#it wouldve been in a bigger pack
the problem with the goth kit isnt that the items are bad (which is ultimately subjective) its that "goth" as a fashion genre is. far too broad of a term to be confined to 1 pack, let alone 1 kit. but i dont really expect ea to be aware of that so hey
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esoteric-terror · 8 days
you can't just post your five oc leaders and expect us to not want to know more! do they lead the five canon clans or are these totally new ones? how did shadestar get that scar? what are all their personalities like? Lichenstar looks kind, are they? I want to know more about them, pease share more information about your ocs
fiiiinne if you insist /lh
but yes, they are leaders of the preexisting clans!
ill keep it to just the two u mentioned just to keep it at a reasonable length
ill start with shadestar, leader of shadowclan!
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formerly shadestare, hes always been a noble, stoic kind of guy. hes got a low, quiet voice, hes not the type to raise his voice in anger. hes extremely devoted to shadowclan and starclan, hes proud to be their leader, theyve done so much for him and he tries to show his gratitude every single day
the previous leader sent him and 4 other cats on a patrol to investigate a strange scent, which ended up being a pack of foxes (still pending on specifically what the scent was but foxes will be the placeholder for now). the foxes took the lives of the 4 cats he was with and left him critically injured. most notably he lost his left eye and leg, and gained a permanent notch in his tail. he figures it was best he went on that patrol, better four cats dead than 5 right? and starclan obviously wanted, needed, him to live, it was their plan he said.
his clan supported him through and through, they were so patient and willing to help him through his physical and mental trauma. they didnt try to send him to the elders or medicine cat den, they knew he was capable of his normal duties post recovery, but even if he couldnt, he wouldve been appreciated and cared for regardless. it would take getting used to of course, it wouldnt be like it was before, but it was more than possible to create a new normal.
the leader offered him the deputy position after he recovered as an "im sorry for nearly sending you to your death", shadestare didnt really understand why and he never really wanted the position, but the leader, the clan, had faith in him, and he had faith in starclan that this was his destiny, so he took it, and he ascended to leader not long afterwards.
even then he didnt want this, he was granted a rare opportunity and still, it wasnt clicking in his head. he couldnt deny it now, it was at his paws, and he couldnt throw shadowclan into a civil war, not after all theyve done for him. he was going to make it work, for them.
he made his deputy someone who wanted the position much more than he did (have not decided a name for them yet), he only thought it fair to give them the opportunity. they respect each other, no doubt about it, but unfortunately, they dont work well. shadestar isnt a natural leader, hes not very decisive and he needs his hand held. the deputy, is not patient enough for that and its frustrating, understandable, but very very frustrating. they manage though!
now for lichenstar of thunderclan!
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he is a kind guy! his warrior name was lichenpatch!
back in his younger years he was much more of an active leader, in stereotypical thunderclan fashion he would fight for what he believed in and had no trouble if it started a battle, you couldnt change his mind if he actually believed in it.
but now hes the cat equivalent of a 90 year old, his bones dont work that well anymore and hes mellowed out a ton, he just doesnt have it in him to fight anymore if he can avoid it. he wouldnt even say hes in the drivers seat in terms of thunderclan leadership, that roles been largely taken over by his newest deputy, blazefeather, whos very young and is in a better state of mind to make bigger decisions. blaze was made deputy because has a similar fire that lichen did when he was a young warrior, so he trusts his deputys judgement. but while were talking about deputies, lets talk about who had the position before blaze.
lichenstar has had several deputies of course, hes been leading a long time, hes had 4 all together. the one before blaze was cleardawn, a very mature, thoughtful cat, and everyone thought for sure he was going to become clearstar, but then he was murdered (along with a skyclan warrior, ill get into that if i make a similar post for the other 3 leaders), and it was almost certainly by a fellow clan cat.
and this freaks out all of thunderclan, especially lichenstar. he fears it was a thunderclan cat trying to worm their way into the leadership position, mainly because lichen hasnt exactly been secretive about the fact hes on his last life. the thought terrifies him to death, hes been having nightmares about it, and all he can really do is push the thought away because his warriors are loyal, they wouldnt do that to their beloved deputy.
this has pushed him to be a little more active in clan politics. he wants to keep an eye on everything, because what if it was blazefeather? what if it was one of his fellow leaders? he cant be sure, he just needs to play it safe.
teehee. thats all 4 now. gut bye
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
is it really an incredibly close queer friendship without occasional *fboy face* flirtatious jokes and a slight underlying tension that you all know is there but refuse to address
#just me rambling again#frogs down bad#hhhh friends my beloved i had a sleepover w my two main school friends and wow! still gay and gay for pretty boy#i absolutely adore both of them though look ik its cheesy as all hell but being around them just really feels like home#also the other night on call pretty boy said one of the shirts he had fitted my aesthetic more than mine so he gave it to me#at school yesterday morning and i wore it all day yesterday n then a bit today bc we went straight to my friends house after#school (n i just packed comfy clothes no clothes for today) and not to pull a straight-girl-stereotype but hhhh it smell like him#but yeah we went to a coffee shop for a while n hung out n i swear i could just talk with these people forever and we like#got some snacks from a gas station n just sat at the park and basically trauma dumped until it was past dark lmao#n we star gazed on the roof and redyed hair a bit and like physical touch is very big for all of us we are all v touch starved#and while we were waiting for other friend to rinse out her hair me n pretty boy just cuddled (the sort of like facing the same way#laying on the couch between his legs like leaning against him way? idk how to describe it) n he like takes my hand and#plays with it a bit and says how my hands seem so small (to be fair i have relatively short fingers and also he is generally#bigger/taller than me) and i wouldve been pretend mad like hey my hands arent small >:( but it was genuinely so comforting-#also after hair we decided to do each others makeup n stuff bc it would be fun n hey bestie! gay gay homosexual gay#we did 2 sort of rounds of makeup first was pretty boy did friends and then mine and then i did his n he did friends n she did mine#and uh. yall know that one meme where its the one person doing the others makeup n straddling + leaning over them#we remembered that meme part way through friend getting her makeup done the first time n then it stuck for both#pretty boy doing my makeup and me doing his makeup (other friend doing my makeup decided to not)#UM ANYWAYS HAHA i kinda loved the makeup looks n the 2nd one had a really cool eyeliner look going on it was super cool!#i feel like i need to find a better way to refer to the other friend who isnt pretty boy bc they deserve so much more than just#''other friend'' n i feel kinda bad bc both of my friends my absolute beloveds dude i just dont know how else to refer to them lol#also fun fact! it is incredibly hard to fit three whole teenagers onto a twin sized mattress well even if you are all cuddling#twas a bit squished but the physical affection is important also we actually slept like a while after we meant to bc we all got#cozy n then spent a ton of time just like in complete darkness at like 6am making inside jokes that are absolutely hysterical#in the middle of the night and then you wake up and youre like ok this is funny but i think sleep deprivation is what really made it#god i just- recently my brain has really been opening up and realizing that there are people i know that like... genuinely enjoy#my presence and im still just trying to wrap my head around it bc im always convinced that my friends dont actually like me#but like... they do! and recently thats just really hit me#<3
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orcelito · 3 years
i was 100% ready to fight with a knife today & even packed my heftiest pocket knife w/ a hard end nugget (for smashing glass/whatever else i guess)
it was an overreaction of course. but i thought smth of mine was stolen so i just wanted to be prepared Just In Case
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lovelybucky1 · 3 years
single dad
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warnings: dad’s best friend! steve, female reader, age gap, daddy kink, stealing panties, male and female masturbation, unprotected sex, mentions of breeding kink, 18+ minors dni
youre home from college for the summer and steve is a single dad and he asks if you would help him out by babysitting his kids during the week. he pays well but you wouldve done it even if he didnt, because, look at him.
everything is normal for the first couple weeks, but then he starts to invite you to stay for dinner and you get closer with him which only makes your crush on his bigger
after a while dinner, dinner turned into dessert, dessert turned into staying for a movie, and movies turned into sleepovers
steve felt bad for making you sleep on the couch, so he let you take his bed. you loved burying your face in his sheets and smelling like him even after you’ve gone home. he even lets you “borrow” his shirts and boxers to sleep in, but you never give the shirts back.
you start to pack your own clothes when you know youll be staying over at steve’s, that’s why you didnt notice you left something behind
in fact, you dont notice until your next stay. you’re going through steve’s closet to find a shirt when you see a very familiar pair of women’s underwear hanging out of a box on the top shelf
you try to reach them on your tippy toes but they’re too high up. you jump for them, but the thumping got steve’s attention. he sees you trying to reach something in the closet and he asks if you need help, not knowing what you’re reaching for
his voice makes you jump and you feel like you’ve been caught red handed, even if he’s the pervert who kept your underwear. he walks behind you and thats when he sees what you’re reaching for. his face flushes red and he starts to explain himself but he’s stammering too much for it to make sense
“why do you have these?”
