#it’s dense and impenetrable in many ways
shadowed-yet-vibrant · 3 months
Big decisions about abortion and LGBTQ rights make better headlines but SCOTUS just eviscerated the Chevron doctrine and no one but my dork-ass lawyer colleagues knows how immense this is (even if Chevron was arguably dead in the water before, and they just finally pulled the trigger to put it out of its misery).
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beesmygod · 1 month
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the top row is from 2013. the bottom row is the re-draw from 2018.
ugh my re--draw shading choices! what the??? anyway.
at this point in the re-draw i started to take a few liberties with the original comedic and story-telling timing lol. i originally had the idea that, since webcomics are uploaded page by page in a slow drip feed style of storytelling, every page should have something worth looking at/reading on it. this didn't work for two reasons:
sometimes, nothing of too much consequence happens in a story and that's just part of telling a story. there are times when the page just needs to get moving the "pieces" of the story around in preparation for the next major scene. drawing these is even more boring than reading them as the comic updates in real-time, but for the archival reader, it allows the comic the breathing room it actually needs to tell the story.
every page having some kind of joke or punchline at the end feels repetitive in a way that specifically feels like you're getting pelted with softballs from a pitching machine; a perfectly regular droning rhythm that is hard to put up with unless you're appealing to, specifically, the comic reader who reads the comic as it updates. archival readers get the unpleasant softball experience.
as unfortunate end result of this belief, my old pages had WAY too much shit crammed in some pages. this made the pacing breakneck/whiplash-y and made pages impenetrable and ultra-dense with way too many panels. i started splitting up pages in the re-draw and it was a legit good choice. that's one i'll stand by.
it is still, i think, a tenet of my creative belief system that i need to work extremely hard to convince people that i'm not wasting their time on purpose when they offer me any form of support. it would be nice to be divested of this urge bc it has lead me in some creatively rancid directions. but it is by far the hardest impulse to shake and remains deeply rooted in my brain while trying to create anything any more. "why should people bother?" is a hard question to answer or even understand the answer to when you don't really get it yourself.
♥ read the comic: A Ghost Story ♥ support the comic for as little as $1 a month on Patreon ♥ pay what you want for the re-draw of the first chapter on itch.io
you can block the tag "#AGS repost" to keep this off your dash
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ivfrankenstein · 2 years
got power over me; 
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Halbrand/Sauron x fem!reader 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘:
“It's not an enviable fate they've given you. There’s s no mercy in tying you to me.” “It was you, not them, who did the tying. Wasn't it you who named me that precious word — lover? Aren't we bound by the same ties?”
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: maia!reader, angst/fluff here, guess it’s star-crossed lovers trope 𝐚/𝐧: seren — star [in welsh]. gif: @ladyhawke​; eng not my 1st language, so be merciful for mistakes, my stars 🫶🏻
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𝕹𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖆𝖗 understood the purposes of the One so clearly as Manwë. With Manwë dwelt Varda, Lady of the Stars, and the light of Iluvatar still lived in her face. Melkor feared her more than all others whom Eru made. Back in the days when Melkor's misdeeds began, an idea was sent to Varda to summon a spirit she had created earlier from the Light of the Stars, capable of bringing back those of the good powers who had been seduced by Melkor's darkness.
That light of the combined creation of Manwë and Varda was to reveal the true path to those of Morgoth's devotees who were still capable of seeing it and hesitating.
By the time Serena was descended upon Arda, the Great Enemy had fallen, but his strongest and most loyal servant was still wandering among the living, bringing himself into voluntary exile. Only one and only once did he fall into the despair that led to his repentance. He was called by many names by those who suffered at his hand, but Sauron was his last. 
In those relatively early years of Y/N's life, a name Serena bore in Middle–earth, she lived by instinct rather than orders from above, the way she was able to. Left alone to face all the new things, Y/N was just at the stage of exploring the world that was to become her home for centuries when, along with the rest, she faced Mairon. Which is why, when the two met, it was more of an accident than a successful hunt. But that’s a different story from this one.
That one was about how it's not hard to stop a dagger when it's already so close to someone else's chest, and also how it's not hard to be penetrated by another. This story, on the other hand, is about what you have to deal with when trust isn’t your strong suit after all. 
“Even if it was me who did the tying, I won't let it be used against me.” 
Many days in this wilderness and in this hut overgrown with moss on the outside. No longer than usual, in fact. But apparently too little space, and in its absence, too palpable is the addiction into which he has driven himself and not even noticed. 
“Used? W-what do you think it is? The nets I cast to catch you?” 
Y/N always deftly handled his temperament — not fervent, but at times so chilling that it scorches better than any fire. But this time Halbrand noticed how her lower lip trembled slightly. He didn't care if it was caused by the anger he'd driven her to, or by resentment. All he wanted was to push her to the level of vulnerability to which he himself had reached, so it would be fair.  
“It could become them,” dense shadows ran across his face, dispersed by the warm light of the candles, as he stepped back to curtain the small window. “Have you forgotten what you were created for in the first place?” he looked at Y/N half-turned, just enough to see her reaction, but not enough for her to see his.
Such a typical move of his. Which, in context, is a silent acknowledgement that Sauron is almost defeated, and it touches those deep strings of Y/N's heart that make her cheeks blush. It was obvious that she shared this defeat with him, though to his eyes it remained hidden. 
“You don't think they're proud of what you've accomplished in this, do you?” he taunted Y/N on purpose, outwardly mocking the way she had missed, failed, and fallen, keeping quiet that it was actually him who did all of this. With an impenetrable grin on his face, Halbrand feared that Y\N would seriously back down, obey his deceptive speeches or voice of reason, or anything else that would raise doubts in her faith in him. 
He was seeking devotion, and that devotion was a treasure she would not give him so easily.
“Take off your cynical mask when it's me you're talking to.” Y/N said sternly and rose from her seat, “You wanted me to call you Halbrand,” she took a step toward him, keeping his provocative gaze on her, “so deign not to treat me as if it were Melkor's right hand that appeared before me.” 
“But it is.” Halbrand was gloomy, like an enraged sky before the onset of a rainstorm, and it was almost like he physically exhaled the flames he was diligently extinguishing somewhere in the depths. 
Yet, Y/N kept walking forward, “No, not anymore,” her palm reached his chest and he shuddered, “You were created like Mairon, and there wasn't a single trace on you of what torments you now,” she could feel how his heart pounded out of his ribcage through the thin fabric of his tunic, “The traces will go away if you let them.” She stared at the throbbing vein on Halbrand's neck for a long moment, then looked up at him, “Is it possible for you to let them?” 
Her lips were in such a pleasant, pampering closeness and it made him so angry. It was a desire... something, in this mortal form, that Halbrand had to get used to for quite a while. He ran his hand across Y/N cheekbone the way it was the blade of a knife, not his finger. 
“If all this turns out to be the intention they put in you, my Serena, just to punish me..” he grabbed her neat face, “It'd better not be, because I'm going to be dead pissed.” 
Y\N only laughed at it, “You should know me better than that.” she found his hand, only briefly averting her gaze from his eyes fixed on her, and wove their fingers together, “But instead, you choose to be blind.” 
Whether it was the sweetness inherent in a woman's nature or the the prodding effect of Maiar, Halbrand, yet, wanted to believe that this was how love was functioning. He had only basic notions of this curse, but even that was enough for him to classify himself as one of these poor doomed men as well. This weakness, seeping into him like poison, urged him to give in, to give more than he had, to the one he had chosen (or not chosen), but wanted to keep near him either way. 
He was holding Y/N by the chin when, for the first time, the crystals of tears gathered at the border of her fluttering lashes became obvious to him. Her soul languished in oppressive anticipation for at least a word, his word, to be spoken. 
“I will spend entire years needing you if you ever abandon me.” he said in a low voice, “Will your love be enough not to condemn me to such a fate?” 
Y\N gently moved her palm to Halbrand's neck, and softly drew him to her until their foreheads touched. To her relief, he followed easily. “I don't know what our fate is, Hal,” his breath was warm on her, and it reminded her that this was reality, a peaceful one, not that which she was accustomed to in all her chilling visions, “Is yours enough to keep us both from getting there?”
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nomsfaultau · 6 months
One potential bad ending for Fault
It's a degree more possessive and controlling than SCP Philza actually is, but I just have this vision of if SCP Tubbo really did try to abandon the group on the grounds of their moral principles:
It would be a gut punch to him to for any of his Collected to betray his vow like that. But I think he could almost manage enough when they left, on the grounds of it being a vicarious Collection. The main problem is Tommy's Collection of Tubbo, because if Tommy tries to leave with Tubbo there isn't a chance of Philza allowing it. He'll keep Tommy no matter what it takes, and console him if Tubbo still decides to leave.
...but only early on. Because the moment Philza finds out Tommy only survived his recent bout of suicidality was Tubbo, there isn't a chance he lets them go. Besides, they didn't stand a chance without the others for protection. He'd promise almost anything to make Tubbo stay, and in the angst scenario Tubbo just. Wouldn't buy it. And tried to leave.
But Philza wouldn't let them. Of course not. And honestly what could Tubbo do to stop him?
The moment they tried anything he can instantly smoke them. If Philza saw it as the only option he could keep Tubbo trapped in stasis indefinitely, dipping in and out of consciousness at his whim. Awake just long enough to eat, not really lucid enough to remember what's happening. Just curled up next to Philza with their head resting in his lap, unable to hurt themselves or Tommy in this state. He could set the entire world on fire just so he could sense every last Tubbo bee and capture them harmlessly. Philza is almost perfectly designed to Secure, Contain, and Protect Tubbo in a way that makes for a delicious reflection of the Foundation. Tubbo would never stop trying to escape.
The others would be horrified, of course, even once Philza explained exactly why he's doing it. The Blade would definitely try to break them out, and it would tangle in with the guilt that part of it was his fault since they were so much easier to imprison without their legs, which could barely heal when held in stasis for so long. Wil had this extra horror with the way his identity circles around the ability to escape, and he couldn't understand it. Maybe he should've seen it coming, though, with the way Philza followed after him no matter how many times he tried to run as a kid. Eventually he'd been convinced it was for the best, but was it?
And Tommy...well. Something in him broke that day. He never really recovered.
