#it’s because I just want to write demon x priest smut
howdoistormspirit · 2 months
Me writing about CathoIicism like it’s some exotic religion that I do not comprehend
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It was his will - Under the banner of heaven
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Priest!Samuel x fem!reader
warning : +18, smut, kinda naive/inncoent reader, religion as right for actions, implied serial rapist, kissing, some blood play, afab-reader, mentioning of kidnapping
Summary : The priest of a small congregation together is not easy. Especially when God is always giving you new plans and after an "accident" he had to build this existence. He did not pursue his nature until he laid his eyes on a beautiful single flower that was just waiting to be picked by him.
Info : So this has to be one of my darkest ideas for his charcters but I really wanted to write it. A corrupted priest using his power for his own right...jup I want that. So have fun reading this be aware of the warning and have fun reading ;)
°Religion. He was the executor of God's word, so it was only right that everything the Lord told him to do went to him, wasn't it? It was his right, his power to do what he wanted because deep down in his inner being, which was not yet taken over by religion, he knew that he could do anything as long as he put the ,,Amen" behind it, it was too easy. Too easy, unlike his brothers, to become the leader here and not the tool like his brothers around him. Not a carpenter in his own company but a man of power...like his father. His father who had left blows on him after the first accident but then it was a marming and in the end it was egall. Because only the power of God mattered.
°Then the new beginning in the new little community of only a few hundred people, not even a thousand, it was perfect to build the church there and the influence of the Lefferty family was known throughout Mormon circles and for the first time he felt what this cohesion through religion really was. What power this could give one, this power that was simply given to him as he hammered the last nail into the wood for the church of the community, the only church in the community, the shelter under his leadership. Samuel Lafferty. He and his wife would become the example of the image of God with his children preserving the image of perfection but even without them he alone would be the leader of this group. 
°A group that was completely at his mercy, they were a community that had no one else to turn to and had only him as their patron and sanctifier. He was their god of all. He was God's power and word and always kept the lights on in the church and the lamps burning because he knew that lost souls would come to him and he hid behind his smile and understanding look as he had always done since the incident that forced him to leave the city and found this one. This sucubus, the demoness so stupid as to scream her filthy hands at him to push him a god away from her, he had no choice because he had to judge the evil and lewd, didn't he? He had no choice but to put his hands on her first to look at her body and take it to try to clean the body of the slut. He hadn't intended to spill blood...had he?
°But what did he care, it was over and he had left so much more blood that it wouldn't change the fact that God would forgive him. He was the voice of God, the wolf who took his sheep and ate them up with skin and hair until there was nothing left but an empty hollow to feast on again and again and again. On which he could feast, on which he could lay his hands, on which he could satisfy his lust, on which he had a place for his "seed" that he did not want to give to his wife. Because in reality he hated her, he hated her and the children, it was his father's duty that had compelled him. He had never been used to it, he had been destined to this by God. However, he wolf quickly realized that sheep felt comfortable around a hunter. That they didn't run away but came closer and closer until he could just grab them.
°Why he had his demoness in the cellar, the church turned off the light when the trap had snapped shut until he got bored, the fire of the hen, the demon went out and she got cold, he no longer had his fun now for one last time maybe but it was tiring and he felt he needed a new one. A new toy. A new toy didn't last long it was always like this the last few times and then it was dead his toy was a casual affair. Until he saw her in this enclosure with the sheep. She was perfect, she wasn't like the other sheep, she wasn't the same, she had a real demon inside her. A demon that he knew only he could exorcize.
°He then waited until the evening slowly came over the village and said goodbye to his wife, the kiss on her cheek almost making him sick. If he could, he would part from her, leave her and all this behind him, all he needed was the new sheep, all he needed was her and a place. It would be perfect, but the voices around him, his wife's verbosity and his children's giggles brought him back to reality. A reality that the wolf had to accept until the doors opened and closed and a broad grin appeared on his lips. My darling went through his mind and he walked through the group of people who were pledging for the evening mass to get to her.
°,,Good evening, priest," she said and he could see her tension slipping away as if this simple house of God was really demanding everything of her. He stretched out his hand and placed it on hers, feeling how his understanding was right - warm, soft skin, perfect to leave his mark on. ,,God will rule over you, lay his hands on you and make you clean from everything, my sheep, I'm glad you're here," he greeted her and finally took his hand from her before placing it on her shoulder. He brought her into the church and he saw it. Saw how she hardly dared to look at him, how she was beaming with warmth, she didn't seem to know what was happening to her. It was the natural attraction to faith in its form
°She sat down with the others on the wooden benches, he led the service and said the prayers, read from the Bible, praised his congregation and, true to form, his eyes were always on her. She was too special to be left in this place. It was only his right to take care of her and put her on the right path, to drive out the demon and exercise his power over her, because there was no such thing as rejection. She didn't have that choice, she should consider herself lucky and above all worthy that he had chosen her. That all the other victims of his word and deeds were nothing compared to her. She just let him burn in the fire of hell, she threw herself at him as if there was no other choice. He saw exactly how she was the last one to get up from the bench, probably the last one to stand when it came to the blood of the Lord.
°He held the golden chalice in his hand and gave one after the other a sip. He felt a wave of excitement go through him as she was the last to go, it seemed as if only she existed when she came to him. She knelt dutifully as if she had been made to do nothing but serve him, kneel for him, take him and fulfill his wishes. He put the cup to her lips with more force than necessary and had to suppress a grin as she backed away. A frightened virgin in the face of her true husband. However, he put his hand on the back of her head for a moment it looked to the others like he was helping her but he couldn't help but imagine her between his legs sucking his cock so good for him, the tears running down her cheeks forcing her to take more. But as quickly as he had these "righteous" thoughts, they disappeared again and he released her. He saw her brief, almost apologetic smile as if it was all her fault... but wasn't it?
°He saw her stand up again, her gaze going to the ground and back to the bench. It was only moments before, after a final prayer, he shuffled the sheep and made his way through the crowd until he reached her. Touching her on the shoulder, she turned to face him, but was met with kindness. ,,My dear, I have a request, well, you could say God's request. I would like to hang up some pictures of the children for tomorrow and prepare other things I thought you could help me?" he asked and saw after a few moments that she had no idea that her naivety would harm herself when she nodded and agreed to hide from her other sheep. He took her with him and told her to go to the alat and he closed the big double door to keep her with him. The sheep was in his paws and the wolf could drop his costume.
°,,You know, maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but we know each other, don't we? Tomorrow afternoon I'll give my blessing to the young new couples in our parish," he began and walked down the aisle towards the altar, seeing how he had her she naturally asked what it was about with a certain shyness. But he let her fidget it still took a little time so he walked past her his eyes still undressing her. The white cap on her head hid her hair and he wanted to slide his hand into it, pull it, see how she sounded. The dark blue dress covered her body, leaving only her hands free. A true virgin in this damned unholy place. He went to the altar, took the chalice again and looked at her reaction. Would she respond to this subliminal provocation or ignore it?  What would his sacrifice do, it almost drove him mad. ,,That's nice, our community needs more couples... even if I won't be there," she almost whispered and her gaze went to the ground, her eyes no longer looking at him.
°But he wanted it, he needed her to look at him, he wanted to see her reaction. ,,Why is that? You're a pious, good and pretty little flower," he made the first move and put the goblet down, seeing that she was still looking at him, her hands clutching the fabric of her dress. He made her nervous, turned her on and entered her head without her being able to do anything because it was her distorted thoughts, sinful thoughts that let him in. ,,Answer me why not dear?" he asked, placing his cool fingers under her chin, lifting her head and watching her despair grow. He knew he had power over her and it was stimulating.
°He could feel her tension, she was in a turmoil oh he could just hear it in her heart, in her hot bloodbane where the lifeblood was, he wanted to hurt her, wanted to see what she looked like, what she would do. What would she do when he put the fiery cross on her skin. ,,You need a mark, the touch of a man dear...it's your naivety that led you to the devil," he chided as he let out an excited grunt as his hand traveled up her side to her breasts. Not wearing a bra, with a flower in her hair and a smile that was too sweet. A slut, a demoness his next victim. He squeezed the soft skin and heard her gasp, the first of many sounds once he had her, down in the cellar under the church the real reason for the construction. Down in the purification room on the snow-white bed that would soon be stained with blood when he took her. He was sure no, he knew he was her first, that he would stain her, that he would take the brut if she carried one, that the pain would be nothing more than his care. ,,I beg no Samuel I will-" but he interrupted her pleas it wasn't meant for up here but his bitch had yet to learn that she would learn she would be good for him. With his hand around her neck, his hand that was on his slowly slipped away but he praised her with a kiss on her neck that she kept her hand on the cross.
°She kept it there a good girl in his eyes but he wanted more his now free hand ran over the fabric undoing the buttons that held the fabric together on her chest. Her cry came over muffled as he put his hand over her mouth, his fingers moving into her mouth, the warm fruit just one of her many inner assets. The coughing and gasping as she didn't know what to do but he wanted all the more from her. Letting his hand wander on her skin and down her torso, he left red streaks behind, her wiggling and her excited fear only made him press himself even more against her, his hardness getting a wave of excitement every time. ,,You have no idea how dirty you are but do you want me to tell you something?" he asked and the silence hung in the air for a moment before she nodded as best she could and pressed herself against him in a moment of surprise as his hand slowly went down to her center.
°She nodded again not knowing what to do but she had a choice in the face of a man of God. A man of God who wanted her, she should be grateful, shouldn't she? ,,I will take care of you, purify you, accept you and be with me due...but you are better than all the others, I know it" he told her what he was true, what he wanted and what he was going to do. His cool fingers ran over her cervix, lathering her cheeks as she should not have been attracted to all this. But maybe he was right. Maybe he was right about everything, manylicghf she was possessed, unclean and had to be cleansed by him.
°,,Please-my Lord...make me whole," she begged slowly, her head intoxicated by the wine that was different from the others, her insides burning with desire as the others simply trusted him and he could strike. His jaw closed around her and he ate her. He felt her attempts to get free diminish as the drugged wine did its best and after a few minutes she lay almost motionless in his arms. He carefully took her body in his arms, the light of the candles in the kitchen illuminating her. He watched her, still aroused, as her breathing slowed, his lust for her only increased.
°He looked around, his gaze averted from the cross and the candles went out, the trap snapped shut and the wolf carried its prey into the cellar. Down the stairs into the great room. It was pleasant, except for the blood on the floor, which was splattered on the walls, the bare light and the chains of eggs on the walls and the bed. He couldn't risk losing his darling, not as long as he didn't get tired of her. ,,Do you see how nice it is here?" he asked her, knowing he wouldn't get an answer as he laid her on the bed and placed the necklace almost over her neck, ankles and wrist. He could play with her, use her like his personal doll, direct her and show her off. Perfection as soon as the cross cleanses you went through his mind as he looked at the cross on his neck, the metal already dark from the flames of how often he had used it to place it on the skin of his victims, but she. She would get it often enough.
°He reached into his trouser pocket, took out the knife and began to cut her clothes off - she didn't need them for what he was going to do to her. He looked at her naked body, his hands wandering over her body, the flawless skin seemed so pure. He left red streaks on her and saw how warmth left itself on the scratches. Her breasts were so soft that he slowly moved to her on the bed, but she still didn't realize that in her dream she must have perceived it differently. ,,What are you dreaming about?" he asked, kissing his way down her neck, leaving bites and marks harder and harder. He wiped away the blood he had pulled from her neck.
°But like everything, it was only the beginning as he spread it over her body with his fingers. He tampered with her breasts, pinching the sensitive nipples and despite her fainting, a shudder went over her body. ,,Oh I know you can feel me, can you feel my lust? Consider yourself lucky for my attentiveness," he greeted her and rubbed his arousal against her, his hands around her neck, hardly waiting for her to wake up and see the marks he had left on her. The stains of his cum on her thighs stained the bed. He stroked her hair in farewell as he rose from her, looking at the demoness first, seeing the creature that needed to be cleaned. But inside he knew that once again, by his own word, his own right, she was his next perfect victim. His property forever.
@angelsanarchy , @thatsthewrongwallcraig , @unforgettable444 , @roryculkinsgf , @icarus-star , @oceansrose2002 , @bibliophile221b ,
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alifeasvivid · 1 year
The On-Fire Dumpster that Is My WIP Folder
These are more or less in order of priority...
Chapter limits and word counts are for my own guiding reference and are not set in stone.
Thief of Spades Season 2 (30ish chapters in total, 75-80k words) (ukus, detective/thief AU)- found out it's gonna take a little bit longer than I thought to finish it up but BY GOD I WILL DO IT. Nobody remind me that it's already been 8 months since I updated it. I know. I don't wanna talk about it. T_T
A Closer Look (one-shot, 5-6k words) (usukus, human AU) - hung over punk Arthur/stranger on the train Alfred with a tattoo "fixation" I think I can actually get it finished fairly quickly and I'm really enjoying it because it's turning out to be the most "they're both switches" thing I've ever done... and it's got a title now! Woo!
The Benefits of Being a Marine Biologist (working title, 25k-50k words, one-shot, no chapters) (ukus, monsterfuckery or rather, faefuckery) - No I will not elaborate further. ;P
The Floor is Lava (10-12 chapters, 40k-ish words) (ukus, omegaverse) - it's hella cute I'm not gonna spend a million years on it though. It's a romcom, it's gonna be paced more like one.
Expectations (15ish chapters, 50k-ish words) (ukus, omegaverse) - I'm resurrecting this one cuz I've done so much work on it--almost none of that work being actually writing it but the ideas!! I have them! and I need more alpha!Arthur/omega!Alfred and this one's ~sexy~ where FiL is more cute and fluffy.
Special Secret Project (4-6 chapters, 20k-ish words) - No spoilers!
