#it was made for something 100% unrelated but i looked at it and thought ''he looks like a pokemon professor'' for some reason
geddy-leesbian · 4 months
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hey what if I fucked around and replayed RE Gaiden
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
#i was looking through old photos today. they where from wjen i was like 1 and it made me so sad#bc my mum would have been like only a year or 2 older then i am now and she looked so young#and now she has an abdomen full of tumors and blistered hands and feet. theyre prob gonna hsve to remove her bladder#but shes still very pragmatic abt it. but she grew up in a house where no one really cared about her feelings so she made them small#and now her mother calls and doesn't ask how her grandkids are doing and doesn't ask how her daughter is doing. im cursed with terrible#grandparents on both sides but i resent my mothers mother worse. though my dad said i probably wouldnt have survived his upbringing#and hes right. my nana has like zero empathy and cant cook for shit. idk how my parents r so normal but the fact i had a good upbringing is#probably the only reason im still here. and thats the other thing that made me sad abt the old pics. just looking at this little baby with a#fucked up head and thinking: in 25 years that kid is gonna b so broken down their not gonns kno what to do or how to fix it. idk whats wrong#with me. ive always been some stage of miserable but i used to b able to get things done. and now i cant seem to force functionality#and it sucks. bc im home now and i still feel like im cringing around this open wound in my chest. but whatever#as of today ive started taking ab1lify. hopefully it helps in the long term but in the short term it triggers my 0cd. which is not fun#its so frustrating. whatever. i also found out my eyes used to not work together. not enough to have a lazy eye but it was hard for me to#read and apparently my eyes were tracking at like double the speed of a normal person. wtf is wrong with my brain? also also my mum was like#yea i never would have guessed bip0lar but we thought it was something. autism i could see 100% but yea didnt see that coming. ao i guess#i brehave like a bit of an oddball. ans my nana would bother my dad to try to make me participate in church and my dad was like no. she#clearly don't wanna b here lol. ay. they did the best they could which i appreciate#unrelated
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
When the Holy Beast Falls - Azel
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An “If you were lovers” story. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
If Prince Azel and I were lovers…
Sometimes the Living God of Tanzanite would visit the befriended nation Benitoite.
On those occasions, he’d always have me go with him.
I’d never hear something cute like “I’ll miss you” from the two-faced god who apparently brought me along just to push me around.
But I know his true intentions.
Emma: Prince Azel, I’m back. 
Azel: You’re late.
Emma: I brought everything you asked me to buy since you can’t go into town, so please forgive me.
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Azel: That’s not the issue.
Prince Azel, who waited by the entrance, took the packages from me.
However, it didn’t seem like he was considering the packages and studied me.
Emma: …Are you hurt?
Azel: You can see I’m not.
Emma: Then what is it?
Azel: You’ve kept me waiting because you’ve been having fun in town.
Emma: H-how did you know? Is this God’s power— 
Azel: It’s all over your face.
(I guess I was grinning)
At my honest confession, Prince Azel pinched my cheek.
Azel: You got some nerve. I’ve been waiting for you to come back—
Emma: You’ve been waiting? For me?
Azel: …Don’t get the wrong idea. I asked you to get something for me.
Emma: That’s too bad. I thought if you were waiting for me, I’d rush back the next time.
Azel: Hurry back even if I’m not waiting. That’s a debtor’s responsibility. I’ll add this late fee to your debt.
Emma: Is that okay? The more debt you add, the more you won’t be able to let me go.
Azel: …You’re getting defiant.
(You’re so awkward, truly)
With a grim look on his face, Prince Azel turned his back on me and placed items he had me get on the table.
He went to check its contents, but his hand immediately stopped.
Azel: Emma…What is this?
Emma: It’s cute, isn’t it? I made a stop along the way to buy it.
Prince Azel held Benitoite’s popular “Living God doll” in his trembling hands.
It was a small doll in Prince Azel’s likeness that was said to bring many blessings, including luck with money, love, health, etc.
(It took me a while to buy it since there as a line)
Before he could throw it against the wall, I snatched the doll from Prince Azel’s hands and held it dearly.
Emma: I bought this separately from the money you gave me. I’m not giving it to you.
Azel: Get rid of things that aren’t wanted or needed.
Emma: I refuse. He’s cute, isn’t he?
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Azel: Cute?! I think you mean repulsive.
I moved the doll out of Prince Azel’s reach as he tried to steal it back and stepped away from him.
Emma: Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of it.
Azel: No one’s telling you to take care of it. I'm telling you to throw it away.
Emma: Throw away my beloved Prince Azel? I could never.
Azel [polite]: …I see, I see. Even with the real God present, you chose the doll and casted me aside. How cruel…This is a slight toward God. This blasphemy deserves divine punishment.
Prince Azel deliberately covered his face with his hands and began sobbing.
I knew it was a trap, but it hurt my conscience to ignore him.
Emma: That’s not it. However, with this doll, I can be with Prince Azel even when I’m out running errands. It’s my way of showing how much I love you.
The instant I approached the god to butter him up, Prince Azel stopped his crocodile tears, took the doll from me, and tossed it into some corner of the room. 
Emma: Ah! That’s cruel—Mn?!
My eyes widened when he stopped my protest with a kiss.
Azel: Who’s the cruel one here? Cheater.
Emma: …Even though it’s a puppet of you.
Azel: If you want my blessings so much, I’ll give it to you. You’ll have to deal with it.
A large hand grabbed my chin and our lips met again.
The kisses of a holy, unrelated god were always so greedy, greedily exploring deep inside that it made you feel like you were going to fall.
(Why is every kiss so lewd…)
Even when I nipped his lip to tell him he was going too far, the two-faced god didn’t stop and instead started tickling my ear.
Emma: Mm…Mmm!
Azel: Don’t need the doll anymore? That’s wonderful.
Emma: Wro…ah
The fingers that were tickling my ear slid down my neck and under the collar of my blouse.
I hastily grabbed the hand that was going to defile me and looked into his mysterious, starry eyes.
Emma: I can’t return to my room anymore, can I?
Azel [polite]: A message from God. You should not be alone tonight for there are bad omens.
Emma: …A lot of good things happened in town though?
Azel [polite]: It will happen, and it will surely be a misfortune.
Emma: Specifically…
Azel [polite]: Divination is an ambiguous thing. You won’t know until it happens.
Emma: Then let’s test out if Prince Azel’s divination is really correct.
Azel: Why would you do that? Are you stupid?
He cupped my cheeks and squished them.
Emma: Because lately, you’ve been saying the same thing. That when I’m alone, misfortune, bad luck, or a disaster will happen to me… So I thought I’d try it out just once.
Azel: Being fearless isn’t good. God’s words are absolute, so you must heed His warnings.
Emma: I get it Prince Azel. You just really want us to be together, don’t you?
Azel: ……I didn’t say that.
(You’re so easy to read)
Azel: I don’t care if you’re here or not. I prefer being alone.
Emma: Then— 
When I tried to shake his hands off and turn away, he hugged me tight.
Azel: You don’t believe in God’s good will?
Emma: You just need to be honest and say that you want me with you.
Azel: Aren’t you the one that wants to be with me?
Emma: If I’m the only one that wants this, then I’ll only bother you so I’ll head back to my room—
Azel: Try to go back if you can.
(Ugh…He’s so strong that I can’t shake him off!)
Even after saying all this, Prince Azel still won’t admit it.
But when I turned to look at him, we kissed for a short moment.
Azel: Ah…
It seemed like he didn’t mean to and his brows furrowed.
(He never wants to admit it, but…)
Emma: You truly do love me, Prince Azel.
Azel: Don’t be so conceited.
A blush spread across his grim face.
(...God’s blessing was real)
(Because it’s possible to make Prince Azel look like this)
With a dramatic sigh, Prince Azel rested his forehead on my shoulder.
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Azel: What am I even doing?
Emma: It's love.
Azel: No. I’m in no way in love with you. Damn it…
(There’s still a long way to go, but I’ll definitely get it out of him one day)
(An “I love you” from Prince Azel)
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tempo-takoyaki · 6 months
Hiii sorry to bother u! I just wanted to say i love your mxtx art + tgcf comments. I LOVE your Wei Wuxian especially!! His eyes!!!! You are right they make him look like a bit of a red flag to strangers but that makes them PERFECT for him!! And they also make him look so smug when he smiles...again, those eyes are 100% Wei Wuxian. Do you have any other WWX sketch to share?
(Also kinda unrelated, kinda on topic, but what did Lan Wangji think of the eerie eyes when he first met him? I started thinking of this last minute while writing my compliments, but feel free not to answer!)
Goodbye, have a good rest of the holidays and stay safe!!
Ps: congrats on the recent milestone on Instagram!!
Aaaaah thank you so much for your kind words! I'm happy you like my WWX! <3 Well, I had to dig in a bit, but here are some of the WWX sketches I've done while reading MDZS (back in spring 2023)!
