#it should not be performing worse than any of their previous models
klywrites · 5 months
if anyone else has been having issues with Google Pixel 7a I'd be interested in hearing from you
after months of back and forth they finally agreed to send me a replacement
it's been 3 days and already I have been able to replicate the same issues
contacted Google to let them know. at this point I just want some transparency
they offered to send another replacement
that's uhh... not suspicious at all /s
so they're telling me after having the new replacement phone for 3 days, they're offering to send another? like, are they willing to keep sending replacements rather than actually address the issues that I (and multiple others — I have done my research) have been having with this phone
I mean yeah I could believe that. because if they address the issues many people have been having, well I think we should be refunded, see. and of course Google wouldn't want that. (all the research I've done has yielded zero acknowledgement of the issues or confirmation of whether they're hardware or software related) of course they won't admit it
I assure you I will not give up complaining about the same issues as long as they persist. but how many times are they going to replace my phone? how many times am I to go through the process of transferring and setting up a new phone? (I also use it for work and certain apps need actual government confirmation of my identity, and this process isn't instant so I'm currently barred from accessing some work related things because I'm hesitant to restart the process if I'm gonna have to get an entirely new, different phone that's not Google)
very funny
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menalez · 2 years
hi miss mena :) you totally don’t have to respond to this if you don’t want to, it’s a lot to dump on a person, but i just had kind of a weird experience and i’m struggling to figure out whether or not i’m crazy lol. & i trust your opinion, so i’d be interested to hear your thoughts/maybe advice. content warning for discussions around sexual trauma.
so i’m an art university student and also a lesbian—i’ve been drawing from nude models in classes since my freshman year (now a junior), and it’s something i more or less have gotten used to. the thing is i’ve never liked drawing men/male bodies, much less having to be eye level with an old guy’s dick for a five hour studio class. i’m always more uncomfortable when i find out there’s gonna be a male model, and my drawings occasionally suffer for it. i’ve never really talked to any of my friends about this because i feel silly for having had these feelings in the first place—especially when everybody else regardless of sexuality seem to have no problem with drawing the opposite sex. i’m capable of drawing men NOT from life just fine, but life drawing is different, and in order to perform in my classes i’ve had to learn to tune out the feelings of discomfort (sometimes repulsion) that can bubble up when there’s a naked man in front of me.
i didn’t even consciously realize i was doing this until today honestly. the model walked in and i was like ugh old man ok whatever lets go. and we got started and he took off his clothes…and he had a catheter inserted in his penis with a bag of pee tied to his thigh.
i was really shocked and extremely uncomfortable, but i wanted to be professional, so i worked through the first round of gesture drawings. i’m not typically that squeamish. i also felt bad because i have nothing against this man personally and it’s obviously not his fault he has to wear a catheter. my prof came around like he normally does to review at the end of the first round and commented that it “seemed like i was running out of time” because some of them weren’t finished (i.e. i only drew most of the frontal ones from the waist up), and that i should go to the extra sessions if i’m having trouble and i need to do xyz. at that point i just nodded at everything he said and excused myself to go to the bathroom. i texted a couple of my friends who agreed something was off about the situation, but i also ran into an acquaintance in the hall who when i told her she was just like “oh i’m glad they’re hiring more models with disabilities.” so then i just felt even worse about it lol again i have nothing against this man i just couldn’t stare at the tube in his penis for another four hours. eventually i decided to just head back to my dorm and pick up my backpack and supplies after class is over, because i didn’t know how to explain this to my prof and i didn’t want to be rude. so i get back to my dorm and as soon as i’m alone….instant bad panic attack. lol.
and here i am now. i feel like an idiot at best and an asshole at worst, like why am i having a panic attack over having to see this guy’s stupid catheter? i feel absurdly violated but i don’t feel like i have any right to—i know what i’m getting into when i go to this class, and this shouldn’t be any different than having to draw any other man. so now i’m feeling everything i was trying to ignore, but i just don’t understand why i feel this way in the first place. i don’t really have any sexual-related trauma that would reasonably cause these feelings of violation and repulsion. my mom and sister are SA survivors/have dealt with post-traumatic stress, so that admittedly weighs on me, but it’s not my trauma to claim. i also dealt with a teacher in high school who used a religious retreat to groom some of my friends (and other girls from previous years), and i was a member of his small group. that’s a long ass story, but basically i think he kind of started to try grooming me but didn’t get that far—not to the point of being overtly sexual, just like oversharing abt his life/sex life, behaving more like a peer than an authority figure, making me feel bad for being uncomfortable around him, and asking me to hug him. but ultimately i was not the main target bc he could tell i got a weird vibe from him, and so i didn’t even know the full extent of what happened to other girls until years later when he got quietly fired from the school. writing it out it sounds maybe kinda worse than it was, but idk. i don’t feel like it makes sense for me to have such a strong negative reaction to the male body like that. do you or ur followers have any idea if it’s normal for some lesbians to feel that way, even if they don’t have trauma? am i overreacting about the catheter thing being weird?? what do i tell my professor now?? what if the model comes back (we sometimes have ppl who model for us repeatedly)???this day has been so awful i can’t wait to sleep lol. thanks if you read all that and double triple quadruple thanks if you have any thoughts, sorry again for such a long ask. much love ❤️
jeez for one i dont blame you bc personally i would not able to draw naked men either itd be very hard for me to get myself to look there long enough to draw it decently so. youve just given me a big reason why i cannot ever do such classes & saved me the trouble in a way.
it sounds to me that ur quite squeamish? which i dont think is somehow ableist. sure, its cool that they gave an opportunity to draw men in such a stage of their life but a lot of people would be squeamish over drawing some naked man to begin with & then a man with a catheter in there? even tougher.
you do not have to have trauma to be strongly repulsed by men's bodies, nor is it overreacting to be shocked by such a thing (honestly i probably wouldve had to go to the bathroom to throw up bc i would find such a thing deeply uncomfortable as well). perhaps you could tell your professor "sorry, i couldn't deal with seeing an object inserted into that man's penis for so long, despite trying my best, i have a phobia relating to it and it caused a panic attack which is why i couldn't do this drawing. im really sorry about that, would it be possible for me to redo a drawing with a different model perhaps?"
beyond that i think perhaps finding a way to get out of ur head when ur drawing such things (cause i doubt this is just gonna happen once and never again in ur class) so that u can just focus on putting the moment on paper instead of thinking about what it is ur seeing? i dunno if that is even good advice honestly, im not an artist the way u are nor have i been in such a situation so take all my advice here w a grain of salt. but pls dont beat urself up about it regardless, i think such a thing wouldve also made me anxious and uncomfortable-- its not that old man's fault, but perhaps your teacher should've given you guys some sort of heads up so people could mentally prepare for such things.
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swissforextrading · 4 days
Large Language Models feel the direction of time
16.09.24 - Researchers have found that AI large language models, like GPT-4, are better at predicting what comes next than what came before in a sentence. This “Arrow of Time” effect could reshape our understanding of the structure of natural language, and the way these models understand it. Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 have become indispensable for tasks like text generation, coding, operating chatbots, translation and others. At their heart, LLMs work by predicting the next word in a sentence based on the previous words – a simple but powerful idea that drives much of their functionality. But what happens when we ask these models to predict backward — to go “backwards in time” and determine the previous word from the subsequent ones? The question led Professor Clément Hongler at EPFL and Jérémie Wenger of Goldsmiths (London) to explore whether LLMs could construct a story backward, starting from the end. Working with Vassilis Papadopoulos, a machine learning researcher at EPFL, they discovered something surprising: LLMs are consistently less accurate when predicting backward than forward. A fundamental asymmetry The researchers tested LLMs of different architectures and sizes, including Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks. Every one of them showed the “Arrow of Time” bias, revealing a fundamental asymmetry in how LLMs process text. Hongler explains: “The discovery shows that while LLMs are quite good both at predicting the next word and the previous word in a text, they are always slightly worse backwards rather than forward: their performance at predicting the previous word is always a few percent worse than at predicting the next word. This phenomenon is universal across languages, and can be observed with any large language model.” The work is also connected to the work of Claude Shannon, the father of Information Theory, in his seminal 1951 paper. Shannon explored whether predicting the next letter in a sequence was as easy as predicting the previous one. He discovered that although both tasks should theoretically be equally difficult, humans found backward prediction more challenging – though the performance difference was minimal. Intelligent agents “In theory, there should be no difference between the forward and backward directions, but LLMs appear to be somehow sensitive to the time direction in which they process text,” says Hongler. “Interestingly, this is related to a deep property of the structure of language that could only be discovered with the emergence of Large Language Models in the last five years.” The researchers link this property to the presence of intelligent agents processing information, meaning that it could be used as a tool to detect intelligence or life, and help design more powerful LLMs. Finally, it could point out new directions to the long-standing quest to understand the passage of time as an emergent phenomenon in physics. The work was presented at the prestigious International Conference on Machine Learning (2024) and is currently available on arXiv. From theater to math The study itself has a fascinating backstory, which Hongler relates: “In 2020, with Jérémie [Wenger], we were collaborating with The Manufacture theater school to make a chatbot that would play alongside actors to do improv; in improv, you often want to continue the story, while knowing what the end should look like. “In order to make stories that would finish in a specific manner, we got the idea to train the chatbot to speak ‘backwards’, allowing it to generate a story given its end – e.g., if the end is ‘they lived happily ever after’, the model could tell you how it happened. So, we trained models to do that, and noticed they were a little worse backwards than forwards. “With Vassilis [Papadopoulos], we later realized that this was a profound feature of language, and that it… http://actu.epfl.ch/news/large-language-models-feel-the-direction-of-time (Source of the original content)
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strategy-realized · 11 months
Applications of the Business Hierarchy of Needs®: The Successful Concepts for Businesses to Adopt
The Business Hierarchy of Needs® applies to any kind of organization, including businesses, divisions, and departments. The degree of depth and sophistication required for execution depends on a number of factors, including the organization's size, annual sales, the complexity of the company's strategy, and the most important goal (MIG). Businesses that want to flourish should employ the Business Hierarchy of Needs® structure. The Business Hierarchy of Needs® becomes more important and valuable in certain situations. Its outstanding performance is extremely beneficial to the following unique business operations: 
1. Business Life Cycle: One of the first and most important applications of the Business Hierarchy of Needs® is the business life cycle, which comprises the subsequent steps in a process:  
Every one of these lifetime adjustments will have unique MIGs and strategies. A corporation must examine its industry, the business, and its products in order to comprehend the lifecycle stage of its operations. Think about the buggy whip. In the 1800s, there were said to be over forty buggy whip makers; presently, there is only one. Just as producers of overhead projectors, phone booths, VCRs, and typewriters had to completely restructure, reorganize, and re-design their business models and strategies. They must have made revisions to their Business Hierarchy of Needs® as they moved through the phases. 
2. Mergers and Acquisitions: Several studies have shown that up to eighty percent of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) do not result in the anticipated increase in value being created. The inability to successfully combine a variety of business plans, traditions, people, marketplaces, goods, and operating systems is the primary factor that led to this result. The Business Hierarchy of Needs® provides a structure that may be used to establish a coordinated strategy for integrating the entities, creating one culture, and offering far more value than was previously possible. 
3. Carve-outs: When a firm undergoes a carve-out, it rises to an entirely new organization that has a Business Hierarchy of Needs® structure that is distinct from that of its previous parent company. It provides the foundation for change management that enables the new entity to build its own identity, value proposition, MIG, auxiliary plans, systems, organizational structure, and execution strategy. This is made possible by the framework provided. 
4. Digital Transformation: According to Forbes, 70 percent of digital migrations end up being unsuccessful. This is because changes to digital formats have a big impact on people, business processes, and technology. If inadequate planning has been done, these transitions will be met with tough challenges. For a digital transition to be successful, Levels 2 and 3 are required. The Business Hierarchy of Needs® outlines the components that must be present for a company to achieve a fruitful digital transformation. 
5. Restructuring: It is possible for even the well-laid plans to fail, which may result in the need to reorganize the business. The implementation of this applications of the Business Hierarchy of Needs® ought to be overseen by a MIG that keeps track of the reorganization's development. People are highly affected by the restructuring strategy, and as a result, they are required to make significant adjustments to their behavior and difficult choices in the manner in which the business will be restructured. 
6. Bankruptcy: Even if restructuring causes pain, declaring bankruptcy makes the situation much worse. Throughout the court cases that typically follow a bankruptcy filing, the status of the company as well as the organization is unknown. When the company is prepared to emerge from bankruptcy in its new form, that is when it is time for the company to build its own unique Business Hierarchy of Needs® model. Everything will have changed, and for the business to succeed, everyone involved must accept the new course that the company is taking. 
7. Inflection Point: An inflection point is the moment when a firm, sector, industry, economy, or geopolitical scenario abruptly veers off course and a major shift is anticipated, either positively or negatively. Markets, economies, and businesses are all constantly changing. Once again, this applications of the Business Hierarchy of Needs® shows itself to be a powerful tool for imagining the future of the company and positioning it for quick growth. 
8. Entrepreneurs: Someone who does not come from a corporate background might find the Business Hierarchy of Needs® to be strange, unnecessarily complex, and inappropriate for a small business. Every aspect of this framework is important, even if it's only to plan for the continued prosperity of the company. This is especially true for Level 1, when it is absolutely necessary to develop a MIG as well as a strategic model that makes use of "Where to Play" and "How to Win." 
You will gain a lot by using these applications of the Business Hierarchy of Needs® in your organization. Your company's MIGs, aims, market, and clientele should all be taken into consideration while creating appropriate and successful plans and strategies. This is something you should look forward to experiencing since, once the plans are implemented, you will realize the positive benefits that their presence will bring to your business. 
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tech-read · 2 years
iPhone 14 Pro Max Reviews & Specification
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The iPhone 14 Pro Max is a top-of-the-line phone with features that’ll make you wonder why you have ever used any other phone.
It has amazing performance, looks great, and can do almost anything you want it to do. But how much better is it than the regular iPhone 14?
That’s what we’re here to find out. Let’s have a look at iPhone 14 pro max specifications.
iPhone 14 pro max release date was on September 16, 2022. 
The iPhone 14 has a triple-lens camera with a couple of nifty improvements.
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Let’s start the iPhone 14 pro max reviews by looking at the camera.
The iPhone 14 pro max specifications. The iPhone 14 has a triple-lens camera with a couple of nifty improvements.
For starters, it’s the first time Apple has used three lenses on an iPhone. The primary wide-angle camera, an ultrawide, and a telephoto camera with a 3x optical zoom.
The lens on the primary camera has a wider focal length, increasing from a 26mm equivalent on previous iPhone models to a 24mm one and it’s not a massive disparity, but it helps get more of the scene into the frame.
The main camera also has a new larger 48- megapixel sensor. Although having more megapixels doesn’t necessarily create better photos, Apple divides its pixels into groups of four and combines them to form one larger pixel. The result? A clearer, more robust picture.
The ultrawide camera now has a new sensor and lens with fewer focus pixels and an aperture that is one-stop slower at f2.2, with 12 MP.
Ability to charge other devices.
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This is another important aspect of iPhone 14 pro max reviews.
If you’re still rocking the iPhone 8 or 9, for example, you’ll love the fact that the iPhone 14 can be used to charge other gadgets.
I know what you’re thinking: “But I have a power bank.”
Not only does it mean that if your phone runs out of juice when you’re off in some corner of town with no outlet in sight (or even worse — no wireless charging), then there’s no way for anyone else with an iPhone 14 Pro Max to help out. But also, and this is key, being able to use its built-in charging capabilities is a huge boon if your night goes south and gets interrupted by an emergency evacuation from wherever it was that everyone thought was safe from fires or floods, or earthquakes last night. It turns out they weren’t so safe after all!
Powerful processor
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iPhone 14 pro max reviews processor.
As usual, Apple’s A14 processor is better than anything else out there, and it’s so powerful.
The A14 processor can do things that other smartphones just can’t do. The device runs on iOS 16, with a chipset of Apple 16 Bionic (4 nm) with a Hexa-core (2×3.46 GHz Avalanche + 4x Blizzard) CPU and Apple GPU (5-core graphics) GPU.
The iPhone 14 Pro Max has big batteries that give it tons of power.
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iPhone 14 pro max reviews battery life and fast charge option.
The battery on the regular 14 Pro easily powered through a day’s worth of use. You can typically get about 6 hours of screen time before charging up again. With the Max variant, though, you can be able to consistently get more than a full 24 hours on one charge, even with heavy usage!
The battery is also a fast charge one. For example, in 30 minutes, the power can bump from 14% to 59%.
How does iPhone 14 pro compare to older versions?
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iPhone 14 pro max reviews comparison to older models.
I don’t recommend upgrading if you own an iPhone 13 Pro from last year. The new features and improvements aren’t that big of a change compared to iOS 16. Just update the software on your old phone instead!
