#it would match gem’s headband…
delightfuldevin · 10 months
I gotta make another Splatoon OC to wear the Tentaclinger Earring for me,,
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sexhaver · 2 years
competitive Melee is a deeply inherently funny esport mostly because of Mang0. at his peak he would spend the days leading up to a tourney shit-talking on SmashBoards, then show up slam dunk drunk and win the entire bracket in the most disrespectful way possible. two specific disrespectful moments stand out:
Mang0 (Fox) vs SFAT (Marth) (skip to 3:25 if the timestamp doesn't work)
it's game 1 of a best of 3 set. Mang0 is at 4 stocks, while SFAT is already down to 2 and getting actively combo'd. someone in the audience, as a joke, shouts out "use the laser!". for context:
Falco's laser is one of the best projectiles in the game because it does hitstun, meaning it can interrupt enemies out of their attacks
however, Mang0 is playing Fox, not Falco. Fox's laser is mostly like Falco's, except instead of being good, it is not good. Fox's laser has absolutely 0 hitstun and takes a while to pull out and shoot. this means pretty much the only time it gets used in competitive play is to spam it during the neutral to hopefully rack up some damage without actually interrupting anything
not only is shooting SFAT with the laser while he's offstage a suboptimal choice, it gets even funnier when you realize that the obvious combo finisher anyone else would use there is Shine. Fox's shine comes out on literally frame 1, gives him intangibility, sends the enemy sideways in a way that's basically impossible to recover from offstage, and can be jump canceled on frame 2. Shine is not just the best move to use in this specific instance, it's not just Fox's best move, it's not just the best move in Melee, it is arguably the strongest move on any character in any fighting game ever made.
so of course Mang0 uses the laser instead of shining. the crowd goes apeshit, he finishes off SFAT's last remaining stocks in literally 15 seconds (demonstrating the actual power of Shine on the final stock). even though it's game 1 and he can theoretically make a comeback, SFAT is so humiliated by this that he literally just unplugs his controller and walks off stage. also this was during the era when Melee wasn't being streamed to a huge audience or sponsored or anything so the casters just said whatever the fuck they wanted, which gave us gems like "UNPLUG YOUR CONTROLLER, DAWG! FORFEIT!" and "WOMBO COMBO!!!!"
Mang0 (Jigglypuff with crown) vs HungryBox (Jigglypuff with headband) (relevant bit starts at 2:31)
for full context, Mang0 (along with most of the rest of the Smash community) and HungryBox had had a shitload of beef in the years leading up to this match. HBox famously used/still uses Jigglypuff, which pissed/pisses off other players because that playstyle is infuriating to face off against. you either get hit with rising aerial Pound 20 times in a row offstage or upthrown into a frametrap rest for instakills starting at 30%. because he is a deeply funny person, Mang0, of course, also chose Jigglypuff. he then proceeds to mop the fucking floor with HBox. the entire set is brutal but the bit i highlighted is the worst by far. HBox is down a stock and goes for a Hail Mary up-tilt into Rest combo. it might have worked if Mang0 was a bit more damaged and stayed in hitstun longer, but it misses. missing a Rest with Jigglypuff is an invitation for the opponent to use their strongest possible move/combo for free in any matchup, but it's probably the worst in the mirror match* because the other Jigglypuff can just Rest you right back for free. which is what Mang0 should have done here if he wanted to win.
instead, he just. jabs HBox. doing no damage or knockback and waking him up for free.
comparing the audience reaction from this match to the previous one is so fucking funny, because with the former, you could hear everyone laughing and losing their shit, but this is just... a collective gasp at Mang0's audacity. the commentators are struck dumb for a few seconds before saying "Mang0. that's disrespectful to everyone. to HungryBox. to me. to you..." before being interrupted by HungryBox killing himself to end the match and walk away
*yes, I know Roy can reverse his up-B on frame 1 to kill sleeping Jigglypuff from 0% on Pokemon Stadium. however, if you know this factoid, you also know that Roy is literally never used in competitive because he is Marth but with all the good traits replaced with bad ones, so stop being a smartass
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junespriince · 4 months
you know what fuck you! *Yuri your birdflash* au
Wally: Linda! Hartley! Guys I need help!
Linda: what's wrong?
Hartley: is Chris still bothering you? God, he can't take no for an answer!
Wally: not him, those he did try to sit with me in lecture today, but that's besides the point just, ugh just come with me to my apartment!
Kyle, Conner, Hartley, Linda, Ace, and Bart sitting in her living room.
Wally: so Birdie just asked me out on a date—
Kyle: about fucking time.
Wally: shut up Kyle, and listen!
Wally, huffs: anyways, she asked me out on a date, and I don't know what to wear, she said we're going to a thrift store, and then a botanical garden exhibit, and then a dinner at this way to fancy restaurant and I don't want to make more of a fool of myself then I already have, I mean what if I dress to fancy I'll stick out, but if I dress to lower she'll hate me and I'll never see her again and like this was a dream come true she asked me out, if she hate me then we won't build a house together in the forest, adopt a turtle as our child, maybe have a dog too, and we won't wake up together or make bread together or anything! I need you guys to help me here!
Hartley: if she hates you for dressing comfortably then she ain't it then.
Wally: but she's everything! She's smart, beautiful, talented, her eyes are the most beautiful gems I ever seen, her dimples are so cute, and she takes up half my future planning I can't mess this up, please just help a girl out over here! *Staring to tear up*
Kyle: okay, okay we get it! We'll help, stop crying!
Bart: must be real desperate bringing all of us in here to help.
Wally: very! Kori off planet or I'd call her too.
Ace: okay sis, bring out the outfits you have in mind.
Linda: and the shoes! Oh let me get my makeup bag as well, I'll be right back!
Conner: I'll make some tea and look through your hair products, I'm thinking hair down, help shape those curls out, and maybe a cute hair accessory.
Kyle: can I go cunty?
Wally: no! This is the first date! I need to be cute, but rememberable.
Hartley: let me see your closet, when the date?
Wally: in seven hours.
Hartley: a little bit of a challenge but doable.
Bart: I'll make snacks, and I'll have Kon spy on her so we can match her levels!
Wally, about to cry again: oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you!
7 hours later and at Bludhaven's cafe, lesbian owned
Rania ((Urania ))(Dick*), dressed in a cute and nice little blazer moment, in deep green, dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, Sharp but not too sharp makeup, short hair slicked back a bit, tented glasses rest at the edge of her nose and they're red hearts: My little Willow tree, you are right on time, excited for our date to be late? *Soft chuckle, dimples showing*
Wally, long waterfall curls with a cute strawberry headband, that iconic strawberry midi dress, very little makeup Bec we don't cover freckles in this house hold, nervous: very, I-I,,, I didn't want to keep you waiting is all, rainy.
Rania, calm and collective: no worries, *offers arm* let's go, have a busy night ahead of us.
Wally, blushing taking her arm: y-yeah.
Rania, hours before
Rania, holding her brothers, sister, Steph, Barbara, Donna, her dad, the butler, Roy, and Kori hostage in her room: if I don't look stunning for that pretty girl, I will die! I need suggestions and support people!
Jason: why would we want to help you?
