#it was a Hufflepuff scarf by the way
sunnami · 3 months
the (poly) marauders + lily as reversed tropes.
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a/n: i tried moving to a new blog.. possibly got shadowbanned... that other blog is now my dump blog, LMAO. pls enjoy this drabble!
i. academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class.
“It’s driving me mad, Prongs,” says a frazzled Remus Lupin, pacing back and forth in his nearly-empty classroom. Sirius watches from where he sits backwards on a wooden chair—not at all concerned with the woes of his lover, rather preoccupied with the derriere of the DADA professor, hugged beautifully by his trousers. (He makes a mental note to thank Lily and her shopping sprees in Muggle London later. And, thoroughly.) Lily eyes Remus warily, ignoring the way James is tugging at her newly-trimmed hair like a lovesick fourth-year. 
“I’ve fought in the bloody war, what do you mean my ‘pronunciation could do with some work’?” Remus scoffs, a bewildered expression on his flushed cheeks. Then, he points to the basket of lemon poppy-seed muffins, “And, the gall to send me that. Can you believe it?”
“No way,” Lily widens her eyes in mock outrage, gasping for melodramatic effect. “How dare anyone send our sweet, darling Remus homemade muffins?”
Remus dangles the swing handle of the wicker basket by his hand, nose scrunched in disgust as though it could turn him into a werewolf for the second time. “It’s not about the baskets, Lily! It’s a fear-mongering tactic—a threat, if you will. If Gryffindor doesn’t win the house cup, I might as well resign from my post.” 
James chortles, leaning back against his seat to fully stare at Remus. (And what a lovely face he has.) “Don’t you think you’re going overboard there, Moony? We’ve won the bloody thing every year—and if we’re running behind Hufflepuff, I can always give ickle Harry a hundred points for being our son. Quite a feat, wouldn’t you agree?”
Lily smacks him on the arm. “Don’t you dare, James Fleamont Potter!” 
Sirius whistles. “Full name. Yikes. You’re on your own there, mate.” 
James glares at him. “I’ve had my tongue down your throat, don’t call me ‘mate’.” 
Grinning, Sirius diverts his attention back to the pouting werewolf, struck by whatever magical spell you’ve cast on him—and their happy little wedded bunch. (He particularly likes the way you raise your voice when the Weasley twins charm your greenhouse with the colors of maroon and yellow. The upturn of your nose and raw fury in your eyes does something funny to his heart.) “Be honest, Moony, you’re just frustrated because our favorite professor is wearing those bell-bottom jeans that make their legs look just utterly delectable,” he grins salaciously. 
“Can confirm,” replies Lily with a chirpy nod. “The back view is even better.” 
“Well, yes, but that’s beside the point, my love,” Remus splutters with a cough. “It’s a matter of legacy and pride now. If—”
“While I appreciate being the topic of conversation, I’ve come to collect my students’ papers on Hinkypunks and Dugbogs,” you enter the fray with a knock on the door, startling them from their conversation; a wide smile on your face and a yellow scarf around your neck. “You see, I like to give them points myself when they score above a hundred percent. It really motivates them for the end-of-year exams.” 
James beams at your arrival, like a sunflower blooming under sunlight on a summer day. He stretches his arms wide, a space perfectly carved for you. “Come here, darling,” he calls out for his spouse, quickly affirming that the jeans you’re wearing is a blessing to the wizard kind. (He wonders if you’d let him peel it off you tonight.) As you perch yourself atop his lap, James nuzzles the crook of your neck, pressing soft, butterfly kisses to your skin. “How was your day?”
He captures your lips and you eagerly lean into his warmth. “Perfect now that I’ve found you all. Why were you hiding here, anyway?” you ask innocently, fluttering your lashes at Remus. “Did you get my gift, Moony? The elves helped me with it last night.”
“He’s just cross because you’ve become the entire castle’s favorite teacher in your first year,” Lily points out treacherously, flashing her doe eyes at Remus. (Great, now he’s got two pairs of the prettiest eyes on earth staring into his soul. He’s so beyond in love with everyone in this room.) “Not even the Malfoy kid complains about you, and he still grumbles when I have to do my yearly check-ups.”
You laugh knavishly, beckoning him over. “Is it my fault that I’m so lovable?” 
Remus scoffs, yet finds his feet drawn towards you in long, impatient strides. He leans down until the scent of ambrarome and coconut overwhelms your senses. You tug on his duck-printed tie, smiling as he grumbles lightheartedly into your lips, “Not at all, darling.”
“Shall I lock the doors now?” Sirius offers mischievously. “I’ve always wanted to do it in a classroom.”
ii. it’s too hot to cuddle!
“Mmmrgh, Lily, get off, you fiend,” you groan into the sweat-soaked pillow, suffering from one of the worst heat waves Godric’s Hollow has ever seen—swatting your wife away as she throws her leg over your thigh, impishly nibbling on your neck. On any other day, you’d relish the feel of her skin on yours, the tendrils of her flaming red hair tickling your bare arms—or the times you’d wake up to a tangled mess of crimson in your mouth. But today is just not that day.
Lily sniffles. “Ah, woe is me. My own son doesn’t want to hug me anymore, and none of the people I married want to cuddle me on this dreadful—what ever happened to ‘til death do us part’, you traitors?” 
You roll over on the bed to face her with an incredulous glare—the pretty witch has the nerve to smile at you. “Don’t be so dramatic, Lily. Just cast another cooling charm, or something.”
Lily flops onto her side of the king-sized bed, breathless and flushed, arms splayed out like an octopus—wincing apologetically when she hits you in the face by accident. “I already did. We might just have to get naked to put up with this heat.”
James pokes his head through the door, glasses forgone and black hair messily strewn over his eyes; the damp fabric of his white shirt clinging to chiseled, dark skin. (Ah, the joys of marrying an active Auror and former Quidditch prodigy.) “Did someone say get naked?”
“Way ahead of everyone,” says Sirius as he steps out of the bathroom, having taken his fourth shower today, and wearing nothing but his birthday suit, face towel strung over his shoulder and toothbrush in the side of his mouth. 
“Oh Gods, Sirius!” Lily squeals as she throws a pillow at him. “Get back in there and put some clothes on!” 
“What?” he retorts quizzically, swirling around to give everyone a show—and a generous view of his abs and firm backside. And, well, the other thing, too. “It’s not like you haven’t seen any of this before.”
Last to join the party is Remus, who barely spares a second glance to the naked Sirius Orion Black. “Pack your things, I got us a room at a Muggle inn for an hour. Harry’s downstairs waiting for everyone. He says he’ll rip off the stuffed Padfoot’s head if no one accompanies him to the pool later.” 
That is all he says before swiftly exiting the room.
You stare at the spot where he had been standing previously, whispering in awe, “God bless the Remus Lupins of the world.” 
iii. too much communication.
“—and the thing is,” you say through your weepy blubbering, nose swollen and eyes stinging from crying for the last thirty minutes. “When you guys get all secret-ey and start avoiding me, it really makes me feel like shite. And. . . and then—!” you pause to hiccup, breaking down into sobs once more when Sirius gathers you into his arms, laying his love all over your skin, kissing your tears away as he coos into your ear. “And then, Gilderoy Lockhart comes and says that you all hide away in this h-house, or shack, or whatever and meet your secret girlfriend there! I know you said it was just us and you’d never, ever cheat—and I trust you all more than life itself! But I have to know why you disappear from me every month on a particular night. A-Are you tired of me or something?”
Sirius hushes you with his lips, brows contorted—as though he’s in pain because you are in pain. He cradles the back of your neck, placating your worries with whispers of devotion. “Oh, darling, I’m sorry. We didn’t mean for it to get this far. We just wanted to keep you from harm. You’re our world, our entire heart. If you’re hurt, it hurts worse for us, little love.” 
Remus kneels by your feet, grabbing your hands in his; eyes dripping with fondness and warmth. The gold flecks in his eyes glimmering like stars in the night sky. “There’s something you have to know about me, love. We should have told you this long ago—but I was afraid you would look at me differently.”
You end up in another crying fit, overwhelmed by his kindness and sincerity. “I’ve seen you when you had food poisoning, Remus Lupin, I was the one who cleaned your vomit on the floors—nothing on this earth can make me look at you differently.”
Remus chokes, before gathering his bearings, hiding wet chuckles in your lap. “I’m a werewolf, my darling. That’s why we avoid you during full moons. To keep you safe. Your safety is always going to be one of my highest priorities. I’d die before I would let Moony harm a pretty hair on your head.” 
“Is that it?” you croak, whimpers subsiding as relief floods through your veins. “Truly?”
Remus nods. “Truly.”
“Oh, our poor love,” Lily murmurs, delicately running her hand through your hair, a worried knit in her brows. “I’m sorry we let it get to this point. Look at you—you’ll cry yourself sick.” She procures a daintily-embroidered handkerchief from her skirt pockets, gently dabbing at your damp eyes, eyes creased with love. “I’m sorry,” she says once more, pressing her lips to yours until all you feel is her instead of hurt. “No more secrets, I promise.”
James scratches the back of his head with a crooked grin. “Well. . . there is one more. Remember that time you saw a stag in the corridors? That was me. And, the dog trying to get a look under your skirt was Sirius.”
You blink. “What?”
iv. child hero has very involved parents.
Harry James Potter is known as the Boy-Who-Lived, the beloved Chosen One of the wizarding society, if you will. He has a destiny to follow and all that—well, if he could actually do anything heroic.
“What do you mean there’s a basilisk in the castle!” you shriek, a poor vase in Dumbledore’s office shattering to a million pieces. Harry drags a hand down his face—this is going to be a very long night. Suddenly, he regrets writing a letter to home about the happenings in the castle. (How was he supposed to know that all five of his parents would march into Dumbledore’s quarters the moment they heard about the blood on the walls and the petrified students?) “Why haven’t you shut down the school yet? Are you waiting for more students to get hurt?” you press on heatedly, James and Sirius flanking your sides like protective bodyguards. 
“Have you taken any protective measures?” Lily asks worriedly, holding onto Remus’s hand that’s resting on her shoulder. (Honestly, Harry thinks, rolling his eyes inwardly. The lot of you are worse than Molly Weasley at this point.) She turns to Harry, “What about Hermione? Is she safe? Oh, her parents must be worried.”
“You know what,” you say standing up, pivoting on your heel as your flock of lovers follow in suit. “We’re leaving, Harry dear, let’s go.” 
“Go?” the twelve-year-old echoes dumbfoundedly. “Go, where?”
“Home,” you reply with no room for arguments. “Until the matter is resolved, you are staying home. And tell Hermione she’s welcome to stay with us, too. And, Ginny. Ronald, as well. Actually, darling, why don’t you just tell all your friends the Potter manor is open to them whenever.”
Harry thinks you’ve just decided that on a whim, but he knows that Lily and his fathers will go along with whatever you want, regardless.
Your gaze slices to Dumbledore with a low hiss, venomous enough to rival a Slytherin’s taunt. “Fix this or I shall hunt down that basilisk myself.” 
Harry’s shoulders slump. 
So much for fulfilling prophecies and defeating dark lords.
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a/n: drabbles are so fun!! this was so fun to write (but not trying to set up another blog.. NEVER AGAIN, I AM STAYING HERE!) i might do some more drabbles since my brain is fried after my last few fics which were long as heck.
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i love you , its ruining my life!! // lorenzo berkshire x fem hufflepuff reader
playlist : fortnight - taylor swift
summary : lorenzo berkshire is so completely infatuated with a girl in hufflepuff , its ruining his life!!
y/n used , hufflepuff reader , ttpd was amazing, fluff
a/n : im the queen of slytherin boys x hufflepuff reader lets be honest ,also fortnight is a sad song but i did a different take on it bc fluff is just better !! LMAO
masterlist tppd series masterlist
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its been three months since the very first time lorenzo berkshire saw you in class. he had never seen you before despite your presence being a constant since 1st year, and to say you hadnt gone unseen since was an understatement.
lorenzo berkshire has found himself in nothing but trouble since his little crush on you first blossomed , the very first time he saw you , that fateful day in potions - he had lost 20 points for slytherin in one lesson. and the reasons for his points deduction was simple , he just couldnt focus.
you pushed your hair behind your ear , he dropped his ink pot onto the floor , the loud smash interrupting snapes monotone first lesson back speech.
five points.
you laughed at something your male seat partner said , lorenzo clenched his fist so hard that he snapped his quill as the ink and snapped up feather made a mess of his desk.
five points.
you spoke to lorenzos best friend , theodore , making him misplace an ingredient into his cauldron that caused it to explode back into draco -his seat partner and friends- face.
ten points.
to say his friends and whole house were infruriated with him after that ,was an understatment - enzo had gotten them into points debt on the very first day. thats never even been done before!
but they were even angrier with him a few weeks ago.
it was the day of the highly anticipated , very first, gryffindor vs slytherin match of the year - and enzo bottled it because he was looking at you in the stands.
who could blame him! you were stood in the stands wearing a slytherin scarf with the number 13 on your cheek in green face paint , his number!!
the amount of quaffles he failed to catch and goals he missed completely because of his focus being elsewhere , became too much to count by the end of the match. that slytherin lost by the way.
but even when draco screamed in his face and theodore pushed him into the changing rooms , his mind couldnt leave your happy face as you watched him - and only him.
the most recent incident was when he sat in an exam , not writing a single word because he couldnt stop thinking about how you smiled at him and said hello to him earlier that day. he tried to play it off as hufflepuff friendliness but the red tint in your cheeks and beaming smile blocked out any thought of doubt - and charms knowledge.
that charms test was the first fail he has ever gotten at hogwarts.
all because of you and your pretty stupid smile!
as he stared down at his paper a week later with a horified expression and a sympathetic pansy rubbing his back , he decided enough was enough , he needed to get this off his chest.
so later that day he now found himself sat in the great hall , staring at where you usually sit , except the spot was empty.
his leg bounced under the table as he played with his hands and tie , loosening and re-loosening it every two seconds.
"lorenzo please stop." pansy begged with her head in her hands , trying to will the sound of lorenzos tapping foot to become white noise.
snapping out of it he stopped all movement and looked down with a somber sigh , maybe something happened to you? maybe youre avoiding him? maybe you hate him? maybe youre not hungry?
"enzo chill mate shes just walked in." theodore said looking at something - or someone - by the enterance to the great hall.
without sparing a seond enzo stormed over to you , grabbing your hand softly and stopping your walk to the hufflepuff table.
"please come with me," enzo said as more of a command as you nodded with concern and followed him out the hall and to an empty corridor.
he stopped you so you were stood against the wall and began to pace.
after many seconds of silence you began to question why you were there ,"lorenz-"
"i love you, and its ruining my life!!" he said loudly , stopping in his tracks staring at you , not with anger but instead despiration.
he now stepped forward as you stepped back and hit the wall , "ive lost points , matches , i failed my test for the first time ever!.....please. please say no and let me move on."
you stared up at him in complete shock , "lorenzo you dont know me-"
"i do. oh trust me i do , i know you prefer cats and like muggle classics as well as poetry. your favourite colour is yellow but you dont really tell anyone as to not be called a stereotypical hufflepuff. and...i know theres things i dont know but there is nothing else on this planet i want to learn more about, than you."
you began to beam your signature smile up at him , bringing your arms to wrap around his neck as he melted under your touch, "i failed charms too."
it was his turned to now be confused , "but charms is your favourite?-"
"there was this really handsome guy sat in front of me who i just couldnt stop looking at. he was distracting me."
lorenzo expression fell as his heart broke slowly , "w-who?..."
you looked at him teasingly , "seriously? you enzo!"
he let out a gasp of realisation as you pulled him down towards you for a kiss.
lets just say since that day you both got straight As! but thats not to say enzo doesnt still like to admire in lesson.
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enha-doodles · 4 months
i wanna see the slytherin boys and a muggle reader who loves to crochet things for then and gift them crochet stuff ♡♥︎♡
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Pairing : (Mattheo , Tom , Theodore, Lorenzo, Draco) x reader
Notes : lmao this one is actually kinda cute and very fluffy , tysm for the request and I hope you like it!! Each one is getting a different crochet stuff so yeah :)
Also if you can plz lmk which reaction y'all liked the most or which guy's part you like the most in whatever reaction you read on my blog so I can write in a similar way 🧸🧸
Warnings : none coz this is pure fluff ><
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Bro is constantly annoying you and trying to get your attention while you crochet . He'd be trying all sorts of stuff like making funny faces or litteraly picking you up , but you'd scold him if you loose the thread and he'd look like a kicked puppy :) After you're done you'd hand him a scarf , similar to your house colors so that if he wears it outside it'll blend with the uniform .
He would be all like "i can't wear that out darling" And when you'd ask why he'd say that he's too manly to wear something cutesy like that and that he has an image to maintain . The next day you'd catch him wearing it while he smoked with his friends 🕺🏻
Mr marvalo has no reaction whatsoever when you hand him the cute crocheted bunny . He'd just nod and put it in his pocket kissing your head . Doesn't utter a single word . He finds it ridiculous - ridiculously cute but he throws the thought as soon as it comes . He'd rather be called a Hufflepuff than admit that he finds something cute coz pfttt?!?
He's a smartass though so he'd make that bunny - a horcrux . It's the first thing you made by yourself and he loves it so dearly that he splits his soul for it , besides who are you kidding no one would suspect a crocheted bunny to be the dark lord's horcrux .
He has a greatt fashion sense (that's something for being an Italian man y'all ) and he absolutely . loves . when you crochet him stuff . You often make him sweaters and gloves and he proudly wears it , his style adding charm to your stuff .
He also boasts it to his friends . Believe it or not he'd kinda have a fashion show upon everyone's request . He'd have a blank face (his resting bitch face) while he walks a straight line towards the couch filled by his friends , showing off the knitted sweater pretending to be a model as you laugh with mattheo . Also makes you stand up at last for credits offcourse.
My guy is in absolute love with you and tries to engage in everything you do so when you gift him a crocheted bouquet , he firstly squeaks like a girl upon recieving it and then tries to make a bouquet for you aswell . Him trying to learn crochet is like a love letter to you .
But in the process of making it , he turns it into a competition 😭😭 when he finshes making it and all your lovey dovey stuff is over he'd joke that his bouquet is better than yours ( it wasn't.) Also hattsoff to him because he bears all the teasing of his friends trying to make it for you . Pure gentlemen istg uggh
He doesn't like muggle things so he'd go blabbering about why you're doing it on your own when he can just sway a hand and it will be made by itself. ( So much for having a magic wand little boy 😒) Would be grumbling and yapping for HOURS and would finally shut up when you shove his miniature crocheted version in his face .
He be sooo shocked , stuttering and fumbling with his words . Heart eyes for real . Would absolutely love it and he'd keep it with him all the time , he loves you and well his mini self aswell .
。    ✧    ⁺     。
TAGLIST : @sugarcandydoll @helendeath
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
I have an idea!! Hufflepuff!Lando but with scary Slytherin!Gf privileges Or Slytherin!Max with Hufflepuff!Gf who has scary dog privileges
You have in a Harry potter x f1 chokehold
(when i reopen my inbox i'd loooove for more of these requests) (also, for anybody called ingrid im sorry)
YOU GET BOTH!! Starting with the max one:
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Jos Verstappen was infamous in the wizarding world. He'd killed an insane number of witches and wizards and tried to kill little Charles Leclerc, the chosen one. But Charles was the reason that Jos had lost all of his power.
One day after this, Charles started Hogwarts at the same time as Max Verstappen, the son of the man that had killed his parents.
Max's welcome into Hogwarts was as expected. They fucking hated him and they weren't shy of hiding it. For his first few years at the school it sucked, but Max got used to it. Let them hate him, he realised. He couldn't give less of a shit.
But there was one person that didn't hate him. She didn't treat him like the monster his father was, the monster he probably was too. She made him feel ordinary, normal. And he loved it.
He loved her.
She skipped into the hall without much of a care, typical Hufflepuff of her. She didn't got to her table, didn't join those at her house table. Instead she went over to the Slytherin table. The other Slytherins didn't much like it, but Max didn't care. If his girl wanted to sit with him, she would.
Nobody would dare stand up to him.
"Hey, Maxie," she said as she slipped into the seat beside him. She kissed his cheek and began reaching for food.
Max wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. "Are you watching the match tomorrow?" He asked her as she began eating.
She nodded her head and swallowed her food. "Can I borrow your scarf?" She asked. There was no way she was missing a chance to watch Max and Charles race each other for the snitch on the quidditch pitch.
"Of course," Max said and kissed the top of her head again.
They ate together before she had to run off for herbology and Max had charms. She ran after Lando Norris as she saw him walking off and linked her arm through his. "Bob," she said as they headed off to herbology.
"Ingrid." Her name wasn't Ingrid, just like his name wasn't Bob. But they were just their silly little names for each other. "How is the Slytherin boyf?"
She gave him an unimpressed look. "Boyfriend, not boyf," she said as he led the way. "He's okay, though. He's looking forward to the match tomorrow."
"Has anybody given you anymore shit for being with him?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.
"They always give me shit, Lan," she muttered as they walked into Professor Vowles class. "Don't say anything to Max. He'd only lose his shit."
And he would lose his shit if he knew that other students still harassed her for dating him. He'd seen it once before, and he had lost his shit. It was enough to scare the other students away, especially when he was around.
But then when Max wasn't around, the bullying started up again. It fucking sucked, but she tried to not let it get to her.
And then one day, Max saw it.
She was sat on the fountain, waiting for him when they approached. A group of slightly younger Gryffindors. They hated Max more than anybody. "Oh look," one of them shouted. "It's the Verstappen shagger."
She ignored them, turned the other way to look for Max. "Oh, come on, sweetheart," the one at the front of the pack shouted after her. "Just admit it."
"Admit what?" She found herself spitting.
"Admit that you're with him because you're scared of him."
Suddenly, her fist flew out, striking the first Gryffindor on the cheek. "Fuck," she gasped, immediately pulling her knuckles into her chest, cradling them. The Gryffindor stumbled back, clearly surprised.
This was the bit that Max saw. He walked out of the castle just in time to see her fist make contact with the Gryffindor. Instantly Max ran over. "Hey!" He shouted, his voice deep. The Gryffindors immediately looked over, their eyes going wide. "Get the fuck away from her!" He shouted.
The began to scarper, but Max chased after them. "Max! Wait!" She cried as she grabbed a hold of his robes.
He was practically foaming it at the mouth as he turned to her and wrapped his arms around her. "I hate them," he seethed as he pressed his nose against her hair. "I hate all of them."
"It's okay, Maxie," she whispered as she reached up to run her hands through his hair. "Don't give them any more fuel."
She felt him relax against her. But he kept his arms wrapped around her, squeezing her tight. "They all expect me to be like him that they won't give me a chance to be myself. What if they're right, though? What if I'm destined to be a monster like him?"
"Maxie," she whispered and moved out from beneath her. But she still kept his arms around her. "You're not him and you'll never be him," she said. "You're Max. My big, scary, Slytherin boyfriend Max."
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moonstruckme · 1 year
James Potter x Reader where reader is in a different house (Hufflepuff if you don’t mind) and she ends up on the receiving end of one of their pranks which makes her angry so she avoids James and the other marauders, forcing him to grovel/beg for forgiveness? Thank you so much xoxo
Hi, thanks for your request! This got a bit long haha, but I enjoyed writing it and hope you enjoy reading :)
cw: mentions of blood
James Potter x Hufflepuff!reader ♡ 1.8k words
Though no one tells him it’s happening, Remus sees the prank coming from a mile away.
Primarily, this is because James and Sirius appear to be playing an entirely ordinary game of frisbee. Just tossing it back and forth, no hexes or nifflers or anything. A simple pastime between two boys on a lovely warm afternoon. 
Secondly, they haven’t asked Remus to join them. While they know from experience he’s content to read his book in the grass, they always make a point to ask just to be sure Remus doesn’t feel excluded. The fact that they haven’t suggests that they’re well aware that whatever they’re up to, Remus will want no part in it. 
