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moroniccats · 3 days ago
Irene Adler. Reba the mail lady (my hero). Dame Skyla. Evankhell the infernal (yes she was confirmed to be a woman, although SIU says that she may not be female, so do with that what you will). Batgirl. April O’Neil. Rouge the bat. Kohaku. Nya smith. Does Mulan count? I forgot if she was a real person or not. Charlie Morningstar. Amy rose (are we allowed to list more than one from the same series?). PIXAL. Betty Cooper. Susie Derkins. Yuri Ha Jahad. Violet Hunter.
Hello, tumblr user. Before you is a tumblr post asking you to name a female fictional character. You have unlimited time to tag a female character, NOT a male one.
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kinnbig · 2 years ago
grrrr my dashboard is broken and so are my notifications:((
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tojisteddy · 1 month ago
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Yes, I do think Toji is canonically forgetful.
He’s forgetting the grocery list even though you wrote it for him so he wouldn’t forget but it gets lost anyway because he forgot where he put it. He’s going through the isles and getting what seems right because he can’t remember what’s in the fridge and can’t ask you cause you’re at work.
The list was in the back of his wallet.
There are always sticky notes around the house of random notes, ‘to-do’ lists galore. He always has to do a pat down of himself before he leaves the house, ‘keys, wallet, phone’ always in that order. He’s the type who’ll remember whatever he forgot once he was right outside and he’ll circle back in the house to retrieve whatever he forgot.
He plans out dates, but doesn’t remember the time. And is always two embarrassed to ask you because it’s something he set up for you. So he’s racking his brain as he gets ready, looking through the plethora of notes left around the house until it finally clicks. He’s running to meet you, buying a bouquet of flowers at the train station and dashing like his life depends on it.
Of course he makes it. 15 minutes late, but he makes it nonetheless.
Cursing up a storm at the up tight hostess to, ‘move out my fuckin way! My spouse is in there!’ Flowers slightly crushed in his hands, a little out of breath and he takes you in, who’s got an amused look on your pretty face.
“Shit, you look good mama.”
Toji is always going ‘huuh?’ ‘who?’ ‘mmh?’ and ‘what?’ Touching the top of his temple with his fingers like it’ll help him remember. It doesn’t.
And it’s a complete surprise, when he gets home and a confetti popper goes off in his face. Both of your dogs are barking, one with a Spider-Man suit on and the other with a pink party hat, the dinner table is properly set with his favorite food, he favorite wine to match, Panic by The Smiths playing from the living room, you’re in his favorite black dress that hugs your hips and your tits look perfect. And there’s a banner with a few painted paw prints on it, an angry mark and ‘Happy Birthday Toji’ in large bold letters.
Oh, his birthday.
Was it that time of year again?
He’s forgetting your friends names, nodding like he remembers but he has no fucking clue who you’re talking about until you bring up some memory of the two of them meeting and then he’ll remember.
And of course, he’s forgotten your anniversary and birthday before. It frustrated you, so you’d go on about the night like it was nothing. A birthday dinner with friends and some with their spouses but shit, it would’ve been nice for that ass hat to be there.
But then you’d get home, setting the gifts from your friends down and kicking off your heels. But there are candles burning, those damn sticky notes are scattered on the kitchen counter, all with your name and ‘don’t forget!’ written on them. And his journal, which you’ve only seen a couple times since you’ve been with the older man, was wide open with your birthdate written at the top of the page. And multiple lists of chicken scratch filled the two pages full to the brim and you’re sure they continued to the next page. All of things the man loved about you.
From your curly hair, eating habits he found cute, your pretty tattoos, your chestnut skin glowing in the sun light, from the way you fuckin blinked your brown eyes— all of it was there.
Toji was fucked up in the head, from his past to now— life wasn’t easy on him and it showed. From the way he reacted to things, to how forgetful he was. It came from the trauma. But you made life worth living. He’d be damned if he forgot even a minuscule detail about you.
You walked to the sound of your favorite playlist coming from the backyard. The dogs were there, both adorned with party hats and they came running at the sight of you and there Toji was. Plain black shirt and black jeans, muscles flexing as he fixed some fairy lights with a party hat tilted to the side like a fuckin idiot— just how you liked it.
You looked back at the clock on the oven; 11:43 pm.
A breathless laugh came out of you. Sniffing, fanning your face as tears danced on your water line because you paid a cute penny to get your makeup done for your big day.
Toji heard you, and made his way towards you. Words couldn’t express how sorry he was but he didn’t bother saying it. He knew it wouldn’t comfort you, fixing mistakes did though.
He was trying. You knew from this birthday set up to those notes he’d leave around the house, the multiple calendars— he was really trying. And sooner than later he’d get it right because he loved you and would do anything to prove that he loved you.
He grabbed the last purple party hat that read ‘birthday girl’ and set it atop your well defined curls that was parted to one side, you’d spent an hour trying to get right. Toji took your face in his large hands, gently rubbing at your cheeks, fuckin adorable.
A kiss to your eyelids, your temple, then your pretty dark brown lined, matte lips.
“Happy birthday Doll.”
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a/n: couldn’t stop listening to Everything by Kehlani while writing this. On a really bad Toji kick rn.
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obae-me · 1 year ago
The Reunion We Deserved
I said I would do it and so I did, all in one night, one sitting, fueled by nothing but determination, random inspiration, and spite. I re-wrote and created my version of what I would've liked to see at the end of Nightbringer Season 2. Is this a bit dramatic? Yes? Is this the kind of thing I wanted anyway? Yes. I want sobbing, I want people being pathetic, I want emotion, I want it all. So, if that's what you were hoping to see for lesson 40, I hope this can ease some of that anger we had.
Spoilers ahead for Nightbringer since this is quite literally my "remaking" of the ending, which includes in-game references to later lessons!
TW: Blood mention, injury, angst.
Word Count: 4,391
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Tears pricked your eyes as you looked upon the several smiling faces of the demons you had come to care for. At the beginning, all you could think of was returning to your home, your time-line, your brothers. You had coped thus far by constantly reminding yourself that these were not the same people you had come to know. But now… after delving into their souls, reforging the pacts, fleeing down the different circles of hell to save one only to nearly lose them all… they’d found their way into your heart once more. How could you? How could you leave them so easily? And tell them to their faces that you’d meet again soon when you knew it was a lie. It might be soon for you, but it would be nearly an eternity for them. Not to mention that the way Solomon and Barbatos described it, this was almost like another universe… Would another version of you show up for them? Or would you leave these particular brothers for good?…
Feet frozen in sorrow and anxiousness, you could only look at them and cry. What were you feeling in this very second, now that you were on the cusp of what you had worked so hard for? The way back home was right above you, the air and magic inches away from sucking you up into it’s mystical vacuum. Your precious family, your home was one step away. So why did it also feel like your heart was being torn from you? “I—“ Your words choked up in your throat. You were tempted to tell them everything right there and then, spill the burden you had been carrying on your shoulder this entire time.
“It’ll be alright,” Lucifer spoke up, seeing your worry, but exuding nothing but confidence himself. “I gave you my blessing after all.”
“Plus, with the Great Mammon’s pact, you’re hella lucky! You’ll get home with no problems, I’d bet on it! S-So you better not make me lose, got it? Get home safe…and happy.”
Levi shook his head a little. “You’d bet on anything wouldn’t you…” But then he turned his head back towards you, nearly just as bold as Lucifer in this one moment. “If someone like me can have courage, you can too. Don’t worry! You’re just like a Main Character! You have indestructible plot armor!”
“Did everyone already forget the white dragon I helped summon?” Satan scoffed. “Their safety and success is guaranteed. So don’t give us that face,” he addressed you.
“Besides!” Asmo perked up. “If anything happened we’d all come rushing to save you! Just like we did for Lucifer. If we can do that, we can do anything! Oo, I just said something real dashing just now! You better take that to heart, hun!”
Beel nodded several times. “You have Luke’s wish egg too. I also made wishes over my eggs at breakfast this morning. I wished for you to always feel healthy and full and loved. And that we’d get to see each other again soon.”
“Those eggs might’ve tasted magical Beel, but they weren’t really…” Belphie looked up his twin as he shook his head, but then he shrugged, coming to the conclusion that it wasn’t worth explaining. “Hey,” he stared at you. “Don’t waste your energy crying now. You’ll need all your strength for your journey. I won’t forgive you if you leave too sad.”
All their words ended up making you laugh, the smile across your face twitching as you worked to force out trembling words. “You all better be kind to one another.” Someone behind you was tugging on your arm. “And make sure you don’t tease Luke too hard.”
“Come on,” Solomon whispered softly to you, tugging you a little harder, making you take a few steps back. The rift in space-time started to roar, attempting to drown out your voice as you struggled for these last few seconds.
“And make sure you all remember to eat and sleep properly. A-and, tell the others at the ceremony that I love them. I… love you all so much.”
“We have to go…” Solomon’s voice sounded tense, like he was nearly ready to cry himself, only keeping himself strong for you. Wrapping an arm around your waist, he nearly hoisted you back himself. Before you left, you reached into the pocket of your pants, fishing out the letter that you had written alone in your old room, what seemed like forever ago now, the one still stained with old tears. You tossed it to the ground in front of you, hoping they would read it, hoping it would help…them live without you.
The last thing you heard was a chorus of cracking voices, getting cut off before they could tell you they loved you too…
And then you were gone. A harsh and forceful wind seemed to suck all the air from your breath. It was almost as if you were being plunged underwater, several forces of pressure from the thousands of years you were swirling past was threatening to crush you. The only sensation you were aware of was Solomon’s. His arms were holding onto you tightly, continuing to mutter spells over and over and over again to keep you safe, expending all of his waining power to push you both through the folds of reality and out on the other side.
Gravity. Disorientation. Falling. A heavy weight slammed against your chest so hard, you wondered if your ribs cracked. The back of your head hit something firm. Everything went black for a while.
After who knows how long, your eyes opened again, staring straight up into the Devildom sky, the shifted stars more familiar to you. Your head was splitting with pain, your breath a wheeze as you glanced down to see Solomon’s limp body keeping you pinned against the ground.
“S-Solomon?” It took a short while for the panic to settle in. “Solomon!” After a moment of struggling, you managed to get him off of you, setting him on his back in the grassy plane you had been spat back out onto. His face looked drained. A chant left the base of your throat, using the last scrap of magic you had to give him a spell to reinvigorate his body. His eyes shot open, coughing as he rolled over onto his side, pushing himself up onto his arms before he fell down again. “Take it easy!” Together, using each other as support, you both got back up to your feet.
“I’m sorry…I had meant to deliver us right in front of the House of Lamentation, but…”
“You did alright,” you assured him, rubbing his back to keep his dizzy mind conscious. “A bit of a rough landing, but we’re alive…” But then, the better question was… “Are we—“
“There you are.” A calm voice manifested itself as a demon in front of you. Barbatos stepped out of a portal, his expression nearly as neutral as ever, except there was something in his eyes that was shining, a strange tremor to his hand that was completely unnatural for someone as him. Then he frowned as he took in the state of both of you, his nostrils flaring as he took the both of you with him, each with one gloved hand. You were pulled into a much less chaotic rift this time. Although the jolt was still enough to nearly cause both you and the sorcerer to fall back to your knees. Before that could happen though, you were shoved into a bed.
The guest rooms of the castle appeared the same as always, but something in particular felt nostalgic, like you’d just returned to a childhood home. Solomon appeared to be ushered into a bed right by your side, both your minds too rattled to resist, as the butler threw open the guest room door from the inside and summoned nearly every Little D in the entire building. “I need human medication, bandages, two sets of pajamas, the herbal tea I set aside in the kitchen. I need the oven preheated, the counter prepared, two trays set, and need them all done within the next two minutes.” There was a very subtle raise to his voice, the seriousness of his tone sending a chill down your spine and sending every Little D scattering for their lives. Barbatos spent one second observing them flee before he dissipated once more, getting wisked away through another portal of his own making.
This all felt…so surreal. Perhaps it was the pain that you were in that was making it feel like a dream. Like you’d wake up in Cocytus Hall and be right back at square one. And yet, something in you was missing that place… that house that you had just started to get used to. The furniture and things both you and Solomon had bought to make it your shared home. But your real home was here. Well, hopefully here.
You wouldn’t get your hopes up over anything yet. Not until you got to see them.
Barbatos returned before you could even begin to ask Solomon about any of this. A whirl of varying shades of green caused your vision to do somersaults as you were quickly fretted over. Salves and bandages were wrapped around your torso and a damp cloth gently touched the back of your head. That splitting pain resurfaced, joining forces with an added stinging. Maybe it was your body going into shock, but you could’ve sworn you heard a shaky shush coming from your current caretaker as you were cleaned and patched up quickly. Luckily, it wasn’t too much longer after that till the aches went mostly away, your head clearing up again as a set of your own pajamas were settled at the foot of the bed, a silver tray stretched over your lap and propped up on two stands. A small plate with a single pastry sat in front of you, along with a bitter smelling dark-green tea that you could tell you’d rather avoid imbibing.
Swiveling your head to the side, you saw Solomon leaning back against the headrest and a few pillows, a bit more vibrancy in his eyes, although those intense dark circles were hard to miss. He was okay. Thank…everything.
“Eat. Drink. Both of you.” The butler stood between the beds, realizing he’d spoken quite against his normal demeanor, he cleared his throat, his palm pressed between his collarbones. “Phoenix’s Breath Tea. You’ll both need it to recover. I apologize for making you both consume something so distasteful, but I’ve found it goes down a bit smoother paired with something sweet.”
A single whiff of the hot beverage in your hand was enough to make you cough, some sense burning in your nose. You settled the cup back down, taking a deep breath, trying to get your head on straight. “Barbatos… Are we…?”
The butler’s eyelids fluttered slowly. “You are,” he stated, his voice quiet, almost in awe. “You’re home. Back in the world you belong.”
A lump immediately formed in your throat, pushing the tray forward and turning to get out of bed. “I need to go. I need to see them, I—“ Before you could get one foot touching the ground, you were wrangled back into bed.
“I’ll fetch them. I swear you won’t have to wait too much longer. But you must drink the tea and you must take a moment to recover. If the others were to know the state you both were in right now, the castle would be torn—“
A banging sound ripped through the room like a gunshot. The guest room door was busted completely off it’s hinges, the wood of the frame splintering, the door soaring across to the left and fully embedding itself into the wall like a dart stuck in a board. If it weren’t for Barbatos’ inhuman skills, you’ve spilled the tea and dessert all over yourself. The royal attendant audibly sighed, sweeping himself to his feet and holding his arms out, his demon form manifesting, wrestling back a writhing and screaming black mass.
Your eyes went wide.
The mass stopped fighting, going rigid, stepping back to form seven different individuals. Three more non-hostile forms stood back in the wrecked doorway, two white, one red.
The bottom of your lip trembled as an overwhelming surge of joy and despair and relief and guilt all flooded out of you in tears. Your fears were pushed away. Your soul seemed to click back into place, like you’d been the last puzzle piece just waiting to finish the picture. “I’m home…”
Chaos erupted in the castle guest room. A few cracking wails nearly burst your eardrums. Asmo’s arms were the first to wrap around you, mascara running down his cheeks in large inky trails, but he didn’t seemed concerned in the least. Kisses lined your face with each sharp intake of breath, too shaken to even speak, he could only address you in his cries as he clutched onto you, trembling. His hand stroked your head, his breathing stopping for a moment when he saw the damage the landing had caused. This only caused him to whimper and cry harder, his thumb running over the outline of your features, running the back of his fingernails over your cheeks.
Levi was stuttering incomprehensibly. As he fell to his knees, he clutched at his head, going through an entire panic attack. He clawed at his chest, tearing gashes into the front of his clothes, looking up at you behind large welling tears as his tail wrapped around his entire torso. Mist filled the entire room as he continued to shake and cry so fervently he couldn’t even stand.
Luke was quite a ways away, holding onto Simeon’s clothing as he screeched out painful genuine child-like cries. The Angel curled over him, shushing him, getting to his own knees to hold the fledgling to his chest, assuring both the little angel and himself that you were okay. You were alright. Miracles had brought you together again. They didn’t have to worry any longer. The sleepless nights, the endless nightmares, the never-ending cold grip of sorrow could go away. He spoke this mantra- this prayer- over and over again, taking deep breaths between the words, blinking rapidly as he had to sway him and his charge back and forth to keep themselves both at ease. The older angel took the occasional glance over Luke’s shoulder, muttering a thankful blessing on repeat every-time he locked with your eyes.
Satan was thrashing around the room, screaming wildly, out of control, ready to beat Barbatos and Solomon for making you arrive in this condition, for not bringing you sooner, for not telling them sooner, for— Eventually, after getting thrown around the room a little, he ran out of things to be angry for. All it took was one look at your face to calm him down. He approached carefully, angry at himself, angry at whoever it was that took you away, but trying to keep himself together. Satan gingerly pulled Asmo off of you, turning Lust over to Solomon. Clearly, he’d been worried about his other pact-mate, hugging the sorcerer and crying a little more softly into his shoulder. Meanwhile, Satan reached a hand out hesitantly, like you were a feral cat he was trying to pet, worried you’d run away. His hand brushed through your hair and settled at the side of your face. Once he realized you weren’t going anywhere, his arms pulled you to him, pressing your face against his shoulder. “You’re here. You’re here again. You’re—“ His voice went hoarse, like he was losing it, like he’d been doing nothing but screaming for the entirely of your absence. Soon his words were nothing but faded squeaks, trying to portray his words but unable to. He simply held you instead. Then he tore himself away from you, heading over to the back wall and punching holes into the structure till his knuckles turned bloody.
Someone crawled onto the bed. Belphegor peered at you with an almost blank expression. His hand reached out, touching your knee, flinching as soon as he made contact, like the very act of him doing so would hurt you further. You could tell that maybe he felt like some of this was his fault, like he’d deserved the pain of having you be sent away from him, like if he did anything wrong again, you’d vanish for real this time, How many times could you come back from the dead? How close was he to losing you entirely? For good? As soon as his warmth mixed with yours, he collapsed on the mattress, curling up at your feet. He gathered the blanket towards his face, the end of his tail twitching erratically. His sobs were silent but violent, the entire bed shifting and bouncing as his body convulsed, his chest pounding as he broke down. Every once and a while, he would become extremely frightened, needing to gasp and look up to ensure you were real. You weren’t a dream. He pinched himself, shook his head, even almost bit at his hands to snap him out of this vision. But you were really here. He would curl back up and continue to cry.
White hair bobbed in front of your vision, two hands going to your shoulders and shaking you, pinning you against the headboard, fingernails careful not to dig themselves into your skin as they gripped your body. “What the hell is wrong with you?! Huh? Huh?! Do you have any idea what you put us through?! What you put me through?!” Mammon growls and screams shocked you.
“Mammon.” Lucifer’s voice settled as a stern warning, but something about it seemed weaker than usual.
Greed ignored him, continuing his rant. “You were just gone. Gone! You know that?!” He shook you again, careful not to rattle you too much. “And what am I supposed to do about that, huh?! What did I say?! I said—“ His voice cracked, trails of moisture streaming from his eyes and over his lips. “I said,” he repeated, “if you’re ever in trouble, you have to let me save you. What part of that didn’t you understand?! How dare you get taken somewhere where I can’t reach you?! How dare you?! How dare you?!” His voice continued to raise in pitch, sounding more and more unstable with each accusing question. Then he slumped, his forehead pressing against your chest as his hands held onto your shoulders tighter, almost bruising them, fearful of letting you go. He began shaking you a few times more, each shake meeker than the last. “How dare you. How dare you… How… W- What was I supposed to do if you didn’t come back?… The world is nothin’… I’m nothin’…”
Beel came over and helped his older brother to his feet, allowing him to sit on the side of your bed as Mammon furiously used the back of his wrist to rub at his cheeks. Gluttony stood over you, looking down with a wide close-lipped smile. “Welcome back.” He leaned down, pressing his cheek against yours as his large arms wrapped around the back of your neck. He took in the scent of you, burying his face into the crook of your neck for a moment. His body didn’t shutter, didn’t make noise, but you felt a few warm tears of his drip onto your skin. He silently and secretly teared up for just a few moments before he stood back up straight, gesturing to the tray with your items on it. “Eat, please. It’ll make you feel better.” The sixth-born took a few steps back to let you breathe, and as he moved back, someone else moved forward.
Lucifer stood at your bedside for quite some time in silence, looking down on you with a rather unreadable expression. He had a frown, eyes squinting like he was upset at you. He scanned you over, his brows furrowing, his jaw clenching. He refused to move, refused to say anything, refused to look you directly in the eyes. You moved forward a little, grabbing his hand, holding it in yours. All the sudden, the tension released. His eyes widened before his eyelids lowered, glancing at you past the vulnerable shimmer past his irises. Wrinkles of stress deepened in his forehead as his whole face contorted in agony. He held your hand tightly, bringing the back of it up to his lips. After that, he pulled you against him, his forehead pressed up against yours, his wings in his demon form acting as some sort of visual blocker, as if he couldn’t stand to have the rest of the room see how he was acting right now. He rubbed his face against yours back and forth, one small touch away from cooing, his hands caressing the sides of your neck, feeling your pulse, hearing your breath, taking in every detail and confirming to himself that you were indeed in his arms again, alive and mostly well. “You’ve come back to us,” he whispered, the end of his nose touching yours as one of his hands cradled the back of your neck. “Back to me.” His breath was hot as he panted for a moment, taking a deep breath and speaking in a hushed tone. “I had nearly begun to entertain the thought that…”
You pulled him closer to you, letting his head rest on your chest as you reached around to his back, grasping the cloth of his clothes in your hands. “You know I would fight through all the layers of hell to get to you.”
