#it was supposed to be for the free day but i've completely lost the plot and I don't know if I'm on time
technically-human · 17 hours
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Bisexual crisis Crystal edition
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leagueofidiots · 3 months
Why I think BNHA 427 was a bunch of bullshit
I am going to leave my personal opinions on characters out of this because that's a whole seperate issue, I want to focus on how this chapter pissed me off from a story standpoint
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I think Horikoshi has seriously lost track of what the original point of this story was supposed to be. In general, I have found that the ending (up until now at least, I'm gonna hang in there) has gone completely against the themes originally present in the rest of the story, honestly since All for One's reveal that he orchestrated Tomura's birth.
My Hero Academia has always been about how there is no real black and white, good or evil, just a whole lot of grey area. The heroes are not all good people, and the system itself is corrupt. Most of the villains have been put in situations where they were nearly forced into the lives they lead, even though they're still terrorists. From the get-go, this story was set up to be about A.) fixing hero society, and B.) saving the villains while not dismissing the fact that they're literal terrorists.
For one, I think it is unbelievably fucking stupid that Tomura has been established to have done nothing wrong at this point, that he apparently has never made a decision in his life and is free of all guilt. I won't bother with how stupid it is as a character thing for him, his family, and All for One, because at the end of the day it is a shounen. Whatever. But all along, the theme of the entire league is that they did have a choice at the end of the day. Dabi's life was a living hell, but he still chose to join the LoV. Toga was discriminated against for her quirk, but she still chose to become a serial killer. Twice had the shittiest luck in the world and no support system, but he still formed a self-made gang. Spinner is a victim of quirkism, but he chose to follow in Stain's, and later Tomura's footsteps. While Tomura has always been raised in All for One's shadow, let's be honest. Even after All for One was arrested, and after he realized he had been groomed, he did far worse things than he did under All for One's wing. Part of this is obviously the fact that he was raised to be like All for One, but the level of sadism and power-hungriness he shows is something extremely brushed off by the fandom. The villains are sympathetic, yes, but at the end of the day they are still bad people. Removing Tomura's agency takes away from the whole common thread set up in the MLA arc, that all it takes is one bad day to make a villain. It was obviously just so Horikoshi could take the lazy route in his redemption.
To follow this, Tomura, from a story standpoint, should not be dead. Especially as the main villain, and the main one basically the entire cast was fighting to save. He was met with apologies and understanding, so there is at least a level of closure there (more on that later), but it defeats the whole point of the story if Tomura is dead. Horikoshi can obviously do whatever he wants with his own story, but the whole plot seemed to be setting up that the main three villains would live, be held accountable, and considered "saved" when they could live on with at least some sort of happiness and dignity. Tomura will not be held accountable in any tangible way, nor will he get to be at peace. It's extremely unfulfilling from a narrative standpoint.
The next thing I've been seeing a lot of is an absolutely baffling amount of Izuku hate. I have seen people (even canon now!!!) call him a murderer. I have even seen people go so far as to accuse him of mind-raping Tomura. The fandom is one thing, but the fact that Horikoshi seems to want us to agree with this statement, is actually fucking insane. I think that's what really made this chapter especially shitty for me. And I say this as a Spinner fan! It's about the way it's written. From Spinner's perspective, obviously he is going to be on Tomura's side. The narrative seems to want us to be on Tomura's side too, and honestly, I am not. Izuku went above and beyond to not only see Tomura's side of things, but to reach out and acknowledge his pain. Tomura got the only semi-satisfying ending (so far) out of any of the villains, except Overhaul for some reason. Dabi's chapter last week was absolutely sickening as an ending to his story. Now Spinner's arc has been completely written off in favor of serving Tomura (for the billionth time). Toga hasn't even been seen since her fight. Jin's death was pointless. Sako's sacrifice was pointless. Kurogiri's death was the most infuriating shit I have ever had to read. Tomura got acknowledgement from the heroes and the villains, he got apologies from several people, he got to watch All for One die not once but twice, and he got to go out on his own terms. The fact that anyone faults Izuku for A.) fighting a terrorist who was killing dozens of people at a time, B.) not treating him like an innocent little baby, and C.) not being able to help a man who didn't want help is beyond me. Again, the fact that this chapter seems to want us to agree with Spinner about even the people on TV is just honestly unrealistic. He was a terrorist. Obviously people won't care that much that he was traumatized.
BNHA 427 was the latest chapter in a long string of characters being completely ignored for the sake of Tomura's development. Every fight was cut shorter than it could have been all so we could see more of him mindlessly killing characters who don't even have names, and beating the shit out of Deku. A certain level of this is understandable, he is again the main villain, but some of it is just honestly dismissive of other characters.
I'll stick to Spinner since he's the only one relevant to this chapter, but I think his is perhaps the worst case aside from Kurogiri's. Since the MLA arc, the fandom and canon itself have brushed off Spinner as an extension of Tomura, a lense to show compassion towards him and nothing else. With very little development, we are suddenly supposed to believe that he completely abandoned his/Stain's ideals in favor of the complete opposite. Their entire relationship is 100% one-sided until flashbacks during the final war arc about nothing but League of Legends. Tomura claims he fights for Spinner by saying things we have never heard Spinner even mention, nonetheless support (destroying Mt. Fuji, world destruction in general). He is used as a tool in the final war arc to the point where he can barely form sentences, his points about quirkism are ignored, he can't process any sympathy shown to him, and he is immediately written off as soon as he gets to Kurogiri (another character used as a prop for Tomura's development). Even now, all he talks about is Tomura, all that is brought up to him is Tomura. Nothing about the rest of the league, next to nothing about his own physical condition, nothing acknowledging his trauma or the changes that need to be made to society. Spinner's whole character arc is about being empty, about finding himself by acting as someone he admires. His whole character conflict is that he has no identity of his own. So his arc is wrapped up by making everything about him relevant to Tomura? He's going to spend years writing a book about Tomura??? And nothing else for him?????
I don't know what else to say. The story has been going downhill for a while, it's just especially rubbing me the wrong way recently. I'm running out of faith that the next three chapters will be any good, but it's too late to quit now ig
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willel · 2 months
Rethinking Vecna's Backstory
Heyo guys. This is not really a serious post, but more of a thought experiment. The idea crossed my mind earlier. Feel free to pitch in or tell me your thoughts. Mostly if you would've liked it better or are fine with what we have.
I was watching a popular ST video that was released a few days ago. I've never agreed and disagreed with a video so much. He had some valid points, but on other points he was spreading misinformation and to me, did not seem to pick up on some clues and character motivations as the seasons progressed.
If you know me, I'm not about to sit here and pretend the Duffers are stellar writers. I have sooooooooooooo many hiccups with their writing decisions and shifts. But some of the things he complained about was surface level junk that can easily be understood if he tried. But it's whatever.
In this post, I wanted to discuss Vecna's backstory. I already know some peeps don't really like it. Yeah, they had to shift some things around and you really have to suspend your disbelief and just go with it for a lot of things. So while I think "#001" was planned from the beginning, Vecna/Henry definitely wasn't.
All that said, it inspired me to rerwite/tweak it a little. I'm speaking specifically of how Vecna ended up in the Upside Down in the first place and how they sort of clash with El's memory of the lab which they handwaved away with a stroke.
My tweak is: What if we keep with the idea that El was completely isolated after a certain point? She was paired up with Kali/008 for a while but was separated for whatever reason and completely isolated moving on?
She could hear the other kids and people outside of her room or in the hallways, but was not allowed to interact with them and maybe only caught glimpses of them.
She was lonely and touch-starved. Her only interactions were with Brenner, nurses, and helpers.
In which case, I think Henry would've still had contact with El. Maybe not full unsupervised contact, but he was there for her training and all that stuff. He had the opportunity to see something in her as Brenner did.
But the major difference I would make here is.... El did not assist in freeing him. I think Henry is smart enough to have finally found his own out of his soteria prison.
I can imagine El, locked in her room, hearing the massacre going on outside of her door. Getting closer and closer and then.... And then suddenly.... all is silent.
My logic here is, Henry accidentally opened his own door to the Upside Down and trapped himself. Like he was overwhelmed with power and imploded on himself. El never sees this, but Brenner does, obviously.
It'd be very similar to when El accidentally opened the gate in S1. She was so overwhelmed by her own emotions and fear, she tore open a rift in space.
So Brenner now with his confirmation the other world exists and all his other subjects being dead and his main prize, Henry, being lost... he decides to push El to her limits. Push her, hoping one day she too could open the gate Henry just did?
This kinda cuts into the whole "You were supposed t be my protoge but rejected me" story they were going with, but do we really need that?
Going this route would maintain El not really knowing what's going on with the overall plot. Wouldn't kinda contradict what we already knew of her lab life (though I don't think there's much contradicting to begin with)
Hm.... well, that's kinda where I am with this thought process.
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princesscolumbia · 9 months
Author Thoughts
I'm approaching the end of my third full novel I've written in my life.
One was supposed to be a licensed work but then that license holder got bought by another company that cancelled the IP that book was based on, so now sits on my hard drive. I go back and read it every few years or so, mostly to see how far I've progressed as an author since my early twenties.