To explain some of them, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out a good way to differenciate WWX and MXY, so there's a lot of MXY there too. For the third image, I wasn't sure of Wangxian's height difference back then so I just went with whatever, now I've adjusted it to fit the canon. For the fourth image, one my headcanons was that LSZ had inherited WWX's creepy smile™. So when they're both smiling, it's flagrant he's his son. Fifth image is WWX in the burial mounds, and the sixth was for a modern AU in which MXY is WWX's younger twin brother.
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Now! To answer your question "What did LWJ think of his eerie eyes the first time he met him?". Well, my personal thoughts on this was that they weren't too creepy at first, he was still a relatively joyous teen and I imagine he was really expressive too. Maybe it made him look arrogant or something, but that was just a detail, even LWJ could tell he wasn't like that. Maybe others would notice, and mention it to LWJ, but he would just reply something along the lines of "useless". (Translation "That's not what's important, what's important is that he's! breaking! the! rules!"). Maybe there was some jealousy, "no one can read my emotions and this boy has expressive eyes that's not fair I wish I could be as expressive as him". But it was lost to time, pain and love, as WWX lost some of his joy and innocence, as war made him more languid, scared and distant. Yet those eyes at the end of his life still seemed like they were smiling, not matter how many tears ran down his cheeks. And maybe then LWJ thought "Is it really worth it to have eyes like this if it forces you to look alright when really you're in pain?".
Now, in MXY's body, some of his features mixed with MXY's, his eyes feel less locked in a constant smile. And LWJ loves to look at them, no matter if he's smiling or pouting.
Thank you so much for your ask! :D Have a wonderful day!
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justdaphne · 1 year
The Crows on a roadtrip
“Kaz, please try not to talk about jobs during this trip.”
Front seat because the back is too loud and he wouldn’t promise he wouldn’t kill anyone.
I guess he would be driving at night when they all need to sleep because - he’s Kaz. He doesn’t sleep. Plus he likes the quiet. Nah he drives most of the time. He trusts only himself.
“BUT I REALLY N-“ “no. Piss yourself.”
Unlikely to road rage UNLESS HE’S PISSED but his intrusive thoughts……. NAH HE WOULDN’T THERE’S INEJ TO TELL HIM OFF
He’s tired…of them (not Inej though, never her)
“The.. skies nice today” - Kaz trying to talk about something unrelated to work with Inej but it is awkward with everyone around.
The most complains comes from Jesper and he’s unbothered by Kaz’s annoyance.
The few times he sits in the driver’s seat or the one next to it, he controls the radio. And whatever upbeat explicit song you can think of, yes. On full volume. “WOOOOOOO”
When he drives, the music is on full volume and rolls down the window.
“ THIS /&$/&/&/&/&/!,!4$&3/“ road rage. *beep* “HEY—“
“I’m bored.”
He talks to Wylan, Nina and Inej the most..probably gossip. Yea most likely that.
BUT HE DEFINITEDLY BREAKS TENSION (i wanna be on a roadtrip with Jesper)
*loud potato chip crunch*
She switches between front row with Kaz and back row with Nina.
Quiet small conversation with Kaz because bro is awkward in conversations unrelated to work (“boo”)
But you know what silence is nice too. Eavesdroppers are everywhere *Jesper, Nina, Wylan, Matthias*
In the back row, yes you can catch her laughing and having so much fun spilling tea with Nina (jealous Kaz moment)
Jesper, Nina and Inej filling the back row with laugher.
Mother of the group for sure, keeping everyone in check.
“Kaz, stop the van please” *stops*
Loud 2.0
She’s most likely high on soda…or alcohol she stole from the Crow Club 💀
“Brekker relax *rolls eyes*” “BREKKER YOU’RE PISSING ME OFF”
Kaz and Nina basically fight like children when it’s someone else’s turn to drive.
Nina basically brought her whole wardrobe - so you can imagine like 10+ luggages which she needs to leave behind. She brought an extra luggage for snacks…mostly waffles.
Basically uses Matthias as a pillow
Pissed off and tired 2.0
He takes turn with Kaz to drive because - same reason as Kaz - it is much more peaceful up in front. But he also likes to spend time with Little Red Bird.
“Matthias tell us a joke” “*dad joke*”
“You know in Fjerda” pt 29282828282
He reminisces the time when he was younger, he and his family would used to go on trips, before troubles.
100% believe he’s into nature so he looks out the window to look at the view.
HAS HE’S OWN EARPHONES. He listens to whatever music they listen to in Fjerda and also the playlist Nina made for him
Falls asleep but wakes up quickly because he does not trust Jesper to not take any weird photos.
*LOUD DISRUPTION NOISES* Why am I hear again?
Basically in his own little world, looking out the window, probably sketching(?)
Also has his own playlist probably classics, instrumentals (and also some of Jesper’s music taste because it’s his own boyfriend for Pete’s sake!!)
Chats with Inej a lot about life, deep talks. Small talks with Kaz/Matthias
Basically Jesper’s guardian. “Jesper!!!”
He would take pictures with Nina and Inej, silly ones too.
He likes when it’s night because of the nice street lights and the peace. And the quiet. It just hits different for him. He feels at home.
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marcusrobertobaq · 4 months
Why people often confuses Connor's deviancy with Hank's relationship status:
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They got similar impacts after a point the story. Usually when the SI goes up are choices that also gonna impact Hank's rep positively. But as u can see they're totally unrelated, not only in the narrative but also the math system.
So, no... Connor doesn't deviate cuz of Hank. That's not true. I believe the devs themselves realized leaving a dialogue implying that would go against what they constructed and also becoming a plot hole when you're outside one specific route (an issue the game got overall).
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(deviant Connor about Markus if dude got killed in Crossroads)
According to the narrative there may be 3 main reasons why he can choose deviating:
Amanda AI betrayal, when he also thought he mattered enough for CL to not lie to him (Daniel parallel);
Finding common ground with the deviants story, empathizing with 'em (esp the Tracis);
Realizing he ain't doing "the right thing" by helping the megacorporation to repress androids - he included, as they're using him as just some tool.
As he may have 3 main reasons to choose not deviating:
Believe deviants are extremly dangerous to humans, a threat to the country and to innocent people - and he's the one that can help preventing chaos from happening (CL propaganda);
Believe deviants are no better than "bad" humans he met along the way and that he's the one that can help prevent chaos from happening (CL propaganda + experience);
Fear of failing his mission, his whole purpose and ending up as 100% nothing (not useful) for Amanda - someone he got a level of attachment -, consequently ceasing to exist (dying) in the end (not even destroyed but the existence totally deleted).
In resume Connor's machine vs deviancy clash looks like a mix of doubts/conflicts about the deviancy situation + fear of "death" (ceasing to exist).
According to the narrative Connor's main topic related to Hank, something not impacted about the machine vs deviancy clash, is his worry and empathy towards Hank's trauma: mf's a traffic accident survivor, got a bad relationship with androids "cheating death" due to his own son's death as it's basically an INSULT when all the guy wants is having his kid (kids are quite a relevant topic in Connor's arc btw) back in his arms + the belief an android is responsible for Cole's death in attempt to ease his own sense of guilty.
All dude wants is Hank to overcome this trauma cuz it worsened things like suicidal tendencies and alcoholism - and also his hatred for androids.
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Ain't only cuz these personal issues can make his job difficult but also cuz he starts respecting Hank and where mf came from after a point in the game, even if he "hates" the guy's guts.
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I'd say Hank's experience alongside Connor in the case witnessing deviants stories confirming his negative opinion on humans made him realize he was being a coward this whole time attacking the wrong people:
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and sadly his rep with Connor alone is what decides if the guy finally act upon his bullshit and "uses his suicidal tendencies" to fight for what he think it's right (telling law enforcement to fuck off definitely) or die in cowardice in his own house by his own hand victim of this same issue.
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I can't help but say it's again continuation issues as this scene makes no sense when you're outside a very specific route.
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A better summary would be: Connor doesn't deviate cuz of Hank, but Hank "deviates" cuz of Connor (due to bad design cuz Connor himself shouldn't be the reason he changes his mind but the whole picture imo).
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I believe to fully visualize a character and context in a game like this we need to analyze each variation in the story, not only playing a specific route - the easiest one they call "full best ending", the one the game itself helps u to get - cuz it's easy losing context and also a good part of the character's range of expressions. When u do that u realize the character got a base that won't change doesn't matter how u play.
I'm offering y'all material to work with and go explore yourselves cuz i've been seeing some terrible takes recently and got "where tf is this in the canon bible?". What u gon do with this info ain't my jurisdiction anymore, my mission ends here.
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reds-skull · 7 months
Not Alive, Nor Dead
This one was really difficult for me, had to cut out a whole page and restart at one point, still not 100% happy with it. Gonna go start the next one to see what needs to be fixed.
Ghost was in Limbo, the vast emptiness feeling… off. He couldn’t see a single unfortunate soul, the void a vacuum, taking away his breath. It was… quiet.
He takes a step forward, and the splashing at his feet attracts his attention.
Despite how Limbo is quite literally nothing, Ghost always compared it in his mind to an ocean, vast and unrelenting, hiding horrors underneath its surface.
Limbo’s ocean is made of blood now.
He continues walking, with no end and no beginning. The air warms slowly, a low light emanating in the distance.