That seemed to resonate with him, but you weren’t quite sure he remembered that you were speaking quite literally. All those adventures…the things you’d all learned. How lost were they?…
However, Lucifer simply smiled, laughing a little, squeezing you before laughing again. “Yes, if anyone would do such a thing, it would be you. I shouldn’t have doubted you.” He straighted, fixed his clothing, lowered his wings, and moved further back into the room, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger as he paced towards a back corner.
Levi had finally soothed himself enough to move, walking on his knees towards the bed. His hands were fidgeting with every part of his outfit. Eyes puffy from crying, throat raw from his collapse earlier, he kept himself from speaking. You managed to smile down at him and wipe away the last few of his tears. His lips shook again before he lowered his head into your lap. Face-down in the fabric of the blanket, he kept shaking his head. He didn’t stop until your fingers ran through his hair. With a forced gulp, he eventually vocalized words. “I missed you… I was- was- was so scared I would…”
“Lose you.” Belphie sat up in bed, ignoring the fact that his face was now a mess. He scooted closer towards your side on the bed. “We thought we lost you.”
The youngest was able to say what none of the others could. Full silence washed over the room as the reality of the situation fully seemed to hit them, their shock slowly starting to fade.
Diavolo strode in, everyone moving out of the way to allow him to have his own time with you. The corners of his eyes crunched in happiness. His tight and broad shoulders sagged. Both of his large hands scooped up one of yours, bringing your touch to the side of his face. He closed his eyes, almost appearing as if he might purr any second. As he opened his sight back at you, a fire of positivity and excitement lit within him. “A party! We must throw a party! A welcome home celebration! This is…this is… a joyous day.”
At first, the others seemed confused. Then, one-by-one, small determined smiles spread across their faces. The sorrow melted and gave way to pure uncontrollable elation. People hugged each other, danced around the room, cheered, bounced, came back to kiss you, came back to hug you, nearly passing you around the room till Barbatos barged back in and took your hand, bringing you back to bed.
For a while, you assumed he would shut the idea down entirely. But then, the butler grinned. “I figured you would all say as much. Some preparations are already being made. In the meantime, we should let these two rest. They’ve had all too much excitement today.” Barbatos pulled the blanket back over your legs, readjusting the tray and giving you a biting glare that told you you wouldn’t be able to get out of drinking that god-forsaken tea. “But after that, we will celebrate. We will take every day and night to cherish you, and make up for the time we lost.”
Most of the brothers tried clinging to you, demanding they get to stay, but Diavolo, Barbatos, Lucifer, and Simeon managed to corral the desperate demons and one small angel out of the room.
But before they all left, you shouted. “Wait!” They all turned, worried that something was wrong. However, you smiled, happy tears running down your face this time. “I love you all. So very much.”
“I cherish you with every fibre of my being.”
“There ain’t nothing more priceless than you.”
“E-Everything is so much more fun with you here with m-m- us…”
“I…don’t want to even try to imagine a world without you in it.”
“Nothing, and I mean nothing, hun, is as charming as you.”
“Our family isn’t complete without you in it.”
“You belong with us. End of story.”
“You are one of the most precious beings the three realms has ever known.”
“I find myself discovering new things to enjoy every moment I spend with you.”
“Listen, you are a shining beacon in the night. Know how special you are.”
“You teach me so much! If it weren’t for you, I might still be scare— I mean, dislike demons!”
“My dear apprentice… We couldn’t have gotten home without you. You deserve the world. I will stick by you no matter where you go. And you deserve to know—“
“How much we love you too.”
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munsster · 7 months ago
Hi I just read fixer user and I loved it! I was wondering if you could do a part 2 💖💖
an act of true love
A/N: (your pfp made me scream and curl my toes) an unexpected amount of ppl rlly enjoyed this dynamic. i suppose i have found my people 🤭 (gif creds: @kingofscoops)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader (Season 3)
Summary: In the dead of winter, there’s absolutely nothing that could keep you warm. After all, only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart. 1.5k words
Warnings: fluff, mutual pining, pet names (sweetheart), mention of toxic ex boyfriend, cursing, gross flirting
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Steve can hear you shivering through the receiver and your stuttered breaths crackling through the cord. You’re begging him to come over and fix your radiator in the middle of a snow storm. The roads aren’t closed yet, but a thin white powder blankets his front lawn and the top of his beemer and he can see the flakes whipping through the stream of light pouring from the streetlamp. So, he piles every blanket he has into his passenger seat and braves the drive to your house.
Does he know how to repair a busted radiator? No.
Is he determined to do anything you require of him? Every single day for the rest of his life.
He’s crouched by the window of your living room, looking for any telltale signs of wear or leaking. You’re standing just behind him, bundled in two blankets and holding a spare flashlight. He’s quiet as he tinkers, but your mind is racing watching his soft toned arms through his cream thermal and his back muscles working when he turns over his shoulder to glance at you with a dashing smile. You nod quickly when he says something, though you’re not exactly sure what.
“Sweetheart?” he coos, raising his brows when you recoil under his gaze.
“Sorry, I didn’t… I wasn’t listening,” you say with a chuckle. He grins, dropping his head in understanding.
“Sorry, I know it’s boring,” he says, “but has it been making noises or anything?”
“Oh, yeah! It kinda groans when I first turn it on and it sounds like it might explode for the first couple minutes. I guess I’ve tuned it out by now.”
“That’s probably not a good sound then,” he teases, turning back to the radiator with a puzzled look.
“No, probably not.” You shuffle off to the kitchen, setting a kettle on the stove and humming softly.
After half an hour of tinkering and a roll of tape, Steve stands and wipes his hands on his jeans.
“That should do it! It’ll probably take a sec to heat up again,” he sighs, and you emerge from the kitchen, balancing two hefty mugs brimming with whipped cream. “Ooh, what’s this?”
“Hot cocoa. Secret family recipe,” you tease. In actuality, it’s just the standard package of chocolate powder and sugar. The secret lies in the healthy dash of cinnamon you mix into it.
“Secret, eh? Guess that gives me a reason to come see you more often,” he hums, following you to the couch and taking one of the mugs from your hands. It warms him up nicely, and he knows you gave him the bigger mug on purpose when you smile triumphantly. He takes a sip, moaning at the sweetness. You giggle at the whipped cream kissing his top lip.
“I hope I’m reason enough,” you say with a faux pout. He sits close enough to share the pile of blankets with you, your thighs pressed against one another in the captured heat.
“Duh, you’re the main attraction,” he huffs, “Your hot chocolate is like the flashy side show. It’s pretty neat but not quite as cool as the reason you bought the ticket.”
You giggle into your mug, face hot in the bellowing steam. Or because of his dimpled cheeks. Or the way his eyes swoop over your face. Or maybe the way he came rushing to your rescue in a storm without a second thought.
“Any new Brad-related developments? Or is he still giving you shit?” he says, swallowing a warm gulp of liquid chocolate.
You groan, head lulling back against the couch. “He keeps calling to say I’m a cold hearted bitch and then immediately hang up. I think he forgot that he’s the one who broke up with me.”
“Right, right. Why’s that again?”
“Something about his family’s values. And how he hates my friends,” you say, “I just remember getting mad because he seemed so jealous and mistrusting. Honestly, in hindsight, he was really childish about the whole thing.”
You shrug it off, but it snaps his heart in two all over again. He doesn’t even want to know the gorey details because he knows it’ll boil his blood. Just knowing that asshole said something like that to you makes his fists ball up in frustration. But he thinks of what you said. What did Brad have to be jealous about; he had the entire world and Steve never bat an eye. Not to you, at least.
“Jealous?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, he’d give me all these ultimatums where I’d have to choose between you and him. So random,” you huff. Though, maybe he was justified in some way. You and Steve have been this close since the day you met. Any love interest would feel threatened by his charm and that smile.
“Oh… weird”—He watches you take a cautious sip from your mug like maybe you regret saying anything at all—“Yeah. That’s random. Had no idea I posed such a threat to that guy. He seemed so… self-assured.”
You stare blankly, shrugging when you mutter, “you can call him a narcissistic prick, i don't care. And yeah, I was kinda surprised the first time he brought it up, because a big part of why I was attracted to him was for his confidence” you chuckle, “No idea what went wrong!
Steve absentmindedly squares his shoulders, sitting up straught on the plush cushions trying to make himself look strong and reliable and confident. You sip your hot chocolate and look at him funny.
“Are you okay?” you say, holding in a laugh.
He nods. “Oh, yeah. I’m just super confident ‘s all.”
You snort, choking on the sip you’d sucked down, pinching your eyes closed when he lurches forward with a worried look slapped across his face.
“Shit, here, let me help,” he huffs, setting his mug aside and wiping the drips from your chin with his sleeve, “Oh, god, are you hurt???”
You cackle with tears pricking in your eyes when he carefully takes your mug and places it next to his. You pat dry your neck, and he watches you softly.
“Stevie, you’re so sweet.”
His heart flutters in his warm chest when you smile at him.
“Well, I dunno about that.”
“No, seriously. You’re so caring and thoughtful, I’ve never met anyone like you,” you whisper.
He takes a shaky breath in.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
You nod heartily and grin wide, and you notice he’s staring at you. So you kick his calf under the blanket.
“Hey, ouch!”
You giggle, but he’s quick to grab the crook of your knee and tug you close so you’re laying flat on the couch. Your hands cover your face when he tickles your sides and leans over you playfully. He’s almost glad you can’t see him blushing or feel his heart racing or hear his head booming with thoughts of you. He gasps when you plant your socked foot on his thigh, but he holds your elbow gently to keep you close to him while he leans over you.
You’re laughing, and he can confidently say it’s his favorite sound. You palm his chest, and he takes a deep breath in. Your eyes flick open because you’ve never felt someones heart beat so fast and so warm just beneath your fingertips. He’s flushed and pink but he looks like a prince in the orange lamplight. And he’s so close to you.
Your fingers curl into the collar of his shirt, barely grasping, and you crane your neck towards him. You watch his honey eyes draw over your lips just before he leans in and kisses you.
His hand molds into your side, melting over the exposed skin like hot syrup. You press into his hold and smile with your fingers drawing up and across the back of his neck.
But the kiss short lived when he pulls away, shoving a hand through his ruffled hair.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Steve huffs, standing and backing away, “I don’t know what I’m doing. I should go!”
He crosses the floor in a daze, forcing his feet back into his shoes before you even can sit up and call after him.
“Steve, wait!”
But he’s shaking his head and reaching for the ice cold door handle with his jacket barely slung over his shoulders. He whips the door open, and you can see the pure white snow floating down in sheets outside.
“Keep the blankets! Just call me if the radiator breaks again, and I’ll see you!”
The door slams shut.
You tut, hand coming to your lips as you look around at the scene before you. The abandoned mugs on the coffee table, his blankets folded over the back of the couch, your repaired radiator whirring softly in the corner. The absence of Steve. What would the kids say. You know they’d lose it, but would they be upset if you ended up together. Would they realize they changed their minds and you’d jeopardized not only your friendship with Steve but with the entire party.
What if everything changes?
Oh, but what if nothing changes: you and Steve tip toeing around each other, the kids scheming and giggling at your misfortune, but now changed by the fact that you’ve kissed Steve. And he kissed you back. And you like him so much.
"Oh, god.”
more like this
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yunniverse · 4 months ago
You’re My Dream
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౨ৎ PAIRING— rockstar!jeong yunho x reader
౨ৎ GENRE— fluff, ended relationship, fem!reader
౨ৎ WARNINGS— angst, fluff
౨ৎ WORD COUNT— 1.4k
౨ৎ SUMMARY— you broke up because he was too focused on his music dream, but maybe you and love were the real dream all along.
౨ৎ A/N— i saw a lot of people saying they wanted a oneshot with the concept photos from the 2025 seasons greetings, so i made one! i hope you like it, even though it isn’t quite as angsty as you probably wanted :( still, feedback is appreciated and thanks for reading, lovelies! <3 (i’ll tag a few people who said they were interested if someone wrote one: @beabatiny, @goldendynastys, @kibs-and-bits)
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Staring at the fire crackling, you try to hold back the tears that threaten to escape. When had it all gone so wrong?
Just last year, you had been enjoying your boyfriend’s Christmas show with his rock band, and now you’re sitting alone, the night before Christmas.
The crackling of the fire adds to your melancholy, the harsh cold winds blowing outside creating a gloomy atmosphere. You know you should forget like he has, but you can’t throw away two years of your life that easily.
The memories of last Christmas come flooding back to you, even as you try to suppress them. Memories of sitting beside the fire with Yunho, cuddling as you watched a cheesy Christmas movie. Or baking Christmas cookies together at his apartment, laughing as you threw flour at each other.
Turning to the remote controller, you press the power button, not expecting to see him on the screen. His band is playing, and you immediately feel a pang in your chest at the sight of him, his fingers dashing across the keyboard.
Even though he’s the keyboard player and not the lead singer, he has an air about him that draws you in, making it unable to look away, even as you know you should. Why is he still having this effect on you?
The song is one you recognize. “Merry Christmas, Please Don’t Call,” by Bleachers.
It’s a song he’d introduced to you last Christmas, and, even though it’s sad, it had been a source of joy for you in a way last year, because you remember dancing to the song with him, smiling and laughing.
Now, it really is sad.
When he gets up at the end of the song, leaning into the microphone, you furrow your eyebrows, listening.
“That song goes out to someone I lost a year ago today.” He looks right at the camera, his brown eyes sparkling with unshed tears. “I’m sorry, baby. I wish it had been different, but know that I never really stopped loving you.”
You gasp, only momentarily questioning if he’s really talking to you, before you jump up, now determined to make things right for some reason. You know it’ll probably end in more heartache, but you have to try.
Grabbing your keys and coat, you hurry out the door into the winter storm, unlocking your car before hopping in.
Even though the roads are horrible tonight, you know the way to his apartment like the back of your hand, only slowing because of the snow.
About twenty minutes later, you arrive at his apartment complex, hurrying out of the car, through the blinding snow, and into the lobby of the building.
You try to calm yourself down, stepping into the elevator and pressing the button to the fourth floor.
When you get to the floor, you walk down the hall, slowing to a stop in front of his door. Taking a deep breath, you knock.
It takes about two minutes, but the door opens, revealing a messy-haired Yunho, a few locks of his dark blue hair having fallen in front of his brown eyes, which widen at the sight of you.
“Y/N?” he whispers, his hand clutching the doorknob so tight you think he might break it. “What are you doing here?”
“I saw the program.”
With a sigh, you rub your arm, biting your lip, really starting to wonder what you’re really doing here yourself. “H-How have you been?”
“Is that really what you’re going to ask?” Yunho asks, giving you a half-smile.
“What else would I say?” you question softly, suddenly feeling stupid for coming to see him. “I can’t just say Merry Christmas or something stupid like I’ve missed you—”
“Can’t you?” he asks, his dark eyes searching yours. “Because I’ve missed you.”
Sighing, you frown slightly, “This can’t be happening. I don’t know what I was thinking. Let me just—“
He grabs your wrist as you turn to leave, making your gaze snap back to his. “Every day without you has been torture. You came to see me for a reason. Do you feel the same?”
“Yunho, it doesn’t matter how we feel. It can’t work now anymore than it did then. We have different goals.”
“We don’t have to!” he exclaims, almost desperately. “I can give up the band if that’s what you want. You were upset it took up so much of my time? I’ll quit.”
Your eyes widen as you shake your head, “Yunho, the reason you couldn’t give it up for me before is because it’s what you love to do. I can’t take that away from you. I can’t make you live without it.”
“Well, I can’t live without you.”
His words hang heavy in the air, making you suck in a sharp breath, “Yunho…”
“Don’t say anything,” Yunho tells you, taking a single step closer. “Just tell me…”
“Tell you what?” you ask, your eyebrows furrowing.
“What do you feel?” he asks, just before he leans in, his face inches from yours. Your heartbeat quickens as his warm breath fans across your lips. “If you feel nothing, I’ll leave you alone.”
You’re torn between wanting to close the distance and knowing you shouldn’t.
You don’t have to wait for long.
It feels like the world stops when his soft lips brush against yours for the first time in months. It isn’t like an electric shock, with fireworks exploding, rather it’s like coming home after a long time away. Like warmth and softness and… love.
It only takes a few seconds for you to melt into him, the kiss deepening as he lifts his hands to cup your face, your hands finding his chest, his heartbeat quickens beneath yours fingertips.
After a few moments, he pulls away, his forehead resting against yours as he pants softly, waiting for you to respond.
“I wish I could say I felt nothing,” you whisper, feeling a little helpless against your emotions. “But I can’t. I’ve never been able to.”
“Then give us another chance,” Yunho pleads, his thumbs brushing across your cheekbones. “I meant what I said during the program. I’ve never stopped loving you.”
“But what about the band? What about all the reasons we broke up months ago?”
“You and I both know we were being petty then. And I can quit the band, like I said,” Yunho replies, his tone serious.
“I don’t want you to,” you respond quietly, making him furrow his eyebrows.
“What?” he asks slowly, confusion etched into his features.
“I don’t want you to quit what you love,” you clarify. “That’s what ended things between us before. We quit on our love, and I won’t let you quit on the band now. I was stupid to think you loved me any less because of your passion for music. Please don’t stop playing, Yun.”
“Are you sure?” he asks slowly. “It’ll still take up as much time as it did before, maybe more, since we’ve grown a little more popular now.”
“I don’t care,” you smile softly. “All I care about is being with you again. And I won’t let my jealousy over your time get in the way again… as long as you let me come to your shows.”
“Every single one.”
With a small laugh, you lean forward, pressing another soft kiss to his lips before burying your face in his neck, inhaling his calming scent you’ve missed so much.
“Maybe we should get out of the hallway?” Yunho chuckles, tugging your hand, guiding you into his apartment. “We have a lot of catching up to do.”
You smile shyly, nodding, as you let him close the door behind you both.
Three months later, you’re cheering for Yunho and his band as he performs, smiling widely when he finally comes backstage, his arms open as you laugh, throwing yourself into his arms for a hug. “You did so well, Yunnie,” you whisper in his ear.
He grins, nuzzling his nose into your hair, “Thank you, baby. You’re always the best cheerleader.”
“Can’t say I don’t like the fake tattoos on your hands either,” you tell him wryly, tracing the markings with your finger.
“Oh?” he asks, chuckling softly, his eyes sparking with mischief. “Maybe I’ll leave them on for a little while. And I’ll be sure to tell the stylist you like them.”
“Good,” you grin. “I’m good with anything now as long as you never tell me ‘please don’t call’ like you did last winter ever again.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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band--psycho · 6 months ago
Zayne x Reader - Doctor Visits
Please be kind, reblogs are always welcome and greatly appreciated!
Thank you all for the continued support! I hope you all enjoy this! 💛
Requests are open so if you have any ideas/requests, you're more than welcome to send them over.
I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied or translated onto this site or other platforms!
Warnings: Doctors appointments, brief mentions of a blood test, mature themes towards the end
I do intend to write a Part 2 for this
L&DS Masterlist / Zayne Masterlist / Join My Taglist
“Thank you for checking in,” the receptionist at the hospital said with a polite smile, “Dr Zayne will be with you soon”
Your heart dropped at her words. 
Dr Zayne? 
“I think there must be some mistake?” You stated; trying to understand how you’re seeing Zayne for this appointment when 1) you didn’t book this appointment with him and 2) he was meant to be on holiday; at least that’s what he told you a few days ago when you last spoke to him. 
“The doctor you booked to see is unavailable right now,” the receptionist clarified her focus shifting from the screen she’d been staring at for a few moments. 
Obviously your unease must’ve been written all over your face because the receptionist followed her own words up with, “If you wish to wait until the doctor you originally booked in to see is available we can reschedule your appointment.” 
You wanted to reschedule. 
But you knew that you couldn’t. 
The Hunters Association had very strict rules on keeping up to date with doctors appointments so that medical records could be kept accurate. 
And recently you’d been so busy with missions and studying; that booking the appointment had completely slipped your mind, that was until Tara mentioned it a few days ago.
This was the last day you could have an appointment before you would be overdue on it.
Which although it wasn’t the end of the world, wasn’t exactly an ideal situation. 
But neither was having Zayne as your doctor for this. 
“It’s fine,” you reluctantly said, moving away from the receptionist's desk and taking a seat in the waiting area.
Zayne was your usual primary physician, he was the one that kept a vigilant eye on your heart condition and made sure that your blood pressure and everything else was okay. 
And although this was just a routine doctor's appointment, knowing that Zayne was now going to be asking you private questions and listening to your answers, made you want to run out of the hospital eight that second.
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Zayne, you did.
More so than you trusted anyone really. 
And you knew that he would remain professional regardless of your answers.
But the truth was you were embarrassed; embarrassed to admit things that you hadn’t shared with anyone.
Things that you certainly didn’t ever think you’d have to admit to Zayne. 
“Y/n,” a familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts, looking up you saw Yvonne standing in front of you, “Dr Zayne will see you now.”
You nodded briefly, giving her a small smile as you rose to your feet. 
It was like your body was on auto-pilot, and you followed Yvonne straight to Zaynes office. 
The nurse gave you a small nod, signaling that you could go in, before walking away down the hall. 