Rania: because if I don't impress her, I'm destroying all your books.
Jason: I'll get the makeup.
Roy: girl, I don't know how to dress myself the hell you think I can help you here?
Rania: then support me!
Bruce, on the phone: calling Diana, Selena, and Talia as we speak sweetheart.
Alfred: I'll get the outfit Miss Urania.
Rania: thanks, I just,,, I have to make a good impression on her! My future hangs in the balance with her!
Barbara: getting the gel, Damian get Jon to spy on Willow we need these two to match, sapphics love a good match.
Damian: got it. Do you want some tea Urania?
Rania: yes, please, thanks Dami, you're a good kid, and I love you so much, you know that?
Damian, prideful about the praise: of course I do.
Tim: kiss ass
Damian: hate not being the favorite, I see.
Kori: oh, oh, I want to pick out the shoes! Maybe favorite are in your closet right?
Rania: the Church's Burwood Oxford in black or the Church's Fairstead Oxford?
Kori: the first one.
Rania: uh, in the shoes closet, back right wall.
Kori: yay!
Donna: getting the accessories, you want the tinted pink shades or the red?
Rania: red heart ones.
Donna: gotcha.
Stephanie: let me see those outfits Al, I have a vision.
Damian: hope that vision includes strawberries, West is in a strawberry midi dress, whatever that is.
Stephanie: GASP, it does! I could kiss her! Get the green dress suit!
Cass: I'll get it!
Duke: how her make up Damian?
Damian: soft, they're leaving the freckles.
Rania, blushing: they're leaving the freckles,,,,, Dad, tell them to get here fast and call Harley and Ivy and auntie kate we need those two lesbian asap!
Bruce: got it!
Damian: some chamomile tea, and I have some lavender at the ready if you need it, Urania.
Rania: thank you dami, again *kiss his forehead*
Back on the date
Wally, in her head: wow she's so calm, and pretty, oh focus Wally, you don't need to trip!
Rania, in her mind: god she's so pretty, damn I can the wedding, no, no, focus on today damnit!
*but a Romani name I really like for her also I did use behind the name so if it's not right oops I did look into this
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A quick romance story shitpost for my main babe Obanai simp needs!
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🐍💜- Giggling Mess; Iguro Obanai x Jokester! Reader
The Hashira are surprised that somebody like the Serpent Hashira, Iguro Obanai would be interested in somebody like you, the giddy jokester Ice Hashira. You are total opposites of each other;
he’s unforgiving and serious, you’re bubbly and light-hearted. He can’t stand humour whilst you live off humour
But yet, Obanai finds himself falling for you harder and harder each time he sees you and his intense love for you is so obvious to all the Hashira… except the one where it matters the most… Dokusha
Obanai adores you, your adorable oneliners makes him crack a uncontrollable smile underneath that mask and roll his eyes. He loves how much of a jokester you are, nothing is serious to you and he wouldn’t trade your personality for the world
No matter that if it came off as annoying or not at times
Obanai does wonder sometimes if you even know how dangerous and intense your Hashira career actually is. You flaunter it around like it’s simply a work skill, not a massive life-changing responsibility
That must be why Obanai likes you so much, you never let the hell of the Hashira training nor the general situation damage you. He idolises your beauty, on both spectrums
You let loose your soft laughter, your goofy grin never fading. Tengen pushed back the gem-decorated headband over his head with a sassy smirk that you felt yourself laugh more at your friend’s silliness as you two stood next to each other nearby the flashy wooden Minka of the Master in the shining sunlight
Obanai felt his gut churn in fuming jealousy at the sight before him. You and Tengen match each other very well, you’re both playful loveable doofuses and it made Obanai feel inferior
He wasn’t your nor any woman’s ideal man; he wasn’t tall nor handsome nor so muscular, he didn’t laugh at your jokes or enjoy comedy, he didn’t laugh at all. Wouldn’t you prefer somebody like Tengen? Did he have to become like you to have a chance?
“I bet you 20 yen that you can’t make Iguro laugh” Tengen chirped in suddenly, plucking out a single paper Yen from the hidden pockets on his uniform pants and waved it in front of your face. You grinned, leaping up in a small hop in your step
“I accept! If I win, I get that 20! If I lose, you get 40!” You remark cheerfully, ignoring Tengen’s shifting expression and hopping off without another word. You didn’t hear Tengen’s open disagreement over you giving him double of what he originally bet, you didn’t care! You were a gifter anyway
You smile and arrived in front of the all-too- familiar tree of the Master’s huge backyard, where you found a single wild Iguro Obanai occupying it. In the moment, he was reading a parchment of paper. You pouted out in curiosity moments after as you approached the dark bulky trunk, touching the scratchy skin and internally calculated how you’d scale it
In a second or so, you managed to bounce up the large thick plant and to the stocky tree branch where the monochrome striped haori Hashira laid flat on his back, the snowy snake wrapped around his collarbone you knew as Kaburamaru coiled upwards from his laid-down position on the man’s shoulder and noticed your F/C zori
You fell to your knees and smiled cheerfully at the snake. “Heya!” You howl happily, waving at the serpent. His silted rose red eyes widened in shock
The sound of your voice made Obanai lunge upright defensively and nearly fling the paper away. He turned in the direction of the words with clenched fists but the slight panic and intent annoyance on his figure faded in no time. Thank the gods, it was only you
He would have been beyond furious if he was anybody else bothering him during the opportunity he is using to relax
You slammed your palms down onto the thick branch in front of you with that signature humorous grin of yours. Obanai jolted back in a mixture of defensiveness and confusion. “What did the grape say when it got crushed? Nothing, it just let out a little wine!”
You changed your goofy grin to a cheeky smirk, sitting down properly with a pleased sigh but your confidence almost drooped when you noticed that Obanai kept a frown
You lightly stuttered as you cracked another joke with that unchanging whimsy smile. “I know the boy who uses Thunder Breathing. My, isn’t his skills so shocking!”
You smirk delighted, keeping your eyes closed briefly but when they draw open, your heart nearly stopped. Obanai was still frowning, not a single ounce of his face had shifted
You were running out of time! You almost felt like panicking as your brain fumbled over to come up with another more funny joke. “A crazy wife says to her husband that moose are falling from the sky. The husband says; it’s reindeer!”
You openly giggle under your breath for a bit, just hoping he’d laugh alongside with you. Obanai looked at you unbothered, his tough glare basically said ‘can you shut up?’