“Ghost?” a voice whispers to him. Something bright ignites in his chest, and he quickens his pace.
A silhouette covers the light, a man, several holes shining through his torso.
“Ghost?” it calls to him again, Ghost now recognizing the words are coming from the man.
Blue eyes, candle-light fingers, soft smile. A fire to warm his freezing being.
Ghost looks down.
Broken body, missing limbs, oozing wounds, blood, blood, blood-
He shoots up, breathing heavily. Ghost looks around, his hands wrapped around another’s. Flames lick his fingers. Johnny.
He lets go of the Sergeant’s hands, and shifts backwards until his back hits the wall.
Soap takes a step back, “sorry, thought ye had a nightmare…”
Ghost takes a deep breath, the first since he woke up, “I was.”
He blinks rapidly to try and focus on the digital clock in the room. They slept for barely 2 hours before Ghost’s mind decided to torment him.
“Did I wake you up?”
Johnny exhales and runs a hand through his messy hair, “no uh… thought something grabbed my- never mind that” He looks back at Ghost, with more concern than he knows what to do with, “ye wanna… talk about it?”
“Aye, I figured…”
Soap lifts the blanket Ghost didn’t realize he kicked off in his sleep and places it back on the bed, slowly smoothing the creases. Johnny’s warmth is still present after he returns to his own bed. Ghost gathers the fabric close to his heart.
He holds tight onto it until the blanket cools completely.
The next day brings with it a mountain of work, preparations for the capture of El Sin Nombre. Laswell and the Vaqueros are working on finding an opening to catch him alone.
Sin Nombre’s gang is home to many revenants, including himself. They rather not face them all at the same time.
As it were, they need to be prepared for anything. It’s all hands on deck for this one, the entire 141, which is composed of the strongest revenants in the British army, the Los Vaqueros, with immense experience fighting against El Sin Nombre, and Shadow Company, bringing in tech Ghost have never even heard of.
After a few days, they find a lead - one of Sin Nombre’s Lugarteniente has a son, whose hosting a birthday party in 10 days. The party will be a meeting place for El Sin Nombre and one of his clients. The soldiers will split into two teams: Bravo will create a distraction at the party, making El Sin Nombre flee, and Romeo will catch the man before he reaches transport.
It’s far from perfect, about a million things could go wrong, and it hinges on the fact that none of El Sin Nombre’s gang members have abilities that surpass theirs. But it’s the best they got.
Just gotta live with the shit hand they were dealt.
Alejandro is especially fiery today, shouting commands for his soldiers to clear one of the training grounds for them.
Both him and the Captain agreed it would be best for the teams to train together using their powers in preparation for the mission. Ghost couldn’t agree more - last thing they need is confusion on field.
He watches the soldiers clear the grounds, waiting rigidly at the sidelines. He notices Garrick staring at him from above.
The Sergeant was extremely surprised when informed of the newest revelation on Limbo. Ghost could see how hard it was for him to hold his tongue and not ask questions.
He himself has many, the majority of them boil down to ‘how will visiting Limbo affect Soap?’. For now, it appears as though nothing changed, Ghost keeping a close eye on the Scot.
He used to be worried when the Sergeant was sleeping underneath him, far from his sight, where inky hands could drag him away and he’ll be oblivious.
He worries less every morning Johnny greets him with a grin.
They’re watching Rodolfo freeze the entire field in a blink of an eye, creating ice sheets from sheer air, when Soap jumps next to him shrieking, “fuckin’ hell LT! The fuck’s that?!”.
Ghost looks at what his Sergeant is pointing at, and watches the inky hands grasp at his shoes. He automatically stomps them before stopping.
“You can see them?” his eyes widen.
Soap huffs, “clearly, sir. Gave me a hell of a scare.”
Price looks over to them, “what’s the matter between you two?”
Ghost takes a step back, “no… that’s not fuckin’ possible.”
“Simon.” Price frowns, talking to him privately using his powers.
Ghost locks eyes with him, “Limbo changed him.”
“... Ghost?” Johnny looks at him concernedly.
Price calms him, “he’s not hurt. Even if he’s… different now. Don’t panic.”
Ghost sighs, filing his concern for a later point. “Eyes up, Sergeant, learn from the others.”
Soap obviously catches his attempt to deflect, but obeys regardless, “aye sir.”
Alejandro certainly knows how to put on a good show. When a firing squad stepped up and lined their guns at him, Soap and Gaz quietly stiffened. Price was calm, bastard already knew what will happen. And as for himself, well, he had a sort of morbid curiosity.
Alejandro commands them, “FIRE!”
A hail of bullets slices through the air, their destination Alejandro’s body. They miss their mark, however, and pass through him as if he’s made of air.
Alejandro rushed ahead and swiftly disarms his soldiers. Rodolfo chuckles next to Gaz, “show off.” he smiles fondly.
Garrick turns to ask him, “how did he die to get that power?”
The Vaquero dims, “got captured and locked in a cell.” Rodolfo clears his throat, “won’t happen a second time, that’s for certain.”
None of them will die again from what killed them once, their Reapers made sure of it.
“Alright Kyle”, Price pats Gaz’s shoulder, “showtime”.
Garrick groans, “how on earth am I supposed to top that…”
When it comes to Soap’s turn, Graves and a couple of his Shadows join the spectators. Ghost mentally sighs, and hopes the American will keep his mouth shut for once. 
“Who’s about to go now?” Graves asks Price. There goes his hope.
“Sergeant MacTavish.”
Graves laughs, “heard he was just on defusal teams for years. What’s he gonna do, show how immune he is to black powder?”
Ghost glares at the tosser, but doesn’t say a word. Johnny has enough power to surpass the American’s biggest guns, he’s sure of it.
Soap has asked Alejandro for a defunct tank from their training grounds. The sight of Gaz literally carrying it on one hand was quite amusing.
His Sergeant searches the crowd, until their eyes meet, and he gives him a small smile.
The explosion following not a minute later is so powerful it shakes the earth, making a few soldiers stumble. Ghost turns to examine Graves’ reaction, smug and proud of Johnny.
Graves looks impressed, but there’s a shred of something that unsettles Ghost. 
The American’s eyes are wide with hunger.
The Vaqueros around him cheer and laugh, but he’s far too occupied with the emotions passing over Graves’ features.
They left him for last, and now he stands alone in the field, the wind teasing his clothes.
Price gives him the go ahead, and he blinks.
Limbo bursts out of him in a wave, slowly taking over the rest of the world.
The residents of Limbo walk towards him, lift their arms to the light wisps that circle him. They’re calm today, Ghost muses.
His victims always chase his light, trying to steal it for themselves, as if that will bring them any solace.
He’s about to return to earth, when they all snap their head to one direction.
The dark, inky figures stare at whatever attracted their attention before howling and running at it, away from Ghost.
He rapidly severs Limbo from the real world.
He wonders what the fuck they were after as he blinks away the inky realm. The ground under his feet is painted black, and several footprint trails go away from him…
Straight at Soap, who backed away and barely avoided the dark earth.
“No one ever went into Limbo and left alive…” He thinks of what he told Soap yesterday.
It appears that Limbo isn’t happy that one fated victim escaped it…
Johnny won’t survive a second visit, Ghost realizes then. What happened that day cannot repeat itself.
They got lucky once. It won’t happen again.
He hurriedly walks back to base, ignoring the others attempts at calling him back. 
Show’s over.
He wonders about for a while, after Price orders him to clear his head.
Easy to fucking say, for a telepath. He thinks of what his Reaper said, not for the first time today. If Soap is supposed to bring his demise… why does it seem like Ghost is destroying him?
Ghost’s heart sours. Could his Reaper been wrong?
He almost runs into a man while lost in grim thoughts. The soldier tells him, “easy, hermano. All good?” and Ghost recognizes him as Rodolfo.
He stops and nods slowly. “You seem to have a lot on your mind, Fantasma” Rodolfo looks him over, “care to share?”
No, Ghost thinks. But the genuine look in Rodolfo’s eyes makes him consider. With the amount of revenants in Las Almas, perhaps the man knows of a case like his.
Ghost inhales, “you’ve seen what happened in training today.”
The Vaquero nods. “Something changed… in Soap.” Ghost crosses his arms. “My powers affected him somehow. Do you know if that happened to anyone else before?”
Rodolfo lets out a breath, “can’t say I do…”
Of course, why would he have something useful-
“But I could ask my Reaper.”
Ghost raises his eyebrows, before realizing the motion is hidden, “you can summon it?”
Rodolfo chuckles, “mine is a little more… chatty? Than most.”
“I’d… appreciate it.” He murmurs.
The Sergeant Major smiles, “was wanting to make it up to you, since what I’ve said in the car. I truly didn’t mean to offend you, hermano.”
Ghost tilts his head. Why would he care? “Water under the bridge, Rodolfo.”
“Call me Rudy”.
They both walk to mess when they pass by some Shadows training, running in almost unnerving synchronization.
“Something’s off about the gringos…” Rudy glances at them.
Now that he’s been thinking about it, Ghost hasn’t talked to a single one of them, beside their commander. They act more like robots than humans.
The group continues running, kicking up dust.
