#it was just a passing thought/curiosity but now I'm sobbing about it
home-halone · 4 days
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unknownperson246 · 3 months
Why Didn’t You Tell Me? Chapter 4: Red Hair
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words: 882
warnings: *angst* *fluff* *rehab* *mentions of alcohol* *mentions of drugs* *cussing* *pregnancy*
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It's around 5:00 pm you're supposed to be in group meetings or group therapy to talk about why you drank and did drugs. You wake up at ease and you feel better. Your headache isn't as bad as before and it's been 27 hours since you were in rehab with your husband Nikki—or at least that's what the doctors think. You both aren't married. Nikki is your boyfriend of 7 months. Nikki interrupts your thoughts.
“Good Afternoon babe” Nikki smirks.
“Good afternoon,” You reply kind of annoyed.
“Honey Dr.Kelly was worried. She didn't see you in group therapy today. I had to tell them you were knocked out.” Nikki says. 
“Good” you respond to Nikki's words.
“Dr.Kelly said you have to show up as soon as you wake up.”
“Tell her I don't want to” You respond to Nikki’s words.
“Honey, you're not going to get better if you don't at least try,” Nikki says gently.
“Nikki I am fucking trying I have been trying this whole time for all three of us. Fuck I hate this I am trying I will go but I feel sick right now so please just stop.” You lash out from your hormones. 
A couple of minutes pass by and you feel bad for yelling at Nikki. You find that you aren't sick as much anymore. You are feeling a bit achy from being pregnant. You spot Nikki talking to Dr. Kelly. After he's done talking to her you go up to him.
“Nikki I am sorry for being pissed earlier. I don't know what happened but I promise I will try for our little family.” You say holding Nikki's hands.
Nikki is still mad but he decides to forgive you knowing you are in a vulnerable position right now.
“Babe, just try to be more relaxed. It's not good for you right now, especially with everything going on. You will over-exert yourself emotionally and physically.” He looks at you with gentle eyes while he cups your face with his hands with his tender touch. You love how his warm hands feel against your flushed face. It's the only thing that is comforting you in this frightful time.
“Nikki, I will try to be more careful.” You respond softly.
“Nikki, what were you talking to Dr. Kelly about?” You ask out of curiosity.
“Your little outburst,” Nikki says quietly.
“She said it was normal for what you are going through,” He says wording it carefully so he does not offend you.
It's now 5:20  you realize that you need to try hard to fix all of the things you've done. You need to be better and healthy for Nikki and your unborn daughter.
“Okay, I am going to get ready for the group meeting. I need to change my clothes and fix my hair.” You smile softly while looking into his softened eyes. 
Nikki watches you as you change into a black V-neck that flawlessly grasps your body. He saw you pull up your Juicy Couture jeans that surprisingly still fit you. He is praising your body and how beautiful you are while carrying his baby. He is amazed at how you could do it. You're in rehab and going through detox while doing something that was already so exhausting. You were making a whole other human inside of you and that takes up so much energy physically and mentally. He appreciates you and is fascinated by you.  He watched you play with your hair and brush through your dark brown locks that had platinum strikes. 
You walk out of your room with Nikki and you just notice that Nikki has eyebrow piercings and strokes of red in his jet-black hair. 
“Nikki, when did you get the eyebrow piercings and red hair?.” You ask randomly.
“Y/N I’ve had the piercings for 3 months.” He is genuinely concerned.
You realize you were always so strung out and drunk that you never noticed the small things about your boyfriend. 
“Oh, Nikki I'm so sorry I'm so sorry god damn it” You sob. Your hormones and overwhelming emotions were getting to you.
Nikki wraps his tattooed covered arms on your shivering body. He holds you in his arms tenderly. You feel his warm body up against you and you never want him to let you go. He pets your neatly brushed hair.
“Baby it’s okay You are safe,” Nikki says quietly.
“Ughhh I hate this. I am sorry for not noticing anything. I was always too high or drunk to have any feelings or observe anything. I hated that. I hated that I never felt; it feels so different now that I can feel and observe. I feel so connected to you and our baby right now. It feels so different but it's a good difference” You sob as you're on a plethora of how you feel now that you're on your way to being clean of any substances.
“Hey, it's okay you got out of it before it was too late. You have made an effort to get better for all three of us. You're going to be okay now, just focus on me and our daughter and you will be better in no time.” Nikki says gently while still clinging to you.
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steddieas-shegoes · 8 months
Useful rated M tw: likely dubcon
If there's anything that Steve knows he's good at (outside of anything upside down related), he knows it's making his partners feel good. They tell him in the safety of the bedroom, they tell their friends, who go on to tell others. He's heard about it in crowded hallways. The whispers of how he puts his partners first. They spread it around, offering him up,like a sure thing, almost like he was a character from a Tommy Tutone song "For a good time call... Harrington." Like it was all some joke. Maybe to everyone else, it was a joke. But for a long time it was the only positive feedback in his day to day life, and it made him feel somewhat special. Wanted. Everywhere he went he getting smiled at, everyone happy to see him. So he kept trying to live up to the talk. And, for a while, he did. Then, for a while, he dated Nancy and the talk died down, until they inevitably broke up.
Without his house parties, after his fall from popularity, he seemed only to have himself to offer. He became a curiosity amongst his peers, more than anything. It felt less like the general populace were cheering him on and more like they were encouraging each other to use him Even reciprocation dwindled. Like he wasn't worth the effort.
So he took a step back, fudged his flirting game, unless there was an active audience. Blamed his dry spell on his scoops uniform. Until loneliness won out. Told himself the right one would care enough, he just had to find them.
Sure he talked about cutting back on dates with Robin, he didn't really fill her in on the lack of reciprocation in the bedroom, just told her about his heavy heart. Sort of embarrassed to talk about anything else at length. Just told her he was tired of sex without connection.
After the mess that was Vecna he dipped his toe back into the dating world, told himself he'd pace himself. Wait longer than before to take things into the bedroom. And it seemed to be going well, thought he'd hit off with a woman named Nadine. She laughed at his jokes, wanted to hear about his thoughts. And when they finally went back to her place,after a few dates, she left him with an aching jaw and an even more aching heart. When she'd finished she sighed contentedly and then immediately called it a night. Saying something about how she'd pass his number along to her girlfriends. His stared up at her, erection flagging, an embarrassed flush, the sound of his quickening heart thudding in his ears, feeling like someone dumped ice water into his lungs. Not again! He mumbled a No thanks, and scurried out to his car to go home. He sat in his driveway, numb,with tears flooding his eyes, and decided he truly had enough. Maybe I'm not meant for love at all.
He sat there sobbing until there was tapping on his window. Eddie standing there,with a six pack of beer,and a video, in hand. Looking so pleased to see him. He opened the door and started stepping out. "Hey Stevie! I was checking to see if you were up to a movie night I know it's late but I was feeling lonesome. Wait are you crying? Are you alright?! Let's get you inside big boy, and you can tell me whats up."
AHHHHH!!!! Eddie’s here to save the day!!!!
This was great!
All I can think about now is how Eddie was probably terrified to see Steve actually crying, thinking something Upside Down related was probably happening. It took him hours to get Steve to talk and once he did, he told him “you don’t have to keep giving all of yourself to people who don’t deserve it when there’s someone who wants to give you everything right here” and then they fuck nasty about it and Eddie makes sure to make him come at least twice before he does.
Thank you for sending this!!!
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watchernotculture · 8 months
hi can I do 1 and 4 with ranpo for the event? :3
1 (“you know i wasn't lying when i said i'd kill for you”) + 4 (“i'm so glad you feel the same cause i refuse to leave you”)
hi! thank you^^, sorry if i did this too fast i got excited
-WC 786 // valentines event tws: gore mentioned at the end
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It's valentine's day, you used to really enjoy everything about it. Enjoying the love of other people, their infatuated expressions. The candy and flowers that were sometimes extended towards you. You really used to love it, maybe because that time of freedom wasnt long lost. Being a normal person experienced normal things, you were no different. You found a friend in a case that happened to the place you worked at, his name was Ranpo.
Quickly falling in love with his charm, this led to hanging more. One thing you learned was that Ranpo was possessive at times, it was subtle at first then became more clear. Still, everything is better in bliss when it contains some type of ignorance. It wasn't February when Ranpo confessed to you, happily smiling. A surprised but nervous look on your face as you accepted him. "I'd known you'd say yes, afterall no one can resist the best detective in the world!"
It was cute, but really, you should've known what was to come. "I'm so glad, you feel the same cause I'm never leaving you." 
Despite the childlike tone that was sung with his words, there was something threatening lying under. Yet, it was brushed off, it's fine, it's still in the crush stages.
