#it ouchies
bunn-iiii · 9 months
I forget always that my jaw will just sometimes dislocate a little when I yawn
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maudiemoods · 2 months
If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes
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thevisitmaxxedfriend · 2 months
gay people can NEVER be normal about loving each other instead it's all mortal danger and destroying reality
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hellyeahscarleteen · 3 months
F*c&!ng First Aid: A Quick Guide to Common Sex Injuries
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New from our founder, Heather Corinna, a guide for those sexual times that wind up more “ow” than “oooh.”
It’s remarkably easy to hurt ourselves in the pursuit of feeling good. From genital abrasions to broken skin to pulled muscles to infections to allergic reactions, even fractures or breaks, exploring our bodies and their capacities sexually can sometimes mean finding out⁠ what’s past a bodies’ limits. We can think there was enough lube, but who among us (cough) hasn’t found out at least once that there wasn’t? We can forget that when it feels to us like we couldn’t possibly get enough of something, our body parts may have an entirely different and considerably threshold (um). Heck, you can hurt yourself just getting a date a glass of water (says my once-broken toe, bitterly).
For whatever reason (probably a combination of ableism⁠, totally inhumane sexual⁠ ideals and maybe some leftover stuff from our DNA way back when we lived a wilder existence), if and when people get hurt during sex⁠, they often feel ashamed or embarrassed, like they have ruined something. Getting hurt in our bodies is as acceptable an experience as feeling good in them. It’s not “weak” to get hurt, and it doesn’t mean anyone failed at anything, it just means we’re living in the body of a mere mortal, not a sexual superhero. So, if some kind of sex injury happens to you or a partner⁠, don’t get hung up in negative feelings about it. Instead, turn your attention to yourself or whoever got hurt. Not only might you or they need physical care, caring for ourselves and each other in attentive, tender ways is only likely to enhance our sexual experiences and the ways we connect to ourselves or one another through them. This kind of care, much like general sexual aftercare, can be something that is a highlight of a sexual experience, even when something painful or bummerful happened which that care is centered around.
This simple guide covers the most common sexual injuries for people in the age group we serve, what needs to be done when and after they have happened, and how you can best prevent them. Read F*c&!ng First Aid: A Quick Guide to Common Sex Injuries over at Scarleteen.
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little-blurry-stars5 · 6 months
friendly reminder dazai had a genuinely hard time telling chuuya about his humanity. friendly reminder akutagawa kept his promise to not kill even though killing was his first instinct even after death. friendly reminder poe was the only detective that ever made ranpo feel something. friendly reminder fyodor was the only one who ever truly understood nikolai. friendly reminder tecchou placed jouno over the only thing hes ever believed in. friendly reminder rimbaud changed verlaines entire veiw on humanity and gave him faith in the human race. friendly reminder albatross didnt care if he got hurt or killed if it meant he saved doc. friendly reminder fukuzawa was the only one who understood fukuchi and his motives and couldnt kill him even if it meant saving the world. friendly reminder kunikida calls dazai every morning to make sure hes okay. friendly reminder ango genuinely felt so guilty about odas death he betrayed the government. friendly reminder-
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lobstercity · 4 months
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sorry danny 😿
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thegallerypiece · 1 month
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wip from the recent short clip because... ouch
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makurit · 1 month
that one couch meme
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arundolyn · 10 months
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world's longest staring contest GO-
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definetelynotavampire · 4 months
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Lazytown crossover ._ .
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rosalinesurvived · 5 months
Can you imagine being fukuzawa and your kids are all being hunted down for sport and you’ve become the leader of a fascist worldwide army and your best friend just died in front of you and the vampire king that turned half the world into vampires just fucking imploded from the inside out and turned into the main villan responsible for all this mess ://////
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credensjustitiam · 4 months
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whatever go my scarab
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skkpaws · 4 months
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tips to surviving as a hunting dog: do not have your backstory revealed
tips to surviving as a hunting dogs stan: don’t.
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twinksintrees · 7 months
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this is such a fucked panel to end on. the raw shock, mourning, loss on his face. aya’s triumphant words having no idea what just took place. he’s going to have to go on pushing all of this down. his best friend is dead, and he has to say he’s the one who killed him.
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oca-needs-help · 1 year
(News reporter voice) What on earth is going on in the house of commons!?
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