#it was just great. I loved the designs and the costuming and just all the worldbuilding
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ender-cloud · 2 days ago
Why Is Tom Hollands Telemachus Outfit all brown????? PEOPLE IN ANCHIENT TIMES LOVED COLOR, ESPECIALLY ROYALTY!!
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Give this man some Purple or Blue! He’s supposed to be playing a prince and you put him in all brown? When did we forget that color has been around for generations and is so important to so many different cultures; I hate when Hollywood makes their movies about ancient times so bland in color when it wasn’t like that.
Yes, they didnt have the exact same color as we had but in the original odyssey Odysseus was literally described to be wearing a cloak that is Purple, BECAUSE HE’S A KING!!!
Telemachus also probably had a cloak like that because he isnt any old pesent on the street, He is the prince of Ithaca!
I think they could make this work is if Telemachus is trying to disguise himself to stay hidden and Under the radar but besides that there should be no reason for him to be in this get up. Maybe the movie will have an explanation but who knows. Bring back the color of our world, being back the color of ancient times because it wasnt all Red, Brown, and White.
How are Animators able to bring life into a concept musical better than Hollywood?? Make them the costume designers and they would do great! i mean look at any other Telemachus design.
Also!! Im not judging just questioning, and wondering, earlier in this same thing I said they could make it work
(Side note if people start shipping Athena and Telemachus because they’re played by Tom Holland and Zendaya im going to lose it 💔 I mean Circe and Telemachus fit better than Telemachus and Athena)
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thezombieprostitute · 19 hours ago
Tech Tuesday: Steve Rogers
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Summary: Steve and Newbie are still nervous around each other, but for different reasons now.
A/N: Reader is female. No physical descriptors used.
Tech Tuesdays Masterlist
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You're talking to your brother-in-law, Foggy, about the video you took of August's attack on Sweetie.
"Oh yeah, no worries about the video getting out. Matt and I are professionals, after all," Foggy reassures you. "But when the client is ready, we'll have some follow up questions and whatnot. Get ourselves ready for you to leak it."
"Thanks so much, Foggy!" you reply. "I owe you big for this one."
"Keep in mind, we will have to have some kind of answer for why you and your friends didn't call the police."
"I think a genuine answer would be that we were so fraught with worry for her that we could only think about getting the her the hell out of there?"
"That's a good one, so long as you do some careful editing of the punch. That guy in the video is huge and people won't doubt he was in charge of the situation at that point."
"Yeah, he's really impressive," you giggle.
Foggy pauses. "Is he the guy you've been seeing?"
"Yeah," you smile.
"Well I'm glad you're with someone who can keep you safe," he chuckles.
"Thanks, Foggy! Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta get ready for our date tonight!"
"Have fun!"
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The dress was so much more revealing than you were used to and it still wasn't even as showy as the one Ms. Scarlet wore in the movie. You could've gone for Mrs. White's whole getup but you were feeling needy for some attention from Steve.
You loved that he was a gentleman, you really did! But it's been a few months and it hasn't gone past some making out in the car. It encouraged that little voice telling you you're not pretty enough for someone like him. He doesn't find you attractive, and doesn't want to see more. Considering how often you ended up shivering like a leaf, maybe you weren't actually ready for more and he was picking up on that? No, that little voice insists. It's because he finds you disgusting. Letting out a small groan you finish getting ready for the date.
The local theater had finally gotten the rights to show Clue! It was one of the movies both you and Steve absolutely loved. To make things more fun, the theater promised only one of the original endings, chosen at random! It was such an occasion the two of you decided to dress up for it. Easier for him, of course. He just needed a blue suit, a red tie and some glasses and he made for a very handsome Mr. Green.
Again, you adjust the cleavage of your dress, making sure you're not actually showing too much. The bright, shiny necklace essentially enhanced your cleavage. Probably the point. Kudos to the costume designers, you think.
There's a text from Steve saying he's at your apartment building. The temptation to chicken out is strong, but you trust Steve and you've been looking forward to this!
Okay, let's do this.
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Steve stood outside his car, eagerly waiting for you. He wasn't used to wearing a suit and tie let alone glasses but he was happy to join you in dressing up for the movie. Hell, the fact that you still wanted to keep seeing him made him giddy, and nervous. He was so scared of being a disappointment.
He desperately wants to make you happy. You're a sweetheart who's never once expected him to be cool and confident like a man of his size apparently should be. You welcomed his dorkiness and dumb sense of humor. He was never "not enough" or "too old fashioned" or any of the other things his past dates have complained about. He knows he shouldn't be so scared that he's going to ruin everything but he just can't help it.
He's certain you've expected him to go further than kissing, to ask if he can join you in your apartment, in your bed. But he hasn't had much experience and what he's experienced hasn't been great. He wants to dote on you, to give you everything, but he's scared it'll be a deal-breaker if he isn't amazing in the bedroom.
His thoughts grind to a halt when he sees you in the Miss Scarlet dress. He goes slack-jaw for a second before catching himself. As you approach he feels his heart in his throat from how stunning you look.
Your smile falters as Steve keeps staring. "Do I look okay?"
"You, you look stunning," Steve breathes. Heat rushes to your cheeks as he kisses the back of your hand before opening the car door for you.
"Thank you."
Steve has to put all of his attention into driving. Every time he looks at you his heart flutters and he's scared of being distracted and crashing the vehicle. He's never dated someone who'd be willing to dress up for a movie like this. He can't help but be amazed at you.
His silence has you second guessing every decision about tonight. Sure he was complimentary, but what if he was covering for how ugly he thought you looked? For a second you'd thought his shock was because you looked good. You feel silly about that now. Clearly he's disgusted and is just being polite.
Steve pulls into the parking lot for the theater. As soon as the car is stopped you unbuckle and step out. Steve frowns; you always wait for him to get the door for you.
"Is everything okay?" he asks as he joins you.
"Yeah, just...just...really excited for this," you smile weakly.
"Please don't do this," Steve says, his eyes going full sad puppy. "Something is wrong."
Your heart melts at his facial expression. And he is right.
"I was...I'm...relationships aren't my strong suit. I'm very much a newbie when it comes to romance," you explain. "So I'm worried I'm doing something wrong."
"I don't have much experience with them either," Steve admits. "But why would you think you were doing something wrong?"
"I mean...this is going to sound dumb, but...aren't we supposed to um, have had sex by now?"
Steve's cheeks turn pink as he struggles to find the right words. It takes a few tries, each moment filling you with dread that he was about to confess.
"I'm not...I just...I'm scared," Steve finally gets out. "I'm scared of disappointing you."
"You are scared of disappointing me?"
"Yes! You're gorgeous inside and out. An angel who is currently looking like the most tempting devil! I've had relationships before where there were...expectations that I would somehow be great at sex, even though I have so little experience."
"I thought you despised how I looked."
His eyes widen and he's quick to reassure you. "No, no, no. I meant it when I said you look gorgeous."
"You couldn't even look at me in the car."
"Because I'd end up crashing the car because I couldn't look away."
"You...you mean that?"
"Yes. I will swear on my knees if you want."
That gets you chuckling. "No need for that. I'm sorry I'm such an insecure mess."
"I'm not much better off," Steve chuckles. "But...if you want...after the movie we can...if you're ready..."
"Do you think you're ready?"
"I...I don't know."
"Then, how about, after the movie, we go out for dinner and dance? See how things go from there?"
Steve's face brightens, "that sounds perfect."
"Just, please, if it's not too much trouble, tell me I'm pretty?"
"Pretty? You're gorgeous," Steve smiles and brings you in for a kiss.
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The rest of the night is spent sharing laughter, smiles, and even a dance at the diner you went to. Steve kisses you goodnight, reminding you that you're the prettiest woman he's ever met. You return his kiss and tell him he's handsomest man you've ever seen.
For the first time since you started dating, it doesn't hurt you that Steve isn't coming up to your apartment. You've both had a fair amount of emotional vulnerability tonight, but it also led to both of you feeling much more comfortable with each other. Maybe there was something to being honest and going at your pace.
