#it makes him stand out from Sonic and Shadow and Amy just a little bit but not in a disruptive way imo
true-blue-sonic · 1 year
I truly love the visual differences there are between Silver and Sonic/Shadow. Like the fact that his ears are a lot tinier to fit between his quills and also seem to be placed lower on his head, how the skin inside those ears is often a darker colour than his muzzle, or that his back spikes appear to curve outward a LOT more to allow space for his mane. It's just very tiny things, but I love seeing them and noticing them!
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vampyrixdarling · 6 months
— 「𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐓𝐇 𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦」
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ MASTERLIST
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╰┈➤ Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Scourge and Amy x reader (separate)
: ̗̀➛ synopsis; The hedgehogs just confessed their feelings for you, so how would they act once you rejected them?
: ̗̀➛ Type; Romantic headcanons (short)
: ̗̀➛ warning(s); gender neutral reader, kind of angst, Amy’s crying meanwhile Scourge is a raging man-child.
Likes/Reblogs are always appreciated!! <3
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☆ He’s a little disappointed, to be honest. He felt really strongly towards you, and he felt like you two were meant to be. To be honest, he completely thought you felt the same, which was part of the reason why he confessed to you in the first place.
☆ Regardless, he respects your choice. He just hopes you two can still be friends. After all, he’d hate to lose someone like you. Partner or not, you’re still really important to him.
☆ All he asks of you is that you don’t talk to him immediately. Let him be alone, he needs some time. He doesn’t hate you, far from it, he just needs some alone time to process this and heal.
☆ Like Sonic, he’s disappointed. He poured his whole heart out to you, only for you to reject him? He’s never felt this way for anyone, and the one time he chooses to be completely honest with you, it ends in hurt.
☆ He respects you, of course, it just hurts. He’ll swallow his feelings and try his best to support you, whether you find someone else or not. After all, you two can still be friends. It’ll just be awkward for a little while. He’d avoid you like the plague until he finally feels comfortable spending time with you.
☆ You two are formal, no hard feelings. He’ll try to act like he doesn’t care, pretending that he wasn’t really that interested in you and that it was a silly crush— even though he knew it was so much more. But those feelings for you will never fully go away. He needs time, so please don’t go after him or toy with his heart.
☆ He’s extremely hurt. What do you mean you don’t feel the same way? He was sure you did, you showed all the signs!
☆ But no matter what, Silver will support you. He’d smile and swallow his feelings, telling you it’s alright and that you two can still be friends. But inside he’s crushed. He’s fighting the urge to break down and sob, but he’s staying strong for you. You don’t deserve to see that.
☆ He’ll spend so long wondering what it was about him that you didn’t like. It’ll take a lot of comforting from both Blaze and Amy, but he’ll eventually get over it. Mostly. He respects your choice, he just wishes things would’ve been different between you two.
☆ Don’t talk to him. Please give him some time.
☆ He’s shocked. Baffled. Angry and hurt. Everybody likes him, you must be joking. He’s hot, he’s cool, he’s everything you need. Maybe you do like him and you’re just lying to him and yourself.
☆ He’d be sour. He can’t do anything to change your mind, so he’ll go out of his way to make your life hell like a full grown man-child having a tantrum. Which is exactly what’s happening. His ego can’t handle being rejected.
☆ He turns his sadness into anger in the blink of an eye. He’d act like he never wanted you in the first place, scoffing whenever you walked by and often boasting about the women he managed to swoon that— keep in mind— were not you. It’s annoying and it stings, but he’s a sore loser.
☆ Don’t talk to him. He’s not interested.
☆ She’s extremely hurt. She put her all into that confession, even going as far as baking you some deserts and buying you your favourite flowers, so she’s a bit stunned when you say no.
☆ Tears prick her eyes as she stands there, frozen. She’d force a smile, laughing and assuring you it’s okay, that she really doesn’t mind. Your feelings are always her priority, so she wouldn’t dare cry in front of you.
☆ She’d be your #1 supporter whether you found someone else or not. Amy’s your best friend, and she’s not going to let her feelings get in the way of a friendship she values so much.
☆ Please don’t talk to her immediately, she needs time.
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blu-ish · 2 months
🌦️Song of the storm (Sonadow fic)
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It seemed like it was never ending. The rain poured like a faucet throughout the forest, bending leaves and branches down with a powerful force. Completely soaking the soil below. It was almost as if the world itself wept. Shadow couldn’t help but stare in awe, almost completely forgetting the figure that sat beside him. 
“It’s coming down pretty hard huh.” Sonic said, leaning a bit forward to look out at the darkened sky from their makeshift shelter in a small cave. Small wasn’t even the correct term, there was barely enough room for the both of them. However, Shadow could appreciate the hedgehog’s attempt at digging some of the dirt out to create some extra space.
He could see Sonic reaching out his muddy gloves to wash with the streaming water on the cave's lip. The ebony hedgehog hummed in agreement, “Yes, it is.”
“Interrupted our race too!” The blue hedgehog pouted, which was sorta amusing Shadow supposed. 
“It’s no biggie though, the plants needed a drink.” Shadow grimaced as Sonic shook his hands to which he could only fathom was to dry them, not so much himself though. He grumbled, shooting a glare at the hedgehog who only chuckled nervously in response.
All became silent yet again in the hedgehog's burrow, all except the song of the storm.
Another hour passed, and a second, and then a third, soon both hedgehogs seemed to grow sick of their shelter turned prison. 
Shadow hugged his knees, there was no possible connection out here to get in touch with Rouge or Omega. Even Sonic had tried to contact Tails, Amy, and even Knuckles at one point– which surprised the hybrid because he wasn’t even aware the echidna could get a signal on his floating island.  
Shadow didn’t necessarily get cold, but each time a drop of water happened to make its way inside and landed on him, he would shiver at the sensation. He started to wonder why Maria ever told him she had once dreamed of standing in the middle of one of these like they did in her novels.
He was really debating if maybe he should just convince Sonic to make a run for it and find their way back home. But he realized Sonic’s brother’s workshop would most likely be miles from where they both decided to get lost too. He mentally kicked himself for not thinking about any of this before, why is it whenever that hedgehog drags him into anything he loses himself?
Shadow’s ears suddenly perked up, a noise, almost a murmur at first came from Sonic’s direction. He turned slowly to face him as he realized Sonic was singing. He couldn’t name what song it could possibly be, Shadow knew very little of the modern day artists. But he never took Sonic for one who could possibly carry a tune. 
“What song is that?” He found himself asking, he cleared his throat awkwardly. “If I may ask.”
Sonic blinked, he took a moment to just stare at the other hedgehog, almost like he had no clue what he was talking about. Which just caused Shadow to get even more embarrassed and frustrated that he said anything at all. That was until a lightbulb seemed to go off in Sonic’s head, he “oohed” and smiled. 
“That? It’s a lullaby, I used to sing it all the time to Tails whenever we were traveling and I would spend hours trying to get him to sleep.” He smiled fondly, eyes drifting in thought. “He doesn’t do too well in thunderstorms.” Shadow could faintly catch the blue hedgehog’s frown.
“I see.” Shadow said a little more plainly then he’d hoped. So he added, “You're worried.”
Sonic simply shrugged, “What can I say, I’m his brother. That’s all I’ll ever do.” He laughed, and Shadow found himself softly doing so as well. 
As time went on, the hedgehogs found themselves telling each other stories to pass the time. Sonic would make Shadow swear on his “coffee beans” every time not to tell Tails all the embarrassing stories he’s told him about when he was a fox pup. Shadow found it rather odd, he wouldn’t tell, but if it gave the strange hedgehog reassurance he would go along with it.
Soon the stories shifted to Sonic's childhood. Shadow never realized how long Sonic was alone when he was younger, about his life on Christmas Island. How he described the world, how even then he was willing to risk his life for all who inhabit it. The hybrid was reminded how he spent his own early days, on the Ark, but he had Maria. Just like how Sonic has Tails. 
Without really realizing it, Shadow had started telling Sonic more about his past. The experiments, the pain. About how much pressure he felt on his shoulders trying his damn hardest to be a cure for her. That’s all he ever wanted to be.
He’s not sure how it became so easy to talk about these things, he supposed it took time. Especially with someone like Sonic the Hedgehog. But he concluded that’s exactly the reason why, because while he and Sonic were complete opposites at times… they were an exact mirror image of the other. A mere reflection of who they are inside, two hedgehogs willing to risk it all to protect the world and all they love, for who they love.
They were only interrupted by the occasional sharp clap of thunder that would echo through the woods. Causing them to jump only a few times, and then laugh once more.
Soon, Shadow didn’t even notice until he glanced down that he and Sonic were basically leaning on each other. He suspected the blue hedgehog was cold, and surprisingly, he didn’t mind. He knew how Sonic felt about personal space, that was something they had in common after all. 
“How are you doing, with all this water?” As much as Shadow relished the silence, he was genuinely curious. Sonic let out a delayed “hm?”, he realized he might have caught the hero dozing off. 
“You think I can’t survive a bit of rain Shads?” Sonic scoffed with a toothy grin. “How dare you.”
Shadow’s quills stood up ever so slightly, clearly annoyed. “That’s not what I was insinuating at all.” He moved his arm away from Sonic, a very clear cold filling the void. They both noticed it, and stopped. They didn’t dare bring attention to it.
Sonic instead for whatever reason, shifted, standing as close as he could to “standing up” as he could get in the burrow. He glanced over at Shadow who was looking at him with what he guessed was an amusing expression since the blue hedgehog stifled a laugh.
“Want me to show you instead?” Sonic asked, reaching a hand out to Shadow. Right when he thought he was just starting to understand this hedgehog that confused him so, he goes and does something he would never expect. Especially from someone he knows has an innate fear of water. 
“What do you think you're doing, Sonic?” 
“You don’t have to,” Sonic said almost unnaturally softly. “But, I want you to trust me.”
Shadow sat there for a moment, trying to juggle his options as quickly as his mind allowed him. But as soon as Sonic started to put his hand down Shadow swiftly reached and took it. An action that felt a little too familiar.
“Fine,” he muttered. “I will.”
Sonic grinned, and at that same time Shadow could feel a strange twist in his chest. Perhaps he has been in here too long.
The rain was surprisingly not as wild as before as they exited their shelter, with rays of sunlight peeking through the whitening clouds above. The raindrops caught onto both their quills, beading down one by one. It was almost refreshing, but still cold, very cold.
Except for the warmth that came from Sonic’s hand. He felt that weird twist again as soon as he let go. 
“See?” Sonic uttered, breaking Shadow out of his plaguing thoughts. “Nothing to it, a little water never hurt me!”
Unbeknownst to Sonic however, Shadow could see how often his ears flicked as the water touched them, or how his fingers flexed with anticipation. As soon as Sonic’s quills started standing up, Shadow confirmed that Sonic was, in fact, not enjoying this. Which gave the hybrid an idea. 
“I see, how about a challenge then.” Shadow stated, grabbing the blue hedgehogs attention rather quickly. He grinned.
“A race, in the rain.” He then pointed back toward the direction of which he hoped would be one of the Mobian villages they were previously at before their first race. 
“First one back wins.” 
Sonic smiled, “Oh, you're on Shads!”
As they got into position, Sonic dug his shoes into the mud, trying to get as much of a grip as he could. Shadow had already felt at a slight disadvantage since his air shoes relied on heat from his chaos energy to activate; he was sure they’d work just fine, but he was hardly thinking about the mud. The rain that sprinkled his skin, kept his mind from wandering for too long.
From the moment they took off to the moments they stole glances at one another. The rain was there. 
They twisted and winded their way in between the trees, over boulders, and across the grassy hills. And again their race had turned into a game. A game of chase, just like before.
Sonic would lose Shadow, but then Shadow would find him. Shadow would hide behind something, then purposely bump into Sonic. They’re usual competitiveness was still there, but soon something else was too.
They would circle each other occasionally, with little to no real known reason between them. It was almost like a dance, one Shadow didn’t see himself losing. 
Their combined speed broke through the rain, sending raindrops flying in every direction with each sonic boom. The sound in perfect sync with the distant thunder. Each breath filled with damp air. The earth under his skates, and someone to enjoy it with right next to him.
With the village in view, he could feel Sonic beside him speed up, and so did he. He blinked raindrops out of his eyes, using a bit more energy to pass Sonic ever so slightly. 
Until it hit him.
He saw Sonic zoom away, seemingly not realizing Shadow stopped until he was a bit farther away. The blue hedgehog came rushing back, worried.
“Shadow?” He could feel his eyes darting around him, he slowly got closer to Shadow. “Are you okay, why did you stop?”
Shadow chuckled, staring up into the sky with a smile. “This is what she meant, by being in the rain.”
Sonic paused, he raised a curious brow, but smiled fondly anyway.
The two hedgehogs squinted as the sun finally made it completely through the clouds, the rain reduced to occasional sprinkles as the warmth reached them.
Shadow felt Sonic nudge him a bit, raising his arm over his shoulder. The hybrid rolled his eyes and leaned into it. Just this once.
They watched the clouds for a bit before Sonic spoke up, “You do realize I won right?”
“Oh? Did you?” Shadow peered up a bit, he felt Sonic stutter before clearing his throat. 
“Uh, yeah! You're the one who decided to have a moment in the rain while I crossed into town.” He smiled. “So what do I win?”
Shadow shrugged, “I wasn’t planning to lose, so I didn’t think that far.” he said flatly.
Sonic fake scoffed, “Oh, how you hurt me so~” Yeah, he was still as annoying as ever.
He eased Sonic away from him as he pointed a finger to the blue hedgehog's chest. “You decide what you win then.” 
Sonic had paused for a moment, back to staring at the other, and for a second Shadow could almost sense some sort of inner turmoil. Before he could ask Sonic shouted.
“Don Fachio’s chili dogs! I’m starving!” Sonic finally said, quite enthusiastically too, before adding slyly, “Your treat.”
