#it strikes me that I dont watch a lot of new TV on my own lmao
Tag game again wee thank you @nicomrade sorry it took me so long to answer lmao
Last song: Bullet with butterfly wings smashing pumpkins
Fave colour: Greens! She is nature she is home
Currently Watching: So with one person we're alternating moomin and yuyu hakusho which is a simply wild combination, and with a different group I'm watching Bokurano. Good spread of genres.
Last Movie/TV Show: If we're talking about last TV show that is something new to me....goodness, I don't even remember. Yellowjackets?? Last movie was The Mist.
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Mmmmmmmm so out of these, sweet goes lowest. I could leave sweet and can't take too much sweet stuff at once. Spicy and savoury is hard though...I think I'll pick savoury over spicy, just because flavour-wise, food can be so spicy that you don't really taste the rest of the foodstuff underneath yknow? It's close between spicy and savoury though.
Relationship Status: I am girlfriended! It's been a hot decade ish since I have been in a relationship, I didn't feel lacking without a partner and was quite happily single but just kind of fell into this. Sometimes you connect deeply with a friend you share a special bond with and over time decide "what if I called you my girlfriend"
It's still so new that it feels so weird to talk about like yah I have a girlfriend. ??? I have a girlfriend???
Current obsession: Every day Kaiji claws more and more of my brain and I desperately need to make my friends watch with me. That said even moreso Pluto occupies my mind to an absurd degree right now. There are 9 more days. I am walking in circles waiting for her
Last thing you googled: marigold seed harvesting
Tagging: @spyromancy @lethotep @cloverinblue @poobtato @brodyliciousbooty @saeriibon @mallaproper and anybody else <3 <3
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hey do u know what i cant stand 
the hot smart woman trope
yeh that one
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i  r e f u s e to watch queens gambit because im so sick of this trope. and im gonna elaborate.
some would say im a woman and also smart. i study Conventionally Smart Subject^TM of physics, although - as some of my colleagues would argue - the dumbest kind of physics, which is cross-disciplinary geophysics. not a lot of equations, more like computation, models, looking at graphs and saying “ahhh... i dont get it”. 
any STEM student will tell you that a good deal of professors in STEM do not give a flying fuck about what they look like. the amount. of hairy underbelly sticking out of a too small button up shirt i’ve seen in my years as a student... far too much. in my study, about 75% of the professors are men. the women generally have to look neater than the men because Gender Roles, but a good deal of them still don’t give a fuck about what they look like, if it’s presentable, then that’s what it is. 
and don’t get me wrong, there are many female scientists that look fantastic and dress beautifully and are really, really Hot. and i’m a big fan of them.
but like. i feel like in movies and tv shows, if a woman is smart and not hot, she will not be taken seriously. it’s the fucking male gaze. i’m so sick of this tired ass, lazy ass trope of “woman too smart for her own good... she has social issues because she is So Smart. Smarter than the other women. Also wears spandex all the time.” like choose one??? if someone is so intelligent that they spend nearly every breathing moment solving complex problems within their field, they’re gonna forget to shower. and don’t even get me started on exercise to reach that Hollywood Skinny.
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Hermione is the perfect example of this, especially the way they portray her in the movie. In the book, her transition at the gala is striking, because she generally doesn’t care what she looks like, with hair all over the place and an imposing personality that makes her less Attractive To Men. However, Emma Watson was chosen for this role, arguably one of the most conventionally beautiful women, and additionally they did everything to glam her up. Her entrance at the gala did not have a bit of the impact it meant to have had, because Hermione was already beautiful, styled to be beautiful, and generally a nauseatingly perfect character.
Standard Astronout Outfit:
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Literally every woman in the Marvel universe is Like This:
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Also that scientist chick from Jurassic World that ran from the dinosaurs in fucking high heels like kill me now:
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And look, I don’t mean to dig at these women for being Conventionally Hollywood Attractive. It’s not their fault, right? And I also am aware of the ugly woman scientist trope, and that there are films and media in general which tried to break the stupid stereotype that women can be only either smart or sexy, not both. But I’m just so tired of a portrayal of an intelligent, workaholic woman as a sex bomb, an eye candy for men. You don’t get all of these things at once. Women are imperfect. A lot of women spend most time not wanting to be looked at. A lot of women scientists are unsexy most of the time. That should be fine. Women should be portrayed as human in media.
I have to say, there are also plenty fantastic examples of smart women who are also beautiful and not portrayed in this way. In fact, there is more and more of them. My recent fav is Mary Malone from His Dark Materials:
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And don’t get me wrong here, I think Mary is h o t. In fact, I would let Mary raw me all night long. But her looks are nowhere near the center attraction of her character. It’s her intelligence, curiosity and kindness. She looks and dresses like a professor I could see at my campus. Her workaholism is expressed as having no family, spending all the time on her work, instead of strutting around in underwear with a bottle of whiskey. Her smarts ARE truly not good for her sometimes, she gets completely swallowed by her research. But she is never portrayed as a Sexy Woman In The Middle Of A Breakdown. And the best thing about Mary is, when she goes on a journey to a parallel world, she wears fucking hiker gear. HIKER GEAR. I love her sm.
Anyway, perhaps you can see my point why I really dislike the main character of the queens gambit without even seeing the series. Because the (record!) popularity of it reminds me of the fact that in the eyes of the world, a woman still has to be Sexy to be Smart. And I’m tired of it, folks. I’m really bored. Bring something new. I’ve seen a woman in underwear. I see her everyday actually. I want to see more female scientists that don’t give a fuck about male gaze, or anyone’s gaze for that matter.
That has been my TED talk.
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Going to a cat café with the boys is eventful!
WARNINGS: domestic, fluff, established? relationship, aged up for no reason
A/N: proudest of ushijima’s that is all akjsdjkasd also disregard random keyboard smashes, i think i caught them all but my cat kinda just did a dance on my keyboard ya know and uhhh yeah if you followed me for haikyuu!! now is the time to get your juice bc i have a [another] tsukki fic in the works
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100% his idea, or at least hes the one who initiated the date after hearing you offhandedly mention a new cat café coming to town, i feel like akaashi likes cats and dogs so he’ll be happy no matter what. but like cats just hold a special place in his heart because i dunno, akaashi lowkey reminds me of a cat, i have no explanation
akaashi honestly just thinks it would be cute to watch you interact with cats, like obviously he likes cats himself, but like w o w 
his s/o AND cats, how could this get better
“Y/N?” Akaashi spoke softly, arms wrapped around Y/N as he rested his head on their shoulder. Y/N hummed absentmindedly as they continued to cut the fruit before them, tilting their head towards him to indicate that they are listening. “I was thinking that for our date next week we could go to the cat café you mentioned.” 
Y/N pauses, their hands freezing as they spoke, “are you for real?”
Akaashi smiled, pressing a kiss to Y/N’s neck, “yes for real. You said you wanted to go and it sounds fun.”
“Have I ever told you how amazing you are?”
He offers them a small smile before pressing another kiss to their cheek, “Not often enough.” Comes his response, earning and eye roll from Y/N, though they lean further into his hold.
“Well, I’m excited to go with you.”
akaashi is the type to pay more attention to you than the cats, he finds your interactions with them entertaining and just all around thinks everything about that is adorable.
he loves watching you in general because he’s an observant kind of person. watching your mannerisms and interactions with others is how he kinda get to know you in his own sort of way, if that makes sense? he just compiles all this information about you in his head
obviously he’ll be petting cats as well but i feel like akaashi is actually really cold, like naturally cold, so cats might find that off putting but also he is probably really good with cats
they’ll be pestering him but he’s just watching you with a SOFT look on his face, like even the other people in the cat café are jealous watching because wow he likes likes you
likes to just hold cats, and cuddle, akaashi seems like the type to enjoy napping and could easily be compared to one himself because i dunno,,, he has cat vibes
Akaashi’s eyes don’t leave Y/N’s figure as he watches them pet the cat before them affectionately, a smile coming onto his face as he silently thanks himself for suggesting this. He absentmindedly strokes the cat seated in his own lap as his eyes meet theirs.
“Keiji we need to come back here.” They exclaim, smile on their face as they stare back down at the cat in glee.
He couldn’t help but wonder if they should consider adopting their own cat, nodding along to her words in agreement, “we should.” 
Y/N beams at Akaashi, moving closer to him to press a kiss to his cheek before returning their attention to the cat. In the corner of their eye, they can feel Akaashi’s eyes remain on them momentarily, before his gaze falls onto the cat once more. And Y/N can’t help but smile as they think of what the rest of the day holds.
And the cat they may or may not have been looking into buying.
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cat person HANDS down, i feel like this is a universally accepted fact, but cats are just calm. dogs definitely overwhelm kenma, they’re too high maintenance, and he probably finds them gross ngl.
i feel like he’s definitely wanted to go to a cat café with you, he’s just never asked because he thinks you’ll say no or smth
if you don’t ask he will ask eventually though, but i feel like you’d hear about a cat café nearby and be like wait kenma likes cats we should go
“Hey babe?” Y/N spoke from their seat on the couch, feet resting on Kenma’s lap and eyes still on their phone as they stared at the ad for the cat café.
Kenma on the other hand, sat with his eyes trained on the TV screen as he played on his many video games. He’s speaking lowly into the small mic connected to his headphones, but that doesn’t stop him from humming in reply to Y/N’s question as he brings a hand to move one of the headphones off his ear to listen. 
“Would you be interested in going to a cat café with me?”
Almost immediately, Kenma turns to Y/N, nodding far more eagerly than they expected. Kenma mumbles something into his mic before the TV screen goes black and he’s taking his headset off before spreading Y/N’s leg to move between them and rest his head on their stomach and look up towards them. “When?”
he would be so excited, like it would be the day of and he’d be trying to rush you out of the house because he wants to go see the cats n o w
don’t even try to talk to him when you finally get there because kenma is SUBMERGED in cats, he is no longer with you, his mind is with the cats. okay??? okay. glad we are on the same page.
kenma knows how to treat cats to get them to like him, he knows how to pet them and approach them, he has done research because he is SO READY to ask you about adopting a cat together— this is basically a proposal, say yes. 
in general the cats would enjoy his presence, he’s calm and wouldn’t manhandle them, he understands boundaries and isn’t going to bother cats that don’t want to be bothered
he probably wouldn’t like attract cats, but he definitely wouldn’t scare them off, and if you visit the cat café frequently enough they’ll all definitely start to gravitate towards you because wow!! the guy who gives good pets!!
yeah but dont go to a cate café for a date, you’ll get neglected, his attention is on the cats. he will, on occasion, look towards you and see how you are doing with the cats. this is a test to see if you are worthy of owning a cat with him
if you pass then he now wants to marry you congrats. 
slightly off topic but kenma strikes me as the type of person who is just cold all the time
A soft smile found its way onto Kenma’s face as he gently petted the cats, scratching behind its ear before looking up at Y/N, who stared at him with a smile of their own. “Having fun?” They asked, hand on the cat seated in their lap. 
The boy in question nodded, leaning downwards towards the cat, “we should come here again.” Y/N is about to reply when the cat in Kenma’s lap reaches up and swats aggressively at his hair, a look of shock followed by another smile making its way onto his face as he allowed more hair to come into his face.
“Yes, we definitely should.” 
Kenma looks up to Y/N, cheeks dusted in red as he tilts his head at her, “maybe we could adopt a cat.” He looks back down at the cat before him, “do you think they’d let us—”
“We both know the answer,” Y/N replies before he can finish, “but I’m sure we can look into it.”
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both a cat and dog person but cats hit different 
ushijima was probably talking about you with tendou, offhandedly, and he mentioned how he wanted to do something with you for like your anniversary or some sort of occasion or just purely because he is grateful for your existence
and then he was like, “yes I was considering taking them on a date to this—” he’s gonna say a fancy restaraunt and tendou is gonna be like lmao no
"So, what are you doing this weekend Ushiwaka?” Ushijima doesn’t same to take notice of Tendou’s suggestive brow raising, or the suggestive look on his face, much to Tendou’s dismay.
He replies nonetheless, “I intend to take Y/N on a date, they’ve done a lot for me and I figured they would enjoy the new—”
“Let me stop you right there my tall friend.” Ushijima frowned at the interruption but paused, gazing at Tendou with a look of confusion as he grinned widely at the renowned ace. “Cat cafés are the perfect way to express your gratitude to your lover.”
Ushijma tilts his head at Tendou, “cat café?” The questioning tone brings an incredulous look onto Tendou’s face as he stares at Ushijima.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know what cat cafés are– you seem like a cat person, there’s no way I was wrong—”
tendou suggested going to a cafe date, and i feel like its because he just has a feeling that ushijima wakatoshi likes cat, and is completely incapable of planning a date well enough
tendou lowkey wants to go— maybe even bringing goshiki along, suggesting that he could observe was elite aces do in their free time, something the young and easily influenced boy would definitely [eagerly] agree to do alongside tendou — but he thinks stalking you and ushijima is like...
ya know, stalkerish. not that this has ever stopped him before, but he has a feeling that ushijima would want to return to the cat café and he’d have another chance to witness his interactions with cats
speaking of
when y’all get there its gonna be... kinda chaotic
this can go two ways for ushijima, like he’s a big guy and i feel like he is on the warmer side because of this and his athleticism and stuff like that, a mini human heater if you will.
he is also very tall and resembles a tree
many cats will love him, coming over to him and winding between his legs, purring against him and enjoying his warmth. but also meowing at him until he p i c k s t h e m u p. ushijima is confused by this, but at some point he does pick up the cat to ask— literally ask — what is wrong, and it stops meowing so he’s like oh okay then you’re fine. he puts the cat down and its BACK TO MEOWING AT HIM AND HE’S???
there’s definitely going to be a cat that literally climbs him, like sinks its claws into his pant legs, and maybe even to the skin, and climbs up his body to try and steady its self on his shoulders
i feel like he has good pain tolerance so he should be fine
but there is definitely going to be a cat that does not like him and its like scared of him because wow!! tall human!! scary face!! no!!
ushijima is probably gonna watch you while all these cats are harassing him for attention, but no— his attention is on you, his beautiful s/o.
Y/N grinned as they watched their boyfriend stare down at the cat that rubbed itself against his pant legs, purring and meowing repetitively as it look up at him. “Babe, why don’t you pick up the cat?” Y/N suggested, gesturing with their free hand to the cat below. 
Ushijima offered them a small — and most definitely nervous — smile as he leaned down, eyes fixating on the cat as his hands came to its side and he lifted it upwards to cradle the cat in his arms. “What’s wrong?” He asked, eyes narrowing at the cat in confusion.
