#it will not be as wholesome as youre probably thinking it is they will hate it hope this helps
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triptychofvoids · 1 year ago
Hiii! First of all, I JUST LOVE THE WAY YOU DRAW ENGIE! And science party in your style is just- *chefs kiss*!
While doing a small brainstorm with my friend a silly idea popped up to our heads. What about science party tickle fight? :3c
thank you!! i love engie i love drawing engie and science party is my favorite :]
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yandere-sins · 8 months ago
Okay! But like... big male yan!omega? Big strong man who doesn't fit into any societal omega ideal! Who gets confused for an alpha because he is so imposing and mean-looking and towers over everyone in any room. Who wants nothing more than to cuddle and purr for his cute small fem!alpha. He just wants to impregnate you, give you little babies for you to protect, but him to take care of. Who is so strong that he can push you down and hump you during his heat/your rut. He uses his omega instincts/hormones to keep you close by. Bby, don't you want to provide for him? He keeps sending you distressed hormones, you need to be a good alpha and keep him happy. Be a good alpha and kiss him better, make him a daddy and let him comfort you when your own alpha instincts flair up. He will be your perfect omega, carrying you around and smooching the top of your head. He will have a ginormous nest to keep the both of you safe and satisfied
Aww, gosh that is so wholesome!! (In yandere terms) I love it!! Thanks for sparking that idea ♥
There's just so much to go off on, and we all know that omegas really wear the pants in the relationship because alphas are just so easy to manipulate. You'd instantly get concerned when you smell the drop in a stranger's mood, just because it's your nature. Yet, you find yourself comforting an unusually big and bulky omega, who immediately hugs and latches onto you as if you two have always known each other. As an alpha, you cannot leave a sulky or unhappy omega to their own devices—even if it feels bizarre to be so caught up with someone you met randomly on a night's out... You have to stay with them and protect them from other alphas that might sniff out the omega, even if the sight of you two inevitably leads to some confusion about who is who. It's quite surprising when other alphas want to get to you instead of the actual omega, but it is he who bares his fangs at them, and you are already drenched in his scent. Even so, your omega still accounts it as your win, letting you have the laurels when the other alphas scurry off in a huff. You find it almost funny, but you are thankful for avoiding a confrontation, even though you have mixed feelings about this situation.
That is until even your friends start to avoid you. They just don't want to hang around a fellow alpha that has an omega tower over them from behind all the time, menacingly. He's scaring them off, although you still believe it's unwillingly. He's an omega, no way he has bad intentions, right? You already don't smell like you used to anymore, and when they tell you to take care of your omega, waving you off with a pitiful smirk, and tell you to enjoy the mated life, you are so confused as to why everyone thinks you two are mated. However, when you confront the omega, you're immediately hit with the smell of rejection and fear. You hate your instincts for instantly reaching out to comfort him instead of continuing your questioning, telling him it's all right. You'll take care of him—just like a good alpha would. Even if you curse yourself, there's not much you can do other than to keep this omega happy. It's not his fault he looks a bit intimidating to others; he's actually quite nice when you talk to him, just like an omega should be. He might even be a bit cute, you have to admit.
You agreed to take him home when he asks you since it's late, and "you know how alphas are"—well, duh! It probably shouldn't have surprised you that when you go over to his place for the first time, there's already a huge nest awaiting you. He's not in heat—you checked that multiple times after you met him—so technically, you shouldn't have anything to fear. You aren't even sure if you want to mate with him if that had been an option, so it was better to be safe than sorry. But damn, that is one hell of a fantastic nest. The blankets and pillows are so soft, the nest smells absolutely delightful with pheromones that kept pestering your nose all night, and a purr escapes you before you can even so much but clarify you're not staying over. The sight of the omega crawling back into his nest, lolling between the comfortable sheets and inviting you in so casually as if you already belong there, makes you gulp, your instincts rampaging, making you want to join him. Society and everyone around you conditioned you to not refuse your omega. Still, even though your body resists, your hormones spiking as you feel a rut incoming, you are so proud of yourself for turning on your heel and running.
It feels like you are a complete disappointment as an alpha, though.
You can't do it! Reasonably, you know that, but your body thinks otherwise. Ruts are too painful and tiresome without a mate to take care of you, and there had been a perfectly capable omega ready to embrace you. And you left. You barely get away a few blocks before you break down, your rut so spitefully overwhelming you, shutting down all your senses, dignity, and pride, that all you can think of is crawling back to the omega and begging him to help you. But even if you want to go back, need to go back, you can't bring yourself to it. All kinds of excuses come to mind: you're not in a place to provide the family life all omegas want, he's probably just using you for his own needs, you're too young to settle with the first omega that crosses your path, and you barely know the omega at all, you two only just me! You can't just get swept off your feet by the first omega that shows you his nest! And besides comforting him a few times, it's not like you two have a deeper relationship—you two are probably not even in love it's all just hormones!
You smell him before he even comes around the corner. Undoubtedly, he smells you, too. His eyes are instantly fixated on the picture of misery you must look like as you sit there on the sidewalk. He probably hates you for refusing him, and you get scared, hoping he won't abuse his power over you. But when he opens his mouth, it's all just sounds of comfort, his arms so strong and warm as he hugs you to his chest, lifting you up. He's not mad at all, and the alpha in you is overjoyed to smell his relief and be treated gently, even if you failed him before. He keeps asking you if you want his help, so concerned with your consent and how could you hold back? You know this omega will help you take care of the rut, make you forget about your inadequacies, and make a family while you two are at it. It's what you want—everyone wants it, right? Who needs free will when you can let your instincts take over and have an omega take care of you and the family you are about to make.
His neck is so perfectly, incidentally exposed to you; how can you not sink your fangs into it, marking this omega as yours while he takes you back to his nest, back home? Everything smells so amazingly, the omega is overjoyed, and you are happy. He's grinning from ear to ear as he puts you back down into his nest, sinking his fangs into your shoulder, your thigh, the nape of your neck. You've not made yourself a good alpha to bond so heavily to, but he does it with pleasure as he starts to take care of the mind-fogging rut that overwrites all your common sense.
"You're mine now. And I'm not letting you go," he says before biting you again and again, every fiber of your being stimulated as you press into him, moaning as if you are the omega in heat. You almost forget you're the alpha, but before that happens, you flip you both around, and the omega lets you, emitting sounds and smells of delight over you taking control, praising you just like a good omega should. So you make sure your omega is comfortable before exploring his body, making sure that by the time you spread your legs, your omega is just as happy as he makes you.
And from now on, you'll do everything to keep it that way.
Just like a good alpha should.
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eddiesghxst · 6 months ago
rockstar!eddie who only sees you when he’s in your city. doesn’t tell you when, doesn’t hit you up or anything— you really only know he’s coming because of the plethora of billboards and ads that pop up around the time of the performance.
and he doesn’t even really have to call you to let you know he’ll be coming over, you just know— as soon as eddie lands in your city, you’re his.
that’s how it is, that’s how it’s always been.
and you don’t exactly think you’re the only girl. the only one he flees to when he touches down in a new city— but you’re glad you’re his girl for this city. out of the millions of people he could’ve chose in your town, he chose you and that’s enough to get you to open your door for him post show, let him smoke all your shit and spend hours fucking you.
you don’t bother going to the shows— you did once, hated the scene of bitchy groupies that throw themselves at him and you never went again.
so he just comes to you.
probably doesn’t even bother taking a shower or wiping off all that sweat and liquor from another hectic show, just books it straight to you.
plays house with you for a day or two. calls you his girl, fucks you hard and rough and then slow and soft and then rough again. he says he missed you, doesn’t know how he lasted a year without your pussy, swears he’ll lose his mind if he goes that long without seeing you again. snaps a few photos of you. some cute and wholesome, naked and shying away from the lens with the sun beaming through your window. and the others are raunchy, dirty and gross. you split open on his cock, spread open for him. you on your knees for him, worshiping his cock. you cumming on his tongue. you with his necklace swaying between your tits, sweaty and bruised up neck on display.
he keeps them. tucks them in his pants. probably forgets they’re even there, honestly, only remembers them when they fall out in the next city as he’s pulling his pants back up after fucking some random girl.
feels his chest twist up, thinks about booking a flight to you because despite the fact that he’s a fucking player to his core, he really does have a soft spot for you. you really are his girl. his number one girl, best of them all.
doesn’t matter though. because even though you’re eddie’s girl, he still leaves you for another year. it’s just easier this way, really.
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deadghosy · 1 year ago
Prompt: after lute’s acting out and hell’s celebration. A court was ordered for the custody for you.
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“We are here in court today to discuss the home and place that reader should be in” says sera as she eyes Lucifer and his daughter that’s beside him.
Charlie smiles at the thought of winning this time as she smiles at her father who seemed to be a nervous wreck. He is hair was messy but almost kept as he kept fidgeting with his hands.
“Okay let’s start,” she says as she pulls up some cards. “Please no definitions this time.” Sera says strictly. Charlie gulps as she pulls out another bunch of cards. “Okayyy..no defining..but I have kept record on how comfortable they are with the hotel and the residents” she says with a small smile as Lucifer glances at his daughter hoping she could change the seraphim’s mind.
“Do you have any proof of this suppose claim?” Sera says with a raised brow. “Why yes! I do and my dad also has some. Right dad?” Charlie says looking at Lucifer who jumped at the sudden spot light. “Uh- yeah, yeah. I have some proof and rebuttals.” Lucifer says sitting up correctly.
Sera and Emily look at each other as a ball rises into the room. The angels seem to look each other and watch the ball carefully. Charlie smiles ready to show them how you belong in hell with them, for family of course.
“Oh oh oh, I would love to watch this shit show.” Adam says pulling up popcorn out of nowhere as the ball in the court starts to play. Lute grabs two movie glasses to wear with him and herself.
You were sleeping peacefully in Lucifer’s bed as he made you another duck toy as you woke up to smell pancakes beside you. You grabbed the pancake and ate them with a cute smile and squeak/quack. Angel busted in the ring leader’s door to grab you up and take you shopping as you got dressed.
Charlie and vaggie were talking downstairs as Lucifer was after Angel trying to pack up reader’s small little bag just incase there is trouble, like a small phone, small juice box, a rubber duck that turns into a monster to protect the penguin. And while type of stuff. Of course Angel rolled his eyes and took it for you as you two exit the hotel with vaggie and Charlie saying bad. You looked visibly happy as Lucifer gave one more goodbye kiss to your forehead.
