#it was surprisingly accurate
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itlearns · 1 year ago
“There is no way I’m leaving you in the middle of nowhere at this hour to find your own way home”, Miles says.
You’re not really comfortable with cars, actually. You get anxiety and motion sickness.
“The car’s suspension is the best you can find and I’m a really steady driver”, Miles says. “I’m not very good with jolt myself, as you could have noticed”.
That’s not much of a calming statement, if you think about it.
“I had not a single accident in fifteen years drive record, you really have nothing to worry about”, Miles says.
You don’t know why you are refusing an invitation so persistently. Probably because you’re not really calm about the idea of spending two hours in a closed tiny space with Miles Edgeworth. That also might be because he sounds even more irritated and annoyed than usual. You know it’s just because of the case, yet it makes you nervous in some weird kind of way.
And yet you are in the middle of nowhere and you’re tired and it’s getting late and you have no desire to wait all night in the bus stop for the first vehicle to take you to the closest town at 7 am next morning.
So you get into the car.
You don’t really know how to drive, but watching Miles go through motions necessary is somewhat calming. His movements are automatic yet deliberate and controlled. He still looks angrier that usual, but there’s no pressure or sharpness in his hands. You absolutely can believe he didn’t get into a single incident in fifteen years.
“Is driving a car really such an unusual activity to observe?”, he asks without looking at you, as you finally making it to some civilly looking road.
“You’re staring”.
“Oh”. You turn your head away just to look back at him immediately, since you have to answer something. “Well, it is a little weird. You look more equipped for horse riding then driving a sportscar somehow”.
He does his strange little sneer, not paired with an actual smile.
“Well, this engine’s capacity is 950 horsepower, so I think the contradiction can be avoided”
 “Now, that is a lot of horses”, you chuckle a bit nervously.
         This awkward exchange calms you down a little. The case is a mess, and everyone is stressed out. The whole day of investigation and no one was able to find victim’s head. Identifying of the body is not carried out fast enough and autopsy report is obviously not going to be ready any time soon.
         Despite Gumshoe running around saying he’s going to take all the dirty work on himself, Miles looks way messier that he usually allows himself to be. His hand laying on the wheel in an effortless manner, but he’s still frowning, and his lips are pursed. And you just don’t want Miles to be stressed or troubled. You want Miles to… You are staring again, aren’t you?
Trying to find somewhere less rude to look at you look at the dashboard and watch the speedometer needle pass 110 kilometers. This with the image of Miles barely even holding the wheel makes you think that maybe it’s time to confess your sins and pray for forgiveness to whoever is may be out there.
“Are… you okay, Edgeworth?”
“I am, thank you very much”. Sometimes you really can’t say if he’s being passive-aggressive or if it’s just his impeccable god damned manners.
“That’s kinda a little too fast, is it not?”
“That’s fine. This is a national expressway, the speed limit here is 120 kilometers per hour”
“You’re being fined for speeding is not exactly what’ I’m worried about”.
He doesn’t react to that at all, eyes still fixed on the road.
“Does it… help? With the anger?”, you ask carefully.
He takes a brief pause to consider it.
The speedometer needle goes up to 118.
“Not a single accident in fifteen years”, you remind yourself.
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 year ago
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Happy FNAF movie day!
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castielsprostate · 6 months ago
the way wade went out there to save the nine people that made up his world, dropped everything and just went, on his birthday! the one day it's supposed to be about you, and he went out to save the timeline with little complaint. he cares so much, and so deeply. he was willing to give up his whole existence for 10 people including a man, thee worst wolverine, he met A DAY AGO!!!!!!!!! he carved out a tenth slot in his world, his timeline, his universe, the moment that logan pushed the gun against his own head!
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metamatronic · 7 days ago
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Gen 1 Gym Leaders From Memory
{ johto / hoenn }
(i misspelled erika’s name oops)
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numbuh424 · 7 months ago
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@nearsbday : DAY 1 - "TOY"
He likes re-telling the story to them every once and a while.
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gigizetz · 7 months ago
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He’s a voice actor guy who reads tumblr posts on YouTube.
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ok-pop-1 · 1 year ago
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i love remlits ;-; feat. @linked-maze's sky!
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nyanfish · 7 days ago
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here's a drawing i commissioned from my brother @fiananan. the price was a bag of chips. he made it in mspaint with a mouse.
the prompt was "conquest goes to starbucks just so he can feel the baristas' hand brush against his when he gets his coffee handed to him"
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Roy and Dick being divorced parents and fighting for custody of the team is actually incredibly accurate to the og Teen Titans comics. Those two had beef on sight.
Also Wally being INCREDIBLY DISTRAUGHT over their fighting is fantastic and I love it.
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"Don't drag Wally into this!" - Small bird man who doesn't want to lose his BFF in the divorce
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infiniteglitterfall · 6 months ago
Sorry, I just. Was just on Twitter, and I snapped.
I literally haven't seen one true statement about Israel on social media in MONTHS.
It's gotten to the point that I'm seriously considering starting a sideblog fact-checking all of it.
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I've written at least one really long post about fact-checking things before. I have another saved as a draft somewhere.
But all you really have to do at this point is GO LOOK AT AN ACTUAL NEWS SOURCE.
What do I mean by an Actual News Source?
An actual news source will tell you where it's getting its information.
Basically: Wikipedia rules apply at all times. Citation. Fucking. Needed.
Except with news articles, I don't mean a detailed footnote.
I mean, if they say, "Rosco Flubberish reported seeing a pig fly across Whatever Place. 'It was a flying pig,' he said," they're fine.
