#haikyu! pride request
newtthetranswriter · 4 months
Could I request kuroo(haikyuu) x male reader where the reader is in the chess club and Kuroo is hopelessly in love with him and starts learning chess to have something in common with the reader who is awkward and standoffish but with every game karoo challenges him to they fall more and more in love
Love is a Chess Game
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Word count: 2762
Paring: Tetsuro Kuroo x male! Reader
Summary: Kuroo has always been fascinated by Y/n, after learning that he was in the chess club, Kuroo sets out to try and learn more about his closed off crush.
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting. I’m sorry it took so long to get this out but I promise I made it the best I could. I hope you enjoy and have a happy pride month. And as alway remember to hydrate or diedrate. 
    It wasn’t common for Kuroo to be late for practice, he is the captain after all. But this time he had a question for his teacher about an assignment and so he didn’t leave when the bell rang. Having never been in the main building of the school after school was out, he never paid much attention to what other clubs meet after school and where. So imagine his surprise when he spots the guy he’s been crushing on, walking to one of the empty classrooms. 
    Curious as to what Y/n could be doing, Kuroo decided that since he was already late for practice, what's a couple extra minutes. So he, too, approached the classroom. Getting closer to the door he heard the unmistakable sounds of people talking and realized the room wasn’t actually empty. Without being seen, or so he thought, he poked his head through the small opening, observing what was happening. Quickly Kuroo realized that it was a meeting for the school's Chess club. 
    After his eyes took in the numerous chess boards set up, they were drawn to the person who unknowingly lured the Middle blocker to the room. There Y/n stood talking with one of his clubmates. Kuroo couldn’t help but stare at the unsuspecting boy, completely in awe. This was the first time Kuroo had seen Y/n talking openly with anyone, he normally sits away from people looking like he couldn’t care less about those around him. But here he was chatting and laughing like it was completely normal.
   Kuroo probably would have stood there for hours watching his crush, but sadly an obnoxious ringing came from his pocket. He quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket, jumping away from the door hoping not to get caught. “What’s up?” He asked the person on the other end, not bothering to see who is calling him.
   “Where are you? Practice was supposed to start twenty minutes ago.” Surprisingly it was Kenma. 
   Checking the time he let out a sigh. “Shit sorry, got held up asking a teacher a few questions and lost track of time. I'll be there shortly.” He answered quickly. As he hung up the phone he didn’t fail to notice the grumbles in the background from presumably Yaku. Putting his phone back in his pocket he made up his mind. First he was going to go to practice so as to not incur the wrath of either Kenma or Yaku as he did not want to deal with either parties bitching. Second, he was going to spend as much of his free time as possible learning to play chess.
   After about two weeks of spending any moment not at school or practice, learning how to play chess, Kuroo decided it was time to put his new knowledge to the test. So he approached Y/n on their lunch break. 
   “Hey, Y//n I wanted to ask if you would be willing to play a game of chess with me?” He asked the quiet boy.
   Not even looking up from his food Y/n responded. “Why?” It was a simple one word response, but the tone of voice said he would rather do anything else.
   Kuroo was not expecting that, but being the quick thinker he is, recovered from his shock before speaking again. “I noticed you enjoy chess, and thought maybe you would like to play against a new opponent. Playing the same people over and over probably gets boring.” He hoped his explanation made sense, and didn’t make him sound like a fool. “And to make it more interesting we can make a bet out of it. Winner can ask the loser one question and the loser has to answer honestly.” Thinking one the spot, Kuroo silently wished that the friendly wager would entice Y/n into agreeing.
   After a moment of silence Y/n nodded. “Fine I’ll play, but not right now come by the Chess club after school we’ll do this.” With that he turned back to his food ignoring the massive grin that spread across Kuroo’s face.
  Walking back to his seat, Kuroo quickly texted the team’s group chat saying something came up and so he would likely be late to practice so they should just start without him. Of course he was met with a series of questions ranging from Lev asking innocently why, to Kenma telling him a date isn’t a reason to be late for practice if he can’t miss practice for a new video game. Kenma’s message was then met with even more confused questions. Deciding that he was done with the idiot squad Kuroo turned his phone off and tried to calm his excitement, wanting to focus on school and not over think his plans for the afternoon.
   After the bell rang, Kuroo made his way to the room where the Chess club met, barely hiding his excitement. When he entered the room he was greeted by the stares of confused chess players, wondering why the boys volleyball captain was in the chess room. Noticing Y/n wasn’t there yet, He stood by the door awkwardly hoping he wouldn’t have to wait long.
   His prayers were answered because not even two minutes later, Y/n entered the room. At first he didn’t notice the athlete, but as he approached his clubmates he noticed them taking glances at the door like something was wrong. Looking at the door, couldn’t hide his shock as he made eye contact with the tall Middle blocker awkwardly standing by the door.
   Once Kuroo realized Y/n had showed up, he made his way over. “So Y//n you ready for our game?” He asked as he took a seat across the stoic chess player.
   Receiving confused questions from the other’s in the room as to why he was playing a round of chess with someone on the volleyball team, Y/n sighed. “Yes Kuroo, let me just set the board up. As for you, peanut gallery, he asked to play so I decided to indulge his request.” The player explained as he began placing chess pieces on the board in front of him.
   After the board was set, the match began. Even with Y/n being a gentleman and letting Kuroo take the first move, it only took him 37 moves to beat the middle blocker. It didn’t really surprise anyone in the room, after all Y/n was one of the best players in the club.
   Accepting his loss Kuroo, reminded Y/n of their wager. “So, what’s your question you want answered?” Kuroo asked, believing it would probably be something that would likely embarrass him like ‘what is the dumbest thing he’s ever done?’. But he was left, shocked by the response he got.
   “The only thing I want to know is why did you decide to learn how to play chess?” Y/n wasn't trying to be mean or make fun of Kuroo, he honestly wanted to know.
   Getting over his shock, Kuroo thought for a moment. He could A) tell the truth that he did it to get to know Y/n or B) lie and say he just thought it looked interesting. Deciding that if he wanted this to all turn out well, he would have to be honest so he went for. “Honestly, I wanted to get to know you and when I saw that you were part of the chess club I figured it was a good opportunity to start.” He was just being honest, but for some reason the confidence he had while speaking amazed Y/n.