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Tagging: @alicedopey; @darsynia; @delicatebarness; @ellethespaceunicorn; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @irishhappiness
@jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @late-to-the-party-81; @lokislady82; @ozwriterchick; @ronearoundblindly; @thiquefunlover63
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northssketchbook · 11 months ago
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Wips, cover and character arts for a story a friend @freelance7 wrote for me as a gift^^ It was great to revisit the main trio and think about how their cultures and personalities show in their clothing. The blue cat character is mine, the other two belong to two other friends. Not sure what I want the result of these arts to be yet, but it could be both a comic or series of illustrations. Also these character fashions I have been thinking on for the past couple of months, so it's very nice to have designs that I am satisfied with. ^^ Ao3 Link to the fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55486231
More illustrations to come, so stay tuned. -Do not use or modify my work without pemission-
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girlierest · 3 months ago
This would be a deeply foolish idea bc hunting down resources and just like... How to organize but I would love to do an endless gif set series of favourite sets for film/tv/animated as well as favourite outfits ever of all time not ranked but just they live forever in my mind. Just,,,,, AAAAAH those people deserve fat paychecks 🙏🙏😭✨🤌 Some things still sit in my mind years later because they're gorgeous. Like decades later girl. Changed the chemistry in my brain. The brain will block out childhood trauma but remember a design from when I was like 12. The power.
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oflgtfol · 6 months ago
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pretend that staff is actually a lightsaber. wouldnt this be so freaking cool to cosplay as
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cinematicnomad · 2 years ago
Any topic you like! 😍
here let's be topical:
the worst part of the barbie movie was everything to do with mattel and will ferrel's character. also the big feminist monologue about experiencing sexism was unfortunately v milquetoast and felt like it had gone through a dozen different corporate reviews before it was signed off by a bunch of studio execs the least offensive version possible
send me a 🔥 for an unpopular opinion
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fuiru · 7 months ago
A 44 year old man goes to a K-Pop Concert
I promised you a report on the K-pop concert that I, a 44-year-old accountant, went to a couple of weeks ago with my wife and daughter in Toronto. So here it is.
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The band we saw were Ateez. They're my daughter's favourite band and my wife's second favourite. I know most of my mutuals are similarly aged like me and may not be familiar with them so let me give you a brief primer on Ateez.
Imagine the most attractive eight men you can think of, just unfathomably beautiful specimens of aesthetic perfection, and make them sing songs that somehow combine the subjects of 'dancing like nobody is watching' with 'we live in a dystopian hellscape that we must all work together to overthrow'. Give them an ongoing music video story lore that literally nobody - not even the band themselves - understand, so that online discussion of their visual motifs looks more like the fevered rantings of a conspiracy theorist, complete with speculation about alternate realities and time being a Moebius strip. There is also a giant sand timer, for some reason.
That's Ateez. That's what you need to know.
Now, K-pop concerts are very different to the gigs I've been going to for the last 28 (!) years. There's no support act, for a start. Also the band perform for like, three hours, with breaks for costume changes and interpretive dance. Furthermore, hanging above everything is the constant looming threat of mandatory military service.
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So this being my first such concert, I wasn't sure what to expect. What happened was difficult to explain, but I will try as I am already six paragraphs into this write-up and I'm too invested to stop now. Here goes:
In his Wicked + Divine comics series, Kieron Gillen places modern pop icons as deities, feeding upon and gaining strength from the worship of their fans at the altar of musical performance. I thought I understood that metaphor. I thought I understood it AS a metaphor. I was wrong, because that night Ateez WERE Gods with a capital G and we were their worshippers, a crowd emanating adoration (in the religious and non-religious senses), bestowing strength upon them and gaining their strength in return.
If that sounds weird, it probably is. But as pointed out above, I have lived over four decades and never yet experienced anything like the overwhelming passion of that crowd, the utter abandon with which they conveyed their love for the band.
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"But Fuiru, what of the actual music?" you ask. Thinking back, there was a moment in one of their songs - I can't remember which - where I watched the stage, and the people around me, taking it in, and I thought, "Man, I just love Music". But that doesn't answer your question, sorry.
Ateez's music is bloody great. As a tiresome indie/rock/metal kid I'm resisting the urge to add the usual tiresome indie/rock/metal caveat of "...for pop music" because honestly that does it a disservice. They have some genuinely amazing songs. Halazia is an absolute fucking masterpiece that descends into furious hardcore breakbeat. Bouncy is a big, brash racket that somehow is also a perfect pop song. Utopia, Wonderland, and Guerrilla are similarly superb. The obligatory boy band slow number is represented by Dancing Like Butterfly Wings which will make you cry because you will forever associate it with your twelve year old daughter being pointed to and waved at by her favourite Ateez member (Seonghwa) because of her Seonghwa-branded lightstick.
That might just be me, though.
So in summary: being a 44 year old dad at his first K-pop concert rules and you should endeavour to partake in the experience if the opportunity arises.
Finally, for any Atiny reading this: my bias would be San or Seonghwa but my wife and daughter said they were taken so it’s Mingi. My concert outfit (designed and created by my offspring) reflects this.
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hausofmingi · 3 months ago
spotlight | choi seungcheol
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pairing: choi seungcheol x afab reader
word count: 5.6K
summary: You're so excited to get the opportunity to sound design your favorite show, Hadestown. But the new lighting guy really knows how to piss you off.
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, sound designer!reader, lighting designer!seungcheol, switch!reader and switch!seungcheol, fight for dominance, unprotected piv (don't do that), oral (f and m receiving), semi-public?, munch behavior, head pusher (SORRY IM SORRY), use of petnames (babygirl, sweetie/sweetheart, good girl, baby)
author's note: so hi. if you've noticed i've been gone for like months and months, no i haven't mind ya business. ANYWAYS this was a VERYYYYY indulgent fic bc as you may be able to tell i dabble in theatre. but im not a sound person, maybe one day ill do a fic from an actor perspective but something about being in the booth got me IDKKKKKK. also this would never happen and don't do this it's so incredibly unprofessional. and thank you to my betas, @hausofwoo and T, yall always have my back (and so does neo).
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It’s always exciting getting started on a new show. The new people, new creative outlets, new ideas to try. After the last couple years of being a sound designer, you really feel like you found your groove when it came to jumping into a new show. 
This is a theatre you have worked for a few times before; a small one but it paid the techies well and even got you some union points. 
The production manager, Moonbyul, was a longtime friend and had called you in to sound design Hadestown. You had to say yes, of course, to one of your favorite musicals. You had seen it on Broadway a few years before and fell in love with it, especially the production design of it all. 
Moonbyul had also mentioned that they were bringing in a new lighting designer. The last one you had worked with was very lovely, but also an older man that would fall asleep between cues so probably for the best…
At the first production meeting, you were eager to get started and fire off all the great ideas you had for the production, so you wanted to get there early to get all your notes organized. 
You walked into the theatre about half an hour early, expecting to see Moonbyul and Vernon (the stage manager) running around, but they were nowhere to be found. 
You set your stuff down in an audience seat, and head to the stage. It had been a few years since you had been on this side of things, but it always gave you a rush to see the audience from this view; standing center stage. 
Retiring from performing was not an easy choice, fueled by hate and trauma and self-judgement. But when it was time to leave, you found a space in sound design. Being taken under the wing of a longtime mentor, Jihoon, made everything come to you easy and you’ve been hooked ever since. 
Even though the stage is dark, you can close your eyes and imagine the audience in front of you, lights shining, costume sparkling. You hum a few bars of “Flowers” to yourself, slowing your breathing and your brain for just a second. 
BOOM. A bright light cuts through your vision. You hold your hands up in front of your eyes to shield them before you open them. 
“What the heck??” you shout at whoever is in the booth. 
“Sorry, sorry.” says a voice, the light too bright for you to make out a face. “You just looked like you could use a spot.”
“I’m good thanks…” you answer back coldly. 
“Alright, but just know you look great from up here. Made for the stage.” the voice says. 
“Thanks..” you answer under your breath, not sure how to react to the obvious compliment.
The spot shuts off and you blink a few times to adjust your eyesight. Standing in the booth is a figure, a taller man with broad shoulders. But it's still too dark to see his facial features. 
It seems as if he’s just standing there… looking at you.
“Um… can you bring up the house lights?” you ask him. 
“Oh yeah! Sorry..” he responds. The house lights come up a second later. “I’m gonna come down there, hold on one sec!” he says.
You step off of the stage, a little embarrassed you got caught lost in a daydream. You walk over to your stuff, digging through your backpack to get out your Ipad and pencil, if only you could find the damn thing…
A tap on your shoulder startles you and you turn around in defense. In front of you stands maybe the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. His hair was long, his bangs perfectly framing his dark, deep eyes. And man were those shoulders broad… he could probably pick you up and throw you around a little….
You were staring. 
“Um.. sorry you scared me.” you said, trying to cover up your obvious gawking. 
“No you’re good, I tend to sneak up on people. I’m Seongcheol by the way, nice to meet you.” he holds out his (very large) hand for you to shake.
“___” you respond, and take his hand. You’re too stunned to even move your hand to shake his, but he holds your hand strongly and commands the handshake. 
An obvious indicator that he can take control. 
You shake away that thought, remembering the pact you made with yourself to stay far far away from another showmance. 
