#it’s an important location later on… 🤔
greenfiend · 3 months
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More emphasis on Reefer Rick’s house 🤭
Only ten yards away from Lover’s Lake, huh? 😉
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anitalianfrie · 5 months
Hi hi I’m relatively new to MotoGP so I don’t know if you maybe made a post about this before already but! What’s the accent variety like in the Italian lads? Bc I learnt Italian for a year and I loooveee love picking apart accents and silly lil language things but I’m just not used enough to spoken Italian to identify any variation from the standard. I’ve been told tho that Bez has a notable accent but do any of the others as well?🤔
accents ask accents ask stay calm! (sorry i am. very passionate about accents) also disclaimer: i am very much not an expert! i'm just having fun here
okay so, all the italian riders (that are important to me) come from one of these three places: Emilia-Romagna, more specifically Romagna, even more specifically near Rimini*; Lazio, more specifically from Rome; Piemonte, more specifically from around Turin.
*only exception is dovi who was born a leedle more in the inland. but only a leedle.
Here's a map where I have circled the zones of interest
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(yes the circle around Turin is enormous it's because I'm not searching on google maps the minuscule ass place cele lived in)
You can hear the Romagnolo accent in Bez, Vale, Enea, Luca, Dovi, Mig, with various degree of intensity. Luca is probably the one with the less strong accent, but it's still very identifiable. There are of course still some differences in the way they speak (i noticed that for some reason Vale tends to open his e more than bez, sometimes making a ⟨ɛ⟩ sound rather than a ⟨e̞⟩ sound). Their accent is caractherized mainly by the way they say the s, the z and the c, that they tend to almost hiss. Here's an example of Bez saying his surname, and somebody from another region saying it. (first the person with the other accent, then bez)
In the audio you can also hear the e thing i was talking about: in Romagna they tend to close it more then they do in some other places in the north (for example the other guy is from Lombardia)
Between all of them, Bez's accent is probably the strongest. I once said that hearing him talk feels like being slapped in the face by a piadina, and I will repeat it.
Both Franco and Diggia are from Rome, but to be honest, Franky's accent is almost unperceptible. Really difficult to clock. Diggia has a stardard Rome accent, but not that strong. People from Rome have a very distinct accent (and also probably one of the easiest to do) characterized by the frequent use of dialectal terms. You can hear it for example in the c and g, that tend to be a bit more guttural, and the l tends to become a r. Also, due to the dialect thing, they tend to cut the verbs: for example fare becomes fa', andare becomes anda'.
For the Piemontese accent, we encounter a slight problem: I am also from Piemonte, and therefore it's harder for me to clock how strong the accent is. The main thing that you can hear about this accent is the o, that tends to become more of a ou. Prime example in this baby cele clip, when he says 'porte'. Adorable. Also, around Turin they tend to close the e (while we, from the secret location i'm blogging from, tend to open them). People from Piemonte also tend to say 'neh' a lot, but I don't have clips of Cele saying it because it's quite informal. I might try do to a deep dive later. And I can't say much more about this accent because as I said, I can't really hear it.
You might have noticed that pecco is nowhere to be found in the list up until now. That's because his accent INFURIATES me. He's from Piemonte but doesn't have the accent, and instead has a slight Romagnolo accent. Here's a clip from this year's Sanremo that made me cry in pain.
Another thing you might have noticed is that the guys from the northen regions (Emilia-Romagna and Piemonte) will frequently put an article in front of people's names, even if grammatically incorrect. Il Cele. Il Bez. Il Pecco. L'Enea. Il Vale. We just do that. You will not catch Diggia ever saying it, because people from the centre and south of italy just don't. do it.
I hope this was somewhat idk. interesting? useful? if you have some more questions do ask i love to talk about these things
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hearthunter89 · 6 months
Secret cardiophile club
Have you ever thought about it? About a secret club of cardiophiles🙂?
Anyone who has the same passion as us could apply here. Gender would have to be 50/50, otherwise you would have to wait for another member of the opposite sex to sign up🤔.
Meetings would be convened by designated members in various locations around the world. So that everyone is not too far away. People would gather in one place and not have to give their real names if they didn't want to. They could talk about cardiophile topics, but also about everything else😍.
And the most important thing! Each member could listen to another person's heart, let others listen to their own, feel the pulse on the artery etc. If the other person agreed of course🩺. There could be for example a place where everyone could maybe exercise and get their heart rate up so others could listen💓. Decent behavior would be the basis and no one should be forced into anything. If anyone violated it, they would have to leave forever. No one would be able to take pictures or record.
If a new member came, he/she would have to let everyone listen to his/her heart. He/she would also have the same right later. I can imagine how my heart would beat if I came to such a club for the first time 🤭. I think that would be totally cool. Who knows? Maybe something similar will happen sometime. I hope so!
Can you think of other ideas that could be used in this context🙂?
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Muse (Part 4)
ROTTMNT Leo x GN/Rabbit Yokai!Reader
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Warnings: Fluff, Embarrassment, Aged-up Turtles
Synopsis: You've been visiting Run Of The Mill Pizza maybe a little too often just to see the blue clad turtle of your affections and draw him. You're pretty sure he hasn't noticed you at all, bad news for you, he has and he is far too curious about why you watch him.
A/N: Hey all, just letting you know I am so sorry It has been a while since I wrote anything for this fic. I’ve just been super busy and stressed from job hunting,  so I haven’t had the time and also just…. I haven’t been in the mindset to do anything but drink coffee and stay up way later than I should doing nothing but staring at a ceiling lol- but I digress. This is a repost from my old side blog since I wanted to make a main blog for this stuff. This is maybe going to be the second last chapter (that’s up for debate lmao). Now that all that is out of the way, shall we?
Fidgeting nervously as you stop walking for what feels like the first time in hours, you pull your phone from your jacket pocket and click it on, going back and checking your last few messages with Leo.
Cobalt Blue: Hey, just a reminder, meet me at the brick store
Cobalt Blue: Shit, sorry, had voice to text on 🙄
Cobalt Blue: Is that even a thing?
You: Does Home Hardware count?
Cobalt Blue: Donnie says no. I say yes.
You: Gotcha… Where am I meeting you then, if not the BRICK STORE.
Cobalt Blue: Central Park, the popcorn cart.
You: There’s a popcorn cart called Central Park? 🤔
You: I jest. I’ll meet you there.
Cobalt Blue: Awesome! 4:00?
You: Four o’clock.
Cobalt Blue: See you then!!!
Tucking your phone back away after you reconfirm the location you were meeting each other, you look around the area you’re in, wondering if you were close to the popcorn cart at all, giving the air a subtle sniff to see if you could even smell it, thankfully, due to your improved sense of smell, you catch the faintest hint of butter and fresh popcorn, swiftly heading in the direction it had come from.
Once you’re on the path, it doesn’t take too long to get there, and, as luck would have it, you got there before Leo did- or at least that was what you thought before you heard him offer a bemused chuckle to your right. Startled, you look over to the opposite side of the cart and blink in surprise at the turtle who is dressed in distressed black jeans with matching black undershirt that is form fitted to his torso and then to top it all off a fur lined brown leather jacket and a beanie. He looked… amazing. You could feel your fingers twitch with the desire to draw. You resist the urge to pull your sketchbook out of your messenger bag.
Leo beams at you and makes quick work of crossing over to where you were stood, dumbfounded. “What a pleasure it is for you to join me.” He offers teasingly, lightly nudging you with his elbow as a cocksure grin spreads across his face. “And only— twenty minutes late.” He tutted, completely pulling that number out of thin air, and yet you still nearly check your phone- the action causing his expression to become even more smug.
Instinctively, you punch him gently in the arm, rolling your eyes before offering him a faint smile. “It’s ten to four,  you ass.” You chuckle. “I’m punctual.” You insist. “And you’re a lot earlier than I thought you would be— I didn’t strike you for showing up early to things-“ You muse, noting how he had started walking already so you quickly catch up with him, intrigue painting your features since all you knew about this evening was that you were to meet here.
“I’m early when it’s important to me…” He offers nonchalantly, refusing to meet your eyes, even when you stop moving again, he simply stops and waits for you to catch up. When you do, he already has his bravado back up and that stupid smug grin again. “So, I was thinking, maybe we walk around here a bit, then go to the art exhibit? I hear they’re staying open later than usual today?” 
“Leo-“ you begin, stuck on him calling this important to himself. You furrow your brow, lightly brushing your hand over his shoulder. To get him to at least look at you. You hardly register that he is still listing off different things the two of you could be doing today. “Leo.” You try again, noting how he seems to only scramble for more things to list off.
“We could go try out the coffee at the new cafe that just opened up? Go to the art store? I’ll get you any one item you waaaant? Something in the hidden city- we could watch the Battle nexus? You know I won that with my dad once- we were up against Kraken Tom and the Evil Six. No? Yeah, I knew that wasn’t your thing… We could-“
This time you cut him off by walking in front of him, having had to do a quick jog to do so, and then you gently grasp him by his shoulders, forcing him to stay in place. He still refuses to look at you, his eyes locked on the ground between you both. Hesitating, you step a little closer, shifting your weight onto your toes so you can stand a little taller, nudging his face up with your hand so you can look at him. For the first time you see a nervous edge to him and even despite his efforts to keep his eyes from meeting yours, it’s inevitable. You swallow thickly, taking in a sharp breath. “What has gotten into you, Leo?” You inquire, tilting your head again. “I’ve never seen you get like this before- you’re usually “mister cool”.“ You try to explain, wondering just why it seemed like him calling this whole meet up “important” to him, seemed to be the catalyst for his suddenly jumpy behaviour.
Instead of explaining, he offers a weak chuckle. “Answer hazy, try back again later?” He offers the magic eight ball quote casually. The moment Leo sees you frown, he sighs. “Sorry.”
Shaking your head, you lightly brush your thumb along his cheek pausing when you see him lean into the action. You stop the simple motion and let him press his cheek firmly into your soft hand. “What did you mean when you said this was important to you? And why all of the jumpy behaviour?” You ask, noting that since you’ve stopped in the middle of the pathway there are people giving you annoyed looks. Taking that into account, you do your best to guide Leo with you onto the grass, trying not to break contact with him.
“I dunno.” He shrugs, trying instantly to force a smile. You respond with a serious expression and he instantly lets the expression drop as he pulls back and crosses his arms, taking a step away to try and centre himself for the conversation. It takes a moment, but soon he is facing you again. “Look, I just… really enjoy being around you- I can’t help it if I got excited and jumped the gun on showing up.” He offers, and, well, it wasn’t exactly the response you expected, nor did it entirely make sense, but it was close enough for now. “Aaaaand, I’m not being “jumpy” that’s your job. You’re the rabbit, here.” He sticks his tongue out.
Offering a light chuckle, you sigh. Clearly, you won’t be getting the real answer right now, but, to be fair you still had never answered his question about your sketchbook, though in the time you had gotten to know him, you were painfully aware of how observant he was, so the idea that he somehow DIDN’T know, and was just waiting for you to be open about it was almost hard to believe now. You still let yourself believe it though. “I’ll let it slide this time.” You muse, gently nuzzling your cheek against his shoulder in a lighthearted fashion. “Now, you said something about buying me “any one item” from the art store?” You reminded, smirking at the way his expression went from relief at you dropping the topic to instant surprise.
