#it would be so fun and i could probably do it too
tibby-art · 2 days
i am straight up on my hands and knees BEGGING for more hitman au
crazy that you mention that actually because i did write another snippet a little while ago.. here’s a doodle i did to accompany it + the writing under the cut
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Grian gazed out the window of the bus, soaking in the quiet evening of the city. It had been some time since he was out in public like this, since he had felt like a normal citizen going about her daily buisness. It was nice to be outside the NHO headquarters for once, free to do what she pleased. Well, sort of.
Grian wasn’t exactly free. He was allowed some free time out when there was no training, lab visits, or missions. However, she was only allowed outside the NHO with a bodyguard. Someone who could both protect him from the overstimulation of the outside world, as well as protect others from her… if he were to ever lose control of his powers, or something.
Yes, riding the bus with a former-criminal-turned-professional-hitman certainly made the whole experience feel less normal for Grian.
“It’s nice to take public transportation once in a while,” Scar mused, stretching his arms over his head. “Us vexes don’t get to do that much anymore, when we can just fly around wherever we need to go.”
“That must be so much better, though,” Grian pointed out. “You can fly wherever you want, and you don’t even have to pay the bus fare.”
“Let me tell you, Grian, flying can be so tiring,” Scar huffed. “Sometimes I’m so tired by the time we show up to a hit, we need to take a breather on the roof for a few minutes. The NHO should just let us have a car for the long missions, for goodness’ sake!”
Grian did a quick check of his surroundings. The bus was pretty empty this time of day, but she got no sense that any of the passengers were paying attention to Scar so casually talking about being a hitman. A brief tap into watcher vision didn’t show any movement from the passengers behind her, either.
“Cub’s in much better shape than me,” Scar rambled on. “Did you know that man was a professional basketball player once? Or was it golf…? Actually, I think it was both.”
The NHO didn’t deem it too urgent to send both their prized hitmen on Grian-watching duty, so Cub had stayed behind at the headquarters. Last time Grian had seen Cub, he was showing off a ring of keys to Scar, saying how he was going to get a lot of ‘research’ done that night.
“What are those keys for?” Grian asked.
“Don’t know yet,” Cub shrugged. “That’s part of the fun”.
“So… those aren’t your keys?”
Cub and Scar just grinned at her.
“….This is our stop,” Grian said.
The pair exited the bus. The Hermit City library stood before them.
“Library, huh?” Scar asked. “Do you have some overdue books from before you became a watcher or something?”
“Not so loud,” Grian scolded, glancing around a mostly empty city street. “But, no. Speaking of… that, I wanted to see if there were any books I could find on the subject.”
Scar raised an eyebrow. “Do you think a public library would have better information than what we have at the NHO?”
Grian shrugged. “It’s worth a shot.”
The library was pretty empty at this time of day. In fact, they probably closed in an hour or so. Grian had deliberately chosen a time of day where less people would be around, so that the trip was less overwhelming on his new senses. Scar had complained that he wasn’t a morning person, so they settled on the evening instead. Grian secretly was also glad she could sleep in a little.
“Geez, when’s the last time I’ve been in one of these?” Scar muttered, glancing at the countless shelves of books as they walked past.
“What, are you allergic to reading?” Grian teased.
“Well, I am dyslexic, so… sort of?”
Grian realized that for a trip to the library to do some research, she probably should have gotten Cub to come. The man literally has two science degrees, after all.
The two made their way to the front desk, where the librarian on duty appeared to be preoccupied… knitting a hand puppet of some kind?
“Well howdy there!” The librarian looked up from his work cheerfully. He had long, brown hair that was dyed neon green at the tips, matching perfectly with her pointed green glasses. “What can I help y’all with?”
“Uh, yes, um.” Grian tapped his fingers on the desk. “We were wondering if you had any books on Watchers, and where they might be?”
“Watchers, huh…” The librarian furrowed their brow. “Now that’s an obscure topic.” He swiveled his chair towards his computer to investigate further. Grian began to grow anxious with how obvious he felt they were being.
“I know, right?” Scar sighed, leaning on the desk casually. “It’s for some lame group project that’s like, a fourth of our final grade in the class.”
“Yikes! That sounds rough,” The librarian remarked as she typed on the computer. Grian tapped into his sixth sense and didn’t pick up on any feelings of suspicion from the librarian. Maybe bringing Scar was a good idea.
“Okay, well, most of these books that are coming up seem to be more on the… fantasy side,” The librarian explained after a moment of scrolling. “I know those guys are mythological beings, but you said you’re doing a research project, so I’m guessing you want something more factual…”
“Yeah, anything with information about where they came from, what they do, stuff like that.” Grian nodded. “Y’know, like if they were real.”
“Oh! Here’s something promising.” The librarian turned the monitor so that Grian and Scar could see. “This book right here seems to be a study of the tales of Watchers throughout history. Although… it looks like our only copy is checked out at the moment.”
“Really?” Grian asked. “By who?”
The librarian blinked. “Hm… y’know, I’m actually not sure if I’m supposed to like, give that information to people? Like, legally?”
“There’s another person in our group project, so we just want to know if they beat us to checking out this book,” Scar lied. “Communication in group projects, am I right?”
“Pff, yeah, that makes sense,” The librarian turned the computer back to face him. “It looks like this book is currently being borrowed by a Martyn. With a y! How fancy.”
“Ah, Martyn with a y, of course!” Scar exclaimed. “Well, now we know that Martyn has the book, right Grian?”
“Yup,” Grian agreed, mind racing.
“Hey, actually…” The librarian scrolled down on the computer some more. “You guys sure got the right person for this project. It looks like this Martyn fella has been checking this book out for a few months now?”
Grian’s eyes widened.
“Ohh, that Martyn,” Scar laughed. “Always getting the head start on things! Uh, did we need anything else, Grian?”
“Um…” Grian needed to think fast. Whoever this Martyn person was, he’s been checking the same book on Watchers out for months. Surely he has to know something about them. Grian had to speak to him. But how on earth were they going to find this person?
Grian focused on the back of the librarian’s computer monitor. For a brief moment, in her mind’s eye, he could see the content of computer screen, from the librarian’s eyes. There on the screen was a full name: Martyn Littlewood.
“Nope, that’s all,” Grian replied, blinking rapidly as he returned to his own vision.
“Great. Well, you two have a good one!” The librarian said cheerfully, and returned to their knitting.
Grian and Scar briskly made their way outside.
“Wow. So who’s this Martyn guy? I didn’t think anyone else cared about Watchers that much,” Scar began, turning to Grian. “Oh uh, Grian, you’ve got something there…” Scar pointed to his own nose, looking worried all of a sudden.
“Huh?” Grian wiped his nose on his sleeve instinctively, expecting snot. However, when he glanced at his arm he saw red.
“Ah.” At least her sweater was already red.
“What did you do in there?” Scar asked, his green eyes intense with a mix of curiosity and concern.
“I was able to get a better look at that computer, and see the guy’s last name,” Grian explained. “Martyn Littlewood. Whoever he is, he might have a ton of information about Watchers. I’ve got to find him and have a word with him.”
“Grian, you’re amazing!” Scar exclaimed, impressed. “Well, finding someone in this city should be easy enough for a Watcher.”
“Shush,” Grian glanced around the empty bus stop. “Or we could try, y’know, looking the name up online first…” Grian quickly pulled out her phone. “Ah. Found him.”
“What? You’re kidding.”
“Oh my god, Scar.”
“Scar.” Grian held the phone out. “Martyn Littlewood is…”
“A youtuber?” Scar’s jaw dropped as he scrolled through the list of videos. “And he makes videos talking about-“
Scar stared at Grian, dumbfounded.
“Scar, I think we just found the world’s biggest, and perhaps only, Watcher fanatic,” Grian stated in disbelief. “And he lives right here in Hermit City.”
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I am constantly procrastinating working on my original fic by writing fanfic. Any advice for how to refocus and finish my novel?
Well. The novel probably needs a nap.
Procrastinating is a symptom that something is preventing you from doing the thing you "should" be doing. Most of the time it's an unrelated, but actually higher priority task like resting after an illness (society is fucking lying about anything else being more important) or filing your taxes (actually this one is pretty important).
...but if you're procrastinating on one creative project with another creative project, you're not procrastinating: something about the novel is off right now, the fanfic is more appealing to you.
Consider the following:
You may be writing fic because it brings you more joy than the novel. If you really want to get back to the novel, figure out what would make working on it more enjoyable. Engagement from a beta-editor? Skipping this really boring scene and coming back to it later? Adding more smut?
You may also be writing fic because it's got a lower spoon coat than the novel and you need to conserve your spoons right now. Any extra stress in your life? Moving? Toothache? Recovering from Covid? Annoying roommate? Sick family member? It's an election year? ANY of those could soak up extra spoons and make your novel too expensive for your spoons budget. Let it take a nap, and come back when you're feeling better.
You may be sharpening your artistic skills on a lower-stakes project before going back to the novel. This is pretty normal- even Michaelangelo took breaks to work on other pieces while sculpting The David, both for a change of pace and so he could try something out without fucking up the big block.
Fortunately, you're writing, so you can always try writing the challenging scene a dozen times in different docs or save the parts that were good but don't not in a spare parts bucket doc.
Or keep working on that fic, it's helping you learn on a subconscious level.
You don't love the novel right now. This is alright. This is usually temporary, and the solution is the same- put it aside and work on something else.
Maybe you are just bored of the novel. That's fine and normal, you just save all the documents to your hard drive and come back later. When the fic inevitably gets boring too, you'll come back to the novel and either go "oh hey this kicks ass!" And return to it with renewed enthusiasm.
...Or you'll come back to it and go "oh. This is actually a piece of shit" And that's okay too, because there's nothing more useless than polishing a turd, but that turd is still valuable as compost. You learned things writing it, and you can still rifle through the novel for good lines or scenes or turns of phrase and put those in your spare parts doc to ferment into The Good Shit in the back of your mind.
If you are experiencing a different phenomenon wherein you are actively distressed while writing the fic- either out of misplaced guilt, or the fic isn't actually fun you just feel compelled to do something, or absolutely every creative endeavor is stressing you out, you may be experiencing a serious mental or physical health issue and you should see your GP or a specialist ASAP. Pain is an indicator that something is wrong. Do not ignore your body's warning light.
That sounds really dramatic and hyperbolic but realizing I was not enjoying ANY creative work was the symptom that finally got me to sit down and go "huh. All these random pains, irregular sleep cycle, frequent migraines and weird bouts of vertigo aren't normal either, I should get this looked at." And it turned out I had dangerously low blood oxygen at night from undiagnosed sleep apnea. I have a CPAP machine now and it's AMAZING.
I really hope this is regular artistic shuffle and not a serious health concern, but if you're experiencing creative stress AND a bunch of other shit, it may be serious.
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vangelini · 3 days
Boyfriend For the Night | Spencer Reid x Reader
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Part 2!!
Summary: During a night out with the team, you and Spencer find yourselves together at the bar. So, when a creep tries to pick you up, he tries his best to defend his best friend (by being MORE than just that…)
Tags: fluff, pining idiots, BAU!Reader, Fem!Reader.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption 🤷‍♀️
Words: 1.4k
It was often, after difficult cases, someone on the team would shout out a suggestion of “what’s everyone doing tonight?” or “anyone wanna go get some drinks?” This time, it just so happened to be Penelope.
“Come on, you know it’ll be fun,” she pleaded to the boy genius packing up in the bullpen.
“I don’t know, Garcia. I’m not sure how much fun I’ll be,” Spencer gave a tight-lipped smile, putting another file in his over-the-shoulder bag.
“Pretty Boy, you’re plenty of fun,” Morgan jested, one arm around Garcia. “Plus, I think Pretty Girl is going, too,” he smiled.
Spencer knew that was your nickname, given affectionately by Derek. He mulled over it in his mind. At least, if you were there, he might have someone to talk to about common interests. You were, after all, the only one on the team that could follow along with his ranting, taking the chance to blab about your own latest interests, as well. “Fine, I’ll go,” he came to the conclusion that hanging out with team would probably be more exciting than rereading a scientific journal to the soothing sounds of Vivaldi. Plus, he would get to see you outside of work.
“Yay!” Penelope clapped her hands together, her blonde pigtails bouncing. “This’ll be so much fun!” She grabbed Morgan’s hand and started walking out of the bullpen. “See you guys there!”
You spotted him as soon as he walked in, grinning wide with a small wave.
He laughed, waving back, in response. He scooted in next to you in the tight booth, his leg hitting yours. “What did I miss?” He asked, smiling at the team.
“Just hearing about Emily’s worst dates,” you smiled up at him, elbows on the table.
“Captivating,” he joked, a little stiff from the close proximity between the two of you. Spencer couldn’t deny that he was attracted to you. Well, he could, and he has been, ever since he met you. Sure, it earned him some teasing from the team, but you weren’t free from it either. ‘That’s just what happens when a man and woman are friends,’ he rationalized. But your relationship was closer than just friends. (Best friends?) It was hard to ignore the way you turned to him, when in a group, or how you always lit up when someone mentioned his name. And if Spencer was trying to hide how big his smile got when he got to rant to you about his favorite subject, or how much you two laughed about who-knows-what in the bullpen when the team wasn’t around, he wasn’t doing a very good job. And he certainly wasn’t doing a good job now, trying to keep his composure as you giggled next to him, as the conversation went on.
“Well, I’m getting another drink,” you spoke between a laugh. “Spencer, you wanna come with?” He looked up at you, standing with your purse over your shoulder.
“Sure,” he smiled, following you out of the booth and to the bar.
“I’ll have…” you leaned against the bar, tapping your chin in thought. “Whiskey and coke, please,” the bartender nodded. “Spence, you want anything,” he looked down at you, hands in his pockets. He squinted down at the little plastic menu that the bar had printed out.