Your hand is still in his, and his eyes have not left yours. Has time slowed down?
“Good, you guys have met!” says Moonbyul, walking down the aisle where you guys were standing, Vernon trailing close behind. Seungcheol lets go of your hand and quickly turns around to face them. 
“Ready to get this meeting started?”
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The rest of the production team trickles in and the production meeting promptly starts; Moonbyul is not one for tardiness. 
All the designers give their presentations, and this is always so exciting for you. To watch the production blossom from pieces of paper to onstage art is a beautiful thing. You especially love the costume designers concept of using color to show contrast between the human characters and the god characters.
Finally comes Seungcheol’s presentation. He opens up his laptop to a lighting program, already set with the stages dimensions and the set design and presses play. He explains while the lights change from scene to scene, full of color and different gobos to add texture. 
There is obviously a lot of thought put behind this design. He is extremely talented. And hot. 
His presentation finishes and it’s obvious how his shoulders relax. Those broad shoulders. He must not like being the center of attention, you think.
It’s your turn next, so you shake the thoughts of him away before stepping in front of the others with your laptop in hand. 
You are always very prepared, already having the mic plot done and the sound effects downloaded to the board. You are super excited to present your concept for the final song- I Raise My Cup. Having seen the show on Broadway, you have a good idea of how the audience will react to the final scene of the show. Complete silence. So your concept is to have the characters sing this song with no help of the mics, completely acapella and completely raw. 
“But what if the audience claps?” Seungcheols voice shoots through your confidence. 
“They won't,” you reassure. 
“But they might, and then what? We won't be able to hear Persephone and then the rest of the cast will be thrown off for the rest of the song,” he pushes.
“I promise, that won’t be a problem. The audience will be stunned by the heartbreaking ending, they won’t know what to do.”
“I don’t like it,” he says blankly.
Okay maybe he’s not so hot anymore. 
This little shit is totally bursting your bubble, what the fuck? You were so proud of this idea, why did he have to embarrass you in front of the director and entire production team??
“Let’s put a pin in that one. Thank you for that great presentation, let's move on to props!” says Moonbyul, cutting through the tension. 
You take your seat next to Seungcheol, but not before shooting him a piercing scowl. 
He leans over to you once you sit down. “Hey, no hard feelings. I'm just a skeptic, ya know?” he whispers over the presentation. 
“Yeah well next time please keep it to yourself. Some of us are trying to make a name in this theatre,” you shoot back. 
The rest of the meeting is spent with your arms crossed, trying not to melt into the smell of Seungcheol’s cologne, but rather hold steady in your annoyance with him. 
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The next day is the first day of rehearsal for the cast, and although you aren’t called, you decide to come in to organize the booth a little bit. 
They’re learning music on the stage, so you open the booth window so you can hear the cast sing. The music of this show is so beautiful, so romantic. It's nice to listen to while you work.
It’s when the actress playing Eurydice starts singing Flowers that you space off, lost in the beauty of the song. If you were still acting, this role would be a dream role for you. Of course you belt this song all the time in your car. 
You start to sing along under your breath, knowing that no one will hear you up here. 
Flowers, I remember fields of flowers, soft beneath my heels
You sing to yourself, imagining a beautiful field laid out before you instead of a 10-year-old soundboard. 
I remember someone, someone by my side. Turned his face to mine, and then he turned away, into the shade. 
In the field of flowers, who pops into your head but Seungcheol. That asshole is so damn beautiful you can’t help but imagine him as your Orpheus. 
The song finishes out with the final notes and you sigh as your day dream dissipates, shaking away the thought of ever seeing Seungcheol in that way and returning back to the box of mystery chords you were wrapping.
Someone clears their throat behind you. You really hope it's Vernon. 
“Didn’t know you could sing?” says Seungcheol from behind you. 
“I don’t anymore.” you reply coldly, not really interested in conversing with him.
“You should, you have a beautiful voice,” he says.
You turn away from him as he comes to the lightboard next to you, hiding your blush. 
“Thanks,” you say, trying not to show too much emotion in your voice.
Silence fills the space as he pulls up a chair and opens up the light programming app on the desktop. You direct your attention back to your cords that connect to god knows what. 
“So about yesterday…” he starts.
“Yeah, that was a dick move,” you blurt out. Maybe not so direct next time.
“Look I get that you’re upset, but I just call them like I see them. I get your idea but I don’t think it's gonna work. What's wrong with a little bit of criticism?” he asks.
You take a breath before you turn to him and give him a piece of your mind.
“What’s wrong is I don’t know what gave you the idea that I asked for criticism. I’ve been working at this theatre for a long time, you’re still fresh meat. Really isn’t a good look to come flouncing in giving everyone unsolicited criticism,” you spit at him. 
You get so worked up that you stomp over to where he is sitting on the other side of the booth. The look on his face is unwavering though, in fact it turns into a smirk as he stands. 
He is easily a foot taller than you, looking down at you without closing the space between the two of you. 
You feel so small. You swear you feel yourself throb.
“Someone’s got their panties in a twist,” he says, still smirking. 
You are stunned, mouth falling open but no words coming out. That sentence has never sounded sexier.
“It’s alright, I’ll be nicer to you from now on, knowing how sensitive you get.” he says, leaning down to whisper in your ear for extra effect. 
And then the asshole just walks away and sits back down as if nothing even happened. 
You’re still frozen in place, in shock at the intense flirting that just happened. 
“So, you said you have worked here for a while, how have you liked it?” he asks, continuing the conversation with no indication of what just happened. 
This is going to be a long day. 
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After a few hours of genuinely torturous small talk with Seungcheol mixed with palpable silence, you decide to call it an early day. You got almost nothing done, besides wrapping and unwrapping a bunch of useless cords and clicking on random folders on the sound desktop. 
As you leave, he promises to see you tomorrow and sends you off with a wink that makes your knees weak.
The next day, you get there later than usual. The cast is learning blocking in the dance studio, giving the techies free reign of the stage for the afternoon. 
You’re hoping your tardiness will allow you to avoid the overlap with Seungcheol and you can have the booth to yourself.
But, no luck. There he is, sitting in the rolling chair at the lighting desktop in the sexiest skin tight compression shirt you’ve ever seen. 
You don’t even realize you’re gawking when he turns the chair around. “Like what you see?” he teases.
You come back to your senses at his words. “You wish,” you grumble as you head to your station, hoping to get some work done today. 
You swear you hear him scoff as he turns back to the desktop.
“Blackout!” he shouts down to the set people on the stage, as he presses the “next cue” button. A series of “thank you blackouts!” follow, in proper theatre etiquette.
You keep quiet though. 
He goes through a few more cues, calling blackout a few more times, and you still don’t say anything. 
“You know, it’s proper manners to say ‘thank you’ when I call blackout,” he points out after the 4th time.
“What do you know about manners?” you grumble under your breath.
He crosses over to you, again smirking, as he says “Enough to know that you need to learn some, baby girl.”
Shocks of electricity go straight to your clit. 
“Don’t call me that, get that stick out of your ass, and fucking leave me alone Seungcheol!” you shout, unsure if you're more angry or turned on or both. 
You grab your stuff to leave in a hurry, all the while he doesn’t move from his spot where he’s standing; just leans against the counter and crosses his arms to watch you angrily throw stuff in your bag. 
You turn to leave, expecting him to apologize for his inappropriate comment. But when you turn to look back at him, all you see is him looking at you with that stupidly sexy smirk on his face. He waves a finger at you before you stomp down the stairs and out of the booth. 
You text Moonbyul and Vernon some bullshit excuse about period cramps and that you have to leave early, before going home and using up all the battery in your vibrator.
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Saturday no one is called, so you use this as an excuse to go in and pick up where you left off before leaving in a huff.
Luckily you have keys, so you let yourself into the empty theatre and up to the booth.
It’s really nice to work in the silence of the empty theatre, only the ghostlight lighting the stage. You leave the ceiling light off in the booth, only leaving on the string lights you and Jihoon added to make the space more cozy. 
You put on your headphones and get to work. The music director sent you a recording of the cast singing, so you make sure all your cues align with the music.
You work for about an hour before it's rudely interrupted by Seungcheol lifting one side of the headphones off your ear. You feel his breath on the shell of your ear, sending shivers down your back, before he whispers, “Boo.” 
Jumping out of your chair a little bit, you snatch his hand away from your headphones and turn back around without a word to him. 
“Sorry to scare you,” he giggles. “I just forgot my charger last time.”
You give him no reply, not interested in potentially entering another conversation where you leave dripping.
“Actually, would you mind if I stayed and worked on a few things?” he asks.
Again, you don’t respond. 
