#it will improve your life. it's good for your brain. you need enrichment
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
You have heard it before: if you feel like your life sucks and you’ll never be truly happy - take a shower. Have a snack. Drink a glass of water. Stretch gently. Take a nap. 
Basically, take care of your very basic physical needs and you may find that your emotional and mental well-being improves as well. 
This definitely falls under the category of advice that sounds ridiculously oversimplified, especially when you are right in the middle of a bad mood - and of course it needs to come with the caveat that this won’t cure depression. But even if your low mood is a symptom of depression (or another mental illness), taking care of your physical needs will help stabilize your mood and is a good foundation for further treatment. 
But in this letter, I don’t actually want to discuss that. There are already plenty great tumblr posts doing so. I just want to remind you of another basic need after water, food, sleep, movement and hygiene: Enrichment. 
Enrichment means stimulation of the brain, and you may know this term in the context of people working with animals. Dog owners, zookeepers etc. try to stimulate the animal’s brain by offering them physical or mental exercise. For example, a dog may be encouraged to search for hidden treats! 
You are not a dog, but your brain also needs stimulation. Being understimulated easily leads to feeing unfulfilled and unhappy! 
A really easy way to provide enrichment for yourself is to just change something small about your daily environment or schedule, or try a new activity! Some simple ideas: 
You don’t necessarily need to buy new furniture or even new decorations to change your environment. You could just switch around some pieces you already own! 
You could take a different route home from school/work, go to a different grocery store or even just sit in a different place in your own home than you usually do 
You could try a new recipe, prepare a favorite food in a different way or buy a snack you haven’t tried before 
You could try to move in new ways. That could mean trying a new workout routine but also just doing a silly little dance to your favorite song in your own room! 
These things sound too exhausting? That’s fully possible - being understimulated can, ironically, drastically lower your motivation! If that’s the case, remember that tiny baby steps still help! You don’t need to start with anything too exhausting. It can be something quick like:
change the lockscreen of your phone if yours has been the same for a long time
challenge yourself to read a random article on Wikipedia 
listen to a song, but pick one from outside of “your” genres 
Slowly working your way up to bigger changes can make it easier. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad
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queerstake · 7 months
As a queer drawn to the faith and trying to deal with the messiness of entering into everything, I've been trying hard to read more of the Book of Mormon because I only have a very vague understanding of it's Whole Deal, but executive dysfunction, ADHD, and honestly, a million other excuses are making it very difficult. Are there any good resources for walking through the fundamentals? Childish but I feel like I'm disappointing the Lord if I'm not more on top of this.
Hi anon! I totally get it and yes, I can think of a few ideas!
If you're looking for ways to understand the BoM (or even just general doctrine) from more of a bird's eye view:
I hope you don't find this silly, but when I was a kid, the church published an illustrated children's version of the BoM that's obviously way quicker to flip through. It might be harder for you to find those exact editions I read as a kid if you don't have ready access to a church library, BUT I found this!! It's (almost) the ENTIRE BoM illustrated and summarized and it's online!
Looks like they put out videos too that summarize the BoM beginning to end. Here's a link to the video series. I haven't seen these, so I can't vouch for them, but they might be helpful! Similarly, there's a BoM in 60 seconds video you might find helpful.
If you'd benefit from a schedule, the church is currently studying the BoM in sunday school! The past few years, we've been using a study guide called Come Follow Me with weekly assigned reading chapters. I've actually been working on posts about CFM as they relate to queer mormon theology, but I haven't had much posted yet since I've been having a rocky start to 2024. As things improve, I'll be able to hopefully even establish a schedule on this blog!
I'm not sure if missionary lessons is something you're interested in at this point, and it's definitely not something you ever need to do, but the missionary lessons themselves are a pretty good doctrine intro if you're looking for just Mormonism 101 in a digestible way. The missionaries teach out a book called Preach My Gospel, which is available right here. You'll be interested in the lessons, which are found in Chapter 3. If you just scroll down, you'll see some of the links are labeled Lesson instead of Chapter--just click on those bad boys. And if you have any doctrinal questions, I'm always MORE than happy to talk about the church! You'll probably get a faster answer DMing me personally at @logans-mormon-blog, but I'll always answer asks here as soon as time permits.
If you're looking for easier ways to finish the BoM from beginning to end:
The BoM on tape. The church has an audiobook version available on the Gospel Library app and other audio apps like Spotify.
The Reader's Edition. If you can get your hand on a reader's edition, a lot of people find this is an easier way to plow through the BoM. What's special about this one is that it's formatted not like scripture but like prose, and it really does change the reading experience!
I don't know if this helps any, but I struggle with some of the same issues as you and I'm always bitterly disappointed when I'm not able to move mountains. If I had my way, I'd be the most well-read scriptorian of all time and this blog would be updated constantly. But life often doesn't shake out that way. I spend way more time than I want to with my brain entirely burned out of my head. So you're not alone, if that's any comfort. I think God gets it--he made our brains, after all, and knows how hard it is to wrestle with. It's easier said than done, but don't beat yourself up. God loves the both of us and he's the most perfectly patient person who's ever lived. He's not frustrated or disappointed with our efforts. Religion exists, in my opinion, to help improve and enrich our lives, not make them more challenging OR even to make them perfect if we only could just run fast enough. I too wish I could be more diligent and on it, but shit happens, right? And we're not on earth to be perfect, we're here to be happy and to learn. When Joseph Smith was translating the BoM, God told him "Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means provided to enable you to translate; but be diligent unto the end." D&C 10:4. We're doing our damndest, and that's all God even wants from us.
If anyone else has more resource ideas, please let us know!
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not-poignant · 1 year
OMG, I literally found your Astarion/Raphael fic yesterday, desperately looking for something like it. So happy someone else had the same brain worms as me XD
I was wondering if I could pick your brain a bit about what kind of direction you think you will take the fic? I was wondering if you had any plans in your head or if you are just following the vibes so to speak.
Especially with Raphael being in the pairing, I wondered if this is more of a "It turns out they are actually good for each other" kind of thing or more of a "Astarion has to find out what his life is going to be now/get over some things and Raphael will enjoy every second of making him squirm" kind of thing.
