#it’s been an age since i listened to second citadel
in-a-mountain-pool · 1 year
The Boy Who Swallowed a Dragon's Fire
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Aemond Targaryen x Original Character (Reader)
pronouns: She/her (afab)
rating: T
warnings: So fluffy it made me feel sick~
word count: 4500+
summary: Interesting things did seem to happen, but always to somebody else. This is, until the night of the hunt to celebrate your younger sister's marriage to her Lannister lion of a husband.
"You live inside my memories, you live forever into the melody of a brook, in the colour of this sky, in the fragrance of flowers."
The Promise of the World
authors note: I have returned from my holibobs! I've been listening to Joe Hisaishi for weeks as I've been lucky enough to get tickets to see him in London! I couldn't stop thinking about Aemond whenever I heard "A Walk in the Skies" from Howl's Moving Castle, and suddenly this little plot bunny formed. As always, likes, comments and reblogs are not a requirement, but lovely to return to. Huge thank you to @ewanmitchellcrumbs and @bottlesandbarricades for reading over this!
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You had always hated the hunt.
Even more so the feasts afterwards and the raucous way the men would stomp around in all their armour and grandeur, proud to be covered in the blood of whatever poor animal they'd had the dumb luck to stumble upon in the woods.
The grounds of the Eyrie were covered in a rainbow patchwork of tents of all shapes and sizes. From the sky blue and silver colours of your own family to the deep black and red hues of the house of the dragon; anyone who was anyone was in attendance for this summer's eve. Smoke and the smells of spoils of barbecued boar and deer filled the air, spilt wine and blood-soaked deep into the ground beneath their feet. 
And all of this, was to celebrate the wedding of your younger sister, the Lady Myranda Arryn, to her golden Lannister Lion of a husband. 
You were the second daughter of the Lord of the Vale, and much to your parent’s despair, the only remaining daughter unmarried; the Lady Robyn Arryn. You had been overlooked almost all of your life, the short one with mousy brown hair and a face you had been told was 'fair but plain' on more than one occasion. When you had been lined up to greet the crowds of prospective Lord's your father had hoped to wed you to, yours was a face they often forgot. 
Whilst your sisters had spent their opening seasons being dragged onto the dance floors of halls all over Westeros, you had often remained on the sidelines, slipping out as early as possible to peruse the vast libraries of the great houses you had been so lucky to visit. You still remembered the day you visited the libraries of the Red Keep after the wedding of King Viserys and Alicent Hightower. Even at the innocent age of five it had left a great impression on your mind and soul.
Ever since, your heart had ached to read every book you could get your hands on, to visit the great citadel at Hightower and to seek out the secrets of the magical world around you. The smell of an old library full of scrolls and parchment was your idea of home, of heaven… yet here you were sitting in a muggy tent at an ungodly hour, pretending to seem impressed when your new golden-haired brother-in-law brandishes the pike he'd used to gut the very boar you were eating. 
You can hardly hide the distaste on your face as he shoves the pike into his squire’s hands and takes a long swig from an obnoxiously large tankard of ale, with a bejewelled lions head on the side, before pulling your sister onto his lap to stick his tongue down her throat. 
With a snivelling sneer he proclaimed out loud, "I do not know what a finer conquest is, the boar I stuck this morn, or the falcon I'm going to stick tonight!"
The room explodes with the sounds of the laughter of drunken men, slamming their glasses on tables and cheering on the young lion who currently had his hand up your younger sister’s skirt.
You could hardly stand it, the disrespect, the brazen attitude of it all. Memories of your sister's childhood rush through your mind, her love of the great romantic knights, tales of gentle touches, roses and chivalry… none of which were present in this tent, at this lavish wedding party. Bile raised in your throat as a deep-seated anger filled your body, and you stand up suddenly to speak, the throw pillows underneath you falling to the ground.
Before you can spit out your vitriol, you feel a large hand on your shoulder. It was your father. He pulls you to the side pressing a goblet of wine into your hands, whispering harshly to you over bards playing the Rains of Castamere. You swore they'd already played it at least five times this eve.
"Robyn. You will do well to remember yourself. The Lannisters are family now. You should be proud of your young sister. Tis’ a good match." 
You barely get to open your mouth in protest when you notice your father’s eyes flash to someone across the room, and before you know it, his hand is pressed to your back, guiding you towards a crooked old man who must have been at least twice your age. 
"Lord Royce! Have you met my fair Daughter, Lady Robyn?" 
Lord Royce looks you up and down with a disgusting glint in his eye, licking his lips to catch the wine he'd almost poured down his chin just a second before. You see he has a few teeth missing, and a slight shaking in the hand clutching at his wine. 
"I do believe we have; I was present at her christening in the Sept of Baelor. My, how she has grown. A Lady now indeed." He drawls, slurring his words.
Your father gives him a tight smile and gestures between you both drunkenly, before shooting you a glare and all but shoving you towards the older man, "Well then, you will have much to talk about and catch up on! Mayhap a dance on this joyous of occasions?"
"Father, I-" There was no time to express your displeasure, for Lord Royce had already dragged you to the centre of the tent, his gnarled hand wrapped around yours in a vice grip and his ringed fingers digging into your skin painfully. He spun you around in time with the other dancers, his hand lingering on your waist for all too longer than necessary at every opportunity. The smell of his breath was pungent and rotten as he leaned forward to whisper into your ear.
"To think I have not laid eyes on you since you were a babe." Lord Royce's hand slips down your waist to your hip and further still to squeeze at the soft swell of your behind with a wicked chuckle. "You are a babe no longer it seems…"
A soft yelp escapes your throat, your eyes wide with shock and fear. No one had even noticed you shriek, the music too loud, the flow of wine too heady, the heat of the night all too great. You wretch your body away from him in distaste.
"My Lord, forgive me but you forget your manners! Touch me again and I will summon my sword." 
A cruel grin spreads across his face, his missing teeth giving a lispy rasp to his voice as he suppresses his own laughter. "It makes no difference to me, I am afraid. Your sword is soon to be my sword, my dear. Tis' already decided. We had best practice our dances, for soon we will be dancing at our very own wedding feast."
 A cold chill runs down your spine as the reality of the situation hits you like a bucket of ice-cold water. Father planned to marry you to Lord Royce. He needed to secure his Bannerman. You were the last unmarried daughter. It was two birds with one stone. 
You stumble backwards, almost tripping on a discarded tankard on the floor of the tent, shaking your head over and over. It couldn't be true. Surely Father wouldn't be so heartless? Your vision tunnels as your feet carry you away hastily out of the tent and into the humid summer air, all to the sound of Lord Royce's cruel laughter.
Your slippered feet ache as you run away, disoriented and panting, tears streaming down your face. Shakily you grab a black discarded cape hung on the back of a chair, shrouding yourself and running as fast as you can through the hunt. 
Colours of the great houses flash you by, the white falcon, the rich gold and reds of the lion, the silver wolf, all passing over you in a blur… and when you finally stop, you've ran so far you had hardly noticed the colours had turned black as night, with the blood red sigil of the three-headed dragon flying lazily upon banners in the dull summer's breeze. 
You were no longer in the Lion's den; you'd wandered somewhere far more frightening… straight into the Dragon's hoard. Only your father, sister and her new husband had been allowed into the royal tents, to present themselves to the good King Viserys. If they caught you here alone and unchaperoned your reputation would be ruined.
With shaking hands, you wrap the dirty cloak around your shoulders tighter to hide the rich azure blue of your dress, as you creep away from the large tents and towards the woods at the outskirts of the camp. It was either you brave the dangers of the wood for the night, or return to the clutches of Lord Royce.
With a heavy heart you plunge deeper into the darkness of the woods. Settling upon a tree stump beside a small creek, your gaze falls upon your once silver slippers, now ruined and caked in mud. There was once a time when you would have cared about such a thing, but now all you could feel was numbness in your soul which made your whole body cold. Your hands were tied and there was nowhere to run. Life was not a beautiful song, or a romantic tale of heroes and great loves. You break into a sob, burying your face into your hands, heaving breaths leaving your chest.
You had done well to get away without an arranged marriage for this long. At the age of twenty-five you had come to be considered an old maid amongst the court. Now, gone was the age of innocence, and the dreams that you might one day experience true love. 
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The silence of the wood and the night air was broken by the snapping of twigs underfoot, as slowly from the distance two figures emerged from the brush. Your body freezes as you see the sigil on their breastplates. A shower of pebbles upon an orange square. It was two knights sworn to the House Royce. They saunter over to you smirking, as you scurry off the stump to lean against a great oak trunk protectively. The larger of the two men places his hand to lean just above your head, peering down at you with a smirk.
 "Looks like a little falcon chick has lost her way."
 You shake your head nervously, paling as you realise that you are so deep into the woods that no one would hear you scream. No matter how hard you try. 
"No- No, I'm not lost. I-"
They share a look between them, reeking of ale and blood.
"I think this little falcon chick looks thirsty. I think we should take her for a cup of ale, don't you? Lord Royce wouldn't mind."
His eyes flicker to yours with a glassy look, he was drunk, they both were. And you'd heard stories of what drunk men like him did to women like you.
"No, no thank you. My sister will be expecting me."
They lean closer still, the smaller one getting so close you can feel the heat of his body towering over you.
"She's pretty cute for a little falcon chick. How old are you, anyway? You live up in the big castle, dontcha?" He tries to grab at your wrist, but you wrestle it away violently.
"Leave me alone!"
The taller man chuckled darkly, shooting a derisive look at the shorter knight, "You see? Your big old beard always scares off the pretty girls."
"So? I'd say she's even cuter when she's scared, don't you think?" 
You decide your only chance is to run. You'd never outrun them, but you had to try. Blood starts pumping through your veins, the adrenaline hitting you as you get ready to sprint, but as soon as you try to retreat away your back hits something hard and warm… and a slender hand places itself gently on your shoulder.
A deep voice speaks down into your ear, tickling warmly at the soft skin of your neck.
"There you are sweetheart, sorry I'm late. I was looking everywhere for you."
The two men stand up straighter ready to fight with their hands upon the hilts of their broadswords.
"Hey- can you not see that we're busy here? Lord Royce wants her back in one piece." 
The cloaked man behind you grips your shoulder tighter still, almost protectively. The only part of him visible to you is the curling of his lips, which seemed to twitch at the knight's words uneasily. The deep voice behind you lets out a dark chuckle before he brandishes a large sword with a black hilt, shining in the moonlight… Valyrian steel.
"Are you really? It looked to me that the two of you were just leaving."
At the sight of Valyrian steel the two men cower and shift themselves quickly, bowing at the mystery man and sprinting off into the dark of the wood. Slowly the tall man takes down his hood, and the first thing that strikes you is the glinting of long silver hair in the moonlight… and a single lilac eye searching yours.
It was him, Prince Aemond Targaryen. Aemond One-Eye. 
He reaches up ever so gently to take down the hood of your dirtied cloak, his finger brushing your cheek tentatively as he does so before he takes your hand in his and bows down to kiss the back of it with the ghost of a touch of his lips.
"Lady Robyn Arryn. My apologies for not finding you sooner. Where to? I will be your escort this evening."
Words fail you as he continues to hold your hand in his like it was made of porcelain. He almost has to bend down to speak to you he was so tall and imposing, yet there's a deep kindness in his eye that has you transfixed. You'd never met him, but you'd heard the stories. He was quiet and cruel. Studious. A loner through and through. And a demon with a sword. 
"Prince Aemond- I-" you try to courtesy, but he continues to hold your hand firmly, shaking his head and chuckling. 
"That won't be necessary. Now tell me, where do you wish to go? You must be desperate to brave the woods all on your own." He almost whispers as he speaks, his words delicate and falling off his tongue like the sweetest honey. 
You decide to tell the truth, you had no choice, he was the prince, and… he was startlingly handsome in a way that made your chest ache and your fingers itch.
"Please, my Prince, if you would escort me home? I- I cannot go back to the camp. I must not. My father- the Lord of the Vale, he wishes to marry me to Lord Royce the Elder and-"
Suddenly he lifts his hand to quiet you and surveys your surroundings, his sharp jawline prominent and strong against the night. He drops your hand in favour of wrapping his arm protectively around your shoulders, cradling you to his side and walking you both swiftly forward, as his silver hair tickles you at the collar of your low-cut dress.
"Don't be alarmed, but we’re being followed by more of his men. Just act normal."
Aemond is so close you can smell him. He was still wearing his riding leathers from the hunt, smelling like sweat, ash and the damp night air in a way that was all too intoxicating. There's something else there too, something smoky that you can't quite put your finger on. Aemond's touch was different from any other man that had placed their hands on you. He felt safe, warm, inviting and oh so protective of you.
You steal a look at his face in the moonlight as you walk and find he's far more beautiful than the stories give him credit for. It was true what they said that Targaryen's were closer to gods than men, for the beautiful creature next to you could hardly even be human. His profile was enough to make you ache with desire in a way no man had ever produced in you. 
Another twig cracked underfoot. Aemond's face dipped down once again close to yours to whisper into your ear, watching your face carefully. 
"More of Royce's men. It would appear I am to become involved in a scandal." Aemond sighs and growls slightly in annoyance. His hand releases your shoulder and slides down, enveloping your own in a strong grip. "Now, when I say run, run, ok?"
Further twigs start to snap underfoot behind you, the sound of chainmail in the distance now impossible to ignore.
"This way. Run!" He whispers, pulling you along with him.
His long legs pelt into the ground, his cloak billowing behind him, and his silver hair shining like starlight under the full moon. It's a challenge keeping up with him, his legs are so much longer than yours, but he never let's go for even a moment. All of a sudden you're pulled into a large opening in the woods and a strange burning smell fills your nose… as you’re brought face to face with the largest dragon in the world. Vhagar.
“Wha- Prince Aemond!? What are you suggesting? You can’t be serious!” Your feet dig into the ground as you pull against him, but this only makes him grin wider and chuckle darkly. The rational part of your brain tells you he’s insane, that the stories were indeed true and that you should scream… but then a flicker of wonder appeared in your mind, the very same flicker you felt when you stood in the library in the Red Keep all those years ago.
There in front of you in the flesh was a real dragon, over 150 years old. And beside her, a silver-haired, Targaryen prince. This is it; you think to yourself. All those books you had read, all those stories of old, stories of good triumphing over evil… here was your chance to live it.
“Oh, I’m deadly serious. You do want to go home, do you not? The Eyrie is situated on the top of a mountain, as I recall. Vhagar and I can have you home and in bed safe and sound in mere moments...” He teases excitedly, before his voice and face drops to a more serious and soft tone, his long index finger coming up to raise your chin to look him directly into his eye.
“… Can you trust me?”
The sounds of shouting and swords leaving their hilts echo behind you. Your eyes shift from his striking face down to his hand as he reaches it out to you invitingly. Inhaling a deep breath and closing your eyes for a moment, you utter out an answer grasping his hand in yours.
“Yes. I trust you.”
A small smile you almost miss etches itself onto his face before he leads you swiftly over to the old dragon, pulling on a large black leather coat and passing you his dark hooded cloak.
“You will need the extra layer, my Lady. Now... May I lift you? You will need to climb up to the saddle, and I fear we do not have much time.”
A deep pink blush covers your cheeks at the thought of his strong arms carrying you. There is barely any time to squeak out a small ‘yes’ before Aemond is grasping you at the waist and thrusting you up onto the ropes leading up to Vhagar’s saddle. His hands are so large on your body that they almost encompass your middle section completely. Aemond follows closely behind, catching you a few times to steady you as your foot misses the gaps in the ropes clumsily.
You pull yourself up with a strength you never knew you had, settling into the saddle nervously. You could feel Vhagar breathing underneath you, feel her stretching out at the command of Aemond who was shouting out words in a tongue you’d never heard before. Of course… he was speaking High Valyrian.
“Rȳbagon naejot nyke, Vhagar. Heed ñuha udra.” Ready yourself, Vhagar. Heed my words.
Aemond all but jumps up to the saddle, and with a heavy thud he settles himself behind you. When he scoots forwards to grab at the chains hanging at your side, an even deeper blush covers your face and neck, heat pooling in your stomach. The hard plane of his chest presses against your back, the top of his thighs nudging the underside of your own, now bare as you straddle the seat.
“My apologies, Lady Robyn, but I must strap us to the saddle, and you to me lest we fall.” He laughs softly as he feels you tense against him in fear. “But we won’t, I promise you. I’d never let any harm come to you.”
With deft hands he ties the chains across your lap and his, wrapping a rope around your waist to secure you to him. All at once it hits you just how crazy the situation had become.
“Prince Aemond… I’m frightened! Please, let me off! I can’t do this!”
Aemond leans forward to grab for the reins, his arms tight either side of you, and his chin just above your ear. With hushed tones, he stops you, whispering into your ear.
“Yes. Yes, you can. You are of the Vale. You are of the sky. You and I are made of the same… We own the skies, little Falcon.”
Determination fills you, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You had to do whatever it takes. You would make your own destiny. You would make it out of here. You place your hands on the reigns next to his, so small and delicate next to his large strong fists.
“That’s my girl…” He murmurs, and you swear you can feel the crinkle of his smile against your hair before he shouts out to Vhagar.
“Vhagar, ñuha jorrāelagon, urnēptre īlva se nūmāzma hen speed!” Vhagar, my love, show us the meaning of speed! 
Aemond places his hand over yours suddenly on the rope, making your heart surge.
“Hold on!”
With a deep rumble, the ground shakes, it feels like the Earth is turning when Vhagar moves to stand on her haunches. Already you are above the trees, and she had not even taken off yet. Vhagar lets out a deep roar stretching her neck into the sky, the screams of Lord Royce’s men in the woods beneath echoing around her as they scramble to run away. She stretches out her wings beating them and like a hurricane they ascend into the night sky.
The forests fade beneath you, deep greens become soft pillowy whites as you soar into the clouds together. After a short while Vhagar’s wings extend, bringing you to a slow glide just above the clouds.
“Now, straighten your posture against me… and see, you’re flying!”
A rich and infectious laugh leaves his throat as the wind surrounds you. The careful pins and ties in your hair are long forgotten, your hair now cascading behind you, flying free.
You can’t help it, you’re not sure if it’s the euphoria of the dragon flight, the drama of the night, or the way Aemond had wrapped himself around you so, but soon you’re laughing with him, exclaiming out loud in a way that was hardly lady-like.
“See? My dear, you are a natural!”
“Prince Aemond, this is incredible! Vhagar, she is magnificent!”
“Se dōna riña thinks iksā gevie, Vhagar!” The sweet girl thinks you are beautiful, Vhagar! Aemond releases a deep belly laugh, slapping the side of Vhagar’s neck fondly.
With a shaking roar, a shooting of flames and sparks spit from Vhagar’s mouth.
He cranes his neck to look at you closely, a warm smile gracing his cat-like lips. “I think she likes you, Lady Robyn! Why don’t you tell her yourself!”
“I am thoroughly impressed, Vhagar! You are a first-class dragon; I adore your spark!” You shout to the ancient dragon as loud as you can against the rushing winds, almost as if you were praising a rather large scaly cat. The rumble that leaves her jaws sounds like a purr, almost the same way her master was chuckling behind you.
Beneath you the clouds become a mismatch of greens and multicoloured tents as you approach the grounds of the Eyrie. From up here you could see the ancient castle in all its beauty. Situated in the Mountains of the Moon and surrounded by cotton clouds, at this height it almost seemed small, like a child’s playset. The waterfall, Alyssa’s tears cascaded down the side of the Giant’s Lance, reflecting off the marble walls of High Hall.
“It’s beautiful… It’s gorgeous, Aemond! It’s like a dream…” For the first time in years, you feel truly alive, and it’s all because of him.
