#it’s either wet dog number 1 or wet dog number 2
memento-yuumori · 7 months
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pinetreevillain · 1 year
Rise Turtle Strength Calculator
Part 2: Purple Bugaloo
Disclaimer: I Am Just A Guy And 100% of this is guessing, googling, and approximation
So!!!! Got a request to determine Donnie’s strength and the journey was an Interesting One.
So let’s start with the most popular
EXHIBIT A: Dumbbell (Insane In The Mama Train)
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He pulls it off with ease (relaxed pose, no real effort exerted until he makes the effort of hefting it and throwing it). Going off the size of these dumbbells, they are either 45lbs or 100lbs. This is a big gap! But seeing as the yokai falls over as soon as its removed, we can assume that Donnie is AT MOST tossing a 100lb weight with little to no effort.
UNFORTUNATELY this doesn’t tell us much else since we don’t see the weight hitting anyone/anything other than the traincar door before it teleports away.
So! We must delve further
EXHIBIT B: Donnie’s Equipment
We know Donnie’s tech bō is made from high grade titanium.
TITANIUM IS A LIGHT METAL! Revered for being light weight, flexible, and rust-proof. Used to make medical tools! This make perfect sense as 1) ninjas need maximum mobility and heavy equipment is counter intuitive, 2) melee weapons are supposed to be LIGHT (see reason 1).
However! This does not stop me from calculating the weight of Donnie’s tech bō regardless.
TO DO THAT, i must first calculate the length of his staff (operating under the assumption that both the ninpo staff and the tech bō are the same in size).
BŌ STAFFS ideally are the same height as the wielder. We are going to use this image (cannot find source) as reference, just like i did w Raph (give or take any growth between season 3 finale and movie)
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Donnie is 5’3”, and while i’m here, weighs ~140lbs give or take after plastron, muscle mass, and Bones
The average bō staff has a circumference of about 1-1 1/8th of an inch depending on the length. I’m leaning more towards the larger because of the tech bōs gadgetry and hammerspace.
NOW to calculate how heavy a 5’3” metal pole that’s 1 1/8 inch in width of titanium.
Thankfully the internet is Insane and literally has a calculator that calculates this exact thing.
I was able to come to the conclusion that his tech bō probably weighs no more than approximately 1 pound.
Not very heavy!
What about his battle shell?
WELL it depends! For ease, I’m going to calculate it like a backpack.
The average public school backpack is 12-20 lbs full (heavy and 5-20% heavier than a child SHOULD be carrying to avoid back and neck strain).
I’m going to use measurements from this Random Backpack Website I Found and calculate it as a Medium Backpack (larger than standard) with a laptop pouch, and some minor adjustments since his shell covers him from neck to ass (roughly 24 inches, his height is in his legs)
It’s harder to calculate the shell because he has Different kinds and they’re made of different materials.
I am going to give all of these a base of 66lbs + whatever equipment they have
His Mango shell is probably largely padding with minimal titanium lining
Ice Maker shell is probably heavier. Spider Shell, Drone Shell, are all made w titanium so. Assuming Donnie makes EVERYTHING out of titanium
TECH BŌ: 5’3”, ~1 lb
- Mango: ~66lbs
- Drone: ~150 lbs (including whatever is powering it)
- Ice Maker: ~200 lbs (including ice)
- Spider Shell: ~150lbs
New approach!
WE SEE DONNIE CARRYING/SUPPORTING APRIL A NUMBER OF TIMES. A majority of them i am writing off because he is using his tech to assist.
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HE IS just holding her up easily in this shot. After some cursory google searches i determined April O’neil to be ~110lbs soaking wet because she’s 4’8”, petite, and the boys fling her around like she’s made of craft foam.
Conclusion: Donnie can lift/throw a fairly decent 110 pounds, and carry approximately 200lbs
This is a small number after raph’s 20,000 lbs, and i can barely lift an 84lbs dog so I’m not gonna sneeze at it. It does however check out for someone who is physically fit and active (and does backflips and parkour and fights enemies four times his bodyweight)
Donnie DOES get bonked pretty hard by a subway car and doesn’t Immediately Die. To determine this I had to calculate the Weight Of A Subway Car and the Breaking Point of Titanium.
Subway car: 82,000lbs empty
119,000lbs full
Because the subway car looks like this
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I’m gonna call it full.
Titanium has a tensile strength of 63,000 pounds per square inch.
After determining the size of Donnie’s shell off his body, and how much titanium was used, i cam to the conclusion that…
I CAN’T ACTUALLY CALCULATE it because the shell he was wearing was actually mystic/ninpo made and therefore NOT SOMETHING I CAN CALCULATE! It does explain why Donnie wasn’t Rapidly Dispersed upon being bonked by an INSANE AMOUNT OF FORCE.
This very issue crops up again with the other example of Donnie lifting and slapping down the drill on Shredder in the season finale. That was aided ENTIRELY by ninpo/mystic abilities and therefore incalculable.
My counter to the argument that “their ninpo is gone, it’s not mystic anymore” is that Yes They Could Not Access Their Ninpo, but their ninpo-made weapons were still fully intact, and TECHNICALLY still working, the ability to use them had just been locked away
i also humbly believe that Draxum’s Ooze made the boys’ bones EXTREMELY resilient and capable of absorbing force the same way Captain America’s shield absorbs vibrations — my way of explaining why they sustain little to no injury throughout the series.
That being said, it makes the fact that Donnie couldn’t break open a watermelon AND sprains his ankle pretty badly tripping on a fruit EXTREMELY FUCKING FUNNY TO ME.
TL;DR: Donnie can throw ~110lbs give or take, with a lift/carry of maximum 200lb (maybe a bit more before it hinders his movement speed!)
Donnie’s probably not excessively strong but he is CERTAINLY sturdy. Something something rectangles symbolizing stability blah blah metaphor metaphor
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taavisplushies · 1 year
how i wash plushies
by taavi :)
step 1: read the tush tags. does it say machine washable or hand wash only? this is important information to know! if it doesn’t have a tag, or if the tag doesn’t say anything about washing, just assume it’s hand wash only.
need help reading the tush tags? click here!
step 2: if it’s hand wash only, read this. if it’s machine washable skip to step number 5. time to figure out how wet the plush can get. if your plush is full of rice, beans, nut shells, etc, it’s best to not get them very wet. if your plush has a voice box, it’s best to not get them wet either. if it’s just a normal plush with stuffing and nothing else, you can usually get them as wet as you want! be careful with handmade ones though. if your plush can’t get very wet, or if you only want to give them a light cleaning, move on to the next step. otherwise, skip to step number 4.
step 3: this is for light cleaning, or plushies that can’t get very wet. you want to take either a damp cloth or some baby wipes and gently wipe them down. if they have stains use a very very small amount of dawn dish soap with a damp cloth to “rinse” it off. let the plush air dry in front of a fan or an open window. since you did not get the plush super wet, it shouldn’t take too long to dry. after they are dry, gently brush their fur with the same kind of brush that you would use for a dog or cat. do NOT share brushes between plushies and people or animals, because this can get oils and dandruff on the plushie.
step 4: this is for hand washing plushies that can get super wet! fill up a sink or bathtub with enough water for the plushie to comfortably soak or float in it. make sure you use cold or warm water, NEVER use hot water! hot water can potentially damage the plush! when your plushie is soaking in the water, add some dawn dish soap to your hand or a cloth. gently scrub the plush everywhere! if there is a stain that’s not coming out, try using vinegar instead of soap! WARNING: vinegar smells bad, so after using it you will have to wash the plush again with soap. after your plush has been scrubbed, rinse them off! gently squeeze the plush while rinsing them off to help get soap out. once all the soap is out, you can gently squeeze until most of the water is out as well. do NOT twist the plush as you squeeze them, this could disfigure them. after the plush has been washed, it’s time for them to dry off! lay them on a towel and set them in front of a fan or open window. you could alternatively set them outside in the sun, but be careful that you don’t get them dirty again! as they air dry, you should regularly rotate them so that all sides get a chance to dry off. air drying can take a long time, especially if the plush is bigger or very wet still. i normally leave plushies to air dry for a minimum of 24 hours, just to be safe! after the plush has dried off, you should gently brush them with the same kind of brush that you would use for a dog. do NOT share a brush between plushies and people or animals. doing that could transfer oils or dandruff to the plush.
step 5: this is for machine washing your plush! it’s important that you only put a plush in the washing machine if the tag says that it’s okay! if the tag says hand wash only, the washing machine could damage your plush! machine washing a plush is pretty similar to washing clothes in the washing machine. the main difference is that you might want to put the plush inside a pillow case to wash it. if the plush has hard eyes, they can get scratched up in the washing machine, so the pillow case should protect it. using your normal laundry detergent should be fine! make sure the washing machine is using cold water too, because hot water can potentially damage plushies. if the plush has any stains still, it’s time to try hand washing them. see step number 4 for hand washing these plushies. after the plush is washed it’s time for them to dry. first gently squeeze out the extra water, but do NOT twist the plushie. NEVER put a plushie in the dryer. it will most likely damage their fur. instead you should let the plushie air dry in front of a fan or an open window. maybe even set them outside :) it can take a while for a plush to air dry, but if you use the fan method and rotate them every so often, it should be dry within a day! unless it’s really big or super wet. after the plush is dry, it’s time to brush their fur! use the same kind of brush that you would use for a dog or cat. you should NEVER share a brush between plushies and people or animals, because it could transfer oil or dandruff to the plush.
you can use any soap to wash your plushies. i just prefer dawn dish soap, because i’ve noticed that it’s very good at cleaning them up and removing stains!
if you have any questions feel free to ask me! i’m not very good at explaining things so i might’ve missed something! :)
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incyrayinc · 9 months
Wobbledog DST / Don't Starve Together mod idea
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not actually a mod! I cannot code ;u;
but, I like to overthink things anyways.
more below the cut!
The Wobbledog // "Woof! Ruff!"
HEALTH: 150 // HUNGER: // 100 SANITY: 150
*- Sensitive to foodborne mutagens *- Can recycle their own death *- Only A Little Bit Wobbly
(1) Wandy gains gut flora dependent on the food value of the foods they eat. Once Wandy has a certain number of gut flora, and at least one day has passed since Wandy's last pupation, Wandy can pupate. After pupation, 3 flora are chosen randomly to have their effects applied- then the effect chance is rolled. Mutations change Wandy's appearance, abilities and stats.
(2) When Wandy dies, they drop dog parts containing some of their prior gut flora (and canem labo), as well as a dog core. Wandy can hold onto an intact dog core for some passive sanity, or even socket them into Crab King's crown (where they function as random gems, or maybe have a wacky unique effect). Wandy can also crack a dog core and eat it, gaining Bacillus vitae gut flora. Under the effects of Bacillus vitae, when Wandy next dies, they will be able to survive at low health- but at the cost of becoming ancient (which causes them to loose the ability to mutate)
(3) Wandy can sometimes fall over, especially when moving at high speeds (chance increases by .5% for each 1% of speed buff), wet (above .5% chance for every point of wetness), or at low sanity (+.5% chance for every point of sanity below 100%), or when when carrying heavy loads (+10% chance). Certain mutations also increase Wandy's falling chance, such as short body, narrow body, and mismatched limb lengths. Default falling chance is 1% per 5 pitchfork tiles distance traveled. WANDY CAN RUN?! maybe Wandy Can Run
All mutations are absolute instead of gradual! Wandy either has them, or doesn't have them, for modding complexity's sake. All gloss/metallic/matte modifiers will not be included, and neither will pattern brightness or size modifiers.
When Wandy pupates, 3 flora are chosen randomly from the gut flora to have their effects applied- then the effect chance is rolled.
Mutation chances are: O- 100% ^- 60% ◆- 25% *- 10%
Shadilus fomes
foods: -Nightmare fuel (Wandy can eat it!) -Monster meat -Dark petals -Grim Gallete
-O random mutations -^ black coloration -◆ feral disposition*
Lunictus luxi
foods: -stone fruit -moon shrooms
-O random mutations -^ teal coloration -◆ loony disposition**
Bolbilius flos
foods: -light bulb
-◆ limb number -* luminous eyes ***
* Feral Dispotion -causes Wandy loose sanity/lunacy more quickly
** Loony Disposition -causes Wandy to gain sanity/lunacy more quickly
Luminous Eyes -cause light sources to extend further from Wandy's perspective (maybe night vision for 30 seconds after entering darkness???)
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jacks-tracks · 2 years
Day tripper
Having sat on my ass for 2 months, i suddenly realized that i needed to get out to the remote beaches. The Hot Springs was so good trip that it motivated me.
Agua Blanca, an empty beach stretches for miles south,broken only by a lagoon/inflow(sign: no swimming /crocodiles). That's where I usually stop for bird watching before returning to the palapa restaurant perhaps a mile each way. The beach, flat and hot , runs south towards Chila a t last 10 miles away. There are usually a few local fisherman hand casting off a set of rocks, using bleach bottle reels, and tiny fish for bait. Yes they often do catch fish, small silver surf feeders, occasionaly a bigger predator drawn to the bait. Seems like an inef ficient way to fish, but the cost is minimal. Gringoes surf casting with long poles and spinning reels, do no better, perhaps because they are using lures. The rock outcrops used to be loaded with oysters( a big deal here, half shell) but have been fished out, and now oysters are imported from further south and set in tide pools in gunny sacks till needed. Personally I see oysters as slugs in a shell ever since I was challenged to eat one by BC Hydros manager, but that's another story.
No crocodiles in sight, but lots of wading birds, which I take as a no crocodile sign. No haul out tracks in the mangroves either. There a re increasing numbers of crocs on the coast, with one flushed out of the Rio Stinko on to Marinero beach last year to the dismay of tourists. I,ve never seen one outside of the croc farm at Chacahua, and after having a 5 meter croc crash into the fence in pursuit of a dog that was following us(next to the gate tied with a bit of string!), I,ve not wanted to see any.
Did flush a small flock of blue ducks, possibly blue winged teal. They flew a tight formation up the lagoon, flashing sky blue shoulder patches. Didn,t mean to spook them, but they saw me first. The waders are herons, non descript, several varieties. The scummy weeded inshore water is loaded with tiny silver fish. Heron food.
Back to the palapa for a cold coconut and flop in the palm thatch shade. Travelling with 3 friends, and we try to organize a hot meal, with limited success. I believe the kitchen cooks only cook one meal at a time, setting aside the first ones so they can serve them all at once. Result, cold eggs, with hot tortillas. 100 pesos($7) but it' a nice view. We early birds get the view before the other tourists straggle in about 10 am. Given a dozen places to chose from, it's rarely crowded.
Right in front, 20 meters away are tidal pools that flood with each wave crashing onto the rocks that define the place, ideally flooding the inshore low beach and creating a little flow across the sands that floods back out to sea. Fun to hop in and ride along. only once did i find myself being swept back out to sea and had to stand knee deep in the flow, unable to wade out till the flow slacked. Alternative was an involuntary bit of body surfing among rocks!. The sea has been chilly (25 degrees ) and so it's dip and dash.
