#it was the first thing on my IG earlier I was like WOAH
I have been busy all day. but. that kat mcnamara post had me LOSING IT in public i was SHOOK i am a shadowhunters tv girly and a person SECOND !!! THESE R MY PEOPLE !!!!
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hii!! assuming your matchups are still open, could i get a haikyuu matchup??heres my info!!
basics: hi my name’s aki aka sticks!! im transmasc, have been since i was like, 11. i go by he/him and love men(im gay woah). i listen to vkei, punk and silly rock bands(ex. weezer). i love dogs and seals like sm i cant explain. my clothing style is kinda like..idk how to explain. i wear vampire vkeiish clotning ig. mostly dark colors. black and red<33
personality: intp-t gemini and PROUD💪💪 im very silly online but kinda introverted f2f. i take shelter in my online self a lot. i have ocd and am a BIG perfectionist and overachiever. required amount of sentences is 15? watch me do 30+. you want “just a few” artist recommendations? here have 10 with descriptions and song recs. i live off academic praise. i can switch to “straight A kid” to burnt out emo on tumblr. im def a quality time, phys touch and gifts kiddo. i crochet so like 70% of the gifts i give out are silly keychains.  
appearance: im around 5’10, proud filipino but so many people say i look japanese☹️. i have light brown skin and eyebags. im kinda skinny but i play basketball and workout so im kinda like,, idk..i got arm muscles, just a lump though. i have black hair, like in the appearance above. i usually wear vkei makeup, not too much though sometimes it makes me look fem. i have fairly long eyelashes(i hate them). i dont have piercings, sadly, but i swear ill get some soon(its been 6 years since i first said “im gonna get piercings”) i also have those bayonetta glasses. 
clothing style: very vkei vampirey stuff..kinda punk too but idk. i live in the philipines so layering is like throwing myself in a desert. some people call me a goth and i js stare at them like “nuh uh”. 
hobbies, likes etc: as mentioned earlier, i crochet and play basketball. i also play the guitar(im really bad though). i like dogs, math and sandwiches:3 baby hamsters scare the life out of me why are they so..icky😭😭
Hi Aki! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchup!
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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This was a really close call between Asahi and Tanaka and honestly, I think you’d get along really well with both of them. In the end, I went with Asahi because I think your hobbies align a bit better.
Between his reputation and your aesthetic, you’ve got a reputation as the scariest couple at school. But as soon as people get to know you both, it becomes clear that you’re actually one of the sweetest couples imaginable.
Since you’re an overachiever, Asahi keeps a close eye on you to make sure you don’t get too burnt out. He worries about you sometimes and wants to make sure you’re doing okay.
Please crochet things for him! If you make clothes or keychains for him, he’ll keep them with him all the time. He loves the fact that you took the time and effort to make something for him.
I feel like Asahi is the kind of person who would like making your lunches each day. He’s got your favourite sandwiches memorised so that he can surprise you with a freshly made lunch each day.
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ptergwen · 4 years
Could you write something about Tom going live on IG with his gf? like, they recently went public and the fans freak out about how whipped Tom looks or something like that 👉🏻👈🏻
eep this is adorable 🥺 i def want overboard cuz it’s pretty long uh
“love, you getting in?” tom calls to you from the living room, phone propped up in front of him. “yeah, one sec!” you yell back and join him on the couch. he puts an arm around your shoulders with a kiss to the side of your head. you lean into him more, his fingers running up and down your arm. “you sure you’re ready to do this, hm? we don’t have to,” he says quietly.
it wouldn’t be an understatement to say the entire world has been buzzing about yours and tom’s possible relationship for months already. a few out of context paparazzi pictures sparked the rumors. tom held you protectively by his side while you headed to the car after dinner one night. the moment was captured along with a few other intimate ones as time went on.
there was so much speculation, fans scowering the internet for your social media, trying to figure out who you were and how you knew tom. they’d come up with the wildest theories not just about you two, but about you only. some funny, some creepy, some just completely untrue. you’d come to a point where you wanted to set the record straight.
tom didn’t have any intentions of going public at first. this was exactly why. he already didn’t like what people were saying about you, so he couldn’t and refused to imagine how it would be if he confirmed you’re together. he’d thought he was doing what was best for you until you asked him to break the news to everyone.
he was skeptical of doing so, not wanting to put that attention on you because his experiences haven’t been so great, but you assured him over and over again you wanted this. tom eventually gave in and made a post with a caption the length of an essay to tell everyone about your relationship. he’d only hit post after you read it over and approved everything, of course.
today, you’re going live with him so his fans can get to know you a bit better.
“i’m okay, baby. i think you’re more nervous than i am,” you laugh out and give his cheek a quick peck. “probably. gonna have to learn to share my girl with the world,” tom sighs, keeping his arm tight around you as he leans forward. “they’ll want to steal you away from me.” “other way around, i think,” you retort. he’s forgetting he’s the internationally loved one.
“not after this.” he glances over at you so you lock eyes. “can i start the live?” “go for it,” you agree and watch him press the button. it connects a few seconds later, tom exhaling as he sits back again. going live in general always makes him anxious. having you here, subjecting you to the possible wrath of his followers, spikes his anxiety even more.
you put a calming hand on his knee, which he smiles at. you’re okay, he’s alright, you’ll both be fine. tens of thousands of people flood the live at once. the numbers grow right before your eyes, so much that it’s intimidating. “woah,” you mutter, earning a chuckle from tom. the comments don’t take long to start coming in.
everyone is saying your name in all caps and keyboard smashing. tom likes to wait a little before officially starting, giving himself some time to figure out what to say and things. he grins at you in his camera, you furrowing your eyebrows back. “hey guys,” tom begins as casually as usual. he purposely ignores all the comments yelling at him to explain himself.
he loves messing with the poor people.
“how’s everyone’s day going? we’re great, having a blast over here,” he carries on, pulling you in closer to his chest. “oh, you’re funny,” you mumble and pat his knee. your head is resting on his shoulder while you read the comments from your lopsided angle.
“they’re telling me to talk. should i talk?” you jokingly ask for tom’s permission. “rather you than me,” tom mumbles and presses his lips to your forehead briefly. that sparks more hearts and way more questions. you sit up again to properly adress the half a million people watching you. it’s a fuck ton, definitely not as many as you’d expected.
you’re that popular, huh?
“jeez, there’s a lot of you in here. this is terrifying,” you gasp at the thought, turning to tom. “how do you do this?” “rarely,” he replies and bites back another smile. “i get so stressed.” adjusting yourself so you’re sitting criss cross, you raise your hands in defense. “no, i have too much power right now. i don’t like it.”
“you sound like thanos,” tom decides, bursting into a fit of giggles when you shove at his arm. you then kiss your hand and tap his cheek with it to make up. his skin is warm. “anyways. i guess i’ll, like, introduce myself? i’m y/n.” the fans are cracking up at you two, others dropping the soft eyes emoji. tom makes that same face at you in real time.
“that’s about it. um,” you let out a laugh. “i don’t know. thanks for having me and being pretty nice so far.” he keeps gazing at you while you link your arm in his, your head on his shoulder again. “keep being nice because tom will cry or something if you aren’t.” he’s looking at you with literal heart eyes, a small smile on his lips, listening to your every word.
“seriously though, i hope you guys like me. you seem pretty cool. we-“ you cut yourself off when more comments than earlier spam the screen. “what happened?” you pick up tom’s phone to read them. they alert you of his heart eyes, so you put his phone back down and see for yourself. his small smile becomes a toothy one.
“aw, tommy,” you coo, rubbing your nose against his, tom pecking your lips. “doing good, love.” he can’t help himself. he doesn’t have to anymore. everyone starts shouting iterations of she called him tommy and they kissed, but you’re both caught up in each other at the moment.
by high demand, you join tom for another live soon after this one.
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izumi-fanclub · 4 years
A3! Translation: Chikage SSR Card “Tailor-Made” [Suit of Your Choice]
Chikage asks director for a consultation only she could do in the company, which helps him prepare for a special dinner outing...
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(I finished my work in this city successfully. I’ll be able to go back home to the dorm by the end of today as planned.)
(This should keep me from going on business trips for a while, but other than that my schedule is pretty much the same as usual.)
(Come to think of it, it’s almost that day...)
(I cleared up my business trips early for that day, so work won’t be a problem.)
  -- Phone Rings --
A call at this time of day...
I only have a bad feeling about this.
Thank you for your hardwork, this is Utsuki speaking.
“Good morning. Thank you for going on this business trip. Did you encounter any problems?”
It went smoothly thanks to you. Is something the matter?
“No, I have an urgent request over here. You’re supposed to be coming back home today, right, Utsuki?”
Yes, just as planned.
“In that case, why don’t you go to the next business meeting for me?”
(Now why in the world would I do that? … )
Sure, I don’t mind....
Did something happen?
“Actually, the president of our partner company changed recently. The predecessor's daughter became appointed as the representative director.”
“Utsuki, I think you’ve met her before, haven’t you?”
Oh, uh...
(You mean that woman who was overly friendly with me because she’s got a specific thing for tall men who wear glasses that look good in suits?)
“I think it’ll definitely work better if you’re in charge of that from now on, now that that young lady is at the top.”
..…... I see.
(Well, I don’t feel like riding on this idea, but since I have no choice, I’m prepared to go forward with it.)
I understand. If that’s the case, I’ll take care of it.
“Sorry about that. By the way, the scheduled date is...”
…... Understood.
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Hmm.... It’s finally over!
Good work, director.
Woah, Chikage-san!
When did you get here?
I saw you working hard on your paperwork. Why don’t you take a break and drink some coffee?
Thank you very much, I’ll have some.
Speaking of which... there’s some sweets you can also have. If you want any.
Are you sure?
Why of course.
(Talk about top notch customer service! What’s up with him being this nice...)
…. !  These are really good!
I already feel my fatigue fading away because of its gentle and subtle sweetness.
That’s a relief. If the director likes it that much, then it’s all good.
….. Alright, Chikage-san, did you need something from me, by any chance?
Haha, no need to be so suspicious of me.
I just wanted to hear the director’s opinion.
Is it a gift for someone?
Yes, since our business partner’s a woman, I figured hearing what director had to say would help.
So that’s what’s up. Why didn’t you just say so?
Sorry, sorry.
Ah, director, there’s one more thing I need to ask of you.
It’s got something to do with what I said earlier....
   (Part 2)
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There are more people here than I expected.
Guess it can’t be helped since it’s a holiday.
Yeah, I think so too.
(I wonder what he’s going to ask me about, though...)
(I never would have thought that Chikage-san would ask me to go look at suits together with him.)
   -- Flashback --
--A suit?
I’m thinking of getting a new one.
But Chikage-san, what’s so special in buying more of them if you already own a few?
The woman I talked about earlier,
She's someone who’s very particular about suits.
It’s also a greeting to her as the new person in charge, so I wanted to make a quick decision about it.
Sounds like someone’s really into it.
On the contrary, it’s not something I’m too happy about either....
Actually, I was planning to have dinner out with the Spring Troupe that day.
Ooh, sounds good! But it shouldn’t matter since it’s at night, right....
No, with the people I have to meet, you’d be surprised at how difficult they are to talk to. The first day I visited that company, I wasn’t able to come home on time.
So, to be honest, I don’t think I’ll be able to leave early either.... I don’t think I could get out of there any time soon, but I’ll do what I can.
So, we’re gonna get you a new suit?
Yup. The strategy is to get the other side to like you, make them match your pace, and to finally bring an end to the conversation quickly.
I see.
That’s why I want the director to look at the suits with me from a woman’s perspective.
Alright, if that’s the case, I’ll do my best to help you out!
Thanks, your help’s much appreciated.
   -- End of flashback --
-- Aah, this is it.
Here we are, director.
Y, yeah!
(The atmosphere of this shop is so overwhelming...!
I feel so nervous and I’m not even buying anything.)
Let’s go inside then.
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(It’s incredible to see so many suits lined up like this...! And they all look so high-class, even a layman like me would know...)
…. Is the counter over there?
Wait, Chikage-san.
Didn’t you come here to choose a suit?
Since the woman from the other company’s got this extraordinary interest in men’s suits. I’m going to ask them to make a suit that’s perfectly tailored to my body this time.
Excuse me.
I’m Utsuki, the one you spoke to on the phone the other day.
Utsuki-sama, we have been waiting for you. Now, may I ask you something here?
Understood, please lead the way.
You can choose which fabric you want over here.
….. I see.
(Chikage-san, you’re a natural at this, have you ordered a suit here before?)
Izumi-san, can I have a word with you?
Eh, me?
A, alright!
Which fabric would you like this to be in?
The fabric? Hm, let’s see. Do you think this would look good on you, Chikage-san...?
Well then, this one over here please.
Understood, sir.
…...... It’s nice to wear something that your partner has picked out for you.
Haha, that’s right. If I think about how it’s something that she chose for me, I’ll be able to work harder.
Right, Izumi-san?
(Ah, I’m being played with again...!)
   (Part 3)
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…... Chikage-san, he should be here by now.
Ah, I just received word of him stating that he’s on his way.
(I hope today’s business meeting went well.)
….. !
He just got here, I think.
Speak of the devil.
Thanks. Is Juza helping out at Guy’s place? That’s rare.
Just ‘cuz I heard Chikage-san was coming here tonight. That suit looks really cool on you.
You’re right, it does look good on him. A fully tailored suit is different from the norm after all.
Thank you very much.
Come to think of it, Juza’s working part-time at that shop right now, right?
Yeah. I’ve been working behind the scenes in the background but I’m getting better.
Guy, you also went to that shop I suggested from what I recall. Please let me have a look at your shoes and semi-custom suit when they’re done.
Chikage-san, welcome back!
How did your business meeting go?
I’m back.
Thanks to you, the other party liked it a lot.
The suit was pretty much well received. Because of this, our interactions will go smoothly in the future.
That’s good to hear.
All thanks to the director.
[ Option 1: That’s not true ]
That’s not true, I’m pretty much an amateur when it comes to suit fabrics.
No, If I can get a trustworthy partner like director to choose for me then I couldn’t be happier.
You’re saying that kind of stuff again...!
Haha. But it really helped that you picked for me, thank you.
[ Option 2: It’s different when you wear it. ]
I only saw the fabric at the shop, but when you wear it on like this, the vibe’s different again.
That’s right. At first glance, it just looks like your regular suit, but there’s many different shapes and patterns.
You'd be surprised at how fast shapes and silhouettes go in and out of fashion.
Wow, I didn’t know that! That’s interesting.
If you’re that interested, I’ll have the director pick out a suit for me next time too.
What? Are you sure? If you ever need another suit, please let me know.
