#santa tell me
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Santa tell me
#winter fairy#winter aesthetic#winter fashion#winter#coquette dollete#soft coquette#coquette aesthetic#soft aesthetic#victoria secert model#girlblogging#this is what makes us girls#coquette#lana del rey#moodboard#sadgirl#lizzy grant#dollette#this is a girlblog#valley of the dolls#dollete aesthetic#sweet lolita#pink aesthetic#santa tell me#ariana grande#lana del rey aesthetic#hell is a teenage girl#sofia coppola#girlblogger#pin up galore#pastel pink
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#girly blog#just girly things#girlypops#gaslight gatekeep girlboss#girlblogging#pinkthings#pink things#this is a girlblog#pink#it girl#pinkmas#christmas#coquette#pinkcore#dollette#pink aesthetic#pink christmas#its tiiiiiiiime#holiday season#holiday#christmas tree#pink moodboard#pink blog#xmas#santa tell me#coquette aesthetic#bubblegum coquette#coquette girl#ballet core#cozy aesthetic
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SANTA, TELL ME. draco malfoy
( master list )
IN WHICH… Draco Malfoy no longer enjoys Christmas, especially not when he has to stay at Hogwarts while all his friends are gone. But a certain bright-eyed Hufflepuff is glad to keep him company.
( draco x hufflepuff! reader )
“Santa, tell me if he really cares. ‘Cause I can’t give it all away if he won’t be here next year.”
Draco couldn’t remember when he had started to dislike Christmas. Maybe it was during his second year when he had to stay at Hogwarts for the winter and ever since then, he was required to do the same every year.
Draco mindlessly stared at the wrapped gifts his parents had sent him early. The cold Slytherin room was empty, everybody but Draco at home with their families.
The blond teenager was curled up on the soft couch, listening to the fire crackle and watching as the logs burned. Having had enough of wallowing in self pity, Draco slipped into a thick blazer and walked out of the common room.
He wandered around the halls, the sound of loud and joyful laughter catching his attention. He peeked out of the window, his nose slightly wrinkling when he saw Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. They were with two other girls that weren’t that annoying know-it-all, Hermione Granger.
Draco recognized one of them as Y/N L/N, a Hufflepuff who was unusually good at potions. The other girl was a dark-haired Ravenclaw with a stern beauty that contrasted Y/N’s soft features.
The group of four were playing in the snow, throwing it at each other and laughing when their noses turned red from the cold.
Y/N wore her yellow scarf which sorely clashed with her tight blue and white striped blouse, greyish-brown skirt, and puffy white jacket. She seemed to have fleece lined tights on because she wasn’t shivering.
Draco tore his eyes away from the happy friends and frowned. Even with his companions, they were never that carefree. But how Draco wished they could be. It must be great not having to worry about your every move and who you were friends with, who you liked, and who you were going to marry.
In a way, he envied Y/N. She was a pureblood brought up by muggle parents with no harsh expectations or demands.
On paper, she was a sacred pure but in every Slytherin’s eyes, she would always be an outcast. She was at every prestigious party in her bright and stunning yellow dresses, effortlessly sticking out like a sore thumb.
Draco released a sigh and ran a hand through his blond hair. He didn’t know what to do with Blaise and all his other friends gone. He had heard Nott was going on a trip to Paris. Wonderful.
Pansy was going to Italy.
Crabbe and Goyle were planning to visit a famous restaurant in London.
Millicent Bulstrode was going to New York.
And Matteo… the poor son of Lord Voldemort was stuck in the same orphanage his father had landed in decades ago. In the same room too.
Draco walked with no destination in mind until he ended up at the front gates of Hogwarts. He looked up, staring as the snowflakes dropped. Slowly, he stepped forward into the thick snow. He sank down into it and the cold offered a strange sense of comfort.
He had not been planning to go outside so he was wrongly dressed. Draco shivered slightly as the snow landed on his pale face. His cheeks were flushed red and his hands felt frozen. He wouldn’t be surprised if they were.
“You’re going to catch a cold.”
