#it seems to be a thing that's sticking lolz
onthewaytosomewhere · 2 months
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alright alright alright - so i'm getting this done now and using the tags i already got tonight thanks ever so much @theprinceandagcd & @priincebutt (and also for the sunday tag nico) 💚
i'm still on my southern philanthropy or liam/pez one night stand fic so that's what we're getting
Liam motions with his head toward the bar, and Percy nods; he feels Percy’s hand in his, and before he knows it, they’re in a roped-off area with its own bar. Percy leads him to a table with bottles of water and a bottle of some top-shelf whiskey with glasses on the table. Liam takes the water he’s handed and opens it, taking a swig as he watches Percy pour a couple of fingers into a glass for each of them over a couple of ice cubes. It’s interesting because he only knows two other people who drink it this exact way. Actually, he thinks it’s this exact brand; Henry’s made Alex’s taste in whiskey even more expensive than it used to be. It’s definitely not the Maker’s Mark they used to sneak in high school. The whiskey tastes smooth on his tongue, and Liam thinks about how other things might taste as well as he watches Percy’s mouth around the rim of his glass. As Percy’s tongue catches the drop of whiskey left on it when he pulls away his glass, he wonders what it might be like to follow that tongue with his own and chase the taste of the expensive whiskey into his mouth. He’s thinking about his tongue in Percy’s mouth as Percy says something he misses in his contemplation. The smirk Percy sends him alerts him to the fact that he missed something, and he pulls himself back to the moment and says, “I’m sorry, what was that?” “I was just wondering what you thought of the whiskey; from what I understand, whiskey is one of those things you southern boys drink; well, based on the accent, I’m assuming southern.” “Yeah, Texas.” “Huh, Texas boys and their whiskey, I guess,” Percy mutters under his breath and shrugs. Liam briefly wonders what he means by that but lets it slide for now. Maybe he’ll remember to ask later.
-- he won't remember to ask later lolz but he will figure out what he means
open tag for anyone who wants to play and other no-pressure tags beneath the cut cuz well, they still are messed up as far as i know lolz
also i got a stack of sunday/monday tags that i'm saying thank you so much for and well flinging them right back for wednesday tags 💚 @suseagull04 @taste-thewaste @tailsbeth-writes @firstsprinces @stellarm
@thesleepyskipper @bitbybitwrites @blueeyedgrlwrites @littlemisskittentoes
& adding some that might wanna play and some to just say hi @adreamareads @agame-writes @agostobuwan @anincompletelist @dragonflylady77
@duchessdepolignaca03 @england-would-fall @firenati0n @forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic
@heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inell @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway
@jmagnabo92 @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy
@mikibwrites @msmarvelouswinchester @nocoastposts @piratefalls @sophie1973
@thedramasummer @thinkof-england @tinyarmedtrex @typicalopposite @wordsofhoneydew
@yrsacdfox @cricketnationrise @cha-melodius @orchidscript @captainjunglegym
@eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @oxfordslutphase
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barbiiecams · 3 months
need to know
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drew starkey x reader, smut!, reader is younger and also JD’s little sister, she’s also tipsy but not drunk, kinda trash but hear me outtt 😭! & absolutely no hate to odessa i just needed a plot lolz, *not proof read*
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when you walked into the house party, the first person you were looking for was drew.
your brother, JD, was very close to him, so it made your life even better. if they hung out, you were hanging out too. and they were going to a party, you begged your brother to take you. even though you were an adult, some clubs (and some hosts of the parties) would only let a certain age in.
but now you had just turned 21, past the point of just being legal.
and now you just had to have your crush of basically 4 years.
when JD first got casted, you were so excited for him. you really did look up to your brother and admired him. because of the distance, he’d facetime you and tell you about all of the fun things he did, his fun scenes and etc.
it seemed genuinely fun, so when he asked you to meet the cast while they filmed season 2, there’s no way you would’ve turned that down.
he flew you out, helped you sort of “move in” to where he was staying at, and had you help him practice all of his lines. stepping onto the set was really nice, and so were all of the people.
everyone was so welcoming. the girls became your new besties and the boys saw you as their own baby sister as well.
but when it came to drew, being seen as a baby sister was something that almost… deflated you.
“and this is drew,” JD says as he finishes introducing you to the actors scattered all over the place.
when you locked eyes on him, you just felt your panties being soaked.
“nice to meet you,” drew smiles. blue eyes covered by his hair looking into yours and a hand sticking out. “what’s your name?”
you shook his hand, “y/n.” he nods at this before being called by one of the producers.
your shocked state might’ve been obvious, because your brother had to nudge you in the shoulder to get your attention back.
“you just turned 18, he’s 26 turning 27. don’t even think about it.” he gives you a stern look.
“think about what?” you feigned innocence. “you’re a weirdo.”
JD rolls his eyes, “yeah yeah whatever. come help me practice.”
you followed your brother over to wear his character chair was, but you couldn’t seem to get drew out of your head.
and now here you were. fast forward three years later and you were making the move. you just hoped he was actually interested and you wouldn’t embarrass yourself.
“don’t drink too much,” JD raised his voice over the music, “i wanna get wasted too.”
you rolled your eyes at him as he walked away and made it to the group of boys. you’re glad you actually watched him walk, seeing drew right there laughing and drinking.
as if he couldn’t get any more sexier, his hair was buzzed. usually, you weren’t attracted to the buzz cut. only some people could truly pull it off.
but it was drew, he could pull anything off. and when you saw him, you thought your legs were about to give out on you.
you had to really pull yourself out of thought. madelyn had spotted you and embraced you in a hug.
“hey girl! you’re finally of age!” she teased.
“i know,” you giggle. “where the drinks at?”
she laughs at you then brings you to a table where the rest of the girls are. they’re cheering, hugging you, and happy to finally see you and actually party, no rules pushed onto you.
“what’s gonna be your first drink?” laci asks with a smile.
“i want the hardest shit available.” you said, half joking yet half serious.
now all of you guys are really laughing. “getting bold i see.” madison jokes.
but that’s exactly what you get served. a gin and juice given to you all pretty and colorful, but when you took a sip, your face immediately scrunched up.
madelyn giggles, “drink it!”
“i didn’t know it was that strong!” you defend.
they’re laughing at your face while also trying to down their own hard liquor. you’re having such a good time, the headache you’ll have tomorrow morning is least of your worries.
you guys are all drinking and dancing, the time passing being the least of your worries. you’re on your second drink, and third shot of the night, and that’s when you realize you still haven’t said hi to any of the boys.
“i’m gonna go say hi to everyone else,” you tell the girls as you guys are settling back down from dancing. they all nod and watch you walk to the other side of the room, where austin is now chugging a beer while the rest of them yell “chug, chug, chug!”
as you’re walking over there, you seem to notice a girl with curly hair, standing next to drew.
‘interesting.’ you thought.
austin finishes and they’re all yelling for him. he turns around to your face and smiles. “baby sis!” he yells.
everyone turns to see you, and the screaming is now directed towards you. you were definitely walking out of here with a headache and hearing loss.
you gave them all individual hugs, saving the best one for last. (drew of course.)
“how are you?” chase gives you a pat on the back.
“more than good, i can see you are too.” you chuckle as you point out the spilled drink in his shirt.
he lets out a drunken huff, “yea blame your brother for that one.”
JD raises his head from a plate of wings he’s devouring. “you were in the way!”
you realize you’re still hugging drew, and he’s still got his arms around your shoulders. the thought ran through your mind that you looked like a little fangirl, but you didn’t care. hopefully when the night was over, you’d be doing more than just holding onto him.
he lets go of you, and you internally sigh. “you’ve been drinking?” he asks.
you nod, “not enough tho.”
he laughs at your response then turns to the girl you saw earlier, “odessa, this is y/n.”
“nice to meet you!” she waves. she’s pretty, but what was she doing around drew?
you didn’t have the guts to ask, and it would be a weird look if you did, so you left it alone and just mimicked her smile and wave.
“alright i just came to say hi, ill talk to you guys in a few!” you said, wanting to get away from them in a heartbeat as long as she was still around.
you walked away from them while they all were saying ‘see you in a few.’ getting back to the table with the girls, you immediately had to ask them.
“whos that girl with drew?” you said as you sipped your almost empty glass.
“odessa?” madelyn starts, “that’s his friend. they shot a movie together and have been close ever since. they look like a couple tho, right?” she says as she downs a piece of pizza.
hearing that made you feel good yet bad at the same time. they were only friends, yet people seemed to peep at the fact that they looked like more than just friends.
and you weren’t having any of that.
not wanting to speak any more of it, you just let out a ‘hm’ which seemed to go unnoticed.
“how come?” madison asks.
“no reason,” you lie. “they just looked really close.”
over the next two hours, you went from drinking, dancing, eating, then repeating then same process. it started to catch up with you, but that wasn’t stopping you. surprisingly, you weren’t that much of a lightweight.
walking and sort of tripping in between people over to the counter with drinks, drew’s there by himself filling up his glass. you weren’t sure were that girl odessa was, but you most certainly didn’t care to find out.
as you slightly stumble, he holds your arm as you get closer so you wouldn’t have to struggle.
“somebody’s having fun,” he laughs.
“i am, i’m not drunk just yet tho dont worry.” you giggle. you started to think your legs were actually giving out on you to the sight of him, and his hand on your arm wasn’t helping your case.
“take it easy,” he says, “JD isn’t the most sober either.”
he motioned his head over to where he was. you turned your head to see your brother doing a line of shots with everyone surrounding him, cheering and yelling some more.
“of course,” you mutter.
drew chuckles, “i got you, don’t worry.”
your stomach was doing flips at this point. his words affected you, even if they weren’t meant to be flirtatious. that’s how bad this attraction was.
it’s silent between the two of you for a second, until you decide it’s time to speak up. ‘now or never’ you thought.
“can i ask you something?” you turned back to him. he replies with a quick ‘sure’ as he put his phone down.
“are you and odessa together or something?” you blurted. maybe you should’ve reworded the statement, but the drinks had gotten your boldness up.
he seemed taken aback, “no, not at all. why?”
you didn’t have a lie for this one, “just wondering.”
he wasn’t moving on from that quickly at all. “i can tell that’s not full truth.”
that little thought came back into your head again. ‘now or never.’
“it’s just… i feel like i want you to see me more than just as a little sis.” you said. when you said this, you didn’t feel bad either. you’ve been wanting him for a good 3 years now, and you’d be damned if you let someone else get him before you did.
he’s not speaking for a good moment which makes you worried, then he finally says something.
“you’re gorgeous y/n, you know that?” he starts. you nod, but you were kind of freaking out at the same time, not really knowing where he would take it from here.
“but i’d think it be wrong if i saw you as anything else other than a little sister. you’re a lot younger, and literally the little sister of a close friend. i just don’t think it would work.” he explains.
fuck no. you were not giving up that easily.
you started to stand a little closer to him. “i’m 21! that’s enough past 18 if i can legally drink. and who cares about JD?”
“i know, i know. but JD most definitely wouldn’t like seeing his sister with his best friend.” drew tries to reason.
“i don’t care,” you drag out the word. “i’ve been crushing on you since i met you. i waited so long to finally tell you.”
you can see the light red start to form at his cheeks and the smirk come to his lips, “i’m flattered, really. but i’d rather not get my ass beat by your big brother.”