Three-Part Harmony (on-going) (frusuk, human AU) - I've got more ideas for things these three can get up to >.> no plot, just more smut
Untitled (one-shot) (Ame+Can/Eng, canonverse, smut) - America and Canada team up on England. He may or may not survive the experience.
Some things I haven't forgotten about/stuff I lowkey want to do but haven't mentioned; all of which I may never do but WE'LL SEE:
Temptation Acknowledged (MAYBE) (priest!Alfred x demon!Arthur; ukusuk) Fuck it I might continue this. I got thoughts. I got feels.
If It's You: the smut bit
More ftm!Alfred stuff--including some with more heterosexuality (aka Alice). (oh the overly personal self-indulgence)
@ukus-so-much-potential <-- this
The Right Kind of Trouble - that nyo!ukus human AU with burlesque dancer Amelia and bartender Alice
Immortal being/time traveler AU
Stay by Your Side - the EngSey period thing which may or may not (but probably may) devolve into Arthur x Alfred x Angelique because I can (if I can ever be arsed).
*warms my hands near the fire* Does it not burn so brightly?
I'm gonna live forever.
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beetlesacquired · 2 years
WIP Update
Hi, between work and uni, I haven't been able to write a lot lately, which sucks, but I graduate in about a month (!!) which means that starting about midway through December, I'll have way more free time and creative motivation to get fics out. In the meantime, here's a rundown of all the wips I've got going through my head that will hopefully get updates/see the light of day soon (warning for nsfw fics)
Published WIPs
I'm over a month late and only on day 10, so least to say, she's my highest priority. Currently I'm working on day 11: oviposition, and it's almost done, so that should hopefully get out this week! If you're not into that, day 12 is a cute Padme and Luke fluff, so you can look forward to that one instead.
Higher on the Streets
This is a podracer!Anakin and kind of sugar daddy senator!Obi-Wan fic that currently only has one chapter published several months ago, but rest assured, it haunts me every single day. It's not abandoned! But this was my venture into trying to write a multichap where I post chapters as I write them instead of once the fic is complete, and as it turns out, my brain doesn't like working like that. The second chapter is in progress, though it's kinda low on my priority list.
now there are four of them
Sith!Obikin x canon!obikin. This is my favorite of my posted wips, and I'm already several thousand words into a part two, I just have to have the time to really dedicate myself to writing it, because if you've read my smut fics before, you know they're obscenely long. As a sneak peak for part two, Obi-Wan uses the artifact to visit the sith and gets lowkey cucked. ALSO because I've had people ask me, part three WILL be Vader/Anakin, promise promise promise
Omegaverse Week 2021
YES this is still a wip because I'm the WORST. I've had day 7 almost done for over a year. I just need to finish it. Please give me the motivation to finish it. It's body worship, fluffy, so wholesome, I just have to finish it.
will it feel like the end?
Omega prince of the sith Anakin is betrothed to alpha king of the jedi Obi-Wan after the death of Anakin's mother and father. Not only does Anakin want nothing to do with the Jedi, but he has suspicions that King Obi-Wan is behind his parents' murders.
I really did omegaverse week dirty huh, I said over a year ago that I would turn this one shot into a fic, and I got so many comments asking me to do just that. And Yet. It'll happen. I swear it'll happen. I mainly just need to get my thoughts together for it.
Unpublished WIPs
gather ye children of men
TW: religious trauma, internalized homophobia
I, like all the other obikins, watched that angels and demons movie and felt things. Alas, I don't know enough about catholicism to write a priest kink, so I had to improvise. I give you: southern baptist preacher's son Obi-Wan is asked to be a good influence on local bad boy Anakin, who's fallen away from christ in pursuit of tattoos, piercings, alcohol, and *gasp* homosexuality.
all the skins of a life in this world
TA!Anakin who's in love with professor!Obi-Wan. In order to try to get over his feelings, he joins a BDSM discord server where he meets Mod Ben. Possibly trans!Anakin? Still thinking about that one.
if brokenness is a work of art
TW: child abuse, trauma
Master!Anakin agrees to take on padawan!Obi-Wan as his apprentice after Obi-Wan's master, Maul, is deemed unfit for duty in the aftermath of the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan has some strange habits, however. He only speaks when spoken to, doesn't keep any personal possessions, and has cast off all the friends he'd made when he was a youngling. At first, Anakin puts it down to the stresses of going into the Clone Wars too young and being reassigned to a new master, but as time goes on, Anakin starts to question what really happened to Obi-Wan when he was with Maul.
This is probably my favorite one here, but it's a newer idea, so I'm still working through the planning process to make sure that everything works out the way I want it to. More likely than not, it'll actually probably be platonic Obi-Wan & Anakin rather than shipping just because of the nature of everything.
currently unnamed fic
My newest idea, as is apparent by the lack of title, so I don't completely have a summary yet? But it's modern/magic au, definitely a darkfic, lots of whump for obikin especially but also everyone else they drag into their problems.
Those are my wips! I greatly anticipate the day that I can write about things that aren't ancient scandinavian poetry and the effectiveness of college entrance exams. If you've gotten this far, asks about wips or any of my other fics are always welcome <3
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spicy-moths · 8 days
Darkiplier x Antisepticeye | Words: 5359
Meant to write a smut scene, turned into angst, which turned into smut, which turned into fluff. You're welcome, I guess.
Warnings: use of "sir", "master", "bunny", "rabbit", "good boy", "dumb bunny", dom/sub dynamic, degradation, bondage, collar/leash, breeding kink, knot, monsterfucking (both demons), edging, oral (tendril), overstimulation, forced orgasms, dumbification, possessiveness, size kink, praise kink, mentions of death/murder/blood/drugs/alcohol/addiction
Anti combs his claws through his hair, frustrated and pacing as he tries to come down from the anger of what had just happened. Tried to kill a guy, but he wasn’t going down so easily. Had to leave a trail, messier than he would’ve liked. And he liked to be messy. Gore stains his skin, trying to scratch off the blood dried to his skin. He feels gross, unsatisfied. 
He moved out of the Septic household, no longer feeling safe or welcome there after he continued to clash with the other members of the house. It was hard coming back from doing things you knew your housemates didn’t approve of every day, to be lectured any time you turned a corner. It’s one thing if he had just gotten in with the wrong crowd, developed a bad habit. But he didn’t, he’s just a demon. It’s in his nature. So before they could banish him or exorcize him from his own home, he climbed into one of the computers and just left. Now he resides on a hidden blog, customizing it to his personal needs, living free range in the digital world where no one else can bother him. 
But it’s gotten lonely having all of his interactions with others just to kill them, and porn websites can only do so much to help him with his sexual frustration. He considered downloading some dating apps, but he’s not entirely sure how demon-friendly dating sites can be nowadays. Not exactly like they’re the most common humanoid species that exists. And he sure as hell didn’t want to get on any demon kink website, considering he wanted this to escape the realities of his nature. Pretend to be a human for a little bit, have a good time. 
Anti floats in the air, scrolling on his phone, deleting old messages and blocking numbers. He stops though, thumb hovering over the contact for Dark. Hadn’t spoken to him in years, not after their fight. Caused a whole drama within their larger circle, and is still to this day the reason why the two clans don’t really interact with each other. But there’s that thought for just a moment, that maybe a one night stand doesn’t seem so bad-
Oh shit, he’s desperate.
Going back to an ex that you had an explosive fight with? With said explosive fight being the reason why things ended between the two of you? There was so much raw, angry demonic energy in that room the Pope himself with a whole team of priests would take a month to cleanse it out of there. A string of murders for a couple months and a bar’s worth of alcohol is what it took for him to tolerate being around other people. And tolerate is a very polite word in this circumstance. 
His mind starts to wander, back to when he’d pop over to the manor, get put in his place, and be in a state of bliss until he goes out to kill again. Cycle of rough sex, alcohol, adrenaline highs, and the occasional party drugs. It was hard to ever feel down when you were essentially the murderous playboy bunny to the demonic head of the largest supernatural families in the city. But suddenly everything didn’t give the same high, nothing felt like it was ever enough. Dark cut him off from drinking and drugs, so he started killing more. And then suddenly, it wasn’t nearly as fun to fuck the blood bunny. Dark had threatened to take Anti to rehab, stop destroying himself through everything he was doing. Because despite being a demon, it didn’t mean that it was healthy for him to be such an intense addict. 
So Dark broke it off with him when he refused to go. Because he couldn’t watch his boyfriend deteriorate in front of him when he cared too much for that. He spiraled for a bit, but managed to at least quit the drugs and cut back alcohol significantly. Although the Irish in his blood meant there was always going to be a little bit of liquor in his veins. One night stands were fun for a bit to fill the void, but he eventually stopped trying when those didn’t even feel like anything anymore. He’d never get back to that high again, and while he was happy about that, it also means he probably won’t ever be happy with Dark again.
But something inside him tells him that he should call Dark. Even if it’s just to see how he’s doing. He stares down at the contact, knowing how many times he had wanted to call him before now, but was too scared to. His thumb hits the button, and he watches the screen as the phone rings.
Anti nearly jumps, righting himself a bit too far out of shock. What does he say? He didn’t quite think it would get this far. Most of him believed that Dark would’ve blocked his number. “...Anti?” “H-Hi-” There’s silence for a moment, before what sounds like a sigh of relief. “Glad to know you’re still the one killing all those people. I was worried for a while, when you stopped.” “Ye… kept up wit’ t’e news?” “Things did not end between us because I suddenly stopped caring, Anti. They stopped because I did.”
The words burned in Anti’s throat, tears wanting to form in his eyes. He can’t stop looking at the contact photo, one of the last times he managed to catch a candid smile from him. 
“I know.”
“Are you doing any better?” “In some ways, probably t’e ways t’at ye care about at least.”
“I’m glad.”
With each passing word, it becomes more painful for Anti to shove down what he wants to say. How the awkward tension after not speaking so long feels so heavy on him, making him feel even more alone than he was before.
“Did you need something? Just call me to say “hi” after three years of not speaking to me?” “Do… do ye still care? About me?” He chokes on the words, hot silent tears streaming down his cheeks. His chest hurts, a hole where his heart is supposed to be aching. 
“Yes. Yes I do. Think about you more than I probably should. Wondering if you were alive, if you were okay. Because you weren’t when you left, Antimony.” “Dames…” “Do you need to come home, rabbit?”
Anti’s hand shakes, the shock of hearing what he wants making the sob break past his lips. He can’t take his eyes off his phone, tears welling up in his eyes.
“Wo-on’t ye be ma-ad-?”
“For three years, I didn’t know if you were still alive. Of course I’m not mad. If you want to come home, please, come home. I can’t promise that things will be right back where they were, but it sounds to me like you need something. Something badly enough that you overcome your fear of me being mad at you because you thought I could fix it. Am I right?” “Y-Ye…” “I’ll put the coffee on. Bring your things.”
He hears a kiss through the phone before Dark ends the call, leaving Anti staring in shock at his screen as it darkens. He’s almost giddy about it all, disbelief at what just transpired. Anti bounces onto his feet, grabbing the few things he has around him and glitches towards the nearest electrical device within the manor. He might as well be running into Dark’s arms, although Anti would never admit to that. 
Anti crawls out of the television, looking around for Dark. He lifts his bag up onto his shoulder, peeking his head around the corner. Spotting no one, he starts walking towards where he remembers Dark’s bedroom to be. His footsteps are nearly silent, not really wanting to let the other residents of the house know that he’s come back. Especially after they all heard how things ended between the two of them. Too much shame, hanging his head and hiding beneath his hoodie. 
Wait, is it too forward to assume that they’d be sharing a room again? Shit, probably is. Making over-eager assumptions, fucking idiot. He changes course, going towards Dark’s office. Gonna be a bit more difficult to get there unnoticed, but at least he’ll avoid the embarrassment of dropping off his stuff in Dark’s room just to be told they’re not there yet. Or that they never will be again. He reaches the large mahogany double doors, hesitating with his hand on the doorknob. He turns it, pushing in-
Anti spins, hood falling down as he turns to face the voice. Dark stands only a few feet away, holding two mugs in his hands. They’re quickly set down on a hallway table, a smile growing on his face. The tears return to Anti’s eyes, dropping his things onto the floor, wiping them with his sleeve.
“Come here, it’s okay. You’re here now.”
Dark pulls Anti into his arms, kissing his forehead as he sobs. He didn’t know if he would even see Anti alive again, and here he is in his arms. Tendrils grab the mugs and Anti’s things, allowing Dark free reign of his hands to get the two of them into his office quickly. He sits down at his desk, resituating Anti to sit better in his lap. Poor boy can’t seem to stop crying, dark bags under his eyes, skin paler than it was before. Dark combs Anti’s hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear while planting his lips to Anti’s temple. 
“You’re safe, baby boy. It’s alright. You don’t have to go back, I won’t make you.”
“I-I-I’m- s-ss-sor-ry-”
“Rabbit… there is nothing you have to apologize for. What’s done is done, I was never mad. Just sad that you couldn’t see that you were worth saving, and I thought that by leaving, you’d realize what you were doing to yourself. I never stopped caring.”
Dark’s arms wrap tightly around Anti’s smaller body, hands adjusting his sweatshirt to cover him better. He never forgot how Anti would hide himself in Dark’s lap when he was upset, burying himself in one of Dark’s oversized sweatshirts and curling up while he did paperwork or read his book. Anti’s sniffles make him nearly incoherent, so Dark focuses on getting some coffee in him to calm his sobs. He’s just happy to have his baby boy back. 
“You are still my baby, my bunny boy, my rabbit. If that’s what you want. Things will be different, but things will be better. I’m not letting you ruin yourself again. I want to see you happy, actually happy.”
“I-I want-t t’a-at-”
“Then we’ll do that. We’ll get your things to my room, just like from before. How… how long have you been alone?”