The dates after the initial confession, everything seemed alright. You never saw the glares when someone was getting too friendly. Never hearing the threats being sent to the people you cared about. Not at any time being bothered by staying inside just with Ranpo for longer and longer. You didn't take Ranpo's warnings seriously, just assuming he was jealous and overprotective. His sweet coated words were the usual ones, yet sometimes it would feel off. "I hope you know i would kill someone for you, especially if they got too close" 
It never seemed like he was joking but you tried to soften up on that thinking. Afterall, he didn't seem like the type who would actually kill someone.
However, it seems, you got a little too close to someone and clearly Ranpo didn't take it lightly. It was a close friend of yours, they asked you to hang out and you took that opportunity when Ranpo was at work. Everything was going alright, you two were catching up, just chatting. They asked what you were gonna do for valentine's since it was a week away. You thought in silence, unsure of what exactly you wanted to do. You gave a lazy answer, it was probably gonna be a simple date. Eventually after an hour your phone started to ring, it was your boyfriend. You answered gingerly, not thinking much of it. 
"Where are you right now?" 
Ranpo's question was more so out of curiosity but his tone was a little firm. You answered back saying with a friend, the other line went silent for a few seconds before Ranpo started whining. The call ended shortly after and you'll figure it'd be best to leave. You bid your friend goodbye and got ready to go home. Still, something in your gut was telling you something tonight wasn't going to end well.
A day before the holiday, you got news of your friends passing, a cold murder. You were in panic with Ranpo trying to calm you down the best he could. Yet, you really only felt a little better, Ranpo's comforting felt wrong. There was only so much you could do and feel, while your boyfriend refused to let you go out.  He clung to your chest, his grip never softened just continued to hug you aggressively to prevent you from leaving. Your phone was discarded somewhere, so you couldn't even find out more about what happened. At the end of the night you were sobbing on the floor while Ranpo held you.
The next morning, it was Valentine's day. You were hoping to enjoy it. Spend it well with Ranpo, with lovestruck eyes. You got up, eyes tired and hung heavily. Attempting to cheer up after Ranpo made a comment, afterall he was taking you out somewhere special for today. You two got ready and left early, wearing a soft smile while Ranpo grinned with a lollipop in his mouth. After being attached to the hip for so long, you got to the café. Finally Ranpo slid you a heart shaped box, alongside a deep red rose.
You carefully opened it while Ranpo started to speak with a smile, "you know I wasn't lying when I said I'd kill for you" 
Eyes widening, you dropped the box clumsily in disturbance to what you saw. It was little bits of your friend, both eyes, some of their skin, a fingernail or two, alongside their heart.
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
If you want a prompt, how about something like safe unaware/accidental noms? Where both pred and prey were unwilling but maybe the pred doesn't even notice? (Or the pred does know but does it on accident while prey is panicking and misunderstanding, but personally that's my second) I just reallllllly like this trope and reallllly wanna read more of it...please?
Wooooo here I gooo!!! :D
Two friends, a giant mer and a human sized naga, there's nothing wrong right? Until your small friend turn out to be too curious... :]
@da3dm :]
TW: Safe/soft/unaware vore, unwilling pred, unwilling prey, digestion mention (kinda; doesn't happen tho)
A sunny day, there was a light breeze in the air and the sound of the waves breaking on the shore, made it a perfect day to rest lying on the sand, under the rays of the sun.
The giant mer was lying on his back on the beach, the vast majority of his tail out of the water, only occasionally getting wet when 'little' waves crashed against it.
His calm and slow breathing showed that the mer was asleep, his mouth slightly open, one of his arms resting on the sand while the other was resting comfortably on his abdomen.
His naga friend was coiled on his own coils watching the green mer rest. His golden tail uncurled a bit as he stretched out. The naga gazed at his friend as he rested, his pale blue eyes widening as he had an idea.
He slid slowly toward the mer's sleeping body, climbing up the arm that lay on the sand to easily climb up to the mer's chest.
Once he was there, he looked up, beginning to climb over Dream's face. He curiously looked at the slightly open mouth of the mer, which was a dark shade of green while his tongue was a light green. He had never noticed it until now.
However, his curiosity didn't last long though as Dream yawned in his sleep, causing Punz to fall straight into his mouth and because of being lying on his back caused him to quickly head for his throat. “D-Dream!!!” It only took a fragment of a second for his head to be swallowed and get into the throat.
The mer choked for a moment before continuing to swallow the naga unconsciously. His hair was plastered against his eyes from the saliva in his throat, and he couldn't push it away as his arms were pressed against his sides.
Punz writhed as he continued down, feeling the end of his tail finally enter the mer's throat.
It wasn't long before the top half of him was ushered into a more open space, the rest of his body following within a few seconds.
He moved toward the walls of his stomach, desperately trying to get his friend's attention. “Dream!!?? Can you hear me!? Get me out of here please!" he yelled at him as he pushed and hit the soft walls.
The sudden movement in his stomach woke Dream up, who yawned in confusion hearing his friend, but unable to see where he was. “Punz..?” He looked around, still unable to see the golden naga.
The movements in his stomach increased and Dream placed a hand on it, feeling the small movements. "Dream! I'm in your stomach! You swallowed me while you were sleeping! Get me out of here please!!!” Hearing this, Dream's eyes widened, beginning to panic as well.
How was it possible that he had eaten his own friend?
He desperately tried to throw him up, he tried many ways but couldn't push Punz up which made him more nervous and made him panic even more.
It always worked for him with some kind of food he didn't like, why did it not work this time? The mer let out an anguished sob as he covered his face with his hands. He didn't want to kill Punz...
A few minutes passed before he felt the naga press against the front of his stomach. "Uh...Dream?" "Yeah!? Are you alright?!" he asked with urgency painted in his voice. "Uh...Yeah...For some reason I'm fine...Dream?"
The mer calmed down for a moment before speaking to his friend. "Tell me..." "You won't have a brood pouch for some reason, right?" he asked curiously. "Uh.. I don't know.. I never thought about that…"
Punz released a relieved sigh, apparently he already knew where he was. His friend hadn't been raised by other mers so he obviously didn't know he had a brood pouch and the reason Punz wasn't turning to mush was because he was surely inside of it.
"Then there's nothing to worry about... Apparently you've always had a brood pouch and having unconsciously swallowed me, your body has noticed that you didn't want to swallow me voluntarily, also not knowing what you were swallowing and put me here. So, for At least we know that I'm going to be fine, and now I'll have to wait for you to know how to get me out of here…" the naga explained calmly.
The mer hummed understanding what his friend was telling him. "But how did I swallow you? I thought you were resting on the sand..." The naga blushed slightly in embarrassment.
"Your mouth just made me curious and when you yawned I fell into it…" Dream let out a small sigh. "Be more careful next time... What a scare we've had…"
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inpiink · 4 months
[edge] - to edge my muse/deny them orgasm @princetorn
too often, percy gets caught up in her own mind during these moments: am i pretty enough? am i being too quiet? too loud? it happens less with royce—she knows down to her soul that he wants her, wants her just as badly as she wants him, a wanting that should and nearly does frighten her with its intensity. but less isn't never, and it's been a bad week in a bad year and even kissing him until her lips were bruised hadn't been able to silence the little voice saying you aren't pretty enough, you aren't pleasant enough, you aren't easy enough to be around.
so she'd asked can you make me stop thinking? can you help me forget?
maybe it's not healthy. she'd certainly felt guilty enough earlier, a small intrusive thought that she was using him.
but she doesn't feel guilty now. it's hard to like this. bare beneath him, stripped of her clothes and her shyness and her pretense, her skin littered with the marks she begged him to leave, she feels nothing but desperate desire. his fingers are inside her, his thumb on her clit, each movement stoking her higher and higher, pulling wordless sighs and whines and soft little ah, ah, ah's from her throat. she's clinging to him and royce is looking at her like he wants to eat her whole and all she can do is stare back, luminous green eyes taking in every inch of him. handsome and horrifying. her macabre prince. she's never needed anybody this badly.
his fingers press just right and her cunt clenches hard around the digits. lashes flutter closed, and her voice is high & breathy, chest heaving as she babbles out: "oh my god, royce, i'm gonna—i'm so close—"
he removes his hand. her orgasm slips away from her for the third time tonight, and her eyes fly open as a frustrated near-sob slips from her lips. percy writhes beneath him without really meaning to, driven by primal need, searching for nonexistent friction to bring her over the edge he left her on. but royce pins her hips to the mattress with the hand he just had inside her, and she has no choice but to still. his fingers smear her own arousal across her skin, and the sensation feels so deliciously filthy that she actually moans.
