#darkiplier x antisepticeye
spicy-moths · 8 days
Darkiplier x Antisepticeye | Words: 5359
Meant to write a smut scene, turned into angst, which turned into smut, which turned into fluff. You're welcome, I guess.
Warnings: use of "sir", "master", "bunny", "rabbit", "good boy", "dumb bunny", dom/sub dynamic, degradation, bondage, collar/leash, breeding kink, knot, monsterfucking (both demons), edging, oral (tendril), overstimulation, forced orgasms, dumbification, possessiveness, size kink, praise kink, mentions of death/murder/blood/drugs/alcohol/addiction
Anti combs his claws through his hair, frustrated and pacing as he tries to come down from the anger of what had just happened. Tried to kill a guy, but he wasn’t going down so easily. Had to leave a trail, messier than he would’ve liked. And he liked to be messy. Gore stains his skin, trying to scratch off the blood dried to his skin. He feels gross, unsatisfied. 
He moved out of the Septic household, no longer feeling safe or welcome there after he continued to clash with the other members of the house. It was hard coming back from doing things you knew your housemates didn’t approve of every day, to be lectured any time you turned a corner. It’s one thing if he had just gotten in with the wrong crowd, developed a bad habit. But he didn’t, he’s just a demon. It’s in his nature. So before they could banish him or exorcize him from his own home, he climbed into one of the computers and just left. Now he resides on a hidden blog, customizing it to his personal needs, living free range in the digital world where no one else can bother him. 
But it’s gotten lonely having all of his interactions with others just to kill them, and porn websites can only do so much to help him with his sexual frustration. He considered downloading some dating apps, but he’s not entirely sure how demon-friendly dating sites can be nowadays. Not exactly like they’re the most common humanoid species that exists. And he sure as hell didn’t want to get on any demon kink website, considering he wanted this to escape the realities of his nature. Pretend to be a human for a little bit, have a good time. 
Anti floats in the air, scrolling on his phone, deleting old messages and blocking numbers. He stops though, thumb hovering over the contact for Dark. Hadn’t spoken to him in years, not after their fight. Caused a whole drama within their larger circle, and is still to this day the reason why the two clans don’t really interact with each other. But there’s that thought for just a moment, that maybe a one night stand doesn’t seem so bad-
Oh shit, he’s desperate.
Going back to an ex that you had an explosive fight with? With said explosive fight being the reason why things ended between the two of you? There was so much raw, angry demonic energy in that room the Pope himself with a whole team of priests would take a month to cleanse it out of there. A string of murders for a couple months and a bar’s worth of alcohol is what it took for him to tolerate being around other people. And tolerate is a very polite word in this circumstance. 
His mind starts to wander, back to when he’d pop over to the manor, get put in his place, and be in a state of bliss until he goes out to kill again. Cycle of rough sex, alcohol, adrenaline highs, and the occasional party drugs. It was hard to ever feel down when you were essentially the murderous playboy bunny to the demonic head of the largest supernatural families in the city. But suddenly everything didn’t give the same high, nothing felt like it was ever enough. Dark cut him off from drinking and drugs, so he started killing more. And then suddenly, it wasn’t nearly as fun to fuck the blood bunny. Dark had threatened to take Anti to rehab, stop destroying himself through everything he was doing. Because despite being a demon, it didn’t mean that it was healthy for him to be such an intense addict. 
So Dark broke it off with him when he refused to go. Because he couldn’t watch his boyfriend deteriorate in front of him when he cared too much for that. He spiraled for a bit, but managed to at least quit the drugs and cut back alcohol significantly. Although the Irish in his blood meant there was always going to be a little bit of liquor in his veins. One night stands were fun for a bit to fill the void, but he eventually stopped trying when those didn’t even feel like anything anymore. He’d never get back to that high again, and while he was happy about that, it also means he probably won’t ever be happy with Dark again.
But something inside him tells him that he should call Dark. Even if it’s just to see how he’s doing. He stares down at the contact, knowing how many times he had wanted to call him before now, but was too scared to. His thumb hits the button, and he watches the screen as the phone rings.
Anti nearly jumps, righting himself a bit too far out of shock. What does he say? He didn’t quite think it would get this far. Most of him believed that Dark would’ve blocked his number. “...Anti?” “H-Hi-” There’s silence for a moment, before what sounds like a sigh of relief. “Glad to know you’re still the one killing all those people. I was worried for a while, when you stopped.” “Ye… kept up wit’ t’e news?” “Things did not end between us because I suddenly stopped caring, Anti. They stopped because I did.”
The words burned in Anti’s throat, tears wanting to form in his eyes. He can’t stop looking at the contact photo, one of the last times he managed to catch a candid smile from him. 
“I know.”
“Are you doing any better?” “In some ways, probably t’e ways t’at ye care about at least.”
“I’m glad.”
With each passing word, it becomes more painful for Anti to shove down what he wants to say. How the awkward tension after not speaking so long feels so heavy on him, making him feel even more alone than he was before.
“Did you need something? Just call me to say “hi” after three years of not speaking to me?” “Do… do ye still care? About me?” He chokes on the words, hot silent tears streaming down his cheeks. His chest hurts, a hole where his heart is supposed to be aching. 
“Yes. Yes I do. Think about you more than I probably should. Wondering if you were alive, if you were okay. Because you weren’t when you left, Antimony.” “Dames…” “Do you need to come home, rabbit?”
Anti’s hand shakes, the shock of hearing what he wants making the sob break past his lips. He can’t take his eyes off his phone, tears welling up in his eyes.
“Wo-on’t ye be ma-ad-?”
“For three years, I didn’t know if you were still alive. Of course I’m not mad. If you want to come home, please, come home. I can’t promise that things will be right back where they were, but it sounds to me like you need something. Something badly enough that you overcome your fear of me being mad at you because you thought I could fix it. Am I right?” “Y-Ye…” “I’ll put the coffee on. Bring your things.”
He hears a kiss through the phone before Dark ends the call, leaving Anti staring in shock at his screen as it darkens. He’s almost giddy about it all, disbelief at what just transpired. Anti bounces onto his feet, grabbing the few things he has around him and glitches towards the nearest electrical device within the manor. He might as well be running into Dark’s arms, although Anti would never admit to that. 
Anti crawls out of the television, looking around for Dark. He lifts his bag up onto his shoulder, peeking his head around the corner. Spotting no one, he starts walking towards where he remembers Dark’s bedroom to be. His footsteps are nearly silent, not really wanting to let the other residents of the house know that he’s come back. Especially after they all heard how things ended between the two of them. Too much shame, hanging his head and hiding beneath his hoodie. 
Wait, is it too forward to assume that they’d be sharing a room again? Shit, probably is. Making over-eager assumptions, fucking idiot. He changes course, going towards Dark’s office. Gonna be a bit more difficult to get there unnoticed, but at least he’ll avoid the embarrassment of dropping off his stuff in Dark’s room just to be told they’re not there yet. Or that they never will be again. He reaches the large mahogany double doors, hesitating with his hand on the doorknob. He turns it, pushing in-
Anti spins, hood falling down as he turns to face the voice. Dark stands only a few feet away, holding two mugs in his hands. They’re quickly set down on a hallway table, a smile growing on his face. The tears return to Anti’s eyes, dropping his things onto the floor, wiping them with his sleeve.
“Come here, it’s okay. You’re here now.”
Dark pulls Anti into his arms, kissing his forehead as he sobs. He didn’t know if he would even see Anti alive again, and here he is in his arms. Tendrils grab the mugs and Anti’s things, allowing Dark free reign of his hands to get the two of them into his office quickly. He sits down at his desk, resituating Anti to sit better in his lap. Poor boy can’t seem to stop crying, dark bags under his eyes, skin paler than it was before. Dark combs Anti’s hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear while planting his lips to Anti’s temple. 
“You’re safe, baby boy. It’s alright. You don’t have to go back, I won’t make you.”
“I-I-I’m- s-ss-sor-ry-”
“Rabbit… there is nothing you have to apologize for. What’s done is done, I was never mad. Just sad that you couldn’t see that you were worth saving, and I thought that by leaving, you’d realize what you were doing to yourself. I never stopped caring.”
Dark’s arms wrap tightly around Anti’s smaller body, hands adjusting his sweatshirt to cover him better. He never forgot how Anti would hide himself in Dark’s lap when he was upset, burying himself in one of Dark’s oversized sweatshirts and curling up while he did paperwork or read his book. Anti’s sniffles make him nearly incoherent, so Dark focuses on getting some coffee in him to calm his sobs. He’s just happy to have his baby boy back. 
“You are still my baby, my bunny boy, my rabbit. If that’s what you want. Things will be different, but things will be better. I’m not letting you ruin yourself again. I want to see you happy, actually happy.”
“I-I want-t t’a-at-”
“Then we’ll do that. We’ll get your things to my room, just like from before. How… how long have you been alone?”
“...two years”
Dark’s heart breaks all over again. Like it did when Anti left, like it did when he got that call out of nowhere. When he saw who the caller was, he didn’t believe it. Because when you think your ex-boyfriend is dead, him calling you suddenly usually does not mean it’s him. Usually it’s a loved one, calling to tell you that he’s dead. His heart had dropped into his stomach, before he heard Anti’s voice from the other side. The relief that he was alive, even if it meant that he was probably unsafe this whole time, Where Dark could not protect him. But that’s changed, hopefully. 
Dark kisses all over Anti’s face, nibbling at his ears, just like he used to. It makes him giggle, a nice change of pace from the tears. Neither of them can believe it’s not just a cruel joke, a dream. But Anti’s home, wrapped up in the safety of Dark’s affections again. 
“Mon petit lapin… doux amour…”
“Mo ghra…”
Anti missed this. Every day since he left. With every day he wanted to just run back here. The feeling of safety, the kisses goodnight, the coffee in the morning. How Dark made his brain leak out of him and then would slowly piece him back together just to do it all again the next night. Out of all the addictions he quit, Dark was the only one he regret quitting. But he didn’t think he’d ever be accepted back here. Gods, is he glad he was wrong. 
“C’mon, let’s get you settled in. Will you be joining us for dinner?”
“Do ye want me t’...?” “I don’t want to let you out of my sight again, if you’re asking what I want. What I need to do though, is take you to my room and get you settled in.”
Dark stands up, hoisting Anti onto his hip with a kiss to the cheek. Anti kind of forgot how much Dark used to baby him, but there is not anything to complain about right now. He feels loved again for the first time in far too long. Anti wraps his arms around Dark’s neck, hiding his face in the broader man’s shoulder. Just getting used to the feeling of being held close again. His eyes stay closed, clinging tight and listening to the world around them. Dark just hums as he walks, taking his time with the pacing before the telltale click of a doorknob opening and closing gets Anti to perk up. 