*end of flashback*
The court chatters seeing such wholesome moments like that in hell. Adam rolls his eyes as lute basically breaks a mug beside her in anger seeing the angels nod and smile.
“How do we not know that you forced them to basically like that shit show of your hotel? You bride them with something?” Adam says rolling his eyes “Probably threaten them like the bastards you are.” Lute says as she glares longer at the two Morningstars.
The angels whisper gossiping about this. Charlie looks nervous as Lucifer looked as if he got sent to a death sentence. But Charlie then stood up with a nice compute looking around. “Don’t you ever think about what they want?! They’re our friend, heck even our family at most. PLEASEE…we just want them to be here with people they feel comfortable and loved around.”
“BLAH BLAH BLAH!” Someone says, ruining the soft moment as the court looks at Adam and lute who are scowling at the demon princess. “Why keep spitting these bullshit out your mouth and just admit that heaven is their rightful place? I mean, HAHA- they love me and plus they love the food here even better.” Adam says with a snarky smirk and lute smiling evilly.
Charlie’s demon form was slightly slipping from anger at adam’s words before lucifer had put a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “Adam, that is no way to talk to my daughter” Lucifer says with a scowl at Adam. Adam just smirks as lute was beside the first man throwing her middle up at him. “Ah please, you’re gods most hated thing to ever exist. Why let an ANGEL, who is supposed to be here, go live with you?”
Charlie opened her mouth to speak, “it was a rhetorical question.” Lute says with blunt venom. Charlie closed her mouth embarrassed. The court whispered and gossiped with a few nods as they did agree you were one of them that accidentally got sent to hell instead of heaven itself. 
Sera felt a heated stare from the devil himself, he kept his deranged look from the stress of this. The last time he had to be in court was when he got sent to his own kingdom.
“DONT you care Sera! They are just a person who can’t control who loves them! They love us…and maybe..you guys as well.” Charlie says as she hesitated on saying how you loved heaven as well. She stared around sera as well as sera closed her eyes not wanting to hear it. Emily glanced at the older seraphim uncomfortably.
Her first sentence made it feel like Deja vu in front of the whole court as Adam exclaimed, “HOLD ON HOW BITCH! You don’t get to sing in court ever! Plus.” He says smirking. “Of course they love us, we’re fucking heaven for crying out loud.” Sera sighs, “Adam, please no interrupting in court.” Adam scoffs sitting back down with lute who glares at Lucifer with full of hate. “Fuckin' bitch.” Adam grumbles under his breath.
Charlie growls under her breath to Adam as she pointed to Adam, “well, what do you have for claiming they even love heaven at all! What and where is your proof.” Adam smirks as lute flies, getting a presentation. “I’m glad you asked bitch, LUTE HIT IT!” “GREAT PLEASURE SIR!” Lute yells back smiling as she starts up the slideshow.
You were cuddled by Adam as he was hand feeding you some of your favorite chips flavor. You made a nice purr sound as you snuggled against Adam, adam’s tough facade faded as his eyes soften. “You like me right? You won’t leave me?” You nodded to Adam as you nuzzled your face in his pudgy body. Adam smiled and looked forward at the tv.
The next day was you and lute having a flying race. With your cute chubby penguin body, you couldn’t fly well. But lute just smiled and picked you up to her chest and starts to fly around heaven. You smiled as you quacked out how beautiful and exciting this felt to fly with someone you deem who you liked. You clearly liked the fresh and heaven air as lute put you to the ground to go get ice cream with you.
*end of flashback*
Adam smiles with a laugh as lute and fist bump at the presentation they made of you basically feeling cozy as heaven here. The angels awe and coo at adam’s part of the flashback as some clapped at the nice friendly encounter you had with lute in the second part.
The court whispers again as Emily and sera look at each other. Emily grabs onto sera’s hand as sera glances at Emily and her hand. And finally at the Morningstars who have a pleading smile as you are beside them playing with a train you. Sera lets out a deep breath and opened her mouth for the whole court to hear.
“The court has spoken. The rightful place the reader belongs in, is……”
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taglist: @caffieneaddictt18 @galaxywing-has-adhd @aria-tempest @chefysawesomeideas @zamadness @libraryraccoon @ilovelyneysm07 @speckle-meow-meow @timeageusveryquickly @skymac712 @loyx2 @nicoblob @badatpunz @listenerchan
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voxslays · 3 months ago
Featuring >>> Lucifer, Alastor, Vox, Velvette, Valentino, & Charlie x Reader; In which, you kiss them under the mistletoe~
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A/N: TY GUYS SO MUCH FOR 500 FOLLOWERS! It means the world to me!
This man is shocked. It has been so long since he has been kissed—let alone under the mistletoe. The two of you are alone in the lobby when this happens, only adding the cozy holiday mood. He kisses back even more passionately.
Not only will Lucifer be talking, thinking, and dreaming of that kiss for weeks—if not months—he will be pulling you aside and growing more mistletoe around the hotel. This becomes a very frequent activity between the two of you.
He will be very sad once the holidays are over…no more kisses from hubby/wifey under the mistletoe…*sigh* but don’t worry, he WILL find a way...
Is shocked and maybe a little uncomfortable…? Alastor is on the ace spectrum, which doesn’t necessarily mean he hates getting kisses from his S/O, but probably not long passionate ones. But let’s assume he does like it…he better.
If Alastor does approve of this ‘silly’ holiday tradition, he will never seek it out. He will simply expect you to do it. It’s like he thinks you can read his mind! (You can’t…unless you can?) After a while you find out that he actually does like it, after assuming otherwise. Why couldn’t the silly deer man just tell you??
This will not be the last kiss you share under the mistletoe. And hey, maybe if he is desperate enough, he will seek it out and pull you under the mistletoe!
I’d like to think that while yes, Vox is a man of the future, he can never forget his 50’s roots. He is a huge romantic, and completely believes in the old-fashioned idea of courting. That being said, he is not above making out with his S/O before marriage. In fact, that’s what makes it even more fun, or thats what he thinks.
I can see Vox being very festive, that being said, he would be all for the classic tradition of mistletoe. Say goodbye to your ability to speak, all your lips will be doing is kissing for the month of December. Good luck girlie.
Oh man…girlie what is going on inside that brain of yours? *sigh* You will regret.
Before you can even pull Val under the mistletoe, he has already kissed you. This man may not even be that into the holidays. He doesn’t care though, even if he is. All he wants to do is make out and…yeah. You know what I mean.
Whenever the two of you kiss it always leads to something more. No little innocent pecks of the lips like with everyone else on this post. No this man makes sure you basically can’t even walk half the time! So I wish you the best girlie!
Ah, the holidays, such a great way to get more money from hell’s capitalism. This stylish Brit is totally looking for inspiration. One day, she has a brilliant idea—to make a fashion line inspired by Christmas plants. God she’s so smart…right?
One day, while sewing the finishing details onto the mistletoe insipired dress—with real mistletoe—You walk in. There is one more mistletoe (leaf? Branch?) left. She pulls you close and holds the mistletoe above your heads as you kiss.
Will not openly talk about it—you are only for her eyes and ears—but will force you to wear the mistletoe gown in her runway show as a reminder of the night you shared together. Yeah, she may not talk about it, but you are never living it down.
Definitely the most wholesome of everyone in the show. She is extremely innocent and could never think a single bad thought. Plus, she is the one who came up with the whole idea of celebrating Christmas at the hotel. She did so much research, and eventually found the tradition of mistletoe. She begs you to try it out with her.
Like Lucifer, she cannot get the moment of your guys’ kiss from out of her head. She will keep bringing it up in conversations. Like ‘I just love kissing under the mistletoe’ or ‘y/n and I kissed under the mistletoe last night.’
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hearts4werka · 7 months ago
You Look So Sweet
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Summary: You and Chris are enemies but behind closed doors you’re secretly dating and one day while you’re waiting for him to get back from hockey practice he does something you didn’t expect… Genre: FLUFF, secret relationship, enemies to lovers, hockey player, cuddles, cute couple, wholesome, heart-warming content Warnings: mild cursing but besides it’s pure fluffy, wholesome and cute content
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Me and Chris are dating… but secretly. To the public eye we’re enemies with more tension and hidden flirting than actual enemies should have, everyone always said we should just cut the enemy bullshit because of the tension between us, one day we did but decided to keep it a secret for now.
We always give the public a great show at making us look like we hate each others guts and have pity public fights with each other but when we’re out sight we still bicker but in a different, more flirty and teasing way.
| - 🍂 - |
I was hanging out at the triplets house today and waiting for Chris get home from hockey practice, Nick and Matt were in the living room with me as we talked and occasionally laughed at one of Nicks rants.
The hour of Chris’s arrival comes around the corner and I make myself a bit more comfortable on the couch, laying back and continuing to talk with the others until we hear the front door open and a tired Chris come out from behind them.
Rolling my eyes at his arrival to keep up our ‘enemies’ act, when he’s dropped everything he needed to be made his way straight to me, laying down on top me. Snuggling into my chest as he makes himself comfortable on top of me, Nick and Matt looking at us both with a bit of a confused but also an expected look.
I glance down at Chris and my hand slithers up to his hair, tangling my fingers into the brown locks of his fluffy hairy. A small smile forms on my face as I notice how cute he looks all tired laying on top of me and snuggled into my chest but I quickly cover it up from the others.
He looks so sweet right now.
“Looks like you guys decided to drop the act?” I hear Nick ask, my eyes rip away from Chris almost dozing off and nudge him on the shoulder so he’ll finally realize we currently have an audience.
He groans and lazily lifts his head from my chest and looks around the room with half-lidded eyes but they pop open with realization when he finally gets back to his senses, seeing the knowing looks on his triplet brothers face.
"oh shit..." Hearing him mutter under his breath I softly chuckle at how clueless he was this whole time and just relaxing on top of me this whole time while the guys just watched.
"I called that shit, I knew there was something happening between them" Matt states looking at Nick like they planned on us being together.
"Was it seriously that obvious?" I ask, expecting only one answer thats probably the one that has the most truth in it. Chris doesn't really like to sneak around so sometimes he would just not care if one night he left a very evident hickey on my neck, not thinking of the consequences of that small gesture.
They both agree and say "yeah for sure" "as clear as day" and I chuckle as Chris grumbles something under his breath and buries his face back into my chest, I place a small kiss on his forehead as he sowly dozes off from how tired hes become after a long day of hockey practice and all he wanted to do is to cuddle with his now public girlfriend.