“O-oh… sorry, then” You softly apologise to him, despite the fact he hadn’t spoke a word, looking away and cupping your cheeks with your palms in defeat with your body arched as you learn forward. You sat in front of him, your white-to-icy blue fade snowflake-patterned thigh-highs hugged your legs and made the blushed plush skin warm
How convenient that those socks you wore so proudly are from the same man you were trying so desperately to make laugh; Obanai himself
The uncomfortable silence was killing you and it went on for seconds too long. Well, until Obanai begun speaking, alerting your attention onto him. What was he gonna say now? You were quite curious as you kept your eyes firmly on him
“Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?” Obanai asks in a melodic tone, you crane your head and body back up with a confused expression
Moon? A restaurant? Is this a new place his best friend Mitsuri mentioned or something. You felt a bit out of the loop, why didn’t you hear about this sooner? You spoke in a confused stutter. “N-no? Wha—“
“I heard the food was good but it had no atmosphere” Obanai gazed at you, his mismatched eyes soft and sparkling with what you felt as love bleeding out. You bit your bottom lip, trying your best to stifle your laughter but it failed
In a matter of seconds, you were laughing and laughing so much, Obanai’s heart almost leaped to space at the scene in front of him. You look so simply cute in your little giggle fit
Choking on sizzling out giggles through your words. “W-w-where d-did you— g-get that one?” You bursted in a voice heavier than what you planned, your lungs burning and screaming out for air as you were laughing too much to breathe deeper than quick sharp breathes
“I made it up” Obanai responded in a kinda blank style. Kaburamaru coiled to face Obanai with a tilt of his smaller head. He seemed as confused as you were. You could have sworn he got closer to you
“You made it up?! That was amazing! As a jokester myself, that was so funny! I loved it!” You practically sung fearless praises as Obanai kept looking at you, his brain internally skipping over convulsions and screaming back at him how you enjoyed his efforts
“How many jokes you do make behind our backs? Tell me all of them! Please!” You chirp cheerfully, bouncing in place with excitement and wonder glazing over those pretty eyes Obanai felt his face burst into flames just looking at you
Obanai sighed softly, attempting but failing to ease his nerves. He briefly kept his heterochromatic eyes closed to recollect his composure but he opened with newfound confidence and looked back into your eyes
“They say nothing lasts forever, so would you be my nothing?” Obanai remarked still as calm, your heart dropped and your cheeks burned in one smooth motion. A pickup line, not just any pickup line, a really really cute pickup line. W-wait! Was he trying to hit on you?
You thought intently and quickly, hoping you didn’t look uncomfortable or freaked out in the moments as Obanai watched you in suspense and you decided on the whim. Why not, let’s go for it. It wasn’t like you didn’t like Obanai
You quickly propped back onto your feet whilst crouched and waddled over to sit right next to him, not speaking anymore and your smile smaller than the usual big goofy grin you’re known for. Falling back onto your sitting posture, you were mere inches away from him
“Did… you hate that… or something?” Obanai asked visibly uneasy and with nervous eyes, clearly a bit confused by your actions all at the same time. You have singlehandedly made Obanai the most confused he has ever been in his entire life in this mere hour
You kept up your quiet facade as you leant to press a kiss on his cheek and drape your hand atop his. Leaning back elegantly, you noticed how Obanai’s face exploded into a bright rosy red and his beloved snake Kaburamaru basically danced in a wiggle on the air to meet his eyes
You let out a more playful toothy grin this time as Obanai struggles to keep his eyes on you any longer, the two-tones of yellow and turquoise shooting everywhere else around him. He was so timid and it made you simply livid!
How could a man so cute be even cuter? You always asked but now, you know exactly how
“I’d love to be your nothing~”
Sorry if it’s bad
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cynicalstudy · 3 months
I’ve translated some Precure interviews from the 20th Anniversary Character Chronicle! This post is dedicated to Mahou Tsukai Precure. Information under cut😊 (Note: I am not a professional translator! There will/may be some errors, but I tried my best!)
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Plain Text:
Page 1:
1.“Cure Up! Ra-pa-pa! Diamond! Miracle-Magical-Jewelry-le! The Miracle of the Duo! Cure Miracle!”
2.The Precure Mirai transforms into. She meets Riko, a girl who can use magic and falls from the sky, wanting to help her find something. Batty appears, and they are attacked by a monster called a Yokubaru. When Mirai’s pendant shines, she becomes a Precure. Mirai is overjoyed when her beloved teddy bear, Mofurun, can talk!
3.A 13-year-old girl who will soon be a second year at Tsunagi First Junior High. She likes strange and interesting things and is very curious. Later, she attends the Magic School. Her catchphrase is “How exciting!”
Page 2:
1.“Witchy was the first season in the series to follow a “magic” theme. The main starting point for both Miracle and Magical was “contrast”, to go with their matching “twin” theme.” (Next Quote) “The witch hat is a motif in all Linkle Stone transformations. Decorated with a headband and little jewels, it felt very refreshing!”
2.”To create a mysterious atmosphere, the accessories, such as bracelets and waist bands, were made to appear as though they were floating. In contrast to Magical, Miracle’s design was made to feel cute and fluffy rather than sharp. Her boots were given an angelic look. With both Miracle and Magical, there was an angel/devil idea behind both concepts. One major point of contrast is that Miracle does not have a big cloak.”
3.“Many new features arose from the concept of magic. Hence, we had to create a rich variety of styles for them both.”
4.“We asked Rie Takahashi (Miracle’s VA) for words of inspiration as Miracle. She stated, “Cure Up! Ra-pa-pa! I want to meet everyone! I learned the words of honesty can make miracles happen~” Takahashi-san believes both Miracle and Magical paired together is a lovely sight, making them inseparable.”
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Plain Text:
Page 1:
1.“Cure Up! Ra-pa-pa! Diamond! Miracle-Magical-Jewelry-le! The Magic of the Duo! Cure Magical!”
2.The Precure Riko transforms into. While searching for the Linkle Stone Emerald to escape supplementary lessons at school, she meets Mirai. They are then attacked by a Yokubaru. When in a pinch, her pendant glows, and she and Mirai become Pretty Cure.
3.A girl who attends the Magic School. She is good at studying, but not at magic. She came to the No Magic World in search of a gem with great power. Her catchphrase is “Just as I calculated.”
Page 2:
1.“Keeping in mind our idea to contrast Miracle, her design incorporates a cool atmosphere, almost a devilish-look. The fluffy hem on the cloak accentuates this idea.” (Next Quote) “Magical’s hair resembles a bat with its wings spread. The straight, sharp edges also contrasts Miracle’s fluffy feel. The boots are also straight with a V-cut too.”
2.“The off-shoulder look accentuates a feel of an older sister. And a fluffy hem was chosen to trick the viewer! It invokes the feeling of a mischievous witch~”
3.“With not much else to say regarding the design, we did select a look that kids would find cute, but still cool in Magical’s own way.”
4.”We asked Yui Horie (Magical’s VA) for words of inspiration as Magical. She stated, “Cure Up! Ra-pa-pa! These are the magic words in MahoPre (Abbreviation). When I said them, I felt motivated~”. Horie-san claimed that her favorite style sense of Riko’s was her swimwear, as she described it cute and “something I would wear too”. She believes it is different and a change of pace.”
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Plain Text:
Page 1:
1.“Cure Up! Ra-pa-pa! Emerald! Felice Fun-fun, Flower-ly! A blessing unto all life! Cure Felice!”
2.The precure Kotoha (Haa-chan) transforms into. When Miracle and Magical are in a pinch with a powerful Yokubaru, she appears and defends them. “Precure! Emerald Reincarnation!” is a special move only she can use.
3.A fairy girl born from the Linkle Smart Tome. After she goes missing, she returns all grown up. Because Mirai and the others took care of her, she inherited their personalities and mannerisms. She can also use difficult magic.