By 1 o,clock we pay, pack and catch the pre booked taxi back to Santa Elena for the chicken bus. Like everything else, the taxi has increased in price (from 50 to 60 pesos), but split 4 ways its nothing. Likewise the bus went from 30 to 40 pesos, but they are much improved, having windows, cushioned seats, and saner drivers. Full of coconut juice I really needed a piss, so using logic I wandered up the road past the taxi lot. Taxi drivers need to piss too, and sure enough there was a wet spot a bit further where cabbies had pissed liberally on a wall. Relief!
It's a 40 minute ride back, with the busses seeing more customers with the increased population. Seats fill up, but locals prefer being crammed into the mini van transporters, so we wait for the 40 passenger buses, more air, much better views, and more metal if some fool hits us. Hint from a Mexican: Don't travel the roads on a Sunday, as this is when people have a day off, and dad gets drunk! Safely back in Puerto we face the greatest danger of the day, crossing the 4 lane carretera highway, a mad dash to the divider, and a scramble across the next 2 lanes in ahead of trucks and motorcycles accelerating off the speed bump. Phew! Home to shower, change sopping shirts and sticky swim suits, then a cold juice and a plunge in the clean refreshing pool. A sucessful out of town day!
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longmondo · 2 years
1 hour later
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Click Me Current Time : Updated Time : // Code the show current time let ct = document. I have rebooted after each change and the calendar is still wrong. If the show is an hour long, what time will it be when hes done watching If your first grader is ready for a new time challenge, have her try her hand at calculating elapsed time. I have Office 365 set to Central Time Zone, I have my computer set to Central Time Zone and I have iCloud set to Central Time Zone. Elapsed Time: One Hour Later Little Jim is fixated on a cartoon on TV, and his mom wants to know when hell come back to earth. In certain countries, 24-hour time is referred to as military time, since this is the time format used by militaries (and other entities) around the world, where unambiguous time measurement is particularly important.Example : add 2 hrs to JavaScript Date Object Add 2 hours to the JavaScript Date object using getTime ( ) method Click on the button to add 2 Hours to the current date /time. My Outlook Calendar is showing all appointments one hour later than scheduled. The hours from 0-11 denote what would be the AM hours on a 12-hour clock, while hours 12-23 denote the PM hours of a 12-hour clock. Rockoff, predicted that starting high schools one hour later, at about 9 a.m., would result in roughly 17,500 in increased future earnings per student in present valuea benefit:cost ratio of at least 9:1 even when changing schedules requires upfront investment to alter bus schedules and/or. This time format is an international standard, and is often used to avoid the ambiguity resulting from the use of a 12-hour clock. Using the terms "12 midnight" and "12 noon" can remove ambiguity in cases where a person may not be accustomed to conventions.Ī 24-hour clock typically uses the numbers 0-23, where 00:00 indicates midnight, and a day runs from midnight to midnight over the course of 24 hours. The 'One Hour Later' time card from 'Pat the Dog' is also the same, but in widescreen. COMPLETATA- 'Io non sono forte come credi' 'Levi ma.' 'Io ho sempre nascosto le mia emozioni dietro una corazza che mi sono creato nel tempo.Tu invece cammini sempre a testa alta,dici quello che pensi come lo pensi e non ti fai problemi. una hora más tarde The bus arrived one hour later than estimated.El autobús llegó una hora más tarde de lo estimado. una hora después Due to the storm, the plane took off one hour later.Debido a la tormenta, el avión despegó una hora después. On digital clocks and watches, "AM" stands for ante meridiem, meaning "before midday," while "PM" stands for post meridiem, or "after noon." By convention, 12 AM denotes midnight, while 12 PM denotes noon. The 'One Hour Later' time cards from 'Wet Painters' and 'Patrick's Staycation' are exactly the same, except the latter's is slightly zoomed in and recolored. Pronunciation one hour later ( wuhn au - uhr ley - duhr ) phrase 1. Sadly got caught flat-footed and wrecked by a 3 piercing Gauss Carrier that managed to one-turn-kill him by critting the XL 3 times and rebuilding him would have cost about 4 million cbills. He'd just bounce between them and kill one every turn.
Depending on the clock being used, most analog clocks or watches may not include an indication of whether the time is in the morning or evening. Wonderful mech for those missions that give you 3 extra Clan lances full of superheavy tanks. Most people read time using either a 12-hour clock or a 24-hour clock.Ī 12-hour clock uses the numbers 1-12. feel like squezzing one more tier list since i been replaying(and loving) alice madness returns so give me opponents for alice. Flight SA320 will be one hour late, following a brief. I got a re-ride because I said the ride stopped at the end. Pronunciación one hour later ( wuhn au - uhr ley - duhr ) frase 1. Related Time Card Calculator | Time CalculatorĪn hour is most commonly defined as a period of time equal to 60 minutes, where a minute is equal to 60 seconds, and a second has a rigorous scientific definition. High quality example sentences with I am one hour late in context from reliable.
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shootybangbang · 3 years
The Upsides of Property Damage [Part 2/5]
Authored by @verai-marcel and @shootybangbang
[Ao3 Link]
[Pairing]: Arthur Morgan/Reader
[Rating]: Mature
[Content Advisory]: light D/S undertones
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
July rolls in and tears your resolution to shreds. The month introduces itself with one of the worst heat waves in recent history. The few weeds growing in the empty lots have withered to yellow clumps of dead vegetation. Neighbors have stopped walking their dogs. The delinquents that loiter by the curb have clustered to the alleyways instead, in desperate search of shade. Miniature mirages shimmer over the cracked asphalt roads.
During the day, the relentless sun burns like the magnifying glass of a cruel god over a glorified anthill. Night brings little relief. The absence of light somehow serves only to emphasize the choking, oppressive humidity. Every breath feels as though it’s being drawn through a wet blanket. Truly, this is Purgatory.
And Hell is your apartment. Because your air conditioning is broken.
Opening the window does nothing; the dead air gives no breeze. Arranging box fans around your desk and bed offers some measure of relief, but not enough. God, not nearly enough. Your brain might actually be melting.
Three days of living in Dante’s Inferno have worn your resolve thin. As your AC sputters feebly in its frame, you sigh and dial the number for maintenance.
“Got another one for room 502,” John says from his desk. “Says broken AC unit.”
“Shit, she’s a goddamn hurricane,” Arthur mumbles, getting up from his seat. He had just finished entering in the report for his last repair and was hoping that the last hour of the day would go by peacefully.
“I could go—”
“I’ll go,” Arthur interrupts, already picking up his toolbox. “She probably put somethin’ on top of the vent.”
John spins in his chair and leans forward, eyeing his coworker. “Sounds like you know her well.”
Arthur shrugs. He doesn’t like where John’s train of conversation is going and wants to derail it quickly. “Every new tenant does it.”
John is not easily deterred. He follows the perceived vulnerability like a hound to the scent of blood. “You ain’t let anyone else take a ticket for room 502, ever since that new girl moved in.”
Arthur lets out a noncommittal grunt.
Sitting back in his chair, John puts his hands behind his head and grins. “Looks like someone’s got a crush.”
Finally tired of this shit, but also acutely aware of how correct John is, Arthur resolutely ignores him and heads out the door.
I am not interested in 502. I am not interested in 502. I am NOT interested in 502.
Arthur repeats the sentence over and over, willing himself to believe it. But the mere act of denial is enough to conjure up the image of her: colorful boy shorts and a tank top, with a sardonic smile on her lips that he’d like to—
Nope. Not goin’ there.
He doesn’t need John teasing him. He doesn’t need overwhelming sexual tension with the worst tenant in the world. There’s enough shit going on in his life that at the end of the day, all he wants is to go home and have a beer.
Shaking his head to recenter himself, he grips the handle of his toolbox tight. Enough of this bullshit. He’s going to walk in there, ignore her, then leave as quickly as he can. Stifle this absurd little rush of sentimentality before it has the chance to grow.
The rational thing to do would have been to ask either John or Micah to pick up her tickets in his stead. But the thought of anyone else entering her apartment, especially Micah, makes his blood boil with hostility.
The look on Morgan’s face suggests that he’d rather be anywhere else right now. “It’s like a goddamn sauna in here,” he says, wiping his brow with his sleeve. “You said you been without AC for three days now?”
“Yes, and I’m about to lose my mind.” A bead of sweat runs down your neck and soaks into your camisole. The garment is damp enough that its thin cloth clings like a second skin. Indecent? Probably. You no longer care. Propriety is for people with reliable temperature control. “If you can’t fix this today, I’m gonna get a bag of ice from the gas station, fill my tub with it, and lie in it like an organ theft victim.”
“You always this overdramatic?”
“I don’t know,” you snap. The heat has burnt away the last of your civility. “Does your boss always get his appliances from the dump?”
He lets out an annoyed tch. “Might as well have, considerin’ the number of calls I get to come over here every week. Whole place seems to be held together with just spit and rust.”
Morgan glances at your tank top. His eyes widen, and he darts his gaze towards your stove instead. Then to your ceiling fan. Then to your microwave. Then to the kitchen cabinets. Faultfinding, no doubt. A spike of irritation flares hot in your chest. “I didn’t break anything else, if that’s what you’re wondering,” you grouse.
He shifts his gaze upwards and stares intently at the ceiling.“Didn’t say you did.”
“Then why’re you looking around everywhere?”
“You looked in a mirror recently?”
You’re about to let loose a verbal barrage, but his apparent discomfort makes you pause. You look down and see your white camisole, nearly transparent with sweat. A moment passes before you realize that you’re not wearing a bra.
You swallow your embarrassment and hastily cross your arms over your chest. Jutting out your chin, you quickly deflect responsibility. “Yeah, well, I wouldn’t be dressed like this if my AC weren’t busted.”
As if in agreement, your AC lets out a pathetic whir and rattles against its window mount. Morgan glances at it, then heaves an exasperated sigh. He shakes his head as he approaches the unit, grumbling. “Dunno how many times I gotta tell people not to leave their shit on these things. Blocks off the vents and– huh.” He picks up the battered paperback perched on the machine’s lid. “What’s this?”
Oh god. Oh fuck. NO.
You lunge for the book, but he easily lifts it out of your arm’s reach. He scans the title page with marked interest and raises his eyebrows. “Punished by Her Blue Collar Dom, huh?”
The cover features a muscular mechanic holding a swooning blonde in an extremely compromised position. With rapidly diminishing hope, you try to salvage the situation as best as you can. “My friend left that here,” you say quickly.
“That so?” He looks like he’s trying very hard not to laugh. Morgan cracks the book open and thumbs through a few dog-eared pages. He quickly locates the worn crease in the spine where the book has been opened the most. “He drove his manhood deep inside of her as he spanked her lovely cheeks to a bright rosy hue,” he reads out loud, a shit-eating grin on his face.
Mentally, you can hear a loud gurgling noise playing in the background. It’s the last of your self respect, spiraling down the drain.
Morgan shuts the book and passes it back to you. “Tell yer ‘friend’ they got interestin’ taste.”
Is it possible for a human to spontaneously combust if they channel every ounce of intention in their body into doing so? The answer, it seems, is “no”.
When he pulls his phone out from beneath his pillow and switches it back on, the time displayed on the Nokia’s green-tinted screen reads 2:38AM.
Three hours. He’s been unable to sleep for three goddamn hours now, because every time he closes his eyes, all he sees is you, standing in front of him and clutching your BDSM erotica to your chest.
After he’d handed you your book back, you’d pressed your mouth into a flat line and squeezed your eyes shut. Then, after a few seconds of silent concentration, you’d opened them again with an expression of immense disappointment.
When he’d asked what you were doing, you’d glared at the floorboards. Trying to spontaneously combust, you replied. And barring that, trying to give myself an aneurysm. But it seems I’ve failed on both counts.
It was easily the most insane thing anyone had said to him in a long while. He’d actually laughed out loud.
He’s actually begun to look forward to your tickets, he realizes with a helpless wave of dismay. The last one you’d submitted had merely read: “sorry to bother you but i have created a new fire hazard”. The one before that, you’d gestured to your bathroom with absurd solemnity and informed him that your showerhead had “the water pressure of an old man with prostatitis.” And of course, that fatal first ticket– when you’d rubbed at the bruise on your jaw and said “the sink hit me”.
All of it dumb as hell. And all of it underhandedly, insidiously charming.
So much for nipping this in the bud.Now he has the image of your wet camisole to dwell on, too. The curve of your breast, the peaks of your nipples— you’d practically been standing half naked in front of him, and it had made him so hard that it hurt. He’d wanted nothing more than to push you against the wall and–
Goddammit. Might as well get it out of my system, he supposes. That’s probably all it is, anyway. Just misplaced sexual frustration.
Arthur pulls down his boxers and wraps his hand around his cock. He pictures you knelt on the floor, looking up at him with remorse. Submissive. Eager. I’m so sorry for breaking my AC, Mr Morgan, your imaginary counterpart simpers. How can I make it up to you?
For one, you can make this trip actually worth my while, he’d reply. And you’d nod immediately. Unzip his fly and–
Abruptly, he stops stroking his cock. No, that’s not how it’d go at all, is it? You’d probably say something sarcastic, like I’m so sorry I’m asking you to do your actual job, then cross your arms. You want an apology? You’re gonna have to wring it out of me. Go ahead. Try.
And he’d have no choice then, but to press you up against the wall and shove his hand down your pants, roughly pushing a finger inside of you. You’d be willing but confused, not understanding exactly how getting fingerfucked would be in any way a punishment, but then he’d drive you right up to the edge of orgasm– and stop. And that’s when you’d get it. That’s when you’d start apologizing in earnest. I’m sorry, you’d whimper. I won’t do it again, so please, Mr Morgan, please…
His eyes roll back in his head as he comes, his own seed streaking hot and sudden against his stomach. Arthur lies there dazed for a moment, panting hard. Then the recognition of his own stupidity settles in, and he lets out an anguished groan. This little exercise has done nothing but make him want to fuck you more. He’s made it worse. Idiot.
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wonpilsonefeel · 3 years
Here’s a prompt list for request.
Ask for a minimum of one number (can be more) and pairing. Also add if you want it to be angst, smut or fluff.
I didn’t come up with these prompts.
1. "How long have you been staring at that screen?"
2. "Do you really want to test me?"
3. "How did I end up watching this?"
4. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just worried someone is going to take you away from me.”
5. “I just want to hug you and never let go.”
6. “You’re an adult! Act like it!”
7. “Did you seriously patch up a stab wound with scotch tape?”
9. “Are you stuck?”
10. “Man, you sure got knocked around a lot today.”
11. “Just the idea of anything happening to you makes me feel physically sick.”
12. A miscommunication leads to everyone being told Person A is dead, and Person B does not handle it well. When Person A shows up completely fine, Person B is overjoyed. 
13. “It shouldn’t be physically possible for me to love you this much.”
14. “What would you do if I died?” “Can we not talk about this?”
15. “They’re too good for you.”
16. “You look so cute in pajamas
17. “You’re my favorite person ever.”
18. “I love you so much I don’t know what to do.”
19. “You need to be more careful!”