   Taking a moment to fully understand why Kuroo made the choice, Y/n decided to play along with Kuroo’s idea. “Well, if you want to get to know me you’ll have to beat me in a game so you can ask me a question.” This took everyone in the room by surprise. The awkward and standoffish Y/n was actually offering to let someone get to know him. “So Kuroo, if you are up for it, next week we will have a rematch.”
   Kuroo thought for a second before nodding in agreement. “Yeah, it sounds like a plan.” After finishing his sentence, he felt his phone vibrate. Checking it, seeing a text from Yaku saying he was needed in the gym, Kuroo started to stand. “Well, it seems my own club is in need of their amazing captain so, I will see you around Y/n. And I will definitely be back next week for our rematch and I’m going to win.” finishing his sentence Kuroo closed the door to the room. Deciding to be slow about reaching the gym, for the soul purpose of quieting his giddy thoughts about getting to know Y/n more. 
The day before the rematch
   Kuroo had tried to tell the rest of the team that he would once again be late to practice,       without telling them why but a certain cat eyed setter decided to have some fun. “He’s going to play chess with his boyfriend.” Kenma announced to the group who was currently cleaning up the gym after practice.
   “He is not my boyfriend.” Kuroo said, trying to keep calm and not strangle the boy with two-toned hair.
   Yaku, not having a full understanding of what was happening, decided now was a great time to interrogate his friend. “So, the reason you showed up late to practice was to randomly play chess with some random guy? Am I understanding that correctly?” He asked, moving to stand next to Kenma.
   Before Kuroo could respond, Kenma responded more than happy to give his teammates ways to make fun of his best friend. “No, not some random guy. It was Y/n, he’s been in Kuroo’s class since middle school and he just now got the balls to talk to him.” While Kuroo wanted to argue and say Kenma had it wrong, he knew Kenma was telling the truth. After all he told Kenma all about his plan to learn to play chess and once he beats y/n in a game he’ll ask him out.
   “Anyway, I’m just letting you guys know so you don’t blow up my phone after two minutes of me not being here on time.” Kuroo said finishing up the last bit of cleaning that needed to be done for the night. He received a chorus of ‘yeah whatever’s and they all dropped the subject. Once they were sure the gym was clean they all headed home for the night.
   The next day like he promised Kuroo showed up at the Chess club ready for his rematch with Y/n. This time he waited outside not wanting to deal with the awkward stares of the other club members. After only a couple minutes he spotted y/n approaching the room.
   “Hello, Y/n how are you today?” He asked, hoping to start a conversation outside of their game.
   Y/n gave him a slight smile before covering it with his normal unreadable face. “I’m fine, but if you want to know more you have to beat me first.” He said, not missing the flash of shock across Kuroo’s face at how he was clearly making jokes at him. Y/n, then opened the door and usher Kuroo into the room. Taking a seat at the same table as last time Y/n began setting up for their game.
   Just like the week before Kuroo was unable to beat Y/n. “Since I stand victorious once again, it’s time for you to answer a question. Why do you want to get to know me? We’ve never really talked before so why now?” Y/n asked, not expecting much of an answer but figured he’d give it a try.
   Kuroo was startled by the question, but decided once again that if he wants to pursue anything with Y/n, he would have to be honest from the start. “I’ve admired you for a while. You always managed to get good grades since middle school and you never seem to let people get to you. I just wanted to know more about what makes you who you are.”
   It was now Y/n’s turn to be stunned. “Well that certainly wasn’t the answer I was expecting. Anyway, don't you have captain duties to get to, at your own club?” He asked the messy haired athlete. 
   Sighing, Kuroo stood up. Before leaving he turned to Y/n one last time for the day. “Same time next week, and this time I’ll be the one asking the question.” 
    Y/n had to quickly hide the stunned look on his face before nodding. Sure he had realized that Kuroo wasn’t the kind of guy to give up, but he wasn’t quite expecting such confidence from him. After Kuroo left, the Chess club went about business as usual. Well except their star player was getting lost in thought every time he wasn’t participating in a game.
Time skip to a month later
    After four more games Kuroo still hadn’t managed to beat Y/n in a single game of chess. But on the brightside the two had started interacting with each other outside of their now weekly chess matches. It wasn’t much but Y/n was letting Kuroo get to know him more without the caveat of winning a chess game. Knowing more about Y/n made Kuroo even more happy with his choice to learn chess.
    When it came time for their seventh game, it came to no one's surprise that Kuroo had shown up to the Chess club and set up the usual spot before Y/n even arrived. What did surprise everyone was the fact that Kuroo managed to get the upper hand. After a long back and forth Kuroo actually managed to beat Y/n for the first time. At first members of the chess club figured it had to be fluke and Y/n just made a mistake. But after going over the game in their heads, they quickly realized that Kuroo actually managed to outsmart the chess player.
   After over coming the shock of actually losing to Kuroo, Y/n raised his head looking to his opponent. “So Kurro, It seems it’s your turn to ask me a question.” Y/n prompted, expecting a question similar to ones he had asked in the past like ‘why play chess’ or ‘why did he agree to play chess against him?’ something like that. 
   There was just one thing Y/n seemed to forget he wasn’t playing chess against another chess player, he was playing against the captain of the Nekoma Volleyball team. This was a cunning and confident cat, Kuroo had been planning for this for weeks now. “Will you let me take you on a date?” It was straight to the point but Kuroo wanted to make it clear that he wanted to take Y/n on a date, not just them going and hanging out, but an actual date.’
   Everyone who was present in the room at that moment, froze. No one expected that to be the question Kuroo asked. After about a minute of silence though Kuroo’s confidence started to fade. As he was about to speak up and say it’s fine and that they can all just forget it happened, Y/n finally spoke. “I would love to go on a date with you Kuroo.” 
   It was Kuroo’s turn to freeze, of course this was the outcome he hoped for, but to actually hear it, his brain stopped working. Shaking the surprise from his mind, he couldn’t help but smile as he responded. “Great, I’ll text you the details and don’t worry about paying for anything. I asked you out so the first date is on me.” Y/n just chuckled and nodded in response. “Well, I guess I have to get to practice. Thank you for the game, and thank you for agreeing to go out with me.” Kuroo had to fight the urge to jump in excitement as he left the room. 
   Y/n on the other hand, now had to deal with the wave of questions his clubmates were now throwing at him. He wasn’t expecting that agreeing to a chess game with Volleyball player would lead to him going on a date with said volleyball player. But even if it was not the expected outcome, he was truly looking forward to it having grown to enjoy and look forward to spending time with the middle blocker.