Page 2:
1.“Felice’s design was started almost immediately after Miracle and Magical, despite her not appearing till much later. Since she is a fairy, she had to feel very different from the two witches.” (Next Quote) “She was given a short veil to feel like a goddess. A crown of flowers were given to add a divine appearance to her, along with the flower motif within her eyes.”
2.“Since braids were popular at the time, we decided to give her heart-shaped braids. Her design was made to show off her forehead, contrasting the original duo. Our sponsors consulted us about a see-through skirt, so we added a layer of green fluff beneath. There was much trial and error, but we arrived at her current design, which we felt was cute.”
3.“Originally, we wished for her to have sandals. However, with much of the focus as magic, we added the ribbons to act like sandals, but kept pumps on the bottom. There are fewer guard-like parts since Felice is more magic-oriented.”
4.“We asked Saori Hayami (Felice’s VA) for words of inspiration as Felice. She stated, “Haa~! It is Haa-chan’s favorite phrase and is incredibly versatile! It filled me with much motivation, along with being cute!” Hayami-san adores the flower on Kotoha’s outfit, and believes the skirt gives the costume a “light, fluffy feeling”. There were many flowers as well.”
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spiderziege · 11 months
omg i love the 3rd life horses so much <333 do you have a thought process for the specific breeds you assigned people, along with the horses’ armor pieces and such? also, i know you said you’re doing 3rd life horses, so do you have any headcanons for what kind of horse life series players that weren’t in 3rd life like pearl and lizzie would have? (like even if you don’t end up drawing them)
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK!!! i do have thoughts!!
i dont have specific breeds picked out for all of them but ill just go through each one :]
cleos horse is a clydesdale, i knew i wanted some big draught horses for cleo and ren specifically, and i just looove clydesdales theyre so beautiful. for bdubs i wasnt as sure, his is maybe a quarter horse or something? definitely something fast and versatile. and both of their tack is meant to be fancy but not too over the top (cleos horse has a couple flowers that match the ones in cleos hair, and bdubs' horse has a clock and a red cloth that matches bdubs' headband)
rens horse is a shire, wanted his horse to he as big and imposing as possible. for martyn i also wanted something strong and big, but not as fancy and eyecatching. so that its obvious from looking at the horses who's the king and who's the hand. i think his is maybe a cleveland bay? and then both of their tack is very medieval knight-esque, which i think fits their vibe pretty well.
for joels horse im not really set on a specific breed, but i wanted something small and agile for him, something used for hunting. his tack is also a lot simpler than the crastle & dogwarts people
for etho i was kinda struggling tbh. the first breed that came to mind was something like arabian or akhal-teke, but in a third life scenario it just doesnt really make sense to give a desert horse to anyone except desertduo lol. my other option was some kind of ancient breed - like sorraias/tarpans. but those are pretty small and i wanted something a bit bigger, so i ended up with just kinda. generic gray horse. i wish id have made the markings a darker gray instead of white, and added a stripe on the back, i think thatd work better. he also has pretty minimal tack, and he's the only one who rides without stirrups cause he just seems like that kinda guy (same)
for the other third lifers - desert duo get either an arabian or akhal teke, like i said. kinda leaning towards arabian. they also only get one horse because they still have pizza too of course
imp & skizz & bigb all get bigger working horses similar to martyn probably. i think imp & skizz get very similar horses, and for bigb im thinking maybe black forest horse or something?
tango gets a mustang, i dont really have a reason for that it just feels right
jimmy gets a haflinger because thats like the golden retriever of horse breeds i think
for scott im not sure either - he could be a lusitano kinda guy, but tbh i think flower husbands can just share one haflinger with a million flowers woven into its hair
and then the ones that werent in third life - pearl definitely gets a marwari horse. im not sure what it is about those horses but thats just. the pearlescentmoon horse to me. maybe its the ears, they kinda look like little antennae
for lizzie im not really sure generally, but i think specifically for the last life fairy fort she gets a unicorn. thats just the only kinda horse i can think of that makes sense lol
mumbo gets a trakehner or some similar warmblood breed
gem gets an irish cob i think. definitely something thats strong but not super big
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cringetober day three : unnecessarily complex fit !!! i have been itching to draw c!tommy so here u go !!! <333 he seems like a skirt over pants guy tbh so that's what i did. i would have added more but i was short on time :(
prompts / design explanation under cut !!
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design explanation !!!!
first off, i hc c!tommy as a moobloom hybrid (hence the flowers, ears, tail, and spots), created specifically by prime (hence the eyes !!). he does not have horns but does have a cloth devil horn headband since he was a child. his hair in the braid & clasp is courtesy of techno as like. a family thing. the emerald necklace is also courtesy of techno. the bandana is matching with tubbo. the necklace with many different colored gems is a family thing that ranboo gave him. the compass is, well, the compass. the shirt design, legwarmers, and skirt are just for fun. his bracelets and ring are also from techno. i would have added kandi but i didn't have time :( the sweater is made from friends wool. the cloud buttons on the sweater are big because c!tommy has shaky hands which makes it hard to grip things. the gloves were c!wilbur's. the aroace and trans pins are my headcanons. the ribbons are tribute to cc!technoblade. the patches on his pants are for cat and mellohi. the beads on his shoelaces he made himself. he has braces because he never took them off after the beginning of lmanburg. the blue stains are from ghostbur.
i think that's it :3
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charmixpower · 1 year
Musa ia the only one (i think) who changed her hairstyle thoughout the show. What is your opinion about the other winx what hairstyle will suit them best.