Chuckling timidly and rubbing the back of his neck, Leo gives you a crooked grin and murmurs, “IIIIIII didn’t think you were paying attention-“ blowing out a small breath of air, he shakes his head. “Art store it is?” He inquires, watching you with a gentle fondness as you carefully adjust how your ears are sitting under your own beanie- carefully drawn back to almost mimic medium length hair.
You link arms with him, allowing yourself to be cheerful about the evening ahead of you again, you hum in reply, having gotten your ears situated to your liking. “I think they actually closed a few minutes ago- if I’m remembering correctly. You can buy me a coffee though? You said a new cafe opened?” You muse, knowing full well the store hadn’t closed, but you would honestly rather sit with him drinking coffee over anything else right now. Just getting to sit and talk together would be nice.
Leo nods, already guiding you back onto the pathway to walk with him. “I can definitely do that, it’s not too far away actually-“
“Almost like you planned it.” You tease, casting him a playful look. “Or like you knew how much I love coffee and would never say no to getting some.” You add sweetly, batting your lashes up at him.
Laughing whole heartedly, Leo gently squeezes the arm you have locked with his and shakes his head. “Maybe the last option, I don’t normally plan things too far ahead- that’s Donnie’s whole shtik.” He muses, splaying his fingers out and wiggling them slightly to emphasize his words.  The moment you start giggling, he can’t help but lean towards you, using his free hand to gently squeeze the shoulder not pressed against his plastron as he chuckles along with you. He releases you pretty quickly, but it isn’t sudden, it’s more that he was satisfied with the length of the makeshift hug- plus the awkward position. “So are we playing guess the coffee?” He inquires.
“You bet your ass we are!”
The author isn’t good at writing walking exposition so time skip baybeeee
This was it. Your chance to stump Leo. Stepping up to the counter first while Leo stood off to the side so he couldn’t overhear you, (his order for you already in hand) you lock eyes with the barista who nearly backs up at the intensity of your gaze, having never experienced it’s intensity before like the employees at your favourite coffee shop normally had. “Medium hazelnut latte with a shot of vanilla and a shot of espresso.” You state as if it weren’t even a question.
The woman nods, dipping her head slightly as she attempts and succeeds to input your order before looking at you. “Anything else?” She inquires, voice a little too low for most people to hear, but for you it was easy.
“Yes, two cake pops. One strawberry, one chocolate.” You insist, watching her input that as well before she lists off the price and then instantly nudges the payment terminal over to you once you had pulled out your card to show it to her. You tap it against the chip reader and then fish out a five dollar bill, putting it into the tip jar for her with a calmer smile that seemingly throws her off. “Thank you!” You muse, accepting the order ticket as well as the  bag of cake pops she had promptly handed you before stepping to the side to wait for the drink.
You glance at where Leo is leaned up against a wall, and gave him a thumbs up which he returns enthusiastically. Turning your attention to your bag, you dug your hand into one of the front pouches and pull out a sharpie so that you can cross out what the order was on the sticker once you receive the coffee.
While you wait, you look around. The walls are decorated with a rich terracotta wallpaper, the floors a deep, almost chocolate brown, wood alternating parquet. There were potted plants strewn about the room, some hanging from the ceiling, others neatly decorating windowsills where enough light poured through to reach them. There were a few bookshelves that matched the colour of the floor and were set up to divide the space- they were filled with books and magazines. It was all in all a very cozy space and all you could think was that it would make the perfect place to come every morning and relax- maybe do some art studies.
“-order number 317?”
You glance at the ticket in your hand, snapping yourself out of your thoughts and then perk, walking over and thanking the person who had made the coffee before stepping aside and scratching out the order on the sticker and throwing out your receipt. Wandering over to Leo, you noticed he seemed to be doing what you had just moments before. “It’s really cozy in here. Great location, Leo.” You comment, nudging his hand gently to let him know you were ready to swap drinks.
Perking, Leo nods in agreement, gesturing to the nearest empty table which was settled near the back of the cafe, tucked into a corner next to the window. “We swap over there, that way you can put your stuff down and we can get comfy— wait, did you get us a snack too??” He inquires, tone drastically shifting to pure excitement by the end of his sentence.
You nod, letting him practically herd you to the table. You laugh, noticing some of the amused stares and chuckles you got from other patrons, deciding to humour them by shrugging and grinning. “He’s food motivated.” You offer playfully, earning a bit more laughter. “Like a puppy.” You hum, glancing at the turtle in question as you sit down in the chair he had pulled out for you.
“M’rabbit.” He offers, trying to sound suave, but grimacing almost immediately. “That doesn’t sound as flow-y as “m’lady” he mused, scrunching his face up in displeasure before backtracking to what you had offhandedly said, “the cutest puppy though.” He grins, sitting in the chair across from you and setting down the brown takeaway cup in front of you while you did the same with the one you had.
You nod sagely to his statement, noting how haphazardly he had scratched out what his order had been with a pen he had no doubt asked to borrow from the barista. “Something like that.” You muse with a half smirk, pulling out both cake pops with flare. “Chocolate or strawberry?” You offer, noting the way he seemed to contemplate before answering.
“Chocolate, of course.”
“Strawberry, got it.”
“Exactly. See? You get it.”
“Mhmm, I know you so well.”
Grinning, Leo accepts the chocolate cake pop you hold out to him, observing it for a moment before- in contrast to your own actions- shoving the whole thing into his mouth at once, and almost looking like he regretted that decision instantly.
Taking the time to eat yours calmly in two bites instead of one as your counterpart had done, you have less of a struggle. “You’re such a goober.” You claim, a fond note to your voice as you observe him trying to get the cake pop down. Deciding to be nice, you get up for a moment, walking to the counter where there is a self serve water jug, filling two glasses before returning, handing one over to Leo before you set yours down.
He drinks it almost immediately, the liquid helping to break down the snack and then he is gasping for air. “You are a life saver,” he insists, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. After a moment he murmurs something about being too warm, and slips his jacket off, laying it over the back of his chair. This, of course, leaves his muscular arms exposed for your viewing pleasure, not something he had considered, but its obvious that he notices your gaze lingering a little too long. He smirks. “Are you checking me out?” He inquires, playfully wiggling his brow before striking a few poses.
An instant laugh leaves you at his actions, though you can’t help but feel your face heat up from being caught red handed. “No! I just didn’t realize how ripped you are! It’s a little startling!” You muse, starting to play with one of your ears by running your hands down it to smooth the fur there. “I mean— I know you’re strong, you’d have to be to have beaten Kraken Tom and such, but it’s still a little startling.”
“So you heard EVERYTHING I was rambling earlier?!” He inquires in disbelief.
“I listen when it’s important.” You counter, noting the moment it takes for him to process what you had said and how you had somewhat turned his earlier words back on him. “And everything you say is important to me.” With that said, you pull the plastic splash pick from the opening of your cup and put it into the paper bag your cake pops had been in. Taking a moment to carefully swirl your coffee just in case it hadn’t been mixed properly (something you had dealt with from multiple coffee shops in the past) you focus your attention on finally trying the drink. Sipping tentatively at it for fear that it was still too hot, you took a moment to savour the flavour, setting the cup down again.
Leo watches you with a flushed face, your words still ringing in his tympani. He cast his gaze towards his own coffee, following suit in swirling it around to mix it and then removing the pick from his own cup and discarding it much the same as you had done with your own. He seems to think for a moment before speaking up with a more amused tone than you would have expected, “everything I say?” He inquires mischievously.
Pausing, you narrow your eyes at him, realizing you had perhaps made a mistake by saying that. 
“What about if I said applesauce belongs on dino nuggies?”
“I’m going to kick you.”
“Do it, coward. You won’t.”
Instantly you straightened in your seat, making direct eye contact with the slider as you gently kick him in the shin. Afterwards, you level your expression to a bemused and almost mocking grin. “What was that about me not doing it?” You chime in a sickeningly sweet tone.
The slider narrows his eyes back, watching you sip your drink and waiting for you to set it back down before he returns the gentle kick. “Ohoho, you’ve done it now.” He retorts with no malice at all behind his words.
It only takes a moment longer for the battle of gentle kicks to come to full effect and neither of you seem to care that your legs will be bruised after this. You’re having a little too much fun despite everything, but after a few minutes more, the kicks begin to stop, and without even realizing it, your actions become more gentle and more along the lines of playing footsies with each other, your foot brushing lightly over his ankle and his gently nudging you in return.
It’s only when you’ve been staring far too intently at each other, that you move to reign yourself in, face heating with a warm blush as you quickly cease your actions and sip your coffee again. “So- um… I definitely taste cinnamon in here-“ you begin, forcing yourself to focus on deciphering this instead of focusing on how absolutely smitten Leo looks.
Blinking himself out of his stupor, Leo clears his throat and stretches by rolling his shoulders before leaning back on the table, his arms crossed as he watched you. “Hmm? Oh- oh. Yeah. Cinnamon.” He nods, glancing down at his cup again before returning his gaze to you as he waits for you to decipher the drink.
“Cinnamon chai latte with whip?” You inquire, forcing your brain to stay on track. When did it get this hard to focus on anything but him? Seriously. You knew you liked him, but you needed to control yourself, lest you spring forward and kiss him right then and there.
Leo nods, humming in a way that seems somewhat forced and yet resolute. “I don’t get how you’re so good at this. How did you guess that? I didn’t think chai tea would be that obvious.” He asks, curiosity bubbling in him despite the obvious lack of focus he currently seems to have.
You shrug, resting your elbows on the wooden table top and twining your fingers together so that you can rest your chin on them. “I noticed the slight flavour of pepper and ginger— it has that sort of bite to it that lines up with chai.” You inform, pausing to chuckle slightly. “Also when you say “chai tea” you’re technically saying “tea tea”. Just a fun fact.”
Snorting in amusement, Leo stares at you in bewilderment. “I will never understand how you fit so much smarts into that head of yours.” He sips his own drink momentarily, looking contemplative before quickly speaking again. “So you’d just call it chai then?” He inquired, watching you nod to confirm before he is sampling his drink again. “Tastes a bit nutty- so thinking about the kinds they normally use to make drinks…. Hazelnut?”
“Mhmmm-“ You hum openly, inviting him to continue his train of thought.
He takes another sip, really trying to get a feel for it, even closing his eyes as he does. “I’m also getting—“ He brings the cup to his nose and gives it a few sniffs. “Vanilla?” He looks to you for confirmation, and once he has it he gets right back to work.  “Hazelnut and vanilla… mhmm. M’kay. M’kay- espresso-?” Leo is incredibly focused, and the expression he makes while trying to figure it out is so cute you almost cave and pull your sketchbook out to draw it, but you hold yourself back as he finally seems to come to a conclusion. “Hazelnut latte with espresso and vanilla?”
You smile gently and clap for him. “You got it!” The confirmation causes him to light up as he opens his eyes again, locking gazes with you as one of his hands reaches out and firmly squeezes yours for a second before he pulls it back.
After the game is over, you both fall into comfortable silence with each other, both of you leaving one hand on the table in silent invitation to the other as you pick your different methods of filling up time when you’re not quietly chatting.