“Just club soda, please,” he smiled shyly at the bartender. You stood up, leaning your hip on the counter.
“I’m glad you could make it,” you spoke to him, smiling.
“Me too.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love Penelope, but I can’t hear about what she does in the bedroom with Kevin anymore,” you laughed at the end of the sentence. Spencer did, too.
“I know what you mean,” he noticed the way you messed with the zipper on your jacket as you spoke to him, a habit he picked up on quickly, when he first met you. “However, I think listening to Morgan talk about his one night stands is arguably worse,” he laughed.
“It’s SO much worse!” You hit him on his sweater-clad arm, playfully, a wide smile pulling up at your flushed cheeks. He laughed with you, putting his head down a little to hide the blush that bloomed up on his nose.
“Only about fifty percent of first dates result in a second one,” he continued, cracking his knuckles nervously. “there are ways to increase that likelihood, like a good first impression, or establishing shared interests early on,” he gained a little confidence. “actually, over sixty eight percent of successful couples report that they were close friends before dating,” he spoke the last part before he could think about it. After he realized what his words might have suggested, he closed his mouth, turning away shyly. You smiled to yourself, putting your head down a little. “That’s, uh, probably why Morgan hasn’t found someone yet,” he turned back to you, smiling tight-lipped. “At least ONE reason,” he laughed. His lips pursed gently, his chestnut hair dangling around his ears. You looked up at him gently as he loosened his tie, still laughing a little at his joke. Your eyes wandered toward his lips. He licked them nervously, glancing back down at you, eyes scanning your face.
You were snapped out of you Reid-filled daze when an unknown man spoke up next to you.
“Hey, pretty lady,” his voice was gruff and had an inflection that somehow communicated that he had never touched a woman in his life. “Can I buy you a drink?” You turned around to see a man no older than thirty smirking slyly next to you, leaning on the bar. He absolutely REEKED of cigarette smoke.
“I’m okay,” you smiled nervously, subconsciously moving closer to Reid. The doctor narrowed his eyes, a little put off by the advance.
“Come on, pretty girl like you, here all alone?” He advanced. “Let me buy you a drink,” he reached out to put a hand on top of yours, but Spencer stepped in.
“Uhm, actually, she isn’t here alone,” he ran his hand through his hair nervously, giving the man a tight-lipped smile. The man looked between you two, a confused look on his face.
“For real?” His voice came out like gravel, and he scoffed a little bit.
“Yeah, for real,” you grabbed Reid’s hand, squeezing it. “I’m here with my boyfriend,” his heart skipped a beat or two when you called him that. Boyfriend. He couldn’t help but smile proudly at the man.
“You’ve GOTTA be joking,” he slurred, laughing.
“No, she’s not joking,” Reid stood up straight, tucking his hair behind his ear. “And, actually,” he began, his tone changing to how it usually did before he went on a rant. “According to surveys, around seventy percent of women find unsolicited advances in bars to be unwelcome and uncomfortable, rather than flattering,” he pressed his lips together, shrugging a little while squeezing your hand. You couldn’t help but giggle at his attempt to scare the guy off. The man just stood there, confused. “Studies show that people decide within the first seven seconds if they're interested in someone. If you come off as aggressive or disrespectful, your chances plummet, which,” he looked back at you, smiling. “I think is what happened here,” he was proud of himself; you could tell.
“I don’t need your statistics, Einstein, I think-“
“Actually, Einstein had an IQ of about 160; I have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and can read over twenty thousand words per minute,” this effectively wore the creep off, because he just mumbled an angry ‘whatever’ and walked away toward another group of girls.
You looked up at your friend and broke into laughter. He joined. “I cannot believe that worked,” you squeezed his hand a little, turning to face him.
“Honestly, me either. I figured he would either get bored and leave, or end up punching me,” he laughed out. “I may be in the FBI, but I don’t think I can handle a drunken bar brawl.” The bartender set the drinks on the counter in front of you and you gave him a small smile, grabbing yours. “The team’s probably waiting for us,” Spencer grabbed his drink, dropping your hand. You picked it back up, looking up at him.
“Just in case we come across any other creeps,” you smiled, a warmth running through the both of you.
“Good thinking,” he mused, squeezing your hand tightly, walking back toward the booth.
Morgan spotted the both of you, turning away from his conversation with Hotch.
“Oh? What’s this? Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl holding hands,” he crossed his arms. You rolled your eyes at the comment.
“Some weirdo tried picking me up, so,” you held your intertwined hands up so they could see. “Reid is my boyfriend, for the night,” you smiled, taking a sip of your drink. It was, supposedly, just for the night, but Spencer liked the sound of that.
And, admittedly, so did you.
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mrsparrasblog · 3 days
Barracks Baby
Summary: After sleeping with four of your fellow teammates, you need to navigate through pregnancy and finding out who the Baby Daddy is
You should have listened to your mother, was all you thought when you looked at that bloody positive stick in your hand. Your mother always said, "Don’t whore around; you’re going to end up pregnant and unwed. Keep your virginity until marriage," blah blah blah.
What your mom didn’t tell you were the effects of living on a military base. You wouldn’t call yourself a barracks bunny—you only slept with four guys; there must be more to it for earning that title. And who could judge you? Everyone would if they could. These four men were everything every other man lacked on earth. No one could make you cum as many times as John could, no one could make you feel so stupid like Simon could, no one was as pretty and nice as Kyle—fucking him in any other position than missionary would be a crime against humanity—and no one had as much stamina as Johnny; he could go for at least six rounds, shove a protein bar between your pouty lips, and go four more.
You weren’t sure what to do. That was a lie—you always wanted kids, just not like this, not in this situation, without knowing who the baby daddy is, being employed by the military, and best of all, being broke. Of course, you could call your best friend Conny; she would always support you with the baby, but even she couldn’t help you break the news to the boys.
Your mother would probably kill you—no, she wouldn’t, but she would tell you all about eating liver sprinkled with fish oil, quitting your job, and getting into a relationship with that loser Mark you once dated. He would still take you after being knocked up, but how could you return to that after having these four guys?
You needed to tell them; you knew it. There was no other way around this situation. Maybe one of them would step up. You were sure if it was Price's baby, he would support you mentally and financially, though your military career would be destroyed. Simon would be a different story; he hated kids—or at least that’s what you thought. He never wanted them, never anything more than a fling. Johnny would be the safest choice; he would take care of you, step up, marry you, and make you a cute housewife in the Highlands. No more working sounded good right now to you. Kyle was a wildcard; he would support you—he was a good guy—but he never spoke about kids. He could either love them or hate them.
You stood up; it was enough time sitting on the toilet and overthinking. You walked outside, gripping the stick tightly and holding it against your stomach, trying to hide it from the rookies walking past you. They had too much fun; if you were with Simon right now, you’d make them run laps for smiling. Rookies aren’t there to be happy; they are there to suffer. Fuck, you’re going to be a terrible mom, you thought. You treated rookies badly, you forgot to feed your hamster once, and you’re only good at shooting and fucking—what will you teach this kid? The anxiety inside of you only grew bigger with every passing second.
You reached the meeting room, sat down, and sighed as you took out your phone, scrolling until you found the Group chat 141 + Hot Stuff. You remembered how Johnny changed it after you joined and how the Lt. threw a fit over it.
You: Important things to discuss, please come to the meeting room, now.
Daddy <3: Everything okay?
Emo Boy: Affirmative
Pretty Boy: Can I finish the set?
Bubbles: It’s 7 am, I’m not coming
You: NOW
With that, everyone agreed. You weren’t sure how to break the news. "Hey, I’m pregnant; it might be any one of you. Surprise, Daddy!" wasn’t a good idea. Leaving the pregnancy test out on the table as if it were a loaded gun wasn’t a good idea either. Well, you had to admit it was like a round of Russian roulette, just more deadly.
Simon was the first to join. He looked at you as if he knew but kept his mouth shut. After a few minutes, everyone was sitting at the table, looking at you in confusion. You never called a meeting; it would be uncalled for as a Sergeant anyway.
"Why are we here, Bonnie?" Soap destroyed the silence you had hidden yourself in.
You could talk now, explain it, or say anything to make it sound better, but all you could say was a miserable, "I’m pregnant."
Shocked expressions would be an understatement. John tugged on his beard, Johnny lost the color from his face, Kyle looked as if he were a teenager caught past curfew, and Simon’s expression was unreadable to you.
"I’m not sure who the father is among you four," the second bomb went off.
"How could that happen?" was all Johnny said.
"Yes, how could that happen," you spat out sarcastically.
"Babe, please let me cum inside, need you raw." "Let Daddy breed you, Sweetheart, need you all full for me." "The condom broke again, Bonnie." "I’ll pull out, love." Yes, how could that have happened?
"I’m out of this shit," Ghost’s words cut deeper than a knife as he stood up and left without another word. By your luck, he was probably the Dad.
"My mother is going to kill me."
"You’re 28, Gaz, no one’s going to kill you. You’re not a bloody teenager anymore."Price spoke in a stern voice.
"Yes, oh."
"I’ll give you financial support if it is mine or if you want to get rid of it," when you thought Ghost's words hurt, then Price killed you. He made you on the edge of breaking down—correction, you broke down. The tears in your eyes already streamed down your cheeks; damn hormones. Price looked at you in guilt. He wanted to speak up, but Johnny went first.
"That’s fucking great news, Bonnie. If it’s mine, oh God, I always wanted a wee bairn. Think of him looking like me, or getting twins—the MacTavish genes are pretty strong. We’re getting a wee lad, probably a 10-pounder like me."
Ten pounds—that’s a whole ass turkey. You didn’t even get the chance to excuse yourself before you ran outside, throwing up again. "Fuck, what did I get myself into?"
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moonselune · 3 days
How do you think the BG3 companions would be as parents or aunties/uncles? I personally headcanon that Shadowheart would be a very doting mother but would be the fun aunt.
OOoooOOOOoOO yes I'm doing this for all of them, no character can escape me now
As an aunt:
She is definitely the auntie that comes round and the children just band together trying to take her to the ground
"Get Auntie Karlach"
And how auntie Karlach puts up a fight, she is swinging children around throwing them onto soft furnishings, tickling them.
Eventually she will relent and let the children pin her to the floor, pretending to 'die'
Though she has done this too convincingly and it too you half an hour to calm your child down, assuring them that auntie karlach was not in fact dead, and this was their aunt and not a zombie.
If there's just one child, you know that when they hear auntie karlach is coming round they are using al of their free time strategising on how to get her
Karlach will sometime take them as their hostage and refuse to let them go when they are hugging and just carries them around till you agree to her terms
Which is either a later bedtime for you (because at this point you have joined forces) or extra cake.
As a mother:
Mama K !!!!
So caring and doting, nothing is too much for her
She would move mountains for her kid and support them regardless
They want to be a bookworm? She wants to hear all your favourite stories
They are more sporty, she will beat them at every game and only occasionally let them win
Is honestly a big kid herself so I can so imagine, you having to call them in for dinner and they are both pouting saying that want to play outside for longer
definitely the less strict parent, they could probably get away with anything
as long as it doesn't mean they get hurt
as soon as they get hurt, mama k is not letting them out of their sight for a WEEK
As an aunt:
Not my kid, not my responsibility attitude
you want a dagger? Sure here's how to hold it properly
you cut yourself on it, that's too damn bad learn to hold it better
definitely buys them a ridiculous amount of expensive gifts but she doesn't really realise it
think of the vibe of "What can one banana cost? ten dollars?"
as soon as they get messy or are dirty they are not coming within 10 feet of her
Snot bubble? That child is getting yeeted across the room
Very much this
As a mother:
I have so many thoughts about this
I think because of her exile she would look at the drow matron system much differently
Instead of raising children to be pawns and agents of her plan there would be a deeper level of relationship meaning a deeper level of loyalty.
Loyalty is a big thing for Minthara and what is more loyal than the unconditional love of a child
so she is going to nurture and tend to that relationship, make that bond between her and her child incredibly strong, they want the child to adore her and respect her, so she will adore and respect them back (that's what she tells herself, in reality she loves her children dearly)
She will dote on them, ensure they only have the best, this is her child after all
Very possessive of the child, and very overprotective
Would definitely guilt the child
but that's probably the worst part of her parenting overall I feel like she would be a very fair and good parent in general (especially compared to normal drow mothers)
As an aunt:
aunt? more like coach.
she is training them to be the best warrior or whatever they want to be ever
will she drag your child out of bed at the crack of dawn so they can practice
will then tell them Gith stories when the child starts to fall asleep on them afterwards
carries them with care and tenderness
is so bad for contradicting you
parent said no? Well auntie Lae'zel says yes so lets do it
not allowed this thing? here's ten of them
As a mother:
I actually think she would be rather laid back
she wouldn't fret over them and trust that they knew what they were doing
though as soon as they don't know what they are doing she is there right away to hover over them and help
slightly protective but only because she doesn't trust others
teaches them self defence at the youngest age possible
tells them the best bedtime stories in extremely graphic detail to the point where you have to step in
but the child doesn't mind
in fact how did they manage to get to sleep so easily
her kid is better than the rest, can do no wrong, bad grades? More like bad teacher.