The bedroom hasn’t changed much, if anything there’s less sex toys around the room. Which is subject to change. Dark sets him down, steadying him onto his feet before pulling away to admire him.
“Ye don’t ‘ave t’ do t’is. I can sleep somewhere else.” “I want you in here with me. It’s easier for me to sleep at night, knowing you’re okay. And, it makes certain activities a lot easier to do, and recover from.”
Anti’s cheeks flush up to his ears, very quickly remembering why he was looking through the contacts in his phone in the first place, and why he even considered calling Dark. The way this man has ruined him until he’s cumming dry more times than he can count on an army’s fingers and toes should indicate how much he loves being the chosen fucktoy for the larger demon. Anti shrinks, something Dark picks up on immediately.
“You were hoping for just a one night stand with me, weren’t you? Doesn’t feel the same anymore with anyone else? Because I can fix that, fulfill the wants of a very, very needy bunny. You just have to follow the same rules as before.”
Right. All the kink stuff they established. Does Dark still have his collar? Is it weird to hold onto that stuff for this long? Especially if you don’t know if your sub is still alive?
Dark grabs Anti’s chin, tilting his head up to look him in the eye. He notices how Anti squirms where he stands under his gaze, the hunger inside him to hear him cry out for him again growing by the second.
“We have time before dinner. You know I don’t cook in this house.”
Anti swallows, just staring at him with blushy cheeks and wide eyes. It’s hard not to notice how Dark growls as his cock begins to harden, straining against his slacks. 
“Please… sir.”
“Good boy. On the bed.”
With a kiss to the forehead, Anti melts back into that familiar subspace, almost on autopilot as he climbs up on the bed and kneels. Legs spread, arms behind his back. So he did keep his training, fairly well by the look in his eyes, already looking a bit empty with that stare. Dark looks over Anti’s body, taking him all in. The sweatshirt gives him an idea, and he grins.
“Any hard no’s?” “No sir.” “Any requests?” Anti never liked this question. Not because he never got what he wanted, but because he always gets what he wants. But it feels like he should want a specific scene to play out each time. 
“Collar?” “I can do that. Good boy. Now strip, fully now.” He whines at the praise, it melting into his skin as he glitches out of his clothes, leaving them over on the side of the bed. With how horny he was earlier, he knows this isn’t going to take much to get him whining and moaning. The pure excitement of it makes him giddy. Dark glances over his shoulder from the sex toy drawer, pulling out some rope, a leash, and Anti’s collar. He then quickly grabs a sweatshirt from his closet, setting it on the bed by Anti’s knee. He’s gorgeous like this, blushed and bashful. Can’t wait to see how his face will look after he’s been used through his fourth round.
“Put on the sweatshirt, then bend over the bed.”
The words barely have to leave Dark’s mouth before Anti is glitched into the desired position. Dark pushes the sweatshirt up, admiring how it normally goes halfway down his thighs. Such a little bunny…
Anti’s eyes cross as a pair of tendrils wrap around his legs, one entering into his ass and the other wrapping around the base of his cock. The thrusts are shallow at first, but he can tell the tendril is going to be getting thicker with every thrust. Dark grabs his hands, beginning to tie him up with the rope. 
“Are you gonna be a good boy for me? Or am I going to have to punish you this time around?”
“I-I’ll be go-od, sir.”
Dark leans forward, kissing Anti’s cheek as he starts tying the rope around his arm, under the sweatshirt. 
“There’s the little rabbit I know, being a good boy for his master.”
Anti’s brain feels fuzzy as the tendril continues to grow inside him, the praise melting into his skin like the love from the kiss. He starts to whimper, the second tendril tightening around his base as the intensity of the first starts to pick up. The rope goes across his chest in an intricate pattern, following down the other arm to meet where his wrists are tied behind his back again. He loves being a rope bunny for Dark, easier to get manhandled when you’re covered in handles. The tendrils pick up Anti, making him kneel once again, panting and moaning softly. The sweatshirt almost consumes him, and he knows Dark is enjoying the view. 
Dark steps forward, clipping the collar around Anti’s throat. His partner always gets a particular look of empty brain bliss when he clips on the collar, almost like it’s a small taste of what’s to come. Dark keeps Anti kneeling as he undresses himself, taking enough time to put on a slight bit of a show. He flexes his back, knowing it will drive Anti wild with how muscular he is. Then turning back around to face him, Dark approaches Anti, kissing away his whimpers as he’s lifted up, the tendrils retreating. Dark moves to the head of the bed, leaning against the headboard as he makes Anti straddle him. Oh he looks so pretty like this, being edged into pure neediness while made to look so perfect. He puts his hands under the sweatshirt, grabbing Anti’s hips and guiding him into taking all of him in. 
“Aren’t you a pretty boy, little rabbit alright to bounce on my cock?”
“Plea-ase s-sir-“
“Shhhh… it’s okay. You’ll get what you need.”
Pushing into him again feels like heaven, all the ways that Anti squeezes around him. So needy already, he’s going to enjoy making him cum as many times as he can. Anti’s thighs twitch, before he starts bouncing in Dark’s lap with a moan. Dark thrusts up to meet him when Anti comes back down, making the poor boy quiver and moan unashamedly. Slowly guiding his pace, but curious as to how desperate he is for this again.
“Do you want something for your mouth?”
“Yes-s ple-ease-“
A tendril raises to Anti’s mouth, entering as soon as his lips are parted wide enough to fit in. Anti’s eyes roll back, focusing more on the tendril fucking his mouth than Dark’s cock pumping out of him. Fortunately, it means Dark can start doing what he wants. He grips Anti’s hips tighter, taking over the pace and fucking himself with his partner. So receptive to what Dark wants, still letting him be used as the pliant little hole he is. Anti doesn’t quite realize it, but he’s drooling around the tendril in his mouth, how it’s filling and fucking his throat just makes him wish it was actually Dark’s cock he was sucking. Another time. 
“How does it sound for me to breed my little rope bunny?”
That’s a kink he forgot about. Even if the shock of the question takes him out of his bliss, the way he tightens around Dark’s cock and his dick twitching under the sweatshirt gives the larger demon all the information he needs. Dark clips the leash onto Anti’s collar, pulling him forward, close enough he can hear the tendril pumping in and out of Anti’s throat.
“Not fair to put you on your front since you can’t hold yourself up. Guess I’ll just have to put my breedable slut into a mating press. What a shame…”
That’s all it takes for Anti to climax the first time, spilling cum all over Dark’s chest. But it doesn’t deter Dark, if anything it makes him even rougher. He adjusts the angle of his hips, grinning sadistically at the shiver that shoots up Anti’s spine. Watching his back arch and tears begin to form in his eyes. Dark leans forward, kissing away the tears before moving to Anti’s neck. He marks around the collar and neck wound, claiming and possessive. Dark’s claws dig into the flesh of Anti’s waist, holding it tighter, squeezing and rubbing his thumbs over Anti’s abdomen.
He had forgotten how hot Dark is when he’s fucking him, how he still knows all the ways to get him to fold like a wet paper bag. Where to place his hands, how to move him on his cock. The exact weak spot on his neck that makes him want to moan and scream his name. How Anti’s pleasure is a goal, ruining him as Dark edges himself through all of Anti’s orgasms. He doesn’t mind being Dark’s boytoy, not when he’s treated like the most cherished and loved boytoy in all of the world. They tried introducing others into the mix, spice things up, but Dark’s jealousy of not being the only one to melt Anti’s brain eventually got in the way, and got him not walking for a few days as well.
“Baby? You close again?”
Anti lets out a whorish moan as he comes back to the present, now realizing Dark’s hand is now jacking him off, using tendrils to turn Anti into a fleshlight. Dark’s eyes can’t seem to leave how the sweatshirt has been positioned, hiding the important stuff but letting him see how Anti’s thighs quiver. He squirms, resisting against the rope for a moment, trying to give Dark pleading eyes while he pants around the tendril in his mouth.
“You know better than that, you’re gonna be cumming dry before you get anything from me, bunny boy.”
The smaller demon groans, whimpering as he tries to give into the pleasure. It doesn’t take much to get him to his second climax, shaking badly in Dark’s lap. But from the way that Dark’s hips aren’t jerking up yet, he’s not close enough to change positions. Fuck. 
“How many more do you think I could get out of you? One for every year you’ve been gone? Maybe more? How many times do I need to make you cum to make you realize that you are mine, and mine alone?”
The tendril stops fucking Anti’s mouth, making him gag as it pulls out. His tongue hangs out for a second, looking dazed as he tries to figure out how to answer Dark. 
“Nothing but a dumb bunny, poor baby…”
“Du-umb b-bunn-ny…”
“Yes, you’re Master’s dumb bunny. Aren’t you?”
“Good, good boy.”
Anti leans forward, wanting to rest his head against Dark’s shoulder. Get closer to him, feel his hot skin. Dark adjusts his grip on him, pulling Anti quite close and kissing all over his face. He captures Anti’s lips in a hungry kiss, growling into it as Anti moans. He sees white for a second, screaming Dark’s name as he cums the hardest he has thus far. He’s tight around Dark’s cock, making it difficult to continue even with all the lubricant from the tendril still being inside him. His hips jerk up as soon as the tightening lessens, damn he’s close already. Maybe they’ll have time for more after dinner…
Anti however realizes that Dark is close, and despite his legs having very little strength, tries to take back at least some control. Dark growls, pressing right on the sensitive spot on Anti’s neck, making him climax again as he’s thrown onto his back. Hot tears of overstimulation stain his cheeks as Dark resettles between Anti’s legs. His legs are lifted up, pressed back against him as he’s loomed over. Dark hooks Anti’s knees over his elbows, leaning down and kissing him soundly as he starts fucking Anti into the mattress. 
“You want it badly, don’t you, rabbit? Been so long since you’ve gotten a proper fucking. You need this, don’t you?”
“Ple-ease si-ir-”
“Don’t worry, you’ll get what you need.”
Dark bites Anti’s neck, hips jerking as he hits his climax. Pushes Anti over into his fifth, properly fucking away his last braincell. The cold fills Anti, a familiar feeling he hasn’t felt in so long. His mouth hangs open as his eyes cross, unable to focus on the world around him. Then the knot, expanding inside of him. Keeps all of it in, keeps Dark happy. Dark pulls back up, letting go of Anti’s legs and letting them fall to his sides. 