Y/N nearly laughed at the question as the cat ceased meowing, prompting Ushijima to frown as he nodded solemnly, “you want to be put down then?” He asks, freeing the cat from his grasp and gently placing it on the ground, only to be met with another, rather aggressive meow. 
He probably would’ve picked the cat up again had the small cat that had effectively evaded him their entire time in the cat café not appeared in the corner of his eye. Y/N watched as he turned slowly, gaze falling on the cat that stared at him with piercing eyes.
And then ran away.
A laugh escaped Y/N as they watched the interaction, only for Ushijima to look up at them and frown, huffing as he carefully maneuvered through the cat café in fear of hurting a cat. “Come here— no, stop that. Stop running—” His arms were extended outwards as he slowly walked towards the cat, brows pursed together in concentration.
Y/N simply stared, a small smile on their face as they decided they wanted to do this again. 
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tags: @therainroguefanfiction​ @iwaizoom​ @shawkneecaps​ @kuroirl​ @shinaus​
@beifongsss​ [bruh i dont even think you asked to be added but like i cant remember so] 
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shaggi · 3 years
if i could stop time, i would
info ; eren x reader ; soulmates ; 1.8k
content warning ; end of the world concept, mentions of not really wanting to live lol, gentle angst
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Day one. 72 hours until the world ends.
The world is going to shit. I know it is because I can hear the panicked buzz of mothers holding their children close and reassuring them as the news practically burned "we're all going to die" into our heads.
My fingers twitched as they held the dark blue fabric of my jeans. I'm terrified ㅡ as is the rest of the people watching the news ㅡ and it most definitely doesnt help when they plaster a large timer onto the screen counting down our days and hours left on our beloved blue planet.
"We never thought this day would come.. Ladies and gentlemen, we've reached the end of the chapter." The words echoed into the back of my mind. 'The end of the chapter'? I havent even really lived my life? I'm only seventeen.. I barely made it to graduation. I suck in a deep breath, filling my lungs fully before releasing the built up pressure.
Theres a burning sensation on my waterline, tears threatening to roll down my cheeks. My hands begin to shake when I think back to all the sleepless nights I spent not enjoying life. I took life for granted ㅡ and now it's going to end in three days. In seventy-two hours, it's all going to go away. That's not enough time to say all the things I didnt have a chance to say.
Wasted opportunities.
Wasted chances that I now no longer have control over.
My legs suddenly feel like spaghetti and walking seems like a foriegn topic to me. I just need to sit down, take a breather.
Who am I kidding. The storm inside me is raging on tonight and my hands have a handful of messy locks.
I catch glimpse of inked red calligraphy spelling out the name 'Eren' that is marked onto the inside of my forearm in small writing just an inch below my wrist. My heart swells with sadness.
The sense of realization settles in, practically telling me to 'let this sink in for a little'. I'm not ever going to get the chance to meet my soulmate. I'll never get the satisfaction of weaving their fingers with mine, to lay on the couch on cold winter nights with blankets drooped over our shoulders. Never get the chance to tell them I love them over and over again, to brush their hair behind their ears, grab them by the smooth skin of theirs and feel the fireworks of pressing my lips against their own.
I wont feel the sweet electricity course through me like people explained would happen when they touched their soulmate for the first time. I've spent seventeen years searching for this perfect person in the happiness of this little town. The universe promised a perfect person, they never promised me to meet them though.
The younger generations were lucky, for they werent born with marks. They werent tied to someone, so they dont have anything to lose other than the fact that they're too young to leave this world.
A crowd begins to pull outside, staring at the sky with both a mix of admiration and fear. The blue sky has begun to turn itself into a peach color. My town's happy vibe has now turned uneasy, scared, unsure.
That day, I walk home slowly when the sky begins to darken, taking the scenery of the autumn leaves disarray upon the concrete sidewalk. If the world is ending in three days, I'm going to make the most of it. Soak it up like a sponge. Do what I should've been doing these past seventeen years and love life for once ㅡ despite all the wrong. Despite the fact that I'll never graduate, and never meet my soulmate. I force myself to disregard the nagging thoughts that tug at my conscious.
I dont think about the fact that I'll never get a chance to buy my first apartment.
I dont think about how I wont be able to wake up every morning to make my significant other breakfast.
And I most certainly dont think about how I'll never be able to take my lovers hand at the alter and say with great pride, "I do."
Day 2. 48 hours until the world ends.
Today, I woke up early. Early enough that the sun still hasn't peaked over the clouds. They say that if you wake up early enough the day takes longer to end.
The aching pain in my chest never seems to cease. I laugh a little bitterly at the calander on the wall, I feel like its mocking me now. A part of me wants to rip the thing to shreds and scream until my throat is raw ㅡ but I said I'd make the best of these last days. So, I push these bitter thoughts from my mind and start up a warm shower.
Seventeen years of not wanting to be alive, and now I only have two days to live until the entire world completely goes to shit. Ironic, isn’t it? Why now am I so angry? The water is warm trickling down my bare body, as my shower thoughts continue treading forward to how I could make life better in less than forty-eight hours.
I walk down a different road today, deciding that routine wasnt necessary when the world is going to end in forty-eight hours. The countdown continues on nearby TVs, the bright white luminous against the dark morning sky.
It makes me feel anxious.
Destruction clouds my mind, but I bite my lip and hold my ground. This situation will not drive me crazy.
The town is a lot quieter than I expected, then again it's only 6 in the morning.
The day carries on just as any other day, the air seems heavier though. It's the night time that brings chaos.
You see, I've been walking around town all day blowing that last little bits of money I have on little things that have no purpose. The sky is the same sunset peach as it was yesterday, only barely hinting at a blue color.
There's a faint noise a few blocks from where I am standing, and at first I chose the ignore it. The yelling got louder and louder until I felt my feet pull like magnets to what was going on.
Chocolate hair, smooth tan skin shining under the soft orange of the sky, handfuls of someones shirt as this mystery man pinned some junky against the rough brick wall. His eyes held a killer glow, practically fuming from the ears. I was going to mind my own business, but then I saw the other strike at the brunette ㅡ and I dont know why, but I stepped in.
A surprise attack, a blow right to the face, maybe a minor bruise on my cheek from when the other decided to attack back ㅡ but soon he left. I turn my gaze back to the brunette who still sits on the floor, palms pressed into the concrete.
"I didnt need your help," he hissed, dusting his hands against the black fabric of his jeans.
"Oh you're welcome for saving your ass, wasnt a problem at all." My hand lifts to my face, pressing onto the bruise and wincing before squatting next to this stranger. "Is it bad? Let me see," The moment my hand makes contact with the others chin I feel the rush of electricity course through me.
Overwhelming is an understatement. Sweet emotions flooded through my mind but I can feel the pounding of fear in my veins, and bittersweet it was. When I retract my hand, I see that he's mirrored the exact expression I have; eyes blown wide, fear in the darks of his pupils.
"Eren..?" trying to keep my voice from cracking seems hard, and it comes out more like a whisper. This situation leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Where the hell has he been for seventeen years? Why is he just now showing up?
Eren immediately sprung to his feet, taking a few steps back with no words to say. I snatched at his left arm, pushing the sweaters sleeve up and over his forearm to see my name inked in blue against his paper skin. "So.. you're my soulmate?" I promise I didnt mean to make it sound disappointed ㅡ but in a way, I guess you could say I was.
So many questions raced through my mind; but the biggest question of all was why? Why now of all times we could've met? Why must I be gifted with the worst luck.
Eren isnt a bad person though, and in the few hours we've spent together I can tell you this; His favorite color is red, he lives with his mother and a girl that his family took in when they were very little - who he loves dearly, he can play guitar very well, he looks absolutely adorable with his hair tied up, and that's only the stuff he's told me within the first hour.
Words cannot express how much I wished we could have more time together, but the bright TV clocks continue to remind me that our time is running out.
"There's nothing more I'd rather do than to spend my last moments with you," Eren whispered, golden flecks in his beautiful ocean eyes. His hand was held in mine as the pained expression washed over his face. Somewhere in the conversation led us to this point of heartbreak. We both explained how we wanted nothing more than to meet earlier in life, but apparently the universe had a different plan.
The idea of parting with Eren now just seemed like a waste, and I'd much rather take my dying last breath next to the one I looked for my entire life. Falling in love is easy when you've got nothing to live for.
The walk back to my house is silent, but it's a comfortable silence, and we never seem to let go of each others hands. The house is quiet and dark when we enter.
The rest of the remaining night we have is spent cuddled under the thick blanket of mine, Eren held me close to his chest as we whisper sweet things that wont mean much in a few hours. Chaste kisses are showered over the male as I remind him of how I never stopped searching for him.
He studied my face, moving a strand of hair behind my ear before placing his palm onto my cheek and rubbing his thumb across the smoothness underneath my eye. I could feel my breath begin to shallow and my heart skip a beat. I loved the way his eyes sparkled under my dim-lit room, the way I could feel his heartbeat pulsing from how close we lay where, how steady his breathing was, and how gentle he caressed me.
Its bittersweet, and I never believed in the after life, but with him - maybe, just maybe, we will meet again in the next life.
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Not okay \P.P\
A/n: Hi yes, I don’t know what this is but I had a lot of feelings from FFH and that scene and I needed to write this to try and recover. It’s just a drabble about my feelings really.
word count: 1.3k
Warnings: MAJOR FFH AND ENDGAME SPOILERS!!! Please don't read this if you haven't seen FFH yet! also some swearing, panic attacks, unedited writing 
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Peter’s heart was racing so fast that it rang in his ears. Or maybe that was the heartbeats of the hundreds of people that were all looking at him. His picture still large on the screen. His name on a loop in his brain. He reaffirmed his grip on the streetlight he was perched on before swinging away as quickly as he could. He knew where he was going, where he needed to go.
Your mind was invested in the pages of your book occasionally peering down at your phone just to check for a text or phone call. Peter had texted you as soon as he’d landed back in New York and he said he’d be around to see you soon and tell you about his trip. You looked to your window but soon shook your head and peered down at the your book. And of course Venice would appear as soon as your eyes landed on the page. The place that Peter had texted you in wishing you were there with him.
You went to a different school to Peter so you hadn’t gone on the school trip with him, but he’d text you about it and you’d gotten updates not only from him but from the news as well speaking of the ‘Night-monkey’. You laughed at that and had teased him for days. But you’d avoided the world today, waiting only for Peter and his warm embrace again with excitement. You were just thinking about how much you missed him when there was a loud knock on your window.
You jumped up and ran over, pulling it open as soon as you saw the unmistakable red of his new suit. “Peter!” He entered, pulling off his mask and throwing it the floor because what even was the point anymore? You quickly pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek. He would have smiled if thoughts of that broadcast weren’t still fogging his brain and sending sparks of panic throughout his whole body because the bad guys were probably already knocking on his door. You were just talking about how much you’d missed him when he shook his head and you heard a sniffle. Your smile fell in an instant. “What’s wrong?” You pulled back and saw how much he was shaking. His words were jumbling together, and you could tell he was panicking. “Pete?” Your hands held his face firmly, urging him to look at you. You started to notice the cuts, bruises and starts of scars that lined his face.
“Shit- everything’s - it’s.” Peter broke from your embrace and started to pace your bedroom. His hand running down his face. “They know!”
“Who knows what?!” You asked calmly, taking a seat at the edge of your bed and encouraging Peter to sit with you but he shook his head, still pacing.
“Everyone! they know it’s me, they know I’m Spider-man Y/n!” Peter gestured towards the window, his eyes wild and panic-stricken. You returned the expression but tried to remain calm at the same time. Peter nodded his head even as you didn’t say anything, the way your heartbeat sped up spoke a thousand words.
“Okay tell me everything.” You took a deep breath.
“I haven’t got time, I’ve got to fix this!” Peter’s voice was an octave higher as he yelled. You were taken aback. This is bad. The thought you knew already only proved further by the next word that left Peter’s lips. “Fuck.”
You hid your surprise and instead bit your lip, trying hard to think of ways to calm him down. “Pete.” You tried the calm approach again, only watching as the panic surfaced more and more, his breathing becoming unsteady. “Peter!” The loudness of your voice made him stop and turn to you. “Will you just sit down please?” Peter’s wide brown eyes met your pleading ones and he nodded, sinking down onto the bed. You put hands on his arms and tried to get his breathing to slow until it matched your own. You wiped some tears that had fallen from his cheeks, careful to avoid the injuries that made your heart threaten to fall from its confines.
“Okay well first of all, Nick Fury shows up at my hotel room and shots Ned with a tranquilizer…”
Peter went through the story of his vacation, some things you knew from his texts and calls and others you didn’t.
“Yeah, yeah that’s not the point.” Peter shook his head, ignoring the way your eyes bore into him, wide and full of shock. That definitely seemed like something he should have mentioned before but then again how would he have said that without you booking the next flight to where he was.
“Peter! A TRAIN. HIT. YOU.” You tried not to yell, you really did but the thoughts of your boyfriend being hit by a train was not an image you could rid of easily. Peter saw your look and reached for your hand as a reminder that he was okay.
“Yes it hurt, and I passed out and woke up in the Netherlands.” Peter explained as if it wasn’t a big deal and you fought back a scoff. “Did you know they’re so nice over there?” You blinked at his simplicity of the situation before shaking your head in answer to his question.
Peter sensed your worry even though he had been trying to change the subject. He tightened his grip on your hand and was just about to remind you that he was okay and here with you when he heard the tv from the next room increase in volume and J. Jonah Jameson’s voice booming into Peter’s ears once again.
“Pete? It’s okay.” However despite your words you could feel yourself panicking with him as you heard his name being called from the tv followed by a gasp from your parents.
“No y/n. No it’s not. How is this okay?!” Peter’s voice was still yelling but he’d lowered himself to a whisper because your parents would be alert now that your boyfriend was Spider-man and according to the tv had called a strike on London.
“I don’t know.” You shook your head hopelessly before meeting Peter’s eyes and exchanging a look of worry. Peter’s eyes drooped with sadness.
“I wish Tony was here.” His words were breathless, and it wasn’t words you hadn’t heard before but this time it wasn’t just because Peter missed him. Neither of you knew what to do.
Peter knew he should be trying to fix this mess, he should be doing something but ten more minutes in your arms seemed like a nice option. He was reminded of how you would tell him “Anger clouding your mind isn’t going to help anything.” He thought about what Tony would do and that’s when it occurred to him.
“That’s it!”
You watched in confusion as Peter jumped up and reached for his phone. He loaded something on the screen and sat by you. It was a video, the video of Tony’s press conference from 2008. You remembered watching it when you were younger on the news, your eyes lighting up at the thought that superheroes were real and not just stories. Peter remembered a similar memory of his own.