Uhh?? Like which hairstyles look best and how I'd like to see their hair develop through the seasons? Sure
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WOW making Bloom's hair wavy is objectively correct
That aside, high low styles and braids. That's what Bloom really vibes in. Something about Bloom and braids I cannot explain it but it looks beautiful and the high low styles just may h Bloom's vibes
Leaving Bloom's bangs letting them be weird is 20/20 Bloom. Yes Bloom cuts her own bangs, how could you tell. She loves her insane bangs
Bloom just rocks braids too. Small decorative braids that wrap around her head and the full on braids. Both look amazing on her
Messy buns are also perfect for Bloom. Matches her art kid vibes perfectly, real buns are great for when she's trying to be fancy. Fancy Bloom with a small bun is always super cute. Nothing can contain her weird girl energy
I wish WOW Bloom had her weird ass bangs, then we could have wavy hair classic Bloomy hair
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Stellas classic bangs look like she has normal straight bangs with hella frayed edges in a vampire cut at best and I hate them. I refuse to believe that Stella has vampire cut bangs, I simply close my eyes when I see it
I am VERY biased to any hairstyle that gets rid of them, and also curtain bangs Stella supremacy
I also think Stella looks better without those two super long stands of hair hanging over her shoulders, I like the s5 ones a lot
Aside from that Stella's hair looks best when it's down, but because that's boring this is mostly a complication of bang styles I like on her with one example of Stella nomral hair
Also mixed kid Stella, her hair is naturally curly or has the ability to curl naturally. I am biased and I like to see her hair with some volume yess
The s4 Stella look is mostly there because it's just a beautiful way to put her hair up for like sleep and stuff where she'd want her hair out of the way and it's one the Stella hairstyles of all time
The beach look is here because it actually made me forget how much I hate her pointy bangs. Her hair is windswept 💕💕💕 beautiful, the bun is a cute touch as well
That's all. Stella loves her long hair and gets p fuckin upset whenever someone fucks with it and does like everything to maintain it. Stella literally would only cut her hair under threat of death, and she likes having it down. Her hair says down XD the only thing that would change is her bangs
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When they get weird with Flora's bangs it's always a win. Like yes bitch let her bangs do as they please, mix them up yesssss. Also big yes to any hairstyle that draws attention to her bangs, like hair decorations, and while I'm not sold on that headband it does make her bangs stand out more so ig it can stay
Flora looks best when her hair is left to roam wild or tied up tight. It's either giving boho queen letting her hair be all flowy and gorgeous, or "I'm gardening and I'm not getting dirt in my hair" and both fit her amazingly
The Sirenix low ponytail is just so slay. It's so messy and flowy and free and it gives a casual nature lady energy. It's such a chill beautiful look that really should have been in a civilian form instead but like whatever
I'm usually against high ponytail Flora, but the flowers and pearls in her hair save that look and help it ascend. Gorgeous. We love it
The s4 and s6 buns are so cute. Gardening hair and date hair respectively
Flora's Believix hair is THEE Flora hair. I'm sorry but it is. Superior to Flora's Enchantix hair. The flowers fit her so much better than pearls and gems and I don't think Flora would get super fancy with her hair in the first place. This is just Flora
Flora also should have cut her hair in s4. It would be cute
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Dyed hair, choppy bangs, messy hair, slicked back hair, weird HUGE bangs, keep it weird, keep it short, keep it Tecna baybeeee
Also hats. Hats also fuck but I can't see them being a every day thing for her
It would be really fun if she cut and shaved her hair in different styles as hair evolution but I'd accept her dying her hair differently every season
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Musa looks best with her hair up. Especially with her long hair because it makes it look like her hair is shorter while also giving her hair more options. I especially like her s5 hair of the bun with the hair down and the sleep hair loopys. While I wouldn't make the sleep hair loopies her civilian look it is a natural evolution of her pigtails into a new long hair style while still keeping the original style (tho it needs to lose the side strands, the shorter strands work better when her hair is visibility long and this makes them look short so axe em)
Hats as well, Musa looks good in hats. Musa only got to wear one hat in the original series, and she wore it over her pigtails because she's very silly, but more hats and a hat in her civilian design would absolutely be a win to me
Okay now stuff that only applies to her long hair:
The long low pigtails are slightly more tomboish than the long high pigtails but if you have her an undercut that would fix that
The s4 long hair looks like shit, that isn't Musa, yada yada yada, if your going to do long hair down Musa do it like S7. Would Musa ever wear any of that, especially the earrings? God no. Does it at least look like something an older Musa might wear? Replace the head band with headphones, and yeah maybe
WOW Musa got the memo. Also that hairstyle is like her s5 one except the bun doesn't lead into a pointy tail, instead it's a half up half down style. It's cute, but it's mostly there to show how headphones can replace a headband
There are a lot of examples of how to make long hair Musa look less bad and that's because there are no images of short hair Musa in anything but her pigtails and I'm cranky about it
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Messy bangs, high ponytails, and fashion only hats
S6 is a crime against humanity but look at her hair godblessss. The s5 and s3 hats are cute and yes Aisha only wears hats for fashion unlike Tecna who wears them for a purpose, and Musa who wears them for both
Messy bangs just work with Aisha. Her whole thing is that she was overly stifled and expected to act in a very particular way and as soon she got away she refused to control her flyaways and bangs. She will not, fuck y'all, she got shit to do that isn't worrying about her hair
High ponytails also work like hell. High ponytails are just yess. They have a very "I got shit to do, and I need to do it yesterday." Vibes that fit Aisha's dedication and drive perfectly
Mixing the two gives this very amazing vibe. They tried to accomplish this in s4, but did not but they did manage to get it in s6 which is hilarious. It gives the vibes that she needs to do something but not as urgent, shes still having fun
I also love how her Royal hairstyles are the high pointytail too, it shows how the main thing she got from all those classes is how to be goal oriented. I love that for her, she threw away all the sexist nonsense and kept the work ethic, she's so awesome. In reverse it also shows how dedicated she is to her people, how keeping them safe and happy is her goal, love thattt
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witchofthemidlands · 1 year
headcanons for torchwood three going to a festival together because my recent trip to cardiff was, in fact, for the depot in the castle festival because bastille were on & it had always been a bucket list wish of mine to see my favourite band live so my friend invited me & our other friend to join her to see them. it was incredible & lovely to see people of all ages having an absolute blast, HOWEVER, because i just could not be Normal, my brain decided to spawn headcanons for torchwood three (all alive, no dead idc about canon) going to a festival together. i apologise in advance to you all, especially to @kirstyth who is about to hear more of my insanity.
ianto probably has the best glitter makeup look. he would have gems, rhinestones & so many different colours of glitter & would look stunning. he would probably have the bi flag with myfanwy on it. would probably do most of the singing along & dancing with an equally as bright & cheerful jack, gwen & rhys.
now i really think jack would be opposed to wearing glitter himself but i could also imagine jack in his normal coat but it being completely covered in navy blue glitter (he would probably get some on his face though from being affectionate with ianto) probably wears leather trousers like the ones he wore in bw/tpotw & is having a great time as its probably his first twenty first century human festival.
martha i think, depending on her choice of hair style would either have silver or gold strands in a messy bun or if she had her hair in her beautiful braids, she would have different neon beads in them & a gold flower headband, she would look like an absolute goddess. may have some angel wings on because they remind her of her friend tallulah & potentially could wear a similar style dress. if she drags her husband along along mickey probably ends up with glitter in his hair & would have an inflatable alien on a stick left over from one of the ‘alien spacecraft crashed into big ben’ parties.
weirdly enough i think rhys would also have some glitter, more low key than ianto but he would still look cool. makes sure everyone has a drink, would probably wear a big flower necklace, has an inflatable flamingo & neon heart shaped sunglasses that gwen would have a matching pair of. he'd be having such a blast because he didn't think torchwood did normal things like this. is definitely the festival expert & likes that he has significantly more knowledge on something than the rest of torchwood three do.
oh gwen would probably be wearing a pretty flowery summer dress & definitely has matching sunglasses with rhys, wears big fun, colourful plastic jewellery & has her face painted, is very excited about torchwood three doing a normal activity, spends most of her time group dancing with rhys, jack & ianto, is also wearing a flower crown, i could also imagine her with bright red streaks sprayed into her hair, tries to convince owen to dance with them to no avail but would probably win in a drinking competition between herself, rhys, jack & ianto.
tosh i think, would be all about the flower crowns & would look like the most beautiful ethereal fantasy fairy with small but intricate glittery makeup. loud music probably isn't really her thing but she loves spending time with the others. has one drink, gets nowhere near as drunk as the others do. is convinced to dance with jack, ianto, gwen & rhys a few times but hovers around owen to talk with him & attempt to get him to smile at least once. he gives her his jacket or lab coat when she’s cold & that absolutely makes her day.
whilst i think suzie would join in on wearing a flower crown with tosh, i feel like she would wear a massive gold medusa snake headband or something equally as strange with a long tie dye dress & hand jewellery that she's fashioned to look like the risen mitten. definitely looks like some kind of mysterious witch that's just emerged from deep within a forest. probably would be quieter than the others & drink with owen but is occasionally seen humming or singing along. if any of the team members see her dancing, no they did not.
owen would probably not want to be there, especially if its taking place in the middle of a field because he doesn't like grass, definitely almost always has his drink in his hand or his face buried in a cup whilst sulking, unlike the others who are having the time of their lives & would definitely wear his normal every day clothes, potentially even his lab jacket if the team have just dragged him with them. makes snarky comments most of the time but has conversations with tosh & suzie because they're quieter than the others. somehow ends up being forced into a flower crown by the combined efforts of tosh, suzie & gwen.
myfanwy has her own flower crown that she found on the floor of the hub during when the others were getting ready, she’s flying through the skies & rather enjoying the tunes she can hear. scares a few locals, some people think she's a flag or a balloon though.
