#it was a miracle I was never told off or punished for yelling at a teacher over a grade and it never came up again.
byakuyasdarling · 1 year
Just read through the weirdest comics (I found the link to the re-uploads through Pinterest) about mental health and it used the characters from the musical, B//MC. They deleted their tumblr but I saw they’re on Insta and now and now they draw Dan//ganronpa art… I am not remotely surprised.
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rainbowxocs · 3 months
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The Trolley Problem by Angel.
TWs: Descriptions of Child Abuse, Specifically Emotional and Physical, and also Torture/Scientific Experiments.
Chapter 1
Memories before the war.
Hmm… I guess there’s no where to start but the beginning.
I actually remember being born, funnily enough. It was a horrible experience, If I could do it over I would never do that again. But hindsight is 20/20. My mom, Maria, really wanted a daughter. I remember she use to tell me how much of a disappointment I was, she was expecting so much more out of me.
I don’t blame her for hating me. I was a mistake, I didn’t give her what she wanted. I was a gross fleshy blob, and at the time I didn’t know how to make my momma happy. Actually, I wasn’t really useful to anyone really. Yknow when you walk into a room and you have this aching in your chest that everyone there is annoyed by you?
Most of my family looked at me like that, with complete apathy. I don’t blame them, I would hate me too. I tried really hard as a kid to impress my family but none of them really cared much. The closest I got to care was from Stellan, our A.I maid, but even then he stayed away from me for the most part.
For most of my childhood I was locked up in my room, with nothing to do really. I didn’t have any furniture or toys or windows to look out of, I don’t think there was even a lightbulb in the ceiling. So, to pass the time I would imagine. I would write stories in my head of fantastical worlds and happy endings.
This was both a good and a bad thing. Mom got really mad when I accidentally ignored her in favor of slaying a dragon. I remember she always had the most creative punishments for me when I misbehaved. Though getting things cut off like your hair or fingers hurt like no other.
At least both grow back though. So I wasn’t too worried about it. Mom hated that, she always used to yell at me for being so nonchalant about everything. I don’t know why I was, I guess when things would happen I would just retreat into my mind.
I think about her a lot. It’s hard not to. Me and her share a face, my Grandpa always joked that my mom was like a printer as she made an exact copy of herself. Which I always found funny because of how different me and momma are.
Grandpa was always weird like that though. He was the only person who would talk to me when I was a child. He use to teach me things about old currency, like how we use to have paper money and coins, he actually showed me his huge coin collection and it was very cool. He always told me that I was a miracle.
My dad hated that his dad would give me so much attention. My dad hated me in general, he always said I was “Maria’s problem.” And not his. But I still always tried to impress him. He was home a lot more often than Mom was. She had to work late hours passing laws and doing speeches. So when dad would get home it would often just be me, him, and Stellan.
Honestly, I kinda preferred my dad sometimes. He still hated me, but he was quiet and predictable unlike my mom. Mom could find anything about me to be mad at, but Dad only got mad if I did something wrong, like talk to him. His punishments were less severe as well, getting hit is a lot less painful than getting stabbed or something like that.
Even though my family was in the public eye, nobody in the outside world knew about me. My grandpa said I was one of the best kept secrets in New America, which I thought was funny. Honestly I’m glad nobody knew about me, Mom and Dad use to get hounded by people wherever they went, even Stellan sometimes got stalked.
The bad thing about not being known though was that I wasn’t allowed outside of our apartment. Which was okay, but a little cramped. I remember when Mom wasn’t home I was allowed to go outside of my room, and sometimes I would peek out the windows and just watch the city dwellers on the streets before us. I remember thinking they looked like Ants.
That was my life, I had a very specific routine and I followed it to the letter. Until one day when I was ten years old. A year ago, the incident had happened, and I knew Mom had been stressed out since then, I didn’t know much about the war, only that it seemed to get worse every day, and Mom wasn’t coping well.
Our entire society relied on technology, and that technology had completely rebelled against us in the worst way possible. Most people on the news believed the war would only last a few months at most, maybe causing a few supply chain issues. But the A.I were brutal.
I didn’t know this at the time but Mom had been funding experiments throughout the past year in order to find a way to stop the A.I, however none of it had been working. Until one day, Mom picked me up and took me on a trip to West Virginia. This was super exciting for me as I had never been outside the apartment let alone outside of the state.
I didn’t understand what Mom was doing at the time. But we eventually drove up to a large building in the middle of nowhere, and some scientists took me out of the car and dragged me into the facility, I kicked and screamed for my mom but she ended up driving away.
I remember being so scared as the scientists put me into my new room, it was large with tall concrete walls and floor, and the only light source came from the observation deck above me where the scientists looked down. There were no doors, no known way to escape.
I remember the first day they didn’t bother me. Probably letting me acclimate to my new surroundings, I sobbed the entire day and didn’t get much sleep. I was use to being in an empty room but not one so cold and uncomfortable.
I’m going to save you from most of the details of my stay at Salendine, I was there for four years and to be honest, every day was the same. They would experiment on me somehow, usually with some method of torture like electrocution or starvation, and after the torture they would give me a task.
They essentially were trying to train me into being an obedient computer. They wanted me to obey their every command by frying my brain. I never was able to please them though. I was still a human, after all. No matter how obedient I was, I would never be a robot. But they believed if they just tortured me enough that I would eventually become the perfect weapon for them.
Unfortunately for them, I am not so easily broken.
☂️. Next Page:
Chapter 2.
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thy-lover · 3 years
Sub!Draco Malfoy x Dom!M!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Gay sex, Degrading kink, Daddy Kink, Hand job, rim job, ANGST with happy ending fluff.
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You had built yourself somewhat of the reputation of the student who just didn't give a fuck. Sure you went to probably the most prestigious wizarding school but you never showed an interest in the classes, sure the woman followed you around like a hound dog but you never showed interest. Even being a pure blood and your parents being famous wizards and witches your parents never understood you. But all that seemed to change when you met a certain someone.
Draco Malfoy the bully, one day draco picked a fight with the wrong person. You were sitting minding your own business when draco and his band of brainless followers approached you, he tried to make fun of you tell you anything to make you feel bad but instead of cowering you just rolled your eyes and got off the quidditch bleachers.
But draco said something about your parents and how they must be ashamed of breeding a stupid pure blood. That was how it started you grabbed draco's collar and turned to the two boys Vincent and gregory. "Follow and I'll hex you!" You threatened. You took draco back to your slytherin room, bent him over the table spanked him, surprisingly making him beg for more then pounded into him. After you were done you picked him up bridal style and took him to his chambers and walked back to your own. After this incident draco thought the two of you were atleast friends or could call eachother acquaintances but no. You woke up the next day and ignored him like you ignored everyone. Occasionally he would find you staring.
It had him thinking after everything he just showed to you, you were just going to forget him like all the other people you had sex with, all the other men and women you punded down into your cock.
Sadly this behavior went on, draco would insult you then you would take him to your room and punish him making him moan.
But today was different he was going to swallow his nerves and ask you to be his boyfriend.
You watched as the brown haired boy and his two friends struggled to help him out of a funny spell where his loafers were stuck to the floor. You smirked and walked up to the boy, his friends immediately looked at you trying to block harrys strange position.
"Need any help there miracle boy?" You said rolling your tongue, harry shyly looked up, blushing.
"c-could you? My f-friend preformed a spell and it didn't go so well." Harry glanced at Ron.
"Harry I told you I got this!" Hermione said stubbornly.
You rolled your eyes "When I count to three and when I say the spell Jump towards me okay?" Harry nodded.
"Vellum Callavon!" You shouted preforming a counter spell.
Harry jumped towards you effectively getting his feet out of the green slime but the slime still tried to reach for him. Then it disappeared. When he jumped on you, you caught him bridal style.
"I said jump towards me not on me." You told him looking down at his panic disheveled face. You pushed air off his forehead.
"oh my I'm so-" Harry tried to apologize when they were interupted with a gasp.
"just- just when I thought someone could, whatever!" They snapped their heads up and saw draco walking away with his fist clenched.
You gently let harry down before running after draco.
"Malfoy wait!" You ran after him, you passed through the halls waited till the stairs to the slytherin common room connected and ran to draco's room.
You knocked eagerly on draco's door "draco! Draco I know your in their open the door!"
"Go away!" You heard his broken voice yell out. You clenched your fist at his pained voice, you pulled out your wand.
"Alohomora!" The door unlocked and creaked open, and their you saw draco in a fetal position faced towards the open window.
"draco-" you whispered.
"didn't I tell you to leave!" He shouted.
You sat at the edge of his bed not facing towards him, you fiddled with the edge of his cotton blanket.
"Draco, it's not what you think-" you frowned.
"heh is that all you have to say!? After using me for your own sexual pleasure, that's all you say!? Fucking me, leading me on playing with my emotions! Your so selfi-" His words made you get up in anger, you grabbed his foot and yanked him to the edge of his bed where you crawled into of him, his legs opened to welcome your waist out of instinct and you put your hands on with side of his head.
"used you! For my own sexual pleasure!? As far as im concerned the sexual pleasure I created was all given to you boy! All the times I fucked your hole who was getting the pleasure? Hm? You were, all the times I tasted your beautiful hole who was getting the pleasure?" You brought your hands to his waist and pulled him down grinding your hips together, draco moaned while you gritted your teeth.
"who is feeling the pleasure? Hm boy! Who is fucking who here?" You asked.
"you daddy." Draco said his tears drying as they speak.
"Say It again you entitled brat!"
"you daddy!" Draco yelled out, you flipped him over and grabbed his hips once again, draco planted his face in the bed with his ass in the air.
You took off his shirt and he was shocked then ripped down his pants and underwear throwing them into the dark corners of the room.
"see this brat, who is faced down with their ass in the air, who's dick is hard as a fuckin rock, whos daddy takes cares of their cum slut as much as I do!?" You grabbed his silver hair and pulled his head back. "You better watch your mouth when you call me selfish brat." You whispered, you went back to his tight hole and ran your finger along it. You ran your tongue along his hole then slipped a finger in, he moaned out. But you stopped it by flipping him over "how can I be selfish when your the one cumming over and over?" Draco bit his lips, his milky white skin turned red from the blush.
Draco looked deep into your eyes and saw pain, what he said, did it hurt you that much? Did what he say hurt you as much as him seeing harry in you arms hurt him? Your eyes softened at draco, before hardening again.
You grabbed Dracos chin roughly your hand slowly traveling down to his throat "hm, boy if I wanted you to be my fuck toy, my cock sleeve, do you really think I would be coming back to you every night?" Now draco really thought of it, he remembered you always being there for him when he needed you, you were always there never judging him, never hurting him, in class you would always give him gentle pats of encouragement even of Snape told you to keep your hands to yourself in his class.
"but know that you called me selfish, how about I show you how selfish I can be hm?" Draco groaned as your hand clutched his throat, you spread his legs open, looking down at him like he was your prize.
You unzipped you fly and pulled out your hard member. Your dick prodded at his clenching hole. "Is my cock what you want boy!?" He groaned nodding fast.
You pushed your cock into his hole, his hole was already stretched due to their fuckin a between you two, but you made sure to apply lube and finger him a bit, you spread him like a bitch, one hand on his throat the other on his hard dick, draco almost screamed at your size.
Roughly you jammed your hips into his asshole. You took one hand off his throat and ran it threw his hair suddenly slowing down when you saw him starting to cry, immediately the red you saw withered away, you let go of his dick, and put one hand through his hair massaging his scalp, and the your other hand rubbed his pelvis in gentle circles, you had stopped completely, and gently he his face, draco was important to you, and no matter what you would never bring yourself to harm him, you just couldn't, because hurting him physically or emotionally would hurt you.
"Draco.....I'll stop, i- I'm sorry...I should've asked before, fuck, draco, is it too much? Shit!.... I shouldn't have done this...I'm so fucking sorr-" draco grabbed your chin and made you look him in his watery eyes
'im sorry baby, did I hurt you?" Draco shook his head.
Gently he spoke "y/n I need this, I need you, it just it felt so good, I couldn't control my emotions, just please I want this probabaly more than you do. You nodded when he peck your lips you stilled in him until he nodded.
You took that as your cue to slow your pace but make sure when you thrust back in you thrust in hard. Your hand grabbed Draco's cock and you quickly went down to his ear. "Draco, mh, I-im not a good influ-ah-influence on you darling, but just know- fuck! Just know baby, I fuckin love you. Just stay with me please." You pulled away from his ears an looked him in the eyes one of them was closed due to the fact he was feeling pure ecstasy, the other was open and staring at you with such love you found it unbearable.
",I want you to cum baby, I want this cock to cum all over your own fucking stomach." Your thrusting was slow and steady.
Soon you both came and you cleaned up draco even making him come again with your mouth.
"I'm sorry if I made you feel bad about yourself little dove." Draco looked down at you massaging his chest "I just sometimes I dont understand how to perceive emotions, so...you could say I mix up love and lust, and i have trouble identifying the difference...i...but when I saw you walk away from me I couldn't help but feel...utterly vulnerable, it was then when I realized I loved you...when i realized that i wouldn't be able to live with yo-" draco cut you off by roughly grabbing your face and kiss you.
Before you knew it, it was you on your back with draco on top, you smiled and rubbed circles in his hip "I love you too, y/n, and I realize how selfish it was of me to get angry, I'm sorry I said all those things earlier....let me-" you watched his him take a gulp of air "let me take care of you...like you take care of me."
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
You’re Important to Me part 4
Part 1 | part 2| part 3
Genre: angst/comfort
Chat: Troublemaker (affectionate)
Lucifer: Come home immediately. We need to talk.
Mammon: bout what? If its one of your shitty punishments. Think I’ll pass.
Lucifer rested his head on his desk letting out a groan. The second-born was frustrating him to no end. However, the first-born supposes he’s made him this way from everything he’s put him through. Picking up the pill bottle, he rolled it in his hand and watched as the contents slid from one side to the other. He placed them in a locked door in his desk as he thought about how they had been this close to losing yet another sibling.
A soft rapping on the office door pulled his attention back to the present.
“Enter,” he sat up straight as the guest joined him. It was Levi.
“Do you think Mammon still loves us. I-I’ve really been thinking about what’s been going on….. about our family. What if he leaves us? We lost Lilith. I-I don’t want to lose him too…” The Avatar of Envy’s voice quaked. Back when they were angels they were once close- almost even closer than the twins.
“I’m sure he does, Levi.” His response was hollow words. If Lucifer was being honest, he didn’t really know how Mammon felt about them currently. If he were the one in Mammon’s shoes, he would absolutely despise his brothers.“He’s currently refusing to come home, however. It’s likely that he knows what went on today and that’s why he broke up with the human we all know he cherishes so deeply. He didn’t want us to know.”
“I knew it! He hates us and never wants to see our faces again.”
“Leviathan, I never said that.” Lucifer’s voice was stern. “Please calm down before you throw yourself into a panic attack. He has to come home eventually, and we’ll all talk then- if not tonight then definitely tomorrow morning. For now, maybe you should go play one of your games. If you’d like I could join you to help take your mind off this whole debacle.”
Levi nodded his head slowly. “ I would appreciate that….. Actually, I had made this rpg specifically to play-test with Mammon but if you wanted to….we could play it together.”
“That’s a wonderful idea, Levi.”
Finally deciding to make his way home, Mammon pushed open the heavy doors to the house. The last thing he wanted to do was face his brothers right now. He already anticipated their reactions. The teasing and mocking that would be thrown his way- there wasn’t any escape for him now, was there? At least no one was here at the moment- that much he could be greatful for.
As he made his way up to his room, the demon made sure to avoid the places he knew his brothers would frequent at this time of night. Once there, he slipped inside and tossed the bag of clothes he had modeled in today from the top of of the stairs into the walk in closet with practiced precision. When he turned his head, he saw her small, blurry form just lying there on the couch.
“Why’re you in here? Ya got a room if your own dontcha?”
“I just….. sorry. I pushed too hard, didn’t I?” Arella’s voice sounded hurt. “It was just that I thought this might be the only place I could go and you’re brothers wouldn’t come looking for me. I’m still really angry with them. Not that they would anyway, not with how I screamed and yelled at them earlier...”
“And Lucifer didn’t kill ya on the spot? Its a miracle you’re alive after that.” He let out a chuckle. “I can’t tell if you’re incredibly brave or just plain dumb.”
“Maybe both…..” Arella sighed, “I… um… I’ll go back to my room now.” As she stood and made her up the staircase, he could feel the sadness radiating off of their pact mark.
“‘Rella, wait.” He grabbed her by the arm. “Don’t go. I don’t mind if ya stay…. We should talk about earlier, okay?”
He watched as she nodded a small frown on her face. Now that he could see her more clearly, he noticed the puffy eyes and tear tacks streaked down her cheeks. Now he just felt worse.
“I was thinkin’ real hard about this morning and I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” He started, “I don’t… I don’t really think we should break up…. I know you were just trying to help. That you were worried and scared for me.”
“I was…. Can I tell you something?“ she asks as he nods. “Seven years ago, I lost my little brother and then six months later my mother to suicide. One to cyber bullying, the other because she was so consumed with grief from the loss of a child that she saw no way to go on…. Do you know what was like….. to find their bodies? To realize you could have helped them if you had just paid attention and seen the warning signs? It still affects me to this day….They were the only blood related family I had left until I had found a new family here in the Devildom with you and your brothers. A-and then when you were saying all those things last night, I- I flashed back to the night I had found my brother but instead of him it was you and I-I-”
Mammon pulled the human tight against his chest in what could have been a bone crushing hug if he wasn’t careful and she buried her face in his chest. Her body shook with with muffled sobs.
“I’m sorry. I was running my mouth without thinking ‘bout what that might do to everyone- worst of all you….” He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I wont say things like that ever again. No matter how I’m feelin’.
He walked her back towards the bed, letting her get in as he went to go change into some more comfortable clothes for sleeping. He joined her in bed shortly after, pulling her close as he wiped the stray tears from his cheeks. Arella moved closer so she could lay her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, her crying reduce to quiet sniffles and hiccups by this point.
“Ya know, I think you just wasted your breath when you were yellin’ at my brothers earlier…. I think to them, I’ll just always be the family screw up. I’m already dreading the teasing I’ll get tomorrow at breakfast….”
“It had to be done, though. I think I managed to set them all straight….If you could have seen the look on their faces when I lost control of my temper and fried all the electronics in the common room or when I commanded Asmo to sit so hard he crashed face first into the floor….”
“Wait…you did what?” He quirked an eyebrow as he stared down at her before breaking into a soft laugh, “Ya really are something else, Hon, ya know that? I’ve never met someone who would fight for me like this before- who would call my brothers out on their bullshit.”
“Only because I know you don’t deserve to be treated this way…. You… you deserve good things and to be treated well by the people who you love most.” She yawned as she stretched out a little more in his embrace. “And because I love you and I would be lost if anything were to happen to you.” Her eyes were starting to slip closed.
“I love you too, babe.” The demon hummed as he started to card his fingers through her hair. As soon as he was sure she was out like a light he pressed his lips to the crown of her heard once more.
“Thank you for being here on my worst days, for being my little ray of sunshine down here in the dark.”
Once the morning came around, most of Mammon’s brothers gathered in the common room. They were awaiting the entrance of the Avatar of Greed as it was nearly breakfast time.