“You look so pretty like this, rabbit…”
Anti’s lifted up into Dark’s arms, resting his face against the larger man’s chest. Not a single thought behind his eyes, a dopey grin spreading across his lips. It’s difficult to not be endeared by the pure joy as Anti blinks dumbly up at Dark. He brushes the hair out of Anti’s eyes, scratching behind his ears until he starts purring. Unfortunately for Dark, the knot in combination with the full body vibrations of Anti’s purring has turned this into quite the predicament for him. Not that he has the heart to put him through more rounds right now. Just have to keep the bunny happy until the knot goes down.
It takes a little while, Dark entertaining himself with untying his boyfriend. Once Anti gets the use of his hands again, he starts squishing Dark’s face with many giggles at the faces Dark makes at him. Puffing out his cheeks, sticking out his tongue, scrunching his nose. Really makes Dark realize how much he missed Anti, how much he always loved him. Seeing him smile when his previous memories were a lot of negativity is such a refreshing change of pace. When the knot goes down, he pulls Anti off his cock and lays him onto the bed, taking the sweatshirt off his body to go in the wash. Dark stands up with a grunt, stretching out his back and cracking his neck before picking up Anti to wash the two of them in the shower. 
“Do you think you can stand at all? Or do I need to carry you for everything?”
Anti responds with a face plant into Dark’s chest once again, followed by a bout of giggles.Dark can’t help but just shake his head, changing his mind from a shower to a bath, If the other household members ask him why he was late to dinner, they will most likely find out rather quickly with Anti’s presence at the table. Although it is tempting to just try to convince Illinois to send dinner for the two of them to their bedroom. He sets the tub to start filling, keeping Anti on his hip as he walks back into the bedroom to find the cord phone. He dials the kitchen, holding the receiver to his ear.
“Big man, everything okay? Noticing your chair empty at the table.” “Everything is fine, Illinois. Perhaps better than fine. I was wondering if it’s too much to ask that two portions of whatever you made tonight could be sent up to my room.”
“Not at all. Although I didn’t think you were the type to need two plates when I usually try to give everyone plenty. I know how much you eat nowadays.”
“It’s not just for me, I have someone with me who definitely needs a bit of refueling.”
“Gross, but lucky guy, I guess. Didn’t think you would’ve finally moved on from Anti.”
“I didn’t.” “...he’s back!?” “He’s alive. And I’m not letting him go again.” “Is that… healthy? Big D?” “He wanted to come back. Called me out of nowhere. I’m… going to make sure I take care of him. Properly, this time. So, if it’s not too much to ask, if you could bring something for him too, that would be doing me a very big favor. And please don’t mention anything to the other boys.”
“I swear on my partner’s life I will not tell the other boys.” “That does not mean a lot, coming from you.”
“I’d swear on my mother’s grave if I knew where it was.” “Just promise.” “Yes sir.”
Dark growls through the phone, rolling his eyes as Illinois chuckles on the other side.
“I’ll be up in a second.” “Just leave it on my desk, we’ll be in the tub.” “Understood.” Illinois hangs up the phone, and Dark takes the two of them back into the bathroom. Luckily the tub has not overflowed, although it seems as though Anti has nearly fallen asleep waiting for the bath. Dark tries to wake up his boyfriend with gentle kisses, setting the two of them down into the hot water. He watches him wake up, washing Anti slowly. He hears Illinois over in the next room set down their food, although he glares daggers through the door to encourage him to not go snooping around in there. Anti takes his attention back onto him, sputtering as he attempts to eat some of the bubbles floating in the tub. 
“Anti! Don’t do that!” “B l e h - “
“I forgot how stupid you can be after a good fucking…”
“B o o b s” “Anti…” Now that Anti is a hazard to himself, Dark moves with a little more urgency to get the two of them out of the tub a bit faster. That, and the likelihood of dinner being some sort of hot dish is rather high, and he’d rather not eat it cold. Anti is fortunately a little too stupid to be too uncooperative, especially when he’s bribed with food, coffee, and cuddles. 
“Alright, lapin. Up we go.” “Wheeeeeee…”
Anti is full of giggles, with the bones of a ragdoll as he’s picked up. Dark takes the two of them into the bedroom, finding some of his oversized clothes to dress the two of them. He spots two cloches on his desk, lifting them up to reveal steak and mashed potatoes. Illinois was even kind enough to cut up Anti’s steak, probably correctly assuming he’d be a little too uncoordinated to use anything more advanced than a fork. 
“Do you need help eating?” “Mmmmmm…” “...I can’t believe I keep expecting conversation out of you. Just stay comfortable, I’ll help.” Dinner goes well all things considered, and Anti soon snakes his way into Dark’s arms again, falling asleep against his chest. It shouldn’t have been this easy, and there’s still so much of him that tells him this isn’t real. But he’s here right now, and hopefully will stay as long as Dark protects him.
“I missed you, love. Welcome home.”
0 notes
jacksepticeye-simp · 13 days
If you do poly stuff, maybe a cute date between Dark, Anti, and the reader? If not, just a date with one or the other is great. Enjoy your stuff. :)
Date night (Darkiplier x Reader x Antisepticeye)
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(I'm so sorry this took so long I've been busy, I tried my best and I hope you like it!)
"̷I̷'̷m̷ ̷n̷̷o̷̷t̷ ̷g̷̷o̷̷n̷̷n̷a̷ ̷f̷̷o̷̷c̷̷k̷̷i̷̷n̷' ̷g̷̷e̷̷t̷ ̷d̷̷r̷̷e̷̷s̷̷s̷̷e̷̷d̷ ̷i̷̷n̷ ̷s̷̷o̷̷m̷̷e̷ ̷s̷̷t̷̷u̷̷f̷̷f̷̷y̷ ̷s̷̷u̷̷i̷̷t̷ ̷j̷̷u̷̷s̷̷t̷ ̷t̷̷o̷ ̷b̷̷e̷ ̷s̷̷i̷̷t̷ ̷i̷̷n̷ a̷̷n̷ ̷u̷̷n̷̷c̷̷o̷̷m̷̷f̷̷o̷̷r̷̷t̷a̷̷b̷̷l̷̷e̷ ̷f̷a̷̷n̷̷c̷̷y̷ ̷f̷̷o̷̷c̷̷k̷̷i̷̷n̷' ̷p̷̷l̷a̷̷c̷̷e̷ ̷f̷̷o̷̷r̷ ̷w̷̷h̷̷o̷ ̷k̷̷n̷̷o̷̷w̷̷s̷ ̷h̷̷o̷̷w̷ ̷l̷̷o̷̷n̷̷g̷, ̷P̷̷l̷̷u̷̷s̷ ̷y̷̷o̷̷u̷ ̷k̷̷n̷̷o̷̷w̷ ̷h̷̷o̷̷w̷ ̷t̷̷h̷̷o̷̷s��̷e̷ ̷s̷̷t̷̷u̷̷p̷̷i̷̷d̷ ̷d̷̷r̷̷e̷̷s̷̷s̷ ̷c̷̷o̷̷l̷̷l̷a̷̷r̷̷s̷ ̷c̷̷h̷a̷̷f̷̷e̷ a̷̷t̷ ̷m̷̷y̷ ̷n̷̷e̷̷c̷̷k̷! ̷W̷̷h̷̷y̷ ̷c̷a̷̷n̷'̷t̷ ̷w̷̷e̷ ̷d̷̷o̷ ̷s̷̷o̷̷m̷̷e̷̷t̷̷h̷̷i̷̷n̷' ̷s̷̷i̷̷m̷̷p̷̷l̷̷e̷?" Anti asked, glitching aggressively. Dark merely rolled his eyes at the glitch demon. "Because date night should be classy, it's special. It isn't some casual every other day type of evening. The perfect date night is a formal dinner at a refined restaurant." The monochrome demon stated, fixing the lapels of his suit. "But I wouldn't expect an imbecile such as yourself to understand what class is.
""̷O̷̷H̷ ̷I̷'̷L̷̷L̷ ̷S̷̷H̷̷O̷̷W̷ ̷Y̷̷A̷ ̷W̷̷H̷̷O̷̷S̷ ̷I̷̷M̷̷B̷̷E̷̷C̷̷I̷̷L̷̷E̷ ̷Y̷̷O̷̷U̷ ̷F̷̷O̷̷C̷̷K̷̷I̷̷N̷' ̷E̷̷D̷̷G̷̷E̷̷L̷̷O̷̷R̷̷D̷!" Anti lunged at Dark as you sighed, looking up from your phone.
"Why don't we watch a movie?" You suggested. Your boyfriends turned their gaze to you. "..Can it be horror?" Anti asked, slowly taking his knife away from Darks neck. "I suppose I can settle for a film." Dark said, appearing on the couch beside you. "̷I̷'̷M̷ ̷P̷̷I̷̷C̷̷K̷̷I̷̷N̷'!!" Anti glitched to the other side of the couch, grabbing the remote from the table. He scrolled through multiple movies before eagerly settling on Terrifer 2.
"Could we pick something with less..bloody?" You suggested, Anti didn't seem to care since he played the movie anyways. You had quite a few moments gripping onto the arms of whichever one of them was closest to you, which they went positively crazy over. You leaned backwards, smiling at your boyfriends. You'd enjoyed the movie much more than you anticipated. Nothing could be a more perfect way to end the night.
(I hope you enjoyed this, I tried my best)
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yuckie-obsessive · 2 years
Double Trouble
Uh-oh… been thinking about a double possessive x reader 👀
So been thinking about if you got both of the boys in the same room and they only barely tolerate each other because you’re there. I’ll try to make it gn
Tw: brief talk of Anti’s “neck incident” and swearing
Darkiplier x Reader (gender neutral) x Antisepticeye
Set up: you are just chilling with Anti (just imagine a living room) and Dark arrives because he wants to talk with you about something and Anti gets real defensive and clingy.
“They aren’t your prisoner, you know. They can talk with whomever they wish,” Dark was already irritated with Anti’s shenanigans.
“Yeah, well you’re in my home, my fucking territory. You don’t have a fucking say here!” Anti was getting angry a lot faster than the other alter- as per usual. Dark sighed, “Does this really need to be an issue every time I wish to see them? They already stay with you, why do you insist on being selfish?”
“Cause I know what’s safe for them, and they don’t need to be around you or any other insane ego in your little group.”
The iplier egos were never all that harmful towards you, though. Only Dark and Wilford ever seemed to have interest, to which Dark would always ward off Wilford’s more… extreme tendencies.