“Fine.” Shadow could do that. But not before shooting Sonic an unheated glare. “But, you owe me one for getting us caught in that storm.”
“It’s a date then.” The blue hedgehog replied teasingly. Shadow couldn’t believe for the life of him that only a few hours ago he was letting his heart leak a bit and telling Sonic things he’s never told anyone. It was becoming a troublesome habit. But he supposed Sonic did the same, he knows a lot remained unsaid, and he’s not sure when they’d ever reveal themselves. But he did know one thing.
He wouldn’t mind being caught in the rain with him again.
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0vergrowngraveyard · 7 months
Tails is missing.
Those three words echoed in Amy's mind as she paced around the Restoration’s control room and to say she was stressed out was a huge understatement.
Not only was Tails one of her closest friends, his big brother didn’t know about it…
And said big brother would be here any second.
They had sent the fox on a simple solo mission. It was easy. Just check out a spot that had a signal where a signal shouldn’t be. He’d done it plenty of times with Sonic so there couldn’t have been any harm in sending him off alone, right?
Wrong. Somehow his comm went offline and his location just vanished. Vanished! Tails never took off his communicator and would make a huge fuss about whenever someone did! He almost glued the watch onto Knuckles’ wrist for crying out loud! Why would he suddenly take his off?
It didn’t make any sense. Tails was way too cautious of this situation to be happening at all.
It was entirely possible that he accidentally turned off his communicator, but the fact that it hadn’t responded for almost 30 minutes shed some doubt on that optimistic train of thought.
Luckily, they had his last known location, which was a few feet away from the point, and that’s why Sonic was on his way over. If anyone could get to that point fast enough, it was him.
Only problem is that Sonic didn’t even know about the kit’s solo mission. Amy didn’t think they had to tell him because Tails was growing into his own hero and, again, it was a simple mission that shouldn’t have even taken him an hour! But, of course, the one time Sonic isn’t involved in any missions that Tails has, it all goes horribly wrong and now she has to explain that to the blue hedgehog who was rapidly approaching her location.
The familiar sound of a dash and volunteers getting angry came from outside the room and her breath hitched.
Chaos, he was here way too soon.
“Hey Ames! Sorry I’m late! Saw a chilidog stand on the way and you know me! Just couldn’t resist.” Sure enough, there was a chilidog in his hand. He took a bite before continuing, “So, what d’you need? What's up?”
If Amy wasn’t sweating before, she sure was now. The way Sonic was staring at her was enough to make her start crying right there. His usual grin and friendly emerald eyes unknowingly stabbing daggers right through her.
It felt like she had betrayed him. His little brother was missing and it was partially her fault. She should’ve just gone with her gut and told him about everything.
She just knew that Tails was working really hard to grow out of Sonic’s shadow (or at least that’s how he phrased it) and she just thought that maybe he’d appreciate getting a solo mission! Show him that the Restoration didn’t just see him as Sonic’s sidekick, but as his own person!
How she wished she could turn back time and stop herself.
She had been staring.
“Ah! I-I’m sorry, must’ve just spaced out for a second haha!” She laughed nervously leading him over to the computers.
“Ooooookay. So what’s this all about? You said something about checking up on someone?” He asked.
Her heart sank. She had to tell him, there was no dancing around it.
“Yeah… about that,” She anxiously tapped her thumbs together.
Sonic cocked a brow at her, a teasing grin appearing on his muzzle. “Yeah, about that.” The hand not holding the chilidog went to his hip as he leaned into it.
She inhaled sharply.
Just get it over with, he needs to know.
“The person you need to check on is Tails.”
Sonic just stared at her for a few seconds before chuckling a bit. It felt so out of place but he didn’t know that.
“I saw him yesterday. He’s at his workshop.” He took a bite of his food, “Y’know, you should really visit sometime! It’s been awhile!”
When he noticed that Amy wasn’t smiling or looking at all relieved, his grin faltered, “Ames, he’s fine, I’m serious! If you need proof, just check his location!” He brought up his wrist, “Look, I’ll even check it no—“
“Sonic, he’s not at his workshop.” She blurted out before he could check.
The blue hedgehog stared at her as he slowly lowered his wrist. His grin was completely gone, a confused stare taking its place.
“What are you talking about?” He asked.
Amy took a shaky breath, “Please…please don’t get mad…”
Now he looked worried. “What? Amy? I won’t, just tell me what’s going on? Where’s Tails?”
You could always tell when Sonic’s patented “Big Brother Mode” was activating. He just had a certain stare he gave you when you even hinted that his little brother may be in trouble. It was a look of worry, fear, and worst of all, anger.
An angry Sonic was a Sonic you didn’t want to mess with. Not much really made him mad, his chill personality was definitely not just a public opinion, but there were a few things in life that really set him off…
and something happening to his little brother was at the very top of that list.
“Sonic, I..” Her voice shook, “I don’t know.”
Sonic had been having a great day. A fantastic day, even.
He had spent it checking out old spots he and Tails used to make camp at, making mental notes that they should spend the night at a few of these locations for old times sake. It could be a week-long camping trip for them! It had been some time since the two of them slept under the stars together!
Visiting these places made him nostalgic in ways he never knew he could feel. He missed the days when all he and his brother had were a backpack and a few heroic deeds to their name. When their biggest worries were Scratch and Grounder, not gods and wars.
Back when his little brother was the sweetest, most adorable little four year old to ever exist (that was a fact, not an opinion).
They were simpler times.
He was so excited to get back home and tell his brother all about his idea so imagine his surprise when he gets a call from the Restoration saying something about needing to check up on someone who wasn’t responding to any calls only to find out that person is supposedly Tails.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” He didn’t want to get mad right after he told Amy he wouldn’t, but the hedgehog had no idea how long he’d be able to keep his cool. “Just…just tell me what’s going on.”
Amy turned her gaze to the floor for a few beats, tears pricked her eyes. He started tapping his foot impatiently.
He really didn’t want to be mad at Amy. She was twelve years old and, while she wasn’t in charge of the Restoration anymore, she played a huge part in making sure it stayed afloat. She was already under a lot of stress and raising his voice would not help that.
She inhaled before speaking. “We sent him on a solo mission and his comm suddenly went offline.”
She must’ve seen the look on his face because words came flooding out of her mouth to attempt to explain.
“Sonic, I swear it was nothing dangerous. We just had him go check something out! A weird signal! That’s all!” She cried out. “He’d done it plenty of times before! I-I just thought this wouldn’t be any different! I-“
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He cut her off. His tone was harsh and he almost cringed at the way it made her wince. The only thing that stopped him was the fact that his worry for his little brother’s safety was strongly overpowering his worry about hurting his friend’s feelings.
It sucked, but he was a big brother first and foremost.
“Because I didn’t think it was a big deal! He's gone to check Chaos Emerald reading on his own, this wasn’t any different! He probably would’ve even been back by now!” The pink hedgehog reasoned, a few tears had slipped down her muzzle.
“Yea, ‘not very different’. Except it’s very different because it was an unknown signal! Not a Chaos Emerald reading! That signal could’ve been anything!” He didn’t mean to raise his voice but damn it, he was stressing out. “And even when he goes to look for Emerald readings on his own, I still know where he is in case of situations like these! I always know where he is because he’s eight years old, Amy! He shouldn’t even be looking for readings alone but he does anyway!”
He didn’t even realize he had thrown his free hand up, still holding onto the chilidog in the other, and walked a few steps away from her. His free hand was on his forehead as his mind flooded with all the scenarios his baby brother could be in right now. Images of Tails being scared and/or hurt and his screams of pain played over and over again.
Finally, he turned to look at Amy. For a lack of better words, she looked awful. Her quills were a mess and she looked seconds away from breaking down.
“How long?” He asked
“How long has his communicator been offline?”
It took a few beats for her to finally respond. “Around 30 minutes ago…”
All Sonic could do was stare. The chilidog in his hand fell to the floor with a disgusting splat.
30 minutes. 30 whole minutes. Chaos knows what happened to his little brother and it took them 30 minutes to call him?! Why was he even told to come to the Restoration HQ? He should’ve been at his last known location by now figuring out what happened!
Oh Chaos what if it was too late. It had to be, right? Sure, 48 hours was usually the crucial time when it came to missing children, but in this line of work, even just 5 minutes alone could spell disaster, let alone 30!
“30 minutes…why didn’t you just send me the coordinates?! Why did you ask me to come here?!”
“I don’t know! I- I just panicked! This has never happened before and I didn’t know what to do!” She collapsed to her knees, tears streaming down her muzzle as she held her face in her hands.
He felt bad for yelling at her, he hated yelling at his younger friends, but self control was something that was in limited supply at the moment. He looked at the floor, his quills raised as if the knowledge of Tails possibly being in danger meant that the hedgehog was in danger as well.
His legs were itching to just get out of this damn room.
“I’m so sorry, Sonic…Tails could be hurt and it’s all my fault…I should’ve told you…I shouldn’t have even sent him alone…I’m so sorry…” She cried into her hands.
Sonic didn’t respond to her.
Instead, he looked around the room at all the Mobians who were staring at him in fear. None of them had ever seen the hero this upset before.
“Someone send me his last known coordinates.” He demanded. “Now.”
One of the volunteers at the computer quickly typed something into the device and clicked the mouse a few times. His own communicator in his wrist lit up with a notification.
A set of coordinates on the outskirts of White Park Zone.
With the location already memorized, he gave a nod to the Mobian at the computer who sent him a shaky thumbs up back.
He looked back down at Amy. He wanted to say something, wanted to say that it wasn’t her fault and that everything would be okay, but he couldn’t find his voice.
He ran out of the HQ, pushing himself to go faster and faster. He’d already wasted too much time talking.
‘Hang tight, keed. I’m on my way.’ He thought as the boom of a broken sound barrier shook the area around him.
Somewhere far from White Park Zone, a little fox slowly opened his blue eyes. A headache pounding against his skull as he tried to make sense of the area around him through his concussion.
He didn’t remember much, only the feeling of something hard hitting the back of his head and blacking out. He remembered he was checking something out for Amy, it had been his first solo mission for the Restoration! Except that mission seemed to have gone wrong.
He just hoped his brother wasn’t mad at him.
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max-nico · 1 year
Sonic has been called an "overprotective big brother" over the years many times. Not his fault that Tails is small, impressionable, and reckless. He's known the kid since he was a toddler, if anyone else had been around that long they would understand too.
Or at least he thought they would, but it seems he was wrong because his own two best friends–Amy and Knuckles–are the ones who call him overprotective the most. This is a huge betrayal on their part, especially when they bring up valid points like Tails' intelligence and skill, because how could he disagree. Sonic has the coolest, most awesome and amazing, little brother ever. 
With that being said, Sonic is pretty sure he has the right to interrogate the little fox this time. He's like 90% sure his panic is warranted when he sees his little brother load and cock a very real and deadly gun. Because that kid is 9. He is 9, and he is putting on his watch and his plane gear to leave, and for some reason he needs a weapon wherever he's going. Sonic thinks he has a right to exercise at least a little big brother privilege here, honestly it would be negligent to not at least question him. 
"Hey bud. Whatcha up to?"
Tails' ear flicks toward him as he packs a few things into the Tornado. "You remember that hard drive that GUN thought they stole from me, but I actually knew they wanted it so I lowered a few of my defense systems so that they could grab it and leave me alone?"
The answer is no, Sonic has no recollection of that happening at all. Though he supposes it's his own fault for only half listening when Tails was talking. He's really gotta break that habit.
"Sure do." Sonic lies.
"Well, I actually have a little bit of data on there that I forgot to back up to another hard drive since I didn't think I needed it, so I'm going to go get it."
"And you need a weapon for that? Why don't you just ask Shadow?"
Tails finally turns to face Sonic, floating down off the Tornado and in front of Sonic. He stands with his hands on his hips, leaning just a little into his personal space. He takes the chance to absentmindedly scratch behind his little brother's ears, making him push his head into his hand.
"I did, actually. He's the one who told me to bring some weapons, he said he wants to help me improve my stealth techniques."
"Huh, and he didn't even bother to text me about it." Sonic huffs. It comes out playfully, but he won't deny being a little peeved that Shadow didn't message him. Tails is a genius and can make his own decisions, sure, but he's also not even in double digits. Sonic is literally his guardian, he feels like he should've been consulted about this. "I find that quite rude."
Tails smacks Sonic with one of his tails. The fur gets trapped in the small quills on his face, which makes his brother giggle.
"Then how do you find that, hm?"
"I find that the person who did it has another thing coming."
Sonic is so gonna fill his pillows with quills and shaving cream again. The fox constantly complains about not being able to get his quills out of any furniture, but he also got his fur stuck on Sonic's face, he figures this is pretty good retribution.
"Sure I do."
This is what Sonic means. Where did his wholesome brother go? Ignoring the fact that he has been a little menace since they first met, this is obviously team Dark's fault. Their devious ways are corrupting his little brother, who has obviously only learned nice things from him, like dad jokes and spindashing.
Tails has been constantly hanging out with team Dark for a few months now. After spending time with Rouge on Amy's last birthday he seemed to acquire a sort of childish fascination with them. Honestly, Sonic didn't really see it as a bad thing at first. They got Tails to spend more time out of his lab, and they always seemed to take care of him so Sonic had no qualms as long as Tails was having fun.
Then the habits came. Habits that Sonic had managed to completely purge a couple years back. Sure, he's not building bombs willy nilly anymore (as far as he knows anyway), but a few weeks ago Tails showed him the Empire nuclear launch codes just because he could.
Just yesterday they were having a conversation about a grocery store in station square. Amy had apparently told him that the cashier was kind of rude, so he asked if she wanted him to "blow up the entire store". She laughed and said no thanks, but when Sonic just shook his head at him Tails had the audacity to say "he'll make sure there's no one in it", as if that was the problem with what he said.
Sonic will not claim to have clean hands. He will not say he's never killed anybody on purpose or on accident, but is it so much to want to spare his brother from the same fate? Sonic still has nightmares over things like that, and even if his little brother is joking, he just can't find it in himself to laugh.