“please?” now you were really getting close by wrapping your arms around his neck. “it can be our little secret. no one has to find out. but i just need to know.”
drew’s starting to cave. he rests his hands on the sides of your hip. “need to know what?”
the smirk is starting to become more evident, and his voice starts to drop.
“how you feel, how you taste. i want you so bad.”
“you’re gonna get me in trouble, y’know.”
you don’t notice up until now how close your faces are. he lets out a sigh that sounds like he’s not going to let is guard down, but little do you know he’s been wanting to take you there just as long as you’ve wanted it.
“i’d be lying if i said i didn’t want to bend you over the minute we shook hands.” he said seductively.
“then do it now.” you tell him.
something you’ve been waiting on forever, he gives you a short kiss on the lips. he pulls back quick and make sure no one’s watching, but everyone is too busy drinking and dancing currently.
he rubs his hands up and down on your sides. “let’s go upstairs.”
it’s like a weight lifted off your shoulders. all these years of plotting finally paid off. you were so ready to give him whatever he wanted and have him take you however he pleased.
he held your hand as the two of you walked upstairs, getting to the most closest and available room, he opened the door for you and walked in behind you, locking the door.
he wasted no time either. as soon as the two of you were closed off, he started kissing you deep. forcing his tongue into your mouth, teeth clashing, and his hands working to get your pants off.
you definitely weren’t trying to waste a moment either. your hands immediately went under his shirt to feel his abs, and to take it off.
his hands worked fast. he got your pants off after pushing you down to the bed, and now your top was gone as he started to feel you through your bra. you were still trying to get his belt off.
he’s groaning into your mouth and it’s the hottest thing you could possible experience. “shit, i need to taste you. let me taste it baby.”
as he’s working to get your bra off, you finally managed taking off his belt and unzipping his jeans. he took down his own pants, then went straight to dipping his head down there and took of your panties, quite literally discarding them. he pushes your legs open and gets to work.
he opened your folds with his hands then put his tongue on you, which had you moaning in seconds.
drew knew exactly what to do with his tongue. you were already so worked up on him, and now he was eating you out like it was the first meal he’s ever had.
he brought a thumb up to your clit. “like fuckin candy, mama. so sweet.”
“drew!” you practically screamed out.
he moans against your clit, which really does it for you. “be as loud as you want, baby, nobody can hear us.”
and that’s exactly what you do. you don’t hold back your moans for a second.
he puts a finger in you and starts moving it quick, curling it while still using his tongue. he was a fuckin pro.
the release was coming quick, but he stops. he hears the sound of disappointment and sees it on your face.
he pulls down his boxers, “it’s okay. gonna make you cum around me as many times as this pussy can.”
that’s all he has to say for you to practically push yourself even closer to him.
and he was real big. you were almost afraid he wouldn’t fit. but right now, you had to have him in every way. you’ve craved him for too long and you didn’t care if it hurt.
he lines up with your entrance and rubs the tip along it. “you ready?”
“give it to me.” you say. he takes this as his cue to push his length inside you.
both of you let out a sigh when he goes in. he makes sure you feel every inch of him, moving in slowly then bottoming out completely.
“you feel too good, princess.” he groans. all you can do is whimper at how full you felt with him inside.
after a few moments of letting the feeling sink in, he starts moving. your breathing starts to heavy, and it feels like you’re on cloud nine.
“mhm, that’s right. feel me baby.” he says as the pace speeds up. he throws his head back and his hands squeeze your hips, holding you down and making sure you take it all.
he then plants a leg on the bed, fixing his position so he can hit it even deeper. you can’t even form words at this point. it’s just all moans and “ah ah ah” sounds.
you can feel him all the way in your guts. he’s in there so deep, going completely ham on your tight hole. it was so much that you reached your arms out to try and block his hips a bit.
drew wasn’t taking that. “uh uh baby. you wanted this right? you wanted to know. you wanted to be a big girl and take it, so that’s what you’re gonna do.”
“it’s so deep!” you’re able to blabber out. he puts his leg down and leans back on his knees, bringing you to sit up with him. now his hands are supporting your waist as your hands find his shoulders, holding on for dear life.
“i know it is baby i feel it,” he says against your mouth. “i knew you’d be a good girl for me tho, shit. taking this cock like a damn pro.”
as he thrusts up into you, he starts grinding your waist into him. this is a whole new feeling that has you really screaming out now.
“you like that, pretty?” he says into your ear.
“so much!” you mewl. he chuckles at the state your in. fucked out and filled with his cock.
“yea i know you do baby.” he says. “you just needed a real man to come and work you huh?”
he lets out a breath before continuing, “yea, you like your men with some experience. don’t you baby?”
you just let out more moans at his words, he knew what he was doing and he was proud.
you felt the orgasm approaching, and he could tell too. “you gonna cum?”
“yes!” you yelp.
“go ahead sweet girl. let me feel this pussy gush around me.”
when he gave you the ok, you let go. you were cumming and crying at the same time, everyone downstairs probably wondering where the two of you went. but did either of you care?
absolutely not!
“that’s it, good job baby. i knew you’d be a good girl f’me.” he says, thrusts slowing down to soak in all of your orgasm.
he laid you back down to get a few more thrusts in. now he’s chasing his own release.
“i’m gonna cum, sweetheart. you want it on your stomach?”
“anywhere,” you respond.
he looked shocked. “oh yea? what if i knock you up? then what are we gonna do?”
“i’m on the pill! promise.” you tell him.
his eyes squeeze shut. he was real close. “okay baby, here it comes.”
you feel the hot liquid squirt inside you and fill you up. you could almost cry again from how good it felt.
when he was done, he stayed inside for a little just to calm down. after that, he pulled out and laid down next to you.
“i’m glad you convinced me, best sex i’ve had in a while.” he’s still catching his breath but smiling.
you giggle, “it’s about time i got my hands on you.”
he laughs as well, holding you close and letting both of your bodies relax. “guess you’re all mine now.”
him saying that made your heart burst. it’s the only words you’ve been wanting to hear for so long. “i guess you’re all mine too.”
he smiles, but then you suddenly remember you’re at a party. “we better go back down before they start a watch party for us.” you said while getting up, trying to find where he even threw your underwear.
“right. we’re getting you a plan b tomorrow too.” he says, and you definitely have to agree.
but finally, that was your man.
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cocobirde · 6 months
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request. @Striped_Scheme on wattpad Requesting a JD x Reader where they've been dating since BroZone days but he kinda just left her with no goodbye and tries to reconcile and convince them to come help and save Floyd lol ("Technically we never really broke up"☝🤓) word count. 2.2k warnings. the word fuck lol. timeline. pre-trolls trilogy, pre-trolls band together. song. baby it's cold outside with some slight alterations (tell me he wouldnt. i DAREEE you.) a/n. honestly. idea was good, but my writing was not it so apologies but love u... thanks for reading lolz... probably rushed... (i do that alot in my writing how to not rush help me) no doubt ooc characters, characters will always be ooc.
"He's gone? What do you mean gone?"
Floyd could sense your distress. Panicked voice squeaking and your eyes darting all over the small backstage area for your boyfriend, on how exactly he could've left without you catching him.
You were in front of the stage, courtesy of being the partner of a band member, which was amazing but also granted limited viewing if they went too far back. From what you did see, the expressions were a solemn mixture of embarrassment, anger, disappointment.
You barely paid attention to the fans, who were also attempting to go in the same direction as you. Getting caught up in them took a whole lot of convincing the security.
But still, you were just at the door, and you heard him through it. Where had he gone? Was he okay? He fell from a very tall place in front of a crowd of fans, which was probably more damaging to him compared to actually getting injured—but not for you.
You watched him stumble backstage, stumble.
Baby Branch hid behind Floyd, wrapping the little leaf-sewn vest around his body, looking from his older brother to you, worried.
Where's the rest of the band?
"He just left. Everyone did. The band's..." Floyd paused, sighing, "BroZone's over."
You stood confused, your brows furrowing at his words. Over? How could they be over? This was just the start of their world tour. The band couldn't just break up over one failure.
They weren't that fragile, were they?
You loved all the brothers; they were like your own family, but your worries were set on only one of them for the time being.
"Did J at least say where he was going?"
Floyd nodded his head but remained unsure of what your thoughts would be on his answer. He glanced down at baby Branch, who was huddled around his leg.
"He was upset, really upset," he explained. "Said he was going to go hiking to the Neverglades... alone."
The change in your face told him everything, and he was quick to extend his hands in front of him. "But John Dory always says crazy things like that, and he never goes through with them. I'm sure he probably just went up to The Point."
That did seem like a logical explanation, and it was. Floyd may not have been the oldest, but he always had reason and logic behind his smart words.
"You're right." You were still stressed, no doubt, but that calmed your fears down. "Are you guys gonna be okay?"
Floyd spared another guilty glance at Branch and nodded, offering a soft smile and urging you to go look for your lover.
The troll tree was huge, and even with its large size, it was hard to find any area that wasn't already occupied. Trolls made sure to take advantage of all their space; it was their home, and they made the most of it.
But even with every taken, there was one place that was free from everyone else.
A special spot reserved for you and your lover.
The Point.
Little knew about the spot, and those who did ensured it remained private.
Hidden in the leaves was a branch sticking out high enough to conceal the ugly Bergen town that surrounded them and gave them access to the beautiful night sky.
You and John Dory liked to go there a lot. Whether it be dates or to blow off steam (not like that for the weirdos), if he'd go anywhere after an accident like today, he'd go there.
He was very athletic and made a show of it whenever you'd go together, carrying you up. Bridal style or pulling you up with his strong locks—the point was, you had trouble going up on your own.
It took a while—a hard struggle—but it'd be worth it to see your boy up there and cheer him up.
They couldn't just break up; they just needed their leader to see that.
"John Dory?"
You called upon reaching the top, pushing the heavy leaves out of your way, careful not to slip off the branch.
"Baby, are you here?" Your voice was soft; you didn't want to alarm him. He could be really sensitive sometimes.
That thought brought a faint smile to your face. A smile fell upon the realization that he wasn't up here. If not up here, where could he have gone?
Knowing JD, you doubted it. If this was as serious as Floyd had put it, as serious as he looked, he wouldn't have just gone home.
And so your search ensued.
You spent days looking for him. Not a spot in the tree was untouched or unsearched by you. Somehow, the troll had just disappeared. No signs. No letters. No goodbyes.
He left you alone to suffer. Wondering where he'd gone, if he was okay, and if you guys were okay.
It was a coincidence, truly.
How on the day you reminisce when he left you without even a word explaining his sudden disappearance all those years ago was the same day you'd find John Dory on your doorstep.
"Come on, baby, could you let me in?"
"Baby?" you scoffed, remaining with your back slammed against the door in exasperation. "You lost the right to call me that a very long time ago."
One moment you were having a nice day, reading a nice book by your fireplace, enjoying the pitter-patter of rain outside, and the thunder struck, shaking you in the best way possible.
And the next...
"It's cooold..."
He whined, banging on the door desperately.
You couldn't bear to look at him; the second you already spent doing so when you opened the door was enough. He had a face that you'd never forget.
How'd he even find you?
"Go. Away." you growled.
"But it's cold outside."