You see him shrug his shoulders in your peripherals and sit down in his chair to get to work.
Both of you sit in heavy silence as you work, and the more silent it is, the more you feel the tension rise, with anger burning in your chest.
What is the deal with this guy? Does he like just getting a rise out of people? Why does he feel the need to torture me? What did I even do to him??
“Gum?” he asks, holding out a pack to you.
“What the fuck is your problem?” you shout back.
He looks stunned as he takes a piece out and unwraps it, popping it in his mouth. “So, no gum then…”
“Why do you treat me this way, Seungcheol? It’s fucked up,” you shout, moving towards him to really give it to him.
“Treat you what way exactly?” he asks slyly.
“You just keep saying annoying shit to me, pushing my buttons and pissing me off. But then you make me leave every conversation so turned on that I can’t even think straight. I don’t get it, what is your issue with me??” You shout at him.
He looks at you in silence for a second, his expression unreadable.
“I… turn you on?” he asks.
Oh shit. You may have revealed a bit too much….
“I… what? I didn’t mean to say that,” you stutter.
“Oh well in that case… it won’t mean anything to you if I do this?” 
He stands up and turns to face you, arms leaning against the countertop, caging you between them. You swear you see the veins straining against his skin, bulging out from his thick arms as he moves closer.
He leans in close to your ear, breath fanning down your neck. You’re frozen in place, trying to focus on slowing your breathing. 
“Jump,” he says. And you do, hopping up to sit on the counter. Why did you just obey him??
“Good girl.”
Oh that’s why.
“Now,” he starts, his lips moving all over your neck, so close but not touching as he breathes the next few words onto you. 
“I’m really curious to know exactly what it is I do that turns you on?” one of his hands snakes up the side of your thigh, dipping just slightly under the skirt you’re wearing and playing with the edge. 
“Can you tell me, baby girl?” he says before he licks a stripe up your neck. 
You shudder and lean into him a little bit. It’s over for you now.
“Say the word and I’ll stop,” he says, hovering in front of your lips now. 
You grab his arm to stop him from moving back. “Please,” you say in a desperate voice. 
His lips meet yours, and slowly he starts making out with you. His big lips make it sloppy, but it's so hot you could care less.
He sneaks his tongue into your mouth, swirling around yours so sensually it goes straight to your throbbing pussy. He snakes his hand into your hair, guiding your head with his big hand to deepen the kiss. 
The strap of your tank top falls and before you can put it back, he takes the opportunity to bring it down even more, revealing your bare breast to him. He pinches your nipple between two fingers, lightly twisting it enough to make you whimper into his mouth.
He pulls away after a few seconds, a string of spit connecting your lips. You look up at his large frame through your lashes, breathing heavily. 
And then he does something you don’t expect. He drops to his knees. 
He grabs your ass and forcefully pulls you forward on the counter to access you better. You know he can see the wet spot forming on your white panties, and try to cross your legs out of embarrassment.
“Absolutely not.” he says in protest, snaking his arms underneath your thighs and grabbing them so you’re practically sitting on his shoulders.
He kisses up and down your thighs, not yet touching you where you need him. You whine and wiggle your hips, attempting to bring him closer. 
“Someone really does have their panties in a twist…” he smirks from below you. That little shit.
He barely gives you what you desperately need, lightly kissing your clit through your panties.
“Cheol, please…” you whine, attempting to get him to give you a little bit more. 
“Babygirl, I know you can beg better than that,” he says, lifting his head up. He keeps a finger pressed to your clit as he talks, rubbing in small, torturous circles. 
Your cheeks heat up, probably turning red. You’ve already given in to this annoying shit, there’s no way you’re begging for him. You just whine in response, not willing to give him what he wants. 
“You sure you don’t want to beg for it?...” he questions slyly, while at the same time moving your now completely wet panties to the side.
He gives your pulsing clit a few kitten licks, just enough to give you a taste of what you could have, all while never breaking eye contact with you. 
You whimper at the contact, starting to reach out your hand to grab his head and pull it closer. He knows what you're up to, though, and grabs your wrist, forcing it back to its place on the counter.
“Now try again baby, beg for what you want.” he says, slipping your panties off in anticipation.
You sit there a minute, chest already heaving with desire, dripping all over the counter. 
“Please Cheol, you know how badly I need it. I deserve it after all the shit you put me through,” you say, the words tumbling out of your mouth before you can think about them fully.
He raises his eyebrow at you, smiling that stupid fucking smirk that makes you shiver. “Oh is that so?” he questions.
And then he dives in. It’s as if he has been eating your pussy for years, somehow finding the exact rhythm and pressure on your clit that makes the string lights turn blurry. His arms are wrapped around both of your thighs, as if he was trying to choke them out. 
You grab the back of his head with one hand, and start rolling your hips into his mouth, chasing the high that is hurdling closer. He loves it, judging by the way he growls into your pussy, barely pulling away to mumble “fuck yes” before plunging two fingers into you. 
It only takes him hooking them into your g-spot a few times along with flicking your clit with his tongue before you are cumming into him, gasping and not letting go of the tight hold you have on his hair. 
He pulls away, resting his head on the inside of your thigh, breathing heavily as if he just ran a marathon. His plump lips are completely drenched with your wetness. He looks up at you through his lashes, as if you were a goddess.
Oh, it really is over for me. 
“Stand up,” you order.
He questions you at first, but then gets the message when you hop off the counter and drop to your knees. 
He pets your hair, towering over you, but not unbuckling his belt like you so want him to. 
“You really don’t have to, baby. But it’s so sweet seeing how compliant you are.” he says with a slight smirk. 
“Shut up,” you say, all the while undoing his belt. He continues to pet your hair, watching your every move. 
You pull his cock out of his boxers. It's perfect; long but not too long, and slightly curved upwards. He’s definitely a fucking munch seeing how much it's already dripping precum. 
You hover your lips around the tip, kissing it lightly. He hums above you in approval. 
“Now, it's your turn to beg for it.” you tease, pulling away from him. 
He chuckles from above you, fucking chuckles, before grabbing the back of your head with more force than before.
“Oh sweetie, I don’t beg.” he says, before pulling your head forward onto him.
A head pusher? Yeah… But for some reason, this time, it was the hottest thing he could have done. 
You get to work, watching his mouth drop open in pleasure while you work your mouth up and down his length. You cup your tongue around the underside of him, pulling out every trick in the book to try and get the upperhand in this fight.
He’s very obviously enjoying it, moaning loud enough for anyone in the theater to hear and eyes locked into contact with yours. He swipes his other hand through his bangs, which are now collecting the sweat from his brow. God he’s beautiful.
Even though his hand is holding your head down, you still have full control, so you slow down your pace just a little to try another trick. 
You bring your hand up to cup his balls, lightly squeezing and tugging to bring him closer. You feel his cock pulse in your mouth at the added pleasure. 
But nothing could’ve prepared him for your next trick. 
You slowly trail your finger backwards, lightly circling his rim to test the waters. But before you can even think about going further, you hear a gargled moan come from him, and he pulls you off your knees by your hair. 
Your face meets his, foreheads touching, but you divert your eyes down, scared you may have crossed a line.
“Why the fuck are you trying to make me cum before I get to feel that pussy around me?” he asks.
Your cheeks heat up knowing that it worked, filing that info into your head for another time. 
“Turn around,” he barks, but you stay still. You bring your eyes up off the floor to meet his, determined not to let him win the struggle for control. 
“Funny if you think I’m going to let you fuck me from behind right off the bat.” you say, trying to put power behind your words even though you feel so little in his arms. 
“Oh, well then what’s your alternative sweetheart?” he cuts back at you, as if humoring you.
“Take this off,” you say, tugging at his shirt, “and sit down.”
“Hm… but aren’t you going to take anything off too?” he asks, pulling away and pulling his shirt over his head from the back of the neck. 
You get distracted by his toned stomach, your retort getting stuck in the back of your throat. 
He giggles at you again, before stepping forward and grabbing the hem of the crop top you were wearing. 
“How about, we take this off, but leave the skirt on?” he says, dragging his fingers along the bottom of your shirt, waiting for your consent.
You nod at him, and he swiftly lifts the top off of you, leaving you in your skirt and bra. 
He silently backs up into the chair, sitting down and draping his thick arms over the arms of it.
You slowly walk towards him, really wanting to drag this part out, before you lift up your legs to straddle him in the chair.
You hover over his cock, but before you drop down, you make eye contact with him. He’s staring into you, as if looking into your soul, and you stutter your movements, all of the sudden getting nervous. 
It’s as if he senses the nerves, and brings a hand to the small of your back, trying to reassure and ground you silently.
