#it starts off pretty strong tho the first minute is actually like. good
muirneach · 9 months
wait. it’s lá fhéile dreoilín today can we all listen to this song that perfectly toes the line between godawful and just good enough to get stuck in your head. happy wren day
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yurislotusgarden · 1 year
Wearing their clothes
ʚїɞ Separately! Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Ranpo Edogawa x Reader
ʚїɞ part 2
ʚїɞ format: headcanons
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 768 (Dazai - 273, Chuuya - 246, Ranpo - 249)
ʚїɞ Tw's: None! Just pure fluff, pet names: dazai calls you an angel, 'bella, pretty doll, reader's gender is not specified in any way
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Dazai Osamu
There are 3 things that can kill this guy, and one of them is seeing you in his clothes.
Do you want this man to be even more clingy than he already is if it’s even possible? Goal achieved, really. Seeing you wear something even as simple as his coat just because he left it somewhere in the apartment will absolutely melt this man’s heart like others here, to be honest, but he will for sure be the most open about it. Talking about how:
“OH I’M IN HEAVEN” “I HAVE SEEN AN ANGEL ON EARTH” “I can truly die peacefully now ‘bella”
and much more while holding onto your waist while on his knees the whole time just because of a single piece of his clothing on you.
The first time he sees you in any piece of his clothing he would probably just stand there for a minute. Give him a moment please because there’s that warm feeling in his chest and he needs to process it.
After he gets through it tho? Good luck getting away because this man will not let go of you. Whether it’s a hug, cuddles, or anything else, you’re not leaving his arms unless you’re naturally really fucking strong. He may look like a stick but damn does his hold on you is strong.
And about him wearing your clothes? You can bet your life he will steal shit even if you close your closet with a hundred locks, it’s Dazai, there’s no sense in trying because he will get your clothes <3
“Do you want to try out anything else of mine ‘bella?”
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Chuuya Nakahara
Unlike what most people in the PM think, Chuuya does not have his hat on 24/7, you, in fact, see him without it most of the time when in the house.
That fact made it easy for you to get his hat when he’s somewhere else in the house… or at least when you think so.
Listen, this man, this man, thoughts gone, just a dorky smile on his face. The moment he sees you looking at yourself in the mirror, thoughts gone just ‘what is this feeling?’ in his head for a moment. Chuuya ADORES seeing you in anything he owns, or the clothes he got you because there’s no way you’re dating him and don’t get gifted some clothes besides other things.
You found his hat in his bedroom while he was in the bathroom, you really meant to have just a quick look in the mirror to see how would you look in it, but you certainly did not realize that someone was behind you, leaning against the doorframe, just admiring your pretty figure.
You don’t realize he's standing there until you turn around, or he knocks on the doorframe to get your attention, either way, you will be embarrassed. Like hello he was not meant to see you in it, he wasn't meant to know you even wanted to try anything of his on, and yet here you are.
“What are you doing, pretty doll?” ← said while having that mf hot smirk on :)
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Ranpo Edogawa
He knew, he knew and yet wasn't prepared enough. Ranpo very well knew that you want to try on his hat and cape, and as if to spite you, he made sure to not leave it just laying somewhere. 
He’s a little shit, but he’s our lovely little shit.
Until he decided he wants to see you in the set, after that realization, he simply left it on a chair in his room and left, giving you the perfect opportunity, well that’s what he wanted you to think, he didn't think it would backfire tho.
When he came into the room after you started looking in the mirror, my man simply FROZE. Like yea, he knew what you're gonna do, but actually seeing it? Ranpo.exe stopped working - for a solid minute.
After Ranpo starts working again, you can bet he’s not letting you take that off for some time, he probably asks you to wear it more often, around people and everything. He just wants to see you in that set because you look so adorable in that in his eyes<3
He will definitely keep you on his lap when in the agency, doesn't matter whether you work there or not, you will find yourself in that position so get ready for teasing from Dazai because you won't escape that. 
He won’t mind you stealing his clothes anytime, just don’t forget to give him some sweets in return alright?
“I did not expect this to backfire on me”
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Notes, comments, reblogs and anything else is greatly appreciated &lt;3
ʚїɞ I planned for each to be 100-150 to write more characters but look where I ended up so I decided to end on 3 only, please tell me who should I write in part 2 if anyone wants me to write it!
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ok but seriously can't stop thinking about ryu shi-oh taking the drug yk getting all strong and veiny and just monster-fucking you 😵😵
~ I’m back !!💕 please don’t hate me 😭but I just came back after months and seen I had lots of request so I had to come back , as you all know my only grandma passed so I took time off but I’m back loves💕!!!~
Ryu Shi Oh! Fem!Reader
Genre : Smut
Warning ⚠️: Drugs , rough sex , name calling , teasing , shower sex
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It was around 12 pm when you received a text from you boyfriend that he would be home a bit early today not exactly telling you the time that he would be home assuming he wouldn’t be home for a another hour or two as you finish the last bit of your sandwich before placing the plate in the dishwasher
Heading out of the kitchen walking through the living room as you head for the stairs to your shared bedroom opening the door as he was always left cracked open since you lived alone with Shi Oh, entering the bedroom heading for the closet grabbing each handle of the closet pulling the doors open allowing you to step inside the huge closet eyes scanning around the closet before landing on a box that looked to be untouched reaching for the box heading out of the closet as you put the box on your shared bed slowly opening the top of the box …It was a lingerie set a bra with pretty butterfly designs on the breast are as well as a matching butterfly on the front of the thongs * like this *
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Smiling a bit as your remembering how you would always stop and stare at the matching set any time you were in the lingerie store with Ryu Shi Oh but you didn’t think he would actually get it for you staring at the matching set as you then become a bit confused
‘why did he tell me to wait until today to wear it tho, it’s so pretty’ reader thought letting out a small sigh as you shake the thoughts out of your head before taking the matching set out of the box taking the box throwing it in the near by trash in your shared room going towards your dresser in the left corner of the huge room
Opening the top right drawer looking at the drawer full of different colors of silk robes , deciding to go with the white laced see through robe quickly grabbing the silk white robe closing the drawer looking at your different variety of perfumes , lotions and other smell goods on the top of the dresser grabbing your berries scent body scrub along with you 24 hr lotion , perfume and body wash that was also berry scented as it came in a set
Putting your lotion perfume and robe on the bed as you head for the bathroom leaving the door open since you were the only one in the house at the moment, grabbing two new clean one for your body and the other for your girly parts turning towards the walk in shower sliding the see through glass door open reaching your hands for the shower’s knob quickly turning the knob as you turn the water towards hot
Waiting a few seconds before striping completely out of your clothes taking your hair out of your ponytail allowing your head to breath a bit before stepping inside the shower sliding close the glass door behind you, turning to face the hot water sighing as the water runs down your naked body causing your muscles to relax stepping closer to the shower head as your hair becomes soaked the hot water flowing down your hair as it travels down your body while your become deep in thought
It’s been a good 15 minutes since you’ve been in the shower your mind still roaming about what you should do tomorrow since tomorrow would be Ryu Shi Oh only day off sighing as your mind continues to roam with thoughts not allowing you to hear the sound of your name being called from downstairs causing Shi Oh to become a bit confused his brows now knitted together as he looks around the first floor not seeing your presence as he starts to head for the stairs
Reader still letting her mind roam freely not hearing the should of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs , slowly heading towards the bedroom as they come to a stop for a few seconds
Ryu Shi Oh now stopped on his tracks looking at the bed seeing your clothes let out on the bed his eyes which were already dark now filled with lust turning his head towards the open bathroom door smirking as Ryu Shi oh slowly walks towards the bathroom stopping at the door as his eyes stare at your naked form though the glass smirk growing a bit wider as he didn’t make a sound just stares at your naked form , suddenly feeling eyes pierce through your skull lifting your head quickly wiping the water that dropped down your face turning quickly only to for your eyes to fall on Ryu Shi oh becoming a bit confused as he slowly was closer stoping at the sliding door before he strips out of his work suit sliding the door open and stepping inside once he was undressed
Your eyes never leaving Ryu Shi Oh’s form as you feel your breath become caught in your throat .. don’t get it wrong you’ve seen him naked a lot of times but something was different today .. his veins were more visible than they would normally be , his muscles looked more tense than usual as his veins was more of a bluish color as your eyes continued to scan over Ryu Shi oh not telling that he got closer to you eyes never leaving your smaller form
“S-Shi oh what’s wrong..” reader says a bit nervously his dark eyes never leaving yours , closing the gap between you his lips attacking your neck with wet kisses causing you to let out a small moan as his cold hand gently squeeze your plump breast licking up your neck before giving you a rough kiss causing you to moan in the kiss , slowly moving his hand down your wet body grabbing at your thigh wrapping your leg around his torso before slowly moving to your now dripping core as you become more needy with every touch
Deepening the kiss as he plays with your wet fluids groaning into the kiss from how soaked you were and he didn’t do much feeling his member start to become excited as his inserts two of his long slender fingers into your entrance as he starts pumping them at a fast pace causing you to pull away from the kiss as you let out a loud moan , groaning a bit before kisses your neck making sure to leave his mark before picking up his pace pulling away from your neck after a few seconds dark eyes now looking at your dripping cunt as he adds a third finger growing at how tight you were groaning as you tighten around his fingers
“R-Ryu S-shi oh.. p-please” reader moans out feeling you knew your were close but his fingers weren’t enough you need him
“Please what, I don’t know what you mean pretty girl” Ryu Shi oh replies voice deeper than usual letting out a loud moan as you feel his fingers pump in and out of you faster your walls squeezing tears building in your eyes as Ryu Shi oh lets out a dark chuckle curling his fingers in your soaked cunt
Amusement and lust fills his eyes as they never leave your small form your arms wrapped around his neck tightly , your loud moans filling his ears biting at his lower lip feeling his member now harden and leaking of precum quickly removing his fingers as from your soaked cunt now tighten around nothing , grabbing your other leg before wrapping it around his torso keeping your back against the shower wall the hot water now running down both your naked bodies