“So what? You’re just going to tell the world you’re Spiderman?”
“No not exactly.”
You looked at Peter curiously as he tried to give you a hopeful smile.
“There’s been a lot of rumours about who I am and what I did in London. I’m not here to make up a story or excuses but I can tell you that the man who released that video cannot be trusted. And if you still have faith in me then thank you. I promise to get you the truth.” Peter felt panic rise in his chest as he finished the last word. The reporters in front of him burst into questions but thankfully, Happy was already rushing him off stage with a “No comment.”
“Okay. Now what?” You asked as soon as you spotted Peter coming out from the room. He hugged you tightly and took a moment to listen to your heartbeat to calm his own down. “We could go back to London and find the footage?” You said hopefully.
“No it’s all destroyed.” Peter shook his head with a frown, biting his lip.
“There is another option.” You pursed your lips and bit the inside of your cheek, Peter’s worried glance switching to confused. “We get help.”
A/n: IM SO SORRY I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS IS but I have withdrawal from FFH and I’m scared of what this all means (for that reason I’m not going to post my taglist)
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dolce-fritz · 5 years
So being the new evil girlfriend is fun
So recently my Partner has had some majorly stupid ass drama with their ex. Like this girl, she’s loopier then the Olympic oval, Like normally I’m nice and don’t slander people but like. She’s just, hoo boy. A mess.
And yeah this is from a completely biased stand point. And I’m about to tell you why that I feel the way that I do about this girl from my own experiences. This is going to be long winded, so I’m putting it under a read more. 
So I moved from the lovely state of Utah this year, my homelifes never been 100% great. I love my mom but our issues clash and we do better separate. Not to mention I really wanted to try it out in another state again and this time the right way and not just a spur of the moment decision while i visited like what happened with Florida.
Well, planned my vacation to See my at the time friend to see if I really liked it there.  I knew about their recent split with their Ex, and the two seemed pretty amicable about it. The other roommate was.... hoo, a mess to say the least. and My friend didn't want to be alone with her because they actually had been wanting to tell her to leave because of the issues that she'd brought into the home. anyways that in itself was a bit of drama.
So I was like OK. I'll come check it out and if I like it I'll be your new room mate.
Well. I plan my trip about four weeks out. and end up pretty excited about it. Come to find out with no real surprise that My friends Ex is going to move out before Octobers over.
My friend starts panicking. again doesn't wanna be alone with the other roommate that they're having hardships with. So I say ok... I'm going to do this vacation, then im just going to move on the 20th so I can get my stuff packed.
Shits already starting to go down hill.
I get there. everything seems fine. The ex seems nice, things seem ok. the other roommates.... already trying to cause shit with me and im not even physically in the house. I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor in an old office space. bought a bunch of furniture because at this point. I know I'm moving here. Its going to happen. This is where I'm going to live might as well help my friend end up getting it taken care of.
Well. Day three of my vacation hits. The ex drops that her dad wants her to move out that day. completely screws the pooch for my friend and the other roommate. And basically bails on them and leaves the house just with the things she wants and then just leaves all the rest of her junk here like its her own storage unit. claims she’ll be back for the rest [ Spoilers never happened]  so that... right there puts this sour taste in my mouth. Cause yeah, me and her ex at that point are sharing a bed. Because like theres only three beds in the house until she ends up leaving and so my friends like ill just sleep with you. me i’m very fine sharing my sleeping space with my friends. i’ve done it literally all my life. hell a its not a goodnight sleep unless your on your best friends bed snuggling the shit out of her kaneki ken body pillow listening to true crime documentaries on the TV but like seriously it was no big deal to me. which im begining to wonder if it was a big deal to her. Either way apparently instead of waiting till i officially moved. she bailed and forced my hand. So I had to stay, I couldn’t properly say goodbye to my mom. couldn’t properly get my shit packed. all cause I really didn’t want to leave my friend alone till I could officially move in. So already, I started getting a slight distaste in my mouth for her. but I let it slide. I know how overbearing parents are sometimes.  well, so i cancelled my flights. money spent that i was never going to end up getting back that I could’ve later used towards something for the house.  The girl left. and I was left, Cleaning up the mess that she walked out of and left behind.  Turns out my friend was the only one that was cleaning up around the house. and working a part time job, while trying to side hustle some art for extra money.  They were the one that was handling all the utilities, while their ex was buying everyone food. Separate it would’ve been an easier task if it was just the two of them. but you add in the extra roommate that was only paying her share of rent and none of the food and utilities and shit starts piling up. Well.  sat down and looked at all the finances. found out that while yeah the Ex was making the most money. She didn’t bother to help out with any of the chores. I mean, they split the dish duty. And i’m sitting here wondering how long this pan of fish oils been on the stove for. had to buy new pans cause they were growing cultures.  Hell half her chores and the other roomates were doing the cat boxes. dude it was shit mountain in there. it was so bad the cats were going in the corner. Yet it was like my friend was expected to pick up after them and pick up their slack because they didn’t work as many hours as the other two. Which I’m sorry. if you can’t balance cleaning up after yourself. and working how the hell are you going to live on your own.  Well in comes me, the living off disability. [ which is not a glorious life] I have a lot of time on my hands. so first few days we douche out the house. things start looking good.  in comes the ex to get something and brings this utter douchebag of a man that boasts about him being the whole reason that they broke up. Which like when we were moving out the ex. the ex’s dads...girlfriend??? was like dont let them take advantage of you. which like made me pull up a shit ton of questionmarks. cause yeah i wasn’t going to let the other roommate do that cause i was kinda aware what her game was and it wasn’t playable with me.  everyone had their part to play in this household, and I wasn’t going to play mother for anyone. Well in comes this guy. boast about how he wont let anyone take advantage of her again and im like sure w/e dude. but like i started like... questioning wtf she was actually telling people that my friend actually did to her.  see, what i was told was that it was an intimacy issue. my friends pretty Asexual so like there wasn’t alot of physical involvement. and that things just weren’t going the way that their ex wanted them to. Turns out it was SOOOO much more then that. so curious me, got digging about this girl cause shit just wasnt really adding up.  and I started finding out things. At this time, friend started turning to partner. and eventually we started dating which made shit a lot more uncomfortable with me and this girl. cause yanno, new girlfriend. ex girlfriend. two things dont usually mesh well in situations like this.  Well so, started finding out that while in a relationship she was leading on a bunch of other guys, and at work would like do this whole “im bi” thing if the guy was cute. like she was very male centered for a “lesbian”  She was super horny on main during DND which made EVERYONE uncomfortable. to top it all off she was a narcissist, that had a victim that she could toy with.  She tried to convince my partners parents while they were still together, to talk to their child when there were behaviours that she didnt like. She tried to have an intervention with their friends to force them into transitioning FtM when they were happy just being nonbinary.  they would gaslight them, manipulate them, and  abuse them. I watched this girl in the span of three weeks tear my partner down with her words in front of me. and be nothing but venomous to them. for no other reason then they were actually happy.   While spining all these stories of how she was the one that was wronged.  Well, I started having enough of her coming around just so she could be mean to my partner. She’d come over. immediately go to our fridge to drink some of the booze she left and then pick at my partner for small insignificant things only because she wanted to fight. When i had enough of that. I told my partner, we’re going to DnD early. she can find her own ride.  She came to a family party, invited unknowingly by my partners brother that’s been over seas and in the military. She thought she was going to get a hookup complained she wasn’t having fun because he wasn’t paying attention to her. Snapped at my partners nephews because they wanted to play and made one of them cry. and was just toxic to be around.  That was strike two.  Strike three was watching how she conducted herself around our dnD group. she’d had this guy, mister “ i saved you from your bad relationship” on speed dial, and would tell him things. and then sit and shit talk him when she was bored with him to everyone. We were all sick of it.  The ending straw with me, was when we finally wanted to be done with this drama. told her three months before hand to get off the car insurance. and it wasn’t done. ended up causing a big thing.  She started saying that she’d leave the DND group to make things easier. because Thats what my partner would want. At this point i couldnt stand it any longer. Three months talking to everyone that physically knows her. and see’s what she’s becoming lead everyone to say the same thing about her She was turning into her mother.  No i know fuck all about that. i dont know her mother, i dont know anything about her. I know she’s on a shot that fucks with your brain and ends up messing with your body. I also was on the DEPO shot for three years of my life and its caused so many problems after i was off it.  and thats what i tried to impart to her my wisdom on.  therapy, and a depo shot.  now how we got there is really long winded, and highly dramatic.  id admitted to her our dnd group wanted to chat. she was pushy, respected no ones boundaries, and left our friends house a complete mess. just like she left ours... and god, she ended up pissing me off cause the girl left slippers caked in cat puke in my tub after staining my bathroom doing her hair dye. she disrespected my home, she disrespected out friends, and our friends home. and she was needlessly mean and cruel to everyone around her that didnt serve some purpose to her.  So yeah she had to go.  Here i am thinking that this is the end of it. but i get updates about how I’m apparently the worst abuser in the world just cause I told some spoiled brat of a woman to get off a shot that messes with the brain, and to seek therapy cause this girl needs help. Funny thing is im not the only one that said it. apprently just the loudest voice to have said it.  and this bitch still thinks i dont like her cause she’s not ‘ providing for us financially” We may not have a high roller life. but damn we’re doing just fucking fine. 
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kewltie · 5 years
Somehow, in the last couple of weeks I got a slew of new people coming to my blog and hit 1k followers(○□○). I’m beyond shocked. Like, I’m pretty sure 90% of you are bots or inactives but to those that are breathing: hello, and thanks for sticking with me! I’m stoke and humbled by your presence especially those that been with me for so long now. I may not know you personally but you know me. Maybe not very well since I’m intensely private and all I do is ramble about my accursed writing habits lmao but!!!! You’re here anyway despite everything and I’m very grateful for your constant support. 
So to welcome to new people and because I don’t I ever did any introduction post before. 
Hello, I’m kewltie. QT. Trina. That girl who keep starting shit and never finishing it a;sjdf;alsjdf;alsjdfa. I’M TRYING. Anyway, here are a few notable things about me and this blog in case you wanna make sure this is someone you wanna, ya know, stick around: 
this is my writing blog. so all you’ll see are huge block of texts from either teasers of stuff im currently working or random pieces that im in the mood for but mostly it’s just me complaining about writing sobs. 
i’m in my mid 20s and have been in fandom since i was like preteen. LJ-era, so yea im a fandom oldie. over a decade of experience here. 
since i have been through several fandom purges bc of ya know censored ship ://///  im very much YKINMK aka Your Kink Is Not My Kink but your kink is okay!!! i dont care for your problematic kinks or ships bc i have my own so yea im cool with you if you are cool with me. 
i live in socal so i come off as US-centric sometimes but im vietnamese. 
bnha is the fandom im writing and most active in but im in like a gazillion fandom. a hyperbole but kinda true?? supernatural, hannibal, voltron, harry potter, 1D, kpop, marvel, sherlock, etc. but you won’t see any of those fandom post here since i only write for ONE fandom at a time bc i cant focus on anything else /o\ lol. 
i swear a lot. like, A LOT. regularly, religiously like every twenty words out of my mouth is a fuck you. it doesn’t mean anything honestly. i just do it when im being overly emotional so when im exicited, upset, sad, etc. 
im overly emotional and sensitive w/ a truck load of anxiety and crippling self esteem.... so i dont do well interacting w/ people. mostly. i try tho!!!!! i mainly just keep to myself and stay in my corner of the fandom. i dont care for fandom drama or anything like that. i just want to read and write in peace. kthx. 
when i make a post on here it’ll mostly be in lowercase, mostly in caps, abuse the word like, and use a lot of exclamation point like 90% of the time. 
i identified as queer. and maybe demisexual/grey-ace??? idk sexuality is confusing and im still figuring it all out but i know at least im comfortable with the label queer. 
i dont write smut for personal reason. maybe one day in the future but its’ not for me right now. dont have a problem reading it but writing is impossible for me. 
i dabbled in all genres. i dont really have a specific genre/niceh i personally enjoy more than the rest or specialized in. i love fantasy, scifi, horror, romance, kinks etc etc. so you’ll find me producing just about anything. you may get trash rom com one day, epic space opera the next, fantastical tales of gods and magic after that, some dark twisted shit later, and anything really when the mood strike me. 
i write for MYSELF. everything i ever produce is bc i wanted it so i did it. so if a fic idea is terrible is only bc I HAVE TERRIBLE TASTES. 
im a very whimsical writer. i write demanding largely on my mood and whatever strike my fancy so it’s all RANDOM which also mean i procrastinate and have a long list of WIPs. i never run out of ideas so that’s the big problem sobs. 
im a voracious reader. if i have to chose b/t writing or reading, it would be reading EVERYTIME YOU ASK ME. i have a semi-secret ao3 reading account with 1k+ bookmarks across various fandoms. it’s my pride and joy!!!!!!!!!!! i love reading fanfic so much T_____T. 
i am a media junkie. i love reading comics (manhwa, manga, webtoons, manhua, etc), watch kdrama/cdramas, love nature/space docu series, tv-shows, etc etc so that leak a lot into my writing. whatever im reading/watching can have influence my reading like wanting to write a gazillion palace aus bc i can’t stop burning through chinese palace/harem dramas. 
i may not be good w/ people but i hope i come off as easy and chill bc i really am!!!! honestly im more afraid of you than you are of me so uh, hi and you’re rad and thanks so much for following me even though i dont think im worth your time lmao /o\. I DONT WANT TO DISAPPOINT YOU BUT I KNOW I WILL. uh, like i said paper thin self esteem.
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nathanmillers · 5 years
tagged by @zavens!! thank you so much for thinking of me :)
rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) peeps.
my shows:
1. the 100
2. teen wolf
3. shadowhunters
4. daredevil
5. stranger things
1. who is your favorite character in 2?
— scott!! he will always have a place in my heart because he’s so soft, courageous, and will 100% do anything for the people he cares about. he also has a strong moral compass that is unique about him in the show, because he honestly just wants to save everyone, even the bad guys. he was done dirty in his own show— constantly being overshadowed, made a true alpha but then barely being able to use his powers to their full potential because “reasons.”
2. who is your least favorite character in 1?
—i would say e.cho, but she isn’t really a character at this point (just a plot device), so i’m just gonna go ahead and say octanakin
3. what is your favorite episode of 4?
—probably 3x13 because it was an excellent finale and the acting was truly INCREDIBLE on everyone’s part.
4. what is your favorite season of 5?
— two, because they introduced some new characters really well while also making me love the recurring ones even more. the character-driven and action-driven episodes were well-balanced and babysitter!steve was iconic.
5. who is your favorite couple in 3?
— it’s a tie between malec and sizzy, i just love them both!
