To the anon who sent in the request for coming out to Nekoma as their manager, I'm working on it and I'm sorry it's taking so long. I hope that you're issues have become easier to handle and if they haven't then you can come talk to me anytime. Just remember you are important and loved :)
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Also, send me suggestions on more things I should post! Any ships? Aesthetics? You name it and Iā€™ll look into it :)
Just a reminder that my inbox is open! I take character x reader prompts ANDĀ  character x character prompts that are queer AND not queer! Ask me anything :)
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Could write about bokuto with an s/o who is confused about their own gender and is afraid something is wrong with them self because of it?
ā€œKoutarou,ā€ you begin, softly. Youā€™re looking at your lap while you sit at his desk chair.
ā€œHm?ā€ he responds, looking up from the book he had been reading for school and focusing his attention on you.
ā€œHave you ever feltā€¦ā€ You trail off for a second. Your heart quickens and you debate on continuing. Eventually you find the courage to begin again. ā€œHave you ever felt like your body was justā€¦ wrong?ā€
His eyebrows come together in obvious confusion. ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€
You sigh. You hope you donā€™t sound irritated with him- you are mostly afraid.
ā€œLike your body just wasnā€™t made for you. You look in the mirror and donā€™t like what you see.ā€
ā€œWell yeah,ā€ youā€™re surprised at the answer. ā€œI used to be extremely self conscious about my body. I really didnā€™t feel fine with myself until I started playing volleyball in secondary school.ā€
The surprise and hope deflates. ā€œI donā€™t think this is the same thing.ā€
Heā€™s confused again. He stares at you for awhile, like heā€™s trying to figure out a puzzle, then puts his book down and pats the space on the bed in front of him.
ā€œCome sit with me.ā€
You hesitate but nevertheless slide onto the bed and cross your legs.
ā€œLook at me,ā€ he demands but not harshly. You obey, looking into his golden eyes where you see a mix of confusion and concern. He slides his hands into yours, holding them gently.
ā€œTell me everything,ā€ he continues.
You let out a shaky breath. Will he hate you? Are you even thinking straight? Youā€™ve had these thoughts so many times before and you could never get a grip on a decision. Maybe youā€™re doing this to get attention. Maybe youā€™re just a confused teenager and youā€™re too young to make this decision. What if he blows it off like itā€™s nothing? What if he laughs at you?
ā€œPlease,ā€ he whispers and it snaps you out of your train of thought.
ā€œI donā€™t know where to begin,ā€ you whisper back.
ā€œAnywhere. Iā€™ll listen to anything.ā€
And so you start. You tell him that some days your body doesnā€™t seem like your own. You tell him that some days you cringe when people use your proper pronouns. You tell him you donā€™t like the way people perceive you as a certain gender. You tell him that youā€™re attracted to people but maybe not in the way everything thinks you do or should. You tell him how you thought this would be the one thing in your life you would know, the one thing you could hold onto, and now it feels like itā€™s slipping between your fingers. It comes out jumbled. The words and sentences you speak are a mess; they mirror your thoughts. Finally, you tell him that you are not sure. You tell him that you think maybe this is all in your head, that maybe one day it will all go away and everything will go back to normal. Now you are crying and telling him the hardest thing to admit out of the whole situation: you tell him that you are scared.
He pulls you into his lap and cradles you. He rocks you back and forth, like a child, and you think that maybe you should not like being treated this way but for the moment you do. You love his voice as it speaks softly to you; you love the way it comforts and calms you. He holds you even after you stop shaking. He holds you until you tell him you are fine. Reluctantly, he lets go. He lets you breathe for a moment before he speaks up.
ā€œI canā€™t tell you that I know what you are going through. Iā€™ve never experienced something like this,ā€ your tears start up again. He speaks quickly, a hand going to cup your cheek. ā€œBut I promise Iā€™ll be here. Iā€™ll listen when you need it. I promise Iā€™ll help as much as I can. Okay?ā€
You sniffle and nod.
ā€œOne thing I do have to say though,ā€ he says from where heā€™s rested his chin on your head and is petting your hair gently. ā€œIf it bothers you this much, hell, if it moves you this much, to the point when youā€™re sobbing and shaking, then I donā€™t think itā€™s just in your head.ā€
Thereā€™s a long pause as you both sit with each other, letting the sudden rush of emotions pass over.