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microedits · 8 months
hey there could i request some bigender + abrosexual futakuchi kenji icons (hes from haikyuu :3) thank you in advance!
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Here you go!
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cyber-viper · 3 months
hi!! id like to request a romantic matchup from twisted wonderland and haikyuu please! my pronouns are they/them and my birthday is july 5th. i don’t really have many hobbies aside from probably sleeping a lot and occasionally art, writing, and programming/game development but i am very interested in psychology and astronomy! as for habits i’m very blunt and straightforward? it’s a double edged sword because i don’t hold back from speaking the truth however i may say the wrong things that will accidentally offend people without me realizing, especially with my dark and witty sense of humor. my personality type is isfj 9w8, i’m a very chill and laidback carefree person and my personality kind of shifts depending on the mood or which group of people i am talking to. i like to poke fun at others and playfully insult them as a form of affection although it is very easy to fluster me back. i’m also very forgiving and accepting, i pride myself in my ability to understand other people and see through them in a way different to how the vast majority would see them and i go an extra mile for those i care about, even complete strangers. this however makes me easily taken advantage of, but i know how to stand up for myself when necessary.
thank you so much!! <3
@twilightpentagram I match you with Jamil Viper from Twisted Wonderland!
Jamil really admires your straightforward nature and ability to say it how it is.
He loves to watch you paint or listen to you tell him about the stories you write.
I think Jamil would share an interest in psychology with you and would love discussing it with you.
Finds what you share about astrology fascinating
Thankful for forgiving and caring nature
Appreciates the effort you put into getting to know every side of him
Makes sure to protect you from others who may take advantage of this kindness
Feels indescribably happy whenever you do something special just for him, he doesn’t get these acts very often
I match you with Rintaro Suna from Haikyu!
Share a sense a humor
Love napping together, especially at night under the stars where he can listen to you go on and on about your astrology knowledge
Finds your bluntness endearing as you may often vocalize things he thinks
Sometimes get into boredom or issues with both of you have laidback attitudes about things but it’s easy to work out
When feeling up to it he’ll poke back at you or flirt in attempt to make you flustered for fun
Learns from you how to make gestures to show he cares
Appreciates your kind, forgiving nature but can get snippy at others when he sees how they just want to use you
A/N: sorry for the long wait! I hope you like your match up :) If you are dissatisfied or need clarification for anything I wrote please let me know. Thank you for sending in your request!
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gardenofdahlia · 2 years
welcome to the garden of my writings!! find an assortment of fandoms and characters! if one is missing, you’d like a specific fandom or character, feel free to send a flower and request something :)
꧁⌒⌒❀⌒⌒⌒⌒❀⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒❀⌒ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ⌒❀⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒❀⌒⌒⌒⌒❀⌒⌒꧂
Pride and Prejudice (2005)
The Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Phantom of the Opera (2004, 2014)
Harry Potter 
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
The Phantom of the Opera (Gaston Leroux)
The Mysterious Benedict Society (Trenton Lee Stewart)
Twilight (Stephenie Meyer)
Harry Potter (J. K. Rowling)
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
The Mysterious Benedict Society 
My Hero Academia / Boku No Hero 
New Girl
Avatar the Last Airbender
Moon Knight
Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 2 
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Being Shiratorizawa's Manager
Polyship with Semi and Tendou
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Shiratorizawa x GN! manager
Warnings: one suggestive joke made by Tendou
A/N: This is a request from @alreadyinsane! This is also a pride 🏳️‍🌈 request!
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
Boy YN, when you say you've really got two types
You aren't lying 😅
Semi and Tendou are SO different
But honestly, it somehow works really well!
Both are definitely creative, fun and outgoing
But Semi is way more.... tame?? 👀
Sure let's go with that-
However this polyship definitely started out with Tendou and Semi having a crush on your seperately
Tendou's started the day you became manager
Legit this man was drawn to you the instant you walked in that freaking door
Who is this person who would dare attempt to manage the SHIRATORIZAWA 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Like it's cursed or something 😅
"We finally have a manager!"- Goshiki
"I give them a week at most"- Kawanishi
"A week? Try by the end of practice"- Yamagata
I mean, they didn't want you to fail
Heck you were freaking stunning 😍
But they knew not to expect much
However, when you returned the next day, and the day after, and the day after that 👀
Welp it's safe to say we got a keeper guys!
The entire team adored you
Tendou made his admiration public
While Semi kept his to himself
Now Semi is use to getting attention for all genders
Please he's so pretty I can't 😫
But you were different
The way you looked after the team, took care of tasks and even helped mentor the younger plays 🥺
God how sweet are you!
Now Tendou liked different things about you than Semi did
Tendou lived how you laughed and how nice you were
He liked how you would always offer to help him with blocks and even help block Ushijima
For real tho, YN are your hands ok 😬
Ushi's spikes would probably break your hand YN
Take Tsukishima for instance, like two injuries from blocking that man 😱
But our YN is a strong on 💪🏻
Now before we get to the boys discovering your feelings, let's dive into your feelings YN
*puts therapy glasses on*
You liked Semi and Tendou the minute you first saw them
Something attracted you two both of them
Seperately of course but still, you liked both of them
At this point, you had realized you couldn't live without both
Like maybe you thought one of them would become more of a friend vs a partner
Anyways, you naive angel, you went about your life thinking things couldn't get more complicated
Good thing you didn't land in one of my headcannons 👀
Ope- spoke too soon 🙃
After a few weeks of managing, Semi and Tendou started getting closer to you
They would spend time with you together as friends and seperate
You'd eat lunch with them, go to the zoo with Tendou, do homework with Semi
Freaking play Mario Cart!