Leo surfs his phone, you take to absently drawing on your napkin with a pen you had fished out of your bag, not wanting to risk using your sketchbook here and now. It’s calm, relaxing, and you can’t help but smile every time the slider gets excited over something he sees and quickly shows you it.
It’s during one of those moments when he rests his hand over your free one to get your attention, that he notices that you’re drawing a little picture of him and things start fully connecting in his head, but he says nothing, focusing on the task at hand and redirecting his gaze to your face just in time to catch you looking at him inquisitively. “Did you know there’s a breed of goat that faint whenever they hear a loud noise? Just-“ he makes a big open gesture with his arms, breaking contact with you as he speaks, “-BAM! Goat down!” He grins.
Smiling instantly, you can’t help but chuckle at his theatrics. “I didn’t know that, that’s pretty funny though. Is there a video?” You inquire, tilting your head and then nearly squeaking in surprise at the sudden speed he uses to get up and stand directly beside you. You nearly miss the way he excitedly mumbles something about being “so glad you asked”.
The moment he is properly situated behind you, he rests his head on your shoulder and slips his arms around you so he can hold his phone on the table in front of you both. You don’t mention how you could hold the phone for him, too caught up in his warmth. He glides his thumb across the screen, hunting down what you assume is the video at the top of the article, and then once he has it, he clicks play.
The video is short, less than a minute long but it shows a man clapping and the goat fainting which causes the both of you to laugh at first, and then the questions start springing forth.
“Do you think it hurts them to faint like that?” You begin. “What causes it to happen?” You ask, leaning yourself back against Leo’s plastron until he finally pulls away, presumably to pull up the information you’re looking for. He doesn’t move far, just sort of adjusts his position so he can easily lean against your chair with one hand and hold his phone in the other, typing the question in quickly.
After a moment of waiting for the results to load, he hums and starts reading, “the Tennessee fainting goat breed has a hereditary condition called myotonia congenita—“ he begins, grumbling to himself a bit as he tries to focus on reading the sentence before finally shaking his head and handing you the phone so you can read it. “I keep wanting to read the same thing over and over-“
You nod in understanding, taking his phone carefully as he settles back in behind you, this time using your head as a chin rest. “The Tennessee fainting goat breed has a hereditary condition called myotonia congenita, a disorder that affects the skeletal muscles, which are used for movement.” You read calmly, pausing to frown and click something else related to that. “Many people wonder if it hurts the goat to faint, but rest assured, they’re not in pain. However their condition does have the potential to distress them because it can keep them from running away from things that frighten them. So avoid frightening them just to see them faint.” By the time you’re done reading, the both of you are frowning. “I feel like an asshole for laughing now-“
Leo nods in agreement. “Yeah… but, I mean- If it helps, we had no idea until we looked it up. In reality the guy that made the video is the asshole.”
You hum in response, still frowning. Leo pockets his phone and then brings you into a big hug and almost instantly you’re filled with a sense of comfort and calming. You find yourself leaning back into him heavily, just like earlier. “Thanks.” You mumble.
Leo nods, giving you one more big squeeze before he moves to sit back down. “Anything for you.” He replies without missing a beat, polishing his coffee off before resting his hand on yours again to still provide reassurance.
“Cheeseball.” You reply lightheartedly, turning your hand to softly squeeze his in response.
Leo smiles and dips his head in half bow, quickly glancing up at you. “The cheesiest.” He insists, thumb tracing gentle patterns over your knuckles. Pausing, the slider frowns, his phone beginning to buzz. Glancing down at the device with disdain, he checks the caller ID and sighs, giving you an apologetic look only for you to shake your head and gesture for him to answer it, assuming it’s probably one of his siblings.
He frowns a bit more, but gives in and nods, picking his phone up and answering the call, stepping away somewhat before he starts talking.
You can’t help but listen in after a few minutes, having noticed the exasperated l pinch to Leo’s face as he talks to whoever it was. You feel a little guilty, but you chalk your nosiness up to concern about his emotional wellbeing.
“Guys, I told you not to call me right now-“ he grunts, rolling his eyes as he listens in on what the person- or persons? Are saying in response. “No- you know  said today was important— No! I wasn’t joking. UGH. Raph- Raph, no.”
Quirking your brow ridge slightly, you can’t help but wish your hearing was better so you could have an even better grasp on this conversation— even if you know it’s probably not good to be listening in, in the first place. You try and distract yourself, going back to sketching to keep your attention in a more respectful place of not eavesdropping.
After a few minutes more, Leo comes back to the table and sits down again, grumbling as he sets his phone down after presumably putting it on ‘Do Not Disturb’. “Sorry about that- my brother’s forgot that I was going out tot day and were freaking out— and then they wouldn’t hang up.” He muses, noting that you were doodling again, this time around, though, he leans forward to get a good look. “Who are you drawing?” He inquires, still trying to get a better look.
Shaking your head, you let out a calm hum, nudging the napkin over to him so he can see. “Sounds like a chaotic time. I’m sure they were just worried though.” You muse, resting a hand under your chin as the calm washes over you again. “Just some characters I’ve been thinking up- silly really.” You shrug, finishing your coffee as you watch him pour over the drawings.
“Yeah, I know they were just worrying, but I wish they would listen when I tell them things sometimes- I mean… seriously… It’s not like I didn’t tell them I was going out. I did! Three times!” He huffs, getting frustrated for a moment before he shakes his head and dispels that energy, choosing to focus on what you had said about the drawing. “You thought these up? They’re so cute. They look like they could be in a children’s book.” He insists, tracing his fingers over one of the designs.
Sensing the first conversation wouldn’t be going anywhere further, you mostly set it aside, but not before saying gently, “I mean, you did say you guys never usually go too many places without each other, maybe they just assumed you hadn’t because they didn’t I don’t know- I can’t really speak for them since I don’t know much about them.” You chew the inside of your cheek gently, leg bouncing. “Anyway though— umm… yeah I actually want to make kids books, still in the starting part though.”
He nods, running a hand over his face, nearly shifting the blue eye mask out of place. “You’ve got a point, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.” He pouts, tapping his fingers on the table. “So, you should tell me about the book idea you have.” He points out, stretching his hand across the table to take your hand in his own again.
Biting your lip, you try and reign your thoughts in, looking at the tabletop for the time being until you begin to speak again, telling him all about your idea in as much detail as you can, though, for the moment, you mostly have details about the characters, and you can just tell by the look on Leo’s face that he is enthralled and enamoured with the idea which makes you feel a lot more confident about sharing this with him. You had been working on this for forever at this point and had never actually shared it with anyone. 
By the time you’re done speaking, Leo is practically bouncing. “I love the characters, especially Leaf! He’s so precious— and his favourite thing being stamp collecting?? It’s such a nerdy hobby, but its really cute to think about a leaf having a stamp collection! What if Shooting Star got him stamps from space!?” He gushes, visibly bouncing in his seat— it was almost like he was vibrating.
Giggling in response, you shake your head, smiling fondly and briefly glancing to the side at one of the potted plants by the counter in thought before you returned your gaze to the turtle. “I’m glad you enjoy it so far.” You begin, “maybe you’d want to help me with it a bit— you know, go over what I have eventually? I think any input you could give me would be really helpful.”
Leo blinks in surprise and then gets flustered, chuckling as he looks out the window at the people passing by. “I don’t know if I would be much help— art is more my brother Mikey’s thing, you know?” He admits. “But. I’m happy to look at everything!”
You roll your eyes and squeeze his hand gently. “I think you’d give me great advice, even if it’s not your strength, I mean just letting me know if you like it helps, or mentioning if something looks like it should be different- even if you don’t know what it is.” Tracing a small heart into the back of his hand absently, you shrug. “-but if you’re honestly not comfortable with that, I won’t force you.”
Mulling it over, he hums and returns the gentle gesture of squeezing your hand. “I mean, I guess I could, I mean the idea of being the only person looking it over is pretty cool!”
You’re about to speak when he suddenly nods and chimes in again.
“Yeah, you know what. I’ll do it. If it would make you happy, I’ll do it.”
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ageless-aislynn · 23 days
Click pictures to make bigger 😎
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1. Classic pinstripe suit, bald with sunglasses - The look of a dapper businessman who also slaughters evil in his spare time.
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2. All black suit, no tie, bald with sunglasses - The Angel of Death has no tie. The Angel of Death NEEDS no tie.
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3. White dress shirt with tie, black dress pants and glasses - Could it be... Clark Kent? No, friends, it is just Frank West, photojournalist.
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4. Pink dress shirt with tie, white dress pants and hat - There might be a zombie apocalypse but that's no excuse to stop working on your golf swing while looking like a fine gentleman at the same time.
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5. Classic little black dress with deep v-neck and white shirt - It's classic for a reason. Also, please note the sensible shoes, suitable for stomping zombies and running for your life.
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6. No shirt, dual ammo bandoliers, camo pants, bald with sunglasses - Rambo? Never heard of him. I bet he's a fine fellow, though. Frank probably wouldn't mind having him at his back while they're handling this pesky zombie horde problem.
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7. Orange prison jumpsuit - The biggest crime of all is not being able to profess his love for Leah. 💘
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8. No shirt, boxers, and police hat - For your next party, call 1-888-HOT-OFFICER-WEST for all of your exotic dancer needs! 😇
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9. Yellow suit and hockey mask - No, the giant gun isn't compensating for anything. I'm not sure why you'd even ask that...? 🤔😜 An appropriately chaotic look for a chaotic time.
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10. Wrestler trunks - Brand loyalty. Frank has it. Also, cake? Frank has that, too. 😇 I ❤️ one (1) photojournalist who was built to be a brawler. 😍😍😍
Brad looks like he spends a LOT of time questioning Frank's common sense fashion sense, doesn't he? 😂😂😂
Yes, friends, I've decided to tackle one of THE most time-consuming video game achievements out there: Dead Rising's 7 Day Survivor. It requires 14 uninterrupted hours to complete. You cannot save. You cannot quit and come back later to pick up where you left off. Frank's health constantly depletes so you have to scavenge for food (which does NOT respawn) or he can starve to death every 20 minutes. The survivors have turned on you and will kill you on sight. The psychopaths are no longer in their usual spawn locations. The zombies will munch you relentlessly. You die, your run is done. Your power goes off, your PC/console crashes, you fall asleep, you get distracted, you're done.
So why do I want to do it? 🤔
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Because it's the only achievement I don't have (technically, there's also 5 Day Survivor in there as well, but if you get 7 Day, you'll have gotten 5 Day along the way). Because I love this game so much. It brings me so much silly joy. Because I want to see if my strategy will work.
Because I want to know that I can.
So! Help me pick from some of my favorite looks for Frank. We want to look strong, ready to kick zombie butt and to survive for a week under very hostile conditions in the Willamette Mall.
I'm currently writing up my strategy, including food locations, survivor and psychopath spawn times, and an optimal path to take through the mall with the best places (aka that have doors you can shut) for Frank to stay safe with his stashes of food. Then I'm going to print it because I'm just That Way™️and want a physical copy to refer to once I start this. I'm not chancing minimizing the game to open a file or to watch a tutorial video. Georgette and I are FOCUSED on success!