Well then, let’s go.
Fufu, everyone’s been waiting for you over there.
Chikage-san, welcome back!
Ooh, so that’s the suit you were talking about.
As expected of a salaryman, he owns the look....
Feels like you’re the only one into it.
You call that an example? Good work ig.
Come on, Chikage, get over here already~
Yeah, yeah.
…..... Spring troupe, you guys were planning to have dinner somewhere else, yeah?
Yup. But when I heard Chikage-san’s work just started, I was planning to postpone it cause I didn’t want to force it.
I suggested that we get together at my restaurant, which could operate at more flexible times, since it was getting late...
I’m glad everyone seems pleased, though.
Fufu, pretty much.
I hope I was able to repay Utsuki for introducing me to a good shop.
I’ll do my best to help at the restaurant tonight to thank Chikage-san for lending me a suit too.
Chikage, wear the tie around your head!
Yeah, no, not with the drip on that suit.
But Chikage-san, you’re really owning up to the look! You look really cool!
I’ll make sure to wear something like that soon enough.
So you’re admitting that you think he looks good in it.
I get it, I get it. You can all stop talking about my suit now.
(Chikage-san, you say that but you don’t look like you’re gloating at all, I’m getting used to your facial expressions more and more.)
What is it, director?
No, it’s nothing.
   Story Clear!
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gureishi · 3 years
Submission from @thedanderewearingmegane
I just imagined how would yoosung react to his After Ending self. I wrote it to comfort myself and probably others too because a lot of us are on the same boat. I can't write fanfictions actually so this is a very rough write up. I was also inspired by some tik tok/ IG reels videos where people were talking to their younger self, and I cant make videos either so I made this. Not gonna lie, I actually cried writing this.
Him:- WOAH *eyes widen* you...you are wearing a white coat, so...so....so...th...this means *stares at his older self with his infinitely widening eyes and his mouth agape*
AE:- * smiles softly and pats his head* yess my lad, you DO become a successful vet you know. To add more, you finish your studies earlier than your peers, and get your own clinic at 25!
They both wordlessly stare at each other for a while, the younger one, out of shock and disbelief that he really has so much of potential in him, and the possibility that he would perhaps someday, be free from living like a zombie, trying to somehow get through the day makes him tear up, the older one watches his younger self, still having the gentle smile on his face. He too can feel his tears welling up, albeit, not as much as the other guy.
Him:- *is awestruck, tears welled up in his eyes finally starts to pour out like a waterfall* *covers his face and lets out a sob*
The older one holds his other self and gets him sit on a nearby chair while he himself sits on his knees and rubs circles on his other self's back who now was sobbing quite loudly
AE:- ah, there there, you really did forget how much of potential you do hold, remember *lifts up his face* if you really were not good at anything you would'nt be studying at SKY in the first place. I know how miserable you are at this moment, i know how hard it is to even do things for your basic self care, i know sometimes you even don't feel like waking up. Its valid to feel depressed by your loved one's loss after all you're just a human. But yeah, it might seem very annoyingly pretentious to hear "everything gets better" right now, but...I'm here to assure you that it does. I AM THE PROOF.
The younger man wipes his tears, his eyes still looked red from all that crying
Him:- t..thank you....
The younger guy notices that one of the other man's eye looks cloudy, unfocused and does not look quite well, he looks at his older self with a curious face, having a hint of worry
Him:- w..wait... what...what happen to your eye
The older guy's gentle smile now turns into a chuckle
AE:- ahh that, yeah...you do go blind in one eye because of a certain incident, but...but *smiles widely at the other guy* you actually wont mind it, infact you are actually gonna feel very proud of it.
This answer makes the 20 year old guy more confused, he for a while thought, "who on earth would be proud of this ?? and why??"
Him:- proud...of it??
AE:- YES! Its because *pointing at the non functioning eye* you got this while you tried to protect a loved one, its the symbol of your selfless love for the people you care for.
Him:- So...so
AE:- Yes! You do get someone you really love more than yourself and they too love you as well.
The veterinian in his mid to late twenties now places his hands on the boy's shoulders, making an eye contact with him, his eyes look passionate, yet there was not an ounce of harshness, just pure joy. He now lets out a small trickle of tear
AE:- just want to thank you for staying so strong despite all of this, thank you very much for making an effort to stay positive despite everything seemed hopeless. You are loved
Rori, I love that you did this.
There's something so poignant about the idea of speaking to your past or future self. I feel very soothed reading this, because I can imagine younger Yoosung's relief and admiration when he sees who he becomes. And I can picture the delight of older Yoosung, who's come so far, and who's relieved and proud to be able to offer his younger self the reassurance he so desperately needed.
You never know where you're going, but it's nice to imagine your future self looking back and wanting to give you a hug.
Because adult Yoosung is brave and strong—and younger Yoosung is, too. He's on his way there.
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finnyboywolfhard · 4 years
Song That The Morning Brings (Chapter Twenty Two)
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
catch up here 
summary: the gang hatch a plan to escape the russian base and a secret is let out. 
warnings: cursing, fluff, angst, violence, spoilers ig 
word count: 4.4k
Y/N climbed her way out first, glancing around the room. Glass cases surround the room, all of which are brimming with canisters of the green liquid. She kept muttering to herself, wondering what the hell it was and cursing some obscenities for the situation she was in. She helped Erica and Dustin out a bit, watching as their eyes looked at everything around them. They all took a moment to look around the room a few times over, scanning for something that would help them. Dustin starts to chuckle a bit, and scurries over to a nearby wall. Both Erica and Y/N follow him over to where one of the little red carts was.
“Do you even know how to drive?” Erica asked Dustin.
“No, he doesn’t. But I do.” Y/N watched as Dustin attempted to turn the key and start the engine.
“You seriously thought they’d just leave keys in there?” Erica pointedly asked Dustin. Y/N agreed with the young girls dumbfounded tone. It was a naïve idea on Dustin’s behalf.
“There’s gotta be a spare.” Dustin said started to search around the cart looking for it. Y/N stays with Dustin at the cart, however she starts to examine it. She looks in the back of the cart and then she looks at some of the walls, shelves and floors around her. She was searching desperately for anything that would help them. Realistically, she had no idea what she was looking for. Maybe a way out, maybe a weapon, maybe the keys to get the hell out.
“Hey guys?”
“Yeah?” Dustin replied for the two.
“How big did you say that Demogorgon was?” Y/N felt her stomach drop. She stood straight up and could only vaguely hear what the other two were saying.
“Big, nine feet or so. Why?” Dustin replied to Erica’s question. All he got was silence in return, this freaked Y/N out a bit, why didn’t she answer? The sound of something unlocking shook her from her daze.
“Holy shit, Dustin.” She said as she saw him opening up a vault where multiple keys were stored, specifically for the cart. “Erica, He found them…” her words trailed off as she turned to look at Erica and she wasn’t there. “Erica?” A loud zapping noise came from behind them, causing the two to leap around in fright.
“What the hell is that?” Dustin screamed toward the smaller girl.
“A deadly weapon, could be useful.” She pressed the button to bring the zap back once more.
“For what?”
“What do you think? Taking down commies, saving your friends.”
“Thought you were more realistic than that, nerd.” Y/N replied, “Besides, we don’t even know where they are.”
“I mean, even if we did, there are a million guards up there with weapons way deadlier than that.” Dustin continued off of his sisters thought. “The best thing we can do for them is get out of here and find help.” This broke Y/N's heart. What if they went and got help, but it was entirely too late? “Our chance of surviving and theirs, rises substantially. Just trust me on this, please?” he pleaded with Erica, and also his sister in a way. He looked to his sister to start and drive the cart. She hesitantly did so, scared for what they might run into.
               They drove for a bit, trying desperately to navigate where to go, with each turn Y/N took she felt more and more helpless. Until she heard shouts in the distance. She turned the engine off and sat for a moment, hearing an ear piercing scream come from Steve. She turned the key back and pressed the pedal to the metal.
“Y/N! What are you doing? We need to get them help, not to get them.”
“Dustin, I love you but you just heard that too. That could not have been good, and if I lose him because I went to get help…” She started saying before tears threatened to spill.
“Let’s go.” Dustin said from next to her. She continued to drive near where the screams and shouts were coming from. On quick thinking, she turned around and went back to the room filled with the mysterious green substance. She had each of them grab a few.
“Listen to me, we’re gonna go near an entrance and we’re gonna smash them all,  create a distraction. Then, we’ll go grab them and get the hell out.”
“Are you sure that’s gonna work?” Erica piped in for the first time in a bit.
“No, but I think it’s worth a shot.” They loaded up the goo and she went to where she could hear the most voices. She had them all toss them out onto the floor, making sure that they shattered. Once one did, a chain reaction started. Guards started to notice the ruckus, and she got out of there as quick as she could. Once back inside the maze of hallways, she listened for the familiar voices of Steve and Robin, and tried desperately to remember where the sound came from. She heard Steve’s chuckle a few rooms down. She didn’t know what took over but she whipped around a corner once the alarm started blaring, signaling all of the men to the source of the alarm. She saw the room ahead. She stopped the cart and turned the engine off, rushing to get out and into the room. Dustin takes the weapon from Erica’s hands and charges into the room with it already turned out. He lets the weapon shock the man in front of Steve for a long time before eventually stopping as the man was seizing on the floor. Y/N immediately got to work on the ropes that were tying them together. She could barely see either of their faces, but she knew she needed to get them out of these first. Once the knots were undone, she looked up at Steve.
“Stevie, your face.” It was the worst it’s been after a fight yet. Blood was stained against his face, with fresh blood coating the top. There was blood soaked into the uniform across his chest.
“Hey! Y/N! I was just talking about you.”
“Get ready to run. Both of you” Y/N said looking up at the two sitting in front of her. She got them completely undone and reached out her hand to help him up. He was stumbling a bit, but she thought he might just be concussed. “Come on! We gotta get out of here.” She helped Dustin and Erica load the two gangly teenagers into the back of the cart. Y/N got into the driver’s seat once again, and began maneuvering her way out immediately.
“Jesus! Slow down!” Steve yelled from the back.
“Yeah! What is this? Is it the Indy 500?” Robin quipped up alongside Steve.
“It’s the Indy 300.” Steve corrected her.
“No dingus! It’s 500!”
“It’s 300!”
“Let’s say a million!” Robin responded once more. The two both started uproariously laughing at that mediocre joke. Y/N couldn’t help but turn around to peer through the grate at the two in the back. Something was up with them.
“What is wrong with them?” Erica yelled.
“I don’t know!” Y/N responded in a scared voice.
“Y/N, watch out!” Y/N let her worry get the better of her as she crashed the cart into a bunch of the same metal barrels Steve knocked guards over with earlier. Everyone slammed  forward, the two in the back causing the metal grate to reverberate sound. Groans filled the stale air.
“You guys alright back there?” Dustin asked nonchalantly. The three upfront grabbed the two from the back despite their desperate protests to stay back there. Y/N was attempting to stabilize them as they were walking. Dustin walked over and used the keycard to open the elevator. They all climbed aboard, except Y/N was worried about her two coworkers. With one more swipe, the elevator began hoisting itself upwards to the surface once again. Robin and Steve were goofing around on some of the trolleys that were in the elevator. They couldn’t stop laughing.
“You look like you’re surfing!” Robin shouted directly to Steve.
“Woah! Yeah!” He said, trying to emulate the motions of surfing more extravagantly.
“They seem drunk.” Erica said.
“Why would they be drunk?” Dustin asked in response.
“This certainly isn’t as simple as drunk.” Y/N said dismissing both of their responses. She gets cut off by Steve falling off the trolley into a bunch of boxes. She immediately ran over to him, her brother following closely behind.
“Stevie, oh my god.” Y/N let the words fall from her mouth. Dustin laid his hand across Steve’s forehead.
“He’s burning up.”
“You’re burning up.” Steve slurred back. Dustin started examining other parts of Steve’s face, especially looking deep into his eyes. Steve kept trying to squirm away and whispered no, but Dustin just proceeded.
“His pupils are super dilated.” Dustin exclaimed towards both Y/N and Erica.
“Maybe he’s drugged.” Erica responded out. Steve’s hand came forward towards Y/N’s face.
“Boop!” Steve said after touching his finger to her nose.
“Stevie, are you and Robin drugged?”
“How many times dad? Y/N and I don’t do drugs, it’s only marijuana.” Steve let out in response. The girl cringed at the fact that he just said that aloud. Dustin took quick glances to both Steve and Y/N, while her shoulders tensed up and her face became scrunched.
“This isn’t funny okay, We need to know what they did to you.” Dustin demanded Steve. “Are you gonna die on us?”
“Boop!” Steve once again tapped Y/N’s nose, ignoring Dustin’s question completely. From the other corner, Robin finally spoke again.
“We all die, my strange little child friend. It’s just a matter of how and when.” She smiled towards Dustin, twirling her hair while she said it.
“They’re gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car.”
“Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?” Steve and Robin discussed food for a second.
“Wait! My car! Um, the keys are in Scoops I think.”
“We’re not gonna have time to go there and get out, we need his keys.” He turned away from Y/N and back to Steve. “yes, you can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell where your car is parked.”
“Uh-Oh!” Steve said in a sad manner.
“What do you mean uh-Oh?” Y/N asked gently.
“The car’s off the board.” Dustin responded with a what and Steve continued, “they took the keys. The Russians, they took the keys.” Steve started messing around with his pockets, showing how empty they were. Both Steve and Robin start laughing at the misfortune once again. “That’s a bummer right?”
Erica, Dustin and Y/N share a few looks before attempting to get the other two off of the floor so they can get the hell out of the elevator. The only problem was the next course of action. As they walked into the fresh air, robin began cheering out.
“Oh my god! That tastes so good!” The girl began to lap up the air with her tongue. “Steve, can you taste the air?” Not long after the boy joined her in eating the air. They start walking towards the exit gate when multiple armed men start walking into it. Dustin turns everyone around, and they wrangle the two drugged ones. They race into the mall, once inside Dustin leads them all into the movie theater to hide.
“Where are we going?” Erica yells to him.
“Just trust me!” The group sneaks into the complex and then into a theater showing Back to The Future. No one even noticed when Steve grabbed a bag of popcorn right from the trash can. The movie is playing on the big screen, just as Dustin drags Steve and Robin to open seats in the front row. He turns to his sister and says,
“You sit here with them, make sure nothing happens.” She takes on the job with her complete energy. Him and Erica disappear to the other side of the theater. Y/N watched as the two stared at the screen with glazed over eyes and open mouthed smiles. They were transfixed. Even all bloodied up and bruised, Steve was still the most attractive man she had ever seen.  However, the rush of having to pee came into her system fast and hard. She hadn’t even noticed that she hasn’t peed in nearly two days. She turned to the two beside her.