The second was pure catharsis, a fanfic about trauma and homelessness and found family and dealing with pain and loss. You can find it on FiMFiction.net and AO3 if you're interested.
My most recent will not be appearing here due to the Dead Dove content (Explanation for those who needed this defined like I did: "Dead Dove" fics are those that have clear tagging, especially on AO3, that there's "problematic" content in the work but people who are triggered by the clearly tagged problematic stuff read it anyway and get upset. Based on the "Dead Dove" meme where the guy looks in the bag clearly marked, "Dead Dove, do not eat" and looks inside and finds, sure enough, a dead dove), but has been some of the most interesting, challenging writing I've ever done where I'm allowing my creative brain to intentionally think, "What's the bad ending and how do I make it interesting?"
When I was writing my first novel, I got to a point about 3/4's through and my writing slowed down significantly. It took two years for me to write it, nine months of that was just on the last 1/4 of the book. It wasn't any more lengthy or challenging than the rest, just I suddenly felt like I was running out of steam and couldn't keep going, even though I'd plotted out pretty much ever plot point and story beat down to specific timing for the climax chapter.
When I was working on my second (completed, I've started a few dozen since my first) work, I got to about 3/4's through...and slowed down. It took over a year to write and, just like my first book, the last 1/4 took the lion's share of that time.
My current book I've been hammering on since early December 2023 (if you're reading this later than the posting date, the first chapter is currently only about a month old by this point), and I actually wrote a full outline complete with copious notes so I wouldn't forget anything I wanted to do with the fic. I'm on Chapter 9 of 11 chapters and an epilogia (Epilogia - n. - collection of epliogues. See also, "Prologia" and "Blame Brandon Sanderson") and sure enough, as I put some paragraph marks between "Chapter 9" and my notes, suddenly I started slowing down. I took an entire day off, thinking I was just burning out, but no, I only didn't want to write as I sat down to actually do the writing.
I've been pondering this for the last week-ish, and I believe it has to do with the project being just about done. This has taken pretty much my entire free time since I started and is a tremendous source of dopamine, and now that I'm getting closer to the end, my idiot monkey brain is seeing the end of the dopamine and is trying to delay the end, hoping that'll keep the dopamine rolling in.
Something that I've been working on may be a solution. I've been dropping little Easter Eggs into my fics so fans of one body of work can be pleasantly surprised when they see something from that work turn up in an apparently unrelated project. A character from My Empire of Dirt might appear in Deviation, an epilog on another project will be a big reveal about a character based on the sudden and unexpected intersection with Lost in the Dark. Sunset Shimmer from Redhead/Redhead winds up meeting with Ranma "Sailor Moon" Saotome from Fission. That sort of thing.
Basically, I'm going to convince my monkey brain that it's ALL just one, massive, ongoing "novel" and the dopamine will flow forever so long as the writing does, too.
Will it work? We'll see if it did based on how quickly I can get Ch. 9 out. 😋
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layaboutace · 9 months
Season 9 Episode 11: Heaven Sent/Episode 12: Hell Bent
throughout this whole review series I've always given the two parters the same score, usually because in the RTD era the episodes were both of similar quality. however in the moffat era one episode always seems to be a bit stronger than the other, and it is here that I don't follow my rule because i could not give heaven sent anything other than a perfect score, because it is perfect. the mystery was not only intriguing, but entirely solvable with everything you're shown in the episode, not only that but the doctor going through grief of billions of years of dying and coming back without any of his memories, punching again and again at grief, at the days that go by without the one he lost by his side, only to finally break free is beautiful. its heartbreaking, and clara telling him to move on was as harsh as it was necessary. he needed to hear it, and it does help him shatter that wall, no matter how long it took, no matter how much he literally kept retracing his steps, going through the extremely repetitive motions of grief over and over and over again, he eventually breaks through, and thats so beautiful. now lets ruin it! lets tie in the completely stupid and boring plot of the hybrid with the return of gallifrey, and the doctors not happy to see them oh no no hes so mad, and its great for a bit, him waiting in the barn, not so much as sparing a word for anyone not rassilon, its great. but then rassilon is easily overthrown, the doctor taking his place. and it turns out he didn't get over his grief and move on, and clara doesn't face consequences for her own faults, they both seemingly backpedal on their amazing development in the last two episodes, for an ending thats super cool and i do like, but is way less fulfilling. i love clara exploring the universe, but i would rather have her own up to her mistakes and face the raven. its tragic the lengths the doctor goes to for clara, but he just went billions of years worth of grief, and him growing past that worked and was beautiful. honestly for some things it just didn't feel like moffat considered the wider storyline, like the hybrid thing was always stupid but not only is its conclusion extremely dumb but its not even super definitive, the ghosts guarding the matrix was dumb, totally not necessary same with the weeping angels down there we get it moffat people really liked blink now leave them alone, and this applies to heaven sent too but, why does clara invoke this reaction, when the doctor is always losing those close to him? the doctor has moments where he grieves yes, but all he does in hell bent sees so, out of character, and i know hes supposed to be a bit scary and not like himself but, it just doesn't work, and that's really sad because this started out really amazing
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I Believe in Santa (2022)
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This one was... interesting.
So, our main character Lisa (Christina Moore), is a writer, but seems like mostly opinion pieces, so not quite journalism but not quite creative writing either. The kind of writer which requires the least work and the least talent. Off to a great start. We open on Lisa at the 4th of July writing an article about how Independence Day is a better holiday than Christmas. Which is a strong opinion to have. Liking the 4th of July is completely fine and normal, but I don't like comparing national holidays to religious traditions because they don't feel like the same category to me. I could go on, but I want to focus on the movie.
Lisa has an 8 year old named Ella (Violet McGraw). It's a recurring plot device that Ella's dad makes promises to both Lisa and Ella and makes last minute excuses to not show up frequently. This is how Lisa and her best friend Sharon (Lateefah Holder) end up at a summer fair for Ella's dance group performance when Ella gets lost in front of the free legal advice booth (which is not a thing I've ever encountered and I am a fan of fairs generally). Tom (John Ducey) notices that Ella looks lost and scared pretty quickly, takes her out of the crowd so she doesn't get more lost, and sends his friend (who is also working the booth) Assan (Sachin Bhatt) to the lost children booth (also not a thing I've seen, but this does seem more likely, and I don't have children yet, so I might have just not noticed). Nobody is working at the lost children booth, but it's fine because Lisa happens to walk by and see Ella, which is how Lisa and Tom meet.
The movie skips ahead to the end of November, and Lisa and Tom have been together the whole time and Tom already has a good relationship with Ella. But Lisa finds out Tom loves Christmas (like, a very uncomfortable amount) and has a freak out about it, but they don't break up. This happens a few times, actually, where Lisa finds out more about the depth of Tom's love for Christmas, freaks out about it, but they stay together because they love each other. It's only weird because it doesn't actually seem like Lisa and Tom love each other in the movie at any point. Like, watching them kiss is kinda weird. Most healthy, sane people who find out their partner has a weird obsession would also just shrug it off as a quirk.
The main conflict is kind of stupid. I watched this movie less than 24 hours ago and fully forgot what even happened for a minute. I had to try to remember what led to the breakup. It seems even more stupid once the resolution happens.
Ok, so it wasn't like painful to watch. The acting wasn't terrible, there was just no chemistry between the people who were supposed to have chemistry. Tom is most likely a serial killer (I'm pretty sure they make jokes about this in the movie). Lisa sucks. Sharon is just kinda there so Lisa has someone to talk to. Assan is the best character in the movie and he doesn't get any good lines until the conflict (rip off). It feels mean to rate it this low, but any higher would be lying. Overall, 1 star.
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 50 - apple cutting
I had a reaaally hard time following these old statements, here we go…
"Dear Jonah" - ¬‿¬
"allow yourself some respite, or at the very least take some further secretarial staff into your employ" / "And it is this imminent departure that has had such a freeing effect upon my pen." / "I have been fearful that accusations of slander might dog me, were my tale to be set down, but with a boat to the new world beckoning, and your sterling reputation for discretion, I feel it may at last be time to divest myself of the disquieting scenes I have witnessed." / "Henry was very effusive about the talents and prospects of young Mr. Scott, and was at great pains to inform me that his young protege also received certain architectural tutelages from Sir Robert himself." - And here I was thinking I'm good at English xD That's probably the reason why I can't quite focus on those old statements. Tbf nowadays it's unusual to casually come across old English texts, so it's not really necessary to familiarize myself with those for my use. (It's not that I don't know the words - I mean a few I actually don't know, tutelages for example - just the way it is written is so different and I have to concentrate way more than usual)
"The plight of the poor and destitute has been a national disgrace" - WHAT? opening dict.cc and looking up "plight" and "destitute" sigh This episode might take a while…
"it was an undertaking I embarked on with no small amount of zeal." - crying in not a native speaker (oida T_T)
While copy-pasting all those quotes I totally lost the thread what's the rambling even about…
more crying in not a native speaker I would have to copy half the statement if I wanted to quote every sentence that made me go "the hell is he talking about???"
