#it was too long to fit in the discord so I posted it here
alia-schlatt · 1 month
"You're beautiful"||JSchlatt
♡ Summery ♡
Jokingly flirting turns Schlatt into a teddy bear
♡ Warnings ♡
Sfw but mentions of smut while flirting.
♡ Word Count ♡
The total words are 623
♡ Authors Note ♡
Hi loves!! This is my first time writing and posting on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy♡
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"Ight I think imma log off, I gotta be up early for some market the missus wants to go to," Schlatt tells his friends on the other side of the discord call. I watch as he shakes his head and closes the game. "Sorry boys, I'll see you later. Bye." He says before he ends the call.
"You could have played longer," I tell him. "Nah, I'm tired." He says, closing a few apps on his computer. "What have you been doing while I've been gaming Toots?" He asks. I look down at the page of quite literal porn on my iPad. "Just reading," I smile. "Reading? Is it that filthy shit again?" He asks.
Schlatt picked up a book of mine once about a year ago and opened it to a random page that just so happened to be a smut scene. He's never let it go since.
"No, nothing like that," I say, biting my tongue. I watch as he stands and rolls the chair into the socket of the desk before leaning down to touch his toes. He stands straight and stretches side to side before lifting his arms up and stretching his back.
His shirt lifts a bit, and my eyes immediately go towards a V-line of hair leading into his pants. "What you looking at sugartits?" He questions. "Nothing," I snap immediately. Looking into his eyes, he smirks, knowing he caught me. "We gonna head to bed soon?" He asks, and I nod.
"It's hot in here," He says, starting to take off his hoodie. As he lifts it over his head, my eyes immediately and involuntarily go back to that V-line.
My view is blocked by a blob of red hurling towards my face. It hits me with a soft sting. I stare at the hoodie of his that now lays in my hands. "Hey, what was that for?" I forow my brow. "That's what happens when you let those porny books get inside your mind and affect your thinking." He jokes.
"And why not? You seemed to like it last night," I smirk.
"God, you're such a brat,"
"Your brat," I wink.
Jay and I did this a lot. We called it friendly flirting. Although yes, we were a couple, we would often flirt with each other like you would a friend.
"You think you're such a smart ass, but what would happen if I-" he doesn't finish the sentence but instead jumps onto the bed on which I'm sitting and starts tickling me.
I turn into a fit of laughter as I try to get him to stop. "Jay -" I try to catch my breath. "Stop -" another wave of giggles hit me. It's not long until I'm pinned under him and still a laughing mess. I don't even realize he's stopped tickling me until he leans down and kisses my forehead.
When he pulls away, I look up into his eyes, and a smile spreads across my cheek.
"Hi," I whisper.
"Hey Toots," He whispers back.
We stared at each other for a long while before he scoffed.
"You're so beautiful, ya know that?" He says.
"Jay -" I try to pass off the compliment.
"No, my love. You're beautiful, I don't think you'll ever be able to see yourself the way I do. And God, I wish you could. You're the most perfect woman in the entire world. What I did to deserve you, fuck I'll never know" He tells me.
My stomach erupts with butterflies. "Who are you, and what have you done with Jay?" I try joke, and he rolls off me.
He turns to me, and I look at him.
"I love you, Toots."
"I love you too, big guy"
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Annabel Lee cannot die. (Theory Nevermore Ep. 108)
Let's talk about the Nevermore Finale of Season I and why it's impossible for our White Queen to die here.
(I do apologise for all the spelling mistakes)
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Annabel is scared. The cunning, cut-throat Annabel is scared as shit right now. Understandable, I would be as well if there was a monsterous stag about to get me. It does make her more human, showing that she isn't invincible (on an emotional level). I know from multiple character analyses on this website regarding Annabel that this isn't the first time she's shown that she aswell is just a person . However, it's still nice to see here. As most of the smarter members of the nevermore community say, she is a morally grey character whose ambiguity is beautifully written. As long as Lenore isn't with her, she is as terrified of dying (twice) as everyone else.
And because Annabel is not so different, not as much of an Ice Queen as all think, there is room for growth. We already saw it with her trying to be the true Poshbesties with Prospero as we hoped for. For plots' sake, it will take a while for her to open up to anyone else. However, I do believe that somewhere down the road, Annabel could be able to actually be friends with Ada. Proof? This panel right here:
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Annabel Lee and Ada are equally afraid. They're in the exact same situation here, its dangerous, and there is no room for scheming shenanigans or what else. I do hope that they'll grow closer, seeing as Ada looks up to Annabel so much, she could be her guiding light in becoming her own person, rather than sucking up to others- trying to fit in - in hope of being loved or even appreciated (but as we know our chess queen, shell probably make her worse for her own sake first).
Now to my actual point, the reason why I am even making this post:
Annabel cannot and will not die.
I suspect she won't even be hurt (at least not seriously). Why? Well, my main reason is this interaction:
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We know that the phantoms, esp. the dogs, attack anything that's breathing. Now, if it would be the same for the stag, then he would have no reason to huff at Annabel Lee. On the contrary, he would have attacked as soon as he laid eyes upon her and Ada, like his dogs.
So why wouldn't he kill/hurt Annabel? Because she is not his main quarry. Lenore is. We know (as long as the raven isn't mistaken) that the Wild Hunts' main goal is getting Lenore. He must have smelled Lenores scent on Annabel, as they've interacted and even hugged on the arboretum (to avoid falling to death that is) the very same day, since him huffing at her, smelling her.
Same reason why Nurse Dolly is still alive as well. She saw the stag, it was staring her right in the eye, but rather than him, his dogs were the ones who attacked. He has no interest in anyone besides his quarry.
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Besides the in-story reasons, someone on the nevermore discord also said that rednflynn already confirmed and roughly planned 4 seasons of Nevermore. So, it would make no sense to kill one of the protagonists so early on in the series.
Now, multiple people already expressed their hopes that Lenore - like the Prince Charming she is/was in her previous life - will come and save Annabel, maybe even getting her spectre. I do not believe this will happen. There are multiple reasons for that. Firstly, it would throw off the whole dynamic of the two groups, kinda destroying Annabel Lees + Lenores' plan. Secondly, Ms. Poppet already explained that transforming into your spectre to confront the wild hunt is basically a suicide mission. And I doubt that Lenores spectre would have enough plot armour to overpower the stag.
Third and foremost: It's too soon. And it would be kind of anticlimactic. Lenores Spectre is one of the biggest mysteries in the series. Her transforming in the first few episodes of the second season would ruin one of the most fun speculations of the nevermore community. Personally, for me, it would make reading the webcomic further on a little bit less engaging. Here is how I believe it will more likely go down:
Annabel + Ada will be saved by either Prospero, the deans (unlikely, since they can not be contacted in dreamland) or just a lapse of judgement in the stags mind. Either they use the moment of silence right now, with prospero/will/montresor showing up and making a run for it with Annabel and Ada, or the stag will ignore them (since their not his quarry) or someone, a background character or so, will take his attention off them by screaming or panicking. Of course, this is only about the stag. We do not know if the phantom riders with him are like the dogs, impolitely aggressive from head to toe/tail, or if they're more the secondaries to the stag, only attacking when necessary.
Edit: I am not sure if the 4 Seasons are really confirmed or if my mind just really really deluded itself, so take it with a grain of salt...
Edit Part 2: Nvm the comments are so thoughful and confirm it, that Nevermore will have 3-4 seasons
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ranticore · 7 months
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visored longwing harpies & the hall of faces
I did say there was no exclusive global culture on Siren shared by humans of a certain body type, and I lied, because there is One.
The early settlers on Siren were the unaltered human workforce of a certain megacorporation. While an almost unlimited budget was poured into the dodgy gene programs, since that was why they chose to settle a planet so far out of the reach of The Authorities, everything else was done pretty cheaply, including the settling itself. In order to map out their new home planet, incredibly cheap mass-produced aircraft were used by pilots. These aircraft could be made quickly and easily at the settlement site because they lacked a flight computer or any real sensors - or any equipment at all in the cockpit. Rather than a multitude of different equipment loadouts on an aircraft that would take time and effort to swap out or maintain, the pilots instead used these visors which were universally compatible with the one-size-fits-all aircraft. It's kind of like how it's easier to just carry a phone around with a calculator app than it is to carry a phone and a calculator, even if the phone app calculator experience sucks by comparison.