It's obvious Sonic will have to talk to Shadow and Rouge soon, he would talk to Omega as well but the robot honestly just does whatever he wants. Sonic can respect it. He cannot, however, respect Shadow and Rouge teaching his kid brother bad stuff, like how to get away with murder and other things of the like.
"I'll be back before you know it, Sonic, I swear!"
It's obvious Sonic has just missed most of the one sided conversation Tails was just having with him, he zoned out again. Damn it.
"And I'll have my communicator on me so if anything goes wrong, you'll be the first to know! I'll stay safe, Shadow will be with me."
Tails says that as if it's any comfort to Sonic. He may trust Shadow with his life but he does not trust him with children. He's sure Tails will come out physically unscathed, but mentally? This is going to be a trainwreck.
Sonic sighs. He already knows he won't be able to convince him not to go, at least not in the small timeframe he has, so he just pulls the kid in for a hug instead. "Call me as soon as you're able, okay?"
"I will, promise!"
"And if you're not back and not answering in 24 hours, I'm coming to find you myself."
"Yes, Sonic." Tails says, pulling away.
"And I'll give Shadow a piece of my mind if I have to, you know I will."
"I'm leaving now."
"And so will Knuckles and Amy!"
"Remember what I said about calling!"
"I can't hear you anymore!"
Sonic smiles as Tails starts his plane, the kid will be fine, he knows it. After all, he's sure Shadow and Rouge know the consequences if he's not.
woe, the brothers be upon ye I wrote this in like two sittings and its barely been edited, I'll probably put this on ao3 later after I've looked at it again lol. you're welcome to hit me up in my dms or askbox, but if it's a request I would prefer my ask box lol. Remember you have to be nice to me forever and ever and ever if you decide to talk to me btw
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shadamyheadcanons · 7 months
Headcanon #296
Cross-posted on AO3.
Knuckles’s jaw was clenched, and his arms were crossed tightly over his chest. Amy’s bubbly voice floated in from the loveseat to his right. He scowled straight ahead at the wall in front of him instead of looking at her, knowing he’d only get more irritated if he did.
“Sounds like you two had a good time,” Rouge said from the armchair to Knuckles’s left.
Knuckles could see Amy’s head bob excitedly out of the corner of his eye. “Yeah! And then we went swimming by Emerald Coast,” Amy continued. “The water was beautiful!”
“Aside from the orcas,” a low voice added.
Knuckles whipped his head over without thinking. “Orcas?! Amy, are you—”
Knuckles choked on the last word. Shadow was staring back at him, eyes intense and unreadable. He was sitting directly behind Amy on the loveseat, keeping his knees apart so she could sit between them. His arms were wrapped around her midsection.
Knuckles’s eye twitched.
“Don’t worry!” Amy piped up. “Shadow was keeping an eye on me. He had a Chaos Emerald on hand just in case to warp me out of there.” She beamed over her shoulder at Shadow. He grunted and rested his chin on top of her head.
Knuckles looked away. Rouge’s lips were spread into a subtle smirk.
Amy jumped at the sound of the oven timer. “Oh! That must be the surprise I mentioned earlier!” She hopped to her feet. “It’ll be done in just a few minutes.”
“I’ll help,” Shadow said immediately.
“Thanks!” Amy offered a hand to pull him to his feet.
Knuckles started to stand. “I’ll come, too.”
“Nope!” Amy interjected. “Someone has to keep Rouge company.” She winked.
Without another word, Amy dashed off toward her kitchen, pulling a willing Shadow along with her. Knuckles sighed.
He heard the quiet flapping of wingbeats and peeked an eye open to find Rouge had perched on the arm of the couch to lean into his personal space. “She’s turning into a real matchmaker, hmm?”
Knuckles tried to relax his muscles. “Some days, I can’t tell if she’s trying to set me up with you or Sonic.”
Rouge made an interested noise. “Now that’s an idea.”
“I don’t even want to know what you mean by that.”
In front of him, Shadow and Amy had just entered her kitchen. She opened up the oven, but Shadow nudged ahead so he could reach in and extract three cake pans from it for her. When he placed them on the stovetop, she gave him a grateful kiss on the cheek. Shadow wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, far closer than Knuckles would have liked. He grumbled.
Rouge spoke up beside him once more. “Aww, worried about your little sister?”
“She’s not my sister.”
“You don’t have to be shy about it. I think it’s sweet!”
Knuckles ignored her. Through the doorway to the kitchen, he could see Amy take out a bowl of cream from her fridge and lay out a few other ingredients. Shadow, apparently feeling quite at home in Amy’s kitchen, easily located a large mixing bowl and a whisk. She tossed the ingredients into the bowl and started whisking them together at an impressive speed. Shadow muttered something inaudible in Amy’s ear. She smiled brightly, and he stepped over to hold her from behind, peeking over her shoulder as she worked.
Knuckles felt pain in his jaw, cluing him in that he’d been clenching his teeth. He relaxed his jaw, though he kept glaring at Shadow. “Would it kill him to keep his paws to himself?”
Shadow’s ear twitched slightly, making Knuckles wonder if his enhanced hearing was keen enough to pick up on their conversation. He decided he didn’t care.
Rouge shrugged in his peripheral vision. “Aren’t all new couples like that?”
Knuckles snorted. “I expect PDA from Amy, but Shadow? He never touches anyone! And now he’s acting so...”
“Possessive? That’s because he is.”
Knuckles’s face soured. He whipped his head up to meet Rouge’s easy smile. She seemed far too happy about the situation. “You don’t think that’s creepy at all?”
Rouge scoffed and leaned back. “Not one bit. It’s just who he is.”
Knuckles squinted at her. “What do you mean?”
Rouge’s eyes flicked over to the kitchen. She sighed. “When I first met that guy, he had nothing but the shoes on his feet,” she said, keeping her voice low. Her eyes fell shut. “Gerald, G.U.N...they took everything from Shadow. His freedom. His memories. His identity. Everyone who ever cared about him.” Knuckles could see her jaw clench. “All G.U.N.’s ever given him is a goddamn motorcycle, and he loves that thing. Paints it. Maintains it. Polishes it every single weekend. He won’t even let Tails touch it.”
An unwanted pang of sympathy made itself known in Knuckles’s chest. He crossed his arms and tried to ignore it. “What does a bike have to do with Amy?”
Rouge’s eyes opened slowly. She looked as weary as he’d ever seen her. “I’m saying Shadow’s hardly had anything that’s actually his, and when he does, he keeps it close and takes damn good care of it.”
Knuckles paused. Then, he stubbornly turned up his nose. “Still sounds creepy to me.”
Rouge rolled her eyes. She grabbed his shoulder and roughly turned him to face the kitchen. “Is that really what you see?” she hissed.
Amy stood next to the counter. She’d set aside a bowl of some red, sugary substance, seemingly taking a break to hold a strawberry up to Shadow’s mouth. He took a bite right from her hand. After a moment of chewing and contemplation—far too intense for a strawberry, Knuckles thought—Shadow nodded. Amy’s smile was brilliant. He gazed down at her with an obvious softness in his eyes, then held her closer with the arm he still kept around her waist and kissed her fondly.
As he kept kissing her, though—far longer than Knuckles felt was strictly necessary—the memory of Shadow abandoning him to help Black Doom in Glyphic Canyon sprang to mind. Knuckles turned away. “Well, excuse me if I don’t exactly trust the guy. He—”
He was cut off by Rouge’s fierce growl, and her sharp nails stabbed into his shoulder, making him choke.
“I know you’re not about to trash-talk my best friend right in front of my face,” Rouge snapped, her teal eyes flashing in warning. Knuckles shrank back. “Shadow’s a good man, and he’s saved all of our asses more than once, yours included. He’s more than earned our forgiveness.”
Rouge’s wings were flared out behind her, and her fangs were bared. From his position below her on the sofa, Knuckles was bluntly reminded of why so many people were afraid of Rouge. He nodded slowly, eyes wide.
The glare remained on Rouge’s face for several seconds. At last, it faded, and she averted her gaze. The pain in Knuckles’s shoulder disappeared. He let out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding, and the pounding of his heart slowed down.
Rouge let out a deep breath. After an extended silence, she spoke up again. “Do you really think Amy would put up with that kind of mistreatment?”
“She put up with Sonic running away from her for years.”
Rouge opened her mouth to reply, but then her expression pinched. “...I guess that’s fair.”
Knuckles slumped. He stared down at his feet. He could feel Rouge watching him, waiting for a response. His throat tightened.
“It’s my fault.”
Rouge’s tone was softer than before. “What are you talking about? Sonic’s the one who ran away.”
Knuckles shook his head. He kept his eyes on the floor. “No. We all did it. Sonic was immature, and Tails was just following him, but what’s my excuse? I was the oldest. I should’ve been the responsible one.”
Rouge rested her hand on his shoulder, gently this time, but Knuckles brushed it off and shook his head. “I told myself it wasn’t my business. I had my island and my Emerald, and they had their world, but...” Knuckles’s face twisted. “I abandoned her just like they did. She got kidnapped over and over, and Sonic never learned. He left her behind every time.” Knuckles snarled and punched his palm. “If I’d just knocked some sense into him, if I’d just been there for her...stood up for her—”
His muscles went limp, and his eyes squeezed shut. “I don’t have the right to call myself her brother. Any halfway decent older brother would have protected her.”
He remained there for a while, just staring into his hands.
Rouge’s hand returned to his shoulder. He tried to shrug it off again, but she remained steadfast.
“Knuckles, you can’t blame yourself for all of that.”
Knuckles squinted up at her concerned expression at last. “It’s my fault. Why shouldn’t I?”
“Because it shouldn’t have been your job to begin with.” She shook her head. “You weren’t an adult, you were a teenager. All four of you should have had actual adults looking after you.” He opened his mouth to speak, but she held up a finger to stop him. “Eggman did the kidnapping, not you. And yeah, we all should have treated her better...” She averted her gaze. “Even me...but we were all just kids and teens doing our best out there. Don’t beat yourself up over it, Knux.”
“No buts,” Rouge cut in. “Would Amy want you to be so hard on yourself?”
Knuckles paused. He glanced into the kitchen again, only to find Shadow and Amy were out of sight. He searched for a moment, but then he heard Amy giggle from around a corner in the kitchen and say, “You little—!”
Knuckles growled immediately. He was halfway to his feet when a gentle hand pressed against his chest to stop him. He couldn’t help but comply.
“Ah, ah! Down, boy,” Rouge teased, guiding him back down to his seat. “Does she sound upset?”
Knuckles pouted, wishing he weren’t so easily swayed. Amy turned the corner with Shadow in tow. Her mischievous laughter floated back in once more. Knuckles rolled his eyes. “...No. I guess not.”
I definitely don’t like that smug look on his face, though.
“Well, I hate to tell you this, Knuckles, but you don’t have a choice.”
Knuckles glanced back up at Rouge. Despite her words, her expression was playful. “What do you mean?”
Rouge chuckled. “You can claim you’re not Amy’s brother all you want, but she’s still your sister. She’s already decided that.”
Knuckles snorted. “What are you talking about? She’s never said that.”
“She doesn’t have to, hun. It’s all there.” At his skeptical look, she continued. “Why do you think she’s worked to get so strong?”
Knuckles waved it off. “She had to. We all did.”
Rouge crossed her arms and raised a smug brow. “So it’s just a coincidence that she specifically chose boxercise for a fighting style? She goes through a punching bag a week, just like you do.”
Knuckles thought for a moment, then snorted. “Punching things is the best way to fight. Doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out.”
Rouge smirked. “I don’t know about that. My way works just fine.” She extended one of her strong legs and rested it in Knuckles’s lap. His breath caught in his throat.
“That’s not all, though,” she continued. “Haven’t you ever noticed she just so happened to pick a red dress with a white collar? Doesn’t that remind you of anyone...?” To drive her point home, Rouge dragged one finger over Knuckles’s collarbone down to trace the white crescent shape on his chest. He gulped.
With Knuckles stunned, she was free to keep talking. “And haven’t you ever wondered why she keeps her quills down like that? Doesn’t that look familiar?”
Knuckles’s head cleared for a moment, and his attention snapped to the kitchen, where the two hedgehogs were assembling a cake. Shadow was stroking his fingers through Amy’s quills, which were immaculately styled as always to point downward. Knuckles’s heart thumped unexpectedly. “Do you really think that’s why?” he asked, barely above a whisper.
“Mhm,” Rouge crooned. “And she has to use a ton of product to do it, too. Hedgehog quills don’t do this on their own.” She shifted her hand back up to thread into his quills. “She wouldn’t do that if you weren’t worth looking up to, riiiight~?”
Knuckles’s muscles started to unwind. “Y-yeah...I guess so...”
“Sooo...don’t you think it’s time you forgave yourself...and maybe someone else, too?”
It was hard to think with Rouge’s nails gently scratching his scalp. The couch creaked underneath him as he leaned back into the cushions. “...Mmmaybe...”
He could hear the smile in Rouge’s voice as she added, “Y’know, it’s gotta be pretty nice not to have to worry about her anymore.” He tipped his head back and made a quiet, inquisitive grunt. Rouge chuckled under her breath. “She’s strong as hell from emulating you, and if all else fails, she’s got a clingy, overprotective boyfriend looking out for her now. Strong enough to flip a bus. Faster than the speed of sound. Can teleport to her side whenever she’s in danger. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
Amy was putting the finishing touches on the dessert. Shadow swiped a dollop of whipped cream from her cheek. When she looked up in curiosity, he licked it off of his thumb and smirked at her. She held back a shy giggle, and he clung to her once more to press a kiss to her temple.
Even so, Knuckles somehow felt less concerned than before.
When she puts it like that, it doesn’t sound too bad.
Rouge shifted closer, drawing his attention. “That’s half the reason he’s always all over her like this, you know,” she pointed out with a smirk. “No one’s dumb enough to mess with Shadow’s girlfriend. So long as he’s around, no one can touch her.”