Attacking your lips with another kiss causing your to moan in the kiss you were so focused on the kiss you didn’t notice as he slowly strokes his member before lining his swollen tip still leaking with precum as he pushes the tip past you entrance making sure to not push another further causing you to whine as you try to push down his whole 8 inch cock only for Ryu Shi oh to grab at your hips making sure you stay in place deepening the kiss as you let out another whine , letting out a chuckle as he pulls away from the kiss once again leaving kisses at your neck before slamming the rest of his member in to your soaked cunt
Letting out a loud gasp as Ryu Shi oh doesn’t give you time to adjust to his size as he quickly picks up his pace pounding into your soaked cunt , grabbing at his hair as your other hand scratches at his back only causing him to grown before picking up his pace , tears now streaming down your face as your mind starts to become blank only focusing on how Ryu Shi Oh cock was now bullying your cervix cash ring you to tighten with each thrust , Ryu Shi oh now looking at your facial expressions your eyes rolled to the back of your head tears streaming down your face as your mouth a gasp stopping his pace as he takes his hands from your thighs now placing them under your plump ass with a good hold before turning to slide open the shower door heading for the bed room not caring how soaked you were quickly throwing your on the bed as he turns you on your stomach in one swift motion pulling your ass in the air before you could process what was happening he pushing his 8inch harden coo back into your swollen cunt picking up his pace your hands now gripping at the sheets trying to pull away as you could feel a budge form in the pit of your stomach and you knew it was his cock leaving a nudge on you stomach with each hard thrust he took placing a hand in the middle of your back his eyes watching as your plump ass bounces back against him with each hard thrust
Letting out a deep groan as he places his other hand in your back causing your back to arch more than it was as your mouth lay agasp
“S-s-shi FUCK Shi oh p-p-please I-I can’t…t-to much a-shi o-OH” reader moans out as you feel one of his huge hands now gripping tightening at your hips as your feel his thrust become a bit sloppy a knot now forming in the pit of your stomach gripping at the sheets as you try to pull away only to be slammed back against his throbbing cock causing him to go deeper in your womb
“F-Fuck just stay-y s-still and hold it” Ryu Shi Oh says more of a demand as you knew he knew you were cumming but you also knew that you couldn’t hold it not with how he was abusing your cervix with is cock not caring that you had tears running down your face it only made him want to fuck into you more he loved how you took him so well letting he toss you around like a rag doll , he loved how his shy and quiet doll could get so loud for him and only him picking up his pace as he throws his head back a grin held on his lips as he feels your juices releasing on he harden member looking down at you gripping at your hips as he pounds harder into you sensitive cunt your juices leaking from your swollen cunt as he strokes become sloppier by the second before letting out a deep grain as he covered your tight walls with his cum tightening his jaw as he slowly pulls out of your soaked cunt sitting on the edge of the bed as he looks at you his cock still hardened , his veins still visible standing to his feet as he heads for the bathroom going for the bath tub as he runs warm water while your tired and sore form slowly drifts off to sleep
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stxrrynxghts · 4 months
Ranking the songs of Ponniyin Selvan
The sole reason for making this post is because I. AM. OBSESSED. Also, I am not a music expert, so this is just about how the songs sounded to me.
14. PS Anthem
I...I don't have anything to say. It's an okay song for me, I just don't like it as much as the other tracks, simple.
13. Devaralan Aattam
Again, same thing. It is a nice piece of music...I am not that fond of it. This album is soooo good, and this song is a nice song. Except I kind of get scared when I listen to it T-T.
12. Aazhi Mazhai Kanna
It is soooo pretty! My only complaint is that it is...what? A minute long?! I wish it were a full fledged, 2-3 minute long song...It has a such a lovely vibe, and I am in love with the music video.
11. Ilaiyor Soodar
It has a kind of nostalgic, old-ish vibe? IDK how to describe it, but it feels kind of melancholic, which I think it is meant to be? This is very small as well, no?
10. Chinnanjiru (Marumurai)
This is one of my fav songs on this album actually, but I don't listen to it that much, because it makes me cry. I think this song might actually make me depressed, it's so beautifully made and sung.
9. Chola Chola
It has a very energetic vibe, over all. Why do I feel that this would be a good gym song tho? It also seems like a strong dance song, and I love it for that. Also, I listened to the Hindi version first, and I highly recommend it.
8. Chinnanjiru Nilave
It is a very beautiful piece of music. My favorite part is how the music starts off with a very cheerful tune, and keeps it throughout the song, while slowly adding a tragic/painful tone as the song progresses. It really fits the couple it is picturized on. Who is the singer, guys? Another song whose Hindi version I loved.
7. Shivoham
I really love the fact that this song's lyrics are taken directly from Nirvana Shatakam. I am a sucker for well made religious music, especially with Sanskrit lyrics, and this is one of those songs. Someone make a 1 hour loop of this, it is toooooo short.
6. Ponni Nadhi
This was the first PS song I listened to, and it is so, so, so good!!!! Such an energetic and simultaneously peaceful song. The music video is so precious as well, and the fact that it is picturized on Vanthiyathevan is just another plus for me. Makes me want to sing along whenever I listen to it.
5. Ratchasa Maamaney
Sweetie, I am so sorry. I feel so guilty for ranking this so low. This is an awesome song. Shreya Ghoshal is a pleasure as always, and the music + music video are just precious. This song has such festive vibes, and Vanthiyathevan's parts are so hilarious. The flute in the beginning has fulfilled all my dreams.
4. Sol
Now, NGL, but I was not that big of a fan of this song initially, when I first heard it, but it grew on me. The whistling, the sound of water, everything is so cute. This is the most adorable song I have ever heard. The Tamil version was my fav.
3. Aga Naga
It is so dreamy and breath-taking for me. I am in love with this song. The instruments, and the singing, everything is top notch. IDK how people can dislike this song. It has a slow touch to it, and it is very romantic, but has subtle vibes? Like this song gives me the vibe of loving someone, but from afar?
2. Alaikadal
So dreamy and peaceful. I listened to all of it's versions, and it has a mysterious + chill vibe. Antara Nandy is such a good singer. This song just transports you to a different world.
WINNER: Veera Raja Veera
This song is just....perfection. Chef's kiss. Out of this world. ROYAL. I always blast this song on full volume, and it is EVERYTHING. This song is just....I don't have words for it. The lyrics are even more perfect. The part before the last chorus is my fav and I just-
Also the music video.
I am screaming, shrieking, throwing up whenever I listen to it.
What is your ranking?
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Rose Recaps 2023 - Thailand
Ok. Let me just get this out of the way. If there were awards for "started of great but forgot what it was about by the end" Thailand would win them all. No other country can touch them. So when I was going through my list of watched Thai Bls there weren't all that many to choose as favourites. but I'll try to be kind.
The one about family
Moonlight Chicken
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First and foremost this show is stunning. This really cannot be overstated. I really enjoyed all the different relationships represented here and that the idea of family is what you want it to be. I love all of them, and Wen did absolutely nothing wrong.
Favourite Moment This conversation left me in tears.
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The one hated by so many but not me
Dangerous Romance
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This was me whenever there was a new episode.
I'm not gonna say people were wrong. Everybody has the right to their own opinions. But I never expected anything else.
This show gave me exactly what I expected of it. They made a romantic version of the trailer for christ sake. The ost video that came out the day before the premiere was a love fest with the softest song sang by Chimon. I agree that the first 2 episodes were different and for some, misleading about the direction of the show.
Not for me though. I got what I wanted. Chimon and Perth on my screen being boyfriends with some drama sprinkled in for good measure. And with the amazing bonus that was Marc and Pawin together again and the character of Auto that I just adored. I actually enjoyed all the characters in this one.
Favourite Moment
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The one that is beautiful
I Feel You Linger In The Air
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The amount of screenshots I took while watching this would fill a hard drive. It's just gorgeous. The way they played with the spaces was just such a treat.
This show was almost perfect. I had a couple of issues with it midway through and I felt that they dragged the goodbye a tiny bit much but overall I really liked it. These two are very special but overall there were a lot of characters to root for and enough of them to hate, which I appreciate.
But also WHERE IS THE SPECIAL??? I need to watch it!
Favourite Moment
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The one that was I was ready to hate and then didn't
Be My Favourite
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Confession time. I didn't like Krist. Watching SOTUS was something I endured but didn't enjoy for the most part. I know I'm not alone in this. But also. I didn't like Fluke. In anything. He was the only thing I didn't like in Not Me, and I skipped most scenes of his couple during Dark Blue Kiss. No particular reason tho. I just didn't enjoy watching him. So the bar was set pretty low on this one for me.
And then what happened? I loved Kawi. Like immediately. And surprise surprise, I liked Fluke. Immediately. It's like I was on an alternate universe and I couldn't believe my eyes.
With that said, it was not even close to a perfect show. It started off really strong, I enjoy the way the relationship grew, I loved that the characters were being honest with each other and being mostly kind to one another. Some moments felt really grounded. And then it kinda fell apart for me. But this is a positive post so I'm not going there.
Favourite Moment: The whole montage.
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The one with the redemption of Mame
Wedding Plan
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I already explained what I went through with this show here prompted by this episode of @the-conversation-pod. You should all go listen to this and all the other episodes because both @bengiyo and @shortpplfedup are brilliant and funny in convenient audio format.
Anyway, in the end I loved this show so much and took me a minute to come to terms that it was actually that good. The characters are actually multidimensional and the woman have depth. Groundbreaking stuff.
Favourite Moment
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The one with all the cuteness
My School President
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Not gonna lie, not a huge fan of singing in my bl. But this was great. From the beginning the fact that it made constantly remember my beloved Love Sick was an unexpected and delightfull bonus. I was living for Tinn's expressions, Tiw just being delightfully loyal and the epitome of sharing one brain cell group of friends. Not to forget the parental relationships that were some of the best of the year. I even liked the singing.
Favourite Moment
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The extra one
Our Skyy 2 - A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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This happened. It was perfect. That's it.