"oh my god," she repeats, voice wrecked. glassy-eyed, cheeks splotchy pink, she looks feverish and feels feral with need. she reaches down to cover his hand with her own, her fingers twitching. she could finish herself off, is so keyed up that it would hardly take anything at all, but she doesn't want to. she wants to be at his mercy. the seconds pass. the pleasure ebbs slightly. it still won't take much to work her to the edge again, but she's not about to come from a light touch anymore.
"please, i need—how many more times are you going to make me wait?" wanton curiosity colors the words; she wants to know how mean he'll get. she'll gladly take whatever he tells her to.
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neptoons1998 · 2 years
A/N: I know have been neglecting Shuriri for a moment because I focus on writing/finishing Attoye rn. I'm in my AU bag right now because I am too chicken little to write things in canon. But here's something to tie you guys over lol.
Tags: Fluff AU, kidfic/family au
It was a quiet night in the busy city of Boston. Riri lay in bed, she just finished her new skin routine that Sharon said she desperately need since the birth of her daughter. Riri knew she wasn't going to able to keep with the multi-step skincare routine, once she get back to work in the coming months.
That's for future Riri to worry about.
Riri looked at the clock on her phone, Shuri should be done putting down Zariah. Surprisingly Zariah was one of sleep through night kind of babies. The only time the babe would cry during the night was to change her diaper or she wanted a late-night snack.
Curiosity getting the better of the scientist made her way to the nursery. Riri slowly pushed the door, to be greeted by Shuri focused on Zariah, who fell asleep mid-way drinking her milk from her bottle.
"She fell asleep right after eating," Shuri whispered still sitting in the rocking chair; as if the baby would wake instantly with a small number of decibels in the nursery.
"Well, my grandma always said something warm in your stomach will do that to you," Riri joked as she watched her love cradle Zariah. Riri sat herself down on the other rocking chair in Zariah's room. During her pregnancy, the woman couldn't decide which rocking chair she liked the most, to the point she started sobbing openly at the department store. Shuri, being the wonderful wife told her they could buy both of them. Riri gave a huff of amusement, "It's crazy for someone who has no kneecaps she's so cute."
"Of course she cute, she's got it from me, "Shuri quipped back Riri gave a soft smile.
"That's all you?" Riri circled her index finger in pointing at her love.
"Oh most definitely," Shuri huffs up her chest, "She going to have your attitude, so I think that's fair."
Riri rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say dear."
Slinet passed between the two. The pair enjoyed each other's company without words that need to be spoken. Shuri was in her thoughts, she was excitedly anxious and insecure about being a mother. Shuri read every baby book she could get her hands on. Books spewed all over the floor, asking Riri how was feeling billion times a day; making all of Riri's lunches when she went to work. Shuri wanted every independent variable to go right in their favor.
Shuri would be a fool to say the small baby didn't capture her heart as soon as she placed it in her hands that day in the delivery room. The only time she had this feeling was with Riri when the woman agree to be a girlfriend, later on, her wife.
"How are you feeling?" Shuri asked she knew she had said the same question too many times today. Riri knew it was Shuri's way of checking up on her. People tend to focus on the baby and not the mother; the gesture warmed Riri's, cold heart.
"Fine besides these ugly stretch marks," Riri said as she pulled up her shirt a little to see the lines on her stomach.
"Your stretch marks are so beautiful, love," Shuri said
Riri gave yawn tired too over her body, "Are you coming to bed anytime soon, or there's a new lady in your life."
Shuri gave a small chuckle as she placed the Zariah in her bassinet. The pair walked out of the nursery hand and hand, "You mean our lives."
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bowuigifire · 1 year
SUMMARY: Luigi found himself in a strange alien world, alone and terrified. But perhaps this place isn't so bad?
A chill passed through Luigi's body, his blue eyes looking from side to side, searching for something. Someone. He is surrounded by darkness and silence, a bad feeling in his gut. "Mario," he called, "per favore, where are you?" His voice echoed.
He had been walking for what seems hours, still searching for his brother. A strange strong breeze that appeared out of nowhere crashed against his body, making him shudder violently. He doesn't know where he is. Where's Mario? He wants to go home. But where is home?
Trembling, he wrapped his arms around his own body in an attempt to warm himself. "Please, someone, help. Aiuto!" White smoke came from his blue lips, weak, broken. He kept calling, walking aimlessly, but eventually his legs stopped working and he collapsed painfully against the black floor. He's alone, now, as he always feared he would be. Despite that, he called for help one last time with all the strength left in his body.
"Luigi! Greenie, wake up!" A hand was shaking him, big and warm. The plumber opened his eyes with difficulty, relieved at seeing who it was.
"King Bowser..." was whispered weakly, throat aching. A sob escaped from Luigi’s lips, then, and instinctively he took hold of the paw still in his shoulder in search of comfort and safety. Nightmares weren't anything new to Luigi, his brother always there to reassure him. Mario isn't here now.
"Its okay." The large turtle hushed him. "You're okay. You're safe." He kept reassuring the human while gently stroking his back. "That's it, let it all out." After ten minutes or so, Luigi let go of the koopa, ashamed of having lost control in front of the King. Of anyone, if he had to be honest. Bowser moved to sit next to the human, thankful that all the guest's beds were big enough to fit his much larger size.
"You were screaming. Do you want to talk about it?" Bowser spoke in such a soft voice that it took the green plumber some time to understand it came from him. It didn't help that the nightmare kept repeating in his mind in a loop. He shook his head, too afraid to even mention it out loud. "That's okay. We can just stay in silence until you fall asleep again." Luigi shook his head, opening his mouth to say... He didn't know what, but Bowser beat him to it. "What about some music? Are you up to it?"
This time, Luigi tilted his head up, their eyes meeting. There was curiosity, gratitude and confusion shining on the blue ones. Slowly, he nodded.
"It's decided, then." The koopa stoop up and took the plumber gently into his hands, mindful with his claws. Luigi let out a weak scream at being picked up so suddenly but didn't complain. "Oh. And don't mention this to Kamek. I'm not supposed to be here, ya know?" He teased, causing a chuckle to escape from the human, which caused a smile to form on Bowser.
They were in another huge room, up some stairs that led to a large black piano on a floating platform. The King didn't wait a second to go up and sit down, placing Luigi next to him, red eyes looking at the keys in front of him as he mentally selected a song for the human's enjoyment. Although there were many options, in the end he decided on a quiet one, the moonlight illuminating them as inspiration. Claire DeLune.
And so he began with a few notes, slow but savoring each one of them. One after another, the melody started to relax Luigi, who watched fascinated as the great Koopa's fingers moved gracefully across the keys. He must have practiced a lot, the man thought to himself. The sound around them seems to tell a story. A poem, perhaps. A story from long ago. Sad and beautiful. How could something as simple as this convey so much? Delicate yet deep, full of meaning to couldn't quite understand, just feel. Looking at Bowser, the King had his eyes closed, his bushy brows knitted in concentration. Beautiful, indeed, thought the plumber in awe, his mind already forgetting his nightmare.
They stayed like time for some more songs when Luigi fell asleep against the giant koopa's side. Looking down, Bowser peered down at the human's peaceful features, a familiar sensation filling him. It always calmed him to see his children happy and safe, and now this strange human too. His inner dragon purred in contentment.
In a low voice, the King called Kamek. The Magikoopa appeared unsurprised to notice Luigi sleeping lying against the King.
"I need for you to take him back to his room." Kamek nodded silently making Luigi float to his side when he heard his King call him again. "Any news about his brother?"
The older koopa hesitated to answer but eventually did. "I'm afraid so, sire. He was located in the Mushroom Kingdom, as we predicted. However, Mario - that's his name, - and Princess Peach were... training. I believe they are getting ready for a battle, sire."
"We already knew it would happen." Deflected the other. "Make sure our own troops are ready also." Was all the King said, his attention back to the piano. The music started to sound renewed, ignoring Kamek's questioning gaze. The older koopa shook his head, disappearing with Luigi back to the guest room, Peach not mentioned even once.
Alone with his thoughts yet again, Bowser change the current tune back to Claire DeLune picturing images of Peach smiling sweetly, blue eyes twinkling up at him. Soon they changed to Luigi’s face, the shocking image disrupting the piece in the sudden wrong note that sounded loudly around the room, followed by silence.
"I'm in trouble."
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Devil's Food - Chapter 19
MasterList /Ayami’s Profile / Previous
Chapter 19 - Free, at last
Youko went after her friend, while Fusui went to the mansion, almost as if they had agreed. She found the door open and a suitcase on the bed, full of clothes on top. For the first time she saw a mess in Ayami's well-organized room. And hearing sounds coming from the bathroom, she approached.