But if you have an iPhone 12 and are considering upgrading, the 14 Pro is a big step up in terms of performance, battery life, camera quality, and added features like Dynamic Island.
If you’re using an iPhone 11 Pro or older model, the new iPhone 14 Pro is a major upgrade.
How much price of is iPhone? This device retails at $1600.
Also Read : iphone 14 pro max vs iphone 13 pro max
This is one phone no one should be without!
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From iPhone 14 pro max reviews above, is the iPhone 14 a must-have phone? From the iPhone 14 pro max specifications above, are they worth it?
If you’re looking for a phone, this is one you should give serious consideration to. It’s the best phone available, with high-end features and performance at an affordable price.
The iPhone 14pro Max has a big screen and battery. It takes amazing pictures with its camera. It has a fast processor and lots of storage space. Not only that, but it comes in all kinds of colors!  
How much price is the iPhone 14 pro max? The iPhone 14 pro max comes at $ 1,600.00 / € 1,449.00 / £ 1,199.00 / ₹ 139,900
So, should you buy the iPhone 14 Pro Max? From iPhone 14 pro max reviews above, I think so.
When is the iPhone 14 pro max coming out? iPhone 14 pro max launch date in India was on September 16, 2022. iPhone 14 pro max price in India launch date was ₹ 139,900.
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traderlascl · 2 years
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skulljackxiii · 3 years
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Total Dangan Island
Contestant No. 1.5: Izuru Kamukura
History: He came from an unremarkable home with unremarkable parents with a lifestyle that wasn’t either tragic or rewarding, therefore of course a child of this background would be nothing special. Early in his childhood the boy knew this, he knew what he could do and what other people saw him as, so he felt why bother striving for things higher if he was already expected to be average. Despite the boy's content with his life, his parents were quite the opposite, they wanted more from him. This goes beyond just parents wanting their child to have a better future out of love, rather there was more of an underlying sense of greed and envy behind their motive.
Just like their son, they were unremarkable people that came from an ordinary background, but rather accepting who they were, they wanted more. Both of them despised losing, and others even more that were gifted that could achieve things that they couldn’t. They craved acknowledgement and valor more than anything that would make them stand out and could be used to exploit their superiority onto others. But they were not deluded from reality, they knew that they didn't have the capabilities to be rewarded anything. So their next big plan was to have a child, by raising a special child that could accomplish their dreams and more, that would ultimately lead them achieving the biggest reward that any parent would want. In their minds, every parent wanted to have a child that was special or had a unique talent to them that could be used for their own benefits and almost as a desired object that most others could only ever dream of having. But their grand scheme was demolished as soon as their son was born which was just like them, unremarkable.
Years later, both parents refused to accept the truth and persistently forced the boy  to practice, study, and train until they discovered what he was talented at. This was all the boy knew in his home; his face in books, exercising with various weights, and most noticeable of all was the disappointed faces of his parents who consistently berated him with lectures and complaints about him and all his flaws. This routine became so consistent that the boy became numb to it all and just saw it as part of his everyday life.
The boy always questioned why his parents were so desperate and acted the way they did, but he held no resentment towards them or anyone else. Though that didn’t mean that he wanted to uphold what they wanted or held himself in higher regards either. However, that was until he discovered this autobiography by an author that soon became this boy’s idol.
In the book it talks about how the author came from an ordinary and mundane household who was consistently underestimated and belittled by others due to his status and upbringings, but later became someone that could accomplish so much that most men could only dream of. It went onto further details that through his determination, hard work, and wit he was able to pass and overcome all challenges and diversities that came his way, thus discovering that he had innate talents that excelled in many categories. Then finally, it states that in his final moments he wanted to build an institution for young talents and give them opportunities that he was never given when he was younger. After finishing the book, the boy became infatuated with the author and adopted principles that reflected the author’s values. He soon treated the autobiography as his bible and uses it at times to help remind him of the tales of his hero that he wishes to be…”Izuru Kamukaura”.
With a fire lit in him and motivation driven to be like his idol, the boy sat down and seriously studied and trained in order to be the best. With days, weeks, and months pass by, the boy’s effort was unwavering and continued onward without stopping. His parents took notice of his change and their demeanor lightened after taking credit for their son’s sudden growth and change in attitude.
After his nonstop assault with his hard work, he finally saw results and was placed first in every academic category in his grade. Once he saw that, he felt completely different and was overwhelmed with joy after all his hard work paid off, but those feelings were nothing compared to the ones he felt once his parents found out about his results.
Despite knowing them his entire life and seeing them everyday, on that day the boy saw his parents as complete strangers to him once they knew of his achievements. Their mannerism and demeanor changed, and they showered him with praise and love for the first time in that boy’s life. The feeling was unreal to him, it was a warmth inside the boy’s chest that he never felt before in his whole life. As he continued watching his parents continue to embrace him with big bright smiles on their faces, the boy cried tears of joy and let it run down his face like a waterfall. That marked the moment when the boy knew that he wanted to preserve this feeling and maintain his parent’s affections.
As time moved forward and the boy continued his pace, his results remained in the top with no change in its order. Soon not only his parents, but teachers, relatives, and even other parents started showering the boy with praise like, “You’re amazing”, “Other kids should be like you”, “I wish my kid was like you”, and “You’re a role model”. But the praises that the boy would hear often and would stick by him the longest were “You’re so talented” and “You’re such a genius”. Those words struck the boy’s mind and filled him with such pride and confidence since those were the exact same lines used by others to describe his hero. Also the boy’s parents would often brag about their child towards everyone and explained that the boy’s exploits were only possible due to their superior parenting methods. Obviously, arrogant bragging like this would cause strain with other parents and relatives, but they had no room to interject since what they said wasn't entirely wrong. The boy had mixed feelings about what his parents were doing, but in the end he was still happy to see them so energetic and loving towards him.
Though his effort won him the affection of the adults, most of his young peers felt differently. It is because he tries so hard for results and the adults would often compare him to them, other children would feel irritated by his presence alone and start alienating him, even small acts of bullying would occur. But despite all that it didn’t affect the boy that much because he still had some friends left to play with, and his parents explained that those children were acting out due to how jealous they were since they weren’t “talented” or “special” like he was. The boy took all those words he received to heart and used them to help elevate his efforts in achieving his goal of becoming the next “Izuru Kamukura”.
But that wasn't meant to be as the phrase “all good things must come to an end”, rang in the boy’s head once he entered middle school. As soon as the boy set foot in that new school, all his previous achievements and efforts were meaningless once the boy met with real “geniuses” and “talent”, the true elites. His grades and performance kept on falling and falling until he was placed in remedial classes to help him from flunking all his subjects. Just as the boy’s performance dropped, so did everyone’s expectations of him as well. From stares of admiration to glares of disappointment, more and more people started mocking the boy for his wasted effort and even more so towards the parents after years of them bragging of how superior they were for raising such a “talented” son. Once the mockery occurred, the boy’s parents reverted immediately back to the state when the boy was small and younger; cold, disappointed, and full of dismissive complaints. Shocked by the setback, the boy refused to give up and sacrificed any means to get back what he lost. The boy discarded his remaining friends, destroyed his social life, and got rid of any meaningless free-time, all in order to use those remaining times to better himself. Alas nothing changed, the boy’s effort was wasted and not a thing has improved.
Now the boy is back where he started...no, he was in a much worse state than he was before. It’s true that his parents and everyone else around are back to thinking very little of him, but now he was completely alone and he even thinks very little of himself now. After experiencing that warmth from his parents and others, and following the footsteps of someone he admired, the boy can’t help but to feel empty and hatred for himself for not being special or talented. He would start questioning his own worth and see very little value in his own existence. There were times when the boy even thought of ending it all, but he would stop every time when he got these sudden flashes of “Izuru Kamukura” and thought about all the hardships he went through before he could achieve anything. He thanked “Izuru” every time for saving him from himself and giving him the strength to keep it together, but there was this other thought in the back of his mind if it was really right to compare himself to someone like “Izuru Kamukura”. Though he did have to overcome many difficulties, in the end he was actually talented, whereas the boy was not and was just ordinary.
A few years have passed and the boy is now of high school age, he was just another face in the background that had no one by his side. Though the boy didn’t stand out or got in anyone’s way, disdain and mockery still lingered towards him as his old peers still retells the stories about him and his past. With not much to do, all the boy did was get through it all and head straight home. At the end of the day, to no surprise there was no one there, the boy just bolted to his room and got started with his homework. His mind constantly wandered off and dreaded memories of his past, thinking up scenarios of his life where he stood out as “talented” and how content he would be with his life.
One day when the boy was reliving his past, he stumbled upon an online ad that advertised recruitment tryouts for a spinoff show of the infamous series “Total Drama” called “Total Dangan Island”. At first the boy wasn’t interested in the show or the prize since he knew of the show’s predecessor and its dangerous reputation, but there was something that caught the boy’s interest. In the ad it stated that only the top 16 most talented and capable youths of the World would be selected to participate in the contest. At that moment the boy had a sudden flash of realization, if he were to enter and win then everyone in the World, and especially to himself, would have to acknowledge that he truly is talented and special enough in order to beat the best of the best.
Once he finished recording and sending his tape audition, he went on and explained his plan to his parents. Despite the resolve he had for entering the show before, in his mind he was still scared since this show’s predecessor is known to be life threatening and is willing to endanger its participants for ratings by any means. So a part of him was hoping his parents would stop him or warn him that it was too dangerous to go out of concern for him. However they were ecstatic and were ready to pack all his things up, even though he was yet to be even nominated. The chances of him being accepted was between nonexistent to miniscule, the boy begged all his might to be let in.
After months passed by, the boy noticed a strange black and white envelope in his mailbox and tore it open. Upon reading the letter, the boy jumped in celebration as it was a congratulation letter from the show for being a following contestant. After telling the news, the boy’s parents quickly got his things together and was at the door ready to send him off. The boy was overwhelmed with various emotions clashing with one another; from joy, excitement, nervousness, terror, etc., and right before he took another step forward out the door his parents stopped him to say some final words. In the boy’s mind he was hoping to hear the words “We’re so proud of you”, “We love you so much”, or even a “Stay safe”, but all he got was “Make sure you win and get the prize.” After hearing those words, the boy’s emotions calmed down and silently nodded back at his parents in response. The boy then turned forward and walked away, at that point the boy was determined to win at any cost so he could finally put to rest all his fears and doubts and prove to everyone, especially himself, that he is worth at least something.
Bio/Extra Info: (Read Previous Bio) Early on in the competition during one of the first Challenges, Hajime and the rest of his team lost one of its members. They all agreed to scatter to go look for her, but there was no luck. It became hopeless until Hajime finally spotted her in the deepest parts of the island. As he went after and finally caught up to her, he noticed that they were at a strange location that was like a gravesite for dangerous and decaying machinery.
It was the Dump Pit, a junkyard area where all Monokuma's prototypes and rejected ideas were all discarded to rot away (obviously this was all done without Monomi's knowing). As he was about to reach out to her, the ledge that they both stood on crumbled. Once they fell and got closer to the site, they landed on this strangely-colored puddle that was leaking from something that looked like a large battery, some in particular landed on Hajime’s eye, and they were covered by this terrible chemical smell that almost seemed like it devoured any clean air surrounding the area. In a panic, both team members quickly got out of the site and escaped from the forest together without any visible harm done to them. After thoroughly inspecting themselves they found nothing that was wrong, at first.
After a course of a few weeks, Hajime’s eye continuously got worse as it became more bloodshot red and throbbing profusely, in which he could receive massive headaches that would cause him to collapse onto the ground. In that state, all his fears and doubts would loop in his head constantly, then during that he would hear a faint voice telling him something. He could never make out what the voice said and at times when he was about to decipher it, the headaches would stop and so would the voice alongside it.
Then one morning when he woke up, he noticed that all the pain was gone though was surprised when he got to a mirror to check his eye. He saw that the pupil of his left eye had completely turned red, upon the mirror he saw a figure standing behind him in the mirror. In a scared panic, he quickly turned around and asked who the stranger was, but as the stranger answered Hajime instantly recognized the voice as the same one in his head from his headaches. The stranger answered that he was Izuru Kamukura, but Hajime had a hard time believing that since Izuru was long dead and that he looked nothing like him. In fact the stranger actually resembled Hajime who dressed up ruggedly as Izuru Kamukura.
Hajime cautiously reached out to this Izuru, but he phased through him and immediately jumped back away from him. When Hajime asked what he was, Izuru took a pause and thought deeply about that question. After a couple seconds, after analyzing all the clues and data from Hajime’s memories, he concluded that he was a separate persona that was conjured by his psyche. As Hajime was dumbstruck to the possibility, Izuru continued theorizing that after being exposed to all that chemical waste has created this strainful chemical imbalance in his brain. The area that was mostly affected was amygdala, which controls fear and anxieties, thus causing all those serious headaches he had up until now.
In order to answer and compensate for all his doubts and anxiety, his psyche has created a whole new personality that embodied all his desires and wishes, thus creating this Izuru Kamukura that stood in front of him. After the explanation, Hajime was taken aback and shocked by what he heard. After that’s been done and over, now all that’s left is for Hajime to decide what he’s going to do with his whole new roommate in his head.
(Hajime’s) Goal: (Read Previous Goal) Same as before.
(Izuru’s) Goal: He is indifferent, he doesn’t care about the game, prize, or anything of that matter. He only acts or takes control over the body only when Hajime requests his help or allows it. Izuru could process images in an instant, has access to 100 percent of his brain, and was in complete control of every single strand of tissue that composed his body. Until Hajime calls for him, he’ll just stand on the side and watch him go through huddles and other challenges. Since Izuru views himself as a perfect being that could do no wrong, which makes his existence boring and meaningless, he finds watching others struggle to achieve their goals, despite their flaws and imperfections, a bit intriguing and entertaining.
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
Brothers reactions to a fem disaster bi MC who swoons over like every fem demon they see in the devildom?
Just got finished screaming over how much I LOOOOOVE THIS PROMPT. BI DISASTER YEEEEAAAAHHHH
Thank you for being the first to request something from me! 😭😭😭 I apologize in advance that these hcs aren't SUPER FOCUSED on the MC being a female themselves, but I tried my best with sneaking it in there when I could!
I've decided that along with MC, the brothers are also bisexual for the prompts too! You can be a mess together! <3 Sorry it took so long!
Oh. You seemed so interested in that girl who passed you by. You were smitten, he might say. Never mind it, he didn’t want to assume anything of it. Maybe you were just really fond of that girl's appearance.
The next girl he spotted you talking with, he was a bit concerned. You shouldn’t be off making friends with just ANY demons. They could be plotting to take your soul if you aren’t careful. Your palette seemed to be meshed, you were now talking to boyish women and feminine men. It was starting to come together for him now that you are, in fact, bisexual. A truly chaotic one, at that.
Over the next few weeks, he sees you flourish more and more with your obsession over women and men together. It’s not like you’ve forgotten about him, far from it. In fact, sometimes he listens to you rant about how beautiful this girl is at RAD, talking about her eyes or her lips. Other times he listens to you cry over how absolutely GORGEOUS this man is. He will never admit that he finds your taste in men and women to be quite similar to his. Almost exactly the same.
He listens to you sometimes talk to his brothers about how unrealistically, unreasonably cute, that girls are. You don't have nearly as much energy talking about men than you do women, but it's still there. He doesn’t really indulge you as much as he should, but he gives you enough input to invite you to keep ranting about BEAUTIFUL women and men.
Same, dude. Same.
Mammon is a powerful bisexual, and you are the one who made him realize this(?!). He pretends he's not listening to you half the time, but he's hanging on your every word. When you two hang out, sometimes you push your D.D.D to his face to show you another model you've found on Devilgram. "His abs are SMOKIN' hot, Mammon, look!!" He has to agree. He's got a nice body. "Look at her soft face! She's SO unbelievably cute! And those curves, oof!”
He's watching you swoon and he can't believe it. You're both chaotic disasters, swooning over man and woman alike. You put much more life into your talks about women than you do men, and it worries him sometimes that he might not actually give him the time of day whenever he works up the courage. When you talk about those cute women, he does mostly still think about you. You have such beautiful eyes, and soft hair, when he's allowed to touch it. He wonders why you haven't seen it yourself.
At some point he let's it slip that he, himself, may or may not be bisexual, when you catch him scrolling through Devilgram of some of the models you've shown him in the past. The two of you spend hours on end, swooning over every male and female in sight.
You two are feral bisexuals. Especially fond of girls. Leviathan and you have both played those H-games. You know the ones. He catches you from time to time, listening to ASMR of girls patting your head or talking you through a rough patch in your life. He definitely knows when you're listening to lewd audio clips of women too.