I watched more than 40 thai shows that came out this year, I'm not counting the ones that are still on, and these were my favourites. Mostly because some of them were the ones that I had the least to complain about.
That's it for my recaps. I still wanna gif some stuff today and it's late so I can't review this post again so if there are mistakes, don't tell me. It'll haunt me.
Have a good night💜
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coquitokisses · 1 month
Trusting Again | chapter 011: quality time
Word count: 2642
Warnings: just Bucky being a flirty mother effer
A/n: Remember how I said that they were living in a house? Well let’s suppose it’s an apartment cuz I’ve been writing like they’re living in an apartment and not a house and I’m also imagining it that way I don’t know why, so they’re living in an apartment cuz I’m not gonna edit anything lmao
series masterlist • previous chapter • next chapter
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It was almost 7 pm and Cat was just on the balcony trying to “meditate”. Wanda was actually getting her into it when they were still at the compound because she says that Cat has a strong temper and that meditation could help her so they would do it together. And now Cat is trying to do it by herself even tho it hasn’t been so easy. But she’s getting there.
She took a deep breath and a noise from inside distracted her a little, but she kept her eyes closed trying to just maintain calm. Just a few minutes later, she heard the balcony door open and her eyes shoot open, looking up at the cause of the noise.
“Are you busy?” Bucky asked
“I don’t know, what do you think?”
“Is that a yes or…?”
She let out a sigh. “I’m trying to find some inner peace somewhere so I don’t kill you guys.” She replied
“Can I join?” He walked out and closed the door
“Do whatever you want, I don’t care.” She said closing her eyes again
“So what are we doing?” He asked sitting right in front of her in the same position she was
She opened her eyes again. “Why aren’t you with Steve?”
“Because I wanna be with you, is there a problem with that?”
“Why? So you can piss me off like you always do?”
“You piss me off too and you don’t see me whining.”
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”
“You want me to go?” He asked
She looked at him for a few seconds, thinking about what to respond. Honestly she didn’t mind having him there, yes he pisses her off and it’s been pissing her off for the last few weeks, but she couldn’t care less if he was in the balcony with her.
“No, it’s fine.” She replied “You can stay, but don’t try anything funny because I finally managed to get into this zen energy and if you piss me off, I swear I’m gonna throw you off the balcony.”
He just smirked at her. “Oh I wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.”
“So do I just.. do nothing?” He asked
“Basically.” She replied “Just.. try to relax.”
“Try to relax.. okay” He nodded
“Take five deep breaths.” She said, she started taking slow deep breaths and Bucky focused on doing just the same as her “Now close your eyes.”
She closed hers and Bucky did the same.
“Now we’re gonna do a quick scan for any discomfort or tension.”
“The cause of my tension is sitting right in front of me.” He said
“Hm, funny, mine is too.” She replied and he chuckled “Okay, take note of the discomfort but don’t try to change it.”
“Okay.” He nodded, taking a deep breath
“Now focus on your breathing and count them up to ten, don’t focus on anything else, just on your breathing.” She explained “It’ll help you relax.”
They did just that for a few minutes and then Cat was the first one to talk.
“You feel better?” She asked opening her eyes
“Am I supposed to feel different?” Bucky opened one eye to look at her
She couldn’t help but laugh a little. “You’re supposed to feel relaxed, yes.”
“Well I feel.. fine, I guess.” He shrugged
“Do I still stress you out?”
“Not right now, no.” He shook his head “Am I stressing you out?”
“No, I’m actually enjoying the company.” She replied
And she was telling the truth. Yeah, they have argued a few times before and there’s times where she really wants to punch him in the face, but they get along. They get along pretty well, actually.
“Wow, then this stuff really works, huh.” Bucky said
She shrugged. “I guess so, Wanda always said that it would help me with my “anger issues”.. which I do not have, let me clarify.”
“Sure.” He slowly nodded “Whatever you say.”
“I don’t have anger issues, you think I do?”
He nodded. “I think you have some built up anger.. or maybe just some resentment or something that makes you lash out sometimes.”
“You think I lash out?”
“Sometimes you do, yeah.”
“Nobody has ever told me that.” She said, a little surprised, to be honest
“That’s because you used to have a way to get it out when we were still in the compound.” Steve spoke from inside “Now you don’t have a way to get it out of your system like you used to, so sometimes you do lash out.” He walked over to the door, leaning on the door frame
She actually didn’t know that. She knew she wasn’t easy and she knew that she could be a pain in the ass sometimes and that she did get mad pretty quick. But she didn’t know that she actually took it out on the guys. Because, like Steve said, she did have a way to get it out where she didn’t need to scream at anybody, but now she doesn’t have that. And she does realize that she has been a little tense ever since all of this has been happening, which is also causing her some anxiety.
“I’m sorry.” She said
“It’s okay, we know how to handle it.” Steve replied “And we know you don’t actually mean to act like that.” He added with a small smile, which made her smile a little
“Yeah, but still.” She said wrapping her hair in a ponytail “I have to do something about that.”
“You are.” He said “By the way, I’m gonna buy a few things we need, you guys wanna come?”
“I’ll go with you.” Bucky said getting up from the floor
“Well I need to shower, I’m kinda sweaty.” Cat answered
“Thanks for the meditation class.” Bucky said leaning down to help Cat get up
“Yeah, like you enjoyed it.” She rolled her eyes supporting herself on his arm to stand up
“I did.” He nodded
She chuckled. “No, you didn’t.”
“Whatever, dude.” He rolled his eyes “Don’t believe me then.”
“Sam is in his room.” Steve told her “Call if you need anything.”
“Okay.” She nodded
The guys walked inside and she grabbed her things before heading inside too. After they left, Cat decided to take a shower.
After that, she just went and got dressed and decided to go and make herself a sandwich since she was a little hungry. She went to the kitchen, made the sandwich and then headed back to her room. Bucky and Steve weren’t back yet. She was just in her bed, drawing and listening music on a little radio that Sam actually got for her, portable, since he knew how much she loved to listen to music.
She finished the sandwich and she just stayed there drawing. A while later, there were some knocks on the door making her lower the volume of the radio a little bit.
“Come in.” She said
The door opened and Bucky’s head appeared out on the corner.
“Can I come in?” He asked
“Uh, yeah.” She replied
“So,” he started saying as he walked inside “I heard you talking to Steve a few days ago, about wanting to go out and do things.”
“Okay..?” She frowned confused
“So as you know, a few hours ago I went with Steve to buy some things and I convinced him to buy some beers.” He showed her the two beer bottles he was holding in his hand, which she didn’t even noticed he had when he walked in “I know it’s not the same as going out, but I think it’s close enough, right?”
“Right.” She nodded slowly
“So here you go.” He handed her one of the beers “You may not be legal in America yet, but you’re legal in Morocco.”
“I am.” She chuckled a little grabbing the beer “So are the guys drinking too or just us?”
“Just us.”
“Why?” She asked
“Because I want to.” He shrugged
“You just wanted to drink some beers with me?” She looked at him raising an eyebrow
“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing, it’s just.. I don’t know, it’s weird that you’re here asking me to drink with you when we’ve been butting heads lately.” She tilted her head a little
“Take this as a peace treaty.” He said
She chuckled a little. “A peace treaty? So we’re not arguing anymore?”
“Well I’m down if you are.” He opened his beer bottle
She let out a sigh. “Fine.”
“So we’re good? Like, officially good?”
“We are, James.” She laughed “Now please open this for me.” She handed him her bottle
“You wanna go outside?” He asked her
“Outside to the living room or outside outside?”
“Outside outside.” He nodded “To the balcony.”
“Yeah, sure, let’s go.”
They both got up and left the room to go to the balcony.
“So why are you doing this?” She asked sitting on one of the chairs that were there
Bucky turned around to look at her. “Why do you keep asking?”
“Because! It’s just weird.” She chuckled “Why are being so nice?”
“I’m a nice guy, okay?” He said sitting on the other chair
“Yeah, right.” She rolled her eyes laughing “So what do you wanna do?”
“I don’t know, what do you wanna do?”
“Well I don’t know, I thought you had something in mind.”
“My plan was to drink and make peace with you.” He said “What do you wanna do?”
“I don’t know.” She took a sip of her beer “Kids these days play all sorts of things having alcohol involved, wanna play something, old man?”
“You know? You shouldn’t be calling me names when out of the two of us, I’m the one who can’t get drunk.”
She giggled. “Touché.”
“Wanna do 20 questions?”
“But I know too much about you already.”
“But I don’t know much about you.” He said tilting his head a little
“Yeah, guess you’re right.” She said “What do you wanna know, James?”
“You know my full name, what’s yours?”
“Catalina Giselle Navarro Álvarez.” She replied “In Latin America you have two last names, the first one is from your dad, you get his first surname and the second one is your mom’s first surname.”
“That’s actually kinda cool.” He said “It sounds very unique.”
“It kinda is.” She nodded “But it’s too long.”
“Where did Giselle come from?”
“I have no idea.” She shook her head “Mom said that she always liked the name and she thought it sounded nice with Catalina.”
“It does.”
She chuckled. “It doesn’t.”
“You need to learn to love your name more.”
“I like my name.” She said
“Well you need to like it more.” He replied “You need to love it, did your mom named you?”
She nodded. “She did.”
“Then that’s basically the only thing that you have from her, so you need to learn how to love it.”
She let out a sigh. “I don’t hate it.”
“But you don’t love it either.” He said and she shook her head “I love your name, for me it’s actually pretty unique.”
“And it is, sort of.” She shrugged “You don’t meet a Catalina very often.”
“Or a Catalina Giselle.”
“Exactly.” She giggled “I don’t know, I just don’t think they sound good together.”
“Well they do, so stop thinking that.”
“Alright, fine.” She rolled her eyes
“You’ve never mentioned anything about your dad.”
“Because I never met him.”
“Is he alive?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugged “Navarro isn’t even his last name so..”
“And who’s is it?” He asked
“My grandfather, he’s my mom’s stepdad, he raised her since she was two and when we were born, she used his last name for us.”
“Are you and your sister from the same father?”
“We’re not.” She responded “You’ve wasted six questions already.”
