#magic xylophone
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snowfox-07 · 10 months ago
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Bluey - Back to the episode where the dream began!
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dsumpsbluey · 2 years ago
Unofficial Bluey Timeline: Part I
This post will be covering the beginning of season 1 of Bluey, starting from Magic Xylophone to Shadowlands. As a reminder, as we are at the beginning of the show, we start at Period 1, where Bluey and Bingo are 6 and 4 respectively. Period 1 won't take until season 2 to end, so there's not much to worry about.
The Magic Xylophone - Episode 1
Bluey and Bingo make use of a supernatural xylophone to control their dad. It's here where they learn to take turns.
Debuts & Details:
Aside from debuting the main Heeler family, Chloe's mum and her newborn baby appear for a scene (before Chloe which is odd).
Chilli describes Bandit picking his nose when they first met.
We get a first look at the Selfie portrait in the kids' bedroom. It stays the same throughout the series, but this episode uses the first iteration of the image, which lasts until about season 2.
In terms of the timeline, this automatically gets the first position, being that this is the first episode. There's nothing else to it, pretty much.
Favorite Part: When Bingo freezes Bluey to discuss her feelings is a great moment
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Hospital - Episode 2
Bluey and Bingo operate on their dad using their doctor knowledge.
Debuts & Details:
No character debuts, but we do see that cat plush in later episodes; We also see 'Polly Puppy' appear, and has prickles that need to be removed
We get a first look at the kitchen fridge, which is one of the frequent locations we'll look for throughout the timeline. However, the view in this episode is blocked by Bandit
We learn that cats can sneak inside a dog's belly button while asleep.
Bandit uses the alias 'Telemachus', making it the first play name used in the series; meanwhile Bluey and Bingo are referred to as 'Doctor' and 'Nurse' respectively.
Nothing much to say about this episode, as there's little detail about its placement in the timeline. Therefore, it gets placed after Magic Xylophone.
Favorite Part: That part where Bluey says "STING!" That's gotta be my favorite part. You'll never guess which instance I'm referring to. ever.
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Keepy Uppy - Episode 3
Bluey and Bingo engage in a game of "Keepy Uppy", where they prevent the premature death of a poor, red balloon.
Debuts and Details:
We see the debut of Lucky and Pat (aka Lucky's Dad, he's done his hammy)
We get a clear look at the fridge, which contains three papers held by a blue, red, and yellow magnet, as well as letter magnets of 'B' and 'C'
Again, another episode that's pretty timeless and fun with it's idea. A certified Bluey classic, if you will.
Favorite Part: "She saying Good Morniiiing!"
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Daddy Robot - Episode 4
Bluey and Bingo employ a so-called "Daddy Robot" to tidy their room. It goes exactly as expected.
Debuts & Details:
Debut of 'Daddy Robot' as well as 'Mummy Robot', who suspiciously look just like Bandit and Chilli 🤔
This marks the first instance of a 'fluffy' by Bandit
Bandit is seen eating a bowl of leftover fried rice, possibly from the 'Takeaway' place.
Just noticed the fridge handles are flipped in this episode compared to the previous episode. I believe this is the only instance of this, making it an error, though I think it's so the audience could see Bandit eating. Don't quote me on that tho.
Pretty goofy episode, I enjoy the character of 'Daddy Robot'. Such a shame we never see him ever again. Depending on the interpretation, this could take place either before or after 'Takeaway'.
Favorite Part: The first smoochy kiss
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Shadowlands - Episode 5
Bluey, Coco, and Snickers learn to play by the rules of Shadowlands, or risk being eaten by crocodiles.
Debuts & Details:
Coco, Snickers, and their respective mums make their debut
First episode to take place outside of the house
Chilli will eat your cupcakes
Very highly important episode, as it establishes the importance the rules have within an imaginary game. Quite literally the backbone of the show.
Favorite Part: The problem solving during Shadowlands is neat to witness.
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With that, thus completes part 1 of the Unofficial Bluey Timeline. This is generally how every post will be structured. Leave any comments about any episode discussed, or about the structure of these posts. Being as I'm new to blogging, any feedback would be helpful.
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cheryl-carol-cherlene-tunt · 11 months ago
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darkdragon768 · 7 months ago
We've got homework that we should design a story with instrumental breaks, which will be graded. I haven't done anything for that yet. Even tho it was due several weeks ago and classmates already got their grades.
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daisychain-unchained · 1 year ago
Tim Buckley knew how to use a fucking xylophone
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emopirates · 1 year ago
Not to be that person but is Djenks not in the tender, even though he’s at tea?