You clenched your jaw, glaring at the door handle as he shook it. JD used little effort to push at the door; by the weight of it, he could tell you were against it. Not that it mattered.
He was strong; he could easily open it if he wanted to.
"You simply must go."
"Baby, it's cold outside."
If John Dory thinks a little singing is enough to serenade you, he is more of an idiot than you are already aware he is. You weren't a teenager helplessly in love with a silly musician from next door, you were grown.
His tricks weren't going to work on you.
"The answer is no."
"But baby, it's cold outside."
He put more pressure, pushing, and you cursed for the lack of a lock on your door.
Trolls don't do locks! They don't have anything to worry about!
Except ex-boyfriend's trying to come in and ruin your life all over again.
"The welcome has been-."
"You should feel so lucky I dropped in."
You rolled your eyes, sarcasm dripping with your words, "So nice and warm."
He pushed the door, slipping a leg in to stop it from shutting completely, peeking a crack. You groaned and peered through it at him.
Sharp glares were directed at him, and gosh, if only looks could kill, he would've dropped dead right now.
He looked stupid.
Stupid puppy eyes with his stupid goggles and a stupid pout on his stupid face. He was soaked from head to toe, the rain falling on him more and more every second he stood outside.
My, did he look pathetic?
He shrieked, desperation on his face and voice, jumping at the loud crash of thunder, lighting up the dark sky.
He turned back to you, singing rapidly.
"Look out the window at that storm!"
"Ugh, okay! Come in!"
His face lit up, the door swinging open, and he rushed in, soaking your carpet with rain as you shut the door behind him, slamming it hard enough that the whole house shook with force.
He glanced at you in surprise, getting a glare in return.
JD opened his mouth to speak, obviously nothing nice with the smug look on his face, and you were quick to shut him down.
He clamped his mouth shut, smirking and holding his hands up in defense. "I wasn't gonna say anything."
You urged with a pointed finger, walking off to your bathroom in search of a towel.
"Yes, your majesty."
You hated him with every fiber of your being, but you weren't cruel. He might've been, but you weren't. Any troll would do the same as you; offer him some refuge from the storm outside.
Returning with a towel, you didn't bother passing it to him, tossing it and smacking him right in the face.
Maybe you were a little cruel.
He reacted with a huff, taking it and wrapping it around himself, not bothering to dry himself like ordered, but more like a shelter from the cold.
"Is that how you treat your boyfriend after all these years?"
John Dory tutted, shaking his head in disappointment as he took a single step in your direction.
"Boyfriend?" you scoffed.
"I mean, technically, we never broke up."
Oh, you wanted to punch his little ugly face so bad.
"You disappearing without saying anything was us "technically" breaking up." You did air quotations with another roll of your eyes, speaking before he did, exasperated.
"Why are you even here, John Dory?"
He stayed silent for a few moments, pondering what exactly to say. What could he say? He knew it was stupid of him to even come in the first place. He knew you'd be angry, upset, but not like this.
You didn't look the slightest bit happy to see him.
His smugness dropped along with his shoulders, and he took a breath.
"I need your help."
He looked dead serious. So serious.
You shook your head, your lips curling up in disbelief. "You need my help. Right." your arms crossed, "You leave, disappear off to who knows where, say nothing, suddenly come back after 20 years, and you decide you want my help?"
A short and dry laugh left you.
John Dory really was unbelievable.
"I knew you wouldn't want to see me..."
"I don't want to see you." You cut him off with a grimace, ready to say more-
He had that same desperate look.
Honestly, it brought you back. It brought you back to all those years ago, when both of you were young.
John Dory was always a terrible boyfriend, cocky and arrogant, bossy, too busy with BroZone to give you the time you needed. It hurt you. You loved him so much, and he didn't seem to always reciprocate those feelings. And each time you guys would argue and break up, he would be the first to return with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
"Leave me alone, John. You can't just come back and expect me to accept you. That's not how life works! If you wanna be in a relationship, you have to commit-..."
"Can you please just listen?"
He stared at you with a small pout, furrowed brows, eyes pleading into yours for you to give him a second chance. His stupid, loving eyes knew exactly how you worked. How exactly to work you.
The only difference right now was that he came empty-handed.
Nevertheless, it effectively shut you up.
"I fucked up all those years ago, I know. I fucked up leaving you. That's the biggest mistake I've ever made. I should've said goodbye, apologized, invited you to come with me- I should've done something!" He ranted, "But I didn't. And I just left..."
John Dory expected you to say something. One of your snarky remarks and cut him off, tell him he's wrong or right, and degrade him on what a terrible person he is because he is well aware of it.
But he's trying.
"Baby, you of all trolls know how terrible I am at apologies," he sighed.
And you didn't bother to correct him on your name; looking at him up and down, eyes still narrowed. You were still angry, you'd probably be angry for a very long time, but for the moment... you'd put it aside.
"What do you need help with?"
His face lit up, beaming at you at your acceptance, not denying him completely, not shunning the troll out, and kicking him back into the rain. You were hearing him out.
You noticed the look and huffed, "Just because I'm asking does not mean I'm going to say yes."
"Floyd's been kidnapped."
Your expression softened, and your mouth fell open in a quiet gasp.
"I got a letter from him saying he got kidnapped by popstars Velvet and Veneer." He went on and explained the story about how he went to see him and help him escape, only to fail: "-The only way to free him is by singing the perfect family harmony."
You loved Floyd to this day. It'd been years since you'd last talked to him, heard of him at all, but the same amount of affection you felt for the troll remained.
"I need to get the band back together. And... I really can't do it on my own. I'm not sure if they want to see me any more than you did-."
You cut him off a lot.
"I'll help," he grinned. "But not for you. For Floyd. Don't think I've forgiven you yet."
"Shut up."
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solaanas · 1 year
𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞.
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pairing, ellie williams & black reader!
summary, ellie was such a fucking tease especially when all you wanted her to do was touch you.
warning (s), established relationship, oral (r receiving), slight mention of weed, face sitting (tehe🫦🤭), slight praising, a little fluff if you squint lolz, and ellie being a dick🙄🙄
didi's notes, all i've been doing for the past two weeks is reading ellie smut INTENSELY. it's time i make one of my own.
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"if you really want it, you would beg for me again," ellie whispered, her breath tickling your inner thigh. you moaned at her statement, throwing your head back at how sexy her voice sounded.
she'd been at this for what felt like hours; just torturing you and getting so close to touching you before pulling her hand back, saying that you didn't want it enough since you weren't begging for it the way she wanted you to.
"i do want it- els, please," you moaned out pathetically, sitting up once ellie's hand came in contact with your clothed cunt. "tell me what you want, baby." she wet her lips as she said this, taking her hand away from your bottom half as she rubbed your thigh teasingly.
you told her what you wanted a thousand fucking times. she just liked hearing you say it because she loved how flustered you'd become whenever she asked you that fucking question. "ellie, stop fucking playing. you know what i want."
she shook her head: "nah, i don't think i do. you wanna remind me?" ellie looked up at you with hooded eyelids, the weed she'd smoked earlier finally taking effect. "want you to touch me, ellie," you finally said in a whisper, looking everywhere but at the girl between your thighs.
"huh? i'm sorry, baby, i couldn't hear you. say it again for me," ellie moved closer to you, peppering kisses on your neck as she kept a hand on your waist. "i want you to touch me, ellie. please- just make me feel good." you say this a little louder this time, the soft pants in-between each word you say made ellie groan softly.
"since you asked so nicely-" ellie placed a kiss on your lips before she took off her shirt, leaving her in just her sports bra. she then laid herself out on the bed, making you curious as to what she had planned. "what are you doing?" "you're gonna sit on my face," she smiled, causing you to roll your eyes at how excited she was. "c'mere."
she motioned with her fingers, making you slip off your panties and throw them somewhere across the room. you climbed on top of her and aligned your pussy with her face, gripping the headboard as you took in a deep breath.
"you're acting as if we've never done this before." "i know we have, els. you just gotta gimme a minute-" she chuckled at your response as you finally lowered yourself down her face, a moan immediately coming out of your mouth once her tongue came in contact with pussy separating your folds.
"fuck..." your fingers became intertwined in the girl's auburn hair, letting her tongue work wonders on your clit. soon enough, you began to ride ellie's face, wanting more than what she was already giving you. this felt like fucking heaven, causing even louder moans to come out of your mouth. with ellie's nose bumping your clit at just the right angle, you were bound to cum in the matter of seconds.
however, ellie wasn't gonna let that happen. she wanted to take her time with you; make you feel the way you deserved to feel. the last thing ellie wanted was a quick nut from you, but by the way you were moving, it seemed like that was all you wanted.
you were too caught up in your own pleasure to notice that she'd been telling you to slow down, finally getting the memo once she slapped your thigh. you yelped, finally realizing that she stopped lapping up at your juices. "slow down," she chuckled, bringing your pussy back down onto her face as you mumbled an "okay."
ellie quickly went back to pleasuring you, sticking her tongue inside of you as her nose bumped your clit once again. with how sensitive you already were from your actions prior, this made you go feral, letting out a loud moan as you threw your head back: "shit, ellie." you closed your thighs around her head, making her groan and then chuckle.
"am i making you feel good?" she muttered under you, making you nod your head quickly: "yeah, shit-" your fingers found their way back to her hair, pulling on it whenever she sucked on your clit. "ellie-" "i know baby, i know. just wait a little while longer for me, yeah?"
you decided to abide by her orders, holding back your climax as you kept your eyes shut. ellie saw this and tapped your thigh softly, causing you to open your eyes and look at her. "keep your eyes on me. i wanna see your face when you cum."
even though her speech was muffled, you were still able to comprehend every word she said perfectly fine. you nodded at her statement, trying your best to not let your pleasure overwhelm you so you could keep your eyes open.
"els, please. i can't hold it anymore-" you pleaded, looking ellie straight in the eyes as you said this. "let it out for me then." those words alone made the knot in your stomach unravel, causing you to let out a series of high-pitched moans as you came.
ellie watched as your eyebrows furrowed and how the grip on her hair became tighter once you released, causing her to grip your thigh and releasing moans of her own into your core. "that's it. good girl. let it all out f'me," she said, helping you come down from your climax as she licked you up proudly.
once ellie made sure that she'd licked every drop from you, you rolled off her face and plopped right onto the bed, looking at the girl as you caught your breath. her face was covered in your slick, causing you to let out small laugh.
"what?" "you got a little something right here." you pointed to her face and she rolled her eyes, shoving you playfully as your smile got wider. "oh, shut up. you did this to me."
"oh really? i don't recall. you wanna remind me?" you got closer to her side and traced her tattoo, a devious smile playing on your lips. ellie quickly noticed your motives and got back into position: "come and sit on my face then."
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Tell me about the process of writing trr 👀
Thank u so much for indulging me 😭
Um. This got very long. So most of it's going under a readmore.
One of the first things I did when I started TRR was come up with three principles for writing autistic!Halt, which I stick to every time I write him:
Halt is an autistic character, not a character who happens to have autism. Essentially meaning: Halt's autism must affect the narrative. TRR (as well as many recent one-shots) would not be the same stories if Halt was neurotypical, and I figure if I did write something where Halt's autism didn't affect the story, then I've written it poorly
Halt's autism can't be discarded for the sake of the story. Pretty self explanatory. In a lot of media with autistic-coded characters, they're portrayed as weird and having some social difficulties or weird interests in a way that can be summed up as being "lolz so QUIRKY 🤪", but those traits can be highly inconsistent depending on what the plot needs. I was determined to not do that in TRR.