6. who is your favorite couple in 2?
—yeah i’m basic and ship stydia. i just wish we would have gotten more actual canon content than a kiss and then ... barely anything at the end of the last season.
7. what is your favorite episode in 1?
— day trip was thrilling, humorous, and also provided essential dynamic-building for bellarke, but i also love nevermore because it was INTENSE and lindsey’s acting was amazing! nevermind was incredible too. agh, there are too many to choose from
8. what is your favorite episode of 5?
— 2x09had all the best content: babysitter!steve, “yeah it’s me dont cream your pants”, amazing acting, el being badass, dad!hopper, will being cared for, etc
9. what is your favorite season of 2?
— season 3 is one of the best seasons in american television
10. how long have you watched 1?
— since june 2015 when only season 1 was on netflix and season 2 was still ongoing. i think it was on 2x06 when i caught up (it took me 24 hours to watch it all)
11. how did you become interested in 3?
— i was a big fan of the mortal instruments books, so of course i was ecstatic when it was going to become a tv show. i loved the cast (particularly how they actually made clary a redhead and not a red-velvet-head, added so much diversity, and made alec not look 35) and watched the pilot it when it aired. i ended up liking it a lot more than the books, which i have since stopped reading because there are way too many and i find them problematic and annoying
12. who is your favorite actor in 4?
— i’m gonna be a basic bitch and say charlie cox. his performance as daredevil is amazing and his emotional range is fantastic— he played matt’s dark side really well and is also capable of being the softest bean!! he’s also so funny in general
13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
—i like them all for different reasons, but i’m the most emotionally invested in 1 for now. it has me in a chokehold with no sign of letting me escape.
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
—the 100 has had more seasons, so 1.
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
—karen page because she is my MOM.
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
—i feel like anything is capable in the marvel universe. matt encountering shadowhunters while fighting crime in hell’s kitcen?? discovering that there are demons lurking around?? it could totally work. i can see simon fanboying over matt’s fighting skills and i would love to see him obliterate “the infamous jace herondale” in a sparring match!
17. pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple
—remember during season 3b when people shipped raven and jasper? yeah, i was one of them (i still have their ship tag on my blog but i can’t remember what it is!). i think it had potential because jasper was so concerned about her and they bonded over their trauma (“nothing like a little pain to remind you you’re still alive”). they had such a great dynamic that was constantly overlooked!
18. overall, which story has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
—i’d say 3 because the worldbuilding is better. i don’t think we were ever given an explanation for the upside down or why hawkins is where the gate is, aside from the fact it’s a parallel universe (or something?). why did the demogorgan choose 1983 to strike? if these were answered, i forgot about it. also, shadowhunters does an incredible job giving each character a storyline and development, which i think was lacking for some of the characters in season 3 of ST.
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
—both of them are just instrumentals snjsjsjajs omg but teen wolf’s iconic DUN DUN, DUN DUN, DUNANANANANNANANANANANA will always make me go ham. daredevil’s theme music is beautiful but it’s also pretty long and i usually skipped it.
tags: @hostagetakerandhistraitor @clarkgriffon @thelightreflects @bellaarke @notsoplatonicsoulmates @kombellarke @cllarkegriffin @galaxyblake @blakes-griffin @bellamysgriffinprincess
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Let’s start with you. How are you? Struggling, but here we are. What motivates you to get up every day? My body wakes me up and I finally drag myself outta bed for coffee. Do you have a true best friend? My mom.  Do you see yourself as a sensitive person? Very.  Have you been upset recently? Mhm.
Do you still leave/receive voicemails? I hateeee leaving voicemails. I very rarely get voicemails anymore. Do you live in your hometown? Yeah. Are you a festive person? Do you enjoy holidays? I love the holidays. Did you/Will you attend college? I did. I graduated in 2015. How many alarm clocks do you use? I’ve been known to just turn it off and fall back asleep, so I have to set several. Do you consider yourself to be an open-minded person? Yeah. Do you eat fruit? I like some fruits, but I’ve never been a big fruit eater. I honestly haven’t had any fruits in at least 3 years, possibly 4. What is your favorite subject to learn about? Psychology.  How many meals a day do you typically eat? 2-3 on good days, sometimes just 1, sometimes none. Music, eh? Have you seen any live shows? Yeah, a few. Name three of your favorite bands/artists… I have many. How big of a role does music play in your life? I enjoy music, but I don’t listen to it as much as I used to.  Can you play any instruments? I used to play some piano, but it’s over 10 years now since I’ve played. You’re feeling down - do you listen to sad music or happy? I gravitate toward the sad stuff. Ya know, #relatable and all that. If you’ve ever been to a concert, how old were you and who did you see? I’ve been to a few. My first one was when I was 16. The others were when I was 18 and early 20s. Do you prefer music to be meaningful and deep, or purely for dancing/fun? I like both. Is there a song or artist that you secretly enjoy, but don’t want to enjoy? No. I like what I like, I don’t care. If you could only listen to music from one decade, which would you choose? That’s toughhh. I love my 90s, but I like variety of music from different decades and like to listen to a bit of everything, so it would be hard to choose just one.  Has your parents taste in music in any way affected what you like? Yeah. We like a lot of the same stuff, especially my mom and I. You’re looking for some new music - what’s your preferred way to discover? Spotify. Do you still own any CD’s/records/tapes? Nope. A few years ago I sold them to a record store. Do you download music for free or pay for it? I use Spotify. We have the premium subscription, so we pay for it. Well, my mom does :X It’s a group plan thing that we have. Do you ever hear a new song on tv that you like and find it? Yeah, there’s been many times I’ve heard a song in a commercial or TV show/movie and looked it up. Speaking of television… (look at that smooth transition!) Do you watch a lot of television? Whether that be shows, news, movies etc. My TV is always on, but it does serve as background noise a lot. I have my shows I watch and pay attention to, and then there’s times I have something on and I tune in and out.   Do you watch the news? I watch entertainment news more often, but yeah I watch the regular news like The Today Show or some of our local news sometimes. I get most of news online, though. What about the weather channel? No. I just use the app on my phone.  What’s your favorite holiday movie? I love Christmas movies, there’s too many to name. What hooks you to a television show? Drama, suspense, comedy etc. I like all that, just depends on the plot really. How do you feel about adult cartoons? Not really my thing.
Talk shows - boring or entertaining? I watch a few. Do you prefer cable, satellite or streaming? We have satellite and we have streaming services like Netflix and Hulu as well.  Have you come across any new shows you like this year? I have a list of shows I want to watch, but haven’t gotten around to, yet. I think the only new shows I’ve watched were The Hills: New Beginnings and I got into Whose Line is it Anyway?, both new and old seasons lol. I used to watch it during its original run, but I recently started watching again because this one channel airs it every weeknight. OH, The Act on Hulu was really good. That was the Gypsy Rose mini series. But yeah, there’s a lot of shows I need to get around to watching.  Do you still watch shows that you grew up watching? Yep, a few.  What about movies that you grew up with? Lion King and Toy Story are mine! Yep, many. Are you subscribed to any streaming services? Netflix and Hulu. Reality shows - entertaining or horrifying? I watch quite a few, ha. What is the first movie you ever saw in a cinema? I don’t know the very first, but the one that always comes to mind for some reason is Stuart Little. I know that’s not the very first, though. Let’s talk about what you don’t discuss at Sunday brunch… Do you identify with any organized religion? Christianity. If so - is it how you were raised, or have you found your own? My paternal grandparents are Christians and I went to church and Sunday school sometimes with them, but my parents weren’t/aren’t religious. They both believe in God, but they didn’t raise me with any religion. I was actually atheist and then agnostic for most of my life, up until 3 years ago. Do you think that marijuana should be legalized? Yes. If so, would that be for medical use only, or recreational? It has a lot of benefits so definitely for medical/health purposes, but I don’t care if people want to do it recreationally.  Pro-life or pro-choice? Have you ever protested or been on strike? No. Is gun control necessary or no? Yes of course.  Are you happy with the political state where you reside? Blahhh politics. Why do you feel that way? Have you read the book 13 Reasons Why or watched the show? Both. I read the book in high school or middle school, I don’t remember which and I’ve watched the show. The tv show brings teenage suicide to light in a graphic manner. Should shows like this be available to everyone or could it be a trigger? I mean, I think it’s something that needs to be talked about. It’s a real thing and we can’t act like it doesn’t exist. Mental illness is already so taboo and people don’t want to talk about, so it gets pushed under the rug and there’s stigma attached to it and people aren’t educated on it like they should be. I understand it can be triggering and difficult for people and that’s fine, they don’t have to watch it if they feel they can’t. I also want to note that there were warnings before each episode.  Okay, let’s simmer down. Back to happy things. Do you like animals? Yes. If so, do you have any pets? Yep, I have a doggo. (: What is your favorite day of the week and why? * I dont have a favorite day of the wk. They’re prtty much all the same to me <<< Same. Do you have a favorite season? Fall and winter. How do you enjoy nice scents? Candles, wax melts, incense, oils etc. I have a few candles actually, but I never light them lol. They smell great, though. We have a few wax warmers around the house, though, which are nice. I like those because I don’t have use fire. I also like to use some air fresheners, just nothing too strong. Do you live in a large city or small town? It’s medium sized I’d say. Are you happy with that or would you like to change it? I’d like to live in a smaller city, I think.  Do you have any children? Nooo. Are there any colors that you think compliment you? Black. Do you enjoy cleaning or find it to be a chore? I definitely don’t enjoy it. What is your absolute favorite food? For the past few months it’s been scrambled eggs with cheese and spinach by itself or wrapped in a tortilla, bologna sandwiches, Ramen, and pizza.  If you were any color, what would you be? Gray. Do you spend a lot of time on social networks? Yeah. Books or movies? I enjoy both.
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noiseartists · 5 years
Loomer: Bliss from Brazil
Loomer, from Brazil, are another great Shoegaze band (or Nu-gaze band if you are timely conscious) that have emerged on the worldwide scene in the last decade.
The band is currently composed of 4 members:
Stefano (Male vocals/guitar),
Michelle (Female vocals/bass),
Richard (guitar)
Guilherme (Drums).
They are currently on the Midsummer Madness label. Looker have released two EP’s and two albums as of the time of writing this, May 2019.
Loomer certainly wear their influences on their shoes (See what I did there!) but Stefano (Lead male vocals/guitarist) insist that they do not force the music that they make and that they are different people and each member brings their own influences and ideas to the studio.  
They really live up to the title of indie as they are independent in their creating and recording of their own songs. Since their 2nd EP ‘Coward Soul’ the band have mixed all of their work and mastered all of it, bar the debut album ‘You Would Not Anyway’ which was also recorded in various places ranging from the comfort of home to an unorthodox location such as a beach!
Loomer prefer to start playing tinny, trebly sounding arpeggios that are more concentrated on authentic guitar tone blended with a bit of bliss that is reminiscent of Swervedriver, in particularly, the outro of their 1993 hit from Sophomore album Mezcal Head; Duel. In fact, their inclination of rock style lead guitar playing and the tone that they select would fit well into any Swervedriver song.  However, Loomer are far from being a rip off band. Their ability to stay clear from obvious guitar effects like Reverse Reverb (which has been subject to over kill in the Shoegaze genre for the last 30 years) and floaty guitar tone sucking ambience is refreshing.
Their first EP’s were ‘Mind Drops’ (2009), followed by ‘Coward Soul’ (2010) and the two albums are ‘You Would Not Anyway’ (2013) and ‘Deserter’ (2017). The first EP’s are both raw in sound quality, like they were made in 1988 and immediately, I can hear comparisons to The Jesus and Mary Chain  (Check out the tracks ‘Search On Your Own’ and ‘Damned’ with Jim Reid style deep vocals and more ear-piercing feedback than your English teacher gave you at school), damn, these guys are loud!
The other EP ‘Coward Soul’ (2010) reminds me initially of Sonic Youth because of the raw octave, harmonic, rapidly strummed spring reverbed guitar playing, and the sudden outbursts of punky shouting during the refrains. This is also the first EP that features female vocals blended with Stefano’s vocals in the form of Michelle, like Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon. The debut album ‘You Wouldn’t Anyway’ aesthetically catches my eye with very 60’s psychedelic cover art that is lit up in a striking purple colour and the music is better produced than their EP’s.
The track ‘Enough (From the debut Mind Drops EP) starts with an interesting tinny slightly delayed single note riff before launching into a raucous, unstoppable and solid wall of sound that features a joyous, bouncy vocal melody encapsulated. Ethereal, fragile but endearing female vocals enter the fray in the first refrain section gliding along with the deeper, reassuring male vocal creating a balance or maybe an imbalance to the music that the band themselves admit to liking the sense of mystery in their songwriting and sound. Classic My Bloody Valentine right there, hence the name of this band. The ending mellows out but instead of the abrasive guitars transforming into ethereal, angelically ambient tools of sorcery,
On their Album ‘Deserter’, a track that grabbed me is the penultimate song, ‘Another Round’ which begins with one very fuzzed up guitar and a few abrupt un-musical jack input noises to create suspense. The guitar tones on this track are pure gorgeous and they also vary. Each section of this song has something different going on with the guitars, whether in terms of tone or chord changes or playing technicalities, it’s all evolving all of the time, sometimes subtle, sometimes blatant.  The fuzz that growls and a purrs like a V8 engine in an American muscle or British lightweight sports car appears in the pre-chorus section acting as a soothing haze coinciding with the floaty vocal lines. This track is by far one of the catchiest and interesting tunes from the album without being too simple or boring.  
The album finale, appropriately named ‘Opinions’  features a mind bending dentist drill guitar effect that emerges at the Thirty One, Fifty mark of the album and emerges again near the end ad sees out the remainder of the song. Again, this is a track full of surprises that gives the listener one final treat before the album ends and all of a sudden, the world seems like such a quiet and dull place.
Therefore, this album, this artist do their job as a huge aspect of the essence of Shoegaze music is to transport the listener and when the music stops, the holy experience is over and the world is bland again, and that’s when you really appreciate the benefit of this incredible genre that we call Shoegaze. Loomer certainly capture this essence.
Link to ‘Enough’ from debut EP, Mind Drops (2009) below:
Stunning track from debut EP, Mind Drops (2009)
Where are you from in the Brazil? Where are you living now?
I, jaquelina and guilherme were born in Rio Grande Do Sul, south of Brazil. Fernanda was born in Santa Catarina, also in southern Brazil. Richard was born in Germany. And Michelle was born in the United States. At the moment, Fernanda who played bass with us is living in Florida United States, and Michelle is living in Porto Alegre, she is our current bass player now.
What did you study?