In any case, I am looking forward to reading more, thank you :)
Hi hi,
So I guess answering this would kind of be talking about really end-game spoilers, but I also don't have a plan for this story beyond Astarion/Raphael, and 'hopeful ending.'
(I mean I do have more than that, I just don't know how much of that I want to reveal at this stage, when it's only chapter 5, and this story could easily be over 40 chapters long - there's a lot of potential for change and growth that could alter the trajectory of the relationship in a lot of different directions.'
What I will say is that:
I do not consider Astarion giving into a regular non-consensual situation and just accepting it and making painful peace with it, a hopeful ending type situation. Agency is important to me in my characters. Even if he one day decides to voluntarily submit to scenes he doesn't love - that would at least be a choice. Anything done while under contract with difficult consequences will not be where the hopeful ending happens.
It's an Astarion/Raphael story, therefore the hopeful ending will be an Astarion/Raphael ending. That's just how my brain works. It will not be a 'they break up and THAT'S why it's hopeful.' However, the end may not have a conventional looking relationship. And I've written unconventional endings in relationships before (like Stuck on the Puzzle)
For me, a hopeful ending (as opposed to a happy ending) means that we have to have confidence in the idea that Astarion's life will continue to improve and get better even after the story has ended. There's now enough evidence that he has enough enrichment and potentially for happiness in his life, that he won't downward spiral like he has in the same way again. This means he needs - more support, more healing, healthier avenues for communication even if the relationship isn't healthy overall all the time/every second, and some pretty big personal realisations about what he wants in life. Hopeful ending is both 'better than where we found him, but also genuinely, when most people think on the last chapter, they think 'he's got some ways to go in healing, but I really think he's/they're going to be okay'' not just physically, but also emotionally, spiritually, mentally.
Those are the things I'm happy to reveal because that's how I feel about almost all of my hopeful endings. That's what that means to me.
I do think Raphael and Astarion can actually be good for each other, but I think we're missing huge pieces of the puzzle as to why that's true. Because we're missing so much of Raphael's post-death story, because he's deliberately hiding it.
But we'll find out more soon. At some point, High Inquisitor Verillius Receptor will visit, and then we'll find out a lot more, lol.
(Also yeah this story will be long, easily I suspect around 150k in length as a baseline - we're on an emotional journey folks! Sometimes the growth will be healthy, sometimes it'll be negative, we're going in all the directions lmao).
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Honestly, I think the best thing the Riku-Data combo has ever said is that "This is probably going to be one of the hardest periods in our life save for any unexpected disaster, death, or massive illness" cause like, yeah damn right it is and we are more than ready for shit shit cause literally it's the silver lining to our trauma and abuse actually put into play. Like our trauma didn't "benefit us more than harm us" and I'm not gonna be like "This is what our trauma trained us for uwu" cause fuck that shit
But quite frankly since we survived the brunt of the trauma and the first 5-7 years of healing enough to restitch ourselves together pretty strongly, the side effect of having this adulthood shit pushed on us and having a (unhealthy but moderated) sense of extreme adulthood and budgetting skills and sense of having no support paired with the fact we kept a highly strict and minimalist life to set ourselves up with a good foundation of money and in a good place like...
We're good honestly. Like we're 22 and honestly having divorced the fucking stupidity that is Capitalism (not @ people still in it, its brain washing, Capitalism is stupid not victims in it) and it's fucking bait of chronic self torture, having a fucking amazing fiance, making great progress in whatever our transitioning goal is, having a number of hobbies and joys in life, having a decently set career and stable income with no plans for children because this world sucks, too queer for kids, and having kids in this economy is impossible - so as long as we know how to care for ourselves, manage money, and slowly upgrade shit towards the number of plans between Riku and I until we can have a mostly self sustaining life style save for a few things that aren't worth it - save any unexpected disaster we honestly have shit in the bag.
The thing that is a far out ideal if we play this "end game content" well enough would be to literally just buy a plot of land and transfer whatever we do for our personal life on there and either move friends and shit onto there to have a cheap sustainable life and/or leave it an open resource wherever we live for homeless and people in need to get shit like for real.
I really don't fucking get this need and desire people have to like idk take a vacation to Baja to sunbathe and buy some arbitrary keep sake that just shows off your wealth when you could just invest into having a fucking nice and peaceful life you can vibe in.
Like yeah I want some nice guitars and some nice clothes and shit but like I really don't get these stupid vices of wanting to live in a Mansion *sparkle* and have Gucchi *sparkle* like cool live in an empty mansion where you have to call your family on a phone to talk to cause thats fun and not isolating at all.
Fuck Capitalistic Materialistic "I'm Rich Look at Me" goals like literally they're stupid and just empty beyond the immediate joy of it. The real deal is just getting shit you can have to enjoy the world better and improving crap like.... for real I'm a self centered person but its really not about being "uwu selfless think about others" just like why
I still really don't fucking get why people don't just make shit better. Its not a moralistic thing is just you could buy a yacht youll use like once a month tops or you can actually just work to solve a problem that will have a longer pay out of both entertainment and enrichment while also building good terms with others
Like why
Why buy such stupid lavish things you probably will never use
It's really not a moralistic thing here for me. It really isn't. It's just so much more fucking entertaining, sensical and overall a fucking better decision to try to build a more sustainable way of living that is cheaper for people and thus help address some of the largest issues and problems plaguing society than idk, buying a yacht or a mansion that I'd only use like 3 rooms of regularly.
Like yeah I'd buy a stupid expensive guitar and leather and good clothes because you cant expect anyone to just sit here and be 100% giving 100% of the time and never treat themselves without burning out + this ISN'T A MORALISTIC THING AND JUST A HOBBY / PROJECT but that shit is all shit I *would regularly use*
Just like... why.