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whippedcloudsofcream · 2 years ago
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Bluey S1E1: Magic Xylophone
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roofermadness · 1 year ago
ok but you really do not want the brass and winds at the front though
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Hey can someone help me go back and time and ask who's fucking bright idea was it to stick all the bass and other low register instruments completely on the right fucking side of the theater with zero compensation on the other? RIP to the people on the left side I guess, fucking ridiculous here please enjoy my proposed solution
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nixonvokhmyanin · 7 months ago
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thewriteadviceforwriters · 7 days ago
🌟 Creating Character Names: A Non-Basic Guide for Fantasy Writers 🌟
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Listen up fellow writers! aggressively slides into your dashboard with chai in hand Let's talk about one of the most CHAOTIC yet FUN parts of writing - naming your precious book babies!
👀 First things first - throw out everything you know about "normal" naming conventions because honey, we're going WILD today!
Here's the tea: Your character's name is literally their FIRST impression on the page. It's their brand™️, their essence, their whole vibe condensed into a few syllables. And in fantasy? The rules? We don't know her.
🔮 Non-Basic Methods for Name Creation:
The Vibes-Based Approach
Close your eyes and picture your character
What color are they giving off?
What texture?
Now translate that into sounds
Example: A character who feels like liquid silver might be named Sylthra or Mercurine
2. The Meaning Mashup Method
Take 2-3 words that represent your character
Break them apart
Frankenstein them back together
Example: Brave (Fortis) + Storm (Tempest) = Fortempest
3. The Aesthetic Alchemy Instead of just picking random syllables, think about:
How does the name look on the page?
Does it have strong consonants or flowing vowels?
Would it look good written in blood on a magical contract? (IMPORTANT)
🌙 Pro Tips That Nobody Talks About:
Test Drive Your Names
Write them in different fonts
Yell them dramatically
Whisper them mysterously
If you can't dramatically whisper "Lord Xylophone the Terrible" without giggling, maybe reconsider
2. The Name Evolution Game Your character's name should have:
A formal version
A nickname
What their enemies call them
What their mom yells when they're in trouble Example: Theodora → Thea → The Midnight Witch → THEODORA BLACKTHORN GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT
3. Cultural Consideration (but make it fantasy)
Create naming patterns for different regions/species
Maybe elves use lots of 'ae' and 'th' sounds
Perhaps dragon-folk names always start with a hiss
Desert dwellers might have names that sound like wind through sand
🔥 Advanced Name-Crafting Techniques:
The Emotional Echo Method
Write down the key emotion of your character
Find its opposite
Create a name that somehow bridges both Example: A character who's both gentle and fierce → Lysander (means "liberator" but sounds soft)
The Musical Approach
Names have rhythm
They have melody
Try singing your character names
If it sounds like a spell, EVEN BETTER
💫 Remember:
Names can be weapons (looking at you, True Name magic systems)
They can be prophecies
They can be curses
They can be LIES
🚫 What to Avoid (but like, in a non-basic way):
Names that look like you headbutted your keyboard
Names so complex your readers need a pronunciation guide every 2 pages
Names that are just regular names with random 'y's thrown in (looking at you, Kathryn → Kathyryn → Kathyyryn)
✨ Final Thoughts: Your character's name is a spell you're casting on your readers. Make it memorable. Make it meaningful. Make it YOURS.
And remember, if all else fails, you can always name them after what they had for breakfast. (Looking at you, Toast the Dragonslayer 👀)
sips chai aggressively
That's all for today's chaotic naming advice! Drop a 🌟 if you're gonna rename all your characters now! - Rin T.
[Note: Feel free to reblog and add your own chaotic naming methods! Let's build this resource together!]