The two of them continue on their path.
Rudy excuses himself after they finish eating, telling Ghost he’s going to talk to his Reaper.
Soap takes the sit next to him and stares at him for a moment before talking, “something’s wrong, isn’t it? With Limbo.”
Ghost looks around to check no one is paying attention to their conversation and leans in, “it’s not Limbo, Johnny. It’s you.”
He continues, “I don’t know what yet, but I swear to you, Soap, I will fix it.”
Guilt weighs heavy on him and his Sergeant’s gaze heavier. The Scot lifts a hand, and hesitates before patting Ghost’s bicep. The contact burns through his clothes.
“I trust you.” He smiles beautifully.
Why, Ghost wants to ask. But he’s too enchanted by those blue eyes to voice his confusion.
The burn moves across his chest, as Soap gets up and sprints into Gaz, making him stumble and hover precariously mere inches above the floor.
Sometimes he worries his heart might be malfunctioning near Johnny.
Soap is changing >_> for the better or for worse?
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zhonglis-wifey · 2 years
Can we pretty please get some fluff Dottore content 🛐
HELL YEAH YOU CAN!! i’m always down to write dottore stuff he is my babygirl. yesterday my bestie and i were talking about how we just want dottore to be our househusband lmao
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okay so i’m writing this based on the theory that dottore is zandik, the academia student who got expelled for accidentally killing one his peers. if you don’t know that theory i made a youtube video about it lol always be plugging!
so like. i’m asking you to suspend ur disbelief and pretend that dottore isn’t 100% evil for a second (yes i know i’m delusional for saying that idc i love him)
dottore seems like he has an um… obsessive personality… aka he would be completely enamored with his s/o almost to a fault but that’s okay. you probably don’t care if you love dottore lmao
so i can totally see his s/o basically consuming his thoughts, he probably brags about you to his subordinates and the other harbingers all the time. (they’re honestly sick of it at this point but if any of them tell him that he’s too obsessed with you he’ll human experiment on them lol)
his love language is physical touch there i said it!!!!! he loves cuddling with you so bad, he likes it when you sit in his lap and rest your head against his shoulder while his arms are around your waist
head in hands i love him
okay so you know how dottore wants to “improve” and “enhance” humans with his weird robo science or whatever? not you he thinks you’re perfect, you are the apex of the human condition and he will tell you every chance he gets
idk why but dottore gives me honk shoo snoring vibes. completely unrelated but i thought i should share with the class
dottore���s job as a harbinger is very demanding of his time so when you can’t be with the real one he just sends one of his clones to you!! i like the idea of them having a shared consciousness (or something similar?) so it’s really just like he never left
when the real dottore comes back say bye to the clone because the real one wants you to himself
play with his hair. he loves it so much (i’m projecting bc his hair is so gender)
omg the overwhelming urge to steal his big dumb coat and wear it without telling him!!!!!! at first he’d be pissed like “wtf where my clothes 🧍‍♀️” but when he sees that you have it he’s not mad anymore lol. he is more than willing to share with his s/o and also it makes him feel like you belong to him
and now for my final special attack: dottore taking off his mask in front of you for the first time
personally i hc there’s some really bad scars/burns under there that he’s very insecure about so he never really takes off his mask
it’ll probably take a while for him to feel comfy showing you what he really looks like because he’s afraid that you won’t want him anymore when you see :(
kissing his scars while he tries not to cry happy tears bc you still love him (he’s failing, he cried for sure)
dottore feels very lucky to have you!! after all of the atrocities he’s committed (pre removal of guilt from his arsenal of emotions i guess) he thought he didn’t deserve love but you’re so good to him and he cherishes you more than you’ll ever know
anyway. stan dottore i guess
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exhuastedpigeon · 11 months
Han's far too long "I got covid for the first time and haven't felt the house in 6 days Buddie fic rec list"
This rec list is a combo of fics I read for the first time in the last week & fics I reread because they're wonderful and I needed comfort through my fever.
Break Glass in Case of Emergency by Beforeastorm 2,894 words || teen
Eddie’s mind wandered to the red folder, tucked high up in the back of his closet. He recalled back to a conversation he had with Buck, almost a year ago at this point: “It’s an insurance policy; a break glass in case of emergency. A trump card.” “One I really hope we’ll never have to use.” “But if we have to, we’ll be really glad we did this.” When hospital policy doesn't allow Chris, as an unrelated minor, to visit a comatose post-lightning strike Buck in the ICU, Eddie has a solution. Unfortunately, that involves sharing some pretty personal information in a waiting room filled with the 118.
Relationship Advice from Complete Strangers Online by HMSLusitania 3,964 words || Teen
When he gets home for the night, Buck turns to the one source of information that’s never let him down: the internet. He gets as far as opening his laptop and pulling up a web browser, and then he stalls. His homepage, for years now, has been Wikipedia. He doesn’t know how exactly he’s supposed to wiki-search “Is my best friend into me.” It’s not like he really does social media, either. Ever since he bailed on dating apps, he’s sort of tried to avoid other people online. He likes people in real spaces so much more. But where does one go for relationship advice from complete strangers online? Which is how, ten minutes later, he finds himself on Reddit with a shiny new account and username. It takes him a while after that to craft his question for r/Relationships, but he thinks he’s got it pretty accurately conveyed before he hits post. Hi, I’ve never made a Reddit post before and I’m not 100% sure what I’m doing but I need advice and can’t ask anyone in my real life. So, I [30M] have this best friend [34M]…
i got all my sisters with me by ipretendtobesane 6,766 words || teen This fic is so fucking soft and sweet. It quickly joined the ranks of my favourite Buddie fics I've ever read.
Soph to Eddie Hate Club: Hey guys! This is Alex, Sophia’s been a little out of it since Nina was born (she’s doing great, just in some pain and y’all know how weirdly woozy she gets on medicine). Combine that with a lack of sleep, and…well Y’all get it. Anyway, Soph and I wanted to host you guys next weekend. Adriana to Eddie Hate Club: YES I’m packing my bags right now Eddie to Eddie Hate Club: Are Buck and Chris invited? Soph to Eddie Hate Club: I will take any excuse to see that man up close and personal “Hey, Buck?” “Hmm.” “What do you say about a trip to Texas?” (or, eddie's sister has a baby, buck meets the diaz girls, and they're sickeningly in love for nearly seven thousand words)
knock on your door, just like before by rowan_wood 7,513 words || teen
“Here,” Buck had said, practically shoving his phone at Eddie once Eddie had said hello to both Buck and Chris and settled into a chair at the dining table, “I wrote down everything so I wouldn’t forget.” Eddie looked curiously at the screen to find Buck’s note app open to a long, long list of messages. There was a grocery list of things he needed at the top, but it soon devolved into any thing or thought that Buck had while Eddie was gone that he, apparently, wanted to tell him.  or: whenever Eddie's away, Buck writes him a new note, and Eddie pines.
you can start a family who will always show you love by fleetinghearts 8,185 words || Teen
“Yeah, yeah, he’s—he’s my kid, he’s my kid,” Buck tells her, tripping over his words in the effort to get this whole process to hurry the fuck up so he can see Chris. There’s the sound of something hitting the floor from behind him, followed by what might be plastic bouncing off the shiny hospital tiles. The person at the desk looks up in surprise, over Buck’s shoulder, and he turns to look too. Eddie’s standing there, Styrofoam cup rolling at his feet, coffee splattered all down the bottom of his faded blue jeans. The plastic lid of the cup skitters over the tile before coming to a stop a few feet away. He looks like someone punched him in the gut, absolutely shellshocked, something Buck can’t quite read behind the startled expression on his face. or, buck's looking for something, and the diazes let him know he already has it
still by brewrosemilk 9,368 words || teen This fic actually ruined me. I full on sobbed reading it.
For the first time, Buck longs for a bullet wound to treat. Dirt to dig at. A door to break through. Something. There’s nothing. “Your guess was correct, Diaz,” the bomb technician tells them, as he gestures to the orange circle. “You’re standing on a large sensor plate, wired to a detonator. It’s incredibly important that you don’t move. Don’t shift. When you put your weight down, it was like cocking a gun - you take your weight off, this thing is powerful enough to take the entire house with it."  Inspired by Castle, S05E22: Still
brick by spqr 10,154 words || explicit 
The first thing Buck noticed when he walked through the door was the smell of plaster and wet paint. There was a white spot on the wall in the living room, primered but without any color yet, about the size of a man’s fist. Eddie looked sheepish. His knuckles were still bruised, scabbed over but healing. “You were in a coma,” was all he said. “Yeah,” Buck agreed. He knew the feeling.
things you don't say reach me somehow anyway by sibylsleaves 14,279 words || Teen
He writes CHRISTOPHER at the top of the page in capital letters. Underneath it goes BUCK. Then PEPA, CARLA, CHIM, HEN and so on until he has fifteen names listed out. Fifteen people to show his appreciation for. He starts with the easiest name first. or, Eddie tells the family he chose how much they mean to him. All of them except one.
let's build this house (into a home, baby) by withmeornotatall 24,478 words || explicit 
This fic is so good. Different first meeting, but the same wonderful friendship. Christopher is a national treasure. It's a prefect fic.