“you left them here last week”
“and you kept them?”
“i meant to give them back…”
“but theyre in a box in your closet.”
“i didn’t want anyone else to see them…”
“if you were going to give them back, why are you just now telling me?”
“i think i should go”
“no! dont leave, i promise i’ll give them back”
“that doesn’t change the fact that you kept them”
“i can explain…” you look at him expectantly. “you’re… so beautiful. you’re gorgeous and funny and just perfect, but you’re way too young for me. i can’t date you, i shouldn’t even be telling you this in the first place. it wouldn’t be responsible of me to peruse you, so… i didn’t.”
“so what? you didn’t want to take advantage of me and you thought that taking my things for your fantasy material is any better?”
“i know how it sounds, but i never had bad intentions. i’m so sorry”
you look at him with your hands on your hips and your eyebrow raised.
“give them back, steve.”
he wordlessly complies, getting the box down from the top of the closet and handing you your panties. you take notice to the other various sex toys in the box, including handcuffs and a blind fold, both of which will be added to your own fantasies about the man.
you put your panties back into your bag and you look up at him again.
“you know, if you wanted fantasy material, all you had to do was ask. god knows how many times ive touched myself to the thought of you”
steve freezes and looks down at you, trying to process what you just said.
“i’ve even done it in your bed a few times.”
“you have?”
“in… my bed?”
“yes, steve.”
“while wearing my clothes?” you nod.
“and you got mad at me for taking your panties? it sounds like your worse than i am, doll”
“am i? im not sure if this is the same”
“why wouldn’t it be?”
“it’s normal for girls my age to like older men, but you… what would your ex wife say if she saw you with a college student? better yet, what would my dad say if he found out about this?”
“are you trying to blackmail me?”
“no, i’m just making sure you’re aware of the risks.”
“risks of what, exactly?”
“of fucking me the way you’ve clearly been dreaming of.”
something changes in steve’s demeanor. he’s no longer embarrassed and ashamed of being caught, all he can think about is doing exactly what you said: fucking you the way he’s been dreaming of.
he walks over to the door and shuts it, being careful not to slam it so the kids dont wake up. when he turns his attention back to you, the lustful look in his eyes makes you shiver.
“get on the bed.”
“make me, old man,” you smirk
steve huffs and crosses the room quickly. he sweeps you off your feet and tosses you onto the bed behind you. your back hits the mattress but steve’s body covering yours keeps you from bouncing
“you’re awfully mouthy for someone i pay to fuck themselves in my bed.”
“you’re awfully mouthy for a panty thief,” you counter
he growls and slots his thigh between your legs, pressing it against your pussy.
“it’s only fair, right? you steal my clothes, i steal yours. the only difference is my clothes are frilly and pink, and i’m sure they don’t smell nearly as good.”
he roughly pushes his hand up your shirt and gropes your breasts over your bra. at the same time, he buries his face in your neck to suck and nip at your skin.
you tangle your fingers in his hair and tug, making him moan against your neck. the vibrations tickle but his thick body on top of yours keeps you from squirming away.
“you can’t get away from me, sugar. you’re all mine now and i intend to keep it that way,” he says into your ear.
he takes his hand out of your shirt and pushes it down the front of your pants to feel your pussy. you’re wearing panties similar to the ones he look, and he can tell by the texture.
“lace again? if i didn’t know better, i’d think you were expecting this.”
“expecting my dad’s best friend to creep on me? not exactly,” you reply, but your words dont have the same impact when you sound as breathless as you do
“here i thought you’d be good for me,” he huffs as he pushes your panties to the side. “i guess all those fantasies of you sitting there and doing what you’re told wont happen, huh?”
“they might,” you gasp when his finger slides into you. “only if you promise to give me a raise.”
steve picks his head up and looks at you with a raised brow.
“we’re having sex and you’re thinking about money?”
“if sex is going to be a part of my job now, i want compensation,” you giggle, and for a moment, the dominant act steve has put on cracks, and you can see the sweet man you fell in love with underneath
your laughter turns into moans when he slips his middle finger inside you. he curls both to rub at your g-spot, and you swear you see stars. your hands clutch his shirt tightly, holding on for dear life because you’re convinced this man is trying to kill you with sex.
“please fuck me, steve,” you whimper quietly
“see, now you’re gettin’ sweet,” he grins down at you
he pulls fingers from your pussy, then his hand entirely out of your pants. you lift up your hips so he can pull them off, but he leaves you to strip your shirt off by yourself.
his eyes widen as he admires your naked body. you can see on his face that you’re even better than what he imagined, and his twitching fingers tell you that he is desperately trying to hold himself back.
“please, daddy,” you ask again, hoping it’ll be enough to get him to do what you want.
luckily for you, it works. he pulls his pants down just enough to free his cock. you marvel at the size, but he doesn’t give you much time to look before he’s on top of you again.
“can i fuck you raw, baby?” he asks, his voice lower now than you’ve ever heard it.
“yes, yes, i’m on the pill,” you nod.
“mmm, that’s too bad,” he says as he teases your folds with the head of his cock. “i’ve always wanted three kids,” he winks.
your breath catches in your throat at his confession, but the feeling of his cock pushing into you steals any words from your lips and replaces them with a long moan.
“fuck, sugar, you’re tight. better than i imagined.”
you hook your ankles together behind his back to push him deeper inside of you. he moans quietly and starts to thrust shallowly, needing the small amount of friction before he goes crazy.
“take your shirt off, daddy. i wanna see you.”
he looks down at you with half lidded eyes, already having been taken over by his lust. he complies and quickly removes his shirt, then tosses it to the floor near your clothes.
his chest and thick, and shoulders are broad and he looks like he could carry a car with ease. he must notice your staring, because he puts both hands on your hips and tenses his muscles, flexing for you. you can’t stop yourself from reaching out and squeezing his firm bicep that dwarfs your hand.
“god, look at you. so fuckin’ perfect for me. never thought i’d have you like this,” he breathes as his thrusts find a rhythm. 
“you’re so deep, daddy,” you whine
steve fucks you at a consistent pace, all while looking deep into your eyes with his dark blue ones. his mouth hangs open just slightly, and the stream of curses that flows from them will be the soundtrack to your fantasies for a long time.
the tension in your stomach has been slowly building, but your orgasm came crashing over you quickly after steve started to rub small circles over your clit with his thumb.
you were too lost in your own pleasure to notice when his own orgasm had started, but when you regain your bearings, he is fucking his cum back into you, making sure not a single drop leaks out.
“steve?” you say groggily, your eyelids already feeling heavy
“yeah, honey?” he asks, pulling out
“can you sleep in bed with me tonight?”
“of course”
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iridescentides · 3 years
i watched the ep twice bc i didnt take notes the first time BUT. hsmtmts 2.04 thoughts under the cut
gina first. my favorite part of the episode was when she admitted that she feels out of place living in someone else’s house and that she wanted a bigger part in the play. i was SO worried they were gonna just let her happily sideline herself in a “yay she learned her lesson about not being the center of attention” kind of way bc i would not be able to handle that two seasons in a row. let her be angry!!! she has a lot to be upset about
the gina/carlos conflict was awful bc theyre making carlos unreasonably annoying this season. last season he was nice, he was enthusiastic, not competitive and just rooting for other people. idk why they needed to flip him so drastically to being spoiled, rich, selfish, pushy, and bitchy. and on top of that i have not been vibing with the pieces of dialogue theyve been giving him this season just to score woke points. its so unbearably obvious that even though hes a brown gay character, he was written by a white gay person who thought, on some level, that he was giving the gen z kids the #hashtag representation they wanted. his delivery of every line that screams “remember, im mexican” is so awkward, it doesnt land well, and im begging them to stop. they want so badly to commodify his character and parade him around as a “look how diverse our show is!” thing and im so so sick of it bc you can tell, with all the surface-level pieces of dialogue, that they dont actually care at all
(”look around, theres not a lot of me at this school” we GET it, this show wants to be glee so bad)
im honestly starting to slowly ship rina less and less. in season one i loved seeing someone make gina happy, especially since she had no friends before opening up to ricky. but now its just a whole mess and i wish she would love herself a lil more to realize that its not worth all this stress. he made a choice and no amount of conflicted moments of eye contact is going to fully take that back. im not necessarily against love triangle plots, but i HATE the whole “women wait around hopefully while male character, whose decisions have already hurt multiple people, makes up his mind” bullshit
that being said, gina handled the situation like a CHAMP, im dying over how quickly she was able to mask her pain and make the joke about the twix bar. im love her
we were absolutely ROBBED of an ej/big red performance this episode!!! i am at my LIMIT we better get gaston next week or i will riot
on the ej train, him not getting into duke was extremely predictable. we all kinda saw that coming and knew that would be his main point of growth this season. im glad they didnt wait super long to do it. now please @ writers i am BEGGING you to give my man more screen time than one scene per episode
its very odd that they keep making mr mazzara have emotionally tough conversations with the students. i will do a parallel gifset of those once the season ends. i liked his convo with ej for the most part, but he really didnt have to beat him over the head with the “youre an emotionless robot” thing again. its clear ej is gonna throw himself into av club or whatever (even though at the end of last season that was supposed to be big red?) and discover that he has a lot going for him. because he does, he literally has everything going for him, thats why they had to make his “problem” not knowing himself. bisexual ej caswell ftw
i love the parallels between ej and nini this episode? i think since the beginning ive felt that there was a lot about them under the surface that was similar. it was interesting seeing ej tell nini about duke first, instead of the obvious choice of ashlyn. i wouldve loved to see how that scene wouldve gone with ricky, gina, carlos, or big red though bc each reaction and attempt at comforting him wouldve been so different. i didnt love that nini had to be pulled away from the conversation, but im glad they can still talk to each other after everything that went down. and i love the juxtaposition of ej’s convo with mazzara directly following nini’s convo with miss jenn bc theyre essentially the same.