I just have this vision of it going on for years, and Philza melting sand into a dome to trap them under so that Tubbo doesn't have to be smoked any more. After so long exposed to an embodiment of nature, the dome is filled to the brim with flourishing plant life so dense it blocks out the sky. It's trapped in a perpetual Spring year round. Fire and smoke fills the only exit so no bees can escape, and intruders will be burned alive, and he'll know if any of his children enter. Well, Tommy never leaves the 'greenhouse', but beyond that. It's well defended from any threats, though the Foundation never stops trying. Philza more often than not is in dragon form, winding around the area in an impenetrable barrier to protect his hoard. He says it's to keep them safe. It's because he's alienated himself too much from his Collected to remain humanoid. Each year the giant ever bloody gouges in his body grow a little deeper.
In the center of the dome lays Tubbos' abandoned body. The swarms don't touch it anymore, preferring what little freedom they have. They scatter around the dome, dully poking at eternally blooming flowers. Some linger around Tommy. The swarms don't talk much, either. Tubbo is scarcely distinguishable from regular bees anymore.
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otaku-tactician · 5 months
2, 17 and 22 about Gilgamesh and Mori for the character ask 🌝
Hello, thank you very much for the ask! I appreciate this a lot. Hmm, both Gilgamesh and Mori! This will definitely be challenging, so I will have to work off vibes for these two guys as well.
I've written answers for Gilgamesh first and Mori second if thats ok? Thank you!
Gilgamesh Character Asks
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
I think the one Gilgamesh headcanon that I'm the most annoying about is the belief that Gilgamesh doesn't always have lofty goals behind his intentions; and that he can definitely partake in morally gray actions purely for the sake of it sometimes.
This is a VERY unpopular opinion- particularly in the wake of fate works revealing that Gilgamesh often acts as an impenetrable opponent as a means of 'fostering the growth of his people'; but at times I believe Gilgamesh can be a wanton and arbitrary King who does things based off a whim sometimes. Yes, I do understand that Gilgamesh is also an incredibly smart servant- who plans many things in advance, but some of his behaviors do strike me as very uncouth and sadistic, and they're not always for a noble end goal.
I don't believe that all he has done has to be justified. It's okay that Gilgamesh is fucked up. Acceptance and tolerance are two very different things, but I only learnt this recently.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
OOF this is a very hard question, sans for the canonical instrumental songs that are canonically associated with Gilgamesh, there are a few that make me think of him but... I'm trying to remember which ones...
LMAOO FOR SOME REASON THIS SONG RANDOMLY CAME INTO MY HEAD?! (I first heard this song during a Madara AMV for Naruto Shippuden????) This one is heavy metal.
I'm looking over the lyrics, and it's about an absolutely terrifying king of annihilation. Well... I guess there is some relevance, then.
There was also a Nier:Automata song (Song of the Ancients I think) that played in a Gilgamesh fgo gameplay video, so I tend to associate this song with him too:
But I don't really have a personal connection to this song, per se. I admit, I tend not to make playlists for my blorbos sadly. But sometimes I will see a tumblr post and go 'GILGAMESH!!!!'
22. Best Physical Feature
HIS EYES. I could drink in those pools of glistening red forever. My god, what a rich shade of red! Other than that he is handsome.
Mori Nagayoshi Character Ask
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
That there is method to his madness. Mori Nagayoshi may be very blunt and can definitely misread the atmosphere; as well as act in ways that may seem a bit 'dumb'; but deep in my heart, I believe that he is actually very intelligent. There is just something about Mori that screams to me 'he knows more than he lets on'. Maybe this is just me though, as he can appear as a bit dense XD
Maybe this is just me, but beneath all of his chaos and bloodlust, there is a chilling sense of... someone who is making the most out of what hand he's been dealt. He does seem unusually nonchalant about some hard-hitting things, but as I have grown and learnt more about the many ways in which people cope with hardship, I have learnt that this is the way how characters like him cope. They live in the moment, they go wild, they accept the reality... damn, Mori is kind of a mystery to me as well XD
ANOTHER HILL I WILL DIE ON! Sorry, this one is a bit NSFW but!!!! Although Mori is rough and wild I BELIEVE 100% DEEP IN MY HEART that Mori Nagayoshi would be very good to who he is indulging in physical intimacy with! I think he may be clumsy at times but he has the spirit, I believe in him wholeheartedly.
AND A THIRD HILL I WILL DIE ON! I love his rare meek and blushy side when he gets a bit vulnerable. MORI NAGAYOSHI IS CUTE! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE HE ISN'T CUTE! HE IS ONE OF THE CUTEST IN FGO!
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Oh crap omg a poem just came in my head
Amongst the blood-red moon, The lark sings. With spider lilies for veins He bleeds forth a river, A never-ending deluge.
Also a song? To be honest, I don't have any playlists for Mori but this GUDAGUDA fgo ost reminds me of him ^^ Just in a vibes kind of way (I was unable to complete the GUDAGUDA event with him in it, sadly!)
TT-TT It's a very moving and emotional final battle theme, definitely the kind of battle I'd love to take a guy like him to.
22. Best Physical Feature
To me personally, there is no best feature for Mori Nagayoshi. The WHOLE PACKAGE is freaking sexylicious!!!!! Phwoar, Mori Nagayoshi is very beautiful to me personally, from those fiery red locks, to those stunning ochre yellow and red ringed eyes; that bulky build and his massive teeth.
He is very pretty ^^
Thank you for the ask, my answers are completely off the wall in this one
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damedechance · 2 years
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not a star
Kallias x Viviane | Read on AO3
[Listen to the Playlist]
This year, I had the tremendous pleasure of participating in the @acotargiftexchange and creating a fic for @daevastanner! Izzy, I really hope you enjoy this little moodboard and oneshot. Happy holidays, and please stay safe and warm!
Summary: At the Southern Border of the Winter Court, Viviane spends Solstice battling the growing resentment she feels towards her childhood friend, Kallias, who has mysteriously reappeared in her life after being the one to assign her to the border in the first place. She sets out on a mission to prove to him that he was wrong, which inevitably lands them both in deeper trouble, as the unspoken attraction between them lies just below the surface.
You can read the opening below, but the entire fic is on AO3!
The Southern Forest laid sprawling before her, a great taiga with its towering evergreens that spiraled so far into the sky, their very peaks were obscured behind the wintry fog. The pines were magnificent pillars, their branches full and laden with snow. They stood packed so densely together that nearly every inch of ground was covered. If she climbed down from this turret, she would find the forest nearly impossible to navigate, with its labyrinthine paths and the air thick with icy, suffocating wind.
She’d been to the Northern Border, seen the steep mountains and climbed to their summits. Even for the most seasoned of climbers, the mountains were practically a guaranteed death–either by hypothermia or a horrific fall down the sharp, jutting mountainside.  But Viviane would contend that the forest was far more lethal. That unseen enemies, disorientation, and madness would wear away one’s soul long before the cold wore all the way through their bodies.
It was exactly what made the Southern Border so impenetrable. The forest was a beast all on its own, something few dared to broach. But in these years, even the most calculated of Winter’s enemies were growing heedless. Roaring, desperate soldiers from Hybern that had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Viviane supposed the forest wouldn’t look so ominous to her, either, if she had a ruthless general like Amarantha and nothing waiting for her at home.
And so she stood, high upon the topmost platform of the turret, and braced her gloved hands on the railing in front of her. Eyes rocking over every inch of the vast, unfathomable forest, and carefully scanning for any hint of intrusion or attack.
Such level of scrutiny was hardly necessary. Even on the night of Winter Solstice, the guards were as watchful as ever, and there were many eyes on the taiga tonight. Her guard was a formidable force, keen and powerful. They would have managed tonight’s patrol just fine without her.
In fact, her absence likely would have been more productive, in the long run. As it was, her unusually sharp and caustic demeanor was setting them all on edge. She could feel the anxiety in the air just as biting as the chill in the wind. She was well aware that it was her fault, that this stark contrast to her usual levity and compassion had flipped the dynamic.
Usually, Viviane was kind. She put her guards at ease by offering smiles, or inquiring about their families. On occasion, she had even been known to suggest sledding or group meals in their off-time, just to bolster morale. Viviane cared for the people who were under her authority, but more than that, she fought for the people under her protection.
A fact that at times warped and twisted in on itself. Brought fear and self-doubt instead of warmth and satisfaction. She had to protect them. It was her job. It was all she had.
Viviane’s hands tightened around the railing, and she ignored the way she could feel her knuckles practically splitting the skin that stretched over them as the cold metal bit into her palms. She wouldn’t allow herself to be resentful of the fact that this border guards was the only responsibility she had, now. Not even if that meant admitting that she had been cast aside, that everything else she had once cared about was now under the protection of someone else. Admitting that she couldn’t do more.
A few miles north, there laid a city. One that was just fierce and scrupulous enough to survive out in this taiga. It was where many of the guards went for a drink or a hot meal after their shifts. Where they slept at the inn, after one too many drinks made them far too sluggish to return to their tents at the border. It was lively and bright, a guiding light in this endless blizzard.
A visitor had arrived in that city that very morning, all too painful a reminder of everything Viviane longed for.
Which, perhaps, was exactly what her turbulent mood could be attributed towards.
She took refuge in the wind that slashed across her number cheeks, in the snow that fell over her head, clumped in the fibers of her fur-lined coat. The harsh winter was at least familiar enough that she could find comfort in it, even as the ends of her fingers lost feeling and she constantly had to suppress her shivering.
This was familiar. He was not.
Viviane supposed it might have hurt less, if she had never seen him again.
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maraexpeditions1 · 7 months
Embark on an Unforgettable Uganda Gorilla Safari Adventure
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Uganda, often referred to as the Pearl of Africa, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and vibrant culture. Among its many treasures lies the Mara Expeditions, an experience that promises to be truly unforgettable. Nestled within the verdant forests of Uganda lies the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, home to nearly half of the world's remaining mountain gorilla population. This pristine wilderness provides the backdrop for one of the most sought-after wildlife encounters on the planet.
The journey begins with anticipation and excitement as travelers make their way to the park, accompanied by experienced guides who are intimately familiar with the terrain and the habits of the elusive gorillas. As the trek through the dense forest begins, the sounds of the jungle come alive, with birdsong filling the air and the occasional rustle of leaves signaling the presence of other inhabitants.
Each step brings visitors closer to the ultimate goal – to catch a glimpse of these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. The trek can be challenging at times, with steep terrain and dense vegetation, but the reward awaiting at the end makes every effort worthwhile.