With a whoosh of her wings, Vhagar descends towards the castle and the Maiden’s Tower and it hits you that Aemond really meant what he’d said about having you home and in bed before you knew it.
“Prince Aemond… You’re not- You don’t expect me to climb through the window?!”
A snickering laugh escapes him as he presses his head against yours. You swear for a moment you can feel him smelling your hair, the thought making your thighs clench.
“Of course not. I intend to carry you through the window.”
“What?!” You utter before he shouts over your protests to his Dragon.
“Konīr Vhagar, tegun īlva!” There Vhagar! Land us. 
Vhagar’s wings billow out behind her, as she hovers down, clutching to the mountainside and the tower, bringing you level with the balcony of your chambers.
Quietly and ever so gently, he undoes the chains around you both, and the soft rope securing you to his front. Aemond swings his legs to the side, and clambers down the ropes at Vhagar’s large neck. There’s a confident look in his eyes and a glint of warmth as he reaches his arms out towards you, one leg propped up onto the edge of the balcony.
“Come down with me… I promise I’ll catch you. Vhagar already loves you, she’ll be still.”  
You take a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling before you climb down slowly and turn to face the Prince. His words from earlier echo in your mind… Trust me.
And you did. Without any hesitation you jump from the ropes and into the warm, strong arms of Aemond Targaryen. He cradles you to him in a bridal carry, strong legs pushing you forward through the balcony doors to place you down softly on the chaise lounge next to your fireplace.
A thousand thoughts run through your head as he lingers closely to you, laying you down gently. Aemond’s lilac eye searches yours intensely, his hand still resting beneath your neck, caressing the soft hairs at the nape.
“My lady… Robyn… you were spectacular tonight,” He swallows softly as his gaze slides down to your slim neck and collarbones, whispering your house words to himself as much as you in wonder, “As High as Honor.”
Slowly, he leans forward, staring at your bottom lip passionately. Your eyes flutter shut, your eyelashes batting against your cheek. With a gentle caress of your hair, he presses the tenderest of kisses, the only kiss you’d ever had, to your lips.
It lasted but a moment, but you knew it would stay with you forever.
Aemond pulls away gingerly, his silver hair tickling your chest. Like a knight from a storybook, he stands up tall and bows, taking your hand in his to kiss at the back of it with unearthly grace.
“… My lady, do not leave your room, keep the door locked… I will return to you soon.”
He moves to leave quickly, the sound of Vhagar rumbling outside the balcony doors. Before he can clamber over the side of the fencing you find the courage to stop him, calling from your room.
“Aemond! Aemond wait… Where are you going?”
With a flick of his silver hair, he throws a radiant smile to you over his shoulder, his lilac eye shining in the moonlight.
“To see my father. You will not be wed to Lord Royce… And I plan to fly with you till the end of my days.”
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279 notes · View notes
acediting · 2 years
Nanowrimo Day 10!
Sean tried to ignore the whispers of the others in the waiting hall under the Citadel’s Arena. The next round of the championship was going to begin after a show from some of the more famed hypemen and performers. He had to admit, the ones who travelled with the duelists were pretty talented, and part of him wished he  could sneak above ground just long enough to see the one who was currently belting out some highly energized lyrics alongside a band that included someone going ham on the drums and another likely shredding their guitar to pieces. But he needed to stay down here, in the hall near the arena ring’s entrance and try not to listen to the others around him. The next round was a one-on-one duel, essentially one of those “duke it out until one of you is trapped under your protective dome” battles. Even in normal duels these were known to get flashy and intense, with duelists bringing out an array of combat skills that they had honed and personalized practically down to an art. But in the final stretch, the battles became extra intense. Flashier, tougher, more varied. Half of the finalists would have a summon at their side, and the ones that didn’t had enough skill and versatility with their spellcasts and physical prowess that they could stay on par with those that had the magical boost. And every one of them would be giving their all to win. After all, each duelist who had made it this far proved they were the best of the best. Now they were gunning to show they were at the top of even that food chain. Trevor Art, the Storyteller, had participated in the duel for the past three years, and this was his second time making it to the Championships. He was a crowd favorite, with his illusionary skills and control over various elements making the very Arena change before his opponent and the crowd’s eyes, looking and feeling all too real. He would make an excellent hunter, or even a Champion one day, which was what many in the crowd expected to happen this year. The whispers came regarding his opponent. Members of the Academy who trained in the educational setting and under professionals employed by the Citadel did not have to work through the point system to get their place in the Championships- their passing grades, trial exams, and practical experience under the mentorship of professionals helped vouch for their skills. Normally that was enough that if an Academy graduate came in to the championships, they were at the very least expected to make it to the semi-finals.
 Sean, however, was young. Most duelists made their way into the ring in their twenties if not older. Occasionally an eighteen or nineteen year old may make their debut, but very rarely did they make it far their first year. He had made it in at the ripe age of fourteen, having sped through the Academy with a mixture of independent study and spending most every spare minute either in classes or training. Plus Oliver was his mentor, and his guardian. He had been ever since Sean’s parents disappeared two years prior while hunting down a lead on the Mad Queen. Yet despite that, most of the dueling world questioned Sean’s right to be in the championships, albeit in hushed undertones and when people believed he and the Citadel were not listening. But he was ready, and he was motivated. The rogues had taken his only family from him, and if they had their way would do the same to many, many other people who would be much worse off than he was when he suddenly found himself an orphan.
 “Reinhardt!” Sean looked over as one of the assistants with a headset and a tablet in hand called his name. “You’re up.”
 He nodded his thanks and followed her as she led him away from the groups. He heard a few half-hearted “good lucks” from the other duelists, but they were just that: half-hearted. Nobody expected him to win, not against the Storyteller.
 Sean was led up a ramp towards one of the two entrances before being directed to stop in a circle. “I will signal when you can step into the ring,” the assistant explained, her voice sounding rehearsed to the point that Sean felt as if she was reading from a script. He might have thought there was one on her tablet, if she didn’t start typing on it before holding it out. “Before you do, we want to make sure all of your equipment is working properly. Please move your domer band in front of the screen?”
 He raised his wrist, the thick black leather with a circular manufactured shard embedded in the top appearing from under his sleeve as he did so. He turned his wrist and held the shard close, watching as the machine showed a meter and read off spellcast signatures and energy outputs for ten seconds before showing the results. The it was working at optimal performance.
 The assistant checked the readings, nodding in approval before switching to another screen. “Now raise your shards the same way.”
 “Is the conditional not about my readings in my records?” Sean asked, already pulling out the handful of small multicolored jewels, each shaped spherical with multiple facets.
 She checked again, then nodded. “Yes, it is noted here that you have specialized shards that have a dormant signature. The system will just make sure that the spellcasts are registered and in functioning order.”
 He nodded, holding them up again to the screen when presented it. A moment later, the screen broke into a graph-like grid, with each square reflecting the spellcast writings in each of his JEGs. A scanning reel popped up over each one as the system checked to ensure that the spells were both registered in Sean’s database, and in working order. All passed, and he put the shards away.
 “You will have to go through the same process with the domer with the referee,” the assistant explained. “This is more ceremonial however, so that the referee, your opponent, and the crowd can witness that your safety nets work.”
 “That’s fine,” he replied, mentally checking himself over before making sure the large purple and azure blue shard hanging around his neck by a chord was secure. He felt a small pulse come from it as his fingers brushed the cool surface, and a sense of reassurance seemed to fill his mind as Companion tried to calm the nerves he was trying to keep in check.
 He took a deep breath and turned his attention to the entrance of the ring. The performers and hypemen were now getting the crowd ready for his and Trevor’s battle. He knew this because the song made references to writing your own story and making it to the top. It has pop elements to it and was something that probably had many people in the audience out of their seats, jumping and singing along to. Sean felt a small pang of jealousy at that. Traditionally, duelists who made it to the championships had a song written for them by one of the hypemen. Even those that came in from the Academy found themselves with one before their first battle. It was a little something special the musical performers did for their companions, a little nod to their work which many Champions and a number of experienced hunters could be caught humming from time to time as they worked around the Citadel. But because Sean had been entered in short notice (and because- let’s face it- nobody expected him to make it past this first duel) he didn’t have one. Considering how late it was into the championships already, he likely would not get one even if he made it into the finals. He reasoned with himself that it wasn’t everything, even if he did like the music styles of the hypemen this year.
 Sean shook his head, pushing it out of his mind as he again took a mental assessment of his shards and techniques on hand, as well as what he knew about Trevor. It was said that once you got into the Storyteller’s illusions, it was extremely difficult to get out of it. Even if he could somehow break it, likely Trevor would have knocked him around quite a bit. Considering Trevor was also well versed in hand to hand combat, and always had a couple metal batons tucked away just in case, it was pretty much game over regardless if the battle took too long. Sean frowned thoughtfully. But the illusions took time to form. It was not a lot of time, maybe a minute or two at most. But maybe it would be enough. Sean would have to make sure to have his own plan in action before that minute or two was up. Now he just had to figure out what that plan was, which had been eluding him ever since he found out who is first opponent would be two days ago. Yeah, he thought, the others are right, he’s completely screwed.
 Still, as the announcer’s voice cut through the music, and as the assistant signaled the go ahead, Sean held his head high as he stepped calmly and as confident as he could muster into the ring. Lights shined brightly down on him, nearly blinding his good eye after being in the dim underground waiting areas. The music was all but drowned out by cheers and screams of excitement erupting from above. It sounded like every seat in the arena was filled. He tried not to think about that as he stepped towards the center of the ring where the referee was waiting. From the opposite side of the arena, Trevor also approached, looking at home in the arena ring as he casually looked up and waved at the crowd as he walked. Both stopped in front of the referee, running through the motions of rehearsing the rules and making sure their domers worked properly.
 Trevor extended his hand to Sean good naturedly. “Best of luck.”
 “You too,” Sean took the offered hand, giving a firm shake. As he did, he took a moment to assess Trevor up close, much as Trevor was doing to him. He could tell from the focus in the Storyteller’s gaze that he was taking the kid seriously, and probably was wondering just what made Sean Reinhardt tick. Well, that was no surprise. Even in the Academy students were normally put through years of education, then the post education process, so people had time to learn about them. Not Sean though, he realized. Nobody in the dueling world had a clue what he could do. That included the man standing in front of him. Maybe…
 He once again felt the small pulse from his shard, and this time felt encouragement to keep with his thought process. It was worth a shot, but he had to time it right. By the look Trevor was giving him, going fast wasn’t going to be the way to stop him. Deciding what he had to do, he stepped away, the other duelist doing the same. Both went to their starting positions, then turned to face each other once more.
 “The duelists have agreed to battle until the last man stands. The battle shall continue until one forfeits or is no longer able to battle. If a defensive dome activates, the duelist will be considered unable to battle further and forfeit.” The announcer’s voice rang across the arena. “Duelists, prepare yourselves.” Sean squared his shoulders, taking a few calming breaths through his nose. “On my mark. START!”
 The crowd erupted into applause. But then it slowly ebbed away to confusion as neither duelist moved.
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blue-mood-blue · 3 years
The Nureyev and Buddy undercover as the loveless snobby couple who can barely stand one another
“Hey new kid, wanna play a game?”
The new kid mutters “I’m not a kid” but he doesn’t brush her off, and that raises him a few notches in Quanyii's good graces. It's so hard to get good help these days, and she'll die if she's stuck behind the counter all night at this stuffy party with nothing to do but get drunk people drunker. She'll die.
“You see that couple over there?” They're hard to miss, because they're both gorgeous. Even by the standards of the event, filled with the kind of people who could afford quality, surgical work and the best fitness routine money could buy, they stand out. The woman is a bombshell with a personality as eye-catching as her hair, and the man is refined in a carelessly elegant way. They don't look like a matched set, or eclectically complimentary; they look like fine china taken from two different styles of dishware and put out on the same table like they belong together.
They don't belong together.
And that, even more than their breathtaking beauty, is what catches Quanyii's eye.
The new kid looks over at the table and then back at Quanyii like he senses a trap. Smart. “What about them?”
“Which one do you think is having an affair?”
“I - what?”
Smart, and easily flustered too - a fun combination. Quanyii leans on the bar and slides a sly smile in his direction. “Which one do you think is sneaking around? Notching the bedpost? Picking a few extra flowers from the bush?” She gives the two another considering look. “Maybe both.” They are certainly attractive enough, and it would be a tragedy to think they're wasted on each other.
“Why do you... why.” New kid looks torn between wanting to run and reluctantly curious, and that's all the opening she needs. Last-minute hires are always such a toss-up; sometimes they're too nervous about the job to give her the time of day, and since she's been exiled and cruelly imprisoned behind the bar (and gotten enough of the other regulars in trouble that they know to steer clear) she depends on them entirely. “How do you know that? Why do you care?”
“Because they hate each other.” Quanyii doesn't have to hear what they're saying to guess all of the little barbs that are passing between them amid sips of cocktails and bites of overpriced sampler plates - but she will when she convinces her new spy to go and pick up juicy bits of gossip for her in a minute. It's obvious even from tables away. The couple is leaning away from each other, sizing each the other up lazily like familiar opponents. Their expressions are casual and cruel. A server has been to their table three times already and left with the same pinched expression. “And I’m bored. Bet you a whole bag of little umbrellas it’s the wife - she’s way too pretty not to get whoever she wants.”
“It’s him.” The new kid looks immediately mortified.
“Oh?” He doesn’t turn to look at her even though Quanyii has gotten obnoxiously close. “What’s your evidence?”
She’s sure he’s about to run. He surprises her. “He keeps spinning his wedding ring. It looks like the kind of habit a guy would have if he’s used to taking it off.”
It’s kind of a small detail to pick up from that distance, but Quanyii watches anyway and… there it is. Not an obvious tell, but an interesting one. She looks at her new best friend for the evening with fresh respect. “There’s two bags of little umbrellas in it for you if you can prove it.” He pretends to ignore her.
But he does prove it, two hours later and completely by accident. She closes the supply closet door with a delighted giggle and drops the promised loot with his personal effects in the back. Some people will do anything to win a bet.
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My favorite episode for some podcasts I listen to, for no reason other than it’s my blog and I can do what I want with it:
Wolf 359- Am I Alone Now? (Ep 11)
There’s a bunch of amazing wolf 359 episodes. I could’ve put Dirty Work, Securitié, Change of Mind, Memoria, or any of the other episodes of this frankly phenomenal show. But Am I Alone Now? There’s no plot, it’s just our s1 crew reminiscing over their current situation.
But it is possibly the best moment of character for our cast, and the production quality is next-level amazing for a show that already sounds amazing. The soundtrack, especially for Hera’s section, is one of the most gorgeous pieces of music ever written (thanks to Alan Rodi). It’s one of the only podcast episodes to have music that was written to be part of the story. It builds with the monologues, and changes genre for each of our characters. Bravo to Kinda Evil Genuis for one hell of an episode (especially so early into the series!)
Welcome To Night Vale: Triptych (ep 73)
Another show that has straight up iconic episodes like Old Oak Doors, Toast, One Year Later, or Glow Cloud. Triptych comes well after the StrexCorp arc has been resolved, and paints the whole thing in a very different light. I have never had a character flip from one I despised to one of my favorites as fast as Kevin did after this episode. It is the hardest-hitting episode emotionally speaking, compounded by the perfect weather- “The Heroine” by Unwoman. It never fails to make me cry, and is a great example of how a little bit of backstory can completely shift your perception of a character.
Unwell: Hark (s3, ep 5)
This episode absolutely wrecked me emotionally. So many of the podcasts I listen to have supernatural or fantastic elements to them so every situation has an air of disbelief to it. But having somebody you care about dissociate and become distraught and feeling like there is nothing you can do to help them? That’s scary realistic and hits close to home for many people.
Archive 81: The Golden Age (pt 1 and 2)
These episodes are incredible in their writing, sound design, and structure. Archive 81 is already a show that sounds incredible, but taking a show set and written in modern day and modifying it to sound like a classic radio program? Genius. The gradual corruption of the play and creeping unease are also fantastic. And how it introduces the concept of rituals by tying it with the creation of Dromen? Brilliant way to join up the vastly different second and third seasons. What a sexy couple of episodes.
Penumbra podcast, Juno verse: Juno Steel and the Heart Of It All (s3 ep 17/18)
Not gonna lie, I almost put Man In Glass for Juno’s ballgown alone. This episode dissected a character that has been shown to be in control and unshakable, while also providing exciting plot development and some of the best background character moments. Plus, Buddy is so much fun and her narrating makes for a very engaging episode. It also gave us the most nerve wracking cliffhanger ever conceived. Other honorable mentions include Monster’s Reflection, Train to Nowhere, and Soul of the People (but let’s be honest every episode of Juno is amazing).
Penumbra Podcast, Second citadel: The Frozen King of Flame (holiday special)
Sir Angelo is my favorite character and the dynamic between him and Sir Caroline is never better than in this episode. We Stan Sir Angelo’s unbreakable positivity and Sir Caroline sticking up for Angelo. Plus, this episode gave us a bunch of hup hup hup hups and Angelo’s family, who are delightful people in every way, shape, and form.
Not included but still excellent shows with enough episodes to justify this post:
Hello from the Hallowoods: I’ve only heard each episode once and it deserves a relisten before I figure out which ones I like best
The Magnus Archives: currently planning on a ranking of all episodes. Plus I have like 10 favorites at the moment and haven’t figured out which one I like best yet
The Bright Sessions: my instinct says to list the safehouse episode as my favorite, but it’s been a while since I’ve heard that show and all the episodes deserve equal chance.
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ode-to-fury · 3 years
Winter Thorns and Iron Crowns Pt. 4
Summary: We’re finally done with Storm’s End! (For now… muahahahaha) Two years have passed since the Starks have visited Storm’s End. Stannis and the Reader have been in contact with one another through letters at the behest of their parents and are steadily becoming friends. The Starks recieve a very interesting letter.
Pairings: None in this one
Disclaimer: some of the characters were never in certain places in canon and I’m aware of this, but also I adore drama and suspense so we’ll call it creative license. Also I aged everyone up by two years for Robert’s Rebellion because I cannot stand the whole sixteen-year-old-dies-in-childbirth thing, sorry!
Rickard Stark read the letter in his hand once again. Not that he needed to. In the hour since its arrival that morning he had read it at least a dozen times. He could have repeated it word for word by now.
“I don’t know about this, Rickard,” Lyarra said from beside him. She held onto his arm whilst she read the letter over his shoulder. She too had read it again and again, her frown deepening each time. “We’ve already sent Ned so far away, and neither of the girls liked having to say goodbye to their brother.”
“It is a very prestigious opportunity for any young woman, my lord, my lady,” Maester Lyman said as Rickard finished reading.
Rickard’s hand stroked his beard as he stared at the letter. Neither of the girls had liked having Ned sent away to the Eyrie. And they would like it even less when one of them was taken away.
“How would we even decide which is to go?” Lyarra squeezed his arm. How would he?
“The wardship of the queen, my lord,” the Maester said again, “Is no small matter.”
He knew that. He knew that this was a very generous offer, and for a reason he could not work out.
The three of them had been puzzling over that very question ever since Maester Lyman had come barging in with the letter held aloft in his hand.
“I know,” he told the man. “What I also know, is that King’s Landing is too far away to be of a comfort to me, and that Tywin Lannister sits as the king’s Hand.”
He trusted the Lannisters, any of them, no further than the end of his nose. If stories could be believed, Tywin was the worst of them. Maester Lyman was one, he knew, though he had given up the name when he joined the Citadel, and Rickard had known him long enough now to trust him.