As an aunt:
Wine aunt - it's basically canon at this point, so all of these will be with a glass of wine in her hand lmao
Would be so down to have tea parties with them
prefers the sit down games rather than the running around screaming ones - those are for auntie karlach
Shows you all of her animals and teaches you their names and how to care for them
would definitely give them a pet even if you had already said no
and by the time you realise what's happened your child is too attached to it
definitely would let them mess around, and be like if you hurt yourself its your fault
but as soon as they hurt themselves, she's there healing them bribing them not to tell you what happened
As a mother:
helicopter mom to begin with and then eventually when her child proves to be more robust than expected she relaxes a bit
just says yes to any animal they find and want to bring home
so now there's foxy, ratty, mousey and badgery (Shadowheart tried to suggest names but they were having none of it)
Is always there for you no matter what, you can tell her anything and you feel like you can tell her anything
has a tendency to be a little strict but only for your own good
As an aunt:
she is the aunt of all aunts
gives the best hugs, tells you the best stories
teases you all the time
just constant poking fun
and the day you give it back
she is just so proud
also has that attitude of 'not my kid not my responsibility' but that is such a lie
will love you like her own
As a mother:
we already see what Jaheira is like a mother
very welcoming but has a habit to push them away when there's danger involved or perhaps can be preoccupied with 'the greater good'
I also think that Jaheira is the type of mother to keep everything, every baby tooth, every drawing, everything
She keeps them in a little chest and when she is down she looks at them and she always feels so much better.
As an uncle:
hey kids wanna see a cool trick
blows up the living room
brings them books on just everything
reads to them a lot and teaches them things that they probably shouldn't know at their age
the kid needs an alibi?
Gale is there for it
We've seen his dialogue in the grove, we all know that he supports childhood deliquency and he will so support them in it
As a father:
Thinks their child is the most precious thing in the world
the light of his life (aside from you)
will teach them magic before they can even speak
puts on the most beautiful illusions for the child to sleep to
lives just to see them smile
very overprotective and guilty of infantilising your child
he can't help it, you are just so adorable
PTA Mom, he runs that motherfucker
No stacey, your lemon buns are not acceptable, and no its not because my child detests them, get a grip
he just absolutely adores his child
As an uncle:
Astarion would steal your child to help with his schemes and nobody can convince me otherwise
You think I? With this adorable baby on my hip, would steal your fine jewels? Honestly the audacity
Uses your child as an alibi
How could I do it? I was tending to my dear child
Ser that's not your-
Much like Minthara, loves the child until they start making a mess
Would so make them little outfits and the child's teddies little outfits
As a father:
I believe that Astarion would see the child as his absolute fresh start
he is going to be the best version of himself for the child
he is going to try his absolute best for them
going to give them the world
will definitely teach them to lock pick at a young age
and again uses them as an alibi
You think I, with my adorable impressionable child right here, would steal? Truly your standard of parenting may be low but mine is not.
When the baby is on the way he is just stress sewing, your house is filled with baby clothes, blankets, quilts, hats anything Astarion could imagine that the child might need
your child in not wearing the same outfit twice, not because of fashion, no because there are simply so many outfits
As an uncle:
Would be the best story teller, and does all the voices and personas
Loves to play and mess around with them
Would teach them how to sword fight like he did with the children in the grove
Would spoil them rotten as well and know he was doing it though if confronted he would play so dumb
What do you mean I only got them this wooden rocking horse, I could have got them two - but I didn't !
As a father:
very similar to Wyll as an uncle
but imagine him passing down all of the stories and life lessons that his father passed down to him
but the thing that gets me in the feels
is him teaching the child how to dance
from them dancing on his toes to them being able to pull of a move flawlessly
Wyll would genuinely get emotional when you no longer need his guidance or help
And by emotional I mean sobbing
definitely overprotective when it comes to your potential dance partners and all that
no one will ever be good enough for his child
As an uncle:
would just steal the child
it is his now
so sorry for your loss but this is definitely not ur baby
yes they look identical but this one belongs to the forest
oh gods he would so kidnap the child if you lived in the city
but to him it's not kidnapping
it's rescuing
the city doesn't deserve such a treasure
teaches them how to carve wood and instills an important respect for nature into them
if your child got in an argument with you they would so pull the
"Well fine! I'm just going to live in the forest with Uncle Halsin!"
As a father:
They are so precious to him
When he looks into their eyes the world is just right
Their first word is bear, obviously
Teaches them druidic magic and how to wildshape
as soon as your child figures it out it is chaos
you have a bear and baby bear running riot
very hesitant to let you go out into the city
to go far from him actually
he has just lost so much
he cannot afford to lose you too
apart from that, he is the best
As an uncle:
the BEST
shows them so many cool tricks
definitely gives them spell books that they probably definitely should not have
would so side with them if they argued with their parent, regardless of if the child is in the right or not
he knows how his siblings can be
shows off to the kid all the time
when they were a baby they would tell Rolan he's found his perfect audience - one that can only watch in wonder
but as you grow you always demand that Uncle Rolan shows your his magic
and it warms his heart every single time
As a father:
He would be so nervous bless him
always thinking he is doing something wrong
but he is an amazing father
encourages and supports their ambitions
reads to them
I just have a picture of Rolan with a baby sling, tending to Ramazith's tower, just thinking aloud to them and when they babble back he exclaims how glad he is that they agree with them
very overprotective
he just doesn't want them to get hurt, like ever.
the child could scrape their knee and say they are fine and Rolan would be having a meltdown
Cannot handle you growing up
You will always be his baby
As an uncle:
I can't imagine him being a very doting uncle
Raphael most likely has loads of nieces and nephews and he does not care for a single one of them
unless one of them is showing particular talent, something that he needs and then he is all over them
would definitely get them in a contract
"You can trust me, your dear Uncle, now just sign there.."
As a father:
M y h e i r
So devoted and dedicated to them
But also possessive and controlling I can imagine
He dictates their schedule, their schooling, where they go, what they wear, who they socialise with
they will be spectacular, his little hellfire
though lets say they disobeyed him, they snuck out for a few hours or so
they are not leaving the house of hope for a few months or so
that's how it works
they will obey him, and they will love him, he is their father, their creator
and if anyone hurts his child?
he will drag the offender to deepest pits of hell and make his child watch as a show of his love for them.
I'm so sorry that this was stuck in the drafts for so long but here it is ! These are mainly a collection of my own rambling thoughts but hope others enjoy it too ! - Seluney xox
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bloatedandalone04 · 3 days
Crossing that Line
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➪the one where you and bradley drive each other crazy in more ways than one, but would do anything for each other, and all it takes is one confession to solidify your places in each others lives.
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, swearing, fluff, hint of angst, pining to the max, a whole lot of smut tbh
Word Count: 6.1k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | Happy Birthday, Rooster !
The relationship you had with Bradley was…a weird one, to put it simply.
He pisses you off more than anyone you’ve ever met, and you drive him up the wall nearly every day, but you also couldn’t stand to be away from one another. He was your person, and you were his best friend; you would do anything for each other without an ounce of hesitation. 
It was stupid, how hard you found yourself falling for him. The guy who had more confidence than he should, the guy who’s saved your ass more times than you can count, and the guy who’s taken hits for you during training, just so you wouldn’t have to hear about it later from the other guys. 
The only thing is; you had no idea how he felt about you. He was cocky, confident and hid his feelings annoyingly well, you had no clue if the shared stares meant the same thing to him that they did to you, or if you were mistaking his comments for shameless flirting. 
You couldn’t lose him, so you kept it bottled up for the last two years, and it’s been complete and utter hell. But you’d keep doing it. Because there was no telling what he was thinking sometimes, and if he was thinking about you. 
The day was slowly coming to an end, and nearly everyone was heading to the barracks, but not you. Instead of going to your room, you made your way to the hangar, knowing who you would find in there. You turn the corner and lean against the wall, crossing your arms as you watch Bradley mess around with his  F/A-18. 
You tried not to focus on the way the muscles in his neck flexed with every move of his arm, the small amount of oil littering his skin making him shine a bit as the sun set behind you. “Hey, Bradshaw,” you greet before he could turn and catch you staring at him. “Nice flying today.”
You could see the way his body shifted in recognition of your voice, and when he turned to glance over at you, he was smirking. “Hey there, Y/n/n,” he said, wiping his hands on his flight suit. “Nice to see you haven’t crashed and burned yet.”
Shaking your head, you ignore the fact that it was just you and him left in the hangar now. “Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” 
Bradley shrugged, grabbing a cloth from off a table and wiping his hands. “Could be kinda entertaining,”
You gasp, placing your hand over your heart. “Wow, ouch,” you mumble. “And here I am thinking I’d probably be heartbroken if the same thing were to happen to you.”
He laughed, turning to face you. “Please, we both know you’d be the first one to poke fun at me for crashing,”
You press your lips together and shrug. “Yeah, probably, but I’d also be the first one to make it over to you,”
Really, you’d probably die of a broken heart if something were to happen to him, but he didn’t need to know that right now. Or ever. 
Bradley’s smirk softened and he looked down at his boots. “I know you would,”
And now you were picturing what it would be like to live without him, and you could feel yourself beginning to panic a bit. 
Smiling, you shake your head again before giving him a conflicted look, wanting nothing more than to walk over to him and press the neediest kiss to his lips and tell him you were so fucking in love with him. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Bradley,” you say quietly, watching as his brows furrow.
“Wait,” he said, making you hold off on leaving just yet. “Something on your mind?”
“No,” you say too quickly for it to sound true. “Nope. I’m fine, Rooster. I’ll leave you alone now.”
His eyes narrow and he throws the cloth somewhere behind him as he steps towards you. “Why are you lying to me?”
You let out a surprised laugh, pushing yourself off the wall. “I’m not,”
“Uh huh,” he hummed, moving so he’s standing right in front of you. “You’re a terrible liar.”
Your face heats up and you quickly look away, squinting as your gaze meets the bright sunset. “Okay,” you trail off, glancing at him one last time before stepping away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Bradley.”
He looked like he wanted to say more, maybe continue to call you out on your awful attempt at lying to his face, but his shoulders dropped slightly as he nodded casually. “Yeah, okay,” he agreed, moving away from you and back towards his jet. “See you tomorrow, sweetheart.”
Oh, how you loved and fucking hated when he called you that. It made you crave him even more than you usually do, and it also made you want to punch him square in the face for having such a strong effect on you. 
“Don’t overthink too much,” he added, glancing back at you with a teasing smirk. 
“I’ll try,” you whisper, and no more words are shared as you leave the hangar and quickly walk across base and towards the barracks. 
Bradley knew you weren’t telling him something the second he saw your conflicted look before you tried playing it off right after. He wanted to push you on it more, but wasn’t sure if he even had the right to since it was pretty rare for things to become serious like that between the two of you. 
He was still in the hangar, the arms of his flight suit now tied around his waist as he finally decided to stop touching his jet and leave it alone for the rest of the night. Like usual, his thoughts were taken over by you, and he wondered what would’ve happened if he didn’t let you leave so easily earlier. What could he have gotten you to say? Why did you suddenly become so closed off and serious in the middle of your usually playful banter? 
He almost didn’t want to know, but he also kinda wanted to know. 
It was late, but not too late for it to be deemed unacceptable for him to stop by your room before retiring to his for the night. So instead of taking the first hallway in the barracks corridor, he went past it and turned left a few feet down the hall, instantly recognizing your room without him even meaning to. 
Bradley debated on whether or not he wanted to intrude on your night or save it for tomorrow, but with you he often found himself saying fuck it and hoping for the best. So he knocked.
After waiting for only a few seconds, the door opened and you poke your head out with guarded eyes, your gaze softened once you saw that it was him. “Bradley?” 
He smiled, crossing his arms and leaning against the frame, mirroring your stance back in the hangar. “Hey,” he greeted. “Hope I’m not bothering you too late.” 
You shake your head and smooth out your messy hair, and he knew you were probably in bed, trying to sleep but failing miserably to do so. During one of your thousand talk sessions, you mentioned how much you hated sleeping in the small, single beds here and couldn’t wait to start looking for apartments in the area. Bradley hated them, too, not because he couldn’t fit properly in them, but because whenever he laid down for the night, he was reminded of just how fucking lonely he really is. “No, you’re fine,” you give him a tight smile, one he knew was played up. Still, it was a pretty one nonetheless. “What’s up?”
Bradley’s gaze raked down your body, subtly checking out your attire of a loose, long sleeve button up and leggings. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. You seemed off the last time we talked,”
“What, a few hours ago after a day of being in the air?” You laugh, running your hands down your face as you avoid eye contact with him. Now he knew you were hiding something for sure. “Yeah, I’m good. Great, even. I’m great.” 
Bradley raises his brows, a huff escaping his lips after. “You are such a terrible liar,” he grunted, watching as you immediately looked down to the floor. “See, you can’t hide anything from me, sweetheart. Just tell me what’s up.”
You looked up at him with an expression he’s never really seen on you before, and it had him straightening up a bit. “You’re really not going to drop this, are you?”
You glance down at the floor, pulling at the sleeves of your shirt. “I didn’t mean what I said earlier,” you confessed quietly. 
Bradley’s gaze softened and he tried to get you to look at him, but you weren’t letting up. “What part?”
You shrugged, keeping your head down. “About how I would laugh if you crashed and burned,” you whispered. “I wouldn’t laugh.”
Bradley tenses up a bit at the sudden change in tone and atmosphere, looking around your small and neat room. “I know you wouldn’t, I was just messing with you,” like we usually do.
“No, Bradley,” you mumbled, still not looking at him. “I mean it. I’d be devastated if that were to happen to you.”
“Hey,” he said softly, reaching over to gently grip your chin with his thumb and forefinger. “I know…I know. I was just messing around…I didn’t expect…” He trailed off, suddenly aware of how close he had gotten to you. He had never touched you like this before, only ever going as far as a quick hug after a risky mission or a dangerous stunt in the air. 
You furrowed your brows as you met his gaze with guarded eyes. “Didn’t expect what?” 
Bradley inches even closer. “I didn’t expect that you’d care this much,”
Your eyes widen a bit as you look up at him. “Of course I care,” you gasped in disbelief, laughing after and breaking eye contact again. “Maybe too much.”