And then, suddenly, there they are – a family of mountain gorillas, going about their daily lives with an air of tranquility and grace. It's a moment that takes your breath away, as you find yourself face to face with these gentle giants, their expressive eyes seeming to hold a wisdom far beyond our own.
Observing the gorillas in their natural habitat is a humbling experience, offering a rare glimpse into the complex social dynamics of these incredible creatures. From playful juveniles tumbling through the undergrowth to the serene presence of the silverback patriarch, each member of the gorilla family plays a vital role in the group's survival.
But the Uganda Gorilla Safari Adventure is about more than just gorilla trekking. It's an opportunity to immerse oneself in the beauty and diversity of Uganda's natural landscapes, from the mist-covered peaks of the Virunga Mountains to the lush valleys and cascading waterfalls that dot the countryside.
Beyond the gorillas, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is home to a rich array of wildlife, including chimpanzees, monkeys, and over 350 species of birds. Guided nature walks offer the chance to explore this biodiversity up close, with knowledgeable guides pointing out hidden wonders along the way.
For those seeking a truly immersive experience, overnight stays in the heart of the forest provide a unique opportunity to connect with nature on a deeper level. As night falls, the sounds of the jungle take on a new intensity, with the calls of nocturnal creatures echoing through the trees.
But perhaps the most enduring memories of the Uganda Gorilla Safari Adventure are the connections forged with the local communities who call this region home. From sharing stories around the campfire to learning traditional crafts from village artisans, travelers have the chance to experience Ugandan culture in a way that few ever do.
In the end, it's these moments of connection – with the gorillas, with nature, and with the people of Uganda – that make the Uganda Gorilla Safari Adventure truly unforgettable. As travelers bid farewell to the forest and make their way back to civilization, they carry with them not just memories, but a renewed appreciation for the beauty and wonder of our natural world.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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My Week: In this neck of the woods
By Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence | Published 29 July 2020
Country Life Guest-Edited by HRH The Princess Royal
I DON the protective gear—toughened boots, strengthened trousers, leather gauntlets, helmet and visor. Grasping the handle firmly, I release the two safety catches and press the trigger. There is no kickback, no smell of petrol and only a low whirr as the chain turns. My new battery-powered chainsaw (a birthday present to myself) is up and running.
It’s easier to use than my faithful friend of so many years—the petrol version—quieter and better for the environment, as long as the electricity comes from a suitable source. Yes, it’s twice the cost when you include the batteries and charger, but it’s ideal for cutting up fallen branches, light thinning, pruning and tidying. The faithful friend sits in the shed like an elderly labrador, wondering if it will ever be taken out again.
Covid-19 has held the human race in its grip these past months, but ash dieback is the most influential disease in the woods here. Some 25% to 35% of our mature ash is infected and great areas of natural regeneration look to be headed the same way.
Our approach is to cut trees down once we are certain they are infected, but not a moment before that. It would be mad to fell all the ash and find later that the few that were genetically immune to the disease have been sacrificed unnecessarily. Fortunately, we have 30 or so other tree species here, which will happily expand to fill the gaps. Every arboreal cloud has a silver lining.
For someone who was brought up in woods, taught forestry by my father and who has lovingly helped manage 250 acres of the most beautiful mixed English woodland these past 30 years, it may seem strange to say I have reservations about huge targets being set for tree planting in the UK.
The intent is worthy, but what about the practicalities? Will the right trees be planted in the right places or will large grant-farming companies send swathes of dense conifer, with little biodiversity value, across our hills? Will areas of permanent pasture or wetland, which may in the long run be better at capturing carbon, be sacrificed? Who will look after the planted trees? I hope someone is addressing such issues.
I have the privilege occasionally to fly low level by helicopter across the British countryside and I marvel at how much of it is still a patchwork quilt of fields, hedges, small copses, woods, moorlands, wetlands and rough grass. That combination—so beautiful and so uniquely British —is a perfect recipe for both biodiversity and carbon capture. It would be a tragedy to smother it with impenetrable forest.
Many years ago, we set aside an area of lawn at Gatcombe to leave uncut, other than a couple of winding paths. We have been rewarded by an annual profusion of wildflowers among the long grass, all self-seeded and different each year, depending on what the weather has suited. Orchids have appeared in steadily increasing numbers; however, this year, most have eschewed the uncut areas and have mainly grown up in the paths. This either shows orchids have a sense of humour or, perhaps more likely, that they find it easier to push through where we have reduced the competition. Now, of course, we cannot mow the paths and I am shouted at if I try to walk along them.
One of the most distinctive features of the Cotswolds is the dry-stone walls. With their varying shades of yellow and grey and their different styles, they frame the landscape and somehow keep it at a human, almost intimate, scale.
Each morning, if it’s dry, I catch up with the man who has rebuilt more than 4,000 yards of our walls over 25 years. He doesn’t work on wet days. I sometimes help with unskilled bits, but my main role is encouragement, exhortation (seldom needed) and gossip.
Living alone, supported by his family, driving alone to the wall, working alone and then returning directly home, he has been able to continue working safely. We chat, at least 6ft apart, letting the wind blow any virus thingies away into the distance between us. He has just finished some 140 yards of wall in a field we rent from the Landmark Trust, which borders the golf club. Heritage, golf and sheep—a fine combination.
Through lockdown, in that wonderful dry April and May, he has been at his task six mornings a week. Impressive dedication—but he is only 89 years old.
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
Ho ho ho!!
Hey @spadecentral !! I'm your @twstedsecretsanta Secret Santa this year! It's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope you enjoy this story, Have a very, very Merry Christmas!
You'll Be Doing All Right With Your Christmas of White,
But I'll Have an Ace-Deuce Christmas
Deuce Spade drummed his fingers against the edge of the worn wooden desk. It was strange, he thought; it was so much harder for him to focus in the quiet of the empty apartment than it was in the cheery, lively halls of Heartslabyul. And he had been looking forward to the peace and quiet of home so that he could catch up during the winter break, too. Deuce sighed, and looked back at the schoolbook in front of him. The dense blocks of text remained absolutely impenetrable, no matter how many times he tried to reread them. He groaned and pushed his hair back from his forehead. Deuce didn’t want to admit it to himself, but he was bored. One hundred percent, grade-A, professional-grade, mega-sized, industrial-strength bored.
Deuce scooted the desk chair back, and spun it around so he could face the rest of the apartment. He and his mother had started to decorate the place for Christmas earlier that day, and they had even gotten as far as starting to assemble their artificial tree, but she had been called into work to cover an extra shift before they had had a chance to finish it. She had told Deuce, as he finished putting the pieces together, that he could decorate it while she was gone. He said he would as she stepped out the door. But Deuce took a long, hard look at the boxes of ornaments that they had collected over the years. Some handmade, some store-bought, some gifted; there were a lot, each with different fond memories attached. It was suddenly too much to handle. Overwhelmed, Deuce decided to try and study, instead.
He looked over his shoulder at the desk. Well. That plan hadn’t been going very well at all, had it? Deuce slowly spun the chair back towards the desk, guiltily reaching for the book.
His phone rattled across the surface of the desk, pulsing with its not-so-silent ring. He picked it up before it could shake its way off the surface, and grinned. It was Ace, with a video call! He tapped the screen to accept it.
Ace’s face was crowded close to his camera, and filled Deuce’s screen. “LOOSEY-DEUCEY, WHAT IS UP??” he crowed. Ace pulled back the camera a bit, revealing a fluffy red-and-white Santa hat perched on his head. “I’m finally being released from the Trappola Family Holiday Photo sesh! Mom ‘n Dad wanted to get one with us all around the tree this year. And like every other year, it takes forever and a WEEK to get something Mom’s happy with.” He waved a hand dismissively. “Whatchu doing?”
“Not much,” Deuce admitted, leaning back in the desk chair. “Studying, or at least trying to.” He shrugged. “It’s quiet here tonight, so I thought I’d try to keep up with classes.”
Ace made a sour face. “Studying. Ugh! You are aware we’re on break, right? Can’t keep up with classes that ain’t in session. Honor student wannabe.” He rolled his eyes, smirking. “Well, while you were hitting the unnecessary books, I was gettin’ our Christmas tree to look as cool as possible. Check this out.” Ace reached for the phone, and Deuce’s screen went from his friend’s face to a shot of a glittering, brightly lit tree. Ace’s voice went on. “I got to add some new stuff this year, so, look, look.” The camera got closer to the tree, focusing in on certain branches. “I made some ornaments out of mini playing cards, did a couple paper stars, and, I’m proud of this. Look!” The view panned over to a very familiar paint-splashed rose. “I used some of the pins from my dorm uniform, too. Temporarily, of course. There ain’t a bit of this tree that I didn’t make look cool!” The screen flipped back over to Ace, looking smug.
“It really is great,” Deuce mumbled. He guiltily side-eyed the tree he had abandoned in favor of staring blankly at his history textbook, then back at the phone. “You did good, Ace.”
“I did AWESOME, you mean.” Ace all but patted himself on the back, making Deuce chuckle. “Now show me yours!”
“Excuse me?” Deuce straightened up.
“Your tree, genius. I wanna see!!”
“Oh.” He stayed still for a moment. “It’s, uh. A work in progress.”
Ace blinked. “You’re not done with it yet?? Then why are you studying?”
Deuce leaned his chin into his hand, elbow propped on the desk. “I dunno. I guess it seemed like too much to do on my own?”
“So work on it with your mom, dude.”
“She’s at work. They called her in for a long shift at, like. The last minute.” Deuce shrugged. “We were gonna do it tonight, too. She kinda asked if I’d take care of it, but….” His voice trailed off.
“But?” Ace needled him.
“You know,” muttered Deuce.
“You need help with it.” Ace looked at his watch, and nodded. “Okay. When’s your ma gettin’ back?”
“Midnight, why?”
“It’s six-thirty now. I’m maybe twenty minutes from you, I think?”
Deuce shook his head. “Maybe? But—”
Ace cut him off. “But, nothin’. I’ll have my bro drop me off, we’ll bang this tree out before your mom gets back, easy-peasy. And this’ll get me outta the house so I don’t get roped into wrapping presents. It’s a win all around, Deuce.”
Deuce was going to protest, but he was suddenly struck with a realization. He actually wanted Ace to be there; he didn’t want to be alone. Besides, his mother had trusted him to decorate the tree. Surely she’d be all right with him getting a hand from a friend, right? “Yeah. You’re right, Ace. Let’s do this!!”