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Me and Georgette, our hands joined in a solemn pact to keep Frank alive for 14 hours. (O hai, Eobard, wish us luck, hm, buddy? 😉)
14 hours, girl, we can do it! I've got the support of my family, just got to let them know when I start. I can pause the game to eat and things like that but I don't want to leave it paused any longer than necessary. The in-game clock stops at the same time so you're just adding more overall hours by pausing.
Wish me luck, friends! I'm not sure what day I'll be doing this but it'll be soon! 🤞😣🤞
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 month
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
My Wangan Maxi Tune Career Returns 2024 Edition [Timezone Arcade Araneta City Gateway Mall II & Gateway Cinema] - Part 7 [First Half] (Recorded: Jun 19th, 2024)
Hey, hey! It’s me! 😁 And welcome back for another installment of "My Wangan Maxi Tune Career"! I returned in 2022, and now I'm continue it, this 2024. Yes, it's been a while. I haven't shared my WMMT's play progress in this current year, with the last record I posted was on May 31st, 2023 (Pls, go check it out in the "previous" section) before it went into troubles. And by that, I'm talking about my PC desktop problem. *sigh* 😫😔 Nevertheless, I have now SO MANY photos and screenshots that need to be uploaded on my current social media sites right away before I move on to my current update.
Once again, If you haven't seen my "first & second half" of "Part 6", then please check out my "previous" down below (w/ highlight).
#1: Once again, no #OnThisDay throwback post for this date.
(And) #2: Whoever say's "FFA" was making me unhappy... 😥 Because I can't find the acronym on the Google search... This is why, this game is not ready to meet. Even though, they've already launched the old vanilla installment.*sigh* 😔
So, without further ado, let's get started:
1st to 6th Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• [1st to 3rd Images] June 19th, 2024, I'm here at the specific TZ Arcade branch in Araneta City Gateway Mall II, with my two beloved paper dolls (🐻👨‍🍳 Chowder & Panini 🐰👩‍🍳). Upon entering the said mall and TZ branch, the atmosphere was pretty nice and clean, much like I visited every TZ branch. Anyway, I've redeemed the ₱200 free Power Load coupon through my gold membership TZ Power Card 💳🕹️😁, with an additional ₱150 load for a good measure 💵. However, there's one problem though... There's no Wangan Maxi Tune cabinet at this particular TZ branch. 😥 Damn, it'll be better if I play it inside this awesome atmosphere, alas it ain't happened. 😓 So, should go back to Trinoma where I previously played? 🤔 Nah, because as far as I know, there's another TZ branch located somewhere at the huge "Araneta City" mall. So, I venture myself to search for another TZ branch with my trusty Google Maps app 🗺️📲, in about a 1 hour ⌚.
• [4th to 6th Images] And said an hour later, I finally found another TZ branch located at the OG Gateway Cinema. 🎞️🕹️😃 Huh, you know what, the layer reminds me of going to the Ayala Glorietta mall in Makati City, where there's a TZ branch beside the Cinema. And that was my "Real Life Story". 😁📖 I was in my High School days 🧑‍🎓🏫 (3rd year High School to be specific; 2010 to 2011) when my former BF ("Best Friend") 👤 invited me to a meet-up for playing a music rhythm arcade game (named "DJ MAX Technika" 👇🎶🎧) at the aforementioned Glorietta TZ branch, which I suck at it. But, I was also playing my debuted "Wangan Maxi Tune 3DX Plus" 🚘🌃🛣️ arcade, which is my preferred over that music rhythm. 😊 Yeah, who doesn't love playing arcades after watching an awesome movie (say the new upcoming Disney movies, etc..). I've been there, but I never actually attempted that in my life. 😥 As for the actual arcade branch, it matches my memories back in 2012 😊, and no doubt this is one of the most unique branches unlike the Glorietta branch because besides the TZ branch was this Taco Bell / Pizza Hut stand, which is an awesome nice touch if I want it to grab something delicious Taco/Pizza from the "Yum" brands! My paper dolls loves eating Taco/Pizza! Yum! 🌮🍕😋 Sadly, I don't have funds for ordering food. Bummer... 😥😓
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7th & 8th Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• Okay, let's move on to the Maxi Tune experience, with "The Speedster Twins" w/ their Impreza cars! 🐶🇯🇵🚘🟥🔵🌸🐰🇯🇵🚘 So, without further ado, let's bring out the twins! Take it away! 😊
Spot 🐶🏎️ & Riya 🐰🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket & Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined respectively]: Thank you, creator! 😄
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Actually, you go first Spot because you've received something cool! 😃
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Why thank you, Ri! 😃 Yeah, I've got my first-ever marker in my Maxi Tune experience! I'm sure it's nothing knew, but here it is! That so-called "New Driver" 🔰 always embraces me throughout my childhood, including you Ri!
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Yes, sir! I think it looks good on you, you know! A Japanese symbol for any kind of beginners! Whether you're a beginner in trading card games, a skillful chef, or whatever you desire! 🔰😀
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: You bet! For us, it is a symbol of our beginners as a Maxi Tune player! Even though I've been there since 2011 and then you followed in 2013. 😊
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: You're correct, twin bro! 😊 Hey, let's move on to our "Story Mode" journey, shall we? 📖🚘🙂
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Yeah, sure! 🙂
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9th to 22nd Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• Spot & Riya's Maxi Tune "Story Mode" Journey 📖🚘:
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Let's proceed to our Maxi Tune "Story Mode" journey, with the continuation of "Garage ACE" second half. 📖🚘
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Yes, sir! However, we have a problem with the steering wheel. 🙁The maneuver is completely jaggy over solid & sturdy wheel. 👎
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Yeah! These previous aggressive jerks doesn't know how to respect the machine , or fixing it from the mechanic employee! 😑
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Yeah, does this came from the "PVP" matches? 🤨
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: *Sigh* What do you think, Ri? 🤨 But, all that aside, we've continue it anyway, and I've lost my ("5") winning streak because of the aforementioned jaggy steering wheel! 😫 I'm so frustrated! 😠 Ri? What about you!?
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Well, I carried on and I continued my winning streak! 🤷‍♀️
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: YOU WHAT!? 😳 HOW THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT?! 😲
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: *Sigh* I was so lucky, that I haven't got the same fate as yours. And while it was challenging with the jaggy wheel, I put in on my best and I've got 45 wins (now 46) on my winning streak. 😮‍💨 *Phew* What a sign of relief for me, Spot... 😩
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Lucky you, Riya. Looks like, I'm about to re-climb my winning mountain once again. *Sigh* 😩
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: But hey, on the bright side, our Impreza cars are now at "Level 9, Step 33"! 🔧⚙️🚘 With the last stop to "Fully Tuned" 🔥🚘 is completing "The Legendary F1 Turbine" stories! Eh, Spot? Do you think, you can handled "10 wins" on your winning streak? 😁😉
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Heck, yeah! You're right, Ri! I can handle it! 💪😁 One last level and our cars were "Fully Tuned"! LET'S GO! 😃
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: *pat on his back* Awesome, there ya go! Uh yeah, should you changed your title, with this awesome "Tune Maximism"!? 🙂 I've already update my title, though! 😁
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Sounds cool, but I'm gonna save that title via Wangan Navi App. 🚘📲😊
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Sounds fair, and that includes our Maxi Tune "Story Mode" journey, with us! 📖🚘😊
○ Unfortunately, this is far as I go for now owing to the limitation of Tumblr’s photo upload. But don't fret because I've posted my "second half", right here → [CLICK ME!]. 😉 ○
In the meantime, that’s all for now. More Wangan Maxi experience, coming up soon.
If you haven’t seen my 2019 Wangan Maxi Tune 6 & Wangan Navigator app (on the alternate blog), then I’ll provide some links down below. ↓😉
My Wangan Maxi Tune 6 Experience:
My WMMT6 Progress (2019): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 7½, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14 [Final] (The Last WMMT6 Update)
My Wangan Navigator app (2019): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14 [Final]
My WMMT6RR Progress (2022 - present): Part 1 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 2 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 3 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 4 [Final] [Dec 28th, 2022], Part 5 [first half], Part 5 [second half], Part 5 [third/final half], Part 6 [first half], Part 6 [second half]
Also check out my previous Maxi Tune installments:
• WMMT5DX - [CLICK ME! #1], [CLICK ME! #2], [CLICK ME! #3], [CLICK ME! #4 (The Last 5DX Update)]
• WMMT5DXPlus (All in chronological date) - [CLICK ME! #1], [CLICK ME! #2], [CLICK ME! #3], [CLICK ME! #4], [CLICK ME! #5], [CLICK ME! #6], [CLICK ME! #7], [CLICK ME! #8], [CLICK ME #9], [CLICK ME! #10], [CLICK ME! #11], [CLICK ME! #12], [CLICK ME! #13], [CLICK ME! #14], [CLICK ME! #15], [CLICK ME! #16], [CLICK ME! #17], [CLICK ME! #18], [CLICK ME! #19], [CLICK ME! #20], [CLICK ME! #21], [CLICK ME! #22], [CLICK ME! #23], [CLICK ME! #24], [CLICK ME! #25], [CLICK ME! #26], [CLICK ME! #27], [CLICK ME! #28], [CLICK ME! #29], [CLICK ME! #30], [CLICK ME! #31], [CLICK ME! #32], [CLICK ME #33], [CLICK ME #34], [CLICK ME #35], [CLICK ME #36], [CLICK ME #37], [CLICK ME #38], [CLICK ME #39], [CLICK ME #40], [CLICK ME #41], [CLICK ME! #42], [CLICK ME! #43], [CLICK ME! #44], [CLICK ME! #45], [CLICK ME! #46], [CLICK ME! #47], [CLICK ME! #48], [CLICK ME! #49], [CLICK ME! #50], [CLICK ME! #51 (The Last 5DX+ Update)]
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dsumpsbluey · 1 year
Unofficial Bluey Timeline: Part I
This post will be covering the beginning of season 1 of Bluey, starting from Magic Xylophone to Shadowlands. As a reminder, as we are at the beginning of the show, we start at Period 1, where Bluey and Bingo are 6 and 4 respectively. Period 1 won't take until season 2 to end, so there's not much to worry about.
The Magic Xylophone - Episode 1
Bluey and Bingo make use of a supernatural xylophone to control their dad. It's here where they learn to take turns.
Debuts & Details:
Aside from debuting the main Heeler family, Chloe's mum and her newborn baby appear for a scene (before Chloe which is odd).
Chilli describes Bandit picking his nose when they first met.
We get a first look at the Selfie portrait in the kids' bedroom. It stays the same throughout the series, but this episode uses the first iteration of the image, which lasts until about season 2.
In terms of the timeline, this automatically gets the first position, being that this is the first episode. There's nothing else to it, pretty much.
Favorite Part: When Bingo freezes Bluey to discuss her feelings is a great moment
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Hospital - Episode 2
Bluey and Bingo operate on their dad using their doctor knowledge.
Debuts & Details:
No character debuts, but we do see that cat plush in later episodes; We also see 'Polly Puppy' appear, and has prickles that need to be removed
We get a first look at the kitchen fridge, which is one of the frequent locations we'll look for throughout the timeline. However, the view in this episode is blocked by Bandit
We learn that cats can sneak inside a dog's belly button while asleep.