You reach your hands up to cup his cheeks, before leaning in to kiss him. This one is different though, not like the intense one before. This one is slower, tongues just brushing over each other. Kissing like you have all the time in the world.
Your hands tangle in his hair as you slowly sink onto his length, pausing the kiss to moan in each other's mouths. 
As you bottom out, he holds your hips in place, not allowing you to start bouncing. “Just give me a minute, baby. You feel too good.” he sighs out.
You find it endearing how close he already is just from the kiss, and as much as you are tempted to start the game of control back up and just start bouncing, you stay still. 
You press your body against his in anticipation, so that your stomachs are pressed together. He feels so warm against you, and his arms circle around your back as he lets go of your hips. 
You take this as a green light and start bouncing on him, never breaking the contact of your forehead against his. 
He fills you up soooo perfectly, the curve in his cock dragging so deliciously along your g-spot. You can’t help but to speed up, the sounds of his balls slapping your wet pussy fill the booth. 
He’s circled his arms around your hips now, grabbing your ass and basically moving you up and down on his cock without you having to do any work. But even with that, the awkward position makes your legs burn and you start to slow down. 
“You getting tired baby?” he asks, and you nod. “Do you need me to help you?” he asks, to which you nod again. 
He wraps his arm underneath your thighs and picks you up out of the chair as if you weighed nothing. You knew those arms would come to good use. He sets you down on the edge of the counter before entering you again. 
You keep your arms wrapped around the back of his neck as he starts thrusting into you. This angle is different than before, allowing him to directly hit your g-spot every time.
His pace is somehow way more effective at pushing you to the edge than your own pace was, and you find yourself getting desperately close to your second orgasm. 
It’s as if he can read your mind, or it's probably just him feeling your pussy pulse around him tightly, but he smirks to himself. Almost too small for you to notice. But you do notice, and next thing you know he is pulling out and jacking his cock off in between you both. You whimper at the loss of him filling you up. 
“Help me cum and maybe I’ll let you cum again when I get you in my bed tonight,” he breathes out heavily. 
You huff out in frustration, but unfortunately, you are completely under his spell. You reach in between you both and take over jacking him off. Your other hand snakes around the back of his head, pulling it down towards you so you can whisper in his ear. 
“Maybe if you make me cum again tonight, I'll let you fill me up.” you whisper in his ear. 
That sends him over the edge, and he grabs the counter as he stutters in your hands, cumming all over your skirt. 
You giggle as his orgasm trails off. “You owe me a new skirt now I guess.” you say.
He catches his breath before scooping you up into his arms again. “I’ll buy you a hundred new skirts if you suck my dick my like that again.” 
With another giggle, you peck him on the nose. “So, does this mean I won the fight?” you ask. 
“I don’t know what makes you think that babygirl,” he chuckles as he sets you down. 
He hands you your shirt before finding his own. Still a gentleman even when he’s being an asshole. 
A door in the theatre opens, scaring the shit out of both of you. You both scramble into the spotlight room to put your clothes back on out of sight of the huge window.
“Hey guys! I know you’re here! The director just emailed me back with some tech notes.” Vernon yells from the audience. 
“Okay come on up, it's unlocked!” Seungcheol yells down to Vernon from the enclosed room, now fully dressed. 
He pecks you on the lips before rushing out of the room to his seat at the counter. Which you just fucked on.
You scramble to clean off your skirt with a tissue before rushing to your own chair and sitting down. But it isn’t until you sit down that you realize, you’re still not wearing panties. 
It’s as if Seungcheol reads your mind and you both lock eyes in terror. There are your panties sitting in the middle of the counter. 
The door opens and Vernon starts walking up the stairs to the booth as Seungcheol grabs your panties and haphazardly stuffs them in his pocket. 
“Hey guys, glad you're--” he stops in the middle of the sentence. “It smells like dick in here what the fuck??” he exclaims.
You hid your face, scared you might burst out laughing. 
Seungcheol takes the heat for you though, explaining it off as him leaving some leftovers in here overnight.
Vernon takes you both through some notes before leaving, with a peculiar expression on his face. 
Something tells you he has a suspicion, and you might be hearing some rumors tomorrow thanks to the nosy theatre bitches you surround yourself with…
It’s silent for a moment after Vernon leaves, before you both burst out laughing. 
“Okay well that was fun, but I’m getting my chair all wet. Can I have my underwear back now?” you ask after the laughter dies down. 
“Um, absolutely not! I’m keeping these,” Seungcheol says with a wink before turning back to his desktop to finally get to work. 
And later that night, you both get what you promised.
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a/n: thank you for reading, and please reblog and leave feedback! 💕
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spinji · 8 months ago
Ranking Class A's Future Designs Worst to Best
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RIP for your hairline dude
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Feels like I could pick him up by that bag handle ass hair. Also the clowns pants just aren't it buddy.
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Stop cutting their hair it makes it look like they're balding early.
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Why did you get a manicure before this!?
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Helmet looks great but I swear if you kept that haircut from graduation you better keep it on
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Unsure if I like the longer hair (maybe tie it back?) but the fingerless gloves are a nice touch
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Somehow manages to look way cooler and way dorkier than he used to. Did he put hot rod flames on his pants??
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Starting to look like an old bog witch but I swear I mean that as a compliment
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Only time the haircuts have worked for me. The all black suit looks great on him. If you're gonna jack anyone's style there are worse options than Hawks.
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Knows she already had a peak design. Don't fix what ain't broke.
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The lower ponytail looks way better on her and she finally got rid of that damn gap in her costume. Easily the best improvement over the original design.
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You are never beating the Eraserhead fanboy and/or lovechild allegations
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If you told me in 2017 that Hori managed to make this design look sick as fuck I would not have believed you.
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Suprised but glad he didn't go for a more obvious Crimson Riot homage. He's giving big grizzly bear vibes and I love it.
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Keeping his baby face and 5'6 stature was so important to me. The new costume looks great but please don't run in and break it Izuku, it was SO expensive!!
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I know we all made fun of the little lit fuse rat tails but they are so perfect for him. His costume looks so much sleaker and professional now, especially the gauntlets.
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No one is doing it like her. Swapping the jacket for a vest looks so good.
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She really should have taken the Alien Queen hero name, emphasis on QUEEN
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Horikoshi already drew her too beautiful. An improvement would be impossible for human hands to achieve but I know in my heart she is as perfect as anyone could be. We stan our freak goddess.
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theotherpacman · 1 year ago
some positives about the atla live action series bc as much as i am a hater it's not good for the soul or the critical thinking skills to only hate things forever
the costumes are phenomenal. I really love all the live action character designs, they look fantastic
a lot of these young characters LOOK really really young, which is important. aang is a kid and they cast a kid and he looks like a kid. azula looks very young - in the cartoon (esp when you're a kid) you don't really think about it but she is a child. it's important that they're kids
the actors are doing a great job and I don't want to hear SHIT against them
suki's mom!!!!! I LOVE suki's mom as the tough-as-nails leader of kyoshi village. a shining example of a GOOD deviation from the original. changes can be good suki's mom is wonderful 10/10 no notes
some of the cgi looks really good!!! the wide shots of omashu look cool as hell and I know some people hate how the bending looks but I think it looks great. it was always gonna be hard to translate to live action but I think the cgi bending looks about as perfect as it could
lesbian oma and shu... so good so important... lesbian oma and shu
the cabbage man. love him
I thought it was cool how kyoshi like possessed him while he was in the avatar state. an interesting take on what the avatar state entails, lots of potential, and kyoshi herself showing up to save her village was a great use of it
jet oh my god jet they did jet really well
LOVE the secret tunnel musicians
azula being a prodigy archer is fantastic. she should
looks like there are actually a lot of things I enjoy about the reboot :)
(update: I don't know what's up with ian ousley's heritage so I'm just removing the thing I said. it's a positivity post anyway)
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hotvintagepoll · 11 months ago
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Jane Fonda (Barbarella, Sunday in New York, Barefoot in the Park)—Feminist icon, LGBTQ+ rights activist since the 70s, Civil Rights and Native American rights advocate, environmentalist… she really is THE woman ever
Rita Hayworth (Gilda, Cover Girl)—Absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous. She steals every movie she’s in; she was Fred Astaire’s favorite dance partner, as you can see in clips from their movies [link][link]. Born Margarita Carmen Cansino, Rita's story had its tragedies—her father was awful and had her performing in nightclubs way, way too young; the studio totally remade her look because they were afraid of her hispanic image, putting her through painful treatments and diets; she had a string of failed marriages. But beside all that, I think there's something about Rita that still glows through—an inner beauty that has nothing to do with the studio, or the men who pinned their dreams on her. Rita brings an incandescence to roles that's impossible to replicate, and was truly a great actress in that she could switch from herself—shy Margarita—into a bold and glamorous femme fatale so convincingly everyone fell in love with her as Gilda. She's my favorite movie star, and I think she was a beautiful human through and through—Rita, gorgeous and real and shining bright.