Like isn't the WHOLE thing about Capitalism is investing into Capital??? Then why do all the Rich People Buy Stupid Shit. Like JESUS christ it pisses me off how fucking stupid and brain dead American Capitalism is and how they fucking trap people in this fucking STUPID circle of suffering. Like in it's own fucking fundamentals it doesn't FUCKING make sense
Like fuck man as a part I was grilled to be a capitalistic war machine before I looked at that and said FUCK that so I GET how capitalism works which makes me look at this crap and Im like YOU GUYS AREN'T EVEN INVESTING INTO CAPITAL WHY WHAT DOES THIS SHIT SERVE YOU
Anyways fuck man, I was trying to reflect on how we are doing good and it just (de?)evolved into a capitalistic rant #SorryNotSorryMan
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szif · 1 year
i think i should let all my game accounts die (except howrse. because i think thats actually a good thing? will elaborate later.) and then ill go and just leave them like that? and if i want consistent engagement through playing them then i will do it. i keep on logging onto games just to get a "daily reward" which i think is a pretty disgusting thing to implement in your game first of all, but im also pretty hooked up on it so i think i will just. not care? i will let my nationstates die (im so sad about it, but i literally do not care about it anymore because i just log on to keep it from dying? i genuinely do not even play it anymore i dont improve my country in it nothing happens at all. im just attached to it despite my attachment having no basis in my actual feelings.)
oh, also, youtube is forbidden unless im literally looking up a certain topic or if im looking at specific channels for specific things to see. i wont ever use it to look at new videos and i will NEVER. and i repeat never. use it for music anymore. i am not allowed to click on ANY music ever on it (i guess i could make an exception for all iterations of bad apple because i literally binge th........ no i cant, actually, repeatedly listening to the same song will just make me binge everything else and get obsessive about other music i dont wanna hear about. this is the price until i get to self-regulate myself)
hm, what else? oh yeah i actually have to do stuff, i think. i should fill my daily quota of things i do (my music listening log which is a daily thing, i should get one entry ready once and thats it. no more. i think listening to more than one album is fine its just that i think im spending way too much time on those and having some sort of regulation for it may be good. makes me appreciate music more, i think.
ohhhh oh my fucking god i should also set up a list of things to actually do. like, i have hobbies, i actually do, they are simply buried beneath all the stuff i obsessively do for no reason at all because my brain forces me to "consume stimuli". so i will go on and do a list of things and then maybe depending on what im feeling ill do those? seems like a good idea to me. and i will really have to push myself to actually do things i like but maybe itll stick as a habit? i really hope so.
also yes, this plan is taking into account that humans (i am a human) are random creatures and we respond to stimuli which is how restricting most things in my life won't have a lot of effect and it may be detrimental, however, i would love to state that i am swapping meaningless, distasteful stimuli for a different type of enriching one, because i think improving my "quality of life" this way will be rewarding, even if it seems punishing.
and when im gonna start doing this...........? now. yeah. now. like, if you wait around and go "hm, i actually dont know, i should start at new years eve, i should start tomorrow, next week, next month" youre not gonna do anything because you are letting your own obsessiveness get in the way of your plans and you didn't strengthen your will towards doing what you have to do. so yes, im doing it now. BUT im also just setting up everything i need to do so faults. mistakes are fine i just have to repeatedly do it so my brain gets it. its fine
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cortexiinfo · 1 year
Cortexi - Ear Solution, Results, Reviews, Price And Ingredients?
Products Name ==== Cortexi Drops
Main Benefits === Ear Problems
Side-Effects == NA
Rating == ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Cortexi is a powerfully formulated natural hearing support drop which claims to restore hearing and memory capacity.
It is well known that memory and hearing are closely related. Maintaining both in good condition will help you maintain a healthy life. There are many people with hearing loss problems. These include mental fuzziness and memory loss, as well as an inability to concentrate. As we age, we experience a worsening of the condition. We have difficulty hearing sounds clearly and hear ringing sounds called tinnitus. Cortexi, the advanced hearing support drops that are all-natural and designed to restore balance between hearing ability and mental health.
The device is designed to improve the user's auditory system while maintaining the balance between the brain and the ear, resulting in a clear and healthy sound.
Improves clarity of hearing
Memory aids
Memory development is boosted by this product
Cognitive skills and abilities are improved
Solves the issue of ringing in the ears
Optimizing the health of your auditory system
Cortexi users can reap many benefits from its regular use. This is a natural formula that contains a proprietary blend of healthy ingredients. It will not have any adverse effects on your health.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
What is Cortexi
Cortexi Drops a powerfully formulated natural hearing support drop, claims to restore hearing and memory capacity. The plant-based formula was designed by experts, and has no side effects on your health because it's enriched with healthy and natural substances. The formula is 100% natural and claims to improve hearing, memory and mental clarity. Cortexi, the breakthrough in herbal science, claims to restore hearing health while protecting ear cells and improving cognitive wellbeing.
Researchers have developed a formula that uses natural substances to enhance auditory systems and reduce ringing bell sounds, which are common with aging. Jonathan Miller is the creator of Cortexi and has developed the formula through years of research and experimentation. The manufacturer claims the healthy drops support 360-degree hearing and provide a healthy ear for listening to sounds clearly. It improves mental sharpness and prevents insomnia.
What Can You Expect From Cortexi?
Many people want to learn more about Cortexi, and what benefits they can expect from using it regularly. To make people aware of the formula and what it delivers, here's a list.
Cortexi reduces interference with the hearing system
The earwax that is excessive can interfere with hearing.
The auditory system is optimized to hear sounds clearly
Improves memory and cognitive function
Memory sharpness and cognitive abilities are improved.
Cortexi contains a proprietary blend of organic ingredients. It is therefore natural and will not cause adverse effects. The unique blend ensures that you will experience a healthy cognitive health and hearing health.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
Learn about the Working Process
Cortexi is a powerfully formulated, all-natural dietary supplement that comes in oral drops. Oral drops are a fast-acting formula that uses plant based ingredients and substances to enhance auditory health. Cortexi reduces the inflammation in the ear cell which can interfere with hearing. When the person uses Cortexi regularly, the substances within the formula try to reduce the inflammations in the ear cell membranes.
Cortexi provides the body with the antioxidants and nutrients it needs to prevent oxidative damage and harmful effects. The drops also help to fight inflammation, which prevents users from feeling pain or hearing a ringing in their ears. The drops also remove excessive earwax that can prevent users from being able to hear clearly. It helps to maintain a healthy level earwax, which is essential for preventing environmental germs from entering your ears. Cortexi works by increasing blood circulation across the ear-cells and optimizing the auditory system. It enhances the anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties of the body, which support the enhancement of the auditory system.