Lastly and most importantly, James Potter has the worst poker face Remus has ever known. 
When the curly-haired boy slyly drops the frisbee they’ve been using into his bag, trading it for another, he can hardly keep the giddiness from his face. Which is probably why, when he tosses it well away from his companion and towards a crowd of gathered students, Sirius is the one who has to say, with theatrical volume and distress, “Merlin, can somebody grab that?”
Remus watches warily as several students turn to track the progress of the disk as it sails overhead, and after a moment one breaks away, chasing after it. Remus feels a pang of sympathy for you, your yellow and black scarf flying behind you as you run, needing no further evidence than the eager look in James’ eyes to know that you’ve fallen for a trap. 
You jump up to grab it out of the air, beaming in triumph for a moment before a yelp escapes you. You fling your catch to the ground, cradling your hand as the fanged frisbee twitches and snarls at your feet. 
“Shit,” he hears Sirius breathe, and the excitement is gone from his and James’ expressions as they jog over to you, Remus standing to follow them. 
You pick your head up as they approach, eyes wet but fierce. 
“What the hell?” you snarl, and Remus realizes with a stab of concern that there’s a small puddle of blood forming in your palm. “You’ve begun targeting your stupid pranks at anyone who’s dumb enough to help you now? How’s that funny?”
Remus looks at his friends in bewilderment, aggrieved on your behalf but unable to believe they’d do something so cruel. The fanged frisbee—a cheap trick, which really should be banned in Remus’ opinion—twitches closer to your ankle, and Sirius flicks his wand at it, its teeth retracting as it goes silent and motionless. 
“We…I charmed it so its teeth would be dull and harmless.” James scrubs a hand through his hair, at a loss. “It was only supposed to scare you, not hurt you.” 
You shake your head at him disbelievingly and bite your lip, face reddening as the pain sets in. James steps closer to you, blocking you from view of the small crowd of gawking students, none of whom, Remus notes with some bitterness, have come to help you or see if you’re okay. 
“I’m really sorry,” James says softly. “Let me help.” But when he reaches for your hand, you step back, holding it close to your chest. 
“Just leave me out of your fun in the future, yeah?” you hiss, stalking inside. 
James looks pained as he watches you go, and though Remus doesn’t begrudge you your justified anger, he feels for his good-natured friend. It had been an honest mistake, though the cost turned out to be far higher than either of his friends had expected. But knowing James, he’ll find some way to make it right. 
“Sorry, mate. They can’t all be winners.” Sirius claps him on the back, and Remus knows his light tone is more to make James feel better than it is true carelessness. Sirius is loyal that way; he’d probably lock you in a broom closet rather than have you upset James again. 
“It wasn’t meant to hurt anyone,” James says quietly.
Sirius’ smile is unfaltering, though Remus spies the worry in his eyes. “She’ll get over it. C’mon, there’s still time to go into Hogsmeade if we hurry.” 
And though Remus hopes you’ll feel better soon, he knows it will take James a long time to get over it himself. 
James shuffles from foot to foot, feeling silly and anxious as he waits for someone to leave the Hufflepuff dorms so he can go inside. He’s fairly sure you’re supposed to have potions together, but you hadn’t shown up to class, and though James had kept an eye out all day in the hallways, he’d never spotted you. He’d thought he’d caught a glimpse of you in the great hall during lunch, but you’d darted out of sight before he could be sure, and then there’d been no sign of you at dinner. Luckily, it had only taken a quick consultation of the map he shared with his friends to find out that you’d holed up in the Hufflepuff common room, so here he was, draped in his invisibility cloak and fidgeting like a nervous date at your front door. 
The door creaks open, and James slips in before it can shut, the exiting Hufflepuff shivering slightly at the breeze he makes whisking by them. It’s not difficult to spot you where you’re sitting painting your nails, lips pursed just slightly in concentration. The common room is mostly empty as other students enjoy the nice weather outside, and James is grateful for the privacy as he takes off the cloak and goes to sit beside your feet where they’re stretched out on the couch. 
You look up at the intrusion and startle to find James, pulling your feet closer to you reflexively. He hopes it’s an instinct to make room for him and not to protect yourself from him, though given recent events he could hardly blame you for the latter. 
“What’re you—how did you get in here?” you ask, eyes darting between James and the door in bafflement. 
Never mind that. “You weren’t at dinner,” James says, holding out his small stolen dish of chicken curry, “so I thought you might be hungry. Sorry, it’s barely warm now.” 
You take it from him suspiciously, careful of your wet nails, and James feels a stab of guilt at the sight of your bandaged hand. 
“I’m really sorry about yesterday,” he goes on, throat burning with shame. “I know I’ve already said it, but it was supposed to be harmless. I wasn’t careful enough.” 
You don’t look at him, not rejecting his apology but not quite accepting it either. “Pomphrey fixed it good as new anyways, so we can just say it never happened.”
James appreciates the attempt to ease his conscience, but your kindness only makes him feel that much more villainous. This would be so simple if you were one of those pureblood gits, or even just a bit ruder, but you’re you, and that’s so much worse. 
“Can I see it?” he asks softly, and you hesitate only a moment before scooting a bit closer and extending your hand to him, palm up. 
James unwraps the bandage with care, keeping one eye on your face to ensure he’s not hurting you, and so he notices the faint blush that colors your cheeks as he cradles your hand in his. The last layer of your dressing falls away, revealing three tiny white scars. Though they’re healed over, he hisses in sympathy, drawing your hand further towards him protectively but forgetting you’re attached to it. 
Your inhale is soft as you lean forward awkwardly, and James huffs a laugh at his enduring idiocy. “Sorry, love,” he says, letting you lean back. He doesn’t let go of your hand, though. “Were they deep?”
You give a one-shouldered shrug, as though it’s nothing to you. James worries you’re putting on a performance of exaggerated blasé for his benefit. “They bled a lot, but a charm sealed them up quickly enough.”
James nods, remembering with sickening clarity the blood that had pooled in your palm and dripped from between your fingers. 
“I’m glad,” James says, and it doesn’t feel like enough. Nothing feels like enough. But he can’t stop himself, even if it’s all inadequate. “I’m really sorry.” 
You sigh, and James knows enough about you to guess that being upset is exhausting you. It isn’t in your nature; you’re someone who always has a kind word for everyone, who he’s seen lend your quill to a student that forgot theirs and offer them an understanding smile when they broke it, who would rather spend all day avoiding James than let him feel the wrath of your grudge. 
Your very warranted grudge, by the way. 
It’s terrible luck that someone as sweet as you was on the receiving end of his mistake. But, as you’d pointed out, that was how the prank was designed, wasn’t it? Though James and Sirius hadn’t thought that part through at the time, the victim was always going to be whoever stepped forward to help. Normally it might not matter, but they’d gotten so caught up in the excitement of trying out their new toy that James had somehow gotten the spell wrong. And as a result, you’d been forced to pay a price for your kindness and his incompetence. 
“It’s okay,” you say.  
“It’s not,” James insists. “And I can’t fix it, but let me do something else. I can do your potions’ homework for the rest of the year, I can give you my dessert every night, I can…I can sneak into Hogsmeade and bring you whatever you want, anytime you ask, I can…what?”
You’re smiling at him, and it’s familiarly lovely but, James can’t help but think, entirely undeserved. 
“I don’t need any favors from you, James,” you say, and he realizes it’s the first time you’ve said his name. It’s not a long name, but somehow your voice gives it a cadence he quite likes. “Just be more careful, okay? I ended up fine, but next time someone might not.” 
“There won’t be a next time,” he promises swiftly, and means it. “But sweetheart—” if he notices how you soften at the endearment, he doesn’t mention it “—you’ve gotta let me make it up to you somehow.”
You sigh again, though it’s lighter this time, seemingly both exasperated and amused by his persistence. After a moment spent within your own head, you ask, “Could you help me study for the potions exam next week?”
“Yes!” James grins eagerly. “Of course. That’s a start. How’s tomorrow after class? I’ll bring study snacks as well, and we can make it a regular thing, if you like.” 
He’d like to make it a regular thing, debt or not. 
You smile. “Tomorrow is perfect. And can I call in another favor right now?”
If James weren’t sitting, he’d buckle at the knees in relief. “Yes. I’m at your service.”
“Can you tell me how you got into the Hufflepuff common room?”
“That,” he says smoothly, “is just one in my arsenal of skills now at your disposal.”
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fantomas0 · 8 months
Bubblegum Pink
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fandom: harry potter
pairing: tom riddle x bimbo!reader
description: Tom Riddle hates your guts. But he can use your stupidity to his own advantage.
word count: 4,4k
warnings!: rough sex, hate fuck, verbal humiliation, face slapping, face fucking, rape/non-con, possessive!tom riddle, dominant!tom riddle, dumb!reader, manhandling, coquette!reader, the color pink, extremely dubious consent, love potion, attempted rape, praise kink.
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╭──────༺♡༻──────╮ bubblegum pink ╰──────༺♡༻──────╯
Tom Riddle hated everything about you. Especially your astounding stupidity that seemed to have no bounds. He was staring at you while trying to study at the library where a few tables seated with students separated you from him. He should’ve been studying, he had a lot of assignments to work ahead on, but instead, here were you, for no other reason but do distract him. Tom had no idea why you even came, it’s not like you were going to learn anything. You were the weakling in your year, and he had no idea how you managed to pass all the classes enough to get to Seventh Year. Whenever professors asked you a question in class, you only blinked at them in confusion, and instead of answering you chewed on that ridiculous bubble gum that was always in your mouth. Tom had never tasted it and he had no intention to indulge in muggle things like that, not only because it reminded him of you, but because wanted to separate himself from mudbloods like you as well as he could.
That’s what you were — a mudblood. That was enough of a reason to hate you. But of course, as everything with you, being a dumb mudblood was not the only sin of yours. He hated your hair, your clothes, your bubbly personality, your Hufflepuff house, that silly pink bubble gum always making you slur your words. Tom could swear you never did any of the schoolwork yourself, you had some smart friends who were always there to help you out. Why would anyone want to be your friend was also a mystery to him.
You were incredibly annoying. Even now, at the library where everyone was supposed to be working you were whispering something into your Hufflepuff best friend’s ear, then laughing when he whispered something back. Your laugh was quiet and barely audible, but he was looking at you, and he knew you were laughing, he saw the way your breasts wiggled under your uniform shirt. He sneered at the sight, his eyes involuntarily lingering on the rest of your body, starting with those plump breasts that the buttons of your shirt seemed to barely hold up, moving to your scandalously short uniform skirt—Tom had no idea why none of the professors ever pointed out to you that dressing like a whore was inappropriate—ending with your light pink tights and hot pink high heels. The only thing you weren’t that stupid about was the dress code — you knew it and still decided to break the rules every day. Wearing pink wasn’t prohibited, as weren’t high heels or that childish pink bow that held your hair away from your face, but it didn’t go well with your Hufflepuff-yellow tie or scarf, and yet you didn’t seem to care. You loved pink. You were a stupid little mudblood who wore pink and chewed bubble gum and made him crazy mad. He hated you for that too. He felt his jaw clench to the point of breaking when you leaned into the friend you came here with to whisper something in his ear too, and as you did, the first button of your shirt popped open.
Tom stood up, his chair scraping the ground. He gathered his books and scrolls in record speed. He passed your table as he found his way to the exit, and when you saw him, you beamed up at him as if you’ve never been happier to see anyone else. You were so unbearably nice to everyone, greeting and helping everyone out and thanking for every little thing someone did for you. It was only a matter of time before someone decided to exploit that mix of kind and dumb that you unfortunately were an embodiment of. Your lush body and skimpy fashion were of no help to your cause.
“Hi, Tom!” you cheered, eyes going wide, teeth grinding on that sodding bubble gum. Your exclamation was so loud that the four people at your table and a few behind you tried to shush you, but you didn’t seem to realize you did something wrong — you probably didn’t even know you were at the library, and that’s how you got here.
Trying to gather himself when all he wished was to curse that foolish smile off your face, Tom answered calmly, “Hello.” He couldn’t show how much he hated you, he couldn’t cause any suspicion, so he treated you just like everybody else — politely, indifferently.
Your smile widened even more—was that possible?—when he answered your greeting.
He was a lot of things, but indifferent when it came to you was not one of them.
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The quidditch game was supposed to start in fifteen minutes, and you had lost your wand.
It was an accident, you didn’t mean to lose it, you were walking to the quidditch stadium, crossing the bridge, when a small bowtruckle caught your attention. You stopped, ran to the side of the bridge, and beamed at the tiny green creature. It looked almost the same as the spring grass around it, but you were good at spotting the little things, at least that’s what you thought about yourself, so when you saw this bowtruckle, you couldn’t help but greet it, “Hey, little guy, what are you doing down there?”
You thought it might want to climb up, but it was too small, so you decided the best thing to do was to use your wand and pull it up. You took out your wand, pointed it at the bowtruckle… and your wand fell! You panicked, ran down the bridge to the spot where you saw your wand fall wand and started searching for it. But neither your wand nor the bowtruckle were anywhere to be seen…
None other than Tom Riddle found you on your knees on the grass, desperately trying to find your wand. You didn’t hear him come, so when he said, “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at the game?” you gasped, flinching, and turned around to see him right behind you. His gaze was dark and focused on where you were kneeling. You smiled at him, as you always did, although this time a little nervously, turning your full body to him and pulling your pink skirt down that had ridden up in the search for your only tool for magic. “I lost my wand,” you said.
He shook his head, as if it was hard to believe something like that could’ve happened to a wizard, although everyone who were your friends knew this wasn’t unusual. You saw the corners of his lips lift into a crooked smile. “And how did you manage that, huh?” he asked.
You explained to him what had happened. Tom chuckled when you finished telling that story, and something dark in his voice, something you couldn’t name and would never even dare to—something in that laughter made you shiver.
“It fell somewhere here…” you mumbled, patting the grass that was still damp from the morning dew.
Without a warning, Tom grabbed your forearm and pulled you to your feet, saying, “Accio wand,” as your wand came flying to his hand from under the bridge you lost it on.
You sighed in relief, then giggled, reaching out for your wand in Tom’s hand. “Oh, thank you… I lost it for good…”
But when you tried to take your wand, Tom pulled it away. Your frowned in confusion. He leaned into you, all the while keeping your wand at a distance you couldn’t reach, and whispered, his dark eyes piercing through you, “And what will you give me in return for your wand?” he demanded.
You blinked. “Whatever you want…”
Something glinted in his eyes, the sharp edges of his face grew severe. Then he chuckled again. “A very dangerous suggestion, little one.”
You frowned again, blinking a few times. “I’m not little,” you said. “We’re the same age.”
Instead of answering, Tom put your wand in your unsteady hand and stepped away, as if only now composing himself. Whatever confusion you felt evaporated, and you joyfully smiled at him again. “Thanks!”
He looked your outfit up and down again now that you were standing at full height. In your own opinion, your pink outfit today was really nice – since it was the weekend, you could take more freedom in your fashion. Today you decided to wear a glittery crop top with straps and a short velvet mini skirt with very high heels, but you were short so even they didn’t help your height case with Tom standing right next to you.
“You’re going to wear that to the game?” he asked, cocking one eyebrow.
You grinned at him, “Yes!” turning around to show off all angles, even though you had a feeling he had already seen more than enough while you were on your knees. “Do you like it?”
A muscle twitched in his jaw. He didn’t answer your question.
“You know that the stadium will be full of boys – both fans and players alike?” he asked.
You blinked. “Uhm, I guess so… There will be both boys and girls…” you trailed off.
“And you don’t think your clothes are too provocative for that occasion?”
You frowned. “I think they’re nice…”
He stared at you, then chuckled again. “Of course, I forgot who I was talking to. Yes, they’re nice.”
His admiration brightened your mood immediately, putting back the smile on your face. “Are you going to the game too?”
Tom once again ignored your question, his eyes never leaving your body and your face. But now he looked around as if searching for someone. “Why are you here all alone?” he asked. “Where are your friends? It’s not safe for you to be walking around all by yourself, little one. Someone might… get the wrong idea.”
You blinked, but decided to ignore the name he called you. He probably called every girl that, to be nice, the same way you smiled and helped everyone. This time he was the one who helped you.
“Oh, Hogwarts is the safest place in the world!” you said. “Nothing bad could happen to me here.”
A strange smile adorned Tom’s face. He seemed to be thinking something through.
“Oh, I got an idea!” you exclaimed. “We can go to the game together!”
As a real gentleman, Tom accompanied you to the game while you were trying to understand the meaning behind his strange words.
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There was a party at the Slytherin common room, and your best friend dragged you there, not that you had any objections—you loved dressing up, and this was the perfect chance to do so. You opted out for a bubble pink colored dress with short sleeves, deep V shape neckline and flowy short skirt. Underneath you added baby pink tights with decorative bows on top. Your outfit wouldn’t be finished without another pair of bows in your hair that held up two ponytails and glittery pointed pumps.
These pumps were very high heeled, and you kind of regretted putting them on because now you were sitting on a green velvet sofa next to a Slytherin boy who claimed to be your friend’s friend and gave you a second drink of the night— and you knew you’d fall if you tried to stand up; whatever was in that first drink must’ve been strong because your head was already dizzy and everything around you seemed blurry.
“Hey, do you see my friend that I came here with?” you asked the Slytherin boy who had put his arm over your shoulders while you tried not to vomit. You were chewing your gum, and it made the dizzying feeling less intense. “I’m afraid he’ll have to carry me back to the Hufflepuff common room… I don’t think I can stand up…”
There were more guys sitting all around you and one more beside you on the sofa, and they all laughed. You giggled with them. It was funny how drunk you got so fast.
“I can take you to the common room,” the Slytherin boy who gave you the drinks said.
You smiled. “Really? That would be great! I really don’t want to bother my friend, he always has to carry me when I get too drunk…” you trailed off.
The boy leaned closer to you. You felt his breath on your lips. “Sure, love, but first, finish your drink.”
You looked down at the cup in your hands. You didn’t want to finish it, you were afraid to vomit all over the boy, but he was so nice to get you a second drink, you didn’t want it to go to waste, so you started slowly sipping on it.
The Slytherin boy shifted in his seat, taking a vial of pink liquid out of his pocket. You eyed it as he inquired, “You know what this is, love?” You shook your head, which made you even more dizzy. “This is a potion that can make you feel really good.” You frowned. “I can put it in your drink, and if you drink it, it’ll make you feel as light as a feather. See? It’s pink, love. You like, pink, don’t you?” Your eyes lit up at the word pink. The potion was beautiful. It couldn’t be poison, and it looked like it would taste delicious.
You chewed on your gum and nodded. The boys around you laughed. The boy that talked you into this opened the vial of the potion and poured its contents into your cup. He reached out his hand to your face then, his thumb brushing over your lower lip that had puckered out.
“Drink up, love. You’ll feel so good, I promise.”
You looked down at the drink that now turned a bit pink. You were ready to drink it because you wanted to feel very good, but before the edge of the cup touched your lips, someone grabbed your hand, forcing you to spill the drink on the carpet. That same someone pulled you up from the sofa. You smiled when you saw Tom’s face. You were always happy to see him, but you were even happier that he was at the same party as you were.
“Hi, Tom!” you said.
He wasn’t looking at you, though. He was gripping your forearm to the point of pain, but his darkened eyes were on the boy who gave you the drink.
“Are you fucking crazy, Avery?” Tom spat at the boy whose eyes had slightly widened, but he soon regained his composure.
“What’d you mean? It’s all consensual. She wanted it,” he said.
“You think you’re so funny?” Tom said. “Will it still be funny if I tell the headmaster you tried to feed love potion to one of your classmates?”
You frowned, trying to blink away the film of blurriness that was distorting your vision. You had no idea what was going on.
The Slytherin boy sneered, cackling, “Fuck, man, have this stupid bitch all to yourself if you want to.”
The other boys around laughed, echoing the first one.
Tom’s grip on your arm tightened as he dragged through the sea of bodies, lights, and music, and up the stairs to the boys’ dormitory. He let you go only when he opened the door to the bedroom with only one bed. He pushed you inside and closed the door behind. You looked around, taking in the dark gray and green interior. You confusedly remembered that Tom was a prefect. Prefects had separate rooms. This one must’ve been his.
“Hey, Tom, why did you bring me here—” you began.
When he turned to you, the anger was gone from his face; he chuckled darkly, shaking his head to himself.
“You’re a real stupid bitch, do you know that?” he said. “Do you have even the slightest idea how fucking dumb you are?”
You flinched, hugging your shaky arms around yourself. There were marks of Tom’s fingers on the forearm he grabbed.
“Why are you calling me that?” you whispered.
He stepped closer, towering over you. “Because you are. Do you know what those guys would’ve done to you after you took that potion?”
You swallowed, chewing on your gum. “The potion would’ve made me feel good.”
He laughed again, just like those boys in the common room. “That was a love potion, you stupid girl. They would’ve raped you, gang fucked you on that very carpet and you would’ve liked it because you wouldn’t know how to hate it!” he shouted through gritted teeth.
“No…” you said quietly, feeling tears prickle in your eyes.
“Yes, Y/N, they would’ve hurt you! And you’re fucking crying because I saved you from them?” You shook your head, tears running down your cheeks as you stared at the ground. Tom grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him. “You’re so fucking nice to everyone but not everyone is that nice, Y/N.”
You sniffled. “He was nice to me…”
Tom laughed. “Because he wanted to fuck you.”
Your eyes widened. “But—you’re nice to me, Tom…”
He leaned in. You felt his hot breath ghost over your lips. “Maybe because I want to fuck your stupid brains out too.”
He didn’t give you enough time to think over his words as his lips crushed to yours. His tongue invaded your mouth as his hands roamed over your body. His tongue fished out the bubble gum out of your mouth, transferring it to his. His roaming hand grabbed your hair by one of the bow-tied ponytails as he ripped your face off himself. He looked down at you as you breathed heavily from his attack on your mouth. His half-lidded gaze focused on you as he chewed your gum once, twice, then spat it out on the floor beside you. He pulled your ponytail back, the burning pain in your scalp making you stumble back as he walked into you until you reached the edge of his bed and fell on top of it.
“You think those guys were laughing with you, Y/N? You think they liked your jokes? No, they were laughing at you, because you’re so fucking stupid it’s ridiculous.”
You sobbed, more tears falling from your eyes, but he didn’t stop.
“But they also wanted to wet their dicks in all your holes, to rip off these slutty clothes—”
He illustrated his words with actions when grabbed the top of your dress and ripped it in half, exposing your breasts and forcing a gasp out of you. Only the skirt was left in one piece. His eyes focused on your breasts as he twisted your nipples painfully, making you sob.
“Shh, don’t cry, little one,” he said quietly, even softly, as he fondled your breasts pushing you to lie down on the bed with his body on top of you. “Those guys would’ve taken you tonight one by one. But they don’t deserve you to be nice to them. Only I do.”
He took your torn dress off you in one swift move and now you were half-naked before him. Diverting his attention from your breasts, which made you feel the cold air of the room and shiver from it, Tom grabbed one of your ponytails while he unbuckled his belt and undid his trousers with the other.
Your eyes widened when he freed his cock. Your throat went dry at the sight of it, hard and pulsing, the head of it angry red, glistening with precum. Tom grinned at you, guiding the head of his cock to your lips and forcing your head forward. “Open that stupid mouth of yours,” he commanded quietly.
You did as he said, you wanted to taste him after all. The moment your mouth open, he thrust the full length of his cock past your lips until it reached your throat, making you gag. He grabbed the other ponytail with his free hand and controlled the movements of your head on his cock, bobbing it up and down ruthlessly. More tears ran down your cheeks, and you didn’t know if they were from the crying, from the pressure in your throat or the lack of air.
“Fuck, do you have any idea how many times I’ve wanted to stuff my cock in your mouth whenever something stupid came out of it? Just to shut you up, little one?” You didn’t answer, only gagged as he rhythmically fucked your throat.