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Jane Fonda:
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" I assume she's already been submitted but I gotta make sure. I think there's an element to movies like Barbarella or her segment of Spirit of the Dead of those having been directed by her husband, who famously made movies about her being hot, and the incredible costume design also helped, but good lord. Look at her"
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"She was so pretty, dear lord! She was and still us stunning. She’s great at comedy and drama."
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"Shes so hot im so gay for me i will let her hit me with hers car"
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"Gorgeous and also still getting arrested at climate protests, which is sexy behavior"
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"Watching her in Barefoot in the Park seriously made me, a straight woman, question things"
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"Her vibes in these movies are so interesting because she, the daughter of an Old Hollywood star, went on to make both poignant dramatic movies and the some of the silliest things you've ever seen but even in the silly space adventures and sexploitations there's always this undeniable gravitas to her. It's like she's able not to take herself very seriously but at the same time never stops having this grace and elegance and makes it all work together. And she's always been very politically active which is also sexy. Her famous mugshot is from 1970 so right at the cutoff mark but come on"
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Rita Hayworth:
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Do you need any other propaganda? Here’s the video.
She was not called "the love goddess" for nothing: beautiful, glamorous, despite playing sexy and provocative roles her inherent shyness somehow also would shine through sometimes, creating this contradictory and incredibly attractive image
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Often played "the bad girl" who tempted the male hero away from "the good girl"; but did have roles that broke her out of that mold. She was also the inspiration for Jessica Rabbit. THE pinup girlie.
She was soo beautiful when she was young and she MAINTAINED that beauty into her later years and I think that old lady glamour is hot. bombastic sex appeal
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every line she delivers in gilda is so flirty and passionate or absolutely desolate and it's so good
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I just have a lot of feelings about her
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jorrated · 1 year ago
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Redid my Maya Knux gijinka! Now with notes and sources on how I did the design (It's kinda long, around 2k words jsyk):
The hairstyle:
Knux has pretty long spikes, so I knew I wanted to give him long hair! Braids or dreadlocks look pretty fitting, so I tried looking for references of hairstyles to see if any fit what I was looking for:
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Source: Mayavase.com (Photograph by Justin Kerr)
While all the vases show a variety of interesting hairstyles, I particularly loved the look of the braids in K694 (the third picture). Being tied upwards wouldn’t really fit Knux however, so something like the man in K1340 (fourth pic) with his hair fully down, or the 5th man from left to right in K1092 (first pic) with a cloth holding the hair would be really nice!
I didn’t want to give him a headpiece, if only to not clutter his head, but also I didn’t think it’d fit Knux as a warrior. The ruler’s headpiece in K1453 (second pic) however allows the hair to come off it, and seems to have some dangly adornments on the end of the strands/braids/locks, which I found super pretty. Plus:
“Elite Mayan men and women styled their hair to show off their pointed heads, crafted through the careful head flattening they experienced as children. Women gathered their long hair on top of their heads in flowing ponytails. For special occasions they braided their ponytails and decorated them with ornaments and ribbons. Mayan men grew their hair long but burnt the hair off their foreheads to accentuate their elongated profiles. They would bind their hair into one or many ponytails or tie it in a bundle on top of their head. Mayan slaves had their hair cut short as one visible mark of their inferior status.” p.399
Source: Fashion, costume, and culture: clothing, headwear, body decorations, and footwear through the ages (Sarah Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, Sarah Hermsen as Project Editor), 2003.
Taking all of that! I settled on tight braids with a few adornments made of jade and wood, with a red cloth to keep his hair from his eyes. Almost all of the braids are pulled together into a ponytails, but there are some smaller braids loose.
It’s somewhat of a mixture of styles, combining ornaments of special occasions, with the long hair of elites on a character like Knux. But I kept these ‘contradictory’ aspects of the design to remember that Knux kinda learns about his ancestors on the go, through murals, writings and technology, so I doubt he’d have a great grasp on what he should and shouldn’t wear. I think it adds character as someone who’s trying to figure out himself, his history and his place in the world.
Shoes and Accessories:
For footwear I kept it simple, just turned Knux’s existing shoes into sandals:
“Ancient Aztecs and Mayans of Central America adopted a thick-soled sandal with a protective legging attached at the heel, while the top of the foot and shin remained exposed.” p.135
Source: Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion (Valerie Steele), 2005
Although my gut instinct was to cover Knuckles from head to toe in accessories, I also tried to keep it simple like the shoes. He’s a very mobile fellow so he can’t have too much weight or annoying bits flying everywhere and getting in his face. So I kept his moon necklace, like in Fleetway, just adjusted the shape to have a bit more of details:
“The jewelry worn by the Mayan, Aztec and Inca people was rich in variety and quite beautiful. Without metalworking skills, Mayans made jewelry from many materials. Mayan men wore nose ornaments, earplugs and lip plugs made from bone, wood, shells and stones, including jade, topaz, and obsidian. Necklaces, bracelets, anklets and headgear were made with jaguar and crocodile teeth, jaguar claws and feathers.” p.402
Source: Fashion, costume, and culture: clothing, headwear, body decorations, and footwear through the ages (Sarah Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, Sarah Hermsen as Project Editor), 2003.
As stated here, Mayans didn’t have metalwork, so I imagine this is an artifact that his ancestors got from another group of people.
Just a page before they also mention how the Maya people used to file points into their teeth, to make their mouths more appealing. This includes shaping them into pointy teeth, (like the classic shark teeth), but they could also file them into other shapes, like in this picture:
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Source: https://www.archaeologynow.org/blog-3/blog-post-title-two-txwxl (I’m pretty sure this isn’t the source of the image, but I couldn’t find an actual source that wasn’t an uncredited blog)
The Maya people are also notorious for their good dentistry, as seen the stone ornaments in the teeth above. I think the filling is something Knux could do on his own, but anything that would involve actual dentistry would be too much. But it’s still interesting to read about!
(Here’s an article named “Mayan Esthetic Dentistry: Using Modern Techniques and Digital Imaging Technologies to Link the Past to the Present” by Yassine Harichane if you want to learn more!)
While a non-permanent version of stones on teeth seemed cool, like Jade incisor-coverings, at the end of the day I don’t think Knuckles is too vain, so I didn’t add that to the design. Although I think he’d definitely try out a bunch of things like this, just to try to understand them.
For additional outfits I gave him a red layered cape and a green huipil! The red cape is just to bring back more red into the design, since I gave him a lot of green. And the huipil is a nod to his poncho in the comics! (Although huipiles are commonly associated with women and girls, I still wanted to give him one, not only to bring up his partial detachment to his ancestors, but also because Knux probably wouldn’t think much about gender in general let’s be honest)
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Source: Mayavase.com (Photograph by Justin Kerr)
Somewhat based the red cape on the 4th man in this picture, from left to right, but I kept it simple, as maybe just some fabric Knux found around the island, nothing too fancy.
For the huipil I wanted to do something more detailed but was having a really hard time coming up with designs. And I didn’t want to straight up plagiarize someone’s else work, so I kept it vague, maybe some day I’ll sit down and give it a more detailed version. I did come across a very nice store/ catalog that sells traditional Maya textiles, and this one was very gorgeous! Highly recommend give this and the other textiles a look!
In the end I made the huipil look vaguely like the ones shown in page 128 of the following book:
“In the Museum collection, costumes that looked very much alike usually turned out to be from villages that shared a language. Among Cakchiquel villages, dialect differences were usually mirrored by costume differences. Working on this principle we were surprised by the striking similarity of style in the huipils of San Antonio Aguas Calientes (fig. 195) and San Martín Jilotepeque (fig. 196). These villages, while both Cakchiquel, spoke very different dialects and were separated geographically (map, below). The similarity of their huipil was so remarkable we felt the need to investigate these two villages more thoroughly and found that a multi-cultural history probably accounted for these unexpected similarities of style. Huipils from these villages may well illustrate the earliest examples of pan-Maya acculturation after the Conquest.”p. 127
Source: Threads of identity: Maya costume of the 1960s in highland Guatemala (Patricia B. Altman, Caroline D.West), 1992.