Lucifer had figured Mammon would be avoiding them as if they had the plague, so he instructed Beel to drag him in here by any means necessary. They all knew he was successful when they heard Mammon let out a surprised yelp and the clattering of a bowl against the floor.
“C’mon, Beel, Let me go!”
“Not until we all talk.”
“Talk? What’s there to talk about? I didn’t do nothin’ so let me go!’
Both demons soon entered the dining room as the sixth-born sat his older on the couch facing all of them, holding him down by his shoulders so Mammon couldn’t escape despite how he squirmed and tried to wiggle his way out of Beel’s grasp.
“Mammon, stop struggling.” It was a request from eldest, a chance to cooperate. “We all have some words we’d like to say to you.”
Mammon froze at that statement. Here it came: all the ridicule and teasing. He wanted to run. He was the second strongest of them, maybe if he tried hard enough, he could shake his little brother off and get away. What good would that do him though? His brothers would just corner him later anyway so maybe it was just best to get it over with now.
He looked towards his brothers’ blurry figures, a million different thoughts rushing his head. He couldn’t tell their expressions from this distance but they had to be smiling, right- ready to laugh at him any minute now. His body tensed as he braced himself for the harsh sting of their words.
“Mammon, we’re sorry,” Asmo was the first to speak up after a short moment of silence, “We love you so much even though we suck at showing it.”
“You did so much for us after we fell,- you still do a lot for us even now,” the seventh-born picked his head up from the table,“And I don’t think we ever told you how much we all appreciate it…. If it weren’t for you, I don’t even think we would still be a family… don’t forget, you’re the one who kept us all in line when Lucifer would lock himself away in his office back then.”
“I know we act like you’re just a burden to us,” Satan started, “but I think all of us would agree that life would be so boring without you here.”
“Yeah, I-I mean who else would take the time to play games with me when I’m down in the dumps?” Levi asked.
“Or risk getting strung up from the chandelier to get me the food that I want from the human world?” Beel cut in.
“Or compliment me on my outfit or hair no matter what form I choose to take for the day. Or is always there to hype me up when I’m having a bad day? Hell, you even gave up the position of DevilStyle’s cover model just for me! Honestly I think you might be the best big brother out there.”
“We know about all the things you’ve done in secret for us- the things you don’t take credit for,” Lucifer smiled softly, “I’m proud to call you my brother for that. We love you and while you may make some poor life choices from time to time, our lives just wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Mammon looks at them in a daze. Was this really happening? His brothers were…. Apologizing? To him of all people? This had to be a dream. There was no reality in which his brothers really cared about him. The second-born pinched the skin on his arm. That’s what you did to check if you were dreaming, right?
Harder, harder he pinched until the spot was sure to bruise. It wasn’t until Beelzebub placed his hand over his that Mammon realized he wasn’t dreaming. This was reality.
Tears welled in his eyes as he processed the words he just heard. One tear fell down his cheek soon followed by another then another until eventually the demon let out a sob.
“Th-This ain’t real! It ain’t!” The second-born yelled, his body shaking as he sobbed harder. “I’m still dreamin’. I-I gotta be! None of this is real…”
His brothers moved to embrace him- first the sixth-born, then the eldest and then the youngest. One by one, the rest of their brothers followed suit until the seven of them all somehow managed to end up on the floor in one giant cuddle pile, his face pressed into Lucifers as they allowed their brother to cry out all the tears he’d been bottling up for all these centuries.
It seemed they were going to be there a while- Good thing Lucifer had called Diavolo to tell him they wouldn’t be attending RAD today. That this was a more important matter to attend to.
“This stops today, Lucifer announced to his siblings once Mammon had stopped crying. “From today on, the six of us will make a conscious effort to change the ways we’ve talk to and treated you.”
“And if we get too out of hand, feel free to put us in our place,” Belphegor chuckled. “We can be blockheads from time to time.”
“The point is,” Asmodeus sighed as he hugged his brother a little tighter, “We all messed up big time. We just want to make you feel loved and appreciated again- like you’re an important part of this family.”
“We lost Lilith.” It was Beel’s turn to speak. “We’re not losing you too.”
Mammon smiled at his brothers’ words. Finally, he had thought, finally they were showing their true feelings to him after all these centuries.
“Thanks guys…..” the demon’s voice sounded cracked and strained from all the crying he had done earlier. “Even after everything that’s happened I wouldn’t trade y’all for the world. I love you guys.”
A chorus of ‘I love you too’s sounded from the group of demons as another family hug commenced. Eventually, as hours passed, one by one, they had all fallen asleep, each with a smile on their face and still huddled together.
Arella eventually found them in that state. With a soft smile she grabbed the blanket they often used for movie night and draped it over them heading back to her room so she wouldn’t disturb them.
Taglist: @gallantys
Masterlist 2
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 26: Illusions (Dance)
Marinette quickly decides she hates the punishment. The grounding. It sucks not being allowed to go on patrol with her family. Luckily, Adrien came back to Paris the day after she was grounded, so she didn’t have to take any of her family to Paris. Which she was thankful for, because as much as she loved them, she also doubted they’d be able to control their emotions long enough. 
“Hey kiddo, we’re about to head out to patrol. Do you need anything?” Dick asks, sticking his head into her room. He’d been extremely nice since she got benched, not that he was ever anything but nice. But he’d also been acting like another dad, checking in on her, making dad jokes, the works. It helped since her own dad was currently still mad at her for blocking him from Paris. 
“To patrol with you guys.” She says with a hopeful smile. Dick sighs, shaking his head. 
“You know I can’t do that Mari. B’s the one who has to say you’re allowed back. I’m sorry kid.” Dick says. Marinette frowns. 
“It’s fine. I’ll just stay here and draw or something.” She says, flopping back down on her bed. She can tell Dick hesitates, as if he wants to say something else, but then he’s gone. And she’s alone. Again. 
“Marinette, are you okay?” Tikki asks, flying over and landing next to her head. 
“It’s been four days, Tikki. Four days. How much longer is he gonna have me benched? If the akuma was bad, I would’ve brought in Kagami or Luka.” She rambles, covering her face with her hands. She was restless, which was making her anxious. She wanted to do something. She didn’t want to be stuck at home. And sure, she could train in the gym here, but her mind wouldn’t be in it. She’d be worried about her family the whole time. 
“Well...maybe it’s time for you to be ungrounded.” Tikki says slowly. Marinette pulls her hands from her face and blinks at her friend. 
“Are you...are you ungrounding me?” She asks. Because yes, her dad had grounded her. But Tikki had agreed with the punishment. And while sneaking around the world’s greatest detective would be hard, she was willing to do it. Going against the goddess of creation? Not so much. 
“If you bring Trixx, you’ll be able to be invisible when you’re around your family.” Tikki suggests and Marinette grins. 
“Plagg’s rubbing off on you, isn’t he?” She teases. Tikki huffs. 
“Not at all. I just don’t like seeing you upset, Marinette.” She says and Marinette smiles. 
“Thank you, Tikki.” She says, going over to the Miracle Box and pulling out Trixx’ necklace. She puts it on and grins at the small fox. 
“Hiya Guardian! What’s goin’ on?” Trixx asks with a wide smile. 
“Tikki suggested I bring you on patrol so I can be invisible. Whaddya say Trixx, ready to cause some mischief?” Marinette asks. Trixx smirks. 
“Obviously!” He cheers. Marinette grins. Let the fun begin.
Marinette sticks close to her family, using Mirage to make herself invisible. It was weird, following her family and not being able to hear them (she hadn’t wanted to take a comm in case she messed up and talked, she’d be in real trouble then). But it was also funny, watching her dad tense if she got too close. He could definitely tell that something funny was going on, but she was determined to not let him figure her out. The beeping from Trixx’ necklace makes her huff. She’d have to go hide and recharge, but it was fine. Trixx had already told her that he was having fun messing with her family, so she knew he’d be willing to keep going for a little while longer. Dashing behind one of the air conditioning units on the roof, she lets Trixx’ Mirage drop, passing him a handful of berries. 
“Take your time Trixx, they won’t get far.” Marinette reassures him, smiling at him as he grabs the berries from her. She leans up against the unit, taking a minute to just relax. 
“Well, well, well. Looks like the little bug strayed from her birds.” A familiar voice drawls out. Marinette stiffens, not turning. 
“Trixx, go. Find the others.” She commands, ripping the necklace off and passing it to Trixx. He immediately zips away and she whirls around, just in time to jump back and avoid the sword coming at her. 
“You have more than one Miraculous? How interesting. You know, Damian stopped us from talking last time. I’d love to...chat.” Slade says, pulling his sword back. She can’t see his face, but she can hear the smirk in his voice. Marinette grits her teeth, remembering the last time she’d seen the man. The scar she had on her shoulder. 
“I’d rather not. No offense, but you don’t seem like a great conversationalist.” She snarks, her entire body tense as she stays poised to fight. She glances around, trying to find an escape route that would get her as far away from him as possible. And quick.
“You’re not actually thinking of running, are you? You have no backup. I’ve been watching the Bats tonight. No one knows you’re even here.” He says, stepping closer so that he’s almost blocked her in. She feels her breathing quicken as she starts to panic slightly. She’d only escaped last time because of her family. They’d fought him off after he got ahold of her. He’s far stronger than her, she has to stay out of his reach. She takes a deep breath, staring the man down and schooling her features into a neutral mask. She refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her distressed. 
“I never run from a fight.” She lies, throwing her yoyo out to wrap around the handle of the man’s sword, tugging as she throws her weight to his left. The clanking of the sword as it bounces off the roof makes her grin, and she quickly tugs the yoyo, grabbing the sword by its handle and twirling it around slightly, planting her feet in her new position. She’d managed to move so that she was no longer blocked between Slade and the air conditioning unit. 
“Oh sweetheart, you can’t possibly beat me.” He says, shaking his head as he walks towards her, pulling his second sword off his back. 
“Don’t underestimate me.” She snaps, holding up the sword and preparing herself to fight back. He sighs, as if he’s disappointed in her, before lunging forward, bringing his sword up for an attack. She holds up her own sword, blocking his strike. It was much different than the fencing foil she’d used a few times back in Paris, much heavier. She grits her teeth as he pushes down with the sword, obviously trying to overpower her. She holds for another moment before jumping back, jerking her sword away. The sudden change in force makes him stumble forwards and let out a growl. He continues to lunge towards her as she dances back and forth, trying to avoid fighting him too much. He’d definitely overpower her if she let him get too close. 
“I’d rather do this the easy way, darling, but if you’re really going to make me do this the hard way we can.” He threatens, twirling the sword around before charging her again. She let out a gasp, jumping back again, her foot slipping as she was much closer to the edge of the roof than she expected. She falls, managing to grab the roof with her open hand, the sword now dangling at her side. She had two options. She could let go of the sword and use her yoyo to swing away, or she could try and let go of the roof and shoot out her yoyo quick enough to avoid splatting on the ground. She quickly makes her decision, dropping the sword into the dumpster below her and yanking out her yoyo to attempt to swing away. 
“No!” She yells, as Slade grabs her hand from the roof, tugging her towards him before she can swing away. She struggles against him, kicking at him, throwing her elbows around wildly. She had to get out of his hold. 
“Did you really think that would work?” He asks, as he pins her to chest. She continues struggling in his grasp, not willing to give up yet.
“Thought I’d try it.” She huffs. 
“Sure you did sweetheart. Now, I’ll be taking these.” Slade says, reaching for her earrings. He touches them and hisses in pain, Marinette also hissing in shock. They’d heated up when he grabbed them, almost like they were trying to burn him. Unfortunately for Marinette, they were still on her ears. Which meant she also got burned. 
“What the hell was that?” He hisses, whirling her around to face her, continuing to hold her arms down. She continues to struggle while glaring at the man. 
“Apparently the earrings don’t want you either.” She snaps. 
“Guess I’ll just have to take you with me.” He says and her eyes widen in panic. No. Nope. Not a secondary location, she’d watched enough true crime shows and listened to Tim rant about cold cases enough to know what a secondary location meant. It meant death. And she was not about to die again, especially not somewhere she couldn’t use the Cure. A hard blow to the back of her head makes her vision go black as she quickly slips into unconsciousness. 
Dick Grayson was not expecting to see a tiny floating fox on patrol. He was definitely not expecting said tiny fox to be carrying a necklace and rambling worriedly.
“Whoa, whoa, calm down buddy. What’s wrong?” Dick asks, smiling at them. They were similar to Plagg, the tiny floating black cat that had hung around the day Marinette was a toddler. 
“It’s the Guardian! She needs help. A man with a mask and swords found her and she doesn’t have any backup.” They ramble, a terrified look on their face. Dick frowns. 
“Who?” He asks, not quite sure why the fox has chosen him. 
“Marinette!” They cry, and Dick freezes. “Tikki told her she could be ungrounded and so we were following you guys, but then she had to stop and the man found her. Please, help her!” 
“Lead the way.” He says, whirling on his heel and following the little creature as it zips through the city. He follows them all the way to a roof, frowning when the fox pauses and looks around, clear panic on their face. 
“They were here. She was here.” They mumble, twisting in circles and looking around. They start zipping forward again, and Dick has to rush to follow. Hopefully they’d spotted Marinette. And whoever the guy was. As he follows the fox, he frowns when he spots a figure carrying something over their shoulder. Something limp- He pushes forward, going faster than the fox as he attempts to catch up. The second the figure lands on a roof, he whips out his escrima sticks, whacking the man across the back of his legs. The man stumbles, spinning around and glaring at Dick. 
“Nightwing, wasn’t expecting to see you.” Slade growls. Dick narrows his eyes. 
“Drop the girl, Slade.” He demands. Slade lets out a humorless laugh. 
“I’ve been trying to get to her for weeks, do you really think I’m going to let go of her that easily?” He asks. 
“I think if you know what’s good for you, you’ll set her down and get the hell out of Gotham.” Dick says. 
“Nightwing, who is it?” Damian’s voice rings through the comm. Dick’s relieved that he was on the duo’s channel rather than the group channel. If he could get Marinette home before B noticed, maybe his baby sister wouldn’t get in more trouble. 
“I don’t think you understand the importance of her earrings.” Slade counters, obviously preparing to fight his way out. 
“I don’t care how important you think they are, Slade. Put her down and get out of the city.” He says, watching the older man’s body language to try and anticipate the attack. He hears Damian curse in his ear, and he resists the urge to reprimand him. 
“How about no.” Slade quips, tossing Marinette to the side of the roof and charging at him in one fluid motion. Dick sees red as he watches Marinette get tossed aside so carelessly, her head bouncing off the roof. He uses one of his escrima sticks to counter the blows from the other man’s sword, using his other to whack the man’s shoulder. The two circle each other, each taking turns to start the attack. Slade may be motivated by his want for the earrings, but Dick was fighting for his sister. Losing wasn’t an option for Dick, not when one of his siblings was in danger. 
“I believe Nightwing told you to leave.” Damian calls, bursting into the fight. Slade turns back towards Marinette, and just as Dick’s about to lunge for him- she disappears. Completely. Gone from sight. He begins to panic slightly. Where did she go? What happened to her? The cry from Slade breaks his concentration from where his sister just disappeared into thin air. He glances back at the man, unsurprised to see Damian’s sword through the older man’s side. As much as he wants to see Slade suffer, he knows Damian would be in trouble later if he actually killed the older man. “Robin.” Dick calls, hoping to ground his little brother before he did something he would regret. Damian scowls, stepping away from Slade. Dick turns his attention to the man, who was now disarmed and bleeding profusely. Not much of a threat. “Get the hell out of this city. Don’t let us see you here again Slade.” He snaps, unsurprised as the man turns and rushes away. The man was a coward. His biggest enemy was a twelve year old boy who had done nothing but be born. Gritting his teeth, Dick takes a deep breath. No need to let his anger get the best of him. He immediately starts to panic when he remembers Marinette disappearing. Just as he’s about to call it in, her limp form shimmers back into view. He rushes over to her, glancing momentarily at the floating fox next to her. 
“I can do mirages. Hopefully I controlled it enough not to make chaos anywhere, but-” They stop, glancing at Marinette. “But I had to do something.”
“Thank you.” Dick says softly, picking up Marinette and holding her close to his chest. 
“Should I alert Father?” Damian asks. Dick turns to look at him, noticing how tense the younger boy looks. He weighs his options. He could take her back to the manor and let her get into even more trouble with Bruce. Or, he could take her to his apartment and try to convince Bruce that she’d been there all night. 
“Let’s not. She’ll just be benched for even longer, and obviously trying to keep her from patrols isn’t going to end well for us.” Dick says, frowning at her limp form. Damian tenses, but nods. “I will continue patrol while you take her to a safe location. I expect an update once she is awake. You should stay with her, Slade has obviously become obsessed with her.” Damian says, and Dick nods.
“Thank you, Robin. I know you don’t like going against him, but…..” Dick trails off, looking at Marinette and how tiny she looked right now. Damian nods. 
“She’s family as well. I did not agree with her punishment, I will not aid in it being lengthened.” He says before swinging away. Dick just smiles softly, shaking his head at his youngest brother. That was probably as close as he’d get to admitting he loved Marinette. But it was clear, in his actions, that he did care about her. Just as he cared about their other brothers, no matter how much he denied it. Sighing, Dick adjusts Marinette in his arms before grappling towards his apartment. This was going to be a long night. 
Marinette wakes up and immediately groans at the light in the room. Almost immediately, the light disappears, as if someone flipped a switch. 
“Hey kiddo.” A soft voice says. She sits up and winces, holding a hand against her head. She blinks, her eyes adjusting as she glances around the unfamiliar space. 
“Dick?” She says, confused. Where were they? What happened?
“You’re okay kid, we’re at my apartment. It’s where I live when Kori and Mari are in town. Slade got you, almost got away with you too. But your little fox friend found me and I was able to get there in time. Try and drink a little water, I need to call Damian and let him know you’re awake.” He says and she starts to panic. Did their dad also know? Was she in more trouble? Was- “Marinette, you gotta breathe. Damian and I are the only ones who know you snuck out. Neither of us wanna tell B, cause then you’d just be sneaking on patrol even longer and that’s dangerous. But I’m not gonna lecture you right now. So just take a breath. That’s it kid, you’re okay.” He soothes, breathing with her for several counts. She nods once she’s calmed down, and he grins at her before walking away to make the call. She picks up the water, sipping on it and trying to ignore the pounding in her head. Instead, she glances around the apartment, smiling softly at the pictures. She’d found out about her sister in law and niece not that long ago. They were apparently off planet right now, but she had hope that they would be back before the summer was over so she could meet them. A sudden wave of nausea hits her and she groans, laying back against the couch. She huffs in frustration when she realizes she likely has a concussion.
“When I said you were ungrounded, I didn’t mean for you to fight the man that stabbed you on your first trip to Gotham.” Tikki complains, flying up and staring straight into her eyes. Marinette groans, squeezing her eyes shut and pouting. 
“I didn’t mean to.” She reminds the Kwami, opening an eye to peek at her. 
“Didn’t mean to.” She mumbles before letting out an uncharacteristic huff. “Next time tell one of your brothers, please Marinette. Even if you’re sneaking out. I’m sure they could figure out a way to be in communication with you without letting your dad know. It would make me feel better knowing that you have backup from the start.” Tikki says, her worry clear on her small face. 