Dark sneered in response, “You know what’s safe? The one who brought a knife to their own neck for entertainment-?”
Things were growing heated fast. You decided to quietly step away to let them work it out (in their own special way).
“Dollface, hey,” arms wrapped around your torso, making you stop, “where are ya going? I was just messing around…” Anti mumbled as his face brushed up beside yours.
“Just a minor spat is all,” Dark stepped in front of you and took your hand, “takes more than a couple harsh words to send me away.” He placed a soft kiss to your knuckles.
Anti growled and his hold possessively tightened, “would certainly make my life a lot easier… I think they prefer me anyways,” he chuckled a bit and started a trail of kisses along your neck.
Dark’s expression twitched only slightly at this, but remained overall neutral. He brought his free hand to your face and maneuvered yours to rest on his shoulder. “They just need to see what I can offer…” his chest pressed up against yours, now pinning you between the two extremely dangerous beings, “I can entirely rewrite reality at your command.”
His lips connected with yours in a rather soft display of affection, catching you off guard with how gentle he was being. He separated for a breath, “say the word my dear, and I will give you the world.” He captured your lips once again.
Anti huffed. “Darlin’ you already have the world with me,” he whispered into your ear, making you shiver only for Dark to deepen the kiss to bring your attention back to him. “What could he possibly have that I don’t, hm?” Anti placed a small kiss behind your ear.
Dark separated to glare down at him. “Humility and grace certainly comes to mind.”
With that, they were at it again. Attempting to one-up each other for your attention.
You, at their mercy, had one hand clutching at Anti’s arms and the other clawing into Dark’s suit jacket, there was hardly anything you could do to stop them. Your mind, being as flustered as it was, probably wouldn’t let you do much of anything if you could.
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ijwrff · 1 year
Prisoner-Part 7
Am I evil for this? Maybe. Y'all bout to find out.
Tw; swearing
@serenitydusk @thattiredanimator1t0mblr @viciouslyyearning
Word Count: 1,363
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Anti most certainly didn’t want to go to this little meeting, and he made that very clear. Between groaning and openly saying “This fucking sucks” several times as you played your game. He knew once you were done with that section of the game, that you’d want to meet with Dark about whatever this agreement was. He was dreading it with every inch of his being. 
You finished up quickly, wanting to know what it was and how it would go. Maybe their agreement involved you going home? That didn’t seem right…it was mentioned as if it was something bigger than that. More important to them, and possibly to you. You HAD to know. It was urgent, and on the off chance that it meant you could go home you needed to be involved in that conversation as soon as possible. 
You looked at Anti and smiled, even though it came off as very nervous. “So…to Dark’s castle?” You tried to make it sound less like you were excited, and more of a casual question. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy your time with Anti…even if he had a few screws loose. Dark was calmer by far, so if you had to talk about this “agreement” you’d rather do it with Dark present. 
He might have some control over the situation, and keep Anti at bay if all went wrong. Might. 
Anti made an irritated noise, but reluctantly composed himself as much as he could and grabbed your hand. He led you to the front, and you couldn’t help but notice the sparks coming off his other hand. His eyes flashed with colors of green and yellow, and it intimidated not just you…but all the other demons who walked past. They took great care to stay as far as possible from the two of you. 
You had no idea what to say, and neither did he. It didn’t take long to realize Anti could be a talker, so knowing he was being quiet only made you more anxious for this conversation. He would look at you with calculating eyes, and you would look back only for the both of you to look away. This was so…awkward. Was the agreement really something to be so nervous about?
Within moments of leaving out the front entrance, your vision blurred and you arrived at Dark’s castle. It wasn’t exactly welcoming, but as Dark said it was more composed. More solid, and stable. It seemed foreboding however, and the walk to Dark’s office was silent. For the most part. You could still hear demons talking and rummaging around, but you had yet to see one of them. 
Anti didn’t bother to knock, and walked straight into the room with you in tow. He made sure not to let go of your hand, as if to show Dark that Anti was holding your hand instead of him. He squeezed tightly several times, but made sure not to squeeze too hard. Humans were far more breakable than demons, and he reminded himself of that often when around you. 
Dark looked up from his desk and frowned at Anti, before smiling softly at you. “What brings you back? Was he mistreating you?” His smile turned into a look that terrified you. You had to remind yourself it wasn’t directed at you. It didn’t phase Anti, however, and the two glared at each other with unspoken words. 
“N-No! It wasn’t that…it’s just…” Now seeing them seethe at each other made your confidence dissolve, but you had to be strong. “I wanted…to know what your agreement was.” You scanned their faces, and tried to get a hint as to what it was before it was said. 
Anti looked irritated, and Dark looked perplexed. “Oh…I see.” He gestured to the two seats in front of the desk, “Sit down. We’ll discuss it.” Dark also looked as if he was dreading the conversation, but the look went away quickly and was replaced with calmness. You couldn’t tell if that calmness was genuine, but if it wasn’t he was a damn good actor. 
You both sat down, and Dark tried to formulate the words. “It’s an agreement about you.” Those words were already terrifying, and seeing your confusion and fear he continued. “We can’t say we hold extremely strong feelings for you, but that has changed over time.” This was sounding…odd. And conflicting. 
Anti spoke up, “We’d like to try and court you. There. Happy, Dark? I used your words.” Both turned to you and had anticipating looks on their faces. Anti in particular looked more afraid, as if he was exposing a great weakness of his. “But you can pick who you chose. Our agreement…” He trailed off, and Dark finished the sentence for him once several moments had passed. 
“Was that we each take you on a series of dates. Get to know you, and you can get to know us. We will not hold…many…strong negative feelings about your choice.” He folded his hands on his desk and tried to gauge your reaction. When he saw confusion once again, he continued. “We will be patient, and respect your decision.” 
You had…no words. Was this really happening? Two demons that kidnapped you…wanted to go on dates with you. This has become an extremely difficult situation very quickly. “I…I…” Was all you could get out. You wanted to tell them how you felt, but any thoughts on negative repercussions halted your attempts. 
“It’s alright dear, take your time.” Dark said, and looked at you concerned. Was the thought really so terrifying you couldn’t speak? “We can protect you. Better than anyone else can.” He tried to reaffirm your beliefs, if they were even there. “We are kings of the void, and could provide you any kind of life you saw fit. No need to make the decision now.” 
After a good while of silence from Anti, he decided to throw his two cents in, “We get you need time. Just don’t take too long, and make the right choice. At least try it out. See who you like more.” He sniffed and rubbed his nose, being reluctant to have this conversation at all. You just looked so…conflicted. It was making him nervous. 
They both allowed you several moments, and you tried to gather your words as carefully as possible. “I…I can’t.” You closed your eyes, not knowing what was about to happen to you. Hearing them both suck in breaths, you opened your eyes to see Dark and Anti’s auras, or whatever they were called, flickering aggressively in the air around them. It felt suffocating. 
“At least give one of us a fucking chance! Just some dates! It’s no big deal!” Anti growled, but Dark’s look had him calm down slightly. “We wanna know you. Everything about you.” It sounded broken, with how his voice glitched and his emotions overflowed. 
Dark leaned forward, getting just a little bit closer to you. “Why can’t you? Be honest.” He looked into your eyes, but you tore your gaze far from him. “We could provide for you, care for you. Be yours, as much as you’d be ours. I know I could give you the lavish life of your dreams. Anti could do…something…for you.” He trailed off, trying to think of what Anti could possibly do. He saw himself much higher up than the glitch demon, but he respected him to the smallest extent. 
“Fuck off Dark! I can make sure,” He directed his eyes to you and made sure you were looking at him, “That you always have fun. No rules, no regulations, just anything you want to do you can. Travel the human world, gain authority, take you anywhere you want to go.” His eyes were flickering with electricity it seemed, and it made you look away. “So why. Can’t. You.” His voice sounded guarded, but still angry. 
“Because…” Their strong reactions were terrifying, and you wanted nothing more to go back home. Somewhere you were safe, no demons in sight. But you had to say those six words. Maybe they would understand? Leave you alone? It was wishful thinking. 
“Because I already have a boyfriend.” 
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thedarkcoven · 2 years
This Is Not A Dream | Master List
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-Edit made by me using pics found on Google. I DO NOT take any form of credit other than the edit :) WARNING! 18+ Content Ahead. MINORS DNI!  Smut. Slight Drinking. Threesome. Manipulation. Dark isn’t a nice person/demon. Natemare is a little shit. Dark and Mare are obsessive and possessive. Antisepticeye is like a big brother to reader. Choking. Hair pulling. Slight abuse. Some noncon/dubcon. Talk of religion/witchcraft (ex: demons, god complex, sacrifices, etc). Bondage themes. Talk of mental health. Mind play. Dark magic. Shadow tentacle usage. Monster-f’ing (since demons are technically monsters). Blood/gore. Dark themes so if any of this makes you uncomfy please do not read. -If I can think of any more I will add them- 
Its been years since you started your career, starting as a side job, of creating Youtube videos. Out of celebration of your tenth year and meeting so many amazing friends over the years, your best friend Seán also known as Jacksepticeye has come up with a plan of having a get together for a few weeks. Things seem fine at first until one you run across what you thought was an abandoned shack only to have the events of a great time turn dark.  ~Chapters will be updated as I finish them -Chapters- Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four
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muscari-melpomene · 7 months
Want, and Need
Chapter 3 of Counterbalance!
"It's supposed to be his job," said Anti sharply, and Dark sighed like he was trying to keep his temper, shutting his eyes for a moment. Anti was standing firmly in front of him, arms crossed, and no way in hell was he about to back down. "You said it was Wil's job to take them."
"It's not good for him to be there so often."
"He loves it there."
"That's why it isn't good for him."
"And it's good for you?"
"Anti," said Dark, opening his eyes to glare, "this-"
"If you tell me the fucking manor sucking your soul out isn't my concern, I will start screaming."
"I was going to say 'not up for discussion', actually."
"You fucker-"
"Don't," Anti nearly snarled, a glitch tearing down his back and fizzling out his words, "don't you dare use that bullshit on me, Dark. Why the fuck have you been feeding the manor, and why the fuck didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't tell you for exactly this reason!" Dark threw his hands up and turned away, starting for the stairs. "I didn't tell you because you're only going to do this, and there's no point telling you anything else about it because you won't fucking listen."
Anti glitched out and appeared in front of Dark, shoving him back into the living room.
"Do not walk away from me-"
"What else am I meant to do," Dark gritted out, catching Anti's arm and pushing him away before Anti could shove at him again. "You're acting like a child."