The visors were the real expensive kit, each custom built to a pilot's exact needs and flight style, and they were built to last. the aircraft fell apart in the following centuries but the visors remained, hyperlight plastic powered by the planet's native star, and something interesting happened. The remains of the first settlement were largely inaccessible to anyone but longwing harpies, and these harpies had the right head shape to fit the visors. Many of the pilots had filled their visors with video and photo files from home, from Earth, like a worker decorating his cubicle with photos of his family. Some had been decorated on the outside, as well, resembling birds. The harpies that found the visors obviously tried to use them. They found themselves experiencing visions of strange worlds, recordings of long-dead pilots and ATC, and found that each visor can interface with every other one, no matter how far apart. Each visor came with its own callsign, its own name, which has remained for thousands of years - and because of this, each visor is considered by the cultures of Siren to be a named character with a distinct personality (eg. the swan visor was cygnus2, it is known now as Signastoo)
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I keep posting the map and it needs to be redrawn but essentially every red triangle is an ancient telecomm tower. These became the only remaining waypoints on the visors' HUD and mapping software, meaning that 1. a true global culture could emerge, with longwings gathering at these sites, and 2. visored longwings became the gold standard for navigation on Siren. In a world that is basically just water, that's a big deal.
There exist only a few thousand visors (about 3k I'd say). The unused visors are kept in the Hall of Faces, the ancient aviation bay at the first settlement in West. Because of how water levels and land structures have changed over the years, this building exists on a mesa that rises another few thousand feet out of the water, with sheer sides, and is utterly inaccessible to anyone but a longwing harpy. When a visored harpy dies, the visor is returned here. If you want to claim a visor, you need to hold an interview with one of the elders at the site, who will test you rigorously to see if you can inhabit the character of one of the visors. If not, too bad. If you do get it, it's yours until either you die or you do something considered 'out of character' for the wearer of that particular visor. It is DEEPLY discouraged to steal a visor off anyone because it would be largely impossible, given how they all can communicate (imagine a gigantic worldwide discord server where the location & name of every person is known at all times... the drama is likely insane but at least if someone steals a visor, everyone will know about it)
not every longwing desires a visor because it comes with a lot of responsibility alongside its automatic prestige, and you can't really give it up once you have it. also there's always the possibility of being diagnosed with a super annoying, glitchy, or hated visor character lol. but among the roughly 2700 visored harpies on Siren there does exist a global culture exclusive to them. they chat to one another long-distance, engage in closed-practice ceremonies where they all get high and look at videos of Earth, and essentially become a class outside the mundanity of normal life on Siren. to the rest of the population, they basically become telepathic wizards
Terwyef's visor (first pic) is called Scrappercharlee and is one of the more common models, tho it has been decorated over the years with extra bits. Scrappercharlee is a bit busted and half the HUD is missing. Miakef's visor (second pic) Signastoo is one of the very fancy and well-known ones, it's shaped like a swan's head and likely belonged to a high-ranking pilot who could afford a bit of frippery and showmanship back in the day. Birds do not exist on Siren and harpies are mammals so the swan itself is symbolically meaningless, but the bird-style visors introduce the idea of 'a bird' in the abstract, and this has been imbued with its own form of meaning by harpies.
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the-madara-squad · 10 months
pick up freely the prompts that inspire you, pin us @uchiha-event and tag #madaraweek2023
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After the Uchiha event in summer 2023, it's a great pleasure to announce the Madara Week 2023. The prompt fits the darkness of winter I hope you won't be afraid and will participate . It's a creative event open to everyone loving Madara, debutant or confirmed artists. So don't be shy!
1/ Each day comes with a different theme. Pick up the ones who inspire you the most, -you can also combined them- 2/ You have three weeks to draw fanarts, write fics, one shots, podfics, headcanons, metas, random thoughts, poems, songs, gifs, memes ect ect… as long as you create it yourself for the event. 3/ the whole prompt can be general audience or NSFW. Up to your imagination ! Just be sure to precise it in your tag and your post. 4/ Madara week means : Madara must be the main character of your art. As back-up, others characters from Naruto can be included along with your self-insert, and your Original Character. 5/ share it using the hashtag #madaraweek2023. We'll make sure to reblog it between the 18th to 24th of december and to give everyone visibility. 6/ Have fun! The aim is to celebrate Madara Uchiha with joy and flamboyance.
If you need help to brainstorm your ideas, join our Madara Week channel in our Madara Squad discord HERE
Send us comments/asks/DMs or contact directly our mods @al-hekima-madara-blog and @margretescrimsonatelier for more informations !
Disrespecting, smearing campaign, insulting the organisers. Any trolls would be automatically blocked from our event. their messages screenshots and archived. The mods knows enough geeks to find your IP, your identity and sue you if it goes too far.
No incest, no pedo** stuff… If your theme is NSFW make sure all your characters are old enough.
That's it for now, we count on you to reblog this post, share it with your friends, pin your favourite artists if you wish everyone to participate in Madara's party!
With Love, the mods.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
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(Dividers were found {and made} here. Not by me.)
ᥴꪖꪀꪮꪀ ᛕ꠸ꪶꪶꫀ᥅!ᦓꪖꪀᦓ:
A post with links + a google doc.
My post.
∂єℓтα’ѕ тαℓє & ꪮꪻꫝꫀ᥅ꪻꪖꪶꫀ.
ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀᴏ3 ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ.
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C̳A̳N̳ ̳Y̳O̳U̳ ̳I̳N̳T̳E̳R̳A̳C̳T̳?̳
Disclaimer: i talk about killer, so I’ll be talking about things like murder, torture, abuse, unethical experiments, etc.
¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨ 𝐍O ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸
Bigots of any kind, Misogynists, Pro-Israel, Fake-claimers, Zoos. Pedohilies, “MAPs,” or anyone who supports or is neutral. Anyone who ships or romanticizes incest, pedophila, rape/SA, necrophilia, bestiality, and abuse. People who enjoy listening or watching IRL gore/snuff.
˜”*°•.˜”*°• YES: •°*”˜.•°*”˜
Anyone who isn’t any of the above.
Also anyone who enjoys “color spectrum duo,” aka killer and color.
Queer people, systems, furries, any type of alter/nonhuman, people of color, disabled people, anyone of any religion or spirituality is welcome. Pagans and witches.
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Don’t send me, talk to me about, or tag me in any real life gory or sexual videos, gifs, audios, or images. I don’t mind the topic or when it’s a fictional situation with fictional characters, but do not involve me in that or direct any of it towards me. You’ll be blocked otherwise.
Tag me in anything else you want. So long as it’s not IRL gore, sexual stuff, or violence.
You can vent to me if you need to, or if you need advice, just ask first please.
Do not send me any hate, beef, or drama in my ask box, DMs, reblogs, or comments. Most of that stuff will be deleted. You will be blocked.
If I ever get anything wrong, about anything, please feel free to correct me. I’d appreciate it.
If you ever disagree with or don’t like my headcanons or interpretations of certain characters, such as in the UTMV fandom, then always feel free to tell me your own or ask me to elaborate further. Do it politely, or I will not acknowledge you. I will block you.
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This is my TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and AO3. I do have Discord, but you will have to ask privately for that. I do have Twitter/X, but I am not on it anymore.
My blog is not very organized, but I do have four personalized tags: #howlsasks, #houndshowlings, #forlater.txt.
These are for any and all asks I have received and answered, my yapping, reblogs I want to return to later.
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You can call me Howl(s), Hound(s), or simply Rey.
they/them, she/her. But I am okay with any.
I am 19. I am taken. I may be Autistic/have ADHD.
Tone tags aren’t usually needed but appreciated. I will use them for you, too, if you tell me to.
Maintaining relationships and friendships are a genuine struggle for me. I will frequently forget to respond or will forget a lot of things you tell me. I am never purposefully ignoring you. Sometimes I forget, don’t know what to say, or will just be too tired to answer.
The above goes for stuff sent to my ask box. It is always open and questions are always welcome, as are DMs, but it may take a few days until I respond.
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And that should be everything. I will update, add on, and remove as I see fit. I tend to get talkative when using written communication, and I love making lists, so this got longer than I thought it would be. I hope it was easy enough to read.
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Follow my bitchass alt account @postlimitcages or whatever. My Pagan secondary blog is here. My 18+ blog info.
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luciawithoutj · 4 months
Hey hi hello!
I have some things to say about new merch and jo merch in general so this is gonna be a litrle longer post and actually I think I should cange my semiotics theme (which is already about jo) about how bad their merch design is.
First of all little disclaimer: this is all my humble opionion based on what I learned in my one year of being graphic design student and an artist and designer on the internet for last 4-5 years. Before going to uni I learned most of about art and graphic design stuff by reading books and watching tons of yt videos. Second of all this critic is just coming from place of love for this band because I see so mucb potential and they could do some amazing merch designs if they give it a chance and I am fully aware how expensive the touring is and why they had to cut the quality of merch products.
So far my favorite jo band merch designs are cds (that probably required some designer to make), condoms (because they are really funny, genius, nicely designed and unique merch that fit the vibe of the band and matches their songs as well) and the new tshirt from last merch drop (which design is made by one slovenian fanartist : link.