He had half been expecting the letter to come from Storm’s End, from Steffon Baratheon, offering Y/n a wardship, but King’s Landing…
A wardship, for one of your daughters, the letter said. One, not both. The writer had been clear on that point. Sealed with the three-headed Targaryen dragon
“I cannot refuse this, my sweet,” he told Lyarra, frowning at the letter again. “Even if I wanted to.”
Lyarra nodded, albeit reluctantly.
“How will you decide between them?” She asked softly. “You know the two of them.”
He did. He often smiled at the fact that Y/n had learned to walk first, but since the second Lyanna had joined her on two legs, she’d run around after her sister without question. When Lyanna had started trying to play with swords, Y/n did. When Lyanna went into the wolfswood, Y/n did. When Lyanna went riding, or hawking, Y/n did.
“I would speak with the two of them,” he said, though he had a feeling he knew what would happen.
His daughters were brought to him quickly, apparently Maester Lyman had caught them at the end of the hallway, acting as if they had not just been listening at the door. Rickard gave them the benefit of the doubt, and had the Maester explain the contents of the letter to them. As he did, he studied their faces. As always, his eyes were drawn to those four red scars on his younger daughter’s face. A feral dog at the age of six, when she had been walking in the Wolfswood alone, even at so young an age. He still had no inkling as to how she had survived.
A wolf, father! It was a wolf, I swear!
As they listened to the letter, Rickard watched their eyes go wide. They looked over at each other, Lyanna reached out and took Y/n’s hand.
There is wolfblood in both of them, Rickard, he sighed to himself. They were both of them as bad as Brandon when it came to wanting adventures, but separating them…
“Think on this letter,” he told the two of them, and they nodded solemnly, eyes still wide, “I will decide in the next few days which of you will go.”
“I want you to go to King’s Landing and be ward to the queen.”
Y/n could not believe her ears.
“What?” she asked softly, chest tightening. “No, father, don’t make me.”
“Y/n- “, he started, sufferingly, but she spoke over him.
“Lyanna is older!” she said loudly, “Lyanna is prettier and smarter, why can’t she go?”
“Because you are less stubborn than your sister, and further down the line of succession,” Lord Rickard said, and his jaw was set in a way that let Y/n know his patience was running extremely thin.
“It’s because you don’t want me!” she yelled, and to her shame tears burned her eyes before she could stop them. “It’s because you like Lyanna more and you want to be rid of me!”
Before he could say anything else she had turned around and ran out of the room as fast as she could.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she ran, blurring her vision as she made her way to the stables.
Vermithor frisked as she mounted him, bareback like Bran had been teaching her.
She cantered out of the gates, unheeding of the shouts following her down the road. Her tears had stopped at least, but she had to get away, away from her father, away from Winterfell.
She’d never been wanted, never. Not by anyone.
Vermithor raced through the woods, and she felt branches whipping at her cheeks and arms. The wind whipping her hair around was helping dry her tears, and the tightness in her chest loosened slightly.
She came to a clearing where a large oak tree had fallen over in the last storm, and Vermithor reared, trying to stop before he ran into it. She yelled, and tried to clutch at his neck, but lost her seat anyway, falling back hard onto the ground, the air leaving her lungs in a rush.
She tried unsuccessfully to breathe for a few moments before air rushed back and she could take gasping breaths. Vermithor walked over meekly and nuzzled at her cheek, and she found herself giggling weakly as she reached up to stroke his nose.
The wind howled through the trees, and she suddenly realised that all she was wearing was a pair of Ned’s old breeches and a shirt. She had not even thought to grab a cloak on her way out.
Hoofbeats came from the trees behind her, and she sat up gingerly, though she thankfully had not broken any bones.
“There you are,” she looked up at the sound of Bran’s voice. His black gelding whickered as Vermithor walked over to him.
Bran leaped down from the saddle and rushed over to Y/n. He was only thirteen, but he was tall with broad shoulders like their father, and to her he seemed older than that.
He had a cloak in his hands, and she tried not to sigh gratefully as he draped it across her shoulders.
“We were worried sick,” he scolded, “With you rushing off like that. You know you almost ran Jory over when you left? What got into you?”
She tried to look at him with her chin up, defiant, but tears stung her eyes again when she thought about her father.
“Father is sending me away,” she choked out, and before she could help it, tears were leaking down her cheeks again. His arms closed around her shoulders as she cried.
“He doesn’t want me, Bran,” she said into his chest, “No one wants me.”
“That’s nonsense,” Bran said quickly, “I want you. You’re my baby sister.”
She clutched at his shirt. Bran was always in trouble with their father when he came home from Barrowton. He liked to ride, and hunt, and he had even more trouble sitting still than Y/n. He was loud, and confident, and he could talk to a dead tree if he wanted to. But he would always be her favourite brother, even if he could annoy her sometimes.
“He’s sending me all the way to King’s Landing.”
“King’s Landing?”
She nodded.
“He got a letter from the queen. One of us could get a wardship. Me or Lyanna. I don’t understand why it has to be me. Lyanna is the one who can talk to everyone. She looks better in dresses too. He just doesn’t want me.”
Brandon was quiet for a while, but eventually he made her stand up and dust herself off.
“Come on,” he said, wiping her cheek with his shirt sleeve. “You owe Jory an apology.”
He strode off toward his horse.
“Bran?” she asked, feeling like crying again.
He came back to her, and took her hand.
“Be brave,” he said, “I know you can be brave.”
She found herself smiling up at him, then lifted her chin and nodded.
“I can be brave,” she said, and to her surprise her voice was steady.
“Good,” Bran said, smiling as well. “I won’t let father send you away,” he ruffled her hair, and then kissed her quickly on the forehead. “I promise.”
I am coming South.
Father received a message from the Red Keep offering me or Lyanna a wardship with the queen and he decided I should go, instead of Lyanna, even though she is older.
I do not know if I want to, it is very far away from home, far away from everything I know, but father says I get to take Vermithor and Sunfyre with me.
So I will come live in King’s Landing until my wardship is finished. Apparently prince Rheagar is very good at playing the harp, and mother says if I ask him very nicely he will teach me to play as well.
I think I am scared. Brandon said that I have to be brave, but I do not know if I can.
I am slightly intrigued as well, though, to see King’s Landing, and meet the queen and the king and the prince.
Perhaps I will be allowed to visit you at Storm’s End in a few years’ time as well. I will depart from Winterfell in two weeks for White Harbour. Father says we will have to stay with the Manderlys for at least a week, even though lord Manderly is fat and gross.
Then we will stop in Gulltown and visit Ned and Robert at the Eyrie before departing for King’s Landing. Only father is coming with me, and mother will have to look after Winterfell.
I hope you are well, but do not send a reply until I reach King’s Landing, or your letter may be lost. I hope Proudwing is well, and Maester Cressen.
I will write when we have reached King’s Landing, as soon as I am able.
Do not frown at my letter too hard.
Y/n Stark
“I can’t believe you’re letting him take you! After all that fuss about Ned leaving for the Eyrie!”
Y/n looked up from the letter she had just finished.
The door banged into the wall from the force with which Lyanna had opened it, and Y/n watched as her sister threw herself down on Y/n’s bed.
“I’m not letting him do anything, Lya,” she said peevishly. “I don’t have a choice.”
“You’re the one who’s always saying everyone has a choice.”
She rolled her eyes at her sister.
“Alright, my choice is between going to King’s Landing and running away into the Wolfswood. What would you choose?”
Lyanna huffed but rolled over onto her stomach and faced Y/n.
“It isn’t like it was my idea,” Y/n said softly. She suddenly realised that in two weeks’ time her sister would not be able to lie on her bed like this ever again. Not until they were grown. And grown women didn’t lie on each other’s beds like this, she knew that much. They met in little parlour rooms or at feasts. In the South they saw each other at galas or took walks in gardens. She tried to imagine only seeing Lyanna at galas a few times a year. She tried to imagine not seeing Lyanna for the next seven years and wanted to cry all over again. She bit the inside of her cheek to stop the tears, because Lyanna would only make fun of her for them.
“I wish I was the one going,” Lyanna said. “You get to meet the queen, and the prince, and go to tourneys…” she sighed. “It’s not fair.”
“It’s not fair that father doesn’t want me?” she asked shortly. It still stung.
“Don’t be childish,” Lyanna scolded.
“Don’t treat me like one,” she shot back.
“You are welcome to go in my place, in any case,” Y/n said, turning back to the letter and folding it as neatly as she could. Stannis’ letters were always folded impeccably. She suspected he had Maester Cressen do it for him. Or he was just strange.
“If only we looked more alike,” Lyanna sighed, “I would.”
They were silent again, and Y/n focused on melting the wax as neatly as she could, and then pressed the seal into it. Maester Lyman always let her borrow it. She would get one of her own before she left, however, for letters home. The wax had been a gift from Bran, all the way from Barrowton. It was light blue.
She still remembered the day she had had to say goodye to Stannis on the docks at Storm’s End. His ears had turned bright red when lady Cassana had told her she would make him write and stay in contact. She had blushed just as much, but she had also gained a friend.
She heard the mattress Lyanna was lying on creak, but before she could even turn around, her sister’s arms closed around her from behind.
“Actually I wish we could both go together,” she whispered, and to Y/n’s surprise, there were tears in her sister’s voice.
“Me too, Lya,” she managed. “Me too.”
“You won’t forget me, will you?”
“Never. As long as you don’t forget me.”
“We’re twins. We’re supposed to stay together.”
Y/n smiled, even as a tear ran down her cheek.
“I know.”
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carminite-wyrm · 3 years
A Dawn That Shines Anew - Part 1
A Series of Events, from the perspective of one King Regis.
Regis thought himself a fairly patient man, with a decent enough finger on the pulse of the happenings around him. After all, he did have to manage the affairs of an entire nation, on top of the ongoing war with Niflheim, and the knowledge that one day, his son would die, and thus far he had no way to stop it.
But recently, as he listened to Ignis’ well-thought out presentation (an incredibly mature one at that, considering his son’s future advisor was only ten years old) on why he and the rest of the children, as well as Cor and a number of his Kingsglaive should accompany Noctis to the Galdin Quay trip, he had come to the realisation that, by this point, he had no bloody clue what was going on.
First off, roughly a fortnight earlier, there had been an unusual magical spike, one which Sylva had covertly contacted him about, saying that it appeared, for some reason, to have been centred on the Citadel. He had, of course, immediately investigated the matter, given the severity with which the Oracle had described the matter, only for nothing to come up. His son shone a little brighter in terms of magic, but Regis was fairly certain that it was just his son growing into what was certain to be a truly prodigious magical capability. After all, he was at the age where his magic would be settling in, and the Crystal was still silent even despite him prodding and poking at it.
The hug he had gotten was rather nice, admittedly.
("How the hell did Dad not realise-" Noctis quietly hissed, after his father had rushed into his room bare minutes after he'd woken up, bristling with the magic he had amassed before he had died, after all but yeeting himself, and everything and everyone attached to his magic back a little bit more than the eleven years or so he'd been planning for.
"I'd imagine the stress of the war, and running the country, would be to blame." Ignis reasoned, clambering out from behind the sofa along with Gladio, the two technically not meant to be in Noctis' room at that hour, not that it had stopped both of them rushing straight to Noctis the moment the initial disorientation of ‘Holy shit I can see’ and 'oh no we're kids again' wore off. "And you did manage to conceal just how much magic you have, even if it was in a bit of a panic."
"He walked in like three seconds after I dismissed my Armiger. There were still bits of crystalline magic in the air."
"I don't think he was expecting his eight year old son to have the Armiger.")
The next...incident, if Regis felt like calling it that, happened literally the next evening, when Cor, who he'd thought was outside the Wall, doing his usual run of causing mayhem and chaos in the direction of any Imperial outpost, all but waltzed into his private family dining room, a blonde child holding onto his hand.
"Cor...what?" Clarus, bless him, managed to ask, whilst Regis was still staring at the strangest image he'd seen since the last time Cor had marched into the throne room with a muddy toddler in his arms-
"That's the same child." Regis said, slowly, testing the words even as, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Noctis hop off his chair and beeline for the other child.
"Yep." Cor replied, so nonchalant Clarus spluttered in something akin to outrage. "Regis, this is Prompto. Prompto, that's the King. Also, that’s Prince Noctis, and his retainers Gladiolus and Ignis. Also Regis, Prompto’s now my kid."
The small blonde- Prompto- nodded, before he was almost bowled over by Noctis who- when did Ignis and Gladio also get out of their seats-
"Dad! Dad!" Noctis crowed, arms wrapped around Prompto. "I'm keeping him. Like Gladio and Iggy."
"You can't-"
Regis turned to stare at Cor.
"That's a child, Cor."
Cor shrugged.
"Your point?"
(Cor looked over the puppy pile the kids had all but made, a few hours after he'd reunited Prompto with his brothers.
"So, what are we going to do, your Majesty?"
"Well, I have that trip to Galdin in I think a little under a fortnight. If we can get Ardyn there, I can just, punch him in the face with the Light and that should solve the whole Starscourge problem."
"And if that doesn't work?"
"Then I get out the Armiger and punch him in the face with that."
"I'll just stab him in the face."
Noctis and Ignis glanced at each other, before giggling like the children they were supposed to be, rather than their adult souls shoved back into their youth.
"Well, as long as Noct doesn't have to die, I'm happy with whatever plan you guys have!" Prompto decided. "Anyways, I have a better dad now, at this point getting to shoot Ardyn again would be a bonus."
"Yeah, Uncle Cor, why didn't you pick up Prompto the first time around?" Gladio inquired, peering up at Cor.
Cor blinked, and in lieu of an actual answer, left the room.
"I think he's embarrassed." He heard Noctis saying, as he closed the door.)
The next headache was, somewhat predictably, caused by Cor yet again, only a few days later.
He had called the man in question into the throne room, in order to deliver an explanation on why exactly he'd had the Captain of the Kingsglaive thrown into a holding cell, and then assumed command of the Kingsglaive within the same few breaths.
Regis pretended he could not sense, or hear, the small horde of Kingsglaive and Kingsglaive trainees that were unsubtly waiting outside, trying to listen in.
"Titus Drautos is a proven traitor. Also, he's General Glauca. You know, the one who burned Galahd for the Empire."
Regis’ eye twitched slightly, as he heard outraged screeching from outside, or the sounds of someone getting violently dissuaded from barging into the throne room.
"...And you know this...how?"
Cor reached into the Armiger, and held up a stack of folders that had the Imperial crest stamped upon them.
"Made a trip to Gralea, again. It's surprisingly easy to get in there, even if it's proven largely resistant to explosives."
"Cor, what the fuck." Clarus said, even as Regis gave into temptation and facepalmed, a loud, very un-kingly groan escaping from him.
("Did the files help?" Prompto couldn't help but ask, as Cor and his newly-appointed Lieutenant reported on the meeting, during what was supposed to be Noctis’ afternoon nap, but had quickly turned into ‘organising the multitude of random shit that had ended up in Noctis’ Armiger over the course of the Roadtrip, and then the Long Night’ .
"I think I gave Clarus a coronary." There was a snort of amusement from where Gladio was polishing an array of broadswords much too large for an eleven year old, even one as tall as Gladio.
"Yeah, but did they help?"
"They did."
"Well, that means getting bitten and headbutted by Luche was worth it, in the end." Libertus Ostium sighed, staring morosely at the bandages around his arm, a bloody handkerchief still held up to his nose. "Sorry about him, during the meeting, he was- well, he really admired Drautos. Unsurprising, considering how he ended up, I suppose.”
“So long as he and the others do not turn traitor again.” Cor muttered, sharpening his sword as if the fact that he didn’t get to use it on Drautos was personally offending him.
“Aw, lighten up, Marshal!” Prompto said, with a cheeriness that definitely didn’t suit how he had a whole armoury of firearms laid out on the floor in front of him, including a rocket launcher that Libertus was only about thirty percent certain wasn’t pre-loaded. “Now that Drautos is currently in a maximum security holding cell pending interrogation, he can’t do anything more treasonous. And with you and the Glaives holding the Kingsglaive together, we’ll have this war wrapped up in no time!”)
After that major incident, Regis had honestly not put any thought into some of the other…odd occurrences in and around the Citadel, too busy trying to capitalise on the sudden disorganisation of the Niflheim forces as they tried to recover from losing both their greatest source of intel, and their greatest General in one fell swoop.
The children huddling together constantly, whispering amongst themselves whilst gathered around several pieces of paper, while a little odd, could probably be explained as some sort of bonding activity. Although Clarus had sworn he had seen one of those pieces of paper contain a detailed plan to attack what sounded like a research base in Niflheim, if the highlighter squiggles shaped like test tubes and MTs were what he thought he saw.
Regis had checked. There were papers with drawings scattered around his son’s room, but most of them were of chocobos of wildly different qualities, as well as a few moogles and what he could only assume was an argument in pictures over whether cactuar were the best creature or not.
(“That was close,” Noctis sighed, pulling their plan to attack and destroy Zegnautus Keep, which was currently being outlined on a very sizeable piece of butcher’s paper, back out of his Armiger. “I can’t believe your dad managed to sneak up on us like that.”
“I’m more impressed that Iggy didn’t just straight up throw a dagger at him and blow our cover when he got startled.” Gladio replied with a laugh.
“The chocobo drawings were a nice touch,” Ignis admitted, smiling as Prompto gave him a thumbs up, and their tin of pens and markers. “Now, where were we?”)
Certainly, Drautos breaking out of his holding cell had been a something of a big deal, but that had been swiftly handled by the Kingsglaive, the majority refugee members understandably having nursed a grudge after finding out that their former commanding officer had been the one to burn most of their homes. Though it had been a little funny, to see Lieutenant Ostium and some of the other Glaives, all but squawking in concern over the duo who had been the ones to corner and kill Drautos. A Nyx Ulric and Crowe Altius, if he recalled Cor’s report on the matter. The two had been practically bundled up and rushed to the infirmary afterwards, even though the most serious of their injuries ended up being a series of lightning burns after Drautos had used his armour to deflect a blast of lightning right back at Glaive Ulric, his left side taking the brunt of that damage.
The crackling burns that turned out to be easily healed with a couple days of rest, and a hi-elixir, had been a bit worrying to look at, though.
(Libertus and his group of time-travelled Glaives convened in a little known pub in a dusty corner of the Galahdian District, several mugs of dark beer in front of him as he laid his head on the creaking wooden table.
“That was the most stressful moment of my life, I swear.” Libertus groaned, thinking back to the moment when he thought the lightning burns were the distinctive marks of the price of using the Ring of the Lucii. “Thought I was going to find them both dead again, when I saw them lying against the wall, even though Glauca’s smoking remains were a little further away.”
“If it’s any consolation, I was rather impressed with how thoroughly they killed Titus Drautos.” Cor grinned, still a little bloodthirsty, though that was probably understandable because he had once again missed the chance to run Drautos through by a minute or two. “And thank you, for inviting me here.”
“Eh, least I could do, all things considered. We’re all pissed that the two people who we should’ve kept as far away from Glauca ended up fighting him.” Libertus slid over one of the mugs of beer to Cor, and laughed when the man took a sip, only to blink in bewilderment at the taste. “Yeah, it’s strong stuff, much better than what you mainlanders call beer.”
“It’s…nice.” Cor admitted, after a while, before he pulled out a large piece of butcher’s paper that was covered in in a variety of pen and highlighter ink. “Now, I know we’ve dealt with Glauca now, but we’ve got a major problem to tackle, once the King deals with the Starscourge. Again, and hopefully non-fatally this time.”
The group leaned in as the slightly informal briefing began.)
