lonk-of-hope · 1 year
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Just as promised ‘Lonktober’ hehe day 3 “Path”
in a couple of days i’ll actually start to post the backlog of Lonk art i have saved up, so be ready!!
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
lonk inktober art will be posted every other day.
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he’s the green dots on the page, i’ll link my instagram if you want to see all the art i’ll make!
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doing Lonk drawings for inktober!!
Also sorry for the long wait, shit happened and then i procrastinated for a longer time then i like to say.
I have backloads of Lonk art i can start to share. While i was on ‘hiatus’ i drew up a bunch of sketches and even more story and world building. After Inktober i think i’m going to start making comics for Lonk and his story so stay tuned!
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
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doing Lonk drawings for inktober!!
Also sorry for the long wait, shit happened and then i procrastinated for a longer time then i like to say.
I have backloads of Lonk art i can start to share. While i was on ‘hiatus’ i drew up a bunch of sketches and even more story and world building. After Inktober i think i’m going to start making comics for Lonk and his story so stay tuned!
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
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First sibling update!!
This is Lazuli!
Lazuli is Lonk’s twin sister. She’s the older twin by a few seconds and she constantly makes fun of it for him. The twins are quite mischievous, tormenting the rest of their village.
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
Howdy ho buckaroonies, so sorry for the very delayed update. Finals came up, went on vacation and some weird family stuff happened, but i’m back now! Give me a couple more days and i can make the long awaited sibling update! Thanks for you patience.
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
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i’m sorry guys, i don’t got the sibling update. School has been rough. But here’s a Link for your buck. He uh seen some things, but he’s really nice.
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
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Lonk’s siblings!
These are what they look like for now but their designs can and will change. At least the younger two, Melloi and Vivi. I might even change their names.
While their designs are cute, i’m not sure if i like them all that much. The other two, Yumi and Lazuli, are pretty finalized.
They all have roles in some way that help Lonk on his journey. Some more then others, but hey the 6 year old does what she can yk?
I’ll officially officialize their designs throughout the week, starting with the oldest and working my way down.
Lonk, however, will get his own entire thing, separate from the family, once i get around to doing that. It will probably be a while, sorry.
It’s hard when you’re the only artist.
Also shoutout to @azurenxva for helping pick out names! They helped name Lazuli and has just been a great help during the inspiration process of this AU, i can’t thank them more.
I’m hopefully going to be able to consult them about Melloi and Vivi’s names soon.
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
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So yk how all the Links have a special sword they start off with before the get the master sword? While Lonk would have his busted Rapier, it would break easily, obviously, but he would get another sword soon after.
I’ve decided that to best fit his personality, i would choose a modified version of a Urumi! The sword would be a fancy rapier on the outside but there would be magic sort of in it. Either it’s made of pure magic or have magic fused into it. I haven’t really thought too much into it yet. Mostly just it’s abilities and the place where it comes from.
But the master sword! The legendary blade that seals the darkness, will Lonk be able to wield this blade? Maybe, but will he wield it confidentially, with a pride of a hero? Probably not 🫠
Aside from that i actually have an update on Lonk’s siblings soon! I’m excited for that, i’ll try or get it out tomorrow but character design is hard, so no promises aside from soon!
Thanks for reading!
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
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Lonk sketches for you lovely people!
Sorry for missing yesterday’s post, i’ll make it up to you guys in a bit, i just seen a couple to fully type it out! Sorry for the wait.
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
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look at him
his beauty
so handsome! <3
anyways! here is some Link lore under the cut
does this count as lore tho? i’m not too sure
Lonk is naturally a very chaotic person, only act never think. But that doesn’t mean he is unthoughtful. He lets his emotions drive his actions before thinking of the consequences. Lonk deeply cares for the world and people around him, his ability to empathize with people has helped him greatly with understanding others but it leaves him emotionally vulnerable at times.
Just a lil detail into Lonk!
Also, the original sketch for this art had a party hat on him, so that’s a little fact for ya!
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he has a birthday party to go to
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
Hello Hello! My name is Shizi and i wanted to share just some of my (hopeful) schedule for this blog. So if you’re interested in that kind of thing, here it is :D
I’m going to try to post at least once a day, maybe more on weekends. But you should expect a post at least once a day. Sometimes i might be too tired or busy to post anything so i apologize in advanced because it’s bound to happen!
I already have some art made but i’ve been working on more pieces so i just have to type up a post with some lore or concepts then boom.
Idk why someone would read this but i wanted to type this out because i personally think it’s interesting to here people’s schedule. But that’s just a me thing. If you did read it, thank you! I appreciate you.
Bye Bye! <3
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
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More Lonk concept art :D
I don’t have much to say, just that he deserves the world and everything.
Can you tell i love this boy just a bit too much?
Anyways, i have a post in the making to make him a more flushed out character.
Should be out by tomorrow if all the art stuff goes according to plan.
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
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~Busted Rapier~
Given to me by my older sister Yume, the blade is heavily dull and broken. I had actually broken it while fighting some bokolins some time back, and it’s now being held together a sliver of bandages. I really need to get a new sword soon, i’m not sure how much longer the sword will last. However if i do manage to pierce an enemies skin, at least it packs quite a sting when being pulled out! That’s what those monsters get for attacking me unprovoked.
Strength: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Sharpness: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Pain-o-meter: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
A full old blade given to Lonk as a hand-me-down. The blade no longer cuts well and is being barely held together, but it gets the job done with quite a workout.
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
The lands of Hyrule is struck with a terrible plague of nightmares. No one able to sleep or rest without absolute terror filling their minds. Without the energy, the people find no will to work or play. But yet, one boy seems unaffected by these night terrors. Growing wary everyday for his siblings, the boy takes it upon himself to figure what has been happening to the world.
Equipped with a poorly made rapier and dusty old tunic, a boy named Lonk sets off for Hyrule Castle. As he uncovers the truth to what’s really happening, will he be able to stop it?
He wants to protect the world that he loves, the people he loves, but what can he do when he’s not the chosen hero?
Hello Hello! My name is Shizi and i’ve had this AU idea just living rent free in my head for a while now! And i wanted to share it somewhere.
As you might know, Lonk is an old mii and meme from that originated years ago thanks to Street Pass. He’s just a funny version of our beloved Hero of Hyrule, Link!
I use the Lonk mii a lot for a couple games, like Miitopia. And while reading the comic @linkeduniverse by Jojo sent me down a spiral of character ideas for Lonk. Ranging from his adventure, world, and even some weapons.
So if you’re interested, ask some questions about the world and stuff, i’d be more then happy to talk about this world and get my brain juice running.
Up to this point, only a few vague concepts have been set in stone and have been described above the cut. Even then these ideas can and will be improved upon in the future.
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First Lonk concept drawings
~~The Legend of Zelda franchise is owned by Nintendo and made by Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka.~~
~~I didn’t make Lonk nor do i own him. I credit tainteddangel (username is most likely out of date, the original post was in 2013) for posting the first picture of Lonk.~~
~~Most story ideas are mine however. Aside from obvious inspiration taken from the LOZ universe, the actual story line is mine! I hope you enjoy <3~~
Also, if you want to make fan art or fanfics of this AU, go ahead! I have no right to stop you nor do i want to. Just use the tag #LonkHeroOfHope so i can see it! I’ll love to hear your thoughts and ideas.
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