20. “Why are we on the roof?”
21. “I know it’s wrong, but I love you.”
22. Why are you like this?”
23. I can handle myself. You don’t need to protect me.”
24. I miss you.” 
25. You are not fine, you’re bleeding!”
26. Look, I really screwed up and I need advice.”
27. I hope you’re here to apologize.” “Is there something you want to tell me?”
28. You are sick, therefore I am going to take care of you. End of discussion.
29. I’m fine. It was just a nightmare. You don’t need to worry.”
30. I just want to cuddle.”
31. Every day I get to spend with you is the best day.”
32. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
33. “You have the most amazing smile.”
34. “You’re just not intimidating. Sorry.”
35. “Stop whacking me with that stupid rubber chicken!”
36. “Stop kicking me under the table!”
37. “What are you, five?”
38. “I heard a loud sound. Are you okay?”
39. “Why are you wearing my shirt?”
40. “How on Earth did you get so muddy?”
41. “Close your eyes. Don’t peek.”
42. “You know, it’s hard to stay upset when I’m holding you this close.”
43. Person A spends the entire day throwing things at Person B, just for fun.
44. Person A keeps stealing Person B’s snacks.
45. You should really get some sleep.”
46. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
47. I hate children. They’re the worst.”
48. If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
49. I wish you’d stop saying that.”
50. Person A tries (and fails) to convince everyone they aren’t in love with person B. 
51. I’m having a long day, okay?” 
52. Stop treating me like a child!”
53. I hate it when you rhyme my name with things.”
55. Small kisses littered across the other’s face.
56. A small, fleeting kiss - which is immediately followed by a passionate, hungry kiss.
57. A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond.
58. An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
59. Throwing their arms around the other person’s neck, hugging them close before kissing them passionately on the lips.
60. Wild, breathless kisses brought on by a heartfelt gift.
61. French kisses where they trace every tooth with their tongues as though trying to memorize them.
62. Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand.
63. A kiss that lasts so long, they are sharing each other’s breaths.
64. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
65. Morning kisses that are exchanged before either person opens their eyes, kissing blindly until their lips meet in a blissful encounter.
66. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
67. Butterfly kisses against the other’s cheeks.
68. A kiss so desperate that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished.
69. A fierce kiss that ends with a bite on the lip, soothing it with a lick.
70. One person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person.
71. Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.
72. Teasing kisses where one person blows air into the other’s mouth and runs away.
73. One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.
74. Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference.
75. A chaste kiss given to each other because they are in mixed company.
76. A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party.
77. A kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they are eating.
78. Deep kisses where they have their hands tangled in each other’s hair to pull them closer.
79. Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain.
80. Brushing a kiss along the shell of the other person’s ear.
81. Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap.
82. One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.
83. Staring at each other’s lips for a moment before moving closer, as if drawn together by some unseen force.
84. Weak, sweaty kisses because it’s unbearably hot.
85. Pulling away from a kiss, whispering words of love against each other’s lips.
86. A kiss so passionate, so perfect - that after they part, neither person can open their eyes for a few moments afterwards.
87. An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.
88. Kisses that start on their fingers and run up their arm, eventually ending on their lips.
89. An awkward kiss given after a first date.
90. Starting with bunny kisses before moving on to soft kisses.
91. Cleaning the other person’s lips with a lick and a kiss.
92. Whispering “I love you” before a chaste, delicate kiss.
93. Kissing tears from the other’s face.
94. A gentle kiss that quickly descends into passion, with little regard for what’s going on around them.
95. Kisses shared under an umbrella.
96. Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead.
97. A kiss pressed to the top of the head.
98. Tentative kisses given in the dark.
99. Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed.
100. A lingering kiss before a long trip apart.
101. A kiss paired with a tight hug, knocking the breath out of the person being hugged.
102. One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s.
103. Short and sweet kiss after meeting up for a date.
104. A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck.
106. Little one jumping in puddles wearing rain boots.
107. Shopping for nursery furniture for little one.
108. Holding the little one for the first time.
109. Being immensely proud when little one takes their first steps alone.
110. Little one’s first reaction to seeing/feeling snow.
111. Singing nursery rhymes to get little one to sleep.
112. Finger painting with little one.
113. Little one getting food all over their face.
114. Going on a walk together with little one.
115. Little one coming to sleep with you after having a bad dream.
116. Picking out little one’s first Halloween costume.
117. Little one’s first birthday.
118. Keeping little one from trying to eat crayons.
119. Little one’s first trip to the zoo or aquarium.
120. Showing little one a lightning bug for the first time.
121. Little one sticking their toes in their mouth.
122. Little one pulling on your hair with surprising strength.
123. Helping little one go down a slide at the park.
124. Little one needing an emergency bath.
125. Tickling little one’s chubby thighs until they laugh.
126. Singing songs and rocking little one to sleep.
127. Reading a book with little one on your lap.
128. Having to show little one that the food tastes good by having some too.
129. Playing airplane/train to get little one to open their mouth and take a bite of food.
130. Little one chasing after bubbles to pop them.
131. Playing peek-a-boo with little one.
132. Little one snuggling with a stuffed animal.
133. Playing “This Little Piggy” on little one’s toes.
134. Having little one help mix cookie dough.
135. Little one eating a slice of fruit and getting juice all down their chin.
136. Kissing little one where they got hurt to make the pain go away.
137. Little one stripping their clothes and running around in their diaper.
138. Waking up to little one crying out in their sleep.
139. Little one biting everything they can stick in their mouth as they teethe.
140. Little one sticking pretzel sticks up their nose.
141. Little one leaving sticky fingerprints on everything they touch.
142. Having little one help flip pancakes.
143. Giving little one a raspberry on their tummy after changing their diaper.
144. Watching little one go in and out of the kiddie pool.
145. Little one pointing out colors and shapes that they recognize.
146. Having little one wear their first formal wear.
147. Little one drifting off to sleep with a smile on their face.
148. Little one settling down after you finally figure out what they need.
149. Choosing little one’s name together.
150. Watching little one attempt to blow the seeds off a dandelion.
151. Little one getting in a laughing kick where everything is funny.
152. The first time little one picks their own outfit.
153. Little one chasing down the pet to rest their head on them and hold them tight.
154. Being unable to stay mad at little one when they give you puppy dog eyes.
155. Little one playing dress up with a grown-up set of shoes.
157. Holding their hands when they are shaking.
158. Tucking the sheets around them when they stir during the night.
159. Traveling long distances just to see them.
160. Making their favorite meal when they are having a hard day.
161. Giving them a kiss before going to work and they are still in bed.
162. Tucking your head into their neck during a hug.
163. Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.
164. Buying them something unrequested because it made you think of them.
165. Participating in their hobby even if it doesn’t personally interest you.
166. Sitting in comfortable silence while eating a meal.
167. Telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile.
168. Following their family traditions that they enjoy.
169. Playing your fingers through their hair while sitting next to them on the couch.
170. Singing and dancing to their favorite song.
171. Calming them down when they have a bad dream.
172. Having a tickle fight until you’re breathless.
173. Folding their clean laundry and putting it away.
174. Sharing a soft smile across a crowded room.
175. Bringing them a plate of their favorite sliced fruit.
176. Washing their back/hair in the shower.
177. Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.
178. Listening to them while they vent.
179. Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
180. Tracing your names together in the sand.
181. Wearing clothes in their favorite color.
182. Doing a chore for them that you know they aren’t fond of.
183. Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.
184. Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.
185. Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
186. Helping scratch that itch on their back they can’t reach.
187. Pulling a chair out for them to sit down at the table.
188. Wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show.
189. Throwing away their piles of tissues when they have a cold.
190. Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped.
191. Running out in the middle of the night to get a food item they’re craving.
192. Helping brush their hair after a shower.
193. Making sure to be quiet while they’re taking a nap.
194. Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.
195. Giving them your dessert when you eat out because it’s their favorite.
196. Making a goofy face until they notice and laugh.
197. Giving them space when they express wanting to have some time alone.
198. Holding their hand while walking, even if there isn’t a crowd.
199. Holding shopping bags that are too heavy for them.
200. Standing between them and a busy road.
201. Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.
202. Giving them a back massage when they flop on the couch or bed.
203. Staying up half the night to finish a game with them.
204. Getting them a coffee just the way they like it.
205. Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
206. Buying them a special treat when you go out shopping.
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ssatoritendou · 3 years
Old Spice, Breakfast, & Memory Lane
Pairing: Itadori/reader
Yuuji Itadori
+ summary: Yuuji takes notice that you slept in his sweatshirt. In which leads into a conversation about your future, and talking about your past as well.
Word count: 1.7k
Genre: fluff
Warning: hornee Yuuji
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“___, you won’t believe what this cursed- Shit you are sleep,” Yuuji said putting up his hands feeling guilty. He switched to whispering. “Sorry, Babe.” He placed his hand on your head gracefully stroking your hair.
“She looks delicious to eat,” Sukuna said mouth appear on Yuuji’s palm licking the hair under his hand.
Yuuji slaps his hand to his face. “I thought I told you to never do that to her.” He growled.
“Too bad though she smells like you.”
“Just ignoring me fine. What do you mean she smells like me? She always smells fresh like a clean spring day, refreshing.” Yuuji smiled.
“Maybe because she is wearing that gross yellow sweatshirt of yours and smells like your old spice. I have to live with it every day for the rest of my life.”
Yuuji stopped listening to the demon living inside of him and looked at his beloved girlfriend wearing his yellow sweatshirt, that desperately needed to be washed.
He smirked. He got up from crouching and took off his uniform. Slipping into bed behind you wrapping his arms lightly.
You wiggled up against him. He groaned when you did that but he suppressed that thought letting his chin rest on your head.
“No talking for the rest of the night you. She needs her beauty rest.”
“You can say that again.”
As much as Yuuji wanted to fight Sukuna for even muttering another word, he didn’t want to go wake his sleeping angel.
There were only four things that woke up Yuuji. 1) the bright sunlight pouring into his room when he forgot to roll his shades down. 2) Nobara when they need to go on a mission. 3) a wet dream. 4) the smell of food being prepared.
This morning it was the smell of breakfast. He could smell the eggs and sausage being cooked on the small hot plate. He sat upon his bed, fixing his pillows. He found himself staring at you in all your glory still wearing his sweatshirt. He let his eyes stop at your ass and his head fall to the side as he leered your round cheeks peeking out of the grey sweat-shorts.
“Morning Yuuji.” You said without turning around.
“Morn’ baby.” He said in a gravelly morning voice.
You turned your head slightly to say, “breakfast will be ready in minutes.”
“Thank you, baby.” He chuckled as he putting arms behind his head. “Do we have any syrup?”
“Yuuji you think I don’t already have it out for you?” You said to point your spatula towards his bed tray with a bottle of syrup already on it and a small glass of apple juice.
Now you were putting the food on his plate. Turning around with the tray in hand which was set up beautifully, his silverware wrapped in a napkin, his apple juice had a straw in it, a bottle of maple syrup to drown his eggs and sausages in, and a small vase with some wildflowers that grew on the jujutsu tech property.
You did this every time he came back from a long mission.
It was your way of telling him you love him, happy that he was safe and thankful for him.
“Thank you, angel.” He said picking up your hand and kissing it.
“How was the mission?” You asked.
“It was fine. The cursed spirit was weird looking. It was yellow, this was the first yellow cursed spirit I have seen. It looked like a Picasso painting."
You nodded understanding his description. You have only seen them briefly in high intense situations but you don't see them as frequently as your friends.
"It is not like I look forward to them. We are just doing a job and trying to find the fingers as well.”
He started to shove more food into his mouth syrup dripped down onto his chest. “You want to clean this up?” He asked in a flirty tone.
You only rolled your eyes picking up the napkin wiping his chest.
“Worth a shot right?”
“You know I love when you are overly flirty.”
He laughed. “I love it when you wear my clothes.”
“Oh, you noticed?”
"Of course I noticed, I notice everything about you." He said playing with your fingers resting on his leg.
“You even smell like the rat. That god awful old spice body wash and body deodorant.” Sukuna chided into the conversation.
“Stay out of this Sukuna.” You said picking up a sausage sticking it in the demon’s mouth. The demon willing took the sausage and chewed on it.
“You looked so cute last night,” Yuuji said. “I wanted to wake you up and tell you how pretty you look.”
He put his hand on your cheek as you rested against it. “I just can’t see myself ever living without you.” You said.
“Hey don’t think that way. I’m always going to be here. I need you to know that.”
“___ baby, if I weren’t a jujutsu student we would’ve never met.”
That was true. You were Mei Mei’s niece. No clue how it was possible but your parents were both sorcerers and passed away at young age doing their job. Mei Mei became your parent. She never stayed in one place because of her job. You never developed curse energy. Mei Mei was thankful for that. Jujutsu Tech offered you, board. In return, you helped around the grounds.
You remembered the day you met Yuuji.
He and Fushiguro were hanging out by the open concrete archways. He had been sipping an apple juice pouch overly petting Fushiguro’s demon dog. You had been tending to the garden when the carton of apple juice had landed into the bush. You picked up the pouch and stomped over into their direction.
“New blood?” You asked Fushiguro.
“____ this is Yuuji Itadori. Sukuna’s vessel.”
“Yeah, idiot Satoru mentioned it in passing. He never gives the full explanation.” You said grunting.
Itadori was sitting there starring at you during a brief conversation with Fushiguro, finally speaking up when there was a small silence. “That is the most I have ever heard him talk.”
You laughed a little bit. You smiled turning towards him, “Itadori is it?” He nodded. “Keep your trash in the trash bin or live to regret it.” You walked away.
“Who is she?” He asked Fushiguro.
“Thats ____, ___. She is a sorcerer's niece. Her parents were sorcerers. She was raised here for the most part. I’ve known her for a long time. She doesn’t have cursed energy she is normal. But Gojo did teach her how to fight. Be afraid.”
It wasn’t long after that he “passed away” but you were cleaning some of the rooms and you heard a movie playing and walked in and saw Itadori sitting there sipping on his 4 can of soda holding a stuffed bear by its head.
“Itadori? How? I thought—you should be dead.”
“Trust me I don’t understand it either. But no one can know. A small number of people know.”
“So I can’t tell anyone?”
“Exactly.” He said with a thumbs up. And then the stuffed bear knocked him in the face.
You laughed so hard that your insides started to hurt.
Itadori pulled the stuffed bear off of him and got it to calm it down to sleep. He started staring at you again. He started laughing too.
“You want to watch movies with me?” He asked.
“Sure.” You said sitting down and eating some of the chips and drink what was left of Itadori’s soda. “Sorry about that. I haven’t really eaten anything today.”
‘Inadvertent kiss.’ He thought for a minute looking at you in the eyes making an awkward silence in the air. “Uh..yeah it’s fine. What do you want to watch?” He gestured to a stack of DVDs.
You scanned the titles. “Let’s watch Scream.” You said holding up the case.
“Really a horror movie?”
“You fight curse spirits every other day. This is nothing.”
“I just don’t want you getting scared.”
“Pfft.” You said.
You hated to admit it but Itadori was right you did get scared. Only when it was gross. You shoved your face into a pillow.