“Do not move. I will be right back, I have to pee.”
“Okay, Y/N/N we won’t.” Steve replied with an overbearing softness.
“Yeah Y/N/N, we won’t!” Robin repeated Steve.
The girl found her way out of the theater without being seen and ran right to the bathroom. She sat down on the toilet and let it all out. She put her uniform back on, and then sat down again. She needed a moment of peace. A break from the hecticness of the evening. She took a few deep breaths before she heard the door slam against the walls and multiple footsteps running in. Soon enough she heard retching in the stalls beside her. She ran out of her stall and saw both Steve and Robin throwing up. She ran beside Robin to hold her hair back. The two puked for a bit before both of their nausea dissipated. She stayed silent, letting them have a few moments to breath and relax from what just happened. She stood up and walked to sit against the wall outside of the stall. Robin sprawled herself out on the floor and Steve sat comfortably against the toilet.
“The ceiling stopped spinning for me.” Robin broke the silence. “Is it still spinning for you?”
“Holy shit, no.” Steve replied out.
“Do you guys think you puked it all up?” Y/N asked them, gauging how they were doing.
“Maybe, ask me something.” Robin said in a calm tone. “Interrogate me.”
“Okay, interrogate you, sure.” Steve said, sounding more like him by the second. “When was the last time you peed your pants?”
“Today.” She let out blankly.
“When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw.” They both started giggling, and Y/N joined in as well without even realizing it. “It was just a little bit though!” Robin said through laughter.
“Yeah, it’s definitely still in her system.” Steve said rubbing his eyes.
“Alright! My turn!”
“Okay, hit me.”
“Have you…” Robin pulls in a harsh breath, “Ever been in love?” Y/N’s whole body tensed. She didn’t want to hear this. She didn’t want to hear that he had only ever loved Nancy and that he didn’t love her as well. Even if he did, he wouldn’t say it right now would he? Y/N adjusted the way she was sitting, in case she had to get up and leave in the middle of his answer.
“Uhh, yeah, I have. Twice.”
“Twice?” Y/N spoke back.
“First, Nancy Wheeler, first semester, senior year.” He fakes a gun shot sound as he points his hand to his chest. This is what she was waiting for. This was the pain she knew she would feel.
“Oh, my god. She’s such a priss.”
“Turns out, not really.” Steve added dully.
“She’s actually kinda badass.” Y/N adds in.
“Are you still in love with Nancy?” Robin asked. ‘Yes.’ Y/N thought to herself.
“No. I’m not.” Y/N felt her whole body tense. No?
“Why not?”
“I realized that I’ve been in love with someone longer. It just took me too long to realize it. You see, there’s this girl. And we had a falling out for a bit. But then, she came back in my life full swing. She’s so smart, and funny, and strong. She’s so gorgeous. Dustin keeps telling me to find my Suzie.”
“Who is Suzie?”
“This girl from camp, I guess she’s his girlfriend. Anyway, I don’t think I need to find her. I already did. She just…She’s different and I fucked it up the first time. But there was this night back in December where it just clicked. She’s the only one who has ever believed in me, and I love her so much.”
Y/N thought back to the night of the snowball. She thought back to the moments they were talking about what happened between the two of them, and how they reconnected.
“I’ve apologized for what I said. I don’t even know why I said it. Maybe I thought that it would snap you back to reality. Even then, I didn’t hate you. I don’t think I’ll ever hate you. I believe in you too much.” Y/N wrapped her arms around herself and waited for his response.
“You’re the only one who ever has.” Steve said quietly.
It didn’t take a genius to realize who Steve was talking about, but rather than face it now, Steve instead said, “What about you Robin?” She didn’t answer Steve at first, rather she tucked her face between her legs. “Robin? Did you just OD in there?” Steve said from the other side of the stall. Steve slid down under the stall to sit across from her and Y/N moved closer to the stall.
“The floors disgusting.” Robin finally spoke again.
“Yeah, well, I’ve already got a bunch of blood and puke on me so.”
“Rob? Have you ever been in love?” Y/N asked, setting her hand on Robin’s shoulder.
“Maybe not love, but really strong like.” She spoke quietly.
“Who is it?”
“Do you remember what I said about Clicks class? About me being jealous and like, obsessed?” Y/N looked between Robin and Steve, clearly missing a piece of the puzzle. She knew that they had had that class with one another, but she couldn’t figure out where this was going. Steve shakes his head.
“It isn’t because I had a crush on you.” Robin takes a breath, trying to calm down her nerves which were clearly skyrocketing. “It’s because…she wouldn’t stop staring at you.” Y/N felt her whole body go still, Robin was coming out to them. She was endlessly proud and happy for Robin that she was letting it all out.
“Mrs. Click?” Steve asked, almost causing Y/N to laugh, but she stopped herself and let Robin take over once more.
“Tammy Thompson.” Robin let out in a hushed sentence. Y/N let her hand go to grab Robin’s, giving it a soft squeeze, to show that she was there for her. “I wanted her to look at me. But she couldn’t pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair.” This caused Y/N to let out a soft laugh. “And I didn’t understand because you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor. And you asked dumb questions. And you were a douchebag! And you didn’t even like her and … I would go home and just scream into my pillow.” Robin finally concluded her story. Steve still had a confused look on his face.
“But Tammy Thompson’s a girl.” He said in return.
“Steve.” Robin whispered and looked into his eyes, yet he still looked confused.
“Stevie…” Y/N said at the same whisper and inflection. That’s when it clicked for him.
“Oh…” He sat for a second, as she repeated the word. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah, holy shit.” The three sat in awkward silence for a moment, all thinking about the confessions that were left on the table.
“Steve, did you OD over there?” Robin asked, reciting his joke from earlier.
“No, I just, uh- just thinking.”
“What’re you thinking about?” Y/N asked him.
“I mean, yeah. Tammy Thompson, you know, she’s cute and all, but…I mean…she’s a total dud.” Steve spoke out. Y/N cracked a smile for that one, noticing Robin’s quick defenses.
“She is not.”
“Yes she is! She wants to be like a singer. She wants to move to like Nashville and shit.”
“She has dreams!” Robin said in attempts to defend her again.
“Except she can’t even hold a tune! She’s basically tone deaf. She can barely sing without sounding like…like…” Y/N said, trying desperately to think of what she sounded like. Steve began mocking how she sings, Y/N joining in. Robin started laughing telling both of them to shut up.
“She doesn’t sound like that!”
“She sounds exactly like that.”
“We were doing a great impression of her.” Y/N said applauding her and Steve’s imitation.
“You both sounded like muppets!”
“That’s it! She sounds like a muppet!” Y/N said, finally completing her thought from earlier.
“She sounds like a muppet giving birth!” Steve exclaimed as well. The three all started laughing before Steve started the song once again to mock Tammy’s awful voice. They were cut off from their laughter and singing by Dustin slamming the door open and storming into the bathroom.
“Okay! What the hell!” Dustin shouted at them. All three of them started laughing once more, unable to take Dustin seriously after what just happened.
“Calm down Dusty, I went pee and then they came in and threw up. I have been taking care of them and I made sure I wasn’t seen. It’s okay, I promise.”
“Well we need to get out of here and fast or else they will find us.”
“The movie is probably almost over, let’s just get out then.” Robin said, trying to calm Dustin down a bit.
They surrounded the door, leaning against one another in attempts to see when the crowd was leaving the theater. A swarm of people started to exit the theater doors.
“And…blend.” Dustin said leaving the bathroom. The rest of the group immersed themselves in the crowd, trying to look as normal as possible. They kept up the pace of the rest of the crowd her were swiftly approaching the exit.
“Well, shit. That worked.” Erica stated, clearly not thinking it was going to.
“Of course it worked.” Dustin’s voice was laced with confidence. “We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home here we come.” Y/N was excited at the thought of all of this being over, at least for a night. She knew that it was never gonna be fully over seeing as they were opening the gate, but that was a problem for tomorrow. A problem for after sleep.
“Uh, Dustin?” Steve said just as Y/N was about to say something.
“We might not want to go to your guys’ house.”
“And why is that?” Y/N said voice laced with concerns.
“Well, I might have told them Dustin’s full name.”
“You did what?” Y/N said, voice rising a bit higher than she should’ve.
“What is wrong with you?”
“Dude! I was drugged.” Steve said in attempts to find some innocence.
“So?” “SO you resist! You tough it out. You tough it out like a man.” Dustin claimed.
“Dusty, how would you even know how to tough it out like a man?” Y/N mocked her little brother.
“Seriously, that’s easy for you to say.” Steve said trying to defend himself. Y/N could tell that he was getting a little worked up. He had the tendency to do that with Dustin, they would bicker and get heated. Y/N was usually the mediator, and more than likely in charge of calming them both down.
“Guys?” Robin spoke up from the other side of the pack, her voice filled with concern. She grabbed Dustin and Erica and pulled them back gently. Y/N and Steve stopped in their tracks as they noticed what she did. Standing only a few feet in front of them there was a few of the Russian men checking ID’s and asking people questions as they were leaving. There would be no way that they could get past them.
“Abort.” Dustin spoke, slightly too loud. The man looked over and noticed the group standing there. Fear flooded through each and every single one of their bodies. The group started to slowly back away from the crowd, in attempts to get themselves away from the Russian guards blocking the exit.
“Abort! Abort!” Dustin kept yelling to the group. Robin led the way, weaving through all of the people trying to find somewhere to go. They all ran to the escalators, thinking maybe they could find a way out from down there.
“Shit.” Steve whispered yelled right behind Y/N. They got to the escalators and they were turned off and roped off.
“Uh, okay.” Robin said in a fearful tone. Her language was becoming sparse and scared, something none of them had heard from Robin yet. Steve looked back and saw the men finding their way through the crowd just the same as they had. Y/N looked over to him, seeing it in his face how truly scared her was. But her attention was pulled away by Robin going down the center of the escalator like a slide.
“Okay, come on, let’s go!” Steve said, rushing everyone to do the same. One by one they flung themselves down the makeshift slide. They all rushed to hide behind the counter of The Great Cookie. Once hidden, they could hear the guards speaking thick Russian into their walkies. Every second felt like it was one second closer to death. The men’s footsteps were very prominent. The thick black boots they were wearing essentially pounded against the floor. Suddenly, one of the men’s voice was heard far closer than it had yet.
Y/N instinctively grabbed for both Steve and Dustin’s hands, clutching them both as if it was the last time she was doing so. Her breathing became unsteady and inconsistent. They had been found and there was no way that they could escape this. The guards footsteps took on a synchronized pattern as they stepped closer and closer to the counter they were behind. Everyone jumped as the sound of a car alarm started wailing in the court. It was going crazy, drawing the attention away from the hidden group. The car was bouncing and honking, it was uncontrollable and an out of this world phenomenon. The car flew across the food court, knocking down the guards as it flung across. All of the men, knocked cold and presumably dead. The group rises up slowly from behind the counter, Y/N still clutching one of Steve’s hands. Their eyes slowly panned around to look at the men on the floor, the still rattling, yet torn off cap, to the car that was now overturned and finally up to the balcony where the party was standing as well as Jonathan and Nancy. Smiles of relief took over Dustin and Y/N’s face.
 taglist: @mochminnie @queen1054 @prettysbliss @voidnarnia
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davidobitch · 4 years
16 w colby? your writing is 10/10 would recommend
first of all, i’m so so so sorry this took forever. and it’s probably shit. my brain is literal mush and i’ve been trying to write this forever and nothing i wrote was good enough. But if yall like this enough maybe i could pull off a part 2 somehow???
anyways requested from here
“Dude, hurry up. We’re gonna make it there by next year if you keep taking your time!” Sam yelled at Colby, hoping it would make him move faster. “We’re literally going to be in the middle of the woods, why the hell are you making yourself look good?” 
“Bro what if we run into some cute girl? I don’t want to be looking like a mess.” Colby said, poking his head out the door, “I gotta stay impressing.”
Sam’s eyes widened, laughing at what his best friend just said, “Colby! We’re gonna be in the woods!” 
Colby rolled his eyes at Sam and finished getting ready, only to see that Sam was busy editing a video. “Wow so now that I’m ready to go, you decide to edit your video?” Colby joked, shaking his head at Sam.
“Ok ok,” Sam threw his hands up in surrender, “Let me just save this and I’ll be down in a second.”
“I’m gonna have to stop for gas, we’re almost on E,” Sam shouts over the music blaring through the car speakers. Colby nods as he pulls into the gas station. The boys venture into the convenience store while they wait for the car to fill up.
“Are there bears?” Jake questions as he trails behind the group, “What about mountain lions?”
Corey and Jake started arguing about woodsy animals when Corey slightly shoved Jake into the aisle.
Colby turns around from the counter just in time to see Jake falling into another person, “Dude watch wh- woah hey are you okay?” His hands reach out to help them off the floor.
Words couldn’t describe the feelings rushing through Colby’s body at this very moment. Amazement. Nervous. Flustered. Infatuated even.
His eyes were glued to the girl in front of him. The most beautiful girl he’s ever seen in his entire lifetime. Long black hair, her tanned skin making her blue eyes appear almost as bright as the morning sky.
“Oh shit, my bad,” Jake chuckles, pulling Colby back to reality, “It was his fault,” He said, pointing his finger at Corey, who already had his jaw to the floor and his hand covering where his heart is.
“I did no such thing, sir!” Corey practically shouts, causing the cashier to yell at the group to stay quiet. 
Your face grew redder by the second when you caught Colby still looking at you. Should I say something? 
“Sorry, I’m Colby,” He blurts out, almost like he read your mind, “That’s Jake, Corey, and Sam,” pointing to each friend as they were named off.
“(Y/N), and this is my sister McKenna,” you step to the side, introducing her.
Neither you nor Colby took your eyes off each other while everyone made small talk.
“Yo, we gotta go, if we want to get there before dark,” Sam says as he throws his arm around Colby’s shoulder guiding him out the doors, “It was really nice running into you.” 
“I see what you did there,” you chuckle, shaking your head, “It was nice meeting you guys. We have to get going, too,” You and your sister start walking away from the boys as they do.
Just as you were about to reach your car, you glanced over one more time to see Colby, once again, looking at you, but this time a smile plays on his lips as his eye drops down to wink at you. 
“Why didn’t you tell him you were a fan?” You sister asks on the drive home.
You shrug your shoulders, not really having an answer, “I don’t know. I kind of just froze up,”
It was silent for a couple more minutes until you realized how stupid you were, “Oh my god,” you groan out, throwing your head against the seat, “I didn’t even ask for his number. I’m such a pussy!”