But he didn’t let your eyes wander far as he still had a hold on your chin, and he guided your face back to his. “What do you mean by that? ‘Too much’?” He asked, his eyes wide, any traces of his earlier teasing gone. 
You give him a pleading look. “You know what I mean,” 
Bradley held your gaze, noting your frustrated expression. “Maybe I do,” he murmured, caressing your jaw with his thumb. “But I want to hear you say it.”
“I can’t,” you shake your head and he could see the way you played with your fingers out of the corner of his eye.
“Why not?” He pressed, invading your space with another step. “What are you so afraid to tell me?”
You give him another pleading look, but he doesn’t step away. “I’m afraid of putting something out there that I can’t take back,” 
When you moved to step away, Bradley’s hands reached for your hips, anchoring you in place. He had never been this close to you before, never touched you like this before, and it was driving him insane. “Tell me,”
His gaze intensifies, his head dipping down closer to yours. “Say it, sweetheart,”
Your eyes were wide with anxiety as you parted your lips to speak. “I…I’m in love with…you,”
Though he had a small feeling that he knew - or maybe hoped -  you were going to say that, his breath still got caught in his throat. His heart was beating loudly in his ears, and his skin was on fire. No one had ever made him feel this way with a single sentence, and he wasn’t all that surprised that it was you. “You’re in love with me?” He asked, needing to hear it for confirmation. 
A blush takes over your face as you shake your head and step away. “I-I didn’t…fuck, I’m sorry, I don’t-” you stuttered and he could see the tears gathered along your eyes. “I just messed everything up. I knew I would.”
Bradley’s eyes widen at the sudden loss of contact, and he shakes his head, too. “No, no, wait. Don’t…don’t apologize,” he rasped, running his hands through his hair. “Don’t be sorry. It’s…it’s okay.”
You stare at the floor and nod. “Okay,”
Your heart was on your sleeve now, and he knew he had to be careful. “Sweetheart…look at me,” he softly demands, stepping towards you and closing the distance you created. 
“Can’t…I can’t,” you quickly shook your head but he lifted your chin with his fingers. 
“Please,” he whispered. “Look at me.”
Slowly, your teary eyes met his and you looked like you were already building walls up to protect yourself from him, and that was the last thing he wanted. Seeing your eyes glazed over like this was damn near enough to break his heart, and Bradley took a step closer to you. 
“There you are,” he whispered, gently stroking your chin with his thumb. He held your gaze, a mixture of embarrassment, vulnerability and uncertainty. “You have no idea.”
You furrowed your brows, trying to blink away the tears as you trembled in front of him. “No idea about what?” You asked, your voice barely above a murmur. 
Bradley kept his eyes locked on yours, ensuring you knew just how serious his next words are. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited and wanted…hoped to hear you say that to me,” he confessed, watching as your eyes widened. “I never thought you felt the same way, so I never let myself think about it too much.”
Your breath audibly caught in your throat as you stuttered, “W-what?”
He smiled, his usual cocky and confident facade fading as the seconds went on. “You’re the one person, the only person I could never figure out fully. I could never tell if you wanted me as badly as I wanted you, or if you just saw me as the guy you bickered with all the time,” he continued. “You’re the one person who doesn’t care about how full of myself I am sometimes, you called me out on it. And ever since then, I couldn’t get you out of my head.”
“Bradley,” you gasped quietly, and he could see your walls starting to come down again, so he pushed further, 
“And hearing you say that…that you’re in love with me…” he trailed off, moving his fingers from your chin and tracing them along your jaw. “It felt like I could finally have the one thing I thought I never could.” 
You swallow hard, your eyes wide and vulnerable as he closes the distance further, leaving a few inches between the two of you. His fingers curled around your jaw and his thumb tugged at your bottom lip, his gaze flickering down for a few seconds. 
“God, baby,” he whispered in disbelief. “Hearing you say that…it’s all I ever wanted. You get under my skin like no one else, and you make me want to pull my hair out, but I can’t fight the way I feel about you anymore. Not after this.”
“Bradley,” you say again, at a loss for words as you reach up and grip his wrist, leaning into his touch. 
“Sweetheart,” he murmured. “Will you say it again? Please?”
He couldn’t believe he was begging to hear your words again, but the way your expression softened had him not giving a single fuck. “Bradley, I’m in love with you,” 
His skin heated up as you repeated your words, and his control finally snapped. “Fuck…fuck,” he muttered, not wasting another second as he leaned in and kissed you. He poured all the nights he lost sleep thinking about you into the kiss, all the times he held back his own confession after your usual playful banter turned serious, all the times he thought about doing just this with you. 
You kissed him back desperately, a soft moan escaping your throat as you gripped his wrists tightly. Bradley wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your body right up against his as he deepened the kiss. He walks you backwards until your back hits the wall opposite from the door, pinning you to it as his hands roam all over your body. 
He couldn’t believe, after all the nights he spent fantasizing about this, that he was finally touching you like this. Your quiet gasps against his lips had his touch growing more possessive as he felt your hands slide up to grip his shoulders. His palms were flat against your body, feeling the heat of your skin through your clothes. “God, baby, you taste so good. You feel so good,” he murmurs once he breaks the kiss and begins trailing his lips along your jaw, his body pressing yours closer to the wall. 
“Oh, my God,” you moaned, your breath coming out heavy and uneven. “Bradley.”
He always knew his name would sound beautiful coming from your mouth like this, but actually hearing it was something else entirely. “You have no idea what you do to me,” he growled softly against your collar bone, his fingers lifting your shirt up so he could feel the smooth skin of your hips. “I’ve thought about this…about you for so long.” 
Your fingers moved up to his hair, where you pulled gently. “You’ve thought about me?”
“Yes,” he answered, burying his face against your neck as his hands inched further up your body under your shirt. “I think about you all the time. I tried not to, but I was fucked from the second I saw you.”
The surprised laugh you let out had his touch growing more urgent, the only thing on his mind being more ways he could get you to make those pretty sounds again. “Why didn’t you do anything about it?” 
Bradley lets out his own laugh, lifting his head from your neck as he raises a brow at you. “I could ask you the same question,” came his teasing reply as his hands slid up your back. “But really…you terrified me. I didn’t want to ruin things and mess up our friendship if you didn’t feel the same way.”
“So,” you trailed off, looking up at him with hopeful eyes. “What does this mean for our friendship? For us?”
He lifts a hand to your cheek, his thumb brushing against your bone as he answered, “It means that I can’t keep pretending that I don’t want you. That I don’t need you, sweetheart,” he leaned in and pressed his forehead against yours. “It means we’re not just friends anymore.”
The smile you gave him had goosebumps forming on his skin and a wave of relief washing over him. “We’re not?”
Bradley shook his head. “No, baby, we’re not,” he confirmed, pressing his hips against yours as he placed a soft kiss to your lips. “You’re mine now, and I’m never letting you go.”
Your smile grows as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. “Bradley…I love you,”
He wraps his arms around your waist again as a warmth spreads all throughout his body. “I love you, too. So fucking much,” he mumbles before capturing your lips in another desperate, needy kiss. His tongue pokes out and nudges your lips apart, a deep groan leaving his throat as you pull at his hair. “Fuck, baby…been dying to taste you like this.” He breaks the kiss just long enough to whisper against your lips before going back in, his fingers moving to the buttons on your shirt. 
“I can’t believe this is happening,” you say against his lips. “This is happening, right? This is real?”
Bradley pulls away to be able to look you in the eyes. “It’s real, sweetheart,” he said softly before beginning to unbutton your shirt. “I can’t believe you feel the same way about me.”
“You can’t believe I love you?” You tease, biting down on your wet, swollen lips. 
His gaze darkens as he gets the final button undone, and then he lets the fabric slide off your shoulders. “Yeah. Been wanting to hear you say that for years,” he grunted, sliding his hands up your bare arms. “Been wanting to touch you like this.”
“And now that you can?” You asked in a breathless voice, staring up at him with a look he knew would be permanently burned into his mind. 
“Now that I can,” he started, his hands tracing the curve of your hips as his eyes raked over your chest. “I’m going to do everything I've been dreaming about doing to you...and then some.”
You moan, nodding quickly and making his lips turn upwards into a smirk. 
His hands move to the front of your leggings, his fingers teasing the thin fabric as his tongue runs along the smooth skin of your neck. “You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about this...about having you like this,”
“I think I might have an idea,” you mumbled, tugging at his undershirt. 
Bradley grinned, feeling that warmth return and take over his body again. He pulled away to tug off his shirt and toss it to the side, then he was close to you again. “Yeah? Have you thought about me, too, baby?”
“Nearly every day,” you confessed as his hands moved back to your hips, his thumbs slipping past the waistline of your leggings as he slowly pulled them down. “Nearly every night.”
He groaned at your confession, helping you kick off the flimsy fabric before he was grabbing your hips again. “Fuck, sweetheart, you’ve been driving me crazy for so long,”
Your head tilts back and rests against the wall as his lips pepper kisses all along the base of your throat. “You’ve been making me go insane for years, Bradley,” 
“You’re not the only one who’s been losing your mind over this,” he laughed, sliding his hands up your body until he was caressing the underside of your bra. “I hoped that this would pass, but it never did. The more time we spent together, the more impossible it became. I had this burning need to have you, touch you, taste you.”
He emphasized his words by gripping your hips and spinning you around so your back was pressed against his chest. Your gasp had his boxers tightening, his tongue tracing random shapes onto the skin behind your ear. 
“The way you smile, laugh, and those fucking looks you give me,” he ranted, his breath fanning across your neck. “All the time we’ve spent together, I had to stop myself from taking you right then and there.”
When his hands slid down your body and pulled you closer to him, you moaned loudly, leaning your head back to rest against his shoulder. 
“The sounds you make for me, fuck,” he moaned, tugging on curve of your ear with his teeth. “All I’ve been wanting is to see you fall apart for me, to hear you scream for me…beg for me.”
 “Bradley,” you moaned again, leaning into his touch as his hands found the fabric of your bra, his fingers toying with the straps. 
“I’ve needed you so badly,” he rasped, pulling the strap off your shoulder before leaning down to kiss the newly exposed skin. “I finally have you all to myself. I’m never letting you go.”
“Don’t let me go,” you begged, gripping his forearms tightly. “Please.” 
“Never,” he said in a deep voice. “You’re mine now; mine to taste all over, to make scream.” He grabs your chin, gently turning your head so he could place a firm kiss to your mouth.
You moan, reaching behind you to tug on his hair as you pressed your body against his. “I want that,” you whine and he kisses you deeper, brushing his tongue against yours. 
His fingers played with the clasp of your bra, and soon enough he had the lacy fabric sliding down your arms and landing on the floor. “I need to see you,” he nearly begged, breaking away from your lips as he groped your breasts with dark eyes. 
“Well?” You asked, breathless from his touch as you rolled your hips back against him. 
“Damn, baby, you’re so beautiful,” he commented, leaning down to suck a mark onto the side of your neck. “Been dreaming about how gorgeous you’d look all bare for me, how sweet you’d taste and how pretty you’d sound.” His thumbs slid over your nipples, the devoted attention he was giving them making you whimper. 
“Oh, God,” you bit your lip to stifle the sounds that were coming out of you more frequently now. 
“Don’t hold back, baby,” he mumbled, softly pulling at your nipples with his thumb and index fingers. “I wanna hear all those sounds you make for me.”
You oblige almost immediately, moaning as he continues to worship your chest. “I can’t believe I get to have you like this,” 
“Believe it,” he grunted, smoothing his palms over your hardened nipples as he placed open mouthed kisses on your neck. 
Your body started to shake against his, your perfect lips parting as you let out a string of whimpers. “Feels so good,”
“I’ve barely started,” he cooed, pressing his hardness against your lower back. “You feel perfect in my arms, baby.”
“I want you,” you whined, squeezing your legs together. “I want you so bad.”
“I want you, too,” he groaned, slowly rolling his body into yours, his cock growing impossibly hard. “So badly.”
His hands caressed your breasts in a feather light touch, and he felt goosebumps against his palms as you gasped. “Your hands…I’ve always wanted to feel them on me,” 
“Yeah?” He teased, tracing his fingers around your nipples again, slowly but surely working you into a whiny mess for him.
“Yeah,” you huff, shaking even more. “Holy fuck, you feel so good.”
“So do you,” he growled, pinching your breasts before sliding his hands down your body. “I love touching you like this, but I need to feel more of you.” He murmured, turning you around in his arms so he could get a good look at you.
The way you were pressing your thighs together and the lust he could see in your eyes had him biting down hard on his lip, the sight of you only in a pair of lace panties doing things to him. “Please,” you whined, guiding his hand down your body. 
His eyes rolled back slightly as he leaned his head down and began kissing your shoulders, his hand sliding down your damp panties. “You want me to touch you here?” He asked, knowing damn well what your answer is. 
“Yes, please,” you gave in so sweetly, kicking the ruined fabric aside as you stepped back into his arms. 
He presses kisses to your shoulders as his hand reaches out, his fingers running along your core. “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet,” he groaned, his cock throbbing as he felt just how worked up he made you. 
“All for you,” came your instant reply. Bradley’s eyes darkened as he circled your clit with his middle finger, the way you were trembling against him being the hottest sight he had ever seen.  “Oh, my God, yes.”
“There you go, baby,” he praised, sinking his fingers into your heat. “Give it to me, let me hear you.”
You let out another loud moan, reaching for his flight suit and practically shoving it down his legs. “I need you,” you said desperately. “I need you so bad.”
He could tell. Your wetness was dripping onto his hand as you spoke. 
Bradley kicked off his boots and added his suit to the pile of clothes on the floor, his hands gripping the backs of your thighs as he picked you up and carried you over to your bed. He set you down on your back, his lips pressing to yours as he rolled his hips. “I need you, too,” he promised, pulling away from your lips and settling his head in between your legs. “But I need to taste this pretty pussy first.”