Please Tendou and Semi are pros convince me I'm wrong 🤚🏻
However, while you lived in a fantasy world being being dotted on by two cuties
Said two cuties were silently competing for your affection
Shiratorizawa is competitive
We all know this, none of these boys like to lose
Which is exactly why Tendou and Semi have been silently competing for your affections
It come up during a team meeting that you weren't invited too
Why you ask? Because this team meeting was about you 😅
Even Ushijima knew Semi and Tendou were silently fighting for your affections YN
Seriously you must be living under a rock not to notice
"Semi, Tendou you can't compete over YN"- Ushijima 😐
"Tell Tendou to back off then!"- Semi
"Semi Semi you know YN likes me, so why would I back off?!"- Tendou
"Call me 'Semi Semi' one more time-"
"Ok enough you two! Semi you are suppose to be the responsible one here"- Reon
"Yeah Semi Semi"- Tendou 🤪
"Tendou stop egging him on!"- Yamagata
"Why don't you just let YN choose?"- Shirabu
Please they didn't even think of that 🤣
"Ok but how? We don't want to make YN uncomfortable"- Semi
"You've probably already made them uncomfortable"- Kawanishi 🙄
"Actually I'm pretty sure YN has no idea either of you like them"- Goshiki
Semi and Tendou look at Goshiki 🤨
"YN doesn't really seem to notice you two glaring at each other everytime one of you spends time with them. So like what if they aren't interested?"- Goshiki
"Wow... that's actually a great point "- Shirabu
"Really?"- Goshiki 🥺🥰
Shirabu 👉🏻😐 I take it back
"Goshiki's correct. YN seems oblivious at best"- Ushijima
"That coming from you says alot big guy"- Tendou
It's ultimately decided that Tendou and Semi will each talk to you about their feelings
Then leave it up to you to decide 😬
Which isn't gonna happen because you have now developed feelings for both
Like one without the other isn't going to work
So when Tendou and Semi both jump the gun, cornering you and confessing
You kind of sort of well... freak out 😅
"I-umm you- umm you both, well you both want to umm-" you
"We both like you YN and we want to know which one of us you like more"- Tendou
"Stop pressuring them Tendou!"- Semi
"I uhh- I umm"- you 🥺
Please you are feeling so overwhelmed
Tendou and Semi watch as tears start to fill your eyes
"I can't choose either of you!"- you cry as you run past them and out the door
Everyone 👉🏻😲
But leave it to Shirabu to break the silence
"That went great guys congratulations"- Shirabu
"Shirabu I don't think now is a good time to congratulate them"- Ushijima
🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ we love it here-
Tendou and Semi both look at each other and then back to the doors you went running from
They both feel awful
They decide the only way to fix this is to apologize
When they find you crying, the approach cautiously
"YN... hey we are really sorry for overwhelming you"- Semi
"Yeah, I guess we just let our competitiveness get in the way"- Tendou
You look up at them, wiping your tears
"We both like you YN and both want to be with you. We just wanted to know which one of us you liked more"- Semi
"I- I can't choose"- you say
Tendou and Semi 👉🏻🤨🤨
"I like you both alot. And I don't want to ruin your friendship. So I can't choose"- you say, putting your head down
Tendou and Semi look at each other
It's clear they both like you and that you have feelings for both
So now hear me out when I say this, Semi totally puts the idea of a Polyship out there
"So date us both YN"- Semi
Tendou 👉🏻🖐🏻👁⭕️👁🖐🏻 whet-
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 what he said-
"Tendou and I are good friends. And we both like you, so why not date us both for a while"- Semi, shrugging
"That's not a bad idea"- Tendou
Meanwhile, you 👉🏻😃 whet-
"We already spend alot of time together so why not just spend it together as a threesome"- Semi
"Semi Semi already throwing threesome out there"- Tendou 😏
"Don't be a pervert Tendou"- Semi
You look at them, a smile growing "Really? You'd really both date me??"
"If it makes you happy! Sure!"- Tendou
After that, the ship know as SemiTendYN is born
It's very chaotic to say the least
Semi and Tendou are both competitive and that will never stop
Whether it's between themselves or another team
But they both enjoy the dynamic the three of you have
Tendou is the chill one, Semi the leader and you the one who holds everyone together 🥰
Ushijima totally approves of your polyship
Goshiki is jealous of course 🙄
Shirabu asks you daily how you deal with Semi AND Tendou
But you just smile and say
"I just adore my boys!"- you 🥰
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aztecbrujeria · 3 years
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Started: 06/12/2021
Updated: 09/06/2022
Total Works:51
Descent into Madness...300 Follower Collab
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HC’s: 🍋Choso morning HCs, 🍋Sukuna HC’s, 🍋Nanami HC's
Requests: 🍋JJK NSFW HC: SPIT
Drabbles: 🍊Always Remember, 🍋Toji Fushiguro drabble, 🍋MTF Choso x Masc. NB Reader, 🍋Maki x F!reader 🍋🌈FTM Trans Sukuna x Reader
Collabs: 🍋Pragma & Ludus: Toji Fushiguro x F! Reader, 🍋Virgin Choso x F!Reader w/ Exp., 🍋Piercer Choso x F!Reader, 👹Hip To Be Scared, 🍋Yaga Masamichi x Plus Size Reader
Series: 🍋👹Wolfsbane: TojiGo Assassin AU, 🍋Birds of Paradise: WW2 Pilot TojixF!Latina Nurse
Mood Boards: 🍊Naraka x Sukuna
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HC’s: 🍋What if Izuku HC, 🍋Before Bed…Shinso, 🍋My Emo Prince...Shoto, 🍋MHA Boys X Star Wars RP HC
Requests: 🍋Shoto x Black afab reader: office Sex
One Shots: 🍋One Percent: Izuku x Chubby f! reader
Collabs: KiriBaku Punk AU Bang🍋
Art pieces: commissioned flower boys
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HC’s: 🍋Osamu Miya (Power Lifter), 🍋Daddy Daichi, 🍊HC Comfort for When you're told you're not good enough
Requests: 🍋Shower request
Drabbles: 🍋Red Lace Kuroo x Reader, 🟢Dr. Sugawara Gossip, 🍋Akaashi x F!Reader, 🍋Atsumu Miya x GN Reader, 🍋UshiTen x Reader, 🍊🌈Osamu x NB Reader: Trans Tape, 🌈MTF Trans Ushi x F!Reader
One Shots: 🍋The Fox’s Bindings: Kita Shinsuke x Reader, 🍋Bar Fight: Iwaizumi Haihime x Ava (F! OC) 🍋The Meeting: Inarizaki Clan x  Shiratorizawa x OC’s, 🍋La Lotería (Hinata Shoyo, Sakusa Kiyomi, Bokuto Kotarou, OC intro), 🍋Lipstick, 🌈🍋Peach Lingerie
HQ Mafia AU (Ongoing Series):🍋Vixen Uncaged: Haikyu Mafia AU
Mood Boards: 🍊Suna Rintarō, 🍊Oikawa
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~Fire Force~
HC’s: In coming
Drabble: In Coming
One Shots: 🍋Benimaru x Y/N “My Little Daifuku”
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~Tokyo Revengers~
HC's: In Coming
Drabble: 🍋Taiju Shiba x Fiesty F!Reader
One Shots: Incoming
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~Underrated Fandoms (Bleach, Devil's Line, All Out, Run With the Wind, Moriarty the Patriot, etc...)~
HC's: 🍋Sekizan x F!Reader
Drabbles: 👹Aizen x F!Reader, 🍊🌈Gray-Ace Xiao x Trans Reader, 🌈🍋Bisexual Alucard x M! Reader, Work Study: Kunikida Doppo BSD
One Shots: 🍊The Outlaw: James Bonde x OC Intro
A Kittens Corvid: Sylus L&DS x Self Insert
Stay Tuned...