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Balan Wonderworld Outfits: Chapter 9
Here are Chapter 9's outfits! At first, I was originally going to give all of the characters circus-themed outfits. Instead, I decided to give them outfits/costumes that they would wear in the parade as entertainers. I hope you all enjoy these!
Leo Craig
A white, long-sleeved shirt with a v-neck collar, black pants, and black shoes. He no longer sports his standard bandana.
Emma Cole
A princess costume which consists of white feather ornaments in her hair, an off-shoulder pink dress with short, puffed transparent sleeves, white evening gloves, gold earrings, a gem necklace, and red high heels. Her hair is let down.
Jose Gallard
A scarecrow costume which consists of a brown pointed hat, a red shirt with an attached deep red collar, a crewneck that resembles straws of hay, matching wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs, a rope belt, blue pants, and black boots.
Fiona Demetria
A mermaid princess costume which consists of a gold tiara that is adorned with pearls and ocean blue shells, a dress with a blue top that has a sweetheart neckline, ruffled ocean blue trimming on the waist, an ocean blue mermaid skirt, and gold high heels.
Yuri Brand
A fairy costume which consists of a white floral headband, a dress with a purple top and puffed sleeves and magenta skirt, transparent butterfly wings, and indigo ballet flats.
Haoyu Chang
An air pilot costume which consists of a black pilot hat, a white, short-sleeved shirt, a black tie, a brown belt with a gold buckle, black pants, and shoes.
Sana Hudson
A samba dance outfit which consists of a orange, yellow, and green feathered headress attached to a black band, a black and orange off-the-shoulder dress with an orange, yellow, and green ruffled and layered skirt, and black stilettos. Her hair is no longer in dreadlocks and is straightened.
Cass Milligan
Princess Merry's costume, which consists of a light blue wig that is in the exact same hairstyle as her, a gold crown, a yellow ball gown with a gold collar, white gloves, and gold kitten heels.
Cal Suresh
A gold king's crown with red gems, a black tailcoat with white lining over a white dress shirt, white pants, and tall black boots.
Iben Bia
A snow princess costume which consists of a silver tiara with a lone, rhombus-shaped turquoise gem, a blue off-the-shoulder sleeved gown with a white fur collar, rhombus-shaped turquoise gems on the chest and rim of the dress, a small v-shaped cut at the center that exposes a light blue undershirt, a transparent blue cape, and light blue kitten heels.
Attilio Caccini
A clown costume which consists of a dark magenta top hat with a yellow flower on it, a magenta jumpsuit with a white neck ruffle and white polka dots, yellow pom poms that act as buttons, white gloves, and yellow clown shoes.
Lucy Wong
A gold queen's crown with magenta gems, a white ruffled choker, a white ball gown with puffed sleeves and a light green accent in the center, and white stilettos.
Eis Glover
A red tailcoat with gold buttons over a matching vest with gold accents, a white high-collared shirt, a black tie, black pants, and black shoes.
Bruce Stone
A black top hat, a matching tailcoat over a white high-collared shirt, a mauve tie, black pants, and brown dress shoes.
Act 3 Outfit (Specifically for Attilio)
A white blazer over a matching high-collared dress shirt, a magenta bow tie, white dress pants, and black dress shoes.
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mostly-mundane-atla · 2 years
This might be a ridiculous question. But I was thinking about high fashion and the Met Gala. And I was wondering… if you were to put together a Met Gala type of outfit with Inupiaq styles what would it look like? (I’m sure that the Met Gala had had some problematic past, I’m just trying to evoke the vibe of the outfits… I feel like I’m messing up this question… Zendaya’s Cinderella dress lit up when her “fairy god designer” pointed a wand at it and that got me curious.)
Oh, you have opened a pandora's box of a fantasy i've had for years and years.
So the main piece of the ensemble would be a drop waist gown in the style of a kuspuk. I can't decide on a a color, but it would be silk, perhaps with metalic woven or embroidered detailing to indicate a stripe and/or floral pattern which were the tradional go-to. The sleeves would be sheer but in a matching color to display braclets that mimic the look of forearm tattoos underneath. A trim of multiple layers of black lace dotted with white swarovski crystals would be applied where you would see fur from the parka poking out, such as at the hem, the sleeve cuffs, and along the hood (which may or may not be entirely decorative and function more as a small cape-like element).
There would also be mukluk style boots made of velvet woven to look like sealskin, or even just authentic sealskin mukluks (regalia is formal wear!). Hair would be in an elaborate braided style shaped low at the back of the head with an ivory doll worked in near the shoulder to allude to the image of a baby poking its head out of mama's hood. Also decorating the hair would be a take on the traditional beaded headbands made with pearls and gems or semiprecious stones in colors that complement the gown, making the whole look pop.
One final accessory would be red gloves. Any photos i'd deliberately pose for would have an approximation of the red handprint over the mouth symbolizing solidarity with Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. If people want to fawn over pretty regalia as haute couture, they don't get to bitch and moan about us asking them to care about our stolen sisters.
I doubt it would be on theme but every other white guy celebrity wears a boring black suit regardless of theme so....
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fatepuellamagi · 2 months
Fated: A Puella Magi Story - The tale of Lola Lavoie: "Does 7 PM work?"
Lola finally made a normal response after a brief hesitation, "does 7 PM work?" she asked, to which Val nodded
The two would go their separate ways for the rest of the day until that fateful time. Lola walked to the cafe, Kyubey following her. Lola asked Kyubey about Val.
"So, do you know Val?" Lola asked, "I just met her and wanna know about her."
Kyubey nodded, "Valerie Laurent is a more experienced Magical Girl, she could help train you."
"Yeah, I kinda assumed that was the case."
As Lola got near the cafe and looked up at the starry night sky, Val was already standing outside. They exchanged waves before Lola asked if they were going inside
"No, this cafe is a mess, fights happen all the time, it's a breeding ground for witches, maybe we can get treats at the bakery later." Val told Lola, bringing her to an alleyway near the building.
"You said something about Witches, what was that for?" Lola questioned. Val sighed, "I seem I forgot to tell you," she began, "witches are pretty much beings of darkness that cause despair and curses, the antithesis to magical girls, basically," she would continue, "they often cause people to mysteriously murder people or commit suicide, pretty messed up, I know, but that's where we come in, but first, let's transform, follow me."