“Of course I’m right. Duh. HEY, BRO! You wanna get out for a bit? I need a ride to—” Ace abruptly cut off the call, leaving Deuce staring at his phone lock screen. A photo of him, smiling, with Ace’s arm slung over his shoulder stared back at him. The screen went blank, and he put the phone down.
Twenty minutes, huh? He stood up and shoved his books into his school bag. All right. He could at least get started with the lights before Ace got there. He rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie, dusted his hands off on his jeans, and picked up the box.
Twenty-six and a half minutes later, Deuce was only halfway through untangling a strand of twinkling lights when a loud pounding on his door made him jump. “The cavalry’s arrived!” shouted Ace, slightly muffled through the door. “Lemme in!”
“Gimme a second,” Deuce groaned. “On my way.” He bundled the twisting wire up and put it onto his couch, silently hoping it wouldn’t tangle itself up worse for the moment he had to put it down.
He opened the door, and Ace stood there, still decked out in his Santa hat and a bright red sweater. He lifted a pair of tall foam cups in greeting. “I made my bro go through the Casa de Caffeine drive-thru; they got this awesome caramel apple hot cocoa this year, and I figured it’d fuel us.” He grinned. “Now show me where I can work my magic.”
“It’s right inside, c’mon in!” Deuce took one of the proffered cups, and gestured inside. “Welcome to my place. It ain’t much, but—”
“It’s home, right?” Ace stepped inside, kicking off his clunky sneakers. He had on mismatched socks; one black one with a holly pattern, and one green-and-white plaid. Ace looked around, and sighed comfortably. “Nah, it’s cool here. It feels like your space, know what I mean? Friendly-like.”
Deuce shrugged, self-consciously. “It’s all right,” he muttered, but he started to smile despite himself. “Thanks for the cocoa, by the way. I was trying to work with the lights….” He lifted the tangle of green wire and tiny bulbs. “They’re kind of stubborn.”
“Like I said. Everything here’s just like you,” Ace scoffed, taking a sip from his cocoa. “Awright. Hand those off to me. I’ll get this out of the giant knot. Why don’t you start opening up the ornaments, so we can see what we’re workin’ with?”
“Har har.” Deuce gave the lights one last half-hearted tug before handing them over. “All right. I’ll line everything up on the desk, I guess. There’s a certain order that Mom puts some of them up, so I’ll keep those to one side.”
Ace rolled his eyes. “A certain order? Geez. Your mom ain’t like Riddle, is she? It Must Be This Way Due To the Rules?”
“No!” Deuce made a face. “Nah, Mom’s real easy-going with stuff like that, actually. She’s just… some of these are emotional, you know? I guess it’s easier to explain as we go.”
“Okay.” Ace had already made his way through half of the tangle, much to Deuce’s surprise. “I know a lot of the ones we use every year have got stories behind ‘em, too. Like the glass squirrel, or the teddy bear ones for me and my bro, or the pickle—”
“A pickle?” Deuce laughed. “Like. An actual brined cucumber? That’s weird.”
“It’s not weird!” Ace put his hands on his hips, lights dangling around his feet. “And it’s plastic, not an actual pickle. That’d be nasty. Whoever finishes the tree puts it on last thing Christmas Eve night, and then on Christmas morning, the first person who finds it gets a special extra present. Usually candy or somethin’. You never heard of that?”
“Nope. It’s new to me. Our last one’s the silver spider.” Deuce held up a little box, grinning. “The spider and then the tinsel ‘cobwebs’. Mom always says she brings good luck for the coming year, and makes sure that your tree is always beautiful, even when things seem bleak.”
“Never heard of that, but okay.” Ace triumphantly held up the untangled strand of lights. “Anyway, your genius buddy has solved this problem. You wanna do the grunt work and put ‘em on?”
“The grunt work, huh?” Deuce took the lights and started feeding the string between the branches.
“Yyyyyyyup.” Ace strolled over to the desk, and picked up a little glass teapot ornament. He turned it over in his hands. “One of us has to be the brawn, and I already called brains. This one’s really cute. Is it one of the special ones?”
Deuce craned his neck to see, then straightened up. “Hey, be careful with that! That was Grandpa’s!”
Ace carefully set the tiny teapot down and took a step back, his hands up in the air. “I wasn’t gonna mess with it, Deuce. Geez.” He pouted. “I guess it was more special than I thought.”
“Sorry.” Deuce picked up the ornament, red-faced. “I just get a little protective. We don’t have an awful lot to remember him by. This little teapot’s from when he was a kid, and he treasured it. So, we’re keeping it safe for him.” He looked up, his expression a little pinched. “I kinda get emotional, I guess. Stuff like this gets to me.”
“Is that why you didn’t want to do this alone?” Ace asked, softly. Deuce nodded, and Ace put his hands on his friend’s shoulders. “I got news for ya, bud. You’re not gonna have to worry about being alone, all right? Not as long as I’m around.” He paused, then winked. “But don’t let anyone know I said that. Trappolas don’t get soft like that, right? Now. Let’s get this tree looking great.”
Deuce sniffed, and smiled back at him. “Yeah. Let’s do that.” They started to put up the ornaments in relative silence. After a few minutes, Deuce spoke up. “Thanks, Ace. I’m glad you came.”
“Me, too.” Ace hung a bright blue butterfly on the tree, and stepped back to admire it. “It’s looking real good.”
“Yeah. We’re a good team.” Deuce placed a red rosebud next to it, and stood by his friend. “Merry Christmas, Ace.”
“Merry Christmas, Deuce.”
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kwezioutdoors · 8 months
Exploring Bwindi Impenetrable Forest: A Gorilla Safari Experience
Nestled in the heart of Uganda, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest stands as a testament to the breathtaking biodiversity that Africa has to offer. For wildlife enthusiasts and adventure seekers, a journey through this UNESCO World Heritage Site with Kwezi Outdoors promises an unparalleled gorilla safari experience. Let's delve into the enchanting allure of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and the unique adventure that awaits those who choose to explore its depths.
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1. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest: The Jewel of Uganda Safaris Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is renowned for harboring nearly half of the world's mountain gorilla population, making it a bucket-list destination for wildlife enthusiasts. With Kwezi Outdoors as your guide, you have the opportunity to embark on a gorilla trekking adventure like no other. The dense foliage and challenging terrain only add to the mystique of the forest, creating an environment that feels untouched and truly wild.
2. Gorilla Trekking: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Encounter The highlight of any visit to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is undoubtedly the chance to encounter mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Kwezi Outdoors, with its experienced guides, ensures a safe and respectful trekking experience. As you navigate the rugged trails, the anticipation builds, and then, in a magical moment, you come face to face with these magnificent creatures. The connection between humans and gorillas in this primal setting is an emotional and transformative experience.
3. Diverse Flora and Fauna: A Botanical Wonderland Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is not just about gorillas; it's a haven for biodiversity. The forest boasts a remarkable variety of plant and animal species, many of which are endemic to the region. Kwezi Outdoors guides provide insights into the flora, pointing out rare orchids, towering trees, and vibrant birdlife. The forest is a living, breathing testament to the wonders of nature, and every step brings a new discovery.
4. Immerse in Local Culture: Community Encounters Kwezi Outdoors takes pride in offering more than just a wildlife experience. Engage with the local communities surrounding Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and gain a deeper understanding of their way of life. Kwezi Outdoors facilitates responsible tourism initiatives that contribute to the well-being of these communities, ensuring that your visit has a positive impact on both the environment and the people who call this region home.
Conclusion: A Journey Into the Wild with Kwezi Outdoors In conclusion, exploring Bwindi Impenetrable Forest with Kwezi Outdoors is not just a safari; it's a journey into the heart of untamed Africa. The gorilla safari experience goes beyond the thrill of encountering mountain gorillas; it is a chance to connect with nature on a profound level. The lush greenery, diverse wildlife, and the rich cultural tapestry of the surrounding communities create an immersive experience that leaves an indelible mark on your soul.
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With Kwezi Outdoors as your guide, every moment in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest becomes a story to be told, a memory to be cherished. The brand's commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism ensures that your adventure contributes to the conservation of this extraordinary ecosystem. So, pack your sense of wonder, embark on a gorilla safari with Kwezi Outdoors, and let the magic of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest unfold before your eyes.
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missamyrisa2 · 2 years
A tickle witch using magic on a helpless man? Maybe telekinesis is enough to use on him, or maybe you want to be more creative… thought this would be another fun halloween prompt, if you’re not sick of them yet!
I loooove Halloween tickles, and I'm most likely going to be writing them for a while here because I'm soo behind on everything I wanted to write this season~!
Is there any chance against the Tickle Witch? Probably not, but you're still trying your best anyway. You were warned not to go wandering in the tall mushroom grove, but ooh it was just too tempting ~ the way the purple caps sparkle under the moon and little glittering bits fall like pixie snow. The tiny picket fence the town had put up around the perimeter was an inside joke ~ the previous "impenetrable" wall had been demolished so many times by helpless enchantees that they decided to put something that could be easily avoided and never destroyed. Your feet sail over that barrier. The grove is silent, but infinitely gorgeous. The perfect picturesque autumnal scene, a gentle stream of falling leaves wisps between the unbelievably tall mushrooms. Purples glint in the dim light, moonbeams quiver around the descending glitter~ Surely, the witch wouldn't mind if you just sat for a moment?
The ground is impossibly soft, an earthen pillow that invites you to lay freely. Shiny sparkles drift about above, seemingly in the breezes but also appearing to follow paths of their own will. One golden glowie flutters onto your nose. You snigger softly, it feels like a gentle caress of a finger. The sneeze is welling up ~ you try to fight it back. More sparklies seem to be summoned to your nose. You reach to plug your nostrils, needing to stop that impending sound. But a similar tingle falls on your belly and then you're sneezing. Oooh, and it doesn't end ~ you sneeze over and over. The dusties are in your head, as though someone is pressing that trigger over and over, a little sprite dancing on your sneeze button. Your achoos rocket through the previously silent grove. Sparkles fly wildly. The purple caps tremble, releasing swarms of the golden drifties ~ your body shakes and trembles, you cannot fight the endless stream of sneezes even as it feels your nostrils have been long cleared of any irritant ~
Your eyes focus for a moment and you catch that white picket fence. Your legs frantically locomote towards it, but the sneezes aren't done. And now you're tumbling ~ you scream out through an achoooo~ and become aware of the dense air caressing your now-exposed midsection. Sparklies descend in a conjoined path, swirling around your twitching navel. The sensation drifts like a lingering lover's hand, exploring your belly to your abdomen, splitting up to glide on each rib slowly. The sneezes mix with helpless giggles. You swat and bat, but there's nothing material to attack ~ up and up your shirt tugs by an unseen force. Your boy buttons are tasted and teased by glittering sparkles, the invisible tweak setting you into silly gaspy giggles. As your shoes plop away comically from your feet, your eyes are cast to the top of a mushroom ~ there she stands~
"Well, well, well ~ lookie what we have here~"
Posed with a superior sly smirk, a hand on her thick black belt over an elegant purple dress, a curvy woman of obvious power waves arcane motions into the air. Her fluffy belly bounces softly with deep knowing chuckles. Your shoes flutter away and hang suspended, joining your now sliding away shirt. She's building a floating tribute to your protection to taunt ~ the earthen pillows beneath your wriggling giggling form shiver, and blades of grass begin targeting your toes. The soft but threatening tips stroke and poke at your toes. You can wiggle all you like, but they always manage to find those hot spots.