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authors note: writing this made me feel all fuzzy inside, this is a bit rushed and short but I decided to write this to reward you guys for being patient with me and pt.3 of missing, love y’all so much 💋
@slutforsturnioloss @sturnioloblues @sturnsxplr-25 @deffonotjae @strnzzvsp @luvvs4chriss @sturniolosweetheart333 @pussypie456 @choclatestarfishwithahat @venusxsturnio
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f4xy · 2 months ago
my headcanons on sg s2 gals
just what i think they'll do in general, imma leave this chronologically too
044 (Seo Nyeo)
An astrological asshole at best.
She's Mi Nyeo level unhinged that can predict shit on other people, with the harshest truths too because she's super brash and is incredibly self-serving.
Nobody likes her, to where if there's a marble game in season 2 you bet her ass is gonna get dragged out too.
basically that one kid everyone warned you about and you know EXACTLY why
095 (Young-Mi)
She just wants to be left alone with Hyun-Ju honestly
just genuinely wholesome despite her traumas
Has permanent financial trauma after she got out, in a way she wants to restart her life and go from there
Will cook with Geum-Ja dinner for all :D except not even she knows if she's a good cook or not
120 (Hyun Ju)
Yes she fucking carried the whole show, yes she does not fuck around with guns
Reality is she just wants to be accepted and be left alone with that one ounce of validation to hold on, even if it's just Young-Mi giving her that
Bet she knows some gals in Thailand too via the internet and find solace in them, as much solace as she finds with her friends irl
149 (Geum Ja)
Great mom, but justifies her son way too much
Nobody can shit on her son BUT her
Very accepting somehow
Your classic asian grandma who happens to know every known korean recipe, but budgeted
196 (Kang Mi-Na)
she probably follows the whole floptropica shit on tiktok
probably was a tiktok livestreamer who failed, definitely pro-crypto
look if it aint that wasp's fault, you bet your ass she's gonna unseriously survive very long too
basically female thanos but instead of random raps you get like random yassified words
222 (Jun Hee)
When she gets out, she's straight up gonna file for a restraining order against Myung-Gi while getting her pregnancy stuff done
Does not care to whatever happened to Myung-Gi, they're so DONE.
Due to him she's probably incredibly anti-crypto as well.
Might get someone from her team (most likely Dae-Ho) to be her nanny since it's going to be overwhelming for her to handle literally everything, especially with the baby
380 (Se-Mi)
she is manipulative yet playful, but not in a way where she would lead one to be injured on purpose
lives in the present
makes too much edgy jokes based on her situation, one'll feel awkward for laughing
probably avidly smokes and drinks outside of the events
Guard 011 (No-Eul)
Just stressed the fuck out. She's only living for her newborn to be still alive at this point. Only then we'll see her smile.
fucking hates every single job she had in the past
needs about at least 3 therapists because she's that broken
Definitely secretly and slightly ripped. May not take out an entire gang kind tho
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valiwrites · 21 days ago
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reincarnation ✧.* formula 1
part 2 part 3
: ̗̀➛ pairing: formula 1 x senna!reincarnation!male!oc (nico santos) : ̗̀➛ warnings: strong language, people shipping drivers but nothing serious, bromance, hate comments : ̗̀➛ author’s note: i wrote this before and got a lot of hate for it. if it’s not your thing, just scroll past—no need to spread negativity. i didn’t write this just to read mean comments.
: ̗̀➛ smau
danielricciardo ✔︎
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, nicosantos and 1.3m others
danielricciardo the funniest part was... i had to held him back so he didn't murder anyone yesterday
view all 345k comments
user1 reason 727390 why daniel and nico are my fav duo
user2 showed my dad a picture of nico and he said he hasn't seen anything of senna in years i had to explain to him that this is not senna 😭
user3 my mom said that too!! but nico hates being called senna
charles_leclerc i haven't seen nico that mad ever
user4 why is the first picture so wholesome tho omg
user5 because danny is wholesome
user6 nico was ready to commit a whole crime and daniel said ✨no✨
maxverstappen1 i was lowkey scared for my life not gonna lie
user7 danny out here being the emotional support human for a guy who could probably fight god
user8 nah but the way nico looks at daniel in the vid… y’all seeing this or am i delulu
user3 the way his eyes soften when he looks at daniel is so cute
user5 y'all are so delusional he didn't even look at daniel 😭
lando nico was pacing like a dad whose kid just crashed his car 💀
user9 why does every chaotic duo have one guy who keeps the other from getting arrested
user10 danny being the only thing between nico and a felony is so on brand
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nicosantos ✔︎
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liked by danielricciardo, mickschumacher, lando and 3.2m others
nicosantos mood after yesterday
view all 743k comments
user1 help nico really wanted to throw hands 😭😭
nicosantos you know it
user2 nico has a cat???
user3 it's max's cat lmaoo
user4 he kinda fine
user5 i have been saying that but no one listens to me
user6 the way he just crouched by daniel’s car like it’s some kind of secret mission 💀
user7 lowkey nico should’ve been in the movie ‘mad man on the edge'
user8 no way you can look at them and not see the chemistry. it's so obvious
user9 nah, the way nico looks at daniel in that video is giving ‘you’re mine’ vibes
user10 no wtf don't say that...
user11 why do i feel like nico is totally in love with daniel and he just doesn’t know it yet?
user12 why is everyone suddently shipping them hello
user13 bc daniel hugged nico at the press conference 😭
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nicosantos ✔︎
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liked by lando, danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and 2.5m others
nicosantos ok, so we look alike. i get it. but let’s be real, i’m not him. just because we share a lot similarities doesn’t mean we’re the same person. i’ve been getting a lot of hate in my DMs, and honestly, it’s getting old. so, can we all just chill and let me live my own life? respect is all i’m asking for
view all 954k comments
user1 literally, it’s just a resemblance, relax people
user2 the hate is so uncalled for. nico deserves respect not this mess
user3 people acting like he’s actually senna’s clone, chill out
user4 he's trying really hard to be 🙄
user5 the fact that nico has to explain this is crazy. let him breathe
user6 you can’t just deny the resemblance though, it’s a little weird you’re acting like it’s nothing
nicosantos i’m not denying it, but i’m also not claiming to be someone i’m not. it’s not that complicated
user7 he’s just salty because people keep bringing up senna. get over it
user8 he doesn’t owe anyone an apology for looking like someone. leave him alone
niconews ✔︎
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liked by 47k users
niconews eyes never lie... this was nico just a day after all the hate he’s been facing recently. in a raw moment during an interview, when asked, "you seem pretty pissed at the situation," he didn’t hold back. nico responded, "well, people stick their noses in everyone’s business without thinking about feelings. i didn’t ask to be born the way i am, i’m just trying to live my life." his voice cracked, and despite trying to hold it together, tears started to form. it was a moment that showed just how much this constant pressure has been affecting him. in a world where we all expect people to be perfect or fit into certain molds, nico's vulnerability spoke volumes.
view all 9k comments
user1 it's heartbreaking to see someone so kind and real get treated like this
user2 the pressure he must be under is insane. we forget these are real people
user3 this is so unfair, just let the guy breathe for once
user4 he’s literally milking the whole senna comparison for attention. stop pretending like it’s all ‘the haters’
niconews if you think that’s what this is about, you clearly missed the point
user4 he’s literally crying over people pointing out how much he looks like senna? get over it niconews it’s not about looks, it’s about respect. maybe try understanding that
nicosantos ✔︎
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liked by lando, carlossainz55, danielricciardo and 4.1m others
nicosantos bromance is real
tagged: lando
view all 1.4m comments
user1 aww the senna cap
user2 i love nico he's adorable
user3 lando 😭😭
user4 lando is always the funniest person in the group
user5 nico with the senna cap is a whole vibe. love the respect for the legend
user6 this is the kind of bromance we all need in our lives
user7 nico wearing the senna cap but being his own person? love that for him
nicosantos see now i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or fr 💀
user7 i was being fr 😭😭
user8 someone tell lando to stop being this extra, i can’t keep up
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quirekey · 3 months ago
some hc's about TF: one B127 x human reader who was stranded in cybertron and somehow got so unbelievably lost down to sub level 50. also, the human has a cute habit of holding onto his back like a little backpack🥺
Aww this is cute! Though this feels impossible to happen canonically, we can imagine AND I LOVE THIS CONCEPT
Warning: Wholesomeness :3
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[ b127 x human!gn!reader ]
- Ever since you got stranded in Iacon as the only human ever, you’ve been treated poorly and pushed down to sub-level 50.
- When you are sent down, Bumblebee doesn’t notice you at first. You got used to the intimidating size of transformers so Bumblebee didn’t scare you. You wanted to introduce yourself so you went up to him and tapped his leg. Bumblebee yelped and thought it was a scraplet, but it was a ‘alien’. He still got pretty scared and jumped onto the table where his ‘friends’ sat.
- When you explained who you were and how you got here, he then finally saw you as a friendly fella and he warmed up to you very fast. Considering Bumblebee has been down there for cycles, he treated you like any other Cybertronian, with way too much wholesome affection.
- He sometimes treats you like a little kitten, petting your head just to see you bob up and down. You do hate it but it also isn’t that bad. He also loves to mess with your hair like in the Bumblebee movie.
- When you wanna sit on his shoulder or hold onto his back, you just poke his calf. He said he’s sensitive to that specific area so you know it’s an easy way to gain his attention.
- When you sit on his shoulder, he’s usually just doing his job with the trash. You wanna help but you know that just pointing and yelling isn’t gonna do much, so you give him affection as a replacement. You give him little face nudges, kisses, hugs or anything that can be considered affection. Bumblebee does get distracted because of it but whatever, who’s taking note?
- When you meet Bumblebee’s friends, you are definitely scared for him. Who makes their friends with literal trash, probably some socially starved cybertron who was tucked away from society. You try to get along with them like they have feelings and pretend you like them too. Bumblebee is ecstatic that you like them as well so he likes to make more with you. You and him would point out some trash to use to make a new friend, it’s kinda sad but fun.
- There have been many occasions where you accidently fall onto the conveyor belt and as much as bumblebee is a hyperactive fella, bumblebee is also a massive panic. When you fall, he starts going crazy and trying to grab you. Thankfully he doesn’t panic to the point he squishes you but he definitely does panic a lot. You try to reassure him but he doesn’t wanna lose the only sentient being he has.
- Yes, you do call him Badassatron. You think it’s cute and silly so why not?