“...two years”
Dark’s heart breaks all over again. Like it did when Anti left, like it did when he got that call out of nowhere. When he saw who the caller was, he didn’t believe it. Because when you think your ex-boyfriend is dead, him calling you suddenly usually does not mean it’s him. Usually it’s a loved one, calling to tell you that he’s dead. His heart had dropped into his stomach, before he heard Anti’s voice from the other side. The relief that he was alive, even if it meant that he was probably unsafe this whole time, Where Dark could not protect him. But that’s changed, hopefully. 
Dark kisses all over Anti’s face, nibbling at his ears, just like he used to. It makes him giggle, a nice change of pace from the tears. Neither of them can believe it’s not just a cruel joke, a dream. But Anti’s home, wrapped up in the safety of Dark’s affections again. 
“Mon petit lapin… doux amour…”
“Mo ghra…”
Anti missed this. Every day since he left. With every day he wanted to just run back here. The feeling of safety, the kisses goodnight, the coffee in the morning. How Dark made his brain leak out of him and then would slowly piece him back together just to do it all again the next night. Out of all the addictions he quit, Dark was the only one he regret quitting. But he didn’t think he’d ever be accepted back here. Gods, is he glad he was wrong. 
“C’mon, let’s get you settled in. Will you be joining us for dinner?”
“Do ye want me t’...?” “I don’t want to let you out of my sight again, if you’re asking what I want. What I need to do though, is take you to my room and get you settled in.”
Dark stands up, hoisting Anti onto his hip with a kiss to the cheek. Anti kind of forgot how much Dark used to baby him, but there is not anything to complain about right now. He feels loved again for the first time in far too long. Anti wraps his arms around Dark’s neck, hiding his face in the broader man’s shoulder. Just getting used to the feeling of being held close again. His eyes stay closed, clinging tight and listening to the world around them. Dark just hums as he walks, taking his time with the pacing before the telltale click of a doorknob opening and closing gets Anti to perk up. 
The bedroom hasn’t changed much, if anything there’s less sex toys around the room. Which is subject to change. Dark sets him down, steadying him onto his feet before pulling away to admire him.
“Ye don’t ‘ave t’ do t’is. I can sleep somewhere else.” “I want you in here with me. It’s easier for me to sleep at night, knowing you’re okay. And, it makes certain activities a lot easier to do, and recover from.”
Anti’s cheeks flush up to his ears, very quickly remembering why he was looking through the contacts in his phone in the first place, and why he even considered calling Dark. The way this man has ruined him until he’s cumming dry more times than he can count on an army’s fingers and toes should indicate how much he loves being the chosen fucktoy for the larger demon. Anti shrinks, something Dark picks up on immediately.
“You were hoping for just a one night stand with me, weren’t you? Doesn’t feel the same anymore with anyone else? Because I can fix that, fulfill the wants of a very, very needy bunny. You just have to follow the same rules as before.”
Right. All the kink stuff they established. Does Dark still have his collar? Is it weird to hold onto that stuff for this long? Especially if you don’t know if your sub is still alive?
Dark grabs Anti’s chin, tilting his head up to look him in the eye. He notices how Anti squirms where he stands under his gaze, the hunger inside him to hear him cry out for him again growing by the second.
“We have time before dinner. You know I don’t cook in this house.”
Anti swallows, just staring at him with blushy cheeks and wide eyes. It’s hard not to notice how Dark growls as his cock begins to harden, straining against his slacks. 
“Please… sir.”
“Good boy. On the bed.”
With a kiss to the forehead, Anti melts back into that familiar subspace, almost on autopilot as he climbs up on the bed and kneels. Legs spread, arms behind his back. So he did keep his training, fairly well by the look in his eyes, already looking a bit empty with that stare. Dark looks over Anti’s body, taking him all in. The sweatshirt gives him an idea, and he grins.
“Any hard no’s?” “No sir.” “Any requests?” Anti never liked this question. Not because he never got what he wanted, but because he always gets what he wants. But it feels like he should want a specific scene to play out each time. 
“Collar?” “I can do that. Good boy. Now strip, fully now.” He whines at the praise, it melting into his skin as he glitches out of his clothes, leaving them over on the side of the bed. With how horny he was earlier, he knows this isn’t going to take much to get him whining and moaning. The pure excitement of it makes him giddy. Dark glances over his shoulder from the sex toy drawer, pulling out some rope, a leash, and Anti’s collar. He then quickly grabs a sweatshirt from his closet, setting it on the bed by Anti’s knee. He’s gorgeous like this, blushed and bashful. Can’t wait to see how his face will look after he’s been used through his fourth round.
“Put on the sweatshirt, then bend over the bed.”
The words barely have to leave Dark’s mouth before Anti is glitched into the desired position. Dark pushes the sweatshirt up, admiring how it normally goes halfway down his thighs. Such a little bunny…
Anti’s eyes cross as a pair of tendrils wrap around his legs, one entering into his ass and the other wrapping around the base of his cock. The thrusts are shallow at first, but he can tell the tendril is going to be getting thicker with every thrust. Dark grabs his hands, beginning to tie him up with the rope. 
“Are you gonna be a good boy for me? Or am I going to have to punish you this time around?”
“I-I’ll be go-od, sir.”
Dark leans forward, kissing Anti’s cheek as he starts tying the rope around his arm, under the sweatshirt. 
“There’s the little rabbit I know, being a good boy for his master.”
Anti’s brain feels fuzzy as the tendril continues to grow inside him, the praise melting into his skin like the love from the kiss. He starts to whimper, the second tendril tightening around his base as the intensity of the first starts to pick up. The rope goes across his chest in an intricate pattern, following down the other arm to meet where his wrists are tied behind his back again. He loves being a rope bunny for Dark, easier to get manhandled when you’re covered in handles. The tendrils pick up Anti, making him kneel once again, panting and moaning softly. The sweatshirt almost consumes him, and he knows Dark is enjoying the view. 
Dark steps forward, clipping the collar around Anti’s throat. His partner always gets a particular look of empty brain bliss when he clips on the collar, almost like it’s a small taste of what’s to come. Dark keeps Anti kneeling as he undresses himself, taking enough time to put on a slight bit of a show. He flexes his back, knowing it will drive Anti wild with how muscular he is. Then turning back around to face him, Dark approaches Anti, kissing away his whimpers as he’s lifted up, the tendrils retreating. Dark moves to the head of the bed, leaning against the headboard as he makes Anti straddle him. Oh he looks so pretty like this, being edged into pure neediness while made to look so perfect. He puts his hands under the sweatshirt, grabbing Anti’s hips and guiding him into taking all of him in. 
“Aren’t you a pretty boy, little rabbit alright to bounce on my cock?”
“Plea-ase s-sir-“
“Shhhh… it’s okay. You’ll get what you need.”
Pushing into him again feels like heaven, all the ways that Anti squeezes around him. So needy already, he’s going to enjoy making him cum as many times as he can. Anti’s thighs twitch, before he starts bouncing in Dark’s lap with a moan. Dark thrusts up to meet him when Anti comes back down, making the poor boy quiver and moan unashamedly. Slowly guiding his pace, but curious as to how desperate he is for this again.
“Do you want something for your mouth?”
“Yes-s ple-ease-“
A tendril raises to Anti’s mouth, entering as soon as his lips are parted wide enough to fit in. Anti’s eyes roll back, focusing more on the tendril fucking his mouth than Dark’s cock pumping out of him. Fortunately, it means Dark can start doing what he wants. He grips Anti’s hips tighter, taking over the pace and fucking himself with his partner. So receptive to what Dark wants, still letting him be used as the pliant little hole he is. Anti doesn’t quite realize it, but he’s drooling around the tendril in his mouth, how it’s filling and fucking his throat just makes him wish it was actually Dark’s cock he was sucking. Another time. 
“How does it sound for me to breed my little rope bunny?”
That’s a kink he forgot about. Even if the shock of the question takes him out of his bliss, the way he tightens around Dark’s cock and his dick twitching under the sweatshirt gives the larger demon all the information he needs. Dark clips the leash onto Anti’s collar, pulling him forward, close enough he can hear the tendril pumping in and out of Anti’s throat.
“Not fair to put you on your front since you can’t hold yourself up. Guess I’ll just have to put my breedable slut into a mating press. What a shame…”
That’s all it takes for Anti to climax the first time, spilling cum all over Dark’s chest. But it doesn’t deter Dark, if anything it makes him even rougher. He adjusts the angle of his hips, grinning sadistically at the shiver that shoots up Anti’s spine. Watching his back arch and tears begin to form in his eyes. Dark leans forward, kissing away the tears before moving to Anti’s neck. He marks around the collar and neck wound, claiming and possessive. Dark’s claws dig into the flesh of Anti’s waist, holding it tighter, squeezing and rubbing his thumbs over Anti’s abdomen.
He had forgotten how hot Dark is when he’s fucking him, how he still knows all the ways to get him to fold like a wet paper bag. Where to place his hands, how to move him on his cock. The exact weak spot on his neck that makes him want to moan and scream his name. How Anti’s pleasure is a goal, ruining him as Dark edges himself through all of Anti’s orgasms. He doesn’t mind being Dark’s boytoy, not when he’s treated like the most cherished and loved boytoy in all of the world. They tried introducing others into the mix, spice things up, but Dark’s jealousy of not being the only one to melt Anti’s brain eventually got in the way, and got him not walking for a few days as well.
“Baby? You close again?”
Anti lets out a whorish moan as he comes back to the present, now realizing Dark’s hand is now jacking him off, using tendrils to turn Anti into a fleshlight. Dark’s eyes can’t seem to leave how the sweatshirt has been positioned, hiding the important stuff but letting him see how Anti’s thighs quiver. He squirms, resisting against the rope for a moment, trying to give Dark pleading eyes while he pants around the tendril in his mouth.
“You know better than that, you’re gonna be cumming dry before you get anything from me, bunny boy.”
The smaller demon groans, whimpering as he tries to give into the pleasure. It doesn’t take much to get him to his second climax, shaking badly in Dark’s lap. But from the way that Dark’s hips aren’t jerking up yet, he’s not close enough to change positions. Fuck. 
“How many more do you think I could get out of you? One for every year you’ve been gone? Maybe more? How many times do I need to make you cum to make you realize that you are mine, and mine alone?”
The tendril stops fucking Anti’s mouth, making him gag as it pulls out. His tongue hangs out for a second, looking dazed as he tries to figure out how to answer Dark. 
“Nothing but a dumb bunny, poor baby…”
“Du-umb b-bunn-ny…”
“Yes, you’re Master’s dumb bunny. Aren’t you?”
“Good, good boy.”
Anti leans forward, wanting to rest his head against Dark’s shoulder. Get closer to him, feel his hot skin. Dark adjusts his grip on him, pulling Anti quite close and kissing all over his face. He captures Anti’s lips in a hungry kiss, growling into it as Anti moans. He sees white for a second, screaming Dark’s name as he cums the hardest he has thus far. He’s tight around Dark’s cock, making it difficult to continue even with all the lubricant from the tendril still being inside him. His hips jerk up as soon as the tightening lessens, damn he’s close already. Maybe they’ll have time for more after dinner…
Anti however realizes that Dark is close, and despite his legs having very little strength, tries to take back at least some control. Dark growls, pressing right on the sensitive spot on Anti’s neck, making him climax again as he’s thrown onto his back. Hot tears of overstimulation stain his cheeks as Dark resettles between Anti’s legs. His legs are lifted up, pressed back against him as he’s loomed over. Dark hooks Anti’s knees over his elbows, leaning down and kissing him soundly as he starts fucking Anti into the mattress. 
“You want it badly, don’t you, rabbit? Been so long since you’ve gotten a proper fucking. You need this, don’t you?”
“Ple-ease si-ir-”
“Don’t worry, you’ll get what you need.”
Dark bites Anti’s neck, hips jerking as he hits his climax. Pushes Anti over into his fifth, properly fucking away his last braincell. The cold fills Anti, a familiar feeling he hasn’t felt in so long. His mouth hangs open as his eyes cross, unable to focus on the world around him. Then the knot, expanding inside of him. Keeps all of it in, keeps Dark happy. Dark pulls back up, letting go of Anti’s legs and letting them fall to his sides. 
“You look so pretty like this, rabbit…”
Anti’s lifted up into Dark’s arms, resting his face against the larger man’s chest. Not a single thought behind his eyes, a dopey grin spreading across his lips. It’s difficult to not be endeared by the pure joy as Anti blinks dumbly up at Dark. He brushes the hair out of Anti’s eyes, scratching behind his ears until he starts purring. Unfortunately for Dark, the knot in combination with the full body vibrations of Anti’s purring has turned this into quite the predicament for him. Not that he has the heart to put him through more rounds right now. Just have to keep the bunny happy until the knot goes down.
It takes a little while, Dark entertaining himself with untying his boyfriend. Once Anti gets the use of his hands again, he starts squishing Dark’s face with many giggles at the faces Dark makes at him. Puffing out his cheeks, sticking out his tongue, scrunching his nose. Really makes Dark realize how much he missed Anti, how much he always loved him. Seeing him smile when his previous memories were a lot of negativity is such a refreshing change of pace. When the knot goes down, he pulls Anti off his cock and lays him onto the bed, taking the sweatshirt off his body to go in the wash. Dark stands up with a grunt, stretching out his back and cracking his neck before picking up Anti to wash the two of them in the shower. 
“Do you think you can stand at all? Or do I need to carry you for everything?”
Anti responds with a face plant into Dark’s chest once again, followed by a bout of giggles.Dark can’t help but just shake his head, changing his mind from a shower to a bath, If the other household members ask him why he was late to dinner, they will most likely find out rather quickly with Anti’s presence at the table. Although it is tempting to just try to convince Illinois to send dinner for the two of them to their bedroom. He sets the tub to start filling, keeping Anti on his hip as he walks back into the bedroom to find the cord phone. He dials the kitchen, holding the receiver to his ear.