Draco hadn’t even noticed Y/N approaching him, her scarf in her hand. “If you plan to stay outside,” She uttered, trying to hand him the yellow clothing, “At least wear this.”
Draco looked her up and down, wondering why she was even talking to him. All he did was bully her friends, at least the ones in Gryffindor. Draco and his posse seemed to leave everybody else alone.
“You helped me last month. So I’m returning the favor.” Y/N brightly smiled and Draco felt his face heat up, much to his dismay.
Draco thought for a moment before he realized what Y/N was talking about. It was true, he had helped her but only because that boy who was trying to flirt with Y/N was making a fool of Slytherin and he didn’t approve of making girls uncomfortable.
“Ah.” Draco murmured, staring down at the scarf. He slowly reached out to grab it. “He deserved it.”
“Matteo punched him.” Y/N piped up, reminding Draco of what had happened. Yes, Matteo had punched the idiotic boy while Draco stood on the sidelines, merely watching. “His nose started bleeding. I’m all for defending people but was that necessary?”
“He’s done it before. Matteo only wanted to teach him a lesson. Sexual harassment is no joke. That boy has tried peeking up girl’s skirts so my statement still stands. He deserved it.” Draco uttered it more firmly this time.
“Where is Matteo anyway?” Y/N looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of the brunette boy. “I thought he would’ve stayed behind.”
“I’m not sure why he went back to the orphanage.” Draco wasn’t the best at small talk, especially not with friendly people. But Y/N didn’t seem to notice as she rambled on.
She was relatively good friends with Matteo. She was one of the few who could get away with talking to him and not receiving a glare in return.
“He told me he was staying behind but maybe he didn’t want to be alone again, since he assumed you were leaving too. He kind of envies you and your family trips. He’s envious because you actually have a family.” Y/N paused, slowly covering her mouth. “Ah… I wasn’t supposed to tell you that… sorry.”
She lifted her head, locking gazes with Draco. “You’ll… keep this between us, right?” She sheepishly smiled, “I swear I don’t usually spill people’s secrets…”
Draco shrugged. “I wouldn’t be able to do much with that information anyway.” The blond hair turned around to walk away, but he realized he was still holding Y/N’s scarf. “I changed my mind. I’m going back inside. I assume you’ll be staying out here for a while so take this back. We don’t want you to freeze.”
Draco wrapped Y/N’s scarf around her neck, nodding. There was a slither of a smile on his lips before he spun around and strutted off.
“Why were you talking with Malfoy?” Harry approached Y/N as soon as Draco left.
She hummed in surprise and slightly jumped. “What? Oh. He’s not so bad. He’s actually… somewhat nice.”
Harry scoffed and rolled his emerald green eyes. “Malfoy? Nice? As if. Anyway, we’re going to walk around the pine woods. Wanna join?”
Y/N shook her head and beamed. “No. I’m good. I’m a little tired so I’ll see you inside.” Harry smiled back at her before jogging over to Ron and Anna, the Ravenclaw girl.
Y/N pushed past the large wooden doors, walking back into the warmth of the Hogwarts castle. The fire in the Great Hall crackled as Y/N entered, intent on warming her hands. But she found Draco standing in front of the Christmas tree, staring at it in wonder and awe and sadness.
“It’s pretty, isn’t it?” Y/N snuck up behind Draco, startling him.
“Jeez! Merlin’s sake, L/N, don’t sneak up on me like that!” Draco stormed out of the Great Hall while Y/N poured and huffed.
“Hmph. What’s his problem? He was fine before.” She shook her head in annoyance as she warmed her freezing body by the fireplace. “Slytherins really are bipolar…”
Though, Y/N couldn’t help but feel sorry for Draco. She knew he was the only one in the common room because Matteo had told her everybody always went home. Pansy confirmed it.
Y/N and Pansy weren’t close but they had worked on a group project together and for along relatively well. Unbeknownst to Y/N, Pansy tried her best to hate the kind Hufflepuff but she never could.
Y/N could hear footsteps approaching the hall and assuming it was Harry, Y/N didn’t turn around. She should’ve because as soon as she caught sight of blond hair in a reflection, she knew it was Draco.