"I'm the child? Wil's the one who hangs on your every fucking word, who can't understand that not everything's a part of his stupid little game-"
"-And the longer he's at the manor, the worse his delusions get-"
"William," said Anti slowly, "is not. Coming. Back. He's gone. Wilford isn't going to snap out of being Wilford, that's all there is left of him."
Dark was silent, watching Anti with cold, hard eyes. Anti stared back.
"And even if he did come back," he continued, ignoring the high-pitched ringing slowly building in the corners of the room, "he wouldn't know you. He wouldn't want you. He wants Damien and Celine. He doesn't want Dark. He never has."
"...And you do?" said Dark, all cold calmness now. "You want the shells of them, crumbled and mixed into a new mortar and plastered over the cracks of a broken body?"
"I want-"
"And what do you want with that body, Anti? Do you want it to abandon the power that sustains it, to lie helpless on the floor for you?"
Anti shook his head sharply, pushing away the image. "That's not-"
"Do you want it isolated like one of your victims?" Dark demanded, moving closer, "no ties, no escape? A doll to keep to yourself? Or perhaps you want this forever, fights every night because I dare to have a priority that isn't you and you need the struggle, the suffering, the pain my divided attention costs me- am I nothing but misery for you to have your fill of? When do your teeth sink in to my neck, then, when do I wake up to my last morning with you to see you grinning and sated?"
"Stop," said Anti, voice ragged as he grabbed at Dark's shirt, "Stop, stop it. Please stop it."
"Why should I?" said Dark, head held high. He didn't push Anti away.
Anti tipped forward, letting his head fall against Dark's shoulder.
"...Every time you feed the manor," Anti mumbled, "you get further away from me. It might as well be you getting tossed in that fucking basement. I hate it. I hate it, it's hurting you. You're tired when you come back, you're... less of you. More of it. It's gutting you to make more room for itself, because who you are isn't what it wants you to be, you don't want to be like it, I know you don't."
"How would you know that?" asked Dark. His voice was still cold, still impatient, but it was... softening. Just a little. Anti took a deep breath.
"I know you have nightmares."
Dark stiffened a little, and Anti kept talking.
"You're good at hiding it. Really good. But you can't pretend when you're asleep. I see your face move, I feel you get tense, like you want to run... and when you wake up, you look like you just got back from giving it a fresh body. It wants all of you, and you're afraid. And I don't want your fear."
"Why not?"
"I need you."
"You need to-"
"I need more than feeding," said Anti tiredly, shutting his eyes. "I need you. You next to me. Your arms. Your voice. Your terrible fucking interior design choices-"
Dark huffed like he was trying not to laugh, and Anti stored it away to feel smug about later.
"-your rants about the dumbass dog next door and the lemon window upstairs, your pretentious, stupid filing systems, you, Dark, I need you. I want you. And the manor wants to take you away from me, and I'm not going to fucking let it."
A long, quiet moment passed. Dark's hand pressed into the small of Anti's back, and Anti did not cry as Dark finally curled into him, holding him carefully.
"I need you, too," he murmured, setting his chin on Anti's head and stroking his hand up and down Anti's back. "I want you, too. And I... I don't want it. But it will kill me if I don't let it in."
"It'll still kill you if you do," said Anti miserably, and Dark sighed.
"...Maybe. Maybe it will. But there's time to figure that out, alright? I'm not dying right now, am I? I'm right here. With you."
Anti finally unclenched his hands from Dark's shirt, only to wrap his arms around his boyfriend's neck, pressing closer against him.
"...You're here," he agreed. Dark nodded.
"I'm not leaving you. I don't want to leave you."
"Promise," Anti demanded.
"I promise," said Dark, without hesitation.
Chase kept his eyes shut, and hated every second of it. But this was- this was important. This was important, and if Henrik tried anything Marvin was right there to set him on fire. Marvin was good at fire.
Chase tried to focus on that, on the memory of Marvin getting startled by his own damn cat and setting the ceiling fan on fire that one time. It was better than focusing on Henrik muttering to himself as he took notes on Chase's last answer.
"...Alright," said Henrik finally, and the frenzied sound of scribbling stopped, "there is... no evidence that the connection has changed. Decreased paranoia does not indicate it has weakened, it is simply the natural progression of increased security in the absence of an attack. All that remains is to-"
"Do we really have to do this part?" Said Marvin, and Higgins yowled. Henrik sighed, agitated.
"Yes, we do. It's the most important part of this check-in, you are well aware of that."
"Then- then couldn't I do it? This once?"
Chase frowned. Marvin sounded more worried than usual.
I should tease him about that later.
"Were you possessed by the anomaly?" Henrik snapped, "Chase has the strongest connection to it, he is our best avenue of insight. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement, Chase will be fine."
Chase tried very hard not to think about the word 'possessed'.
"You don't know that," Marvin muttered angrily. Henrik sighed again, more pointedly this time. Chase was pretty sure Marvin would throw hands with Henrik if he wasn't so scrawny. Henrik wasn't much to look at either, but he definitely had the height advantage. Marvin did have magic, though, and an unmatched level of pure, unadulterated spite, and honestly Chase would pay to watch him kick the shit out of-
"Chase, I said focus," said Henrik.
"Always ruining my fun," Chase muttered. Marvin snorted, and Chase could feel Henrik holding back one last sigh.
"Reach out to him," Henrik commanded. This was the part Chase hated. He'd had his eyes closed through the whole questioning process to help disengage from his body, because if he was too present, too connected with what was happening around him, he wouldn't be able to...
...to feel Anti. And the others needed him to, needed any information on Anti they could possibly get. They needed him to do this, and it was all he could actually do for them, and damned if he was going to keep all of them trapped because it scared him. Damned if he was.
Chase took a deep breath, and reached out.
"Chase," said Marvin, half-frantic from where he knelt in front of Chase, "Look at me- can you hear me? Chase, can you hear me?"
"Why'm I on the floor?" Chase mumbled thickly, frowning stupidly at Marvin. Marvin was on the floor with him, holding him by the shoulders, looking ready to pass out with relief.
"Because you fell," he said, voice sharp with what sounded like anger but going by his expression was worry. "You went still, you started crying, and you fell-"
Marvin turned to glare up at Henrik, eyes glowing faintly green.
"You said he'd be fine."
"He doesn't look hurt," Henrik shrugged. "Chase, would you mind getting up?"
"Fuck off, Henrik-"
"He's miserable," said Chase slowly. Marvin looked back at him, frowning. Henrik tilted his head. Neither of them spoke. Chase swallowed. "Anti," he clarified pointlessly, "he's... he's miserable. Feels helpless. Angry, but not in a 'killing people' way. He's usually happy when he kills people, actually-"
"Chase," said Marvin, squeezing his shoulder, "we should get you to bed."
Henrik paused in his frantic note-taking to glare at Marvin.
"...Yeah, actually," said Chase after a moment, "that'd be... yeah. Sorry, Hen, I'll- I can write it all up for you later."
Henrik pressed his lips together, clearly frustrated, but nodded.
"...Alright. I had better pack up, then."
Marvin helped Chase off the floor, and Chase tried to shake off the last of the suffocating, cloying, helpless anguish that had rushed in on him from all sides. Higgins brushed against his ankle as Marvin guided him down the hallway and into the office he'd usurped and turned into- well, it wasn't really a makeshift bedroom anymore. It had been over a year. He was probably officially Marvin's roommate now.
"You're hovering," he told Marvin as the other herded him to the bed. The mattress felt softer than it had been that morning.
"You gave us a fright," said Marvin. Chase grinned up at him, and Marvin folded his arms.
"Knew you cared," Chase teased. Marvin went pink. Gods, he was so fucking easy.
Higgins jumped up onto the bedspread and curled up at Chase's feet purring loudly, and after a moment Marvin relented and sat on the edge of the bed.
"...are you alright?" he asked softly, and something flipped over behind Chase's ribs.
Not the time, Brody, really, definitely not the time.
"I'm fine," said Chase, only lying a little bit. "It's... they're not really my emotions, and I only feel him in- in my head for a moment, so... I'm fine."
"You were crying."
"Can't prove it."
"Marv," he said, taking Marvin's hand and doing his level best not to think about it, "I'm fine. I'll be fine. You should go make sure Henrik's not doing any bullshit out there, okay? I'll be fine."
Marvin hesitated just long enough for Higgins to meow impatiently.
"Fine," he said, dropping Chase's hand to stand up, "alright, I probably should see him out... I'll bring you some tea, alright?"
"Thanks," Chase hummed, giving him a smile. Marvin nodded sharply, and left. As soon as the door shut behind him, Higgins climbed up to settle on Chase's chest, purring loudly and nuzzling his head into Chase's shirt.
"Good kitty," said Chase, voice cracking halfway through. He took a deep, shaking breath, burying a hand in the cat's fur. "Good kitty. Thank you."
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mothgodofchaos · 2 years
This was an idea I couldn’t shake. I was supposed to be writing a Yancy first snow fic, but my brain kept shoving this to the front. Here, with whatever the fuck this is.
Actor v Anti, GN!Reader, ft. Marvin, Chase, Jackieboy Man, Murdoch, Yancy, Engineer, and Dark, TW: puppets, mannequins, manipulation, knives, possessiveness, kidnapping Words: 1457
“My emerald friend, you and I both know I own the stage, and by extension, anyone who walks onto it. Now, if you could please let go of my dear protagonist, I need a victim for our hero, namely me, to rescue.”
“Yer protagonist? How adorable. If ye t’ink yer gonna get my poppet away from me, ye got anot’er t’ing comin’ t’ ye.” “Well then, you’re far more fun than Dark at playing the villain, challenge accepted. Let’s see if our hero can rescue our dearest from the claws of this technologic demon.” Anti smirks, the puppet strings keeping you bound and floating in the air tugging you upwards as his hands move, as if he’s the one manually moving you. You hover above the stage as you hear Mark’s cane and Anti’s knife clash with a sharp clang. You struggle, but of course, the script didn’t say you were allowed to speak.
“Don’t worry dearest, we’ll get you back to your ship, I have many loops for you to go through still! But don’t worry, the script has to end at some point.” “Enough ‘bout yer fuckin’ script! This is my playground now, ye pomegranate pompadour. Wait until ye see my ot’er poppets, I’m sure t’ey’d love t’ meet ye.” From the rafters drops Marvin, clearly straining against his red puppet strings. His eyes glow green as the strings unravel from him, and he takes an offensive stance towards Mark, his cards bridging between his hands before several spades fly at the actor. Midair, they shift into daggers, Mark’s staff able to deflect those that he can’t dodge. “Have others to do your dirty work for you, do you? I admire you, glitch bitch. Wish I could say that we could be friends, but I don’t tend to play nice.”