speaking of, i loved miss jenn in this episode. her stories are always so funny, but i loved seeing her care so much for nini and guide her, like a teacher. i loved how she pointed out that everyone who loves nini just wants her to be happy
im glad nini is leaving yac bc there was no good way to keep that up honestly. but im pretty annoyed that they were so obvious about it? like, they immediately made it the worst place in the world without exploring it very much. the place is super unrealistic, ive never been to drama school but im sure it wouldnt be like that. no creative arts place for KIDS would be so impossibly limiting. plus the weird bluish coloring in comparison to the nice warm tones of the rest of the show was, again, a dead giveaway. why send her to the school at all if it wasnt even gonna matter?
even though im glad nini left yac, im NOT looking forward to the way miss jenn is about to bend over backwards to put her in the play somehow. she plays obvious favorites and im so annoyed
(sidenote: nini just? decided to leave yac without consulting her parents??? ummm)
granted is a very good song, one of my faves so far
ricky deciding to tell nini he wants her to stay was stupid. what did he think that would accomplish? who in their right mind would drop out of a good school for you?
i loved when nini said yac was missing something, and miss jenn said “ricky” and nini said “you.” that was so so sweet and cute
i think the kourtney/howie thing is gonna grow on me. i hate amatonormativity so im not a big fan of them introducing a whole ass character exclusively so kourtney can have a love interest, but i loved the gesture he made of bringing her the pizzas and her flashcards. i feel like kourtneys love language is acts of service, and she was literally this meme when he did that for her:
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i liked seeing ashlyn try to be there emotionally for gina! i want more of them together
overall this episode was okay. not enough songs, and i wish they were spreading out the emotional conversations through the season instead of packing them all into literally one episode, but what we did get was pretty good.
after watching the preview i see that next weeks episode is gonna be about carlos’s party, and i love party episodes. BUT i hope that after that ep we finally get an advancement on the north high stuff! i dont give too many fucks about lily, but i wanna see my son asher angel
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bllcphr · 4 years
If you’re like me, when you watched the ending of Gravity Falls there were certain things that just didn’t make sense. For instance, how did Bill fall for the oldest twin trick in the book, and why couldn’t he escape Stan’s mind like he did in Dreamscapers? This, and many more questions made me continuously watch the ending like a crazy person until I could find answers. And I believe I have something that patches every single “plot hole” that is in the ending. Because, to me, these are deliberately placed to get certain fans really thinking. And not by Alex, but by Bill Cipher himself. Allow me to explain.
I believe that Weirdmageddon is still very much happening, and the ending we see in Gravity Falls is all a scene playing out to Ford while he’s inside a bubble of Bill’s creation just like the one Mabel was in.
Why do I think this? Let’s start with some parallels. First off, it always bothered me that Bill could suddenly possess multiple people as he did in part three. It was just weird that he’s able to do this, when it’s said multiple times in the series that Bill can only do this when someone shakes his hand and lets him in. So how did this scene happen?
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He just wouldn’t be able to do it if we’re following the shows canon at all… unless, that is, all of the magic circle friends aren’t real. If they’re all just copies designed to play out in Bill’s mind games, that means he’d be able to control them like this. And we can see that he can indeed do that during the Mabeland episode, and guess what his controlled pawns look like? This.
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But, okay, that’s definitely not enough evidence to say he’s in a bubble. I get it. But when you start looking at plot holes and putting the answer of “it’s because Bill is controlling the ending” then you get a lot more concievable answers. For instance, it bothered me for the longest time that I couldn’t track the memory gun to Ford after Dipper drops it during The Last Mabelcorn. The only other time we see it. is when Soos packs it during the last episode.
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And the next time it’s used, Ford suddenly has it. But how? It wouldve been easy for the crew to add a scene where Ford picks it up, as they showed him picking up the can of spray paint Robbie brought, but they never show him taking it the memory gun. Not even a simple line of dialogue with “I took it from Soos’s bag.” No, instead he suddenly has it. Now, I could’ve believed he picked it up when Dipper dropped it in The Last Mabelcorn, but then why add Soos taking it only to be made into a decoration for Bill? It just didn’t make sense. Unless you remember that in a bubble, whatever the host wants, they get. If Ford wanted the memory gun, he’d have it.
Let’s think about other things Ford would want: The kids to be safe, his brother to be the hero and for himself to be out of the spot light as a consequence for making a deal with Bill in the first place, Fiddleford to have a happy ending, and the world to be saved. And guess what all happens during the ending?
Every. Last. One. Of. These.
Let’s start with some minor details. How there’s almost no repercussions from Weirdmageddon, even when we see things have been destroyed. The shack, for instance. When Bill hits it away, it lands on it’s side as shown here.
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But the next time we see the shack, it’s upright?
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Another thing about the shack, too: We see, in canon credits of the last mabelcorn, that Bill knows the shack can’t be touched. He even says “ I guess I can’t possess anyone inside the shack. So I’ll just have to find my next pawn on the outside.” But suddenly he’s surprised when he can’t hurt anyone inside ? Just one of the things that didn’t make sense.
But now let’s get to some main details: Like how did Bill get tricked by Ford and Stan in the first place? One, Ford’s six fingers are an obvious giveaway. Two, and this is a less important point, but Stan and Ford can just… fit in one another’s clothes? We see that Stan is bigger than Ford throughout the series, so how can he fit? Not to mention they’d have to make those little details like Ford’s singed off sideburns on Stan now.
We see that Stan has Ford’s gloves on before in this screencap,
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but in the finale he can suddenly wear it like this:
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And we also see that “Stan” has six fingers very clearly. And for someone who claims to be an all seeing eye, Bill is really bad at his job. Unless, of course, this isn’t real. And he’s plotting it out.
But I hear you saying slow down Kat, if this even is true then when does Ford get bubbled? To that I reply with consider that he’s put in the bubble when he’s turned to gold for a second time and that everything afterwards is happening according to how Bill wants it. And if you don’t believe Bill is controlling the story now, it even says it in the title sequence.
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And now let’s get to the ending. Bill is “defeated” and everyone is saved, but Stanley lost his memories. Or did he? Because he regains them pretty fast after being shown pictures. At first I thought this was because Disney wouldn’t let Alex end it on a sad note, but consider this, Bill is the one telling the story now. And he won’t let Ford see the negative aspects of what happens in his bubble. As Alex Hirsh says in this clip, Mabeland wouldn’t let Dipper see it either. It’s not plausible. So Stan reasonably has to remember, and he does.
Not only that, but everyone else also gets their happy ending. Fiddleford, the one that Ford feels guilty about ruining the life of, suddenly gets Northwest manor, and the town just doesn’t care about what happened in weirdmageddon at all. Hell, they even give a law that says “Nevermind all that!”
It just seems like everything is too perfect. But if you consider that Ford is inside a bubble seeing all of this, then it makes so much more sense. Bill is making him think that theres a happy ending. And let me offer you some more clues to this before I leave you with one final piece. In the same clip as before, Alex Hirsh also says that Mabeland is capable of time skips. And we never actually see Stan and Ford leave Gravity Falls, only that they’re on the boat in the end. So it’s possible that Bill is getting impatient, and speeding things along.
My last piece, is that in the ending credits, there’s one last cipher for the fans to gobble up. And when solved, it reads “Goodbye, Gravity Falls.” 
