softskiesahead · 4 months
someone should come cuddle with me under the stars I think
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softskiesahead · 3 months
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THIS CARD IS SOOO SWEETIE LOOK AT HIM. literally softest boy ever what do u mean he’s a secret agent
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softskiesahead · 23 days
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cinderella au <3 <3
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softskiesahead · 6 months
favorite luke pearce outfits ?
….yes… a few….<3
it’s so 50/50 though hoyo did him kind of dirty fashion-wise. so,, I either really love it or I dislike it a lot ^^;
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he looks so nice in darker colors especially green I think!!! I love the pattern and texture on the first one….he looks so cozy….
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au outfits….i wasn’t around for the second one’s event but glasses luke is so precious!! I think even out of an au he would have an appreciation for that kind of look :) he likes to stay comfy and simple but there’s something so appealing to him about “looking” like a detective. the first one….im really weak over the jacket. would 100% steal it looks comfy.
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this outfit is my ultimate fav but I can’t have it because it was an exclusive from before I started playing …sob. but look it’s so cute!!! the green and the gold details !! he looks so so soft and warm. 12/10 best luke outfit, look he’s so so sweetieful
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softskiesahead · 4 months
how does luke take care of sick yaya. now.
luke aka the worrier. helicoptering around her making sure she has everything she needs :(((
he’d cancel things just to stay home and try to make soup for her and bring her blankets and such :((( he remembers when she would get very sick as a kid and have to go to the hospital and he’s always afraid it will happen again
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softskiesahead · 3 months
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softskiesahead · 8 months
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ok to rb
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softskiesahead · 8 months
14 days of lukeyaya 11/14!!!! whoaaaa almost there!!!
luke has spent so much of his life dreaming about being with yaya. i mean, hes loved her since childhood. hes always wanted to be around her, even before he understood the line between platonic and romantic. but for so long, it felt like some silly pipe dream. something unattainable, something he of all people could never have.
it was even worse after he moved away. he thought hed never see her again. and, when he did come back, he thought she would have been dating someone by now, someone who could be there for her and make her feel seen and loved. he never would have thought shed have been just as hung up on him as he was on her.
so now hes determined not to mess it up. somehow, some way, things fell into place and allowed him a shot at this life... at this relationship with her. he wanted to do everything perfect - do everything he could to make sure he wasn't wasting her time, her love. but sometimes, that same childishness he once had springs back out again.
the early half of february is always rife with couples showing off more than usual. annoying boyfriends who monopolize the flower shops and try to buy out all the flowers. rich know it alls who reserve dinners months and months in advance in those high-rise restaurants. hes comfortable in what he has planned, and he knows the two of them will have the best time together, but he cant help the feeling that presses on the inside of his throat. despite standing in the grocery store with yaya, he cant help the competitiveness that draws him to stand a little closer to her, gain a little more of her attention. make sure she isnt thinking about what some other guy could offer her in a relationship.
hes being silly, and he knows it. and yaya does too. she calls him out on it a little, but not unkindly, and not without pressing a little kiss to the corner of his mouth as she does. he smiles sheepishly, ducking his head a little, though that doesnt stop him from still tossing his jacket over her shoulders while they shop.
we’re so close….valentines week is upon us :O
this one….dreaming ??? about yaya???? hhhh these two being in love for SO long before they even understand it….
luke isn’t really that competitive but you’re right I could see him getting a little insecure and trying so hard….its very obvious and yaya remedies it with kisses and lots of reassurance. there’s no one else. there has never been another option because no love has ever felt so right to her. so she holds his hand tighter and with a streak of uncharacteristic boldness, kisses him in the street on the way home. arms around his neck, wanting to be even closer. to show him he’s everything to her.