"Then from the other side that firm oak door, I would hear the strangest sounds, muttering and shouting. It was always in George’s voice alone. I could never quite discern the words. It often sounded as though he were in some great distress, and on more than one occasion I was within minutes of summoning a constable to assist in breaking through the door, when he would emerge, glistening from exertion and holding completely redone drawings. I’m sure I even saw blood on his collar once." - ??? I don't get it (plot-wise I mean)
Heading over to Patreon to send in a question for the next stream, which will be "Jonny, can you pls explain this episode to me like I'm dumb!!!"
"“Balance,” he told me. “Equilibrium. The hardest thing for an architect to achieve." - I've graduated from art school and we did have a bit of architecture and this makes me think of a hanging model. The most famous one is by Antoni Gaudi. Basically, by using chains you create an upside-down model of a building. The arches, which will be formed by the weight of the chains and gravity are supposed to help structural engineering. It's been over a decade since I graduated (T_T), I don't remember all the details, but it's cool!
"To my dying day, Jonah, I will aver that no one entered the building before I heard the footsteps approach." / "The walls and floor seemed to rise towards me, stealing the air from my lungs until I swear that I could feel the splinters from the ceiling digging into the soft skin of my face." / "The room returned to its natural proportions, which is to say, it… never truly changed." / "Extending from the unblemished solid stone of the workhouse wall were four fingertips." - This does sound like The Seven Lamps of Architecture, could this be an early version of it? The one Leitner uses was published 1845, the event of the statement took place in 1836, so it could be possible?
"End statement." - Excuse me? It's "Statement ends"…
Aaaah yes, Tim being Tim! Classic! Seriously tho, the way this conversation is set up it's really not far-fetching to think two people are hooking up. Great comedy!
I'll be honest my eyes glazed over listening to this episode to find a quote for the opening post I had to listen to it twice and I'm still having a hard time understanding it xD
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ffxv episode ignis, ardyn, dawn of the future
episode ignis: what awkward placement. this explains why ravus turned against niflhiem and the ring deal but it's got so many endgame spoilers and assumes players have played the ending. see this is an argument for why dlc is a bad thing it reminds (ha!) me of kh3 where games now days are designed to be incomplete and dlc is story mandatory so one game for the price of 2 but worse i actually prefer smt digital devil saga and persona 2's duology format which are each complete story arcs instead of this 93% 7% dlc deal. ff15 in general isn't the best (or the worst) at explaining what is going on so it's hard to follow why things are happening without this extra material. ffxv isn't even that bad the story is coherent without the dlc mostly, but it still bothers me. dod3 goes so much in the opposite direction it's funny it's not even a videogame anymore it's a multimedia project gotta rake in the cash.
anyways ignis is the devs favorite isn't he. alternate end is well done and i loved the lore but im not sure it should exist. first choices i dont think ignis would give up if it was for noct. if chosen ignis pays his life to surpass his limit and draw from the ring's power why isn't he dead. look i get that the crystal is a giant magic plot breaking plot device but there's got to be narrative limits. deus ex lunafreya. things went a little too well sure they got some ardyn-less free time but he's shown by the throne so he's out againwhy hasn't he killed ravus or something. which btw wow ravus is the one thing holding the universe together and the darkness from taking over should have tried harder to keep him alive huh (also this isn't how genomics and inheritance works like if every generation has 2 kids that's exponential number of oracle descendants). and why is noctis still alive did they just not destroy ardyn? if they didn't permanently end ardyn great job kicking the can down the road and passing over the super special chosen king, who knows if any one else in the future can do it. the main problem though as with any alternate route in any story is the risk of cheapening or downgrading the main story. mostly it just comes off as the writers being indecisive.
it feels like the writers are relying on lunafreya and the crystal to just be miracle workers and move the plot however they want. it also cheapens making the player choose between not using the ring and losing to ardyn, using some of the power at the cost of eyesight but that not being enough, and trading your life for the power to take down ardyn like it's suppose to be a hard choice but the writers take the consequences away
episode ardyn: i get that they're trying to do a whole oracle king romance parallel but well actually ffxv already has no respect for how ancestry and genomics actually work so why do i bother. oh aera is the og oracle. flueret and the oracles are her descendants but she was betrothed to ardyn and died so did she have kids before marriage or what is going on. really with the whole absorbing and (kinda) neutralizing the starscourge and healing people of it ardyn should have been the oracle and the ancestor of the flueret line and if they wanted to avoid the incest undertones just make it them not brothers so that caelum and flueret were political rival families both trying to get the throne. (except isn't tenebrae on another continent... eh it doesn't matter tenebrae being 200 mi closer to insomnia wouldn't have made a difference to the story). maybe it's the insomnia (ha!) but im liking this idea more and more like maybe the original prophecy wasn't a savior/warrior king so much as just a savior/fighter of darkness and so ardyn almost became the oracle king
yeah the writers have lost me i've stopped caring. the whole ardyn thing always felt messy like the want this embodiment of darkness and evil but they also want him to be tragic but they also want him to be noctis' foil but also luna's foil and the writers don't juggle all this narrative weight well, something has to give. Like somnus sucks but the narrative treats him as having divine providence and ultimately doing the right thing when no that was neutral at best. ffxv is so stuck in this binary of good and bad unwilling to truly transgress the boundary they have drawn between good light divine, and evil darkness taint. and then bahamut comes down and tells ardyn that his role is to bring darkness. and like what this is such a major reveal either it shouldn't be here at all or it should be in the main game. because this proves that the 6 aren't on humanity's side like much of the cast believes, bahamut isn't acting for the sake of humanity or the world they're acting to bring forth this prewritten script. i think this is my least favorite dlc, it's very messy writing wise.
skimming through the cancelled dlc and dawn of the future, the dlc since episode ignis seemed to have been veering off in a new direction probably best that it was cancelled because this new thematic direction would have been better tackled in a sequel or side game. in main ffxv the gods are distant and fate is a reassurance a comfort that one has purpose in life. where as the dlc episode ignis and ardyn are about the flipside of that how destiny and fate can also be a shackle, it's about defying the gods.
Like they wanted ardyn to be this kind self sacrificial healer but then dropped that character trait with no continuity like they could have made it that he had a savior complex and ego but that didn't come through or they could have made it about how he felt the people owed him and now feels betrayed by everyone but i didn't get that either. btw quarantine and prevention and vaccination are scientifically better than curing individuals when it comes to infectious diseases irl. so ardyn's characterization is someone who cares about the small scale and individual even when it's to the detriment of the greater whole, and that characterization got dropped. there's also how ardyn's turning evil only happened in the last like 30 years so his turn towards revenge narratively feels rushed it would have been nice seeing the daemonification and memory reading eating at him in stages. or i mean there was 2000 years could have had him conscious the whole time and stewing in misery turning over the same thoughts over and over reliving aera's death and having that drive him insane. oh yeah and bahamut pops up out of no where. bahamut is so plot breaking it begs the question why he didn't intervene in main game more.
dawn of the future great lunafreya is alive again. see this is the problem of having plot breaking super gods you cheapen their original deaths by making death meaningless. now that can be an interesting story in of itself but it contradicts xv main game's themes. this is also the luna ardyn show where as in maingame these two are barely secondary characters. noctis, gladio, ingis, and prompto are the main characters of ffxv butt they aren't plot important so don't show up here at all. all this definitely should have been a separate game. yeah all of this dc should have been a separate story imagine if we got lunafreya as the main character. like hey remember what i said earlier about ardyn absorbing miasma as a parallel to lunafreya? also wasn't the oracle bloodline holding back the darkness aka the apocaylse happened when ravus died well since the writers brought luna back shouldn't that change. i think the writers didn't think through killing luna. she's so lore important but she does nothing in main game. see they flip the script of noctis being the chosen king instead he just happened to be the dude around when ardyn woke up which is interesting but again very very different thematically from main game. wow the writers really went wild with this, kinda cool really good concepts but this and maingame are separate stories.
see fiction needs rules that's how you build tension when you throw the rules out the window things just become a mess with no stakes. which can be interesting and also very post modern absurd but that's not what's happening here. like so much emphasis was put on the cost the ring of lucii and king powers have. that regis is aging faster than he should that it took noctis 10 years to absorb the ring's half of the power and then to throw it out or how ardyn was showed to have daemonified pernamently with no way to cleanse the miasma and then haha jk there's no consequences because gentianta healed them! that's such an asspull you build up all these stakes only to say last minute that they don't matter. which again can be done for a thematic point like the writers could have really leaned into how humanity are just playthings and the gods have absolute power and decide the facts of the world (like yeah get meta and absurd with it kill luna 45 times and bring her back, nothing has meaning nothing matters!) but the writers didn't succeed in this and also this type of story is very difficult to tell.
thinking about this more and totally could have been a side game or compilation of episodes. Persona 2 did it where Eternal Punishment overwrote the ending of Innocent Sin and the two are rather tonally and thematically different.
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everlastingspiral · 1 year
Tbh Erik is beginning to look like he has no backbone or mind of his own, because he gives in so easily to what the fandom wants instead of just creating what he wants. Like the Fred/Bright storyline was SO GOOD and he axed it because he couldn't handle people's comments. Why not just turn off the comments on the Fred/Bright videos? Why not just say to the fandom "hey i appreciate you all but this is what I want to do, if you don't like it don't listen to it" and then he still would've continued on with his thing.