“You can come over here if you want.” He said looking away from the tv and your direction in general. You moved over closer to him. Over time while watching the movie he put his arm across the back of the couch slightly touching your shoulders.
When the credits started rolling you said. “Itadori if you wanted to ask me out or kiss me you could have.”
“Never mind then.” You sighed.
“No no no…I do want to ask you out just didn’t think you would say yes.”
“You don’t think highly of yourself?”
“…I don’t usually have any luck with the ladies.” He said rubbing his head.
“Consider this lady impressed by you.” You giggled.
Itadori leaned down and kissed your cheek.
“You missed.”
“What do you mean I missed?”
You turned your head to him and straddled his lap. “I mean you missed.” You kissed him on the lips.
He was a little stunned by your boldness. He wasn’t sure what to do at first. But soon he melted into the kiss soon putting his hands on your waist.
You pulled away.
“So are you my girlfriend?”
You rolled your eyes. “Of course dumbo.”
Now you were here laying in his bed holding onto him to dear life. Tears were rolling down your cheeks and you were sniffling.
“Angel it will be ok. I can handle myself. You have seen me fight.”
“Yuuji I know that. It’s just the ending…”
“That’s a long time away.”
“Yuuji it’s going to happen. I don’t know what I will do if it happens. Yuuji if you fully turn into Sukuna I might try and save you from our friends.”
“Yuuji it’s you. If there was a chance I could save you….” You couldn’t even finish the thought your face started to crumble.
He picked up your face. “___ I understand if it were you I would fight off everyone any way I can.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I promise everything will be ok. We will be ok.”
You nodded your head in his hands.
“Come on little lady let’s watch a movie together.” He pulled you closer to him.
“Scream?” You asked.
“Oh yeah definitely Scream.” He chuckled. Putting the movie on. “I love you ___.”
“I love you Yuuji.” You pecked his lips. He squeezed you in returned.
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funtimebunnyblog · 3 years
I'M BACK!!! 🥰😍❤ Did you all miss me? I'm happy to say that I've finally gotten some WiFi where I'm currently living and updates are gonna try to be more steady here in the future but I can't make any promises because I get very busy with my work 😅😇 Please continue to bear with me!
In other words, a while back I wrote the OG version of this little short fic on A03 but I realized that I had never posted it here! 😱 Nevertheless, I decided to write the Part 2 to this and then decided to remaster that first part before posting it here! 🙂🙂🙂 I'm thinking about turning this into a little mini series 🤔🥰
Anyways, I'll stop rambling! Please enjoy! 😚
Pillarroomates (Chapter 1: Roommate wanted)
(This is dedicated to Dagdoth and Sureynot; 2 of the best bad influences I could ever ask for 🥰😍❤)
The steady click-clacking of keys filled the pleasant silence of the little kitchen, Kars typing away on the laptop before him at the table.
It was just a little after noon, a time where he usually put down his work for a brief session to sit back in silence and enjoy a cup of coffee, or maybe a mug of tea depending on his mood, with whatever baked-good had been whipped up recently. Today however, he chose to cut his little break out of schedule completely to get a jump on the deadline of the month that he was currently picking away at.
Hunched over, eyes glued to the screen, one could've swore he was a living statue perched like that so quietly if it weren't for his typing fingers.
The sweet smell hanging in the air came much closer as Wamuu strode over to the table, a soft smile was painted across the mans lips as he placed an oven fresh cookie on a plate down next to the mug of black tea his Master was letting steep at his side.
"Thank you, Wamuu." Kars said quietly, watching the blonde depart in his peripheral vision for only a beat before regaining his sharp focus on the sea of numbers staring back at him.
Kars had his own room with a desk to work in of course but he always found himself enjoying doing work down here this time of day. The heavenly smell of the kitchen when something was being baked and the pleasant background noise of the radio chiming softly, sometimes accompanied by Wamuu humming along, was something sort of relaxing to Kars.
Relaxing around here tended to be something rare too, as there never seemed to be a dull moment in the lives of the Pillarmen these days.
Not in this neighbourhood, no.
The younger man hummed in response, heading back to the stove to finish scraping fresh cookies off the pan to place on a rack to cool. He was sure Santana would make an appearance soon to try one, with the lovely smell filling the air and all.
Santana could never stay asleep (as heavy of a sleeper as he had the tendency to be) holed up in his room when there was something yummy being cooked.
The times where he appeared the quickest was when Kars flicked on the coffee machine first thing in the morning, the red-head manifesting at his side at the very first spew of hot caffeine never failed to nearly give him a heartattack; especially when it was 5 in the morning in a dark kitchen.
Kars' head lifted, cocking an eyebrow as there suddenly came a knock at the front door; three evenly spaced thumps on the wood. The thought of another complaining neighbour was the first thing to cross his mind, making him sigh as he moved to get up from his chair.
The sounds of heavy footfalls coming at a rapid speed from down the hallway accompanying the cry stopped him in his tracks.
The plum-haired man grimaced, Wamuu glancing over his shoulder with a frown, as none-other-than Esidisi sped by; the one hand clutching the towel around his waist was the only thing keeping it from blowing away completely.
Despite only catching a glimpse of his speedy companion, Kars didn't miss the fact that the other was sopping wet and trailing water.
Esidisi had simply lept out of the shower the second he heard the knock at the door, leaving with only a towel (just barely even) and the foamy suds that were still clinging to his hair and his body.
No doubt about it, he was dripping all over the place.
And all over his clean floor too.
Kars clicked his tongue, more than tempted to sigh again.
"Really, Esidisi?" He called out to the other.
It was hard to tell whether he was more displeased with his state of soapy undress or the fact that the oldest Pillarmen had gone and ordered yet ANOTHER pizza this week with only God-knows-what on it.
Sure, he the others found themselves actually partaking in "Human food" casually these days. Wamuu even went so far as to teach himself how to cook as a hobby to fill time around the house when he wasn't going to the Gym or to work, but Esidisi had become something of a strange enthusiast on the matter.
Some people in this world got a little riled up over something as simple as Pinapple being added as a topping on a pizza but Kars had a feeling those people would have an absolute fit listening to Esidisi's phone order of a multi-fruit pizza (consisting of: oranges, apples, watermelon and strawberries) with cheese, olives and pepperoni.
He was starting to wonder if his longtime companion was simply doing it just to see how far he could push a Pizza place with his barrage of odd orders until they yelled at him or worse, barred him completely from the place.
His question was only met with laughter. "I decided to ask for Mac and Cheese and Jalapeños on it this time!" Esidisi called back, voice echoing off the walls, as he finally reached the front door.
Wamuu's nose crinkled at the very sound of that, choosing wisely to direct his attention to his cookies once more.
Kars decided to follow suit and do the same with his own work.
He supposed it wasn't really his problem, therefore; he shouldn't say anything.
The advertisment had been a strange one for sure, but really, you had no choice but to at least look into it. It never hurt to try and you were already desperate enough as it was.
Apartments and open housing in the area was becoming a rarity at best these days, this busy time of year didn't help things either, and you had been scouring the internet for every opportunity or opening there was to move in with someone in this portion of the city.
Sadly, you had turned up empty handed quite a few times.
The last one you had looked into had been great; a nice building, nice seeming people, decent budget; but alas, the people who put out the advert took it down just a day later.
They had decided to give the opening to a close friend of theirs who wanted to come across the country and live with them instead.
You had been starting to consider checking the complete other side of the city and trying to squeeze yourself in somewhere there or maybe even just going with the option of moving cities completely! The hassle of finding a place was just becoming too much until... this one happened to pop up.
We are Four Men seeking out a Human roomate to live with us in our rented house.
4 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 kitchen; upstairs, downstairs and basement.
Location: Western side of the city, 929 Bizzare av.
Rent and chores are divided equally among us.
Requirements as followed:
• Must be a CLEAN Human.
• Human must not bear the surname of "Joestar" under ANY means necessary.
•Must be actively working and have claims to have the ability to hold their job.
• Must be willing to contribute to the household via chores and yard work when necessary.
• must be CUTE!!!
• Mus
• Must like llf6io78fjjl0
• Jo9sjw6jnsjej27ebeolu
• Jsjsij wkk d18kkjs lkdjsjsns52jsjjsnend2njsmdv 6272jsndbdhs2672 jd Djjsija bsij eeskdnne9s782728 jd bjejrn rnusjjsj
• the human must not be loud
• It would be most appreciated if the Human was a mannered person, who holds appreciation for similar hobbies we do. -W
Ask within to apply! ☆
You couldn't help but wonder if whoever had written this advert had been drunk at the time by looking at the grabbed mess that took up half the page.
Better yet, you could only hope this was a real advertisement and not some sort of stupid prank.
Either way, you were determined to find out today and claim this oppertunity before anyone else got the chance.
Glancing down at the print out you had made of the ad at the Library, you sighed as you kept going down the street. You had been walking all morning and were beginning to wish you had the foresight to pack a snack or a drink for your seemingly endless sojourn for this supposed place.
There was no picture put onto the advertisement, even a proper description of the place would've been nice, and finding a direct address wasn't exactly a piece of cake to you.
Nonetheless, you kept going. Stopping at every house you passed in hopes to spot a matching address; finding nothing but different numbers and barking dogs tethered in yards.
With every different number meeting your eyes, the possibility of this just being a fake ad just kept growing and growing in your mind.
You were even starting to consider just giving up entirely when, at last, there it was. "292" the numbers were bolted to the front porch, the 9 starting to tilt to one side.
It seemed nice enough. The lawn was well kept, the walkway however looked as if it needed to be redone. The building was a sunbleached blue, probably a nice clean periwinkle once upon a time, but now leaning a tad white and staring to flake. The place was definitely in need of a touch up.
This was the place, now if someone was Home to even just talk to you about this ad that would be great.
You gathered up the courage to leave the sidewalk and start up the overgrown walkway, the wood of the porch whined under your feet as you stepped onto it. A couple of chairs, a book carelessly left behind in one, a little cage sat all by its lonesome in the far corner, and a big unmissable stain (probably coffee) caught your eye on the wood.
The word "Pillarmen" was scrawled on the name card over the mail slot of the front door.
A strange surname, you had never heard of it before, but it must've been safe to assume that it belonged to someone here. Presumably one of the men who had made this advertisement in the first place.
With only a moments hesitation, clutching the print-out in hand, you reached out and rapped on the door hard with your knuckles, then stood back and waited.
Silence... You took the opportunity to fix your appearance slightly, suddenly becoming a little self-conscious, smoothing out your shirt before clasping your hands behind your back neatly and putting on your best smile.
First impressions were important, most especially a first impression made at the door after all.
There came the sounds of voices, too muffled for you to hear through the walls, followed closely by the unmistakable thundering of footsteps coming closer and closer from within.
Finally, the door flung open.
You felt your eyes go a little wide, the smile drained from your face as you craned your neck back slightly to meet the gaze of the very tall and very muscular dark-skinned man that now stood before you.
Belatedly, as your eyes followed the droplets of water that were dripping off him, trickling down every inch of his muscular body and pooling at his feet, you realized he was practically naked; clutching only a fluffy white towel around his waist.
The towel didn't look nearly as fluffy and white as his hair, however.
"Uh--" Your tongue swole in your mouth as you both found yourselves staring at one another, seemingly sharing a similar dumbfounded moment.
He blinked owlishly.
"You're not the Pizza delivery." He said matter-of-factly, breaking the tense silence that had fallen between the two of you.
Your head shook violently, broke from your sudden stupor, pulling out the slightly crumpled piece of paper out for him to see.
"Uh-- I--... N-No! I'm not-- I'm uh.... here ab-about the-- the roomate ad...?" You sputtered, the words felt as garbled as alphabet soup falling off your tongue, you felt a nervous sweat beading on your skin under your clothes as it hit you for a second time that wasn't wearing any. "Oh! If uh-- this is a bad time I-- I can come back later!"
His face lit up suddenly, eyes shimmering like sapphires. "Oh!" He cried. "I forgot about that!"
The massive man turned, calling back over his shoulder deeper into the apartment.
"Kars! There's a Human here, they saw our advert!"
You happened to be so gobsmacked, still reeling from the slight shock of the very first of your encounter, you hadn't even noticed he distinctly used the word "Human" there.
You couldn't see past the mans hulking figure but you could very well hear the scraping of a chair in the distance, followed by more thundering footsteps heading towards the door.
You blinked as yet another larger-than-life sized man made his appearance, pushing past the first with a frown. The both of them looked almost comically squashed where they stood taking up the whole doorway.
This man was just as tall and as muscular as the first. His skin was like ivory, framed by dark cloth wrapped from his neck to the top of his head with only a tuft of deep purple hair dangling precariously out over his pointed nose.
More importantly, very much unlike the first, this one was fully clothed.
Clad in a dress shirt that matched his hair, slightly unbuttoned to just give you a peak of the buldging muscles he had underneath and the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, neatly pressed black dress pants and house shoes.
Kars blinked in surprise as he caught sight of you at last, eyes scanning over you. He honestly hadn't expected someone to come to their door about the advertisement they had put out so quickly, they had only put it out less than a day ago.
If anything, by the way it had turned out, he was surprised someone responded to it at all.
"Please, come in." Kars told you, making his best attempt to save this lousy first impression.
His surprised look was short-lived, turning sharp as he directed it onto Esidisi. The other man smiled sheepishly, turning and retreat back to the bathroom to finish his shower without the pizza he had left it for...
Kars hummed, reading over the advert for a 4th time with pursed lips.
He had listed all the necessary information about them and the living situation and even put down a few requirements to set the bar for any Human who would happen to want to apply.
However, even with the ground rules set, it still just seemed a little too bare to him.
"Hmm," Kars peered over his shoulder towards the living room doorway; he swore he could hear more of the crunching of the flaming hot cheetos Esidisi was enjoying rather than the actual program he was watching. "Is there anything specific you would like to add to this before I post it?"
"Shay they mush be cute!" came the reply though a mouthful of spicy junkfood. Kars could only hope he wasn't getting crumbs all over the couch again, not to mention getting too handsy with the T.V remote eating those things...
"That isn't what qualifies as a 'requirement', Esidisi..." he sighed.
The other swallowed, now blessed with the ability to speak much clearer; the crinkling of the cheeto bag hit Kars' ears next.
"Well excuse me for having standards." He heard his oldest companion grumble, drowned out by the crunch of more food.
Wamuu's head peered out of the kitchen, the pie he was just about to place in the oven cradled in oven-mit hands. He had decided to try his hand at fudge pie this time, having mastered apple so quickly.
"It would be nice if the Human were a Warrior as well," he said, disappearing from Kars' sight again as he went back into the kitchen, carrying the pie to the awaiting oven. "Or perhaps if they were interested in going to the Gym or baking as I do..."
Kars sighed, "Wamuu, I understand you would like someone to train with but this--"
"The Human must not be loud."
The Pillarman practically jumped out of his chair, the tiniest yelp escaping his lips as he swiveled his head to find none other than Santana looming over him. The sheet lines imprinted in the others face indicated he had just arisen from a deep sleep; most likely venturing out of his cave and into the kitchen to see what Wamuu was up to.