Halt's autism is value-neutral. There's two broad camps that a lot of autistic rep or autistic-coded characters fall into, mainly depending on the genre they appear in. If they're in a more serious story, the focus tends to be on how much of a problem they are for their caretaker, and if they're in something comedic, the focus will be on how much of a jackass and/or how clueless they are and the basis of the humour will be other people responding to this. In either case, we're supposed to sympathise with the non-autistic characters and relate to how difficult dealing with an autistic person is. The other alternative is that we get an inspiration-porny depiction of autism where the autistic character is so saintly and good and wonderful and inspiring, which is also pretty damn dehumanising. So for TRR, I tried to avoid both those extremes. If characters had problems with Halt's autistic traits, that was their fault - any problems they have with him are part of a failure to accommodate him, or because they pushed Halt out of his comfort zone. Of course, Halt would have to meet them half-way here: if he's rude, he does have to realise that and apologise for that rudeness. At the same time, Halt isn't better than anyone else by virtue of being autistic. He's not an inspiration to them, nor is he there to teach them how to be better people: he's just another character, just like any of them. Maybe I haven't always pulled this last principle off correctly, but I try.
The rest is going under a cut sorry :"D
Another thing I did really early on was settle on what Halt's autistic traits would be. In canon, Halt dislikes loud noises, doesn't seem to look at people very much, he can talk for a long time on things he knows but doesn't otherwise speak very much, and he loves archery - he's one of the Corps' best rangers. Using this as a basis, I decided Halt has noise sensitivities, generally avoids eye contact unless he knows people well, and that archery is one of his special interests. I wanted to make Halt slightly touch adverse, so I gave him my trouble with being touched around the shoulders. Finally, based on how many times Halt gets quiet and avoids people in loud situations, I decided to have him shut down instead of melt down when he starts to get overwhelmed.
And then I had to decide how to actually write that autism - as in, like, the mechanics of writing. There's a subtle difference between how Halt's POV scenes are written versus everyone else's. When I write from Halt's POV, I don't typically include any emotion from other characters unless it's very obvious, or I describe body language without much detail. If Halt meets someone for the first time, the other character will be described with a hair colour and maybe their general build and that's it - Halt doesn't like looking at faces much, so you won't get details like their eye colour or distinct facial features. This means a lot of perspective-hopping, because if the other characters' emotions are important to the scene, then I either can't tell it from Halt's POV or I need a scene afterwards that backtracks slightly to explain what we missed. I also try to focus more on the information coming through Halt's senses - what he's hearing or feeling, for instance. It was the only way I could think of to actually get across social difficulties and what having sensory processing disorder feels like, lol
More recently, I reread RA's two prequels (which cover the same timespan as TRR) and made extensive notes on the plot/characters...fully knowing I would need to discard 85% of it for TRR. I can at least make shout-outs to it, or use it as a basis for what I write. I turned those notes into a 41 page document that describes characters, locations, and events, complete with sub-headings!
WHEW okay thank you for enabling me :D I mainly focussed on character creation i know but i had the most to say about it 😭
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dangandisiacs · 9 months
“sickly sweet.” nagito komaeda + reader
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cw: emetophobia, gender neutral reader, sick fic
a/n this isn’t fetish i swear :p also i’m not right in the head - sort of long? kinda gross lolz. this is depraved as hell.
- mod phenomena
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The past few days had been difficult. Nagito had caught a bad case of the flu. (no matter how many times he assured you he could take perfect care of himself, you stayed anyway.) Whatever he had, you had too. Miraculously, you hadn't come down with a single sniffle. Disregarding the concerns of something more serious, he seemed to be perfectly honest.
The bedside table you shared was littered with all sorts of pharmaceutical paraphernalia. (anything but the casual KY lubricant that had been pushed to the side.) "You don't have to do that." Nagito's raw voice pitied you from your side. "I don't have to." You reasoned, tilting your head to meet your poor love. His chapped lips quivered open to speak, but you were quick to interrupt. "I want to." You smiled. (not taking any of his words too seriously.) You scooted in closer, residing just by him on the bed. Your thigh would rub against his clothed hip, unknowingly teasing him with what he had been deprived of. (only a few days?! that was far too long. even the sight of your pretty face was enough to make him worse.) Your movements were careful and slow. You hadn't rushed a thing. You put tender care into everything you were doing.
You pressed the wet cloth you had recently ringed out against his cheek, carefully patting off any of that sticky sweat. "A fever you can't sweat out, huh?" You frowned, bringing it up to his forehead. Nagito lifted his wrist to feel for your fingers, pressing it against yours.
(a soft hum from him when feeling your warm skin. the only thing separating your pretty hands from his forehead was something that would actually make him feel better.) "Why don't you leave me here? .. I'd certainly die happy. Intensely happy." He worked himself up, using whatever voice he had left to tell you that. He feebly sat up more in an attempt to continue this delirious nonsense. (it was sweet.)
"Nagito, You don't mean that." You poorly hid your smile, pulling the cloth from his forehead. It was hard to discern what was cool water and what was warm sweat. (leaving stray hairs to stick to the washed-out skin. he looked terribly feverish. but still pretty to you..) "I wouldn't lie to you. I'd be so happy to die this way ... at your hand.." He continued, wheezing out a raspy laugh. "At your care .. Out of the pure kindness within you. You pity me.." His voice softened at the end of that sentence.
"No. I don't pity you, Nagito." You assured, focusing on the thermometer you had sifted out from the bedside table. "You do pity me. You only do this with me because you look down on me. " He craned his sore neck down, groggily leaning against your arm. You patted his bare back, rubbing the palm of your hand against the sweat-drenched skin. Indefinitely burning hot. (hadn't you gotten used to this?) "I'm ruining this .. This could be the last time we ever speak?!" He leaned off of you with pure devastation striking his sickly being. (each time he sat up, he felt so nauseous! but speaking to you was more important.)
"It's not .. " You let out a hitched breath, running your fingers up his spine. (a pathetic groan from him. (rejection of your words? he was putty in your hands every time you touched him. that was nothing new.) “Sweet - You're gonna make yourself sick." You pressed your free hand to his chest, gently pushing his back to the properly set up pillows. "Hahah.. y/n is so nice to me." He giggled to himself. Though he did comply with you. He took in deep breaths, glancing down at the hand pressed against his warm chest. You didn't need a thermometer to know the extent of his fever. (healthy or not, he was like that.)
Nagito spoke your name in low words, reaching for your wrist. "You're so good to me." He bit down on his lower lip, peeling at the chapped skin. "You show me what it's like to feel cared about." He uttered, taking hold of your wrist. Enough to press his thumb against it. Enough to feel that pulse of yours. The blood coursing through your arteries. "I love you - love you so much." He paused the chewing of his lip, bringing your hand up to his face. Very warm. "I love you too Nagito." Your smile was weary. "But, you're burning up.." You were concerned, hastily pressing your palm down. (just as he had.) Weary eyes met yours and narrowed with his proclamations. (it isn't like you didn't know he loved you. he was only speaking it into existence once more. even if he wasn't feeling all that right.) "I love you dearly, I love you so, so-so much- with everything that's left of me.." He nodded, leaning against your palm, rubbing it against his cheek. It felt very nice.
"It's alright .. I love you too." You gave into his desperation, rubbing your thumb against his face. (the best you could, with his attempts to feel your palm as close as he could to his blotchy red complexion.) "I could die," Nagito sniffled hard and let out an exhausted breath. "I could die right now in this very bedroom, and I'd be luckier than I've ever been in my entire life," He hummed, uncomfortably shifting his weight before you. Rubbing. Rubbing your hand against his face. His stomach was aching. But not from the flu.
"Nagito," You glanced down to the thermometer in your hand, (which was now prodding his temple. It wasn't like he minded.) "Can you let me take your temperature?" You asked of him. "I'm sorry-" He pouted like a near child. Nonetheless, his trembling fingers released yours. "Thank you." You scooted back a little and rested a hand on his thigh. (you could feel the sting of sickly sweat from beneath the fabric of his boxers.) Even if he was feverish out of his mind, it was warming to hear. Or concerning.
He was very obedient. Blinking tear-glossed eyes right before your own steady gaze. Your hand on his thigh was so cold (compared to his skin,) and all he wanted was for you to just touch him. "Can you open your mouth for me?" You asked, teasing the stick of the thermometer before it. Those words gathered a twitch of his leg under your hand (and a twitch of cock. uncomfortably feigning friction against his boxers. at this rate, he could puke on you right now. let alone fuck you. your pretty fingers were burning right into his skin. why was this coming onto him so suddenly? it wasn't very hard to fornicate Nagito up like that.)
You didn't know his complexion could burn any warmer. No, this was his attempt at lending you his charisma. (teasing. badly.) "Oh-! You're so straightfowaa-h" You crammed the thermometer stick into his open mouth, interrupting whatever innuendo he was pulling on you. (usually, it was him begging you to open your mouth. what he would do to have the smothered cock of his inside your throat? squeezing around the lathered mucus and gags-) You tapped your finger against the end of the thermometer, eyeing down the digital numerals after each second. "Nagito, It seems the only way to keep you quiet is to fill your mouth up, isn't it?" You playfully teased, softly laughing at your own remark. (damn you!)
He didn't laugh. Instead, he only shifted his weight and leaned back further against the pillows propped up behind him. This was embarrassing. He had already pushed the covers off himself! This left only a pair of boxers on him in the cool bedroom. The amount of time waiting on that thermometer felt like hours. He wanted it to be over! He was growing nauseous just thinking of how disgusted he'd feel when desperately jerking himself off once you left the room. What made him feel even more guilty, was the fact that he wanted you to in this state.
What odd solace he found in the high-pitched beeping thermometer! You hummed, slowly drawing the stick out from his mouth. It was wet with saliva now, dribbling down his chin when you removed it. "Ah - Ah .. " You tutted, mindlessly wiping his mouth when checking the little screen. "Look at that." You turned the thermometer around for him to see it himself. "You poor thing." You frowned, glancing down to set the thermometer back to the cluttered bedside table. (to Nagito's dismay. it wasn't pleasant to see.) "Is there anything else I can get you? Do you want something to drink? Did you want to try a bath?" You asked, glancing back to meet his face. "No, No .. You don't need to do anything for me." He looked away from you. He was utterly ashamed of how badly he wanted you to touch him.
It really had been days since Nagito had stuffed you full of his cock. (or let alone, let you fuck him.) "Are you sure?" You questioned, absentmindedly rubbing your palm against his thigh when moving closer. He opened his mouth to speak, but that unwarranted friction only choked out a pleasured noise from him. "Forgive me-" He gasped, twitching in his bottoms. "Oh .. Naughty, naughty." You pressed your palm against his thigh, pushing the fabric of his bottoms up enough to feel his bare skin. "Do you want me to-?" You lowered your voice. (leaving the rest of your sentence to the wandering imagination.)