-Admin Kuroo
Authorā€™s note: Eventually he (albeit awkwardly) asks you about pronouns and even asks you to educate him a bit because up until this point heā€™s only ever had to deal with a ā€œI think Iā€™m gayā€ talk. It takes him a while for this information to really settle in but he tries his best to not upset you.Ā 
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Hi guys! Wanted to let you all know Iā€™m still active. I went on an unexpected hiatus because I moved apartments. Ask box is still open and Iā€™ll answer all questions in my inbox soon :)
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Hi! I was the anon who asked for the transgirl Oikawa! Tbh, I'm not that familiar with these things (or feels for that matter! I've always thought I was bi, but now I'm not sure) myself, but I think you did a great job! Thank you for answering my request!!
No problem! Thank you for the challenge and my ask box is always open if you need someone to talk to :)
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I hope I'm doing this right! Could you do hcs for either a trans girl or cisswapped Oikawa w a fem s/o?
Alright so Iā€™m taking this as trans girl Oikawa with a fem!s/o (I must admit I am a trans!male so this is something Iā€™m not used to writing and if I say anything wrong or offensive please tell me (: )
Oikawa is interested in makeup because it makes her feel more feminine so every time she goes to her s/oā€™s place she asks if they can do her makeup
Eventually her s/o is just like ā€œokay let me show how to do this so you can do it on your ownā€
Oikawa likes being pretty but she isnā€™t about backing up the stereotype of aĀ ā€œgirly girlā€ because girls can be whatever they want whether thatā€™s girly or butch or everything in between
So she drags her girlfriend to the gym and her girlfriend takes pictures of her when sheā€™s working out and posts it somewhere (some private account because Oikawa is a bit afraid of coming out entirely to the public) and captions it something likeĀ ā€œlook at my buff girlfriend #blessedā€ orĀ ā€œwork hard play hard baby girlā€
She looks at those posts and old selfies of her in makeup when sheā€™s feeling dysphoric
Oikawa is a sucker for pet names like ā€œbaby girlā€
Ā Oikawa and her girlfriend go shopping for dresses and skirts together and her girlfriend almost dies when she sees Oikawa in a pink skirt with a tucked in white button up
Oikawa loves crop tops
Oikawa absolutely loves lingerie it makes her feel so sexy but also so powerful
Iwaizumi is the first person Oikawa tells about being trans (besides her girlfriend) and then tells him about her girlfriend and her hands are shaking and and sheā€™s crying but Hajime just pulls her into a tight hug and whispers that heā€™s going to love her no matter what
He comforts her for a while and they talk about it (Oikawa tells him what itā€™s like and her proper pronouns) and eventually Iwa sees a pic of Oikawa and her girlfriend in cute summer clothes and he says ā€œDamn you two are cute. Thatā€™s a good color on youā€ and Oikawa bawls from happiness
It feels so freeing for Oikawa to look at girls and say ā€œIā€™m so gayā€ because it finally feels right
She follows trans accounts on her social media for support and information so sheā€™s protective of who gets on her phone
Hope I did this justice! Again, if I said something thatā€™s off-putting please tell me :) -Admin Kuroo
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Just a reminder that my inbox is open! I take character x reader prompts ANDĀ  character x character prompts that are queer AND not queer! Ask me anything :)
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There's one day when Bokuto and Kuroo are at Kuroo's apartment. Kuroo's mom isn't home but it's not like that really matters because they didn't plan on getting into any trouble. In fact, Kuroo is reading a book for school while Bokuto tries with all his might to entertain himself. He gets bored quickly and he can't get Kuroo to put his book down so he pouts for a bit before deciding he's going to take a nap. Mindlessly, Bokuto looks at Kuroo and thinks He looks comfy. I'm going to lay there and sure enough he flops onto Kuroo's lap. Kuroo doesn't mind at first, that is, until he looks down to see Bokuto's stress free face as he sleeps. For a moment, he is completely taken aback. He's so overwhelmed for a minute by how beautiful Bokuto looks. His features are soft and few strands of hair are falling into his face. All the tension has left his body and it's the most peaceful he thinks he's ever seen Bo. Kuroo clenches his jaw, using all his will not to move so he doesn't wake his friend. Suddenly, he realizes he wants to do something. He wants to tell Bokuto he's beautiful and he, strangely, suddenly, really wants to kiss his cheek or his temple. It's too risky, he thinks, and instead he carefully runs his slightly shaky hands through Bo's hair. His chest tightens and he's almost brought to tears because it hits him just how much he wouldn't mind being like this with Bokuto every day for probably the rest of his life and how much he won't want Bokuto to leave after this and Ā he's kicking himself for not realizing sooner that he is absolutely, undoubtedly, in love.