"Another curious silly boy comes wandering into my grove..."
You feel your bottoms shaking and undoing as she makes a teasing pinch motion with her hand. Your body protests and tries to escape, finding a sudden burst of energy ~ but mostly, you relieve yourself of your pants as they remain held to the ground when you run. Considering it a lost cause you make a flying leap towards the fence, towards salvation. The world around you reflects, and you find yourself leaping out of the grove and yet back into the grove.
"Aww. Poor baby does not know if he is coming or going~"
You skid across the grass as it continues to tickle and tease at your feet, shuffling wildly about. The witch leaps down from her perch, her pointy hat hovering and spinning before following down to cover over her messy knot of split purple and green hair. Her ample form stands before you, enchantingly curvaceous and bosomy ~ her plump crimson lips curl into a smile, her extra long incisors poking out slightly ~
"Rather, I believe poor baby boy is to be cumming~"
She speaks haughtily, her girlish tone a contrast to her harsher features. And her words bear water, as your undergarments have done a poor job of obscuring what these tickles and her presence is doing to your body ~ your clothes float nearby as they have been taken as tribute, assembled into a ghostly rendition of your body. The witch pinches her thumb and index fingers together, then draws them out to create a gently throbbing silver wand, glowing with feathery runes. Her buxom form steps towards you. You back up, giggling, the ground still teasing your toes ~ Your legs are goop, barely holding you up now as her form is closer. You feel the material of her dress, the cool of her crescent-moon shaped belt buckle, the intoxicating caress of her bosom against you ~ and most of all the trunk of the giant mushroom behind you. You're not quite pinned, and yet, there is no leaving this position.
"Ticklish helpless little buggy bug wandering in my web. What ever shall we do with such a silly man. This adorable giggling boy of a man. Naughty boy, bringing his awful arousal to my grove."
The wand gently taps on your neck, drawing a slow curving streak. You start giggling out, the sensation of swarming tiny fingers playing at your skin. The wand draws further down, poking into your underarm and across your chest looping along each boy button. You become aware that the wand is etching your skin with a gentle blushing shade. Wherever it touches warms, then cools, and finally starts tingling madly ~ a tickly itch that cannot be deterred. At times its a nondescript tickle, other times your mind insists it is a specific action, like hands digging into your armpits or pinching massages on your nipples. The wand drifts and probes your tummy, circling in a swirl to your navel. Painter's brushes invade your mind, a legion of artists using you as a canvas. And yet, it's only the drawn shades of the wand on your body ~
"Kitchy kitchy ~ you cannot resist. I see your desire, naughty little creature. But you must beg. You will beg for me to allow your tribute. To let you giggle yourself to pieces before me. Oh yes. And you want these, yes?"
She gestures to her ample chest, snickering as your royal part pokes so awkwardly in your underwear. The wand is gliding along your waist, summoning sensations of a feathery boa ~ your own personal tickle belt, shaking and making you a giggly belly dancer. Your thighs are last, poked and drawn upon as it dips under the waistband of your undergarment. Kissy lips of the most relentless lover brush your quivering legs up and down. Your magical captor smirks as a tiny drop of precum dews and wets the fabric.
"So aroused, so dramatic, from such simple magic. Men are delightfully cute."
With a motion, your last bit of protection tugs down at last, and slips into the ghostly outfit floating nearby. Your swollen boy rod bounces in the air, throbbing and aching for release. The magical tickles wiggle all over your body but stay at the perimeter of your most private area. You press your legs, you twist madly, trying to gain more attention there, the tickles keeping you teetering right on the edge of release~
"Beg me for them and you can have them ~" The witch chuckles darkly and traces at the top of her dress. When you comply and plea and shout and beg so much, she smiles brightly, flashing those dangerous teeth. At once you feel her curvy boobs brushing your cheek. The sensation is immediately overwhelming. You want nothing more than to lean against her slightly roughed skin for eternity. Her long nailed hand grasps a boob and holds the nipple to your lips.
"Taste, my little giggling bug. Have your lick. Take what you want so badly and cum so softly for me." She whispers, her magic enveloping your body, the tickles at your toes seeming to know first that your climax is imminent. Your lips close around her girly button, you comply and suckle softly. She sneers in satisfaction, overwhelming you with her chest. Your giggle moans ramp up and then she's stepped back ~
"You shall cum for your mommy witch now"
Gasping, you meet her eyes as she begins blinking in rhythm. Your princely part bounces, and begins melting with milk, the most gentle of eruptions. And then you feel it, a pressure sealing at your base. The jerking starts. You realize it's moving in time with her blinks. You thrash and struggle, the tickles following you as you dart into the grove. She continues jerking with her eyes, pumping you mercilessly as you double over and collapse on the forest floor. Your eyes weakly look up to meet hers. She extracts every last bit from your body.
"Yes. All that awful cream. We need to get it all out now." Her magic milks your writhing form dry, your toes curling and still tormented by the grass and flowers below. As your body grows weak and vision fuzzy, you could swear the mushrooms were reaching higher into the sky~
Your eyes peel open. You see the grove, the mushrooms, and that irresistible awful witch. But you're not there. You feel your bed below your body, your form is still trembling. Residual tickles like stray feathers dance those paths of the wand. Your quivering member throbs and aches from its milking. You shake it as a dream, a very bad reaction to last night's mead. And yet, as your day continues those tickles never fully fade. Your mind drifts to the grove. And you realize the outfit you wore last night was not in your room.
You receive visions of your ghostly animated clothing; it is flanked by a line of similar members. The witch taps her wand thoughtfully on the ghostly wardrobe deep in her grove. She grazes where your belly would be and your navel is beset with the sensation of spidering tickles~ and your mind can't help but want that curvy elegant form to be close again. The tickles and the arousals start all anew. For you've left her dominion, but you will continue to suffer it~
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ghooostbaby · 1 year
I keep seeing (and have seen in previous years) this wringing of hands about  the forest fires as ~vaguely~ ohhh, climate change!! in this way that makes the fires so huge, complicated, and impenetrable that it’s just sort of out of our control, nothing we can do but continue on consuming, working, and living in the same ways, and push the stress of not being able to breathe properly to the back of our minds... BUT, something I have also seen repeatedly over the years of forestry experts saying that the cause is NOT primarily climate change, but forestry mismanagement.
every summer for the last 10 years in Canada the western parts of the country (as well at the U.S.) has had escalating severe wildfires, people from the west coast talk about how the summers have become months of constant haze and bad air quality from the smoke drifting over from the forest fires. For the first year its actually on the east coast, where I live, and I’m experiencing that haze for the first time. I’m not an expert, but honestly I’ve read so many times there are specific, evidence-based steps that can be taken to prevent wildfires.
from my bit of reading, many indigenous peoples in these areas had practices of controlled, low-intensity burns to manage build up of material that will catch fire quickly - the colonizing governments banned those practices. hmmm. then there’s also the way so much of canadian old growth forest is cut down for logging and then replanted - BUT the forests they replant are not the diverse ecosystem of old growth forest, its usually mostly monocultures of trees. one documentary i watched talked about how because different types of wood burn differently, natural forests with a lot of diversity are better at keeping fire spread down.
anyway it bothers me to see this vague climate change dread translate into inaction and apathy, and this blaming of some impenetrable thing outside of us, when it is literally capitalism and colonialism. the fault lying with “climate change” is like there’s nothing we can do until all the vast interlocking mechanism of climate change are fixed, and there’s no way we can even understand where to begin with that, so we can only turn away. but! there are clear and simple choices we could make to make things better and we just ... persist in not making them? and if i, someone with no special knowledge of anything forest-related can learn about this from publicly available articles and documentaries then what the fuck is the government doing?
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The paradox, said Prof. Lori Daniels, who specializes in wildfire and forest ecology at the University of British Columbia, is that we've been so good at putting out every fire possible that it has led to overly dense forests and a buildup of burnable material like branches and dry vegetation.
If sparked in the summer heat, these "ladder fuels" piggyback the flames up tree trunks and engulf the crown, resulting in high-intensity fires like those in Western Canada this year.
But overdrive isn't fire's only speed. In fact, when burning in a lower gear, the environmental benefits of fires in forested areas can be bountiful.
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tarushipping · 2 years
(Bleach Espada SelfInsert Bio)
Rank: -1 Espada, 13th Arrancar
Passive | Introspective | Loyal | Protective | Cautious 
Grimmjow (Leader?/Romantic)
Aizen (Leader)
Grimmjow’s Fraccion (Long-time Acquaintances)
Szayelaporro (???)
Unlike other Arrancar, she developed a unique skill set that revolves around defense and neutralization. Her offensive capability is low. Because of her unique talents, she was given the “-1” Espada designation.
??? | With palm outreached, she manifests a large and impenetrable rib cage-like structure that engulfs a target. The cage itself is incredibly durable, but also absorbs and reflects whatever damage it takes from the inside. Its shape can grow and shrink to whatever size is necessary.
??? | She can summon bone protrusions over her body to repel and damage any attackers.
Her true form keeps some semblance to her old Adjuchas form. Large, lanky, and mostly composed of dense skeletons. The shape is similar to a hyena with a large back ridge and jaws. Its offensive capabilities go up, but its true strength is in eating targets and trapping them inside her stomach, slowly absorbing energy from them. It’s essentially a tank, its outside nearly impenetrable.