As for allegories... Is he aware that not everything has to symbolize something? Like why can't things just be what they look like for once? Fiction can be deep but it doesn't have to be and most of the time it feels forced.
Ugh sorry I'm onna stop now before I blow a capillary or something
I agree he has no backbone, though it feels like he's become more jaded after so much drama in the fandom. The Fred and Bright Eyes storyline was a bit different since he was in the Discord at the time and could see the arguments firsthand constantly. I can give his naive self at the time some slack, but once he understood how his fandom would operate, he should have taken responsibility and made a clear statement. A statement not limited to Patreon either.
There's no feasible way he hasn't seen how his followers obey his words so I imagine any statement he makes would go over well. However, I feel as though he's still anxious about losing his fanbase over whatever statement he'd want to make and that is a possibility. At this point if Redacted were to state that the fandom were free to interpret Caelum as they please, those who oppose any headcanons outside of Caelum's being a child might take that as a betrayal. On the other side of that, as I've stated in posts before, the longer he allows this problem to fester the worse the fallout will be once he ceases bending to the whims of the most sensitive in the fanbase.
As for the allegories, I completely agree with you. A lot of his virtue signaling seems to be the result of complaints from the fandom as well, such as with Marcus and Avior who had no prior implication that they were supposed to be in stories focusing on abusive dynamics. This is more apparent with Avior who didn't actually manipulate Starlight given that he didn't use the memories they lost against them in any way.
I suppose Redacted may have also believed it would be more meaningful if he changed the tones of the stories once he "recognized" the potential abusive dynamics, but this has resulted in a multitude of novice writer mistakes that sent him down a rabbit hole he seems both incapable and unwilling to escape.
Given that we have a storyline with Vega, a villain, as the protagonist, I'm wondering if and how Redacted will force some sort of virtue signaling into the Carpe Deus plot. I'm not looking forward to the day that may occur.
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Chan’s Room- Chan X Felix.
Tw~ Degrading, Rough sex, Spanking, Exhibition???
Plot: Chan has a special guest for this episode of Chan’s room. But things didn’t go quite as planned.
Note; please send requests❤️
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"Hello stayyy." He smiled as he looked into the camera. His body slightly hunched over hiding one of the members.
"We have a special guest on today's episode of Chan's room!"
Felix popped up from his hidden position with a cute little smile on his face.
"Aussie Aussie Aussie!"
The two giggled and began to interact with their fans.
"So what song recommendations do you guys have today?'
~comment: Love talk-wayv.
"How about that one channie?"
Felix questioned reading out the comment.
Chan had been avoiding playing this song for months and Felix knew exactly why.
The song was suggestive to say the least, but there was no getting out of it now.
"I - uh yeah okay."
The music began to play from the speakers and Felix started to dance around in his seat.
The younger Australian ran his hands through his hair biting his lip to match the vibe of the song.
He smirked as from the corner of his eye he saw Chan gulp and flush red.
"It's hot in here isn't it? Look you've gone all red."
Felix proceeded to take off his jumper to reveal a thin tight black shirt underneath. He knew exactly what he was doing to the elder and he was having fun with it.
"You know if you are hot you could just take off your jumper?"
He knew that wasn't possible since Chan didn't wear shirts underneath.
The song came to a stop and the two continued to interact with stays.
~comment: Chan how have you been?
"I've been doing good actually. The other day me and Lix-"
He was cut off from his sentence when he felt a hand squeeze his thigh.
He shot a warning glance at his friend and continued his sentence.
"The other day me and Lix went out for food with Jackson from Got7. Yeah and it was really nice."
~comment: what did you order?
Felix read out the comment as he trailed his hand further up Chan's thigh, it was now running dangerously close to his growing erection.
"I uhh I ordered a burger and Felix had s-steak."
His voice cracked and he stuttered as Felix was now palming him through his trousers.
The sight of the elder man so desperate to come undone but trying so hard to keep what was happening a secret was turning Felix on beyond belief.
A small whimper left Chan's lips causing Felix's eyes to shoot wide open. He acted as if he had no idea what was happening and he read out a comment.
~comment: Chan are you okay?
"I- yeah I'm fine. I just remembered I have to end the live a little early today. We have schedule and I completely forgot."
Carefully not to give themselves away Chan brushed Felix's hand off his crotch and stood up to hug the camera.
"Thank you for spending your evening with me, goodbye stays goodbye baby stays."
The two waved goodbye to the camera before finishing up.
Felix was pushed against the sofa.
"Oh you are gonna pay for what you did back there baby boy."
Chan growled into his ear, attaching his lips to the youngers neck, wasting no time to cover him in hickys.
"Mmmh I'm sorry daddy."
Chan began to rip their clothes off until they were separated by nothing but the thin material of their boxers.
He attacked Felix's lips exploring his mouth roughly with his tongue as he grinded his hips against the boy Beneath him.
"Such a naughty little slut for daddy aren't you?"
All Felix could do was moan in response.
"Awe my little fuck toy is lost for words."
Chan just chuckled and leaned down to tease the boys sensitive nipples with his tongue, lapping at it slowly before moving onto the other and nibbling at it causing Felix to Yelp.
"What were you thinking trying to get me off infront of stay hm?"
Before he could get a response he leaned down to roughly kiss him again. Teasingly his fingers circled the boys nipples which were wet with salava before flicking them mercilessly while Felix whined into his mouth.
The younger was desperate, his cock ached for release from the tight restraints of his boxers and Chan could tell.
He slowly pulled them down Felix's legs admiring his cock as it sprung free.
A pink blush flushed over the bottoms cheeks.
"P-please touch me daddy." He bit his lip in anticipation.
"Shh baby, you've been naughty and naughty boys get punished, turn around."
The younger gulped as he obeyed his orders.
A loud gasp left his lips as he felt Chan's hand come into contact with his ass creating a loud smack sound and a sting.
"I want you to count for me. Take your punishment like a good little boy and then I'll reward you."
His hand smacks against Felix's ass again
"Mmh fuck o-one."
He cried out the pain making his eyes water and his leaking cock rut up against the leather of the sofa.
Chan's hand caressed the youngers ass, each smack getting harder leaving red stinging marks.
It felt like the punishment was going on for ages and Felix was a stuttering mess.
"Ouch mmh f-fifty."
He panted catching his breath.
"You did so well baby boy."
Chan flipped the boy over and helped him onto his knees before removing his own boxers and rubbing his dick against the boys lips.
"Suck." He demanded.
The elder threw his head back and let out a groan as Felix gave soft kitten licks to the tip, lapping at his slit before sucking slowly at it and taking it down his throat. His tongue traced the bulging veins in his cock and he hummed around him in pleasure causing it to twitch.
"Fuck, your mouth is so wet baby. I'm gonna cum."
He pulled his cock from the youngers mouth and positioned himself behind him.
Felix tried to press his ass against Chan's cock but he moved away teasingly.
"How pathetic. I wonder what stay would say if they saw you here begging for my cock like a little whore."
He growled grabbing a fistful of Felix's hair to pull his head to kiss him messily.
He looked at the boys face. Lips swollen cheeks flushed red, eyes narrow and begging for more.
He began to rub the tip of his cock against the youngers ass slowly to tease him.
"Daddy please need your cock." He whined.
That's when Chan slammed into the boy causing him to let out a low groan as Felix cried out with pain and pleasure.
"So fucking tight baby, your ass feels so good around my cock."
He rocked at a steady pace hitting the boys prostate with each thrust.
The sound of skin against skin and whimpers filled the room.
"F faster please."
Felix could barely speak at this point.
"Awe my little cumslut wants more hm? You take my cock so fucking well baby."
He picked up his pace, roughly slamming in and out of his tight hole.
His hand held tightly onto Felix's throat applying just enough pressure to drive him crazy.
The bottom blabbered in pleasure.
"Mmh Ugh I- fuck uh I'm gonna cum mghh."
Felix shot his load making a mess all over himself as his ass clenched around Chan's cock causing him to release inside the boy.
The two panted, riding out there highs before Chan pulled out admiring the cum dripping out of the boys ass.
"You look so fucked out and pretty baby."
Felix blushed harder as Chan spread his legs wide and licked at the cum leaking from his hole. His tongue circled around the pulsing entrance, lapping up the mess he had made before he went up to kiss Felix on the lips.
"That was amazing Channie."
Felix cuddled into the mans side feeling content until he saw something from the corner of his eye.
His eyes immediately widened and he sat up grabbing a cushion to cover himself with.
"Lix what's wrong?"
Chan's voice was full of concern.
"Look at your phone..."
Chan walked over to his phone and his mouth dropped open as he saw it.
Comments. Thousands and thousands of comments.
~comment: umm what???
~comment: fuck this is so hot.
~Comment: oh god I can't take this.
~comment: they're literally... I- I'm not complaining.
He forgot to end the live.
Thousands of people had just seen him railing his band member.
He chuckled nervously.
"Oh haha Um hi stay. I guess I didn't end the vlive properly. Well I- Yeah."