Main reason that made me want to speak up is seeing that this merch drop will only have 100 products (my friend said that could mean 20-ish shirts per size) which how big this fandom has gotten in last year is pretty really dam limited. For a limited product I am really disappointed and I hoped for more. For such a limited product that design is the most default design they could have gone for and I am so sorry for Damon because his work is goregous, amazing, breathtaking and I could talk about it for ages and how inspiring it is but this shirt design isn't serving.
If they wanted to do bare minimum of design with those 5 images here is some of my ideas (unfortunately I don't have time to visually show them to yall on a mock ups because of finals that I should be studying for instead of writing this so try to imagine what I am trying to say and demonstrate). First is just simple instead of white choose black shirt or even better a thisrt. If you want it to go a stepp further is using their name logo font (font name is Avaline btw if anyone wants to download and use it for their designs :))) and either put it how they did when they promoted the everybody's waiting or to write idk therapy sessions or anything related to the band or it can even be some inside joke.
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Something like this would make design just a bit more intersting but still bare minimum but amazing for regular merch. If they want to go a step further but want to keep the long sleeves (this idea was suggested by few people I talked too) they could put pictures vertically on the sleeves. I would find it a bit cooler if it is on the right sleeve out-side and then they put their band logo (the heart one) on the left side of the shirt where people's hearts normally are.
After exams I would definitely like to try to make some designs and just limit myself with this 5 pictures and play with typography and photoshoop to make something interesting.
Another I want to mentioned is how in my humble opinion if you are gonna sell limited edition either make it really pretty or good quality or really cursed and funny with inside jokes.
I think people (and me first) would eat tshirts (but also other merch designs) with some cursed designs or just texts that say "sparklative" or "slay pose" or "I feel SloveNACE" (this 3 were suggested by amazing people in tumblr discord server) or even let Jan photoshoop their faces on most random picture. This 5 guys with their gen z humour could make and do some hilarious merch like how amazing idea the condoms are.
Last thing I want to say is how many amazingly talented fans are. I mean even Damon was so shocked and moved by amount of talent and art made in this community. Furthermore I know (some of them as online friends and mutuals, others as just artists from same fandom) who are also either graphic design students or they work in art/graphic design/entertainment fields and some of them (including myself) would be so happy to even make few merch designs or art for them for freee or for a ticket for their show. Personally I would die from happiness if I get a chance to work with my favorite band that inspires me so much everyday to the point people at my uni think I am from Slovenia and know slovenian because of how much I include them in my uni work and how much fanart and designs I made because of them in last 6 months.
I just think there is so much potential guys might not be aware of (Idk honestly because who knows what is going on backstage in their lives). But yeah they could have even asked Damon to help them with composition of the pictures on that shirt or even hire Racik to make some pretty art or any fanartist honestly. Here is just few links of my favorite fanartists who also do a lot of graphic design related stuff (and also some of them sell their products on their own websites/redbubble/etsy/inprint/etc) :
Tia <3
jo.kam_ (previously mentioned her design)
Racik (ofc)
There is probably more but my brain for hell of it won't remember any names so feel free to add in the comments or tags more artists <3
I could probably go more in depth and give more ideas how to improve merch designs the cheapest and best way as possible but still trying to keep the quality good as it needs to be. I know there is still gonna be people fighting for this shirts and people are still gonna buy their merch but just it hurts my art/designer soul seeing this bad designs when there is so much potential and they have amazing fans and amazing crew and they work with so many talnted people and they themselves are so talented and their music inspired so many and so much.
Thanks everyone for coming to my TedTalk. <3
Actually now I am thinking and from just talking about jo work from design and semiotics perspective for that semiotics seminar I could just focus on their merch design and go more in detail about it and if yall want when it is done and I translate it in english I could share it here for people who want to read about it. Let me know I guess.
Also if someone is interested my art and design insta is lucia.without.j and my redbubble is lucia-without-j and my dms are always open if someone wants to chat or complain about anything art, design, joker out or any other fandom I am in related.
P. S. I am so sorry for any spelling mistakes and if what I said doesn't make sense. English isn't my first language.
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liquidstar · 11 months
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My new commission post, so hopefully I can scrounge up some extra cash for the holidays!
My life has been a lot busier and I've become a lot more tired, so the prices are slightly higher than before BUT I've added more variety in options. So hopefully that makes up for it!
The only strict rules I have are no hardcore gore or nsfw, but suggestive stuff and some blood is fine. I can do furry stuff, but I'm not great with mecha (Sorry!) Ships are all fine as long as they're nothing incestuous or pedophilic, please! There are some fandoms I'm not too comfortable with drawing, but if you're unsure feel free to ask! ALSO, due to the nature of the pixels, it may be hard to fit complex designs into them- We can negotiate simplifying them though.
If you're interested please feel free to DM me here or on Discord @/finn_again. If not that's totally fine and there's never any pressure, I hope you have a nice day anyway <3
Oh, also, I made a Ko-fi! That one post convinced me hehe, here's the link: https://ko-fi.com/liquidstar
Thank you everyone!
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titleleaf · 8 months
so many words about historical men's corsetry
(This got way too long to send via Discord -- Dangimace in the Renegade Bindery server asked about men's corset sewing/resource recs so here is my half-assed and non-exhaustive rundown. Most of my historical sewing is focused on fashions of the UK, US, and Europe for the second half of the 18th century and first half of the 19th century, so that bias is reflected here; also disclaimer overall that "menswear"/"womenswear" are socially constructed categories and real people's bodies have always looked a wider variety of ways than fashion and other social forces would dictate. I sew historical garments with enthusiastic disregard for the historical gender binary and I'm barrel-chested, thick-waisted, and narrow-hipped no matter what I'm wearing.)
Onward, lads!
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Ok wrt men's corsetry: there's a whole lot of fogginess around how historical men's corsets were constructed for a bunch of annoying reasons but that means there's lots of possibilities to explore in pattern drafting and project planning. Stays and other stiffened body-shaping garments have a whole complex conceptual relationship to the body basically as soon as they start appearing. 16th and 17th century garments do a whole lot of shaping (both compressing and building up) for men and women alike, but things really kick off in the 18th century in terms of the symbolic weight placed on stays and (later) corsets. Whole lot of stuff about gender, social class, race, fatness, morality, etc. getting projected onto these garments. So I'm a little leery about people taking obviously satirical illustrations of fashion-victim dandies or Gross Corpulent Libertines getting laced into corsets as truthful and indicative of the way men were really dressing -- scurrilous gossip and exaggeration are both a pain to sift through if we want to know which men wore corsets, what kind, and why.
In the very late 18th/early 19th century corsets were part of the repertoire for achieving highly fashionable shapes in menswear. (Along with a whole lot of padding.) They weren't mandatory for all dudes, but for fashion-forward dandies and equally fashion-forward military men, male corsets/stays were definitely a thing. The whole Romantic-era pigeon-breasted, narrow-waisted silhouette can be emulated by shapewear worn beneath the clothes, pads in the garments themselves, or both; in addition to waist reduction it helped to maintain smooth visual lines underneath close-fitting garments.
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(look at these minxy 1830s dudes and their tiny waists)
As the century goes on the desired menswear silhouette becomes boxier and less fitted, and male corsetry recedes into the background; we start to see patents and advertisements for men's corsetry, so they still seem to have been worn, but there's a lot more language around vigorous manly athleticism and supporting the structures of the body. It can be hard to tell whether a particular piece is intended to be worn primarily for some medical purpose or for its perceived aesthetic benefits. This is giving me such flashbacks to trying to find post-surgical compression garments.
(Side note: there's also a vigorous tradition of fetishist writing about corsetry all through the 19th century, in fairly mainstream channels, which is fascinating. Due to the relatively private and deeply horny nature of fetish tightlacing we don't necessarily know as much about what those same letter-writers may have "really" worn at home, but I hope they were having fun.)
I've seen very few specifically men's corsetry patterns from historical pattern-makers-- not even really big names like Redthreaded. I sewed my 19thc menswear corsets from the men's underbust pattern in Laughing Moon Mercantile #113 which afaik is speculative rather than reproducing a specific historical garment, but it's not too different from the women's late-19th-century underbust patterns in the same pattern pack.
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(image credit: LMM)
However, a lot of underbust and waist-cincher patterns from more general historical patternmakers could be made suitable with some minor alterations. Here I'd also rec books like Jill Salen's Corsets: Historical Patterns And Techniques and Norah Waugh's Corsets & Crinolines, though their focus is definitely on womenswear and you need to be relatively comfortable scaling up or drafting from pattern diagrams.
The structural features and desired results for a man's corset are pretty much the same as any other corset (back support, compression in some areas, etc.) even when the desired silhouette is different; commercially-created patterns are drafted with the expectation of certain bodily proportions so like with all corset-sewing it's important to make a mockup for fitting purposes. (I ended up liking one of my mockups so much I finished the process and made it a whole separate corset.) I don't know much about this area but I seem to see a lot more belt-and-buckle closures and criss-crossing straps in corsets designated as being for men -- this might be a byproduct of gendered differences in how people got dressed, but it might be nothing.