Full Backstory Arc
Reizor, unlike other Adjuchas, grew strong defensive abilities in order to survive. She lacked ambition, only acting so as not to get hurt or fade away. More than anything else, she disliked pain. Her large, hyena-like body consisted of dense bone, her rib cage big enough for her to safely shrink into.
Sometime long ago, an Adjuchas Reizor watches as a small,  panther-like Adjuchas single handedly devours the group she’s traveling with. When he sets his sights on her, she shows no sign of fighting. He attacks, but a cage surrounds her. They don’t speak as he tears at the bones, incredible offense pitted against incredible defense.
“Worthless coward, you don’t lift a finger to fight.” He pauses, poised to continue his attack.
“I don’t intend to fight you. You’d eat me.” Her voice and posture remains calm.
“I’ll eat you whether you come out or stay there.”
“You’re right. You would eventually break through this ....” She glances at the bodies around them. “You’re strong, so I’m sure you’ll become a Vasto Lorde. I don’t believe I’ll get that far, but if I follow someone like you, I don’t think I’ll get eaten. I’ll stay out of your way. I don’t mind just eating your scraps.” After a long moment, he turns his attention away.
“Whatever. Don’t expect me to protect you.”
“I don’t.”
The two travel for a long time with hardly a word spoken between them. In every encounter, she only does as he says. Sometimes she traps enemies within her before giving them up for him. Other times she silently sits back. 
During an uneventful night, a sandstorm suddenly kicks up and engulfs the two. When he emerges, she’s nowhere to be seen. Lost to Hueco Mundo’s underground, Reizor and Grimmjow split ways.
It’s not until much later that the two finally meet again under Aizen’s rule. Grimmjow is reborn as an arrancar and Reizor follows right after.
While Reizor’s offensive capability is abysmally low compared to other arrancar, her impenetrable defense and neutralization ability earns her a special position amongst the Espada: “-1”. Aizen favors her for this and her passive disposition. Many other arrancar resent her for these same reasons, but are unable to touch her. They still back away from Reizor whenever she enters the room. She simply smiles through it all, her eyes empty. As Aizen’s plans proceed, she becomes a police dog, fetching unruly subordinates with unwavering loyalty.
It’s only with Grimmjow that she hesitates. Her loyalty towards both him and Aizen forces her to make her own decisions. She slowly becomes more stern with Grimmjow and he lashes out in anger at her newfound defiance. Still, she follows his lead when she can.
Hueco Mundo Arc
During Grimmjow’s independent invasion, Reizor is sent to fetch him. 
In the aftermath, she’s standing by as Luppi forcibly takes Grimmjow’s position as 6th Espada. Grimmjow’s number is scraped off but as Luppi goes in for the kill, Reizor intervenes. Rib bones launch from behind her back to enclose herself and Grimmjow.
“What are you doing, you interfering bitch. Just sit back like you’re supposed to.”
“If you’d like, you can report my behavior to Lord Aizen.” Luppi glares at her, both knowing who’s side Aizen will favor. His expression curls into a smirk.
“It’s so sad to see the former 6th rely on the inverse. Have fun watching things from the ground, Grimmjow.”
“Get back here!” Grimmjow launches back to his feet, but the cage keeps him from stopping Luppi’s exit. Once gone, his rage is redirected to Reizor, his remaining arm shoving her into the wall, hand around her throat. “You think I need your protection?! Did you forget who I am?!”
“I don’t know you,” she cooly replies, eyes cold, “Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez was never this weak.” His grip tightens, voice dark.
“I can still kill you with one hand.”
“Can you? You just look like scraps to me.” The rib cage that was just protecting him closes in. For the first time, he understands her power. Grimmjow releases her and she pulls back. When he leaves, this time she doesn’t follow.
Once Orihime is retrieved by Ulquiorra, Reizor is sent to retrieve the distraction party. Luppi and the others leave as Reizor goes to find Grimmjow. Seeing his fight with Ichigo, she simply watches from afar. It’s only when Grimmjow is down that she finally intervenes. Again he’s upset by this but retreats with her. Upon returning to Hueco Mundo, Ulquiorra meets them.
“Your return is late.” He says as she walks by. Neither her nor Grimmjow say anything in response, but Grimmjow now notices that she’s lax in her duty when it comes to him.
As Aizen addresses Orihime, Reizor is strangely uncomfortable. Her presence is so vastly different from the hollows and shinigami she’s been around. When she starts to heal Grimmjow’s arm, Reizor tenses, a strong urge to protect him gripping her. But when his arm rematerializes and his number clears up, a smile creeps across her face. As Luppi screams from Grimmjow’s attack, all concern is washed away and a warm pride takes its place.
Ok maybe there’s a scene around here somewhere where Reizor overhears those two Aizen fangirls talking shit about Orihime. She doesn’t do or say anything cause they’ve said shit about herself before too. Reizor goes to see Orihime afterwards. She just kinda creepily watches her a moment before asking if she can fight. When she confirms that Orihime is mainly support, Reizor is internally comparing herself to her.
“How have you stayed so soft?” She asks, a little upset. Orihime isn’t sure how to respond, but attributes it to her friends. This gives Reizor some stuff to think about. Now she’s wondering if there might be a different way for her to live.
I'd like her to coincidentally run into Ichigo at some point early into his break in. Like he’s injured after one of his battles (I don’t clearly remember the sequence of events here) and him and Nel turn the corner and she’s just there walking. He is tense, ready to fight but she doesn’t make a move. She just blankly smiles as usual and explains her role as an espada, which is to manage the current espada/arrancar-not fight the intruders. As she leaves, she does warn:
“Please keep pushing through, Grimmjow has been waiting for you.”
She’s probably on the way to let Grimmjow know where Ichigo is when she gets orders to join Aizen and the others to invade Karakura. At this moment, her loyalty to both Aizen and Grimmjow are in complete opposition to each other now. She has to make a decision. Just as the Arrancar messenger starts finding her behavior strange, she attacks them. Breaking off a rib bone in them, she leaves them out of sight, unconscious, and stuck.
When she finds Grimmjow, she leads him to where Ichigo is and also follows him to Orihime. They intrude on the bullies and Grimmjow knocks them aside. When the two try to retaliate, Reizor stakes them both, killing them. Grimmjow is momentarily amused to see her brutality.
“I’ve never liked them.” Is all she says. Although true, she feels a kinship with Orihime and uses it as an excuse to kill their tormentors. She’s also grown some independence, making decisions for herself.
Reizor just watches as Orihime heals Ichigo. Ulquiorra walks in and her and Grimmjow are immediately on the defensive. Like they did back when they were adjuchas, their teamwork works well if not a little rusty. Despite this, they still struggle. Reizor traps Ulquiorra within her cage to give Grimmjow the chance to use the box prison thing on them.
It works and now her and Ulquiorra are in some weird dark space just looking at each other. She already spit him out of her cage immediately (because she was trapped in it with him) and now has it up to just defend herself. They talk a bit, Ulquiorra observing her betrayal. He also noticed her talking with Orihime before and saw the dead bullies, correctly guessing that she felt a kinship with her.
“But it’s not that your loyalty to Lord Aizen is weaker than your relationship to that woman, it’s that your loyalty to Grimmjow is stronger.” She hesitates but nods.
“Is it love that motivates you?” Reizor is shocked to hear this.
“What does love really mean?” Ulquiorra silently notes that she also hasn’t been able to grasp the idea, despite talking with Orihime. He pushes the idea aside.
“Whatever the reason, you will not be able to contain me here.” The two fight, Reizor completely on the defensive, trying to buy as much time as she can. When they’re ejected from the prison box, he decides it would take too long to finish her off and leaves.
(All this ^^^ may change, I can’t remember the details of what happens where.)
Eventually she makes her way towards Grimmjow and Ichigo’s fight. She’s not in great shape, but functional. She makes it just in time to see Nnoitra attack Grimmjow. Nel saves Ichigo and distracts Nnoitra while Orihime heals Ichigo and Reizor goes to Grimmjow. She drags his body over to Orihime, her and Ichigo tense before she assures them she doesn’t want to fight. She has a favor to ask.
“Please, Orihime, could you heal Grimmjow just enough to stabilize him?” In contrast to Grimmjow’s earlier demand, she calls her by name and speaks gently, “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 
“Ok.” She agrees and Grimmjow coughs in a feeble attempt to get up. Reizor immediately plunges a bone next to his face.
“If you move, I’ll pin you down.” He gives up.
A large tentacle suddenly lunges at the group and Reizor manages to throw up her cage to block it. In the distance, it’s Luppi. He was just waiting for his chance to get back at Grimmjow, planning on finishing him while he’s weak. Reizor states that she’ll handle him. It’s strange for Orihime and Ichigo to be defended by an Espada. 
Then Reizor and Luppi truly fight. Reizor unleashes her true form for the first time in ages, Luppi having never witnessed it before. He comments how similar their forms look as they fight-bone protrusions against tentacles. She’s, as you’d expect, focused on defending herself and the others. Luppi finds this pathetic, but as time goes on, his reaction times are slowing down and he’s feeling weaker. He yells at her, asking what she’s doing but she’s silent like she has been the entire fight. Her silence pisses him off but it doesn’t matter-he’ll still win. Things happen and it looks dire for Reizor, stuck in Luppi’s grip, and her floating rib cage lunges at him. He isn’t aware it could detach from her but manages to knock it aside, the cage instead clamping down on a couple tentacles. Just as he’s gloating about it, his grip on her slips and she drops to her feet. Luppi is quickly dropping, struggling. She walks closer, finally explaining what her ability truly is: her gigantic rib cage isn’t just a prison in this form. Her bones can drain another’s spirit energy and life force itself. She can funnel that energy into her health and to fortify her bones even further. Each time her bones brushed against his tentacles, it sapped off more and more. With that final attack, between her own body being held and her cage biting into him, it was enough to push him to his knees. 
“It’s a slow way to fight and easy to avoid if you know it. But now you’re just the right size to finish off in one bite.” The rib cage rises behind Luppi and snaps shut around him. 
Once she reverts back to her true form, the energy she stored will be reset and she’ll probably pass out. She explains to the other three that she can only maintain it for a little longer.
I don’t remember the series of events here but she might help defend them just a little longer before dramatically losing her form and passing out.
Her and Grimmjow aren’t really relevant to the Karakura town arc at this point. I don’t have particular scenes in mind, but as Hueco Mundo goes under new management, there’s a shift in Reizor and Grimmjow’s relationship. Reizor seems more lively and while still generally laid back, she no longer lets others make all her decisions. Grimmjow still jumps at the chance to fight, but isn’t desperate to always assert his dominance. There’s an adjustment period but the two are now on equal ground with each other.