- Sometimes he likes to just tickle you. He’s still somewhat new to the concept of ticklish spots so he really enjoys tickling you. Seeing a sentient being so happy and alive by a simple action makes him light up with absolute joy. Luckily, you are able to stop him.
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nemisuki · 1 month ago
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Dating AU | He wasn’t aware such a small insecurity could affect your relationship that much. Lucky for him, she seems to know how to ease his worries away. 
᧔o᧓ || katsuki bakugo x f!reader, she/her pronouns, no manga spoilers, pure fluff, no smut, no angst, reverse comfort lowkey, aged up to third years, they're both whipped, two idiots in love, wholesome short oneshot, 821 word count
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His brows furrow with frustration at the glistening skin - small droplets of sweat already beginning to form at the surface of his palms.
Bakugos mood immediately getting ruined at the sight of it.
He takes pride in many things in his life, one of them being his quirk, the ability to create explosions from mere sweat is truly an odd but valuable power.
One that needed proper training to get used too and eventually perfected. But there was always one problem that remained and perhaps is unavoidable.
Excessive sweating.
At first it was manageable, he simply wiped it away on his pants, not thinking much of it.
Though as time went on, it grew out of control. Perhaps it was a side effect of puberty now that their seniors in highschool, who knows?
What he did know was that it was beyond irritating.
Maybe this was his karma for being too cocky in the past. He assumed his quirk had no downsides he couldn't manage, but the gods just had to humble him.
For an over hygienic guy - this was probably his worst nightmare come true.
Especially now that he has a girlfriend.
"Cmon Katsuki, we gotta return to the dorms before curfew!"
She quickly grabs a hold of his hand, cheerful expression on her face, a bright smile that could battle the sun.
Oblivious to the swirling thoughts in his head.
Dating was a concept he never thought he would experience - til he met Y/N. As a new couple he didn't expect this personal issue to have such an effect on his relationship.
But here we are.
He flinches at her touch, swiftly extracting his hand from hers, simply praying she didn't notice his clammy hands.
Her face instantly falls, switching to one of worry and hesitation, "Katsuki? Hey what's wrong?"
The blonde didn't know what else to do but stay silent, avoiding eye contact with her as he tried to think of something to say, subtly wiping his hands on his school uniform.
Feeling embarrassed to tell her about this 'problem' he's been recently dealing with.
"It's nothing."
Noticing the clear shift in his demeanor, she tries connecting the dots and gives him an apologetic look, "I'm sorry if you were uncomfortable with holding hands! I should've asked first since you hate PDA." 
His head snaps back at her, realizing the careless mistake he just made, "No no that's not what I- uh"
He sighs as irritation begins bubbling inside him, directed at himself for making her worried over something so trivial.
"It's not that dummy. My hands are..." he looks away once again. Feeling self conscious all of a sudden - opening up has never been an easy thing for him.
She notices the tip of his ears burning with a pink hue, rare shyness creeping in his voice, "My hands get sweaty a lot because of my quirk."
A moment of silence passes between them.
"It's been out of control lately so-"
His words waver as he feels her pinky finger slowly wrap around his own. Her eyes soften as she stares up at him, a look of understanding on her face.
"Ah I see. Then this is fine right?" she smiles, tilting her head to get a better view of his face.
"...Yeah sure, whatever" he clears his throat, avoiding her gaze completely.
She giggles at his cute demeanor, not used to seeing him like this, just thinking how soft this blonde truly is under all the walls he put over his heart.
He doesn't say much as they continue their walk back towards campus. His heart doing somersaults in his chest at the contact.
"It doesn't bother me by the way" she mumbles, smiling up at him again, "I just want to be next to you."
"You're such a sap."
He pinches her puffy cheek with his other hand - making her whine in response, trying to distract the effect her words have on him.
A small laugh escapes him as he mushes her face to form pouty duck lips, rolling his eyes at her unintelligible words of plead.
"So fucking dramatic." 
Whether to shush her up or satisfy his own desires, he quickly leans down and presses a small peck to her puckered lips. Letting her face go a second after, making the poor girl flustered and silent with shock.
"What was that for?" she says, fidgeting with her sleeves like a love struck fool.
"Tch, can I not kiss my own girlfriend?"
He spins around to walk away - making her rush to catch up, a knowing look on her face.
"I know but in public? Katsuki you sly dog~" she cooes, trying to rile him up.
"Fuck off."
"Love you too!"
At her continuous laughter and teasing, all he could do was put a fake frown on his face, but only from her eyes - she could see the small smile underneath it all.
✦ ⎯⎯⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨ masterlist || taglist || intro || socials ୧⋆ ˚。⋆⎯⎯ ✦
a/n ||| im really sorry for not posting much u guys! i kinda lost motivation these past couple of weeks but im finally feeling better. i actually relate to this so much bc i sadly suffer from hyperhidrosis. If you don't know what hyperhidrosis is, it's "a medical condition in which a person exhibits excessive sweating". So im basically bakugo irl u guys! one side effect is that my hands are constantly clammy and it's so annoying, me and katsuki twinning fr. my apologies go out to fellow people like us, this condition sucks so bad *sighssssss* tags ||| @leleyro @zaiban2989 ໒꒰ྀི ´๑  ̫๑`  ꒱ྀིა
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zara-renata · 2 months ago
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Language lessons
Caleb x gn reader, Caleb x mc. This is a short little entirely wholesome memory of Caleb before he leaves for the DAA, inspired by this post. You help him with a crossword puzzle. No warnings, unless you dislike being tickled and somehow forgot that Caleb dies in chapter 4. Fluff, banter, teasing, yearning. It needs to be the 22nd so that I can get him out of my head.
You’re here again.
You’ve been here before.
The sunlight, golden, late afternoon shine—sheets through the open windows.
Cicadas, a constant, keening buzz. The rustle of full green leaves in the summer breeze, as the cicada susurration dips low before rising again.
 Hydrangeas, bursting with petals in the garden down below. Pink and purple, like Caleb’s eyes.
You’ve been here before, in the late summer haze.
His room smells like him. Clean laundry. Male deodorant in clean armpits. He stopped wearing the really heavy, awful body spray after you complained about it.
You hadn’t liked how it covered up so much of his natural scent.
He lifted his eyebrows in surprise. You don’t like it? All the other guys wear stuff like it.
Of course, you couldn’t explain why you hated it.
You scoffed, tried to sound authoritative. Didn’t you know? People hate body spray like that. It stinks like unwashed teenage boy. If you really wanna attract people, then you should wear nice cologne. Subtle. Like a sophisticated, adult man.
Sometimes your mouth moved before it should, without your permission, as you blurted nonsense to cover up all your secrets. You didn’t want to help him attract other people. The thought made your stomach turn. 
But it was all you could think, instead of saying I’d rather just smell your skin.
He snorted a soft laugh. What about you? He reached over, ruffled your hair.
You scowled, batted his hand away. What do you care what I think?
A funny look drifted over his face, there and gone before you could catch it. Just curious. Have you smelled the cologne you’re talking about on another guy?
You stared at him. Of course not. You’re surrounded by dumb sweaty boys at school, stinking of body spray. Where does he think you would have smelled a man’s cologne? But you’d read books. Of the romance variety. The male leads always smelled subtly spicy, expensive eau de toilette. Sandalwood and whiskey and words like vetiver, whatever the fuck that smelled like.
You didn’t want to smell all that. You just wanted to smell Caleb, fresh out of the shower.
Of course, you couldn’t say that.
Wouldn’t you like to know, you tease instead.
He frowns a little. But then he grins. Like a switch being flicked.
Yeah, I do wanna know, that’s why I’m asking, Pipsqueak. 
He set his pen down, on the notes he’d been making, revising for exams.
Too bad, you had singsonged. Lifted your book in front of your face, pointedly ignoring him.
You heard the rustle of fabric. Soft steps across his rug, around the little table you were both studying at. Like you always did, together. 
This is your final chance to come clean. Where’d you smell the cologne you’re talking about? His voice sounded teasing, but with a thread of something else underneath. Worry? You couldn’t tell.
Oooh no, I’m so scared, you drawled, still ignoring him, pretending to read, when all your senses were attuned to him. 
And then he was suddenly behind you. Leaning over you with his big body. His big hands drifting up your sides, fingertips skating up, up, until he was tickling you under your armpits. You tried to clamp your arms to your side, dropping the book, already howling.
No, no, no, not fair, you yelled, squirming, trying to wriggle out of his grasp as he pulled your back into his chest, as he laughed at your breathless laughter, as he continued to torment you.
He paused when your squeals got so high pitched that they could probably break the glass of his trophy case, containing all of his sports medals and trophy statuettes. Track and field. Football. Baseball. Ready to surrender, or will the interrogation continue?
You melted back into him, panting. Revived by the reprieve. You told me to never quit, to never give up. Why would I surrender, just because you’re the one asking? You reached up behind you, poked him gently in his cheek. My lips are sealed. Then you made a gesture, as if zipping his lips, instead of your own.
I should be your only exception, always, he murmured. And then: Tell me, tell me, tell me, he chanted, beginning his assault anew.
You laughed, and laughed, and never admitted that you had read about mature, subtle colognes that men wear in romance books where you imagined it was him, kissing you, as the leads finally admitted their long-burning love for each other.
He finally gave up, and you turned in his arms, tried to tickle him in revenge. He just laughed softly, letting you. He lifted his arms a little, so you had even more access to his armpits through his sleeveless shirt.
That’s not my weak spot, Pipsqueak. You know this.
You scowled at him. You had never been able to find what he called his weakness when it came to tickle wars. He always had the advantage over you, and your sensitive skin. I’ll find it, someday, you insisted, letting your fingertips dance down his sides, feeling his warmth through the fabric of his shirt.
As your hands reached his stomach, he lifted his big hands, caught yours in his. He looked into your eyes, a rare, serious look crossing his face. He lifted your hands to his chest, right over his heart. Do you really not know yet?
You stared at him, into his lovely indigo eyes, the pink shimmering when the sun hit them just right. Like the hydrangeas in your gran’s garden. His face this close to yours, you could smell his breath, still sweet from the apples you had cut for him, carved into cute bunnies—the extent of your culinary skills. Why learn to cook, when Caleb always cooked for you? You liked playing with knives, though.
This close, you couldn’t remember what you were talking about. You could only hear the thunder of your heart, as it sped up, as you breathed in his breath, as you became aware of his solid, warm bulk underneath you, his thick thighs spreading yours as you sat in his lap.
What? You breathed, resisting the urge to lean forward. To press your lips to his.
To ruin your family, and the best thing that had ever happened to you. 