He thinks for a while that you're a lesbian, and he's completely fine with that. It isn't until your attention abruptly SHIFTS when you find a SMOKIN' HOT anime boy that he realizes you are a disaster of a bisexual. Sometimes it's like a day and night shift with you. When you see girls at anime conventions you swoon uncontrollably. Gripping his arm and giving those compressed SCREECHES from the throat with shut lips. He can't help but think you're hyperbolic sometimes.
Deep down inside, he feels the exact same way. It's just too embarrassing to act like that though. But even though he feels that way, he watches you shuffling over to the cosplayers and otaku girls and asking for pictures. If you're lucky, you might even score a number from one of them! How dare you have better social skills than him? It's SOOO not fair??
He decides one of these days he'll take a page out of your book. He'll happily geek out about girls to you (especially if there's a Ruri-Chan cosplayer!?) and occasionally about the guys too. You both lean towards females anyway, and he's glad he's found someone just like him.
Oh. Girls? Guys? He's here, and he's listening.
He doesn't have any picture books, but the way the books describe some of the women? *chef's kiss* He loves it! He's watched you attempt to capture their beauty on paper (or tablet and laptop!) and smiles at your attempts. He calls them attempts because that's what you call them. "Nothing I do can truly capture the beauty that is any female that exists here." And he AGREES.
He finds your ridiculous chanting of GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS to be a riot. He joins in if it means pissing Lucifer off with the noise pollution. When you shift to guys, he's still as vocal as before. You probably aren't that great at drawing guys yet, but that's cool. He appreciates your enthusiasm. You catch him staring at you from time to time, and you wonder if he ever thinks you're as cute of a girl as the other ones you two fawn over.
Like a distorted clock, you talk about girls for at least two hours of his time, and then another hour about boys. He can't believe how much energy you put into loving women. He wonders if you're like Asmo, and just appreciate women a little bit too much. After all, the previous mention of chanting GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS is still fresh on his mind. You really are a messy bisexual, but you're his favorite messy bisexual, at least.
GIRLS. BOYS. GIRLS. BOYS. It's a never ending cycle with you two. It's like you're rabid animals, constantly going out to The Fall for the scoop on the next hottest guy to walk in. When you see a girl though, it's like you're straight out of a cartoon. You don't howl or whistle or anything of the sort that may be unsightly or rude but you ARE WATCHING. RESPECTFULLY.
You and Asmo are unashamed when it comes to flirting with men and women alike. You share tips that have worked in the past for each other, and having the Avatar of Lust give you pointers is a nice bonus overall. Asmo thinks for a while that you are a normal bisexual, but he's proven wrong when you find a group of beautiful women, who you hyper focus on for the next few weeks. He's honestly impressed.
It's like your attraction to men has almost disappeared, and he worries that perhaps you don't love him more than any woman you run across in the Devildom anymore. Your attention to men is still there with passing comments of "yeah he's really cute" but you're RIGHT BACK to the topic of GIRLS. he can't blame you. Women are QUEENS, just like you're an absolute QUEEN to him. He's more than happy to indulge some lewd talk about women, and you both spend hours doing exactly that most nights.
Oh, that's cool. Someone else in this house likes both men and women. He's glad you're comfortable sharing so much with him. Usually when you do go for jogs in the morning, he watches you at his side while he listens to you. There's apparently this blonde woman with dark skin and she looks absolutely DIVINE. His brain focuses on imagining a pretzel with salt sprinkled over it, and he drools. He likes that thought, very much.
It's when you see said jogger does he truly realize your fixation on women is something to be feared.  You're practically floating when she jogs by, almost wanting to go after her. Beel stops you, and asks if you're okay, worried that you might trip over your own feet if you swoon any harder. He thinks its cute. You start to dress like this jogging woman, wearing her color scheme in hopes that she'll notice you. Maybe he'll try to help and play wingman for you.
He doesn't open up about it at first, but eventually he does finally speak up when you bring up a man you see at the gym with him from time to time. He blushes a bit because he knows immediately who you're talking about. You like that guy, and Beel really likes him too. When you two see him at the gym, you both swoon a bit too much. While spotting Beel one time, he passed by and Beel nearly dropped his weights on his chest. This caused a bit of attention your way and flustered, you helped Beel set the weights back up and make sure he was okay. That wasn't the first or last time an accident happened at the gym either.
At the Fangol games, it's even worse, somehow. You sit as close as possible to the field, and halftime is your FAVORITE time. All those cute cheerleaders? Cheering for their teams? You forget in all the glory that is the ABSOLUTE BEAUTY OF WOMEN that you're supposed to be rooting for Beel. You spend the rest of the game reimagining the routines that were performed, and Beel is right there admiring them too. Quietly, at least. You're a bit too enthusiastic about your love for women, and Beel thinks you're cheering louder for them than you are for him when he's playing. He doesn't mind it too much though. He'd probably be the same way, provided he let loose a little more.
He doesn't bother with you. It's like you talk a mile a minute, only interested in girls for the most part. Occasionally you'll talk about a hot guy, and well, he's listening but... It's sort of hard for him to fall asleep with all your rambling about women. With such detail, it's like you're trying to give him material to imagine while he sleeps.
Belphie tries his hardest not to tell you to quiet down sometimes. He's forced to come to RAD, he's stuck by your side, mostly because your taste in men and women are quite similar to his. He's been sorely lacking on the cute girls and guys here at RAD, but he can count on you to provide eye candy for him. Not that he's going to act on it. Most of the time, he's too busy trying to block out your constant rambling. He notices it's mostly about women.
He thinks you're insecure at first, trying to appeal to him, presumably a straight guy, while appearing interested in men to seem straight too. He let's it be known for your comfort, if you like girls more than guys, then it's fine. He's not one to care or judge others on their interest. An anarchist at heart, and your chaotic bisexuality freak-outs are what he lives for. If you were more quiet about it, he would find it easier to fall asleep to. He manages to do that a few times.
Let's it slip while talking about a dream he had that he's interested in guys too. Maybe a little more than you are, though. 50/50 at best. He doesn't really encourage you to talk more about the girls you absolutely DROOL over, but whenever you two are out and you spot a woman, he's always side eyeing you and telling you to wipe your mouth. He sometimes makes a show of it, teasing you by panting like a dog, or telling you to heel. It's all in fun though, and he lets up before it gets too embarrassing.
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despazito · 5 years
Complete list of all problems known so far in Pokemon Sword and Shield with data and/or proof for each problem
[I am copying this post from the pokemon subreddit from u/Terotu]
Seeing as there's a lot of people that don't quite know the extent of the issues and that there's no real compilation of the problems, I feel like everyone needs a list with info and sources of each and every current problem with the games, it's a long list but I've tried to put it all together, it's not just dexit people. I will post everything that is 100% confirmed and known so far, there's potentially other problems, but this is made as a somewhat "quick" digest with info that has been 100% proven, for anyone out of the loop that wants to know exactly what's happening with these games.
1. The number of usable Pokemon has been cut, only less than half are now usable, known as Dexit, it means that you won't be able to use these pokemon in the new games, you won't be able to transfer them in, and you won't be able to do anything with them sans sticking them in home for the foreseeable future (Home will probably be a paid only subscription based service just like its predecessor), for all intents and purposes, these Pokemon are basically removed from the main games franchise and they will take probably years to come back, if ever. An image with the cut/not cut pokemon can be found here, pokemon in green are confirmed to be in, pokemon in purple have galar forms, pokemon in yellow are in the data, but there's nothing for them, they could be leftover data like the items and other things, could be giveaway/event only, could only come from other games, etc, there's no way to know what's the plans for them at the moment, if any, pokemon in red are cut. The excuse GF used for this culling was that it let's them work on delivering better animations and a more carefully crafted game, since they don't have to put more time and effort into redoing the models. This is complete BS as the game polish is worse than ever, and the models seem to just be somewhat edited XY models.
2. Just like the Pokemon cut, about 144 moves were removed, 99 moves excluding the let's go and other outlier moves, this includes extremely important and used mainstay moves like Hidden Power, return/frustration and Pursuit, on top of extremely old moves that have been there since gen 1, some of these moves were important for the viability of several Pokemon, which may cause them to be way less effective if not way worse when it comes to battles, on top of this, it also removed some SIGNATURE MOVES of certain Pokemon. The full list for deleted mainstay pokemon moves can be found here Attempts at transferring Pokemon with these moves will apparently get this message: "This move can’t be used. It’s recommended that this move is forgotten. Once forgotten, this move can’t be remembered."
3. Short game, the first streamer beat the champion at around the 14 hour mark, while he did this by skipping a fair amount of trainer battles, other streamers are clocking in about 16-20 hours, seems like the average will be about 18 hours to beat the game. Here's one of the many streamers, he's right before champion and clocking in at 14:34.
4. The graphics are extremely mediocre, it constantly looks worse and less polished than LGPE, the textures are often inexcusable. Examples of the bad graphics seen here 1 2 3 4 5 6 A comparison with LGPE can be seen here and here Here's a game recently released for switch, another picture found here, the difference is unreal.
5. There's constant graphical issues, not just low quality graphics, pop in is present at all points of the game due to bad coding, trainer models will also disappear mid battle when an attack with a high number of particles is used, this also happened in SM, however, SM moved the camera away to avoid people seeing it, they didn't even try this time. This means it's either a carry over from SM and they just copy pasted most of the code, or they somehow have to remove the trainers to avoid a switch from somehow getting fps drops. The pop-ins can be evidenced here and here. Trainers dissapearing mid battle can be evidenced here
6. Animations, one of the main reasons why GF cut pokemon, at least in the interviews, are as shoddy as ever. There's extremely lazy animation all over the game, from normal attacks to key moments in the game, such as the encounter with the box legendaries. Most of the animations are also completely copy pasted from older games, one example seen here with Hau(the entire character of hop is basically a copy paste of hau.) Most of the animations for the camp are also copy pasted from xy amie, evidenced here. Pokemon battle animations are just as bad as before, if not worse, pictured here is a pokemon headbutting with its feet. Another example found here, THE MAIN BOX ART POKEMON CINEMATIC, THIS IS THE GAME CLIMAX, another example on the other version found here In fact, it could be considered way worse if compared to the last gen, example of upscaled USUM cutscenes. (Notice the graphical change isn't that big, the only difference here is increasing the resolution)
7. Cutscenes and restrictions, like previous Pokemon games the cutscene and story forcing and restrictions are insane this time around, seems to be even more intrusive and in your face than before at times, while keeping the same level of cutscene intrusion than past gen. The video for this point was taken down, but if you wish to see this you should be able to find it by searching the gameplay clips/streams online
8. The difficulty, just like the cut scene problem, this carries over from earlier games and it's even worse.There were constant heals, to the point where in the first routes you're not able to go beyond 3 trainer fights without getting a full heal. The first streamer avoided fights and didn't train at all, it still was one shotting gym leader dynamaxed ace pokemon.This can be seen here.
9. Post-Game is almost non-existant, as usual since masuda-Ohmori started directing, there's no frontier, there's also no frontier like facility. The post game consists of battle tower and a very short sequence of missions where you beat some dynamax pokemon for your rival to catch the other legendary. Not only this, but the battle tower is also an inferior version of past towers, it doesn't have super single nor super double battles, it has no triple battles and there's no "tower bosses", it's just random trainer npcs after another.
10. Problems with game design and behavior, beyond difficulty and progression, there's other problems in the overall game design. Examples of this is not being able to catch Pokemon in the wild areas until you got a badge allowing you to do so, which usually covers your current level. Meaning if you find a level 31 shiny or a level 31 pokemon you really want, you won't be able to catch it until you go and beat the next gym. For shiny hunters, this one is gonna be really important, you cannot see if your Pokemon is gonna be shiny or not in the overworld, this means that on top of the badge limit, you also got this potential problem. Evidenced here.
11. Removed past features with virtually no new additions, seems like this is a mainstay in Pokemon, removing older features so they become one of a time gimmicks, but unlike earlier titles this new game doesn't adds anything new except dynamaxing, which is limited to gyms only. This particular gen removes Mega Evolutions and Z moves, mega evolutions in particular were a huge deal and seeing them suddenly removed means that there's little reason to get involved with any new addition, no matter how mainstay or how much GF forces it when it will very soon be gone. A list of these removed features can be found here.
12. No scaling whatsoever, models are the same sizes of XY (giving more plausibility to them not really redoing the models).Any argument against this is thrown out of the window when dynamaxing exists, since the models seem to be edited XY models then the problem remains. Here's the non scaled model in sword and shield. Here's an scaled model, released in a game that came out 15 years ago for a the Nintendo Gamecube, something way less powerful than the switch.
13. No GTS, retera thread on the discovery found here, the only strings that refer to the GTS are leftovers from Let's Go code, as seen here and here. This is most likely due to Home(this means that you will have to pay for switch online+home for services older games already included) Thanks to /u/c_will for pointing this one out and gathering the info.
14. A 20 dollar price increase for less content than earlier 3DS games, with subpar graphics and removal of features, an overall shoddy release for a higher price point.
15. Performance, game is locked to 30 fps, and while that's not a big issue by itself, this is coupled with slowdown at certain moments such as dynamaxing, it can drop fps to the floor and turn the game into a slideshow for a while. Evidenced here. Still gathering more info on this one, as it's a relatively new occurrence that hasn't happened to all users, take this one with a grain of salt
16. The overall lack of quality, polish and effort put into the game, this is all the minor/somewhat minor but still very telling problems with the game. This is apparent in many ways all throughout the game, things like the wrong backgrounds or just voids for pokemon battles. Two example of the wrong backgrounds seen here and [here] (https://clips.twitch.tv/FriendlyCleanOstrichArsonNoSexy) One example of the void background seen here (these happen on indoor fights and some non indoor but scripted battles)Examples of backgrounds on indoor and everywhere else in both LGPE and colosseum, seen here and here. Then there's complete lack of music in the game story most important moments, seen here. Starters are also shiny locked. The entire world freezes when using certain objects, as seen here. To this, you add up the emptiness of the wild area and the badly implemented weather changes that don't make much sense, both seen here No animation for flying, no elite 4, no victory road, etc, this is added to all the other problems that show the lack of effort put into them.
This franchise deserves better.
You deserve better.
These games are not only a huge step down from earlier titles, but it goes beyond what used to be already barely  tolerable standards to way below standards, keep in mind this is the biggest, most profitable franchise on earth.
This is the first time a pokemon main game is released on console, people were excited for game freak to finally do whatever they wanted and it's been done with the most minimal of  efforts, all the money you've spent on Pokemon didn't went on making this a better game, it went straight into the pockets of the people in charge, those that made sure this was made with the most minimum effort and those that cut  corners.
Companies that made games decades ago on hardware less powerful than the switch shouldn't be doing a better job than game freak, and companies doing work in the switch have completely obliterated game freak when it comes to developing a video game.
Keep in mind that your purchase of these games causes this:
Continue the yearly release cycle that makes the games rushed and forces the devs to insane crunch time, creating the low morale problem
Tells them that you're ok with these problems, and they will keep lowering the bar and cutting corners on development
Your money will continue going into the pockets of those responsible for these problems
I implore you to be a smart consumer, I've played Pokemon since I red, ever since I was a child, I can no longer support this franchise, I probably won't buy a Pokemon product ever again if this is gonna be how they're gonna treat the games and its fans.
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appleb18 · 5 years
Why Modern Cartoons is Not Great as it Used to be in this Decade
As 2010′s draw near to the end and begin a next-generation, cartoons have changed from being a fun episodic adventure with a meaningful message and can get dark sometimes to a story-driven show with deep messages. While cartoons have a great start in early 2010s such as Adventure Time, Regular Show, Gravity Falls, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, however as time passes cartoons are becoming less interesting and not many aren’t talking about it. So what the hell happened with modern cartoons? Let’s get to the bottom of what happened to this decade of cartoons and why isn’t anyone talking about it anymore 
The Animation Quality 
The quality of the animation of cartoons back in 2000′s were amazing, so many variations of animation styles that look very appealing such as 
Samurai Jack 
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Avatar: The Last Airbender 
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Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends 
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Proud Family and so many more
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But now in modern cartoons, most cartoon shows are using a similar style of animation which many people called it “Calarts style”. Most cartoon shows are using because it’s cheap however it takes away creativity, more detail nor being organic. Look at Infinity Train, compare from the pilot to the release 
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It looks very boring having most cartoons look the same. Then there’s artistic freedom where creators let them draw whatever they want such as Steven Universe and OK KO. That sounds good but really though it just looks lazy and unprofessional. This is very distracting that most characters go off-model every scene like why Rebecca and Ian-Jones Quarry think it was a good idea! 
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Great to Below Average
So now let’s talk about the three shows that were once popular Steven Universe, Voltron, and Star vs The Forces of Evil. The trope I’ve been seeing as of late about these shows that it was pretty hype and they deliver on that. All they need to do is conclude it and call it a good cartoon but then crash and burned in later seasons. 