Even after thousands of years, he still couldn't get used to the youngest Pillarman sneaking up on him.
It probably didn't even count as "sneaking" anyways as Santana was just so naturally quiet he just happened to go unnoticed until he spoke up.
Kars opened his mouth to make an attempt to speak again, only to be cut off one more time as Esidisi finally made his own appearance; leaning over the purple-haired man to see the advert in the works.
"See, this is all wrong." Esidisi told him, frowning at the screen. "This is too formal! If we're going to get someone at all, we need to grab their attention somehow. Here, I'll fix it!"
The other practically clamored over him, cheeto bag tucked under arm as he reached over to type on the computer, deleting the majority of the title Kars had written out and already replacing it with one of his own creation.
Kars belatedly realized the others' hands were still coated in hot cheeto crumbs, smudging the keys of his pristine computer with imprints of red and orange as he typed away.
"Esidisi, stop this at once!" He commanded, trying to push him at arms length, only to be met with a hand pushing back and smooshing against his face. The smell of spicy cheese flavoring hit his nostrils, only fueling his fire. "This is my work computer! I'm the one writing this advertisement!"
Santana merely stood back, watching the two elder Pillarmen fight over the computer in silence. Esidisi was pushed by Kars into the keyboard a handful of times before their focus was solely on one another and no longer the ad.
"Get your grubby hands off me!" Kars growled as the other straddled him in the chair, his face now smudged like his keyboard. They kept pushing on one another, a clumsy slap war already underway, obscenities and curses getting mangled as they argued back and forth.
"You never let me--"
"I told you that--"
"I wanna do it! Just let me--"
Santana peered down at the computer curiously, uninterested in watching the display before him any longer.
The red-head typed out his own request before picking up the device and carrying it to the kitchen for Wamuu to see and whatever he wished; Santana ignored the sound of two bodies toppeling out of the chair and hitting the floor as he left.
Kars didn't even get to see the ad (or rather; the remainder of what qualified as an advert) before it was posted online by Santana.
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Treasure Seekers - Blackbeard's Bounty by GleefullyCaptainSwan
Chapter 3/8
Read on AO3: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Or on FF
Stacy's Tortured Crew: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jrob64 @jonesfandomfanatic @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx @therooksshiningknight @batana54 @superchocovian @onceratheart18 @ultraluckycatnd @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @the-darkdragonfly @xsajx @deckerstarblanche @jonesfandomfanatic @winterbaby89
Chapter 3: Old Sea Dog
“No not like that, you can’t hold your breath. That’s the number one rule.” Emma was watching the woman take a deep breath and hold it before trying on her mask.
“How bad can it be, I hold my breath all the time.”
“That depends, do you feel like dying today?” Emma shot back blankly, and the woman gaped at her. “Don’t hold your breath.” She repeated. She turned her attention back to the two men. “Once we are down there, you can’t go shooting right back to the top either, we need to safely ascend out of the water, so don’t go showing off or acting like a professional, follow our lead.” She lectured.
Most of the time they weren’t out at sea long enough to do deep dive’s but apparently this trip included a stop at the old sunken ship, Old Sea Dog, near island C. Emma had done this dive so many times that she was sure she knew her way around that old ship like the back of her hand. “Always make sure you can see your buddy.” She turned toward the woman who had been ignoring her entire safety check. “We don’t want anyone getting lost down there.”
“So, who’s my buddy?” Neal flirted.
“That would be me, Mate.” Killian spoke up quickly and Emma didn’t miss the way he puffed out his chest before pulling on his wet suit.
“You’re with me.” Liam announced to Tamara and Emma nodded at Walsh who realized they were the last pair.
“We’re down there fifty minutes, that’s it. Keep an eye on your air and alert your buddy if it drops below this line.” Liam pointed out the equipment to the group. “When we signal it’s time to come up, you listen, no one has time to screw around.”
“Aye Captain, can we just go have fun already?” Neal joked.
“Alright. Let’s go.”
Killian grabbed her arm before she headed toward the water. “Be careful out there, keep an eye on him, I don’t trust him.”
“I’m a big girl, Jones.” She winked.
“I’m serious, Swan.” His blue eyes glistened in the sun.
“I know. You should be careful out there. I don’t think Neal likes you very much.”
Killian glanced at the man standing at the edge of the ship. “You mean I haven’t won him over with my dashing personality? Shame.” He teased with a nudge.
Emma followed Killian as he swam out toward the ship’s wreckage, keeping an eye on her group to ensure that everyone seemed comfortable before they dove beneath the surface. When she saw Liam disappear underwater and Tamara follow quickly after him, she turned toward Walsh. “You good?”
“After you.” He said with a calculated smile. Emma dove beneath the surface, following the wake left behind by Liam and Killian’s dive teams. Once they reached the bottom, the ship came into view. Emma turned and pointed toward the vessel and swam toward the ship’s entrance.
She loved exploring the old pirate ship, diving was one of the first things Killian had taught her growing up. They had spent many days together, pretending they were pirates, lost at sea.
She swam around the ship’s helm, her hands pressing against the wheel, now fused in place. Looking up she saw Walsh swimming away from her and she immediately gave chase to catch up with him.
When she reached him, she sternly pointed toward herself and then back at him, reminding him that they needed to stay close. He pointed toward the stairs, indicating his interest to enter the belly of the ship and Emma pushed forward in annoyance, leading the way. He seemed particularly interested in the old shelves from the galley, which Emma found ridiculous as this ship had been picked apart long before she was born.
Suddenly Walsh was at her back, bumping into her and sending her into a pile of broken wood. Emma turned her head as he lifted his hands in apology. Emma shook her head and then tried to move out of the rubble she had bumped into. When she tugged away, she realized she was stuck on something at her back. Reaching behind herself she tried to find the snag but found herself unable to get her fingers to the spot she needed.
Looking up for her partner she found only darkness around her. Walsh was gone. She tried to calm her breathing, she had been in uncomfortable situations before while diving, she just needed to relax and breath normally.
Killian was getting tired of babysitting Neal Cassidy. The guy was a total idiot. At one point he got lost spinning in the same circle at the aft portion of the ship. He could see the panic in his eyes as he grabbed him by the arm and stilled him in place. The man jerked his arm away and Killian could barely contain himself as his eyes rolled back in his head at how stubborn he was being.
He watched as his brother swam by them, his partner following closely behind him. He looked around for Emma or Walsh, but they were nowhere to be found. He looked down at his oxygen, realizing that they needed to start to ascend soon. Liam was at his side, pointing to his wrist and Killian gestured around that he hadn’t seen Emma.
From the corner of his eye, he saw someone swim out of a hole in the hull of the ship, but when he realized that Walsh didn’t have a partner with him, he swam toward him just as the man began to ascend toward the surface. Liam stared at him anxiously and Killian cursed to himself as he pointed below the deck of the ship, indicating that he was going to go find Emma.
Liam pulled on Neal and began pushing them toward the surface as Killian found the hole in the ship to lead him into the belly of the beast. He searched each corner looking for Emma until he saw movement at the end of the dark hall. Swimming closer he saw her, pinned in the corner of the ship. When he reached her, her eyes were huge, he could tell she was close to panic. She gestured to her back and Killian tried to swim above her, looking down to see what the issue was. In the dark he could see the glint of a nail sticking out of a wooden crate, snagged into the ropes attached to her suit in a tangle.
He pulled the knife from his side and cut through her suit, freeing her from her entrapment. She pointed to her wrist, and he found her oxygen was at a critical level, he grabbed her hand pulling her toward the exit, keeping eye contact with her to ensure that she didn’t panic and suddenly dart to the surface. When they were finally free from the ship, he met her eye once again and nodded to her as they slowly began to rise to the surface together.
The moment they breached the water, she was tugging her mask off, her breaths coming out frantically. “Hey, look at me. Em, look at me, you’re fine.” He said quietly. “Just breathe, love.”
She shook her head, rubbing her face with her hand. “I’m ok.” She exclaimed, her breath slowly returning to normal. Slowly they made their way back to the ship, and Killian assisted Emma up the ladder and sat her down on one of the crates in the middle of the deck. As soon as she was seated and safe, he turned on Walsh.
“What in the fuck happened down there?” He yelled, invading the man’s space.
“What are you insinuating?” He replied calmly.
“You never leave your buddy.” He growled.
“I couldn’t find her, we got separated, so I went to the surface so I wouldn’t get lost.” His eyes were narrowed, and Killian knew he wasn’t telling the whole truth. He turned back to Emma.
“How did you two get separated?” He inquired.
“I got snagged, I thought he was going to help me, but he just left.” She said in blowing out a deep breath.
“Is that true?” Liam asked angrily.
“I can assure you; I had no idea she was snagged. It was dark down there, and I got turned around.” The man shrugged and Killian lunged at him before Liam wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him away from Walsh.
“Take Emma down to the cabin and make sure she’s alright.” He said seriously.
“You don’t honestly believe that bullshit do you?” He argued angrily.
“Just take her downstairs.” He demanded in a tone that told Killian he wasn’t asking anymore.
“Fine.” He relented, putting a hand on Emma’s shoulder, and leading her to the crew quarters. “Sit down and I’ll get you some water.”
“No, I’m fine.” She said, sitting down on the bed. “Seriously, Killian, I’m alright.”
“That asshole left you down there, I don’t believe anything he just said up there.” He pointed angrily toward the door.
“I know, I don’t either, but getting angry isn’t helping anything.” He sat down with a frustrated sigh beside her.
“I hate this whole damn thing, Liam’s right, something doesn’t feel right. Neal led me in circles the whole damn time we were down there. Even if he is an idiot, no one is that stupid, he did it on purpose, I swear.”
“We just need to get through the rest of the week and get paid, we need this money, Killian.”
He ran his hand through his hair, tugging on the strands in frustration. “Money isn’t worth losing you.”
Her hand rested on his knee, a shot of electricity running up his leg. “Hey, you can’t get rid of me that easily.” She teased softly and he let out a shaky breath as he rested his hand on top of hers.
“When you didn’t come out of that ship with Walsh…”
“Hey, I know…ok, if the tables had turned, I would have been feeling the same way if you were stuck down there. But nothing happened, you found me.” He felt her head press against his shoulder, resting against him and he relaxed.
“Aye, I’ll always find you, Emma.”
“I know.” She said softly before laying back on the bed. “I just want to sleep for the rest of the week.” She laughed.
“Rest, I’ll come get you for dinner.” He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead, closing his eyes as he relished in the feeling of knowing she was safe.
Liam watched the two men talking quietly at the bow of the ship, whispering as they passed something back and forth between them. Liam was still angry about the events of the day and had half a mind to return the ship to the island and end the entire arrangement, money be damned.
Killian assured him that Emma was alright but that he planned on keeping a closer eye on their passengers going forward. There would be no more splitting up on adventures going forward.
“So, when do we get to the real tour?” Walsh approached him with Neal in tow.
“Tomorrow we will make a stop at one of the Lagoons on the west side, I can show...” He responded before Walsh cut in.
“I was thinking we could get a closer look at Bluff Peak.”
Liam laughed heartily. “That’s definitely not part of this tour.”
“Why’s that?” Neal asked.
“Bluff Peak is not for tourists, it’s a treacherous climb up the side of a cliff.” Liam countered.
“Still, I’d very much like to go there.” Walsh insisted.
“Mate, perhaps you didn’t hear him, that’s not part of the tour.” His brother interrupted the conversation as he ascended from the interior of the ship to the deck.
Walsh’s hand thudded against the table, a stack of crisp one-hundred-dollar bills bundled together left on the table as he stepped back. “How about now?”
Emma woke to the sound of cooking in the kitchen. She rolled over, ignoring the headache threatening to pound through her skull. The activities of the day had left her exhausted yet also extremely nervous about the guests aboard their ship. She knew that Walsh left her down in that water, there was no way he was unaware that she was stuck, they made eye contact, she saw the way he looked at her. But she couldn’t imagine the reasoning the man had for leaving her down there. To admit to herself that he did it on purpose, meant that this group had malicious intent.
As she approached the kitchen she could hear the conversation between Killian and Liam.
“And when does it stop?” Killian argued loudly.
“Look, I get it, I don’t like it either.” Liam almost growled in response.
Emma walked into the room. “What’s going on?” She questioned as they both turned toward her.
“Swan…are you feeling better?”
“I’m fine, now why are you two arguing?”
“No one’s arguing, Emma. We’re just discussion tomorrow’s detour.” Liam said with a shake of his head toward his brother.
“What kind of detour?”
“Walsh is paying fifty thousand dollars for Liam to take him to Bluff Peak.” Killian announced.
“You can’t be serious? None of them can climb Bluff Peak and frankly after today, I don’t think I have it in me either.”
“Good because you aren’t going.” Liam replied matter-of-factly.
“What does that mean?”
“I need you to stay behind. Tamara doesn’t want to climb so she’s staying on board, and I don’t trust her alone with my ship.”
Emma furrowed her brow at Liam. “And I’m just supposed to trust that you’ll both be alright out there with…with them?” She whispered the last few words as she pointed toward the stairs, hearing the voices of their guests lofting from above them.
“Killian and I can look out for each other. We’ll be out and back in two hours. I promise.”
Emma frowned. “I don’t like it.”
Killian walked closer to her and pushed her hair off her shoulder, causing a shiver to start at the base of her spine. “Are you feeling better?” He asked, and she felt her apprehension and anger at him changing the subject suddenly melt away as he massaged her shoulder, his blue eyes staring into her as if he were afraid she would disappear if he looked away.
“I’m fine. I just want this week to be over.” She sighed. Suddenly she was wrapped in the comfort of his arms, and Emma could feel the sincere concern radiating from him. “Hey, I said I was fine.” She laughed lightly as he pulled back, not releasing her but relaxing the almost desperate hold from a moment earlier.
“Aye, but we almost lost you today.” He all but whispered and she felt the chill in her bones, knowing his words were true. She felt them herself today, something sitting at the back of her thoughts since they returned to the ship. She almost died today, it could have been the last time she had ever seen the sun rise from the bow of the ship, or the last time she had eaten Liam’s famous breakfast, but the thing that unsettled her most of all was that it could have been the last time she had ever exchanged words with Killian. For some reason, that terrified her.
She smiled up at him. “Well, lucky for you two, I’m still here. Without me, you’d kill each other.” She joked nervously as she pushed against his chest with her shoulder.
The rest of the evening she thought about what life would have been like for the boy’s had she not made it back to the ship that day. It had been the three of them since she could remember. Emma and her boys. She was quite sure that much of her life had been influenced by the Jones brothers. Since she was little she had not gone a day without seeing or speaking to at least one of them. They had been there for every growing pain, every heartbreak, every win, and every loss.
But she knew, they needed her as much as she needed them. They had shared experience, losing both parents. But the bond shared between them was unreplaceable, it was indescribable. They needed each other to survive.
Emma tossed and turned that night, nightmares waking her each time she rolled to her side as the ship rocked in the waves beneath them. Her feet touched the wooden planks beneath her as she stood in the dark, wandering the ship through the black halls to seek the safety she was desperately needing.