“Play nice? From w’at I’ve heard from Dark’s bitchin’, ye don’t like anyone ot’er t’an yerself.” “Dark talks about me? I knew he liked me. He’ll admit it someday. Until then, he’ll have to play my villain, of course when I’m done with you.” Mark pulls a mannequin from the left wing, a quick wave over the face and you now look down at Yancy, you remembered him from the Heist script. Charming, friendly, he had helped you escape. Reduced to nothing more than just another mannequin as Mark watched you weave through his narratives aimlessly, just for him to swoop in at the end and “rescue” you. Being captured by Anti was a mistake. You were working on something on your ship, wherever that is now, when your desk glitched. You thought it was going to break, sending you through another loop, but those thoughts were quickly dismissed when your screens were filled by green glitches, and an arm reached through the screen, reaching for you. You ran through the door to the bridge, shoving your crew out of the way as the demon chased you through the cameras, tablets, and electronics that he could easily link to.
You sprinted towards the warpcore, ready to jump in again when the doors in the hallway locked, a clawed hand stabbing through the hand scanner that opened the one behind you. A knife pointed towards your throat as he loomed in the doorway to the warpcore, floating just slightly off the ground. He had backed you against the opposing door, slowly encroaching on your space. 
“Well aren’t ye a beautiful and/or handsome little thing? Not often I get t’e chance t’ catch one like ye~”
And like that, he snatched the front of your coveralls, and in a flash of green, leaving you with a tingly, electric feeling through your entire body, you found yourself on the stage. All the memories with Mark came flooding back, manipulating you, writing the script in front of you, grinning as he controlled your every move and thought. But this? This was fear. This was unfamiliar territory. 
The demon strung you up with his puppet strings, displaying you with his other captives. The nightmares, the killings, the possessions, simply controlled by a different narrator now. You thought back to your time in the mirror, wondering if it would’ve been better if you had never been pulled out by Mark. You were so desperate, betrayed by Dark…
A knife slicing through the string attached to your right arm snaps you out of your thoughts, seeing Yancy’s smile a few inches away from your face. Anti had summoned Jackieboy Man and Chase at this point, and you see Murdoch and your sweet Engineer on Mark’s side. Part of you wanted to be excited to see Yancy, but you knew that the illusion would only last for so long, even if you were properly rescued. He swiftly cuts the rest of the strings, sending you both hurtling towards the floor, him using himself as a cushion for your fall. Mark glances over from his clashing with Anti, smiling that sickly sweet charismatic smile at you.
You wanted to run, while Yancy was still stunned, while they were both distracted, but something kept you still, watching them duel it out over you. A comforting hand rests on your shoulder, Yancy now up, which turns into a harsher grip as you try and shift. There goes your one possible opportunity for escape. 
“Just because ye cut ‘em down doesn’t mean ye won. T’ey’re still my poppet.” “That is where you are wrong, my dear friend. For the stage is mine, and so are they.”
The three of you are now surrounded with a ring of mannequins, Yancy, Murdoch, and Engi once again faceless humanoids made of cedar. Anti growls as Marvin, Jackieboy Man, and Chase are returned up to the rafters. The two never break eye contact with each other, the demon sneering as Mark smugly clicks his cane against the stage as he walks along the ring.
Wooden hands grab your arms, holding you still as Mark makes his way to you, cupping your face. Not to be outdone, Anti sprints at you, red strings tying themselves around your extremities again. You close your eyes, preparing yourself to be toyed with again, or to deal with another long while of them fighting over you. But nothing happens. Mark moves his hand from your face, but the mannequins let go, the strings lessening.
You open your eyes to see both of them standing back, sneering at you, or rather, behind you. The mannequins are gone, and you can’t help but recognize the familiar ringing from behind you.
“So sorry to be late, I didn’t want to be here. But now you have a proper villain! Maybe the two of you working together could finally beat me! Or maybe not. Regardless, now is not the time. I must take our darling hero home, make sure they’re properly taken care of. Who knows how long you both have been toying with them! Really, it’s awful manners.”
Anti growls and Mark huffs as a cold grey hand is placed upon your shoulder. Actually comforting. His ringing is kept low for you, his thumb offering a small amount of soothing.
“I’m sorry, my dear. For leaving you in there, I didn’t want to. She’s resting now, I’m here. I promise I will not hurt you.”
You had gotten pretty good at detecting lies after being around Mark and Anti so much, but as you looked into Dark’s eyes, you saw only genuine pain. The regret of abandoning you so long ago.
“And what makes you think that you can just take them? I need them to fulfill their scripts!” “Oi- we still haven’t decided if yer gettin’ t’em back at all!”
“I think my reasoning can be summed up in a few words: because I can, fuck you.”
The actor and demon lunge at the two of you as you sink into the void with Dark, a reassuring hold on you as you open your eyes again, in front of a house. It’s not the manor where you were trapped, no, a different one. It didn’t have the same edge as all of those scripts, all the puppet shows, no, this was real. He guides you slowly to the front door, where a familiar grin greets you.
“Youse really freed them! Youse did it!”
Yancy scoops you up into a hug, and you see the likes of every other ego you met in all those scripts. But they were here. Real. You cried into Yancy’s shoulder as he slowly put you down, Dark rubbing your back as you let out everything. Free from the scripts, the strings, the puppets, the mannequins. Everything. The stage was behind you, and you’re the author of your own life now. At home.
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the-wild-ego · 1 year
Send me asks too, let me know what you'd like to see!! :)
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jacksepticeye-simp · 4 months
I have writers block, give me requests
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yuckie-obsessive · 2 years
Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye
Dimension hopping isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Discover some of the egos that are interested in your sudden appearance.
Reader is implied female. Probably a lil yandere later. This will be an ongoing series with varying uploads.
Please be patient if you decide to read. Very slow burn in the beginning. I will try to update links as I go.
18+ for violence, problematic behavior and gore mention (also the egos are very degrading so tread with caution pls). I do not endorse possessive behavior, please seek counseling if you are experiencing such occurrences. I only encourage indulgence in fictional situations, thank you.
Tw: Potential hurtful speech, swearing, yandere behavior, obsessive and possessive behavior, violence, kidnapping, threats with weapons, gore mentions, mental health talk and possibly more that I am currently forgetting.
Sfw only
Chapter list:
Act 1
Act 2 (ch.1)
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spicy-moths · 5 days
Antisepticeye & Darkiplier x GN!Reader | Words: 1910
Warnings: use of "poppet" and "slut", threesome, double penetration, oral (tendril, reader giving) & (reader receiving, non-specific), gag, dubcon, monsterfucking, forced orgasms, dumbification, jealousy, degradation, overstimulation, exhibitionism, unsafe sex, cream pie
You always knew Anti was rather openly jealous. He never really tried to hide it. A firmer grip on your waist, an arm around your shoulders, kissing you a bit stronger when people didn’t get the hint. He doesn’t like the idea of someone else checking you out when he can show his appreciation for your looks and body whenever he likes. Enjoys reminding you frequently how you can get a demon to worship on his knees before his deity. Let you get a taste of heaven while he gets a taste of you. 
Dark is far more subtle with his jealousies. He’ll offer you his arm and pout if you don’t take it, kiss your knuckles when you enter the room, or kiss a line up your neck while dancing. While Anti enjoys reminding others of whose you are, Dark likes to live in your mind, making it impossible for you to focus on anyone other than him. Difficult to entertain the advances of others when you’re caught up in the affections of your partner, unable to think about anything other than him. You can always tell when he’s jealous because he becomes the most gentlemanly he possibly can, painting you with soft affections and making you feel like the most loved person in the room. 
But when they both get jealous? Oh that’s how you get fucked.
At this event, there were a few sponsors that were laying it on thick, not deterred by your boyfriends’ usual methods. You had to stop Anti from audibly growling several times, squeezing his hand in time with your breathing to get him to calm down. Dark had to be deterred from using his tendrils to pickpocket them, or making them disappear into the floor through his shadows. Luckily, you managed to escape the conversation and drag the two of them over to the concession table, snacking on little spoons of snobby rich people's food. 
“Feckin’ sticks of gobshite, my gran’mot’er arse could spit better game t’an t’em, an’ she’s long dead…”
“Breathe, lupin.”
Dark stands behind the two of you as Anti glares out at the crowd, holding you against his front with his arms around your waist. Dark’s hand rests on Anti’s shoulder, attempting to rub it soothingly as Anti growls.
“C’mon baby, we don’t have to be here for all that much longer. Just until people are too drunk to notice we’re not here anymore.”
“One may argue that they have long reached that point, angel.”
Anti huffs, squeezing you close to him for a second before getting an idea. He grins, moving his hands up your torso and places his grip on your tits, groping them rather openly. Dark notices as you yelp quietly at Anti’s claws, moving to shield you from view of the room, but doing nothing to stop Anti’s actions. As he passes around you, he in fact smacks your ass with a snicker. You smack Anti’s thigh back as you glare up at Dark, although he simply returns the look with a sadistic grin.
“I think we could possibly make our escape any time now. Don’t you think, rabbit?”
“Feck ye I do.”
Dark grabs your chin, pulling you into a kiss as Anti moves to wrap an arm around your waist, guiding you out of the ballroom. Dark’s arm rests across your shoulders, further barring you from resisting or backing away. All you can manage is trying to keep up with their hurried paces, hiding your blush from onlookers with your hand.
“T’ink ye can be a good poppet fer us? It would be a shame if we had t’ wait until we got home.”
“Here, Anti.”
You’re dragged into a closet, Anti tugging you in with a kiss with Dark shortly behind you. You’re given a moment to breathe before you and Dark are pinned back against the door, with Anti ravaging your neck with bites. Dark’s actions are simpler, working his fingers against the buttons of your outfit, slowly stripping you of your clothes. Your pants are shucked down, Dark lifting you by your waist while Anti kicks them behind him. Your top is quickly made away with as well, tossed to join the rest of your clothes on the floor. 