“Okay, fine!” He rolled his eyes “Can you dance?”
“Yes, but I think we mean different dances.” She replied “Can you dance?”
“Of course I can, are you kidding?” He said and she just chuckled “What can you dance?”
“Not slow dancing or whatever you did back in the 40s.. we kinda don’t do that anymore.”
“I haven’t exactly been up to date with that just yet.”
“I can help you with that.”
“Please do.” He nodded
The hours have passed, it’s almost 1 am and Bucky and Cat are still awake, although they decided to move to the couch after a few hours.
“My head hurts.” Cat yawned running her hand through her hair
“I think you’ve had enough beers for today.” Bucky spoke
“Hm, I think so too.” She ran her hands over her face
“Alright, come on.” He got up from the couch
Cat also tried to get up, but she felt kinda dizzy. “Oh shit.” She sat back down
“I told you to eat the chips.” He helped her get up
“But I’m fine.” She said
“Sure you are.” He let out a breathy chuckle “Come on, you’re going to bed.”
“I am kinda tired.”
“I know.” He said wrapping an arm around her
He helped her get to her room and once they were there, he made her sit on the bed.
“Are you awake still?” He asked when she just plopped on the bed
“I don’t know.” She sighed and he rolled his eyes smiling a bit
“Can you tell me where your pajamas are?”
“Don’t worry, I can do it.” She said
“You can barely keep your eyes open.” He chuckled “Tell me where they are, I can get them for you.”
“Third drawer.” She replied
He walked over to the dresser and opened the drawer to take out a t-shirt and some sleeping shorts. He went back to the bed and he left the clothes next to Cat.
“Come on, get up.” He grabbed her by the arm pulling her up so she could sit
“Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?” She looked at him
“What are you talking about?” He frowned squatting in front of her so he could see her face
The room didn’t have any lights on, the only light coming in was the one from the hall because the door was open.
“It just seems like you hate me sometimes.” She chuckled
“Hate is a strong word.”
“I think a man like you can handle that word.” She rolled her eyes
“I definitely don’t hate you.” He shook his head “Why would I?”
“Then why are you such an ass?”
“Why are you?”
“Fair enough.” She rolled her eyes “Get out, I’m gonna change.”
“You don’t want any help?”
She looked up at him and because she moved, their faces were very close. Her eyes went down to his lips and she shook her head lightly before running one of her hands over her forehead.
“Easy, soldier.” She shook her head “That wouldn’t be okay, would it?” She looked back at up at his eyes
“Says who?” He got back up
“You know it wouldn’t be okay.” She pushed him as she stood up from the bed
“Well for one, I’m drunk.” She said pushing him by the chest towards the door, so he was basically going backwards “And two, I don’t think our roommates would like it.”
“That makes it even more interesting.” Bucky leaned on the door frame
“Go to sleep.” She rolled her eyes with a little smile she was trying so hard to hide
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thank you for.. I don’t know.” She shrugged “For tonight I guess.”
“Anytime.” I smiled
“You have a very cute smile.”
“Wow you really are drunk if you’re complimenting me.”
“It just.. slipped.” She shook her head
“Right.” I chuckled
“Get out.” She giggled
“Good night.” He said
“Night.” She gave him a small smile
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lolkitkatbar · 1 month
Sorry y'all but this episode was the WORST murder drones episode EVER :(
Strap in folks. This is gonna be one LONG complaint...
(Sorry for the bad screenshots. I'm so fucking tired idgaf) SPOILERS UNDERNEATH THIS LINE GIRLIE! I REPEAT! SPOILERS UNDER THIS LINE!
Okay, positives (Don't worry. There isn't much) First of all, animation is GREAT. A bit zany and exaggerated but definitely not BAD. Voice acting is great. Cyn is great, Music's good....uh, Nuzi?...yeah that's it
Okay so we start off with Copper-9 exploding and the teacher giving zero fucks. I thought that was pretty funny. Then we see Uzi in space, currently tweaking out until Nori just basically spells out how to defeat the solver. There is no realization about how they can defeat the solver, it's just given to them. And no real reunion scene with Uzi and Nori. Sure they meet each other but there is NO closure. They act like they've been together for YEARS! Why doesn't Uzi freak out about meting her mom? Why doesn't Nori freak out about seeing her daughter? Or bring up N? Or how her life is? I get we're on a time crunch but COME ON!
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Then N just swoops in to save Uzi. We kinda just skip past his reaction to Uzi's sacrifice which is a disappointment. He just says that he was mad about that and that they'll talk about it later, but they never do. It's just brushed over and done with. Then the solver comes in and throws them into space and then they're falling and burning up and then Nuzi becomes officially official.
As a Nuzi shipper, I should feel happy. My favorite ship was just mentioned of course, but it feels so shoe horned in and rushed. I was hoping it would have a bigger impact but it's just shoved in there without a celebration and the abruptly ends because Uzi want to slap a demon
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You might also notice that it's been four minutes and SO much is happening in such a short amount of time. This will be a problem for the ENTIRE episode
Next we cut to J, Thad, Lizzy, and Khan and holy shit I am SO upset because they do NOTHING with them in this episode! They were setting them up for a fight but now everyone is just laying on the floor and doing jack.
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Also SURPRISE, J is evil! Did you want more J screentime. Did you want her to be important to the plot or even have the SMALLEST redemption arc by the end? WELL TOO BAD because J being evil is all you're getting before she's kicked into the void forever :)
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V also comes back and she has befriended the sentinels. I don't think anyone really believed she died. She basically just fights J and realizes how horrible of a person she is. She then says sorry to N for lying to him and stuff. That's cool. Don't exactly have anything to say on her. She's a good part of the episode but she suffers from underutilization like the others
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Something something hot drones. Something something NxUzixV canon (My Uzi's Bi headcanon is REAL! YIPPEE)
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Then they have an admittedly good fight scene. I have to say tho. There are a LOT of times where it seems like the characters are actually going to die and then the story just doesn't let it happen like some twisted game of hot potato and it gets annoying after a while. (Like when Cyn pulls out their hearts and stuff)
Then N and Uzi make up a handshake mid-fight and it just...stops the momentum of the fight. IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO MAKE A JOKE IN THERE THEN JUST DON'T MAKE A JOKE!
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Then Uzi just...kills the solver? Or at least Cyn? Not because of something she did btw, but because Cyn went too crazy with fazing around and shit. ARE. YOU. SERIOUS! This character has been set up to be a strong a challenging foe and she just DIES because of an OOPSIE!? It's Doll's sudden death all over again but somehow WORSE. But of course we have to make Cyn's death rushed! WE ONLY HAVE 20 MINUTES IN THIS DAMN EPISODE!
And then Uzi, like, eats her heart? And then solver is just...inside her? And there's no consequences? It's just treated as a cool accessory? Holy shit this episode was rushed
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Nori saves Khan from dying. I thought they were also going to have a heartfelt moment or something. All sobing. All tears. But no. For some reason Nori gets nervous about seeing her hubby again and runs off (Honestly if I was a fleshy spider heart, I would be nervous too). Then Khan calls the flesh heart hot because he's a freak
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And then....that's it. They go back to the school like nothing happened. They don't really adress that the world is currently broken, or that N, V, and Uzi still got that dawg in them (Solver). They're all just like, YEP! THAT'S THE END OF THE STORY NOW!
N says that Uzi's his girlfriend, V and Lizzy are shown to be friends even tho we've only ever been TOLD that they're friends, We get a cut away to Doll's dead body that only makes me sad they didn't do more with her, and V gets turned on by N's anime drawings, the end.
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Oh yeah, and there's an after credit scene of Uzi looking miserable, probably still having issues with the solver, so clearly not EVERYTHING is resolved by the end of this season. Uzi having to battle with the Solver inside her body is a cool concept and NOBODY can tell me that Liam was TOTALLY going to do another season with this premise, but then by episode 7, decided to stop mysteriously
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Okay, not part of the episode but N's merch don't make no sense. V and Uzi's make sense because they have something that is related to what they did in that episode. V fought against the sentinels. Uzi got corrupted by the solver and dragged into the hole. But N's stand shows an event that happens in episode 2. Yes! EPISODE 2! At first, I was confused why this was but it's probably because unlike the other 2, N did nothing significant in this episode except get beat up and have panic attacks. (I did feel bad for and sympathized with him the whole time ngl). But I guess getting beat up and having panic attacks wouldn't make a cool stand now would it.
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Yeah, all in all, I'm disappointed. So disappointed that I might just make a fanfiction rewritting episode 8 for myself and then make it canon out of spite. Honestly the lowest ranked episode for-
Hold on
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CAT V PLUSH!!!!!!!!!!!????
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my-name-is-jefferooni · 9 months
The new episode was… Oh my god. There’s so much Sonadow in just this first episode and I am close to fucking SOBBING.
So to start off, we got the fabled “Sonic feels bad about how Nine took the shards” in the cavern scene and even though it ended far too quickly compared to most other predictions, it was still very enjoyable! Shadow wasted absolutely no time in getting Sonic back in the game, while it took Sonic a while to realize that now is NOT THE TIME FOT A GODDAMN MENTAL BREAKDOWN. Twas a great interaction that had my soul flying outta my body frfr
Poor Sonic just had to speed run the five stages of grief lmao
AND THEN ALL MY WORRIES WASH AWAY WHEN I SEE SONADOW WORKING TOGETHER TO GET OUT OF GHOST HILL AND IT IS SERIOUSLY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SEQUENCE OF 3D ANIMATION I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. There is so much squash-and-stretch, so much dynamic posing, so many fast movements, so many moments where you blink and you miss something. It’s so fluid and so expertly done, my heart was melting when I saw it. Prime is just straight up eye candy at this point and I am not in any way complaining. This scene was so pretty and so epic and so intense. And I could feel literally every impact. Wonderful story boarding to whoever did the storyboards. You have my full respect.
And then Shadow gives Sonic a compliment and my soul once again leaves my body. I am not okay.