Val raised her arm, the one with her ring on it, transforming into her magical girl form, donning a black dress with an orange crop jacket over it, her Soul Gem taking form of an orange spiral on one of the pair of black fingerless gloves she wore, donning a spiked orange headband and black boots. also summoning a whip, possibly as a weapon.
Lola matched Val's movements prior to transformation, beginning her own, a white dress surrounded in purple knight armor, her soul gem taking form of a spade on her chest, she would also get her own weapon, a more conventional sword.
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Lola looked at herself and at Val, staring in awe at their new outfits. but soon the two of them heard loud noises from inside the cafe, "I'LL KILL YOU!"
the two ran inside to see a man pulling out a pistol and pointing it at a waitress, Val quickly swung her whip towards the pistol, snatching it from him before he could fire it, and then tying the man up with her whip, almost like ropes.
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cooldoode27 · 2 months
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Hi all,
I want to introduce an OC I made while doing Peridot practice for my AU.
This gems name is Tabble (Pronounced Tab-bull)
She is an ERA 2 Peridot gem from Homeworld.
Tabble is kind, caring, cheery, and energetic. She acts like a big sister to all the Peridots, looking out and sticking up for them.
Tabble stands a head and a half taller than the average Peridot.
In comparison to Peridot 5XG, Tabble’s body is full length without limb enhancers. She still has limb enhancers like most Peridot’s, except hers are specifically designed to aid in her duties instead of increasing her height.
Tabble’s gemstone is positioned in her left eye. It is a flat table cut. Tabble wears a small headband on her forehead which matches colour with her gemstone.
Her hair is shaped similar to her gemstone.
Her attire is basic. Donning a black shoulder and neck guard. A thin dark grey wrapping around her neck. A dark green shirt that wraps around her waist. Extremely dark green pants. A diamond sigil positioned on her sternum. And black sleeves on her biceps.
(The design below is not a full rendition, and is not supposed to be Tabble, but the colours and outlining shape of the design are the same as Tabble’s)
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Tabble’s story in my AU is that she played a big sister role to all the Peridots on Homeworld. She would help make the other peridots feel better in themselves and comfort them.
One day during a kindergarten operation, some quartz soldiers were picking on a couple peridots, making fun of them for their size and how limited their use was. Tabble stepped in and got the peridots away from them. But as she was walking away, one of the quartz soldiers called her. She turned around and was immediately struck in the face. She staggered back with her hands over her gem. The quartz soldiers leave. The peridots Tabble helped crouch down to help her. When Tabble removes her hands from her face, her gem is cracked. Tabble covers her gem and doesn’t let the other Peridots see.
Tabble’s right eye turned black and her pupil became a white dot.
Tabble became scared fearing that she would be shattered or disposed off because of this crack. All of this happened over 1500 years prior to the events of Steven universe… and Tabble hasn’t been seen since that day.
The off colours will mention when talking to Steven that there was another member of their group… a green one.
(In my AU, the only healers in the gem empire were Pink diamond, and another OC who are both dead)
(If I draw Tabble digitally, I will post it)
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eiseryn · 1 year
Modern AU Outfit Designs (Lei ft. NPC friends)
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Back on my outfit design BS, but this time for outfits in the modern AU. I've written a little stuff (fanfiction???) for the modern AU which takes place in a university setting!
Throughout her university and med school days, Lei actually had long hair! So in the modern AU, I decided to draw her hair long~ Also it really hits different 🥺 She's cute with short hair too but long hair Lei feels younger and softer to me.
For the outfit, I wanted to make winter/autumn outfit designs for another series of drawings I'm actually working on (I have like 50 bajillion WIPS) and so I made these as concept art / outfit designs. I wanted to include plaid elements so for Lei, her skirt is a green plaid! She's also wearing sheer tights, which is something she really likes, and she has some sort of heat-tech thermal white turtleneck as well as a fluffy probably sherpa wool? jacket but I didn't play with the textures enough for that (whoops). She's wearing white heeled boots the same colour as her turtleneck. She likes wearing heels cuz she's not very tall (158.5cm but she says she's 160cm when people ask). She also has a diamond shaped green dangly necklace - I like drawing her with diamond shaped green gems.
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And of course, I designed her friends' outfits to be matching. I really wanted to have a plaid element among all four of them, and I realize that the four of them together are red, yellow, green, blue.🥺 Like sports day colours or something.
I designed Elise first, and gave her a classic red plaid circle scarf - those were super popular a few years ago! I decided to give her some red plaid legwarmers as well to add some colour to her otherwise plain suede jacket and black jeans/leggings (not sure which one it is). Her hair ribbons are red too, but I didn't put plaid in them (too small). She has a pretty simple outfit, because I imagine she wears simple but classy clothing. The Keeper (COC DM) later described her style as dark academia though, so I think I might draw her in some stuff like that later!
Ceres was pretty hard to design TBH. I wanted to give her a long skirt because she is shy and I thought it would be cute! I gave her fleece leggings under for the warmth. I also wanted to give her an accessory which I decided to be a headband which goes super well with the bangs that cover her face (in my opinion). I made them both yellow plaid, but the long plaid skirt contrasts and matches with Lei's short plaid skirt (bestie things 🥺 - Lei totally made them buy matching outfits). She has brown leather cowboy boots because fashion~ I wanted to give her a short jacket to contrast her long skirt and this is where I struggled I ended up making it the brown of her boots and added fur trim for a more winter/warm look. She's also wearing fur ball earrings because I wanted her to have a sort of fluffy look to her.
Vail! He looks so soft anime boy here and I love that 💅 I wanted to give him a simple parka with the inner lining of it to be the blue plaid so he'd match the rest of Lei's friends with the whole plaid design. I gave him jeans with a thigh belt which COULD be a gift from someone (👀👀👀if you know what I mean). Underneath the black parka I just threw on a simple winter turtleneck sweater to contrast all the black. I imagine it's pretty warm and made of thicc wool/ knitted material. I threw on some silver dog-tag/chain necklaces to ~ accessorize ~ a little more since he wears small silver earrings (apparently).
And voila! We're at the end of my unhinged rant about fashion/ outfit design! I'm sorry that I did not try to draw hands here. It's true I draw them badly anyways but I really didn't try this time. Sowwy.
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sepanbanquet · 8 months
Sepan’s 2024 Trends for Baby Shower Halls
If you’re a soon-to-be parent or a party planner you’re probably now aware that the world of baby showers has been through incredible transformations throughout the years And in 2024, the trend is all about elegance and style. Step inside Sepan Banquet Hall, Glendale’s crown gem when it comes to baby shower halls and gatherings that are not just parties, but a magnificent celebration of life and love. Take a seat back and enjoy our tour of Sepan’s tour for this year’s upcoming and popular baby shower trends for 2024.
Versatility of Venue There is definitely no one-size-fits-all approach to organizing a baby shower. Sepan Banquet Hall, which is well-known for being a flexible venue for baby showers, is stepping up its game. Sepan’s rooms are like chameleons, they adjust to your vision, whether it’s a traditional, stylish, or bohemian-themed celebration.