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stannienight · 3 years
Saiki k | Kaidou Shun | /Reader | Bullet points or writing is fine |
Leader is a cute girl who is usually with the gang, she likes to fluster Kaidou and say things that make him freak out and talk all fast,
One day saiki and the boys are forced to go to the gym because of some free promotion that Hairo is making them do and They find out reader is TOTALLY RIPPED ?? They continue on w/ the plot but she keeps flirting with Kaidou the entire time, maybe she's spotting Kaidou using the weights and he's putting more on then he can handle to impress her, it fails and she holds it up w/ one hand JSBSKNSKS IDK IM THINKING ON THE SPOT BUT GL !! -💙
thanks for the ask! sorry it’s so late i couldn’t figure out how to write it jsdgsh i wrote an imagine first and then turned it into headcanons but regardless, here you go! idk if this is what you expected but i hope you like it anyways <3
- kaidou is the most passionate, second only to hairo
- saiki looks dead inside, you wonder why he even showed up
- aren is neutral about the whole thing but surprisingly good at lifting??? damn he is Strong you did not expect that
- hairo and nendou get into a lifting competition and saiki has to monitor them in case someone hurts themselves
- that leaves you and kaidou, so you offer to spot his form
- he refuses at first saying that someone “delicate and precious” like you could never judge his form
- "well if you say so” *you proceed to deadlift over 150 pounds like it’s nothing*
- kaidou, after recovering from the shock: i mean... i guess i could give you a chance, since there’s no one else anyway
- his ego is SO hurt LMAO
- to restore some of his pride he goes straight to the overhead press machine and tries flailing up a 100-pound weight (for people who don’t use that measurement system, it’s a pretty damn heavy amount imo)
- can’t even get it off the ground
- constantly mutters ”ugh, this would be so much easier if i could unleash the power of Black Beat properly”
- goes for a 70-pound one instead and hauls it above his head
- his face flushes with triumph as the weight stays in his hands and he doesn’t topple over, but then his elbows start wobbling (damn you stick arms)
- you quickly run and grab the weight from him singlehandedly while he looks dazed
- “you okay shun?”
- he’s not. i mean physically yeah but he’s so embarrassed he might as well evaporate
- “it’s okay babe calm down-” (you call people babe platonically but he is not used to it so he becomes a whole tomato)
- you teach him better form and start him off with lighter weights
- “maybe we can go to the gym together sometime?” you suggest offhandedly but he’s So Flustered
- “yeah.. i mean... i guess... it’d be easier to defeat the dark reunion if i’m.. you know... uh, stronger...”
- “cool. also that is not how you use that machine, you look stupid”
- turns more into a one-sided teaching session but it’s fun because he’s so delicate but still determined
- the two of you start having gym sessions even after hairo’s promotion thing ends, and you’re constantly ready to fight anyone who makes fun of his form/strength
sorry! i don’t go the gym much ehhh i tried my best,,, and the ask didn’t specify if the reader has a crush on kaidou or vice versa so i tried to make it as vague as possible, still not sure though. anyways it’s fun imagining kaidou at the gym hehe
send me asks for hcs, oneshots, or anything in general, even unrelated to anime or writing <3 saiki k and haikyu for requests but maybe go through my profile before requesting for haikyu <3
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kiyomai · 3 years
This is my first time requesting I hope I’m doing this right & feel free to ignore this if you’re not interested in it. How about haikyu boys going to a theme park & getting on rides? There’s a handful of them that would not want to get on rollercoasters!
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Getting on Rides With Them
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OSAMU isn’t afraid to get on rides, but he will get nervous when he’s finally seated next to you. If you mention that you want to go on the biggest ride with him, he’ll look at how high it is, look at you, and drop his head. But because he loves you so much, he’ll get on it for you.
“Are ya sure ya wanna ride that one?” Osamu’s not looking at you, instead his eyes are trailing the height of the ride you want to force him onto. At your excited nod, he can only sigh and take your hand in his. “Alright. I can’t leave ya all alone.”
If it’s a ride where you can easily hold each other’s hand, OSAMU will have a crushing grip on you. The nerves are getting to him and holding onto you makes him feel a little bit better. He’s not a screamer unless he hears your excited chants, only then will he scream. Don’t worry, he has fun on these rides and if he enjoys it a lot, he’ll ask to ride it with you again.
“Should we go on a new ride, or do you wanna go again?”
“Let’s go again,” he says while dragging you towards the line once more, pep in his step as he gets excited.
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KUROO is a scaredy-cat, but he hides it by teasing you instead. He’ll swear that it’s you that’s afraid, but it’s all a ruse. Waiting on line is torture for him, but he’d die before he’d let you see that side of him. He’ll always tell you that if you want to back out, he’d be more than happy to do so (for your sake, of course).
“There’s no shame in backing out now, babe.” He grabs hold of your shoulders, silently urging you to turn around and leave the line. “I won’t mind. There are plenty of kiddy rides we can go on if you’re scared.” 
“I’m okay, Tetsu,” you smile. “If you’re too scared you can get off the line, I’ll be fine by myself. I’ll sit with someone that’s not afraid.” Rest assured, Kuroo stayed on line with you.
Even when you two are finally seated, KUROO will still call you a scaredy-cat. He’s not giving up, not until the ride starts and he can’t help the scream he lets out. Once it’s over, he will not be getting on it again. Kuroo’ll swallow his pride and straight up tell you he’s not up for it.
“I told you to get off the line if you were too scared. You can’t complain when that option was on the table.”
“I don’t want to hear it,” he pouts. “We’re going on the smaller rides, and you’re gonna act like you were the scared one and I was your knight in shining armor. Let’s go.”
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ATSUMU can’t play off the fact that he’s terrified of rollercoasters. He can pretend all he wants, but you and everyone else knows that he’s afraid. Instead of trying to get you off the line, he’ll stand proud and wait for his turn.