Felix burned red with embarrassment as Chan just dug the hole even deeper trying to figure out what he could say to get them out of this mess.
"Well I guess me and Lix are gonna go now. Goodbye stay. Goodbye baby stay."
Despite the awkwardness and embarrassment he felt Chan still ended the live with a hug. One hand covering his cock and the other wrapping around the camera, his abs in full view of the camera.
This time he made sure to end the live properly.
"Chan it's all over Twitter."
Felix groaned covering his face.
Chan just walked over to him embracing him in a hug.
"As awful as this whole situation was... it's kinda hot tho don't you think?"
He smirked at the younger who blushed and shyly agreed.
"Don't worry. Everything will be okay. But I suppose we better get dressed and arrange a meeting with JYP and the boys."
The two cleaned up their mess before preparing to face their band members.
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cats-inthe-cradle · 2 years
Flying Without Wings
Reading My Own Heart
Have fun!!
Thanks for the ask hikime!
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it
Ooo this is harder than I thought it'd be
Okay so I had an activity to go to before I had the chance to answer this, and I've had a few hours to think over the first one, and I am getting ideas
So for Flying Without Wings my first thought was something with time travel, probably a fix-it of some sort (time travel fics are really fun and I'd love to do one). So with time travel (especially unplanned time travel) there's often a sense of helplessness because everythings different and you don't have the same level of credibility usually. And then the characters have to work around that and build a new reputation and maybe save the day while they're at it. All of which I think ties into the title in a really beautiful poetic way seriously how did I come up with this.
Anyways. So me being me, my first instinct is to somehow include and/or center it around clones 😅. And since I love Cody and I've been wanting to do some more writing with him, so that's who I ended up going with. Now my second instinct was to attempt to do something different from some of the time travel fics I've seen (all of which are amazing seriously at this point its one of my favorite types of fic). Which...inevitably spawned the following:
So canon happens and the force or whatever looks at it and decides that won't do, so they take Cody from probably some time after the empire rises (maybe his death? Idk I need tbb s2 to come out so I know what happens to my boy) and plop him down before the clone wars starts probably, I'm thinking maybe even years pre-war for plot purposes. Now, trying to balance being a Marshal Commander with trying to alter the timeline and save everyone would be a challenge. So instead of sending him back into his younger self, he ends up with a new body as a random clone who didn't exist in the original timeline. Now this frees him up to go altering the timeline as needed with significantly less complications and consequences. The og timeline Cody still exists in this (and time traveler Cody definitely runs into him because of course he does >:3) and he's busy being a Marshal Commander and all that.
That, OR, Cody does end up in his same body, but doesn't become a Marshal Commander in this timeline and a completely different clone ends up as a Marshal Commander working under Obi-wan, which could also be fun and interesting.
Either way, Cody is now a lowly CT rather than a CC who holds the highest rank possible for a clone. Which frees him up to go escapading as needed, but also brings the difficulty of no longer having nearly the same level of clearance and authority.
And on top of that, I'm thinking maybe something goes wrong with the whole traveling through time, and he wakes up with none of his memories from his previous life, but then he gradually gets them back over the course of the fic. So maybe he's still a young/teenage cadet when he starts getting his memories back, and by the time he's deployed he still doesn't know everything, but he knows enough to have a purpose.
....yeah I just put way too much thought into that and now I'm committed, thanks.
Reading My Own Heart
how am I supposed to continue after that?
Hmm, okay so...
The first thing that comes to mind is maybe like, a fic told from the prospective of diary/journal entries, probably that belonged to a clone? And it just follows their story and experiences throughout the war. And ooo maybe it takes place post order 66 and the clone is now working for the empire and has all but lost himself and who he was to the chip. And after the chip's effect has had a chance to fade some he comes across the diary and starts reading it. And basically rediscovers himself through reading it. And when he was writing the entries he never signed his name from some kind of fear that it would be found and he'd be punished and/or teased by his squadmates for it (as brothers do). But when he finishes reading it (left unfinished, mid entry, a chunk of blank pages in the back) maybe he finds his names scrawled discretely in the back or something, from when he finally worked up the courage to mark it as his own. And he recognizes the name and eventually realizes its his name and its enough of a reminder that his memories start resurfacing (they had before as he was reading, he just didn't realize it yet). And eventually he reclaims himself, defecting from the empire and probably stealing some of his brothers as he goes.
Anyways the pov would probably switch back forth between his experiences with the empire and him reading the diary bit by bit, showing how each new entry he reads effects him all culminating to him regaining his memories and breaking free of the empire :D
Dangit I did it again
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Aight, I need to do my biology stuff because I don’t know what’s going on in that class but instead I’m blogging a chapter of Catching Fire 😎
And no I never completed my Hunger Games Re-Read, I decided to go back later and just do my favorite chapters 🥰🥰🥰
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Here we goooo :
All Katniss ever thinks about is her odds of being killed and the probability of getting away 😭
Oh wait ... that’s actually depressing 😔
“But the Victory Tour makes that impossible. Strategically placed almost midway between the annual Games, it is the Capitol's way of keeping the horror fresh and immediate” — I mean, it’s also a convenient time for the plot too. 😏 Suz, you ain’t sly.
“to look down into the faces of the families whose children I have killed...” — okay, kitten, let’s not get dramatic you didn’t kill all their children just a few. 😌
“The sun persists in rising, so I make myself stand.” — twitter has destroyed this quote for me it’s all the 17 year old stans bio 😭😂
“But now that Gale has gone to work in the coal mines - and I have nothing to do all day - I've taken over the job” — oh wow how depressing 🥺 having nothing to do all day
Aww that’s actually quite sad. Gale and her friendship basically disintegrated after the first book. So technically we only ever saw their friendship as it was in the first chapter of the first book wow
“I get a good haul from the traps - eight rabbits, two squirrels, and a beaver that swam into a wire” — sweetie what are you gonna do with a beaver? 🦫 😭😭😭 “everyone gather about, we’re having some beaver for dinner tonight”
Suz must have studied things like snares and crap because I have zero clue what she’s even describing here 🤷🏼‍♀️
Lololol Prim and her mom are like “we’re good with being rich” while Katniss is like 😑😑😑😑
“a pair of expensive machine-made shoes that my mother thinks are more appropriate for someone of my status” — they legit give like zero context about her and her mother’s interactions but it always reads to me like the mom in all those movies where the girl is “not like the other girls” and she’s all “I need to be free!” And her mom is like “no you can’t you gotta be a lady” and idk where I was taking this but we went somewhere and got lost didn’t we? 😅
Considering how much Katniss hates the new house in Victor’s Village .... do you think her and Peeta move to her old shack post canon??? I don’t think so because I feel like what she’s missing is her old life here and the house doesn’t matter and in the end Prim is dead either way so .... but just a thought 🤷🏼‍♀️
“You're hideous, you know that, right?" I ask him.” — direct post mockingjay everlark quote, clearly 😂😂😂😂
“The mines weren't an option, what with a baby to look after, but she managed to get laundry from some of the merchants in town.” — 12 year old Peeta just handing Gale’s mother his old undies 😂😂😂😂😂
“In winter her hands got so red and cracked, they bled at the slightest provocation.” — that was me during corona last winter ☹️ and I told one of my instructors about it and she was just like “gross 😒”
“Our romance became a key strategy for our survival in the arena. Only it wasn't just a strategy for Peeta. I'm not sure what it was for me. But I know now it was nothing but painful for Gale.” — I do wonder if Gale had never been a thing if Katniss would have let herself give into her feelings sooner. Probably not the brat is stubborn
“Gale told me that Greasy Sae, the old woman who serves up soup, started a collection to sponsor Peeta and me during the Games.” — I like that it was for both of them and not just Katniss who Sae knew. Because at the end of the day they were both kids who needed help 🥺🥺🥺🥺
“It was supposed to be just a Hob thing, but a lot of other people heard about it and chipped in.” — that’s actually really sweet that Katniss and Peeta united their own district unintentionally just couldn’t unite the whole country
Katniss is so nice, trying to support all the vendors equally 🥺🥺🥺 Katniss is the og “buy local!” “support small shops!” girl.
Okay, Katniss thinking of Haymitch even tho he’s a butthole is so sweet bc it shows that she truly cares for the drunk 🥰🥰🥰
And also ... Ripper, the liquor salesperson, only has ... one arm? So Peeta don’t stand out with a robotic leggy in Twelve?
Lololol the Head Peacekeeper (who has sex with girl’s Katniss’s age) is like “don’t buy alcohol, little girl” “just let me buy you”
Omg the Gale being the cousin thing is introduced 😅
That one post about how Peeta and Gale are likely both her cousins but Peeta is probably even closer to related is living in my head, rent-free 🤐
“But you've got to go through it to get to the end of it,” Is such a good quote.
“The houses inhabited by my family and Peeta give off a warm glow of life. Lit windows, smoke from the chimneys, bunches of brightly colored corn affixed to the front doors as decoration for the upcoming Harvest Festival.” — I’m sorry, is Peeta decorating his house for holidays alone? We get no indication of any of his family ever visiting him, ever. I’m sorry, we can say whatever about Peeta being more fortunate than Katniss and the others materialistically, but he’s so lonely, it makes me sad 😔.