“I will, don’t worry Tikki.” Marinette says with a sigh. She could hold her own against a normal criminal, or an akumatized villain. But it wasn’t easy fighting against a man more than twice her size who was obviously highly trained. 
“B thinks you came over here before patrol, so your cover is safe.” Dick says, walking back into the living room. Marinette smiles weakly at him, fully expecting a lecture now that he’s off the phone. Dick sits on the arm of the chair next to the couch, looking at her worriedly. “Think you have a concussion?” He asks. She blinks, but nods slowly. He walks away and comes back a moment later with some painkillers, passing them to her. She takes them, hoping that they’ll start working sooner than later as the dull pounding in her head has escalated since waking up. 
“Are you gonna yell at me?” She asks quietly, not looking at him. 
“No, Marinette, I’m not gonna yell at you.” He says, and she looks at him, frowning. 
“Why? I knew I was benched. And I still went out, and I didn’t tell anyone.” She says, confused as to why he wasn’t yelling. Her dad hadn’t yelled at her after she got stabbed, just flat out refused to let her patrol. But he’d yelled at her after the Watchtower thing. And the stealing the Batmobile thing. And the whole keeping him from getting to Paris thing. And the fighting an akuma alone thing. 
“You know that you messed up, why would I yell at you? You know, and now next time, you’ll do it differently. You’ll be better and learn from this mistake. I’m not gonna yell at you for secretly going on patrol ‘cause I’d be a hypocrite. Was I scared to death when I realized the limp thing on Slade’s shoulder was you? Yes. God, yes, I was terrified. But you’re here and you’re fine. So instead of yelling, you’re gonna stay here tonight and I’m gonna make sure I don’t need to take you to Alfred for the concussion.” Dick says with a small smile. Marinette smiles at her brother, relieved. 
“Are you gonna tell dad?” She asks. Even though he doesn’t know yet, she knows that there’s still a chance of Dick telling him. 
“No, but can you do something for me?” He asks. She nods. “Next time you wanna sneak out without B knowing, could you tell me or Jay? Please? Just so we know to check in on you. We’re not gonna follow you or anything, but it’d be nice to know that one of us needs to check in and make sure you’re okay.” He says. She quirks an eyebrow in surprise. He wasn’t going to follow her?
“Really?” She asks, he nods. 
“I know that sometimes you just need a break. Trust me, I get it. I understand that B can be….overbearing.” Dick says with a sigh. Marinette nods in agreement, sitting back slightly and letting out a yawn. Just as her eyes are about to close, there’s a snap in front of her face. 
“What?” She groans, frowning at her brother. 
“Can’t go to sleep yet kiddo. You clearly have a concussion, so I’m gonna need you to stay awake for a couple hours just to make sure your symptoms stay on the mild side.” He says. She frowns and is about to argue when the front door opens. Dick immediately jumps up and stands in front of her, but relaxes almost as quickly. 
“Daddy!” The little girl, who Marinette realizes must be Mar’i, squeals, flying straight at Dick. Marinette blinks. Her niece could fly. That’s awesome! But would definitely throw a new challenge in when she babysits the girl. 
“Who is this?” The woman, who was taller than Dick and drop dead gorgeous, asks, a small smile on her face. Marinette grins, waving from the couch. 
“Hey, I’m Marinette. Dick’s newest sister.” She says. The woman, Kori, sighs, a smile on her face as she shakes her head. 
“He adopted another?” She asks Dick. He snorts, shaking his head as he holds his daughter close. 
“Nope, she’s his actual daughter. Little D took it surprisingly well.” Dick says. 
“So she’s my aunt?” Mar’i asks, peeking over Dick’s shoulder. 
“Yup! I’m so glad to finally meet you Mar’i.” Marinette says with a small smile, dizziness hitting her again randomly. She shuts her eyes, trying to ground herself. 
“Oh, nope, sorry honey. Aunt Marinette has a bit of a headache right now, you’ll have to be easy with her.” She hears Dick say, probably stopping Mar’i from launching herself at her. 
“Can we play ballerina?” Mar’i asks, and Marinette forces herself to open her eyes and look at the girl. Her heart melts at the little pout on the girl’s face and Marinette already knows that this girl is going to have her wrapped around her finger, just like Manon. 
“Sweetie-” Dick starts, but Marinette cuts him off. 
“Why don’t you show me your ballerina moves tonight, and then tomorrow once I’m feeling better, we can play ballerina together?” She suggests, grinning at the look on her niece’s face. 
“Yes, yes, yes!” She squeals, launching herself from Dick’s arms and flying to a different room. 
“Marinette-” Dick starts with a sigh, an unimpressed look on his face. 
“I’ll help her.” Tikki speaks up, flying to be eye level with Dick. “I can’t heal her completely, but I can heal her partially just as I did when Slade stabbed her. But I do have to warn you, if he tries to hurt my Bug again, I will let him see that there is a fate worse than death.” Marinette blinks in surprise at the complete and total rage radiating from her usual cheery friend. She watches as Dick nods in agreement. 
“Better you than me. Bruce can’t yell at you.” He says in an even tone. Marinette’s jaw drops. That was...surprisingly violent for her usually cheery brother. Before she can question him, Mar’i flies back into the room in a pale pink tutu. 
“Ready to see my dances?” She asks, grinning widely. Marinette nods, settling in to spend some time with her newest family members, plans of a new ballet outfit for Mar’i already dancing through her head.
Tag list:  @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @laurcad123 @waiting247 @jayjayspixiepop @mizzy-pop @jjmjjktth @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @tazanna-blythe @jaybird-and-co @jumpingjoy82 @lady-bee-fechin @corporeal-terrestrial
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sammininoofthelord · 3 years
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Fifth chapter of the 5+1 "5 times Aziraphale shielded Crowley from the rain, and one time he didn't."! Only the +1 left!
Collab with @zeckarin-blaise
Time for a bus ride!
You can read it on Ao3 by Zeckarin or bellow
Aziraphale stepped onto the bus, held out a note to the driver, and looked around while waiting for his ticket.
No one on this floor. Crowley probably waited for him on the top of the bus, like usual.
He offered the driver a smile, sent a discreet miracle his way (the poor man seemed exhausted and could use a little blessing to brighten his week), and took the stairs to join his friend.
Here was Crowley, arms folded, looking out the window with a scowl.
Oh, dear, thought Aziraphale. He had expected this. The weather had chilled considerably in the last few days, and the cold, unrelenting rain that had been falling all week long had forced nanny Ashtoreth and her charge to stay inside.
Warlock was a very lively child, and needed to exert himself a lot, usually by yelling and running around the grounds for the better part of the day, activities he would gladly engage in inside the house if obligated.
Thaddeus and Harriet Dowling had a lot to say to that, and trying to get Warlock to engage in more quiet activities was no easy task, and ended more often than not in impressive bouts of tantrums.
Did Aziraphale feel a little guilty at having stayed inside the small cottage allowed to the gardener on the far side of the grounds for the last five days? Yes, he did. But one could hardly expect him to work outside in such terrible weather, after all*.
Plus, the gardener wasn’t supposed to wander inside the ambassador’s house, with the exception of the staff’s kitchen for meals, so he couldn’t have helped Crowley watch after the child even if had wanted to**.
*And he had a lot of catching up to do on his readings.
** If being the key word.
“Hello, Crowley,” he said with a smile as he took the seat right behind the demon.
Crowley only grumbled something unintelligible (which was probably for the best).
Aziraphale grimaced, but decided to bravely go on. They were meeting to update each other on their mutual progress, after all. 
“How are things with the… ah… mission ?”
Very slowly, Crowley turned his head to meet his eyes over his sunglasses. The yellow, dilated pupils were a frightful sight.
Oh dear , repeated the angel inwardly, Warlock must have surpassed himself this time.
“There’s no way,” snapped the demon, “that you can succeed in turning this little beast towards the light.”
Aziraphale tutted. “Come now, dear boy, you are exaggerating. The boy is a little, ah, lively at times, but he is a sweet child overall.”
“Lively?” hissed Crowley through gritted teeth. “Lively? He stole a bucket full of soapy water while Sybil was mopping the second floor, and he put it on top of his bedroom’s door and called out for me. I got drenched . With dirty water.”
Aziraphale let out a small gasp of dismay.
“Oh, no! Someone could have been hurt!”
His friend answered with a glare. “I beg your fucking pardon? I’ve been hurt! I just told you so!”
The angel patted his arm in apology. “So sorry, Crowley. I did not mean to disregard your suffering. What did you do?”
Crowley huffed. “What do you want me to do? Couldn’t punish him for it, could I? I’m supposed to be the bad influence here!”
“You did not congratulate him, I hope?” asked Aziraphale with a slight frown.
Crowley shrugged. “Probably should have, but I don’t like getting wet, especially when I’m wearing a bodice and petticoats. That little trick ruined them.”
“Now, now, dear, it isn’t that bad. You always miracle your clothes anyway.”
Crowley scowled, but didn’t answer. The angel, after all, had a point.
He wasn’t done complaining, though. The beginning of winter was the worst time of the year, his inner snake rebelling against the arrival of the cold, and in his view, if he was in a foul mood, then everyone else should share it, starting with the smug angel right behind him who had probably spent the best part of last week drinking cocoa in front of a fire*.
*He had.
“Why are we meeting here anyway?” he growled, puckering his lips at a dry piece of gum plastered to the back of the seat facing him. “We could have taken my car. Thiss…” he waved around “is dissgusssting!”
Aziraphale rolled his eyes. “Must we have this discussion every time? We need to stay inconspicuous, Crowley, and the Bentley is way too recognizable.”
“Neither of our sides would be able to tell the difference between her and a stagecoach , angel. They know nothing about humanity! And how inconspicuous are we here? Anyone could hear us!”
Aziraphale withheld a fond smile. Crowley obviously had had a very challenging week, and the weather was not helping. The poor dear needed a warm fire and a thick rug to sprawl onto and nap in his serpentine form, as well as some good wine and a compassionate ear to listen to his woes.
Thankfully, Aziraphale knew just the place. “Come on, dear, let us walk a little, I am sure it will do us good.”
The demon stopped in the middle of his rant and squinted his eyes at him. “Walk? In this weather?”
“Yes. I am afraid I feel rather restless after spending so much time sitting down lately.”
Crowley gaped. “Gh--h--wh--you’ve got to be kidding me!” he growled, standing up to follow him down the stairs, “ I was the one running everywhere all day long and having to wrestle the kid to sleep every night, and you had a hard time sitting down ?”
“It was dreadfully boring, I’ll have you know,” said Aziraphale haughtily, stepping out of the bus and unfolding his umbrella to cover them both.
Crowley huffed. “You never get bored, angel. I once saw you stand under a tree for two days without batting an eye just because you were thinking about dates you just ate.”
“They were very good dates!” protested his friend, before looking into the distance with a wistful smile.
Crowley raised an eyebrow. “You’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?”
The angel blinked, then blushed slightly. “Of course not!” he cried in a way-too-high voice.
“I can’t believe it. Here I am, living the worst day of my existence, and instead of commiserating with me, which, I have to add, would be the angelic thing to do, you’re thinking about fruits you ate seventeen centuries ago!”
“I am certain your day is not that dire, my dear,” only said the angel, turning at a corner to head towards Soho.
Crowley only grumbled, shoving the tip of his fingers into his pockets and squaring his shoulders against the cold. “I have no idea how it could get any worse.”
“Oh! Look at this!” exclaimed Aziraphale, pointing to a shop’s window excitedly.
Crowley frowned and turned, searching for whatever had caught his friend’s eyes.
“I don’t see any--” he started, looking back to the angel, only to see him walking away.
“Oi! What the fuck are you doing, Aziraphale? I’m getting wet here!” he shouted, catching up.
Aziraphale stopped and waited for him, eyes twinkling. “See? You could be getting wet. Again.”
He snapped his fingers to dry the few drops that had dared to land on the demon.
“Not that we can have that . Not after that awful prank young Warlock pulled out on you. Come now, dearest, the bookshop is not so far, let us warm up there.”
Mollified both by the endearment and the prospect of spending his off day napping in the backroom, Crowley followed, looking to the other side of the street where a man was running after his hat. The demon wiggled his fingers, and the headgear ended in a large, dirty puddle on the pavement, right before a passing car ran over it, it’s owner shouting at it angrily.
A smirk finally found its way on Crowley’s face.
The day didn’t look so bad anymore.
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Red Rose (3)
Jaebum Mafia Series
one / two / three /  four / five  masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: mafia, angst, romance, mature plot: im jaebum was your first love in university, but then he disappeared. and now he’s back, and he is a mafia leader? a/n: okay so I got a little carried away, and what about it? lmao jk. hope y’all like it. it’ll get better from next chapter <333 not edited at all
The first time you met Jaebum was on the first day of orientation. Your friend had ditched you last minute, and you didn't know anyone else. You stood off to the side, on the edge of the group wishing to hideaway.
You wondered if you could just go away unnoticed. You probably could, but you were scared to be called, and you also didn’t know what you would do if you walked away. You didn’t come to the city much, and all the streets looked the same. All walking away would have achieved would be endless wandering through the city streets, trying to find some sort of familiarity.
You sighed, checking the time and seeing only twenty minutes had passed.
“Hey, can I sit here?” You looked up to find a dark-haired boy smiling at you as he pointed to the seat occupied with your bag. Your cheeks flushed once you realised you had been staring for a minute too long.
“No. I mean, yes, go for it,” you mumbled, before biting your lip at how awkward you were as you removed your bag.
“I’m Im Jaebum, by the way,” he smiled sitting next to you. You gave him a shy smile back, your fingers a fidgeting mess in your lap.
“Y/n,” you replied softly.
“Are you doing a STEM degree too?” He asked you shook your head before replying, letting him carry you into a friendly conversation. He spent the whole day with you after you told him your friend couldn’t make it.
However, you didn’t get his number, and no matter how much you searched on social media, you couldn’t find him. But then by fate or destiny, you met him again. You were outside the lecture theatre waiting for the class inside to walk out when you felt a presence beside you.
“We meet again,” he smiled at you, and your heart skipped a beat. “Hello, y/n.”
“Let me out of here!” You banged against the door, your fist hurting from the heavy beating against the hard wooden door. “Please!”
You didn’t get a reply. No matter how much you yelled, knocked or kicked against the door, you didn't get a reply.
“Please,” you breathed placing your head against the door. You closed your eyes tight as you pushed back the tears of frustration.
You tried not thinking about what had happened a few hours ago. You didn't want to think about the deafening silence after the gunshot. You didn’t want to remember the red that pooled beneath him, how his limps fell to the floor as the man you had killed slowly bled out.
You had killed someone.
You needed to get out of here.
But you couldn’t. You had woken up in this huge room that belonged to some sort of king. It was magnificent, yet modern and contemporary. It’s how you’d imagine penthouse rooms to be that cost more than your monthly wages. But you knew this wasn’t a penthouse.
The silence, this peaceful, skin-biting silence didn’t exist in the city you lived in. No police sirens were going off every few minutes, no honks, no loud suspicious noises, no screams or yells. There was nothing, absolute quietness, and you were losing your mind.
“Let me out!” You pulled at the door once again, before kicking it once again. You stumbled over to the bed, bringing your knees to your chest as you hid your face into your body.
You wouldn’t cry, you told yourself. You will not cry, not now.
And then, like a miracle, the door swung open and in walked in a familiar boy.
“You,” you breathed, remembering him. He was the card-bearer of the group whenever they walked into the diner. He would be the first to tell of the boys and talk to you as if their behaviour was his responsibility.
“We haven’t been introduced,” he adjusted his black jacket, as he placed a tray of food on the table in front of the empty fireplace. He gestured to the food, raising an eyebrow at you in invitation. “I am Park Jinyoung.”
“I’m y/n,” you replied, not moving from your place, your knees still tucked into your chest. “What am I doing here?”
“How about I explain that while you get some food in your tummy?” He gave you a reassuring smile, as stepped to the side and settled on a chair, gesturing the other to you.
You grudgingly got up and sat in front of him. Jinyoung didn’t say anything, his gaze on you and the food, waiting for you to start eating. You slowly took a small bite of the French toast, “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, y/n,” Jinyoung softened as he watched you chew your food. “It should be us who should be thanking you for saving our maknae.”
“Oh right,” you placed the bread down, you didn't care to use cutlery, not when you felt so raw and savage. “How is the boy?”
“The boy,” Jinyoung snorted, “is fine. It’s nothing he hasn’t experienced before.”
You nodded, taking it all in.
“So this isn’t new to you? You use guns and hurt people all the time?”
“Only the bad guys,” Jinyoung smiled, offering you a cup of hot chocolate. You took it off his hands and took a small sip.
You welcomed the warmth it spread in your empty tummy, “How do you decide who is good and who is not?”
Jinyoung smirked at that, as he took a sip from his own cup filled with dark coffee, “Sometimes things are cosmically bad. A moral code isn’t required to know and punish those evils.”
“Violence is violence.” You countered.
“Not when it’s to stop a greater evil.”
“There will always be a greater evil,” you held his intrigued gaze, “how do you know when to stop before you become the greatest yourself?”
Jinyoung smiled at that placing his cup down, and just shrugged, “I don’t know.”
You watched him for a few more seconds, before glancing at the open doors.
“How long have I been here?” You asked, meeting his beady eyes.
“You’ve been unconscious for two hours, and then have been sleeping since then, according to our doctor,” Jinyoung replied, smiling as your cheeks began heating up. “It’s been a day. Don’t you sleep?”
“I do. I just...” You trailed off not answering the question. Your leg started shaking anxiously as your mind began to race. “Can I go home?”
“Yes, of course,” Jinyoung replied offended. “We weren't kidnapping you.”
“It seemed like it with the locked doors, and not letting me out.”
“I’m sorry,” Jinyoung laughed a bit, his lips slightly pouting. “We weren’t home, so we didn’t realise you had woken up. And the guys who remained back ended up occupied, that’s on us. Sorry.”
You just nodded. This didn’t seem that bad of a situation, it didn’t seem like these guys would hurt you or wanted to hurt you.
And then you remembered him.
“Jaebum,” you spoke, making Jinyoung’s wide eyes meet yours in surprise. “Where is he? Can I meet him?”
“You know JB?”
You nodded in reply. Your body on edge with nerves with anticipation, as Jinyoung walked out to get Jaebum. Your fingers nervously fidgeting on your lap, your lips turning raw between your lips, and your leg furiously moving up and down.
You didn’t know if you were truly ready to meet him again. You didn’t know how you would act or what you would say. You had seen him at the diner once, and that was it.
That was all you had of him in the past few years. Just those few moments in your small diner avoiding him and his melting warm brown eyes. You didn’t know what to expect, or how he would act.
But in all this mess, he was the only one you could count on. The only one you knew, the only to help you settle your shaking heart and speeding mind.
You heard his footsteps before he walked in and the doors closed. You spun in your seat to see the boy who comforted you in a room full of strangers, standing there staring at you.
“Jaebum,” you breathed raising up from your seat. You didn’t know if you would ever say that name out loud to him ever again. You had said it so many times before, in so many different ways to him.
You whispered it into his ear, you had moaned it, screamed it and warned it. You never got tired of saying his name, you never got tired of him. Before the name could even begin to lose its magic he had disappeared, but now he was here once again.