Steven Universe didn’t get popular until “Jailbreak” and that was when everyone was watching it. It had character development, an interesting world of gems, a gorgeous background and has one of the best soundtracks. This isn’t surprising because the creator is the same person who wrote Marceline episodes in Adventure Time which was Rebecca Sugar that created the series. Then season 4 and season 5 happened which the show drop in quality like mostly the show prefer showing filler which makes the plot go too fast and made arcs underwhelming, crystals gems and Lapis Lazuli and Peridot aren’t being used that much in the show and having each villain being beaten by simply talking to them. While there is Steven Universe Future but that hasn’t gotten interesting in my opinion. 
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Star vs The Forces of Evil is a show used to be interesting for the two seasons and “Battle for Mewni” arc but then shipping drama got out of hand and that resulted to fell from grace 
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Then there’s Voltron and we all how that turned out for the last two seasons
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What these three have in common that they set up this interesting premise and world in the first few seasons but they all went downhill. Awful character writing, insane plot twist, and terrible pacing. I did wish that those shows would get better like how Adventure Time and Regular Show had one bad season but after that, they both got better but they didn’t and it went from being great to disappointingly average. 
Comedy Over Messages
Now that’s got the most hype shows, let’s talk about shows that not many people talk about because the premise and world aren’t engaging enough to watch and which they are We Bare Bears, Craig in the Creek, Clarence, OK KO, and The Loud House. While I’m not saying they aren’t bad but it is just not interesting to watch, it's just that it’s too tame and too comedic. The main issue I have it doesn’t really teach viewers like they used to anymore 
OK KO was about to talk about gun violence but they turn it into a comedy. In “Let’s Not Be Skeletons” people overuse the gun and resulting everyone to turn skeletons and KO tries to stop it but fails. By the end of the episode, it was a dream and calls Congress to stop it from happening. I really hate how writers of this episode of making a serious issue turn into comedy and that’s a pretty awful way of doing it. 
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Look at Static Shock and Fat Albert, instead of making Gun Violence a joke, they talk about how serious it is by having someone shot and that devastated the characters a lot 
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Then there's Hey Arnold, it really dives into serious issues such as 
“Pigeon Man” showcases that some people are meant to be with other people while others like Pigeon Man are just different and can’t be with other people. 
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“Helga on the Couch” showcases Helga's anger issues and those issues manifest because her family ignores her because of her sister. Never truly cares for like no makes her lunch for school and no one brought her to school when she was a young girl. The only person that cares for was Arnold.
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Then there’s my personal favorite, “Arnold Christmas”. Mr. Hyunh is always sad at Christmas and this episode revealed that he had a daughter and all he wanted was to see her grow up but there was a war coming near his village. In order to do so, he had to give her up so she can have a better life. It took 20 years to get out of the country and he almost gave up hope to find her until Helga helped Arnold to search for her and be reunited with her father. 
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Modern cartoons don’t show those kinds of messages anymore and there’s something worse than that and I hate how cartoon shows keep doing this. 
Today’s Villains
I” ve been seeing a lot lately that the main antagonist isn't handled well in cartoons as of lately. Most villains have been getting redeemed lately and not paying their crimes. While show creatures try to make them sympathetic and the victim however it doesn’t excuse them for their crimes. 
White Diamond who caused multiple mass genocide on worlds, brainwash any gem that stands in her way and shatter gems gets easily defeated by simply getting talk to and just not gonna do it anymore because Steven said so. 
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Mina Loveberry and her Mewni soldiers wanted to destroy monsters. When her and her army magic depleted, she just goes in the wilderness and no one stopped her. 
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Moon Butterfly helped Mina create her soldiers so she can retake the throne from Ecipsa. Instead of having the monsters and her surrendering the throne that she was attending to do, however, her plan backfired when Mewni Soldiers and Mina wanted to kill all the monsters. Why didn’t Moon saw that coming, they were clearly racist against them. Then by the end of the show, she never once apologized for what she has done. 
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Starlight Glimmer created a cult that no one has cutie marks until the mane six defeated her in “Cutie Map” She returns and her revenge on Twilight by going back in time and making sure Rainbow Dash doesn’t perform the Sonic Rainboom. After multiple going to multiple timelines, she finally catches up to her and then her tragic backstory been revealed and it was very disappointing. The reason she caused all of this because her friend moved away and that’s it. That’s not all, instead of her facing her crimes like most villains such as Tirek or Queen Chrysalis, she gets off the hook and she became friends with Twilight in a matter of minutes 
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A good example of a good antagonist is Aku from Samurai Jack. When he first appeared in the show, he’s pure evil, destroying anything that stood in his way and ruling over the weak but as the show progresses, the serious villain became more comedic villain but that doesn’t mean he’s a silly character, he’s far from that. He’s still all-powerful and should be taken seriously. This is what I want from a villain.  He’s powerful, he’s truly evil and has a personality. 
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Villains can be sympathetic and relatable however shouldn’t be forgiven so easily. When a character crosses the line by taking multiple innocent lives should never be redeemed, even if they have a sad backstory 
Cartoons lately have become less popular in this past decade, the glaring problems about cartoons are its animation, comedy over messages, messy plots, and terrible villain. People will only talk about cartoons from the late ’80s to 2012. I’m afraid that this day of age that it isn’t appealing anymore than in previous years. The only animation that people will talk about is anime shows which I can’t lie, is far superior to cartoons as of now. I feel that the only way it can make it back on top is it needs something like Adventure Time or Gravity Falls moment that reinvent it more relevant and view to modern audiences. I really do like to watch cartoon shows for animation, message, and characters but I keep seeing issues in modern cartoons and I hope that it will change in the future. 
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baconpal · 4 years
pokemon rant time
this one’s about the 2 new things, and is at least slightly intended for people actually excited/interested in them, click keep reading or perish
Gonna try and keep stuff short cus there's a lot of topics this time and I've already gone off about how pokemon Isn't meant for me or meant to be a good video game anymore, but gamefreak is right back on their bullshit, so I feel I need to at least point it out.
I'd like to preface all this with, if you are a fan of pokemon still, please realize you can ask for more out of this series. Expect perfection, even if you don't think you'll get it anytime soon. Pokemon won't go anywhere, the old games won't go anywhere, and gaming is a hobby, not a necessity; don't accept low quality products from a company just because you feel like you're supposed to.
With this next wave of pokemon games, gamefreak is clearly testing how little they can put in to a $60 game while still keeping the 2 major audiences they've cultivated. By responding to the most obvious and vocal complaints from the community, gamefreak is aiming to make games that seems like what most players want, without having to put in the work on quality products.
GEN 4 REMAKES Pokemon BS (I am not calling this shit BDSP) is intended for the audience that put up with let's go and RS remakes. The most vocal and obvious complaints for these games is their failure as definitive versions of the games they are remakes of, such as missing features/content, or drastically changed story/dialogue/style. In a way, the recent remakes are inferior versions of incredibly old games, which shows a lack of improvement in pokemon as a whole.
To address these issues, BS is very, very, VERY clearly aiming for a more 1-to-1 recreation of the DS games, but with fully 3d graphics. Clearly the map layout has been transferred exactly, and gen 4 already had mostly 3d environments to begin with, and everyone knows about the future-proof pokemon models at this point, so the amount of effort required to create something like this is absolutely minimal. Assuming dialogue, trainer teams, move lists, etc. are also lifted directly from DP, then this game could be developed in basically no time at all, leaving the team time to ensure the product is of decent quality and includes ALL of the content of the originals, if not more, like the earlier pokemon remakes did to ensure they were truly definitive versions of the games. That being said, it is unlikely the team behind BS has been making use of this saved time to improve the game.
One failing already clear is that the quality is not very good, at least graphical quality. The footage we have shows environments lacking in color compared to the original, with messy, unpleasant textures that contrast poorly with the simplistic environments. The characters especially do not work. As cute and fun the fanart of tiny dawn has been, BS dawn and all other characters look awful. They have gorilla arms that reach down to the floor and lifeless faces, as well as incredibly stiff/simplistic animations. As it stands, BS is a visually inferior game to DP, though most consumers will simply see it as 3D>2D without any understanding of what an artstyle is, so this might not be a problem for many, but that doesn't mean you should accept it.
What remains to be seen is what content will be added/missing from pokemon BS. It is very possible that massive parts of the game, such as the underground, variety of online modes, postgame areas, and content from platinum could be missing entirely. We also do not know if pokemon from after gen 4 will be worked into the region, or even supported. Gen 8 still currently does not support a large number of pokemon, and the remakes may continue this limited dex trend.
Even assuming the remake includes everything from the DS games and doesn't add anything that slows down the story or harms the experience, it will still only be an exercise in forced obsolescence. The main reason people can't really play DP still is that the online isn't supported anymore. If BS turns out to be exactly the same as DP, then you're buying the same game for at a higher price, only to play it until the online service goes away again, or the next game comes out, if both don't happen at the same time.
Don't let yourself buy a 13 year old game at twice the original price.
GEN 4 NOT-REMAKE KIND OF NEW THING On to legends now, gamefreak is targeting the people who put up with sun/moon and sword/shield. The obvious problem with those games to most people was simply a lack of change from the standard pokemon formula. Even when changing the gyms to trials or stadiums, most people still understand that the format and story structures are mostly unchanged. Of course, this problem has seemingly been addressed by changing the game structure a fair bit, but almost entirely by removal.
Trainer battles, and by extension, gyms and tournaments/elite 4 have been confirmed to be absent, meaning all battles are only vs single pokemon, in spite of the player likely having a team of 6 pokemon. Even if battle difficulty is increased to compensate (doubtful), this will still drastically increase the simplicity of combat and make it even less likely for the game to include any meaningful challenge. Exploring towns and meeting NPCs is also seemingly missing, as the game is confirmed to have only a single village, which frankly looks incredibly boring and we've yet to see a single NPC inhabiting the village.
Battles now use an ATB format instead of a turn-based format (for those of you who don't know what that means, it basically means nothing, it's still turn based, it just means the speed state determines who gets more turns instead of who goes first, that's it), but beyond that there seems to be no noteworthy changes, pokemon learn 4 moves with limited PP, type advantage will still definitely be the most important aspect to battle, and the player being able to walk around during battle provides no meaningful impact. While the little dash the pokemon do to approach each other is cool, it is already a sign that gamefreak will not be addressing the issue of lacking animations for pokemon battles, as they can't even be assed to animate and program pokemon walking around the environment during combat, and lucario doing 1 kick for a move described as a series of punches isn't a great sign either.
On the topic of lacking animations, the new "pet simulator feature" for legends seems to be an advancement on the ride system from sun/moon, which presumably people missed from sword/shield. Being able to ride on your pokemon to do stuff sounds cool, but in all likelihood, this system will be limited to only a select few pokemon who will each do a select few actions, and is not a reasonable replacement for all the other pet raising features that have been removed in the past. Similar to BS, the total number of pokemon included may also be limited arbitrarily, in spite of the fact that no new pokemon need to be added, as these games are not claiming to be a new generation.
The largest issues I personally have with this new game is the horrible technical quality and gameplay quality shown in the initial trailer. Unfortunately, these types of problems seem to be difficult to explain to the average consumer, even though the issues seem incredibly obvious and inexcusable to people like me.  Most people were able to understand the problem with the berry trees in gen 8, because it was easy to explain, "this tree doesn't look like the other trees, and it sticks out, isn't that weird?", and so gamefreak has eliminated any immediately obvious issues like that, sticking with a very consistent artstyle for legends, making it almost impossible to easily explain its faults to the average pokemon fan.
People have been really quick to compare legends to BoTW; the game that invented grass, trees, and mountains. In spite of these comparisons, nobody seems to point out that legends looks dramatically worse than that almost 5 year old game from the previous generation. Plants are stiff and lacking in energy, draw distances are poor, colors are drab, and textures are messy. Many parts of legends seems to ape BoTW on just the surface, essentially just following market trends. Even the controls seem to follow after modern 3rd person shooters/stealth games, including a seemingly pointless roll and a clunky looking ball lobbing arc that feels unfun before even getting to play it myself.
The largest issue, painfully obvious to some, and impossible to explain to others, is the framerate. The trailer clearly was ran on actual switch hardware, and not prerendered, which would be a good mark for gamefreak if it didn't result in a trailer that never once hit 30fps. Even with empty fields, with only 1 or 2 characters on screen, the game was incapable of meeting the target speed, and had to resort to optimizations like reducing the frame rate of pokemon only inches away from the player to stop-motion levels of choppy. If situations with almost nothing going on result in slow-down, how will the game perform during actual gameplay? Even though slow-down is something everyone can feel, many people aren't capable of identifying it.
The major things to wait and see for legends is if the removed aspects of the series are made up for by some additional systems or content, and definitely wait to see if the performance improves. As with BS, preordering a game like this only shows that gamefreak only has to market the game by saying it's different, not improved, like they've been doing for years now.
TL;DR FUCK GAMEFREAK One major thing of note is that gamefreak is releasing 2 games based on gen 4 at the nearly the same time, meaning they have no obligation to design new pokemon or even include pokemon not from sinnoh, and also that the sales of each game can be used as an indicator for which of their 2 audiences is more loyal to them. Both BS and Legends are in a position to be pushes aside if they fail, but if either succeeds, gamefreak can continue in the direction of the more successful game and reap the benefits, without any need to innovate, improve, or adapt to criticism.
The last thing I feel I have to remind people about is that gamefreak is a company; you don't need to be "grateful" to them. I've seen that word thrown around far too much by people who seem to buy pokemon games like its a tax, and not something they want to do. You don't have to suck up to a company that made games you liked as a kid if the games aren't what you want anymore. Pokemon is so wildly successful that it can't possible die, so don't buy the games out of pity, or out of some feeling of obligation. Buy the video games you want to play and nothing more.
Basically, if you are considering getting any of these new games, please wait until the games are out before purchasing them, and decide for yourself if they are worth your money, and more importantly, your time. Preordering these games only lets gamefreak know their audience will buy and put up with anything. They have no real competition at the moment, so the only thing the audience can do to encourage improvement is show some of restraint.
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Title: Kismet {8}
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Henry Cavill x Famous OFC Aliya Taylor
Warning: Plot, Tiny Slow Burn, Mild Cursing, Dialogue Heavy, POV Changes, Small Time Jumps
Words: 6.6k
Summary: Aliya is a singer turned model turned actress. Since she was fifteen, she’s been creating her empire in the entertainment world. As the daughter of a famous fashion model/designer and Hollywood director, you’d think life is easy for her, but her past has been anything but easy. Due to past trauma, she’s forever changed and no longer trusts any man that is not in her family and a select few in her team. She’s sworn off love and serious relationships and has planned never to fall again, but love isn’t something that can be planned. It just happens when it’s meant to. Can Aliya outrun a love that seems hellbent on holding tight to her, a love that is Kismet?
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***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
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The minute he woke the next day and the alcohol had worn off; he instantly regretted his actions. His head was pounding and his nose stuffy, which was always what the morning after a drinking fest looked and felt like for him. the pain in his head made him painfully aware of everything he’d said to you. More than half of him wished he would have just held his peace and moved on, but the other side of him—the stubborn bull side felt nothing but satisfaction from what he’d done. It was time, especially seeing that you completely had the wrong idea about who he was and his character. He couldn’t help but wonder what you thought about your conversation, but instead of dwelling on it, he decided to push it to the side and do the logical thing. Move on.
 It was now five days since that conversation, and though it felt strange the first couple of days to not send you a message when you ran across his mind, he did it and adapted. He now was throwing himself into work because there wasn’t a shortage of it. Most days, he was in pre-production for Witcher two, and that in itself was a lot of work. Production decided to kick fight choreography up a notch because last season wasn’t badass enough. The choreography this season was definitely taking it up several notches, and it meant more long hours of training and even more potential for him to be hurt.
By week two post convo, he was steadily counting down to his vacation time. Training was kicking his ass, and the more and more days that passed, the more he thought of you. That wasn’t all though, the more the way he thought of you changed. In the beginning, he thought he was infatuated or possibly obsessed. When he was around you, he always felt as if he wasn’t in control. He felt like there were forces that were controlling your interactions and pulling a starry blanket over his feelings. He expected this time away to act as a purge, but it hadn’t, not in the way he’d anticipated.
 “Come on, her name is Becca, and she’s super cute,” Alisha said.
 “Why is it that all my brother’s wives want to set me up?”
 “Because we care. You’re too great of a guy to be alone,” Halley complimented.
 They all nodded, and his eldest brother painfully squeezed his cheek.
 “Plus, look at this face,” Nik teased, making all of them elate.
 It had been like this since they were kids. Nothing had changed.
 “I’m perfectly fine being alone,” he answered.
 “Doesn’t mean you should be,” Amee piped out.