Knuckles gazed up at her sincere smile for a moment, unable to argue. She kept running her fingers through his quills, and an unfamiliar warmth washed over him for the first time in a long while.
A few seconds later, though, a thought tugged at the back of his hazy mind, and he frowned, suspicious. “If that’s only half of the reason, what’s the other half?”
“You two look cozy,” Amy teased from the doorway.
Knuckles nearly jumped out of his skin. Realizing Rouge was practically sitting in his lap, he wrenched his head out of her hand and scrambled out from under her leg.
Rouge righted herself on the couch and pouted. “So rude.”
Knuckles shuffled over to take refuge on the other side of the couch, running his hands through his disheveled quills and fur to straighten things out. “Hmph.” His face burned while the others laughed. Desperate to change the subject, he fixed his gaze on the dessert in Amy’s hands. “So is that the surprise you mentioned?”
Amy glowed with pride as she presented the triple-layered cake, complete with strawberry drizzle, immaculate whipped cream swirls, and carefully-placed strawberries. “Yup! I think I finally nailed my new strawberry shortcake recipe!” She set the cake on her coffee table and straightened back up. “Let me know what you think!”
Shadow knelt next to the coffee table, plates and silverware in hand. He cut the cake with clean, precise strokes, and soon everyone had a slice.
Rouge chimed in first. “Mmmm! This is delicious, Amy!”
Knuckles nodded. The sweetness of the strawberries was mellowed out by the cool whipped cream. The light, spongy cake tied everything together perfectly. “You’ve outdone yourself this time. I think this might be your best yet,” he said through another mouthful.
Amy grinned and sat down on the loveseat to take her first bite. She squealed and kicked her feet in place. “Oooo, this is perfect!” She swallowed and added, “I’m so excited. Strawberry shortcake is my favorite!”
Knuckles paused in his chewing. “I thought your favorite was soft serve ice cream.”
“It was for a long time,” Amy said. “But then Shadow took me to this cute little bakery in Westopolis. They had the best strawberry shortcake!”
Shadow slid his empty plate onto the coffee table next to her. “Still not as good as yours.”
Amy gaped. “You’re already done?! I’ve barely—”
She cut herself off with a yelp when Shadow abruptly lifted her to sit sideways in his lap. He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Couldn’t help it. It was delicious.”
She laughed and settled easily into his arms. “You almost made me drop my cake!”
Knuckles stayed quiet while Amy told Rouge about the supposedly indispensable shoe store next to the Westopolis bakery. His focus shifted to Shadow, who seemed content to admire Amy’s bubbly demeanor instead. He held her far more closely than he had to.
He’s too handsy.
Shadow admired Amy’s enthusiasm with unusual intensity.
He’s too fixated on her.
Knuckles thought of Shadow’s past actions, some of which bordered on indefensible.
He’s got a checkered past and takes things too far.
Then, Knuckles’s gaze fell upon Amy—her easy, radiant smile and the fully relaxed state her muscles only reached when she was in the complete security of Shadow’s arms.
Maybe...that actually works for her.
Amy and Rouge kept chatting. Knuckles looked back over to Shadow, who was now staring back at him, unreadable as always.
And it might be useful to have someone around to talk to who’s just as uninterested in shoe shopping as I am.
Knuckles mulled it over. Soon, he found himself thinking of things they might have in common. He was on the verge of formulating a question about martial arts or workout routines...until he caught sight of something on Amy’s neck that definitely hadn’t been there twenty minutes ago.
His blood boiled.
“Amy. WHAT. IS. THAT?!”
All conversation stopped at Knuckles’s outburst. Following Knuckles’s gaze, Rouge burst into a loud cackle.
Amy rolled her eyes. “Oh, grow up, Knuckles. We’re all adults here!”
Every muscle in Knuckles’s body tightened, and he turned his most heated glare on Shadow, the glare that made everyone else wilt.
Shadow’s unreadable face morphed into an unmistakable smirk, and he let out a smug snicker under his breath. Knuckles clenched his fists.
He can stay for Amy’s sake...but he’s still the worst.
((I will tolerate the Sonic Twitter Takeover changing Amy’s favorite dessert if they admit it happened during a Shadamy date. I think that’s fair.))
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sonickinniestuff · 7 months
been on a bit of a sitcom kick recently and more than EVER i need a sonic sitcom in my life. its 6 am and i havent slept so this is just gonna be me infodumping abt a fun concept i think abt from time to time. cool? cool. shadow visiting amy and accidentally knocking over and shattering a vase at her house, vowing to do whatever she wants to pay for it. she doesn't care much so she has him spend a day doing favors for big instead, as she doesn't see him spending much time with anyone else in the gang. shadow grumpily wearing a "men want me fish fear me" hat fishing with big until he realizes that he genuinely adores taking it easy and the meditative trance it puts him in watching the sunlight dance on the water. b plot of sonic holding on to the back of metal sonic flying away after thwarting another one of eggman's plans and he just. falls into the water and shadow fishes him out with greater finesse and skill than big has EVER seen someone fish with. shadow is super embarrassed abt it and sonic teases him about it every chance he gets, always emphasizing that he did it to save him. the chaotix have a slow month at the detective agency and DESPERATELY need cash so they change gears to journalism to make ends meet. cue the worst vertical phone footage you've ever seen of the trio bugging knuckles to DEATH on angel island about the master emerald and it's powers and knuckles trying his absolute best to not throw them off head first for trying to make fast vapid content about something so important to him. once they realize they've upset him they pivot the footage into a really spottily edited documentary about knuckles' dedication to his title, and the episode ends with knuckles asking tails if there's a way to put an entire video on his fridge.
sonic and tails hear blaze is visiting from her dimension so they spend every second of the next few hours trying to spruce the place up, only for eggman to show up with a pack of badniks just to mess with them. desperate to end things quickly and keep all their hard work in tact, sonic charges at the badniks to clear them out with as little of a ruckus as possible. since he was so headstrong about dispatching them without considering the method, broken bot parts and debris end up all over the garage. blaze shows up just as the last metal sheet slides across the floor against her shoe and you can watch her own attempt at formality falter as she laughs so hard she falls over, and tails just stands there with his face buried in his hands. do u see it do u see my vision
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hugsandchaos · 3 months
Task Failed Successfully
Summary: Boom!Team Sonic is asked by Modern!Shadow to watch his beloved chao companion, Cherry, while he works on building his own house. Well, he asked Amy, but the rest decided to join. Things go horribly wrong when the chao goes missing and the group faces possibly becoming enemies with Modern!Shadow.
Quick Note: Don’t ask how Modern!Shadow knows how to build a cabin, it just had to be done, okay? Also, this ~~~~~~~ is meant to be a bit of a time skip or a change in environment, like in the episodes. I hope this explanation makes reading this easier. Credit to the AU goes to @zumbieve!
Word Count: 5,509
Amy held the hex nut in her hand and reached up to let Bea hover down and eat it from her hand. If not for her gloves, the robot’s metal mouth might’ve felt uncomfortable, but instead they just felt a little tickly. She smiled as Bea made quick work of the hex nut, then fly back up and buzz in happiness. Amy couldn’t help an amused giggle, she thought Bae was so cute and sweet. A knock at the door interrupted their quiet moment.”Coming!” Amy called out. She stood up from her couch and walked over to the door.
She was surprised to see Shadow standing at the door. No, not the edgy one that the group despises, the short one. The one who seems pretty grumpy and unapproachable, but is actually a bit of a softie. Especially to his small companion.”Shadow! How nice to see you!” Amy said. She glanced at the small creature floating behind Shadow and using both stubby little arms to hold onto his shoulder.”And you, too, Cherry!” She said.
Cherry had a striking resemblance to Shadow. Shadow said that she was a “chao”, a creature of chaos energy. Something that the group had very little knowledge of. Cherry smiled at her and waved with one of her arms.
“Good morning, Amy. Is this a bad time?” Shadow asked. He sounded a little tired, and not in the “all done with people” way.
Amy shook her head and stepped back to allow him inside.”Not at all, come on in.” She said. Shadow nodded politely and walked in. Amy closed the door and sat down on her couch, followed by Shadow. Cherry made a few happy sounds when she saw Bea and floated onto the floor. Bea buzzed and laid down to let Cherry pat her on the head.”So what brings you here?” Amy asked. She appreciated the dark hybrid’s company greatly. He was quiet most of the time, but liked a good conversation, and they had a few similar interests.
One of the things they do the most together is tending to the flowers in Amy’s garden. Shadow was experienced in taking care of lavender, which was a big help since she was a beginner with the purple plant. He did her a pretty big favor with that, and when he housesat for her while she was away once.“Would it be any trouble looking after Cherry for a while? I need to work on my house and you seem to be one of the most responsible out of the group.” Shadow asked.
Amy instantly smiled and held back a squeal of excitement.“That little cutie? Of course! However long you need!” She replied. Cherry was a sweet little creature, and she got along with Bea very well. Whenever Shadow came over with her, she could be found playing with Bea. Amy was already excited for how this day would go.”I think I still have a copy of that list you showed me about how to take care of a chao, so don’t worry!” She said. It was true, she’d asked for a copy a while back incase Shadow ever asked her to babysit Cherry.
Shadow gave her a small smile, looking a little relieved.“Thank you. I should be able to finish sometime between the afternoon and evening. She’s slowing down a little, but it’s not a bad thing, I just need you to keep in mind that she might sleep half the day.” He said.
Amy nodded in understanding. She should probably make a note of it, just incase she forgets.“Understood. Don’t worry, she’s in good hands. You might even come back to us wearing face masks.” Amy said. She laughed at her own joke and earned an amused chuckle from Shadow.“I hope to see your house once it’s finished.” Amy added.
Shadow nodded.“I know she’ll be alright, it’s you I’m asking. Hopefully, I’ll be able to show you the house sometime tomorrow.” He said.
“Sounds great!“ Amy said.
Shadow stood up off the couch, only to kneel in front of Cherry. Cherry chirped and hugged his leg. He patted her back in return.“I’ll be back soon.” He said. The little floating ball somehow connected to Cherry turned into a heart shape and she let out a happy chirp-like sound. The corners of Shadow’s mouth moved upwards as he stood up and waved bye.
Cherry let go and waved back.”Thanks again, Amy.” He said. He walked out of her house before suddenly vanishing in a flash of red.
Once Shadow was gone, Cherry stared at the place where he was before. She looked a little sad seeing him gone, which was to be expected. The two seem inseparable, especially since Cherry was dependent on Shadow as her caretaker. Another main factor was that chao, creatures who themselves had chaos energy inside, had an affinity for chaos energy. Shadow was the only other source of this arcane energy, so it was no surprise that she tried to stick by him so much.
Also because they were great friends, everyone thought it was adorable seeing Shadow playing with Cherry and teaching her how to do first aid and letting her use his arm as practice. Amy smiled at Cherry.”Don’t be sad, Auntie Amy will take care of you today!” She said. Cherry turned to Amy as she stood up.”I’ll just find that list.” She said. She walked over to the drawers she kept next to her couch and opened the one second to the top.
She was a little confused to see that it wasn’t in there even as she moved stuff around, but quickly brushed it off as simply misremembering things and opened the drawer above it. The list wasn’t in there, either.“I know I put the list in one of these drawers.” Amy muttered to herself. While she continued to rummage through the four drawers, the pink hedgehog failed to notice Cherry climbing onto Bea’s back.
Finally, in the bottom drawer, the list was revealed. Amy picked up the neatly folded piece of paper and closed the drawer, letting the list unfold a few times to begin reviewing it.“Ah-ha! Found it!” She cheered. She heard Bea buzzing above her and looked up. Amy gasped when she saw Bea flying in circles high above her head with Cherry cheering on her back.“Bea, please stay a little closer to the ground if you’re going to let Cherry ride on your back.” She said, worry slipping into her otherwise stern tone.
Amy set down a plate of neatly cut up fruits such as apples, oranges, and cantaloupe on her table.”The list says that chao pretty much only eat fruits, so I put together this nice fruit plate.” She said. Cherry chirped and smiled at her.”Aw, you’re welcome!” Amy said. Cherry floated from the couch to the table and picked up a piece of cantaloupe. How she was able to do that without any actual hands or fingers, Amy will never know. Cherry had only taken a few bites when a blue blur came in through the window.
Sonic let himself flop back onto the couch and smiled.”Hey, Amy! I’m bored. Got any fun activities?” He asked. Amy, a little upset by the sudden intrusion, opened her mouth to scold him for not knocking.“Actually, don’t answer that. You hate fun.” Sonic interrupted. Amy let out a small groan of irritation at his behavior. He was almost always like this, and sometimes, it was something Amy could brush off. Other times, she wanted so badly to just shake him until he understood his manners.
Cherry warbled in greeting and caught Sonic’s attention. He looked at her from the couch and smiled.“Oh, hey, Cherry.” He said. He quickly sat up and looked around.”Wait, is Shadow here?” He asked, sounding pretty eager to see him. He probably wanted to ask him to race again. It seemed to be his favorite thing to do with him.
“No. Shadow asked me to watch Cherry for the day.” Amy replied, sounding a little proud of herself. And she was.
Sonic seemed a little disappointed that he wouldn’t find Shadow there and leaned back into the couch, letting his arms flail back carelessly.“Why you and not me? I mean, not that I exactly want to babysit the whole day, but Cherry’s adorable and we can do all sorts of cool stuff.” Sonic asked.
Amy put a hand on her chest and smiled.”He said I’m one of the most responsible out of the group. I guess he didn’t want to risk you getting the bright idea of launching Cherry across the living room while he wasn’t around.” She replied.
Sonic rolled his eyes.”Oh, come on!” He said. Amy glared at him. She didn’t really trust whatever it was that Sonic had in mind for “fun”, especially with Cherry.”I mean, sure, I’m plenty irresponsible, but I’m responsible enough to admit it! That means something, right?” He argued. Cherry finished off another piece of fruit, then flew over to the couch.