“Alright poppet, hold still now. Gotta get ye ready.” As you squirm against their holds, Dark’s arm comes across your chest with his other hand clamped over your mouth. Anti hikes up your hips so they hook around his, making quick work of his zipper to his slacks. His hand puppeteers you, sending a tingling sensation up your spine as he relaxes your muscles. Seems like he’s feeling far too impatient for his usual prep work. Dark’s tendrils help him rid himself of his clothes, and you feel his length rub against your ass as you’re pushed back against it. He growls in your ear, a depraved sound that tells you how long they’ve been feeling this jealous. You’re lifted up, allowing the two of them to line up their cocks, pushing in slowly as you take in both of them at once. The pain feels so good, stretching only slightly as your demonic partners use their powers over you to prepare your body for them. Anti is far more eager with his pace, fucking you back against Dark and the door. Dark covers the door in void, soundproofing it and making sure it doesn’t rattle with how hard Anti is going.
“Careful now, our sweetheart isn’t the one being punished here.” “True, but t’ey like it rough. Don’t ye, poppet?” You strain against Dark’s arms holding you against his chest, moaning helplessly from beneath his hand. Anti simply grins as you manage to get a noticeable nod out, kissing your cheek as he hikes up your hips again. Dark pulls you back down, anchoring your feet over Anti’s shoulders with a pair of tendrils. It’s not hard to get you to your first edge, making quite a mess as your boyfriends continue to fuck up into you. 
‘Messy, messy… I thought you’d learn not to make a mess of other peoples’ homes.”Dark teases, earning him a bite to his hand as you sink your teeth into his palm. He growls, thrusting up a bit harder as he drops you a bit, skewering your organs and making you moan even louder from behind his hand. Anti leans forward, sinking his teeth into your shoulder as he reaches his own climax. All you can manage is a muffled yelp, with Dark chuckling behind you. 
“Couldn’t wait much longer, could you, spark?” “Not when t’ey’re makin’ me lose my fuckin’ mind.”
“See what you’re doing to us, angel? Can’t even resist you, not when you’re grabbing as much attention as you have been.” “Maybe I’ll start grabbin’ yer arse in front o’ ot’er people more often.”
To punctuate his sentence further, his hands grab your ass and grope briefly, claws digging into your skin, but not quite enough to draw blood. He’s still fucking up into you just as hard as before, although Dark has taken more control over the set pace, bouncing you more with the sheer force of his hips. He kisses a line up your neck, sucking marks under your jaw as his arm across your torso moves so he can grab your waist.
“Beautiful angel, don’t worry, you’ll cum again.” “As if t’ey ‘ad a choice.” You whimper, body shaking and thighs squeezing around Anti’s hips. His mouth is dripping with your blood from his bite to your shoulder, making a breathy show of him licking his lips clean. A tendril sneaks its way up, squirming under Dark’s hand and into your mouth. It feels it perfectly, making your eyes roll back as it starts fucking your throat at a similar pace. With his newfound free use of his hand, Dark’s hands grip your hips and begin using you a bit more, making every stroke and thrust feel that much more. 
You cum again around them, clamping down like a vice and nearly stopping their movements. 
“Damn, poppet.” “Nasty slut, wanting us both but unable to take all of it without it leaking out…” You feel Anti’s cum start to leak out of you, not that they don’t try to fuck it back in. Your brain is so fuck-addled at this point, it’s hard to make heads or tails of any sensation that isn’t them fucking up into you, using you just like a toy for their personal pleasure. Dark’s claws dig into your hips, and he groans deep, a rumbling growl as he cums inside you. Anti manages to reach his second edge, their combined climaxes forcing you into your third. Tears stream down your face, choking on the tendril in your mouth. 
They stay buried inside you for a bit as they catch their breath, tendrils slowly receding into the shadows again. Dark inspects the one from your throat as Anti wipes your mouth of the void and drool that threatens to fall down your chin. He kisses away your wines as he glances over at the tendril as well, clearly amused with how tough it’s looking.
“Kinda glad we didn’t skewer ye t’is time. Wouldn’t want my dick lookin’ like t’at, I t’ink ye like it too much fer t’at.” Your brain only allows you to purr out a soft sound at the idea, swallowing the void in your mouth before looking at him sinfully. Dark tilts your head back, kissing you hungrily as he adjusts your hips. You moan into his lips, shaking again from the overstimulation. “Alright angel, on our feet now.” Anti pulls out, watching with lust in his eyes as Dark does the same, their void and source code flowing down your thighs. Without a second thought, he kneels down and laps up the excess with his tongue, kissing your stomach as he stands back up. You blush, whining at his tongue and hiding your face when he stands up again. “No hidin’ poppet, don’t be naughty now when we just got finished wit’ ye.” He pulls your hands away from your face, holding your wrists as you refuse to meet his eye. Dark focuses on his own clothes before supporting your weight again, allowing Anti to clean himself up. You’re lifted up into Dark’s arms, moving your arms around his neck while he kisses you softly. “My sweet love.”
“Don’t kiss ‘em stupid too. Gotta have a brain cell in t’ere somewhere.”
“I think that was long gone the moment they came the first time. Isn’t that right, angel?”
He’s thoroughly amused at your inability to answer him properly, holding your cheek gently with a soft smirk on his lips.
“Alright, gimme t’e poppet so I can get ‘em dressed.”
You’re handed over, and your clothes are glitched back on. Anti makes several goofy faces to get some giggles out of you, carrying you out of the closet as Dark closes the door behind the three of you. Can’t be embarrassed by people putting the pieces together if you’re distracted with cute faces and kisses. You’re unfortunately greeted by a member of staff, who gives you all a look of concern and horror. Anti looks up as Dark just looks sheepish.
“Uhhh- bye!”
He glitches the three of you home, leaving that poor waiter to try and figure out the heathen acts you just committed in that closet.
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ijwrff · 1 year
Prisoner Masterlist-Yandere! King Anti & Dark x Reader
A series in which you gain the attention of two kings of the void. When could you go home? After some time...do you even want to?
Tumblr media
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
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thedarkcoven · 2 years
Sorry For Any Misunderstandings!
For “This Is Not A Dream” revamped I am going to be restarting it yet again because for some reason others can see my stories yet when I click the link its still saying nothing can be found. Sooooo to put me sort of at ease I am going to redo it again and fix whatever I didn’t like so I do apologize for any inconsistencies/things being different etc of this version of my story. Ill most likely redo my master list as well and restart everything so I do apologize for all my fics/one shots and what not poofing from my Master List. Love you guys! Sorry for inconveniences and my neurodivergent brain going brrrrrr and fixing my stuff this way xD 
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muscari-melpomene · 4 months
I did another write on a whim! Hope you enjoy.
"It's all bullshit anyway," Anti was saying, gesticulating vaguely and nearly swiping his drink off the bar with each pass. "All the fucking- fancy shit. White drapes and ribbons everywhere and shit, like, what's the point-"
"Anti," said Marvin, holding his glass of wine close to his chest, "do shut up."
Anti huffed and got up, a little unsteady on his feet. He swiped his glass from the bar top, miraculously managing not to drop it, and muttered something about finding someone less uptight to talk to. Marvin wasn't really listening. Marvin was busy going fucking mad.
He took a sip of his wine, and grimaced as a drop spilled on his tie. At least he'd picked a black shirt. White would have been more fitting, maybe, but- but wearing anything white this weekend would take him down a road of pointless daydreams, and he'd promised himself he'd stay present today. Today and tomorrow as well, no matter how long the weekend dragged on Marvin was going to pay attention and be there and be a good fucking best man. Rehearsal dinner, ceremony and all. That didn't mean it was going to be easy.
The rehearsal had gone smoothly. The dinner had been... fine. Excellent food, everyone in high spirits, his best friend next to him, laughing and joking and looking so happy, with an arm wrapped around his fiancée, tucking her against his side.
Her. Not Marvin. Obviously. Obviously Chase had sat down and immediately scooted his chair closer to Stacy's, obviously he would want to be close to his wife-to-be, obviously he'd want to spend the rehearsal dinner - and the night, a concept Marvin was determinedly not thinking about - with Stacy. Because Stacy made Chase happy, and the rehearsal going well had made Chase happy, and Marvin was going to be a good friend, a good best man, and make sure the ceremony tomorrow went off without a hitch, because that would make Chase happy. Marvin was not going to spend the evening glaring at Stacy. He was not going to turn his wedding toast into a love confession, or pull Chase aside and beg him to rethink everything just because it had taken Chase getting fucking engaged for Marvin to realize he was in love with the man. He was not going to do any of those things.
The song a few couples had been slow-dancing to ended, and a more upbeat one came on. Marvin swallowed against a lump in his throat as Chase's laugh broke through the crowd, and a moment later the groom-to-be dragged his fiancée onto the dance floor. Some other people followed suit, Jackie included. Jackie passed by Chase and Stacy and clapped Chase on the shoulder, saying something Marvin didn't hear with a warm smile. Chase grinned and nodded, and Stacy laughed. Jackie moved past them to find a dance partner. Marvin took another sip of wine.
That was what he should be doing, participating in the evening, congratulating Chase, being there to support him. But Marvin was on his second- wait.
He blinked, replaying the evening's events in his mind.
Marvin was on his third glass of wine, and he had a horrible suspicion that any attempt to say anything genuine to Chase would end up with Marvin starting to cry. Even if he could manage to play it off as being so happy for his friend he was misting up, the prospect of actually crying in public, let alone in front of everyone he spoke to on a regular basis, was utterly mortifying.
So Marvin was going to stay at the bar for the time being, and... well. Sulk. No use in lying to himself along with everyone else. He was sulking, and would continue to sulk.
"Anti said you were sulking," said Dark, suddenly standing next to his seat at the bar, and Marvin nearly dropped his glass.
"What," he snapped, glaring as he set his drink down to shake the energy out of his hands. The glow dissipated, the tattoos quickly fading from green back to black. Dark raised an eyebrow.
"Anti said you were sulking," he said again.
"I thought Anti was looking for someone 'less uptight' to talk to."
"He was looking for attention. You were ignoring him."
"Which you never do."
Dark's eyes narrowed. Marvin smiled nastily, and took another drink.
"You should talk to him," said Dark. Marvin rolled his eyes.
"If Anti has something to say to me, he's welcome to come over here and-"
"I meant Chase."
Marvin fumbled his drink again, and this time Dark took it out of his hands and set it back on the bar. Marvin snatched it up again, glaring.
"I spent all of dinner talking with Chase. Anyway, he's busy-"
"With his fiancée."
"Who isn't you."
Marvin took a deep breath and shut his eyes, willing the glow to leave them.
"...I'll wring Anti's neck."
"I'd advise you not to."
"He told you."
"I guessed."
"He might have confirmed my guess," Dark shrugged.
"I'm going," Marvin gritted out, "to kill him."
"Killing Anti isn't going to make Chase notice you, Marvin."
"Making me talk to Chase isn't going to give you the balls to talk to Anti."