Bandit uses the alias 'Telemachus', making it the first play name used in the series; meanwhile Bluey and Bingo are referred to as 'Doctor' and 'Nurse' respectively.
Nothing much to say about this episode, as there's little detail about its placement in the timeline. Therefore, it gets placed after Magic Xylophone.
Favorite Part: That part where Bluey says "STING!" That's gotta be my favorite part. You'll never guess which instance I'm referring to. ever.
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Keepy Uppy - Episode 3
Bluey and Bingo engage in a game of "Keepy Uppy", where they prevent the premature death of a poor, red balloon.
Debuts and Details:
We see the debut of Lucky and Pat (aka Lucky's Dad, he's done his hammy)
We get a clear look at the fridge, which contains three papers held by a blue, red, and yellow magnet, as well as letter magnets of 'B' and 'C'
Again, another episode that's pretty timeless and fun with it's idea. A certified Bluey classic, if you will.
Favorite Part: "She saying Good Morniiiing!"
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Daddy Robot - Episode 4
Bluey and Bingo employ a so-called "Daddy Robot" to tidy their room. It goes exactly as expected.
Debuts & Details:
Debut of 'Daddy Robot' as well as 'Mummy Robot', who suspiciously look just like Bandit and Chilli 🤔
This marks the first instance of a 'fluffy' by Bandit
Bandit is seen eating a bowl of leftover fried rice, possibly from the 'Takeaway' place.
Just noticed the fridge handles are flipped in this episode compared to the previous episode. I believe this is the only instance of this, making it an error, though I think it's so the audience could see Bandit eating. Don't quote me on that tho.
Pretty goofy episode, I enjoy the character of 'Daddy Robot'. Such a shame we never see him ever again. Depending on the interpretation, this could take place either before or after 'Takeaway'.
Favorite Part: The first smoochy kiss
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Shadowlands - Episode 5
Bluey, Coco, and Snickers learn to play by the rules of Shadowlands, or risk being eaten by crocodiles.
Debuts & Details:
Coco, Snickers, and their respective mums make their debut
First episode to take place outside of the house
Chilli will eat your cupcakes
Very highly important episode, as it establishes the importance the rules have within an imaginary game. Quite literally the backbone of the show.
Favorite Part: The problem solving during Shadowlands is neat to witness.
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With that, thus completes part 1 of the Unofficial Bluey Timeline. This is generally how every post will be structured. Leave any comments about any episode discussed, or about the structure of these posts. Being as I'm new to blogging, any feedback would be helpful.
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almondmilklatte · 2 years
this is a super quick post before I go to bed so I don’t have the benefit of my laptop but one reason I want the armando jealous compilation is because his jealousy is really important to the plot and showing us his headspace as the scheme goes by
Like I could spend 40 days and 40 nights analyzing eps 50-60 and 71-90 or something like that because the times that Armando brings up Nicolas he has the plausible deniability of talking about la empresa. when he first finds out about Nicolas, he himself says that he has no reason not to trust betty and how he knows her very well and still he’s discomfited by their relationship. it doesn’t sit well with him. Equally telling is that it’s Mario that pushes him by giving planting doubts and goading Armando’s distrust .. where Armando was the first to bring it up, Mario is the one to constantly remind him of it
later, after betty is purposefully trying to trigger his insecurity over the company, they play more with this conceit of jealousy. we the audience have it well established that he’s pursuing betty for the company but now we see that challenged? key is of course the nightmare he has about them in the car, the way he follows them home and hates to see them kiss, the way he’s unconcerned about betty confronting Nicolas over possibly misspending terramodas money.. he’s more concerned over the location of a possible kiss between them than looking at terramoda’s balance! Armando’s incapacity to self reflect or accept his feelings is front and center as our antagonist here, causing him and betty a lot of pain
he only really makes one big scene of jealousy, when he smacks Nicolas outside of ines’ house whereas I was expecting more suffering hehehe mark.gif.. but Armando’s jealousy is a subtle thing that he acts on very strategically 🤔 or at least that the narrative employs strategically. of course he’s jealous of Michel, for instance, but other than a cold reception, he’s never aggressive or combative toward the man.
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somewhereinthepines · 2 years
I was just thinking, what do you think Chris's love language would be? I tried imagining what it might be, and surprisingly I can't decide on it. I was thinking that words of affirmation might be one? In both fics he reassures and comforts Ryan with his words, but then I got thinking about GP and the end of chap 4. He's growing somewhat touchy, and jealous (although I don't think the latter a love language?) so then I wondered if physical affection could be in the mix too. But it's difficult to say bcs he usually tries to hold himself at a distance doesn't he 🤔
Also, I was rereading the chapters again, and I finally have theory about how he could be watching Ryan in the basement. So, you said Ryan knows about the cameras now, but from what we know (that Ryan knows) is that they're outside camp by the trails and stuff. But what if Chris has also got cameras inside?
But then I sort of scratched that bcs Ryan would have noticed a camera in the room...unless it was one of those sneaky hidden cameras that don't look like one? 🤔 then I got thinking about why he'd wanna watch Ryan do laundry in the first place, is there a reason for that which will be revealed later or no? If Chris has managed to spy on him in there another way, that would be really cool and equally creepy. But I'm here for that, it's spooky season, and it's a horror game anyway 🤪
ahhh, it’s such a good question! and such complicated one, when it comes to them. mostly, bc their relationships are always balancing on line of what ‘can’ one do and, then what one ‘wants’ to do, and technically still can, but it might be taken as them committing smth inpropriate. tho funny enough, the game on itself, low-key cheers it on. so it’s more of chris’s own inner issues, really. personally, i don’t think, that most of hacketters (not all clearly) would care if ryan slept with their camp operator lol. but when it comes to chris there is the major issue of him ‘allowing’ himself to act on his desires/instincts, bc he himself view them as ‘bad thing’. so yeah, for the most part he only uses his words as showing ryan, that he’s very important to him. i mean, in the beginning he’s sort of reached out to him only via conversations, and very small portions of supposedly ‘fatherly’ touches. but back then, his affection was also of a different nature vs how it progressed from there on (if we take fanon of ASB, at least). the best way i can put it is that chris wants to do more, but feels like he can’t. 
and tbh, this is one of those aspects, that i find hella intriguing in their dynamic. it can go a few ways, and there is always a ‘line’, that chris would try not to cross, but usually, does end up crossing, anyways. but how far that ‘line’ lies heavily depends on ryan’s responses. or on how openly he provokes the reaction from chris. and like, ryan was still somewhat modest in ASB. but how modest will he be in GP, when he’s the one, who will eventually have all kinds of ‘leverages’? and how much longer can chris ignore all that temptation, when it’s literally being shoved into his face? now, that's a thing to take in consideration. but ah, i’ll leave it here for now! i already sorta walked away from the main question. so back to chris’s way of showing affection/love, in GP there will be more physical stuff later on. but as far as it goes now, i guess, we can say that words/eye contact and teasing of proximity is chris’s main established love language atm lol. but there are always new forms to express it too.
and ah, you’re spot on! there are cameras inside the lodge too. naturally, chris wouldn’t tell this to anyone, bc it would make them wary and rightfully so. like it’s one thing to track what happens around the camp, but what good can the cameras inside the lodge do? well, prob none. but that’s until you take in consideration what exact locations of these cameras are. one is inside the basement for sure. and from what we know, from the prologue alone, is that chris used the basement as a container for himself, on time of the full moon (at least occasionally). so it’s safe to say, that he didn’t use that camera for anything ‘creepy’, right until he didn’t notice ryan going there day after day, and started, well yeah, doing just that. being creepy about it lol. 
as for how come that ryan didn’t see the cameras, the answer is kinda simple tbh. for one, he didn’t have a reason to look for one, or even truly admire the ceiling or just go around the place. for example, there are cameras all over the big malls, but usually, an average person won’t even bother to pin-point where it might be located or even consider, that they might be filmed right now. it’s kinda the same principle here. then, ryan is also tired and sleep-deprived, so his attention to the details isn’t the best. one’s vision get all fucked up, when you don’t sleep well for weeks, so it’s hard to see smth small, so far away, esp in the fairly poorly lighted room. and yeah, this will be touched upon, and ryan will actually attempt to ‘put the pieces’ together, haha. i also was considering later on, making a single chapter, that would be sorta a recap of ‘major’ happenings in GP, but from chris’s perspective, which will give a different spin on some things, that we can only see through ryan’s eyes. anyways, the explanation to how chris was watching ryan is fairly ‘down to earth’, less so the reason why he just kept on watching him, over and over. making all kinds of assumptions. and then…where the rest of cams are? was he also watching ryan elsewhere? soon, ryan will learn exactly that. 
anyhow, thank you for the question! i had fun answering it, so hopefully it was somewhat fun to read too, haha. like even if the cameras ‘intrigue’ is killed now, there are different ‘sudden’ things to come. ryan’s (mis)adventure into Hackett's quarry lore had only started.
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Black People Taking Over the Media… They Gon’ be Mad Forever
Not so long-ago social media was created with it originally being just a place for people to communicate freely between each other. It later turned into a place for people to spread awareness about problems that are engulfing our country. This sparked #blacklivesmatter to trend on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. To my surprise during the unrest and protests #BLM was being posted on twitter alone 3.7 million times a day, and nearly 50 million times in a 15-day period. 
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The Black Lives Matter Association did receive backlash though when it was discovered that some of the money was used to buy a $6 million dollar mansion in Los Angeles 🙄. At the time it was stated that this was only going to be used as a venue for meetings and would never be used for any personal usage. Later it surfaced that Cullor who was the BLM executive director threw two parties that she later stated was her son's birthday party and the inauguration of President Joe Biden. I personally don’t believe this takes away from BLM because BLM is not just an organization it is an entire movement 🤔. Cullor later stepped down and apologized for the inappropriate use of the house. The house is now strictly being used for meetings. 
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Another large social media posting was in the summer of 2020 when millions of people across the world posted a black square on social media with the hashtag #Blacklivesmatter following the murder of George Floyd. Many of you probably took part in this “trend” on your platforms. Many journalists and scholars have stated that even though people had good intentions, it was just an empty gesture by others. It was something that everyone else was doing at the time and many large businesses and corporations posted pictures as well. I don’t know about you, but it seemed very fake at the moment and kind of the easy way out for corporations and businesses that had done nothing for the movement up until this. The New York Times went into detail about how Black travelers and Black Photographers saw the posts from a popular suitcase company Away, and believed it was very empty in meaning. This company has historically excluded Black people from the company’s ad campaigns, advertisement targeting and through employment. Many believe this is because the company sees them as not the primary consumers. Which doesn’t make sense to me because Black people on average spend $63 Billion dollars.
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And now we're seeing clowns like Kanye West using BLM for his own political and social gain. Kanye stirred the pot once again, wearing a white lives matter shirt to his Yeezy show in Paris. His shirt with bold white letters had no context and was just plain silly. He also decided to invite controversial figure Candace Owens to the show to wear a white lives matter shirt as well.  Kanye has been known for his friendship with Trump and his outlandish political views but this was a new low. This stunt was a mockery to the black community by two huge figures in that community. Truly embarrassing ...