Tom was going to say something else but got too overwhelmed. A few more thrusts, and he finally pulled out of your throat. You gasped, trying to catch your breath, as the hands that still held your ponytail took out the bows out of it. Your hair fell free on your shoulders.
You swallowed when Tom pushed at your shoulders until you lay flat on your back.
“Tom, please—” you whispered.
“Shh,” Tom silenced you, ripping off your tights. “Getting fucked by me is all that you’re good for.”
You were wearing only your bright pink knickers. When he was them, he stopped the animalistic tearing of your clothes. He touched your privates through the fabric of your knickers softly, even tenderly. Then he slid them off down your legs unhurriedly, hissing at the sight of your exposed pussy. Tom brushed his fingers over your folds, and his cold touch to your burning core made you whimper.
“Fucking pink…” he hissed through his teeth, gathering your arousal on his fingers. His eyes briefly found your face. You felt blush crawl up your flesh. “Do you have any idea how many times I fantasized of bending you over and stuffing your pussy with my cock? Making you scream my name?” He looked down at your core, fingers suddenly rubbing violent circles over your puckered clit and the sensitive flesh of nerves around it. You whimpered, flinching under him from the overwhelming stimulation.
He pulled back slightly and positioned his cock at your entrance and grabbed a fistful of your hair, stretching your upper body closer to him, putting you into an unnatural position.
“No, Tom, you’re too big—” you cried.
He slapped your cheek, silencing you abruptly with unexpected violence. No one had ever hit you before. No one ever handled your body like this, no one ever caused you pain this way. Your cheek was burning.
“Quiet,” Tom commanded, squeezing your cheeks together, inducing more painful tears.
He watched your expression. “You’re gonna be a good little slut for me and take it, right?”
You sobbed. “Please—”
He slapped the other side of your face, and you went silent, choking on silent whimpers. “You want me to slap your face, is that how to shut you up?” he inquired, tugging at your hair painfully. “You’ll feel good, little one. Eventually. I promise.”
He thrust his cock inside of you in one go. His other hand held your left leg wide open while he rutted into you mercilessly. Your eyes fluttered shut as liquid heat coursed through your body.
“You’re so fucking wet…” he gritted through his teeth. “Gripping me like vice…”
You whimpered when he pulled at your hair as he used your body any way he wanted. The pain and the pleasure mixed inside of you and made a concoction that forced your entire body to shudder. All you could do was close your eyes, let the tears run free and whimper when his cock reached that sensitive point deep in your womb.
That fog caused by all the overwhelming sensations was briefly interrupted by another chuckle coming from Tom. “That’s what you needed, wasn’t it, little slut? You needed me to fuck your stupid brains out, that’s how to shut you up, huh?”
You didn’t answer, only bit your lower lip. You were scared to speak in case he decided to slap your for it again. Your teeth nipped at your own lip from the movement of Tom’s relentless fucking.
“Tom…” you whimpered.
He groaned at that.
You felt him let go of your hair, and when you opened your eyes, you saw and felt him lean into you until his body practically dipped you into the mattress. He grabbed your neck and began choking you. “Again. Say my name again,” he demanded, speaking into your open mouth.
“Tom…. Tom… Tom…” you kept repeating even when it was hard to speak. You had to choose between saying his name and breathing air. You chose the first one.
The new angle made your eyes water as he picked up his pace.
“You look at me when I fuck you, Y/N,” he groaned. Something deep inside you was uncurling, you felt it, and in that moment, you could’ve told him anything if only that meant he wouldn’t stop what he was doing. You wanted to nod frantically but his grip on your throat was too harsh. Luckily, he got the message. “Good girl,” he praised for the first time. “Taking my cock so well… No one else gets to fuck your pussy, understood? No one else gets to see you like this…”
“Yes, Tom, yes…” you mumbled.
He kissed you again, no, devoured you whole. His kiss was punishing. He bit your lips, your tongue, making you taste your own blood.
When he let you go, you whimpered. “I’m gonna… I’m gonna…”
“You’re going to come, huh? Go on, come all over my cock, little one…”
When you were at the precipice of a climax, he slapped your face again, four times, on both cheeks. The blinding white pain unlocked whatever was hidden inside you. You came, screaming and thrashing under him as he fucked you through your orgasm with his jaw tense as he tried to keep himself at bay a few more seconds. His hips collided with yours even after you came, and soon you felt his hot seed spill inside of you. Tom’s movements slowed and he kissed your forehead, pulling his cock out of you but still holding you down by your throat.
“You’re mine now, Y/N,” he claimed. “I’m going to fuck you in my bed every single night. And every single morning you’ll go from class to class with my come spilling out of you. And if I see you talking to any other guys, even if it’s that Hufflepuff best friend of yours, I’ll fucking kill them, is that clear?”
A lot of things were hard for you to understand, a lot of concepts needed additional explanation to you, but right now, one thing was clear as day: Tom wasn’t kidding. He wouldn’t take no for an answer.
“Yes, Tom…” you said.
He grinned, covering your body with his, and gifted you another bruising kiss for your obedience.
╭──────༺♡༻──────╮ the end ╰──────༺♡༻──────╯
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theostrophywife · 2 months
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🤍 pairing: theodore nott x reader.
🤍 song inspiration: so hot you're hurting my feelings by caroline polachek.
🤍 author’s note: just like the temperature, things are heating up in this fic.
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Step 3 of Pansy Parkinson’s Perfect Plan of Plotting
Jealousy — : The feeling of resentment, bitterness, or hostility toward someone because they have something that you don’t.
You would think that putting my two idiot friends together in the honeymoon suite and then sending them off to the literal temple of love would force them to face their feelings, but Theo and Y/N are proving to be more stubborn than I gave them credit for. Fear not, though. Through the scheming and plotting, I found an unlikely ally. Imagine my surprise when Mattheo Riddle helped concoct my most devious plan of all. Throw in a romantic vineyard, an abundance of wine, and a few lingering gazes from a hot tour guide and what do you get? A very jealous Theodore Nott. 
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Third Year, Hogsmeade Village
The snow fell softly over Hogsmeade Village, covering the streets and storefronts in glittering white. Amidst the bustling crowds, you chattered excitedly as you tugged Theo along the cobblestone square. There was so much to see during your first visit to Hogsmeade and you didn’t want to waste a single second. 
“Slow down, bella.” Theo said as he tucked you to his side. “We have all afternoon to explore.” 
“Sorry, Teddy,” you said shyly. “I’m just so excited.” 
With a smile, Theo tugged the ends of your green and silver scarf and bound it tightly to keep you warm. “How about we make a loop around High Street and finish off with a warm mug of butterbeeer?” 
You beamed. “That’s perfect.” 
The first stop in the long line of shops was Honeydukes. Inside, you marveled at the colorful candies and browsed through the aisles stocked with Peppermint Toads, Fudge Flies, and Jelly Slugs. Beside you, Theo happily snatched up any free samples offered. The two of you toasted your Fizzing Whizbees before biting into the fruity chocolate. 
You giggled as strawberry syrup dribbled down Theo’s chin. He flushed and attempted to brush off the mess with the back of his hand. 
“A little more to the right,” you instructed. Theo swiped at his left. “No, my right.” He cocked his head, clearly confused. “Here, let me.”  
You waved his hand off before licking your thumb and swiping the strawberry sauce off his face. The tips of Theo’s ears turned bright red as he smiled shyly. “Thanks, fragolina.”
After purchasing a mountain of sweets, the two of you made your way down the next few storefronts. Theo insisted on popping into Spintwitches to purchase new quidditch gloves. 
“Are you excited for your first game?” you asked as he slipped on a pair of dragonhide gloves. 
“You could say that,” your best friend answered rather aloofly. He fidgeted with the straps of the gloves, impatiently tapping his fingers against the scales. 
You placed your hand above Theo’s, soothing his nervous movements. “You should be excited, Teddy. You’re going to kick Hufflepuff arse.” 
Theo snorted. “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say arse.” 
“It’s the company I keep,” you teased. “I’m afraid my best friend has a mouth that would make a sailor blush. He’s a terrible influence, really. But a bloody good quidditch player.” 
“Two in a row?” Theo taunted. “You’re on a roll, Y/N. I appreciate your faith in me, though. I suppose I have to win now, huh? Wouldn’t want to embarrass myself in front of the entire school.” 
“You’re gonna do great, Theo.” 
“Only if I have my lucky charm there,” he said with a wink. “You’ll be in the stands cheering me on, right?” 
You squeezed his hand. “Of course I will.” 
Theo grinned and squeezed back. “A word of advice, though? Don’t get the gloves. They look like dried dragon bollocks.” 
At that, Theo tipped his head back and laughed. You burst into a fit of giggles as he chased you through the aisles, swatting at you with the gloves. Alerted by the commotion, the shopkeeper rounded the corner and bellowed at you to stop. Throwing caution to the wind, Theo dropped the gloves and tugged you through the door, his cheeks red and flushed as the two of you spilled out into the snowy street. 
“Where to next, bella? Before that old geezer clubs us over the head with his mop.” 
“This way,” you said confidently, dodging through the crowd. A few people muttered their discontent, but you were too busy laughing and ducking into your safe haven to take notice. 
The fragrant aroma of freshly brewed tea greeted you as soon as you walked through the door. Theo followed close behind, grimacing at the pastel pink walls and frilly lace that covered every table. While you were aware that Madam Puddifoot’s was an establishment frequented by couples, you weren’t quite prepared for the overwhelmingly romantic undertone of the entire place. Each table seated couples of all kinds, some talking, some sipping their tea, while the bolder ones simply kissed like they were the only people in the room. 
“It’s a bit stuffy in here, isn’t it?” you mumbled as you loosened the scarf around your neck. 
Theo cleared his throat, shuffling his weight from one foot to the other. “Hm, yeah. Just a bit.” He averted his gaze from the couple, his cheeks just as flushed as yours felt. “Did you want to…I mean…we could…” 
“Yeah, we should. Look around. Browse.” 
Clearly, the two of you were unprepared for this sort of situation. You knew that your fellow classmates were beginning to explore dating. Hell, you and Pansy even helped Blaise pick out an outfit for his date with Astoria last week, but that had all been hypothetical. This was the real thing. 
In all honesty, you hadn’t given dating much thought. You liked things the way they were. If you were to get yourself a boyfriend, it would mean less time for your friends. Less time with Theo. The thought alone deterred you from even trying. 
As you pretended to browse the tea section, you stole glances at your best friend. You wondered if Theo fancied anyone. If he did, he never said, despite the fact that Mattheo and Enzo managed to have a new crush each week. Perhaps Theo was just more private when it came to matters of the heart. Although, you were sure that he would’ve at least told you. There were no secrets between the two of you. Right?
“Bella?” Theo asked as he waved his hand in front of you. “Are you alright?” 
You nodded, bobbing your head so fast that the motion nearly took your beanie clean off. “Sorry. What were you saying?” 
“I’m going to pop into the loo for a second. Wait for me here, okay?” 
“Sure, Theo.” 
You watched as Theo weaved through the aisles, smiling softly as he looked back at you. A group of girls giggled as he passed by, whispering amongst themselves. Objectively, you knew that your best friend was attractive. Even as a third year, Theo towered over your peers. Combine that with his perpetually messy waves and piercing eyes, it wasn’t hard to see why your classmates swooned over him. 
Surely, Theo was aware of the effect he had on people. It was impossible to ignore all the sighs and glances the girls shot his way, but he seemed immune to the attention. Instead, he glanced back and flashed you a lopsided grin. The gesture was so boyish and earnest, a signature Theo smile that few were privy to. Suddenly, the thought of him keeping anything from you seemed so silly. 
Flustered, you turned away and pretended to browse through the shelves. The tea labels all blurred together as you made your way down the aisle. You were more of a coffee person anyways. 
“That’s a great choice.” You startled to find an older boy speaking to you, pointing at the tea packets you were absentmindedly parsing through. “Chamomile always helps me feel calm.” 
Diggory, you thought. You remembered seeing his jersey flash by in a blur during one of the quidditch games you attended. Cedric was a few years older than you, but it didn’t stop the girls from your grade from having a crush on him. 
“Y/N, isn’t it? You’re in Slytherin.”
“How do you know that?” 
Cedric flashed you a charming smile. “The scarf was a good hint, but I’ve seen you around. You were at the last quidditch game.” 
You nodded in confirmation. “Your team played well against the Ravenclaws.” 
“Are you a big fan of the game?” 
“Not intentionally,” you replied. “My best friend is a diehard Roman Redcaps fan, so I’ve been to a handful of games. I’m mostly there for the cotton candy, though.” 
Cedric chuckled. “We have that in common. Unfortunately, there won’t be any cotton candy at next week’s game, but perhaps your presence will be sweet enough.” 
You bristled, taken aback by his boldness. Was he flirting with you? Surely not. “I’ll be there, but I’m afraid we’ll be enemies out on that field.” 
“Hopefully not off the field, though.” 
So he was flirting. You stared at the older boy, trying to see him from your fellow peer’s perspective. Cedric was classically handsome, no one could deny that. He certainly knew how to wield that charming smile, but it had absolutely no effect on you. 
“Diggory,” said a stern voice.
Theo returned to your side, looking a bit put off. He angled himself in front of you, putting space between you and Cedric. 
“Oh, hey, Teddy. Cedric and I were just having a little chat about the upcoming game.” 
Cedric nodded. “I assume you’re the Roman Redcaps friend that Y/N was talking about.” 
“Best friend,” Theo corrected. You shot him a confused look as he glared at Cedric.
The older boy raised an amused brow. “You just made chaser, right? Looks like congratulations are in order, mate.” 
“Thanks, mate,” Theo replied in a mocking tone. He turned to you, impatience written all over his face. “Are you ready for that butterbeer, bella?” 
You nodded slowly, baffled by your best friend’s behavior. Perhaps it was just some strange sports rivalry peacocking that you didn’t quite understand. 
“Sure, Teddy.” 
You said goodbye to Cedric, much to Theo’s annoyance. He had no parting words for the Hufflepuff, choosing instead to be a menacing presence at your side. For Salazar’s sake, he was taking house rivalry way too seriously. 
“I’ll see you at the game, Y/N.” 
Before you could answer, Theo grabbed your hand and stared Cedric down. “You will. She’ll be sitting in the Slytherin stands wearing my jersey. Hard to miss with my last name on her back. Later, Diggory.”
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Day Three, The Sunflower Vineyard
The Sunflower Vineyard was a wonder to behold. Located at the edge of town, the charming estate stretched out for miles and miles in the Italian countryside, comprising a sprawling three story villa, fertile farmland that housed rows and rows of grape vines, and a magical greenhouse that boasted rare and unusual plants. 
Usually closed to the public, the matriarch of the Martino family welcomed you within the gates of her vineyard as a gesture of goodwill to one of her oldest and dearest friends. Needless to say, Nonna was adamant that none of you were to embarrass her under any circumstances. While she spoke to the entire group, everyone knew that the message was targeted towards Mattheo who nodded absentmindedly at the warning. 
The car arrived at the villa right after lunch and brought you to the vineyard. Theo grumbled about wanting to drive, but you reminded him that there wouldn’t have been room for everyone in the baby blue convertible. When you finally pulled up to the vineyard, his annoyance was all but forgotten. 
The gilded gates parted open as you peered at the rolling hills that extended far beyond your sight. True to its namesake, sunflowers dotted the vineyard and painted the landscape with bright shades of yellow. You gaped at the stalks, some of them taller than you. 
As you slowed to a stop, the villa loomed overhead. The property was massive, its huge windows overlooking the front lawn. The neatly trimmed hedges curved in the shape of the driveway and framed the marble fountain, which faced the massive wooden doors of the villa. When the driver escorted you out of the car, a tall and tan brunette with bright hazel eyes greeted your group at the steps. 
“Welcome to the Sunflower Vineyard,” the man greeted. “My name is Dante. My grandmother and I are pleased to have you as our guest. Since it is a rare occasion for the vineyard to have visitors, she entrusted me to give you the grand tour.” 
As the self-appointed leader of the group, Pansy took on the task of introducing everyone. “Lovely to meet you, Dante. My name is Pansy. This is Enzo, Draco, Blaise, and Mattheo.” 
The boys politely shook Dante’s hand. Pansy moved on to introduce you and Theo, but Dante stopped short at the sight of you. 
“And who might you be?” 
“Y/N,” you supplied, shaking his hand. “Pleasure to meet you.” 
Dante smiled, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he lifted your hand and pressed a kiss on your knuckles. “The pleasure is mine, bella.” 
“Now that we’re all acquainted,” Theo interrupted, staring down at Dante. He seemed rather unimpressed by your appointed tour guide. “Shall we start?” 
“You must be Theodore.” 
“I prefer Mr. Nott,” your best friend replied with an edge to his voice. Pansy elbowed him, which caused Theo to roll his eyes. “But I suppose you can call me Theo.” 
Dante laughed. “Grandmother said you were quite the joker.” 
“That’s me. A certified clown.” Theo wedged himself between you and Dante, positioning you beside him instead. With an arm around your waist, he nodded towards the wooden doors. “Lead the way, Dante.” 
Unperturbed, Dante began the tour with a walk through the villa. The inside was bright and spacious, filled with expensive paintings and artifacts that were older than you. Rich tapestries and ornate furniture decorated the house, but each room you peered into seemed pristine and untouched, so unlike Theo’s ancestral home, which you adored for its coziness and charm. Still, the place held much history. 
The Martinos were an influential family. Their empire dated centuries back, supplying wine to dynasties and diplomats. A fact that Dante was proud to declare. 
“We even served Vicência Santos while she was still Minister of Magic.” 
You perked up at that. Vicência had led the Brazilian Ministry for nearly two decades before becoming the first witch to be appointed as Supreme Mugwump. From the moment you learned about her in History of Magic in fourth year, you idolized Vicência and hoped to follow her career path leading the International Confederation of Wizards.
“What was she like?” 
“Brilliant, courageous, and a little bit scary as well. I remember hiding behind my grandmother’s skirts every time she visited the vineyard.” 
“Did she ever speak of the walk with the Qilin? Or her time as headmistress of Castelobruxo? Or how she dealt with the Bulgarian conflict during her first year as minister?”
Dante smiled. “We’ve got a fan, I see.” 
“Y/N is studying International Law at Oxford in the fall,” Theo said haughtily. “Of course she’s well-versed when it comes to Vicência’s accomplishments. She’s going to be an even better Supreme Mugwump when the time comes.”
You flushed at the proclamation. “If the time comes. I’ll have to do well in my studies first.” 
“I don’t doubt that you will,” Dante said with a smile. “In any case, I’ll be sure to cast my vote when your name is on the ballot.” 
Theo rolled his eyes. “Supreme Mugwumps are elected by the Confederation, not civilians.” 
“Still,” you hedged, shooting Theo a bewildered glance. “I appreciate the vote of confidence.”
Despite the obvious tension, no one else seemed to pay the conversation any mind. The other boys were politely nodding, but you could tell by the way that their eyes glazed over that you had about ten minutes at best before they started growing restless. 
“Would you mind showing us the greenhouse?” You interjected, eyeing Pansy who was one eye twitch away from smacking Enzo all the way back to London for touching the fragile art. 
Luckily, your tour guide was more than eager to lead you to the sprawling gardens located at the back of the villa. The fresh air and sunshine seemed to calm the boys as they happily strolled through the path that snaked around the edge of the massive swimming pool. Tucked at the corner of the property, the greenhouse glinted in the sunlight. It reminded you of the one at Hogwarts where your Herbology class was usually held. 
Dante showed you the assortment of plants they were growing, the variety of which would’ve inspired Longbottom’s envy. Among them were Devil’s Snare, Venomous Tentacula, and Aconite, which you knew for a fact sold for a pretty galleon in the black market. Pansy warned Mattheo not to touch any of them and the curly headed boy pouted in response, sticking his tongue out when her back was turned. 
You turned to catch Theo’s attention, but he was too busy glaring at your tour guide who seemed none the wiser to the animosity. After a brief tour, Dante gave you free leave of the greenhouse and excused himself to check on things inside the villa. As soon as he was out of earshot, Pansy released a sigh. 
“For fuck’s sake, Draco.” The witch scolded as she tugged the blonde down from a wooden cart. “Get off the damn cart and put away that bloody electronic square.” 
Draco frowned as he repeatedly tapped at the mobile in his hands. Hermione had given it to him before the trip, after much despairing on Draco’s part that he wouldn’t be able to speak to his girlfriend for an entire week. Never mind that they would be spending the next four years at Cambridge together. 
You decided to take a softer approach and patted Draco on the back. “I don’t think there’s service out here, Dray.” 
Your friend sighed exasperatedly. “I told Hermione I’d check in every day. We haven’t texted since last night. She’s been so busy with her internship.” 
“Aw, is our little loverboy feeling lonely?” mocked Mattheo. 
Just as you glared at the brunette, Theo smacked Mattheo over the head. You gave him a grateful smile before consoling Draco. “Ignore him. Dante said that we were more than welcome to the flowers in bloom, so why don’t you pick some out for Mione? When we get back to the villa, I’ll teach you how to press them and you can make the dried flowers into a present for her.” 
At that, Draco brightened. “That’s a great idea, Y/N. Will you show me how to make a bookmark out of the flowers?” 
You smiled, touched by your friend’s thoughtfulness. “Even better! Hermione will love it.” 
“Thanks for being helpful,” Draco said, leveling an accusatory glance at Pansy that she wholeheartedly ignored. He kissed your cheek and beamed. “I’d better get started then.” 
As Draco thoroughly examined the flowers in the greenhouse, Theo chuckled. “I never thought I’d bear witness to a Malfoy performing manual labor.” 
You cocked your head at Draco, who leaned down to pluck a daisy. “I think it’s sweet.”
“You do?” 
“Of course,” you replied. “What girl doesn’t love receiving flowers?” 
While Theo absorbed that information, Dante returned to escort you to where the wine tasting would be held. The boys eagerly followed, seduced by the mere mention of alcohol. As Dante led the group to the second floor of the villa, Theo kept a hand on the small of your back. 
“These stairs are slippery,” he explained, leaning in to support you. “Wouldn’t want you to slip, bella.” 
You murmured your thanks, swallowing thickly as Theo moved his hand to rest on your hip. The heat radiating off of him seared your skin more than the summer sunshine. At the head of the staircase, Dante offered you his arm. 
“The last step is a little tricky,” he said after he assisted Pansy across the rickety step. 
Theo tightened his grip on your hip, holding you in place. “It’s alright, I’ve got her.” 
Dante cleared the last step just as Theo swept you off your feet, picking you up bridal style. You yelped in surprise, encircling your arms around your best friend’s neck as he carried you to the balcony like you weighed nothing. Behind Dante, Pansy raised an inquisitive brow. She was definitely going to bring this up later. 
You glanced up at Theo, cleaning your throat. “You can put me down now, Teddy.” 
“You sure, Y/N? I’d be more than happy to carry you to your seat.” 
“There’s no need for that,” you interjected, stumbling over your words as your cheeks heated. Everyone else was waiting on the two of you, watching the scene unravel with varying degrees of amusement. “I’m perfectly capable of walking.” 
Theo smirked before gently setting you down. “Suit yourself.” 
Ignoring your friend’s curious glances, you stepped out onto the spacious balcony and marveled at the spread that had been laid out for you. The mahogany table resembled an overgrown charcuterie board, filled with expensive cheese, fresh slices of meat, and ripe fruit. Each of your names were written on place cards, the cursive handwriting just as luxurious and elegant as the bottles of wine sitting on the center of the table. 
The boys spread out amongst themselves as Dante explained the different vintages that would be presented to you today. Beside you, Theo took a handful of crackers and spread brie and fig jam on them. He lifted one towards you, drizzling it with a bit of honey. 
“Want a bite?” he asked cheekily. You nodded and reached out for the cracker. Theo shook his head and pulled it out of your reach. “Open up, bella.” 
“I’ll feed it to you so you don’t get your fingers all sticky. I know you hate the feeling.” 