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But take a closer look at the screen where it says this. It’s accompanied by Mabel pretending to eat the sun during a sunset. And when I saw this, I remembered another time Mabel was used to signify that the story was getting darker. Alex puts Mabel in a sunset sweater and says that “its used to signify a darker time coming”. But why would that be if this is supposed to be a happy ending? Because it’s a hint. They’ve all been hints that this isn’t over, and Bill is still a threat. He’s the one saying goodbye.
Bill likes to play games, after all. And we’ve seen him be cocky and like to share details of his plans before. So this is him telling us, the audience, that he’s very much still there. But hey… that’s just a theory. A film theory. Thanks for reading !
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
married with children ryan sitkowski x reader
title: they get married, ryan acts like a child when drunk lol
beginning is super cute and sweet but per usual things go awry pretty quickly lmfao
Song: with or without you by U2
@musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @alilpunkrock @theoneandonlykymberlee @cynic-spirit @thisplace-ishaunted @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @bleed-to-make-amends
he had never even thought about marriage. when this all started he wanted nothing to do with it. we both knew we were in for the long haul but he didnt care about tying the knot and he told me that, right from square one. i went back to that moment over and over again throughout our entire relationship, never once doubting him or questioning it. it wasnt for everyone after all. i went over it in my mind again and again when he actually proposed to me. i was so happy i cried as soon as he started talking, telling me how much he loved me and how much i meant to him as he got down on one knee. and now im going over it again as im standing in front of a tall mirror, my best friend helping me put my veil into my hair. i stared at myself and my red puffy eyes from crying with my mother earlier as i got my dress on.
half of me wondered if he had cried yet today too, it was an emotional event after all. i guess id just have to find out later. i heard a knock at the door, turning my attention to it as my mother half opened the door. she sighed in relief before opening it fully and letting my dad in. my friend helped me off the pedestal and put my veil down, handing me my bouquet as my father took my arm in his.
"you look absolutely beautiful."
he said, making me smile as we walked out of the room.
"thanks daddy."
i said as i watched the wedding party descend down the stairs. we had chosen to have a small wedding party, a maid of honor and a best man only, with a flower girl and a ring bearer. we didnt want anything crazy and only invited close friends and family. the reception would be bigger however, more of a gathering than the actual ceremony. i breathed deeply as i heard the wedding bells ring through the church, oh what it took to actually get him to do this in a church. i clutched onto my fathers arm as we began the long walk to the alter. all eyes were on me and i felt uncomfortable at first but as soon as i looked at him i couldnt stop and their gazes didnt matter anymore.
i was smiling like an idiot as a tear slid down my cheek, he looked so happy standing between the priest and aj. as we got close to the alter the butterflies slowly ebbed. i was marrying my best friend, i had nothing to worry about anymore. i could see him more clearly now as aj nudged his arm and handed him a handkerchief. he was crying too, which made me laugh a little bit. he stepped down as my father offered my hand to him which he gladly took.
"take care of her."
he whispered and ryan nodded, taking me to the alter and facing the priest. I couldn't help but smile, only hearing half the words he said as I tried to sneak quick glances over at Ryan before we could face each other. He looked so handsome in his suit, the rose pinned to his lapel a nice shade of lavender. This almost felt like a dream.
As the music played I held onto Ryan for dear life. It was the first dance after all and I felt so uncomfortable being the only couple on the dance floor as we swayed back and forth. the alcohol we had been consuming so far didnt really help, despite my hope that it would. He still had that wide smile plastered across his face though.
"I don't know if I told you this already but you look beautiful today."
He said, making me smile back at him. Then I saw a flash, noticing the photographer.
"You're not so bad yourself Mr Sitkowski."
I felt his thumb rub gently into my side.
"Thank you, Mrs Sitkowski."
he quipped back. I couldn't help the blush creeping its way up my neck and to my face.
"I'm so glad we finally decided to do this ry."
I said, looking at him longingly. I watched as he scanned my face.
"So am I. I know I said a thousand years ago that I wouldn't ever do this but I'm beyond proud to call you my wife now."
i smiled widely at him as we swayed back and forth in a small circle, the music playing in the background.
"im not gonna lie, i was shocked but i think this is the best thing ive ever done. you really are my best friend."
he leaned in and pressed his forehead to mine as the music slowed and people clapped.
"im so glad i get to spend the rest of my life with you."
i sat down into the bench with a loud sigh, looking over to ryan who had just done the same. my dress was flowing over onto his lap but he didnt push it away. i looked over to him and smiled.
"we made it."
i said through a laugh, him sending me a wide smile back.
"the wedding and reception are over with, now all we have to do is make it official."
he said boldly, raising his brows and leaning closer to me. i shook my head amused and pushed him away.
"i think it can wait for the honeymoon tomorrow, you are pretty plastered after all."
he pouted at me, his arms making their way around my waist loosely.
"can i at least get a kiss?"
he said with pleading eyes. i rolled my eyes but caved immediately.
"fine, but dont get any ideas big boy."
i said, pecking him quickly on the lips. he tasted like a mixture of alcohols but the most noticeable was the red wine.
"is everything taken care of?"
he asked, staring at me. i looked up to our relatives walking around the venue packing things up and nodded.
"it is being taken care of as we speak ry."
i said and he nodded, readjusting his grip on my body and resting his head against my shoulder.
"thats good."
he said through a sigh. i looked down at him as he watched everyone. then my brother came into view, the box with the punch bowl in it tucked under his arm.
"the car is almost ready if you two wanna go now."
i nodded, tapping ryans arm.
"you ready ry?"
i asked and he sat up, looking at me confused.
"ready for what?"
i laughed a little bit.
"to go, baby, its time to leave."
he smiled at me and nodded.
"oh, then yeah."
he stood up quickly, pulling me with him. i held his hand tightly so he wouldn't wander off as we followed my brother outside the venue.
"are we going home?"
he asked, looking around before patting his pants with his free hand.
"baby we cant, my keys are gone."
i kept pulling him forward.
"my brother has your keys, hes the one taking us home and the one taking us to the airport tomorrow."
he made an 'o' shape with his mouth as we made it to the car. my brother opened the backseat door and ryan climbed in head first, laying down and tucking his legs in. i shook my head in amusement as peter closed the door.
"thanks again for doing this. it really does mean a lot."
i said as he opened the hatch to put the bowl in the already packed car.
"oh, yeah, i wouldnt pass up an opportunity like this one."
he said through a laugh and i shook my head, smiling at him.
"hes not usually this much of a handful but if i were given one day to party like the end of the world id take it too."
he sent me a knowing look.
"you couldve, if i remember correctly that champagne made its way to you a few times."
i scoffed at him as he opened the passenger door for me.
"who wants to get drunk off champagne? either way, one of us has to be the responsible one. ill just have him make it up to me by carrying my drunk ass home some time during our honeymoon."
i said with a wink. he shook his head at me before closing the door.
"i can hear you ya know."
ryan said from the back, making me jump.
"jesus ry!"
i said, clutching my chest. he sent me a lazy smile as he sat up, placing his head on the shoulder of the seat.
"i just want you to know that i will gladly carry your ass anywhere."
i laughed a little to myself before turning and pecking him gently on the lips.
"thanks ry, that means a lot."
he nodded once, proudly, to himself before falling back into the seat.
"i love you after all. what kind of husband would i be if i didnt."
i looked at him in the rearview mirror, a lazy smile plastered on his face as he toyed with his wedding ring happily. in that moment i knew, he really did mean it. it was enough to make me melt inside, and i wouldve cried had pete not been in the process of getting in the car. i turned back to him, him looking at me with the proudest look on his face.
"i love you too ry,"
i reached back and patted his knee gently.
"now lets go home."
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crwatters · 5 years
Plot bunny that I probably dont have time to write
(I have so many other fic projects I'm currently working on. So someone please adopt this!!)
The Dowlings return to America right before Warlocks 13th bday
He misses his Nanny and Brother Francis terribly, they (incompetent as they were) were his only REAL parents
He enters teen Angst (tm) early, and his already dark and gloomy aesthetic gets even darker and gloomier
Warlock is enrolled in a posh private school, and makes just as many friends as he expected to
Which is to say, none.
It's fortunate this happens to be one of the few schools of its type that doesn't require a uniform of any sort, just requires that all students either wear slacks or skirts-- which means Warlock can wear as much black as he pleases. If this was another school, and he had to choose a non-fashion outlet for his angst, Warlock Dowling wouldve seen the inside of the principals office a lot more often
As it is, he is well behaved and gets decent enough grades
Just because he doesn't make any friends doesn't mean he doesn't pay attention to the social life at school
The jocks in America are bigger and play an entirely different kind of football that they are WAY too serious about
The high achievers are stressed about different kinds of tests, but hog the library and study areas in just the same way
There's a bunch of rumors about this one girl, and while they're probably all rubbish, there must be enough truth in them for everyone to give her such a wide birth. Warlock doesn't particularly care, nor is he particularly bothered.