“Go away!” was her scream “I don't want to hear anything else!”
“Calm down, Aya, I'm not here for this” she tries to sound appealing “I don't know anything about this, but I know you don't…”
“That.. that idiot!” her voice came out choked “when I thought that... when I thought that he…” she sobs “I didn't want to deceive anyone, Youko... I... how stupid of me... to think that I could like him for a minute... that it could work …”
“Calm down Aya, I… okay, he doesn’t deserve you, I know, but we, me and Fusui, believe in you…”
“I… girls, thank you, but…” she sniffles again “I don't want to stay here anymore… I… this was too much, even for me…”
“I, I’ll talk to Hollis” Youko says “you can move to another place... you only have your brother, don't you? Then we can find him…”
“Youko” a voice comes from the door. The assassin looked and there was Hollis “Let me talk to Ayami.”
Fusui was beside him, her eyes watering too. He was holding a long and thin parcel. Youko warns the door “Hey Aya, if you need me, I'll be with Fusui outside, we won't let anything happen to you, okay?”
“O-Okay…” Ayami manages to stammer.
Youko bows slightly to the acting clan leader and leaves the room. Hollis approaches the bathroom door and says, in a good voice, but low just so only she can hear:
“Miss Ayami?”
“Yes…Sir?” she babbles.
“Fusui told what happened. Did he hurt you?”
“N-no… not physically”
“Did he do anything besides that mess in the hall?”
“No sir. But... Please, I don't want to continue with this... I... I don't understand, everything was going so well, I don't know what happened…”
Hollis should have guessed that those footsteps he'd heard the day before were his… but he'd passed right by so he decided to ignore it. He didn't know the idiot would hear the story. Raian could badmouth Karla the hell he wished, but he also had a bad habit of only listening to what he wanted.
“All right, Miss Ayami” he sighs “It was an attempt. Given the circumstances, I understand if you want to back out. You gained the right to.”
“Sir I…” her voice cracks again “I swear I did what I could, please don’t kill my family… my father did it wrong, but…”
“You will still take over the business” he declares, resolute “We fulfilled our agreement, and instead of being executed, he was legally disinherited and his assets frozen, and you being an adult and capable, you can take over. I imagine your brother will be happy to see you again.”
Ayami looks up “Akito? Is he here?”
“No, but you will go back” he sighs “It's not good for you to stay here anymore, there was too much confusion here, and that asshole just demolished everything that we crafted for you to not look like a bad candidate” Hollis grunted by himself, annoyed for his and Reichii’s plans go down the sinkhole “But thank you for the work you did in the office. Your organization system will certainly be adopted by us.”
She managed a smile “I… I'm happy to help… I didn't memorize any numbers or data, I swear.”
“Thank you for that too” he nods “now, if you can leave this bathroom, I have something for you.”
Ayami was still shaking, but the curiosity and trust she had in him made her leave. He was there, a long package in his hands.
“Your father gave me this before we took you. I was going to give it to you later, but I don't think there's any reason to keep it anymore. It’s yours.”
Ayami takes the package and unwraps it. She gasps a little when she sees the Blue and Gold Yamanoito Katana.
“But... but this is the Original Yamanoito Sword, from my family, one of the Firstborn…” she unsheathes a part of the blade, observing the uniquely made metal, with a purplish glow “Did you know that there are only two of these Yamanoito made, and they date from the Edo period?”
“I'm glad you know your story well” he nods “but now, I think it's better that we take your things. Let's get you out of here.”
“So… where are you going to take me?”
“To your original house. It's still a safe place, and your brother will be waiting for you.”
Ayami feels her eyes watering, and then, without thinking twice, she hugs the assassin, sobbing.
“Thank you, sir, thank you…” she cries “I, I promise I won't let you down, I'll teach Akito right, I…”
“All right, ok…” he pushes the girl away gently, clearing his throat “let the girls help you with the cleaning. I'll get the car ready with Reichii. By night, you'll be home.”
She nodded, still smiling, holding the sword close to her chest, bending over, still with tears in her eyes.
Finally that nightmare was coming to an end… It had its fun moments, she didn't have that hard time, but still… she was free, at last.
It's been almost two months since Akito Yamagami couldn't sleep peacefully anymore.
Apparently it was a police subpoena, and his father had been arrested for shady shenanigans in his business of ballistics supplies and bladed weapons. He didn't know very well, but what he did know was that his father had messed with the wrong people and some guys came in with a warrant and took both him and his sister. He was still on his way home from school when it all happened, and he found the house ransacked and his sister's belongings missing.
He went to the police station to visit his father once. He looked too embarrassed to explain anything, Akito was practically too frustrated to question, when one of the guards, a super weird dark sclera man, came to him and explained the situation. At least he knew his sister was alive, but in custody to help with the investigation. His father would spend a lot of time in prison, and with his assets frozen for selling things to bandits… he might even lose everything, the centuries-old company they had, and an entire family tradition, but Akito didn't want to think about that. His father fucked up, so Akito was old enough to know that, being a minor, he had government rights, but still, he knew it was going to be a tough situation.
He only knew that, being a boy still in school, he couldn't do much, despite working part-time to support himself, and having a bank account that his sister had carefully prepared for him, Akito couldn't afford to buy another home and move. Then he would have to make do in that dangerous house anyway.
He just didn't know what else to do, so after at least a week in despair and talking to friends, reassuring himself that he wasn't completely lost, thanks to his sister's intelligence, he calmed down and tried to get on with life, but still, by leaps and bounds.
He drank some soothing tea. Good thing it wasn't an illicit drug, because God knew this boy's nerves were in tatters. Paranoia gnawed at him, and whenever he came home from school or work, he had an eye on his shoulders, and he always carried a Katana with him, one he managed to steal from the family company's stash. He was a Yamagami, so he had a right over it, right?
Right. It hadn't been sold to anyone, it didn't have a serial number on it, it was all right…all free. He was alive, he was free of all that… right?
The door to the house opened, and Akito rose from his chair, Katana in hand, ready to attack.
He knew. He knew they'd come back for him, he knew… he wanted to scream asking who it was, but if they had a key to the house, he sure as hell weren't nice. Dammit, now coming to think of it, he should have changed the lock. At least he knew how to use that weapon, he could defend himself if it was a threat...
“I'm home!” a voice, which he thought he would never hear again, echoed in the hall “Akito? Are you there?”
“Aya” he almost muttered, and then saw his sister's shadow, and then, herself, entering the kitchen, watching the place. She was a little… changed. Her face was a little less cheeky, her posture was certainly better, but it was her. She takes in the scenery, okay, he didn't do the cleaning very well, and a lot of things too, but who could judge him?
“Oh my God…” she mutters. Of course, she would, otherwise she wouldn't be his sister, all straight and ruled and super mature. But she seemed to ignore it, looking for something, then straight looked at him “Akito!” and opening her smile, her eyes shining.
“Aya…” his breath hitched, his hands trembled, holding the sword, still sheathed “Aya…” his eyes watered “is that you?”
“Akito” she smiles more, coming closer and opening her arms.
The boy lets go of the sword, which drops with a metallic noise, and he runs, hugging his sister tightly, ever so tightly, so afraid that if he let go, she would never appear again.
“Ayaaa, ayaaa…” he repeated, babbling and sobbing, sinking his face into her shoulder.
“It's okay, Aki” she hugs him back, stroking his brown hair, almost not holding back tears either “I'm back, I'm home, sweetie.”
“Where have you been? I thought you were taken like daddy… but you… you… you're alive and well… uuuuughhh…” he was shaking a lot, crying.
“Alright, first keep hugging me… I missed you so much too, sweetie…”
A minute passed when the two were there, hugging each other. Aya looked back and nodded. Fusui and Youko entered the house and left her luggage. The first raised her cell phone and made a sign that she would keep in touch, and Ayami responded with a positive sign.
The two bowed, turned and left, closing the door. The two siblings needed that moment. Akito was still crying, but it was as if a lot in his mind had come back into place. She was alive, so he thanked everything sacred.
He thanked the heavens that at least one in his family was okay, and he wasn't alone anymore.
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Next Chapter Here
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shadowwolfmemes · 11 days
you know how your character liana is happy-go-lucky right? Is there anything that hurts her physically or emotionally? or was her life perfect all the time?
That's a good question, Anon. I never thought anyone would ever ask this, though. I'm glad it's you.
⚠Fair warning, there will be a description of self-harm. Be warned.⚠
So you see, Liana appears to be happy and bubbly all the time, but that's only the surface of her life. Her life was never perfect from the very beginning, even after mysteriously turning into a lycanthrope.