He stood there. His dark hair a troubled mess, as if his fingers had spent the past hours running through them endlessly. His white button shirt clinging onto his solid muscles, showing his toned abs and strong arms. The first two buttons of his shirt left open, showing soft skin, the bottom of his shirt untucked messily. He looked like a mess, he looked beautiful,
“Jaebum,” you whispered, tears sparkling in your eyes as you gave him a small smile. Jaebum continued to stare at you, but it didn't falter your racing heart. “How are you?”
Jaebum didn’t reply for a long minute. He continued to stare at you, taking you in slowly. His dark gaze swept over you, drinking you in carefully. But he didn’t smile, his tense shoulders didn’t relax. His hands remained tight by his side, as his jaw remained locked.
“I am as good as someone can be when dealing with a meddlesome waitress shooting the right hand of a mafia company could,” he replied coldly.
Your brows furrowed at that. There was no hint of a smile, no warmth, nothing.
You stumbled over your words, as you gulped and took a step towards him, “Is he okay, Jae?
“He isn’t dead, right?”
Jaebum rolled his eyes, annoyed before sighing, “No, unluckily not.”
“Didn’t you say it was trouble that I shot him? How is it unlucky that he didn’t die?” You asked confused, your lips falling into a soft pout. You didn’t like the cold line Jaebum’s lips were drawn into.
“Well, he deserved to die,” Jaebum sighed, finally moving from where he stood. He walked away from you towards the windows looking out over the garden, and forest beyond. “The trouble is now we have a liability.”
“I am the liability?” You asked, watching his back flex as he placed his hands on ledge leaning against it.
He didn’t turn back to you, he looked over his shoulder. His voice tired, irritated as he breathed, “I don’t see any other waitress in this room.”
Your brows furrowed, your lips frowning and you were sure you looked like a ridiculous little kid about to throw a tantrum, but you didn't care.
Before you could speak, the door opened and in walked Jinyoung.
“JB, Derek is on call,” he spoke in Jaebum’s direction. Jaebum just nodded, sighing heavily before he began walking towards the door. You stood there struck by shock at how he was acting.
Was he really going to be like this?
You had just almost murdered someone, ended up in this strange mansion place, near kidnapped, and all he had to say was that you are a nosy waitress who was nothing but a liability.
No hello, or thank you, or how have you been? or I’m sorry for disappearing all those years ago, but surprise! I am now part of this shady bullshit.
Like hell.
“Jaebum!” You called out into the hallway, he stopped a few steps away from disappearing around the corner.
He didn’t reply, he just stood still staring ahead of him. Jinyoung turned to look back at you with raised brows and then gawked between Jaebum and you.
“I am just a nosy waitress?” You snickered, as you strutted towards him. “I am no one else?”
You stopped behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder and twisting him to meet your enraged eyes. “Is that all I am?”
Jaebum smirked back, his eyes so dark and empty, your heart sank, “Are you meant to be anything else?”
“You don’t remember me?” You snorted, your eyes burning with threatening tears. You hated the crack in your voice, but you didn’t care. It didn’t matter what emotions you showed or spoke with, it didn’t take away from what you saying. “You don’t remember me at all? You don’t know me? So what you’re saying is that you never went to a carnival and missed all the targets with the gun game, and then treasured a panda keychain I had won you?”
You could see Jinyoung close his eyes to stop himself from laughing.
Jaebum, on the other hand, was not amused or pleased. He took a step forward, making you tilt your head to meet his furious eyes darkening with every passing second.
“You are no one.” Jaebum spat each word, soaking in every word as it pierced your heart.
You looked away from him and took a step back.
“I want to go home,” was all you said looking at his chest.
Jaebum turned, giving Jinyoung a nod before disappearing around the corner.
Jinyoung bit his lip, and you could feel the questions bubbling inside him.
“Shoot,” you muttered as you followed behind him.
“Did he choose the panda keychain?”
“I could have gotten him the giant teddy, but that's what he wanted,” you shrugged, and Jinyoung chuckled.
You lifted your curtain to find the car remain outside your apartment. The two men in the vehicle reclined, settling as they pulled out snacks and began their little campout.
You sighed, and moved towards the bathroom, stripping the dirty and sticky uniform of your body. You turned the shower on and stared at your reflection, waiting for the water to heat up.
You took in your face, your hair, your lips and your eyes, and wondered how much of it had really changed since you last saw Jaebum. You looked exactly the same; those who knew you would never forget you. Especially, not someone who had spent endless extraordinary moments with you as Jaebum had.
You were exactly the same. Your eyes just a bit more tired, a few lines starting on your face. You didn’t look like a girl anymore, you knew that. The person in the reflection was a woman, a ghost of the past, but still recognisable.
Once the mirror fogged up with steam, you walked into the hot water and let it wash over you.
You didn’t cry.
You didn’t say or do anything.
You turned off the shower, dried yourself and walked into your bed.
You covered yourself in your blankets up to your neck and stared at the wall.
“Didn’t recognise me, my ass,” you whispered, and then finally you let go of the tears.
Luckily, you didn’t have work for the past two days. You had spent one day passed out at Jaebum’s mansion, and the other mopping around in your room. You had spent it watching romcoms, and binge-eating every form of sweet and chocolate in your kitchen.
But reality had caught up, and you were now going back to work at the diner. Your gaze drifted to where the car had remained religiously the past day and found the empty parking spot.
You shook your head and brought your purse closer to you as you walked towards the bus stop. You would normally walk to work, but today you were exhausted.
You felt so drained mentally, that your body actually hurt physically.
You didn’t know what happened next though. You were looking through your purse searching for your bus card at the bus stop, when the next moment, a hand tightly gripped your wrist pulling you forward.
The edge of the van slammed against your shin, making you cry in pain. Your wrist was already burning from the tight grip, while your other hand clawed at the hairy hand, that painfully pulled you into the white van.
“No. Stop.” You pleaded, trying to throw yourself back out into the street and out of the van.
A sharp slap against your cheek made your neck almost snap, as someone pulled your hair, and yanked you inside.
“Shut up bitch.” A man with angry eyebrows warned, your cheeks prickling from the pain. He took your hands and tied your wrists behind you, and duck-tapped your lips.
You let him. You fell back, knowing and waiting.
There were four men.
They threw you into a room and didn't even bother to lock it as they walked out. You stayed quiet and listened.
Finally, after what felt like two hours, two of them went out to get some food. The other one went to take a lap around the building, leaving only one.
One was better than four.
You reached along the edge of your skirt, finding the small flat-blade you always kept tucked away there. Everyone had laughed at you and called you insane when you told them you had been doing this to all your outfits, but jokes on them.
You opened your mouth, darting your tongue out to lick away the adhesive of the duck-tap. You carefully cut the zip-tie, biting back the hiss as the sharp edges painfully dug into your skin. You snapped it free, pulling the duck-tap away, before getting up and stretching.
One guy. You could take one guy.
You looked around the room and found a wooden chair.
You rolled your eyes at how stupid they were. The first thing they should've done was tie you to the chairs, but these idiots underestimated you.
You opened the door slightly, searching for the remaining lad. You found him sitting on a chair facing away from your door. He laughed at whatever he was watching on his phone, and you quietly crept out.
You decided against the chair, picking up a rod on the way instead. The guy must have sensed you, as he began turning around, but before he could, you slammed the rod against the head.
You watched as he knocked out, and began walking towards the area you hoped was the exit.
You were almost out when another figure appeared in front of you.
You sighed, clutching the rod tighter in your hand before raising an eyebrow at him.
“Come and get me, shit-head,” you smirked.
“You’re dead, you fucking bitch,” he growled as he charged towards you. You dodged him as he swung a fist at you. You didn’t have strength, but you had speed, you quickly smashed the rod at the back of his knees, making him fall. You instantly landed another blow on the back of his head.
Once he stopped moving you began running out again.
You didn’t know how long it would be before the others returned, or if any others were loitering outside. You didn't let go of the rod and checked every corner before making a turn.
You could see the parking lot, you were almost out.
You began racing towards the door when a bang echoed from behind you. Terrified, you turned back to find the first guy standing there with a gun pointed at you, “Going somewhere, bitch?”
You cursed yourself, as you tried running faster. You should’ve checked for guns, how stupid could you possibly be.
“I’d stop there if I was you,” he chuckled, enjoying the game. However, despite his warning words and the gun in his hand. He didn't chase after you or shoot at you freely. You guessed his lack of speed to be a result of his bleeding forehead thanks to you. But the missing gunshots, however, were a mystery. Nevertheless, you welcomed the stroke of luck or his foolishness with gratitude.
You were almost at the door when two figures appeared in front of you.
“Really, Ron?” The red-haired one grunted at the man behind you. “Couldn't even take care of a little girl like her?”
Three against one, odds outweigh you by a lot, but you were not going down without a fight.
You continued racing towards them and swung the rod straight onto their face. You land it straight onto the red haired’s face but were too slow for the other.
The other kicked your stomach, making you fall to the floor. The rod slipped out of your hands and fell a few feet away from you. You tried reaching for it, but before you could, your scalp burned in pain as he yanked you up by your hair. His hands folded into your long locks, as he held you still before striking your face with the back of his hand.
Your cheeks throbbed in pain, and you tasted the warm metallic tang of blood on your lips and cheek.
“Asshole,” you cursed before thrashing around. It didn't achieve anything but another slap, making you fall onto the floor and hit your forehead against the cracked tiles. You winced glancing up, to find your rod just a few inches away from your hand. You quickly grabbed it as he dragged you back up.
You crushed it against his head, making him fall to the ground. You heard gunshots resound from the other side of the room. You instantly hit him one more time, swinging the rod, at the other guy coming towards you. He lunges backwards giving you enough time to pull out the gun from the guy crying in pain, holding his nose and mouth.
You pointed the gun to the leg, swiftly shooting his leg, making him cry out in pain. And then turn to the other, who surrenders instantly.
He gets on his knees, holding up his hands.
“Throw out your gun, now.” You ordered, and he did it immediately. You picked it up quickly, before turning to the other guy. His head still bleeding, and his gun still pointed at you.
“I know you can’t shoot me,” you told him, you were just bluffing but hoped it was correct. You shot towards him, missing his feet by a few centimetres. “But I can shoot you. Take out your magazine and throw it over here.”
You shoot one more time, this time higher. He grudgingly fell onto his knees and did as you said.
You picked up his bullets, putting it into your pants, along with the other gun. “If you’re going to chase after me, count to two hundred before you start. It’s the least chivalrous thing you could do.”
You raced onto the deserted road. The moon low and the world surrounded in darkness. You continued running, despite your cramping legs, and burning throat and lungs.
You knew the men would be arriving any second now.
And then, like a miracle, you saw headlights. You threw yourself in the middle of the road. Your arms flailing like crazy; tears, sweat and blood mixing together as you cried for them to stop.
“Please stop!” You cried, and then thinking maybe you should’ve hidden the gun to seem more friendly and less serial killer. “Please! Please!”
It slowed as it neared you, and you carefully made your way towards the driver’s side.
“Please help me,” you cried, your words rushed and breaking. “I was kidnapped, and I somehow escaped, but they’re chasing me- please- just- please just give me a ride just a few distances away from here. I- please.”
The windows rolled down, and you were met with distant eyes blazing with icy fire.
“Get in.” He said coldly.
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holycatsandrabbits · 3 years
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Love’s Endless Light: A Good Omens serial romance
Chapter 4: Watch By Our Side
CW: childbirth
651 AD, East Anglia
Crowley was drinking wine and watching Aziraphale drink wine, and he wasn’t sure which was more fun. Aziraphale wasn’t quite tipsy yet, but his cheeks were flushed a pretty pink and his blue eyes shone. It was an ironic beauty, an angel indulging in human pleasures.
Crowley was about to make a rather devastating rebuttal to Aziraphale’s opinions on the current Pope when Aziraphale suddenly stopped chattering and looked up. Crowley knew that look. He scanned the restaurant nervously in case the Heavenly message that Aziraphale was receiving said something like Be there in five, save us a table. Not that the other angels ever seemed to want to spend much time with Aziraphale, but—
“It’s not from Upstairs,” Aziraphale said, sounding curious. “It’s a human. Praying to me.”
“What, by name?” Crowley grinned, delighted. “Aziraphale. Do you have a cult?”
The angel immediately flushed a much brighter red. “What? Certainly not.”
“You sure? No devotees on their knees, lighting candles, venerating that greatest of angels, Guard of the Eastern Gate of—”
“Stop that. I do not have a cult. Just someone who needs help.” Aziraphale clunked his glass down on the table. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see what’s going on.”
Crowley clunked his glass down right next to Aziraphale’s. “I won’t excuse you. I’m coming too.”
Aziraphale glowered at him. “You are not. People who pray to angels do not wish to be visited by demons.”
“I know,” Crowley said with a smirk. “That’s what makes it so much fun. Anyhow, if it turns out you do have a cult, I can help scare them off for you. Your defeat at the hands of the Serpent of Eden would certainly dampen any overzealous admiration.”
“Oh, good Lord,” Aziraphale breathed. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
It was immediately clear, though, that there was no cult. Aziraphale’s miracle landed them in a dirty alleyway beside a solitary woman, groaning with pain. Aziraphale came to his knees beside her in the dust. Despite not appearing as an angel in glory, Aziraphale seemed to glow anyway, dressed all in white against the muck of the alley.
“Crowley, she’s in labor,” Aziraphale said. “Twins.”
“Where do you want to go?” Crowley asked.
“Anywhere clean.”
Crowley snapped his fingers this time and the three of them appeared in Crowley’s small, tidy room in the nearby village. Crowley knew where Aziraphale was staying in London— how he instinctively knew Aziraphale’s whereabouts was a bit of a mystery to Crowley, one he didn’t want to investigate very far (and Satan forbid he think on the question of why)— but heavenly guards were not meant to sleep, and Crowley guessed that Aziraphale would not have a bed.
Aziraphale held the woman easily in his arms, as if a fully pregnant human weighed not more than a cup of wine. Crowley remembered Aziraphale carrying him that time in Gaul, with the consecrated hill, and a not-entirely-unpleasant shiver went up his spine.
“Don’t worry, my dear,” Aziraphale said as he laid the woman down on Crowley’s bed. “You’re all going to be just fine.”
The woman grasped Aziraphale’s wrist. “Are you— are you really an angel?”
“You should turn your lights on,” Crowley advised.
Aziraphale looked up, and Crowley saw a deep sadness in his eyes, one that went all the way back to a street fight in Mesoamerica and a child frightened of an angel in glory.
“Just a little,” Crowley said. “Just your overhead maybe.”
Aziraphale still hesitated. Crowley found himself giving the angel a reassuring smile, and for some reason Aziraphale seemed to trust it. He closed his eyes a moment, and a glow grew around his head, bright and full as any angel’s halo, and yet different from any Crowley had ever seen: not white but gold, not cold but warm. Crowley had the unpleasantly undemonic thought that Aziraphale was even more beautiful with his halo shining than he had been when flushed with wine.
“Lowest setting,” Aziraphale said nervously. “What do you think?”
“Didn’t know it had a low setting.”
“Well, it does now.”
The woman in the bed seemed to calm as she gazed on the angelic glow. “I’m Aziraphale,” the angel said, taking her hand. “And I believe you are the first human ever to pray directly to me.”
The woman grimaced as a contraction gripped her. “I saw you in a book,” she gasped, when she could. “It had a picture of you in the Garden of Eden. Somebody told me your name and I never forgot it.”
Aziraphale was smiling now. “Oh, how lovely.”
Crowley smirked. “Was I in it?”
Aziraphale gave Crowley an amused glance. “Don’t worry, I’m sure it captured your best side, dear.”
“I tried—” The woman looked apologetic. “I prayed to God, but I don’t think He listened. I don’t blame Him. These children are by a man married to someone else. I just—” She looked down at their joined hands. “I’m sorry, but I thought that if you were a minor angel, then maybe you wouldn’t be so busy. That maybe you could spare a few moments for a fallen woman.”
Aziraphale’s eyes looked wet, but he gave no other sign of distress. “Don’t be afraid,” he said quietly. “You aren’t alone.”
Crowley had never seen a birth before. Aziraphale must have, because he didn’t seem surprised by all the noise and mess. Crowley planned to assist by staying out of the way, but Aziraphale firmly thwarted that by handing Crowley an infant. Crowley’s surprise must have been obvious because Aziraphale took the time to remind him that there was a second infant still coming.
The baby Crowley was holding was tiny and messy and very mad, which Crowley supposed made sense. After all, he had been somewhere warm and protected with his mother, and now he was somewhere cold and unfamiliar with a stranger. The baby’s hands were curled into little fists and he yelled much more loudly than Crowley would have guessed he could. Crowley summoned a blanket to wrap him securely and held him against his chest. After a moment, Crowley thought to give himself a heart beat, although he normally didn’t bother with one in his corporation. The baby seemed to respond to feeling it, which was to say that he yelled slightly less loudly.
After the second baby was delivered, the woman slumped back against the bed, exhausted. Aziraphale cleaned everything with a gentle miracle and looked over both infants carefully.
“Are they all right?” the mother asked anxiously.
Aziraphale smiled at her. “Perfectly.”
The woman started to cry, which she had not done during the birth. Aziraphale handed Crowley both infants without hesitation, as if he thought Crowley might somehow understand how to hold two infants at once, which he absolutely did not, but fortunately, he figured it out. Aziraphale put his arms around the mother and held her close.
“I was sure God would punish me,” the woman sobbed. “For being with a married man. No one I knew would help me, and I thought He was going to take my children.”
“God works in mysterious ways, and by an ineffable plan,” Aziraphale said, in such a pained voice that it cut through even the babies’ wails. “Don’t worry about mistakes that you think you’ve made. Just focus on your work, and those you love. That’s— that’s what I try to do, anyway.”
Aziraphale pressed a kiss to the top of the woman’s head and Crowley felt an angelic blessing echo through the room, which made his skin itch just when he didn't have hands free to scratch.
“There’s no need to fear,” Aziraphale said to the woman. “I’ll keep watch over you.”
Read on Ao3
Updates Fridays on Ao3 and Tumblr.
Want to create fic, art, or other works based on this series? Please do! Just dm or tag me.
My previous Good Omens serial: Mr. Fell’s Bookshop
My Carrd
Image text: Love’s Endless Light by Dannye Chase (HolyCatsAndRabbits) Chapter 4
As Aziraphale and Crowley slowly fall in love over the millennia, Crowley discovers that Aziraphale is keeping a very dangerous secret.
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Parent Trap
Part 1
A/N: It’s here yall. The Marcus Moreno x Reader Parent Trap AU. There are some swears. Some point of view switching but I note it in bold. 
‘Thoughts’ “Speak” 
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The Hero:
Marcus Moreno was in the middle of meeting with the Heroics. Going over assignments, and potential threats to be on the lookout. He was listening to Miracle Guy talk about something ridiculous when his cellphone went off. He glanced down, and his eyes widen in surprised. It was Missy’s school.
He quickly answered it, saying, “Hello?”
“Hello, Mr. Moreno? This is Principal O’Shaughnessy. If you could please come down to the school, as soon as possible. There’s been an incident involving your daughter and two other students,” Came an older male voice.
“I’m on my way,” Marcus got up and rushed out, not caring that he left in the middle of a meeting.
The Artist:
Y/N Graves was a simple woman. She worked as artist, which meant she was often home, elbow deep into whatever project she was working on currently. That was where she was when her phone rang.
She dropped her paint brush to answer it with a cheery, “‘Ello?”