“Chao!” She said, climbing onto Sonic’s leg and patting him as if to get his attention. Sonic looked at her and his face quickly softened.
“Aww!” He said. He patted her on the head. Cherry smiled and closed her eyes, clearly enjoying the affection. Amy couldn’t help but coo as well at this. There was something about the creature that Shadow called “chao” that was just so adorable. Amy had a feeling that if Eggman ever found her, even he’d agree, and treat her like the precious creature she was.
That is, if Shadow didn’t knock him out before he could get near her. He was protective of Cherry, and he didn’t like Eggman from the start. That was actually another reason why letting Sonic care for Cherry was a bad idea. When — not if — something happened, then not only would Cherry break their hearts with her cries, but Shadow would somehow hear them and break their bones. Remembering Sonic’s record for causing a bit of trouble, Amy shook her head.
“Well, it means that you can admit it. That doesn’t mean you can do anything reckless with Cherry.” She said.
Sonic rolled his eyes and picked Cherry up with an arm.“Oh, don’t worry, Amy! We’ll do something safe and harmless, like…”
“Going to Meh Burger!” Sonic said. Tails had joined them for whatever reason and standing in front of the group table they used so often that it might as well be called theirs. Tails was holding the chao care list and standing between Amy and Sonic.
“Sonic? Shadow hates Meh Burger,” Tails pointed at the list near the middle, “and seeing what she eats, I seriously doubt Cherry would be able to eat anything here without getting sick. Also, Meh Burger food is hardly considered safe and harmless.” He said.
Amy put her hands on her hips and leaned forward, still giving Sonic that stern look.“In simpler terms, Shadow would kill us.” She said. She walked past Tails and promptly took Cherry from Sonic’s arms. Gently, of course, so she wouldn’t accidentally hurt her. Sonic groaned.
“Alright, then. Something even more careful. Maybe…”
“Ding-dong-ditching Eggman!” Sonic said.
Standing outside the metal tower, Cherry didn’t seem to like it very much. She let out a small whine and tapped on Amy’s arm to get her attention, not taking her eyes off the building. She looked very unsettled by it and really wanted to leave. They weren’t even very close to it yet. Amy patted her head to try to comfort her.“You seriously want to bring Cherry to Eggman’s lair?!” She asked angrily.
Sonic was already heading towards the door. He turned around and walked backwards to face Amy, Cherry, and Tails.“We’re not going inside!” He said. When he stepped closer to the building, an alarm blared from it. Cherry let out a startled noise and clung onto Amy. She buried her face on Amy’s shoulder to try to hide from the loud noises. Several weapons came out of the walls and pointed right at Sonic. In a matter of seconds, he was painted in red laser dots.
Sonic stopped in his tracks and let his arms fall down to his sides.“Oh. I see.” He said.
Just then, Eggman opened the door.“Oh, hey, Sonic! How do you like my new defenses?” He asked.
Sonic turned his head and glared at him.“Terrible. How am I supposed to ding-dong-ditch you? Let’s go home, guys.” Sonic said, turning back around and walking away.
“Volley ball?” Sonic suggested. He tossed the volleyball up into the air and hit it over then net. Cherry let out a startled warble, like a scream, and fled from the ball. The ball hit the sand where she was a moment ago, and as Amy looked down at the chao now standing behind her and holding onto one of her legs, she realized the ball was just a little smaller than Cherry was.
She picked Cherry up and took in a deep breath. She was getting fairly impatient with the blue hedgehog, but thinking about what he’d been doing all this for, she managed to calm down.“Sonic, I understand you’re trying to help Cherry have fun, but you need to remember that she’s small and probably has never even picked up a ball this size before.” She said.
“Yeah. It’s practically as big as her!” Tails defended.
Sonic looked at Cherry, then at the ball. He nodded, probably realizing that they were right. He tapped his foot slowly, then quickly, then abruptly stopped. Honestly, it reminded Amy of a bunny or rabbit. He hummed thoughtfully and clicked his tongue. Amy didn’t want to hear anymore suggestions from Sonic. The last three weren’t safe for Cherry, so who’s to say the fourth would be okay? Sonic’s idea of fun was pretty dangerous and reckless.“I got it!” He blurted out.
Amy and Tails both have him a deadpan expression.“This will be my last suggestion, I promise!” Sonic said.
Tails groaned.“Let’s hear it.” He said exasperatedly.
“Water slides!” Sonic exclaimed.
Cherry perked up a little and chirped. She seemed to be in agreement. Amy was honestly a little surprised, but only a little. She was worried he was going to propose another activity as bad as the last three. Cherry looked up at Amy and the little ball on her head shifted and changed into a question mark.“Huh. That might actually be okay.” Amy said.
“I take it back.” Amy said flatly.
Sonic was holding Cherry from on top of a small hill a little away from the beach. Cherry was struggling to get out of his hold and reaching out for the slide, which was kept wet with some pipes that looked like bamboo. For some reason, Amy hoped they were actually pipes painted and not actually bamboo. The slide itself was made of very smooth-looking wood, and was carved in a way to avoid falling pretty well. The worst part was there was a small, but thick patch of forest that the slide went through, making it a pretty hard to see the slide until it came out on the other side.
Cherry made impatient noises at Sonic and reached out for the slide again. Sonic couldn’t help a small laugh.“Well, Cherry wants to try it out!” He said. Amy let out an irritation groan that honestly sounded like a growl. Sonic held up a free hand to calm her.
“Don’t worry! Look, we have Tails and Knuckles down there when she comes out,” He gestured to the beach, where Tails and Knuckles waited in the water, waving at them, “this conveniently Cherry-sized life jacket,” Sonic held up a tiny life jacket, “and Sticks is somewhere in the middle down there just incase anything bad happens. She may be out of our field of vision for a moment, but Sticks will definitely see her.” He finished, pointing down the hill. Sticks waved up at the from the shade.
Cherry reached for the life jacket, very eager to go down. She was so close to grabbing it, but it was still a little too far. Amy looked at Cherry, then the slide, then back at Cherry. She wanted so badly to go down, but was it worth risking her safety? What if she fell off? She knew that Sticks would probably catch her. She simply adored the little creature, like the rest of them did. And if she needed help, surely Sonic could run and catch her in time. He could run faster than sound, after all.
Amy sighed.”Alright, fine. But if something goes wrong and Shadow finds out, I will bring every one of you down with me.” She said. She definitely wasn’t going to be the only one who got a stern talking to by Shadow. He may be short compared to most of them, but he most definitely had the strength and looks to scare all of them.”One go, then we get some lunch.” Amy added.
“Got it!” Sonic said. He kneeled down and set the chao on the ground.”Arms out.” He requested. Cherry smiled and held both arms out so Sonic could put it on her. He snapped the clips together. Cherry chirped excitedly and looked at the water slide.”Go on!” Sonic encouraged. Amy made a small noise of worry and bit the inside of her mouth. Cherry walked to the slide and sat down at the edge. With a gentle scoot from Sonic, she was off.
Cherry let out a long sound of excitement that was probably basically a “weeeee!” as she went down. Amy watched her disappear from view and Sticks track her with her eyes. She followed Cherry into the forest and the sound Cherry was making faded. Soon enough, Amy saw Knuckles and Tails move closer to the end of the slide. Knuckles picked something up and lifted it. It was Cherry.
“Thank goodness nothing went wrong.” Amy said.
“Uno!” Knuckles exclaimed. He slammed one hand on the table with the other holding his card high.
Tails looked at him confused.”I thought this was Go Fish.” He said.
Amy and Sticks glanced at each other.”Is it?” Sticks asked.
“I don’t know anymore.” Amy replied.
After lunch, Cherry had started to slow down and yawn. For the first time that day, Amy and Sonic actually agreed on something completely; to let Cherry sleep. Really, the whole group did, but with how active Sonic was, Amy was surprised at first. Until he decided that it was time for his own afternoon nap and made himself comfortable on Amy’s other couch. All the lights were turned off and Bea was resting near Cherry, a small blanket covering both of them and both resting their little heads on pillows.
The rest of the group was outside, passing the time with a game of cards. Except no one seemed to know what game they were playing.”Okay, how about we start over? Or play something else! We could play Monopoly!” Tails suggested.
“The game of capitalism?! The one that tears family and friends apart like paper through a paper shredder?!” Sticks exclaimed. She looked and sounded practically offended by that suggestion as she slammed the table and stood up from her seat. Tails pulled back a little seeing her reaction. Then Sticks smiled.”Sure! It’ll be a life lesson not to trust money-hungry people. And find out with one of us that is.” She said, glancing between them all suspiciously.
“Uh, guys?” Sonic called out from inside Amy’s house.
Amy assumed he was going to tell them to keep it down and turned back to the cards on the table. She reached for them and began to put them back in a neat stack.”We’ll keep it down!” She yelled back.
“It’s not that! I mean, it was, but not anymore! Where’s Cherry?” Sonic asked.
Meanwhile, in an unknown location, Shadow was working inside a cabin. The entire thing was nearly complete, which was a relief considering the all-nighters he’d been pulling in order to speed up the process as much as he could without destroying the quality of it. He’d been working on it for a few weeks now, with Cherry keeping a safe distance unless she tried to bring a tool he needed. Thank god he became obsessed with building his own cabin at some point and did as much research as he could between missions.
Thanks to his strength and ability to teleport, he’d been able to do all of the work so far on his own, despite the severe lack of numbers helping with the construction. His speed was also a big advantage for him. It made the whole process so much quicker. Although, doing this while taking care of Cherry was becoming a little more difficult, so he’d decided to ask Amy to watch her to try to get as much done as he could today. It was already afternoon and he’d made so much progress.
He was so close to finishing! Surely he’d be able to finally finish and take Cherry back to a comfortable house. Suddenly, Shadow paused and straightened his back. He stared out into the distance and squinted his eyes with a mixture of a knowing look and suspicion.
“Something just happened.” He said.
Sonic kept running around Amy’s house, searching inside, outside and even underneath over and over, but no sign of Cherry. There was just the weird egg that was found on Amy’s couch. He came to a stop next to Amy.”Have you checked your crawlspace?!” He asked frantically. Both were growing more and more anxious with each second and hoped that she’d suddenly turn up. Really, everyone was.
Amy nodded.”Yes! I checked it five times, and my bathroom, but nothing!” She replied. She turned on her communicator on her watch and spoke into it.”Tails, anything from the air?” She asked.
“Nothing! I’ve scanned a five mile radius around your house three times already and I can’t find her!” Tails said.
“Knuckles, what about you and Sticks?” Amy asked.
“No sign of her down here, either!” Knuckles said.
“He checked under the same rock, like ten times!” Sticks added.
“She couldn’t have gone far, but just to make sure, someone should search Hedgehog Village.” Tails said.
“I’ll go!” Sonic said. In less than a second, he was gone in a blue blur.
Sonic ran around the village. He picked up random food carts to look under, then put them down when he didn’t see her. He sprinted over to the walrus lady and showed her a picture of Cherry.”Excuse me, have you seen her?” He asked.
“No, I haven’t.” She replied.
Sonic swore internally. This was really bad. He ran over to Meh Burger to ask Dave the Intern.”Have you seen this chao?” Sonic asked. If this wasn’t such a bad situation, he’d also ask for a chili dog, but if Cherry wasn’t found and safe, Shadow would have his head.
“Hmm, no. I don’t even know what that thing is.” Dave said.
Sonic moved onto the next person. And the next. Then the next, and the one after that.
Tails showed a picture of Cherry to that officer from the trip to the Dude-itude concert a few months ago. He at first found it incredibly unlikely that Cherry would’ve come this far, but remembering that she’s a creature of chaos energy and chaos energy was what let Shadow teleport made it easy to assume that she might’ve teleported. Even though Tails had never seen or heard of her doing that.
The officer shook his head.”Nope, but we’ll keep an eye out for her and give ya a call if we find her.” He said.
“Okay. Thank you so much, officer.” Tails said.
Sticks showed a picture of Cherry to the frog people. Really, she shouldn’t be down there and asking, but here she was. They shook their heads.
“This is Cherry. She’s our friend’s companion, and if we don’t find her, he’ll be super mad. Have you seen her?” Knuckles asked. The gogoba that seemed to be in charge shook his head.
“No, we haven’t seen her. I just feel terrible.” He said.
Amy stood outside Eggman’s fortress with a picture in her hand. She looked up at the weapons aimed at her.”Eggman, do you mind? I just have an important question to ask, it’s an emergency.” She said. Surprisingly, the weapons disappeared back into the walls. The door opened and Eggman was standing with a plate of cookies.
“Oh, hello, Amy! An emergency, you say? Well, since you helped me pick out the right sewing kit to fix my pajamas, how can I help?” He asked. Despite being a supervillain, Eggman had some sort of code that he followed without a second thought. Returning the favor seemed to be part of it.
Amy held up the picture.”This is Cherry, and she’s gone missing. If we don’t find her, Shadow will be really mad at us and might even come for you if he thinks you kidnapped her. You haven’t happened to see her, have you?” She asked.
Eggman made a small sound of fear and lifted the picture so he could see it better. He took a careful look at it. He shook his head.”I’m sorry, but I haven’t. Not since earlier today when you came with Sonic and Tails, at least.” He handed it back to her.”Uh, you’re not serious, right? About Shadow?” He asked.
“I am serious.” Amy replied.
“Well, in that case, I’m going to hide in my lair and hope for the best. Good luck!” Eggman said. Before Amy could yell at him for not offering to help the search, the doors shut tight, and another door sealed in front of that one.
The sun was almost gone, so there wasn’t much light. Still, Sonic ran into Amy’s house without tripping over anything and saw everyone else already there. Funny how he was the fastest, and yet he was the latest in some cases.“Please tell me you found her!” Amy said. Sonic shook his head.
“Not a trace, and I searched the whole island.” He replied.
Everyone glanced between each other in silent thought. Where the heck did Cherry go? And how did she even vanish like that?