Reizor makes discrete trips to the human world during the year after. She never shows herself, but observes all the different ways others live, trying to find answers to questions she never used to have. Grimmjow doesn’t really get it, she thinks too much.
But she starts to test if “love” is really how she feels and…well, they become a couple pretty quick after that. The two have been so familiar with each other for so long but now they’ve now grown into people that can love each other. They have fun discovering together just how that works.
Thousand Year Blood War
(Big WIP I’m still rereading through this)
After Ichigo leaves, Orihime and the others run into trouble and it’s Grimmjow (or perhaps he was captured) and Reizor that pop up to save them. They explain exactly what happened in Hueco Mundo in more detail and that there was a resistance force of sorts but were wiped out. They weren’t planning on asking anyone outside for help. After figuring out everything that’s happening, Reizor makes good on that promise to Orihime: she trains her as much as she can in the short time they have.
When Grimmjow, Nel, and Reizor finally drop into the final fight, Reizor and Grimmjow really get to display their crazy strong teamwork. With Grimmjow being so aggressive and Reizor being so defensive, the two make an incredibly strong duo.
And they live happily ever after lmao
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fugighohlh · 17 days
Uganda Safaris: The Pearl of Africa’s Hidden Gem.
Uganda, frequently referred to as the "Pearl of Africa", is among one of those places that pride itself in having Africa's most genuine Safari opportunities. A small but incredibly diverse territory, this East African nation is home to some of the most incredible landscapes and wildlife-rich encounters that attract travelers seeking epic safari memories. Uganda safaris are like no other, and if you have been waiting for something different then Uganda is a must-visit destination on your travel bucket list.
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Why Uganda?
When thinking of safaris, many immediately picture the sprawling savannas of Kenya or the vast wilderness of Tanzania. While these are undoubtedly great destinations, Uganda offers something different—an intricate blend of ecosystems that ranges from savannas and rainforests to lakes and mountains. Uganda safaris offer travelers the opportunity to experience not just the classic African wildlife but also rare and unique species, including the endangered mountain gorillas.
The beauty of Uganda safaris lies in their diversity. You can start your morning tracking chimpanzees in the rainforests of Kibale National Park, and by afternoon, you could find yourself on the shores of Lake Victoria, the largest tropical lake in the world. For wildlife lovers, this means encountering animals in diverse habitats, making each day on safari a completely new adventure.
Uganda's Top Safari Destinations
1. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
Perhaps the crown jewel of Uganda safaris, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is famous for its mountain gorilla trekking. It is home to almost half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas, and trekking through its dense forests to catch a glimpse of these magnificent creatures is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The trek is both challenging and rewarding as you navigate through thick vegetation and steep terrain. But once you come face to face with a gorilla family, the experience is unforgettable. Conservation efforts in Bwindi have made Uganda a leader in sustainable tourism, ensuring that future generations will continue to experience this magic.
2. Queen Elizabeth National Park
Located in western Uganda, Queen Elizabeth National Park is one of the most popular destinations for Uganda safaris. The park is known for its incredible biodiversity and hosts a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, buffalo, and leopards. One of the highlights here is the tree-climbing lions found in the Ishasha sector of the park. The Kazinga Channel, which connects Lake Edward and Lake George, offers boat safaris where you can spot hippos, crocodiles, and an array of birdlife. The rich wetlands and savannas provide a striking contrast to the dense forests of Bwindi, making it a must-visit location.
3. Murchison Falls National Park
Murchison Falls National Park is a magnificent showcase of Uganda's natural beauty. The park is home to the powerful Murchison Falls, where the Nile River forces its way through a narrow gorge and tumbles down in an impressive display of nature’s might. Uganda safaris in Murchison Falls National Park offer travelers a chance to see the Big Five, along with giraffes, antelopes, and various primates. A boat ride to the base of the falls is a thrilling adventure, providing stunning views of the waterfall and the wildlife that thrives along the riverbanks.
4. Kibale National Park
Kibale National Park is a primate lover’s paradise. Uganda safaris here are centered around tracking chimpanzees, which can be found in large numbers within the park’s tropical forests. The park is home to 13 species of primates, including the red colobus monkey and L’Hoest’s monkey, making it one of the best places in Africa for primate viewing. The dense forests create a mysterious and captivating atmosphere, and walking through them while listening to the calls of chimpanzees is an experience that will stay with you long after your safari ends.
Birdwatching on Uganda Safaris
Uganda is also a birdwatcher’s dream. With over 1,000 recorded bird species, including the rare shoebill stork, Uganda safaris are perfect for avid birders. Birdwatching is possible in almost all of Uganda's national parks, but hotspots like Mabamba Swamp, Bwindi, and Queen Elizabeth National Park stand out for their exceptional birdlife. The variety of species is stunning, from the colorful African green broadbill to the majestic African fish eagle.
Cultural Experiences on Uganda Safaris
Uganda safaris aren't just about wildlife; they offer rich cultural experiences as well. The country is home to over 50 different ethnic groups, each with its own unique traditions, languages, and ways of life. Visitors can interact with local communities, participate in cultural performances, and even learn traditional skills like basket weaving and drumming. These interactions provide deeper insights into the Ugandan way of life and add a meaningful dimension to your safari adventure.
Uganda safaris offer an unparalleled opportunity to explore Africa’s wild beauty, from its dense forests and mountain gorillas to its savannas and Big Five. The country’s unique combination of wildlife, landscapes, and cultural richness makes it a standout destination for any safari enthusiast. Whether you’re tracking gorillas in Bwindi or marveling at the power of Murchison Falls, Uganda promises an adventure like no other. The Pearl of Africa is calling—are you ready to answer?
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skvaderarts · 2 months
Saudade Chapter 15: Warehouse Worries
Chapter Fifteen: Warehouse Worries
Note: I thought I might give you a little taste of something many of you have expressed that you’ve been missing. Me, too. I’m working on catching up on the main story in the background. We will return to it by the end of July at the latest!
The night was heavy with fog, deep and impenetrable. 
It was later than they were used to being called, at least in recent memory. They didn't exactly get calls like this during broad daylight, but it was well past midnight with only the amber glow of the street lights to guide their path. The air was chilly, holding its moisture from a recent storm that had blown through out of season. A dockland breeze blew through what little gaps it could, the dockyards and factories blocking much of the airflow.
Stepping off the more beaten track of the main road and down an alley, the group found their way to a gravel pathway that snaked between the high grass, weeds, and bushes, several of which were hard to distinguish from low trees as they made their way up to the property. The area was dense with brush, a rusted barbed wire-topped fence doing little to hold back the encroachment of nature. Cracked concrete led to old faded brick as a building came into view. Its windows were cracked, shattered, and boarded in various places, but the door was visible, its old worn metal facade being perhaps the best-kept part of the entire property.
“So… this is the place? It doesn’t look like much.” He wasn't sure what he had expected to find down the path that had led them here, but an innocuous old factory building hadn't been on his radar. Opting to tag along at the last minute after hearing about the potential excitement he might encounter, the red-haired man wasn't exactly complaining. He hadn't expected to round a corner and it directly into a dragon or anything of that sort, but the quiet if not dilapidated parking lot that led to an old, worn-down brick building hadn't been what he had envisioned.
Walking up directly behind him, Nero was immediately struck by the place they arrived in, something setting off his sixth sense in a way that he hadn't expected. If his arm had still been coated in the scales that had once enshrouded it, they might have glowed in response to what he felt, but he couldn't say. For now, it was just a barely perceptible nebulous sense of something being off. He didn't even feel threatened per se. He just felt oddly alert. Unshakably aware of something that he had yet to discover.
Directly behind him on his left side was V, The summoner yawning slightly as he made his way forward. He'd been asleep when they had gotten the call from their companions asking them to look into this for them at the last minute. Dante and Vergil were taking care of something big out of town, and the girls had their own work to do so they couldn't swing by and check on things. But a last-minute call had come in right before the phones had turned off at Morrison's office, and that had led to a phone call to Lady that had led to her calling Nero. From there he'd contacted V and asked if he wanted to tag along just for the hell of it since he was in town, having just returned from visiting Sirrus. And in what had to be a decision born of the inability to think clearly from having just been woken up from a deep sleep, he had agreed, something he wasn't willing to renege on when his brother had arrived.
For his own part, Sirrus had simply been sleeping on the couch, intent on returning to his own home in the morning. He accompanied his friend back to town from their trip and had simply been there. The prospect of a late-night monster hunting was too much for him to pass up, even if V had been asleep for half of the cab ride over. The ferry had been out so Nero had found other ways of getting to the mainland, and the van wasn't part of that equation for once. Hopefully, that wouldn't be a factor in the future, though. They were almost done packing back home.
“Still though… something’s off, right?” Nero chimed in, taking in their location as he looked around the empty lot. There was just something odd about this place. He wished that he could place it, but he just couldn't. “I don’t know what it is. It's not just me, right? This building is just kinda off.”
V came to a graduation stop, his cane clicking against the edge of what was left of the concrete. He stood on the border of the transition between the gravel and the parking lot, part of which had been patched with asphalt. It was truly in a sorry state. He felt what his brother also felt but to a heightened degree. It was still faint and vague, but he'd felt what Nero felt from a further distance, and to a slightly higher intensity. His skin prickled slightly and something in the back of his mind became more alert than he liked. It wasn't a sense of overwhelming dread like he felt in previous locations, but there was certainly… something. He felt almost as though he were being watched.
“I have to agree. It's faint but… this place isn't making a good first impression, is it?” He said with a second yawn, covering his mouth with his left arm to stifle the sound. He then reached up and rubbed his face, leaning on his cane a bit more than he typically did. It seemed that physical fatigue was setting in after all that train and vehicle travel.
Both Nero and Sirrus were slightly surprised to hear him speaking since he'd been so quiet on the way over. Nabbing those last few minutes of rest seemed to help clear the mental fog he'd been under. He was more alert now than he'd been since Nero had arrived. That was good. Who knew what they were in store for. 
Nero folded his arms as they lingered at the edge of the fence, none of them stepping across the threshold of the chained gate. What was the point of locking up a place like this? There couldn't be anything worth stealing. The pipes had to have been long gone, and that was the only thing of worth that the place could possibly still contain. It had been abandoned for a long, long time. That much was clear just looking at it.
