#it makes me upset
jamandjazz · 2 months
Someone should write Steve angst idk
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blutopaz15 · 2 years
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rayllum touches by episode - 4x04
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Thinking about how Dennis and Dee still view Frank as their father
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yippee-boi09 · 28 days
This is a vent and (actually) my last post on this subject (the following links are for context)
Post 1
Post 2
I know I've said in two different posts now (and a whole few asks) that I'm leaving the fandom and I'm tired of it but I've never specified why nor have I left it alone. These two posts from a while ago are a few examples of the red flags I've seen with yfm and RWJ. Post 1 talks about a theory that Ray faked his "first drawings" of Puff and DeeJay. Yeah. Pretty crazy, right? I looked through it but it made points too good to ignore, the papers shown in video are in too good of a condition to look like 12-14 year old drawings, and then the same video shows the drawing altered to have DeeJay next to him??? Weird...
This really didn't surprise me when I saw it, Ray's been extremely disingenuous with what he says bout yfm, he said Puff is a separate character and that animators got it wrong when in reality he was always meant to be a representation of him until yfm entered gen 1.5
Specified in one of his =3 videos (couldn't find it), Ray himself says (That Puff) it's him, the yfm channel (if you go back) even lists a RWJ collab as yfm and it's crazy as shit... he's been a liar this whole time about these things...
Another thing is the fact he striked down a whole YouTube channel (in post 2) and I can only assume it was because it had clips of yfm lost media and the one Dispensary girl fan animation. Oh yeah that got striken down a long time ago. I had to use the wayback machine to watch it and it's so awesome. Ray also took down a buncha lost media (announcement vids, mentions of the canceled album, just stuff that isn't on the channel) and somehow gets everyone to hush about it.
Ray also collaborated with Dhar Mann. We all ignored it for some reason but he spent time and effort, collaborating with the same man who makes his actors take up 70 different roles in daily videos end up barely affording rent and making their work space a living hell. And the ONLY REASON HE STOPPED, was because he managed to make the internet talk about him in a bad way.
Along with collaborating with shady people, he also... doesn't take criticism well... he deletes any comments on his vids about how he should improve and ignores any criticism. And it's not just on the yfm channel or his... it's EVERYWHERE. I don't think he didn't see the criticism received for gen 2 (I don't mind it but I hate how Axel got the Knuckles treatment) hell, he actively JOKES about the fandom freaking out about art style changes. He KNOWS the criticism he received but he never took it to face value... he laughed in our face and distracted us with Puff's relationship issues because it's the most character we've received in 12 years.
The fandom creates the characters for Ray at this point. They put in the effort to make the characters and give them quirks while Ray just plops him next to Wax and makes them rap about money or something...
Idk I've been on a tangent, I made this post because I found out not a lot of people know this stuff (it was one convo but I decided to just share the info I know to more people)
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mytranssnakes · 2 years
dan and phil gave their sims' son a bf bc the litral cobination of them having a bf wouldnt make sense bc they were still closeted, so they had that sim have a child and gave the child a bf... its honestly genius.
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I hate it when people ask if I'm dating my guy best friend or ask if I have a crush on him it rubs me the wrong way
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slipery-bastard · 3 months
One thing about me is that ill take personality quizzes for fun and then get mad when it accurately describes me
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Some Divinity-related math I started typing in a reply but it got too long so it gets a post instead:
Assume each player contributes 1 point of damage. 
A fireteam of 6 therefore does 6 x 1 = 6.
Now take one player out, but add 25% to the others: 5 x 1.25 = 6.25, or ~105% of 6.
Change the buff to 15%: 5 x 1.15 = 5.75 ~ 95% of previous damage, a net swing of 10%.
To break exactly even (i.e. same damage with or without Div) the buff would need to be 20% (5 x 1.2 = 6) 
With a 15% buff, not having Div would have to cause each player to lose 5% of their damage to break even.
Whether aim can cause you to lose >5% of your damage depends a lot on *how* you’re doing damage. It depends on the burstiness of your damage, length of damage phase, the usefulness of AoE/DoT damage (remember Breach & Clear Anarchy?) and weirder factors like “are you using weapons that don’t care about crits (Xeno, Wardcliff, etc.)? Are you using weapons that give other advantages for hitting crits (Whisper, Hawkmoon, etc.)? Are you a Golden Gun/Nighthawk Hunter, for whom one missed shot might be 15% or more of your damage? Or are you a Nova Bomb warlock and your damage depends entirely on whether Big Happy Fun Ball goes for the right target?”