“Um — sure — yeah. I guess that makes sense.” 
Theo smiled in satisfaction as he brought the cracker to your mouth. His fingers brushed your lips as you took a generous bite. The honey dripped down your chin, but Theo wiped it before it could stain your dress. You were about to thank him for the save, but then he licked the honey off of his thumb and suddenly the words escaped you. 
Flustered, you murmured something unintelligible before turning your attention back to Dante’s presentation. He was in the midst of explaining the importance of the fermentation process, but none of it truly registered if you were being honest. When he finally directed you to taste the first sample, you nearly drained the entire thing in one gulp. 
Beside you, Theo took a much more dignified approach. He always joked that cooking and drinking were the two things that he was better at than you were. You were inclined to agree. Nonna trained him to have an impeccable taste for wine. Theo swirled his wine glass, examining the color and clarity of the liquid. He inhaled its sweet fragrance, describing the different notes to you in hushed tones, like it was a secret between the two of you. 
“Primitivo,” Theo murmured, his lips stained with crimson. “This wine is from Puglia. A 1945 preserve. Because of the type of grape it comes from, the flavor is deep and rich. Back in the day, they used to believe that red wine was an aphrodisiac.” His eyes shimmered with mischief as he spoke. “Tasting it now, it certainly has a certain seduction.” 
You blinked, twisting your emerald ring as Theo stared at you intently. It seemed impossible to be drunk off of one glass, but you couldn’t deny that his gaze made you feel intoxicated. Seeing your best friend in his element was definitely doing strange things to your mind. 
From the head of the table, Dante smiled. “That’s correct. This bottle is from one of our sister vineyards in Puglia. You’ve got quite the taste for wine, Theo.” 
“I’d expect nothing more from Serafina’s grandson.” 
The matriarch of the Martino family floated through the balcony, the hem of her elegant burgundy dress brushing the marble floor. Her white hair and dark eyes were a stark contrast, but her smile was warm and welcoming. Theo greeted her with a kiss on both cheeks. 
“Ciao, Rafaela,” Theo drawled as he flashed her a charming smile. “Grazie per averci.” 
“The pleasure is mine, Theodore.” Rafaela surveyed the group, leveling your friends with scrutiny. Fortunately, you had plenty of experience winning over tough, Italian grandmothers. “These must be your friends.” 
The boys introduced themselves, giving Rafaela the customary cheek kisses. She pinched Enzo’s cheek, which made Mattheo snort beside him. Pansy cut the curly headed boy a glare, but the old matron seemed pleased by their mischievous display. Rafaela assessed the proud tilt of Pansy’s chin, smiling as if in approval of your friend’s steel. Last, but not least, Rafaela turned her attention to you. 
“You must be Theodore’s girlfriend.” 
Before you could correct her, Theo interrupted. “Rafaela, meet Y/N. I’m sure Nonna’s told you all about her.” 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Martino,” you said shyly. “Thank you for welcoming us into your lovely home.” 
“Beautiful and well-spoken,” Rafaela observed. “No wonder Serafina is eager to add you into the family. The two of you make a beautiful couple.” 
“Theo and I aren’t actually —”
“That’s kind of you to say,” Theo interjected as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “We are quite good together, aren’t we, bella?” 
All around you, your friends barely managed to keep their composure. Pansy smirked while Mattheo wiggled his eyebrows. Blaise and Draco exchanged a look, leaving Enzo to stare in confusion. You managed a nod as Theo smiled smugly at Dante. 
“I will leave you to it,” Rafeala said after a moment. “Be sure to visit the sunflower field, it’s quite romantic while the flowers are in bloom.” She smiled slyly at you and Theo. “Give Serafina my regards.” 
After the strange encounter, you kept sneaking glances at Theo. He was definitely acting weird today. You just couldn’t figure out why. 
Still, you tried not to ponder it too long, choosing instead to focus on the rest of the wine tasting. As the drinks flowed, the afternoon passed by in a blur. While you thought you knew what to expect from the strong wines, you quickly realized that you were ill-prepared. The alcohol quickly crept up on you. The sweetness of the wine masked its strength, putting you under the false guise of sobriety. By the time the last bottle was served, you were well and truly sloshed. 
“Are you alright, fragolina?” Theo asked. “Or am I going to have to carry you again?”
You shook your head, determined to hold your own. “I’m prine.” 
“Perfectly fine.” 
Theo bit back a smirk. You rolled your eyes before wobbling out of your seat. “Now let’s go see some bloody sunflowers.”
How you managed to make your way downstairs without toppling over, you had no idea. The only thing that brought you comfort was that you were hardly the most drunk out of the group. The rest of your friends weren’t faring any better, except Theo. An Italian knew how to handle their wine. It was in his blood, or so he said.
Ahead of you, the boys giggled and stumbled over their own feet like teenagers who had snuck a bottle out of their parent’s liquor cabinet. Pansy behaved with a little more decorum, but judging from her glassy gaze and flushed cheeks, she felt the effects of the wine more than she let on. 
As Dante led your group toward the sunflower fields, your friends were barely holding it together. Enzo blinked sleepily, rubbing his eyes while he swayed on his feet. Mattheo kept bumping into the tall stalks. Draco and Blaise had long given up, choosing instead to wait in the car. 
“These sunflowers were planted here over a century ago by my great-grandfather, Stefano. Before he built his fortune, he worked this very same field as a farm hand where he met my great-grandmother. Valentina was a merchant’s daughter and way above Stefano's station, but that didn’t stop them from falling in love. When her father discovered their relationship, he disowned her. It was hard for Valentina, but Stefano promised her that he would restore all that she had lost. My great-grandfather worked hard to fulfill that promise. After their second child, he surprised Valentina with the sunflower field, where he would go on to build a beautiful home for her.” 
“How romantic,” you breathed. 
“Indeed, it is something out of a story book,” Dante said with a smile. His gaze flickered to yours as he spoke. “One day, I hope to find a love like Stefano’s and Valentina’s.” 
“Keep hoping,” Theo muttered under his breath. You elbowed him for the sarcastic remark. “What? It’s good to be optimistic. I’m sure you’ll find a nice girl to settle down with. Preferably one from town and not anywhere else.” 
Luckily, Dante took no offense. Without missing a beat, he kept regaling the group with tales of Stefano and Valentina. While your friends were distracted, you tugged Theo towards the back of the greenhouse. 
“What are you doing?” Theo asked. “We’re going to miss out on Stefano and Valentina’s great love story. Our tour guide would loathe not being the center of your attention.” 
You didn’t miss the sarcastic tone that dripped from his words. “Stop that.” 
“Stop what?” 
“You know what.” 
“You’re going to have to be more specific than that, bella.” 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” you scolded. “What’s with all the hostility? Dante’s been nothing but gracious to us.” 
“Gracious,” he repeated, dragging out the word. “Yes, I suppose flirting with a taken woman is a very gracious thing to do.” 
“But I’m not taken.” 
“Dante doesn’t know that! Nonna told him we were dating, so hypothetically, he has no business flirting with you. It’s way out of line.” 
“And you being outright rude to him isn’t?” 
Theo crossed his arms. “Why do you care if I’m rude to him?”
“Because, dumbass, snubbing the grandson of one of your grandmother’s most loyal friends, not to mention business partner, is entirely idiotic. Especially when you’re both likely to inherit the family business, which means you’ll have to eventually work together.” 
“Oh,” Theo said, blinking in surprise. “So you were being nice to him because I might have to conduct business with him in the future? Not because you like him, but because it’ll be good for me in the long run?” 
“Obviously, but you seem hell bent on making an enemy out of him.”
“Only because I thought he was hitting on you!” 
You fought the urge to roll your eyes. You should’ve known that Dante’s compliments would trigger this whole overprotective best friend nonsense. For years, Theo had held the opinion that no member of the opposite sex would ever be good enough for you. He was convinced that every guy had ill intentions towards you, but he’d never been quite this far off the mark. 
“I highly doubt it, given the fact that I’m not Dante’s type.” 
“How do you know that?”
“He’s checked out Enzo’s arse at least three times in the past hour.” You nodded towards the group, catching Dante in the midst of flashing a flirtatious smile at a completely oblivious Lorenzo. “Trust me when I say that Berkshire stands a better chance of catching our host’s interest than I do.” 
Theo’s eyes widened. With a sheepish smile, he rocked back on his feet and scratched the back of his neck. “I’m an idiot.” 
“A little,” you respond with a sigh. “But unfortunately, you’re also my best friend, which means I have a responsibility to save you from making a fool out of yourself.”
“This is why you’re the genius in this friendship, not me.” 
You scoffed. “You weren’t exactly the brightest crayon in the box today.” 
“Hey!” Your best friend protested. “That’s mean!” 
“The truth hurts, Theodore.” 
“Now you’re full naming me?” 
Emboldened by the wine, you held your chin high as though you weren’t craning your neck to the point of pain just to look up at him. With a smirk, you delivered the final blow. “What are you going to do about it, Theodore?” 
You emphasized each syllable of his name with a poke, prodding at his chest as he frowned. The challenge hung between you, charging the air with tension. Theo was quick to react, flipping you over until your back hit the wall of the greenhouse. With a smug smirk, Theo pinned your wrists on either side of your head. 
The sudden switch knocked the breath out of your lung, making you feel dizzy and lightheaded. Theo was so close that you could smell the wine on his breath. As you looked up, the sunshine crowned him in gold, highlighting his freckles and flushed cheeks. The baby blue color of his linen shirt matched his eyes, bright and alluring while he stared down at you. You held your breath as his gaze dipped down to your mouth, licking his lips instinctively. 
“Bella,” Theo murmured, his voice deep and rich like the wine swimming in your veins. 
A rustling sound snapped you out of your reverie. Dante appeared before you, pausing when he caught sight of your compromising position. 
“Am I interrupting something?” 
You scrambled backwards, flushing deeply. “No, we were — we were just heading back.” 
Your tour guide muttered a quick apology before he scampered off. Theo barely spared Dante a glance, his focus fixed solely on you. His gaze flickered to your lips once more before he slowly released your wrists. As Dante ran off, you groaned. 
“Now look at what you’ve done,” you said, pressing the back of your hand up to your forehead. Was it just you or was it hot all of a sudden? “Dante’s going to think we were up to no good.” 
“We’re always up to no good.” 
“Not helping!” 
“I’m sorry, bella,” Theo said in a soft, sincere tone. “For being rude to Dante. For acting like an absolute idiot all day. I promise I’ll apologize to our host for my behavior, but I need my best girl to forgive me first.” 
Your best friend stepped closer and summoned a bouquet of sunflowers. He plucked a bloom before tucking it into your hair and smiling. “They say that sunflowers face wherever the sunshine is. I suppose that’s why I’m always looking at you.” 
Flushed, you shyly accepted the bright yellow flowers. “How could I possibly stay mad after that?” 
“You can’t,” Theo said with a wink. “It’s part of my poetic charm.” 
“Twat,” you replied with a scoff. “But really, these are lovely. Thank you, Teddy. Consider yourself forgiven.” 
He beamed and linked your fingers together, twisting your emerald ring out of habit. “I’m glad. Now I’m off to right my wrongs with Dante. Though now that I think about it, I’m a little offended that he’d choose to objectify Enzo over me.” 
“Your ego really knows no bounds, does it?” 
“Of course not,” Theo drawled as he flashed you a cheeky smile. “That’s why you’re here to keep me in check.” 
“Then if you really must know, Berkshire totally has a cuter butt than you.” 
“You take that back, Y/N!”
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hvlplvss · 11 months
| quiet
| slytherin!colby brock x quiet!hufflepuff!reader
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summary: in which, the noisy and rude slytherin boy starts to take notice in the shy quiet hufflepuff girl who reads constantly.
warning: people being mean to reader, lowkey bad like redemption from colby tbh
authors note: this is awful i’m gonna sob.
loud (part two)
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for some reason, y/n had always preferred the quiet. she surrounded herself with quiet people and she tended to stay away from those who were loud and didn’t follow the rules.
yes, she was friends with hermione granger, despite being two years older than her and disagreeing with all of the trouble her and her friends got themselves into. but hermione enjoyed similar things to y/n and they understood each others passions.
however, there were many in y/n’s year that’s she did not get along with. sure, there was fred and george. but they never did anything to her, they’d never pranked y/n or messed with y/n. mainly due to the fact hermione had asked and y/n had never really done anything wrong. so y/n could make exceptions for the twins.
but colby brock and sam golbach would be the death of her. sam golbach being the distant cousin of draco malfoy, someone else who she couldn’t stand.
sam and draco had once teased y/n a year or two ago. she couldn’t even remember what it was for, in all honesty. she didn’t even really pay them much attention due to being use to the slytherins tormenting her.
colby brock however, just made her blood boil. sure, he’d never done anything to y/n directly. but the way he acted to other people and the professors, made y/n want to strangle him to death.
for whatever reason, colby believed he was above everything and everyone. something which y/n couldn’t stand about people. egotistical people. egocentric. she couldn’t understand how he thought he was better than everyone.
colby, like mentioned before, hadn’t done anything to y/n personally. but he and sam had teased her friends on multiple occasions during lessons and even teased hermione, despite her being two years younger than them. make that make sense.
he was just one of those boys who would be unnecessarily loud for no reason. who would throw things around the classroom, or mess with other students potions when they weren’t looking, causing that unfortunate student a weeks worth of detention with snape.
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y/n sat in the courtyard on a bench by herself, reading a book that was gifted to her over the christmas holidays. the weather was just beginning to warm up, only slightly though. so y/n had wrapped herself in a jacket and her yellow hufflepuff scarf.
as she flicked through the pages of her muggle book, she heard oncoming voices. y/n looked up and noticed sam, colby and a few other slytherin boys entering the courtyard from the main building.
she immediately averted her eyes, in fear they’d notice her. she thought that she had gotten away from the teasing for just one second, as the boys seemed to pass her. when a voice abruptly called out to her, “what do we have here?” it was sam. she didn’t even need to look up to know the smirks and grins they’d have on their faces.
y/n looked up, her face reddening in embarrassment, hoping she’d get away from this easily. “miss y/l/n!” sam grinned.
y/n looked up at the boys who approached her. sam being front and centre of them, draco to his side, the same with theo, mattheo and lorenzo. her eyes slipped through the middle of theo and draco and noticed colby stood at the back.
he was carefully eyeing y/n up. his eyes scanning over her, almost as if he were inspecting her. his eyes moved to her face and she looked down at the book, which she gripped tightly in her hands.
“not up for talking, hey?” sam asked. he looked to his friends, the stupid idiotic smirk still on his face. he reached down and swiped the book out of her hands, even though she felt like she was gripping onto the book for her dead life.
“what’s this?” sam then taunted, passing the book to draco, who opened it, beginning to read small passages in it. mocking y/n. y/n’s eyebrows furrowed in anger, but she was too scared to say anything, everyone knew that. y/n never spoke up for herself.
draco moved his hand to the top of the page, holding a few of the pages at the top. he was going to rip the book. a book which had been gifted from her father, who she rarely saw due to his job in the ministry.
but as draco went to move his hand, a voice called him out, “draco,” it was colby, “just leave it,” he added.
y/n’s eyes flickered to colby, who had a hint of sympathy in them. sam turned to colby, “come on. what you being like this for?” sam asked, nudging his best friend.
“we don’t need to waste our time on her. do we?” colby stated, looking at his friends. they rolled their eyes at colby, draco throwing the book back at y/n.
“enjoy your stupid book, y/l/n,” sam said, walking away from y/n, his friends following after him.
y/n immediately stood up, not noticing colby stood there still. “y/n, i’m-” but before he could ever finish his sentence, y/n had rushed away from him, her eyes watering.
some may call her weak, or too emotional, but she couldn’t comprehend why they picked on her. she never even spoke to them, she wouldn’t dare to speak to them for a matter of fact.
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by dinner time, y/n had decided that the interaction she had with the slytherin boys today was just enough for her to deal with, so she told her friends she was going to sit on her own at dinner, so she could calm down and just bring herself back to reality.
she sat at the other end of the table, near the great hall entrance, with an old book that she’d read over a hundred times in one hand and her food in the other.
she’d only chose this book incase the boys decided to pay her visit and ruin it. at least if they did, she’d basically have memorised the book by now, due to how old it was.
it was quite a short book compared to her others, so she had managed to finish the book quite quickly.
placing the book in her bag, which she had brought with her just in case anything did go wrong, her eyes scanned the room, looking at people. people watching. it wasn’t meant to be as creepy as it sounded, but it was just something so simple.
being able to watch someone be themselves, or do little things they thought no one would see. it was a constant thing y/n did in class, seen as she would finish the work before everyone else.
she’d notice the wealsey twins furrow their eyebrows in any lesson, except in potions as they seem to have knowledge in the subject. she noticed how colby would close his eyes and mutter to himself when he was trying to think of something, which annoyed sam, so he’d nudge colby and tell him to ‘shut up’.
her eyes scanned around the hall, landing onto hermione, who sat with ron and harry. hermione seemed to be telling ron off, for god knows what reasons. it seemed like that was all she did these days.
her eyes wandered down her own table, landing on cedric diggory. a boy in her year, who she was relatively close to, due to the fact she’d grown up with him. and he also would stick up for her when people picked on her for being so quiet. cedric noticed that she was looking at him, so he smiled and waved, to which she smiled back at him and looked away.
her eyes then mistakenly moved onto the slytherin table. immediately, looking at colby. but, he was already looking at her…
y/n’s eyes windened and her cheeks went a light shade of red. she immediately looked down at her plate, avoiding the intimidating boys eyes.
y/n continued eating her dinner, not daring to look up. incase colby was still looking at her. he clearly wanted to get her back or something. or just bring up earlier and y/n did not want to deal with the confrontation from colby.
but after a few minutes of silently looking down at her plate, a shadow appeared on the table, someone was stood in front of her.
“y/l/n,” colby.
y/n slowly looked up. she didn’t know what to expect. he tended to be very erratic with his decisions and very random with sudden outbursts. but y/n just prayed the gods were on her side.
“brock,” she replied quietly, her eyes averting his harsh gaze.
“i came over here to-” but before colby could even utter out another word, cedric diggory appeared next to him.
“is there a problem here?” cedric asked, his finger pointing between y/n and colby.
“no. there isn’t diggory,” colby sneered.
colby would never ‘start’ on diggory. he knew diggory would actually say or fight back, especially over y/n. he saw how protective he was over the girl, seen as she couldn’t protect herself. and as stupid as it sounds, colby brock thought that it was sweet. yes! colby brock did indeed have a heart sometimes.
“good. you alright y/n?” cedric looked over to you, his eyes leaving colby’s. but colby also turned to look at y/n.
“fine thanks, ced,” y/n smiled sheepishly.
colby’s eyes almost softened. he’d never actually heard y/n speak before. not clearly anyways. when she’d answer quietly in class, near enough whispering the answer to the professor, he’d be whispering to sam about something stupid, or maybe even half asleep if he was lucky.
but hearing her voice properly and clearly. not actually even realising how fragile and delicate she really was. as condescending as it sounded, it was true. y/n y/l/n was a delicate girl.
she carried herself well. she always looked perfect, her work always looked perfect, her grades were always perfect, she was always perfect. she was a perfectionist.
colby glared one last time at cedric, sparing one last look at y/n, who stared at him. he thinned his lips and turned away, walking out of the great hall, his friends watching him leave in confusion, sam even calling out his name.
cedric said a goodbye and walked back over to his friends, leaving y/n so confused on why colby brock was coming to even speak to her in the first place.
y/n looked over to where he sat, but looked straight back down as sam was glaring straight at her.
did he think she’d said something to colby?
she hoped not. y/n knew same would eventually confront her about why colby was coming to talk to her. but even she didn’t know why. so y/n’s goal for now, was to avoid sam at all costs.
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even though y/n hated rule breakers, there was one rule she’d break herself. call her a hypocrite. but sometimes, she just needed that moment to herself, on the astronomy tower, when it was late at night. where she could name all the stars and constellations she could see.
this was a frequent habit and she’d only been caught once or twice. luckily, getting away with it, as professor sprout had agreed that y/n never did anything wrong. so she let her off and just warned her about trying not to get caught ever again.
y/n climbed the stairs to the astronomy tower, muttering some spells to herself as she had a test tomorrow in charms.
y/n opened the door to the tower and stepped in. that was when she ran into colby.
he was stood facing out, looking into the dark cloudy sky. he turned around at the sound of the creaking door opening.
y/n’s eyes widened, “i-i’m sorry!” y/n squeaked out. “i’ll go,” immediately, she turned around.
but colby took steps forward and called out her name, “y/n!” y/n? colby brock had just used her first name. she slowly turned on her feet, nervously fidgeting with her hands.
“stay,” he said. “please,” he begged. y/n slowly walked into the room, making her way over to the railing of the balcony. she stood next to colby, silently.
“i wanted to apologise earlier. but cedric never let me get to that,” colby spoke, after a few minutes of silence. “i want to say i’m sorry. for earlier. for the whole book thing,” he apologised.
y/n was unsure what to say. she was worried if she said something ‘offensive’ then colby would have her for it. but she was going to risk it.
“what about all the other times?” she spoke carefully. “why are you guys so mean to me?” colby sighed. he felt bad. really bad.
he’d always admired the girl from afar. colby brock thought y/n y/l/n was pretty. he’d always thought that.
“look- i- i know there’s nothing i can say that will take back all the times sam, draco or me have teased you. and i know that. and i guess, when i first saw you in first year, i thought you were cool and pretty. and that you were this shy quiet cute girl and i liked that. you weren’t like all the other girls in our year,” he explained.
“and when i was sorted into slytherin and you were a hufflepuff, i knew this changed everything. then, when sam began picking on you. he’s been my bestfriend since i was two. i couldn’t just turn against him and defend you. so, i had to stand back, and join in. and i know how that sounds. and it doesn’t excuse what i’ve done,”
y/n looked out. what was going on? she was in disbelief. what was she supposed to say to that. she was unsure. the only word she could come out with was “oh,”
colby grabbed her hands gently, y/n flinching slightly at the sudden action. “i’m so sorry, y/n,” colby repeated.
y/n sighed, unsure in what to do, “i can tell. but it’s going to take a while for me to even trust you,” she responded.
colby could only pay attention to how softly the girl spoke. he’d obviously picked up on it when he visited her table. but noticing her in this light, and hearing her this close up makes her a million times sweeter.
“but i’m scared colby. and i want you to be able to understand that,” he nodded quickly. “if you can gain my trust, i’ll think about this. i’ll think about us,” she whispered.
a smile fled to colby’s face, “thank you,” he smiled. he gently placed his arms around y/n’s waist, pulling her in for a hug.
she didn’t expect the gesture at all, not reacting at first, but then realised she had not reacted. she quickly melted into the hug, reaching up around his shoulders.
she held on tightly, cherishing the moment. if colby suddenly changed the next day, at least she could say she had some ‘moment’ with colby brock himself.
he slowly pulled away, placing his hands on her cheeks. “i do care about you. and im going to do whatever it takes to make you trust me, because i do like you,” colby promised. “i won’t let anyone mess with you anymore,” y/n nodded and smiled, leaning into colby’s touch.
the door to the astronomy tower opened, causing the pair to jump apart. it was snape.
“mr brock and miss y/l/n, i suppose you do realise it is past curfew?” he asked. y/n looked down at the floor in embarrassment.
she knew she’d not get away this time. sure, she did extremely well in snape’s classes, but he was strict on rules.
y/n nodded, “well then, i suppose you also realise you two must be punished? detention, tomorrow. don’t be late. now go back to your dormitories!”
snape left, leaving the door opened. “that’s my first ever detention!” y/n whispered to herself, in shock.
colby laughed at her reaction, “come on y/n, you’re gonna be hanging around with me now. you gonna have to get use to it,”
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sparkling-ariaria · 4 months
Hogwarts Legacy fics I read and want to keep...