She lifted the covers and slid into the bed, her palm firm against his chest as he moved his arm to allow her to snuggle into his side. She laid her head against him, wrapping an arm around his waist as his fingers brushed her hair lightly. “Everything alright, love?”
“Bad dream.” She said softly, her mind suddenly remembering all the times she had done this growing up. She could be waking in the middle of the night due to a storm or a nightmare, but she always found her way to Killian’s bed, knowing that there was safety by his side. It had become their secret, something they never spoke of in the light of the morning or ever revealed to Liam.
She heard Killian sigh softly before relaxing again against the pillow and Emma closed her eyes, her heart suddenly feeling as if it had found its home, the safety she needed to finally drift off to sleep.
Killian woke as the light started to steam in through the porthole, Emma’s hair tickling his arm. He stared down at the woman in his arms, resting quietly against his chest. It had been months since she had found her way to his bed, the thunder louder than he had heard in years, lightning cracking against the sky. He heard the key click in his door and knew immediately that it was her. She tried to tip toe against the floorboards as she made her way to his room.
They never spoke about it, not even the first time she found herself in his room, merely a month after her parent’s had died, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stood at the bottom of his bed. He simply pulled the covers aside and let her lay next to him until she fell asleep. He didn’t know when he began holding her, something that happened quite naturally once Emma had entered high school.
It never became anything more than a friend consoling someone close to them. Or perhaps that’s when he began lying to himself. The comfort he provided her somehow morphing into something akin to love. Only it wasn’t a love for someone who was like a sister to him, he didn’t love Emma the same way that Liam did. Perhaps he had always loved her differently, more fiercely.
Emma yawned and stretched suddenly, and Killian smiled. “I fear I have lost the use of my left arm, Swan.” She slapped at his chest.
“I’m not that heavy.” She teased and he felt the smile grow on his face.
“Says the reason for my arm needing to be amputated.” She sat up and looked down at him.
“What time is it?”
“Early, based on the noise in the kitchen, I assume it’s past 7am.”
“I should get back to my room. I don’t want to miss Liam’s breakfast.” She rubbed her stomach that was now growling.
“Aye. I need to eat before we head out.”
She frowned. “I don’t want you to go today. Bluff Peak is dangerous, what reason could they have to go there?”
“I don’t know, but I intend to find out.”
She climbed out of bed, slipping quickly to the door, and turning back before she opened it. “Please be careful out there.”
“Afraid you’ll be stuck with the sour puss if we don’t come back?” He joked.
“I don’t like her. She never smiles. It’s weird.”
“Perhaps she’s just jealous that she’ll never be the most beautiful woman aboard the Jolly.”
“Whatever, you’re a terrible liar.” She rolled her eyes and stepped into the hall, closing the door behind her. Killian fell back on the pillow and groaned. One of these days, he would tell her the truth without turning it into a joke. One of these days, he would stop lying to himself.
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Top 5 cute Sam moment
5. when castiel goes on one of his earliest jaunts as an “fbi agent” (i think this was ep 9.09?) and dean is sceptical but sam beams and calls castiel “agent” with that awkward little shoulder-pat. he’s just--so proud and a little amused but not in a condescending way, and it’s so cute! murder, soulfisting and tooth-rotting cuteness: is sastiel one of the most shippable pairs on the show or what?
4. sam grinning and drooling while he went down on bela in 3.10. can you blame the guy for crushing on her? she’s tried to kill him and his brother multiple times, true, but eh, minor inconveniences. turn-ons, even.
(interestingly, i looked this episode up on wikipedia just to confirm to myself the episode number, and this little tidbit caught my eye:
[...] the writers recalled Sam's dream sequence with Bela; since Sam is revealed to be a "horn dog" underneath, the writers wanted Dean to be the opposite. Dean secretly desires a normal family, so they had Cindy Sampson reprise her role as Lisa Braeden—Dean's love interest from "The Kids are Alright"
again, the show’s treatment of sam’s sexuality, particularly in early seasons, continues to fascinate me. calling sam’s innocent wet dream as evidence that he’s secretly a lustful “horndog” and later explicitly tying his sexual expression with deviancy and evil... it’s just incredible how much of a traditionally female role he takes on in the narrative.)
3. sam’s eye rolling when dean indulges ron’s spiel about mandroids in 2.12 and his little offended face when dean and ron lock him in the safe with the rest of the people in the bank. actually this whole episode is a gold mine of great annoyed!sam moments, and in each and every one of them his exasperation about how the situation has escalated is absolutely 100% cute. i love when the show lets sam be bit of a dick. it’s so freeing.
2. sam’s discomfort with the Western Aesthetic in 6.18. “do i look stupid? i know i look stupid.” I FEEL YA, SAM
1. that weird little shoulder-shifting movement he does every time he’s either about to/finishes exerting himself. it’s probably an ill-fitting jacket but i just love the idea of him aligning straight the sheer length of him after it’s been skewed. it’s just funny enough to be an endearing character trait but not so much that it takes you out of the scene.
( ask me my top 5 anything! )
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lordkambe · 4 years
Part 1 ✨ hiii, soo I have another naughty request for you (I just love the way you write them, but this is my third one for a smut so pls if I'm being a little over let me know), anyway, let's think about ada and pm fighting another company that is commanded by a female character, she used to be mori and fukuzawa's partner (like if natsume made a trio, but for personal reasons she decided to move from yokohama before they become bosses). when they were close they used to have some threesomes, +
Part 2 ✨✨ and after she almost kill all of their employees they decided that it's time for her punishment? like a lott of edging, degradation, maybe a bit violent (like hard face slaps and hard facefuck? but ofc only if you're ok with that) 
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♠  character, fandom, type of reader: fukuzawa yukichi, mori ogai, bungou stray dogs, woman reader.
♠   genre, rating: nsfw. 18+ only.
♠   themes, triggers: explicit descriptions, heavy degradation, choking, slapping
♠   author’s note:  hey, i love when past requesters come back it makes me so happy that i’m able to bring your ideas to life ! writing this was so fun because i love both these men. i went ahead and assumed that the three were once close so she refers to both men as yukichi an rintaro 💖 i just thought it would be cute lol. thank you for requesting again and i hope this was worth the wait ( sorry about that btw !! )
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The city of Yokohama had never been kind to you. The only thing that kept you company was the glint of your sword and the precision of your movements. It kept you employed. It helped you survive. It introduced you to two men you didn’t realize would have such an integral role in your life. Fukuzawa Yukichi and Mori Ogai were two men with the same ideal; they loved Yokohama but one craved power and the other craved peace. Their goals were explained clearly to you through Natsume, he had a plan and that plan included you. But somehow before you could see that plan turn into action you left; leaving behind friendships, romances, a future.
The lack of compassion is what led you to leave Yokohama, you fled elsewhere and took the little advice Natsume had given you to create your own team of gifteds. Gifteds who weren’t bound by what the government wanted them to be, it was freeing and embodied everything you believed in. The organization grew in numbers and expanded past where it all began. Whether it was a mere coincidence or fate, the organization had found itself in Yokohama... where it all began.
It had been 12 years since you were here last. 12 years since you saw Yukichi and Rintaro. Despite your grown age, you acted like a child and deliberately ignored places where you knew you’d run into the two men. You kept to yourself and didn’t want to confront those old wounds, at least not so suddenly. Besides, your organization's presence in Yokohama was kept secret. It was quiet and moved like a flame but that flame erupted into an explosion and the city of Yokohama was corrupted because of you.
Done at the hands of a rogue member the attack wasn’t intentional but you knew the opposing organizations wouldn’t buy it. You had the safety of your identity concealed but with a possible turf war up ahead you had no choice but to reunite with the two men and hash things over. The subsequent days after the attack were unusually quiet one of your subordinates had brought you an invitation, it was from Yukichi. The letter informed you of a meeting that would consist of yourself, Yukichi, and Rintaro.
Unlike the previous letters Yukichi would send you this one lacked any compassion. It was cold and devoid of any feeling toward you — romantic or platonic. The guilt you felt because of your actions was a heavy burden to carry and it seemed that the man wasn’t eager to free you from that guilt. It was difficult to blame Yukichi; even if he was always difficult with you. Rintaro was kinder and far more patient whereas Yukichi pushed you to your limit. It was the perfect ying yang that translated into the bedroom with ease. 
The three of you kept yourself company during those late evenings. It was human nature for those nights to turn suggestive. For all that pent up frustration to be expressed through long nights of pleasure. However those days were far behind the three of you, or you assumed that they were. 
The location was familiar to you, it’s where Natsume had informed the three of you of the plans he had for the city of Yokohama. It was a neutral playing ground for the three of you and more importantly it was kept secret. Only the three of you (and Natsume) were aware of its exact location. This provided the three of you the ultimate level of privacy which was perfect provided what most of your evenings entailed. 
Both of the men looked different. Yukichi’s hair had grown longer and sat on his shoulders and Rintaro had cleaned up his stubble. Both men looked refined, serious...grown. With both your hands you tucked your hair behind your ears and prepared to break the silence in the room. Before you could, Yukichi cleared his throat. 
“What was the reason for your return, L/N?” 
You looked at Yukichi but before you could even part your lips to answer he continued, 
“Was the attack on the ADA and the Port Mafia intentional?” 
Rintaro chimed in, “are you trying to claim something that never belonged to you?”
“I wouldn’t say never.” You managed to speak aloud.
“So the attack was intentional?” Yukichi suggested. 
“Of course it wasn’t ---” 
“Then what was the reason for such a morbid attack on a city that we love so dearly?” Rintaro asked. 
“If you’d just allow me to explain --” you took in a deep breath, “-- the attack was carried through by a rogue member who wanted to overthrow my own organization. They are not a reflection of our values... our morals.” With a hand placed on your chest you continued your sincere response, “While I do not condone their actions, I will take full responsibility for them. I am more than willing to repay the debt I have caused in any way.” 
The two men looked at each other and it seemed that they had already come up with a plan prior to meeting you. Rintaro stepped towards you, his gloved hand cupped your cheek and the edge of his thumb gently brushed against your skin. 
You held his wrist, “Rintaro...” you whispered. His touch was always gentle. Yukichi approached next and his larger frame consumed the both of you. Unable to look at either of them you kept your eyes closed. Yukichi’s fingertips rose to tuck the few strands of stray hair behind your ear, “Yukichi...” you soon added with a whisper. 
“Are you willing to do anything to repay for the damage your organization has caused?” Yukichi asked. 
His question encouraged your eyes to open. You looked at the two men and nodded your head. 
“Yes. Anything.”
Rintaro replaced the gloved hand on your cheek with his lips. He kissed your cheek tenderly and you melted into his touch. Yukichi laced the space he shared with you closed. With his index finger he traced the bottom of your lip before welcoming you into a kiss. It too was tender and soft. 
“Anything?” Yukichi asked once more. His robust fingertips trailed down your neck and stopped at the start of your cleavage, “even this?” 
Rintaro’s kisses fell from your cheek down your jaw and stopped to where Yukichi placed his fingertips. The gentle touches felt so warm on your skin and were reminiscent of the days when the three of you would indulge in one another. 
Your head fell back; clearly you were enjoying the touches the men were showering you with. “Yes, anything.” 
With your consent something inside the two men switched. They transformed into their respective roles that you were familiar with from all those years ago. Yukichi’s fingertips trailed upward and his robust hand grabbed your neck firmly. He kissed you harshly; your teeth hit against his. Rintaro clicked his tongue, 
“Fukuzawa has never lost his eager spirit.” 
Yukichi ignored the remark as he was far too invested in kissing you. His mouth opened as did yours and Rintaro watched as the two of you wrestled tongues. You soon felt Rintaro’s hand hold yours. 
“I cannot deny that you kiss her so well. Perhaps I will also have a taste ---”
With his words Yukichi left your lips and joined them with Rintaro's instead. You watched the two of them kiss with haste and you, eager you, wanted to be between it just like before. The two men were quick to notice and they kissed you nearly fighting to force their tongues into your mouth. From the action alone you began to litter the room with soft moans. The harmonious noise of your pleasure brought joy to the two men. As your petals grew wetter and wetter you felt their lengths grow in size. 
Yukichi’s hand was firm on your waist the other was tangled into Rintaro’s hair. Rintaro’s hand was placed gently on Yukichi’s chest and the other? It was hiking up your pencil skirt. His hand was bare, he must’ve removed his gloves when you were kissing Yukichi. His fingertips were like magic. They danced across your skin like a symphony. You opened your legs a bit allowing him to freely touch the wet spot forming on your lace panties. 
“She’s already wet for us.” Rintaro moaned into Yukichi’s mouth. 
Yukichi stopped his actions and took a step backward. With his arms crossed his eyes were locked to where Rintaro’s hands touched your panties, “impatient, as always.” 
“What should we do?” 
You simply watched quietly as they had their conversation. You expected punishment and you didn’t want to further your charge. 
“Strip her clothes, leave her lingerie. Lay her down.” Yukichi ordered. 
Rintaro nodded at his orders. He faced you and began to unbutton your blouse. Flustered at the action your eyes bounced around the room. Yukichi noticed,
“Eyes on him, Y/N.” 
You nodded your head and kept your eyes on Rintaro. You watched as he unbuttoned your blouse slowly. Not only was he savoring what was underneath, he was teasing you at Yukichi who stood behind him. With your blouse removed he handed it to Yukichi who threw it behind him. You didn’t dare tell him the designer blouse caused far more than an average one. Rintaro then unclasped and unzipped your pencil skirt. He slid the fabric down your legs and lifted your feet to also throw the fabric elsewhere. He removed your shoes and those two ended up someplace beyond your sight and reach. 
You laid down on the carpet underneath you. It wasn’t uncomfortable but you wouldn’t protest a bed instead. Your head moved to the side to view the moonlit horizon --- the moon beams peaked through the sheer curtains and illuminated your body laying on the floor ready to be consumed by the two hungry men who stood above you. 
With Rintaro’s task complete the two of you looked at Yukichi who now sat watching. “Do what you think is right, sensei.” 
Rintaro took your face with one of his hands and turned it for you to look at him. With the back of his hand he brushed your cheek gently. The sweet touches were soon replaced however with a harsh slap. 
“If only you could see yourself.” He began. “Such a whore.” He placed another slap across your cheek. The masochistic action caused your legs to tremble. 
You heard Yukichi chuckle. “Sensei, she’s getting wetter and wetter.” 
His observation embarrassed you so you closed your legs. Much to Rintaro’s displeasure he tore your legs open and revealed your wet spot. Instructing you to lift up your hips he removed your panties and flung them elsewhere. Your drenched pussy was exposed to the two men fully and the two of them laughed. 
“Can you believe this bitch?” Rintaro asked. He inserted a single digit inside of you. He hooked his finger and you felt so close to the spot that brought you the most pleasure. That was Rintaro, he loved but he was never fair with it. 
“You want me there don’t you? With just one finger you want me to make you cum.” Rintaro taunted. 