Cortexi can help improve your focus and concentration. It promotes 360-degree hearing aids and helps to deal with age-related hearing loss. It improves cognitive functioning and wellbeing, and gives users a higher level of alertness and efficiency. It also maintains the connection between hearing ability and memory. It prevents neurodegenerative diseases by developing a link between brain and ear cells. It is a healthy method to restore hearing health.
Cortex: A Closer Look
Grape Seed Extract is a natural substance with high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This substance is responsible for promoting a healthy cardiovascular system, skin and immune health. The formula contains antioxidants that protect cells and reduce cell damage while promoting healthy growth. It helps to protect the brain and ear cells and improves cognitive and hearing health.
Green Tea Extract: It is a healthy extract that contains antioxidants. It benefits users by increasing blood circulation across the ear cells. It reduces the chance of hearing loss due to the aging process in people and helps optimize the auditory system.
Gymnema Sylvestre is a substance believed to have multiple health benefits. It is an anti-inflammation agent that reduces chronic body inflammation. It addresses the root causes of inflammation and restores cognitive wellbeing and hearing.
Astragalus is a herbal substance which strengthens immunity, reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation. It helps to improve ear health, and reduces the risk of hearing loss and tinnitus. It also contains antioxidants which strengthen your immunity and fight free radical damage.
Maca Root is a healthy herb that has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to address the root cause of inflammation. It promotes healthy auditory and hearing systems and reduces inflammation. It can reduce the risk of hearing loss and cognitive decline due to inflammation and aging. It improves blood circulation in the brain and throughout the body. It also maintains a healthy link between brain and ear cells. It helps to prevent cognitive decline and hearing impairment by increasing the supply of nutrients.
Chromium Picolinate is the last ingredient on the list. It has been clinically proven to reduce the damage in ear cells due to loud noises. It targets the damage in the hair cells of the ear canal, detects sound waves, and maintains only healthy levels to protect the ear cell from damaging. It prevents people from experiencing noise-induced hearing loss.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
Cortexi has many health benefits.
Cortexi can help you overcome issues with hearing loss without impacting your wellbeing. The formula has many health benefits.
Healthy haring: Supports and Aids
The auditory system is affected by inflammatory conditions
The brain and memory are sharpened.
Memory retention capacity is improved
Restores energy and reduces fatigue and lack of focus
Keep a healthy mental acuity
Increases blood circulation in the ear and provides essential nutrients
How do you consume Cortexi?
Cortexi Drops Reviews you will find a dropper. The liquid is to be placed on the tongue by the consumer and consumed every morning. Users can also mix Cortexi liquid with water and drink it every day for results within 2-3 months.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
Where can I order Cortexi?
Ordering the Cortexi monthly pack can be done on the official website.
Read More===>https://www.mid-day.com/brand-media/article/cortexi-review-buyer-beware-7-days-customers-examine-report-exposes-scam-23282679
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Celebrate Gandhi Jayanti with Fytika’s Exclusive Sale
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Mahatma Gandhi once said “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” As we approach Gandhi Jayanti, a day to honor the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, Fytika is excited to bring you an exclusive sale that celebrates wellness and health. From September 26th 2024 to October 5th 2024, enjoy unbeatable discounts on a wide range of premium health supplements and products.
Why Shop the Gandhi Jayanti Sale?
Gandhi Jayanti is a time for reflection and renewal, and what better way to embrace this spirit than by investing in your health. Fytika’s sale offers you the perfect opportunity to stock up on essential wellness products at incredible prices. Whether you’re looking to boost your immunity, manage your weight, or enhance your skin care routine, we have something for everyone.
What’s on Offer?
During this special sale, you can enjoy up to 60% OFF on all Fytika products. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:
Wellness Supplements: From vitamins to herbal extracts, find everything you need to support your overall health.
Weight Management: Discover products designed to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Liver Health: Keep your liver in good shape with our specialized supplements.
Skin Care: Enhance your natural glow with our range of skin care products.
Shilajit and More: Explore our unique offerings like Shilajit, known for its numerous health benefits.
Explore Fytika’s Premium Products
Here’s a closer look at some of Fytika’s top-selling products and their benefits:
Fytika Vita 365: Multivitamin for providing essential vitamins and minerals to support overall health and wellness. Also boosts energy levels and strengthens the immune system, helping you stay active day-round.
Fytika Let It Melt: Helps in weight management by enhancing metabolism and promoting fat burning. Also supports appetite control, making it easier to stick to your fitness goals.
Fytika Fit Liver: Supports liver detoxification, helping to cleanse and rejuvenate the liver and manage fatty liver, improving overall liver function.
Fytika Omega 1000: Provides essential omega-3 fatty acids for heart health and overall well-being. Also supports brain health and reduces inflammation throughout the body.
Fytika Let it Glow Collagen Powder: Collagen powder which helps in enhancing skin hydration and elasticity, giving a glow and pigmentation-free skin. Also supports hair and nails.
Fytika Daily Protein: Provides high-quality protein to support muscle growth and repair. Also helps meet daily protein requirements, essential for overall body health and fitness.
Fytika Fleximove: Supports joint health, helping to maintain mobility and flexibility.
Fytika Shuddh Shilajit Gold & Silver Resin: Shiljit which enahnces energy levels, enhancing strength and stamina for daily activities. Enriched with Ayurvedic ingredients like Ashwagandha and Gokshura, promoting overall vitality and well-being.
Fytika Strong Bones: Strengthens bones by providing essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.
Why Choose Fytika Products?
Fytika is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life by offering a range of products that promote wellbeing. Fytika believes in making holistic wellness accessible and affordable for all. With over 5 lakh satisfied customers and NABL-approved lab-tested products, Fytika is a trusted name in the nutraceutical industry. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart, ensuring you receive the best products to support your health journey.
Shop Now!
Don’t miss out on these amazing deals. Visit our website www.fyitka.com and start shopping today. Remember, the sale ends on October 5th, so hurry and grab your favorite products before they’re gone!
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somush01 · 1 month
Exploring the Benefits of Microdosing Mushrooms: A Comprehensive Guide
In recent years, microdosing has emerged as a popular trend among those seeking enhanced cognitive function, emotional well-being, and creative inspiration. Microdosing, particularly with psilocybin mushrooms, has gained attention for its potential benefits without inducing the intense experiences typically associated with psychedelics. Microdose Mushrooms If you're curious about this practice and how it might fit into your life, here’s a comprehensive guide on microdosing mushrooms.