Then he was licking a stripe up your folds and making your back arch off the bed. “Fuck!” You called out, the slick sound of his tongue against you bouncing throughout the room. “Oh, my fucking God, Bradley.”
He laughed, wrapping his arms around your thighs as he slid his tongue inside your wet walls, his eyes rolling back at your taste. “Goddamn, sweetheart,” he moaned, sucking and licking at you like a starved man. “You taste so fucking good, baby.”
“Bradley,” you moaned loudly. “Please, fuck me. I need you…right now.”
His eyes darken even more as he crawls back up your body, and you push his boxers down quickly. You wrap your legs around his waist, bucking your hips up so your core brushes against his aching cock. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby,” 
Your brows furrow as he grips his base and guides himself inside you, your back arching again as you wrap your arms around him. “I love you,”
Bradley groaned, your wetness allowing him to sink all the way inside with one thrust. “God, I love you so much,” he said back, holding you against his body as he began to rock his hips against yours. “So much.”
He moved deep inside you, the feeling of skin on skin with nothing in between making his head spin. He hadn’t even asked if you wanted him to use a condom - and he knew it would’ve been a hard task to tear himself away from you and go to his room to get one, but he would’ve done it willingly - but you both seemed too lost in each other to think about it right now. 
You felt so good. Bradley has never been this hard in his entire life, and he knew it was all because of you. “You feel so perfect,” he praised, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt you clench around him. “So tight…fuck.”
“Bradley,” you moaned, wrapping your legs tighter around him as he slowly fucked you against the matress. “You’re so big.”
Your words went right through him, a sense of pride filling him as he looked down at you with lust filled eyes. “You’re so tight,” he echoed his previous words, fucking into you harder but still keeping his pace slow. “So tight for me.”
Your eyes widened and you dropped your head against your pillow. “My fucking God, Bradley,” you gasped, shifting your hips to meet his thrusts. “Yes.”
“Say my name again,” he softly demanded before leaning down to suck a mark onto your neck. “Tell me who’s making you feel so good right now…who’s stretching you so good right now.”
“Bradley!” You cry out, pressing your chest right up against his. “I’ve wanted this for so long…knew you’d feel so good.”
“Baby,” he rasped, fucking into you faster. “You feel so much better than I could have ever imagined.”
Your arousal was dripping onto his thighs as he fucked you harder, his hips hitting yours harshly as he let all the pining and desire he’s felt for you pour out of him. “Don’t stop, please please please,” you begged for him just like he wanted, your hands pulling at his hair. 
He grunted, his eyes flickering down to where you connected. “I’m not stopping, sweetheart, I can’t,” he huffed, watching the way his cock became more and more coated in your wetness with each thrust. “You feel too good, I need you.”
“Yes…yes,” you cried, digging your heel into his lower back and driving him even deeper inside you. “Oh, fuck.”
“Say my name,” he mumbled against your skin, not caring that the walls were pretty thin and anyone who may be in the hallway would definitely be able to hear you. “Say it again.”
“Bradley!” You moaned, scratching your nails down his back. 
His movements were fast, uneven and uncontrolled now as he hiked one of your legs higher around his waist, angling his body so he could push himself impossibly deeper. “That’s my girl,” he cooed, feeling the way you clenched around him at his words. “My girl.”
“Your girl,” you repeated, looking up at him with hooded eyes. 
“Yeah,” he whispered, leaning down so his lips brushed against yours. “My girl.” 
He kissed you deeply, fucking you hard into the bed meant for one person, the sound of your muffled moans filling the room. “God, Bradley, you feel so good…so full,”
Your words were slurred as if you were drunk, but both of you were completely sober right now as you gave into your need for one another. “You feel so good, too,” he mumbled. “So perfect…so tight and wet for me.”
His words were as equally as filthy as yours were, and he couldn’t remember the last time he let himself get this lost in someone; to the point where he couldn’t care less about how dirty his mouth was. 
“I’ve never felt anything better than you, baby,” he swore, reaching down to rub your swollen and puffy clit. “Nothing compares.”
Your jaw goes slack as you let out moan after moan, his words clearly having an effect on you. “I’m so close,” 
“Yeah, I can feel it,” he groaned, rubbing and fucking you harder. His voice was rough and thick with desire, his breaths coming out ragged and uneven. “I want you to come for me. I need to feel you come.”
“Bradley! Right there,” you nearly screamed, clinging onto him with a death grip. “Right there.”
He hummed, “Just like that, baby,” he circled your clit faster, watching as you began to shake. “Come for me.”
Your body jolted and trembled under him, your release flooding around him and soaking his cock. “Oh, fuck. Fuck!” You cried, squeezing your eyes shut as you dug your nails into his shoulders.
“There you go, sweetheart,” he cooed, kissing all over your face as he felt his own release creeping up on him. “God, I never want this to end.”
You whimpered, wrapping your arms around his neck and messily kissing him. He could feel you shaking still, but you didn’t ask him to stop or pull out, instead you just pulled him closer to you and whined against his lips. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, kissing you softly as he got closer and closer. “So perfect.”
“I want you to come for me,” you mumbled in between kisses. 
Bradley groaned, licking along your lips. “I want that, too,” he said. “I wanna come for you…only you.”
“Only me,” you whispered with a lazy smile, slowly rolling your hips to meet his thrusts.
He nodded, his eyes nearly shut as he managed to ask, “Where? Where can I-”
“Inside me,” you answered, your heel on his back keeping him from pulling out too much. “I want it inside me.”
Bradley’s eyes squeezed shut as he felt his control snap. “Fuck…fuck, I’m coming, baby,” he groaned deeply, fucking his seed into your abused core. You moan quietly, running your fingers through his sweaty hair as his body shakes from the intensity of it all. He had never come that hard before, and when he slowly came to a stop, he could feel it seeping around him and dripping out of you. He also never came that much before. “That….that was-”
“I know,” you beamed, kissing him softly as you kept your legs wrapped around him. “I love you so much.”
Bradley smiles down at you, kissing you back. “I love you, too,” he promised as he rolled you onto your sides, still buried inside you. 
“Stay with me?” You asked as you kissed along his salty skin. 
After years of wanting to experience this with you and have you all to himself, he was finally able to, and he wasn’t planning on ever leaving your side again. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,”
You smile, trailing your hand up and down his back. “So…what does this mean for us?”
Bradley tangles his fingers in your hair, holding you close to him. “I want to call you my girlfriend, sweetheart,” he whispered. “Will you let me?”
You close your eyes, letting out a quiet groan. “I want to be your girlfriend so badly,”
“Then it’s settled,” he stated, pulling you even closer as a grin tugged at his lips. “You’re my girlfriend.”
Your hands slide up to his shoulder as you kiss him. “And you’re my boyfriend,”
Bradley smiled as he kissed you back. “And I’m going to make sure I’m the best boyfriend you’ve ever had,”
“You better be the best and last,” you warn playfully, laying your head on his chest. 
“Don’t worry, baby,” he laughed, running his hand along your lower back. “You’re stuck with me.”
A blush takes over your face as you kiss the scar on his neck. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” 
They fucked again after that btw. Happy Birthday, Bradley Bradshaw!
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mopopshop · 2 days
wait i sent a request like two days go where reader had a kid from a previous relationship would u mind writing it with Paige instead 😭
Found Family (Paige Bueckers x OC)
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summary: At 21, You are balancing motherhood and new love. After getting pregnant at 17, you co-parent with Caleb, Rya's mostly absent father. Now dating college basketball star Paige Bueckers, Paige steps up as a mother figure to Rya. 
might make this a series 🫣 like an assortment of little fics and blurbs from their life, i’d love for yall to give me requests about this family and like situations for me to write but just lmk🫶🏾
hope you guys enjoy!!
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It's a warm Saturday morning, and the sun is filtering through the curtains, casting a golden hue on the bedroom walls. You can hear the faint sounds of Rya giggling down the hall, probably escaping from her room to grab her tablet. Beside you, Paige stirs, her arm instinctively wrapping around your waist.
"Morning," she murmurs, her voice husky with sleep.
You turn to face her, smiling softly. "Morning."
Paige stretches, her blonde hair a mess from sleep, and you can't help but think how beautiful she looks, even in these quiet, unguarded moments. She leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips before sitting up. "I'll go check on Rya."
You watch her leave the room, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. Paige has been a rock in your life, not just for you but for Rya too. At 21, you never imagined your life would look like this, but with Paige, it's better than you ever could have hoped for.
After a few moments, you decide to join them. The smell of pancakes fills the air as you make your way to the kitchen. Rya is sitting at the table, her eyes glued to her tablet screen, a half-eaten pancake on her plate. Paige is at the stove, flipping pancakes with practiced ease.
"Mommy!" Rya's face lights up when she sees you, and you can't help but smile. Her happiness is infectious.
"Hey, baby," you say, giving her a quick hug before moving to Paige's side. "Need any help?"
Paige shakes her head. "I've got it. Just sit and relax."
You do as she says, pouring yourself a cup of coffee and watching the two of them interact. Paige is so natural with Rya, so loving and patient. It's something Caleb never quite managed, he and you had a coparenting agreement, but his presence in Rya's life has been sporadic at best.
"Paigey, can we go to the park today?" Rya asks, her eyes wide with excitement.
Paige looks at you, a silent question in her eyes. You nod, and she turns back to Rya. "Of course, we can, kiddo. After breakfast, we'll get ready and head out."
Rya claps her hands, beaming with joy. You can't help but feel a pang of guilt. You wish Caleb could see this, could be a part of these moments and be a dad to Rya. But then you look at Paige, and the guilt fades. She's stepped up in ways you never expected, becoming an additional mother figure to Rya without hesitation.
After breakfast, the three of you begin to get ready for the park. Rya dashes to her room to brush her teeth and find her favorite sneakers, while you and Paige tidy up the kitchen. You rinse the last of the dishes as Paige sneaks up behind you, hooking her chin over her shoulder and wrapping her arms around your waist. 
"Ready for a fun day?" she asks, her breath warm against your neck.
You lean back into her embrace, a smile spreading across your face. "I guess, it’s hot as hell out there though."
Paige chuckles, kissing your cheek before letting go. "Cheer up, it’ll be fun. I’m gonna go help Rya with her outfit," she says, heading down the hall. 
Once the kitchen is clean, you go to your bedroom to change. Opting for a cute Skims athletic set and after you head to Rya's room to grab her. 
Paige is in her room, seated on her bed and sporting a basic t-shirt with basketball shorts while Rya’s dancing around the room. She's already picked out her outfit—a bright pink dress and her favorite sneakers. She looks up at you with a toothy grin. "I'm ready, Mommy!"
"Almost, sweetheart. Lemme brush your hair first," you say, grabbing a brush and gently working through her tangles. 
Once you finish Rya bolts from her room to the front door, bouncing on her toes, her excitement palpable. "Let's go, let's go!"
You grab your bag, making sure you have everything you need—snacks, water, sunscreen. Paige helps Rya with her small backpack, and you all head out the door. The walk to the park is filled with chatter and laughter, Rya skipping ahead and pointing out every interesting thing she sees.
"Look, Mommy! A butterfly!" Rya exclaims, chasing after it with her arms outstretched.
You smile, watching her with amusement. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Paige chuckles beside you as Rya stops suddenly, bending down to pick a small flower. She runs back to you, holding it up proudly. "For you, Mommy!"
"Thank you, baby," you say, taking the flower and tucking it behind your ear.
Paige grins, leaning in to kiss your cheek. "You look even more beautiful now."
You laugh, nudging her playfully. "You’re so corny"
Rya resumes her skipping, pointing out a bird perched on a tree branch. "Paigey, look! A bird!"
Paige nods, waving at the bird. "Hi, Mr. Bird!"
Rya giggles, imitating Paige. "Hi, Mr. Bird!"
At the park, Rya takes off towards the playground, her joy uncontainable. You find a shady spot under a tree and take a seat on the bench. Paige sits beside you, her hand finding yours, fingers intertwining.
"This is nice," you say, leaning your head on her shoulder.
Paige kisses the top of your head. "It is. We need to do it more often, i’ll start begging Coach to give us more days off”
You laugh softly. "Good luck with that."
Paige smirks. "I have my ways."
You watch Rya climb the jungle gym, her laughter ringing out as she makes a new friend. After a while, Rya runs back to the blanket, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "Mommy, Paige! I made a new friend! Can we have a picnic now?"
Paige smiles, opening the picnic basket. "Absolutely. Let's spread out the food."
You help Rya sit down, and she starts excitedly unpacking the snacks. "Look, Mommy! I brought my favorite cookies!"
You laugh, feeling the warmth of the moment. "Good job, baby."
The three of you enjoy the assortment of snacks, sharing stories and laughter. Rya munches on her cookies, happily chattering.
"Mommy, guess what?" Rya says between bites of her cookie. "My new friend likes the swings too! We took turns pushing each other."
You smile, nodding. "That's great, Ry. Did you have fun?"
Rya nods enthusiastically. "So much fun! And she said I can play with her again next time."
Paige chuckles, taking a sip of water. "Sounds like you made a good friend, Rya."
Rya looks up at Paige with wide eyes. "Paigey, can we come back to the park tomorrow?"
"We'll see, kiddo," Paige replies with a grin. "Maybe if we get all our chores done."
Rya pouts playfully. "Okay, I'll be super helpful!"
You laugh, reaching over to ruffle Rya's hair. "I have no doubt about that."
Paige shifts the conversation. "Man, I forgot we still have that paper to finish for US Lit”
You sigh, nodding. "I know, I've been dreading it. I haven't even started the conclusion yet."
Rya looks between the two of you, curiosity evident on her face. "What's a paper?"
You explain, "It's something we have to write for school, like a long story about a certain topic."