You took a deep breath; your hand gingerly hovering over the door knob, wondering if you could attempt to make a last minute dash to the exit without anyone seeing.
The opportunity to do so was there, you could go now and no questions would really be asked. 
Except Zayne would know that he was meant to see you today…and if you didn’t show up to your appointment, he’d start asking why. 
And it would mean that you’d have to reschedule it for another day without knowing when the original doctor you booked in with would be free. 
‘The sooner I go in, the sooner it’ll be done’ you thought to yourself, placing your hand on the door handle, pushing the door open and walking into Zaynes office. 
“Y/n/n,” Zaynes stoic voice filled your ears, only raising your already heightened anxiety
‘Just breathe,’ you thought to yourself, turning to look at the doctor sitting behind a desk. 
“Please have a seat,” Zayne continued, extending his hand slightly towards the chair on the other side of his desk. 
You let out a shallow breath, attempting to compose yourself as you sat down in the chair opposite him. 
“I apologise about that change to your appointment,” Zayne began; typing away on the keyboard, his eyes fixed on the computer screen. 
“It’s okay,” you answered quietly, absentmindedly fidgeting with your hands as they laid in your lap.
“You seem nervous,” Zayne pointed out, glancing up at you over his glasses briefly, before turning his attention back to the computer.
His words made you aware of what your hands were doing; halting your fidgeting movements.
“You don’t need to be, this is just a routine appointment,” he assured you with a small smile; but his words didn’t do much to ease your anxiety. 
The questions started off normal, like “How have you felt since your last check up?”, “Have you had any new injuries from any recent missions,” etcetera, etcetera, and then they started to get a bit more private, a bit more personal. 
Starting with, “Any irregularities in your menstrual cycle?” 
“No,” you answered back finitely, making Zaynes eyes fall on you once again; but this time, he held your gaze.
He knew that you were lying. 
And you knew that he knew. 
The way in which you answered the question was an obvious giveaway. 
But even without that, you knew Zayne would probably have sussed out that you were lying, he always knew. 
“Y/n, it is key in these appointments for you to be honest with your doctor,” he reminded you softly, urging you to tell him the truth. 
But you knew what your answer could imply; you were a week late, just one week and you knew that it was probably because of stress and exhaustion; not because of any other reason. 
You knew your answer would open a door to more personal questions; but you also knew that you needed to tell Zayne the truth.
“I’m a week late,”
“I see,” he replied, turning back to his computer screen, for a brief moment you saw something in his eyes, a look of…hurt, you watched how his jaw tightened and he continued typing away on his computer, “and when was the last time you were intimate with someone?” 
And there it was, the very question types of questions you were trying to avoid.
You knew what he was implying with his question.
His question was almost laughable, had you not been so embarrassed about the answer you knew you’d have to give, you probably would have laughed.
In truth, you could barely remember the last time you went on a date with someone, let alone the last times you were intimate with someone; and now you had to admit that to the very man who was part of the reason why. 
You liked Zayne, as more than a friend… in all honesty, to you, no one else compared to him. 
So even if you did have the time to date people, or be intimate with them, you wouldn’t because they weren’t Zayne. 
Sometimes, you thought he held the same feelings for you,even though he’d never said anything to give you such an idea. 
It was more in the way you caught him looking at you sometimes…with a look that not only made your heart skip a beat, but a look that made you wonder. 
A look that made you wonder if he felt the same; or if it was just your hopeful heart messing with your mind.
“A year,” you mumbled, feeling the heat of embarrassment fill your cheeks.
It was a year ago, with someone you met in a bar, one thing led to another and you ended up in their bed. 
It was then that you realised how you truly felt for Zayne…because all you could do whilst you were being intimate with them, was imagine Zayne.
After that, you couldn’t bring yourself to try and meet anyone else. 
You didn’t want to. 
Which is why you kept yourself busy with work; it stopped you from being able to think about your own loneliness too much. 
Zayne said nothing in response to your answer; though you did notice his expression seemed to soften as he typed your answer up on your medical record sheet.
A few more questions and a blood test later and your appointment was over and you were following Zayne to the door to his office. 
“I’m going to sign you off for a few days; so you can get some rest,” he said as he put his hand on the handle of the door. 
“Zayne-” you attempted to argue back but he just shook his head, silencing your words, before you could even finish your counter argument. 
“A few days of rest,” He repeated softly, though you knew by the look in his eyes that there was no use arguing with him.
“Understand?” His voice was just above a whisper but it was loud enough to send a small pleasurable shiver throughout your body. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if he knew how much of an effect he had on you by just whispering to you like this. 
You hated your first name, so you always went by Y/n/n. 
Hearing your full first name was unusual, no one called you it anymore; but it was especially unusual hearing it fall from Zayne's lips; though for some reason your name sounded good on his lips.
“Do you understand?” he asked again
You knew you shouldn’t have found his question as erotic as you did; it was a simple question, but the authority in his voice mixed with the way his eyes were burning into yours, made you feel very hot and tingly all of a sudden. 
You were turned on...
You needed to play it cool, act like you perfectly fine, so you nodded in agreement.
Not daring to trust your voice at this very moment; not when you were this close to each other. 
“Good,” was the last thing he said to you before opening the door, allowing you to walk out of his office.
You'd barely take a few steps away from his door before you heard it click shut behind you; it was only then you released a breath you hadn't been aware of holding as you replayed what just happened in your mind.
He was so close to you...so close...
'Stop it,' you mentally scolded yourself as you began walking down the hallway.
You passed the reception and left the hospital quickly, trying to think about what you were going to do with your now free days, instead of how much you wanted Zayne...
@xacatalepsyx @fangirlsfandomsss @book-dragon03 @evilldentists @hao-ming-8 @princess-harvey @deathkat657 @comatosebunny09 @the-slytherin-poet @ladyparamount @ayatoq @cheesemachine44 @popcorn-mochi01 @thegalaxysedge22 @hotdogcookie
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fashionteahouse · 2 months ago
out of your league - paul x reader
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AN: thank you thank you thank you guys for enjoying the past twenty two parts of this series 💜 hugs and kisses to all !
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It was pocket sized. You bought it on purpose. You gave yourself the challenge of drawing each day, leading up to Paul’s birthday.
The struggle was that every time you drew in the house, at the table or on the couch, he would try to take a look.
He was on patrol, so far the pages were filled with images that would make him feel something. You wanted him to know that he was your main inspiration.
You were sitting at the kitchen table, hovered over the pages and as soon as Paul closed the door, you sit up straight. Paul noticed this and you didn’t greet him with a kiss, dashing to the bedroom to hide the small sketchbook.
You walk out to find him drinking out of a juice carton over the sink. You place a kiss on his bare back and wrap your arms around his waist and place your cheek on his back.
“You don’t give me kisses anymore.” he says as he tossed the carton in the trash in one swish.
“I could give you one now if you turn around.” you say.
You step back and he turns around but stands there waiting.
Arms are around his neck as you press your lips to his lips. His hands immediately go under your shirt that makes you laugh lightly against his lips. It quickly turns into a sigh when he circles your chest with his hot fingers that makes your knees buckle.
“What are you hiding from me?” he whispers.
“Nothing.” you whisper back. As soon as the words were uttered, his hands lift you onto the counter, trapping you between him and the cupboard space.
“I saw you run back there with something.” he says as his lips touch a part in your neck that was your weakness.
“So unfair. Just wait.” you say.
“No. Just show me.” he says. You don’t say anything. His movements paused.
“You’re really not going to tell me?” he asks. You just stare at him. He steps back and you jump off the counter and you nudge him playfully and tease him for making you hot and bothered.
He kept a close watch and usually you would be enjoying the extra amount of affection and attention, but he wouldn’t leave you alone, not for a second.
Holding your hand up, you roll your eyes, “Jesus, can I pee in peace?”
He brushed his teeth in the mirror and spat out his toothpaste.
“I seen all of you like a million times.” he says.
He tried to find it while you were away with Bella and Jacob. He huffed in defeat as he couldn’t find what he was looking for.
The small sketchbook was zipped up in your jacket pocket as Bella rode with a tarp covered trunk bed.
“You’re really not going to tell me?” you ask her.
“Nope. I want you to be just as surprised as Jake.” she says.
She pulled up to his home, he comes out before she could shift into park.
He lifts her up, spinning her around before setting her back down to her feet. Her face was red with shyness, clutching his arm before reaching to her tippy toes to place a shy but gentle kiss on his cheek. His smile widened if it were possible.
“Hey, Y/N.” he greets you.
“Hey.” you say as he pulls you into a hug.
Bella unwraps the tarp and Jacob’s jaw drops. Your jaw drops as well.
“Where the hell did you get these?” he asks as he lifts them off of the truck bed.
“Some kid from school was about to throw them out. You can fix them right?”
“Yeah but….Your dad. Charlie will kill me…And my dad will kill my corpse right behind him.” he says.
“It’ll be a secret.” she says.
You examine the bike that was under Jacob’s grasp. You always wanted to ride one. Secretly, you were hoping Jacob agreed.
Bella takes a look at you.
“Come on, Jake. You can teach me and Y/N how to ride them.” she says to him.
“No! Do not put her in this, okay? Paul will kill me before Charlie does.” he says in panic and he looks to you, “Would you tell her?”
You look at him with a sheepish smile with a slight shrug.
“Both of you are trying to set me up.” he says shaking his head.
“I won’t tell him. He already knows I’m keeping something from him so it doesn’t even matter.” you say with a chuckle.
“What is it?” he asks in a gossipy tone as he’s interested.
“Maybe I’ll tell you…If…” you say and he rolls his eyes, “You agree to fix the bikes.” you say and Bella’s face is hopeful.
Jacob sighs with his head down, “Alright. Fine, fine. If it all blows in my face, both of you are going down with me.”
“Okay.” you and Bella both say.
He rolls them in and you both lounge in his garage. He gets to work. Bella pulls out homework that’s already completed to cover her behind.
“So spill, what’s the big secret?” he asks you.
“I can’t tell you exactly in detail because of the pack mind, but I’m making an intimate book for him.”
“That’s it? I thought you kissed another guy or something.” he says uninterested and you roll your eyes.
“What is Paul doing for his birthday anyway?” Bella asks.
“Nothing. He literally wants to do nothing.” you say as you recite what he said from the time that you ask him.
“No party?” she asks.
You shook your head.
“Oh, there’s gonna be a party alright.” he says and you throw the battered pillow that was on his couch. He easily ducks as Bella laughs with her head back slightly.
“Don’t be gross.” she says to him as she tries to sober up.
He tossed the pillow with ease right onto the far end of the couch.
“It’s true.” he says with a dramatic shudder and both you and Bella roll your eyes.
“When will the bikes be done?” you ask as Bella cracks open a book.
“Pretty soon, it shouldn’t take me long at all. I want to hurry up and ride one of these bad boys.” he says in a giddy tone.
You felt a buzz in your pocket.
You read your email.
It was from Larry, the contract was ending very soon, he wanted to know if you wanted to extend it for another year.
He also wanted you to make a commission for someone who was based in Washington. A painted family portrait. You agree but tell him you would think about the decision of extending the contract.
You close the front door slowly, you smile lightly as the entire house smelled like something was cooking.
Paul watched as you scurried into the room after shouting a greeting. He sits down at the table with a slight frown.
You hug him as he looks at his plate while sitting.
“You cooked? What’s the special occasion?” you ask. You would have to beg him to make dishes sometimes, you claimed that there were certain things that he made better than you.
“Nothing. It’s just….You say you like my cooking.” he says and you nod as you have a seat.
He noticed that you didn’t speak, you just ate.
“So, what did you do today?” he asks.
“Oh. Uh…Just hung with Jake and Bella.” you say and your eyes go back to your plate.
“What did you guys do?” he asks.
“We just hung out.” you say and he blinks. “We were in Jake’s garage the entire time. He was fixing..Something and Bella read this book and I just caught up on emails.” you say with a shrug.
He leaves it at that.
“You’re not coming to bed?” he asks you with a touch of astound as his kisses doesn’t motivate you like they usually do.
“Nah. I want to watch this.” you say as you lean away as you sunk comfortably into the couch. You had turned on a movie you wanted to watch on purpose. You wanted to work on your sketchbook while he slept.
“Y/N, it’s been all day.” he says as if it’s been a year.
Chuckling quietly, you take a look at him, “I just want to watch a movie. Then I’ll come to bed, okay?”
“You’ve seen this a billion times. You even know the words.”
“I want to see it a billion and one.” you say but he slumps with defeat as you take your eyes back to the screen.
Getting up after some time, after knowing that you were serious, he takes one last look at you before you hear a door close in a distance.
You slump long ways on the couch, just in case curious eyes peered over the couch to see what you were drawing. The light from the television helped you see as your hand worked with the pen that was in your hand.
By the time you came to bed, a small ray of light from the sunrise was coming in.
Walking side by side at the beach as both Jacob and Paul were patrolling, you frown a bit as Bella looked ahead in front of her.
“I just feel bad, ya know? It’s not something big but it kinda feels big.”
“Well, just put the blame on me if he ever finds out about the bikes.”
“I don’t think he will find that out. I just don’t want us to fight for any reason.” you say as you look at your footsteps.
“It shouldn’t get to that point.” she comments quietly and you both continue to mindlessly walk.
As you swiped your paintbrush across the wooden canvas, the picture that was sent to be painted, just seemed familiar. You didn’t know if you were going crazy. The woman, who was beautiful, you had a deep feeling inside of you as you kept trying to figure out where you had might’ve seen her from. It was a bit hard to focus as you tried to work your brain hard to figure it out.
As you ate dinner, you found yourself staring at Paul a lot. He stared back.
“Something happen today?” he asks.
You shake your head.
“Well, what’s going on with you? You’ve been acting weird lately.”
You lean back a bit in your chair, “Just got a lot going on.”
“You want to talk about it?” he asks but he knew the answer, what it always was.
“No.” you say and he goes back to his plate.
You had to keep your eyes from widening as you looked at him as you two lie in bed, your hand was on the edge of his shorts.
“I’m going to sleep.” he says and you watch as he turned over to the other side.
“Whoa…Did Hell freeze over?”
“You tell me. Did it?” he replies.
You scoot out of bed, not feeling tired. You instead worked on your project with the time that you had, using the very small light in the area. The gloss was shining just as he was rising from bed. Birds were chirping as your eye bags were saggy.
“Why did you do this? You look like you’re about to pass out.” he softly scolded you as he took his breakfast plate. Your face was pure evidence of pulling an all nighter.
“I felt bad. I didn’t know if I did anything to make you not be in the mood last night.” you admit.
He sits down with a slight shake of his head, “You did nothing wrong, it’s just that you used to tell me everything. I want us to be like that again. You’re my best friend.”
You sit down as well.
“You’re my best friend too….Okay…You’re going to think I’m crazy.” you trail off.
“For christ’s sake Y/N, who are you talking to?” he asks in a playful tone.
You laugh a bit before saying, “Okay. Have you ever seen someone but you just couldn’t figure out…Where from? Like…It’s weird.”
“No. But, who did you see?” he asks.
“The portrait that I was in there painting. I feel like I’ve seen this woman somewhere. Like something about her is so familiar.” you say and fetch your phone. You open the email attachment of the reference photo of the commission you were finished with.
You watch as he takes a look. He swallows. He stared. He blinked. You blink. He shift his eyes back down to his plate.
“That’s what’s…Well, one of the things that’s on my mind.” you say as you place your phone down.
“What’s…What’s the other thing?” he asks, his voice deeper than usual.
“Your birthday that’s tomorrow.” you say with a smile. His face stays blank as he blinks.
“Are you alright?” you ask as you touch his arm. He looks at you. He’s not.
“Yeah. I.. Damn.” he says with a sigh and gets up. He didn’t even finish his food.
“What’s wrong? Where are you going?” you ask as he reached for the back door. You follow him. He turns to look at you.
“It’s fine..I mean..I’m fine. I gotta take a run really quick.” he says quickly but he planted a sloppy kiss on your lips before turning out the door. You’re confused.
He didn’t come back when you finally woke up from sleeping.
Bella picks you up, she’s practically jumping out of her seat.
“He’s done with the bikes.” she says excitedly.
You match her excitement.
Jacob placed the bikes onto the bed of her trunk, lifting them as if they were something so light.
As you ride with Jacob and Bella, Jacob shakes his head.
“I’m done with the bikes, but are you done with your little book or whatever?” he asks.
With a smile, “Yeah.”
“Good.” he barked out.
“Why?” you say with a smile at his tone.
“Paul gives us hell if you two aren’t extra lovey dovey to each other.” he says with a pout.
“He will be okay.” you say with a grin.
Jacob stressed the importance of each part of the bike as you all were in the clearing. Covering his hand with yours to make sure you get a feel of each identification.
“Got it?” he asks. You nod. He then quizzes you. He then feels comfortable as the bike engine roared to life.
A happy expression is on your face as you realized that you were getting the hang of riding the bike. Air whipped past you as you rode the motorcycle. You couldn’t believe that Jacob got them running so good.
A figure comes into view and your heart freezes as it disappears as you ride past it. It looked like a real person and you check behind you to see if they were someone. Nothing was there but Bella and Jacob that’s in a distance. She was climbing onto her own bike as Jacob still watched you.
You keep your head straight, trying to keep focus.
A voice. A familiar voice. With a startled gasp, your handle bars go wobbly and you start to freak out.
“What the fuck?” you gasp out at the hallucination. Only Jacob heard you. He acts fast.
“Hit the brake!” he yells. You almost panicked but you hit it. The bike stops, you try to climb off, only to scrape your knee after you stumble forward. You were freaked out and your body was slightly trembling.
Your breath is shaky as nothing was there in the clearing. Blinking rapidly, you hold your head as you felt lightheaded and didn’t know what to feel. You almost felt sick.
“Are you alright?” Both Jacob and Bella asks at the same time as Bella pants from running to you. You nod. They both pull you up to your feet.
“Yeah, let’s go again. I almost panicked but I think I got the hang of it.”
“Yeah..You can’t panic.” he says cautiously as he touched your shoulders, both Bella and Jacob brush you off some to make sure that you are good. He wheels the bike back to the starting point. Shaky legs walk back with Bella and Jacob.
“I’m not crazy. Was I…Hallucinating?” you ask yourself as you see Bella climb on her bike, getting directions from Jacob.
You winced as Bella dabbed the alcohol on your knee with a cotton ball in Billy’s bathroom.
“We were horsing around.” Bella states.
“Like he would believe someone like you and me were horsing around.”
“Jake rubbed off on me.” she says with a shrug.
You stand as soon as a gauge is on your knee.
“Do you want to go back to my place?” she asks as Jacob announces he has to leave out for patrol.
Your mind went back to Paul’s changed mood earlier this morning.
“Um..Nah. I think I’m going to head home.” you say and grab your jacket.
You didn’t go straight home.
Your jaw was dropped as you stared at the old man in the chair. His ancient voice suggested something that you didn’t think was true.
“Withdrawal? From what? It’s been like two months since I’ve seen them.” you say in thought.
“They have a thrall for their prey. I’m not surprised.” Old Quil says after he blows out smoke from his pipe.
“How come Bella, didn’t get any?” you ask. She rode bikes right with you.
“You and that Cullen boy were recently intensively engaged with each other..Emotionally invested.. You in fact helped heal her distress from his absence. It was you who made her not able to see or hear the hallucination.” he mused as he looked about to think.
You nod sadly.
The house was dark as you got back. Turning on the light, you almost jumped ten feet in the air when Paul’s figure was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.
“Paul? Are you alright? You scared me.” you say and kneel in front of him as you place your hands on him.
“You don’t have to be scared…” he says very quietly.
“Are you okay? Why are you sitting in the dark?” you ask carefully. He doesn’t say anything.
“Do you…Want to talk about it?” you ask.
He immediately says, “No.”
“Remember, you said you wanted us to tell each other everything.” you remind him.
“I don’t want to fucking talking about it.” he snaps out, this makes you immediately flinch and rise to your feet.
You back up, you hear him sigh deeply, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I promise. I understand, you just want some time by yourself-“
“No. I don’t…I don’t want to be by myself. Please?” he says and the look on his face squeezes your heart. You go to sit next to him but he instead brings you into his lap. His arms are tight around you, tighter than ever.
His hand immediately goes to your knee and he paused.
“What happened to your knee?” he asks very softly. The touch felt nice with his warmth seeping onto you.
“I fell down. Doing something stupid with Bella.” you say and he stared at you intensely before you realize, you just couldn’t lie. You immediately felt bad.
“We were riding bikes.”
“You fell off a bicycle? I didn’t know Bella had bikes...” he says.
“No, like… Motorcycle bikes.” you admit in a whisper.
He doesn’t say anything. You’re even more confused. He would’ve went on a rant on how dangerous and reckless it was. He would’ve demanded to know what you were thinking to do such a thing. Instead, he just looked zoned out. You touch his cheek.
“I’m going to make us something to eat. Did you eat?” you ask as you try to rise up but he clutched to you even tighter.
“I’ll eat later.” he says, “Can…Will you lay with me?”
“Of course.” you say and press your lips to his cheekbone.
As you lie down, he stared at your face. You look about in the room and notice something is missing.
“Where’s my picture?” you ask in great wonder. He doesn’t say anything.
“Paul?” you call to him. He only blinks. You nervously chuckle, thinking he’s messing with you.
“Where’s my picture? What did you do with it? It was sitting right there before I left today.” you say as you point in the empty spot. He still doesn’t say anything.