You leaned back.
Do you really not know what my weakness is? he repeated, bringing you back to the question, pressing your palms over his heart, his heart which thumped in time with yours in his big chest.
You shook your head. For all that you knew about him—his steadfast strength, his sense of humor, his ability to change masks depending on the demands of the social situation, his hatred of cilantro—there was still so much you didn’t know about him. Didn’t know how to ask him.
Do you love me, in the same way I love you?
 You simply shook your head. 
He smiled, sadly, fondly. Ask me, when you’re ready to know. I’ll tell you.
Now, you’re here again.
You’ve been here before.
The sun-soaked room, the summer leaves shimmering, shifting golden light, shadow, light, shadow again across Caleb’s face, as the cicadas buzz, as you turn the pages of your book, as the flowers from Gran’s garden release their scent, carried by the soft breeze into Caleb’s bedroom while you pass some leisure time, a couple weeks before Caleb is to leave for the DAA and flight training.
You’re reading a book. He’s working on some kind of puzzle, holding a pen in his long fingers as he stares down at the newspaper.
You’re absorbed in the story, soothed by the summer sounds, Caleb’s presence. After a long stretch of time, you reach a natural breaking point and look up.
Caleb is staring at you, a soft, fond, helpless look on his face. So unlike his normal cheerful, teasing expression.
What? You ask him in confusion. Do I have something on my face? You start to lift your hand to your face, but he smiles, lets out a breath. He leans over, across the table and the newspaper, and brushes his thumb gently along your cheek, back and forth.
You watch him in confusion, even as you savor the feel of his skin on yours.
He leans back again.
Some graphite. From your pencil, he explains.
You stare at him. Watch as he rubs his thumb and forefinger together, slowly. As he returns to the newspaper, his word puzzle.
You shake yourself, return to your book. Try to ignore the feelings that fill you. That constantly threaten to spill over. To drown you, him, your family.
His soft voice breaks the quiet.
You don't lift your eyes from the book’s pages. You have a pencil in your hand, for underlining passages, collecting little bits of prose that are beautiful, true. Its graphite is smudged a bit, on your fingertips. That must be what was on your face, although you hadn’t touched your face. You don’t know how it got there.
Caleb. You echo him.
What’s French for ‘I love you?’
You look up at him. Squint. He’s sitting crossed legged on the carpet, big legs barely fitting under the small table the two of you have studied together at for years. He rests one big arm on his elbow on the table, the other now leisurely twirling his pen in the air with his evol, broad shoulders rounded. He looks like a big kid, even though he’s a huge man now.
He’s so cute, your heart hurts.
Pretty confident, doing a crossword with a pen, you note, eyes flicking from his beautiful hands to his lovely face. 
I have good aim, baby. He winks at you, cocky. I never miss my target once I’m locked in.
Which is why you’re asking me for answers to your puzzle, you say, dryly.
You’re my co-pilot. It’s okay to need each other to strike the target.
You snort, softly. You don’t need me.
He shakes his head. You have no idea how much I need you, he murmurs. Then he pauses, shakes his head. So what is it? You’re taking French. He smiles warmly at you, admiration filling his eyes. And Spanish. And Mandarin.
You feel your cheeks, the blood hot under your skin under his unabashed praise. Knowing so many will be useful for when I’m a Hunter, and have to travel. Or help tourists. For undercover ops.
He laughs. You don’t have to justify your nerdiness, Pipsqueak. C’mon, how do you say ‘I love you’ in French?
You look at his face. His lovely hydrangea eyes. The strength in his throat, broad shoulders. The pen, snatched from the air where he was toying with it, now held between his long, pretty fingers, ready to write.
Je t’aime. You say, telling him the truth, and answering his question. 
A warm pink rises from his throat, to his cheeks. He clears his throat. Looks back down at the newspaper. How do you spell that?
You spell it for him, admiring the soft fall of his brown hair in the sunshine.
He glances back up at you. Are you sure?
You roll your eyes at him. If you doubt me, don’t ask me.
Hey now, I’m not doubting you. It just doesn’t fit, with the other answers.
You tilt your head, considering. Try ‘Je t’adore.’ You spell it for him.
He mouths the letters silently, and you watch his full lips as they form each letter, as he ticks off each box. His face lights up. That’s it! He looks up, grins at you.
You turn your head, overwhelmed by how much you love him, how his delight is your delight as he grins—happy, triumphant. 
Pipsqueak. His voice is low, soft. Beckoning.
You look back at him. His grin has faded, but the warmth in his eyes remains. When your eyes meet his, he says, Je t’adore. 
You stare at him. What does he mean? Why is he saying this? Your heart thumps, thumps, thumps.
That’s ‘I love you’ in French, right? he asks, coaxing. You nod. It’s hard to breathe.
How do you say ‘I love you’ in Spanish?
You tell him the truth, again. Te amo.
He stares into your eyes. Te amo, he says, softly. You can only nod again, confirming his pronunciation, the correctness of his words, even as your heart feels like he’s saying these words to you, instead of just repeating after you. Your silly, foolish, imperfect heart.
He looks pleased with himself. How do you say it in Mandarin? 
You sigh. You answer with your truth, in any language, in any lifetime. Wǒ ài nǐ. 
He leans forward, across the table, letting the newspaper drift to the floor. He brushes his fingers softly against your cheek. Wǒ ài nǐ, he says. 
You hold your breath. Keep your eyes open, when you want to close them. When you want to invite him in, grab his wrist, pull the rest of him to you, press your lips against his. You keep your eyes open, try to memorize his precious face, to be able to remember when he’s gone, when he boards the train, and then the plane, and leaves you down on earth.
The moment stretches. He looks like he’s about to say something else, the sunlight drifting through the leaves, dappling his face, his eyes flashing, darkening, flashing again. But then you hear the front door open downstairs. Your gran’s voice, calling to you both.
Caleb leans back, letting his hand fall away from your face.
Thanks for the language lesson, Pipsqueak.
You nod, your heart thumping, thumping, thumping.
You wake up.
You wake up, and the pain comes.
You don’t want to open your eyes.
You open your eyes, check the date on your phone.
It’s been a year, since he died.
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bibluebutterfly · 1 year ago
Okay so I’m taking a risk here by talking about StaticMoth (as some fans will come at your throat if it’s mentioned), but let’s do it since I discovered something interesting.
The main thing being, I noticed that throughout these last few months, there has been a steady rise in StaticMoth fanart (which would make sense as StaticMoth has gotten a lot more shippers since the Instas were confirmed as noncanon), with Viv herself liking the more comedic/wholesome pieces.
Then upon closer inspection (aka, seeing one specific artist pop up constantly and finally deciding to check her profile), I realized that the Animation Director for Hazbin and Helluva has a LOT of their own StaticMoth fanart, with Viv even sometimes commenting on it.
So I’m now beginning to suspect that StaticMoth will NOT be as abusive as we were initially led to believe.
Check it out
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(Smiles is the animation director for Hazbin and Joel is Val’s VA, just to be clear) that, and if you check this account you’ll see that they are all a BIG VoxVal fans, and Smiles also mentions how she worked with them a LOT in the show.
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Now call me crazy, but I don’t think this woman, or any of them would ship StaticMoth as hard as they do if one was abusive and the other wanted to get away from them. And since the art that Viv likes is actually really sweet at times, I think that StaticMoth will actually be a functional couple.
I mean they also get a playmat and the only couples who get playmats are the canon functional/going to be functional couples (ie. Chaggie, Stolitz, M&M, and Fizzarozzie)
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Also while I’m at it I may as well mention that they WERE included in her Valentines post. And in that gif, we have Vox is smiling evily at Val while he isn’t looking. That doesn’t really scream “abuse!!” to me.
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Ironically, the last time I saw behavior like this from the team (Viv liking fan art, animators and storyboard artists making their own cute fan art, playmats before canon, etc), it was about Fizzarozzie, and they turned out to be the healthiest couple on the show.
Coincidence? I think not. (Art below is done by Hunter B, a storyboard revisionist and Vivziepop herself)
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Now don’t get me wrong, I DONT think that they will be in any way healthy, but I don’t think it will be abusive. Or if it turns out Val does hit Vox to the point of breaking his screen, I think Vox will in return rip his arm out. If they’re abusive, it will be on both ends.
And since Vox has been appearing more in trailers and promos than Val, I think he will be the bigger, more prominent character. And it has been confirmed by many that Vox will very much be as bad as Val. He’s the most powerful the the Vees, and is clearly the head of the group. At the very least, I highly, HIGHLY doubt he will be the uwu babygirl that some fans think.
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I think StaticMoth will have a “evil couple” vibe where they probably aren’t head over heels, (their one true loves will almost definitely be money and themselves), but they have a blast bringing other people down together. They will be equally awful, we’ll hate them, but we will LOVE to hate them.
Or I’m dead wrong, and this post will age like milk.
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thatnonameuser · 4 months ago
The Red King holds a Bleeding Head
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A Wonderland of Yanderes - Masterlist Chapter 1. Heartslaybul Part 5.
"But about your mom, could you tell me about her? She sounds like a really nice lady." Is what you asked.
Because you couldn't help but be a little curious. This is so alien to you that the idea of Deuce loving his mother in a completely wholesome way sounds so outlandish in a world of obsessive love is so hard to comprehend that you can't help but be interested.
Deuce's eyes light up like fireworks at your question. Sure, you might be endearing yourself to him more like this, but still, your pickings on information in this world are kind of slim, so you'll take whatever you can get.
Especially considering the bad ending of this misadventure ends with you sending the rest of your life as someone’s possession.
"Y-You want to hear about her?" Deuce's eyes light up at you, wanting to talk about his mother.
"If you want to." You repeat with the same enthusiasm.
"W-well, she's amazing. She works really hard and...." Deuce's speaks enthusiastically about his mom and all the fond childhood memories he has of her. All the way back to Sam's shop to get another carton of eggs, and all the way back to Main Street. It's shockingly normal, the stories he tells about her, and it has to be one of the sweetest of things you've witnessed thus far.
Until you remember the fact that means Deuce had a relatively normal mother-son relationship, meaning his yandere behavior was caused by something else or, even worse, is intertwined in his very being.
Back on your world, usually, people who became obsessed with someone to the point of doing horrible acts to keep someone to themselves had some sort of trauma or past relationship that pushed them into doing such horrible things.
But so far, everyone that you met was moderately normal. They acted in a way that was completely normal or had some quirks that were somewhat normal in your world. Like Cater's social media addiction, for example.