Themed Elegance and Flexibility for All Picture this – a ‘Nautical Adventure’ for your young sailor or a ‘Garden Fantasy’ for your blooming joy. The décor and atmosphere in Sepan’s halls are carefully designed to complement your idea, bringing each theme to life.
Baby showers of all sizes can be held in Sepan’s venues, from small, personal events with close friends and family to large, extravagant celebrations with an extensive guest list. The beauty of Sepan is its capacity to completely change any area to match the exact tone, theme, and size of your event.
An Extra Touch… Interactive components for baby showers are predicted to become more popular in 2024. With choices like bespoke photo booths and interactive games catered to your theme, Sepan Banquet Hall is cutting edge. Imagine an area where guests may draw or leave heartfelt messages on onesies or design handmade headbands for the tiny ones.
Your stylish baby shower will have an added touch of customization thanks to these enjoyable activities that will not only keep visitors entertained but also provide treasured keepsakes for the expecting parents.
Menu Mastery Without mouthwatering cuisine, what good is a celebration? We at Sepan Banquet Hall recognize the value of a well-crafted cuisine. Our menu items featuring Mexican and Mediterranean cuisine are more than just filling dinners; they’re memorable culinary adventures.
Mediterranean Delights: Picture your visitors savoring shawarma, tabbouleh, and Hummus as a spread. Or the flavorful combination of grilled kebabs with moussaka. Our Mediterranean menu is a hit for those who appreciate the nuances of this region’s culinary delights. Bright Mexican Flavors: Our authentically spiced and ingredient-driven tacos, enchiladas, and quesadillas are perfect for those with a more adventurous palate. Your baby shower will take on a vivid new dimension with this fiesta of flavors. Complementing Themes: Our menus are designed to go in with the style and atmosphere of your shower, whether you’re looking for a lively Mexican fiesta or a Mediterranean stylish theme. For both you and your visitors, it’s about crafting a seamless and engaging experience. Any baby shower menu would be incomplete without desserts and drinks, and at Sepan, we go above and beyond with our offerings. Our pastry chefs create a wide range of delectable delicacies that are visually appealing and delicious, including cakes with themes, cupcakes, and other sweet treats. Whether it’s beautiful champagne toasts for a nighttime celebration or artisanal mocktails for a midday party, we make sure that every drink enhances the happy occasion. Sepan Banquet Hall is a popular choice for baby shower halls in Glendale because of its careful attention to the culinary nuances.
Location Advantages Sepan Banquet Hall, located in the center of Glendale, is a destination rather than just another place to have a baby shower.  Glendale, known for its charm and convenience, makes Sepan an ideal location for your elegant baby shower. Its charming streets and welcoming atmosphere provide the ideal backdrop for a joyous celebration day.
Easy Access and Elegance for All The location of Sepan offers many benefits, chief among them being ease of access.  Glendale, known for its charm and convenience, makes Sepan an ideal location for your elegant baby shower.
Another great thing is that the surroundings of Glendale offer an array of picturesque backdrops for your baby shower photos. The city offers a range of scenic settings ideal for capturing the memorable moments of your celebration, whether it’s the verdant parks, the old and charming buildings, or the modern and stylish streetscapes. Due to Sepan’s close proximity to these lovely locations, your baby shower pictures will not only reflect the beauty of Glendale but also the joy of the celebration, adding to the allure of your special moments.
Stylish and Unforgettable Celebrations at Sepan If sophistication and culinary excellence are your preferences for a baby shower in 2024, Sepan Banquet Hall in Glendale is the place to go. With our versatile event spaces, exceptional Mediterranean and Mexican cuisine, and the undeniable charm of its location, Sepan stands out as the go-to when it comes to baby shower halls. Every celebration in this place is more than simply an event; it’s an experience, a remembrance, a celebration of the most priceless moments in life.
For those who are organizing a baby shower in the upcoming year, keep in mind Sepan Banquet Hall – a venue where your lovely visions of a baby shower come true.
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haruniki · 2 years
Haunted House
what's it like in a haunted house with them- Genshin Impact pt. 1
Characters: Hu Tao, Shenhe, Beidou, Ningguang
a/n: this is part of my Halloween event!! you can find it here! I will do my best to update it as i write characters!
Hu Tao
Probably not the best to go to a haunted house with
Hu Tao enjoys going to them! It's the most popular date option during October for the both of you.
Loves dressing up and going to them! She prefers matching costumes too! You've both ghost, zombies, and vampires before!
Scares the scarers back
Has been banned for some haunted houses for being too scary
Her favorite part of the haunted houses is going ahead of you and hiding, waiting for you to approach
And when you get close, she jumps out to give you a scare
"BOO!! Hahaha! You should see the look on your face! You're as pale as a ghost! Hmm? Aw, come on, don't give me that face, you know i was just joking right? Come here for moment."
Gives you as many hugs and kisses as she can because she feels bad about spooking you, only a little bit though!
Doesn't really understand them
She still goes to them, not because she wants to protect or anything, just wants to experience it
Shenhe most definitely doesn't get scared, mostly just confused by some of the decorations or costumes of the scarers
Tries to eat a fake spider
If you get scared and grab onto her, she turns beet red
Doesn't dress up but she might if you beg her too
She'd most likely just wear a witch hat or the devil horn headband
Keeps a hold on you so you don't get lost or wonder off
Somehow, she wonders off herself and now there's people looking for you to come collect your girlfriend
"..." "So how did you- " " I would rather not speak about.."
Overall, Shenhe will protect you and comfort you if you get too scared! Just be a bit careful about showing too much affection, she might over heat!
Objectively one of the funniest ones to go to a haunted house with
She'd boast about how you can grab on to her if get scared and the first jumpscare to happen, she'd jump in surprise (totally not scared at all)
Tries to laugh it off and say it was just a fluke
A lot more careful to pay more attention to her surroundings afterwards
I think Beidou would wear a costume to these but like a really funny one. Like a banana costume or something similar
holds on to your waist and holds you close to her so you don't get lost through the haunted house
If she feels you flinch at anything, she tightens her grip just a bit and pulls you into her side a bit
cracks jokes if things are too dense
if it gets too boring, Beidou will start a eye spy game to see how many random decorations you both can find
steals a spider decorations
"So, we might need to run back to ship." "what? why?" " heh, i may have stolen a decoration."
Cue to you both running
atleast you both have a new decoration for the crux
Lifts you up so you can place it up above the captain cabinet door.
Also gives you a very passionate kiss to make up for making you run
absolute queen
takes getting frightened like a champ, and laughs it off with pride and joy
Doesn't dress in a costume but does wear a nice outfit to go with the theme of the evening
Was mostly invite to it as a guest for a fundraiser or something similar
Thoroughly enjoys watching you interact with everything, and smiles gently when you get spooked by something
Ningguang keeps a hand on the small of your back so she can wrap her arm around should the need arise
Might get annoyed if people walking by gawk at the both of you
Might have to schedule a private visit for just the both of you
Enjoys the decorations and the ambience of it all
Afterwards, she definitely takes you out to eat foods that match the season.
"My gem, are you enjoying yourself? I should've tried to schedule a private event for us, i wasn't expecting so many people. "
Afterwards, Ningguang takes you back to the jade chamber for a bit of pampering and quality time together
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