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*Complete fem or non-specific reader insert fics* Upd: 27.09.2024
"You are everything. Everything. It’s true." by sebswebs - Sebastian x gf!Reader
Mon Amour by sebswebs - Sebastian x gf!Reader As their 7th year begins, Hogwarts has been chosen to host the Triwizard Tournament. Upon the arrival of the beautiful girls of Beauxbatons Academy, MC is feeling overly insecure before she has even had a chance to reunite with her boyfriend after the summer.
He's so in love by hufflepuffwitchhh - Ominis Gaunt x Reader Ominis is in love with you. Now, who's gonna tell him? Alternatively known as: ten times Sebastian knew Ominis was in love with you vs the first time Ominis knew he was in love with you.
Her touch by thenerdykneazle - Ominis Gaunt x fem!Reader Ominis had never been fond of being touched. Or, at least, he had few positive experiences with it. That changed with the arrival of the new fifth-year.
Catnap by pluvpluvpluv - Ominis Gaunt x gf!MC x Sebastian Sallow
Strained by ravenelyx - Ominis Gaunt x gf!Reader Exams have taken a toll on you and your health - especially your eyes. Thankfully, Ominis is there to take care of you.
I like you(r) by ravenelyx - Sebastian Sallow x Reader Sebastian likes a lot of things about you, like your sweet perfume... or your lips.
Cute little boyfriend moments headcanons by ashisgreedy - Garreth Weasley
Flowery Language by galaxiasgreen - Garreth Weasley x gf!Reader Garreth gets you flowers, and things go terribly wrong.
Scriptorium to Sepulcher (AO3 link) by RGKO Side story to "The Raven and the Snake" by choccymilky. Takes place after the scriptorium scene. Ominis is depressed about finding his aunt's remains and his two friends want to help him.
A Jeweled Promise by forbidden-armotentia - Ominis x gf!Reader Ominis gifts his girlfriend a necklace, which can only be unlocked with parseltongue.
Judge of character by sebastians-niffler - Sebastian x hufflepuff!Reader When professor Howin assigns a task on caring of a niffler, Sebastian has a bit of a hard time. That is, until you give him the confidence he had hidden all along.
Never have I ever by emptycauldron - Ominis x fem!Reader Ominis is dragged to a Gryffindor party, where MC teaches them all a Muggle drinking game.
HL Charas react to MC as a cat animagus by hogwartslegacyreactions2
Golden by btsbabe7 - Sebastian x Reader Watching the sunset within the grassland vivarium.
You Were The First by spaceyaceface - Ominis x f!Reader Ominis Gaunt has never known affection. He has never known how it felt to love---to be loved. She came and changed all of it.
Comfort drabble by bluerainshadows - Garreth x fem!Reader
You look better in green by fierymiasma - Sebastian x fem!Hufflepuff!Reader In which Sebastian sees the new transfer student wearing someone else’s scarf and proceeds to absolutely lose it.
Moonlight drabble by galaxiasgreen - Ominis x Reader In search of distraction from Ranrok's rebellion, you dance with Ominis in the Undercroft.
Now that I "see" you by huffleflufflefly - Ominis x Reader You came up with an idea to enchant a pair of glasses to help him see. You’ve tried quite a few times, but you felt this pair was the one!
Sleep by islayhawkin - Ominis x Reader At home Ominis had to sleep on the floor as a punishment so he still feels safest sleeping on the floor.
A moment of your time by applinsandoranges - Andrew Larson x fem!Reader Andrew has a certain way of grabbing MC's attention - and her affection. Old habits die hard, not that she'd ever want him to stop asking for her time.
Liquid Courage by forbidden-amortentia - Ominis x fem!Reader Ominis gets startled in potions class and accidentally grabs onto MC's thigh.
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lilacmingi · 7 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Hufflepuff!Yunho x Hufflepuff!fem reader
Word count: 4,968
Note: Seems kinda silly sharing this one considering its March lol but when I was writing these Hogwarts AU imagines, they were being posted around November/December 2022 and I felt bad for not having anything festive written so I made this one take place around Christmastime to add some festive flair. Hopefully you guys can still enjoy it, even in March haha
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"You need to dress warmly, Y/n. It's getting colder these days." Yunho tugged your scarf around your neck, making sure you were all bundled up.
You merely chuckled, amused at how much he cares for you.
"I'll be fine." You assured him.
"We have to walk all the way to the greenhouse for herbology. You should stay warm."
You gave him a reluctant smile, allowing him to adjust your scarf to where it would cover your chin.
"Okay." He gave a small nod of approval before linking arms with you. "Let's go. Don't wanna be late."
Leaving the warm corridors of the school, you stepped out into the chilly air. It was nearing the end of autumn and would soon be winter, though based on the bitter temperature outside it felt like the season had already arrived. You and your fellow housemate trekked across the school grounds, stepping over leaves that had long fallen off the trees, their color now a dull brown. The holidays were just around the corner and Hogwarts had rolled out the Christmas decorations, decking the entire school out in holiday cheer, the colorful array of twinkling ornaments and other baubles giving the castle a cozy feel. The Great Hall was the most beautiful with large Christmas trees throughout the room, holly and ribbons hanging along the ceiling, all topped off with white snow falling from above, the magical icy clusters not feeling cold at all.
The greenhouse came into view, you and Yunho hurrying over desperate to get inside and out of the chilly air.
"Good afternoon." Professor Sprout greeted you with her usual warm smile, her jovial personality shining through as always.
"Afternoon." You greeted, making your way further into the greenhouse, taking your place at the long table that stretched along the length of the greenhouse.
You and Yunho began unpacking your supplies, your fingers brushing against his by accident.
"Your hands are freezing." He commented, grabbing them with his larger ones.
A faint heat creeped onto your cheeks as he squeezed your icy palms between his, warming them a little. You were so focused on him, you didn't notice the other students filing in the greenhouse, preparing for class.
"Alright. Now that everyone's here let's get started." Professor Sprout spoke up, causing Yunho to release your hands.
You exchanged sheepish glances before the both of you turned your eyes away out of embarrassment.
"Since Christmas is approaching, I thought it would be fit for us to study mistletoe. As you all know, this parasitic plant is used for decoration, but you can also use it for antidotes for the forgetfulness potion and common poisons."
"Ha. Mistletoe." You chuckled softly. "How festive."
Professor Sprout proceeded to explain more facts about the plant, allowing everyone to examine the white berries on the herbage, cutting them open and grinding them for potions.
The greenhouse, though slightly warmer than the chilly outdoor air, didn't offer much heat for your cold fingertips. Suddenly you missed the warmth of Yunho's hands, wishing he could hold them one more time.
Professor Sprout filled the silence in the greenhouse by giving a brief history lesson on mistletoe, talking about how it was used as a holiday decoration in the 1700s, then she proceeded explain how wizards used it for potions, though at that point you started zoning out.
Her voice became mere background noise as your eyes lingered on Yunho, who was closely examining the leaves on his plant which was held between his slender fingers.
By some miracle, you managed to pull it together long enough to make it through class.
You rubbed your hands together on the trek back to the school, tugging your scarf up to cover your nose and shield it from the chilly gusts of wind that fiercely hit your cheeks.
Once back inside Hogwarts, you let the heat from the torches lining the hall to warm you up a little. Yunho noticed the way you rubbed your hands together, wiggling your fingers around a bit.
"Here." Yunho held his hands out to you palms up.
You placed your smaller hands in his and allowed him to warm them the best he could, though his fingers were pretty cold as well, but they were warmer than yours. Plus, you can't possibly pass up the opportunity to have his hands holding onto yours.
You chuckled softly at Yunho's appearance, noticing a tint of pink on the tip of his nose.
"What?" He asked amusedly.
"Your nose is pink."
"It's freezing too. Wanna feel it?" He teased, leaning in closely preparing to press his nose against your cheek. You were quick to pull away, laughing at him.
"Come on. Let's go to the dining hall and see if we can get some hot chocolate before our next class." He stated.
"That would be fantastic."
The both of you went straight to the Great Hall where thankfully you were able to get a hot beverage to warm you up, the drink doing wonders for you.
"This was a good call." You sighed contently, grateful that your friend had suggested the idea. "I needed something that would warm me up quickly."
He hummed in agreement, his face covered by the mug as he gulped down the chocolate beverage. Once he set the cup down, a small amount of whipped cream dotted the tip of his nose as well as his top lip, the sight making you giggle.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" He asked, knowing there was whipped topping on him.
"Come here." You beckoned, grabbing a napkin and cleaning his face.
Yunho's heart fluttered at your simple yet very effective actions. His eyes lingered on your face, taking in all your beautiful details, from your lashes to your soft-looking lips, his mind beginning to wander as he imagined what it would feel like to kiss them.
He blinked himself from his daze, humming in response.
"You zoned out. I asked if you were ready to go. We've got just enough time to get to class."
"Oh. Yeah I'm ready."
It was early morning, right around breakfast time and you were sat in front of the fireplace in the Hufflepuff common room with a letter in your hands and a heavy feeling in your chest.
The sound of feet shuffling along the floor above could be heard over the crackling fire before you, Yunho's voice following after.
"Oh, you got something from your parents?" He observed.
"Yeah." You sighed as he descended the stairs, taking a seat beside you.
"Must've been important if it was delivered straight to the dormitory."
"It was."
Based on your discouraged tone and small frown, whatever news you got wasn't good.
"What's wrong?"
"It's a letter from my parents. They work for the Ministry of Magic so they're really busy and it seems they're not going to be home much. Looks like I'm going to be staying here for Christmas."
Yunho frowned. He hated seeing you upset, even more so he hated that you would be stuck at Hogwarts over Christmas break instead of spending it with your family.
"Come here." He beckoned softly, pulling you into a hug, which you happily accepted.
His hugs were always the best. He was bigger than you, so being in his embrace always felt nice, warm, even safe. You've always joked that his hugs were magical because they always seemed to melt your problems away whenever you were upset about something.
Yunho rubbed your back soothingly, allowing you to stay in his arms for as long as you needed.
If you were forced to stay at Hogwarts over Christmas break, he would stay with you.
Or maybe...
He let out a sudden gasp as a lightbulb went off in his head, making him pull back.
"Why don't you spend Christmas with me and my family?"
You took in a quick breath at his sudden proposition, looking at him with a shocked expression. At your response, or lack thereof, Yunho continued.
"You can send an owl back to your parents and let them know you're going to spend Christmas with me."
You continued to sit there, your mind processing everything.
Spending Christmas with Yunho?
The idea sounded great, honestly. You'd be able to spend the entire break with your crush. What more could you ask for?
Judging by the hopeful expression on his face and the expectant gleam in his eyes, he really wanted you to accept his offer, so you did.
When Christmas break rolled around, you found yourself boarding the Hogwarts Express with Yunho and a suitcase of clothes and other necessities for your visit.
The both of you made your way into one of the roomettes, sliding the door closed behind you before moving to sit on one of the benches.
"Sit next to me, Y/n." Yunho patted the spot next to him.
Softly smiling, you moved across to Yunho's bench, seating yourself beside him.
"I haven't seen your parents in years." You commented.
"I'm sure they're excited to see you, especially mom. She asks about you a lot."
"She does?"
He nodded.
The train departed from the station a few minutes later, rolling into motion. You watched as the school got smaller and smaller the further away you got. Your heart started to beat a little faster at the thought of being with Yunho for two weeks at his home.
The snack trolley rolled by not too long into the ride making the Hufflepuff beside you perk up, an excited gasp leaving him.
"Y/n, do you want something?" He asked.
"Yes, please."
Yunho asked the lady pushing the cart for your favorite candy along with some of his favorites before she went on to the next roomette. It didn't take long at all for the both of you to tear into the sweets, enjoying them as you watched the trees and valleys pass by.
An hour into the train ride, you felt your eyelids begin to droop as a feeling of drowsiness slowly washed over you. Not wanting to fall asleep, you turned your attention to the view out the window and started watching the scenery, a vast field with mountains in the distance, each one a different size. Unfortunately, that didn't do any good and you ended up allowing yourself to rest your eyes for a moment, which of course resulted in you falling asleep.
Yunho's gaze was glued to the landscape outside when he felt a weight on his shoulder. Upon glancing over, he found you sound asleep, your body slumped over on him, head resting on his shoulder.
A soft smile of adoration tugged at his lips as he allowed his gaze to linger on you for a few moments, taking in your features up close. It was only when you stirred slightly that he averted his gaze back to the view outside, his cheeks slightly warm.
When he didn’t feel you move, he peeked over at you once more as soft breaths pushed past your slightly parted lips.
"Y/n. We're here."
You squeezed your eyes shut tighter, nuzzling your face into whatever you were resting on.
A deep chuckle sounded afterwards making you peel your eyes open.
Yunho was gazing down at you, eyes gleaming with amusement. It was then that you realized you'd fallen asleep on him, your head resting on his chest. This realization caused you to push yourself off him in a rush.
He only laughed, standing up from his seat.
"I'm sorry." You apologized.
"You seemed to be sleeping well, so I didn't wake you." He responded, offering you his hand. "Come on."
After a short taxi ride, you arrived at your destination, welcomed by strings of beautiful multicolored lights strung along the eaves of the house, the sight giving you a warm feeling in your chest.
You stepped into Yunho's cozy abode, the warmth from inside brushing against your cool cheeks, the smell of gingerbread and cinnamon reaching your senses.
"Come in, come in." Yunho's mom beckoned, ushering both of you inside. "It's freezing out."
Christmas music played softly throughout the home as you removed your scarf, your eyes roaming the house, taking in your surroundings. The feeling of someone tugging on your coat grabbed your attention, it was Yunho. You thanked him quietly, shrugging off the thick jacket and allowing him to hang it on the coat rack by the door.
"My Yunho, come here." His mom cooed, pulling him into a tight hug. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, mom."
After pulling away, she turned to you with a warm smile. "Y/n."
"Hello." You greeted.
"I haven't seen you since you and Yunho were in fourth year." She gushed. "You've grown into such a beautiful young lady."
You muttered a shy thank you before she escorted the both of you into the living room, going on about how excited she was that you'd be joining them during Christmas break and how she had prepared snacks for your arrival. Sitting on the coffee table in the living room was a plate of small sandwiches, crackers, and sliced fruit along with two glasses of water.
"Sorry. She gets enthusiastic when we have guests." Yunho murmured, cheeks tinged pink.
"It's fine. It's actually really nice. I missed her hospitality."
Just then, the front door swung open and Yunho's father walked in, shrugging off his jacket.
"Are they here yet?" He inquired before glancing into the living room where you and Yunho were seated on the couch. "Ah. I missed the welcome party."
"We just got in." Yunho informed him. "You didn't miss much."
"Good, good." His father nodded, making his way over to greet both of you, asking how classes were and how you'd been—just the usual small talk. He then grabbed one of the tiny sandwiches Yunho's mom had made.
At that moment, she entered the room and caught him in the act, immediately scolding him.
"Those are for Y/n and Yunho."
"Alright. Sorry." He chuckled, heading towards the kitchen.
"Y/n, why don't I take your bags to your room?" Yunho's mom offered.
"Oh, you don't have to do that."
"No, no, I insist. You're our guest."
You didn't have time to protest as she grabbed your bag as well as Yunho's and left the room.
After resting for a moment and finishing the finger foods that were prepared, Yunho's mom offered to show you where you'd be sleeping during your visit. Yunho wanted to unpack his things, so he got up and followed you and his mom down the hall, not expecting her to come to a stop at his bedroom.
"You'll have to share with Yunho. I hope you don't mind." She mentioned, opening the bedroom door. "Don't worry, though. I've set up a mattress on the floor so everything should be fine."
"I thought we had a spare bedroom." Yunho spoke up hastily.
"Oh, I've been using it as a storage room."
Yunho's face got hot at the thought of sharing a room with you, but at the same time it was a dream come true. Back at Hogwarts the boys and girls dorms are separated; the girls' dormitory is charmed so no boys can enter, though it's not the same for the boys' dorm, which is odd—but you've never stayed overnight with him before, even at school, so this would be a whole new experience.
Your palms started to get a bit sweaty as you took in the information you were just given, your slightly wide eyes staring at the sight before you. Alongside Yunho's bed was a small, inflatable mattress with a few blankets and pillows on it. While it did look comfortable, it was directly beside the place where Yunho slept. Judging by the giddiness in his mom's voice, she was more than okay with the both of you sharing a room.
"Well, I'll let you two get settled." She spoke up and excused herself.
As soon as she was out of the room, Yunho's head dropped as he let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine." You waved him off.
You and Yunho have been friends for years, sharing a room shouldn't be weird... it only feels that way because of your feelings for him.
"I'm gonna unpack. You can make yourself comfortable."
Yunho moved across the room to his bed where his suitcase laid, unzipping the beg before removing items from it. You started to do the same, taking a seat on the blow up mattress in the floor, taking out your toiletry bag.
"You can put that in the bathroom across the hall." Yunho mentioned. "As for clothes, you can leave them in your suitcase or I can clean out a drawer for you to store them in."
"It's fine. I can just leave them in here." You responded, not wanting Yunho to go to the extra trouble.
Once settled, the both of you were called into the kitchen to have dinner, which smelled so good. It had been a while since you had a home-cooked meal. Though, Hogwarts had exceptional food, there's something different about having something made at home.
"You really went all out." You commented, your mouth watering at the spread before you.
"Of course. It's Christmas, plus we have a special guest. It's the least I could do." Yunho's mom smiled warmly, pouring everyone a drink.
After a nice meal, you spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV with Yunho and his parents. Turns out they found amusement in muggle television programs and enjoyed watching them. You unexpectedly got hooked on a particular show, the ups and downs of the plot pulling you in immediately.
After watching a few episodes, you and Yunho decided to get ready for bed and settle in for the night.
You watched in mild amusement as Yunho arranged his pillows in a particular order, one lying flat in the middle and one propped up on the bed frame on either side. A chuckle slipped from you by accident causing the tall boy to turn, eyeing you.
"Sorry." You apologized. "I didn't know you had a system going."
"I do. My bed fits me well so I arrange my pillows like this, but in beds that are shorter where my feet stick out, I arrange them like this." He began shuffling the pillows around, moving the ones that were resting on the bed frame flat on the mattress lying vertically, giving him somewhat of a barrier on either side of his main pillow.
"I have to do this at Hogwarts since the beds are smaller." He mentioned.
It may be silly, but his specific pillow arrangements were extremely endearing to you. The way he had a whole system figured out based on the size of the bed was too cute.
He didn't seem to notice your love-filled gaze as he fluffed his main pillow, shimmying underneath the covers.
"Are you settled in?" He asked.
"Mhm." You hummed.
Yunho raised his wand in the air, using it to turn the lights out before snuggling down into his bed.
"Goodnight, Y/n."
"Goodnight, Yunho."
Getting to sleep proved to be a bit harder than you had originally thought. You were hyperaware of Yunho sleeping so close to you and that prevented you from getting relaxed enough to rest.
It's not a big deal, Y/n. You told yourself. Yunho is your best friend. You've known him for years. There's no reason to be nervous.
Minutes passed and you tried different positions, lying on your back, your left side, then your right side. Nothing was working.
Movement on the bed caught your attention as Yunho's head popped up, peeking down at you.
"If you're not comfortable, we can switch spots." He offered. "If it's me you're uncomfortable with I can sleep on the couch and you can have my bed."
The thought of sleeping in Yunho's bed under sheets that probably smelled like him drove you crazy, but the inflatable mattress was just fine, plus you didn't want to take Yunho's bed from him.
"I'm good." You assured him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. This is fine."
"Well, the offer is still there if you change your mind."
You murmured a thank you before rolling over, finally getting comfortable enough to go to sleep.
You woke up the next morning to Yunho shaking you awake.
"What is it?" You groaned.
"Get up. Hurry!" He pulled you to your feet, your knees nearly buckling, not used to all the sudden movement right after waking up.
Yunho wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you downstairs to the living room window.
"Check it out." Yunho gawked as he gazed out the glass pane.
"Wow." You gaped at the amount of snow that had blanketed the front lawn, the sight instantly waking you up.
"Oh, how pretty." Yunho's mom marveled. "You two should go outside and enjoy it."
The both of you exchanged glances, but before either of you could speak, Yunho's mom did.
"Go on." She gently ushered the both of you towards your room, telling you to bundle up. "I'll start on breakfast and you two go have some fun."
You had no choice but to do as she asked, going right back to Yunho's room.
"I'm so glad I packed warm clothes." You commented, pulling out a sweater and thick pants.
After layering up and putting on your coat and house scarf, you stepped outside hearing the many inches of snow crunch beneath your boots.
"That's one way to wake you up in the mornings." Yunho chuckled, his breaths coming out in puffs due to the frigid air.
"That's for sure." You shivered slightly, the icy weather flushing out the last remnants of sleep from your body.
"Come on." Yunho's gloved hand grabbed yours, tugging you out into the yard. "We should build a snowman."
"With all this snow, we could built three snowmen."
Yunho retrieved his wand from the inside of his jacket with a smirk. "You wanna try it?"
A knowing grin spread across your face as you pulled out your wand. "Let's do it."
With a simple locomotion charm, the both of you had large spheres of snow rolling across the lawn, getting bigger and bigger.
"Bring that one over here." Yunho pointed. "We'll use that for the base."
You nodded, moving your snowball to its designated spot as Yunho stacked his on top, using his wand to place the last and smallest sphere on top. In no time, you had three perfect snowmen built in front of the house.
Using your wands, the both of you gathered sticks and rocks to use for the arms and face for each snowman, placing them accordingly.
"These looks great." You beamed. "It's been  so long since I've done this. I feel like a kid again."
"Me too." He huffed out a laugh. "You think breakfast is ready?"
"I hope so. I'm starving."
"Come on." Yunho held out his hand. "Let's go."
Later that night, the air inside the house was cooler than normal thanks to the piles of snow outside. The double layer of blankets wasn't doing much to keep you warm, no matter how much you curled up or how high they were bunched around your neck.
"Are you cold?" Yunho asked.
You assumed he was asleep, so his voice startled you a bit.
"Just a little." You responded.
"Would you like to sleep up here? It's warmer when you're not close to the floor."
"I don't know. You've got that pillow fort up there, I don't think there's any room for me." You teased.
"I can always make room."
You were so desperate to get warm and Yunho's offer was very appealing, so you agreed.
Yunho shuffled around, adjusting his pillows as you got up off the inflatable mattress and joined him in the bed, which was noticeably warmer than your makeshift one on the floor.
You let out a content sigh, tugging the covers up over you.
"Better?" Yunho asked.
At this point, the fact that you were sharing a bed with Yunho didn't phase you, in fact, it was the last thing on your mind. You were just grateful to be warm. Yunho shuffled a bit, giving you some extra space before rolling onto his side, his back facing you.
"This is so much nicer than that air mattress." You commented blissfully.
"I imagine it is."
"You don't have to be so far away." You told him, noticing the distance between the both of you.
"I just wanna make sure you're comfortable."
"I am. Come on." You tugged at the back of his pajama top, making him scoot towards you.
He kept his back facing you, too nervous to turn around. Yunho felt bad that you were cold and simply wanted to help out, but now that you were right beside him, things were starting to sink in.
"Goodnight." You murmured sleepily.
It was only when he was sure you were asleep that he turned around. Your cheek was squished against the pillow as small snores moved past your parted lips. His hand reached out towards your face, his slender fingers barely ghosting over your cheek. Yunho found himself unconsciously moving forward, his gaze focused on your lips. Before he could get too close, he came to his senses and pulled away, choosing to go to sleep.
It was finally Christmas Eve and things were in full swing at the Jeong household. Yunho's dad has just placed extra logs in the fireplace while his mom laid out all the sweet treats she had baked, going on about playing some board games later. Presents had been wrapped and placed neatly underneath the tree, each present with a different decorative wrapping.
"There's supposed to be some muggle
Christmas specials on tonight." Yunho's dad mentioned. "We should watch some."
"That'll be fun." You agreed.
"Oh, darn." You heard Yunho's mom mutter.