 No matter what, he said it wouldn’t be good enough until he gave them what they wanted. He had no intention of doing it, though. He wasn’t sure if it was really his loathing of being set up or because he didn’t want to pretend to want anyone else. Whatever it was, it had him declining to their annoyance. He could stick it out for the next two weeks until he got out of London.
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“You fucked up, plain and simple,” Amaya blurted out as she flipped through a magazine.
 You rolled your eyes and tried to continue writing notes to the song you’d just wrote. As sure as you were that it was pitch black outside, you knew she wasn’t done—not by a long shot. A minute passed in silence, but as projected, Amaya began again.
 “Just explain to me why you don’t want to be happy.” Amaya tossed the magazine aside, giving you her full attention. Still, you ignored her and kept your eyes glued to the note pad.
 “Liya, come on. At some point in your life, you’re going to have to be honest with yourself.”
 She was right. For the last few weeks, you’d spent a lot of sleepless nights doing just that. Since Henry’s call, you’d been forced to look at your situation in a light you’d ignored. It wasn’t that you were doing it maliciously. It was just easier and neater to see the worst in every situation hence the worst in people. You’d been the girl who dug deep for the best in people and only focused on that and their potential for too long. It made more sense from a survivalist standpoint to be different.
 You’d went back and forth and round and round your situation, and perhaps you were too quick to jump to conclusions. The bottom line was the things he said had affected you, more than you liked and more than you could ignore. A few days after his call, you saw his picture in The Sun. He wasn’t alone. It looked like he’d had a long night of partying. You deduced it was probably the same night he called you. Though he was obviously drunk, he still looked so damn good. In the last few weeks, you’d thought about him a lot. On several occasions, you’d taken up your phone for the sole purpose to stalk his Instagram or even scroll through your gallery to gawk at his pictures. Never though, did you attempt to call.
 The main reason was that you hated being the one in the wrong. You hated feeling like the asshole and what was worse was that you also hated apologizing. So, you bit your tongue, pushed your thoughts and emotions aside, and just hoped time would make it all fade. It didn’t.
 Closing your notepad, you stood. “We’re going to miss the flight.”
 “Whatever! It’s a private jet. It’s your private jet.”
 You were already out of the room, which meant thankfully, you didn’t have to see her face. The drive to the private airfield was about forty-five minutes. For the entire ride, you could feel Amaya’s annoyance with you. she didn’t say one word. Instead, she kept her nose buried in her phone scrolling her life away. It was okay with you; you had plenty of work to do. Plus, you knew this wasn’t over, not by a long shot.
 Sure enough, twenty minutes into the flight to London, she was back at it. The difference between Amaya and Alicia was simple. Where Alicia liked to leave me be until she knew the perfect time to go in because she knew the perfect time would come when you would be more receptive to it, Amaya preferred to go in all the time. She was always on one hundred. You loved both your best friends dearly, and they both spoke to different sides of you, but sometimes you wished they were wrong a lot more often than they were right.
 When you got pulled into a phone meeting, you were grateful and even more so when it lasted for almost two hours. By the time you ended the call, Amaya was napping. Though you thought the silence was what you wanted, it was a blessing in disguise. It meant you now had peace and quiet to think, and your thoughts more often than not went right to Henry.
 When you landed in London and checked into the hotel, it was after midnight. Once you’d taken a shower and answered a few emails, you popped two sleep aids in hopes they would knock you out because you needed all your energy tomorrow.
  -The Next Day-
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Hectic was an understatement for how your morning and afternoon had been going. One of the great things about being you was that when you got bored with one career avenue, you had three more to distract yourself with. For the last several months, you’d been focusing on your acting career and had been able to complete two films and three guest appearances. In between acting gigs you were also able to do a few modeling events, including Fall and Spring fashion week.
 What had fallen to the wayside was your singing career. It was almost time for you to fulfill your contractual obligations by releasing another album. You’d been focusing on writing new material for the last few weeks, and tonight you were putting on one of the last stops on a mini-tour your team had planned months ago. The travel alone was killing you. You were exhausted, even more than usual. With every show, you felt your body telling you it would soon be time to slow down or stop for a few months. You needed a break.
 “I should have flown in days ago. I hate feeling like this isn’t perfect.”
 “Aliya, it’s fine,” Alicia countered.
 The perfectionist in you didn’t believe her.
 “I promise. I wouldn’t lie to you. You have to go anyway. The show is supposed to start at six; it’s already three.”
 She was right. Though you hated it, you would have to cross your fingers and hope things looked cohesive. After finishing up the last-minute wardrobe adjustments and a quick pep talk with your dancers, you made your way back to the hotel to get in a little bit of pampering before having to get back to the center for prep.
 As you laid on the table and enjoyed your deep tissue massage, you allowed the worries to float away. There was nothing you could do about it now anyway. You were also sure it was perfectly fine, and just your obsessive nature taking over. Tuning everything out, you focused on your meditative breathing. Before you knew it, it was time to get back to the center to get into wardrobe and put on a show worthy of the hundreds that were spent on tickets. You were determined to perform your ass off.
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He couldn’t have gotten out of tonight no matter what. He’d tried. When Charlie announced to everyone that Heather had made plans for their adults' date night, he rolled his eyes. Now that he thought of it, it was around the time that Amee tried to set him up with that woman. This was supposed to be a blind date, and since he’d declined, he was here alone while all his other brothers were snuggling up and whispering to their significant others.
 Here he was an hour and ten minutes into your show, and he’d never had more fluctuating thoughts and feelings. At first, it was surprise; then annoyance, then it transitioned into awe until it moved to arousal and admiration. Now he was stewing deep in all of them, and it was not a good look. Your voice was incredible. He’d always known how talented you were. Your stamina to dance and sing blew his mind. Then when he watched those dance moves closer, it was impossible to keep his thoughts pure. It also didn’t help that the outfits you were wearing only fueled his imagination more.
 “What’s wrong with you? You said you liked Aliya Taylor,” Amee shouted over the music.
 Plastering a smile on his face, he nodded. “Yeah, she’s great. I’m tired.” It wasn’t a complete lie.
 When you came out for the final song in a flowing low cut white gown and barefoot, he staggered backward when he envisioned you walking down a flower aisle.
 “Fucking hell!”
 All eyes snapped to him, and the curious looks on their faces only had him needing air even more.
 “I—I’m gonna get a head start to the cars.”
 Not waiting for a response, he turned and walked through the crowd, not daring to look back at you.
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Amaya and Alicia laughed together at something on Amaya’s timeline. No doubt it was some picture of one of her boy toys. You sipped from your flower decorated porcelain teacup while staring out over London to the Eye. Just behind it, Big Ben stood tall and proud as it chimes for four o’clock echoed through the city. This was a city you’d spent a lot of time in thanks to your grandparents on your father’s side. Not as much time as they’d like, but there was only so much free time you had. Big Ben and the Eye were two of your favorite things about London.
 You should have been on cloud nine after another successful show and checking another thing off your extensive to-do list, but you weren’t. You felt almost as gloomy as the rolling clouds in the sky that threatened rain.
 “You seem depressed.”
 Alicia’s voice had you turning back to them you softly smiled. “I’m not.”
 “You look it,” Amaya slid home.
 Rolling your eyes, you finished your cup of tea and gently placed it on its matching saucer with a shrug. ��I don’t know what to tell you then.”
 Amaya then gasped with a smile in her eyes. “I know what it is. You’re finally missing your grade A prime beef of a man.”
 Snorting, you shook your head. “Oh god. Try again.”
 “You might be right, Mya,” Leece started placed her elbows on the table to peer at you closer. “This all started the night we had dinner with him. What’s his name again?” Both of them pretended to wrack their brains to remember his name, but they knew damn well what it was.
 “Ah, Henry,” Amaya cooed, making you roll your eyes even harder.
 “Both of you stop. You’re not funny.”
 “We approve.”
 “I second that,” Alicia added.
 “What? Really?”
 “Are you kidding? Yeah. Not only is he gorgeous, like drop dead gorgeous, but he is also super nice. Throughout dinner he was very courteous and sincere. You know I’m a good people reader,” Amaya attested.
 “He’s funny, and he seemed to be genuine with his efforts to get to know Mya and me. He also was putting in effort into proving something to you.”
 Sighing, you took a few sips of your water.
 “Honestly, I couldn’t find anything wrong with him.”
 “Really? Perfection?”
 You couldn’t believe your ears. Yes, you’d suspected they liked him, but the perfect word was just uttered. It was never spoken of, not by them.
 “Pretty much,” Amaya doubled down.
 “Tell me about it. Move on that before some other chick does. He will not be single for long,” Amaya added.
 For some reason, this was the first time you’d thought about that, and you couldn’t believe it. She was right. He was gorgeous, among other things, and women already fawned over him. He wouldn’t be licking his wounds much longer. A knot formed in your gut, and a sour taste in your mouth followed. Glancing away from their penetrative gazes, you looked around the restaurant and nearly dropped the water glass when you saw Henry across the restaurant laughing. This was the first time you’d seen him in person since your breakfast in New York weeks and weeks ago, and he looked great.
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Your eyes drank him up, taking their time soaking up every detail of his face, the slight stubble that decorated his chiseled jaw, his perfectly imperfect smile, his hair that fell slightly longer than you remembered. When he spoke again, you watched his mouth move and quickly got lost. You didn’t have to hear his words. You knew how he spoke them. You knew the effect his voice had. At the thought of that effect, you peeled your eyes away and tried to keep them on either Alicia, Amaya, or the table. Of course, it was impossible. Your eyes continuously found him, and it was on him they remained until you forced yourself to look away.
 “What do you keep looking at?”
 Amaya glanced around the restaurant. You knew she’d found him because when she turned to face you again, her smile was as wide as a thief's.
 “Oh ho ho, looks like fate is on mine and Leece’s side.”
 “Stop. Be cool, act natural. Don’t make a scene,” you pleaded.
 “Look at that, same place, same time, just mere feet away.”
 From the tone of her voice, you knew she was tempted to fuck with you.
 “Stop, Amaya. Don’t.”
 Trying to keep your voice down and the panic from your face, you pleaded again. “Just don’t.”
 Amaya studied you for a few moments before she nodded in defeat. Relief flooded you. Though you tried, you couldn’t get your head back onto lunch and off of him no matter how you tried. The three of you left shortly after passing his table on the way out.
 Thanks to a little free time, you, Amaya, and Alicia were able to soak up some shopping in London and before getting back to the hotel for a quick change, then dinner. Even though you tried to stop thinking about Henry’s face earlier, you weren’t the least bit successful, but you played it off like everything was cool. You didn’t know if you fooled either of them, but you really didn’t care. You were so ready to get the hell out of London.
  -That Night-
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Big Ben’s chime for one in the morning ringing out all around you. It was yet another night of sleeplessness. From your seat at the window, you could feel the nice breeze. It still smelled like rain, but for whatever reason, the rain was staying away. Finishing your glass of wine, you sighed out and nearly leaped out your skin when your phone rang in the quiet room.
 “What’s wrong?”
 You smiled from the unexpected sound of your gramaw’s voice. It was like the concrete gate you had around your heart that was constricting it to the point where it was challenging to breathe loosened.
 Sighing, you leaned back, reclining against the surface.
 “I think I fell in love,” you whispered.
 “In love?”
 Hearing the words said back to you made you close your eyes and shake your head.
 “Yeah, at least I think that’s what I’m feeling. I can’t sleep well, not that I could before. I feel a little depressed, and I can’t pinpoint why, but when I think about it, I feel this way when I think about him. Not to mention, I think about him all the time. Christ, I even dream about him.”
 Pausing, you glanced at your phone to find his picture there. It was the last thing you’d been looking at before tossing your phone away.
 “I truly feel like I did something wrong, like I was wrong,” you confessed.
 “Have you talked to him?”
 Hitting your head back, you groaned. “Not since he called me and told me I’m missing out on him and gave me all the reasons why I should realizing I’m missing out.”
 You couldn't help but smile at his words as you remembered them.
 “Do you feel like you’re missing out?”
 Your Gramaw always knew the right questions to ask. She was one of the few that did, one of the few that you’d even listen to. Bowing your head, you sighed again.
 “Maybe. Normally I’m sure about someone and sure that I don’t need or want them in my life, but with him—I have doubts with my snap judgment.”
 “Oh no, snap judgments are never a good thing, Aliya.”
 You groaned hearing the disappointment in her voice. “I know, jeez do I know.”
 “What do you feel like doing?”
 You scoffed, if you knew that you wouldn’t be going through this struggle.
 “I’ll be to you in a few days. I’ll see you soon.”
 “Your heart, Aliya, not your head,” she cautioned before you ended the call.
 For the next thirty or so minutes, you paced the balcony of your room as you debated with yourself over what you were going to do. After psyching yourself up as much as you could, you bit the bullet dialing Henry’s number before you talked yourself out of it. After one ring, you almost hung up but forced yourself to stick through the terror running through you. Two rings passed, then three. At the fourth you began to lower your hand to end the call and then his voice echoed through the speaker.
 You froze drawing a blank and forgetting for a moment you had a voice.
 “Hello,” you whispered.
 The rustling on his end was loud but brief.
 Swallowing the lump, you took a deep breath. “Yeah. Hi.”
 “It’s after one in the morning. Is everything all right? Are you hurt?”
 Your heart lurched, and a soft smile spread across your lips. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m not hurt,” you assured.
 He sighed, then yawned.
 “I uh—I know it’s late or early. I know you, um, probably have something better to do than be up. I’m sorry if I woke you,” you half rushed and stuttered out.
 “You’re rambling, Aliya.” You stopped your pacing then and slapped your forehead.
 “Yes, I am. I do that when I’m nervous,” you blurted.
 “Why are you nervous?”
 Pausing, you gripped the rail on the balcony and used it to center yourself and get your nerves under control.
 “Well, I’m about to ask the man I told I wouldn’t be with to meet me somewhere at nearly two in the morning. I’m—sending major mixed signals.”
 Henry didn’t speak right away. Instead, he waited, making you chew your bottom lip as your anxiety increased.
 “Wh—why? Why what?”
 “Why should I?”
 Stunned, your jaw dropped. “Oh, wow, out with the hard questions. Okay. Um—well—you should meet me because uh—it’s not often that I realize I was wrong or did something wrong and when I realize that, I like to say so.”
 Again the silence over the phone stretched for long moments. After a full minute of it, your anxiety peaked.
 “Still there?”
 Henry sighed. “I’m here. I’m thinking.”
 His voice sounded so deliciously deep. Either you had woken him, and this was his sleepy voice, or he was purposely giving you that sexy baritone.
 “By all means. Think as long as you need to. Um—I’ll be at the eye until 2:30. I um—I hope you show. If you don’t, I understand, really I do and no hard feelings.”
 Quickly you ended the call and panted as if you’d been running a marathon all in an effort to calm yourself down. It had been years since you’d put yourself through something like that, and you had a feeling it was only the beginning of you making amends.
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Being Aliya Taylor afforded you some perks, and one was being able to have access to the eye well after closing. All it took was one call, well two to be exact, and voila, you were sitting in one of the cars anxiously waiting for Henry. You had no idea if he’d show, and the more and more time that passed with him not magically appearing, the more and more your brain worked overtime. The scenery helped a lot, but when you glanced at your watch and saw that it was almost 2:30, the scenery could do no more. Your nerves and anxiety had erupted like a volcano.
 “You shouldn’t be out here alone.”
 Spinning, you saw Henry at the door still on the platform. You released a relieved sigh, realizing he hadn’t stood you up.
 “Good thing I’m not—anymore.”
 Henry stepped into the car and took a few steps to you but stopped when he was still a ways away.
 “London after two is not safe,” Henry informed.
 “I know.”
 The doors closed, and the contraption began moving.
 “How in the world did you get them to open this for you?”
 Smiling, you shrugged. “I may know people in high places,” you replied, which made him smile.
“This is one of my favorite places in London,” you announced as you walked around the car, taking care not to get too close. You didn’t know if you could handle it right away, and you had to feel him out to see what his coming really meant.
 “You can see all of greater London from here and out to the countryside if you really look once you’re up high.”
 Henry also walked around the car, mirroring your intentions. Neither of you came close enough to touch one another.
 “How often do you come to London?”
 “A lot. I have some family here, plus I prefer the countryside.”
 “So you have some British blood,” Henry inquired, half a question, half a statement.
 “I had to. Only the Bris would dare think to send their daughters off to finishing school,” you quipped.
 Henry’s laugh filled the car, making you smile widely. He walked to one of the many windows turning his back to you. Slowly you looked over his broad back, taking in every detail. Your fingers could still remember what the dance of his muscles felt like underneath them, and they itched to feel them dance again. Taking a deep breath, you fiddled your fingers.
 “Uh--I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important by asking you here. Like I hope I didn’t impose on—anyone.”
 You were fishing, it was obvious, and you felt no shame.