Everyone froze. After a few seconds, they slowly turned their heads towards Amy’s door. Knuckles gulped and Amy held her breath. Sticks took a slow step away from the door. Luckily, there was no badly-timed floor board creak. Tails slowly moved the egg that was found on the couch behind himself. He wasn’t sure why he felt obligated to do it. The house was silent, save for the fireflies and waves outside.
There was usually no reason to fear Shadow, but with how much he clearly cared deeply for Cherry, who knew how he’d react to her disappearance?
“Maybe if we stay quiet, he’ll go away.” Sonic whispered. Just then, there was more knocking.
“Way to give us away, smart-alec!” Amy snapped under her breath. She took in a deep breath and walked towards the door. She opened it and saw Shadow standing there. He glanced behind her, noticing the others also in the house.“Sorry to interrupt your sleepover, but I’m here to pick up Cherry.” He said. Everyone glanced between each other with panicked and nervous eyes.
“She’s… Uh… busy! Doing taxes!” Knuckles said.
Shadow gave him an unimpressed look and crossed his arms. He was quiet for a good while, staring at Knuckles. Knuckles was getting more visibly nervous before Shados spoke.“She doesn’t know how to do taxes, and she doesn’t have them in the first place. Also, you don’t sound convincing at all and you’re avoiding eye contact.” He said. He was actually pretty good at spotting things like that, so he wasn’t easily manipulated by Eggman when they first met.
The group thought that would be a good thing, but now, it’s really not. Shadow kept staring at Knuckles, who was growing more and more pressured to tell the truth. Everyone else was practically begging him internally not to crack and spill the beans. Shadow looked around the room.”Where is she?” He asked. He didn’t necessarily sound angry, but knowing him, he’d grow impatient very soon if he didn’t get an answer. A bead of sweat dripped down the side of Knuckles’ face.
“Okay, okay!! It was my fault!!” Sonic blurted out. Everyone turned to look at him. Shadow seemed confused and worried already, and the others just stared in shock. Sonic just broke the dam, and now they really had no choice but to tell the truth.“I took a nap and I was the only one inside the house while they were outside, and when I woke up, she had vanished!” Sonic explained.
Tails stepped out from behind Sonic to show Shadow the egg.“All we found was this weird egg that appeared out of nowhere. We’re all so, so sorry!” Tails said. Shadow looked at the egg with an unreadable expression. The house went quiet.
The whole group was tense with anticipation of what he’d say and do, and when he’d do it. If he would be full of silent rage or lash out at them for being so reckless. The chao meant so much to him, and he’s done plenty of favors for them before without asking for one in return until today. Yet when he needed this one favor, a caretaker he can trust to look after Cherry, they failed. Shadow stared at the egg for a while, most likely still in shock.
Then his gaze flickered over to Amy.“Amy. Take a look at the list I gave you, down at the bottom.” He said. Amy lifted her gaze from the floor to look at Shadow, puzzled as to what purpose that would serve. Despite her confusion, she quickly ran to her coffee table and grabbed the list.
She cleared her throat and began reading it out loud.“Another important part of a chao’s life cycle depends on their emotional and mental state.” Amy said. Her eyes widened and she gasped in surprise when she saw the very last part of the list.“If kept healthy until the end of their life, the chao will turn back into an egg and begin their life cycle all over again?!” She finished. She looked at Shadow with a shocked expression, as if silently asking him if this was true.
The rest of the group was just as surprised, gasps leaving members’ mouths and bewildered expressions shifting between each other, the egg, and Shadow.
Tails looked at the egg in his hands in utter disbelief. He understood that chaos energy was something else, and close to impossible to properly study in Shadow’s world because of how it worked, but a creature basically going through reincarnation depending on its mental health?!“So this egg is Cherry?!” Tails asked.
Shadow nodded and walked over to him. He carefully took the egg from Tails, holding it close with both arms.“Yes. She’s perfectly healthy. Thank you for looking after her today.” He said. Hearing that, Knuckles breathed an audible sigh of relief. Everyone aside from Shadow could feel that. They were so worried about how he’d take it.
“I was really worried there for a second. I was hoping to teach Cherry how to ride a bike next week.” Knuckles said.
Shadow almost laughed at this. He turned around and began heading towards the door.”Not next week, but at some point.“ He said. When he was a few steps away from the door, Amy noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Sonic suddenly smiled and sprinted past her and across the room in a blue blur. He stood between Shadow and the door, grabbing the knob and stepping to the side.
“Let me get that.” He said, sounding slightly nervous. He opened the door and held it for Shadow.
“Thank you.” Shadow said. He walked through the door and only a couple steps across the walkway before teleporting away. Sonic shut the door, looking as if he was proud of himself and loosing it internally. Amy felt herself smiling seeing this. It was obvious to her that Sonic had romantic feelings for Shadow. She wasn’t sure why, but when she talked about it with Knuckles, he thought that she’d be upset about it.
The only thing she was upset about was how poorly Sonic was denying his feelings. Unless he was oblivious enough to not even notice them, which wasn’t impossible knowing Sonic. The first Shadow they met was a jerk, but after getting to know and appreciate this Shadow, Amy could and would say with her chest that he deserved a true gentleman. Sonic… isn’t exactly a true gentleman, but Amy wanted to help regardless. Maybe she didn’t have to, though. Maybe, just maybe, there was a brain in that thick skull.
“Uh, Amy? What’s with that weirdly super happy look?” Sonic asked.
Amy shrieked without a second thought.“Finally!!”
(Bottom Notes: Let me know if you think it’s sloppy or something I should’ve done better. I think I did good? Or did I go overboard with anything? I was trying to make it like an episode.)
21 notes · View notes
wereh0gz · 1 year
Even more boom!werehog posting :]
The first one to find out (besides tails bc he already knows) is sticks. She runs into him on a new moon and nearly gets mauled after spooking him. After that she places traps throughout the forest and tries to (unsuccessfully) warn everyone else abt a monster in the woods. Eventually she claims that it was sonic but has very minimal proof so she's dismissed
Shadow is the next to find out, by being attacked by sonic. Sonic cannot stand shadow's presence even in normal form, but it gets so much worse as a werehog. Just seeing him is enough to trigger pure feral rage even on a good night. I imagine shadow happens to wander just a bit too close to sonic's burrow one night and gets beaten half to death
Amy and knux find out a little after shadow. Sonic left earlier in the evening in a hurry, rushing and making up excuses. And after what sticks told them they definitely get kinda suspicious. Knux is especially worried since he tried going to sonic's house to see if something was wrong and he wasn't there, and tails is also missing as he went to go after sonic to try and stop him from killing shadow. Stick goes after them as well since she's been investigating this for a while at this point
So they all end up meeting up where sonic and shadow are beating the shit out of each other. Things are tense. Sonic is too focused on shadow to listen to anyone, even tails. Knux has to step in and separate them before they can even try to calm down, and by then tails would've had to tell them it was sonic and not some random monster
It takes a while for sonic to calm down after everything, and he's not really well enough to explain, so they camp out at his burrow until morning. After he turns back, he explains that, yeah, he's a werewolf. Or werehog I guess. And he didn't want anyone to know bc well. Werewolves aren't exactly seen as good. It's very awkward, and sonic feels bad keeping this from his friends. But they have a heartfelt moment and his friends promise to help him however they can and everything's good and fine. For now
55 notes · View notes
Sonine Prime ... Part 3
Hi, everyone and welcome back to Sonine Prime! The part of the show when I come out and talk about Sonine (and a bit of Sontails) in Sonic Prime!
Last time we finished up the set of scenes starting with their meeting and ended with Sonic and Nine's capture by the Chaos Council. This time, we're hoping to get to move on to the next episode before moving on to the next part😂
<< Part 2 | Part 4 >>
(Essay/thoughts/analysis under the cut)
Starting out with an honerable mention of a moment!
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"Nine! Is that you?"
Nine: You're just wasting your breath.
Sonic: Omg Nine👀😊
And then, just before Sonic is put through a series of grueling diagnostic tests, Nine is used as collateral to get him to comply.
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"Do not fight them. It will only end badly. For him."
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"Okay, let's start the test. The sooner we do this, the sooner Nine and I can get out of here."
Another small thing:
The way Nine tenses up furing the first test, as Sonic risks being shot by both laser guns (another tick in the "Nine cares a surprising amount about someone he just met" box)
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Hmmm, and the little things just keep coming, don't they?
Sonic loses his footing in the giant hamster ball filled with spike balls.
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Which of course, makes Sonic palpably annoyed
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Hmmm almost reminds you of when Eggman insulted Tails, doesn't it?
"You wanna test me, Eggheads? Question. How do you tick off a hedgehog? ANSWER. Mess with his friends!"
Hehe. Interesting.
"No one messes with my best friend!"
"How do you tick off a hedgehog? ANSWER. Mess with his friends!"
Sonic begins to "hallucinate" as he says, and we're treated to another flashback
Amy: I guess he didn't hear the stick together part.🙄
Knuckles: Does he ever?
Tails: No. But he also hasn't let us down when it really counts! You know Sonic. He'll catch up at some point.😊
No comment about how everyone else is at least mildly annoyed at Sonic and Tails stands up for him in a way that redirects their attention from what Sonic did/is doing to the fact that he'll be there when they need him.
Good bye Season 1 Episode 1 of Sonic Prime, hello Episode 2!
"It's not about the zigs or the zags... It's about the friends we made along the way."
Sonic looks at Nine, has a flashback/vision of seeing Tails and Shadow before the shattering. Then, he looks at Nine both after being confused and still a bit out of it
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Okay, so aside from that funny little moment (Sonic's face), there are some little things to piece together from Nine's end after the council brings out the energy extractor.
First, unlike Sonic's repeated winking afterwards, Nine winks at him smoothly. He doesn't change expression as he does so, and it happens in a singular smooth motion. This makes sense as to why the message Sonic received from the wink was a sort of "I have a plan". While we can't know exactly what he meant, what is clear was that the wink at Sonic was deliberate.
Second, the way he plays off the earlier wink. I think it's pertinent to mention that he's at the end of two Eggforcer's weapons, and Sonic hasn't exactly been subtle this whole time with the winking. His fairly loud whisper to Nine about a plan isn't exactly subtle either (and Nine isn’t exactly the confessing to caring about someone type), so it makes sense if he plays the earlier wink off as having dust in his eye. There is a real contrast begin the smooth wink before and the way he rubs his eye when he says he just has dust in it. That also being said, they did just meet still, so even if Nine cares about Sonic a surprising amount, I think it can be true that his earlier wink was him trying to tell Sonic that he's thinking of a way out of this just as much as it's true that Nine might prioritize making sure he'll live at least if Sonic's not going to survive the extractor. And since this is all about talking about ways certain bits in this series can be interpreted, anyone want to talk about how "I just had dust in my eye" is commonly used by characters who are pretending they're not tearing up due to the display in front of them? Nine has been watching this display of a hedgehog's last words with...an interesting expression on his face, I'll say. Is he...confused? Just thrown off by how Sonic’s acting here? Dumbfounded? Who knows. All we know is that the camera cuts to Nine quite a bit to show us his changes of expression as Sonic speaks, and that after Sonic looks at him for a prolongued amount of time (after asking if he has a plan), his expression instantly changes. This is to say, even though he clearly wasn't tearing up/betraying sadness in that moment, what if Sonic looking at him then, asking if he had a plan, sort of made him feel laid bare? What if he was afraid for a moment that his expressions betrayed his thoughts and feelings on the inside? I mean, imagine meeting someone for the first time and caring about another person for the first time in years. Imagine you've been lonely and isolating yourself for years of your life, and this hedgehog you've barely met uses his last words to call you one of his friends. Imagine he's begging on what could be his death bed for a plan, and you haven't worked anything out yet (even though earlier you'd winked to make him feel better, feel like there will be a plan). He could die, you don't know what to do, you're still not sure why you care, why this makes you sad. You just met him didn't you? He looks at you for a while, asking for a plan, and for a moment, as you're afraid something will happen to you as he mentions plans to free him, you're also coming to terms with the thought that this hedgehog *could* die. Playing it off as just dust in the eye doesn't just save you from another nasty shock, but it protects you from feeling like the hedgehog is staring right into your soul, seeing your conflicting feelings.
Third, after Sonic says "looks like this is game over" and seems to accept there's no way out, the extractor closing in, the camera cuts away to Nine again, zooming in on his face. There's a subtle shift in Nine's face right then and he looks...almost sad, or like he finds it hard to believe that this is real. Then, when it cuts away from Sonic again, after he says goodbye, Nine's eyes are wide.
Actually, on Nine's expressions during what he and Sonic both believe to be Sonic's last moments, I may have hit the picture limit, but I can at least embed a clip here so you all can watch Nine's expressions.
All I'm saying is that if Nine wasn't having feelings about all this in some form, the creators would not have chosen to keep cutting away to Nine's expression, bidding the audience to see and wonder how he feels about all of this. And I think the fact that Nine is reacting at least a little, not looking bored or uncaring or as if he's trying to get this over with, tells us a lot about Nine and what the creators wanted the audience to focus on.
More evidence to the "Nine cares a surprising amount for a hedgehog he just met and doesn't only care about him out of curiosity/what sonic can do for him" box
Not to mention that just after this, when Nine gets his chance to slip away, he frees Sonic right after freeing himself. This is one of these scenes that *is* arguable, as there's really no point in him leaving Sonic there to die. But, we know that Nine has the capability to go on the offensive (not just because of the entire fight scene from episode 1, but also from the fact that he destroys/dismantles an eggforcer at the computer without even needing to turn around) and Rebel and Renegade are there. So it personally tells me a lot that Nine didn't leave Sonic there to fend for himself (especially since he'll later weigh his options and choose to leave Rebel, Renegade, and Rusty to the council over the chance of saving them and losing the red shard).
Wooo! Season 1 Episode 3, everybody, let's go!