“Come to yell at me some more?” She asked, a joking tone to her question.
“You helped decorate the Great Hall, right?” Draco inquired, getting straight to the point.
“Yeah, I guess so. Why?”
“I need you to decorate the Slytherin common room.” Draco held up a pouch of money, “I’m willing to pay.”
Y/N glanced at him as he jingled the coins. She shrugged. “Nah. I’ll do it for free. Let’s go!” She linked arms with Draco and dragged him to the supply closet where the extra decorations were being been kept.
“Why do I need to help you?” Draco grumbled as Y/N shoved the boxes into his arms. She huffed.
“What? You think I could carry all this by myself? Hey,” She poked Draco’s shoulder, “There’s things even I can’t do alone. Besides, you’re strong. Use it for something helpful.”
Y/N turned away, which relieved Draco because he refused to let her see his flushed cheeks.
“Wow, it really isn’t decorated at all. That’s surprising, especially on Christmas Eve. The Hufflepuff common room is almost too shiny with all the tinsel.” Y/N looked around the Slytherin Chamber in disappointment. At least they had their Christmas tree up, though it was a very sad and bland one. She frowned. “How do you guys live like this?”
“I helped you carry the boxes. I trust you’ll be able to do the rest.” Draco dropped the boxes full of decorations and hurried off.
“Huh? Wait! You don’t expect me to do it alone! I need to socialise! I’ll die if I don’t talk to people!”
Draco slammed his dorm door shut, making Y/N sigh. “He’s only nice when Matteo is around.” She mumbled, “Does he have a crush on him or something? I wouldn’t be surprised. He keeps turning down girls, even Pansy. And she’s gorgeous.”
Y/N sorted through all the tinsel, sighing. “I suppose if I were a boy, I’d go for Pansy. Or Hermione. Maybe Luna?” She picked all the green tinsel strings, making sure to leave every single red-colored one in the box.
“Daphne Greengrass or whatever her name is would be a good choice too.” Y/N uttered as she wrapped the green tinsel around the stair rail. “Hm, who else? Ah! Cho Chang! Cedric sure is lucky to be dating her. I’m almost jealous!”
Y/N sighed as she hung ornaments on the lonely Christmas tree. “Ginny would also be on the list I guess. She’s a total badass. Why won’t Harry notice her? If I were him, I’d fall in love instantly.”
She checked fireplace, and made sure to add some more wood to the flames to keep them ignited. “Pansy, Hermione, Luna, Daphne, Cho, and Ginny. A strong lineup. What about the boys? Matteo is handsome but I only see him as a friend. Lorenzo I would get with. Cedric? Maybe. Oliver? Yes. Dating Harry or Ron would be a little weird so maybe not. Besides, I ship Hermione and Ron.”
This went on for quite some time. Y/N had made amazing progress while talking to herself. The chamber was almost unrecognisable. Draco, who was cooped up in his room, clenched his jaw. He was covering his ears, trying to ignore Y/N’s annoying rambling.
But she kept talking. Over and over again. About useless topics too. Finally, Draco had enough. He pulled open his door and was about to yell something until he heard Y/N mention his name.
“Draco? Hm… I don’t know. Am I supposed to call him Malfoy? I feel like we’re on relatively good terms. Would I date him? A solid maybe. He’s so handsome but he’s a little bipolar. If only he was a little nicer. I wouldn’t mind kissing him.”
Draco slowly lifted his head, hanging onto every word Y/N spoke. If he was a little nicer… she’d kiss him?
“I’m going out. The room looks great. Thanks, Y/N.” Draco hurriedly grabbed her hand, pressing an innocent kiss to her knuckles before he hurried off.
“Did he… just say thank you?” Y/N huffed in disbelief. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard his say that.” She looked at her hand, still able to feel the ghost of Draco’s lips against her skin.
Draco had never been a nice person from the start but he figured the way to Y/N’s heart was to get on neutral terms with Potter.
Speaking of the devil, Draco could see Harry, Ron, and Anna walking into the castle.
