, don't like it then sail on.
Oh fuck me up, I will write any genre. My original work is primarily horror, sometimes with a touch or fantasy or science fiction, almost always with a splash of crime. Fanfiction often revolves around romance, but if you want something niche, DEAR GODS TELL ME I WANT TO PARTAKE especially if it's horror please ask me to write horror
Reply time to ask requests?
My life is very chaotic right now, and thus therefore also is my reply time. Do not get disheartened if I write a few headcanons and/or a one-shot or two before I get to your request. Writing is very much a coping mechanism for me, so I write what I feel. That does NOT mean I'm not interested in your request, it just means that I want to make sure I'm in the right mindset to do it justice because I love you people and the fact that you like the shit I'm shoveling makes me so unreasonably happy.
Are you really an ageless unknowable horror?
Yes. We get into fandoms, too. Eternity gets fucking boring okay don't judge. Especially when your bff has been napping for LITERAL CENTURIES WOULD YOU WAKE UP ALREADY YOU TENTACLED DIPSHIT I'M STARTING TO RELATE TO THESE MORTALS AND IT'S UNCOMFORTABLE
What is the most ridiculous nightmare you have ever had?
Actually I wrote a whole ass horror story about it, which I might share here someday. So there was this epidemic of huge windstorms one night that knocked out the power in a handful of small towns around the world. Then the next day there were these weird little black rocks, oval shaped, about an two inches long and one inch wide. Smooth like river rocks with a white line running through them, just scattered around the towns here and there. Not super noticeable, not tons of them, but just enough that they looked out of place. If one came in contact with your skin, e.g. you picked one up or kicked one up into your shoe, you'd get this weird little pinprick of pain just behind your left shoulder. Three nights later, at precisely 2:43 in the morning (nonidea why, but it was 2:43, Inwill never forget that), you hear footsteps. Quick footsteps, small footsteps, coming toward wherever you happen to be, and then you're asleep. Then you wake up the next missing a limb or an organ, no signs of any injury or surgery or anything, just like it was never there to begin with (and obviously if itbwas a major organ then you never woke up again at all). There was a lot more detail, the dream was like living in some weird sci-fi horror movie, and it was so vivid that when I woke up from it I literally sat up and jerked away all my covers to make sure I still had all my limbs.
Tell us an embarrassing story.
Seventh grade. Close to the end of the school year. Was reading a book (I think it was The Shining), had one of my ankles crossed over my other knee, didn't realize I was somehow pinching a nerve. Had to stand up at end of class period, and one of my legs had gone completely numb. I stood, took one step, went down like a sack of bricks. The group of boys who used to bully me were all in the class and spent at least a month mocking the spectacle. Still think about that sometimes.
Explain an inside joke you have with a friend or family member.
Any time hubs and I go out together for any reason, one of us inevitably does Rick Sanchez voice "And awwwAAAAAyyy we gooo" before we leave the driveway. No idea how this started. No idea when it will end. I have a feeling we'll still be doing this into our 80s with no idea why.
Tell me your life story in exactly one sentence.
"Oh no, not again."
What is the strangest coincidence that ever happened to you?
Went to the beach when I was seventeen. Was sitting out on the boardwalk playing guitar by myself because toxic family members were doing nothing but argue and fight in our hotel room, I literally just walked out and no one noticed for hours. Was super peaceful. Got into a conversation with two strangers who had just met each other as well and were hanging out, two kind elderly men. As we were talking, I found out that one of them was from my very small hometown in New York and had moved to the beach recently; and the other was from the very small town I lived in at that present time in South Carolina, and had recently moved to the beach. Both of them had moved there at around the same time. I still think about that a lot.
What is your favorite random fact?
Pineapple eats you while you eat it.
What is your useless talent?
I can bend the top joint of all of my fingers without bending the second joint, a la Sith Force Lightning. Arguably it makes me better at music, but I've never had to bend my fingers like that playing guitar, so I disagree.
What is the strangest food combination you enjoy?
I literally have no idea. I'm a tremendous foodie and "strange" is relative when you're willing to eat literally anything put in front of you at least one time just to experience it.
What would you name your heavy metal band?
Plastic Peanutbutter
If you could choose one superpower, what would it be?
Invisibility, so people would like just leave me alone seriously I'm antisocial as shit just give me peace and quiet (not internet people, you guys are cool af)
What is your strangest irrational fear?
Gamma Ray Bursts. Do yourself a favor amd don't Google it. I spent literally two years of middle school fucking petrified of that shit. It still gets under my skin if I think about it too long now.
Describe your most eccentric family member.
It me! 😁 or maybe my niece, but she's basically my personality twin so either way.
Have you ever met a celebrity? Which celebrity would you like to meet?
Nope. But I really would love to have coffee with Stephen King and just talk about life. His On Writing memoir changed everything I thought about writing, taught me that imposter syndrome was a thing, and that even the most talented and successful artists have it. Really I just want to thank him.
What is the craziest thing you ever did on a dare?
Got a tattoo. It's a skeleton key, on the outer side of my right thigh. I have another, but I got that one on a dare. Basically just because why not, and I literally forget it's there sometimes and sort of jump when I notice it.
What is the grossest thing you would do for $100?
Probably eat something super weird. Will literally try anything once, food-wise. In fact I'll usually try it twice, just to be sure.
What songs are on the soundtrack to your life?
Don't ask me that, we'll be here all goddamned year. A few right off hand though are "Doesn't Remind Me" by Audioslave, "This Train Don't Stop There Anymore" by Elton John, "What it's Like" by Everlast, "Gone Away" by The Offspring, and "Vienna" by Billy Joel. I'm also unreasonably hyperfixated on The Fratellis right now because I suddenly remembered they existed a few months ago after more than ten years not hearing them at all and now I know almost their entire discography by heart. They're my feel-good band right now and pretty much all I'm listening to. Yes, there definitely is something wrong with me.
What actor would you choose to play you in your biopic?
Samuel L. Jackson. My life requires hefty use of the word "motherfucker." He might need a wig or two but I think he can handle it.
What is your go-to karaoke song?
I've never karaoked, but probably something from Chris Cornell, Ella Fitzgerald, Jewel, or Fleetwood Mac. Or "American Pie" by Don McLean.
If you were a superhero, who would be your archnemesis?
Probably myself rofl kinda don't like me very much
Create and describe an undercover alias.
Fancy black bowler hat, and a pair of those joke glasses with an attached giant nose and mustache. But like, be completely and totally serious about it, to the point that people are afraid to question you.
What is your most random impulse buy?
Death Note manga, complete box set. I was seventeen. I had money. Many years later and I do not regret it at all and it sits very close to my bedside.
What did you do as a teenager that makes you cringe now?
Let bullying bother me.
What would your warning label say?
What is your guilty pleasure?