He is a bit curious though. He doesn't have any classes with her, only seeing her from across the lunch room on occasion (she has 4 while tables to herself) and during passing periods
The girl eventually seems to notice that he's one of the few not terrified of her
Which, he supposes, is why she plops herself down at his own empty table one Monday afternoon
The kids at the surrounding tables don't scatter per se, but the tables in the vicinity do come suspiciously empty over the course of the next 5 minutes
"Hullo," Warlock greets, confused and mildly impressed at the effect she's had on people, without saying a word or even glancing at them.
"What's your name?" Her head tilts to the side, braids dangling, and he notices her teeth are just a bit too sharp
"Warlock Dowling"
"What an excellent name. Wednesday Addams"
The two, of course, become fast friends, even if they have a few hiccups at first.
Warlock learns the rumors about her are more or less true. He doesn't mind.
Eventually, she invites him over. Mr and Mrs Dowling take some convincing, but send him over with a chaperone (or body guard, depending on how you look at it)
The body guard decides he isn't paid enough for this and leaves fairly quickly
Warlock is delighted
The Addams family absolutely adore him
The Dowlings have been fighting more and more frequently lately, and thus conveniently forget to hire a new "chaperone" for Warlock. He doesn't mind, so long as the chauffeur continues to drive him to school and the Addams house (which she does)(she's heard the stories about 001 Cemetery Lane, of course, but Warlock seems happy, and she never has to go in, so she reasons she might as well keep driving him there, no matter what nonsense Schmidt told her)
As his parents fights get worse, Warlock visits the Addams more and more, eventually opening up to them.
Gomez and Morticia are outraged that any parents would ignore their sweet and clever child so ("he mastered using the rack last week, Tish, how could any self-respecting parent be so disinterested as to miss a growing child's accomplishments!" "Oh isn't it absolutely dreadful, darling?")
Eventually, Warlock, at 15, decides he's had enough of life at home, and packs up and runs off to the Addams. They pretend to disapprove ("You should have told them, dear, it's only polite"), but welcome him all the same
It takes 3 days for the Dowlings to notice
The police are sent to the Addams home, since that's where the chauffeur told Ms Dowling he was most likely to be
The police leave the Addams home
The Addams have a party to celebrate their new family member and teach Warlock the Mamushka
Aziraphale and Crowley recall they meant to check up on Warlock (it's only been 4 years, which is nothing to them, but a good bit to a human. Crowley feels guilty, and hopes his son Warlock will forgive him)
They discover the Dowlings returned to America, and decide to travel over their themselves, just to see
It takes some poking around, and a few small miracles, but the pair of them figure out Warlock's new address
Crowley once again becomes Ashtoreth, although Aziraphale decides he's fine as he is, and reasons a short explanation won't be too hard to come up with
Crowley is initially off-put by the doorbell and Lurch, but recovers quick enough when Warlock drops his teacup in surprise, yells "Nanny!", and runs over to bury his face in her shoulder and cry a bit (Crowley very politely never mentions it, partly because she was holding back tears of her own)
The Addams take kindly to the angel and demon. Aziraphale purses his lips at the various weaponry and encouragement of sin, but the house has an impressive aura of love, and Warlock is safe and happy, so surely it balances out
The students at school are more than s little scared when the Addamses plus "Auntie Ashtoreth" and her boyfriend come to meet-the-teacher night. The teachers drink lots and lots of whiskey together afterwards (though Aziraphale anticipates this and sends a few miracles their way so they suffer no ill effects)
The Addams and Warlock are delighted when A&C finally reveal their true identities. Well, they're really excited to learn Auntie Ashtoreth is a real life demon, and they accept that Aziraphale is an angel even if it doesn't give them the same thrill-- they love him, of course, but an angel simply isn't as awe-spiring to a family like theirs
Warlock has a (large) family who loves him, and everything is as it should be
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fiftyshadesgrl · 5 years
Captured part one
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Dean chose to go at this hunt alone. Thats what led him here, he was informed that there was a demon lurking nearby the bunker so in the middle of the night he chose to sneek out and take care of it himself. What he didnt know is there were ten more demons with the one he was told about.
He tried to fight them off but he was out numbered. He tried to reach for his cellphone but one of the demons punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground.
"Dean winchester, i cannot express how much pleasure it gives me to finally meet you." One of the demons, dean guessed it was the leader said kneeling down beside him.
Dean snickered, cocky as ever. "Buddy i wish i could say the same." That remark earned dean another punch to the jaw.
"Woooo." The demon yelled, "you dont disappoint. I cant wait to show you everything we have in store for you."
"Eat me." Dean spit the venomus words out, all he got in return is laughter. Then dean heard sirens from a cop car, dean lunged forward grabbing his gun firing a shot into the air. The cop car turned and headed that way. Before dean could get his feet under him another demon knocked him on his back, kicking the gun from his hand.
The cop car stopped right in front of them, the driver side door opened and dean could see his feet as he walked around the car. "Whatve we got here?" The cop said, dean opened his mouth to speak when the cop kneeled down in fromt of him. "Dean winchester, we have been looking for you for a long time." The cops eyes flashed black and he smiled a sadistic smile.
Deans eyes went wide as he said "son of a bitch." The cop used the but of his gun and hit dean in the head, knocking him out cold.
As dean lay on the ground unconcious the demons gathered around. "Alright," the leader spoke, "trey you take him back to the station and make sure he stays there. We will take care of the other arrangements."
The cop, known as trey nodded and dragged dean to his car. He slapped some handcuffs on him before shoving him in the backseat. Trey got in and drove off taking dean to the police station. The leader then picked deans cell phone up from the ground and texted sam and deans girlfriend (Y\N).
'More demons than i thought. Need your help asap. Meet me at the police station.'
He hit send then smashed the phone. One of the demons stepped forward. "Now what do we do lucian?"
Lucian the leader smiled and crouched down outside the bunker. "Now we just wait for the mice to take the bait."
Readers pov
I couldnt sleep without dean, i dont know where he went but he better get his ass home fast. I stood in the kitchen drinking my bottle of water when my phone buzzed from the counter. A text from dean came in, when i read it i instantly became worried. It didnt sound like dean, its not something he would text plus he wouldve called not texted.
A few minutes later sam came sprinting down the hall, "hey, you get a text from dean too?" He asked, i nodded and i could see the same worry on his face that i felt. "Its not dean."
I nodded "i know, thats what is worrying me. If its not him then who is it."
"Dont know but i know the police station is a trap. Thats more than likely where deans at." Sam said as he walked down the hallway back to his room to get ready, i followed right behind him.
"What are we gonna do." I asked from the doorway.
He was packing everything we needed for demon hunting. "We go in smart."
I nodded and ran to mine and deans room to get dressed. I slid my demon blade into my boot and placed my gun in the waistband of my jeans. After i was completely sure i remembered everything i ran back to sams room where he was just finishing putting on his flannel.
"You ready?" Sam asked throwing the duffle bag over his shoulder.
I nodded, "i just hope hes okay."
Sam smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Its dean we are talking about. You know hes probably sitting tied up somewhere pissed that he cant kill them all hisself."
I smiled and nodded, "yeah thats true."
We walked up the bunker stairs and made our way out to the garage. Sam walked and opened the trunk and threw the duffle bag in the back. Just as sam shut the trunk he was ambushed from behind, being slammed into the trunk.
"Sam!" I yelled and pulled my gun out. I aimed it right between the mans eyes as he smiled at me. He flashed his eyes black but it didnt deter me, i fired off a shot the bullet landing right between his eyes. Little did that demon know, the gun that fired the bullet was the colt itself.
The demon let go of sam and fell to the ground dead. At that moment two more demons appeared and tried to grab sam. "(Y/N) run!" Sam yelled but i couldnt leave him. The one bigger man slammed sams head into the trunk of the car, sam fell to the ground limp.
I fired off another shot but the demon dodged it. He dashed around the car cornering me at the back of the garage. It was dark back here and we didnt turn the light on. Fear turned to panic when it went silent. No footsteps, no voices, nothing but silence.
"Sam!" I yelled but he didnt answer. "Damn it." I whispered holding one of my hands out in front of me trying to feel if anyone was around me. I felt nothing but air, but i could feel him watching me. I knew he was still here. Just as i thought about bolting something hit me in the side of the head and i knew no more.
Dean was starting to come to, he had no idea how long he had been out or where he was. His head pounded more than the worst hangover and his eyes felt like there was sand in them. He opened his eyes slowly and the florescent light above him made his head ache that much worse.
He looked around when he finally was able to keep his eyes open and focus. He was handcuffed to a chair, a long metal table was in front of him with another metal chair at the other end. One door was to his front and to his right was a two way mirror. A police station. He had to be in a police station, he had seen more than his share of them in his life so he ought to know.