Dark was glaring now, and Marvin had to admit being satisfied at finally getting a rise out of the bastard. Dark spent too much of his time being smug. Marvin hated people being smug. Sunday liked to tell him it was hypocritical, to which Marvin's usual response was, fuck yourself, Sunday.
"I don't know what you mean," said Dark, his tone warning Marvin to leave the subject alone.
Marvin had never had much of a self-preservation instinct, but what he did have was a talent for making and memorizing lists.
"Point the first," he said primly, sitting up a little straighter.
"You stare at him. Constantly. Point the second: you've hated every single one of his boyfriends. Point the third-"
"Told you he's drunk!" said Anti, appearing beside Dark with a burst of static, "He gets posher when he's drunk."
"I do not," said Marvin, affronted. Dark had gone rigid, and was staring at Marvin with a look that said if he actually got to 'point the third', he'd never make another point again. Marvin considered continuing out of spite, but... well. The idea made something cold coil in his stomach. Marvin had had so, so much time to talk to Chase, and he just... hadn't. He couldn't make Dark talk to Anti as a substitution.
"You do so," Anti snickered, oblivious to the tension in the air. He listed against Dark, drunk in his own right, and Dark put an arm around him, seemingly by reflex.
"...I think you ought to get him some water," said Marvin, and Dark nodded, shoulders relaxing slightly.
"I think perhaps you're right."
"I'm fine," Anti huffed, waving a hand vaguely and nearly smacking Dark in the face. Dark smiled slightly, an expression that could only be described as fond, and began to guide Anti away.
"Of course you are," he murmured, "you're entirely fine. Let's go sit down over here and have some water."
Marvin watched them go, and wished he could hate them just a little bit more.
The evening wore on. There was more dancing, more laughing, a couple party games that Marvin got dragged into. A few people began to leave, Dark and Anti included; Anti had fallen asleep on Dark's shoulder, and Dark, in the midst of pretending he wasn't both hopelessly endeared and pathetically flustered, had volunteered to drive Anti home.
Marvin was counting down the minutes until he could leave himself. He'd been telling himself the entire evening that he was the best man and had a responsibility to stay until the very end, but maybe he could just- cut the evening a half hour short, tell Chase he had a headache and wanted to get plenty of rest before tomorrow anyway, but that would require talking to Chase-
"Marv!" said Chase brightly, coming over and slinging an arm around Marvin, "There you are! Hey, can we talk? I haven't seen you since dinner-"
"Of course," said Marvin, wishing he still had a wine glass to clutch like a shield. The bartender had cut him off, which was, frankly, fucking rude.
"Great," Chase hummed, "let's go in the other room, it's actually quiet in there-"
With a cheery wave to Stacy, who was busy chatting with Henrik, Chase led the way to the adjacent room before Marvin could think of literally any excuse to not be alone together.
"What, ah- what did you want to discuss?"
Chase gave him a weird look, and Marvin felt his face flush. That hadn't sounded weird, had it? It had felt like a perfectly normal thing to say, but-
"You get more British when you're tipsy," Chase told him, breaking into a grin. Marvin could have fainted from relief.
"Thank you," he said dryly, and Chase laughed. Chase looked so happy. Marvin wanted to throw up. "I'm sure that's not all you brought me in here to say," he prompted.
"Right, right, yeah, sorry- I just, uh-" Chase rubbed at the back of his neck, looking a bit embarrassed. "I just wanted to- we haven't gotten to talk much lately, everything's been so busy, and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you being here for this."
Oh, no.
"Chase," said Marvin, "you really don't have to-"
"No, I do- you've been so great, and I know you weren't really a fan of Stacy at first, but when you saw how much she meant to me- means to me, you were just- really supportive, and encouraging, and I don't think I would've had the courage to even ask her if it wasn't for you, so- so thank you. And thanks for being part of the wedding, you're my best friend, I couldn't imagine doing this without you."
"You have terrible taste," Marvin told him, expecting another laugh, expecting Chase to take it as a joke. Chase frowned. Marvin's stomach dropped.
"...What do you mean?"
"In- in friends, I meant," said Marvin quickly, "terrible taste in friends. If- if I'm your best friend. It was, ah- it was meant as a joke, sorry-"
"Marv," said Chase, setting a hand on his shoulder, and Marvin needed to get away, because staring at Chase from across a crowded room was one thing, but staring at him from barely a foot away, alone except for one another, was so much more-
"Bad joke," said Marvin, willing himself to step back and not quite managing it.
Marvin froze, staring up at Chase. At his best friend. At the man he'd been in love with for at least two years.
"You're the best friend I've ever had, you know that, right?"
Marvin blinked. Did he know that? He wasn't sure. There was a very warm hand on his shoulder, and very blue eyes staring intently at him. It was a little hard to think.
"You're my best friend, too," he mumbled. Chase smiled, holding out his other arm to offer a hug. Marvin snapped.
He closed the distance between them, stretching up on tiptoe, and pressed their lips together. Chase's jacket lapel proved very handy to stabilize himself with, and Chase's hair was very soft where Marvin pushed his hand into it. Chase made a surprised noise, grabbing onto Marvin's shirt, and Marvin took the opportunity to deepen the kiss like he was starving, tilting his head and pressing as close to Chase as he could get. He felt hot and cold at once. His hands were numb, and Chase smelled like freshly turned earth and tasted like pine and coffee, warm and bitter and sharp. Chase let go of his shirt, hands finding Marvin's waist instead, and Marvin pulled back for breath, ready to dive right back in because now he'd kissed Chase once, he couldn't imagine ever stopping.
Chase pushed him away, letting go and backing up with a startled... hurt expression. Marvin stumbled a little, having to steady himself against the wall. He swallowed. Tried to breathe. The warm, electric feeling was gone. As far as Marvin could tell, every feeling was gone, his insides utterly numb even as the feeling started to come back to his hands.
"...Marv," said Chase, voice raw. Marvin flinched and looked away.
"What- why-"
"Sorry, I- I'm sorry, I should- it's been a long- I should get to, get to bed-"
"I think you should, yeah."
Chase's voice was going cold. Marvin risked a look back up at him, and really, really wished he hadn't. Chase was staring back at him with confusion, which Marvin could handle, anger, which... hurt, just a bit, and... and a tinge of disgust. Marvin's face felt hot, and with a sickening jolt, he realized he was actually about to cry.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he forced out, and raised a hand, thin, looping tattoos beginning to glow. Chase did not call out to him, did not ask him to wait, did not reach out to him. Chase stepped back further. Marvin yanked at the buzzing magic underneath his skin, and vanished, reappearing in his hotel room.
He looked around, breathing heavily.
He'd left Higgins at home. It was the middle of the night in London, Sunday would be fast asleep, and wouldn't want to be woken up to hear about the irrevocably fucked situation Marvin had put himself in in any case.
Chase probably never wanted to hear from him again.
One of the glasses on top of the minifridge shattered, the rest rattling and glowing faintly green. The curtains were flapping in a nonexistent breeze, the ceiling fan spinning far faster than it should.
"Sorry," said Marvin quietly. The window cracked from top to bottom.
Stacy's breathing was slow and even, peaceful. The blankets were tucked up to her chin. Her gold hair was curled up tight in old-fashioned rollers in preparation for tomorrow.
Today, technically, it was nearly four in the morning.
Chase stared at the ceiling, keeping his own breathing slow and even, trying to time it with Stacy's, trying to focus on Stacy, on falling asleep, on anything else other than-
Chase holds his arm out, offering a hug. Marvin is staring up at him, eyes slightly unfocused from a late evening and plenty to drink, but he still looks... intent on something. His eyes narrow slightly, like they do when he's working out the best thing to say to piss someone off, and Chase gets ready for a retort of some kind, a recovery from Marvin's earlier awkward fumbling. Marvin steps in close, going up on his tiptoes and grabbing Chase's jacket to keep from losing his balance-
Chase sat up abruptly and climbed out of bed. Stacy stirred, mumbling in her sleep, but didn't wake. Chase slipped into the bathroom, shutting the door softly behind him and flicking on the light. The sound of the tap running was at least something to listen to, something to focus on. The cold water on his face was bracing. He leaned against the counter, glaring at himself in the mirror.
"What the hell are you doing," he muttered, "what the hell, Brody, get back in bed with your- with Stace, get back in bed and go to sleep."
His reflection looked exhausted, stubborn and haggard, and he was going to look like hell in the morning. Maybe he could borrow some of Stacy's concealer or something, but she'd ask why he hadn't slept well, she'd want to know-
Marvin's lips are unexpectedly soft, and Chase doesn't mind the taste of wine on them as much as he does when it's the drink by itself, especially not when Marvin grips at Chase's hair in response to his gasp and presses in closer, especially not when Chase feels his knees go weak and has to grab Marvin's shirt to steady himself, and if he's not careful they'll both go crashing to the ground, but with Marvin so close, would Chase really mind that so much-
"Fuck," Chase hissed, rubbing harshly at his eyes.
Those few moments had been playing in his mind on relentless repeat for four fucking hours. Chase was ready to snap, was ready to march straight to Marvin's hotel room and demand an explanation, but he couldn't, he couldn't do that, he couldn't see Marvin, because if he saw Marvin tonight, he was going to-
"Fuck," he said again, stomach dropping through the floor at the realization.
If he saw Marvin again tonight, he was going to kiss him. And keep kissing him, and not be able to stop, and he was getting married in ten fucking hours.
Chase was utterly, irrevocably fucked.
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mothgodofchaos · 2 years
I had an awful realization that Anti x Dark could be called "glow in the dark" as their ship name and I just-
You're welcome.
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gaymingwriter · 1 year
Masterlist and Requests
Requests temporarily closed!
Some of this will change, so please check before requesting!
Will write x reader for:
Markiplier Egos/Lore:
Wilford Warfstache
Eric Derekson
Dr. Iplier
Actor Mark (this includes ADWM and AHWM Mark unless specifically requested for them to be different people)
Engineer Mark
Celci F. Kelvina
Mack (Engineer, Crewmate, Dictator)
Possibly more in the future
Septic Egos:
Jameson Jackson
Chase Brody
Antisepticeye (both original and current)
Marvin the Magnificent
North Star/Starlo (Undertale Yellow)
Will write ships for:
Markiplier (several, ask for specifics)
I write SFW only
Some can’t fit here and are linked in a separate list
* = On my main account before I moved writing here
X Reader:
Eric x Kind!Captain*
Mack x Captain With Plushies (Headcanons)*
Mack x Captain (Sign Language)*
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