You rise up and he tries to grab onto you to lay you back down but you push his arms away, not harshly.
You move through the home. You fell to your knees with a gasp. Your hard work was in pieces. It was destroyed as if someone had a personal problem with the picture. Tears started streaming down your face. You whip your head around at his nonchalant figure.
“How could you?!” you scream at him. He looks at the pieces that fell from your hands as you threw it down.
“Do you know how long it took me to make this?! Why would you do this?! I have to turn this in two days! I stayed up all fucking night just to get it done and you fucking ruined it! You fucking asshole!” you scream at his face. His face doesn’t change its expression, you couldn’t believe that he didn’t show any remorse as he looked at you. It was as if the words bounced right off of him.
You scoff and push past him and storm off. You slammed the bedroom door and lay face down on the bed as you sobbed angrily. You just couldn’t believe this was real. All of your hard work was down the drain. You would have to start all over again.
“Y/N.” you hear him say.
You ignore him as you cried harder. You wondered if he hated you. That’s how you felt. You just simply couldn’t understand why he would do such a thing. You felt a warm hand on your back.
You rise up and reach for your jacket. He grabs your arm but you shove his rock hard chest. It made you mad that he didn’t budge.
“Y/N.” he says again in an eerily calm voice.
“Fuck off! Get off of me!” you say and try to yank your arm out of his grasp but he has a nice grip.
“That woman….I don’t want you to make artwork for her.” he says.
“I’m never listening to anything else you have to say!”
“Just listen…I..” he says and sighs.
“Why….Would you do this to me? Why?” you demand and he detects the deep hurt in your voice.
“Y/N, she’s my-“ he started but his head goes down.
“What? Don’t tell me you fucked her!” you say as it was a clear age difference, yes she was beautiful but you weren’t turning down work just because of his past escapades.
“No. God, no.” he says and his calm tone makes you even more upset.
“I’m leaving. I’m spending the night at Bella’s.” you say, you didn’t want to look at him or be in his presence.
“She’s…My..Mother.” he says with such sadness.
“What? What? What did you just say?” you ask in stupor. He lets your arm go.
“Wait. What?” you ask again but this time you hold onto his arm. It took you a minute to process such heavy information.
“I’m sorry, it was very shitty of me to destroy it, it just made me so mad. I snapped. I'll make it up to you and I will give you the money. I promise. But…This morning, you showed me the picture. It all came back. Everything just came back. I didn’t know if she was dead or maybe she just stayed in Tacoma but…” he says and doesn’t say anything else.
“Did…Your dad know where she was all of this time?” you ask carefully as you then mold your hand in his. The topic felt like needles to even touch on.
“All he did was throw it in my face, that I was the reason she left…How she didn’t even want to take me with her…Then….You show me…A picture of her…She’s fine and healthy…I see her with some other man…Hugging and smiling with…Another kid. What did that kid do, that I didn’t do? What did that kid do, to make her stick around for them?”
You look down. It’s just a painting. You’ll just remake it. He never talked about this before. This was more important. You take his hand in yours.
“I wish…You would’ve told me about this….Im sorry I yelled at you and said those mean things…I didn’t know you were this much in pain, Paul. I’m really sorry.” you say feeling mad at yourself for letting your anger get the best of you in such moment.
“Why are you saying sorry? I should be saying sorry…I’m sorry that you are tied to me, tied to my baggage, and everything. I should’ve just left you alone. You should’ve just walked away when I started talking to you. You should’ve rejected the imprint. You’re better than this. You’re better than me. I know your life isn’t perfect, but you turned it into a passion. I’m just stuck here, on this rez, with both parents who don’t even want me. You should’ve ignored me on those times when I told you to come home. I didn’t understand but, now I do. You don’t deserve to be stuck here, especially not with me. Everybody was right. Cullen was even right. I can’t take care of you. You’re stuck here.”
“You’re talking crazy. I’m better than no one. That's all that you have been doing, you've been taking really good care of me. You’re the best thing to have ever happened to me. I thought I was dreaming when you started talking to me, are you kidding? How could I walk away from this? From you? I get to wake up next to you everyday and just enjoy just being around you. I feel very lucky, to have you as my imprint. You’re my soulmate and I would never trade it for the world. I’m never leaving your side. You never left mine.” you say and hug him tight with your eyes closed.
"She's very proud of the family she has now. She never took a family portrait with me and my dad, let alone request a painting of one." he says.
“She didn’t request it. Her husband…I guess….Did.” you say. The man in the picture looked to be very successful. His family didn’t have a need or want for anything. It was straight out of a catalog. You now understood the sense of familiarity, you thought he looked like a carbon copy of his father, but his features were strong of his mother’s as well.
Paul falls silent. You look up to his face, he’s lost in a daze. You rub his warm back with your hands and start to pull back.
He snaps his gaze down to you, peering down asking quietly, “Where are you going?”
“Nowhere, I just…Do you need to be alone? I know that this is a lot for you.”
“No. I don’t. Can you stay with me? Can you do that?”
“Yes. Of course.” you say and put your head back to his chest as he pulled you in tighter.
The clock strikes at midnight. You were going to wait until the morning, but you just simply couldn’t wait.
Rising up from the cuddle session in bed, you rise and walk to your jacket. Unzipping it, his wrapped gift is in your hands and you thrust it towards him.
“Happy birthday.” you say brightly.
“What is this?” he asks as he looked down at the small present.
“Open it. It’s the thing I’ve been hiding from you.” you say with a hint of excitement. You sit next to him and rub his shoulder and he hands it back to you. You look at him with a slight frown.
“We talked about this. I didn’t want you to get me anything.”
“I made it. Just for you.” you say and he gives it a thought after looking at you.
He halfheartedly tears it open, “You got me a sketchbook?”
“No.” you say with a grin.
Flipping through the first page, that’s when you saw emotion come from him. You watch his ignited eyes take in a colorful portrait of him.
“Did you fill this whole book up?” he asks with glee as he eagerly flips to the next page.
“Of course I did.” you say.
Flipping deeper, he sits back on the pillows with a mischievous smile.
“You pulled a me?” he asks and turns the book around to show the first ever erotic sketch that you’ve ever made.
“I guess..So.” you say shyly. He chuckles richly as he takes his time to flip through the pages.
“There isn’t a use of being shy now. Now, I know you really feel.” he says as his look out of the corner of his eye was heated.
A nervous chuckle comes out of your mouth.
“There’s something else.” you say when he’s done looking through it. He sets it on his side of the nightstand.
“Give it to me in the morning.” he says.
“Are you sure?” you ask carefully as you take your eyes back to your desk.
“Yes.” he says and you go to give home a look and your eyes widened as his hands shove his shorts down.
The action just made you giggle lightly and he smirks.
“So, you want your real present?” you tease as two fingers walk on his thigh. Letting his lip go from his teeth, he says, “Right.”
You plant a kiss on his lips and he keeps a hand on the back of your head to keep your lips to his. His groan was very seductive, shooting right to your core. You stroke him slowly with a gentle twist of your wrist.
The kiss got heated, mostly due to him taking control. He pulls back with a low moan. His open mouth kiss transfers to your neck. You jerk slightly from pleasure as he nipped at it.
It was slow and sensual at first, you tasted him, in a way thanking him for the times he made you feel good with his tongue. You felt it was his turn.
It didn’t last too long before you’re on your back clutching onto his head with shaky legs. He held you to him with your back against his warm chest as his steady thrusts made you whine out. Your stomach is then pressed to the mattress as he grunts out words of affection in your ear with such heated thrusts. His hands bawled up the sheets on either side of you as you hung on tight to his arms.
He worked up an appetite for the both of you. After eating, you both went back to work of making each other feel good.
“Spray it with water.” you say as you lie in bed as he looks at the handmade birthday card. Crafted flowers with a sun and grass that was colored and decorated.
“How?” he asks with a quizzical look.
You rise up and you were prepared that he would ask such question.
He sprays and watched in amazement how the paper flowers shriveled up to show what was behind it. Printed pictures of you and him were now staring back at him. Happy memories flooded in his brain as he knew what happened behind each picture.
“How did you make this?” he says laughing.
“The power of love, baby.” you say and put your hands behind your head to show off cockiness.
He kept staring at it with a grin on his face.
“Do..you like it?” you ask quietly.
“Yeah….I love it. I love you.” he finally says.
“I love you more.” you say. He sets it on top of the book that you gave him on the nightstand and hovered your body once more.
Due to Emily’s persistence, he allowed her to bake him a cake the next day. The pack came over and sung him an off key version of happy birthday as your arms rested around him as you stood behind him while he sat staring at his candle lit cake.
He didn’t bother to make a wish.
You checked your phone after you were done with your slice, Larry wanted to know if you made a decision yet.
Sitting down next to Paul, you place a hand on his thigh. He knew something was wrong.
He got it out of you at home. You paced back and forth as you wring your fingers in nervousness.
“This is all I’ve wanted..I’m not trying to leave you here while I leave the country.” you say as you rub your temples. He grabs you as your breaths become quick.
“Go independent.” he boldly speaks out.
Your eyebrows furrow. You shake your head.
“No! I can’t. Larry has the connections. He got me some type of momentum.”
“Quit talking like that. You built your own momentum. Think about how you got his attention in the first place.” he says.
It was Edward who broke the ice in the first place. You were too nervous to even go up to speak to him.
“Y/N.” he says and you look at him.
“You’re talented. It’s up to you to believe it.” he says. You sigh deeply.
“You give me more credit than it’s due.” you say.
“You work so hard, more opportunities will come. He’s your godfather. You shouldn’t be afraid.”
“I know but, that’s what will make it more disappointing for him. He always put me first. Even before his own girlfriend.” you say.
“You’ll be okay. Trust me.” he reassured.
“Thank you so much. Our anniversary is coming up and I’m trying to surprise her.” The man from the reference photo says. The wedding band was sitting right on his ring finger. He held the large wooden painting as his eyes lit up with happiness.
His smile was bright and big and you can tell he loved his family very much.
“Wonderful. It was a pleasure. I hope to see more of you soon.” Larry says. They shake hands. You were quiet.
“There has to be a way to thank you, I mean…This is really superb. A price tag can’t even…Look, I can treat you both to dinner.”
“That’s okay.” you say.
“Me and Y/N will be there. It’s the least we can do.” Larry says as he over talks you.
“Alright.” he says with a smile and gives Larry his last handshake. The door closes and you shake your head at Larry.
“I can’t believe you.”
“I can’t believe you.” Larry says back and you roll your eyes.
“Larry, his wife is..Paul’s estranged mother.”
He blinks before having a seat, “Ouch.” he comments.
“Yeah.” you say and look down.
“See if he’ll take my place.” he suggested.
Your eyes widen at his suggestion.
“There’s no way he will go.” you say with confidence. Larry shrugs.
“Im going.” Paul says as he watched the window in the bedroom. Your jaw drops.
“Are…Wait..You’re serious.” you state.
“Yeah. Let her face the demon that she’s too busy running from.” he says.
“Paul, don’t be petty. Think of how messy things will be.”
“She started it. I’m sure she didn’t tell her man or her precious child about me. Why do I have to give her grace?” he turns from the window and stared at you.
“I don’t know. I think there’s a different way to go about this.” you say quietly.
“If you’re not going to support my decision, stay out of it. I don’t need anybody to tell me how to go about this.” he says and his back is faced towards you. You nudge him and he plainly peered down at you.
“I’m not anybody. Yeah, you let her know what she did and all of that. Then what? You still won’t get your answers. Just talk to her. One on one. She will have no choice but to listen.” you say and place a hand on his shoulder with a rub. He lets out a breath before he calmly speaks.
“I’m doing this my way. Alright? You either support me or you don’t.” he says in finality. There was no changing his mind.
You held his hand and rubbed the back of it with your thumb.
“Wait.” you say as he rushed and wasted no time to move to open the door of the restaurant.
“What?” he asks in confusion.
“I support you, however this situation plays out.” you say. He nods, kisses your cheek sweetly and opens the door.
The clean shaven man hung up his phone as the woman, his wife, rubbed his shoulder.
Standing up, putting his suit jacket back on, “Sorry. The bill’s all on me. You can get whatever you want, the babysitter has to go and I gotta go be with the kids.” he says apologetically and you wave him off as you thank him. He leaned and gave his wife a closed mouth kiss and she followed him rushing out of the door with her eyes.
Her eyes snapped to you and Paul. She lingered her look on Paul. She rises up with a slow smile and meets the both of you.
“What, you’re not going to hug your mother?” The woman asks boldly, however, it was charismatic. She was the star of the room. She extended her arms out. She wasn’t surprised to see him like you thought she would.
You stood next to Paul as you held his hand tightly. He took in the sight. Being so connected with each other, you felt his different emotions as he was in the presence of the very being that had left him.
You look at him with encouragement. He unwillingly lets go of your hand and slowly extends his arms out at a certain length. She steps in, hugging him tight while patting and rubbing his back.
Nelly was her name.
She was more beautiful in person. This was a woman who’s definitely seen and done a lot. Something deep inside of you just knew that her life stories carried a lot of weight. With the way she carried herself, Paul definitely got his confidence from her. She wore a slight grin as she took in the grown version of her son as she sat across from him.
“You definitely didn’t get your looks from your dad, I know that much.” she jokes with a laugh, even meeting your eyesight and you display a small but nervous grin. Paul’s face stayed stoic as he continued to soak in the physical sight of his maternal parent.
“Is she pregnant?” she asks him boldly with a slight jerk of her head, gesturing towards you.
Paul groaned at her, “What? No. Why would you even ask that?”
“I heard you moved her in with you and everything.” she says, “Terrance did tell me you met someone. Didn’t know she was an artist.” She continues as she looked at you. Though she seemed a bit impressed, it pained to look at her. She pretended like everything was fine. She was smug.
“So, you spoke to him.” he observes, his glare at her made you want to tell him to ease up, but you understood. He probably waited for this moment for his entire life.
“I talk to him all of the time.” she says casually with a slight shrug and took a sip of her alcoholic beverage. Paul was gobsmacked, his jaw dropped some as he couldn’t believe her admittance. His fist bawled up tight next to him. You watched carefully as he huffed softly and you knew he was trying to control himself.
“And you never thought to talk to me? Are you serious? You never thought to come to see me?” the tone was deeply disappointed. Hopeless.
“So I can make things harder? Years already went by and your dad was already having problems with you. Why did you tell him you didn’t want to see me?” she defended.
“I never said shit like that.” he deadpanned. He sat back as if his heart was torn out of his chest.
She rolls her eyes with a soft suck of her teeth, not believing him. You were confused by her expression. You stayed quiet as this was not your mother.
“I did the best I could. I can’t raise a man.” she defended.
“Doesn’t seem like it. You did nothing for me. Ever!” he sneered.
She narrowed her eyes and leaned her folded elbows on the table, “Please,” she dismissed with a hand, “How do you think you got your little house? What, you think the broke ass council just magically got that money out of their ass to help you? Your dad kicked you out, calling me and cussing on the phone. What I do? I stepped in.”
“If I would’ve known, I would’ve declined.. I don’t need you or your fucking husband’s money.” he says with a slight tremble. Discreetly, you place a support hand on his knee.
“But see, you don’t know anything. Before you start pointing fingers at someone, ask questions. You’re acting so ungrateful. What happened to ‘thank you mom?’ ” she retorted with hardness.
“Ungrateful… Okay. Let me ask you this, does your lovely child know what of an abandonment mother you are? Are you going to let him experience wondering when his mother was going to come back to get him?”
“Oh, Paul that’s your blood sibling whether you like it or not. You’re sitting here talking about them like they’re just a random kid. That’s my kid that I popped out, just like you’re my kid. At the time when I had you, I wasn’t ready for kids! Me and your dad were fine with how we were but he pushed to have kids that I wasn’t ready for because his lonely ass mother wanted grandkids before she shriveled up. Plus, I seen a different side of your fucking father and I divorced him the first chance I got.” she rambled on. She ended the sentence with a hand gesture.
“But, you didn’t take me with you. Lame ass excuses.” he grits.
“Hey! Watch your fucking mouth. You could’ve stayed with me or family but, your father left Tacoma. Blame him.” she says roared out not with a point of her finger. She didn’t care about the eyes of the other tables and she dared anyone to say anything to her.
“Because you left!”
“Me and your dad had problems. I was young and didn’t understand a thing about parenthood. They don’t give us instruction manuals and shit about raising kids. I knew I wasn’t ready and I just wanted to be child free. My plans were to come back and get you once I got stable but, you know, life…Happened.”
Paul gets up as he heard enough, grabbing your hand and rising you up swiftly to your feet. “Let’s go.” he says to you.
“There you go, you’re acting just like him.” she says sadly after a scoff as she shakes her head. “Hey.” she calls to you. You slowly look at her.
“I hope you learned something.” she says.
You’re then tugged away before you could even digest her words.
“This was a mistake. I never want to see her ever again.” he says as he gripped the steering wheel. He was trembled so bad with anger that it scared you.
“Just let me drive.” you say carefully.
“What, why?” he asks.
“Paul, you’re like about to phase…” you say and the car jerks to a stop, your body leaned forward with the seatbelt holding your body.
He flings the car open and stomps around the car as you get out.
“Where are you going?” you ask in confusion.
“I’ll just meet you at home.” he says with a wave of his hand and you saw a flash of silver before he fully surrounded himself in the woodsy trees on the side of the road.
You sigh. You slowly got in the car, driving back to the home you both had shared.
You sat on the couch, your leg started to bounce a bit as you got anxious by the fact that the sky was getting darker and darker. Pretty soon, the entire living room area was dark.
“He didn’t come home?” Jacob asks as you sat in his garage. Bella wasn’t out of school yet.
It’s been two days since that day.
“No.” you say as you look down.
“I can go look for him if you want.” he offers. You shake your head.
“No, it’s okay Jake. He’ll come home. Man, it’s just…Messed up how..” you say and you shake your head with a sigh as you felt at a loss.
“Come on, let’s go for a walk.” he suggests. You both walk as you both talk. It felt better than being stagnant.
“I don’t want to say too much of his business, but I think she feels like her decision was right.”
“Trust me. She feels bad.” he says.
“How would you know?” you ask as he wasn’t there.
“She made the effort to still help him out, even if it was not the right way to go about it. She just isn’t ready to take full on accountability.”
“She wants his forgiveness. It was evident in her demeanor.” you say.
“Well, she has a lot, and I mean a lot of work to do.” he says.
“You only wanted to walk to my house because you’re hungry.” you say as you rolled your eyes.
“And what’s wrong with that?” he asks with a grin. The laughter you both brought out stopped abruptly.
Your heart froze. You and Jacob freeze as a figure is standing at the front door of you and Paul’s home.
The woman turns around with a small smile, “Oh, we got company.”
You and Jacob share a look.
“Where’s Paul?” she asks.
“He’s…” you say and Jacob steps in, “He’s out handling business. Who are you?”
“His mother.” she says as she looks at him up and down.
Jacob lets out a small breath.
“So um….What are you doing in…La Push?” you ask in a small voice.
“I don’t like how he just left out like that. Before he did, I was going to give him the opportunity to be able to meet his sibling. Cause you know, I’ll be a bad mom for that if I don’t.” she shakes her head and lets out a breath.
“So, we are gonna stand outside all day or what?” she then asks with hand movements. You panicked just thinking about Paul coming home to the person he didn’t want to see, in his home.
“Uh…I think you should…”
“I should what?” she demands.
“Give him some time to process everything. He hasn’t seen you since he was eight.” you say.
“Has he talked about me?” she asks as she lights a cigarette across from you. She was subtly eager to know any type of information.
“Not much. Just..Bits and pieces but it was really hard for him to find out about your new family when he found out I had to do the portrait. That’s the only way he even found you.”
“If I had brought Paul with me while I was bouncing from house to house, he would have a sob story about that.”
“You’re being insensitive about this.”
“You know nothing!” she snaps.
Jacob steps in calmly, “Let’s calm down..Shall we?”
“No, there isn’t no ‘let’s calm down’. What even is this? You think you know my son better than me? You don’t know half of the shit I’ve been through.”
“I’m not saying that at all. You’re brushing everything off like it’s nothing. It’s okay to tell…Us your truth…Why you really left. He missed his mom.” you reassure. The last thing you wanted was friction. Especially with someone else’s mother.
She then folds her arms.
“How’d you meet him?” she asks with a jerk of her head.
“You met his father?”
“Yes….He was..Hard on him. I witnessed it. That’s why he left home.”
“He’s spoiled.” she comments.
You shake your head in disbelief, “What?”
“Terrence told me about all of the days he had missed. He didn’t even fucking graduate! Now, he’s just another statistic.” she says with great disappointment.
You and Jacob share a look. His mother definitely didn’t know the real reason.
“It’s about what I could’ve did or what I should’ve done. What about bringing home a piece of paper to prove his education? How about that?”
“He didn’t even know what happened to you. He thought that you didn’t love him anymore. His dad said horrible things to him that made him feel like it was his fault that you left him behind. I get that you weren’t ready for kids, but showing Paul that you still love him, without money being involved, would’ve meant a lot.” you reply to her.
She steps on a cigarette with the twist of her foot with a frustrated look, “Of course I love him. I did what I could, especially to survive. Bringing him on my rollercoaster wouldn’t have shown him that I love him. I finally got some stability, he was already older. And I like how you think you know everything Miss Picasso.”
She goes to storm to her car. Sam comes with a calmed down version of Paul.
Paul’s mood immediately changes.