Now, this episode starts with a pre shattering flashback. Just like in episode 2, Sonic's friends talk about how annoyed/frustrated they are that Sonic isn't yet fighting with them. After everyone says their piece, Tails again stands up for Sonic, telling them that Sonic will arrive at some point and that he knows he will.
(We'll come back to these flashback bits with Tails standing up for Sonic while others don't trust/believe in him or are annoyed at him later)
And back to the present, Nine just manages to take control of Rusty Rose in time to save Sonic.
Now, as there are a couple things I'd like to bring to everyone's attention with the aid of screenshots, until part 4, everyone!
Next time we'll hopefully get to tackle the rest of episode 3, and there should be smooth sailing til the last few episodes of the season after that.
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l-sincline · 9 months
Cybernetics - Chapter 28
Amy Rose is a mechanic, plain and simple. But aside from that, she feels utterly alone in a cruel world where she makes just enough to scrape by. One night she’s visited by a mysterious Cyborg that needs his arm fixed, little does she know this repair will change her life.
Flung from the confines of her normal life, Amy finds herself working with Anarchists set on creating a new life for themselves and the poor people of Mobius. The only downside? Seeing who she thought was her best friend fight against her.
AO3 Tags:  Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
“With so many of us on the ship it should be easy to overwhelm him. He’ll risk damaging his own ship if he tries to fire from outside.”
“The most difficult part is getting away before the ship explodes.”
Blaze and Whisper explain passionately to the group of Mobians before them. Admittedly, it's a bit shocking to Amy that their small group has doubled in size in the last day or so. Though she still didn’t love or completely trust Sonic or Tails or Knuckles, they all shared at least one common goal– and that was the goal they were currently set to act on.
Shadow had eventually come back, though he’d yet to speak a word to anyone. Even now, he glared wordlessly at Blaze and Whisper as they stood at the head of the room explaining the plan. While everyone else had taken a seat– be it on a couch, chair, or floor– Shadow had opted to lean against the wall in a dark corner.
At first Amy had chocked it up to normal, broody, solo working Shadow behavior– but now it was more clear to her. He felt betrayed. 
In her time working with them she’d only known him to trust two mobians. Rouge and Blaze. Of course he felt some amount of betrayal from the fact that Blaze had seemingly suddenly turned on him to get Sonic– someone he hated– on their team. She could only imagine she’d be pretty pissed if he suddenly wanted to bring Tails on as a new mechanic. 
It was then that she realized she was staring as their eyes met and he stared back. Amy jumped for a moment before returning her gaze to the front of the room. She could feel his eyes boring into the side of her head. She glanced over again, this time he looked away. 
“Everyone got that?”
When the room echoed a resounding yes Amy was confronted with the fact that she had not, in fact, got that. She had been too busy analyzing Shadow. 
“Alright. Break for an early wakeup.” Blaze clapped her hands once and the room erupted into movement. 
Sonic and Tails seemed to hightail it out while Omega went back to rest mode. Amy stood and went to move to Rouge, but watched as she got stopped by Knuckles. The echidna android seemed to be speaking passionately about something. Rouge looked tiredly over to Amy with a roll of her eyes, seemed like she wouldn’t be getting out of that one any time soon. 
“Did you need something?”
“Ack!” Amy exclaimed, jumping forward a bit and whipping around.
Shadow stood, arms crossed, behind her. He tilted his head at her reaction.
“Jeeze, scared me.” She sighed.
“Did you need something?” He repeated, “You stared at me for a whole three minutes during that meeting.”
“Oh. Right. Sorry. I didn’t mean to.” She responded sheepishly, “I was worried when you disappeared and then I got caught up thinking about how… I get it. I guess.”
“You get it?”
“Yeah, I mean–” Amy shifted to stand on her other leg, shoving her hands in her pockets with a shrug, “-- I’d be pissed off if I were you too. Blaze really kind of played dirty on this one.” 
Shadow didn’t respond, glancing away. Seemed like he had other stuff on his mind.
“Sorry. I know you guys have been working together for a while. That's just how I saw it.”
Again, silence. But after a moment he looked back.
“You didn’t get any of that plan, did you?” He asked.
“Come on.” He beckoned as he made his way out of the room, “So they made replica ships…” 
This organization ran even deeper than Amy could’ve imagined. 
A decked out underground bunker was not on her list of things she would’ve expected after she spent so many days in that dirty, abandoned looking base. 
Here, things were teeming with life. Different resistance workers filled every corner, and they each seemed to have their own job. Now she stood before one that was making sure the ship was all set for take off– they scribbled notes on a clipboard and tapped pieces of metal to make sure they were tight. 
“Ready for round two?” Rouge landed next to her with a grin, leaning on her shoulder.
Amy stumbled a bit but regained her balance to look back over.
“Well, now that I don’t have a concussion I think our flying should be a bit smoother.” 
Rouge laughed and patted her on the head. 
“The computer inside the ship has a docking sequence pre-installed that we scraped from the other ship. Then we made our own AI to control the path you take to Dr. Robotnik’s own ship. You shouldn’t have to lift a finger.” The technician reassured as they finished their inspection and turned back to the duo. 
“Thanks.” Rouge smiled and nodded as the technician walked away. Amy sighed.
“I’m sorry we can’t bring Omega. It feels like I just fixed him to help us out and he's already getting left behind…” 
“It's not your fault,” Rouge scolded, “he's just too big to fit in one of these things.” 
The duo looked over to the entry of the underground hangar- Omega stood by the door, fiddling clumsily with some sort of cube Tails had handed him a while ago. His large fingers prodded the thing until it flipped over, his eyes would flash in surprise, and then he would go back to prodding the cube. 
“Blaze said your flight suits are in the locker room down to the right.” Shadow’s voice came from their left.
“Wooow, outfit change for the big guy.” Rouge whistled with a grin, moving to pat Shadow on the shoulder. As Amy looked over she saw Shadow duck away from her playful grip, a scowl on his face. But she could see the softness behind it all. 
Amy was struck with realizing the last time she’d seen him without his cloak she’d been very disoriented, now that she was thinking clearly she could tell how strong he really was. His flight suit had been cut at the shoulders to make room for his cyborg arms, but the flight suit clung tightly to his otherwise toned body. Red piping down either side of his chest and up his neck, a utility belt broke the top from the bottom- though the red piping continued down his legs to his rocket shoes. When he turned to push Rouge away again she could just barely see the hidden zipper on his back, fabric cut with slits to allow his quills and tail to poke through. 
Just then, that very slow moment cut back to reality as she shook her head slightly and looked up to make eye contact with Shadow and Rouge. 
“Did Blaze colorcode everyone?” She joked.
“Yes.” Shadow responded, a hundred percent serious. 
“Oooh, I wonder what color I got.” Rouge hummed, making her way over to Amy and looping her arm through the pink hedgehog’s, “Stop looking at the eyecandy and get changed, would you?” Rouge muttered in her ear with a grin.
“Hey!” Amy exclaimed, turning to follow Rouge’s drag.
The android laughed, loud enough for some of the other groups to glance over and see what was happening. Amy felt her muzzle heat up as she gave in to silently following Rouge.
After the events in the hangar, Amy was a bit more embarrassed by her flight suit.
It was the inverse of Shadow’s, red with black piping. It hugged her carefully, but now that she could feel the material she could tell it was made to be protective and easy to fight in. She pulled on the black boots Blaze had issued and tugged at the neckline of the suit. Her face had cooled considerably, but her mind lingered on the embarrassment from what Rouge had said. 
She hadn’t really fully considered it before that moment, but Shadow was attractive. He had a more angular shape to him, one that might seem dangerous at first- but in reality she’d come to find it to be a protective one. Like he had honed himself and his skills to protect what he cared about. His stare was always intense, and he always stood like he knew exactly what he was doing at any given moment. He was a rock, a safe place, a guardian, a protector. Shadow was all those things, and moreover, he was attractive both inside and out. Fine, she could give him that. But that wasn’t the sort of thing she would act on. The idea of it sent a swarm of nauseating butterflies to her stomach. She was quite sure that he saw her as a little, untrained nuisance. She was sure she’d brought him more trouble than she was worth. What was more than that, when she looked in the mirror Amy saw a little girl. She saw a flight suit that didn’t fit right. She saw her petite stature next to Rouge and thought about how girlish she looked in comparison. She wasn’t the right fit for anyone, let alone him. She was-
Amy stopped and stared in the mirror a little harder. She’d never thought like that before- at least not that intensely. She ran her hands along her sides and rested them at her hips, leaning on one foot to jut one hip out. She looked fine. She looked like her. The sudden wash of anxiety faded, though didn’t disappear, and she breathed deeply. Nothing like that was ever worth that much stress, right now least of all. What she needed to do now was get through this mission, she needed to focus on that. Not whatever all of this ‘was she good enough’ and ‘finding Shadow attractive’ bullshit was. Seriously, not the time. 
“Look at us!” Rouge exclaimed, rounding a corner from behind her to stand in the mirror next to Amy. 
Her flight suit was a light pink with white piping, and she posed next to Amy. 
“Pink looks nice on you.” Amy commented.
“Thank you.” Rouge smiled down at her. 
The two girls stared at each other in the mirror for a moment before Amy finally turned to Rouge.
“We should probably go and do what we’re actually here to do.” 
Rouge laughed,
“Let's go.” 
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tiniestroses · 2 years
Caregiver!Dr. Eggman Headcanons
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(i tried to mix up a lot of his personality’s from each of the shows / games instead of just sticking to one!!)
you know, eggman IS a scientist so he can probably tell when someone is regresses. i wanna say the first time it happened in front of him it didn’t click, because one wouldn’t expect their enemy to regress in front of them (purposefully or not) but after he was told or started to understand what was happening, he would almost immediately stop whatever scheme he had going on.
egg man’s relationship with sonic plus his friends had developed. they still fight and eggman does pop out of nowhere with a bunch of badniks and whatever else he’s cracked up, but if he sees his enemies vulnerable like this specifically, he’ll pause it all. 
the doctor isn’t huge on enforcing rules but he’ll do so whenever needed. (if someone gets hurt or they break something really important, etc.)
he actually has a huge room in his lab for when someone that’s regresses comes over. (it’s becomes almost a common occurrence that someone knocks on his door at night when they’re little. they usually go to him when he’s the closest at the time.)
eggman will just sigh and proceed to let them in, immediately leading them to the room mentioned earlier. 
he’s built many different toys for them to play with, ranging from simple building blocks to motorized (safe) train sets.
there’s cubbies where they each have their own special items. tail’s has a orange cubby with yellow wrenches patterned all over it, knuckles has a red cubby with white moons on it, even shadow has a red cubby with black fires covered across, etc. 
the doctor overtime has examined the best ways to calm each of them down (though knuckles and shadow were always a bit more difficult, as they came to him less than the others did when small. but it didn’t bother him and he’d keep trying different methods to help them out.)
usually when someone comes to his home small, he won’t put up any fights the following day. 
eggman isn’t a huge fan of cartoons or anything like the sort, they annoy him and make him wanna turn his TV off forever, but he’ll stand it if a regressor wants him to hang out with them. if they’re just watching cartoons while the little is sleepy, he’ll use earplugs. but if they’re wide awake he won’t have them in just in case they ask for something audibly.
sometimes a couple people come over at once and sometimes it’s a lot to take care of 3-4 littles, he’ll sometimes ask for help by calling someone that’s still big, but if there isn’t anyone available he doesn’t man to watch over them. it just means a couple things might get knocked over and he’ll need his assistant’s help to clean the place. 
the ones he typically watches over are amy and sonic (and sorta metal sonic if he’s with amy!); they come over the most often and even ask him to take them to amusement parks. he’ll let them inside and get them drinks, get himself ready, and leave. 
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thewatcher727 · 2 years
Tumblr Exclusive One Shot: Omega's Quest For Societal Integration
The sound of laughter and chatter filled the cozy living room of Amy Rose's cottage as Sonic and his friends gathered for a much-anticipated get-together. Team Dark - Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, and E-123 Omega - were seated at a separate table in the corner of the room, seemingly keeping to themselves. However, despite their stoic demeanor, they were just as caught up in the festivities as the rest of the group.
Shadow was his usual quiet self, nursing his drink as he watched the others with a reserved expression. Rouge, on the other hand, was in high spirits, chatting and joking with the rest of the gang. Omega was deep in thought, his eyes fixed on the table in front of him as he considered some problem that only he knew.
E-123 Omega was on a mission to improve his social skills. He was tired of being the lone robot, always on the outskirts of conversations and group gatherings. He wanted to make friends and be a part of the group.
Rouge, fully aware of his mission, offered a curt nod. "Omega, if you're really serious about making friends, why don't you go and talk to Blaze? She's relatively new to the group."
Omega's head rotated towards the opposite end of the room. Amidst the laughter and chatter, Blaze the Cat could be seen sitting quietly by herself, sipping on a cup of tea. Despite being a bit of an introvert, Blaze was having a good time. She was content to sit back and observe the others, a small smile on her face as she took in the festive atmosphere.
His circuits lit up with excitement. He was nervous, but he was determined to make a good impression. "Affirmative."
Rouge chimed in with a soft giggle. "Just remember, Omega, first impressions are everything. Make sure to be polite and friendly. You want to leave a lasting impression, don't you?"
With that, Omega set off towards Blaze, his metal feet clanging on the ground with each step. He approached her, and she looked up in surprise as the giant robot loomed over her.
"Greetings," Omega said. "I'm E-123 Omega, and I wanted to say hello."
Blaze raised an eyebrow, eyeing the robot warily. "Hello," she said cautiously.
Omega beamed, pleased that his social skills were already improving. He then leaned down, patting Blaze on the head. "Good kitty!"
Blaze's eyes went wide and she leapt to her feet, her fur standing on end. "What did you just call me?"
Shadow sighed in disappointment, while Rouge stifled a giggle. Omega was oblivious to the reactions of his two friends as he was focused on making a good impression on Blaze.
Confusion sparked in the robot's orbs. "I called you kitty."