“Big man, everything okay? Noticing your chair empty at the table.” “Everything is fine, Illinois. Perhaps better than fine. I was wondering if it’s too much to ask that two portions of whatever you made tonight could be sent up to my room.”
“Not at all. Although I didn’t think you were the type to need two plates when I usually try to give everyone plenty. I know how much you eat nowadays.”
“It’s not just for me, I have someone with me who definitely needs a bit of refueling.”
“Gross, but lucky guy, I guess. Didn’t think you would’ve finally moved on from Anti.”
“I didn’t.” “...he’s back!?” “He’s alive. And I’m not letting him go again.” “Is that… healthy? Big D?” “He wanted to come back. Called me out of nowhere. I’m… going to make sure I take care of him. Properly, this time. So, if it’s not too much to ask, if you could bring something for him too, that would be doing me a very big favor. And please don’t mention anything to the other boys.”
“I swear on my partner’s life I will not tell the other boys.” “That does not mean a lot, coming from you.”
“I’d swear on my mother’s grave if I knew where it was.” “Just promise.” “Yes sir.”
Dark growls through the phone, rolling his eyes as Illinois chuckles on the other side.
“I’ll be up in a second.” “Just leave it on my desk, we’ll be in the tub.” “Understood.” Illinois hangs up the phone, and Dark takes the two of them back into the bathroom. Luckily the tub has not overflowed, although it seems as though Anti has nearly fallen asleep waiting for the bath. Dark tries to wake up his boyfriend with gentle kisses, setting the two of them down into the hot water. He watches him wake up, washing Anti slowly. He hears Illinois over in the next room set down their food, although he glares daggers through the door to encourage him to not go snooping around in there. Anti takes his attention back onto him, sputtering as he attempts to eat some of the bubbles floating in the tub. 
“Anti! Don’t do that!” “B l e h - “
“I forgot how stupid you can be after a good fucking…”
“B o o b s” “Anti…” Now that Anti is a hazard to himself, Dark moves with a little more urgency to get the two of them out of the tub a bit faster. That, and the likelihood of dinner being some sort of hot dish is rather high, and he’d rather not eat it cold. Anti is fortunately a little too stupid to be too uncooperative, especially when he’s bribed with food, coffee, and cuddles. 
“Alright, lapin. Up we go.” “Wheeeeeee…”
Anti is full of giggles, with the bones of a ragdoll as he’s picked up. Dark takes the two of them into the bedroom, finding some of his oversized clothes to dress the two of them. He spots two cloches on his desk, lifting them up to reveal steak and mashed potatoes. Illinois was even kind enough to cut up Anti’s steak, probably correctly assuming he’d be a little too uncoordinated to use anything more advanced than a fork. 
“Do you need help eating?” “Mmmmmm…” “...I can’t believe I keep expecting conversation out of you. Just stay comfortable, I’ll help.” Dinner goes well all things considered, and Anti soon snakes his way into Dark’s arms again, falling asleep against his chest. It shouldn’t have been this easy, and there’s still so much of him that tells him this isn’t real. But he’s here right now, and hopefully will stay as long as Dark protects him.
“I missed you, love. Welcome home.”
0 notes
angryschnauzer · 3 years
Henry Cavill Masterlist
After much deliberation i’ve decided to add a Henry Cavill masterlist to my blog (mainly because i can never find anything either).
All stories are always accessible on my writing blog @angryschnauzerwrites and my AO3
Links below. 99% are Smut and therefore Not Safe For Work and suitable for those over the age of 18. Warnings should be heeded.
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Henry Cavill
Rugby Teacher Henry Series (AU Henry Cavill x Reader):
Part 1 Thigh Riding, Part 2 Jingle My Bells Part 3 An Epic Quickie Part 4 The Boy Next Door, Part 5  Three Fingers Part 6 The Darkest Night Part 7 Easter Surprise Part 8 Feels Like Home
Superior Specimen Series (AU Archaeologist Henry Cavill x Reader)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9 Epilogue Last Night On The Plain (prequel)
Ripe - Henry Cavill x Reader
He’s A Keeper - AU Zookeeper Henry x Reader
Garden of Eden - un-named Henry/Character x Reader
Pitching Tents - Henry Cavill x Reader x Chris Evans
The Gift of Life - Henry x Fairy Reader (fluff)
Hidden - Henry x Reader
Waited So Long - Henry x Virgin Reader
Do You Want Some Hunny - Henry x Reader
Netflix & Chilled - Dom Henry x Sub Reader
Praise Kink Henry Henry x Reader
A Hard Apology Henry x Reader
Blowjob to help Henry fit in tight trousers Henry x Reader
Coming to Henry’s aid when he’s injured - Henry x Physiotherapist Reader
Warm Hands - follow up/part 2 to Henry x Physiotherapist Reader
Pressing Buttons - Henry x Reader
Room With A View - Henry x Reader
Caught Red Handed - Henry x Reader
Forgive Me Father For I Have Sinned - Priest Henry x Reader
Clueless Reader (Stardust Henry Surprise Viewing) - Henry x Reader
August Walker
Undercover Honeymoon - August Walker x Reader
Stuck - August Walker x Reader
Stuck Part 2 - August Walker x Reader
August Walkers Slut School - August Walker x 3rd person ‘reader’
Never Stroke A Tigers Stripes - August Walker x Reader
The Hammer And The Screw - August Walker x Reader 
The Screws Turn - Angst with happy ending, sequel to The Hammer and the screw
Distraction - August Walker x Reader x Will Shaw
The Devil Inside You - Demon August Walker x Reader
In Need Of Help - DBF August Walker x Reader
Walter Marshall
Bite of the Bear - Walter Marshall x Reader
Just What I Need Part 1 - Walter Marshall x Barista Reader
Just What I Need Part 2 - Walter x Barista Reader
In Trouble - Walter x Barista Reader
Captain Syverson
No i In Team - Sy x Reader
Happy Mothers Day - Sy x Reader
Bubbles - Sy x Reader
Mad Enough to Kiss Me - Syverson x Reader (follow up to Bite of the Bear - Walter Marshall)
Beast and The Beauty - Sy x Reader
By The Waning Crescent Moon - Werewolf Alpha Sy x Omega Reader
Wrong Number - Sy x Reader
As Sweet As Honey - ‘Lucas’ Syverson x Female Reader
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,  Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, 
Mikey (Hellraiser)
What Your Husband Can’t Give You - Mikey x Reader
Ask - Ghost Mikey Saves the Day - Mikey x Reader
Old Friends New Memories - Mikey x Reader Old Friends New Memories part 2
Sherlock Holmes
The Watcher - Vampire Sherlock
The Watched - Vampire Sherlock x Reader x Vampire Geralt of Rivia
Always Watching - Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid Geralt x Succubus Reader
On Your Knees - (Enola Holmes universe) Sherlock Holmes x Female Maid Reader
On Your Knees Part 2 -  Sherlock Holmes x Female Maid Reader
Geralt of Rivia
The Watcher - Vampire Sherlock
The Watched - Vampire Sherlock x Reader x Vampire Geralt of Rivia
Always Watching - Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid Geralt x Succubus Reader
Multiple Characters
Pitching Tents - Henry Cavill x Reader x Chris Evans
Distraction - August Walker x Reader x Will Shaw
The Poker Game - Gangbang sequel to Beast and the Beauty - Female Reader x Syverson/August Walker/Walter Marshall/Humphrey (Stardust)
Cuddles and Snuggles - Threesome smut, Modern Day Charles Brandon x Female Reader x Mike (Hellraiser)
Full Mast - Pirates
Part 1 - Sy x Reader
Part 2 - Sy x Reader, Mikey x Reader, August x Reader, Walter x Reader
Blackwater Lake
Werewolf!Sy: Moonlight on the Sand  Castle Under The Stars. 
Werewolf!Sy, Vampire!Walter: Chapter 1
Vampire!Walter: Chapter 2
August/Wood Nymph Girlfriend: Chapter 3
Shapeshifter Geralt: Chapter 4
Werewolf!Sy - Hair of the Dog
Other non Henry dudes that i don’t know where else to put:
Smoke and Flame - Ben Barnes x Reader
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little-diable · 2 years
The Devil lures in the Dark - Priest!Jamie Campbell Bower (smut)
You guys know that I love writing priest fics, by now its my trademark, so, I had to pull Jamie into this world. Perfectly matching with his new video. Please reblog if you enjoyed reading this. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: She is set on teasing the young priest, wanting to see him fumble and tremble. But a game with the devil will never end in victory, at least not for her.
Warnings: 18+, blowjob, smut taking place in a church, religious connotations
Pairing: Priest!Jamie x fem!reader (1.6k words)
Header by @hidingsikki
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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The devil may lure in the brightest specs of life and in the darkest shadows of darkness, but she wouldn’t give into his calling - (y/n) was sure of it. No matter how much she’d tease the sins formerly screaming her name, no matter how much she’d test fate, she wouldn’t give in. Not without good reasons that is. 
And one of those reasons was currently standing in front of her, speaking to his community as his eyes found hers every now and then. (Y/n) couldn’t bite down her smirk as she picked up on his stammers, clearly distracted by something. Something that drew his gaze to her thighs, exposing more and more of the thin fabric of her panties. 
It was somewhat of a game to her, always had been - ever since crossing paths with the priest. Priest Bower was still relatively young, and handsome, more handsome than any verse of the holy script could ever express. Yet, (y/n) couldn’t help but give into her teasing, no matter how heavenly the man may be. She was blemishing his once pure soul, tainted by the touch of darkness.
“God’s voice is strong. He will lead you out of the darkness, you shall call his name, and he will answer.” The priest bit down on his lip, eyes forced away from her frame. She didn’t need to stand close to hear the racing beat of his heart, threatening to jump out of his chest like an exorcised demon. She didn’t need to speak to him to pick up on his confusion, torn between the pleasure thumping through his veins and the path he was supposed to follow. A path the priest was now straying from. 
“Please step forward now.” For a moment he turned away from the community, reaching for a golden cup filled with wine and a bowl filled with eucharistic bread. One by one they made their way to him, not noticing how his gaze tried to find hers at any given chance,  hoping to keep her from stepping closer.
But (y/n) wasn’t one to obey any rules, always up for some teasing.
Because that’s what she was doing. It was just a bit of teasing. Nothing more, nothing less. At least that’s what she told herself whenever she thought of the dresses she wore around him, the colour of her lipstick or the words she’d speak. All to see him fumble and tremble. 
“Amen.” She spoke the word as she parted her lips, tongue exposed to his bright eyes. He placed the hostice down on the muscle, eyes fluttering close as an almost pornographic - though quiet - moan rumbled through her; putting on a show for the struggling man. And with another smirk tugging on her lips, (y/n) turned away from him with her smirk glued to her lips. 
She had him right where she wanted him.
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It was dark out by the time (y/n) entered the church, listening to the sound of her shoes pounding against the ground echo through the holy halls. The church appeared to be empty, nobody was around, neither the priest nor any of the nuns helping him around here. 
A relieved sigh rumbled through (y/n) as she walked towards the confessionary, set on spending a few moments inside of there. And even though nobody would actually listen and take her confession, she seemed to be satisfied by the thought of being so close to God. 
She sank to her knees, interlaced her hands and started praying. One verse after another left her, confessing to her sins, sins she had committed ever since crossing paths with the priest. (Y/n) was too focused on her thoughts, the words spluttering from her lips like the river Jesus had been baptised in. But just like Johannes' guiding hand, pressed against the saviour’s forehead, (y/n) was desperate for a guiding hand.
“Commiting to your sins won’t do you any good, not if you’ll keep on sinning.” Sharp like a blade his voice cut through her, eyes wide as she whipped her head to the side, staring at the man. Priest Bower was standing behind her, arms crossed in front of his chest. No longer did he look innocent like an archangel, no, he had something dark to him. He was the devil in disguise. 
She hadn’t been the one toying with him, it had been him leading the game all along.
“I’m sorry.” It sounded like a question leaving her lips, a question he ignored with the wave of his hand, successfully shutting her up. (Y/n) could only stare at him as he stepped closer, eyes wandering along her features. Priest Bower grasped her chin, forcing her to keep looking at him, her body following his every movement, now perfectly placed in front of him. 
“You’ve been teasing me, that loose mouth of yours that can’t even seem to remember the right verses. And yet you think you’ll get me to kneel for you. Well, look who’s kneeling now, darling.” His bright eyes no longer reminded her of a summer morning, rather a dark river she’d drown in if she wasn’t careful enough. Was she stuck in Sheol? Brought down here by the devil himself?
“Father, I meant no harm, I,” he shut her up with a snarl rumbling through him, a sound so sinister she felt her heart sink in her chest. She’d pay, pay for every teasing word, for every short dress, she’d pay for it all. 
“It’s a little too late for an apology, don’t you think? I can think of better ways to put your sinning mouth to use.” He let go of her, forcing (y/n) to sit still as he undid his trousers, eyes not letting go of her gaze once. 
(Y/n) hadn’t even dared to dream about ending up with him, she had touched herself to the thought of choking on his cock numerous times, harmless dreams, nothing more. But now, as the man was about to turn that dream of hers real, she couldn’t help but doubt her motives. If she hadn’t bought a ticket to hell so far, this certainly was her golden one. 
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it? You’ve been begging for my attention, well, now you got it.” His cock lay heavy in his grasp, tip bearded with drops of precum, a pearly rosary she’d count one by one, admiring every inch of it. The moment she’d put her mouth on him, hell would freeze, the archangels would stop bickering, and earth would slow its rotation, a moment’s silence for the two lovers that were now getting to know one another. 
She didn’t need to be told what to do, yet (y/n) struggled to part her lips, wondering if this was nothing more but a dream, stuck in a vivid moment that would break apart like the cross Jesus had been nailed against, burnt to ashes in the heat of the morning. His touch felt too real, too raw with his calloused fingertips brushing along her lower lip, easing his way into her mouth. 