There's some weird and wonderful historical examples, both extant and in images -- I appreciated this post at Matsuzake Sewing, "A Brief Discussion Of Men's Stays", and its accompanying roundup of images on Pinterest though the tone wrt historical fetishwear corsets in the blog post is a little snippy. I really want to make a replica of Thomas Chew's 1810s corset (which you can read more about here at the USS Constitution Museum) but it incorporates stretch panels made with a shitload of metal springs and I'm not ready for all the trial and error trying to replicate that.
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(image credit: USS Constitution Museum Collections)
There's a pretty rich vein of modern men's corset patterns which seem like they could be easily pattern-hacked for historical costuming purposes, like these with shoulder straps from Corsets By Caroline or DrobeStoreUpcycling's waist cincher which also looks like it could be altered pretty easily to cinch with straps and buckles like some 19thc men's corsetry does. This pattern for a boned chest binder in vest form by KennaSewLastCentury is also really cool but I didn't get a chance to sew it pre-top-surgery. (I think I've also seen someone who made a chest-compressing variation on Regency short stays, but I can't find it now.) 
In general a lot of underbust and waist-cincher patterns should work just fine for silhouette-shaping without much bust/hip emphasis -- my usual resource for free corset patterns (Aranea Black) recently took down all her free patterns but they're definitely still circulating out there. For general fashion purposes the sky is the limit and there are a lot of enthusiastic dudes in corsets out there. This Lucy Corsetry round-up shows a variety of modern corsetiers'  styles designated as being for men or more masculine silhouettes (including a SUPER aspirational brocaded corset with matching waistcoat made by Heavenly Corsets that I'd love to sew a historical spin on) and you can see some commonalities and possibilities for body-shaping.
I can also give some more general corset-sewing resources but I'm very much in the learning process here and I'd love any recs or input from people more experienced in pattern-drafting and corset-sewing.
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percahliaweek · 3 months
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FAQ '24
What tag should I use?
#percahliaweek is our designated tag - you can @ us @percahliaweek so we can reblog your contribution on the corresponding day.
Where are the prompts?
Ah, seems this has escaped containment then. You can find them HERE!
Will you be doing anything on Twitter/other social media?
We considered it! However, as other social media sites have proven unreliable (especially lately), we'll be hosting the event only on Tumblr. However, you're welcome to post your work wherever you like! Just understand that without a Tumblr post we can't exactly RB your entry.
Can I do _ for the event?
Yes. Yep. That too. Seriously, so long as it focuses on Perc'ahlia (and is appropriately tagged to avoid spoiling people), you can do it. Cosplay, inspired recipes, beadwork, podfic, go wild! Well, with the caveat that no hateful content will be permitted - don't use a joyous event to rain on someone else's parade or promote hatespeech, alright?
Is NSFW content allowed?
Given the ship in question and just how canonically horny they are for eachother - yes! However, we request that you tag this content as #nsfw and use the appropriate content filter on it. If posting in the Discord server, keep it to the 18+ chat. Be mindful of potential minors in fandom space + people browsing content in public.
I want to participate but haven't watched Campaign 1!
We welcome fans of The Legend of Vox Machina with open arms. As a result, it's requested that campaign fans do their best to avoid spoiling show fans for anything beyond what Season 2 has shown (Umbrasyl's defeat). That means late Campaign 1, the oneshots and any mention of them in other campaigns should be tagged as #cr1 spoilers (using just this tag for simplicity). Show fans, if you want to remain unspoiled, I recommend you block this on Tumblr and mute spoilery channels in the server.
Wait - what might get spoiled for me here?
The #cr1 spoilers tag should broadly cover anything TLOVM hasn't yet, but do note that Percival and Vex'ahlia pop up in Campaign 3 and so some fics might contain mild spoilers for the events of that campaign and the decades between their epilogue and now.
Is there an AO3 collection for the fanfics?
Yes! HERE it is, ready and waiting for your fics! If interested in last year's fics (which definitely deserve some love), you can find them over HERE!
Does my submission have to fit one of the prompts?
That would be ideal, yes! Anything freeform should be posted on Day 5 for Free/Random prompts. But fitting the prompt can be very loose - maybe you just use the word as a motif, or you take it in an entirely unexpected direction. We want to encourage creativity and fun more than anything else.
I don't know what to do for the Free/Random day!
We have a few recommendations (we are unaffiliated with the websites linked): Random page of the Encyclopedia Exandria Random word generator OTP prompt generator AU generator Ghost’s Spell prompts [roll 2d20?] Wild Magic Surge table Life events table If you've made prompt lists and would not mind them being featured here, reach out!
How did you choose the prompts?
Prompts were selected by a combination of admin discussion and voting in our Discord server to try and ensure a good mix of evocative prompts (we see y'all voting disproportionately for the Scars prompt! We see it!).
Where can I find last year's prompts?
You can find the list and links to individual tags HERE. Given last year was our first year, we unfortunately didn't think to tag Day 1 until after the fact (we'll need to go and clean that up).
Why late September?
On September 29th, 2016, the Critical Role episode 'Passed Through Fire' aired, which features an iconic Perc'ahlia moment (no spoilers for show fans!). Following Burr's poll last year on which scene is most iconic for the pairing, we decided to have the week celebrate the anniversary of that episode. And, with TLOVM S3 airing the next week, who knows - we might get the animated version to go with it soon! ;3
Is it okay if I only do one prompt?
This event is intended to be relaxed and fun - one entry, or seven, or fourteen, however many you want! We've tried to announce the event earlier this year, to allow for more time for everyone to work on their entries, so please don't feel pressured to do them all the week of. And if you can't finish on time, there's no pressure: late submissions will still be RB'd and added to the AO3 collection. Mind you, after a month or two we might stop checking the blog and tag regularly, so your best bet is to @ us or post in the Discord server!
A Discord server?
We have set up a little server for this event on Discord, mostly to hang out with other Perc'ahlia fans and motivate eachother to work on our respective projects. The current link is HERE - let us know if it's not working!
Who is hosting this?
At the moment the users running this blog are @burr-ell, @blorbologist, @crithaus, @essayofthoughts and @rightpastnowhere! If you have any questions or concerns (i.e. we didn't see your post and missed RBing it :c) please let us know!
Any more questions? Feel free to send in an ask and we'll do our best to answer in a timely manner!
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esotheria-sims · 2 months
I really like your creations and good looking game. May I ask how you managed to made it so "perfect"? Which computer do you use with wich OS and gpu?
Hi! Gosh, thank you so much!
I wouldn't know about my game being "perfect", but I'd say I've managed to accumulate a well-curated mix of cc and mods that work well together!
(Long reply under the cut!)
The secret is to constantly be on the lookout for cool cc (old or new) that fits your game, and to keep testing and trying until you've found the perfect balance.
You gotta have a general idea about the kinda aesthetic you're going for and start from there. Are you playing a modern hood with a touch of magic? Get the right cc. A medieval fantasy world? Get the right cc. A grungy desert dystopia? Get… well, you catch the drift. Want to play all of the above? Multiple dedicated cc folders are a thing, too! But as with everything else, you gotta Get The Right CC.
There are tons of posts, videos, blogs, and even sites dedicated to themed or general cc recommendations, so I won't make this long post even longer by listing them. But one general piece of advice I can give you is to comb through your favorite simmers' blogs/channels/pages/discords/etc. and see what they recommend. Some simmers have a Masterpost where they list all the mods & cc they use in their game. Most people have a WCIF tag on their blogs (here's mine!)
Also, remember to thoroughly comb through all the big cc sites and forums such as MTS, Garden of Shadows, PlumbBob Keep, SimPearls, HellHasSpoken, etc. I probably sound like a broken record on this one, but old sites and forums contain TONS of cc (some of it pretty iconic!) and it'd be a real waste to skip out on them.
As for my own PC, it's pretty mid-tier by today's standards. It's a Win10 desktop with an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 CPU, 2x16GB RAM kit, NVidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti, and 120GB SSD + 1TB HDD. Funnily enough, I remember a similar ask from a while ago wondering about the same thing, and lemme tell ya, my specs back then were… nothing to write home about. 😅
Which brings me to my next point: you don't actually need a high-end PC to play The Sims 2! This is a fussy old game, and from what I've seen in the community, how well it'll run on a given computer is… kinda random. At this point, I feel like the game relies on voodoo and spite more than any particular hardware configuration. Which is actually good news, because it means you can have a pretty game (and take pretty pics!) even if you don't have a beast of a computer!
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aidlyncanon · 2 months
this is my first actual tumblr post since idk what to do but ive had this idea in my head for a while and I wanted to share 🤗
so heres what I think each sbg characters love languages are. I wanted to include both the love language they express towards other and the type that resonates? with them when expressed by others. i dont know how to word that but I hope itll make sense 🙏
if it's inaccurate im sorry im not great at wording but i did try and make it at least a bit accurate which is hard when im unsure to most of these
— I feel like this may be the only one that properly fits Ashlyn. I could see her maybe also liking acts of service but i cant exactly explain why.