“You think I’d ever satisfy a bitch like you? After what you did?” His free hand smacked you once more. The sound of him hitting your flesh echoed throughout the room. He inserted another finger inside of you and began to thrust them in and out.
“You like that huh? You fucking whore.” 
Yukichi stood from his seat. 
“Sensei. Don’t have her cum from just your fingers.” 
“I would never.” 
Rintaro removed his fingers from inside you and a gasp left your lips. You had to prevent your hands from reaching down and touching yourself. Yukichi knelt down and lifted your frame off the floor. He held you bridal style and escorted you inside a bedroom. 
He threw your body on the bed, the plush feeling of the mattress as a great relief against the harsh surface of the carpet. On your back Yukichi laid on his side beside you. Rintaro sat by your legs as he was eager to complete the task of fingerfucking you. 
With Yukichi’s permission, Rintaro returned a finger inside you. With your eyes on Yukichi your face contorted to reflect the ecstasy you felt. He placed his thumb inside your mouth and you sucked on it. 
“Do you wish it was my cock?” Yukichi asked. 
“Not yet Fukuzawa.” Rintaro warned. 
“Fine.” Yukichi kissed you instead. As he did Rintaro replaced his fingers with his mouth. The euphoric feeling of his tongue lapping against your folds made you moan into Yukichi’s mouth. He slapped your cheek. 
“Just for fun.” Yukichi clarified. 
The rhythm of Rintaro’s tongue sped and while he did Yukichi began to trail his kisses down your jawline to your chest. Your breasts were still covered by your bra but the lace didn’t leave much to the imagination.  Yukichi didn’t bother with the clasps or even the straps of your bra. His calloused hand simply tore the fabric from your chest to reveal your hardened nipples to him. Without missing a beat he attached his mouth to your nipple and began to lick circles around it. The feeling of Yukichi and Rintaro’s tongue touching your most sensitive areas made your nerves tingle. You felt closer and closer to your peak. 
Your moans grew louder and louder the lewd sounds that were leaving your body were sounds you weren’t aware you were capable of making. 
“Mmmm--- such a slut.” Rintaro moaned into the folds of your pussy. He stopped his task and removed his fingers. Yukichi quickly noticed and stopped his task as well. You watched as Rintaro took his two fingers that were coated in your juices and placed them in Yukichi’s mouth. Yukichi’s tongue licked Rintaro’s fingers thoroughly. You could see both of their hard-ons throb through the fabric of their pants. You were shaking, moaning at the sight. So desperate to reach your peak you cried out, 
The two men stopped their act. Yukichi looked at you.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “Please, I need --- I need to cum. Please let me.”
The two men laughed. Rintaro laid at your side and gently touched your cheek where he had slapped you before. “We’ve barely even started your punishment, Y/N.”
“I know...” You replied with a whimper. “I’m just --- so fucking desperate. Please.” 
Rintaro looked at Yukichi who was now off at the side of the bed facing the window. He removed his robe and placed it on a chair. 
“You’re eager too.” Rintaro noted. Yukichi only grunted in response. 
“I suppose you can have your fun.” Rintaro then said. 
With that you watched as Rintaro exited the bed and Yukichi entered. You felt the mattress dip as his larger, masculine body was now on it. He’d grown quite a bit since you saw him last, he aged --- beautifully. You watched as he removed his yukata and revealed his broad physique. Now in only his briefs he lowered his frame to press his chest against yours. With your legs open you felt his clothed cock on your sensitive clit.
He thrusted his hips upward and you let out a moan. Yukichi held your wrists down and thrusted once more. Rintaro felt himself through his pants at the sight. You heard his gentle moans and whimpers that only fueled your lust further. Through the corner of your eye you saw him just as engulfed in pleasure as you were. 
“Y/N.” Yukichi started. “How badly do you want it? Tell me how much of a fucking whore you are.” 
You swallowed dryly. “I want it so bad. I want both of you inside me.” Yukichi opened your mouth with his thumb. 
“Should Sensei put his cock in your mouth while I fuck you?” He thrusted his hips again and you nodded your head fervently.
Yukichi lifted himself off your body. He used his hands to flip you on your stomach. Now laying sideways you faced Rintaro and Yukichi was behind you. Rintaro removed the rest of his clothing and Yukichi removed his briefs.
In front of Rintaro's hard cock it stood straight and a few thick veins ran up the shaft. The tip was red and already coated in his precum. He placed the tip of his cock on your lips but didn’t enter his cock inside you, not until Yukichi had instructed him to do so.
Yukichi held your hips upward. He slapped your ass and you moaned loudly, painfully; which caused Rintaro to scold him. 
“I believe she’s had enough. We’ll have to apply ointment if you continue.” 
Yukichi clicked his tongue and slapped your ass once more. “Then so be it. This is a punishment after all.”
Yukichi traced the tip of his cock on the entrance of your pussy. Your memory recalled that he was well endowed just as Rintaro was. The thought of them both penetrating you made you stick your ass out and open your mouth wider; ready for these two men to destroy you. 
Without warning the two men entered inside of you. Rintaro, as always, was gentle. He eased inside of you allowing your jaw to resize to accommodate the size of his length. Meanwhile, Yukichi entered inside of you fully. His thick, throbbing cock was inside of you and you felt the vein on the underside of his cock twitch as he did. 
You wanted to moan but your sounds were muffled with Rintaro’s cock in your mouth. The two of them thrusted in unison. The sound of your sloshing pussy mixed with your gagging noises. The two men grunted and moaned in pleasure themselves. 
“Ah! If one thing hasn’t changed it’s how much of a fucking slut you are Y/N.” Rintaro moaned and leaned in forward causing his cock to slip further in your mouth and hit the back of your tongue. 
Yukichi held your hips so tightly that you knew you’d be greeted with bruises the next day. He drilled his cock inside of you taking out all of his frustrations on your pussy. Your pussy that was so wet, just dripping in pleasure. 
“You --- you fucking bitch!” Yukichi degraded you. His hand coming down every now and then to strike your ass. “Fucking whore. Taking my cock like this. Your pussy is so fucking we--wet.” 
Rintaro was far more quiet except for the gentle, almost kitten like moans that were leaving his lips. He held your head and began to thrust into your mouth with more speed. As he did his moans grew louder and louder. Soon, he grabbed a handful of your hair and thrusted his hips into your face so that your nose touched his lower abdomen. He was face fucking you with so much vigor as he enjoyed the state of your face. Your mouth was drenched in his juices and your own saliva. Your eye makeup had melted due to the tears streaming heavily down your cheeks. The feeling of his cock continuously touching the back of your throat was a mixture of both pain and pleasure. You gave your thanks by hollowing your cheeks and sucking him off. For Yukichi? You rose your hips a little higher and started moving them at the same pace as his. 
The two men were in awe as you fell into your submissive role perfectly. 
“Mhm. Such a good little slut as always, huh?” Rintaro mentioned with a stutter. 
Yukichi was too warped in his action to speak but he was unwilling to give you the gift you wanted even if you were being good. He felt you clench around his cock and that gave him enough of a reason to remove himself entirely. The absence of his cock inside of you made you whine on Rintaro’s dick. The vibration made him shudder, but before he could release inside you. He too removed himself. 
Your body collapsed onto the bed. You were coughing as you attempted to catch a breath in your lungs. The two men were panting as well, both of their cocks still hard and throbbing. 
“Get on your back, bitch.” Yukichi ordered. Quickly you got on your back. Your neck dangled off the side of the bed and your legs were wide open, ready for Yukichi to take you. The two men nodded their heads and assumed their positions.
Rintaro traced his cock around your mouth again, “so pretty. Your mouth --- so pretty around my cock.” 
Instead of in unison,  Yukichi entered inside of you first. His thrusts this time were far slower than before. He was savoring it, you thought. 
“Before you shove that cock in your mouth again tell us how much of a whore you are, Y/N.” Yukichi ordered. 
You cried out, “I’m a fucking whore, a cumslut for both of your cocks.” 
The two men laughed. 
Rintaro placed his cock inside you, this time he didn’t give you the benefit of resizing your jaw to his cock. You unhinged immediately and he thrusted his cock inside of you. Yukichi’s thrusts began to pick up speed the second he saw Rintaro’s bulge in your throat. He leaned in and kissed the spot where he saw it. Your legs were kicking from underneath you and your hands clenched the sheets. The sight of you moving so desperately for your release only encouraged the two men to be teasing with their movements. They moved fast, they moved slow, sometimes they didn’t move at all. 
“I-I’m close.” You heard one of them stutter out. You were unable to make out who. The position you were in caused you to feel dizzy and the pleasure you were experiencing sent you into a state of euphoric delirium. 
Then you felt it. You felt the knot in your stomach explode. Hot, thick spurts of cum not only coated your pussy but your throat. The two men held their positions and you took it. You took their loads of cum inside of you. And you? The orgasm ripped through your entire body. Your pelvis twitched and although your throat ached the feeling of Rintaro’s cum dripping down it was worth it.  For a few seconds the two men remained inside of you to ensure that you took every last drop of their cum.
“Fucking slut.” One of them said. 
“Whore.” The other said. 
Yukichi lifted your weak figure and allowed you to lay on the bed correctly. The two men then joined you. Rintaro was on your left and Yukichi was on your right. The two men held you and with a tired, shaking voice you apologized. 
“Rintaro, Yukichi. I’m sorry.” 
The two men simply mumbled in response. They were just as exhausted as you. 
“We’re not quite done with you pet.” Rintaro whispered following it up with a yawn.
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
The Letter.
Something momma and me wrote together, the background to this is fact, the solution is pure fantasy. But OMG this was such fun to write together.
Steve came home to an empty house after 21 days working away. It had been the longest stretch working away and he was completely broken. His wife had sent him a message earlier saying she was sorry she wouldn’t be there when he got home from his flight, but not to worry she would be home at 9pm, she was just having coffee with an old friend.
He made himself a cup of tea and sat down on the sofa and flicked on the TV. His eye was drawn to the fireplace and an plain white envelope with “Darling, please read me” written in his wife’s handwriting
Having picked it up he returned to the sofa and gently prised open the envelope, his nostrils caught the sent of his wifes perfume and he smiled at the thought of her. He opened the letter and began to read.
First, let me tell you how much I love you and how proud of you I am for everything you do. You make me feel so loved and our time apart is only made so much better when we are together. However, I’m really worried about you. I know you’re not telling me the whole truth about the hours you are putting in, but I know as you read this letter that you are completely destroyed mentally and physically and its will take you days to recover. But you’re not recovering, you’re surviving, you’re not eating properly, you’re not getting the sleep you need, you’re not getting any exercise, you’re waking up, going to work, eating crap to feed your depleted energy, you’re working 15 hours a day and 7 days a week and you’ve just done this for 21 days. How you’re not in hospital I really don’t know.
 What you have done at that business, is beyond remarkable, you’ve single handed built it to an extremely successful, profitable business, but you have to look after yourself. If you don’t I fear you’ll self implode. I’ve seen you when you come home from a tough period away and I can tell you’re just minutes from going down the drain. How you recover enough to face another week is beyond me.
 We need to get you back to where you were mentally and physically 4 years ago, cooking and eating great healthy food, loving life, exercising and reading....remember how you used to soak up books, almost a book every week, and we used to sit listening to classic alums on the record player. Now you just sit down and because you’re exhausted you don’t engage with much. I understand, but we used to have so much fun, we’d spend time with friends and family or just being on our own.
 I know you’re at breaking point, and I fear that any day I’m going to get a call from your work saying you’ve had a heart attack or a mental breakdown. Thats why, this week, I contacted your CEO and she agrees with me. Again she is amazed at what you have achieved for the company and the group, but she agrees that you’re on the verge. The business will cope, you’ve built the foundations, you have got the staff in there running it, you now need to step away and relax.
 So from this weekend, with your bosses blessing, you have a 10 week leave of absence. We have 10 weeks to reset you, to get you back into a mental state that gives me confidence that you’ll not kill yourself before your next birthday.
 And I know exactly how to rest you “little man” 😊
 On the other side of this letter is a 10 week program to take you back to basics, to allow your brain and body to dump all of that stress and then to slowly build you back up. You will, if you agree, give up all responsibilities and I will make sure you are looked after like the gorgeous little man you are.
 Weeks 1 & 2
                Regressed to a 9 month old. Momma will take care of your every need, she will bathe you, feed you, clothe you, read you bed time stories, cuddle you, change your nappies, love you unconditionally.
                During this period, you are not allowed to walk, talk (9 month olds can’t do either), you communicate by using your hands and either crying or babbling. Just like a little baby. You are allowed to crawl around the house, but you are to use your nappies for their true intended purpose. No phones or computers and no tv except early learning tv like sesame street and in the night garden. Early bed times and day time naps. Me feeding you with a spoon, having all your drinks in baby bottles. Millions of cuddles on the sofa.
 Weeks 3 & 4
                My little man is now a proper handful as a 2 year old: You can toddle around the house and can use big words, but you still need momma for cuddles and everything else in weeks 1 & 2. You’re still not able to use the toilet, you can watch a few more interesting things on tv and you can play with lego and cars and colour with crayons. Your food is a less babyish, and you love food time and getting all messy with eating with your hands. You need to ask momma for everything you need, even though you can reach the counter top, cookies and treats are off limits without asking. Time out on the naughty step if you get caught doing something momma has said you can’t.
 Weeks 5 & 6
                Oh my, what a cute little 3 year old you are. So independent, but so naughty, trying to do things yourself and getting into all kinds of scrapes. Momma still has to tie your shoe laces and get you dressed and you still have problems with the potty, so momma is keeping you in nappies for a little while longer. But you’re old enough now to let momma know when you need to go poopy. Where she can undo your nappy and sit you on the big boy potty and wipe your cute little bottom after, and put you in a fresh nappy. You’ll be in a lot of trouble if you forget to tell momma you need to go number two and momma will smack that poopy bottom and make you sit in a dirty nappy to remind you what a dirty boy you are. We can now watch Disney cartons together and you’re learning your abc’s and numbers so well. You still need nap times, and momma needs to still take you for a bath, but can leave you to play with your bath time toys.
 Weeks 7 & 8
                 6 months older and such a handful for this momma. You’re getting much better at potty time, so momma has decided to let you wear pull ups. You need to tell momma when you need to go potty and she will pull your trousers and pull ups down and sit you on the big plastic potty. Little boys who are potty training still need nappies at night and you’ll be wrapped up tightly in a big fluffy nappy after bath time every night. Of course I’m sure you’ll forget about needing to go potty which is why momma will constantly ask you if you need to go, however if you say no and then wet your pull ups, you can expect momma to pull those down and put you over her knee for a well earned bare botty spanking. Momma is going to be strict with you and any rule breaking will result in a red bottom and corner time. But now you’re older you can help momma bake cookies and cakes and she’ll let you lick the spoon. Lots of cuddles with my little man and you can help momma around the house. You’ll look so cute in just your Spider man pullups and dinosaur t-shirts. It makes momma’s job of checking you for wetness so much easier
 Weeks 9 & 10
                Oh my you’ve grown up and momma is getting you ready to go “back to school” You’re nearly fully potty trained with only the occasional wetting accident. So momma has gone out and bought you some proper big boy briefs. They have lots of cool designs on them. Spiderman obviously, I’ve got several pairs of them, some other marvel prints and some basic plain colours so you can feel like a big boy when we go out. Momma is still going to ask you if you need the potty, especially if she sees you doing your little potty dance. As you’re bigger now, you have lots more responsibilities, you are big enough to put away your toys after play time is over, you can read books by yourself. You help momma clean up the house and do the laundry. And you can help her big person cooking. We have put the big plastic potty away in the cupboard and now you’re using the big boy toilet all by yourself and wiping our bottom properly after poopies. Momma is so proud of your journey to being a proper little man, but understands you still get into mischief. You sometimes still have little wet accidents in your big boy pants and that means momma will turn that cute little bottom of your red and put you back in a nappy for the rest of the day as punishment. You can go the whole night without wetting your night time nappy, but momma knows you sleep more soundly having one on, so she still gets you properly wrapped up for bed every night.