“Morning, Potter.” Draco uttered as he passed the trio, trying his best not to scowl. “And Weasley and, I’m sorry, I don’t know your last name but I like your black hair.”
Once Draco was out of earshot, Ron and Harry shared a disturbed look. “Was he… poisoned or something?” Ron asked, “I prefer when Malfoy’s mean! It’s scary when he’s nice.”
“Hey, guys!” Y/N jogged towards her friends, wildly waving at them. “Have you guys seen Draco?”
“Yeah. He went that way. But he was acting super weird. What did you say to him to make him greet us and tell Anna he likes her hair.” Ron scoffed, “Or did you slip a potion into his drink?”
“Huh? I didn’t say anything!” Y/N exclaimed. She paused. “Oh… well, I did say I would kiss him if he was a little nicer. But I was talking to myself.”
“Bloody hell, Y/N.” Harry uttered. “Malfoy probably fancies you.”
“What?” Y/N tilted her head to the side.
“If you think about it, it makes sense.” Anna retorted. “I mean, he’s always trying to talk to you. He doesn’t bully you and he seems to stay away from bullying your friends as well. I mean, Harry and Ron and ‘Mione excluded.”
Y/N sighed. “That doesn’t prove anything. Do you know where he went? I need to ask him about the decorations. I’m decorating the Slytherin chamber.”
“He walked outside. Probably to Hogsmeade to go on a shopping spree for himself.” Ron quietly scoffed.
“Tell me if you see him, ‘kay?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Y/N walked back to the chamber, staring at the work she had done. The Slytherin common room looked much more comforting and welcoming now. She smiled proudly, placing her hands on her hips.
“Looks good, Y/N.” She happily high-fived herself. Y/N sat down on the couch, slightly slouching. She waved her wand around while mumbling a small charm, smiling as snowflakes floated around.
Hours eventually passed and Draco still hadn’t returned. Y/N had finished decorating and she had refurbished the fire as well. She was so bored she eventually found a way into Draco’s dorm and cleaned it too.
“Santa, tell me, if you’re really there. Don’t make me fall in love again if he won’t be here next year.” Y/N quietly sang, humming the beat to the muggle song. She had went to fetch Hermione’s gift, a small radio that played all kinds of songs. Y/N was enjoying it very much.
She grinned as she happily swung her legs. She stood up to check on the fire, slightly dancing.
The chorus played again, and this time Y/N sang louder.
At that time, Draco walked in. He froze, watching as Y/N surprisingly hit all the high notes in the Ariana Grande song.
Draco slowly smiled, strutting towards Y/N. He tapped her shoulder, “You’re a good singer.” He complimented her.
“Oh… thanks. What took you so long? I finished ages ago.”
“And you didn’t leave?”
“I, uh… didn’t wanna leave you alone.” Y/N sheepishly smiled. “Oh, what’s that?” She pointed at the bag in Draco’s arms. “A gift for your friend?”
“I guess you could say that… but she’s not really my friend. More like someone I owe.” Draco held out the bag, shoving it into Y/N’s hands. “For you. Merry… early Christmas.”
Draco looked away, trying to his his reddening ears.
Y/N tilted her head to the side before she opened the bag, gasping softly. “What the… Draco… this must’ve cost a fortune.” Inside was a freshly pressed Burberry blazer.
“I overheard that you were going to Paris in Winter next year and it snows there occasionally, so I bought you something to keep you warm.”
“Oh… it’s lovely, Draco.” Y/N smiled, feeling the fabric. “I love it. Thank you… so much.” She couldn’t contain her laugh of happiness.
“That’s not all.” Draco reached in, pulling out a jewelry box. “Vivienne Westwood.” He uttered, showing her the beautiful silver necklace.
Y/N gasped again. “You didn’t have to do this… you spent way too much money, Draco.”
“I wanted to do this. Consider it my thanks for decoration. It looks great. Turn around so I can put this on you.”
Y/N slowly spun around, feeling Draco’s cold hands against her neck. He gently pushed her hair aside, lingering for a moment too long. He put the necklace around her neck, carefully clasping it.