Your sister laughed next to you, agreeing with your statement, “Dm him on instagram! Maybe he’ll actually see it and reply?”
You were hesitant at first. With your luck, he wouldn’t see it and all you would have to remember is the 5 minute interaction.
“Fuck it,” you mumbled under your breath before pulling your phone out. 
your/ig: hi. so this is probably totally weird, but we ran into each other earlier today and i really don’t know where i’m going w this. but i guess i’m shooting my shot?
Letting out a deep sigh. you crossed your fingers in hopes that he would see it.
“Any update?” you heard your sister ask as she took a seat next to you on the couch. You shook your head, not bothering to check your messages again.
It’s been 3 days since your run in and Colby hasn’t replied back, let alone even read your message. You knew not to get your hopes up, but part of you had a feeling that just this once, things were going to go your way.
Your sister drops the subject and turns her attention to the movie you put on. About half way through you ended up dozing off but were suddenly woken up by your sister letting out a blood curdling shriek and shook you awake, “(Y/N)! Wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!” You were blinded by the light bouncing off your phone onto your face, “You phone kept beeping and it was annoying me so i went to go turn the volume off and-”
When your eyes finally adjusted to the small screen in front of you finally saw what she was getting overly excited about.
“Holy shit, she dmed me” you muttered under your breath, “McKenna he fucking dmed me!” This time your voice was booming.
colbybrock: hey! I hope you’re still shooting your shot. We just got back from our trip, otherwise i would have replied a lot sooner
colbybrock: i’m glad you dmed me. I was stupid enough to not ask for your number. 
“Are you gonna message him back?” McKenna squeals, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
Just as you went to reply, Colby started typing another message to you, “He’s typing!” you shout, accidentally throwing your phone across the couch.
Your phone went off, signaling the message from Colby.
colbybrock: here’s my number. It’ll be easier than instagram lol
“Wow my sister is dating a famous youtube boy,” McKenna jokes, shoving you lightly.
“Kenna, he literally just sent me his number. Don’t be crazy,” you roll your eyes. 
But maybe eventually.
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blu-joons · 5 years
BTS Reaction: They Find That You’ve Fainted
Your music rang through the house as Jin came up to the front door. You always played it far too loudly, despite Jin’s begs to turn it down and not disturb the neighbours you never listened. He unlocked the door, the light still on, struggling to find you. “Y/N?” He called out, walking into the bedroom to try and find you.
“Y/N!” Panic ran through him as he saw you collapsed on the floor. “Wake up jagi, please, come on.” He kneeled beside your body, tapping at your shoulder, feeling around your neck for a pulse. “Just open those eyes, give me a sign you’re alright.”
He became frantic, sliding his hand into your own, squeezing it gently. He prayed the feeling of his touch would be enough to bring you around. He sat, and he waited, until he noticed your eyelids flutter open.
“Jin,” you whispered, shutting your eyes once more, “what happened?” He smiled down at you in relief, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“I think you fainted baby, but you’re alright now. Take a minute, you’re alright.” He stayed by your side until you were finally feeling more like yourself, slowly sitting up with his hand resting on the small of your back. “Can I get you anything?”
You shook your head, leaning onto his chest. “I’m fine, I just need you right now. I don’t even know why this happened, I thought I was fine.”
“You’re going to be fine now, I’ll look after you, I won’t let this ever happen again.”
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His heart pounded as he lay next to your body. He’d put a pillow under your head, prepared a glass of water for whenever you woke up, just hoping that you’d come round soon. His arms caught you as you collapsed onto the bed, your tired frame limp in his touch. “Woah!” He cried out, laying your fragile body down.
“I know I sleep a lot, but you’re sleeping too much now jagi,” he teased, running his hands over the top of your head. “I can’t believe all your stress has built up to this, how have I not noticed?” He blamed himself, seeing your body.
You’d tried to get him to help you a few times but instead he chose the studio. All the times he’d turned you away replayed in his head, knowing that your unconscious figure was finally given you the time you needed to relax.
At first he felt you squeeze your hand, followed by your whispers. “I’m tired.” He pulled you into his chest, running his hand along your back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to faint.”
“What? You’ve got nothing to be sorry for? This is all my fault, I’ve ignored your feelings for far too long, I’ve ignored your cries for help, I’m a terrible boyfriend.” You frowned, leaning over to press a kiss to the side of his face.
This wasn’t his fault, you knew that. “You’re the best boyfriend in the world, please don’t blame yourself Yoongi, I’m going to be just fine.”
“You are, because I’m going to look after you, you come first, always.”
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All eyes fell on you as your body collapsed backstage at the gig. You’d been stood for a few hours having watched the rehearsal earlier on in the day, your body unable to take anymore. The staff were quick to notice, finding Hobi wherever he was. He was soon located backstage, sprinting as soon as he heard. “Take me to her right away.”
“Oh, sunshine,” he sighed, noticing your figure as you began to come round. “I’m so sorry, I can’t believe that this happened.” He took your hand in his, noticing how weak your body still was, he didn’t want you to move too much. “Don’t speak.”
The staff around got you a glass of water and a cushion, making you more comfortable. Hobi helped you to move around and relax, not letting you out of his sight the entire time as the arena began to clear up.
“Hobi, I’m fine,” you assured him, guilted that you were keeping him from his job. “Go and do your thing, I’ll be well looked after here.”
“Absolutely not. I’m making sure you sit here and stay here. Why didn’t you sit down jagi? I wouldn’t have minded ig you were struggling.” You chuckled, pulling him into a tight hug, feeling his hands run through your hair.
You pressed a kiss to the side of his face, “I didn’t want to miss a thing, I’m so proud of you, I wanted to be able to watch it all.”
“Your health is always the most important, please take care of yourself first next time.”
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His mind was racing as he ran over to your collapsed figure on the kitchen floor. His dinner was spoiled, but he couldn’t have cared less as he turned you into the recovery position, turning the stove off too. His hands ran through your hair, sighing as you looked so tired. “Baby, wake up.”
“Take all the time you need, find that energy and open those eyes for me jagi,” he whispered, brushing the hair out of your face, bringing your arms round to try and help you recover. “Keep pushing, I’m going to be right here to look after you.”
As time passed he began to worry more, thinking of all the things that could have caused this. Sure you got tired, so did everyone, not to the point where you could faint surely. A few minutes later, he watched as your body shifted, slowly waking.
“There she is,” he chuckled, greeting you with a warm smile. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were struggling? You shouldn’t have gone through this alone.”
“I didn’t think I was going to faint, sure I’ve worked late, missed a few meals, but I didn’t think it would cause all of the harm. I just wanted to get things done, it was never my intention to put myself in this position.”
His head nodded, leaning on top of yours. “I understand jagi, but now I hope you’ve realised that you need to take care of yourself more, and at least let others help you.”
“I will, I promise, I know I do.” 
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He went about his day at the studio as normal, perfecting his routines in front of the mirror. He knew you were sat in his dorm, playing games, waiting for him to finish up. The rest of the boys were out doing their own thing, when the door flew open. “Jimin hyung, come quick, it’s Y/N, we think she’s fainted!”
“Where?” He followed Jungkook down to his dorm, the door open, your body laid across the floor. He came down, everyone else leaving him alone. “Jagi, you’re okay, I’m here.” He tried to stay calm, but on the inside he was terrified.
His hand held yours, knowing you would come round in a few minutes. The longer the waited the more he panicked, there must have been something that triggered it, he just didn’t know what. Slowly, your eyes fluttered open.
“Jimin?” You asked, your eyes trying to work out the figure sitting beside you. “Why am I on the floor?” He chuckled, cupping your cheeks.
“You fainted jagi, luckily Kookie found you.” He laid down beside you, seeing the worried expression on your face. “But you’re alright now, I’m here to look after you, I’m not going to let anything like this happen ever again.”
You nodded, sniffing back a few tears that threatened to spill. “I was so scared, I had no idea what had happened to me.”
“You’re safe, there’s no need to be scared anymore jagi.”
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The bright lights took you by surprise, what was before you was a blur, with the exception of the familiar feeling of Taehyung’s hand tightly gripped in yours. He hadn’t even notice you wake up beside him, staring off into the distance thinking of all the reasons why something like this could have happened.
“Tae,” you mumbled, the sound of your voice making him jump. He looked down at you, releasing a huge sigh of relief, kissing the top of your head. “Did I faint?” You asked, a little uncertain, still a bit sore and dizzy.
He smiled across at you, nodding his head sympathetically. “I’m afraid so jagi, I literally went to answer the front door and came back to find you like this. Were you tired? Or have you been feeling unwell? Can you think of anything?”
“No, I’ve been feeling fine, I don’t understand.” Taehyung pulled you into his chest, understanding how overwhelmed you were by it all. “I’ve been looking after myself, eating sleeping, nothing out of the ordinary.”
His lips pressed to the top of your head to silence you. “I know it’s a lot to take in, perhaps it was just one of those things, don’t worry yourself.”
“You’re right, I’m fine now, I don’t need to worry.”
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He unlocked the door to your home, the lights were on, a sign that you were home. His eyes darted around trying to find you, but you were nowhere to be seen. He sighed, inspecting further, walking around the furnishings, finding your body, unconscious behind the back of the sofa. “Y/N?”
“Babe?” It was only when he knelt down did he realise you weren’t just asleep, lightly shaking your body. “Come on jagi, I’m here, let me know you’re alright please, I’m begging you.” He didn’t want to make things worse, but he was beyond desperate.
He needed a sign, just anything to reassure him you were fine. He inspected every inch of your body, just for any sort of sign. Eventually he noticed your leg begin to twitch, your head moving before your eyes opened, throat clearing.
“Kookie,” you mumbled, bringing your eyes up to rub your eyes. “When did you even get home?” He chuckled, shaking his head at you.
“That should be the least of your concerns right now, jagi you’ve fainted, we need to know what’s happened.” He kissed the tip of your nose, running his hand along your cheek. “Is there anything you’re not telling me?”
You wanted to say no, but you could see in his eyes how desperate he was to reach out and help. “I have been struggling with stress, but I thought I was coping with it, well I did, and then obviously all of this happened.”
“Jagi, never struggle alone, let me in, I’m here to help.”
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eye-raq · 6 years
Open your mouth Princess.
Erik Stevens Request Fic.
Warnings: SMUT, Soft boi Erik, extra ass Erik, a little funny and it’s for my girl @littlesunflwrr
Summary: Kristina kept posting pictures of herself with her tongue out on social media, different dudes commenting saying how much they would LOVE to put something on it, getting Erik real mad. like, BIG MAD.
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“Kristina, Kristina, Kristina.”
She was testing him. Just because she was a fine ass bitch; looks that could kill, doesn’t mean that she could sit up here and post pics with her tongue out. (“You just love poking that fucking tongue out girl.”)She had her tongue out while laying in bed, cleavage all out, she had her tongue out while that ass was arched over the bathroom sink in the mirror, she was a damn tease. (“Let me go teach this girl a lesson real quick, damn.”) Erik slipped on his blue and black Jordan 1’s, black hoodie up, and black shorts to match. He was gonna pay this girl a visit tonight.
*knock knock* Kristina was cuddled up in her plush bean bag, poetic justice playing on her tv. She had her hair up in a bun, little pink panties on and a cropped distressed T-shirt. She slipped on her slippers, walking to her front door to look through the peep hole. She eyed him, leaning back against the wall, eyes trained on that very peep hole, curiosity rising. Usually Erik would let her know when he was stopping by, but from the look of him, he seemed rather irritated about something. She unhooked the latch, opening the door swiftly, “hey baby, what’s wrong? You usually call me first or text.”
He didn’t say a word, just brushed pass her, finally in her apartment, kicking off his shoes, “so you think I’m playing huh?” Kristina closed and locked the door, arms folded and genuine confusion on her face, “what you mean? You walking up in here all salty like your day was fucked up. No hi, no nothing.” Erik pulled out his phone, pulling up IG quick, showing her, “what you mean? What the fuck is this? You been at home all day thirst trapping Krissy.” Kristina stared at the photo on her IG, body in a tiny baby tank top with no bra, little shorts on with her tongue out in the mirror. She honestly didn’t see a problem with it, smirking at Erik, “okay? I took that today...I was bored, that’s what happens when your home on a rainy fucking day. what’s the problem Erik?” He huffed, nostrils flared flipping to another one, showing her. He had his eyebrows raised in bewilderment, his lips set in a hard line.
This one, she had on a tight black bodycon dress, cute strappy Sandals on, her hair in feed ins with her tongue out again, but the caption said, “tongue action: mood right now 😈” she raised an eyebrow at the pick, face scrunching. Clearly he was being extra. I mean, she was a bad bitch, it’s not like she was out here getting dicked down by some other dude, as soon as she got with Erik about 8 months ago, she been throwing that pussy back and doing tricks for HIS DICK and only HIS DICK so why he tripping? “Baby... ha, you tripping right now. I can’t believe you came all the way out here to come at me about some pictures.”
Erik raised an eyebrow at her, eyes dark “oh so this ain’t nothing to you? I don’t need to be on my girls page, seeing thirst comments from bitch ass niggas talking bout, “what that mouth do?” And, “Damn Kristina I miss you” and “mmm you must like things in your mouth don’t you?” He was big mad and jealous acting, rubbing her the wrong way. She was irritated now, “forreal? Baby, it’s not even like that. Chill okay? Niggas gon be niggas, that’s how I met you right? DM me and everything so what’s the problem? I’m sucking your dick that’s it. You doing too much.” She went to turn up the TV, her favorite part on, “Look this our movie sit with me and chill. Looking like a cute angry red nose pit bull.”
“Krissy, forreal girl I’m gonna have to tame that tongue since you like flicking it and poking it out and running it across your lips.” He went to pull his hoodie off, huffing from the tag getting caught in his dreads, here comes aggy Erik she thought, folding her legs on the coffee table. “You wanna start with that irky shit now? Okay-“ she paused the movie folding her arms, “so what you gonna teach me this time?” Erik kneeled down in front of her, his fingers interlocked, “OPEN YOUR MOUTH KRISTINA.” She sat still, rolling her grey eyes before opening her mouth, pink tongue sticking all the way out, “Like tha?” Her voice was muffled from the positon. Erik gripped her chin, his face looming over hers, opening his mouth letting spit trail from tongue all the way on hers. She kept her eye on him, not knowing whether to close her mouth or to keep it open. “Here’s what I want you to do since I’m being so aggy today. I want you to go on ig live, and I want you to show these niggas that you mines, and only mines.”