“Miss Graves, this is Principal O’Shaughnessy, your daughter Artemis? Was involved in an incident at school with two other students. If you could please come as soon as possible,” Came a man’s voice.
“Be there soon,” She hung up, quickly cleaning her brushes before she left.
She hopped into her car and drove to the school; thankful it was only a couple blocks away. She made her way inside and to the principal’s office. She stops short when she sees her daughter standing near another little girl, with long curly black hair and dark eyes. Before noticing the third kid, a boy, who was sitting in a plastic chair, with a black eye and tissues up his nose to stop the bleeding.
“What the fu—frick?” She whispered taking in everything with slight horror.
Artemis giggled softly at her almost swearing. She goes to say something to her when she felt someone crash into her from behind. She stumbled forward trying to regain her balance. She turned around to yell but stopped.
“Marcus?” She asked staring at a face she hadn’t seen in years.
“Shade?” He parroted calling her by her nickname, one she hadn’t heard in years.
She then asked, “Please tell me that one is not yours,” pointing at the boy.
“No. The other one behind you,” Marcus said with a chuckle.
Before they could say much more a woman with dyed hair, lululemons and a tank top came in, her voice high-pitched with outrage at the sight of her kid.
“What happened to my baby!?” She screeched out.
The Principal cleared his throat at that time, to gain everyone’s attention. Shade moved over to stand by her daughter, as Marcus did the same.
“Mrs. Delaney, it appears that your son was bullying, Miss Moreno here. Miss Moreno tried to walk away from him several times, but your son continued to follow her, and even began shoving her. That was when Miss Graves stepped in, and punched your son,” Mr. O’Shaughnessy explained reading off an incident report.
“Or at least that was what stated from the teacher’s watching. Miss Moreno, would you like to tell us what happened?” He directed his attention to Marcus’ daughter.
“Tommy was teasing me about not having active powers. He kept saying mean things like ‘oh your dad must be disappointed in having a lame daughter.’ And stuff like that. I tried to walk away from him several times, but he wouldn’t leave me alone. Artemis came over and told him to go away. When he didn’t, she punched him, telling him to leave me alone,” Missy recounted staring at the ground.
“What lies! My Tommy would never! I hope you plan on punishing them!” Mrs. Delaney exclaimed angrily.
Shade rolled her eyes to the high heavens and stared at this dramatic woman, pointedly.
“My daughter defended her friend. Against a bully. If anyone should be punished, it should be your kid. It’s not our fault you raised an ass,” Shade sassed, crossing her arms.
Mrs. Delaney gasped in exaggerated horror, even going so far as to covering her son’s ears. The girls giggled quietly at her, and Marcus was trying not to laugh.
“Mrs. Graves, if you could please refrain from the foul language. Mrs. Delaney, I have warned you multiple times about Tommy’s behaviors. This is the last straw. He will be suspended for 2 weeks. As for Miss Graves, seeing as this is your first offense, you will get a warning. I do not tolerate fighting on school grounds, got it?” Mr. O’Shaughnessy cut in.
Mrs. Delaney grabbed her son, muttering something ‘I have never..’  and left.
The kids still have a couple hours left of class, but the principal gave them permission to leave early if they wished. The girls went and got their bags and whatever assignments they were going to miss for the day. Marcus and Shade stood outside by the entrance waiting for them.
The Kids:
Missy looked over at Artemis and asked, “So. You saw our parents act weird when they saw each other right?”
Artemis nodded as she grabbed her jacket and bag. “They clearly know each other. Did you see the way they looked at each?”
“All goo-goo eyed? Yes! I haven’t seen my dad look like that since…” Missy trailed off, thinking in her head, ‘since before my mom passed away.’
Artemis, who had made fast friends with Missy when she moved here a month ago, knew what she was thinking of. Artemis reached out and held her hand, giving it a small squeeze. Missy smiled at her in response and the 2 of them walked out to their parents.
Artemis looked at her mom and Missy’s dad and got an idea, “Mom, can we go get ice cream? I know that fighting is bad and all, but I was defending my friend.”
Her mom sighed, and looked at the two of them, with squinting eyes. She turned to Missy’s dad and said, “What do ya think? Think they’ve earned a treat?”
The Hero:
He looked at the kids and then back at Shade, who had a soft smile. “Sure. Why not?”
The girls cheered and rushed to the cars. “Uh. Pops on 15th St. sound good?” He asked.
“That place still exists? Damn,” Shade chuckled looking off to the side. “Uh. Yeah. Pops sounds good to me. See ya there in a minute.”
Marcus smiled, lightly biting his lip before making his way to his car, as Shade did the same.
Missy was already in the backseat, buckled up and ready to go. The drive to Pops was a quick 10 minutes, and as they made there way inside, they noticed Shade and Artemis hadn’t arrived yet, so they took a seat in a booth. Missy insisted that she sit on the outside, and Marcus complied with a shake of his head.
He heard the door opened and looked up to see Shade standing there and he was thrown back to all the times he took her here on a date. She was still just as beautiful as he remembered her.
The Artist:
As Shade stepped inside, she was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Pops still looked the same as it did when she was a teenager. She finds Marcus easy enough; he too looked a little dazed at being back here.
Her and Artemis go to join them, Artemis insisting to sit on the outside as well. Shade rolled her eyes and allowed it this one time.
The waitress came up and took their orders. 15 minutes passed and soon 4 milkshakes, 2 large and 2 kids sized in to-go cups, were set in front of them. The girls grabbed theirs and ran off to sit at another table, giggling.
“I feel like we are being set-up,” Shade whispered with a raised eyebrow.
“Possibly,” Marcus agreed, before clearing his throat.
“So. How.. How have you been?” He asked awkwardly.
“Been pretty good. I see you’ve been busy,” She quietly teased nodding to his wedding ring.
“Oh! Um. Yeah. But… uh… not,” He stammered trying to respond.
Shade gave him a look of sudden realization, “How long?”
“About 6 years. Cancer,” He answered lowly not wanting Missy to hear.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I bet she was wonderful,” She said with a sad smile.
“She was. Umm. Ahem. What about you? Ever get married or got someone special waiting at home?” he asked trying to redirect the attention off of him.
“Nope. Uh. Had a boyfriend for a couple years. He left the day I told him I was pregnant. So. It’s been just the 2 of us ever since,” Shade explained after taking a long sip from her milkshake.
“Then he didn’t deserve either of you,” Marcus replied, his voice soft.
Shade smiled, looking down to hide her face.
She cleared her throat and noticed out of the corner of her eye, Missy and Artemis were watching them intently.
“Marcus… I think our kids are trying to set us up,” She muttered. “Glance over at them casually.”
Marcus does so and sees the two of them trying to act nonchalantly but were very much keeping an eye on them.
He chuckled, “No. They’re just.. Concerned. They’re best friends who want to make sure we get along.”
“Mh. I don’t know. My kid can be quite devious. Her favorite movie is The Parent Trap. Well. Next to The Mummy,” Shade wasn’t convinced.
Marcus laughed at that and stared at her softly.
“Not gonna lie… I’ve missed you,” Marcus admitted.
“I missed you as well. Maybe um.. Maybe we can set up a day to catch up?” Shade offered hopeful.
“I’d like that, maybe Saturday? We can leave the kids with my mom for the day. We can… go to the park or that café you like so much? Well. If you still like it that is,” Marcus rambled slightly.
“I do. Sounds like a date,” Shade said confirming the idea.
They exchanged numbers and finished their shakes, before rounding up their kids.
She waved goodbye to him as they parted ways.
Artemis was bouncing up and down in her seat.
“Clearly, you are having a sugar overload, guess we need to work that off,” Shade stated, shaking her head.
“No. Just happy. How do you know Mr. Moreno, mama?” Artemis asked as they began to drive off.
“We dated in high school, and through a good portion of college,” Shade explained glancing back at her through the rear-view mirror.
“Oh. Why did you break up?” Artemis asked curiously.
“He was becoming a pretty famous Heroic and I was making a name for myself in the art field. We drifted. We hardly ever saw each other and when we did, we argued a lot. So, we figured it was better if we broke up,” Shade acknowledged with a sad sigh.
“But… you still like him? And he clearly likes you?” Artemis questioned, looking confused.
“Yes. I do still like him, and how do you know he likes me?” Shade countered with a grin.
“He stared at you like Rick does when he sees Evy,” Artemis said matter of factly, referencing The Mummy.
Shade laughed at how seriously she said that. ‘Kids.’
The Hero:
Missy looked at her dad and smiled at the dreamy face he was making.
“You like her?” Missy asked with a silly smile.
“I do. Does that bother you? Me liking someone?” Marcus asked worriedly.
“Dad. I don’t think mom would be mad if you moved on. I just want you to be happy. You work so much to make me happy and when you’re not with me, you’re saving the world. I think you deserve to be happy too,” Missy assured hugging him.
“When did you get so smart?” He asked, returning the hug.
“I learned from you, duh,” She answered cutely.
“Now you’re just sucking up. C’mon. Let’s go home. I have a lot of explaining to do for running out in the middle of a meeting,” Marcus said as the two of them hopped into the car.
“Also. I hope you know… I have never been disappointed in you not having active powers. You’re my daughter and I love you so much. Your power is far more special than being able to fly or run fast.” He mentioned looking back at her.
Missy nodded her head muttering, “I love you too. Thank you.”
The Kids:
That night, Missy and Artemis texted one another, concocting a plan to get their parents together. Their plan was slightly devious, but it was their parents own good. They just hoped it would work.
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Part 4 of Jimercury Kid series
(Contains spanking of a child.)
It was unusual for Jim to allow anyone to accompany him with his gardening, mostly because it was something he held close to his heart, and he did a much better job without having someone else under his feet. But when Khaleel started making a habit of toddling out into the garden to watch him plant flowers or trim the hedges, he didn’t have the heart to shoo him away and instead began tutoring the little boy about the ins-and-outs of gardening, even investing in a little plastic trowel and bucket so Khaleel could practice planting his own flowers.
Of course, the garden still wasn’t 100% safe, despite them childproofing it as much as they could, and Jim made it very clear to his son that he was never to touch any of his gardening tools without permission. The koi pond had also been sectioned off with some rope, after Phoebe caught the little boy leaning vicariously over it to stare at the fish below the surface and had hastily grabbed him before he fell in face first. For the most part, Khaleel had been compliant with the rules concerning the garden. But, as with every toddler, it was only a matter of time before he ended up getting himself into trouble.
Jim had been busy planting a new flower bed when he heard the familiar scurrying footsteps of his son and seconds later, Khaleel’s little arms were wrapped around his leg, big blue-green eyes staring up at him hopefully.
‘Daddy cut flower, please.’ The child babbled, pointing towards the rose bush nearby.
It took Jim a moment to understand the boy’s request; Khaleel was aware of how much Freddie loved his flowers and often made a point of asking Jim to cut him a few of the Eden roses and remove the thorns so he could take them to his Baba. Freddie’s cry of delight always made the child elated.
‘Daddy will cut you some flowers in a minute, sweetheart.’ Jim replied, gently stroking Khaleel’s dark head of hair. ‘I just have a bit more work to do.’
Usually, Khaleel would nod and maybe hang around to watch his father work until he was ready to fulfil his request. But today, his bottom lip stuck out and he let go of Jim’s leg to cross his arms defiantly.
‘Want flowers now.’ He whined, tugging at Jim’s trousers, and pointing desperately to the roses.
‘No, Kenny.’ Jim responded gently, the boy’s nickname rolling off his tongue with great affection. It was Phoebe who had started calling him that and the name had stuck.
But Khaleel refused to relent. He tugged harder, starting to cry until Jim sighed and set his trowel down in the dirt. He was a far more patient man than Freddie was, but that didn’t mean he was about to tolerate a tantrum. He had no problem laying down the law when he needed to.
‘Khaleel Joseph Mercury-Hutton, I said no.’ He spoke firmly down to the little boy, refusing to be moved by the teary eyes. ‘Daddy will cut you some flowers when he’s finished with his work. Until then, why don’t you play with your bucket and spade?’
He had anticipated a screaming fit, but surprisingly, Khaleel let go of his trouser leg and toddled over to the plastic bucket and trowel that were sitting nearby, his fit seemingly forgotten. Relieved, Jim turned back to the patch of earth he had been working on and began scattering the seeds in the tiny, individual holes, before covering them. He turned around to locate his watering can when he was met with a sight that almost made his heart stop.
Khaleel was holding on to Jim’s gardening shears, which he had foolishly left sitting out on the grass in preparation for trimming the hedges after he was done with the flower bed. The little boy was struggling to open them, the blades pointed right towards his face and Jim’s life literally flashed before his eyes as he shot up and tore them out of the toddler’s hands before he took his eye out. Jim’s heart was beating so fast, he could hear it in his ears; once the fear had subsided, it was replaced with an overwhelming rage, and he threw the shears down as he approached his son in a few quick steps.
‘Don’t you ever, ever do that again!’ he roared, grabbing the little boy under his arms; before he even realised what he was doing, he had knelt on the grass, pulled Khaleel over his knee and delivered two swats to the seat of his pants.
He raised his hand to deliver a third swat, but suddenly came to his senses when he heard Khaleel crying loudly, his little hands flying behind him to protect his bottom as he sobbed, ‘no Daddy, please! I’m sorry!’
Jim could hardly process what had happened. He had hit his little boy. Not once, but twice. He felt sick.
He carefully lifted Khaleel off his knee and tried to put his arms around him, but his son immediately sped away towards the house until he disappeared through the conservatory door, sobbing. (1/3)
Jim honestly thought he was going to vomit. He sat down in the grass, head in his hands as his mind replayed the scenario over and over, torturing him. How could he have done it? He and Freddie had always agreed there would be no smacking, none whatsoever. How could he have lost his temper so badly that he’d hurt his own child?
Growing up in Carlow, he and his nine siblings would always receive a good smack when they were naughty. Hell, he’d be lucky if he only got a few swats with the hand – his father preferred to use a slipper or a wooden spoon for punishments. He never resented his parents for their discipline; he always knew they loved him and that’s just how it was back then, especially with such a big family to take care of. There were times when he’d been leathered so hard, he couldn’t sit for days, but he had turned out alright, hadn’t he?
Clearly not, he thought to himself.
No doubt Freddie had had a similar upbringing, as boarding schools were notorious for their rather brutal methods for discipline. But while Jim had convinced himself that such treatment hardened you and made you a stronger person, Freddie believed it caused nothing but pain and fear. It didn’t matter whether it was a tanning with a belt or a soft swat with the hand – striking a child in any kind of fashion was wrong through the Persian’s eyes.
Speak of the Devil, no less than five minutes later Jim heard a door slam and turned to see Freddie storming across the lawn, looking so angry that Jim would have dropped dead right there if looks could kill.
‘What the fuck have you done?’ His husband yelled as soon as he was close, finger prodding aggressively at Jim’s chest. ‘Khaleel came into the lounge crying his eyes out, saying you smacked him!’
Jim had seen Freddie angry before, but in this moment the other man was positively murderous. He held up his hands defensively. ‘He wanted me to cut some flowers for you and got upset when I asked him to wait. So, he grabbed my garden shears, even though I’ve told him never to touch them. I was terrified he was going to hurt himself, so-’
‘So, you hurt him instead?’
The garden fell silent. Jim opened his mouth, then instantly closed it. Freddie was right. There was no way he could defend this, no matter how much his stupid brain tried to justify it.
‘I-it was just a smack, Freddie. It was over his trousers, he probably barely felt it-’
‘That’s not the point!’ Freddie shouted, stamping his foot. ‘Your son is in there scared out of his wits, thinking his father now hates him! We agreed that we’d never hit him, Jim. You promised!’
‘I didn’t hit him, I smacked him.’
‘There’s no difference and you know it!’ Freddie was in tears, fists clenched, face red with anger. ‘I can’t believe you’ve done this! If this is how you plan to treat our child, you can pack your bags and get out right now, and you’ll never see Khaleel again!’
The colour drained out of Jim’s face as he heard those words and for a moment, he thought he might faint. Even Freddie seemed shocked and covered his mouth, as if hoping he could take back what he said. There was a long pause as they took a moment to calm down, their breathing long and laboured.
‘I…I didn’t mean that.’ Freddie eventually stammered. ‘I would never take Khaleel away from you, I swear. But we agreed, Jim. We agreed we’d never smack him, no matter how naughty he is. You promised.’
‘I know…’ Jim was ready to cry himself and he covered his face, ‘I’m so sorry, Freddie. I just… I was so scared, and I lost my temper. But you’re right, there’s no excuse for what I did. Jesus Christ, I’m a monster.’
Freddie reached up and removed Jim’s hands from his eyes, his anger having dissipated. ‘You’re not a monster. You’re a father who loves his son and made a stupid mistake in the heat of the moment. God knows, we’ve all made mistakes, Jim.’
The Irishman looked so miserable that Freddie leaned in and quickly kissed his lips, ‘come on. We should go and have a little chat with Khaleel.’
‘I don’t think I can face him.’ Jim said quietly.
‘Nonsense. He loves you and he’ll forgive you.’ He took Jim’s hand and slowly led him back towards the house. (2/3)
When Jim entered the kitchen, he noticed Khaleel sitting at the table with Phoebe, who had managed to distract him with some raw cookie dough which was the boy’s favourite treat. As soon as he saw Jim, Khaleel’s eyes widened slightly and he shuffled off his chair to go and hide behind Phoebe, breaking Jim’s heart as he looked up at him in fear.
Freddie gave Jim an encouraging glance and Jim squatted down to his knees. ‘Kenny? Kenny, sweetheart, please come here.’
The little boy hesitated, glancing up at Uncle Phoebe for approval, before running over to his daddy and wrapping his arms around his neck, burying his face into the grubby material of Jim’s overalls.
‘Sorry, Daddy.’ Khaleel whimpered, hanging on so tightly it was a miracle he didn’t strangle the man. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.’
Jim bit his lip in an effort not to start bawling like a baby. He held his son close, gently swaying back and forth to soothe him. ‘I’m sorry too, sweetheart. Daddy shouldn’t have done what he did. I’m so, so sorry, Khaleel. I love you so much and I’ll never smack you again. I promise.’
‘I love Daddy.’ Khaleel mumbled back and he actually giggled as Jim started to place kisses on his cheeks, Jim’s moustache tickling his soft, delicate skin.
Freddie watched his two favourite boys with a fond smile as the pair reconciled. Being parent wasn’t easy, but he and Jim were learning every day. (3/3)
(Eh, this wasn’t my best work, and I wasn’t sure how to end it, but I hope you like it anyway.)
First of all, I hope you're doing well, anon. All my love and hugs to you🧡
Secondly, omg what are you talking about? This is BRILLIANT and my heart I love this fictional little baby so much🥺
Smacking as a punishment is no doubt a sensitive topic, especially in the context of Freddie's life, and I think you dealt with it beautifully. The other day I saw a discussion about Freddie and Jim's possible difference in views regarding smacking, and I loved how you have incorporated that aspect. It feels very real.
And oof, Jim being so heartbroken after smacking his baby, and Freddie's (expected) reaction... my heart. Another tiny detail that I loved was how you made Freddie kind of expel Jim from the house whilst being engaged in a heated argument. We know this happened multiple times, with Freddie realising his mistake sooner or later. It was a nice authentic touch, character wise. But of course, in this series they're parents so he came to his senses pretty early. It's possible that with time, the real life Freddie may have stopped being so rash too, or at least may have pleaded with Jim to come back sooner, lol.