Eyes fluttered close as if they were dying in that very moment, inhaling one last breath into their burning lungs. A guiding hand was forcing them to move along, not stopping once as the moments kept passing by. 
Priest Bower’s ringed hand found its way to her head, following the bobbing motion that forced her further and further down his cock. Spit dripped from her chin like rain clashing from the sky, breaking the calm atmosphere that once lingered in the holy halls. But every movement of hers took that spell away, no longer a pure home of God and their belief, though tainted by her sins, allowing the devil to lure in the darkness of this very church. 
Praises spluttered from his lips like verses being read out loud, and yet (y/n) couldn’t focus on his words, barely able to look at him with tears welling up in her eyes. She was struggling, struggling to breathe, struggling to keep bobbing her head, struggling to keep herself from gagging. His cock rested heavily on her tongue, slowing down her once oh so perfected movement.
“My darling, my angel, no one would expect the darkness feasting from your soul. But don’t you worry, we’ll bring your innocence back.” False promises rolled off the priest’s tongue, forcing her to momentarily meet his gaze. He was teasing her, clearly guiding her down the wrong path, yet (y/n) didn’t ever want to let go of him, if the ship would sink, she’d sink with it. 
He parted his lips like the red sea, moans clawed through him, a sound so loud (y/n) feared the stone walls may begin to break, he forced her further down his cock, enjoying the gagging sounds that left her. She felt him twitch in her mouth, indicating his arising high, preparing her for the taste of his, etched into her tongue for the upcoming days and weeks.
Priest Bower came with his head thrown back and his hand tightening its grip on her, forcing (y/n) to hold still. She greedily swallowed every drop of his, cum filling her warm cheeks like an never ending stream of consecrated wine. Only as he came down from his high did he allow her to pull away, catching her breath with her hand pressed to her racing heart. 
“My darling, look at you, greedy for my release. I’ll keep you close, a perfect bait for the devil.”
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 4 years
Absolution;; HJS
Word Count;; 4k
Genre;; Smut
Pairing;; Joshua x Fem!Reader
"Request", after I asked someone else to come thirst over priest!Joshua with me;; 
"Who am I if not a sinner, Father?" You've been chasing after a man you cannot have for six months. Father Joshua, the priest at your local church, is gentle. He's beautiful. He's everything you want to dig your teeth into. It's a game to you and you play without remorse, teasing and tempting your priest while hoping that this will be the time he cracks. Some things are best left as fantasies.
Smut. Some degradation. Rough sex. Pretty kinky maybe. Use of religion in all the wrong ways - sinners only, pls. Y/N's dialogue… as a Christian, I couldn't even say it out loud lolol.
If we're fucking a priest, fucking in a church, or getting fucked by a demon in priest's clothing, you bet your ass we're listening to Chase Atlantic.
Tagging @whoreforshuaaa​ as requested~
Oh, and for the Carats that were concerned: Joshua Hong Do Not Interact
Main Masterlist || SVT Masterlist
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   A bite of the lip.
   A subtle wink.
   A touch that lingers too long.
   A peek of tongue before you roll the communion wafer into your mouth.
   The way your throat bobs as you gulp the wine down.
   The purr in your voice when you address him as 'Father'.
   You drop to your knees and bow your head to receive his blessing. It never fails to stir the crowd. A wave of disapproval courses through the small church as you await his touch. He, however, is used to this - from you at least.
   He's a gentle man, the kind of man that feeds stray kittens and volunteers not just because it's the priestly thing to do but because he wants to. His voice is soft, enticing, as is his hand that rests on your temple. There's warmth surging from his touch and you lean closer, allowing his large palm to cradle your forehead.
   It's not enough.
   Staring at his polished black shoes just isn't enough. You sneak a glance upward with slow precision to better observe his body. It's hidden behind his alb and chasuble, garments you find yourself hating more and more with every passing day. Your position on the floor offers a rare view and you linger on his bulging, toned arms as they peek through from under his holy vestments.
   He's beautiful. No matter the angle, he's beautiful.
   He's delicate and angelic and you've never wanted anyone more than you want Father Joshua.
   It's been six long months of chase but the end goal is in sight. There's no denying the chemistry between you both, the raw tension. Priest or not, he is still a man.
   Your position change, albeit small, catches his attention. Perhaps he caught your searing gaze from the corner of his eye, or perhaps the rush of blood to your forehead burned a little too hot. His eyes flicker down to your clenching thighs before roaming upward to your tongue. It's slow and sensual as it runs along your upper lip, but above all else it's welcoming, practically begging.
   From the back, you appear legit. In the eyes of the flock, you're praying as one is expected to. With your hands raised in silent devotion and a facade of innocence directed to the rest of the congregation, you toy with your priest.
   Words fall from his lips but you don't listen. It's nothing you haven't heard before and you'd sooner plan than get lost in his melodic voice. Time is ticking now. He's preparing for the finale, for the last cross and 'amen'. You'll be sent on your way and he'll continue the service in the ordained fashion, your interruption to be forgotten before you're even seated.
   You've come too far not to leave a lasting impression. Before you're expected to return to your pew, the one you always have to yourself near the back because you're new in a small town that finds you too bold and brazen, you'll make your move. God be damned, it'll be grander than anything you've put your sweet priest through within these hallowed grounds before.
   His comforting touch departs from your forehead and your skin is much cooler, almost cold now. You watch as his thumb dips into the holy water, the approaching end of his blessing evident in the way his words slow and his tone deepens just a fraction.
   Exaggerating a sigh you know he won't miss, not in the otherwise silent church, you wait for his eyes to snap to yours, to lock onto you before you spring your trap. His eyes are such a soft brown, you fear you'll melt within his curious gaze.
   He's always curious.
   No matter how many times you play with him, he allows himself to fall for your tricks. Now is no exception. He doesn't break away from your line of sight nor does he falter, his actions as clear and concise as his carrying voice.
   His thumb, wet and sanctified, meets your forehead and you can feel it in your bones: unspeakable, undeniable, unquenchable sexual desire.
   "In the name of the Father-"
   It's common to see those deep in prayer bring their hands close to their faces, to touch their trembling hands to their quivering lips as they follow along with the priest's blessing.
   "-the Son-"
   It's less common to see those same hand's fingers moisten with the heaving pants of the plump lips that cushion them, pedicured nails leaving crescent indents along the gummy underside of a smirk.
   "and the Holy Spirit-"
   It's uncommon to see fingers break free from their prayer formation in order to slip knuckle-deep into the mouth of a devoted member of the church, saliva dribbling free past the pink tease of tongue that wraps around the soaked appendages.
   "A- Ah…"
   And it's quite rare to see Father Joshua hesitate.
   "Amen!" you shout, drowning his holy sentiment out with wanton desperation before he has a chance to voice it.
   Lust is heavier in the air between you and your priest than the overwhelming silence of the shocked crowd as you throw your whole body to the ground at his feet in mock gratitude. With a discreet rub of your cheek against his pant leg to clear your face of the wetness your abrupt deepthroating left behind, you rise back to a seated position and hug your sides.
   "I can feel it so deep inside me, Father - your blessing has hit every single sacred spot within. I've been absolved of sin by your holy touch and I am reborn, pure and virtuous, like the Virgin Mother."
   Time resumes as murmurs fill the room. They're confused and disgusted and agreeable and some are even filthy; everyone has their own opinion. They don't matter to you, however. Not when your priest can't seem to articulate words before you, stunned into stillness. It isn't until you wink that his widened eyes soften and he realises you're up to your usual antics.
   "I'm happy to hear it," he laughs, brushing your outburst off while offering his hand. You take it, rising to your feet and bowing your head once more as a teenaged member of the church shouts his own 'amen!'.
   Your priest's scent dissipates the further you retreat back to your seat and it's a crime, really. He smells like the roses he tends in the church's front garden and you find it to be just another of his irresistible charms. Armed with the face of an angel, heaven's sweetest aroma, and a touch so blessed you actually considered becoming devout, Father Joshua was the epitome of perfection.
   You can't help but wonder what he tastes like.
   Would he taste celestial?
   Or would he perhaps taste devilish, with a mixture of his broken vows and your tainted sins lingering on his lips?
   Taking your seat, you ignore the hushed whispers and pointed glances shot in your direction. Leading with a good example, you bow your head for what feels like the hundredth time and pretend to pray.
   It's the guilt that eats away at them, forcing them to avert their attention inward to their own pathetic issues. They can't have the promiscuous newcomer look better than them in the eyes of God, after all.
   When you're confident the spotlight is no longer illuminating your every move, you drop the act and search for your priest. He hasn't moved far. His long fingers turn a few pages of his Holy Bible, scanning through a passage here and there while he gives the room time to finish their individual prayers.
   Like a spider within its burrow, you wait. You wait for the opportune moment to strike, for the strings of your web to be tugged. It comes when he closes the book and stands taller, rolling his neck to ease the tension before observing the room. Most are awaiting his final blessing to mark the end of the service, their eyes bright and their souls uplifted.
   He locks his gaze with yours.
   It's a bad habit of his, truly. He can't seem to help himself. Curiosity and the cat and all that, but he was running out of lives and running out of willpower. You can tell he's reaching his end when he doesn't break your line of sight. Even after you lean back with a lazy smile and you rest your hand atop your breasts, pressing down and down until you're grasping your inner thigh and trembling, he watches. You doubt he can see anything, not from this distance, but it runs deeper than mere actions.
   Your aura screams temptation.
   You're begging to be fucked and he just watches, he just observes.
   The rest of the service speeds by in a blur. There's blessings abound and soon everyone stands for the last time, absorbing your priest's words and promising to spread the Lord's good will. Pew after pew empties, the congregation disappearing out into the blinding early morning sun.
   When the room is all but clear, you approach your priest. He knows what's coming. It's a little game you two play so often that he doesn't even lift his head to look at you.
   "Father. Will you be accepting confession tonight?"
   "You act like we don't have this conversation every Sunday."
   "I know, but I have so much to absolve. Could you make an exception for one of your most devoted?"
   With a sigh, he nods before gesturing for the door, not bothering to look up from the candles he's lighting. "Of course. I know how busy you are. Come by around six… thirty. Afternoon service should be finished by then."
   "Thank you, Father."
   A hesitant, stiff nod.
   A glance too low to pass as appropriate.
   A tinge of pink on soft cheeks.
   A cough to clear lascivious thoughts.
   The way he refuses to look at you head-on after falling too deep into your games.
   The remorse in his murmurs as he prays, just the thought of sinning enough to require repentance.
   Without a doubt, Father Joshua is delicious right down to the core.
   Satisfied knowing your visage is engraved deep within his mind, you depart into the sun-basked town. The gentle breeze is cool and you've plenty of time to kill before you postpone your appointment with your priest. Trees rustle above and squirrels skitter about. If you wait until four-thirty, you'll be able to remind him of your presence in time for his next service. Perhaps you'll flitter through his mind throughout, the memory of your unholy teasing still fresh.
   Setting an alarm, you walk home with a skip in your step and a tune on your lips.
   By the time four-thirty rolls around, you're tearing your closet apart. Your outfit tonight will be instrumental to your plan. It isn't an easy choice and you can't fuck it up. If you come in too strong, he'll pull away, and yet you also need him wanting more.
   "Black is out of the question," you muse, pushing several dresses down the hanging bar with a groan before stopping, your fingers entwining around white lace. It's a short summer dress, cute and airy, that you've always found a bit too innocent for your taste yet somehow too racy to take to church.
   Until now.
   You hear your priest pick up the call, his sweet voice filling your room through the speakerphone resting on your pillow. He's formal and professional in his greeting and you giggle. Had he been anyone else, you'd feel embarrassed. Father Joshua, however, puts you at ease.
   "Father! You picked up."
   "And why might you be calling?"
   There's a pout in your voice when you respond, tossing the dress onto the bed near your phone, "My work is taking me much longer than I anticipated. Could we postpone my confession?"
   "I can't do-"
   "Please Father," you beg, exaggerating the candy-like lilt in your tone. "I've been such a bad girl this week, I really must get this off my chest."
   An audible gulp precedes silence and you pause your hunt, turning your back on your lingerie drawer to check if the call dropped.
   "I'm leaving at eight so please find time to come before then."
   "I'll come as you wish, Father."
   You can't stop the laugh that bubbles forth once he hangs up.
   With more time to kill, you treat yourself to a long soak in the tub, imagining it to be your priest's fingers rather than your own plunging deep inside your heat.
   There's only five minutes left until eight.
   Few cars grace the streets and only a single car remains on the church's lot. Most of the lights are out within the building with more flickering off as Joshua starts to lock up. You stretch your back before jogging up to the church doors, pausing to count the seconds left before he's sure to be in the right wing's hallway.
   Timing is key here.
   Once your countdown reaches zero, you fling the doors open, making a show out of it so the commotion alerts Joshua of your arrival. You don't slow, using your building energy to stride to the altar. As he rounds the corner, a scowl forming on his lips, you collapse to your knees before the statue of Jesus Christ.
   The timing is perfect.
   You fire off a quick prayer just loud enough for him to hear. He stands behind you, leaning on a pew as he waits for you to finish your private message to God. Crossing yourself, you raise your hands to your lips. It's reminiscent of your action hours prior, save for the drooling and near-choking. You hear him shuffle and you know he too is thinking of the incident.
   "You're late."
   "I'm sorry, Father."
   "Are you?"
   "Not really," you say, swivelling on your knees to face him, a smirk playing on your lips. "But you'll forgive me anyway, won't you, Father?"
   "Come on, then. Let's absolve you of these sins that plague you."
   He abandons the pew's support and straightens his posture. The cuffs of his shirt are unbuttoned, hanging loose around his wrists. It's in this moment that you realise he's devoid of his vestments, stripped down to a simple black dress shirt.