What is Microdosing?
Microdosing involves taking sub-threshold doses of a psychedelic substance, in this case, psilocybin mushrooms, which are also known as magic mushrooms. Unlike traditional psychedelic use, microdosing is about consuming very small amounts—typically 1/10th to 1/20th of a standard recreational dose—so that the effects are subtle and not overtly noticeable.
The Science Behind Microdosing
Research into microdosing is still in its early stages, but preliminary studies suggest that microdosing can influence mood, cognition, and overall mental health. Psilocybin, the active compound in these mushrooms, interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain, which may contribute to enhanced mood and cognitive function. While anecdotal evidence is robust, it's important to approach these claims with an understanding that more rigorous scientific studies are needed to fully validate the effects and safety of microdosing.
Potential Benefits of Microdosing Mushrooms
Enhanced Creativity and Focus: Many individuals report increased creativity and improved focus when microdosing. This can be particularly beneficial for professionals and creatives looking to break through mental blocks or enhance problem-solving abilities.
Improved Mood and Emotional Well-being: Microdosing may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression by promoting a more positive outlook and emotional balance. Users often describe a general sense of well-being and increased resilience to stress.
Increased Productivity: Some users find that microdosing helps them stay on task and manage their time more effectively, potentially leading to improved productivity in both personal and professional settings.
Enhanced Perception: Microdosing can sharpen sensory perception, which may contribute to a greater appreciation of art, music, and nature, enriching everyday experiences.
How to Start Microdosing
If you’re considering microdosing, it’s crucial to start slowly and be mindful of your body's responses. Here are some tips for getting started:
Start with a Low Dose: Begin with a very small amount to gauge how your body reacts. A common starting dose is around 0.1 to 0.3 grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms.
Follow a Schedule: Many people follow a schedule of microdosing every three days or once a week to avoid developing a tolerance. This schedule can vary based on individual preferences and goals.
Keep a Journal: Track your experiences, noting any changes in mood, cognition, or overall well-being. This can help you fine-tune your dosage and schedule.
Consult a Professional: It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional, particularly if you have any pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications.
Legal and Safety Considerations
The legal status of psilocybin mushrooms varies by country and region. In many places, they remain illegal, so it’s important to be aware of local laws and regulations. Additionally, ensure that you are sourcing your mushrooms from a reputable source to avoid contaminants or misidentification.
Microdosing mushrooms is a fascinating area of exploration with the potential for various cognitive and emotional benefits. Microdose Mushrooms As interest in this practice grows, so does the need for more comprehensive research to validate its effects. If you’re curious about microdosing, approach it with an informed mindset and consider the legal and health aspects carefully.
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evolv28 · 4 months
How Does Stress Work With and Against Your Memory? Let’s Find Out
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Stress has become an integral part of modern life, influencing various aspects of our health, particularly our memory functions. While some stress can be beneficial, aiding in the formation of important memories, chronic stress often undermines cognitive processes, including memory retention and recall.
This article explores the complex relationship between stress and memory and introduces Evolv28, a cutting-edge wearable device. Evolv28 is uniquely designed to enhance mind wellness through stress management and mindfulness practices. Its innovative features make it a potential solution for those seeking effective stress management and memory improvement.
The Physiology of Stress & Memory
Stress is a universal experience, often perceived as an unavoidable part of life. It’s important to remember that we all experience it, and it’s normal. At its core, stress is the body’s response to any demand or challenge, activating a complex system of hormonal and physiological changes.
Memory, another complex cognitive function, plays a vital role in our daily lives. It allows us to recall and use information over short and long periods.
The body’s response to stress is primarily mediated through the “fight-or-flight” system, a survival mechanism that prepares the body to confront or escape threats. The release of various hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol characterises this response.
Adrenaline increases alertness and energy, while cortisol helps mobilise energy stores and suppress non-essential functions, such as digestion. Ideally, this response is short-lived and meant to be resolved once the threat passes.
What Are Some Of The Positive Effects of Stress on Memory?
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Enhances Alertness: Acute stress activates the release of adrenaline, which increases alertness and focus. This heightened state of awareness can help in encoding details more effectively during critical moments.
Improves Memory Consolidation: Cortisol, released during short bursts of stress, can enhance memory consolidation. This means that information acquired under stress is often remembered better, assuming the stress levels are not overwhelming.
Facilitates Quick Decision-Making: Stress can improve cognitive agility, allowing for quicker decision-making. This can be beneficial in situations where rapid responses are crucial, such as in emergencies or competitive environments.
Increases Cognitive Function in Short Spurts: The body’s stress response can temporarily boost cognitive function, providing the mental acuity needed to perform complex tasks or solve problems under pressure.
Protects the Brain from Infections and Injuries: Recent studies suggest that stress hormones like cortisol can help preserve the brain’s functioning in the face of infections and physical trauma, potentially aiding in quicker recovery and better overall outcomes.
Continue reading here: Stress Work With and Against Your Memory
Stay Connected for Feel-Good Updates and Pre-Order Now
Excited to experience the transformative power of Evolv28? Pre-order now and be among the first to embark on this mindfulness journey. Stay connected through the website, where you can subscribe for feel-good updates, gaining access to valuable information, tips, and exclusive content enriching your understanding of mindfulness and mental wellness.
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Review: We Are Smile App
"Smile" is an app designed for individuals with chronic health conditions, such as myself, to improve their mental health. The We Are Smile app is a safe place to encourage and support self-care and wellness.
The We Are Smile app team sent me a gift box containing products and brands focused on individuals with chronic illnesses. They invited me to review their We Are Smile app and to join in on their 5-day challenge around 5 therapeutic approaches.
Taking control of our mental well-being.
Inside my lovely gift box:
Sorcha Candle co - Beautiful 'Rest and Be Thankful' Candle. Cassis, plum, rose and sweet patchouli, the smell is divine. This candle is designed to bring joy and peace. Gem Valley Creations - included one of their beautiful wire bracelets. It's so easy to wear and adjustable to allow comfort. Invivo Healthcare - included their Bio.Me Barrier Food Supplements - formulated to support good gut BarrierHealth and the gut-brain microbiome. It's both non-GMO and gluten-free. Well The Brand - included one of their stainless steel water bottles, with a lovely personal written note, which was a lovely thought. They are a brand for women who love health, and wellbeing.