Anyway, I absolutely loved this part. I loved the reconciliation between Jim and Khaleel, and also the fact that the toddler is so comfortable with Phoebe. I mean, of course he would be, but it was nice to see.
Lovely drabble as always, anon. Thank you for writing!
Also, someone sent a prompt for you. If you have the time, they'd really appreciate you writing on it💙
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
Ok so the scene where Chat quits in the sewer gave me feels for a moment ngl. Everything else just felt like a bad and boring crossover fanfic with a fandom headcanon thrown in. Reading about Alya reminded me of those bashing fics where she just doesn’t know when.to.quit.it.
I get the feels. Really, I do. It’s just that I personally felt nothing for a few reasons.
One is the rehash (”Mayura” VS “Miraculous New York”):
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Two is the fact of Chat quitting considering the circumstances:
Ladybug was upset with Chat Noir for coming to New York without telling her, and rightfully so, but by having other events happen on top of it, it lessens that impact because suddenly they have to focus on everything else, such as the "death” Chat caused and Paris being damaged. Ladybug’s anger was right from the beginning but now she has to turn her attention to other things and it becomes “we didn’t get back to Paris on time” and Ladybug feeling guilty (even though her kwami - useful as ever - didn’t know what to do in the situation) rather than having the lesson fall directly on Chat.
And look, it’s not that I don’t understand where Chat is coming from. He thinks quitting is the form of punishment he deserves for his actions, but think about what he’s doing here.
Because he wasn’t there, Paris got severely damaged, and instead of being ready to face Paris again to say, “I caused this, I’m sorry. I promised to watch over everyone and I failed,” he chose to drop the identity that took the heat for all the mistakes (not even showing Ladybug who he was in the process; he could’ve kept his eyes closed so he didn’t see her civilian self) and bail. Rather than trying to make up for the mistakes he made (and maybe talk to her about giving up his miraculous afterwards), he leaves Ladybug to deal with the fallout of his actions. Adrien Agreste doesn’t have to deal with anything, but Chat Noir would’ve and he couldn’t even face her.
In essence, he’s trying to amend his mistake with the same mistake that got him in trouble in the first place. His mistake was making a decision without Ladybug to go to New York, which meant that Paris didn’t have a Chat Noir to try and protect it. Now, after he’s been criticized, he makes another decision without Ladybug to renounce Plagg and give up his miraculous, which meant that New York didn’t have a Chat Noir to protect it when Techno Pirate was still out and about.
He claims to trust her. He claims that she’s perfect. He claims that they’re a team and they get through stuff together.
But he didn’t trust her enough to believe that she’d be understanding about him saying that he’s being forced to go somewhere. He was afraid that his “perfect Ladybug” would be mad/disappointed if he told her that he had his own obligations to deal. He believed that not telling her was better simply because she didn’t know and thus couldn’t judge him (hi, “Copycat,” nice to see you again).
The show even makes a joke about Sparrow commenting on them being a team (when Ladybug and Chat Noir are mid-argument) without realizing or acknowledging that it’s not a joke and they’re only a team in the loosest sense of the word.
Three is the set-up in terms of Ladybug herself:
Here you have Chat Noir finally being called out for doing something wrong, but a quick look at the fandom will see a bunch of salt being thrown at both Ladybug and Marinette. The special does well enough at not blaming her at first, but then it equates Ladybug and Chat as one (by having Knightowl call both of them out and Jessica later refers to “them” when talking about Aeon getting de-activated) and also had Marinette be the one to insist that Adrien get to go to New York, making her inadvertently at fault (and easy to blame in the eyes of a fandom) even if it’s Chat’s for not telling her.
(there’s also the scene with Alya shouting at Marinette - which makes an obvious reference to how Marinette felt about Chat leaving - and the lowkey implications of supporting dependency problems)
You can argue that Ladybug shouldn’t be shouting at Chat mid-battle, but she realized that he lied to her mid-battle because that’s when she saw him, and I would argue that Chat should be more capable of focusing when we’re three seasons in. He needs to take fighting more seriously and he only seems to do it when the stakes are at their worst, as he’s normally used to bantering or shouting off puns.
Also, think about this from Ladybug’s perspective. People can say however they want about how sAd Chat Noir’s home life is but Ladybug doesn’t know any of that.
Meanwhile, the special comes after “Miracle Queen,” shown by the Lukanette+Adrimi interaction and the Miracle Box in the intro. It’s easy to point at “Miracle Queen” and yell about how Marinette is supposed to be moved on, but focusing on only that means missing a crucial detail:
Master Fu is gone. Ladybug is on her own and has the responsibility of being guardian. She has a lot of weight on her shoulders and Chat Noir is the only one she has left. He’s the only one she has who she can talk about miraculous-related problems, and he knows that.
She trusted him. They were officially “friends” now (because Chat himself put the label on it) and she believed that they were at a point in their relationship where he would trust her with his problems like she trusted him with hers.
And he didn’t. He betrayed Ladybug’s trust.
But because he gave up his miraculous (which illicits as much sympathy from the audience as possible) and left Marinette is such a state of shock and loneliness, he doesn’t have to deal with earning her trust back. He gets a hug immediately upon returning with Ladybug essentially telling him never to leave her again.
If this is the guy that Ladybug can’t imagine being without, it’s for no other reason than he’s the only partner she has, and a subpar partner can be better than none at all if only because it means not having to be alone.
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oohnoniall · 3 years
The Lantsov Emerald [Kaz Brekker x OC] - Chapter Two (Kaz)
Warnings: cursing
Chapter One
        He never made mistakes. Never went into a situation that he wasn't fully aware of. Yet, somehow, he had managed to fuck this up before it had even begun. Inej would never let him hear the end of it should she find out. He didn't plan to have anyone ever find out that he had messed this up.
        How in the hell was he supposed to have researched the royal family's voices? He hadn't thought they'd come in any sort of contact with any of them. Everyone knew the youngest son had been shipped out, running from the rumors of being a bastard. Not much was known about the princess beyond her golden hair and the engagement. The engagement that no one thought would work. 
        It was lucky that Kaz had known that much.
        She hadn't seemed upset about his mistake. It would probably not stand out in her mind for long. Or perhaps it would. The second this job was over, she would know exactly who had done it. Well, she would know a false name and a false accent. He had never been an actor, had never thought of it. But he had put on an accent that held no trace of Ketterdam, the city had morphed him all those years ago and hadn't released its hold since.
        Well, Pekka hadn't.
        He scowled to himself for thinking about any of this. It was not the time nor the place to worry about this. If he worried about nearly getting caught for a split-second delay, he would never get through the rest of the plan.
        Kaz schooled his face into neutrality, not quite calm but not quite any other emotion. A perfect mask to wear in order to blend into his surroundings and the people that wanted to be seen. The people who cared nothing for the second army but for the king and his approval.
        Saints it was annoying to be around these types of people. They were worse than the lowlife thugs he had made into his weapons. These people knew that their money, their influence allowed them power over people. A power that did not get punished.
        He didn't care about them, didn't care that they ruined everything for the people who had not been born into that privilege. His focus was on something else entirely. Making damn sure every rat in the Barrel knew just who he was and just what he was going to do to all of them.
        He walked into two men, causing one to spill wine on him.
        "What the hell do you think you're doing?" The one who had spilled his wine yelled at him. His eyes were bloodshot, enough to let Kaz know that he had already helped himself to several cups. Just as he had hoped.
        "My apologies," Kaz allowed his face to burn, hating every second when he acted like a fool. "I was just-"
        "Just acting a fool." The other stated with a slight smirk. 
        "You can't be here in that," the first told him with a snarl. "Go down to the laundry and get a fresh uniform." He motioned to a corridor just to the left, which would lead down to the barracks and just where he needed to be. 
        Kaz nodded quickly, turning on his heel and marching down the corridor as though he were an embarrassed soldier. Besides running into the princess, it seemed as though everything were going according to plan.
        Just as it always did.
        Kaz Brekker had made a living on making plans, on being one step ahead of everyone and everything. He would not be caught unawares by anything. Not if he could help it. He would have to get smarter while he was in this damned palace. While there were unknown variables.
        Normally the unknown did not bother him. But that princess had left him unnerved. What in the hell had she meant when she had said she'd see him on the training field? That didn't sit right with him.
        Why would a princess be around a training field? Or guards besides the obvious reasons? Yet, she seemed shocked that she hadn't known him. That could lead to danger. Perhaps he would have to find her again, lie again. Although that also seemed to be a mistake.
        Focus, he heard Jordie's voice in his head, in the depths of his very soul. Don't worry about her, worry about the job.
        He didn't know if it was what his brother would have actually said. Part of him knew there would have been laughter, teasing. His brother would have been so glad that Kaz had gotten spooked by something, something that was not a magic trick or a mechanical dog. That or he would be told off for thinking about anything other than their business, that daydreaming had gotten them into enough trouble.
        Trouble always seemed to follow Kaz Brekker. A dark cloud hanging over an even darker boy.
        He shoved his thoughts, his hopes, and his fears as far down as he possibly could. Past the knots in his stomach and the thought that they wouldn't get away with this. That they would never get away with this. He shoved that down as he stepped into the laundry room.
        It was empty. Everyone at the winter fete or taking the opportunity to just go off and do whatever they pleased for once. Everywhere was like the Barrel if one looked hard enough. People just seemed more inclined to wait until dark in places that were not Ketterdam.
        He grabbed two more sets of uniforms, one that would be big enough for Inej and another for the Conductor. He knew that Jesper would be well on his way to getting their ride out of there.
        At least he hoped so. Jesper had a tendency to do whatever he wished. There was nothing reliable about him. Nothing that they could do to keep him from being reckless, to keep him from doing anything to still his hands.
        It was enough to make Kaz sick to his stomach. And yet, there was no better shot in Kerch. Perhaps not in any of the known lands. For that reason alone, he could not be allowed to leave Kaz's side. Even if he could be the most annoying person that he had ever had the pleasure, or displeasure at times, of meeting.
        He tried not to think of this, instead focusing on keeping himself silent. It wasn't as hard as one would assume. He'd always had a way of stepping quietly, even in his boots. He knew the value of being silent.         
        Even if he'd never be as good as his wraith.
        As he headed back up the steps, he found himself missing his cane. It was a luxury that he sometimes could not afford to have. He hated that he had any sort of weakness. It was something that others could use against him. He had once worried how he would spin it to his advantage. He had worried for about thirty seconds before realizing what a good mask it was. No one expected much from the boy with a cane.
        It had helped him rise so quickly. Helped him gain the title of Dirty Hands. It was better that way. To be feared. No one would ever be able to take that away from him.
        Unless he kept making these stupid mistakes.
        "Is it my size?" Inej whispered to him as she slipped over to his hiding spot, quiet as the wraith she had been named for.
        "Of course it's your size," he stated as he shoved the uniform into her hands. "I know your size. I wouldn't make that mistake."
        "I can't be sure of that. Not after last time," her eyes sparkled with mirth as she spoke. He had to try very hard not to roll his eyes.
        "Yes, well," he grumbled once before she was off without another word. He didn't want to know just how she did that. Sneaking up on him once had been enough for him.
        Kaz didn't like to be taken by surprise. He didn't like it when people got the best of him. It reminded him too much of Jordie, of what Pekka had done to the two of them. He had no chance in hell to keep himself sane if those memories kept resurfacing. Even if they did fuel the rage that burned inside of his heart.
        That rage kept him alive, kept him building and building his empire. He would run the Barrel. He'd run Ketterdam. It was only a matter of time. Then he would take his revenge and make Pekka Rollins regret the day he had ever crossed him. The day he had taken Jordie.
        He shoved it down, shoved that fire as far down as he possibly could as he handed off the other uniform. He didn't care about what the Conductor wanted during all this. He already knew that the man could not be trusted. It was a good thing that he didn't trust anybody.
        Not even the Crows that he had brought with him. Anyone could be bought, anyone could be holding secrets.
        He certainly was.
        Kaz headed back up the steps, the warm light washing over his features and causing them to appear less striking. His cheekbones were not as sharp in this lighting, softer and more innocent. It was almost humorous how much a simple light could turn him from a monster into who he truly was.
        A seventeen-year-old boy who had lost all his hope.
        He did not contemplate the ways the light lit his face as he moved to blend in with the other guards. He hung back, in a long hallway where people were milling about and laughing over stupid jokes as they watched either the Grisha or the few couples that had braved the dance floor.
        She was on the dance floor, her arm draped around a man who looked a few years older than her. The coloring of his hair and the way he was murmuring words that made her nose scrunch almost imperceptibly made it obvious who he was. His theory was only proven once they turned. The medals pinned to his chest and the nose that matched hers were stronger hints to who he was.
        Crown Prince Vasily Lantsov.
        He was far too close to Kaz for any sort of comfort but he couldn't leave. He was supposed to be a guard. Someone who was supposed to keep the royal family safe. If he dared turn his back on the two in his eyesight, it would have looked rather strange.
        But that didn't mean he couldn't spy on them. Maybe there would be something of use in their dance floor conversations.
        Slowly, he made his way just outside of the doorway. He would have gone in had Inej not been lingering on the other side. Presumably listening as well, or just waiting to see the woman who had been proclaimed a miracle.
        He didn't understand how she could believe in her Saints. How she could believe that anyone had ever cared about them. They had been dealt a hand that was beyond anything one of the Saints could have salvaged. It was a wonder they had managed to live this long. Yet, she still believed. He heard her whisper prayers as she touched her knives, each named for one of the Saints. He didn't say anything. As long as she did what she needed to.
        "Really, Annie," the nickname suited her although it was obvious by the very slight twitch of her left eyebrow that she didn't enjoy it. "I gave you clear instructions."
        "I wanted to dance," he could barely hear her words, spoken so softly that they floated in the rosemary-scented air. "Nikki wouldn't have minded."
        "Nikolai," the venom in his voice could not be hidden by the soft tone, "wasn't instructed to watch over you."
        "No, he did it because he wished to."
        "Annie, please," his eyes had softened. Kaz wondered how often they had this conversation. There was tension among the royal family. Tension that seemed no one in the world could see. They weren't watching close enough.
        "Don't patronize me, Vassy," she looked him in the eyes. Something that he doubted many did to the would-be-king. It was something that he did not think many could get away from it. "I'm a grown woman. I can take care of myself."
        "You shouldn't be able to. Nikolai never should have allowed you to learn any of it."
        "It is not his fault." The way she spoke cemented the idea in Kaz's mind that Nikolai Lantsov was the greatest of the three siblings. A sister would not look at her eldest brother with fire in her eyes otherwise. Unless they had a very different relationship than he was used to.
        "Fjerda will not allow you to do this, you know?" Vasily kept his expression neutral but Kaz could see the exhaustion in his eyes.
        "No, but at least I will be able to protect myself." The fire had dwindled, replaced by something else. Something that was not quite fear but not quite anything else either. It was wrong. It wasn't something that he expected to see during a royal celebration. Not something that he ever expected to see in a royal's eyes.
        The dance ended, Anastasia giving her brother a respectful curtsey before she made her way to the dais. Her head was held high, he could see small, sparkling gemstones in her braids. She walked with purpose, knowing her way in the world like she had never once questioned it. Like she had never worried a day in her life about a damn thing.
        The hushed conversation was the only proof that something was hidden there. Something that he would never in his life find out. He did not know how he felt about that.
        The not knowing was worrisome for Kaz. He had no reason to care about it. But it was information. Information that he could potentially use for some reason or another. Information that could lead to him running Ketterdam, to crushing Pekka Rollins. Even if he was unsure how that was possible. 
        He tried to push this from his mind, tried to keep from worrying about anything other than Alina Starkov. They had a job to do. One that would risk losing Inej, losing the Crow Club, losing everything that had ever mattered to him. He wouldn't let the Barrel ruin him. He had made that mistake once already.
        He tried not to think of the princess. But even he could not stop noticing how she walked to her mother's side. It was as though gravity held no hold on her. She walked and danced as though her feet floated in the air. How would she compare to the Wraith if given the right tools?
        No one would ever live up to Inej or her standard. He had no need on anyone else who walked on the air, especially not someone who could not blend into a crowd.
        Besides, it wasn't like he could entice a princess to join his crew. Nor would he want to. These thoughts were just his mind's way of refocusing, of getting ready for the mayhem that was more than likely going to start sooner or later. Not even one of his plans could go perfectly. Although, he did have a better track record than most.
        The doors opened, the Darkling finally gracing them with his presence. A smile graced the man's features, causing a pit of unease to grow in Kaz's stomach. There was something about that smile that told a story he did not quite like. Ruthless betrayal lived within the Darkling. He would have never seen the signs had it not lived within him as well.
        "Moi tsar," the Darkling bowed before the king. He nodded his head once to the other members of the royal family, his eyes going to Vasily more than once. 
        The king nodded to his great general, a look of pride in his eyes. A man with power and no clue what was happening in his country. It was a wonder that anything ever got done in Ravka.
        "Ladies and gentlemen," the Darkling turned then to the crowd, that same smile on his face. "Too long has the Fold separated us from our brothers on the west. Too long have we lived in fear because of it."
        The crowd murmured their assent as he motioned to the doorway to Kaz's left. A woman stepped through it. With dark hair and an almost shy smile, Alina Starkov did not seem to be anything remarkable. 
        Draped in a black and gold kefta, she painted the picture of a glorious summoner. One who could rival the royal women on the dais. She stepped to her own small stage, Kaz noticed how the Darkling helped her step upon it. 
        They had not counted on how close the Darkling and his newest treasure would have become. He should have thought of that. There had been so much revealed in that one touch that he worried he would have to fight the whole Second Army to get to Alina. It was not something he looked forward to.
        "Alina Starkov," The Darkling spoke as his shadows took over the room. 
        The hair on the back of his neck stood up. His fingers itched for his cane. The steady weight of it would keep him steady, keep him from wanting to run in terror as the darkness surrounded him. He had never been afraid of the dark. But this was unnatural. It felt similar to something but he could not figure out what. That alone made him wonder about what in the hell this General Kirigin was hiding.
        "Lead us out of the darkness," his voice was everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. He could hear Inej whispering prayers to the Saints under her breath.
        A bright light shone from Alina Starkov. The Sun Summoner brought a ball of light into the middle of the room, lighting them all in washes of what looked and felt like bright sunshine. The shadows fled from it, scurrying on back to their master.
        He didn't buy it for a second. He was certain there was a trick that he just could not see. Kaz had a hard time believing in Saints. He had a harder time believing in miracles. This woman couldn't be one of them. She couldn't be anything more than a lie. All of them were. Every single person in that room was nothing more than a lie.
        Still, as the rest of the room began to fall to their knees and mutter the words 'Sankta Alina', Kaz found himself bending his knee and murmuring along with them. If only to keep up appearances.
        He chanced a glance toward the royal family. The king and queen remained in their thrones but their children had both fallen to their knees. The princess seemed to be glowing in the Sun Summoner's light, her eyes bright with fervor for the Saint that would reunite their country. 
        It seemed as though even the royal family believed in false idols.
        A cruel smile lit the Darkling's face as his shadows retreated. The smile of a man who had won. Kaz had seen it on several members of the Merchant Council, on several gang leaders in the Barrel. He had worn that smile himself. But seeing it in this room ... It meant something bigger than anything he could ever dream of was coming. He only hoped he and his Crows would be out of there before the real trouble came calling.