I don't think I have one. If it brings you happiness, don't waste your time being guilty about it. Just enjoy it and kick anyone who makes fun of you for it directly in the shin-bone. Actually don't do that just ignore them I'm not into violence.
What emoji do you use most often?
Combination of 🙄😒 to signify eyerolling.
Does your family practice any unusual practices?
Does emotional unavailability count asking for a friend
A genie grants you the ability to have infinite amounts of one item. What is it?
Guitar strings. Please. Dear sweet fuck PLEASE
What is your favorite joke?
A big moron and a little moron sit on a bridge. Which one falls off?
The big moron. Because the other one was a little more on.
What is the best Halloween costume you ever wore?
Pirate. Always. I have so many clothes tucked in my closet and jewelry hidden away that are strictly there for the sole purpose of putting together an impromptu pirate costume it's honestly kind of sad honestly
What is the most awkward situation you ever found yourself in?
My very very religious mother-in-law noticing that I have a tattoo on my forearm...after SEVEN YEARS. Awkward af, but it was also hilarious.
What is the most ridiculous thing you believed as a child?
My older brother once told me when I was very young that vehicles move by rolling over and over end to end so fast that you don't know it's happening, and crashes happen when they hit a rock or a crack in the road the wrong way. I spent TWO YEARS secretly terrified of getting in a car before finally asking my mom about it and she just sort of sighed and said "oh god please stop listening to your brother"
What is the most outrageous lie you told a child?
I don't know Santa or something? I've got a ton of nieces and nephews. I try not to lie to kids, apart from letting them think magic exists for as long as possible, because everyone deserves to believe that.
What is the dumbest way you injured yourself?
Broke my pinky toe, because my dog got under my foot and I didn't want to step on her paw by accident so I jerked the wrong way
How do you waste time most often?
Probably napping. But given I have trouble sleeping at night that's sorta necessary or something I guess.
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tellywoodtrash · 9 months
hey TT how's it going?have you watched 'Animal'.. obviously Ranbir and the actors did good but the way this director depicts violence against women so easily makes me feel icky about watching this no matter how well acted this is. And isn't it funny that suddenly Tripti Dimri's fan following has increased by tenfold after her sensual scenes with Ranbir even though she did amazing movies way before all these?..so 'sex sells' really is true in some cases..sorry had to share my weird opinions.
On a lighter note..I can't believe I'm saying this but apparently I kinda fell for the last actor I thought I'd ever fall on itv.. *I'm so embarrassed to even say the drama name urrghhh* alright so 'Kundali Bhaigya' right?the never ending show..they did a generation leap and obviously among the new two brothers there I fell for the 'bad boy' Shaurya JUST CAUSE he has AMAZING chemistry with the female lead. He is the villain so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be tough to get them together cause apparently people like the main good guy Rajveer a lot..???but a lass can dream right?..tharkipana Leke doobegi mujhe 😩
Watched a cam print torrent coz no way in hell am I giving money to bs like that. I just wanted to see if it was as bad as ppl were saying........... And it is. Lol. What a wankfest temper tantrum of a movie. Stupidly self-indulgent tripe.
Lolllllllllllllll, tharak ne achein achon ka game baja dala hai. It's ok. It's a better coping mechanism than most everything else out there. Watch your little toxic man be a loser, and dream of kissing him under the moonlight, girly!!!!!!
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loregoddess · 1 month
finished the final map for Unicorn Overlord (well, not the final final Lv. 45 map in the epilogue section but ah, it's late so I'll do that tomorrow)
the ending was so good, and the final battle sequence was so cool, probably one of the coolest final boss sequences for an srpg that I've yet played (it's hard to get srpg final bosses on the same level of coolness as can be found in jrpg final bosses or just, final boss fights for most other genres of game in general)
Absolutely astonished by how much I loved this game. At first it was a bit baffling that a few people saw the game trailer and came to me like "Hey, this looks like a You game", enough so that I did actually go pick up the game bc I kept hearing good things about it, and then it was a bit embarrassing that not even fifteen minutes in I was like "Ah shit, this is exactly my sort of game" bc I really am just that predictable, but honestly? UO went above and beyond even those first impressions.
Like yes, this is one of the most "things I love in a narrative, and super fun game mechanics that I adore" my type of games I've ever played, but it's also genuinely so well-crafted and fun, and so much more than I imagined it would be from my initial impressions. Absolutely excellent game, excellent gameplay, excellent narrative, excellent characters (maracas are no longer enough, I need to stick these characters in a centrifuge). Can't wait to finish up the epilogue and see the final-final conclusion to everything.
some more thoughts under the cut bc spoilers
as part of my revised attack plan, I had spent a few hours grinding aux battles for gold so I could buy a shitton of healing/revival supplies which I then.......did not use at all. Didn't use a single item, except I think a strengthening serum once, during any phase of the final map.
Apparently? being a couple of levels higher due to those gold-seeking aux battles and rearranging Alain's unit for peak damage output and debuff negation (instead of balanced defense/offense like I had it all game) was enough that when I went to fight Galerius I was uh....able to finish his battle in one go, while only losing like, 20 hp for the entire unit. The same was true for Batlro during the third phase, the unit I had arranged for Galerius was able to one-shot Baltro and his six-party unit in one battle (but damn his special spell had such a cool attack animation).
So alas, I spent all this money and hunted down so many curative items.....for nothing (although maybe not, I have no idea what awaits me in that epilogue map battle).
I had actually seen a spoiler out of context so I knew about Illenia, but it's still really cool that she was alive like, that entirely upends the "dead parent" trope in a really weird way, and given how Not Okay Alain was about missing his mom, it's like, well this is nice actually. Probably a bit awkward, there is a lot of baggage to unpack, but nice. Glad she did not suffer the dead parent fate to its fullest potential.
(Also knew about the two endings beforehand, which was good bc I would have had a minor crisis if I had seen that decision w/out spoiler knowledge, bc until this point choosing the "1" option was always the best outcome, for the entire game except this one decision, where the "1" option actually leads to the bad end and also sounds a bit worse than the "2" option; but yeah I would have been pausing the game and running off to search for a guide if I had gone in entirely blind).
I ended up choosing Scarlett for the rite bc it seemed to fit the story beats the best (my temptation to go for Lex bc he also fit the story beats in a weird way aside), although seeing Scarlett foist the pontifex role onto Sanatio was kinda funny (sure, give the role to this guy who's so guilt-ridden he makes Renault's not-great coping w/ guilt look okay, and not I dunno, Nigel, the guy who was running things for a bit; I unsurprisingly love Sanatio so I say this all in good humor of course bc that was the wildest outcome honestly).
I wasn't unhappy w/ the Scarlett ending though, although now I'm curious about all of Alain's other paired endings since he can marry (or uh, become life partners with) basically every single character including characters he only has one rapport convo w/, which I was not expecting but which is super funny (everyone's a little in love w/ Alain, whether romantically, platonically, or in a familial way).