She gripped his wrist to remove his hand from her chin, “Nigga what? I’m not gonna let my friends watch you do what ever you want to me oh nah-“ a chime came from her phone, Erik quickly grabbing it before she could. To make things WORSE it was this guy named Jamar who was famous for being in her DMs, sending her a video of him stroking his dick. This had to be the second vid, cuz t was another one from earlier that day that she viewed. Kristina sat very still, her eyes looking anywhere but at him. “Kristina, Kristina. Now I know, you didn’t view this shit from a little dick thirsty ass bitch? I just KNOW you didn’t do that baby.” He shook his head in shame, “and this the second one too, hmm.” She saw him tap her screen, before tossing her the phone, “get comfy, and go on live Krissy, NOW I’m not even playing.” He slammed his fist into the palm of his hand, “forreal do it, I’m disciplining you.”
She huffs, starting her live with the phone set up on the arm of the couch. She’s blinking into the camera, watching as Erik’s profile comes into view, kneeling down in front of her. He watched as nothing but dudes commented, one after the other.
Damn Kristina
I wanna fuck You
Where is your tongue at? That shit be all shiny and pink 👅
Hey girl!!! Long time no talk
We were gonna hit up a strip club wanna role?
fine ass Satan boyfriend is that you?!!
Kristina you got a whole man?
That nigga ugly-
“You got a huge fan base girl, but little do they know.” Erik got into Kristina’s personal space, his full lips brushing against hers before crashing roughly, his hands stroking her face, eyes all open and on her. Kristina followed him, her eyes moving from him to her phone screen. Erik punched Kristina’s lips together, her mouth opening, “OPEN YOUR MOUTH.” She hesitated, Erik’s eyes growing harder. “Girl, if you just listen to me, then this will be over quick okay?” Kristina squinted her eyes, opening her mouth watching as Erik spit on her tongue. A heat rose over her skin, but not good heat, embarrassing heat. “SWALLOW MY DNA.” She did, but very slow. Her eyes pleading that he cut this shit out. She looked at her screen again scanning the texts.
Woah. That was hot
Man, get this late ass nigga out of here.
So what you tryna prove you got a man?
Girl he giving you spit I can give you this nut-
“Let me inform some of y’all dumb founded niggas, this is MINE. That tongue-“ he stuck his tongue out, running his fingers over it before rubbing it on hers, “that shit is mines. She got my print on that tongue, and for the record THIS NUT and THAT MOUTH is home sweet home.” He turned to Kristina, chuckling “you agree don’t you princess? How does my DNA taste?” She stared him down hard, his thumb stroking her hand, “It tastes good Er-“ he raised a calculating eyebrow, “DADDY.” He smiled broadly, pulling her in for a sloppy kiss, eyes turning to the screen to end the live.
As soon as it was done, Kristina shoved him, Erik laughing hysterically. “You know what, for that extra ass stunt you just pulled, I want some dick.” Erik snorted, “you don’t deserve this dick.” Kristina pulled her panties down, lifting her shirt over her head, “how about now?” Erik tried hard not to look at her, his eyes trained on the screen, “Janet was FINE as hell-“ she stood in front of him, her pussy in his face. Erik bit down on his lower lip, body jerking from a forced laugh that fought to escape his mouth. She gripped his dreads, causing him to wince, his eyes finally landing on her phat kitty, heart pumping. “I know that look from anywhere, you can’t turn down some good pussy. Why don’t you get on your knees and taste my DNA now, your extra ass.” Erik gripped her ass, smacking roughly then pinching, “you got five seconds to get to the room, 5-“ She darted, happy her bed was in close proximity, flopping down with her back arched. Erik stood in the door way, arms folded over his broad chest, “look at your eager ass.” He tiptoed over, kneeling on the bed, stroking her wetness, “You lucky I’m pussy starved.” Erik kissed her clit, his body bending to get a good angle, fingers parting her pussy. He licked at it multiple times, before sucking it slow, knowing how sensitive she is there.
“Fuck, just like that.” He slurped her up, smacking her ass before placing his heavy palm on her. She arched more, her legs shuttering as he stuck his tongue in her, feeling it wiggle around like a snake. She moaned out low into her pillow, her legs spreading as he ate her. “You like that shit don’t you Daddy, got you quiet now.” He slapped her hard on the ass, “And? I’m eating right now shut up.” She laughed, that laugh turning into a moan as he sucked her clit while his tongue strokes her inner folds. She was so sensitive, her stomach tightening already, “mhmm, I’m cumming-“ she slapped at the bed as she came on his tongue, her breath coming out slow. He lifted, taking off his shorts, watching her move, “Did I tell you to move?” She paused, feeling him come up behind her again, his mouth back to its assault on her pussy, sucking quick and rough. She went to grip him but he caught her hand, stopping her as he sucked her dry. “I got you where I want you girl, this is it for you.” She whimpered, her cum coating him again, but he wanted one more, “Krissy I know that’s not it where’s the rest at girl?” He slurped from her entrance to her clit, over and over, taking pride in the way her body shook. She screamed, her cum coming out heavy. “By the way, you taste good.”
Erik stroked his dick, “let me pick you up I wanna see how your face look while I’m torturing that pussy.” He didn’t even wait for an answer, picking her little body up and gripping her right over him, his dick rubbing against her. She bit down on her lip, taking in his big puppy dog eyes and red nose. “You want this dick baby, you gotta beg for it.” She touched foreheads with him, “please my extra ass Daddy, fuck me.” At this point she wanted some dick bad and he kept playing. “Okay my thirst trapping as wifey.” He entered her slow, eyes taking in every expression she made, “I could never get tired of this dick.” He chuckled, “You better not.” He gripped her hips, walking while he fucked her, his little princess bouncing on him like one of those nostalgic toys from the 90s.
“Mmmmm, this fucking pussy.” He stopped near the window, the moon light dancing off his skin. She gripped at the wall, her body jerking from every stroke, Erik assaulting her neck as his hips digged into hers. “Yes Daddy you fucking this pussy up!” He tilted her head, spitting on her pulsing neck, rubbing it in with his tongue. She gripped his dick tighter from that, her walls caving, “oh shit, Oh shit, oh fuck.” She gaped at him, her legs gripping his waist when she came. He smiled, turning to kiss her rough, startingvhis strokes up again. The clapping was music to their ears and the smell of sex was enticing. “Whose tongue is it princess?” She tongued her lips, “yours of course.” He let her down, flipping her over, Kristina peering out her window at the moon, her hand coming up to claw at the glass, smudging it from her sweaty finger tips.
Erik crossed his arms over her hips, dick moving like a piston and perspiration high. She leaned her face on the glass, smushing her cheek as she allowed Erik to beat her down from this ungodly angle, “You really are Satan for this good for nothing dick you got.” Erik gripped her bun, speaking into her ear, “and your a helpless little brat that’s eating up every stroke my dick is giving you.” She let out a groan, her walls disobeying her as she came undone, her legs struggling. Erik’s head tilted low, his strokes growing sloppier, his hands gripping her harder, “Damn Krissy, FUCK girl.”
“You Cummings daddy? Keep going.”
“STAY JUST LIKE THAT.” And with that, Erik came undone, leaning his weight on her, body shuttering. Krissy smiles, beginning to feel his heavy form, “ared you can get up now.” Erik lifted from her walking away his hands running down his sweaty abs, dick still stiff. Krissy ran up to him, placing her lips on his tip causing him to flinch, “STOP IT GIRL.” She did it again, hearing him hiss, “its sensitive right now wait like 5 minutes.” She laughed, “I can do that, I still wanna try those positions I looked up online.” Erik crashed on her bed, his face buried in her pillow, “since we got 5 minutes, delete those fucking pictures now. I don’t want none of those fools looking at my tongue.” She groaned, picking up her phone, deleting every single one. “Finished?” He asked, turing now with tired eyes. “Yeah Irky it’s done.” He pulled her to the bed, placing his chin on her shoulder, “so tell me about that one position where that girl was doing a hand stand.” She smirked, “well..”
That’s it y’all, this was quick and funny and soft boi Extra Erik okay? Hope y’all love it 😘😘😘 this was for my girl @littlesunflwrr I was suppose to have this done for her like two weeks ago
@panthergoddessbast @vanitykocaine @blackpantherismyish @golddmindd @hearteyes-for-killmonger @erikkillmongerdontpullout @eriknutinthispoosy @blowmymbackout @vikkidc @allhailnjadaka @bartierbakarimobisson @drsunshine97 @iamrheaspeaks @bidibidibombaclaat @killmonger-dolan @killmongersaidheyauntie @youreadthatright @youcantkillamutant @janelledarling @loosewindmill @laketaj24 @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @sweettea-and-honeybutter @muse-of-mbaku @madamslayyy @wifin-niggaz @wawakanda-btch @shesfromwakanda @unfriendly-blk-hottie @ayeitsmi @nemesispawn @purple-apricots
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Big Bro || Lin Yanjun
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Title: Big Bro Pairing: Reader x Yanjun Genre: OlderBrother!AU + slice of life) Word Count: 1483 words Summary: You and your older brother may not always get along, but you know that he’ll always have your back. Warning: mentions of cheating
A/N: This is the first time I’ve ever written a sibling au, so this is exciting! I would love to have Yanjun as an older brother tbh. Happy reading!
oof can you imagine yanjun as your older brother tho
i can only imagine he’d be two things
a blessing
and a headache lmao
onward to the fic
you and yanjun shared the typical sibling relationship 
which means constant fighting and teasing from both parties
the two of you can’t go a day without being at each other’s neck tbh
1 like = 1 prayer for your poor parents who have to go through their kids bs everyday
normal occurrences usually go like this
“yanjun don’t eat the food that’s in the fridge”
“oh, you mean the three slices of pizza on the top shelf? too late lmao”
“lin yanjun istg i will eND YOU”
“yo bro i need $20″
“get lost, loser. why would i give you my hard earned money?”
“oh, ig that’s fine. in that case, you wouldn’t mind if i told mom about how it was you who knocked over her favorite vase but blamed it on the cat instead, right?”
“slide in an extra $10 and i also wont tell her that it ocurred the same night you snuck out to zhangjing’s party”
“i hate you”
also let’s not forget 
ofc things weren’t always so bad
usually when hell freezes over
for example
yanjun and you had this sort of ritual where he drives you both to the nearest fast food place at two in the morning once a week
it was your way of bonding with each other and what better way to bond than over food?
yanjun was also your own personal chauffeur and drove you around his fancy motorcycle whenever you needed to get places
this idiot named his motorcycle angle angel 
in return, you often helped sneak him into the house whenever he was out longer than he was supposed to
you joked that he was going through his rebellious phase
except that it occurred 24/7 365 days a year
one time he tried to climb in through your bedroom window at 4 in the morning
you almost dialed 911 on him bc you thought he was an intruder
ffs yanjun wyd
in short, you both had your moments where you actually got along for once
unfortunately, this was not one of those times
you angrily stormed into your older brother’s room, slamming his door open as it hit the wall with a loud bang
“what the hell is your problem? can’t you knock?” yanjun glared, removing his headphones off his head
“cough it up,” you demanded, holding out your hand impatiently
“what are you even talking about?”
“my watch! the expensive silver one that dad gave me for my birthday”
“look (y/n), sorry to burst your bubble but i don’t have your watch”
you raised your voice in anger, “stop lying! i know you stole it from me after i saw you eyeing it the other day”
annoyed with the accusation, yanjun’s glare intensified and his voice yelled back even louder, “i didn’t steal anything, idiot! maybe if you learn to be more responsible, you’ll stop losing things!”
you groaned in frustration, flipping him the finger and stomping out of his room. you didn’t have time for this.
after the fight, you were running late for your date with your partner who you’ve been seeing recently
when you arrived at the restaurant, you were shocked to see your partner in the arms of another person. you watched as the two of them exchange kisses with their arms wrapped around each other
*insert ‘oh hell no’ vine here*
you marched your way over to them, picked up a glass of water and splashed it all over your partner’s face
they were obviously a v thirsty mofo
the entire restaurant went silent bc oh shiiiiiit
somebody call worldstarhiphop 
“you cheater! you make me absolutely sick. we’re over. i deserve a lot better than your sorry ass” you scowled
yaaaas you go king/queen
the entire restaurant literally broke out into applause and whistles for you
wow where can i get that kind of support
even with the cheers, you were understandably still really pissed
huffing, you walked over to the nearest bus station down the street
you cursed when you realized you had just missed your bus back home and the next one wouldn’t be for another hour
rummaging in your bag for your phone, your fingers grazed against something cool
pulling it out, you realized it was your silver watch that you had accused yanjun of stealing earlier that day
a wave of guilt washed over you
not only did you get cheated on but you felt like the world’s shittiest little sibling ever
scrolling through the contacts on your phone, your thumb hovered over yanjun’s contact name
you debated whether or not you should call him to give you a ride. both of your parents were at work and you knew he was still most likely at home at this time
but would he even pick up your call?
after a few seconds of hesitance, you settled for texting him instead
you: they cheated on me. please take me home.
honestly you didn’t expect him to text you back since he usually needed time to cool down after fighting. you mentally prepared your self for the long walk home.
to your surprise, yanjun immediately texted you back
the adopted sibling 🙄 : stay where you are. i’m coming to get you.
after texting him the details of your location, it didn’t take long for him to show up on his noble steed motorcycle. offering you a small smirk, you returning it with a small smile. he tossed you the spare helmet and you strapped it on before hopping on behind him
the two of your drove in silence but not necessarily an awkward silence. it was more so yanjun not wanting to force you to say anything until you were ready. you were also trying to wrap your mind around how hectic this day was.
“yanjun? are you still mad at me?” you asked when he stopped at a red light
“mad at you? nah. i’m over it. your ex? i’m going to kill them” he replied
you smacked his shoulder, rolling your eyes with a snort as he pretended to wince in pain “if you end up in jail, can i keep all of your things?”
“wow i go through the lengths of getting revenge on your ex for you and all you care about is keeping my things? i’m no star student but i’m pretty sure that’s not how it works”
you grinned, “in my world it does”
once he started driving again, you started to notice you both were going in the wrong direction
“hey, i know i’m not the best at directions but i’m pretty sure we just missed the turn to our house”
“that’s bc we aren’t going home. we’re gonna go to our favorite diner so you can eat your weight in food”
“i do not-- ok you know what, you got me there”
“thought so”
being the awesome older brother he was, he let you order whatever you wanted on the menu and even paid for it all. he saw you were still a little down, so he even tried to make you laugh by telling you more of his lame jokes
which honestly made you want to cry more than your break up bc his jokes were so bad
when will he ever learn tbh
“i’m sorry for accusing you of stealing my watch earlier today. you’re right, i should be more responsible with my things,” you apologized sheepishly, poking at your ice cream sundae
“don’t worry about it, kid, it happens. you’re definitely more responsible than i am. that’s for sure,” he chuckled, leaning forward to steal a scoop of your sundae
“woah buddy, hands off! you have your own!”