In fact, the war had taken such a turn for the better, the combined efforts of the Crownsguard and the Kingsglaive under Clarus and Cor taking back control of Leide within a week, and Duscae looking to go the same way within the next fortnight, that Regis had caved to Noctis’ request to go fishing in Galdin Quay.
And that brought him to the present, sitting in the Royal Quarters, as his son’s budding retinue (and wasn’t that a surprise, the fact that Cor’s newly-acquired son had integrated so quickly into that group, the fact that Gladio and Ignis had already seemed to have forged a tight bond with their charge despite the initial tensions from their first few meetings) made their case to accompany them on the trip, heedless of the security-related headache that it would inevitably cause. They even had a slideshow, Cor switching the slides at Ignis’ cues, and seemed wholly unsurprised by the children’s presentation. Come to think of it, the Marshal was turning out to be the instigator of most of the past incidents, even if they all had turned out for the better in the end.
“...Therefore, your Majesty, this is why we believe it would be most beneficial for myself, Prompto, and Gladio to accompany Noctis on this trip. Obviously, the Lord Marshal will also accompany us, though I believe he has his own points to make on the advantages of such, as well as the means to cover the potential lack of security in Insomnia whilst we are all away.” Ignis pushed his glasses back up, folding his prompt cards back into his hand as he finished.
Who the hell taught this kid to sound so mature and formal already, Regis wanted to ask, even if the language would probably see him strangled by Clarus. That being said, Clarus was already looking at Cor as if he was the cause of all his problems, so Regis probably wouldn’t be the one getting strangled today.
“Cor, what’s your opinion?” He sighed as Cor’s eyebrow ticked up in that distinctive ‘I am going to be a little shit’ way that only years of knowing Cor allowed him to recognise.
“It’ll be for the best.”
Regis pinched the bridge of his nose as Clarus immediately disagreed, his Shield launching into a rather…reasonable tirade about the safety issues surrounding protecting an additional three children, on top of the royal family as well, as well as leaving Insomnia without at least its Lord Marshal to handle matters. His burgeoning headache only increased when Cor simply shrugged, and produced his own set of notecards in response. The children had taken to whispering amongst themselves again, whilst Cor began countering Clarus’ argument with what appeared to be…pre-made notecards? Containing points of rebuttal for every single of Clarus’ points?
The matter was eventually resolved, around tea time, when Noctis had walked up to his father, and plied him with the biggest, saddest eyes that Regis had no idea his son could still do at eight years old. He looked like a sad, soulful kitten, as he asked his father if his friends, and Uncle Cor, could come with them.
Needless to say, Regis folded like wet paper.
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter XXXV
A couple years later, rebuilding Insomnia was still in full swing. People were beginning to return to the city after hearing their king was alive and well after the darkness was vanquished. Noctis was still trying to get used to his duties as king, but he had the help of his friends. Even Cor returned to help him. Many of the Kingsglaive returned to help with the restoration project.
Today, (Y/n) was watching Prompto puzzling as he ran around frantically in his new office located in the Citadel. Some of his papers fell off his desk, which she picked up for him. After laying them back down on the desk, she called out to him. "Prom, what is going on that requires you to be running around like a chocobo with its head cut off?"
The man, who was now sorting quickly through his paperwork while standing up, looked over at her. "Oh, right! I haven't told you yet." He looked back down at the papers and grabbed his pen, promptly signing the documents. "We're going on a vacation!"
"Huh?" She blinked in shock.
"Noct told me to take a vacation with you or he was gonna kick my ass," Prompto chuckled. "He wants us to have some alone time after spending these last two years so focused on the restoration project. We...really haven't had much time for our private life."
"Now that you mention it, we really haven't. Whenever we're done here, we always wind up crashing at home. And then when we wake up, we're back on the job."
Prompto grabbed the paperwork and turned to leave the office. Before he left, he hooked an arm around her waist, pulled her into his side, and kissed her on the cheek. "Meet me outside in ten minutes. We'll go home and pack as quick as we can and then we are outta here!" He stormed out of the room and began running down the hallway.
(Y/n) rearranged Prompto's desk before leaving the office. As she closed the door behind her, she spotted Noctis walking down the hallway. She smiled and greeted him. "Hey, Noct. Never expected you to threaten your best friend with a vacation."
"You two need some time off," Noctis said. "So do I..."
A smirk made its way on her face. "So you can spend more time with your special someone?"
The king rubbed the back of his neck with a groan. "Who told you about that?"
"Gladio did."
"Of course he did..." He combed a few stray raven locks aside. "Actually, I was hoping to find you before you and Prompto left. I was hoping you could tell me a little more about guardians."
Her eyes widen. "Wait, is this woman you like a spirit?"
"Guess Gladio didn't mention that part," he chuckled.
She smiled. "Then I'll tell you all that I can."
As Noctis and (Y/n) chatted, they had lost track of time. They didn't realize how long they'd been talking until Prompto came running down the hallway. "Hey! How could you keep me waiting?" He pouted childishly, poking her in the side playfully. "We're supposed to go on vacation together!"
"Sorry, Prom," she said. "Noct and I were talking."
"Is this about his new girlfriend?"
"She's not my girlfriend," Noctis groaned.
"Then ask her out already!" Prompto shouted.
"You're worried about her master, aren't you?" (Y/n) asked.
"Something like that," the king sighed.
"Listen, I know you're probably worried she and her master will say no because you're the king, but there's only one way to learn the truth. Ask her and see how it goes. Don't worry about her master. And if you need my help when we get back, I will gladly lend my services."
Noctis smiled in relief. "Thanks, (Y/n)." He walked up to Prompto, patting him on the shoulder. "You two have fun."
"Oh, we totally are gonna have a ball!" Prompto grabbed the guardian's hand and dragged her out of the Citadel. They returned to their apartment, where they packed their things before leaving Insomnia.
Prompto was behind the wheel as they drove through Leide and crossed into the Duscae region. (Y/n) was wondering where he was taking her until she saw a familiar yellow sign. Her eyes widened as they pulled up to Wiz Chocobo Post. As she went to exit the car, Prompto beat her to it. He opened the door for her and took her hand in his. Closing the door, he smiled like a child in a candy shop. "There's someone that's been wanting to see you again for a long time."
The spirit allowed her beloved to drag her towards the pens. She wondered who wanted to see her since she couldn't think of anyone outside the city she knew. However, a bell of recognition went off inside her when spotting a chocobo with (f/c) feathers. "No way," she gasped. Prompto let go of her hand and she walked up to the pen occupied by her favorite chocobo. When the bird recognized her, he chirped loudly and flapped his wings in excitement. She petted the top of his head with a smile. "Hey, buddy. It's been a long time. Did you miss me?"
The chocobo nudged his beak against her cheek, making her giggle. She wrapped her arms around his neck and combed her fingers through his (f/c) feathers. "I missed you, too."
Prompto vanished to find Wiz. He rented two chocobos, one being the (f/c)-feathered bird who was fond of (Y/n). He returned to her and they took the two chocobos out of their pens. The couple left the outpost, riding atop the birds as they traveled across the Duscae region. They enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the beauty the wetlands had to offer. Prompto, of course, was still fond of photography and snapping picture after picture.
The couple stopped at the Alstor Slough and admired the catoblepases roaming through the wetlands in search of their next meal. Hopping off the chocobos, they stood at the water's edge. Prompto continues to take pictures until he was satisfied. All of a sudden, he remembered something. "Oh! I totally forgot!"
"Please don't tell me you forgot to pack something," (Y/n) groaned. "I even gave you a check list!"
He chuckled. "No, I packed everything." He shoves his hand into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. "I never really told you what happened the last time I came to Wiz's." Unfolding the aged, wrinkly paper, he showed her the portrait that was drawn on it.
(Y/n) took the paper from him, eyes widening slightly. "This is our portrait from Altissia..." Looking up, she stared into Prompto's eyes. "You carry it around with you?"
He nodded. "Yeah. It's also how I knew who this guy was," he said, pointing to the (f/c)-feathered chocobo. "Two years ago, I was back at Wiz's after finishing a job. It was before I learned Noct was coming back. He managed to grab the paper from my pocket and recognized you in the drawing. That's when I decided to promise to bring you back here to see him."
"I still can't believe I slept for ten years," (Y/n) mumbled sadly. "I wish I was there with you, Prom."
"I wanted you with me too, but I guess we really never get a say in what the Astrals have planned," he said. "But those ten years without you made me realize something."
"And what's that?"
Prompto took her hand in his, entwining their fingers together. "Come with me to Galdin Quay and I'll tell you."
The two mounted their chocobos and headed back to the outpost. They parted with their birds and headed to their next destination. Arriving in Galdin Quay, they took their luggage to the room Prompto paid for. After settling in their room and unpacking, they decided to get a bite to eat. At the counter of the Mother of Pearl, they placed their orders and waited patiently. As they did, (Y/n) shattered the silence lingering between her and Prompto. "Well, we're at Galdin Quay now. You gonna tell me?"
"Hold your chocobos, (Y/n)!" Prompto exclaimed. "Just...give me a couple of days to find the right words. In the meantime, we can enjoy all this delicious food and the beautiful beach!"
"All right, fine. I'll try to be patient," she sighed before poking him in the side and causing him to jump slightly. "Just don't keep me waiting too long."
Their dinner was served. Munching down on the delicious seafood, they savored every bite. When the food was gone, they paid and returned to their room for the night. The couple fell asleep after a few hours of chatting and getting comfortable in the plush bed. Their slumber was peaceful and both woke up early the next morning to relax on the beach.
(Y/n) grabbed her swimsuit and took off her nightwear. As she hooked her fingers under the elastic band of her panties, two toned arms snaked around her waist and pulled her against a bare chest. She tensed up slightly when Prompto nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck and his goatee grazed her skin. "H-Hey, that tickles!"
He chortled, kissing the side of her neck. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself."
"Are you going to let me put my bathing suit on or do I need to prepare for something more intimate?"
"Maybe later, but not right now. Even though it's very tempting seeing you like this..." He kisses her cheek before releasing her. "I'll go find us a spot while you change."
"All right. I'll be there in a few minutes."
Prompto left with all they would need to enjoy the beach while (Y/n) changed into her swimsuit. Adjusting the strings one final time, she was ready to go. Leaving the hotel room, she walked through the restaurant and crossed the boardwalk. She found Prompto not too far from the fishing pier. He had everything set out and prepared for them to enjoy their day at the beach. There were a few other people who had the same idea as them.
Crawling onto the towel next to Prompto's, (Y/n) basked in the warmth of the sun. She closed her eyes as a content sigh fell from her lips. Her eyes, however, shot open seconds later when she felt a cold substance come in contact with her abdomen. Lifting her head off the towel, she saw Prompto smiling innocently at her as he put sunscreen on her exposed stomach. "You can try acting innocent, but I know what's going on in that head of yours, Prom."
"I am not thinking dirty thoughts, I swear!" He protested.
"If you say it a little louder, you just might be able to convince yourself," she snickered.
Prompto's hand gravitated towards her sides, where he caresses his fingers against her exposed skin. A smile manifested on his face after hearing her moan slightly. "Who's the dirty one now?"
She rolled her eyes and sat up, taking him by surprise. She snatched up the bottle of sunscreen and placed her free hand against his bare chest. She pushed him down on his back into the sand and straddled his lap. She did just as he did and squirted a decent amount of sunscreen on his exposed belly. "Damn, that's cold!" He shrieked.
Now it was her turn to laugh at him. She laid both of her hands on his abdomen and began rubbing the sunscreen in. Her golden eyes were focused on his face. What caught her attention was him biting his bottom lip. Smirking, she traveled south with her hands and stopped just above the waistband of his swimming trunks. She teased him by slipping a few of her fingers under the waistband. That was just what she needed to hear the moan he's been suppressing. She removed her hands and moved them up to his chest. "Guess we're both feeling a little naughty today." She climbed off of him and got to her feet. "Let's take a dip and clear our heads before we get lost in our hormones."
(Y/n) grabbed Prompto's hand and hauled him up onto his feet. She dragged him towards the clear waters of the ocean, where they both swam for the next couple of hours. After playing a few water games with each other, Prompto swam towards the guardian and encircled one arm around her waist. He pulled her closer when she rested her head against his shoulder. They floated aimlessly, enjoying each other's touch.
After ten minutes of silence, Prompto spoke up. "Hey, (Y/n)? Remember when I said I'll need a couple of days to think about what to say?"
"Do you need more time?" She inquired.
"It's the opposite, actually. I think I know exactly what to say." He pulled them towards the shore. "Think you could wait for me on the beach? There's something I've gotta grab from my suitcase."
"Sure," she responded, wondering what he needed.
They swam back to shore. Prompto ran back to the hotel room while (Y/n) remained on the beach. She stood at the water's edge, allowing the gentle waves to wash over her feet. The sand stuck to her wet feet, but she didn't mind. It was the first time in her life she was able to enjoy the beach. Galdin Quay is the perfect spot to go on a vacation, especially if you wanted to relax on the beach. The water was clear and sparkled as the sun's warm rays casted down on the surface of the ocean.
Hearing the padding of footsteps and the faint crunch of sand, (Y/n) looked away from the ocean and saw Prompto had returned. A nervous smile was plastered on his face as he hid something behind his back. He came to a stop in front of her, swallowing hard. "Okay, I know I said I have the perfect thing to say, but I completely forgot it because of how nervous I am." He wiped at his forehead that was damp with sweat. "I think I'm sweating..."
"Try to calm down. I don't know what has you in a tizzy, but you look like you're about to pass out," she said. "Whatever you wanna say, just say it. You don't have to use any fancy words on me."
"Then I'll just come out and say it." Prompto kneeled down on a single knee and revealed the small black box he was hiding behind his back. Opening the lid, he revealed a beautiful ring with a golden diamond that matched her eyes and gemstone. Along the sides of the yellow diamond were two smaller white ones. Along the silver band were golden accents that matched the yellow diamond. "It's taken me a while to find the perfect moment to ask you, but I figured why not while we're in the most beautiful place in Lucis?"
(Y/n) stared wide-eyed at the beautiful ring. "Prom, are you...?"
"Proposing? Yeah..." He blushed in embarrassment. He looked up at her face with worry. "A-Am I doing this right? Or have I totally screwed this up?"
"N-No! You're doing just fine," she reassured him. "Please, continue."
He took a deep breath before continuing. "Those ten years without you made me realize how my life isn't complete without you. I felt so empty and useless without you. I don't ever wanna feel that way again. Will you marry this loser?"
"I don't see a loser. All I see is the man I'm deeply in love with," she smiled at him. "Of course I'll marry you, Prompto."
The man smiled back, his heart racing in his chest as he took the ring and slid it onto her ring finger. Once the ring was secured on her finger, he stood up and engulfed her in a hug. "Thank you, (Y/n)."
Five years have passed since Prompto proposed to (Y/n). With help from Noctis, Ignis, and Gladio, they both had a wonderful wedding. Now, the thirty-seven-year-old marksman was searching for his wife and their new addition to the family. Searching the Citadel, he found her and their four-year-old son, (S/n), in the training room.
(A/n: (S/n) stands for son's name in case some of you aren't aware. I couldn't think of any names and thought you guys would have one in mind. It's also to make this story more x reader friendly.)
(Y/n) was in her spiritual form, laying on her belly with her front paws stretched out in front of her and her back paws tucked under her. Her tails were splayed out across the marble floor as (S/n) climbed across her back and up her neck to reach her head. When he did, he outstretched a hand and began messing with the white tips of her ears. Her ears flicked over and over again at the feeling of her son's touch. They were always quite sensitive and it would always tickle her whenever someone touched them.
Prompto watched with a gentle smile. He chuckled when (S/n) managed to crawl up just a bit higher and sprawl his small body across the fox's face. "Okay, buddy," he approached them as (Y/n) lowered her head for him to grab their son. He grabbed (S/n) and lifted him off the spirit's face. "Mommy's not a jungle gym."
"But we were having so much fun!" The (h/c)-haired boy whined. The child looked over at his mother with cerulean eyes that were just like his father's. Although he was the child of a human and spirit, he looked like a normal boy with no guardian features. "Tell him, Mommy!"
(Y/n) changed back and stretched her arms up in the air. "We were, but mommy needs a nap. It's been a long day. We can play some more tomorrow, sweetheart. I promise."
An idea popped into Prompto's head. "Hey, how about you go see Gladio in his office? I'm sure he'll play with you."
"Okay!" (S/n) dashed out of the training room when Prompto put him down.
(Y/n) eyed her husband. "Are you trying to drive Gladio crazy? Or just trying to get rid of our son?"
"I would never get rid of (S/n)!" He denied. "It's to drive the big guy crazy. Besides, (S/n) loves him!"
"Looks like Gladio's the favorite uncle," she giggled.
"Speaking of the favorite uncle, Gladio's agreed to watch (S/n) for the rest of the day. You and I have some time for ourselves. What do you wanna do?"
She placed a hand on her hip with an eyebrow quirked up. "Don't you have work to do?"
"I finished early just so we could go out." He took her hand, entwining their fingers. "So, where do you wanna go?"
She smiled. "Surprise me."
"Leave it to me, milady!"
They left the Citadel and spent their time together by traveling to a few places around Insomnia. It had been hours since they left (S/n) in Gladio's care and the sun was setting. After grabbing a bite to eat and stopping by a bakery to buy some sweets, they headed home. Stepping into the apartment, they saw Gladio knocked out on the couch with (S/n) running circles around the coffee table.
"Little guy's so full of energy he wiped out Gladio," Prompto chuckled.
"Maybe we should save the sweets for later," (Y/n) mumbled.
"Mommy! Daddy!" (S/n) shouted when spotting them.
Prompto nudged his wife towards the kitchen and whispered. "Hide the sweets before he sees them. I'll keep him distracted."
The guardian quickly made her way to the kitchen and hid the items from the bakery. She placed them up high so (S/n) couldn't see or reach them. Leaving the kitchen, she found her husband and son sitting on the couch by the sleeping Gladio. She wondered what they were talking about and eavesdropped.
"C'mon, daddy!" (S/n) whined. "Tell me the story of how mommy took down that big monster again."
"You mean the behemoth?" Prompto asked.
"Whoa, hold it," (Y/n) intervened, knowing the story was gory. "Don't you think that story's a little too grown up for him, Prom?"
"Nah, don't worry about it, (Y/n). I leave out all the graphic parts," Prompto explained.
"Well, then...tell away."
While Prompto told the story, she tapped Gladio on his shoulder and gently roused him from his slumber. When the shield was fully awake, she offered him a grateful smile. "Thanks for watching him, Gladio."
"Hey, I love the kid. I'll watch him anytime you and Prompto want a night out on the town," he said, standing up.
"But what about your duties as Noct's shield?"
"Our lovely king has been really busy with his own personal affairs lately," he chuckled. "He plans on proposing to his special lady soon."
"Maybe it's about time you found your special someone."
"Trust me, I've got my eyes on a special gal. Now all I gotta do is ask her out," Gladio explained. He patted her on the shoulder. "I'm heading out. You three have fun."
"Bye, Gladio. Thanks again," (Y/n) replied.
"Anytime, (Y/n)." He walked past Prompto and (S/n), ruffling the little boy's (h/c) locks. "See ya, squirt. Make sure you don't stress your parents out too much."
"Bye, Uncle Gladdy!" He giggled, waving farewell to the man.
After hearing the door close, (Y/n) checked the time before sitting down beside her husband and son. She combed her hand through (S/n)'s messy locks. "Have you already ate, sweetie?"
"Mhmm. Uncle Gladdy ordered pizza for us. There's even leftovers in the fridge."