Lastly on accessories, which I don’t know if it counts as an accessory but I didn’t know where to put it: the body paint. Last time I gave Knux a human design I couldn't find a good resource on Maya people painting their bodies. Every source mentioned and was in consensus that some of the people did paint their bodies, but that was the extent of the info. I wasn’t able to find any patterns or meanings of the body paintings, or even good visual reference for it. But! This time I was able to get a bit more:
“Body painting was a common Maya practice. Classic Period murals and polychrome vases depict warriors covered with red or black paint; sometimes their bodies were striped with red paint. Paint was also used around the eyes and nose to give a fierce expression. In the 16th century, these practices continued. Women also applied red paint to their faces and bodies, but presumably to make themselves look beautiful, not fierce. Small paint jars of red hematite mixed with mica were found in the houses at Cerén, and these may have been for cosmetic use. Unmarried young men painted their bodies black, and so did those who were undergoing periods of ritual purification and fasting. Priests often wore blue body paint. “p. 338
Source: Handbook To Life In The Ancient Maya World Lynn (V. Foster), 2002.
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Source: Mayavase.com (Photograph by Justin Kerr)
I of course wanted to give him red paint, and I really liked this design of the red lining the cheeks on the face down to the neckline. However in most of these depictions the red on the body is accompanied by the white face, which I can’t actually tell if the face has white paint, or the body has black paint, like described in the quote before. Either way I chose to only use the red, to keep in line with Knux’s original design.
(It’s worth mentioning that these vases shown depict rulers, as you can see the intricate thrones and altars, which isn’t really fitting with Knux. But again, I want to keep some mismatched aspects into his design, not only warrior-related things.)
The main outfit:
Last but not least, the main outfit. Don’t have much notes on this I’m going to be honest, I just tried to keep in line with descriptions of warriors clothing:
“While some warriors may have been resplendent on the battlefield, the common Maya soldier fought with little clothing other than loincloth and body paint, based on battle scenes in the few Maya murals that remain (see figure 2.9, page 54).” p.147
Source: Handbook To Life In The Ancient Maya World Lynn (V. Foster), 2002.
I considered putting him in a loincloth for accuracy, but tbh I was scared people were going to be weird about it, and so I gave him a skirt with some fabric that emulates the look of a loincloth and some scrap fabric around his waist and limbs! He actually ended pulling up a lot from the dude I mentioned in vase K1092 (the very first ref pic in this post) lol!
And that´s all, hope y’all liked it :P
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maskedcrawford · 20 days ago
Permanently Yours
G-Dragon x Reader
Summary: You surprise Jiyong with a tattoo that only makes him more obsessed with you.
Warnings: Pure fluff
A/N: Anon, feel free to let me know if this wasn't what you wanted! I hope you enjoy this sweet story, it was so fun to write!
Requests are OPEN
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You walk out of the tattoo parlor with the fresh ink on your skin, examining the art work. You had gotten a few tattoos before after hearing how Ji raved about them. But he knew about those, and they were special to you but this one was going to be special for both of you.
You look at the artwork of a dragon once more in the mirror when you got home. A dragon with the date of your relationship stamped above it. A lot of people told you it was risky to get it because what if you and GD break up? It’s kinda permanent, but you loved the man so much you wanted to put some kind of claim on your body that you were his, even though everyone knew.
“Babe? You here?” you hear him call out. You carefully slide your shirt over your body again to hide the artwork. You had a photoshoot tomorrow for Vogue and wanted to surprise him there with it.
“Hey, jagiya,” he smiles as he see’s you walk out of your shared room. He jogs over to you and wraps his arms around your back, right where the fresh wound is still healing. It’s not like it was a small tattoo, it spanned the space of your back almost completely. He notices you wince before he goes in to give you a hug.
“What? Did I hurt you? Are you ok?” he goes to move around you like he wants to inspect you but you take his hands in yours and bring him back in front of you.
“I’m sore, from a work out today, is all.” You smile as you lie right through your teeth and give him the usual welcome home kiss. You wake up the next morning carefully making sure to clean and moisturize your new art piece. Ji-yong loved art in general and you were sure the masterpiece on your back would get his attention.
“Babe we have to go, I’ll be late,” you giggle as Jiyong fusses with a button on his shirt.
“Here,” you say as she drops his hand like a frustrated child.
“Now you look perfect,” you kiss his nose and he once again places his hand on your back putting unwanted pressure.
“Oh, shit,” he quickly removes his hand, “It’s ok.” You have to practically restrain yourself to not scratch at it.
At the studio you’re getting dressed and Ji is waiting patiently. You fill the photographer in on the plan of how you want to unveil the surprise back piece. He nods in approval, as long as he can use it for the shoot which you oblige.
You take the first few shots, moving in different poses and you notice the look of pride on Ji-yong’s face as you do.
“All right, lets get her changed,” a costume designer shouts and you can barely contain your excitement. Ji-yong sits on his phone on a nearby bench.
“So you can get his reaction right?” you whisper to the photographer who assures you it’ll look great. You walk back to the set with a large towel covering your back. They get you set up and you take a deep breath.
“Ji-yong,” you call over your shoulder. He looks like clearly lost in his phone.
“Come here,” you motion for him. He walks over to you looking concerned.
“We’re gonna have you stand here,” the photographer positions him where he needs to be to be in the shot.
“What, I’m not,”
“Just hold still,” the man says, “3.. 2.. 1.. drop the towel,” he says and you let the towel drape off your back and you turn your head to look over at your boyfriend.
His eyes are wide and his mouth slightly open. He walks up to you, getting a closer look at the dragon.
“What did, babe,” is all he can say before you let out a giggle.
“You like,” you question with the biggest smile on your face.
“I fucking love it! Holy shit that’s so sexy!” He keeps his hands above the tattoo so you don’t have to wash it again.
“This is why you’re back hurt yesterday?” he says partly questioning and partly knowing. You nod your head, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. He goes around to your front and gives you the biggest kiss. You finish the photo shoot for the day and all your boyfriend can talk about is the tattoo.
“I’m glad you like it, Oppa.” He looks at you like a prized possession. As soon as it’s healed he can’t keep his hands off it, constantly dragging his finger tips across it, and you, as much as he can.
“Its just, you’re really mine now,” he breathes after again staring at it.
“I was yours beforehand.”
“Yeah, but now it’s permanent, no removing me from your life. Not completely.” He smirks.
“I mean, tattoo removal has come a long way,” you tease. He looks genuinely offended for a moment.
“Don’t even joke about that. Now everyone that see’s this knows your mine and that’s how it’s going to stay,” he cups your cheeks giving you a sweet kiss. You smile against his lips happy that he loves the artwork.
When the magazine comes out he practically frames the cover. It’s a picture of you looking over your shoulder with the tattoo clearly visible.
“Right above the bed!” he shouts and you laugh at his child like enthusiasm.
“OH man, and this one needs its own frame,” he starts tearing out all the pictures from the magazine.”
“Babe, I wanted to read those!” you chuckle.
“Here, I got two. One to read and or take with me on the road, and this one is to hang up in our room, proudly displayed. We need something for the living room,” he pauses, “Oh, we’ll do our own little shoot at home,” he wiggles his brows as he gets his camera. You take multiple pictures as he makes sure to capture you in the best positions and lighting, he can, even taking you outside and to shops snapping pictures.
“Babe, I think we have enough,” you say as you sip on the warm beverage in your hand with a heartwarming smile.
“Just one more, hold the cup to your lips, yeah like that,” he takes one last picture and smiles proud of himself.
“Perfect.” Once your home he starts mapping out the areas of where he wants to place the pictures and you can’t help but love how artistic and excited he is.  
“I’m glad you find it so appealing, nae sarang.” You whisper as you put your arms around his waist and hug him from the back.
If you enjoyed and want to support me, buy me a coffee
“A work of art must be treasured. And you my dear, are more priceless than the Mona Lisa,” he compliments with a sweet, deep kiss before turning back to the walls to map out where he wants each picture.
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philcon-programming · 4 months ago
Philcon 2024!