And then. AND THEN. WHEN NINE BRINGS OUT THE OTHER 4 ROBOTS TO FIGHT SONIC AND SHADOW THE TWO HEDGEHOGS LOOK AT EACH OTHER AND GO “Behind you!” AT THE SAME TIME AND I START DYING AGAIN. Feel bad for Big tho. Bro didn’t get a robot… 🥺 Feel so horribly bad for Shadow too. He got stuck fighting the Rouge robot during the fight. Must’ve been a horrible experience. Can’t wait to see how he’ll react to the other versions of her though! If we even get to see him again…!
Obviously, he’s not gone for good. Cuz then we wouldn’t be able to call this season “Sonadow Prime season 2.” But the fact that he gave himself up and chose to fight off a whole horde of super strong and powerful robots that could beat him in an instant all because Nine had his sights on the blue blur…? That is A LOT. Especially since we’ve waited like 2 whole decades for some good Shadow characterization. In no way am I complaining, duh, but for someone like me…? MAN I WAS NOT OKAY.
Sinister Nine is… It is wild. I always knew he was gonna be a problem ever since Shadow pointed it out at the beginning of season 2, but I never expected him to actually be this evil. He lands next to Sonic and Shadow before the sacrifice, and when he reveals what he plans to do to Sonic… He’s hardly recognizable anymore. It’s scary, how utterly broken and changed he feels. This is still the same fox as before though, just a bit more sure of what he wants. And that’s terrifying.
So naturally, when Shadow figures it out, he is mortified.
Anywhizzle my energy has dwindled since my first watch because it’s been like 30 minutes but I just wanna add that. I am pretty sure it’s official that the Prime Universe is dead. Gone. Deceased. That shit ain’t coming back, I can guarantee. We spent like half the episode trying to get out of Ghost Hill and then mourning the loss of it, and I highly doubt all that screen time is gonna go to waste. They’ll probably say that Sonic succeeded and that we’ll be shown everyone returning to normal, but based off what we see I at least hope this isn’t the case. This now feels more like a show about moving on, about finding out who you are and making friends. It’s about change, but it’s also about connection. And with the Prime Universe gone, with Ghost Hill destroyed, and with the Paradox Prism in Nine’s grasp until the foreseeable future… I really doubt we’ll see Ghost Hill restored. This fact is amplified by the fact that we’ve been getting more screen time and development with each different universe/shatterverse.
Aight that’s all for now bye bye
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bumblebeerror · 2 months
data entry seems like it has to do with computers and i am pretty much akin to a boomer when it comes to that stuff. it's embarrassing, but even excel is enough to leave me stumped. so yeah idk about working with computers a lot.
i can walk around for hours no problem, but i cannot stand still in one position for longer than a minute or two. my legs will literally give out on me and start shaking like rubber. so i can walk and sit, but not stand.
working a shift? you mean like a security guard shift? i don't think i'm physically strong enough to be a security guard, unfortunately. i would not be able to fend off intruders and trespassers.
idk about me being employable because you have to pass a job interview in order to get employed in the first place. i'm telling you now, i would not be able to pass a job interview. i don't have the people skills or conversational skills. i see stories online of people who are much more put together than me failing their job interviews, so if they couldn't make it, i doubt i will.
i can't work physical labour because i'm too weak. i can't work with computers because i don't understand that. i am very good at languages and would work as an english instructor because i know that very well, but because of my terrible social skills i would almost definitely be a bad instructor. so idk.
i really want to learn how to take care of myself, but it's so painfully difficult for me. i'm so bad at it. yesterday, my horrible fear of bugs halted me from making progress. i wanted to cook myself something in the kitchen at 2AM when everybody was asleep, but there was a giant spider on the wall above the microwave, and i was terrified that it would jump on me and start crawling all over me. and a few days ago, there was a centipede crawling on my bed and i literally ran and locked myself in the bathroom for an entire hour because i was so disturbed. i barely managed to trap it with a bowl and i was shaking the entire time. i can't even handle a tiny bug, how am i gonna take care of myself or handle other humans?
and it's fine, it wasn't that long of a wait anyway, take your time with responding. i'm sorry about your car btw :( i hope everything turns out okay for you.
Eh, everything can be learned. Trawl a few Reddit posts about excel and practice a little bit, you’ll be alright. And nah I just mean like any work shift. Most of them that don’t want you to sit down also don’t want you to stand still either, so you’re probably good there.
Hell, you might like something like what I do now, I’m an after-hours janitor for an office. There’s rarely anyone else in the office while I’m there.
Interviews, eh. They suck, and you get denied a bunch, it unfortunately comes with the territory. Necessary evil sort of thing, doesn’t mean you can’t be hired somewhere else. There’s loads of tips for what questions to ask to improve your chances tho.
Everyone’s got phobias, man. I haven’t met a single person who isn’t irrationally terrified of something. Mine’s mostly spiders. I know they’re more scared of me, and I know they’re just doing their job in the ecosystem - doesn’t matter. The idea of them near me makes my skin absolutely crawl. Typically I’m okay so long as I can’t actually see them at least for a little while, but eventually even just cleaning away their webs becomes A Lot. Typically people will understand if you’re nice about it.
Idk if you live in the US, but if you do, you could look into state healthcare - I forgot to mention it before but a lot of them now do over the phone therapy and I think my highest copay is 20$ for dental, the rest are like 1-3$ and most places don’t bother collecting it.
Gotta stop putting limits on stuff you haven’t tried doing a few times man, you’re 20 - barring like, severe disability, you’re at the age where you can turn around a lot of shit you don’t like about yourself if you commit to it.
It ain’t easy or anything - none of this shit is fair, man, I’ll tell you that for nothin. But unfortunately, nobody else is gonna magically fix it for ya either. Comes down to like, you deciding you’d like to enjoy some things even if it’ll be work to get there. I really hope you do find a way.
Unfortunately the car’s too expensive to fix, and insurance won’t pay for it. Double unfortunately, I also can’t afford a new loan payment because I’m only getting about 240$ a month, so my mom and I will have to find one cheap enough that she can cover the loan on it, because my car is backup for when my brothers or my mom’s car breaks down. I just got home from cleaning out all my stuff from it so we could hand it over to the salvage yard. Tbh, I’m mostly sad that I have been slowly outfitting it so that I could camp in it, and the last two summers money’s been so thin I only ever got to take it camping once. Hopefully we’re lucky and find something halfway decent. In the meantime, I’m looking into remote jobs, since it’s getting really clear that I can’t keep doing my physical one.
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stubz · 2 years
bit of a sequel to my bnha yandere reader post, but you don't necessarily need to read it to make sense of this. Link is here if you wanna read it tho. Also this one isn't too hardcore yandere, neither is the last one but this isn't platonic like the last one
oh and there's swearing and some catcalling, nothing is actually said tho for the catcalling tho
2.2K words
I should have kept my mouth shut, you know you should have simply ignored it, should've just used my breathing skills just like I've practiced but nooo, I had to say something!
I had to open my big mouth and just expose my most guarded secret to the whole goddamn world!
...Well, not the whole world, just whoever watches the news. Nobody watches the news nowadays so we're fine, yeah only old people watch the news...Except they were there so that means there were tons of people watching!! And there was that idiot who wouldn't stop recording everything on his phone which means it has to be on the internet now!
It's official, your life was over. Your villain life that is. After all, who would take you seriously after learning the fact that you have a major crush on the entire class 1-A from U.A.???
It's embarrassing enough when the truth comes out about your crush but it's even worse when the person who outed you was yourself!!
Gah! Why didn't I just "friendly fire" that bastard?!
And why didn't you indeed, in fact, you have experienced plenty of situations like this before and every time you've managed to control yourself. But this time...this time was different.
Let's go back, shall we?
You are a villain, a pretty well-known one too. You started young, in middle school, and built yourself a reputation among heroes and villains, spreading the message that you'll fight anyone for anyone, for the right price of course. But basically, you're muscle for hire, you'll give someone a good beating, kill off a gang or two, or sometimes you're just hired to collect money.
Anyways, your latest job was to be part of a bank robbery just in case some strong heroes came instead of the ones who usually patrol the area. Things were fine, everything went according to plan, everything was fine. Until the heroes showed up.
They were right to hire you because instead of the lower-ranked heroes, they were your little heroes. Class 1-A of U.A. looking gorgeous as always swooped in and were quick to secure the area and evacuate the civilians. Eventually leaving only you and the small gang of villains.
Sadly because of your presence, the gang members felt cocky and all decided to do some trash-talking. Most of what was said were childish taunts or jabs at the little heroes' young age or lack of experience clearly the idiot hasn't been watching the news lately. But as the fight went on the taunts and jabs became less childish and more insulting and... rather untasteful.
And while threats and taunts aren't anything new regarding your darlings, this, this catcalling, was. You f*cking hated it. You f*cking hated them.
Grabbing one of the perverts by the legs you used her as a bat and hit another pervert back into the bank. Another 5 home runs and you had them all in the building, from there you got to work.
A total of a minute passes before Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki come in to see what is happening. While Bakugo tries to fight you, you quickly make it clear that you have no intention of doing so.
"Darling, could you please just give me a moment to deal with these perverted bastards first before I spar with you?"
"Midoriya, Todoroki, loves, could you please bring Bakugo with you and leave the room, please? I wouldn't want my little heroes tooo... f*ck I forgot to censor my pet names—F*CK I SAID PET NAMES!!"
...Midoriya had a radio, courtesy of Yaoyorozu...and she was standing next to a news crew when listening...also Jiro and Shoji basically parroted your exact words. Not that anyone needed their help for that last bit, which you screamed to the flipping heavens.
Plus the villains you were giving a beating did a run for it thus reigniting your hatred for them making you run outside the bank and have another slip up. Curse your goldfish brain
"Get back here you shitheads!"
there was a news crew right in front of you
"...aaAAND THERE YOU HAVE IT, VIEWERS! Creati, is there anything you have to say about this sudden confession from the violent mercenary villain Last, aka Y/N?! Oh! Chargebolt you as well! What do you two have to say?!"
"I-I don't, we both, we all—"
And so that's the story of how you outed yourself to your crushes on national television.