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You probably are wondering why I keep rambling about these movements on social media, well it’s because it’s important and the first of its kind. We are at the beginning of the future in making major changes. In the Ted Talk that we watched for class you can really hear how the founders of BlackLivesMatter really have been able to touch on how important this whole movement is and how many more people are being informed on these issues. Social media and different movements that take place on these social media platforms are now vital for these movements and will be for the foreseeable future. With being able to send out meet up locations for protests, to sharing breaking news on ongoing circumstances. The Pew Research Center stated that the Black community are more likely to post about political activities and believe that this is the most effective way to get the message out. I tend to believe that this is the best way to get the message out. It’s one of the only things nearly everybody does daily, very few people watch the news anymore. So why not put the news on social media. I believe that the most important thing is to not stop talking about it, and to not stop posting about the issues that are still going on every day. 
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------- Click below to listen to Lil Baby's The Bigger Picture -------
Lil Baby- The Bigger Picture
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mirrorshards · 2 years
What are your tips for making poses look less stiff? Your poses for the characters you draw are always so good :,)
thank you so much!
hmmm, this is a bit tricky to answer without going full drawing mentor mode and I can't say I am one... 🤔 but let me try!
(edit: it came out super long!! there's one example but idk how good it is haha)
there is a very long answer to give and it involves a lot of studying your surroundings and looking at people through analysing lenses, some knowledge in knowing how things move (physically or animation basics) and some art history involved.
you see our brain kinda interprets things super literally so when you approach to draw it without knowledge you just draw it by default like your first association would be like. like house looks a certain way, or a tree, or an eye.. they all have images you think of instinctively and might first draw out. but when you study those things analytically and draw enough to learn more about them you learn that houses all look very different and there's architecture, location, "personality" etc to consider, or eyes have different shapes to them to make them differ between people. so poses are the same! when you want to just draw a person standing, there's so many ways they can be standing. mood can be taken into it, personality, sometimes even clothing affects posture. a character could be standing gloomily all slouched or impatiently, leaned on one leg and tapping the other. so that's one thing to consider.
another one is angles. diagonal lines and shapes and arches are all super super helpful in making something feel more dynamic or natural looking. people don't normally just stand straight without doing anything else, so it's just knowing where to use either arches or sharp lines! and in this honestly, you can just practice drawing a lot of gestures from either sites like posemaniacs or even at work or on the train/bus. like just looking at a person's pose and getting it down so you build a sort of mental bank for natural poses people actually do so when you get to drawing it later it's a bit easier cuz you've seen someone sit like that in some cafe or in a movie. another thing that comes in in 'angles' is your "camera angle". sometimes drawing the same pose from a different angle is all you needed to make it feel more dynamic! like maybe you drew a character fullbody from profile but your focus was their expression.. so actually you didn't need their feet at all, and maybe if you drew them more frontal, in a a bust or headshot size then you would get your point across more. and then in this new framing sometimes you don't even need unique posing because the expression does all the moving the drawing needs.
also idk where to put this but volumes are also important to take into account while drawing. like, i draw a lot of interactions and they can be tricky, but it's important to remember and practice that limbs take space, and touching another person means two masses meshing against each other so it affects their shapes. that's kind of a dry way to put it but uhh
you have A and B and you wanna draw A slinging a hand over B's shoulder
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the wrapping hand has to go behind the back, then over the shoulder, while "hugging" the neck and the hand itself has volume. as well as their own bodies that are now collide a bit with each other because of the proximity
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top view?? (sorta)
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and neck closeup ?! idk if it's needed actually but it makes sense for me to show how the neck is being hugged by the arm
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basically: something that's super helpful to understand volumes is realize how the pose is supposed to go physically. where one limb goes, where's the other? is anything interacting or reacting to it? etc
and finally..
there is no escape from drawing a lot. sometimes you just have to warm up to get into the mood of drawing freely so it doesn't feel stiff, other times you just draw and it looks like shit and you just have to start over. I've redone lineart at least 3 times before! it's hard. you still gotta do it.. sometimes drawing flow comes with the more you draw literally that day and sometimes it's just something your body learns after drawing a pose so many times.. just draw a lot!!
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The Bogart Diaries #22: Morning Snuggles
Masterlists: [All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer]  [The Bogart Diaries]
Characters: Thomas Hunt, Alex, Bogart Hunt (dog) Book: Red Carpet Diaries [Hunt x F!OC] Word Count:  ~500 Rating: General/all the fluff Prompt: chilly ~ @choicesoctoberchallenge
Synopsis: Alex and Bogart enjoy some morning snuggles while Thomas is on location in Europe filming.
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Her thumbs glossed across the screen of her phone, replying to Addison's comments on the photo she had just uploaded to Bogart's account
“Good morning, beautiful.” A preview of his text flashed on the top of her screen; her lips turned up at the notification. “I hope you slept well, my love. One more night, and I will be home with you. I am looking forward to it."
“Good afternoon to you, or is it night?” Alex replied. “It’s too early for time zone math. 😩”
“It’s past 10:00 am, Alex. I no longer think the “it's too early” excuse applies for you.”
“🤔 It is if you stay up all night!🌙 😴”
“Are you still in bed?”
"... no."
“Fine! It's possible that I may still probably be in bed. But in my defense, the company is too good to leave! 😏🤭”
Her phone was silent for a moment; she waited for his reply, hoping he knew she was joking.
“Whoops. I wasn’t supposed to tell you that 😉," she added, trying to get his attention.
Still, no reply came. Alex pouted at the lack of response. She knew he was probably working, but what a time to disappear.
“Aren’t you going to say something?”
“Such as?”
“🥺 What if I'm with someone else? Don’t you care? ”
"Of course, I care. However, I trust you implicitly and know there would not be someone else. How's Bogart?"
She bit her lower lip, trying to contain her smile. He really did know her too well.
Trust is important in any relationship, but especially for them, when they could be forced to spend weeks or even months apart surrounded by some of the most beautiful people in the world. It would tempt anyone, but not them. She knew they were lucky with one another. There was no one else for either of them. "Nice save😍🥰. Can you just go with me for a minute?"
“My apologies. Is this better: 😱 😠 What company? 👀 (I believe I used those emotion icons correctly, yes? Or should I have gone with the red anger expression to convey a higher level of frustration?)”
“(those are perfect, thank you). 🤭 Don’t be jealous, but—” Alex quickly sent the photo of Bogart curled up on his pillow. “Someone has kept me company while you were away. The nights have been long and cold without you. I was weak. You might have to fight my new beau to reclaim your spot.”
"I love you."
"I love you, too. I can't wait to have you back where you belong."
"And I can't wait to have you back where you belong... in my arms."
"Aww 🥺🥺🥺"
"Yes? 😍️"
"Please tell me you'll wash my pillow before I get home?"
"🙄 Relax, it's not really your pillow. He has his own for when you're gone."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"I must get back to filming now. We only have a few more hours until we wrap. I'll call you later?"
The light in her eyes dimmed a little. "Sure. Talk soon 😘"
She hated being so far apart. The last two weeks had felt like an eternity without him, but in a little more than a day, they'd be reunited.
"Until then—" Alex slipped back under the covers, resting her head on the pillow beside Bogart. "I'm thinking we enjoy a day in bed."
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please consider liking, reblogging, and/or leaving a comment. I would truly appreciate it!
AN#1: Photo credit: I found it on Pinterest, but multiple users have the same photo and I can't seem to find the original owner. If anyone knows who it is, please let me know so I can properly credit them.
AN#2: I promise Thomas will find out about the account soon. I have an idea for it, I just have to get the motivation to write that particular story.
Tags are in a reblog. Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed.
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versadies · 2 years
My thoughts/comment about the prologue & first chapter: OMG DAN 😳😳 IT WAS SO GREAT !! 💖 i could feel the seeping pain from the past and the glances to each other that feels so awkward after many years had passed. There is a hint of odd feeling between you and Ayato, and if only Ms. Chisato knows... It was more than a bestfriend. Ayato, could've said more but instead paid you the action of him leaving instead, with final remarks saying that it was good to meet you. And i'm unsure why i'm so hyped up,,, maybe because Diluc is going to be an important character later 👀 (i remember stating at the survey that he is also my favorite;;;) Also i'm grateful for Zhongli to solve our "plus one for hire" problem, he's a great company to be with as well— i could imagine it :DD he's chill and would understand the situation. Up til now as I'm typing this, I could feel the broken promises and shattered future that you have idealized with Ayato. Ayato may have broke it up between the two of you, however he remains by his word of marrying in Mondstadt, specifically with the venue of the Goth Grand Hotel. Bitter, isn't it? He had cut off the connection between you, and yet here you are at his wedding— at the same location that you both dreamt of getting married at— but he's with someone else, rather than you. I honestly feel like not attending his wedding if not for the luxurious benefits 😌 The same purple eyes he used to gaze at you full of love became replaced with empty emotions, it feels like it was even forced and just done for the sake of courtesy and politeness. I was hissing in pain until *ahem* the Ragnvindr showed up. 😤 I'm trying my best to keep myself restrained but I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE FUTURE PARTS WITH DILUC 😩 this will be one of the only times i'll be exposing myself because i also want to genuinely pour my whole 🍰ussy in this comment as i promised <333 honestly at this point, i might consider this fic series of yours as my birthday gift too !! (If that's alright for me to consider it as, of course 💗 if you will allow me 😅) It just came to me that i'd be grateful for the blessings i'm getting whether it's an actual gift for me or something that isn't really my gift but something i'm thankful for (like this series of yours 👀) ✨ Given that the next release would possibly be on the next Saturday too 😌 (which is exactly my birthday) 🤔 So once again, thank you for this milestone series 🤩 it was wonderful and i hope to be able to finish it till the end. I understand your friend sending concerning amount of paragraphs now 😤 i'd do the same as well after reading your published chapters at the moment.
— I hope this would satisfy you enough, 🍰 <33
COMRADE THIS IS MORE THAN ENOUGH, i didnt expect you to have so much to say about it tysm 😭😭💞💞💞💞 you definitely got all the details right and im so speechless with your sweet comment — and please, feel free to think of this series as a gift to you !! — im glad i did a good decision in putting diluc to the series since he’s your favorite :DDD and rest assured ill make sure the next chapter will be released on your birthday !! take it as my special gratitude for putting your whole 🍰ussy in the comment of my first ever series <333 im sure my friend would be delighted to know that they’re not alone about my series 👊👊👊
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murumokirby360 · 4 years
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The new XP-Pen PenTablet ver. 3.0.5 Windows Software for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 [Nov 11,2020]
Hi, time to discuss my experience of using the new XP-Pen PenTablet ver. 3.0.5 for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 on Windows 10 PC Desktop.😊🖊️📝
BTW: If you haven’t seen or watch my first time recorded computer video via VLC, then please - [CLICK ME!].
Keep in mind this version is a  “New UI Beta Driver” according to the XP-Pen’s official website download support. So I’m not sure that this is the final driver though, but for now I’ll take it then.🤔
So without further ado, let’s get started:
1st Image: • Before that, I took a picture of my new home computer with my drawing/graphics tablet always placed on the low side, while my Silvertec wireless keyboard was on the other side without my laptop at any site or place because I completely removed from my desk, also when I’m done using the tablet my wireless keyboard always put the low side. Which is where it should be, so I’m hoping that I will try my tablet on the top side and see what’s the difference.⌨️📋📝🙂
Screenshot(s): • Nonetheless, here’s the new look of the PenTablet Windows software looks like. The old version of Pentablet used to have a ‘Pen Settings’ and ‘Work Area’ in one window (on my Windows 7 OS) but now it became a separate per each tab including ‘Express Keys’.