Gotta say I was not expecting Gilbert to marry Virginia though, that ending card hit me out of left field bc I would have sworn, based on the RCs, that he would have married Leah in absence a paired ending w/ Alain, but eh. All the other endings were either what I was expecting, or if they weren't, something really neat that still fit the character (Hilda becoming an apothecary was not on my bingo card, but damn does it actually fit her so well; thought Clive and Monica might hook back up, but it's cool that they each go on to rule their respective domains each in their own way while still remaining close friends). Really enjoyed all the character endings actually. Totally forgot the coliseum was a thing so I uh, never picked up Amalia, so I dunno what her deal is, but I'm sure I'd like her just as much as I do all the other characters.
Honestly really loved the entire story and all the characters. I'm surprised how well-balanced the narrative feels, since in my experience with other large-cast srpgs, there's usually a bit of narrative imbalance (minor characters only get minor character arcs or minimal extra writing, sometimes worldbuilding gets out of hand and details get lost, etc.), but everything about UO feels like it ties together really nicely, there weren't any loose ends or glaring ???s I had about anything regarding either the main storyline, the lore and worldbuilding, or even the side-stories and character arcs for the playable characters who weren't part of the main cast. (Although I do definitely want to review some of the exposition stuff from the endgame, bc hot damn that was interesting and tied into the story well, but it was a lot, and I'm still not over the nuclear unicorn).
(Okay there were some questions I had but they're uh, useless questions like, "Do angels have hollow bones and larger lungs to be able to fly so high?" or "How the fresh hell does bestral anatomy work?" or "Why are there human NPCs who are very open about wanting to hook up w/ the elves, but none who want to hook up with the bestrals or angels? bc I KNOW there would be humans who would want to" and not like, questions relevant to the main narrative).
Even when things were more hinted at then outright stated (i.e. Lex being in everyone's business bc he shows up as a guest in so many random RCs that are not his own), it felt organic in a "yeah well, they're all part of the same army so makes sense they'd show up in each other's RCs even if they're not directly involved" way. Even the late-game recruits who have the fewest RCs feel well-written and fleshed out.
And honestly, what a cast of characters. Usually w/ larger character casts I end up kinda indifferent towards like, 25-50% of the characters, but the UO cast gets the writing right in just such a way that I surprised myself by enjoying basically every single playable character in some way or another, and all the non-playable ones as well (the villains, despite starting off seeming generic, ended up being really cool from a narrative perspective, and I love that Baltro is the actual final boss bc like, he should be! fucked up scientist-mages doing unethical experiments are untapped potential for final bosses).
Loved the game so much, will be thinking about it for a long while yet I'm sure.
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satocidal · 1 year
Hey Hey Rome! Since I'm here to cheer you up, let me ask some questions! Hopefully, this helps just a little :D
1.) What was the 1st fanfic you've ever read? And what was it about?
2.) Would you rather be hopeless romantic or hopeful unromantic? And why?
3.) Antique or brand new? And why?
4.) What's the dad joke of the day? :)
5.) What's your usual order of a Starbucks drink? And would you recommend it for others to try?
6.) Any song recommendations?
7.) What has been the best highlight of your day/evening/night?
8.) What's something you cherish the most in friendships? And why?
9.) What's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you, but you laugh about it now thinking of it?
10.) Apart from Tumblr, what's something you enjoy doing in your spare time?
[Ooo kinda outdid myself lol sorry about that 😅]
Skshskaja it took me a while to answer lmao
Answer undercut<3
So….the first fanfic I ever read was something about Harry Potter I guess😭😭😭like not even Harry guys. It was his dad’s—like James Potter with an oc or reader idk but like💀💀 peak da fiction years for me (when I was 11? And I remember being weirded out by reading them kiss lololol)
Did you mean hopeful romantic here? But like neither exactly? Wait if it could be, hopeless unromantic<3 because like I do get crushes but it’s not the deep kind and I know nothing will last about these things (my coping mechanism) but then I Di want something deep but then I can’t commit💀
Antique when things of use—brand new when things of daily use lmao
Is it bad that I don’t know any😭😭?
Sooo lmao. The place I live, it recently had a Starbucks open (the first one) and like it’s way too far from my house so I’ve technically never had Starbucks😭😭 but ike ig have a pink drink or smn💀
Ok ok cashew by Jude York (I’ve been listening to mostly Hindi songs these days so i can’t remember any goods English ones😭)
I went back to my school to get projects<3 doesn’t the first half of the day with my best friend after like 3 months so yes that ofc
Quality time. I think it’s very necessary. Like for someone such as me I need that attention and I love providing it so being ignored or like stuff makes me annoyed and over think (I suppose it’s clingy and I understand people need space) but yes. So mainly I just keep to myself lmao
I confessed to my crush AFTER I got over him and then an year later had to help him get with my bsf (who didn’t like him) stupid shit😭
I like maths💀a lot. Like if I have nothing to Do I will do it. Just like shamelessly everywhere—every surface
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
Hey! I’m so sorry if this is weird and overly personal, (which it totally is lol) and please feel free to ignore this if it’s too much! I’ve been following you for awhile and I love your work; I saw one of your responses to another ask where you talked about dealing with a tough childhood and I just wanted to ask if you had any advice for someone in the same boat? I grew up in an abusive home and I have a trauma therapist which has helped a lot, but I’ve never met anyone else who can relate, so it can feel really lonely when everyone else has a family except for you. I feel so badly about myself that I’ve never achieved anything great, but I’m trying hard to build some self-esteem so I can make something of myself. It seems like you’ve achieved so much, and I really admire how ambitious you are, so I wanted to see if you had any snippets of advice ❤️ I’m sorry this is so long and if you’re uncomfortable with answering then no problem! Lots of love 💕❤️
omg baby i'm going to cry! this means so much to me that you felt like you could come here and tell me this, don't ever feel like you're bothering me or it makes me uncomfortable, the way I'm trying to run this blog as much as I can is outside of the blue alien brainrot, i want this to be a safe space for you to be able to talk to me and to maybe get to escape the daily realities of this fucked up work, and if i can help in anyway, it is genuinely my honour!
i'm so so sorry to hear about everything you have been through, that sounds incredibly hard. unfortunately, my trauma does not come from necessarily my family, so I cannot even begin to understand how hard it must have been on you growing up in such tough conditions, and I am so sorry. I hope the therapist is understanding and helpful and is able to guide you in the best way possible.
don't ever say that you've never achieved anything great. baby, what i've learnt is that being alive, in today's day and age, in the horrible world we live in, finding the courage and strength to get up in the morning is an achievement in itself. i know it's hard to look internally and judge ourselves fairly. we will always be our harshest critics and our biggest enemies. i find myself in the same boat, and I always think I have not achieved enough, that there are better people than me who are more successful and much younger, but I try to remember that we all have our journey, and although our journey may not look like other people's, it doesn't make it less meaningful or less impactful.
it takes a while to find your footing in this world, and to find the people to help you along the way, and I think my advice is as simple as... just keep going. (tw for depression, suicidal thoughts). I have dealt with depression and suicidal tendencies since I was 13. I wanted to end my life many times, and there have been so many times where life seemed too harsh, too unfair, too difficult to see any light in it, but I promise that there is! And this world, as horrible as it is, is also beautiful, and this life worth living.