Suddenly, (S/n) yawned and leaned against his father's chest. He was having issues keeping his eyes open and warding off sleep. "Whoa, someone's tired," Prompto said. "It is a little past eight. I think it's time for someone to go to bed." Scooping the little boy up into his arms, he stood up from the couch.
"You wanna put him down tonight?" (Y/n) asked.
"Yeah. Meet me in the bedroom?" He questioned.
"Yeah. I'll be there shortly." She watched Prompto carry their son to his room before locking the front door and heading to the master bedroom. She crawled on to the bed, laying on her back. She stared up at the ceiling, mentally sorting through what she would need to do tomorrow. Her train of thought was derailed when she felt the mattress dip and saw Prompto looming over her. "Is (S/n) asleep?" She inquired.
"Yep," he answered before leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead. He snuck a hand under her shirt and traced circles on her soft skin. "So..."
"What do you want?" She sighed.
"You, uh... You think we could have another kid? Y'know, so (S/n) can have a little brother or sister?" Prompto muttered, eyes full of wonderment.
"You want another kid after four years?"
"Bad timing?"
She shook her head. "No, it's just...why now all of a sudden?"
"Well, (S/n) told me how much he wanted a brother or sister while I was tucking him in. And I think having another kid would be great! I just hope it's a girl this time. I want a little (Y/n) running around."
A smirk crept onto the guardian's face. She pushed Prompto down on the bed and straddled his lap. "Well then, I guess we better get started."
After their sexual escapade, it was only a little past nine. Both were sweaty and in need of a shower. (Y/n) wrapped the sheets around her bare chest as she sat up. "Guess I'll have to wash the sheets again."
"I would hold off on that," Prompto chuckled.
She looked over at him, puzzled. "And why's that?"
"We're gonna enjoy ourselves again tomorrow night, and maybe even the next night..."
She smacked him on the arm. "We're lucky (S/n) didn't hear us tonight. It's too risky to do this every night, especially since his room is literally right across from ours."
Prompto smirked as he sat up. "That just means we'll have to be extra quiet." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her naked body against his. He pressed a kiss against her forehead and hair. He tucked her smaller form against his side, resting his head on top of hers. "Honestly, I'm happy with just hugging and kissing you."
She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled closer. "Me too, Prom. To be honest, I never saw this in our future, but I'm happy it was. I love you so much."
"I love you too, (Y/n)," he whispered. "You've made me the happiest man on Eos."
"Let's continue to make each other happy as long as we can, okay?"
He nodded his head with a gentle smile. "Deal."
A/n: This marks the end of Book One: Gold! Next up is Book Two: Sapphire (Ignis x Reader). I've also made a minor change to the lineup of books. Book three has been changed from Diamond to Amethyst. Hope you guys are excited for the next book because I know I am! Love you all!!!
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dianapocalypse · 3 years
Alright y’all, with the release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, it’s time for me to share my playlist for the entire trilogy.
I’ve refined this over like six years so scientifically speaking it’s probably good right. oh also it’s four hours long. so if you have a road trip or a boring job, this one’s for you. disclaimer, it’s entirely possible I have garbage taste in music. I also missed some characters and moments because there’s 65 songs here and I am merely human.
If you don’t have the patience for four hours, I recommend starting at track 45 and listening to the end, as the Mass Effect 3 portion is the strongest in my opinion.
1. Atlas - Coldplay Eden Prime
“Sometimes the wire Must tense for the note Caught in the fire, say oh We're about to explode“
I really like the atmosphere of this song. It’s ominous, but also somehow hopeful, and makes me feel like Something Huge Is Coming.
2. I Will Not Sing A Hateful Song - Constantines Paragon Shepard
“But I was also born and raised To always speak and listen clear To know the last sound that I make Could be the last sound that I hear“
OK, listen, I think this song is about vampires, and I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be a metaphor or not. But I think this is a great song about controlling one’s temper, about knowing that you have to Rise Above the parts of you that want to lash out sometimes to get things done and have peace. Seeing as how paragon Shepard, to me, always seems like they’re three deep breaths away from snapping, but manage to keep it in check, it fits them to a T.
And also maybe they’re a vampire.
3. Hard to Kill - Beth Crowley Renegade Shepard
“So I let the rumors Turn me into a legend 'Cause I'm only human But a good myth is hard to kill”
This one’s a recent addition, but holy cow, I love it for Renegade Shep, particularly an Earthborn or Ruthless, but it works for any of them.
4. We Own the Skies - Five Iron Frenzy Joker
“My hands are bleeding where they often crack The stars will sometimes burn with longing Through the choking black Of night shifts piling each against the next”
This really vibes with Joker’s backstory for me, his super driven serious self in flight school, contrasted with who he is when he can fly a ship. He’s the best pilot in the goddamn fleet and I love him.
5. I Just Wanna See - Smash Mouth Kaidan Alenko
“Mister moon checkin' on how y'all livin' The stars all winkin' at the day that's dimmin' I just wanna see”
This song fits into his reactions to first showing up at the Citadel and his former romanticism about living in space. Ironically, it’s a song about Earth, but I feel like it works well for him. Also, Smash Mouth absolutely sounds like the kind of music Kaidan would listen to, no I will not be taking questions or constructive criticism.
6. Don’t Give Up - Noisettes Ashley Williams
“She's got a talented face and a suitcase Ain't got no desire to go no place In her case she's got no desire with her hand in the flame say's she don't feel the fire “
The energy of this song is just perfect for Ashley’s no-nonsense chip on her shoulder attitude.
7. About As Helpful As You Can Be Without Being Any Help At All - Dan Mangan The Council
“I was thrown in the boat/Cast out to sea Friendly with waves/There were sharks below Hungry for me/So I dangled my leg”
I mean, the title says it all.
8. The Captain - Guster Anderson
“Courageous, just like the captain Marching forward with no doubt in his head”
I have adored this song ever since my friend played it for me, and it’s the ultimate mentor-protégé jam for me.
9. Secret Agent Man - Johnny Rivers Garrus Vakarian
“Here's a man who leads a life of danger To everyone he meets he stays a stranger Oh, with every move he makes another chance he takes The odds are he won't live to see tomorrow”
I have to poke a little fun at Garrus and how seriously he takes himself in Mass Effect 1. I romanced him across four playthrus, I’m allowed!
10. I’m Getting Too Old For This Shit - Kill Lincoln Urdnot Wrex
“This random apathy/I swear it's killing me But I guess it's all the same, till the devil knows my name”
I don’t know ANYTHING about this band, but this song fits Wrex’s disillusionment with the Krogan well, plus, like. The title. (And also, that he secretly DOES care what happens to the Krogan.)
11. Bird Song - Juniper Vale Tali’zorah nar Rayya
“I want to dance on the horizon line But there is something I am caged behind I have a heart made for take flight But I'm low, so low”
I adore this song and the sound of Juniper Vale in general. The etherealness of this one, combined with the youthful optimism, feels very Tali. The line about ‘something I am caged behind’ works well for the suits, too. This one’s especially good if you’re a Talimancer!
12. 11. Green Garden - Laura Mvula Liara T’Soni
“And I’ll fly on the wings of a butterfly High as a tree top and down again Putting my bag down, taking my shoes off Walk on the carpet of green velvet”
I really like this song’s vibes and I feel like Liara fits it well, particularly in ME1, before all her youthful optimism is stripped from her. The scenery descriptions feel very Thessia, too.
13. Feed Me (Git It) - Little Shop of Horrors The Thorian 
“The guy sure looks like plant food to me!”
Do you get it. Do you get my joke. It’s because the Thorian is a plant that eats people. (I’m not funny)
14. Blindness - Metric Matriarch Benezia
“I was a blind fool, never complained All the survivors singing in the rain “
I don’t love the use of blind here as a negative, albeit metaphorical, descriptor, but I think this song fits Benezia’s indoctrination and death well. If you have suggestions for another, though, let me know!
15. Technologic - Daft Punk Saren
“Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it”
I just think it’s Neat
16. Watershed - Vienna Teng The Reapers
“ While you were building your empires I was still sleeping”
I think this is the song that inspired the entire playlist. Vienna Teng sat down and decided to write a song from the perspective of a natural disaster, and it’s so ominous and gut-wrenching.
17. Hourglass - The Hush Sound Virmire
“This is how it ends We believe every lie and say we'll be friends How long will it last? Before we scratch all the scripts and we rework the cast “
hahahahah rework the cast get it because you have to pick who DIES
Seriously tho I really like this song for Virmire and that moment of choice that feels like it lasts 100 years on some playthroughts.
18. Pompeii - Bastille The Siege of the Citadel
“ And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love”
Throwback to when this song was on the radio like three times an hour. Which is around the time I made the first draft of this playlist, incidentally! It’s such a good Final Battle Jam for the Citadel, and the part about “if you close your eyes/does it almost feel like nothing’s changed at all” I think work really well for Shepard in this sequence. Shepard knew the Reapers were coming, had been fighting them all along; this attack on the Citadel is just retreading familiar territory for them, as horrifying as the war being brought to their doorstep is for the Citadel’s citizens and the council. James Vega has some good dialogue about that kind of thing in ME3.
19. Starships - Nicki Minaj The Normandy Crew
Starships were meant to fly Hands up and touch the sky
I like to have a little fun OK
20. Gravity - Yoko Kanno The Death of Commander Shepard
“Am I alone? is somebody there beyond these heavy aching feet still the road keeps on telling me to go on”
Welcome to mood whiplash, it’s my specialty! This is the part where you die. I think it also works for her coma very well, when she’s just drifting between life and death, not sure what’s going on, but something keeps trying to pull her back to the world.
21. The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy The Lazarus Project
“Hey young blood, doesn't it feel like our time is running out? I'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenix “
this song has no right to go as hard as it does and if  you think it’s melodramatic shut up
22. My Body Is A Cage - Peter Gabriel Commander Shepard
“I'm living in an age Whose name I don't know Though the fear keeps me moving Still my heart beats so slow “
This works particularly well if you romanced The Virmire Survivor, but this song captures the energy of Shepard freaking out bc they are trapped with Cerberus, because Cerberus rebuilt their body from the ground up. That jarring, caged feeling is so palpable in ME2 that when they gave me back Joker the first time I played, I BURST INTO SOBS from relief.
23. The Lady is a Vamp - The Spice Girls Miranda Lawson
“That's all in the past, legends built to last But she's got something new”
Listen. She’s a bond babe. Handbags, heels and pistols rock. She’s got class. This is a song about Miranda. That is all.
24. Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down Jacob Taylor
“ I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon After all I knew, it had to be something to do with you “
This one’s about the Vibes for me. Also can apply to his past relationship with Miranda. I’m also super showing my age on this song, oof haha.
25. Stable Song - Death Cab For Cutie Colony Abduction
“Rows of deserted houses all Our stable mates highway bound “
I really like the mood of this one for showing up on the very first abducted colony, the eerieness and sadness of it all and Shepard’s resolve to do something about it.
26. Konichiwa Bitches - Robyn Kasumi Goto
“I'm so very hot that when I rob your mansion You ain't call the cops, you call the fire station”
THAT COUPLET ALONE MAKES THE ENTIRE SONG. I love how playful and cheeky it is.
27. Seven Nation Army Glitch Mob Remix - The White Stripes, Glitch Mob Zaeed Massani
“And I'm talking to myself at night Because I can't forget Back and forth through my mind Behind a cigarette”
Pretty sure we all had this on some playlist or another when it came out, and it’s the perfect Badass With A Grudge song.
28. Science is Real - They Might Be Giants Mordin Solus
“ And when a theory emerges Consistent with the facts The proof is with science The truth is with science “
This one actually got added by my wife to replace a song that wasn’t on Spotify, but that has the same energy; Hank Green’s “I Fucking Love Science”. I get more into the emotional side of Mordin in the ME3 section, but I also really just love his Hamster On Coffee energy and this song captures it really well.
29. Prove Yourself - Radiohead Garrus Vakarian
“I can't afford to breathe in this town Nowhere to sit without a gun in my hand Hooked back up to the cathode ray
I'm better off dead “
The absolute rock bottom mental state Garrus is in when you get back to him in ME2 is so heartwrenching. Might not always agree with my boy’s methods, but he’s one of my favorite fictional characters of all time.
30. Rat a Tat - Fallout Boy Feat. Courtney Love Jack
“We are professional ashes of roses, this kerosene's live You settled your score, this is where you come to beg”
It helps that Courtney Love sounds exactly like Jack to me, NGL.
31. Defeat You - Smash Mouth Grunt
“Hey I know what you've done It makes it that much better to defeat you “
Only I am brave enough to put two songs by Smash Mouth on the same playlist, to be shared in 2021
32. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot - Brand New Horizon/The Virmire Survivor
“If it makes you less sad I will die by your hand Hope you find out what you want Already know what I am “
Hits harder if you romanced the Virmire Survivor. Mostly from Shep’s perspective. This is a Shep that feels Bad after that encounter rather than Mad, so Your Mileage May Vary.
33. Violet Stars Happy Hunting! - Janelle Monae Tali’zorah vas Neema
“I'm an alien from outer space I'm a cyber-girl without a face a heart or a mind”
I just like the vibes of this one for Tali! I know it’s more about an actual AI but...IDK. I like it. So there.
34. Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd Thane Krios
“There is no pain you are receding A distant ship smoke on the horizon”
This song works both on a Literal level with his Kepral’s syndrome struggles, but also Metaphorical re: his Battle Sleep. Plus, Thane is a dad, so he gets Dad Rock.
35. My Medea - Vienna Teng Samara
“For I have made her prison be Her every step away from me And this child I would destroy If you tried to set her free “
Mom of the year award, here
36. Toxic - Britney Spears Morinth
“There's no escape, I can't wait I need a hit, baby, give me it You're dangerous, I'm loving it”
If Morinth weren’t so under-utilized after recruitment and didn’t get killed off in the background of ME3 I’d probably actually recruit her sometimes. I almost did on my most recent playthru bc that Shepard just HATES SPACE COPS. Anyway the song explains itself
37. Turn me On - David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj EDI/The Collector Attack
“My body needs a hero Come and save me Something tells me you know how to save me”
I know this song is a metaphor but also it works really well both literally and metaphorically for Joker saving EDI
38. Robots - Dan Mangan Legion
“Robots need love too They want to be loved by you “
The Geth just want to live peacefullyyyyyy 
39. Be Still - The Killers Love Interest Theme
“Be still / someday you’ll leave fearlessness on your sleeve”
This song works so well for the night before Omega-4. If you had an ME2 love interest, anyway. Also “fearlessness on your sleeve” is one of my favorite set of words ever written.
40. No Cars Go - Arcade Fire The Omega-4 Relay
“We know a place no spaceships go We know a place where no subs go “
This one’s pretty literal.
41. Rocketman - Elton John Suicide Mission
“ And I think it's gonna be a long, long time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home “
I like sneaking some Classics onto my playlists, and I think this is how I generally approach Shepard’s mindset during the Suicide Mission, mostly the chorus. I’m also a sucker for ballads during action sequences. This one isn’t a perfect 1:1 but the Vibes check out.
42. Blast Off - David Guetta feat. Kaz James The Normandy Crew
“Got all my people with me And none of us give a fuck So put dem hands up higher Let's smash this party up”
You have to imagine they partied HARD after recovering from Suicide Mission, but before Shep got arrested, right??? This is the Starships for ME2.
43. I’m Not Your Hero - Tegan and Sara Liara T’soni
“ Feeling like I am now lighting up the hall I was used to standing in the shadow of a damaged heart Learning all I know now, losing all I did I never used to feel like I'd be standing so far ahead “
This feels like a good coming of age moment for Liara, as she copes with the choices she made in the 2 years of Shepard’s death (giving them to Cerberus), losing Feron, etc. This is her coming into her own as the Shadow Broker. She’s not meant to be an uncomplicated Big Damn Hero, but she can do good from this position.
44. The Well and the Lighthouse - Arcade Fire The Alpha Relay Incident
“I'm serving time All for a crime I did commit You want the truth? You know I'd do it all again“
These opening lines I feel capture the Alpha Relay Incident really well, and how Shepard did what they HAD to do there, and would do it again, but it still feels like shit. I always wished there was more choice on that mission, but also, having something like that happen without player agency is interesting. Shepard is at their most interesting, I think, in times where we DON’T have a say in what happens to them.
45. Reignite - Malukah Commander Shepard
“Crush my heart into embers, and I will reignite”
Is it cheating to use a Mass Effect fan song on my playlist? I certainly don’t think so, and this is the best Mass Effect fan song ever written.
46. This Is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars Leaving Earth
“It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie The moment to live and the moment to die The moment to fight, the moment to fight To fight, to fight, to fight “
It feels Too Easy to use this here but I’m gonna anyway. You’ve seen AMVs of this set to everything. It’s the ending song of DA:O. It’s the quintessential World At War song.
47. Battleborn - The Killers James Vega
“Up against the wall There's something dying on the street When they knock you down You're gonna get back on your feet”
James Vega is massively underrated and I will love him til I’m cold in the ground. Aro icon.
48. Handlebars - Flobots The Illusive Man
“I can hand out a million vaccinations Or let 'em all die of exasperation Have 'em all healed of their lacerations Have 'em all killed by assassination”
The way this song escalates fits TIM and Cerberus’s fall back into being Just Full On Evil really well. Perfect song for a power trip.
49. Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect - The Decemberists The Virmire Survivor
“And I am nothing of a builder But here I dreamt I was an architect And I built this balustrade To keep you home, to keep you safe From the outside world”
I like this song for how the Virmire Survivor feels about their survivor’s guilt and also about Shepard. I honestly wish they were both more heavily utilized in ME2 and 3, but I realize it’s hard to write a ton of content for characters who just aren’t in half of all peoples’ playthrus.
50. Heaven Knows - The Pretty Reckless Grisson Academy
“One, two, three and four, the devil's knocking at your door Caught in the eye of a dead man's lie Show your life with your head held high“
This song is so perfect for Jack and her biotic kids that she’s one of the only returning characters that gets her own song on this playlist
51. The Great Fire - OK Go Javik
“But when the flames die down, and everything is gone, Will there be fire under the ashes still?”
Self explanatory. Javik is the fire remaining under the ashes.
52. Bring the Hammer Down - Paragon Priority: Tuchanka/Kalros
“ Hammer strikes the anvil A rage that breaks the chain Strikes down like a lightening In our ranks “
53. Wake Up - Arcade Fire Curing The Genophage/Mordin Solus
“If the children don't grow up, Our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up. We're just a million little gods causin' rain storms, turnin' every good thing to Rust I guess we'll just have to adjust”
I just really love this song as an image of Mordin’s spirit looking out over Tuchanka as the genophage cure is dispersed, and watching over future generations. If you didn’t cure the genophage, how dare you. No song for you.
Anyway started tearing up listening to this one while writing the description don’t look at me
54. Ballad of a Politician - Regina Spektor Councillor Udina/Priority Citadel 2
“A man inside a room is shaking hands with other men This is how it happens/Our carefully laid plans”
55. Cyborgs vs. Robots - Ludo The Geth-Quarian War
“But your iron fist will never knock me down 'Cause I'm powered By a conscious right to conduct my life without fear.”
This is probably a bit silly for this awful war. But also. It does fit. You can’t tell me it doesn’t. Just save them both at the end and you can feel fine having some fun with it!
56. Artificial Heart - Jonathan Coulton The Geth
“It's not a real heart It is a real artificial heart”
Just a little fun with the Geth! This works best with Reaper Upgrades.
57. With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Anderson, Jim Sturgess The Citadel DLC
“What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you, but I know it's mine
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends”
I happen to prefer this version to any other because of how much fun it sounds like they’re having
58. Dark In Here - The Mountain Goats Priority: Earth
“Steal away at sundown, pick a place to hide Check for signs of ambush, hunker down inside Tired of running, tired of never standing still Hear them riding up the hill“
You know I had to get the Goats in here. Would it be a fan playlist if there wasn’t one?