“yours looks better than mine!”
“we literally have the same order!”
and so you both went back to being the bickering pair of siblings we all know and love
the next time you saw your ex, you saw them freaking out from their car being towed away
was your eyes deceiving you or did you see slashed tires?
when you went to question yanjun about it, he acted as if he had no idea what you were talking about
“bro, what did you do to my ex’s car?”
“nothing you can prove”
yes you’re big brother was hella annoying
and yes he did drive you absolutely nuts
but you knew that at the end of the day
you knew that you both loved each other
you would always be there for him
and yanjun would always be there for you
i dont have any brothers irl
but if i did
i wouldn’t mind him being yanjun tbh
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katonica · 6 years
Rainy Traditions
As per request from different fanfic sites and @ycantwebefriends, Pt. 2 of Kidnapped! 
Pt. 1
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“Marinette, come here!”
The girl ran down the stairs and saw her mother holding a box.
“Today's the day you're meeting the Agreste's, right?”
Marinette's mind wheeled to yesterday's events. The fashion show, seeing Adrien, winning the competition, watching Rena Rouge and Chat Noir defeat Mireillable (as the akumatized weather reporter called herself) before the girl managed to get to a helpless Marinette.
Then her brain stopped on one specific scene. When Alya told her that it was today that she was to be learning from the Agreste. “OH MY GOD! I COMPLETELY FORGOT! AM I LATE?!”
Her exclamation made her mother giggle. “That's why I woke you up early, Marinette. I have this shirt for you,” Sabine pulled out a pink qipao* with floral designs on it, “I thought you could wear this, show off our tradition?”
The blue-eyed girl nodded, grinning as she carefully took the pink shirt from her mother. “Thank you!” She ran back up the stairs, deciding to wear her pink jeans to accompany the lighter tone of the qipao. 
Tom’s large frame popped, scaring the girl as she carefully buttoned the shirt up. “There’s a car outside waiting for you, muffin.”
She smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek as she walked down the stairs. “Thanks, Papa.” He gave his daughter a chuckle, offering her a basket of cookies. 
“I noticed Adrien liked cookies last time.” Her face reddened as she realized it was the cookies that she had made into Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculouses, the earring and the ring.
She accepted the basket and ran off to enter the car. “Hello, Marinette.” She jumped, her head hitting the roof of the car as she heard Adrien’s voice right next to her.
“Adrien! He-” Before she could finish the greeting, a voice came from the front seat of the car.
“Marinette, right?” It was the voice of Gabriel Agreste.
She could do nothing but sound out an ‘mhm!’, starstruck by her hero. Adrien sighed. He could only hope that she wasn’t going to be one of the people that only knew how to kiss ass to gain favour.
They exited the car at the Agreste mansion. 
“Woah.” Marinette couldn’t help herself as her jaw dropped. It must have been the nerves getting to her from being around her hero and her crush at the same time, but it seemed that her mouth went on autopilot.
“Isn’t it lonely living in such a big house with so little people?” Gabriel and Adrien froze at the same time, their eyes meeting each other in a surprised stupor. 
The man turned around, facing the girl in pigtails. “Come again?”
“I mean, to never allow anyone into the place unless they have your direct approval, which, no offense, but you never meet anyone...” She trailed off. “It must be very lonely in a home that has no sound.” 
Adrien immediately liked her more than he already did. 
This was a refreshing experience for Gabriel. He wasn’t expecting the small, nervous girl to have such a big mouth. “It is a bit, but it’s just precaution.”
“From what?” She asked, her head tilting slightly. “From Adrien being a normal teenager?” Adrien snorted, hiding it as a cough as Gabriel’s eyes went wide. 
Marinette’s mind finally caught up with what she had said; her eyes widened, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to say that... I’m digging myself into a deeper grave...” Her voice disappeared, only squeaking at the very end.
He waved off her panic. “It’s okay, you make a good point. You should be a politician.” She shook her head rapidly, mumbling under her breath about Chloe.
“So why did you become a designer?” Gabriel had asked Adrien to go fetch some of the older sketchbooks from Gabriel’s library, and the older man decided to ask her about small things to pass the time.
Her hand had been tracing the new dress ideas he had, but ultimately scrapped because he thought it took after his wife’s outfits too much. She turned to face him, her eyes dreamy as she lazily looked over all the designs he had over his office.
“It started when my father taught me how to design little drawings on his cakes.” Adrien walked back to the office, only to pause as he heard Marinette discussing normal topics with his father. “A woman with a beautiful dress had come in to pick up her cake for her son. The fabric had only brushed against my hand for a few seconds, but I loved the feeling of it.”
“My mother used to work for her parents, making qipao dresses for the young ladies in Taiwan. So I asked her what the fabric was. She explained to me it was silk.” Her eyes glossed over. “I became obsessed with the dress. So I started to draw it. Every day, every paper that I had access to. So my mother gave me some fabric she had gotten at the thrift shop and taught me how to correctly design and make a dress.”
She paused. “I guess it just stuck.”
Adrien walked in, his mind full of curious thoughts. Why did the dress entrance the girl in front of him so much? He let out a breath of relief as he dropped the books onto the desk. 
The blue eyes of Marinette lit up, glowing with the same nervous excitement the two Agrestes had seen at the fashion show yesterday. “Are these all of your older designs?”
Gabriel nodded, smiling softly as he saw the girl’s eyes shine again with that raw sense of curiosity that he used to possess. He decided to leave the two teenagers alone. What the Marinette had said earlier about him keeping his son from being a teenager... 
Gabriel had to put a lot of thought into that statement.
Adrien left the room for a few minutes to find the milk Marinette had requested. 
Only a few minutes.
So when he came back a few minutes later than he had hoped (Plagg was starting to tease him too much for his own good), he nearly dropped the cups in surprise. Marinette had opened the books around her in a circle, her finger tracing one of the designs in the old books. Her hair was out of her pigtails and the pink on her clothing was illuminated by the circle of light shining on her. 
“Marinette?” Her eyes snapped up quickly, smiling as she noticed Adrien.
She stood up, carefully leaving the circle of sketchbooks to join Adrien at the small table Gabriel had set up for them. “My father suggested I make cookies since I didn’t know what we would be doing.” She lifted the cloth of the basket, her face slightly flushing as she realized that they were the miraculous cookies. 
Adrien grinned. “A hero fan, are you now?” 
“I mean- They saved my parents.” He shrugged, it was understandable. “Now, dig in. I want to talk to you about some of the designs your father wrote off.” His eyebrows raised at her direct tone, he did as she asked. 
They first discussed the different styles Gabriel had first tried. 
Slowly, the conversation turned to normal life, where they happily chatted about school and their insane ‘obsessions’ about the two heroes of Paris. 
Adrien enjoyed it. 
Much more than anything he ever talked about with anyone else.
The adrenaline had worn off, and Marinette had fallen asleep, her head laying on her sketchbook which Adrien had replaced with a small throw pillow. He flipped through her book.
Most of the drawings were dresses, but there was a large variety included; jackets, pants, shirts- He paused on one page. It was a derby hat.
There were many scribbles on the pages, which he had to squint to read. 
What does Mr. Agreste want in the hat?
How would Adrien best suit a hat?
One word circled around many times. Feathers.
He remembered how excited she was as she handed the hat to him, only to realize he was allergic to feathers.
“Adrien?” He looked up from her notes. Gabriel stood in the doorway, his eyebrow raised slightly at the sleeping girl. 
“She got too excited about your designs. But look at this!” He took the paper Marinette had written notes on and gave it to Gabriel, watching the older Agreste’s face for any sign of reaction.
The man chuckled lightly, a sound Adrien hadn’t heard in the years that his mother had disappeared. “It seems your friend may have yet to stop coming to our home. She has many interesting ideas.” Adrien felt his heart soar.
Marinette woke up with a comfy pillow. Her head snapped up as she remembered where she was at and realized that it was at least 21:00. “Oh my god!” She yelped, remembering her parents. They were still waiting for her. 
“Gotta go, gotta go-” She crashed into Gabriel Agreste. “I’m so sorry I stayed over for so long, Mr. Agreste! I didn’t mean-” Her hero smiled. 
“It’s quite alright, Miss Marinette. I’ll have my son walk you to your place, it seems to be raining.” And as if the weather heard the designer, thunder rumbled.
“No, Mr. Agreste. It’s quite alright, I have my things, I’ll be on my way!” She smiled and bolted out of the mansion, into the pouring rain. She ran under an archway, huddling her small figure over her book.
“Goddamnit.” She muttered under her breath, sighing as she felt her damp hair. Plus, she forgot to bring Tikki, so her Miraculous was a dud.
The rain above her head stopped and Marinette blinked in surprise. Adrien stood above her, smiling sheepishly. “Saw you run out. Thought you’d like some help.” She smiled, standing up from her crouched position.
She held her sketchbook over her head as they walked down the alley. Adrien smiled down at her, seeing her blush.
He couldn’t help but think:
If it was always like this with Marinette, then I’m definitely going to hang out with her more.
And fine! Part 2, done. This is the last of this series from Kidnapped ig, too much to be bothered with.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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soldierstark · 7 years
Why Am I Like This | Part 4 | JUGHEAD JONES X READER
Description: The day of the Homecoming dance has finally arrived and things were going smoothly for once. Jughead and the reader elected to not talk about their almost kiss while Archie and the reader go ahead with their plans to preform at the dance. All is well until the end of Archie and the reader's song when Jughead is seen with a face of pure desolation, storming out of the gym.
Author's Note: I would like to say thank you to every one who had read/ commented on this fic I honestly did not think so many people would like it. This part is slow paced and not very action pact but it's main purpose is to set the scene for part 5 which I'm sad to say will be the last one. Also the song that is sang in this part is by Maroon 5 but I honestly don't like the original version so I envision what they're singing sounding like this cover. If you want to be tagged in the next part or in any upcoming fic I write, feel free to message me.
Word Count: 1731
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
When the bell rang for 2nd period, Jughead was already halfway out the door hoping to beat the main hallway traffic. He kept his head down trying to avoid a confrontation with other students while weaving his way through the crowd. Archie was going through his locker with Betty by his side when Jughead arrived at their usual meeting spot before 3rd.
“Hey you nervous about tonight man,” Jughead asked leaning against the locker next to Archie.
He closed his locker and looked over at his friend. “Normally I would be but since (Y/N)’s gonna up there up with me I’m not nervous one bit. She’s as solid as rock.”
“Damn straight ginger,” a voice said from behind them. Jughead whipped his head around only see (Y/N) standing a foot behind them.  “Everyone in Riverdale is gonna be shook to their very core tonight I’m telling you.”
She and Archie high fived each other with a laugh, then started walking together to their next class with Jughead and Betty. Jughead walked in step next to (Y/N), their hands brushing together slightly with every step.
Jughead looked over at (Y/N) the same time she turned her head to look at him. They made eye contact for a split second and the only thing that ran through his mind was the almost kiss they had shared only three days before.
(Y/N) cheeks tinged pink so Jughead knew she was thinking about it too. She looked away and stared at the floor in front her feet going quiet. They had an unspoken agreement between them to not talk about it and Jughead was thankful for that because he honestly had no idea what it meant.
Was it a heat of the moment thing? Did (Y/N) actually want to kiss him or was she freaked out because he ‘sorta’ made a move? It was just easier for Jughead’s socially awkward self to not know the answer to these questions. So (Y/N) and he pretended it never happened.
“I’m just excited to see (Y/N) in a dress for once,” Archie admitted with a wink.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “Pervert.”
“Well personally, I am looking forward to seeing my dear friend Jughead Jones in clothes that aren’t from Hot Topic for once,” Betty giggled.
“You’re coming?” (Y/N) asked surprised looking up at Jughead.
Jughead smiled down at her and put a hand over his heart. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
She giggled and gave him a side hug which he returned. Her head rested on Jughead’s shoulder and he hoped she couldn’t hear the increasing speed of his heart beat. “This is why you’re my favorite person in Riverdale,” she said. Archie gasped causing (Y/N) to pull away from his embrace. “Oh shut up ginger don’t act surprised.”
They all joked around together until they reached the end of the main hallway. Archie, Jughead, Betty, and (Y/N) all parted ways, going towards their next class with no idea what was about to happen later that night.
  My black heels clicked against the weathered pavement as I walked up the steps into Riverdale High school for the second time that day. I twirled a piece of my (Y/H/C) hair around my finger as Betty and Archie talked logistics about the performance.
“I gave the band your notes and the sheet music and they said they’ll play backup for you. I heard them practicing earlier and it sounded great so I hope you guys brought your angelic voices to go along with it,” Betty said.
Archie and I nodded along as she continued to give out information. “They’re gonna play 1 or 2 songs then I’ll introduce you guys. That’s when you’ll play. You might as well hang out backstage until that happens because it won’t be more than 10 minutes.”
We reached the entrance of the school and walked in single file. My feet navigated the hallways to the gym by memory while Archie and Betty trailed behind me talking.
I felt exposed in the dress I was wearing. It wasn’t super short or revealing at all I was just used to wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt most of time. I wore the one dress I owned which was a plain matte black. It was form fitted up top and flared out at my waist, ending a little bit above my knee.
I waited by the gym door for Archie and Betty to catch up so we could enter together. Betty did a great job handling to decorations if I do say so myself. She did a much better job than anyone else I knew could have.
The band was already playing a song when we entered so our pace quickened. Betty helped us weave in and around the groups of people so we could get backstage. I saw a familiar beanie poking up above the crowd near the drink station so when we passed it I grabbed the person’s hand and dragged him behind me.
“Woah what the-,” Jughead started but stopped when he realized it was me. “Oh hey (Y/N) nice seeing you here.”
I let go of his hand so he could walk beside me. “I almost didn’t recognize you Jug. Good thing you were wearing that hat,” I joked trying to keep a blush from rising to my cheeks. He looked devilishly handsome in his black suit, it made his eyes stand out in the best way.
He looked me up and down. “I could say the same to you (Y/N). I never thought I’d see you in a dress.”
I tried to hide my blush as we entered the dimly lit back stage area. Archie sat down on a chair and took his guitar out of its case while Betty stood on the steps leading up to the stage waiting for the band to finish their song.
I turned around and faced Jughead twiddling my thumbs nervously. “Do you think I look nice? I don’t normally dress up-,” I trailed off looking at my shoes. I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eyes.
Jughead reached a hand out and placed it on my chin lifting my head up gently. My (Y/E/C) eyes met his blue ones, a genuine smile graced his lips. “You couldn’t look more perfect.”