If they are normal, does that mean that they, no, does that mean that everyone here was just born this way? And they just accepted this behavior was normal? There has to be something more to it, right?
You're struck with a thought as Deuce is talking. He hasn't told you about his dad yet. That's not to say that it's wrong that he doesn't have a dad. It's just for a world that romanisticises a love life and marriage that never ends even when one side of it really, really wants to, it's odd that Deuce's mom is a single mother. Did her darling pass away or something?
Well, it's a question you'd like answered. Because maybe it will answer your other question. The death of a parent is deeply traumatic for a child and can maybe a way to explain the growing madness of the world you're in. So, there is no time like the present to ask.
"Uh, hey, Deuce," you say, and he’s quiet, ready to hear whatever you have to say. You swallow roughly, you hope that this won't go wrong,"... I know that this might be a difficult topic, but....how do you feel about your dad?"
The small smile on Deuce's face sours immediately. You can see anger in his eyes, as if the very reminder of his father's existence is capable of working him up into a fury. Ok, so that was a sore subject.
You quickly backtrack, "I'm sorry if that was a sore subject-"
He shakes his head, but the silent rage that you'd seen before is back as he explains, "I never met him, and he should be grateful I never did."
Shit, were you right in thinking that Deuce's dad was a darling. Had he run away, and Deuce hated him for breaking his mother's heart!?
"You must hate him a lot, huh?" You say uneasily. Given Deuce's delinquent days, he probably would have no qualms killing his father if he got the chance.
"More than anything. After how much he hurt my mom..." he trails off, voice deep with anger.
"How does that work? I thought darlings were the powerless ones, how did he hurt your mom?" Now Deuce is the confused one, he gives you a funny look.
"Prefect, I think you're confused."
"What? But I thought-"
"_____, my mom's a darling...."
Wait, that's possible!? "B-but I thought -" You had thought that darlings basically had no say in how their lives went once in captivity. So wait, if Deuce's mom is a darling, then his dad is...."Oh. Oh! So you hate your dad because of what he did to your mom?"
When Deuce nods, you can feel a rush of relief. So a life in captivity isn't the end all of all darlings and it is possible, and more importantly legal, to escape yanderes. Thank the Seven for that one, and apologies to Deuce's mom for the misunderstanding.
Now, all you have to do is figure the escaping part out before you're saddled with a child. If things get that bad, at least.
"So, wait, how does that work? I thought darlings had to stay with their yanderes?"
Deuce shakes his head, "We're from the Queendom of Roses, and they're pretty strict about that stuff so.....wait, is it not the same in your world?"
"What? No, why?" You say almost automatically. Your world has to be the farthest thing from this one.
"It's just -" He trails off before changing his words,"I've been wondering if your world is anything like ours... But do you not have darling laws in your world?"
"Well...." How can you put this in a way that can't be misunderstood? Your world doesn't believe in whatever psychotic idea this world bases their love lives on. So how can you say it that won't make you sound like a darling.
Maybe you could be honest. Or at least, sort of.
"Well, to be honest, my world doesn't really like the whole darling thing. They think it's abusive."
Deuce looks completely flabbergasted, as if you told him something incredulous. "But that’s not true!"
"But they think it is, besides in a way I kind of get it."
Now he looks confused. "What do you mean?"
"Deuce, would you do anything that your dad did to your mom to your future darling?"
"No." He says, completely serious. "I never would."
Well, it's time to crush that idea. "But what if you did it on accident? Maybe you might think that you're protecting them or loving them, but you’re actually hurting them unintentionally.....Do you really want to risk that?"
His serious look on his face falters, and you don't let up. "B-Back in my world, all the stuff you learn about Darlings is illegal. So we're not allowed to do anything to get them no matter how much we want to. It's because everyone thought our treatment of them was too harsh, so they made it illegal."
"But that's not fair," He argues, "what about-"
You aren't going to let him talk about how bad it is for the kidnappers and abusers, maybe a change in perspective will help your argument. "It's not really fair, but I get it. I wouldn't want to be stolen from my family and be forced to love someone else. Would you?"
The look he gives you is conflicted. He's, at the very least, considering what you said.
Is there a chance?
The slightest chance that he can be persuaded out of his yandere ways? Does he care about his future darling want to even risk making her unhappy?
"Yes, Deuce?"
"If I-" His eyes avoid yours as he rephrases, "If you were my darling, would you hate me for doing that to you? Taking you away from your friends and family?"
That was- that was one hell of a hypothetical.
Did he know about your status, or is he just using you as an example? Either way...."Would you hate me if I did that to you and your mom?" You dodge the question. You were always going to dodge that question. You were no darling, no matter how much this world says otherwise.
"But pre- _____," Deuce pushes you for a response, as if he needs one to live the rest of his life, "Would you hate me?"
"I would." You say point-blank. And it's the truth. He turns away from you, not wanting to meet your eyes. Still, you're prepared to rub salt into that wound. You give his shoulder a gentle squeeze. If he feels guilty, then good. Feel guilty. If he was considering it. Then now he probably won't. And he turns back to you "But you wouldn't do that to me, would you? After all, you're my friend Deuce."
He doesn't reply. Out of guilt, or contemplation. You don't care. And if it fixes him, then you need to be mean about it.
"C'mon, Ace is probably wondering where we are." He nods, still silent.
Maybe there's a chance that you can fix them, just maybe.....
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....you weren't cut out to be a baker.
After another grueling hour of making and topping that gargantuan tart, your arms hurt so badly that they felt like falling off. A whole day of exercise is going to make you real sore tomorrow.
How Trey did this for his dorm without pay, you don't understand. Because you didn't even want to do this and you don't even get to eat this delicious looking tart. Thanks again, Ace...
"Finished!" The victory cheer that Ace and Grim let out is the polar opposite of Deuce's.
"Fin..ished." You can't tell if this depressed cheer is because of all the hard work you've had to do, or because of that conversation you had on the way here.
"Did something happen to him while you were shopping?"
"He's still in shock." Oh, probably because he had his whole world being being flipped. But since he clearly loves his mother, you were a little surprised that he was this upset from it. The truth hurts, but it's probably for the best that you let that stab wound scab with a extra helping of salt. "Better let him work through this one himself."
"For sixteen years, I was so sure...." And for sixteen years, you were lied to. If that's what he was talking about.
"Yeah, whatever. I'm pretty beat. Making tarts sure takes it outta you."
"Yes, and now we can just give this to Riddle, and this headache is over." And it'll probably won't, cause life is such a dick.
"Hey fam!" And you were right. Another headache comes into the kitchen. Yay! "You look wrecked. Are the tarts done?"
"Ooh, those look sooo cute. Lemme snap a quick pic for Magicam!"
"Wa-" You don't even have a chance to move out of the frame before the bright flash goes off. Again.
"What, NOW you decide to show up?"
"I just came to see how hard my little newbs were working." Or to reap the rewards of all your hard work. But out of everything this could be much worse.
"It's tough work if you're not used to it. But there's no better cure for the ails of fatigue than something sweet from the oven!"
"Ooh finally!" You cheer, clapping your hands. Out of everything you went through in one day, something good will finally come all this BS.
"Pretty funny how you managed to show right when it was ready to eat, Cater." Free food means you don't are about Cater's shenanigans. Unless he takes too much then you're going to be mad.
"Mmm...That smells so good!" For what feels like the first time today you actually agree with Grim.
You take your first bite, and you feel like you've been set on cloud nine. It's delicious. Light, creamy, sugary and nutty. If this world's priorities weren't ass backwards you would consider staying just to try all the desserts it had to offer. You can't help the little jumps you make as you take your second bite.
"Rich in flavour, yet not too sweet...It's like chestnuts are dancing across my tongue!"
"Is that...a good thing?"
"Of course, it is! What I've give to eat these forever!" You say, dreamily. No wonder Riddle threw Ace out. You would've if they ate one of your tarts and they tasted like this.
"Oh, Trey! You gotta do the thing." Wait, what was Cater talking about?
"What thing?" You ask mid-chew.
"Oh...that thing." Ok, now you're spooked. What thing?
"Uh, Wanna fill me in here?"
"What's everyone's favorite food?" Kay. Weird thing to say after a mystery thing enters the chat. Wait now Cater's got you doing it, damn it.
Ace, Deuce and Grim all list off their favorite foods, "What about you, _____?" You respond in turn, with your favorite food, still what does that have to do with-
" All right, you've got it.....Let's 'Paint the Roses'!" A spark of magic goes off, but otherwise does nothing.
Regardless, you hit with another wave of deja vu. A set of clubs, and specifically, the three of clubs had been painting the roses red in your dream. So why was your dream connecting with real life?
"Huh? What does that mean?"
"Take another bite of your tart and see." You, hesitantly, take a small bite of your tart. But you don't taste the chestnuts, or the cream, or the even the sugar.
You taste home. You taste the birthdays you had with this on the menu. The sad nights where this was the only thing that could cheer you up. That one restaurant that made it perfectly and the nights you tried and failed to recreate it in your kitchen. It's so perfect it brings tears to your eyes.
The taste reminds you of home. A home you can't go back to. That has your friends and family waiting for you. Oh seven, are they looking for you? Are they worried? Are they panicking because you're gone? Even if they saw you leave, who the hell would believe a magic carriage poofed a kid out of the known universe?!
"_____? You're crying..." You instinctively reach up and wipe it away, you really were crying.
"S-Sorry, it really is my favorite food and....and it tastes like home." You say with a sad smile. "H-How did you do that?"
"It's my signature spell. Technically, it's 'overwriting characteristics'. I can change taste, color, smell and whatever. It only lasts for a little while." Well that's both cool and dangerous. Cool, because you can change so many things for a short time. And dangerous, because that whatever is carrying a ton. Does that mean he can change the characteristics of a person? Or a completely erase something from reality for a while? Curiouser and curiouser. "But it is kinda like covering up the real thing hence, 'painting'."
"If I had magic like that, I could be eatin' canned tuna every meal of every day!"
"You would do that, wouldn't you, Grim?"
"That's way better than Riddle's stupid collar magic."
"You love tempting fate, don't you Grim. The last thing we need right now is him popping outta nowhere again." You scratch your fingers through his fur, with a chuckle.
Trey doesn't seem to agree with Grim's compliment, "Oh, Riddle's magic's in a whole other league. His signature spell is a weapon. Mine's just a childish prestidigitation."