"Is everything okay?" You inquired, poking your head into the kitchen.
"I'm out of eggs." She glanced at the clock on the wall. "The store closes in half an hour. I need to go."
You and Yunho watched from the living room doorway as she hurriedly slipped on her coat, calling for his dad to come with her.
"You two will be alright staying here by yourselves for a little while, right?"
You both nodded.
With that, she pulled out her wand, both she and Yunho's dad apparating in the blink of an eye.
"I can't wait to get my apparition license." You commented.
"Me too. It'll be so convenient." Yunho agreed.
Letting out a sigh, you turned to face him.
"So, what should we do?"
Your question went unheard and unanswered by Yunho who was more occupied with something above you.
"Ah." Yunho glanced up with rosy cheeks.
Following his gaze, you spotted a small bundle of mistletoe hanging from the top of the doorframe, sucking in a deep breath at the sight.
"I'm sorry." He muttered embarrassedly. "My mom must've put that there."
The tips of his ears were a deep shade of pink while his cheeks were almost matching.
"It's okay." You shrugged it off, acting as if it wasn't a big deal to help Yunho feel a little more at ease even though you were internally freaking out just like he was.
Pulling your bottom lip between your teeth, you weighed your options. Either you could walk away and pretend this didn't happen, noting to avoid the mistletoe for the rest of your visit, or you could try and kiss Yunho and see what happens.
Before you could make a decision, he started to lean in closer, your breath catching in your throat.
Yunho's lips met yours, pressing softly as if to test the waters. Though there wasn't much force or pressure to the kiss, you could feel the pliant softness of his lips as they dragged slowly against yours before he pulled away, the lack of contact leaving you wanting more. Without hesitation, you leaned forward, reconnecting your lips. The action clearly caught Yunho off guard but he was quick to respond, his arms sliding around your waist pulling you into his broad chest.
Your mind clouded over immediately, the feeling of his mouth on yours was almost too much to handle, but still you wanted more.
You got your wish, because it was at that moment Yunho stepped forward, pressing your back against the frame of the walkway as he began kissing you more feverishly.
Your fingers found purchase in his dark tresses, tugging at his hair. He let out a grunt in response, pressing closer to you.
"Yunho." You murmured against his lips.
He pulled away for a moment, gazing drunkenly at you with half-lidded eyes.
"I like you a lot." You confessed breathlessly. "I have for along time."
"Me too." He sighed, leaning in to capture your lips with his once again.
Your leg wrapped around his torso, your fingers grabbing at the fabric of his sweater.
Yunho pulled away again, making you frown slightly at the loss of contact.
"You're so pretty." He stroked your cheek.
Your eyelids fluttered closed as you sighed out his name.
"I'm not sure how long your mom will be gone, maybe we should go somewhere else." You suggested.
"Say no more." Yunho began tugging you along through the living room and down the hallway to his bedroom.
The both of you collapsed onto his bed with a grunt.
"I think this was my mom's plan all along." He admitted.
"Me too. Maybe we should thank her." You chuckled.
"Maybe we should." He grinned, diving in for another breathtaking kiss.
Hongjoong ⟡ Seonghwa ⟡ Yeosang ⟡ San ⟡ Mingi ⟡ Wooyoung ⟡ Jongho
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
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vanessamooney · 6 months
The Painting. Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader
Prompt: You sneak into the Slytherin dorms to see Draco
Pairing: Hufflepuff reader x Draco
This one is a bit angsty, bit fluffy and raunchy? Not sure how to describe, just read it! :)
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Your heels clicked on the jagged stones, tiny short clinks echoing through the hallways. You carried the bottom of your robe with your nimble fingers, clutching the fabric so tight your knuckles ached. Heart racing with fear, you made your way through the castle. If you had been caught out past curfew, sneaking around in the middle of the night, well, you wouldn't even want to know what would happen to you. 
The dungeon was a cold unforgiving palace of superiority, it's windows the eyes to the inside of the black lake. Unfathomable things floated around its ruthless current. Legend had it the mermaids would try to lure the Slytherin boys into the lake, they'd tap on their windows during late hours, clawing at the thick glass. Just a rumour, of course.
You made you way down the staircase, holding tightly onto the rail. At this point you could taste the blood of your lips from biting so hard the whole way to the Slytherin dorms. The smell of moss and tobacco lingered in the air, the dry air cracking your already parched lips. You'd been here before; each time it was a thrill, each time it was daunting. 
The painting which hung guarding the Slytherin common room was small, smaller than all the others. It depicted a middle aged woman smoking a long pipe, her wrinkly fingers curling around it. Her demeanour was intimidating, her stare maddening. She wore her curly hair long, unruly on her narrow head. It wasn't strange she was wearing a corseted emerald dress, but it was strange that a python the colour of mud was slithering around her elongated neck, never stopping. Her smoke engulfed you and in retaliation you let out a muffled cough. 
"Pure blood." You spoke, your voice a faint shrill in the corridor. In turn you expected her to let you in the dorms but the door remained locked, your eyes widening.
The woman took a long puff of her tobacco pipe, blowing the smoke in your face, watching you with an unflinching gaze. The force of her presence made it difficult for you to maintain eye contact, your own orbs flickering around the corridor.
"I said, pure bl-" She cut you off.
"I know what you said, silly girl," She began between puffs of smoke. "Why would I let you in?" A scoff escaped, smoke naturally pouring out of the gaps between her teeth.
"Because I-I know the password!" You twiddled with your fingers, picking at your nails and the skin surrounding them. You'd have to sneak all the way back to your Hufflepuff dorm and risk getting caught all over, if only she would just let you in. You knew the password, Draco had told you just this morning. That was the rule: password guaranteed entry.
"So? I let you in to do what? Disturb the other students with your pitiful romance?" Her gaze drilled holes into you, burning you with judgement. 
Panic flooded you, embarrassed at your attempt. You've never tried sneaking into the Slytherin dorms in the middle of the night, Draco had always been by your side escorting you in and never past curfew. It was just your Hufflepuff luck to be barred from entering. 
"I just came to-" Hearing footsteps, you looked down at your feet horrified, they weren't yours despite your stressed pacing. Your eyes grew to double their size, sweat forming on your back. "Please, please, please, I'll do anything, let me in!" You were ashamed to resort to pleading, but you didn't want to be the Hufflepuff who lost this year's House Cup. 
The woman inside the painting on the wall looked at you now not with anger, but pity, annoyance. The painting flew open, revealing the inside of the emerald common room. You whispered a rushed 'thank you', and stepped inside. 
The air immediately cleared, puffs of relief escaping from your lips despite you muffling your mouth with your scarf. You looked around in the darkness, seeing faint outlines of furniture among other things. The fireplace roared, but there was no one else here, not a single sound besides the crackle of the hot fire. 
"Draco?" You whisper yelled, scanning the room frantically. 
"I see you've finally made it," You could hear the smirk in his voice, the excitement he disciplined himself from, the parts of him that seeped through the walls he built around himself. You couldn't get enough, it was addictive, he was addictive. 
You hummed, flipping around to see him walking out of the shadows, his arms crossed across his lean chest accompanied by his famous smirk you loved. He walked towards you, his tall frame towering over you as he slithered his arms around your slender waist. He inhaled your sweet scent, digging his nose into your long silky hair. "I thought you might've gotten caught," he mumbled, cupping your cheeks as he took in your face through his eyelashes. 
"The stupid painting wouldn't let me in," Sighing, you relaxed onto his figure, melting into him. It was a relief - a huge relief - that you were here now. You often thought whether all this sneaking around was worth it, whether stolen kisses and snogging in broom closets was what you wanted. Whether risking expulsion or getting caught was in your future. You were occupied when you were with him, but when you weren't, these fears occupied you.
His hands wandered as he hummed in response, dancing over your thighs and your collarbones, getting lost up your skirt. When he was with you, he couldn't help but touch you, feel you. In empty hallways and locked classrooms he touched you as he pleased, but in and between classes he had to get creative. He'd accidentally bump into you, swiping his veiny hand on your thigh while scowling at you. He'd throw rude notes at you during class, feigning frustration when he had no choice but to sit next to you. The truth was, you distracted him. You distracted him from his parents, from what was coming, from Potter, from school. From who he truly was and who he was meant to be.
You pulled him down to the sofa, ending up laying on top of him. You wiggled around, turning to face him, straddling his hips. Your eyes clashed together, like sea meeting sand. He began to twirl his long fingers into your hair, your scent travelling around the room. "What are you thinking?" You began, scanning his face for a reply. 
He hummed again in response. He had a habit of that, humming rather than answering your questions, looking past you rather than at you. "This," He began, bringing a finger under your chin. He crashed his lips onto yours, meddling into you. You kissed him back ever so passionately, carefully. Your kiss was full of love. Draco's kiss was full of neediness. 
This wasn't the first time you had questioned his true motive. 
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fandomnerd9602 · 7 months
Comfort Food
Avengers High series (High School AU)
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Before you ever started dating the most popular and beautiful girl at Avengers High, your heart was chasing a girl in your science class: Shuri.
Wanda Maximoff was the most popular girl at Avengers High and she saw you as her closest and best friend. You enjoyed her company and watching Harry Potter movies with her. You did love her and wished that there could be something more there but she was popular and you were a STEM nerd.
So you redirected your focus to a fellow STEM student and good friend Shuri. She was funny and sweet. You could see going on a date or two with her. Her laugh and smile always brightened your day, not as much as Wanda.
It all came to a head one day when you approached Shuri with a little metal sculpture of a Wakandan herb flower. You knew Shuri loved them and worked all night to make it for her.
Any way you approached Shuri and she was absolutely floored by your little sculpture.
“It’s looks so spot on!” She giggled.
“I-I made it for you” you managed to say thru your blushing. “Shuri, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to- to go out with me sometime.”
Instantly her smile dropped. Not exactly the reaction you were hoping for. Her eyes filled with…pity.
“I-I’m sorry (Y/N)” Shuri tried to apologize, “you’re a good friend and all but…I-I do not view you in such a way. I’m sorry”
Your heart shattered. You manages to maintain your composure but inside your heart was breaking in ways you never thought possible.
“That’s fine,” you manage to say, “it’s good. I’m sorry.”
You managed to make it to the door and bolted out. You were lucky the school bell ring, signaling the end of another day but also a salvation of an excuse to leave.
You ran all the way across campus and nearly ran into Wanda and her clique of friends.
“Why the rush, Hufflepuff?” She manage to ask with a giggle. You didn’t answer, tears were already streaming down your face.
“(Y/N)?!” Wanda looked at you concerned. “What’s wrong? Who hurt you?!”
You ran all the way home and collapsed into your bed. You laid there in your bed for the next few hours. But time just felt irrelevant.
A few tears streamed but mostly your felt like you could only kick yourself. How much of a fool you felt. Of course she couldn’t like you in such a way. Your inner monologue filled your head with words of doubt and hurt, feelings of never being able to be loved. Who could ever love you?
And then came a knock. It wasn’t at your door. You tried to ignore it. Then came another. You turned to see Wanda at your window, a small pizza box in her arms.
“Hey Hufflepuff” she smiles, “want some pizza? I mugged a fellow Slytherin for it but-“
You rolled your eyes at her terrible joke. For being such a popular girl, Wanda still had the worst jokes you could imagine.
You opened your window and your best friend slipped right in, comfort food in hand. Wanda flipped on one of the Harry Potter movies and handed you a slice of pizza. Didn’t take long for you and her to scarf down that delicious meal fit for witches and wizards in no time.
“So…are you ready to talk?” Wanda asked you, a little concerned.
“I tried to ask out Shuri-“ you began to say.
“Ooh look at you” Wanda shocked you playfully.
“She turned me down.” You whispered. “Only saw me as a friend”
“Oh…” Wanda’s thumb moved gently across your knuckles. “Her loss”
“Her loss?” You asked.
“Yeah. You’re amazing. And sweet. And kind. Any girl would be lucky to have you in her life.” Your best friend tried to make you feel better. “I’m lucky to have you in my life”
“I’m lucky to have you too, Slytherin” you gave her a side hug.
“Cmon,” she settled onto your bed, “Quidditch is starting and I don’t want to miss it!”
You settled in, next to her. Over the hours, Wanda’s position shifted. From next to you to in your arms. Not that you or her noticed. You both had dozed off after movie three.
Pietro tried to come by to pick his sister up but he only smiled and left you be. He reassured your parents and his own that there was no funny business there. Just two Potterheads who fell asleep.
You and Wanda look back on that night in the coming years. Didn’t take long really for you and her to become a couple. By the time you and Wanda got to college, you completely forgot about Shuri. Your heart had already found its place: with the young witch named Wanda Maximoff, your best friend. And it all it took was a broken heart and a little bit of comfort food.
Tags: @natashaswife4125 @jacelion @lifespectator @aloneodi @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7 @family-house-of-m @holiday-house-of-m @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @russianredassassin @mostlymarvelsstuff @ma1egamer
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whyareyouhere66 · 1 year
I feel like it’s been forever since a new Harry Potter fic was written, so I’m here to request(if u feel like writing it ofc<3)!
Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Male!reader where reader likes to admire him from the background, but word gets out that they have a crush on him. Reader gets picked on for it because “why would Draco Malfoy of all people go for a Hufflepuff boy?”. U can choose what direction it goes in 👀 (unless you want me be more direct then I can add on to it!)
Yes! I’m here for it- hope you enjoy <3
Also, prefacing this by saying I don’t at all like Rowling or support her bullshit, this is just a cute request id like to do
CW: teasing directed towards reader, reader is like half an inch shorter than Draco (something like that, just for context) unedited (I’ll do it soon I promise) and makeout scene (spoilersssss uh oh)
Sound booms across the length of the long walls, the bustling Great Hall full of kids across grades eating their meals. Chicken, mashed potatoes, loafs spread out in baskets, it’s like a thanksgiving meal.
The sun, high in the sky, shines through the tall windows and creates a natural light to outshine the various floating candles. Down at one of the various tables, the Hufflepuff children sit at the wooden table and talk.
“I don’t think he understood the assignment, either.”
“He’s the one who wrote it!”
“Exactly the issue-“
Y/n, accompanied by F/n, sits across from another group at the decorated table. A yellow and black scarf sits loosely around his s/c shoulders, a few rings wrapped around his fingers. He takes another bite from his plate, listening to F/n and another student bicker quietly- the slightest pull of a smile rising on his lips. 
“You guys still talking about Snape?” He asks, eyeing the two. They both nod.
“He’s so grumpy all the time, Y/n,” F/n complains, jutting his chin towards the stone faced man across the room. Y/n chuckles and shakes his head.
“Snape always knows what he’s doing.” He says, planning to check out of the conversation when words of disagreement are thrown his way. 
Y/n moves to keep watching his friends- but his eyes flicker.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the platinum blonde hair his eyes always seem to catch. And suddenly, his friends’ words are but mush against his ears.
Draco sits at the Slytherin table, green banners hanging above his head just like the yellow ones above Y/n’s. 
He has a normal scowl, that would dull anyone else’s face if it weren’t his. As his friends continue to talk, though, his eyebrow lifts and a smooth smirk almost replaces it.
And oh, how pretty his lips are.
Y/n wishes he could hide the thoughts as they ring in his head, wishing his small smile wasn’t such a giveaway.
“Y/n? Did we lose you again?” The girl across the table asks, bangs falling into her face. Grace, is her name. 
“Yeah, you look distracted.” F/n snickers, nudging Y/n’s elbow because unlike the others, he knows exactly where his best friend’s gaze is lingering. 
Blood rushes to Y/n’s face, realizing how obvious he had been just now. 
“I’m fine.” He insists, elbowing F/n right back. The others shrug it off, not noticing how one last glance is shot towards Draco.
Lunch is closer to wrapping up when Y/n notices the time- 1:48. 
“Oh, wait-“ he looks over at F/n. “Man, we gotta go-“  
At this, the boy looks at the time and nods. They both grab their things, wishing goodbye to their friends- Ms. McGonagall would be expecting a finished project in the next hour. 
They weave through the students crowded  around tables, holding their bags close to their hips to take less room. Getting out early gets them more time, though their project was nearly done anyways Ms. McGonagall really talked this one up. 
Stepping out through the giant wooden doors, Y/n breathes out.
“Alright, you have the-“ his words are cut short when someone steps into his path. 
Looking up, he finds 3 people standing in front of him, having bumped into the first one. They’re all from Slytherin. 
“Sorry, didn’t see you.” He tries to step around them, but the boy in front recognizes him and suddenly seems very interested.
“Wait a minute,” he steps in front of Y/n again, “Y/n.” His name on this strange boy’s tongue doesn’t sound like a question, honestly it feels threatening. Y/n furrows his eyebrows, and steps back.
“Uh, yeah?” There’s an intimidating look in the Slytherin boy’s eye- one that not even his friends know the reason for. They, as well as F/n, watch curiously.
“Aren’t you that Hufflepuff that has a crush on Malfoy?”
Y/n’s heart stops, his eyes widen. Who is this kid? 
“Oh don’t think I haven’t seen anything,” confidence seems to build in the boys voice, the look on Y/n’s face coming as confirmation for his words. “You’re always making puppy eyes at him- oh, I so knew it!” 
The excitement in this boy’s voice is strange- was he betting on this? Does he not realize how creepy that feels?
“Wait, slow down,” one of the Slytherin’s step forward, wrapping her head around the news, “you like Malfoy? Really?”
Y/n doesn’t like the tone of her voice.
“A Hufflepuff? Liking Malfoy?” She scoffs, “oh please.”
Y/n feels too exposed, like he’s suddenly being poked and prodded from under a microscope. 
How had they found out? 
Who else knows? 
He looks at F/n, eyes screaming for help. Another minute here, when kids could walk around the corner at any moment, hear his secret slowly leaking from the safety of his own self, and he might explode.
“You guys are on something strong, aren’t you?” F/n swoops in, trying to play it off and Y/n makes a mental note to remind the boy how grateful he is for him in a moment.
“Quit projecting, will you? Pathetic, really.” F/n says, though avoids any eye contact with the three. He shoves Y/n’s shoulder, who stumbles, and leads him away as quickly as possible. 
By the time they get to the library, Y/n’s head is already swimming, mainly from embarrassment. 
He never wanted anyone to know- he still doesn’t want that. This little “crush” was supposed to stay between him and F/n, for that was the only person he ever trusted to carry it. 
But now? With some smug Slytherin boy walking around with his feelings cupped in the palm of his hand? Y/n’s lost his safety rail. Now, his feelings are vulnerable, ready to be spilled to Draco at any second. 
Two hands hold his shoulders firmly, he recognizes them as F/n’s. No surprise, considering there’s barely any one else in the library right now. Y/n’s eyes dart to meet his.
“Hey, you alright?” He asks, and it takes an extra moment for the e/c eyed boy to come up with an answer.
“I think so.” He says, nodding. F/n copies the gesture.
“Good, that’s good. I’m sure not that many people know, ok?” He reassures Y/n, who’s grateful for the words as they bring back some stability. 
Now that he’s out of that boys uncomfortable gaze, he doesn’t feel as panicked as he did before. More so, unsettled. 
“Right, yeah, uh- let’s get back to the project.” With the nod of his head, and one last look, F/n is agreeing. The two boys sit down at one of the many tables, between two tall bookshelves. 
‘Maybe it’s ok,’ Y/n thinks to himself, ‘not that many people know.’
You realize now, that you spoke too soon.
The next day comes, and you’re now standing in the bathroom wasting away time that’s supposed to be spent in Snape’s potions class. It’s empty, aside from you of course, nothing but the sound of a running faucet. 
It’s so quiet that when the door creaks open, people stepping inside, your head snaps to the side, startled. 
It’s two boys, both from Gryffindor, named Avery and Jaxon and you immediately recognize them from a few classes. You turn back to the sink. 
Neither of them look at you, instead disappearing into two of the stalls. 
By the time they’re both out of the stalls, you’re washing the final suds from your hands. From the mirror, you see their faces change, realizing who you are. 
The air becomes unnecessarily tense, you’re unsure why, both of the boys are trying to pretend otherwise. 
Avery and Jax glance at each other, walking to the sinks. And it’s not until Avery decides to speak, that the silence is again broken.
“Hey, um-“ you look at him, “I hope you don’t mind me asking this, but…” he looks hesitant to speak, like what he say might come off as offensive, something sensitive. Your curiosity only grows. 
“Is it true, that you and Draco are dating?”
You nearly choke.
“What?” You asks, hating that this is the 2nd time Draco has been brought up to you. 
“I mean, I heard that-“ Avery seems to notice the growing worry plastered on your face- it’s spreading. Your secret is spreading.
“Oh,” Avery begins to realize, “sorry, Y/n, that was a bit invasive.” His tone is calm, only slightly uncomfortable. Pretty much the opposite to you- itching to drop the conversation. But, you keep a calm face, shoving the gross feelings down. 
“No it’s fine, um, why?” You can only hope your voice doesn’t give everything away. 
“Oh, I just thought I heard a couple Slytherin kids talking about it.” Again, his voice feels too nonchalant. “Guess I was wrong.”
“Oh.” The slightest shake. Unlike Avery, though, Jax still seems interested.
“Wait- do you like him though?” This results in an elbow to rib, and Avery looks at him like a mother scolding their child.
“Ow!-“ Jax grunts, glaring yet ignoring the hint, “I’m just asking. You know about the Slytherins and Huffs’.” 
“They just…” his eyes dart right back to yours, “they just don’t go together, man.” You hate the way he says it- hate how it feels like you’re being scolded, looked down on. Looking down at the yellow and black robes draped across your shoulder, you avoid Jaxon’s gaze. 
Which, in hindsight, gives enough of an answer.
The two Gryffindors shuffle out of the bathroom, and immediately you let out a groan. 
You’re fucked. 
Hands run down your face in exasperation- this wasn’t supposed to get out. Draco probably knows now, people think that you’re dating. 
The unusually large bathroom echoes mumbled curses back to you, silence so eery it feels haunting. You feel yourself  beginning to doubt if you should even return to potions class- knowing Draco is sitting at the desk a few feet from yours. 
“They just don’t go together, man…”
“A Hufflepuff? Liking Malfoy? Oh, please…”
Another sigh.
You feel your fingers pressing into your eyelids, passing over your temples and the wrinkles above your nose.
‘He’s gonna hate me’
Such a childish thought, but once it appeared you felt a sickening feeling in your chest because oh, how you wish he doesn’t. 
Outside, footsteps echo in the hallway. 
And Draco himself, walks down the corridor towards the boy’s bathroom, taking his time with the silence. It’s a much better option, compared to Snape’s incessant grumbling. 
He’s been trying to think the whole day- but is only now getting the chance thanks to that little posse of his.
For hours now, whenever given the chance, his mind drifts back to the conversations from early this morning at breakfast.
“Have you heard?” Pansy leans over the table, one eyebrow raised as if she’s careful of listening ears. Though, to that she doesn’t spare a second thought.
Blaise narrows his eyes, looking at her curiously. “Heard what?” He asks, and Draco impatiently looks at her.
“What now.” The blonde already doesn’t care, Pansy always seems to find some sort of gossip across houses. But this time, she’s sending a smirk right his way.
“Some little Hufflepuff has a crush on you.”
Now, to this, Draco does perk up- and his eyes flicker in your direction for only a moment. But, he doesn’t allow himself to acknowledge it. 
“Mhm.” Pansy sounds so smug in her words, satisfied as both boys lean closer to her.
“Who?” Blaise asked, the roughness behind his voice covering any curiosity. 
“Y/n L/n.”
Draco looks bewildered for a second- you?  He never thought it was actually you, that was only a spark of hope in a moment of weakness. He was prepared to hear the name of some random girl he hadn’t learned the name of before- but the familiar ring of your name brought satisfaction to follow the shock.
He doesn’t even try to hide the smirk that shows through. Beside him, Blaise scoffs.
“You’re joking”. He says, and Draco shoots him a glare.
“What? It’s no surprise,” he says cockily, “jealousy’s never a good look”. The meaningless comeback earns a glare and an eye roll from Blaise- and surprises Pansy. 