        He watched as the general led his weapon off of the dais and out of the room. Inej gave him an imperceptible nod, the two beginning to trail him with two other guards. The ones they were replacing had been easy enough to knock out and replace. Ravka needed better trained guards, better trained people. It was no wonder the country was falling apart at the seams.
        The plan had been to follow them as far as Alina's private chambers. But this was not the case. A man was brought past them, one that caught Alina's eye. Her brow furrowed and the Darkling had the others hurry her along while he went after the man. Kaz would have continued to follow after the Sun Summoner, but Kirigin had nodded his head towards him.
        He motioned with his left hand for Inej to stick to the plan. He kept his spine straight as he followed the general, trying to ignore the hammering in his chest. There was nothing he could do but hope and pray that this went well. He didn't know who to pray to but he would.
        He stood far enough back that he could not hear what was said between the Darkling and the man who was being held by the shoulder. He could, however, tell it was nothing good. Nothing that would bring peace. 
        "Take him. Don't let her see," his voice was velvety soft as he spoke, sending a warning straight through Kaz. He knew not to trust silk and honey.
        "Of course," the other guard said. 
        Kaz waited as long as he possibly could before he broke off without suspicion. He headed towards the meeting point, knowing that Inej would have grabbed the girl if she could. However, as he began to rush an alarm sounded from somewhere.
        They had been caught.
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memelover1024 · 3 years
Salvatore-Mikaelson Chapter 6
Tvd series
Salvatore OFC-Mikaelson OFC
1400 Words
Now Part Three
Athena lay on the couch in the history teacher's apartment smoking a blunt. Klaus was in the kitchen with his witch talking about what to do with that brat, Katherine. Then maddox came in dragging an unconscious said brat. Maddox came over towards her and looked down at her.
“Move,” he ordered her.
“What?” She asked him, equally appalled and amused by his behavior.
“Move, I have to put her somewhere,” he said. Athena let out a small laugh and made eye contact. She coldly responded,
“Get a chair! Maddox, don't ever talk to me again or you'll never do magic again and Klaus will kill you for being useless.” Maddox considered her words for a moment before going off and doing as told. Klaus then walked in, “threatening my men now I see,” he joked with her.
“Oh please Nik, he might as well be working for me, i do all the work.” she made a smug face at him.
“No, you sit texting and getting high,” he snatched the blunt from her, “HEY!! Give that back you bastard!” Klaus sighed.
“You need to focus, Athena! We’re almost there, you need to be sober.”
“I can do anything I want, and as you said we’re almost there, my work is done. All that's left is for you to get Katherine to tell you where the moonstone is and to kill the doppelbitch. Then we can kill Mikael and my son can finally come home and you can wake our family. So no klaus i don't need to be sober, i haven't been sober this whole time and i don't need to be sober now.”
Athena grabbed klaus’ wrist and took her blunt back. She took a hit and blew the smoke back into his face. She sat back on the couch and got comfortable again,
“Just tell me when you're done.”
Athena's Pov
I was in the teacher's bedroom reading a trashy romance novel and sipping on a bottle of Jack Daniels when Klaus came bursting through the door. He was agitated but I could tell tonight was a success. The plan worked, the witch was dead. Klaus came into the room and sat on the bed next to me. I leaned against him wanting to feel some sort of contact. I looked up at him and buried my nose in his shirt.
“Why aren’t you celebrating?” I asked him.
“We have not won yet my sister, we still have a couple battles to fight.”
“How did they look?” I asked him.
“They’re scared, rightfully so,”
“I wish it wasn't her. I mean after years of waiting, when our miracle finally emerges, it's her. I just wish I didn't have to break my family's heart to repair another.” I said crying into his shoulder. Klaus ran his fingers through my hair.
“Shhh, it will be alright.”
“It's so weird cuddling with you in this body,” I told him.
“I'll be out of it soon,”
3rd Person POV
Athena stood on the altar watching as Greta trapped Elena in a circle of fire. She gathered her courage and made her way towards her, stopping at the fiery border.
“Who are you?” the doppelganger asked her.
“Someone who doesn't want to hurt you.”
“Then why are you here, why are you helping Klaus,” she asked, Athena gave her a sad smile.
“He's my family, my wishes for you don't matter, I will always choose him. Even over myself.”
“I guess I can respect that, not that I can really respect Klaus though.”
“It's not personal Elena, Klaus and I both wish you didn't have to die, but he's waited a thousand years for this, he deserves to be free from his curse. You will not suffer Elena, your family will be taken care of, no one else will suffer.” Athena told her, trying to make her feel at peace.
“Then what about Jenna?” She yelled, pointing at the unconscious vampire in the neighboring circle of fire.
“That was not my idea, nor was it Klaus’ it was Katherines and being upset for your trying to escape and ruining his plan, Klaus was more than willing to use her as punishment. She does not deserve this, neither do you. No one is arguing that, but I'm not the person to beg. I have no control over this, I'm here for my brothers. You will not change anything negotiating Elena. I'm sorry.” Athena walks back up to the altar just when Klaus enters the clearing with the werewolf.
“Your brother and friends will be taken care of, as well as the Salvatores, I promise you.” Athena told Elena before turning and walking back up to the altar, meeting Klaus there.
“Are you ready my brother?” She asked Klaus.
“Ready to finally be free, of course.”
Gretta takes down the ring of fire around the wolf and brings her up to the altar, where Athena paints an ancient viking rune for wolf in Klaus’ blood, which in turn is the blood of the witch that originally cast the spell. When the sigil is drawn Klaus drags her to the front of the altar across from Athena, when Athena starts chanting the spell he drove his hand into the wolf’s chest and pulls out her heart. He squeezes the heart over the moonstone and then sets the heart next to the moonstone. When Klaus turned to go get the vampire, he noticed something on the cliff. He motions for Athena to stop chanting and she looks up and meets her brother's eyes over the flames. Betrayal is what she saw in her baby brother's eyes and for a second she felt remorse for what she had done, for what she was about to do. But then she remembered her other brother, Klaus who deserved to be free. She remembered Mikael who could finally be killed after the curse was broken. She remembered her precious nephew who didn't deserve to die, and who she swore to avenge. And she remembered that in the long run this would be helping her brothers, they would not have to fight over this child who doesn't deserve either of them. She gave her brother a sad look before she raised her hand and snapped his neck from across the clearing with her magic. Klaus went on to grab pour Jenna, who after being fed Gretta’s blood and bring her up to complete her transition, and brought her up to Athena, repeating the process she did with the wolf, she paints a viking runic sigil for demon and again Klaus brings her to the front of the altar and rips her heart out while Athena chanted her spell. She hears Elena's screams and feels remorse for her action, but then again, she remembers. Once Jenna’s heart is put next to the werewolf’s Klaus turns to Elena. The circle of fire around her goes out and Klaus extends a hand. Elena walks right past him and up to the altar, between the bodies of an enemy and her family as she waits to die. She looks at Athena.
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“I hope it's worth it.” she says to her before Klaus drains the blood from her body, dropping her to the ground when her heart stops beating. Athena feels the tangle of magic she's been unraveling shatter and knows the curse is broken. She looks to her brother and sees his eyes transform into the eyes of the first vampire werewolf hybrid. When Klaus’ bones start to break, Elijah comes out of nowhere and knocks him down, his hand in his chest. She feels the Bennett witch’s magic radiating and decides to dip. She knows that Klaus can get himself out of that mess, she loves all five of her brothers but she isn't getting into that shit. Not today. She needs a drink. She goes back to the apartment and picks up some stuff and then she goes to the Mystic Grill and picks up a guy. She spends the next two days in a hotel room, high as a kite, waiting for Klaus to change back into human form and finish what was started a thousand years ago.
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fallingfor-fics · 4 years
Teachers Pet-chapter 17: wanting
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chapter 16
Potions seemed to drag on forever, Snape was just teaching a lesson, his velvety monotone voice going on and on about a potion we were gonna brew soon. I was trying my best to stay awake, I was still very exhausted and his voice was slowly lulling me to sleep. My eyelids felt heavy and I let them close for one second, or so I thought. I began drifting off and it was too difficult to open them again. I could hear his voice get quieter as I slipped into unconsciousness. I should have known better, I saw a kid fall asleep in his class once and he practically hexed them, he took away house points and yelled at the boy, which ensured he never made that mistake again. 
I jumped awake to a tap on my shoulders. My head was now on the table on my arms and I opened my eyes to see Draco staring at me. "Y/n, come on class is over." he said, collecting his books. "What?" I looked around and saw most of the kids had already left and Snape wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Where's Professor Snape? Why didn't he wake me up? Why didn't you wake me up!" I said lightly shoving his shoulder as we headed out of the classroom. "He left as soon as the bell rang, and I didnt think I needed to, I mean I tried and you didn't move so I figured you needed the sleep." He said smiling. "How odd that he did not get angry with me, did he even say anything?" I asked as we went to the Slytherin common room. "No, when he looked and saw you asleep he just rolled his eyes and kept teaching, I guess he figured if you have the time to sleep, then you don't need to learn haha" I thought over what he was saying, that's not like Snape at all why would he do that? And he knows I'm bad at potions so you would think he'd want me to pay attention.
We went to our rooms for our free period and I said I'd see him at dinner. I was alone in my room and decided to get the book out I had stolen from Snape's room earlier. I began from the start and read the first few chapters, I noticed it began getting dark out and looked at the clock, "Great I missed dinner." I realized I had gotten through almost half of the book, it was very informational, and sadly to say, was giving me some ideas. I mean there's no way I could earn Severus' affections but a girl can dream right? I got my bag and quickly headed out to make it to Snapes lessons. "Draco! So sorry I missed Dinner I got caught up reading!" I said seeing him in the common room, "Oh that's ok I actually saved you this dinner" he said handing me a dinner roll. I smiled taking it from him, "thanks so much I'll catch you later!" I took a bite of the roll not realizing how hungry I was and headed to the potions classroom. The door was closed so I stood there and knocked on it. Recalling when Severus rescued me from the weird encounter with Lockhart that one day, I smiled to myself thinking about how he's always been there in my times of need, so conveniently.
"Come in" I heard him say from the other side and I walked in smiling, taking another bite of my roll. "Evening Professor," I said, sitting down in Dracos seat. It was closer to Snape's desk, easier to hear him from here of course, no other reason. "Today I figured we would look over the Amortentia potion" he said looking up at me, I dropped my smile, that was the potion he was teaching earlier that I so happened to have fallen asleep during the lesson. "About that," I said, getting up and walking over to his desk, "I wanted to know why you didn't wake me up during class." I said fiddling with my fingers. He looked down at his papers thinking for a moment. "I figured you deserved it after last night, although you should have indeed been awoken, I didn't want to disturb the lesson either." He said not looking up at me. "About last night.." I began "No need to discuss the matter Ms.L/n, It was wrong of me to have not sent you back to your dormitory immediately." He interrupted. "What? No..I wanted to thank you once more, It was almost a miracle you showed up when you did, and not punishing me, it helped a lot, I've been having a rough time and i'm glad you were there." I said within a small smile, I hoped this wasnt to far a reach and he didn't find it weird, I mean he was just comforting a student, nothing more. He didn't say anything he just stared down at his papers, I had said too much. I turned and sat back down. "We should get started." he said, stacking his papers. "Right." I said not looking up at him. It fell silent and I needed to break the silence, "Professor how well do you know Professor Lockhart?" I said looking up at him. "As well as any teacher I suppose why?" he asked furrowing his brows. "If I tell you something will you promise not to get angry and get me in trouble?" I said looking around and then pulling my chair up to his desk. He straightened up and looked at me with worried eyes.
"I might regret it, but sure." he said with a sarcastic tone. "Um, well... During Defense Against the Dark Arts today, we were practicing the protection spell, and I didnt have a partner again, and so Lockhart made me practice with him. He said to do easy spells to practice against. And at the end of class I was arguing with him because he used a dueling spell and he proceeded to say it was because he knew I could 'handle' it," he continued listening to me closely growing more and more confused and concerned as I went on. "And he was like 'watch' and raising his wand, and I wasn't prepared and I didnt know what he was going to do.." I looked down at my hands scared to let out the last part, "And so out of defense I hit him with Expelliarmus and he flew across his desk." I said breathing out the last part. Snape's eyes went wide for a moment and then his mouth grew into a small smile. I let my shoulders relax at his response and let out a light chuckle. "Wow Y/n you really like to test this mans limits." he said back in his normal tone. "He just makes me so furious, and I was so shocked he pulled his wand on me without a heads up so I got afraid." I added. "Are you gonna tell Dumbledore?" I asked with furrowed brows. "Well what did Lockhart do about it?" he asked looking in my eyes, I shifted in my seat, he had such an intense stare and his dark eyes looked so strong. "You see, that's the weird part, he didn't do anything," at this he returned his face to its normal stern look and looked a tad shocked, "All he said was 'be careful, you never know the consequences of your actions' and then let me leave." I said using air quotes and mocking his voice.
But Snape did not seem amused, he just looked away and dropped his gaze on my eyes and looked at the wall in thought I presumed. He didn't say anything or the next minute and I grew worried, "What?" he didn't respond. "Severus what is it?!" I said raising my voice a tad looking in his eyes. He snapped his gaze to me and opened his mouth to speak, "Dont scold me for using your name, what are you thinking about." "Nothing Ms. L/n, it's fine I just wonder why he did not assign you a detention. And I told you not to call me Severus'' Wow. The way he said his own name was beautiful, but now's not the time for this. "Well we are friends now, and friends don't use formalities such as Ms. L/n and Mr. Snape" I said jokingly but he didn't seem amused, "Definitely do not call me Mr. Snape" he said in a cold tone, I guess I hit a soft spot, I mean it makes sense, he didn't like his father and I'm guessing that was what he would hear a lot. "We are friends though, I mean at least here in our lessons, I won't do it during school.." I said reassuring him. "If it will make you focus then fine, now let's get started we have wasted enough time."
Hours had passed and I suggested he teach me how to brew the potion now for practice, and to prevent me from any mishaps in class. But he refused and said to just wait until we did it as a class since it was already so late. I was sitting next to him at his desk since we were going over stuff in the textbook. I went to close it and my arm brushed against his, I paused for a moment and let the feeling linger on my arm, I looked over at him and made eye contact with him, I got up and walked over to my table putting my book down. "I uh was organizing the books today but didn't get to finish, I can do that quickly if you'd like?" I asked, looking at the last bookshelf. "No that's alright" he said, not looking at me. "I-I should probably go now anyways heh '' I said awkwardly collecting my things, "Yes that is probably best" he said shuffling random papers around. "Ok um I will see you in class tomorrow, Goodnight Severus." I said walking to leave, "Goodnight Y/n" I smiled and walked out down the hall. I got to my room and one of my roommates was still awake, I smiled at her as I sat my bags down and sighed, "Y/n you like to read right?" my roommate asked, her name was Ruth and she was pretty popular, she had long dark brown hair and beautiful green eyes. Lots of the boys liked her, but we never became friends, but she was nice. "Yeah I do" I said looking up at her. "Good here, my muggle friend had this sent to me, but I'm not gonna touch it so you can have it." she said, extending the book to me. "Oh t-thank you! Are you sure?" I asked looking up at her hesitantly taking it from her hand, "Yeah at least i'll get some use if you have it." she said smiling, "Well ok thanks" She just nodded and said goodnight turning out her lamp and going to bed. I laid it on my bed and went to get ready to go to sleep.
When I finished I sat on my bed picking up the book, "Lolita" hmm I said reading the title to myself. I put it in my bag and told myself i'd read it once I was done with the one I stole from Severus, I grabbed the small book and continued to read through it, it was actually very helpful, except for the fact I wasn't going to get to try any of these things with him. "If the one your heart desires, does not at first glance your way, find someone to make them envy and draw attention to thine self." Merlin this translation was kind of hard to interpret, unless it was really suggesting to make them jealous, my only issue was no matter who I dated, Severus still wouldn't look at me the way I want him to. I needed to get this idea of him eventually falling for me out of my head. I looked in the margin at at a note that was scribbled in, 'she has found someone' I frowned reading it. This poor person, they must have really wanted things to work with this other girl. I flipped to the beginning to where I left the flower. It was a little white one flattened from the pages. I grabbed my wand and murmured a small "Appare Vestigium" A swirl of gold went over the pages and the flower and a few small fingerprints appeared on the flower. This would show me any magic that was lingering but it was not helpful in finding out where the flower came from and who wrote in this book. I guess I was just gonna have to tell Severus I took it and ask him whose it was, that was going to be fun.
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alwaysmychoices · 4 years
Hi! Me again! I don’t know if you’ve done this or not or something that might interest you. But HC with Ethan and MC meeting like Derek and Meredith, sleeping together before knowing they work together?
I really enjoyed this one! A. I got to do “research” by rewatching Grey’s. B. I loved the way this turned out. If this becomes it’s own fic, don’t be surprised. 
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Ethan & f!MC - Meeting Before Knowing They Worked Together 
When MC walked into Donahue’s on the eve of her first day at Edenbrook, she was determined to have one last night where she wasn’t an incoming resident or a future diagnostician or anything other than a girl at a bar.
Maybe she should have known that a bar that close to a hospital would attract its employees.
But really, when she saw Ethan, she wasn’t thinking.
He was just a handsome man sitting alone at a bar, and she was just a girl.
Neither of them meant to go home together that night. If anything, they felt like they were trapped in some magnetic pull.
They had to talk. Ethan had to buy her a drink, and MC had to move closer. A few hours later, when Ethan called himself a cab, it was a foregone conclusion that MC would be in the backseat next to him.
That night was amazing.
The morning, however…
MC woke up hungover to Ethan’s morning alarm. The 45-second gap between MC waking and Ethan turning off the alarm was as close to hell as MC ever wanted to be.
“Why is it so loud?” she grumbled, covering her eyes with her arm.
“It’s an alarm.”
“What time is it?”
MC scrambled for her phone and emitted a panicked groan that made Ethan do a double-take. Jolted awake with anxiety, MC got out of bed and fumbled for her clothes, which lined Ethan’s floor haphazardly.  
He watched with bemused confusion.
“Are you alright?” he asked, trying not to smirk as she mumbled a thousand curses under her breath as she tried to button her jeans.
“I’m going to be late.”
“My first day.”
“My job.”
Ethan was both amused and frustrated with her insistence on remaining vague. She didn’t seem particularly interested in talking to him, or in him at all this morning. That should have been a blessing. He never liked the awkward, post-sex small talk or the polite feigned interest in each other’s life.
Maybe he was so interested in MC because she wasn’t interested in him.
Either way, he asked her name. She didn’t seem to be offended that he forgot, and a moment later, she admitted that she didn’t know his either.
Ethan asked if she wanted coffee. Nearly tripping as she buckled her wedges, MC said she didn’t have time. He asked for a raincheck.
MC paused, debating how to answer. She didn’t walk into that bar to find someone, nor did she move to Boston with the intention of dating anyone. She didn’t have time for coffee dates, no matter how handsome this stranger was.
But instead of letting him down gently, she walked to his bedside table where he kept a pen and paper for late-night epiphanies. She scribbled her name and number on the top sheet.
And then she had to go.
Ethan called out a goodbye, and though she didn’t return it, she smiled softly in the elevator.