During her late teens, Liana had family issues. It mostly revolved around her dad having heated arguments with his mother and sister. Sometimes, it came to the point where it revolved around mild violence.
When Liana turned into a lycanthrope at age 17, she didn't realize how horrible lycans get treated until she willingly got transported to boot camp and got herself a job at the military police force at age 18.
Liana would constantly get dirty looks from strangers every time she walks on the streets, but that wasn't the worst she's experienced. As time passes on, the treatment worsens.
It came to the point where it's harassment. Liana would constantly get death threats or have people come up to her and try to physically hurt her in many ways by humans.
Humans would also say things that aren't entirely true about not only her, but lycanthropes as a whole:
"Lycanthropes are horrible, bloodthirsty beasts that will kill without reason or remorse. They don't have morals like we do."
"Lycans should be locked away in a zoo like the dirty animals they are. They shouldn't roam around in society carefree because they're completely dangerous."
Something like that, but sometimes worse. Whenever Liana vents to a random stranger or tell someone she has gone through these complications, some would simply brush it off like it's nothing serious.
What pisses Liana off the most is when someone puts their life problems above hers like what she's going through isn't as important as theirs. When you say there are bigger problems in the world whenever Liana vents, she'll get pissed off right off the bat and rightfully so.
And what makes it worse is how belittling a few people are.
"You're happy all the time, so there's no way you have problems in life."
"You have people who care about you and you have a perfectly normal life, so how are you depressed?"
Yes, people actually said stuff like that to her. All Liana wanted was to be understood by others and have them sympathize with her when she most definitely needs it. Human or not, she's a sentient being, too.
So you see, Anon, Liana's life isn't all bright and perfect because guess what?
There's no such thing as a perfect life!
The reason why she's so cheerful now is because Liana wants to be one of the positive changes in the world, even if it's just a tiny little speck. That tiny sliver of light in the darkness. It worked for some time, but it can only help her through so much before she reaches her breaking point.
Believe it or not, Liana would have break-downs in the comfort of her own home so that nobody is watching her punch holes in the walls and sob loudly due to the amount of times she's been harassed.
Sometimes, she would harm herself by clawing off only the surface of her skin due to high levels of emotional stress. It happens whenever life is too much for her to handle and Liana feels like nobody is there to tell her that everything will be alright.
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Of course, Liana has her moments in life because she's not perfect like Mary Sue. (Mind you, she hates Mary Sues because there needs to be some flaws to balance the character out and Mary Sue is way too perfect for my liking. It'd be mindful if you don't call her one. Not gonna lie, I highly dislike Mary Sues, so I try my very best to avoid creating one. 😓)
With that being said, I hope this satisfies your curiosity of Liana's somewhat hidden angsty side.
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So, I can't say with 100% certainty that I have OCD since I don't have access to a diagnosis rn, but here's some compelling evidence in the form of intrusive thoughts/obsessions I've had throughout my life.
Trigger warning, obviously.
When I was a kid (IDK how old I was, but definitely in the single digits), I had a dream that I died and everyone knew every bad thing I ever thought/said/did and then I was dragged to Hell. I wasn't raised in a religious household, so I never really understood where that dream came from, but from then on I was convinced I was a Bad Person and I was going to Hell.
I *think* this is when I really started constantly seeking reassurance from my mom. I always thought that was the result of growing up in an emotionally unstable household, but maybe it was both, IDK.
Anytime I tried to call my mom and she didn't answer, my mind would immediately tell me, "she's dead, she got in a car wreck and she's dead." This would lead me to repeatedly calling/texting her at different numbers until she'd pick up. Sometimes I'd even email her. If I couldn't reach her in a certain amount of time I'd end up a sobbing mess. I *still* get this one, but over the decades I've learned how to (mostly) deal with it.
Still get random intrusive thoughts about my mom dying in her sleep, though. Sometimes I can ignore it, but I usually have to get up and check that she's breathing. Sometimes I do this multiple times a night, just depends on how bad the brain worms are.
I used to maybe have the stereotypical "checking" OCD, where I'd have to check that I locked the door multiple times. Sometimes I'd get halfway to my car and have to turn back around and lock the door again. I still kinda have my own version of checking, where once I remove my key, I turn the knob and lean into the door to make sure the deadbolt is secure.
I Google everything. I think it genuinely started as just sating curiosity but then I started obsessively double-checking news sources and things like that and now I get the urge to double-check things in casual conversation to make sure I'm not "spreading misinformation." Because if I spread misinformation, even if unknowingly, I'm a Bad Person. I also have memory issues, so this leads to me second-guessing simple shit that I KNOW I know.
I've had pets my whole life, and I've dealt with pets dying my whole life. Mostly I can deal with the usual pet stuff, and having to make the decision to put a pet down is... Stressful, obviously, but I can deal with it. Well, this past February, I found a kitten. Long story short, I decided to keep her. I started researching kitten care, because she was the first kitten I'd had since I was 15. It became REALLY bad for me, especially because my two senior kitties passed away a few months after I found the kitten. I started getting really bad intrusive thoughts about Celeste (kitten) dying, either through my own negligence, or deliberately by my own hand. Had a really bad scare where she pooped blood and - even though she was being treated for worms at the time and bloody stool is a common symptom of parasites - I spent all night frantically sobbing and Googling and reading Reddit threads, trying to convince myself that it was JUST worms, and not something worse. I took her to the vet the next morning and... Yeah, it was the worms. Vet told me she was perfectly fine otherwise, just stick to the treatment plan.
I still find myself worrying about even minor behavioral changes, wondering if she's getting sick, or depressed due to not having a playmate. I'm probably going to get another young cat to keep her company, but my brain likes to tell me that I'm a horrible person for wanting to get another cat when A) I'm poor and B) I'm actually not even a good pet parent to Celeste, I don't play with her enough, I'm not feeding her the most top-quality food, she probably hates me because I've yelled at her before... Meanwhile I play with her when I can, I feed her *decent* quality wet and dry food, I supplement her diet with the occasional piece of meat, and I only yelled at her because I was stressed out and overwhelmed by a bunch of life changes, and I stopped because I knew it wasn't fair to her.
Social media posts that guilt you into engaging have always stressed me the fuck out and made me feel like a horrible person. You know the ones: "if you don't reblog this you're a terrible person who supports terrible things!" I go through cycles of reposting/reblogging/sharing/etc, all while feeling like shit because my intentions for doing so weren't "pure," and then disengaging from social media entirely to try and reach an emotional/mental equilibrium.
Low-key have an issue with hoarding because, "What if you need that box later? You might need it to send a package, or to store some old things... If you're going to throw it out, at least recycle it! I don't CARE that your state doesn't have easy recycling options, that's just an excuse. You're lazy and you're part of the problem. You're KILLING THE EARTH!!!!" Then I end up with a pile of useless shit and my brain yells at me for being a disgusting slob who can't keep things organized.
Sometimes I'll get a recurring intrusive thought that I don't even think I could tell a therapist, because "it's bad enough you even thought it- if you say it out loud, it'll happen!" So then I repeat some word/phrase/song lyrics/numbers to try and drown out the thought and make it go away. It's not helped by the fact that sometimes those intrusive thoughts have basically been correct guesses about a worst-case scenario. So whenever I get THAT kind of intrusive thought, I panic because it might come true.
I hate looking in mirrors or out windows at night, because I'm afraid I'll see someone/something looking at me. I also hate leaving doors open at night for the same reason, and sometimes I have to leave my light on or I can't fall asleep. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night and panic because I see my curtains cracked juuust a sliver, and I can't move or breathe too deep or whatever is watching me will get me! Don't know if that's OCD-related, or some other flavor of anxiety/paranoia, but yeah.
Anyways, if you somehow made it this far, thanks for reading my ramblings. Hopefully I can show this to a mental health professional at some point in the future and see what they think.
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rodolfoparras · 3 months
Leni is so very precious and ofc there is some angst💔 her bio dad died when she was very very young, bio mom started drinking a bunch to try drowning her sorrows about her husband dying.
Unfortunately she stopped really caring for Leni🙁 eventually the mom dies, Leni at first doesn't understand her mama is gone and she rushes out to find someone to help wake her mama up😭
(sloppy writing for Price and Leni because girl dad Price🙁❤)
Price is down by a small river after a mission, camp is just behind him, he's washing all the dirt and grime off. Suddenly a little fawn girl is standing beside him, holding a bunny plush in her arms, brown eyes staring at him with a mix of fear and curiosity. Fawns typically keep to themselves so Leni has never really seen a human before, it was scary but she found the man interesting
She watches him for a few moments, head tilting to the side, like when a puppy doesn't understand something. Price simply stares back at her with a soft smile, reaching over and ruffling her hair a little, which causes her to pout. "what are you doing out here, kid? Are you on your own?" Price was a little worried about her, she seems so young and he can't see any adults with her.