   A step closer to the confessional booth is a step closer to you. He invades your personal space, stopping to stare down at you before gesturing toward the small, wooden box. You can smell roses once more and you find yourself heating up, his scent overwhelming the last rational part of your mind.
   "Who am I if not a sinner, Father?"
   The material is smoother than you expect but you scrunch it between your fingers nonetheless, your hand latching onto the same pant leg you used earlier to wipe your dirtied cheek. Your tugs are both imperceptible and futile. His belt won't allow the pants to fall, holding firm just as he does.
   "Am I correct in my assumption that you didn't come to confess?"
   "I never said I would."
   "And what of all these sins you possess?"
   "I need you to absolve them, Father."
   "But not through confession?"
   Shaking your head, you slide your hand upward along his thigh, relishing in how his muscles tense beneath your touch. You don't stop until your fingers meet cold metal. With experience born from perpetual sin, you make quick work of his belt and toss it aside.
   He's emotionless. Like a blank slate, you can't read him. It's unnerving and you falter, unsure if you should continue. While you had wanted to get this far, to get further than this, you hadn't expected it to be easy. You thought he'd blush and scold you, maybe even brandish his rosary at you, and yet here you were seconds away from taking him deep in your throat.
   "Father, are you not an instrument of God? Can I not just use you to absolve myself?" The corners of his lips twitch. "You can bless me with your… holy touch, Father."
   "Is that so?"
   "Absolve me, Father. Absolve me in any way you see fit."
   Joshua is a gentle man and an even gentler priest. He's the type to smile when you tell a joke, no matter how bad it is, because he believes that laughter can cure our darkest ailments. Yet somehow the low chuckle he pairs with his stunning, bright smile doesn't quite feel gentle.
   Cupping your chin within his large palm, he traces his nails along your burning cheek as he speaks, his voice soft and calm, "I could strip you down and cleanse you of your sins and yet a whore would still remain."
   Taken aback, you scoff. You've never found the term offensive until now. Sure, the shoe fits and you've heard it plenty of times from others, even within this very church, but coming from his lips it feels like a lashing. Slapping his hand away, you're quick to stand and face him.
   "Well, Father, last I checked a whore is still one of His creations and therefore worthy of absolution."
   He quirks his eyebrow. "Of course. Should I take you in the confessional booth?"
   "I don't want to go to the God damn con-"
   The sting of his hand frees your mind of all other thoughts. His slap is much harsher than yours had been and you feel tears well within a second of the impact. From experience you know your skin will reflect his touch, colour blooming outward like a firework. Your fingertips burn as you inspect your cheek. It's tender and raw and it sends a pulse of heat straight to your core.
   "Using the Lord's name in vain? If you keep this up, we'll be at it all night."
   "Forgive me, Father," you grate through clenched teeth, biting back your initial, more offensive remark.
   "It's not up to me. You have to prove you truly wish to atone."
   "And how might I do that?"
   "It will be quite tedious, I'm not sure you can handle it."
   "I can handle it."
   He's on you before you have a chance to blink. Deft fingers tug at your zipper, loosening your dress for you to shimmy out of while his mouth devours your surprised gasp. He tastes better than you imagined, like strawberries and vanilla cake. His hands don't rest - they're pulling your hair and they're groping your breasts and they're choking your throat.
   When you find yourself finding a rhythm and catching up to his fervent, hungry pace, he throws you back through a loop. He uses his tight grip on your throat to turn you around, to put you on display before God and his Son on the cross. You shiver, unable to avoid His gaze, to avoid His judgement. Closer he pushes you toward the looming statue, only stopping once your hands find purchase on the holy water font.
   Joshua doesn't bother to remove your lingerie, instead choosing to push your thong to the side before running his fingers along your cunt. He teases, circling your clit with lazy strokes. With the ghost of a touch, he inches down and lingers but never delivers anything more than a caress. The anticipation of being filled proper gnaws at you.
   You're wet. You know you're already soaking wet. You've been ready for him since the moment you first laid eyes on him this morning. On top of the constant arousal you felt in his presence, your quick finger-fuck in the tub had you prepped and raring to go again.
   "Look at yourself, whore."
   There's no stopping the yelp that breaks free from your trembling lips. Strong hands yank your hips back, forcing your top half to fall forward. Your initial hold on the font was to maintain your balance; now you grasp the stone to prevent your descent into the holy water.
   His cock presses against your ass and you moan, already too sensitive and quivering beneath him in desperation. He isn't fully hard but already his length is nothing to scoff at, something you want to curse him for. It's a cruel joke to waste his life away inside this tiny church. You hate him for it.
   "Stop drooling all over yourself like a bitch in heat and look."
   Repressing an eyeroll, you focus on the font once more. The water is clear and still. Your reflection greets you and you grimace. He's made a mess of you without needing to touch you, save for a tease here and there. You'd feel embarrassed if you had any shame.
   "What am I looking at exactly, Father?"
   "Look at your pitiful state. You're unworthy of His light," he whispers into your ear and it tingles, an involuntary shiver tearing down your spine as he tilts your head a few degrees before he continues, "Now watch me lift you from perdition."
   The second your eyes lock through the water's reflection, he plunges a finger deep into your cunt. You moan, the sound loud enough to desecrate. Unlike the man you thought him to be, he isn't gentle. He's fast and rough, stretching your walls with so much ease that he inserts a second finger without need for a warning.
   Sweat trickles down your forehead and drips into the font. It creates a small splash that ripples across the basin. He makes an off-handed comment about it, something about being dirty, but it's lost on you. You're too close to ecstasy. After such a long chase, you knew it wouldn't take much.
   You ignore everything else and focus on the pleasure. It's building quicker now that he's rubbing tight circles on your clit. You don't dare to break eye contact, not when he's looking for any reason to punish you. The lewd sounds of your sin, originating from both your nonstop moans and the squelching of your sopping cunt, echo within the church walls.
   The dam breaks after a particularly skilled curl of the fingers, stars blinding your vision and tears forming in your eyes. You don't expect him to stop - that would be too easy - and you prepare yourself for the overstimulation but it doesn't come. His fingers withdraw the second you've ridden the last wave of your orgasm.
   Despite the dull ache in your jaw born from both his slap and your inability to keep your lips sealed for even a second once he had you bent over, you open your mouth to make a throwaway remark when you're silenced by a flood of water.
   With an iron grip on your skull, he dips your face into the font and holds you there, ignoring your increasing struggles against him the longer you remain submerged. You had air in your lungs still and you knew he wouldn't hurt you but a holy bath was the last thing you wanted after cumming on your priest's fingers.
   He lifts you free of the warm water by your hair. Searing questions tumble off the same tongue that had trailed a droplet of (un)holy water along your pulse point seconds prior. "Does it burn? Tell me, whore, does this cleanse you?"
   "It isn't enough, Father, I need more! More!" You babble, both scared and excited at the prospect of him escalating.
   Your enthusiasm fuels him. There's a fire within him that can't be extinguished easily, a fire that seeks to consume you both with certain damnation. He steps aside and disappears into a corner for a brief second and you wonder what compelled him to do so. Your curiosity is satisfied the second you hear the clinking of his belt, now retrieved and within his possession.
   His features are angelic and he glows, warmth radiating through his smile as he returns to you, discarding his clerical collar along the way.
   "Then get on your knees and pray to me."
  – ♡ –  If you enjoyed this, please consider liking, commenting, reblogging, and/or following! Thank you!
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Fanfic writer asks: any of the questions you didn't get asked that you'd still like to answer <3
B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
First to read was Smallville, I was big on fics that had Oliver Queen in them.
First to write was Supernatural.
C:  How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
I am just going to answer this one as a general answer since it wasn't specified.
Most of my fics are titled based on something that happens in the story. Whether it's the theme, the setting or the trope or just a general plot point.
Some are song titles.
D: What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written?
"A Life Lived Fully" is very personal to me.
It's a short about Ava towards the end of her life. There is a lot of love and emotion in that fic.
Not to get too personal, but my dad died when I was still a preteen so I saw what my mom went through trying to keep it all together and to try and carry on with her life for my sake, hers, and the memory of the man she loved. So a lot of those feelings were put into it.
F: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
I have playlists for all my fics, aus and main timeline. I've posted a few, and I've answered a fair few song asks before.
I’ll link them here:
Ava playlist
Au playlist
and then 2 song asks that are taken from Ava’s main timeline playlist:
 here and here
G: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
I do plan on writing the "sequel" to Ava's main timeline story. Her post canon needs to be written out. It would include her time running the Board, bringing Max and Felix with her to Byzantium, the "separation" from Max and the subsequent proposal and marriage and then maybe some stuff with the kids. I have posted snippets of post canon before for Fluffy February but I would like to expand upon it.
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
Hurt/comfort. I love the vulnerability of it and giving characters those quiet moments of trust and relationship building.
I have and I love it. "Trading Battle Scars", "Let Me Tend to Your Wounds" and even "Gorgon's Eye" have some good hurt/comfort going on.
K:  Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
Uh, smut. lol.
L:  Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
"Gorgon's Eye" having to write the events through Ava’s eyes was super difficult. It took me so long to finish because of the subject matter of it and how it directly relates to everything she believes as a character. Having to get into the mindset of a woman who wants to help people with her medical knowledge and having to toss her into a scenario where people were tested on and then tossed into a literal meat grinder, had quite the effect on my own emotions. Let's just say many tears were spilled for that fic.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
There is honestly a Neverending supply. I have so many wips on the go for so many different aus right now.
There is a demon au that is yet to be written that is up there for one's I would like to start soon. Where Ava is a succubus/demon and Max is a priest who gets tied up with her. But at this point that fic is a few notes and mostly saved images for inspiration.
O: What are your thoughts on people writing fanfic of your fanfic?
That would be pretty cool! If anyone ever wants to borrow Ava for a fic you need only ask. I'd be happy to share her.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
I'm not really against anything...at least not that I can think of. As long as it's used creatively have at her.
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
Anytime I get compliments on banter or characterization I am over the moon. Those are two things in my fics that I am an absolute stickler for. I am always trying to make sure I am keeping all of my characters as in character as possible at all times.
X: How would you categorize your fanfic reading?  Are you a voracious reader?  Do you carefully pick and choose?  Something in between?
I'd say I'm pretty careful. There are my choice writers where I will read anything and everything they write (generally these are my friends/mutuals). And then there are some pairings where I'm willing to test the waters and see if the fic is worthwhile. I don't have a lot of time to read fan fic so I try to make sure I make my time spent worthwhile.
Y: What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories?  Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?  
I'd say overall I have my regular readers (and I absolutely adore them all!) and most of my fics have been fairly well received. Generally I think the stories I'm most passionate about are the ones that do the best. Though there are the odd outliers that just don't pick up traction the same way, though those are AUs so they generally don't do as well as more of the Canon fics do.
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
Iconoclash. It's a timeline divergence fic where Graham Bryant runs Monarch after Ava helps him take out MSI. Max also becomes an Iconoclast after stopping the Board in this timeline.
it's a niche premise so I get why most people don't read it, but it is one I do love (despite not having updated it for some time...oops)
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fly-like-a-phoenix · 3 years
House of Lust (part 12)
Abbé de Coulmier x reader
Summary: Five years has passed since the events of Quills. The Abbé de Coulmier is released of prision by a misterious event. And he will know again those feelings he never thought will meet again: love... and lust.
Warnings: some swearing, a little smut...
Note: Hey! I'm giving you three chapters right now, because I had them written, but I didn't publish them before, so, there they go!
You arrived to the Villa and entered your room almost immediately. Nobody saw you. You closed the door and went to your bed, feeling so stupid for rejecting him at the perfect moment.
You were laying down, watching the chimney with no fire, thinking. You felt so bad, because you wished that to happen, and your brain telling you to stop while his fingers had just started to touch your breast... You felt stupid.
You fucking wanted him. You wanted his body, all his, against you, inside you. You wanted his hands, his mouth, his skin and manhood to give you all that you were so needy for.
Amd those hours at the lagoon with him, alone... Every minute, every second, it didn't feel wasted. The way you confessed what you felt was as overwhelming to him as the kisses he gave you as an answer. And you wanted more: more time, and more of him.
Were you really scared of sex? Or you were actually scared of yourself being as wicked as your sisters? It was the second option, probably.
At Hell all those fears and feelings you had about sex, you said to yourself. Your sisters didn't change your ideas. You were not going to be a pervert who liked sodomy and punishment. You wanted something as normal as it was love to happen with him. And he was more than ready.
You were about to get up an go out to find him, to tell him again that you wanted him, when you heard the door opening and the how it closed.
You turned around your body, seeing François in there, his back against the giant wooden door, watching you while he let the basket aside in the floor.
He said nothing, until he started to walk to you, some drops of water falling from his hair. He sat in the bed, next to you. And then, he talked.
"I don't have to forgive you for nothing, because you didn't do anything wrong. Do you remember what happened in Charenton, during the play? A big inmate named Bouchon tried to rape Madeline, a chambermaid, and she burned his face in self defense."
He remained silence, breathing out, remembering how he went to hug Madeline, and how Roger-Collard, as humiliated as he felt because of the play mocking him, seemed to know he loved the girl. He continued.
"I was in love with her. I never thought I would be, because I committed to God for life. She helped the Marquis to take his stories out of the Asylum. When I knew about that, I decided I would transfer her to another hospital. She was corrupting me as much as she was being corrupted by the Marquis."
It was still difficult to him to talk about Madeline. When she died, he cried everytime, even when he had to say her name for any reason, and mostly while he was in the cell, with his mind as the only company.
"And one night, she came to my room. She begged me not to let her being transferred, claiming her heart was tied to Charenton. At first, I thought she referred she was in love with the Marquis. Then, she alone made me realize it was me the one she loved. We kissed. And we were alone, and nobody will disturb us. I wanted to make love with her right there, in my bed, as I wanted since I met her. But I stopped the kiss, demanding her to go to her room. I was just too scared. My life work was in flames, as my vows and everything in believed in. I tried to apologise the next day, but she didn't accept anything from me. She died that night. Bouchon killed her. And I couldn't say that I truly loved her. She died being angry with me. And that made me crazy."