“The hell are you doing here? I told you I never want to see you again.”
“Fine! You’ll never see me again!” she says and shoved past him. He glared as she slammed her car door shut. He slammed the front door with a rattle as Sam and Jacob started walking back.
“I’ll see you later, Y/N.” Jacob says with an apologetic look as he passed you with a touch of your shoulder.
You tap the window and she angrily looked at you as she rolled the window down, “What? What do you want?”
“You don’t mean that. I can calm him down so you both can talk.” you say.
“I don’t want to talk! He wins. I’m getting the hell up out of here. It was a mistake coming here.”
You shake your head, “He loses, again. It felt good to see him again, wasn’t it?”
She doesn’t say anything as she stared ahead. Unshed tears were threatening to fall but she fought very hard to keep them from spilling.
“Look, I’m not trying to tell you what to do. I’m not trying to tell Paul what to do. It’s going to hit you, when you’re at home, that you had the chance to mend things with him and your pride got in the way of just that.” you say carefully.
“What makes you think I’m going to listen to you. You know nothing about a struggle. You can’t relate at all, your parents put you in fancy art school.”
“They didn’t. I’m proof of self made. I graduated school but I didn’t go to college. I haven’t spoken to my parents in months honestly.” you say.
“You kids.” she scoffs softly and shakes her head. But, your words resonated with her as she undid her seatbelt.
She stood by the door, arms crossed. She kept her chin up. Paul pretended as though she wasn’t there.
Paul ate at the table.
“You decorated it real nice.” she compliments as you motion her to sit down.
“Thanks. Paul helped me.” you say and he chewed quietly as he stared blankly ahead.
“You made that picture?” she points as she has a seat. You nod.
She then looks at her son. He doesn’t look in her direction at all.
“So, how you been?” she asks him.
Paul sighs with boredom, still not bothering to look at her, “Why are you really here?”
She was going to retort with a response but she swallowed it after glancing at you and starting over.
“I didn’t like how we left things off the other day.” she says.
“Hm.” he says and you grab his empty plate.
“I tell them all about you, you know. How smart you are. Why didn’t you graduate?”
“You seriously came here to grill me?” he says as he leans back in his chair with his arms crossed.
“Why are you acting like that? You could’ve gave your father a diploma.”
“I could’ve done a lot of shit, huh?”
“What about you, huh? Why didn’t you do it for yourself? Hell, you’re lucky she has some type of faith in you.” she says as she points to you.
“You know nothing about what we got going on.” he says as he motions his finger at you and him, “I get it, you didn’t want kids but it took you eight years to figure it out. Wish you would’ve figured it out sooner so that I didn’t have to replay the little bit of memories I did have of you in my head.”
You finally saw her crack open with a feeling of shame as she looked at him closely, “I know I fucked up. I want to make things right. Better now than never right?”
Paul doesn’t say anything, he lets his eyes fall in front of him.
“I’m gonna make it up to you. I don’t care you if you push me away, I will still make it an effort to be there. I want you to meet your little sibling. They look at your picture and always ask me when they can meet you. I missed too many milestones and I would like to be there for your future ones. I want to be in your life again, Paul. I know you don’t believe me, but I do love you.”
She said it with such vehemence.
He still doesn’t say anything. He instead looks at her for moment, studying her. He then rises up and leaves the room.
You watch as her eyes fail in defeat. Unshed tears fill her eyes. She watched the table as her bottom lip wobbled just slightly. She seemed frustrated. Her face alone showed that there was so much she wanted to say but she just didn’t know how to say it.
“I appreciate you…Making sure that he’s good.” she says to you as you walked her to her car.
You nod, “Of course. I love him.”
“I can tell. These bitches wouldn’t take care of him like you would.” she says with a slight grin. You only blink at her statement.
Even thought the circumstances were horrible, you still kind of hoped to see her again. Something told you that she was capable of having a warm presence. You liked how she said what was on her mind. You didn’t have to guess.
“I hope things..Do work out between you two.”
“What’s going on with your parents? Why don’t you talk to them?” she asks.
You furrow your eyebrows a bit, “They’re always busy. I try my best to stay out of their way. They support me from a distance and…I’m okay with that. I have Paul.”
Anytime you brought up a pinch of what happened, you found out that Paul had a great talent of changing the subject.
He was off from patrol. You both sat on the rocks on the beach. Like old times. You sling your arm around his shoulders as you lay your head on him. His arm was wrapped behind you on your waist.
“Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he asks lightly.
“I’m just checking.” you say. He hums a response.
“I’ve been thinking…” he starts and you take a glance at him.
“I’m okay with us being on separate paths.” he says. He heard your heart quicken and you blink at him.
“Y/N, calm down I’m not talking about us.” he says with a relaxed smile.
“Are you talking about your mom?” you asked quietly.
You sigh softly as you have slight worry on your face, “Just give it some time. Let her make it up to you.” you insist.
“Y/N, you told me you were going to support me. Right?” he asks and he made sure to lock his eyes with you. You nod.
“But, Paul-“
“There isn’t a but. I don’t pressure you about your family. I would appreciate it if you don’t do that to me.”
“I’m not trying to pressure you. I’m not trying to do that at all. She seems sincere. She wants to be there.”
“Her husband is loaded. It took you doodling up a picture just for her to remember she has a son. I’m not buying it. If that was my kid out there, I would make sure that he knew he had a parent that still cared about them. I would make sure I would be there. Her excuses were lame and I saw through the bullshit.”
“But, we don’t know what happened. We just know that she left because of your dad.”
He shrugs your arm off of his shoulder and leans his arms on his knees. It felt like your heart was punched in as he gone cold.
“Go ahead and take her side.” he says as he shakes his head.
“I’m not! I swear I’m not.”
“You’re giving her the benefit of doubt like I haven’t done that already! I’m grown. If I don’t want to deal with her then I don’t have to.” he says and his fierce face burns in yours.
“I just know how all of this affects you. It just worries me that’s all.”
“Well here I am telling you, you don’t have to be worried. I’m good.”
You don’t say anything after that. From that day forward, you promised yourself to not bring it up again. You stared ahead as the ocean glistened from the sun. You couldn’t wait until summer rolled around. You instead put your mind to making plans.
“I’m heading home. You coming?” he asks. You shake your head.
You lay back on Bella’s bed.
“Graduation is starting soon, I so can’t wait. I get to finally see my mom.” she says as she glued pictures of her and Jacob in her scrapbook.
“So where is she this time?” you tease as she bounced from location to location.
“Jacksonville, Florida.” she says and then gasps, “You can come with me.”
“No.” you say as you sit up and she nods while saying, “Yes.”
“Why me?”
“Jacob can’t go. I don’t want to go alone. Plus, I need someone there when she freaks about me staying in Forks.”
“Wait, so….You’re not going away for college?” you ask.
“No. I want to stay with Jake. Plus, I already made plans to do online school.”
You nod.
“So, you can start packing summer clothes. It’s hot there.” she says as she smooths out a picture of her playfully digging her finger in Jacob’s cheek as he smiled.
“I don’t know. Trust me, I would love to go, but a lot is going on right now.” you say sadly.
“We haven’t hung out in a while. I meant to ask you what’s going on?”
“Family stuff with Paul. I’ve just been trying to be his support. It’s a bit hard. I’ve never been in a situation like this and I don’t want to do the wrong thing.” you explain.
“Oh…Yeah, sorry he has to go through that.” she says and the same look is displayed on her face when she would talk about her own struggles growing up.
After you helped her in the kitchen of making Charlie dinner, you went on your way.
Everything ticked him off. It made you stop and look at him multiple times as he took his anger out on you.
“Calm down, would you? It was just one turn.” you say calmly as you did a U-turn.
“Just pay attention.” he says nastily as he shakes his head.
You tried your best to ignore it, but it was getting harder and harder everyday.
As you were scribbling in your sketchbook, he tried to give you a kiss, but it was aggressive, you lean away. He huffed out an irritated sigh, “What?”
You ignore him.
“Why are you ignoring me?” he pressed.
“I’m not.” you say softly as you don’t meet his gaze but you paused your doodling.
You met Quil Ateara.
He shook your hand and gave you a flirty smile. You roll your eyes a bit.
“You’re little brother to me.” you say to him as you help Emily make lunch. You swatted his hand away as he tried to sneak some food.
“Big, little brother. You’re tiny compared to me.”
“I’m older.” you simply say back.
“Doesn’t matter. I’m fast and stronger than you’ll ever be. See this?” he asks you and flexed his bicep, “Yeah.” he says with a nod.
“Whatever.” you mutter as Emily was tickled with laughter.
The rest of the boys came in, telling the entire world how hungry they were.
Jacob swallowed his food and told you to hurry up so you could come with him to pick Bella up.
You get up to leave, Paul is there as you put on your jacket. He was antsy.
“When are you coming back?”
“I don’t know, I’m not sure.” you answer honestly.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” he asks impatiently.
“Paul, I’m not doing this today.” you say as you shake your head.
“Well I am!” he says as he raised his voice. You raise your eyebrows at him as you both stared each other down.
Jacob comes, “Y/N, are you ready?”
“Don’t you fucking see me talking to her?” Paul say and you press a firm hand on his chest to prevent him from moving towards Jacob.
“Chill out.” you tell him in disbelief.
“You can’t even answer a simple question.” he snapped at you.
“Okay, I will be back. I’ll leave you to calm down.”
“I am calm! You telling me to calm down is pissing me off.”
“Paul. Cut it out.” Sam says.
Jacob gently guides you away but, Paul pulled your arm back with force, “Let me finish talking to her.”
“Paul. Go run and cool off. Your attitude is seriously getting out of hand.” Sam says with force.
Paul didn’t want to, he showed resistance. Jacob then tries to guide you away, but you don’t budge. It’s you that stiffens at him trying to guide you out.
“Let’s go Paul.” you say. You walk out the door and he follows right behind you.
“Well, it was nice looking at you.” Jacob says disappointed that you changed your plans, not at all hiding his feelings. You just bid a farewell to him.
“What do you seriously want?” you ask as a handful of his hair was in your hand.
“I want things to be how they used to be. Things seemed easier back then.” he whispers. He was completely vulnerable. You both were pressed closed, holding each other skin to skin and taking in each other’s body temperatures.
“What’s so good about back then?” you ask him with open curiosity,
A slight smile forms his face, “I didn’t know what I know now.”
You swallowed hard but your hand doesn’t stop caressing his face.
He opens his eyes and he’s staring dead at you, “I never want to see her again.”
“Ever?” you ask in meekly.
“Again.” he confirms.
“Okay.” you just simply say.
“I seen my dad.”
You blink in surprise.
“You did…?”
“Yeah.” he whispered casually. You waited for a stronger reaction, but you didn’t get one. He just blinked as he searched your face. You hold him a bit tighter before you ask, “So…How was it?”
“It went really good. He reached out to talk. He apologized. He told me the truth.”
“I’ve grew up under him so I know when he’s bullshitting. My mom…forced him to come with her to a different part of Washington, she was pregnant with me. Things were okay at first, that’s why I remember some of the good times…..What went wrong was, she fell in love with a coworker. You know that goes. Ran off with him but he didn’t want children..Dad divorced her and took me back home with him. He was messed up about it, not really over it, his drinking got out of control. My dad told me that after I moved out, he worked on his sobriety.” he says.
“Wow…..I can’t believe you’re a big brother though.” you just say in thought. He continues.
“Don’t be naive, Y/N. It’s clear as day she had that kid because of how much money the man she’s with now has. I just wish I would’ve known about the house situation, I would’ve just stayed at Sam and Emily’s longer.”
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out as planned. It would’ve been nice for you to finally build some type of relationship with her.”
You felt him shrug but he doesn’t say anything. Your mind drift off, it must’ve been on your face.
“What are you thinking?”
“We can move. Only if you want to.” you say.
He drifted off into thought as well.
The home looked different. The walls were more friendly and his father’s face wasn’t as wrinkled with so much stress.
The tension wasn’t thick like it used to be whenever you would come over in the past. It looked pleasant in the daylight. Paul held your hand tight in his lap while you both sat close on the sofa as his father sat in his favorite chair.
“I didn’t know what was going on but, that’s my fault for not even taking the time out to figure it out. I really am sorry, son. I said and did a lot of hurtful things that as a father I shouldn’t have said and done. I took all of my hurt and pain out on you while drowning it with a can or a glass of something. It was wrong. I was wrong.” he says as he folds his thin glasses.
“So, how did you find out?” you ask.
“When I told him about..Everything. I was scared shitless that my son morphed into a…Wolf. I can’t believe he’s one of the protectors I grew up hearing about. It’s surreal. I looked up to them.” he says with light chuckle.
“Whose bloodline?” you ask.
“We’re distant relatives of the Uley bloodline from my grandmother’s side of the family.” he answers as he looked at his son.
“Interesting..” you say.
“I have a clearer head so I want to ask you, did she know? I only remember a bit of her telling the bedtime tales of the protectors when I was young.” Paul asks contently.
“She thought they were just tales like me. She would come here with me whenever I would visit your grandmother and would hear the stories.” he answered. He then glanced down at you and Paul’s joined hands.
“It’s nice that…You both are still together. I thought it was just teenage romance at first but…It’s nice to know that he did have someone to be at his side through something so…Heavy...” he continues, “I wish there was a way to repay you.”
You grin at Paul’s relaxed demeanor, he wasn’t on edge, “Are we going to see a lot of you?”
“I would prefer it if you both start to get sick of me.” he his father replied.
At the bonfire for Quil’s transformation, you heard the stories already but it seemed as though the elders had a gift for keeping such repeated tales interesting. It felt like the first time. This time, both Paul’s father and Bella were in attendance.
“Are you going to finish that?” Paul asks.
“Just take it.” you say and you found that he already had the half eaten burger that was in your hand, already in his mouth.
You rise up and you mingle with Jacob and Embry.
“I wanna go.” you say with a smile. Embry and Jacob had just hyped up an idea of going cliff diving. They both looked at you, looked at each other and laughed.
“No way. It’s too cold.” Embry says.
“Right. You can’t withstand it like us.” Jacob says.
You slump your shoulders as they were right.
“What are you all talking about?” Quil butts in with his mouth full. You make a face at him but he does nothing but rests his arm on your shoulder.
“Cliff diving, something Y/N can’t do.” Embry tells him.
“What a way to rub it in my face.” you say as you roll your eyes.
“Why can’t she? Ohhh, yeah. We do run hotter than you little one.” Quil says.
“Yeah, look at her legs, she’s already shaking from the wind.” Jacob points out with a laugh. Embry joins in with his own point. You wipe your eyebrows with each middle finger.
“I can keep her warm. She would just have to hold on tight and never let go.” Quil says and throws you a smirk.
You push him away with a grimace, “Ugh. As if.”
Bored of the conversation shifting to something else, you let the trio catch up. You couldn’t help but feel some type of happiness for them as they all thought that each other ditched each other for good. For a gang. It was the total opposite.
“Did you both plan this?” Paul simply asks.
You and Bella both shook your heads no. Bella and yourself sat opposite of Paul.
“I said no at first but, I’m starting to change my mind. What do you think?” you ask.
“It’s up to you. It’s sunny in Florida, there’s no vampires there.” he says.
Both you and Bella share a laugh.
“You do deserve a vacation. You’ve been so busy lately too, even with everything going on.” he points out.
Larry sat across from you as he sat stoic. You decided to let him know your decision before the contract fully came to an end, even stopping to see him a few months before it was up.
“Are you sure, Y/N?” he asks you.
You nod, trying not to feel sad.
“We don’t have to draw up another contract if that’s what you want, just let me help you. Look, I’ll just take 30% instead of 50.” he offers.
“It's not about that. I want to see what else I could achieve, you know?” you say with soft smile.
“You’re going to achieve so much. What about our plans to go international? You barely stepped your toes in this water, there’s so much that we could do.” he insisted.
You sigh deeply as you thought it over.
“Honestly Larry, I’m stressed out. When it’s starting to feel like a job, I think that’s when something has to be done. I make art to relax me. Now, it feels like I’m being spread out too thin and it’s not in my control.” you admit. The amount of commissions that you made, made you feel like you couldn’t think of original ideas anymore. The demands were great and people just keep wanting more. Burnout was rearing it’s ugly head and you didn’t want it to fully take over.
Larry nods in sadness, but in understanding.
“You’re going to get mad at me but I don’t care. If people want to see you, I’m going to show them. Business or not. You’ll never be out of work, all you have to do is make one phone call.”
You look down with a soft laugh.
“Oh. I have something for you.”
“For me?” you ask.
He nods.
He sets a white envelope with a fresh pink rose taped on it. It was only addressed to you.
You roll your eyes, “This better not be anything you bought me Larry.” you say.
“It’s not from me, don’t worry.” he says and his assistant knocks on the door and peaks in.
“Phone call on line three.” they whisper and leave back out. Larry picks up and speaks conversation.
As he does, your fingers slowly open it. It was a letter.
“I know that I’m the last person that you would want to hear from, but it’s my duty to acknowledge my wrong doings. I’m not asking for forgiveness, I definitely don’t deserve it. I’m sorry, Y/N. What I’ve done was immature and childish. You are already happy. I didn’t see it because of my selfish nature. Paul makes you very happy and that’s all that matters. He does truly love you and you already know that. I shouldn’t have overstepped my boundaries and I’m once again deeply sorry. If you wish to have your piece back, I can give it back to Larry. I apologize for buying it directly from him in the first place, however I truly meant it when I said it was simply exceptional. You already know how talented you are and you, Y/N, are the definition of one of a kind. I went completely overboard so there’s no excuse for my actions. I will forever miss the spark that you’ve brought into my life, showing me that there’s a different side to life. A better side. Me and my family will miss you deeply. Enjoy your fruitfulness.
- ”
It was unsigned but you knew who it was from, just from the handwriting alone. You fold it closed just as Larry was finished with his phone call.
“Alright. Talk to you soon. Bye.” he says and turns to you.
“What was that all about?” he asks curiously at the folded piece of white thick paper.
“Um..Just fan mail.” you shrug.
Charlie wiped his eyes as he held his camera. Billy just sat in his wheelchair as he chuckled at his friend’s emotional state.
You and Jacob clapped and whooped together as Bella walked across the stage. You were sure it was the loudest cheer there.
Charlie clicked a million pictures as you and Jacob hugged Bella right and congratulated her.
Jacob ate a lot of cake at her graduation party. Bella’s friends told her how much they would miss her, however, Mike’s look of longing for her didn’t go unnoticed by you.
You and Jacob made a game out of it. Each look, signaled second hand embarrassment of the his subtly flirty attempts being ignored.
Jacob pulls out the gift that he got her, only you and him knew about it. He handmade it, a necklace with a russet wolf. He dangled it as Bella gasped and held a hand to her heart, absolutely lost for words.
"Do you like it?" he asked after she demanded he put it on her. She nods before saying, "It's really pretty. Thanks so much, Jake."
They then embrace.
Jacob had the most fun. Bella softly kissed him as they sat together on the sofa when the company’s excitement of her achievement was dying down. You pretended you didn’t see. Mike looked like a puppy that had been kicked. You knew that Jacob would poke fun of it when it’s just the three of you.
Embry stood there as the girl with the thin glasses bit her lip at his gaze. He slowly blinked.
You and Bella talked about it after she talked you into spending the night. You both face each other as you both lie in bed.
"She's not moving away for college or anything?" you ask worryingly.
"No. Angela is doing community college in Port Angeles."
You breathe out a sigh of relief.
Bella brings on a grin as she tucked her hand under her head, "So much for imprinting to be rare."
You breathe out a laugh, "The pack back then was much smaller. The ratio definitely made it seem as though it was rare."
"Makes sense." she says.
She was quiet, but she was nice. You understood why Bella enjoyed her company, she reminded you of Bella in a way, complimenting each other.
"I can't stop thinking about him. I never even felt this way about Ben before." Angela admits over a lunch outing.
"It has been a week since my party. Just call him." Bella suggests.
Angela's eyes go wide at the thought, "No, I can't."
"Why not?" you and Bella both say at the same time.
"Hes like..Beyond out of my league." she says as she looks down.
"Embry is cool. He's down to earth. He talks about you." you say.
"Oh my god, what did he say?" Angela leans in for you to spill.
"He's nervous to make the first move." you say. You hide your smirk after you thought of the time he begged you to promise not to tell anyone. You just couldn't hold it, they both were tiptoeing around each other and it was driving you insane. They both clearly like each other.
Angela blushed deeply and a smile is plastered on her face.
"Okay, I have to call him." she finalizes.
After hugging both Bella and Angela, you made your way back to La Push.
Stopping past at Jacob's, Embry and Quil were in his garage.
"Oh, look who's here. Were were you anyway?" Jacob asks.
"Oh, nothing just out with Bella. And Angela." you say as you shoot Embry a look.
Just her name alone made Embry sit up straighter. Quil sniggered at this.
"A-Angela?" Embry asks. You nod and start to mindlessly toy around with a wrench with your fingers.
"Embry, just call her. You got the girl second guessing herself." you say.
"Did she says that? Did she say that she wanted me to call her?" Embry asks you.
"I don't know...Maybe." you shrug.
He pulls out his phone.
"Y/N, what did you do?! She's calling me."
"Answer. Answer." you say and set the wrench down.
"Okay everybody shut up." he speaks out in panic before a shaky finger answers.
You didn't care that you were acting immature with Jacob and Quil, covering mouths with hands to hold laughter in. It was funny how shy they were of each other.