-Admin Kuroo
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Send me a ship and a number and I'll tell you
- How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
- Howā€™s their team work? Do they share well?
- Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
- First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?
- Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
- Any tasks that are always left to one person?
- What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
- What do the like best about their partner?
- Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?
- Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public?
- Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?
- Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
- What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
- Anything they both dread?
- How adventurous are they?
- Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat?
- What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
- What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
- What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?
- What does their home look like? Their room?
- Do they share any interests or hobbies?
- Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
- How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort?
- Any doubts about the relationship?
- How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?
- How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
- Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
- What are their vacations like?
- How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
- Could they manage a long distance relationship?
- Do they finish each otherā€™s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?
- Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous?
- What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions?
- Do they have any pets?
- Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw?
- Whatā€™s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
- How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?
- What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they wonā€™t do?
- Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first? Ā When did they realize they were in love?
- Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to?
- Are they party-goers? What are they like when theyā€™re drunk? Does it happen often?
- Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them?
- Do they talk often? What about?
- Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for?
- Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
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hi! may i request headcanons of bokuto's s/o being pansexual (which he knows), but they're scared to come out to their parents, like what he would do and such? thank you!
Bokuto would comfort you immediately. Most likely, he would try to make you smile or laugh first. If that doesnā€™t work, when heā€™s sees his s/o shaking with anxiety, heā€™d get bummed that he canā€™t do anything. I think heā€™d start to go into one of his ā€œemoā€ moods but then heā€™d realize that his s/o really needs him in this moment and heā€™d just hold his s/oā€™s arms or hands and ask them ā€œDo you want a hug?ā€ in a really soft voice. When his s/o nods yes, heā€™d envelope them completely. Heā€™s a big guy so his frame would probably make it perfect for his s/o to lay their head on his shoulder. Heā€™d have one hand buried in his s/oā€™s hair and the other one around their waist. Heā€™d kiss his s/oā€™s temple and hair over and over until the shaking calms down then heā€™d hold his significant other and say:
ā€œI know itā€™s scary. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re so scared. I think you should tell them. When you do that, I know youā€™ll feel better. You wonā€™t feel anymore pressure to hide it from them,ā€ he kisses his s/oā€™s forehead.
ā€œIf it doesnā€™t go well,ā€ God he hopes it goes well. ā€œThen Iā€™ll be here for you. Iā€™ll always be here for you.ā€
He pulls his s/o back into a hug.
ā€œAnd so will your friends. And no matter what your parents might say, plenty of other people will love you for you in the future. I love you for you. Plain and simple. Iā€™m proud of you no matter what your decision is.ā€
He sighs.
ā€œI know it sucks but you need to do it. Iā€™m here for support when you need it.ā€
He probably follows this conversation by watching a movie or going for a walk outside if itā€™s nice. If his s/o starts crying, heā€™ll let them (heā€™ll be holding back tears of his own). Heā€™ll sit down with his s/o, let them get out whatever they need, and just hold them in the mean time. He knows how important it is to get out whatever is bothering a person.
In general, Bokuto just wants his s/o to not have that pressure of keeping the real them a secret. He can see how hard that is on his s/o and he craves to see them be themselves and be happy to their full capacity.
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hi! i just wanted to say that i really like your blog! i've never seen something like this and i think it's quite nice! i wish you all the luck on your blog!