Okay Haymitch’s house sounds over the top nasty 🤢.
“Over the years the odors of liquor and vomit, boiled cabbage and burned meat, unwashed clothes and mouse droppings have intermingled into a stench that brings tears to my eyes.” — this is one of those houses they broadcast on Animal Planet, because they usually have wild, neglected dogs in the backyard 😑😑
Omg, the image of Katniss just casually sitting in the windowsill while Haymitch swings his knife around is peak comedy 🤣. And sort of depressing.
“Look, if you wanted to be babied, you should have asked Peeta." — because Peeta takes care of people, he’s a comforter 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Katniss feeling an underlying longing for Peeta, because she develop the feeling in the cave and she still misses it. 😍😍😍 yes, I will be doing this reread through my shippers goggles, I’m glad you asked, Barbara.
Katniss always describes Peeta in so much detail 😅😅😂😂😂. Like every time he’s introduced into the book, she takes an entire paragraph to describe his hair, his build, his skin. He’s always been coded as the love interest from chapter one of book one.
“You can barely even notice his limp now,” means you can still notice it a little… and I’m sad 😢 again.
I just realized Katniss spent this entire conversation, sitting in the window above the sink 😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅. She perch. Like a bird.
Also sidebar but I’m sentimental 🥲🥲🥲. This scene, out of context, was the first scene I ever read in the series. I stole my friend’s book so I’d have something to do before my 8th grade teacher kicked me out for being a chatterbox and anyways I opened to this page, read this part and still remember it. And also I always shipped Everlark, even from this alone, because I love tension, angst and a tumultuous past between characters.
“My mother's been working day and night to make everything perfect for the cameras, so it's no time to be tracking up her shiny floors.” — my mom before the family comes on Thanksgiving and 4th Of July 😒
Girl, I wanna know what would happen if you stopped protecting your mama and let her be the adult. Would she actually fail again like you think or would she be fine this time??? Ok anyways irrelevant side note but I had nowhere else to put it and she was trying to assure her mother just here that everything was fine.
Ummm Snow is a small man???? Why do I never remember that? I’m just imagining the teacher in Clueless now as President Snow 😭😭😭😭
Okay those are all my thoughts thank you for reading if you did which is probably like one of you 😅😅😅😅😅. Thank you to my one reader!
Tagging @everlarkedalways since this post isn’t showing up in the tag 😔
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siren-virus · 3 years
ok, It's been a long while since I've sent an ask, and though that can be atributed to life being life, that can only go so far and these previeous 3 days I've been lazing around mostly XD So, in order to compensate, here's the asks for Free and SWUP that have entered my brain and I haven't filtered out yet that I'll send you. Answer as you see fit for I might send repeated questions or some that have already been aswered before in another form.
For SWUP, would SWUP (Does she have another name? I can't remember) ever try a work somewhere? She has to get money somehow if she wants to be able to buy food, clothes, a home, and pay for all the medical expences she might have to go through. What other friends would she have other than wine aunt and coffee barista? I remember you said there might be a third one who's not really relevant, but whos father is, and you were still unsure on wether to include them or not. Also, the humans in this Earth, how much do they know about aliens? The Unicorns and Dragons? I imagine that considering the amount of damage they can do when they fight, and considering that apparently their experiments on abducted humans that they leave on Earth for like a month before taking them forever, would make them fairly known, and have something like a world agency looking out for different cases or something, however succesful they actually are.
Now onto Free, Is there any chance that we could get to know of any of the friends that the rag-tag group would make along the way of the travels? Like, there HAS to be someone who they befriend without any shennanigans involved at the very least, or with minimal ammount of them, just as there HAS to be a friend made after a disaster of cataclismic proportions happens that inebitably onvolves the found family. Also, how long was Leo outside on his own before bird friend (forgot his name) found him and started to get them back to the Domes? Considering that they have a long adventure, I imagine that he spent at least a month outside without an idea of any direction he was going, and getting lost along the way because of course he gets lost, before he was found. Would the team find anyone else who was part of the Domes but left of their own volition too? Another traveler similar to Leo, but that doesn't want to return to those places for X or Y reason? Would there be anyone from the Domes that they meet that DIDN'T want to leave the Domes in the first place but got out regardless? This could be for whatever reason, from kidnapping to exhile to attack to the Dome to simply escaping from a bad situation.
oop sorry for taking a bit to get back to you,
youre questions make me realise how under developed my stories are wheeezee so i rlly appreciate your questions!!
SWUP aka Vicky her human alias. or I guess the unicorn is the alias. AH SHIT I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THAT!! Originally when i made SWUP she was supposed to be in high school. But as i grow I also like my characters to grow with me. Maybe I'll get her a job as one of them gym buddies (it has to be a job that allows for some form of freedom, enough to like be able to do th vigialnte thing- (i forget the name) Medical expenses aren't too bad, I'm basing it off aus medical- which means medicare! Plus she doesn't need the hospital all that often, she can regenerate.
In terms of friends she doesn't have many not because she socially inept (like myself)- she was very popular in highschool, but there isn't many people she can relate to. Her best friend James (pending name) comic book nerd that loves super heroes is all she's got. And some gym bros, but they're just friends at the gym, outside complete strangers. I really do want James to be relevant to the plot and not his dad and daddy issues, but he's a bit hard to squeeze in. Maybe if I sat down to actually do some writing, maybe--- ALAS I am but a creature of laziness, and poor attention span. (im barely focusing on Flee atm and I rlly wanna try developing GECKO again fml)
Humans know little to nothing about aliens (excpet for like the government and so wackos who a really into scifi) So even though SWUP is doing her best to help ppl, she's seen as a horrifying villain that is stage one to an alien invasion. (the scifi wackos play a part in that.) Although most Police officers appreciate the help... most.
Suprisingly no, most humans who were mutated into unicorns almost seem to disappear, SWUP is an exception. Why is that hmmmmmmmm? this is kind of a big moment, if I ever plan to push this idea to the webcomic/animation stage, youll see.
There's not really an official .org agency or anything like that, but some wackos who love space, and an actual scientist or 2. So far they have deducted that unicorns are evil space creatures who prey on humans and consume their flesh to get stronger so they can lay eggs and take over the world. There's not a lot of truth to that. Some parts tho... but which part? At the moment I'm really into mystery- so maybe I'll add some mystery elements, or I'll give it to GECKO. first i gotta redesign Mac, poor lad is not a looker I'l tell you that.
FLEE I barely know their friends either- haven't gone about developing them. HOWEVER. I do have a villain in mind. I remember making him for my illustration class back in uni (sigh uni days...) I dom't have a name, but I have a face. He's a big leader of this village known for killing the hybrid/mutants. He and his crew, a rag-tag gun loving, truck driving, share-a-brain-cell, lot. How they've managed to become successful hunter bunch is unknown.
But one the friends I have developed enough is Bolt, who also comes with their own shennanigans and an old rusty bus. Techincally they don't need it because they're fast as fuck, but it helps to have around incase you get a goliath sand bobbit on your hands.
Tristian is the human, Leo is the bird friend. Actually Trisitian was out on his own for three days, he didn't cover much ground when he finally met Leo either- dumbass didn't bring enough food and water to last. He didn't even have a plan, just wanted to go out. The only reason Leo didn't send his ass running home was because something- or someone- pushed them far. far away. Oh my who could it be?
Tristians kind of a rarity, not many people leave the domes unless it's through underground passageways to other domes. Most people are blissfully unaware of the outside world. Not to say Tristians the only one who escaped, but he's the only one who's survived outside for so long. (dome people don't have any survival skills) The only reason Tristians gotten so far is dumb lucks and a hot headed bird friend.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 45 - watching notes
I'm at this stage of fandom rn where it's really hard to concentrate on anything else 😅
Every song I listen to gets dissected for how it relates to wangxian
I need to concentrate on my thesis but instead I'm pondering how the untamed raises questions about collectivism vs individualism and how my western perception of that might differ greatly from a native chinese person or even the author's intention
Can't I just write my thesis about THAT?
Alas, I digress ...
Back to our regular programming :D
Last time one Sophie watches the untamed wwx went all Sherlock on us and used his formidable skills of deduction to expose Backpfeifengesicht's plan of killing everyone and blaming it on wwx
I've heard from several people that the next few episodes are their favourites, so no high expectations at all :D
Nobody wipes the blood on their chins away. Might be about the aesthetic
I adore detective-duo-wangxian so much!! Especially because wwx does 99% of the talking but then lwj will chime in with a single word and it's 100% devastating :D
If anyone knows any well written case-fics for these two, please, I need recs! (For after the show)
Backpfeifengesicht makes good one point and that is that jgy already is at the top of the cultivation world. So what does he gain from all this?
Or is it simply that he's afraid of wwx because he's a rebel and might act against him? (Don't answer that. I wanna find out through the show ;))
Wwx just casually revealed that he's been to cloud recess and that he handles went to the restricted section forbidden chamber. What will you do about, Lan Qiren? Huh? 😂
Oooh! Backpfeifengesicht is the ghosted faced man! I thought it was Jiggy himself!!! 😱
That makes way more sense though!