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softskiesahead · 5 months
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yayas view before luke left canon
then she’s sad for the rest of high school :(( and uni :((( as her friends go off to pursue their incredible careers and yaya gets left behind :(((
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softskiesahead · 4 months
lukeyaya event shift together shenanigans. GO!
yaya doodling little things on napkins and sliding them over to him. they goof around and experiment with new drinks and treats….they make games out of the cleaning and play eye spy on their breaks :o
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softskiesahead · 5 months
lukeyaya friday!
give us the lukeyaya hs lunch scenario. what did each of them bring for lunch / get from the school lunches? where did they sit? did they always sit together? how does it mirror when they eat lunch tgt as adults?
this is not a thing lukeyaya friday is NOT real its not
but ily so u can know ^^;;
- I have this vision that rosa always has a million things to take care of during lunch - she enjoys it, of course (miss incredible overachiever rosa ily) but she tries to join them when she can!
- but yaya is a creature of habit and feels lost when she can’t sit with people she is comfortable with…which means she will cling to luke . she doesn’t really need to though…they’ve sat together since elementary school and never grown out of it.
- in the warm seasons, lukeyaya always sits in a corner of the courtyard where a couple of blossoming trees reside. sometimes yaya will put her head down on the lunch table and sleep in the sunlight during lunchtime.
- in the cold months they take refuge in the art classroom (yaya has an in with the teacher ^^) sometimes when they’re done with any food they’ll go to the library as well :)
- yaya notoriously HATES eating at school, even she doesn’t know why. so its up to luke and rosa to convince her to at least have a snack and maybe some sort of drink.
- she LOVES the strawberry milk or the canned coffee from the school vending machine so sometimes luke will get it for her (lowkey as a way to make her have something…because he got it for her 🥺 she has to have it, right? he’s using his puppy powers)
- unfortunately as adults with different jobs, eating together is more of a rarity. but…luke is known to randomly show up with food to share with yaya, in which case they sit much the same way they used to, giggling over their shared lunch <3
- when luke has long days yaya also likes to pack him cute little lunches (like heart shaped sandwiches….little paper flags…the whole thing). luke has definitely attempted it too. and honestly? his clumsy attempts are the most beautiful thing to yaya and in her words “make everything taste better”
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softskiesahead · 5 months
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who want one
what . there’s no audience for this o.O
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softskiesahead · 4 months
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aya ships as dolls
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softskiesahead · 4 months
lukeyaya grad hcs?!
lukeyaya grad hcs :<
luke can’t be there for yaya’s high school graduation and the absence is felt by the both of them </3 by the time they reunite yaya has gotten her undergrad but she goes back for grad school so he gets another chance!!! he’d clumsily make a cute little lei and she’d run up to hug him so quickly !!!
I think lukeyaya also recreates some of their missed high school memories and while that doesn’t include an actual ceremony - it can involve fireworks and fairgrounds and kisses shared at dusk
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softskiesahead · 8 months
f/o wedding headcanons:
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chiaya is not into the idea of a big traditional wedding. they’re highschool sweethearts. eachother’s rocks. constants in the storm that seems to be their life. marriage isn’t any more security than they already have. plus - they’re not ones for attention. so, they’ll do it themselves. sign the paperwork together all dressed up and throw their own little celebration in their apartment with only their closest friends and family.
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haruka holds their ceremony and reception in a library. they can handle a slightly bigger more elaborate wedding - it pleases their many friends and their families too. it took a while to get there - moving around for both of their degrees and solidifying their careers - staying strong though it all to finally end up glowing at the altar and giggling through their first kiss as wives.
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lukeyaya has a simple wedding - traditional but very intimate. with luke’s line of work and so many of their friends in equally sensitive areas of work it is wise to keep it very private. but this works perfectly for the both of them - letting them create a sweet blend of their tastes that represents the softness and strength of their relationship together <3 it would likely be held in a cafe or a private area of some sort of club (turns out having connections to the von hagens is very helpful during wedding planning) and the night is warm and romantic.
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ayaheart, however, brings a new definition to a private wedding. perhaps they would have some sort of celebration with friends or a kind of official ceremony related to selunite tradition - but this means little to them compared to the night they promised themselves to eachother in a flower meadow near their new home. the home they built from nothing, out of love and pain, surrounded by flowers and animals just like they dreamed about. with the full moon as a witness, they whispered their vows with the soft nighttime winds. and that was enough.
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softskiesahead · 3 months
3 years lukeyaya
the way it hasn’t even been a year ;_; it’s ok luke we’ll get there
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