Thank you so much! This is such a nice message! I just want to make everyone feel welcome including you! Stop by again sometime and thank you againĀ  :)
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You know what I donā€™t see enough of? Gentle Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi who holds Oikawa delicately get fiercely when he breaks down. Iwaizumi complimenting Oikawa every now and then. Iwaizumi who mindlessly plays with Oikawaā€™s hair while heā€™s sleeping. Iwaizumi who kisses Oikawaā€™s forehead and temples. Iwaizumi who wakes up Oikawa with ā€œwake up sunshineā€ as he nuzzles into his hair. Iwaizumi who draws mindless patterns into Oikawaā€™s back and arms to help him calm down and sleep. Iwaizumi telling Oikawa ā€œI love youā€ with no anger, no angsty confession, just mutual affection. Iwaizumi who thinks his heart might combust when he sees Oikawa laugh so hard his head tips back and his eyes scrunch up. Iwaizumi obviously smiling at Oikawa because heā€™s just so in love. Iwaizumi spoiling Oikawa every once in a while. Iwaizumi actually being nice sometimes. Give me tender Iwaizumi. Show that heā€™s not always yelling.
-Admin Kuroo
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Daichi seems like such a good cuddle size (and cuddler in general). Heā€™s not tall like the other captains so his feet wonā€™t hang off the bed. Heā€™s smaller but definitely has a good build so spooning would feel safe. Heā€™d wrap his arms around his s/o as much as he could which would let his s/o feel the raw power hidden in his arms. Heā€™s definitely the kind of guy to nuzzle his s/oā€™s neck while cuddling. Small neck kisses are a must. He would also be so warm? I think that heā€™d really like shirtless cuddling whether itā€™s just him or him and his s/o. He doesnā€™t seem like the kind of guy to take naps often because heā€™s always so busy so rainy days are some of his favorites because it gives him an excuse to stay in and relax. He would lay in bed and cuddle and just talk to his s/o without actually sleeping because he would just want to feel their presence more than anything.
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Hello!! I'm Admin Kenma from haikyu--hell and I already completely love your blog! Thank you so much for creating it. You gained a very quick and excited follow from me (I literally screamed in excitement and scared my cat oops??). -Mari, a very queer child, who completely loves Haikyuu!! Okay, enough babbling from me and ahhh, could I request headcanons of Kuroo's reactions to his s/o coming put as genderfluid? Thank you!!
Ahh!! Thank you for sending this! Itā€™s nice to know that at least one person connects to this blogā€™s intentions :ā€™) Itā€™s exciting to get my first ask! I also like your blog a lot! So letā€™s get to this~!
Kuroo Reacting to His S/O Being Genderfluid
This boyā€¦ He would honestly be so supportive. He would probably be confused at the term when you first say it but after explaining it to him he would be asking all kinds of questions to make sure you feel comfortable. Heā€™d ask your preferred pronouns, who knows about you being genderfluid, if you want him to tell anyone or keep it lowkey, do your parents know, how should he act around your parents with this new information- he would just go on and on trying to figure out as much as he could. I think heā€™d be a bit nervous for the both of you because he knows that not a lot of people educate themselves on topics like this (I mean, he had to ask questions so obviously others will be equally or more clueless) but heā€™ll be more than happy to educate those around him and to defend you when someone says your identity is invalid.
If Kuroo likes someone, thatā€™s all there is to it.Ā His mom raised him to believe that if he loved someone then he should put his full effort in to making the relationship work. Heā€™s a pretty chill guy and telling him who you identify as is just going to make him feel happy because that means you trust him.
Bonus: Heā€™d probably buy genderfluid merchandise for you for Christmas or your birthday. Heā€™s loves making you feel good about yourself and heā€™d probably buy you something absolutely ridiculous like a yarn sweater with the genderfluid colors or 6 pairs of genderfluid pride socks.Ā 
- Admin Kuroo
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Hiya! I'm a writing blog that specifically welcomes the LGBTQ+ part of the haikyuu community! Asks are open and i take asks even if they aren't from someone in the LGBTQ+ community (I just want queer kids to feel welcome since many blogs don't state of they're LGBTQ+ friendly or not)
please reblog this post if youā€™re a writing blog for free!, haikyuu!!, kuroko no basket, mystic messenger, ouran high school host club, voltron, or yuri!!! on ice.
if youā€™re not a writing blog, please reblog this post with some of your favorite writing blogs of the fandoms mentioned above. heckie, it doesnā€™t even have to be blogs writing for those fandoms. since i may have forgotten some fandoms, oops? it can be any writing blog you like!
i really want to follow some and see more content on my dash! so please donā€™t be afraid to promo some blogs!
ā€” kenma
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captain squadĀ āœØ
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