59. Adieu - Yoko Kanno Leaving your Love Interest/Shepard and the Beam
“My love for you burns deep inside me / So strong Embers of times we had And now, here I stand / Lost in a memory I see your face, and smile”
...do I need to say more than that?
60. My Way (Minor Key) - Chase Holfelder The Indoctrination of The Illusive Man
“Regrets, I've had a few/But then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do/I saw it through, without exemption“
This cover takes this song from something I tolerate when I hear it to one of my FAVORITE songs. The frenzied way he sings the “through it all” verse is PEAK Indoctrinated TIM.
61. I’m Alive - Disturbed Refusal 
“There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice To change myself, I'd rather die/Though they will not understand”
Honestly I didn’t “get” the Refusal ending until I heard this song, then I was like, OH, I SEE IT ALL SO CLEARLY NOW. This is my favorite in-universe Shepard take on the Refusal ending. I always got it from the player’s perspective of being dissatisfied with the options, but this one puts it into the world for me. This is a Shepard who does not trust the Starchild. This is a Shepard that chooses to end things on their own terms rather than submit to their designs.
62. Machine - Regina Spektor Control 
“I collect my moments Into a correspondence With a mightier power Who just lacks my perspective And who lacks my organics And who covets my defects “
I used to have Adieu here, actually, because like Refusal, I didn’t used to GET the Control ending. Now, I do, in part thanks to hearing this song. I mean, just go look at the full lyrics. If this song hadn’t been written years before the end of Mass Effect 3, I’d swear it was a fan song for it.
63. Maybe Tomorrow - Yuki Kajiura Destroy 
“The moon is gone And the night is still so dark I'm a little bit afraid of tomorrow“
I’m a Destroy Ending person, I won’t lie. Full on “the starchild is a liar and my synthetic friends are FINE” indoctrination theory level destroy ending. But this song is not about that. It’s about the canonical destroy ending, and if you prefer a Shep that survives it, this song’s for you.
This song captures the exhaustion and melancholy of the end of a long journey so well. Shepard is afraid of what comes next, the collateral damage resulting from their actions. But they know that, at least, it’s over now. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
64. Waiting For the End - Linkin Park Synthesis
“ I know what it takes to move on I know how it feels to lie All I wanna do is trade this life for something new Holding on to what I haven't got”
This is one of my favorite songs of all time. The hardest part of ending is starting again. Oof. Gets me every single time. Shepard finding the resolve to sacrifice themself for the hope of something better, of things not going how they planned, ever, of learning to make peace with that and the people who loved them learning to carry on without them? OOF.
65. Shine - Vienna Teng Epilogue
“Shine with all the untold Hold the light given unto you Find the love to unfold In this broken world we choose“
Vienna Teng is a master of capturing life’s softer emotions, and this fits perfectly with the epilogue scene for me. Tell me again about the Shepard.
“Find the love to unfold in this broken world we choose” has to be one of the greatest lines about the human experience ever written.
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rabdoidal · 4 years
i know you listen to a lot of podcasts and ive found some of my favourites from hearing you talk about them! do you have any favourites?
under the cut! my top 10 podcasts at the moment:
Alice Isn’t Dead Genre: horror, thriller, drama, Lovecraftian, Americana Episode count: 30 (completed) Description: A truck driver searches across America for the wife she had long assumed was dead. In the course of her search, she will encounter not-quite-human serial murderers, towns literally lost in time, and a conspiracy that goes way beyond one missing woman. Thoughts: This podcast is, to me at least, completely flawless in every way. I would consider myself a person that listens to a lot of horror podcasts, but Alice Isn’t Dead takes the cake for its depictions of liminal middle America, the horror that is capitalism, and the most tender, realistic depiction of lesbians in any podcast. Anything else I could say would spoil it and for this, I don’t want to spoil it because I want every person alive that can stomach horror to listen to this.
Archive 81 Genre: horror, comedy, sci-fi, Lovecraftian Episode count: 35 (ongoing) Description: Archive 81 is a found footage horror podcast about ritual, stories, and sound. Thoughts: The latest podcast I’ve tried, and it’s definitely one that grows on you. The audio mixing is some of the best I’ve heard in any podcast, and every bump and scratch and hum of frequency weaves to form moments that are truly and viscerally gory. Season 3 and Left of The Dial are my favorites because again, I love Americana horror, and anything that involves family!
Artificial Ghost Radio Genre: non-fiction, discussion, comedy Episode count: 75 (ongoing) Description: Our Sisyphean music recommendation challenge with hosts Miles (he/him) and Jupiter (she/they) challenge each other to find songs based on arbitrary themes and to spin the WHEEL OF DISCORD to talk about a random song from their library! They can be found on twitter @artghostpod. Thoughts: Gotta plug my own podcast! We’re still small, but the people I’ve met from doing AGR has made my life richer and fuller, even through the ups and downs. I recommend starting with #58: Songs about Aliens ft. our friend Liz (@thescaryjokes)!
EOS 10 Genre: medical drama, comedy, sci-fi Episode count: 34 (ongoing) Description: Doctors in space, a deposed alien prince, a super gay space pirate and a fiery nurse who'll help you win your bar fight. Thoughts: It’s been a hot minute since I listened, but as someone that inherently loves things like Star Trek and procedural comedies, EOS 10 is a quick and hilarious listen! Fair warning some of the earlier stuff is a little bit ignorant when it comes to their LGBT characters, but it gets a lot better over time.
King Falls AM Genre: horror, comedy, Lovecraftian Episode count: 100 (ongoing) Description: King Falls AM centers on a lonely little mountain town's late-night AM talk radio show and its paranormal, peculiar happenings and inhabitants Thoughts: I’m a bit behind, but again, gotta love some Alpine American horror! King Falls AM perfectly captures the feeling and sound of listening to a small late night radio show with two bros, but it really goes from typical dude dialogue to heart wrenching found family alien conspiracy real quick. Same as EOS 10, fair warning for some ignorant language and LGBT stereotypes, but they address it and it gets better as it progresses.
Not Another D&D Podcast Genre: actual play Dungeons and Dragons, TTRPG, comedy Episode count: 128 (ongoing) Description: Welcome to the campaign after the campaign! Three unlikely adventurers attempt to right the wrongs caused by a party of legendary heroes who screwed up the world while trying to save it. Thoughts: I’m only like 40 episodes in because they’re thick, meaty ‘sodes, but god is NADDPOD fucking hilarious. I’ve tried a fair few TTRPG shows, but the chemistry and care that the cast has together is unmatched by others in the genre. I’m a complete sucker for shows that are so funny and so tragic in equal measures, and the entire concept of a D&D game set after the world has been so drastically changed by a different D&D game is so unique!
The Faculty of Horror Genre: non-fiction, horror, philosophy, sociology, feminism Episode count: 86 (ongoing) Description: Tackling all things horror with a slash of analysis and research, horror journalists and occasional academics Andrea Subissati and Alexandra West are your hosts for brain-plumping discussions on all things that go bump in the night. Thoughts: A little non-fiction in this list of fiction podcasts! The Faculty of Horror is a concise and educated intersectional feminist podcast, and it’s a breath of fresh air to listen to anyone that isn’t a cishet white guy talk about horror. I highly recommend the episode on Cabin in The Woods or Jennifer’s Body!
The Magnus Archives Genre: horror, office comedy Episode count: 180 (ongoing) Description: The Magnus Archives is a weekly horror fiction anthology podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organization dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Join new head archivist Jonathan Sims as he attempts to bring a seemingly neglected collection of supernatural statements up to date, converting them to audio and supplementing them with follow-up work from his small but dedicated team. Thoughts: TMA is, similarly to A81, a bit of a slow burn to get into, but I think once you listen to a few episodes you’ll know if you want to continue. It’s a pretty standard prompt for a narrative, but the sheer amount of individual short horror stories they’ve managed to write is insane! And I love the slow break down between recording statements and the stuff happening within the archives. Also one of the best redemption stories in a character that starts off as such a grumpy fuck!
The Penumbra Podcast Genre: sci-fi, neo-noir, romance, comedy, found family, magic, medieval fantasy, adventure, mystery Episode count: 75 (ongoing) Description: At the Penumbra, you might follow Juno Steel, a brooding, sharp-witted private eye on Mars, as he tangles with an elusive homme fatale, tracks dangerous artifacts of an ancient alien civilization, and faces his three greatest fears: heights, blood, and relationships. Or you might enter the world of the Second Citadel, where the merciless Sir Caroline must corral a team of emotionally distraught all-male knights to defend their city against mind-manipulating monsters...even the ones they’ve fallen in love with. Thoughts: On god TPP was a life changing podcast for me. Having creators that are genuinely concerned with accurately representing minorities with care and dedication makes me feel spoiled when I try listen to anything else. The two main universes are so different with their own set of histories and cultures, but I love them both so completely. If you want LGBT+ representation, this is the seminal podcast for everything non-binary, trans, queer, and people that aren’t afraid to change and have that change be known! I haven’t listened to another podcast that actually depicts transitioning like they do, absolute king shit.
Wolf 359 Genre: space drama, comedy, action Episode count: 61 (completed) Description: WOLF 359 is a radio drama in the tradition of Golden Age of Radio shows. Set on board the U.S.S. Hephaestus space station, the dysfunctional crew deals with daily life-or-death emergencies, while searching for signs of alien life and discovering there might be more to their mission than they thought Thoughts: Wolf 359 is like if you fell down the stairs and at the bottom of the stairs was a bear trap, and then after you step in the bear trap someone helps you take off that beartrap, but then they kick you in the nuts. Just replace physical pain with emotional pain. It can be so funny but also so fucking stressful and sad – w359 isn’t afraid to kill its darlings, and it will break your heart but you will still say thank you.
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Ok so I finally listened to the second half of the Pellinore episode and honestly really like it (Caroline backstory!!!!)
also I feel better about the time jump. The characters felt more familiar in this episode than the first, which made it just a bit reassuring. In the past the one thing I disliked about such time jumps is that it felt like the characters I loved became entirely different people, and since the change wasn’t narrated, it always felt jarring. The best example I can think of is I watched Young Justice for a time years ago and it had a jump where the team was together and then they weren’t (Artemis and one of the flashes were living in a canon or something, for reference). It was hard to tie the new status quo with the old one I felt I lost, and soon after just lost interest entirely.
I was worried that would happen with Second Citadel, but it hasn’t. There’s been a dramatic status quo change, as well as an age change (most notable with Oglala), but it doesn’t feel jarring or that new versions of the characters I love have replaced the old. Honestly it feels like a really natural transition and I’m excited to see where it goes next.
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mistergrass · 4 years
a dump of podcast thoughts/recs
I have been listening to a whole lot of podcasts in the last month, and so I thought I’d just lay out what I’ve listened to so far and my general thoughts (but I’m not gonna tag any of them because I might get too honest - which means REALLY no one is gonna care about this lmao) 
I would also love some recs for both fiction and non-fiction if anyone’s got any! 
The Magnus Archives - This is, unsurprisingly, my top top recommendation for podcasts. The story being told is so intricate and well thought-out. I love pieces of media where I can turn my brain off and trust that the creators know exactly what they’re doing. And I love anything that knows its intent from episode 1. I think I could go on for ages praising this podcast, but tldr; 
The Penumbra Podcast (Junoverse) - I am not a fan of high fantasy, which is the main reason I haven’t listened to Second Citadel (other than the one-off eps in s1), so I’ll just focus on the Juno Steel stories. But I listened to this after catching up with TMA because so many people seemed to recommend it. Because of that, I think I might have gone into it with slightly higher-than-necessary expectations....
Here are things I like about it: the environment is well sound-scaped (especially in later eps), the universe is really cool and fun to learn about, and the romantic subplot between Juno and Peter really is a great time. 
That being said, I can get a little frustrated with the writing at times. Story beats are sometimes paced oddly, and at other times the narration can over-explain what’s going on -- especially wrt character emotions. S2 I think is the biggest culprit of this “tell don’t show” method, and it can expand to hurt the individual mysteries and the set-up of the metaplot, too. Overall, S2 was a real dredge to get through. (But credit where credit is due, Juno Steel and The Monster’s Reflection were incredibly crafted episodes of that season). 
But it was worth it to me for S3, which is a fun vibe and shifts from focusing on individual mysteries to character explorations in a found-family dynamic. The real strength of this podcast are the unique and engaging characters and their dynamics (which is why when Juno isolates himself in S2, it gets kind of dull). It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely been a very entertaining season. 
Uhhhh, kind of recommend? Maybe only if you’re really into the noir/sci-fi/detective genre. 
Death by Dying - The worst thing about this podcast is that there’s only five episodes. Oh my GOD what a gem of a show. The deadpan, absurdist humor in this show is so insanely up my alley and so well-written. But one thing I love about this podcast is that even in five episodes with a format that is mostly obituary-of-the-week, the emotional arcs of the characters are really well-maintained. Charolette, in particular, is a tragic character to follow through the MC’s eyes, but in a way that makes total sense considering the situation. This show is so clever, so fun, and finds ways to be really poignant at times, too. 
Two Princes - I know I said I don’t like high fantasy, but I’m also gay and sometimes that just beats out. Who doesn’t like a light, fluffy story about two princes falling in love in some perilous magic forest? It’s a gas. Also, it’s just really well-produced and an easy listen. You very much get what’s on the tin,  and that tin is some high-quality and very tasty cheese. 
Limetown - God, I’m so upset about this one. 
The first season is a masterpiece. WONDERFULLY produced, beautifully sound-scaped, insanely intriguing and engaging, along with a wonderful MC who is far from perfect in her endeavor for forbidden knowledge. I don’t think I can recommend it enough. 
The second season... is fine! You still want to know what’s going on, so it’s easy to keep listening. But, tbh, it takes a bit of an odd turn. I don’t want to spoil it too much, but I would’ve been okay with the shift in direction if it was leading somewhere satisfying. But the S2 finale is... well. Choices were made, I guess. I’ll just say that I was really cheated out of an emotional pay-off. 
If there was a promise of a 3rd season that would explain these things in more depth, I might let it off. But it looks like the production team is shifting its focus to the TV series being made out of this. I might watch it -- but I am worried now that they won’t know how to land the plane no matter how smooth the take-off is. 
Despite everything, RECOMMEND 
Archive 81 - (I have only finished through S2) 
My feelings on this show is that I do not have the auditory processing skills required to keep up, lmao. But I don’t think I can really hold that against this podcast. This show doesn’t hold the audience’s hands, which is something I actually really like (even if I do get lost sometimes in what’s happening, lmao). This is obviously another case of the creators knowing EXACTLY where they’re going in the story, too. I also don’t think I’ve heard any other podcast with sound-scaping at this level. The biggest themes of this show are sound and ritual, and itreally follows through on that wrt how the sound is edited. The vibe of it is so mysterious and unique, it does such a good job of making you feel like you’re in a totally different world.
Wooden Overcoats - (I have only finished through S1)
This show definitely has a Fawlty Towers feel to it, and the humor is very fast-paced and British in that very specific UK-sitcom way. Because of that the humor is very dry, but definitely fun to listen to. And the characters are a real hysterical bunch.
My biggest critique, however, is that sometimes the episodes end in a way that feels like a big bummer. British sitcoms of this nature usually hinge upon an incompetent/anti-hero MC who tends to deserve the different comical misfortunes that fall upon them. Usually they get up afterwards, having learned nothing, and the cycle continues in a harmless way. But sometimes that vibe doesn’t really hit, and a few episodes will end with these big tonal shifts where the schadenfreude ends up drying out. You sort of just end up feeling bad for everyone involved instead lol. It’s what has me hesitating going into the next season, but I’ll definitely start it up eventually. It’s well produced, and honestly the characters are just too fun to keep away from (Antigone in particular is my favorite). 
If you like British sitcoms, I’d recommend. Or if you’re looking for a cynical laugh. 
Other podcasts I’ve started are EOS 10, and Dreamboy. I really didn’t like the first episode of Dreamboy, but I’m gonna give it another try since it’s so short. EOS 10 seems well-produced, but not really up my personal alley. 
I’m not gonna give these ones as long of blurbs, just know I recommend them all highly. 
You Must Remember This -  Old Hollywood history that is wonderfully researched, and focuses a lot on women of the time. The recounting of these histories feels very honest and she really doesn’t pull any punches when giving detailed and accurate accounts. A truly wonderful show. 
Welcome to Your Fantasy - A deep dive on the history of Chippendales that is WILDLY entertaining. I sort of can’t believe I got as sucked in as I did. The host has a wonderful humor about her, but is still great at getting to the heart of some of the heavier issues at hand. 
Last Podcast on the Left - My favorite true crime/conspiracy podcast by a long mile. It’s equally hilarious and well-researched. I know a lot of people are kind of anti-true crime lately which is very understandable, but I do appreciate each of the host’s personal philosophies on the matter, which I think comes through in a lot of their episodes. 
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Tides of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 20
Tides of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because dang the All-Maudra died. Gotta see what happens next.
Last times on book: Amri and co are on a quest to unite all the Gelfling clans against the Skeksis. They’ve managed with the Sifa by convincing Maudra Ethri to look at some cool flames. They’ve managed with the Dousan by restoring a cool, giant tree. But now they’ve received word that that the All-Maudra has died.
Chapter 20
Team Naia travels to Ha’rar... no, that can’t be right.
Amri felt like he must have misheard. Erimon passed the parchment to Kylan, who read it again. Amri didn’t need to read it. He didn’t want to. It wouldn’t explain how or why or who had done it. Just that it had happened. He reached up to see if Tavra was still on his shoulder. She was where she’d been since they’d leaped into the lake, but she said nothing.
Oof. I hadn’t thought of that but poor Tavra.
Her mom died and she never got a chance to go ‘yo i’m alive but a spider but and also you can’t stop me from dating Onica now because we can’t have lesbian babies like this.’
Amri wonders if the All-Maudra was killed by the Skeksis because she vowed to resist the Skeksis but that sets Kylan off. Also, Kylan shows he’s upset by crossing his arms and twisting his ears back. Like a cat?
But Kylan points out that All-Maudra Mayrin said she was lighting the fire of resistance but nothing happened like what happened with the Sifa and the Dousan where actual rainbow flames burned the story of uniting the Gelfling into something nearby.
“You think she didn’t light the fire after all?” Naia asked.
“Maybe she thought she had,” Onica said solemnly. “Maybe she died trying.”
They had no proof except the feeling in their hearts. Amri didn’t want to believe it, but he couldn’t deny it either: The Vapra fire had never been lit.
But if the fires HADN’T been lit for the Vapra and the All-Maudra was no longer leading them with some lip service about resisting. Then it means there was only one path for Team Naia to take in the seven chapters still left in this book.
They were going to Ha’rar after all.
I never thought this day would come.
I mean, something is going to sidetrack them, right??
Because the side characters are making sure that nothing gets in their way.
Erimon lends them his Crystal Skimmer Tappa because she’s the fastest in his xeric and even asks Periss to drive it.
Ha, I knew Periss was joining the party.
Erimon has to stay and help organize the resistance with the other sandmasters once they arrive since Maudra Seethi is on her way to Ha’rar.
WHERE I CAN’T BELIEVE THE TEAM IS ACTUALLY GOING. Its been nearly three books of not going to Ha’rar! J.M. Lee, you’re blowing my mind!
“Now that the storm has broken, the xerics will continue to arrive. I will tell them the song of what has happened here. And when the time comes, we will heed the signal of the flames. We will join the fight against the Skeksis.”