"Accommodate me," He swallowed mucus as he pulled himself up. "Ruin me. Please?" He asked of you. Desperate for your touch. (he felt so warm - and heavy - and most of all nauseous. the stirring below his waist was killing him.) "You want me to make you feel better, Nagito?" You asked, rubbing your hand in towards his inner thigh. Oh, god. Rubbing. That's all he needed! But more! Not there!
He let out a half-pleasured, half-frustrated sound, grasping at the waistband of his boxers. Yes! His stomach was in knots mixed with debauched pins and needles. He desperately tugged down his boxers. His breaths were shallow and hitched. "Please, Please-" His thighs trembled, (excited to a pathetic extent.) resisting the urge to handle his aching on his own if you wouldn't in time. “Nagito," You said his name in an airy breath, sweet and playful, rubbing those fingers of yours between his thighs. The sight of his stiffened length before you was nothing new. Desperate for some sort of friction. A pitiful groan, his hips trembled as you inched in closer to his cock. "How pretty." You smiled delightfully, lifting your fingers inches before his twitching sex. What pretty pre-cum that had drooled and tainted his boxers seconds before. "Compliments? You're so nice -" He laughed, grasping at the sheet beside him. They say to relax when you're ill. He was not relaxed in the slightest. He was tense. So painfully wound up.
You took note of his pathetic expression. He was anxiously awaiting your next move. Sweat ran down his temples, leaving an ill look on such a blotchy face. It wouldn't be long until he was whining about how good you really were to him.
With a quick salvia-drenched suckle of your fingers, you ran your fingers down his sore cock. Pressing down with every pulse you felt. "You're so good to me .. Nnmn-" He was in awe when staring at your precious fingers. Once they began properly stroking his cock, each pump squeezed out a wheezing whimper from him. "So kind. So generous-" He hissed at the 's'. You really were generous! You squeezed him with every hard pump. You were giving him exactly what he needed. His hips trembled, squirming like he had never felt the touch of another person before. He reeked a certain musk with every buck of the hips against your wrist. Something from lacking a bath. Something that always mesmerized you.
Your saliva left every stroke to be sickly smooth and slick with twitching throbs. Which you'd feel with each movement against the slit of his cock. (as well as his trembling body.)"Nagito, Stay still-" You pressed against his hips with your free hand. Your fingers spread out, rubbing up his stomach with each desperate rock of his hips against your hand. (with every pant and beg you heard) "I can't help it! I don't deserve it. I know-" His chest rose up and down with each self-deprecating rambling of words that had lost their meaning.
Your eyes watched him steadily. Never once leaving his pretty face. Even when he'd press his aching head against the headboard and quickly squeeze his tear-tinged eyes closed. "You're amazing. So good to me! Mnmm-" He hummed out, half-lidded eyes meeting yours. It wasn't hard to be in absolute amazement when watching your fingers get him off. You stared back at him, noticing how pale he was. (more than usual.) "Nagito? Are you okay?" You paused for a second, (still feeling the throbbing beneath your fingers.) He let out a dissatisfied noise, squeezing his eyes open and shut in confusion and disappointment.) "Huh?"
"You're so funny. I-I've never felt better." He nodded, keeping his focus on you. (once more.) His voice still sounded coarse and out of breath. His face was still drained of colour. In all honesty, he was nauseated beyond belief. This was when you should've stopped. Taken a breather? He wasn't very rational on occasion. Maybe in his right mind, he would've stopped you. But everything felt so good! The tightly wound knots in his stomach felt so close to coming undone. So close to allowing himself that much-needed, (filthy.) release. It was terrible. He was terrible.
The burning in his throat and the debilitating nausea were too much! Just enough to get sick. Warm, sticky vomit spilled from his quivering mouth without proper warning.
Tainting down his chest to his stomach. How unlucky must you be to be in this situation? "Oh-! Nagito-" You completely paused. (ready to grab a towel and help him clean up!) "No-!" He took in a deep breath, uncontrollably pulsating before your fingers. "I'm begging you - " He ignored the vomit pooling against his now barren stomach. This was a revolving mess. He was even worse for wanting this so badly. "Let me have this. I need it horribly.." His breath trembled just as his hips were.
Nagito's desperate whining was excruciating to refuse. Near impossible. (plus, you loved making him feel good.) You found yourself falling victim to his humiliating state. You bit down on your lip and squeezed his cock, feeling the throbs that fell in tune with his whimpering. A sultry gasp of your name! "I'm so terrible-I .. I can't -" He leaned his head back against the pillows with a debauched huff. Sure, he had gotten sick on himself, but the sickly sweet pulsing of his cock beneath your fingers was far too tantalizing.
The pathetic movements of his hips and smooth, slick pumps against his cock were enough to squeeze hard throbs from him. "Defile you-Nmn-Violate .." He choked out degradations, fighting this dizzy feeling.
Each time he leaned back, you'd thoroughly admire his collarbones drenched with sweat. As well as the sick that had tainted his chest and stomach. (He smelt musky already.) Even if he was so gross at that moment, you'd love to put your mouth anywhere he wanted. "I can't - I can't take it -" He wheezed, (fearful he may be asthmatic and die like this?! he wouldn't mind.) desperately gasping for air as the release of filthy pleasure truly violated your fingers, making an absolute mess. Horribly.
"..Hah - Nagito .. So much .." You teased, squeezing his cock once last time before lifting your fingers from his pulsing sex. A filthy mix of salvia and cum coated your fingers when spreading them out. (thankfully, he hadn't puked on his cock.) "I hope I made you feel good." You nonchalantly pushed your fingers past your lips. It wasn't like he could properly reply to that. You switched your interest back to the so-assumed masochist before you.
His deathly tight grip on the sheets released, filling the room with heavy breaths and remaining noises of absolutely reached pleasure. "I was wondering if this was the last time you'd do this to me .." He sounded genuinely concerned. "How about when you're feeling better." You smiled, giving his wet mouth a soft press of yours. "Gross." You whispered. "Uh huh .. I'll draw a bath." You bit his lip when drawing away, tasting whatever was burning in his mouth. The only thing keeping him from mercifully apologizing was the sheer loss of words. Gross. That was the world. Or good. Sickly sweet, wasn't it?
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cope-to-anime · 2 years
Giyuu + Sanemi as your big brother
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A/N: I actually want to make mini-fics for these two cause they are just so fun to write. I hope you enjoy these headcanons for now though! Modern au used! : > 
Tomioka Giyuu
Everyone thinks he’s the cool big brother when he picks you up from school but in reality he’s just a shy bean who can’t seem to find the right gate to meet you at. 
Giyuu strikes me as sentimental. He loves you but he’s not very good at showing it. One thing he does is if you get him something he’d keep it forever! 
If you get him a sticker or a keychain or a bracelet he’d have it with him at all times. He’d stick the sticker on his notebook, attach the keychain to his bag, and wear the bracelet when he goes to work. You gave it to him. It’s a part of you; someone he loves so of course, it’ll always be with him. 
He likes to give back. If you give him your food or money then a week later he’d have ordered you a whole meal and paid you off twice as much. 
The type of sibling to sleep when you’re watching a movie but go “No, I didn’t.” when you tell him about it. 
Protects you from bullies and is all tough but sulks if you don’t want to spend time in the house with him. 
Tsutako used to braid his hair so he takes all his learnings to you and plays around with your hair. He does a horrible job but you smile through it because he looks so proud of his work. 
He never told you this but you found out from Tanjiro that when you said his name for the first time Giyuu looked like the happiest man in the world. 
Shinazugawa Sanemi
Overprotective, loving, and the thief who stole your food in the fridge-
Sanemi’s all about experiences. He wants you to get out there and see what life is but of course, he’d always want you safe and sound. 
He’d be the one to teach you how to skateboard or drive a motorbike. He’d also teach you combat to fight anyone who gives you trouble. Genya says you’re a little too young to think about that but you love Sanemi anyways. 
Oh! He absolutely hates it when you point out that Genya is taller than him. You’d be fighting and Sanemi would go “You’re a squirt though you can’t shoot that ball.” and then you tell him Genya’s taller than him. Argument’s over after that and you get your butt kicked back to your room. You’re grounded lolz 
Totally the type of brother to go “I told you so”, but as he watches you cry he can’t help but cradle you in his arms until the sobbing stops. 
Secretly watches vids about your favourite things cause he wants to be hip and cool just like you and he wants to spend more time with you. 
He’s rough around the edges but he’ll let you do whatever you want with his hair and face (especially when you were way younger). He’d let you tie his hair up in pigtails. He’d let you put all those colourful clips on there. He’d let you put make-up on him. There was a time he looked like a clown. Genya has the picture and uses it sometimes to get the both of you a free ride to school when you don’t want to walk there. 
Definitely pulls up to your school to pick you up in his black motorbike with neon green accent. 
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total takes island - character profiles
i made these up for fun if ur on here and want something changed pls tell me. i was gonna do a google forms thing but then i remembered over half of the mods arent even active anymore. anyway ill probably edit this later anyway too since i havent even read it over yet lolz
Name: Mod Ass
Likes: peace and quiet
Dislikes: people kissing engaged guys because they hate his fiancee
Known For: being a silent voice of reason in a world of chaos
Why TTI?: money
Ass is a quiet, thoughtful person who seems to attract drama to them like a magnet in a silverware store. Their life back home is full of soap opera level shenanigans, so they're pretty confident they'll survive here.
Name: Austin, baby!
Likes: women and having a groovy time yeah!
Dislikes: losing his mojo
Known For: his swingin' 60's sensibilities
Why TTI?: to meet more birds and make a little dough to pay off his harassment suits
Austin is a loud and proud, often hateable fella who came straight from the 60's to spread his word of free love and groovy fun times to the low-down pessimists on total drama
Name: Caesar
Likes: drama and slaying
Dislikes: being involved in said drama
Known For: being a great host
Why TTI?: caesar was invited by the producers to acknowledge their past legal feud is behind them
Caesar hosts their very own total drama hunger games, a very popular simulation-based cable TV show that's grown its own fanbase. a few months ago, the total drama syndicate attempted to take it down for copyright infringement, starting a tumultuous "total drama boycott" on reddit that caused over sixteen million dollars of lost revenue. since then, the producers have dropped the case and invited caesar on the show to let the fans know it's all in the past
Name: Courtney
Likes: their friends and piercings
Dislikes: mean people
Known For: their popular total drama takes blog
Why TTI?: to finally have the full td experience
Courtney (name inspired by the former contestant) is a laid-back, though hardworking moderator of a popular total drama centered blog. after an incident involving a past mutual and a widespread callout post that claimed courtney was slandering td contestants, courtney challenged the op to a bet: if courtney could survive the real total drama, the op would take down their callout and delete their blog. now, courtney has to prove they have what it takes to survive not only the fandom, but the show itself.
Name: FNAF Bonnie
Likes: bad opinions
Dislikes: actual bad opinions
Known For: inciting drama
Why TTI?: what better place to spread the most terrible takes known to man?
Bonnie is a #gamer who's origins began in the online reddit gaming community. not because they actually like using reddit, but simply because it's so easy to start arguments there. after having their IP permanently banned for making fake AITA posts on 18 different accounts over the course of two months, bonnie is taking their cause national!
Name: Fren
Likes: unknown
Dislikes: unknown
Known For: mysteriously modding a long-gone blog...