“Atsumu,” you call out. “We can go on a different ride, it doesn’t have to be this one.”
“Oh! So ya think I’m scared. Ya think I can’t handle an itty bitty rollercoaster? Well yer gonna eat yer words.”
ATSUMU screamed the entire time, his heart dropped like 10 times, and the grip he had on your hand was insane. He’ll playfully get mad at you and say that it’s your fault he even got on the ride in the first place.
“I didn’t force you, Tsumu,” you scolded him. “I said we didn’t have to get on it if you didn’t want to.”
“That’s the same thing as forcing me! Ya basically said ‘We can go somewhere else if yer such a wuss.’” You rolled your eyes at him. “I couldn’t let ya talk down on my name like that.”
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SAKUSA straight up tells you no. He’s not scared, but rollercoasters aren’t really his thing. They’re too fast and leave him all dizzy and disoriented, so he’d much rather watch your ride go from the outside.
“You can’t let me go there by myself, Omi!” You’re pulling him down by his arm, trying (and failing) to drag him to the line. “Don’t do this to me. According to the official boyfriend laws, you’re required to accompany me on any and all rides. No exceptions.”
“I’ll hold all our stuff on my favorite ride— the bench. You’ll be fine.”
After a lot of convincing, you finally got Sakusa to join you. He wasn’t scared at all, just very uncomfortable on the long line and the cramped seats. He held onto you very tight and even though he hated the ride, he loved hearing your joyous laugh and scream.
“Thank you for joining me, Omi-Omi,” you smile. “You’re officially the best boyfriend in the world. On to the next ride!”
“You’re forgetting something.” Before you can leave he grabs your hand, waiting expectantly. “It’s the law to kiss your boyfriend after he does something nice.”
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TENDOU is the first one on line at a rollercoaster. He’s always dragging you, and he definitely has a pass to skip the line.
“Cmon, Y/N.” Tendou’s all but pulling your arm to make it first. “We gotta get the best seats.”
You can only laugh and attempt to hide your face as you pass all the people on the standard line. “Okay okay, Satori!”
Expect to get on the ride multiple times with TENDOU. He will not stop until he gets bored of the ride. The staff will definitely remember the two of you.
“Let’s go on a new one, Satori,” you whine. “There are plenty of other rides, ya know.”
“Just one more. It’s the best ride here and I will not leave until I ride it many, many times.”
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a/n: the reader loves rollercoasters because I love rollercoasters 😤 they’re super fun and you should always get on them! also, you didn’t tell me which characters to write for so I chose them, anon. Hopefully you like them :) likes, comments, and reblogs are welcome and appreciated.
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iwadori · 3 years
hii there !! i'd like to request a haikyuu boys hyping you up before a game with akaashi, tsukishima and kageyama,, tyvm !!
Hyping you up before a game (Akaashi, Kageyama, Tsukishima)
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Can I just say everyone go read @fichyu ‘s works cause theyre an amazing writer (and one of my first followers.) Thanks forrr the request
Word Count: 1.5k
genre: angst (if you squint) fluff
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You were about to play your last match in the tournament besides nationals
You were nervous to say the least
In the previous match you played you made a mistake which nearly cost your team the game, making you all the more nervous
You were in the locker room pacing around the room with your hands shaking. You didn’t want to mess up, you can’t mess up. After the last game your team all looked at you with disappointment and sadness making you feel terrible. Your mood felt a bit better in the match when you saw Akaashi in the crowd, if only you could talk to him right now.
Just then, someone knocked on the locker room door and said “Y/N, are you in there?” it was Akaashi, thank god. “Yeah, I’m in here...” you said quietly.  
He came in and gave you a hug which you desperately received “You did great in that game Y/N.” he said.
“No, I did terrible...the whole team hates me now.” you reply with a frown forming on your face like a sad puppy.
“Gosh Y/N you are so melodramatic sometimes” he laughed “All you did was let one ball go out..”
“But Keiji I-”
“You still won, didn’t you?” he asked looking down at you “right?”
“Yes, we did win” you say rolling your eyes.
“Well, that settles it then Y/N, you won you’re the ace not TM/N or TM/N... it’s you.” he starts “Now it’s the last game before you get to go to nations babe, you’re going to do great!”
He lets go of you and holds your hand, as you walk towards the court, he brushes his thumb over your hand in a calming motion to relax your nerves. When you get there, your team calls you over with smiles on your face and you look back to Akaashi one more time.  
“Don’t worry about it Y/N, I’ll be out there in the crowds cheering you on.” he gives you a hug and a final kiss on the forehead before finishing with “Now go be the ace and win the game.”
After Akaashi’s prep talk, you’ve never felt better. You jog over to the team feeling pumped and ready to the play. The game was hard, a tit for tat with the opposing team battling out for the point. You were on your Agame playing the best performances you’ve ever played. Everytime you scored, you heard Akaashi cheer and yell things like “That’s my s/o!”, “Y/N you’re the best.” which boosted your playing even more.
You end up winning the game with Akaashi smiling at you and telling you “I told you so” after his pep-talk ended up being true. You led your team to nationals with Akaashi coming to every game with his usual cheers and praise.
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You were fairly new on your volleyball team.
You didn’t get to play in much matches, and you mainly stayed on the bench but that didn’t matter to you.
You did join a few games as the pinch server, and it was a daunting feeling as when you were subbed in you were usually the ultimate game changer.
The day before todays game, your coach told you that unless you get injured you’ll be playing every minute of todays match which deeply worried you. Especially since, the team your playing against you’ve played with before and in that last match you were subbed in as the pinch server and when you hit the ball your serve went out. Causing your team to lose.
The team assured you that stuff like that happen, and it is completely fine and no one blamed you. But you didn’t care, you practiced your serves and your skills over the next time period making sure you wouldn’t cost the team the match.
Your team was prepared and ready for the match, but you definitely weren’t. You look down and see  a message from your boyfriend,
Tsukishima: come outside  
You went outside and saw your boyfriend there with a one of those colourful cheering things (you know the ones they use in the haikyu games to cheer.) “Kei I didn’t know you were going to be here?” you say a bit surprised.
“Well surprise Y/N..” he said in a deadpan voice.  
You smiled before getting nervous again thinking about how close the game is about to start. Tsukishima grabs your hands to stop them from shaking, and says “What’s wrong Y/N?”
“Tsukki, you saw what happened at the last game, how my shitty serve cost us the game.” you huff in annoyance.  