He tested the handcuffs but there was no way of getting loose without the keys. Just then the door opened and the same damn demon walked in smiling. He placed a cup of coffee in front of dean and motioned for him to drink it.
The demon then chuckled, "how silly of me. You cant drink if youre handcuffed to a chair now can you."
Dean felt a sliver of hope, thinking the demon was going to uncuff him. The demon fiddled around in his pocket and pulled out a straw and placed it in the cup.
"There ya go. Problem solved." The demon said sitting on the table in front of dean. Dean just glared at him, never taking a sip. "You might wanna drink that. Youll need to be fully aware for the next event."
"And what event is that?" Dean asked in a growl.
The demon chuckled and stood up. "Its a surprise deano." Just the the door opened again and another demon dean recognuzed walked in and whispered in the main guys ear. "Wonderful!" The demon exclaimed.
He walked over to dean and bent down to his eye level. "Lets have some fun."
@an-unhealthy-obsession @vicmc624
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
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Misery Loves Company- A Violet Snicket AU
Meet Lemony Snicket.
Lemony Snicket was a prominent VFD agent in his youth. Alongside his then fiance, Beatrice Baudelaire, he and a few other members of his organization made decisions that would forever rip their secret organization in two. At the time, Lemony hadn't thought a simple sugar bowl and box of poison darts would cause so much chaos. But it had.
The schism was a big reason as to why Beatrice and their daughter, Violet, were separated. Lemony, who had to go on the run for a list of different reasons, was asked by Beatrice; someone who had yet to leave VFD and at the time, it seemed she would never leave, to watch their infant daughter. But since he was on the run, he had to leave where he lived almost immediately after Beatrice leaving Violet with him. He tried looking for her but ultimately gave up deciding to raise the young girl himself.
He spent the next thirteen years keeping himself and Violet safe from old enemies and VFD itself. But after hearing about the death of Beatrice and her husband, Lemony rejoins VFD in an attempt to help Beatrice's other children, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire, defeat a wicked Count Olaf. This act unfortunately leads to his untimely end but not before leaving Violet with a head full of mysteries and unanswered questions.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." That's all that went through Lemony's mind as he raced from the lumbermill to his home. This is bad. This was entirely bad.
His most recent attempt to help Beatrice's two other children had failed disastrously. Well, not entirely. They were safe, most likely being sent off to a new guardian right now but his identity had been compromised. Olaf had saw him. Olaf now knew he was alive.
Still being in the middle of the Baudelaire fire investigation, Lemony wasnt sure if Olaf, himself, had started that fire...but he did know Olaf had no issues with committing a murder...or two. He quickly thought of Violet and how much danger he has put her in...again. Hot tears started falling from his face.
He didnt mean to put her in danger. He was only trying to do good. He was only trying to help Beatrice's kids. A small part of him believes he should have just left them alone...they were resourceful children, they wouldve figured it out. He should have put VIOLET first. But a bigger part of him, knew that that was just his fear and guilt talking. This wasnt Klaus or Sunny's fault. This wasnt even Beatrice's fault. This was HIS. It wasnt because he had decided to help the Baudelaire children, no it was his fault when he convinced Beatrice to help him steal a damn sugar bowl. It was his fault when he went along with Beatrice and Bertrand's plan to...to...
"God dammit!" He yelled punching the steering wheel. He was racing home. He couldnt think of such unpleasantness right now. He had to get Violet out of danger. If Olaf now knows he's alive...he needed to take his daughter and run. He felt bad for Klaus and Sunny, but he had to put his daughter first. Part of him wishes he had grabbed them and taken them along. Maybe after explaining things, Klaus wouldnt fight as much. They did have that nice heart to heart on Lake Lachrymose. He thought of turning around and heading back towards the mill, but ultimately decided against it.
Violet had to be his main priority. HIS child. He will worry about the other two kids later. Right now, he knew Olaf would come after him.
Maybe he could call someone to come take Violet until he can fake his death again. But who? Everyone in the organization thought he was dead.
His mind began to race. Kit? No...she thinks I'm dead. Jacques? Fuck. He thinks I'm dead too. Monty and Josephine are both dead themselves. Larry and Jacquelyn would indict Violet into VFD which is the last thing he and Beatrice wanted for their daughter. Maybe the Quagmires could help him, he hadn't heard from them in awhile but maybe they'd like to help an old friend. Maybe he could ask one of his friends from Staind-by-the-Sea. They were all so close back in his apprentice days but he didnt know how to get in contact with most of them. Lemony felt utterly alone. His cruel mind flashed to Beatrice, she would have been the only person he 100% trusted his daughter with...but she was dead too. Her death had marked this whole new chapter in his life and there was no going back. He played his cards...now he had to sit there and wait for the game to be over.
Lemony has seen how determined Olaf was to destroy two children, he can only imagine the time and energy Olaf would spend on destroying HIM now that he knew Lemony was alive.
Lemony was alone on this one. He only had his daughter. She couldn't help him because he had to protect her. He had to protect her even if it meant sacrificing himself. He was crying big time now.
If he died what would happen to Violet? He knows Mr. Poe is useless but that's who takes charge of the orphans' affairs. He knew he was a better option than Mrs. Squalor. He was so glad that none of his enemies knew he had a daughter but he feared that would change if he died. Lemony wasnt afraid of death per say, he knew that one day it was to happen. He would take his last breath, he would see his daughter one last time. He had hoped to live a long life full, but as he raced him in his yellow taxi he could feel his stomach churn as if he knew what was to come next.
I got to get Violet out of danger. He told himself. When he gets home, he will send her ahead of him. She will go to the storekeeper's shop. They might be VFD but it was the only shop he knew to be open at this hour. Yes, he will send her ahead. He will stay and pack the essentials simply meet her. She wont like this plan, but she'll listen reluctantly. I will explain everything to her. His tears didnt stop for the entire drive home. He felt guilty that hed been lying to Violet, her whole life but more so these past couple of months. Once they are safe in a new motel, he will tell her EVERYTHING. What he does. Why he does it. Who those kids are. What he did to help make the schism a thing. He was going to tell her everything she wanted to hear and more. No more secrets. Maybe after he saves himself and his daughter, he and Violet can search for the two Baudelaire orphans. Lemony could adopt them illegally. Hed explain everything to Klaus and Sunny, too after what theyd been through they deserved it.
"Everything is going to end happily." He told himself in the midst of his tears.
Now I don't have to tell you, the reader, why Lemony was dead wrong. The Baudelaire case and sadly the Snicket case do not end happily, some would say the cases, even to this day, havent ended. People just cant find the three orphans and some nights I lay awake in my associate's small but cozy studio apartment thinking that maybe it's better that no one can find them. If they havent been found no one can hurt them anymore. Because although I would love to end this tale here with the false hope of a happy ending, the tragic tale of the lives of the two Baudelaire children and the Snicket girl has only just begun and is only a third of the way through.
I would love to say that Lemony Snicket makes true to his word that he tells his daughter everything she wants to know and more and that he successfully fakes his death in a very unreliable newspaper and finds the Baudelaire orphans and illegally adopts them keeping all three plucky youngsters away from Count Olaf and VFD but, alas, that's not how the story goes.
And for that reason, I will ask of you, one more time before the story takes a turn for the worst, to look away. Look away from this tragic tale before it is too late. Before you, too, get too invested in the lives of these orphans that you spend your life trying to find them.
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25 Top Camping Tips I Learned From My Old Man
New Post has been published on https://businessguideto.com/awesome/25-top-camping-tips-i-learned-from-my-old-man/
25 Top Camping Tips I Learned From My Old Man
Growing up, I learned a lot from my old man but nothing beats these 25 camping tips-off. Use these to stimulate your next journey a little more enjoyable.
RELATED: 14 Unique Camping Tricks | Camp Like A Redneck
Camping Tips and Hacks I Learned From My” Old Man” This article was originally posted at OutdoorWarrior.com and is shared with full permission .~ ATAGEND
My dad taught me some few camping tips and hackers that stimulated our lives easier back then, and to this day, I apply what I learned in my hunting outings and camping trip-ups with my family. Now, I know there are a lot of modern equipment and camping gear that already make our camping trips a lot easier, but they can never make it easier compared to these hacks.
For example, what happens when I forget my matches? What happens when I forget to bringing anti-itch creams?
I used to think of other ways to create fire, or how to keep away pesky mosquitoes. These camping tips, as primitive as they may be, still run and I am glad I learned them from my father.
Camping Tip# 1: Burn Sage to Maintain Mosquitoes Away
You don’t want to have the societies of mosquitoes on your camping trip. The best route to keep them away is by burning sages in your campsite because it is a natural mosquito repellent.
Avoid pesky bites and vexing buzzes but more so, be discouraged so you can’t have possible diseases.