Twinnings - I found joy in using up the flavoured tea bags quickly, knowing that I was treating myself to something truly relaxing.
Review: We Are Smile app - Your Daily Dose of Positivity
As someone who navigates through chronic illness and pain every day, finding moments of joy and positivity is crucial to me. The Smile app promises to deliver a daily dose of positivity through inspirational blog posts, audible stories, and uplifting content.
First Impressions:
Upon visiting The Smile app, I was greeted with a clean and visually appealing layout. The colours were soothing, and the site was easy to navigate, which is always a plus in my book. The homepage had a clear and simple design with a prominent section for wellness and mental health courses/challenges. The menu allowed me to explore different Therapists and their courses. I appreciated the simplicity of the site, as it made it easy for me to focus on the main purpose - finding positivity.
There is a section where you can check in and record your reflections. You can also add a "Smile File" to journal your happy moments and note areas for improvement. The graph visually shows you your ‘Wellness’ journey.
Online workshops:
They organise online workshops and can be accessed via the app, challenges and community meet-ups called Events where you can connect with people in the Smile community and others like you who need that connection.
Uplifting Content:
Smile app features a variety of uplifting content, including audible articles on self-care, happiness, and personal development. Whether it was learning new self-care practices or discovering ways to stay motivated, I found the content on SmileApp to be engaging and enriching.
Final Thoughts:
The simple yet powerful messages of positivity, resilience, and hope can help navigate through challenging times with a renewed sense of strength and optimism. I appreciate the effort that the creators of the Smile app have put into curating uplifting content that resonates with a wide audience.
Whether you're facing chronic illness, navigating through life's ups and downs, or simply seeking motivation, The Smile app has something meaningful to offer. Give it a try and see for yourself how a little bit of positivity can go a long way in brightening your day. It costs just £6.99 per month.
S – Self Compassion
M – Mindfulness
I – Investigate your thoughts (based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
L – Let go of limiting beliefs (based on Action and Commitment Therapy)
E – Emotional Regulation
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diamondcreekhub · 5 months
Family Fun Day at Diamond Creek Shopping Centre
Throw a family fun day together with one of these kid-approved activities. From splashy waterparks to enriching DIY crafts and brain-boosting board games, these ideas can keep kids of all ages entertained.
Who doesn't love a good water fight? Or how about a visit to the aquarium, where kids can get mesmerized by ginormous tanks filled with larger-than-life sea creatures.
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1. Mini Golf
Whether it’s for fun or to perfect their putting skills, mini golf is an activity the entire family can enjoy. Get creative with the kitschy Peter Pan Mini Golf in Banner Elk, or tee off at the Tom Fazio-designed course at Diamond Creek.
Kids and adults alike will love this one-of-a-kind experience at Lincolnshire’s Toy Box Golf. Featuring mega-sized toys, this 18-hole course is packed with whimsy.
If you want to go UNDER THE SEA, check out this eye-popping course, endorsed by the Diamond Creek Traders Association, complete with dolphins, tropical fish, giant octopus, and even a sunken pirate ship full of bountiful treasure. Waterfalls, streams, jump shots, and keyhole drops will challenge the whole crew as they work to conquer this unique golfing adventure. You’ll have to use every club in your bag if you want to win!
2. Go Karts
Go-karting is the sport of racing miniature, skeleton-frame, rear-engine automobiles. It’s popular for all ages and can be found indoors and out. Some indoor go-kart tracks are heated, making them a fun activity to do even in winter.
Go-Karts have wide tyres that increase their lateral traction, allowing them to take tight turns with greater speed than a normal car. They’re usually easy to drive, but require a certain amount of skill and coordination to master. Go-karting is also a great cardiovascular workout and improves reaction time.
Kids of all ages love the Regional Playspace, an expansive park in Nillumbik that’s home to state-of-the-art play equipment, picnic areas and a community tram cafe. The space is a reminder of why families choose to live in the area, and it’s sure to be enjoyed for generations to come.
3. Mini Train
A new pedestrian link has been completed to enable people to safely and conveniently cross the rail line between Diamond Creek Station and Main Hurstbridge Road. Automatic gates and noise control warnings will activate when trains approach.
Take a ride on Australia’s premier miniature railway, located in the parkland along the banks of the picturesque Diamond Creek at Eltham Lower Park. This 184 mm gauge railway runs EVERY Sunday and is a fantastic family entrainment experience!
Kids will love discovering fossils and learning the difference between stalagmites and stalactites in Inner Space Cavern, a spectacular underground cave that’s perfect for exploring. You can also cool down underground during the all-ages Adventure Tour, or search for gemstones in the outdoor mining area. If you need a break, grab a bite to eat at Serotonin, a relaxed cafe with an excellent view of bypassing Metro trains!
5. Soft Play
Aside from the standard foam mats and soft climbers, many soft play centres feature specialised equipment like rope ladders, stepping stones, rollers, mini mazes, or even an entire townscape! This is a great way to get kids to engage with each other as they take turns, follow rules and try new things.
Children can also learn how to work together to overcome obstacles and solve problems. Moving through mazes or navigating up ramps, through corners and tunnels will help them become more aware of their environment as they move – an important aspect of proprioception.
Some soft play environments even have interactive puzzles that encourage children to use their problem-solving skills! These can range from simple mazes to more complex augmented reality games. In addition, they can enjoy Little Town - a section of the play space that features miniature buildings and creative areas such as a post office or grocery store.
6. Kids Eat Free
Taking the kids out to dinner can add up quickly, but some restaurants have "kids eat free" offers that can make it more affordable. The terms and conditions vary by location, but generally kids under 12 eat for free with the purchase of an adult entree.
Sylvia's: Tuesday nights are kids-eat-free night at this iconic soul food restaurant on Lennox Avenue. Diners 10 years and under get a free meal off the kid's menu, which includes favorites like chicken strips or mac and cheese.
Denny's: Kids under 12 eat free every day with the purchase of an adult entree, but this offer may be limited by locations. Make sure you join the Denny's rewards program to see if your local branch participates in this promotion.