“We still don’t know what that signal will be,” Naia said.
Erimon bowed. “We can never fully predict what form a sign will take. We only know it when we see it, or hear it, or sense it some other way. But I have faith in Thra, and in you. I will se to it the Dousan do not forsake the gifts we have been given. Not as we have in the past, nor ever again.”
You’ve really learned a thing, Erimon.
Erimon says that he thinks Periss can get them to Ha’rar in a day and so and apparently without a storm and without all the supplies, Tappa nyooms.
On the Skimmer trip, the team continues to discuss the All-Maudra’s death. Tavra finally pipes up to suggest that Mayrin failed to light the fires of resistance because the Skeksis found her out. But that there’s no point in speculating.
Because she’s finally getting what she’s wanted all along, to go to Ha’rar but in the way she’d least want it.
Be careful what you wish for?
“We must go to Ha’rar and reach someone who can tell us what happened. No more Far-Dreams or riddles from Thra. I want answers.”
“How are you taking this?” Amri asked. Tried to keep it soft, to let her know he was asking her feelings and not her political opinion. She was hesitant in answering.
“I am worried for my sisters. I am worried for my people.”
Amri tells her that Seladon will take care of Brea to reassure her and if Seladon’s arc is similar to the show then, -laughs in irony-.
Tavra was quiet a long time, unmoving. She curled one leg in.
“I don’t know that she will,” she said. “that is my greatest fear. My mother put her duties first and her daughters second. It was difficult to find ways to earn her love. Because of our station. But we tried. For me, that meant becoming a soldier. For Brea, becoming a scholar. For Seladon, it meant becoming All-Maudra one day... but the pressure was often too much. She is not ready, and I fear the Skeksis know that.”
“You should be All-Maudra,” Naia said suddenly.
Hah. Naia doesn’t even know Seladon and she’s like ‘wow she probably sucks and you’d be better.’ Poor Seladon.
The idea brought a strange fantasy to life. Tavra, in her Gelfing body. Sword in hand, drapedi n the silver cloaks with the living crown on her brow. She had traveled farther than any of them, knew more of the state of the world. Knew the Skeksis all by name, knew how the All-Maudra was expected to behave. Had the respect of her clan as a Vapra princess, but knew firsthand the hardships that had befallen the Gelfling who were so unlucky to find themselves in the Skeksis’ crushing grasp.
If there was ever a leader the Gelfling could look to, Amri realized, it was Tavra. Tavra, who was locked in the body of a spider, whose voice could barely be heard even by those who knew enough to listen.
“That is impossible,” Tavra said. She slipped below the rail and disappeared into Kylan’s traveling pack.
As evening falls they get closer to the snowlands and Periss tells them he’ll have to leave them at the frost line because Tappa is a DESERT CREATURE.
Nooooo Periss, you’re supposed to be the sixth ranger! You can’t leave your new best pals!
He also calls Naia Amri’s girlfriend and he does do the “she’s not my girlfriend” thing but less vehement and more embarrassed.
“Have you dreamfasted together?”
Amri’s ears went flat at the forward question. Of course he’d dreamfasted with Naia, but only to share memories that they’d needed to share, so the truth of the Skeksis and the message they carried would not be forgotten. But there were other memories, ones more secret and intimate. Private hopes and fears. Memories he had all to himself, beautiful things he’d seen when he’d been alone. Dreams he’d had, and nightmares.
Amri had always hoped one day to find someone to share those memories with. Someone he trusted enough and who trusted him to truly dreamfast. To share everything. It had never occurred to him that someone might be Naia. Until now, and only thanks to a wily Dousan thief. Periss grinned ear to ear, as if making Amri blush from embarrassment was his new favorite game.
“No. Not that way,” he mumbled.
“Do you want to?” Periss asked.
“I want to change the subject.”
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Excuse me I need to take a moment.
a moment
You’re adorable, Amri.
Also, based on this, Jen and Kira basically got engaged the first time they met. Just went full info dump on each other. ‘HEY I GUESS THATS ME AS A BABY’ because they never learned to not overshare in dreamfasting and because nobody ever taught Jen about sex.
Also also, this fits well with what we learn in the first book about how its a sign of maturity for Gelfchildren to learn how to not broadcast their entire lifestory the instant someone touches them.
I continue to love the nuances we get about dreamfasting.
After sleeping and starting another day of travel, Amri spends some time practicing sword because he’s changed his tune on that.
Amri practiced his sword stances, parries and thrusts. Imagined striking down Skeksis after Skeksis as he charged into a citadel swarming with darkened beasts. It felt heroic in his mind, that part -- the charge, the thought that he could single-handedly defeat the monsters that might have taken the shining city -- but in the end, even in his fantasies, when they finally reached the throne, the All-Maudra was already dead.
Although the first part of this wild fantasy sounds like Amri should have been scenario writing for the Age of Resistance trpg.
But its more about his understanding that even if he becomes a cool, heroic swashbuckling figure with like two whole days of sword practice under his belt and even if they win, that victory will always carry with it the tragedies the Skeksis inflicted on the way. Mira, Mayrin, other Gelfing whose names don’t start with M’s.
They reach the frost line and dangit Periss actually leaves! Just because you’re the sixth ranger you think you can come and go to save the budget??
Although, in a nice bit of growth, he gives the team all the jewelry he stole from the Sifa. Nice, they can give Tae her stuff back if they see her.
Going the rest of the way on foot, Team Naia actually reaches Ha’rar. I’m frankly shocked.
Like the crystals in a broken geode, the city of Ha’rar glittered in the protective shell of the mountains, covered in snow and glowing with moon- and starlight. At the far edge of the city, a majestic building stood with its back to the wide Silver Sea. It looked like an icicle, or one of the many crystal stalagmites in Domrak and the Caves of Grot. Every elaborately sculpted feature refracted the light of the moons and the Waystar, sending night rainbows across the city.
It was beautiful, but eerily silent and ominously dark.
None of the lanterns are lit and none of the people are out and about on the streets. Spooky.
Tavra tells them that they absolutely must not be caught by the Skeksis. And then with her hometown knowledge guides them along back paths and side roads.
They have to duck out of view at one point when two Skeksis come down the street.
Skeksis. Two of them, passing by on the street just in front of them. One wore broad-shouldered, black-scaled armor, covering his spiny back like the carapace of an armalig. Gray hair -- or was it fur? grew across his blunt forehead and cheeks, casting a hazy shadow upon his scowling lips and piercing yellow eyes. The other stood straighter in his crimson and black robes, armored and adorned in shining gold chains. He seemed taller yet, thanks to the fleshy spike that protruded from the top of his head like a horn.
“skekUng and skekZok,” Tavra whispered. “The General and the Ritual Master.”
I wonder if skekVar exists in this continuity.
skekUng is the General so Var doesn’t have a lot to be doing.
-google image-
He does have a gold hat thing but in one of the comics he just has a tall head spike so I DUNNO. I’m a little alarmed of him now.
Anyway, skekUng being here is bad because they all remember skekLi gloating that skekUng was making something bad.
Being possessed of ‘only the most relevant conversational snippets’ senses, skekUng complains “This is a waste of time. I say we kill the princess as we killed her mother and let the Vapra bow directly to us. As they should.”
Which confirms that the Skeksis killed the All-Maudra.
AND THEN before they can process that, Amri is grabbed by a hooded Gelfling.
“He’s possessed by a spider,” hissed a female voice, familiar in Amri’s ear. “On his shoulder -- quick, grab it and crush it!”
Onica stops the hooded Gelfling, who turns out to be Tae. Hi Tae!
Tae isn’t convinced because apparently the body-jacking spiders are a known and concerning concern at this point.
Amri tells Tavra that its time to reveal herself to Tae.
Tavra let out a tired sigh.
“Tae, it’s me. Katavra.”
Love that tired sigh. Spiders can’t even sigh. That’s just how tired Tavra is.
Tae wants to know HOW and possibly several repeated incredulous WHATs but Amri points out that its not a great idea to get into that in the middle of a sneaking mission. So Tae leads them off somewhere they can talk.
Geez only six chapters left. And we’ve got Ha’rar, a dead All-Maudra, Tae’s back. Periss took off... dangit did Periss take off because of a party limit? Tae is now the sixth party member?
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randbwrite · 3 years
La Comtesse Chronicles Chapter 5 Part 1
Words: 1561
TW: Death, violence, blood CW: vampires, assassins
His blush at her calling him “luv” was quite satisfying. Smirk widened. He was quite cute like that, hmmm, strange feeling there. Maybe this is why Arthur had fun making the ladies blush? 
Her ears were good enough to be able to hear them while she dispatched their enemies. The banter between these two suggested they were rather good friends. Good, that would make the transition easier. Certainly, it would be some time before Cal was able to make friends with the residents at the mansion, given what he had done to her. Arthur would likely be the least forgiving of them all, since he had treated her wounds personally.
<<Yes, I am one. Figured out yet I haven’t exactly aged since you got here?>>
Ah, now there was the answer to a question she had. She had suspected as much but left such things to the proper time.  Good to know she was escorting two vampires rather than a human and newly sired vampire. Next question would be who his sire was, but that would have to wait. 
They made their way through the citadel, she dispatching anyone that stood in their way. Even in the council room, she had worked with surgical speed and accuracy. Now, they stood outside what remained of the assassin’s league. She turned around and listened intently to both of them.
<<You will have my unwavering loyalty for the rest of my life, this I swear.>>
“I thank thee for such an expression of devotion, brave sir knight. Remember though, I am no queen, my domain is but a small part of the world. And to answer your question, I can tell by the way you speak. I remember the courts of old.”
<<So dramatic! But yeah, what he said. Obviously, I don’t have an issue not fighting on the side of the angels, but if there were any such thing, I’d say you come the closest. Avenging angel, maybe.>>
Laughter, this time short and to the point, more like a scoff but without the derision. A somber tone and expression took hold. “You will learn soon enough that I am no angel, I have never deserved such admiration. An angel of death more than an avenging angel, darkness and despair is all that has followed me for hundreds of years. There is a reason that I am called to the battlefield, and it’s not to make the place art worthy. But, if you wish to think of me as such, I cannot stop you.” Gaze met his, eyes wavering, telling tales of old, death, and destruction, of unimaginable loss, all in an instance. 
She uncased her wings, slowly, her eyes glowing for a moment. “Time to go home.” Wings stretched and flapped a few times before she took off, the two of them flying right behind her via her abilities. 
Over the countryside they flew, the small lives of those below unable to be seen but able to be felt as their tiny figures moved about. Over rivers, forests, and ravines they flew still. A good time later a castle came into view, situated on a cliff, its defenses rivaled by few. 
Landing gently in front of two large doors, she glanced back at them both before knocking. Door creaked open to reveal a man dressed as a butler. 
“Ah, M. La Comtesse, glad to see you’ve finally arrived. I have dinner set for our newest gue-” He stopped, there were two men with her, not one. “M. la Comtesse? Two?” A slightly exasperated sigh. “A little warning next time would be nice. Now the dinner service will have to be adjusted. You are also late. Did something happen?”
A chuckle at his sass, something that she had found endearing over the years. “A few unexpected things happened, including bringing our second guest with me. He was in a predicament that I could not ignore.”
“Ah, very good. M. la Comtesse. I shall have a second room arranged immediately. You know, this reminds me of when you brought the Van Gogh brothers here. Are they brothers?”
“Not to my knowledge, though they banter like they are. Suppose you’ll have to ask them when you’re not pretending they aren’t right behind me. Can we move on? The smaller gentleman is in need of rouge.”
“Of course, M. la Comtesse.” It was then that Sebastian figured out that it was Cal who had done the unthinkable to his mistress. Though he hid his displeasure well from her in tone, the look he gave Cal was as cold and furious as a blizzard. “Might I have their names?”
“Oh, sorry… the larger gentleman is named Derrick, the smaller is called Rapscallion, though he also seems to go by Cal.” She stepped past Sebastian to be met by the prying eyes of the castle residents. “Good evening everyone.” She motioned at their new guests, “These two, Derrick and Cal, will be living here from now on. No harm should come to either of them, or you’ll be answering to me personally. Now, can we have a normal dinner, please? It’s been a long day.”
A few more steps into the castle and she faltered. A grunt and she began to fall, only to be caught by Arthur. “Now, luv, what have I said about overexerting yourself?”
“Mmmmm, I don’t need a lecture now….” Her wings went back into her back and she began to breathe heavily. 
Quietly, he spoke to her, “You know, dove, you didn’t need to bring him back here, let alone two. Seems like it may not have been worth the effort.” Arthur shot both men a look, his eyes showing of his vampiric rage. All that left him as he picked her up and carried her off. 
“Apologies gentlemen, introductions of your fellow residents shall have to wait till dinner itself.” Sebastian chimed in, “My name is Sebastian. I am the head of staff here and am the butler that serves M. la Comtesse personally. Now, let’s get you two cleaned up so you are presentable. Can’t have you dressed like that for dinner with everyone.”
He ushered them both to where they could bathe and get their choice of finer clothing. 
“What happened out there, luv?” Arthur inquired, his eyes looking over her exhausted figure. 
“I’m not used to having to carry so much weight with my powers for so long. Seems I need to train more. Not used to flying while using my powers either. The battlefield usually doesn’t call for use of my wings. I had been planning on just carrying back one, not two.”
“And why are there two? Who do we need to watch out for…. Who…. who did those horrible things to you?”
“Ask Jean, I’d rather not tell everyone so as to give them a chance to make their own impressions.”
“Ever the mystery with you, luv. What am I ever to do with you, hmm?”
She scoffed, “Suppose you’ll stay with me, as you always have. I’ll be fine Arthur, I’m just tired. It’s been a long day.”
“Mmmm, the blood on your clothes tell enough of the tale.”
Eyebrows quirked, “Damn, guess I wasn’t as focused as I usually am. Apologies to Sebastian and the staff.”
“Get some rest and change, maybe take a bath. Till dinner then, luv.” With that, Arthur left her alone, all the while hatching a plan to figure out which of the two had tried to kill their beloved Comtesse. 
Having scrubbed all the blood off her, a bath had felt refreshing, especially for her sore wing muscles. Sheesh, that was a long flight. Ah, yes, dinner. Time to look nice and make pleasantries. This was going to be interesting. Never before had she brought anyone to the mansion with as much issue with the other residents. Even Theo, resident tsundere, or Mozart, resident grump had been this much of an issue. She only hoped her warning not to harm them would stick. Didn’t mean they had to accept them, or be nice for that matter. Oy vey this was a mess. 
Heels clicked on the hard floor as she entered the dining room. Starry dress flowed with each movement, it looking like it was the sky just as the sun had decided to finally sleep. Everyone seated now rose to greet her. Sebastian pushed in the chair with her as she sat down, ever the lady of elegance. A soft smile graced her lips as she raised a glass of rouge, “Welcome, Derrick and Cal. Introductions are in order, so I shall go around the table.”
Taking a sip from the glass, she set it down. “Derrick, to your left going ‘round the table we have, William Shakespeare, Vincent Van Gogh, Theo Van Gogh, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Napoleon Bonapart, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Dazai, Jean de Arc, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is to your right Cal. And yes, these are the actual men of their namesakes. I specialize in bringing back people from history to help with current predicaments. Gentlemen, please enjoy dinner. I can now also take any of your questions, as promised before we left that accursed place.”
Glares ‘round the table were at both Cal and Derrick, but no one said anything to them, they all starting to chatter among themselves.
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imdefyinggravity · 4 years
If you were to put Tin and Can in the BBC Merlin universe, what do you think they would be
Ugh, interesting. Hm lets start with Tin, that one is easier. So, hes obviously at least a nobel. Maybe even second born prince of some other kingdom. Not sure where to place him, since I would make him brother to Mithian, but we do know she doesnt have a sibling and concerning the middle ages, Tin would have been crownprince, so theres that. So I will go with some noble family in camelot, since I want him to be connected to Arthur in a way. They would go along splendidly, since their “I’m better than you” is only a mask in some way and I can see them having some fun on boring feasts and stuff like that. Arthur complaining about his idiotic manservant, while Tin wonders why on earth Arthur is even putting up with such an incompetent servant.
Can on the contrary is like I said before in my mind the knight in shining armour and I would love for him to actually be that chaotic knight, who all others shake their heads about, a bit similar to Gwaine in that way, always a bit messy, searching for something to eat etc. Then again Can is a commoner, and I cant imagine him as some noble, so no knight in shining armour, at least until Arthur gets crowned king and doesnt care about status and stuff anymore. Before that, where to put Can? Okay, I decided, his mother is a seamstress in camelot, working mostly for the servants of the castle. Therefore Can is often instructed to bring the repaired or newly sewn clothes to the castle. And since he’s friendly and very interested in all the gossip of the royal family, he likes to hang out there, sneaking into the kitchen, because the cook is very fond of the boy with the big smile and though she’s always complaining, kicking him out of her kitchen, shes still fetching him some snacks, which Can accepts with the brightest smile on earth. Afterwards he hangs out in the castle, gossiping with the maids and servants. He’s quite fond of Gwen, because they get along fine and Gwen always knows the best stories about that idiotic prince of camelot.
Nowadays she tells him, about that new manservant who had the guts and nerve to challenge the crownprince on his first day in camelot and Can is in awe, because damn, thats a level of idiotic, not even he does manage. So he hears all those stories of Merlin mouthing off to the crownprince, being sassy, throwing the future kings stuff in some random corners instead of actually cleaning the room, that he really really wants to meet that guy. Because he cant decide if Merlin is the toughest guy ever or one with some deathwish and one braincell only.
Its months later when they actually met, because Gwen is away with Morgana on some girly trip or whatever girls do, when they travel and therefore its actually Merlin whos around when Can delivers the new clothes. And Merlin actually doenst have a deathwish and more than one braincell and Can really likes that guy. Turns out Merlin can tell even better stories and Can listens to all the shit he says about his master. Can has a bit of a herocrush on Merlin, while Merlin is obviously very oblivious. They met a few times and since Merlin is a nice guy, he actually greets Can when they pass in the courtyard, sometimes stopping to have a short chat. And Can beams and Arthur does notice this. And we all know how Arthur reacts when someone pays attention to his Merlin, so he actually shouts at Merlin, while Merlin just rolls his eyes and keeps on talking, until theres a loud “MERlin” blasting through the citadel. Merlin giggles and Can does wonder how such a nice guy can work for such an arse.
One day Can passes the training field and stops for a moment to admire the swords and the fights going on, because wouldnt it be cool to be a knight? He’s still watching when starting to walk, clashing right into someone and they go down in a twirl of limbs and shouts. Well the other one shouts, because Can is way to cool for that, thank you very much. And okay, he wasnt looking, but thats no reason to curse at him and being that fucking rude. He takes it back, he doesnt want to be a knight, because nobles are fucking assholes. Can being Can, he’s not going down without a fight, so he actually punches the guy after the third insult. And he remembers to late, that this is no good idea, punching a noble does have consequences esp. when everyone can see you. And oh fuck, is that the crownprince coming their way?
Thankfully Merlin is not far away, actually being the first to be there and trying to calm down that noble bastard, trying to save Can from punishment, now arguing with the crownprince himself. And Can is once again awestruck. The nerve of that guy. And its actually going well, until bastard guy looks at Can watching Merlin and says “What? He’s your boyfriend or why are you protecting him?” And Merlin laughs but doesnt see how Arthurs whole attitude changes and now he looks at Can and Can can feel the hair at his back rising. He’s so fucked. He tries to look as innocent as he can, but Arthur has murder written in his eyes and what on earth is going on.