Oh shit they're playing it again, this is the fifth time today! Don't you people have anything better to do than ruin my nonexistent love life?!
Frustrated you turned off the T.V and went on your phone. Bad idea
Oh my god I'm a meme now, why, why are there so many of them?? And there's people reacting to the footage? ...well at least most of them think I'm a good match for most of them
....! Wait, there's a video posted by Mina here
You played the video and saw Mina looking at the camera, looks like she used her phone.
"Hi everybody! As you all probably know by now, I—or well we, have an admirer who basically just confessed to us.
Now I've had a few admirers before but never one that was...a villain, heh...
I'm making this video to let everyone that we don't approve of Last's crimes or violent behavior and that no they have never contacted us, well, as far as we know.
But also I'm making this video to say...thank you, thank you Last for calling out those pervs and while none of us condone violence, thanks for giving them a good beating!"
A hand swipes the camera from her and shows Kirishima
"Yeah, I mean although we learned to ignore stuff like that...it doesn't mean we're not affected by it. So thanks for taking care of them! It was super manly!"
"Totally awesome what you did there!" piped in Kaminari and Sero
"HEY! TELL THAT BASTARD THAT NEXT TIME I'LL WIPE THE FLOOR WITH THEM! See how they like our little "spars" now!"
the camera turns again, this time towards the kitchen where Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Tsu make food.
"Kacchan there's no need for you to shout, the camera is right there."
"You know this explains why we're always considerably less injured than other heroes after fighting them."
"It would make sense considering that they have a crush on us, ribbit."
"Hey give me back my phone!"
Mina is on screen once again.
"So anyways, we just wanted to say thanks for dealing with the catcalling."
"Mina don't forget the deal!"
"Oh right, thanks Momo! We also have a deal with you! Based on your reaction and pet names it seems like you might actually like us, so we have a proposition for you!
If you return the stolen money and go an entire month without doing any crime you will get a reward from us. But only if you don't do any crime! No robbery, killing, mercenary contract deals, or illegal underground fighting.
So if you follow the deal you'll get a reward from us and then can accept another deal just like this one but with a better reward. Got it? Okay, bye everyone!"
and with that the students said goodbye to the camera and the video ended.
[4 days later in the dorms lounge]
Sitting on the couch munching on some chips is Mina, enjoying her Saturday afternoon.
'I wonder if they'll actually take the deal...probably not. I mean what villain could "love" us enough to give back all that money AND up crime for a whole month? Eh, it was worth a shot tho'
"Mina turn on the T.V!" shouts Sato running from the boy's side of the dorm. Behind him are all the other boys.
"News channel, hurry!" and now comes Jiro followed by the rest of the girls
"Uh, okay...what."
"Just 20 minutes ago mercenary villain Last arrived at All Might's statue and perched on top of it holding a large sack of sorts. Police and nearby pro heroes have arrived but they still continue to perch on top of the statute. No threats or demands have been, in fact, they haven't even said anything all this time."
the camera shows the villain sitting on the statue's shoulders with a large sack over their shoulder.
"What are they doing?" murmured Toru
"Beats me." replied Ojiro
"Wait, they're saying something!"
"Took you long enough! I thought I was gonna be here all day. HEY! You, cameraman, you filming me? ...well?"
the camera nodded up and down
"Good. Keep filming or else. Ahem, hello my darlings! Did you miss me? Well, I missed you! Sorry it took me so long to respond but I had a little trouble getting it all back. Anywho, here you go officers, $50,000 in cash!"
They threw out wads of money towards them.
"Sorry but I had to use a bit of my own cause I spent some of it...ookay a lot of it, but at least half of it is from the bank. Think of the other half as a charitable donation."
"Holy smokes, look, it is from the bank. At least half of it."
"Welp, that's half of the deal fulfilled. All I have to do now is stay good for, hmmm another 26 days? Then you'll give me my reward, right?"
they smiled straight at the camera, a smile that while it was supposed to be charming was actually downright terrifying. Like a predator that's about to catch its prey.
"Which brings me to this. I actually have a proposition for all of you, don't worry I'm not going back on our deal. I won't commit any crimes for the next 26 days. My proposition for all of you is that if I help you by giving you some interesting information, I get to choose my reward. Don't worry, it won't be anything unreasonable and I am open to compromise.
Now, of course, I can't disclose anything about my fellow villains, that'd be terrible business etiquette, but fortunately, that courtesy doesn't apply to corrupt politicians, police officers...or heroes. You'd be surprised by how many of them hired me, specifically for my specialty in violence.
If you accept my deal simply select yes or no, on the burner phone stuck to Mineta's head. You have 30 minutes starting now."
"Holy crap there really is a phone stuck to his head."
"B-but how...I was...my room...all day..." the terrified boy whimpered.
While Kaminari attempted to calm down Mineta the others discussed their options.
"So, what do we do? Do we say yes?" asked Sero glancing around
"And let them choose their reward? Yeah that's a hard no." argued Toru
"But they did say it's negotiable so maybe it wouldn't too bad, plus so far they've followed our deal. I mean they even used their own money to do so." interjected Uraraka
"The problem is that the information could be or not be actually useful. It's a 50/50 chance." added Tokoyami.
"OH SH—!"
"Well that was fast!"
"Sorry! It was an accident I swear!"
"Sparky what the hell did you do?!"
"...really? I have to say I was not expecting that! My little heroes said yes. Well a deal's a deal and you know what? Since I wasn't expecting this at all I decided to...go big or go home with the information. Now without further adieu, catch!"
Reaching into their sack one last time they throw out numerous papers into the sky along with dozens of little cases.
The cameraman's reporter catches a paper and one of the little cases. The camera focuses in.
"Dear viewers I can't believe what I'm seeing! On this page alone is a list of numerous jobs Last has done for congressman Yamato! And this case here is labelled with the Angelic hero's name Hope, inside is a flash drive. Judging from what the papers say it most likely contains some rather shady and unsavoury affairs the hero partook in!"
A whistle can be heard off-screen. the camera swiftly turns back to the villain
"It's time for me to go now my darlings! I look forward to seeing you all in 26 days when you come to give me my reward! Of course, I'll have to think of one first. Don't worry, I won't rush anything! I'm happy to go at whatever pace you all agree on. Until then!"
and with that, the young villain left while the police and heroes were too occupied with gathering the papers and hard drives.
"...I think I speak for all of us when I say that this backfired big time." grumbled Mina
"Agreed" groaned the class
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auradons-trash-heap · 2 years
What are your most unpopular opinions on Descendants as a whole?
Idk how popular/unpopular a lot of my opinions are, but here are a few that I think are unpopular haha:
1) I like Mal. Yes even when she’s making bad choices, which she certainly does. I like that she’s a messy protagonist & even tho I prefer a lot of things about her book characterization I also lowkey still like the movie version of her. I know people say Dove was phoning it in especially in D3 but I think she did a really good job in D1 & D2; at the beginning of D2 she did a believable enough portrayal of a stress-based mental breakdown that I’m convinced Dove was drawing from personal experience. When you can see her zoning out every time no one’s talking to her directly bc she’s mentally working through a checklist of everything she needs to do—I’ve been there. Mal was sleep deprived & living on sheer willpower & fear of failure and Dove crushed it in terms of portraying that experience.
I’ll admit that I’m biased bc I am not immune to Dove Cameron in purple hair & studded jackets, I relate to Ben bc I too would abuse my position of power just to make Mal happy oop
2) I like beast!Ben okay I did not like the makeup job but I did like the character design & I think if they were gonna have him do stupid shit like roaring in D2 when overwhelmed/stressed about the fight with Uma or physically shake water off of himself like a dog then we could’ve gotten more than him being beasted by a spell for 2 minutes (even tho the FX makeup did Not hold up well on camera). Also they were cowards for using the magic lake super soaker to mostly break the spell, every single version of Beauty and the Beast that refuses to show a human/beast kiss on screen is made by cowards. This was the only spell in D3 that was broken in this way & they did that specifically bc they were cowards. Mal should’ve broken the spell by kissing him in the first place I don’t care if it’s weird
Given the slightest inclination I would’ve made a beast!Ben au anyway but I only initially started writing down any of it out of spite
3) I don’t love that Mal spelled Ben but I still ship Bal. I support & enjoy other ships with both of the characters (Malvie, Bevie, core four all together, etc) but I am a Bal shipper at heart. And I think Ben proposing with a callback to Did I Mention was really cute okay, yes that’s salt in the wound for Audrey but just on its own it was a really cute & romantic way to propose & I love it
4) Ig the really unpopular thing, going off of the prev one, is this: I don’t think Audrey & Ben were ever actually in love. I think they were friends & them dating was something that Audrey was encouraged to do & Ben went along with, & I think as much as Audrey absolutely was unfairly humiliated in front of her peers she was more upset at losing the crown than Ben. Ben still owed her an apology & an explanation once he broke Mal’s spell; it wasn’t his fault that he embarrassed Audrey while under the influence of a spell but it was pretty cowardly & lame of him not to own up to it right away & instead just use the spell as an easy out from the relationship. But I still don’t think Audrey & Ben were ever in love. As a Bal shipper, I am definitely biased about this.
Also, I’m not opposed to anyone shipping Audrey with Ben! I think it’s cool that all of us can see this same franchise & come away with so many different ideas & opinions
So those are my hot takes lol. Overall I just enjoy Descendants as the beautiful garbage fire it is & I don’t have super strong opinions about ships or anything, I just like playing in the sandbox :)
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thedorkyidiot · 8 months
I 100%-ed Banjo-Kazooie, again. This took me 6 hours and 40 minutes
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Thoughts on each world under the cut because why not!
Spiral Mountain has peak music and it’s a great tutorial level.
Gruntilda’s Lair is amazing with how whimsical it is, Grunty having her face plastered in almost every room, each world’s entrance looking like it’s from an indoor play place, the music! It’s great!
Mumbo’s Mountain is definitely a first world, nothing too crazy going on but nothing is truly bad about, comparing it to first world of Tooie tho there’s far less stuff to do, I mean Tooie does start you with all the moves from the previous game so makes sense. A pretty decent first world.