The sound of applause broke me out of my trance. Jughead and I backedaway from each other while I whipped my head around to see Betty walking onto the stage.
“You ready (Y/L/N)?” Archie asked standing up out of his chair.
I smiled at him and nodded my head. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I started walking towards the stage when a hand reached out and grabbed my arm, halting my movement.
Jughead stood there with a simple smile, though there was a glint of something else in his eyes. “Good luck,” was all he said, not letting go of my arm causing tingles to shoot up it.
I took a step towards him and yanked his arm downwards. My lips pressed firmly against his cheek for a second. “Thanks Juggy though I don’t need it.” I backed away from him and laughed at his red face.
“Now for Riverdale High’s own Archie Andrews and (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N),” Betty’s voice announced through the speakers.
I followed Archie up onto the stage with a huge smile graced upon my lipstick clad lips.  I waved to the crowd and took my position by a microphone to the right of Archie.
He looked over at me and mouthed ‘you ready’. I shook my head yes and turned back towards the audience. Archie stomped his foot 4 times then started strumming his guitar while the band chimed in with their instruments at the appropriate time.
Archie voice came in singing the first verse.
I miss the taste of a sweeter life
I miss the conversation
I searching for a song tonight
I’m changing all of the stations
After a few beats of the drum I took a deep breath and started singing the second verse.
I like to think that we had it all
We drew a map to a better place
But on that road I took a fall
Oh baby, why did you run away?
The tempo of the song started to speed up as we both sang the bridge.
I was there for you in your darkest times
I was there for you in your darkest times
I could see Jughead and Betty in the crowd smiling at us. Jughead gave me a thumbs up and I winked at him as Archie and I began to sing the chorus.
But I wonder, where were you?
When I was at my worst
Down on my knees
And you said you had my back
So I wonder, where were you?
All the roads you took came back to me
So I'm following the map that leads to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Following, following, following to you
Ain't nothing I can do
The map that leads to you
Following, following, following
The crowd was dancing and singing with us and I felt on top of the world. I eventually took my microphone off of its’ stand and moved around the stage, dancing and singing along with the crowd. Nothing could’ve wiped the grin off of my face at that very moment.
I won’t bore you with the details of the rest of the performance, because the important part is what happened directly after.
Towards the end of the song, I could make out Veronica, Betty, and Jughead near the back of the gym talking. Betty and Veronica were smiling and laughing while looking at Archie and I with an expression that made it seem like they knew the answers to every question in the universe.
And Jughead, well Jughead looked like someone had just ripped his heart out his own chest and stomped on it in front of him with sharp stilettoes.
The song ended and on the final note of Archie’s guitar, the crowd started clapping and cheering. It should’ve been a great moment but my eyes ignored all of the happy faces and focused on Jughead’s destroyed one.
He looked me dead in the eye with a face of utter desolation, shook his head in disbelief, then left the gym without another glance.
Tagged: @kitkat510 @grace-not-graceful @dumpsterofsin @sandy77777 @murderyoursoul @happinesschasers
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thranduilsperkybutt · 7 years
Office Supplies and Love
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Pairings:  Dean Winchester Smith/Reader; Sam Wesson makes an appearance but isn’t paired
Warnings:  Fluff; Dean Smith being cute and lovable; The reader’s uncertainty and cold feet
Word Count: 3,932 words
Reader Gender: Female
Author:  Meg
Summary:  Dean Smith has just gotten promoted to VP of Sales and Marketing for Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc. and you, his on the low office fling and secretary, get him a customized pen as a congratulatory gift. He winds up confessing how he really feels about you, but are you ready for that? ((Had to give Dean Smith from 4x17 It’s a Terrible Life some love.))
A/N:  I didn’t mean for it to be so long but the more I thought about Dean Smith the more I had the feels and the more I wrote! Oops! I’ve never entered a challenge before but I had so much fun writing this, so I hope everyone likes it. This is for Mimi’s Romcom Fluff Challenge from Say Anything prompt #59: She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen. @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; } // ]]>
Things just kept going the right way for Dean as of late. He had completed that cleanse of his and lost a few pounds as a result. Sales were up in his division, which always reflected well upon his management at work. Of course, there was his unexpected promotion from Director to Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Then, there was tonight. To top off this perfect month he’d been having, the other corporate bigwigs of Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc. had announced the company was to host a business party to congratulate him on this new position. The suggestion had apparently been that of Mr. Adler’s, and no one ever argued with Mr. Adler that Dean knew of.
It could be said Dean was in a good mood tonight. He had no reason not to be after all the good news he’d gotten. Hell, even his hair had parted perfectly on the first try when he got ready for the function earlier in the evening. The suit he chose to wear was a little dressier than the usual, but still professional enough for a party hosted by his company. Even though the party was officially in his and the company’s honor, it was unofficially just as much to keep the morale of the other employees up and give him a chance to soothe the wounds of the coworkers that he’d beat out of the promoted position.
The invitation had been extended to everyone who worked in the company, from his department to the higher-ups. Even the tech guys had been invited, so he wasn’t surprised when he exited his car at the venue to almost immediately run into familiar faces upon entering.
“Hey, congratulations, Dean,” Sam Wesson offers his hand and Dean shakes it, but Dean’s real attention was on the phone in his other hand’s grip.
“Thanks, man. I really couldn’t do anything without the whole team, you know,” Dean politely smiles, thinking he’d be able to keep the fact that he was scanning the crowd subtle enough.
“Looking for someone?” Sam catches on, causing Dean’s eyes to snap back to the taller man’s as his lips part slightly at having been caught.
“Oh, well, yeah,” his admission comes out sheepishly, but Dean manages to keep a professional façade as he elaborates, “my… secretary said she’d be here.”
“Ah, part of that team of yours you’ve been shucking all the praise onto, huh? You should take some credit for yourself. After all, you’re the one with the promotion,” Sam reminds with a joking smile before he gives him a friendly pat on the shoulder, ultimately leaving him with, “I’ll let you find your secretary, but, hey, we should get together later.”
“Sure thing. Catch up with you later, Sam.”
Dean doesn’t know why he finds it so surprising every time he manages to keep himself professional when it came to you. Truth was, the title of secretary hardly defined you properly at this point. The two of you had been involved in more than a professional sense for the last four months now and it still shocked him just how easy it was to keep that detail private from his coworkers and friends.
The secrecy had added a spark to the relationship that hadn’t been present in any of his relationships prior to the one he had with you. There wasn’t any denying the fact that the power dynamic was a fantasy of his, but in the end Dean had gotten together with you not because your being his secretary was a turn-on, but because you were you.
As he moved further into the party he was stopped and congratulated by several other coworkers along the way, but the whole time he was keeping his eye out for you. He’d checked his phone several times already, even sending you a text asking if he’d beat you there, but hadn’t gotten any kind of response in return.
Just before Dean can reach the bar area to scan for you, Mr. Adler stops him with a deceptively strong hand on his shoulder, “There’s the man of the hour! How’s our newest VP of Sales and Marketing?”
“Mister Adler, it’s good to see you, sir,” Dean smiles, hoping it would hide the annoyance at his interruption.
It’s convincing enough, apparently, because Mr. Adler gives him a laugh so short it makes Dean wonder if it’s fake, “I’m expecting great things from you, Dean. Great things!” After that Dean somewhat drifts in and out of the conversation. He’d learned from his interaction with Sam and was successfully more subtle when his eyes occasionally darted to the crowd surrounding him and Mr. Adler in vain, never catching a glimpse of you. Mr. Adler finally ends the mostly one-sided conversation save for a few effortless responses from Dean with the same tight grin he’d started it with, “Go on and enjoy the party, Dean. After all, all of this is for you.”
Dean reflexively returns the handshake he’s offered, “Already am, sir.”
When a server passes by, he takes two champagnes. He wished they were offering something stronger, but if he didn’t find you in his next sweep of the room both of the drinks were going to wind up being for him. Just when he’s about to give up his search of the venue, he finds himself in a more secluded area away from the thick of the party. Aside from Dean, this room was otherwise empty he realizes as he steps further into it.
“Dean,” he hears like music to his ears, causing him to turn in search of the source of the call of his name, finding you under the arch he’d just walked through. Dean’s raised brows dissolve into a less stressed and happier look at the sight of you. The corners of his mouth quirk upwards into the first genuine smile he’d probably given all night, just for you.
“Was beginning to think you’d ditched me,” Dean begins, offering you the drink that you take with a small giggle as you shake your head. “I looked all over and didn’t see you. I can barely get through the workday without you, so I was beginning to panic when I thought I’d have to schmooze my way through tonight on my own.”
“I’m not that cruel, Dean,” you hum as you take a sip. Dean finally notices the small box you were holding in the same hand you held a clutch that matched your dress. It was a dark and professional looking box, wrapped with a single green ribbon that alerted him to the fact it was a present. Your eyes follow his to your hand and you raise the box to offer it to him, “I was a little late because I had to pick this up first. I know you’ve probably heard this a thousand times already, but congratulations on the promotion.”
Taking it, Dean chuckles, “You didn’t have to. You do enough for me already.”
“Just open it!” when he glances up, he sees the excitement at the prospect of him potentially liking your gift in your eyes. That’s reason enough for him to pull the ribbon free of its knot and lift the top off the box that fit easily in his hand.
“Woah, sweet,” Dean breathes at what he finds, “A MontBlanc? This is an amazing pen, (Y/N).”
“Figured you’d need something to sign ‘Dean Smith, Vice President of Sales and Marketing’ with,” you announce, taking another sip of your drink as your eyes flick from his eyes to the gift you’d given and back again. You studied him, gauging how much he liked it by the expression he wore.
Dean’s lips were parted in surprise, his brows raised as he lifted the pen from it’s sleek box. It’s weighted in his hands just as any luxury pen should feel and he already knows it’s going to write beautifully just by the packaging and reputation a MontBlanc had. It’s not until his thumb runs over the opposite side of its smooth surface that Dean feels the indentions there.
“You had it engraved?” Dean glances up at you after his eyes find his name in a beautiful font etched into the rollerball as if it were meant to be there all along.
You were biting your lip in anticipation at him, “Do you like it, Dean?”
“Like it? I love it! It’s just what I needed,” Dean laughs, placing the pen back into the box as he takes a step towards you, eyes focused on your lips as he questions, “Where would I be without you?”
“Hmm,” you pretend to think as his hand finds your arm, smoothing downy your skin until his fingers intertwine with your own, “good thing you don’t have to worry about that.”
When he kisses you it’s familiar yet foreign at the same time. The rational part of your mind knew that you’d kissed Dean before plenty a time, but somehow each time felt different. Each time was as if you were kissing him for the first time all over again. He was gentle yet firm against you, pressing into you and keeping control of the kiss with ease as his neck bent to allow his lips to come to your height. Dean was probably the best kisser you could think of and you really weren’t surprised of that fact. Even if you didn’t have first-hand testimony to give, you could have guess that because Dean just looked like he’d be a good kisser.
The chatter and music of the party seemed to dim in the distance as your ears focused more on Dean’s breaths and the sound of his lips against your own. The fabric of his suit is thick and soft against your fingers when you grip the collar to pull him against you the rest of the way until you were chest-to-chest. You knew better than to give into the temptation to run your fingers through his hair and mess up his part, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t a struggle to resist.
Dean tasted of the few sips of champagne he’d had along with the peppermint he’d had before that hadn’t been completely washed away with the drink. He smelled of a cologne that was slightly more rugged than someone would think would fit a man like him, but it somehow fit perfectly all the same. You didn’t think you’d ever get enough of those small details about him.
Over the last four months neither of you had defined what you were to each other aside from your professional standings as the boss and his secretary. You didn’t mind that, really, because you were living in the moment. You hadn’t been looking for a serious relationship when you’d gotten involved with Mr. Smith. At the time, you’d in all honestly only been worried about what he could do with that mouth that was now moving against yours all these months after that very first encounter. You didn’t know what you were doing or what you were together, but none of that really mattered. You’d never looked at him and wondered, 'What are we?' with any sort of desire for an answer. All you did know was that right here, right now at this moment in your life you wanted him because you were having fun doing it.
That’s what you were thinking when you gripped the lapels of his suit, breathing against him fluidly as you kissed him back just as passionately as he was kissing you. God, did I already say you loved kissing him? You were entranced with how his lips nipped and sucked against your own. Dean didn’t use too much tongue like some of your previous boyfriends did, more of an occasional tease with it than anything else. The brunt of the effort of the kiss was taken on by those plump lips of his. Lips that, were they situated on anyone else’s face would perhaps look feminine, but framed by Dean’s jaw and the slight shadow of stubble that fought back against its daily shave, only served to make him look even more tempting than he already did.
Dean pulls away suddenly but keeps you against him by his hands on your waist and in your own, respectively. The look that furrowed his brow was more intense than you think you’d seen before as he captured your eyes with purpose. It was almost akin to one of those looks you’d seen him get whenever he was deciding on some important change to be implemented in the department, brows furrowed until that little dent appeared between them and his lips slightly parted in thought. Then, he said it. Words heavy with honesty and fueled by the expectation of reciprocation as that was all they had ever been met with before. Words that Dean had heard frequently from his parents, Bob and Ellen, and his sister, Jo, along with a few of his past loves that he lost along the way. Words that, now, Dean was saying to you in such a heartfelt way that it honestly, deep down, scared you a little bit.
“I love you.”
“What,” you hear yourself reply blandly as if in a daze, more stunned than anything else as you still process his words. Your heart skipped a beat, your breath caught, and you were certain for a split, terrifying second that you were having a heart attack.
As quickly as that second passed and the next came, you realized you weren't.
“I’m in love with you, (Y/N),” Dean repeats, tilting his head slightly as he looks to you for a response in a similar vein to the confession he’d just made. The first flicker of worry showing in his eyes at your hesitation.
Dean was in love. With you?
“Why?” you can’t help the single word from slipping from you in a genuine confusion, earning a stunned look from Dean as he opens and closes his mouth for a moment.
“Huh?” is all he can manage, the initial romance of his confession slowly fading from the air the longer you didn’t repeat his words back to him.
“We’ve only been together for four months,” you begin, pulling away just enough that his hand falls from your waist but keeps your grip, “How can you possibly know that you love me? We aren’t even public, Dean. We don’t even know what ‘we’ are!”
You knew that look that he was giving you now. It was the one he had when he was problem-solving. When he was spurting out new ideas for the company that could have it working a hundred times better than it was. Maximizing profit.
Problem was, you weren’t some problem Dean could solve in that moment. You were a girl standing in front of him and asking him how he could possibly know he loved you right now. In fact, you were the first girl to ever have asked Dean why.