Maybe its because I think its also what she would do for others that I think it would fit. Like I said maybe acts of service like people doing little things to make her life easier.
I have a headcanon that Taylor or Ben has things in their bags for the others (total mom friends) so imagine her shock when she found out someone had ear plugs in their bag incase she needed them?
you get where im going with this?
— I take little to no criticism on this. I can't imagine Ashlyn's being anything else. If she tried getting a gift she'd probably take too long wondering if theyd actually use it. Physical touch is a meh, she doesnt hate it but it wouldnt be her favourite. She said herself she isnt the best with words.
Her gift to people is just her presence. She'd be the type to occasionally need quiet but wouldn't mind being in comfortable silence with someone she likes. I feel like quality time would be her way of showing she cares for someone.
𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐌: ???
— This is an idk because im basing these off of what we know about their background and character but we know like nothing so everything about this is based off of pure theory.
The only canon part i can mention is that during his conversation with Ashlyn at the school he mentioned how since he moved around a lot he never really had a true bond with anyone.
"You seemed like the type to only get close with people who mean something to you."
So Aiden didnt just want someone he could feel attached to, he also wanted to feel cared for. Its a two way street with him.
While I could see him loving physical touch as I doubt he got enough of that as a child and he clearly loves being touchy with people I feel like with what we know I could argue really any love language. He'd probably take anything if it makes him feel cared for.
I found a picture of a chart saying "your love language may show what you lacked as a child" and he checked every box so he's fucked.
I ultimately want to settle with physical touch as he seemed shocked when Ashlyn initiated the hug likely due to being the one to always initiate them. Like above he probably just wants his efforts reciprocated.
— Self explanatory we see him being touchy with Ashlyn. He also put his hand on Tyler (idk if this is still fast pass if it is my apologies).
"he did that as a stay away from my girl" stfu. 🤗
— I take ZERO criticism on this.
Were all aware how bad his bullying was so I doubt he heard anything nice about him.
The main thing that makes me believe this is that every time he gets complimented or something nice said about him he gets sort of flustered and blushes.
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This ^ was ben after Ashlyn complimented his bandaging job. A small compliment I know but even after what taylor said about him opening up he blushed there too.
You can't deny it means a lot to him he probably thought about those for a while.
— I talked about this in a discord server briefly but I want to share it here. You know the quote "the quieter you are the more you hear"? Well thinking of that ive come up w the idea that Ben likely is more observant compared to most people.
Hed be the one to notice if someone was looking at something for a while in a store or hear it pass in conversation. Make a mental or physical note of it and get it for them.
I just imagine him being the type to be like "i know you like this" or "this reminded me of you". I feel like he wouldnt be the greatest at expressing it in many other ways so he resorts to getting people things.
Hes also pretty artsy so I can also just imagine him making people little things for them.
Like, tyler taught him guitar? gets tyler a new pick. Logan looking at something in the store? need to remember that. and so on
— Similar to Ben's. I could maybe see quality time being important to him as he hasnt had many people want to stick around him.
I mean his parents didnt want him and barrons group are just assholes so spending time with someone who genuinely cares for him? Doing an activity he enjoys? Hes over the moon.
— I can see him wanting to help people, i mean he helped Noah (the guy who barron replaced him with). I can imagine him doing little things for the group and people he loves.
He might get a bit embarrassed if confronted about it but ultimately hed do it again.
— This is up in the air but I feel like it fit her the best? I imagine after her dad dying at a young age she grew up knowing that time with people is limited and can end at any moment.
So i can imagine her really appreciating someone spending one-on-one of just personal time with her. But i can also just see her appreciating any type.
My thing is I can imagine her being happy with receiving anything as long as someone had her best interest at heart then she'd become the happiest girl ever.
— Another give in, she does it ALL THE TIME. Its literally her defining feature. Shes very good with words and likes making others feel better about themselves. Seeing people perk up from her words would be enough to make her own day better.
I imagine she too, like tyler, had to be there for her mom a lot. So she probably learnt it from that experience. I also imagine her want to make people happier stemmed from seeing Tyler slowly lose interest in everything around him and wanting to be able to be the person who could make his day just a bit better.
Though like above I could see taylor doing things she knows mean the most of others. Like the moment she realized Ben likes words of affirmations she made sure to compliment him a bit more. After realizing Ashlyn likes quality time she would find a way to do that while also not overwhelming Ashlyn, say a movie or just going on a walk. Shed make an effort to make people happy based off of what they love the most.
— Tyler spent his entire childhood taking care of people so imagine how he would react to being taken care of for once.
I figure like at first hed be a bit reluctant however I think ultimately it would mean a lot to him to not have to always be rhe one taking care of others but being able to rest for once.
Like idk how to word it but I think it fits him, I could also see MAYBE words of affirmation? since he did want that when Logan Ashlyn and Ben found him but then again I dont blame him he was literally sitting bleeding.
— This one has a question mark since im not sure. Taking care of others has just became nature to him, its his factory settings. Its not something he like goes and does to get people interested its just natural to him.
I dont think its something he'd do specifically to express care, he'd likely be unaware how much it could mean to someone since its just life to him.
Im not too sure what his would actually be MAYBE quality time again similar to Taylors in the sense that he knows just how fast someone can lose their lives so he likely would appreciate someone wanting to actually spend time with him.
Even if he wouldnt admit it.
If these are inaccurate then I apologize I did try to make them as accurate as I could but wording my thoughts isnt something i'm great at.
Most of these im unsure of but I wanted to talk about anyway so idk gimme ur opinions on them id love to hear them esp since im unsure for half of these :)
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keychainedd · 2 months
roxserpent, co owner of dandy's world and flavor frenzy, is a groomer
(thread copied from twitter, og link here: https://x.com/keychained_/status/1820573158673699105)
rox / roxserpent / the co-dev of both flavor frenzy and dandy's world is a dangerous man who has a big history of grooming & harming minors and covering all of it up whenever he can't take the scorn anymore.
(for more info, look at this doc which words it so much better than i ever could have)
whenever i joined blush crunch for the first time, i checked announcements & saw that rox posted an apology thread. before playing, i heard that he drew porn of multiple th characters, some of which were minors, so i chalked it up to an apology for that and moved on
except, i didn't move on. i was a victim of grooming, and this apology set off alarm bells in my head. i felt guilty for continuing to play despite feeling like something was wrong, but i ignored it. i know many other of my friends had felt the same way.
i felt like the sheep mentality was something i couldve fit into, but it was difficult. it conflicted with my morals. i knew i shouldve said something, but i was scared. i understand now how many people felt the exact same way.
a lot of us were manipulated by rox. almost everyone i know has been. it's been hidden from fans for years. it'll continue to be hidden, especially now that dandy's world has gotten so big, but there's no reason to be scared. i don't care.
rox is a groomer who's created child porn of his friends, manipulated & hurt so many people, lied to every community he's been in, and has ruined lives. he doesnt deserve to be able to go on break, nor should he be able to hide this from people.
he deletes his accounts of the various stories, hides the glaringly obvious fact that he's done so much wrong, tells everyone it's "petty drama" and expects people to move on. it's not petty drama. it's grooming.
im deeply ashamed for how long it took me to make a thread like this. as a victim of grooming myself, i'm sorry. i'm truly sorry. i know how scary it is to see no one believe you. now onto my personal actions because of this server
i've gotten into so many fights over this server. i've hurt people and they've hurt me and i've caused far too many issues that i can count on two hands and i wanted to believe if i shamed other people for things, then i'd be able to redeem myself in my own head.
i was wrong. i'm sorry for the things i've said to people. my guilt that came from this server has snowballed into hatred and i've taken it out on so many people. i want to talk it out. please dm me, friend me on discord, contact me. i will listen
i regret how long it took me to post something like this. i shouldve never stayed quiet. i am angry at everyone including myself and i need to take my anger and use it to inspire myself to act.
rox, you are disgusting. you and all your friends absolutely disgust me. you hire 18+ mods on your server instead of releasing apologies. you force your mods to respond to tickets wondering what you've done and force them to defend you. you use people. that's all you do.
it's no one's fault but rox's for how long everyone had stayed with him. but, you should educate yourself. you should learn. you should spread the word, you should stop supporting bc, you should drop whatever you can to show support to victims.
you may be too scared to speak out, but you can. you always can. no one should stay quiet when they know something this terrible. i've learned it from personal experience. i'm sorry for taking so long. spread the word.
thank you for reading
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autumnwhistles · 11 months
Last Life: The Musical – Audition Masterpost and Song Info (1/2)
Part 2 – please check this out too!
Lots of people have been asking me about auditions for this, so I've decided to make a masterpost. Auditions will be opening sometime within the next week – the specific end date will be specified on the audition form, since it depends when it's sent. It'll likely be three weeks from when the form is sent out.