“Y/N, I'm never gonna understand your love for volleyball but I know that you’re great. You’ll do great.” he says watching you smile “I’ve seen the way your eyes light up when you step onto the court and how you put your all in everything and it makes me fall in love with you even more every time I watch you play.”
“Thank you Tsukishima, but what if I-”  
“You won’t, and even if you do who cares” he says “It’s just a stupid volleyball game anyways” he jokes making you laugh and boosting your spirits.
All your serves were great this game, trying out your recently learned float serve and mastering it every time blowing the competition away. Everyone was amazed by your powerful serves ones which the opposition’s libero couldn’t pick up, scoring more and more points.
You win the game, and your team labels you the MVP of the game, which was well deserved. Tsukishima treated you to a date, a movie and jokes and comments about your opposing team. Ending in a good night.
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You were always excited and hyper, the opposite of kageyama making you a perfect match.
You weren’t that good at volleyball to begin with but you were obsessed with the sport.
You lacked some basics skills for volleyball but made up for it with your powerful jumps, spikes and skills.
Kageyama always seemed very interested in your volleyball games, watching and commenting on your setter’s skill or lack thereof. But when it came to you his interest shown heavily. He wanted to be at every practice, practice game, mini tournament or competition or even if it was a little toss about in the park. He was always interested.  
Even when you were getting a ball to the face or completely missing the ball on your spikes, Kageyama always was invested. Although he didn’t fully know about the sport, whenever you were feeling down or wanted to rant about the problems that involved volleyball he was always there to listen. Making Kageyama the best boyfriend.
What made him either better was in moments like these. Your team just got off the bus and you felt like you were going to throw up your insides. But you saw kageyama standing outside the entrance of the stadium with a small smile on his face and yoghurt in his hand.
“Tobio!” You exclaim wrapping him in a hug.
“Hi Y/N, are you ready for the game?” he asked making you even more anxious.
“No, I feel like I'm going to throw up,” you say with a frown “I think I need to go to the bathroom...”
“Y/N you’ll be fine, eat this it’ll keep your stamina up.” he said handing you the yoghurt.
“Oooh it seems someone's been keeping up with their health facts.” you say teasingly
“Oh, shut up dumbass.” he said squishing your head “But anyways, you shouldn’t worry because although you are lacking in most of the basic skills that are apparently required for volleyball, the way you play exceeds all that and I’ve seen your hard work and efforts and they’ll definitely play off in this match....as long as you manage to not get hit in the face with the ball.” he jokes at the end.
“Oh shusssh” you say playfully hit in his side “But thank you, Tobio I’ll try my best, especially for you.” you kiss him on the cheek leaving him blushing and frozen as you skip off with your team inside.
The game was great, all your serves manage to go over the net and for the time you played for you did great. You and the setter were working in tandem, you hitting every one of their tosses and scoring many points. Kageyama was cheering loudly in the audience, making you smile every time he said your name you were filled with more confidence reminding you of something he said to you a while ago “As long as I'm with you, I'm the greatest,” which showed you more proof of Kageyamas pride over you as having you as his s/o.
You obviously win the game and Kageyama could never be happier. You spent the rest of the night going over the whole game that Kageyama recorded (in full soccer mum likeness.) With Kageyama singing your praises and your faults every time.
AN: I had fun writing this one.... and if you notice I kind of related Y/N to some particular haikyu boys in each scenario jiihesjkhdf but yh i hope you enjoy.
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fanfic-wonderland · 4 years
Requests Open!
Hi guys! I created this blog in order to focus on writing fanfictions of different kinds, so I hope you guys enjoy it and send many requests my way. I will do my best to take them all!
Here are the things I can write about:
TV Shows/Movies:
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Harry Potter
Teen Wolf
The Hunger Games
The Chronicles Of Narnia
Once Upon A Time
Game Of Thrones
The Umbrella Academy
Stranger Things
Anime/Animated Shows
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Attack On Titan
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Death Note
Demon Slayer
The Promised Neverland
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War
Sword Art Online
Yuri!!! On Ice
Assassin’s Pride
Zombie Land Saga
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Angel Beats!
Teen Titans
Steven Universe
Winx Club
Spirited Away
Howl’s Moving Castle
Kpop Groups
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Monsta X
Stray Kids
Red Velvet
The Boyz
Golden Child
Oh My Girl
The Rose
Teen Top
Block B
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True Beauty
Descendants Of The Sun
Hello, My Twenties!
Boys Over Flowers
Playful Kiss
Squid Game
BL Dramas
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2moons/2moons 2
Sotus/Sotus S
Kiss Me Again/Dark Blue Kiss
2gether/Still 2gether
He’s Coming To Me
Make It Right
I Am Your King
Water Boyy
Theory Of Love
History3: Trapped
Addicted Heroin
Long Time No See
Where Your Eyes Linger
Wish You: Your Melody In My Heart
I will most likely keep adding stuff, so feel free to request something for any of these!
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Hello!! I'm Admin Kenma from haikyu--hell and I already completely love your blog! Thank you so much for creating it. You gained a very quick and excited follow from me (I literally screamed in excitement and scared my cat oops??). -Mari, a very queer child, who completely loves Haikyuu!! Okay, enough babbling from me and ahhh, could I request headcanons of Kuroo's reactions to his s/o coming put as genderfluid? Thank you!!
Ahh!! Thank you for sending this! It’s nice to know that at least one person connects to this blog’s intentions :’) It’s exciting to get my first ask! I also like your blog a lot! So let’s get to this~!
Kuroo Reacting to His S/O Being Genderfluid
This boy… He would honestly be so supportive. He would probably be confused at the term when you first say it but after explaining it to him he would be asking all kinds of questions to make sure you feel comfortable. He’d ask your preferred pronouns, who knows about you being genderfluid, if you want him to tell anyone or keep it lowkey, do your parents know, how should he act around your parents with this new information- he would just go on and on trying to figure out as much as he could. I think he’d be a bit nervous for the both of you because he knows that not a lot of people educate themselves on topics like this (I mean, he had to ask questions so obviously others will be equally or more clueless) but he’ll be more than happy to educate those around him and to defend you when someone says your identity is invalid.
If Kuroo likes someone, that’s all there is to it. His mom raised him to believe that if he loved someone then he should put his full effort in to making the relationship work. He’s a pretty chill guy and telling him who you identify as is just going to make him feel happy because that means you trust him.