I think the best thing you could do for yourself is continue going to therapy, try to find healthy coping mechanisms (mine was/is again writing, dancing, hyperfixating on silly little shows or movies or games, drawing, i knit for a while, i swim now, i am basically learning how to take my childhood back after it was taken from me and enjoying things I would have back then, it's extremely satisfying and therapeutic, i promise!), and talk to people, let it all out. Learn to own what happened and not let it have power over you or consume you. I did that for a long time - i was embarrassed about my past, and what i went through, i was scared to talk about it and afraid that i would be judged. i am not anymore. my past is my past, and it shaped me, but it doesn't define me anymore. I get to choose who I am and who I want to be moving forward, and once I realised that, everything got a lot better.
Again, I am always here, and feel free to drop me an ask/dm anytime you want to talk or vent. I love you and I am so proud of you and you are amazing <3 xoxoxoxo
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jacksdinonuggets · 1 year
I'm pretty proud of this work so imma repost it here. It's on my Ao3 and wattpad.
Anyways, Amity ends up slipping really small from repressing her little side. Luckily she has friends that will help.
Takes place in season one. But quick warning, there is mentions of 'protection' in this. It is SFW!! I'm trying to include it a little bit more so no part of the agere community will feel left out. Also I've been like, somewhat interested in trying them. I probably won't get them though.
ANYWAYS, here's the story
Really Small
It was a semi-sunny day out. Lots of people were outside and enjoying the somewhat chilly weather. Unfortunately, there was one person who did not want to enjoy this weather. Her name was Amity. She was always stuck inside studying or reading. Being the perfect student had its expectations. And those expectations made her want to be the best at everything without taking breaks. It had been a month or two since she last took a little break. She needed to but refused. 
However, Luz decided that she needed to get out. So she made Amity meet her at the market so they could goof around or something. Amity never really saw the purpose of meeting up with someone and not having an activity planned. But she begrudgingly did so. 
As she walked towards the market, she couldn’t help but feel a slight uneasiness. It wasn’t anything big, just a weird feeling. It felt more like a childish impulse than something bad. However, she pushed that feeling down and continued on with her day.
When she finally got to the market, it was loud and crowded. The feeling she felt before kept coming back. She pushed it down more in order to not embarrass herself in public. Was it because she hadn’t regressed in a while? She didn’t know. Her coping mechanism was something she often refused to do in order to get things done. 
She looked down at her map and realized that she was still far away from where Luz told her to meet up at. Groaning slightly, she put it away and continued her journey to her friend. 
As she walked, she passed by more booths that advertised stuff. She was too focused on one and accidentally bumped into someone. She fell on her bottom when she crashed into them.
“Watch where you’re going!” The person rudely remarked. They turned around and Amity got a good look at who they were. It was none other than Boscha, her former friend. AKA the asshole. Well, Amity used to be an asshole but at least she changed! Boscha just got more jerk-like. 
“Why do you look like you’re about to cry? Did that human make you sensitive? I knew she was a bad influence,” Boscha said in a snarky voice.
“Hey! She’s not a bad influence! And I’m not sensitive! My face just so happens to look depressed today!” Amity retorted, trying to get back up again.
“You don’t look depressed, you look like a baby who’s gotten their candy stolen,” Boscha said before lightly kicking Amity back down.  This made her face go red with anger and humility. Her eyes felt glossy and wet.
“Ugh, You’re so weird. I don’t understand how anyone can like you now,” Boscha insulted her in an obnoxious voice.
“I don’t have time for weaklings like you,” said Boscha before walking away, leaving Amity alone on the market floor.
Amity whimpered, still sitting on the dirty floor of the market. She pushed her little side down even more and tried to continue on without making a big deal about a simple insult. But Just from Boscha’s comment, she felt hated. As if her existence was worthless. Boscha always knew how to get under Amity’s skin                                                                                                    
She kept on walking, refusing to let her childish impulses in. While she passed multiple booths, and saw all the people and families, she began feeling a sense of loneliness. It was unexplainable. It was like she was homesick but for a caregiver. Her throat and vocal chords kept trying to whimper. She didn’t know why she was feeling this way. Its like everything was too much.
Finally, after what felt like forever, she saw Luz waiting for her by a bench. When the latina saw the green-haired witch, she jumped up and ran in for a hug.
“Amity! I was wondering if you were going to show up!” She admitted, bringing the girl into an embrace. Unfortunately, she didn’t realize how much that hug had impacted Amity.
When Amity felt the warmth and love coming from Luz’s hug, something inside her snapped. As if a strand of a string broke. Thats when the waterfall came. The tears came out uncontrollably. She leaned heavily on her friend and hugged her tight. The weight of everything and pushing her coping mechanism back, made her involuntarily slip. She had no control of it. 
When Luz felt something wet drip onto her shoulder, she immediately knew something was wrong. However, she didn't want to interrupt her friend's crying sesh. So she lifted her up and carried her into Eda's tent nearby. 
Once they were out of sight in the darkish fort, Amity clung to Luz and started to wail and bawl more than a sob. Luz sat her down on her lap and rocked her gently back and forth, trying to calm the little down. 
Eda peeked in with a concerned look on her face. She had seen Luz rush into the tent with her upset friend in her arms. 
"Is baby blight okay?" King asked, popping out from Eda's hair. Amity had started to calm down a bit because she seemed to be getting quieter.
"I don't think so," Luz answered back.
 But then Amity babbled something that no one could understand. 
"Do you want Eda and King to leave?" Luz asked her, guessing that was what she was saying. However she shook her head. 
So Eda quickly packed her table up (so no one would bother them) and sat inside with the kids.
After what felt like an eternity of back rubs, rocking, group hugging, and kind words encouraging her, Amity had stopped crying and only made small whimpers now and then.
"Hey, cariño. How old do you feel right now?" Luz asked. She knew exactly what was going on since she was a flip. Amity was probably overwhelmed and regressed or something along those lines. So right when Amity started to act abnormal and younger, she knew what was going on.
The green-haired girl held up 1 finger but then 2 and 1 again. She babbled an,
"I 'unno!" 
Luckily for her, Eda was very educated in age regression and even had a small room in the owl house for regressors. It was only available for Littles who were close to her though like Luz, Raine, and Lilith. 