Lan Sizhui! Jin Ling! Oh you brave boys! 😭
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Someone hold me 😭
But why does he not take zidian now? He's done so before!
"You little fool!" Is "I love you" in Jiang-Cheng-speak :D
"We're done for! What can we do??" - wwx *strips*
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Bahahaha 😂😂😂
I just burst out laughing waaay to loudly for the fact that I've got people sleeping in the room next to mine
But look at Lan Qiren when he sees wwx strop to reveal anat is probably his nephew's undershirt 😂😂😂
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He's probably questioning every decision that's let him to this point :D
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This is completely inconsequential,but I couldn't keep quiet about it anymore because I every time he makes this motion, it always sends a shiver down my spine!!! Notice that wwx (or rather Xiao Zhan) is one of these people whose fingers bend in the opposite direction??? I know it's just a normal thing some people can do, but I can't watch it!! It makes my fingers hurt just looking at it 🙈🙈🙈
Is he turning himself into a demon lure flag?? 😱
Lan Jingyi 🥺🥺🥺
Also does wwx now just transfer his self-sacrificing tendencies to lwj?
Nothing is as hot as these two together in a fight scene
Jiang Cheng doesn't want to leave them behind. He does care! :') he just never unlearned how to unravel his love from his anger
Sizhui running up to greet his dads :')
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Look at them! I'm soft guys 💔
He called him Yuan!! 😭😭😭
So this is it. Any doubts I ever had about Sizhui's identity are gone
Will he finally recognize him??
Why don't you say anything lwj? This one time, I beg you!!
Sect Leader Yao still at his gossip shit even 16 years later 🙄
Lam sizhyi is seasick! Why is this so cute! 😭
Oh Wen Ning!! He recognized A-Yuan? Right?
I want to hug Lan Sizhui for his openness and kindness towards everyone he meets, no matter their status or what other people say about them! (Wen Ning now or who he thought was Mo Xuanyu the supposed mad-man) and I wanna hug lan Wangji right after for raising him to be like this :')
Oh Wen Ning! 😭
That's how I'd look at Sizhui, too, if I met him - poor unadulterated wonder :')
And just think about what that means for Wen Ning! He's not the last of the Wens! All their fight wasn't for nothing. This child, their legacy, survived 😭😭😭
"Can I call you A-Yuan" "Of Course." God I'm gonna burst into tears 😭
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I'm actually bursting into tears!!
Isn't this the dream of anyone who has ever lost someone? :')
"He's like a brother and father to me" :')
And he raised him from when he was 4 or 5? So ... A-Yuan was about 2 when the Wens died? Right? Then 5 would fit with lwj's 3 year isolation
Ob god, it's the butterfly-toy!!! 😭😭😭
Wen Nings smiling through his tears! I can't! 😭💔And he's got the one from the market!
Aww, wax isn't wearing the white undergarment anymore. Too bad
Oh poor Jin Ling ...
So much grieve that he could probably never process. There so many lost kids in this story, hurt by things they had no control over 😔
I mean, I get it. That's the person who killed his parents (without being in control, but he doesnt know that) and everyone is just talking to him as if it's normal and that didn't happen. But he can't forget,but he doesnt really understand either and he has no outlet. Of course he'd just ... crash 😥
And who would have thought I'd ever try at a flashback of Jin Zixuan's death :(
For once, it'd be nice if the adults actually acted like the parent figures they're supposed to be and explain things to their children 🤦‍♀️
I'm so thankful though, that no one even thinks of scolding him for crying. Jismg Cheng only asked who it was that made him cry (and looks like he'll kick their ass). Generally, thus show has a very healthy attitude towards tears. Most characters cry when they are faced with tragedy, regardless of gender. Men being allowed to have appropriate reactions to grieve (instead of a single men tear or just punching things) is really nice to see
Oh Yao dude whose courtesy name I can't remember, shut up!
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Thanks Ouyang Zizhen! You get me
I live for these children standing up to their elders
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Meanwhile Nie Huaisang is just on the sidelines, enjoying the show :D never change!
The Lotus Pier theme song alone is making me cry rn 😢
Why can't wen Ning come in?
Oh Sizhui!
He many times do you want to make me cry happy tears today?? :')
Little turnip-baby ❤
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But why doesn't lwj say anything ??? 😭
Lan Wangji raised A-Yuan smong a bunch of rabbits??? 😭
Now he's a turnip baby with a taste for carrots, how cute is that? :')
Holy shit, wwx and lwj are really joined at the hip these days of lwj won't enter the hall if wwx isn't allowed to :D
Lwj 😑 "no misbehaviour"
Someone. Knows. Their. Husband.
Okay sorry, but as painful as these cuts must have been and yes, while you do see scars on this prostitute's face, they in no way warrant these horrified gasps as of they had all seen a monster 🙄
Xue yang. Fancy seeing you here in this not at all disturbing sub-plot 😬
Okay that's creepy. That's really creepy
Shouldn't Jin Guangyao have a bit more compassion for these women?
On the other hand, he was born to menacingly stand behind a curtain 🤷‍♀️
W. T. F. ????
Jin Guangshan??? o___O
That's the most skin we've ever seen on this show and it's in a scene like THIS? 😬
How can you die from sex?
And then jgy made them keep going?
These poor women :/
So there's someone who set her free on purpose, right?
Bicao has really interesting eyes!
Oh wait, took me some time to catch up. This is about Quin Su and why she killed herself, right?
They were siblings o_O
They just went full game of thrones on this ...
Hey Jin Guangshan, screw you for raping that woman
Wait, is that why jgy had him die like THAT?
I'm so confused about how that happened btw
But why would Jin Guangyao merry quin su anyway? Was this some kind of political marriage that he couldn't call off?
This episode answered some of my questions but raised about a dozen more 😅
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose
5 episodes to go. I'm both happy because I can't wait to brows the untamed tag without looking for spoilers and extremely sad 🥺
Right now I'm planning to watch one episode each day until friday and then watch the last two on Saturday, hopefully quite early, so I can spend the rest of the day crying my eyes out over it, without having to worry about such trivial things as being a functioning adult or a responsible student 😅
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aestuavis · 4 years
I have a question for you. I'm sorry if this seems a little odd. But I've been roleplaying on Tumblr for years now. With the obvious pull from the site, a lot of my roleplaying partners has left or just stopped completely. Myself included. But I want to start roleplaying again. I've been a follower of you for awhile now so I just want to ask one thing: how do you remain so active on your account?
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[ hellu hellu ! omg it’s not odd at all, really ! no need to apologize ! i’ve been here for like ... six years ( wow, had it been that long ? ) i’ve seen so many people come and go, have lost a few partners and gained new ones along the way but it had been really enjoyable journey for me. okay, i’m not sure if my advice would be anything useful but i’ll try my best !
tbh, there are a few things that help me stay active and not lose motivation here. one of those is the fact that this blog is a multimuse.
i cannot stress this enough, and i’m not sure how long you’ve been following me but those who had been with me since the very beginning would know that i started this blog as a single-muse blog with only akane as my muse. that was six years ago. along the years, i’ve added other protectors, then adding a whole list of my side muses to expand on that. this, right here, is what helping me keep my motivation on being active. this is due to the fact that, no matter how much i love akane, there would come a time where i have run out of ideas to write with her. it doesn’t mean i love her any less as a muse, but it’s because i’ve expanded and written so much for her that i’ve hit a kind of block to move forward. this is where having multiple muses on the same blog come into play, and this is why i like having multimuse blog where i have many muses in one blog than having many blogs that i have to jump around all the time.
when i don’t feel one particular muse, and i’m sure everyone has that day where you don’t feel your muse, you can move to other muses that fit your emotions, your feelings, and your mood at that moment in time. i find this to be very helpful, tbh ? like really helpful for me who had so little time after my full day of work ( i work 9-6 weekdays. ) some days i’m really stressed, and i don’t want to write heavy things, so i would lean towards writing muses who are more lighthearted, and cute, for example. having one blog containing many different muses help me juggle my own state of mind and churn out content that i’m able to create without stressing myself out too much !
another important part for me is to take a break when you need to. when real life things are getting too much, or your time to be online is lessened, when things are too busy for you to be online, don’t force yourself to be here. treat roleplaying as it is, a stress-reliever and a hobby. you’re supposed to have fun instead of feeling pressured to write. you’d lose motivation to roleplay so easily when you force yourself to create while your mind isn’t in the condition to. i actually had taken many hiatus before, ranging from a month to longest was six months, i think ? but i find myself coming back because writing is one way for me to relieve stress and to let my creativity run wild ! i’ve been blessed by such wonderful people and mutuals who had been so understanding that my activity is sometimes sporadic, and i can take quite a bit to answer threads. i’m fortunate to have them being patient and kind with me !
lastly, communication. roleplaying without talking to your partners could end up with either of you running out of ideas or thoughts to continue the threads. i find that talking to my partners had helped me think of scenarios, to skip the repetitive first meeting or do some memes/asks that has timeskip towards where the muses are more acquainted can help you renew the feel to write when you’re stuck at a scenario ! i’ve met so many people and made so many friends during my time here. roleplaying is creating stories with your partners, after all, so talk to them, bounce ideas off one another, and have fun !
i’m not sure if these advices are helpful for your case or not, but please feel free to message me anytime if you need to talk ! you can always come off anon and nudge me in my IM if you wish to plot something or get back to writing ! i’d love to help you get back to roleplay again and write with you ! X33 hope you have a wonderful day on your end ! ]
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kittenshift-17 · 5 years
Hi I hope you're doing ok I just wanted to ask a question. What do you think of Daenerys from game of thrones,I'm sorry its really random right but I've always wanted to know.oh and those christmas stories are really great are you going to continue those or were they just a one shot ? And as always I love you and you're writing.