"Hey, buddy!" he calls out with a grin. "Did you know that octopuses actually is the correct plural form of octopus not octopi?" "Cool." Chris smiles, but it fades just as soon as it appears. Buck dog-ears his page and sets his book down. "Everything okay?" he asks carefully, crossing to the fence. "Yeah, I'm just hungry." Christopher sighs. "Dad burnt dinner. Again." Buck glances through his open back door to the dining table with three mismatched chairs, and bites his lip. He's got no excuse today, the evening sun leaving him lethargic but not exhausted, the hour reasonable. "Hey, I've got an idea." Buck winks at Christopher. "Stay there, okay?" Buck grabs his beer, book and folding chair, setting them just inside the entrance. He makes his way to the front door, stopping at the hallway mirror to fix his curls into something a little more presentable, and walks the few yards down their adjoined porch to Christopher's door. With a deep breath, he raises his hand and knocks. The door swings open a few seconds later, and Buck's mouth goes dry at the sight that greets him (OR: the buddie neighbours au no one asked for)
i see you in my sheets (i see you in my sleep) by elless 24,981 words || explicit 
Eddie kisses him in the kitchen. Bright morning sunshine spills in the window over the sink, picking out the golden flecks in Eddie’s eyes. He cradles Buck’s jaw with one warm palm, and Buck freezes for a moment, startled, before surging against Eddie. He’s still holding a hot mug of coffee that he barely fumbles onto the counter without dropping or spilling all over his shirt. He rakes his fingers into Eddie’s hair and reels him in closer, Eddie’s firm thigh slotted between his. “Eddie,” he pants as Eddie scrapes his teeth down his throat and sucks on the spot over his racing pulse. Eddie hums as he rucks Buck’ve done just about everything else two people can do together; maybe this was always inevitable. OR Buck and Eddie are FWB, act like boyfriends, and are suuuuper dumb and oblivious about everything.
in the night we trust by glorious_spoon 29,220 words || teen
It feels new, and good, and not just because it’s been so damn long since anyone has touched Eddie like this. It’s just—it’s Buck. Of course this is something they know how to do together. They’ve done just about everything else two people can do together; maybe this was always inevitable. - Or: Eddie and Buck start sleeping together when they're all stuck at Buck's place during lockdown. It still takes them almost three years to notice that they're in love.
The Heart Opening Sequence by Leslie_Knope 34,035 words || mature
Eddie’s handsome, that’s obvious, Buck clocked that the second he met him. Part of him still can’t really believe that the guy he was so threatened by at first ended up as his closest friend, which is why these weird twinges are so unsettling. Buck isn’t sure if they’re real, for one, these odd flashes of what it would be like to lean over and kiss Eddie while they’re watching a movie or brush a hand over his back while they’re in the kitchen. And for two, it’s so far out of the realm of possibility that it’s barely worth thinking about.
must be some kind of twist, I could get used to this by soyxunxperdedor 38,753 words || explicit  THIS FIC!!! Accidentally married in vegas??? SIGN ME UP
He doesn’t remember much from last night, even less after the fourth or fifth tequila shot. So he certainly doesn’t remember bringing someone back to his room. He steels himself for the lancing pain and cracks his eyes open. Oh. Oh no. This is either really bad or… Well, not really good, but just. Not really bad, and that’s probably all Buck can ask for it to be. Because Eddie is in his bed, Eddie’s arm is wrapped around his waist, Eddie’s legs are tangled with his. And he has no idea why.
let the world have its way with you by fleetinghearts 54,477 words || explicit  This is the best post lightening strike long form fic I've read. It doesn't gloss over Buck dying/feeling different and instead shows Eddie (and Chris) helping Buck embrace his feelings and grow together. 15/10
“It’s just that—I died,” Buck continues, voice unsteady enough that Eddie wonders if this is the first time he’s acknowledged that out loud. “I died, and there’s so much more. There’s so much more I want to do, things I don’t even know I want to do yet, and I almost had the chance to have and live them taken away. I don’t want to die and regret missing out on everything else, Eddie.” “So let’s make a list,” Eddie says. “Let’s do them.” or, a bucket list that’s really about buck needing to make a change and an eddie who’s ready to do anything to see him fall in love with life again. it takes some crossing off for eddie to realise—the thing at the top of the list in his own heart? it’s been right here all along
a body, a knife, hold steady by bvckandeddie (zukkababey) 67,425 words || mature I'm a slut for a Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU and this one is one of the best I've read.
Bogotá wasn’t Buck’s first international mission—Peru held that title—but it changed just about everything. Because Bogotá was where he met Eddie. Or, Buck and Eddie meet, fall in love, build a life together, and discover they're rival assassins—exactly in that order.
wishing to be the friction by ipretendtobesane 97,200 words || explicit 
Buck and Eddie are straight best friends who start having no strings attached sex. Eddie has a hard time having sex with someone he doesn't trust, and Buck's tired of hookups after being with Abby. Besides, they're both comfortable with their sexuality, and there's nothing wrong with giving your friend a hand. What's surprising is how long it took them to fall into bed together, really. What's entirely unsurprising is how quickly strings start getting attached. or; the straight eddie friends with benefits fic
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 6 months
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*leans casually on wall* hey,
i will take ANY excuse to design an outfit, especially wedding outfits, idk why— I just think they're fun.
there were originally two tuxedos involved in this (on the hair timeline drawing), with Flash's white and Peter's blue, but as I was editing my notes I ended up moving some stuff around and shunted Flash's transition forward by about a year and a half because it made more sense to happen around the time they get married instead of nearly 2 years later...
So like any reasonable person, I thought to myself, "oh boy! time to spend four days on a wedding dress!" (the drawing didn't take four days, i just spent a lot of time looking stuff up)
closeups and thoughts under the cut:
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in my head the top part of the dress is at least partially some kind of soft, flexible fabric, like a stretch satinet or whatever, or one of those really soft matte stretchy fabrics, but i honestly wasn't sure how exactly to handle that considering I'm not a tailor myself... like there should probably be a waist seam where the top meets the skirt, though probably hidden by the embroidery at least a little bit... though i guess it could also be that there is a layer of already-embroidered georgette over the top of a slip...
i did not hand draw this embroidery by the way. i almost tried. and then after .5 seconds i said, "oh this doesn't look good and i don't know what i'm doing." so then i used some brushes in clip studio paint and colored in colors i liked and added some beads that are basically not visible at 100% zoom (lmao)
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they're there, i swear. i just think it would be cute if there were some very small beads adding a bit of sparkle...
Anyway, I just thought the flowers and colors would be nice. And I know you're probably thinking "huh, where'd they get sheer fabric that's only embroidered on part of it?" considering all those pre-made fabrics w/ the flowers all over... or "where did they get that dress custom-made? did one of their friends pay for it?" to which normally I would say "yeah lol they know at least a half a dozen rich people" but in this case... Well, this is a wedding that involves Peter. and Peter is nothing if not extra, impulsive, romantic, and a masochist—
Peter hand-sewed the entire dress, including the embroidery.
I figure, if he can embroider spider webs onto his suit then surely he can handle this ,as long as he has something to go off of. the dress itself isn't exactly the most complex, except maybe the skirt part falling in a specific way, so this is just another idk how many hours for him to spend futzing around with a needle and thread and insisting he can finish it in time. point in favor, because he does, but only because they have to postpone the wedding from March to May for other, unrelated reasons LMAO
also i just think it's romantic... and i like the idea of him making things with his hands all the time... he takes up woodworking a year or two before this iirc lol (the reasons for that are more morbid though... 😅)
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anyway, i wanted the skirt to look nice in a wheelchair without getting in the way of things like the brake grips or the push-rims, so Flash can still move herself around (esp since she doesn't have handles on the back of her wheelchair lol) so that was another thing i was looking at pictures of. I really like georgette so I think it's probably layers of georgette, but drawing that is... hard.
probably looks a little more like this?
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but plain ivory obviously, not plaid. drapey with a soft hand, not too fluffy or stiff. probably a satin slip or something underneath.
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elegant... backless... I mean if Peter is the one designing it (though presumably Flash has SOME input, I mean, she's the one wearing it) how could he possibly resist the opportunity? (i just think backless dresses look nice) (also it shows off her back muscles, probably)
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as it says in the pic, i figured this should be designed so it's comfortable to sit in and doesn't get tugged around a bunch but I will be honest. i did not have a lot of luck trying to research that so I gave up. I'm sure there's a way to do it but I have no idea how to draw it so I'm handwaving it along with the mysterious missing waist seam LOL
but also it's a wedding dress and most wedding dresses are wildly inconvenient even if you have absolutely no disabilities whatsoever.
at least she doesn't have to go commando...
though i'm sure going to the bathroom is a real nightmare lol
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the bouquet and the veil are both on the back of the wheelchair—this was already true even before I decided Flash was gonna use this as an opportunity to be way more girly than usual, but it's still true here too. Though I did end up changing the flowers cause I realized I didn't like what I had, so the final bouquet is a mix of peonies, flowering dogwood, and some kind of wildflower that would be in season in May. Plus the red ribbon to match Peter's accessories.
oh and there's Flash's makeup too. Simple, not too dramatic. I don't imagine her ever being a red lipstick and dramatic eyeshadow kind of person, whether at a wedding with colorful dress or not, but some lip gloss and a little bit of shimmery eyeshadow that you can barely see sounds nice... maybe copper mascara or whatever but nothing dark.