I studied Electronic Engineering. Richard and Guilherme studied design. Fernanda studied psychology. Jaquelina is a self-taught artist. Michelle is studying civil engineering.
What is your day job at present if any?
I like my job, but I dont really want to talk about it. Sorry...
Do you dream to live from your music or is it a passion you do not want to spend your full time on?
I don’t really know. I’m following what life offers me. I really love music and cannot stop doing that.
Do you have families?
I live with my wife Jaquelina. We don’t have any children yet. Michelle lives with Andressa, her girlfriend. Fernanda lives with Kim, her wife. Richard lives with Maria, his wife. Guilherme is divorced and is the only one of us who has a son, Gabriel.
Could you tell me how the band meet and decided to do music together?
I was playing another band called Transmission. In the year 2005 Richard came to live in Porto Alegre, and formed another band called Lautmusik, as he liked my band we decided to do a tour together in 2007. But things ended up not working, Transmission stopped playing in 2007 because the singer has moved to another country. Because of that, we probably ended up making a band.
Guilherme, was already my acquaintance, we played in another band called Materia Plastica, and he came to join us as our drummer. Liege was the last one to join the band, but that gave the finishing touch in the formation, took the bass and made the backing vocals in some songs and sang others. Later in 2013 the Liege left and entered the Fernanda that already played with me in the band Parkplatz. This is the formation that resists to this day.
Can you tell me the inspiration behind your band? You can detect the influences of shoegaze and indie rock. There is also a very interesting duality with some violence in the music that is always balanced by some tranquility with the feminine voice or other means. It is a great example of ying and yang or masculine / feminine influences. Is it on purpose?
We did not try to force the music we made. I mean, at least we think so. We are different people, and each one brings their influences to the music. Sometimes the core of the song is composed at home grossly and finalized in the studio over many essays, other times it is completely developed in the studio. We like male / female duality, we think it brings a balance, or maybe an imbalance. I'm not sure, I just know we like it that way.
Was there a vision of sorts or did you know what you wanted to do when you started up? I.e. when you started the band was it always a project to create a shoegaze band? Or was it different from now?
At first, Richard, our guitarist, had the idea of making a band in the style of My Bloody Valentine. We watched TV shows, we listened to music, watched horror movies. So he had this preconception. But when we got people together and started playing, we had more influences than just MBV, and we wanted to use all of them. It was a lot more fun, and we kept it that way. After all, we do not like to sound too alike to anyone, we prefer to sound like ourselves.
Do you have any other musical side projects apart from this band?
Actually, at the moment we are not playing in any side project, but we already had many.
Could you tell me more on the band composition? Do you have plans to add new members, or is there possible departure scheduled from existing band members?
The band is me (Stefano) on male voice and guitar, Michelle on female voice and bass, Richard guitar and Guilherme drums. Fernanda moved to USA in 2015/2016. Jaquelina played with us from 2016 to 2017. Now we are playing with Michelle Franzen.
We've already had 4 bass players playing with us since initial training. Liege in 2008, Fernanda in 2013, Jackelina in 2017 and Michelle in 2018. We have no plans to add or remove band members. We are just doing music and shows, things that we love, but sometimes the circumstances of life change people's destiny.
Can you tell us more how you came to have the band’s name?
Well, in the beginning we were playing for 6 months and have a scheduled show, but we hadn`t a name yet. So we made a list of 50 names to choose one. Loomer was a suggestion made by Richard, and it was the winner. Of course Loomer is because of MBV song, but what we use to say is that we wasn't looking for anything related to MBV on purpose, it was just a coincidence that this was the best name to think of when we had to choose one.
The Creative process
Who writes the song and the music and how do you get to the final song? Is it a community process, do you have leaders in composing or arranging music?
We have a lot of ways to compose songs. Some of the songs I write at home and bring to the band. Some songs are born entirely in the studio. Some songs starts with a guitar riff, some with the drums or bass giving the idea to the band to complete the rest.
Do you listen to the advice of your band mates? What would you do if they said a song was shit but you liked it?
Well, this has not happened yet. But what usually happens is that sometimes the members do not have ideas to play certain music, and it is put on the shelf to be finished later. Sometimes when a song takes too long to complete, it may happen that we lose the spirit it initially had.
There’s a degree of unconventional songwriting with you guys. Was it kind of intimidating going to record knowing people might not be engaging with the songs in terms of hooks and such and trying to deliver an engaging sound on record?
We just try to make songs that we think are good. We do not know how many people will like it but if we like it it was already worth the effort. Everyone in the band is free to contribute to the composition, and this already provides a greater degree of creativity.
Personally I like songs that confuse the head but that are simple after you understand it. But I will not impose anything if it is not working. I can not say for sure. I think what we do has to be worth it to us, somehow.
You have a great way about your guitars, with tones and melodies answering each other, almost like discussing. Could you tell us more on how you work together on this?
Well, we've played so loud that many times we can not hear what others are doing. It is often a pleasant surprise when we will listen to the recording. Maybe our guitar dialogue is just two guitars talking to the walls. Another important detail is that we try not to interfere with what each one creates. Anyway we think it works.
Talking about the lyrics: who write them? Is there a common thread in them, a theme?
Usually I write the lyrics. But usually I write only what I sing, and when Liege sang, she wrote the part of it. Fernanda has not yet felt comfortable writing her songs, although we encourage her to do so. But she helped me in the lyrics on the last album. I do not think of a main theme when I write, at least on purpose. I think this ends up appearing naturally according to what I am experiencing at the moment.
Do you labor over your lyrics? Is that something that comes easy?
I do not consider myself good at writing. I think I'm better maybe in the melodies. I admit that several songs I leave to decide on the lyrics only during the recording, although I already have an idea of what I would like to talk about. Anyway we like the voice as being just another instrument of music, not being something in the foreground.
Do you have a message that you want to get across in your music? If so, what are some of the messages you want to spread?
I do not have a message. When I start to write I do not know what I'm talking about. And if I have enough time to this initial process the whole letter appears and I am quite happy with the result. But if by chance I leave the lyrics to finish later, then I will need to understand the subject to be able to conclude. These are the hardest to finish.
Did your listening habits changed over the years and does it affect what you write?
Yes, my habits change a little over time. And I think it's natural that what I write also changes. But I do not try to do anything on purpose. What I want to say is that I do not try to listen to something new in order to incorporate this into my music because it's a new trend. What I do is dig old and new bands for something I really enjoy. And when I write, it's always the old thing I've always done.
How is your recognition going in Indonesia and Abroad? Is it growing? Are you happy with it?
Did you mean in Brazil? Yes, in Brazil we have some recognition that has been growing slowly. We are happy with this, because it is a musical style that has no space in the mainstream media. Time helps reward that.
The path to music
Is it easy to find producers and studios in Brazil for indie-rock?
It is not very easy to find, so we produce ourselves. We like to do this because we can keep the result close to what we would like it to be. But we lost in the aspect of an external opinion that could enrich the music.
Your recorded sound is very good, which is not easy. Did you engineer the sound yourself, or did you have a sound engineer with you? If yes could you tell us more about him/her?
The first EP "Mind Drops" was recorded by Lucas Pocamacha, guitarist of Superguidis, a very cool indie-rock band here in Brazil that is not playing anymore. He did this in exchange for a sound card we bought for him. The second EP "Coward Soul" was recorded in the DUB studio that we usually do our rehearsals and we did the mixing and the mastering.
The first LP "You Would not Anyway" we recorded ourselves at home, on the beach, in the studio, in different places. We mixed and the mastering was done by Paulo Casaes (Fujimo).
The last album "Deserter" we recorded in the studio Dissenso and in the studio DUB. I mixed it myself and mastered it. We've been looking for a sound engineer but we still can not find it. We thought it would be very good for us. In the meantime, we're doing things ourselves.
Was it a community work to try to have the best sounding music possible or mainly driven by the sound engineer or by the band?
It is a work mainly directed by the band. We spent a lot of time mixing the result. Recording usually does not take long. But it is not so because we want it this way. It's because the recording (mainly the drums) is usually in the studio and paid per hour. I still believe it's best to spend more time recording and less time mixing. The result would be even better.
Can you tell us how the recording process was?
We are still learning. But what we usually do is record the drums first. Our drummer likes to record with us playing together, without a metronome or guide track. In this sense I think it can be said that each band has an ideal way to do the recording.
Anyway the drums is the one that takes more time to be recorded in our case. And it's worth it because if it gets well done it makes it easier for the rest of the process. It needs to do in the studio. After that we recorded the bass, and it can be recorded at home if we want to save money. It's something quick to record, so it would also be okay to record in the studio.
After the bass comes the guitars. What takes in the recording of the guitars is not so much the execution, but the choice of the tones, the pedals, the regulation of the effects. Many hours of tuning and testing for 4 minutes of noise. But it's worth.
Since it takes a lot of time to adjust the tone of the guitar, it is best to record several songs at a time when you find the right tone. It is possible to record the guitar at home, but it gets better in the studio since we play loud. At last we record the voices, and these we can do at home as well. It's good to have a condenser microphone for this.
The rest we solve in the mix, where we do all the magic. But that is not a rule. We like badly recorded things too. Whistles, voices and guitars out of tune. What does not work can fit in very well. You need to hear what's coming out. I think it's the ear that's in charge after all
How did the recording work differ over time?
We recorded all of our albums. With this we learn over time new things, new tricks. I think you should not give too much importance to mistakes, or avoid doing something because you do not know enough.
More important than that is to let work flow, to enjoy the flow of inspiration because it matters more than the quality of work. But the recording is also part of the work, the two things complete themselves, the recording and the composition.
Is the recording material yours when you are out of a studio or do you borrow/rent it?
We have our own recording material. That is to say, we acquire over time equipment that we understand that would add to the sound of the band. But we also try to stay free to enjoy what we find at the recording location. It may be the noise of the wind, the trees, the water, in a studio we take advantage of some old equipment, a tape recorder, a tube or tape microphone, things that may sound a bit strange, or that inspire us.
Any interesting anecdotes on some recording session you would like to share?
I'm not very good at trying to be funny. But in our first EP Mind Drops we did the recording on a farm improvised. We took the sound table, the microphones, the amplifiers, the drums and everything else. We made the loudest noise, played really loudly and recorded separately, on separate tracks. Could not understand the result at the time.
Back in town, when we went to mix the result, we could hear horse whinnies, the noise of chickens and other strange things on certain channels. When I put everything together I could not see it. It was like this. I think this is funny in a way...
Did getting the live experience across on record create any pressure for yourselves in the recording process?
I think it creates a pressure yes. But we are not very organized to create the songs, or sometimes we take a lot of time to finish them. So some pressure helps us. They push us forward.
Instruments: you seem to be mainly a Fender band. Could you tell me what inspire you to use fenders rather than other brands?
We really like the Fender sound. I think what motivated us to use so many Fender outfits are our influences like Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr, My Bloody Valentine among others. We thank them, because we like the result.
A question for a future paper I have in mind: if you use often a Fender Jaguar, could you tell me more about what makes it good to play (sound, neck, …). I find there are lot of noise artists that are using this guitar and I am interested to know why.
In my case, what I like most about this guitar is the sound of it. I think the combination of her sound with distortion and fuzz pedals gives a very engaging effect. Besides I consider a very beautiful guitar. I personally like old, vintage things, working fine.
Do you have one favorite instrument or do you change often?
We do not usually switch instruments. We have a fixed formation, with bass, two guitars and drums. In the recording sometimes we risk playing other things, like acoustic guitar, synthesizer, tambourine. But anyone can say or suggest ideas.
The funny thing to note is that we are a band in which we are all guitar players. Guilherme our drummer is actually a guitarist, and our bass player Fernanda is also a guitarist. I always use the same guitar, the Fender Jaguar. Although you have already modified some things in it like the keys, the pickups and the bridge, it's always the same.
But what I change with some frequency are the pedals. As I have more pedals than fit on the pedalboard, I do some kind of rotation to test everyone. In the end of course there are some favorite pedals.
Tell us what you are looking when trying to achieve your sounds? Do you experiment a lot or have a clear idea of what you want?
We experiment a lot, and we've tried to take advantage of everyone's idea. Maybe this will end up making the song a bit unconventional. But I like strange and uncomfortable songs. I can not say what we are looking for, because each one actually puts it in its own way. We eventually discovered what we ended up creating. I do not know if it's the best way to compose, probably not, but that's how we do it.
Who is the more knowledgeable with pedals? You use them a lot, to great effect.
Thank you. We ended up getting a lot of pedals. We do some research and we end up getting some. In the end we want to use everyone, which is not possible of course. But I think they help increase the possibilities of the songs. Me and Richard are the most interested in pedals, we've been researching what some bands we like have used on albums we like and we're going after them. It's a form of judgment because there is a very wide variety of pedals.
How many concert a year would you do on average and what would be the size of the venue?
We do not do many shows. We do 5 to 10 shows per year. But that depends a little on the season, since we've been focused on finishing the album in recent times. The size of the venues depends a bit on the event, we have already played in venues for 10,000 people, and we have already played in venues for 50 people. The smaller ones are more suitable for us, because our public is not so big, besides, small places are cooler.
Would you mind sharing some good anecdotes from your concerts/touring?
In respect to the reader, it may not be a good idea. =)
What are some places around the world that you hope to take your band? Do you have any plans at present to tour in other countries than the Brazil.
We think of going to countries here near Brazil, like Uruguay and Argentina. We also have plans to go to the United States, after all our bass player Fernanda lives there. We also thought about going to the UK, we even staged a show last year but we couldn’t go. Japan too. It's good to have plans, don’t you think?
Is there any reason in particular that you want to go to these places? Is there something about dream pop/shoegaze in those places that makes you want to go there?
We really like to write songs. Besides composing, recording them, it's very cool. In addition to recording, being able to play them around, and checking people's connection to our songs, this is very motivating. Sometimes we go places far away from where we came here in our huge country and have some people who know our names, follow our trajectory.
They thank us for doing that. I think there is a natural process of an artist wanting to expose their creation. These countries we mentioned before, we are very curious. We have a strong connection with them as well, as these are places that really enjoy shoegaze music, or that have created the style. You know, we're just living.
The Scene
Brazil have a thriving indie scene that is not very well known internationally. Could you tell us more about it?
Brazil is a huge and beautiful country. It's hard to know everything. There are many bands that come and go, and some are really good, but that for some reason are not very well known. In fact the indie scene is something that is self help based on the friendship, and in the musical taste of course, since there is no support of the larger media. We have some blogs and independent radio programs on the internet that have helped. It's really a fun aside.
Is it easy for a Brazilian indie bands to be known internationally? Do you have any example?