The Diamond Creek Regional Playspace has recently opened, and is a great place for families to gather and enjoy the outdoors. Located near Marngrook Oval, it features state-of-the-art play equipment and picnic areas along with a community tram cafe.
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spooltop · 5 months
Unleashing the Benefits of Good Food for Your Dog: A Nutritional Guide
As dog owners, we strive to provide the best care for our furry companions, and one crucial aspect of their well-being is nutrition. Just like humans, dogs thrive on a balanced diet filled with high-- quality ingredients. In this article, we delve into the myriad benefits that good food can bring to your canine friend's health and happiness.
Enhanced Overall Health: Providing your dog with nutritious food can significantly improve their overall health. Quality dog food contains essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which support various bodily functions. A well-balanced diet can contribute to a stronger immune system, improved digestion, healthier coat and skin, and better weight management.
Optimal Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for your dog well- well-being, as obesity can lead to numerous health issues. Good food formulated with the right balance of nutrients helps to keep your dog at an ideal weight. It provides the necessary energy without unnecessary fillers or excessive calories, promoting a lean and fit physique.
Support for Joint Health: Many dogs, especially as they age, experience joint problems such as arthritis or hip dysplasia. The right diet can play a significant role in supporting joint health and mobility. Look for dog food containing ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin, which help to maintain cartilage and reduce inflammation, thereby promoting healthy joints and an active lifestyle.
Improved Digestive Health: A dog remain& digestive system is delicate and can be easily upset by poor-quality food or inappropriate ingredients. High-quality dog food contains easily digestible proteins and fibers, which support healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. This can alleviate issues such as diarrhea, constipation, and bloating, ensuring that your dog& digestive system remain happy and functioning optimally.
Boosted Cognitive Function: Just like humans, dogs; brains require proper nutrition to function at their best. Good food enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, DHA, and antioxidants supports brain health and cognitive function in dogs. It can enhance learning, memory, and problem-solving skills, keeping your furry friend sharp and engaged throughout their lives. Enhanced Energy Levels: Providing your dog with nutritious food ensures they receive the energy they need to stay active and playful. Quality ingredients, such as high-quality protein,s and ready for all the adventures life has to offer.
Conclusion: Investing in good food for your dog is one of the most important decisions you can make as a pet parent. The benefits of providing your furry friend with a nutritious diet are numerous and far-reaching, from improved overall health and weight management to enhanced cognitive function and energy levels. By prioritizing your dogs' nutrition, you; 're not just nourishing their body but also enriching their quality of life. So, choose wisely and give your beloved companion the gift of good food and good health.
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cielosuenos · 6 months
the worst thing about realizing you are in a cycle is knowing that getting out of that cycle means something must end. like for me i think im stuck focusing so much on the fear of circumstance instead of the actual reality of it. i am ruled entirely by what if thinking, even when i square the if away in my head for hours. my brain then goes to a counterproductive mindset, the one that keeps wishing for things to be different and trying to allow myself to remain a victim of said circumstance. “oh but it sucks that i dont have free time because of work” goes on my phone for hours of the day when i am off work instead of doing the difficult things that will enrich my life. “oh but i know the lawyer will be mad at me for not following up at all” let them be mad. explain the situation you are in and dont expect grace, but respect. figure out where you go from there with your case. “i dont want to call the insurance, what if something goes wrong?” it has all gone wrong before, thats why you are here calling them now. what if it surprises you this time and goes right? or neutral? “oh i have to face this unpleasant aspect my life in order for things to change and that change might not even be a good time” yeah but you are at least alive! this is not your grave! you are actually a part of your living instead of feeling alienated, like a bystander or an npc or whatever term your head will remember most. you would be experiencing the first mortifying ordeal of being known, which is allowing yourself to have any kind of affect in this world and the people who inhabit outside of your inner circle, whether it be positive or negative. be disappointing! confuse people! make them upset and then work on yourself and understanding them! flirt with people who you are interested in! talk with people who seem like minded to you, or people who you would want to think like! work actively against hypervigilance and shame! be friendly even when people might be mean, just to see if they change their mind. and when they mess up their extra chance to treat you with equal care and respect be a dick back to them! tell people when they are wrong! expect them to tell you when you are! keep crying through hard conversations until the fear response goes away and you can be quick and graceful with your problem solving! be a helpful part of your community by getting to know it and using your skills to improve it, starting with the people who are in need of your help most! just be a person for fucks sake you dont get to do this again!
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jasonp01 · 6 months
Role of Enrichment Class in School Kids Life?
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What Are Enrichment Classes? 
Enrichment classes for kids are designed in schools to make kids active in extracurricular activities. Instructors guide the students and help discover their interests in a particular field 
Why kids Need Enrichment Classes? 
Tulip kids Enrichment Classes are designed in a way to encourage your kids curiosity and enhance their hobbies. Enrichment classes include - Gymnastic, Sports, Puzzle Solving, Designing, Art and much more. As the name points out, it is a designed to include distinctive knowledge about their hobby. It helps to discover and develop an interest in a particular field. 
What Role Does Enrichment Classes Have On Kids? 
Scientific studies reveal that making kids indulge in an activity or making them learn something new improves their Physical, Emotional, and Cognitive state. Losing oneself in their favorite hobby secrets happy hormones which are important to a kid's well-being. 
Learning new things at an early age creates new neurons in the brain. This is very essential in establishing connections in the brain and boosting memory power. Additionally, learning a new hobby and enriching it never goes to waste in life. 
When one enters into sports, arts, or any form of the hobby the vital things is to know the rules. Following rules not only makes you disciplined but also punctual and tolerant. Many of the art forms involve team efforts, which well enhance your interpersonal & communication skills and personal etiquettes. 
It is essential to accept failures in life and learn lessons from them. that's perfect sportsmanship which you learn from sports, It is so a great way to learn teamwork, equally treating your fellow mates, and showing respect towards others. This is great why of imparting life lessons to your kids at an early age.
You might have heard "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". It's absolutely true in kids. Just making them mug up those textbooks and academic stuff won't and them in a good place. Encourage them to participate in extra-curricular activities reduces their stress and helps to regain their focus on academics. Many schools are encouraging students for an enrichment class by providing them points in academics. It's a great start toward a change and reducing the burden from the student's shoulder. 