 “Eh, who needs sleep anyway. I can sleep when I’m dead,” Henry replied with a shrug of those magnificent shoulders still keeping his back to you.
 “Were um--were you uh—sleeping—alone?”
 Your heart was pounding so loudly you could swear he could hear it. He didn’t speak or turn around. He just stood there torturing you. You wondered if he knew it was sheer torture what he was doing. Did he even care? The longer he remained quiet, the more you freaked out until you decided to backtrack all the way back.
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“I’m sorry. Don’t answer that. It is absolutely none of my business. I don’t even know why I asked that,” you rushed out, rubbing your forehead from embarrassment before beginning to pace the car.
 That was when Henry chose to turn around.
 “I know a woman doesn’t say something she doesn’t mean, and usually when a woman asks a question, she wants to know the answer either to prove herself right or in hopes she’s wrong. What is it for you?”
 His voice made you stop in the midst of pacing to watch his mouth as he spoke. There was something poetic about how he spoke, and it always distracted you. Nibbling your bottom lip, you thought about how to respond. You were already tired of the verbal Olympics and talking around each other.
 Sighing, you rolled your eyes. “Henry--.”
 “You know that’s the first time you’ve said my name without the word goodbye in front of it.”
 That made you snap your mouth shut. Had it?
 “That’s not true,” you protested.
 “It actually is. I was beginning to think you like saying goodbye rather than hello.”
 You took a step to him. “That’s not true. I like saying hello way more than goodbye,” you defended.
 The neutral look on his face gave you no confidence to go on, so you rolled your eyes and continued to walk around the car. This would be harder than you expected, you thought.
 “I was sleeping alone. I’ve slept alone for quite some time now,” he informed just as you were looking out of the window to the city.
 “Look, Henry, I-,” you began again, but then henry cut you off.
 “That day in New York those weeks ago, I should have plain and simply laid it out for you. I should have told you everything. I was with Francesca--.”
 “Don’t, don’t, don’t. I honestly don’t want to know.”
 “But you need to know. There is no way you can begin to trust me or begin to let yourself gravitate to me the way you’re entire being wants until you know,” Henry slid out. Pressing your palm to your abdomen, you tried to slow the butterflies that began flitting.
 “I was with Francesca for about two years. The whole time I knew she wanted a family in life. She was always vocal about her wanting to get married young and have kids. I knew, but I never paid attention to it. I was away filming something for a while, and when I came home one weekend, I caught her with someone else.”
 Your eyes widened, hearing his words.
 “turns out she was beginning a relationship with someone else, someone who she thought would lead to marriage and kids,” Henry added. His voice held steady, but you could imagine the pain going through those memories again.
 “I’m sorry.”
 Henry shook his head, “It’s not necessary. After a few months of her trying to make amends, I thought we’d try again.” He scoffed then rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m a hopeless romantic. After months of trying, I knew it wouldn’t work, but I kept a relationship of sorts with her.”
 You understood. They were bed buddies.
 “I then met Abby, and what started as a fling developed into something more. Long story short, I got wind of a rumor she was using me for fame and money, so I distanced myself from her. after some time of her telling I had it all wrong, I decided it was easier keeping her around though my heart wasn’t in it. I wasn’t juggling them. I hadn’t slept with either of them in a long time. I just—I felt it was better to have someone who misses me and wants me than living the lonely actor life.”
 His honesty had you frozen. When he began to explain, you hadn’t expected him to reveal so much. You expected a bare minimum explanation, but what you’d gotten revealed so much more about him. You felt bad.
 “I guess allowing the attentions and affections to remain is just as bad as juggling them. I was playing with their hearts. I’m not proud of it.”
 Henry dipped his head, showing he felt some shame for his actions.
 “When I met you, I realized although I had these two women sort of vying for me, I was still lonely, but those moments we were together, I didn’t feel alone. I felt--,” he paused as if trying to find the right word. His hesitation made you look down.
 You knew what you’d felt.
 “When I met you, I felt someone I’d never felt before, something I don’t fully understand. I don’t know what that means, but I know I want to find out—with you.”
 Finally, able to release the breath you held, you took another, then cleared your throat. “I’m not juggling two guys. I was dating two guys, but not sleeping with both. I was with Liam first, and we had an okay relationship. We were busy, never saw each other and when we did it wasn’t for long. He um—he got annoyed and broke up with me. He said I was impacting his work, and he needed to focus.”
 You remembered how he’d said it too. He’d said it like you were the one to blame for the roles he’d gotten or hadn’t gotten.
 “I was fine with it, and during those five months apart, I met Jesse. We worked together and had fun and began dating. It wasn't anything sexual. Then Liam comes back and wants to pick up where we left off. I told him about Jesse, and he was fine with it.”
 The shock on Henry’s face almost made you laugh. Alicia and Amaya were also surprised they’d chosen that unconventional path. Amaya, of course, thought you should have kept it secret from both of them.
 “One day, Jesse sees Liam and me out, and it pissed him off enough to end things. Three weeks later, I lay it out for both that I don’t want to choose, and I don’t want anything serious. They were both fine with it, and so it went on. Six months later, I decided I needed to be on my own to focus on work and me. They didn’t like the decision. They call and text me to try to—rekindle something.”
 Henry scoffed, and you watched a soft smile tickle his lips.
 “I haven’t physically seen either of them in weeks, now maybe months,” you finished.
 Henry was quiet for a few seconds before he snorted.
 “They were mad.”
 “No, mad, bonkers,” Henry clarified.
 “Oh, crazy.”
 “Yeah. To be okay to share you, be willing to do something like that. I couldn’t do that,” Henry informed, making you smile in the process.
 “Well, men do crazy things.”
 “I can attest to that, but I’d never do something that crazy. I can’t share what’s mine. I won’t.”
 Your eyes locked, and your body swayed toward his. It was like he was metal and you a magnet. Everything in you wanted to be close to him. The more you tried to fight the pull, the harder it became to breathe. The harder it was to breathe, the dizzier you became.
 “I—I—I—I,” you began before gulping the knot in your throat down that was making you speak in a raspy whisper. “I don’t—know what this is.”
 Henry nodded.
 “I am not used to not knowing and being out of control,” you continued.
 “You feel less controlled too?”
 You couldn't help but to nod. Once you did, Henry took a step to you. You took a step back.
 “Hold on. I like control. I like control a lot. Anything that threatens that control is not for me.”
 Henry’s eyes lowered but only for a moment before he was looking right back into yours.
 “But—I really want to find out why you make me less controlled,” you finally admitted.
 The uncertainty on his face spoke volumes.  “What does that mean? Where does that leave this—us?”
 You chewed your bottom lip; you realized how ill-prepared you’d been.
 “Honestly, I didn’t think this meeting out that far. I only planned up to when you showed up. I’ve um—I’ve been winging it this whole time.”
 His smile started small but spread wide in seconds; then, he laughed loudly.
 “So you won’t mind me making a plan?”
 Oh lord, you thought, feeling his alpha pop out. You bit your bottom lip again.
 “What kind of plan?”
 Henry closed the remaining space between you. Every step he took had you shaking even more.
 “A plan that I’ve envisioned every night since brunch.”
Stopped in front of you and held you captivated by his gaze and the sheer dominating energy rolling off of him. The way he stood there taller than you made your mouth run dry.
 “Jesus, you’re freakishly short,” Henry teased in his perfect Englishman voice.
 Smiling, you shook your head. “I know, I debated wearing heels but didn’t—I wanted you to see me normal for someone reason I don’t under--.”
 Henry’s sudden movement cut you off. He dipped down the entire foot he overshadowed you and lifted you into the air to hold you flush against his body. Then he lowered his lips to yours, taking and keeping control of an intensely passionate kiss. A kiss you hadn’t known you craved until it began, a kiss you were not prepared for. You moaned against his lips, and that moan triggered his. Wrapping your arm around his neck, you clung to him, and every sensation you were feeling and even new ones he was awakening within you.
 Slowly, Henry pulled his lips from your, but he kept your body to his. You kept your eyes closed, relishing the lingering effects.
 “You’re shaking,” Henry whispered.
 “So are you.”
 You opened your eyes and gazed into his as he slowly lowered you back to your feet.
 “What else is part of your plan?”
 Henry's smile spread across his face. “For me to carry out any other part of my plan would be completely rakish of  me.”
 His smile was adorable, but still intimidatingly sexy.
 “I take it you’re not a rake.”
 “Not in the least.”
 “All right. So, alternate plan?”
 He smiled again. “Still pretty rakish.”
 With that, he brought his lips back to yours, but this time he didn’t pull back for several long minutes.
 Though you knew people in high places, it didn’t mean you could keep the eye open all morning. After three trips around, the two of you got off then walked around London holding hands and eating ice cream. It was such a weird sensation allowing someone to hold your hand. It had been a long time since you’d ever wanted to. The entire time you laughed and talked about everything and nothing at the same time. One thing was clear; neither of you was in any rush for your time together to end.
 But end, it had to. When Henry walked you back to your hotel, it was almost time for the sun to come up.
 “Home safe and sound,” Henry joked.
 “Yes, thanks to Superman.”
 “No, no, I’m just the man. Henry Cavill.”
 He held his hand out to you. Smiling, you rolled your eyes.
 “Now is when we get to this?”
 His goofy smile and shrug had your head skip a beat.
 “Aliya Taylor,” you said, shaking his hand.
 “Nice to meet you. Mind if I call you Aliya or Liya, that's all a mouthful,” Henry teased.
 Your laugh was loud, and you had to clamp your hand over your mouth, remembering what time it was.
 “Yes, you can call me either. Can I call you Henners or Hank?”
 “No. My friends call me that.”
 “So, I’m not your friend?”
 “If I have anything to say about it, which I do, then no. I don’t want you as a friend.” Henry replied, making you smile like a little girl at Christmas.
 “Then what do you want me as?”
 Your eyes lingered for a few seconds before Henry was pulling you closer to brush the back of his hand against your cheek.
 “For now, I’ll settle for my girlfriend.”
 The man was an expert at charm. You bit into your bottom lip and tried to stop smiling. “Girlfriend, wow. That’s a loaded title. What does it entail?”
 “Well, for one, it entails being your true self with me, accepting my true self, being there for me when I need you, letting me be there for you when you need me or when I need you, allowing me to be your strength when you’re weak, your hope when you’re hopeless. Allowing me to grow with you, learn with you. Giving me your time and attention, enough of it so what we have can grow. Trusting me and letting me spoil you rotten.”
 If he weren’t holding you against him, you would have fallen back.
 “Is that all?”
 Henry leaned closer kisses your cheek. “To begin.”
 “And if I refused to be this girlfriend you speak of?”
 “Then I’d just have to convince you,” Henry cooed.
 Right on que, Henry dipped his lips to yours. The second they touched, you moaned and held him close. Why resist when you could enjoy it, you thought. His tongue swirled with yours before he nibbled then sucked your bottom lip. When he pulled back, your eyes remained closed.
 “I’m convinced.”
 Henry pecked your lips once, then twice. “Good. Girlfriend.”
 Your eyes locked again, and you forgot all common sense for what felt like an eternity.
 “Eh-em—I have to be on a set in the morning.”
 “Which is now,” Henry filled in.
 Still hazed in the brain, you stuttered and smiled like a fool.
 “Mm, did I stay out all night?”
 “You did. I hope it was worth it.”
 Smiling, you kissed his jaw. “We’ll see,” you whispered as you backed away from him, making your way to the door.
 “Good morning, Henry.”
 He smiled again, watching you disappear inside the hotel. As you walked to the elevator bank, you couldn’t stop smiling or stop the butterflies that had been flying all night in your stomach. As you stepped onto the elevator and watched the doors closed, you recognized the feeling you felt as happiness. It had been absent for a long time.
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sif-the-tsunami · 4 years
Ropes and Roses: part 2
Summary: Elizabeth Rosehill is a talented dance instructor and a force of nature that beguiles her famous student. Event in her life, however, have led her to search for more creative ways for her to keep herself afloat. What will she do to keep her dreams secure and what will it mean for her blossoming relationship.
Warnings: I promise that we are getting to some fun stuff, this one is mostly flirtation, fluff, and some feminine bisexual chaos.
A/N: I love some bisexual chaos. let me know what you think.
@achaoticaugust @thelastsock @viking-raider let me know what you think?
Word count: ~1600
Henry looked around the studio after placing the yoga mats down. The light tan wood floors creaked softly under his footsteps, the walls coated with a light blue paint made the space feel calm and inviting, he thought to himself that the color combination reminded him of a day at the beach. One wall was covered with mirrors, the other had a rack with more yoga mats, brightly colored jingly hip scarves, and photos taken of various dancers. Elizabeth walked back into the room wearing a soft gray shirt over the curve hugging leggings and tank top she was wearing for the previous class.
“So, Greg told me this morning that they had not fully finished the plans for the dance scene, and he was willing to take my input. I have reviewed some of your fight scene footage, I think I have a good idea of where we can start. And I’m not going to lie, with your strength, I bet you would be a lot of fun to swing dance with. Now, lets get warmed up.” She began.
She kicked off her shoes and sat down on the mat, her movement was almost fluid. He watched her black painted fingernails run through her hair, the soft curls bounced gently as she leaned her head to left slightly. Henry joined her on the floor. For the next twenty minutes he mirrored her stretches as best as he could. With every new stretch, Elizabeth would praise him for his effort. Every “good job!” she exclaimed would perk him up. He would do yoga with her every day if it meant he could hear his new teacher shower him with praise.
During the stretches, they chatted about hobbies. Something about her demeanor made him open up more easily. She teased him for still playing WoW, but he playfully jabbed, “Oh I’m sorry who all plays Elder Scroll Online still?”
“Yeah, okay, that’s fair.”
The last position they did required them to have their legs spread apart and trying to lean forward enough to drop their elbows on the floor. It was pretty clear to Henry he wouldn’t be able to make it down that far. He could feel a tightness in his lower back that was keeping him from going too far forward.
“You don’t need to go as far as me, just as far as you can. Do your best, Henry. Take a nice deep breath in with your mouth, hold it for a five count, and exhale with your nose.” She said, her voice like velvet. “You are doing a really good job, keep up the effort. I’m willing to bet that if you kept doing stretches like this, in about four months, you could probably get your elbows down like this.”
He looked at Elizabeth’s large brown eyes, trying hard not to check out her body and immediately regretting wearing his dark blue track pants. She moved upright as smooth as ever. He couldn’t stop himself from thinking that she was showing off for him. He knew women would occasionally bend over backwards to impress him, and often it would work. It allowed him to be very picky with his romantic liaisons. She was up before he was, and reached out a hand to help him. With that gesture, he snapped out of his train of thought.
The dance instructor did everything she could to evoke any form of dance from Henry’s body. It was like trying to juice a rock. “So I think what we are going to try to accomplish is a basic tango. You get to look strong and imposing, your partner gets to look hella sexy. Win-win, right?” She said, trying to sound optimistic.
“It’s not too late, you can tell Greg that I should just be really great at Chess.” He teased.
“Don’t you tempt me, Mr Cavill. I might just do that.” She laughed for the first time in front of him. “So I have plans for the next couple nights, but if you want to really try to improve, I can get a partner for you to practice with on Sunday night. We would have to wait until after the school’s fall recital. But I can give you a couple hours.”
“Do you think I could actually get better.”
After a pause, and a long drink from her bottle of water, she responded as diplomatically as possible, “Well, Mr Cavill, if you don’t mind my honesty? You can’t get much worse.”
“Ouch. Ow. You hurt all two of my feelings.” He feigned insult. She raised a single eyebrow and saw right through him. Oh no, he thought, she knows I’m an absolute marshmallow.
“Uh huh, all two of your feelings. Right. So, Sunday night?” She giggled a little.
“Oh yeah, I’ll be here.” They then said their farewells, and left the studio for the night. Henry made his way home to a very excited Kal. He might still hate dancing but he enjoyed his time with Elizabeth. What was it about her that made him want to please her? Her whole face lit up when she smiles, her laugh was like music. 
That night he dreamed of the teacher, and wondered just how flexible she actually was.
Sunday night was an absolute joy for Elizabeth. She loved watching the little kids tap dance, the couples showing off their waltz, and the group of women who show off their tribal routine. Before the last dance, she noticed that her newest student tiptoed into a spot in the back. She was actually kind of excited to let him see what she could do. Being a very thorough researcher, she knew he would be able to learn a basic routine, especially given the amount of fight choreography he had mastered. She would be able to make the connection from his brain to his body. He might not enjoy it, but she appreciated the level of dedication that he had shown in the past and was willing to put forth for her.
Between performances, the families with littles mingled and left the studio. The group of belly dancers sat on one side of the room, the couples from the ballroom dancing stayed to another side. Henry stayed in the corner by himself, hiding in an open room with a baseball cap and a hoodie.