Camping Tip# 2: Learn to Distinguish Poisonous Plants
Learn to tell which plants are poisonous in order to avoid get in contact with them. One common example of poison plants often encountered when camping is the poison ivy.
Poison ivy can cause bad itchines, annoyance, and sometimes even painful rashes.
Camping Tip# 3: Utilize Doritos as Tinder for your Fire
Ready for an interesting camping checklist? A suitcase of Doritos can really keep your flame running and strong because this snack pack is flammable.
Read the label at the back because it might just uncover its secret to you. It’s such a garbage to merely use Doritos for fire, and I’m not advocating the burning of plastic, but when SHTF, this might come in handy.
Camping Tip# 4: Or if you Don’t want to Sacrifice your Snacks, utilize Cotton Pads Dipped in Wax
A more practical approach to camping tip# 4 is cotton dipped in wax. Much like a candle wick, they’re quick to start a fire and keep it going.
Camping Tip# 5: Have your Paper Egg Tray as the Ultimate Fire Starter
That, and match lighting charcoal. What you do is fill the paper egg tray with the match illumination charcoal and light the whole thing up!
The Doritos and the cotton pads can serve you well, but this is for when you need a faster and bigger flame for a bigger bunch of people when camping.
RELATED: Clean Camping Gear and Tips | Campsite Hygiene Hacks
Camping Tip# 6: Use a Vegetable Peeler for Hygienic Purposes
You don’t peel clay, that’s not how it runs. When camping, your hygienic routine may not be like it was at home, with all the items you conveniently use.
Your bar of soap can be maximized by a vegetable peeler. How? Peel a portion of your soap when you need it.
This will prevent you from losing the entire bar but still having enough to yourself.
Camping Tip# 7: Hide your Money in a Soap Bar
It’s one of those old boy scout tricks that simply doesn’t fail. It’s one of the most unsuspecting areas to stash a valuable.
Who “wouldve been” find the time robbing a place and examine every bit of item, including soap? That’s why it works.
Your soap bar isn’t just for washing alone, then.
Camping Tip# 8: Always have Aluminum Foil Handy
As food preparation is an inseparable one of the purposes of every camping trip, aluminum foil should be found in every camper’s pack. Wrap your meat and other food items and place them over a fire.
It will come out nice, soft, and juicy. It will also help you create and maintain portions of food for cooking, eating, and storing.
Camping Tip# 9: Try Roasting Starbursts
I love roasting marshmallows on an open fire, and back then, we utilized sticks! Now my nephews and nieces discovered something else: Starbursts.
Have you ever thought of roasting Starbursts over the campfire? It’s as good as it could get, really.
Flavors playing in your mouth is something marshmallows can do, but Starbursts is on a different level.
Camping Tip #10: Roast Hotdogs on a … Rake
If you ever need to grill those tasty hotdogs all at once, a rake can do that for you. Utilize the several stands on the rake and save time in cooking.
Just make sure somebody’s holding the rake well and is currently considering what you are grilling in there.
Camping Tip #11: Have Aromatic Herbs with You
Forego bottled marinades because it’s simply added baggage. Instead, use aromatic herbs.
Have aromatic herbs such as rosemary burned immediately into the fire to easily smoke your steaks or other dishes in flavor. Go natural while camping, and have fun while you’re at it too.
Want to ensure the full article ?~ ATAGEND 25 Top Camping Tips I Learned From My Old Man
This summer, don’t forget these tips on your camping trip-up whether you’re camping alone, with your friends, or your family. These are easy to remember and is perfect for outdoor warriors with all kinds of experience.
Got more camping tips to share? Don’t forget to comment and share your experiences and tips.
Do you have more camping tips to add to this post? Share your camping knowledge with us in the comments segment below!
Yosemite National park Camping | Survival Life National Park Series Outdoor Survival | 13 Winter Camping Tips For Every Survivalist How To Properly Build A Fire: A Step By Step Guide With Safety Tips
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on November 2, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Read more: survivallife.com
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25 Top Camping Tips I Learned From My Old Man
New Post has been published on https://gardenguideto.com/awesome/25-top-camping-tips-i-learned-from-my-old-man/
25 Top Camping Tips I Learned From My Old Man
Growing up, I learned a lot from my old person but nothing beats these 25 camping tips. Use these to build your next trip-up a bit more enjoyable.
RELATED: 14 Unique Camping Tricks | Camp Like A Redneck
Camping Tips and Hacks I Learned From My” Old Man” This article was originally posted at OutdoorWarrior.com and is shared with full permission .~ ATAGEND
My dad taught me some few camping tips-off and hacks that constructed our lives easier back then, and to this day, I apply what I learned in my hunting outings and camping trip-ups with my family. Now, I know there are a lot of modern equipment and camping gear that already make our camping trips a lot easier, but they can never make it easier compared to these hacks.
For example, what happens when I forget my matches? What happens when I forget to bring anti-itch creams?
I used to think of other ways to create fire, or how to keep away pesky mosquitoes. These camping tips, as primitive as they may be, still work and I am glad I learned them from my father.
Camping Tip# 1: Burn Sage to Keep Mosquitoes Away
You don’t want to have the company of mosquitoes on your camping journey. The best style to keep them away is by burning sages in your campsite because it is a natural mosquito repellent.
Avoid pesky bites and annoying buzzes but more so, be discouraged so you can’t have possible diseases.
Camping Tip# 2: Learn to Distinguish Poisonous Plants
Learn to tell which plants are poison in order to avoid get in contact with them. One common instance of poisonous plants often encountered when camping is the poison ivy.
Poison ivy can cause bad itchines, annoyance, and sometimes even painful rashes.
Camping Tip# 3: Employ Doritos as Tinder for your Fire
Ready for an interesting camping checklist? A purse of Doritos can really keep your fire going and strong because this snack pack is flammable.
Read the label at the back because it might just uncover its secret to you. It’s such a trash to simply use Doritos for flame, and I’m not advocating the burning of plastic, but when SHTF, this might come in handy.
Camping Tip# 4: Or if you Don’t want to Sacrifice your Snacks, employ Cotton Pads Dipped in Wax
A more practical approach to camping tip# 4 is cotton dipped in wax. Much like a candle wick, they’re quick to start a fire and keep it going.
Camping Tip# 5: Have your Paper Egg Tray as the Ultimate Fire Starter
That, and match lighting charcoal. What you do is fill the paper egg tray with the match illumination charcoal and light the whole thing up!
The Doritos and the cotton pads can serve you well, but this is for when you need a faster and bigger fire for a bigger bunch of people when camping.
RELATED: Clean Camping Gear and Tips | Campsite Hygiene Hacks
Camping Tip# 6: Use a Vegetable Peeler for Hygienic Purposes
You don’t peel clay, that’s not how it works. When camping, your hygienic routine may not be like it was at home, with all the items you conveniently use.
Your bar of soap are likely to be maximized by a vegetable peeler. How? Peel a portion of your soap when you need it.
This will prevent you from losing the entire bar but still having enough to yourself.
Camping Tip# 7: Hide your Money in a Soap Bar
It’s one of those old boy scout tricks that simply doesn’t fail. It’s one of the most unsuspecting areas to stash a valuable.
Who “wouldve been” find the time robbing a place and examine every bit of item, including soap? That’s why it works.
Your soap bar isn’t just for washing alone, then.
Camping Tip# 8: Always have Aluminum Foil Handy
As food preparation is an inseparable one of the purposes of every camping journey, aluminum foil should be found in every camper’s pack. Wrap your meat and other food items and place them over a fire.
It will come out nice, soft, and juicy. It will also help you create and maintain one section of food for cook, eating, and storing.
Camping Tip# 9: Try Roasting Starbursts
I love cook marshmallows on an open fire, and back then, we utilized sticks! Now my nephews and nieces discovered something else: Starbursts.
Have you ever thought of roasting Starbursts over the campfire? It’s as good as it could get, really.
Flavors playing in your mouth is something marshmallows can do, but Starbursts is on a different level.
Camping Tip #10: Roast Hotdogs on a … Rake
If you ever need to grill those tasty hotdogs all at once, a rake can do that for you. Utilize the several stands on the rake and save time in cooking.
Just make sure somebody’s holding the rake well and is currently considering what you are grilling in there.
Camping Tip #11: Have Aromatic Herbs with You
Forego bottled marinades because it’s just added baggage. Instead, use aromatic herbs.
Have aromatic herbs such as rosemary burned immediately into the flame to easily smoke your steaks or other dishes in flavor. Go natural while camping, and have fun while you’re at it too.
Want to ensure the full article ?~ ATAGEND 25 Top Camping Tips I Learned From My Old Man
This summer, don’t forget these tips on your camping journey whether you’re camping alone, with your friends, or their own families. These are easy to remember and is perfect for outdoor warriors with all kinds of experience.