Do you love Science Fiction, Fantasy, or Horror? Are you a Writer, a Gamer, a Costumer, or a Filker? Are you looking for a weekend of distraction in your life? If you’re in the vicinity of Philadelphia- or more specifically, Cherry Hill, New Jersey- there’s an event coming up on November 22 – 24, 2024 that we’d love for you to come check out. If you aren’t already familiar with PHILCON, here’s what you should know: * We started out as a literary-centric SF convention in 1936, but have grown to embrace all mediums of storytelling (movies, television, comics, podcasts, etc) as well as expanding to cover the Fantasy and Horror genres. Most of our participants are authors, and there will be Readings by them and Autograph sessions all throughout the weekend, in addition to their participation on discussion panels. * While many of our Literary panels are about SF, Fantasy, or Horror topics in general, we also have an emphasis on panels discussing the craft side and business sides of writing, for those looking to develop as authors. * One of our content tracks for the weekend is dedicated to Science & Technology itself, not just how it is used in fiction. * We will be screening several movies over the weekend, and Anime will also be shown in our Anime & Animation room at certain times. * There will be Workshops and Demos for Costuming (including "Fabric Manipulation", "How to Make Foam Armor", "Make-up for The Stage", and "A Pox on Patterns!") and Art (including "Using Alcohol Inks", "Block Printing With Your Own Designs", "How to Make A Controlled Color Palette", and "Making Wire-Wrapped Jewelry"), and if you’ve got an outfit you made that you’d like to show off on stage, we’ve got a yearly Costume Contest. * If you are a Filker- or just enjoy listening to other people sing and play music- Philcon has a room dedicated Filk room, and this year’s Musical Guest of Honor is Cecilia Eng. As Cecilia is not often on the east coast, if you’d like to see her play in person, now is an excellent change to do so without flying to the other side of the country. Lynn Gold, another west-coast Filker, will also be joining us this year. There are also Concerts scheduled for Sirens & Liars, Half a Slime Devil, Brenda and Chuck Shaffer-Shiring, and Sara Henya. * Since the Gaming track moved from an upstairs suite to the “Gallery” room on the first floor, it’s had the literal room to expand the number of games it can run, and we’ve got a bevy of them on the schedule for 2024, as well as a bank of games for you to choose from during Open Gaming hours. There's also a LARP Workshop Series being run by Spectacle INK. * Our Artist Guests of Honor for 2024 are Gina Matarazzo and Matthew Stewart. Each will be giving a presentation on our Main Stage on Saturday afternoon, as well as having their art displayed in our Art Show. * Our Principal Speaker for 2024 is MAX GLADSTONE, and we also have Nghi Vo as our Special Guest. Both will be doing Readings, Autograph Sessions, panels, and a main stage Q&A session. An interactive version of our schedule can be found HERE. While a simplified, static overview, organized by track, can be found HERE. Our LinkTree can be found HERE. We would especially value your support this year, as Philcon’s Covid-19 policy in previous years (which required both mandatory masking and proof of vaccination in an attempt to avoid becoming a super-spreader event as several other conventions had) has led to a slow but noticeable decline in attendance. While masking in public spaces is still heavily encouraged, neither proof of vaccination nor masking are required to attend the convention in 2024. We’d love your help in making this year a success, so that we’re in a good position to bring you all something really fantastic for our upcoming 90th anniversary. We’d also love to give you a great weekend right now, for reasons I doubt we need to explain. Here’s to surviving the next few years! ~ Lynati Head of Programming, Philcon 2024
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fuckyeahisawthat · 4 months ago
Dune: Prophecy episode 1 thoughts, tried to keep it vague to avoid major spoilers:
Wow there is a lot of exposition. Like a LOT of exposition, especially in the first 10-15 minutes when we're not invested in any of the characters yet. I hope this is a first episode problem.
Ah they went the coward's route and used "Great Machine War" instead of "Butlerian Jihad."
There's an interesting "history is written by the victors" thread there right from the beginning that I hope they pull on some more.
I love how they did the Voice, which appears early in the episode, because both the actor's performance and the sound design of it are slightly different from the films. It really feels/sounds like the character using it is straining to access a new and unfamiliar power, in contrast to the effortless, overwhelming assertion of control it comes across as in the films.
Salusa Secundus looks so green and lush in comparison to how it looks at the time of the films.
I realize this is probably an unfair complaint for something made on a TV budget (even an HBO TV budget), but imo the production design doesn't quite measure up to the films. I think the best work is on the props. The key to the genetic index room, the little slides that Valya and Tula are looking at with students' info on them, the Emperor's projection table--those all look great and have that feeling of "future filtered through the past" that I think is key to the Dune aesthetic. Many of the location exteriors are gorgeous, too. Some of the interior sets are quite striking and others are underwhelming. The costumes are...mid imo; there are some beautiful elements and others that look too identifiably modern. Including Princess Ynez's red gown unfortunately which looks like a department store prom dress. I realize it's a high bar--the films were really really good at making everything look both futuristic and ancient, layered and textured--but you do notice the difference.
So! Many! Women! Pretty racially diverse casting too. But also omg so many characters and I already forget half their names. I'm gonna need Dune: Facebook for the next episode.
Emily Watson and Olivia Williams are already very compelling, even if you don't quite know their characters' full agendas yet. Heckin ready for some Machiavellian women scheming.
Love some of the more fucked up shit that just slides by and the information it gives you about the world. Adult (? idk maybe she's supposed to be in her late teens) woman getting engaged to a 9-year-old. Practicing Truthsaying on prisoners, some of whom have fresh bruises on their faces.
Arrakis is...the same. This one is honestly fucking me up. I know time scales in Dune are absurd and really kind of incomprehensible in comparison to real Earth history but can you imagine your home being passed around various imperialist powers for resource extraction for ten thousand years?? FOUR HUNDRED GENERATIONS. 80 years of Harkonnen rule seems like nothing. We're talking about whole eras of colonial control and resistance here. Like damn. No wonder so many Fremen have come to believe that only a messiah can save them. Imagine being someone like Chani and feeling the legacy of not decades or even centuries but millennia of struggle on your shoulders. It is gonna take me a while to fully absorb this one. Holy fuck.
Travis Fimmel's character has an...ability that we haven't seen in the Dune universe before and I'm super curious to see where they're gonna go with that.
Overall it feels like this episode was mostly setup but there's a lot of potential? Like there are a lot of potential threads that could develop into something cool and twisty and interesting. I'm not sure where any of it is going yet but I'm ready to find out.
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bug-slappy · 6 months ago
sharing my opinion here about serizawas design inconsistencies over time (spoilers for mp100 ending) i feel like in each new rendition of serizawa weve seen in official art ever since the start of S3 something feels off in a different way with every new merch release
lets start here ⬇ serizawa looks like,, himself. accurate to how hes drawn since his first anime appearance
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⬇⬇⬇ and then slowly,,, things start to look off. his jawline is slowly getting slimmer, his eyes look wider (same with mobs too)
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AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THESE. especially the one on the right my god. who is that
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every new promo art that comes out just feels very careless. I think you could say so for all the characters (mobs giant eyes, reigens waist getting skinnier/pointier features. the PROMO art of dimple that was literally FULLY TRACED OFF OF A TEMU PIRATE HALLOWEEN COSTUME. they all look bad here)
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it just feels a little depressing how little they seem to care anymore, like theyre just trying to pump out merch without bothering to use a character reference.
i notice the changes the most with serizawa. every promo art looks like theyre playing a game of telephone. each version of him is based on the last, instead of his initial design (shown below)
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at the end of S2, when reigen cuts serizawas hair, he still looks like himself. they did a great job of showing "how serizawa would look underneath his moustache and big hair". In S3 it feels like they've lost that mentality completely. like he's no longer based off of his original design, but an entirely new reference of his salary man look. some comparisons between S3 vs S2 and OVA down below
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I find that the line weight in S3 is much heavier and unfocused. but what bothers me most of all is that... Serizawa looks different in nearly every scene... as if they're undecided on what he should look like. the shape of his nose and jaw, his hair all change depending on the episode entirely.
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The art style change for S3 was meant to be "more accurate to the manga", but I find that it had the opposite effect. especially how serizawas and ritsus eye shapes changed. ritsus large pupils and serizawas more almond shaped eyes were more reflective of their manga designs there are plenty of inconsistences in S1 and 2, but they're clearly done with purpose to reflect on ONEs art style (my beloved). I feel like the thinner lines allow more room for detail and extreme facial expressions that truly hold a candle to ONEs insane talent for capturing emotions.
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these ^^^ compared to..
erm.. this.. ⬇
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just felt very underwhelming... and serizawa certainly does mellow out once he starts working at S&S, but that doesn't mean that there's less opportunity for detailed expressions !!
the yokai fight scene was beautifully made i have no qualms.. but the amount of serizawa lore and dialogue in the manga that got cut from the anime just made him look like a cardboard cut out standing behind everyone. lots of funny and interesting moments cut to make room for the moefication of serizawa katsuya..
I feel like there's a lot of important moments that were cut, (reigen "i hope i can become a partner like that" arataka, serizawa "ive had a similar experience myself" katsuya )
or sad, intense scenes that were made lighthearted (the body improvement club trying to help mob, mob and ??? dialogue being cut, reigen removing his shoes in the final arc made to be meant for better grip rather than... his passively suicidal tendencies )
i think the people at bones are very talented dont get me wrong, i just felt like S3 could have been adapted better. this keeps me up at night its like 1am :) anywhosies thank you for listening to my ted talk i love you
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