The Process
There'll be a form posted on my blog. Follow the instructions, answer the questions and fill it in.
You don't have to audition for both speaking and singing roles – there will be opportunities to audition for both, and the same character may not have the same person playing both parts. Likewise, you an audition for vocals for one character and speaking roles for another.
For vocalists: There are no set audition songs. This stage is all about me seeing the different qualities of people's voices, and matching them to characters that fit what I hear. You can specify any preferences, but you may not get them – however, if there are characters you really don't want to play, I will honour that. Because of that, please just sing a song or an extract of a song in a style you're comfortable with (if auditioning for vocals). This should be minimum one minute long, and though there is no maximum, it would be nice for it to be around 2 minutes (though you can very much go over). Try to keep it to one form.
If I think you would fit, I may contact you to be involved in the Watcher Chorus as well – there are no auditions for this, however, and you can turn it down (there's a lot of singing).
For those auditioning for speaking roles: this will take preferences into account more, though I will contact you if I'd like you to try out for somebody else. Please find an extract of the role you want speaking – this can be in a video or in a highly in-character fan work, since those provide good material, and record it. You can submit multiple forms if you're auditioning for multiple speaking roles, due to the higher specificity of audition material.
Note that generally, speaking roles are much more minor than singing roles!
If you're auditioning for both, do both – this is pretty self-explanatory.
You must have a good quality mic, or access to one, to audition. Please have access to discord as well, since everything will be done there.
If you need further information, DM me either on here or on discord (songofthesky_)!
This is all for Stage 1 of auditions – to those who I'm considering for parts, I'll contact you a few weeks after the submissions have ended to describe the next steps.
To help people get an idea of what each part entails, a list of songs, their descriptions, and who sings them is under the cut. I've tried to arrange it so the people who are mentioned first are the people that get more lines. Bear in mind not all of them have names yet!
(There will also be a part 2 coming sometime this week with general atmospheres for each character's songs (only those with solos or duets, as this doesn't apply to those in only group numbers). This should also help you get an idea of what each part entails. However please note these are only getting across the atmospheres, not anything more specific – it's generally to help decide if there's someone you don't want to sing than someone you do.)
Finally, the three characters with the most singing and plot relevance are Martyn, Scott and Grian (in that order) – consider this when auditioning!
Act 1:
Overture/Middle of Nowhere: We’re introduced to the Last Life world by the Chorus as players spawn in. Martyn seems to hear something, but brushes it off. [N/A – finished]
Corners of the World: Through Martyn’s perspective we’re introduced to players and their alliances. He meets Scott and Pearl and chats to them for a while, before heading with them to spawn. Martyn, Lizzie, Bdubs, Etho, Joel [sung]; Martyn, Scott, Pearl [spoken]
“Tales: Down In The Mines″/”The Boogeyman”: At spawn, Bdubs narrates his experience with the boogeyman curse. Grian then shows up, narrates his own experience as the victim, and all around the map the players express what they’ve heard about the Boogeyman curse themselves. Bdubs, Grian [sung – solo parts]; Martyn, Scott, Pearl, Jimmy, Scar, Mumbo, Impulse, Tango, Skizz, Etho [sung – make up a player chorus]; Etho, Grian [spoken].
“A(ha)lliances”: The Southlands ally, making a-ha jokes. Meanwhile, Pearl and Scott solidify their alliance via Pearl gifting Scott a life. Martyn, Grian, Jimmy, Impulse, Mumbo, Scott, Pearl [sung]
“You Bet Your Life”: Tango introduces his game, the different attitudes to it showing us different traits of the characters. Tango [sung].
��The Table Song 1″: Now some time into the series, the Chorus updates us on the alliances that have formed: the Fairy Fort, Team BEST, Magical Mountain, Scott and Pearl, and the Southlands. It also chronicles the journey of the Enchanting Table, now in Magical Mountain, and the Southlands’ trip to enchant which ends with Scar’s Boogeyman kill. Chorus [sung]; all players [spoken, very brief]
“Our Will Be Done (Precursor 1)”: Martyn hears a mysterious voice speaking to him for the first time, telling him to give Ren some Nether Wart. He does so. Martyn’s voice, Martyn [spoken]
“Tales: The Three Skulls”: Seeing Martyn a little distracted (and probably sensing some Watcher influence but shh), Grian offers a bit of excitement to him and the rest of the Southlands: he’s come across news that it is possible to raise a Wither, a mystical being of destruction – which they could use to get the upper hand on others should they need it – and that they only need to gather 3 Wither skulls to do so. Martyn is distrustful of his intentions. Grian, Martyn, Jimmy, Impulse, Mumbo. Grian has the vast majority of lines.
“Debts (instrumental with dialogue)”: Martyn extinguishes Ren’s burning tower and Ren tells him of his alliance and pledge to Lizzie, reminding him of his time in 3rd Life. Martyn, Ren [spoken]
“In Spring We Met”: After returning to the Southlands, Martyn thinks about the conflicting loyalties he feels between the Southlands and the remaining ties he feels to Ren, despite it being a new life. As he falls asleep, the voice whispers to him about betraying the Southlands and forming an alliance with Ren to suit its own goals. Martyn [sung] 
“The Table Song 2″*: The journey of the Enchanting Table is further chronicled, coming into Scott and Pearl’s possession, who then sell it to Lizzie for a life each, putting Scott up to the same number of lives as Martyn, 4. Chorus [sung]; Scott, Pearl, Lizzie [spoken]
“Green, Crimson, Gold”: The Chorus informs the viewers about more of Joel’s situation – loosing four lives in a single session after rolling Boogey, chronicling each one. News of a Red name is spread throughout the server, as is the mantra of staying away from and severing ties with all Reds, as they can’t be trusted. Chorus, all players but Scott and Joel (singing); Joel, Scott, Pearl [spoken] 
“Their Dubious Game”: Scott – now on 4 lives after trading the enchanting table to Lizzie – hears the words being said about Joel, and is also reminded of 3rd Life, recalling how despite his partner turning Red early on, this didn’t seem to lead to a change in loyalties, only capabilities. He begins to realise that this was the case for all Reds back then, and begins to doubt the rules all the players somehow ‘know’. Scott [sung]
“A(ha)lliances (Reprise)”:  Time passes, and Martyn grows closer to the Southlands. However, he’s still meeting up with Ren who offers to introduce him to Lizzie and the rest of the Fairy Fort, potentially considering a betrayal. The Voice prompts him to accept this, as they can be useful in its plan. Martyn, Grian, Jimmy, Impulse, Mumbo, Ren [sung]; Martyn's voice [spoken]
“Their Delicate Game/His Dubious Game”: Martyn comes back from a meeting with Ren just in time for a Southlands meeting, in which Grian informs him and the rest of the Southlands that he has two things to tell them – the first of which is that he’s discovered a way to go beyond the borders of the world. They do so, Grian expressing how it is possible (and enjoyable) to break the rules set out for them – Martyn thinks about this. Grian then informs them of his second piece of news, that Scott and Pearl are in possession of a Wither Skull, and expresses his desire to retrieve it, giving the task to Martyn, Impulse and Mumbo go. They do so – however, Martyn secretly intends to destroy it because of how unprepared everyone is for a Wither fight, and possibly because he’s not entirely on the side of the Southlands, either. Grian, Martyn, Jimmy, Impulse, Mumbo [sung]
“[Unnamed Song]”: The three are found out by Scott, and Impulse and Mumbo flee. Scott informs Martyn that Grian also has a Wither Skull, and Martyn immediately gives the skull back, not knowing Grian already had one. The two talk about their distrust of Grian and his desire to bring complete chaos to the server. However, that night (post-song) the Voice informs him that its goal is to watch the server burn. Martyn, Scott [sung]
“Northern Lament”: Joel, still the only Red, is getting progressively angrier about being treated the way he is simply because he’s a Red name. At the bottom of the mountain, he pledges to get some more allies soon. Meanwhile, Scar, at the top of the mountain, is musing about the same things – he’s also alone because of distrust, but part of the isolation is also because he has the highest life count of anyone, at 7. Joel, Scar [sung]
“The Table Song 3″: The Chorus further chronicles the Enchanting Table’s journey, now in the Fairy Fort, where two members – Ren and BigB – are chosen as the Boogeyman. Team BEST visits and Bdubs gives a life to Lizzie in exchange, giving enchanting to everyone free of charge. Ren manages to kill a member of Team BEST, Skizz, but BigB has not gotten a kill yet, and the session is nearly over. He catches sight of his closest ally Cleo by the side of Ren’s pit trap. Chorus [sung]; Lizzie, Ren, BigB, Cleo, Skizz, Bdubs, Etho, Tango [spoken] 
“Green, Crimson, Gold (Reprise)”: Cleo, now Yellow, arrives at Scott and Pearl’s base informing them of BigB’s Boogeyman kill on her, wanting to cut ties. Scott and Pearl accept (song intro). Meanwhile, Joel is getting desperate for allies, now hunting for Yellows to convert to Red with him. Hearing about Grian’s wither skull, he goes to the Nether, where Grian and Mumbo are building a Ghost farm, and shoots Grian off the edge, turning him Red. BDubs, fighting in the Nether, falls and turns Red too. When heading to Scott and Pearl’s base, a Yellow Cleo is killed by Joel’s trap. Chorus, Cleo, Scott, Pearl, Joel [sung]; Grian, Mumbo, Bdubs, Cleo, Joel [spoken]
20. “Friends”: The Southlands are informed of Grian’s death, and, now Red, Grian is to be exiled from the Southlands. He desperately tries to kill Mumbo as Impulse and Jimmy arrive, asking if they can still be friends, while Scott and Pearl mourn the loss of a friendship with Cleo, and Martyn is introduced to the rest of the Shadow Alliance under the gaze of the Moon, giving Ren a life. Grian, Mumbo, Jimmy, Impulse, Martyn, Scott, Pearl, Ren, Lizzie, BigB, Chorus [all sung]
Act 2:
“Walls”: Grian has been exiled from the Southlands, the stone wall he built separating them. In the Snow Fort, Etho and BDubs build a wall to keep them separate until he can gain a life again. Cleo, wanting vengeance on BigB, meets Scott on the other side of his wall, Scott giving her some sugarcane. Post-song, Grian, Joel and Cleo express their desire to gain lives back from Scar. Chorus, Grian, Bdubs, Etho, Cleo, Scott, Joel [sung]; Grian [spoken]
“Their Will”: Martyn relays the aims of the Voice, which he now interprets as the Moon, to the rest of the Shadow Alliance, who agree with it. Martyn, Ren, Lizzie, BigB [sung]
“Die For Me”: In that Shadow Alliance meeting, Martyn asks if there’s anything recent he should know about the Fairy Fort. They tell him the Fairy Fort has burned down at the hands of Cleo, relaying the tale as a flashback (with mainly Cleo singing). Cleo [sung, major part], BigB, Lizzie, Ren [sung, not many lines]; Martyn [spoken]. Functions as a Cleo solo.