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her hair is also not super complicated or fancy, and she has no jewelry or anything like that, aside from the engagement ring... just a nice low bun with some pretty wisps 💞 Courtesy of MJ almost definitely!!
And the yarmulke is for a multitude of reasons. "Technically" Flash is not "legally" a woman at this point, isn't even out to her family yet (lol. lmao.) and hasn't legally changed her name yet either (she's going to after they get married), and I don't even know what the rabbi would think (i mean, i'm sure they've discussed by the time the wedding happens lol) but women wear yarmulkes these days too (these days is... 2014... btw), and Flash will have converted like 4 years before the wedding already (for reasons unrelated to Peter) so it's important to her... so, ultimately, regardless of requirements or level of reformness, I think she just wants to wear one.
Peter gets one too.
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isn't he handsome?
lbr he probably wouldn't have even thought about it if Flash didn't bring it up. too busy thinking about what color of tiny beads to sew onto her dress XD
I DID loosely base some elements of Peter's tuxedo on the one from the iconic PeterMJ wedding cover—
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—but mostly in ways I probably would have done anyway (dark blue tux... red cummerbund... etc.) (actually now that i think about it, the comic tux is probably meant to be black, huh) and I didn't want to make it actually the same so I gave him a pleated shirt and I didn't use a carnation for his boutonniere. Instead, dogwood (to match the bouquet obviously)—all the flowers I picked I'm PRETTY sure are in-season in May in NYC. as if they couldn't just go to any random garden and get some damn roses but I wanted to be more specific.
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Peter doesn't make his tuxedo XD He also doesn't buy or rent it—Johnny Storm is the one in charge here because he insists, Peter. It's a special occasion!! He'd never let his best friend who he's totally not a little bit in love with wear a rental tuxedo to his own wedding! God Forbid. Peter eventually allows him to do so under the stipulation that Johnny keeps it tasteful and classy and "not too expensive."
Which to Johnny means "expensive silks and wools."
he's probably wearing suspenders. i didn't bother drawing that.
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also these fucking shoes
NO idea if Peter keeps these. I only came up with them today. He was just gonna wear normal shoes before... but again, this is tasteful a la Johnny Storm. But Peter doesn't usually have occasions to dress fancy so having weird pseudo-spat dress boots is like. "What do I even do with these?" ("Wear them!!!")
I almost made the top part white (thus, pseudo-spats) but I think that kind of requires more of a white tie look... it looks nicer black. and hides his spidey-tighties (except he's not wearing his costume under this). Snaps, too! easy on, easy off!
(vaguely based on (these shoes) btw but not 100%)
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wedding rings 💍
i already drew the rings a while ago (though i did slightly modify the coloring) so that's still the same. the engagement ring is essentially Flash's very first step into admitting who she wants to be... Peter doesn't even have a proposal planned, he just asks one day over breakfast lmfao but Flash has to think about it a lot so by the time Peter gets a yes (after a serious conversation with Flash about it) Flash is also like... can I have a ring??? and Peter is like OF COURSE (and actually he did have some money saved for this but he didn't know what to do...)
he'd probably make the ring himself if she asked—he doesn't though, they get it from a jeweler. it's... not cheap but it's less than $1000 at least? benefits of being very small and discreet.
Peter probably also offers to get himself one so they're equals here esp since power dynamics is part of the serious conversation and why Flash has to think about his proposal, but it's just not practical for Science Teacher Spider-Man to have an engagement ring and also they do not have money for that many rings.
in my notes Peter is wearing his uncle's wedding ring btw 🥹 i don't think they have Richard and Mary's rings so that's probably not an option. so, resizing Uncle Ben's ring instead.
that's everything
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here's Flash again, look how pretty she is
normally she just wears comfy athletic clothes and no makeup lol
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ultfreakme · 6 months
So one of my fav fic author, just wrote a non-power AU of GoYuu (gojo/yuji) & SukuFushi (sukuna/ fushiguro) and...... I don't know what to feel. Like, have you know someone who ship them (it's the first for me) ? The fic's not underage, yuji's and megumi's age had been aged up by the author, but still the age gap, the dynamics, right? Can you think the reasons to ship them? Well, creativity really knows no bound.....😂😶
Oooh I have actually come across both of these ships very often on ao3. The ItaJun tag has a bunch of them on top hehe. I actually used to ship Sukuna and Megumi a little back when the anime was first airing(not anymore though).
For Gojo/Yuuji I think the first episode scene where their faces are super duper close probably kickstarted it
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(Gojo: tf is personal space??? what's thaaaat???) GoYuu has a very popular ship dynamic I've observed in many fandoms; Student x Teacher. There's always a kind of jaded, aloof and distant teacher-figure who's shipped with the cheery, open-minded and sunny student-figure. I've heard that dynamic is really popular in East Asian fandom spaces(it appears a lot in danmei novels I've read). GoYuu was apparently the most popular ship in Japan (it beat out SatoSugu). Gojo argued to keep Yuuji alive and gave him time, so that's probably a point of appeal too. Gojo usually has no serious reactions to anything, he could have easily killed Yuuji and been done with it but he wanted him to live(Megumi did but eh, technicalities). What made this distant and carefree person take interest in the well-being of this stranger? Why would he risk the world for this one boy? That's probably the start of it. And then in the development, it's probably about how Yuuji can break down Gojo's walls and make him be more honest in his emotions.
2. Sukuna/Megumi: I used to ship it because I thought Sukuna was interested in Megumi as a person, assumed he'd be someone who can give him a good fight or wanted him as an ally.
Also this probably, look at that aesthetic appeal:
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(Damn Mappa had a thing for these, ItaJun also had this. Why???? Fuel fujo-bait??? I thank them for the ItaJun version)
Right before this Sukuna's all giggling laughing asking Megumi to give him more(to fight against, but like, SukuFushi enjoyers probably enjoy taking that to mean something different). I think we all assumed he was interested in Megumi's evolution as a sorcerer. He takes joy in fighting and if anyone can catch his interest, it'd be someone who's struggling to get stronger and sees him as a rival.
It seems like he doesn't give a shit about anyone but Megumi. Like that one time he verbatiom said "Aside from him, I truly don't care". Also in Shibuya arc he heals Megumi and fights Mahoraga and everyone though it's because he cares about him(I was a fool).
On Megumi's end, okay idk what the current SukuFushi shippers expect but I personally wanted Megumi to kill Sukuna even when I was shipping them. Enemies to lovers except one of them is permanently in the enemies phase. As far as I've seen, there's always this non-con element to it? Like Megumi is extremely reluctant, Sukuna is unrelenting in pursuing him, and Megumi goes through a bit of a corruption arc and Sukuna.....well he isn't redeemed but he tones down because Megumi asks. A Beauty & The Beast situation.
I was talking about it to my bff and she was (rightfully) roasting me like we were joking around. Me: "Sukuna wants him for his body.....but like literally he wants to be inside him." My friend: "You mean possess him???" Me: "That's the word yes!"
The age-gap thing for SukuFushi feels more okay because I grew up on a bunch of fantasy shojo manga where a high school girl fell for an ancient spirit with a minimum age of 100. This isn't even an animanga thing, it's there in western media too(....Twilight). A lot of people just don't see the point of mulling over age gaps when the differences are centuries, even if the other half is a minor.
As for GoYuu, well I guess it's fiction, they're just lines on a page at the end of the day and it's less about the legalities of the gap and more about the dynamics it brings to the table that people can find interest in. The power difference, the difference in ways they view the world, the younger one is always more innocent, etc.
I personally don't find these to be my interests 99% of the time but I get why others would enjoy it (my few exceptions are Scum Villain and ErHa but if I start trying to explain THOSE messes we'd all lose it).
I guess people would be confused why I'm still hung up on ItaJun too huh? XDXD But as you said, fanon and creativity has no limits and people do as they like and enjoy.
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kthyg · 2 years
ghoul. — (folders)
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“No one should be on his level when it comes to you.”
Jimin doesn’t like what he discovered in your computer.
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pairing : jimin x reader
rating : G
genre : tokyo ghoul au, soulmate au - but my own version (i’ll add more later)
disclaimer : this story is a work of fiction. descriptions of the BTS members in this story does not reflect nor portray them in real life. everything in this story only fits in imagination and does not apply outside of imagination.
warnings : nothing except for cold and petty jimin.
word count : 1.4k+
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note from winter 💌 :
i don’t have the will to write a full length story atm so i’ll stick with short drabble to kick start this series (it wasn’t meant to b a series but i made a whole arse characters profiles analysis so it’d b a waste to not make smtg big out of it 🤞🏻)
the idea to write this au popped up when i was rewatching tokyo ghoul and i thought how about bts x tokyo ghoul au AND soulmate au????? 🤔 and this was born
im thinking of releasing two drabbles (which means another one drabble) for this series before i cook up the main story or maybe never 😄 and just continue make a short chapter that has no solid story plot.
andd if u have watched tokyo ghoul, you’ll know the setting and all but in this series it might not be 100% the same as the original.
just a heads up, this will be a yandere story, maybe soft one or otherwise, it depends on the characters + my writing is rustyy so don’t mind me ;’)
💌 what is winter listening to? : impurities & antifragile by le sserafim, nxde by (g)i-dle, cry for me by twice (PLS I KNOW THESE ARE SO UNRELATED BUT IM OBSESSED W/ THEM)
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dedication : to myself.