"Oh," Rya says, thoughtfully munching on another cookie. "Can I read it when you're done?"
Paige laughs. "Maybe when you're a bit older, Ry."
The conversation flows easily and eventually, the snacks are gone, you all start packing up. Rya helps by collecting the wrappers and putting them in the trash bag.
After the picnic, you decide it's time to head home. Rya's energy starts to wane as you walk back, and she holds onto Paige's hand, yawning.
"Think someone needs a nap," Paige says with a knowing smile.
Back home, you tuck Rya into her bed, brushing a kiss on her forehead.  Rya mumbles sleepily, "Love you, Mommy. Love you, Paigey."
"Love you too, babes," you both reply in unison.
With Rya down for her nap, you and Paige retreat to the living room. You both have coursework from the university to catch up on. Paige grabs her laptop, settling on the couch, while you take a seat at the dining table with your textbooks.
"How's that paper going baby?" Paige asks, glancing up from her screen.
"Slowly," you admit with a sigh “It’s just so.. goddamn boring”
“Need me to come over there and entertain you?” Paige says mischievously
“No you horndog, do your work”
Paige laughs, shaking her head. "Alright, alright. But I'm here if you need a break."
The next couple of hours pass in a comfortable silence, the soft sound of typing filling the room. When you both finish your work, Paige stands up, stretching her arms. "I'm gonna  start dinner. Any requests?"
You smile, feeling a wave of gratitude. "Whatever you feel like is fine."
Paige grins and heads to the kitchen. You tidy up your study materials and join her, helping with the prep. The kitchen fills with the delicious aroma of spices and home-cooked food. 
Dinner is a relaxed affair, the three of you sharing the meal and talking about the day. Rya, now well-rested, is full of energy and stories. After dinner, you go through your nightly routine. Paige handles the dishes while you give Rya a bath.
Rya giggles as you wash her hair, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Mommy, can I have a bedtime story tonight?"
"Of course," you say, wrapping her in a fluffy towel and carrying her to her room. Paige joins you, sitting on the edge of Rya's bed as you read her favorite storybook. Rya listens intently, her eyelids growing heavy.
When the story ends, you kiss her goodnight. "Sleep tight, baby."
Paige leans in, adding her own goodnight kiss. "Sweet dreams, Ry."
 With Rya asleep, you and Paige retreat to your room. Showering before you change into comfortable pajamas, the day's events catching up with you. Paige pulls you into her arms, and you nestle against her, feeling safe and loved.
"Today was perfect," you whisper.
Paige kisses your forehead. "Every day with you and Rya is perfect."
With that you drift off to sleep, your heart full.
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hardly-an-escape · 3 days
Car trip ask -- Dreamling
Famous Dream and Hob being chased by paparazzi; it's not fun as such, but they're laughing and running hand and hand to get back to their hotel
They'd made it almost the whole morning wandering around the city without being recognized, so Hob supposed he should be grateful. A few hours of peace – of precious normality – were a gift, after all.
And then the first of the paps found them, as Hob was ushering Dream out through the door of a cramped little bookstore, and then the resulting hue and cry spread down the crowded sidewalk like a miniature tsunami wave, and there were not only cameras but members of the general populace shoving their way into Hob and Dream's space.
"Well, that's torn it," Hob said, and offered Dream his hand. "Run?"
"How undignified," Dream responded dryly. But he took Hob's hand, as he always did, and they hurried down the street together.
As they always did.
Hob hadn't thought he would find love like this, not again. Not in his late thirties, and certainly not with a man. A man who'd also been married to a woman, who had also lost his wife and child in sad circumstances; who had also been, by turns, perturbed and baffled and ultimately delighted by the unexpected connection the two had forged between takes on a film set two years before.
Coming out, at that point in their respective careers, had not been an easy road. There had been pushback – both from their own people and from the public. There had been scandalized op eds published in gossip rags. Hob had had to bite his tongue on more than one red carpet when an interviewer asked them something a little too off-color (Dream had simply looked cold and imperious and stern, which he was very good at, and which was probably a more apt response, all things considered).
But even now, dodging photographers and pedestrians on the streets of New York, Hob wouldn't change a thing. Not a single blessed thing, because he had Dream's hand in his, and they were together, and they always, always would be.
They finally shook the photographers by doubling back through a busy bus stop, dodging down an alley, and walking on opposite sides of the street for a block and a half, before reuniting right in front of their hotel and slipping inside under the watchful eye of an impressively broad doorman.
They walked hand in hand across the lobby to the elevator. The receptionist gave them a friendly and professional smile, and Hob nodded gratefully in return. It wasn't until the elevator doors closed behind them that he let out the breath he felt like he had been holding for the past twenty minutes.
He would have felt self-conscious about it, were it not for the way Dream was letting out a similar exhale and melting against him as the elevator whisked them away to their suite on one of the upper floors.
"Do you ever regret it?" asked Dream suddenly.
Hob knew exactly what he was asking, and was having exactly none of it. He turned toward Dream and crowded him against the mirrored wall of the elevator, framing his narrow, noble face between his hands.
"Never," he said firmly. "Never, ever, for one singular second, have I regretted going after you." He kissed Dream once, firmly, on the lips, and a second time, more gently, just on the corner of his mouth. "I would live forever, if it meant I could spend it with you. In fact," he declared, "I plan to."
"You're going to live forever?"
"Yes." He kissed Dream again. Felt him melt just a little more.
"An eternity of this? Of running?"
"If necessary. Everyone does it. In some form."
The corner of Dream's mouth lifted. "You are not a sensible creature, Hob Gadling."
Hob laughed, throwing his head back, warm and fond and in love.
"I may be a fool," he said, as the elevator carried them ever higher. "But I've made up my mind."
come and drop a prompt in my inbox and I'll write you a drabble while I’m being a passenger princess on this road trip <3
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kozachenko · 2 days
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Here, have a fairly light sketch dump with two relatively complete sketches and some of the process for the main Zanmu one. Also, Gensokyo's specalist girl makes an appearance here too
Artist's Notes;
Zanmu is such a fun character to draw, like, there's so many little aspects in her design that you can emphasize, and her colour palette is so satysfying too. The reason I ended up drawing this was because when I was scrolling on Pinterest I found a specific pose that just screamed Zanmu to me (it was the skull that did it for me) and I just had to draw her in that pose. I did end up taking my liberties with my reference though, and also I am not drawing feet, I just straight up don't like it, and this is mainly something more on the sketchy side so it didn't really matter lol. Also, IDK too much about the hands, I'm usually pretty good with them but I struggled with them a bit this time. Also Zanmu is sitting on nothing because I just didn't feel like drawing what she was sitting on (plus I already drew in the clothes and including what she was sitting on would mean having to change the sleeves and I just didn't wanna do that lol). Also realized that I should probably start trying to improve on drawing frills in clothing, and I tried a new technique for drawing them. I do like how they look, but at the same time it can still be better.
I do love how Zanmu's pose turned out the most in this batch of sketches. In my process, I put the reference image on the canvas and then roughly blocked in the silhouette. One change I knew I wanted to make since the beginning of the sketching process was opening up the space between the bent arm and body more, mainly to make the silhouette of the pose clearer (even though with the addition of the clothes it does get closed up a lot). I also wanted to turn the torso towards the viewer and change the position of the legs to something more cross legged/casual. In another sketching pass, I just kinda quicjly scribbled what I wanted the pose to look like just so I could get my idea out and I'm glad I did that because that helped me focus more on the pose itself rather than the small details. Afterward, I did a sketch of the body, clothes, and hair all together and then coloured it to get the coloured Zanmu sketch!
Again, I could've done a better job with the feet and the legs themselves for that matter, but the nice thing about sketches is that they don't need to be perfect, and I was more so focused on the gesture/feel of the pose rather than the minute details. With her facial expression, I knew that I wanted something very specific with her eyes, so I just simplified it into this "almost closed" eye and I do like how it turned out a lot. Also, a problem that I often have drawing Zanmu is that in the poses I put her in, I don't really know how best to draw in those triangle cut outs she has, so instead, I added these little triangle details onto her sleeves and pants to add some visual interest and allude to them instead, also because they can kinda allude to a crown and Zanmu is the king of Hell so it fits lol (also, love it when people add details like that onto sleeves sm lol). The hair and tassles did a lot of heavy lifting when it came to making the drawing have a nice flow to it, and I have the headcanon that Zanmu is just able to make those float on there own by.... honestly I don't know, I just like the idea of her tassles defying gravity and floating all the time. Also IDK if you can see them, but I did make sure to include her scars as I'm basically adding that as a part of my way of drawing Zanmu. It just adds a certain something, y'know? Also found a specific reference for the skull and made it the red that it is in Touhou 19, and also because drawing skeletons and skulls is just fun lol.
Now onto Reimu, so that face drawing was mainly there just so I could get a better idea of how I wanted to draw her face in the future. My main concern was trying to make it different to Keiki and Zanmu's faces, so as I was sketching hers I had the drawings of Keiki and Zanmu's faces turned on to make sure I wasn't drawing the same thing again. Down here I included this little test I did where I hyper simplified the eyes of the three faces and just traced over their face shapes, noses, eyebrows, and mouths. While the nose is the most consistent trait shared among the three of them (tbf that can just be chalked down to an aspect of my style), I feel like the three are different enough from each other to where they don't have same face syndrome, even if you simplify the eyes into dots and also didn't include the detail of Zanmu's scars on her face.
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I'm obsessed with giving Reimu these tiny little eyebrows for some reason, IDK it just works for her. I also really like using a red as a highlight for whenever I draw her hair black, mainly because it helps to give the illusion that her hair is just a really dark brown and incorperates her main colour of red into another aspect of the design. I also wanted to try and draw Reimu's eyelids differently to try and imply monolids but tbh IDK how well that reads. I also like how her pupils turned out, as I'm experimenting with different characters in my style having different kinds of pupils. I didn't even bother properly rendering her clothes, so I just did them linelessly (I think I wanna try drawing in my lineless style again for a future piece sometime as I kinda miss the feel it had). I of course had to give Reimu her big bow, and also use that specific shade of red. IDK what it is about that shade of red specifically, but I just love it, it looks so nice to me you have no idea- Now that I think about, I kinda wanna draw Reimu more now, as I feel like I can still do some more experimenting with how I draw her eyes specifically. Also because I've got some ideas when it comes to how I wanna draw her body type.
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typicalopposite · 3 days
Tommy stumbles upon Buck's journal. They read it together 🙂
Omg! OMG!! I love this so much! So much I wrote it three different times before I figured out the way I actually wanted it to go! LOL! Hope you like the final cut! (she got a little long!)
Buck is busy making dinner. He has his brand new apron on; a housewarming gift from Bobby. Although it’s not technically a housewarming gift, since Tommy has already lived in the house for almost a decade… Either way, he loves it, and he is officially breaking it in. 
“Baby,” Tommy calls from their room. Their room… Buck can’t help the smile that creeps across his face at that. “What’s this?”
He looks up from seasoning some veggies as Tommy walks in, a notebook in his hand. His notebook. Buck nearly yelps: “Oh— uh— uhm— wha— wh- where… did you find that?” 
“It was sticking out from under the mattress,” Tommy says. “I didn’t know you kept a journal.” 
“Oh, well… it’s not— it’s just—” Tommy finally lifts his eyes from the cover (that may or may not be covered in little doodles and a couple dozen fancily penned versions of their names together) to look at Buck. Buck feels his face getting hot; he sighs. “Uh yeah—I used to write a lot… Back when I first started seeing my therapist, she suggested it. Said it might help to get all the thoughts I tend to keep bottled up… out.” He lets out a nervous laugh, switching the spice shaker he’s holding from one hand to the other, and back. 
Tommy finally hands the notebook to him. “Is this one recent?” 
“It is,” Buck admits. “I— uh— I actually picked it up again when—” His voice falters, his nerves kick in. He knows he shouldn’t be nervous; Tommy would never judge him for anything, especially not something he uses as a coping mechanism. “When I met you…” he finally says. He can feel the blush all the way in his ears. Tommy smiles that soft understanding smile. “You— uh— you wanna read some of it?” 
“Only if you don’t mind,” Tommy says, but his eyes light up excitedly. 
Buck’s heart is racing as he quickly finishes the meal prep, shoves it into the oven, and sets a timer. “Okay…” He wipes off his hands and picks up the notebook. Buck’s Journal 2024-2025 is written on the front cover in the bottom corner. Tommy pulls him down onto the couch beside him, situating himself around Buck’s body, resting his chin on Buck’s shoulder so he can read along.  
Buck flips to the first page. 
March 19 2024 
Secretly followed Hen on a hunch she had. Flew through a hurricane, and saved Cap and Athena from their capsized cruise ship. Came up with the team's new motto, “Who Cares!?!” 
Oh and I finally got to meet Tommy. He’s pretty cool!
Next to the entry is Tommy’s number, he got it from Chimney so he could call about the tour… and it’s circled. 
March 29 2024
Got a tour of Harbor Station today. Seeing all the helicopters and learning what all air ops does was pretty cool, not as cool as the guy who gets to man the helicopters and do all the stuff air ops does… but still. I kind of didn’t want the tour to end. I’d have loved to get to know Tommy a little more, BUT unfortunately he had other plans… weirdly they were with Eddie… he flew him to Vegas to see a fight. 
He did offer to give me flying lessons though… that will be fun. I wonder if he offered to give Eddie flying lessons too.
Buck can feel Tommy smiling. “So jealous,” he hears him whisper, and he nudges at his jaw with his shoulder. 
April 4 2024 
I have a date. 
Which is definitely not how I expected my day to end… giving it kind of started with me hurting Eddie.  