Paul kept resisting, not letting the blindfold touch his face as you tried to tie it. He didn't like the fact that he couldn't see where you were driving. He snatched it off after some time.
“Hell no.”
“Paul, stop, just please.” you say laughing.
“I have a bad feeling about this.” he says as he then lets you put something over his eyes again. You resume driving.
“You’re being dramatic.” you breathe out with a carefree sigh.
You pull him out of the car as you tug his hand. You carefully help him through the door that you unlocked.
Paul smelled the freshness surround him.
“Okay, take it off.”
He snatched it off. His eyes went from wild to a soft glance. He took it all in.
“W- Whose house is this?” he asks and he then steps forward with a panicked whisper, “You broke into someone’s house?”
You laugh and shake your head, “No. Gosh, no.”
“Y/N, whose is it then?” he asks as he looks around.
“It’s ours.” you repeat.
He stared at you and you made a ta-da motion.
“Um…Surprise?” you say unsure.
“How..?” he asks as he circled around. His grin stretched across his face as it felt more homey. It was more modern but more cozy.
“I told you…I did everything for us.” you say with a satisfied grin.
He was lost for words but that didn’t stop him from bringing you into his arms.
Renee was eccentric. She was fun, so much, that you forgot for a second that she was a mother to your friend. Bella was indeed telling the truth about being the responsible one. The habit didn't go away when she gushed to you and Bella how she signed up for sewing classes.
"What happened to your other hobbies?" Bella asks.
"I just figured this one will stick." she says excitedly.
In Bella's room, she whispered to you, "Jesus, I'm scared to tell her that you do art. Then, she'll want to as well."
You chuckle at this as you sketch the beach outing that you had earlier with her and her mother.
"You'll have to... You know, for the talk." you say with a fake dramatic voice.
"Right, I kind of forgot about that." Bella says as she looks at her ceiling.
At an ice cream parlor that just opened, her mother speaks.
"The colleges are way sunnier here in Florida."
"I know. I'm doing online school though." Bella says.
"You can still get some sun." she insists.
"Plus, I already paid for the fees. I'm pretty much set, mom."
"So...You're staying in Washington?" she asks.
Bella just nods without looking at her in the eye.
"What's his name?" she then asks.
"Mom." Bella says.
"I know it's not for Charlie. You met someone. So, what's his name?" she says with a knowing smile.
"It's Jacob." Bella says.
Renee laughs with a clap.
"I knew it! Well, Charlie always said it would happen but wow."
Bella blushed in a deep shade of red.
"Good thing, I'm sewing now, I can make your wedding dress." she says and you didn't mean to laugh but you did. Bella covered her eyes as Renee tells you, "I'm serious Y/N, those two were like peanut butter and jelly. She used to cry when it was time for her to come back home from Charlie's."
"Aww." you comment.
The impending doom happened. She looked to you with a smile.
"What do you do? Are you in school?" she asks.
It was Bella's turn to cover her mouth as you say, "I'm an artist."
Her face lit up like a child's would.
"Really? Are you able to show me what you make?"
You nod and you watched as she swiped through your photo gallery. She gushed about your talent and spoke out, “I really think I’m gonna to learn how to paint again.”
She then swiped an extra swipe and a picture of you and Paul making a silly face pops up. You reach for your phone, but she leans it towards her as she smiled bigger. It reminded you of how a teenager would be.
"He's cute!"
Bella laughs.
"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend, Y/N? What's his name?" she asked in elation.
"Aww, how did you two meet?"
"School." you answer.
"High school sweethearts!" she says with excitement. You nod with a smile.
You walked with Bella and her mother, looking at the street art. A lot of pictures were taken. Like a lot.
That night, Bella’s stepfather, Phil, worked the grill. He talked about his baseball experience and why he loved it so much. You politely showed him you were paying attention. However, it didn’t stop the glances that you and Bella threw at each other as you didn’t know any of the sport terms that he was saying.
You and Bella spent the last day together to roam around, going to museums, going to bookstores, and went night swimming at the beach.
Some pictures were blurry, but some pictures were still nice. You both didn’t care as they showed how much fun you both had.
You barely wanted to leave. Bella barely wanted to leave. But, you both missed the very people that made you two happy.
“I’m gonna miss you, baby.” Renee says to Bella as she hugged her tight as Renee and Phil sent you both off to the airport.
“I’m going to visit again soon, mom.” Bella reassured.
Renee then turns to hug you tight. She kept an arm around you and brought Bella in with her other arm.
“I want to see you girls soon. You don’t know how much fun I had.” she says to the both of you. You give her a shy smile as you didn’t expect her to be so open to you visiting again.
Bella didn't waste any time to dash to Jacob's home to see him. You told Paul that you were coming back later than planned, only to surprise him when you walked into Emily’s home.
He swooped you off of your feet as he planted millions of kisses on your face. You had to tell him to stop through a giggle to let you breathe.
"You've got a nice tan." Paul says with a smile as you were sun kissed from the scorching Florida sun. You smile back. You didn't unwrap your arms from him as you sat snug in his lap at Emily's.
“Thanks.” you say to him as you place a light kiss on the edge of his mouth.
Jared and Kim walks in, Jared was visibly happy to see you. Kim looked like she was holding back a greeting. She opted for sitting on Jared’s lap.
“Y/N! How was Florida? Was it fun?” he asks you enthusiastically.
“It was so great. I had a lot of fun.” you went into detail about what you and Bella did.
“I missed you. But, damn Jacob got on my last nerves. He kept whining about your bestie not being here.” Paul says as he rolled his eyes a bit.
Kim slid off the couch, visibly bothered as she stormed out of the living room.
Awkward silence was filled the room, it was Jared who put a dead to it.
“So, Paul told me you got a pool. Why the hell didn’t you tell us?” Jared asks.
“Ohh. Look how the tables have turned. When I wanted to go cliff diving, you guys didn’t want to include me.” you say.
“Hush. You’re my cliff diving partner.” Paul says.
“That’s right. Paul will take me. And we will enjoy our pool.” you say as you snuggle deeper into Paul’s arms. He chuckled at Jared’s reaction.
“Man, what? It’s almost summer and you have that big ass pool in your backyard. You can’t keep it all to yourself.” he complains.
“I can and I will.” you say with a fake smile. You soaked in the moment of Jared pleading Paul to get you to change your mind. Paul did nothing but feed into it, enjoying the moment as well.
You studied his sleeping face. You thought about how there was just no way that you could wake up and not see this sight everyday.
“Why are you watching me sleep?” Paul speaks tiredly without opening his eyes. You jerk from shock as you didn’t know that he knew that you were staring at him this entire time.
“You look so innocent…Then I remember.” you say softly and he shifts his body and your eyes close as your claim stood strong. He had insured earlier that the new bed needed to be ‘broken in’. Naked bodies were tangled and his morning wood showed you how excited he was to resume the previous night’s activities.
Before he got too carried away, you push his shoulders as you tell him you have to use the bathroom. The morning chill made you grab your robe.
As you wash your hands, you slowly rise your hand up. You blinked in both confusion and in surprise.
It shined brightly. You angled your hand as it shimmered from the natural sunlight from the bathroom window. It was very beautiful and so dainty. It seemed as though it was made for specifically you in mind.
You enter the room and Paul is in shorts but on the edge of the bed.
You stared at his figure for a moment as you stared at him.
He only then looks up at you. You swallow. You look back down to your hand.
You then feel his warm presence. You blink as he cupped your cheeks and placed a very gentle kiss on your lips. You both rest your foreheads together, soaking in each other as you both don’t say anything for some time. But, you both felt everything all at once.
It was you who broke the silence. But it wasn’t with words. He pulled you in close as you held him tightly back. He deeply rubbed your back as you softly let tears fall.
“Is it that ugly?” he asks.
Your quiet sob turns into a thick chuckle.
“No.” you say and he pulls you back so he could look at your whole face. He smiled softly, “Then, what?”
“You know.” you say knowingly with a smile and his large fingers wipe your eyes and cheeks.
"Did you spend a lot on this?" you ask with a slight frown. It wasn't cheap at all. It even looked expensive to look at.
"You're worried about the wrong thing." he laughs and then speaks sincerely, "I saved up for this moment."
You then look back at him. It almost made you emotional again. You just nod at him. His smile slowly formed bigger. He patiently waited for your answer.
“Yes.” you answer emotionally but quietly with a nod. A wave of strong devotion crossed his features.
“Thank you.” he whispers before covering his mouth with his. In sync, he pulled the robe off of you as you pulled his shorts off of him. That morning, plans of sleeping in went away as the passionate movements kept each other close.
You both knew that you both fit into each other’s puzzle. Happiness was an understatement. You both felt it in each other's souls. You both wished that meeting each other could’ve happened earlier than it had happened. But, in this moment, you both were happy about the opportunity of the stars colliding when they were supposed to.
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eris-norwega · 11 days ago
Alastor SFW Alphabet
Notes: …hey guys. so idk if you noticed but i have kind of an “announcements board” at the top of my masterlist post. this is where you can find updates on when i’m working on requests and shit, so make sure to check it! lately i’ve been kind of in an “alastor funk” and i just needed to do this as a writing exercise to get me back into it. enjoy!
Synopsis: Alastor’s nonsexual actions and quirks in a romantic or queer-platonic relationship. Mostly applies to demon Alastor, but some can be read with human Alastor in mind.
CW: discussions of trichotillomania and anxiety disorders, a dash of murder
Word Count: 2711
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alastor’s not very affectionate, at least not in public. He’s keen on keeping you safe from the public eye; no one can know someone is important to him. Sometimes he can’t help himself, and when word finally gets out about you two, he’s a bit less concerned with PDA and will maybe hold your hand. In private though? Very sweet. It starts out slow, just small cuddle sessions every now and then, but then he realizes how touch starved he is.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Whether you meet while alive or in Hell is up to you, but to be friends with him, you have to have a certain je nais se quoi. You gotta be a little weird and quite persistent to handle him. He’s very odd and a bit hard to deal with at times. But once you’ve earned his loyalty, he’s great company. Alastor is funny and honest (brutally so). He makes a great conversationalist. You’re always getting into shenanigans together, much to everyone’s displeasure. You’re attached at the hip, causing chaos wherever you go.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Alastor will never admit it, but he does enjoy cuddles from you—he just has to be in the right mood. It took a while to get used to, but he’s so goddamn touch starved, he caved almost immediately. He loves to hold you so much, but he really loves being held too (you will never know this). If you ask him to be the little spoon, he’ll scoff and protest, but he’s so goddamn excited. It makes him feel safe. He loves it when you pet his ears. It just feels nice coming from you. He also really likes holding you to his chest and laying his chin on your head.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Alastor is a gentleman raised mostly by his mother, of course he’s good at domestic chores. Also, have y’all tasted Louisiana food? It’s the best shit you’ll ever have. His mother’s jambalaya? Amazing! His gumbo? Superb! A seafood dish? Fantastic! This man can cook. As for other chores, he’ll absolutely help you. He isn’t one to think a woman’s sole job is to be the lady of the house and do all the chores. He’ll insist on doing chores with you just to spend more time with you. As for settling down, of course he wants to, he’s from the early 1900s. It’ll probably take a long time though—he wants to court you right.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Separate? Ha! As if he would let that happen. If he really had to for some reason, you’ll notice all his walls are back up. You will probably never understand why he did it, even if it’s for your own safety. If he decides he has to break up with you, he just goes for it. No need to prolong the pain. He just rips the bandaid off. He’ll distance himself immediately afterwards. If you have to break up with him, he absolutely won’t take it well. Everything in him screams to force you to stay, but he knows if he truly loves you, he can’t in good conscience do that. Again, all his walls will go back up, not letting you know how deeply you wounded him. He won’t be the same for a while, something just slightly off about him for the next few months.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Like I said earlier, he wants a proper courtship, and that might take a bit. Alastor is not here to rush things. He’ll take however long you need. He absolutely would get married to you, no question, but in the end, it’s all up to you how you want things to go. As long as he’s with you, he’s fine with anything.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Alastor is only gentle with you. He absolutely knows how to be, like when his mother would comfort him. Only you get to be on the reciprocating end of his softness. At least physically. He’s a little more rough around the edges emotionally and doesn’t understand how others are so freely emotional. He can be a bit too blunt sometimes, accidentally hurting your feelings. He knows this to an extent. For example, if you need physical comfort, he will dote on you physically without saying a word, because he knows if he speaks in your time of vulnerability, he might say something accidentally hurtful.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Alastor is not a huggy person, only for formalities. He only really gives and reciprocates hugs when you really need them. Cuddles to him are different. Just standing there and hugging is fundamentally dissimilar. But if you really need one, he’ll squeeze you tight and rock you side to side, one hand around your waist and the other behind your head.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Fucking eternity. Love doesn’t come easy to him. It never has. So just openly admitting that he loves you? Yeah, that’ll take a long time. Don’t rush him to say it either. He’ll get freaked out and will pull back for a little. He’ll say it in his own time. He’ll just show you physically in the mean time.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Of course Alastor gets jealous. He’s possessive as hell. Alastor will let you talk to others obviously, but if you spend too much time with your friends, or even with your job or hobbies, he’ll start to get pissy. This man needs attention, even if it’s negative. He wants your eyes on him. If someone else has their eyes on you though? They’re as good as dead. And they will be! Next up on his radio broadcast: the screams of your secret admirer.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Alastor mostly gives little pecks, especially on the cheek or nose. Sweet and short. When it gets down to actual kissing, it really depends on his mood. He can be slow and sensual, or he can be passionate and rough. Of course, you’ll have to teach him. This man has never kissed anyone in his life before you. He gets pretty good at it though! His favorite places to kiss you are, as previously stated, your cheeks and nose, your hand, but also your neck if he’s feeling frisky. In return, he likes being kissed on the lips and jaw. It just does something to him.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Alastor is not fond of children. It’s just never something he cared for or wanted. He’s terrified of being a terrible father, so he’d just rather not deal with it at all. He’s good with kids, sure, but it’s not something he’s interested in dealing with for the next 18 years. He’s mostly nice to them out of courtesy.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Very domestic. Will greet you with a kiss to the cheek and breakfast in bed. That’s if he stays up like usual. If he actually fell asleep the night before, he’s either up at the buttcrack of dawn or is honk-shooing until way after you wake up. Is super cuddly in the morning when he’s barely conscious. He tries not to show it, but he’s super embarrassed about it later. He’s also whiny as hell. If you try to wake him up, he’ll hit you with the “give me five more minutes,” and then almost rolls off the bed trying to turn away from you. Sleepy eepy man.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
We know this fucker doesn’t sleep. Well, too bad, you’re making him stay in bed with you. Lord knows what he does at night canonically (or with any of his free time), but now it’ll be spent with you. You’ll both start to slow things down for the night: getting ready for bed, dimming the lights—that sort of thing. As you’re drifting asleep, Alastor will usually read a book quietly, sometimes out loud if you ask him. Maybe play some kind of white noise if you like that sort of thing. Cuddles? Sure. He doesn’t care what you do at night as long as it helps you get your beauty sleep. Like I said earlier, sometimes he’ll fall asleep with you.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It’s a very, very long process with Alastor. He has been protecting himself and his information for decades now, and even with you, it’s very hard for him to reprogram that. He starts with little things: his favorites, his likes, his dislikes. Mundane sort of stuff. It’ll be a while before he gets into his past and other deep topics. He might even have to get drunk the first time he tells you about his life.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Alastor definitely gets angry a lot more than he shows externally. He is absolutely simmering under the surface if someone just slightly ticks him off. It’s different with you though. He doesn’t want to ruin what you both have, so he’s more accommodating to your more frustrating quirks. He might get snippy if he’s in a bad mood, but if he ever blows up on you, he’ll self-isolate so hard as his own punishment.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Every. Single. Detail. This man does not forget. He saves the knowledge for gift giving and dates, or just anything that’ll make you happy. Oh, you mentioned in passing that you like, I don’t know, acorns? You’ll be getting Alastor’s best hand-picked acorns for the next month.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Literally any first. That and when you two can comfortably bicker with each other. He loves fake arguing with you as if you were just friends making jabs at each other. Loves when you can play around and poke fun at each other. One of his favorite moments was having a sarcasm war in his bayou realm in his room that ended up with you tackling him into the mud. You both looked insane after, but you couldn’t stop laughing.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Alastor is insanely protective. He’s only ever cared about very few people, so he has to protect you at all costs. He already lost his mother to Heaven, so nothing can happen to you. Has all kinds of protection spells put on you, including a necklace or some piece of jewelry that can notify him of your location at a moment’s notice. Goes absolutely apeshit if someone tries to hurt you. Alastor does not want to be protected by you. He thinks it’s his job to protect you, not the other way around. Besides, why would the Radio Demon need protecting? Despite this, you make him carry around a similar piece of jewelry. He fiddles with it a lot.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Alastor is the best at spoiling you. His mother taught him to treat women right, and he will honor that wish until his second death. Has all the important dates memorized. Always organizing dates, either in public or in private. Loves cooking meals for you. He tries to give you everything in the world, but if he’s in a particular mood, he’ll surprise you with something a little gruesome, like the dead body of someone who gave you a weird look that one time.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Very broken, very angry, and honestly pretty toxic sometimes. Reminder that he isn’t really a great person and is a master manipulator. Extremely petty about disagreements and would rather get angry and avoid you than talk it out. When he’s stressed, sometimes he’ll snap at anyone, including you. This leads to profuse apologies later, but his anger isn’t an easy fix seeing as there probably aren’t any great anger management therapists in Hell.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Alastor tries to ask like he couldn’t care less but it’s so painfully obvious to everyone that he does. Always looks spiffy and crisp in just the way he likes it or it’s wrong. He absolutely hates his deer characteristics, especially the ears. His hairstyle is also a whole thing that I’ll explain in “Xtra,” but I like to believe he straightened his (naturally curly) hair to the point of permanent damage, and because it’s Hell, it’s just fucken stayed like that. Why did he do it? Internalized racism from when he was alive and the need to conform.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Alastor doesn’t need anyone. He’s very independent and doesn’t pin his happiness on anyone. That being said, if something were to happen to you, he would feel an emptiness, but he’ll try to ignore it with every fiber of his being until it festers. So yes, he would feel incomplete without you, but he’d never acknowledge it. Ever.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I believe Alastor has trichotillomania and an anxiety disorder. It’s not explicitly shown in the show (I mean maybe the anxiety bit), but these are some less obvious things that I think apply to him. The reason he smiles so much? He’s terrified. He doesn’t even really know it because he pushes it down so much, but he desperately wants control over everything, and not necessarily in a power-hungry way, but that’s what he’s turned it in to. This is especially apparent during his breakdown after the battle with Adam. I believe it stemmed from an out-of-control traumatic childhood. Now, for his hair. Trichotillomania is a hair-picking disorder. My reason for his fuckass haircut? That. He has a weird undercut going on because he is always tugging at his hair back there. If he’s particularly stressed out, sometimes the only indicator is if his hair is thinning, letting you know he’s been pulling at it.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Alastor hates rushing into things. He didn’t think he could like anyone romantically, so taking things too fast would severely freak him out. Also, never humiliate him in front of others. If he’s doing or saying something stupid, talk about it in private. He will hold a grudge forever if you humiliate the Radio Demon in front of common sinners. Again, not too fond of PDA unless he’s feeling really jealous and needs to show you off.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Alastor doesn’t sleep much. Like ever. He’ll stick next to you while you’re sleeping, but he just kind of hangs around. When he does sleep, it’s because you’ve forced him to because he clearly needs it. He falls asleep almost instantly. He has weird little static snores and his smile finally drops. He looks…peaceful. He feels really vulnerable sleeping, so he usually starts by staying as far away from you on the bed as possible. However, every time you wake up, he’s snuggled up to you, much to his horror.
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nottheeconomy · 1 year ago
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The beautifully dashing leader of the phantom thieves and the charming detective princess!
My take on fem shuake!!!
I like my toxic doomed yaoi but toxic doomed Yuri hits so much harder when it comes to these two
(Brainrot under the read more!)
If Shuake were girls they would be so much more volatile than canon it’s hilarious
Honestly if Akechi was born a girl instead of a boy his already terrible life would be twice as hard hahahaha
Fem Akechi would have a much harder time willingly refraining from directly murdering shido
Like canon Akechi is this close to just shooting him in the head anytime he sees him but fem Akechi would have so much more temptation to see him dead dead dead
She’s going to have to withstand his disgustingly sexist statements with a bright smile on her face as shido says things like “oh Akechi, you’re not like those other women that only serve to further this country’s great longevity through rearing the young, you’re different, more capable.” And she needs to let those slimy words go in one ear and out if she’s going to be patient enough for him to be elected first
Not to mention she’s going to experience so much more scrutiny as a public idol since she’ll be a girl
Like in canon he already has a questionable fanbase but just imagine the weirdos that’ll idolise her as the detective princess
And she’s definitely not going to be taken as seriously by people for her detective work because people would JUST WRITE HER OFF AS A PRETTY FACE!!!!