“Promises”/“Coal Mine”*: During a Southlands meeting, Jimmy runs away with Martyn’s life. Martyn chases him, spurred on by the Voice. He lies to Jimmy, telling him they can run away from the Southlands together if he gives him back his life. Jimmy expresses his worry about potentially being the first out again in the process, as this has happened before and he is very vulnerable as a Yellow, and agrees. Martyn runs back with his life straight after. Jimmy, Martyn [sung]; Jimmy, Martyn [spoken]. Jimmy has most of the lines – functionally this is a Jimmy solo.
“[Unnamed Wither Theme (Song: Precursor)]*”: During the day, the Southlanders meet Scott, Martyn bringing up the danger of Grian’s Wither Skull as he’s now Red, and they decide to look for it. As Martyn is called away to a Shadow Alliance Meeting, Impulse manages to find it, and entrusts it to Scott. Scott gives it to the Fairy Fort for safekeeping. Martyn, Impulse, Jimmy, Mumbo [sung]; Scott, Impulse [spoken] 
“Tales: The Wizard On The Mountain”: a Yellow Grian rejoins the Southlands, telling them (especially Martyn, as he did not know when this happened due to his absences) how he and Joel got a life back from Scar, who’s now Yellow himself, in addition to Cleo getting one too and rejoining Scott. Grian [sung]; Joel, Scar, Cleo [spoken] 
“The Trial of Timmy”: The Southlands hold a trial for Jimmy about whether he should be exiled or stay in. They will anonymously vote their verdict in a book, Grian campaigning for Jimmy to leave, while the others, minus Martyn, campaign for him to stay. When it is time for them to vote, Martyn votes him in. Jimmy, Grian, Martyn, Impulse, Mumbo [sung] 
“Our Will Be Done (Precursor 2)”: The Voice is angry at Martyn, asking him why he’s still attached to the Southlands when he wishes to join the Shadow, appearing to him and telling him a demonstration is in order... “Lights extinguish/Begin the Slaughter/Our Will Be Done!” Martyn’s voice [spoken]
Unnamed Song: Grian convinces Impulse to help him gather the three Wither Skulls he needs, Impulse musing about how despite the chaos it’ll bring, he wants to stay loyal to his allies. Martyn notices their actions, but doesn’t attempt to stop them, and distracts Bdubs and Etho while the other two take it. Impulse, Grian, Martyn [sung]; Grian, Martyn, Bdubs, Etho [spoken].
“Red, Crimson, Gold (Reprise 2)/The Boogeyman (Reprise)”: As Grian is distracted by this aim, the other members of the South fall to boogeymen, of which there are six of this session, due to the Voice’s promise. Impulse falls to Yellow at Scott’s hands, and Mumbo and Jimmy both become Red, along with many other players on the server, including Lizzie and once more, Joel. Chorus [sung]; Grian, Impulse, Scott, Mumbo, Jimmy, Lizzie, Joel [spoken]
“You Bet Your Life (Reprise)” – Needing a Boogeyman kill, Bdubs kills Tango at Team BEST’s base, leading Tango to rage and Team BEST to fall apart. Bdubs, Tango, Skizz, Etho [sung]; Bdubs, Tango [spoken]
“Friends (Reprise)”: Returning to the Southlands after their mission, Grian, Martyn and Impulse find the South blown up by Mumbo: mourning the loss of the alliance, they mournfully burn the walls in commemoration, while the trust and alliance between Scott, Pearl and Cleo strengthens. Far away, Etho, with Bdubs once again on the other side of the wall, discovers the missing Wither Skull, suspecting the Southlands. Grian, Martyn, Impulse, Scott, Pearl, Cleo [sung]; Etho, Bdubs [spoken]
“[Unnamed Song]”: Martyn and Grian, now the last two Southland members after Impulse is shot by Mumbo in the Nether and becomes Red, mentally comment about their distrust of the other person and about there being something off about them, Martyn due to the Voice’s seeming hatred of Grian and Grian’s apparent apathy to everything apart from causing bloodshed, Grian because he senses something around Martyn (Watcher powers heh) and his relative absence from the Southlands when they were still around, though he does express a wish to protect their last remaining threads of alliance. They express none of this aloud. Martyn, Grian [sung] 
“When Will You Learn?”: Heading back to the Southlands, Grian and Martyn meet Jimmy and Mumbo, who attack them. Grian kills them both, to Martyn’s shock, and shocked himself, tries to defend these actions. All of a sudden, the Voice appears again and a Boogeyman curse strikes Martyn. Prompted by the Voice (seeming to have a specific hatred of Grian) and by vengeance for Mumbo and Jimmy, Martyn immediately moves to kill Grian. They confront each other about their various actions against the Southlands, and their apparent detachment from it, and talk about their suspicions that the other person knows more than they seem about the nature of the games – as the Voice tries to stop Martyn from inquiring further. Grian says he experiences this alongside his friends as a decision when prompted by Martyn stating he never cared in the first place. He wonders if Martyn would understand the situation due to his position; however, he does not know what Grian is talking about and distrusts him. Angry, Grian tries to leave, calling Martyn nothing but a follower, but after a pause Martyn manages to boogeyman kill him, though the kill is attributed to a nearby Joel. Angry, the voices swell around Martyn and he falls asleep. Martyn, Grian [sung]; Martyn’s voice [spoken]
“[Unnamed Wither Song]”/“When Will You Learn (Reprise)”: The Wither is raised by a Red Grian and Impulse in Team BEST’s base. Etho wants to run, but Bdubs attacks it, giving him the courage to attack too – however, Bdubs loses a life to it, turning Red once more. The remaining Greens and Yellows flock to fight it, Scott among the first, as the Reds join in, trying to kill the other players. The Wither is defeated by Etho; Impulse falls to Scott’s hand, dying permanently. Bdubs expresses his faith that Etho will give him another chance to come back, at which Grian laughs at and declines – loyalty gets you nowhere. Bdubs takes Lizzie’s final life as he was promised a life in exchange for killing a Red; he is shot by Grian as he runs to Etho to inform him of this. Etho reacts etc. Full cast apart from Jimmy, Mumbo, Skizz and Martyn [sung]; Etho, Bdubs [spoken].