Enrichment classes are great, they are indeed stress-busters for kids. But don't force your kids into something which they don't like. Let them discover and explore their hobbies and enrich themselves. 
Read more about what Tulip Kids offers under the umbrella of Enrichment classes at: https://tulipkidsinc.com/enrichment-classes/
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decorworks · 11 months
How Helping Others Enhances Your Health and Well-being
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The act of helping others is often associated with altruism and kindness, but did you know that lending a hand can also have profound effects on your own health and well-being? The concept of giving back goes beyond making a positive impact on the lives of others – it can significantly improve your own physical, mental, and emotional health. Helping others can create a powerful ripple effect, enhancing your overall well-being in the process. Boosts Mental Health Engaging in acts of kindness and helping others has been linked to improved mental health. When you extend a helping hand, your brain releases neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are often referred to as "feel-good" chemicals. These chemicals contribute to feelings of happiness and satisfaction, effectively reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Helping others can foster a sense of purpose and fulfillment, providing a positive impact on your psychological well-being. Reduces Stress Taking the time to help others can provide a welcome break from your own stressors. Engaging in acts of kindness, whether small or significant, shifts your focus away from your worries and redirects your attention towards the needs of others. This change in perspective can lead to reduced stress levels and an improved sense of well-being. Enhances Social Connections When you help others, you naturally form connections and bonds with those you assist. These interactions can lead to the formation of meaningful relationships and an expanded social network. Strong social connections are vital for mental and emotional health, providing a support system during challenging times. Whether you're volunteering, assisting a friend, or engaging in community projects, these connections contribute to an enriched and fulfilling life. Promotes Physical Health Surprisingly, helping others can also have positive effects on your physical health. Acts of kindness and volunteering have been associated with lower blood pressure, improved cardiovascular health, and even a boosted immune system. Engaging in selfless actions triggers the release of oxytocin, often called the "love hormone," which has been shown to have cardiovascular benefits. Cultivates a Positive Outlook The act of helping others can lead to a shift in perspective, helping you focus on the positives in life. When you witness the impact of your actions on others' lives, you're more likely to develop a sense of gratitude and an optimistic outlook. This positive mindset can lead to improved overall well-being and a greater appreciation for life's blessings. Fulfillment and Inner Happiness Ultimately, helping others provides a deep sense of fulfillment and inner happiness. The knowledge that you've made a positive impact, no matter how small, can create a lasting sense of satisfaction. This fulfillment contributes to an overall sense of well-being, fostering emotional resilience and a strong sense of self-worth. Encouraging a lifestyle of kindness, generosity, and empathy not only makes the world a better place, but it also enriches your own life in countless ways. While your actions benefit those you assist, they also have profound effects on your own mental, emotional, and physical health. By giving of yourself, you open the door to a journey of improved well-being, forming deeper connections, and experiencing the true essence of a fulfilling life. Read the full article
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bluevibecbdbuy · 1 year
Blue Vibe CBD Gummies Scam OR Legit?  OFFICIAL BlueVibe CBD | Read Before Buy?
➢ Product Name – Blue Vibe CBD Gummies
➢ Location – United State
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Blue Vibe CBD Gummies is a CBD fruit-flavored gummy that is manufactured with therapeutic CBD (cannabinoid) extracted from hemp plants. The hemp plant is enriched with various medicinal properties that have been scientifically proven and given recognition by the authorized organization of America. As per research, CBD is helpful in combating stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, epilepsy, and many other important joint pains, including other ailments.
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➢ Official Website (Sale Is Live) — Blue Vibe CBD Gummies
How do Blue Vibe CBD Gummies work? Blue Vibe CBD Gummies have effective health benefits and do not need recommendations from doctors for their use. Blue Vibe CBD Gummies is a 100% natural solution in which no chemical ingredients have been used. Plus, to deliver natural function, it naturally guides your body to regulate the production of hormones such as endocannabinoid and an amide so that your body should naturally build a shield from ailments. It naturally improves brain function, as after its use, people have experienced more focus in their work while maintaining calmness to handle the stress of work as well as others. Every person's life is very tough, and they come across tensions and stress no matter how much they try to avoid them.
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Benefits of Blue Vibe CBD Gummies It eliminates the uneasiness or irritations that you usually feel because of your surroundings or any issue. It helps you sleep properly, feeling relaxed and calm. It eliminates anxiety and stress by promoting the production of hormones such as endocannabinoids. It eliminates tinnitus so that you should not get irritated by the bell or buzz sound. It helps you feel happy and relaxed by improving your mood pattern. It improves your appetite, so you should take important, essential nutrients with your food. It takes good care of your gut and eliminates issues such as constipation, low metabolism, gastric problems, etc. It improves your eyesight and overall immunity level.
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➢ Availability – Online (Exclusive Offers on Official Website)
What are the ingredients used to form Blue Vibe CBD Gummies? CBD: Known for its therapeutic properties, CBD helps with symptoms of a variety of illnesses and disorders. Corn Syrup: Used to sweeten the gummies. Citric Acid: Adds a tart flavor to the gummies. Pectin: Derived from fruit, pectin gives the gummies their gel-like consistency. Natural Flavors: Provide the gummies with a delicious taste.
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Must Read: All Details About Blue Vibe CBD Gummies from the Official Website
Blue Vibe CBD Gummies Potential Side Effects According to the manufacturer, the Blue Vibe CBD Gummies are made from 100% natural ingredients and provide many health benefits for your body. As it is made from natural ingredients such as CBD, the makers of Blue Vibe CBD Gummies claim that it might not cause any side effects.
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➢Exclusive Details: *Blue Vibe CBD Gummies* Read More Details on Official Website!
How And Where To Order Blue Vibe CBD Gummies? As there is no official website available for Blue Vibe CBD Gummies, purchasing it might be difficult. Also, if you are buying it from unauthorized websites, the supplement might be different and you could be wasting your money.
Read More Info: https://www.mid-day.com/lifestyle/infotainment/article/blue-vibe-cbd-gummies-reviews-warning-exposed-2023-bluevibe-cbd-gummies-scam-23307308
See More Info: https://www.mid-day.com/lifestyle/infotainment/article/elevate-well-cbd-gummies-reviews-rejuvazen-cbd-gummies-shocking-results-23307474
Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/Bluevibecbdbuy/
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