So Can goes in fightmode and shouts again at bastard guy, while Arthur is fuming and Merlin is really done. What has he ever done to deserve this life? So yeah, end of the song, Merlin does have his way to calm down his future king, pointing out how those two blow off while being around each other and he may has an idea, because he’s way smarter than most people give him credit for, especially his idiot of a master and he sees the way Tin reacts completly out of character concerning Can and thinks: hm, interesting. So he actually gets the punishment for punshing a noble down to Can running errands for Tin for the next days while he’s here and Can changes his mind. Merlin is no hero, and not someone to be in awe off, he’s actually a horrible person, betraying him like that.
And okay maybe Tin is not that bad when you get closer to him, but he’s still an arse but Can can handle idiots and they actually get along quite well, when Tin is not a snob, which Can gets never tired of pointing out. 
And its years later when Arthur decides knights do not need to be a noble, only need to be brave and have a pure heart and being loyal and its actually not Merlin pointing out, but Tin, that Can is all of that. And huh when exactly did those two get so cozy with each other? He needs to ask Merlin later about that, because for some reason, Merlin does always know whats going on in this kingdom. But yeah he’s right, so when the time comes, Can gets knighted and Tin is beaming with pride and yeah, NO ONE BLOODY DIES IN MY CAMELOT. Thank you very much. The End
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vakarians-babe · 4 years
Because I’m still in hyperfixation mode and I just finished replaying the og Mass Effect trilogy at midnight, have a lil essay on why Shakarian (at least how I’ve played it) breaks me every time! Essay under the cut, bc it’s longer than I ever intended lmao
I’ll start by saying I play as femShep, with the Earthborn and Sole Survivor backgrounds, as the infiltrator class (main weapon is sniper) My canon Shep is named Anais and follows much of the Paragon track. So, ME1. There’s Anais, fresh out of what she thinks is the biggest failure of her career since Akuze. Nihlus is dead and so are almost all of the colonists and Jenkins. It’s kind of raw, but she’s determined to do things her way—the ‘right’ way. No one left behind, no unnecessary sacrifices; you do what you can to save everyone, not enact an arithmetic of death. She’s a little older than Garrus (my canon is 27 at the beginning of ME1, while Garrus is 25), who is this brash, angry proponent of ‘justice’ as he sees it, and she recognizes a little bit of her own pain and her own motivations in him as he tells her how desperately he wants to take Saren down. Throughout the game, from Feros and Noveria to Virmire and Ilos, she does her best to teach him that you don’t take shortcuts. You don’t let your anger lead the direction of your scope. It’s the encounter with Dr. Saleon that really hits some of that home for Garrus, because he’s let his thirst for vengeance for /himself/ rather than justice for the victims take over, and she helps him see that. When she has to choose between Kaidan and Ashley, it destroys her, but she does it, and for once Garrus gives her a little comfort, because he sees now /why/ she never wanted to choose. By the time they’re at the final showdown on the Citadel, the two are incredibly close. Garrus respects her, Anais respects him and cares deeply for this friend. And Garrus maybe even adores her (her hair is nice and her waist is very supportive, after all) in a way that he denies.
And then Anais dies. Garrus is at CSec, working on reforms and making sure the processes are about taking care of people and trying to flush out corruption. It flashes across nearly every vidscreen in the room: SSV NORMANDY ATTACKED. COMMANDER SHEPARD LOST. Garrus has to watch, then, as Anais is lauded for a few months, and then swept under the rug. It’s like this force of nature never even existed for so many others, but not for him. Corruption continues in CSec, his efforts earn him reprimands, and it all becomes too much. He hands in his badge and goes to Omega. Builds up his band of comrades, just like Shepard. He fights for normal people, to give them better lives and to keep the bullies off their backs. Just like Shepard. But Sidonis is there, and eventually he betrays them all. Garrus, now Archangel, is devastated. He’s tried so hard to hold onto what Anais had taught him, and now, at the same age she was when she died, he’s ready for one last battle, with all of the gangs of Omega, and he doesn’t care if he dies, because there’ll be less bullies in the world and the only collateral damage will be him. He’s already lost his team, he won’t let there be anyone else left behind, no others unnecessarily sacrificed. He may be dealing in an arithmetic of death, but it’s about how many he can take out before he goes.
Instead, someone breaks through the gangs’ lines. Someone with a build and a gate and a way of sniping on the move that is so familiar to Garrus, but he can’t let himself believe it. Lots of people have dark hair and big noses (but he still remembers what she looked like, two years ago, and he knows its her even though he tells himself it’s not). But suddenly she’s there, and it’s his chance to be cool and show her how he’s grown, and she does look exactly the same up close, except for these lingering scars. When the gunship takes him down briefly, he thinks it’s ironic that now they even share facial scars.
As they catch up, Garrus starts to realize how much /he’s/ grown. They’re the same age now, he keeps reminding himself, because Anais is still 27, and two years spent as little more than cells in a lab don’t include birthdays. Anais is seeing it too, and part of her is sad, because she knows Garrus has been through so much to make him the way he is. The loss of his team hurts her. But Garrus is tougher than she expected, and he took her lessons to heart, even if he’s interpreted some of them in his own ways. As Anais feels more hopeless, pulled more deeply into Cerberus and into a way of things that she doesn’t like, she finds herself forced to be angry. To choose some of the options she might not have chosen before. Her scars are mostly healed, and the strange light has left them, but her face is still newly knitted flesh. It’s Garrus who tries to soften Anais now, because in those two years he’s gained an understanding of hope and hopelessness that he never had before.  
When the chance comes to catch up with Sidonis, the two of them find themselves snapping back towards who they were that day so long ago on the Citadel. Garrus, despite his losses, is angry again. /He/ wants vengeance, though he tells himself it’s justice for his /squad/. Anais knows she can’t let him do it, because sole survivors will always blame themselves in the end, and when Sidonis is gone, only the self hate and the feelings of failure will remain. So she stops him. And when he asks her “what do you want from me, Shepard?” she shatters inside, because she realizes suddenly that somehow, she’s falling in love with him, and she knows how he feels. She felt that way on Akuze, felt that way when she faced her commanding officer, felt that way about herself when she failed her team. She wants him to stop blaming himself, but that’s so much to ask.
But he does realize that, deep down. When she looks at him with all the pain of experience, he knows in that moment that she has blamed herself for years, and it’s what she’s afraid will happen to him. It’s the start of something new for Garrus, and he finally listens to those little feelings inside him whenever he sees Anais tying up her waist-length hair, or smiling softly in the corner of the mess hall, or surreptitiously buying a new model ship or fish or hamster. They start to flirt, slowly, both of them pretending this is just a friendship with a little more when they know it isn’t.
The Batarian relay is even worse for Anais than Horizon was. She knows exactly how many people she tried to save, and who died anyway. She listened to Dr. Kenson, and it’s all her fault. But Garrus stops, he stands in front of her, and he tells her quietly that she /tried/ and she knows she has to stop pretending she only sees him as a friend, because she loves him completely. He doesn’t know when he stopped pretending to himself anymore.
The Collector Base is terrifying, for both of them. The final journey to and through the Omega Four relay is one they spend tangled up, sometimes awkward, but always right. Despite what’s coming, that time in the loft is theirs. When Anais leaves Garrus as the leader of the second squad, they both know it’s because she trusts him and his skills completely, more completely than anybody on the team, save perhaps Miranda or Tali. They both wish she didn’t have to. But they win, and they all make it out of the Suicide Mission unscathed. The goodbye is impossibly hard, but neither one of them can bring themselves to say the three words they want to say. Garrus goes back to Palaven, where he’s promoted. Anais faces her trial on Earth. They both kick themselves for the things they never said.
The final coming of the Reapers shakes Anais. She can’t help but think of Garrus, on Palaven, as the reports start drifting in while they fly to Mars. And then she finds him, on that moon, and he’s whole and he’s alive and he’s there and she wants to blurt it out (he does too). They’re both amazed afterwards by how easy it is to resume things, and by how much more open it feels. Though neither of them say anything, they know what’s changed. They know it’s really for real. They’re on more even footing now, with Anais choosing more Renegade options than she would a year ago but still trying to do what’s right, and Garrus refusing to cut corners, even though he makes hard choices. When she cures the Genophage, Garrus is in awe at how easy the decision is for her. When she saves the Geth /and/ the Quarians, Garrus doesn’t know how she /exists/. Somewhere along the way, he realizes he would die for her. And when they sneak up to the presidium roof and she misses her shot, Garrus knows she did it on purpose, because Commander Anais Shepard can hit a traveling Banshee between the eyes. Anais thinks it’s her secret and she’ll never tell him. But what she really wants is to say she loves him. 
As the nightmares get worse for Anais, Garrus does what he can to make things easier. He cleans her guns for her, when she’s not looking or thinking. He brings food up to her cabin, to force her to eat when she sits there just looking at the reports from the Battlespace, watching the casualty lists scroll across the screen of her personal communicator. She always takes him on her missions, when she can. And when she comforts him about his family, he wants to come undone right there in the gun battery. He doesn’t. 
They both have a feeling that one of them won’t make it out of this. Despite the numbers, despite those readiness ratings, there’s that fear. All the talk of turian/human babies and of adopting is just a blind hope for the two of them. But god, do they want that future. They want to live off of the royalties from the vids and grow old and gray and be able to remember with amazement how they once were able to barrel roll and fight Brutes without arthritis pain stopping them. 
The run to the beam, that headlong, dead-out sprint, is full of panic. Anais trips more than once as she glances over her shoulder for Garrus. He grips her under her shoulders and yanks her to her feet like a ragdoll, setting her gently onto her feet each time. When the beam hits the Mako, and it rolls over in the explosion, Anais thinks she’s lost everything. The Crucible doesn’t matter if Garrus is gone, because there’s no Shepard without Vakarian. Even though he’s heavy, so much heavier than her, she drags him to the bay doors of the Normandy. And because she thinks this is the last chance, because she doesn’t know which one of them will live, she finally tells him she loves him. As he fights back tears, he says it back. And then the doors close and she’s gone. 
With the Citadel so fully alien and terrifying, Anais tries to think only of him. Only of what they might name their first kid. Would they adopt? She knows that their DNA isn’t compatible. But they could always try something. Maybe they’d be Krios, for Thane, or Kaidy, for Kaidan. Standing in front of the Illusive Man, feeling the threads of indoctrination in her head, it’s the thought of returning to Garrus that lets her break free, just for a moment, to pull the trigger. It’s not enough to save Anderson. Maybe their child will be named David. With unfeeling fingers, Anais arms the Crucible. She can’t rid the world of synthetics--Edi and the Geth are just as alive as they are--but there will be no dominating the reapers. She hopes everyone will understand as she chooses Synthesis. And then she lets go. She’s sure she’s died. 
But the next day, when the dust has settled somewhat, and the crew of the Normandy are gathered around their memorial wall, Garrus feels differently. It’s amazing, how when they were together and saying their goodbyes he was sure he wouldn’t see her again. But now, even when those around them are sure that Commander Shepard, /the/ Commander Shepard, is dead, he knows she’s not. She died once, after all, and that didn’t stop her. Besides, her cybernetic augmentation is designed to heal her.
And while Garrus stands there, hoping, Anais takes a breath on that wreckage. 
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theoriginalladya · 4 years
5, 8, 20, 37 for the writer asks?
from this list
5. Share one of your strengths.
Plotting.  Give me a niblet of an idea and I can plot the hell out of it into a full blown story, possibly a series! lol  I love plotting, actually.  I just wish writing was as easy in the end! :)
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oh wow.  Let me see here ...  Not exactly short, but this comes from Destiny’s Hand, the ME2 story for ShepShep, chapter called “Look Good for Dead” where Jane goes to see Wrex.
(also going under cut because this got loooooong! lol
“You humans,” he muttered as he walked back over to retake his seat.  “Always trying to hide what can be so clearly seen.”
Jane remained where she was for a minute or two before following suit.  She didn’t bother to ask him what he meant – that was clear enough.  Instead, she opted to pick at one of his earlier comments.  “So, you think I’m with Cerberus too?”
The krogan leader shrugged.  “You have their ship; you have their people – does it really matter beyond that?”
The ‘chair,’ such as it was, allowed Jane to sit in a manner where she could draw one knee up to her chest so she could rest her arms against it as she eyed him.  “You don’t care, then?”
“I have concerns,” he admitted, “but I know you.”  His deep, reverberating chuckle started again.  “No other human ever stood up to me like you did on Virmire.”
Jane blinked, startled by that remark.  “Really?”
The krogan’s head bobbed once before his eyes narrowed and he gave her a menacing look.  This lasted only a moment or two, however, until he sat back and laughed again.  “See?  You aren’t intimidated.”
Jane opened her mouth to reply, but then closed it just as quickly when she realized she didn’t have a response.  He couldn’t be serious, could he?  “Wrex …?”
He watched her closely as she struggled.  “You don’t see it, do you?” he asked.
“See what?”
Head still shaking, he said, “You wound me, Shepard.  Then again, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you intimidated by anyone.”
Jane blinked again.  “I’m … not sure that I ever have been,” she replied.  Frowning, she stared over at him for a moment.  “Though, I seem to recall you giving a good effort the day we met on the Citadel.”
This time the krogan leader’s laughter was open and loud, a barking echo throughout the room.  “You see what I mean?”  He sighed and sat back.  “That’s how I know you are you.  You don’t back down from anyone.  And, if rumors are to be believed, you headbutt like a true krogan.”
Jane gasped, her eyes widening.  “You heard about that?”
“Shaman told me himself.”  He gave her a toothy grin.  “You’re the first human to impress him that much.”
Why am I so proud of it?  I fucking LOVE WREX and writing him is such a challenge at times, but this chapter ended up coming so easily to me, I couldn’t believe it.  I could ‘snippet’ the whole damned chapter for you I’m that proud of it, and that’s saying something because I’m so proud of that whole series, let alone the story itself.  
I remember going into that chapter feeling intimidated at the thought of writing his voice.  I stared at a blank page for almost TWO WEEKS before I finally started writing it.  And once I started, once those first words were down .. the rest just flowed.  And the dialogue - omg, dialogue isn’t always easy for me.  Sometimes it is, but most of the time it’s like pulling teeth.  Still, occasionally I hit a Zen zone, and that chapter was one of them.  The relationship between Jane and Wrex in it is just ... it’s beautiful.  
Here’s another snippet from that chapter - none of them can be short because one thing just flows into another into another, and I just ... AAAHHHHH!!!
Lifting her head, she turned to find him watching her intently.  “Just say the word, Shepard,” he rumbled, “and I’ll send a squad of Urdnot warriors to shake some sense back into him.”
Jane sat still as a mouse; her eyes wide.  “Wrex …?”  His name escaped as a bare whisper.
He folded his arms across his broad expanse of a chest and nodded once firmly.  “Don’t think I won’t do it, either.”
A hesitant smile twitched at the left corner of her lips even as a few tears leaked from her eyes.  Sniffling softly, she murmured his name again, this time in appreciation.
His expression shifted to a scowl.  “I’m trying to help you here, Shepard!”
Laughter managed to work its way into the mix as Jane swiped her hands across her face.  “I know you are, you bellowing bulk, and I can’t thank you enough for it!” she shouted right back at him.  Lowering her hands, she returned the scowl as best she could, nodding at him once.  “I … appreciate it, I really do, but I don’t think it’s necessary.”
Wrex moved his hands to her shoulders.  “You don’t want him back?”
Jane shrugged.  “I do, but I want him back because he wants to be back,” she explained.  “Forcing him back doesn’t help either of us.”  She sighed, her smile curving just a tick more up on the left side.  “But I appreciate that you want to help me.  I really do.”
“Bah!”  His scowl deepened and he yanked his arms away, turning to stalk across the room.  When he returned a couple of minutes later, he had two more cups of Ryncol in his hand.  “You have done more to help me and the krogan than anyone else ever has,” he insisted.  “And rumor has it, the Reapers are going to try again.”
Jane stiffened, her eyes focused on the pouring liquid even as dread filled the pit of her stomach.  “You – you heard about that, too?”
“Common sense,” he said as he handed one cup to her.  “We might have defeated Sovereign, but he was only one.  A scout.  Scouts are sent ahead of the main forces to report back what they find.  Since Sovereign won’t be reporting back, logic says those who sent him have to follow.”  Glittering eyes, as if anticipating the fight, focused on her.  “If we’re going to have to face more of those bastards and find a way to win, we need you leading the way.”
Jane’s breath caught in her lungs as the full impact of his words hit her.  He believes me!  “Wrex …”
The war leader sighed again, shaking his head.  “And if you’re going to do that, you need to have your head on right,” he bellowed, cutting her off again.  “That means you and your husband back together so you can focus on more important things …”
Jane’s lips twitched.  “Like saving the krogan?” she asked.
“Impudent pup!”  His scowl faded in the next second and he chuckled.  Lifting his cup, he amended, “Maybe helping the krogan save the galaxy.  Again.”
Jane’s lips formed a full-fledged grin now.  “I see.”  Her eyes dropped to the cup in her hand.  “So … what are we drinking to this time?”
“You really don’t want me to send a squad or two after him?”
A bittersweet ache worked its way through Jane.  “No,” she managed after a long moment, “I really don’t.  But … thank you.”  She lifted her head to find him nodding once at her.  “Really, Wrex.  No one has ever offered –.”
He swiped his free hand between them.  “And it’s doubtful you’ll ever get that kind of an offer again,” he groused.  “Especially, if you don’t quit the mushy stuff!”
Her head slanted slightly to the left, Jane asked, “Would it get you off Tuchanka and back into the fight?”
Jane lifted her cup, eyeing it closely.  There appeared to be about the same amount of liquid in it as before.  Pulling together her last threads of bravery, she raised it in his direction.  “To … Clan Urdnot,” she said, smiling, “and their leader.”
Wrex lifted his, knocking it against hers.  “To Commander Shepard,” he corrected, “who at heart is Clan Urdnot.”
See what I mean???
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Home alone, no cats or kids, music playing, a pot of hot tea that STAYS hot as long as I need it and all the time in the world to just sit and write ....
Or, alternatively, a notebook and pen and wherever I get an idea.  I’m not picky. :P  Seriously, I can write almost anywhere.  I’ve learned to tune things out or listen to music on my phone if I have to drown it out.  I’ve had more luck sitting in McAlister’s on lunch and writing most of a chapter than at home sometimes.  (not of late, though, sadly)
37. Talk about your current wips.
Okay, so ... I have a LOT of WIPs at the moment, and I just had a couple more Shepards end up on my doorstep, putting me at a solid #100 on my spreadsheet.  Beyond that, I have a number of Dragon Age WIPs, plus some original fics going.  One of these days, I’ll finish something! lol  Too many ideas, not enough time!!!
So ... a specific WIP ... Hmm ... Well, let me just say that the Biotic Pinball Wizard group - collection of WIPs over there, I swear! lol - is one of the most interesting ones I’ve come up with.  Writing the Reaper War from a perspective of being on Earth?!  What was I thinking????  (oh, that’s right, Anderson’s little visits in game inspired me :P )  I’m really enjoying the challenge.  Funny enough, this one isn’t as plotted through as most of my fics are.  There just wasn’t enough time, plus it’s so complex, I’ve relied a lot on my inspiration throughout Nano this year to help expand it - and it’s coming along quite nicely, to be honest.  I have a number of chapters partly/mostly written.  I have been able to flesh out some plot points that desperately needed it, plus develop the antagonist side of things (beyond just the Reapers).  Characters are falling into place.  Honestly, while more challenging than I originally intended for this year’s Nano to be, it’s been well worth it and I look forward to continuing with the story even beyond Monday’s finishing point!  Having Shepard, Kaidan, James and Kandra together as my core group of personalities has worked really well, too.
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