“Yeah. At first, I thought maybe we had the wrong place, ya know? Since I didn't get a chance to ask Lady much before she had to go. But now… Yeah, I think we're supposed to be.” Nero said as he looked over at his older brother for a moment, his focus being stolen shortly after by Sirrus walking up to the gate and casually yanking the chains that held them shut apart. He'd done it like they were made of stale bread when in actuality they were probably the only unrusted part of the entire fence. Odd. Why was a chain that new on such an old gate? “What do ya think is in there?”
V said as he stepped forward a bit, waiting for Sirrus to push the gates open since he'd been the one to unlock them. He did so a moment later, stepping across the threshold first and then stepping slightly off to the right side, seemingly taking in the property to a fuller extent as he nodded silently to himself. This place was certainly interesting. 
He didn't get the same feeling that they did, but now that he'd stepped just that little bit closer he felt… something. And oddly enough, he smelled something. Sulfur? Ash? It was hard to tell with the salty sea air muddling things, but there was certainly a whiff of something. Whether it was related to their reason for being here was up for debate, but they would probably get their answers soon enough, anyway. It was a hurry-up-and-wait sort of situation, it seemed. 
“Too early to tell. We should proceed with caution.” V said as both he and Nero joined Sirrus on the other side of the gate, lingering outside the building for a moment as they each considered the ramifications of going in without running some basic recon first. It was late and they just wanted to get out of there to some extent, but being reckless probably wasn't a good idea, either. They were skilled, but an ambush wasn't something anyone wanted to willingly walk into. And despite the fact that they couldn't sense virtually anything in terms of numbers, there was no denying that something was going on here. “Who knows what could be inside.”
“Hopefully something that isn't resistant to being exsanguinated or perforated,” Sirrus said almost too casually, an abundance of sarcastic cheer to his tone. His sardonic comment wasn't directed at his friend's assessment of the situation, of course. But it was still hard to tell if he was being sarcastic about his hopes. “Extirpation isn't a pastime I enjoy participating in. At least when I'm on the receiving end.”
Nero glanced over at Sirrus, his eyebrows furrowing slightly before one rose a bit higher than the other, his arms remaining folded around himself.
“Well, I understood one of those words.” He said with a chuckle. He always felt like he needed to read a dictionary when he was around these two. He was pretty well-read himself, but perhaps the difference in reading material had created this gap in their conversation fluency. He could guess from context what he meant, but maybe he needed to brush up on his old and uncommon English. “But I think I get the gist of it. Let's kill whatever's in there and go grab somethin’ to eat. I'm starving.”
Sirrus scoffed playfully at the statement. Now that was an idea he could get behind. “That sounds like a good idea, actually. I know a great steak place around here. Char-Broiled. Grilled. The sides are impeccable.”
Nero looked over at Sirrus like he had just put him on his knees and gutted him. The mental image that he'd just painted for him was mouth-watering. He'd been slightly hungry before, but now he was practically ravenous, slavering like a flesh-hungry beast.
“Oh, come on, man. Why would you torture me like that?” He said with a few shakes of his head as he feigned disapproval. At least partially. He actually did want a stake now. That was no lie. That sounded awesome. He hoped that the place would still be open when they got done here.
“Ah, I didn't think of that. Sorry.” Sirius said with a deep chuckle. He absolutely had thought of that. Messing with Nero was just an opportunity that he couldn't pass up. It was so rare that he got the chance to playfully poke fun at him. “I'll make it up to you. Dinner's on me if whatever's inside of this compound doesn't eat us first.”
Now that was a proposition that the young devil hunter could get behind. He reached backward over his shoulder and grasped his blade, shifting it into his hand. He wasn't going in there empty-handed. “I'll take that bet. Whoever kills the least pays this time.” 
Sirrus did the double take before cackling, making an immediate effort to stifle his own volume. He didn't want to alert anything that might be in the building with his laughter. It seemed that he'd made a terrible mistake mentioning that steak restaurant. Nero was invested now. It was no going back.
“As will I,” V said with an error of obvious amusement clouding his voice. This was becoming more interesting by the moment. He was almost glad he got out of bed now. Almost. “I'll meet you inside. Don't keep me waiting. Our dinner's getting cold.”
With that he headed towards the building, summoning Shadow to flank him as he approached the door. Griffon might be too conspicuous for a situation like this. But Shadow was just right. Silent and utterly pitch black, they would never see her coming. Whoever they might be.
The devil hunter with the short white hair and the adjudicator both gestured to one another simultaneously as if to say “after you” before pausing in an equally startled way to linger on the fact that they'd done that before Nero shook his head and Sirrus scoffed at the situation. That had been an amusing instance of the two of them being unintentionally in sync with one another. 
Things were becoming less awkward between the two of them, something that neither of them acknowledged verbally but both noticed. And they were both glad for it. Neither of the two had a single thing against the other, after all. They just didn't know what to say to one another. The two of them might as well live in different centuries because of how wide the conversation gap was between them. 
But despite their stylistic differences, varying preferences, and the disparity in their personal interests, Nero was starting to become more accustomed to the man with the red hairs’ somewhat florid speech tendencies and Sirrus was slowly starting to see just how earnest Nero truly was. It had taken the both of them a little while to realize that they were both genuinely the person they appeared to be, but once they had, it had opened the doors for them. 
Nero was pleased to have a new battle companion and Sirrus found Nero’s generosity and kindness as wholesome as he did aspirational. It was easier to be a giving person when you lived in excess or abundance, but it took a special person to have less and give more. And Nero gave everything his all. He had more respect for him than he could say. And the feeling was mutual. Anyone willing to go into battle with him and his family and risk it all was someone he could respect. He had no blood stakes in the situation. He had come from the outside and assimilated into the group. But Nero didn't doubt that the red hair adjudicator. He was the real deal. And he liked that.
Mutually cluing into the fact that they were being left behind and that V was about to venture into an abandoned and potentially demon-infested building on his lonesome, the both of them turned to walk side by side with one another towards the building, leaving a few feet of space between each other and unintentionally flanking V from a distance. They both knew that the summoner could handle himself, but they didn't know what was in that building. What any of them were walking into. And they were going to do their damnedest to back him up. One thing that would never change was that they had each other's backs.
They were going into this together. And they were going to get out of this together. 
I wonder what they’re going to find in that warehouse… I'll be publishing part two next week on Friday, August 19th and then hopefully the next chapter of Petrichor on the 26th! I hope you enjoyed it! It was fun to write a scene with V and Nero again! And I definitely need more Sirrus and Nero scenes in the future! Take care and I'll see you in the comments and the next chapter! Bye bye!
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kakivino · 5 years
Romano Dal Forno 2011 Amarone della Valpolicella Monte Lodoletta
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Inky. Impenetrable. Immense. This sinfully oaked red is a cornucopia of raisiny black fruit, cassis, smoke, leather, soy sauce and dark chocolate. Impossibly dense and decadent, yet very measured every step of the way. Flaunting Gisele Bündchen-esque super long legs. The thing is, for a wine this colossal—potent tannins, hefty alcohol and all—it strikes an astonishing balance, so much so there’s not a single hair out of place. Alas, approaching this bruiser is like anticipating an eruption that never was. We're shut out. For now.
A meal in and of itself. An opus for meditation when it’s ready. — ★★★★
Appellation: Amarone della Valpolicella Region: Valpolicella, Veneto, Italy Subzone: Val d'Illasi Cépage: 60% Corvina, 20% Rondinella, 10% Croatina, 10% Oseleta Abv: 17% (6 g/L RS) Production: 17,000 (2016) Élevage: 24 months in new barriques, 36 in bottle Distributor: Verona Wines
Critic Reviews:
Fully saturated ruby. Very deep, intense aromas of blackcurrant, plums macerated in alcohol, soy sauce, coffee and underbrush on the complex nose. Rich, dense and balanced, with nicely focused flavors of dark berries and aromatic herbs that have a noteworthy savory tang. The long finish features repeating hints of soy sauce, espresso and underbrush. Dal Forno’s is the recognized master of a uniquely powerful, ripe, and concentrated style of Amarone. Ian d'Agata (Vinous, 05/2017) 95+
Impenetrable, dark cardinal red. Enormous, concentrated sweet-sour cherry nose with malty notes. Bitter, stalky tannins framing the fruit. Intense, long and with amazing balance even if the tannins on the finish are quite dominant and the alcohol is 17%. This will need time (but I am told that the Valpolicella is much less pronto, and the Amarone ‘gia morbido’ [already soft]) Walter Speller (JancisRobinson.com, 07/2017) 17.5
Sweet smoke, Asian five spice and cacao accents mix with crème de cassis, cured tobacco and anise notes in this seamless, full-bodied red. A dense and concentrated version, with the long, savory finish firmed by supple, well-knit tannins. Drink now through 2030. Alison Napjus (Wine Spectator, 10/2017) 95
This is a real bruiser of a wine, and it marks the first of three excellent back-to-back vintages (2011, 2012 and 2013). The growing season was full of surprises and many farming decisions had to be made at the spur of the moment. The 2011 growing season started off cool, but there was an explosion of heat in mid-August that remained intense until a final cooling period at harvest. Fruit ripening had been behind schedule, but that August heat helped to pick up the pace. (By the way, this is also the year Michele Dal Forno got married). The 2011 Amarone della Valpolicella Monte Lodoletta is an incredible wine that has magically managed to maintain the fresh acidity associated with the cooler part of the growing season. It also shows the inky black concentration and ripeness that is reflective of the hottest part of the summer. I am impressed by the tannic management, as the wine is silky and fine at this young stage; however, the underlying structure promises a long aging future, should you chose to put your bottle aside. Overall, this vintage is slightly more accessible and ready to drink if you don't have the patience for cellar aging. Monica Larner (Wine Advocate, 09/2019) 97
The 2011 Amarone della Valpolicella Monte Lodoletta is another extreme wine from Romano Dal Forno and his family. It is almost impossible to wrap your head around the intensity and richness that is so expertly delivered by this monumental wine. The bouquet is sweet and heavy with luscious tones of black fruit, prune, dried rose bud, cherry liqueur, spice and tarry asphalt. The wine oozes forth with impactful thickness and generosity. Rather than a companion to a meal, this wine is a meal in itself. It goes over and beyond traditional Amarone. This was a hot vintage, but the brunt of the heat came towards the middle/end of the growing season, followed by cooler temperatures at harvest. Monica Larner (Wine Advocate, 05/2017) 96
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