The next hour or so was chaos. MC’s ride back to her apartment was slowed by morning traffic, so running out of time, MC ran upstairs, changed, grabbed what she needed, and ran back downstairs in a panic. 10 minutes into her commute, she realized her phone was dead, and she blindly navigated her new city.
Considering everything, it was a miracle she was only 5 minutes late.
But she was still late.
MC moved through orientation feeling like she was always a step behind because she was late. She made a few friends, all of whom assured her that she hadn’t missed much, but one maintained a sly, condescending smile as if he’d somehow won today’s game by being earlier than her.
She was so focused on making up for lost time that she didn’t notice her familiar coworker until it was too late.
They were in the halls when their paths first crossed.
Ethan saw her first. At first, it was just a quick glance, but when he realized who she was, he stopped dead in his tracks.
MC, coffee in one hand and a chart in the other, kept walking and only offered a cursory glance of intrigue when she saw someone stop in the halls.
She nearly dropped her coffee in shock.
For a moment, they just stared at each other.
And then they stared at each other’s IDs.
MC felt nauseous when she read his name. Dr. Ethan Ramsey. Her hero. Her boss.
She had sex with her boss.
And Ethan had sex with an intern!
Ethan opened his mouth to say something – though God knows, he didn’t know what he was going to say – but didn’t get the opportunity. Panicked, MC just walked away.
The rest of the day, she felt like she was in a daze.
What had she been thinking? She should have never gone out last night at all.
Two hours later, they ran into each other again – this time, in a lonely elevator with no immediate exit. They were trapped.
MC spoke first.
“So, you’re… you’re Dr. Ramsey then.”
“I am.”
“Right…” MC evaded eye contact, “I read your book.”
Ethan cringed, “Oh.”
After a beat, he asked, “So, what are you? Surgery? Pediatrics?”
Realizing that Ethan was MC’s direct supervisor, they agreed to pretend nothing ever happened. As soon as they exited this elevator, they would never speak of it again. They shared an awkward handshake just before the doors opened.
They fully intended to stay apart, but they kept running into each other.
MC quickly established herself as a promising if flawed doctor. Ethan was intrigued by her potential. After days of deliberation, he decided it would be unfair to refrain from mentoring her just because they made one mistake.
He told himself it was pure professional interest, but if that were true, he wouldn’t have kept her number all this time.
Ethan was hard on MC. His criticisms became so frequent they felt like abuse. He expected a lot from her – more than he expected from any other intern, save for Aurora. She responded to the criticism with improved performance, and Ethan saw no reason to let up now.
She couldn’t reach her potential if she was afraid to grow.
He kept his compliments and growing respect mostly to himself. He worried that, given their past, sharing them would appear inappropriate.
So, as Ethan grew attached to MC, she brewed in dislike.
The differential treatment was obvious. While Ethan flattered himself that he was pushing her to greatness, she just felt pushed and underappreciated. Her success was only met with more challenges. She was exhausted, and she blamed Ethan.
And Ethan had the misfortune of sitting next to her at Donahue’s the night she reached her limit.
He asked if she wanted a drink. She answered with the kind of glare that could slit throats.
Ethan’s reasoning was clouded with MC. Though he recognized her annoyance and knew to leave, he didn’t. He ordered his drink and remained next to her as she fumed.
After 10 minutes of silence, MC finished her third beer and asked, “Why are you such a dick?”
Ethan choked on his drink.
“If you’re just punishing me because of that night, that’s not appropriate. I’m a doctor, not just the girl from a bar you slept with.”
“I am not punishing you, and if I was, it certainly wouldn’t be for that reason.”
Maybe it was the alcohol in her system. Maybe it was months of resentment. Or maybe it was because, no matter what he did, he was still the handsome stranger at a bar. The magnetic draw they found in Donahue’s never waned. She still wanted him to pick up her number and schedule that coffee date.
Whatever it was, MC let him have it.
They ended up in an alley, yelling at each other like the rest of the world couldn’t hear them. Under the cover of false anonymity, they released so much frustration that their voices reached screams.
And then…
Well, they later blamed the passion of the moment.
But, once they had released all of their frustrations, one lingered. They resented staying apart.
So, that night, they didn’t.
In the middle of a screaming match where MC aimed a long stream of expletives at him,  Ethan kissed her. And then MC kissed him. And then they were in a cab, and they were back in his apartment. And… and it started all over.
And the worst part was that they each had a sobering moment where they realized what they were doing, and they did it anyway.
In the morning, they had the same conversation they had in the elevator. This was an unprofessional, irresponsible mistake, and it wouldn’t happen again.
But it did.
And at some point, they realized they were no longer thrown together in the rush of adrenaline and frustration. They were together on the good days and in the smiling moments.
A thousand small decisions tied them to one another.
MC wasn’t just a girl in a bar.
She never had been.
tag list: if you want to join the tag list/be taken off (or excluded from certain posts), let me know! 
@schnitzelbutterfingers @curiousconch @starrystarrytrouble @jessirosebud @lucy-268 @aestheticartsx @eramsey28 @macy-ray85 @octobereighth @queencarb @claredal424 @mercury84choices @drariellevalentine @wonderwithrobin @honeyandsunfl0wers @iemcpbchoices @queenbirbs @stateofgracious @kalogh @paulfwesley @canigetanawwjunk @blossomanarchy @lion-ess24 @hopefulmoonobject @caroldxnvxrs @senseofduties @chasingrobbie  @rookieoh @delaytheinevitable
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whumpcollector · 4 years
Safe Haven
Hey all. I come bringing gifts in the form of writing. I’ve been playing around with these characters on my head for a bit so hopefully you all enjoy!
CW: Slavery. Dehumanization (kind of)
Kai let out a small sigh as he looked down at 07. The poor thing was curled up on the floor of the closet, arms wrapped around themselves and head tucked into their chest. It looked like they were trying to hide themselves, making themselves small so they wouldn’t be noticed. 
Or maybe so they would be harder to hit.
A grimace crossed Kai’s face as he looked at the bed in the room. It was a small guest bed, a bit old but still comfortable. The covers were pristine, 07 hadn’t even lied down on top of them. They didn’t take any of the blankets into the closet either; a short draft reminded Kai how cold the nights were getting. 07 felt it too, shivering in their sleep. 
Kai was conflicted. He wanted to pull one of the blankets off of the bed and wrap 07 up in them, given them some protection from the winter chill. On the other hand, for whatever reason, 07 didn’t want Kai to know they weren’t using the bed. Why they felt the need to lie about this was something to be handled later. Right now Kai had two options. Put a blanket over 07 and risk them freaking out or let them lie there on the floor in the cold. 
Another draft and another made up Kai’s mind. He walked over to the bed and pulled off the comforter before walking back and gently placing it over 07. They didn’t wake up, thankfully, and now they had something to fend off the chill. 
Kai walked out of the room and back towards his own. 07 was probably going to be in a bad way tomorrow morning, but this was something he would need to address at some point, might as well do it now. As he laid down in bed he wondered how exactly he was going to tackle this. An answer didn’t come to him; he would have to wing it. Well, at the very least he had plenty of experience doing just that.
Kai awoke to the smell of cooking bacon and hot coffee. 07 was already awake and busy cooking breakfast. Kai got out of bed, taking a quick shower and throwing on a fresh set of clothes before walking into the living room. 07 was still busy cooking breakfast, a variety of smells coming from the kitchenette they were working in. They hadn't noticed Kai walk into the room, and he watched them for a few minutes. They were scared, close to panicking. They moved quickly and jerkily, shifting from one task to the next as if leaving something alone for more than a moment would set the house on fire.
‘Well,’ Kai thought, ‘no reason to put it off.’
“Good morning 07.” He really wanted to give them a proper name, but one thing at a time. “I see you’ve started breakfast.”
07 froze up for a split second before turning around and bowing their head. “G-good morning master Kai. Breakfast will be ready s-soon.”
Kai nodded before walking past 07 and grabbing the coffee pot to pour himself a cup. 07 went back to cooking breakfast. Kai spied pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns, and biscuits in various states of completion on the stove and counter. They were really going all out. 
Kai sat at the table, circling his finger around the rim of his mug and pondering how to handle this. He couldn’t and wouldn’t just ignore it. Trying to coax out a confession would just torture them for no reason. Looks like the only way out was through. 
07 brought a plate piled high with food to the table, placing it in front of Kai alongside some silverware. There was a slight tremble in their hands, small enough that it didn’t make the plate shake but enough to be noticeable. After serving Kai they knelt by his chair, eyes cast down. Another habit Kai wanted to break, but again, one thing at a time.
The food was good. Really good. Perfect in fact. 07 had outdone themselves. Kai ate in silence, savoring the food and also, maybe, possibly, putting off having to bring up last night for a few more minutes. Unfortunately the food didn’t last forever, and once the plate was clean Kai was out of excuses. 07 stood up and took the plate from the table, walking to the sink in order to start washing it. Well, now or never.
“So…” Kai began before trailing off and turning to 07.
They had frozen in place. Kai could hear their breathing go shallow.
“I uhh...I um...I checked up on you last night and...well...I was just wondering if there was...” Fuck’s sake man just get it out already. “Why were you sleeping in the closet?”
07 stood frozen for a few seconds more before clumsily putting the plate on a counter and rushing towards Kai. They fell to the ground, going prostrate and grasping Kai’s ankles.
“I-I’m so sorry master. I’m sorry. Please, please I didn’t mean to insult you. I-I jus-”
“Hey, hey.” Kai said, crouching down and trying to soothe the slave at his feet. “It's ok. I’m not mad. You’re not in trouble. I just...I just want you to be honest with me. Can you do that?”
07 nodded timidly.
“Ok, well first of all can you look at me?”
They looked upwards, tears in the corner of their eyes and lips trembling. Kai gave them a, hopefully, reassuring smile. 
“Good, good. Ok, now I just want you to be honest. Have you slept in the bed at all since you got here?”
07 hesitated before nodding once.
Kai raised an eyebrow, leaning his head in a bit closer. “Do you promise?”
They didn’t respond, casting their eyes back down. A second passed, and another, and then they slowly shook their head. 
So they’ve been sleeping in the closet on the ground for more than a month at this point. Kai cursed internally, he should have paid more attention. It's a wonder they haven’t gotten sick. 
“I see,” Kai said slowly. “That's ok. I just wish you would have told me.”
Shit, wrong thing to say. 07 tensed up, curling into themselves further and trembling. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I-I…” They trailed off and looked back up, a strange desperation in their eyes. “Please forgive me master.”
Kai nodded. “Ok. I forgive you.”
07’s eyes widened and they started backwards slightly. A combination of disbelief and hope crossed their face. “R-really?”
“Yup.” Kai nodded again. “You are forgiven. I asked you to be truthful with me and you were, so I forgive you.”
“Thank you! Thank you, I promise I won’t lie ever again, I promise!” 07 buried their face in Kai’s ankles, clinging to his legs like a lifeline.
Kai patted them on the head. He wanted to explain that they hadn’t done anything wrong, that there was nothing to forgive. But, well, one thing at a time. One thing at a time. 
If only there were less things to take care of. 
Kai took a deep breath and looked out the window. Snow had come down hard last night, and the driveway was covered in a fresh white blanket. Well, it would be good if 07 had something to do to distract them, and Kai needed them out of the house for a bit, he had a plan brewing. Besides he wasn’t exactly chomping at the bit to shovel snow, either.
“Hey, 07. The driveway is pretty covered right now. Would you mind heading out and clearing the way?”
07 nodded, standing up and heading towards the front door. 
“Hey wait,” Kai called after them, “don’t forget to put on a coat and some gloves.”
07 paused and turned back. It looked like doing so had never crossed their mind. They nodded and headed towards the closet by the front door, pulling out one of Kai’s old coats and a pair of gloves. The coat looked almost comically huge on 07, but it would keep them warm. Once they were properly dressed they looked back at Kai. He nodded in approval and they bowed their head before walking out the door. 
Kai let out a sigh and walked back into 07’s room. He looked at the closet. There were no clothes in it; no one had used the room for a while. Hell it didn’t even have a door; the thing broke off after an earthquake a few years ago. As it was, the closet wasn’t fit for anyone to sleep in. 
Well no shit, it was a fucking closet. 
Still, Kai could change that. He cracked his knuckles and rolled his neck. Time to get to work.
07 shoveled the last bit of snow out of the driveway, taking a moment to appreciate their work. They had done a good job. The driveway was completely clear, you couldn’t even tell there had been any snow. Master would be pleased.
They hoped that Master would be pleased. 
They needed to please master. They had lied to him. They had insulted his generosity. They should have been punished, they should have been beaten or burned or cut or whipped or drowned or something. But Master didn’t do any of those things.
Master didn’t do a lot of things. 
Master didn’t yell when they were stupid. Master didn’t hurt them when they failed. Master didn’t even seem to mind their constant stuttering. Master was...different than what they had expected, what they were used to. 
They weren’t sure how they felt about that. It was all so uncertain. They had to be wary of every move, every word spoken. Who knows what would set master off. They wished that Master would just tell them, lay out the rules clearly so they would know what to do and what to avoid. That would be so much easier, so much nicer than having to walk on eggshells until they inevitably stumbled into a punishment. 
At least so far they had managed to avoid doing anything that would anger master. It was a miracle they had gotten so lucky so many times. They had thought today was it. Master had learned that they had scorned his gift to them and lied about it. By all rights they should have been punished, but they weren’t. 
It was almost frustrating.
07 shook their head, they had no right being frustrated. They should be nothing short of grateful for the mercy they had been given. It was more than they deserved, far more.
They walked back into the house, taking off Master’s coat and gloves and carefully placing them back in the closet before taking off their winter boots. Master wasn’t in the living room or the kitchen, and they didn’t hear anything from the forge in the backyard so he wasn’t working. Their pondering where he might be was cut short as Master entered the room carrying a cardboard box.
“Oh, hey 07. You finished with the driveway?”
07 nodded. “Yes Master, the driveway is clear. I hope I did a satisfactory job.”
Master strained his neck, looking out a window before waving his hand. “You did fine, don’t worry.” He turned to walk away before abruptly stopping and turning back. “Ah wait. I should have mentioned this earlier so you didn’t put away the coat but could you bring in some blades I left out in the forge? I don’t want them to get damaged from the cold.”
07 nodded and walked back towards the closet. Pulling their coat, gloves, and boots back on and making their way towards the backyard. The blades Master had left out were easy to find, and they were on the lighter side so carrying them into the garage wasn’t too difficult.
Master kept 07 busy for the rest of the day, having them do a variety of small tasks and chores until it was time to cook dinner. That was odd. Usually Master left them to their own devices, only occasionally ordering them to perform anything specific. Maybe this was supposed to be a punishment? Taking away 07’s relative freedom for the day. They didn’t know, and decided it would be best not to think about it too much as they started cooking dinner.
Kai leaned back in his chair, letting out a satisfied sigh. Dinner was good, it usually was when 07 was cooking. He should get them to teach him, god knows he couldn’t do anything more complicated than boil water without hurting himself. Or setting something on fire. Or both. 
It was usually both.
Speaking of 07, Kai was anxious about how they would take the surprise he had prepared. It might be too much; they hadn’t been too receptive of gifts in the past. Hopefully everything would go well. Hopefully.
Well there wasn’t anything to do except wait for things to play out. 07 usually went to bed an hour or so after dinner. All Kai could do was wait. He stretched his arms and stood up, grabbing his plate and bringing it to the sink. 07 was already doing the dishes, and Kai stood next to them and began to dry what they had finished cleaning. It was a routine that had developed between the two of them. It was probably one of the only times 07 wasn’t nervous around him. 
Once the dishes were done Kai and 07 moved towards the living room, or more accurately Kai moved to the living room and 07 followed him. They tended to shadow him when they weren’t doing anything, staying just on his peripheries. It kind of reminded him of his old cat Rumble. It was cute. 
Kai took a seat on the couch and 07 curled on the floor off to the side. He had tried to invite them onto the furniture but they had always resisted. Pushing the issue always got them worked up so he stopped bringing it up, at least for now. One thing at a time and all. 
There was a nature documentary on, one about ocean life. Kai couldn’t say he cared much for the ocean but David Attenbourough could make wet paint the most compelling thing on the planet. 07, on the other hand, was utterly enthralled. They tried to hide it at first, but soon enough they were leaning forward with wide eyes and an open mouth. Kai could have sworn they even let out a small “ooohhh” when a particularly impressive shot of a whale played on screen. 
By the time the documentary had ended it was well past midnight. 07 stood and turned to Kai. “M-master. May I have permission to retire for the night.”
Kai gave them a nod and they left to clean up for the night. Kai waited for a couple of minutes before walking towards their room. He found them staring at the closet in complete disbelief. 
Kai walked towards them, casually looking into the closet. He had to admit he didn’t do a bad job. A thick sheet and comforter covered the floor, providing a softer surface than just the carpet. The pillows from the bed had been moved into the closet as well. A few strings of fairy lights connected to a somewhat jury rigged switch provided some lighting, and an old curtain had been hung up to allow for some privacy. 
It wasn’t much, but it was a hell of a lot better than just an empty closet.
07 turned to face them, confusion written all over their face.
Kai threw up his hands. “Surprise.” He placed a hand on their shoulder and gave them a smile he hoped was reassuring. “If you don’t want to sleep on the bed I won’t make you. But, you shouldn’t just have to sleep on the floor so I thought I’d, well, make it a bit more liveable.”
07 just stared at him before suddenly falling to the ground prostrate. “T-thank you. Thank you Master Kai. Thank you.”
Kai knelt down, running his hand through their hair. “You are welcome 07. Let me know if the lights stop working. I’m not amazing at wiring or electrical stuff so it might break down.”
07 merely nodded before standing back up and approaching the closet. They hesitated, pausing and turning back to Kai with a worried expression. They thought it might still be a trap, or a test. 
“It's ok,” Kai said softly. “Go ahead.”
07 gave one last tentative nod and entered the closet. They slowly lowered themselves down, pulling the comforter open and slipping beneath it. They let their head hit the pillow and a look of pure bliss crossed their face. Kai smiled and pulled the curtain closed.
“Goodnight 07.”
He left the room and made his way to his own, a warm feeling of satisfaction bubbling in his chest. He didn’t always get things right when it came to 07, but today? Today he got something right. 
07 stared up at the fairy lights hanging above them. They didn’t know what to think. Not only had Master not punished them, they had been given a reward of all things! The comforter was thick and warm, and pillows were soft and the lights were beautiful. It was almost too much, they wanted to cry. They didn’t though, best to not do something that might annoy Master. 
Master. Master Kai. Master Kai had given them this gift, this wonderful gift. There had to be a catch, there had to be. Slaves weren’t just given these kinds of gifts, especially not slaves that had just lied to their master. There had to be a catch. Somehow, someway, at some point they were going to pay for this. They shuddered at the thought, memories of what they had to do in the past to pay for these kinds of gifts intruding on their mind. 
But maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Master had been nothing but kind and merciful to them since he had acquired them. Maybe whatever they would have to do to pay would be mild. 
Master was still an enigma to them, one that continued to grow more and more confusing. A part of them hated it, hated the guessing and worrying and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Another part of them didn’t care. Sure Master was confusing, and unpredictable, and different, but maybe that wasn’t so bad. Maybe they could get used to it.
For the first time in a long time, 07 slept peacefully through the night.
Tags: @haro-whumps​
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