I think it's not easy, not because the bands do not deserve it, but because the outside public would probably think 'look, a Brazilian band singing indie rock. it must be bad.'. I do not know. Maybe not. It's all a matter of taste. I do not think much about being known or succeeding outside (or inside) Brazil. I think only of making songs that I consider important, maybe cool, or worthwhile for us to record or play at shows.
With respect to bands, there was an indie band that was relatively well known abroad 'Cansei de Ser Sexy'. With respect to Brazilian shoegaze, I know of two bands that lived in London for a while, Wry that is in Brazil now again, and The Tambourines who still lives there. Our seal, the Midsummer Madness, is now in London as well.
Has the scene changed since you began, and if so how?
The scene changed a lot, many times. In the 80's and 90's, many people went to the shows without even knowing who was playing, local bands had space on some local radios, record companies invested in new bands. In the 2000s there was a lot of variation, difficulty in publicizing the concerts, closing bars and independent rock show venues.
But you can go play in other cities, or on the other side of this immense country. With the internet and social networks, you can promote the shows in distant places. Even though there are few, there are always one or two pubs to play.
Nowadays still appear spaces for bands, because the bands help themselves based on the friendship. It's a way of life.
Is there any Brazilian band(s) you want to recommend in the indie/shoegaze/post-rock genres?
There's a lot of cool bands here. I can cite a few such as Herod, Twinpine (s), Wry, Labyrinth, Sileste, Justine Never Knew The Rules, Firefriend, Lava Divers, Juna, Carne de Monstro, Churrus, Space Rave, The Sorry Shop, Lupe Lupe, Low Dream, Fellini, Second Come, Pin Ups, Patife Band, This Lonely Crowd, Bruxas, Duelectrum, The Soundscapes, Blear, The Cigarettes, ruido\ mm, Proud Beggars, Walverdes
Do you have a label? Could you tell us a bit more if so.
We have two labels currently, Midsummer Madness and Sinewave. Both help us in spreading the record. Midsummer Madness also helps us in the pressing of physical disks. They both also help us to schedule shows here in Brazil.
How did the funding worked for the LP? Did you invest a lot yourself? Was your label supportive in that respect?
Yes, the label helps with a portion of the money to make the LP, and it returns in LPs to be sold. The other part is paid by us and we have the equivalent in LPs to be sold as well.
Where does the majority of the money go when you’re paying your own way?
Most of the money goes in the beers.
Do you make a decent revenue from your music or is it still very much a hobby?
We do not have enough revenue for considering it a professional work. In the best of situations we can pay the expenses. But that does not mean that we will change or give up, because we do what we love.
How do you sell your recordings (shops, online, …)?
Our label, Midsummer Madness, sells a part of the discs online. We sell online also through bandcamp and at shows.
The Future
What is the next album due?
We're thinking of making a single or an EP now. But we do not have a definitive date yet. It would be good to be this year, but...
Any other project (ie movies soundtrack, …) or plans
Richard plans to make a horror B movie. He really likes 80s-b-horror-movies. Maybe I'll do the soundtrack. Something with synthesizer or noisy bending guitars. It can be funny.
Do you plan to continue music for a long time or are you tired of it?
We do not intend to stop playing music ever. While it is possible to step on the pedals, they will be busy. I do not think it's possible to get tired of something that you love. Circumstances change, sometimes they get difficult, but that's what makes things worth it. I could get tired of not loving anything.
Some good music videos
  Where to find them on internet
Is there any people that you want to thank here?
I thank Sam and David (the Editor), you’re great!
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droppingpetals · 5 years
parker & elias !
send me a ship and i’ll tell you // accepting.
who hogs the duvet  :  elias does :// he’s a clingy sleeper and probably gets pretty cold as he sleeps so thats why he’s always clinging to parker and trying to steal the duvet hfhfh
who texts/rings to check how their day is going  :  they both do but elias probably does it more often, especially when he’s in college and parker is back in their hometown ?? and the reason why he does it more often is probably bc parker is always losing his phone like the poor baby he is and elias. wants to talk to him like all the time hfhfdhf
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts  :  I LIKE THE THOUGHT of them both being kinda creative at times? im not sure though!!!
who gets up first in the morning  :  elias probably wakes up first but he never gets up until parker does (unless he has to) bc there’s no way he’s not gonna get those morning snuggles in if there’s an opportunity to get them :///
who suggests new things in bed  :  parker … for SURE hfjdffdh or at least until elias gets like super comfortable and like. hints at something new hfhdhf
who cries at movies  :  probably elias … he’s a sensitive baby and if an animal dies, he’s 100% crying hdfhfbj
who gives unprompted massages  :  again … i like the thought of them both giving each other unprompted massages? like randomly just rubbing the other’s shoulders or w/e when they’ve had a bad or stressful day? like these babies care for each other!! and Touching is their thing!!! their love language!!!
who fusses over the other when they’re sick  :  elias BABIES the shit out of parker whenever he’s sick / hurt and you cant change my mind hfbjhfd
who gets jealous easiest  :  oof … my gut is telling me parker but lbr its both?? like they both get pretty jealous kinda easily, especially when they’re in that ????? stage and in the early stages of them being serious when they’re still living apart :(
who has the most embarrassing taste in music  :  ummMMMM …. I HAVE NO IDEA bc we’ve never talked about their music tastes fhhfdhf
who collects something unusual  :  i …. dont think either of them does??
who takes the longest to get ready  :  probably neither? like they’re both probably pretty quick when they have to be? but for some reason parker strikes me as someone who will lounge around in bed or wherever until the last minute when he absolutely has to get up and get ready?? HDHDHD
who is the most tidy and organised  :  i’d say elias? its not like he’s 100% tidy and organized, he likes a clean space but he’s not obsessive about it and Not gonna freak out if there’s a few clothes on the floor fhfhhf
who gets most excited about the holidays  :  probably elias?? but i also like the thought of Them Both getting excited about the holidays when they’re married and :( they get to spend it together and make their own traditions and all that :(
who is the big spoon/little spoon  :  they like to change it up bc sometimes one needs to be held more than the other and all that !  but elias definitely enjoys being the big spoon and literally human jetpacking parker and like … parker deserves to be held ://
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports  :  they both probably do? i feel like they’re both pretty competitive but then again i also think elias would be More bc he’d definitely try to distract and Sabotage parker’s playing hbfhdjdf
who starts the most arguments  :  i wouldnt say like ….. one starts arguments more than the other bc i dont think they start arguments?? like on purpose? they just kinda stem up from something stupid one did and it rubbed off on the other the wrong way?
who suggests that they buy a pet  :  hmm …. oof i genuinely have no idea? my gut is telling me both?? I REALLY DONT KNOW HELP ME GIB ME UR 2 CENTS ON IT
what couple traditions they have  :  traditions??? heck …. im sure they have some but my brain is literally Empty??? HELP?? GIB ME UR 2 CENTS ON THIS?? the only thing i can think of is like. going on Dates regularly once they get into that sort of stuff? or like helping each other revise for a test?? HELP??
what tv shows they watch together  :  probably stupid reality tv shows so they can Laugh at them together ?? or honestly whatever is on netflix and has a lot of seasons probably so they can binge watch it together
what other couple they hang out with  :  does. this even need to be asked …….. soren and oliver of course …….. when are they Not hanging out with those soft babies ….
how they spend time together as a couple  :  they just chill out and snuggle tbfh? and most of the time they’re doing the hanky panky like the horny bastards they are but. ASIDE FROM THAT …. they luv just hanging out and snuggling and just enjoying each other’s presence :( they’re Always glued to each other bc they cant keep their hands off and That’s Okay! fdhbfhjg
who made the first move  :  parker …. bless his heart honestly for that!!!
who brings flowers home  :  hmm …. i dont think they do it quite often but again, i really like the thought of both doing it? like if they see a flowershop somewhere and there’s bunch of pretty bouquets on the front of it and they think of the other when they see those?? im sure they’d go buy some flowers to take back home to them :( 
who is the best cook  :  elias hfdghfbghj #tb to parker setting the smoke detector off bc poor baby was trying to make bacon! hfdhdjh
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electricwalkman · 6 years
Incredibles 2 spoilers (what I loved)
Okay I just have a lot of feelings about this movie it’s so mcfucking good I just wanna scream about to everyone so here’s a list of all the things I can remember from the past 24 hours (I’m seeing it again tonight so I might update it later who knows)! SPOILERS ARE UNDER THE CUT!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
The Incredibles inspired opening logos were a very nice effect and brought you back into this world of Supers
I really liked how they developed Tony’s character a bit more. In the first one we didn’t get to see much of him and I just played him off as one of those cliche pretty boys, but in this one we get to know him a bit better and he really is a nice boy I enjoyed him!
Everyone in the family literally just tossing Jack-Jack around like a hot potato bc they dont wanna watch him they wanna fight!!
Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack wanting to join in and fight beside their family wow i love these kids
Dash eating his food in .02378 seconds and then excusing himself from dinner to go watch TV (a big ass mood)
“If Jack-Jack wakes up-“ “I know the drill...” Violet is so tired of babysitting someone Free Her
Violet literally being the most relatable teenager ever put to screen. She goes through all the emotions you could think of and while most are played for laughs, there are a few moments when you genuinely feel bad for her and I really wanted to give her a hug
Also Dash being the lovable little shit he is. All of his one liners are golden (he is 100% the Meme child of this family. @ Pixar release Dash’s meme account pls its for research :/)
One of my favorite scenes ever is when Bob sits down and study’s all of Dash’s math books and then wakes him up in the middle of the night to help him finish his homework. That was such a pure scene and honestly almost made me cry it was so cute!!!
Violet loves Shakespeare and she’s in Drama club what a NERD!!! (After my second viewing I just realized she was tryna make an excuse for Tony seeing her in her super suit, but she didn’t know his mind was erased. Either way I still think that was cute!)
Helen calling Bob after her first mission and she’s just screaming over the phone and telling him all about how she saved a bunch of people and she’s so happy to be a super again!
When Violet realizes Tony is a waiter at the restaurant they’re eating at and does that huge spit take I was IN TEARS!!!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH
Also when Bob reintroduces Vi to Tony and Vi just looks away from him but does the finger gun gesture
Jack-Jack teleporting into Violet’s room, transforming into his devil form, and Violet just runs out of the room SCREAMING
Bob having a mental breakdown every 2 minutes is Me
Edna being like “ew im not a baby person” and then seeing Jack-Jack use his powers and then being like “I’m adopting this child now”
“No firing the baby around the house”
The Villain in this movie was really predictable but at this point i dont care anymore bc the rest of the movie is outstanding. I actually really enjoyed their character, they had a good motivation but I can see why people would call this villain “weak”
Dash being in love with the Incredimobile and calling it “My sweet ride”
Dash has to watch Jack-Jack and loses him faster than my attention span and Violet being all “YOU HAD ONE JOB”
Dash calling Frozone “Uncle Lucius” 😩👌🏻❤️💯💯this fam is amazing I want them to adopt me
The cute little Father/Daughter moments between Bob and Violet were so sweet, and so was the part where Bob carries Dash and Jack-Jack upstairs to bed after they both pass out. Bob is an absolute A+ parent in this
Voyd and the other supers were cool, although Voyd got a little more screen time but that was okay bc she was my fave (”Get yourself together, Karen”)
When Evelyn got arrested at the end of the film and Helen was like “I’m sorry that she’s going to prison” and then VIOLET WAS LIKE “IM SORRY THAT SHE’S RICH AND WILL PROBBALY GET OFF WITH JUST A SLAP ON THE WRIST!!” I 👏🏻 FUCKING 👏🏻 LOVE 👏🏻 MY 👏🏻 DAUGHTER 👏🏻 I AM SO PROUD
This whole family dynamic was just absolute perfection and felt so real
All in all this was a perfect sequel (like Empire Strikes Back kind of perfect), I really applaud all that Brad Bird and the cast and the animators have done over the past few years to make this film the best that it could be and I really hope this movie makes a shitton of money bc it’s what they deserve 
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artificialqueens · 6 years
you know everything i know (crameron) - chapter 3 - akita
A/N: finally finished this chapter!! sorry for taking a while to do it, had a few bad days but i should be okay now! this chapter is a more focused around kameron and i had a lot of fun with it, hope you enjoy! 
Maybe she’d just pushed herself a little too hard. Kameron thought she knew her limits, and knew when she was clearly pushing them, but the ache in her arms was proving otherwise. It even hurt when she was steering the car, and left her more than a little relieved to get home. Pulling into her driveway, she moved to leave the car, hesitating briefly with her eyes on the passenger seat. Ever since their little coffee date, Brianna had been on her mind near constantly. Initially, she’d been shrugging it off as excitement from seeing an old friend, but it was now more than a week down the line, and that feeling hadn’t come anywhere close to wearing off.
As she made her way into the house, she was trying to push back some unpleasant thoughts. Of course it was excessive to worry that she might not see her again, but there had been two years of guilty silence on Kameron’s behalf. The tiny blonde often crossed her mind, but she didn’t want to bother her, and feared that Brianna wouldn’t have thought about her as much as she did. People move on, and that was normal - that was healthy. In her head, that was what Brianna would have done, and she didn’t want to drag up the past, even if it had been pleasant. It was impossible to go back to the way things had been - it was impossible to truly relive the past.
Dumping her gym bag by the door, she made her way to the kitchen, grabbing a Redbull from the fridge and slumping down on the couch. She took the phone from her pocket, and left it by her side, focusing more on downing half a can and turning on the TV. Brianna had been texting her over the last few days, and the conversations had been friendly and, if anything, very sweet. In spite of that, Kameron couldn’t bring herself to ask for a second meet up. They’d joked about her coming to one of the fitness classes, and since had joked as well about Kameron being her personal trainer, but she was scared to take that out of the context of humour. When they were out together, Brianna had more or less given a yes to going to the gym with her, but she still couldn’t ask the question, or set a date.
The sound of the news filled the air. It was something a lot of people pressed was important to watch, but Kameron had never really been that interested. She wasn’t out of the loop; she knew what was going on through twitter, and the push notifications on her phone. Though the remote was only a small reach away, she’d sunk back against the plush of the couch, and her aching muscles begged her to stay still. There was no doubt in her mind that she’d overdone it, and this was down to her decision to up the normal routine. It hadn’t been by much, just a few more reps, and slightly heavier weights, but after only a few days of that, she felt terrible. She’d not laid off today either, and that meant that she’d only feel worse in the morning.
Sometimes, she could push through the pain. It wasn’t uncommon to feel a little worse for wear after a workout; they were designed to push people to their limits. This, however, was the kind of ache that would leave her stiff and slow. Kameron would have to forgo her own routines for the next few days, and just hope whoever she was training wouldn’t need much demonstration. She would kick herself for this, if her legs weren’t so sore. When her phone went off, she was reminded of the exact reason why she’d done this to herself.