“Thank you, sweetie. Would you be okay if we moved to somewhere more comfortable?” Eda prompted. She wanted Amity to be able to regress in a safer, more private, place. She knew how scared Raine would get when they started to slip in public. 
Amity, feeling semi-verbal, just nodded, still clinging tightly to Luz’s shirt as Luz lifted her up. When the got outside of the tent, Eda picked it all up with her magic and put it all in her hair. Then she got out owlbert so they could fly home.
Amity was practically super glued to Luz during the whole ride. Since she wasn’t in a palisman seat, she felt really unsafe during the flight and was holding on tight.
Once they got to the owl house, Luz carried Amity to the Little Room while Eda made her a sippy cup of warm diary-free milk. She was glad she had the portal so she could easily get stuff for free. The Little items on the boiling isles were a bit more expensive than the ones in the human realm.
When Luz carried Amity into the Little Room, she sat her down on the bed with sides before grabbing some things. When she got out an adult pull-up, Amity flushed and whined.
“Why do i ‘eed dat?” she complained. She could be a big girl! She was pretty sure she was potty trained! That was still something, right? she was feeling 1-2, so it was normal.
“its just in case you forget you need to go, or have an accident. We also don’t know how well you’ll be able to communicate your needs. And they might be comforting. Don’t be embarrassed though. I use night time pads when I feel small!” Luz reassured her. Luz was a flip and sometimes slipped really small, so she knew what it was like. She just hoped that there weren’t any kinks in the isles. It really pissed her off when people thought these little items were nsfw related. She hoped Amity didn’t know about any of that stuff. It can traumatize a kid.
“O-otay…” Amity answered. 
Luz helped her get changed into more comfy little clothes and gave her a pacifier and clipped it to her onesie. Amity didn’t seem too tired so she let her down to play with some of the toys in the chest. When she was playing with a couple blocks on the foam puzzle floor next to the toy chest, Eda came in with the sippy. Amity seemed to be really thirsty because she made grabby hands for it when she saw her. Eda smiled at the cute antics and was glad that Baby Blight was feeling better.
After Eda gave Amity the sippy cup, she sat down next to her and pulled out a book from her hair. Amity saw it as a cool magic trick and clapped her hands together, giggling.
“Do you want a story, little one?” she asked. Amity nodded and curled up in Eda’s chest. Luz was smiling and crying because of the adorableness. 
Eda just glared at her student before beginning the story. While listening to the book, Amity drank the warm milk from her sippy. It started to make her feel tired. Eventually she ended up falling asleep in Eda’s lap. Luz took a couple pictures with her phone before Eda tucked the girl into the bed. Amity clung to Eda’s arm though. So with Luz’s quick thinking, she indiana jones’ed Eda’s arm with a stuffy. Amity curled up with her knees and stuffy to her chest and suckled on her pacifier peacefully as Luz and Eda shut the lights off, plugged in the night light, and left the girl to sleep.
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elhopper1sm · 10 months
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Susanna Kaysen x Age Regression! Lisa Rowe
Summary: After leaving the hospital and returning for her regular therapy Susanna comes to visit Lisa. She soon finds out Lisa has some unconventional coping mechanisms.
SFW Age Regression
Lisa calls Susanna "momma"
F/F pairing
Lisa Rowe/Susanna Kaysen
Susanna had just gotten back to see Dr. Wicked after her session. Life outside of the hospital was tight but great. She had just visited Polly and saw how much everyone loved the new cat she had brought in.
"Hey Valerie" Susanna stared Valerie down as she spoke.
Valerie stared back at her and smiled
"Yes Susanna?" She responded
"Uh is Lisa available or should I leave her alone for now?" Susanna asked
"Yeah she's been doing better now. She's in the art room" Valerie responded
Susanna walked all the way down to the art room. She was so eager to show Lisa the writing she was working on. And she couldn't wait to see her. She knocked on the door of the art room
"Anyone in here? Lisa ? honey? Are you in here" Susanna knocked on the door and had brought in a bagel with cream cheese and jelly for her.
After not hearing any answer she walked in and saw many very childish paintings of talking animals from Disney movies. She didn't see Lisa.
"Uh hey Torch have you seen Lisa? I've been looking for her everywhere" Susanna asked
"She's in her room. Yeah she's really quite lately. Ok the second floor" Torch responded
Susanna rushed up to the second floor and knocked on the door of Lisa's room. No answer. Susanna opened the door slightly to see Lisa sleeping next to a pile of coloring books.
"Lisa... Are you feeling ok" Susanna asked
Normally she'd let Lisa sleep. But she was super excited to see to show Lisa what she'd been writing. She also noticed a giant bandage on Lisa's arm. But she wouldn't mention it. Episodes happen sometimes it's nothing to be ashamed of.
"Honey.... Wake up please." Susanna lightly shook Lisa awake
"Mommy no. I want to sleep in today. Maybe we can go to the park. I don't wanna go to school...." Lisa mumbled in an infantile voice.
Susanna didn't think much of it.
"No silly. It's me Susanna. Suzie Q. Yeah I want to show you something" She responded
Lisa finally woke up extremely groggy. And stared at her. She was still stuck in little space. And she immediately grabbed a bottle and fed herself from it. Susanna looked dumbfounded.
"Lisa what the hell are you doing?" Susanna asked her
"Momma...." Lisa mumbled only semi-awake.
"I'm not Momma stop calling me that!Tell me what's going on" Susanna demanded
Lisa looked embarrassed as she had fully woken up
"You promise you won't be mad?" Lisa stared at her desperate for any answer
"I promise." Susanna told her as she kneeled down to look her in her puppy dog eyes
"Sometimes I feel little. I like to act small and do baby things to get people to take care of me. I know it's weird please be nice" Lisa told her looking nervous. Clutching into her stuffed bear for dear life
Susanna graced Lisa's chin and touched her cheek and kissed her forehead.
"Oh honey how adorable" Susanna responded "So do you really see me like your Momma"
"Uh uh. Well you're definitely cooler than her just saying"
Lisa said as she fiddled with her hands and stared at Susanna.
"C'mere Let momma take care of you" Susanna said looking at her
Susanna rested Lisa on her lap and combed her hair. She asked her if she wanted anything which usually involves coloring with her into hours for the night. She read her unfinished drafts to her and all Lisa could manage to make out as a response was to clap and flap her hands. As she kissed her cheek. She let Lisa play as much as she wanted to as long as she let her write in peace. Only problem Lisa was extremely bratty and needy. She'd knock over Susanna's writer supplies when she wanted attention or "accidentally" spill cups of juice. Her favorite was the I'm not touching you game. Susanna did her best not to get pissed. She was so in love with Lisa it just didn't matter. She'd do whatever Lisa wanted. Including helping her rest. Before Susanna left Lisa stared at her once more
"Momma can you uh next time you're over bring me some chicken nuggets please??" she stared at Susanna with her puppy dog eyes again
Susanna smiled at her and replied
"You have to earn that princess ok?"