Leni is in the middle of fixing her hair when Price asks his question, her deer ears twitching a few times before suddenly perking up. "Mama is sick... You can help, yes?" She didn't give him much time to reply, grabbing his wrist and attempting to drag him towards her home. Price follows along, worried about the kid and her mother, he may not be a doctor but he could possibly help.
"Mama been asleep awhile... She won't wake up no matter what. She must be very sick..." Hearing Leni's words made Price momentarily freeze, realizing that her mother was most definitely dead and Leni just didn't understand.
"kid...I don't think I can wake your mama up" he said in a soft tone, kneeling down to her level and gently resting a hand on her little shoulder. Leni stared up at him with tearful eyes, lip quivering slightly as she struggled to speak. "no... Mama has to wake up... I... She..." A part of Leni knew her mother was gone but she really didn't want to accept it.
Price gently pulled the crying girl in his arms, trying to offer what little support he could. Price couldn't find the words to say so he stayed silent. As Leni's sobs died down, he gently pulled back to look at her, his heart aching as he saw her tear soaked face and eyes all puffy and red. "Do you have anyone else you can live with, kid?"
Leni shook her head no as she wiped her runny nose with her dress sleeve. "Papa left awhile too... Don't have anyone but Bun Bun..." She gestured to the plush held tightly in her arms
Price thought things over for a moment, coming to a decision. He couldn't leave her on her own so for now, he'll take her back to base with the taskforce. She'll be safe there until he can figure out a better solution. "alright, you're gonna stay wirh me for a bit, how's that sound kid?"
Leni was hesitant, she really didn't know this man but... She didn't have anyone else either and he was pretty nice. "mm okay... I'm Leni, by the way" she held out her little hand for him to shake. Price smiled, gently taking her small hand in his rough one, shaking it slightly. "I'm John Price"
Idk if it's that good but I haven't like fully written in awhile hhh I mostly do rp 😭
The way this had me tearing up” don’t have anyone else but bun bun” 😭 the way I’d give her the stars and the moon to make her feel less lonely in that moment please 😭 but I absolutely love prices fatherly instincts and how he didn’t hesitate to help a kid in need even though he doesn’t really know what to do in the moment :(
But also price growing more comfortable in his parental role as time passes and being the one who understands leni the most and who knows all her likes and dislikes how to calm her down what to do when she isn’t up for having lunch and so on and so forth 🥹
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azlrse · 2 years
➳ even from afar, i still loved you (mammon x GN!reader oneshot)
summary: even after years has passed since you left the devildom, the avatar of greed's feelings for you still retains
cw: major angst, smol game spoiler, verbal abuse (from the brothers), replaced!mc and student council president!mc au
a/n: the fic was almost self-indulgent so the plot kinda sucked here. also, i'm fuckin' sad so imma post sum angst to ease the pain :DD
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"I would like to thank everyone for coming for this short meeting regarding to the decision making of the exchange program." You sternly spoke, taking a seat at the comfortable rotating chair that overlooks all of your student council members. "I humbly apologize if the call was too all of the sudden and I know that all of you have after school clubs to attend to."
"It's okay, pres." Your secretary smiled "We understand your call, knowing on how serious this manner was. After all, the decision of the said student rely on us if they can join that so-called exchange." Most of the student body noticed on how you gave the folder on the table a sharp glare as if they were real. Maria, your right hand man, placed a hand on your shoulder to ease you up a bit. "I know how hard it is for you to remember all those horrible things those demons did to you. We can make this decision together. I promise to you, my friend." She smiled and you couldn't get luckier to have a friend like her.
She's one of the students who welcomed you back after you just arrived back at the human world and enrolled back at St. Cecilia's Academy. Maria also listened to your rants and vents through your tear while you sobbed and cried from the events that left you traumatized and paranoid. "Thanks Maria. That's highly appreciated." She only nodded in response.
You stood up from your seat and began pacing back and forth, now continuing the meeting. "Now, has everyone here knew the school I've attended when I participated the exchange years ago?" Most of them shook their heads (except for Maria), indicating that they don't know which school you've attended from all those years ago. The school which you thought became your happy place but became a breeding ground for the bullies themselves, especially when the group was led by none other than that pesky human whom the brothers call their new friend.
You remember how many times you told the brothers about them and how the bullying got even worse and what did they do? They just shrugged it off as they listened to the other human's words through their crocodile tears. How they smirked when the brothers thought that you tried to pin point the fault towards them because they thought you are insecure about yourself but in reality, you just want someone to at least listen to your words and even taking a look at your point of view.
"It's called the Royal Academy of Diavolo, also simply known as RAD to the citizens of the Devildom. That's where our student will go if we approve this form." You said, pointing towards the folder that was sitting on the top of the table since the meeting had started. The present students nodded their heads out of curiosity to this strange school their president had attended and many questions are asked here and there; what's the curriculum look like? The uniforms? The safety measures? Do the students there tend to eat the human exchange humans?
And you answered those questions in all honesty, wether it was bad or good. You saw the expressions of the student body morphed from disturbed to being upset on how you are treated there. "So, in my personal opinion," You finally made up your mind for the decision of this exchange program. "I won't allow any of our students to be in the program. Not only I don't want them to feel what I feel, even experiencing the horrors in the Devildom but also for their own safety."
The whole room became silent after you finished talking and soon after, many of them gave out their own opinions. To your satisfaction, many of the students also declined the program. "I agree with the president, everyone. " Your business manager spoke while giving the folder back to you. "We must ensure that our students safety is our number 1 priority and we couldn't risk it, let alone on what happened to our own president."
"Then it is decided." Maria took the paper on your hands and stamped it with the "DECLINE" stamp over your signature. All of you declined the program and now, you must break the news to them, both to the brothers and to the demon prince himself.
. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
It's been a few years since Mammon last saw you during your time as an exchange student in RAD. From what you thought that the House of Lamentation was your second home, it turned into a nightmare real quick. All because of that human who joined the program, a curriculum the crowned prince has established. A few months of abuse, neglect and sadness is all you felt until you felt like you didn't have place here anymore, not just in the house itself but also in the entire Devildom.
You loved Mammon since the beginning; a greedy and selfish demon whose mind was consumed with gold and trinkets of fortune. His brothers also deemed him as a scummy bastard who goes through several punishments due to his misdemeanor and financial abuse. He was your first man and thought that he could have the potential for him to be your first serious relationship. Before the ordeal happened that temporarily left you shattered, you and the prince of greed used to be the closest of friends. Him protecting you from lowly demons and buying you the things that reminds you of him. He does spoil you to bits and behind that greedy mask he always had, that particular mask always falls apart when you're with him, revealing a man whose heart was the definition of heart of gold.
The more you hang around him, the more you see yourself falling for him. How come a human like yourself fell in love for the second-born himself? You have no idea but all you felt for the demon was this warm feeling of adoration and love for him.
But it didn't last long as soon as the wretched human of a student joined the program.
And as soon as Mammon knew that this new human was rich, he didn't waste his time to hang around them and you tried your best to be around him often. You wanted to invite him to this new cafe that was recently opened? He has plans with them. Hanging around his room to talk to him? He was on his way to their room to talk about money and some other bullshit. At first, you started to give him some space. Thinking that he just needs some more time hanging out with the new student but it didn't last long as a few months passed by and his brothers followed pursuit. He didn't spoke a word towards you nor inviting you to activities he normally does with you.
And it felt like you are alone for a long time.
You tried reconnecting with him (and to his brothers) but all he always let out a small grunt of annoyance whenever you 'mess' with him, telling you to just go away and leave him alone for once. At first, you just shrug it off, thinking to yourself that your presence becomes too much for him to the point that you became an annoyance towards him but no, Mammon does think that you just became an nuisance and an annoyance, not just towards him but also to his brothers.
They favored the new student than you, a human that they once befriended and loved who fixed their family and heal their inner trauma through your words of reassurance and kindness.
The loneliness became suffocating and the weight on your shoulders felt like it's the same weight that made you fell deeper into the depths of the deep ocean full of agony and anger. If you're honest with yourself, you loved Mammon with all your heart and your once soft and warm heart shattered when he finally snapped as soon as you pester him on inviting him to join his casino shenanigans.
"I already told you, I already have plans with (s/n)! Why can't you just leave me alone and just mind your own damn business!? Sheesh your such an annoyance.."