• All of them are the same present settings from the old version. But there’s one feature that the new version didn’t have unlike the old version, and that is the ‘Tablet Light’ control from the ‘Express Keys’ setting; it’s a shame that XP-Pen developers removed that feature from the new version, but in my opinion I don’t need that anyway 🤷, at least the four corners from the tablet still lit up 💡 without adjusting it.
• On top of that, there’s a gear sign ⚙️setting located on the upper right corner beside minimize and close symbols. Here I can disable 'Messages’, ‘Express Keys’ and Passive Pen functions of ‘Pressure’ and ‘Tilt’ sensitivity. ‘Import’ & ‘Export’ configs are here and finally there’s a new one called ‘Diagnostic Tool’ which I’ll get to that later.
• Now on to the ‘Express Keys’ setting, I could see the default key setting from new one is different compare to the old one. Let me bring it down the list between the two:↓ 
Old PenTablet (on Win7 💻) - New PenTablet (on Win10 🖥️)
K1  🔘 Open Tablet Setting 💻- B Keyboard Key B 🖥️ K2 🔘 [Alt] 💻- E Eraser 🖥️ K3 🔘 [Space] 💻- Alt Eyedropper 🖥️ K4 🔘 [Ctrl+Z] 💻- Space Hand Tool 🖥️ K5 🔘 [Ctrl + ‘+’] (Zoom In) 💻- [Ctrl + Z] Undo 🖥️ K6 🔘 [Ctrl + ‘-’] 💻- [Ctrl + ‘+’] Zoom In 🖥️ K7 🔘 [B] 💻- [Ctrl + ‘-’] Zoom Out 🖥️ K8 🔘 [E] 💻 - [Show Control Panel] (PenTablet) 🖥️
•A minutes later, I decided to add my usual artwork software GIMP (2.10.22) for both ‘Pen Settings’ and ‘Express Keys’ at the application bar; strange that the ‘Pen Settings’ had now a application bar unlike the old one, even though I try to click the upper button from my stylus passive pen for changing Eraser to Ink Pen (and vice versa); it selects the Eclipse Select Tool rather than the actual Eraser when in my current GIMP art software (this is because the pen only supports well known art/paint software for instance ‘Adobe Photoshop’ series), otherwise I didn’t use it actually during my artwork process.🤷
•But hey at least the ‘Windows Ink’🖊️from Windows 10 works (after I enabled to ‘screen’ for both PenTablet Eraser and Stylus Pen in GIMP’s input devices [ver. 2.10.22]), and I can drag the cursor with my stylus passive pen unlike in Windows 7 version, so that’s a plus!😄 Yup you may noticed that it’s already checked meaning it’s enabled.😊
•Now as for the ‘Express Keys’ I did, I was gonna do the same custom keys as the old one but I decided want to customized a different, although some of which I did are doing a replicate key numbers as the old one (like I did to K3 & K4).🙂
•Now on to the ‘Diagnostic Tool’, mmmm this one seems new. This ‘Diagnostic Tool’ allows it to tell the information of any other devices that connected through computer. Sometimes this might actually useful for checking some errors, find problems and scans the devices hardware that may be disrupt the PC’s normal performance. And as such I don’t seen any problems between my tablet and PC, I even try to pressuring hard using my stylus passive pen through the tablet it only receives ‘8191′ level rate from the ‘current pressure sensitivity’ instead of ‘8192′ which is advertised. That’s something that never knew yet very close but no cigar (I think) 🤨, but nah 🤷.
•Finally on the lower part beside Fenix the Fox 🦊🖊️ (XP-Pen’s mascot), I can save my settings by clicking ‘OK’ or ‘cancel’ it my settings; so there’s that.
Well that’s for now. And in case you missed my related parts and accessories for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2, then I’ve already provide some links down below. ↓ 😉
Previous: • Installation for the XP-Pen PenTablet ver. 3.0.5 for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 (record video using VLC media player) [Nov. 11,2020] • My XP-Pen PenTablet Window Software: ON and OFF Windows Ink difference - Windows 7 ver. (Oct. 15th, 2020) • XP-Pen PenTablet Window Software for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 (Aug 8, 2020) • Drawing art test with my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing - Part 2 (Aug 17, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 Aftermath Usage (Aug 17, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing test with my GIMP 2.8.10 (Aug 17, 2020): Part 3 [3rd Attempt], Part 4 [4th Attempt] •Drawing art test with my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing: Part 1 (Aug 12, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing test with my GIMP 2.8.10 (Aug, 12, 2020): Part 1 [1st Attempt], Part 2 [2nd Attempt] • XP-Pen PenTablet Window Software for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 (Aug 8, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 connecting computer laptop(Aug 8, 2020): Part 1 - [1st Attempt], Part 2 (Final) [2nd Attempt] • Installation steps for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 [Aug. 7,2020] • Accessories for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 [Jun 25,2020]: [Part 1], [Part 2] • Part 5 [May 8,2020] • Part 4 [May 1, 2020]: First Half, Second Half • Part 3 [Apr 22, 2020] • Part 2 [Apr 17, 2020] • Part 1 [ Apr 14, 2020] • Recorded video opening [Apr 10, 2020] • Unopened parcel/package [Apr 7, 2020]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @bytern
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when-we-went-wrong · 3 years
January 16, 2022
Where do I even start with yesterday. How about with the text conversation we had on Thursday night? Here’s a snipit from that:
Me: Early Sunday morning [the snow is supposed to start], I’ll have to keep a watch Saturday evening during the game if I’m over there so I don’t get stuck
You: I thought you might be trying to set up a Hallmark moment by being “stuck” in my house due to snow.
Me: You see, I totally would, but there’s a Guinea pig here and hundreds of dollars in plants that are going to die if the snow takes out the power and thus the heat. Also sleeping on a couch seems like a not great idea for my boomer body.
You: I suppose the Guinea pig is important, but the plants can die. They aren’t worth keeping. While you may have to sleep in a strange location, you would have the Buffalo Bills blanket. I’m sure your boomer body would be comforted by that.
Me: Ugh that’s true!!! What if I just bring Nella with me? Then we won’t have that problem! Although technically if the hallmark moment succeeds is the couch really the place I’d end up? 🤣🤣🤣
You: If the moment succeeds, then I guess we can both snuggle up in the Bills blanket 😉. That entirely depends on the result of the Bills game though. If that goes sour, there is a 0% chance for any love or compassion from me.
Me: Oh wow with a Bills win I might get love from you? How easily you are swayed…now I’ve gotta figure out what I want from the results of the game with these new factors at hand. I mean it’s the Pats so what choice do I really have here…🤔
You: I never said a Bills win would get you love. I said a Bills loss would guarantee no love.
So with this conversation in mind let’s flash to Saturday morning. I had laid awake Friday night thinking about the day to come, then woke up around 6:45. The excitement of getting to see you again was too much, I couldn’t sleep. I woke up, made some thumbprint cookies to bring with me and started into lecture. You texted me during lecture to let me know you’d gotten me sour cream at the store as I had requested, I called you my sour cream savior. You asked about lunch, I requested Tropical Smoothie Cafe, stopped to get it on the way to your house. I wasn’t expecting them to ask about a side for each of our entrees and ended up getting two chip flavors I thought you’d like, not thinking about myself at all because I was frazzled. I got to the house and carried everything in, we ate at the table, your brother and his girlfriend came back with their lunch shortly after we finished ours and sat down with us. We talked with them for a little and then headed downstairs to start gaming. It was freezing, I was under the Bills blanket but we got through a little game play and I looked back at you and said I was cold, you took the blanket you were using and covered me with that as well. I asked later if my feet were covered, they weren’t, you got up and pulled the blanket over my feet. Gaming continued, we stopped at about 7 to get dinner, China Wok. We gave each other shit the entire way there and back, as we do. We got back and ate as the game was on. The Bills game began, we both sat down in the corner of the couch, on opposite sides. The Bills got TD after TD, we were both pumped. You made a comment about Belichek being on the sidelines of the game, when he popped up on the screen I said we needed to record a video of me longingly staring at the television to show Brad on Monday. Then I back tracked about that because that would show that we’ve been spending time together outside of work. You asked me if us spending time together alone outside of work was a bad thing and why if that was the case. I told you it’s the way it’s looked at as though we’re dating that causes a problem. You made the point that half the office already suspects we’re dating so it shouldn’t be as big of a deal as we’re making it. We launched into a conversation about it and ended up deep into me telling you all about my dating history. You looked so heartbroken as I told you about everything that happened with Colin. The conversation ended and you asked if I needed a hug, to which I nodded yes, so you scooched over to me on the couch and wrapped your arms around me. We both let go and you remained where you were on the couch beside me and continued to reassure me and tell me that you hope the next person I’m with treats me right. You had made a comment earlier about me getting a boyfriend again before you got a girlfriend, and I realized we were in the conversation for me to finally say something. I told you that I’ve been lying to you and you playfully said “How dare you! Get out of my house!” I told you that you are actually 100% my type. Obviously you asked what I meant by that, I lamely said the gaming and you stopped me and said “Wait so does that mean there’s something here for you?” And I said “Yes, but I’m very conflicted about it.” I paused for a second and then continued “How I feel really doesn’t matter if…” and then I couldn’t find the word through my nerves so I just motioned between us and eventually said “If it’s not returned”. You then started into a story that made me extremely nervous since it was prefaced with “This is genuinely nothing against you, and I want to try to explain.” You explained to me how you’ve felt your entire life like you’ve been easily strolling down the path that’s been expected of you, and laid out in front of you, you feel like you haven’t done anything important or outside of what you should do, which led into you relaying that you’ve thought about things between us but that there’s stubbornness there for not wanting us to be another thing that was laid out for you considering you’ve been getting comments…
0 notes
growinstablog · 4 years
Target Your Local Audience on Instagram (6 Simple Steps!)
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Do you use Instagram for business promotion? Real talk: if your business isn’t active on Instagram, you’re missing out!
In the last few years, Instagram has evolved from a simple photo-sharing app to a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes and niches!
Drive Local Traffic to Your Business From Instagram hide
Why Target Your Local Audience on Instagram?
1. Optimize Your Handle for Local Search 
2. Use Geotags and Local Hashtags
3. Collaborate with Local Influencers
4. Create an ‘Instagram Wall’ On Your Premises
5. Give Away a Gift Card 
6. Run Instagram Ad Campaigns 
Schedule Your Newly Optimized Posts!
According to Business Instagram, the community has grown to ONE billion active users, 90% of whom follow at least one business on Instagram.
Want to know the best part?
Gone are the days when only big e-commerce brands could achieve business results on the platform.
Today, Instagram is a great place to attract and interact with your local community.  Find out how to just that below!
Want to make driving sales from Instagram easier than ever? Set up your FREE Smart.bio tool! Smart.bio by Tailwind is an advanced link in bio tool allows total brand customization, a mix of static and post links and in-depth analytics to help you turn your followers into customers with ease. 
Why Target Your Local Audience on Instagram?