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“(Y/N),” Jimin’s voice.
Upon hearing your name, you raised your head to the direction of the door. Jimin didn’t knock but his full figure was already in your office. He didn’t have his coat with him, leaving him with black turtleneck and black cargo pants.
Rephrase; black sleeveless turtleneck with black gloves that covered up until his elbows and black cargo pants that have been stained with blood but barely any rips.
He probably just got back from a mission.
“Investigator Park,” you greeted. “How can I help y—”
“Yoongi wants to see you.” He cut to the chase.
“Investigator Min?” You repeated with a hint of confusion. “Did he say anything else? For me to bring something?”
Yoongi rarely asked for your presence— ever since that day. He avoided you like a plague. The only time you and him were breathing in the same room was whenever Namjoon held meetings of senior investigators, that, too, he never looked at you or even direct any question to you.
“No.” Jimin answered curtly.
As if…
As if you would actually go meet with Investigator Min with nothing in hand. Grabbing your suitcase, you bowed to Jimin. “Thank you. I’ll be going now,” and left your office.
Jimin watched as you walked hastily to Yoongi’s office. You were always ready to comply to any order from Jimin. Maybe because he was your superior, but you have always been compliant to him since day one. Perhaps you felt the need to make him proud. He felt something akin to pride.
He walked over to your desk. Your desk was messy; paperwork were scattered all over the table, reference books, supplements, and newspapers. He was confused as to why you have so much paperwork when you were a ghoul investigator, not a bureau investigator. As a ghoul investigator, you were already an active one, paperwork became unnecessary for you. Never have you ever skipped, reject or failed a mission in your time of career as a ghoul investigator which was something worth to be boastful about, but you were very humble.
Not wanting to mess up the paperwork even more, he avoided touching it. He diverted his attention to the flashy pen drive that was plugged into your computer. The pen drive was impossible to be overlooked.
It was said flashy for a reason.
Iron Man’s hand pen drive… He scoffed.
It was the pen drive you had since you started training to be a ghoul investigator at the Ghoul Investigator Training Academy.
He knew of it because the two of you were very close during the training period. He had enrolled in the academy a year prior before you. But even without all that, Jimin and you had known each other for a long time. The two of you went way back since kindergarten but lost contact when that tragedy occurred; the day his parents were killed was the day you last heard of him but reunited when you decided to join the Ghoul Academy.
He stole a glance at the monitor in front of him. The monitor was displaying your file explorer. You once showed your file explorer to him; there was a folder named after his name, but that was long time ago. He had guessed that you probably have around a thousand of folders for everyone you know because it was a weird habit of yours. You created a file for everyone – if that was actually possible.
It is possible it seems. Your file explorer was the living proof.
The folder under his name was filled with pictures and documents. He concluded that every other folder contained the same. Jimin has always known that you have a deep interest in photography, so he had let you take pictures of him anytime as long it doesn’t disturb his or your line of work.
You take good photos.
You once told him that the pictures you captured represented your eyes. You never fail to praise him of his ethereal beauty. If you ran out of words to describe his beauty, you would use the pictures to tell him. It has been going on since the old days.
Indeed, you take magnificent pictures.
But to know that he wasn’t the only person you took photos of stirred something deep inside him.
There were folders for Rosé, Lisa, Sunoo… Your close friends, of course.
Namjoon, Taehyung,…
Namjoon, the Chief Director of Division 1, the division you and Jimin were working under, which explained why you have his name in your compilation of folders, but it was mostly text files and documents. That man seemed to have a soft spot for you, but it was uncertain because one day he was affectionate to you and the other day, you were nothing but a worthless piece of trash or shit that he stepped on.
As for Kim Taehyung, he was nothing but a superior to you. You rarely interacted with him because he worked under another division but at times you would try and talk to that quiet man.
Although Taehyung was nothing of a quiet man. Jimin knew his soulmate.
Jin, Hoseok,…
Your other close friends. You and Jin became good friends because of the same rank the two of you shared. Given the amount of time you interacted with Jin daily, it would be impossible for a friendship to not been established.
Jin was a sweet and caring young man, and you were literally the carbon copy of him in terms of personality.
Hoseok was once very close to you and Jin, but his excessive promotion from Special Class to High Rank led him to be very busy, especially with his current rank, Chief Director of Division 2.
Next, Jungkook.
The number of files you have under Jungkook’s name was as many as Jimin’s, but he didn’t give it any mind because you and Jungkook came from the same clan and maybe grew up together hence the two of you interacted a lot. You were an indirect descendant of the Jeon clan.
Originally, you were – and still, – an Arima, but the death of Arima Kishou, the one-eyed king, marked the end of the clan as the final will was passed down to a non-descendant, Kaneki Ken. You were still young when Arima Kishou died and when you were taken into the Jeon clan.
Lastly, Yoongi.
He scoffed when he saw the number of files under Yoongi’s name.
Less than 50 files.
Apparently, you weren’t so fond of this one soulmate of his. He didn’t know if you were avoiding Yoongi, or he was avoiding you, but the two of you wouldn’t talk to each other unless it was work. Even for work matters, it was rarely to never for the two of you to speak to each other. Although Yoongi was one of your superior, he was never an option for you to refer to. You’d always go to Hoseok, Namjoon, or Jin.
Jimin continued scrolling your folders until he found an unnamed folder. It was named but not with a name. It was symbolised.
A star symbol.
He didn’t hesitate to click on the folder, but he wished he did and didn’t click on it.
It was a folder filled with pictures of you and Investigator Kim Mingyu.
In other folders, there were only pictures of the owner’s name, or anything related to the owner, but in this folder, there were pictures of you. Lots of it. Of course, in Jimin and Jungkook’s folders there were pictures of you, but it was less than the number of their pictures. The ratio was 1:10.
In this star symbolised folder, however, the ratio was 1:1. Adequate amount of your pictures and their pictures, as well as pictures of three people; you, Mingyu, and Xu Minghao from Min clan.
From the looks of it, your pictures were taken by either two of them, Mingyu or Xu Minghao. Yoongi loathed the latter, and Jimin might jump into the hate train as well.
You looked breathtaking as usual. Jimin ended up looking through the whole folder. The pictures were lovely. A few pictures of couple poses here and there. Jimin would’ve cooed at them if it weren’t for the fact that it was you and another guy. He didn’t care if it was Jungkook, even Jin because they were his soulmates.
Whatever that he owned, his soulmates owned it too.
And he owned you.
Call him petty or whatever. Petty was his middle name.
His hand reached out for the mouse and dragged it until the cursor reached certain a button.
The ‘X’ button.
“No one gets a better treatment from (Y/N) than me.”
Without any remorse, he left-clicked the button and left your office.
‘File(s) has been successfully deleted. ’ The message on your screen read.
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All rights reserved © 2022 kthyg. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost without permission. Feedback is very much appreciated. It keeps me motivated! Send me an ask !!
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cupcakeinat0r · 5 days
HIIII 🌵 here again !!
Idk about you but my biggest kinda like headcanon about my guy Miguel is that Peter buys him a bunch of those comedy shirts and gives him pictures of Mayday along with little gifts and stuff and that he keeps ALL of them. Like he defo has a little cupboard or something dedicated to them. Yk what I mean?? He probably has a little shrine for Mayday, dare I say. Did you see the way he held her in that one atsv scene where he was introduced to Miles, and how he only gave her back when she had reached for Peter?? Ugh. I’m melting into a puddle on the floor.
I’m gonna sound like an absolute maniac here talking about Miguel because he’s genuinely a massive fixation of mine but carrying on what I said in the last post, it would be insane if he didn’t get a redemption arc or got shunned as the bad guy over and over. Having a daughter disappear in your arms is probably one of the most traumatising things to happen to someone. We got build up, build up, build up and then the climax of the problem, but no solution. What will the solution be?? Sony??? Hello??? They CANNOT leave us hanging like that.
Honestly it’s really hard to hate ANYONE in the spiderverse movies. I saw a tumblr post the other day where someone said that everyone in the movies were depicted as real people, with an equally complex story, so it’s more difficult to hate them. I agree with it 100%. Yeah, Miguel was really horrible to Miles and the others and they deserve a massive apology but Miguel also probably shuts himself away instead of talking to people, so he feels combined guilt and also stress because he just never talks about it. Anyone would snap like that. I really hope we get to see a softer side of him, or like you said: a heart to heart talk to someone or even to himself so we can understand him more. Maybe we can get a little insight of what happened in his original universe after he left to be a dad in the other one???