"But Mammoney, it's been 4 months since we've last hang out... All I ask of you is a bit of your time and–"
"And then what?! Pester me with your lil' talk and then scold me whenever I did something that could annoy you? And, can you please stop calling me by that name? It's REALLY annoying to call me by that stupid name..."
And those 5 words made you quickly shut your mouth. You stopped yourself from crying on the spot as you stare the demon stomping his way to (s/n)'s room to vent (again) about you. Those words cut through you like knives. You couldn't believe it. The demon whom you loved so much, the one who protected you since the start of your life as an exchange student and the first demon whom you lend a hand, just told you to shut your mouth and to leave him alone.
As soon as his figure leaves the hallway, you quickly ran towards your room, locked the door and muffled your cries and sobs by your pillow. The once soft and comfortable pillow was now covered with snot, saliva and tears as you continuously cried and cried from the pain and anguish you felt for months. You felt lonely, and there's no one in the HoL would even check on your well-being, to see if you're okay and to have a shoulder to lean on whenever you're down and sad.
Without hesitation, you quickly formulated a plan for you to go home to the human world. The Devildom nor the House of Lamentation isn't your home anymore, it's now the place that haunted and accumulated your inner trauma of abandonment and loneliness. It also breaks your heart that HE didn't even bothered to say good bye to you as the new exchange student smirked in victory.
Mammon on the other hand, stared back at you with an emotionless expression as you make your way to the entrance hall. His lack of words and his expression formulated a new kind of anger that was kept within your head; anger and wrath. Your once pathetic expression turned hard and ominous, staring back towards the demon, which in fact, sends shivers down his spine.
Now, years after you're elected as the new head of the student council, you felt nothing but power and ambition in your current position. After years of pain and anguish towards that horrible place, those feelings (especially your anger towards Mammon) has transformed into the emotions that brought you into power. As the current student council president of St. Cecilia's Academy, you are presented with the power wether you allow 2 of your students to partake the program or not.
For the first time, the brothers saw you in a really unique uniform that speaks out your current position and to top it all off, you sent a glare towards the 7 brothers, remembering all the pain and trauma they gave you since the last 5 years. The memories that haunted you as an exchange student came back like a video tape was playing on your head. You feared that if you sent 2 of your students to the Devildom, they would go the same fate as you or worse, being killed by the 7th born demon.
You declined their proposal, causing an uproar but quickly transitioned into pleas for forgiveness for what they've done.
"If it's because of me, I'm sorry! I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you! Don't place the blame on my brothers, you can take it all towards me! Hit me, slap me, hurt me! Do whatever it takes for me to feel the same pain we gave to you." Mammon said, his hands making its way to your waist. You turn to your side and quickly wiped off the test that was threatening to come out from your eye. Your hand quickly released his gripped but he didn't budge, not even one bit.
"A person can forgive someone but they couldn't forget the things that they went through in order to survive." You turn to face the 7 brothers who were once your family, but your ties towards them was cut off as soon as you left the devildom. "I'm sorry, I don't want my students to go through the same path I experienced 5 years ago. And with that, I don't think there's a chance for me to forgive all of you, especially you Mammon." He only stared at you in disbelief, tears beginning to appear on his face. You pushed his arms away from you, causing him to tumble down as Levi and Satan helped him to get back on his feet.
You dusted off the wrinkled parts of your uniform, standing up proudly and internally smirking as the faces of these powerless demons became a new core memory for you. "Now will you excuse me, I still have some important matters to attend to. You may leave my office if you don't have any clarifications."
One by one, the brothers apologized as they make their way out. You can see their tear streaking face as they muttered apologies under their breathe. All six of the brothers are outside except for one; the avatar of greed himself. He stopped dead on his tracks and his hands are holding your cold dead hands. You can see on how upset and guilty he was from his expression alone. "Can't you reconsider? You don't have to accept my apology, sweetheart. I promise you I'll treat you even better when I-"
You raised a hand in front of his face, causing him to shut up. "I can't and I won't change my mind, avatar of greed. And It's president (m/c) for you, not by that stupid nickname." He winced from your words, the same words that he's spoken to you. He didn't mean it! He was just angry and was just in a bad mood due to the unfortunate events happened to him. He didn't mean to speak those words towards you. If he has the ability to turn back time, he could have accepted your invitations instead of ignoring you.
He walked away in defeat, his head laying low as he continuously stare into the cold tile of your office.
Many months passed by and he still didn't forget about you. Everyday, he would pester his older brother or the Devildom prince for him to visit you in the human world. He just wants to see you if you're doing okay and doesn't miss a day as small gifts and flowers are slowly piling up by your office. From what you've heard from your student body, some of those gifts came from your admire while the others are from the children that attended the school. 'That's really sweet' you thought, recieving another box of chocolates for the day and unbeknownst to you, the avatar of greed is watching you as a sad smile was plastered on his face.
How he wished that smile was given to him and not towards that kid who admired you (platonically). You didn't know that the box of chocolates didn't actually came from the young student but from him. He's glad that you didn't reject the gifts you recieved but was very upset when you threw away the bouquet of flowers that has his name on it.
Mammon has his little ways when it comes to protecting you. It's either him or his crow familiars watching over you and celebrating every achievements you recieved from both your academics and in your extracurricular activities, no matter how big or small it was.
You may hated him with all your heart but the love and guilt the prince of greed says other wise. Yes, he feels very guilty and was angry to himself and to his brothers that they're the cause of your downfall, only for you to get back by your feet. He wants the old you back; the once kind, gentle, goofy and forever loving (m/c) who filled in the missing gap of his heart, only for the hole to grew even wider the more he thinks about you.
He will wait for the day that you'll return to his arms.
He will wait patiently for you and learns how to save his grim instead of spending it.
He will wait, even if it takes an eternity for you to forgive him and his brothers.
Even if you forget about him, his brothers and the entire Devildom, the prince of greed will always have you within his heart, now awaits for your safe return in his arms.
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orbitvenus · 3 years
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just an angst drabble <\3
pairings. any character x f!reader
genre. angst, drabble, a little social media
notes. grammar error and trash writing, imagine whoever fits the best
warning and tags. cheating, insecurities, and betrayal. implied relationship. heartbreak. hurt/no comfort. SKIP THIS IF U DON'T WANT TO READ!!!
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stories and laughter fills the room while the movie on the television went unnoticed. its been a while since you got to spend time with your best friend. responsibilities and your current relationship taking a lot of space in your life at the moment.
you jumped right in when an opportunity to bond with your dearest friend showed up. your lover was completely laid-back with the entire thing and allowed you. hence here you are, in the living room with your best friend. the whole entire time gave space for you two to get caught up on each other's lives, your jobs, hobbies, families, gossip, and of course relationships.
you were deeply curious if she had ever gotten a significant other. you always noted that she deserves the best for being a great friend to you, adding the fact she's beautiful enough for heads to turn when she passes by. others have wondered of you ever got envious of your best friend but your reply was always a 'no'.
'why would I be?' you can't deny that most people would be clouded with insecurity next to someone who is much better than them but not you. or so that's what you thought...
the doorbell rang halting your conversation. "I'll go check who's outside, I'll be quick." you nodded with a smile before sinking back on the couch. you went to check on your phone for any notifications when her phone made a loud ping.
the screen revealed the message. you feel your heart starting to beat faster when you saw the name of your lover. you didn't mean to pry her privacy but your body moved according on its own to satiate your growing fear and curiosity.
you slide your fingers across the device and to you surprise its void of any password. you tapped the open notification and revealed the conversation between your best friend and hopefully not your boyfriend.
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your heart immediately dropped and your breathing starts to become shallow as you scroll up further to see if there is more to it. tears slowly formed within your eyes the more you realize their betrayal to you. they took turns flirting with each other while completely forgetting about you. you never thought she would be the one to put a rift in your relationships but she proved you wrong. the two greatest people you have cherished turns out to be stabbing you behind your back.
you surpressed the sob before it comes out and worsen your vulnerability. a tear slid down your eye and you wiped it away the moment you heard the patters of her feet. you desperately want to confront her and ask the reason how could she betray you like this. but you couldn't, you feel weak and pathetic the best you could do right now is to flee and avoid them.
"I'm sorry but I have to go there's something bad that happened we'll continue this next time."
the words stumbled out of your mouth while you grabbed your things before she could say a word you were already past the door.
once the house was clear out of sight you let your tears flow down. searching for an answer in your brain and memories. the red flags slowly showed and you feel like dying much faster. you turned your head towards the incoming car behind you. the door opens and reveals none other than the person you call your lover.
his arrival could only confirm the betrayal. you witness him jog towards her house while you hide with your agony. he told you he was going out with his friends.
you tried your best to be supportive of your own friend despite being overshadowed, she had it all but does she even have to steal what was yours? can you even call him 'yours'? your heart never felt so lost, no matter how much you care about them, all they ever think about was theirselves all along.