All of this math assumes each player does equal amounts of damage. In reality encounter design and player loadouts vary so much that it’s impossible to even say how often this assumption is true. For instance Kingsfall Day 1 a large chunk of our Warpriest boss phase damage was being put down by three Star-Eater/Golden Gun Hunters, so taking someone else off direct damage to run Div and ensure all of those shots hit would be an excellent investment even if Div only gave a 5% buff. By contrast we used Wardcliff for the sisters, which doesn’t even do precision damage; in that case a 15% Div buff, i.e. incurring a net 5% damage decrease, makes Div not worth it.
In conclusion: at a 25% buff, in all situations where Divinity gave a usable crit bubble for five attackers, it gave a net damage increase (i.e. was “worth it”). At a 15% buff, whether it is “worth it” becomes highly situational, dependent on factors like team composition and encounter design.
And now for the opinions section:
Do I like this change? Not really, no. I don’t feel that Divinity was distorting encounter design in a significant way. Oh, they took it into account like they do all meta-relevant weapons, but it certainly wasn’t a back-breaker like Gjally or Whisper. That “usable crit bubble for five attackers” clause cuts out a lot of bosses. In the last two new raids Div has only been useful in a single encounter each. Even in Kingsfall, which followed the old “sack of HP” design philosophy, it’s only useful in two encounters (Warpriest and Oryx). Raiding - okay, “six-player pinnacle activities” - is Div’s only use-case; it’s not like it rules the roost in every situation. The hitboxes of Destiny bosses aren’t known for their consistency, either - ever tried to hit Taniks in the head? Div is also a one-person weapon, not a mandate for an entire fireteam. I just don’t believe it’s a problem that needed addressing. 
Then again, I’m not Bungie. I don’t know how much Divinity has messed with encounter design behind the scenes, or what they have planned that might be disrupted by it. Maybe this is like the Sleeper ricochet nerf where they know it’s going to screw with stuff that hasn’t yet been released.
Anyone implying that hyper-precise aim should be a required skill for Destiny content, even extremely high-level Destiny content, can go play CoD and leave the rest of us the hell alone. Even leaving aside the issue of how aim is a “skill” with hard physical limits that are a lot more common and restrictive than people realize, the fact is: Destiny is not a twitch shooter. It will never be a twitch shooter. It literally can’t be a twitch shooter, because of how its netcode works. Destiny does not have “dedicated servers” the way games like CoD or Battlefront do. Why do you think the PvP players are always bitching about how they totally hit that shot? Its server architecture will always cause a certain level of network latency, and that level is much higher than “pure FPS” games - higher than I think a lot of people who play other online multiplayer games realize. That constrains how fast any player can be expected to act or react. You can’t hit perfect shots if the visual on your screen is literally inaccurate. Yes, I do think it’s reasonable to ask for a certain base level of aim in content like Day 1 raids. But success should never be conditioned on near-perfect aim, if only because Destiny literally doesn’t work like that. Remember the hideous rubberbanding on Atraks damage in DSC Day 1? Remember the year of Whisper, where you were SOL if you couldn’t hit three rapid precision shots on a moving target? 
Do you really want to combine those things?? 
You do not.
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evil-snom · 1 year
How does one make pasta but evil?
cc . )___\ No sauce
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stcecelia · 2 years
I stg if I see another tiktok of people “interviewing” BYU student with the express purpose of making fun of them i’m gonna delete the app im so tired of people making fun of us
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phantom-does-a-thing · 10 months
I need to start working on my hip mobility. It’s like at a distressing level of bad.
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rareitem · 1 year
its like ive forgotten how to have Actual conversations like. i have so many thoughts but the way it comes out when i try to talk to people about them is. well if im being honest sometimes its like im a baby trying to sort shapes. i worry that people will stop talking to me because of this
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microwavepopcorn · 1 year
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Okay, but I could be reading a completely genderless fic/headcanon but then the words she, her, girl, woman, pussy, and so on appear and URAGH it drives me insane how men like myself and enbys can't enjoy most fanfiction, please, if it's for female audience put fem!reader, because if you just put (character)x reader I will assume it's GN but it's for fem only, please just try bc we need fanfiction too
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rubysparx · 1 year
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alagaisia · 2 years
Hey. Why isn’t the moon landing a national holiday in the US. Isn’t that fucked up? Does anyone else think that’s absurd?
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