Why TTI?: money
Fren is a mysterious figure who probably won't stick around for long. they have their own life outside of total drama, after all.
Name: Frollo
Likes: catholocism and grapes
Dislikes: sinners
Known For: his awesomely passionate religious sermons about why lust is actually the devil inside your balls
Why TTI?: to spread the word of jaysus
Frollo is an experienced judge and catholic preacher (sometimes) who loves the french lord and hates sinners. he's a sassy, snappy gurl who's always ready to call out someone on their bible-bereaving behaviors
Name: Joner
Likes: their buddies mclovin and michael :)
Dislikes: death threats
Known For: just bein a dude
Why TTI?: to hang out with their besties
joner has been best friends with michael and mclovin (also contestants) for years now. the trio decided to join the show to better strengthen their bond and earn money to build the giant statue of hulk hogan joner wants in their backyard
Name: Julia
Likes: also drama and slaying
Dislikes: not being the center of attention
Known For: being a girlboss
Why TTI?: money
julia is a girlboss and an analytic mastermind who's here with a brand new glasses prescription to kick butt and win money. she's implied to be one smart cookie, as well as being girlypop
Name: Kelly
Likes: corn anon
Dislikes: milfphobia
Known For: being a great host a baddie
Why TTI?: money as well
kelly is actually an incredibly kind classy person we don't know why they signed up for this other than the cash involved. maybe they're here to spread some positivity and support their fellow mods and ex-anons
Name: Kitty
Likes: being incomprehensible
Dislikes: wells
Known For: inciting mass hysteria
Why TTI?: they're just a bit silly
kitty is a chaos icon, but not in the bad way. they're simply able to take a situation and add a little whimsy to it- a bit like izzy, but less crazy badass and more silly forest gnome
Name: Mal
Likes: YAOI!!!! >_< AWAAAA
Dislikes: women
Known For: blogging
Why TTI?: to prove a point
Mal is not only a fujoshi, not only a manipulative mastermind who's able to UwU herself out of any trouble, not only a girlblogger, but also the very same op of courtney's callout doc. she never actually expected courtney to take on the challenge, so she just had to jump in too to prevent courtney from winning. unfortunately, courtney is the only person who knows of mal's true intentions
Name: Max
Likes: reading probably lol nerd
Dislikes: not being taken seriously
Known For: his diplomacy and mildly short temper
Why TTI?: money as well
Max is a practical, usually-calm person with a tendency to make enemies and hold grudges. as someone with short guy energy, he has a hard time being taken seriously by his teammates and is judged fairly harshly. he takes the natural role of leader on his team, though.
Name: McLovin
Likes: having a swaggy time
Dislikes: dudes stomping on his vibe
Known For: being iconic
Why TTI?: joined with friends joner and michael
McLovin is a ladykiller, an annoying nerd, and the least-hateable contestant all at once. he's so non-offensive it's almost sad. still, it's his ability to make close and genuine bonds with the people around him the save him from the chopping block early on.
Name: Michael
Likes: people leaving them alone
Dislikes: total drama fans
Known For: being tired
Why TTI?: joined with friends joner and mclovin
as the only fem-presenting member of the trio, michael struggles with being seen beyond being "one of the guys". while they joined with their friends, they also hope to make some close female buddies, too, who can hopefully dissuade joner from using the 100 grand to build a hulk hogan statue in his backyard.
Name: O
Likes: computers
Dislikes: anxiety
Known For: being scared
Why TTI?: to overcome his fears
O has a small fear of geoff, one of the original contestants, after being harassed by a geoffnon online for months. in order to combat his fear, his therapist sent his application to tdi for some lengthy exposure therapy :)
Name: Patrick
Likes: himself and huey lewis and the news
Dislikes: women and stupid people
Known For: being mean
Why TTI?: money for his skincare routine
Patrick is a no funny business type guy, although everyone else thinks he's kind of a dork. he views himself as a gigachad sigma male who effortlessly maintains his composure to secure his winnings, intimidating and threatening the weaker contestants and attempting to make friends with the chaos harbingers all the same
Name: Peter
Likes: shenanigans
Dislikes: no shenanigans
Known For: his immaculate vibes
Why TTI?: it was the weekly family guy episode plot
Peter is really just a fun dude with a good heart, even though the circumstances he finds himself in can make that hard to see. he enjoys finding the bright side of things, though he can come off as a little clueless
Name: Scary
Likes: lying, being scary
Dislikes: people who take this too hardcore
Known For: being scary
Why TTI?: tomfoolery
inspired by the past events in the show and fandom, Scary decided to join to cause a little more mischief. They have gone on to threaten to murder the losing contestants, and seems to dislike those who take the game (and rules in general) too seriously.
Name: Scruffy
Likes: history
Dislikes: mean people
Known For: carrying on the td legacy
Why TTI?: to collect data for future reference
As a Total Drama historian, Scruffy takes their job very seriously. they don't have a practical purpose for collecting all the future information other than being able to cite it in the future, but they're here anyway. and don't get it twisted- Scruffy is no fan, they're an expert.
Name: Sha-Mod
Likes: haikus
Dislikes: haikus
Known For: being an icon
Why TTI?: legal obligation
Sha-Mod is an inventor of many things; corn anoning, marmaduke, and the many a hundred haikus he's collected. he's really a fun dude who's here to be a part of td history and hopefully avoid making TOO many enemies
Name: Staci
Likes: kinning
Dislikes: kin-shamers and irony
Known For: being an online queen
Why TTI?: to fulfill their kin memories
as their blog title would imply, staci is a cornerstone of the kinning community and is attempting to give their kin identity some grounding by joining tti. as a staci kin, they share all of her memories, so they also love to bring up fun facts about their extensive family and personal connections to every famous person ever. they're aware of the risks of being kin-shamed by the other contestants, but they simply don't care. they're hoping to get booted first to fulfill their destiny
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neurodivergent-duck · 3 months
Whenever I think about portrayals of universal language or a “language of earth” it always seems to be a spoken language which… seems really really stupid to me??
Language evolves SO fast, thus creating a spoken language out of combinations of existing languages would be nearly impossible, as all languages with a large group of primary speakers has become inundated with slang relevant to only the generation or even specific group within a generation that uses it.
Creating a language from scratch is also incredibly hard as even though it’s already been done none have been adopted because (in my opinion) they skew one way or another when it comes to linguistic familiarity to existing languages and their concepts.
So what about a language that isn’t spoken? A pictographic (picture) language consisting of universally recognized depictions of any human concept?
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This is a VERY rough showing off how this might work, but an idea I had was to simply use symbols and sub symbols in different places in relation to each other to depict things around us!
The structure would be simple to understand, with 4 main parts for this short example!
Your “main object” would be the symbol at the top, this is simply a part of the sentence you are conveying to the other person! This could be anything from “person” to “bookshelf”!
Your “Descriptors” would be smaller symbols underneath the main symbol in up to 4 columns and as many rows as needed, anything from the color of the object, its height etc! Some of these symbols may need to be complex within themselves, as in a symbol of a shirt may need to be colored the color that it is instead of needing another descriptor to describe it for simplicity.
Your “Action” would be the third symbol, the same size as the “main object” symbol as it can also be described! While not present in my above image above in that way, this would make the most sense in my mind!
After that there could be any number of symbols for additional information, but specific pieces of additional information may be written in specific ways, in this example our “time” aspect is written across 2 columns and one row like the common digital alarm clock.
As for the example I depicted in the image above in pencil, I drew a stick figure depiction of a human as my main object, with a depiction of two stick figures, one short and one tall, with an arrow pointing towards the taller depiction alongside the commonly recognized symbol for a personal born male in the first row, with a shirt symbol colored in black and an uncolored pair of pants in the second row. The third row is an image of a circle with an arrow pointing towards another circle with three small arrows beneath it, with “~10:00” written below it!
All and all if my example makes sense this should roughly be understood as “A person who is male, tall in stature, wearing a black shirt and wearing white pants moving from somewhere unspecified to another unspecified location very quickly at approximately 10:00”!
Okay idea dump (info dump?) over lolz :P
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yandere-daze · 2 years
🔆 here! Guess what. I have yet another idea. So surprising.
Okay so, imagine the other two members are twins. Carbon-copies of each other both physically and mentally. I mean, it makes sense right? They were both created haphazardly, only designed as extras for your group. Now, imagine those twins looking eerily similar to you.
Maybe you got transmigrated into a new body after arriving in this new world, maybe you didn't. Either way, they mirror your current appearance. Your new members are practically your clones. They look slightly different from you, some of their features, for example, are just a bit off. Their looks seem to be modeled after your own. Almost as if pieces of yourself were ripped from you before transforming themselves into the people before you.
But that's not possible...right?
They don't yet have much in the way of personality, so they choose to mirror your mannerisms instead. As time goes on, they form their own habits, different from yours, and different from each other. It's relieving, honestly. Even if you're nervous about what they might become, having such blank slates following you around was unnerving.
They're helpful, too. Reliable. The only friends you have. They guide you through the motions of being an idol, not that you need much help, for some reason, you know almost as much as they do. From dance moves to musical theory to personas, the moment you awoke in this world, you knew it all. Well, not everything, but enough. More than you did before. Almost as if the information had been downloaded into your brain. If you didn't speak Japanese before, you do now.
Everything necessary for being an Ensemble Stars idol was handed to you on a silver platter. Even if you don't quite fit with the story, the game twists over itself to make room.
Things don't add up, sometimes. There are no records of you before your appearance. You have an ID and any other legal documents you need, but there's no evidence of your existence aside from those few papers. The cast is prone to confusion. If they don't think about it, things seem normal. However, if they start asking questions, the world twists itself again. What were they thinking about a second ago? Weird. They can't remember.
You shouldn't be here, so of course there are going to be some errors with the system. But that's okay; it's worth it to have you here.
The world was designed for you, after all. What's the point if you can't enjoy it?
That was longer than intended! You don't have to expand on these ideas if it's too much work btw. I just don't have anywhere else to share them lolz
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Omg welcome back 🔆 anon!! Glad to hear from you again, I love your ideas!! Honestly I was just reading through your ask and I found myself just unconsciously nodding along at every line because it all made so much sense??? Like this is such an interesting and cool concept, hello???
gn reader
tw yandere
Like, it would make sense that your two unit mates don't have any outstanding details at first, they weren't designed by happy elements after all and are a creation of the game itself! There was no character design team to think of any intricate new character designs and personalities as those two and your unit aren't really meant to exist in the first place. So it only makes sense for the game to try and draw from the one thing it knows best : you!
And this would be so creepy for the player too. First, you find yourself in a foreign place and suddenly there are two people that look almost exactly like you and act and think in a similar manner too? That's so unsettling to think about, it's like straight from a horror movie! I mean this situation *is* horror I guess
Like, they creep you out but you'll still take what you can get. Everyone else here seems to either purposefully ignore you or straight up hate you for some reason and it's very lonely after a while. But these two twins stick around no matrer what and it just feels nice to have someone to talk to and joke around with in such a hostile environment. They're the only ones you have for company so you will just have to try and overlook their strange circumstances
I also really like the idea of the player waking up and just knowing all of these things that relate to being an idol. It would be impossible for someone that doesn't have the faintest idea about anything related to music to be part ( and leader) of a new idol unit that is supposed to be the most popular one with time. ( it's only natural that everyone will love your music the most, right? This world was made for you and you're the most lovable being walking this planet!)