Christmas stories? You mean the 👀👀👀 side-eye ask-responses fics? Because they weren’t Christmas stories, so much as people sending those “inviting creators to share something in progress that they wanted to finish in 2019, but didn’t manage to” asks to me and me sharing snippets of WIPs. Eventually all of them will be completed fics and will be shared on the appropriate archives, but until then, they’re just sitting in my “In Progress” folder, waiting to be worked on.
As for you query about Dany, I’m very on the fence about her. Throughout the books and the early seasons of the TV show, she’s my least favourite character because she’s so far removed from all the other plotlines all the way over across the Narrow Sea. There are some sections in the middle where I quite liked her, and I confess that in Season 7, I was all for having her take over as Queen of Westeros.
Unfortunately, D & D ruined that. And though I can see WHY they had to play it that way from an author’s perspective (particularly since they’re not the original authors, essentially making the last couple of seasons a D & D version of fanfic, if you think about it), I didn’t like her by the end. She went too far (no matter how Cersei pushed her to get there) and honestly, she became too hell-bent on ruling the world. Early on, her acts of violence were all for the sake of rescuing the oppressed and championing freedom. She weeded out injustice and beat it back with fire and blood, and that was great. 
The continuity of that is where D & D (I beleive) were trying to take it all, but they forgot one uncomfortable thing.
When she overthrows the Khals, she rescues the men and women of the hoard and the vast number of peoples they enslave. When she overthrows the Masters of Pentos, she resuces the enslaved and downtrodden. When she overthrows the Salvers mutilating boys for their armies, she’s resucing future generations of boys from that fate. When she ‘overthrows’ Cersei, on the other hand, she rescues no one. She loses sight of doing it to protect the innocent and to help the down-trodden. Instead she roasts those very same innocent, frightened, downtrodden, terrified people of King’s Landing alive, and for what? 
Power. Revenge. 
There is a theme throughout her timeline that she defies those who look down on her and those who say no to her, and she does do ruthless things to the people who refuse to support her cause, but she was perceieved to temper it throughout those things as a champion for the weak because she herself had once been weak.
She loses sight of that when she faces Cersei. And in fairness, Cersei is a vicious cunt who deserverd far worse than was done to her throughout the series, but Dany lost it. The saying of the Targaryens being doomed to madness or greatness was supposed to fall on the line of greatness with her. Under her reign, I beleive Westeros could have been properous and happy. But D & D, just wanted to do a big scene with the dragon(s) I think. 
And okay, yes, being traded to the Dothraki for their army and treated like a common whore by Viserys made her brittle, and losing Khal Drogo hurt her deeply. Losing Viserion to the Night King, and Rhaegal to something so stupid as a lance in broad daylight when the beast could literally have flown in any direction to dodge it was just dumb. That broke her, I think. To couple it with the ‘betrayal’ of Jon’s true origins and the threat he then posed to her rule, and then losing Missandei to Cersei’s bitchiness definitely pushed her over the edge, I think. All of these things would certainly have fucked with her mental health, and it’s not unreasonable to state that she could’ve slipped into madness.
Which I suppose, is the point, in the end, isn’t it? She becomes the very monster she slayed so many times for the sake of her people, and she acts in the ways she has always done when the people in between her and her throne won’t bend the knee, and give her what she wants. The only thing that changes is that she loses sight of who is an enemy, and who is just a helpless victim.
And I empthaize with that. The longer you spend as a survivor, the less you recall the days of only being a victim. The longer you spend rising above your trauma, the less patience you have for those wallowing in their own. It becomes easy to forget that those other victims are scared and helpless and suffering, when you want them or need them to be strong, and brave, and valiant. By the time Dany reaches King’s Landing, most of her army is destroyed. Two of three dragons dead, her lover a traitor (and her nephew, ewwww) her friend captured and killed, and so all of these things could and probably should have broken her again, like the crying, broken, helpless girl who let herself be sold for an army, and raped like a helpless female dog. 
Throughout the series we watch her overcome the early trauma, and we watch the way she learns to solider on in the face of new traumas, too. They’re hurting. They’re like limbs being hacked off, I’d imagine, but she’s got to go on. She doesn’t have the luxury of breaking down in tears. She is Khaleesi. The Unburnt. The Breaker of Chains. She can’t just crumple. She’s got an army at her back relying on her strength and her guidance. 
She’s toughened, maybe a little dead inside by the end after all she loses.
So she has no patience for those victims still in the early stages of their trauma journey. The small folk of King’s Landing know suffering under Cersei, but they’ve seen everyone else who stood up to the Lannisters decimated in one way or another. Ned, beheaded. Renly, slain. Robb, beheaded. Catelyn, slain. Stannis, slain. The Tyrells, murdered. All three of Cersei’s children were killed, too, but just like Dany, she soldiered on. When all the other contenders have fallen beneath the mighty paws of the Lannister tyranny, what indiciation did any of them have that Dany would be any different? What else could they do, but follow orders or be beaten to death? Die on the outside of the gates by the hand of people claiming they want to protect you, or follow orders and scurry inside, beleiving that once again, the Lannisters will be the victors?
But Dany didn’t consider any of that, because everyone else she liberated hadn’t lived through battle after battle, war after war, watching their oppressors win. The Unsullied knew only how to follow orders, and being sold to a new Master meant doing only what they were told. The enslaved rose up against the masters because before Dany, only individuals had tried to fight back, not entire armies. When you are downtrodden and someone says, “Hey, if we all rise up, we can win” and it’s the first time anyone has tried, you are filled with naive hope and courage.
But the people of King’s Landing aren’t naive and courageous. They’d seen 5 kings rise and fall at the feet of the Lannister Queen, 6 if you count King Robert. Already, many had tried to rise up and overthrow her, and already all had failed. A new queen riding in, even on the back of a dragon, wasn’t enough to rouse them from their hard-learned slavery and acceptance. No one else had won before, so better to avoid trying again. Dany’s lack of understanding for that scenario - her unwillingness to heed what Varys and Tyrion tried to tell her to educate her about the way things worked in Westerous compared to Braavos - is ultimately what made her the monster she died as.
She refused to recall that others weren’t as brave as her; weren’t as hard-hearted as her; and she refused to recognize that the people she sought to ‘free’ had already been ‘freed’ five times over, at least, and still their tyrant queen stood tall. Dany’s impatience and her anger got the better of her thanks to the suppressed agonies she endured, and her unwillingness to see reason and understand that this time, things had to be different, was ultimately why she jumped into the role of brutal overlord doomed to die. 
I suppose, too, that when you flip the coin for madness or greatness, with only 2 Targaryens left on earth, you have to pick on, don’t you? Viserys was the mad one, and Dany the great one, but then Jon came along, and you flip it again, and to stay true to Jon’s nature throughout everything else, he must be the great one, so Dany has to be the mad one. 
So I suppose, in answer to your question on my thoughts about Danerys,  I’m... disappointed. She’s brave and brilliant and courageous in all she faces until excessive trauma makes her angry, makes her sloppy, and makes her foolish. She tries what she’s tried before and when it doesn’t work as it has every time before she throws a tantrum vile enough to end the world and to seal her fate, once and for all. I tolerated her until I liked her, and then I liked her until I didn’t. Now, I think of her as a tragic plot piece used, ultimately, to chart the course of valiant saviour to all right up until the Army of the Dead problem is resolved, a tool to batter down the walls without killing any more Starks in order to finally see Cersei dead once and for all, and then she’s tossed aside as being superfluous and in the way of the overall goal to see the Starks rise from the ashes of their destoryed family.
It’s hard to fathom in a tale with so many majoy players, but Jon Snow has always been the MAIN protagonist of the story; and everything else, including Dany, is all just circumstantial plot device to keep the story moving and to ultimately further Jon’s arc. That’s why he, alone, despite breaking every oath he took, and still trying to do what’s right, survives to the end, but gets no hero’s reward.
Based on what I know of G.R.R.M. from interviews he’s given and the overarching theme of this series as a whole, Dany’s end is fitting. You can’t stay a hero forever, you know? Eventually someone takes your hero’s crown or you become a tyrant to keep it, and someone else has to rise up and kill you, as you once rose up and slayed monsters, yourself. His whole schtick has always been that being a good person doesn’t mean you’ll get to live and doing the right thing for noble reasons will just get you killed sooner (Ned), but even those willing to do the wrong thing for the right reasons must pay their penance in the end. 
After all, valar morghulis.
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