It felt embarrassing to admit to herself that she was pushing herself harder in order to impress Brianna. When she thought about it, she thought it was stupid. She was in good enough shape anyway, and while she was always working on building and maintaining muscle, she was far from a place where upping her routine would be even considered necessary. Yet she still did it, to impress a woman she’d only had two face to face conversations with in the last two years. Plus, she was encouraged into this by Brianna’s initial comment when she saw her - a stunned ‘you’re ripped’.
She considered that she’d only took it to heart so much since she was still feeling rough from a break up. It had took a big hit on her self esteem, and she was still building herself back up. Picking up her phone, she scrolled back through the conversation, realising that ignoring the texts would hardly make her want to meet up again. There was a sense of domesticity in their routine of checking in on one another. ‘How was your day?’ ‘What did you do today?’ ‘How was work?’ - it was those sorts of things they exchanged. Each day’s chat was bookended with ‘good mornings’ and ‘good nights’, and though it was so simple, it made her heart skip a beat.
B: well my day turned disastrously bad fast :( x
If there was ever a sentence to strike immediate worry into Kameron, that was it. She didn’t even know what happened yet, and her mind was immediately catastrophizing it. Did her house catch on fire? Did she break her leg? Did she accidentally poison herself? Every single one of those possibilities was unlikely, and a little extreme, but she found herself immensely over-concerned about her coming to harm. When she got herself together, she managed to text back a rather collected response.
K: what happened? X B: theres a gas leak in my house, shut things off and called the emergency people out but they cant come til tomorrow and i cant stay in my house x K: you got anywhere you can go? x B: i dont think so, my mum’s away so i cant stay at hers, might have to stay in a hotel x K: you can stay here if you want? x B: you sure? K: of course, i can come pick you up now, where are you? x B: still home, just grabbing a few things x K: see you soon bri x
Only after she wrote her name did she realise it was unnecessary, but it was better than ‘darling’, which she wrote first. Getting up from the couch, groaning as her body complained at the movement, she finished off her can and headed outside. At least she didn’t have to worry about tidying herself up before seeing Brianna - she’d showered once she was done at the gym for the day, and fixed herself up then. Her clothes were on the comfier side, but people hardly wore their Sunday best to pick a friend up from their house with a gas leak. Making her way back into the car, grumbling as she slumped down in the seat, she started on her way towards Brianna’s house.
Kameron found herself relieved that she kept her house clean. Her room was a little bit messy, but she doubted she’d be bringing Brianna in there anyway. There was a spare, comfortable quilt in the airing cupboard, and clean pillows, which she’d give her to stay on the couch with. When she moved in, she did have a spare bedroom, but it had been converted more into a storage space, and she got rid of the nasty old bed that used to be in there. There was kids room decoration on the walls in there still, and she couldn’t help but chuckle at how fitting that would have been for Brianna.
As she got closer and closer to the house, she was feeling increasingly anxious about this. Her mind had been deafeningly reminding her that she’d only seen Brianna twice in the last two years. Now, she’d be staying over, for at least one night, and when they both had work in the morning. They’d be getting up around the same time, which was somewhat comforting, as she didn’t like the idea of having to sneak around someone sleeping on the couch. But something about it felt odd, distinctly foreign from their childhood sleepovers. They’d been limited to weekends, and they usually shared a bed - something they did when they were small and never cared to grow out of. Part of her wished things could be that way again.
When she pulled up, Brianna scurried over to the car urgently, getting in the passenger side and grinning at her. “I was worried that whole time that the building would explode.” “Didn’t you say you turned the gas off?” “Yeah, but how much gas was in the house before I noticed?” She shrugged, bumping Kameron’s arm with her fingertips. Of course, the redhead just gave a playful, joking, “Owch,” but when she flinched as the contact was made, it did hurt a little from her prior overworking.
Kameron was trying her best to maintain a friendly front, though she was overwhelmingly nervous now. As she was driving them both to her house, it almost felt like she was being suffocated, and she was worrying at her lip enough that it was starting to hurt. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by Brianna, who was evidently feeling a similar way, fidgeting and tapping her nails against her knee. Eventually, in the hopes of lightening the air, she made a joke. “You should’ve put a booster seat in before I got here.” Glimpsing at her out of the corner of her eye, Kameron laughed, “And I could have. Suzie’s booster seat’s in the boot. Missed an opportunity. Would you even fit in a booster seat though?” “…I don’t know but I want to find out.”
Now they had something fun on the agenda, and when they pulled into Kameron’s driveway, Brianna got out, waiting by the door while the other wandered to the boot of the car. Rustling through some bags, she pulled the seat out, slamming the door down. “Sorry, it doesn’t close right if you don’t do that,” She explained to the startled Brianna, before putting the seat in place, “Right, go ahead. You probably can, it’s for kids 4-12, I think.” And, she could fit in it. It was slightly uncomfortable, but she could fit, and as soon as she sat in it, she burst out laughing. “If only it was that easy to get Su in that seat. She hates it.” Getting out, Brianna gestured Kameron towards it, “Your turn.” “I’ll break it. At the risk of hurting your feelings, you’re probably a little more than 36 kilos. I am way more than that, and I don’t want my sister screaming at me for breaking the car seat she paid for.”
Shutting the door and locking the car, she lead a pouting Brianna into the house, kicking off her shoes by the door and asking her to do the same. The living room was completely carpeted on the floors, and she didn’t like getting dirt out of it. It was bad enough keeping on top of cigarette ash and spilled drinks, let alone mud from Brianna’s front garden. She let the blonde leave her things by the couch, and told her she’d bring down bedding soon. As soon as she said it, there was a moment of disappointment on Brianna’s face, though her voice didn’t catch up with it, responding with a chirpy thank you.
Brianna wanted to go back to the way things were, before all the distance. The biggest obstacle in letting that happen was  that she, and Kameron, were evidently too scared to actually instigate anything. Changing topic, Kameron asked, “You had dinner yet?” “No, I was about to turn the oven on when I could smell the gas.” “I can make you something,” She offered, though not wanting to sound over eager, she followed, “Or we could get a take away.” “Take away, but only you don’t have to spend ages in the kitchen. I can pay for half.” “I don’t mind.” “I’m staying here for the night, take it as me paying board. And can it be pizza?” “Sure.”
Things were uneventful through dinner, and in the wait for it to arrive, mostly because despite the attempt to make pleasant conversation, they were both getting a little worked up. Being overthinkers had been something they found relatable through knowing each other, and they knew how to bring the other back down to Earth when they were getting too carried away with their thoughts. But this was harder - neither of them could voice what was on their mind, because they’d be giving the game away. Idle conversation was all they had, and Kameron was starting to feel guilty for being so ill prepared, and a little worried that she was making Brianna uncomfortable.
When it came to saying goodnight, they both almost deadlocked each other in a hug, neither quite willing to let go. There was a visible hesitation in Brianna, who then cleared her throat uncomfortably and looked away, mumbling a goodnight as she moved to sit under her blanket. Kameron, for some reason she couldn’t explain, patted her on the head when she returned the goodnight, and walked upstairs angry at herself for that weirdly patronising motion. Flopping down on her bed, heart racing, she stared up at the ceiling. She couldn’t be bothered changing out of her day clothes, her head too occupied with hypercritical thought.
Kicking off her jeans, she shoved them onto the floor beside the bed, shifting to be underneath the quilt. The blue cotton shirt she had on had admittedly been used interchangeably between night and day clothes, since it was comfortable enough to keep on while she slept. Which was ironic, because she felt far too awake to even slightly start drifting off. She tried for what felt like hours, but with a mix of aching muscles and unrelenting thoughts, she just couldn’t settle.
Then, she heard it. A soft knock at the door, and with a confused voice, she called out, “Come in?” “Sorry,” Brianna mumbled, stepping in and shutting the door behind her, “I couldn’t sleep.”
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theday · 7 years
about me tag???????
tagged by @smileyrocky if im not wronghjdhjdhj if anyone tagged me in this uhhhh fish memory but also celine thank you for tagging me this was fun!!
Appearance: hello . this is going to go terrible but im small?? not that small but still small?? like 154 cm (kei shaking !) which is 5′ i think :-) like celine my hair is black love darkness but its also??? pretty brown idk its all natural idk how it happens but there are streaks of brown lmao my hair stylist (??) asked me if i dyed my hair ppl from school ask that too ddjdjd i dont see it bc i Cant so ill just trust their words ! its generally black though u cant see the brown/lightness in pics and ?? i think often what else... im a blind (monsta x, 2016) bitch so i have black frame (?????) glasses and i dont wear contacts and fake glasses bc thats stupid (hw) but i understand also my hair is kinda long its past my shoulders but still short??? 
Personality: well ! i can be loud if im hanging out with close friends bc idk wtf an indoor voice is aka me yelling every time my friends get a strike or gutter at bowling ill be yelling either way idk its a Habit (day6, 2015) i love 2 be my friends hype man and im just thankful they dont mind me being a public nuisance djdksjj now lets see i think??? if my seat partner (in school) was someone im not close to i can get close to them pretty quickly?? unless i dnt like them then ill be silent^tm rip i wouldnt answer questions in class if i dont know the answer though so if i was in history class catch me shutting the fuck up lmao but if its biology,,, ill be screaming out answers that r always wrong bc im a headass who doesnt think before opening her mouth well online i like 2 think im the same its just that i express my love for my friends more on here???? bc its hard.. to randomly tell my pal i love them irl :( also i like to give cards and last year (wtf) i gave most of close buddies cards with long ass letters so at least thats the same lmao but ive been with my classmates for 4 years or less so i dont mind being noisy with them?? if i was thrown into a new environment + class id be so fucking shy my lads..... id probably never speak up cant wait for that ! most people probably dont know im loud when they first see oh back to the appearance part people tell me i look like i do my homework but the sad reality is that i always rush it as the teacher collects it gfgdhjjhsj
Ability: my ability to??? get closer to people i guess?? like i mentioned earlier i was able to become pretty close to people i wasnt (though i never really keep in contact with them after the school term ends) but hey ive laughed a lot with my table mates even if we’re close for that term ... and uhhhhhhhhhhh is being funny an ability i like 2 think im funnie also wtf stay hydrated everyday is a great ability i love water my fave kind of drink ! the only drink i accept its perfect stan talent stan water xd 
Hobbies: playing stupid mobile games lmaoooooooo and going onto social media i guess?? reading and drawing used to be something i did a lot but its just.. declined :( my friends bought me books for birthday though so ill read those bc i love reading still 
Relationships: all i need are friendships
Random: random XD haha!!!! fuck i hate the word random anyway hrmrmmmzzzmzmzmzzmzm i have an anime blog if nobody knows already love promoting it ! i like the colours blue though im pretty sure every colour has its own .. impact u know..... i love astro mx and day6 with all i have and!! my music taste is pretty diverse?? im fine with listening to most songs :-0 idk what else :( i got glasses when i was like 6 dont watch pokemon right in front of the tv i guess ;-/ my lip keeps bleeding ................... i took a pic with a penguin once and i have school tomorrow frack my life ! oh ya... i tend to... get influenced easily nd that includes typing style so i might start typing like my friends djjdskjjs its a bad habit i think :-( who am i anymore............. .. .okay done
if anyone actually read all of this... thank you have a good day/night wtf i ramble too much D-:
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nostalgiaispeace · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 31
2901. have you ever written a letter to: a friend: yeah a lover: no a celebrity: yes. congress/house/reps: no the president/leader of your country: no. 2902. Why are cigarette companies allowed to manufacture and sell cigarettes when they are so unhealthy and dangerous? same reason alcohol companies can i guess. 2903. Do you chat with people in an elevator? no 2904. What’s your favorite Jack Nicholson movie? hmm...The Departed?