I died multiple times in Treasure Trove Cove for some reason, but it’s a pretty good world as well! I have no strong opinions on it like Mumbo’s Mountain but it’s definitely a step up compared to it.
Clanker’s Cavern is a good water level idc what anyone says, you hardly spend that much time actually under water, even when you are the longest you’ll be in it is when you’re releasing Clanker of his chains. You spend most of it on, in, or around Clanker, ITS A GOOD WATER LEVEL AND A GOOD WORLD!
Bubble Gloop Swamp is definitely another world lmao, nothing bad about it again I just have no strong opinions on it, it definitely exist, I will give it props to having some memorable set pieces like the giant gator head and the huge turtle.
Freezeezy Peak is one of the best snow worlds, one reason is that ice physics don’t suck mainly due to Kazooie, and also CHRISTMAS ITS ALL CHRISTMAS THEMED, gets you into the festive vibe just by listening to the music and looking at all the set pieces! I did lose to Boggy twice someone, my hatred for Boggy has now been established. It’s also the only time you absolutely need to backtrack and I think it’s fine in this game.
Golbi’s Valley sucks mainly because I usually remember what jiggies are where with the set pieces around them, EVERYTHING IS SAND AND PYRAMIDS HERE IT SUCKS! My personal worst world in Banjo-Kazooie but not because it’s actually bad but because of the fact I can’t remember where anything is.
I can’t remember a single thing I did in Mad Monster Mansion, which is weird because I like it but I guess there aren’t any like really memorable set pieces bedsides the main mansion in the center of the level and the maze I guess. It’s still really good and gives off the Halloween vibe!
I actually don’t dislike Rusty Bucket Bay as much as I would’ve thought, especially compared to a certain other world. You only need 3 things in the oily water and it’s not that hard to not fall off into the water so it’s not really an issue, and the Xbox version fixes the music notes issue so the engine room is fine, I mean I never usually die in there anyways but ya know lmao. Only gripe I have with it is there’s no set pieces other than the Boat itself, and I did have to look up where the last empty honey comb was (didn’t have to look up anything else in any other world) but ya know pretty decent world!
Idk if it was because I was really tired and it was late but Click Clock Wood has gone to one of my favorite worlds to one of my least favorites, it’s mainly due to the fact I kept falling down the damn tree and the fucking birds have horrible hit boxes and would knock me down the tree whenever I would try to kill them. Other than those two things the concept of going to through the same level multiple times but the seasons change showing the passage of time really cool! The winter section is probably my favorite but that’s probably because there’s no birds and hardly any enemies. I did have to look up where the last jiggy was for this world, I forgot that there was one in spring all the way at the top you need to get with the bee lmao. Pretty good stage I just hate the birds.
That has been my Ted talk and you’ve been watching a fish, smoking a cigarette (I’m gonna hate Banjo-Tooie)
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collegeoflore · 9 months
love when you rb ask games bc im desperate to know everything about your little guys. 2 & 14 for both xarrai and ieriyn
ur in luck bc i looove rambling about my little guys :) ty for the ask!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
see the thing is by design xarrai looks like Just Another Bard, esp if we're talking about like pre-game when they're just living their life in baldur's gate. sure they’re like, a 6'7" (if we count the horns n everything) purple tiefling who's covered in tattoos but the gate is a big city and that's not really all that unusual. there are plenty of things one wouldn't expect just from looking at xarrai but that's kind of their whole thing. sooooo here is a kind of silly and fun example i haven't talked much about: they have such a soft spot for tiefling kids. they're immediately smitten with the kids in the grove and half the reason they actually end up helping the tieflings out is because they don't want anything to happen to them. they nearly start shit with kagha over the whole thing with arabella and are just barely talked down by gale (much to astarion's disappointment lol.) mol and mattis remind them so much of themself (or at least of the child they could have been) and i do think xar keeps an eye on mol in the guild post-game, or at least whenever they're in baldur's gate. they would never ever want to be a parent (and would make a frankly abysmal one at that. like can u imagine them and astarion trying to raise a child? the thing would need therapy before it could talk.) but they are fond of the little shits. they're fond of yenna too (they were also an outer city street kid once after all) but the tiefling kids just Get Them.
honestly i think ieriyn is kind of an open book, at least early/pre-game. you can pretty easily predict like. most things about this kid in one look. BUT i do think once someone gets to know him they find that despite being sheltered and naïve he really does have a strong sense of right and wrong and a soft heart. he's just like. spoiled and stupid about it. he also has a dry sense of humor that takes a minute to really notice.
and here's a silly one too: i think he's really into houseplants. he's a houseplant girlie. his room at home is full of lush tropical plants and he loves taking care of them :) (as long as he can wash his hands immediately after touching the dirt. he hates dirt. he has autistic tboy swag for real.)
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
hmm okay so this is... it depends i think on who we're talking about. xarrai is constantly trying to show other people exactly who or what they want to see - patriars see a pretty whore, tavern patrons see a flamboyant bard, the guild sees a talented information broker, the list goes on. for the first section of the game, every member of the party sees someone different in them too because they're trying to secure their control over the situation and others are more likely to listen to them if they think xarrai is trustworthy. it doesn't take long before the party starts to notice that their views of xarrai don't line up tho tbh; it's hard to maintain like six different personas, even if the differences are only slight. (this does cause some trust issues, especially with lae'zel who already did not get along super well with xar lol.) generally though the kind of Core Vibe they're trying to put off is someone carefree and unassuming. they don't want to give anyone too much insight into what they're thinking or feeling, and they would much rather be underestimated than properly appraised. they sort of try to hide their "real" skills behind their more "showy" ones - if someone is praising them for being a great storyteller they're likely not paying attention to the way that story is being spun, and if someone is busy thinking about how good xarrai is at giving head they probably don't notice that they've stolen half the gold from their purse lol
ieriyn desperately wants people to see him as Worthy. of what he's not entirely sure honestly - love? praise? care? power? he's trying really hard to seem competent and in control but he's largely just scared and lost and alone. like. he's terrified of his magic because it's unpredictable and hard to control but he wants people to think he's good at it, and tbf, he does have raw talent he absolutely is a Magical Gifted Kid (again. autistic tboy swag), he's just being held back by his own fear. he just wants people to see him as special and worthy of the greatness he tries to pretend he deserves. if that makes sense. idk i am still working on getting a really good solid grasp of ieriyn tbqh
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Finally saw the season premiere of The Mandalorian.
More first/gut/spoiler reaction thoughts under the cut. I might have more thoughtful thoughts tomorrow (or never) but these are just my initial impressions. My opinions only, don't @ me.
that cannot be how jon dave favloni decided to explain away din's Season 3 goal. YOU DIDN'T THINK PEOPLE WOULD HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT SCENES THEY KNOW NEVER HAPPENED IN SEASON 2?????????????
did no one vet this fucking planet or was the armored gator part of the ritual please someone fucking explain this shit to me like i'm five.
i see them gendered visors and i will never have peace (i understand from a design perspective but it's the 21st century, we should be moving away from this already)
how did the jawa get their hands on it anyway how did it get off mandalore who went to mandalore
i am weak for space whales i am weak for all whales but that's just about it because i never watched Rebels
Nevarro is Disnehyland. Nevarro is Space Renn Faire. Nevarro lost everything that made that city/world so fucking interesting. They fucking gentrified it.
i get genres and i saw a wonderful glimpse of it in the confrontation with the pirates... the pirates fucking ruined the vibes tho. how dare.
actual serious thought: the whole thing with IG-11 is actually fucking grotesque and disgusting and I can't believe Jon Dave Favloni thought this was a good fucking idea. it's so gross. i can't get over it, especially when IG reverted to default programming and went after Grogu like it's Season 1 all over again.
it's fucking gross. it's so gross. what the fuck.
pirate designs were cool. the dialogue was not. who voices that pirate king. i swear i know that VA
Jon Dave Favloni out here fitting 3 whole episodes into 30 fucking minutes by cramming in a short scene with Bo-Katan and explaining why she's sitting around all depressed and alone with a droid standing watch outside
this is not a good look for mandalorians in general. i'm not getting the best impression here. getting strong Monty Python english peasants vibes. they'll follow just about anyone with a crackling black sword.
3 whole episodes into 30 fucking minutes Jon Dave Favloni have you ever heard of pacing. talk to the ghibli people. they know when to let a story take a deep, deep breath.
Episode 2 better slow down a bit and fucking tell a fucking story I swear.
the Volume was really strong in this one. I actually never paid too much attention to what effect Volume was having on these shows but when I started studying the screen caps for my most recent art post, it because pretty obvious what was going on and now I can't fucking unsee this shit
Episode 2 had better be better because omigod I feel like I've been clowned on. how old am i. what the hell even was this episode. who was it made for. what even are the stakes here.
re comparisons to Andor: no, i don't want this show to be exactly like Andor. we don't need every star wars show to be so steeped in politics and social commentary and have such a tense grim tone. what i wish is that every star wars show is handled with the same care and respect Andor's people show both to the star wars and to the fans and watchers. maybe that's why Andor consistently had the smallest audiences but the majority of the tweets, comments, and posts i've seen really appreciated what the show was doing. you can have a fun space western and also have some thoughtful commentary on diaspora and post-war societies! you can eat your cake if you just try!
that's it, that's the first reactions post
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ash-etherwood · 1 year
vivi characters in phasmophobia
Rex: rummages through every cupboard he can find for no reason. acts confident but as soon as he actually witnesses a ghost event he will get scared shitless and start whimpering and scratching at the door to get out. make sure to take a photo of the bone in time because he WILL start chewing on it as soon as he sees it.
Theben: usually the one with the photo camera. doesnt even flich at jumpscares and actually takes pretty good ghost pictures, most of them are 3 stars. will absolutely book it and leave you behind in case of a hunt even tho she couldve probably used her smudge sticks to help you....