16. “Our Will Be Done”: Waking up all alone, Martyn hallucinates his friends, before they are revealed as fake, the Voice in their places. He finally snaps at it, asking why they’re doing this. Why are they speaking to him? Why are they hell-bent on killing Grian? What did he mean? Why does he have to follow it when he wants to do the opposite of what they tell him? Who are they – why should he do anything they say? However, they pacify him, promising that if he does what they say, they will bring Impulse, Mumbo and Jimmy back. Martyn concedes. Martyn [sung]; Martyn, Martyn’s voice [spoken]
17. “Scott’s Elegy”: The Boogeyman curse falls on Scott, and though he’s complied with it once before, he makes a pledge not to succumb to it, as he doesn’t want to kill any more allies with so few lives left in the game. He lets himself turn Red. Scott [sung]
18. “[Unnamed Depressed c!Martyn Song]”: Martyn thinks on Scott’s decision, thinking about how he had the willpower to choose what he wanted to despite the consequences and the will of the world, and about his inability to do the same – he’s pushed around by the Voices without enough willpower to say no, and though he wishes to make choices, he cannot. He thinks about Grian’s words. Martyn [sung]
19. “Our Will Be Done (Reprise)*”: In a meeting of the Greens and Yellows, the Voice tells Martyn to place an End Crystal in the centre as a test for Scott: if he blows it up, he passes, if he doesn’t, he fails. Scott chooses not to, and as Scott turns Red, the voices talking to Martyn become loud and angry, commanding him to kill Scott for disobeying them, yet again promising him the Southlands back if he does. While walking around, Martyn loses his first life to a trap at Grian’s hands. Martyn’s voice, Scott, Martyn, Grian [spoken]
20. “Boogie Boogie Boogie (On The Dance Floor)”: The Chorus informs us that it is the last day. Pearl is chosen as the Boogeyman, rigging a TNT trap on a disco floor, turning Ren’s red. The others quickly fall to the Reds, including Cleo. Pearl, Chorus [sung]. Functions as a Pearl solo.
21. “Martyn’s Stand”: Now left as the last Yellow, Martyn decides he is tired of hiding, deciding make a last stand against everyone. At first humming the start of “In Spring We Met” as a comfort, he heads to a mountain and pouring lava down the sides as a beacon for the Reds. However, though he puts up a good fight, he doesn’t manage to take any of them down before dying himself, marking the server entirely Red. Chorus, Martyn, Pearl, Scott, Ren, Joel, Etho, Cleo, Grian [sung]. Every player apart from Martyn only has one or two lines as a solo – the rest is singing as a group.
22. “Battle Royale”: With the Reds having turned on each other, the four survivors – Pearl, Scott, Ren and Martyn – agree to a Battle Royale to decide the victor. Pearl dies early on, prompting Scott to grieve and resolve to win this fight, no matter what it takes. Martyn eventually falls to his own End Crystal. Only Scott and Ren are left, and they fight to the voices of dead players telling them to play the game. After a long fight, Scott manages to kill Ren, partially due to a zombie which he interprets as the world maybe doing something after all for his defiance. He is crowned the winner. However, the Voice does not like this, the Chorus supporting this, and Scott is stricken dead with heavenly lightning. Chorus (now combined with all dead players), Scott, Martyn, Ren, Pearl [sung]
23. “Plainly Spoken [Epilogue]”: All is silence, and yet Martyn opens his eyes once more, to the Voice and the Chorus, now joined as they are the same entity, informing him how disappointed they are in him, and that he is heading closer and closer to the light. As he asks questions, he is cut off, and they say he will forget all that has happened with them as he and everyone else moves into the next game. Up above, the land is now in the state it was at the start of the first verse of “Middle of Nowhere”, and they are revealed to be those that run the death loop. Chorus/Martyn’s voice (as one) [sung in a spoken way/vice versa]; Martyn (spoken)
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shepscapades · 9 months
Have you ever thought about making a playlist for the DBHAU characters? I'd be interested in what music they all would listen to or songs that relate to them.
WAOUGH thank you for reminding me-- there's actually. okay. okay so, there's actually... (checks writing on hand) 9 DBHC playlists currently LFKGJDLKFG
The way i like to organize playlists is, as i develop a character's lore/think about them more, i tend to put/look for songs that represent moments/feelings throughout their overall story in chronological order, rather than putting things on the playlist that are like, things the character would listen to or just general vibes. So each playlist is built to kinda... take you through their whole emotional journey :3 LFKJGSDFG although!! Usually, i will try to find a song i think is a good overall representation of the vibes, story, and character! Like, a title track :>
I think the only playlist that's currently closest to it's "finished" form or version is Etho's, which i've actually been meaning to share for ages LKFKLFJG but i keep getting this feeling that I would rather write up a quick explanation for what each song represents before I post it here, so i haven't gotten around to that yet :(
Though, there's a link to the Etho playlist in my stream discord LOL so a few people have access to it haha
Just for those who are curious, the dbhc playlists I currently have are:
Etho (Finished! Or like. i would have to find a PERFECT song to fit something new into the song lineup i think)
Tango (This one's pretty close overall... there are some gaps here and there but it's pretty long right now so i need to do some trimming too)
Jimmy (a short collection of vibes i haven't really organized yet)
Ranchers (I dont know if I'll do anything fancy with this playlist yet, it's kind of where i've been dumping songs that i cant quite fit on either jimmy or tangos playlists)
Xisuma (this one just kinda happened, but it's pretty fleshed out right now, especially for s8... not anywhere near finished but i've been listening to it nonstop lately. this man is destroying me rn)
Doc (also just kinda happened. i listen to this one a lot for the bops and vibes because most of the songs on this are kinda. ahem. yknow. he's kinda.)
Bdubs (this one is also kinda short! its got like 8 or 9 songs so i haven't really been focusing on it a lot-- it's kinda where i dump songs that are either hyper-specific for something from bdubs' pov or doesn't quite fit anyone else for dbhc)
Mumbo (this one is really short (5 songs) but i really like the songs on there so far hehehe, i haven't been focusing on it too much since i haven't been thinking about him too much lately but i love the vibes :])
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prael · 4 months
Commission Rules and Info
I'm dumb and I deleted the old one, so...
Link to purchase a commission.
It goes without saying, these are NSFW stories and therefore no one under the age of 18 will be featured, don't even ask.
I am willing to write a variety of kinks, I am not going to list them here, but as long as it's legal and mostly ethical I am willing to consider it.
I will write most members of most mainstream k-pop girl groups such as Aespa, Ive, nmixx, twice etc. and also for some lesser-known groups too, please just ask.
Sometimes writing is easy, sometimes writing is hard. This means I cannot guarantee a delivery time. I'm setting myself a mental target of 1 month, however I could have it ready in 1 week, or it could be 8 weeks. Inspiration and free time are fickle things.
I am still committed to writing my personal projects such as Folie a Deux, your commission will take equal priority alongside this.
Communication around the work will be done in either Tumblr DMs or via Discord. You should always message me first to ensure the piece you want to commission is something I can do.
As the writer, I am supposed to be the creative here, but please feel free to give me as much context as you would like around the setting, character traits and plot. I will try my best to stick to your brief, but also please understand that if something just doesn't work, or is so complex it cannot fit within the word limit, I must take creative liberties to produce a fic in line with my usual standard.
Additionally, providing pics for inspiration is always helpful for me to create the piece that you want.
Fics will be delivered by being posted on my blog. It is still my writing and I will retain control of where it is posted.
If you purchase a commission, it is understood that you know how I write and the standard of work I produce, I will try my best to uphold my standard for every piece I write. However, if you hate it, I cannot offer refunds for work completed.
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bioniczombie · 1 year
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Sims 4: Beta Medieval Overrides
This post is a bit different. I've made some less polished, and frankly not properly tested medieval(ish) overrides for TS4. Basically, I created them quickly to fit in better with a medieval save. I tend to get very hyper focused on one thing (right now it's retexturing), and this is my way of sharing my hyper focus, but that also means I haven't properly tested these in game. Currently there are no mesh replacements.
I plan on updating, and editing this post (and downloads) as I add more, and as I fix any issues (I can't promise how fast I will fix issues).
The links below have both a .zip (all files), and individual .package files (pick and choose).
Again, please keep in mind these are BETA, and not polished/(not all) play tested! I am sharing this for other medieval/historical simmers who want objects to fit in with the time period a little better, even if they aren't "perfect".
Texture credits: Sunni @fracturedmoonlight @simlicious (one of the TS3 defaults, I THINK. It's been too long, I'm sorry!) The Sims Medieval (Burlap, and wood here).
Update: Added some Horse Ranch overrides.
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➨ Download ➨ Alt Download
Sims 3: Beta Quick Medieval Overrides Defaults
Added bonus. I also have a TS3 version of this project. I don't think I have shared this outside of the Making Sims 3 Medieval discord. I did these around a year ago, and I think a few better versions of some of these have been released by other people since then. I don't remember all of what I made, nor do I remember which EPs these are from, as it's been so long since I made these. 😆 The .zip file has thumbnails of the original objects so it's easier to see what they are replacing.
Edit to add some of these have not been tested in game! ➨ Download ➨ Alt Download
You are welcome to polish/edit these, and share if you want! I just ask for some credit.
Be sure to give credit to the creators of the original textures, too!
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