Ok so to explain that… I kind of convinced Chimney to bring me along to the basketball game because I was maybe just a little jealous of Eddie getting to spend so much time with Tommy when something always came up when I tried to… and I guess it just got the better of me. I feel really bad about it, probably will feel bad for a while…
BUT THEN Tommy came over! And he… kissed me!? And I liked it?!? And now we have a date. On Saturday. 
Yes… the date of their date was circled with a heart around it. “Awww,” Tommy says, pressing a kiss to Buck’s cheek. Buck laughs and turns the page, then quickly tries to turn it again, but Tommy stops him. “Can I see?” He asks. 
April 6 2024
That was all that was written on that page. In big letters and underlined. Tear stains were scattered across the page. He feels Tommy’s arms tighten around him. “I’m so sorry baby,” he says quietly. 
Buck shrugs; smiles. “It’s all good because…” he skips a page to—
April 12 2024
And now I have a date for the wedding! :)
Tommy barks out a laugh. 
May 6 2024  Buck writes about the bachelor party, and losing Chimney, and coming out to everyone at the hospital wedding
May 19 2024 Buck writes about helping save the kidnapped baby, and spending the night at Tommy’s for the first time. 
May 25 2024 Buck writes about the medal ceremony, and meeting Gerrard, and hating Gerrard, and wanting to fight Gerrard for being mean to Tommy, and wanting to make out with Tommy in front of Gerrard so he can go into homophobic shock and wither away like the old wrinkly ass he is…
May 30 2024 Buck writes about Bobby, and the fear he had about almost losing him. He writes about Christopher going to Texas, and missing him. He writes about Tommy, and how he thinks he can picture forever with him. 
June 23 2024 Buck writes about Gerrard being the new captain. 
September 1 2024 Buck writes about Gerrard finally getting fired permanently. The time under him was miserable; he didn't feel like writing during that time. He writes about Tommy being his rock through it all. He writes about thinking he’s in love. 
The timer goes off in the kitchen. “Well,” Tommy says, pulling Buck into his arms for a kiss. “That was nice, getting to see some of the stuff you keep bottled up. Thank you for sharing it with me.”  
Buck smiles; he feels that damned blush creeping up again. He holds the notebook close to his chest, carrying it with him back into the kitchen. That was close… he thinks. He really needs to find a better hiding place, at least until after their anniversary… 
March 29 2025
I bought a ring. I’m going to ask him to marry me on our anniversary. I want to spend the rest of my life feeling this happy and safe and satisfied. 
April 4 2025
He said yes!
might put this one on ao3 later too!
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heartbinn · 2 days
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or— taking a bath/shower with straykids!
-definitely bath baby. If by himself, he'd take showers, but if you two are in at the same time, expect a fluffy and slightly romantic bubble bath.
-you two would just stare at eachother, or, rather, he would stare at you, admiring you, and sometimes praising your looks.
-its free moments like these when he gets to express how he feels about you, and each time, he slowly falls more and more in love.
-it's very very rare that you two would get touchy while together, unless you want it. Channie either wants to appriciate the moment, or is too shy to do anything.
-you two would soak about atleast an hour, but really, its your choice when you get out. If you do, he follows you. Please give this man big hugs.
-do i even have to say anything..
-obviously shower. He'd argue back, wanting to use shower time for himself, but when you agree that he can wash you, its game on for him.
-and he'd make sure its sensible too, wouldnt just wash you but practically massage your body until he hears even the slightest sound from your mouth. He'd grip at your skin gently, squeezing anywhere he finds a little bodyfat. He loves your body and he kets you know.
-of course, you'd argue to wash him too, and after he finally says yes, he'd tease you about it until you dont want to do it anymore. Its just his way.
-maximum 20 minutes in the shower, he'd rather have you in bed.
-oh he'd be embarassed.. he'd look at you over his shoulder with that little smile he has, and would spend just 15 minutes figuring out of he wants a bubble bath, so you cant see anything, or a shower, so you can see everything.
-well, even so he couldn't decide, you just dragged him to shower beacuse it's easier.
-and could you look anywhere but his muscles? Well..yknow the answer but really no. When you finally reach up and squeeze his bicep a little, he would jump from being sensitive, almost that he'd fall over.
-so babygirl, dont let him break his bones. Take a clear bath next time~
-overall about 25-30 minutes of bickering over eachother until one of you almost slips.
-now.. its either he'd be really really really romantic during a bath or.. just straight up a menace.
-if he feels romantic, he'll have rose petals and shi floating in the water with a glass of wine like sudhsjdhusjdhdb baby
-but then..... if he feels lazy or just tired, he'd have fun in poking at your stomach and side, especially if you're ticklish. From here, when you wanna leave, he'll either pull you back and apologize or tease you for 'not handling his habits.
-don't blame you, he'd be annoyed too. But he just loves how you get all fussy at him.
-he'd come crawling back though
-baths either last two hours or two minutes, you can guess why.
-another menace, kinda worse but better.
-absolutely baths. Dont make him convince you to wash his hair, he'd whimper intentionally, enjoying your red face. Its all fun until you pull on his hair. He loves teasing you but knows when to shut up.
-but he's still so cute. Give him little spikes while he has conditioner on his hair and watch him get whiny. Cutie.
-but he'd wash your hair in return too, suddenly understanding why you love massaging his scalp soooo much.
-baby boy, baths last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.
-shower boy like ugh so cute just standing there
-he probably wouldnt go in with you but just join you without a word. He's still respectful, doesnt look down if he hasnt seen you naked before, and only with permission.
-once he actually does get permission, he wont keep his hands to himself at all.
-so you either never get intimate in the shower, or every day. Even if you do, he's careful to hold you and himself both steady not to slip or fall, but eventually you'd get used to it.
-well, depending on what you let him it can be 10 minutes or 10 years(jk but about 30 mins, he'd switch to the bed after one round)
-if you manage to get in the shower with him, you deserve a reward.
-bro is an absolute menace, he'd lock the door, and would have long long showers himself.
-when you do get in with him, he'd be quiet and embarassed, just muttering to himself, until you help him wash his back or something. He'd hold you for some moments while the water just falls at you both.
-wont say anything but genuinely loves these moments. He's a quiet boy then.
-depending on his mood 5 to 15 minutes.
-the exact opposite, he wants you in the shower with him.
-like he'll actually beg you until you agree. He'd wash you, you'd wash him, everything would be smooth and movie like. Lets hope none of you slip.
-but he'd get tired from the warm water and you next to him, so showers are not longet than 10 minutes.
-after, you'd just cuddle next to a soft movie. He's a normal silly guy but has so much in him to love.
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gisellecnz · 2 days
Just one random day with your classmates during the year 2006.
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"Uhh... Guys, I think we should head back already... " You said in a concerned tone. You look at the time, it's already 5:06 but Yaga-sensei has told everyone to come back before 4:10. You were getting anxious of what would happen once you all came back.
Gojo looks at you and sighs while rolling his eyes, "Oh come on y/n, it's not like we'd all end up DYING because we didn't follow yaga-sensei's order."
"But-" before you could say something, Geto cuts you off.
"Yeah, I wanna stay here for a bit. It's been a long time since I've eaten pork curry." You sighed. You looked at Shoko, trying to ask for help because of Gojo and Geto's unperturbedness about returning to Yaga-sensei, but it seems like she was too focused on her food to listen of what was going on.
Suddenly, you jumped when a loud ringing of your phone was vibrating from your pocket. When you checked who was calling, it was Yaga. Your heart dropped. You really wanna go back to school but your three groupmates just refuses to. You could go on your own if you could, but you just can't. Without the three's company, you'd be lost by now. You don't know why in the world you were in the same year as these unbothered people.
You've been in Jujutsu high for months but this was the first time you got sent into a mission wherein you have to go somewhere really far. You were personally Yaga's favorite for being more obedient than the rest, but right now he would probably change his mind...
You answered the call and put your phone to your ear, but you were taken aback and flinched when Yaga's loud voice came screaming into the speakers of your phone. "WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL OF YOU!?!? YOU'RE ALL 57 MINUTES LATE!"
"I'm so sorry Yaga-sensei! I-" But before you could finish your sentence, Gojo snatches your phone away from your hand, and hangs up the call.
"What the h- Hey! Satoru what the fuck!?! That was Yaga-sensei! We're in so much trouble right now and you had to hang up on him too!?!" You tried reaching back for your phone, but he won't return it to you yet.
"Tsk, we don't give a shit about that old man, if he tries to plan some sort of execution on us that wouldn't work. Me and Suguru with just one flick could end the world already, and if anybody got hurt Shoko could just use her "mighty" healing powers."
Gojo says whilst lifting your phone high up in the air, you wouldnt even be able to reach it due to his abnormally large height. Gosh. You hate this man. He's been teasing you nonstop every single day.
Geto looks at you, "Satoru's right, it's fine y/n. It's been a long time since we've gotten a hangout together. Let's just use this time as our hangout."
Geto's words came ringing to your ear, "it's been a long time since we've gotten a hangout together"
.. I guess he is right, despite you weren't sent to go on far missions and have only been doing your missions inside Jujutsu high, you haven't been going out lately and have fun. Especially with the others too.
That is why, after that, you all went spree shopping. And had fun riding in Suguru's rainbow dragon.
"... Alright, who's IDEA was it?" Yaga sensei said. He was looking at all of you while pinching his nose in annoyance.
*everyone points at Satoru*
Satoru looks around and felt betrayed. "Wha- why me!?!? Guys!"
".. So it is you, Satoru. Your gonna have to go with me."
While Satoru was getting dragged by Yaga sensei, he secretly pulled up a middle finger at all of you, in response, you sticked your tongue out for him.
not really a gojo x reader fic but I'm keeping the tags cuz why not 😝
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moonreader1010 · 2 days
Pac- your friendships if you were an idol/in the kpop industry
Note - (1)take what resonates.(2) And I don't know all the idols in the industry so i have also described the dynamics. See if it matches any idol that you know. (3) This reading is just for fun!!!
Pile 1 pile 2
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(these pictures that I used do not belong to me. All rights go to the original owner)
Pile 1:
When my eyes are on you, 숨막힐듯한 전율
Oh, you know you get me loose, make me go 비틀비틀
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Wow. The media would be SO INTO your friend group. Omg. They'll always try to photograph you. I kinda feel bad because like they will always be following you. This could definitely be due to the fact that all your friends would be from the top groups. Very veryyyyy famous people for sure. Like those idols/dancers/actors that sort of rule the industry. Eunwoo is someone that i grasped first. Also Jennie. Your friendships will gather a lotttt of jealousy too. It might result in some hidden enemies. You'll have to be extra careful because these people might try to be your friends just to sabotage your other close friendships. But your close friends will always, always support you. Yeonjun could be one. These people will definitely protect you from anything. Literally anything. And yes another card that tells that you'll be friends with the most powerful people in the industry. Ooohhh. Your friendships might be affected by temptations (👀) if you know what I mean.
You might not have had the best luck in friendships in your current life but you will definitely have some of the best friendships in the industry. Karmic themes are there too. I also got g dragon for some reason lol 😭. You might also have older friends. Your friendships will be your escape. You guys will travel a lottttt together. I see you and them going on random walks together. Moon seems to be something veryyyyyy important. You might also make MANY friends actually. You'll be friends with noble people. They will help you grow and they will also help you teach so many things. You might make dance challenges with them lol and they'll teach you the dance. Mingyu and jungkook friendship lol. You guys will help each other in stressful periods. You will support each other's activity too. You might get married with someone from your friend group lol. You'll be friends with both female and male idols.
Idols- Jennie, yeonjun, g dragon, Eunwoo, karina etc.
Groups- seventeen, aespa, red velvet.
Song- BTBT by B.I, Soulja Boy, DeVita (👀👀👀👀)
Pile 2:
We can go wherever you like
Baby, say the words and I'm down
All I need is you on my side
We can go whenever you like, now where are you?
what's your ETA? What's your ETA?
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White flowers seem to be really important. Or maybe if you were in the industry then you would have a lot of moments where you receive flowers from your friends. Like you won an award and then there they are to give you the flowers and you all are being very cheeky and giggling. Such a fun relationship. You'll have a lot of such moments. Lol. Imagine you and your idol friends trying to be professional but then you see each other and start laughing lol. You'll definitely collaborate with your idol friends on many creative projects. Getting bag and making moves fr fr. Now now you guys could be childhood friends. Omg so cute. Like Lisa and bambam and many more. You guys probably trained together too. But then you debut in different groups or train in different companies and it leads to some heart break. You guys would be very happy to see each other at award shows. You might also have to hide your friendships due to some toxic fans that make up rumours so yeah. Your friends will make you so confident. Not a single moment of self doubt. You'll be friends with idols that can hype you good lol. Garden and flowers seem to be really significant again! And you guys will definitely be making good money together. Your collab would break records!!!. You guys will be invited to so many events together and then your interaction videos will go Viral lol.
Idols- Irene, nayeon, jay, sunghoon, s coups, hyunjin
Groups- definitely ateez and twice
Song- ETA by newjeans (because you are secretly meeting each other and you are asking them "what's your ETA? lol)
Pile 3-
Too fast, ㅠㅠ
움직임은 blues clues
Everybody jealous
따라 해보던가, new rules
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Okay so hear me out. Your friend in the industry would have gone through a period where they were extremely lonely. Could be a scandal or controversy. It really affected them. They were betrayed by their friends and couldn't trust anyone. Then you just enter their life and boom two silliest people ever lol. You guys would have SO MANY inside jokes and you guys are definitely going on reality shows together and being absolutely chaotic. You will help them heal. Omg I'm feeling a little emotional bby. You will reach many goals together. They will also help you. There could be some anxiety or overthinking tendencies but you will help each other get better. But yeah you guys will be sooo hards to handle. I feel sorry for your leader lol. You guys might be into partying and if you are then you all will be partying a lotttt. They will introduce you to so many people too. Very fun relationship. (Also don't read too much into it but there could be a friends with benefits situation in your friendships)
Idols- honestly, the '97 liners lol, wooyoung, hwasa
Group- nctttttttttttt (all the subunits)
Song - 2 baddies by nct 127 (because you all look so cool together)
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Jee Dates
Enjoy some tooth rotting fluff...I love Uncle Buck and Uncle Tommy. 🥰 I have been writing so much but I guess it's because I definitely won't have the time once school starts back up!