Blaze was incensed. "I am not a kitty!" she hissed. "I am Blaze the Cat, Princess of the Sol Dimension! How dare you call me something so demeaning and disrespectful!"
Omega's circuits flickered as he processed this information. "… Affirmative. My apologies."
Blaze let out a deep sigh and shook her head. "It's fine," she said, her tone softening slightly. "Just don't call me kitty again, okay?"
With that, Omega walked back over to Shadow and Rouge, who witnessed the whole spectacle from their positions. "How did I do?" he asked, eager for their approval.
Shadow and Rouge exchanged a knowing look before turning to Omega with a smile. The latter spoke up and winked at her teammate. "You did great, Omega. Keep it up and you'll be a social butterfly in no time."
Omega beamed with pride, not realizing that his friends were just humoring him. He was determined to keep working on his social skills, and with a little more practice, he would be the most sociable robot in all of Sonic's world. Shadow and Rouge exchanged a look, both feeling a mix of amusement and disappointment at Omega's social blunder. But they knew that with a little more practice, Omega would soon become a pro at making friends and leaving lasting impressions on those he met.
And who knows, maybe one day, Omega and Blaze would become the best of friends.
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tinymoondrops · 2 years
No Hope-Sonic IDW
So this is heavily inspired by the metal virus from the IDW comics! This is AU where things don’t exactly work out for Sonic. Yes this is more angst.
There was no one left. Everyone was gone. Tails, Amy, Rouge, Knuckles Shadow even Silver and Blaze…they were all gone. Even little Cream and Charmy had been affected. So why was he still running? The blue blur sighed. He was tired. So tired. He couldn’t keep fighting this. There was no point. There wasn’t gonna be a way to save everyone. Especially with the smartest person he knew now a zombot. 
He’d been running for what felt like forever just nonstop running. He’d thought he was incapable of being tired, yet here he was. 
Everyone always saw him as a hero. He was a savior to most, but he wasn’t a hero. He’d failed. He’d failed to protect those he loved. Their final sane moments rang through his memory. The hope in Tails’ eyes as he went to fight off the hoard so Sonic could escape. Like he knew the blue blur would find some way to save them all. The quick kiss Amy had placed on his lips before she went to attempt to rescue Tails…sure he may not entirely like Amy like that but….his lips still burned with the memory of her kiss. Knuckles…he’d foolishly run into the fray making Sonic promise to protect the master emerald knowing he wouldn’t make it back. 
They were all gone. They were all infected, and there was no way the hero of Mobius could save them. It was all his fault. He’d helped to spread this insane virus. He’d started it foolishly thinking himself cured. Little did he know. 
Sonic choked back a sob as he ran. He already missed everyone. He felt like a failure. He WAS a failure. This was his fault. If anyone here deserved to be infected it was him. He should just stop running and let it take over. Let Eggman win. After all…there was no hope. There was no way he could save everyone on his own. Not with this virus already spreading quickly through his body. Besides he was so tired. He needed to rest. 
After a bit more running he finally stopped. He finally stopped running. His legs shaking from suddenly not moving. He was standing atop a hill looking over his former home. Looking over the landscape that was itself infected with this virus. He sighed hugging himself as he succumb to this virus. 
“I’m sorry…” These were the last words the hero spoke before he lost himself. Before he fully became a zombot. Eggman had finally won.
There truly was no more hope.
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max-nico · 2 years
Miles "Tails" Prower Headcanons
If you have any headcanons put them in the tags, reply, or my ask box ! Any character you want me to focus on ? Message me, or hit my ask box ! Suggestions are always welcome .
Tails has autism and OCD next question !
I think when he's a little kid he's very shy, a bit on the quiet end, still super sweet, but the older he gets the more stoic he gets
He goes from like cute UwU baby shy to awkward and uncomfortable to be around shy to I honestly didn't even know he was there. Did he come with you? Shy
That's not to say he doesn't talk, but he doesn't do well in big groups, and definitely manages to master the art of simply blending into the group
I think Tails has taken apart and rebuilt Omega at LEAST once. Maybe it was to understand eggman tech, maybe it was just for funzies, maybe Omega volunteered, who knows
Tails' winter coat is a very pale lavender and stark white
Tails' claws have cut through many MANY pairs of gloves as he's gotten older
He gets a bit of a temper when he hits maybe 13-16 somewhere in that age range. I mean he spends a lot of time with Knuckles and Shadow, and Sonic also has trouble his rage from time to time
I mean, even Amy has a temper lol what did everyone expect
Tails' workshop is basically just a sensory room, not that he would ever CALL it that...
It has 2 floors, the bottom floor and half a top floor
Complete with lights that he can dim and brighten as he pleases, the top floor has walls floors and furniture that are sensory friendly, and a corner that he claims is for Sonic that has soft weighted blankets and a couple huge bean bags
I think his workshop runs a bit cold, so his coat comes in kinda splotchy during warmer months
Tails has fixed the Chaotix phones so many times that he has made them virtually indestructible
But as punishment, their phones are basically bricks lol
Sonic and co don't even have phones, Tails gave them extremely high tech watches
Like sure it tells time and makes phone calls but it also has holograms and can store chaos energy probably, they also have trackers that can be turned off or on by either the user or Tails himself
And they're waterproof with a lifetime warranty !
Sonic's eyes glow in the dark because of all his time spent with chaos energy, Tails eyes give off a dim version of that
He cannot STAND when people touch his stuff, even if they don't move it, they still touched it WITHOUT asking liiiiike make it make sense
And for that matter, he doesn't like his space invaded either. It's okay to be there while HE'S in there, and it's okay if you asked, but otherwise.....🤨 Get out. It's not like he has anything to hide, but still
He has a lot of verbal stims, especially when he's focused on something. He tends to gekker and chitter under his breath, and he clacks his teeth together too
He also does these things when he's incredibly happy or angry, just most times he is experiencing a lot of emotion. It took a long time for him to willing stim in front of more people then just Sonic
Bullying will do that to a boy 😔👊🏾
Tails tends to stay up all night working because he has toe curling chest gripping tear jerking paranoia
He just like me fr
I believe in Tails and Shadow friendship supremacy
As he gets older, Tails stops introducing himself as Tails and starts saying Miles, but he doesn't get rid of the nickname Tails either, it's just something that's reserved for his family
Tails is very adept with guns. Whether it's from spending time with Shadow or his own interest with learning, he knows what he's doing, though it's not his weapon of choice, at least not a traditional one
I try my best to not make these posts very long (I think I failed), so I tried to make sure this was only moderate length and tried to stay out of crack territory, but he's my favorite and he's so cool okay ?!
If you have any headcanons put them in the tags, reply, or my ask box ! Any character you want me to focus on ? Message me, or hit my ask box ! Suggestions are always welcome .
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Part 6: Robbing the Robber
Sonic calls Tails’ Miles Electric and hopes he answers. He and Amy are keeping up on foot with the flying figure.
Finally, Tails’ voice is heard on the other end “Hi, Sonic!”
“Hey lil bro, we need some help over here. Bring the Tornado.”
“Got it! I have your coordinates, I’m on my way!”
“Thanks bud!”
A few moments later they see Tails flying overhead. Tails seems to spot the figure they’re chasing and boosts to keep up. He gets alongside, and Knuckles jumps from the planes wing, grabbing the figure and pulling them down with him to the ground. Knuckles makes sure he is the one to hit the ground first, so nobody is hurt too badly. In doing so, he realizes this is the bat he met in the cave.
The two hit the ground. The bat scrambles off of him, and has a double take to get a good look at him. She rests her hand on her hip “well well, we meet again.” Knuckles stands up and dusts himself off “What are you doing? Please hand over the emerald.” Knuckles reaches for the Chaos Emerald, and the bat pulls away “hey, watch it big guy, haven’t you heard? Finders keepers? Losers weepers.”
“Hey, I have a name! I am Knuckles Wachowski the Echidna. The last of the Echidna Tribe.”
“Rouge the Bat. Now that we know each other, you can say the emerald is in trusted hands, right~?”
Knuckles steps closer to her “I do not trust easily. You do not understand how important it is.”
Rouge starts to walk away “oh, but I do.” Her path is blocked by Sonic. She jumps, startled by his sudden appearance. “Hello! That lil gem right there? Yep that’s mine.”
Rouge laughs “is it now?”
“Yep! Inherited it! Absorbed it, me and that lil gem go way back.” Sonic holds out his hand, awaiting the emerald. “Well, you’re a pretty bad owner if it’s just out here! Leaving a powerful gem out in the open.. someone is bound to steal it!” Rouge says.
Suddenly the emerald is snatched from her hand by Amy who throws it up. It’s caught in the air by Tails who has landed the plane nearby, since it can’t go into the trees. He flies away with the emerald cackling like a mischievous little child. Rouge gasps “you little-“ she lifts off into the air and begins chasing the fox. Tails is going juuust fast enough that she can barely keep up.
“Give that back, kid!” Rouge shouts.
“Nope! Finders keepers, losers weepers!” Tails turns around and blows a raspberry at her which just makes her more angry. She almost catches him but he manages to dodge her.
Flying by the cliff edge, someone jumps from the cliff and collides with Tails, then in a flash they have teleported back to the cliff side.
Tails hits the ground harder than he would have liked, but not enough to badly injure him. Above him stands none other than Shadow the Hedgehog. “S-Shadow..?” Tails says shakily, struggling to get off the ground. “I’m sorry kid. But this has to be done. You’re in the way of my goal.”
Tails grimaces “I..I knew we shoulda kept you locked up!” he finally manages to stand up. Shadow is a bit impressed with how durable this little fox is. Rouge finally catches up “serves him right, little scamp!” Shadow looks at Rouge “you found this emerald?” “Sure did, dearie.” “Hm. You’re coming with me.” Shadow places a hand on her shoulder and shouts “CHAOS CONTROL” and teleports with her to some unknown location.
Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy emerge from the tree line, rushing to Tails’ side.
They sit him down on a rock to check him out. His elbows have some small scrapes, and he’s definitely going to be sore in his torso area. “Tails are you ok??” Sonic asks, pulling out his very small first aid kit that he has hidden in his quills for safe keeping. Tails nods. Knuckles cracks his knuckles “who did this to you? Was it that bat?”
Tails shakes his head “no.. Shadow.” Sonic feels his blood run cold.. this is his fault. “Tails, I.. o-oh my god I’m so.. I’m so sorry. It was my fault! I was the one who suggested we release him! If I hadn’t-“ he’s cut off by Amy “Sonic, stop. You can’t predict the future. Don’t blame yourself for the actions of someone else.” Sonic sighs, still feeling very guilty. He opens the bandaid box “fire trucks, or space ships?” He asks Tails who considers his options for a moment. “Space ships, please.” Tails shows his elbows so Sonic can put the bandaids on him.
Knuckles is standing silently in thought. He thought that maybe Shadow could be redeemed. Maybe he could see the light like he did. But he did something unforgivable, Robotnik or not. And that is hurting his family.
Tails in the meantime is silently blaming himself. Twice had he let the bad side get what they want, the compass to the Master Emerald, and now a Chaos Emerald. Feeling heavily discouraged, he leads everyone back to the Tornado and they go home.
. . .
Shadow and Rouge arrive at Robotniks lair. Agent Stone welcomes them and brings them to Robotnik who’s in the middle of a dinner break.
“Ah! Shadow welcome back! Who’s your.. friend?” Robotnik wipes some food from his moustache and approaches the pair. “Rouge the Bat. Pleasure to meet you.” Rouge extends her hand for a handshake that Robotnik awkwardly accepts.
Shadow catches Robotnik up on everything that has happened, from Rouge finding the emerald, to the others showing up, to Rouge chasing Tails, to nearly breaking Tails, and then coming here.
Robotnik thinks Rouge could be useful.. and he’s correct. Rouge is willing to assist. Little does he know, she’s just here for the jewels. Agent Stone is suspicious of her, so he’s keeping an eye on her.
Which is a good thing to do. Rouge is already working with G.U.N.
Shadow in the meantime is helping Robotnik uncover some files. “The ARK is a space colony your grandfather built. It has the ultimate tool to destruction, but we will need 7 chaos emeralds to power it fully.” Shadow says, handing Robotnik some files. Robotnik flips through them “we will have to start looking right away, then. We will destroy the world that has been so unkind to us.” Shadow nods.
Shadow will avenge Maria. Her death will not be in vain.
That very night, Shadow goes into the city to look for any possible leads. Then he hears about this new gem that’s been discovered and being kept in the bank of a city called Station Square. Rouge is able to confirm that the gem is a chaos emerald.
Shadow isn’t great at stealth, so him breaking into the bank did not go unnoticed. He gets what he needs and leaves the scene. Unfortunately for Sonic, Shadow was spotted on the camera, and now there is a warrant out for Sonics arrest. He’s very upset about this.
Sonic decides to go confront Shadow once he figures out where Station Square is. Shadow is beating up a G.U.N. robot when he does find him.
“EXCUSE ME?? UHM. SHADOW?” Sonic is tired and very upset, “YOU WANNA EXPLAIN TO ME WHY THERE IS A WARRANT OUT FOR MY ARREST??“ Sonic rushes to Shadow but immediately gets punched in the face “hmph. Anything to get you off my path. You’re interesting, Sonic.. running right into their trap.” Shadow beams a grin that sends chills down Sonics spine. Sonic is about to speak when he hears “THIS IS STATION SQUARE POLICE DEPARTMENT, PUT YOUR HANDS UP!” he turns around to see armed officers pointing guns at him from every direction, and a helicopter overhead. When Sonic turns to look at Shadow, he feels a pit in his stomach when he sees that there is nobody there. He turns back to the officers, with nowhere to run, and raises his hands in a surrender.
Headlines are made that night about the arrest of Sonic the Hedgehog.
His family doesn’t believe for a second he robbed that bank.
Tom and Maddie are attempting to negotiate with the G.U.N. general, and Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are hatching a plan to break Sonic out of prison island.
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