So that’s it my love. I need you to be better, to get you’re head in the correct space you can be a proper functioning adult. We’re going to have so much fun over the next 10 weeks. I’ll take you to the park, we’ll go for picnics and walk the dog and feed the ducks. You’ll get an allowance to spend on sweeties at the shops if you’ve been a good boy. You’ll get to go shopping with momma and she’ll make sure your bottom is checked when we’re out for wetness.
 Now the bad news. You’re not allowed any alcohol for the whole 10 weeks. You have to do everything momma says without questions. Any breaking of my rules will result in you getting a proper hard bare bottom spanking. You are never allow to touch your nappy at any time or play with what is in it 😊 Which brings me to “Mommas needs” Obviously momma has needs, that only a grown up can provide, seeing you naked 4 or 5 times a day as I change your nappy, or bathe you, or even when I turn that tight little butt of yours over my knee will inevitably make momma hot in all kinds of places. Therefore momma is going to need you to fix this her whenever she needs to satisfy her needs. I will take you out of your nappy and you will be allowed to be a proper man, then straight after we’ll go back to our plan.
 If you agree to this plan, and giving me full responsibility for you over the next 10 weeks, just send me a text with a “Baby emoji” and the words “I’m ready momma”
Love you so much baby boy.
 Your darling wife.
 He let this sink in for a moment, and an emotional wave came over him. He felt so loved in that very moment that he started to cry, all the stress that had built up was too much for him. With tears in his eyes he reached for his phone and sent the message his wife needed to see.
 His phone immediately buzzed back with a heart emoji and 10 seconds later buzzed back again with the following message:
 “Finally and you’re not going to like this one little bit. When I get home, I want you standing in the corner in just your underwear. I want you to get a high backed chair from the dining room and place it in the middle of the lounge. You will also need to get the paddle, the hairbrush and the cane from under the bed. I know you have constantly lied to me about the hours you are doing and I know you’ve been going back into work when you said you are tucked up in bed. So I’m going to really punish you for this behaviour so you remember what happens to naughty boys who lie to me. This is not going to be a normal spanking where I turn your bottom red and then we make love afterwards. I’m going to teach you a lesson through your bottom that you will hopefully remember. If you end up sobbing and begging me to stop then I know its working, but only I will decide when the punishment is over. You will be so thankful to be put back into nappies tonight to protect a very sore bottom when you sit down over the next few days. I’m sorry baby, but I have to show you that lies and sneaking around are not good for our relationship and I’m only doing this for your own good. Love you, see you in 30 minutes. Don’t disobey me or it will 10 times worse.
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missroserose · 4 years
if you want it, got to bleed for it, baby
part 1 | part 2 |  part 3
or read on AO3
groove to the playlist
ngl, tax season is eating my face.  but I couldn't go much longer without writing a little more smutty angst for these two.  hope y'all enjoy.
Have I mentioned how amazing @anarchist-billy is? Thanks for betaing, love. <3
“Stay with me.”  Billy’s voice is low, urgent, a lifeline.  “Keep the pressure on.”
Steve is there, in the passenger seat of the car, holding a wad of paper towels to the gash in his belly—and Steve is the car, too—he feels the warm gold-red glow of the bonfire, demodog corpses and dead vines disappearing into invisible smoke, fading all too quickly from the rear view mirror.  The bass note of the BMW’s V8 thrums deep in his chest, hurtling towards Hawkins at near-lethal speed.  The cool night air roars in his ears as Billy redlines it—he can feel Billy, too, the atavistic satisfaction of driving this amazing machine, of pressing it to its limits—
The fire disappears, and the outside world is nothing but a dark blur.  No streetlights, no trees, nothing to indicate it even exists. Even their movement fades into a queer sense of unmotion, a bubble of existence floating in the endless void.  The glow of the dashboard lights on Billy’s expression, drawn and set.  The rumble of the car, rearing to meet the challenge.  The just-warm air blasting from the heater.  Van Halen on the radio, staticky signal fading in and out over the road and wind noise.  I been to the edge, and there I stood and looked down—
“We’re nearly there.  Harrington.  Hold on a little longer.”
Billy’s lying through his teeth.  Steve knows he’s lying; he’s driven this road any number of times since he got his license.  Floored the gas, the same way Billy’s doing now, felt his car eat up the thirty-eight miles of two-lane blacktop, straightaway snaking between forest and farmland.  Rolled down the windows and whooped, Tommy in the passenger seat, Carol and whatever girl Steve was seeing that week in the back, all of them chasing the horizon at breakneck speeds.  Not for jubilation, or anger, or any reason in particular; just...because they were bored.  Because they could—because they were young and free and would live forever, would be friends forever—
“What’s the rush?”  Steve has to almost issue a conscious order to make himself smile, like he’s giving his face instructions over a long-distance phone call.  “I’m the King.  They’ll wait for me.”
Billy doesn’t look at him—can’t, at the speeds he’s driving—but his shoulders seem to loosen a fraction.  “Guess that depends,” he says, threadbare bravado thin at the edges.  “You don’t make it, there’s only one king left.  Makes my life awful easy.”
Beer spilled down a bare chest.  Red punch on a white blouse.  Bullshit.  Tea roses and spunk and sweat and blue eyes on his in the bathroom mirror.  “Maybe it does,” Steve says, trying not to let his words run together the way his thoughts are doing.  “But that’s not what you want.”
There’s a gap opening up, a space between the two of them; it takes Steve a moment to notice the knuckles, tense on the steering wheel.  Billy opens his mouth, says something; a moment later, the words unfurl in Steve’s consciousness, time-delayed.  “Like anyone gives a shit about what I want.”
Steve laughs a little, at that.  “That’s the first lesson of being king, Hargrove.”  He swallows, with some difficulty; his throat feels thick.  “You’re not there for you.  Every fool who wants a favor, every damsel in distress, every asshole determined to get a piece of King Billy…” He trails off, seeing a crown amidst those golden curls in a bathroom mirror, set over heated blue eyes, lips parting in a look of mingled awe and desire—
“Hey.  Hey!  Harrington!”  Billy’s slapping at his face, one hand flapping ineffectually against his skin, just hard enough to force his consciousness to surface.  Steve doesn’t particularly want to surface; there’s something looming there, not terror, but a shadow of it, a formless dread.  Like the first time his parents had gone out of town, and he hadn’t been smart enough to put the breakables away before he threw the obligatory kegger.  He’d spent three days waiting for his mother to return and discover one of her Hummel figurines missing, only to have her so preoccupied with his father’s latest fling that she’d left before noticing—
“Don’t you dare.”  Billy’s voice is a growl, but there’s something beneath it that catches Steve’s unmoored attention.  “Steve.  Don’t you fucking dare die on me now.  You ruined my night, you pulled me out here to chase down God knows what those rabid alien dog-things were, you’re going to pull through this and you’re going to give me a fucking explanation—”
Steve gives a small laugh, even though it hurts like a bitch.  “I’m really fucked, aren’t I?”
Billy bites off his rant like a piece of taffy.  “What?”
Steve issues the order to smile again, feels his face sort-of obey.  “You called me Steve.  It must be bad.”
“Not that bad,” Billy says, almost believable, as if he can change the state of the world through sheer stubborn insistence.  “You’re gonna pull through this.  You’ve got to.  When the school hears about how I saved your ass?  It’s gonna be a riot, Harrington.”
Steve could almost laugh again, but it hurts too much.  With an effort, he diverts his reaction, reaches for bitterness instead, bile like he’s swallowing down in the back of his throat.  The school.  Graduation.  The future.  A dark unknown, filled with people whose eyes slide away from his, in respect or in contempt—“You’ve already had my ass.  What do you care about the rest?”  The gap between them is opening up again.  Steve has a mental image for a moment of trying to leap that gap, of hanging in the air over it for a beautiful moment—wonders if people would see him then, shining golden before the inevitable plummet to the nothingness below—
But Billy’s voice is stubborn, penetrating.  “Did you hit your head when that alien tackled you?  Of course I want the rest.  The way you swung that bat? Waded into that fight without a damn hitch?”  Billy’s voice cracks a little, in disbelief, or in awe.  “That’s King Steve.  Not that namby-pamby asshole who haunts the hallways at school.”
And something in that voice pulls Steve towards the looming terror, away from the peaceful dark.  He presses the paper towels harder to his gut, ignores the sharp pain this elicits.  “Didn’t think you were looking for a king, Hargrove.”
A pause, brief and endless.  Steve slips a little, tossed about in stormy waves, uncertain which way to the shore, uncertain which way is up—
Then Billy’s voice comes in, low and smoky, a beam from a lighthouse parting the dark.  “I jerk off at night thinking about your lips on me.”  Steve’s suddenly aware of his lips as they part slightly, but Billy’s continuing, words gushing from him like water from a burst pipe.  “I haven’t bent you over your kitchen counter yet.  Haven’t felt your cock twitch between my lips as you come down my throat—”
The words are gathering somewhere deep in Steve’s hips, insistent warmth, flickering but stubborn in the face of the terror.  The words fall into his mind, and he drops them without thought, uncaring, because who even cares at this point?  “I want to fuck you in my bed.”
A breath sucked between teeth.  A glance, briefly risked, at Steve’s face, as if gauging his seriousness.  “You want it in a bed, pretty boy?”
“I want you.  In my bed.”  The paper towels are growing wet between his fingers.  “Empty house.  Nobody to hear us slam the headboard against the wall.”  He presses a little harder; the lance of pain stabs through him, but the image in his mind is bright as he gives a half-wrecked gasp.
Billy seems to shudder at that gasp.  “Hell yes,” he says, seeming to almost relax for a moment.  “Gonna hear you good and proper as you come—”
“Gonna feel you under me when I do,” Steve says, words tumbling forward heedless, headlong.  “Billy.  You’re gonna feel me inside you as you shake apart.  Gonna walk around the next day still feeling it, and I’m gonna watch you—”
“Fuck—” Billy’s grip is white against the steering wheel now, fingers torqued tight.  “Steve,” he says, his voice rough.  “Promise me something.”
“Sure.”  The words are fading, growing further away, but Steve struggles, holds his head up.  Tries to read Billy’s expression, the hesitation in his voice.  “If I can.”
“Next time we see each other, it’s just you.”  Billy licks his lips.  “Just you and me.  No kids, no party, no—nothing.  We’ll tear the phone out of the wall if we have to.  Just...just us.”
Steve reaches for a careless smile.  Ignores the sudden empty fluttering in his chest.  Isn’t certain if he manages either.  “Gotta settle up who’s king for good and all, huh?”
“Yeah.”  Billy settles back into the seat, though tension still thrums through his body with the engine.  Overhead, the first of the streetlights flashes by, briefly illuminating his face, determined, desperate.  “Yeah, something like that.”
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mariekavanagh · 3 years
First Lines Game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
Thanks @mrs-stubby-boardman and @regulusarchieblack for the tag :)
1. Stars - "Evening has always been my favourite time of day."
2. It Started With a Wand - "Sirius could remember, with excruciating clarity, the very first time he'd used a wand."
3. A Midnight Vigil - "The faded warmth of the embers of the hearth crunched slightly under Orion Black's feet as he stepped out of the drawing room fireplace of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place."
4. The Best Medicine - "Hard as it was to believe in hindsight, Ida Knowles had thought herself lucky when she'd first accepted the position of governess to two young boys in the respectable Black household at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place in London - her first real job since leaving Hogwarts almost two years ago and a far-cry from her humble beginnings as the daughter of a simple farmer and his witch wife."
5. It Ended With a Wand - "Regulus knocked on his brother’s bedroom door."
6. Truth Will Out - "The atmosphere at the dinner table of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, was as stifling as the humid air of the warm, July evening that surrounded the house."
7. In the Dead of Night - "Orion Black was an irritatingly light sleeper."
8. This Most Absurd Predicament - "The first thing that Orion Black noticed about the room he tumbled into as his son pulled him by the cloak through the heavy metal door was that it was cold."
9. Bad Dreams - "Come on, Reg, don't be so wet" nine-year-old Sirius Black urged his seven-year-old brother."
10. Lost in the Woods - "“Please, Papa?” Sirius pleaded to his father for what felt like the hundredth time that day."
11. Sentence: Pending - "Orion Black had never enjoyed visits to the Ministry of Magic."
12. These Trying Times - "“I cannot stand another minute in this house!”"
13. Comfort and Joy - "It had begun with a headache."
14. Under the Mistletoe - "“Look at my bracelet, Burgie. Isn’t it pretty?”"
15. 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - "In the early hours of Christmas morning, Grimmauld Place was eerily silent, a stark comparison from the hive of bustling activity it had been just a few hours earlier when it had played host to the finest members of wizarding society for the Black family’s annual Christmas Eve party."
16. Padfoot's Last Run - "The instant, heavy feeling of gloom which immediately fell upon Remus the moment he entered Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place never ceased to amaze him."
17. The Dog Days of Summer - "As an unofficial rule, the members of the extended Noble and Most Ancient House of Black were required to spend a minimum of a week of the summer season of each year holidaying at Noire House, the family's grand country house buried deep in the heart of rural Suffolk."
18. Circinus - "Walburga Black breathed out a deep plume of smoke, adding to the almost foggy, too-warm air of the room."
19. The Worst Birthday - "The morning of 3rd November dawned over Hogwarts, heralded by the incessant pattering of late-autumn drizzle against the castle windows and the mournful whistling of the wind through the castle’s high towers."
20. An Education - "If there was one thing Sirius Black loved most in the world, it was winning."
My favourite opening line: Definitely The Dog Days of Summer. I love the tone I opened that story with. I thoroughly enjoyed writing the descriptions of the Blacks' endured summer holiday with Arcturus in the manner that I did. I should try it more often.
Any patterns: I seem to have a habit of going from one extreme to the other; either a blunt, short sentence or a long-winded one. And I also seem to have a thing for opening with a factual statement, which I'm sure stems from the fact that I'm writing fanfiction with a view to express my own headcanons. Something that I'm surprised that I didn't do more is open with descriptions of the weather. It's something I get the urge to do during my early drafts and I'm surprised so many of them ended up culled in editing.
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it.
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