Ellis: hogs the spirit box and is constantly heard throughout the map annoying the ghost with questions about what ice cream they like, their favourite band, and what its like being dead. will immediately drop everything screaming if he gets a response tho and will beg to stay in the van for the rest of the investigation.
Caph: usually only has a strong flashlight (that they refuse to give up in case theres not enough for everyone) and the book on hand. walks behind trench or theben at first but will wander off alone after a while, usually as soon as the others find the ghost room and want them to place the book there. it frequently takes the rest of the team a good 10 minutes to realize theyre dead.
Trench: always the first one to enter the building and absolutely fearless. tries to coordinate the others but usually has to give up after a few minutes. if shes missing a clue or they need an event to happen for an objective she usually gets frustrated and starts yelling and cursing, initiatiang a hunt that usually kills her because she cant resist throwing random stuff at the approaching ghost.
Bee: snatches the spirit box from ellis as soon as she can to yell various curse words into it and generally be a menace. always starts looking for the cursed object immediately to start shit with it which results in way too many cursed hunts that she always miraculously survives for some reason. once managed to resurrect kostah with the tarot cards only for him to immediately die again after staring another cursed hunt.
Embrose: constantly crouching in front of people so it looks like his character his sucking their dick. ellis thinks its hilarious. panicks as soon as he gets left alone and always attaches himself to someone else. makes little squeaky noises at every jumpscare. generally pretty useless and just hangs around for comfort.
Kostah: for some reason his sanity drains like 5x faster than everyone elses ... hmmm must be a glitch. also dies a lot for some reason, usually as a result of bee's cursed hunts. mostly just the guy who carries around the video camera/tripod combo. do some events only trigger for him?? thats so weird the others cant see them for some reason?? must also be a glitch ...
Millet: queen of smudge sticks, candles and crucifixes. very foward, fearless, turns on all the lights, and always makes sure her team mates are properly protected. has map-specific candles and fuse box locations memorized. never drops her lighter. doesnt like it when bee is mean to the ghost for laughs, the dead should be treated with respect.
Juliana: pretty fearless as well but also extremely curious. ohhh a giant basement!! lets see whats in there!! frequently gets tricked by theben and bee to use cursed objects or say certain phrases that anger the ghost. also the one that usually gets sent alone into a dark room to use the spirit box (for actuall evidence gathering and not just dicking around). gets sent back in to take insurance photos or check for footprints and writing at the very end of the investigation even tho her sanity is the lowest of the group ... usually by theben as well. also proud wearer of the head-mounted camera.
Holly: one of the only ones who did their fucking research!!! she knows most ghost types strengths, weaknesses and special abilities, is very perceptive when it comes to tricky evidence and is also pretty good at finding out ghost types by process of elimination. she often notices things moving around and keeps track of tasks and objectives. often gets sent to the van to check for orbs and other funky things on juli's head camera even though she would actually rather spend time investigating as well .....
Reem: also a candle and crucifix girlie. when shes not scattering those around the map, she sits in the van (usually instructed by trench to go back there so nothing bad happens to her frail little soul) and keeps track of everyones sanity. tries to call back team mates who are low, while encouraging the others to go further. (lies about it constantly and just tries to get rid of people she doesnt like.) remember to always take a photo of the corpses for insurance money tho! we dont want their sacrifice to be in vain (: is sometimes mistaken for the ghost when she just stands in the dark with her big round doe eyes....
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Being Shiratorizawa's Manager
Polyship with Semi and Tendou
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Shiratorizawa x GN! manager
Warnings: one suggestive joke made by Tendou
A/N: This is a request from @alreadyinsane! This is also a pride 🏳️‍🌈 request!
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
Boy YN, when you say you've really got two types
You aren't lying 😅
Semi and Tendou are SO different
But honestly, it somehow works really well!
Both are definitely creative, fun and outgoing
But Semi is way more.... tame?? 👀
Sure let's go with that-
However this polyship definitely started out with Tendou and Semi having a crush on your seperately
Tendou's started the day you became manager
Legit this man was drawn to you the instant you walked in that freaking door
Who is this person who would dare attempt to manage the SHIRATORIZAWA 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Like it's cursed or something 😅
"We finally have a manager!"- Goshiki
"I give them a week at most"- Kawanishi
"A week? Try by the end of practice"- Yamagata
I mean, they didn't want you to fail
Heck you were freaking stunning 😍
But they knew not to expect much
However, when you returned the next day, and the day after, and the day after that 👀
Welp it's safe to say we got a keeper guys!
The entire team adored you
Tendou made his admiration public
While Semi kept his to himself
Now Semi is use to getting attention for all genders
Please he's so pretty I can't 😫
But you were different
The way you looked after the team, took care of tasks and even helped mentor the younger plays 🥺
God how sweet are you!
Now Tendou liked different things about you than Semi did
Tendou lived how you laughed and how nice you were
He liked how you would always offer to help him with blocks and even help block Ushijima
For real tho, YN are your hands ok 😬
Ushi's spikes would probably break your hand YN
Take Tsukishima for instance, like two injuries from blocking that man 😱
But our YN is a strong on 💪🏻
Now before we get to the boys discovering your feelings, let's dive into your feelings YN
*puts therapy glasses on*
You liked Semi and Tendou the minute you first saw them
Something attracted you two both of them
Seperately of course but still, you liked both of them
At this point, you had realized you couldn't live without both
Like maybe you thought one of them would become more of a friend vs a partner
Anyways, you naive angel, you went about your life thinking things couldn't get more complicated
Good thing you didn't land in one of my headcannons 👀
Ope- spoke too soon 🙃
After a few weeks of managing, Semi and Tendou started getting closer to you
They would spend time with you together as friends and seperate
You'd eat lunch with them, go to the zoo with Tendou, do homework with Semi
Freaking play Mario Cart!
Please Tendou and Semi are pros convince me I'm wrong 🤚🏻
However, while you lived in a fantasy world being being dotted on by two cuties
Said two cuties were silently competing for your affection
Shiratorizawa is competitive
We all know this, none of these boys like to lose
Which is exactly why Tendou and Semi have been silently competing for your affections
It come up during a team meeting that you weren't invited too
Why you ask? Because this team meeting was about you 😅
Even Ushijima knew Semi and Tendou were silently fighting for your affections YN
Seriously you must be living under a rock not to notice
"Semi, Tendou you can't compete over YN"- Ushijima 😐
"Tell Tendou to back off then!"- Semi
"Semi Semi you know YN likes me, so why would I back off?!"- Tendou
"Call me 'Semi Semi' one more time-"
"Ok enough you two! Semi you are suppose to be the responsible one here"- Reon
"Yeah Semi Semi"- Tendou 🤪
"Tendou stop egging him on!"- Yamagata
"Why don't you just let YN choose?"- Shirabu
Please they didn't even think of that 🤣
"Ok but how? We don't want to make YN uncomfortable"- Semi
"You've probably already made them uncomfortable"- Kawanishi 🙄
"Actually I'm pretty sure YN has no idea either of you like them"- Goshiki
Semi and Tendou look at Goshiki 🤨
"YN doesn't really seem to notice you two glaring at each other everytime one of you spends time with them. So like what if they aren't interested?"- Goshiki
"Wow... that's actually a great point "- Shirabu
"Really?"- Goshiki 🥺🥰
Shirabu 👉🏻😐 I take it back
"Goshiki's correct. YN seems oblivious at best"- Ushijima
"That coming from you says alot big guy"- Tendou
It's ultimately decided that Tendou and Semi will each talk to you about their feelings
Then leave it up to you to decide 😬
Which isn't gonna happen because you have now developed feelings for both
Like one without the other isn't going to work
So when Tendou and Semi both jump the gun, cornering you and confessing
You kind of sort of well... freak out 😅
"I-umm you- umm you both, well you both want to umm-" you
"We both like you YN and we want to know which one of us you like more"- Tendou
"Stop pressuring them Tendou!"- Semi
"I uhh- I umm"- you 🥺
Please you are feeling so overwhelmed
Tendou and Semi watch as tears start to fill your eyes
"I can't choose either of you!"- you cry as you run past them and out the door
Everyone 👉🏻😲
But leave it to Shirabu to break the silence
"That went great guys congratulations"- Shirabu
"Shirabu I don't think now is a good time to congratulate them"- Ushijima
🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ we love it here-
Tendou and Semi both look at each other and then back to the doors you went running from
They both feel awful
They decide the only way to fix this is to apologize
When they find you crying, the approach cautiously
"YN... hey we are really sorry for overwhelming you"- Semi
"Yeah, I guess we just let our competitiveness get in the way"- Tendou
You look up at them, wiping your tears
"We both like you YN and both want to be with you. We just wanted to know which one of us you liked more"- Semi
"I- I can't choose"- you say
Tendou and Semi 👉🏻🤨🤨
"I like you both alot. And I don't want to ruin your friendship. So I can't choose"- you say, putting your head down
Tendou and Semi look at each other
It's clear they both like you and that you have feelings for both
So now hear me out when I say this, Semi totally puts the idea of a Polyship out there
"So date us both YN"- Semi
Tendou 👉🏻🖐🏻👁⭕️👁🖐🏻 whet-
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 what he said-
"Tendou and I are good friends. And we both like you, so why not date us both for a while"- Semi, shrugging
"That's not a bad idea"- Tendou
Meanwhile, you 👉🏻😃 whet-
"We already spend alot of time together so why not just spend it together as a threesome"- Semi
"Semi Semi already throwing threesome out there"- Tendou 😏
"Don't be a pervert Tendou"- Semi
You look at them, a smile growing "Really? You'd really both date me??"
"If it makes you happy! Sure!"- Tendou
After that, the ship know as SemiTendYN is born
It's very chaotic to say the least
Semi and Tendou are both competitive and that will never stop
Whether it's between themselves or another team
But they both enjoy the dynamic the three of you have
Tendou is the chill one, Semi the leader and you the one who holds everyone together 🥰
Ushijima totally approves of your polyship
Goshiki is jealous of course 🙄
Shirabu asks you daily how you deal with Semi AND Tendou
But you just smile and say
"I just adore my boys!"- you 🥰
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