“I know, baby,” Dean assures, reaching up to grip you by your biceps as his thumbs rub against you gently, not serving to settle you any despite their efforts. “I know I love you. Believe me. Have I ever lied to you before?”
“If you don’t know the reasons why, how do you know for sure?” you shoot back, pulling back fully this time as you try to compose yourself. Give yourself a moment to catch your breath and not break down right here as the terror of his confession and what it meant seeped into your skin. You needed to leave. Right now. “I think--- I need to go home. Goodnight, Dean.”
“What? Wait,” he goes after you, but you’re already out of his reach as you quickly escape towards the party. By the time he catches up, you’re in the middle of it, surrounded by people you knew from work with no intention of stopping. He grabs some of their attention when he calls your name, “(Y/N), wait!”
Only you don’t stop and Dean knows he can’t follow you as you exit the party. He was the guest of honor and still hadn’t given any sort of speech that was still expected later in the evening. Dean is left wide-eyed and open-mouthed as he watches you disappear through the doors that people were still entering from, his chest feeling heavy as he wondered if he’d just messed things up with you by moving too fast.
He finds himself wandering over the bar, sitting the pen’s box in front of him as he finally nursed that stronger drink he’d wanted earlier.
Dean doesn’t even really notice Sam settling into the seat beside him until he asks, “Did you find your secretary?”
Dean glances towards him out of the corner of his eye, a deep frown on his face as he dwells further on the events of the night, “Yeah, I did.” He debates for a split second if he wanted to elaborate to this tech guy, but something about Sam was inviting to him. For some reason, Dean wanted to open up to Sam, “I seriously think I screwed things up, Sam.”
A flash of realization shows on Sam’s face, “Ah, so you and your secretary are...”
“Yeah,” Dean takes a swig of his drink, leaning back in his chair as he reaches forward to finger the box in thought. “Or, at least, we were. I don’t know if she feels the same about me anymore.”
“What’s that?” Sam asks, nodding towards the box.
“It’s a pen. She gave me a pen,” a scoff comes from Dean, “I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen.”
“Alright, that’s it,” Sam sighs, taking the drink from Dean, ignoring the surprised glare it gets him, “you’re going after her. If you feel that strongly about her, than this party shouldn't matter at all. Mr. Adler and the other suits can handle tonight without you. Just say you got sick or something.”
“I can’t just ditch this! This is my life, Sam,” Dean protests, but even when he says it it feels wrong. Off.
“Can you accept that this could possibly be a life without the girl you supposedly love, then? Because if you can, I don't know if you can say it’s really love you’re feeling,” Sam shoots back, giving Dean a look that somehow seems familiar even though he knew the tech guy hadn’t ever given it to him before. “Just something to think about.”
There was a logical side of Dean that hesitates for a moment. A side of him that was worried about the implications leaving would have on his job, but that side of him wasn’t loud enough at the moment. Dean gives a nod and swipes the box off the bartop, knowing he had to do what Sam was suggesting in order to feel right about himself tomorrow morning.
“You’re right, Sammy. I’m going after her.”
“Yeah, don’t call me that,” Sam chuckles. “Good luck, Dean.”
“Thanks. I’ll need it.”
Dean finds himself tapping his foot as he waited impatiently on the valet to pull his car around. The butterflies in his stomach weren’t going away any time soon as he thought back to how you’d reacted after he had told you how he felt. You had asked him why did he love you? Dean had the time it took to drive to your place to collect those reasons into words that he hadn’t been able to articulate on the spot.
But as he knocked on your door, he knew that any words he could possibly say would still be inadequate to the feelings he had for you, even though you’d only been together for the span of four months.
“(Y/N), baby? Come on open the door,” Dean calls as he knocks again, resting his forehead on the wood of the door until he hears you unlock it. It swings open and he’s caught by your wary eyes.
You hadn’t yet changed out of your dress, but Dean’s tie was a little looser around his neck than it had been at the party, “Dean, I---”
“You want to know how I know I love you, right?” he interrupts and you see the flicker of fear in his eyes for a moment, probably afraid you’d close the door on him. Dean takes a shaky breath when you don’t reply, “It’s that feeling in my gut, alright. Unlike anything I’ve ever felt--- it makes the feelings that I had for anyone before you seem childish in comparison. Hell, I left the party because of how I feel about you, (Y/N). So what if Mr. Adler chews me out tomorrow? Not even my job matters if I mess this up with you.”
You swallow dryly, leaning out of the doorway as you ask, “Do you want to do this out here, or do you want to come in?”
“Yes, please,” he huffs, moving past you and into the house. His hand goes to the back of his neck as he rubs it nervously for a second.
“So, you really love me, Dean? It’s not just some four-letter-word to you?” watching him cautiously, you lean on the closed door. You couldn’t help but be skeptical. After all, things were going so fast between you and the way you felt for him scared you. You were afraid of getting your heart broken and the more you dwelled on his confession, the more you realized you were dangerously vulnerable. You couldn’t admit it out loud, not until you were certain.
“Some four-letter-word? (Y/N), does that sound like me? I wouldn’t play like this with you. I love you and I mean it,” Dean steps towards you and you find yourself cornered between him and your door. “You’re so thoughtful all the time. So damn thorough that honestly it can make me angry when you pick up on little things that I don’t want you to notice, but it’s what makes you great at your job. I can’t go on without you. If you don’t love me, too, I can accept that, but if you’re worried I’m playing you, that’s not me.” His hand comes up to your jaw, cupping it as he gives you a crooked smile, searching your eyes for an answer, “If I have to say it a thousand more times before you’ll believe me, I will. I love you.”
Your hands find his hips as you inch up on your toes to brush your lips against his gently. He pushes back into your kiss until you rock back onto the pads of your feet, kissing you smoothly against the door to your home. You could feel the box of your present to him in his front pocket, but the mild discomfort only sits in the back of your mind. Dean’s ‘I love you’ played over and over in your mind and from this kiss, you know he’s telling the truth.
You part from him with his taste still on your tongue, your smile wide as you giggle in happiness, “If you want to say it a thousand more times, I won’t complain. I love you, too, Dean.”
Dean lets out a relieved breath before grinning at you, “You had me scared for a while, there, you know that right? You sure do have a way of keeping me on my toes, (Y/N).” He bends to kiss the side of your mouth before he pecks your cheek, “See? There’s another reason I love you.”
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Imagine // Joys to Come
Request: Could you do a Finn Collins imagine, please? I think about the reader is a little like Cassie from Skins (having ED, being sad, looking so nice and innocent but really mess up inside, taking pills for not being so sad, etc) and Finns trying to make her believe that she is important and loved even when she try to avoid his presence...
Pairings: Finn Collins x Reader
Warnings: Eating disorders, mentions of abuse, mentions of drug use
I have not seen Skins, sorry about that, so it’s very loosely based on what was written about her in this request. Sorry if it isn’t exactly what was requested, I took some liberties.
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
The bonfire crackled, the heavy scent of food slowly mingling with that of the forest. You were almost used to the sound of your stomach growling by the time Blake and the others had arrived with food.
Everyone was delighted at the sight of the dead animal being carried into camp. You were not among them.
You silently thanked Blake for deciding that only those without wristbands got to eat. It gave you a good excuse for not getting in line. You were simply following the others’ example, standing at the edge of the firelight, looking hungrily at the slobs of meat slowly cooking over the flames.
Well, not quite like the others. You avoided looking at the food on purpose, instead staring at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
“Not hungry?”
You looked up to see a girl – you thought her name was Fox – smile at you. You shook your head.
“Not interested in the Ark considering me dead.”
“Huh,” Fox huffed. She kept shifting her weight from one leg to the other. She stopped speaking as two people walked past. You recognized them as Griffin, and the boy she was with was the spacewalker. As his eyes met yours, your stomach growled loudly. You averted your gaze quickly, face heating up.
When they had passed, Fox cleared her throat. “You… got family up there? The Ark, I mean.”
A knot appeared in your throat, making it hard to form words. “…not really.”
It wasn’t a lie. As if that swine could be considered family, you thought.
She walked away after that. You sat there, stomach growling loudly. The line kept moving forward as bracelet after bracelet was removed. 
And then the line stopped all together. The spacewalker had just taken some meat, and that Blake brute stood there, unable to do anything. Apparently, the spacewalker had told him off.
You weren’t happy with this. Because both the spacewalker and Griffin had their bracelets on. Which meant you had no real excuse to not eat anymore.
Not knowing what to do, you simply stared down, pretending not to notice how the line had broken up.
It worked rather well. Until someone tapped you on the shoulder.
You looked up into warm, brown eyes.
“Here,” the spacewalker said, and extended a hand towards you. There was a piece of meat impaled on a stick in it. “I heard you earlier. Thought you needed it.”
You cursed mentally. “Thanks,” you mumbled, and took it from him. You refused to meet his eyes again, instead looking off.
He took the hint. As his steps got quieter, more distanced, you wondered if you could get rid of the meat in some kind of way. Subtly hand it over to someone else.
The way the hairs on your neck stood up told you, no, he would notice. You could feel his gaze on you, poking at any crevices they could find, trying to figure out your secret. The fire was slowly spreading from your back, heating you up.
You hesitantly took a bite. It soothed the burning, if just a little. Your stomach revolted, every part of your screaming that you shouldn’t eat. That you looked disgusting enough as it was.
Almost angrily, you stood up, and started walking towards the forest. The entire way you could feel a pair of eyes burning into your back.
The night after you hadn’t gone to the campfire at all. Instead, you remained in your tent, curled up with a book you had snuck with you from the Ark.
It wasn’t useful at all, but you had always found the symbolism of different plants interesting. Mostly because the science side of botany bored you. You would never get through an entire book about how to save lives using dandelion.
And dreaming about the different flowers was nice. You had never actually seen a rose, for example. Not that that was the most fascinating flower, but the point still stood.
It turned out, though, that staying out of the campfire’s light didn’t mean staying out of sight.
“There you are, dove.”
You looked up to see the spacewalker, silhouetted in the tent’s entrance. You couldn’t make out his expression, despite squinting against the light, and as you were unable to read him, you didn’t quite know how to respond.
He didn’t walk away this time. I walked inside, instead, and settled down next to you.
“I brought you something,” he said, and handed over a cloth. Or rather, he gave you something wrapped in a cloth.
You opened it. Shiny, blue orbs lied there, seeming almost purple in the faint, orange tint from outside. “Berries?”
“Meat didn’t seem like your thing.”
Despite yourself, you smiled while looking at the berries. “Thank you, spacewalker.”
“My name is Finn, dove.” 
“And mine’s Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
“You too.”
He didn’t respond, his gaze instead settling on the book in your hand.
“Flowers?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow. Before you could stop him, he had grabbed the book, scanning over the page you had been looking at.
“They’re… colorful.”
He laughed. “That’s why you read about them?”
“This world needs color,” you breathed. The knot from the day before was back. You couldn’t talk about it. Couldn’t be reminded of it. Of the insults your father hurled at you daily, about your brains, body, about how useless you were, the words gripping their foul claws into you, leaving shards of darkness behind.
The drugs made the thoughts easier to live with. Too bad the guards caught you borrowing some.
Finn’s hand touched yours, pulling you out of your thoughts. His smile was gentle as he spoke: “How so?”
“There’s...” you took a deep breath, “there’s not a lot to look forward to, is there? Either you live and die in a metal box, or you starve on the ground, every day a struggle.”
Finn didn’t say anything, but he held your gaze.
“I just… I don’t look forward to tomorrow anymore. I haven’t in a long time, actually.”
“The flowers help?”
“They bring a little color, a little light. And they say more than a lot of people do.”
“You would rather I shut up?”
You didn’t answer, hoping he would take the hint and go away. He stayed, and simply responded to your silence with his own, and started looking through the book instead.
When you ate them, you realized the berries tasted sweeter than you had expected.
Finn brought you food every day, for the next week. You gave up on trying to ignore him.
Are always found you, though you guessed that was to be expected by a tracker.
On the sixth day, when he visited, you noticed that he had the gentlest eyes.
One day, he didn’t show up. You should have expected it. Should have known that words were fickle, even those as genuine as Finn’s.
But it hurt. Stung. A dull ache, settling in your stomach. It made sleep come slower than usual.
You kept wondering if it was your fault. If he had caught the hints, and finally decided to leave you alone.
You awoke just before dawn. The ache was dulled ever so slightly, but every fiber in your body told you that you wouldn’t fall asleep again.
The footsteps of whatever annoying person trudging on outside your tent agreed.
The air was cold against your skin, almost numbing it. You exited the tent, ready to yell (quietly, mind you, the rest of the camp was asleep) at whoever was walking around at this hour.
You were stopped in your tracks, though. 
“Hey, dove. Follow me, please?”
You couldn’t find it in you to resist when he grabbed your hand.
Somehow, the forest was even chillier than the camp. You were sure you had seen your own breath twice.
And yet you followed him without question. The cold made his touch seem warmer, as well.
By the time Finn stopped, you had to have walked for an eternity. The sun had started rising, as well.
“Finn? Why are we here?”
Golden light had started filtering through the leaves above you, casting gentle shadows that playfully danced in the grass. It gave Finn’s hair a soft glowing outline. 
“To give you this.”
He pulled something out from inside his jacket. A small, slightly crushed bouquet of small, yellow flowers.
If you weren’t speechless by the fact that he had taken you to such a gorgeous clearing, your breath was certainly knocked out by the flowers.
Celandines. One of the first flowers mentioned in your book. The yellow petals seemed unreal, almost like a nontangible thing in the morning sun.
And yet it was what you couldn’t see that stole your breath away; it was what they meant.
“Joys to come,” you whispered. Finn smiled at you.
“I’m looking forward to experiencing the ground with you.”
“Oh, Finn! This is amazing!” For the first time in very long, all you could feel was pure, untouched joy.
Before you could think it through, you had stepped forward and thrown your arms around him.
“Woah, there, Y/N!” he gasped, though his surprise didn’t sound real. You could practically hear the smile in his voice as he wrapped his arms around you. “I’m glad you like them.”
You pulled slightly away from him, so that you were no longer pushed into his chest. Still, he kept his arms around you. Your faces were very close together.
“I more than like them, Finn,” you said, and small sparks of electricity ran across every inch of your skin.
“Good,” his eyes stared deeply into yours as he continued, “I thought they represented us quite well. I look forward to exploring the ground with you.”
He leaned a little closer.
“Why?” you asked, and your voice sounded wispy, as if you were out of breath. “Why bother?”
“Because,” he said, now so close that you could feel his breath ghost across your lips, “you’re one of my world’s colors.”
Somehow, even with all the different berries he had brought you, Finn’s kiss managed to taste sweeter than all of them.
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