"Tommy, wake up," Buck said softly, gently shaking his boyfriend's shoulder. "It's Jee date day."
Tommy stirred, a smile spreading across his face even before he opened his eyes. "Already? What time is it?"
"Early," Buck chuckled, "but you know how excited she gets. We promised to pick her up at 9."
As Tommy got out of bed, stretching, Buck couldn't help but reflect on how they'd gotten to this point. He wasn't quite sure how it happened. He had always been close to his niece, but once he and Tommy started dating, she was drawn to Tommy like a magnet. And Tommy definitely didn't mind his adoring fan.
At first, it was casual outings - they would take her to the park or out for ice cream, or she'd come to their house for pancakes. But somehow, those casual meetups evolved into what they now called "Jee dates."
Now they had a standing date once a month where they would spend the whole day with Jee, doing activities of her choice. It had become something all three of them looked forward to, a special tradition that strengthened their bond as a family.
"So, remind me what the plan is for today?" Tommy asked as he pulled on a t-shirt.
Buck's grin widened. "To your delight, and Maddie's dismay, Jee has chosen the Monster Truck rally."
Tommy's face lit up with excitement. "Yes! I knew that kid had good taste."
"Well, she certainly takes after her Uncle Tommy in some ways," Buck laughed. "Maddie's convinced you're corrupting her daughter."
"Hey, expanding her interests is not corruption," Tommy defended playfully. "Besides, Jee loved Disney on Ice last month. She's a well-rounded kid."
Buck nodded, remembering how Jee's eyes had lit up watching her favorite characters glide across the ice. "That's true. From Disney princesses to monster trucks – our girl's got range."
"Exactly," Tommy agreed. "And who knows, maybe she'll grow up to be a professional ice skater who drives monster trucks in her spare time."
Buck couldn't help but laugh at the image. "Now that would be something to see. Maddie would probably blame us for that career choice too."
As they continued to get ready, both men felt a surge of anticipation for the day ahead. These "Jee dates" had become more than just a fun outing - they were a chance for Buck and Tommy to share their love, to be role models, and to create lasting memories with the little girl who had stolen both their hearts.
"Ready to go pick up our favorite girl?" Buck asked, keys in hand.
Tommy nodded, a soft smile on his face. "Always. Let's make this a Jee date to remember."
With that, they headed out, ready for a day full of monster trucks, cotton candy, and the unbridled joy of a child they both adored.
As they got into the car, Tommy grinned and said, "Ready for another adventure with Jee-bug, fellow Guncle?"
Buck rolled his eyes fondly. "You know, technically that's not quite right. I'm not gay, I'm bi."
Tommy's face took on an exaggerated look of shock, his voice deadpan and dripping with sarcasm. "Wait, you're bi? How come you never told me?"
Buck couldn't help but laugh, playfully shoving Tommy's shoulder. "Oh, shut up. You know what I mean."
Tommy's facade cracked as he chuckled. "I know, I know. But 'Quncles' doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well, does it?"
"True," Buck agreed, still grinning. "Though Maddie still thinks the qualifier isn't necessary."
Tommy nodded, his expression softening. "Right, because we're both just Jee's loving uncles, regardless of our sexuality."
"Exactly," Buck said. "But I have to admit, I do like our little 'Guncles' thing, even if it's not technically accurate for me."
As they pulled up to Maddie and Chimney's house, they could see Jee's excited face peering out the window, clearly having been watching for their arrival.
"Guncles!" she squealed as she ran out the door, Maddie following close behind with a backpack full of Jee's things.
Maddie shook her head with a fond smile. "I still say you're just uncles, but I guess I'm outvoted on this one."
Tommy grinned. "What can we say? The kid has spoken."
Buck just laughed as he got out of the car to scoop up their excited niece. "Ready for some monster trucks, Jee-bug?"
As they drove towards the Monster Truck rally, Jee chatted away happily in the backseat. Suddenly, she piped up with a series of questions that caught both men off guard.
"Hey Uncle Buck, how come you date boys? Are you guys ever gonna get married and be husbands? Can I be the flower girl if you do? And please don't get married at the hospital like Mommy and Daddy did, okay? And how come Mara and Denny have 2 Mommies? Are you ever gonna have a kid? Will your baby have 2 Daddies? If they do, will they be sad they don't have a Mommy? Will they call both of you Daddy?"
"Well, Jee-bug, that's a lot of questions," Buck started, his voice gentle. "I'll try to answer them all. I date boys, or in this case, your Uncle Tommy, because that's who I fell in love with. Some people love boys, some love girls, and some, like me, can love both."
Tommy nodded, adding, "And yes, we do plan to get married and be husbands someday. When we do, we'd love for you to be our flower girl."
"And we promise not to get married in a hospital," Buck chimed in with a grin. "We'll pick somewhere much more fun."
"As for Mara and Denny having two mommies," Tommy continued, "families come in all different shapes and sizes. Some have a mom and a dad, some have two moms or two dads, and some have just one parent."
Buck picked up the thread, "Tommy and I would love to have a family someday. And yes, if we do, your cousin will have two dads."
"But they won't be sad about not having a mommy," Tommy added. "Because they'll have two parents who love them very much, just like your mom and dad love you."
"And if we do have kids," Buck concluded, "they might call us both Daddy, or we might use different names to avoid confusion. We'll figure that out when the time comes."
Jee seemed to consider this for a moment. "Okay," she said finally. "Can we get cotton candy at the monster trucks?"
Buck and Tommy both chuckled at the abrupt change of subject, typical of a child Jee's age.
"Sure thing, Jee-bug," Tommy said, catching Buck's eye with a warm smile. They both felt a surge of love - for each other, for Jee, and for the family they would have someday.
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nho-jungle · 2 days
giving gillion a tail: bug's thoughts on triton anatomy
yeah im writing a full thing about this okay let me autism lazerbeam in peace.
so the thing with triton anatomy is that one would assume theyre just human anatomy with some extra bits like gills n stuff. and tails, but we'll go into that in a moment. the problem with this is bone structure. not all fish have bones. sharks don't have bones. instead the support structure of their bodies is made of cartilage. which isnt too different, considering parts of human anatomy are made up of cartilage, but it poses some interesting questions. im no scientist, but i am autistic as hell. so im going to pose a couple of options that are fun to rotate.
the most common depiction of tailed tritons (which i myself have drawn) is some variety of fish or shark. this is aesthetically fun bc of the variety within fish and sharks, in terms of colour and shape, that allows you to get funky with it. anatomically speaking, this would probably be achieved via the tailbone being there, like a monkey, but with the muscle and flesh around it being shark or fish-like. this would all lend to a tail that moves side to side, which would lead to an interesting swimming style that probably wouldnt involve much movement of the legs.
the second thought i had for tailed tritons was seals. seals have very short tails, but as mammals they have the same bone structure as humans. due to this, my initial thought was a second set of hips, so the triton bone structure would look like it had four legs, but the second set of legs would be the tail formation. this would lend itself to a tail that moves up and down, which could probably be utilised in tandem with the legs to create a very efficient swimming style.
however, neither of these ideas take into account one very important thing about tritons:
they're amphibious.
oh but bug, they can have human lungs and fish gills with nothing to do with the tail- silence voice i made up purely to disagree! we are not here to do arts and crafts! we are not gluing random creature aspects together with whimsy and magic! this is real science!
so amphibians. frogs and newts and salamanders and the like.
the amphibian life cycle, in most cases, involves eggs being laid in water and larvae being adapted to an aquatic lifestyle. frogs, toads, and salamanders all hatch with external gills, and develops lungs to breathe air as they grow up. amphibians are very adaptable to their environment, and there are many possible variations among individual species purely caused by outside influence and the area they grow up in.
but what does this have to do with tritons and their tails?
unlike most amphibians, frog tadpoles dont look like the adults. frog tadpoles start out fully aquatic, with external gills. as they grow and develop, they get gill pouches to make their gills internal. they have cartilaginous skeletons (which later develop into bone), lateral line systems (found in fish, used to detect movement, vibration, and pressure under water), and large tails. their lungs develop early. their front legs develop first, and then their back legs soon after.
(oh what about axolotls- axolotls dont have lungs. they are functionally the same as salamander larvae but they never get past that developmental stage. theyre amphibians that arent amphibious.)
im running out of steam for this post but basically what im trying to say is that triton are froglets. this would also make sense for the fact that triton have webbed hands and feet. frogs do too so it would be implemented into the swimming style. bone structure is a whole nother things, especially since both 'mordenkainen presents: monsters of the multiverse' and 'volos guide to monsters' are cowards whos triton designs are just blue people. but working from 'mythic odysseys of theros' designs, who have at least a little bit of flare, i think it's safe to assume that their bones are a little funky. some fun mix of bone and cartilage to have those interesting shapes.
all that being said, i am a big supporter of doing whatever you want forever. i am also just a massive nerd and like to think way too hard about these things.
(shoutout to my dad for assistance with bouncing ideas around, and for being the one to suggest the tadpole thing.)
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lexis3npaii · 14 hours
can openers
minho x fem!reader
826 words
fluff and a bit suggestive
inspired by the third prompt on this post by @novelbear !
as always if you see spelling or grammar mistakes, no you don't :)
You eye all the tools laid out in front of you. Can opener. Lemon juicer. Potato peeler. Carrot peeler? What’s the difference between a potato peeler and a carrot peeler? They’re more or less the same thing, no? Whatever, maybe he’ll explain that in the lesson. Soon, Minho returns and sits across from you at the table. He clasps his hands on the surface and looks you directly in the eyes. You look between him and the tools, urging him to say something. 
Minho tightens his lips as he folds his arms across his chest, and places a can on the table. You glance down at the can and then back at him, with a confused look on your face. Minho gestures to the items, willing you to make a move. You slowly grab the can and look back at him. He nods gently. Then your hand hovers over the can opener, and again your eyes fall on the man in front of you. He gestures with his hands for you to keep going. But this is where you’re stumped. You attempt to use the device but fail miserably, somehow almost taking off your finger, which prompts Minho to stand and grab the objects from you. 
“Alright. that’s enough.” he says in a steady voice. 
“Hey you barely even gave me a chance.” you whine, bottom lip jutting out. “What about the other ones?”
“You just almost cut your finger off with a can opener, jagiya. There’s no way I’m letting you near a potato peeler.” Minho explains, placing all the kitchen tools in their rightful place. 
“You’re so lucky you have me, seriously.” he calls from the kitchen. 
You walk up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist, and place your head on his back. “Oh you’re so right. How would I ever open a can without you?” 
“You don’t even have to worry about that jagi.” he says still with his back to you. 
“And why’s that?”
Minho spins the both of you around in one swift movement. Your back hits the counter softly, as he cages you in with his arms. “Cause we’re never gonna be apart.”
You can feel your face heat up, thankful that your blush doesn’t show easily on your skin. “Wh-what? You planning on marrying me Lee?” you try to mask the fluttering of your heart with some good old fashion teasing. But of course that doesn’t deter him. This is Lee Minho. The king of teasing. And he always has the upper hand when it comes to shameless flirting. 
“Of course baby. I thought that much was clear.” he let’s the words slide off his tongue, punctuated with a smirk. 
Although, on the inside you’re a blushing mess, you don’t back down. “Well I think the future Mrs. Lee Minho needs some more confirmation.” you glance down at his plump lips, still in a smirk, but stretching into a full smile upon hearing your request. 
Minho lifts your chin up with his hand. “Oh do you?” 
“Yes absolutely.” 
He runs his tongue over his teeth lightly and focuses his gaze on your lips, getting closer to your face if that’s even possible. 
“Who am I to deny the future Mrs. Lee Minho.” 
Finally your lips meet. You've been together 2 years now, but every kiss still feels like the first. You’ll never get enough, and if Minho’s manner of devouring your mouth tells you anything, he probably thinks likewise. Somehow, you end up sitting on the counter, Minho in between your parted legs. If you’re not careful, things could escalate too quickly. But to your surprise Minho pulls away, as you slightly chase after his lips. 
“Let's save that for after we say I do, okay?” he breathes, out of breath. 
You pout and slowly run your fingers through his hair. You know he’s right but in the heat of the moment, all you could really think about are his lips on you. 
“Plus…” Minho pulls the lemon juicer out from behind you. “I really wanna see you try to juice a lemon.” a huge grin spread across his face. 
You throw your head back. “You just wanna make fun of me.” You say while pushing his chest. 
“Yes. Yes I do.” he moves to the fridge and returns with a lemon. “But you love it. Or else you wouldn’t have agreed to be my wife.” 
“Mmmm never agreed to that baby boy.” you grab the lemon from him. 
“Maybe not now but you will.” He speaks while getting closer to you until his mouth is right next to your ear. “Plus that makeout sess was all the answer I needed.” 
You shiver a bit but giggle nonetheless, throwing your hands up in defense. “Okay okay. You’ve gotten me hot and bothered enough. Now lemme turn you on with my grunting from trying to juice this lemon.” you remark, jumping down from the counter. 
“You always know what I want jagiya.”
i'm back after so much time. i'm in the beginning stages of outlining a new screenplay for school, so i've been in a writing mood. i did write this with a darker skinned girl in mind (hence the blush line) but really it's pretty general. i hope you enjoy and, as always, feedback is greatly appreciated. have a blessed day!
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