She’s going to curate every facet of her image to make sure people takes her as seriously as possible
Her style needs to be trendy but not too trendy or people would call her vain
She needs to be careful of showing too much skin or she’ll be slutshamed
She needs to word her statements more delicately or else people would call her annoying do you see the visionnnnnnnnn
Like canon Akechi’s public mask is already so tightly wound against his face, fem Akechi’s public mask would be a full suit of armour (get it get it? Hahahahhaha)
Meanwhile! If Akira was a girl, the notion of her being a meddler when she tries to stop shido would be much stronger I think
Also I have a feeling she’s going to get harassed at shujin for having her criminal record leaked instead of how in canon everyone left Akira alone due to fear since people won’t take her assault charge as seriously
And then there’s kamoshida…eugh
So in conclusion:
I just think both of them would have so much more pent up rage than in canon hahahahahha
Like I’m sure they would’ve physically thrown hands in the boiler room of shido’s ship, like forget about the personas they’re going to throttle each other as the rest of the thieves watch hahahahahahhaa
On the bright side though I can see fem Akechi being closer to Sae and the detective princess being a role model to little girls
Hm but I have a feeling the rivalry between Akechi and Akira would feel like those early 2010s tabloid articles about how female stars had beef with each other, like it’ll be framed as something super catty hahahahaha
Man these girlies are filled with so much anger, honestly it’ll be so iconic if Akechi and Akira were written as girls but I err don’t have that much trust in Altus!
These are just my silly headcanons for fem Shuake! If you disagree with what I said it’s ok hahahahaha
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emmyrosee · 1 year ago
Rintaro watches Kaiya, and nine times out of ten, he's the most through, loving husband and father you could ever ask for. He’s mindful of what he’s doing with his daughter, but still leaves her a small amount of independence that lets her little six year old mind thrive.
But one out of ten, he crumbles. This time, is the one.
Rintaro’s finally splurged money on this game to play with osamu and akagi, and both of them are finally on, so he happily sets up Kaiya next to him while he plays, giving her coloring books and toys to make do with quietly.
When she gets bored with that, she curls up on Rintaro’s lap, tiny hands playing with his hair and hitting him with pillows.
Then, finally, after too much normal… she speaks.
"Yes, angelface?"
"Wanna be like you," she says, climbing off the couch and rocking back and forth on her heels. “Wanna look like you daddy…” Rintaro flashes a smile and turns to her, pausing the game and turning to her, leaning forwards to kiss her tiny nose akin to yours.
“Kaiya, you can be anything you want to be,” he says, reaching out to ruffle her hair. “Mommy and the twins are gonna be home soon, so let’s surprise her, okay?”
“Okay daddy!” She squeals excitedly, her feet toddling back down the hall to the playroom. Rintaro chuckles and shakes his head as he unpauses his game, shooting the enemies and doing a terrible job of censoring when he loses.
He barely processes when you get home, only snapping him out of his zone when you kiss his head and he jumps a foot in the air.
“Hey momma,” he says, pausing his game and stretching. “How was the pediatrician?”
“Look dadda!” Sachiko says, showing him her arm which is covered by a my little pony bandaid.
Rintaro blows his eyes wide, “woah! My brave girl!” He reaches up to pinch her cheek playfully, which she giggles from. “How about you Sachie, you got one?”
“Ripped it off in the car,” you chuckle. “Where’s our other terrors?”
“Akito’s playing his games and Kaiya’s playing dress up,” he answers, flashing you a smile. “She wants to be like me.”
Your brows raise playfully, “oh she does, does she? Wants to be a pain in mommy’s butt?”
“Always,” he says, grinning.
You jostle the twins, “come on, let’s go check on sissy!”
“Otay mumma!”
Rintaro watches as you walk away with the tiny humans, shaking his head and turning back to his game with a smile, satisfied in his fatherly duties and he can’t wait to take pictures with his little mini-me, dressed in his clothes and-
You scream. Rin’s heart stops.
Immediately, your shriek rocks the house, making Rintaro absolutely leap off the couch, not even bothering to pause his game and making a dash up the stairs to meet you.
He sees the bathroom door open, his tiny twins watching in awe on the floor now while your hands cover your mouth in horror, and akito laughing into his fist having also been roused from his video games. At least he found this amusing.
When Rintaro pokes his head around the corner to see the action, his jaw slacks as his beautiful six year old, his tiny little mini-me and smart little stink-
Has officially cut her hair.
Just like his.
“Kaiya!” He begins, more in shock than a scold, “what did you do!”
“Wanna look like you daddy!” She cheers happily.
The two twins waddle into the room to play with the fallen hair from Kaiya’s head, gathering wads of it and trying to pass it to you.
Akito lays a hand on your shoulder, “Ma? You okay?”
Rintaro rubs a hand along your back, “babe…?”
“I leave you… with her… for FIVE. MINUTES!” You scream, and thankfully, it’s met with laughter from the three littlest children in the room. “What-! I don’t even-! When did-! RINTARO-“
“Hey hey, it’s alright!” He says easily, pulling you in for a hug, “it’s just hair baby, it’ll grow back!”
“But she didn’t-“
“Don’t even start defending, Rintaro,” you snarl, and with fury you walk over to Kaiya and scoop her into your arms to inspect her.
Akito claps a hand on Rintaro’s back with a fresh, “good luck,” before turning on his heel to leave the bathroom and let his father be scolded. Rintaro sighs and moves to pick up the twins in his arms, watching you like a scolded child as you check her for injuries.
“I really didn’t know,” he says softly, planting a kiss to Sachie’s hair. “I just thought… she’d play dress up or something. Wear my jersey or something.”
You sigh and fist your hands tightly, “it’s got nothing to do with the actual hair cut, Rin,” you explain. “And you know I don’t care about leaving her for a bit to play video games. But she could’ve gotten so hurt! Where’d she even get scissors!”
Your teeth are gritted together roughly, so tight he wanted to massage your jaw to make it better.
But he’s positive if he touched you, you’d bite him.
“We were doing arts and crafts,” he answers quietly.
You take a deep inhale in through your nose, then slowly release it from your mouth, “come on Kaiya. Show mommy your crafts.” You bounce her slightly with a smile, “daddy’s gotta go stand in time out until he’s 40!”
She giggles while you two leave, leaving him with the twins playing with the collar of his shirt.
“Mumma mad?” Sachie asks.
“Oh yeah,” he chuckles.
“Dadda bad?” Sachiko asks.
Once again, he chuckles and plants a kiss to their heads, making them giggle and plop wet kisses on his cheeks, “ohhh yeah…
“He sure is, girls.”
Tagging 🥺🩷 @reverie-starlight @wolffmaiden @thoreeo @aliensknowmyillusions @tutuwusworld @lavishcherie @sassycheesecake @cheolattes @rrairey @dira333 @unknownspecies @fluffytriceratops
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jrswritings · 6 months ago
Tingles and Giggles - Chapter Four - Tyler Owens x Reader
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Get caught up with Chapter One, Chapter Two, and Chapter Three! Masterlist :)
Chapter Four - Out Wrangled
Tyler had paid for breakfast, leaving a generous tip for the gals who both gave you smiles and winks as they watched him open the door for you. 
“Are you ready to experience not Youtube star Tyler, darlin?” He asked, walking over to the passenger side of his truck. 
“And there’s going to be no crazy schemes or secret live streams to embarrass me?” You asked, leaning against the truck. 
“Promise,” he said, opening the door for you. 
You squinted your eyes at him, unsure if he was being serious or not. You got inside the truck, gently placing the flowers in the backseat so they didn’t get crushed. Tyler shut your door and walked around to the driver’s side and slid into his seat. Being inside the famous red truck made you feel like you were in some sort of spaceship with how many buttons and switches there were. Some of the labels in Boone’s handwriting made you giggle, ‘color booms’ and ‘stay putters’ were the best two of the bunch. 
“Admiring Boone’s handy work?” He asked, putting his seatbelt on and putting the key in the ignition. 
“I don’t know if handy work is the right word,” you laughed, “Maybe lack of English skills, but I’ll let it slide.” 
“Yeah, he ain’t the brightest bulb when it comes to that, but he’s great with a camera,” Tyler laughed, turning the key and the truck firing up. 
“I’m glad your music isn’t as loud as this morning,” you teased, putting your seatbelt and sunglasses on. 
“I thought no one saw,” he groaned, putting his forehead on the steering wheel. 
You laughed, “If I count as no one, then yes. No one saw.” 
“Ugh,” he groaned, leaning back and putting his cowboy hat in the middle of the dash, “No, you’re not a no one. But I was really hoping I went unnoticed.” 
“You? Unnoticed? Ha!” You said, putting your phone in the cup holder and squeezing your purse under the armrest. 
“What’s that supposed to mean, sweetheart?” He asked, looking over at you over his sunglasses. 
“You’re basically a star in all of Tornado Alley, Owens,” you stated, looking back at him, “You could walk into a Walmart and be surrounded by people, even if they didn’t like you, they would flock to you.” 
He smirked, “Can’t help people enjoy watching what I do, but they’ll never enjoy it as much as me.” 
“It’ll be a hell of a way to go,” you said, crossing your legs and looking out the window, “Headlines stating Tornado Alley’s biggest Tornado Wrangler got out wrangled in his last tornadeo!” 
“Ouch,” he said, putting the truck in reverse and heading west of town. 
“You’ll be fine,” you said, rolling the window down. 
“You better hope so, otherwise you get to drive back,” he said, “And it’s a two-hour drive to where we’re going.” 
“Which is where? Do I need to inform my next of kin where they’ll find my body?” You joked, glancing over at him. 
“What?” He laughed, “You will be fine, I’ll keep you safe like my life depends on it.” 
“Good, because it does,” you said, looking over your sunglasses to watch his eyebrows go up, “My team is pretty protective of me.” 
He swallowed hard, “I know…” 
“Why don’t we listen to the radio?” you asked, turning the dial to hear the start of  The Dixie Chicks singing ‘Cowboy Take Me Away.’ 
This is where you had to decide how comfortable you were going to be with Tyler as this was the song you sang that won you the high school talent show. As you were debating on it, you noticed Tyler tapping the steering wheel along to the drums, at least you knew his taste in music was the same as yours.
As if it was planned, you both started to hum along softly before it got to the chorus. 
“Oh, it sounds good to me,” you sang softly, grabbing his hat and placing it on your head, “I said, cowboy, take me away.” 
Tyler glanced over at you, a smile coming to his face as he heard you sing. He’s heard a lot of great artists over his years of listening to music and seeing live performances, but none compared to the melody coming out of you. On top of that, putting his hat on while being in his truck? He fell even more head over heels for you, knowing deep down he was to do everything in his power to spend his life with you. 
“I wanna look at the horizon, and not see a building standing tall,” you sang softly, adjusting in your seat to put your boots on the dash, “I wanna be the only one for miles and miles, except for maybe you and your simple smile.” 
As he drove he pictured just that, the idea of having a little slice of Heaven with you sounded so peaceful. All too soon the song ended and moved onto one he could sing along to, even though he knew you could too. 
“Little place is a little bit understated, yeah, the O.J. 's always concentrated,” he sang, rolling his window down, “The AC’s broke so we gotta sleep naked, it’s a good day for livin’.” 
“Since when can this cowboy sing?” You asked, looking over at him while swaying your feet to the beat of Joe Nichols’ ‘Good Day for Living.’ 
“Since I was little, how about you Miss American Idol?” He asked, “You’d be America’s next big star, bigger than Lainey Wilson.” 
“Haha, I’ve tried back home,” you said, playing with the hem of your shirt, “Didn’t get me very far so I came up here and started storm chasing.” 
“Have you ever thought about going to Nashville?” He asked, knowing he would hate if you left, but he wanted you to live your dreams. 
“No, if I did grow into anything, I wanted to do it organically. Not the cookie-cutter molds that usually come out of Nashville,” you scoffed slightly. 
“Oh, you seem like you’ve had a bad experience with it?” He asked, his tone being hushed as he didn’t want to bring up any bad feelings. 
“I didn’t personally but one of my uncles tried and was told to do the opposite of what he was doing to become a star,” you said, “It is what it is, but I vowed I would never do it that way.” 
“Understandable, darlin’,” he said, leaning back into his seat and driving with his left hand. 
It was silent in the cab for about a half hour of the drive, just listening to music and feeling the warm breeze on your skin. You glanced over at the clock on the radio, it reading 10:26 am. You had been driving for an hour since leaving the diner, and you still had no idea where you were headed. You weren’t sure what all there was to do in Oklahoma besides chase storms or a rodeo. While you were thinking over all the things you could figure out to do in the state, your phone ringing pulled you from your thoughts.
Asher was calling you. As much as you appreciated him being a part of Storm Riders, he followed you around like a lost puppy and did everything you told him to do. If you told him to jump into the Grand Canyon, he would. 
You picked up your phone, answering “This is (Y/n).”
“(Y/N)! What am I supposed to do on a day off? I’ve already gone through the whole checklist you made for me when it’s a clear day, but now I’m stuck sitting in the van waiting,” he said, “Everyone went to the big town close by to go shopping and sightseeing.” 
“Why don’t you take the drone out and fly around the area, see if you can find some wildlife, and get some cool pictures of nature, Ash,” you said, bringing your hand to your forehead and rubbing circles gently. 
“Where are you even? Your truck is here, but you’re not. You weren’t even here when we all got up,” he said, you could hear the shuffling of papers and a door opening. 
“I went out with someone,” you stated plainly, “Go fly the drone, and if you get bored call Willow or Jade. I’m going to be unavailable for the rest of the day.” 
“O-Okay,” he said and hung up. 
You sighed, “I love that kid but he needs to grow more independent.” 
Tyler laughed, shaking his head, “Send him with us for a while and he’ll learn quick.” 
“Really?” You asked a little too quickly. 
“I’ll let Ben ride with you so he can get better shots of Ol Red here and the team shooting more fireworks into a ‘nado,” he said, smirking. 
“Only you, Tyler,” you laughed, leaning onto the armrest and laying your hand over the edge. 
Tyler glanced over and decided it was now or never. He took a deeper breath and grabbed your hand with his, giving it a soft squeeze. Why this caused you to jump, you’ll never know, but it did.
Want more? Here's Chapter Five!
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marksbear2 · 10 months ago
I really recommend watching fallout, I’ve been so in love with it and especially my man Cooper.
Warnings!! ⚠️ Some headcanons will include smut!! It’ll be a mix of fluff and smut!!! And some will before the nuke. Includes Gn, FTM of Afab reader, and male reader. ⚠️
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— He has a hate and love relationship with you whenever you mock his accent. It really throws him off during a argument. It makes him lose his thought process.
— When your not doing it in a middle of a argument he finds it cute and attractive. He starts chuckling and smiling like some teenage girl.
— He threatens you sometimes saying he’ll tie you up and leave you for dead or raiders or scavengers to find and kill. 
— He’s been protective of you even before doomsday. He hates anyone even standing to close to you, or when you help survivors.
— Often puts his cowboy hat on you and tells you the ‘Cowboy hat rule’ and you fall for it every time
— You and him making out while his bounty is on the floor tied up. You and him disappearing off somewhere leaving the bounty just to come back with clothes a mess and wrinkly with either you or him with a limp or wiping the corners of yours mouths.
— Him manhandling and being rough with his bounties to show off to you and to get you jealous.
— He often called you inside his dressing room to make out one last time before he went out and got on camera or two have a quick fuck trying to stay quiet so no one hears.
— He kisses you during an argument to shut you up. 
— He really has a small temper and accidentally says something either hurtful or goes off on. He apologizes by going on his knees and taking your hands apologizing with his accent.
— When having sex and he gets all overstimulated he whines and his thick southern accent becomes all cracky and whining becoming completely pathetic.
— He loves it when you become out of no where dominant. 
— He secretly gets off to you just holding his lasso or any type of rope. He himself doesn’t know why it turns him on so much at the sight.
— When he’s being the dominant one he would humiliate you with his harsh and cold words forcing you to accept them and sometimes when he wants you to repeat them for him. Telling you what you are.
— Him finding a cowboy hat not exactly like his but it’s something as you two walk around in the wasteland in cool cowboy survivor like outfits.
— Really good with his fingers. 
— You probably found him first after the nuke and such looking at the damages to the his body and skin. You comforted him for years telling him that he’s still the handsome dashing movie star Cooper you first met.
— He really hates when you two have to spilt ways, even if it was for months or the smallest a day or hour. He really is attached to you and wants to be at your side every second wanting to make sure your okay. He wants to the one to protect you.
— Since you two are living in the apocalypse he rarely sees you completely lean. So the first time he saw you without dust, or blood or dust he fell in love with you all over again. Touching your body carefully and worshipping you and also like some damn dog rubbing his hard on against you.
— If you were a vaultie he often called you it and makes fun of your outfit. He treats you exactly what he thinks of the vaulters. 
— He was the first person in years, ever since you got in the vault to have sex with. It was like losing your virginity all over again just to now some bounty hunter.
— Duding a argument he always has this one like that “Your a vaultie, you wouldn’t understand.” He knows it pisses you off but he doesn’t care especially during an argument but at the end of it he always feel regret.
— He lasso’s and drag you you around since your a vaultie and doesn’t trust you enough to be in the Outland by yourself.  He treats you like some newborn baby.
— The first time you two met you two were always going back and forth over and over to the point you got him so angry he shoved you down and forced you on your knees and fucked you right there in the outside in the middle of the open it wasn’t like anyone would see. But you were fresh out of the vault and hadn’t had sex in forever you had orgasm and orgasm he felt like the king of the world.
— He helps you with dysphoria by finding the most masculine clothes he finds off the people he kills and gives it to you as some sort of gift. 
— Doesn’t hesitate for a second and shot someone the moment they misgender you went off their tongue shooting them right in the chest then head.
— He would wrap your chest with bandages.
— Whenever your feeling down he would and very willing to eat you out whenever he can. He would bury his face in it licking and sucking your clit while he fingers you like his life dependent on it. He wouldn’t even care about his own pleasure and only focused on you. He calls your clit your cock and loves to suck it. 
— He loves seeing his cock move in and out of your pussy, he loves rubbing it against it. Always promises just to do the tip but ends up slipping it all inside. He fucks you while rubbing your clit and loves getting you all wet and excited to make you put your clothes back in.
— He would stay up all night comforting you whenever you have second thoughts about being a man.
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theocddiaries · 12 days ago
Sonic: What do you have there, buddy? Tails: It’s my hypnosis kit. I signed up for a course to kill time. I’m still a beginner. I need my first test subject to be someone with a weak mind… uh, is Knuckles home? Sonic: Fortunately, yes. Knuckles! Come down, Tails wants to show you something! [Scene change: Knuckles is now in the living room, sitting in front of Tails. Shadow is behind him, reading a book, and Sonic is leaning against the wall.] Tails: Alright, we’ll do something harmless. I need you to focus on this watch. Knuckles: What do I get out of this again?? Sonic: I’ll give you bubble wrap. Knuckles: You think I’m stupid? That bubble wrap probably doesn’t even exist. [Sonic dashes off and returns with it.] Knuckles: You actually have some!!!! Alright, fox, let’s do this. Tails: Okay. First, inhale… now exhale through your mouth. Let’s do that a couple more times. Good. Now, look at this watch. [swings it like a pendulum.]: Watch it closely. You only hear my voice. Now, when I count to three, you will bark when you hear your name. You will bark. One. Two. Three. [snaps his fingers.]: Knuckles? Knuckles: Yes? Tails: …Okay. Hm, Knucks? Knuckles: Yes? Tails: …Do you have another name we don’t know about? Knuckles: …What? Shadow: Let it go before you break him. Knuckles: Am I hypnotized? Tails: No, Knuckles. [Everyone waits expectantly. Tails sighs.] Tails: It didn’t work. Knuckles: I can bark if it’ll make you feel better. Tails: Thanks, but that won’t be necessary. Knuckles: Alright… Can I have my bubble wrap now? [Sonic hands it over, and Knuckles laughs excitedly. He glances at Tails.] Knuckles: Just so you know, I’m laughing with sadness. Shadow: Well, I’m off to work. Very entertaining. [AT GUN. Shadow and Rouge are in Abraham’s office. He hangs up the phone and lets out a sigh.] Abraham: The general from Spagonia is driving me up the wall. Not even a thank you. Like I’m some kind of dog. I understand you now, Shadow. Shadow [barks]: Hm. [Abraham and Rouge stare at him.] Shadow: …What? Abraham: Are you in a funny mood today, Shadow? Shadow [barks]: Pardon? Rouge: Haha, I didn't think you'd have it in you. Abraham: This isn’t funny. Shadow— Shadow [barks] Abraham: Alright, that’s enough! Next time, Shadow—! Shadow [barks] Abraham: Oh, come on…! [Topaz knocks and instantly enters.] Topaz: Hey, I hear shouting, so I’ll just leave these files here before you piss him off more, Shadow. Shadow [barks]: But I didn’t do anything, he just started barking out of nowhere. Rouge: The one barking is you! Wait… [pulls out her phone and records.]: Shadow. Shadow [barks] [Rouge shows him the footage. Shadow barks again when he hears his name from the footage. His eyes widen.] Shadow: Why— [frowns]: Tails. He’s studying hypnosis and tried to hypnotize Knuckles. But he was fine-- Abraham: Wait. So it had not effect on Knuckles? [bursts out laughing, tears forming as he leans on his desk] Shadow [to Rouge]: I don’t get it. Sonic called me by my name before I came here, and he didn’t say anything. Rouge: Did he call you by your name or Shads? Ah! Shads it was! Now you didn't barking! Shadow: Call that stupid kid and tell him to fix this now! And don’t laugh! It’s not funny! Topaz: A little bit, Shadow. Abraham: Hahahahaha! I haven’t laughed this much since you fell down the stairs! Topaz: Sorry, it slipped out, Shadow! Shadow [barks]: Topaz! Abraham: Hahahahahaha! Oh, I think if we add music, we could make a remix. Tell the kid to take his time. Shadow: Stop it! Abraham: Don’t be like that. This is the first time you’ve ever made me happy, Shadow. Shadow [barks and groans] Abraham: Oh, that last one was unintentional, but it still landed! Hahaha! [Rockwell comes running in, sees Abraham laughing.] Rockwell: Oh, so you're just laughing. We were all scared out there—we didn’t know what you sounded like that and thought something was wrong.