Sorry this little ficlet is kind of lame. I was sort of thinking of this on the fly. Maybe I'll take requests or something not sure. Just send me anonymous asks
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lost-shinjuku · 6 years
#i feel. weird#not bad not good not even in the middle#just.something completely separate from all of it#thinking abt people who used to be so close to me and then all of a sudden just stopped talking to me#and seeing social media and stuff where theyre just. Existing and Enjoying their lives despite that#ive always felt really temporary and i think i relied on it too much as a coping mechanism for my depression#like if somethings bad then hey it wont be forever. but if a situation is too good i look back on shit like ex friendships and be like#well this wont last either so dont sweat it!#im truly just ambling through my life believing that no situation that im in will ever be permanent. and i just feel numb from it all#like i want to be happy and i want to go out and have fun but. a lot of this just seems to stack up against me a prove that its all futile#and i just feel so small and lost. i look around at people i know irl and see them out there living fulfilling lives and being happy#and i feel like im not meant to have that kind of existence. because whenever i do the people always leave at their earliest convenience#i think my maladaptive daydreaming is worsening too. like id rather live there than here#and my real life is just so bland and dull that if i could fall asleep and dream forever i would because i can lucid dream#so i could be whoever i want and make everyone happy#ive just felt really numb these past few months. like so much time has passed but it just feels like one continuous day cycle#i suppose im envious. of how much people can commit to their own lives and not feel embarrassed or ashamed#and how people can just talk about their emotions.#but i feel like ive been pigeonholed into being the responsible aloof one#because i dont wear my heart on my sleeve people just assume i get over everything. but i really dont#i either obsess over stupid minute details for literal years or i just shut out the situation if i can convince myself that i cant feel bad#i really hate how my brain works. yet i cant help but pride myself on my pragmatism because i think its the thing thats kept me alive#i suppose i cling to the idea that im aloof because its all i have that defines me that im sure of.#idk what im saying at this point. I just feel weird#oh and you dont need to worry about asking me if im okay or anything. its late at night and im contemplating things is all.#also i commend you if you managed to read this half assed philosophical drivel lmao
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ami-s-place · 3 years
Mentions of self harm!!
Okay so I just thought of this okay.. I hope this isn’t too weird..
Obey me brothers x gn!Mc that cuts them selfs out of frustration.. and gets irritated easily, I know this might seem weird but I’ve done this before..
But please do not hurt/cut or do anything to hurt yourself it does not help.
It may seem like it does at first but it makes your life 100x worse because after multiple times it won’t have the same effect and if people find out it’s downhill .. so please if you can not stop the urge of hurting yourself please at least use a rubber band. It will hurt and it has the same effect at releasing anger or feelings.. but try not to hurt yourself. You could also scream into a pillow or punch a wall- punching a wall gives more of a relieving effect instead of a pillow.. but at least nothing thats too serious
Characters: belphie (part 1), (part 2- will be soon maybe) levi, part 3 - might take a long time..) satan
@shinycherryblossompolice if your seeing this I’m nearly done with your ask I’m so sorry it’s taking so long
Not proofread!!
You really liked belphie, but the way he teased or was straight up a bitch to you really got on your nerve’s, you never really had a coping mechanism all you used to do was just pent it up, but then one day, half a year of belphie being a little twat to you all stacked up.
“Hah, Mc are you flustered..? Haha your so dumb.. you little human.” Belphegor taunted, you hated how he called you dumb.. or stupid, or just straight up messes with you. All of that plus your high frustration levels 24/7 made you so irritable , especially to that .. demon, he always came of as sleepy, lazy, tired.. but you never thought he’d be a little bitch thats always trying to tease or bully you.
He could tell that you were angry.. that it was all going to bubble up.. he could just sense it.. you balled up your fists and.. what? You just left.. that was uneventful. He really expected more.
‘Argh! I wish he’d just fucking die that brat.. I wish he was sleepy all the time but no.. he has to torture me for god’s sake.. Ugh I’m so mad at him.. it’s not fair.. why can’t he just be nice..? Ugh it’s all my fault .. probably. I wish that I could just let out all my anger on him but nooo.. he’s a ‘strong’ demon.. aughhhh.. I just want peace…. I shouldn’t.. but..’
You wanted to stab him… you were so angry you didn’t know what to do.. you just wanted to feel.. better.. and not angry all the time. And yes you could ignore him but it makes it 10x worse.. you found the nearest blade and.. cut all your anger out.. you always wore knee high socks so no one would see.. you took the blade and cut into your ankle, it was fast and quick.. you didn’t see anything until one second after three balls of blood appear then the whole cut turned red..
‘Fuck.. what did I just do.. SHIT- it doesn’t hurt? Well I feel so much better now.. maybe I should do it again when I feel angry.. oh my god.. I feel so.. happy..’
You couldn’t help but smile, finally you released some anger.. you couldn’t help but look at the blood dripping.. it was so pretty and opaque. You felt calm, soothed. Like a parent comforting you after something happened. You liked the feeling.. it was calm and peaceful at last. You grabbed some tissues and cleaned it up. You had some bandages laying around and covered the scar. You pulled up your sock and left for dinner. But you were a bit late..
“Your late Mc.. what took you so long?” Lucifer asked, you swallowed, hard..then looked to your left “I just didn’t realise the time.. sorry..” you looked back at his gaze. “It’s okay, it’s just a bit annoying.” He said. The table was quiet you couldn’t help but panic. “Why is it so quiet? Ha..ha?” You looked around. No one answered.
‘That was embarrassing.. fuck, I’m so stupid..’
Dinner was over fast. You still had no idea why everyone was so silent.. it freaked you out. You went over to mammon to try find answers.. “Hey mammon? Why was no one talking during dinner?” You asked. “Uh.. I don’t know, lucifer was pretty mad so we didn’t say anythin.. sorry if it was weird ya know?” He replied, “It’s okay thanks for telling me mammon.” You left to your room quickly..
‘Is it my fault? Is he angry at me is everyone angry at me?’
You hated this but.. this all happened because of belphie if it wasn’t for him being such a little twat, you never would of cut your self and no one would be mad at you..
‘How could I know if lucifer is angry at me.. he probably isn’t. I’m just stupid for over thinking ..’
You heard a knock on your door.. you said come in after a a couple seconds.. belphie comes in.. was he there just to be a bitch? Why was he here..? “Hey.. mc can I nap with you?” He said sluggishly.. “Uh why?” You asked him, “Argh forget it your dumbass is too ugly to sleep next too I’d probably get nightmares trying too.. ^Yawn^” he smirked after.. who does he think he is? What’s up with his mood swings? What is wrong with him! You thought to your self.. you just wanted to feel better but here he is ruining all your chances.. what’s up with his bitch ass anyway.