2905. Who should play the part of Superman? don’t care. wouldn’t watch it. 2906. Do you like when your friends and your mate’s friends hang out? i don’t care? 2907. Doritos or Cheetos? doritos 2910. Do you brush your teeth three times a day? no 2911. Should I stop making questions with multiple parts and just count each actual question as a question? i don’t care 2912. What gives your ego a boost? dunno 2913. What knocks your ego down? bullying 2914. Live and let live or live and let die? dunno 2915. What do you think of Damien Hirst’s art piece Mother and Child, which is half a cow in formaldedhyde? dunno it. 2916. Why is it that 70 percent of americans Do Not want to go to war with Iraq and yet we are going to war with Iraq anyway? ummm Is this democracy? no 2917. Imagine you have two choices of what life you can live: One: You are provided with meals, medicine, clothes and shelter. You are always with your family. You can lie in the sun and smoke, drink, play, cook, etc.. There will be certain rules you must follow such as no killing, no hurting others, no leaving the commune you were born in, no stealing, no tv, no newspapers and no books. OR Two: You are turned loose in the world with nothing. You start out cold and hungry. You may stay cold and hungry forever but you also have the opportunity to try and make a life for yourself. This will take a lot of hard work and there is no guarantee you will ever live comfortably. Which life do you choose? both seem shitty WHY? because first has no books and the second i’ll be cold 2918. Why is there no ‘Mr. America’ pageant? who cares Should there be? no. pageant life seems stupid. What qualities would YOU look for in a Mr. America if such a contest were to exist (like miss america he would have to be a role model)? pageants are stupid. 2919. If something offends you do you feel that it has no right to exist? sure. but that’s not reality 2920. Why do advertisers seem to believe that guys will buy any product that a hot girl in a bikini is sitting next too? because sex sells 2921. What would you do if your mom had a fight with a male acquaintance and you heard an answering machine message he left her cursing at her, calling her names and being very disrespectful? i’d call him and cuss him out 2922. What do you represent? myself? 2923. What message does ___ send when given as a birthday present?flowers: nice? slippers: i dunno but i love love it candles: you didn’t know what to get me? diamond necklace: you like me alot? gift certificate: you know what i like cash: you know what i like books: you really know what i like 2924. Have you ever completed a paint by number? probably If yes of what? i dunno 2925. How long has it been since you colored in a coloring book? years 2926. What have you been caught doing? dunno? 2927. Does temptation make you do what you love? no 2928. Do you have an gadgets in the house that you don’t know how to use? What? probably...technology 2929. Do you read the instructions to things or skip them? skip 2930. Will you ever reach your full potential? probably not 2931. Who is your biggest fan? no idea. 2932. Who do you take care of? myself and my husband Who takes care of you? same as above, and my mom 2933. Do you think that lawyers should only argue cases when they feel like the client is in the right? i think they should do their job. If you were a lawyer would you argue cases when you felt like your client was completely wrong? same as above 2934. Is it sexy in here or is it just me? it’s just you. 2935. You are giving out your phone number to a HOTTIE by writing it on a napkin. Do you write a little note or draw a picture too? If yes, what? i wouldn’t do this. 2936. Can you fold paper into anything (a hat, a swan, a boat, etc)? What? no 2937. How can a girl get a guy-she-is-dating’s mom to like her better? i don’t know? 2938. What is one theory about life or anything that you came up with that no one else has? no 2939. Do you like answering questions about: (bold) your life? your taste? tv? music? art? politics? life? religion? issues? sex? loved ones? favorites? objects? math? philosophy? hypothetical situations? things that require lots of thought? 2940. The mortuary science department is having a bake sale. Does this strike you as funny? no 2941. What would you think of a new reality tv game show where real life criminals on death row competed in life threatening tasks for the prize of a reduced sentence? that’s stupid as fuck. Did you know that they are considering making this a show? no Would you watch it? no 2942. What was the last song you looked up the words to? dunno 2943. What Saturday morning cartoons do you like? i don’t have cable 2944. If anything’s possible, then is it possible that nothing’s possible? no..? 2944. What does the T in T-Shirt really mean? dunno 2945. Would you alter your routine if there was a sniper in your area? probably? If so how? i wouldn’t leave the house 2946. Is castration a good punishment for extreme or repeat sexual offenders? just put them in prison and keep them there. 2947. If you are a girl have you ever experienced penis envy? no If you are a guy would you still want to live if you had to be castrated? 2948. Imagine you are teaching a class of sixth graders. A the start of the year you tell them, “If you come away with class and have learned only ONE THING, I hope that you learned….(finish the sentence) no 2949. If you were being interviewed for a job in a clothing store how would you sell yourself to the prospective employers? lolol i wouldn’t work in a clothing store 2950. How do you stop pop up ads? adblock...i think 2951. You are alone. You take a bus to the mall. The stop is right in the mall parking lot. You window-shop. You don’t buy anything. You want to get back on the bus to go home when you realize you have lost all your money. You have no cell phone. All the payphones are jammed with gum. You can not get it out. How do you get the $1.50 you need to get on the bus and get home??? i would ask someone to borrow a phone to call someone 2952. How long would it take you to organize your bedroom? probably a whole dat 2953. Make up a nickname for your bedroom: no 2954. What comes after: I’ve got a love-a-lee bunch of coconuts (diddly dee) There they are a-standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head… 2955. Where ARE the wild things? our imagination 2956. You get a six cd changer for the car, only problem is that you know that once you put in six cd’s you can NEVER take them out. Which 6 cd’s do you put in? oh god fuck you 2957. Let’s play Jeapordy. (Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Dooooo-) I’ll give some answers..you give the questions. Ready? Begin. The answer is: Purple what colour is barney the dinosaur? Yellow what colour is a banana? Candle what’s something you can light up during a romantic dinner? Pepsi who’s coke’s biggest competitor? Peace i dunno Lisa what’s the name of the eldest simpsons daughter? Cotton what type of fabric are most t-shirts made out of? Flag what does america take too seriously? 42 i dont know 2958. Pick a letter. A List some great words starting with that letter: no 2959. Is eight days a week enough to show you care? no 2960. Have you told your parents you love them today? no. 2961. What is the difference between a number two pencil and any other kind of pencil? no idea. 2962. Have you ever cross-dressed? no. 2963. Are we living in a world without end? seems like it 2964. What do you think of that couple that was just on the news who kidnapped a 16 year old girl for a week and forced her to be their sex slave? that’s disgusting. 2965. Wanna watch a movie about a cheerleading competition? no 2966. Are you singing in the rain? no but i love that film 2967. Should the sopranos actors have been allowed to march in the St Patrick’s Day parade? i don’t care 2968. Is oral sex, anal sex or regular sex more intimate? regular. 2969. Is it time to switch to Decaf? never 2970. Why is it that the truth hurts? some people are pussies 2971. How do you feel about: ticketmaster? meh scalpers? i don’t trust them 2972. What are you guilty of? being a bitch 2973. Have you ever done any of the following in order to catch a buzz or get high? sniffed glue: no sniffed magic markers: nope. ate paste: no. drank Nyquil, rRobitussen or any other Over-the-counter drug: no. 'huffed’ (inhaled or sniffed) any kind of fabric softner, cooking spray or other household product: no. whip-its: no. 2974. What gives you inner strength? dunno 2975. ::eyes you suspiciously::Where have all the COOKIES gone? i don’t have any cookies ever so 2976. What is a good gift for someone you don’t like so that it SEEMS to be nice but really 'gets’ them somehow? they don’t get gifts 2977. If you don’t like the service at a restaurant would you skip the tip? they would get a small one Why or why not? because they wouldn’t deserve a good one. 2978. Apples or peaches or pumpkin pie? none. 2979. What Race/nationality was Jesus? Jewish 2980. What was one evening you’ll never forget? getting proposed to 2981. Name 13 ways to look at a blackbird: no. 2982. Trick or Treat? treat. 2983. If you had money to burn, what 'toy’ would you spend your money on (think monopoly game with real money, luxory boat, a train layout that takes up a house, etc.)? probably something harry potter related 2984. Are you having trouble with aol 8.0? LOL what? how old is this. Or if you don’t have aol…have you ever been to a podiatrist? no 2985. If you could write your own ten commandments, what would they be? 1 no 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2986. When people lose weight, where does it go? don’t care 2987. Your mate/partner/wife or husband/longterm boy or girlfriend/etc. has SOMEHOW gotten his or her FAVORITE celebrity’s attention. Your sweetie has always thought this celeb was so sexy and now the celeb kinda fancies your sweety as well(although the celeb is not interested enough to stick around for more than one night). Your sweetie wants to have a one night stand with the celeb. Knowing that this is your sweeties one and only chance to bang (or even hang out with) a celebrity (ESPECIALLY their FAVORITE celebrity) you would say: do your thing. 2988. Have you ever seen an Ed Wood film? probably? maybe? it’s possible. i watch a lot of films. if yes, what one(s) and what did you think? If no, aren’t you curious to see a movie by the person known as the worst director of all time? 2989. What kind of bread do you like to eat (white, rye, potatoe, grain, whole wheat, etc)? honey wheat 2990. Are you emotionally articulate? maybe 2991. Does everything happen for a reason? seems like it. 2992. Do you take a piece of those you have loved and carry it around forever? yeah If yes, than aren’t they still with you even when you are gone?
feels that way 2993. Is it true that the child is worth ten of the parent? i don’t know? 2994. Can you think of a door that has closed in your life? yes Can you think of a window that has opened? maybe 2995. What does this mean to you: 'Necessity is the mother of invention’? nothing
Do you believe that necessity is also the mother of: courage? idk survival skills? idk independence? idk 2996. What helps you to get over a Major heartache? i wish i knew 2997. Can you depend completely upon yourself? yes have you ever tried? i have to 2998. How can you tell the difference between the end of one part of your life and the beautiful beginning of the next part? i wish
2999. Have you ever read an stories by Kate Chopin? no If not, I suggest that you do. okay
3000. Do you often make the best discoveries when you really weren’t looking for anything (or anyone)? yes
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paras-atashnak · 7 years
Its time to meet the first 8 cast members for Nicolas’ Sims Big Brother Season 1!
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Matteo Garcia
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Name: Matteo "Mat" Garcia  Age: 24 Hometown: Riverside, California
 Current City: New York City 
 Occupation: Orthodontist Three adjectives that describe you: Resilient, Determined, Adventurous 
Favorite Activities: Swimming, ature walks, and Twitter 
 What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Sharing the restroom with so many people and having to deal with their habits!  Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Natalie Negrotti! 
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I'm going to try to lay low in the beginning and form friendships and alliances that will stay loyal to me and that I can stay loyal to through the game. 
My life’s motto is… Look good, do good, feel good
 What would you take into the house, and why? A ton of comfy and fashionable lounge clothes since most of what people see on the episodes takes place lounging around in the bedrooms!
 Fun facts about yourself: I can stick my whole fist in my mouth!
Jasmine Jehova
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Name: Jasmine Jegova
 Age: 23
 Hometown: Manhattan, New York 
Current city: New York City, New York 
Occupation: Politician Three adjectives that describe you: Persistent, Opinionated, Confident
 Favorite activities: My job! I love being able to help the environment! 
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I can’t stand lairs, so keeping my mouth shut when I know people lying is gonna be hard! I also can’t lie, but I know that’s part of the game so being able to keep secrets won’t be easy!
 Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Helen Kim! I feel like she stayed by her morals and I really admire that
 Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I’m a politician, so I want to use my speaking skills to convince people that I am a trustworthy player and a good ally. 
 My life’s motto is… Go for it. no matter how it ends, it was an experience
 What would you take into the house, and why? My stuffed rabbit! It means a lot to me and really helps me through stress.
 Fun facts about yourself: I have chained myself to a tree, I love older men, I don’t own a car and my favorite animal is a lemur!
Piso Pared
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Name: Piso Pared Age: 23 Hometown: The Bronx Current City: Miami Occupation: Waitress at Hooters and a part time Starbucks worker Three adjectives that describe you: Loud, materialistic and scammerLoud, materialistic and scammer What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Having to keep my mouth shut and watch out for lying ass bitches Which past big brother cast member did you like the most? Alison Irwin and Danielle Lickey are my idols Do you have a strategy for winning the game? My strategy is to flirt with all the men and intimidate the other girls so that ill be sitting pretty until i win that check! My life motto is... Dont give up till its over bitches What would you like to take into the house and why? I would like to take my twin sister Oprah Winfrey but i was told that I'm not allowed to.. so ill just take some windex to spray on these hoes Fun facts about yourself:I am a beautiful bisexual mixed woman, Megan Trainor is my mom and she threw me away into a dumpster when i was born. Ellen DeGenerous found me and took me in and raised me with my twin sister Oprah Winfrey, and I want to be in a showmance!
Brad Owens
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Name: Brad Owens Age: 23 Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio Current city: New York City, New York Occupation: Celebrity Pet Stylist 
Three adjectives that describe you: Beautiful, Flirty, and Charming Favorite activities: Parodying popular music videos and perusing pet shops  What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Being away from my life of luxury and convenience Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Natalie Negrotti because she a thiccy who scammed her way to jury by playing James Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Yes My life’s motto is… the roof may not be my son but ill raise it anyways What would you take into the house, and why? My purse lined with 100 dollar bills to remind myself i come from money, My Peruvian Guinea Pig whomst I like to stroke to calm myself, and My photobook of my friends and i in every shady dark bathroom in New York  Fun facts about yourself: I specialize in body shots, I hold the world record for most consecutive snaps, and I've got 400k followers on instagram
Kathleen Bauer
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Name: Kathleen Bauer 
Age: 53 Hometown: Williamsport, PA Current city: Williamsport, PA Occupation: Full Time Mom Three adjectives that describe you: Energetic, Loving, Driven Favorite activities: Hanging out with my kids and husband, going to play tennis at the country club, and drinking wine with the girls on Thursdays! What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Being away from my family is gonna be hard, but I’m playing this for them! Also not having Wine for 3 months will be rough! Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I love Kathy Hillis! I really related to her a lot and thought she was  a fun personality! Do you have a strategy for winning the game? I know the house is gonna be filled with a bunch of young kids, but I have teenagers I know how to handle them! Im a huge superfan and they won’t see Kathleen coming! My life's motto is… live laugh love! What would you take into the house, and why? My Cabernet! I can’t live without it! Pictures of my kids, I love them more than anything! My best friend Angie, she helps me through EVERYTHING! Fun facts about yourself: I was an extra in the hit T.V. series “Gossip Girl!”, I go to the Little League World Series every year, and I’m an animal person!
Ace Ryers
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Name: Ace Ryers 
Age: 21
 Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
 Current city: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
 Occupation: Business owner Three adjectives that describe you: Laidback, charismatic, keen
 Favorite activities: Traveling, singing, reading
 What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Finding something to do and keeping my hands busy. 
 Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Victor Arroyo. The guy has some strength and played a loyal game, for what time he had to play the game. Got to still be an all-around good guy and did what he had to do. Not...very refined, but impressive. 
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Hide out in people's blind spots and play the nice guy role until it's time to strike and get down to business. 
 My life’s motto is… if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. 
 What would you take into the house, and why? My Fitbit. It seriously does everything, A good book, and my guitar.
 Fun facts about yourself: I am a shareholder for Starbucks and hold stocks in it. I graduated college at 20 years old. (Thanks Columbia!) and I had my last and first name legally changed when I moved to America at 3 years old.
Mariana Castillo
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Name: Mariana Castillo 
Age: 22
Hometown: San Jose, CA
 Current City: Cambridge, MA
 Occupation: Bartender and Student Three adjectives that describe you: Empathetic, Gregarious, Reliable
 Favorite activities: Going out and partying to distract myself from my studies, Shopping and Reading books
 What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? I assume the most difficult part of living in the house will be getting used to living with 15 other people, I have a very bad experience living with a large number of people.
 Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? I loved Da’vonne the most because she did whatever she had to do to make it far in the game so that she can win money for her and her daughter. That was her motivation to play the game and I feel that mine is kind of similar to her’s.
 Do you have a strategy for winning the game? My strategy is to make close friendships and let them carry me, but also to win comps every once in while to secure my safety and my alliance’s until I want to cut them off.
 My life’s motto is... In life be a warrior not a worrier 
What would you take into the house, and why? 
All the liquor at my job so everyone can let loose and chill
, Pepper spray so if a bitch tries me imma blind her ass
, and My pet chameleon. he’s a cunt but I love him because he’s good company 
Fun facts about yourself: Binge watching tv is my forte, I’m good at martial arts, and I was in foster care for almost half of my life 
Aspen Knolls
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Name: Aspen Knolls Age: 21 Hometown: Monterey, CA Current City: New York, NY Occupation: Freelance personal assistant Three adjectives that describe you: manipulative, subversive, witty Favorite activities: buying clothes I can’t afford, ghosting all my suitors What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house? Living with other people…. Yuck Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most? Amber Borzotra and Jozea Flores bc everyone says I look like their love child Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Intimidation LOL My life's motto is… run over anyone in your way (literally) What would you take into the house, and why? My $2000 Jura E8 Automatic Coffee Machine, because….. why not. My pet sphynx cat, Kate Lynn Gender, to show off her pure bred status and my Gucci Resort 17 fur, to STUNT! Fun facts about yourself: Beyonce Knowles is my third cousin, my mom tried to abort me but I stayed alive, and I found Nicole Kidman’s wallet and she took me to dinner after I returned it
The second group of houseguests will be posted tomorrow evening
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