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sandybuny · 1 year ago
magical girl transformation sequence where my whole body tturns to light and at the end of it my charred skeleton clatters to the ground with a xylophone noise
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promptsblog · 5 months ago
Title Prompts
1. I Sold My Life
2. My Title is 'Earl'
3. Chased by a Chicken
4. A Crapload of Turnips
5. My Boyfriend is an Alien
6. We Bought a Gay Bar
7. Worst Group Project Ever
8. Duelling the Gardener's Cat
9. Doppelganger Dilemma
10. A Very Grumpy Baron
11. Stealing Back the Trophy
12. The Xylophone Incident
13. The Great Office Supply Heist
14. Hijacked by a Flashmob
15. My Grandmother is a Vampire Hunter
16. Falling in Love while Feinting a Faint
17. How to Lose a Marquess in Ten Days
18. Winning a Bet I Never Made
19. The Mysterious Missing Muffins
20. You, Me, and the Ghost in the Attic
21. How to Break an Engagement Before Tea
22. The Lady who Faked Amnesia
23. How I Accidentally Became Queen of the Mermaids
24. Operation: Steal my Ex's Dog
25. The Time-Traveling Guinea Pig
26. The Battle for the Last Parking Spot
27. Revenge of the Wedding Crasher
28. We Kidnapped a Dragon
29. The Rake who Stole my Heart (and my Horse)
30. The Minimalism to Prison Pipeline
31. The Summer I Got Stuck in a Video Game
32. How we Ruined the Neighbourhood Barbeque
33. Crashing my Own Birthday Party
34. The Great Ice Cream Truck Turf Wars
35. The Vending Machine Tour of North America
36. Honey, I started a cult
37. The Day My Toaster Tried to Take Over the World
38. The World's Last Magical Doughnut
39. The Theme Park in our Backyard
40. How I Accidentally Summoned an Evil Sock Puppet
41. Gift Exchange Gone Wrong
42. The Lunch Thief Strikes Again
43. That Time I Framed you for your Dad's Murder
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ramona-quinn · 5 months ago
The Tiniest Digital Circus
Book 1: Stitched With TLC (Tender Loving Care)
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Chapter 1: The Big Test!
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“Today’s adventure is…‘The Tiniest Adventure Ever!’” Caine announced to the circus members as the text—“The Tiniest Adventure Ever!”—appeared above him. The text was in alphabet blocks, and there were baby essentials around it.
The group stared blankly at the title.
“Is this some type of babysitting adventure?” Pomni questioned.
“Oh, God, I can’t stand kids…” Zooble rolled their eyes. “Last time we did a babysitting adventure, those little s**ts took my pieces and bit my arms.”
“Actually, you guys are the little ones!” Caine corrected before laughing maniacally.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jax asked.
“Each of you will be taking a classification test-”
“Wait, a test? We didn’t study for anything!” Kinger panicked.
“No need to worry! Classification tests aren't worth a grade per se. A classification test is a personality test to see where you fall under the age regression umbrella! ‘What is age regression?’, you may ask. From my digital research, age regression, a therapist-approved coping mechanism, is when an individual’s mind reverts back to a younger headspace due to trauma, stress, and more! Regressors do activities that they did when they were little, such as playing with toys, reading children’s books, coloring, anything that takes them down the memory lane! There’s not just age regressors, no, no. There are also age dreamers, pet regressors and dreamers, caregivers, flips, and more!”
The circus members looked at each other, then back at Caine, baffled at what he was talking about.
“I’m sorry, you want us to act like crybabies to cope with the adventures you’re giving us? It’s bad enough there’s already one right here,” Jax scoffed as he pointed at Gangle.
“I know that this seems strange, but for the past couple of adventures, you guys looked like you’ve gone through a little more than anticipated,” the ringmaster explained.
“A little?” Pomni raised her eyebrow.
“Which is why I have the perfect idea to help you calm your minds and revert back to simpler times after going on such big adventures!”
Caine snapped his fingers, making a portal appear. He then pushed the circus members into the portal, transporting them to an elementary school classroom. There were test packets on six desks.
“Can I skip out on this?” Zooble grumbled.
“Sorry, Zooble, but this adventure is mandatory for everyone.“
“Of course it is…”
“I promise that this coping mechanism will help you out in the long run. Besides, some of you might be caregivers, looking and caring after little ones,” Caine said as he snapped his fingers again, making anti-cheating folders appear on the six members’ desks. “Now, do your best, my magic xylophones, and answer honestly!”
Caine then exited the classroom as the portal closed up.
Pomni stared down at her test, which read “‘The Tiniest Adventure Ever!’ Classification Exam.”
“This adventure’s not going to have any of us scarred at the end, right?” The jester questioned Ragatha.
“Well, I’m not sure, but from what Caine explained, this is probably a lot more tame than what we’ve been through,” the ragdoll replied. “Even before you showed up, Pomni.”
“I still don’t know why we have to do this…” Zooble huffed. “Caine’s up to something.”
“You know, for once, I agree with you,” Jax stated. 
“I’m just hoping to God he’s not a f**king caregiver…”
“I don’t think Caine’s taking the test,” Kinger said. “He’s already busy with his ringmaster job.”
“Maybe this adventure could be fun,” Gangle assured.
“No one asked for your opinion, rugrat,” Jax said rudely.
“Will you shut the f**k up so we can get this stupid test over with?” Zooble glared.
“Why don’t you make me?”
“Guys, calm down,” Ragatha spoke up before any fight could ensue. “This is new for all of us, but there’s no reason for us to argue. Besides, this regression stuff doesn’t sound as bad as any of us think.”