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years ago
Jitters - Eddie Munson x Reader
An As You Wish story
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Collaboration with my darling @munson-blurbs
Summary: It's the first day of school for the Munson children--ever for Eliza, but their dad is being the biggest baby of them all.
Note: With all the back-to-school excitement going on I thought, "What would Eddie be like when Eliza first starts school?" So, voila. As always, I am so thankful for all of you who read and have the loveliest things to say 💕
Words: 3.2k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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If someone were to take bets on which Munson is the most miserable on the first day of school, they might pick Ryan. Sixteen years old, starting his junior year, and seemingly irritated by every move someone makes. 
They might pick fourteen-year-old Luke, the Tasmanian Devil himself, constantly lamenting about how boring his teachers are. 
Or they might pick Eliza, no longer getting to be the big fish in the daycare’s small pond, but now a full-fledged preschooler—one who is not happy about getting up early. 
Any of these would be fine guesses. But they would also be dead wrong. 
“My babies are all grown up!” Eddie bemoans, watching Eliza slide a comically oversized Little Mermaid backpack over her tiny shoulders. He stares at his sons as they shove their feet into their new sneakers, conveniently ignoring the repeated warnings not to break their shoes. 
Ryan catches his dad looking at them and rolls his eyes. “Take a picture; it’ll last longer,” he quips, groaning when Eddie dashes into the bedroom to grab his camera. “Crap, I didn’t mean literally.”
“Swear jar!” Luke chirps, all-too excited to catch his big brother slipping up. 
“‘Crap’ isn’t a swear word, dumbass.”
“Another dollar in the swear jar!” Luke roars, nearly colliding with the wall as he darts away from Ryan before the elder boy can get his hands on him. 
You give the two boys a biting glare from across the room. If you can't keep them from using bad language all the time, they at least need to adhere to the rule when their little sister is in the room. Luckily, Eliza is currently admiring her new black Mary Jane shoes and was paying no mind to what was happening around her. 
Before Ryan and Luke can start bickering again, you herd them over to the side of the living room where the lighting is the best for pictures. 
“Come on, come on,” you say as you practically push them across the space. “Dad’s getting the camera, let’s get this show on the road.” 
Ryan groans and drops his head back in irritation. “Can’t you just take some of Eliza? You have enough of us.”
“We never have enough of you,” you tell him, moving towards him on instinct to press a kiss to the top of his head—only to come face to face with the reminder that he’s taller than you now. “Eliza, come on over here, baby girl.”
Eliza looks up from where she’s now inspecting the pink overall dress she’s wearing. Her two curly little pigtails bounce with every motion. She hikes up her green sparkly princess backpack as she skips towards you. She becomes derailed, however, when Eddie walks back into the room. Eliza diverts her attention and makes a not-quite-a-surprise attack on his legs.
“Rawr! Gotchu Daddy!”
“Oh no!” Eddie feigns, clasping the camera to his chest. “I guess I can’t take you to preschool then, huh? Such a shame.”
“Nice try,” you tell him. “She’s still going.” 
Eddie’s brows furrow together in another one of the little pouts he’s been giving you for the past few days. He thinks his baby girl is growing up too fast—does he think you don’t feel the same way? You just don’t show your emotions as expressively as your husband does. 
“She’s only three,” Eddie says about your daughter. “Shouldn’t we wait until she’s at least four?”
“She’ll be four next month, Eddie,” you remind him. “This is when she’s supposed to start preschool.” 
The sullen father has nothing to say in response to that, so he just looks down at the camera and fiddles with it, making sure there’s enough film and that it’s on the right settings. You take the opportunity to walk over towards Ryan.
“Was he this bad when Luke started school?” you ask in a hushed voice. 
Ryan considers it for a moment before shrugging. “In my childhood mind, no. But I also used to believe it when Dad told me I’d look like Popeye if I ate my spinach, so who knows?”
“I can only imagine how he was with you.” With a small smirk, you grab Ryan’s arms and give him a small shake from side to side. “His first born,” you coo in a sickeningly sweet tone. Ryan shoos you away from him, but you can see the smile on his face that he’s trying his damndest to hide. 
In the meantime, Luke grabs a Kleenex box from the kitchen counter, lowering onto bended knee and presenting it to Eddie. 
“A gift for thou, Sir Sobs-a-Lot,” he says, adopting an exaggerated British accent. 
Eddie thumps him on the back of the head, but takes a tissue regardless. 
“Wayne always said I’d be screwed if my kids were as weird as me,” he muses. 
“Dad,” Luke fake-whines, “don’t say that about Eliza!”
Eliza furrows her little eyebrows and makes a run for her brother, charging towards him like a provoked rhinoceros. 
Luke is quicker, though, and holds her prisoner against his chest with a menacing cackle.  
“Mean brother,” Eliza mumbles, face smushed against him. 
He grins triumphantly. “That’s why you love me so much.” He presses a big smacking kiss to her cheek and lets her go, gasping in feigned offense when she wipes it away and wanders back to Eddie.
“Time for school! Let’s gooooooo, Daddy!” She takes his hand and tugs him towards the door, equal parts eager and exasperated. 
Eddie obliges, but you can tell that this isn’t easy for him. “Why is she so eager to leave?” he asks you under his breath. “Ryan and Luke were practically wrapped around my ankles begging me to let them stay home.”
“I think she’s just excited to meet new friends and learn new things!” you say with a smile, trying to hold back your own tears. “Isn’t that right, Liza Bean?”
Eliza nods vigorously. “Luke says I get Play-Doh!”
“Remember,” Luke crouches down to tell her, “it’s important that you taste the Play-Doh before you use it.”
The comment earns him another thump to the head from Eddie. 
“Please don’t eat Play-Doh,” you beg your daughter. Or listen to anything Luke says, you silently add. 
“Yeah, just stick to your lunch,” Ryan offers, always the voice of reason. 
“Lots of fruits and veggies,” Luke jumps in. “Remember why?”
“SCURVY!” Eliza proudly shouts, beaming from ear to ear. 
Eddie exhales and rubs the bridge of his nose, at a total loss for words. “Can you crazy children just take the pictures so we can go?” he finally manages, patience sufficiently worn thin. 
“Sir, yes, sir!” the boys salute in unison. 
“Yes, sir!” Eliza chimes in, happy to emulate her big brothers. 
You take the camera from Eddie when you see his jaw clench. You’d been afraid of your daughter having a meltdown today, but you obviously should have been worrying about her dad. 
“Okay,” you say, nodding for them to arrange themselves in front of the wall for a picture, “all three of you, first.” 
Begrudgingly on the part of the teenagers, and happily on the part of the little girl exiting toddlerhood, they come together and manage to stand still while you grab a few shots of them.
“Now just Ryan, then Luke, then Liza,” you instruct. Ryan rolls his eyes as his two younger siblings step away from him.
“This is never going to end,” he mumbles. 
Figuring it’s just easier to ignore him, you get your pictures of Ryan before moving on to solo Luke and then Eliza. “Now get in there, Dad,” you tell Eddie, gesturing him over to join the kids.
The moment Eddie is within reaching distance of her, Eliza raises her tiny arms to her father and insists that he holds her in the picture. Eddie, unable to deny her anything as always, complies. 
“Just me and Daddy!” Eliza says.
“Eliza’s will be done,” you say before snapping one of just the pair of them.
“All right, all right,” Luke says, motioning for you to give him the camera. “You get in there, too. We’ve got a monumental day here. Another Munson in the school system.”
As you pose next to your daughter and husband, you see Ryan out of the corner of your eye. He leans in behind you and holds up two fingers as bunny ears behind Eliza’s head. His little sister didn’t see him, but she was going to get a kick out of that once you got the pictures developed. Luke also noticed the photobomber, so he takes another nicer picture. 
“We ready to go now?” Luke asks. “Big day for me too, ya know. Starting high school and all. No one’s all fussy over me and I bet it’s because I don’t have pigtails. Damn.”
Eddie claps Luke on the shoulder as you take the camera from your son. “Didn’t wanna make ya nervous, kid,” Eddie says. “Also, dollar in the swear jar.”
Luke scoffs and presses a hand to his chest. “Have I ever been nervous a day in my life?” 
“Well,” Ryan starts with a smug smile, “that depends if you count the time that you got paired up with Missy Collins for that science project.”
Luke’s face turns pink and his nostrils flare. You’re almost taken aback because you think this is the most flustered you’ve ever seen the usually cool and mischievous boy. Luke goes from standing perfectly still to lunging toward his older brother in milliseconds. 
Ryan just lets out a whooping laugh and dodges him by heading outside. Luke is hot on his tail.
Eliza looks up at you and shakes her head, little brown pigtails swaying with the motion. 
“Boys,” she says, an air of sophistication older than her three years in her tone. 
“Boys,” you agree, offering her your hand. Her little fingers slide into your own and you head out the front door behind the two teenagers. Eddie grabs his keys and follows his family out. 
The keys jingle in your husband’s hand, a nervous tic as he walks over to the car and unlocks it. The three kids pile into the back and Eliza and Luke bicker over buckling her car seat as you slip into the passenger’s side.
“Everyone have everything?” Eddie asks as soon as the arguing stops. “Backpacks? Lunches? Or lunch money?”
A chorus of “yes” comes from the backseat so Eddie starts the car and pulls out of the driveway, instantly wishing he could turn around and take everyone back home.
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You, Eddie, and Eliza somehow arrive at the preschool on time, but not before your daughter had thoroughly embarrassed her brothers on the high school drop-off line. She’d begged Eddie to roll down her window so she could yell to them as they joined their friends. 
“Bye, Ryan! Bye, Lukie!” she’d shouted. “I love you!” 
You and Eddie thought it was hilarious. Luke and Ryan? Not so much. 
But now, your husband is a total wreck as Eliza marches full steam ahead towards the school’s doors. Truthfully, you’re almost as bad as he is, but you’re trying to keep it together—for Eliza’s sake and for Eddie’s. 
“You ready, Eliza?” You crouch down and place your hands on her shoulders. 
“Yep!” She nods, baby teeth on full display when she grins excitedly.  
Eddie narrows his eyes in disbelief. “Are you sure?” he asks, making you roll your eyes. 
“Yep!” Eliza repeats; thankfully, she’s oblivious to his inner turmoil. 
“You’re going to have a great time and make lots of new friends,” you tell her. 
“And I’ll be right here, ready to pick you up when it’s over,” Eddie adds as he crouches down next to you.
It takes all your strength not to roll your eyes again or elbow Eddie in the ribs.  
Eliza nods her head, little pigtails bouncing with the movement. She hikes her backpack up higher and gives you both another wide smile. 
“Ready to go in?” you ask. 
“Uh huh.”
You take her hand and she leads you into her new classroom, Eddie following along behind you. He’s quite literally dragging his feet, a human version of Eeyore the donkey. 
A teacher, not too much younger than you, comes up to greet you all. “Hi, everyone!” she chirps in a tone that signals over-caffeination. “Welcome to preschool! I’m Miss Riley, your teacher.”
For the first time this morning, Eliza seems hesitant. She looks up at you for approval and you nod your head at her. 
“I’m Eliza Marie Munson,” she announces, and you bite back a laugh at her formality. 
“It’s very nice to meet you, Eliza,” Miss Riley says. “You’ve got both Mommy and Daddy with you here today, huh?”
“Yep! Was just gonna be Daddy but then Mommy said she didn’t think he’d really take me here.” 
You squeeze your lips together as your daughter calls out your husband’s behavior; Eddie closes his eyes, a small smile appearing on his face. Both of you know (partially due to your experiences with Luke and Ryan when they were younger) that anything that went on in your house that Eliza knew about would be fair game to be shared with her whole class. 
“Well, I’m very glad you’re here,” Miss Riley replies, holding a hand out for a high-five that your daughter eagerly returns. “Would you like me to show you where your cubby is?”
“Okay!” Eliza turns around and waves to you and Eddie.  “Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!”
“No hugs?” Eddie asks, a pout forming on his plush lips.
Eliza rolls her eyes as if this is the most unreasonable request she’s ever heard, but obliges. 
You give her a tight squeeze, pressing a kiss to her temple. “You’re gonna have an amazing day, baby girl,” you remind her. 
“I know, Mommy.”
Eddie’s hug can only be described as bone-crushing, with Eliza letting out a dramatic grunt as he holds her. 
“Eliza Munson, you are the smartest, bravest little girl I know,” he says, voice catching in his throat. “I want you to go out there and kick some a—butt,” he hurriedly amends, but not before earning a glare from you. 
“Most importantly, be nice,” you emphasize, hoping your advice trumps Eddie’s little half-time pep talk. 
“I will!” Eliza happily declares before following Miss Riley over to the cubbies.
Eddie looks back and forth from her to you. “That’s it?” he asks. “That’s all we get?”
“What did you want?” you ask as you slip your hand into your husband’s. “Want her to cry and beg you to take her back home?”
“Well, no.” At your disbelieving eyebrow raise Eddie shrugs and amends his statement. “Not entirely.”
“We got hugs and goodbyes,” you point out. “Ryan barely acknowledged us, and Luke gave you a Wet Willy. I think we should cut our losses.”
“I know,” Eddie says, letting out a defeated sigh.
You gently tug him in the direction of the door to exit. “She’ll be fine,” you reassure him with a whisper. “And she’ll be so excited to tell you all about it later.”
Eddie nods, and just as the two of you are about to walk out the door, something rams into Eddie’s legs. He looks down to see Eliza grinning up at him, little arms wrapped around his knees.  
“What’s up, Sweet Pea?” he asks, suddenly worried that something’s wrong. Was someone mean to her? Did she forget her lunch at home?
She jumps like a little jumping bean until she’s right in front of the two of you. 
“I love you!”
Your heart swells and the pressure of tears is heavy behind your eyes. There’s no way you can look at Eddie because clocking his emotion will absolutely send you over the edge. 
Eddie’s already tearing up though and has a bright smile on his face. “We love you too, Liza Bean,” he tells her. “So much.”
She giggles and you scoop her up in your arms. “We love you more than anything.”
You and Eddie press kisses to her cheeks at the same time, and Eddie blows a raspberry with his, making her giggle. 
Once you set her down, Eliza blows you both a kiss before skipping over to a table where a few kids are drawing, already settling in. 
Eddie wipes at his eyes as the two of you step out of the classroom and into the hall. “That’s what I wanted,” he admits with a tearful chuckle. 
You wrap your arms around one of Eddie’s and lay your head on his shoulder. “You okay?” you ask him.
“No.” He sighs when you press a reassuring kiss against his shoulder. “I’m just trying to keep it together for your sake,” he says.
At his words, you pull away to look at him, eyebrows raised. “This was you holding it together?” you ask. 
“Oh, this could’ve been way worse, babe.”
You chuckle as he slips his hand into yours, knowing that he’s likely telling the truth. 
The two of you take one last look inside the classroom and see Eliza talking and laughing with a little girl and boy at her table. 
“Come on,” you say, patting the back of Eddie’s hand with your free one. 
With a reluctant sigh, Eddie starts to walk with you towards the exit. 
“And I know Miss Riley is younger than me but don’t get any ideas.” You smirk and nudge his shoulder with your own, trying to joke around and cheer him up a bit.
Eddie puts his hands up in defense. “Hey, she’s a teacher. I only go for babysitters.”
The late summer morning is hot as you make the journey back to your car. Still the gentleman as always, Eddie opens your door for you. 
“Man,” he shakes his head as you slip into the passenger’s seat. “I can’t believe my baby is in preschool.” 
He closes your door and walks around to his side, giving you time to open your purse and pull out a small object, hiding it beneath your hands in your lap. He starts the car, though you’re fairly certain your heartbeat is louder than the engine. 
“Well,” you start before clearing your throat. Eddie looks over at you and there’s suddenly a million butterflies not only in your stomach, but throughout your whole body. “She’s not going to be the baby for long…”
You hand Eddie the test, watching as his expression shifts from sadness to confusion to awe as he stares at the two pink lines. 
“You’re pregnant?” The excitement in his voice rivals that of a kid on Christmas morning.
“I’m pregnant,” you confirm, grinning with your own excitement. The emotions that you've been trying to corral all day finally come out, relief and giddiness flowing through you as you tell your husband what you've been dying to amongst all the other chaos of the day.  
Eddie lunges across the center console to wrap you up in his arms, letting the positive test drop into his lap. “Holy shit, princess.”
“I know,” you say with a giggle.
Eddie’s still in shock, grinning from ear to ear and rubs his hands over his face. “We’re gonna have another baby,” he says, just to hear it aloud. 
“And just think,” you say, “you get to do this first day of preschool thing again.”
His nose wrinkles at that prospect. “Maybe I’ll just homeschool this one.”
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luvverslair · 11 months ago
So, tumblr did a thing! I saw your post that said your requests are open, and the very next post on my dash was a list of prompts and one really stood out to me!
"Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating."
May I request that with Soap/Ghost/Gaz (tho let's be real, it's perfectly believable that Gaz can pull anyone!)
Thank you! 😊
hi !! thank you for your request, i love this idea so much and i hope you enjoy!!
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Ghost: When you and Ghost first started dating, you kept it to yourselves wanting to savor your relationship just for the two of you. However after a while, Ghost decided to tell his teammates about you, He started by talking about you to them saying things like “Yeah the missus dragged me out to this restaurant the other day.” and things like that, his fellow teammates would look at him like he was crazy, but would still indulge his conversation thinking he might just be lonely or trying to prove he can have a relationship. Ghost then started sharing pictures of you, whether it be pictures he took of you on dates or just funny ones around the house. This made the team even more confused about the whole situation as they like to call it, they wondered how he found so many pictures of someone online and why was he showing them off like you were actually with him, had he finally gone mad? One day Soap finally spoke up when he was again showing off pictures you had sent him while he was deployed, “L.T, we all know you’re not dating them. Who is that?” before Ghost had time to respond Gaz chimed in saying “Yeah Ghost, you started to freak us out.”Ghost let out a low chuckle before saying “I promise you they are actually with me, I’ll be the first to admit it’s shocking they out of all people chose me but they did.” Soap and Gaz brushed him off still not believing a word he said, that was until one day you came to the base because Ghost had left something he needed at your shared home. You walked into the room seeing Soap and Gaz shooting them a smile before saying “Hi, Have you guys seen Simon anywhere? Or I guess Ghost to you sorry.” They both stood there eyes wide and mouths agape, they pointed you in the direction of Ghost to which you thanked them and went to go find him, from that day forward they never said anything when Ghost would share things about you.
Soap: From the moment you both started dating, Soap immediately started telling everyone he knew about you, he loved showing you off. The only problem was you were gorgeous and seemed like a well-rounded person which didn’t seem like anyone Soap could pull, So when he started telling his teammates about you, they congratulated him and didn’t mind having conversations about you, and then he started showing pictures of you. That’s when the suspension started, nobody would ever believe someone like you would be with someone like him. One day Gaz had enough of listening to him ramble on about some random person that Soap claimed he was in a “relationship” with, “Jeez Soap stop rambling about your imaginary partner, everyone knows you lying about it.” Soap was stunned before saying “Imaginary? What in the bloody hell do you mean imaginary I’ve been with them for months for Christ's sake” He looked towards Ghost before adding “C'mon L.T. you don’t think I’m lying do ya?” Soap fully expected Ghost to call Gaz crazy and say Soap one hundred percent wasn’t lying but boy was he wrong “I do think it’s a little suspicious Johnny, from what you’ve shown me and told me, It’s hard to believe” Gaz smirked at Soap while he was in utter shock, “Just wait ya pricks, I’ll let you met them one day and when I do, it’ll shut you up real fucking fast.” Ghost and Gaz snickered while just saying “Whatever you say, Johnny”. About a month later, Johnny had the opportunity to bring you to the pub as your schedule was free. When you walked in heading over to Soap kissing him before sitting down, You introduced yourself to his fellow teammates shaking their hands while saying “Hi, I’m Y/n, I’m Johnny’s Partner nice to meet you all.” They all stood there in shock.
Gaz: Gaz and you had started dating a while back, he never really thought to mention you to his team, until one day Price was asking him about going out to the Pub on the incoming Friday with him and the rest of the squadron, Gaz quickly declined to say “Sorry Cap, I’ve got a date with the Missus that day.” Soap quickly laughed before saying “Yeah right more like you’ve got a date with your right hand, mate.” Everyone around him let out a laugh before Gaz interrupted them “Fuck off, For your information I do have a partner ya twats.” they all kept making fun of him and calling him a liar he sighed walking out of the room shaking his head, oh would he show them. The following week he had brought you to a restaurant for a date, it just so happened that his teammates were dining at the same place. You both walked in sitting down as he pulled out your chair for you, his task force immediately saw the both of you a couple of tables away, they were in utter shock, to say the least. After the both of you had finished your dinner and you were walking out, Gaz felt their eyes on the two of you so as he had his hand around your back he used his other to flip them off as you both left, before walking the both of you to his car, His teammates didn’t expect that, any of that.
well I hoped you enjoyed this !! it was a lot of fun to write and thank you again for your request and as always any feedback is appreciated !!
luv, luvver
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