He took your hand in his, and looked at you deep in your eyes. He passed his tongue over his lips, and added something that made your heart almost stop.
"I never thought I would know love again. A man is always under the lust temptation. But not always feels love, tho. Love is a difficult feeling. Strange. Not usual. And for me, it was always a sin. I couldn't love anyone, because God didn't allowed me in that way. But now, I can't deny myself of that feeling. Since I met you, I feel that love is surrounding me, even with all the crazy things that happen in here and all I have to do and did before. Did you think that when we were at the lagoon, all I had to say was about you making your sisters bring me here? You're so wrong as much as I was thinking about that: I wanted to say that I love you. But the feeling of that kiss and your own words saying the same made my head go away, and I didn't think well what I was doing."
He took your head again, as he did before kissing you at the lake. You wanted to feel those lips against yours so bad... But you contained.
"I love you, Y/N. And even if last night I would found a way out, I wouldn't leave, because I don't wanna leave you. I know you're a little scared of sex, but for me it's not that. I was scared too, but I realized that, at your side, it will not be sex. It will be a love proof. I want to be with you, to feel you, to make you happy and see you fine. And knowing that you also feel something for me, I ask you permission to make love with you, knowing that this carnal type of love it's not the only way for me to say that I love you. Desire and lust are usual in humans. But love and feeling each other, pleasuring each other, is a gift."
You kissed him suddenly, tears coming from your eyes. It was so perfect that the fear you felt everytime you thought about sex disappeared completely. He was amazing when he talked, and his words conviced you. He loved you as much as you loved him, only in a few days, the feeling was stronger than anything.
His fingers touched your face as his body went closer. He approached so much that he laid down upon you, between your open legs, kissing you neck so gentle that you shivered.
He kissed you so carefully, almost like if you were about to break, that you couldn't even control your hands, that went to caress his back and scalp. You closed your eyes, your mouth opened, a needy moan escaping again your throat.
You thought about your sisters. If they knew about you both having sex, what would they do? You'll have to be very careful and remain in silence. By now, you couldn't even articulate a word, but you had to ask him something.
"Ab... Abbé..." You said, a moan winning over your words. You controlled. "Have you ever fucked a woman before?"
"I never did it. And I will never do it." He answered, his mouth traveling to the other side of your neck. "I want to make love to you. Not to fuck. You said that to me. And I'm not only respecting you. I think the same as you, Y/N."
You smiled, falling for this charming, sexy priest and his skilled hands and tongue. He lowered the necklace of your dress, and suddenly he saw your breasts, his fingers briefly touching them, making circles around your erect nipples.
"Can I kiss them? I'll be gentle." Said he, with a low, husky voice. You nodded, almost desperate to feel him.
He kissed your right nipple a few times, just giving picks and cupping both breasts in his hands. Then, he took one in his mouth and started to suck it as he did with Josephine's.
The sensation was a mix of feelings, and it couldn't be compare to anything you felt before. He was skilled with his tongue as much as when he talked, licking and sucking it with care but power.
You started to moan, one hand covering your mouth while the other touched his hair, your hips went up to meet his body, and he remembered being with Josephine, and how he desired she was you. Now, you were. And he wanted to taste you.
He entertained with your breasts a few minutes, and then he crawled down to lift your dress, seeing your panties. Just one look from him was like an answer, and you nodded as a response.
He took them out, finally seeing your wet womanhood, his fingers caressing your legs, going slowly to your thighs, until his mouth united to them, and his tongue licked your skin.
"You're so perfect, Y/N, that not God, angel or demon could make me stop now."
Oh, how wrong he was! Because no god, angel or demon was in there. Only Odelle: She was outside your room, hearing everything.
And at the moment he was about to put his mouth on you to finally give you pleasure and feel you, with all the evilness that covered the inside and out of her body, she entered the bedroom.
Tagging: @darknessisafriend @five-miles-over @yukis-writing @thegirlwho @jokerflecker @missrockabilly99 @luperugorria99 @weirdflecksbutok @skaraboo @starksclown @sgtsavoytruffle @joaquinisart @beautifulyoungprospect @sophiefleck @the-queen-of-things @joaqz-phoenix @ajokerfangirl @bailaycantaconmingo @joaquinphoenixdaily @joaquinfeed
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saeyoungchoismaid · 4 years
Last Updated: Tue. Sept. 15, 2020
check out this link
I am not including requests for events! If you want to see those, go to the masterlists and look at the top for the event for that fandom! 
These are in order for when I received them! Please note!!!! Just because yours is above someone else’s, it DOES NOT mean yours will be written before anyone else’s. Also note!!!! Just because yours is on here, it DOES NOT mean I can change my mind and decide not to write it!! ❤️
if you see one you really like or whatever, comment or send an ask, so I’ll know that it’s one that’s requested by more than one person!! ✧ means that the request has a vote, meaning it will probably get done faster since more than one person wants it
the requests that are all italicized are the ones that have some priority over others
if you see yours and I got something wrong, please do tell me!!
some of these are 18+. You’ve been warned
Table of Contexts:
Mystic Messenger - 8 requests
The Arcana - 11 requests
Obey Me! - 76 requests 
Total: 97, not including event requests :)
multi fandom:
the three Luci’s in a house with an mc that refuses to call any of them by their full names. Or just keeps calling them Luci habitually. Confusion ensues
Obey Me characters meet the Mystic Messenger characters
Mystic Messenger:
dom!Saeyoung - ✧
mirror sex w/ Saeyoung
hcs w/ all of the rfa members + V where mc is a cat mom
hcs w/ the boys w/ a mc who is a hacker (or a runaway agent) in hiding
hcs w/ Zen dating a mc who is a professional athlete
fluff or smut hcs/scenario w/ Saeyoung
sub! Saeyoung w/ dom!reader
hcs w/ RFA + V with a s/o who’s asexual but always likes to confuse them with sounding dirty but they actually mean doing a fun activity
The Arcana:
hcs w/ the boys w/ a chubby female s/o
nsfw content w/ Lucio
fluffy or angsty hcs for Julian or Lucio w/ a kid mc
three different requests to just write ANYTHING for Asra lmao. One request suggests swimming together though, so ima do that
the boys’ reactions to their s/o on their period
reader telling the boys she’s pregnant
scenario w/ Julian and Lucio are huge theater nerds
hcs/reactions of the boys w/ a gn!s/o who’s scary good at hiding
soulmate au w/ Asra where you see colors when you first meet them and see black and white again when your soulmate dies
the boys’ reactions to mc being an exotic dancer
Obey Me!:
hcs w/ Beel, Lucifer and Mammon w/ a small, shy s/o that has never really kissed anyone or been in a relationship so they're extremely shy and scared that they'll mess up the relationship or they won't be good enough 
hcs or scenario w/ Asmo and/or Mammon where mc is sad and hurt about that and won't talk to them after but instead make quips about the succubi and how humans must simply suck while eating tubes of ice cream w Beel to combat the sadness 
extra fluffy, spoiler free smut w/ Lucifer
smut w/ Beel after a workout 
hcs/reactions of the demon boys w/ their s/o who is taller and a body builder
nsfw content w/ Satan whose f!mc has a praise kink 
fluff w/ Belphie who has an s/o that loves to cuddle
brothers’ reactions to f!crush going to a lingerie party with other female demons
nsfw imagine where Lucifer thinks Asmo and mc are fooling around when, in reality, they’re not. Jealously ensues and ends with fluff
hcs where the demon brothers react to an mc who is scared of storms. The brothers have to comfort them when there's a bad one that puts the power out
reactions of all the boys to mc wearing an occult symbol that protects one from demons
hcs/scenario where mc is being scolded by Lucifer and is struggling to keep a straight face because the other brothers keep trying to distract her from behind Lucifer in different ways
smut scenario where mc is a sadistic, dominant top and Mammon is a masochistic, submissive bottom
hcs w/ the brothers where mc asks if they can sleep with them after having a nightmare - ✧
hcs where the brothers comfort mc about their past experience (trigger warning)
hcs/scenario w/ a gn!mc that ensues a nerf gun war and destroys them all
hcs w/ the boys with a f!reader who, on the outside, seems like a tomboy, but secretly likes painting their nails black, doing aesthetic makeup, and dressing up in secret. Then, one day, the boys find them
sfw or nsfw scenario of Mammon and mc baking together 
hcs w/ the brothers where the search for mc in the human world and finds out they are in an abusive relationship 
hcs w/ the brothers and diavolo with a short but extremely angry s/o
soulmate au scenario w/ Lucifer where he has a dream that he dances at a ball in Diavolo's castle with a girl and the dreams becomes a reality
hcs or scenario w/ Diavolo where his s/o is small and underweight who struggles to to gain weight 
hcs w/ Lucifer and/or Diavolo comforting an insecure reader
the brothers’ reactions to a mc that has trouble sleeping and gets hallucinations - ✧
nsfw scenario w/ Mammon where he confesses to mc and they have their first time together - ✧
mc flirting with Solomon 
Mammon getting caught w/ his s/o in a hot makeout sesh 
brothers’ reaction to mc singing “no don't touch me there, that is my no-no square.”
scenario where Mammon and f!reader are secretly dating and one day the brothers discover so after reader accidentally calls Mammon a pet name in front of them 
the boys’ reactions to mc calling them daddy? By accident or just unexpected nsfw
reader telling the boys she’s pregnant - ✧ 
mc giving the demonimals (demon animals) ear scratches (during the Paws Event)
the boys’ reactions to mc turning into a bunny (during the Paws Event)
nsfw scenario where mc dresses up as little red riding hood for big, bad, wolf Lucifer (Paws Event)
hcs where mc, who is usually very against touching and contact, gets all touchy feely when the boys grow animal characteristics (during the Paws Event)
anything for cat!Satan (during the Paws Event)
nsfw dom!Belphie scenario w/ fox!Belphie and f!mc that cuddle - ✧
nsfw hcs w/ Beel or Satan (during the Paws Event)
scenario where mc takes a nap with fox!Belphie (during the Paws Event)
fluffy scenario where mc gives cat!Satan catnip (during the Paws Event)
sfw or nsfw hcs where Asmo finds fallen angel!mc covered in blood - ✧
nsfw hcs w/ jealous!Simeon over a f! or gn!reader
Satan smut because I have no choice 
hcs w/ a sociopath/assassin!mc that starts to care and have feelings for the boys 
scenario w/ Asmo where f!reader has trouble expressing herself both with femininity and her emotions. Asmo decides to pamper her and help her
Simeon giving head
“Simeon x mc stuff”
The brothers’ reaction to an mc who has a really big nose and is very insecure about it
the demon brothers’ reaction to an mc with short hair
hcs for how the demon brothers would treat their mc the day after their wedding - ✧
hcs of the demon boys receiving a booty call from mc
hcs where Barbatos and gn!mc cuddle 
I don’t really know if this one is a request but I’m doing it anyway because I love pain. scenario where mc comforts Mammon about his brothers always picking on him and he says he's used to it even if deep down it hurts
hcs w/ the brothers + Diavolo where mc has cancer and is very fragile and weak
hcs of Mammon helping mc w/ math 
hcs or scenario w/ Diavolo x f!reader x Simeon
innocent back hug hcs w/ da demon bois
how the demon boys eat their f!s/o out 
nsfw scenario w/ Levi where a spicy makeout sesh leads to more
the demon bros’ reactions to a really clumsy mc
brothers’ reactions to mc catching them jerking off while saying mc’s name - ✧
nsfw/sfw hcs for an mc being a nun/priest for Halloween and having the demon bois react to them
hcs or scenario where the bros and mc react to seeing a genderbent version of themselves and vice versa
hcs where the brothers are w/ a dominant f!mc
nsfw imagine where Beel is eating out gn!mc and Belphie can taste it because of their twin telepathy and praises mc to orgasm 
hcs/reactions of the brothers w/ a mc that has imposter syndrome 
hcs/reactions where the brothers find out that mc writes fanfiction about them
brothers’ reactions to a mc who got brokenhearted 
brothers’ reactions to mc being an exotic dancer
the demon brothers’ reactions to an mc who was a victim of their respective sin
angsty/fluffy scenario where f!mc is scared of dying and Satan comforts her
smut scenario w/ Lucifer where f!mc starts teasing him before he flips it around onto her. Punishment and degrading follow
the boys’ reactions to mc calling them “my love”
soft dom bdsm hcs with a pinch of praise kink w/ Satan
brothers’ and undates’ (minus Luke) reactions to their s/o grabbing their hand and putting it against their throat
the brothers’ reactions to a f!mc being a bratty sub
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Sin City- Part 4
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,803
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, language, angst, implied smut, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
Tags at the bottom
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It was getting dark outside and you wondered where the hell Sam was when a car pulled up. You knew Sam would need to hotwire a car but you didn’t see Sam in the driver’s seat. You frowned when he and the priest from the church got out.
“Sam! You brought the priest! No offense, Father,” You quickly added.
“None taken. I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation. I mean, I’ve known Casey since she was a little girl and when I heard she was trapped in her basement, I wanted to help.” Father Gil explained.
“Right, whatever. Dean and Casey are in the basement and I tried yelling for him but my voice wasn’t loud enough,” you looked at Sam since his was way deeper and louder than yours. He seemed to get the message and walked over to the caved in the basement.
“Dean?!” Sam yelled out, his voice booming off the rocks. That seemed to do the trick since you heard Dean’s voice yell back.
“Sam??” you heard Dean’s voice muffled by the wall.
“Yeah! Don’t worry, we’re coming!” Sam said. You were so busy trying to save Dean, you didn’t notice Father Gil behind you.
“Who's we?” Dean asked.
“I’m here with Y/N and Father Gil.”