As soon as you were thinking it you picked up the blade..
‘Am I really relying on a blade for my mental state and well being..? Argh fuck it I hate myself so why not add fuel to the fire..’
The blade slid across your ankle as you grunted and released all your frustration, sadness and stress in a single swipe.. you felt at ease again you felt so good and amazing.. but it only lasted for 10 minutes..
‘What? Why don’t I feel happy? Come on.. shit I guess I’ll do it again.’
You cut again.. you felt the reliving feeling roan through your body for 5 minutes. Then it just left..
‘What.. no this isn’t happening.. no.. i, can still feel better.. yes so much better.. I will feel better..’
You mercilessly cut through your skin leaving horrible marks..
‘Come on.. I’ve got to feel better? Yes I feel better.. oh god finally I can relax… shit what happened to my fucking ankle.. oh no. no no no no no no.. this is bound to leave a mark.. no I can’t have scars.. it’s okay it will be all better! Yes I just need to let it heal okay where are the bandages?’
You found a huge bandaid to cover your ankle.. it was all red and bloody and it smelt like iron.. oh shit the smell was so bad.. like you sniffed a fresh metal bar but 20x more iron. It flooded your senses with blood.. but the bandages will fix it all up! You slept peacefully. Until you woke up to see the Bandaid full of blood.. all you could think about was changing the bandage.. but first you’d need to make it to the bath room you pulled up your black socks and made your way to the bathroom.. luckily no one was there. You striped of the bandage quickly and washed your ankle.. refusing to look at it..
Idk if I should of left it there.. I literally was up all night thinking of this then writing it.. it’s short but it took me so much mental strength..
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Some #Only in Gotham posts because I’m stressed and this is my coping mechanism
Guys guys guys
So I was in Central City today visiting some friends earlier this morning, and then the city gets attacked by these... aliens? Weird reptillian cryptids?? Who knows, but they were not happy nor friendly. We were all at this nice cafe just vibing in the outdoor area when this bipedal, green-gray reptile thing pops out of the manhole outside the cafe and goes absolutely feral. He was super close to my group so I grab my croc repellant (for non gothamites, its’ basically pepper spray but really bad-smelling to ward off croc if he ever shows up) out in an instant and I sprayed it right in the face.
Then I grabbed the nearest thing—some poor old guy’s metal walking frame—and whacked the reptile in the back of the head and it crumpled basically instantly.
And after the JL had stepped in to deal with the rest of them (not many, from what I’ve heard, but better safe than sorry I guess), heaps of people were freaking out about it because, well, this is Central City, they don’t get this kind of crime, they’re not prepared for this, yada yada.
Then that manhole pops up and everyone freaks out again because “oh god they’re back” but it’s just Batman dragging a bunch of tied up reptiles out of the sewers using some kind of winch set-up. It was almost comical—a daisy chain of reptiles being lifted out of this manhole in Central City by our favourite Goth Cryptid.
The cops were completely floored. The civilians didn’t know whether to be more scared of Bats or the reptiles. I mean, it was literally the middle of the day, and it’s rare to see Batman in daytime in Gotham but I guess this was an extenuating circumstance, so I guess I see why they were scared.
Batman just looks down at me standing over an unconscious reptilian holding the can of croc repellant and he’s just like “I’m guessing you’re from Gotham.”
I was like “yeah. Can’t escape the damn cryptids wherever I am.”
And tHEN he LAUGHS. Like, it was a small and quiet snort but it happened and I’m still shook. I have officially joined the “I made Batman laugh” squad. I can ascend peacefully now.
He seemed super embarrassed but asked if my friends and I were okay before he turned on his heel and stalked over to Flash and Woner Woman, a daisy-chain of reptiles in tow.
#lmao #onlyingotham #Batman #IMadeBatmanLaugh #ITookDownAReptileCryptid #GothamIsWeirdOkay #WeGottaBePreparedForAnything
I just heard this Metropolis guy try and trash Bruce Wayne to his friend at this diner and like five seperate people (myself included) turned around to roast the hell outta him. Like, yeah, he’s a billionaire, which is a whole can of worms I don’t wanna open right now, but he’s basically the only reason this city’s still standing and functioning (especially after the quakes and the no-man’s-land bs). His kids—most are poc and would not have thrived in the system—are all successful and work with their communities to better other people’s lives. Bruce Wayne is basically the only reason I got through high school (and am now in college); a scholarship is the only reason most of my friends have enough money to make rent. He “accidentally” spilled wine on Lex Luthor when he made a sexist remark. Also, didn’t it come out recently that he’s basically been funding the JL o at least is a major financial backer? An icon. You can shut your mouth, Jeremy.
One girl Instagram lived the whole exchange (she was filming beforehand I think) and it was magical.
Later on, Robin (the newest one, with the swords) shows up and he’s like “thank you for defending the honour of Mr Wayne”. I was like “kid,,,, you don’t need to thank me but you’re welcome”. he just kinda looks at me for a second and says “you eat free tonight” and chucks a bunch of dollar notes at me and disappears into the wilderness (ie. an alleyway). It was so surreal.
#GiveWayneABreak #BruceWayne #LetTheManLiveHisLife #GothamitesProtectTheirOwn #EvenTheBatkidsAreProtectiveOfHim
Yeah so....... I just saw some of Two-Face’s goons about to enter a bank, weapons drawn, and I’m scared because their boss is in Arkham, and the Rogues’ most loyal people always get antsy and trigger-happy when their bosses are off the board. I’d dialed 911 when I first saw them and ducked into an alley.
But then I see one of them stop dead in their tracks—Goon A we’ll call him—and says “hey, Wayne’s in there”.
Goon B: “Oh, we’re not meant to go after Wayne. Pack it in fellas.”
Goon C: “Huh? why not?”
Goon A: “Boss-man said so. Wayne used to be his best bud. Helped him campaign to be DA and stuff. Went to college together. Nice man.”
Goon B: “Got no problem wth that. Wayne’s the only reason my boys got through school. Besides, we mess with Wayne, the boss and Harley will be on our asses.”
Goon C: “Huh. Fair enough. We’ll go to the other location then.”
And then they just,,,, left.
#EvenTheRoguesWannaProtectHim #BruceWayne #HarveyDent #TheGuysGotCaughtAfter #IToldDetectiveMontoya #AndSheJustSighedForAReallyLongTime #OnlyInGotham #GothamIsWeird
Today I was in a Zoom call with some of my coworkers on the other side of the world, sitting in the kitchen facing the living room, when Red Robin comes crashing through my window. I just kinda turned around to see if he was badly injured (he wasn’t, couldn’t even see any blood) so I just continued on with what I was saying and he sheepishly left through the same window.