“Draco,” she narrows her eyes, “do you like this? Him?” She gives him a once-over, checking to see if he’s serious. He is.
Draco doesn’t give a straight answer, though, instead scoffing and going back to his plate. 
“Get a life, why don’t you. Your gossip is boring me.” He says- but there’s the slightest pull at his lips, smiling your way.
Draco pushes open the large door, stepping inside the bathroom and immediately- his eyes land on you.
Your head snaps up, and a new feeling sinks into your stomach when you see him. You can’t tell if you wish it was someone else, or if this is perhaps what you were hoping for.
“Uh, hey.”
Draco steps closer, and you can see some sort of glint in his eyes, and you can’t quite name the warm yet uneasy feeling that follows.
“Skipping Snape’s class now, are we?” He teases in a smug voice, and your blood aches in your cheeks. 
“Just taking a break-“ you don’t look at him, using a towel to wipe off your hands. You simply want to play it cool in front of him, though you’re unsure considering the past two times you seem to have failed.
“A break, hmm? I’m sure.” He says sarcastically.
Instead of picking a stall, like you expected, you watch from the corner of your eye as he approaches you and leans on one of the sinks.
You freeze. 
‘Don’t say it..’
“There seems to be a bit of a rumor spreading around.” 
You visibly wince, the moment you prayed would never come has arrived. He found out- and just like the others, he knows that he could never accept a silly school crush from your house.
Turned away, you’re unable to see the smirk on his face- but you can hear it in his voice.
“Draco…” you mumble, feeling the dread of what his response is going to be. He’s closer now, you feel it- and suddenly his figure is right beside you. 
“Y’know, if you wanted a date so badly you could’ve asked.”
You pause.
His voice is new, because while there’s still such a teasing tone buried in the words, you notice…hope, as well.
You look at him, and notice his eyes have softened. 
“You heard me,” he says, “no need to have waited so long.” He still sounds partially like he’s joking, but his fingers are creeping closer to yours by the sink’s ledge.
The pieces are starting to connect in your head- he hasn’t pushed you away, hasn’t called you any names. In fact- he’s the one getting so close.
Draco watches, examining your face. He’s starting to feel impatient, actually, feeling he’s been clear enough. He doesn’t seem to understand how confusing his words can be- how your beating heart is twisting and unraveling in your chest. He’s too preoccupied with his own churning heart.
“What’re you saying?” You finally ask, and he nearly scoffs.
“Hell, you’re real thick in the head aren’t you?”
He doesn’t even try stopping himself as his hands cup your face, and his lips are molding right into yours.
He’s so quick with it, like he’s been waiting years for this, yet so smooth at the same time. You can feel your eyes as they shoot open, only to hazily fall half closed a moment later. 
His arms loop around your waist, so you were almost bent into his body. You have to take a cautionary step back just to stable yourself, one hand holding his neck, it almost takes you too long to realize he is kissing you. 
‘Holy shit, holy shit holy shit holy shit-‘ your mind races, and it feels like only half of it is functioning. Part of you is swimming, the other half melting into his arms because oh how long have you been waiting to feel him so close. 
He’s smirking into the kiss now, breaking it into quicker, shorter kisses that mesh together to make one, long breathless one. Through the haze of his lips, your hand creeps into his hair and he wonders why he waited so long to experience this.
You tug slightly, other hand grabbing his jaw, and you pull him away.
The room is no longer silent, both of you  catching your breath.
“I’ll take that as your confession, then?” You ask.
“‘Course,” he replies, “meet again after Potions?”
“Sounds good.”
[I hope you all enjoyed- I feel there’s probably more I could’ve added or something, but for now this is good. If anyone wants an add on or more or like a part two let me know!]
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sethcertified · 2 years
harry potter : cedric diggory
wrd count : 3.4k
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⊹˚.⋆ synopsis . . . cedric is hopefully in love with [name], but had been rejected time and time again. when he learns the rom com way (rizz) to winning a person’s heart, he tries it on [name]
⊹˚.⋆ starring . . . cedric diggory & male reader
It was hopeless.
That was what Cedric repeated to himself as he laid in the mess he called a bed. It seemed that every time he tried to woo you over, you rejected him! His advances always fell flat no matter how hard he tried.
His countless confessions always ended up with you giving him an awkward smile and saying later; although, by now he knew later would never come.
A frown scorned his face at the sound of the dorm's door creaking open. Cedric turned away from the soft light that poured through the door. He didn't want anyone seeing him; the hero of hufflepuff, so defeated.
"Cedric?" The familiar, feminine tilt of the voice made Cedric turn over to see who was asking for him. There stood Cho Chang; her scarf wrapped around her neck snug with a concerned expression decorating her face.
Cedric knew why she was here, but he couldn't even bother saying anything to the girl. He was hurting too much.
Small steps rang out as they got closer to Cedric's bed until they eventually stopped. A small, gentle hand placed itself on Cedric's shoulder, "Cedric?" Cho's voice was comforting and Cedric finally looked her in the eye; eyes rimmed red.
"Oh, Cedric," Cho cooed. She had never seen Cedric so hurt, but so many rejections do take it's toll at one point. Cedric was her best friend, and to see him so depressed made her heart swell in pity. "It'll be okay. If [Name] can't see that you're an amazing guy; he's dumb.
“Besides, there's ton of other fish in the sea," Cho flashed the heartbroken boy a smile to try to cheer him up, but Cedric's frown deepened.
Cedric sat up from his laid out position, brushing Cho's hand off his shoulder, "I don't want anyone else, Cho. I love him!" Cedric ran his fingers through his mop of brunette locks, "I need him to accept my feelings. I can't live without him."
Cho nodded as she processed Cedric's words.
She knew that he wouldn't accept any other propositions about what to do if it didn't end up with you in his arms. With a purse of her lips, an idea hit her. You loved rom coms! It seemed every other week you would be watching some type of muggle rom com with a love struck look in your eyes in the Ravenclaw common room.
All she needed to do now was to teach Cedric about these romance movies, so he could learn the techniques the male leads used that won your heart!
With an ambitious glint in her dark eyes, Cho took Cedric's hands and dragged him up, ready to show him the way to your heart. As the two stormed off to the Ravenclaw dorm, preparing to go through your DVD collection, they ran into the source of this adventure; you.
Your hands planted against Cedric's chest, balancing yourself before recollecting your composure and observing the two. Cho's hair has developed a bit of frizz, and the usual perfect placement of Cedric's hair was all over the place.
"Cedric! Cho! What are you two doing?" You asked as you awkwardly moved your hands away from Cedric's hard chest to your sides.
Cedric's eyes danced your face, taking in your breathtaking features as his perfect, pink lips spread open in response; leaving his lips agape with no words leaving his mouth. You had that charming yet awkward smile that usually occupied your face, and Cedric's mind had drawn a blank on the excuse he had thought of.
In luck, Cho was able to cover for Cedric who was staring at you, gaping like a fish, "We were actually looking for you!" A grimace placed itself on your face as you remembered how a few hours earlier you had rejected Cedric, and figured that that was the reason they wanted to see you. You turned to the boy with an apologetic expression, "I'm really sorry about earlier. We're good, right?" Cedric nodded dumbly before Cho cut into the conversation,
"Actually, Cedric, here is taking muggle studies, and he is doing a project on muggle movies! I always see you watching them in the common room and thought you might help him!"
Oh!" You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, "Well, I feel kinda stupid now, but, yeah, I can let you borrow some of my movies." You began to waltz off to the dorm as Cho gave Cedric a first pump from behind your back.
Cedric didn't return the enthusiasm; his attention being transfixed on the warmth your hands had left on his robes from the two of you running into each other.
The Ravenclaw dorm hadn't changed from the last time Cedric went in there to hang out with Cho. Everything had stayed the same. Cedric inhaled; getting wafted by the smell of candles, books, and ink. It smelt like you. You disappeared into the boy's dorm before coming out will a tall, leaning stack of DVDs. As you stepped forward toward the pair, the DVDS wobbled, and Cedric rushed to catch them. The tip of his fingers brushed against yours as they leaned against his chest. He sent you a cheesy smile, "That was a close one."
You nodded in agreement and moved to set the stack of movies on the tabletop. Cedric dawned a small frown at the feeling of your fingers leaving his, but quickly covered it when you turned back around to the two, "Well, here's my collection! What kind of movies are you looking for?”
Cedric stayed silent until Cho elbowed him, "Ow!" He gritted his teeth as he held his hip in pain, "Uh, Romance movies?"
Your eyes practically sparkled at the mention as you smiled like a just won the lottery and quickly sprung into a ramble, “I love romance movies! Everybody makes fun of me for liking them as much as I do with me being a guy and all, but who says guys can't like romance movies? They're always like, 'That's gay; and I'm like, 'Guess what? I am, so fuck off; but still, it is so exhausting." The glow in your eyes died down as you remembered the interaction which Cedric took immediate notice to. He placed his hand on your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you, "Well, if you ever want some company or someone to talk to about romance movies; l'm here."
Your eyes softened and the sparkle in your eye came back. You couldn't help but feel bad for never giving Cedric a chance. Sure, he was every students' dream guy with his tall, muscular body, dreamy eyes, and perfect, honeycomb eyes, but you didn't know him enough to ever consider him as a romantic option. The voice in your head that had so far been screaming at you to get away from Cedric was quiet, and you couldn't help but start to understand why everyone loved Cedric.
Cho stood to the side as she watched the two of you gaze into each others eyes like the other had hung the moon and smiled to herself. Her job here was down, and she turned away with lithe steps in the direction of the girls dorm room; planning to tell all her friends about her matchmaker activities with Hufflepuffs' golden boy and Ravenclaws' certified filmbro.
Cedric caught Cho's departure in his peripheral vision and tried to fight the urge drag her back.
What kind of wingwoman ditches mid-seduction? Your gaze followed to where Cedric's was glaring at and found that Cho had left, "Oh, Cho left. Did she have to go somewhere?"
Cedric forced a smile as he cursed at Cho internally, "Yeah, had a... thing to do in the library." You nodded and turned to your pile, trying to brush off the feelings that had overcame you while looking in Cedric's eyes.
Said boy was peering over your shoulder as you separated the movies into two piles. His brows furrowed trying to figure out how you were deciding which one you were giving him, and how he would manage to make you fall for him with them. He tapped your shoulder, "How are you separating them?"
"I'm giving you my favorite romance movies," you pointed at the huge stack, "That's all of my movies including the ones l'm giving you, so I gotta sort them out." Cedric nodded his head but wanted to keep talking to you, "Which ones are your favorites? I want to hear your thoughts on them for my project." He would pat himself on the shoulder if he could. That was one good lie.
You could feel yourself about to spring off into a ramble and scolded yourself internally. Most people shunned you for your rambles, but for some reason you couldn’t quite place, you felt comfortable enough with Cedric to let go of your embarrassment about rambling, “Well, that’s a tough question,” you chuckled nervously, “I would say 10 Things I Hate About You, The Notebook, and Flipped.”
Your fingers clenched the new found DVD of 10 Things I Hate About You, “This one is just so fun to watch, you know? My favorite scene is when the main guy, Patrick, is singing infront of everyone during her soccer practice just to apologize to her. It’s so sweet.”
Cedric felt himself fall for you even more as your eyes glowed with love, “That’s what I love about romance movies! The guys are always so devoted to proving their love. In The Notebook, he writes her a love letter everyday for a year.”
You spun around back to your collection, scouring for the other two movies. Your hand grasped the DVD for Flipped and you handed it to Cedric, “In this one, he plants a tree for her because the one she loved got cut down.” Your hands filtered through the pile as you searched for The Notebook before finally finding it, “Well, that’s all of them. I hope your project does well.”
Cedric traced the spine of the movies as he nodded nervously but with a goal set in place in his heart. If he could show you that he loved you by doing those things, you might just finally accept his feelings. He gave you a quick, "Thank you" before leaving you and preparing for the journey up ahead.
It had taken a few try's but Cedric had figured out how to play the movies you had given him. He sat in-front of the movie that was starting with a journal and pencil in hand. The first movie was, The Notebook; and Cedric was ultra-focused on it. He remembered how you spoke so highly of the letters Noah had written Allie, and looked at the crisp, lined-sheet of paper. The quill that rested in between his fingers felt like a testament to his love for you. All he had to do know was write you something that would take your breath away.
Cedric's quill danced along the paper in swirls and loops as cursive took over the page. He wanted to make the letter look nice for you. His fingers were clenching the quill so hard to the point pain shot out of his finger tips. Cedric ignored the pain in his fingers as his letter neared to an end.
Cedric's fingers burned red as he dropped the quill onto his bed. His eyes scanned the now finished letter over and over; trying to guarantee it was perfect before he sent it off to you. With a pleased smile, Cedric set off to the owlery for you to open the letter tomorrow during breakfast.
And before he knew it, breakfast had arrived.
Cedric's eyes were latched onto you as he played around with the food on his plate anxiously. Cho sat next to you, sparing glances at Cedric every so often. Cedric had told Cho about what would happen during breakfast, and she was scouting your reaction for him.
The owls swept into the dining hall in unison, and Cedric felt his chest swell with anxiety. It wasn't exactly anonymous with the timing of it all, and knowing your brains, it wouldn't be difficult for you to figure out it was Cedric who wrote the letter; in fact, it wouldn't be difficult at all.
Your owl dropped the rolled up piece of paper onto your empty plate as it flew over your head.
Cedric had tied the paper together with a [favorite color] ribbon for more appeal, and so he could pin point that it was his letter you were opening.
He watched as your fingers delicately untied the ribbon. The letter unraveled and you began to read the heartfelt words pour out onto the paper:
"Dear [Name],
There are many things I would like to say to you, but there's only so much room on a piece of paper. That doesn't mean I didn't try though!
You are everything I have ever wanted and so much more.
Whether it's your smile or your sense of humor or your desire to please everyone around you; you have made me fall for you. And trust me when I say; I fell hard.
I didn't know what loving someone meant until I met you. I've had crushes in the past, but none of them have made me feel the way you do. You make me feel like I'm the greatest wizard in the world, and I will never be able to thank you enough for that.
I'm running out of paper, so l'll make this quick:
I love you.
Always yours..
Your eyes lifted off the paper and flickered to where Cedric sat. It was a quick glance, but it made Cedric's heart race in an emotion between hopefulness and nervousness he couldn't quite discern.
Cho's squeals rang in your ears as your mind raced. Of course you knew it was Cedric who had written the letter. The timing couldn't have been a coincidence, yet that feeling of refusal that usually swept through you when Cedric made his advances wasn't there this time. It shocked you, but you couldn't ignore the blossoming feeling in your heart.
You were falling for Cedric Diggory.
Your eyes flickered back to where the boy sat at the Hufflepuff table. Cedric was gazing at you with that look in his eyes he usually held when he confessed his feelings for you, and you couldn't help the soft, tight lipped smile that stretched across your face at the sight.
If this meant what you thought it did than you were more than enthusiastic for what was to come.
Game day was always nerve-wracking for Cedric. The whole of Hufflepuff depended on him to make them proud, but today only one person's opinion mattered to him; yours.
The second movie you had given him was 10 Things I Hate About You, and now it was time for him to recreate the iconic scene you said you loved.
The mic shook in his hand as he waltzed out onto the stands. Everyone was there with rumors spreading about Cedric doing something special, and Cho had guaranteed you were there too. With a shaky breath, Cedric walked out onto the stadium as the steady instrumental of 'Can't Take My Eyes Off of You' began to play.
He closed his eyes as the words of the song poured out of his mouth. Cedric was by no means a good singer, but if this is what it took to get you in his arms, he would sing for the rest of his life. Cheers followed his movements as he pointed at where you sat. You were covering your face with your hand, but your eyes were crinkled in joy.
The words flowed out easier as Cedric's eyes stayed focused on you instead of the hoard of students watching him. His movements became more relaxed as he danced around on the stadium's seats before sitting among the crowds as the chorus came to an end. Cheers drowned out the stadium hurting both your and Cedric's ears. Cho pushed your hand away from your face revealing the big toothy grin that had taken over the lower half of your face. It was the happiest Cedric had ever seen you before and he mirrored your smile.
Teachers were rushing toward where Cedric sat amongst the crowd, but he could've cared less for the scowls on their faces and the strides they took toward him. Stage 2 was a success, and Cedric couldn't help the tsunami of hope washing over him that after stage 3, you would finally be his boyfriend after all these years of trying.
Unbeknownst to Cedric, his hope wasn't too far off. The letters he had been sending you since that day in the great hall sat under your bed in a beautifully decorated box you had made specifically for them, and your face held a certain warmth as you watched the teachers pull the boy by his arms away from the crowd.
You were in love with Cedric Diggory.
The wind blew in your hair as you stood in the middle of the green, newly-cut grass field behind Hogwarts. In the letter you had been given today from a certain Hufflepuff boy, a riddle had directed you to where you now stood. Suspicions of what could be going on had racked your brain since you received today's letter from Cedric. The third movie you had given Cedric was Flipped, and if he continued his current pattern, he would be planting a tree right here for you.
Your fingers twitched against your leg as you searched the area for Cedric. You considered yourself a patient person, but at the moment, all the patience you once had was gone.
To your relief, Cedric was walking toward you; his fist clenched by his side. A seed rested in his palm. He had taken the proper precautions for planting the seed earlier before your letter was delivered, and now was the time.
The sound of footsteps coming toward you caused you to turn around. Cedric walked toward you as you waved at him with a dorky smile, "Hi."
"Hi." Cedric cleared his throat awkwardly, catching your attention, "| guess you already know why I'm here, but, uh, here I am anyways.
And I'm sure you already know what is going on His voice shook as he continued, "I have loved you since the moment I saw you, and I know you wouldn't let me show it, but I couldn't let that stop me. I know that in the past you've rejected me and you might now, but I need to do this."
You nodded as Cedric opened his fist to reveal the dark, small seed that rested against his palm, "| want to be with you. I want to keep writing love letters to you, and doing embarrassing things just to make you smile even if it means I get detention. If- if you'd like that, please take this seed."
Your eyes fell onto the seed as your hand reached out to take it, “I'd like that. I'd like that a a lot actually.” You took the seed out of his hand; examining it, "I must say, Diggory, you really know how to win a guy's heart."
Cedric laughed as he took you in his arms relief taking over him, "I learned from the best."
"True." you added with a small giggle, "I do want my movies back though."
"No way." Cedric joked as he shook his head, "| like them too much now to give them back."
"Don't press your luck, Diggory. l've rejected you before, and I can reject you again" You playfully glared at the boy who was just grinning at you as giddy as ever, "Okay! Fine! We can share."
Cedric smiled against the top of your head as daydreams of laying with you took over his mind while the two of you watched one of your many rom coms.
"We really should plant this tree now." you whispered.
"Yeah, we should"
The two of you separated away from the hug as you bent down to the freshly dug hole in the ground. Cedric's hand cupped yours as you placed the seed into the hole, his fingers interlocking with yours, "I love you"
"I love you too."
Cedric couldn't help but kiss you like he had dreamed of doing all these years. It was as heavenly as he had imagined, and couldn't help but thank the movies that had helped him win you over and into his arms.
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✎ notes . . . yes, this is a repost. tumblr deleted my old acc >:( ( 𖦹◞◟) 👖˖ ♪
©️ sethcertified 2023
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pasukiyo · 1 year
𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | cedric diggory
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cedric diggory x f!reader 2,733 words warnings; nothing except for fluff<3 summary; cedric diggory had an idea. that was never a good sign.
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 He was staring again. 
 Out from the corner of her eye, she could see the bluish-gray of his irises, a rosy cheek squished against the heel of his palm where it rested, the fingers of his other hand drumming against the top of his desk. She shifted in her seat, color growing in her cheeks as she tried to focus on what Professor Trelawney was saying. Alas, between Cedric’s eyes boring into the side of her skull and the tedious Divination lesson, her attempts were aimless. 
 Her fingers curled around the edge of her parchment, her fists tightening with the paper balled inside them, her face so hot she was certain her skin would break out in a layer of sweat any moment. He was planning something. She could feel it. The only problem was, she had no idea what could possibly be going on inside that head of his. 
 The realm of possibilities were endless, and she found herself tapping her own fingers against the top of her desk, her opposite hand absentmindedly scribbling notes onto her piece of parchment in an attempt to ignore him. From the corner of her eye, she could see a blur of black and yellow as Cedric moved, and she blinked up to where Professor Trelawney stood at the front of the class, her back now turned. Cedric was leaning over the aisle now, his Hufflepuff scarf dangling in front of his chest, ignoring the looks he was getting from Fred and George where they sat behind them.
 She pouted. There was no way in hell the Weasley twins would let her live this down. 
 “Meet me in the South Wing at nine?” Cedric whispered in her ear and she narrowed her eyes, turning to eye his features. His lips were curved into a soft yet mischievous grin, a knowing glint in his eyes. Somehow, she had a strange feeling about this. “Nine o’clock?” She scoffed beneath her breath. “You are crazy, Cedric Diggory,” she shook her head. “You realize that I am not a prefect? I’ll be in trouble if I’m seen.”
 Cedric tittered and leaned in even closer, his breath a whisper against the shell of her ear and creeping shivers down the coil of her spine. “You know I’ll take care of you,” he murmured, her cheeks flooding with warmth. “Don’t you trust me?”
 It was then that the bells from outside began to chime, indicating that the period has ended, therefore finally, Divination was over. She practically sprung from her seat, nearly butting heads with Cedric as she pulled the strap of her bag over her shoulder, making haste towards the exit. 
 She began her descent down the ladder leading to the hallway outside the Divination classroom and as soon as her feet hit the ground, Cedric was calling her name. She picked up her pace, her robes flying behind her as she dashed down the corridor, making it as far as the top step of the staircase before his hand was latching around her wrist, tugging her back into him. 
 “Cedric,” she whined, turning to peer over her shoulder at him. He chuckled, “you’re awfully fast.” She huffed, blowing a strand of hair away from her face. “And somehow, not fast enough,” she muttered. Cedric’s grin widened and his hands rose between them, a few rolls of parchment spilling over his knuckles. “You forgot your notes.”
 Her chest heaved when she sighed and snatched the parchment from his hands, stuffing them into the knapsack at her hip. “So… you’re meeting me in the South Wing at nine, yes?” He said, hopeful as he swiped his tongue between his lips, eyeing the way she gleaned down to her shoes. She exhaled again, leaning her shoulder against the wall as students passed by and Cedric, too, leaned into the wall, stuffing his hands in his trouser pockets, awaiting her answer. Unfortunately for her, she was a sucker for Cedric Diggory.
 “Do I really have a choice?” She finally asked, pinching her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked back up at him, to which Cedric’s lips peeled to unveil his pearly whites, and he chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m afraid not,” he replied. “So, I take it I’ll see you then? Say… in the courtyard?”
 Her shoulders droop in defeat, but when Cedric draws in closer to her body until his toes were teasing the top of hers, she knew she couldn’t stay upset for long. She gazed up at the Hufflepuff boy, and it was then that she realized just how close he was, his breath looming over her skin. Her cheeks burned and finally, she tore herself away, taking steps backwards down the staircase. 
 “I’ll see you tonight,” she confirmed. “But if I’m caught, I’ll never let you live it down, do you hear me, Diggory?” 
 Cedric rolled his eyes as he watched her venture further down the stairs, “you shouldn’t worry so much. You’re in good hands!”
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 Sneaking to the South Wing after curfew proved to be a lot more difficult than she had initially anticipated. She wondered if Cedric chose tonight on purpose, if he somehow knew that Snape and Filch and Mrs Norris would be around almost every single corner. She huffed as she pressed herself further into the wall, hoping the shadows were doing enough to conceal her as Mrs Norris pranced by, thankfully not looking her way. She exhaled the breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding in as she turned into the– hopefully– empty corridor, looking around for Cedric.
 Where was that boy?