Is he insecure about it, or something? His magic is pretty cool, and the only reason you're really afraid of it is because of the fact that changing characteristics is pretty broad.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up. Yours is cool in your own way. His is just a little.....dictator-y."
Trey smiles at you, "Thanks, _____." Well, isn't that great. Now all we have to do is-
"Speaking of Riddle-it's too late to give him these now. Let's call it a day and do it tomorrow." Spoke too soon. Great, just great. You think the compliment would have buttered him up a little. Well, at least you just have to barricade your door.
"Don't forget that tomorrow's the unbirthday party. You don't want to be late."
Yeah you're have to go. Mr. Stickler-for-the-Rules Rosehearts wants you to attend so that he can keep an eye on you. Also you should probably go to make sure Ace doesn't fuck it up and get permanently kicked out.
Still, you aren’t looking forward to seeing that red tyrant in all his glory. But when the price to pay is having Ace living in your dorm until you graduate, you have to do it regardless.
"Yu, can I crash with you again? It doesn’t look like I'll be allowed in my own dorm tonight."
"It's not really like I can say no..." You murmur, which is true because you're afraid if angering him, but Deuce and Grim actually come to your aid.
"It isn't right to keep mooching off of ______, Ace."
"Yeah, it ain't! If you wanna stay tonight, you gotta pay for the privilege! Ten cans of tuna!"
"What? Guess I'm sleeping outside, then." That's all it took? Really?
"Why don't you go and stay at Yu's dorm," Well, that was a given. Thanks Trey, you didn't expect him to open his big fat mouth, especially after all the kindness he spared you and you in turn, thought you at least buttered him up," -too, Deuce, so you can keep an eye on him?" What.
Great, now you have two people. Two unwanted guests in your dorm, fan-fucking-tastic. That's two people wondering your dorms halls, and sneaking around.
"What fun for you. Ooh, maybe I'll come too!" Aw fuck no. Two was already overcrowding, three was way too many. "What do you say, Yu?" How about, fuck no Cater. You already going have two loose cannons roaming in your dorm, you don't need third.
Trey says what you can't for you much too your relief. "No pass for you." Thank you Trey, even if he did unintentionally, or intentionally since you don't know his motivations, hang you out to dry, that kept on liability to your freedom off your back. "Sorry to dump them all on you, _____. At least it's just for tonight."
"It's no problem." It's very much a problem, but you can't do anything about it. "See you tomorrow."
Till tomorrow, just a little longer it seems.
Just a little longer.
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You were exhausted as soon as you went back to Ramshackle.
Having two yanderes in your house was two way too many, but with the day's exhaustion staring you directly in to the face. Half a night of sleep mixed with too much exercise, too much work, too much spent adrenaline, and too many emotions running high is a exhausting combination. And when it finally set in, you could barely keep you eyes open long enough to walk back to Ramshackle. So you were scooped up by Deuce, after a three minute argument between Ace and Deuce, and carried the rest of the way.
The way back to Ramshackle is uneventful, save for Grim's 'demands' for what he wanted for dinner now that the extra tart from earlier was well buried in his belly.
After feeding Grim like the cat he wasn't, you barely had the energy and strength to keep your eyes home as you made dinner. Thank the seven that instant noodles exist here. You didn't really want to cook for your two unexpected guests, but you just want to go to bed. The sooner, the better.
You also tuned out whatever conversation Ace and Deuce were having as you all ate in the lounge, way too tired to actively listen to it. If they asked you anything, you couldn't really remember what they said, you'll worry about that tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, Ace and Deuce hopefully wouldn't bother you tonight, everyone's tired because of today so all you can hope for is that you had a peaceful night tonight.
But that didn't happen, because it's happened again.
Or it's better to say that that strange dream is happening again.
You remember drifting off in the warmth of your scratchy sheets, exhausted from the days events. Only to wake up just like you did last night. With that floaty feeling, making you feel like you were flying in the air and swimming in mud at the same time.
Unnerved, you throw off the covers to escape that uncomfortable feeling. But when you reach out to feel the blankets, you don't feel the scratchy fabric against your palm. Or the lumps of the old springs in the mattress or the warmth of Grim's sleeping body.
You place a hand of his fur but reel back in confusion when you don’t feel the softness of fur or the warmth of the flames on his ears.
"This is....it's a dream, right?" You ask to no one in particular. You get only silence in reply.
But like last time, the mirror glows its pale white light. It calls to you, it beckons you.
So are your dreams trying to show you something, like last time. It had told you about the painting the roses, and you did meet the three of clovers today. So maybe it's trying to warn you of something, something destined to happen tomorrow.
Well, the only way you'll be able to find out is if you try the mirror.
"Do you want me to go through?" You ask, and surprisingly, the mirror ripples in response.
Hesitant, you place your palm on the front of the mirror and, much more gently this time, it pulls you through.
Like last time, you're blinded by a too bright white light, and then you're on soft grass.
The world looks like a more animated version of Heartslabyul now, and you're stuck in what has to be the center of the rose maze.
You turn around, and the mirror that transported you is half buried among the surrounding hedges, showing your bedroom on the other side, just like last time.
But unlike last time, there's no one here.
The greyscale hedge maze is full of half and fully red roses, but there is no one here. Strange.
There are no card soldiers, no Alice and no Queen of Hearts, just en empty wonderland-
You freeze as you feel something hit your foot. You look down and-
He's tiny. That's not even an insult. The little guy is so tiny that you could have stepped on him if you weren't paying attention. He's dressed in a red cloak and has a proportionally tiny crown. And he's desperate pulling on your pants leg to drag you back to otherside of your mirror.
"You're the King of Hearts..." You realise, and the tiny king lets go of you, eyes widening at your recognition.
And then he goes back to yanking you back with all his force. Which isn't much, and he falls over twice in his attempts.
"Hey, wait a second. Why are you pulling me back." Is he trying to make you leave, but the mirror wanted to you come back here for something so could you even leave?
The Red King mimes something rapidly in panic, but he doesn’t say a word. Is he mute?
"Calm down." You object, reaching out to do.....whatever was needed to soothe him. Sure, he's small enough to pick up in your hand, but it's obvious that he's concerned about you. Maybe this has to-
You're cut off mid thought as soon as you wrap your hand around him, another light burst out even more blinding than the first, and you feel the tiny body and fabric in your grasp grow so rapidly, it's almost likely it was magic.
Which is because this is a dream.
You wipe the blinding light lingering in your eyes away with a groan, just as a pair of hands, this time normal sized, grab you by your wrists and pull you in the direction of the mirror.
<You need to leave!> The person sounds so desperate as he pulls you, <If she finds you, she's going to cut off your head! I'm just trying to help you!> You lurch forward as you struggle to blink away the remnants of the flash in your eyes.
You're thrown forward against something. It's hard, cold, and smooth to the touch. You try to pull away from the hard surface, but as soon as you rear back two hands on your back, push you forward. And then your vision finally clears.
<B-But I just saw you- I-It was fine a minute ago.>
What you landed upon is the mirror leading back to your room. From here, you can see Grim dozing away in your bed. The mirror had hardened as if stopping you from leaving till you've accomplished what it sent you to do.
But from this angle, a glare of stray light also hits the cold glass. Because in that's reflection, you can see a face that's all to familiar and at the same time not at all.
The person pushing you is dressed in a royal grabe, colored red, black, and gold, and it's covered with heart motifs. From his shirt to the crimson red jacket on his shoulders, from his buttons to the choker on his neck, tiny red hearts cover his clothing. He's still wearing a red cloak, but now it hangs as a cape rather than serving as his whole outfit. He's a little on the shorter side, about Riddle’s height but slightly taller.
And he looks panicked. No, panicked is an understatement. He looks like he's going to have anxiety attack followed by a mental breakdown.
He's stepped back to think ,or rather grasp helplessly at his ginger hair in abject horror. He's close the actually pulling it out, too. Surprisingly, the crown on his head has managed to stay put despite his frenzied pulling.
He's spiraling into a dark abyss of frenzied muttering. <What am I going to do!? She's going to cut off her head, and then the guards' heads and then my head, and everyone's heads!> Is that what you sound like when you're spiraling? Because he looks and sounds like he's on his last nerve and that nerve is fraying very fast.
"Hey.....hey!" You manage to intervene somewhere between his ramblings of heads, and he shuts up as soon as you raise your voice.
<Y-Y-Yes?> He looks at you in fear, as if expecting you to be angry. If your theory is right, then, you can't help but feel sorry for him.
"You are the King of Hearts, darling of the Queen of Hearts?"
You hate the way your stomach sinks when he nods.
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lydscare · 2 years ago
Hi! Could you make a preferences/hc of the pro/hoo characters how they cuddle and/or sleep with there s/o?
cuddling hcs with pjo/hoo characters
a/n: these kinda went into general pda hcs, but hopefully it's still good tho
warnings: possible hints of angst + trama, cause who dosen't have it :')
reader tends to be gender-neutral //  my masterlist
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i feel like when cuddling w/ annabeth that there's not really a big spoon or little spoon posistion
it's mainly just your arms wrapped around each other, just a tangle of arms and limbs
dosen't really hug you too much in public but always needs a goodbye hug from you before you go somewhere
she also likes acting out as your pillow with you head on her chest/lap (she probably reads you a book too :))
her hugs are really comforting and warm
she always knows when you need one
she can just tell
she's memorized your body language to a t
might whisper some comforting words here and there
could make any surface feel soft when her arms are wrapped around you
i think she likes to be held more than to hold someone
she can hold you tho, and she's great at comforting you
likes to hum or sing you little songs and melodies
she likes when you play with her braid too
overall good experience
i feel like she gives good bear hugs
she has some meatystrong arms so her hugs are kinda firm, like she's reminding you that she's there and no one can hurt you
her hugs are also surprisingly warm so they're extra comforting
connor's hugs are a little more firm then travis's but still all the more comforting
he likes taking his time with hugging and cuddling
he likes spinning you around too when he gets excited
travis hugs are very playful and warm
likes to come up from behind and give you a surprise hug
also moves around a bit when cuddling but it's fine, he just wants to get in a comfy position :))
also loves spinning you around
i kinda feel like he's a side hugger
so not too big on cuddling
he's not exactly avoidant of pda but he's not looking for it
might put his arm around you every once in a while
when cuddling he likes to be the big spoon, he finally feels like he can be of use and protect you from the cruel world :')
gives the best bear hugs (both literally and metamorphically)
at first he's pretty awkward w/ hugging but grows to love it
he can shapeshift into just about any animal to have a different cuddling arrangement
one day you're being snuggled by a dragon, who's wrapped protectively around you, and the next you're holding a cute lil labrador puppy in your hands
needless to say it's an overall wholesome expierence :)
the first time you hugged him, poor goat bby didn't know what to do
like where is he supposed to put his hands??