And it would be so strange too like, how do you suddenly know all this stuff? When did you learn all this? It doesn't make any sense at all but since when does this world you've suddenly found yourself in make any sense?
I'm also really fond of the game trying it's absolute best to include you in a game that wasn't *really* designed with you in mind. I imagine that every other app is just fine and being updated by the devs as if nothing happened while it's just you in particular that got into this mess. So obviously, they can't draw from the content that was already in the game, you aren't supposed to appear there.
But the game still wants you to feel welcome so they try to shove you into every single event, no matter how contrived the inclusion may be. You should be allowed to have fun, right? Nothing matters if you don't enjoy being here
So whenever one of the characters starts to think "you know, it's weird that this new no-name idol group is suddenly part of a really important live show" the game is like "no, actually you didn't just think that <3" and makes them all dizzy so they forget having every doubted you
It's really interesting to think about so thank you for sharing!!
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newhologram · 1 year
Taking my emergency meds even though it will likely make me sick/emotional/unable to sleep/put my colon on strike.
I don't like this kind of decision. But people accuse spoonies of "drug-seeking" just for funzies when I actually hate taking these drugs. I'm terrified of complications. It takes so much discipline to keep myself at small, spread-out doses, to cycle the drugs safely, and even that makes me sick too. I don't want this. I don't want to always choose between life through the filter of pain and the filter of "a little less pain, but you're hella stoned all the time lolz." Being medicated all the time, on something or other, then itself becomes a disability. I can't drive myself to and from work anymore, because that means I won't be able to medicate as much. I'm severely limited now in my ability to run errands or even see friends. People see it as character judgement, laziness or moral degeneracy, as "you did it to yourself"--but the turning down of the volume on the nervous system is not a selfish, gross thing to want, and the people who struggle with addiction don't bc of being "bad people"--I'm not a "good person" just bc I've managed to avoid addiction all these years. It seems very obvious but I guess it's not. Pain is actually super treatable. My situation is super treatable. But I've been blocked access to the medicines, treatments, and surgeries that would change my entire life. How to game the game, Ariel? What has to be cut away to get a leg up out of the sea? Spoonies are tasked with the decision of what we would sacrifice to live life on land even if our feet bleed. And we are endlessly stigmatized for these decisions by people who would crumble into despair at a 1/4 of our daily pain. The ice pick in the heart of this life is fighting so hard against the desire for self-destruction, for nothingness, and the realization that even if we resist that urge, the decision is likely to be made for us. Even in illnesses not considered "terminal", complications kill all the time. I'm walking on the surface of a glass tightrope. I don't want that decision made for me, so I fight, I have fought for what I need. For over 10 years it's "I'll get this, and then be better" but nothing ever gives me my life back. It's only been more disability, which was the grief that made me suicidal when I first "became" this disabled (I was always). My dreams and wishes carrots on a stick, for whom? If a flare up kills me before I get to do what I want in the world, then was hope only a sort of iron lung to incentivize continuation of the program? Who is collecting this data and why? Bitch. We're beefing hard. It's almost impossible to trust life. But if I suddenly go feral, this is why. I won't ask that you forgive or even accept this New Hologram. It's likely going to be a bit jarring and I know a lot of people will have opinions/beliefs/judgements of my image beyond the ability to influence or manage. Interest in being perceived as a good person is slipping from my grasp. I don't know if being "good" can get the change the people need. The change I need, for relief. If the only thing to believe in is belief, then rejection of the current structures must be the foundation of any change. There is literally no actual reason, a tangible reason, that something made-up like money should keep someone, anyone, from getting medical care. I don't want to die over money. But I don't want to live for it, either. Anyway: the American healthcare system has us like batteries in the Matrix. It's actual evil and I don't know what I can do, what can be done, to change it. Despair is acidic and eroding. Powerless at the bottom of the sea, waiting for my miracle body to burst into being. If it's a story, why can't it play out in a way that makes life better for everyone? Is it possible to do it without leaving only a trace of humanity behind, etched geoglyphs in a mountain for the new gods to decipher? I know not all humans are terrible, I know most of us want things to be better. But I want so badly to stop being human the first chance I get. I'm done playing by these rules.
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yourmomsgranddad · 2 years
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— PAIRING: Steve Harrington x fem!ex!reader
— SUMMARY: You and Steve used to date but you broke up with him because of his player persona but you saw him again years later and he seemed like a different guy.
— WORD COUNT: 1.4k
— WARNINGS: some curse-y words lolz, stalker!steve (oop don't do it.)
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The night you two broke up was one of the worst nights of your life.
You were at a costume party and you were dressed up as an angel.
All night, Steve was being super distant from you. Every time you would try to touch him, he would wiggle out of your touch.
And he kept leaving you alone.
So eventually you went to find him.
You were shocked when you found him in the bathroom, making out with Nancy Wheeler.
Somehow, you weren't surprised.
You slammed the door closed in anger and just started stomping toward the door. You were going to leave. You had no other reason to be there.
And before you knew it, tears started falling from your eyes.
But you felt someone grabbed your elbow and turn you around.
You looked and it happened to be Steve. His expression seemed unbothered, like he didn't care that you were crying.
"Just let me explain."
"No it's fine. Have fun sticking your tongue down Nancy's throat. We're done." You finalized before stomping away, going to your car.
"Come on, Y/n! Don't end it like this!"
You just ignored him, getting in your car.
You decided to wait until you got home to let it out. You didn't want him to see you crying over him. He didn't deserve it.
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Years had gone by and you were a whole new person.
You graduated high school and you were now a manager at a pizza place. You were living good. Well as good as a manager at a pizza place could live.
And one night, you were feeling bored so you decided to go down to the video store and get something to watch for the night.
You got up to the counter but something fell out of your purse so you leaned down and got it.
You stood up straight up and began speaking with the nice girl who worked there. She sold you two movies and you were on your way out.
But you bumped into someone, dropping your tapes.
"Oh gosh! I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." The mysterious voice apologized as you bent over to grab them.
"No it's fine."
You stood up and came face-to-face with the person you bumped into. And it was a face you hadn't seen in years.
He seemed absolutely frozen in front of you but you seemed already agitated.
"I have to go."
You went to leave but he grabbed your elbow, pulling you back. "Wait." He called, making you turn around.
Your arms were crossed and you just wished this moment could be over.
"I want to say sorry. About the whole cheating on you thing. It was a dick move and I feel horrible about it. If it makes you feel better, Nancy broke up with me. I was heartbroken and stuff."
"It does make me feel better that you felt the same kind of pain. Can I leave now, Steve?"
You started stamping your foot, letting Steve know that your patience was wearing thin and you wanted nothing more to leave this instant.
"You look great."
You rolled your eyes, walking to your car with him behind you.
"I missed you!" He shouted after you which made you turn around and you didn't notice how close you two happened to be as you were almost nose to nose with him.
"You think just because you miss me, I have to fall back into your arms again? Think again. You lost my trust when you cheated on me."
"Well how can I gain it back?" He asked, hopeful but you just chuckled.
"An act of a higher power."
You turned around and got in your car. This time he didn't try to follow you so you figured that was the end of it.
But it wasn't.
Every time you looked out your window of your house, he was sitting outside in his car, with your favorite flowers in his hands, hoping you would come out.
Then he would follow you to work and sit in the eating area until your shift was over.
You were sitting at the counter. Since there were no customers, you were just zoned out. So you didn't notice your co-worker tap you on the shoulder.
"Who's the hot babe with the flowers who will not stop staring at you?" She asked, making you roll your eyes.
"My ex-boyfriend. He will not stop following me around. He wants me to take him back." Her eyes went wide as she realized who that was. You had told her prior to this moment all about Steve.
"Wait. The one who cheated on you?" She asked, sounding a little frightened.
You just nodded in response, causing her lips to form a tight line.
"He seems like he wants to apologize though."
Your eyes went wide as you didn't think she was going to be on his side. "At least hear him out is all I'm saying." She put her arms up in defense before going to help a customer.
You walked around the counter and walked up to Steve's table. He looked hopeful, going to hand you the flowers.
"Steve, you have to stop this. You're past creepy."
He pouted, sitting the flowers down.
"All I want to do is talk. That's it. If you don't like what I have to say, I'll leave you alone forever."
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You decided to hear him out.
It couldn't hurt.
So after your shift ended, you got in Steve's car and he drove you to mysterious location.
You didn't trust him like you used to but you knew Steve didn't have a creep bone in his body so you didn't care where you were going.
It wouldn't change anything.
As soon as you thought that, you recognized the road he was on.
He had drove you near skull rock, a famous make-out spot in Hawkins.
Also the spot where he told you he loved you.
It was an important spot in your lives especially.
You got out of the car and walked over the grass, sitting underneath the rock, face-to-face with him.
"Go on. Speak, Harrington."
You waved him on and he let out a deep breath to begin speaking.
"Firstly, I feel horrible. I was young and dumb. I wasn't thinking about your feelings or Nancy's. I apologized to her. So now I have to apologize to you."
"For what? To clean your guilty conscience?"
"No! Because I loved you. How can I just do that and not care? Like I said, it was a dick move. I mean you were the first girl I ever loved truly and I just threw that all away on some dumb drunk whim."
Your eyes went wide. You didn't expect him to say that.
"I was the first girl you ever loved?"
"Of course you were. I mean you were my only real relationship, Y/n/n. You were the only girl I cared about." He shrugged like it was nothing but to you, it was everything.
This whole time you thought he never cared once about you but to know that he actually thought about you like that all these years later, it brought a smile to your face.
"Is that a smile I see?" He joked as you tried to pull it back but it wasn't working.
"Your words are working. Kind of."
He let out another deep breath before going to speak again.
"So here it is. I'm truly sorry for all the pain I caused when we were in high school. I hope you can forgive me."
You looked up as you were thinking which just made him squirm, so your plan was working.
"I think I can do better than that."
"Like what?"
"Come over here and find out."
You gestured him over and he looked to you to see if you were serious and you nodded, making him crawl as fast as possible.
He wiped his hands off on his shirt before putting them on both sides of your face, pulling you in for a suave kiss. It felt like you picked up right where you left off.
Like the kiss was him yearning to kiss you once more. Once again, rather. It seemed ravenous. :ike his lips completely missed yours.
But somewhere in the back of your brain, you missed him too.
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alifefullofvibes · 2 years
nba challenge!!! tagged by @kevonlooney & @fastbreakpoints thank you for the tags 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
1. which team(s) do you root for? warriors always! sometimes i’ll bandwagon some other teams but i’ll decide on them during the season 😭 usually it’s the bucks/celtics for the east! and maybe the pelicans for the west this season idk yet! but when they’re playing gsw i can’t stand them lmaooo
2. what's your prediction for the 2023 finals matchup plus champions prediction? sticking with my guys always so warriors winning against whoever ends up there from the east! maybe the bucks or celtics (they seem most likely atm)
3. what's an nba hot take you have?
superteams will always explode/break down at some point, when they don’t get the instant success they were built for! (talent can’t carry you everywhere lolz) especially when i’m praying on their downfalls 🫡
also more players should call out nba media!!! especially during their live interviews!!!