Elizabeth came out from the back wearing black pants, a black suit jacket and a sparkly silver bralette. Her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. Her partner, Genevieve, wore a formfitting red dress with lovely long blonde curls. She had agreed to perform this particular dance months ago and the anticipation was palpable. Inspired by the Frieda Kahlo movie, they had always wanted to perform a two woman tango. Elizabeth and Genevieve moved together like lovers deeply enthralled with each other. The music was sensual, but not nearly as sensual as they were. The two never broke eye contact until the very end of the dance. For a brief moment, she flashed her big brown eyes at Henry. His eyes were the size of dinner plates and he gulped hard. Good, she thought, I still got it.
Genevieve and Elizabeth hugged as the students applauded their display. They wrapped up the showcase, some more mingling and gradually the other adults left. Henry stayed to himself while waiting for his teacher to be ready.
“So, Mr Cavill, what did you think?”
“That was… oh my god, so... Wow… I don’t know if I can make a coherent sentence right now.”
“Thank you, that was exactly what I was going for. Henry, this is Gennie, she will be your partner tonight.” Elizabeth removed her jacket and pulled on a black tank top to get ready for their practice. She saw him sneak a peek at her changing, looking at the roses tattooed all over the right side of her torso. Gennie and Henry shook hands to begin their time together. Elizabeth was right, they were a good pair.
Their evening was well spent, Genevieve was a gracious partner. They had great chemistry together, Elizabeth was even able to take a short video to show to Gregory. She noticed that when the connection was made by Henry his whole body language changed. He loved to be told how great he was doing. The visible pleasure made her want to keep praising him. Before the evening class was done, Elizabeth also figured out what would make her pupil begin to laugh, and the more he relaxed the more he gave her. They became a great team, and a genuine friendship was beginning to form between the two.
Over the next few weeks, Henry and Elizabeth would continue their lessons. Over one lunch with his friends, the actor spent more than half of their time together telling the group of the instructor. He couldn’t stop himself from singing her praises. When someone suggested that he was developing a crush on her, he laughed to himself and denied it.
“Come on, Hank, you keep telling us how funny and cute she is. When you are done working together, ask her out.” Jillian suggested.
Jillian’s husband Jeremy asked Henry to describe the woman he had been talking about.
“Short, curly hair, she has some pink streaks in her hair, brown eyes, she kind of looks a little like a sort of retro pin-up model. She has a tattoo of flowers on her rib cage. I think she’s pretty.”
“American you said?”
“Yeah, from Southern California.”
“Huh, how about that.” Jeremy said vaguely. The questions seemed a little out of character for him but maybe he was actually interested in who she was. Henry tried not to overthink it, but it sat wrong with him the rest of the day.
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myaekingheart · 4 years
127. About a Girl
read the scarecrow and the bell on ao3 index | from the beginning | < previous | next >
               “So: how does it feel?” Chikara asked. She poured Sekkachi some tea from across the table, smiling politely. Sekkachi lounged in one of the nearby chairs, careful not to dirty the crocheted tablecloth with her muddy sandals.
               “How does what feel?” Sekkachi asked, poking at the cakes that she had not given Chikara permission to put on her plate.
               “Thirty!” Chikara replied as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. “You know, some might say you’re a full-fledged adult now.”
               “I feel just as much existential dread as I always have” Sekkachi replied flippantly. Her mind warped back to the voicemail and she mumbled under her breath, “Or maybe even more.”
               Chikara hummed under her breath as she took a sip of her own tea. “I’m sure your family was delighted to see you partake in traditions” she commented. “How are they? I haven’t seen them in so long.” She regretted not attending the party herself, but she had other matters to attend to. Deep down, Sekkachi would’ve preferred her absence anyway. The fewer friends for her family to embarrass her in front of, the better.
               “Just as fine as ever” Sekkachi said, shaking her head. “Tenjikubotan is still a whiny, lazy bitch, Roru has become clingier than usual, and if the scowl on my old man’s face gets any deeper, he’s going to look like one of those shrunken apple heads.”
               “I’ve heard Roru is planning to take part in the chunin exams next month” Chikara mentioned. “Her sensei Tekuno told me. That’s very exciting. I’m sure she’s interested in hearing all about your own experiences taking the exams.”
               “As if she’s going to learn much from me” Sekkachi scoffed. “I’m not a role model she should be looking up to anyway.”
               Chikara chuckled under her breath. “I think you’re more admirable than you give yourself credit for” she insisted. “After all, your resilience is unrivaled and you’re perhaps the most honest person I’ve ever met. Those are rare aspects that I think you ought to be proud of.”
               A shiver ran down Sekkachi’s spine at that word: proud. There was nothing worth being proud about. “Either way, she should look elsewhere” Sekkachi said sourly. “I don’t want to deal with her.”
               As accustomed as Chikara had become to Sekkachi’s trademark abrasiveness, there was a certain edge to her now that piqued the woman’s suspicion. Something must have happened and based on what she saw of their night at the bar, Chikara had a mild inkling as to what, exactly, it was.  
               “So did you call me here for a reason, or did you just want to waste time with small talk?” Sekkachi snapped, downing the last of her tea. Chikara smiled as she automatically poured Sekkachi another.
               “Well, seeing as it was your birthday a few days ago” Chikara started, “I thought it was only right to give you your present.”
               “Oh, come on!” Sekkachi whined, throwing her head back and groaning. “You didn’t have to get me anything. I don’t want anything.”
               “Too late!” Chikara grinned. She twisted around in her chair and reached toward the hutch behind her kitchen table, pulling out a large, wrapped box. “Now, Sekkachi, this was very difficult to find so I won’t take no for an answer.” She handed the box to Sekkachi, who skeptically took it to set on the floor in front of her.
               Sekkachi couldn’t even begin to guess what could be in a box that big nor did she think she really wanted it. She didn’t have much of a choice, however—Chikara was staring her down as she slowly ripped through the wrapping paper and punched open the cardboard box. She pulled out the blanket first, plush and plaid. Sekkachi made a face as she unfolded it, surveying it’s size, then peeked around it to look at her sensei. “A blanket? Really?”
               “That’s not the only thing in there!” Chikara replied, waving a hand to urge Sekkachi to continue. She watched closely as her student set the blanket aside and then reached back into the box to pull out a rather large reading pillow, the kind with plush armrests and even a little pocket in the side. “I know you already have one, but it’s been so long and I’m sure it’s gotten rather deflated by now” Chikara explained. “And if you press that little button on the side, it vibrates, as well! I’m sure that should feel nice on your back when you’re having a flare-up.”
               Sekkachi chuckled under her breath and shook her head. “If there was ever an old lady gift to give someone” she jested, shoving the presents back in the box.
               Chikara frowned at her response, though it was exaggerated and clearly fake. “Do you not like them?” she pouted dramatically.
               “They’re the absolute worst” Sekkachi replied, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She refused to outwardly admit that she actually loved them. Comfort items were important when she spent so much time in pain. If word broke out that she had a weakness for the soft and snuggly, however, she would never live it down. She had a reputation to uphold, after all. Badass bitches did not do cuddly.
               Fortunately, Chikara knew Sekkachi well enough to know that she would not only truly appreciate the gift but that her pride would also prohibit her from truly expressing her gratitude. “So” the woman then said, tenting her fingers as she gazed at her student across the table, “What does thirty look like for Sekkachi Fumeiyo? What do you hope to accomplish? What are your goals for the year?”
               Sekkachi snorted and muttered, “Not die.” Unamused, Chikara arched a brow and glared at her as if challenging her to pick a new resolution. There had to be something better to aim for, something more ambitious—even for her. Sekkachi tightened her ponytail as she added, “Listen, I don’t want to set any expectations for myself, alright? It’s only been a week and I’ve already fucked shit up enough.”
               “Oh?” Chikara asked, her curiosity piqued. “How do you figure?”
               “I just got drunk and did something dumb and now I have to suffer the consequences, I don’t know” Sekkachi complained. She really didn’t want to talk about it, truthfully, but she knew that if she had to talk about it with anyone—and really talk about it— it was bound to be with Chikara.
               “Might this have something to do with a girl?” Chikara asked and all the color paled from Sekkachi’s face before she grimaced in an effort to save face.
               “Yeah, because it’s always about a fucking girl, isn’t it?” she snapped back.
               “Don’t get so defensive, it was a valid assumption” Chikara replied, raising her hands in surrender. She hated to admit that it did, in fact, always seem to be about a girl. Not that there was anything wrong with that—Chikara was more than happy to help Sekkachi with her relationship issues. She enjoyed the intricacies of her student’s social life and her vastly complicated approach to love. It was like a strange little puzzle that she could pick apart and attempt to help clarify. Lifting her teacup to her lips then, Chikara added, “Besides, I may or may not have had the pleasure of being at the bar the same night you were, so I can say I saw some things.” A sly smile touched her lips as she took another sip of her tea. Sekkachi’s heart leapt into her throat.
               “Oh, fuck no” she groaned, slamming her forehead against the table. “Whatever happened, I don’t want to know.”
               “I rather enjoyed you and Rei’s little karaoke performance, though” Chikara hummed. “It’s always nice to see you two getting along so well.”
               “Yeah, I’d be lucky if that was the only embarrassing thing I did that night” Sekkachi whined. She had to admit, she did vaguely remember the karaoke performance. It was perhaps the only bright spot of her night from what she could recall. Performing alongside Rei brought back fond memories of their youth, when they would perform with Naru in espionage missions dressed in ridiculous little kimonos and flashy makeup. She hated the glamour of it all in the moment, of course, but in retrospect there was something bittersweetly nostalgic about it. At least in terms of the karaoke, she could perform what she wanted and on her own terms. She wasn’t there to be perfect or desirable, either. No one ever expected an award-winning performance from a bar karaoke machine. It was nothing but fun and games and the low-pressure environment (along with the booze) made it all the more enjoyable.
               Chikara smirked as she plucked another petit fours from the tray of cakes on the table. “And I thought you said you couldn’t remember anything” she mused.
               “It’s not about what I can and cannot remember” Sekkachi snarked, “It’s about the aftermath and what I did to cause it.”
               “Go on” Chikara urged with a wave of her hand.
               Sekkachi raked her fingers through her bangs and exhaled, exasperated. “I guess at some point I ran into someone I didn’t actually want to see and we must have flirted or something and exchanged numbers, I don’t know. I woke up to a voicemail.”
               A small smile touched Chikara’s lips as she popped another tiny cake into her mouth. “The girl with the third eye?” she asked.
               Sekkachi’s gaze snapped up, panicked and feral. “How did you know? Who told you? Was it Guy? I bet he spilled the beans, didn’t he? With his big, dumb mouth, fuck.”
               “No, none of this is Guy’s fault” Chikara replied. “You forget that I was at the bar that night, and so was she.”
               “Oh no” Sekkachi groaned, burying her face in her hands. It made sense: after all, how else would they have run into each other? Sekkachi knew for a fact that her and Guy did not go anywhere else that night. “What did you see? Was it bad? Do I need to go rogue now?”
               “Not at all” Chikara assured. The expression on her face proved that she was far too delighted with the situation at hand. “If anything, you both seemed to get along swimmingly.”
               “I think that might be worse” Sekkachi complained.
               “Oh, she was anxious at first” Chikara nodded, cleaning the icing residue off her fingertips with a napkin, “but after a while, she really seemed to warm up to you. Nothing could wipe the smile off her face, and she seemed very at home in your presence, and you to her.”
               “Yep” Sekkachi groaned. “Definitely worse.”
               “I don’t see what’s so terrible about it” Chikara shook her head. “If you enjoy one another’s company, then where’s the harm in that?”
               “Because I don’t enjoy her company, Chikara-sensei!” Sekkachi exclaimed. “I hate her fucking guts, I want nothing to do with her. And now here I am with a giant fucking mess I’ve gotta clean up that never should’ve been made in the first place. How am I supposed to tell her to fuck off?”
               “It’s never stopped you before” Chikara commented. “So what’s stopping you now? I almost get the feeling that you’re afraid of hurting her.”
               Suddenly feeling very transparent and vulnerable, Sekkachi pouted and dropped her eyes. “I’m not afraid of hurting her” she muttered sourly. “She can go jump off a bridge for all I care. Her happiness means nothing to me.”
               “Then I don’t see what the issue is” Chikara smiled softly. She knew exactly what was going on, and she was willing to milk the situation for all it was worth. After all, the only way to make Sekkachi admit her feelings to herself was to force them out of her. Long ago, Chikara had learned that the hard way. “You can go tell her to bugger off and then that’s the end of it. However she takes that is her responsibility.”
               “Because maybe I don’t even want to do that!” Sekkachi shouted. “Why do I have to tell her anything in the first place? Why can’t she just leave me the fuck alone? Maybe I should get Rei to do it. She sees the little creep all the time.”
               “And avoid the responsibility of your actions yet again?” Chikara cocked a brow. “Yes, that would be the easiest route but this is not Rei’s mess to clean up. It’s up to you to take responsibility for your actions, Sekkachi. No one else.”
               Rolling her eyes, Sekkachi leaned back in her chair and pressed the heels of her hands into her eye sockets. “I hate you for saying that” she complained.
               “I don’t even truly understand why you have to tell her to leave you alone in the first place” Chikara continued. “You two seemed to be having a perfectly lovely evening together. There aren’t many people whose company you actually enjoy, you know.”
               “Yeah, and you’re quickly losing your status as one of them” Sekkachi grumbled.
               “All I’m saying is that you’re thirty years old now” Chikara replied. “I just want you to start thinking more deeply on what you really want in life rather than just trudging from one day to the next avoiding all sense of responsibility and progression.”
               Excuse you, Sekkachi thought to herself and a sour taste filled her mouth. Chikara was proving to be far more brutally honest than usual today. It wasn’t a look on her that Sekkachi was very fond of. She supposed she had grown rather comfortable in her sensei’s otherwise soft, enabling advice.  
               “Or” Sekkachi started, and there was a certain edge to her tone now that proved Chikara had perhaps taken things too far, “You can accept the fact that I’m a fucking adult and can make my own decisions and live my life however I damn well please.” She slammed the cardboard box of her gifts shut and rose to her feet, hoisting it awkwardly into her arms. “I have the right to spend my life however I see fit, Chikara, and if that means living selfishly then so fucking be it. And I could care less about how other people feel about it, including you.”
               Chikara watched as she kicked the front door open and angrily departed, her heart aching. She never intended to hurt her feelings, but sometimes Sekkachi needed to hear the harsh truth. Frankly, she worried about Sekkachi—perhaps more than anyone else. While Rei was not perfect, either, she at least had someone to lean on. She had Kakashi’s unwavering support and Chikara felt safe with their union. Sekkachi, however, had a nasty habit of shoving away everyone who ever cared about her and this was no exception. Even now, Sekkachi was shoving away her.
               “Well” Chikara said to herself, tidying up the table and putting away the cakes. “She won’t be able to get rid of me that easily.” She carefully placed the petit fours in a small box and tucked them neatly into her refrigerator, then dumped the rest of the tea down the sink. “She’s bound to realize the hole she’s dug herself into sooner or later” she continued, but then paused as a sickening feeling filled her chest. Sighing, she added somberly, “I only hope it’s sooner rather than later.”
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Steps to Efficient Medical Billing
The new changes in healthcare have created new challenges for patients and providers alike. Reforms like changes to billing rules and regulations and introduction of value and quality based compensation models can result in revenue losses.
Similarly, patients’ are having a hard time paying the bills. This decline is a result of patients experiencing an increase in both out-of-pocket costs and deductibles.
In order to tackle these financial issues and potential compliance risks, practices will have to implement a more proactive strategy to their medical billing processes. By controlling these key issues, healthcare practices can increase revenue, ensure reimbursements, so they can continue to provide quality care to their patients.
Let’s take a look at some steps every healthcare practice should take for efficient medical billing:
Set a Step-by-Step Collections Process
All medical practices require a clear collections process to maintain a steady financial system that generates revenue. A step-by-step approach to managing collections will help clarify the process to all parties involved. This will improve revenue cycles as patients are thoroughly informed about their responsibilities.
All collections processes should follow these steps:
Set Clear Terms
Keep patients informed about paying their debts. Share details about their payment responsibilities mentioned in the ‘new-patient’ paperwork with regular reminders of their obligations.  
Keep Complete Records of Patients
Know everything there is to know about the patients. Organize and maintain a complete record with patient’s current address, cell phone number, email address, etc. It is crucial to obtain a photo ID of the patient during their first visit as that ID may be vital if a bill is required to be sent to a collections agency later on.
Verify Contact Information
Keep updated information of patients’ address and contact information. It is important to keep check of patients so no time nor money is wasted in sending mail to outdated addresses or calling invalid phone numbers.
Patient Consent for Automated Text Messages/Voicemail Reminders
Always include an agreement specifying for message and call reminders regarding billing matters in the patient paperwork.