 She stopped in front of the door leading to the Clock Tower Courtyard to turn and peer over her shoulder, narrowing her eyes as she searched the end of the corridor to make sure the course was clear. She pushed open the doors as carefully as she could to avoid making noise, hoping that Cedric would be somewhere on the other side, waiting for her. She guided the doors closed behind her, wincing as they latched closed, hoping she had been cautious enough to not attract any attention. 
 She turned and blinked around the dark, empty courtyard, the boy in question still nowhere in sight. Her chest heaved when she huffed, crossing her arms as frustration swelled inside of her. It wasn’t like him to be late, but it was likely he could be messing with her. Cedric always loved playing games, but it was late and the wind had a chill to it, and the idea that she could be caught by Professor Snape had her on the very edge. 
 She turned around on her heels and was so close to slipping back inside the castle, but before she could even get her hands on the doors, a pair of arms slithered around her waist and her feet were lifted from the ground, the hairs on her body standing erect. Her lips parted and she nearly screeched, and she would’ve if she hadn’t realized who it was holding her close, her eyebrows knitted together when she turned to face Cedric, balling up her fist to give him a not-so-kind knock against the chest. 
 “Merlin’s beard, Cedric, don’t sneak up on me like that!” She whined, narrowing her eyes when he laughed. “It’s not funny. You know you happened to choose the night where nearly the entire teaching staff is on the prowl?” Cedric only rolled his eyes as he pressed her back closer into his chest, swaying them back and forth as he buried his lips in her hair. “You underestimate Cedric,” he murmurs into the top of her head, “Cedric is a lot more than a pretty face, you know.”
 She rolled her eyes and turned in his arms to face him and even in the dark of the night, she was still able to make out the gleam in his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re thinking,” she whispered, eyes surging into his, her lips twisting into a scowl. “But I already think I’m not going to like whatever it is.” 
 Cedric’s bottom lip jut out into a pout as she began to slip from her arms and he caught her hands before she could detach completely. “You’re no fun,” he groaned, squeezing her hands even tighter when she whined, trying to pull away. “But I’m going to prove you wrong.”
 She pursed her lips, giving up her attempts to tug her hands away from his to once again gaze up into the slate grayness of his irises, illuminated with mischief. Despite his claims that she should feel otherwise, she had a terrible feeling about this. 
 “Cedric…” she trailed off as he began to tug her forward by the hand, leading her through the moonlit courtyard, dread creeping down her spine and making her insides churn. “...where are you taking me?” She asked, her glare like a dagger against the back of his head. 
 If he could feel her gaze, he paid it no mind. 
 He led her outside of the courtyard and past the walls surrounding the castle, leading her further into the black of the night. “Cedric,” she whined, shaking his arm until his stride fell to her pace, glancing to where she walked beside him. “It’s cold. You couldn’t have chosen somewhere indoors?” She asked as he led her further down the hill until he came to a stop and she turned to gaze at the moonlit water ahead of them.
 And it was then that she realized where he had taken her. 
 “Cedric…” she murmured his name in a warning tone, eyeing him as wiggled his hand out of her grasp and knelt down to work at his shoes, tossing them off somewhere behind him. Her lips fell agape, “Cedric!” She shook her head. “You cannot be serious!”
 Cedric’s lips only curved into a crescent, beaming at her as he rolled his socks off his feet and began to shoulder his robe off of him. “What’s wrong?” He tittered, cocking an eyebrow to his hairline. “Scared?”
 She pressed her lips together in a firm line and crossed her arms over her chest, scoffing at the Black Lake, the moonlight rippling in its waving waters. “It’s freezing out here, Cedric,” she hissed between her teeth. “And there’s… there’s things in there.”
 Cedric chuckled, “I should know. I had to swim it to rescue you for the task last month, remember?”
 She scoffed again and rolled her eyes as Cedric finally stripped down to nothing but his undergarments, backpedaling towards the shore. “So? Are you coming?” He questioned, the water rolling around his ankles. She raised her eyebrows and scoffed, “you’re insane, Cedric Diggory,” she said, disbelieving the scene as it unraveled before her. She could still make out Cedric’s grin even as he waded further into the water until the lake swallowed his shoulders, leaving everything except for his head submerged. “Crazy! And there is no way that I am swimming in that freezing, creature-infested water!”
 Cedric rolled his eyes and leaned his head back against the surface, somehow reveling in the icy cold lake as if it were a warm bath. She shivered, chills littering her skin with goosebumps partly due to the breeze but also from just watching him. “You needn’t worry,” Cedric said as he rose to his feet, droplets of water dripping from his arms and chest as he gave her a little salute. “Your knight in shining armor is he–!”
 Her eyes widened in their sockets and her lips fell apart in a gasp as Cedric tumbled backwards as if something had grabbed ahold of him, tugging him below the surface. She stepped closer to the water, searching the surface for any sign of him, her search coming to no avail. 
 A string of panicked curses tumbled from her lips as she made quick work of ripping her shoes from her feet, quickly stripping her body of her clothes until she, too, was down to her underwear. Pursing her lips and puffing out her cheeks, she willed herself to wade into the water– which was just as cold as she had anticipated it to be. But Cedric still had not reappeared to the surface and she knew that if something had really grabbed him, it was only a matter of time until it was too late. 
 “Cedric!” She called his name, shivering as the water rose to her shoulders, ice frosting her limbs and making her muscles numb, every move she made harder than the last. “Cedric!” She called again, her feet no longer able to touch the sand below, her arms swinging as hard as they could to keep her head above the surface. Her heart began to drum against her chest– how long had it been since Cedric had been dragged down under? Was he alright? Was he still able to breathe?
 She squeezed her eyelids shut, trying to muster up all the courage she had to will herself below the surface despite her fears of whatever lurked beneath, despite how cold she was. Just as she had begun to take a deep breath, something latched around her ankle and dragged her down below the water, completely submerging her. Her mouth parted to release her scream as she snapped her eyelids open, still somehow to make out Cedric’s grin even below the surface of the dark lake. 
 She furrowed her brows as he circled his arms around her waist, trying to sneak his lips onto hers as she kicked and flailed, bringing them both back up to the surface. She gasped as air filled her lungs, her cheeks warm with anger as she watched Cedric brush his hair back away from his face, laughing as she pushed water into his face. 
 “You are such an arse!” She shrieked, her body trembling as the breeze hit her wet skin. “I thought something had you! I thought… I thought you were… ugh!” She kicked her way to an area where her feet could touch the ground, crossing her arms back over her chest as she turned away from him, glaring up at the castle. Cedric chuckled as he made his way over to where she stood, slithering his arms around her waist and dropping his chin to her shoulder, giving the wet flesh of her neck a few playful kisses.
 “Awe, are you mad at me?” He cooed close to her ear and she pressed her lips together tighter, yet, allowing herself to fall back into his warmth. Cedric pouted, planting more kisses along the curve of her shoulder. “Please don’t be mad at Cedric,” he said, knocking the pitch of his voice up a few octaves. “Cedric isn’t a bad boy. Cedric loves you very much.”
 She rolled her eyes again but couldn’t suppress the smile creeping up on her lips, breathing out a laugh. “You’re such an idiot, Cedric Diggory,” she tittered, twisting in his arms, his interlocked hands now pressing against the small of her back. She rested the sides of her fists against the slick skin of his chest as his forehead dropped against hers, scrunching his nose at her. “But because of my brilliant plan, you got in the water,” he muttered, shrugging his shoulders as he gently swayed their bodies back and forth. “So, you know, I’m not a total idiot.”
 She scoffed, but it came out as more of a laugh as he nuzzled his nose against hers, breathing in her scent, drawing her body closer to his. “This is nice,” he murmured, pressing a soft kiss beneath her eye. She shrugged, “I could do without the ‘freezing my arse off’ part.”
 Cedric chuckled and the tip of his nose dragged down along her cheek until his lips were against hers, gentle as they captured them in a soft, chaste kiss, the pad of his thumb soothing over the skin at the small of her back. Her heart stuttered in her chest as they pulled away, and she blinked up at him, reveling in the reassurance that she was in her boy’s arms, and he wasn’t going to let her go. 
 With her still in his arms, he kicked back off the ground, leading her further into the lake. “It’s a beautiful night,” he whispered, brushing wet strands of hair away from her face and behind her ear. “Let’s enjoy it.”
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a/n; OMG I FINALLY FINISHED AN IMAGINE! so sorry this one took so long to write up and post, i went to disney world and universal studios at the beginning of may for my birthday so i didn't have any time to write and then when i got back home, i just didn't feel like writing lol but! it's been awhile since i've written for the best hufflepuff boy and there's definitely not enough fics out there on this platform for him so here you go<3
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7s3ven · 10 months
SANTA, TELL ME. draco malfoy
( master list )
IN WHICH… Draco Malfoy no longer enjoys Christmas, especially not when he has to stay at Hogwarts while all his friends are gone. But a certain bright-eyed Hufflepuff is glad to keep him company.
( draco x hufflepuff! reader )
“Santa, tell me if he really cares. ‘Cause I can’t give it all away if he won’t be here next year.”
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Draco couldn’t remember when he had started to dislike Christmas. Maybe it was during his second year when he had to stay at Hogwarts for the winter and ever since then, he was required to do the same every year.
Draco mindlessly stared at the wrapped gifts his parents had sent him early. The cold Slytherin room was empty, everybody but Draco at home with their families.
The blond teenager was curled up on the soft couch, listening to the fire crackle and watching as the logs burned. Having had enough of wallowing in self pity, Draco slipped into a thick blazer and walked out of the common room.
He wandered around the halls, the sound of loud and joyful laughter catching his attention. He peeked out of the window, his nose slightly wrinkling when he saw Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. They were with two other girls that weren’t that annoying know-it-all, Hermione Granger.
Draco recognized one of them as Y/N L/N, a Hufflepuff who was unusually good at potions. The other girl was a dark-haired Ravenclaw with a stern beauty that contrasted Y/N’s soft features.
The group of four were playing in the snow, throwing it at each other and laughing when their noses turned red from the cold.
Y/N wore her yellow scarf which sorely clashed with her tight blue and white striped blouse, greyish-brown skirt, and puffy white jacket. She seemed to have fleece lined tights on because she wasn’t shivering.
Draco tore his eyes away from the happy friends and frowned. Even with his companions, they were never that carefree. But how Draco wished they could be. It must be great not having to worry about your every move and who you were friends with, who you liked, and who you were going to marry.
In a way, he envied Y/N. She was a pureblood brought up by muggle parents with no harsh expectations or demands.
On paper, she was a sacred pure but in every Slytherin’s eyes, she would always be an outcast. She was at every prestigious party in her bright and stunning yellow dresses, effortlessly sticking out like a sore thumb.
Draco released a sigh and ran a hand through his blond hair. He didn’t know what to do with Blaise and all his other friends gone. He had heard Nott was going on a trip to Paris. Wonderful.
Pansy was going to Italy.
Crabbe and Goyle were planning to visit a famous restaurant in London.
Millicent Bulstrode was going to New York.
And Matteo… the poor son of Lord Voldemort was stuck in the same orphanage his father had landed in decades ago. In the same room too.
Draco walked with no destination in mind until he ended up at the front gates of Hogwarts. He looked up, staring as the snowflakes dropped. Slowly, he stepped forward into the thick snow. He sank down into it and the cold offered a strange sense of comfort.
He had not been planning to go outside so he was wrongly dressed. Draco shivered slightly as the snow landed on his pale face. His cheeks were flushed red and his hands felt frozen. He wouldn’t be surprised if they were.
“You’re going to catch a cold.”
Draco hadn’t even noticed Y/N approaching him, her scarf in her hand. “If you plan to stay outside,” She uttered, trying to hand him the yellow clothing, “At least wear this.”
Draco looked her up and down, wondering why she was even talking to him. All he did was bully her friends, at least the ones in Gryffindor. Draco and his posse seemed to leave everybody else alone.
“You helped me last month. So I’m returning the favor.” Y/N brightly smiled and Draco felt his face heat up, much to his dismay.
Draco thought for a moment before he realized what Y/N was talking about. It was true, he had helped her but only because that boy who was trying to flirt with Y/N was making a fool of Slytherin and he didn’t approve of making girls uncomfortable.
“Ah.” Draco murmured, staring down at the scarf. He slowly reached out to grab it. “He deserved it.”
“Matteo punched him.” Y/N piped up, reminding Draco of what had happened. Yes, Matteo had punched the idiotic boy while Draco stood on the sidelines, merely watching. “His nose started bleeding. I’m all for defending people but was that necessary?”
“He’s done it before. Matteo only wanted to teach him a lesson. Sexual harassment is no joke. That boy has tried peeking up girl’s skirts so my statement still stands. He deserved it.” Draco uttered it more firmly this time.
“Where is Matteo anyway?” Y/N looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of the brunette boy. “I thought he would’ve stayed behind.”
“I’m not sure why he went back to the orphanage.” Draco wasn’t the best at small talk, especially not with friendly people. But Y/N didn’t seem to notice as she rambled on.
She was relatively good friends with Matteo. She was one of the few who could get away with talking to him and not receiving a glare in return.
“He told me he was staying behind but maybe he didn’t want to be alone again, since he assumed you were leaving too. He kind of envies you and your family trips. He’s envious because you actually have a family.” Y/N paused, slowly covering her mouth. “Ah… I wasn’t supposed to tell you that… sorry.”
She lifted her head, locking gazes with Draco. “You’ll… keep this between us, right?” She sheepishly smiled, “I swear I don’t usually spill people’s secrets…”
Draco shrugged. “I wouldn’t be able to do much with that information anyway.” The blond hair turned around to walk away, but he realized he was still holding Y/N’s scarf. “I changed my mind. I’m going back inside. I assume you’ll be staying out here for a while so take this back. We don’t want you to freeze.”
Draco wrapped Y/N’s scarf around her neck, nodding. There was a slither of a smile on his lips before he spun around and strutted off.
“Why were you talking with Malfoy?” Harry approached Y/N as soon as Draco left.
She hummed in surprise and slightly jumped. “What? Oh. He’s not so bad. He’s actually… somewhat nice.”
Harry scoffed and rolled his emerald green eyes. “Malfoy? Nice? As if. Anyway, we’re going to walk around the pine woods. Wanna join?”
Y/N shook her head and beamed. “No. I’m good. I’m a little tired so I’ll see you inside.” Harry smiled back at her before jogging over to Ron and Anna, the Ravenclaw girl.
Y/N pushed past the large wooden doors, walking back into the warmth of the Hogwarts castle. The fire in the Great Hall crackled as Y/N entered, intent on warming her hands. But she found Draco standing in front of the Christmas tree, staring at it in wonder and awe and sadness.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Y/N snuck up behind Draco, startling him.
“Jeez! Merlin’s sake, L/N, don’t sneak up on me like that!” Draco stormed out of the Great Hall while Y/N poured and huffed.
“Hmph. What’s his problem? He was fine before.” She shook her head in annoyance as she warmed her freezing body by the fireplace. “Slytherins really are bipolar…”
Though, Y/N couldn’t help but feel sorry for Draco. She knew he was the only one in the common room because Matteo had told her everybody always went home. Pansy confirmed it.
Y/N and Pansy weren’t close but they had worked on a group project together and for along relatively well. Unbeknownst to Y/N, Pansy tried her best to hate the kind Hufflepuff but she never could.
Y/N could hear footsteps approaching the hall and assuming it was Harry, Y/N didn’t turn around. She should’ve because as soon as she caught sight of blond hair in a reflection, she knew it was Draco.
“Come to yell at me some more?” She asked, a joking tone to her question.
“You helped decorate the Great Hall, right?” Draco inquired, getting straight to the point.
“Yeah, I guess so. Why?”
“I need you to decorate the Slytherin common room.” Draco held up a pouch of money, “I’m willing to pay.”
Y/N glanced at him as he jingled the coins. She shrugged. “Nah. I’ll do it for free. Let’s go!” She linked arms with Draco and dragged him to the supply closet where the extra decorations were being been kept.
“Why do I need to help you?” Draco grumbled as Y/N shoved the boxes into his arms. She huffed.
“What? You think I could carry all this by myself? Hey,” She poked Draco’s shoulder, “There’s things even I can’t do alone. Besides, you’re strong. Use it for something helpful.”
Y/N turned away, which relieved Draco because he refused to let her see his flushed cheeks.
“Wow, it really isn’t decorated at all. That’s surprising, especially on Christmas Eve. The Hufflepuff common room is almost too shiny with all the tinsel.” Y/N looked around the Slytherin Chamber in disappointment. At least they had their Christmas tree up, though it was a very sad and bland one. She frowned. “How do you guys live like this?”
“I helped you carry the boxes. I trust you’ll be able to do the rest.” Draco dropped the boxes full of decorations and hurried off.
“Huh? Wait! You don’t expect me to do it alone! I need to socialise! I’ll die if I don’t talk to people!”
Draco slammed his dorm door shut, making Y/N sigh. “He’s only nice when Matteo is around.” She mumbled, “Does he have a crush on him or something? I wouldn’t be surprised. He keeps turning down girls, even Pansy. And she’s gorgeous.”
Y/N sorted through all the tinsel, sighing. “I suppose if I were a boy, I’d go for Pansy. Or Hermione. Maybe Luna?” She picked all the green tinsel strings, making sure to leave every single red-colored one in the box.
“Daphne Greengrass or whatever her name is would be a good choice too.” Y/N uttered as she wrapped the green tinsel around the stair rail. “Hm, who else? Ah! Cho Chang! Cedric sure is lucky to be dating her. I’m almost jealous!”
Y/N sighed as she hung ornaments on the lonely Christmas tree. “Ginny would also be on the list I guess. She’s a total badass. Why won’t Harry notice her? If I were him, I’d fall in love instantly.”
She checked fireplace, and made sure to add some more wood to the flames to keep them ignited. “Pansy, Hermione, Luna, Daphne, Cho, and Ginny. A strong lineup. What about the boys? Matteo is handsome but I only see him as a friend. Lorenzo I would get with. Cedric? Maybe. Oliver? Yes. Dating Harry or Ron would be a little weird so maybe not. Besides, I ship Hermione and Ron.”
This went on for quite some time. Y/N had made amazing progress while talking to herself. The chamber was almost unrecognisable. Draco, who was cooped up in his room, clenched his jaw. He was covering his ears, trying to ignore Y/N’s annoying rambling.
But she kept talking. Over and over again. About useless topics too. Finally, Draco had enough. He pulled open his door and was about to yell something until he heard Y/N mention his name.
“Draco? Hm… I don’t know. Am I supposed to call him Malfoy? I feel like we’re on relatively good terms. Would I date him? A solid maybe. He’s so handsome but he’s a little bipolar. If only he was a little nicer. I wouldn’t mind kissing him.”
Draco slowly lifted his head, hanging onto every word Y/N spoke. If he was a little nicer… she’d kiss him?
“I’m going out. The room looks great. Thanks, Y/N.” Draco hurriedly grabbed her hand, pressing an innocent kiss to her knuckles before he hurried off.
“Did he… just say thank you?” Y/N huffed in disbelief. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard his say that.” She looked at her hand, still able to feel the ghost of Draco’s lips against her skin.
Draco had never been a nice person from the start but he figured the way to Y/N’s heart was to get on neutral terms with Potter.
Speaking of the devil, Draco could see Harry, Ron, and Anna walking into the castle.
“Morning, Potter.” Draco uttered as he passed the trio, trying his best not to scowl. “And Weasley and, I’m sorry, I don’t know your last name but I like your black hair.”
Once Draco was out of earshot, Ron and Harry shared a disturbed look. “Was he… poisoned or something?” Ron asked, “I prefer when Malfoy’s mean! It’s scary when he’s nice.”
“Hey, guys!” Y/N jogged towards her friends, wildly waving at them. “Have you guys seen Draco?”
“Yeah. He went that way. But he was acting super weird. What did you say to him to make him greet us and tell Anna he likes her hair.” Ron scoffed, “Or did you slip a potion into his drink?”
“Huh? I didn’t say anything!” Y/N exclaimed. She paused. “Oh… well, I did say I would kiss him if he was a little nicer. But I was talking to myself.”
“Bloody hell, Y/N.” Harry uttered. “Malfoy probably fancies you.”
“What?” Y/N tilted her head to the side.
“If you think about it, it makes sense.” Anna retorted. “I mean, he’s always trying to talk to you. He doesn’t bully you and he seems to stay away from bullying your friends as well. I mean, Harry and Ron and ‘Mione excluded.”
Y/N sighed. “That doesn’t prove anything. Do you know where he went? I need to ask him about the decorations. I’m decorating the Slytherin chamber.”
“He walked outside. Probably to Hogsmeade to go on a shopping spree for himself.” Ron quietly scoffed.
“Tell me if you see him, ‘kay?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Y/N walked back to the chamber, staring at the work she had done. The Slytherin common room looked much more comforting and welcoming now. She smiled proudly, placing her hands on her hips.
“Looks good, Y/N.” She happily high-fived herself. Y/N sat down on the couch, slightly slouching. She waved her wand around while mumbling a small charm, smiling as snowflakes floated around.
Hours eventually passed and Draco still hadn’t returned. Y/N had finished decorating and she had refurbished the fire as well. She was so bored she eventually found a way into Draco’s dorm and cleaned it too.
“Santa, tell me, if you’re really there. Don’t make me fall in love again if he won’t be here next year.” Y/N quietly sang, humming the beat to the muggle song. She had went to fetch Hermione’s gift, a small radio that played all kinds of songs. Y/N was enjoying it very much.
She grinned as she happily swung her legs. She stood up to check on the fire, slightly dancing.
The chorus played again, and this time Y/N sang louder.
At that time, Draco walked in. He froze, watching as Y/N surprisingly hit all the high notes in the Ariana Grande song.
Draco slowly smiled, strutting towards Y/N. He tapped her shoulder, “You’re a good singer.” He complimented her.
“Oh… thanks. What took you so long? I finished ages ago.”
“And you didn’t leave?”
“I, uh… didn’t wanna leave you alone.” Y/N sheepishly smiled. “Oh, what’s that?” She pointed at the bag in Draco’s arms. “A gift for your friend?”
“I guess you could say that… but she’s not really my friend. More like someone I owe.” Draco held out the bag, shoving it into Y/N’s hands. “For you. Merry… early Christmas.”
Draco looked away, trying to his his reddening ears.
Y/N tilted her head to the side before she opened the bag, gasping softly. “What the… Draco… this must’ve cost a fortune.” Inside was a freshly pressed Burberry blazer.
“I overheard that you were going to Paris in Winter next year and it snows there occasionally, so I bought you something to keep you warm.”
“Oh… it’s lovely, Draco.” Y/N smiled, feeling the fabric. “I love it. Thank you… so much.” She couldn’t contain her laugh of happiness.
“That’s not all.” Draco reached in, pulling out a jewelry box. “Vivienne Westwood.” He uttered, showing her the beautiful silver necklace.
Y/N gasped again. “You didn’t have to do this… you spent way too much money, Draco.”
“I wanted to do this. Consider it my thanks for decoration. It looks great. Turn around so I can put this on you.”
Y/N slowly spun around, feeling Draco’s cold hands against her neck. He gently pushed her hair aside, lingering for a moment too long. He put the necklace around her neck, carefully clasping it.
“Thank you.” Y/N grasped the pendant, smiling. “I love it. And I love the blazer too.”
Draco was still standing behind her, not wanting to move as he inhaled the smell of her sweet perfume.
“Y/N.” He whispered, “Can I…” Draco hesitated, “Can I kiss you?”
“What?” Y/N turned around in shock, staring at him with wide eyes. Draco, misunderstanding it as rejection, frowned.
“Sorry. I just blurted it out. I didn’t mean it.”
The clock in the common room loudly chimed as it reached twelve o’clock, a reminder of what day it was now. Christmas.
Y/N reached out, grabbing Draco and pulled him forward. She quickly kissed him and shyly pulled away, her cheeks flushed bright red just like Draco’s ears.
“Merry Christmas, Draco.”
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