“Thank you.” Y/N grasped the pendant, smiling. “I love it. And I love the blazer too.”
Draco was still standing behind her, not wanting to move as he inhaled the smell of her sweet perfume.
“Y/N.” He whispered, “Can I…” Draco hesitated, “Can I kiss you?”
“What?” Y/N turned around in shock, staring at him with wide eyes. Draco, misunderstanding it as rejection, frowned.
“Sorry. I just blurted it out. I didn’t mean it.”
The clock in the common room loudly chimed as it reached twelve o’clock, a reminder of what day it was now. Christmas.
Y/N reached out, grabbing Draco and pulled him forward. She quickly kissed him and shyly pulled away, her cheeks flushed bright red just like Draco’s ears.
“Merry Christmas, Draco.”
#harry potter x reader#draco malfoy#slytherin#hufflepuff#gryffindor#ravenclaw#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#harry potter fanfiction#hermione granger#ron weasley#hogwarts mystery#one shot#all i want for christmas is you#santa tell me#christmas special
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Watching a movie in the background, and glanced up to see a scene where the main character spills her drink all over some dude, then proceeds to give him a sweater her sister hand knitted and made special for her, saying it’s too baggy anyway and really, he should have it.
I am so pissed on behalf of this fictional sister.
#i hope this main character never gets knitted things again#i hate her based on this alone#not only did she give some random dude her HAND KNITTED SWEATER that was a GIFT#he immediately proceeded to put it on over his tshirt that is wet with spilled coffee#the sweater was white/cream#i am sorry i am not gonna let this go 😅#i am irrationally angry over this lmao#santa tell me#yes it’s a hallmark christmas movie
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Ariana has surprise released a Santa Tell Me 10th anniversary performance. The track has finally reached the top 10 of The Billboard Hot 100 List this year at number 9!
Link to full performance below:
#ariana grande#dailygrande#santa tell me#wicked#wicked movie#christmas songs#I need her to do this next year for the 10th anniversary of Christmas & Chill#Youtube
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“Santa, tell me, if you're really there."
Santa Tell Me | Ariana Grande
Model: Ken Bek
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#girlblog#girlblogging#girlblogger#this is what makes us girls#esoteric#girl interrupted#valley of the dolls#ariana grande#santa claus#santa tell me#dear santa#coquette#the chic diet#the lisbon sisters#the virgin suicides#hell is a teenage girl#hey lolita hey#lana del ray aka lizzy grant#snow bambi#christmas#pink christmas#rosy blog#2013 tumblr
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pink christmas 🫧💘
#coquette#pink christmas#gossip girl#dollcore#gossip girl christmas#christmas#santa tell me#girlblogger
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#it’s a pink christmas queue#pastel stoner#sapphic stoner#cannacommunity#420life#weed community#pink blog#y2kpink#pink stoner#indica#wlw blog#the grinch#pink christmas#santa tell me#y2k#girlblogging#girly stoners#pink#lesbian#femme lesbian#bratz#sanrio#blazy susan#rose blunts
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@hallmarkchannel - Did you miss the preview of @erinkrakow and @daniellissing in #SantaTellMe? Catch it here and don't forget to watch the movie when it premieres later this holiday season! #Hearties #CountdownToChristmas
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pink spotify 🎀🤍
#hyper feminine#dollette#vs angels#pink aesthetic#2014 tumblr#christmas#starbucks#pink christmas#pink pilates princess#lana del rey#santa baby#ariana grande#ari#arianator#ariana#Santa tell me#ariana grande xmas#gabi#gabi de martino#gabidemartino#girly xmas#california girls#barbie#mistletoe#jingle bells#snow#snowflake#hot cocoa#pink hot chocolate#marshmallow
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christmas lyrics lockscreen
#lockscreen#taylor swift#wallpeper#lyric quotes#lyrics#christmas#new year#ariana grande#santa baby#santa tell me#all i want for christmas is you#last christmas#mirrorball#merry christmas
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yes i am listening to christmas music in the middle of july after begging for summer all year WHAT ABOUT IT
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santa tell me 🌨️❄️
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