4. who are your favourite players NOT on your favourite team(s)? giannis, jrue, demar, jayson, jaylen, gpii (just shed a tear), ben simmons is growing on me lmao, also kd (when he’s not being irritating which is rare lmao) and there’s probably so many more tbh
5. 3 players you would invite to taco tuesday (current or retired) steph, klay (we’ll eat on the boat) and jordan so he can bring j squared! 🫶🏾 also word on the street is that the bay has great tacos so i HAVE to be the judge of that lmao
6. what's your favourite thing about the nba? it makes me so happy lmao. the serotonin boost after your team gets a big win is kinda wild. it’s always entertaining, the jokes are funny, especially on twitter after games 😭
the pictures/shots of players and their reactions, moves and plays are so cool - love me some nba photography!!!
i like that basketball is a lot more technical than you’d think so i love listening to breakdowns and explanations of certain moves/tactics! also the podcasts are pretty cool too, especially player interviews where you see their personalities more!!!
also the players usually always give back to the community and younger kids which is always nice. also most usually use their voices, platforms and resources for good.
and lastly (and most importantly) the players can be sexy and that makes it even more fun to watch! 🤭
7. tag however many people you want!
@p0oleparty @idealisk @moseiders @thiagoalcantaras @jetlining @allstarzachlavine @iboukonate if you want to, of course 🫶🏾
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okay i know nothing about object shows but im willing to learn so if youre up for another infodump im all ears
STARES AT THIS ASK. okay uhrnmhm thisll be under a cut becuz its long <//3 just gonna talk abt General Osc Things since you said you dont know much… okay👍
okay so object shows are just like.. silly funny web-series things with little object guys. they tend to have faces and little stick figure limbs but of course there are always characters that will break typical design conventions. general name for Eveythjng is the object show community (osc for short. theres so many acronyms hopefully that isnt too confusing..)
first ever object show is bfdi (battle for dream island) it was made in 2010 by these two guys, the huang twins, youve probably seen Something theyvemade before they make a lotta cool things, it started in 2010 and is still going on today! its a competition based show inspired by total drama, and the main premise is 20 contestants who are little silly objects are competing for the titular ‘dream island’ throughout multiple challenges, and characters get voted out each episode by the viewers! bfdi is mostly silly jokes and slapstick type stuff, but still has certain bits where they get more ‘serious’ and has its fair share of lore and character arcs. practically every object show is based off of/inspired by this since it was the first and set up the general formula most other shows follow =)
generally speaking its agreed on that inanimate insanity (ii for short) is the second show to be made, and this one takes even more total drama/survivor inspirations. it started in 2011, and is also still going on, generally the second most popular show and REALLY popular on the tumblr side of the osc, probably due to its more ‘serious’ tone compared to other shows. season 1 is pretty… aged.. you can tell it was made by a bunch of teens in the early 2010s, but season 2 as it goes on gets more and more focus on story, character arcs and development, all that jazz. theres a ton of shows from around the time that later season 2 episodes where releasing that take a lot more inspirtation from it in tone and stuff!
something im not entirely sure how to fit into the main bits is that these are like. largely made by kids/teens. bfdi was first created when they were in like middle school n stuff, same with ii, in more recent years as people who have been the community for a while n stuff are getting older theres a lot more adults of course but its still mainly younger people… not enough people seem to take that into consideration when talking abt the community at large/certain shows n stuff so i figured id make sure to point it out 👍
actually speaking of that. a lot and i mean a LOT of shows end up being kind of… obviosuly made by kids. a lot of people find this annoying but i personally couldnt care less its pretty endearing to me (probably cuz me and my friends were all like that lolz) although i can understand where people are coming from with shit where its just like.. offensive. thats not too common tho in my expierence. okay so generic and ‘poorly’ made shows are super common. the response to this there was a massive surge in joke shows which are their whole own beast. im not too familiar with them so im not the best person to come for for that stuff, they generally just joke about how generic and oversaturated object shows were getting to be around the time . all that shit. gimmick shows are also pretty common nowadays, i havent seen any of these so i have nothing to really say i just dont know much aside from they have Gimmicks and thats the whole premise ?
a show thats become like, massive, considered one of ‘the big three’ up there with bfdi and ii, is ONE by cheesy hfj (sometimes also called hfjone or one hfj) its this sort of meta show that uses object shows as a framing device (and its predecessor was this show called battle for circle which is a joke show poking fun at how low quality and samey everything is blah blah blah) and its. a whole thing . i dont even know how to really explain it in a quick summary its like… the undertale of object shows if that makes sense.
theres just. so much i genuienly dont know how or where to end this off becuz the community is SO big and has been around for over a decade and im only really familar with tiny sections of it…
yeah. general takeaway for me when it comes to Everything as a whole is just like.. object shows. the osc. whatever. is just this big community made of passionate people who like to make things and want to share that and its!! cool and fun and despite it having all the typical fandom issues im really grateful that i discovered this stuff becuz it genuinelyhas changed my life and i dont know if i would be as into making art or if i would have this kinda attitude on art that i have now if it werent for the osc. a lot of shows are really silly and all of it looks. kinda stupid if youre not familar with them but they gneuinely hold this special place in my heart cuz… well im not entirely sure how to put it into words if im bring honest. they just feel very.. genuine to me. everyone in the community is so passionate and it just makes me really happy seeing people making things they love and enjoy regardless of how ‘stupid’ or ‘cringe’ or whatever the fuck it might seem if that makes sense =)
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lonespektr · 10 months
Influencer (2022)
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Voice over in her influencer toxic positivity platitudes shit about growth or whatever while she is just doing the opposite of what she is saying
Occasionally spliced with her taking photogenic shots
Just noticed the poster might already be a spoiler
And YUP the first time we see her is in water
This is Thailand
The girl approaches protag and "scares off" a creepy guy and "opens up" to imply she was dater*ped by a guy like that
Now the girl had her on her bike
Supposedly this was a trip with bf but he bailed
But he did pay for it
Girl hides from a live stream shot
Girl is making fun of her for being terminally online but that is her job??? Like irl
She sells products and travel stuff
She doesn't have another job??
We don't actually see girl go inside the suite
Protag sweet wide open upon return
Her stuff got tossed and jacked
Passport gone, she's technically stranded
Called bf he blamed her for her stuff getting stolen
Very controlling
She said they should break up and he just ignored her and said call me in the AM when you aren't upset
Girl is taking a bunch of pictures of her with hey phone
Prevented her from shooting at their original location and no service once they got there (Island) one way off her boat
Sees tally's on a log eight days
This is literally her hunting ground
OMG she's telling her her WHOLE plan
Fucking savage
She said i'll give you four days
Ofc the girl laughs like it was a joke
Girl seems to be anti influencer specifically??
Says they are self centered
Protag finally admits lonely
Then to give us a "maybe she deserves it feeling"
The girl confirms sarcastically she is the center of the universe
WHOA title comes in late
Using the same voiceover i think
Now that girl stranded the protag
Did we literally get her name ever???
Girl took over her social media - not only do they look nothing alike the girl has a MASSIVE birthmark on half her face
Literally just went through all her old shit photoshopped her face onto old posts clearly an expert at Photoshop
5th victim real serial killer wall
Already hunting for accurate victim
Solo white girl influencer
In a way we actually haven't left the main character cleverly - because the villain stole the protag's life
Kinda wild the protag slept on the beach and after she revealed her master plan
New victim knows she has a tail
She didn't really do a lot of research on new vic
Old vic was desperately lonely
New vic is a low key cultist??
She's tries a new approach after trying to lead
She backtracks as a submissive
Offering bait of a fancy place
Girl didn't account for controlling bf
He did the rose petals thing
So now it's new vic and old vic bf n her in old vic's place (that's paid by bf)
Lolz how she going to get them not to talk to each other
The new vic clocked the girl (again) as they both obviously got their rooms broken into
The thing with all these is the first vic clocked all these things too, she just brushed it off as non sensical
"you're fucking creepy"
That's the trigger
Vic no 2 RIP just had the courage to stick to her instincts
We don't have clear motivations on why she's doing this
And unfortunately it comes off as bitches be crazy
Like everyone is just clocking an inherent wrongness to her but we don't know why she is doing it so it's just boadering on crazy people are dangerous
She still has to deal with the guy
There's activity on vic no 1's account..but she has the phone??
She's working several angles
He can tell from the posts she made it's not vic #1 clearly illustrating that she can't see things about people others can and probably doesn't bother to anti-social tendencies and that's why she didn't consider s bf would come after her (also she's cocky and doesn't do enough research)
It also very clear he just uses that line on women but that doesn't mean he can't recognize fundamental things she probably can't
*SA !!!
Well an aporoximation
This sets up a strong juxtaposition that the girl just mimics life but doesn't actually know what it is or how to connect with people
Okay flash back
Vic no 1 + bf
Lol not this same guy chattin up
I'm not saying this guy wouldn't be able to point out the weather phenomenon he's obviously a busy body but they could have had him talk longer ro make it seem realistic
Wow vic no 1 bestie said bf can do better but like??? He's shitty, they are both shitty???
Bf found the trail of bredcimbs of doctored posts because he is also a media guy and can tell
Looks like she cleared out but she is still there
He got the drop on her
The writers are dragging both characters
They are both shitty
She's making a play
It must have been difficult to get that underwater shot
She got the drop on him
She's a bit like villanelle without the explanation
Ok the bestie is just the embodiment of fake ass fakers
She's keeping the vic 1 identity but trashing the bf identity
Back on the island
Surprised vic no 1 isn't dead
We got one big hint she was hiding some..talents but that's it
Found and buried the other two girls
Still got her shoes
Got a mean sunburn
Found her bf
Didn't kill her, left her, not surprising bro does she know how to get back?
We didn't need to know how exactly she survived but it wasn't a big pay off because honestly the only character we got a read on was the bf and he didn't matter
It's a month, the weather is good generally except rainy season (there's wayer), no predators, if you can fish you can figure it out for a month
But she was.. Emotionally in a shit place and isolation should have exacerbated that..
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tabzjoynt · 1 year
pushed myself so hard yesterday that I accidentally did a 12 hr shift. I did find it therapeutic being on my own for the last 3 hrs before I left for my weekend off but I could feel myself declining mentally lolz
I also need to get some new work shoes cos my little toe is munted after yesterday - I played down how much pain I was in until I saw that it was bleeding when I took my work shoes off 🙄 it was an adrenaline thing until that point - looking back, I also didn't eat properly all shift and then once I got home would've lasted all of an hour and sucked down a couple of cruisers lolz yeahhhh the lolly drinks
I know I'm pushing myself harder than usual to keep busy but I still find myself quietly drifting into thoughts of you when I'm alone, like when I get home or when I'm on the bus. tears start to fall and I remember how much it sux without you here.
I don't know how long this feeling is gonna stick tbh - I am genuinely gutted
I hope it doesn't disappoint you that I am so deep in this vibe, I didn't know that this part of grieving you was going to be extremely emotional. it's a true testament to how I felt about you on the real. it may have seemed like I was all cool n stuff but for the last year or so I would watch and wait for you everyday, just to see your name pop up on my phone... everyday🥺
forgive me if it keeps your spirit bound to me, I promise to let you go eventually but I need you more than you needed me in this life.
this love inside me is eternal - I'm learning how to harness the enormity of it x
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