but after a while gets used to them
not to big of a hugger but enjoys it
has to get over the awkwardness of it at first tho
but afterwards enjoys it
just never sneak up on him
i don't know how else to describe her hugs other than sweet
her hugs are super comforting and grounding
just sneak up on her and give her a surprise back hug
she lets out the cutest giggle whenever you do it :')
even though she probably heard you coming
always wants to make sure you're comforting when cuddling, she dosen't want to overstep any boundaries of yours so
not exactly looking for cuddles or pda in general, but he's not going to hate affections either
he'll most likely be wanting cudddles after a long day of praetor duties, helping at chb, or school
he won't want anything else, just to be held by you for a few good long minutes
with that being said however, he is more of a big spoon type of guy
he's like a human furnace
always super hot warm
very comforting and cozy
he loves snuggling
in general he's a very touchy person so a arm's usually always around you
loves holding you
after a long day of working on little trinkets and fixing up things he likes to be held by you (arms around your waist, face on your shoulder)
play w/ his hair pleaseee it's very soothing
he has some pretty strong arms so his hugs are a bit firmer than he'd honestly prefer
likes to put his hands around your waist with your hands placed over his
also he likes when you just play with his fingers or stroke his arms lovingly
((also has a really good grip
he isn't much of a hugger, to other people anyways
but with you, he practically craves your touch
it always has to be in a closed off space tho
he's not the biggest fan of pda, but alone with you,,
he practically clings onto you like a lil koala bear
loves wrapping his arms around your waist and burrying his face in your neck
he just needs someone to touch every once in a while to keep him grounded :')
side note: he is pretty cold, like ALL the time so ye
percy the pillow jkjk
fr tho, he likes just placing his head on your chest as his arms around your waist when cuddling
also is a fan of getting his hair played with
he goes back n forth between lil spoon and big spoon
he also just finds your presence itself very comforting
and your smell
goes to sleep with the biggest grin on his face
another hummer
she likes it when you braid her hair
she also like brushing her nails through your hair and scratching at your scalp
she likes holding you more than being held
can be very comforting
a quick hug from her also brings a great feeling
appreciates signs of pda in general
enjoys holding you and playing w/ your hair
can just walk up to you, give you a hug and walk away randomly
she is moreover a quality time person sooo
not really a hugger tbh
she has lots of walls built up sooo
she's also not much of a physical person
but she might be good with a hug or two after a long day
if she were to cuddle she'd be pretty stiff at first and need to ease her way into it
likes wrapping her arms around your neck and just looking at you with so much adoration in her eyes
she really likes being held from behind when sharing a bed
also likes to play with your fingers
his hugs are so warm and comforting (obvs)
i feel like he'd be the type to just be gossiping w/ you while you two are tangled together, he's playing with your fingers and all but still has your undivided attention
probably majority of the time os the big spoon but would like being the little spoon on especially hard and stressful days
as much as i looove zoë, i don't think she is much of a hugger :'(
she's very stiff at first bc she isn't really used to soft touches or touching in general
but then eventually relaxes and will end up not wanting you to leave her
she likes when you play with her hair
she can give good back rubs
she proably will end up being the little spoon on most days tho
also gets tired and ends up wanting cuddles
it helps give her a space of calmness after a long day out hunting
it's soothing
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ponyojujuu · 25 days ago
Hiii ☺️🤭I'm here to kindly ask for some quality content
So if you could share who do you think is mtl likely to get turned on the first time they see their partner in their clothes?? ( Legal line ofc)
If you're up for it I would love it for both enha and &team.thank you🥰
hii! this seems so fun!
not a drabble more of a list with thoughts lol, lmk if you want drabbles of their reactions in my request box! &team will be in part 2!
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most to least likely to get turned on seeing reader in their clothes (enhypen pt. 1)
not smut, but not fluff
slightly suggestive mdni
you have been warned
ni-ki! he would love this omg. i can imagine him giving you some of his clothes actually just to see you wear them. he’d love seeing his giant hoodies engulf your body, even if you just napping in them or being comfortable around the house. if he comes home from work and sees you in his clothes he’ll probably instantly feel a bit turned on, or even after you guys have sex and he sees you in his clothes he’s gonna wanna do it all over again.
jake! jake seems like the type to beg you to wear his clothes. you’d just be minding your business, maybe sitting on the couch/bed or just getting out of the shower and jake would be biting his bottom lip. “baby can you wear my shirt? please” sometimes your even avoid wearing it just because you know turned on he can get. if you can’t find some pajamas/clothes of your own you wanted to wear he would offer again for you to wear his. not only this but he would love the scent you leave on all his hoodies, shirts etc. he’d be obsessed with it, and loving to wear it again when he goes to work or anyplace without you carrying your sweet scent.
heeseung! heeseung seems like the type of bf to seriously love and be obsessed with anything you do as long as you’re doing it. including you wearing his clothes. it wouldn’t be just about the sexual, similar to jake he’d love the scent you’d leave behind on his clothes, and would probably hesitate to wash them once you give it back. he’d probably also love you in it more than himself and end up giving you a lot of his clothes. but getting turned on would definitely happen with him. like i said, heeseung loves everything you do in both ways, if you surprise him wearing one of his long button downs first thing out of the shower he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off you (i mean when does he ever). you’d probably apologize for taking it short notice but he’d end up thanking you for wearing it because he finds it so hot.
jay! i think jay would like this, but moreso in the sense where he likes to dress you up in his clothes so you guys are matching. he seems like he’d be into corny stuff like that lolz. he’ll specifically pick certain clothes from his wardrobe that he wants to see you in, and his little fashionista heart will explode seeing you in it. I don’t think he’ll be a huge turn on for him, but something more wholesome he enjoys. but if you steal an oversized shirt or hoodie to sleep in he might be picky as to which you’re allowed to use since he has his favorite clothing. also jay and his short temper.
jungwon! jungwon wouldn’t be upset about you taking his clothes. but he would definitely tease you about it, like all the time in front of family friends who ever. “y/n has so much clothes but still wants to wear my favorite hoodie!” it would be cute. but he actually really loves when you wear his clothes. i think jungwon would have a decent self control so he wouldn’t always get turned on when you wear his clothes. especially his favorite items, then he might get just a bit upset with you. but sometimes when your wearing his clothes it might be a little to hard to keep control. i think he’d be very subtle about bringing it up because he knows you’ll tease him right back. “i thought you hated when i wore your clothes?” which was a really a lie, it was a way to stop himself from getting horny when he saw you.
sunoo! sunoo kinda seems like he wouldn’t typically enjoy you snooping around his closet at first. so when he sees you wearing his clothes he might be a bit picky about it at first. but once he is used to it he’d probably really adore you in them. but i don’t think he’d get to turned on by the idea unless your just wearing a plain white tee that’s see through. but in most case scenarios it would be more of a fluff thing for him. cuddling you and snuggling you in his clothes, sometimes teasing you for stealing all his clothes like jungwon.
sunghoon! sunghoon seems like he’s not huge on sharing things with you, especially since he seems to adore his high end fashion. but if you ask nicely though i can see him lending you a few clothes that he’d let you wear. but he’d probably be a bit moody if you went through his clothes without his permission. i don’t see him getting that turned on that easily by this though, unless he was already in the mood, or you were purposely trying to seduce him. but of course since your his girlfriend he’d give into the temptation of you eventually.
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bearw-me · 10 months ago
Can we have poly Asmodeus and fizarolli with a s/o who's a k-pop idol ?
my first polyyyy i'm so excited! bless anon!
𝐀𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐮𝐬 + 𝐅𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲!𝐇𝐜𝐬
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𐐒 ft : (poly!) asmodeus x kpop idol!reader x fizzarolli 𐐒 cw : fluff, cuddling, slight angst 𐐒 summary : general hcs! 𐐒 note : may i be the first to say this was the most wholesome-heart squeezing thing ive ever written/imagined
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Asmodeus arranges shows for you in his club in the Lust Ring, if you have time, and they are special events he doesn't host very often (mostly because he adores you and wants you to be shown off, but also because he hates the way his sinners view you in the Lust Ring: objectively)
He LOVES singing with you
Fizzarolli is the one to attend ALL your shows, waving his light sticks in the air happily, probably cheering the loudest.
Asmodeus doesn't really like PDA unless its for his shows or a performance out of respect for your public image, but Fizz is a little more weary, mostly because (like in the show) he doesn't want to be the one to drag the two of you down
They both LOVE your dances and choreography, and the fact you allow them to have opinions on your outfits.
Cuddle Hcs: Asmodeus loves to be in the middle, holding the two of your smaller bodies against him or both next to him on one side (he can definitely manage to wrap his arms around you both, so he does) and Fizz just likes having you both near him, having the smell and warmth of you both close is enough to have him finally fall asleep
If you're off on tour, Fizz has to call you every night and check in, holding you on the phone until you absolutely can't talk to him anymore (bonus if you just fall asleep with him and he can hear you snoring. it melts his heart) and he turns to Asmodeus until you're back
Despite being popular in hell themselves, Asmodeus and Fizz never actually try to "take advantage" of your fame, only support you when you need it
Your literal husbands
Fizz is clingy, while Asmodeus is a more possessive/jealous type
but also don't think Fizz will just stand there and let some guy try to eye-f*ck you either (he WILL strangle someone)
Asmodeus has a tattoo, or a mark on his chest, for the two of you
Fizz would love to manage your socials if you asked it of him (or give you opinions on your 'best' pictures)
Surprisingly, Asmodeus is the one who wears your merch (the most), mostly as a sleepy shirt, but he would wear it under his usual three-piece suit if he didn't feel like dressing that day
I feel like (obviously) As would rehearse your songs with you, giving you feedback on your notes and tone while you sang, While Fizz would help you with choreo!
Fizz likes to cuddle with you in bed, snuggling his face into your chest and vent about the day or what bothers him
Asmodeus loves to be involved with your career and brings you things you might need like body glitter or getting your nails done, even bringing you socks that match your outfit better.
The poly relationship would work really well, and Asmodeus and Fizz could really depend on each other when one of them wasn't their for you.
As feels like he needs to protect and be there for the two of you, and gets anxious or apprehensive when he's not there with you both
And Fizz knows he can depend on the both of you, comforted even if you both weren't physically there to hug him
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