“Sammy, be careful,” Dean warned. You turned around just in time to see Father Fil’s eyes turn black. How ironic that a demon would be a priest. You didn’t have any time to react because a shot was heard and a bullet hit the stone wall behind you three. You all looked to see your dad. Again, you didn’t have any time to react before Father Gil was using his demonic powers to fling Bobby aside and then flung Sam into the windshield of the Impala.
You growled and rushed at Father Gil only to have him throw you against the stone wall. You groaned in pain and slid to the ground, your vision a bit spotty. Father Gil broke down the door to the house and walked inside. You got up, ignoring the pain in your back and rushed over to your dad, glad to see him there.
“Dad, are you alright?” You asked, making sure he wasn’t hurt. Sam rushed over and helped Bobby up but he handed Sam the Colt, wasting no time.
“Go!” Bobby yelled and Sam nodded, grabbing the Colt and rushing inside. You knew that Sam could handle this and you helped your dad up and looked at him in the eyes.
“How did you get it to work? Earlier this week, you had no idea how it ticked.” You asked your dad.
“I helped him,” You heard a female say from behind you. You whipped around to see Ruby, all smug.
“You let her help you?” You asked Bobby, pissed that he let his guard down.
“I know how it seems…” Your dad tried to explain.
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” Ruby said with an eye roll.
“Don’t talk to me like that!” You whipped back to Ruby, glaring at her. “You may have helped fix the Colt and ‘said’ you could help Dean out of his deal but you’re a fucking demon and I don’t trust you at all. Like I’m really going to believe that your only motive is to provide help. Fuck that and fuck you.”
Just then, you heard two shots go off from the basement and you wasted no time running into the house, leaving the demon with your dad. You knew he was safe for now and when you got to the basement, you saw Father Gil and Casey dead on the floor, a heaving Sam with the smoking gun in his hand and Dean with wide eyes.
You stared at Sam before running over to Dean and bringing him into your arms.
“Oh, don’t ever do that again,” You mumbled into his neck. His hands rubbed your back and you pulled away and looked at Sam who sighed. The case was over and you couldn’t wait to get the hell out of Dodge.
Tomorrow came around and you were with Dean, Sam, and your dad, talking about the case and what it all meant. You left Casey’s house and were now walking to Bobby’s car which was in the city since you all stopped to get food before he left.
“Well, what do you think, Bobby? About what we did here, you think it made a difference?” Dean asked.
“Two less demons to worry about. That's not nothing.”
“Yeah, but Trotter is still alive,” Dean commented. You didn’t know what went down between Sam and Trotter but Dean was right. He shouldn’t be treating women like this.
“Humans ain't our job,” Bobby responded.
“But the things he’s doing to women, I mean, he tried to do them to me. Shouldn’t we at least do something?” You said, biting your lower lip.
“We need to focus on these demons or else there won’t be women left for him to boss around.” Sam made a good point there.
“Yeah, alright, I have to get back. I still need to do research on this whole thing and you need to figure out where they might be heading next.” Bobby said, walking to his car.
“Yeah, alright, drive safe out there, Bobby,” Sam said with a tight smile. Bobby nodded and Sam and Dean gave him a hug before walking off. You smiled and gave your dad a hug but before you could walk off, he grabbed your hand.
“Hey, before you go, I wanna say something,” Bobby said. You looked back at Sam and Dean who noticed you weren’t with them and looked back at you and your dad. You look at Bobby and nodded, waiting for him to continue. “You called me dad.”
“You’re very observant,” You chuckled nervously. You could sense the question Bobby didn’t ask. You could see it in his eyes. “Drive safe, okay? I’ll call later and we can talk more, okay… dad?” Bobby grinned and he nodded, bringing you in for another hug before letting you go. He got into his car and you watched as he drove off. You walked back over to Sam and Dean, Dean putting his arm around your shoulder.
“So, you going to call him that from now on?” Dean asked.
“I think it could stick,” You chuckled.
Back at the motel, you started packing up yours and Dean’s things while he was out grabbing food at the diner across the street. Sam as packing his things and it was silent until you heard Ruby behind you two.
“Leaving so soon? We haven't even had a chance to celebrate.” You and Sam both whipped around to see Ruby standing there with a smirk.
“Yeah, well you can celebrate without us,” Sam said with a glare.
“You're not gonna get all pouty on me now, are you? Come on! You killed two demons today!” Ruby said, exasperated.
“Yeah, well, maybe you don't care, but I killed two humans, too,” Sam said but you decided to be silent for the time being. You didn’t know what her deal was and you didn’t like the vibes you got from her. This was more about being a demon, this was about something else. You didn’t like it.
“Sam, you know what happens when demons piggyback humans. They leave them rode hard and put up wet. Chances are those two would have died a slow, sticky death. You probably did them a favor.” Ruby said with an eye roll.
“Did them a favor? You're a cold bitch, you know that?” You finally spoke up, taking a few steps to her.
“Yeah, and this cold bitch has saved your ass a couple of times now. Some respect might be nice. Especially if you want me to help you out with Dean and his little problem.”
“You know, you keep saying that but you have done shit to help! Last I checked, Dean is still going to Hell and you still have your hand in your pants, claiming you’re going to help. Look, I don’t like you and I think I made that very clear. I’m grateful for the help you did provide but you’re done. We don’t want you here anymore. Right, Sam?” You said, expecting him to agree with you but you didn’t get a response. You looked at Sam to see him staring at Ruby with an open mouth.
“Everything in its own time, Y/N. But there’s a quid pro quo here. We're in a war.” Ruby said, not waiting for Sam to say something.
“Right. But for some reason, you're fighting on our team. Now, tell me, why is that again?” Sam finally spoke up.
“Go fuck yourself, that's why,” Ruby said with a sweet smile. “I don't have to justify my actions to you or to you. If you don't want my help, fine. Then give me the gun and I'll pass it on to someone who will use it.”
“Maybe I’ll use it on you,” Sam said, taking the Colt out and pointing it at Ruby.
“Go ahead,” Ruby said with a shrug. “It's not gonna do much for Dean, though.” It was silent while Sam contemplated shooting Ruby but he hesitated which gave Ruby her answer. “That’s what I thought,”
“He might not be able to do it but I’m sick and tired of your bullshit,” You grabbed the gun and aimed it at her, pulling the trigger. She knew not to mess with you and disappeared before the bullet could hit her. The bullet stuck in the wall and Sam grabbed the gun before you could do any more damage.
“Hey! That wasn’t cool!” Sam put the gun away, sighing when Ruby didn’t return.
“Look, she’s pulling your chain! She doesn’t have shit to help Dean and you know it! You’re just in denial.” You raised your voice, going back to packing.
“Wow, look at you. You’re just accepting Dean’s death as final! What happened to the girl who would do anything to help Dean, huh?” Sam asked you.
“I am not God, Sam! I want, more than anyone, that Dean doesn’t go to Hell but we’ve sunk so low as to accept help from a demon! A fucking demon! You know she has other motives, Sam! How could you trust her so easily??” You were screaming at the end. You hated fighting with Sam but you didn’t trust Ruby at all.
“I am willing to do anything to help Dean and if I have to get help from a demon, then so be it! At least I’m getting help!” Sam yelled, throwing the rest of this things in his bag before storming out of the room. You got tears and collapsed to the floor, not knowing what to do anymore.
Series Rewrite Junkies:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @roxalya19 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging @notmoose45 @crowleysminion @mina22 @tahbehonest @oreosatmidnight @seninjakitey @flyonlittlewinchester @earthtokace @gingersnapped13 @superrandomnatural @my-wayward-heroes @stevetrevorstardis @supernaturallover2002 @teamfreewillsstuff @gucci-daddario @22sarah08 @gh0stgurl
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For honesty hour...who are some of your fave fic writerd,? Some of your fave fics?
You’re a tad late for honesty hour, nonny, but that’s okay! I’m always happy to talk about my favorite/go-to people (note: these are not in any particular order, just the order I thought of them in) and my favorites from their masterlists (most of these links are for Tumblr posts, with the exception of some AO3 ones. Let me know if anything isn’t working right).
I love everything Jamie writes (and I love Jamie herself- we have so much in common, it’s kinda scary), but here are my three faves:
I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) - If you haven’t read this series yet, get on that shit. It’s a Jared x Gen x Reader that fulfills all my favorite fantasies and is the perfect blend of angst, smut, and fluff. I never want it to end.
Forgive Me, Father - this fic. THIS FIC. I have no words. It’s pure smutty goodness, with Virgin!Priest!Sam who’s so cute I could cry.
Soy Un Perdedor - Stripper!Sam. Nuff said.
Some honorable mentions are: Ask For What You Want, the entire Daddy!Sam verse, and her Series Rewrite
Mana is the sweetest person who can also rip your heart to shreds and I love her very much, especially when she puts up with me always asking her to beta my fics (the woman is magic, I swear. She makes everything better). Her masterlist if my go-to when I’m craving some John Winchester or some cry-into-your-pillow angst. Some highlights include:
When Your Grace is Gone - Tears. Literal tears were shed. Sam x Reader, but Cas-centric, and the feels were almost to much. Mana would know. I yelled at her about it, lol
Wild Horses - So cute and so hot. I love me some Sammy. Sammy in the backseat of the Impala is even better. There are some things Dean will never know.
Wild Bloom - This is a long one, but 100% worth it. Fuckin’ slayed me with the porn. Gotta love some John x Younger!Reader and middle-of-nowhere sex.
Kim is the first multishipper I followed and she kills me regularly with the porn (especially Porn Gif Drabble Days. They’re too good). She’s got such a great variety to choose from, but I particularly enjoy her Wincest and Poly fics:
Sketches - Wincest, Voyeur!Artist!Cas, and eventual Wincestiel. Need I say more?
Cursed - If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I thrive on Dom!Sam. I love the idea of a giant man without much control in his daily life taking complete control during sex. But this fic is just one more reason why I’m now so partial so a more submissive version of my favorite moose. The imagery of Sam begging for Dean is too much to handle.
Both - This fic is the poly ship I didn’t know I needed. The idea of Dean getting both of the people he loves it so satisfying.
Release and Relief - I was trying to limit this to three fics per author, but this one cannot be left out. I’ve been shipping Sam/Rowena for a while, but Dean/Rowena is just so good and I’m always a slut for a sub!Dean. Read all the parts. You will not regret it.
Kitten’s fics were kinda my gateway into the world of smut and reader-inserts, and she definitely inspired me to start this blog! Kitten never ceases to amaze me. I adore everything she writes, so it was really hard to pick just a few fics:
Spin Cycle - It’s hard to chose just one of Kitten’s John x Reader fics, but this is definitely in my top three. It’s got all the good stuff- a damsel in distress, Handyman!John to the rescue, cheesy flirting, and filthy smut.
Substitution - If you have a thing for sex worker!Dean and jealous!Sam (like me), this is the Wincest fic for you. Kitten doesn’t usually (read: ever) write bottom!Dean, but she did such a good job and I still love it (clearly).
Come as You Are - Fluff and smut and enough angst to have you yelling at your phone screen cos WHY WON’T THEY JUST TALK. Also, tattooed!punk!Dean. What more do you need?
Breakdown - Sometimes Kitten’s premises read like the beginning of a porno and this is definitely one of those, and i absolutely love every word of it. Makes me wish my car would break down in the middle of nowhere just so I could run into a tall, gorgeous farmer names Sam. Please and thank you.
Honorable mentions are the Magic and Mark serieses (Strippers and smut. That’s all you need to know), and, of course, Left Behind.
Dean introduced me to the wonderful world that is poly ships and interesting kinks I never knew I had. I thought picking fics from Kitten’s masterlist was hard, but picking from Dean’s was nearly impossible:
Tails of a Demi-Demon and His Doms - I was a little hesitant going into this fic, but I’m not entirely sure why? Cos it’s got everything I love- Wincestiel, sub!Dean, some lovely kinks I’d forgotten I have. It’s a little on the longer side, but well worth the time.
Four’s Company - I’m a sucker for a good fix-it and while I did enjoy Season 12, I was bummed to see so many amazing characters go in the finale. Luckily, when I get sad, I can just reread this amazing series and pretend Dean got banged in the Bunker bathroom by Ketch and everyone is still alive.
The Scars We Leave - Speaking of kinks I didn’t know I had and pairings I didn’t know I shipped. This fic is not for the faint of heart, but if you like Demon!Dean x Crowley, Sub!Dean, predicament bondage (specifically my favorite kind and a position I’ve put Dean in before, because he’s so much fun to torture), and some pain kink, this is the fic for you. It’s filthy and dark and oh so good.
@floweryhanzo (you might know him as @beekeepercain)
If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you probably know of my adoration for anything Leo writes. His depth of understanding of the characters and the way he can paint a picture with his words just never ceases to blow my mind. I highly recommend reading everything on his AO3, but here are a few of my favorites (and they’re not all SPN fics!):
Soft: A Story - This fics is so sweet and cute, but also angsty and deep and thought-provoking. It was written for Nanowrimo, so it’s really long, but it’s honestly just amazing. Little Dean is so stinkin’ cute and Sam’s trying to hard to be a good big brother after being the little brother his whole life, and I just love every moment of it.
A Bark With A Bow - this fic was actually written for me, for a Christmas exchange in 2016, and it’s perfection. I’ve always said Sam needs a dog, particularly a therapy dog, and Leo delivered in the most splendid fashion, complete with brothers being cute brothers. It’s a Christmas fic, but I read it all year round.
Gibralter - I DON’T EVEN PLAY THIS DAMN GAME. All I’ve done is watch some of the videos and read this fic. Multiple times. It’s so damn good. Forever long, but so intriguing. I’m a sucker for brother dynamics (have you seen my favorite show??), and this has all of that, with a fantastic blend of lack-of-communication, beautifully written trauma, bottled up emotions, and some action to spice things up a little. I love it so much.
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