Got more camping tips-off to share? Don’t forget to comment and share your experiences and tips.
Do you have more camping tips to add to this post? Share your camping knowledge with us in the comments segment below!
Yosemite National Park Camping | Survival Life National Park Series Outdoor Survival | 13 Winter Camping Tips For Every Survivalist How To Properly Build A Fire: A Step By Step Guide With Safety Tips
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on November 2, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Read more: survivallife.com
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25 Top Camping Tips I Learned From My Old Man
New Post has been published on https://computerguideto.com/awesome/25-top-camping-tips-i-learned-from-my-old-man/
25 Top Camping Tips I Learned From My Old Man
Growing up, I learned a lot from my old boy but nothing beats these 25 camping tips-off. Use these to stimulate your next journey a little more enjoyable.
RELATED: 14 Unique Camping Tricks | Camp Like A Redneck
Camping Tips and Hacks I Learned From My” Old Man” This article was originally posted at OutdoorWarrior.com and is shared with full permission .~ ATAGEND
My dad taught me some few camping tips-off and hackers that built our lives easier back then, and to this day, I apply what I learned in my hunting excursions and camping journeys with my family. Now, I know there are a lot of modern equipment and camping gear that are currently make our camping trips a lot easier, but they can never make it easier compared to these hacks.
For example, what happens when I forget my matches? What happens when I forget to bringing anti-itch creams?
I used to think of other ways to create flame, or how to keep away pesky mosquitoes. These camping tips, as primitive as they may be, still run and I am glad I learned them from my father.
Camping Tip# 1: Burn Sage to Maintain Mosquitoes Away
You don’t want to have the societies of mosquitoes on your camping journey. The best way to keep them away is by burning sages in your campsite because it is a natural mosquito repellent.
Avoid pesky bites and annoying buzzes but more so, be discouraged so you can’t have possible diseases.
Camping Tip# 2: Learn to Distinguish Poisonous Plants
Learn to tell which plants are poison in order to avoid get in contact with them. One common example of poison plants often encountered when camping is the poison ivy.
Poison ivy can cause bad itchines, annoyance, and sometimes even painful rashes.
Camping Tip# 3: Employ Doritos as Tinder for your Fire
Ready for an interesting camping checklist? A suitcase of Doritos can really keep your flame running and strong because this snack pack is flammable.
Read the label at the back because it might just expose its secret to you. It’s such a garbage to only use Doritos for flame, and I’m not advocating the burning of plastic, but when SHTF, this might come in handy.
Camping Tip# 4: Or if you Don’t want to Sacrifice your Snacks, utilize Cotton Pads Dipped in Wax
A more practical approach to camping tip# 4 is cotton dipped in wax. Much like a candle wick, they’re quick to start a fire and keep it going.
Camping Tip# 5: Have your Paper Egg Tray as the Ultimate Fire Starter
That, and match illuminate charcoal. What you do is fill the paper egg tray with the match light charcoal and light the whole thing up!
The Doritos and the cotton pads can serve you well, but this is for when you need a faster and bigger fire for a bigger bunch of people when camping.
RELATED: Clean Camping Gear and Tips | Campsite Hygiene Hacks
Camping Tip# 6: Use a Vegetable Peeler for Hygienic Purposes
You don’t peel grime, that’s not how it works. When camping, your hygienic routine may not be like it was at home, with all the items you conveniently use.
Your bar of soap can be maximized by a vegetable peeler. How? Peel a portion of your soap when you need it.
This will prevent you from losing the entire bar but still having enough to yourself.
Camping Tip# 7: Hide your Money in a Soap Bar
It’s one of those old boy scout tricks that merely doesn’t fail. It’s one of the most unsuspecting areas to stash a valuable.
Who “wouldve been” find the time robbing a place and examine every bit of item, including soap? That’s why it works.
Your soap bar isn’t just for cleaning alone, then.
Camping Tip# 8: Always have Aluminum Foil Handy
As food preparation is an inseparable one of the purposes of every camping journey, aluminum foil should be found in every camper’s pack. Wrap your meat and other food items and place them over a fire.
It will come out nice, soft, and juicy. It will also help you create and maintain portions of food for cook, eating, and storing.
Camping Tip# 9: Try Roasting Starbursts
I love cook marshmallows on an open fire, and back then, we utilized sticks! Now my nephews and nieces detected something else: Starbursts.
Have you ever thought of roasting Starbursts over the campfire? It’s as good as it could get, really.
Flavors playing in your mouth is something marshmallows can do, but Starbursts is on a different level.
Camping Tip #10: Roast Hotdogs on a … Rake
If you ever need to grill those tasty hotdogs all at once, a rake can do that for you. Utilize the several stands on the rake and save time in cooking.
Just make sure somebody’s holding the rake well and looking into what you are grilling in there.
Camping Tip #11: Have Aromatic Herbs with You
Forego bottled marinades because it’s only added luggage. Instead, use aromatic herbs.
Have aromatic herbs such as rosemary burned directly into the fire to easily smoke your steaks or other dishes in flavor. Go natural while camping, and have fun while you’re at it too.
Want to assured the full article ?~ ATAGEND 25 Top Camping Tips I Learned From My Old Man
This summer, don’t forget these tips-off on your camping trip whether you’re camping alone, with your friends, or their own families. These are easy to remember and is perfect for outdoor warriors with all kinds of experience.
Got more camping tips-off to share? Don’t forget to comment and share your experiences and tips.
Do you have more camping tips-off to add to this post? Share your camping knowledge with us in the comments segment below!
Yosemite National park Camping | Survival Life National Park Series Outdoor Survival | 13 Winter Camping Tips For Every Survivalist How To Properly Build A Fire: A Step By Step Guide With Safety Tips
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr!
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on November 2, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Read more: survivallife.com
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
Khlo Kardashian Explains Why She Photoshopped This Pic On Her Instagram
Khlo Kardashian answered once again to critics of her photoshopped Instagram pictures.
The controversy started a few weeks ago when Khlo posted a work-out selfie to her Instagram showing off her foolish six-pack. The harmless word-painting justification a small outcry among admirers who called out Kardashian for photoshopping her legs in the picture.
In case you missed the touchup, person on Twitter posted a closeup of the places she allegedly did some work on.
@khloekardashian explain this photoshop? pic.twitter.com/ kpyxMkwQci
NUBY (@ damnnuby) February 24, 2016
Khlo responded to the hate by posting the untouched image to her Instagram with the caption,
If exclusively hatin burned calories how smoke yall “wouldve been”. Too bad it doesn’t. Here’s the OG shot. The petty motion ain’t cute. Oh and I virtually forgot. Namaste.
Booom. That chump got a million likes and a billion mental standing ovation from everyone who follows Khlo on Instagram.
Today, Khlo molted a little more light on why she chose to photoshop her representations, and the reason may surprise you.
Talking to followers from her website, Khlo said she photoshopsher legs becauseof skin grafting she got on her knees due toa car accident she was in when she was 16.
On her website, she said,
My right leg is an inch and a half thinner than my left because my mmuscles deteriorated and never recovered. It’s entertaining because everybody made a big stink about this Instagram photo below because I photoshopped it. Yes, I did photoshop it, but I was trying to move my thinner leg look bigger to match my other leg !!! All I wanted are big-hearted, dense thighs and I hate how skinny my legs are.
I bet you feel like a REAL butthole now, everybody. Leave Khlo alone!
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The post Khlo Kardashian Explains Why She Photoshopped This Pic On Her Instagram appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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caymad34-blog · 7 years
As we planned to walk around the ecolab, i prepared myself. after hearing how Gabe Ocasio will be doing his hiking, i knew mine would be very easy compared to his. I didnt have to buy and pack as much or anything at all. he would have to spend thousands of dollars to finish this hike while i didnt pay a penny. he had to learn background of the woods while i just went for it. as i walked, i compared myself with him. i compared the amount of preparation he would have compared to me. i couldnt imagine spending that much time to hike the woods. he would have to learn how to read a map, how to defend himself, and how to set up his living area. he would have to force himself to finish even though he didnt want to. As i only had to walk an hour compared to his months. i was in shock. i never really pictured hiking in the woods to have such background to it. on wednesday, i walked in the woods. i felt very adventurous and free. even though it was very muddy, i had fun. i wanted to walk the farthest distance we could. part of the time, we read the map wrong which wouldve been bad if we were on the Appalachian trail. we would try to take the smallest and most scariest trails possible which i would definitely not do if i was walking a bigger trail. i enjoyed having the quiet time to myself to just think. imagine myself in a different life or even just my life now. to soak in all of the beautiful creatures, flowers, and trees. i loved to exercise also so that helped the situation. but being surrounded by nature made the experience more fun than i could imagine.
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