Bonus: He’d probably buy genderfluid merchandise for you for Christmas or your birthday. He’s loves making you feel good about yourself and he’d probably buy you something absolutely ridiculous like a yarn sweater with the genderfluid colors or 6 pairs of genderfluid pride socks. 
- Admin Kuroo
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Being Karasuno's Manager:
Manager is in the Closet
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Karasuno x GN! Manager
Warnings: none
A/N: This is a pride request from Gen Z anon! I kept this request inclusive for everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community 🥰 *edit I added "cisgender and heteroromantic at the suggestion of Gen Z anon!
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
Ok first off Karasuno is genuinely one of the most supportive teams 👏🏻
Seriously look at what they deal with everyday YN?
Poor Takeda, Ukai and Daichi are simply happy you exist 🤚🏻
They won't care about the status of your sexuality or gender identity
But still, there's a difference between knowing this to be fact and convincing our brains as such
Coming out is such a huge step in someone's life
There's literally a million ways 🤚🏻
Please I shared a status that said "I'm bisexual and proud" and everyone was like "we know Tiffany" and I was like "😐 cool 👍🏻"
However, you've decided to keep it to yourself
Now it's not that you are ashamed, oh no no
It's that you just haven't figured out exactly how to tell our bubbly bbys yet
But luckily, you have me to help YN 🙌🏻
Honestly tho, I'm actually lowkey high key really good at keeping secrets
But since I'm writing for YN here, we gotta make it a tad bit- well...
So let's just say you were talking to your friend about pride
It's June and we are all in Pride/Gemini season so it's a party 🥳
"So YN are you planning to go to the pride parade this weekend?"- your friend
"I mean, I hope I can! I'll have to see if the coaches need me but I think I can probably get it excused"- you
Your friend looks at you questioningly
"YN haven't you told the team your part of the LGBTQIA+ community?"- you friend asks
You sigh a little-
"Not yet, I'm not exactly sure how to say it. Like do I just say "hey guys- guess what? I'm LGBTQIA+??"- you
"I mean that would definitely be one way YN?"- a voice booms from behind you
Your eyes widen 😳
Soul 👉🏻 leaves you body
You slowly turn to see Ukai and Takeda
Ukai is just staring at you and Takeda is all like "🤪 Hi Yn!" 👇🏻
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Your mouth is just gaping, like the shock is still hitting you
"You- you uhh you, uhh I ummm- I"- You
Please Takeda stops you from talking YN, you've said enough 🤚🏻
"YN you know we care about you and accept you for who you are"- Takeda
"This changes nothing YN. You are an excellent manager"- Ukai
You 👉🏻 really 🥺🥺🥺
"Of course YN but that being said, we won't say anything to the team. That's on you"- Ukai
"Won't say anything to the team about what??"- Kageyama
Of course 😐🤦‍♀️
Please there is always one of them lurking everywhere
"Ummm- nothing! ITS NOTHING"- Takeda 🧍‍♂️
Please he's nervous 😅
"Whats nothing?"- Asahi
Oh sweet Jesus did like like someone turn on the bat signal?? Is there like a Karasuno version istg 🙄
"It's nothing! YN will tell you if they want too"- Ukai
"Wait- YN will tell us what if they want to?"- Tanaka
Seriously this has got to be a joke
At this point you are just waiting for Nekoma and Fukurodani to show up because you are sure it's another training camp
"Idk YN's keeping a secret"- Kageyama
"Ohh I love secrets tell me!"- Noya
You 👉🏻🧍‍♂️ 😐
"Guys it's nothing, I'll tell you later"- you
"Tell us what later?"- Daichi with Suga and Ennoshita
You know those clown cars were all the clowns just keep piling out, yep that's your situation YN 🤗
"Wait- YN are you dying?"- Noya 😱😱😱
If there was a cliff, we've just basically jumped off it
No point A to B here, we go from Point A to NUCLEAR MELTDOWN
And that's all they wrote folks because it's happening and it's happening fast
"YN'S DYING???"- Asahi, probably fainting
"OMG YN DONT DIE ON US PLEASE!!"- Tanaka begging at your feet
"We have to find a cure!! We must!"- Noya
Please it's absolutely chaos
You need to stop this YN 🤚🏻
So you decide the best way to do it is just to dive in-
"GUYS IM LGBTQIA+"- You, probably breathing heavy
"Omg is that the illness you have YN??? It sounds serious!!!"- Tanaka
🙄🙄🙄 I'm sorry you have to deal with this YN
Thoughts and prayers 🙏🏻
"Tanaka it means YN is a member of the pride community you idiot!"- Suga says yelling
"Awe YN welcome to the community"- Kiyoko says congratulating you
"You?"- you says looking at her
Come on, we all know 😏
Kiyoko 👉🏻 🏳️‍🌈 🤗
"So YN isn't dying?"- Asahi
"YN probably would be dead already if it was left up to you all to save them"- Tsukishima 😒
"No Asahi, I'm not dying. I'm just not heterosexual, cisgender and/or heteroromantic"- you 🤷‍♀️
Same YN same 💅🏼
"Oh... so like can you still play volleyball?"- Hinata, now joining in
You 👉🏻😐🙄 Yes Hinata my sexuality has nothing to do with my volleyball skills
"So what if guys hit on you YN?"- Tanaka
"We can just scream 'BACK OFF YN DOESNT LIKE MEN'"- Noya
"Please dont"- you 😐
Please Noya and Tanaka are already forming a plan
"YN we appreciate you for who you are and nothing will ever change that!"- Suga says
"Yeah YN, we'd be lost without you"- Daichi
"🥺 you guys"- you 🥲
"So YN if Oikawa hits on you will you let him down hard! And like record it for me?"- Kageyama
You 👉🏻 I'll do what I can Kags 😃
"Ain't no city boy messing with our YN!"- Tanaka
Ennoshita please 😊
"Hey-" Tanaka, rubbing the back of his head
"You guys really are the best team"- you
"Yeah we already know that YN"- Daichi 💅🏼
"Omg YN can we come to the pride parade with you??"- Hinata
"I personally love parades"- Asahi
"Omg we can dress up like a rainbow!"- Noya
"I don't look good in Yellow"- Suga
"Hinata can be orange since he's basically already a tangerine"- Kageyama
👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 this ensues
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"YN seriously look what you did"- Daichi
You 👉🏻 🧍‍♂️
"I'm literally- you know what 🤚🏻"- you, going over to haul the two bbys away from each other
Aren't you glad you have the most supportive Team YN 🥰
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