Inform patients About Co-Pays
It is important to inform patients about their co-pay as it is vital. Ensure that the staff is well-informed in answering any inquiry a patient might bring up.
Regularly Verify Eligibility
Always verify patient eligibility and check their insurance card on every visit to avoid any claim denials. There are automated verification systems such as Real Time Eligibility verifications that can do the same job to reduce labor costs.
Upfront Collection
Avoid the hassle of paperwork by collecting co-pays upfront.  Always collect balances due based on the deductibles instead of chasing it later.
A Clear Payment Plan
Establish a sound payment plan to present before the patient. Be it credit card, cash or checks, make sure the patient is informed about what payment options are available.
Send Out Letters In Advance
Write a sequence of letters to send out to patients when their bill is coming due, is overdue, or is about to be sent to collections. Some people need several reminders before acting, and a physical letter carries more psychological weight than a voicemail message.
This may seem like a time-consuming procedure, however, setting up an efficient collection process will allow healthcare providers to receive timely reimbursement and reduce patient delinquency due to lack of knowledge or communication.
Properly Manage Claims
Insurance companies are strict when it comes to medical billing and coding practices because all medical bills are likely to contain errors. Any error found results in rejection. The task of editing errors and resubmission of bills can be time-consuming. This disrupts the financial stability as providers may go months on end without receiving their due service payments.
Common Errors
Thus, it is important to accurately input complete information and double-check claims for errors prior to submission. The most common types of error found in claims are:
Incorrect patient details
Incorrect provider details
Incorrect insurance details
Incomplete documentation
No Explanation of Benefits (EOB) on denied claims.
Missing claim number references on a denied claim
Missing or unclear codes
In order to reduce billing errors, ensure double-checks on claims prior to submission or notify providers if the provided information is incomplete, unclear or inconsistent. After a claim is submitted, make sure to check up on its processing with the insurance company’s representative as well as keep on changing the real time status by going through claim acceptance and rejection responses.
Double Check EOB
Aside from the errors listed above, make sure to check the EOB attached before resubmitting a denied claim. This can make it difficult for the insurance system to identify the errors. In such cases, call a representative of the insurance company to send the EOB and clarify what portion of the claim is problematic.
Reduce Coding Errors
Coding is an essential part of medical billing. It is the job of a medical coder to describe the procedures performed on a patient using standardized codes and explain the coding guidelines to the providers. This makes the claims to be decipher and processed with ease.
Common Coding Errors
Although this is a standard method, errors are likely to occur. Missing or incorrect codes are easily identified by clearinghouses but some common errors are hard to spot.
Non-Specific Diagnosis Codes
Due to stringent requirements, the most common error in medical billing are non-specific diagnosis codes. This is collecting information about a patient’s condition that was not documented by the clinicians or providing update on their condition.
Incorrect Modifiers
A common factor for lost reimbursement is incorrect usage of modifiers. Modifiers depend on the demands of the payer as provider will not receive reimbursement if there is a wrong modifier on a claim.
Upcoding and Undercoding
Aside from these frequent sources for coding errors, the most problematic ones are up coding or under coding. These are either accidental or intentional.
Up Coding
This is the addition or exchange of certain codes with the ones used for a more expensive procedure. This can happen by accident as a result of miscommunication between the provider and the coder; or it can be intentional, which is a criminal act.
Under Coding
Similar yet opposite to up coding, this is the omitting or exchange of codes with the ones used for a less expensive procedure. This is either due to lack of communication between the provider and coder, or it is illegally done by the provider.
Always make sure to double-check for coding errors before any claim submission. If the procedure details are vague, inconsistent or contradictory, contact the provider prior to assigning a code. Otherwise, cross-check with the medical coding resources to ensure the correct code is used.
Swiftly Deal With Rejected or Denied Claims
Before we get into the nitty-gritty, it is important to know the difference between a denied claim and a rejected claim.
Rejected Claim
A rejected claim is the one that is not yet processed due to one or more errors found in the claim. These errors prevent the insurance company from paying the due bill.
Denied Claim
On the other hand, a claim is denied if the insurance company has deemed the claim to be unpayable after processing. This is due to a violation of the patient–payer contract found or maybe an error found after processing.
In both the cases, the payer will have to return the claim to the biller, explaining the problem. While a rejected claim can be resubmitted after corrections, a denied claim is appealed before it is resubmitted — a long and costly process.
Check for errors to reduce chances of rejections or worse denials. However, in any case, it is important to handle the issue promptly. Stay in touch with the payer or their representative so they can help resolve the problems found in the original claim — providing accurate and up-to-date information on a current claim during processing. This helps to improve the claim editing procedure and reduce resubmission and appeal time.
There is Always Room for Improvement
The healthcare industry is always changing and it is vital to stay ahead of the curve. Practices should track of their billing company’s performance and keep up with the latest trends in healthcare regulations to find problematic areas to improve revenue and efficiency. For optimum performance and efficiency, practices should do three things:
Keep a Close Eye on Pending Accounts Receivable
Outstanding amounts owed to healthcare providers is something that needs to be constantly checked up on to understand the effectiveness of the collection process. Comparing figures from previous years and tracking quarterly amounts are an excellent strategy to manage the performance of a practice’s revenue cycle. This kind of analysis helps to identify the potential impact of any implemented procedures.
Stay Informed
The rules for medical billing are always changing. Keeping up with the trends require training and education. It is better to train the staff so they can stay top of the constant changes to medical billing and coding protocols.
Spot the Problematic Accounts
Set up a clear process of managing patient accounts so that data is easily made available for identification of any potential errors. Implement methods for tracking troublesome behavior such as constantly declined payments, sporadic changes in contact details or late payments. This helps to identify patients that require additional billing reminders.
Consider Outsourcing
While these steps help in implementing a proactive approach to medical billing, many healthcare practices often find themselves lagging behind. This is mainly due to the time, expenses and labor spent on catching debtors, editing and resubmitting claims as well as keeping up with latest trends and regulations. All these duties tend to exhaust even the most efficient medical practices.
In order to cut hefty costs, many healthcare providers are outsourcing their medical billing and coding duties to third-party experts — For many, this is a cost-effective solution to increase revenue and improve efficiency.
Count on MediFusion to Take Care of Medical Billing and Revenue Cycle Management
Consider outsourcing your medical billing to MediFusion. Feel free to ask our clients, why we’re one of the top medical billing and coding companies in healthcare. We are educated in the intricacies of medical billing to improve your revenue cycle management. Find out more about outsourced billing management benefits by speaking with one of our experts.
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Felix July - First Kiss (Felix Culpa)
When Felix had his first kiss, it had been an overall unnoteworthy affair. He would be surprised if anyone remembered.
Which was naturally why every detail of it was imprinted in his memory like cheap and ugly-looking stamp haphazardly placed on a child’s hand.
It had been for a photo shoot. He honestly didn’t even remember what specifically it was for. Something promoting a charity? Or a school? He remembered standing stiffly in this horrendous suit that was itchy, ill-fitting, and all too stiff. He remembered it was hot and much too bright—summer maybe? The air was hot and muggy, which only made the suit worse. And there was that girl—that stupid vapid brat of a girl who would insist on holding his hand no matter how little he did to reciprocate or how much he tried to pull away.
He was all of 9 years old, if he remembered correctly. And he hated it. He hated being there.
They were taking pictures and Felix wanted nothing more than to get it over with and go inside where it was cool and he could finally get some water. But the girl he was partnered with kept wasting time with her obnoxious voice and inability to follow simple directions, making the whole thing last longer than it needed to. No one seemed to notice or even really care. He was hot and dizzy, and looking back he was sure he had probably been suffering some manner of dehydration and heat exhaustion.
Then finally it was the last shot and Felix was relieved. Just one more, he had kept telling himself. Just this one last thing and he could go home and sleep in his room.
He remembered the girl’s loud voice all too close to him again calling out his name and out of reflex pulled his hands to himself to protect them from her grasp. He realized too late that it wasn’t his hands she was aiming for as he felt two sweaty palms grabbing his cheeks and a face mashing against his own in what he was afterwards informed was supposed to be some semblance of a kiss. Her lips were dry and while it may have simply been his childish imagination, even to this day he described them as being like plastic.
He heard a shutter go off. Followed by cheers. Like this complete invasion of his person was something to be happy about.
He was left confused. Dazed. Not out of awe or love but out of dizziness and panic because someone just grabbed him and forced her lips on his own and he wasn’t even coherent enough to know if he was okay with that or not. Nobody had mentioned a kiss in the pictures. Nobody had told him this would happen!
Felix was nine years old and had just been kissed. And all he wanted to do was push the little offender away and hide somewhere.
He remembered looking around in confusion, hoping someone could explain to him. But nobody did. They all just smiled at each other with big grins like this was expected or perhaps a nice surprise that none of them saw any problem with.
Everyone was so proud. “His first kiss!” One commented, not that the individual should have known or that it was anybody’s business in the first place.
They cooed and oohed and ahhed like it was something adorable and sweet and romantic before promptly forgetting about the whole thing and moving on to whatever else was unfortunate enough to catch their fancy.
But for Felix, the gross feeling remained. It lingered, even. That stale plastic feeling that remained on his lips no matter how many times he wiped and rubbed them. No matter what he did, the feeling never went away.
Even when he went home, it was still there. He washed his face a good three times to no effect. And he didn’t understand it. He was nine. No one had spoken to him about it or asked how he felt. And he could only reason that maybe it was because they weren’t supposed to? Or that it was something he was supposed to know and deal with? Maybe this was normal and that was why nobody talked about it?
So for a time, he was convinced that he had an allergy to kissing and made a note to avoid doing it again in the future.
He’d developed a bad habit of biting his lip after that. No matter how many times his parents or agent or photographers insisted he stop—because heaven forbid Felix bruise his precious lips, or worse, get an overbite! It took a good while to break himself of the habit, and that was only because of the constant interference of the adults he was forced to work with to stop him.
It all only furthered his dislike of people.
An ornate door slammed open as Felix barged into the beautifully but rather out datedly beautiful room.
He might have been relieved when he saw her, if it were not for the way she barely responded to him, instead remaining stationary at the window seat and oblivious to the world.
Felix groaned. Because of course the akuma had gotten to her as well.
Of all the stupid things—!
Why? WHY did Rossi have to go and mess up the theater performance?
It shouldn’t have mattered that Marinette had gotten the role of the Princess for the play, and to be fair, the girl hadn’t even wanted the role. But Adrien had been selected as the Prince—which Felix was inclined to believe might have have more to do with either some sort of behind the scenes bribery or that the Director had just been intelligent enough to figure that he would get more attention and notoriety by having the male model as the star. Either due to her own infatuation with the boy or because she knew full well what would likely happen with just about anyone else in her place, Marinette chose to keep the role. The Director was overall rather pleased, and the two seemed to do rather well in their practice together.
But Felix knew neither Bourgeois or Rossi were happy with the decision. He also know that at least one of the two was bound to try something to sabotage the play.
Unfortunately, Felix had put his money on Chloe, given her previous antics during Clara Nightingale’s music video. He hadn’t counted on Rossi pulling a particularly vindictive stunt and damage the set and costumes. Or that she would try to blame Marinette to try to get her in trouble.
They were just lucky the Director hadn’t bought her story, but it did still cause a major setback for the play and the Director WAS still rather upset about the whole thing. And that was all that was needed to create an akuma.
A reality-warping akuma of all things, and one with the power to recreate his “masterpiece” in the real world. So far, he’d managed to change the other students into a legion of knights and summon a dragon—though Felix had been pretty certain there wasn’t supposed to be a dragon in the story. Then of all things, the man had transformed the Bourgeois hotel into a castle.
One with a tower.
And stairs.
WHY did there have to be so many stairs?
How Felix had managed to break into the place was a mystery. WHY he had done so was an even greater one. He was fairly certain he had lost his mind somewhere in the midst of the day’s antics.
Except that wasn’t it and he knew it. No, he knew the real reason he had forced his way here instead of doing the sensible thing and hiding out until Ladybug and Chat Noir could defeat the akuma and return things to normal.
It wasn’t even the stairs—though heaven knew his legs no doubt hated him after trekking up to the top floor. No.
It was that he was only there trying to rescue her because she had taken a hit trying to distract the akuma from him in the first place.
Stupid guilt.
Stupid akuma.
Stupid Rossi, wherever she was. No doubt hiding somewhere safe and watching the madness unfold.
“Marinette!” He hissed, grabbing her arm. It was cold. Was she supposed to be this cold?
Dull blue eyes stared at him blankly.
“Marinette, we have to go!” Quickly. Before the akuma returned.
But she didn’t respond. If anything, she appeared altogether rather unconcerned with his warnings or even the fact that he was there at all. Which was particularly concerning, given the aforementioned AKUMA on the loose.
“My Prince will be coming soon. I must wait here for him.” Her voice was as empty as her eyes.
“Snap out of it!”
But she refused to move. She merely remained sitting in place by the window, either unaware or unconcerned with where she was, the akuma attack, or the current state of things.
That settled it, he realized. She was clearly under the akuma’s control. It made sense. Knowing Marinette, if she had been herself, she no doubt would have found a way out of here herself by now.
For a moment, Felix questioned if he shouldn’t simply try to force her to leave with him, but she was clearly under the Director’s control and fully intent on obeying whatever commands he had given her. He could attempt to carry her out, but even assuming she didn’t fight him, she would be little more than dead weight as she was—and that wasn’t including the extra weight from the dress and accessories she was now adorned with.
He would almost say she looked pretty. Almost. The outfit was clearly based on her design for the original dress, but when the akuma managed to grab her, it had altered the entire thing—making it more extravagant than it needed to be and with extra accessories. The mask seemed to fit her face perfectly, mostly pink but with extensive silver engravings. In turn, the headpiece she now wore was also made of silver and inlaid with pearls. The dress was pink and silver, and also adorned with a multitude of pearls and silver leaf engravings.
It was beautiful. But he couldn’t help but feel it had looked better when it had been her own.
He shook his head. Now wasn’t the time for this. He had to get Marinette out of here.
Felix glanced around the room, but there appeared to be nothing of use. Part of him idly noted that this was likely once Chloe’s room. He might have found it humorous if he wasn’t already stressed and focused on greater concerns.
He had to get Marinette out of there.
But how…?
He started running multiple plans through his head. Questioning the logistics and tactics of whether to try to simply pull her or force himself to carry her out when a certain…other thought came to mind.
It was a play, after all. One based on a fairy tale, if he recalled.
Now, Felix was well versed in books and tales enough to know how the fairy tales of old truly tended to end. But most people weren’t generally as aware—usually caught up in the Disney stories and happy endings. The Director, for all that the man took his art quite seriously, certainly appeared to be one of them.
And how did most people think fairy tales ended.
He groaned at the realization.
Why had Adrien had to go and disappear on him?
“Marinette, please!”
She remained unmoved.
Felix wanted to throw something.
Where was that blasted boy when he was needed? He had told the other blond they needed to get to her together, but the next thing he knew, he was alone and Adrien had just gone and run off somewhere!
At least Chat Noir had arrived to help, for all the good that did. But Ladybug was nowhere to be found. And while Chat could take down the akuma, he could do nothing to purify it or undo the damage caused if Ladybug wasn’t there.
They needed Ladybug. And if she was already taken down, then he needed another way to save Marinette.
‘True Love’s Kiss breaks any curse!’ He remembered the way his mother had intoned the words when she used to read to him. The way Rose had so naively insisted the same and how the Director had smiled in agreement.
It’s a reality-altering akuma. And if it can make reality work how it wants…
Felix groaned again in frustration.
This was why he had tried to bring Adrien here! Any fool could have seen how much Marinette adored him. And if this was supposed to follow the story, she needed to be kissed by her true love!
It was Adrien! It had to be!
And the idiot should have KNOWN that!
How could he remain unaware as to how the girl felt? Was he really that oblivious? Or was he simply trying to ignore it out of some perceived politeness?
Felix didn’t know. He really didn’t care. He just…
He just wanted Marinette to wake up.
A kiss to break a spell, right?
He caught himself biting his lip.
“I’m sorry.”
She merely continued to stare at him.
No, not even at him but through him.
And somehow…for all that he hated touch and especially kissing…
He hated that look on her more.
That damn blank look. Like a doll. Expressionless and empty…
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was always vibrant and full of life.
It was…one of the many things he admired about her.
He reached out slowly. Her eyes didn’t even seem to register his movements.
She should never look like this.
He took her face in his hands—her skin cold to the touch.
She should never feel like this.
He lowered his face to hers, eyes closed tightly and apologies screaming in his head.
Her lips were soft. Smooth.
He hadn’t realized how warm she could be before.
He pulled back, barely grazing her lips with his own as he waited.
There was a shuddering breath that he was sure wasn’t his. A gasp. The feeling of air on his skin.
And blue eyes. Shining and lovely.
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