My coworkers are looking at me like “Jacob are you okay??” And I’m like, “yeah man, that was just Red Robin, he has unfortunate luck with windows. Soon enough one of the other Bats will come knocking with a replacement or a cash refund. Though, I should probably just invest in plexi-glass.”
One of my coworkers went on a bit of a rant about “vigilantes causing property damage and disrupting the peace” and i’m like “Mark I’d rather Batman crashing through my door or window once a month to getting buried in my twenties in his abscence,” and he was like “yeah, fair enough” so we just continued with our call.
After my call, Blonde Batgirl shows up and apologises for the window. I ask about plexi-glass and if Red Robin is alright.
She’s like “yeah he’s fine but he’s getting Bat-Lectured for being reckless which is why I’m here. Also from what Oracle can tell you should be able to get plex-glass installed within the week.”
#OnlyInGotham #GettingBatLecturedDoesNotSoundFun #ThanksOracle #BatmanDontBeTooHardOnTheKid #Gothamite #MeanwhileInGothamCity #GothamCity #RedRobin
So, Red Hood piggy-backed me up to my apartment yesterday because my heel broke when I was fleeing from these guys trying to mug me (or worse) and I sprained my ankle. He carried me up four flights of stairs and helped me get into my apartment and wrap my foot properly.
I told him to take some of my nana’s lasagna (because our local vigilante needs to keep his strength up! Man’s gotta eat, and from what I hear he’s not swimming in cash) and he got real quiet for a while before saying “yeah, sure”.
So he ate some lasagna while I called in sick to work (who were very understanding, surprisingly).
Then after a little while he’s like “bye” and jumps outta my window.
An icon.
#RedHood #OnyInGotham #WeStanALegend #IHopeYouLikedTheLasagna #MyNanaSaysSheWillMakeMoreForYou #GrowingUpInCrimeAlley
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Johnny Cade X Reader
Warnings: None
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Most of your days consisted of spending time with the Curtis's. It was just a known thing, you were also the only girl in the gang and they protected you with their lives.
It made you feel so special, they wanted you to feel special because you were the only girl they would ever allow in the gang. Even some of the boys girlfriends didn’t know the gang nor you.
You even got along with Dallas, not many people get along with Dallas Winston and that’s saying a lot. Dallas didn’t just like you because you were a girl and had all the parts, but he liked you because of your personality. You were apart of them and you understood them like no others.
You were also kind of like the mom in the group, when they got into rumbles you would patch them up and take care of them.
You could say that your favorite person in the gang for sure though was Johnny Cade, also known as johnnycakes.
He hardly joined the rumbles, only when they really needed him. Ever since he got jumped by bob he was jumpy to most touch. So fighting wasn’t really in the picture right now.
It was bad enough his parents treated him like they did, but the socs on the other hand was enough to make someone weak and broken.
Johnny would mostly hang out with you during rumbles, you would talk, laugh, and joke around to the point where you started falling in love with the puppy eye'd boy, also another nickname for Johnnycakes.
You really didn’t know how to express your feelings, the only think you knew how to do was ignore people that you liked.
It was a coping mechanism that you had set, it also made everything awkward though. The constant avoiding made forceful comments awkward and even Johnny could feel it.. of course he could.
It made him feel like he was more broken that he realized, though the mechanism you used made you feel better about your feelings it hurt Johnny more, it made him think you wouldn’t ever want to be seen with him or be with a broken boy like him.
He was very insecure in that area, his confidence was definitely not low. From the constant pain he would receive from his own parents and socs just lowered his confidence, therefore he was super quiet so he wouldn’t draw attention to himself.
With that being said you were at the Curtis's along with the rest of the gang, including Johnny of course. He kept the group together.
Dallas started joking around and talking with you, you started interfering back and sparking conversations with him, little jokes here and there but all platonically considering your love for a certain puppy eye’d boy.
Suddenly Johnny felt very left out, he was the only one in the group that wasn’t speaking. It seemed that no one realized well to him, you noticed it but you didn’t know what to do.
Johnny was sitting right next to you, so it made it harder to ignore his heating presents. You were practically touching arms and legs, you could feel the heat radiating from his body and it sent goosebumps up your skin.
Your breathing started picking up once your brain realized everything, your heart sped up until suddenly that warmth was replace with cold air as Johnny got up, stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking outside on the porch.
A few seconds later you excused yourself and decided on checking up on Johnny, walking outside on the porch you close both the screen door and the main door wanting to have as much privacy as the thin house could maintain.
The sound of the screen door closing caught Johnny’s attention from blowing smoke up in the air. You didn’t condone smoking to much, but somehow Johnny always looked so hot doing tricks like that.
You walk over to the rocking chair beside him and take a seat, "hey Johnny" You awkwardly say.
"Y/n" he tilts his head towards you.
You sighed as you let silence fall over you two, "ya know, I never thought I’d say this but I really like you Y/n" Johnny finally admits looking up from playing with his fingers.
Your heart drops as you realize you practically ignored him and he felt the same. "I guess you ignorin' me confirmed you don’t like me back" He says, and you can practically hear the hurt behind his voice.
"Johnny I-" you don’t even get to finish the sentence before Johnny speaks back up.
"It’s okay Y/n, I understand I’m to broken for me to..." He sniffles, getting up stuffing his hands in his pockets and rushing down the street.
"Wait! Johnny!" You speak up rushing towards him, but he doesn’t stop walking except he speed up his pace.
"Johnny!" You finally catch up to him gently grabbing onto his arm and stepping in front of him.
You get a good look at his face, he has tears forming from his eyes. He turned his head away from you, embarrassed from showing you weak feelings.
"Johnny look at me please..." You trail off, using your finger to guide him to look at you. Eventually he does.
"I’m sorry I didn’t say this before, but I love you to Johnny" You admit with red cheeks.
"Really? You’re not just sayin' that because you feel bad?" He sniffles.
"Of course not, I’m in love with you Johnny Cade" You smile grabbing his hands and interwinding them, bringing your body’s closer.
Johnny blushes as he pull you in a much needed hug, he digs his head in the crook of your neck "I’m in love with ya' to Y/n" He states shyly.
You both pull away from the hug, gazing into each other’s eyes "can I kiss you?" You question, wanting to make sure incase you overstepped any boundaries.
Johnny nods and you seal your lips together, his lips press firmly but still gently agains his chapped lips, he tasted like smoke and vanilla and honestly it was addicting to you.
He places his hand on your jaw and pulls you in closer, you both pull away gently "wow you taste' good" You blush.
"I’m sorry that sounded weird" You confirm scrunching you your nose, Johnny blushed as he lets out stutters of words.
"N-no it’s great' you taste wow'" Johnny blushes as he looks at the ground.
"Wanna' go to the lot?" You question grabbing his hand.
Johnny nods as you began your journey to the lot, if anyone would have told you that you would be here 5 minutes ago you would have laughed, but not anymore and you were thankful for that.
This was requested by @peachymelon69
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