I’m gonna shut up now bcs this is getting really long and this is kind of me just dumping my thoughts into your asks (sorryyyttt) is it obvious I really love this man
- 🌵 (she/her (pronouns reveal??? Insane. I might also start putting the date here so I can remember when I wrote it if you answer these (17/6/24))) LOVE YOU
Hi 🌵!!!!!!<3
Awww wait that hc is so cute!!! He would most likely never tell or let anyone know that he keeps those gifts lmao. And that man loves that little girl, and yes, that is a strong word, but Miguel is a girl dad thru n thru n that lil baby is his weakness!!
Right! They’re probably off in some cupboard or hidden drawer at his lab. It’d be real easy to hide things in there considering how dark it is lmao. Do you think in order to feel something, he’ll go n look at those ‘gifts’ n think about Gabriella n then start getting emotional then then then and then
No yeah it would definitely feel like a cheat if Sony didn’t spend some time on him. It would be a huuuuge fumble. Like, Sony, y’all have a million dollar character right here that is begging for redemption, please n thank you <3 On my knees and praying to whoever is up there that the girlies at Sony write a scene of Miguel being soft. Like…. Please…. Yall gave him 10 minutes of screen time and he was mad for every single one of them.
That would be a nice idea!!! I have hopes that they’ll expand on that. I’m just saying, if it ends up that the theory is actual BS and Gabri’s dimension didn’t fall bc of Miguel but bc of something completely unrelated… I could literally pass away happy omfg.
Don’t be sorry!!! I love when people leave asks like these!!! That’s we come on this app, to let our fixations fixate !!! We love our man <3
Ngl, the date thing is actually kinda helpful cuz then I see it n I’m like “omfg I’m the worst I made this person wait days before I answered this ask, let me respond to it now” lmao. And omg!! She/her!!! A fellow girlie (gn)!!!!
Thanks for sending this in, luv! Always a pleasure talking to you 🫶🌵 ily MWAH <3
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gridgirldrabbles · 2 years
helllooo 🥰 hope you’re having the best day! could I please request a drabble w/max or pierre where u do pilates or yoga w/them? i feel like it would b so funny bc pilates is soo difficult but for some reason guys always want to shit on it 😂 ty in advance!! <33
max would 100% tease you whenever you told him you were going to do Pilates
you understood where he was coming from, it looked easy from the outside and because of his job he was training 24/7
one day you decided to ask max if he wanted to join you for your workout, to which his eyes lit up because he’d never forgo an opportunity to see you bent over in tight leggings
his mind changed about 10 minutes in when the cramp in his abs was unrelenting and you looked calm as a cucumber
the frustration was flooding through his body as he tried to copy your exact movements but was only met by tight hamstrings and inflexible hips
not even the gorgeous sight of you in front of him could distract him from the straining feeling
‘are you not in pain’ he groaned, collapsing onto the floor as you laughed from your position
‘I did tell you it wasn’t as easy as you thought it would be’
a pout quickly formed on Max’s lips as he realised he’d been making fun of you for something he couldn’t even do
as much as he loved to poke fun, he always made sure it came from a place of love, but he truly had thought Pilates was the easiest form of exercise going
‘I’m sorry for making fun of you’
you caught the sorry look on his face and stood up to peck his lips
‘I don’t mind bubs, I’m just happy you tried it out in the end’
‘yeah well I’m not doing it again…let me make you dinner to make up for it?’
‘I’ll never say no to that’
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nerves-nebula · 11 months
You do not have to answer all of these but these questions have been circulating my mind and I have been writing them down.
What would a gorilla shifter look like in human form, maybe just like a human but really hairy?
Do women moose shifters have beards?
Do women hyena shifters have pseudopenises or would that disappear because the biology has to translate to be human?
Can fish shifters become merfolk so they dont drown 500 ft below the surface?
Can all species have kids together and would they be hybrids or instead it would be a 50/50 chance between one of the 2 species of the parents?
Do they lay eggs in human form?
Would a pregnant person's fetus shift into an egg and then they can lay it early? Or would it not shift with them so they have to wait until they give birth before they can shift again?
Do they ever shift in the sleep and then like die because they were crammed into a tiny hole as a roach or something?
Does their human size relate to the species size? (As in msot elephants would be tall as humans)
Are the human body shapes always going to resemble the animal so that you can kind of guess what species they would be broadly?
Can anyone turn into a bacteria colony?
gonna adress these in order
a gorilla shifter in human form would look like a human. ive prolly done a bad job of showing this cuz i like giving characters animal traits, but their human forms are 100% human, and are only affected by their animal traits if they choose it to me. so wells in his human form would only have a tail if he decided he should, similarly Avin has simply decided to keep his sheep eyes at all points of time
some women moose shifters would have beards because some women have beards period, but i can see it being a cultural thing to keep some aspects of your animal form like that. so really it depends.
see above answers, they would be 100% human in their human forms and if a shifter had any genital differences in human form it would be unrelated to their animal forms
fish shifters can become mermaids if they want to, but they wouldnt look like fantasy mermaids and it would be kind of culturally weird. its not uncommon for shifter to mix human and animal traits, but living full time as a mermaid would definitely be seen as a strange alternative lifestyle
all species can have kids together in human form, and there's no chance of mixing the species unless you're animal forms could mix. so for example, a wolf and a coyote could have a coywolf kid, but a panther and a sheep could only possibly have panther OR sheep kids. about 50/50 is probably right.
i dont know. maybe if they really want to??? it's not a solid NO from me tho lmao
you do have to wait until your not pregnant again to shift, unfortunately. most people choose to stay in human form, especially if they're a mixed species couple. but if you were both dogs i think you could stay in dog form for however long dog pregnancies last. and some ppl chose to do that cuz the birth is easier that way.
no, your body would wake up or stop before that happened. though you can shift and partial shift in your sleep, its just not a sudden enough process to kill you.
not really? i mean from a design perspective i have a habit of taking inspiration from their animal forms to design them, but canonically i dont think the correlation is 100%. like you might have spots if your animal form does, but i dont think being a big animal necessarily means your gonna be a big human and vice versa.
also not really. sometimes they will, sometimes they wont. i think originally when i made this, they kind of did, but now i think itd be more interesting if the body types were more varied.
SADLY no. nothing that small
anyway, THANK YOU FOR BEING INTERESTED FASHDFSADFHSDAGA i was obsessed with this story when i was like 12 and i thought no one would ever care about it agsdhugshd
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croik · 11 months
what do you dislike about Kayne/the butcher in terms of writing?
Everything 😌
No but really I'll share my thoughts under the cut.
I could probably write an essay about how the introduction of Kayne has already irreparably damaged the show's narrative, but the short version is that by existing, he has erased virtually all stakes, imo. He appeared basically out of nowhere, deflated all tension leading up to the final confrontation with the King in Yellow (who was the main antagonist at the time), and following that confrontation removed all the consequences of it. By undoing Arthur's broken bones and returning John, everything about Arthur's and John's choices on the plateu were invalidated, as well as the choice we the Patrons had made, despite it being billed as a very significant vote. He replaced them with entirely new and completely arbitrary consequences (the memory loss, whatever John's deal is).
His motives may or may not become clear later on, but in the meantime, we're left with a villain who seems to be reshaping the story just for his own amusement, with no regard for the characters' agency or consequences. If Kayne can bring Arthur back from literal death whenever he wants, why should I ever be worried for his safety? Why should I care if John is losing his memory again, when Kayne has full control over his mind and existence? There's no point even wondering what he's after or what the conditions of his deal are until he reveals them himself, and even then, it might just get undone again.
It's contrived, imo. It's lazy. It's a get out of jail free card when you snap a character's femur and then realize you don't want spend time on healing, or come up with some other explanation to get rid of the injury so the plot can barrel forward. He's too powerful, and until he tips his hand, we can't trust that anything else will stick or matter.
Butcher is different, but the problem I have with him is the writing trying too hard to convince us that he's smart/good at this. Him clocking Arthur as blind after a few minutes, after personally watching him READ THE NOTE he himself gave him, and despite none of the other people who spent longer with Arthur noticing, is a desperate bid for us to think he's smart. Him climbing on top of the moving train, where he can't see or hear his quarry, and dropping in exactly when Arthur is next to the specific window, is very dramatic but nonsensical. He chats on and on with the officers, basically shouting at the audience how scary and important he is for far too long.
And he just happened to chase Arthur into an apartment building with a chair and rope set up in the basement. Again it's all a little too convenient. There's a lot about the current scenario that doesn't make much sense logistically, but it doesn't matter because we're just supposed to take the Butcher at his word that he's very good at this.
And hey, I'm not looking for realism. That's not my issue. I just don't like a story telling me that the villain is the best in his field, and then showing him rely on happenstance and luck while he prattles on and on, and sometimes magically intuits something unearned.
(I'm also not a fan of his "oo I'm in love with my victims" shtick, but someone else explained that better already)
Disclaimer these are all my personal feelings and I'm not trying to convince anyone or say you shouldn't like these characters, I fully admit I also have strong personal reasons for disliking them unrelated to the writing so I can't be 100% objective. But who even can be, amirite?
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