The latest BrightLocal survey found that 90% of customers use the internet to find a local business. Plus, 91% of people say that positive reviews make them more likely to use a business.
With the growing popularity of Instagram, using this platform for local marketing is a must. 
Need more proof? 🤔 The numbers speak for themselves:
The projected number of US Instagram users by 2023 is125.5 million.
63% of users visit Instagram daily and 73% of U.S. teens say Instagram is the best way for businesses to reach them about new products or promotions.
200 million Instagram users visit at least one business profile daily.
Posts with a location receive 79% more engagement.
Instagram has put the pedal to the metal with features geared towards putting your business on the map – literally!
With the introduction of business-specific features like geotags and hashtags, it’s easy for local businesses to get in front of customers and target your local audience on Instagram 🎯 
So, wouldn’t it be great if you could specifically target your local audience on Instagram? 📍 (Um, yes!)
Then let’s do it!
To learn how to target your audience on Instagram, as well as see the best practices of these strategies in action for your inspiration, keep reading! 📖
1. Optimize Your Handle for Local Search 
First things first: You need to make sure your followers live or work close to your area.
That’s why it’s important to optimize your handle for local search, and it requires the following steps:
Using a keyword in your handle name
Switching to a business profile
Creating an eye-catching Instagram bio
Let’s take a look in detail!
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Add a Keyword to Your Instagram Handle
To attract your local audience, it’s important to use your keyword in your handle name (business name and location).
Have multiple locations? Steal this hack from big brands!
Big brands have separate accounts for different markets. For example, Shake Shack has over 208 locations around the world! 🥤
It’s no wonder that the company uses nicknames like @shakeshackjpn (Japan), @shakeshackuk (UK), and @shakeshacktr (Turkey) just to name a few. 
If you only work in a specific city, you can include it in your name. A great example is @miamispetgrooming! (More on this company later!)
Switch to an Instagram Business Profile
If you haven’t considered switching to an Instagram business account when promoting your local business on Instagram yet, it’s time to think again!
Not only can you add your business category and contact information, but you can also add your physical address to make it easier for followers (and visitors) to decide whether they can visit your local business or not. 
And if you want to go the extra mile, learn more about new local business profiles being tested on Instagram!
When users search for a relevant keyword in your area, your account appears in the search results with all relevant information about your business that includes the following:
Business category
Opening hours
Price range
Contact information
Create an Eye-Catching Instagram Bio
Have you set up your business profile? Cool! Now let’s create an eye-catching Instagram bio that tells everything your visitors should know about your local business. 
It’s time to come back to Miami’s Pet Grooming. 🐶
This company created a perfect handle name that stands out to Miami locals.
They also gave a ton of information in a short and sweet bio:
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At a glance, their Instagram local audience knows:
What services they provide
What animals they groom
How to book
Where to look for real user photos and experiences!
If you want to create an Instagram bio to target your local audience, do the following:
Choose your business category
Write a few lines about your business and use emojis to illustrate! (you’re limited to 150 characters)
Include a brand hashtag
Insert your website link
Add your physical address
Add several contact options (especially phone number and email address!)
Whether you run a local business or are expanding into global markets, it’s important to optimize your Instagram profile for local search.
It’s a proven way to turn your local community from Instagram browsers into real traffic to your business!
Speaking of traffic to your local business, let’s dive into our next tip!
2. Use Geotags and Local Hashtags
As a local business on Instagram, it’s important to add location information and tell your followers (and Instagram) where to find your business!
Plus, it helps to get on the Instagram Explore page and allows people who are interested in your specific area to find your posts and Instagram Stories.
That’s a great way to spread the word about your business within your local community. Sounds pretty neat, huh?
To increase the local reach of your Instagram page, you need to focus on area-specific hashtags and geotags. Here’s a good example from the Now Massage, a concept massage boutique:
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The company has locations in Studio City, Silver Lake, Santa Monica, and West Hollywood, California.
The Now uses location-specific hashtags and geotags to attract the right audience.
Not only can this business point followers to where the featured boutique is located, but they can also attract local patrons who are searching for something in a particular city.
It doesn’t take much time or effort to create your geotag and add a location-specific hashtag. And if you want to increase organic reach, use Tailwind’s Hashtag Finder!
Our tool can suggest niche, competitive and ultra-competitive hashtags as you’re writing your caption!
3. Collaborate with Local Influencers
The popularity of Instagram influencer marketing is on the rise.
Many users follow influencers on the platform and are interested in the post topics!
What’s more, people consider influencers they follow to be an extension of their circle of friends. They pay close attention to their recommendations and trust them!
What does that mean for you?
There’s a great opportunity to enter an already-established community and promote your products and services. When it comes to targeting your local audience, consider collaborating with local influencers they like and trust in your specific area. 
It’s more likely these people are popular within your local community, so it’s your perfect chance to spread the word about your local business.
You can also snag user-generated content as many influencers are ready to sell their Instagram photos. 
View this post on Instagram
@davescosmicsubs first opened in 1997 in Chagrin Falls, OH, but just recently they opened a location in Columbus – near OSU campus and I am SO pumped!! Although the menu looked a little overwhelming at first, I was excited that there were so many different sub options I could choose from. Each sub is served on vegan, Italian, or whole wheat bread that is baked fresh daily, or you can substitute bread for a lettuce wrap. Can’t forget to mention Dave’s Cosmic Sauce – a super delicious creamy Italian! 10/10 🌟 #hosted Pictured: the club and the grateful Dave 😋 • • • #foodie #cbusfoodie #cbuseats #cbusfoodscene #columbusohio #columbuseats #columbusfood #foodblogger #cbusfood #cbusfoodbloggers #asseenincolumbus #ohiogram #locallove #expcols #eat614 #columbus #instafood #sixonefork #lifeincbus #onlyincbus #614 #columbusfoodie #foodie #foodblogger #foodstagram #topcolumbusrestaurants #ediblecolumbus #columbusbloggers
A post shared by Columbus Food Blogger | Alina (@tastingcolumbus) on Dec 11, 2019 at 3:37pm PST
Let’s take The Original Dave’s Cosmic Subs, for example.
In honor of a new restaurant launch in Columbus, the company reached out to food blogger Alina, better known as @tastingcolumbus.
Alina eats in & explores Columbus, Ohio!
She was a natural influencer fit, and Dave’s Cosmic Subs invited her to write about their new location.
Not only did the local food blogger write about the restaurant, but she also added geolocation and tagged the restaurant in the image.
What’s more, Alina sparked interest among her followers.
Ultimately Dave’s Cosmic Subs reached its goal – the restaurant attracted new local customers! 
Instagram influencers come in 4 distinct categories – nano, micro, macro, and mega – so it’s easy for a local business of any size to find someone who suits your needs and wants. 
You can team up with several local nano-influencers who have less than 1000 followers and promote your business.
That’s more cost-effective than working with one macro-influencer who charges more for the collaboration and has less of a concentrated local audience!
4. Create an ‘Instagram Wall’ On Your Premises
Instagram is the most popular photo-sharing platform, so it’s no wonder that people upload over 95 million photos and videos daily.
For local businesses, this makes for a valuable opportunity to attract a local audience without putting much time or effort.
Creating an ‘Instagram Wall’ on your premises to entice your visitors to take a photo in front of it!
Instagram-worthy pictures + a location tag = tons of user-generated content and buzz around your pin on the map!
Want an example? Check out how Shake Shack Singapore did it!
With the growing popularity of Instagram, it’s no wonder that people seek out ‘Instagrammable’ places near them to take amazing photos and stand out from the crowd.
Simply put, local customers are often happy to promote your business in exchange for an engagement-worthy Instagram photo op!
To go the extra mile, you can even set up a referral program!
A referral program encourages your loyal customers to tell friends and family about you for a chance to get something valuable.
The more people you can reach, the more potential locals you can attract. 
View this post on Instagram
SHAKE SHACK SINGAPORE NEILS IT AGAIN! The iconic New York’s burger, hot dog and frozen custard stand will be opening a second outlet in CBD at 89 Neil Road Q1Y2020. Fans of @shakeshacksg be sure to take a selfie/picture with the hoarding artwork by local artist Sam Lo and tag #shackARTintown. The best happy snap will win a collection of exclusive to 89 Neil Road swag. So, SNAP away 📸 #shakeshacksg
A post shared by Cassie Ong (@cassakating) on Dec 19, 2019 at 5:56am PST
5. Give Away a Gift Card 
Instagram giveaways are extremely popular among users! After all, who doesn’t love free stuff!
Tailwind’s study found that Instagram giveaways help to grow your following 70% faster. Not only that, contests get 3.5x more likes and 64x more comments on average than regular posts.
View this post on Instagram
Do you know someone who loves Fox in the Snow? We’re giving away a $25 gift card! Simply tag a loved one in the comments below and if we choose your name then the person you tagged wins the gift card! ‘Tis the season of giving! 🎁 Also we have gift cards for purchase at all locations and online for that special someone who loves Fox ❤️
A post shared by Fox In The Snow (@foxinthesnowcafe) on Dec 16, 2019 at 6:34am PST
Running a giveaway is a perfect way to target your local audience!
Since you choose the prize, you can give away anything.
The best prize is usually a gift card. It’s a great way to get winners through your door and looking around for what they can spend their prize on!
Fox In The Snow Cafe often uses this tactic.
Not only do you target your local audience, but you also increase in-store sales!
After all, customers who pay with gift cards are more likely to spend more money above the monetary value of the gift card. 
As you can see, it’s an easy way to interact with your local customers, boost reach, and spark their interest in your local business.
And hey, don’t worry if you don’t have gift cards on hand!
You can use a graphic design tool like Crello to create branded certificates in just a few clicks!
6. Run Instagram Ad Campaigns 
Today, over 25 million businesses use Instagram to reach their target audience and promote products or services.
The competition on the feed is getting fierce, so brands run ad campaigns to cut through the noise and achieve their business goals faster!
As of September 2017, the Instagram business community reached 2 million advertisers.
If you haven’t considered joining that business community, you should give it a second look!
Paid ads offer many opportunities for advertisers, and businesses can increase local awareness with locally-targeted ad campaigns, just like Coca-Cola Greece did:
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Within one month of promotion, the campaign resulted in a 4-point lift in message association and 92% on-target reach among people aged 15–44. 
Instagram ads help to target your local audience as they show up on users’ feeds while they’re out and about.
Although it requires time and money to set up your ad campaign, it brings wonderful results by delivering your brand message to the right audience!
Schedule Your Newly Optimized Posts!
Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms with the most engaged users, so it’s a perfect place to target your customers, no matter where they live.
With a variety of tactics, it’s easy to attract your local audience on Instagram and turn your followers into customers.
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But when you’re running a business, you probably don’t have tons of free time to devote to all things Instagram. Thats how Tailwind can help!
With our all-in-one publishing tool for Instagram, you can:
Geotag your location with one click
Add relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience with our Hashtag Finder tool, and save your favorites with Hashtag Lists!
Expertly format your captions with emojis, line breaks and spaces
Auto- Schedule your posts to Instagramat the best times for increased audience engagement
Plus a ton of other business-friendly features!
Want to try it for yourself? Get a free trial of Tailwind for Instagram now – no credit card required! 💳
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