If they say, "Sources close to the President reported that the Department of Farmland Creatures launched a pig into the air this afternoon," they're fine.
If they say, "There have also been reports that pigs flew," they are purely making shit up.
Just check CNN or something. CNN checks their shit, and they're very quick on the draw.
NBC has been very reliable too, in my experience. So have ABC, Newsweek, the Jerusalem Post, the Guardian, the New York Times, the AP, PBS, the Washington Post, and Reuters.
You can break through most paywalls by putting archive.is or 12ft.io before the https:// of the URL. Or just go to either of those sites and paste the URL in the box.
Nobody is perfect. I've seen some articles from all of the above that were accurate, but left things out that I personally thought were important.
Journalists are humans, humans fuck up.
(Also, NONE OF THIS APPLIES TO OPINION PIECES ON ANY TOPIC. Opinion pieces are exactly that: opinions. They don't seem to be fact-checked anywhere, as far as I can tell. They range from super-accurate and informative to complete nonsense.)
(Surprisingly unreliable sources in my experience: Democracy Now, Jacobin, Workers World Party. The latter two act like news sites but are basically running nothing but opinion pieces; Democracy Now can do important deep dives, but I've also seen news coverage from it that was wildly misinformed in that same way.
On the flip side, Slate and the Atlantic are largely opinion -- the Atlantic more than Slate, maybe -- but they often have really well-researched analysis of political situations. Ditto Teen Vogue, and sometimes Vox.)
You don't have to read CNN or the NYT or whateverfor fun. You don't have to make it one of your news sources.
Just. Do a quick check on Google News before you assume anything is true, and then run it through a bullshit filter as described above.
You are being actively lied to, all the time. So am I. We all are.
And people will believe and repeat literally anything that sounds about right.
That's just human nature.
That is WHY none of us are immune to propaganda.
if you want my personal shortlist of Bad Sources, as in Sources That Consistently Publish Absolute Falsehoods:
Any and all state-owned or state-controlled media. For example:
Al Jazeera is owned by the Qatari government, and so are a bunch of other news sites.
Mehr News, the Tehran Times, Al-Quds TV, and Al-Alam are owned by the dictatorship of Iran.
Oops. Looks like every form of broadcast Iranian news media is owned by the dictatorship of Iran, which has a monopoly.
Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation, Palestinian News and Info Agency, and Al-Hayat Al-Jadida are owned by the government of Palestine (the Palestinian Authority)
Al-Aqsa TV and Felesteen are owned by Hamas.
TASS / Russia News Agency, Russia Today, and a fuckton of others are owned by the Russian government.
State Media Monitor seems to do a pretty great job of tracking and listing these things. Check out your own country there!
I specifically listed those ones because some of them (especially Al Jazeera, Mehr News, and TASS) are sites I've seen come up frequently on Tumblr, or in my attempts to fact-check what people are saying here and on Twitter. The rest are just more examples from the same governments.
Al Jazeera deserves special notice because it's become a very popular leftist news source. Believe me, I used to read it all the time too.
It can be reliable and accurate sometimes. But:
It consistently tweets things that are unsourced, never appear anywhere else, and that would be big news you'd expect it to follow up on if they were true. It seems to be following a strategy of "tweet every rumor you hear in case it's true, so you can get the scoop."
It also does this with its liveblogs of the war. And ALL its coverage of the war at this point is liveblogs. So things that are verifiably true will run right next to things that are complete hearsay, but are too long to just tweet.
This is especially dangerous because as far as I can tell, Al Jazeera doesn't delete anything that turns out to be false.
I've also seen regular news articles in Al Jazeera, on multiple topics, that veer from Absolutely True Statements to Wildly Exaggerated Numbers and Speculation. Stuff you wouldn't expect a source on, like statistics or descriptions. And there's no way to tell the difference unless you already know a topic really well, or are fact-checking them while you read.
One especially terrible example, from Gazan activist Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib:
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Al Jazeera has never posted or published a correction.
Alkhatib has also blamed it for destabilizing the region, although he's exaggerating about it being Hamas's official propaganda outlet:
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TL;DR: If you see a Tumblr post making any kind of factual news statement without a link, at this point you need to assume it is absolutely not true. And either scroll on past, or go check Google News.
If there IS a link, you need to click through to see what it's from and what it actually says.
(Honestly, you need to do that with Wikipedia too. I've repeatedly clicked through on citations that absolutely did not say what the article implied they did.)
And pro tip: on mobile, you can just smack a button to sort Google's news results by most recent, and it helps A LOT. There's gotta be a way to do the same on desktop, but if there is, it's not immediately visible, which sucks.
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belzebong · 11 days ago
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kk-cats · 1 month ago
Comic panel edit again.. got lazy on this one
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As per usual, original under cut!!
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chanrizard · 3 months ago
me: scrolling insta
my fyp, sensing im approaching my 30s: stray kids as vacuums
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amyred · 4 months ago
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My bestie @layraket throw this in our private discord server, there's the responses:
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I love my group of friends, dear god
Here's is the link to the original post!
(I just learned how to do that. Great)
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voidpunkpal · 6 months ago
the two genders:
femme as a solution 😇
femme as a problem 😈
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milfbro · 1 year ago
Sorry, last one. I was taught almost nothing about Roman history in school. only a brief very Marxist overview before we carried on to medieval history because my school was like that
meaning the most I know about Julius Caesar and Marc Antony and Cleopatra I learned from a Courtesan romance choose your own adventure game in the Choices app. You know, one where you play a gaul warrior princess and you get to seduce Cassius and Marc Antony and have sex with him at the empty senate floor if you want. Yeah. I didn't do that one but that's cause I didn't have enough free diamonds
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