Zooble and Jax rolled their eyes as everyone began taking the classification exam.
Pomni looked at the questions on her test.
“How do the adventures make you feel?” 
“What helps you calm down?” 
“What do your friends say about you?” 
“How do you like to ‘waste your time’?” 
The jester felt a pit in her stomach when she saw the first question. She could remember when she felt frightened when she first put on the headset. She could remember Caine taking her on an overwhelming tour of the circus. She could remember Kaufmo abstracting… Ragatha glitching out… Ragatha… Ragatha was the first person to help her calm down. She was her anchor when things got stormy. Pomni couldn’t remember if she had a family, but the ragdoll was like a mother figure to her. Ragatha forgave the jester when she abandoned her for the exit door on the first day. Pomni, however, felt like she didn’t deserve her forgiveness. She still doesn’t.
“Hey, are you okay?” Ragatha asked as she gently tapped Pomni on the shoulder. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” Pomni replied. “It’s just the questions.”
“It’s okay. Just answer honestly and do your best, like Caine said.”
“Hey, Caine said no cheating,” Jax interrupted.
“No, he didn’t. Besides, we’re not cheating” Ragatha argued before turning back to Pomni and giving her a comforting smile. “Just don’t overthink it and answer the best to your ability.”
Pomni smiled back a little before returning to her test.
The next day, everyone was relaxing in the main room, talking amongst themselves.
“Mail’s here! Mail’s here!” Bubble announced as he appeared out of nowhere, startling everyone.
“Your results from yesterday’s test came in, my curious caterpillars!” Caine added as he arrived. The ringmaster snapped his fingers, making six colorful envelopes appear. He then handed the envelopes to the circus members. “I want to say that no matter where you are under the regression umbrella, you deserve tremendous amounts of love and support!“
The circus members opened their envelopes, their reactions being mixed. Pomni, Jax, and Zooble were shocked by their results, Gangle and Kinger were content with theirs, and Ragatha was a bit stunned with hers.
Pomni - Regressor (65%), Sibby (35%)
Ragatha - Flip: Caregiver/Guardian (50%), Babysitter (33%), Regressor (17%)
Gangle - Regressor (50%), Pet - Turtle (50%)
Kinger - Caregiver (40%), Guardian (30%), Babysitter (30%)
Jax - Regressor (55%), Sibby (45%)
Zooble - Flip: Babysitter (50%), Regressor (50%)
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Divider by @abc-pupy
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we-do-bones-bracket · 6 months ago
Round 5 Match 2
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Harrowhark Nonagesimus (spoilers)
She is THE bone lady. The supreme bone lord. Her entire shtick is bones, as corroborated by multiple other characters throughout the books. She can literally do things with bones that no other necromancer is capable of, and that's before she [spoiler-fueled power upgrade].
Our girl decorates with bones. She gets turned on by growing someone a new bone arm. She's the greatest bone magician there ever was. She's so good with bones it makes god nervous.
she's a necromancer, specifically a bone adept and my god does she love bones. she can make skeleton armies out of powder and puppet dead people so that they look alive. she grew one of her frenemies a new arm just right there on the spot because why not. she's also super edgy and wears black all the time and i love her
Made soup out of her own marrow to make skeletons explode out of someone's stomach. Noone is doing it like her
She does bones, motherfucker.
Skulduggery Pleasant (spoilers)
he's so we do bones he brought himself back from the dead. AND THEN changed his name to skulduggery to match with his skeleton lifestyle better. he's irish. he used to be great at motivational speeches but now he sucks so bad at them. his skull isn't actually his skull it's someone else's. he wears bespoke suits. he drives a variety of classic cars. he is an incredibly powerful wizard, but also just has a gun that he uses. he can speak Irish Gaelic. his ribcage HAS been used as a xylophone. he's 444 years old.
He's a skeleton in a formal suit and hat. He's a detective. He both carries a revolver and throws fireballs at people. For a long time the accepted reason he was a skeleton was "he's just to ornery to die". He wore someone else's skull for a while, complained that it was noticeably uglier, and was correct. He's sassy enough to trade insults with a teenage girl on a regular basis. How can he not win.
He's literally a living skeleton that does magic, is a detective, and drives around in a cool car. Vote for him
Walking skeleton noir detective, no one is doing bones like this guy.
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ultrakill-confessions · 3 months ago
V1 is like if Tinkerbell was a bloodlusting machine. he's so small, and the wings just give him that whimsical value. you think he's going to sprinkle fairy dust on you, alas get knuckleblasted. a sparkly magic twirl before kicking you on the mouth. +ricochet is accompanied by a xylophone scale sound effect.
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