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content by @planetkenma do not repost or plagiarize I will bite<3
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Fiancée Secert - part 3
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Part 1
Part 2
@deepprincesstraveler requested series. Y/n finally spills the beans to Klaus. Freya reveals the gender of their child.
"Stop lieing Y/n. I can hear a second heartbeat inside you!"
Time seems to stand still feeling his eyes burning into mine. Pressing my hands against the door I mumble out. "Nik..." He growls out jaw clutching. "Why'd you hide it from me!" Closing my eyes pressing them to his chest I blast him backwards so he can't trap me again. He vamps forward grabbing my wrists a little tighter than normal. "Answer me. Why hide the baby!" Ripping a hand from his grasp I slap him across the face flashing my golden eyes sobbing out. "Because I was horrified this would happen. That you were in love with Hayley and not me. That you'd get all mad and say I'd have to raise it on my own. Finally realizing that you just - that I was a fling meaning nothing!"
"So you just assumed I'd treat it horrible. That I'm a monster!" He throws his hands up still enraged. "I never said that. I've never considered you a monster. Nik I'm sorry - sorry that I thought this was the right choice. My heart belonged to you. I couldn't be sure it would belong to this baby - our baby!" My hands drop to rest on my stomach. Tears slipping from my eyes uncontrollably but I feel him wiping them away after holding my face in his hands.
He shows me a loving smile rubbing his thumbs over my cheeks. "My heart and soul belongs to you. You're my heart, Y/n. Our child will be loved...I promise you." My hands grip his jacket smiling before I pull his lips down to mine. He instantly kisses back his hands going to grip my waist. My arms go to his hair combing my fingers through his dirty blonde locks earning a moan from him. We break apart after a few more heated moments.
"I love you, Niklaus Mikaelson." I vow grinning up at him. He rests his forehead to mine, pulling me closer to his chest. "I love you too, Y/n L/n." He pulls away pulling out the ring getting on one knee again. "Now will you become my wife...will you marry me?" Nodding my head excitedly I squeal letting him slip it on my finger. "Yes, yes. Always Nik." He rises planting a kiss to my forehead. "Y/n Mikaelson. Is the sweetest sound I've ever heard."
Months have passed meaning my belly has been growing bigger. Klaus lays beside me on the couch with everyone huddled around Freya who sits with their mothers grimoire in front of her. Chanting a spell I don't recognize one that will allow her to see the baby's gender. I'm only 3 months pregnant so it's early too tell - unless you have a witch sister-in-law.
"I've got it. I know the gender." Freya finally stopped chanting. Everyone else rises in their seats in anticipation. "So what is it?" I trailed off in curiosity. "It's a girl!" Freya grins ear to ear seeing tears falling from my face. Nik's arms hug me gently breathing in my hair. My arms wrapped around his neck giggling happily. Freya comes to hug me. "Congratulations."
Elijah pat's his brother on the back with Rebekah squealing about it being a girl. "Oh my gosh. Y/n you and I have to go shopping for the little princess!" I hug the blonde woman before me overwhelmed with emotions. "It's a date, Becca." Elijah sends everyone out so we can be alone together. "Alright. Let's leave them be for a little while." The girls follow him out the room. "I'll teach her some baseball tricks." Kol spoke playfully swinging around his baseball bat exiting the room.
"How are you feeling, love?" Nik's concerned voice warms my heart, his left hand softly playing with loose strands of my hair. "Scared, excited, tired, all of the above I guess. How about you, Nik?" My right hand runs over his stubbly chin. He stares lovingly into my eyes no longer messing with my locks. "Same as you, honey...but I'm making you a promise. One I intend to never break, always and forever."
He pulls my lips to his slowly drawing in for a kiss. I kissed him gently resting my left hand to his cheek until we break apart. "I love you, Y/n my wife and I'll love this child beyond any doubt." Smiling I intertwine my left hand with his looking to our matching wedding rings. "And I shall love you, always and forever. Klaus Mikaelson, my hybrid husband." He wraps his arms around my belly feeling me snuggle in for some cuddle time.
Comment and reblog 😊
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dead-boys-club · 2 years
10 + koko 💕
a/n: oh boy did i trauma dump here. funny.. i trauma dump with koko a lot as an inupi kin.
warning: nothing, just a sobbing koko.
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You'd been taught at a young age that staring was bad and to never make a habit of it; that had never been a problem for you, for a good amount of years, at least. That all went down the drain the day you met the other members of Bonten, not all of them, no, but one in particular. He was.. pretty, if you had to use a word and put on the fakest cocky attitude you'd ever been faced with, it piqued you'd curiosity.
From the first day, you found yourself watching him and trying to breakdown that outer shell of his. He wasn't hard to get along with by any means but first impressions weren't good, seeming like the money hungry, business-only oriented prick he tried so hard to be. It took longer than you wanted but it finally cracked and reality bled through but you didn't let him know you saw that, not too early on.
Even so, you were never fully able to drop the way your attention automatically went to him when he entered a room or the way your eyes followed as he passed your office door. He was, for lack of better terms, addicting. You weren't watching him with a lovestruck gaze or anything like that, nothing out of the movies - you watched him with a look of pity and sadness for whatever he'd gone through to make him who he was. You assumed you'd never know.
Days went on and you did your work, going out on occasional missions and meetings, growing used to the routine with ease like everyone else. You knew it couldn't stay that easy, however. Upon sliding into the back of the car for a sudden mission, you were met with a black gaze that had you pausing. There was no mention of someone else tagging along, not that you minded, but you liked to be in the loop about those things. 'Are you supposed to be coming with me, Hajime?'
He shook his head slightly as the car began to move and you raised an eyebrow. 'I'm the one who arranged this.. so we could have a little talk,' he answered, crossing one leg over the other and tilting his head, 'I didn't feel like doing this where anyone else could hear.'
Something about him needing to speak to you so privately made your skin crawl. 'Is there a problem? Have I done something wrong?' Now, among the rules, killing each other was off the table, so you had high hopes you hadn't done anything to piss him off that much.
'I don't know.' He pursed his lips in thought, looking over you in the dimly lit space; he wasn't sure how to bring up something that seemed so inappropriate. Personal lives weren't a normal subject and he wasn't trying to change that. 'I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice,' he began, switching his legs around and leaning forward, 'Why? Why do you look at me that way?'
'I don't know what you mean.'
His eyes rolled. 'Don't play dumb with me. We're alone and I know the rules better than anyone, so just be honest. Why do you look at me that way?'
You couldn't tell if he was getting irritated or simply upset but you decided to prod a little. 'What way?' You weren't necessarily trying to play dumb but you needed to see what he meant before you went running your mouth.
'Like I can't stand on my own two feet,' he answered honestly. 'You look at me like you see someone completely different from everyone else.. like you've seen my life pass through your eyes. You look at me the same way someone else used to.'
Hajime frowned at his last comment, looking away. You knew better than to question his words, to ask and find out just who he was talking about.
'I look at you... and, I see someone who needs help. Who has no one to lean on and has been struggling for a long time. I see someone who hates so much about himself but can't change at this point.' Sighing, you moved from your spot to settle beside him, silently praying no bumps were hit that sent you to the ground. 'Hajime, I see someone that doesn't have anyone left and is grasping at threads to keep up.'
Too prideful to cry in front of anyone, the white haired male kept his head turned and his gaze away from you, jaw clenching tight enough to ache. 'I don't know what you're talking about,' he finally muttered, 'I'm the same person I've always been.'
'Then you've been hiding for far too long.' The words came out quiet, a whisper like anything louder would scare him off. 'You put on a mask and never took it off.. and now, that's all you're willing to give the world.'
Hajime chuckled weakly. 'No one was willing to see anything else. Haven't you noticed? Everyone only wants one thing from me.'
With a deep frown, you reached out to carefully take one of his hands, lacing your fingers together and brushing your thumb over the expanse. 'Not everyone,' you reassured, 'I can promise you I'll never see you the way they do.'
When you left your room only so little ago, you hadn't expected to have anyone crying on your shoulder and holding onto you like everything was going to slip away. You never expected to be hearing Hajime cry and if you were honest, you never wanted to hear it again. The car had stopped at some point and you hadn't a clue where you were but you didn't bother him, letting him get out years of pent up emotions. You thought back to his words, wondering if that person was still out there, thinking of him as well. It wasn't your business to pry into, however.
It was a question for another day.
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